Social and Personal ANOTHER big debutante affair1 given recently was the recap¬ tion given by Mr. and Mrs; William C. Bentiey, ot i;02 East Main Street, In honor of their debutante daughter, Miss Elizabeth Eogan Bent- ley. Tho reception took place at 838 WcBt Grace Street, and was a lovely affair In every detail. The entire house was decorated witli palms and quantities of pink 'lowers, and only the youncor society set was Included In the Invitations. Mr. and Mrs. Bum- j ley received with their daughter in the drawing room, and Miss Nellie Boy kin and Mrs. George lien Johnston presided at the punch bowl In the library. Miss Anna Boykill and Mis:; Anno C Bentiey assisted lit doing the honors of the evening. Private Cor Parly. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Croiler, of! Pennsylvania« past through Richmond Thursday in their private car with a party of friends and their family. Mr- and Mrs. Crosier aro on their way to Tbomssvllle, Ga., where they have a country estate. *Mrs. Crozlor wan formerly Mies Florence Robinson, of Baltimore, and Iiob visited friends in Richmond many times previous to her marriage. . 1 in I tut loon Out. Mra. I. Newton Vaughan, of the Ra¬ leigh, has sent cards for a reception to bo given at the Commonwealth Club on Friday, January 12, .rom 5 to 7 o'clock. Mrs. S. H. Hawos. of the Hermitage Road, has Usued lnvltallons for a buffet luncheon to be given o:i Janu¬ ary 12 from I to 3 o'clock. Mra Hawes la entertaining in honor of her nlccee, Mrs. Percy Hawos and Mrs. Martin, of Brownsburg. For Miss Nolund- Mlss Rocillo Muxall Noland. of Bal¬ timore, who has been visiting Mre Ed¬ ward Valentine. Is now the guest, of Mrs. Preston Noland. Mrs. Noland gave 3. small bridge whist party yt DEMAND Dtittlop The Flour That Gives Universal Satisfaction. 50c TUKISH SLIPPERS 18c Pair All colors. All the week at! N. W. Corner Third :nd Broad Sts SPECIAL SALE OF Blankets and Comforts Sutherland & Cherry, Inc. 310 Bast nroad Street Ask Grocers, Druggists Dealers {or POMPEIAN LUCCA OLIVE OIL Genuine.Pure.Healthful GYMNASIUM SHOES.All Size* Northw*Bt Corner Third and Brood. Bargains in Furniture AT Jones Bros. & Co. Inc. 1418-20 E. Main St. B. Samuel's' STITCH DOWNS ON SALE AT ALBERT STEINS 5th and Broad Hopkins Furniture Co., I 7 West Broad St. Cash or Credit. alien .or pure Madison. 4220 BOO W. Main Furniture, Carpets and Stoves 4th and Broad tfH "AMERICAN MiD^^^^^^ BY EVERY «OpMpW^^ Wool Sweaters The kind that keeps you warm. Age 3 to 14 years, all colors; usually sell for $1.48; special to-day.. %/OC terday afternoon In honor of Miss) Nolund. "rowii.Ilnrrlaou. Miss Lilian Qorham llurtison, oldest! daughter of former Mayor Peyton: Randolph Harrison, of Murtlnsburg, W.l Va., wus quietly married at 2 o'clock Wednesday to Forrest Augustus Drown, son of Colonel Forrest w. Drown, of Ch.'i rlestown. W. Va., the ceremony; being performed by Dr. F. M. Woods, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, at the home of the bride. The bride was attired in a ParisianI gown of white lace, ornamented with] her mother's pearls and handsome dla.; mond brooch, gift of the groom. Bho earned a bouquet of lilies of the,val¬ ley and lavc-ndnr orchids. The mnld of honor was Miss Sarah Munter Harri-1 BOn, of Bel Air, Md., a cousin of the bride. She woro a gown of fuwn-col- orod eropo meteor, trimmed with pearl- R«t cloth of gold, and carried pink; roses. Tho groom was accompanied by Walter WaHhington Alexander, of; Baltimore, as his bentmnn. The house was beautifully decorated with Southern smllax and evergreens,: nnd Illuminated by many candles, Owing to recent bereavement In the: brido'e family, orily the Immediate re¬ latives of both families and a few Inti¬ mate frlrmds wore invited. A luncheon was served immediately sfter tho ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Brown left on the uftcrnoon train for a fortnight trip, after which they will' settle In Charleatown, whore Mr. Brown Is practicing lew In partnership with his father. At the Cour» ry Club, Thoro will be the usual informal re¬ ception at the Country Club of Vir¬ ginia this afternoon, followed by danc¬ ing. The clubhouse it bright with red llowurs und sävoräl big dinners will] be given there to-night. Mies Emily Lyman. a debutante of last winter, is entertaining a party of friends at din¬ ner to-night. The gu«-sts will attend the hop following dinner. Any num¬ ber of smell dlnnera will be given nnd several are to be given in honor of out-of-town guests. Called Meeting. There will be a called meeting .( the Richmond brunch of the; Southern Association of Collegee Women. The meeting will be held thin arternoon at 3:30 o'clock, and will take plnco at the] home of Mrs. Cameron Johnson. 210 North Plum Street Mrs. Munford wilt speak to the members of this lirancn on the subject of the projected annex for women at the University of Vir¬ ginia. All members are urged to be present. Wedding of interest. The social event of the Sussex season! Itook place Thursday evening, when Miss Francos Oknmoro Wrcnn, eif Sussex, was glveq I" marriage to Marvin Dlb- rel) Goodrich, of Petersburg. The bride.I gownei In ivory sotin embroidered 'n pearls, and carrying a shower bouquet of Erlde roses an-i lilies of the valley entered on the nr;:i of her brother. Law¬ rence B. Wrenn. who gave her away. Mirs Elizabeth Everett, of Norfolk, was maid of honor nnd wore yellow messallne, with an overdress of dew- drop chiffon and pear! trimmings, and carried an arm houiuct of sunset roses. The dunics of honor were Mrs. Thomnn E. Bryant, of Petersburg, sister of the bride She wore yellow messallne, with gold trimmings, and carried sunset roses. Miss Hortense Wrenn. of Sits- sex, i.nd Mise Ruth Wrenn. of "Green-1 yard." were bridesmaids, and wore' white silk marquisette over yellow messallne, with crystal trimmings, and carried maidenhair ferns tied with" yellow tulle. Little Misses Nancy Wrcnn and Margaret Lamb were the ribbon girls, and looked lovely In their dainty dresses of white silk. Wrenn Carlyle Bryant. the bride's little nephew, curried the ring In a callJ Illy. j The groom entered with his brother. James Embra Goodrich, of Petersburg, who wab best man. The groomsmen w-oro Harry Flinn, of Alberta; Embra Tfardaway, of niackstonc: Victor Raines, of Carson, ar.-.l Ernest Hiscock, of Sutherland. Miss Llll Goodrich, ot Henderson, N. C, rendered the wedding marches, accompanied by W. J. nil r- leigh on the violin. During the cere¬ mony Schubert's "Serenade" was softly played. Rev. W. W. Edwards, of Wav- eriy, performed ihc ceremony, imme¬ diately alter which a reception was given. The color scheme, yellow and green, was carried out in the deco¬ rations In the dining-room and re- freshments. Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich loft for St. Louis, and will visit Niagara Falls and Canada before their return. They will be at home on Fllmofc Street. PetCTs- burg, after February lf>. Those present from a distance wore Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Albertus Harrison, of War-] field: Miss Llll Goodrich. Henderson, IX. C: Gntilelei Burlcigh, Cannda: Miss Katherlech O'Bannon. Richmond; How¬ ard Ehnes, Petersburg; Mrs. W. Haines, Richmond; Miss Essie Headman, Suffolk; Samuel J. Bendall. Suffolk; Miss Gertrude Bendall, TTew Castle Dunce Tbl* Evening. Mi:-. Ella Lin lord Is giving a tlUlice ibis evening at half-past 8 o'clock in BelVidcre Hall, and all tlie hoys that attended her classes of this season and lust are invited to he present. The dance will be a very pleasing affair, anil, most of the younger set here wlli attend tho function. Muter tallied Friends. A very pleasant evening was spent recently, when Miss Allee Keek und Kölner Keck entertained their friends .-.t their home, "Mill Farm." near Fork Union. Music and dancing amused the guests, and supper was served late in the evening. Guests present includ¬ ed Misses Alice Snead, Virginia Seay, of the Woman's College; Elsie Fleming, Maude Fleming, Ionise Perkins, Leo and Jossie O: lflln. Annie Thomas, Annie Little, Leila Perkins, Doris Ash- Un, Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cub- ell, Mr. und Mrs. Frank Langford. Harry Grifun, O. H. Jones, Robert Per¬ kins, Henry Thomas. George and Jack GrlfTln. Grattun Sneaej, ßooker Wills, Thomas Grlffln, Joseph nnd John Shop- herd. Ivarihoe Scny nnd Aubrey Thomas. Iteturned to the City. Misses Bailey and Maude Spanieling und' Miss Annie Lowry. of this city, have been recent visitors at the home of the Misses Harding, In Fluvanna county. ifr. and Mrs. W. if, Holiuan, wfo spent tho holidays with S. C. Tllinan. at> Keene, have returned to Richmond, accompanied by Miss Lila Tllmon. Miss Tilinun will remain in Richmond for some time. I Mrs. k. A. Kendlor and children havo roturned to Richmond, after vis- Hing the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Trank Durottc. in Albomarlc. Hounr l'arty Last Week. Miss Nalley ToVnloy. of Rod filll. had as hor guests for the holidays MIbh Trances Croswell. of Washington; Miss] Nollio Jospor, or Lewleburg, W. Va.; Miss Dyrdle Townloy, of Roncevcrte. W. Va.; Mlbs Marian Dearborn, of! Amherst; Miss Lucllc Goggln, of Rust-j burg; Misses Wille. Dennis Goodman, of ¦» us hing ton. D. C, and John E. Rucker. of Kentucky. In and Out of Town. Mrs. Lyons Poniberton and two sonn] have left town for on extended stay. Miss Elizabeth Tyler, who haB been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jul-| Ian Tyler, for some lime, has returned to liolllns College. .Misses Carrie Mason and {Catherine I'lournoy are at Mrs. John S. tlarvle'a home. 222 South Third Street, for re-i malnder of the winter months. Miss Helen Daniel Is spending a few days with Miss FUlzabcth Dudley, at, 2'<2 Kast Main Street. Miss M. Allctta Crump, of Now York City, who has been the recent guest of her aunt. Miss L C. Hülst, of West; Grane Street, returned North last week. Miss. Lucllc Neal, who has been' Spending her holidays In this city, has, returned to Stuart Hall in Staunten. Abram G. Strattan. who has been the guest of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. bA 6. Strattan, in this city, hns returned1 to the Tome School for liovs, Port De-| posit, Mil Miss LUClle Williams, who has been the guest of Mlns Louise Carter for a week in Newport Ne.ws ,has returned to Richmond. I Miss Louise Wiltz, who has bsen visiting Mrr. J. C. Miller here, left t'.lls we»k for her home In New Or¬ leans Miss Sallle Puryear has returned to Richmond; aftor visiting Mrs. J. .C. Hill in Scottsvllle. Colonel William T. Shields has re-i To Get Its Beneficial Effects; Always Buy the Genuine manufactured by .he «Sold by all leading Drvqqists OneSizeOnb'.öOT a Bottle TAN CALF LACE y$Z.S0 and $4. Cuff Pins All Gold, $1.50 Pair. These arc ncjfc-merely gold top. Pan and engraved. All finishes ana desigt Smith & Webster, Jewelers, 612 F.ast Main Street. For Oil Cooking and Heating Stoves s, kmc in a: son. inc.. f-20 Kast Broad. Big Reduction Saie Now on. Prlecs Sluuglitercd. Baylor-Yarborough Co.! Women's Outer Gnrnicut*. Ü07 E. URO AI) STIIEBT. FOR CLOTHES TRAGLE'S Truss Department In charge of an expert male and female fitter. Lowest prices in city. IfMMl-z- iMAMnxn pram; pii.i s."förc* , >cjiiV; i«n«. IV. t.S:.AI .¦»>... |if!l>i.l« SQLf) OY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERfi e \ 50c MUFFLERS, In white, black and red; sale price, 25c. Another lot of 50c Mufflers, in white only, scarf effect; sale price, 39c. Men's 50c Plain and Fancy Four-in Hand Ties; sale price, 35c, or 3 for $1.00. turned to Lexington, after a short stay; in tliia city. Miss Celestino Moon, who has boon visiting her aunt, Miss Celestino Mar¬ tin, in Scottsvllle. has returned to Richmond, j Mrs. T. f. Robertson has returned to I'armvill©,- after a visit of several weeks to relatives and friends here. Mrs. R. G. Tenipleton. of Lexington, is the gueot of her brother. William| Parker, In thl? city. Misses Cook and Campbell, of thi3' city, were guests at a house party, given by J. W. Nicholas, near Scotts-1 ville last week. On IdwHI.II n ley. [Special to The Tlmoa-Dlspatoh. j Chrlstlunoburg, Va., January 6..A pretty wedding was celebrated at tho Iicme of Mr. and Mrs. Craig llawley at 4 o'clock on Wednesday, when Miss Isabel Hawley and Joseph A. Caldwell, of Bristol, were married. The house was attractive with decorations of cut flowers. everGreens and growing plants. The bridal party stood beneath an arch at an improvised altar. Miss Louise Hawley, wearing blue mtsta- line -and carrying pink Klllarney ...OSes, entered with George Caldwell. The bride. In «n exquisite lingerie gown and carrying a shower bouquet Of ropes, entered with the groom to the strains of the wedding march from "Loh*ngrln." played by Mrs. Henry Stone. Rev. Oil? Mcade, of St. Thomas Episcopal Church, performed the ccro- inöny i Mrs. Mende sang vety sweetly before the ceremony and "Sweethearts" was; played during the ceremony. After receiving the congratulations of their friends the young couple left on the cvortllig train for New Vork. They will go to Tampa by boat and spend the month of January at the winter home of the Caldwell family ';i Southern Florida, returning to Brls- toi in February. Mr. Caldwell is a young lawyer if Bristol. The out-of-town quests were Colonel William Jordan, of Newbern. a great uncle of the bride's; Judge and Mrs Seiden r,oneley, William Longlcy. of. Hadford; Miss Sara Jordan, oi" the Mil-* lor School; Mrs. O. P. Jordfcn. of f'ti- laskl City; Mrs. Robert Adams, of Ron- [uoke; Mlus Mabel McLaughlin, of Hoi- lir.s; Mr. end Mrs. John II. Caldwell, iMissc« Mabel, Alinedn and Margie' Lynn Caldwrll and George Caldwell. oft Bristol. Mrs. CralR Hawley entertained In! honor of the bride to be on Tuesday. Nearly all tin- gueats had been school- mater of the brldo at Hill Crest. Wright.Croueb. (Special to The Tlmes-nlspateh. ] F'rcder Icksbltrg, Va., January .V Moses R. Wright, of Chatham, and Mis?1 Lena Crouch, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs.' J. E. Crouch, of Essex county, were united In marriage ut the parsonage of Enon Baptist Church, in Essex coun- ty. yesterday. Rev. Norman Luck per¬ forming tho ceremony. After the wed- ding a reception was held at the home of the groom's father. W. Wrtsht. In Caroline county. Mr. and Mrs. Wright « !1I reside at Chatham. XBW OFFICIALS OF COUXTY TAKE f ntnOK OF OFFICES [Special to The Times-Dispatch.) Cape Charles, Va., January ."..The new ofllclals of this county took charge on Monday. R. W. Nottingham, who for the past twenty years has-been In 'charge of the clerk's office, either as deputy or later as clerk, surrendered tho office to George T. Tyson, tho new¬ ly elected clerk. The latter has as! his deputy H. R Thomas, of Ale>:an-j drla office, and was himself a randldi. i*| for the office there, but was defeated.! The new treasurer, K. V. Duwne.t. was on hand and took over tho money of the treasury. The books have not. yet been turned over owing to the facti that it is necessary to check over the! itemized list. J. B. Wise, the retiring) treasurer, has been In office scvon teen! years. R. L Ailworth, the retiring commissioner of the revenue, turned over the books of his office io C. H. Savage. The three justices of the peace in the Capeville district failed toj qualify in time, and there arc vacancies in this which will have to be filled by the Judge of the Circuit Court. The tlr&i meeting of the new nonrd of Su¬ pervisors took plare also this week, land H. S. Knight, the new member, teas chosen chairman In the place of J. A. Jnrvts. Messrs. Jarvls and Dunton SUC- coed themselves in their positions. The work of building a shell road! from Ex more to Willis wharf, in the upper part of the county, has been com-1 pleted. This wa( done with the State aid, as in the case of Enstville. This will make nbout $7,500 of tin; Statu roads fund to come to this county. FArtMER FROZEN TO DEATH Hunting of Dot; Ulrccts Scnrelicrs to plaster's Uody. Ni-ss City. Kan., January :...The howling of a dog led to the discovery! near this city to-day of the body of E. Tuylor, n farmer, who had fallen from his wagon on the way to market and; frozen to death by the roadside. Tay-! loir's team was found by farmers yes¬ terday wandering about the country. A searching party was organised. It had traveled ov< i miles of drifted country roads when the party came' upon TuyluVs don shivering bosida, the snow-covered body of bis master. Taylor left a widow and five small children. At least four persons are known to hnve frozen to death In this section of. Wostern Kansas since the heavy snowj and cold wave came, a week ago HARMON PLANS SPEECHES Governor of Ohio Auuouiicr* three for This Month. Columbus. O,, January j..Governor Harmon laBt night announced three political 6pcftches to he made early in the present month. Tie gave it out that he probably would not be present at tho Jackson Day banquet here January 8. He will attend a banquet of tho Lotos Club In Now Vork Saturday night and n ban-' qttot in East St. I«ouls the night of' January 12. At noon of that day. at. 'Chicago, he will lie. ontcrttilnod at. luncheon by the Irdqtioiö Club and will make a short address. \£o5 By ROY K*,MQULTON. Like Mother Used to Do. Thoro Iii cookin' tabblc doty and there's c oo k I n' ally cart In the bang up, high-toned coffys, but I'll toll you. for my part, .1 don't hankor fori the eatln' that Its] printed out In French Where It's hard to get sufficient fcr your appetite to quench. 'Course thcro ain't no use to holler when you get Into the game Where the beun soup costs a dollar! and the toothpicks costs thai same. But. although this fancy dies Is tho style, twlxt mo and you. It ain't In It with the oookln' that our mothers used to do. I ain't never seen no cheffonlor In any place or spot Who could turn out real good pork cake, nnd i've been around a lot. I've inquired for good old fashioned suet pudding quite a bit. But somehow It always happens that they nrc Just out of It. And them bakln' powder biscuits. Oue.is they certainly had class. Don't you recollect with pleasure that old home-made apple soes? There were hundreds of swell dishes. 1 ain't time to name 'om through, But 'twaB fine and dandy cookln' that our mothers used to do. You remember how she hankered to cater to your wish. And experimented to find out what was your favorlf dish; How ehft studied up the cook bookr. looktn' out fer somothlng new How she'd work all day to fix a dleh to proudly spring on you. Von recall the satisfaction thut her smiling features bore Wlieh you ale the first Instalment nnd loudly called for more. The art of cnterln' depends upon the point of view; Guess their hearts was in tho cookin' that our mothers used to do. Dipped From the Stream. Two New York physicians are in a great dispute as to which side a cer¬ tain patient's appendix is on. It scem3 as though anybody would know that it is on the Inside. A New Jersey mulo drank a gallon of whiskey by mistake and was intoxi¬ cated for two weeks. This Is very poor behavior for the emblom of democ¬ racy. China has a newspaper which is 1,- 000 years old, but doubtless there nrc a lot of people who know how to run It better than the editor does. A Plttsburg woman has shot a Pull¬ man ear porter, which socma to be carrying the antl-tlpptng crusades to extremes. It might be sufficient punishment to sentence those Indicted beef trust magnates to cat some of their round steak. Da Follctte says he would rather bo MACK EXPECTS DARKHORSETOWIN Washington, January B.Norn.nn U. Mack, chairman of the Democratic Na¬ tional Committee, believes that the "proverbial dark horss" will be chosen to head the next Democratic presiden¬ tial ticket. Mr. Mack arrived hero to¬ day from New York to complete ar¬ rangements for the national committee meeting to be held here January S. ^t Fountains & EIsewher< Ask for The Original and Genuine HALTED MILK The Food-drink for All Ages. At restaurant?, hotels, and faunlains. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep it on your sideboard at home. Don't travel without it. A quick lunch prepared in r minute. Take uo imitation. Just say "HORUCK'S." Not Ss2 Any Milk Trust See Our Great New Store New and Stock. Seventh and Grace HAVE yoU SICDN TUB New Method Gas Ranges Pettit & Co.'s? Magnificent showings of Kino Furs. Couis, Suits and Hats. ROUNTREE'S For Leather Goods of Ail Kinds. 703 East Broad St. right than President, but some of tboj standpatters do not beliovu that ho will ovor be cither. Chicago Is to have a monkey hls- pltal. If all thc-monkoyB In Chicago go there for treatment it will do a capacity business. The President Is only fifty-four years of nge, but sometimes he outs up like sixty. One could almost believe that tho English suffragets aro In cahoots with the plate glass Insuranco companlos. Dr. Wiley says a man can live for a month on u bushel of wheat. Yes, a millionaire can. What's In a namo? Angol's Camp, Cel., with '285 population, has four- tcon saloons. Those Indictments against the wall paper trust ought to stick pretty tight. A Missouri hen laid two eggs, oach with tho lettor "C" on It This can mean nothing elec than Champ Clark for President Tho sugar trust has engaged twenty- flvo lawyers to defend It In the Now Jersey case. After tho lawyers get through collecting their fees the ulti¬ mate consumer rtiay consider himself thoroughly avenged. Tho young man who has just en¬ tered Harvard with twenty trunksful of clothing ought to be abio to stay at least one semester with the assist¬ ance of the pawnshops. General Blanquct !s~not at the head of tho Mexican army. General Blnnquet ought to bo a warm fighter. A shark twelve foot long has beeen killed at Pensacola after a ilcrcn bat¬ tle. It was not n loan shark, tor the latter seldom grow to be more than six feet long. An American has recently won $77,- 000 at Monte Carlo. No American has won that much In Wall Street for somo time. I.Iitlc Touches of Human Xny.ure. Putting on your heavy winter over¬ coat for the first time and finding in the pocket an Important letter that your wife gave you to moll last Febru¬ ary. Going to a dinner party nnd sizing up all of the helping to chicken to sco If your is ns large ab any of the others. Opening all of the other mail hefore you tackle the. letters with tho ieln- glas.s fronts, which always contain the bills. Looking wise and raying nothing when somebody remarks that you must be getting S1Ö0 a week In salary. Condemning tho automobile If you don't happen to own one. These Muni Make Anliuuln Jculoua. "I Just hate to have my picture In the paper." "There Isn't a man In tho world 1 J would marry." I "I cat very little and I'm never hun- ! *ry." j "No butcher ever weighs his hands in with the meat when I'm watching htm." "There isn't anybody on earth who lean cook like my wife can." "Our hired girl has not broken a dish I In twenty years." "T Just go to the show on the chil¬ dren's account." when the time and place for the Demo¬ cratic convention will lie selected lie limited comment upon the chances of the various presidential aspirants to an admission that he expected a "dark horso" to win. Mr. Mack said to-night that he Jid not think tho commute.- would recom¬ mend any change In the method of olectlng delegates to the convention. The proposed presidential primaries, ho declared, would involve prohibitive expenses. Denver. St. Louis and Bal¬ timore are the liaders In the tight for the convention, according to the chair¬ man, and each seems to have a chalice, to win. indiana bank fails President Snld to tic Short «,',,0011 In IDs Accounts, Terrc Haute, inrt., January 5..With the statement that \V. II. Tabor, presi¬ dent of tho American State Bank, is short In his accounts $25,000 and that the bank has made, lonns on worthless ¦botiritlcs amounting to $20 0ö0 more, the State Banking Department to-day dosed the inscltutlon. A receiver will be appointed. If the bank's assets can be realized on. as expected, it will not bo necessary to as.-ess the stockholders, and they may receive some return oh their hold- lugs, according lo M. 1, Arnold, repre¬ senting the Auditor of State. The bank was organized In Ifuiv, and" Tuber has been 111= president since Us opening. No information as id possible legal action against him was obtain¬ able to-day. Woman CouHiied In .1 n11. (Special to Tho Tiihcs-Dispatcli.1 EYederleksbiirg, Va. January '... iMrav Lulu Webb, wife of Dr. M. L Webb, of this city, was lined $50 and required lei give a bond of $500 by Justice Henry DannchI, on the chnrgc of selling lie;uor in this city, which i.s n local option ter¬ ritory. An appeal was noted, and the enso win be tried In the Corporation Court. Mrs. Webb is now confined In the <ity jail, as she could not gl\!$- the required bond. KILLED BY EXPLOSION. I Greek Workman, Hanker fur HI* Com» rndes, In Fatal Accident. I [Sprelul to The Times-Dispatch.] Tazowoll, Va., January 5..Vangel 1 Oeorgioff, j Greek, was killed by an explosion on Beech Fork, the new railroad of the Norfolk and Western Hallway Company, to-day. death com¬ ing to him almost instantly. He was working by himself at the time of the explosion, and whe n his conn Miles reached him he was dead. Oeorgioff was the banker for the large number of Greeks who work on the construction fences In that section, and was employed by the Associated i Engineering Company. When ids j clothes were searched several hundred dollars which had boon deposited -with him for safekeeping were found. An employe of the company was here to¬ day making arrangements to divide the money among those to whom It be¬ longs. monaYterTdestroyed Mouka Loi.e Store« und Must Depend on Charity. Winnipeg. Man.. January :'...The Trappist Monastery at St. Norbet. Man., was destroyed by tire yesterday. The lire was spectacular in that the old bidding went clown in half an hour. Tho fifty-three monks sought shel¬ ter In. a new monastery, nearly com¬ pleted. All the winter's stores were tost, and thp monk), will he obliged to dopend unon the- charity of the farmers for sustenance until nest summer. The burned building was erected twenty years ago, and was the first built by the. Trstpplsts when -l.ltey started Operations, It was one Of only Hireo (n America,. BRACELETS, LA VALLIERES, NECKLACES Arc extremely popular. You will find th>. largest and newest assortments at this store. Schwarzschild Bros. Richmond's Leading Jewelcra, Second and Broad Sts. ROYALISTS AND CLERICS ROUTED IN PORTUGAL Attacked TOUIe Condoling With Tre- Inte llontshcd From Country, Lisbon (v!o frontier). January 5..Ensuing on tho punishment tho Patriarch of Lls- bon. Mgr. Anthony Menden Bf.llo. whom Doccmber S5, the Portuguese government or¬ dered to be expelled tor two years, alt the I'ortugucao bishops to-day proclaimed their Independence of the government. Tho Minister 0f Justice In roply to a com¬ munication from thetu notifying htm o.' their decision, declared that If they persist In their refusal to rccognlio the civil au¬ thorities they all will bo cxpolled from Portugal. At the lanio tlma he will hold them responslblo for any disturbances^ The expulsion of the Patriarch of Lisbon caus¬ ed disturbances In tho capital to-day. Moro than 10.000 people proceeded to th» pa tr In roh ate In order t0 offer tholr condo¬ lences to the dop.irtlng prelate. The cxtremo republicans In the meantime organized a band of t.000 manlfestStOtSi who marehod to tho patriarchate and rushed upon tho Catholics assembled there, shout¬ ing: "Down with the monarchists! Death to tho clergy!" The Catholli-s rerponded with cheers for the Pope, for Dom Manuel and for Dom Miguel, us well us for tho monarchy. Ths republicans succeeded In breaking throuch the lines of police and soldiers surrounding tho pat-larchutp, which they invaded, forc¬ ing tho clergy to rtoo for aafcty. Reinforcements of troops arrived on the scone nnrt drove off the republicans. Many persona were Injured and there were a largo number of arrests. DISPUTE IN JAIL RESULTS IN DEATH OF ONE PRISONER [Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch. J TVinston-caJem, N. C, January 5..la the. county jail two weeks ago James White and Will Jones, two colored county convicts, got Into a dispute over a. stick of candy, and Jones struck Whlto over the head with a beor bottle. fracturing his skull. The wound In- fllctod caused White's death last night, and the coroner's Jury to-day rendered a. verdict charging Jones with murder. As wo adjust* them arts correct, neat., comfortable and substantial. Lowest* charges in all cases. Prescription work our specialty, with complete man«factiuring plant on the premises. n6S'GALESK!~ MAIN AND BROAD AND .AND. EIGHTH THIRD Kodak Headquarters.; MILLER'S . 4 Elas No Equal. Antiseptic. Purities. Cleanses. Makes gums hard and healthy. A dcliphthil mouth wash. T. A. MILLER CO., Druggists, 51° F.. Broad. Mad 3199 Hourly Deliveries. J. B. Mosby & Co. Specials in Hosiery and Handkerchiefs To-Day. MEN OF PASTE NATURALLY COME TO Greentree's tor Clothes Rroud at Seventh. Eczema Comes From the Blood Business men can save from five to ten dollars on tlic price of a Desk at PARKE/Va '"r"" HAIR BALSAM IClMrit.' sr.d ».rir.Üfinl öl« hak. I f'romcxn a luiur.iet (rralV,- |tle,civ falls to Bester» Ora.7 llslr to its Youthful GoUi 1 Cults .!.»?*«« * hsir.oO^i W-..bd S1XO at JRraalsl^^*

Times Dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1912-01-06 [p 5]. · 2017. 12. 16. · Bho earned a bouquet of lilies of the,val¬ ley and lavc-ndnr orchids. The mnld of honor was Miss Sarah Munter

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Page 1: Times Dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1912-01-06 [p 5]. · 2017. 12. 16. · Bho earned a bouquet of lilies of the,val¬ ley and lavc-ndnr orchids. The mnld of honor was Miss Sarah Munter

Social andPersonal

ANOTHER big debutante affair1given recently was the recap¬tion given by Mr. and Mrs;William C. Bentiey, ot i;02 East Main

Street, In honor of their debutantedaughter, Miss Elizabeth Eogan Bent-ley. Tho reception took place at 838WcBt Grace Street, and was a lovelyaffair In every detail. The entirehouse was decorated witli palms andquantities of pink 'lowers, and onlythe youncor society set was IncludedIn the Invitations. Mr. and Mrs. Bum- jley received with their daughter inthe drawing room, and Miss NellieBoykin and Mrs. George lien Johnstonpresided at the punch bowl In thelibrary. Miss Anna Boykill and Mis:;Anno C Bentiey assisted lit doing thehonors of the evening.Private Cor Parly.Mr. and Mrs. Edward Croiler, of!Pennsylvania« past through Richmond

Thursday in their private car with aparty of friends and their family.Mr- and Mrs. Crosier aro on their wayto Tbomssvllle, Ga., where they havea country estate. *Mrs. Crozlor wanformerly Mies Florence Robinson, ofBaltimore, and Iiob visited friends inRichmond many times previous to hermarriage. .

1 in I tut loon Out.Mra. I. Newton Vaughan, of the Ra¬

leigh, has sent cards for a receptionto bo given at the Commonwealth Clubon Friday, January 12, .rom 5 to 7o'clock.

Mrs. S. H. Hawos. of the HermitageRoad, has Usued lnvltallons for abuffet luncheon to be given o:i Janu¬ary 12 from I to 3 o'clock. MraHawes la entertaining in honor of hernlccee, Mrs. Percy Hawos and Mrs.Martin, of Brownsburg.For Miss Nolund-Mlss Rocillo Muxall Noland. of Bal¬

timore, who has been visiting Mre Ed¬ward Valentine. Is now the guest, ofMrs. Preston Noland. Mrs. Nolandgave 3. small bridge whist party yt


DtittlopThe Flour ThatGives Universal



All colors. All the week at!

N. W. Corner Third :nd Broad Sts


Blankets and ComfortsSutherland & Cherry, Inc.

310 Bast nroad Street

Ask Grocers, Druggists Dealers {orPOMPEIAN




Northw*Bt Corner Third and Brood.

Bargains in FurnitureAT

Jones Bros. & Co. Inc.1418-20 E. Main St.


ALBERT STEINS5th and Broad

Hopkins Furniture Co., I7 West Broad St.Cash or Credit.

alien .or pure

Madison. 4220 BOO W. Main

Furniture, Carpetsand Stoves

4th and Broad

tfH "AMERICANMiD^^^^^^


Wool SweatersThe kind that keeps you

warm. Age 3 to 14 years, allcolors; usually sell for$1.48; special to-day.. %/OC

terday afternoon In honor of Miss)Nolund."rowii.Ilnrrlaou.Miss Lilian Qorham llurtison, oldest!daughter of former Mayor Peyton:Randolph Harrison, of Murtlnsburg, W.l

Va., wus quietly married at 2 o'clockWednesday to Forrest Augustus Drown,son of Colonel Forrest w. Drown, ofCh.'i rlestown. W. Va., the ceremony;being performed by Dr. F. M. Woods,pastor of the Presbyterian Church, atthe home of the bride.The bride was attired in a ParisianI

gown of white lace, ornamented with]her mother's pearls and handsome dla.;mond brooch, gift of the groom. Bhoearned a bouquet of lilies of the,val¬ley and lavc-ndnr orchids. The mnld ofhonor was Miss Sarah Munter Harri-1BOn, of Bel Air, Md., a cousin of thebride. She woro a gown of fuwn-col-orod eropo meteor, trimmed with pearl-R«t cloth of gold, and carried pink;roses. Tho groom was accompanied byWalter WaHhington Alexander, of;Baltimore, as his bentmnn.The house was beautifully decorated

with Southern smllax and evergreens,:nnd Illuminated by many candles,Owing to recent bereavement In the:brido'e family, orily the Immediate re¬latives of both families and a few Inti¬mate frlrmds wore invited.A luncheon was served immediately

sfter tho ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.Brown left on the uftcrnoon train fora fortnight trip, after which they will'settle In Charleatown, whore Mr.Brown Is practicing lew In partnershipwith his father.At the Cour» ry Club,Thoro will be the usual informal re¬

ception at the Country Club of Vir¬ginia this afternoon, followed by danc¬ing. The clubhouse it bright with redllowurs und sävoräl big dinners will]be given there to-night. Mies EmilyLyman. a debutante of last winter, isentertaining a party of friends at din¬ner to-night. The gu«-sts will attendthe hop following dinner. Any num¬ber of smell dlnnera will be given nndseveral are to be given in honor ofout-of-town guests.Called Meeting.There will be a called meeting .(

the Richmond brunch of the; SouthernAssociation of Collegee Women. Themeeting will be held thin arternoon at3:30 o'clock, and will take plnco at the]home of Mrs. Cameron Johnson. 210North Plum Street Mrs. Munford wiltspeak to the members of this lirancnon the subject of the projected annexfor women at the University of Vir¬ginia. All members are urged to bepresent.Wedding of interest.The social event of the Sussex season!

Itook place Thursday evening, when MissFrancos Oknmoro Wrcnn, eif Sussex,was glveq I" marriage to Marvin Dlb-rel) Goodrich, of Petersburg. The bride.Igownei In ivory sotin embroidered 'npearls, and carrying a shower bouquetof Erlde roses an-i lilies of the valleyentered on the nr;:i of her brother. Law¬rence B. Wrenn. who gave her away.Mirs Elizabeth Everett, of Norfolk,

was maid of honor nnd wore yellowmessallne, with an overdress of dew-drop chiffon and pear! trimmings, andcarried an arm houiuct of sunset roses.The dunics of honor were Mrs. ThomnnE. Bryant, of Petersburg, sister of thebride She wore yellow messallne, withgold trimmings, and carried sunsetroses. Miss Hortense Wrenn. of Sits-sex, i.nd Mise Ruth Wrenn. of "Green-1yard." were bridesmaids, and wore'white silk marquisette over yellowmessallne, with crystal trimmings, andcarried maidenhair ferns tied with"yellow tulle. Little Misses NancyWrcnn and Margaret Lamb were theribbon girls, and looked lovely In theirdainty dresses of white silk. WrennCarlyle Bryant. the bride's littlenephew, curried the ring In a callJIlly. jThe groom entered with his brother.James Embra Goodrich, of Petersburg,who wab best man. The groomsmenw-oro Harry Flinn, of Alberta; EmbraTfardaway, of niackstonc: VictorRaines, of Carson, ar.-.l Ernest Hiscock,of Sutherland. Miss Llll Goodrich, otHenderson, N. C, rendered the weddingmarches, accompanied by W. J. nil r-leigh on the violin. During the cere¬mony Schubert's "Serenade" was softlyplayed. Rev. W. W. Edwards, of Wav-eriy, performed ihc ceremony, imme¬diately alter which a reception wasgiven. The color scheme, yellow andgreen, was carried out in the deco¬rations In the dining-room and re-freshments.

Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich loft for St.Louis, and will visit Niagara Falls andCanada before their return. They willbe at home on Fllmofc Street. PetCTs-burg, after February lf>.Those present from a distance wore

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Harrison, Mr.and Mrs. Albertus Harrison, of War-]field: Miss Llll Goodrich. Henderson,IX. C: Gntilelei Burlcigh, Cannda: MissKatherlech O'Bannon. Richmond; How¬ard Ehnes, Petersburg; Mrs. W.Haines, Richmond; Miss Essie Headman,Suffolk; Samuel J. Bendall. Suffolk;Miss Gertrude Bendall, TTew CastleDunce Tbl* Evening.

Mi:-. Ella Lin lord Is giving a tlUliceibis evening at half-past 8 o'clock inBelVidcre Hall, and all tlie hoys thatattended her classes of this seasonand lust are invited to he present. Thedance will be a very pleasing affair,anil, most of the younger set here wlliattend tho function.Muter tallied Friends.A very pleasant evening was spent

recently, when Miss Allee Keek undKölner Keck entertained their friends

.-.t their home, "Mill Farm." near ForkUnion. Music and dancing amusedthe guests, and supper was served latein the evening. Guests present includ¬ed Misses Alice Snead, Virginia Seay,of the Woman's College; Elsie Fleming,Maude Fleming, Ionise Perkins, Leoand Jossie O: lflln. Annie Thomas,Annie Little, Leila Perkins, Doris Ash-Un, Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cub-ell, Mr. und Mrs. Frank Langford.Harry Grifun, O. H. Jones, Robert Per¬kins, Henry Thomas. George and JackGrlfTln. Grattun Sneaej, ßooker Wills,Thomas Grlffln, Joseph nnd John Shop-herd. Ivarihoe Scny nnd AubreyThomas.Iteturned to the City.

Misses Bailey and Maude Spanielingund' Miss Annie Lowry. of this city,have been recent visitors at the homeof the Misses Harding, In Fluvannacounty.

ifr. and Mrs. W. if, Holiuan, wfospent tho holidays with S. C. Tllinan.at> Keene, have returned to Richmond,

accompanied by Miss Lila Tllmon. MissTilinun will remain in Richmond forsome time. I

Mrs. k. A. Kendlor and childrenhavo roturned to Richmond, after vis-Hing the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs.Trank Durottc. in Albomarlc.Hounr l'arty Last Week.

Miss Nalley ToVnloy. of Rod filll.had as hor guests for the holidays MIbhTrances Croswell. of Washington; Miss]Nollio Jospor, or Lewleburg, W. Va.;Miss Dyrdle Townloy, of Roncevcrte.W. Va.; Mlbs Marian Dearborn, of!Amherst; Miss Lucllc Goggln, of Rust-jburg; Misses Wille. Dennis Goodman,of ¦» us hing ton. D. C, and John E.Rucker. of Kentucky.

In and Out of Town.Mrs. Lyons Poniberton and two sonn]have left town for on extended stay.Miss Elizabeth Tyler, who haB been

visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jul-|Ian Tyler, for some lime, has returnedto liolllns College.

.Misses Carrie Mason and {CatherineI'lournoy are at Mrs. John S. tlarvle'ahome. 222 South Third Street, for re-imalnder of the winter months.

Miss Helen Daniel Is spending a fewdays with Miss FUlzabcth Dudley, at,2'<2 Kast Main Street.

Miss M. Allctta Crump, of Now YorkCity, who has been the recent guestof her aunt. Miss L C. Hülst, of West;Grane Street, returned North lastweek.

Miss. Lucllc Neal, who has been'Spending her holidays In this city, has,returned to Stuart Hall in Staunten.Abram G. Strattan. who has been the

guest of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. bA6. Strattan, in this city, hns returned1to the Tome School for liovs, Port De-|posit, Mil

Miss LUClle Williams, who has beenthe guest of Mlns Louise Carter for aweek in Newport Ne.ws ,has returnedto Richmond. I

Miss Louise Wiltz, who has bsenvisiting Mrr. J. C. Miller here, leftt'.lls we»k for her home In New Or¬leans

Miss Sallle Puryear has returned toRichmond; aftor visiting Mrs. J. .C.Hill in Scottsvllle.

Colonel William T. Shields has re-i

To GetIts Beneficial Effects;Always Buy the Genuine

manufactured by .he

«Sold by all leadingDrvqqists

OneSizeOnb'.öOT a Bottle


y$Z.S0 and $4.

Cuff PinsAll Gold, $1.50 Pair.

These arc ncjfc-merely gold top. Panand engraved. All finishes ana desigtSmith & Webster,

Jewelers, 612 F.ast Main Street.

For Oil Cooking andHeating Stovess, kmcin a: son. inc..

f-20 Kast Broad.

Big Reduction SaieNow on.

Prlecs Sluuglitercd.

Baylor-Yarborough Co.!Women's Outer Gnrnicut*.Ü07 E. URO AI) STIIEBT.


TRAGLE'STruss DepartmentIn charge of an expert male and femalefitter. Lowest prices in city.

IfMMl-z-iMAMnxn pram; pii.i s."förc*, >cjiiV; i«n«. IV. t.S:.AI .¦»>... |if!l>i.l«


e \50c MUFFLERS,

In white, black and red;sale price, 25c.Another lot of 50c

Mufflers, in white only,scarf effect; sale price,39c.

Men's 50c Plain andFancy Four-in HandTies; sale price, 35c, or3 for $1.00.

turned to Lexington, after a short stay;in tliia city.

Miss Celestino Moon, who has boonvisiting her aunt, Miss Celestino Mar¬tin, in Scottsvllle. has returned toRichmond, j

Mrs. T. f. Robertson has returned toI'armvill©,- after a visit of severalweeks to relatives and friends here.

Mrs. R. G. Tenipleton. of Lexington,is the gueot of her brother. William|Parker, In thl? city.

Misses Cook and Campbell, of thi3'city, were guests at a house party,given by J. W. Nicholas, near Scotts-1ville last week.

On IdwHI.IIn v« ley.[Special to The Tlmoa-Dlspatoh. jChrlstlunoburg, Va., January 6..A

pretty wedding was celebrated at thoIicme of Mr. and Mrs. Craig llawley at4 o'clock on Wednesday, when MissIsabel Hawley and Joseph A. Caldwell,of Bristol, were married. The housewas attractive with decorations of cutflowers. everGreens and growing plants.The bridal party stood beneath anarch at an improvised altar. MissLouise Hawley, wearing blue mtsta-line -and carrying pink Klllarney...OSes, entered with George Caldwell.The bride. In «n exquisite lingeriegown and carrying a shower bouquetOf ropes, entered with the groom tothe strains of the wedding march from"Loh*ngrln." played by Mrs. HenryStone. Rev. Oil? Mcade, of St. ThomasEpiscopal Church, performed the ccro-inöny iMrs. Mende sang vety sweetly beforethe ceremony and "Sweethearts" was;played during the ceremony.After receiving the congratulationsof their friends the young couple lefton the cvortllig train for New Vork.They will go to Tampa by boat andspend the month of January at thewinter home of the Caldwell family';i Southern Florida, returning to Brls-toi in February.Mr. Caldwell is a young lawyer ifBristol.The out-of-town quests were ColonelWilliam Jordan, of Newbern. a greatuncle of the bride's; Judge and MrsSeiden r,oneley, William Longlcy. of.Hadford; Miss Sara Jordan, oi" the Mil-*lor School; Mrs. O. P. Jordfcn. of f'ti-laskl City; Mrs. Robert Adams, of Ron-[uoke; Mlus Mabel McLaughlin, of Hoi-lir.s; Mr. end Mrs. John II. Caldwell,iMissc« Mabel, Alinedn and Margie'Lynn Caldwrll and George Caldwell. oftBristol.Mrs. CralR Hawley entertained In!honor of the bride to be on Tuesday.Nearly all tin- gueats had been school-mater of the brldo at Hill Crest.

Wright.Croueb.(Special to The Tlmes-nlspateh. ]F'rcder Icksbltrg, Va., January .VMoses R. Wright, of Chatham, and Mis?1Lena Crouch, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs.'J. E. Crouch, of Essex county, wereunited In marriage ut the parsonageof Enon Baptist Church, in Essex coun-ty. yesterday. Rev. Norman Luck per¬forming tho ceremony. After the wed-ding a reception was held at the homeof the groom's father. W. Wrtsht. InCaroline county. Mr. and Mrs. Wright« !1I reside at Chatham.

XBW OFFICIALS OF COUXTYTAKE f ntnOK OF OFFICES[Special to The Times-Dispatch.)Cape Charles, Va., January ."..Thenew ofllclals of this county took chargeon Monday. R. W. Nottingham, whofor the past twenty years has-been In'charge of the clerk's office, either asdeputy or later as clerk, surrenderedtho office to George T. Tyson, tho new¬ly elected clerk. The latter has as!his deputy H. R Thomas, of Ale>:an-jdrla office, and was himself a randldi. i*|for the office there, but was defeated.!The new treasurer, K. V. Duwne.t. was

on hand and took over tho money ofthe treasury. The books have not. yetbeen turned over owing to the factithat it is necessary to check over the!itemized list. J. B. Wise, the retiring)treasurer, has been In office scvonteen!years. R. L Ailworth, the retiringcommissioner of the revenue, turnedover the books of his office io C. H.Savage. The three justices of thepeace in the Capeville district failed tojqualify in time, and there arc vacanciesin this which will have to be filled bythe Judge of the Circuit Court. Thetlr&i meeting of the new nonrd of Su¬pervisors took plare also this week,land H. S. Knight, the new member, teaschosen chairman In the place of J. A.Jnrvts. Messrs. Jarvls and Dunton SUC-coed themselves in their positions.The work of building a shell road!from Exmore to Willis wharf, in the

upper part of the county, has been com-1pleted. This wa( done with the Stateaid, as in the case of Enstville. Thiswill make nbout $7,500 of tin; Staturoads fund to come to this county.

FArtMER FROZEN TO DEATHHunting of Dot; Ulrccts Scnrelicrs to

plaster's Uody.Ni-ss City. Kan., January :...Thehowling of a dog led to the discovery!near this city to-day of the body of E.

Tuylor, n farmer, who had fallen fromhis wagon on the way to market and;frozen to death by the roadside. Tay-!loir's team was found by farmers yes¬terday wandering about the country.A searching party was organised. Ithad traveled ov< i miles of driftedcountry roads when the party came'upon TuyluVs don shivering bosida, thesnow-covered body of bis master.Taylor left a widow and five smallchildren.At least four persons are known to

hnve frozen to death In this section of.Wostern Kansas since the heavy snowjand cold wave came, a week ago

HARMON PLANS SPEECHESGovernor of Ohio Auuouiicr* three for

This Month.Columbus. O,, January j..Governor

Harmon laBt night announced threepolitical 6pcftches to he made earlyin the present month.

Tie gave it out that he probablywould not be present at tho JacksonDay banquet here January 8. He willattend a banquet of tho Lotos Club InNow Vork Saturday night and n ban-'qttot in East St. I«ouls the night of'January 12. At noon of that day. at.'Chicago, he will lie. ontcrttilnod at.luncheon by the Irdqtioiö Club and willmake a short address.

\£o5 By ROY K*,MQULTON.Like Mother Used

to Do.Thoro Iii cookin'

tabblc doty andthere's c o o k I n'ally cart

In the bang up,high-toned coffys,but I'll toll you.for my part,

.1 don't hankor forithe eatln' that Its]printed out In

FrenchWhere It's hard to get sufficient fcr

your appetite to quench.'Course thcro ain't no use to holler

when you get Into the gameWhere the beun soup costs a dollar!

and the toothpicks costs thaisame.

But. although this fancy dies Is thostyle, twlxt mo and you.

It ain't In It with the oookln' that ourmothers used to do.

I ain't never seen no cheffonlor In anyplace or spot

Who could turn out real good porkcake, nnd i've been around alot.

I've inquired for good old fashionedsuet pudding quite a bit.

But somehow It always happens thatthey nrc Just out of It.

And them bakln' powder biscuits.Oue.is they certainly had class.

Don't you recollect with pleasure thatold home-made apple soes?

There were hundreds of swell dishes.1 ain't time to name 'omthrough,

But 'twaB fine and dandy cookln' thatour mothers used to do.

You remember how she hankered tocater to your wish.

And experimented to find out what wasyour favorlf dish;

How ehft studied up the cook bookr.looktn' out fer somothlng new

How she'd work all day to fix a dlehto proudly spring on you.

Von recall the satisfaction thut hersmiling features bore

Wlieh you ale the first Instalment nndloudly called for more.

The art of cnterln' depends upon thepoint of view;

Guess their hearts was in tho cookin'that our mothers used to do.

Dipped From the Stream.Two New York physicians are in a

great dispute as to which side a cer¬tain patient's appendix is on. It scem3as though anybody would know thatit is on the Inside.A New Jersey mulo drank a gallon

of whiskey by mistake and was intoxi¬cated for two weeks. This Is very poorbehavior for the emblom of democ¬racy.China has a newspaper which is 1,-

000 years old, but doubtless there nrca lot of people who know how to runIt better than the editor does.A Plttsburg woman has shot a Pull¬

man ear porter, which socma to becarrying the antl-tlpptng crusades toextremes.

It might be sufficient punishment tosentence those Indicted beef trustmagnates to cat some of their roundsteak.Da Follctte says he would rather bo


Mack, chairman of the Democratic Na¬tional Committee, believes that the"proverbial dark horss" will be chosento head the next Democratic presiden¬tial ticket. Mr. Mack arrived hero to¬day from New York to complete ar¬rangements for the national committeemeeting to be held here January S.

^t Fountains& EIsewher<Ask for

The Original and GenuineHALTED MILKThe Food-drink for All Ages.At restaurant?, hotels, and faunlains.Delicious, invigorating and sustaining.Keep it on your sideboard at home.

Don't travel without it.A quick lunch prepared in r minute.Take uo imitation. Just say "HORUCK'S."Not Ss2 Any Milk Trust

See Our Great New StoreNew and Stock.

Seventh and GraceHAVE yoU SICDN


New Method Gas RangesPettit & Co.'s?

Magnificent showings of Kino Furs.Couis, Suits and Hats.

ROUNTREE'SFor Leather Goods of

Ail Kinds.703 East Broad St.

right than President, but some of tbojstandpatters do not beliovu that howill ovor be cither.Chicago Is to have a monkey hls-

pltal. If all thc-monkoyB In Chicagogo there for treatment it will do acapacity business.The President Is only fifty-four years

of nge, but sometimes he outs up likesixty.One could almost believe that tho

English suffragets aro In cahoots withthe plate glass Insuranco companlos.

Dr. Wiley says a man can live fora month on u bushel of wheat. Yes,a millionaire can.What's In a namo? Angol's Camp,

Cel., with '285 population, has four-tcon saloons.Those Indictments against the wall

paper trust ought to stick prettytight.A Missouri hen laid two eggs, oach

with tho lettor "C" on It This canmean nothing elec than Champ Clarkfor PresidentTho sugar trust has engaged twenty-

flvo lawyers to defend It In the NowJersey case. After tho lawyers getthrough collecting their fees the ulti¬mate consumer rtiay consider himselfthoroughly avenged.Tho young man who has just en¬

tered Harvard with twenty trunksfulof clothing ought to be abio to stayat least one semester with the assist¬ance of the pawnshops.General Blanquct !s~not at the head

of tho Mexican army. General Blnnquetought to bo a warm fighter.A shark twelve foot long has beeen

killed at Pensacola after a ilcrcn bat¬tle. It was not n loan shark, tor thelatter seldom grow to be more thansix feet long.An American has recently won $77,-

000 at Monte Carlo. No American haswon that much In Wall Street for somotime.

I.Iitlc Touches of Human Xny.ure.Putting on your heavy winter over¬

coat for the first time and finding inthe pocket an Important letter thatyour wife gave you to moll last Febru¬ary.Going to a dinner party nnd sizing

up all of the helping to chicken tosco If your is ns large ab any of theothers.Opening all of the other mail hefore

you tackle the. letters with tho ieln-glas.s fronts, which always contain thebills.

Looking wise and raying nothingwhen somebody remarks that you mustbe getting S1Ö0 a week In salary.Condemning tho automobile If you

don't happen to own one.

These Muni Make Anliuuln Jculoua."I Just hate to have my picture In

the paper.""There Isn't a man In tho world 1

J would marry."I "I cat very little and I'm never hun-! *ry."j "No butcher ever weighs his handsin with the meat when I'm watchinghtm.""There isn't anybody on earth wholean cook like my wife can.""Our hired girl has not broken a dish

I In twenty years.""T Just go to the show on the chil¬

dren's account."

when the time and place for the Demo¬cratic convention will lie selected lielimited comment upon the chances ofthe various presidential aspirants toan admission that he expected a "darkhorso" to win.Mr. Mack said to-night that he Jid

not think tho commute.- would recom¬mend any change In the method ofolectlng delegates to the convention.The proposed presidential primaries,ho declared, would involve prohibitiveexpenses. Denver. St. Louis and Bal¬timore are the liaders In the tight forthe convention, according to the chair¬man, and each seems to have a chalice,to win.

indiana bank failsPresident Snld to tic Short «,',,0011 In

IDs Accounts,Terrc Haute, inrt., January 5..With

the statement that \V. II. Tabor, presi¬dent of tho American State Bank, isshort In his accounts $25,000 and thatthe bank has made, lonns on worthless¦botiritlcs amounting to $20 0ö0 more,the State Banking Department to-daydosed the inscltutlon. A receiver willbe appointed.

If the bank's assets can be realizedon. as expected, it will not bo necessaryto as.-ess the stockholders, and theymay receive some return oh their hold-lugs, according lo M. 1, Arnold, repre¬senting the Auditor of State.The bank was organized In Ifuiv, and"

Tuber has been 111= president since Usopening. No information as id possiblelegal action against him was obtain¬able to-day.

Woman CouHiied In .1 n11.(Special to Tho Tiihcs-Dispatcli.1EYederleksbiirg, Va. January '...iMrav Lulu Webb, wife of Dr. M. L Webb,of this city, was lined $50 and requiredlei give a bond of $500 by Justice HenryDannchI, on the chnrgc of selling lie;uorin this city, which i.s n local option ter¬

ritory. An appeal was noted, and theenso win be tried In the CorporationCourt. Mrs. Webb is now confined Inthe <ity jail, as she could not gl\!$- therequired bond.

KILLED BY EXPLOSION.I Greek Workman, Hanker fur HI* Com»

rndes, In Fatal Accident.I [Sprelul to The Times-Dispatch.]Tazowoll, Va., January 5..Vangel1 Oeorgioff, j Greek, was killed by anexplosion on Beech Fork, the newrailroad of the Norfolk and WesternHallway Company, to-day. death com¬ing to him almost instantly. He wasworking by himself at the time of theexplosion, and whe n his conn Milesreached him he was dead.Oeorgioff was the banker for thelarge number of Greeks who work on

the construction fences In that section,and was employed by the Associatedi Engineering Company. When idsj clothes were searched several hundreddollars which had boon deposited -withhim for safekeeping were found. Anemploye of the company was here to¬day making arrangements to dividethe money among those to whom It be¬longs.

monaYterTdestroyedMouka Loi.e Store« und Must Depend

on Charity.Winnipeg. Man.. January :'...TheTrappist Monastery at St. Norbet. Man.,was destroyed by tire yesterday. Thelire was spectacular in that the oldbidding went clown in half an hour.Tho fifty-three monks sought shel¬ter In. a new monastery, nearly com¬pleted. All the winter's stores weretost, and thp monk), will he obliged todopend unon the- charity of the farmersfor sustenance until nest summer.The burned building was erectedtwenty years ago, and was the firstbuilt by the. Trstpplsts when -l.lteystarted Operations, It was one Of onlyHireo (n America,.


NECKLACESArc extremely popular. You will find th>.largest and newest assortments at thisstore.

Schwarzschild Bros.Richmond's Leading Jewelcra,

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Attacked TOUIe Condoling With Tre-Inte llontshcd From

Country,Lisbon (v!o frontier). January 5..Ensuing

on tho punishment o£ tho Patriarch of Lls-bon. Mgr. Anthony Menden Bf.llo. whomDoccmber S5, the Portuguese government or¬dered to be expelled tor two years, alt theI'ortugucao bishops to-day proclaimed theirIndependence of the government.Tho Minister 0f Justice In roply to a com¬

munication from thetu notifying htm o.'their decision, declared that If they persistIn their refusal to rccognlio the civil au¬thorities they all will bo cxpolled fromPortugal. At the lanio tlma he will holdthem responslblo for any disturbances^ Theexpulsion of the Patriarch of Lisbon caus¬ed disturbances In tho capital to-day.Moro than 10.000 people proceeded to th»pa tr In rohate In order t0 offer tholr condo¬lences to the dop.irtlng prelate.The cxtremo republicans In the meantime

organized a band of t.000 manlfestStOtSi whomarehod to tho patriarchate and rushedupon tho Catholics assembled there, shout¬ing: "Down with the monarchists! Deathto tho clergy!"The Catholli-s rerponded with cheers for

the Pope, for Dom Manuel and for DomMiguel, us well us for tho monarchy. Thsrepublicans succeeded In breaking throuchthe lines of police and soldiers surroundingtho pat-larchutp, which they invaded, forc¬ing tho clergy to rtoo for aafcty.Reinforcements of troops arrived on thescone nnrt drove off the republicans. Manypersona were Injured and there were alargo number of arrests.


[Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch. JTVinston-caJem, N. C, January 5..lathe. county jail two weeks ago JamesWhite and Will Jones, two coloredcounty convicts, got Into a dispute overa. stick of candy, and Jones struckWhlto over the head with a beor bottle.fracturing his skull. The wound In-fllctod caused White's death last night,and the coroner's Jury to-day rendereda. verdict charging Jones with murder.

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