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  • 8/9/2019 Today's Libre 03252015.pdf


    Kalituhan saMakatiCity Hall

    apektadomga negosyo

    Love.Life.Quiet love

    Showing na ang  Home

    5Bay Summerà laKapuso


    Floydmalakas:Jonesbinalaan siPacquiao


    Lord,   samga oras na pinanghi-

    hinaan ako ng loob at

    nararamdaman ang

    kabiguan, ipaalala N’yo

    sa akin na walang per-

    manente sa mundo. La-

    hat ay pansamantala,

    ang kalungkutan ay lili-pas din, ang suliranin

    ay malulutas din, ang

    araw ay sisikat din at

    ako ay magiging

    masaya din. Amen (Be-

    linda Bonagua)

    VOL. 14 NO. 83 • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015

     ASUL AT BERDE, BERDE’T ASULMASAYA si two-time Most Valuable Player Alyssa Valdez (kanan) ng back-to-back UAAP women’s

     volleyball champion Ateneo Lady Eagles habang nagse-selfie kasama si Pangulong Aquino. Nasalarawan din sina (mula kaliwa) Education Secretary Bro Armin Luistro, FSC at Ateneo de Manilapresident Father Jose Ramon T. Villarin, S.J.   CONTRIBUTED BY MALACAÑANG

     Ayon sa MBC, kapag hindinaremedyuhan ang agawan sa

    pumunuan ng lungsodmasama ito sa pamumuhunan

     —Basahin sa page 2

    Love.Life.Quiet love

  • 8/9/2019 Today's Libre 03252015.pdf


    2 NEWS   WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015

    DALAWANG ALAMATDUMALAW si Robert Jaworski, tinatawag na Living Legend ng Philippine basketball, sa bahay ni

    Filipino boxing icon Manny Pacquiao sa Los Angeles kamakailan upang makapagkamustahan.CONTRIBUTED BY AQUILES Z. ZONIO

    7 SPORTS

    Summer à la KapusoFloyd malakas: Jonesbinalaan si Pacquiao



    Editor in Chief Chito dF. dela Vega

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    Ritche S. SabadoINQUIRER  LIBRE  is pub-

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    Pagdedma sa mga good news,pinaghihimutok ng PanguloSINABI ni Pangulong

     Aquino kahapon na sai l a l i m n g a d m i n i s -trasyon niya, nagka-r o o n n g “ s o m u c hg o o d n e w s a n d y e tthis good news has of-ten been relegated to

    the back pages of ourbroadsheets.”Sinabi ni G. Aquino

    na “the campaign tochange the mindsetthat negativism sells iss t i l l a w o r k i nprogress.”

    Sa Philippines In- v es tm e nt Fo ru m saPeninsula Manila sa

    Mak ati City, sinabiniyang “while it is truethat we have had ourshare of setbacks andchallenges, we alsohave an impressivenumber of achieve-ments under our belt.”

    “This is why, I havem a d e a p o i n t t ospread the good news,and why I am alwaysthankful for those whos t a y b a l a n c e d a n dconstructive, pointingout areas in which wecan improve while al-so acknowledging ourprogress,” aniya.

    I n u l a t n i y a n a“2014 was a banner

     year for FDI (for eignd i r e c t i n v e s t m e n t )reaching an all-timehigh of $6.2 billion,65.9 percent highert h a n w h a t w e r e -

    ceived in 2013.”“We have likewisep o s t e d i m p r e s s i v egrowth: From 2010 to2013, the Philippinesa v e r a g e d a G D P(gross domestic prod-u c t ) g r o w t h o f 6 . 3percent,” pagpapatu-loy pa niya.  Jerry E.


    MILF: Una silang bumaril sa aminD A H I L w a l a s i l a n galam na may naga-ganap na operasyonang pamahalaan, tu-ring ng mga rebeldengMoro na “justified infighting back” sila samga pulis commandona unang bumaril sakanila noong Enero 25habang isinasagawaang misyong arestuhinang dalawang high-

     value terror ists, ayonsa ulat ng Moro Islam-ic Liberation F ront(MILF) na hinain saSenado kahapon.

    Dahil walang pau-

    nang koordinasyon tu-lad ng nak asaad saceasefire guidelines,“inevitable” na maga-nap ang barilan ayonsa 37-pahinang ulatng Special Investiga-tion Commission ngM I L F n a s u m u r i s amga pangyayari nanagbabanta ngayongmagdiskaril sa pagpa-pasa ng mungkahing

    B a n g s a m o r o B a s i cLaw (BBL), ang char-ter ng isinusulong nasubstate in the Min-danao-Sulu region.

     LBS, ES, JA

    Kalituhan sa Makati CityHall makakaapekto sa

    mga maliliit na negosyo

    “We want to seethis situation resolvedas soon as possible,”ani Makati BusinessClub (MBC) executivedirector Peter Perfectonoong Martes saisang panayam ng IN-QUIRER . “It’s in every-one’s interest to seethis issue settled.”

    MBC ang pang-ibabaw na samahanng mga pinakamalala-

    king korporasyon sa

    bansa, karamihan samga ito may punongtanggapan sa Makati.

    Nasa ikalawanglinggo na ngayon ngsigalot, na nagsimulanang tumanggi si Bi-nay na lisanin angtanggapan makaraangmag-utos ang Office of the Ombudsman ngpreventive suspensionupang magbigay-daansa imbestigayson hing-gil sa anomalyang ki-nasasangkutan ng pag-papatayo sa MakatiCity Hall Building 2.

    Nakakuha man angalkalde ng temporary restraining order(TRO) sa Court of Ap-peals, tapos nang

    makapanumpa si Peña.

    Nina Daxim L. Lucas at Amy R. Remo

    NANANAWAGAN ang pinakamalaki at pinakamaimpluwen-syang samahang pangnegosyo sa bansa para sa mabilis napagkakalutas sa kasalukuyang sigalot sa Makati City Hallsa pagitan nina Mayor Jejomar Erwin Binay Jr. at ViceMayor Romulo Peña, sa gitna ng pangamba ng negatibongmaidudulot nito sa pamumuhunan sa kabuuan.


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  • 8/9/2019 Today's Libre 03252015.pdf



    Quiet love

    This lack of ro-mance might seembaffling and unac-ceptable to a genera-tion whose idea of 

    love involves flashmobs and viral videosand a deluge of cou-ple selfies on Face-book. Nowadays itseems that if youdon’t express yourlove loudly enough, itdoesn’t count.

    But if there’s onething I learned frommy parents, it’s thebeauty of quiet love.One that focuses on

    depth, not volume,and is unmindful of the crowd. Love that

    is expressed notthrough grand ges-tures or eloquent pro-nouncements, butthrough quiet service.

    I saw it wheneverPapa woke up in themiddle of the night tomassage Mama’s low-er back to try to easethe pain caused by colon cancer.

    It was love thatgave my bedriddenmother the strengthto leave their roomand perilously makeher way down thestairs every afternoon,

     just to make sure ourhelper was preparinga decent meal for our

    family.It was love that

    drove Papa to spend what little spare time

    he had to design andbuild a vehicle thathad enough space to

    accommodate Mama’sbotaka chair.

    Theirs was a lovethat didn’t trumpet it-

    self and didn’t cravean audience.The only time I

    saw my parents pro-fess their feelings foreach other was whenthey had their longoverdue church wed-ding, more than adecade after their civ-il wedding. It was asimple affair attendedby a handful of rela-tives and friends. Pa-pa was wearing slacksand a long-sleevedpolo, while Mama

     was clad in a whiteblazer and skirt that

     were far too large forher.

    She had gotten sofrail that she had tobe wheeled towardthe altar. But when it

     was time for my par-ents to exchange

     vows, Mama grabbed

     LOVE.LIFE. is an online weekly column of contributed personal essays sharing real-life stories about love,relationships, sex—even, yes, tadhana. accepts honest, well-written personal essayson the many facets of love— friendships, relationships,

     family ties. The essays can be about joys and pains, wins andlosses, struggles and triumphs, beginnings and endings, andall the in-betweens.

     Essays selected will be published in the Love. Life. column of your essays to [email protected].

     An online column is like love itself; there are rules.The essay should be at least 2,000 characters long. Essays

     should be submitted as a Word document attached to theemail. Subject should be written as: “Love. Life: (Title of essay).” 

     In your contribution, please indicate name, age, occupation,address, contact number and (though this is optional) socialmedia accounts.

     Include a short description of yourself at the end of youressay.Only unpublished works (in print and online) will beaccepted.

    By Cyril L. Bonabente

    I  DIDN’T grow up in an openly sweet household. I don’t recall my parents saying “I love you” to

    each other on a daily basis, nor do I

    remember seeing them hug and kissin front of other people. There was noabundance of flowers during anniver-saries, no attention-grabbing cardsand teddy bears, no elaborate surpris-es engineered with friends.

    hold of the prie-dieuand slowly, painfully pushed herself up.She was pledging her

    love for Papa in thepresence of their Cre-ator, the only witnessthat really mattered.She wasn’t going todo it sitting down.

    Mama passedaway less than threemonths later.

    Today, almost twodecades since, I nolonger remember the

     words my parents

    said and whether ornot they cried at their

     wedding. I’m noteven sure if Papa

    touched Mama’s faceas they kissed. But I will never forget the way my mother stoodup for my father thatday.

     At a time whenpeople are screamingtheir I love yous andpromising forever inbig, bold letters, it’scomforting to knowthat the power of my 

    parents’ quiet love re-mains. It reminds meto value the lovethat’s tucked in the

    corners, not clamor-ing to be heard but isnevertheless felt.

    Cyril L. Bonabente(@cyrilbonabente) isa public relations pro-fessional at the coun-try’s largest mobileservices firm. Sheposts couple selfies onher social media ac-counts from time totime.

  • 8/9/2019 Today's Libre 03252015.pdf



    Miss UniversePhilippines si Pia

     Alonzo Wurtzbach

    Crazy Jenny,Kapalaran, atbp.   6


    Summer à la KapusoBy Dolly Anne Carvajal

    SUMMER beckons!

     waves. Eating veggies. No peo-ple. No pollution. Just natureand her joys.

    •Suzi Entrata-Abrera:Most Filipinos are beach lovers.We try to have one major trip

     with our kids every year. My kids have developed a love forit, too. When April comes, they start complaining, “We haven’tseen the ocean.” So we really have to go to either Cebu orLaiya in Batangas.

    •Iya Villania-Arellano: Any place can be made perfect, de-pending on the people I’m

     with—friends, family, and (hus-band) Drew  ( Arellano).

    •Solenn Heussaff: Any-

     where that’s not crowded. If it’sa beach holiday, it must be in asecluded area. Or a farm whereI can have peace and quiet.

    •Rocco Nacino: I want toexplore all the islands of thePhilippines with my loved ones.

    •Max Collins: A weekendin Boracay.

    •Mark Herras: Somewhere with private pools. I enjoy dip-ping in the hot springs of Los

    Baños, Laguna, with my family and friends. We often rent a pri-

     vate resort there.

    •Gabby Eigenmann:  My family and I are planning to goto South Korea this summer.That would be perfect becauseit’s cold there. But if I feel likegoing to the beach, I’ll try Mal-dives.

    •Mike Tan:  Palawan orsomewhere cold like Sagada,Benguet or the Banaue Rice Ter-races.

    •Ruru Madrid: I want to gobeach-hopping in Palawan andBoracay.

    •JC Tiuseco: The beach,away from the city.

    •Barbie Forteza:  I will gohome to Laguna or take a tripto Palawan and Baler, Aurora.

    •Frencheska Farr:  Surfingin La Union or Baler. I findserenity in surfing.

    •Sheena Halili: I want togo to a private island or resort.

    •Sunshine Dizon: Any qui-et place, away from the crowd,

     where my kids can swim.

    Time to sa- vor dolce far

    niente  (sweet-ness of doing nothing). Weshould avoid being too intoxi-cated with the sweet scent of success that we can’t find timeto smell the flowers.

    I asked some Kapuso artists what their perfect summer get-away would be. Wherever sum-mer takes you, may you find

     your little piece of heaven onearth.

    • Alden Richards:  I’d like to

    go nature-tripping—rock climb-ing, mountain climbing, wake-boarding.

    •Camille Prats:  We are de- veloping a sanctuary resort inBatangas. Our weekends willmostly be spent there. We’reopening it to the public very soon. We hope it becomes asummer hotspot.

    •Rafael Rosell: A surf-board. A beach with head-high

    Taylor Swiftbuying up .porn,.adult suffixesNew York, United States — Thesinger Taylor Swift, MicrosoftCorp. and Harvard University are among those buying up

    .porn and .adult Web suffixes asa pre-emptive move beforethose domain names becomeavailable this summer.

    The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers,or ICANN, is making Internetaddress suffixes beyond theusual .com or .org available forpeople and businesses to use.

    While some are in Chinese orother languages besides English,others could include the likes of 

    .music, .app or, of course, .porn.To check what brands,groups and celebrities havebought their domain names, vis-it . According to thesite, Microsoft has bought notonly but and as

     well.Representatives for Taylor

    Swift, Microsoft and Harvardcould not immediately bereached for comment.  Inquirer


    TAYLOR Swift

    IYA Villania-Arellano ALDEN RichardsGABBY Eigenmann

    SOLENN Heussaff 


  • 8/9/2019 Today's Libre 03252015.pdf



    Now showing, now na#LabYu

     Directed by Jill Singson Ur-daneta; stars Albert Goza, Miko Pasamonte, Jobbem Bello

    NGO volunteer agrees to an“open” relationship with abarista. Urdaneta, director andactor, also wrote the gay movie’s script. He says sexy scenes were tricky for him be-cause he is a prude in real life.Opens today.

    The Zero Theorem Directed by Terry Gilliam;

     stars Christoph Waltz, TildaSwinton, Matt Damon

    Eccentric computer genius work s on a myst erio us pro- ject . BOSTON G LOBE’s Ty Burrraves: “Even when Gilliam re-peats himself, he’s unique.”NEW  Y ORKER ’s Anthony Lanediffers, noting “a bothersomeratio of misses to hits.” Openstoday.

    From Vegas to Macau Directed by Jing Wong; stars

    Chow Yun-Fat, Nicholas Tse, Chap-

    man ToCon artists cheat at gamblingto help cancer patient. V  ARIETY ’sMaggie Lee: “Reassuringly campy… a boisterous mix of goofy humor and kinetic energy.”TWITCHFILM.COM’s James Marsh:“Fast, funny.” Opens today.

    Clown Directed by Jon Watts; stars Eli

     Roth, Laura Allen, Andy PowersCursed clown suit turns devot-

    ed dad into a serial killer. LITTLEWHITE LIES’ Anton Bitel: “Cutsboth ways … with inherentridiculousness.” THEFRIGHT-FILE.COMZ: “Eerie, auspicious,classily mounted fable of themacabre.” Opens today.

    Desecrated Directed by Rob Garcia; stars

     Haylie Duff, Wilmer Calderon, Adam Daniels

    Murderer stalks heiress andher pals in a far-flung ranch. HOR -RORNEWS.NET’s Corey Danna: “Fails

    to deliver fans’ expectations.”SLACKJAWPUNKS.COM: “B movie witha solid overall C grade.” Openstoday.

    Indigenous Directed by Alastaird Orr; stars

     Zachary Soetenga, Sofia Pernas American tourists must escape

    from hungry monster in a rainfor-est. SCREEN D AILY ’s Mark Adams:“Never truly terrifying [but]

    glossy.” THISISINFAMOUS.COM: “Notas good as ‘The Ruins’ and ‘TheDescent.’” Opens today.

    Robot Overlords Directe d by Jon Wright; stars

    Gillian Anderson, Ben Kingsley,Callan McAuliffe

    Four kids slug it out with an-droid invaders. THE HOLLYWOOD R E-PORTER ’s Leslie Felperin quips:“Cheap, relentlessly cheerful.” FIL-

    MORIA .COM.UK ’s James Thompson:

    “Somewhere between child’s play and young adult.” Opens today.Song One

     Directed by Kate Barker-Froy-land; stars Anne Hathaway, Mary Steenburgen, Johnny Flynn

    Woman returns home and re-traces musician-brother’s steps.R OLLING STONE’s Peter Travers:“Moves inexorably from wan to

     wearying.” CHICAGO  SUN-TIMES’Mary Houlihan explains: “No realsurprises… just lives played outquietly.” Opens today.

    Home Directed by Tim Johnson; with

    the voices of Jim Parsons, Rihanna,Steve Martin

     Alien befriends girl and they embark on a big adventure. TIMEOUT’s Tom Huddleston: “Inoffen-sive but flavorless.” URBAN CINE-FILE’s Louise Keller: “Original andfresh … punctuated by lovely lit-tle touches.”

    Opens tomorrow.


  • 8/9/2019 Today's Libre 03252015.pdf


    6 ENJOY   WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015















    Love:Y   Career:PMoney:‘

    YDaig ng may pera

    ang may itsura

    ‘‘Huwag mainip, hired

    ka na this week

    PPCareful sa apoy,


    YYYHuwag padadala sa

    cute niyang dimples

    ‘‘Kaya mainit damit mo,

    cheap kasi ang tela

    PPPPHindi ka papayagang

    mag-vacation leave

    YYYYTatambad sa iyo ang

    hubad na katotohanan

    ‘‘‘‘‘Makukuha mo mamaya

    ang pinakaaasam mo

    PPPMay karapatan silang

    mag-enjoy tulad mo

    YYYMagandang tingnan,

    pero sakit sa tenga

    ‘‘‘‘Sawang-sawa ka na sa

    kakakain sa fastfood

    PPHindi magtatagal,

    mapapagod ka rin

    YYYYDoon ninyo sa beach

    na madilim gawin yan

    ‘‘I-deposito mo man,

    huli na ang lahat

    PPPPPagdating ng hapon,

    tapos na problema mo

    YYSa taba niya, hindi

    kayo kasya sa kama

    ‘‘‘Makakatulong pa ang

    pagkakamali mo

    PPPSa susunod,

    mag-iingat ka na

    YYMalapit na dumating

    araw na di ka na cute

    ‘‘Bathing suit na mas

    konti tela, mas mahal

    PPPSinabi mo na kaya

    huwag mo nang uulitin


    Mas amoy seksi siyakapag pinapawisan

    ‘‘‘‘Magbabayad ng

    utang si kuya sa iyo


    Huwag mongi-disappoint fans mo

    YYYYTry mong idikit siko

    mo sa siko niya

    ‘‘Kunin mo, saka na

    problemahin bayad

    PPPHuwag mong guluhin

    ang trabaho ng iba

    YYYParang bubble gum,

    nakadikit sa isip mo

    ‘‘‘Huminga ng malalim

    bago mo bilhin

    PPHindi na naman isosoli

    ang stapler mo

    YYKakausapin ka ng

    crush mo. Uutang.

    ‘‘Kasya budget kung

    once a day kakain

    PPPKahit anong mangyari,

    huwag magagalit

    YYYYYBuking na kayo sa

    mga classmate ninyo

    ‘‘‘Sa halip na mahal na

    vitamins, magprutas

    PPPPDon’t worry, basta

    gawin lang trabaho mo

     O O

    HIGH SCHOOL:  Sobrang saya kapag nakakuha ng PERFECTSCORECOLLEGE: Sobrang saya kapag nakakuha ng PASSING SCORE

     —Tweet ng @BobOngQuotes. I-follow nyo ang Twitter account na ito.


  • 8/9/2019 Today's Libre 03252015.pdf



     Wizards lugmok sa WarriorsOAKLAND, California —Tumabosi Stephen Curry ng 24 puntospara sa Golden State Warriorsna ginamit ang mahigpit depen-sa sa third quarter upang duru-gin ang Washington Wizards,107-76 Lunes.

    Dahil sa higpit ng depensaay isang field goal ang ginawang Wizards sa unang 11 minutomatapos ang halftime na kungsaan ay 15 sunod tira ang min-intis ng Washington.

    Tumabo ang Warriors ng 24puntos matapos isalpak ang 29-

    8 atake sa third quarter.May anim assists at limang

    rebounds si Curry para sa War-riors (57-13 panalo-talo marka)na lumapit bilang nangungu-nang koponan sa playoff.

     Angat ang Golden State saMemphis (50-21) sa WesternConference samantalang 53-17ang Atlanta na numero uno saEast tangan ang 53-17.

    Season low ang kabuuangpuntos ng Washington na natik-

    man ang tatlong sunod talo.Bumira si Bradley Beal ng 12

    puntos at may 11 puntos at li-mang assists si John Wall saWizards.

    Sa Boston, gumawa si EvanTurner ng triple double (19puntos, 12 assists, 10 rebounds)upang talunin ng Celtics angBrooklyn Nets, 110-91.

    Umiskor ng 20 puntos si Av-ery Bradley para sa Celtics naumangat kontra Charlotte sapinakahuling upuan ng playoff sa Eastern Conference.

    Pinayuko ng Chicago Bullsang Charlotte Hornets, 98-86.

    Bumandera sa Nets si Brook Lopez na may 31 puntos.

    Sa Indianapolis, binuhos ni

    James Harden ang 19 sakanyang 44 puntos sa fourthquarter upang talunin ng Hous-ton Rockets ang Pacers, 110-100.

    Dinagdag ni Josh Smith ang18 puntos para sa Rockets (47-23) na napanalunan ang apatsa huling limang laro.

    Bagsak ang Indiana sa 30-40.Nakakuha ng 23 puntos angPacers kay CJ Watson.

    Sa iba pang mga resulta,

    nanalo ang Memphis Grizzliesang New York Knicks, 103-82;atinungusan ng Minnesota Tim-berwolves ang Utah Jazz, 106-104.  AP   Floyd malakas: Jones

    binalaan si PacquiaoSinabi ni Jones tiyak 

    gagamitin ni Mayweather angkanyang lakas na eksaktongnais mangyari ni Roach.

    ‘‘Pacquiao may think he’ll beable to outwork him and not

     worry about (Mayweather’s)power because he hasn’t had touse it. Now that he’s gotten old-er he will use his power, andthat’s going to be a bigger prob-lem for Pacquiao. Because, tome, the only way for him tobeat Pacquiao is to get him outof there.”


    INALAAN ni four-time world champion Roy 

    Jones Jr. si Manny Pacquiao na may kakayahansi Floyd Mayweather na gawin ang mga bagay na hindi niya nagagawa isang dekada ang nakararaan.

    Tinutukoy ni Jones na hindidapat maliitin ni Pacquiao anglakas ni Mayweather sa kani-lang paghaharap Mayo 2 saMGM Grand sa Las Vegas.

    Binasura ni Jones ang mganaunang pahayag ni trainerFreddie Roach na matanda atbumagal na si Mayweather.

    ‘‘The fact that he can’t do

    things at 38 that he did at 28makes him more dangerous.He’s always been a greatpuncher, but he’s never had touse it because he was so muchbetter than everyone skilfully,and he had so much athleti-cism that he hasn’t had to de-pend on his punching power,”sabi ni Jones.

    PATALIKODDINAAN ni GoldenState playmaker Stephen Curry angpasa sa likod ni

     Washington Wizardscenter Marcin GortatLunes sa NBA.Tinambakan ng

     Warriors ang Wizards, 107-76 saOakland, California.


    3,0000 runners lumahok sa DavNor Palaro runMAHIGIT sa 3,000 mananakboang sumali Linggo sa advocacy run na ginawa bilang bahagi ng2015 Palarong Pambansa inDavao del Norte.

    Inorganisa ng Tagum City Divi-sion ng Department of Education(DepEd), ang palaro na hangadmakakuha ng karagdagang-pondoupang mapanatili ang kaayusan

    ng mga tirahan at mga tubig na

    gagamitin ng mga atleta mula saPalaro na aarangkada Mayo 3hanggang Mayo 9.

    “The schools [officials] arebusy preparing the billeting sitesso we can have a very good host-ing and give delegates the bestaccommodation that we can of-fer,” sabi ni Tagum City DepEd Di-

     vision Head Cristy Epe.

    Nagsimula at nagtapos sa

    Rotary Park ng Tagum City.Sumali sa advocacy run si May-or Allan Rellon at ang kanyangpamilya.

    Hindi kukulangin sa 30 lugarna titirhan ng mga atleta anggagamitin sa taunang Palaro napangungunahan ng DepEd.

    Inaasahan ang pagsali ng10,000 atleta at opisyal sa


    PATOK PATOK si Pinoy ring icon Manny Pacquiao kay Allan Pineda Lindo aka Apl.D.Ap na tumakbo at nagsit-up saUCLA Sports Stadium Lunes. Kasama si Apl.D.Ap sa grupong sumabay sa pag-ikot ni Pacquiao sa oval.   AQUILESZ. ZONIO

  • 8/9/2019 Today's Libre 03252015.pdf


    8 SPORT S   WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015


    Thursday,Mar. 26

    HINIRANG siPia Alonzo

     Wurtzbachbilang Miss

    UniversePhilippines sakatatapos na

    2015 BinibiningPilipinaspageant.

    Sunrise:5:57 AMSunset:6:07 PM

    Avg. High:

    33ºCAvg. Low:22ºCMax.


          R      I      C      H      A      R      D

          R      E      Y      E      S

    Barako diniskaril NLEX; San Mig wagiNi Musong R. Castillo

    TINAPOS ng Barako Bull ang winning streak ngNLEX, 91-85 sa PBA Commissioner’s Cupkagabi sa Smart Araneta Coliseum.

    Dalawang tres sa hulingdalawang minuto ang sinalpak ni Chico Lanete para sa Energy na tinapos ang sagupaan namay 12-0 atake.

    Sa ikalawang laro, mabuny-

    ing tinapos ng San MiguelBeer ang kampanya matapostalunin ang Globalport, 106-94. May 31 puntos at 19 re-bounds si Junemar Fajardopara sa Beermen na hindi naaabante sa playoffs.

    Naputol ang limang sunodpanalo ng Road Warriorssamantalang nakawala angEnergy sa hirap ng apat sunodtalo.

    Umakyat ang Barako sa 5-6sa pagtatapos ng eliminasyonsamantalang bumagsak sa 6-5ang NLEX na ika-pito pagpasok ng quarterfinals.

    Bumandera si import Sol

     Alab i sa Ener gy na may 29puntos at 15 rebounds saman-talang may 13 puntos si Lan-ete.

    Dinagdag ni Sol Mercadoang 12 puntos at siyam assistsngunit krusyal ang kanyang de-pensa kay Al Thornton.

    Sinusugod agad ni Mercadosi Thornton tuwing makaka-hawak ng bola na nag-resulta sapagkawala ng tiyempo ng

    xplosibong import.Tinapos ni Thornton ang laro

    na may 24 puntos.MGA ISKORUnang LaroBARAKO 91—Alabi 29, Lanete 13,Mercado 12, Intal 10, Pascual 10,Garcia 7, Hubalde 6, Lastimosa 2,Marcelo 2, Matias 0, Salvador 0,Salva 0.NLEX  85—Thornton 24, Cardona15, Ramos 9, Taulava 9, Canaleta 8,Lingganay 7, Villanueva J. 5, Vil-lanueva E. 4, Borboran 2, Baloria 2,Camson 0, Arboleda H. 0., ArboledaW. 0.Quarters:  26-23, 51-49, 72-75, 91-85Ikalawang LaroSAN MIGUEL  106—Fajardo 31,Reid 20, Ross 15, Cabagnot 13,Lutz 11, Santos 9, Kramer 4, Las-siter 3, Reyes 0, Omolon 0, Semer-ad 0, Tubid 0.GLOBALPORT 94—Caracter 18,Romeo 15, Espinas 14, Buenafe 13,Nabong 8, Jensen 8, Semerad 6, Mi-randa 4, Pinto 4, Taha 2, Ponferrada2, Isip 0.Quarters: 21-23, 49-55, 76-72, 106-94

  • 8/9/2019 Today's Libre 03252015.pdf
