From the Principal Trinity Catholic College Lismore the Lantern No. 7 Week Four Term Two Thursday, 19th May, 2016 Dear Parents/Carers, One “mystery” for Christian people is understanding the Trinity. However, it is especially important to have some understanding of the Trinity because it is central to our faith. “Trinity is the Christian name for God.” Karl Barth. The understanding of the Trinity stresses that The Creator or Father has come near to us in human form in Jesus and lives in us in the Holy Spirit. St Paul tells us that, “Long ago in many ways at many times, God’s prophets spoke His message to our ancestors. But now at last God sent His Son to bring His message to us.” Hebrews 1:1. So, what was His message? Jesus invented the notion that the way to lead is by serving the needs of others, especially those who are the most needy: “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant ….. for even the Son of man did not come to be served but to serve.” Mark 10: 43. Jesus was born in a stable and lived most of His life as a carpenter’s apprentice. Usually, He travelled by foot, His first disciples were fishermen and craftsmen and He lived and moved among the common people. The message through Jesus is that, in God’s eyes, all people are of equal importance and we are to love ourselves and others, as God loves us. We are to do this because, “God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit whom He has given us.” Rom. 5: 5. And, of course, the Spirit produces, “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self-control.” Gal. 5: 22,23. These are additional gifts to assist us to carry on the message as Christians, the Christs of our time. St Paul had a great insight into the Trinity, when he gave this blessing to the people of Corinth; “May the grace of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” And may Paul’s blessing be with us all, this very day. MR JOHN LOADSMAN Mr John Loadsman commences Long Service Leave next Monday and Mr Tony Flood will be Acting Assistant Principal Middle School for the remainder of this Term. Mrs Denise O’Brien will be Acting Head of Doyle House while Mr Flood is in this new role. I wish Mr Loadsman all the best for his very well earned break and thank Mr Flood and Mrs O’Brien for being willing to take on these important roles. OPEN NIGHT On Tuesday 17th May the College hosted around 850 guests at our annual Open Night. The Trinity Sports Centre was filled with a real buzz of excitement. All present were generous in their praise of the night. The organisation of such a night is a huge task and I thank all involved. It requires all members of staff to work together to present the College to our visitors and it was evident from the various displays and performances that much work had gone into the night. All I spoke to on the night were impressed. Once again our students were the highlight of the night with many of the visitors taking the time to let me know how impressed they were with our student guides. As one parent said, “it was clear the students are happy to attend this school.” TRINITY SUNDAY This Sunday is Trinity Sunday. I invite parents and students to attend the Parish Mass in the Cathedral at 5.00pm on Sunday 22nd May. It would be good to have as many members of the College community present to celebrate Trinity Sunday with the Cathedral Parish.

Trinity Catholic College Lismore the Lanterntrinitylismore.nsw.edu.au/.../2016/...19-May-2016.pdf · Week Five Monday, 23rd May • Year 7 Vaccinations Tuesday, 24th May • Feast

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From the Principal

Trinity Catholic College Lismore

the Lantern No. 7 Week Four Term TwoThursday, 19th May, 2016

Dear Parents/Carers,

One “mystery” for Christian people is understanding the Trinity. However, it is especially important to have some understanding of the Trinity because it is central to our faith. “Trinity is the Christian name for God.” Karl Barth. The understanding of the Trinity stresses that The Creator or Father has come near to us in human form in Jesus and lives in us in the Holy Spirit.

St Paul tells us that, “Long ago in many ways at many times, God’s prophets spoke His message to our ancestors. But now at last God sent His Son to bring His message to us.” Hebrews 1:1. So, what was His message? Jesus invented the notion that the way to lead is by serving the needs of others, especially those who are the most needy: “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant ….. for even the Son of man did not come to be served but to serve.” Mark 10: 43. Jesus was born in a stable and lived most of His life as a carpenter’s apprentice. Usually, He travelled by foot, His first disciples were fishermen and craftsmen and He lived and moved among the common people.

The message through Jesus is that, in God’s eyes, all people are of equal importance and we are to love ourselves and others, as God loves us. We are to do this because, “God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit whom He has given us.” Rom. 5: 5. And, of course, the Spirit produces, “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self-control.” Gal. 5: 22,23. These are additional gifts to assist us to carry on the message as Christians, the Christs of our time. St Paul had a great insight into the Trinity, when he gave this blessing to the people of Corinth; “May the grace of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” And may Paul’s blessing be with us all, this very day.

MR JOHN LOADSMANMr John Loadsman commences Long Service Leave next Monday and Mr Tony Flood will be Acting Assistant Principal Middle School for the remainder of this Term. Mrs Denise O’Brien will be Acting Head of Doyle House while Mr Flood is in this new role. I wish Mr Loadsman all the best for his very well earned break and thank Mr Flood and Mrs O’Brien for being willing to take on these important roles.

OPEN NIGHTOn Tuesday 17th May the College hosted around 850 guests at our annual Open Night. The Trinity Sports Centre was filled with a real buzz of excitement. All present were generous in their praise of the night. The organisation of such a night is a huge task and I thank all involved. It requires all members of staff to work together to present the College to our visitors and it was evident from the various displays and performances that much work had gone into the night. All I spoke to on the night were impressed.

Once again our students were the highlight of the night with many of the visitors taking the time to let me know how impressed they were with our student guides. As one parent said, “it was clear the students are happy to attend this school.”

TRINITY SUNDAYThis Sunday is Trinity Sunday. I invite parents and students to attend the Parish Mass in the Cathedral at 5.00pm on Sunday 22nd May. It would be good to have as many members of the College community present to celebrate Trinity Sunday with the Cathedral Parish.

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Week FourThursday, 19th May • NSWCCC Hockey

Championships• Year 7 Geography Excursion• Year 7 History Excursion

Friday, 20th May • 11.56am Pastoral/House

Meetings• NSWCCC Hockey


Week FiveMonday, 23rd May • Year 7 Vaccinations

Tuesday, 24th May • Feast of Mary Help of


Wednesday, 25th May • Australian History

Competition• 6.00pm Parent Forum -

Building Resiliency

Thursday, 26th May • Feast of Body & Blood of


Friday, 27th May • 11.56am College Assembly

Week SixTuesday, 31st May • Visitation of the Blessed

Virgin Mary• 9.15am HSC Drama Task• ICAS Science

Wednesday, 1 June • 1pm Athletics Carnival - Half


STAFF SPIRITUALITY DAYAs indicated in the College calendar this year the staff spiritualty day is on Friday 10th June. This is the Friday before the long weekend. Students will not be at school on this day. Ths year we will have Br Mark O’Connor fms present to the staff. Br Mark will be looking at aspects of The Year of Mercy and the theology of Pope Francis.

Take care and God bless,

Brother John Hilet, fmsPrincipal

Saturday5.00pm Vigil - St Carthages Cathedral

Sunday7.00am at the Carmelite Monastery9.00am St Carthages Cathedral5.00pm St Carthages Cathedral

Weekday MassesTues 5.20pm and Wed, Thurs, Fri 12.20pm - St Carthages Cathedral.

First and Third Sundays9.30am at Dunoon

Second and Fourth Sundays9.30am at Goolmangar

Fifth Sunday of the Month9.30am at Nimbin

St Carthage’s Parish Mass Times

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TRINITY STUDENTS SHINE ON OPEN NIGHTA school without students is just a collection of buildings. Last Tuesday night we had around 300 students bring our buildings to life as they proudly presented Trinity to our visitors on Open Night. Yes, the visitors went through buildings and saw facilities, but for many, the impact of our Trinity students on them will be what tells them the most about the College. Thank you to parents who supported your children in being present on Tuesday night. While the night is quite hectic, it serves as a great opportunity for the students to be involved in a leadership role and I am certain that all will have experienced some personal growth through the process. Participating students will receive a certificate of appreciation, be credited with Community Service hours and have earned some House points in the Delaney Cup.

Mr John Loadsman

Assistant Principal - Middle School


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CONTINUING VACCINATION PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS IN YEAR 7 2016During Term 1, Year 7 students commenced their vaccination programme for the year with the Gardasil HPV (1st dose) and Boostrix vaccinations.

The programme will continue in Term Two Week 5 Monday 23rd with the 2nd dose of the Gardasil (HPV) vaccination and the Varicella (Chicken Pox) and any catch ups of Boostrix & HPV (1st dose) as required.

A Parent Information Kit was provided for each vaccine offered at the start of the year. This kit contained information about the vaccine and the disease that it protects against as well as a consent form. Signed consent forms were returned to the College during Term One for all vaccinations. Students can only receive the vaccination if a signed consent form is returned.

If your daughter/son is to receive the vaccinations, please ensure they have a good breakfast on the day of the vaccination and for the remainder of that day they should not undertake overly-strenuous activities.

For ease and comfort, students receiving the vaccinations are to wear their Sports Uniform on Monday 23rd May, 2016.

Parents and Carers with any questions or concerns can ring Bernadette Williams at the Public Health Unit on 6620 7503.

TRANSITION RECOGNITION AWARDSFrom the commencement of this year, Year 7 Tutors nominated their students for the weekly Year 7 Transition Recognition Awards. These awards served to identify and acknowledge the wonderful qualities and behaviours demonstrated by our newest College members. Doing the simple things and doing them well is something not to be underestimated. After all, it is the small, day-to-day gestures and actions that so often speak volumes about the caring and considerate nature of a dynamic and nurturing community. Congratulations to all Year 7 students for offering so much that is positive to our College.

As Year 7 Transition Co-ordinator it also gives me immense pleasure to name the following students who recently were awarded the 2016 Year 7 Spirit Award for services above and beyond:

Ruby See (Dennis House)Lily Farmer (Carthage House)Charlie Blok (Chanel House)Lachlan Daly (Champagnat House)

These wonderful students have quietly gone about making regular, positive and affirming contributions to their Year Group’s experience of high school. Their actions have helped to contribute to a deeper sense of belonging and inclusiveness within the Year Group.

Our sincere congratulations to Ruby, Lily, Charlie and Lachlan for the various ways they have demonstrated their good will, generosity and gratitude here at the College

Mrs Sharyn Gill-Andrews

Year 7 Transition Co-ordinator

Student of the Week

Is this you caught on camera?

Please see Brother John at SMS Office to claim your prize - a Canteen

Voucher to the value of $5.00 that can be redeemed at either Site Canteen.

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An opportunity to discern the complexities of the issues faced in contemporary Australia. As a young Aboriginal woman I was touched by the ‘Sugarland” performance. Thank you for telling this story.

Tia Caldwell - Year 11

The play was quite good and I especially liked how it was aimed towards our age groups by using our sense of humour and using themes we as teenagers are familiar with.

Brock Westgate - Year 11

After viewing the play titled ‘Sugarland’ I found myself filled with sorrow. The realistic manner in which the themes of cultural divide and problems in youth left me reeling, as suddenly all of these problems hit closer to home. Not even the clever jokes and banter between characters could dull this new, sharp pain, if anything they made it all the more present in my mind, which is why I love the play so much. The problems addressed in the play are all deadly serious and complicated, but the play presents them in bite sized chunks and in such a way that, not only do you start to understand the gravity of the problem, but you also care.

Kalki Gleeson- Year 11

My opinion of Sugarland is overall quite positive. I think it dealt with issues in a strong way, communicating just how serious life can get in rural areas of central Australia. It got a bit intense at times, but I think that was necessary to really get the message across to the audience. I hadn’t particularly been exposed to those issues before the play, and I feel that I was thrown in the deep end at times. The cast lightened the intensity of said issues with humour, which was quite an effective technique to ensure the audience didn’t feel too overwhelmed with what was presented in the play

Skyler Milgate - Year 11

“Sugarland” was an enjoyable play: those who had not been exposed to its violence and depression in real life were made aware of it, had their eyes opened; those who had their own bad experiences were made aware of the struggles of others; even those who did not react to the play worked to its advantage, since they demonstrate how awful it is that we can witness the traumas of our own world, and remain unaffected.

David Normoyle - Year 11

Mrs Lyndall Smith - Head of English

English News


On Thursday,10th March our class went to the newly renovated St Carthages’ Cathedral. We were very lucky to be shown around by Fr Nicolas. He took us through what the stained glassed windows represented and told us about their stories.

Fr also explained to us about the Holy Door. The Holy Door is a special part of our celebrations that are taking place throughout this Jubilee Year of Mercy. It is only the 29th one celebrated since the 1300’s! We passed through the Holy Door, this was a very special moment for our class. We were honoured to be able to visit this most beautiful Cathedral and to view the beautiful new renovations. A huge thank you goes to Fr Nicolas for giving us this very special Tour.

By Madeline Barnsley and Taylor Camidge

Year 7 News

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Throughout Term 1 Year 8 Technology 803 and Year 8 Technology 807 has been designing and planning their nutritional, creative children’s meal.

They were given a design brief that asked them to create a healthy, balanced meal for Jamie Oliver’s new ‘Healthy.Fun.Kids’ cook book. Both classes put their chef hats on last week (week 3) and produced some very creative meals. Well done year 8.

Ms E McInerneyFood Technology Teacher



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SLEEK GEEK Our inaugural Sleek Geeks Eureka Competition has closed for 2016. Trinity has entered 2 clips from four Year 7 students – Rani Hogan-Sporne, Biancha Collins-Bray, Shayla Glencross, and Charlotte Jones.

The Sleek Geeks Competition is about communicating a scientific concept in a way that is accessible and entertaining. The video clip needed to be between 1-3 minutes in length.

This is a national competition and we are very proud of Rani, Biancha, Shayla & Charlotte for accepting this challenge of writing, filming and editing creative and interesting Scientific clips.

Thanks to Mr Conomos for volunteering time and skills to mentor students on editing clips, and to Miss Hunter for our Lighthouse page.

Mrs V McKenzie - Science Teacher

Science News

Last term on Friday 18th March, we held the National Day of Action against Violence and Bullying. To follow up from this day, at last week’s assembly, we launched a Bullying Survey with an aim to ascertain a more detailed understanding of how bullying impacts the student population at Trinity. The link to complete the survey was posted on Lighthouse on Monday 16/5/16 and our goal is to have all students complete by Friday 20/5/16. This will mean a comprehensive College-wide approach can be formulated for minimising and, hopefully, eliminating the negative effects bullying behaviour has on students at our College. We appreciate everyone’s support as we, as a College community, continue to take a stance against bullying.

We also used last week’s assembly as an opportunity to re-launch Trinity’s very own Water Bottles! These aluminium bottles were introduced by 2014 College Captains Bridget Lea and Tobyn Burvill in an attempt to reduce Trinity’s plastic waste. These are available to buy at either site Canteen for only $3.

Our current focus for Trinity’s waste management is how we are using our bins within classrooms. There are 3 bins: waste, recycling and paper only. We encourage students to dispose of their rubbish properly and avoid any contamination, keeping in mind that the next Green Token draw will occur at Monday’s Morning Assembly in Week 5 – 23/5/16.

Ellie Schneider & Isaac GoodwinCollege Captains

College Captains’ Report

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Retreat News - Year 12

Dennis – McColl - Dunes on Shelly, BallinaWhat an amazing location to spend four days with Dennis and McColl Year 12 students. The fabulous views, the constant relaxing sound of waves lapping the shore, and beautiful sunshine were a combination that was enjoyed by all as they were guided through a journey of self; retreating from their ‘everyday’ to ponder on important elements of their lives and relationships.

Friendships were made and strengthened in the race to be the last tree with a pair of birds; and in the quest to be the World Champion Paper/Scissors/Rock-er. Beach walks, jigsaws, volleyball and games of ‘murder’ rounded out our days; with some pretty amazing meals being an added bonus.

Guest appearances from Mr Bindon and Mrs Brown were appreciated; as was the co-operation and open-nature of all involved.

We wish our Year 12’s all the very best as they approach their final leg of this schooling journey.

Go well, be safe, make wise choices and be true to yourselves.

Mrs Yopp, Mrs Phelps, Mr Mayes and Mrs Woods

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The Marist Basketball Carnival was hosted by St Josephs’ College Hunters Hill and played at Bankstown stadium in Sydney during the Term 1 school holidays. Two teams, Open Boys and Girls, travelled down to Sydney after nearly six months of preparation, training and weekly competition in our local Lismore and Ballina Senior Men’s and Women’s competitions.

Injury plagued the teams even before embarking with both Laura Connelly and Duane Willemson being unable to travel. As always the competition was stiff and a rigorous draw saw the girls playing 3 games per day and the boys playing 2-3 games each day.

The Boys had some tough games within the the first day and a half of competition and the high number of new players to the team (6 of the 9) were well initiated into the high level of competition that is the Australia Marist Basketball championship. Throughout the carnival tour rookies; Conor Facey, Jayden Gooley, Tom Nicholls, Ethan Griffiths, Ethan Punkett, and Nelson Cheli continually improved while our verterans, Tim Anderson, Riley Flick, Nick Heathcote lead the way through some very tough games.

Our girls team set a blistering pace and level of play that shocked many teams, including the eventual winners of the carnival, with no score exceeding a 20 point difference. They had plenty of tight games coming away with some easy wins, some hard fought victories and some competitive losses throughout the carnival. The girls rookies; Ciara Burvill, Morely Cromwell, Teshca Nicholls and last minute addition Confiance Igiraneza all shone at various times throughout the carnival. Our veterans; Jessica Anderson, Lyza Burvill Aubrey Cromwell and Maggie Cottee stepped up and showed that our Lismore team was not to be underestimated by any means. To say that I am proud of this bunch of ladies is an understatement as they exceeded all of my expectations for this and ended up 8th overall.

The carnival included a rest day where the teams were able to experience the sights and sounds of Sydney with a trip on the ferry to Darling Harbour, the aquarium, laser tag and shopping. Plenty of fun was had throughout the entire experience with the students being great sports and embracing all that is the Marist Basketball Carnival we celebrated birthdays and dined out in City style and generally enjoyed each other’s company.

Congratulations to our Captains and MVP’s Jessica Anderson and Riley Flick on a fantastic contribution to Marist basketball over many years and especially in this their final year. And a special thankyou to our Vice Captains Lyza Burvill and Tim Anderson in their role throughout the entire lead up and the carnival. We have some very exceptional leaders in our basketball fold and we are very proud to have you as part of our leadership team.

And let’s not forget the sibling love that we have endured and experienced in our Marist teams this year. Special thankyou to our Marist families for being so supportive of your kids in our sport, we really appreciate everything that you do.

Again this year we farewell some very significant senior players and I know they will be seriously missed on and off the court. Thankyou to you all for your contribution to Marist sport over the years.

Last but not least I would like to thank Michael Anderson for his voluntary coaching role with our boys’ team again this year. We are so thankful for your time and effort and your experience and knowledge of the game. Mr Barlow, we thank you for your amazing efforts in co-ordinating and managing our teams. We also must thank, for her time and effort, Nicole Rarity. While she was unable to attend the carnival her undeniable organisation skills helped to get us there again this year.

We truly have an amazing group of people involved in our sport and if you have not experienced TCCL basketball I can only recommend you and your children to give it a go.

Mrs Kellie Coates Basketball Co-ordinator and Girls Coach

Sport News

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This exciting conference is back again in September, starting at the end of the last week of Term 3. The CSO will be organising a trip which is open to students from Year 7-12. The trip will be subsidised by the CSO to make it more affordable and accessible. Student participants will be asked to make a co-contribution of $150.00. This cost will help subsidise travel, accommodation, registration, and most meals.

To secure a place on the trip, students will need to collect a form from Mr Miller or Mrs Axman and return it by Friday, 3rd June, as a commitment to organisation is required. Please include $150.00 payment with permission note and return to the school office. We will complete registration as a group once we have an idea of numbers. Further details on the conference are below:

Ignite Conference 2016: “Revelation”22 - 25 September 2016

Mueller Performing Arts Centre, Rothwell (Redcliffe, Brisbane)The Ignite Conference is the largest Catholic event of its kind in Australia for young people - adults, teenagers and children. The conference includes live bands and awesome speakers, with streams and workshops in areas such leadership, worship, creative arts, mission, culture and prayer!

Full information online at www.igniteconference.com.au.

SAVE THE DATETrinity Catholic College & Lord Taverner’s Race Day 2016

Saturday, 23rd July 2016Lismore Turf Club

More information to follow.

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REUNIONSt Mary’s College


(venue tba)

10th and 11th September 2016Anyone interested Contact

Helen Barnes (Wagner) 6624 2233 or Carol Fitzhenry 6680 4505

Trinity TriviathonYears 7, 8 & 9

Tuesday, 21st June

Years 10, 11 & 12 Tuesday, 28th June

Trinity Sports Centre

5.00pm - 8.30pm

Teams of 6

Entry Forms available 1st June

www.l ismoreturfclub.com www.facebook.com/l ismoreturfclub




Gate takings going directly

to Jimmy and the Kids


Saturday 4th June 2016Gates open at 11.30am Entry only $10.00Kids activities, including jumping castle and face painting6 race card with full bar and TAB facilities and cateringEntertainment on the day - Live Music from ‘LOOSE ENDS’

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For families who do not have internet access, you can telephone the College Registrar on (02) 6627 6622 to schedule your interview appointment. To book your interview, go to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and follow these simple instructions:

Simply enter the code and press "Go"

Enter your details (make sure your email address is correct)

Select your Group

Select the interview time that suits your family best

When you click FINISH, your interview timetable will be emailed to you automatically. If you do not receive your email immediately – Check your junk mail folder AND make sure you have spelled your email address correctly

You can return to https://www.schoolinterviews.com.au/code?code=f2mrt at any time, and change your interview - until the bookings close on Tuesday 31st May at 4 pm.

Dear Parents / Guardians

Year 7 2017 enrolment interviews will be held on Sunday 5th June 2016 An Interview Booking facility will be available on the Open Night or

online @ home afterwards following the directions below Interviews will be held in St Joseph’s Site Library The first interview at 9.00 am and are 20 minutes in duration No interview can proceed without the completed Enrolment Application (to be

submitted by Monday 23rd May at the latest) INTERVIEW BOOKINGS:


You may change your bookings, any time prior to the closing date, by re-visiting the website www.schoolinterviews.com.au and using the event code. Remember to use the same name and email address you used when you made your original booking. Parents wishing to change their interview times after the closing date should contact the school directly on 6627 6622. We would love to hear what you think about online booking. If you get time, click on the “contact us” button on the www.schoolinterviews.com.au website, and leave some feedback - anonymously if you wish, but please include the school’s name and suburb.


Year 7 2017 Enrolment Interview BookingsYear 7 2017 Interviews will be conducted on Sunday 5th June in the St Joseph’s Site Library. You are able to book an interview online at your convenience. Attached below is the instruction flyer with very simple steps to follow. You can access the facility by clicking on this link: https://www.schoolinterviews.com.au/code?code=f2mrt. Please note that you are booking a time for your interview, not a specific interviewer.

If you do not have internet access and would like to schedule an interview or for any inquiries, please contact Ms Robyn Stuart on 6627 6622 or by email [email protected].

No interview can take place unless we have received your completed application with supporting documents, as outlined on the website or in the enrolment package. All students applying are given the courtesy of an interview.

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