W- f CRYSTAL RIVER NEWS CRYSTAL RIVER FLORIDA I = CALOMEL WHEN US NO STOP Guarantee Dodsons Liver Tone Will Give You the Best Liver and Bowel Cleansing You Ever Make You Sick ACTS LIKE DYNAMITE ON LIVER I HadDoesnt i h Stop using calomel It makes y sick Dont lose a days work If y feel lazy sluggish bilious or const pated listen to me Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver which causes of the bone Calomel when it comes Into contact with sour bile crashes into breaking it up This is when you feel that ai ful nausea and cramping If you all knocked out if your liver is to pld and bowels constipated or have headache dizziness coate tongue it breath is bad or stomac sour just try a spoonful of hamlet Dodsons Liver Tone Heres my to an drug store or dealer and get a liOcei bottle of Dodsons Liver Tone Take Why do they always color the ci cus lemonade- To show that It is in the pink i condition of course rs Immediate Suggestion Talk is cheap Why have you had your telephon taken out DONT FUSS WITH MUSTARD PLASTERS Mustcrole Works Easier Quicker and Without the Blister Theres no sense in raising up a rnes of and water when can so relieve pain soreness o stiffness with a little clean white MUS TEROLE 11USTEROLE is made of oil o mustard and other ingredients combined in the form of a pleasant ointment It takes the place out ofdate mustard plaster will no blister MUSTEROLE relic from Sore Throat Bronchitis TonsiHtls StilL Neck Asthma Neuralgia Headache Congestion Pleurisy Rheu matisra Lumbago o the Back orJoints Bruises Chilblains Frosted Feet Colds of the Chest it often prevents Pneu- monia and a special largo size for Be sure you get the genuine MUS TEROLE imitations get what you ask for The Musterole Company Ohio The Reliable Remedy lumbago govt GETS AT THE JOINTS FHOM TUB INSIDE For sate by druggists 011 necrosis it feel guaranteeGo a you f Sore Uusc1es At and SOc jars lit e w r yo- n r Guaranteed r I easily a and E In 25c y t a N ii for RHEUMATISM an- t Make the Liver Do its Duty times in ten when the liver right the stomach and bowels arc right CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently com itipalion I PILLS Sick Headache and Distress After Eating SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE Genuine must bear Signature WINTERSMITHS CHILL TONIC not the old reliable remedy FOR MALARIAL Foi children as well as adults Sold lor 50 years 60c and bottles at drug stores PARKERS 1 HAIR BALSAM i A toilet preparation ol nurlt- Jt lp I For Re lorior Color nd Beauty to Gray or Faded Halt J Mo tUruinrlf- UnDnnCVmiUQ usually g yeS quiex soon removes swelling short breath often gives entire relief In 1S 25 days treatment sent FREE DR THOMAS E GREEN Successor to Dr II U Greens Box A Ca Nine but firmly a liver to do Its duty Cures Con In- digestion general strengthening tonic and a etlzer S 1 r relief and I it- r CARTERS ITTLE l tI IVER- f ti s c s gyp 3 1 Tf < + spoonful and if it doesnt straighten you right up and make you feel and vigorous I want you to go back the store and get your money Dod sons Liver Tone Is destroying sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine entirely vegetable therefore it cannot salivate or make you sick I guarantee that one spoonful o Dodsons Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable- I guarantee that a bottle of Dodsons Liver Tone will keep your entire tam fly feeling fine for months Give it to your children It is harmless doesnt gripe and they like its pleasant taste SHOULD BE GOOD FOR Under the Circumstances Maid Might Be Relied On to Stay That Long Are you thinking of getting mar rigid No Have you a grandmother who iu poor health and needs you No Or a married sister that wants you to take care of her children No I Are your parents wealthy so that you dont have to work Indeed not Are you likely to be offered a posi tion in the chorus and decide to go tho stage Nothing like tliat Is there any possibility that you will be offered a position in a down town store- I think not Then I shall be glad to have you come to work for me as maid You ought to stay the week out at least Detroit Free Press The Terrible Alternative- The young wife they are all young iu In tears sobbing though her heart was about to break Great guns exclaimed her hus band whats up- I I Ive got to to dl divorce ou she sobbed What in thunder The new cocook wont stay If do Thus did Idyllic happiness have to take a back seat for brutal material sin Philadelphia Public Ledger Danger Maid Madam the Pomeranian Is playing with your pearl necklace Mistress Take It away from him once lie might swallow one and appendicitis- A FOOD DRINK Which Brings Dally Enjoyment- A lady doctor writes Though busy hourly with my own affairs I will not deny myself the pleasure of taking a few minutes to of the enjoyment obtained daily my morning cup of Postum a food beverage not a stimulant like coffee fine to the WEEK Is on fictionwas as at get tell from consti- pated you It- s I began to use years ago not because I wanted to but because coffee which I dearly loved made my nights long weary periods to be dread ed and vnflttlng me for business dur ing tho day On advice of afriend I first tried Postum making it carefully as sug gested on tho package As I had al- ways used cream and no sugar I mixed my Postum so It looked good was clear and fragrant and it was a pleasure to see tho cream color it as my Kentucky friend always wanted her coffee to look like a now saddle Then I tasted it critically for I had tried many substitutes for coffee I was pleased yes satisfied with my Postum in taste and effect and am yet being a constant user of it all these years I continually assure my friends and acquaintances that they will like Pos turn in place of coffee and receive benefit from its use I have gained weight can sleep and am not new ousName given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich Read The Road to Well vllle In pkgs Postum comes in two forms Regular Postum must be well boiled 15c and 25c packages Instant a soluble pow der A teaspoonful dissolves quickly- In a cup of hot water and with cream and sugar makes a delicious beverage Instantly and 50c tins Both kinds are equally delicious and cost per cup about the same Theres a Reason for Postum sold by Grocers PostumIs e3 c awyr e e ¬ ¬ ROOSEVELT TRIAL Hearing Begun Of Libel Suit Brcugh By William J Barnes Jr Against Former President ASKS 50000 DAMAGES Expect Trial Will Be Sensational Unearth Many Political Man oeuvres In New York Syracuse N Y The trial of Wllllan Barnes 50000 ditmage suit against Theodore Roosevelt for alleged libel began In the supreme court here the final touches on then cases and both sides said they ready Politics enter the case when the talesmen are called tot examination And when the taking ol testimony begins there will be Inaugu rated what may If the court permits It develop Into a rehearsal of certain Instances which have occupied the attention of politicians nnd others during the past ten years or so The stilt trial of which was moved- to Onondaga county from Albany on n lwnge ot venue Is based on a state went issued by Colonel Roosevelt dur ng the campaign last summer of Hnr vey D Illnman for the Republican nomination for governor In that statement Colonel Roosevelt referred- o Mr Barnes as controlling with 1harlcn Murphy of Tainmiuiy Hall he invisible government esponslblo for the maladministration tad corruption In public offices of the hale The statement also contained other references to Mr Barnes as a ROBERTS BEGINS SENTENCE Haute Mayor And His In Election Frauds Go To Leavenworth Indianapolis Intl Headed by May r Donn M Roberts fifteen prisoners onvicted In the Terre Haute election onsplracy cases and sentenced to the cavcnworth penitentiary started on he trip to prison While the men were being put In trip jail yard to march to the railway station tho elghtytwv men iven jail sentences for their part In conspiracy shouted goodbye and in passing Jests back and forth None of the wives or relatives of the irlsoners were permitted to accom them from the jail to the station Inny relatives had been to the jail tiring the morning nail several prls ners wore flowers on their lapels Roberts Names Treasurer Terre Haute Ind Tho Terre Haute tatlon was crowded when the train earing Mayor Donn M Roberts and fourteen other federal prisoners onvicted in the election fraud cases arrived here The curtains of the rlson car were drawn but just the train departed Roberts leaned and annoupced the appointment of Frank B Stiley as of the Democratic county committee to succeed Maurice Walsh ho with five others left here earlier i the day to begin serving their sen nces in prison BRITISH LOSE SUBMARINE ON AT SYRACUSE And put were undoubtedly I Terre in- line thc Joined pan the be- fore from treasurer At- torneys will all powerful lams Assoc- iates tits window England Suffers Loss To Offset Dam age Done To Turkey- Is Latest Report London British as an offset- to their success In destroying a Turk- ish torpedo boat which attacked the transport Manitou off Chios lest the submarine E15 which while carrying out a difficult rcconnniiaance in the Dardanelle mine field ran aground on Kcphcz point the crew being made prisoners According to the Turkish report seven of tie submarine crpw are miss ingIn Egypt British airmen have drop ped bombn on the Turkish encamp ment near the border while r French cruiser the fire of which was directed by a seaplane has been throwing shells on the Turks near El Arish where tho army for the Invasion of Egypt has its headquarters These operations were undertaken presumably to harass the Turks Revolutionary Daughters Convene Washington Delegates gathered here from virtually every part of the country for the twentyfourth annual congress of the Daughters of the Revolution President Wilsons address of welcome and the annual message of tho president general Mrs William Gumming Story will feature the opening session Campaign lend ers for the rival candidates for presi- dent general began to round up their followers Mrs George T Guernsey of Kansas opposes Mrs Story Amer- ican k The lel ll ¬ ¬ ¬ Things He Hasnt Done I may come home for my 168 hours leave and the very thought of civil ized life again amuses me There are so many necessary things I have not done for a long time I fervently hope there will be no sheets on my bed and the bathwater wont be hot It would take a very low temperature- to burn me now I think I shall live away in some little corner where I cannot see any khaki- I havent been up a flight of stairs seen a carpet or armchair or tasted fresh fish for three months 1 havent looked In a real shop or seen a smart woman or heard music or walked in anything harder than mud for three months 1 havent tasted fresh water or even fizz since I have been away I havent seen any evening papers I havent drunk out of a china cup I lavent eaten off a china plate But experience I have been through been worth the sacrifice of all these things and I wouldnt sell a moment of a British to Ills Family TOUCHES OF ECZEMA it Once Relieved by Cutlcura Quite Easily Trial Free The Soap to cleanse and purify the Ointment to soothe and heal Nothing letter than these fragrant super reamy emollients for all troubles af- ecting the skin scalp hair and hands They mean a clear skin clean scalp hair end soft white hands Sample each free by mall with Book Address postcard Cutlcura Dept XY Boston Sold Professional Secret Patient lut why Is this operation necessary Doctor To find out if It is NEVKK HAD A CIIIIT After Taking KIIXIK My little daughter 10 years old Buffered imrly n with nod fever most of the Ime the doctors rare I discour- sed nod a rleud advised me to try ICllxlr- ta belt I gave It to her and she leas never had chill hlnc completely cured her Mrs vrus Helms 302 Washington DC Elixir KabU 50 cents all or by ajvelti Putt repaid from Kloczewtl vut hlBKtGii DC Reason Enough Why is Higbee so sore on the iquor traffic all of a sudden He run over a broken beer bottle ast Sunday and punctured two tires The man who is looking for invariably finds It the has ItFrom good everywhereAdv un er was ll Q c ESt 1 trou- ble and Of- ficer rear S lmpre ¬ Stop That Backache Theres nothing more discouraging- than a constant backache You are lame when Pains pierce you and next its the same old Pain in the back is natures warning of kidney ills Neglect the to or other Doans Kidney Pillsthe remedy has been curing backache and kidney trouble for over fifty years A Florida Case were In bad shape and my feet an ides hands My back often so sore I could hardly do my housework and I had and dizzy spells After doctors I Pills They strengthened my and rid me of all the ailments Cst Douta l Any Store BOe Box DOANS PILLS FOSTEIVMEBURN CO BUFFALO N Y Nearer Right She The chicken at our church suppers Is usually tough mean unusually tough Mother Knows What To Use To Giro i Quick For Cuts Burns Bruises Sprains Strains Stiff Neck Chilblains Lame Back Old Sores Open Wounds and all External Injuries Made Since 1846 Price ZSc and 100 when you bend or lift Its rest serious kid- ney sickness Dont dela using Mrs J n aIl trv hams Starkel Fla says were swollen and used DOlms Id HeYou Balsam of Myrrh Ask 50 All Dealers QC n SYRACUSE Y t r Y j was t r i t- WANFORD8 Anybody A OR WRrrE I Is it possible there is a woman in this country who to suffer without giving E Vege table Compound a trial the evidence that is con 1 r con- tinues being published which beyond grand old medicine has more among women than any other one medicine in the world We have published in the newspapers of the United States more testimonial than have ever been pub lished the interest of other medicine for women and every year we publish many new testimonials all and true Here are never before published From Mrs ST Richmond Providence R I f I ht weak and I overworked born and inflammation set in then nervous From Mrs Maria Irwin Peru NY R Pinkhams Vegetable and had much pain threo Cullnron folr From Mrs Jane D Duncan W Quincy Mass 3LissThe doctor said that I had organic trouble CONFIDENTIAL LYNN MASS foradvlco contradic- tion 1 in gen- uine PnoVIDENCE R For the benefit of women who suffer as I have done I wish to state what E Pinlham Compound bas done for me I lid some heavy lifting the caused a B after mv was from which I did not recover until I had taken Lydia E hams Vegetable Compound The is best and when of a woman troubles like mine I to Induce her to take medicineMrs S r1 Ricluloiw 84 progress Avenue Providence Hl NY Before I took was very irregular and worn out all the time splendid medicine helped me as nothing else had done and I am every day took Inwn RFD 1 Peru NY SOUTH and ho doctored me for time and I did not any saw Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable ad and I tried it had finished the I continued it all through middle life and am now a strong healthy woman and earn my JANE D DUNCAN Forest Avenue West Qu MaSs to LYDIA EPINHHAM IEDJCJNE CO our letter trill be opened read anti nnswercd by a woman And strict f po suffer- ing L Vegetable placement pros- tration PERU Com- pound QUINCY a I Compound I first bottle owl cy U- lrrlte pay h d9 conudenca Y 1 ¬ ¬

Times Herald. (Palatka, FL) 1915-04-23 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00080/00237.pdf · William Gumming Story will feature the opening session Campaign lend ers for

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Page 1: Times Herald. (Palatka, FL) 1915-04-23 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00080/00237.pdf · William Gumming Story will feature the opening session Campaign lend ers for





Guarantee Dodsons Liver Tone Will Give You the Best Liver

and Bowel Cleansing You Ever Make You Sick






Stop using calomel It makes ysick Dont lose a days work If y

feel lazy sluggish bilious or constpated listen to me

Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver

which causes of the boneCalomel when it comes Into contact

with sour bile crashes into breaking

it up This is when you feel that aiful nausea and cramping If youall knocked out if your liver is to

pld and bowels constipated orhave headache dizziness coatetongue it breath is bad or stomacsour just try a spoonful of hamletDodsons Liver Tone

Heres my to andrug store or dealer and get a liOceibottle of Dodsons Liver Tone Take

Why do they always color the ci

cus lemonade-To show that It is in the pink i

condition of course


Immediate SuggestionTalk is cheapWhy have you had your telephon

taken out



Mustcrole Works Easier Quickerand Without the Blister

Theres no sense in raising up a rnesof and water whencan so relieve pain soreness o

stiffness with a little clean white MUS

TEROLE11USTEROLE is made of oil o

mustard and other ingredientscombined in the form of a pleasantointment It takes the place outofdate mustard plaster will noblister

MUSTEROLE relicfrom Sore Throat Bronchitis TonsiHtls

StilL Neck Asthma NeuralgiaHeadache Congestion Pleurisy Rheumatisra Lumbago o

the Back orJointsBruises Chilblains Frosted Feet Colds

of the Chest it often prevents Pneu-monia

and a special largo size forBe sure you get the genuine MUS

TEROLE imitations get whatyou ask for The Musterole Company


The Reliable Remedylumbago govt


For sate bydruggists









Sore Uusc1es

At and SOc jars












E In 25c









Make the LiverDo its Duty

times in ten when the liverright the stomach and bowels arc rightCARTERS LITTLELIVER PILLSgently com

itipalion I PILLS

SickHeadacheand Distress After EatingSMALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE

Genuine must bear Signature


not the old reliable remedy

FOR MALARIALFoi children as well as adults Sold lor 50years 60c and bottles at drug stores

PARKERS1 HAIR BALSAMi A toilet preparation ol nurlt-

Jt lpI For Re lorior Color nd

Beauty to Gray or Faded HaltJ Mo tUruinrlf-

UnDnnCVmiUQ usually g yeS quiexsoon removes swelling

short breath often gives entire relief In1S 25 days treatment sent FREEDR THOMAS E GREEN Successor to Dr

II U Greens Box A Ca


but firmlya liver to

do Its dutyCures Con



general strengthening tonic and a etlzer

S 1



I it-





ti s c








spoonful and if it doesnt straightenyou right up and make you feeland vigorous I want you to go backthe store and get your money Dod

sons Liver Tone Is destroyingsale of calomel because it is real livermedicine entirely vegetable thereforeit cannot salivate or make you sick

I guarantee that one spoonful oDodsons Liver Tone will put yoursluggish liver to work and clean yourbowels of that sour bile and

waste which is clogging yoursystem and making you feel miserable-I guarantee that a bottle of DodsonsLiver Tone will keep your entire tamfly feeling fine for months Give it toyour children It is harmless doesntgripe and they like its pleasant taste


Under the Circumstances Maid MightBe Relied On to Stay That


Are you thinking of getting marrigid

NoHave you a grandmother who

iu poor health and needs youNoOr a married sister that wants you

to take care of her childrenNo I

Are your parents wealthy so thatyou dont have to work

Indeed notAre you likely to be offered a posi

tion in the chorus and decide to go

tho stageNothing like tliatIs there any possibility that you

will be offered a position in a downtown store-

I think notThen I shall be glad to have you

come to work for me as maid You

ought to stay the week out at leastDetroit Free Press

The Terrible Alternative-

The young wife they are all youngiu In tears sobbingthough her heart was about to break

Great guns exclaimed her husband whats up-

I I Ive got to to dl divorceou she sobbed

What in thunderThe new cocook wont stay If

doThus did Idyllic happiness have to

take a back seat for brutal materialsin Philadelphia Public Ledger

DangerMaid Madam the Pomeranian Is

playing with your pearl necklaceMistress Take It away from himonce lie might swallow one andappendicitis-

A FOOD DRINKWhich Brings Dally Enjoyment-

A lady doctor writesThough busy hourly with my own

affairs I will not deny myself thepleasure of taking a few minutes to

of the enjoyment obtained dailymy morning cup of Postum

a food beverage not a stimulantlike coffee






fictionwas as








I began to use years agonot because I wanted to but becausecoffee which I dearly loved made mynights long weary periods to be dreaded and vnflttlng me for business during tho day

On advice of afriend I first triedPostum making it carefully as suggested on tho package As I had al-

ways used cream and no sugar Imixed my Postum so It looked good

was clear and fragrant and it was apleasure to see tho cream color it asmy Kentucky friend always wantedher coffee to look like a now saddle

Then I tasted it critically for I hadtried many substitutes for coffee I

was pleased yes satisfied with myPostum in taste and effect and am yetbeing a constant user of it all theseyears

I continually assure my friends andacquaintances that they will like Posturn in place of coffee and receivebenefit from its use I have gainedweight can sleep and am not newousName given by Postum Co BattleCreek Mich Read The Road to Wellvllle In pkgs

Postum comes in two formsRegular Postum must be well

boiled 15c and 25c packagesInstant a soluble pow

der A teaspoonful dissolves quickly-

In a cup of hot water and with creamand sugar makes a delicious beverageInstantly and 50c tins

Both kinds are equally delicious andcost per cup about the same

Theres a Reason for Postumsold by Grocers


e3 c

awyr e e




Hearing Begun Of Libel Suit Brcugh

By William J Barnes Jr Against

Former President


Expect Trial Will Be SensationalUnearth Many Political Man

oeuvres In New York

Syracuse N Y The trial of WllllanBarnes 50000 ditmage suit againstTheodore Roosevelt for alleged libelbegan In the supreme court here

the final touches on thencases and both sides said theyready

Politics enter the

case when the talesmen are called tot

examination And when the taking ol

testimony begins there will be Inaugu

rated what may If the court permitsIt develop Into a rehearsal of certainInstances which have occupied the

attention of politicians nnd othersduring the past ten years or so

The stilt trial of which was moved-

to Onondaga county from Albany on n

lwnge ot venue Is based on a statewent issued by Colonel Roosevelt durng the campaign last summer of Hnr

vey D Illnman for the Republicannomination for governor In thatstatement Colonel Roosevelt referred-

o Mr Barnes as controlling with1harlcn Murphy of Tainmiuiy Hallhe invisible government

esponslblo for the maladministrationtad corruption In public offices of thehale The statement also containedother references to Mr Barnes as a


Haute Mayor And HisIn Election Frauds Go

To Leavenworth

Indianapolis Intl Headed by May

r Donn M Roberts fifteen prisonersonvicted In the Terre Haute electiononsplracy cases and sentenced to the

cavcnworth penitentiary started onhe trip to prison

While the men were being putIn trip jail yard to march to the

railway station tho elghtytwv meniven jail sentences for their part In

conspiracy shouted goodbye andin passing Jests back and forth

None of the wives or relatives of theirlsoners were permitted to accom

them from the jail to the stationInny relatives had been to the jailtiring the morning nail several prlsners wore flowers on their lapels

Roberts Names TreasurerTerre Haute Ind Tho Terre Haute

tatlon was crowded when the trainearing Mayor Donn M Roberts and

fourteen other federal prisonersonvicted in the election fraud casesarrived here The curtains of the

rlson car were drawn but justthe train departed Roberts leaned

and annoupced theappointment of Frank B Stiley as

of the Democratic countycommittee to succeed Maurice Walshho with five others left here earlieri the day to begin serving their sennces in prison



















all powerful



tits window

England Suffers Loss To Offset Dam

age Done To Turkey-Is Latest Report

London British as an offset-

to their success In destroying a Turk-

ish torpedo boat which attacked thetransport Manitou off Chios lest thesubmarine E15 which while carryingout a difficult rcconnniiaance in theDardanelle mine field ran aground onKcphcz point the crew being madeprisoners

According to the Turkish reportseven of tie submarine crpw are miss

ingInEgypt British airmen have drop

ped bombn on the Turkish encampment near the border while r Frenchcruiser the fire of which was directedby a seaplane has been throwingshells on the Turks near El Arishwhere tho army for the Invasion ofEgypt has its headquarters

These operations were undertakenpresumably to harass the Turks

Revolutionary Daughters ConveneWashington Delegates gathered

here from virtually every part of thecountry for the twentyfourth annualcongress of the Daughters of the

Revolution President Wilsonsaddress of welcome and the annualmessage of tho president general MrsWilliam Gumming Story will featurethe opening session Campaign lenders for the rival candidates for presi-

dent general began to round up theirfollowers Mrs George T Guernsey ofKansas opposes Mrs Story





lel ll




Things He Hasnt Done

I may come home for my 168 hours

leave and the very thought of civil

ized life again amuses me There are

so many necessary things I have

not done for a long time I fervently

hope there will be no sheets on my

bed and the bathwater wont be hot

It would take a very low temperature-

to burn me now I think I shall live

away in some little corner where I

cannot see any khaki-

I havent been up a flight of stairsseen a carpet or armchair or tastedfresh fish for three months 1 haventlooked In a real shop or seen a

smart woman or heard music or

walked in anything harder than mud

for three months1 havent tasted fresh water or even

fizz since I have been away I

havent seen any evening papers I

havent drunk out of a china cup I

lavent eaten off a china plate But

experience I have been through

been worth the sacrifice of all

these things and I wouldnt sell a

moment of a Britishto Ills Family


it Once Relieved by Cutlcura QuiteEasily Trial Free

The Soap to cleanse and purify theOintment to soothe and heal Nothing

letter than these fragrant super

reamy emollients for all troubles af-

ecting the skin scalp hair and handsThey mean a clear skin clean scalp

hair end soft white handsSample each free by mall with Book

Address postcard Cutlcura Dept XY

Boston Sold

Professional SecretPatient lut why Is this operation

necessaryDoctor To find out if It is


My little daughter 10 years old Bufferedimrly n with nod fever most of theIme the doctors rare I discour-sed nod a rleud advised me to try ICllxlr-ta belt I gave It to her and she leas never hadchill hlnc completely cured her Mrsvrus Helms 302 Washington D C

Elixir KabU 50 cents all or byajvelti Putt repaid from Kloczewtlvut hlBKtGii D C

Reason EnoughWhy is Higbee so sore on the

iquor traffic all of a suddenHe run over a broken beer bottle

ast Sunday and punctured two tires

The man who is looking forinvariably finds It





un er wasll

Qc ESt



ble and






¬ Stop That BackacheTheres nothing more discouraging-

than a constant backache You arelame when Pains pierce you

and next its the same old

Pain in the back is natures warning ofkidney ills Neglect theto or other

Doans Kidney Pillsthe remedy

has been curing backache and kidney

trouble for over fifty years

A Florida Case

were In bad shapeand my feet anides hands

My backoften so sore I

could hardly do myhousework and Ihad anddizzy spells Afterdoctors I

Pills Theystrengthened my and rid me ofall the ailments

Cst Douta l Any Store BOe Box


Nearer RightShe The chicken at our church

suppers Is usually toughmean unusually tough

MotherKnows WhatTo Use

To Giroi Quick

For Cuts BurnsBruises SprainsStrains Stiff NeckChilblains Lame BackOld Sores Open Woundsand all External InjuriesMade Since 1846

Price ZSc and 100

when you bend or lift Its rest

serious kid-

ney sickness Dont dela using

Mrs J n aIl trvhams Starkel Flasays

were swollen and

used DOlms Id


Balsam of Myrrh



All Dealers QC nSYRACUSE Y




was t r







Is it possible there is a woman in this country whoto suffer without giving E Vege

table Compound a trial the evidence that is con





being published which beyondgrand old medicine has more

among women than any other one medicine in the worldWe have published in the newspapers of the United States

more testimonial than have ever been published the interest of other medicine for womenand every year we publish many new testimonials all

and true Here are never before published

From Mrs S T Richmond Providence R I

f I ht weak and I overworkedborn and inflammation set in then nervous

From Mrs Maria Irwin Peru NYR Pinkhams Vegetable

and had much pain threoCullnron folr

From Mrs Jane D Duncan W Quincy Mass3LissThe doctor said that I had organic trouble






PnoVIDENCE R For the benefit of women who suffer as I havedone I wish to state what E Pinlham Compoundbas done for me I lid some heavy lifting thecaused a B

after mv wasfrom which I did not recover until I had taken Lydia E

hams Vegetable Compound The is best andwhen of a woman troubles like mine I to Induce herto take medicineMrs S r1 Ricluloiw 84 progress AvenueProvidence Hl

NY Before I tookwas very irregularand worn out all the time splendid medicine

helped me as nothing else had done and I am every daytook Inwn RFD 1 Peru NY

SOUTHand ho doctored me for time and I did not anysaw Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable ad

and I tried it hadfinished the I continued it allthrough middle life and am now a strong healthywoman and earn my JANE DDUNCAN Forest Avenue West Qu MaSs


our letter trill be opened read anti nnswercdby a woman And strict







PERU Com-pound


a ICompound

Ifirst bottle



lrrltepay h d9

conudenca Y 1

