Toksikologi Zat Kimia Andriyanto, Drh, Msi

Toksikologi Zat Kimia 10sept2014

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Toksikologi Zat Kimia

Andriyanto, Drh, Msi

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RiskThe likelihood of injury or

disease resulting from

exposure to a potential


Evaluation of risk

embodies all the basic

concepts of toxicology

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The science of Toxicology helps people make informed decisions and balance


The study found the highest levels of pesticide residues in peaches, apples,

AND Spinach.


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• Environmental, including home and school

Sources of exposure to chemicals

school• Occupational

• Therapeutic

• Dietary

• Accidental

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Exposure• In order for a chemical to produce a biological effect, it must first reach

a target individual (exposure pathway).

• Then the chemical must reach a target site within the body (toxicokinetics).

• Toxicity is a function of the effective dose (how much) of a foreign chemical (xenobiotic) at its target site, integrated over time (how long).

• Individual factors such as body weight will influence the dose at the target site

X =

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Route of Exposure

• The route (site) of exposure is an important determinant of the ultimate dose—different routes may result in different rates of absorption.

– Dermal (skin)

– Inhalation (lung)

– Oral ingestion (Gastrointestinal)

– Injection

• The route of exposure may be important if there are tissue-specific toxic responses.

• Toxic effects may be local or systemic

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ExposureTime of Exposure

• How long an organism is exposed to a chemical is important

Duration and frequencycontribute to dose. Both may alter toxic effects.– Acute Exposure = usually entails a single


– Chronic Exposures = multiple exposures over time (frequency)

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Father of Modern ToxicologyFather of Modern Toxicology


DoseTHE KEY CONCEPT in Toxicology


“All things are poisonous, only the dose makes it non-poisonous.”

Dose alone determines toxicityAll chemicals—synthetic or natural—have the

capacity to be toxic

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All Interactions between chemicals and biological systems follow a

Dose-Response Relationship


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SACRAMENTO, California—A woman who competed in a radio station’s contest to see how much water she

Woman Dies after Water-drinking Contest: WaterIntoxication eyed in ‘Hold Your Wee for a Wii’ contest Death


could drink without going to the bathroom died of water intoxication, the coroner’s office said Saturday.

Updated: 10:24 p.m. ET Jan 13, 2007

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Dose-Response Relationship

• A key concept in Toxicology is the quantitative relationship between the concentration of a xenobiotic in the body and the magnitude of the biological effect it produces.

• The magnitude of the effect of a xenobiotic is usually a function of the amount of xenobiotic to which a person is exposed (i.e., “The Dose Makes which a person is exposed (i.e., “The Dose Makes the Poison”).

• In any given population, there will be a range of sensitivities to a xenobiotic. It is extremely useful to know what is the average sensitivity of a population to a xenobiotic, and what the average dose required to elicit a toxic response will be.

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• The magnitude of the toxic response is proportional to the concentration (how much) of the chemical at the target site.

• The concentration of a chemical at the target site is proportional to the dose.

• Four important processes control the amount of a chemical that reaches the target site.

– Absorption

– Tissue distribution

– Metabolism

– Excretion

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Determines Whether a Chemical Will Be Beneficial or Poisonous

Beneficial Dose Toxic Dose

Aspirin 300 – 1,000 mg 1,000 – 30,000 mg

Vitamin A 5000 units/day 50,000 units/day

Oxygen 20% (Air) 50 – 80% (Air)

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Keracunan Zat Kimia (1)

Pursani ParidjoM. Iskandar

Huda S D

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• Casarett and Doull’s, 2003, Essential of Toxicology

• Clark & Humprey, 1997, Veterinary Toxicology

• Lu, C. F, 1995, Toksikologi Dasar (translasi Edy Nugroho)

• Bartik & Piskac, 1981, Veterinary Toxicology

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Kata Kunci

• Solvent (pelarut), Cairan kimia organik dengan: • a. Keragaman kemampuan lipofilik dan volatil• b. ukuran molekul kecil• c. polaritas rendah

• Absorpsi zat kimia organik volatil (vapors) per inhalasi via paru(alveol)

• Pelarut diabsorbsi via GI s.d. kulit

• Kebanyakan pelarut menyebabkan gangguan SSP

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Toxicology• Study of the adverse effect of xenobiotics/ chemical on

living systems

• Racun/ poison: any agent capable of producing a deleterious response in a biological system

• Toksin: refers to toxic substances that are produced by biological system

• Toksikan: ~ by or by-products of anthropogenic (human) activities

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• Solvent Petroleum based (Naphthalene, Benzene)

• Used for water insoluble material

• Kelarutan (lipophilicty) Penguapan (Volatility)

• Klasifikasi : Struktur Kimia & Grup Fungsional

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• Hidrokarbon alifatik- halocarbon (N-Heksan)• Hidrokarbon alifatik- berklor (kloroform)• Hidrokarbon aromatik (Benzen)• Alkohol• Alkohol• Ethers• Esters/ asetat• Amides/ Amines• Aldehid• Keton

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• Hampir semua organisme terpapar zat kimia• Gabungan beberapa senyawa, jarang tunggal

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• Toksisitas bersifat additive, sinergis & antagonis

• Bahaya beberapa solvent lebih tinggiSeluruh solvent berpotensi toksik

• Secara keseluruhan menginduksi narkose (neurologik) dan iritasi kulit & membran mukosa

• Beberapa karsinogen, hanya sedikit yg sudah teridentifikasi

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Neurological Syndrome-Man

• Painter’s synd, organic solvent’s synd, psychoorganic synd & chronic solvent encephalopathy (CSE)

• Abuse “menginginkan” efek sedasi, euphoria, audio & visual halusinasivisual halusinasi

• Intoksikasi umumnya karena cemaran lingkungan via evaporasi oleh Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)-aerosol propellants, thinner, cleaner, dll

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Toksikokinetik - Absorpsi

• Alveol & sal resp atas. Lipofilik PC (Partition Coeff) Kenaikan Darah- Udara uptake meningkat

• GI 100% efek sistemik

• Kulit sistemik & lokal (diffusi pasif).

• Laju absorpsi kulit tgt: konsentrasi, luas permukaan terpapar, durasi, integritas& ketebalan str.korneum, MW zat

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• Hepatic first pass elimination

• Pulmonary first pass elimination

• GI tract vena porta eksresi via paru tidak masuk • GI tract vena porta eksresi via paru tidak masuk arteri (jika solvent volatil dimetabolisme dengan baik)

• Solvent lipofilik arteri berikatan dengan hidrofobik sites (memb. Fosfolipid, kolesterol) depo di jaringan adiposa

Tgt Blood Flow & kandungan lipid…obese??

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Metabolisme & Eksresi

• Biotransformasi• Modulasi toksisitas solven megubahnya

menjadi relatif larut air eliminasi/ eksresi lebih banyak via urin dan atau empedu lebih banyak via urin dan atau empedu (lemak)

• Bioaktifasi solven metabolit reaktif sitotoksik & mutagenik

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Populasi yang berpotensi terpapar

Faktor Endogen• Usia Anakan• Hewan tua• Genetik• Genetik

Faktor Eksogen• Sitokrom P450 inhibitor & inducer• Aktifitas Fisik- olah raga- ventilasi alveolar• Diet- banyak isi GI – absorpsi lebih lambat

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Hidrokarbon BerKlorNo Nama Zat Kegunaan Rute

ToxCNS -


genitalOrgan Interna

Metabolit Keterangan Tambahan

1 Trichloroethyele (TCE)

Pelarut oli I, O, D

Depresan, Myeloma

Kanker Prostat

Kanker hati, paru & ginjal

TCOH to P450

Karsinogenik, Hodgkin’s

2 Tetrachloroethylene (PERC)

Dry cleaner, Stainer

I, O - - Esofagus, ginjal

TCAcetic to P450

Rokok& minum alkohol

3 Methylene Chlorid (MC)

Preparasi makanan, aerosol propellan

I - - Gangguan ringan & reversibel

- Efek sistemik terbatas - low carsinogenitas

4 Carbon Tetraklorida (CCl4)

- O, IV - - Hepatoseluler injury

- Hepatotoxin klasik, manusiaginjal

5 Chloroform (CHCl3)

Refrigerant O SubAnesthetic

- Hepato & nephro necrosis

Phosgene to lipid

Carcinogen (rodent), probable (man)

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Hidrokarbon Aromatik

06.Benzene BBM

(tanpa Pb)I - - Hematopoietik

(anemia, leukopenia, trombositope, Marrow aplasia

Benzene to GSH, DNA,RNA

perokok (benzene level 6-10x)Myelodisplasia acutemyelogenous leukaemia (AML)

07.Toluene (alkylbenzene)

Cat, lem, thinners, campuran bensin

I, O Depresi,nystagmus, atropi cerebral

- Depresi respirasi

- Target utama CNS (toluene & alkilbenzen), exhaled unchanged

08.Xylene & Ethylbenzene

Komponen utama bensin & BBM

I Depresi - Hati, ginjal Xylene to P450

Karsinogenik (ethyllbenzen & styrene)

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9. Alkohol -Ethanol

Industri, farmasi, minuman

O Alcoholism-retardasi mental-FAS

- Nekrosis hati, Cardiomyopathy,

Asetaldehid dehidrognase (ALDH)

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)-maternal alkohol saat hamil, microcephaly,

ALDH kaukasus >> Asia>> Asia

10. Methanol Pembuatan formalin, BBM

I, O Iritasi sensori, narcosis (I), koma

- Formic acidemia, okuler toxicity

- Gangguan visual (per os) retina,

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11. Glikol-Ethylene Glikol

Kriopreservatif, cairan hidrolik, tinta

O, D

Hypocalcemia (kelasi kristal CaOxalat)

- Cardiac failure, pulmonary edema, nekrosis ginjal

Asam glikolik

Metabolik asidosis (akumulasi asam glikolik), kristal kelat kapiler otak& ginjal

12. Propylene Glikol (PG)

Pelarut, pendingin, antifreeze

O, D

Depresi, encephalopathy

- Hemolisis-Lactic acidosis


FDA approved, toksisitas jika ekstrim tinggi

13. Glikol Ethers

s.d.a O Hydrocephalus, spina bifida (defek neural tube), cleft lip (sumbing)

- Hemolisis 2 Methoxy-Ethanol

Toksisitas utama pada reproduksi, pertumbuhkembangan dan hematopoietik,Sperma-toxicity, atrophy testis, abnormal akrosom

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BBM & BBM AditifBBM otomotif

• Hydrokarbon rantai panjang (C4-C12)• Karsinogen (benzene, 1,3 butadiene)• Occupational Toxicities encephalopathy• Oral nausea, vomit, diare• Inhalasi rusak epitel pulmoner, edema, pneumonia• Inhalasi rusak epitel pulmoner, edema, pneumonia

Methyl Tertier- Butil Ether-MTBE (Octane booster)• Menyempurnakan pembakaran, reduksi emisi polusi• Simptom akut: iritasi mata, hidung, nausea, batuk (mukosa surface)• Grup C human carcinogen (tumor testis, lymphoma, adenoma hati)

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• Occupational Safety& Health Administration (OSHA)

• Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL’s) – 100 • Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL’s) – 100 pelarut

• Threshold Limit Values (TLVs), published by American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygiene (ACGIH)