THERMOGENIC DISCOVERY How You Can Eat More and Burn Fat! In the course of the next three minutes, the way you feel about weight loss will completely change. INSIDE: The Powerful, Thermogenic Weight Loss Solution That Allows Your Body to Burn Fat While Actually Eating MORE of The Right Kind Of Food You Love! PLUS: Why conventional diet plans are NOT the answer, and… The Shocking Truth - Every TWO MINUTES, someone in the U.S. dies as a result of obesity and overweight-related health problems. Learn how you can take one simple step and avoid this danger with a powerful program that produces immediate results! The Shocking Truth - Every TWO MINUTES, someone in the U.S. dies as a result of obesity and overweight-related health problems. Learn how you can take one simple step and avoid this danger with a powerful program that produces immediate results! INSIDE: The Powerful, Thermogenic Weight Loss Solution That Allows Your Body to Burn Fat While Actually Eating MORE of The Right Kind Of Food You Love! PLUS: Why conventional diet plans are NOT the answer, and…

THERMOGENIC DISCOVERY How You Can Eat More and Burn Fat!madronmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Thermo... · 2015-06-11 · Best of all, it will help you lose weight safely

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Page 1: THERMOGENIC DISCOVERY How You Can Eat More and Burn Fat!madronmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Thermo... · 2015-06-11 · Best of all, it will help you lose weight safely

THERMOGENIC DISCOVERYHow You Can Eat More and Burn Fat!

In the course of thenext three minutes,

the way you feelabout weight loss

will completelychange.

INSIDE: The Powerful,Thermogenic Weight LossSolution That Allows YourBody to Burn Fat WhileActually Eating MORE ofThe Right Kind Of FoodYou Love!

PLUS: Why conventional diet plans are NOT the answer, and…

The Shocking Truth - Every TWO MINUTES,

someone in the U.S. dies as a result of obesity and

overweight-related health problems.

Learn how you can take one simple step

and avoid this danger with a powerful program

that produces immediate results!

The Shocking Truth - Every TWO MINUTES,

someone in the U.S. dies as a result of obesity and

overweight-related health problems.

Learn how you can take one simple step

and avoid this danger with a powerful program

that produces immediate results!

INSIDE: The Powerful,Thermogenic Weight LossSolution That Allows YourBody to Burn Fat WhileActually Eating MORE ofThe Right Kind Of FoodYou Love!

PLUS: Why conventional diet plans are NOT the answer, and…

Page 2: THERMOGENIC DISCOVERY How You Can Eat More and Burn Fat!madronmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Thermo... · 2015-06-11 · Best of all, it will help you lose weight safely

Dear Friend:

Before you read this letter, Ishould warn you: over thecourse of the next three minutes, the way you feel aboutweight loss will completelychange.

In a good way. A very goodway.

That's because - as I'm about toreveal - there's a hidden "secret"to weight loss success thatallows you to…

Instantly - and safely - turn your body into a turbo-charged, fat-burning machine

Feel years younger within just a matter of days

Easily avoid the potentially dangerous, obesity-related-health problems that face millions of Americans

Finally get the body you've always wanted… without all the hard work and frustration of complicated diet programs.

Simply put, I'm going to tell youhow you can burn fat… and eat MORE. It's absolutelytrue. And the reason you cando this is because of a compre-hensive, easy-to-follow programthat is unlike any other on themarket today.

Best of all, this proprietary,ephedra-free program - which is customized to your specificbody type - incorporates acombination of simple compo-nents, each with a proven history of success.

So how does this remarkableprogram actually work?

I'll tell you more about that - and I'll tell you how you can get started on this revolutionarynew weight loss solution rightaway - in just a moment. Butfirst, let me tell you about…

Obesity: The Preventable KillerThat Took 300,000 Lives Last Year Alone!

The statistics are truly frighten-ing. No matter how you slice it,obesity is more than just a"minor" health problem; it's literally killing hundreds of Ameri-cans each and every day.

Here's a chilling fact: 20 yearsago, the U.S. population was at the very top of the world'slongevity list. No one had a longer life expectancy than Americans.

But that has changed… in a bigway: American women are now19th on the longevity list, whilemen are now ranked 28th.That's a frightening statistic -because of our eating habitsand couch potato lifestyles,we're actually taking years offour lives!

Clearly, this is a serious issue.And the evidence is overwhelm-ing: obesity-related health prob-lems increase with age. So it'simportant that you take action -today! - in order to live a longer,healthier life.

But before I go any further… letme reassure you that the dan-gers you now face - and thestruggles you may have facedwhen trying to lose weight - arenot your fault.

You may have tried all the dietsout there - and really stuck withit - and still you've struggled withyour weight.

How is this possible? And areyou the only one?

Hardly. In fact, there are millionsof people like you with the same experience.

And what makes it even more tragic - aside from the widearray of health problems relatedto obesity - is how the struggle tolose weight can affect each ofus on a personal level.

We've all seen the stares. We've all experienced the

All statements found in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned in this publication are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness.2

Page 3: THERMOGENIC DISCOVERY How You Can Eat More and Burn Fat!madronmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Thermo... · 2015-06-11 · Best of all, it will help you lose weight safely

agony associated with some-thing as simple as going to thebeach or shopping for newclothes. Yes… we have all dealtwith the shame and embarrass-ment of being overweight intoday's America.

But it didn't have to be that way.

That's because - in spite of allyour hard work and dedication,most of your weight loss effortswere doomed to fail from thebeginning. But that's through nofault of yours.

The truth is, you haven't failed.Instead, the diet industry has failed you!

You see - no matter what youmay have read…and no matterwhat "conventional" wisdommight suggest - losing weight isnot simply a function of willpower. Simply put, your owndesire for a healthier life - and abetter body - is not in questionhere. Again, this goes againstwhat you may have beentaught, because…

"Conventional" Diet Wisdom IsWRONG, WRONG, WRONG!

Weight loss is a simple formulawhere calories in have to be lessthan calories out.

Conventional diets that focusedon the "calories in" component

restrict the types and amountsof food you can eat. Whilesome people may experienceresults on these starvation orlow-carb programs, the weightloss is usually short lived as thereare fundamental problems withthese diets. In a starvation diet,you may lose weight initially.However, your body slows itsmetabolism to adjust to thisreduced caloric intake andstarts storing the food you eat as fat.

The "conventional wisdom" thatfocuses on the "calories out"component has you do hoursand hours of aerobic exerciseevery week - PLUS hours andhours of weight lifting - in orderto "speed up" your metabolism.

It's true that exercise is a valu-able part of any comprehensivewellness or weight reductionprogram. But exercise alone isnot the answer. Did you knowthat you can sweat for 30 min-utes in the gym weight liftingand you'll burn about 120 calo-ries? Two slices of bread con-tain 140 calories! No wonder

why all that pain resulted in verylittle gain.

Most Americans - just like youand me - who have tried theirhardest to lose weight by dieting and exercising, havereached out for help of some kind.

But that help simply hasn'tworked. Sure, you may havehad some short-term success…but the results were always temporary. And more oftenthan not we've invested timeand energy into a so-called"quick fix" that just left us frustrat-ed. Even worse, the weight thatcomes back is more than whatwas lost, resulting in the dreaded "yo-yo" effect thatwe've all had the misfortune of experiencing.

That's because the overwhelm-ing majority of the weight lossprograms available today tendto focus on the wrong compo-nent of weight loss.

That conventional thinking - andthe narrow, single-minded focus

All statements found in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned in this publication are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness. 3


Americans spend more than$33 billion a year on weight-loss products and services.However, the economic costof obesity in the United Stateswas about $117 billion in 2000.

Source: CDC study, March 2005

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of most conventional weightloss products - is doing nothingmore than leading millions of Americans down a path of failure.

Don't believe me?

Take a look at the statistics.Americans spend over $33 billion each year on weight lossproducts or activities. But inspite of this rabid spending,America's obesity problem has-n't gotten better - it's actuallygotten worse.

The fact of the matter is simple:conventional wisdom is wrong.

And that's why I'm writing youtoday. Over the next few

minutes, I'd like to tell you about a few simple steps you can take so that you can onceagain take charge of your own body and focus your attention on the right compo-nent of weight loss… all with thehelp of a revolutionary new pro-gram that is unlike any other available today.

Just how is this program differ-ent? Two reasons come to mindright away…

First and foremost - this programactually works. Best of all, it will help you lose weight safelyand effectively. This solution is100% ephedra-free… and thereare absolutely no promises of a "one-week, quick fix" with this program. Instead, you willlose weight consistently - andbest of all, once the poundscome off, they'll stay off forgood because it focuses on theright component.

Later on in this letter, I'll actuallyshow you HOW it works. And I'llalso tell you how you can findout for yourself with absolutelyno risk whatsoever.

The second reason this new pro-gram is different from the thou-sands of failures out there on themarket today is that it's simplyfar more comprehensive thanany other available.

What is this right component?


As previously mentioned, weightloss is primarily a function of twoimportant components: caloriesin and calories out.

Simply put, your ability to loseweight has everything to do

with how quickly your body canburn fat and how many caloriesyou take in on a daily basis.

Without question, the key to losing weight quickly is to accelerate your metabolism -the rate at which your bodyconverts food into energy.Thermogenesis is literally definedas "generating heat," and that's what your body doesthrough metabolism.

By design, your body is naturallya fat-burning machine. Evenwhen you're simply sittingaround, you're burning fat as anenergy source.

Yes, that's right - even whenyou're just sitting around.

The rate at which you burn fat isdependant upon your BMR, orBasal Metabolic Rate. Thosepeople you know who have afast metabolism - and have notrouble staying thin regardless ofdiet or inactivity - generallyhave very fast metabolisms, orhigh BMR.

Conversely, a person who has alow BMR - a "slow" metabolism -can still gain weight even whenthey eat very little. As you'veprobably guessed, it's all a fac-tor of the BMR.

So the key is finding a way toincrease your BMR… becausedoing so will allow you toincrease the amount of fat

All statements found in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned in this publication are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness.4


"The new analysis found thatobesity - being extremelyoverweight - is indisputablylethal"

Source: Associated Press, April 20, 2005

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you burn.

Wouldn't it be great if we couldsimply "reprogram" our metabo-lism so that we could eat MOREof the foods we love… and stilllose weight at the same time?

Sure it would.

Well I'm writing you today to tellyou it is possible to maximizeyour thermogenic potential andboost your metabolism.

Turn Your Body Into a Super-charged Fat-Burning Machine

Thermogenesis is the key to ourcomprehensive weight loss program, the ThermoLife Solu-tion. This revolutionary weightloss solution is the only one of itskind… and it virtually guaran-tees weight loss success with a comprehensive, 3-prongedapproach to helping increaseyour body's metabolism andreducing your body's propensityto store fat.

The first component of our pow-erful "one-two-three" punch -the ThermoLife Solution - isdesigned to help raise your

Basal MetabolicRate. It's a powerfulsupplement calledThermoBlitz, and ithelps increase yourBMR by using a pro-prietary combina-tion of thermogenicingredients.

Simply put, this small capsulehelps you in a number of bene-ficial ways, including…

Increased energy - allowing you to get more done and feel better throughout the day

Increased metabolism - help-ing your body burn fat at a higher rate; the absolute #1 key to weight loss success

Maintains healthy muscle - by increasing metabolism, more weight loss comes from burning fat… as opposed to the damaging, muscular weight loss so common in many diet programs

And perhaps best of all, because your body will be burning fat at a higher rate, there's absolutely no need to stop eating the right kind of foods you love.

ThermoBlitz alone is very effec-tive just by itself in helping turnyour body into a fat-burningmachine - simply by boostingyour metabolism. You'll soon begetting good stares again asyou walk down the street. Yourfriends will beg you for details onhow you've done it… and you'lllook great in all the new clothesyou'll need to go out and buy tofit your new, slimmer body!

Imagine for a moment how

great you'll feel when you finallystart enjoying weight loss suc-cess - with a solution that does-n't force you to starve yourself orgive up any of the foods you love and are good for you!

But hold on a minute… I'm justgetting warmed up.

You see, as I said before, thepowerful ThermoBlitz supple-ment is just the first of three high-impact components to theThermoLife Solution.

I know what you're thinking: "Uhoh… here it comes. Here comesthe part where I'll have to starvemyself or eat some ridiculouscombination of foods in orderfor this program to work."

Well I'm here to tell you: nothingcould be further from the truth.You'll be able to eat MORE ofthe right kind of foods - and stillweigh less - thanks to the easy-to-follow ThermoLife Solution.

That's because the ThermoLifeSolution also includes a secondpowerful component designedto help you lose weight quickly,safely and effectively.

What is this second componentand how will it benefit you?

Allow me to explain. It's calledSoluLife, and it's a nutrient-dense drink mixthat promotes ahealthy cardiovas-cular, digestiveand immune sys-tem. And - mostimportantly - ithelps your body notstore fat.

Not only will ThermoBlitz helpboost your metabolism so you

All statements found in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned in this publication are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness. 5

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burn more fat, but SoluLife willhelp reduce your body's inclina-tion to store fat. This synergisticcombination is crucial for thesuccess of any long-term weightmanagement program toincrease your metabolism…shed those extra pounds… keepthe weight off… and decreasefat storage.

These two powerful supple-ments work together in a waythat exponentially raises yourchances of weight loss success.In fact, this combination is muchmore powerful than taking just asingle component all by itself.

I'll tell you more about just howthese two ingredients work intandem in just a moment. Butfirst, let me answer the questionthat's most likely on the tip ofyour tongue:

How does SoluLife work… andhow will it help me to loseweight?

Allow me to explain…

In addition to increased metab-olism, another important factoraffecting weight loss - more

specifically, the stor-age of fat in the body -is how your bodyreacts to food.

When you eat food -especially carbohy-drates - insulin isreleased. Insulin is animportant hormonethat tells the cells ofthe body to take in thesugar when the food is digested.

But insulin also tells yourbody to store fat. Soan important compo-nent of any successfulweight loss program isto control your bloodsugar and insulin levels.

You see, SoluLife is athermogenic aid…and that's importantbecause, after all,what good is it to turn your bodyinto a fat-burning machine ifyour body keeps storing fat fromthe foods you eat?

That's why your successfulweight loss program absolutelymust include a component toaddress this important issue.

And that's precisely whereSoluLife comes in.

SoluLife helps you control yourblood sugar levels so you canminimize the fat storing proper-ties of insulin.

One more thing - that's not allthat SoluLife does for you. Inaddition to helping controlblood sugar, SoluLife…

Helps promote healthy cholesterol

Helps detoxify the body

Allows you to give your immune system a much-need boost

Helps create a feeling of satiety, so you don't always feel so hungry

And Helps optimize digestive health.

If you were to simply use theabove two components ofThermoLife Solution regularly, Ihave no doubt whatsoever thatyou'd see instant results. In fact,you'd probably experiencegreater weight loss success thanwith any other product you've ever tried.

But the ThermoLife Solutionactually goes one step further.

All statements found in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned in this publication are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness.6

"Dear sirs, thank you for yourprogram. I had a difficult timelosing weight even with exerciseuntil I came across your informa-tion. I have lost 17 pounds in athree-month period. Although Idon't have pictures to show myweight loss progress, the proof isin the comments made by co-workers and family memberswho asked me what I have beendoing. Also my clothes are fittingme much looser."

R. MarcottiLowell, MA

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All statements found in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned in this publication are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness. 7

The third component of theThermoLife Solution features the revolutionary ThermoTypeNutrition Program. This is aunique, nutrition program thatactually allows you to identifyyour specific body type and will help you maximize your thermo-genic potential.

You see, your body has thepotential to be a high-perform-ing thermogenic machine. Butthe key to maximizing its performance is finding out what your specific thermogenictype is.

The ThermoType Nutrition Pro-gram will tell you exactly whatyour body needs in order toprocess energy - and preventfat storage - in the most effec-tive way possible.

And that's exactly what theThermoType Nutrition Programdoes: it will allow you to identifyyour specific thermogenic typeand then allow you to - quicklyand easily - add just the right mixand right amounts of foods tohelp your body operate at max-imum efficiency.

In short, your body will go frombeing like a vehicle with a sim-ple, four-cylinder engine… tobecoming a turbocharged

racecar - all by simply recogniz-ing which type of food fuel isbest for your body "engine."

Based on your specific thermocharacteristics and nutritionalrequirements, we put together a customized eating plandesigned in such a way thatmaximum results can beachieved - both by increasingyour body's ability to burn fat and by managing yourcaloric intake.

ThermoType is not a diet plan.Notice the first 3 letters in dietare "DIE." You certainly will notstarve to death on ourThermoType Nutrition program.In fact, you may be eating morethan you ever have, eating theright kind of foods, and not thebland tasting, unfulfilling mealsyou've come to know from allsorts of "DIE"ts.

And best of all, one of the keyreasons why you'll have successwith the ThermoType NutritionProgram is that you'll get to eatMORE of the right kind foods…allwhile turning your body into afat burning machine..

Sound too good to be true?

Let me assure you it's not - as Isaid earlier, there are no falsepromises of a "miracle" one-week body change with ourThermoLife Solution. After all,we all know that the only way“to lose weight - and keep it off - is to shed the pounds consistently… and to follow aprogram designed to help youimprove your overall health inthe long term.

The ThermoLife Solution is NOTdesigned as a "short-cut" -instead, this program is very real


"Most studies show anincrease in mortality rateassociated with obesity…Obese individuals have a 50to 100 percent increased riskof death from all causes,compared with normal-weight individuals."

Source: http://win.niddk.nih.gov/statistics/index.htm

Sleep Yourself Thin!

ThermoLife Solution freesyou from hunger and latenight snacking…lets youburn stored fat while yousleep like a baby!

When your body's metabolism isfunctioning properly, you canburn a large amount of calorieswhile you sleep.

But if your metabolism is stuck infirst gear - or if your blood sugarlevels aren't properly regulated -you'll tend to gain weight whileyou sleep!

That's because most people withinsulin problems are constantlyhungry - and they tend to eat largeamounts of food or snacks late inthe evening. This means theirbody has to process all that foodwhile it's sleeping. So instead ofburning fat, your body has nochoice but to store fat while you'rejust lying there!

ThermoLife Solution solves thatproblem by reducing your body'sproduction of insulin - thus curb-ing your appetite and allowing youto burn fat more efficiently -whileyou sleep!

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and the benefits you'll see overboth the short and long-termare quite dramatic. Our power-ful, ephedra-free ThermoLifeSolution is…

easy to follow

it's inexpensive

…and you can try it with absolutely NO RISK.

Again, I'll tell you more abouthow you can try this solution -risk-free - in just a moment.

The Powerful, Thermogenic"One-Two-Three Punch" ThatHelps You Weigh Less…While Still Eating MORE of theFoods You Love

It's absolutely true - by followingthe ThermoLife Solution, you'llfinally be able to weigh less…and eat MORE.

That's because the ThermoLifeSolution is a comprehensive,easy-to-follow, ephedra-freesolution that is unlike any otheron the market today.

And best of all, this proprietary

All statements found in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned in this publication are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness.8

ThermoBlitz contains a syner-gistic blend of powerful ther-mogenic factors and nutri-ents to help boost yourbody's metabolism, safelyand naturally.

Green Tea is a potent naturalantioxidant and a powerfulthermogenic agent thatincreases metabolism.Additionally, Green Tea mayalso act as a glucose regula-tor to slow the damagingeffects of insulin.

Garcinia Cambogia is aherbal thermogenic co-fac-tor that is known to inhibit thesynthesis of fatty acids andmay also inhibit the body'sconversion of extra caloriesto body fat.

Guarana Extract is a naturalherb and a powerful thermo-genic agent that has beenused for centuries to helpboost energy and maintainstamina and physicalendurance.

L-Carnitine is an amino acidthat aids in the fat-burningprocess and helps increaseenergy. L-Carnitine has alsobeen found to be extremelyhelpful to improve cardiovas-cular health.

Tumeric is a herbal thermo-genic co-factor that possess-es potent antioxidant proper-ties and help improve cardio-vascular health.

Cayenne Pepper is a herbalthermogenic co-factor thathas been used for thousandsof years to help aid in diges-tion and improve circulation.

Chromium Polynicotinate -the most powerful form ofChromium, which is a tracemineral that is essential forenergy production and helpsmaintain stable blood sugarlevels.

All these nutrients inThermoBlitz have been care-fully selected and balancedin the proper ratio to helprestore your body's ability toconvert food to energy andnot fat. You'll burn fat at ahigher rate, maintain healthymuscle and have increasedenergy to boot.


ThermoLi"How Does

ThermoBlitz work?"

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solution goes the "extra mile" ofincorporating a combination ofsimple components, each witha proven history of success.

Component #1 - Increase yourbody's metabolism - and turnyour body into a fat-burningmachine - thanks to theThermoBlitz component of theThermoLife Solution. You'll burnfat at a higher rate, maintainhealthy muscle and haveincreased energy to boot. Andbest of all, you don't have tostarve yourself - by cranking upthe volume on your body'smetabolism, you can actuallyeat MORE of the right kind of foods!

Component #2 - Regulate yourbody's blood sugar level - andminimize the fat-storing proper-ties of insulin - with the SoluLifecomponent of the ThermoLifeSolution. You'll actually make adrastic change - for the better -in the way your body processesfood… you'll STOP storing fatfrom the foods you eat… andthe pounds will begin to melt away!

Component #3 - Eat, Eat, andEat. The ThermoType NutritionProgram will identify your specif-ic thermogenic body type andthis will tell you the foods thatare right for you in order to maximize your body’s thermo-genic potential with each andevery meal.

Here's What You'll ExperienceSoon After Starting theThermoLife Solution

You'll notice almost immedi-ately that you no longer have "highs and lows" during the day. That's because your

All statements found in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned in this publication are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness. 9

"How Does SoluLife work?"

SoluLife is a nutrient-rich solublefiber drink mix that you taketwice each day, about 30 min-utes before meal time. SoluLifehelps promote a healthy car-diovascular, digestive andimmune system

This great-tasting drink not onlyprovide four grams of solublefiber per serving - important fora number of health benefits - italso creates a feeling of satietyso you don't eat more than yourbody needs to run at its opti-mum level.

SoluLife will help you regulateyour body's blood sugar level -and minimize the fat-storingproperties of insulin. You'll actu-ally make a drastic change - forthe better - in the way yourbody process food…and thepounds will begin to melt away!


ife Solution1. ThermoBlitz- Contains a powerfulblend of thermogenic co-factors to boostmetabolism.

2. SoluLife- Contains a synergis-tic blend of nutrientsthat helps controlinsulin so your bodydoesn't store fat.

3. ThermoTypeNutrition Program- Customized eatingprogram based onyour uniqueThermogeic BodyType to optimize yourbody's metabolism soyou burn more fat.

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blood sugar will be well balanced, and you won't "crash" after a meal. Imagine how much more you'll get done at work and around the house!

You will then notice that you have so much energy all throughout the day, you won't even want coffee or other caffeinated beverages. You certainly won't need them like you do now.

You also won't be tempted to over-eat. Your appetite will be much healthier… but NOT suppressed. You won't feel the need to stuff yourself, but you'll still continue to eat the foods that are good for you.

You'll sleep like a baby, and you won't wake up during the night. That's because your system will be so well balanced and cleared of toxins, your body will be free to do its work of regenerating itself while you sleep.

Before long, your increased

metabolism will mean you'll start to notice that the clothes you wear are too loosearound your waist and hips. (Darn! I hope you didn't throw away your "former" wardrobe, because you're going to need it while you go shopping for smaller clothes in the latest seasonal styles!)

ThermoLife Solution Also GivesYou Long-Term Good Healthand Helps You Avoid PotentiallyDangerous Problems

The short-term benefits of theThermoLife Solution are trulyamazing. But the long-termbenefits of all this are even morecritical to your health and well-being.

As I mentioned earlier, insulinresistance, physical inactivityand obesity can eventually lead to some of the worst kindsof age-related conditions, such as…

Cardiovascular disease… highcholesterol, cortisol, homocys-teine, and C-reactive proteinlevels… diabetes… blindness…hypertension…even cancer…Alzheimer's…blood clots andstroke… premature aging… andfinally death.

All of this may sound verydepressing - because it is!

As a nation, we've becomeincreasingly overweight. Andthe sedentary lifestyle of theaverage American only compli-cates matters.

For years, many of us have strug-gled to find that perfect solutionto lose weight… but we've beendeceived by false promises andhorribly bad advice.

No matter how hard we've tried- and no matter how many dif-ferent diets we've tried - most ofus have continued to strugglewithout any hope.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

With the revolutionary Thermo-Life Solution, you can super-charge your body's metabolismand regulate your blood sugar -all in an easy-to-follow, cus-tomized solution designedspecifically to meet your spedif-ic body’s needs.

And best of all - you'll be able tolose weight while actually eat-ing MORE of the foods that areright for you!

Your new body - the one you'vedreamed of for years - is nowactually within reach. Allbecause of this unique combi-nation - addressing both yourbody's metabolism and insulinlevels - that helps you loseweight for the long term… whilestill enjoying the foods that aregood for you.

But prepare yourself! You'll beoverwhelmed with complimentsfrom your friends. Neighbors willwhisper about how you've done

All statements found in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned in this publication are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness.10


"Obesity is a major risk factorfor many chronic illnesses,including diabetes and heartdisease. With about 30 per-cent of U.S. adults nowobese, treating these condi-tions is a leading driver ofdouble-digit health careinsurance premium hikes."

Source: Reuters story, 6/27/05

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it. You'll "wow" them all at yourhigh school reunion. And you'llfinally be able to take thatvacation at the beach withoutfear of embarrassment!

And you can accomplish all ofthis just by following one simplesolution: the ThermoLife Solution.

This "one-two-three punch" - thespecial blend of ThermoBlitz andSoluLife together with theThermoType Nutrition Program-provides you with the most com-prehensive weight loss solutionavailable today. It's far morepowerful than any single com-ponent undertaken alone…and best of all, you can try it RISK FREE!

Our Special Introductory Offer!

The regular retail price ofThermoBlitz is $66.65 for a one-month supply. The normal retailprice of SoluLife is also $66.65per month. And the Thermo-Type Nutrition Program alonecosts $99.

But right now, as a way of introducing the above 3 pow-erful combination - the Thermo-Life Solution - to our most valuedcustomers, we're drasticallyreducing the price to just $79.98for a 30-day supply of BOTH theThermoBlitz and SoluLife if youorder within the next sevendays, and we'll include theThermoType Nutrition Programabsolutely FREE!

That's right, you get all threecomponents of the ThermoLifeSolution for just $79.98.

That's a discount of more than$152… or 65% off the regularretail price.

But wait - it gets even better.

If you order two 30-day suppliesof ThermoBlitz and SoluLife nowat our reduced rate, we'll sendyou a third 30-day supply ofboth ThermoBlitz and SoluLifeabsolutely FREE! And you'll stillget the ThermoType NutritionProgram absolutely FREE. That'sa total retail value of nearly $500for just $159.96!

And, for those of you who wouldlike to "stock up" on theThermoLife Solution and save aton of money at the same time,we're offering you a very spe-cial, unheard of deal…

Buy Three, Get Two FREE… Plus,a Special "Knockout" Gift

I'm very excited about this spec-tacular offer because those ofyou who buy three 30-day sup-plies of the ThermoLife Solution

All statements found in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned in this publication are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness. 11


The leading causes of deathin 2000 were:

1. Tobacco (435 000 deaths; 18.1% of total US deaths)

2. Poor diet and physical inactivity (400 000 deaths; 16.6%)

3. Alcohol consumption (85 000 deaths; 3.5%).

Source: CDC study, March 2005

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will actually get a powerful gift.

First and foremost, however, isthe remarkable price discount -if you buy three 30-day suppliesof both ThermoBlitz and SoluLife,we'll throw in two more of bothproducts FREE of charge. Andof course, you'll get the Thermo-Type Nutrition Program abso-lutely FREE. You'll get over $765worth of value for just $199.98.You'll receive a total of FIVEmonths' worth of ThermoLifeSolution for the price of justTHREE - at our reduced introduc-tory rate!

But it gets even better.

Because those customers whotake advantage of the "BuyThree, Get Two Free" offer willalso receive - FREE of charge - a30-day supply of MD Gee-h Pro,our extremely popular glandularsystem that helps coordinatethe endocrine glands in thebody, thus ensuring that yourbody will run in an optimumstate. (For more information,see the box at left.)

So allow me to recap.

Those customers who takeadvantage of this special offer -and pay for just three months'worth of ThermoLife Solution -will receive…

FIVE months worth of both

All statements found in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned in this publication are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness.12

"I have tried many diets withoutsuccess, but since I have been inyour program, my weight hasdropped from 182 lbs to 158 lbs.It has a very pleasant taste and Ienjoy taking it."

M. DrownePhoenix, AZ

What is MD Gee-h Pro?

And why am I willing to simply giveit away as a FREE gift with thisspecial offer?

Let me answer the second questionfirst - I'm so convinced that ourcomprehensive ThermoLifeSolution will work for you, that Iwant to make it almost impossiblefor you NOT to give it a try.

MD Gee-h Pro is a natural nutri-tional supplement tablet that yousimply dissolve in water and drinkat night just before bedtime. MDGee-h Pro contains an exact blendof pituitary and hypothalamusglandular tissues, amino acids andantioxidant cocktail that may helpstimulate the hypothalamus andpituitary glands to help improvegrowth hormone levels. Increasedgrowth hormone levels have beenassociated with reduced body fatand increased muscle mass - twoextremely important benefits inhelping you to loose weight, keep itoff, and keep your body in a maxi-mum thermogenic state.

Other benefits of MD Gee-h Proinclude:

- Improved Sleep- More Energy

- More and Better Sex- Improved Mood

You will feel young when you takethis safe, convenient supplement as your body is refreshed like neverbefore!

By combining the comprehensiveThermoLife Solution with MDGee-h Pro, you'll give your bodyyet another powerful weapon in thebattle to lose weight. As a matterof fact, the "fight" to shed thosepounds won't even be a fair fightwhen MD Gee-h Pro is added tothe mix.

Be sure to order the "Buy 3 Get 2Free" Best Plan to get your onemonth supply of MD Gee-h Proabsolutely FREE!

What is MD Gee-h Pro?

Page 13: THERMOGENIC DISCOVERY How You Can Eat More and Burn Fat!madronmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Thermo... · 2015-06-11 · Best of all, it will help you lose weight safely

ThermoBlitz and SoluLifesupplements…

These powerful supplements will help turbocharge your metabolism and regulate your blood sugar levels…

ThermoType Nutrition Program,which is customized specifi-cally to meet the needs of your body type… and it will allow you to lose weight while still eating the foods you love…

And you'll also receive a one month supply of MD Gee-h Pro, our remarkable glandular system designed to help maximize the beneficial effectsof the ThermoLife Solution..

You get all of this - FIVE monthsfor the price of three, plus your

FREE gift - all with no risk. That'sbecause of our…

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

We're absolutely convincedthat you'll be thrilled with howmuch weight you lose - andhow healthy you feel - onceyou've had a chance to try ourcustomized ThermoLife Solution.

So that's why we are willing tooffer you this revolutionaryweight-loss solution at such adeep discount.

But if for any reason, you findthat you're not totally satisfiedwith this amazing program, sim-ply return the unused portions tome within 90 DAYS after youreceive your shipment - and wewill gladly return every pennyyou paid for the product, withthe exception of shipping andhandling. Keep the ThermoTypeNutrition Program as a free giftsimply for trying the ThermoLifeSolution.

By making an offer like this, wewant to ensure that you don'thave to take our word aboutany of this. We would like you tosee first-hand just how great youwill look and feel with theThermoLife Solution.

Use the product daily. Put it tothe test. If the ThermoLifeSolution doesn't help you loseexcess weight within 90 days,we don't think you should haveto pay for it. It's that simple.

That's how confident we are that you'll love our breakthroughweight loss solution. There'snothing else that even comesclose on the market today.That's a fact. And you can't get it anywhere but fromeAntiAging Inc.

We're a small - but rapidly grow-ing - company on the leadingedge of anti-aging science andbreakthrough nutritional supple-mentation. We have thousandsof customers like you all acrossthe country, from all walks of life,who love our products.

All statements found in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned in this publication are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness. 13


"Between 1987 and 2002, pri-vate spending on obesity-linked medical problemsmushroomed from $3.6 billion,or 2 percent of all healthspending, to $36.5 billion or11.6 percent of spending, thestudy, published in the journalHealth Affairs, found."

Source: Reuters story, 6/27/05


Grim problems associatedwith inactivity:

Earlier death -- The U.S. population dropped from first on the longevity list 20 years ago to 19th for women and 28th for men today.

Earlier onset of adult, or type2, diabetes -- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predicts the number of type 2 diabetes cases will triple to 39 million by 2050.

Onset of different types of cancer -- Research has linked inactivity to breast cancer, colon cancer, and pancreatic cancer.

Source: Ivanhoe.com story June 6, 2005

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And we're proud to help intro-duce you to this breakthroughnew solution that will allow youto weigh less… and eat MORE ofthe foods you love. All by simplyboosting your metabolism andregulating your blood sugar. Itreally isn't any more complicat-ed than that.

Simply put, ThermoLife Solutionis the perfect weight loss solutionto help you shed those extrapounds - and avoid potentiallydangerous health problems - in the fastest, healthiest way possible.

If you're overweight and strug-gling to lose those extra pounds,why not order your risk-free trialsupply today!

The number to call, TOLL-FREE,is…


Call now!

Sincerely yours,


P.S. Don't forget to take advan-tage of our special intro-ductory pricing… and our offer that includes the FREEgift of MD Gee-h pro.

Why not give your body all the tools it needs to - finally! - shed those extra pounds and begin feeling great again?

With MD Gee-h pro, you'll help ensure that your body operates in an optimum state… and you'll help maximize your chance forweight loss success!

Call and place your no-risk order today!


All statements found in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned in this publication are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness.14

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All statements found in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned in this publication are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness. 15

YES! I want to lose weight, feelyears younger and get the body I've alwayswanted! All by eating MORE of the right kindof foods I love - by following the remarkableThermoLife Solution!

Please send me a risk-free trial supply of ephedra-free ThermoLife Solution - the only weight losssolution of its kind specifically designed to tacklemultiple pathways to weight loss success!

I understand that I'm fully protected by your iron-clad 100% Money-Back Guarantee of Satisfaction,

which says I can get 100% of my money back in 90days (with the excep-tion of shipping and handling) if I'm nottotally satisfied withThermoLife Solution.

On that risk-free basis,I'm choosing themoney-saving optionindicated below!

Want to save thousands of dollars on your supple-ments? You can!

By enrolling in our "Lifetime Discount Plan," you can"lock in" the super-low discount prices we're offeringyou today!

Just select your preferred Lifetime Discount Planbelow, and you'll never pay more than the prices listed here!

Plus, with the Lifetime Discount Plan that you choose,we'll automatically send your ThermoLife to you at theappropriate time and then charge your account. Thatway, you'll never be without your ThermoLife - andyou'll avoid any future price increases! (You can can-cel the Lifetime Discount Plan at any time.)

The Lifetime Discount Plan you choose today is thesuper-low price you'll pay forever!

On that risk-free basis, I'm choosing the money-savingoption indicated below!

Mail this entire form in the enclosed envelope to:eAntiAging Inc. • 860 Lawson Street • City of Industry, CA 91748 • USA • 1-877-912-9918


Shipping Information:

Street Address

City State CountryZip

Phone Email (for notification of shipment)


Our Iron-Clad 100% Money-Back Guarantee

If, at any time within 90 days after youreceive your supply of ThermoLife,you're not completely satisfied with howmuch better you feel… how much moreenergy you have… and how muchweight you're losing - simply return theunused portions of the product and wewill send you a 100% no-questions-asked refund of your purchase price withthe exception of shipping and handling.

Select a Lifetime Discount Plan Option

Card Number #I want to enroll in the Lifetime Discount Plan. I confirm that I want my ThermoLife solution shipped to me everymonth (or every 3 months for the Great Plan option, or every 5 months for the Best Plan option). I want to auto-matically pay my bill to eAntiAging Inc. by debiting and transferring funds from my checking or credit card account.For Autoship payments by check, I authorize my bank to make payments to eAntiAging Inc. and post my specifiedchecking account for the amount of the payment. I understand that I can cancel my Lifetime Discount Plan atany time. Check/Money Order Enclosed -

Make payable to: eAntiAging Inc.

Expiration Date/

Credit Card - Please charge my:(choose either Credit Card or Check)





$399.90 $159.98


$133.33 $79.98


Sub Total




Sales Tax**

Total $

* Add $10 to S/H for Rush orders.** California Residents add 8.25% sales tax to subtotal and Shipping/Handling.

For faster service, Call TOLL-FREE

1-8877-9912-999181-8877-9912-99918Or FAX your order to

((662266)) 991122-00119988((662266)) 991122-00119988

On that better-than-risk-free basis, here’s my enrollment and how I want to be billed...

SAVE EVEN MORE MONEY With Our "Lifetime Discount Plan"!!!


Now You Can Turn Your Body Into a Turbo-Charged, Fat-Burning Machine…


Shipping &Handling





Your Best Deal (5 Month Supply)Buy THREE 30-Day Supplies of ThermoLife and get 2 more jars FREE… plus a FREE supply of MD Gee-h Pro!You pay just $199.98 for five months' worth of ThermoLife plus the FREE supply of MD Gee-h pro… all together, that combination retails for $749.82…but you pay just a fraction of that - your TOTAL SAVINGS is a whopping $549.84!

Your Great Deal (3 Month Supply)Buy TWO 30-Day Supplies of ThermoLife and get 1 more jar FREE!You pay just $159.98 for a total of THREE 30-Day Supplies, whichwould otherwise cost you $399.90! That's a total SAVINGS of $239.92!

Your Good Deal (1 Month Supply)Buy ONE 30-Day Supply of ThermoLife and SAVE $53.35! You pay just $79.98. (The regular retail price of ThermoLife is $133.33 per 30 day supply.)

ST - v.1.0

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850 Lawson StreetCity of Industry, CA 91748





Eat More and Burn Fat!

WARNING: After you read about this shocking letter…your entire outlook on losing weight will completely change.

INSIDE: The "secret" to weight loss success.

Now you can lose weight, feel younger- and get the body you've always

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