(See Kirkaldy, Page 3B) SPORTS ALSO IN THIS SECTION: ADDISON COUNTY INDEPENDENT B Section THURSDAY, JULY 18, 2013 ANDY KIRKALDY Sports Sports BRIEFS These teams stood out over the decades County drivers prevail at Bowl Soccer athletes to play for Vt. teams RINDGE, N.H. — Three recent local high school graduates are VFKHGXOHG WR WDNH WKH ¿HOG IRU 9HU mont teams against New Hampshire during this Saturday’s 39th annual Lions Twin State Soccer Cup games. )URP 0LGGOHEXU\ PLG¿HOGHU 0DU URWW :HHNHV DQG GHIHQGHU &RQQRU &ROOLQV ZHUH VHOHFWHG WR SOD\ IRU WKH Green Mountain squad, which will meet New Hampshire in the second JDPH RI D GRXEOHKHDGHU VFKHGXOHG WR start at 4 p.m. at Franklin Pierce Uni versity. Former longtime Middlebury Union High School coach Doc Seu bert will serve as an assistant coach IRU WKH 9HUPRQW ER\V¶ WHDP From Mount Abraham, striker/ PLG¿HOGHU (Y\ -DFREV ZDV FKRVHQ IRU WKH JLUOV¶ WHDP WKDW ZLOO WDNH RQ recent New Hampshire graduates. Eagle coach Dustin Corrigan will act DV DQ DVVLVWDQW FRDFK IRU WKH *UHHQ Mountain girls. Practices will begin on Thursday, DQG WKH 9HUPRQW /LRQV¶ VKDUH RI WKH SURFHHGV ZLOO EH XVHG WR EHQH¿W the Austine Green Mountain Lions Hearing Impaired Camp. Champs roll past visiting Winooski Mt. Abe youth softball team wins state crown Local stars help Vermont take Twin State game By ANDY KIRKALDY ESSEX — Two local high school basketball allstars and one who will play in these parts next winter helped WKH 9HUPRQW ER\V GHIHDW 1HZ +DPS shire, 8984, in Saturday’s Twin State Basketball Classic pitting recent high VFKRRO JUDGXDWHV IURP HDFK VWDWH LQ games played at Essex High School. 7KH 1HZ +DPSVKLUH JLUOV GHIHDWHG 9HUPRQW GHVSLWH WKH FRDFKLQJ ZRUN RI 0RXQW $EUDKDP¶V &RQQLH /D5RVH 1R ORFDO DWKOHWHV SOD\HG IRU the Green Mountain State. 2WWHU 9DOOH\ IRUZDUG 5\DQ .HOOH\ FKLSSHG LQ QLQH SRLQWV LQ WKH 9HU PRQW ER\V¶ ZLQ DQG 9HUJHQQHV SRLQW guard Zach Ouellette also contributed KLV EDOOKDQGOLQJ VNLOOV 98+6 FRDFK Peter Quinn reported a college coach observing the game said he was im pressed with Ouellette’s ability to SXVK WKH EDOO DQG FUHDWH RIIHQVH Middlebury College recruit and Missisquoi star Matt St. Amour led WKH 9HUPRQW ER\V ZLWK SRLQWV DQG eight rebounds, and he hit two key IUHH WKURZV LQ WKH ODWH JRLQJ DIWHU N.H. cut the lead to two. +DUWIRUG¶V 6WHSKDQLH *UREH OHG WKH 9HUPRQW JLUOV ZLWK QLQH SRLQWV New Hampshire leads the alltime VHULHV RQ WKH JLUOV¶ VLGH DQG RQ WKH ER\V¶ VLGH The games had not been played in the past three years, but were revived this summer. Organizers intend to play next summer’s contests in New Hampshire. Legion surging toward postseason AC takes three of four in tough stretch (See Devil’s Bowl, Page 3B) (See Softball, Page 2B) (See Baseball, Page 2B) (See Champs, Page 3B) :(67 +$9(1 ² -XO\ ZDV D ELJ GD\ IRU $GGLVRQ &RXQW\ drivers at the Devil’s Bowl Speedway, as Middlebury veteran Todd Stone picked up KLV ¿IWK ZLQ LQ QLQH outings, Bristol rookie -RVK 0DVWHUVRQ HDUQHG KLV ¿UVW /DWH 0RGHO main event victory, and Middlebury teen Hunter Bates drove to a victory and gained in the points standings. Stone dominated the ODS %RQG $XWR 3DUWV 0RGL¿HG IHDWXUH DW ZKDW ZDV DOVR WKH GRXEOH points Rutland Herald MidSeason Championship night at Devil’s Bowl. Stone needed just six laps to shoot IURP KLV WK VWDUWLQJ SRVLWLRQ LQWR the lead and then easily distance him VHOI IURP WKH ¿HOG +H withstood three restarts alongside Hunter Bates en route to the win, and %DWHV VHWWOHG IRU VHFRQG /HRQ *RQ\R RI &KD]\ N.Y., won a heated bat WOH IRU WKLUG SODFH EHVW LQJ -HVVH\ 0XHOOHU RI Olmstedville, N.Y., and 9LQFH 4XHQQHYLOOH -U RI Brandon. With point values GRXEOHG IRU DOO SUHOLPL QDU\ DQG IHDWXUH UDFHV on the night, Stone HDUQHG SRLQWV IRU KLV IHDWXUH YLFWRU\ EXW VWUHWFKHG KLV overall championship lead by only six points. That’s because Bates made a major gain by winning the Sunoco Race Fuels SemiFeature — D UDFH IRU ZKLFK 6WRQH IDLOHG WR TXDO LI\ ² DQG HDUQHG ERQXV SRLQWV IRU that victory. Bates now trails Stone E\ RQO\ SRLQWV FXWWLQJ KLV SUHYLRXV GH¿FLW E\ QHDUO\ KDOI 7ZRWLPH GHIHQGLQJ WUDFN FKDP SLRQ 5RQ 3URFWRU RI &KDUOWRQ 1< UHFRYHUHG IURP WZR FUDVKHV WR ¿Q LVK WK LQ WKH PDLQ IHDWXUH ² KLV ZRUVW ¿QLVK LQ WKUHH VHDVRQV ² DQG GURSSHG IURP VHFRQG WR ¿IWK LQ WKH standings. Masterson scored a memorable ca UHHU¿UVW /DWH 0RGHO YLFWRU\ LQ WKDW GLYLVLRQ¶V ODS PDLQ HYHQW 0DVWHU VRQ UDFHG GRRUWRGRRU ZLWK IHOORZ IUHVKPDQ %UDQGRQ $WNLQV RI $X6 DEOH )RUNV 1< IRU VHYHUDO ODSV DQG WKHQ WRRN WKH OHDG IURP 5REHUW %U\DQW -U RI %URRNO\Q &RQQ QHDU WKH KDOIZD\ SRLQW &KULV %HUJHURQ RI Claremont, N.H., chased Masterson GRZQ LQ WKH ¿QDO ODSV EXW VHWWOHG IRU second. Bates completed a strong night in Bristol rookie Josh Masterson HDUQHG KLV ÀUVW Late Model main event victory, and Middlebury teen Hunter Bates drove to a victory and gained in the points stand- ings. This past sports year saw several WHDPV DW OHDVW RQH IURP HDFK ORFDO high school, enjoy historic seasons. ,Q WKH IDOO WKH 0LGGOHEXU\ ER\V¶ soccer team earned the top seed in Division , IRU WKH ¿UVW WLPH ever. In the winter, WKH 9HUJHQQHV boys’ basketball team went un GHIHDWHG DQG ZRQ WKH ',, FURZQ D IHDW QHDUO\ PDWFKHG E\ WKH WLWOH winning Mount Abraham girls. $QG WKHQ WKH 2WWHU 9DOOH\ EDVHEDOO team rolled to the DII baseball title ZLWK D UHFRUG WKDW LQFOXGHG D GRPLQDQW SOD\RII UXQ When the dust settled, I couldn’t help but wonder just how historic WKRVH SHUIRUPDQFHV ZHUH ,W EHFDPH DSSDUHQW WKH WLPH KDG FRPH IRU D OLVW 8VLQJ WKH 9HUPRQW 3ULQFLSDOV¶$V sociation and Addison Independent archives and going back to when I VWDUWHG FRYHULQJ VSRUWV IRU WKLV SDSHU , UHYLHZHG ORFDO WHDPV VLQFH , FDPH XS ZLWK D JURXS RI KRQRU DEOH PHQWLRQV DQG D WRS WHDPV XV LQJ WKH IROORZLQJ FULWHULD 2YHUDOO UHFRUG 3OD\RII SHUIRUPDQFH 4XDOLW\ RI FRPSHWLWLRQ LQFOXG ing the team’s division and overall QXPEHU RI WHDPV DQG DWKOHWHV FRP peting in a sport. 1XPEHUV RI DWKOHWHV RQ WKH teams who went on to play in col lege. These are only teams I have cov ered. Hubie Wagner’s great MUHS IRRWEDOO WHDPV RU WKH XQGHIHDWHG ', FKDPSLRQ 7LJHU ER\V¶ KRRS squad were not considered — and the latter may be the area’s greatest By ANDY KIRKALDY 9(5*(11(6 ² 7KH 9HUJHQQHV Champs on Tuesday swamped last SODFH :LQRRVNL DV QLQH Champs swimmers won multiple events. .DWULQD 0D\HU OHG WKH ZD\ E\ VZHHSLQJ WKH IRXU DQGXQGHU JLUOV¶ HYHQWV ZKLOH 8 JLUOV¶ VZLPPHU $QQD 5DNRZVNL 8 boys’ swimmer Tucker Stearns DQG 8 JLUOV¶ VZLPPHU $O\VH Beauchemin won three races apiece. 9HUJHQQHV GRXEOH ZLQQHUV ZHUH (PLO\ 5RRQH\ %URG\ .LQJ 'HYRQ .LPEDOO -RVKXD &RRN DQG 6LODV Mullin. 7KH &KDPSV DOVR ZRQ RI UH lays in which points were recorded. 9HUJHQQHV VZLPPHUV VFRULQJ SRLQWV IRU WKHLU WHDP ZLWK WRSWKUHH ¿QLVKHV ZHUH BUTTERFLY 8 JLUOV )UDQFHV (FNHOV 8 ER\V 1RDK .RQF]DO 6DP &UDZIRUG 8 JLUOV 5DNRZVNL -RU GDQ -HZHOO 8 ER\V 6WHDUQV -DUUHW 0X]]\ 8 JLUOV 0DGHOHLQH 6PLWK 8 ER\V -HIIUH\ 6WHDUQV 8 JLUOV %HDXFKHPLQ 0RULDK &XVKLQJ 8 ER\V .LQJ +XQWHU 6PLWK 8 JLUOV 0D\HU 6DPDUD 6DXVYLOOH 8 ER\V &RRN By ANDY KIRKALDY /<1'219,//( ² 7KH 0RXQW $EUDKDP DQG\HDUROG /LWWOH /HDJXH VRIWEDOO DOO star team ran the table at this past weekend’s doubleelimination state tournament in Lyndon YLOOH WR HDUQ WKH WLWOH RI 9HUPRQW FKDPSLRQV Mount Abe, the District I champion, opened the tournament by drawing a bye on Thursday, -XO\ DQG WKHQ GHIHDWHG WKH (VVH[ DOOVWDUV RQ )ULGD\ 2Q 6DWXUGD\ KRVW /\QGRQYLOOH eliminated Essex, and on Sunday, Mount Abe nailed down the crown by blanking Lyndonville, 0RXQW $EH GLG QRW KDYH D ORW RI WLPH WR VDYRU LWV ZLQ 7KH WHDP ZDV VHW HDUO\ RQ 7KXUVGD\ WR WUDYHO WR %ULVWRO &RQQ IRU WKH URXQGURELQ 1HZ England championship tournament, which will UXQ WKURXJK -XO\ 0RXQW $EH¶V ¿UVW JDPH XQ GHU WKH 9HUPRQW EDQQHU ZLOO FRPH DJDLQVW 0DLQH on Saturday. &RDFK -HII 0XUDWRUUL VDLG WKH WRS IRXU WHDPV IURP WKH %ULVWRO WRXUQDPHQW ZLOO WKHQ VTXDUH RII DJDLQVW WKH WRS IRXU WHDPV IURP WKH 0LG$WODQWLF By MARSHALL HASTINGS MIDDLEBURY — With the post season looming, the Addison County American Legion baseball team is in LWV PRVW GDXQWLQJ VWUHWFK RI WKH VHD son. Due to earlier postponements, $& UHFHQWO\ EHJDQ D VWUHWFK RI QLQH games in nine days. $& LQ 1RUWKHUQ 'LYL VLRQ SOD\ DV RI 7XHVGD\ VWDUWHG RII RQ -XO\ E\ SOD\LQJ DW VXUSULVH SOD\RII FRQWHQGHU 0RQWSHOLHU 3RZ ered by a dominant pitching per IRUPDQFH IURP 'HYLQ +D\HV $& MXPSHG DKHDG HDUO\ DQG KHOG RQ IRU D YLFWRU\ On Saturday, Addison traveled to 6W -RKQVEXU\ IRU D QLQHLQQLQJ JDPH DJDLQVW WKH 2(& .LQJV $& IHOO LQWR D KROH EHIRUH VFRULQJ XQDQ VZHUHG UXQV HQ URXWH WR D YLF tory. $GGLVRQ¶V JDPH ZLQQLQJ streak came to a halt on Monday against visiting Colchester with a VHWEDFN AC got back to its winning ways on Tuesday, when backed by a solid SLWFKLQJ SHUIRUPDQFH IURP $DURQ Smith, Addison topped visiting 0RQWSHOLHU THE MOUNT ABRAHAM Little League 11and12yearold allstar softball team celebrates after winning the state championship Sunday. The team beat Essex on Saturday, 117, and Lyndonville on Sunday, 100, and will travel to the New England Championships this weekend in Bristol, Connecticut. ADDISON COUNTY’S CHARLIE Stapleford executes a perfect suicide squeeze to score teammate Sawyer Kamman during Saturday’s game against OEC. Addison County won the game, 146. Photo by Andy Kamman %5,672/¶6 -26+ 0$67(5621 FHOHEUDWHV KLV ¿UVW FDUHHU ZLQ LQ WKH 5XWODQG +HUDOG 0LG6HDVRQ &KDPSLRQ ship Late Model race at Devil’s Bowl Speedway last Friday. Photo by MemorEvents

Thursday, July 18, 2013

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Addison Independent newspaper

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Page 1: Thursday, July 18, 2013

(See Kirkaldy, Page 3B)



B SectionTHURSDAY, JULY 18, 2013



These teams stood out over the decades

County drivers prevail at Bowl

Soccer athletes to play for Vt. teamsRINDGE, N.H. — Three recent

local high school graduates are -­

mont teams against New Hampshire during this Saturday’s 39th annual Lions Twin State Soccer Cup games.

Green Mountain squad, which will meet New Hampshire in the second

start at 4 p.m. at Franklin Pierce Uni-­versity. Former longtime Middlebury Union High School coach Doc Seu-­bert will serve as an assistant coach

From Mount Abraham, striker/

recent New Hampshire graduates. Eagle coach Dustin Corrigan will act

Mountain girls.Practices will begin on Thursday,

the Austine Green Mountain Lions Hearing Impaired Camp.

Champs roll past visiting Winooski

Mt. Abe youth softball team wins state crown

Local stars help Vermont take Twin State gameBy ANDY KIRKALDY

ESSEX — Two local high school basketball all-­stars and one who will play in these parts next winter helped

-­shire, 89-­84, in Saturday’s Twin State Basketball Classic pitting recent high

games played at Essex High School.

the Green Mountain State.

guard Zach Ouellette also contributed

Peter Quinn reported a college coach observing the game said he was im-­pressed with Ouellette’s ability to

Middlebury College recruit and Missisquoi star Matt St. Amour led

eight rebounds, and he hit two key

N.H. cut the lead to two.

New Hampshire leads the all-­time

The games had not been played in the past three years, but were revived this summer. Organizers intend to play next summer’s contests in New Hampshire.

Legion surging toward postseasonAC takes three of four in tough stretch

(See Devil’s Bowl, Page 3B)

(See Softball, Page 2B)

(See Baseball, Page 2B) (See Champs, Page 3B)

drivers at the Devil’s Bowl Speedway, as Middlebury veteran Todd Stone picked up

outings, Bristol rookie

main event victory, and Middlebury teen Hunter Bates drove to a victory and gained in the points standings. Stone dominated the

points Rutland Herald Mid-­Season Championship night at Devil’s Bowl. Stone needed just six laps to shoot

the lead and then easily distance him-­

withstood three restarts alongside Hunter Bates en route to the win, and

N.Y., won a heated bat-­-­

Olmstedville, N.Y., and

Brandon.With point values

on the night, Stone

overall championship lead by only six points. That’s because Bates made a major gain by winning the Sunoco Race Fuels Semi-­Feature —

that victory. Bates now trails Stone

standings. Masterson scored a memorable ca-­

Claremont, N.H., chased Masterson

second.Bates completed a strong night in

Bristol rookie

Josh Masterson

Late Model

main event

victory, and


teen Hunter

Bates drove to

a victory and

gained in the

points stand-


This past sports year saw several

high school, enjoy historic seasons.

soccer team earned the top seed in Division

ever.In the winter,

boys’ basketball team went un-­

winning Mount Abraham girls.

team rolled to the D-­II baseball title

When the dust settled, I couldn’t help but wonder just how historic

-­sociation and Addison Independent archives and going back to when I


-­ing the team’s division and overall

-­peting in a sport.

teams who went on to play in col-­lege.These are only teams I have cov-­

ered. Hubie Wagner’s great MUHS

squad were not considered — and the latter may be the area’s greatest


Champs on Tuesday swamped last-­

Champs swimmers won multiple events.

boys’ swimmer Tucker Stearns

Beauchemin won three races apiece.


lays in which points were recorded.



star team ran the table at this past weekend’s double-­elimination state tournament in Lyndon-­

Mount Abe, the District I champion, opened the tournament by drawing a bye on Thursday,

eliminated Essex, and on Sunday, Mount Abe nailed down the crown by blanking Lyndonville,

England championship tournament, which will -­

on Saturday.


MIDDLEBURY — With the post-­season looming, the Addison County American Legion baseball team is in

-­son. Due to earlier postponements,

games in nine days.-­

-­ered by a dominant pitching per-­

On Saturday, Addison traveled to



streak came to a halt on Monday against visiting Colchester with a

AC got back to its winning ways on Tuesday, when backed by a solid

Smith, Addison topped visiting

THE MOUNT ABRAHAM Little League 11-­and-­12-­year-­old all-­star softball team celebrates after winning the state championship Sunday. The team beat Essex on Saturday, 11-­7, and Lyndonville on Sunday, 10-­0, and will travel to the New England Championships this weekend in Bristol, Connecticut.

ADDISON COUNTY’S CHARLIE Stapleford executes a perfect suicide squeeze to score teammate Sawyer Kamman during Saturday’s game against OEC. Addison County won the game, 14-­6.

Photo by Andy Kamman

-­ship Late Model race at Devil’s Bowl Speedway last Friday.

Photo by MemorEvents

Page 2: Thursday, July 18, 2013

PAGE 2B — Addison Independent, Thursday, July 18, 2013

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regional tournament, with the top teams from that event to advance to the Little League Softball World Se-­ries in Oregon next month.Mount Abe’s performance in Lyn-­

donville followed its dominant effort in the District I tournament in Bris-­tol earlier in July, when the squad

earned a 6-­0 mark and outscored its opposition by 99-­7.In Lyndonville, Muratorri said

Mount Abe again got offensive con-­tributions from the entire lineup. “Hitting-­wise, it was a team thing

… I wouldn’t say anyone stood out from anybody else,” Muratorri said. “It was a team effort in the Districts

and in the Lyndonville tournament.”If one or more players are not hit-­

ting in a given game, he said, others have been. “We have so many strengths. It

seems like if someone’s down, some-­one’s picking them up,” he said. A constant, Muratorri said, has

been the team’s defense, while pitch-­er Audrey Shahan nailed down both the wins, including Sunday’s four-­inning, mercy-­rule shutout.“Audrey pitched consistently

strong, and then we made a lot of de-­fensive plays,” he said. On Sunday, the Mount Abe de-­

fense included shortstop Katelynn Ouellette setting the tone by turning

baseman Jenna McArdle later mak-­ing a diving catch of a hard shot.Brooke Perlee catches, Olivia

-­ily Young plays second while Ouel-­lette and McArdle handle the left

Hoff, Robyn Arena and Ruby Ball all

Muratorri, who was assisted by Matt Shahan, Scott McArdle and Scott Perlee, also credited the team’s

Sidney Perlee, for attending every practice and rooting the team on in Lyndonville. He also said Mount Abe has “excellent support” from parents and volunteers, which has been critical as the team continues to win and travel.And Muratorri said the team’s

chemistry and work ethic has been second to none, factors that could help them keep advancing. “I’ve coached a lot, but I don’t

think I’ve ever had a group of girls get along better,” Muratorri said.

they work extremely hard.”Andy Kirkaldy may be reached at

[email protected].

Softball(Continued from Page 1B)

Saturday and a trip to Montpelier on Sunday to wrap up the regular sea-­son.

begin on July 25 AC 2-­1Addison began its stretch by

traveling to the state capital to face Montpelier, which has used timely hitting and solid pitching to work its way into the fourth spot in the North,

in the third, when a hit-­batsman and a double put runners on second and third for Ian Shaw, who singled home the team’s only runs.

-­ing the complete-­game victory while striking out six and surrendering just two hits.

twice for Addison, while Marshall

Stapleford and Hayes each added a single.AC 14-­6

year, rallying to beat the Kings 14-­6 to grab the season sweep.

the third when Shaw reached base on a two-­out single. After Shaw stole second, his tenth steal on the year, Stapleford singled him home.With the score tied

Addison starter Josiah Benoit from the game.With their backs

the blowout victory.Benoit lasted four-­plus

innings, surrendering six runs while striking out one. Sawyer Kamman received the victory,

striking out four and relinquishing three hits.

clubbing two doubles while scoring three times. Shaw walked four times

while adding a single and scored three runs, while Kamman helped his cause with three runs scored.

Hayes and Stapleford all singled.COLCHESTER, 4-­2

ended at home against -­

while losing for just the second time.

tying the game in the fourth. Shea singled with two outs, and a passed ball moved him into scoring position before

ahead by three in the

started things off with a two-­out sin-­gle to center. Hastings singled to left

chester ended the comeback bid by inducing a pop up.Stapleford took the loss for Addi-­

son after pitching six innings while striking out four, walking three and giving up nine hits.AC 3-­1

-­pelier, thanks to Aaron Smith’s solid

choice, stole second, his 18th steal on the season, and scored when a Shaw ground ball sailed away from

second, Stapleford laced a single to

After Montpelier cut the lead to

back in the bottom of the frame when Wade Steele smacked his second hit

to second before Kamman dropped a

Smith got the victory for Addison, pitching 5.1 innings and allowing two hits while walking three and striking out four.

Legion(Continued from Page 1B)

Racquet’s Edge swims past Middlebury-­

League action. Winning two boys’ races apiece

for the Panthers were under-­12 swimmers Spencer Doran and

Archie Milligan. Also winning boys’ races for the

Panthers were Oliver Poduschnik,

Julian Schmidt, Jacob Brookman, Nick Merrill and Max Moulton. Annie Bolton and Reubie Bolton

prevailed in girls’ events for the host Middlebury squad.

Montpelier cut the lead to one in the fourth, AC got the run right back in the bottom of the frame when Wade Steele smacked his second hit of the game.

ADDISON COUNTY’S MARSHALL Hastings beats a throw to home during American Legion baseball action against OEC on Saturday in St. Johnsbury. Addison County won the game, 14-­6.

Photo by Andy Kamman





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Page 3: Thursday, July 18, 2013

Addison Independent, Thursday, July 18, 2013 — PAGE 3B

third place, followed by Bryant and

Chris Curtis of Rutland, Mass. Mas-­

terson, who held the points lead en-­

tering the event, now leads Bergeron

by 12 points (288-­276) for the cham-­


In the 15-­lap Central Vermont Mo-­

torcycles Mini Stock division, rookie

Chuck Bradford of Addison was sec-­

ond, followed by point leader Jake

Noble of Benson. Bradford gained

on Noble in the standings: Noble’s

lead on Bradford is nine points (382-­


Ron Stewart Jr. of Benson won the

four-­lap Daredevil race for specta-­

tors, while Tammy Germain of Bris-­

Devil’s Bowl Speedway is closed

on Friday, July 19, but returns on

Sunday, July 28, at 1:30 p.m. with

the St. Jude Children’s Research

Hospital 150 presented by 105.3

Cat Country for American-­Cana-­

dian Tour Late Models, along with

NASCAR Whelen All-­American

Series events for the Bond Auto

Central Vermont Motorcycles Mini


Complete results for local drivers

were as follows:

ture (35 laps): 1. Stone;; 2. Bates;;

5. Quenneville;; 9. Dave Snow,

Brandon;; Sunoco Race Fuels Semi-­

Feature Winner: Bates.

Masterson;; 3. Bates;; 7. Jamie Aube,


6. Ray Germain Jr., Bristol.

Mini Stock Feature (15 laps): 2.

Bradford;; 5. Garry Bashaw, Lin-­

coln;; 12. Lance Masterson, Lin-­


Devil’s Bowl(Continued from Page 1B)

team ever.

Honorable mention, chronological:

8-­man season.

10-­0 record.

Mt. Anthony and were the only team

tlers made the podium.

D-­II title. Pitcher Greg Lutton played

four years of D-­I baseball.

Won the D-­II crown, and all of its top

runners came from Cornwall.

the D-­I title with a 13-­3-­1 record and

upset heavily favored South Burling-­

nior-­laden team’s school-­best 16-­3 re-­

cord included a 10-­0 mark against D-­II


Commodores won the D-­II title and

And, the top 15:

No. 15:

win the D-­I title. Avenged a 20-­6 regu-­

lar-­season loss in the title game with a

nal. The only points came on an Averill

way for a couple game-­clinching Jon

Sagendorf runs. A team that graduated

20 seniors from the year before also

No. 14:

D-­I title. Nine players from the squad

have played in college, three in D-­I,

Laura Barber, Ashley Ross and Liz

Kelley. Katie Ritter became the NES-­

CAC Rookie of the Year, and Kaitlyn

Kirkaldy was elected the Wellesley

College captain.

No. 13: -­

D-­II title, posted two playoff shutouts,

and dealt D-­I champion South Bur-­

lington its only loss of the year. Jen

Stetson led the best team of the Eagle

dynasty and then starred at St. Law-­

No. 12: 2013 Mount Abe girls’ bas-­ketball. No. 1 seed compiled a 23-­1

record and avenged its only loss on

the way to the D-­II title. Played his-­

torically good postseason defense,

outscoring four foes by an average of

51.25-­27.25. Junior Ashlie Fay and

others appear to have a bright future

D-­II girls’ hoop overall.

No. 11: 2007 Mount Abe boys’ bas-­ketball: No. 1 seed went 23-­1 and won

foes by an average of 70.25-­55.75, and

lege standouts.

No. 10:18-­1 team won the D-­II title, snapped

Lyndon’s 76-­game winning streak in

the regular season, and edged the Vi-­

ing pitcher Ashley Sanderson. Kristy

Pinkham is playing in college.

No. 9:

Benton scored 39 goals and went on

to captain the Skidmore team. The

win, survived one-­goal games in the

the title.

No. 8:to earn the No. 2 seed in D-­II against

what some considered a soft schedule,

and then outscored its playoff opposi-­

tion by 33-­3 while playing errorless

ball. Disciplined team with two pitch-­

being recruited for college play.

No. 7:

the D-­I title, snapping Woodstock’s

four-­year stranglehold on the crown

in the process. Veterans Andrew Daly

and Jesse Roy went on to play in col-­

players like Sam Sheehan and Tully

Mackey made an immediate impact.

No. 6: -­

defeated D-­II title team that did not

always click on all cylinders in the

postseason, but still outscored playoff

foes by an average of 53.5-­39.25. Bal-­

No. 5: -­

ball. Earned the No. 2 seed in D-­I with

playoff run, outscoring four foes by

an average of 56.5-­35.25. Demolished

No. 3 Mount Anthony team in a semi-­

Center Jill McDonald played D-­I ball,

and Mary Nienow and Jenna Lewis

each scored 1,000 points in college.

No. 4: -­

ball. The 2013 team went undefeated,

but this 23-­1 group was ridiculously

talented, faced tougher competition

and was shorthanded in its only loss.

stein, Liam Quinn and Logan Becher

— were complemented by two

younger players, Jesse Epstein, who

and rebounder, and Eric Evarts, who

scored 1,000 points. Won every play-­

off game by at least 15 points and out-­

scored its postseason competition by

No. 3: 2002 Mount Abe baseball.

Metro Conference against mostly D-­I

competition, this edition of Coach

Jeff Stetson’s Eagle baseball dynas-­

ty treated its D-­II playoff foes like

punching bags, outscoring them by a

Pelland threw a three-­hit shutout and

Field;; his career peaked in Triple A in

the Cincinnati Reds’ organization,

and probably only a shoulder injury

kept him from the majors. Teammate

Eric Wedge tied a program record

with a 32-­hit season.

No. 2: The Tigers won every game by at

least nine goals, outscored three play-­

off foes by a collective 51-­18, and

produced three D-­I college players,

America East Player of the Year Alys-­

sa Trudel, Molly Sheehan and Kate

and multiple-­season college champ,

Becca Brakeley;; a starter for another

D-­III champion, Allison Aldrich;; and

a D-­III all-­star goalie, Becca Splain.

No. 1: 1997 Mount Abe girls’ bas-­ketball. Went 23-­1 on the way to the

D-­II crown, losing only by a point

on the road when star center Rachel

Bryan was ill. Steamrolled foes in

LaRose often went to the bench after

the Eagles racked up huge leads, such

Bryan played D-­I ball for Colo-­

1,000 points in high school and in

celled as a two-­way player at the

would have if not for a knee injury.

Future 1,000-­point high school scorer

Kari Bouvier came off the bench for

this team, still the most dominant I

have ever seen.

Kirkaldy(Continued from Page 1B)




Champs(Continued from Page 1B)

TODD STONE RECEIVES his Mid-­Season Championship trophy from Tom Haley of the Rutland Heraldfeature at Devil’s Bowl Speedway last Friday night.

Photo by MemorEvents

Plumbing Services

New Location& Phone #

M-F 7am - 4pm, Sat 8-noon 24/7 Pager Service







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Middleburyspa.com (802) 388-0311

To place and ad for your Salon or Spa,

please call Sarah at 388-4944

or email: [email protected]

Page 4: Thursday, July 18, 2013

PAGE 4B — Addison Independent, Thursday, July 18, 2013

WILLISTON — Standing with owner

Lorenzo Whitcomb at the Whitcomb

Farm, which has experienced crop-­

damage to their

the weather’s

impact on crops

tion and income

seeds that are too wet to germinate,

stage and wrapped in

the white wrappers can

short time, then merged into rows

wagons transport the

to the barn where the

diets in Addison

Dirt road scenicA PRISTINE BARN is seen through a tunnel of foliage on Mountain Road in Monkton last week.

Independent photo/Trent Campbell

Available forPrompt Delivery

Dried per USDA requirements for heat processingApproved Supplier - VT Fuel Assistance Program*Dry Wood is heated in our Kilns

at 200º until the average moisture is down to 20-25% THE A. JOHNSON CO., LLC

BRISTOL, VT 05443802-453-4884www.VermontLumber.com

Got Firewood? We Do!Green or

Dry (Kiln Processed)*

ATTENTION FARMERSFree Disposal of Waste PesticidesUnder a grant from the VT Agency of Agriculture,

the Addison County Solid Waste Management District collects waste pesticides and herbicides from

farmers and growers free of charge at the District HazWaste Center.

Call 388-2333 for more information, or to schedule and appointment time.



Viewsfrom the

Vetby Joe Klopfenstein, DVM

Agricultural NewsADDISON COUNTY

DAIRY COWS GRAZE wet, saturated pasture after heavy rains — a

situation best avoided if possible.

Pastures need to heal after hard rain

Good hay is produced and stored with care

Gov. Shumlin and Secretary Ross tour

Page 5: Thursday, July 18, 2013

Addison Independent, Thursday, July 18, 2013 — PAGE 5B

For breaking news & updates

wherever you are!

facebook.com/ addisonindependent



Please Help Support Aaron and Willie Savage

Aaron has an inoperable brain tumor.

Donations to the family can be made by mail to:First National Bank of Orwell

P.O. Box 38 Orwell, VT 05760

Board Member SpotlightFor a good quarter of a century, the Parent/Child Center’s programs have epitomized all that is best in our human condition. The Center and its outstanding staff work to improve the lives of our young people and help them realize the full potential of their abilities. At the

professional guidance and a caring family. I take pride in supporting the work of the P/CC because I think it is performed at a critical time in the lives of many of these young people and allows them to become happy, productive members of society. In addition, and not incidentally, I support the Parent/Child Center programs because for over thirty years they have saved our government (that’s our taxes) long term social service expenses.

388-­3171Natalie Peters

ALL 2013 LIGHTWEIGHT ALUMINUM DOCKS NOW IN STOCK. Delivery and installation available.

Many sizes and accessories.

Call “RUTLAND RENOVATIONS” 802-352-6678



Pick Your Own Blueberries, Raspberries & Black Currants!

Pennsylvania Peaches Now In!

Look like rain? Call for conditions.

Fresh Veggies & Herbs

Greenhouse OpenOpen 8-5Every Day

HARDWOODS & SOFTWOODSKiln Dried Lumber Mill Direct

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Pine, Maple, Oak,Cherry, Ash...

Over 100 yearsSuperior Quality/ Great Prices



Furniture & Cabinets

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury

police cited Amber Wood, 31, of

Middlebury, for simple assault,

after allegedly striking her child

on July 8. Police said Wood was

lodged at the Marble Valley

Correctional Center.

In other action last week,

Middlebury police:

for entering Shaw’s Supermarket

on Washington Street in violation

of a no-trespass order.

disturbance at a South Pleasant

Street residence on July 9.

fireworks being set off in the

Brookside Drive area on July 9.

said one person was taken to

Porter Hospital to be treated for

minor injuries on July 9.

Extension resident who reported

smoke entering her home from an

adjacent campfire on July 10.

County State’s Attorney’s office a

case involving a local woman who

allegedly violated a temporary

restraining order on July 10.

Ambulance Association officials

in calming an uncooperative

family member at an East Main

Street residence on July 10.

south area on July 10.

young woman who had allegedly

on July 11.

July 11.

Blake Roy Road home on July

11. Police said someone entered

the basement of the home while

the homeowner was away and

removed 20-30 feet of copper

piping. Police said they have no

suspects at this time.

Police, a man who had been oper-

ating a Pepsi truck erratically on

July 11.

man yelling at people in the Court

Street area on July 11. Police said

the man had been seeking shelter

from the rain and agreed to leave

the area.

a man on July 12 who was not

July 12.

he had deemed suspicious on July

12. Police said the packets were

ing help on July 13.

suspended license (criminal count)

injuries at Porter Hospital.

crime reports.

July 13 on some customers who

dence on July 14.

text messages on July 14.

July 14.

Police LogMiddlebury

Incidents and accidents keep Middlebury police busy this week

as a commercial photographer,

which employed shape, shadow,

his subjects and emphasize their

ironic compositions are usually


career — the museum has commit

generations. His photographs will




will be held by the pond at the home

are interested in baptism and/or join

ing the church, please speak to Pastor

Be looking ahead and preparing

begun in 1832 under the leader

churches and parsonages were built

Kids are welcome at Legos at the

meet Wednesday, July 24, at 10:30

TAD MERRICK’S “UNTITLED (New York City),” 1982, is one of three Merrick photographs the Middlebury College Museum of Art has recent-­ly acquired. Merrick, a longtime Middlebury photographer, died in 2012.

Photo show features Tad Merrick


Have a news tip?

Call Harriet Brown at 453-3166

Page 6: Thursday, July 18, 2013

PAGE 6B — Addison Independent, Thursday, July 18, 2013


DOG TEAM CATERING. Seating 300, plus bar avail-­able. Now available, Mid-­dlebury VFW. Full menus available. 802-­388-­4831, dogteamcatering.net.

PARTY RENTALS; China, flatware, glassware, lin-­ens. Delivery available. 802-­388-­4831.

Cards of Thanks

THANK YOU “BUBBA-­JA-­SON”.. For exceptional ser-­vice at G — Stone Motors. Thanks, Furgy and Paul.

THANK YOU HOLY FATHER and St. Jude for prayers an-­swered. MA.

Public Meetings

AL-­ANON: FOR FAMILIES and friends affected by some-­one’s drinking. Members share experience, strength and hope to solve common problems. Newcomers wel-­come. Confidential. St. Ste-­phen’s Church (use front side door and go to second floor) in Middlebury, Sunday nights 7:15-­8:15pm.

ALATEEN: FOR YOUNG PEOPLE who’ve been af-­fected by someone’s drink-­ing. Members share experi-­ence, strength, hope to solve common problems. Meets Wednesdays 7:15-­8:15pm downstairs in Turning Point Center of Addison County in Middlebury Marbleworks. (Al-­Anon meets at same time nearby at St. Stephens Church.

ALCOHOLICS ANONY-­MOUS MIDDLEBURY MEETINGS SATURDAY: Dis-­cussion Meeting 9:00-­10:00 AM at the Middlebury United Methodist Church. Discus-­sion Meeting 10:00-­11:00 AM. Women’s Meeting Noon-­1:00 PM. Beginners Meeting 6:30-­7:30 PM. These three meetings are held at the Turning Point Center in the Marbleworks, Middlebury.

ALCOHOLICS ANONY-­MOUS MIDDLEBURY MEETINGS FRIDAY: Dis-­cussion Meeting Noon-­1:00 PM at the Turning Point in the Marbleworks, Middlebury.

ALCOHOLICS ANONY-­MOUS MIDDLEBURY MEETINGS THURSDAY: Big Book Meeting Noon-­1:00 PM at the Turning Point Center in the Marbleworks, Middlebury. Speaker Meeting 7:30-­8:30 PM at St. Stephen’s Church, Main St.(On the Green).

ALCOHOLICS ANONY-­MOUS MIDDLEBURY MEETINGS WEDNESDAY: Big Book Meeting 7:15-­8:15 AM is held at the Middlebury United Methodist Church on N. Pleasant Street. Discus-­sion Meeting Noon-­1:00 PM. Women’s Meeting 5:30-­6:30 PM. Both held at The Turning Point Center in the Marble-­works, Middlebury.

ALCOHOLICS ANONY-­MOUS MIDDLEBURY MEETINGS TUESDAY: 11th Step Meeting Noon-­1:00 PM. ALTEEN Group. Both held at Turning Point, 228 Maple Street. 12 Step Meeting Noon-­1:00 PM. 12 Step Meet-­ing 7:30-­8:30 PM. Both held at the Turning Point Center in the Marbleworks, Middlebury.

ALCOHOLICS ANONY-­MOUS MIDDLEBURY MEETINGS MONDAY: As Bill Sees It Meeting Noon-­1:00 PM. Big Book Meeting 7:30-­8:30 PM. Both held at the Turning Point Center in the Marbleworks, Middlebury.

ALCOHOLICS ANONY-­MOUS MIDDLEBURY MEETINGS SUNDAY: 12 Step Meeting 9:00-­10:00 AM held at the Middlebury Unit-­ed Methodist Church on N. Pleasant Street. Discussion Meeting 1:00-­2:00 PM held at the Turning Point Center in the Marbleworks, Middlebury.

ALCOHOLICS ANONY-­MOUS NEW HAVEN MEET-­INGS: Monday, Big Book Meeting 7:30-­8:30 PM at the Congregational Church, New Haven Village Green.

ALCOHOLICS ANONY-­MOUS RIPTON MEETINGS: Monday, As Bill Sees It Meet-­ing 7:15-­8:15 AM. Thursday, Grapevine Meeting 6:00-­7:00 PM. Both held at Ripton Fire-­house, Dugway Rd.

ALCOHOLICS ANONY-­MOUS BRANDON MEET-­INGS: Monday, Discussion Meeting 7:30-­8:30 PM. Wednesday, 12 Step Meeting 7:00-­8:00 PM. Friday, 12 Step Meeting 7:00-­8:00 PM. All held at the St. Thomas Epis-­copal Church, RT 7 South.

ALCOHOLICS ANONY-­MOUS BRISTOL MEET-­INGS: Sunday, Discussion Meeting 4:00-­5:00 PM. Wednesday, 12 Step Meet-­ing 7:00-­8:00 PM. Friday, Big Book Meeting, 6:00-­7:00 PM. All held at the Federated Church, Church St.

ALCOHOLICS ANONY-­MOUS VERGENNES MEET-­INGS: Sunday, 12 Step Meet-­ing 7:00-­8:00 PM. Friday, Dis-­cussion Meeting 8:00-­9:00 PM. Both held at St. Paul’s Church, Park St. Tuesday, Discussion Meeting 7:00-­8:00 PM, at the Congregational Church, Water St.

ALCOHOLICS ANONY-­MOUS NORTH FERRIS-­BURGH MEETINGS: Sun-­day, Daily Reflections Meeting 6:00-­7:00 PM, at the United Methodist Church, Old Hol-­low Rd.

BRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP: Survivors, family members and care givers are invited to share their ex-­perience in a safe, secure and confidential environment. Meets monthly on the sec-­ond Tuesday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the Hannaford Career Center, Room A214 (second floor, an elevator is available) in Middlebury. For more information, contact Beth Diamond 802-­388-­9505.

NA MEETINGS MIDDLE-­BURY: Mondays, 6pm, held at the Turning Point Center located in the Marbleworks.

NA MEETINGS MIDDLE-­BURY: Fridays, 7:30pm, held at the Turning Point Center located in the Marble Works.

OVEREATERS ANONY-­MOUS: SATURDAYS at Lawrence Memorial Library, 1:00pm. 40 North Street, Bris-­tol. For info call: 802-­453-­2368 or 802-­388-­7081.

OVEREATERS ANONY-­MOUS: TUESDAYS at Turn-­ing Point Center, 5:15pm. Marble Works, Middlebury. For info call: 802-­352-­4525 or 802-­388-­7081.

THE HELENBACH CANCER Support Group is an indepen-­dent group of people who are dealing with, have dealt with, and who know people with cancer. We meet on an irregularly regular basis (if there is a need, we meet!) at the Mary Johnson Child Care Center on Water St. in Middle-­bury. Good home-­made treats are always available and all meetings are free. Our theme song has been Bill Wither’s “Lean on Me, when you’re not strong, I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on..for it won’t be long, ‘til I’m gonna need, somebody to lean on.” Come be a leaner, be a supporter, be part of something that gives strength by sharing love. Call 802-­388-­6107 with questions.


ASK BRONWYN INTERI-­ORS LLC. No longer with Countryside Carpet. My inte-­rior design services and work-­rooms are now available full time. Your ideas. Your home. My solutions! [email protected]

BOAT DOCK REPAIR and construction. Experienced and reliable. Fully insured. Call 802-­349-­6579, Gene’s Property Management, Leicester, Vermont.

C&I DRYWALL. Hanging, taping and skim coat plas-­tering. Also tile. Call Joe 802-­234-­5545.

CHAIN SAW CHAINS sharp-­ened. Call 802-­759-­2095.

CLEAN SWEEP CLEAN-­ING Service. We clean inside your home and yard / gar-­den work also. Call Wanda at 802-­453-­6344 or leave a message.

CONSTRUCTION: ADDI-­TIONS, RENOVATIONS, new construction, drywall, carpen-­try, painting, flooring, roofing. All aspects of construction, also property maintenance. Steven Fifield 802-­989-­0009.

DEVELOPMENTAL HOME PROVIDER for live-­in client or respite care. 36 years ex-­perience. State background check completed. State Agency and past client fam-­ily references provided. Call Doreen at 802-­247-­4409.

GARDEN MAINTENANCE AND LANDSCAPING No garden too over-­run for me! Reasonable rates. Call Pat-­rick, 324-­3782.

LAWN MOWING, BRUSH trimming, hedge trimming, power washing, light truck-­ing, small carpentry jobs and repairs. Concrete pads, sidewalks; new and repairs. 10% off all work for senior citizens. Gene’s Property Management, Leicester, Vt. Fully insured. 802-­349-­6579. Call for a free estimate.

MELISSA’S QUALITY CLEANING Services. Resi-­dential and commercial. Fully insured. Great rates. Reli-­able and thorough cleaning. 802-­345-­6257.

PORTABLE SAW MILL. Sawing of your logs and tim-­bers. 802-­989-­9170.


FREE HOUSE CATS! Many to choose from. Spayed and Neutered. Good homes only. Call 802-­388-­1410. 1683 Dog Team Rd., New Haven.

FREE MANURE AVAIL-­ABLE from locally raised rabbits. Please call Mo at 802-­349-­8040.

HOT AIR WOOD FURNACE with blower, free. Works fine. Call for details. 897-­7676.

Garage Sales

EAST M IDDLEBURY TOWN WIDE Sales, July 20. Coin silver collection, snare drum, 1950’s silver and gold charm bracelets, new and old sewing ma-­chines, glass and china, books, WWII Legion of Merit medal, shop vac, hand hewn beams, MMA gear, Victorian photo albums, Clemens, Fisk, Aikman, Emmitt rookie cards, prints, tools, linens, and more. Wakefields, 64 Ossie Rd, Opening at 8:15 sharp.

GARAGE SALE July 12 — 21. Cornwall, 312 Peet Road. Lots of dishes and miscella-­neous stuff. Some furniture in very good condition. And, stuff you didn’t know you needed. Stop on by, 8am-­4pm.

HUGE DOWN-­SIZING! Sat-­urday, July 20, 9am-­2pm. Lots of furniture, books, games, clothes, bedding, household items, other great stuff. Fur-­niture preview / sale Friday 5pm-­7pm. 524 Buttolph Drive, Middlebury. Look for signs.

HUGE YARD SALE, under tent. Carpenter tools, me-­chanic tools, power tools, snow blowers, generators, chain saws, motorcycles, snowmobiles, lawn mowers, rototillers, antiques, old books, furniture, tires, lots of horse tack and horse cart. Lots, lots more. Friday, Saturday, Sunday. 2896 Plank Road, Mineville, New York.

MULTI-­FAMILY YARD SALE: 7/20, 8am-­3pm. 332 East Main Street, East Middlebury. Bonanza-­ we’ve got to have something for you!

PANTON MOVING SALE: 1085 Lake Rd. Saturday, 7/11. 9am-­11am. Living room furniture, Energy Star A/C, chiminea and fire pit, lawn mower, miscellaneous house-­hold items. All priced to sell.

SALISBURY: 1501 W SALIS-­BURY Rd., 7/20, 9am-­3pm, collectibles, household items, children’s clothing and toys, videos, and books.

SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, 7-­20/7-­21, 8am-­3pm. 1291 Pearson Road, New Haven. No early birds. Something for everyone.

SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, July 20-­21, 9am-­5pm. 2200 Basin Harbor Road, Ver-­gennes. Multi-­family. Furni-­ture, antiques and household items.

YARD SALE: RAIN OR SHINE! Sat. 7/20. 9am-­2pm. Route 100, Granville. Fur-­niture, misc. Nascar items, misc. unused car parts. Snow-­mobile, classic books.

CLASSIFIEDSAddison Independent

DEADLINES: Thurs. noon for Mon. paperMon. 5 p.m. for Thurs. paper


Cash in on our 4-for-3 rates! Pay for 3 issues, get 4th issue free! Plus: Take advantage of our 10% Repeat Discounts! Example: A 20-word ad is just $5.00; less 10% for each issue thereafter. An ad placed for consecutive issues (Mondays & Thursdays) is run 4th time free! Cost is $14.00 for 4 issues plus $1.00 internet charge.


The Independent assumes no financial re-sponsibility for errors in ads, but will rerun classified ad in which the error occurred. No refunds will be possible. Advertiser will please notify us of any errors which may occur after first publication.

Number of words:Cost:# of runs:Spotlight Charge:Internet Listing: $1.00TOTAL:

ADDISON INDEPENDENTP.O. Box 31, Middlebury, VT 05753

802-388-4944email: [email protected]



Opportunities, Real Estate, Wood heat, Attn. Farmers, For Rent & Help WantedNoticesCard of ThanksPersonalsServicesFree**Lost ’N Found**Garage Sales Lawn & GardenOpportunities

Work WantedHelp WantedFor SalePublic Meetings**For RentWant to RentWood HeatReal EstateAnimals

Att. FarmersMotorcyclesCarsTrucksSUVsSnowmobilesBoatsWantedReal Estate WantedVacation Rentals




Spotlight with large $2 ** no charge for these ads

Christopher Mason, of Middlebury, has been serving as a board member for Addison Central Teens for the past year. He explains: “I work as the School

— a pro-­social post, de-­signed to forge constructive connections between youth and law enforcement. On a professional and personal

munity, and often express my conviction that such an am-­bition can only be accomplished by looking to the needs of our teens and helping them realize their aspirations.” ACT staff members describe Chris as having the ability to make teens feel valued and appreciated: “He respects them, which comes across in the way he treats them as young adults. Chris is one of those rare individuals who can sincerely connect with people of all ages. He is kind and caring but also sets boundaries. He is fair and the teens absolutely like him.” Thank you, Chris, for caring about our young community members.

The Volunteer Center, a

collaboration of RSVP

and the United Way of

Addison County, posts

dozens of volunteer

opportunities on the

Web. Go to www.



and click on


Loc a l age nc ie s c an pos t t he i r vo lun te e r ne e ds w i t h The

Vo lun te e r Ce n te r by c a l l i ng RSVP at 388-7044.

Bridport Seeking Meals on Wheels

Summer Subs

Do you have an hour a week this summer, on Wednesdays or Fridays, to deliver meals to seniors in Bridport? Please call 388-7044. Thank you!

It’s GARAGE SALE Season...Let us get the word out for you!

Mail in your classified ad with payment to :

PO Box 31, Middlebury VT 05753


Stop in and drop it off to Kelly, Vicki or Laurie at our

58 Maple St. location in the Marble Works, Middlebury

(*Kit comes FREE with 3 runs or more!)

Additional words x # of runs

Total Payment Enclosed $

$7 CLASSIFIED ORDER FORMDeadlines: Thursday Noon for Monday papers Monday 5pm for Thursday papers





DESCRIPTION:(Up to 10 words)




x 25¢

For just $3 more, pick up an all-inclusive

GARAGE SALE KIT with everything you need for

a successful sale.

$7(ad w/out kit) x___#of runs*

$10 (ad plus kit) x___#of runs

Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation Vacancies

Performs general

Public Meetings


Public Meetings


Public Meetings


Services Public Meetings Garage Sales

Garage Sales

Help Wanted

Garage Sales

Garage Sales

Help WantedHelp Wanted

Garage Sales

Garage Sales

Help WantedHelp Wanted

Page 7: Thursday, July 18, 2013

Addison Independent, Thursday, July 18, 2013 – PAGE 7B


Business Service

Cell: 802-989-5231Office: 802-453-2007







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Siding, Windows, Garages, Decks & PorchesNew Construction, Renovations and Repairs

Maurice Plouffe802-545-22511736 Quaker Village Road

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2646 Crown Point Road, Bridport, Vermont

Chimney Service


Chimney, Pellet, Woodstove, & Dryer Vent Cleaning



Chimney sweeping and level 1 inspection $135 for the stEarly Bird






phone: 802-­388-­2296 802-­388-­2298

Page 8: Thursday, July 18, 2013

PAGE 8B — Addison Independent, Thursday, July 8, 2013

Renewable Energy


Plumbing &Heating

Property Management

Property hasn’t sold? Going on sabbatical?

One solution may be renting.

We have a waiting list of

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most nights

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QUALITY ROOFING We do all types of roofs

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382-­1644 All work fully guaranteed.


Phone (802) 537-3555

roofi ngMichael DoranAs seen at Addison County Field Days!

Septic & Water

Kevin R. LaRose, L.S., E.I.Site Technician

Email: [email protected]

163 Revell RoadLincoln, VT 05443

(802) 453-4384FAX (802) 453-5399

Celebrating 28 YearsSteve Revell CPG-­CST

Toll-­Free: 800-­477-­4384802-­453-­4384



Medical Supplies

Marble Works, Middlebury, VT

Medical Equipmentand Oxygen

SALES & RENTALKnowledgable Staff Personalized Service

388-9801 Fax:388-4146

Call 802-453-2597or email [email protected]

Septic & Water System DesignsJason Barnard Consulting, LLC

State and Local PermittingEnvironmental Site Assessments

Underground Storage Tank Removal Assessments

All Seasons Painting

382-1644Established in 1990


Free Estimates All work professionally done & guaranteed




[email protected]

Stone...everlasting...a balance of logic, strength and scale... a framework for

nature’s enduring beauty.

Stone & BrickMasonry


Looking forward to another busy season!A friendly, professional,

and affordable family business.


Kim or Jonathan [email protected]

462-3737 or 989-9107

Free Estimates


Fully Insured



Al LeMay


We also do


DAVID VAILLANCOURTPainting & Carpentry

802-­352-­48292321 W. Salisbury Road

Salisbury, Vermont 05769


Roof Maintenance & Repair



Available at the

Addison Independentin the Marble Works, Middlebury


Self Inking &

Hand Stamps

Page 9: Thursday, July 18, 2013

Addison Independent, Thursday, July 18, 2013 — PAGE 9B

CLASSIFIEDSAddison Independent


Wedding Invitations


&Business Service

Wedding Invitations for Your Special Day!

For more info call 388-4944

LAROSE SURVEYS, P.C.Ronald L. LaRose, L.S. • Kevin R. LaRose, L.S.

Land Surveying/Septic Design“We will take you through the

permitting process!”

25 West St. • PO Box 388Bristol, VT 05443

Telephone: 802-453-3818Fax: 802- 329-2138

[email protected]

SHORT SURVEYING, INC.Serving Addison County Since 1991

388-­3511 [email protected]

Washington St. Ext.Middlebury


388-2691Thomas L. Munschauer, D.V.M.

Scott Sutor, D.V.M.Tracy A. Winters, V.M.D.

Mark C. Doran, V.M.D.

Veterinary Services

STORAGE4 Sizes ~ Self-locking unitsHardscrabble Rd., Bristol

Monthly prices6’x12’ $30 8’x12’ $45

10’x12’ $55 12’x21’ $75


FACEBOOK www.livingstonfarmlandscape.comCREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED


44 School House Hill Road, E. Middlebury

Tool Sharpening

Vermont Pump & Fabrication, Inc.284 East River Rd., Lincoln VTINDUSTRIAL PUMP SALES AND SERVICE

Tool SharpeningSaw Blades up to 18”, Router Bits,

Shaper Bits up to 6”, Hole Saws up to 6”,

Drill Bits up to 1¼”

Email: [email protected]


Resident Centered, Locally Governed

Full Time Residential Care Assistant EastView is continuing to grow and add more team members! The Residential Care Assistant participates as a key member of the health care team implementing care delivery systems in a manner that maintains a nurturing environment, supporting the health and independence of the residents. The Residential Care Assistant uses primary care assignments to provide resident-centered care to support the resident’s activities of daily living.! Residential Care Assistants use their care-giving skills to ensure the physical and cognitive wellbeing of residents, as well as their emotional and social wellbeing.! In addition, they provide support and information to families/others where appropriate.

For more information about EastView at Middlebury, go to:www.eastviewmiddlebury.com

Interested candidates please email your resume and cover letter to: [email protected]

or mail to: EastView at Middlebury | 100 Eastview Terrace

Middlebury, VT 05753EOE



is looking for a


for the greater Addison/Rutland area to join our team and to help our clients

benefit from our new digital marketing inititative that spreads over twenty-seven

publications statewide.


analytics and ROI’s.


mac products (do not need to be an expert)

ability to work independently.

comfortable presenting.


[email protected]

Jackman’s Inc. of BristolHeating Tech Wanted

Looking for an experienced service tech. with oil and

Jackman’s Inc. P.O. Box 410, Bristol, VT 05433

Find that perfect job or exceptional employee in our

wwww.addisonindependent.comor call 388-4944

A Good Deal.




Paraprofessional Anticipated Middlebury Union Middle School is seeking a

Paraprofessional. This individual must be able to

work in a classroom setting, work collaboratively

with teachers and possess good rapport and

communication skills with students.

Apply by sending a letter of interest, resume,

three current reference letters, and complete

transcripts to:

Dr. Peter Burrows, Superintendent

Addison Central Supervisory Union

49 Charles Avenue

Middlebury, VT 05753

Position Open Until Filled


In search of highly-motivated licensed

Journeyman/Master Plumber for our

installation division, mostly residential.

Knowledge on service side helpful.

Must have: references, clean

professional appearance, clean DMV

record, and ability to troubleshoot

and repair problems efficiently

Competitive benefits package.

Please email resume to:

[email protected]

Or deliver to:

Champlain Valley Plumbing & Heating

125 Monkton Road

Bristol, VT 05443



Memory Care Unit Nurse Manager Full time salaried position, usually M-­F days. RN, Post Acute Nurse Full time Days including every other weekend.Housekeeper

Temporary Laundry TechLicensed Nursing AssistantsFloat NurseNursesCharge Nurse Positions

PORTER HOSPITAL Accounts PayableAccountantNursing Supervisor, RNRN/ Emergency DepartmentRN/Case Manager


RN/Special Care Unit Staff Physical Therapist Surgical Technologist

PORTER PRACTICE MANAGEMENTNavigator for Blueprint Project

Self-­Management Program Coordinator

Electronic Medical Record/Software Support Specialist

Neshobe Family Medicine, Brandon

RN or LPN Middlebury Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine

To apply www.portermedical.org

SUBSCRIBE! Call 388.4944, today!

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

Check the Classifieds twice a weekin the Addison Independent.

Buy it! Sell it! Find it!

Page 10: Thursday, July 18, 2013

PAGE 10B — Addison Independent, Thursday, July 18, 2013

Help Wanted

AM LOOKING FOR SOME-­ONE who may know “Je-­rome” family history. Rea-­son-­ to locate and mark grave of grandmother Julia Ives. Maiden name was Julia E. Jerome. She was buried January 24, 1904. She may be in the Kent Cemetery in Panton for her parents are there (Ambrose Jerome and Rose King Jerome). Please email [email protected] .

CLARK SEPTIC SERVICE is looking for Class B CDL driver / laborer full time and on call every third weekend. Duties to include driving, line cleaning, jetting, and other. We offer paid holidays, 401k plans, health benefits. For application and interview please call 802-­453-­3108.

AMERICAN FLATBREAD: KITCHEN position avail-­able. Get your hands on some dough! Seeking mo-­tivated individual who has an interest in working with premium, locally sourced organic foods. If you like working in a fast-­paced, fun environment, have an up-­beat, positive attitude, and are interested in learning some new skills, please call 802-­388-­3300. EEO.

ARE YOU LOOKING For the right company? Ver-­mont Soap is looking for you. Now hiring all posi-­tions. Email your resume and tell us what you can do. [email protected] .

ASSISTANT RESIDEN-­TIAL MANAGER: Join a team of dedicated profes-­sionals supporting four men developmental dis-­abilities in their Middlebury home. It is a therapeutic and fun environment that promotes learning life / social skills and community inclusion. Solid direct sup-­port experience and good planning and management skills required to assist the manager with oversight of medical needs, budgets and overall welfare of the men. Annual compensa-­t ion, of approximately $27000. One overnight and three days off each week. Apply to CSAC HR, 89 Main Street, Middlebury, VT 05753 802-­388-­6751, ext. 425, or visit: www.csac-­vt.org .

HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ROAD CREW: Full-­time crew position. Applicant must have CDL and medi-­cal card: should be willing to learn dump truck op-­eration and maintenance, snow plowing, road build-­ing, and small equipment operation such as chain saws. Must be able to get along well with others and be willing to work outdoors in all types of weather. Must have passed drug test and medical exam for CDL drivers prior to em-­ployment. Good benefit package. 12 paid holidays, medical insurance, and sick leave; pay based on experience. Application and job description avail-­able at Town Clerk’s Office and www.newhavenvt.com. Submit to Town Office by Tuesday August 6, 2013 at Town of New Haven, 78 North St. New Haven, VT 05472, 802-­453-­3516.

COMMUNITY SUPPORT: MENTOR Men with de-­velopmental disabilities in their path to more in-­dependence. Provide 1:1 support to help them learn life / social skills, explore new interests, and become more involved in their com-­munity. Seeking compas-­sionate individuals with patience, creativity, flex-­ibility, and good judgment and boundaries. Will train right people. Good driving record and GED required. Two fully benefited posi-­tions (including onsite gym membership!) at $11.80 / hr. Respond to CSAC HR, 89 Main St, Middlebury VT, 05753. 802-­388-­6751, ext. 425, or visit www.csac-­vt.org .

COSTELLO’S MARKET IS looking for an experienced person to wrap subs, to do prep-­work, deep frying, dish washing and other duties. Please apply in per-­son to Costello’s Market, Marbleworks, Middlebury.

COURTYARD BY MAR-­RIOTT is seeking an en-­ergetic housekeeper. Great pay. Apply in person.

GOURMET PROVENCE IN Brandon is looking for a baker. Experience is pre-­ferred for this full time / per-­manent position. Stop by in person or email resume to [email protected] .

HELP NEEDED TAKING Care of gentleman in wheel chair. Please call for more information. 802-­771-­7153.

NEED EXPERIENCED CARE giver for elderly stroke patient in Brandon. References requ i red. 989-­3097.

NEEDED: SHORT DAY shifts and overnight shifts for a loving and kind per-­son to care for seniors in a home atmosphere. Ho-­listically we incorporate organic nutrition, integra-­tive medicine and a wide variety of fun activities. LNA or equivalent is de-­sired. If you are a team player and reliable please send your resume to [email protected] .

OPENING FOR PART T IME h o u s e k e e p e r ; mid-­week and weekends. Looking for responsible, self-­motivated and meticu-­lous person. Stable work history. Call Strong House Inn, 802-­877-­3337.

RESIDENTIAL INSTRUC-­TOR NEEDED at a thera-­peutic home for 5 women with developmental dis-­abilit ies in Middlebury. Seeking a team player to support the home en-­vironment the promotes empowerment, choice, respect and fun. Must be able to provide support in all types on situations with patience, good judgment and flexibility. HS diploma / equivalent, valid driver’s license required. Full time with comprehensive ben-­efits. Two over-­nights and 3 days off weekly. Annual pay of approximately $23,700. Apply to CSAC HR, 89 Main Street, Middlebury VT 05753, 802-­388-­6751 ext. 425, or visit www.csac-­vt.org .

THE TOWN OF MONK-­TON Selectboard is ac-­cepting applications for the position of Town Treasur-­er. Town of Approx. 2000 population seeks a Town Treasurer. Salaried posi-­tion is minimum 26 hours weekly (4 days). Treasurer levies and collects prop-­erty taxes, maintains all Town’s General Ledger (in NEMRC software), records all receipts, and transacts all disbursements (A / P). Treasurer also reconciles Town and School cash ac-­counts monthly, invests Town monies and monitors cash flow and borrowings. Accounting Background preferred. Resume and references should be sent to: Monkton Town Clerk, PO Box 12, Monkton VT 05469. Resume must be received no later than Au-­gust 1, 2013.

WANTED: WORKER WITH chain saw. Please call 802-­462-­3313.

For Sale

LOG TRUCK LOADS FIREWOOD: Now sell-­ing Straight Log Truck Loads of log length mixed hardwoods for firewood in Bristol, Lincoln, New Ha-­ven, Starksboro, Monkton VT. Call for price (802) 453-­7131.

MOVING — MUST SELL piano, twin bunk beds, re-­cliner, clean futon with solid wood frame. 377-­1778.

MO’S COUNTRY RAB-­BITS: Fresh Rabbit Meat for sale. Average weight:

4-­5 lbs. Charging $14.00 per rabbit. Also selling live adult rabbits, as well as baby rabbits for nego-­tiable price. Many different breeds including “Giants”. May be seen by appoint-­ment. Call Mo O’Keefe at 802-­349-­8040. Great Meat. Great Pets. Great Prices.

ONGO ING MOV ING SALE: Glass top deck table with new green um-­brella from Woodware. Small front door freez-­er. Large metal storage cabinet. Good roll-­away bed. Tall Lasko fan. Up-­holstered rocker chair. Please call 802-­458-­3332 or 802-­382-­8635.

POP-­UP CAMPER 2011, Livin Li te Quicksi lver. $5000. 377-­1778.

RAINY SUMMER BAR-­REL SALE — THE BARREL MAN: 55 gallon Plastic and Metal barrels. Sev-­eral types: 55 gallon rain barrels with faucets, Food grade with removable lock-­ing covers, plastic food grade with spin-­on covers (pickle barrels). Also, 275 gallon food grade totes $125 each. Delivery avail-­able. 802-­453-­4235.

Vacation Rentals

ADDISON: LAKE CHAM-­PLAIN waterfront camp. Beautiful view, gorgeous sunsets, private beach, dock, rowboat and canoe included. $600. weekly, or cal l for weekends. 802-­349-­4212.

For Rent

15 MINUTES FROM MID-­DLEBURY: Large 2 bed-­room apartment, August 1. Country setting / mountain view. 2 full baths, large living room, kitchen, of-­fice, storage, fridge / stove. Washer / dryer hookups. No smoking or pets (may con-­sider cat) please. $825 plus utilities. 802-­897-­5447.

2500 SQ.FT. OF LIGHT manufacturing or retail space available on Ex-­change Street, Middlebury. 802-­388-­4831.

A DELIGHTFUL SMALL one bedroom apartment. Handicap access ib le . Heated storage / garage. Washer / dryer. Views and privacy. No smoking, no pets. $875. utilities in-­cluded. References. New Haven, 802-­453-­7117.

BRANDON 2 BR $650 + utilities. 802-­773-­9107 www.thefuccicompany.com .

BRANDON; 2 BEDROOM apartment. Heat and gar-­bage included. Washer / dryer hook-­ups. First, last and deposit required. $700 / mo. 802-­453-­5768.

MIDDLEBURY, NEWLY RENOVATED Two-­bed-­room appar tment . A l l inclusive. $1300/month. Close to the col lege. Available August 1. Call 802-­388-­4831

BRANDON ; QU I E T NEIGHBORHOOD, com-­pletely renovated 2 bed-­room apartment. Heat and hot water included. No pets. Lease, references, credit check, first, last and security deposit. $875 / mo. 802-­247-­3708, leave mes-­sage.

BRISTOL LARGE 1 Bed-­room 1 bath apartment in excellent condition. Ef-­ficient gas heat and new windows, wood floors. In-­cludes water and sewer. No pets / smoking. $715 / month. 802-­635-­9716.

BRISTOL, ONE BED-­ROOM. $550 per month, includes hot water, trash and lawn care. Tenant pays heat and electric. No Pets. Deposit and references re-­quired. Call 802-­349-­5268.

CORNER CONDOMINI-­UM IN Otterside Court. 2 bedroom, with loft office space, washer / dryer. Gas, electric and wood heat available. $1100 / month. 802-­558-­0874.

CORNWALL; LARGE 1 bedroom apartment, in-­cludes large deck, washer / dryer, 8x8 storage unit, heat, hot water. $725 / mo. No pets, no smoking. First, last and security. Refer-­ences. Available August 1. 802-­462-­3828.

COZY, COMPLETELY RENOVATED, energy ef-­ficient one bedroom year round cottage on Lake Champlain in Bridport, VT Washer and dryer, A/C. Furnished if necessary. $725 / mo. Call Pam at 802-­380-­6058.

FERRISBURGH; 3 BED-­ROOM house, 1 bath, 2 car garage. $1200 / mo. Tenant pays all utilities. Call Karla 377-­7445.

LAKE DUNMORE; WIN-­TERIZED 2 bedroom cot-­tages available Septem-­ber — June, shorter period. Smaller, heated, seasonal cottages open until late Oc-­tober. Fully equipped kitch-­ens, bathrooms with show-­ers, comfortable furnishing, WIFI, satellite TV, plowing, trash collection, recycling. 10 minutes to Middlebury or Brandon. Email [email protected] or call 352-­4236.

MIDDLEBURY 2 BED-­ROOM ground floor apart-­ment with porch, near Marble Works. Includes heat, off street parking, large lawn / garden space, storage, plowing and lawn maintenance. No pets / no smoking. Required lease, references and se-­curity deposit. $850 / month. 802-­355-­4164.

MIDDLEBURY COMMER-­CIALLY ZONED House with maximum exposure and access to Rt. 7 and Foote Street. Currently a physician’s office. Spa-­cious parking. Handicap accessible. Available Au-­gust 1. Please call Darcy at 802-­388-­9599.

MIDDLEBURY DOWN-­TOWN PROFESSIONAL Offices in condominium unit with reception area. Utili-­ties included, A/C, kitch-­enette, restroom, client’s parking. 802-­462-­3373, [email protected] .

CLASSIFIEDSAddison Independent

Our Middlebury roastery is rockin’, and we need careful and

collaborative people who will fit in with our amazing Production staff.

We are all hard-working people who take pride in our work.

(And, we have air conditioning!)

We admire quality. We expect accuracy. We practice fairness.

Qualifications include:

Ability to lift 70 lbs. Computer Proficient

Neat and Tidy Focused on Excellence

Determined to Improve Non-Smoking

Please send a letter and resume to

[email protected].


You want more coffee! We need more help!

NOW HIRINGJP Carrara & Sons is looking for:

Individuals applying for these positions

must be able to work well in a fast-­paced,

challenging environment.

Applications can be printed from our

website & emailed to [email protected],

faxed to 802-­388-­9010 or returned in

person at 2464 Case St., Middlebury, VTNo phone calls, please.

AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM POSITIONSMary Johnson Children’s Center seeks applicants for a variety of openings as:

Up to12-­15 hours weekly. Must be 18, and pass background recordscheck.

Up to 15-­18 hours weekly Must meet education and experience requirements, and pass background check.

To support school-­agers & staff in variousAddison County programs held at elementary schools. Work with great children and youth 5-­12 years old! Develop quality programs and invest in young people. Competitive rates of pay and paid training are offered to motivated applicants. Contact:

Anne Gleason MARY JOHNSON CHILDREN’S CENTER;; 81 Water Street;; Middlebury, VT 05753;;

at 388-­2853, or e-­mail;; [email protected] MJCC is an equal opportunity employer.

Mary Johnson Children’s CenterBasin Harbor is currently accepting

applications for the following positions for

our 127th season on Lake Champlain!

Line CookBell Person

Front Desk AgentServers

Dining Captain

Please apply online atwww.basinharbor.com/jobs today!

Basin Harbor Club is an equal opportunity employer



Transfer Station Operator II

Full-­‐‑Time Position

Transfer Station Operator wanted for immediate hire. Work as part of a team operating the District Transfer Station in Middlebury, VT. Quali!ed applicants must meet all Federal Motor Carrier Safety Requirements, possess a clean driving record, and have a CDL endorsement. Also, ability to: lift 50 lbs; be medically cleared and !t-tested for respirator use; operate heavy equipment (backhoe, skid steer loader, forklift), and drive a box truck and tractor-trailers (in yard only). Must be a reliable team player, able to communicate e"ectively and cordially with coworkers, customers and the general public. A high school diploma or equivalent, with basic reading, communication and math skills, is required.

Work a 40-hr work week: Mon–Fri, 6:45 am – 3:15 pm and Sat, 7:45 am – 12:45 pm (Sun. and one weekday o" ), with occasional overtime.

Starting wage is $15.19/hr. We o"er excellent bene!ts, including: paid leave; health, vision and dental insurance; and retirement savings plan.

Call (802) 388-2333 for a job description and application, download it from www.AddisonCountyRecycles.org, or stop by the o#ce at 1223 Rt. 7 South, Middlebury. Open until !lled. Send application to: ACSWMD, Attn: District Manager, 1223 Route 7 South, Middlebury, VT 05753.


Busy Ophthalmology practice seeks technician.

Previous medical experience preferred, but will

train the right person. Full time, great pay and

Missy Williams

Check the Classifieds twice a

week in the Addison Independent.

Buyit !Sel li t !

F indit !


Do you enjoy helping people, being a hero? Do you like

being outside and on the road? Are you looking to get

away from a job that is the same day in and day out?

Come see us at MiddState Towing Co. a full service

professional towing and recovery team. We are looking

for a dependable individual that will care for company

equipment and provide professional service to our

and other heroic deeds. We ask that you have a clean

DMV driving record, allow a background check, drug test

and reside within the immediate area of New Haven. 2-­‐3

schedule. We will provide in-­‐house and professional

about our company: www.middstatetowing.com. Your

help is needed by motorists in distress. Please contact

Joe at 802-­‐388-­‐1110


The Hannaford Career Center has two openingsin Health Profession education for the 2013-2014


1.0 FTE Health Professions instructor position to begin August 2013. Curriculum includes many careers in the health industry.

of LNAs, college level instruction of Human Biology and Medi-cal Terminology, as well as research writing. Candidate must hold or be able to obtain a Health Careers License from the VT Professional Teachers Standards Board and a VT State Board of

-perience preferred. Others will be considered. Registered Nurse

as LNA program administrator for Adult Technical Education is possible.


Part time/temporary LNA Instructor for Adult Technical Educa-

Candidate must hold or be able to obtain a VT State Board of

preferred. Others will be considered. Registered Nursing License

program administrator for Adult Technical Education is possible.

and letters of recommendation to:D. Lynn Coale, Superintendent

Hannaford Career Center51 Charles Ave., Middlebury, VT 05753




Thank You!


Thank You!

Help Wanted For RentHelp Wanted

For Sale

For Sale

For SaleHelp Wanted

For SaleFor Sale

For RentHelp Wanted

Page 11: Thursday, July 18, 2013

Public Notices IndexAddison County Superior Court (1)Addison Northeast Supervisory Union -­ M.A.U.H.S. (1)Cornwall Evergreen Cemetery Assoc. (1)New Haven (1)Northlands Job Corps Center (1)Vergennes (1)Vermont Secretary of State (1)

on Pages 11B & 12B.

MIDDLEBURY — The Addison County Economic Development Corp. (ACEDC) will hold a free workshop titled “Is Your Business Located in a HUBZone?” at its Middlebury office on Thursday, July 25, from 10 a.m. to noon. Participants will find out wheth-­

er their business qualifies for the HUBZone (Historically Underuti-­lized Business Zone) Program and

will learn about the advantages of HUBZone certification, such as preferential treatment for small businesses bidding on federal contracts.The HUBZone Program helps

small businesses in urban and rural communities increase employment opportunities, stimulate capital in-­vestment and empower communi-­ties through economic leveraging.

The primary goal of the HUBZone Program is to create incentives for the U.S. federal government to do contracting with businesses that operate and create jobs in com-­munities with statistically proven economic needs.The Vermont Procurement

Technical Assistance Center (VT PTAC) and the Vermont Office of the U.S. Small Business Ad-­

ministration are available to help business owners understand the HUBZone Certification process and eligibility requirements, and learn the fundamentals of govern-­ment contracting.The ACEDC office is at 1590

Route 7 South, Suite 8, in Mid-­dlebury. Learn more about this workshop on the ACEDC website: www.addisoncountyedc.org.

With luck, your business may be in a HUBZone Addison Independent, Thursday, July 18, 2013 — PAGE 11B

NEW HAVEN; EXCEL-­LENT 1 bedroom apart-­ment with appliances, heat, trash removal in-­cluded. $800 / mo. plus security. Pets negotiable. 802-­453-­2184.

RIPTON STREAMSIDE COTTAGE, close to Rip-­ton Village. Living room and loft upstairs, lg room downstairs. Snow / lawn incl. $825 / mo. plus utilities. Yearly lease plus 1 mo. security deposit required. Call 802-­388-­0863.

SELF STORAGE And Pal-­let Storage Available. Call 802-­453-­5563.

SHOREHAM VILLAGE-­ 2 Bedroom, second floor apartment. 20 minutes from Middlebury. Walking distance to school. Huge living room, big eat-­in kitchen. Non smoking. No pets. $720 / month plus utili-­ties. Available after August 4. 802-­388-­5411.

SOUTH STARKSBORO: LOOKING for quiet tenants for a two bedroom, 1 bath, mobile home on owner oc-­cupied property. No pets. No smoking. $875 / month plus utilities. Deposit and credit references required. Call 802-­453-­4856 leave message.

VERGENNES; 3 BED-­ROOM, 2 bath apartment. Located downtown. $1250 / Month includes heat. Off street parking. Avail-­able September 1. Call 802-­881-­1805.

VERGENNES; HUGE 1 bedroom apartment. $695 / mo. includes heat and water. 802-­877-­2661.

WEST ADDISON; 4 Bed-­room newly renovated farm house with views of Lake Champlain available August 1. Renovations in-­clude new windows, in-­sulation, furnace, floors, sheet rock, and kitchen. Uti l i t ies not included. $1400 / month. No pets. No smoking. 2755 Lake Street. 802-­399-­8302. Mi-­chael Johnston.

Want to Rent

PROFESSIONAL WOMAN WITH excellent credit and references seeks house or apartment to rent in Middlebury area. Call 860-­501-­3724 or email [email protected] .

Wood Heat

CUT, SEASONED DRY WOOD. Split to order. $255 / cord de l ivered. 802-­453-­4387.

FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Cut, Split and Delivered. $225 per cord. Call Matt at 802-­349-­9142.

F I R EWOOD : C U T, SPLIT, Delivered. Call 802-­388-­7300.

FIREWOOD; CUT, SPLIT and delivered. Green or seasoned . Ca l l Tom Shepard, 802-­453-­4285.

MOUNTAIN ROAD FIRE-­WOOD. Green and dry available. Oak, ash, maple, beech. Order now and save for next season. Cut, split and delivered. Call 802-­759-­2095.

Real Estate

2 BEDROOM CHA-­LET-­STYLE Camp in South Lincoln Town Rd., year round access. Sur-­veyed 21.99 acres, 1 acre pond. Water, power, broad-­band site. Completely fur-­nished, monitor heater, ful l ki tchen and bath. $499,900. 802-­324-­5177.

4 ACRE CORNWALL Hilltop building site with expansive view-­ Camel’s Hump to Killington. Ap-­proved septic design. All permits on file. 220 acres a lso avai lable. www.landwoodwater.com 619-­208-­2939. [email protected] .

BEST VALUE IN MIDDLE-­BURY; 4 bedroom, 4-­1/2 bath, energy eff ic ient home. Excellent condi-­tion. Built 2008. Located within walking distance to schools, shopping, TAM trail, central A/C, 2-­car garage. Asking $359,000. 802-­388-­3937.

LEICESTER, 6.8 ACRES, $59,000. Very nice build-­ing site surveyed, septic design included. Ready to build on, with all per-­mits. Owner financing. Call Wayne 802-­257-­7076.

MIDDLEBURY; INDUS-­TRIAL PARK. Available 2 acres, lease or build to suit. 802-­558-­6092.

NEW DISPLAY MODELS, Custom Modular Homes, Double Wides & Single Wides. No pressure sales staff. FactoryDirectHome-­sofvt.com 600 Rt 7 Pitts-­ford, VT 1-­877-­999-­2555 [email protected] .

Att. Farmers

HAY FOR SALE. 1000 2012 June first cut 45 lb. small square bales. $3.50 / bale. No mold, nice horse hay. 802-­475-­2176.

HAY FOR SALE: First cut $3 / square bale. Mike Quinn, end of South Munger Street, Middlebury. 802-­388-­7828.

HAY FOR SALE: Small square bales. First cut and mu lch . De l i ve ry available. Call for pric-­i n g . 8 0 2 -­ 4 5 3 -­ 4 4 8 1 , 8 0 2 -­ 3 4 9 -­ 9 2 8 1 , o r 802-­989-­1004.

NEW HOLLAND T1530-­ 250TL Loader, 200 hours. Winco PTO Generator. Call 802-­247-­6735.

SAWDUST; STORED AND undercover. Large tandem silage truck $627, deliv-­ered. Large single axle dump $259, delivered. Sin-­gle axle dump $1 92, de-­livered. Pick up and load-­ing also available. Phone order and credit cards accepted. 802-­453-­2226. Bagged shavings in stock. $5.50 per bag.

WANTED TO RENT; dairy barn and pasture. P.O. Box 85, Middlebury, VT 05753.

WANTED: TO PURCHASE from owner, open land, 20+ acres. 802-­558-­6092.

WHITNEY’S CUSTOM FARM WORK. Pond agi-­tating, liquid manure haul-­ing, mouldboard plowing. 462-­2755, John Whitney


(6) 240 VOLVOS : Rust f ree. $1500 and up. 802-­316-­7119.

CHEVY HHR 2010. Red, auto, air, cruise, power windows, locks, seats, 28k. 30mpg. Rebuilt title. Must sell. $9850. Call 802-­316-­7119.

CIRC. 1920 FORD front end frame, with 2 wire rim wheels with chrome V8 hubcaps . $ 200 . 802-­877-­2734.

FREE JUNK CAR RE-­MOVAL. Cash paid for some complete cars. Call 388-­0432 or 388-­2209.

WHITE 2009 CHEVY AVEO LT Sedan 4D, 72k, new tires,MPG32, 4Cyl., 5speed, AC, AM / FM / MP3. $6800, Call 802-­759-­3318, Text 802-­349-­5763.


FORD RANGER XLT 1998, super cab, white. 4x4, 4 liter V-­6. Automatic transmission, 102,500 miles. Inspected. $3500. Call 802-­758-­2377 for in-­formation.


WANTED TO BUY 1 item or houseful. Also old books. Call Blue Willow Antiques. 802-­247-­5333.

WANTED TO BUY: Pop-­Up camper in good structural shape, reason-­able price. 802-­453-­3282.

WANTED: TWO-­ TWO drawer single file cabinets. Good, clean condition. Call Pam at 802-­388-­4944.

CLASSIFIEDSAddison Independent

It’s against the law to discriminate when advertising housing related activities.

Particularly on sites like Craigslist.

And it’s easier to break the law than you might

think. You can’t say “no children” or “adults only.”

There is lots you can’t say. The federal government

is watching for such discrimination.

Let us help you sift through the complexities of the Fair

Housing Law. Stay legal. Stay on the right side of the

nation’s Fair Housing Law.

Call the Addison Independent at (802) 388-­4944.Talk to our sales professionals.

Classified Ads (Published: 5/5/11)

For Rent


Main Street, Middlebury, newly refurbished. Close to college.

$750/month, includes heat. 000-­0000.


upstairs, includes heat, electric, rubbish, 1 mile north of Middlebury

on Route 7. Available immediately, $595/month plus deposit. 000-­0000.


in Salisbury. Private lot. $650/mo. plus utilities. Deposit and reference

required. 000-­0000.


Country Commons, Vergennes. Garage and basement. References required.

$1,000/mo. excluding utilities and heat. No pets. 000-­0000.

2 BEDROOM, MODERN, completely

furnished Lake Dunmore house. Hi-­speed internet, satellite, washer,

dryer, screened porch, drilled well, 85’ lake frontage. Very energy

efficient. For 10 month rental; starting August 29, 2009 through June

26, 2010. Non-­smoking. Pets negotiable. $1,000/mo. plus utilities. 802-­352-­6678.


Northlands Job Corps Center located, at 100A MacDonough Drive, Vergennes, VT 05491, is soliciting bids on a project. The Scope of Work will include sprinkler system repairs in several buildings.

A walk through for this project will be held on July 30, 2013 at 1 p.m. where a brief meeting at the Administration building will be held.

This is a federally funded project and the Davis-­Bacon Act will be in effect.

Northlands Job Corps Center reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Bids will be due by August 15, 2013 by 4pm. Bids should be directed to Annette Paquette Purchasing Coordinator, Northlands Job Corps Center, 100A MacDonough Dr., Vergennes, VT 05491

Inquiries for this project should be directed to Mike Mills at (802) 877-­0142.



ANNUAL MEETING will be held July 20, 2013 at 7:30 P.M. at

the home of Arlyn & Sheila Foote. All lot owners are encouraged to attend.


ANESU requests proposals from vendors wishing to provide contracted instructional services for special education for 2013-­14 school year. This new procedure is being instituted for purposes of complying with federal guidelines for use of grant funds often applied to services. Sealed proposals will be received for the following contracted services: Occupational therapy, Physical therapy, Intensive behavior support services, Psychological services.

Period of Contract: ANESU will enter into written agreements through a Memorandum of Understanding from a

Copy of request for proposals is available from ANESU website at www.anesu.org

between 8AM -­ 4PM, Monday through Friday.

Service proposals should be directed to the attention of: Susan Bruhl, Special

Avenue, Suite 601, Bristol, VT 05443 and must be received no later than 4PM on or before Friday, July 26, 2013.




NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGThe New Haven Development Review

Board (DRB) will hold a public hearing on

the following applications beginning at 7:00

P.M. on Monday August 5, 2013 at the New

be heard in the following order.

Application # 2013DRB-­07-­SD is a

major subdivision of parcel # 0633-­130

on map #13 by David and Sara Peck

pursuant to section 260 (NHSR). The

property is located on the east side of

Munger Street in the RA-­2 District. This item on the


Application # 2013DRB-­05-­SD is

2-­lot major subdivision of parcel #

0077 on map #5 by Richard (Brett)

and Carol Schreiber pursuant to

section 260 (NHSR). The property is

located between Lime Kiln Road and

Leduc Road in the RA-­2 District. This

application will be the second item on

the agenda.

The above applications are available

persons are invited to attend the hearing, or

send a representative. Pursuant to 24 VSA

§ 4464(a)(1)(C) and 4471(a), participation

in this local proceeding is a prerequisite to

the right to take any subsequent appeal.

David Wetmore

Dated: July 18, 2013


GARAGENow Available at The Addison Independent

We have everything you need to promote your sale!

For as low as $10 you’ll receive:

& online

OR get the kit for FREE

Let us help you make your Garage Sale a GREAT SUCCESS!Call Kelly at 388-4944 or stop in to the Addison Independent’s office

at 58 Maple Street in the Marble Works to get all set up for your next yard sale!



By law, public notice of proposed rules must be given by publication in newspapers of record. The purpose of these notices is to give the public a chance to respond to the proposals. The public notices for administrative rules are now also available online at http://vermont-­archives.org/aparules/ovnotices.htm. The law requires an agency to hold a public hearing on a proposed rule, if requested to do so in writing by 25 persons or an association having at least 25 members.

To make special arrangements for individuals with disabilities or special needs please call or write the contact person listed below as soon as possible.

To obtain further information concerning any schedule hearing(s), obtain copies of proposed rule(s) or submit comments regarding proposed rule(s), please call or write the contact person listed below. You may also submit comments in writing to the Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules, State House, Montpelier, Vermont 05602 (828-­2231).

Vermont Proposed Rule: 13PE02 Dept. for Children and Families (DCF)

The rule implements changes to the General Assistance Program. The emergency rule will establish emergency housing eligibility criteria for vulnerable popu-­lations in non-­catastrophic situations. Eligibility for emergency housing in non-­catastrophic situations will be based on a point system that assesses the applicant’s health and safety risks. This emergency rule will be effective July 1, 2013 and, in accordance with 3 V.S.A. § 844, will expire 120 days later.

Heidi Moreau, Esq., Policy Analyst Agency of Human Services, Dept. for Children and Families, Economic Services Division 103 South Main Street, Waterbury, VT 05671-­1201 Tel: 802-­595-­9639 Fax: 802-­769-­2186 Email: [email protected]. URL: http://dcf.vermont.gov/esd/rules

: Traci Desrochers Agency of Human Services, Department for Children and Families, Economic Services Division 103 South Main Street, Waterbury, VT 05671-­1201 Tel: 802-­769-­6457 Fax: 802-­769-­2186 Email: [email protected]


The City of Vergennes is considering making an application to the VTrans Bicycle and Pedestrian Program for funding to construct a sidewalk and access management improvements from Vergennes Redemption to Champlain Discount Foods. The Vergennes City Council will hold a public meeting on July 23, 2013 at 7 p.m. in the Fire Station meeting room on Green Street to inform and solicit comments from the public about the project and application. 7/18 Vergennes City Council

STATE OF VERMONTSUPERIOR COURT CIVIL DIVISIONADDISON UNIT DOCKET NO. 116-­5-­13 Ancv DEBRA HURLBURT & NORMA LEDUC, Administrators of the Estate of Bernard Hurlburt v.TRUSTEE(S) of the B-­S-­T TRUST, and TRUSTEE(S) of the S-­T-­K TRUST, andTRUSTEE(S) of the B-­J-­S TRUST, and TRUSTEE(S) of the W-­E-­H TRUST, andTRUSTEE(S) of the L-­P-­S TRUST, and JAMES BOUTIN

ORDER OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATIONTO: The TRUSTEES OF THE B-­S-­T Trust, the S-­T-­K Trust, the B-­J-­S Trust, the W-­E-­H

Trust and the L-­P-­S Trust:You are being sued by Debra Hurlburt & Norma Leduc, the Administrators of the Estate of

Bernard Hurlburt. The purpose of the suit is to declare all of said Trusts to be invalid, to the extent they related to the assets of the deceased, Bernard Hurlburt, and to clear title to the lands located in Starksboro, Vermont that were purportedly transferred by Mr. Hurlburt to the B-­S-­T Trust in December 2001. By the terms of the B-­S-­T Trust, the S-­T-­K, B-­J-­S, W-­E-­H and L-­P-­S Trusts may have an interest in said lands.

publication of this notice in the Addison Independent, a newspaper of general circulation in the County of Addison, Vermont. Your answer must include any counterclaim that you have against the Plaintiffs. If you fail to respond within 21 days, you will lose your case by default.


notice. You must also mail a copy of your Answer to Pamela A. Marsh, Marsh & Wagner,

You may wish to get a lawyer to help you prepare your Answer. Your Answer must contain a response to each and every allegation of the Declaratory Judgment Complaint. You may obtain a copy of the complete Complaint by calling the Civil Division at 802-­

Helen Toor, Presiding Judge

For Rent For Rent For Rent

For Rent Att. Farmers

Page 12: Thursday, July 18, 2013

PAGE 12B — Addison Independent, Thursday, July 18, 2013

Real Estate


SATURDAY – JULY 20TH 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. We have been commissioned to sell the personal property of the Late Jean Foote home in Cornwall. Directions from Route 125 and Route 30 – Turn on to Ridge Road. NOTE: Parking will be on one side of the road only. The following will be sold………..

Early lift top blanket chest with bracket base – Colombia

cylinder Phonograph w/rolls – 6 unit stacking glass door book

case – early 4 drawer drop front desk – 1 drawer stands – early

lift top blanket chest with sandwich pulls – fancy what not shelf –

ogee mirrors – small fancy child’s lift top writing desk – iron door

US 1903 wall map – VT 1902 highway map – early Cornwall

town map – Wicker baby and doll carriages – quilts, hats, linens,

old clothes, blankets and lace – spinning wheels – early photo

albums, photography – tin types in case – early document

boxes with old letters and postcards – 1880’s sheep breeders

parlor lamp and oil lamps – Empire step back dresser – rope bed

– wash bowl and pitcher – iron mortar/pestle – mahogany glass

door corner china cabinet – nice oak mission style sideboard

– oak straight front china cabinet – painted Firken – coin silver

drop font desk – early eye glasses – candle sticks and scissors

– assorted braided and rag rugs – large wooden bowl and

telephone – Ogee and Seth Thomas shelf clocks – hand held

school bells and others – early student slate boards – library

table – mahogany dining room table w/6 chairs – RS Prussia

chocolate pot – pr Roseville vases – cut glass – Lustreware –

pink depression glass – ruby glass – cobalt blue candle holders

and more – mixing bowls – Griswold ironware and other – organ

pipe – wicker porch chair – plant stands – wicker ferns – iron

– hay knife – cross cut saws – ice tongs – grain cradle – early

radio – small pin ball game – cream separator – iron tractor seat

– yard pitcher pump – sheep treadmill – corn shellers – milk

cans – “bone crusher” and more

PAINTINGS AND PRINTS O/C River scene in gold frame – O/C lady portrait – O/C Elk –

Lane watercolor – prints and more

**** John Deere LA115 lawn tractor w/42” deck (like new) ****Push mowers and more


Auctioneer: Tom Broughton


Lathrop Forest Products44 South St., Bristol



City man charged with cruelty to a child

Police LogVergennes

VERGENNES — Vergennes po-­

lice on July 10 arrested a 26-­year-­

old man and charged him with do-­

mestic assault and cruelty to a child

following an incident in a Monkton

Road home.

City police allege that Jason L.

Brown of Vergennes hit an 8-­year-­

old boy in the head and kicked him

at the home. Brown was arrested

and charged after police took state-­

ments, and he was lodged at the

Chittenden County Correctional


In other action between July

8-­14, Vergennes police:

Union High School because a door

was found open, and heard some-­

one on the roof. Whoever was on

be found.

a woman who said the other party

in a divorce case threatened her

while she was walking on a Monk-­

ton Road sidewalk;; police spoke to

her about obtaining a relief-­from-­

abuse order.

had been found at Vergennes Union

Elementary School, but it was gone

when they arrived.

suitcase that a citizen found aban-­

doned on Meadow Street.

teen heard making threats to his

driver heard him make the threat,

and police responded to their First

Street home and determined that all

of Children and Families personnel

was overheard behind the Bixby

Library also making another threat

and allegedly conducting a drug

deal, and police again discussed

illegal drug activity in the area.

Brown, 44, of Panton for driving

lowing a two-­car accident at the in-­

tersection of New Haven Road and

Route 7. Police alleged that Brown

was “severely impaired” and failed

roadside sobriety tests even though

his blood-­alcohol content was well

below the legal limit. They also

allege that he had in his posses-­

sion two narcotic pills. Brown was

charged for possessing the pills.

someone driving by in a car shot

12 to 20 BBs at the Northlands Job

Corps education building;; police

were unable to locate the car based

on the description.

walk-­through of the building with

the department canine.

er whose animal charged out of a

South Maple Street home and con-­

fronted a woman walking her dog.

that a citizen found on Main Street

and recognized as belonging to a

Comfort Hill resident.

and a paycheck had been stolen

from a car parked on Alden Place;;

the paycheck was later found.

a High Street mailbox had been

sawed in half.

two-­car accident in the Champlain

Farms parking lot.

car accident at the intersection of

West Main Street and Panton Road

in which the vehicles were badly


that a man was selling drugs near

Second Street and Panton Road.

door was open.

dispute at a Hillside Acres apart-­


a report that sharp rocks had been

left in the road and a road grate

had been removed;; police cleaned

nance head.

that were found in trash outside a

Main Street business.

dog running loose near the Park

man for driving after his license

his car.

plaints about dogs locked in cars;;

in neither case did police believe

the dogs were in danger, but in one

case they did warn the owners.

cones that had been moved onto

West Street.

SALISBURY — Correction: The

Salisbury Historical Society will pres-­

ent a program by Jean Edgerton at

Waterhouse’s, West Shore Road on

Thursday, July 18, at 7 p.m. The pro-­

gram will not be at the church as had

been reported earlier. Jean will speak

about the history of Waterhouse’s Ma-­

rina and Boat Rental;; she is a relative

of the Waterhouse family who started

The third performance of the Salis-­

bury Congregational Church’s Sum-­

mer Series will be held this week, Fri-­

and Stephen Rainville will sing the

music of Stephen Sondheim accompa-­

nied by Joyce Flanagan on piano.

sette Band will perform jazz, blues and

music with swing. Band members are

Helen Weston, piano and vocals: Eric

guitar;; Andrew Smith, bass;; and Matt

cessible;; the performances are free, but

donations are welcome.

The church will hold a bake sale

store from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. (or until the

goodies are gone). Pies, breads, cook-­

ies, baked beans and other homemade

treats will be available.

special all-­music service at the Salis-­

bury Church. Church pianist Helen

Weston will be joined by other area

musicians performing songs of love,

hope, joy and peace at 10 a.m. Helen,

of New Haven, will be joined by Bob

Levinson of Vergennes, guitar;; Mi-­

chael Graziadei of Lincoln, bass;; and

Allen Bilson of Bristol, percussion.

This non-­denominational service will

include spirituals, sacred and secular

music containing messages of love,

hope, joy and peace;; everyone is in-­



SalisburyHave a news tip?

Call Mary Burchard

at 352-4541

Brandon Town Hall are joining forc-­

es to raise funds for two great causes

with a swing dance at the town hall

on Saturday, July 27, from 8-­10 p.m.

Admission is $8 with the proceeds

Restoration Fund and the L.C. Jazz

Scholarship Fund.

L.C. Jazz is a 17-­piece volunteer

big band with a mission: to have a

great time, play fantastic music, and

support the continuing music educa-­

tion of area students through schol-­

arships. Based out of Vergennes,

the musicians have been playing

together for the past 21 years. The

group spans decades, currently from

high school age to octogenarian. The

musicians come from all walks of

life: teachers, engineers, electricians,

medical professionals, small-­busi-­

ness owners, retirees, students and

many others.

Come listen or dance as this clas-­

sic big band — including vocalists

Liz Cleveland and Tony Panella —

bring on the swing.


Opinions:Write a Letter to the Editor.

Send it to [email protected]

Page 13: Thursday, July 18, 2013

Addison Independent, Thursday, July 18, 2013 — PAGE 13B

Lindsey brings more than 10 years of mortgage and banking industry

with PrimeLending, the No. 4 lender in the nation, Lindsey will work

throughout the greater Addison County area. Lindsey will be opening

a local branch in Middlebury in the coming weeks.

#4 in the nation for purchase units in 2012*Mortgages without Obstacles

Lindsey WingProducing Branch ManagerDirect: 802.846.0029Fax: [email protected] Blair Park, #202Williston, VT 05495NMLS: 491711

Company. Equal Housing Lender© 2013

PrimeLending, a PlainsCapital Company. PrimeLending, a PlainsCapital Company (NMLS:13649) is a wholly owned subsidiary of a

state-­chartered bank and is licensed by: VT Dept. of Banking, Insurance, Securities and Health Care Administration –

lender lic. no. 6127 and broker no. 0964MB. V051413.

*As listed by Marketrac® Powered by CoreLogic for Jan-­Dec 2012

SALISBURY Sweeping views of the Champlain Valley and Adirondack Mountains

will astonish you as you walk through this well-crafted and private, three bedroom home on 19 acres. Fine

finishes throughout including hardwood floors, high ceilings, cherry cabinets,

custom lighting and a beautiful floor to ceiling stone hearth. Truly stunning!

$535,000 MLS# 4223354

MIDDLEBURY Live and play in one of Middlebury’s

most popular neighborhoods. Walk to everything in town from this

3 bedroom, 4 bath home that backs up to Battell Woods.

$349,500 MLS# 4221547

SHAKER HILLClassic custom built home on over

80 acres with trails and views! Glass everywhere allows for great light and

nature watching. Three bedrooms, four baths, attached garage. Close to Bristol, Mad River Valley, and a short drive to Middlebury and Burlington.

$600,000 MLS#4251452

Ingrid Punderson Jackson Real Estate44 Main StreetMiddlebury, VT 05753802-388-4242www.middvermontrealestate.com





LAKE DUNMOREQuality, year-round home on Lake Dunmore with incredible views to

the lake and mountains and awesome lake frontage with decks, docks,

landscaping – you name it! Three bedroom house with finished attic

and basement. Plenty of room! $530,000 MLS#4251966

BENSONNeat and tidy, four bedroom ranch

home in Benson on 12 acres! !All new plumbing/heating, detached garage and shed can be used for animals...Great area for fishing and boating,

with lakes nearby! $194,000 $185,000 MLS#4235596




Vermont: Greater Burlington, Fairlee, Londonderry, Lyndonville, Manchester, Middlebury, Norwich, Rutland,

St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, Vergennes, WoodstockNew Hampshire: Hanover, West Lebanon


Lang McLaughry MiddleburyVergennes O!ce

268 Main StreetVergennes, Vermont 05491


802-877-2227 (fax)

Middlebury O!ce66 Court Street

Middlebury, Vermont 05753802-388-1000800-856-7585

802-388-7115 (fax)

CORNWALLCornwall Country Store is o!ered

for sale with 1.4 +/- acres and a State issued waste water permit.

$75,000 MLS 4183061

ADDISONEnjoy over 1400 feet of lakeshore

with shared dock and over 20 acres of common land. Large deck with

views, cottage complete with boat and mooring.

$179,900 MLS 4252993

FERRISBURGHEarly American style home

situated in a quiet setting with views and southern exposure. Opne "oor plan, cozy kitchen

window seating, #replace. $299,000 MLS 4254018









FERRISBURGHHistoric 1760 home with attention to detail and abundance of space. Private back yard with carriage barn. Potential commercial use.

$325,900 MLS 4254234

STARKSBORO Priced well below town assessment! Unique property in private setting

with corner #replaces in the living room and one bedroom. New septic and well in process.

$165,000 MLS 4254105




ADDISONAttractive and comfortable

3-bedroom home with kitchen and dining area that opens to a great room. First "oor master

suite. Screened porch and patio. $259,000 MLS 4252422


“13 years of experience to help you make the best decisions in the sale or

purchase of your home”










All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or persons receiving public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.”

This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportu-­nity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-­free at 1-­800-­669-­9777.



Will Build to Suit-­‐

Call Greg, 363-­‐2082


view the online photo album at www.BillBeck.com

VILLAGE FARMHOUSE – Charming Farmhouse

on a lovely street within walking distance to the

restaurants and arts community in Brandon. This

home was totally renovated down to the studs eight

years ago. It is warm and inviting, no imagination

needed. The open living and dining rooms make

for perfect family gatherings and the four-­season

sun porch will be your favorite spot to relax after a

kitchen, lead to a large deck and fenced backyard

with brick patio. Lots of beautiful landscaping

around this home, including perennials and fruit

trees! Must see to appreciate.

MIDDLEBURY – Private, hillside property

on 3.35 acres, just east of town. The heart

living room, which can heat the entire house.

Beautiful butternut paneling in dining room

bring a warmth to the interior. A large

attached 2-­car garage plus third bay for

recreational “toys” completes the residence.

CORNWALL – Historic, antique home on

an 11-­acre estate. Chef’s kitchen w/large

walk-­in pantry, formal dining room w/

wonderful living space year ’round. Exquisite

fruit trees and brick-­paved potager garden.


New Listing

Bill Beck Real Estate802-388-7983


partially restored Victorian home with many

original features, including stained glass,

woodwork, stately staircase, and a wonderful

wrap-­around porch with gingerbread trim.

Five bedrooms, three baths and recent

improvements that include a Buderus heating

system. Lovely village lot with gardens, raised

beds and a private fenced patio. Walk to the

village green and downtown Brandon, with its

shops and excellent restaurants!

CLASSIC COLONIAL reproduction home sits on

the brow of a hilltop with BIG western/Adirondack

views. Built in 2008, the house has the character of

hall staircase (which continues past the second

granite countertops, center island, convection

ovens, and enormous stainless steel refrigerator.

It is open to the family room. A formal dining room

and privacy, and three bedrooms upstairs complete

the home. Attached 2-­car garage connects via

the mudroom. The house has been thoughtfully

designed and there is room for expansion.

New LIsting!

30 Marble St., Brandon802-247-0121

173 Court St., Middlebury 802-388-9836






Sue Mackey


Page 14: Thursday, July 18, 2013

PAGE 14B — Addison Independent, Thursday, July 18, 2013



Round Roast



Swiss Steaks

$799lb. $299



Pork Chops& Roasts














Chicken Breasts



Spare Ribs



Pork Butts

Always Fresh!

– because at Greg's we believe in the highest quality meat for our customers!

All Fresh USDA!






We serve great hot lunches, sandwiches and soups!


*Comes with Sandwich, Chips and a Drink.

Mon-­Fri Ham Salad, Egg Salad,Turkey Salad Sandwich

Tues Sliced Ham, Sliced Turkey Sandwich

Wed Chicken Salad Sandwich

Thurs Sliced Roast Beef, Smoked Turkey Sandwich

Fri Tuna Sandwich

+ tax$429*


GREG'SRoast Beef












Tuna Mac Salad














Ice Cream

FamilyPacks5-­11 lbs.


Regular or Bun Length


Meat Weiners









White Tuna




Ziti Garden Salad





12OZ. SHADY BROOK FARMS Turkey Meatballs




4/$53LB. BAG



















20OZ. 8PKS.Gatorade


1LB. HOOD Cottage Cheese



Cream Cheese



Greek Yogurt





Cody Broughton –Greg's Grocery

Customer Service"My job at Greg's is to help take care of our customers. Carrying out their bags

like working with our customers."






Leaf Lettuce













Pasta Sauce




Greg's Creemees – are dreamy!Now serving Chocolate,

Vanilla & Mixed – we've

even got sprinkles!

Treat yourself today!









FRESH CAL.Strawberries



59OZ. SIMPLY Orange




Regular or Bun Length


Beef Franks



Ham Steaks



M-S, 6-8:30SUN 6-8