Totalitarianism By: Taylor Weaver Block-3


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Totalitarianism. By: Taylor Weaver Block-3. Weimar Republic. Weimar Republic is a Democratic type of government. 1919, German leaders drafted a constitution in the city of Weimar. Moderate leaders signed armistice, then later under protest the Versailles treaty. Chancellor - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Totalitarianism


By:Taylor Weaver


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Chancellor• This is a constitution that was set up a

parliamentary system and they called it the Chancellor, also know as the prime minister. This gave women the vote and it also included a bill of rights.

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Political Struggle• The Republic that was set up fell apart. Politically the republic

was week because, Germany like its neighbor France, they both have a lot of small parties. The chancellor had to form coalitions that fell apart very easily. Government led by moderate democratic socialists became under fire from both the left and the right side constantly. Communists wanted radical changes like the ones that Lenin brought to Russia to be brought to Germany. Conservatives involving the old Junker nobility, military officers, and wealthy bourgeoisie, attacked the government saying that it was to weak and liberal. Every class of people blamed the Weimar Republic for the most hated Versails Treaty.

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Ruhr Valley

• 1923~Germany fell behind in reparations payments. So France occupied the coal-rich. When they did this the German workers retaliated by protesting passive resistance and they also refused to work. So to support the workers the government went on paying them, and to do that they had to print very large amounts of paper money. The effect of this is that inflation spiraled out of control, and it caused spreading of misery and despair. This cost them 100 marks in July 1922. but by August 1923 the cost was 944,000 marks. (WOW)

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• Help form the western powers helped bring inflation under control in Germany. (thank goodness) then in 1924 the U.S. gained British and French approval, to reduce German reparation payments. Under Dawes Plan, France withdrew forces from Ruhr. And then American loans brought Germany economic recovery. Later on then the Great Depression hit, and when it did it brought back memories for Germany back in 1923, so what they did was they turned to an energetic leader, and they came across Adolf Hitler. Adolf promised the German people that he would solve the economic crisis and restore Germany’s greatness.

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The Rise of Nazis• When Hitler was 18 he went to Vienna, then to the capital of

the multinational Hapsburg empire. German Austrians made

up a lot of the many ethnic groups in Vienna. They felt

superior to the Jews, Serbs, Poles, and other groups. When

Hitler was living in Vienna he developed the fanatical anti-

Semitism(prejudice against Jewish people). He went to

Germany and fought in the army during WW1. 1919 he joined

a small group of right-wing extremists. Despised Weimar

government saw it as weak. Within one year he was with out

question the leader of the Nazi party. Like Mussolini, Hitler

organized supporters into fighting squads. “Storm troopers”

(Nazis) fought in streets against their political enemies.

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Mien Kampf• Mien Kampf means, my struggle. In 1923 Hitler made a failed

attempt to seize power in Munich. He was arrested and found guilty of treason. When Hitler was in prison he wrote Mein Kampf. This book reflected some of Hitler's most extreme obsessions some of them are as follows, nationalism, racism, and anti-Semitism. His ideas were rooted in a long tradition of anti-Jews. 1800’s people identified Jews as outsiders. Hitler viewed Jews not as members but as a separate race. (ouch) Classified Jews as anybody who as a grandparent was a Jew to. He urged Germany to unite into one great nation. Germany wanted a great leader and Hitler was it. 9wounder what they saw in that guy)

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Adolf Hitler

• 1889-1945~ Hitler was obsessed with Germany’s action in the Franco-Prussian War. In school he was known as a ringleader. Hitler demanded his fellow class mates unqualified obedience. He dropped out of High School got rejected by an art school. Used his elite guard of Storm troops to terrorize his enemies. When Hitler felt that his power was being threatened he would murder them in the middle of the night. (what a nut)

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Third Reich

• Hitler and the Nazis built a new Germany. Germany’s first Reich was medieval Holly Roman Empire. Second one is the empire forged by Bismarck in 1871. then the third one would be, that they would dominate Europe for a thousand years. Hitler made a crash program to rearm Germany and planed to unite Germany and Austria.

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• Hitler organized a efficient/brutal system of totalitarian rule. Nazi's ruled, life government, religion, and education in Germany. People who worried about Hitler became victims or cowed into silence in fear for their own safety.

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Nuremburg Laws

• Nuremburg Laws, were laws that deprived Jews of German citizenship and they placed very harsh restrictions on them. In 1953 the Nazi’s passed this law. Some things that were taken away from the Jews was, they were not allowed to marry non-Jews, weren’t allowed to hold government jobs, or practice any law or medicine. Also not allowed to publish books. The Nazi’s were very mean to the Jews. They robed and beat them. The outcome to this is that a bunch of German Jews fled and they were seeking refuge in other countries.

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Kristallnacht• Kristallnacht means The Night of Broken Glass. The

reason why it is called that is because, this Jewish couple shot and wounded a German diplomat. The reason that they retaliated the way they did was because, these two people were mistreated. And then Hitler used this incident as an excuse to attack all Jews. This took place on November 9 and 10. Nazi-led mobs went and attacked all Jewish communities all over Germany, Austria and annexed portions of Czechoslovakia. Hitler and his henchman were making more sinister plans for the “Final Solution”. (Extermination of ALL Jews.)

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Nazi Youth• Nazi's introduced youngsters to military life basically. Passionate

speeches from the Fuhrer gave his perspective on racism. Fuhrer urged the young Germans to wipe out their so-called enemies WITHOUT ANY MERCY. “Hitler Youth” as they called it pledged absolute loyalty to Germany and undertook physical fitness programs to prepare them for war. Textbooks, and courses were rewritten to reflect the Nazi racial views. Nazis sought out to give women limited roles. Women got turned away from universities and dismissed from upper-level jobs as well. They wanted to raise the birth rate, and the Nazis offered “pure blood Aryan”, women got rewarded for having more children. This mainly applied to the privileged. Then as German industry's and it made women needed more than ever for factory work.

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• Nazis sought out to purify Germany culture. They got rid of modern art because they said that it was corrupted by Jewish influences. Condemned Jazz because of its African roots. So the Nazis glorified the old German myths like those that were re-created in operas of Richard Wagner. For the Nazis to control all the churches they combined all Protestant sect into a single state church. Some people were quiet while others spoke out against Hitler.

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