I Thermal and Catalytic kinetics of Charcoal Oxidation Abdullah Saqib Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in Chemical Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Francisco Lemos Examination Committee Chairperson: Prof. Sebastiao Alves Supervisor: Prof. Francisco Lemos Member of the committee: Prof. Joao Bordado June 2016

Thermal and Catalytic kinetics of Charcoal Oxidation · I Thermal and Catalytic kinetics of Charcoal Oxidation Abdullah Saqib Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in Chemical

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Page 1: Thermal and Catalytic kinetics of Charcoal Oxidation · I Thermal and Catalytic kinetics of Charcoal Oxidation Abdullah Saqib Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in Chemical


Thermal and Catalytic kinetics of Charcoal Oxidation

Abdullah Saqib

Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in

Chemical Engineering

Supervisor: Prof. Francisco Lemos

Examination Committee

Chairperson: Prof. Sebastiao Alves

Supervisor: Prof. Francisco Lemos

Member of the committee: Prof. Joao Bordado

June 2016

Page 2: Thermal and Catalytic kinetics of Charcoal Oxidation · I Thermal and Catalytic kinetics of Charcoal Oxidation Abdullah Saqib Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in Chemical


“In the name of Allah who is the most beneficent and merciful”

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To my deceased special child


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Firstly, I would like to express my heartiest gratitude and thanks to my supervisor Prof.Francisco

Lemos, whose invaluable guidance and encouraging attitude enable me to finish the said tasks in

limited time. He gave his input starting from experimental set up to excel graphics till kinetic modeling

and review.

I also like to thank Prof. Maria Amelia for the provision of useful data and links along with special

thanks extended to Prof. Luis Sousa Lobo and Dr. Sonia Carabineiro for the activated charcoal

samples with the impregnated catalysts.

I would also like to thank Dr. Khurram; my supervisor at home university along with Dr. Javed Akhtar

and Dr. Rizwan Haider. They always gave me motivation to become the candidate for scholarship.

I would like to pay my special thanks to Miss Ana Barbosa at IST international office; coordinator for

Experts-Sustain program. I remember her warm welcome and all extended favors from creation of my

bank account, dealing with reimbursements, extension of visa, referring to a doctor till timely

arrangement of residence at university hostel.

I also remember the time to time help gained through my colleagues specially Mr. Everton from Brazil

and Tejas Tankaria from India.

I feel blessed to have a nice roommate at hostel, Ramices Igor from Florianapolis, Brazil. I remember

his portugese lessons and sharing of wonderful experiences.

During my six months stay in Lisbon I would like to thank Mr.Tariq who made living and lodging

arrangements upon my arrival. I enjoyed three months stay at his residence. I also remember the

BBQ evenings and jokes by Mr. Faisal. All these efforts made me feel good.

I can never forget the continuous support and encouragement of my family in Pakistan.

Finally, I would like to thank EUROPEAN COMMISSION and Experts Sustain team of Erasmus

Mundus at Goettingen University, Germany who granted me the scholarship and provided me an

opportunity to gain an international experience.

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In order to meet the large increase in energy demand, nations are on a way for the exploration of

natural resources and the development of new technologies. Utilization of renewables is also being

considered seriously along with the efficient and environment friendly utilization of major natural

resources, like the coal in its various forms and biomass.

Now a days co-firing and co-gasification of biomass with coal has gained much attention because of

the need to reduce CO2, SOx and NOx emissions. Both biomass and coal have an inherent content of

mineral matter in varying degree and origin; one relevant area of research has become the study of

the catalytic effects of the mineral matter in char combustion and gasification. Catalytic effects of

alkali and alkaline earth metals in char conversion processes have been observed. However, the

catalytic effects of transition metals like Vanadium, Copper etc. have not gathered much attention,

although the catalytic effects of Vanadium on various oxidation processes have been recognized.

Hence, the present study is focused on the observation of the catalytic effects of Vanadium and

Copper as well as their mixtures, on the charcoal oxidation.

Thermogravimetric (TG), Differential Thermogravimetric (DTG) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry

(DSC) techniques have been used to provide insight into the catalytic effects induced by Vanadium,

Copper and their mixtures on Charcoal oxidation. Combustion and gasification experiments were

carried out using simultaneous Thermal Analysis and Differential Scanning Calorimetry utilizing pure

air as an oxidant. Isothermal kinetic data were gathered for a temperature range of 400 – 800 degree

Celsius. DSC data was also acquired simultaneously and has been used for the estimation of reaction

products utilizing enthalpy of formation of the product gases. Charcoal samples impregnated with

1%V, 1%Cu and a mixture of the two with the corresponding amounts were used to observe the

kinetic effects associated with the catalysts.

The data revealed that the charcoal impregnated with 1% vanadium induced an exothermic oxidation

reaction for temperatures above around 400°C. In case of copper and the mixture of catalysts, this

threshold temperature was around 450°C. This contrasts with the non-impregnated charcoal that had

a threshold temperature for the combustion and gasification of around 500°C. These results show

lowering of the temperatures for combustion and gasification reactions with impregnation of vanadium

and copper. The DTG results showed that the rate of reaction increases progressively with

temperature for all samples. DSC results were used for the estimation of reaction products and

indicate that, for a given supply of air, carbon monoxide formation occurs preferentially both at low

temperatures and high temperatures for reaction kinetic reasons and diffusion limitations respectively;

however, carbon monoxide formation was relatively low for middle temperature range. A kinetic model

has also been suggested which incorporated the catalytic effects and was based on Langmiur-

Hinshelwood type kinetics.

Keywords: Charcoal, combustion, gasification, catalyst, isothermal kinetics

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A fim de atender ao grande aumento na procura de energia , todas as nações estão num caminho de

exploração dos recursos naturais e do desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias. A utilização de

energias renováveis também está a ser sendo seriamente considerada , juntamente com a utilização

eficiente e ambientalmente adequada de grandes recursos naturais, como sejam, o carvão nas suas

várias formas, e a biomassa.

Hoje em dia a co-incineração e co-gaseificação de biomassa com carvão tem ganho muita atenção

devido à necessidade de reduzir as emissoões de CO2, SOx e NOx. Tanto a biomassa como o

carvão têm um conteúdo inerente de matéria mineral em vários graus e de origem; uma área de

investigação que tem ganho relevância é o estudo dos efeitos catalíticos da matéria mineral em

combustão e gaseificação de carvão. Foram observados efeitos catalíticos de metais alcalinos e

alcalino-terrosos em processos de conversão de carvão animal. No entanto- os efeitos catalíticos de

metais de transição como o vanádio não têm recolhido muita atenção, apesar dos -efeitos catalíticos

de vanádio em vários processos de oxidação serem conhecidos. Assim,o presente estudo é focado

na observar dos efeitos catalíticos de vanádio e de cobre, bem como de uma mistura dos dois, sobre

a oxidação do carvão vegetal .

As técnicas de Termogravimetria (TG) ,Termogravimetria Diferencial (DTG) e Calorimetria Diferencial

de Varrimento (DSC) foram usadas para desenvolver um entendimento dos efeitos catalíticos

induzidos por vanádio , cobre e suas misturas sobre a oxidação do carvão vegetal. Os ensaios de

combustão e gaseificação foram realizados usando análise térmica e calorimetria diferencial de

varrimento simultânea utilizando ar puro como um oxidante- Os dados cinéticos isotérmicos foram

obtidos para uma gama de temperaturas de 400-800 graus Celsius . Os dados de DSC, que também

foram adquiridos simultanmente, forami usados para a estimativa dos produtos de reacção ,

utilizando a entalpia de formação dos produtos gasosos. Amostras de carvão impregnados com 1%

de V,1% Cu e uma mistura dos dois com os montantes correspondentes foram usadas para observar

os efeitos cinéticos associados a utilização dos catalisadores.

Os dados revelaram que, no carvão impregnado com 1% de vanádio as temperaturas acima de

cerca de 400°C. No caso do cobre e as suas misturas estade oxidação exotérmicas ocorrem

temperatura limiar foi de cerca de 450°C. Isto contrasta com o carvão vegetal não-impregnado tinha

uma temperatura de limiar para a combustão e gaseificação de cerca de 500°C. Estes resultados

mostram uma diminuição das temperaturas para as reacções de combustão e gaseificação com a

impregnação de vanádio e de cobre. Os resultados de DTG mostraram que a taxa de reacção

aumenta com a progressivamente temperatura para todas as amostras. Os resultados de DSC foram

utilizadas para a estimativa dos produtos de reacção e indicam que, para uma dada alimentação de

ar, a formação de monóxido de carbono ocorre preferncialmente a baixas temperaturas e a altas

temperaturas, por motivos cinéticos ou de limitações difusionais, respectivamente; no entanto, a

formação de monóxido de carbono foi relativamente baixa para o temperaturas intermédias. Foi

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também desenvolvido um modelo cinético, que incorporou os efeitos catalíticos e baseou numa

cinética tipo Langmiur-Hinshelwood.

Palavras-chave: carvão vegetal, combustão, gaseificação, catalisador, cinética isotérmicos

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Table of Contents

Acknowledgements…………………………………………………................................................... IV

Abstract…....................................................................................................................................... V

Resumo…........................................................................................................................................ VI

Table List…..................................................................................................................................... X

Figure List…................................................................................................................................... XI

Abbreviations List…………………………………………………………………………………………. XIV

1. Introduction……………………………………………………….…………...………………….. 1

2. Literature Study…………..….………………………………………….…...…………………... 5

2.1. Biomass and charcoal……………………………………….……………………………….. 5

2.1.1. Biomass Conversion Processes………………….............................................. 5

2.1.2. Catalytic Effect of Mineral Matter……………………………………………….…. 6

2.1.3. Effect of AAEM……………………………….......................................………..… 6

2.1.4. Char Conversion Rate………………………………………………………………. 7

2.1.5. Intrinsic Reaction Rate……………..……………………………………………….. 7

2.2. Chemical Kinetics…………………....................................……………………………….. 8

2.2.1. Definition……………………………………………………………………………… 8

2.2.2. History………………………………………………………………………………… 8

2.2.3. Reaction Mechanism and Rate……………………………………………………. 9

2.2.4. Factors Affecting Reaction Rate………………………………………………….. 9

2.3. Solid state kinetics…………………………………………………………......................... 12

2.3.1 Rate Law……………………………………………………………………………. 12

2.3.2 Gas-Solid Reactant Systems……………….................................................... 13

2.3.3 Intrinsic Kinetics of Gas-Solid Systems…………............................................ 15

2.3.4 Models and Mechanisms in Solid State Kinetics……………………………….. 16

2.3.5 Data Collection and Interpretation………………………………………………... 18

2.3.6 Controversies in Solid State Kinetics……………………………………..……… 20

2.4. Catalysis………………………………………………………………………….……………. 20

2.4.1. Heterogeneous Catalysis………………………………………………….……….. 21

2.4.2. Applied Catalysis……………………………………………................................ 22

2.4.3. Heterogeneous Catalyst……………………………………................................ 23

2.5. Thermal Analysis……………………………………………………………………………… 25

2.5.1. TGA………………………………………………………………………….………... 25

2.5.2. DTA/DSC…………………………………………………….......................... ……. 26

2.5.3. Thermo-analytical Methods Vs Kinetics…………………………………………... 28

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3. Research Methodology……………………………………….……………………………........ 30

4. Results and Discussions…………………………………………..…………………………… 40

4.1. Charcoal (Raw)………………………………………………………………………………... 40

4.2. Charcoal (1% V Impregnated)………………………………...…………………………….. 45

4.3. Charcoal (1% Cu Impregnated)……………………………….…………………………...... 57

4.4. Charcoal (1%V+1%Cu Impregnated)………………………...…………………………….. 64

5. Conclusions…………………………….……………………………………………………........ 73

6. References………………………..……………………………..……………………………....... 75

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Table List

2.1 Examples of Catalytic Oxidation Processes…….......................................................................... 23

2.2 Thermal Analysis Techniques…………………………………………….......................................... 25

3.1 Proximate Analysis........................................................................................................................ 30

3.2 Procedure adopted for kinetics study………………………………………………...………………... 31

3.3 Shomate Equation Constants………………………………………………………………………....... 34

3.4 Heat of formation…….................................................................................................................... 34

4.1 Gas mix composition at low temperature…………………………………………………………....... 41

4.2 Gas mix composition at high temperature……………………………………………………............. 42

4.3 Estimated Kinetic Parameters………………………………………………………………………….. 44

4.4 Gas mix composition at low temperature…………………………………………………………....... 52

4.5 Gas mix composition at high temperature…………………………………………………………….. 53

4.6 Estimated Kinetic Parameters………………………………………………………………………...... 56

4.7 Gas mix composition at low temperature…………………………………………………………….... 59

4.8 Gas mix composition at high temperature…………………………………………………………...... 60

4.9 Estimated Kinetic Parameters…………………………………………………………………….......... 63

4.10 Gas mix composition at low temperature…………………………………………………….…........ 66

4.11 Gas mix composition at high temperature……………………………………….………………...... 68

4.12 Estimated Kinetic Parameters……………………………………………………………………........ 70

5.1 Estimated Kinetic Parameters……………………………………………………………………….... 72

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Figure List

1.1 Processes in Gasification……………………………………………………………………………..... 3

2.1 Role of Biomass in electricity generation…………………………………………………………....... 7

2.2 Reaction Rate variations………………………………………………………………………………... 10

2.3 Generic potential energy diagram showing the effect of a catalyst in a hypothetical endothermic

chemical reaction................................................................................................................................. 12

2.4 The Arrhenius plot for different temperature regime during heterogeneous chemical reactions... 15

2.5 Mechanisms for Heterogeneous Catalysis……………………………………………………………...23

2.6 Block Diagram of Thermo-balance…………………………………………………………………….. 27

2.7 Typical DSC Curve……………………………………………………………………………………..... 28

2.8 An idealized DSC curve showing the shapes associated with particular phase transitions.......... 29

3.1 Apparatus………………………………………………………………………………………………..... 31

3.2 Enthalpy of formation for CO and CO2……………………………………………………………….... 33

3.3 Langmiur-Hinshelwood Model....................................................................................................... 38

4.1 Fractional mass loss at various temperatures………………………………………………………... 40

4.2 Conversion at various temperatures………………………………………………………………….... 41

4.3 Time Derivative of char mass fractions at low temperature……………………………………........ 41

4.4 Time Derivative of char mass fractions at high temperature……………………………………....... 42

4.5 Specific HF at low temperatures……………………………………………………………………...... 42

4.6 Specific HF at higher temperatures………………………………………………………………..…... 43

4.7 Percentage Carbon monoxide formation (Charcoal)………………………………………….……... 43

4.8 Model Fit at 550 oC…………………………………………………………………………….…..…... 43

4.9 Model Fit at Higher Temperatures……………………………………………………………..……..... 43

4.10 Raw Experimental data at 400 0C for different sample masses…………………………..……..... 44

4.11 Fractional mass loss at various temperatures…………………………………………………......... 46

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4.12 Conversion at various temperatures………………………………………………………………..... 46

4.13 Conversions at low temperatures................................................................................................ 47

4.14 Conversion at high temperatures…………………………………………………………………...... 48

4.15 Time Derivative of char mass fractions at low temperatures…………………………………..….. 48

4.16 Time derivative of char mass fractions at high temperatures………………………………..…..... 49

4.17 Specific HF and Fractional mass loss as function of time…………………………………..……... 49

4.18 Specific HF and Fractional mass loss as function of time……………………………………......... 50

4.19 Specific HF and Fractional mass loss as function of time………………………………………..... 50

4.20 Effect of mass on specific HF at various temperatures…………………………………………...... 51

4.21 Specific HF at low temperatures…………………………………………………………………........ 51

4.22 Specific HF at high temperatures……………………………………………………………………... 52

4.23 Percentage Carbon monoxide formation (1% V)………………………………………………........ 53

4.24 Model Fit at 400 0C………………………………………………………………………………........ 54

4.25 Model Fit at 450 oC………………………………………………………………………………........ 54

4.26 Model Fit at 500 oC………………………………………………………………………………........ 55

4.27 Model Fit at Higher Temperatures…………………………………………………………………..... 55

4.28 Fractional mass loss at various temperatures……………………………………………………..... 57

4.29 Conversion at various temperatures………………………………………………………………..... 57

4.30 Time derivative of char mass fractions at low temperatures…………………………………......... 58

4.31 Time derivative of char mass fractions at high temperatures…………………………………….... 58

4.32 Specific HF at low temperatures…………………………………………………………………........ 59

4.33 Specific HF at high temperatures……………………………………………………………………... 60

4.34 Percentage Carbon monoxide formation (1% Cu)………………………………………………...... 61

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4.35 Model Fit at 450 oC………………………………………………………………………………........ 62

4.36 Model Fit at 500 and 550 oC……………………………………………………………………….... 62

4.37 Model Fit at Higher Temperatures…………………………………………………………………..... 63

4.38 Fractional mass loss at various temperatures…………………………………………………......... 64

4.39 Conversion at various temperatures………………………………………………………………..... 64

4.40 Time derivative of char mass fractions at low temperatures……………………………………..... 65

4.41 Time derivative of char mass fractions at high temperatures…………………………………….... 65

4.42 Specific HF at low temperatures…………………………………………………………………........ 66

4.43 Specific HF at high temperatures……………………………………………………………………... 67

4.44 Percentage Carbon monoxide formation (1%V+1%Cu)………………………………………........ 68

4.45 Model Fit at low Temperatures……………………………………………………………………...... 69

4.46 Model Fit at Higher Temperatures…………………………………………………………………..... 69

5.1 Percentage Carbon monoxide formation…………………………………………………………….... 70

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Abbreviations List

TGA; Thermogravimetric Analysis

DTA; Differential Thermal Analyzer

DSC; Differential Scanning Calorimetry

TG; Thermogravimetric

DTG; Differential Thermogravimetric

UNFCC; United Nations framework convention on climate change

AAEM; Alkali and alkaline earth minerals

ri; rate of species i

dt; change in time

V; Volume

Ea; Activation energy

A; Pre exponential factor

K; rate constant

R; universal gas constant

T; Absolute Temperature

X; Conversion

T; time

mo; initial mass

mt; mass at time t

ma; mass of ash

mT; mass at certain temperature

HF; heat flow

∆H; Enthalpy change

n; order of reaction

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1 Introduction

The world´s energy demand has increased steadily since the industrial revolution, in the nineteenth

century, till today. Nations have explored many of the available natural resources to meet the day by

day increase in the need for energy in all the various forms. Major natural resources used include

different sources, like coal in its various forms, natural gas, petroleum, hydro-power, biomass etc. As

a matter of fact, most of the natural resources are limited and due to the tremendous volume of

consumption, these reserves are now being consumed at a much faster pace as compared to the

onset of industrial revolution in the nineteenth century and, although new discoveries are constantly

being made and improvements in technology are allowing the exploitation of previously unreachable

resources, most of these energy sources are non-renewable and will eventually be exhausted. The

research is still on the way for the exploration of new resources and significant achievements have

also been made regarding the use of solar, tidal, geothermal, shale gas, nuclear energy etc. along

with the development of various alternative fuels.

Among the natural fossil fuel resources; it has also been predicted that in comparison to the

utilization of petroleum and natural gas reserves; coal will still have reserves that will allow it to be

one of the major sources in the energy mix for the next 100 to 150 years. However, most scenarios

and in particular the ones that are aimed at more stringent control on CO2 emissions, imply a

decrease in coal consumption since coal utilization in traditional ways poses serious environmental

concerns regarding emissions levels, in particular of SOx, NOx and CO2, but also of trace elements in

the form of As, Hg etc. Hence, despite of all efforts being made to address the energy crisis relying

on the development and exploration of new technologies; it has also been understood that an

efficient and environment friendly utilization of the existing fuels and energy resources is also very

important for the sustainable energy use.

Regarding coal utilization, a lot of efforts have been made for the efficient and environment friendly

use of coal which includes:

1. Clean Coal Technologies

2. Coal Liquefaction

3. Coal Gasification

4. Power Generation using IGCC i.e. Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle.

One of the applications of Clean Coal Technology to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions, i.e. CO2

is the co-firing of biomass based fuels in coal fired power plants [1-3], as biomass is the key

renewable energy source and its combustion is CO2 neutral. Many of the biomass fuels used today

come in the form of wood products, dried vegetation, crop residues, and aquatic plants which,

unfortunately, have an energy density much lower than coal. Biomass was the traditional energy

source before the industrial revolution and, although it was replaced by fossil fuels after the

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industrialization, it has become again one of the most commonly used renewable sources of energy in

the last two decades, second only to hydropower in the generation of electricity.[4]

The use of biomass is likely to become particularly relevant for the production of transportation fuels

since these are all hydrocarbon based and, in order to replace fossil carbon, resorting to biogenic

carbon will be needed.

The production of hydrocarbon fuels from biomass can be made by a variety of methods, in particular

by thermochemical conversions, like pyrolysis and gasification. The use of pyrolysis produces a bio-oil

that requires extensive further refining while gasification leads to the formation of syngas that can be

further converted into hydrocarbons by the Fischer-Tropsch process.

All of these processes can be thermally driven or promoted with catalysts so that the equipment can

be operated at lower temperatures.

In the light of above, the present study is focused on the kinetics of biomass based char i.e. charcoal

thermochemical transformation, both thermal and promoted by metal cation catalyst. The study has

been made using an activated charcoal produced by the de-volatilization or pyrolysis of biomass

material. Understanding of charcoal combustion and gasification kinetics can contribute in the overall

optimization of the design parameters of biomass based co fired or gasification units.

The catalytic effects of transition metals, like Vanadium, in oxidation processes are well known for

different reactions, e.g. the conversion of SO2 into SO3 in sulfuric acid preparation. Hence, catalytic

activity of Vanadium and Copper on the thermochemical conversion of the activated charcoal was

made a subject of the current kinetic study.

Catalyst impregnation was done through incipient wetting technique by Dr. Dr. Sónia Carabineiro.

The kinetics was studied by a combined TG-DSC analysis under isothermal conditions to observe the

kinetics for temperatures ranging from 400 to 800 degree Celsius.

The TGA system was used for data collection, and data interpretation was done through conventional

i.e. TG and DTG kinetics along with utilization of heat flow data obtained by DSC to analyze the

thermicity of the reactions taking place and for the estimation of reaction products. The TG/DTG and

DSC results for catalyst impregnated charcoal have also been compared with the non-impregnated

charcoal. Finally, an effort has been made to propose a suitable model governing the charcoal

conversion at range of temperatures that was investigated.

The experimental results obtained suggest that the reaction of charcoal with oxygen in air is possible

at temperatures as low as 400 °C with the use of 1% Vanadium catalyst impregnation. Without

catalyst, oxidation of char in air only occurred at temperatures in the vicinity of 500 °C. From the

analysis of the heat flow signal it was possible to observe that at low temperature the formation of

carbon monoxide was more significant.

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For future work, the utilization of other gasifying agents like CO2, H2, pure O2 or steam are envisaged.

Also, the comparison with other transition metal catalysts and their mixtures can be tested.

1.2 Motivation

The main motivation for this study is to further the understanding of the thermochemical conversions

that occur on charcoal both in inert and oxidative conditions, thus including pyrolysis, gasification and

also combustion. All of these reactions are relevant regardless of the end process that we will

consider since, for example inside a gasifier, different regions will spontaneously occur where all of

these types of reactions will occur.

Fig. 1.1 Processes in Gasification

Char oxidation is a complex heterogeneous process which often governs the overall rate of

combustion and gasification. Oxidation rates are partially governed by surface properties of the char

and reactions catalyzed by minerals within the char matrix. Biomass chars have inherently some alkali

and alkaline-earth minerals and their catalytic effects have also been observed during pyrolysis [5].

However, the effect of transition metals on char reactivity during combustion had not gathered much

attention. Hence, the present effort has been made to look for catalytic effects of transition metal i.e.

Vanadium, Copper and their mix on the char reactivity during air gasification at various temperatures.

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1.3 Aim

The overall aim of this study is to investigate the possible catalytic activity of Vanadium, Copper and

their mixtures for char gasification in air at various temperatures.

1.4 Objectives

The specific objectives of this work include:

To investigate how char conversion is affected by the presence of added catalyst in the form

of 1%V, 1%Cu and their mixtures.

To observe the effect of added catalysts on the DTG curve of the samples.

To analyze the reactions those occur on the samples from DSC data.

To develop the suitable kinetic model to fit the experimental data.

To compare the results with raw charcoal.

1.5 Scope

In order to achieve the above mentioned major objectives, the following was undertaken:

Raw charcoal was analyzed and proximate analysis obtained through TGA.

Char samples impregnated with desired catalyst and different concentrations were obtained

through incipient wetness technique. (Supplied by Dr. Sonia Carabineiro and Prof. Luis Sousa


The gasification and combustion reactivity of the chars were evaluated using simultaneous

Thermogravimetric Analyzer and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (TG/DSC).

Isothermal experiments were performed in the presence of fixed amount of air, utilizing

samples mass less than 10mg.

Char conversion and overall reaction rate with the associated parameters were determined

using the experimental results.

Appropriate kinetic model was evaluated by including rate controlling resistances.

The model was tested against the experimental results and kinetic parameters estimated.

1.6 Thesis Structure

This work has been divided into six chapters. The first chapter is about the introduction of the topic

background and gives the aim, objectives and scope of research.The second chapter deals with the

literature survey and includes the relevant knowledge related to the research methodology of the

current work.

The third chapter discusses the methods utilized for the research purpose. It gives description of the

samples, apparatus, testing procedure etc. The fourth chapter deals in detail with the experimental

results. The approach adopted for discussing the results is as follows: first TG and DTG data have

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been discussed followed by DSC and kinetic modeling. The same approach has been applied for all

the samples tested.

Conclusions of the study have been discussed in the fifth chapter and the sixth chapter gives the

references to the literature.

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2 Literature Study

2.1 Biomass and Charcoal


The term "biomass" refers to organic matter that has stored energy through the process of

photosynthesis. It exists in many forms as plants may be transferred through the food chain to the

body of animals and their wastes, all of which can be converted for everyday human use through

processes such as combustion, which releases the carbon stored in the form of carbon dioxide.

Also, Biomass refers to any organic materials that is derived from plants or animals. A generally

accepted definition is difficult to find. However, the one used by the United Nations Framework

Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC, 2005) is:

A non-fossilized and biodegradable organic material originating from plants, animals and micro-

organisms. This shall also include products, by-products, residues and waste from agriculture,

forestry and related industries as well as the non-fossilized and biodegradable organic fractions of

industrial and municipal wastes.

Charcoal a Biochar

Charcoal is a light, black residue, consisting mainly of carbon and any remaining ash, obtained by

removing water and other volatile constituents from animal and vegetation substances. It is usually

produced by slow pyrolysis, the heating of wood or other substances in the absence of oxygen.

2.1.1 Biomass Conversion Processes

Biomass already has a significant contribution for the production of electricity in many countries,

mainly by combustion, as it can be seen in figure 2.1.

However, biomass can also be converted into different gaseous, liquid or solid fuels by a variety of

processes, whic include:

1. ThermoChemical Processes




2. Chemical Processes

Direct Liquefaction

Hydrothermal Carbonization

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3. Biochemical Processes



In thermal conversions heat is the dominant driving force that is used to convert the biomass into

another chemical form. The basic alternatives are separated mainly by the extent to which the

chemical reactions involved are allowed to proceed and by the atmosphere in which they are

conducted. Combined heat and Power CHP and co-firing are also the applications of thermal


Figure 2.1 Role of Biomass in Electricity Generation (Top Five Countries)

2.1.2 Catalytic Effect of Mineral Matter in Biomass

The oxidation of carbonaceous material can be catalysed by naturally occurring inorganic materials

present in the fuels[5]. In coal, inorganic materials reside as minerals, whereas in biomass they are

generally present as salts or organically bound cations. Alkali metals, potassium, and sodium are

active catalysts in reactions with oxygen-containing species. Dispersed alkali metals in biomass

contribute to the high catalytic activity of inorganic materials in biomass. Inorganic matter also affects

pyrolysis, giving char varying morphological characteristics. Potassium and sodium catalyze the

polymerization of volatile matter, increasing the char yield; at the same time they produce solid

materials that deposit on the char pores, blocking them. During subsequent oxidation of the char, the

alkali metal catalyzes this process. Polymerization of volatile matter dominates over the pore-blocking

effect. A high pyrolysis temperature may result in thermal annealing or loss of active sites and thereby

loss of char reactivity [5].

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2.1.3 Effect of Alkali and Alkaline-Earth Metallic Species (AAEM)

Extensive research has been carried out on the effect of alkali and other metals on the decomposition

behavior of biomass by many researchers of which Shafizadeh, Hsishengeng, Raaveendran have

made significant contributions [7]. All suggested that the inorganic species present in biomass

become one of the influencing factors which determine the behavior of the biomass under thermal

degradation which in turn affects the quality and conversion during pyrolysis, combustion and

gasification. The inorganic constituents of biomass include more than nineteen metals including

alkali metals [9]; some of which act as catalysts that can influence the rate of degradation and yield of

char in pyrolysis. Many of the inorganic components are retained in the char and these can catalyze

the combustion or gasification of the solid residue. It has been shown that the main components

which affect pyrolysis degradation are sodium, potassium, magnesium and silicates [10-11].

Furthermore, in combustion; sulfur, sodium, chlorine and potassium in particular, influence the ash

chemistry and hence also dictate corrosion, slagging and fouling characteristics.

Shafizadeh et al [8] realized that the conversion of organic matter to gas and char varies as the

inorganic content varies, and that higher inorganic contents promote secondary reactions; breaking

down higher molecular compounds to smaller ones [11] and developed the ‘’waterloo model’’ in which

cellulose has two major alternative routes for degradation, depending upon the amount of alkali

metals present. If high levels of alkali metals are present, the degradation mechanism favors

fragmentation i.e. ring scission producing lower molecular weight compounds such as hydroxyl

acetaldehyde, while lower alkali metal contents promotes a de-polymerization mechanism resulting in

higher molecular weight compounds such as beta-d-fructose. However, optimum yield temperatures

vary as the alkali metals in the biomass vary.

2.1.4 Char Conversion Rate

Heterogeneous rate of char conversion depends upon the following factors:

1. Surface Area

2. Surface Accessibility

3. Carbon Active Sites

4. Catalytic Active Sites

5. Gaseous Reactant Concentration

Consequently, the reactivity depends on three chief characteristics of the sample:

1. Chemical Structure

2. Inorganic Constituents

3. Porosity

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2.1.5 Intrinsic Reaction Rate

Char gasification takes place on the surface of solid char particles, which is generally taken to be the

outer surface area. However, char particles are highly porous, and the surface areas of the inner pore

walls are several orders of magnitude higher than the external surface area. For example, the actual

surface area (BET) Brunauer–Emmett–Teller of an internal pore of a 1-mm-diameter beechwood char

is 660 cm2 while its outer surface area is only 3.14 cm2. Thus, if there is no physical restriction, the

reacting gas can potentially enter the pores and react on their walls, resulting in a high overall char

conversion rate. For this reason, two char particles with the same external surface area (size) may

have widely different reaction rates because of their different internal structure. From a scientific

standpoint, it is wise to express the surface reaction rate on the basis of the actual surface on which

the reaction takes place rather than the external surface area. The rate based on the actual pore wall

surface area is the intrinsic reaction rate; the rate based on the external surface area of the char is the

apparent reaction rate. The former is difficult to measure, so sometimes it is taken as the reactive

surface area determined indirectly from the reaction rate instead of the total pore surface area

measured by the physical adsorption of nitrogen BET area [12].

2.2 Chemical Kinetics

2.2.1 Definition

Chemical kinetics, also known as reaction kinetics, is the study of rates of chemical processes.

Chemical kinetics includes investigations of how different experimental conditions can influence the

speed of a chemical reaction and yield information about the reaction's mechanism and transition

rates, as well as the construction of mathematical models that can describe the characteristics of a

chemical reaction.

2.2.2 History

The general theory of the dependence of reaction rates on concentrations; or the fundamental

equation of chemical kinetics was presented by Cato Guldberg and Peter Waage as a kinetic mass

law in 1864 [13-15].

Van't Hoff studied chemical dynamics and published in 1884 his famous "Etudes de dynamique

chimique"[16]. In 1901 he was awarded by the first Nobel Prize in Chemistry "in recognition of the

extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and

osmotic pressure in solutions [17]. After van't Hoff, chemical kinetics deals with the experimental

determination of reaction rates from which rate laws and rate constants are derived. Relatively simple

rate laws exist for zero order reactions (for which reaction rates are independent of concentration),

first order reactions, and second order reactions, and can be derived for others. Elementary reactions

follow the law of mass action, but the rate law of stepwise reactions has to be derived by combining

the rate laws of the various elementary steps, and can become rather complex. In consecutive

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reactions, the rate-determining step often determines the kinetics. The activation energy for a reaction

is experimentally determined through the Arrhenius equation and the Eyring equation. The main

factors that influence the reaction rate include: the physical state of the reactants, the concentrations

of the reactants, the temperature at which the reaction occurs, and whether or not any catalysts are

present in the reaction.

2.2.3 Reaction Mechanism and Rate


Molecules or atoms of reactants must collide with each other.

The molecules must have sufficient energy (activation energy) to initiate the reaction.

In some cases orientation of molecules during the collision must also be considered.

Reaction Rate:

The specific rate of consumption or production of any reaction species i, ri, is the rate of change of the

number of molecules of species i with time per unit volume of reaction medium [39]:

𝒓𝒊 = 𝟏

𝑽 𝒅𝒏𝒊

𝒅𝒕 2.1

The rate is negative when i represent a reactant and positive when i represent a product.

Fig.2.2 Reaction Rate variation

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2.2.3 Factors Affecting Reaction Rate

Nature of the reactants

Depending upon what substances are reacting, the reaction rate varies. Acid/base reactions, the

formation of salts, and ion exchange are fast reactions. When covalent bond formation takes place

between the molecules and when large molecules are formed, the reactions often tend to be very

slow. Nature and strength of bonds in reactant molecules greatly influence the rate of its

transformation into products.

Physical state

The physical state (solid, liquid, or gas) of a reactant is also an important factor of the rate of change.

When reactants are in the same phase, as in aqueous solution, thermal motion brings them into

contact. However, when they are in different phases, the reaction is limited to the interface between

the reactants. Reaction can occur only at their area of contact; in the case of a liquid and a gas, at the

surface of the fluid. Vigorous shaking and stirring may be needed to bring the reaction to completion.

This means that the more finely divided a solid or liquid reactant the greater its surface area per unit

volume and the more contact it with the other reactant, thus the faster the reaction. Further,

homogenous reactions take place faster than heterogeneous reactions.


The reactions are due to collisions of reactant species. The frequency with which the molecules or

ions collide depends upon their concentrations. The more crowded the molecules are, the more likely

they are to collide and react with one another. Thus, an increase in the concentrations of the

reactants will usually result in the corresponding increase in the reaction rate, while a decrease in the

concentrations will usually have a reverse effect. For example, combustion that occurs in air (21%

oxygen) will occur more rapidly in pure oxygen.

For elementary reactions, the law of mass action states that the rate is proportional to the

concentrations of the reactants raised to the power of their respective molecularity. Thus for an

elementary irreversible reaction such as the rate equation is:

𝒓 = 𝒌𝑪𝒂𝒑𝑪𝒃𝒒 2.2

The exponents p and q correspond to the order of the reaction in relation to each of the reactants,

and these coincide with the stoichiometric coefficients when the stoichiometric equation truly

represents the mechanism of reaction, i.e., when the reactions are elementary. Thus, for elementary

reactions order and molecularity are the same.

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Temperature usually has a major effect on the rate of a chemical reaction. Molecules at a higher

temperature have more thermal energy. Although collision frequency is greater at higher

temperatures, this alone contributes only a very small proportion to the increase in rate of reaction.

Much more important is the fact that the proportion of reactant molecules with sufficient energy to

react (energy greater than activation energy: E > Ea) is significantly higher and is explained in detail

by the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution of molecular energies.

The Arrhenius equation relates the specific rate constant to the absolute temperature.

𝒌 = 𝑨 𝒆−𝑬𝒂

𝑹𝑻 2.3

where Ea is called the activation energy and A is the preexponential factor. As seen from equation

2.3, the rate of the reaction can increase very sharply (exponentially) as a function of temperature,

depending on the magnitude of the activation energy E. This equation works well for elementary

reactions, and it also works reasonably well for global reactions over a relatively narrow range of

temperatures in the absence of mass-transfer limitations. The Arrhenius form represents an energy

barrier on the reaction pathway between reactants and products that has to be overcome by the

reactant molecules.


Fig. 2.3 Generic potential energy diagram showing the effect of a catalyst in a hypothetical

endothermic chemical reaction.

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A catalyst is a substance that accelerates the rate of a chemical reaction but remains mostly

unchanged afterwards. The catalyst increases the rate of the reaction by providing a different reaction

mechanism to occur with lower activation energy. In autocatalysis a reaction product is itself a catalyst

for that reaction leading to positive feedback. Proteins that act as catalysts in biochemical reactions

are called enzymes.


Increasing the pressure in a gaseous reaction will increase the number of collisions between

reactants, increasing the rate of reaction. This is because the activity of a gas is directly proportional

to the partial pressure of the gas. This is similar to the effect of increasing the concentration of a


2.3 Solid State Kinetics

Most solid-state kinetic principles were derived from those for homogenous phases in the past


Solid-state kinetic reactions can be mechanistically classified as:


Geometrical contraction/expansion


2.3.1 Rate Law

Using conversion fraction, rate expression for a first order process can be expressed as:


𝒅 𝒕 = 𝒌 (𝟏 − 𝑿) 2.3

Also, by taking integral and re-arranging:

−𝒍𝒏 ( 𝟏 − 𝑿 ) = 𝒌 𝒕 2.4

Unlike rate laws in homogenous kinetics which usually depend on reaction order (i.e. first, second,

etc.), a rate law for an elementary solid state reaction could depend on factors such as rate of nuclei

formation, interface advance, diffusion, and/or geometrical shape of solid particles.These factors lead

to several decomposition models that do not have a similar counterpart in homogenous kinetics.

Kinetic equations can be generally expressed as:


𝒅 𝒕 = 𝒌 𝒇(𝑿) 2.5

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By taking integral:

𝒈(𝑿) = 𝒌 𝒕 2.6

Where, f(X) and g(X) are the differential and integral kinetic-model dependent functions respectively,

which can describe the changes in the physical or chemical properties of the sample during

gasification or combustion; t is the time. Assuming that the partial pressure of gasifying agent remains

constant during the process, the reaction rate constant can be expressed using the Arrhenius

equation, as follows:

𝒌 = 𝑨 𝒆−𝑬𝒂

𝑹𝑻 2.7

Where, A is the pre-exponential or frequency factor, Ea is activation energy and T is absolute

temperature and R is the gas constant.

Finally rate equation is:


𝒅𝒕 = 𝑨 𝒆


𝑹𝑻 𝒇(𝑿) 2.8


𝒈(𝑿) = 𝑨 𝒆−𝑬𝒂

𝑹𝑻 𝒕 2.9

2.3.2 Gas-Solid Reactant Systems

Multiphase systems correspond to a vast field in which substances react in different phases and may

involve two or three (or more) phases. Gas-Solid reactant system is a multiphase system which

includes two phases i.e. gas and solid. Such systems can be further classified as:

Type 1:

The solid is reacted with gas to form another solid or solids.


2ZnS(s) + 3O2(g) → 2 ZnO(s) + 2SO2(g) 2.10

Fe3O4(s) + 4H2(g) → 3Fe(s) + 4H2O(g) 2.11

CaC2(s) + N2(g) → CaCN2(s) + C(s) 2.12

2CaO(s) + 2SO2(g) → 2CaSO4(s) 2.13

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Type 2:

In this type the products are all gaseous, and the solid shrinks and may eventually disappear.

C(s) + O2(g) → CO2(g) 2.14

C(s) + H2O(g) → CO(g) + H2(g) 2.15

The heterogeneous char-gas chemical reactions takes place in different temperature zones or

regimes which determines; which resistance is rate-controlling. This depends on the particle size,

reactor type, reaction temperature and the reactants.

Figure 2.4 The Arrhenius plot for different temperature regime during heterogeneous chemical

reactions [19]

Figure 2.4 illustrates the Arrhenius plot for different temperature regimes or zones during

heterogeneous oxidation reactions [19]. During char-gas reaction, when the intrinsic reactivity is rate

controlling, the reactant gases diffuse through the porous system to the internal surface of the char

particle; the overall particle size remains constant for a certain period of time, while the density of the

particles is decreased. But if the reaction rate is very fast at high temperature, the gaseous reactants

are consumed rapidly as if they approache the inner surface of the particle [20]. The chemical

structure of the char promotes intrinsic reactivity by providing dislocations, crystalline edges and

heterocyclic centers. The inorganic constituents of the char create further dislocations and promote

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catalytic activity. The char pore structure or pore network controls the rate of diffusion and the

concentration of reactant gases by fixing the total accessible surface area [22].

Regime I

For reactions at low temperature, the rate of reaction is controlled by the chemical reactivity of the

char. The chemical reaction rate is relatively slow compared to the diffusion rate of the reactant gases

to the internal surface of the particle. The reaction gases diffuse freely into the interior of the porous

char and react uniformly. The particle is converted internally and the particle size might change or

remain constant but the density of the particle decreases. Under this condition, the activation energy

obtained is the true activation energy, and the order of this reaction is also true, since chemical

reaction is the reaction rate determining step. Intrinsic reaction rates at this condition are defined as

the chemical reaction rates, when there is an absence of pore and film diffusion[19-21]. This regime

can be predominant; in fine particles where the diffusion resistance is negligible (very small) and

when the temperature is low with slow kinetic rate [22]

Regime II

At an intermediate temperature the intrinsic rate of reaction and the consumption of the gaseous

reactant is higher than the internal diffusion rate of the reactant gas. The reaction gas does not

penetrate through the pores to the interior of the reacting solid particle, which limits the rate of

reaction. The reaction gas is then consumed in the reaction zone on the surface of the particle,

leaving an unreacted core. The char particle burns internally and externally with decreasing particle

size and particle density. Since internal diffusion limitations occur, the observed activation energy is

about one half of the true activation energy value, while the apparent reaction order is similar to the

true reaction order [21-22].

Regime III

At very high temperatures, the reaction gas does not diffuse through the particle surface. Reaction

occurs at the surface of the char particles only, due to the fast intrinsic reaction. Rate of reaction

depends mostly on the gaseous diffusion through the boundary layer to the particle surface. The

particle diameter decreases as reaction proceeds and the particle density remains more or less

constant with no effect on chemical reactivity or porosity. The activation energy obtained in this zone

will be very small, corresponding to the apparent activation energy for the diffusion process [23].

2.3.3 Intrinsic kinetics of gas-solid reactions

The mechanisms, and hence theoretically derived rate laws, for noncatalytic heterogeneous reactions

involving solids are even less well understood than those for surface catalyzed reactions. This arises

because the solid surface changes as the reaction proceeds, unlike catalytic surfaces which usually

reach a steady-state behavior.

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Gasification reactions of solids: The reactions of solids with gas-phase reactants to

form gaseous products are generally described in the same manner as are surface catalyzed

reactions. The reaction of carbon with water vapor is an example:

C(s) + H2O(g) → H2(g) + CO(g) 2.16

This reaction is important in such processes as the decoking of catalysts, the manufacture of

activated carbon for adsorption, and the gasification of carbonaceous materials for production of

hydrogen or fuel gas [38].

A two-step mechanism and resulting rate law can be developed as follows. Reactive carbon sites, C*

(total number NC.), are assumed to exist on the surface of the solid. These can be oxidized reversibly

by water vapor:

C∗ + H2O k− 1 ←

k1 → C∗O + H2 2.17

where C*O is an oxidized carbon site. The oxidized site can then “decompose” to produce CO(g):

C*O 𝑘2 → CO(g) 2.18

In addition to CO(g) formation, step (2) exposes a variable number, n, of previously inactive carbon

atoms, C, thus producing C* to continue the reaction. The average value of n is close to unity, so that

NC* varies slowly as reaction proceeds.

If elementary rate laws are assumed for each step, and if NC* is essentially constant over a short time,

a (pseudo-) steady-state rate law can be developed:

𝑟 = 𝑁𝐶∗



𝑘1𝑐𝐻2𝑂+ 𝑘−1𝑐𝐻2+ 𝑘2 2.19

The above equation is similar to Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics. The rate is expressed on the basis

of the instantaneous number of solid carbon atoms, Nc. The rate r (measured at one gas

composition) typically goes through a maximum as the carbon is converted. This is the result of a

maximum in the intrinsic activity (related to the fraction of reactive carbon atoms, NC*/NC) because of

both a change in NC* and a decrease in NC.

Since both NC* and NC change as the reaction proceeds, r can be expressed as a function of

fractional conversion of carbon (XC) or of time (t).

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2.3.4 Models and Mechanisms in Solid State kinetics

A model is a theoretical, mathematical description of what occurs experimentally. In solid-state

reactions, a model can describe a particular reaction type and translate that mathematically into a rate

equation. Many models have been proposed in solid-state kinetics and these models have been

developed based on certain mechanistic assumptions. Other models are more empirically based and

their mathematics facilitates data analysis with less mechanistic meaning. Therefore, different rate

expressions are produced from these models.

Commonly Employed Models

Three models are commonly implemented to interpret the experimental result which are as follows:

1. VM (Volume Model)

2. GM (Grain Model)

3. RPM (Random Pore Model)

These models have a theoretical basis and involve fewer parameters and give different formulations

of the term f (X).

Volume Model

The VM assumes that a homogeneous reaction occurs throughout the char bed and that it results in a

linear decrease in the reaction surface area with conversion [24]. The overall reaction rate is given by:


𝒅𝒕= 𝒌𝑽𝑴 (𝟏 − 𝑿) 2.20

Grain Model

The GM considers that the gasifying agents react on the surface of the non-porous grains or in pore

surfaces within the solid [25]. According to different assumptions, the reaction rates in the regime of

chemical control can be expressed as:


𝒅𝒕= 𝒌𝑮𝑴 (𝟏 − 𝑿)𝟐/𝟑 2.21

Random Pore Model

The RPM considers the overlapping of pore surfaces, which results in the reduction of surface area

available for the reaction [26]. The general rate equation for this model is:


𝒅𝒕= 𝒌𝑹𝑷𝑴 (𝟏 − 𝑿)√𝟏 −𝝍 𝒍𝒏 (𝟏 − 𝑿) 2.22

This model can predict a maximum for the reactivity during the reaction, as it considers the competing

effects of pore growth during the initial stages of gasification, and the destruction of the pores due to

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the coalescence of neighboring pores during the reaction. The RPM contains two parameters, ψ ,

which is related to the initial pore structure ofthe char sample (X = 0) and the reaction rate constant, k.

𝝍 = 𝟒 𝝅 𝑳𝒐 (𝟏−𝓔𝒐)

𝑺𝒐𝟐 2.23

where S0, L0, and ℰ0 represent the pore surface area, pore length, and solid porosity, respectively.

2.3.5 Data collection and Interpretation

Experimentally, solid-state kinetics can be studied either isothermally or nonisothermally. Many

mathematical methods have been developed to interpret experimental data for both heating protcols.

These methods generally fall into one of two categories:



Model Fitting Methods:

For these methods, different models are fit to the data and the model giving the best statistical fit is

chosen as the model of choice from which the activation energy (Ea) and frequency factor (A) are

calculated. Model fitting approach is often use for pyrolysis reaction description. As a result a one set

of kinetic parameters is estimated for entire range of temperatures and extension of the reaction.

These are called apparent kinetic parameters.

Isothermal model-fitting method:

This method is identical to that in homogenous kinetics. It involves two fits: The first, determines the

rate constant (k) of the model that best fits the data for single temperature experiments while the

second determines specific kinetic parameters such as the activation energy (Ea) and frequency

factor (A) using the Arrhenius equation using data from different temperatures.

Nonisothermal model-fitting method:

There are many model fitting methods that extract the complete set of kinetic parameters known as

the kinetic triplet (A, Ea and model) from nonisothermal data. These methods were used extensively

earlier in solid-state kinetic analysis and they continue to be developed. These methods have been

critically evaluated and it’s been shown that the sole use of these methods is not recommended


They assume a constant kinetic triplet (A, Ea and model).

They involve fitting three parameters (A, Ea and model) which are determined from a single

run (for example a single heating rate) which is not always sufficient to determine reaction


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Direct Differential Method, Coats Red fern Method

Model-free/isoconversional methods

• Model-free methods calculate the reaction activation energy (Ea) without model assumptions, which

is usually done by grouping terms such as the frequency factor (A) and model into the intercept of a

linear equation and using the slope of that equation to calculate the activation energy (Ea).The

frequency factor (A) can be calculated from the intercept of the linear equation but requires modelistic

assumptions for such a determination. Therefore, model-free methods usually report only activation


• Isoconversional methods are model-free methods that evaluate kinetic parameters, namely the

activation energy (Ea) at progressive conversion values (X). These methods require several kinetic

curves to perform the analysis and have therefore been called, “multi-curve” methods.

• Calculations from several curves at different heating rates are performed on the same value of

conversion (X), thus, the name isoconversional. As a result, these methods calculate the

activation energy for each conversion point (Ea, X), resulting in an isoconversional plot (Ea vs. X).

•The terms, “model-free” and “isoconversional” are sometimes used interchangeably; however, not all

model-free methods are isoconversional.

Isoconversional approaches can be used to analyze both isothermal and nonisothermal data, as

described below:




Non Isothermal


Ozawa, Flyn-Wall (Linear Doyle Approximation; Less accurate)

Vyazovkin (Non Linear Senum yang Approximation; More accurate)

Historically, model-fitting methods were widely used because of their ability to directly determine the

kinetic triplet (i.e., frequency factor [A], activation energy [Ea] and model). However, these methods

suffer from several problems among which is their inability to uniquely determine the reaction model.

This has led to the decline of these methods in favor of isoconversional (model-free) methods that

evaluate kinetics without model assumptions. However, isoconversional methods do not compute a

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frequency factor nor determine a reaction model which are needed for a complete and accurate

kinetic analysis. A new approach has to be proposed that combines the power of isoconversional

methods with model-fitting methods.

2.3.6 Controversies in Solid State kinetics.

Solid-state kinetics was developed from reaction kinetics in homogenous systems (i.e. gases and

liquids). The Arrhenius equation relates the rate constant of a simple one-step reaction to the

temperature through the activation energy (Ea) and preexponential factor (A).

It has been generally assumed that activation energy (Ea) and frequency factor (A) remain constant,

however, it’s been shown in solid-state reactions these kinetic parameters may vary with the reaction

progress (). This variation can be detected by isoconversional methods. While this variation appears

to be in conflict with basic chemical kinetic principles, in reality, it may not be.

2.4 Catalysis

Catalysis is the increase in the rate of a chemical reaction due to the participation of an additional

substance called a catalyst. With a catalyst, reactions occur faster and require less activation energy.

Because catalysts are not expected to be consumed in the catalyzed reaction, they can continue to

catalyze the reaction of further quantities of reactant. Often only tiny amounts are required.

2.4.1 Heterogenous Catalysis

In chemistry, heterogeneous catalysis refers to the form of catalysis where the phase of the catalyst

differs from that of the reactants. Phase here refers not only to solid, liquid or gas, but also immiscible

liquids, e.g. oil and water. The great majority of practical heterogeneous catalysts are solids and the

great majority of reactants are gases or liquids [27]. Heterogeneous catalysis is of paramount

importance in many areas of the chemical and energy industries.


Adsorption is commonly an essential first step in heterogeneous catalysis. Adsorption is when a

molecule in the gas phase or in solution binds to atoms on the solid or liquid surface. The molecule

that is binding is called the adsorbate, and the surface to which it binds is the adsorbent. The process

of the adsorbate binding to the adsorbent is called adsorption. The reverse of this process (the

adsorbate splitting from adsorbent) is called desorption.

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Types of adsorption

Two types of adsorption are recognized in heterogeneous catalysis, although many processes fall into

an ambiguous range between the two extremes. In the first type, physisorption; induces only small

changes to the electronic structure of the adsorbate. Typical energies for physisorption are from 2 to

10kcal/mol. The second type is chemisorption, in which the adsorbate is strongly perturbed, often with

bond-breaking and the formation of chemical bonds between the adsorbate and the adsorbent.

Energies for typical chemisorption range from 15 to 100 kcal/mol.

For physisorption, the adsorbate is attracted to the surface atoms by van der wall’s forces. A

mathematical model for physisorption was developed by London to predict the energies of basic

physisorption of non-polar molecules. The analysis of physisorption for polar or ionic species is more


Chemisorption results in the sharing of electrons between the adsorbate and the adsorbent.

Chemisorption is traditionally described by the Lennard-Jones potential, which considers various

cases, two of which are.

Molecular adsorption, where the adsorbate remains intact. An example is alkene binding by


In dissociation adsorption, one or more bonds break concomitantly with adsorption. In this

case the barrier to dissociation affects the rate of adsorption. An example of this the binding

of H2, where the H-H bond is broken upon adsorption [27] by hydrogen spillover.

Surface Reactions

With catalyst supports, the reaction that occurs often occurs on the surface of either the catalyst or

the support. In terms of surface reactions there are three mechanisms.

Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism. The two molecules A and B both adsorb to the surface.

While adsorbed to the surface, the A and B "meet," bond, and then the new molecule A-B


Rideal-Eley mechanism. One of the two molecules, A, adsorbs to the surface. The second

molecule, B, meets A on the surface, having never adsorbed to the surface, and they react

and bind. Then the newly formed A-B desorbs.

Precursor mechanism. One of the two molecules, A, is adsorbed on the surface. The second

molecule, B, collides with the surface, forming a mobile precursor state. The molecule B then

collides with A on the surface, they react, bind and the new molecule desorbs.

Any surface reaction can be described as following one of these mechanisms, or some combination

of these mechanisms. In addition, all of these above mechanisms can occur in reverse. In general,

the pathway for a reaction on a surface is as follows. First the reactants adsorb onto the surface.

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Through a series of bonds being formed and being broken, adsorbed intermediates are produced and

destroyed. Then the final product(s) is produced and it desorbs from the solid. Most metal surface

reaction occurs by chain propagation [27].

Fig. 2.5 Mechanisms for Heterogeneous Catalysis

2.4.2 Applied Catalysis

Oxidation catalysis is conducted by both heterogeneous catalysis and homogeneous catalysis. In the

heterogeneous processes, gaseous substrate and oxygen/air are passed over solid catalysts. Typical

catalysts are platinum, redox-active oxides of iron, vanadium, and molybdenum. In many cases,

catalysts are modified with a host of additives or promoters that enhance rates or selectivity’s.

Catalytic Oxidation

Catalytic oxidations are processes that oxidize compounds using catalysts. Common applications

involve oxidation of organic compounds by the oxygen in air. Such processes are conducted on a

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large scale for the remediation of pollutants, production of valuable chemicals, and the production of


Illustrative catalytic oxidation processes are presented in the table:

Table. 2.1 Examples of Catalytic Oxidation processes

Substrate Process


(homogeneous or




sulfur dioxide



vanadium pentoxide

(heterogeneous) sulfuric acid fertilizer production





(heterogeneous) nitric acid basic chemicals, TNT



Claus process

vanadium pentoxide

(heterogeneous) sulfur

remediation of byproduct


oil refinery









basic chemicals, gold

mining extractant

ethylene epoxidation

mixed Ag oxides

(heterogeneous) ethylene oxide

basic chemicals,


cyclohexane K-A process Co and Mn salts



cyclohexanone nylon precursor




Pd and Cu salts

(homogeneous) acetaldehyde basic chemicals

2.4.3 Heterogenous Catalysts

Heterogeneous catalysts act in a different phase than the reactants. Most heterogeneous catalysts

are solids that act on substrates in a liquid or gaseous reaction mixture. Diverse mechanisms for

reactions on surfaces are known, depending on how the adsorption takes place (Langmuir-

Hinshelwood, Eley-Rideal, and Mars-van Krevelen) [28]. The total surface area of solid has an

important effect on the reaction rate. The smaller the catalyst particle size, the larger the surface area

for a given mass of particles.

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Active Sites

A heterogeneous catalyst has active sites, which are the atoms or crystal faces where the reaction

actually occurs. Depending on the mechanism, the active site may be either a planar exposed metal

surface, a crystal edge with imperfect metal valence or a complicated combination of the two. Thus,

not only most of the volume, but also most of the surface of a heterogeneous catalyst may be

catalytically inactive. Finding out the nature of the active site requires technically challenging

research. Thus, empirical research for finding out new metal combinations for catalysis continues.

For example, in the Haber process, finely divided iron serves as a catalyst for the synthesis of

ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen. The reacting gases adsorb onto active sites on the iron

particles. Once physically adsorbed, the reagents undergo chemisorption that results in dissociation

into adsorbed atomic species, and new bonds between the resulting fragments form in part due to

their close proximity. In this way the particularly strong triple bond in nitrogen is broken, which would

be extremely uncommon in the gas phase due to its high activation energy. Thus, the activation

energy of the overall reaction is lowered, and the rate of reaction increases. Another place where a

heterogeneous catalyst is applied is in the oxidation of sulfur dioxide on Vanadium(V) oxide for the

production of sulfuric acid.

Catalyst Support

Heterogeneous catalysts are typically "supported," which means that the catalyst is dispersed on a

second material that enhances the effectiveness or minimizes their cost. Supports prevent or reduce

agglomeration and sintering of the small catalyst particles, exposing more surface area, thus catalysts

have a higher specific activity (per gram) on a support. Sometimes the support is merely a surface on

which the catalyst is spread to increase the surface area. More often, the support and the catalyst

interact, affecting the catalytic reaction. Supports are porous materials with a high surface area, most

commonly alumina, zeolites or various kinds of activated carbon. Specialized supports include silicon

dioxide, titanium dioxide, calcium carbonate, and barium sulfate.

Catalyst Preparation

Incipient wetness impregnation (IW or IWI), also called capillary impregnation or dry impregnation, is

a commonly used technique for the synthesis of supported heterogeneous catalysts. Typically, the

active metal precursor is dissolved in an aqueous or organic solution. Then the metal-containing

solution is added to a catalyst support containing the same pore volume as the volume of the solution

that was added. Capillary action draws the solution into the pores. Solution added in excess of the

support pore volume causes the solution transport to change from a capillary action process to a

diffusion process, which is much slower. The catalyst can then be dried and calcined to drive off the

volatile components within the solution, depositing the metal on the catalyst surface. The maximum

loading is limited by the solubility of the precursor in the solution. The concentration profile of the

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impregnated compound depends on the mass transfer conditions within the pores during

impregnation and drying [29,30,31]

2.5 Thermal Analysis

There are several types of techniques that involve thermal analysis and some of them are presented

in table 2.2.

Table 2.2 Thermal Analysis Techniques

2.5.1 TGA

Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) measures the amount and rate of change in the weight of a

material as a function of temperature or time in a controlled atmosphere. Measurements are used

primarily to determinethe composition of materials and to predict their thermal stability. The technique

can characterize materials that exhibit weight loss or gain due to decomposition, oxidation, or


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What is it for?

• Composition of Multicomponent Systems

• Thermal Stability of Materials

• Oxidative Stability of Materials

• Estimated Lifetime of a Product

• Decomposition Kinetics of Materials

•The Effect of Reactive or Corrosive Atmospheres on Materials

• Moisture and Volatiles Content of Materials

Fig. 2.6 Block Diagram of Thermobalance

2.5.2 DTA/DSC

Differential thermal analysis or DTA is the tecnique in which heat flow to the sample and reference

remains the same rather than the temperature. When the sample and reference are heated

identically, phase changes and other thermal processes cause a difference in temperature between

the sample and reference.

Differential scanning calorimetry or DSC is a thermoanalytical technique in which the difference in

the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of a sample and reference is measured as a

function of temperature. Both the sample and reference are maintained at nearly the same

temperature throughout the experiment.

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DSC, in theory allows for the measurement of a change in enthalpy. DSC measures the energy

required to keep both the reference and the sample at the same temperature whereas DTA measures

the difference in temperature between the sample and the reference when they are both put under the

same heat.

Fig. 2.7 Typical DSC Curve

Detection of phase transitions in DSC

The basic principle underlying this technique is that when the sample undergoes a physical

transformation such as phase transitions, more or less heat will need to flow to it than the reference

to maintain both at the same temperature. Whether less or more heat must flow to the sample

depends on whether the process is exothermic or endothermic. For example, as a solid sample melts

to a liquid, it will require more heat flowing to the sample to increase its temperature at the same

rate as the reference. This is due to the absorption of heat by the sample as it undergoes the

endothermic phase transition from solid to liquid. Likewise, as the sample undergoes exothermic

pr°Cesses (such as crystallization) less heat is required to raise the sample temperature. By observing

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the difference in heat flow between the sample and reference, differential scanning calorimeters are

able to measure the amount of heat absorbed or released during such transitions.

Fig. 2.8 An idealized DSC curve showing the shapes associated with particular phase


2.5.3 Thermal analytical methods vs. kinetics

Solid-state kinetics can be studied with thermal analytical methods by measuring a sample property

as it is heated or held at a constant temperature. If a reaction involves weight loss, then weight is

followed and the kinetics are usually studied by thermogravimetry(TGA). Heat (evolved or consumed)

is another measurable property that is used for kinetic evaluation using differential scanning

calorimetry (DSC) or differentia lthermal analysis (DTA).

Weight loss or heat flow data are converted to a normalized form called conversion fraction (X).

The conversion fraction ranges from 0 and 1 and is a measure of reaction progress as a function of

time or temperature.For isothermal thermogravimetric analysis, the conversion fraction (X) at any time


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𝑿 = 𝒎𝒐−𝒎𝒕

𝒎𝒐−𝒎∞ 2.24

Where, mo is the initial sample weight, mt is the sample weight at time, t, and m is the final sample

weight i.e. ash content.

Non-isothermally, the conversion fraction (X) at any temperature is:

𝑿 = 𝒎𝒐−𝒎𝑻

𝒎𝒐−𝒎∞ 2.25

The analysis of this fractional conversion as a function of time or temperature will be the basis for

the linetic analysis.

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3 Research Methodologies

3.1 Materials

1. Charcoal (Raw)

2. Charcoal (1% V Impregnated)

3. Charcoal (1% Cu Impregnated)

4. Charcoal (1% V + 1% Cu Impregnated)

Table 3.1 Proximate Analysis

Parameter Percentage

Moisture 10

Volatile Matter 3.2

Fixed Carbon 83

Ash 4.3

3.2 Sample Preparation

Incipient wetness technique was used to impregnate the desired catalyst concentration to the raw

charcoal sample.

3.3 Equipment

A TGA measures the mass change of a sample in relation to temperature as it is subjected to a

specified heating programme in a controlled atmosphere. The equipment consists of a sample pan

loaded on to a highly sensitive mass balance, a furnace and a thermocouple.

Perkin-Elmer series STA 600

The Perkin-Elmer TGA contains a standard furnace, which can be heated 1000° C. However, the

highest temperature that samples were heated to was to avoid burnout of the furnace. The heating

rates used ranged from 20 K/min to 100 K/min. A cooling unit was connected to the TGA in order to

cool the equipment between runs. Aluminium Oxide crucibles were used for loading the samples. A

picture of the equipment is presented in Figure 3.1. The TGA was linked to a computer loaded with

Pyris software, which was used to control the equipment and display the results of the experiments.

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Figure 3.1: Apparatus

3.4 Procedure

Initially an empty alumina crucible was placed in the TGA holder. The crucible mass was set to zero.

The crucible was then removed from the TGA and the sample was placed inside it. Less than 10mg

samples was used for each run. The crucible and sample were first weighed on an analytical balance.

After that it was gently positioned into the apparatus, taking precaution not to place too much

pressure on the balance stem. Once the sample mass reading had stabilised, the weight percent was

set to 100 %. The details of the experimental runs were set up with the software as follows:


Table 3.2 Procedure adopted for kinetics study

Step Description Stage

1 Flow of Pure Air (20ml/min) Initial

2 Ramp to Tisothermal with specified heat rate Heating

3 Hold at Tisothermal for specified time Isothermal

4 Cool to room temperature Cooling

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3.5 Calculations


Thermogravimetric analysis for char gasification takes the general form of mass loss over time for a

specified temperature profile. Fractional mass loss curves are developed utilizing the mass loss data

as follows:

𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬 = 𝒎𝒕−𝒎𝒂

𝒎𝒐−𝒎𝒂 3.1

The isothermal segments were exported and normalized from 0% to 100% char conversion according

to equation (3.2).

𝑿 = 𝒎𝒐−𝒎𝒕

𝒎𝒐−𝒎𝒂 3.2

Where, mo denotes the sample mass at the start of gasification, mt the sample mass at time t and ma

the mass of ash remained after complete gasification.

The experimental and processed conversion results for charcoal impregnated with 1% Vanadium are

presented in the next section. Fractional char conversions have been plotted against time. At low

temperatures, char conversion under air atmosphere, with accompanying mass loss took place in two

different regimes i.e.

a. Exothermic mass loss

b. Endothermic mass loss

Both regions have been marked separately, where applicable and should correspond, respectively, to

oxidation (gasification) and pyrolysis. Separation of gasification and pyrolysis regions were based on

heat flow data.

Exothermic regions were considered as gasification in which CO, CO2 or a mixture of the two, was

expected since the gasifying agent is air and the sample being tested is charcoal.


Specific heat flow data was determined using the following relation:

𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐇𝐅 = 𝐇𝐅𝒕

𝒎𝒐− 𝒎∞ 3.3

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Where, HFt is the heat flow at time t.

Thermodynamic data has been used to calculate the percentage of carbon monoxide and carbon

dioxide in the product gas mix during the gasification stage. The standard enthalpy of formation for

char gasification products in the presence of air are as follows:

∆H for CO2 = - 393.2 KJ/mol at 298 oK

∆H for CO = - 110.2 KJ/mol at 298 oK

Fig. 3.2 Enthalpy of formation for CO and CO2

These values were corrected for the working temperature ranges i.e. 400 – 800 °C by using Shomate

equation which is explained below [32].

Ho = A*t + B*t2/2 + C*t3/3 +D*t4/4 – E/t + F Eq: 3.4


H° = standard enthalpy (kJ/mol)

t = temperature (K) / 1000.

Table 3.2 displays the constants for the shomate equation for [CO] while Table 3.3 presents the heat

of formation computed from these equations for CO and CO2 as a function of temperature.

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Table 3.3 Shomate Equation Constants

Temperature (K) 298. - 1200. 1200. - 6000.

A 24.99735 58.16639

B 55.18696 2.720074

C -33.69137 -0.492289

D 7.948387 0.038844

E -0.136638 -6.447293

F -403.6075 -425.9186

G 228.2431 263.6125

H -393.5224 -393.5224

Reference [33-34] Chase, 1998 Chase, 1998

For a particular isothermal experiment; the total energy released with a given mass was calculated by

integrating the heat flow data in the exothermic region. Energy released per unit mass was then

calculated in KJ/g.

Table 3.4 Heat of Formation

Temperature (°C) Heat of Formation (Theoretical) KJ/g


400 -8.278 -31.151

450 -8.278 -31.151

500 -8.149 -30.883

550 -8.017 -30.603

600 -7.750 -30.007

650 -7.615 -29.692

700 -7.478 29.365

750 -7.340 -29.026

800 -7.200 -28.675

850 -7.06 -28.314

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It was assumed that the gas mixture resulting from the gasification process was a mixture of CO and

CO2 and thus, the fraction of CO produced could be estimated by comparing the observed heat

released with the enthalpies of formation of the two components. CO contribution in the total energy

released was calculated using the enthalpy of formation and the experimental energy released (Y)

data as follows:

For ‘Y’ KJ/g of energy released:

𝐘 = 𝐗 . ∆ 𝐇 𝐂𝐎 + (𝟏 − 𝐗). ∆ 𝐇 𝐂𝐎𝟐 3.5

Applying the algebraic manipulations, we got fraction of carbon converted to CO as:

𝐗 = ∆𝐇 𝐂𝐎𝟐−𝐘

∆𝐇 𝐂𝐎𝟐− ∆𝐇 𝐂𝐎 3.6

3.6 Kinetic Modelling

Surface Catalysis: Intrinsic Kinetics

Surface catalysis is involved in a large majority of industrial catalytic reactions. The rate

laws developed are based on the following assumptions [38]:

(1) The surface of the catalyst contains a fixed number of sites.

(2) All the catalytic sites are identical.

(3) The reactivities of these sites depend only on temperature. They do not depend on

the nature or amounts of other materials present on the surface during the reaction.

These assumptions are the basis of the simplest rational explanation of surface catalytic kinetics and

models for it. The preeminent of these, formulated by Langmuir and Hinshelwood, makes the further

assumption that for an overall (gas-phase) reaction, for example, A(g) + . . . + product(s), the rate

determining step is a surface reaction involving adsorbed species, such as A ● s. Despite the fact that

reality is known to be more complex, the resulting rate expressions find wide use in the chemical

industry, because they exhibit many of the commonly observed features of surface-catalyzed


Surface Reaction Steps:

Central to surface catalysis are reaction steps involving one, or more than one, surface bound

(adsorbed) intermediate species. In case of unimolecular surface reaction, we have:

A ● s → B ● s 3.7

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Where, A ● s is a surface bound species involving A and site s. The rate of this reaction is given by:

(-rA) = k ᶿA 3.8

Where, ᶿA is the fraction of the surface covered by adsorbed species A.

Langmuir-Hinshelwood (LH) Kinetics

By combining surface-reaction rate laws with the Langmiur expressions for surface coverages,

Langmuir-Hinshelwood (LH) rate laws for surface-catalysed reactions are obtained, although we focus

on the intrinsic kinetics of the surface-catalysed reaction, the LH model should be set in the context of

a broader kinetics scheme to appreciate the significance for this.

A kinetic scheme for an overall reaction expressed as:

A(g) → B(g) 3.9

Where A is a gas-phase reactant and B a gas-phase product, is as follows:

A(g) 𝑘Ag → A (surface vicinity); mass transfer (fast) Step:1

A (surface vicinity) + s 𝑘𝑑A ←

𝑘𝑎A → A ● s; adsorption-desorption (fast) Step:2

A ● s 𝑘 → B (surface vicinity) + s; surface reaction (slow, rds) Step:3

B (surface vicintiy) 𝑘Bg → B(g); mass transfer (fast) Step:4

Here A(g) and B(g) denote reactant and product in the bulk gas at concentrations CA and CB,

respectively; kAg and kBg are mass-transfer coefficients, s is an adsorption site, and A ● s is a surface

reaction intermediate. In this scheme, it is assumed that B is not adsorbed. In focusing on step (3) as

the rate-determining step, we assume that kAg and kBg are relatively large, and step (2) represents

adsorption-desorption equilibrium.

Following Langmuir isotherm for competing species:

θA = KA 𝐶𝐴

1+ KACA+ KBCB 3.10

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For the overall reaction A → B, if the rate determining step is the unimolecular surface reaction by

eq(3.7), then the rate of reaction is obtained by using eq(3.10) for θA in eq(3.8) to result in:

(−𝑟A) = k KA 𝐶A

1+ KACA+ KBCB 3.11

Fig. 3.3 Langmiur-Hinshelwood Model

Above explained L-H type kinetics has been made the basis in order to develop an appropriate kinetic

model for the explanation of the experimental mass loss data.

As discussed in section 2.3.1 for reactions at low temperatures, the rate of reaction is controlled by

the chemical reactivity of the char and hence chemical reaction rate is relatively slow compared to the

diffusion rate of the reactant gases to the internal surface of the particles. Under these conditions the

rate of chemical reaction can be expressed as:

𝑟𝑐 = 𝑘 𝑃𝑂2(𝑆) 3.12

Where, 𝑃𝑂2(𝑆) is the partial pressure of oxygen at the reactant surface when there is no diffusion

limitation. At low temperatures this partial pressure of oxygen will be the same as in the bulk gas

phase 𝑃𝑂2(𝑆)=𝑃𝑂2(𝑔).

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It is noteworthy that all the experiments have been carried-out at a constant air flow, and so the bulk

oxygen concentration can be considered as being the same at all times and the influence of oxygen in

the kinetic data will only be relevant in the context of diffusion limitations of the oxidant.

Apart from the order of the reaction in relation to the oxygen, one all has to consider the apparent

order in relation to the carbonaceous material itself. In this respect, it is clear from the experimental

data that there is significan segment in the beginning of the reaction where there is a linear trend in

the mass loss, indicating that the rate of reaction is not directly proportional to the amount of carbon

material. This can be explained according to several mechanisms but there are two main

interpretaations that can be put forward. On one hand the reaction can occur mostly catalyzed, either

by the added catalyst of by the inorganic contaminants present beforehand and the reaction proceeds

by a CASA (contact active surface area) mechanism. In this case the reaction rate will depend only on

the amount of catalyst present until the carbon amount is relatively low. On the other hand, if the

combustion occurs in the microporous surface, as discussed above, the reaction will be mostly

dependent on the outer surface of the particle and not directly related to the inner surface and this will

also reduced the dependence on the amount of the carbon present in the sample.

In order to describe this type of relationship the dependence on the weight of carbon material was

introduced in the kinetic rate expression in the following form:

𝑟𝑐 = 𝑘𝑤

𝑤0+𝑤 𝑃𝑂2(𝑆) 3.12a

Let us now consider what will happen as the temperature increases. With the increase in temperature,

the chemical reaction rate and hence the consumption of the gaseous reactant will be higher than the

diffusion rate of the reactant gas. The reactant gas will not be able to penetrate through the pores to

the interior of the reacting solid particle. This diffusion related phenomenon will start limiting the rate

of reaction. This can happen only due to internal diffusuion limitations, thus reducing the apparent

activation energy as explained above, or even due to external diffusion limitations, where the process

will be fully controlled by the diffusion of the gaas from the bulk of the gas to the surface of the

material. To understand this effect another reaction path is considered which is as:

𝑟𝑑 = 𝑘𝑔(𝑃𝑂2(𝑔) − 𝑃𝑂2(𝑆)) 3.13

At very high chemical reaction rate, the 𝑃𝑂2(𝑆) = 0 at extreme diffusion limitation.

Furthermore, at quasi steady-state;

𝑟 = 𝑟𝐶 = 𝑟𝑑 3.14

By equating equations 3.12 and 3.13 and following algebraic manipulations; 𝑃𝑂2(𝑆) was evaluated as:

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𝑃𝑂2(𝑆) = 𝑘𝑔𝑃𝑂2(𝑔)

𝑘+ 𝑘𝑔 3.15

Utilizing eq 3.15; equation 3.12 becomes:

𝑟 =𝑘𝑘𝑔𝑃𝑂2(𝑔)

𝑘+ 𝑘𝑔 3.16

Equation 3.16 yielded [k/] as 𝑘 𝑘𝑔

𝑘+ 𝑘𝑔 .

It can be observed that overall rate constant is governed by individual k and kg. To evaluate the k/, the

concept of resistances was used. By this, individual rates were added by converting them to the

reciprocal form as:






𝑘𝑔 3.17

Curve Fitting

In order to fit the predicted model curve following the experimental data; kinetic parameters were first

tried as per theoretical bases to get the approaching fit. After getting close the near close fit was

obtained with the help of SOLVER function offered by Excel. To run the solver least square method

was used for input data.

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4 Results and Discussion

4.1. Charcoal (non-impregnated)

4.1.1 TG/DTG

Fig. 4.1 Fractional mass loss at various temperature

Fig. 4.2 Conversion at various temperatures

In the above two figures fractional mass loss and conversion at various temperatures have been

plotted against time. It was observed that the carbon conversion started to occur at 500 °C with a very

slow pace. It increases with a faster pace at 550 °C till 600 °C. After that the mass loss occurred in a

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more uniform way till 850 °C. These trends showed that the combustion of charcoal follows complete

combustion pattern from 600 °C. At low temperatures till 500 °C the combustion is partial and very


Fig. 4.3 Time Derivative of char mass fractions at low temperature

Fig. 4.4 Time Derivative of char mass fractions at high temperature

In the above two figures time derivative of char mass fractions have been plotted as a function of

time. It was observed that the reactivity of char increases with increasing temperature. The char

oxidation reaction begins at around 500 °C and increases rapidly with time till 650 °C. After reaching a

peak value, the reactivity starts to decrease due to the combustion of the less reactive portion of the

char. Char reactivity was more or less same for temperatures 700 to 850 °C.

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4.1.2 DSC

Fig. 4.5 Specific HF at low temperatures

In the above figure, heat flow data has been plotted as a function of time for the three lowest

temperatures. It was observed that charcoal showed exothermic reaction at around 500 °C. However,

it shifted to endothermic in the midway indicating that the mass loss started to occur via pyrolysis

instead of combustion. The same pattern occurred also, although in a more limited way at 550 °C and

it disappeared at 600 °C. This trend of partial combustion and pyrolysis may be due to combination of

various factors e.g. low reaction temperature, low rate of reaction, inhibiting effect of mineral

impurities and added catalyst etc.

Table: 4.1 Gas mix composition at low temperatures



Heat of Formation (Theoretical)



KJ/g C → CO (%)


500 -8.017 -30.603 -8.94 96

550 -7.885 -30.311 -16.61 61

600 -7.75 -30.007 -19.88 45

Table 4.1 shows the conversion of carbon to carbon monoxide at low temperatures in the exothermic

portion of the transformation, as calculated by the equation 3.6 described above. The results suggests

that with the given air flow rate the CO formation was at maximum for 500 °C and it decreses with the

increase of temperature.

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Fig. 4.6 Specific HF at higher temperatures

In figure 4.6 the specific heat flow data has been plotted against time for moderate to high

temperatures. It was observed from the figure that at temperature of 650 °C, the heat flow peak was at

the max i.e at 13mW. Further increase of temperature decreases the heat flow peak values and it was

at the lowest for temperature 850 °C. It was also observed that the isothermal segments were of same

duration for high temperatures i.e. 700 to 850 °C. It suggests that despite of increasing the

temperature there was no noticeable increase in the rate of reaction. This phenomenon suggests that

the reaction may be diffusion limited at high temperatures.

Table: 4.2 Gas mix composition at high temperatures



Heat of Formation (Theoretical)



KJ/g C → CO (%)


650 -7.615 -29.692 -22.86 31

700 -7.478 -29.365 -17.18 55

750 -7.340 -29.026 -15.23 63

800 -7.200 -28.675 -14.69 65

850 -7.06 -28.314 -9.63 88

Table 4.2 shows the selectivity of the conversion of carbon to carbon monoxide at high temperatures

as a function of temperature as measured by the heat-flow in the exothermic portion of the DSC

curves. It suggests that CO contribution in the gas mix decreases till 650 °C and it starts to increase

beyond this value attaining the maximum observed value at 850 °C. This pattern suggested that the

fixed amount of air used was enough for low temperautres but not sufficient for higher temperatures,

again reinforcing the idea that the reaction may be diffusion limited at higher temperatures.

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Furthermore, the observed lowering of the peaks of specific heat flow also suggested an increase in

the formation of CO in the gas mix as the temperature increased which was validated through the

heat flow calculations discussed in previous chapter.

Fig.4.7 Percentage Carbon monoxide formation (Charcoal)

In figure 4.7, the percentage of CO formation has been plotted for the whole temperature range. It

indicates that, with a given air flow, the CO formation rate decreases uniformly in the beginning. After

reaching its lowest value at around 650 °C it started to increase uniformly again. IT seems likely that

this behaviour is linked to the fact that, at low temperature the reaction rate is low and the full

oxidation may not be attained; as the temperature increases the formation of CO2 becomes more

likely but, when the reaction begins to be diffusion limited the combustion is, again, incomplete,

increasing the amount of CO that is formed.

4.1.3 Kinetic Modeling

To see if the developed model was able to describe the behaviour of the experimental data, the model

was fitted to the experimental data. For non-impregnated charcoal exothermic reaction began at 550

oC. In fig. 4.8 the experimental and model predicted mass loss have been plotted against time.

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Fig.4.8 Model Fit at 550 C

Fig. 4.8 shows that the proposed model dictates higher reactivity at low temperature. As the model

was developed utilizing assumption of uniform reaction and the experimental mass loss data was

comprised of partial combustion and pyrolysis segments which dictates global reactions. Perhaps, it

may became the reason for model deviation at low temperature.

Fig.4.9 Model Fit at Higher Temperatures

Figures 4.9 represent the model fitting at high temperatures. It is observed that the model fits very

well for temperatures above 600 °C. However, at low temperature the model predicts a higher rate of

reaction which was not in accordance with experimental data.

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Table.4.3 Estimated Kinetic Parameters


















°C Kcal/mol Kcal/mol

600-850 0.068 1540 0.0000005 21000 1.1

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4.2 Charcoal (1% V Impregnated)

4.2.1 TG/DTG

Fig. 4.10 Raw Experimental data at 400 0C for different sample masses.

In the above figure experimental results at 400 °C for different sample masses have been plotted

against time. It can be observed from the figure that the mass loss curves are almost overlapping till

the temperature rise of 110 °C. It shows that all three of different masses had more or less the same

amount of moisture content that initially came out during temperature ramp. Furtherore all curves are

almost completely overlapping with only negligible differences. However, at the isothermal

temperature of 400 °C the sample with large mass showed a relatively smaller mass loss at the mid of

conversion. Also, the difference between 5 and 9 mg sample is small and they overlap at the

completion of reaction.

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Fig. 4.11 Fractional mass loss at various temperatures

Fig. 4.12 Conversion at various temperatures

In the above two figures fractional mass loss and corresponding conversion at various temperatures

have been plotted against time. It can be observed that the mass loss occurs even at 400 °C albeit

with a very slow pace. It increases with a faster pace at 450 °C till 500 °C. After that the mass loss

occurred in a more uniform way till 850 °C. These trends show that the combustion of charcoal

impregnated with 1% Vanadium follows a fast complete combustion pattern above temperatures 500

°C. At low temperatures till 400 °C the combustion is partial and seems to follow by a complex

mechanism, as it will be seen by the analysis of the heat-flow signal.

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The plot of the carbon conversion against time for charcaol impregnated with 1% Vanadium during air

gasification at low temperature is presented below in Figure 4.13.

Fig. 4.13 Conversions at low temperatures

It can be observed from Fig. 4.13 that, as expected, the time required for complete carbon conversion

decreases with the increase of temperature. The sample tested at 400 °C took the longest time.

Furthermore at lower temperature, mass loss occurred at a fairly constant rate till 80 percent of

conversion after that remaining mass loss occurred with a decreasing rate. The decrease in mass

loss at fractional conversion greater than 80 percent may be attributed due to decrease in available

surface area, but may also be associated with a change in mechanism because, as indicated in figure

4.13, the thermicity changes from exo- to endo-thermal. With the progress in mass loss; the pores

may collapse and coalesce; thus limiting the reaction of oxygen with carbon. The phenomenon of

decrease in carbon conversion tendency was very limited at temperature 450 °C and absent at

temperature 500 °C.

Fig. 4.14 Conversion at high temperatures

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The plot of the carbon conversion against time at high reaction temperatures for charcoal

impregnated with 1% Vanadium during air gasification is presented in Figure 4.14. It was observed

from the figure that conversion time decreases with increase in temperature and the least time was for

isothermal 800 °C.

Plot of DTG versus time for low temperatures has been presented in the figure 4.15. It was evident

from the figure that char impregnated with 1% vanadium showed reactivity at 400 °C.

Fig. 4.15 Time Derivative of char mass fractions at low temperatures

Fig. 4.16 Time derivative of char mass fractions at high temperatures

In the above two figures time derivative of char mass fractions have been plotted as a function of

time. It was observed that the reactivity of char increases with increasing temperature. The char

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oxidation reaction begins at around 400 °C and increases rapidly with time. After reaching a peak

value, the reactivity starts to decrease due to the combustion of the less reactive portion of the char.

Char reactivity was more or less same for temperatures from 500 up to 700 °C. However, at higher

temperatures it showed sudden remarkable increase.

Furthermore, as already indicated above, the deviation from linearity in mass loss at higher

conversion corresponds to an endothermic process, it may be considered due to the known factors

having a detrimental effect on char gasification rate at higher conversions.

Over time, carbonaceous material remaining in the char is gradually annealed. Annealing reduces

char reactivity by increasing the ordering of the char structure, destroying carbon edges, and reducing

structural defects. As carbon is simultaneously depleted from the char, micropores coalesce into

meso and macropores, reducing char reactivity by effectively reducing the available surface area for


Finally, deactivation of the inherent catalytic inorganic species may occur over time. As conversion

increases, each of these interrelated processes has an increasing effect on the gradually decelerating

gasification rate. [35-37]

4.2.2 DSC

Fig. 4.17 Specific HF and Fractional mass loss as function of time

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Fig. 4.18 Specific HF and Fractional mass loss as function of time

In the above two and the following figure, specific heat flow and mass loss data have been plotted as

a function of time. The plot of 400 °C suggests that with the given amount of air, charcoal impregnated

with 1% Vanadium gives combustion gases. However, in the midway it turned to endothermic region

indicating that the mass loss started to occur via pyrolysis instead of combustion. This trend was very

limited at 450 °C and it disappeared altogether above 500 °C. This trend of partial combustion and

pyrolysis may be due to combination of various factors e.g. low reaction temperature, low rate of

reaction, inhibiting effect of mineral impurities and added catalyst etc.

Fig. 4.19 Specific HF and Fractional mass loss as function of time

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Fig. 4.20 Effect of mass on specific HF at various temperatures

In the above figure specific HF has been plotted against time. The experiments at 750 and 800 °C

were performed with twice mass, in order to have a significant mass loss at isothermal section. It can

be seen that due to the increase in mass the isothermal segment took longer time.

Fig. 4.21 Specific HF at low temperatures

In the above figure, heat flow data has been plotted as a function of time for three low temperatures. It

was observed that charcoal impregnated with 1% Vanadium showed exothermic reaction at

temperature of 400 °C. However, it shifted to endothermic in the midway. Further, at little higher

temperatures it was observed that CO2 formation started to increase which resulted in higher

exothermic reaction confirmed from the shape of higher heat flow peaks and following table. At 500 °C

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heat flow peak reaches to the maximum at 20mW, it was observed that instead of having stability in

that region, curve turned more quickly towards endothermic as the rate started to decrease. This

effect was not observed at 450 °C where the oxidation curve after reaching to the highest value of

heat flow, stayed there for some time and followed steady state reaction.

Table: 4.4 Gas mix composition at low temperatures



Heat of Formation (Theoretical)



KJ/g C → CO (%)


400 -8.278 -31.151 -8.380 99.55

450 -8.149 -30.883 -22.778 35.65

500 -8.017 -30.603 -23.587 31.06

The above table shows that the conversion of carbon to carbon monoxide occurs mostly at low

temperatures. It is observed that at 400 °C during the exothermic regime, total energy released

corresponded to the heat of formation of CO. However, with the increase of temperature it dropped

quickly to 31% at 500 °C.

Fig. 4.22 Specific HF at high temperatures

In the above figure, heat flow data have been plotted against time for moderate to high temperatures.

It was observed from the figure that at temperatures of 550 to 650 °C, the heat flow peaks are at the

max i.e at 20mW. Further increase of temperature decreases the heat flow peak values and it was at

the lowest for temperature 850 °C. Consequently, CO contribution in the gas mix decreases till 650 °C

and it started to increase again and it was at max at 850 °C. This pattern suggested that the fixed

amount of air used was enough for complete combustion at low temperautres but not sufficient for

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higher temperatures. Furthermore, having low peaks of specific heat flow also suggested increase in

the formation of CO in the gas mix which was validated through heat flow calculations discussed in

previous chapter. It was also observed that with progressive increase in temperature the isothermal

segments decreases till 800 °C and it increased a little again at 850 °C.

Table 4.5 Gas mix composition at high temperatures



Heat of Formation (Theoretical)



KJ/g C → CO (%)


550 -7.885 -30.311 -25.05 23

600 -7.750 -30.007 -26.22 17

650 -7.615 -29.692 -27.92 8

700 -7.478 -29.365 -20.11 42

750 -7.340 -29.026 -16.98 55

800 -7.200 -28.675 -15.81 60

850 -7.06 -28.314 -8.981 91

The above table shows that the conversion of carbon to carbon monoxide occurs again at high

temperatures. It was observed that CO formation decreases till 650 °C and it started to rise again;

reaching to the maximum at 850 °C.

Fig. 4.23 Percentage Carbon monoxide formation (1% V)

In figure 4.23, the percentage of CO formation has been plotted against the temperature. It suggests

that with a given air flow rate the CO formation decreases rapidly in the beginning and then at slower

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pace. After reaching its lowest value at around 650 °C it started to increase with a higher pace and

become maximum at 850 °C.

4.2.3 Kinetic Modelling

Fig. 4.24 Model Fit at 400 C

Fig. 4.25 Model Fit at 450 C

In figures 4.24 and 4.25 calculated model and experimental mass loss data have been plotted against

time. Figures show that at low temperature where combustion was followed by pyrolysis like non-

impregnated sample; model shows higher reactivity. However, model fits more or less with increase of

temperature as in figure 4.25.

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Fig. 4.26 Model Fit at 500 C

In figure 4.26, the experimental and calculated model mass losses have been plotted against time. It

is observed that the model shows little less reactivity at 500 oC. It may be due to the transition from

partial oxidation to complete oxidation.

Fig. 4.27 Model Fit at Higher Temperatures

Figure 4.27 shows the model fitting at moderate to higher temperatures. It can be seen that the

proposed model gives best fits.

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Table: 4.6 Esitmated Kinetic Parameters at high temparatures.


















°C Kcal/mol Kcal/mol

550-800 0.08 1380 0.000006 20000 1.16

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4.3 Charcoal (1% Cu Impregnated)

4.3.1 TG/DTG

Fig. 4.28 Fractional mass loss at various temperatures

Fig. 4.29 Conversion at various temperatures

In the above two figures fractional mass loss and conversion at various temperatures have been

plotted against time. It was observed that there is mass loss started at 450 °C with a very slow pace. It

increases with a faster pace at 500 °C. After that the mass loss occured in a more uniform way till 850

°C. These trends showed that the combustion of charcoal impregnated with 1% Copper follows

complete combustion pattern from 550 °C. At low temperatures till 450 °C the combustion is partial

and seems to follow a complex mechanism.

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Fig.4.30 Time derivative of char mass fractions at low temperatures

Fig. 4.31 Time derivative of char mass fractions at high temperatures

In the above two figures time derivative of char mass fractions have been plotted as a function of

time. It was observed that the reactivity of char increases with increasing temperature. The char

oxidation reaction begins at around 450 °C and increases rapidly with time. After reaching a peak

value, the reactivity starts to decrease due to the combustion of the less reactive portion of the char.

Char reactivity was more or less same for temperatures 650 to 750 °C. However, at higher

temperatures it showed sudden remarkable increase.

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4.3.2 DSC

Fig. 4.32 Specific HF at low temperatures

In the above figure, specific heat flow data has been plotted as a function of time for three low

temperatures. It was observed that charcoal impregnated with 1% Copper showed exothermic

reaction at temperature 450 °C. However, it shifted to endothermic in the midway. As for the previous

samples we can observe that CO is the most likely product at lower temperatures. Furthermore, at

little higher temperatures it was observed that CO2 formation started to increase which resulted in

higher exothermic reaction confirmed from the shape of higher heat flow peaks and following table. At

550 °C heat flow peak reaches to the maximum at 18mW.

Table. 4.7 Gas mix composition at low temperature



Heat of Formation (Theoretical)



KJ/g C → CO (%)


450 -8.149 -30.883 -14.21 73

500 -8.017 -30.603 -23.65 31

550 -7.885 -30.311 -23.91 28

The above table shows the conversion of carbon to carbon monoxide. It is seen that CO formation

was at maximum at lowest temperature of 450 °C and then it decreases with the increase of


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Fig. 4.33 Specific HF at high temperatures

In the above figure, heat flow data have been plotted against time for moderate to high temperatures.

It was observed from the figure that at temperatures of 600 to 650 °C, the heat flow peaks are at the

max i.e at 20mW. Further increase of temperature decreases the heat flow peak values and it was at

the lowest for temperature 850 °C. Consequently, CO contribution in the gas mix decreases till 650 °C

and it started to increase again and it was max at 850 °C. This pattern suggests as before that the

fixed amount of air used was enough for low temperatures but not sufficient for higher temperatures.

Further, having low peaks of specific heat flow also suggested increase in the formation of CO in the

gas mix which was validated through heat flow calculations discussed in previous chapter and

presented in the following table. It was also observed that with progressive increase in temperature

the isothermal segments decreases till 850 °C.

Table. 4.8 Gas mix composition at high temperature



Heat of Formation (Theoretical)



KJ/g C → CO (%)


600 -7.750 -30.007 --25.19 21

650 -7.615 -29.692 -22.51 32

700 -7.478 29.365 -19.79 43

750 -7.340 -29.026 -16.05 60

800 -7.200 -28.675 -11.17 82

The above table explains the conversion of carbon to carbon monoxide at high temperatures. It was

observed that CO formation decreases till 600 °C and it started to rise again; reaching to the

maximum at 850 °C. This trend of increase in CO with the increase of temperature suggests that

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diffusion limitations started to develop after 600 °C and this phenomenon decreases the formation of

CO despite of increase in temperature.

Fig. 4.34 Percentage Carbon monoxide formation (1% Cu)

In the above figure, percentage of CO formation has been plotted against the temperature. It suggests

that with a given air flow rate the CO formation decreases rapidly in the beginning and then followed

by a constant segment it decrease with a slower pace. After reaching to a limiting value at around 600

°C it started to increase uniformly and become maximum at 850 °C.

4.3.3 Kinetic Modeling

Fig.4.35 Model Fit at 450 C

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Fig.4.36 Model Fit at 500 and 550 C

Fig.4.37 Model Fit at Higher Temperatures

In figures 4.35 – 4.37, predicted results and experimental data have been plotted against time. It is

observed that model give good fits at temperatures around 500 °C. However, below that temperature

model suggests higher reaction rate like previous samples which was not actual case.

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Table 4.9 Estimated Kinetic Parameters


















°C Kcal/mol Kcal/mol

500-800 0.084 1320 0.0000065 20000 1.15

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4.4 Charcoal (1% V + 1% Cu)

4.4.1 TG/DTG

Fig. 4.38 Fractional mass loss at various temperatures

Fig. 4.39 Conversion at various temperatures

In the above two figures fractional mass loss and conversion at various temperatures have been

plotted against time. It was observed that there is mass loss starting at 450 °C with a very slow pace.

It increases with a faster pace at 500 °C. After that the mass loss occurred in a more uniform way till

750 °C. However, above 750 °C it showed a little pronounced increase again till 850 °C These trends

showed that the combustion of charcoal impregnated with (1%V+1%Cu) follows complete combustion

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pattern from 550 °C. At low temperatures till 450 °C the combustion is partial and followed by complex


Fig. 4.40 Time derivative of char mass fractions at low temperatures

Fig. 4.41 Time derivative of char mass fractions at high temperatures

In the above two figures time derivative of char mass fractions have been plotted as a function of

time. It was observed that the reactivity of char increases with increasing temperature. The char

oxidation reaction begins at around 450 °C and increases rapidly with time. After reaching a peak

value, the reactivity starts to decrease due to the combustion of the less reactive portion of the char.

Char reactivity was more or less same for temperatures 600 to 650 °C. However, at higher

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temperatures it showed sudden remarkable increase. At 700 °C reactivity drops even below 600 °C

which is not understandable.

4.4.2 DSC

Fig. 4.42 Specific HF at low temperatures

In the above figure, specific heat flow data has been plotted as a function of time for three low

temperatures. It was observed that charcoal impregnated with (1%V+1%Cu) showed exothermic

reaction at temperature 450 °C. However, it shifted to endothermic in the midway. The pattern is

similar to the ones observed before. At little higher temperatures it was observed that CO2 formation

started to increase which resulted in higher exothermic reaction confirmed from the shape of higher

heat flow peaks and the following table. At 550 °C heat flow peak reaches to the maximum at 18mW.

Table 4.10 Gas mix composition at low temperature



Heat of Formation (Theoretical)



KJ/g C → CO (%)


450 -8.149 -30.883 -14.90 70

500 -8.017 -30.603 -22.18 37

550 -7.885 -30.311 -21.59 39

The above table explains the conversion of carbon to carbon monoxide. It is seen that CO formation

was at maximum at low temperature of 450 °C and then it decreases with the increase of

temperature. This trend suggests the temperature dependence of CO formation in comparison to

CO2. At low rate of reaction CO formation is more.

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Fig. 4.43 Specific HF at high temperatures

In the above figure, heat flow data have been plotted against time for moderate to high temperatures.

It was observed from the figure that at temperatures of 600 °C, the heat flow peak is at the max i.e at

20mW. Further increase of temperature decreases the heat flow peak values and it was at the lowest

for temperature 850 °C. Further, having low peaks of specific heat flow also suggested increase in the

formation of CO in the gas mix which was validated through heat flow calculations discussed in

previous chapter and presented in the following table. It was also observed that with progressive

increase in temperature the isothermal segments decreases till 850 °C. However, they are same from

600 to 700 °C and from 750 to 850 °C. In these segments rate of reaction may be hindered by the

increased level of impurities.

Table. 4.11 Gas mix compostion at high temperature



Heat of Formation (Theoretical)



KJ/g C → CO (%)


600 -7.750 -30.007 --23.68 28

650 -7.615 -29.692 -22.24 33

700 -7.478 29.365 -19.51 45

750 -7.340 -29.026 -14.79 66

800 -7.200 -28.675 -10.50 85

850 -7.06 -28.314 -6.22 100

The above table shows the conversion of carbon to carbon monoxide at high temperatures. It was

observed that CO formation decreases till 600 °C and it started to rise again; reaching to the

maximum at 850 °C. This trend of increase in CO with the increase of temperature suggests that

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diffusion limitations started to develop after 600 °C and this phenomenon decreases the formation of

CO despite of increase in temperature. Diffusion limitations may be more pronounced due to high

levels of impurities in the sample.

Fig. 4.44 Percentage Carbon monoxide formation (1%V+1%Cu)

In the above figure, percentage of CO formation has been plotted against the temperature. It suggests

that with a given air flow rate the CO formation decreases rapidly in the begining and then followed by

a more or less constant segment it decrease with a slower pace. After reachig to a limiting value at

around 600 °C it started to increase uniformly and become maximum at 850 °C.

4.4.3 Kinetic Modelling

Fig.4.45 Model Fit at low Temperatures

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Fig.4.46 Model Fit at Higher Temperatures

In the above two figures proposed model has been validated with the experimental data. The results

are again promising at moderate to higher temperatures.

Table 4.12 Estimated Kinetic Parameters


















°C Kcal/mol Kcal/mol

500-800 0.082 1300 0.0000055 20500 1.13

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5. Conclusions

5.1. TG

Raw charcoal conversion occurs around 500 o C

Impregnation of catalysts reduces the temperature for carbon conversion and it was

lowest for 1% V.

Charcoal impregnated with 1 % Cu and (1%V+1%Cu) showed conversion at 450 °C.

For low temperatures; inhibiting effect was observed after around 80 % conversion.

Least conversion time was shown by 1% Cu impregnation.

Raw charcoal and 1%V didn’t give sharp change in conversion at high temperatures.

5.2. DTG

Raw charcoal had the lowest reaction rate among others, also the rate increases

slowly with increase in temperature.

For Vanadium the rate was more pronounced at high temperatures.

Copper showed sharp increase in rate with temperature.

For catalyst mix; the rate first increases and then decreases at around 700 °C,

followed by an increase again.

5.3. DSC

Fig. 5.1 Percentage Carbon monoxide formation

For all samples the product was a gas mix.

Maximum CO2 in the gas mix was attained with raw charcoal.

Extreme low and high temperatures favored CO formation.

Moderate temperatures favored CO2 formation.

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At high temperatures CO formation was attributed to the diffusion limitations.

Cu in the form of mix and alone found to promote diffusion limitations more effectively

in comparison to Vanadium.

5.4. Kinetic Modeling

Langmuir-Hinshelwood type kinetics seems appropriate to be considered as basis for

the charcoal oxidation reaction modeling.

For all samples the predicted kinetic model gave best fits at moderate to high


At low temperatures model suggested high rates which was not in accordance with

actual experimental data.

Model was found valid for complete oxidation reactions only as at low temperatures

the samples were following partial combustion.

Table 5.1 Estimated Kinetic Parameters



















°C Kcal/mol Kcal/mol

Charcoal 600-800 0.068 1540 0.000005 21000 1.1

1%V 450-800 0.08 1380 0.000006 20000 1.16

1%Cu 500-800 0.08 1380 0.0000065 20000 1.16

1%V+1%Cu 500-800 0.082 1300 0.0000055 20500 1.13

For all samples impregnated with catalyst; the estimated kinetic parameters were found to be

very close. However, raw charcoal followed reaction mechanism with higher activation energy

and slightly lower order in comparison to charcoal impregnated with catalysts.

Predicted model gave good conformity with the experimental data from moderate to high

temperatures. However, the suggested model didn’t operate well at low temperatures where

conversion was partially followed by pyrolysis.

As recommendations; the model may be incorporated with some pyrolysis term to improve its

working at low temperatures.

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