-' ;tMr ~ No. (,;b1 OS,\!ANJA lINIVVI<SITY H VJ)I':R·\I3AIJ - 500 1)1)7 /Stat.1 r\c~cJ/20 I 5 Dated: ~6 -OS-201 ~ To All rh. Principals or Under (;r;HIIJ;lte CoIle;;(,~ Under the Ju risd ictiou of OOlll:tnia University. Sub r- Schedule of B.A.iB.Sc.I B.Com. (GCI1.). I3.Col1l. (Co mp.), 13.Colll. (Voc.), B.Col1l. (Hol1s.)! 13SW/BBA I, 11 & I11 year 1,'1' the academic year 20 15-20 I (i - Approva] couuuunicatcd ~ Ikg. ~ Her:- 'flils On-ICc' Letter i'(l. ]()KiStai./r\c:ldt20IS. d.ncd: II-uS.20IS ~ Sir/M ul.un , III courinuation of this unlet Ierter cited, I dill to COIIlI11!.I11icJ!t:rhc approval ,11 the Unive sit)' for the r()llcmillg .-\dlllissioll schedule or B.A, / ILSc. ! B.COIll.(Cl'Il.), B.COllqCOlllp.), B.Con\.(Vol'.), H.eoll\' (Ho ns.) / BS\V / BIlA I, /1 8: III ye,lr 1"1 (IlL' ncader.i ic year 20 15-20 I (, Acad-mic Schedule: R=f -:--T -------- .. -.----..-... -..- - ... -.--.---.----. -.---- ------~- ..-.-.--- .. ----.----- ..--- 1. ! COllll1lCnCelllcllt of 11,'Z:, I 11~~.':? ~-O~-Q..(,-~~'! I ~____j I 2. COllll1\CllCCI11Cnl of I VC:,I' (1:1S5C5 ')ii-(Ji)-~O I:' (~. J i~~~I:l\C~~;I'~I;~~!~li!1i~~(-)I~:-----~~~~~:~~~=~~~-==~=~::i:~}~~2i;ff../St;I(;-~/) i c !). r COlllllleIlCl:I1It:llt uf CI~IS,c" .i l tc r Il1ld tC1'iI11~1.;~llll)11 I _1)-11I-:1J!-, 6.J. Last date of instruction rUI'-I-I--;-\:-jT[~----------'---~~()2-2l)I('------- ~I G'~-td:1te of instruction li)r I' 1'<:',11' --'-- ..----------, 2,-o:?--:r) !(; -------.- .. nC()I11II1CnCell1cn[ l,r- 11& III~:~-;;~i;;:;~-lic.ri- [;arnll1;1[I,~,;:;--iill-O~'-~------' 9~ Conuucncemcut otl vear r;;~:-Idil'~d !J~-;1-~-;~1~111()11') ;2~O-~~~·2-(;-: () ~j --_. --_ _'._._--- _-. .---- _ _--.. - __ .._._-_._-,-_. __ ._-_.. ! 10·1 Co.nmencc meut uf1~~.'::~,}_.c::~I~~:.'!2:lt~1.II_S_ _ .. .. O·-()3-~_QL~) __ ._ ! 11'1 SUII1111erV,lc:ltiull _._,_g(J...:.~~~:-2n i Cl to I-!))-~III () i 12.. Rcopcl1illg of C()llt·~"£<Ine.r~~')~I!.lll~:t:I:_::';:::::~il:_"_. I_(!..!...:.1l6-_~~~1.6._. .. . _ Schedule for Arlmiss io n on Tta nsfc r into 11 & 1I[ year 20 IS-20 I6: H;::~:~~;-::::;::::::::.::···::;:~:~::: :~:;i:~;···~~:··:;; .. -.-- -:~=~~""---~I'- ~~~~f-;*S=:==~-- I,ith Penalty of R,.~OOI- -'3--11 -;:'~r-;i;~ti:,;~ s Id;I-;-;;~~~:;;;-'7.~!, 11C;rl--;;-;;;-i";;-l;--l--:' "-6 .,'- > I j ,) -------- I.ith Pcualt v of Rs.1 000- 4. (ut 01'date 'l;;jo;;-;-;;;g--::'" ,( J" .IC'11D.::;rcc (,HII'Si: 011tr:1II,I(.'1 ,lilt! 1;)1!C:\(I"'ls~:"n U:I~jll 11cck s l11o.n rhc <bit: ()rC(\1111l1l'1;';'~llll'lll 01·cl;lS5,'."). 5i "st (f.1tc 1'01Slll~;;:;i~-~-i-;;;;-'~jCi~;t~;r.c. ,~-,;Jitla'l~ n(I-I;llltL.'cI 01-;'" rallsiel <I11t1I~c<ldlllISS")" 111[ •. ' 11,111 Year ((J,lt h.ird I 'opy tt' tile Director, DireCI(\I':IIC '\1' ,\~i1dl'llllt' -vudit cell . (IUL . . ... __ .. .. ._ ...._ .. _ ... _L._._ .. _ ---_·1 I -- !-;-~:-:-s -- .. -. -:---(1 -",I) S- .JJ I ., .. ~ ..-.-.- ..--.----. --- I ,1·(j()-:2(, i S I'TO ..•.

;tMr - CCE :: Home · 2020. 1. 23. · III courinuation of this unlet Ierter cited, I dill to COIIlI11!.I11icJ!t:rhc approval ,11 the Unive sit)' for the r()llcmillg .-\dlllissioll

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  • -';tMr ~

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    I). >J,) r \lill1"si()n,; I.~. Adnussion to I vcar, readllilSSI(\ll .uul Jdl11i.ssion Oil transfer 1(11/):1 yearskill be IIIJde ;die!' the slip:illlle

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    O.';I'L'\NIA V\rVEI-~SnyI'IVDEHAIL\J) :'101100,

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    All the Princip;l/s of Under GI':lcill,J(

  • -lU")\\)1~111;1jl~I:,.)d.·t.\'n:-~II().le.ll,,!:l·'~l0'vcl:>11.11I)1I'.It:J_---:l(~-,'fl.qll,~j;:l~f.~Ul.):LTdiiS--;-Z'I,,')ltI'\:,u"IUlu03.-:'t,~----_lrJ~-n:-~()li~'lr~lr,.i;lI!~"Z:cs~rn)(\-\:,:;J,l{,~;'\li')LUlLJO,)',:~-----------_._.------------ _:0:-0[-:::(1'\1_!O~-6(1-~;::LlI)!H:)I~.\UU,)L-P!l\

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    ToAll the Principals ofUnder Graduate CollegesUnder the Jurisdiction of Osmania University.

    Suh.- Revised Almanac of B.A.lB.Sc.! B.Com. (Gen.), B.Com. (Cornp.),B.Com. (Voc.), B.Com. (Hons.)/ BS\V/BBA II & IV semester for theacademic year 2017-2018 - Approval communicated - Reg.

    Ref':-l.This office letter no.74 7/Stat/ Acad!20 17 .dated: 07 -06-2017.2.This office letter nO.903/Stat/ Acad!20 17 .dated: 10-07-2017.3 .This office letter no. 1273!Statl Acad!20 17, dated: 18-09-2017 ..


    In continuation of this office letters cited, I am to communicate the approval of theUniversity for the' following Revised Almanac of 13.A. ! B.Sc. I B.Com.(Gen.),B.Com.(Comp.), B.Com.(Voc·.), B.Com. (Hons.) / BSW / BBA 11 & IV semester foracademic year 2017-20]8:

    Reyised Almanac for UG II & IV Semester for the academic year 2017-2018

    1. Commencement of Classes 06-01-2018 --2. I Internal Assessment 02-03-20181---3. II Internal Assessment I 12-04-20184. Last date of Instruction '28-04-20185. Commencement of Practical Exams __ 30-04-2018-. --6. Commencement of Theory Exams 16-05-20187. Summer Vacation 01-05-20188. Reopening of Colleges for the

    -,-._-----_._--_._-i 11-06-2018

    aca~emic year 2018-2019 I .w ••••••


    & 03-03-20181·'&--'1-::;-04 ?O 18 i--.' .)- -- i


    1~-Q5-20 18 ~_________ ._..__...Jto 10-06-2018 I


    ---_ .._----------'Note: The Principals of the concerned may review the syllabus covered on monthly

    basis and take remedial measures if required for completion of syllabus ontime.

    Kindly acknowledge receipt.Yours Sincerely,


  • '~';:'O;:~"~"-~l'~ '11

    •••.. j•••o ~~?.~,.: ~' -, '. r'"Ol; ."' .....l_::":).~~"~J' --OSMANIA UNIVERSITY

    HYDERABAD - 500 007

    No. 903! Stat./Acad/2017 Dated: 10-07-2017

    ToAll the PrinciptJls of Under Graduate CollegesUnder the Jurisdiction of Osrnania University.

    Sub:- Revised Academic Schedule of B.A./B,Sc./ B.Com. (Gen.), B.Com.(Cornp.], B.Com. (VOc.), B.Com. (Hons.)/ BSW/B£3A 1& II years (semestersvstern) for the acadr-nuc year )017-2018 - Approval communicated -Reg.

    Ref:- This office Ir. No. 747/Stat/Acad/2017, dated. 07-06-2017.


    In r ont mu auon of th.s office letter Cited and (l~ per lile deer-ion taken in the meetingof the Vice Chancellors' of all St.itc Uruvor srues ill I elarlgarl.'i State Council of HigherEducation on () ~-07-2017 I am to r ommurucate thl' .ipproval of tile Uruver sitv for thefollowing ReVised Academic schedule of B.A. / [3.5(. / [3.Com.(Gen·L B.Com.(Comp.),B.Com.(Voc.}, I3.Com. (Hons.) / BSW / BBA I 8.: 11 ye,lr~ hC'rn(\~tE'r system) for the academicyear 2017-201;)

    i\eviS1?d Ac~;dcjj-,ic Schedule:

    I & \I year - I & III Semesters--_ .. " ._------

    : CommencPll1ent of Classe,> 03-07 701/_w~,. ·_·· w____ ._, ,-... ----- ...2. Ilnternnt ot CIClssesClftf21v.« auon

    12 Ol-/OJ1\ to 16-01-20181 !-C120W

    4. t lnternals Assessment Cl-d) )018 to 03-02-20185. i III;~-t~;'~l"llsAss~s;;;'~'r~t . f) ,I Or1-2U L8 to 07:04~201~i,._---._- .. - ...-.. ... .------- .--.-. _.--,._--6 _Lust Date of In0.r~:ction weJl:9..o kI7-.Ll: )~)l8r...- _7. _ p_:.~~_(lr(ltory~?!_i_(~~.Y~~?~acti~a I EXC1 ms __ . 08-0;~-201~y) 16-0_4_~~Q~~_..3. I COlllmencement of Theory Exams 17-04-2018 to 30-04-2018

    ...-1--- .-_ .. - ---- --



  • ?tontcJ

    (2 i


    Co IIegcs reo p c' 11 for 2018·:2 Cl 19Dl 05.2018 to 110'02018...! ;"·U()-2018

    Note: The Principals of the concerned Colleges shall review the syllabus covered on monthlybasis and ta ke remedial n1(~;:15U res, if r cq ui red, for corn pi etion of svllab us on ti me.

    Ki 11cl Iy .:J cl, novJledg.c r\:~cei p t .10l.1I':' Sillcercly,

    '-'-~Q -10-

  • 16\0No. /StaLl Acad/20 18.


    Dn led :13 ·06-2018ToAll the Principals of Under Graduate CollegesUnder the Jurisdiction of Os mania University.

    Sub:- Almanac of B.A.fB.Sc.! B.Com. (Gen.), RCom. (Cornp.), B.Corn.(Voc.). B.Com. (Hons.)/ BSWIBBAIBCA IJ year 111& IV semestersand lJl year V & VI Semesters for the academic year 2018.2019 -Approval. co 111III un icated - Reg. ,,**

    Sir/Mada m,

    I am to commuuicate the approval of the University for the following Almuunc of

    B.A./B.Sc.l B.Corn. (Cen.), B.Com. (Cornp.), B.Coll1. (Voc.), BvCom. (lIons.)/

    BSWfBBAfBCA II year III & IV semesters and 111 year V & V 1 Semesters 1\)1 the

    academic year 20 18-2019: .

    Almanac for lIe TII & V Semester for the academic ye;:! r 2018-2019~-.-'------'- -:-=-:-------,.--,---------- .._---1. Commencement of Classes 18-06-20182. I In ternal Assessmen t __ +0:-.:3:....-.:..08::--.::2.:::,0.:.,;18~&:...0:::...4.:....-.:::,0.:..8-..::2;.:::0...:,1.:::,8-jI-- -3. Il Internal Assessment 05-10-2018 & 06-10-2018--4. ShonVacation 08-10-20181020-10-2018

    ~ -15. Reopen after vacation 22-10-2018 I. 16. Last date of Instruction 27-1 Cl·20 18 I

    7. Commencement of Practical Exams 29:10-2018 to 06-11-2018cl.:.... Con2.~11encement of Theory Exams 09-1 i-20 18 to 05-12-20JJ.JAlmanac for UG IV & VI Semester fOl' the !l('adernic veal' 2018-2019

    1. Commencement of Classes------- -66-I2'=2C)l8 ----- -. - .....2:-f_LlnternaJ Assessment 09-01-2019 & 10-01-20193. II Internal Assessment 22-03-2019 & 23-03-20 J 94. Last date of Instruction 30-03-20195. COlllmencement of Practical Exams 01-04-2019 to 20-04-2019,j.: COl11mencemel1l of Theory Exams , 2S-:'04-20J 9 I7. I SLimmer Vacation _~. OI-OS-2019 ~8. Reopening if Colleges fo~-lhc-'- 01-06-2019--·- ..---- ..-_ academic year 2019-2020 _ .-Note: The Principals of'the concerned may review the syllabus covered 011 monthly

    basis and take remedial measures if required for completion or syllabus onrim c.

    Kindly acknowledge receipt,Yours Sincerely,



    Cont d ..

  • )4.,.. ..".~

    . '"'"~~~~



    scan0001_070916.jpg (1658x2338)

    i~;';;;:'O'~S''iJ\~ E,\~ {~/.:~'Trlf,~~.r~~:.:-~~~


    Dated: 29 -08·2u18'" . \ \ ~.. 'So .' \ j '-'('11 8rxo. l)"tl i,1.at.·i·C(lU_. c.

    ToAll the Principals of Uuder Graduate CollegesUnder the Jurisdiction of Osmania University.

    Sub: . Almanac of CC; courses 1 year r & Il semester B.A. /E.Se. ! B.Com.(Gen.). B.Corn. (Coru p.), B.Corn. (Voc.). B.Corn. (Hons.r/ BSWmBAIBeA. for the academic year 20 i 8-2ll i 9 - Approval communicated - Reg.



    I am to communicate the approval of the University for the followmg Almanac of CC;courses I year I & 11 semester B.A. fB.Se. !B.Com. (Gen,), B.Corn. (Comp.). BiCom. (VOC.).B.Com. (I..Iolls.)! BSWIBBA!BCA, for the academic yell!' 2018-2019:

    I Year I Scmcstt'f

    !"-r"TC()mm"eI-l~ememof Classes for J Semester . C1~-()7 ·20191" _.1 _ - ; _ _ _ -.-._ _; -..- _- __ - - L•• :..~_~~ __ _ •..._ - ; .•....- ..:.... ...,;.....•.I 2. i I Imernals Assessment lest ' IU-i}

  • "" ""~.-~


    scan0001_070916.jpg (1658x2338)


    Nu. ,\ 5"t) 'Star. A.:ad':?O 18.

    ToAll the Principals of Under Graduate CollegeUnder the Jurisdiction of Os mania Universitv .

    ..'"b: - Almanac of UG courses j year I & If Sl"l11(:~tl'r B.A. 'B.Sc. ! B.COITJ.(Gen.). B.Corn. (Comp.). B.Corn. (Vuc.). B.Corn. (Hons.j/ BS\\!BBAJfleA. fur the acadern ic year :':018-::'0 Iq - .A;)prl)\ ;~Icornmumcared _ Reg

    Dated: 29 -08·2u!8



    I am to cOl11ll1unicale the appro. al of the Lniv\.'/'sHY for the .ollo« 111g.Almanac of vGcourses I year I & II semester B.A. /B.Sc. !B.Com. (Gen.), B.Corn. (Cornp.). B.COIl1. (Voc.).B.COIn. (Hons.j/ BSW'BBAfBCA. for the al'adl'mil' year 2018-2019:I Year I SCITI('stl'r

    '-1--- -C::-ommencl;.'mem of C'l:1sses for I Semester (I~-(17-~o IC) - - -------, . .----. ---_.__ .__ ._---_.-. ._---_._ ..__ .__ .._ .. _ ...__ ..._._._._-_ .._-_ ..._.I 2, I Internals Assessmem Test : (I-I)(L20 11-:Tu 1~-n(L'::C'l S .1""----i- .:.:..~~,.-. r---- ..--.----- __ , ~._. .::..-_; 3. I :;;h()!'! Vacation ._\I~-l (~-.2\.:.1S to 20- :_i)_-:..2CJ i!i ..__-'I 4, 'Reopening ,IlLer vacation ; ~:::--:.L0:~...t::LL _I 5. ! I11nternals Assessment Test or-uzc 1.8 III 03-11-2018! 6. I Last Date of Instructions CJQ-l 1-:::018. 7. P:'t:par:\;illn110lid

  • SnU:- Revised almanac of 13.A.!B.Sc./ H.Com. (Gen.), B.Com. (Comp.),B.Com. (VOL). B.eom. mOIlS.I' BS\V/BBAlBCA 1I, LV &V1semesters 0 f J. II & HI years for the academic year 2018-2019 ....Approval communicated -l\eg



    No. I 1i'IStaUAcad!2019Dated:.J50 1-2019

    ToAll the Pril~cipals of Under Graduate CollegesUndet· the j'urisdictioll of Osmania Univcrsitv.



    ! am t) communicate the approval of the University tor the following Revised almanacof (Gen.), B.COUl. (Coru p.). 13.Corn. (Voe.), ReoIn. (Hons.j/

    8:. VI semesters of 1, II & 1lI years DJr the academic year.nSW/BB]

    lor the academic year 2013-'20 19

    ·Almanac ~or VG l\}\l'i)o VlS


  • •'lC!'Jf

    No. /Stat./Acad/2019.

    OSMANIA UNIVERSI'IlY .'HYDERABAD" _'500'007 ,. ,.".. "-. "00 ••••Dated:~6-2019

    ToAll the Principals of Under Graduate CollegesUnder the Jurisdiction of Osmauia University.

    Sub.- AIIII~UIllCof B.A.m.Se.! RCom. (GClI.), B.Com. (Comp.), B.Com.(Voc.), RCom. (Hous.j/ BSWmUAIUCA r. III & V ofl, Il, III yearssemesters for the' academic year 20 19-2020 - Approval communicated -Reg.


    I am to communicate the approval of the University for the following Almanac of

    B.A.m.Se.! RCom. (Gen.), RCom. (Comp.), B.COlll. (Voc.), RCom. (Hons.)/I

    USWm13AJBCA I, m & V semesters of I, Il, III years for the acadern ic year 2019-::>.020:J, rH&. V SelTlcs~ers ,. ;1 \ .. ..t'·: .1. Commencement of Classes 01-07-20192. I Internal Assessment Any two days from

    26-08-2019 to 31-08-2019-.------~.---3. Short vacation 28-09-20 J 9 to 09-10-20194. Commencement of classes after short vacation 19-10-20193. n Internal Assessment Any two clays from

    28-10-2019 to 31-10-20194. Last date of Instruction 05-11-:>.0195. Preparation HOlidays and Commencement of 06-11-2019 to 11-11-2019

    Practical Exams6. Commencement of Theory Exams 13-11-2019

    Note: The Principals of the concerned mny review the syllabus covered on monthlybasis and take remedial measures if required for completion of syllabus 011time.

    Kindly acknowledge receipt.

    ',., ~~ 1, I"~Yours Sincerely,.I' ,.,1'0'



    '" COPy to:-

    1. The Dean, Faculty of Arts/Commerce/Social Sciences/Science, OU.2. The Director, Directorate of Academic Audit, OU. ,3. The Director, Infrastructure, OU - with a request to upload this on the Universi.ty

    Website. '.4. The Dean, College Development Council, OU.5. The Dean, Students Affairs, OU.6. The Controller of Exam in'at ions, OU.7. The Acid!. Controller of Examinations, (UG/Confidential), OU.8. The Public Relations Officer, OU.9. The Deputy Registrar, Cheque Il Section, Examination Branch, OU.10. The Secretary to Vice-Chancellor, OU.11. The P.A. to Registrar/Officer OllSpecial Duty to V.c., OU.

    ',.,~! 1

    •• " •• ' I •• I I"

  • _ .._--------_ .. _--_. __._------_._--- =-

    lt3./-No. IS I 1IL.! Acnd/20 19



    ToAll the Principals of Under Cruduute Colleges(Under the .Iurisdiction of Osuianin Uulvcrslty).

    Sub.- Revised Almnunc of Il.A.lll.Sc.lll.CoIll/IlSWIflI1MBCA /, I11&. V semesters of I. 11&. I11 YC:1rS Ior ihc academic year 2019-2020- Approval cornmunicatcd - Rcg.

    Rcf:- This office letter 110: 103S/St:lUAcad/20 19, dl:27-06-20 I 9.•••

    DlIted:lf -10·2019T;

    Sir/Madam,In continuation of this office letter cited, I am la communicate the approval of the

    University for the following Revised Alruan ac of D.A.rn.Sc.IB.Com/ DSWrnnAJI3CAI, III s: V semesters of I, I1 &. III years for the academic year 2019-2020:1. lT1 & V semesters=I. Comrnencement of Classes 01-07-2019

    2. I Internal Assessment Any two days from26-08-2019 to J 1-08-20 19

    3. Short vacation 28-09-2019 to 19-10-2019

    ·t Commencement of classes after short vacation 2(1,-10-20193. 1I Internal Assessment Any two d3YS from

    28-10-2019 to 31-10-20194. Last date of Instruction 11-11-1019 05. Preparation Holidays and Commencement of 12-11-1019 to 18-11-2019

    Practical Exams6. Commencement of Theory Exams 19-11-2019Note: The Principals of the concerned colleges may review the s)'IIJUUS covered on monthly bnsls a nd

    take remedial rncasjorcs if required Ior completion cf syllab us 011 time.

    Kindly acknowledge receipt.Yours S incerel y,-U,Q.-L,-


    ~onY 10:-

    l. The Dean. Faculty of Arrs/Ccmmerce/Sccial Sciences/Science, OU.2. The Director, Directorate of Academic Audit, OU.3. The Director, Infrastructure, OU - with .3 request to upland this on the University

    Website.4. The Dean, College Development Council, QU.5. The Dean, Students Affairs. OU.6. The Controller of Examinations, QU.7. The Add!. Controller of Examinations, (UG/Confidential), OU.8. The Public Relations Officer, OU.9. The Deputy Registrar, Cheque 11Section, Examination Branch. au.10. The Secretary to Vice-Chancellor, QU.J J. The P.A. la Registrar/Officer on Special Duty 10 V.C .. QU .


  • '~' '. ~..•..••.......",.,. -.J..,.•...~~


    rH 4)!rhi!rle~tt~t1~:ftu~tC~l••.••.•..•••~~ ••--:-.+ ~~~+ -,IN~:WtLc(IU(ff c_L~:k;.~!...-- """"~~Ur$l;~~to~~+ _~ ..,(j·tJlh Ce1!-/ ...fi-~~,-~I'''pir __'. ,"'~' .-.,1: ,~_,=, __ ,l.he., ,.. ,

    :~ .( ••,,1, ~~_~.'.'._ ~..".~I I· .. ~,~ .. - .•~.... _._,-. __ """- __

    ~tl. r • •..• 'lud ~F~!h:t6-------~ ..-. .... .... ". . . _.Mtr~' Gt~~~ «~.

    --~-- __ "~_-'4·....,;-/'::-:_,,:':' ••.--""'•..•.-

    i :.-.,..,.--_- .....,-'-+~~- ....-- ...;i ~~ .avJ ~~~~

    ~~--jll~cJ- tviJ--r-~~~

    I,.••,hin8Atdtuslld__ I rJ~t-~7 ~ ~~'f~r.n,es cited r ~ ~~E-"""" •. """"""'"




    Addtti~1rml iJ1put~

    en! Activity 1,larllti.?dMlel-aching

    - ~__ l'IAny.,••••attIV~I.'. _~_ t 1tI)ltl.- l~~,~_~


  • a ",_


    Name of the Department/Subject c..OVYl ~CJz..

    Teaching Aids used

    Name of the Lecturer p. ~0.-U\Course/Group 8 COMW Yeo.Jv ~6-A.. ~,toPaper: Gf'D

    Hours required

    Name of the Topic I


    Name of the Department/Subject--

    J:WY\)'-:-_ 1 -- -- -- --- ---------- -_.Name of the Lecturer ~---efllVJllJ-f\- \l [jJ,2'l____ .___Course/Group 11cl tiP- c. e 132f--. .__ ._____ . _ _ ____ ., _____ ....::L ___~.- J...e:_ ....__ ..__ ._______Paper: ~

    Name of the Topic~------.L---y-s:..~~·--ct't\·-~------·-------·---

    \' ~

    Hours required .-re:{~\\ 'J\ a )J \'~~)~ ci)

    Learning Objectives .~~&\ .

    \ '\ \ g~~Vk ~~Previous knowledge to be ~\~ '4Wreminded ~ ~ l-Ahf

    (Continty on the r~vcrse sid~-if needed)

    Topic Synopsis~ d-\\cI \1.( ;[IRLt~ 1'\0\,'\ ~\ \:\8