t Jt Ai ij J J I r rte i J7 1 T7 SENSITIVE CHILD Constant RsmlrioVbf Iti Deficiencies or PecUllarltfe Ii Crud Often Harmful H is cruel to remind chll dren of their deficiencies or peculiar ties according to Orison Swett Ma- rdenla Success Magazine Sensitive children are often seriously Injured by the suggestion of Inferiority and del ecta are exaggerated which might have been entirely This lasting harping against the bad does not help the child half as much ma mind lull of the good the beautiful and the true Tbo constant love suggestion purity suggestion no- bility suggestion will co permeate the life after a while that there will bo nothing to attract the opposite It will be so full of sunshine so full of beauty and love that there will lit- tle place for their opposites The childs should be buttressed braced encouraged In every possible way he should be taught to overestimate his ability and his possibilities but the idea that he la Gods child that be is heir to an Infinite inheritance magnificent possi- bilities should be Instilled Into iho very marrow of his beln Oil For extinguishing oil Ores where water both Ineffective and danger- ous frothy liquids have been recom mixed In a late teat near Hamburg a mixture of one quart each of caustlo soda and alum solutions yielded 16 quarts of a yellowishwhite foam bar- Ing a density of 014 and this could be sucked up and distributed like v by a hose A basement of 39 square feet filled with benilne to 20 was fired extinguished In 78 seconds 18 the frothy mixture and a burning benzine tank six feet In diameter and nine feet high extinguished in 13 seconds The Benzine was burning as ual after removal of the froth TRIUMPH OF WATER FINDING English Expert Locates Ample Supply Guaglng Depth Below Surfacs Within Two Feet aumr r A very remarkable achievement In waterfinding has been carried through at Solly Oak Birmingham It necessary to discover a supply of water on the land belonging Enamel jAyorka and Mr I overcome keeping Ita j be J I S notthat ngUIhlnlJ and was little affected i r Was dd from I tIUHTSTHE r and ever a confldence For T wa- ter gallons pt wan rp pent Chap- man Hereford ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ stopped and declared that at the place where be stood water would bo found at a depth of 250 feet A contract was signed by which he engaged to sink an artesian tube which should produce not less than 15000 gallons day on the condition No no nay He employed hydrau- lic boring machinery and in fourteen days struck water at n depth of 248 feet and test pumping for 29 hours proved yield of 30000 gallons per That the expert should have gauged the depth within two feeet considered one of the greatest triumphs in of modern times ItV Ambjguous Did your late employer give you a testimonial Yes but It doesnt eeem to do good What did he say 1- Ho said I was one of the best men his firm over turned out- S The towering Waahlngtoa stoan ment solid as it to cannot resist the Lent of the sun poured on Its south ern side on A midsummer day with out a slight bending of the gigantlo shaft which Is rendered percepltlbla by means of a copper wire 174 feet bag hanging in the center of the structure and carrying a plummet suspended In 4 vessel of water At summer tho of the feet above the ground Is shifted by expansion of the stone a few hundredths of an inch north High winds cause perceptible motions of the plummet and In still weather dellctto vibrations of the of the earth otherwise unper- celyed are registered by Moths In Moths In carpets can be killed by the use of a damp cloth and hot Iron Lay the on the carpet and- Iron well the steih will destroy both eggs and worms Brush up the of the carpet with s aa you anlsh Ironing each section National Magazine Every husband ought to make his a regular allowance from said Senator Depew at ft wed reception In New This UriBvery bride that v made n R ee of Jtl mlnumWlro half an hdur bon ho ot water Water a me- an Rent Sy no n ument r cruet It- t t Carpets a Tur t rtde the- Y tart tb tlllt he continued rind allow moat 1MI1- ST pr auddebly eight inch t day Ii- I water dnding i the Sun h apex men- U b60 toward the I For and P nap whiskbroom I gpaat becausrt I ncba- y s I T > ¬ ¬ ¬ No Where No TimeC- AN YOU FIND BETTER THAN WE DO Crystal River News PLA DEALERS IN Full Line of Hardare Sash Doors Blinds Corrugated Iron and Roofing of All Kinds Builders Materials Coffins Farming Impliments Etc Prompt at tention given to all Mail Orders CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Write or Call on tis For Prices xjlVER JSAacK Ocala Flarida j riuttu it 4 i Mclver MacKay O ALA J rt9rrN I r Nr ieroNtirr aoit rortrirroltorrro a r r r r r r r oleorea aererorerett rrr saoriliaoreroasrereil t r o V u ¬ > < + Genius Alwfra Is sto Creature Who Maker fatally and Friends Wretc t i One of the strangest signs of the times is our universal admiration for geniuses yet a genius nd matter how you view him is always an Impossible creature He Isnt fit to live with If he is so unfortunate as to marry be makes life miserable for his family If he doesnt marry he U a care lo all his friends And the probability is that no one will appreciate him In his own age Yet when hear that such and such a one Is a genius we experience an Instant feeling of envy Most of us would like to be a genius If we could have along with It our own steady traits We wouldnt give up our regular income but if we could be a genius with It we should like U very well Lombroso deolnres that geniuses aro abnormal degenerate types Scien- tists term them in biological words sports that is they are exceptions to a rule They are supposed to see straight whereas everybody else Is abnormal Bernard Shaw uya that Is what Is the mutter with him Thomas L Masson In Llpplncotts ANTIDOTE FOR EACH RECIPE What the Author of a Found on the Margins Left for Notes The woman the author of a cook book that has been published at her request with wide margins and occasional blank pages for notes and additional recipes Often she had ex- pressed a wish to see an old copy of the book and find out to what use the blank spaces tad been One day la a secondhand bookstore her hus- band unearthed an old volume No- ticing that it had been annotated hs bought It After a day or two said How about the notes In that cook book Werelthey Infdrestlngr No sfe laid curtly they dldnt amount to anything When he got a looked through the book himself note the book contained a for dyspepsia and stomach Graft Exulting la his strength Bauson was pun the pdlan from under the temple In conl4 t have does It U the contractor iud built this fuapfc we CookBook chance 1 t about I1e chuckled u the II II NIItitC f Utah The was free- ly ha Every was trouble suddenly returned to ii top to s leetit at1Ma ¬ ¬ Headquarters FOR GOOD- y Family W Fresh Meats Green Groceries Can Goods OonfectionerieBj Country Produce Butter Eggs Etc When in Town Call Me and get My Prices r Before Buying 5 BLACK Crystal River Florida ikA v LrVy Cyrstal River Drug CompanyP- ure Drugs Toilet Articles Souvenir Post Cards To tacco Cigars Candy Baseball Supplies etc rl ai i i 1T i g ii Ii and Groceries i J I on i l L r L y fr Y r Per- fumes r t CrystalRive I lcrAcAc llaAciAcillclk 8tYaAc icailit tt 3 F- v li l NG i I- y arry a Full Line of t fancy I Nun iiallys t i Drug Conk ray > > < > Whiskey With ivierit the ever cold under a label Chas have been worth cent for them We say any fear rf contradiction that any goods offer are as good as can be bought anywhere on earth for the money Every care and expense required to make pure high class whWdtsv are used In dfa tilling our products and our success and the prestige we have built up through 25 years is the result of giving full value and honest goods to every We carry without exception the largest and finest stock whittles liquors cordials and beers of any house in Florida and we on a minutes anything you desire We are sales agents in Florida for quite a number of the worlds moat re nowned beverages We sell all the popular brands of whiskies and beers and the most famous Order what you want we ffll ship it Our own private brands are absolutely guaranteed to give fufl satisfaction in every way or your money will be promptly refunded PRICES EXPRESS PREPAID STRAIGHT WHISKIES Quarts t MInot Pur On Bond Blum Bourbon MonctUr Bourbon 400 CORN WHISKIES 1 Qta Cabin Corn SLM a71 Chimney Rook M SM Shun 190 pro Corn Mountain Cora ddtt V XM 4M- v a SPECIALS QU- Blumt IorHd M U fx- McCuffU BLENDED WHIS1OE9I- ndUn Bill Brook iStuaA Write or o oe- Prie UM- lh an rt hi- lnoCUr nrt ABOVE EXPREM PAB BLUM CO J w e Fta at Better Frit Better ALL BI n ed canship r QaJoo14Qt11 Carl jip Sprlnc IlllI Bourbon In 5000 4RLaW 11 L fo- e nom uaad taM d JJt Mata OWwea R New England xx Fay Bur I PnoI lIoweln Blum 2- 1IJumIJiCaJWIae II II 211 blvr aM str- OJt SUreway t r erof jf whiskeys III without r- III III customer III notice III III I II III ilea Grad Mr 0 Shrldaa II y Sylvan Olin 710 P9 GaL or 4 Murr O 4 7 led Bionic 4 Blu S1or a 305 ot asaWoJ Slums R f aaaa 700 r t0S- ruip u Type Gla155 300 r Pat I ics CHAS r cats w1r Fm GriMlStae7li MNI I e 1 ca ¬ > = = + ° ° + Another Discovery p How do you make that n lt of stock quotations- aiOdrnisacd Vv V VI ar ablest 1t c f Ict 4 was one of the broker k q > CRYSTAJJ RIVER E K j T o- j sr sT t p- a f r

Times Herald. (Palatka, FL) 1911-09-22 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00059/00052.pdf · 2009. 7. 14. · testimonial Yes but It doesnt eeem to do good What did he say

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Page 1: Times Herald. (Palatka, FL) 1911-09-22 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00059/00052.pdf · 2009. 7. 14. · testimonial Yes but It doesnt eeem to do good What did he say






Constant RsmlrioVbf Iti Deficienciesor PecUllarltfe Ii Crud

Often Harmful

H is cruel to remind chlldren of their deficiencies or peculiarties according to Orison Swett Ma-rdenla Success Magazine Sensitivechildren are often seriously Injured bythe suggestion of Inferiority and delecta are exaggerated which might havebeen entirely Thislasting harping against the bad doesnot help the child half as much ma

mind lull of the good thebeautiful and the true Tbo constantlove suggestion purity suggestion no-bility suggestion will co permeate thelife after a while that there will bonothing to attract the opposite Itwill be so full of sunshine so full ofbeauty and love that there will lit-tle place for their opposites

The childs should bebuttressed braced encouraged Inevery possible way he shouldbe taught to overestimate his abilityand his possibilities but the idea thathe la Gods child that be is heir to anInfinite inheritance magnificent possi-bilities should be Instilled Into ihovery marrow of his beln


For extinguishing oil Ores wherewater both Ineffective and danger-ous frothy liquids have been recom

mixed In a late teat near Hamburga mixture of one quart each of caustlosoda and alum solutions yielded 16

quarts of a yellowishwhite foam bar-Ing a density of 014 and this couldbe sucked up and distributed like

v by a hose A basement of 39 squarefeet filled with benilne to 20was fired extinguished In 78seconds 18 the frothymixture and a burning benzine tanksix feet In diameter and nine feet high

extinguished in 13 seconds TheBenzine was burning as

ual after removal of the froth


English Expert Locates Ample SupplyGuaglng Depth Below Surfacs

Within Two Feetaumr r

A very remarkable achievement Inwaterfinding has been carried

through at Solly Oak Birmingham Itnecessary to discover a supply of

water on the land belongingEnamel jAyorka and Mr



keeping Ita







and was

little affected



dd from









gallons pt



pent Chap-man Hereford






stopped and declared that at the placewhere be stood water would bo foundat a depth of 250 feet A contract wassigned by which he engaged to sink an

artesian tube which shouldproduce not less than 15000 gallons

day on the condition Nono nay He employed hydrau-

lic boring machinery and in fourteendays struck water at n depth of 248

feet and test pumping for 29 hoursproved yield of 30000 gallons per

That the expert should havegauged the depth within two feeetconsidered one of the greatest triumphsin of modern times


AmbjguousDid your late employer give you a

testimonialYes but It doesnt eeem to do

goodWhat did he say 1-

Ho said I was one of the best menhis firm over turned out-


The towering Waahlngtoa stoanment solid as it to cannot resist theLent of the sun poured on Its southern side on A midsummer day without a slight bending of the gigantloshaft which Is rendered percepltlblaby means of a copper wire 174 feetbag hanging in the center of thestructure and carrying a plummetsuspended In 4 vessel of water At

summer tho of thefeet above the ground Is

shifted by expansion of the stone afew hundredths of an inchnorth High winds cause perceptiblemotions of the plummet and In stillweather dellctto vibrations of the

of the earth otherwise unper-celyed are registered by

Moths InMoths In carpets can be killed by

the use of a damp cloth and hotIron Lay the on the carpet and-

Iron well the steih will destroyboth eggs and worms Brush up the

of the carpet with saa you anlsh Ironing each sectionNational Magazine

Every husband ought to make hisa regular allowance fromsaid Senator Depew at ft wed

reception In New This

UriBvery bride thatv made

n R ee of Jtl mlnumWlrohalf an hdur bon ho

ot waterWater




Rent Sy

no nument




t Carpets



rtde the-Y tart

tb tlllt he continuedrind


moat 1MI1-

ST prauddebly

eight inch




water dnding


the Sunh

apex men-

U b60

toward the




P nap whiskbroom




I ncba-

y s




No Where No TimeC-



Crystal River News



Full Line of Hardare Sash Doors BlindsCorrugated Iron and Roofing of All Kinds

Builders Materials Coffins FarmingImpliments Etc Prompt at

tention given to all MailOrders


Write or Call on tis For Prices

xjlVER JSAacKOcala Flarida


riuttu it



Mclver MacKayO ALA


rt9rrN I r Nr ieroNtirr aoit rortrirroltorrroar





oleorea aererorerett rrr saoriliaoreroasrereil t r o







Genius Alwfra Is sto

Creature Who Maker fatally andFriends Wretc t i

One of the strangest signs of thetimes is our universal admiration forgeniuses yet a genius nd matter howyou view him is always an Impossiblecreature He Isnt fit to live withIf he is so unfortunate as to marry

be makes life miserable for his familyIf he doesnt marry he U a care loall his friends And the probability isthat no one will appreciate him In hisown age Yet when hear thatsuch and such a one Is a genius weexperience an Instant feeling of envyMost of us would like to be a geniusIf we could have along with It ourown steady traits We wouldnt giveup our regular income but if we couldbe a genius with It we should likeU very well

Lombroso deolnres that geniuses aroabnormal degenerate types Scien-tists term them in biological wordssports that is they are exceptions

to a rule They are supposed to seestraight whereas everybody

else Is abnormal Bernard Shaw uyathat Is what Is the mutter with himThomas L Masson In Llpplncotts


What the Author of aFound on the Margins Left

for Notes

The woman the author of acook book that has been published ather request with wide margins andoccasional blank pages for notes andadditional recipes Often she had ex-

pressed a wish to see an old copy of

the book and find out to what use theblank spaces tad been One dayla a secondhand bookstore her hus-band unearthed an old volume No-

ticing that it had been annotatedhs bought It After a day or twosaidHow about the notes In that cook

book Werelthey InfdrestlngrNo sfe laid curtly they dldnt

amount to anythingWhen he got a looked

through the book himself notethe book contained a fordyspepsia and stomach

GraftExulting la his

strength Bauson was punthe pdlan from under the temple

In conl4 t have does It U thecontractor iud built this fuapfc







I1e chuckled u theII II









suddenly returnedto

ii top

to s leetit at1Ma





y Family WFresh Meats Green Groceries

Can Goods OonfectionerieBj

Country Produce Butter Eggs Etc

When in Town Call Me and get My Pricesr Before Buying

5 BLACKCrystal River Florida

ikA v LrVy

Cyrstal River Drug CompanyP-

ure Drugs Toilet Articles

Souvenir Post Cards To

tacco Cigars Candy

Baseball Supplies etc

rl ai

i i



gii Ii

and Groceries




L r

L y fr Y r






lcrAcAc llaAciAcillclk 8tYaAc icailit tt3


v li l NG iI-

yarry a Full Line of




Nun iiallys


Drug Conk ray





Whiskey With ivieritthe ever cold under a label Chas have been worth

cent for them We say any fear rf contradiction that any goodsoffer are as good as can be bought anywhere on earth for the money

Every care and expense required to make pure high class whWdtsv are used In dfatilling our products and our success and the prestige we have built up through 25 years isthe result of giving full value and honest goods to every

We carry without exception the largest and finest stock whittles liquorscordials and beers of any house in Florida and we on a minutes anythingyou desire We are sales agents in Florida for quite a number of the worlds moat renowned beverages We sell all the popular brands of whiskies and beers and the mostfamous Order what you want we ffll ship it

Our own private brands are absolutely guaranteed to give fufl satisfaction in everyway or your money will be promptly refunded


Quarts tMInot Pur On Bond

Blum BourbonMonctUr Bourbon 400


Cabin Corn SLMa71

Chimney Rook MSM

Shun 190 pro CornMountain Cora

ddtt V XM4M-


Blumt IorHd M U fx-McCuffU


ndUn Bill

BrookiStuaAWrite or o


Prie UM-lh an rt



BLUM CO J w e Fta






QaJoo14Qt11Carl jip

Sprlnc IlllI Bourbon In 5000


11 Lfo-


uaadtaM d


MataOWwea RNew England xxFay

Bur IPnoI

lIowelnBlum 2-

1IJumIJiCaJWIae II II 211

blvr aM str-OJt






III without r-





ilea Grad Mr0 Shrldaa


Sylvan Olin 710 P9GaL or 4 Murr O4

7 ledBionic 4 Blu S1or a

305 otasaWoJ

Slums R

faaaa 700



ruip u Type Gla155 300 r

Pat I

icsCHAS r

cats w1r Fm GriMlStae7li MNI I










Another Discovery

pHow do you make that n lt

of stock quotations-aiOdrnisacd Vv V VI

ar ablest1t c


Ict 4

was one of thebroker k



j sr sT t p-


f r