t IS EXPECTED IN NEXT 2 WEEKS Indictment of Confessed Slay¬ er Will Be Found in t Few Days. Paul de Verrai Barry, confessed .layer of Tyler B. Lawler. is ex¬ pected to be brought to trial tn the District courts within two weeks, it was announced at the office of the District Attorney. Peyton Gordon today. Major Gordon declared that yester¬ day he had presented to the grand Jury evidence In the Barry ease and {hat he expected an indictnvent With¬ in a few days. As soon as the indictment is found, the Government will prepare to bring Barry to trial. Efforts will be made to have Barry indicie·, on a first degree murder charge. To Revive German Patents. A resolution authorizing President Harding to revive the patents con¬ vention of 1909 between the I'nited States and Germany, which was nul¬ lified by the world war. was ordered favorably reported yesterday by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Says One Guy Thought a Tonsorial Parlor Was a Place Where You Went to Have Your Tonsils Taken Out. By John P. Medbury.. Some of the large barber shops are Installiti« orchestras and ¦erving teu and OStkSat The first thing we know'we'll have to be paying u cover charge. The head barber will hand uh a bill of (are to order from. If you want something light you cau order a shave and if you want something heavier you «.au ask for a «shampoo or a mas¬ sage. The musicians will come in handy. While the barber is try¬ ing to sell you a bottle of hair tonic thi orchiputra can be play¬ ing "Silver Threads Among the (.old." A lot of th« barber »shops al- ready have fancy names. One guy thought a . tonaorlal parlor was a place wh^re you went to have your tonsils taken out. These barber ahopa will soon be run on the order of Zlegfeld's Midnight Frolics' with a chorus of fifty manicurists. Can you imagine going into «âne of these Barbarets and asking for a shave ala-minute? - e Still this isn't any worse than asking for a shampoo en casser¬ ole. It won't seem like anything to go in and usk for a haircut with Thousand Island dressing. It will he wonderful to be shaved while you're drinking tea and listening to the orchestra play operatic selection from Per¬ oxide. People will flock there to get a haircut Just so they ran listen to the scalper song In.m the In¬ dian opera. Bay Rum. Business men won't care whether the barbers are alright or not ao long aa the music ia good. The barbers will soon be run¬ ning their advertisements on the theatrical page. Before long we may read an ad something like this: "Come in and listen to our Saturday after· noon concert of special music. I.jrics hy William Alt« rider. Mel¬ odies by Victor Herbert." Another one will read: "Visit our tonsorlal cabaret, absolutely Executives Alto Expected to Protest Against La¬ bor Courts. II.» International Same (ferric«. Having disposed of a number of minor questions, the executive coun¬ cil of the American F«sderation of Labor today began discussion of more Important eubjtseta appearing on the agenda of the quarterly meet¬ ing of the council. The action of th« courta in enjoin¬ ing labor unlona is to be the subject of dlacusslons, and labor leaders to¬ day said that the council would out¬ line a plan of action to be followed by organiiced labor In future injunc¬ tion caaes. Labor officials declln«-td to comment on the subject until the council haa developed tentative plans ot action. The blanket amendment to the Federal Constitution proponili by the National Women's Party to the ef¬ fect that "no political, civil or legal disability on account of sex or on »ac¬ count of marriage, unless applying to both sexes, shall exist within the United States'' ia alao on the agenda. l.atKir leader· have taken the view that the adoption of this amendment would nullify all protective legisla¬ tion affecting women workers. The Kansas industrial court law and the efforts to secure the enact¬ ment of a similar law in New York, will alao come before the council. The council la expects to go on rec¬ ord aa being opposed to legislation of this character. While the aoldlers* bonus question ia not on the agenda, it waa aaid that it probably would come up for die cuaaion before the council adjourn·. the beat musical program jot any barber shop in town." It'a not at all unlikely that the big circuit* might add a, few bar¬ ber shops to their string of thea¬ ters. So don't be surpris·?«! ¡f you see an electric sign out In front of a tonaorial parlor which reads: "High Claaa Vaudeville and Hair¬ cuts." I t'opy right.!* ¡¡.by Pram lor Ky ? «tir at» lu« Music's Marvelous Messenger ¦The Ampico IT brings the great pianists of the world right into your own home.through its perfect reproduction of their playing. To fully understand the wonder of this performance you must actually hear it. For to describe it is trying to put into words what would seem to be almost an im¬ possible conception and yet it is true.for it is a uni¬ versally acknowledged and assured musical triumph. Deftly concealed in the piano, it in no way interferes with hand-playing.in the usual way.but with the in¬ sertion of the record the instrument is transformed into a marvelous medium for reproducing the playing of the pianists. Hear it in the Franklin Haines and Peerless Knabe fZeen.eeyíu*..*»y ? ? I ,i2í DO you realize that this marvelous instrument can be yours at a remarkably reasonable figure? Have you been confused as to its price by the relief that so exquisite a musical marvel would be beyond the reach of your pocketbook? You will «be surprised and delighted to learn that, to the contrary, it is more modestly priced than perhaps you hatl dared imagine. Jn one make, for instance, and for just a little more than you would pay for a first-grade player, you re¬ ceive the perfect reproduction of the touch, shading and phrasing of the world's greatest pianists, just as if they sat there playing before you. Informal recitals daily at 3 o'clock. Hear it in the Franklin Haines and Peerless Knabe Moderate Payment» Accepted Your Upright or Player-Piano Taken in Exchange -C, Close 1 P.M. Today ^»Palais Royal Now Read Below The Shopping: Center.llth and G Sts. Established 1877.A. Lisner, Prop. i»»>»e»aysmmaayeeeaWeySa1ay»eteSM^ 35c Hose, 4 Pairs for $1.00 Bargain Basement. Bureon'e Hose . Women'a Firat quality, »garnies*, fash lon«sd and reinforced. Llale Hose.Women'·. Mock fashioned and ribbed; black, gray, brown. Mercerized Hom.Women's Ribbed Hose with garter tops; black and white. Black Hoe«. Women'·. With white feet; reinforced; 9 to 10 sizes. Sports Hose Juveniles' S 9c Kibb«sd and Reinforced Black Hose; ß to 9\%. Boys' Hose.Sturdy Ribbed Black Hose; reinforced; sizes 8 to 11. Hollar Hay.tomorrow.and four (4i pairs for $1..Palais Royal.Bargain Basement. Wash Goods, 5 Yds. $1 40 Inches wide, checks, stripes, floral effects; also plain color organdy. Dollar Hay, 5 yards. $1.0«. »Scrim, 7 Yards $1 1.600 yards Curtain Scrim: heavy cord with drawn work bor¬ dera; white and ecru Hollar Day, ? yards, $1.00. 79c Hose, 2 Prs. $1 Women's Sports Hose; were 79c; heather shades; 9 to 10 size. Hollar Day, 3 pairs, $1.00. Night Gowns, 2 for $1 Also Envelope Chemise; nain¬ sook and longrloth; lace and embroidery trimmed and with strap or built-up shoulders. Hollar Hay, : for $1.00. Creepers, 2 Pairs $1 Also Rompers: madras and chambray; peg top and button styles; some handsmocked; 1 to b sizes. Hollar Hay, '-' pair·», $1.00. Petticoats, 2 for $1 Ix>ng Cloth; fuit length; with embroidery ruffle and dust un¬ derlay. Hollar Hay, : for $1.00. 75c Covers, 2 for $1 Corset Covers; nainsook; lure embroidery trimmed. Hallar Hay, t for $1.00. ¦* Undergarments, 2 for $1 I'hildren'H 75c to $1.00 Nighty Drawer· and Bloomers, Wom¬ en's Camisoles. Sat···:: Bloom¬ ers, < ·infili.mi ati'l Flannelette Petticoats. Hollar I)a>, ï for $1.00. Corsets, Special at $1 Models for every figure, of heavy coutil and novelty fabrics, white and pink. Hol¬ lar Hay, $1.00. Bandeaux, 3 for $1 $1.0? model·, hook back, of ! novelty materials. Thi« lot In¬ cludes "Nature's Rival.' sizes 31' to «12. Dollar Hay, 3 for $1.00. $1.29 Aprons, $1 Diesa Aprons. plaids and hecks, with organdy collar. sash and pockets, some with rick-rack braid. Hollar Hay, S 1.00. 69c Dr«esses, 2 for $1 «"hildren's. Gingham, with contrasting trimmings: sizes " to 6 years. Hollar Hay, : for $1.00. j $1.95 House Dresses, $1 Women's Check and Stripe Percale Dresses: sizes 3t> to 44. Dollar Day, $1.00. 69c Sacques, 2 for $1 Women's Peri*ale Dressing Sacques, with neat collars and belts; sizes 38 lo 46. Hollar Hay, : for $1.00. Pillow Cases, 5 for $1 Hemmed, ready to use: sizes 42x36 and 45x38. Hollar Hay, 3 for $1.00. 25c Towels, 5 for $1 Turkish, with blue «stripe bord«·. Dollar Hay, 5 for $1.00. Tomorrow Bargain Basement Perpetual motion is no longer a theory.it is in practice here! Ever in motion.merchandise coming and going ! Our keen "buyers".ever going to or coming from the wholesale markets! Our keen pur¬ chasers.ever watching our announcements and prof¬ iting by them! Dollar Day.the motion is acceler¬ ated.both on the part of "buyers" and "purchasers !" Read of tomorrow's offerings.many are truly re¬ markable! Lest you forget.clip and bring this ad¬ vertisement with you ! $1.39 Bed Spreads Marseilles Effect Dollar Day.$1 These heavy-weight spreads . sizes 70x80 inches.are first quality and considered a won¬ der at $1.39. Dollar Day at $1.00. Cretonnes, 5 Yards $1 ! Flannel, 2 Yards $1 36 Inch, in floral designs of lovely colorings. Dollar Day, A yards, $1.00. PiUow Cases, 3 for $1 Values ;):»»· and 45c each; sizes 4-Jx36 and 45x36. Hollar Hay, 3 for $1.00. Napkins, 6 for $1 20 inch Hemmed Du m auk Napkins, floral, striped anil dott**d pattinms. Hollar Dav, 6 for $1.00. 27-Inch Cream White Baby Flannel. Dollar Hay, 2 yards. $1.00. $1.59 Bolster Cover.*, $1 Marseilles; tn colors: scal¬ loped edges. Hollar Hay, at $1.00 each. Sheeting, 10 Yards $1 3!) and 40-lneh Unbleached. Dollar Hay, 10 yards for $1.00. Oilcloth, 4 Yards $1 Damask, 2 Yards $1 47-Inch White Table Oil Cloth; regular at 35« yard. Hollar Day. 4 yard··, $1. 63-iinh Table Damask, floral ¦.atterris: only G,?? yards. Hol¬ lar Hay, 2 yards, $1.00. $1.39 Table Covers Hemstitched.Damask Dollar Day.$1 A marvel at $1-39 each.these 58-inch square covers in beautiful floral patterns. Dollar Day, $1.00 each. Tomorrow.I'alais Royal.Bargain Basement. 90c Scarfs, 2 for $1 Dresser Surf*«, la« e trimmed and als») scalloped: embroid¬ ered In blue Dollar Day, I for $1.00. Peggy Cloth, Yards $1 »tripes, hecks Dollar Day, .)¦« We ".Orto yarda; and plain blue, yards, $1.00. Lace Hose, 3 Pairs $1 Women's Black Diele Höh«·; reinforced: H to in sises. Hol¬ lar Hay, :> pairs, $1.00. White Goods, 6 Yds. $1 ill» Inch Batíate and Nainsook; mill ends; i to 6 yard lengths; values 39«· fo f«0c rurd. Hollar Hay. 6 yards. $1.00. Fiber Hose, 2 Pairs $1 Women's. With long silk l«oots and lisle heels and toes: black, brown, tan; 9 to 10. Dollar Hay, S pairs, $1.00. Hose, 2 Pairs $1 Women'· First Quality Bur- son Hose; black with white fret ; made fully large for stout women; 9 to 10';. Dollar Day, S pair», $1.00. $1.59 Crib Comforts, $1 Filled with white corded .otton: covered in artistic Dutch and floral effects. Dollar Day, $1.00 each. Bath Towels, 2 for $1 Turkish; 2f.xi>4-inch; double thread. Dollar Day, î for $1.00. 25c Vests .at 6 for $1.00 Bargain Basement. Women's Fine Ribbed Vests, low neck, sleeveless, lace trim- med*. sizes 36 to 40. Dollar Day, ß for $1.00. 4 for $1.Women's 39c lllbbed Vests, V and ttodice style, flesh and white; 36 to 42. 2 for $1.Women's ltd Jumbo I'nlon Kults, for stout women; sixes 48 to 02; low neck, no sleeves, lace knees. î for $1.Women's «9c Union | Kults, regular sizes, 36 to 44; low neck, no sleeves, knee length. 4 for $1.Women's 39c Black and l'lnk Knit Hloomers: mer¬ cerized; with satin pin stripes and elastic bands. Dollar Day.The above spe clal prices for tomorrow only. l'alai» Boyal.Bargain ment. 25c Ribbed Hose Women's, Girls' and Boys' 6 Pairs.$1 Women's Ribbed Black Hose, cosily fleeced and sturdily reinforced; sizes 9 to 10. Boys' and Girls' sizes, 6 to 9·.».Dollar Day, any 6 pairs for $1.00. Tomorrow.I'¡ilais Royal.Bargain Basement. Handkerchiefs, 12 for $1 Mens. Ijiwn, with hem· stitch«»d bordera. Women's. I .awn, prettilv embroidered. Dollar Day. any 13 for »DOO. $1.49 Boston Bags, $1 Bpllt cowhide: blink nnd brown, with leather handles. I »ollar Hay. $100. Sheeting, V/? Yards $1 76 Inch·*· wide unbl«**arhed; recular il It* yard« Dollar Day. Va >ards, $1.00. Organdy, 2 Yards $1 40-Inch: white; permanent fin¬ ish. Dollar Hay, ï yards. $1.00. $1.39 Sheets, $1 Sc;iml»Hs; IIKM inches; First Quality Sheets. Hollar Hay, I «« $1.00. 79c Gloves, 2 Pairs $1 Women's First Quality Cham oiselte (Jloves; ? buttons; size« 6 to 'Inch, in grays and mode. Hollar Day, I pairs, $1.00. Longcloth, 10 Yds. $1 30 Inches wi»i»·. for llngori«*: »guiar 11«· yard. Hollar Hay, 10 yards, $1.00. Umbrellas at $1 Women's. With superior paragon frames and hand]« s with silk coni wrist loops al tachod. Dollar Day, $1.00. Men'sShop .On Main Floor Ample quantities and re¬ liable qualities are to be as¬ sociated with tomorrow's "Dollar Day." Important special purchases have been made.and values are extra¬ ordinary. Men's Madras Shirts, $1 Good Quality Printed Madras, in neat patterns of black and white, lavender and white, blue and white; cut full and well made: sizes 13'.» to 17. Dollar Day, at $1.00..Main Floor. 85c, $1 and $1.25 Undershirts, 2 for $1.00 Men's. Conwlth Milla and other makes; heavy and medium weight ribbed cotton shirts. Ions; sleeves; only sizes 40, 42, 44 and 46. Dol¬ lar Day, î for $1.00..Main Floor. $1.50 to $1.75 Union Suits, $1.00 Men's Ribbed Suits, medium and heavy weight, with closed cro.ch. Cut full and well made; form fit¬ ting; sizes 40, 42 and 44 only. Dollar Day, at $1.0».Main Floor. 65c and 75c Cravats, 2 for $1.00 Men's Four-ln-Hand Ties, in plain colors and stripes; open end· and slip-easy bands. Dollar Day. î for $1.00..Main Moor. Handkerchiefs, 10 for $1.00 Men's. Of sheer cambric, with '«-inch hem. Dollar Day, 10 for $1.00..Main Floor. Men's $2.00 Onyx Socks, $1.00 AU-Sllk White Socks with silk tops; sizes 9 H to ?«-;, Dollar Day, at $1.00 pair..Main Floor. Men's 20c Collars, 6 for $1.00 Choos·» any 20c "Arrow Brand Collars In our stock, soft or laun- dered; sold in half-dozen lots onlv. Dollar Day, ß for $1.00..Main Floor. Men's 75c Socks, 2 Pairs $1.00 M«?dium weight heather wool mixed Socks. Made extra strong and very serviceable. Sizes 9>* to 11. Dollar Day, 2 pairs for $1.00..Main Floor. Men's 55c Cravats, 4 for $1.00 Four-in-hand style, with open ends and slip-easy bands. Black only. Dollar Day, 4 for $1.00.. Main Floor. Men's Athletic Union Suits, $1.00 ."varsity," Regatta and Sex¬ ton makes. Sleeveless and kne·· length. Of checked nainsook and madras. Sizes 34 to .16 onlv. Dollar Day, at $1.00 suit..Main Floor. 25c Lisle Socks, 5 Pairs $1.00 Regularly 2Se. 105 pairs, well made with reinforced feet and heels. White only. Sizes IU to 11. Dollar Day, 5 pairs, $1.00.. Main Floor. Boys'Shop .On Main Floor 75c and 95c Blouses, 2 for $1.00 Bo;, V good quality fast color l'ercale, Chambray and .Madri» s Hlouses. Odd si/.·· assortments In the lot. Dollar Da>. ï for $1.00 . Maln^Floor. $2.95 to $4.95 Boys' Hats, $1.00 Boys'. The best velvet nnd silk plush Hats In our entire stock. For small boys from ? to ? year*. Were formerlv $2 !>!> to $4.Si. Dol¬ lar Day. at $1.00..Main Moor. $1.98 Wash Suits, Tomorrow $1.00 Boys'. Of good «inaili y fast color fabrics In the Oliver Twist models. Sizes .1. 4. G. and 7 onlv Dollar Day, at SI.00..Main I-loor. Boys' $1.25 to $1.45 Pajamas, $1.00 Flannelette, made With silk frogs. Hrokm sl/e assortments sizes 2 to 8 and size if) only. Dollar Da.·., al $1 00.Main Wiser.

The Washington Times.(Washington D.C.) 1922-02-22 [p 5].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1922-02-22/ed-1/seq-5.… · t IS EXPECTEDIN NEXT2 WEEKS Indictment of Confessed

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Page 1: The Washington Times.(Washington D.C.) 1922-02-22 [p 5].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1922-02-22/ed-1/seq-5.… · t IS EXPECTEDIN NEXT2 WEEKS Indictment of Confessed


Indictment of Confessed Slay¬er Will Be Found in

t Few Days.Paul de Verrai Barry, confessed

.layer of Tyler B. Lawler. is ex¬

pected to be brought to trial tn theDistrict courts within two weeks, itwas announced at the office of theDistrict Attorney. Peyton Gordontoday.Major Gordon declared that yester¬

day he had presented to the grandJury evidence In the Barry ease and{hat he expected an indictnvent With¬in a few days.As soon as the indictment is

found, the Government will prepareto bring Barry to trial. Efforts willbe made to have Barry indicie·, ona first degree murder charge.

To Revive German Patents.A resolution authorizing President

Harding to revive the patents con¬

vention of 1909 between the I'nitedStates and Germany, which was nul¬lified by the world war. was orderedfavorably reported yesterday by theSenate Foreign Relations Committee.

Says One Guy Thought a Tonsorial ParlorWas a Place Where You Went to Have

Your Tonsils Taken Out.By John P. Medbury..

Some of the large barber shopsare Installiti« orchestras and¦erving teu and OStkSat The firstthing we know'we'll have to bepaying u cover charge.

The head barber will hand uh abill of (are to order from.

If you want something lightyou cau order a shave and ifyou want something heavier you«.au ask for a «shampoo or a mas¬


The musicians will come inhandy. While the barber is try¬ing to sell you a bottle of hairtonic thi orchiputra can be play¬ing "Silver Threads Among the(.old."

A lot of th« barber »shops al-

ready have fancy names. Oneguy thought a

.tonaorlal parlor

was a place wh^re you went tohave your tonsils taken out.

These barber ahopa will soon berun on the order of Zlegfeld'sMidnight Frolics' with a chorusof fifty manicurists.

Can you imagine going into «âneof these Barbarets and askingfor a shave ala-minute?

- eStill this isn't any worse than

asking for a shampoo en casser¬ole.

It won't seem like anything togo in and usk for a haircut withThousand Island dressing.

It will he wonderful to beshaved while you're drinking teaand listening to the orchestraplay operatic selection from Per¬oxide.

People will flock there to get ahaircut Just so they ran listen tothe scalper song In.m the In¬dian opera. Bay Rum.

Business men won't care

whether the barbers are alrightor not ao long aa the music iagood.

The barbers will soon be run¬ning their advertisements on thetheatrical page.

Before long we may read an adsomething like this: "Come inand listen to our Saturday after·noon concert of special music.I.jrics hy William Alt« rider. Mel¬odies by Victor Herbert."

Another one will read: "Visitour tonsorlal cabaret, absolutely

Executives Alto Expected toProtest Against La¬

bor Courts.II.» International Same (ferric«.

Having disposed of a number ofminor questions, the executive coun¬

cil of the American F«sderation ofLabor today began discussion ofmore Important eubjtseta appearingon the agenda of the quarterly meet¬ing of the council.The action of th« courta in enjoin¬

ing labor unlona is to be the subjectof dlacusslons, and labor leaders to¬day said that the council would out¬line a plan of action to be followedby organiiced labor In future injunc¬tion caaes. Labor officials declln«-tdto comment on the subject until thecouncil haa developed tentative plansot action.The blanket amendment to the

Federal Constitution proponili by theNational Women's Party to the ef¬fect that "no political, civil or legaldisability on account of sex or on »ac¬count of marriage, unless applyingto both sexes, shall exist within theUnited States'' ia alao on the agenda.l.atKir leader· have taken the viewthat the adoption of this amendmentwould nullify all protective legisla¬tion affecting women workers.The Kansas industrial court law

and the efforts to secure the enact¬ment of a similar law in New York,will alao come before the council.The council la expects to go on rec¬ord aa being opposed to legislation ofthis character.While the aoldlers* bonus question

ia not on the agenda, it waa aaid thatit probably would come up for diecuaaion before the council adjourn·.

the beat musical program jot anybarber shop in town."

It'a not at all unlikely that thebig circuit* might add a, few bar¬ber shops to their string of thea¬ters.

So don't be surpris·?«! ¡f yousee an electric sign out In frontof a tonaorial parlor which reads:"High Claaa Vaudeville and Hair¬cuts."

I t'opy right.!* ¡¡.by Pram lor Ky ? «tir at» lu«

Music's Marvelous Messenger¦The Ampico

IT brings the great pianists of the world right intoyour own home.through its perfect reproduction

of their playing.To fully understand the wonder of this performance

you must actually hear it. For to describe it is tryingto put into words what would seem to be almost an im¬possible conception and yet it is true.for it is a uni¬versally acknowledged and assured musical triumph.

Deftly concealed in the piano, it in no way interfereswith hand-playing.in the usual way.but with the in¬sertion of the record the instrument is transformed intoa marvelous medium for reproducing the playing of thepianists.

Hear itin the



fZeen.eeyíu*..*»y ? ? !» I ,i2í

DO you realize that this marvelous instrument can beyours at a remarkably reasonable figure?

Have you been confused as to its price by the reliefthat so exquisite a musical marvel would be beyond thereach of your pocketbook?You will «be surprised and delighted to learn that, to

the contrary, it is more modestly priced than perhapsyou hatl dared imagine.Jn one make, for instance, and for just a little more

than you would pay for a first-grade player, you re¬ceive the perfect reproduction of the touch, shading andphrasing of the world's greatest pianists, just as ifthey sat there playing before you.

Informal recitals daily at 3 o'clock.

Hear itin the



Moderate Payment»Accepted

Your Upright or Player-PianoTaken in Exchange


Close1 P.M.Today ^»PalaisRoyal Now


The Shopping: Center.llth and G Sts. Established 1877.A. Lisner, Prop.i»»>»e»aysmmaayeeeaWeySa1ay»eteSM^

35c Hose,4 Pairs for $1.00

Bargain Basement.Bureon'e Hose . Women'a

Firat quality, »garnies*, fashlon«sd and reinforced.

Llale Hose.Women'·. Mockfashioned and ribbed; black,gray, brown.

Mercerized Hom.Women'sRibbed Hose with garter tops;black and white.

Black Hoe«.Women'·. Withwhite feet; reinforced; 9 to 10sizes.

Sports Hose Juveniles' S 9cKibb«sd and Reinforced BlackHose; ß to 9\%.Boys' Hose.Sturdy Ribbed

Black Hose; reinforced; sizes8 to 11.

Hollar Hay.tomorrow.andfour (4i pairs for $1..PalaisRoyal.Bargain Basement.

Wash Goods, 5 Yds. $140 Inches wide, checks,

stripes, floral effects; also plaincolor organdy. Dollar Hay, 5yards. $1.0«.

»Scrim, 7 Yards $11.600 yards Curtain Scrim:

heavy cord with drawn work bor¬dera; white and ecru HollarDay, ? yards, $1.00.

79c Hose, 2 Prs. $1Women's Sports Hose; were

79c; heather shades; 9 to 10size. Hollar Day, 3 pairs, $1.00.

Night Gowns, 2 for $1Also Envelope Chemise; nain¬

sook and longrloth; lace andembroidery trimmed and withstrap or built-up shoulders.Hollar Hay, : for $1.00.

Creepers, 2 Pairs $1Also Rompers: madras and

chambray; peg top and buttonstyles; some handsmocked; 1 tob sizes. Hollar Hay, '-' pair·»,$1.00.

Petticoats, 2 for $1Ix>ng Cloth; fuit length; with

embroidery ruffle and dust un¬derlay. Hollar Hay, : for $1.00.

75c Covers, 2 for $1Corset Covers; nainsook; lure

embroidery trimmed. HallarHay, t for $1.00.

¦* Undergarments,2 for $1

I'hildren'H 75c to $1.00 NightyDrawer· and Bloomers, Wom¬en's Camisoles. Sat···:: Bloom¬ers, < ·infili.mi ati'l FlannelettePetticoats. Hollar I)a>, ï for$1.00.

Corsets, Special at $1Models for every figure, of

heavy coutil and noveltyfabrics, white and pink. Hol¬lar Hay, $1.00.

Bandeaux, 3 for $1$1.0? model·, hook back, of !

novelty materials. Thi« lot In¬cludes "Nature's Rival.' sizes31' to «12. Dollar Hay, 3 for$1.00.

$1.29 Aprons, $1Diesa Aprons. plaids and

hecks, with organdy collar.sash and pockets, some withrick-rack braid. Hollar Hay,S 1.00.

69c Dr«esses, 2 for $1«"hildren's. Gingham, with

contrasting trimmings: sizes "

to 6 years. Hollar Hay, : for$1.00. j$1.95 House Dresses, $1Women's Check and Stripe

Percale Dresses: sizes 3t> to 44.Dollar Day, $1.00.

69c Sacques, 2 for $1Women's Peri*ale Dressing

Sacques, with neat collars andbelts; sizes 38 lo 46. HollarHay, : for $1.00.

Pillow Cases, 5 for $1Hemmed, ready to use: sizes

42x36 and 45x38. Hollar Hay,3 for $1.00.

25c Towels, 5 for $1Turkish, with blue «stripe

bord«·. Dollar Hay, 5 for $1.00.


Bargain BasementPerpetual motion is no longer a theory.it is in

practice here! Ever in motion.merchandise comingand going ! Our keen "buyers".ever going to or

coming from the wholesale markets! Our keen pur¬chasers.ever watching our announcements and prof¬iting by them! Dollar Day.the motion is acceler¬ated.both on the part of "buyers" and "purchasers !"Read of tomorrow's offerings.many are truly re¬markable! Lest you forget.clip and bring this ad¬vertisement with you !

$1.39 Bed SpreadsMarseilles Effect

Dollar Day.$1These heavy-weight spreads . sizes 70x80

inches.are first quality and considered a won¬der at $1.39. Dollar Day at $1.00.

Cretonnes, 5 Yards $1 ! Flannel, 2 Yards $136 Inch, in floral designs of

lovely colorings. Dollar Day, Ayards, $1.00.

PiUow Cases, 3 for $1Values ;):»»· and 45c each;

sizes 4-Jx36 and 45x36. HollarHay, 3 for $1.00.

Napkins, 6 for $120 inch Hemmed Dumauk

Napkins, floral, striped anildott**d pattinms. Hollar Dav,6 for $1.00.

27-Inch Cream White BabyFlannel. Dollar Hay, 2 yards.$1.00.

$1.59Bolster Cover.*, $1

Marseilles; tn colors: scal¬loped edges. Hollar Hay, at$1.00 each.

Sheeting, 10 Yards $13!) and 40-lneh Unbleached.

Dollar Hay, 10 yards for $1.00.

Oilcloth, 4 Yards $1 Damask, 2 Yards $147-Inch White Table Oil Cloth;

regular at 35« yard. HollarDay. 4 yard··, $1.

63-iinh Table Damask, floral¦.atterris: only G,?? yards. Hol¬lar Hay, 2 yards, $1.00.

$1.39 Table CoversHemstitched.Damask

Dollar Day.$1A marvel at $1-39 each.these 58-inch square

covers in beautiful floral patterns. Dollar Day,$1.00 each.Tomorrow.I'alais Royal.Bargain Basement.

90c Scarfs, 2 for $1Dresser Surf*«, la« e trimmed

and als») scalloped: embroid¬ered In blue Dollar Day, I for$1.00.

Peggy Cloth,Yards $1

»tripes, hecksDollar Day, .)¦«

We".Orto yarda;

and plain blue,yards, $1.00.

Lace Hose, 3 Pairs $1Women's Black Diele Höh«·;

reinforced: H to in sises. Hol¬lar Hay, :> pairs, $1.00.

White Goods, 6 Yds. $1ill» Inch Batíate and Nainsook;

mill ends; i to 6 yard lengths;values 39«· fo f«0c rurd. HollarHay. 6 yards. $1.00.

Fiber Hose, 2 Pairs $1Women's. With long silk

l«oots and lisle heels and toes:black, brown, tan; 9 to 10.Dollar Hay, S pairs, $1.00.

Hose, 2 Pairs $1Women'· First Quality Bur-

son Hose; black with whitefret ; made fully large for stoutwomen; 9 to 10';. Dollar Day,S pair», $1.00.

$1.59 Crib Comforts, $1Filled with white corded

.otton: covered in artistic Dutchand floral effects. Dollar Day,$1.00 each.

Bath Towels, 2 for $1Turkish; 2f.xi>4-inch; double

thread. Dollar Day, î for $1.00.

25c Vests.at 6 for $1.00

Bargain Basement.

Women's Fine Ribbed Vests,low neck, sleeveless, lace trim-med*. sizes 36 to 40. Dollar Day,ß for $1.00.

4 for $1.Women's 39c lllbbedVests, V and ttodice style, fleshand white; 36 to 42.

2 for $1.Women's ltd JumboI'nlon Kults, for stout women;sixes 48 to 02; low neck, nosleeves, lace knees.

î for $1.Women's «9c Union |Kults, regular sizes, 36 to 44;low neck, no sleeves, kneelength.4 for $1.Women's 39c Black

and l'lnk Knit Hloomers: mer¬

cerized; with satin pin stripesand elastic bands.

Dollar Day.The above speclal prices for tomorrow only.

l'alai» Boyal.Bargainment.

25c Ribbed HoseWomen's, Girls' and Boys'

6 Pairs.$1Women's Ribbed Black Hose, cosily fleeced and

sturdily reinforced; sizes 9 to 10.

Boys' and Girls' sizes, 6 to 9·.».Dollar Day,any 6 pairs for $1.00.

Tomorrow.I'¡ilais Royal.Bargain Basement.

Handkerchiefs,12 for $1

Mens. Ijiwn, with hem·stitch«»d bordera. Women's.I .awn, prettilv embroidered.Dollar Day. any 13 for »DOO.

$1.49 Boston Bags, $1Bpllt cowhide: blink nnd

brown, with leather handles.I »ollar Hay. $100.

Sheeting, V/? Yards $176 Inch·*· wide unbl«**arhed;

recular il It* yard« DollarDay. Va >ards, $1.00.

Organdy, 2 Yards $140-Inch: white; permanent fin¬

ish. Dollar Hay, ï yards. $1.00.

$1.39 Sheets, $1Sc;iml»Hs; IIKM inches; First

Quality Sheets. Hollar Hay,I «« $1.00.

79c Gloves, 2 Pairs $1Women's First Quality Cham

oiselte (Jloves; ? buttons; size«6 to 'Inch, in grays and mode.Hollar Day, I pairs, $1.00.

Longcloth, 10 Yds. $130 Inches wi»i»·. for llngori«*:

»guiar 11«· yard. Hollar Hay,10 yards, $1.00.

Umbrellas at $1Women's. With superior

paragon frames and hand]« swith silk coni wrist loops altachod. Dollar Day, $1.00.

Men'sShop.On Main Floor

Ample quantities and re¬liable qualities are to be as¬sociated with tomorrow's"Dollar Day." Importantspecial purchases have beenmade.and values are extra¬ordinary.

Men's MadrasShirts, $1

Good Quality Printed Madras, inneat patterns of black and white,lavender and white, blue andwhite; cut full and well made:sizes 13'.» to 17. Dollar Day, at$1.00..Main Floor.

85c, $1 and $1.25Undershirts,2 for $1.00

Men's. Conwlth Milla and othermakes; heavy and medium weightribbed cotton shirts. Ions; sleeves;only sizes 40, 42, 44 and 46. Dol¬lar Day, î for $1.00..Main Floor.

$1.50 to $1.75Union Suits, $1.00Men's Ribbed Suits, medium and

heavy weight, with closed cro.ch.Cut full and well made; form fit¬ting; sizes 40, 42 and 44 only.Dollar Day, at $1.0».Main Floor.

65c and 75c Cravats,2 for $1.00

Men's Four-ln-Hand Ties, inplain colors and stripes; open end·and slip-easy bands. Dollar Day.î for $1.00..Main Moor.

Handkerchiefs,10 for $1.00

Men's. Of sheer cambric, with'«-inch hem. Dollar Day, 10 for$1.00..Main Floor.

Men's $2.00 OnyxSocks, $1.00

AU-Sllk White Socks with silktops; sizes 9H to ?«-;, DollarDay, at $1.00 pair..Main Floor.

Men's 20c Collars,6 for $1.00

Choos·» any 20c "Arrow BrandCollars In our stock, soft or laun-dered; sold in half-dozen lots onlv.Dollar Day, ß for $1.00..MainFloor.

Men's 75c Socks,2 Pairs $1.00

M«?dium weight heather woolmixed Socks. Made extra strongand very serviceable. Sizes 9>*to 11. Dollar Day, 2 pairs for$1.00..Main Floor.

Men's 55c Cravats,4 for $1.00

Four-in-hand style, with openends and slip-easy bands. Blackonly. Dollar Day, 4 for $1.00..Main Floor.

Men's Athletic UnionSuits, $1.00

."varsity," Regatta and Sex¬ton makes. Sleeveless and kne··length. Of checked nainsook andmadras. Sizes 34 to .16 onlv.Dollar Day, at $1.00 suit..MainFloor.

25c Lisle Socks,5 Pairs $1.00

Regularly 2Se. 105 pairs, wellmade with reinforced feet andheels. White only. Sizes IU to11. Dollar Day, 5 pairs, $1.00..Main Floor.

Boys'Shop.On Main Floor

75c and 95c Blouses,2 for $1.00

Bo;, V good quality fast colorl'ercale, Chambray and .Madri» s

Hlouses. Odd si/.·· assortments Inthe lot. Dollar Da>. ï for $1.00 .Maln^Floor.

$2.95 to $4.95Boys' Hats, $1.00

Boys'. The best velvet nnd silkplush Hats In our entire stock.For small boys from ? to ? year*.Were formerlv $2 !>!> to $4.Si. Dol¬lar Day. at $1.00..Main Moor.

$1.98 Wash Suits,Tomorrow $1.00

Boys'. Of good «inaili y fastcolor fabrics In the Oliver Twistmodels. Sizes .1. 4. G. and 7 onlvDollar Day, at SI.00..Main I-loor.

Boys' $1.25 to $1.45Pajamas, $1.00

Flannelette, made With silkfrogs. Hrokm sl/e assortmentssizes 2 to 8 and size if) only.Dollar Da.·., al $1 00.Main Wiser.