Treatment Sheet Up in the Clouds Music Video

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SheetUp in the Clouds Music


Page 2: Treatment sheet

Song background

“Up in the Clouds” is the 3rd single form alternative indie band

Darwin Deez. The single was added to BBC Radio 1’s C playlist

in June 2010.

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Music Video Narrative Our music video idea, matches up with the lyrics very closely. The lyrics

of the song are about a guy messing up a relationship with a girl, and his feeble attempts to try and apologize to her, despite knowing that she

wont forgive him. Our video idea will focus heavily on narrative, and will have a surreal stylised theme running throughout. Our video will start with a bunch of people sat in a lesson at college, when the male lead will briefly look across the room to see a girl looking back at him with an upset expression on her face. The male lead then starts to close his eyes, to which he opens them and finds himself in a strange colorful dreamland, whereas all of the people in the class are now suddenly full

of energy and wearing obscure clothes. In this weird dream-world the male lead will encounter strange people trying to stop him from trying to find and apologize to the girl. At the end the male character finds the girl and whilst lip syncing the words “I'm sorry” she smiles at him, and at the end of the video he wakes at in his chair at school, and when he smiles at the girl, she just turns away and leaves.

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Colour palette

Our video will start with plain and

uninteresting colours, to signify that the

real world is dull and lifeless, however as

soon as the main character enters the

dream world, the colours will brighten

up, with more brighter clothes and

different colour filters.

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Inspirational Photos