MYSTERY OF AUTHORITIES TRUE LAWS REMAIN UNKNOWN; NOTED EXPERTS FLOUNDER World-Wide Conference Hopes to Solve Mooted Air Problem. ADVANCE THEORIES Plans Piercing Corners of the Earth to Learn of Real Causes. Bv this time practically every radio fan has been able lo pick up some far-distant broadcasting station on his receiver during the evening. This fact is evidenced by the amount of good-natured boasting that is going on whenever a number of fans gather together. Each praises the wonderful qualities of his own particular set and boasts about the distance that has b^en covered with It. Very few of these fans realize, how¬ ever. that their receivers are not at all responsible for this, and neither do they know that at various times during the evening they pick up sta¬ tions at still greater distances. The latter are the cases of the wireless telegraph stations sending in dots and dashes, which occasionally cover un¬ believable distances at night. Many of the fans are Just beginning to realize that it is only in the eve¬ ning. after darkness has set in. that they get these unusual results. No matter how often they listen in dur¬ ing the day they will never hear any- thins from beyond the normal range of their receiving set. Radi«*» (ireatfur Mystery. Back of this fact there lies one of . the most perplexing mysteries of the wireless communication art. It is a mystery that has not been solved despite the twenty years of experi¬ mentation and research that followed upon the discovery that wireless sig¬ nals could be heard further at night than they i-ould during the day. A number of ingenious th^jries have been advanced to explain the phenomenon, but none of these is sat¬ isfying. since apparently there is no Aeriola Senior Get One for Christmas For Long-Distance Reception, Includ¬ ing Lamp and Head Set No Storage Battery Required. $ 65 .00 Atwater-Kent variometers, mounted vario-coupler. detector and three stages audio amplifi- AA cation.all for The Radio Center HARRY C. GROVE, Inc. 1210 G Street N. W. For your protection buy on'y approved apparatus. RADIO SPECIALS On Sale Today 3-inch Dials ..35c Variometers $2.75 U. V. 200 Tubes $3.95 4-inch Dials 55c Variocouplers $2.75 Vitalitone $30 Arkay Loud Speaker $4.00 Western Head Sets $875 And Other Special Parts at Very Special Prices The Home Charger, $18.50 Here's a fully guaranteed and very satisfactory part for charging your own batteries at home. Made for direct or alternating current. Come in for demonstration. 30ooi>tnar& &lCothrop Radio Section.Fourth Floor. Radio Students at Work \4 -rox&t@&Sr>~ !*' * I- v Harris 4 Iwlag- The National Radio Imtitute, 1345 Pennsylvania avenue northwest, is teaching hundreds of Washington amateurs the full signfficance and all the supposedly mysteries of radio. Picture shows the students at work. Several of the most prominent radio men in -the country are employed by the institute as instructors, in radio. rule or reason governing the direc¬ tion or distance over which the elec- tro-magnetic waves travel beyond their normal range. It is in order to place the research1 work regarding the propaganda of energy upon a scientific basis that the International Conference on Ra¬ dio Communications has commenced a series of daily test signals which are rapidly being extended to ev%ry part of the world. The general plan governing the conference scheme was developed at meetings held in Paris during the months of June, July and August of last year. Real Lanrn Yet Unknown. No real scientific statement of the law governing the propagation of energy has yet been established, and the scientists are still groping in this respect. In order, therefore, to solve the various problems connected with the radiation of energy through space, a series of scientific signals have been devised and are gradually being put into effcct at the big. high-powered wireless stations These are trans¬ mitted under the direction of the Union Radio Scientifioi-.e Internation¬ ale and in every case are preceded with the code signal "URSI." , Radio News and Views Listening-in Concerts. GENERAL PUBLIC INVITED. Toalfkt at 8. The Hecht Company music depart, ment, 618 F street. Hines Auto Supply Co., 920 D street northwest. Capitol Radio Sales Agency. 724 Eleventh street northwest. Peoples Drug Store. Seventh and E streets northwest. \ Rice's Orange Beverage Tarlor. Eighth and E streets southeast. Foy's Radio Supply House, SM Eighth strec soumeast. Above places store hours also. Store Hoars Oaly. programs Dally, 12 to 1 aad 4 to 0uM p. at. Doubleday-HUl Electric Company, 715 Twelfth street Thomas P. Williams. Inc.. 1324 New York avenue. National El jctrie Supply Store. New York avenue. Gibson Company, 919 Q street northwest. Harry C. Grove. Inc., 1310 G street. Continental Electric Supply Com nany. 803 Ninth street northwest. The Radio Shop. 1321 G street northwest. Quality Accessory Company, 1317 H street northeast. John C. Rau. 524 Twelfth street. White and Boyer, 812 Thirteenth street northwest. Arcade Electric Company, Four¬ teenth «*nd Park road. Lanobur^h and Brother. 420 Sev¬ enth street. Woodward and L#othrop, Eleventh and I' streets. The Hecht Co.. music department, 618 F street northwest. IN THE AIR TODAY. WASHINGTON. AAA . NAVAL RADIO STATION, RADIO. VA. 3:45 to 4 p. m..Closing live stock markets: hay and feed markets. 5 p. m..Weather report. Dally markctgram. 10 p. m..Time signals; weather report; ship orders; 2,650 meterv Naval press news on 2,650 meters Except where noted, sending Is CW 5.950 meters. WWX.POSTOFFICE DEPART¬ MENT STATION. i 1.160 Meters). 3.30 p. m..Report on fruits and vegetable*. 6 p. m..Report on dairy proa- ucts and grain. 7:30 p. m..live stock and grain reports. Report on fruits and veg¬ etables. 360 METERS UNLESS OTHERWISE IfOTSJD. Eastern Standard Time. W EAS.THE WfcCHl COMPANY. RrondeaMting. Edison Phonograph Selections. State Street Blues, Don't Bring Me Posies. Perpetuum Mobile. Morning. Noon and Night. The Last Rose of Summer. Nocturne in E flat. Two Little Wooden Shoes. Truly, Susie. Early in the Morning. Pixie High¬ way. fJulbransen Piano Selections. Two Little Wooden Shoes. Birming- Closing Out Sale Everything going for leu thin Half Price $15.00 Crystal Sets $ 3.95 75.00 Tube Sets.y. 29.00 6000 Tube Sets ai.oo 65.00 Tube Sets (Un¬ assembled) ... 17.00 Variometers, v a r i o couplers, transformers, jacks, phone plugs, head sets, sockets, plugs, rheo¬ stats, batteries, condensers, dials, crystal detectors. Bakelite pan¬ els. cabinets, antennae wire, magnet wire, switch points, binding posts, tested crystals, knobs,, and other accessories. All Going for 60% Off List Price The Radio Shop 1321 G- St. N. W. ham Blues, Just Because You're You. Sweet Indiana Home. 7:00. Selection for tuning In. 7:05. Dr. James F. Mitchell, sur- geon-in-chlef of the Emergency Hospital, will talk on "The Control of Cancer." 7:15. Matthew Pero, pianist. "Deedle, Deedle, Dum," "Nobody Lied." 7.20. Matthew Pero, "Kitten on the Keys." 7:25. Miss Martha K. Wooley. pupil of Paul B'eyderi, will sing "Lassie o* Mine." Gray, accompanied by Mrs. Jessie B. Blaisdell. 7:30. Miss Martha K. Wooley, contralto. "Vale." by Russell. 7:35. Matthew Pero, "Tomor¬ row." 7 48 Miss Martha K. Wooley, contralto. "Happy Song." de< Rlego. 7:45. Matthew Pero. pianist. "Syncop.xtions " 7 B'-'tinte stories, reading, by Harry ( Hlne. secretary of the Boardof Education. V Closing announcements. 4:30 to 5:30 r>. m..On Hilo Bay, Fellowship Medley. Washington Post March. The Star, Rhapsodle Hongrolse. Three o'Clock in the Morning. Prince Vladimir's Cava- tina. Souvenir. The Kerry Dance. Tranqulllite. Isle of Paradise. Semper Fidells March. The Two Sky Larks. Moon River. The Moon Has Raised Her Lamp Above. WIAY.WOODWARD A I.OTHROP. (Stleff Reproducing Piano I »*d With Piano Melon.) 10:30 to 11:30 a. m..Piano solos. Minuet. Liebea Walts: Victor Se¬ lections.Llebslled, Life's Railway, Early In the Morning. Kcho Song, Drifting Along; piano solo*. Rock-a-hy Lullaby I«and, Feather Your Nest; Victor selections. Faust Walts. Deam Kiss. I Know a l»nely Garden. Just for Today, I'll Build a Stairway 2 to 3 p. m..Piano solos. Bonnie Sweet Bessie, Dancing Nymphs, Victrola selections.Goodby Shang- hal, Granadlnop. wild Wind, Gypsy Blues. Hand of You; piano solos. Mother of Pearl. Nocturni; Victor selections.It's You. I Want You Morning. Jimlny. Indiana Lullaby, lust I,«cause. YPN,.THOS. J. WII.I.IAM^, INC. Dally. 12 noon.Epiphany Chimes. 12:30 p. m..Report on stolen autos. 12:55 p. m..News items. 10:10 p. m..Concert, Almas Tem- pie Band. $ Music during intervals. 3 YN.'NATION A I. RADIO INSTI- J TUTE. 6:30 to 7:30 r- *n..News items, code. WJH.WHITE AND ROYER. 1 to 2 and 4 to 4:30 p. m.-Music sod feature*. R p. m..Special program. Num- l»crs to be announced during per- formance. Members of t^ie Llsteners-fn Club will visit the home of Dr. Rogers,, at Hyattsville, Md.. tonight, at 8! <'clock. The public is invited to' attend, together with those inter-) csted in radio. Dr. Rogers is considered on-* of the foremost radio authorities in the country. Of particular interest to those who visit his home will be his new invention of the loop aerial. His other remarkable in¬ ventions will be Inspected. It is requested that those who wish to attend will assemble at Fifteenth and H streets tonight at 7 o'clock, where special cars will be boarded. Tonight's radio program of WEAS.The Hecht Company.is brimful of musical talent. In addi¬ tion to this. Dr. James F. Mitchell, chief surgeon of Emergency *ios- pital. will speak on the "Control of Cancer." AH news pertaining to cancer will be broadcast by The Hecht Company during the week. Radio observers of the city pre¬ dict the use of radio will reach an unprecedented height during the Christmas days. The National Radio Institute ranks foremost in the country as one of the leading radio educational establishments in the country. Hun¬ dreds- of persons in the local radio realm are taking advantage of the courses offered there. WJZ to BroadciiNt Organ Recitals Regularly. Through the courtesy of the Es- tey Organ Company, the Radio Cor¬ poration Westlnghouse station. WJZ, Newark. N. J., has arranged to broadcast organ recitals at least twice a week during the coming winter^ The organ, because of its extreme purity of tone and great versatil¬ ity, has always been the most pop¬ ular of musical instruments, and the radio audience has voiced its approval of the recitals now being broadcasted by Several of the larger stations. Unfortunately, however, the average organ is not well adapt¬ ed f<»r radio purposes. For both structural and artistic reasons, it is installed in several different sec¬ tions; and though the player can produce beautiful effects for his imnied'aie audience by the appro¬ priate use of these different sec- JAP SHIP BOASTS OF MOST MODERN RADIO ON WATERS Kamoi Has KilowattTele- phone and One Tele¬ graph Set. Th« Kamoi, fu«l .hip- of the lm-^ perlai Japanea. navy, which .teamad out of .New York recently en route to Japan on her maiden voyage. ha» the moat elaborate radio equipment of any ehlp afloat, according to ra¬ dio engineers. The moat recent In- ventlona In the field of radio art have been included In the outfit. moat of which waa furnlehed by the General Electric Company. Included In the , equipment are a one kilowatt telephone and telegraph eat. which may be used for telegraphy on con¬ tinuous or Interrupted continuous wave; a twenty kilowatt telegraph transmitter and a two kilowatt 500 cycle quenched spark transmitter for telegraph only. . In the reception equipment are a long wave reclver with a range of from 1.000 to J0.000 meters and a short wave receiver ranfrlag frota 200 to 7.000 meters. In addition there Is a superheterodyne receiver for long and abort waves and a standard three-tube commercial ship reclver. avlth a range of from 200 to 7 000 meters. An Interesting feature of the in¬ stallation Is a radio t«U»hon« change by means of which the Xps operator can transfer con¬ trol (if radio telephone transmitter and receiver to any one of »»ver»' stations. These stations ar» located In the commander s room, the com¬ mander's office, the senior " ward room, the bridge. ctc. H> means of the "^""r the commander or any other ornter may communicate with any » «e in the fleet from any one "' "a sta¬ tions on the Kamoi. Th, exchange board differs very little from the usual telephone exchange. A le light indicates that the receiver has been taken from a phone hook and the operator, by throwing a swItch. puts the Officer In trol of transmitter an,| r,ceHer There is also a radio rornpas*_b> means of which It Is possible to find the Direction of distant tr.nsn.lt- tlnT^ Klmn.t l. the show ship of the Japanese navy. She waa "centl> completed by the .New \ »rk Ship¬ building Corporation and Is the Bnst vessel of any navy other than the United States navy to be electrical¬ ly propelled. The electric dri, equipment was designed and In¬ stalled by the General Electric Com- ^e Kamoi I- a jn.0n0-ton.S.0"<> H P vessel and will make fifteen knots Her main propulsion unit £=-A2:SS£is£K .twin-screw propellers^ There also two 400 VV. W. direct current turbine generator, which suppl^he excitation current as well as power to operate the auxillarles_ " th. main circulating pump, main condensate 5ump. tirl Vf Ihe' propuUlon equipment 1. .kilowatt auxiliary which can be connected to either of the auxiliary, turbines In cmj. 0f the a speed of seven Kn .|| will be used to carry c<>»> to ships of the fleet. . tlona. the variation In thevolum.of sound is too extreme to be entireij satisfactory to the Vt'ud'ied all :!-rrrirH; neclally designed for radio purposed ?n this organ, the sound chambers are so arranged that all of the tone emerge-, from a single point, re¬ gardless of which banks of l»P«*r«; beink played. ThiR greatly stmpl* flps the transmitting problem and permits every variation of.ound intensity to be caught at Its true » -pr wist. ssrsr. J? Ten made^chtT-proof. and all | e"rabne7u. sounds and reverbera Hons that Interfere with perfei t ar- tistlc results from a radio stand point have been eliminated. RECEIVING RANGE IS WEAKENED BY BAD CONNECTION Storage Battery Termi¬ nals Badly Hooked Re¬ duce Radio Power. Storage battery terminal* wrong¬ ly connected Ifi a radio receiving circuit are the cauwF, Jo many carer of weak signals and short recelv- In* range. The average owner of a radio set believes that the ator- age battery la properly placed in the plrcult if the vacuum tube Is brilliant. This is not true, for It Is ex¬ tremely Important that the posi¬ tive and negative terminals be Joined to deflnlte points In the cir¬ cuit If maximum efficiency Is to be obtained. There are several hun¬ dred radio receiving hook-ups, but all are based on a few fundamental principles which must be adhered to in wiring th» apparatus. Vac¬ uum tube circuits have one point In the wiring known aa the com¬ mon center or common lead, as shown in Fig. 1. At this common center three" different circuits Join, and it is essential that the con¬ nections at the Junction point be correct. A single vacuum tube detector set conslats of three different sec- tlons or circuits, the filameat cir- cult, the grid circuit and the plate circuit. The filament circuit ex- tends from the positive aide of the storage battery through the filament and "A" battery rheostat back to the negative terminal of the storage battery. This is the circuit which lights the filament. heating It sfnd causing necatlve electrons to be emitted. The grid circuit consists of the secondary of the vario-coupier or tuner, one I side of which leads to the grid and the other to one side of the flla- ment. The grid circuit acta as the control of the tube. CLUBS TO AID AUTO TOURISTS BY RADIO Road Travel Information to Be Broadcasted, Is Plan. Aujtobomile clubs in the future will become center* ©f advice to traveling: motorists. They are such aids now. but the future will see them sending out advice as to roads and directions while motorists are V speeding: along the highways. It will be done by radio. Some time ago there came a sug¬ gestion from an automobile inventor concerning this form of help. He had designed an instrument for the automobile by which the driver could keep on the right track in whatever town he wanted to reach by means of a method of radio sig- naling Wires strung along the roads would carry the signals. which could be caught by the in- strument on the dashboard while the car traveled ahead. This is only a crude beginning to what automobile manufacturers eventually "expect to install in their cars. A radio receiving set. com¬ pactly set on the right side below the dash, could be made to carry on conversation with the nearest automobile club. From the auto club, in this way. the driver could learn the way to his destination or he colud get aid in the event of a j breakdown. In such cases the rad io will be su¬ preme. The telephone cannot reach into the out-of-the-way places from which a person can flash his call for help by wireless. $500.000 Arbuckle Films Will Never Be Released NEW YORK. Nov. 14.A half- million dollars' worth of movies will i never be released. The pictures arc ¦:ill of Roscoe (Fattyi Arbuckle. ai««i were handled bv the J'aramount Pic- ture Corporation. Th<^ company has announced that they have abandoned intension of showing the films in this country. At 'the office of Commissioner Will Hays, it was stated that the pictures could not be released, anyway, because th* ban placed on Arbuckle films aftei the death of Virginia Rappe ha.' never been removed, f Ciapp Eastham type H. R. Radio receiving set J49-50 Complete with phones and detector tahe. This is the famous Ra- dak equipment.noted for its ease of manipulation and for the remarkable distances it covers. Receives mujic, voices as well as all other signals, loud and clear. Radak is the product of one of the oldest manufacturers of wireless apparatus in the United States. WEAS / Is our Broadcasting Station signal. Programs given daily. See an¬ nouncement in papers. The ffecht Ca Radio Store.618 F St. N. W. LESS COSTLY TO BUY RADIO OUTFIT If a pcnon hu no knowMc* «* .adlo term*. symbol* and hook-op*, t will be lew expensive hi the and tf le buys ft food oet outright hwtead if Iryln* to construct tt hlmftelf In miMlnc ft ret one learns mors about .adlo theor;, construction and open- Ion than tf be purchased a set -iowerer. the practical czperteoee of .ulldli.a a aet will be fourd inor<< M- nensive than buyinic units* the *>ul!dcr s fsm.llnr with ladtt. tbeiry nnd vractlce. ' * ' - NOP. Sanaa it lectures An the T»f,art- ment of L«kor and (to activity ar» now broadcasted from MOF. o< the naval air station at Anaosatlft. ' «. Monday. Tweed ay and 11nn<ay ews- ntnjcs. On tares will b (ration quotas, by the naluratlMttan bureau: oa Tuesday evenings on (k* care of children, by the diOdiwrs bureau, snd on Vharaday eveatnnf bn the Mfemiarf'.iR of women In Mm- try by the women's bureftu. I BvBHvn Hvq Bvi ivr N A Remarkable Value Build Your Own 7. Detector Two Stages of. Amplification #30 ' J J NCORPORATING the famous Armstrong regenerative circuit, with a variable primary inductance, variometer tuned grid and variometer tuned plate circuit. Considered to be the most selective hook-up of today. Any loud speaker can be attached to this set Complete list of parts, including wire, tubing and drilled panel, as illustrated. Full instructions and circuit free. Drop in and see this set demonstrated. Other Specials "Scarce Articles Our Hobby" Lansburgh & Brother RADIO DEPT.. FOURTH FLOOR. The Home of High Grade Standard Radio Apparatus ¦ With the First Thought of Christmas CHRISTMAS "GIVE A RADIO SET" This year many thousands more people are already iateretted ia RADIO Through listening m on station WJH Don't be a back aam¬ ber this Xmas.give a Modem Gift Come in and talk it over with us today. WHITE & BOYER CO. 812 13th Street N.W. Main 7987 Local Distributors for Leading Radio Manufacturers SETS RADIO PARTS POP* LAR PRICE RADIO STORF Buy Voir Radio (.ooda Where I .«! to Bur HU II Year Vb<>.It Will Nran a Savins Hollar* and Cent a ta Voa . BKST Rl V OF THE 5EASO\ Plus. 4»r \kl« Ik My 7x12 Condeualte Panel 7x21 CondrnNltr Pauel .|ftB 7x1* Conden»ite Punrl 92.25 7x24 (ondriultr Panel ISM Varlo Wave Twarr W.i* 9HS.OO Baldwin Pkonm 914.4(1 A in rail \ artocouttler $5.f>5 BAmrad Variometer W.50 Double Head Rand* Double O-ft. Cord* Home Cbaricer* 91S.50 Autovolx Loud Speaker $2tM»0 Rotor* H> Rndiotron. 24 >0-Tube 92I.OO Jack. 25c Mat on Wlrele*« (.oodn: .IJW Wire Terminals, dot Itakalite Fived Co :--l n«*h DlaU Tume> :«hk» Hend Itla.. Murdork 3«»IN» Head Seta. . >1 urdock :«MM» Head Seta l!randei« -JW» Head Seta. I'ottrr 11Ml Slncle Set Varlocouplcr Potter 22UA Head Seta Manhattan 2(NK» Head Seta 9&JOC Rah) Grand Cryatal Set B. Ilatterlea. 23V*-V. R. Ratterlea. 22^-V. Radiotron. 201-Tnbe 9kM Duhlller Ducon ItV Variometer 92.MI 49 olate Condenaer. Vernier MM* Tkordnrm n Trnnnformer 2.1 plate Coadeaaer. Vernier. »1X 4.1 plnte Variable Condenaer. 92.15 S-Tun»n* Coll. double allde ||ji 23 plate Variable Coadeaaer..91,75 Mtdin* Roda .Ml II plate Variable < ondeuaer. 9I.OH Slldera 7 plate Variable Condenaer .91.40 I n wound Crated Tube, K-ln .. jm 5 plnte Variable Condenaer.. 91.2H Wound Crated Tube S plate Variable Condenaer. ,91.10 Phone Coudenaera Sbnfgbettl. per foot 04 Grid l.eak and Pbane O Mounted (ialean IO denaer Crrata I Deteetor 45 Fllameat Rbeoatata l.iyktnlnK Arreater. Rmeb. .92.00 V. T. Soekela Mekel Itindintc Poata .<»- 1W ft. Antenna Wire luaulated Binding Poata «5 Antennn Inaulatorn Switch I-evera 20 Hint Horn* Switch Polnta, doa IO Maguet Wire, % lb WD-11 Tubea 95-Or. WD-II Soeketa All Gaoda New. Freah Stock and All My Regular Line Fully Guaranteed. Save and Re Safe johnc. RAU li 524 TWELFTH STREET N. W. Fraakllu 5457

The Washington herald.(Washington D.C.) 1922-11-15 [p 9].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1922-11-15/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · MYSTERY OF AUTHORITIES TRUELAWSREMAIN UNKNOWN; NOTED

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Air Problem.


Plans Piercing Corners of theEarth to Learn of Real


Bv this time practically every radiofan has been able lo pick up some

far-distant broadcasting station on

his receiver during the evening. Thisfact is evidenced by the amount ofgood-natured boasting that is goingon whenever a number of fans gathertogether. Each praises the wonderfulqualities of his own particular set andboasts about the distance that has

b^en covered with It.Very few of these fans realize, how¬

ever. that their receivers are not atall responsible for this, and neitherdo they know that at various timesduring the evening they pick up sta¬tions at still greater distances. Thelatter are the cases of the wirelesstelegraph stations sending in dots anddashes, which occasionally cover un¬believable distances at night.Many of the fans are Just beginning

to realize that it is only in the eve¬

ning. after darkness has set in. thatthey get these unusual results. Nomatter how often they listen in dur¬ing the day they will never hear any-thins from beyond the normal rangeof their receiving set.

Radi«*» (ireatfur Mystery.Back of this fact there lies one of

. the most perplexing mysteries of thewireless communication art. It isa mystery that has not been solveddespite the twenty years of experi¬mentation and research that followedupon the discovery that wireless sig¬nals could be heard further at nightthan they i-ould during the day.A number of ingenious th^jries

have been advanced to explain thephenomenon, but none of these is sat¬isfying. since apparently there is no

Aeriola SeniorGet One for Christmas

For Long-DistanceReception, Includ¬

ing Lamp andHead Set

No Storage BatteryRequired.


Atwater-Kent variometers, mounted vario-coupler.detector and three stages audio amplifi- AAcation.all for

The Radio Center

HARRY C. GROVE, Inc.1210 G Street N. W.

For your protection buy on'y approved apparatus.


3-inch Dials ..35cVariometers $2.75U. V. 200 Tubes $3.954-inch Dials 55cVariocouplers $2.75Vitalitone $30Arkay Loud Speaker $4.00Western Head Sets $875

And Other Special Parts at Very Special Prices

The Home Charger, $18.50Here's a fully guaranteed and very satisfactory partfor charging your own batteries at home. Madefor direct or alternating current.

Come in for demonstration.

30ooi>tnar& &lCothropRadio Section.Fourth Floor.

Radio StudentsatWork



!*' *

I- v

Harris 4 Iwlag-The National Radio Imtitute, 1345 Pennsylvania avenue northwest, is teaching hundreds of

Washington amateurs the full signfficance and all the supposedly mysteries of radio. Pictureshows the students at work. Several of the most prominent radio men in -the country are employedby the institute as instructors, in radio.

rule or reason governing the direc¬tion or distance over which the elec-

tro-magnetic waves travel beyondtheir normal range.It is in order to place the research1

work regarding the propaganda of

energy upon a scientific basis thatthe International Conference on Ra¬

dio Communications has commenceda series of daily test signals which

are rapidly being extended to ev%rypart of the world. The general plangoverning the conference scheme was

developed at meetings held in Parisduring the months of June, July andAugust of last year.

Real Lanrn Yet Unknown.No real scientific statement of the

law governing the propagation ofenergy has yet been established, andthe scientists are still groping in thisrespect. In order, therefore, to solvethe various problems connected withthe radiation of energy through space,a series of scientific signals have beendevised and are gradually being putinto effcct at the big. high-poweredwireless stations These are trans¬mitted under the direction of theUnion Radio Scientifioi-.e Internation¬ale and in every case are precededwith the code signal "URSI."


Radio News and ViewsListening-in Concerts.


The Hecht Company music depart,ment, 618 F street.Hines Auto Supply Co., 920 D

street northwest.Capitol Radio Sales Agency. 724

Eleventh street northwest.Peoples Drug Store. Seventh and

E streets northwest. \Rice's Orange Beverage Tarlor.

Eighth and E streets southeast.Foy's Radio Supply House, SM

Eighth strec soumeast.Above places store hours also.

Store Hoars Oaly.programs Dally, 12 to 1 aad 4 to

0uM p. at.

Doubleday-HUl Electric Company,715 Twelfth streetThomas P. Williams. Inc.. 1324

New York avenue.

National El jctrie Supply Store.New York avenue.

Gibson Company, 919 Q streetnorthwest.Harry C. Grove. Inc., 1310 G street.Continental Electric Supply Com

nany. 803 Ninth street northwest.The Radio Shop. 1321 G street

northwest.Quality Accessory Company, 1317

H street northeast.John C. Rau. 524 Twelfth street.White and Boyer, 812 Thirteenth

street northwest.Arcade Electric Company, Four¬

teenth «*nd Park road.Lanobur^h and Brother. 420 Sev¬

enth street.Woodward and L#othrop, Eleventh

and I' streets.The Hecht Co.. music department,

618 F street northwest.



RADIO. VA.3:45 to 4 p. m..Closing live stock

markets: hay and feed markets.5 p. m..Weather report. Dally

markctgram.10 p. m..Time signals; weather

report; ship orders; 2,650 metervNaval press news on 2,650 meters

Except where noted, sending IsCW 5.950 meters.WWX.POSTOFFICE DEPART¬

MENT STATION.i 1.160 Meters).

3.30 p. m..Report on fruits andvegetable*.

6 p. m..Report on dairy proa-ucts and grain.

7:30 p. m..live stock and grainreports. Report on fruits and veg¬etables.360 METERS UNLESS OTHERWISE

IfOTSJD.Eastern Standard Time.

W EAS.THE WfcCHl COMPANY.RrondeaMting.

Edison Phonograph Selections.State Street Blues, Don't Bring MePosies. Perpetuum Mobile. Morning.Noon and Night. The Last Rose ofSummer. Nocturne in E flat. TwoLittle Wooden Shoes. Truly, Susie.Early in the Morning. Pixie High¬way. fJulbransen Piano Selections.Two Little Wooden Shoes. Birming-

Closing OutSale

Everything going for leu thin

Half Price$15.00 Crystal Sets $ 3.9575.00 Tube Sets.y. 29.006000 Tube Sets ai.oo

65.00 Tube Sets (Un¬assembled) ... 17.00

Variometers, v a r i o couplers,transformers, jacks, phone plugs,head sets, sockets, plugs, rheo¬stats, batteries, condensers, dials,crystal detectors. Bakelite pan¬els. cabinets, antennae wire,magnet wire, switch points,binding posts, tested crystals,knobs,, and other accessories.

All Going for 60%Off List Price

The Radio Shop1321 G- St. N. W.

ham Blues, Just Because You'reYou. Sweet Indiana Home.

7:00. Selection for tuning In.7:05. Dr. James F. Mitchell, sur-

geon-in-chlef of the EmergencyHospital, will talk on "The Controlof Cancer."

7:15. Matthew Pero, pianist."Deedle, Deedle, Dum," "NobodyLied."

7.20. Matthew Pero, "Kitten onthe Keys."

7:25. Miss Martha K. Wooley.pupil of Paul B'eyderi, will sing"Lassie o* Mine." Gray, accompaniedby Mrs. Jessie B. Blaisdell.

7:30. Miss Martha K. Wooley,contralto. "Vale." by Russell.

7:35. Matthew Pero, "Tomor¬row."

7 48 Miss Martha K. Wooley,contralto. "Happy Song." de< Rlego.

7:45. Matthew Pero. pianist."Syncop.xtions "

7 5« B'-'tinte stories, reading, byHarry ( Hlne. secretary of theBoardof Education.V Closing announcements.4:30 to 5:30 r>. m..On Hilo Bay,

Fellowship Medley. WashingtonPost March. The Star, RhapsodleHongrolse. Three o'Clock in theMorning. Prince Vladimir's Cava-tina. Souvenir. The Kerry Dance.Tranqulllite. Isle of Paradise. SemperFidells March. The Two Sky Larks.Moon River. The Moon Has RaisedHer Lamp Above.WIAY.WOODWARD A I.OTHROP.(Stleff Reproducing Piano I »*d With

Piano Melon.)10:30 to 11:30 a. m..Piano solos.

Minuet. Liebea Walts: Victor Se¬lections.Llebslled, Life's Railway,Early In the Morning. Kcho Song,Drifting Along; piano solo*.Rock-a-hy Lullaby I«and, FeatherYour Nest; Victor selections.Faust Walts. Deam Kiss. I Know al»nely Garden. Just for Today, I'llBuild a Stairway

2 to 3 p. m..Piano solos. BonnieSweet Bessie, Dancing Nymphs,Victrola selections.Goodby Shang-hal, Granadlnop. wild Wind, GypsyBlues. Hand of You; piano solos.Mother of Pearl. Nocturni; Victorselections.It's You. I Want YouMorning. Jimlny. Indiana Lullaby,lust I,«cause.YPN,.THOS. J. WII.I.IAM^, INC.

Dally.12 noon.Epiphany Chimes.12:30 p. m..Report on stolen

autos.12:55 p. m..News items.10:10 p. m..Concert, Almas Tem-

pie Band. $Music during intervals.

3 YN.'NATIONA I. RADIO INSTI- JTUTE.6:30 to 7:30 r- *n..News items,


1 to 2 and 4 to 4:30 p. m.-Music sodfeature*.

R p. m..Special program. Num-l»crs to be announced during per-formance.

Members of t^ie Llsteners-fn Clubwill visit the home of Dr. Rogers,,at Hyattsville, Md.. tonight, at 8!<'clock. The public is invited to'attend, together with those inter-)csted in radio.

Dr. Rogers is considered on-* ofthe foremost radio authorities inthe country. Of particular interestto those who visit his home willbe his new invention of the loopaerial. His other remarkable in¬ventions will be Inspected. It isrequested that those who wish toattend will assemble at Fifteenthand H streets tonight at 7 o'clock,where special cars will be boarded.

Tonight's radio program ofWEAS.The Hecht Company.isbrimful of musical talent. In addi¬tion to this. Dr. James F. Mitchell,chief surgeon of Emergency *ios-pital. will speak on the "Control ofCancer." AH news pertaining tocancer will be broadcast by TheHecht Company during the week.

Radio observers of the city pre¬dict the use of radio will reach anunprecedented height during theChristmas days.

The National Radio Instituteranks foremost in the country asone of the leading radio educationalestablishments in the country. Hun¬dreds- of persons in the local radiorealm are taking advantage of thecourses offered there.

WJZ to BroadciiNt Organ RecitalsRegularly.

Through the courtesy of the Es-tey Organ Company, the Radio Cor¬poration Westlnghouse station.WJZ, Newark. N. J., has arrangedto broadcast organ recitals at leasttwice a week during the comingwinter^The organ, because of its extreme

purity of tone and great versatil¬ity, has always been the most pop¬ular of musical instruments, andthe radio audience has voiced itsapproval of the recitals now beingbroadcasted by Several of the largerstations. Unfortunately, however,the average organ is not well adapt¬ed f<»r radio purposes. For bothstructural and artistic reasons, itis installed in several different sec¬tions; and though the player canproduce beautiful effects for hisimnied'aie audience by the appro¬priate use of these different sec-


Kamoi Has KilowattTele-phone and One Tele¬

graph Set.Th« Kamoi, fu«l .hip- of the lm-^perlai Japanea. navy, which .teamad

out of .New York recently en routeto Japan on her maiden voyage. ha»the moat elaborate radio equipmentof any ehlp afloat, according to ra¬dio engineers. The moat recent In-ventlona In the field of radio arthave been included In the outfit.moat of which waa furnlehed by theGeneral Electric Company.

Included In the,equipment are a one kilowatt

telephone and telegraph eat. whichmay be used for telegraphy on con¬tinuous or Interrupted continuouswave; a twenty kilowatt telegraphtransmitter and a two kilowatt 500cycle quenched spark transmitterfor telegraph only.


In the reception equipment are along wave reclver with a range offrom 1.000 to J0.000 meters and ashort wave receiver ranfrlag frota200 to 7.000 meters. In additionthere Is a superheterodyne receiverfor long and abort waves and astandard three-tube commercialship reclver. avlth a range of from200 to 7 000 meters.An Interesting feature of the in¬

stallation Is a radio t«U»hon«change by means of which theXps operator can transfer con¬trol (if radio telephone transmitterand receiver to any one of »»ver»'stations. These stations ar» locatedIn the commander s room, the com¬mander's office, the senior "ward room, the bridge. ctc. H>means of the "^""rthe commander or any other orntermay communicate with any » «ein the fleet from any one "' "a sta¬tions on the Kamoi. Th, exchangeboard differs very little from theusual telephone exchange. A le

light indicates that the receiver hasbeen taken from a phone hook andthe operator, by throwing a swItch.puts the Officer Introl of transmitter an,| r,ceHerThere is also a radio rornpas*_b>means of which It Is possible to find

the Direction of distant tr.nsn.lt-

tlnT^ Klmn.t l. the show ship of theJapanese navy. She waa "centl>completed by the .New \ »rk Ship¬building Corporation and Is the Bnstvessel of any navy other than theUnited States navy to be electrical¬ly propelled. The electric dri,equipment was designed and In¬stalled by the General Electric Com-

^e Kamoi I- a jn.0n0-ton.S.0"<>H P vessel and will make fifteenknots Her main propulsion unit

£=-A2:SS£is£K.twin-screw propellers^ Therealso two 400 VV. W. direct currentturbine generator, which suppl^heexcitation current as well as powerto operate the auxillarles_ "th. main circulating pump, maincondensate 5ump.

tirlVf Ihe' propuUlon equipment 1..kilowatt auxiliary

which can be connected to either ofthe auxiliary, turbines In cmj. 0f the

a speed of seven Kn.||will be used to carry c<>»>

to ships of the fleet. .

tlona. the variation In thevolum.ofsound is too extreme to be entireijsatisfactory to the Vt'ud'ied all

:!-rrrirH;neclally designed for radio purposed?n this organ, the sound chambersare so arranged that all of the toneemerge-, from a single point, re¬

gardless of which banks of l»P«*r«;beink played. ThiR greatly stmpl*flps the transmitting problem andpermits every variation of.oundintensity to be caught at Its true

» -prwist.ssrsr.

J? Ten made^chtT-proof. and all| e"rabne7u. sounds and reverberaHons that Interfere with perfei t ar-tistlc results from a radio standpoint have been eliminated.


Storage Battery Termi¬nals Badly Hooked Re¬duce Radio Power.

Storage battery terminal* wrong¬

ly connected Ifi a radio receivingcircuit are the cauwF, Jo many carer

of weak signals and short recelv-

In* range. The average owner of

a radio set believes that the ator-

age battery la properly placed in

the plrcult if the vacuum tube Is

brilliant.This is not true, for It Is ex¬

tremely Important that the posi¬tive and negative terminals beJoined to deflnlte points In the cir¬cuit If maximum efficiency Is tobe obtained. There are several hun¬dred radio receiving hook-ups, butall are based on a few fundamentalprinciples which must be adheredto in wiring th» apparatus. Vac¬uum tube circuits have one pointIn the wiring known aa the com¬mon center or common lead, as

shown in Fig. 1. At this commoncenter three" different circuits Join,and it is essential that the con¬

nections at the Junction point becorrect.A single vacuum tube detector

set conslats of three different sec-

tlons or circuits, the filameat cir-cult, the grid circuit and the platecircuit. The filament circuit ex-

tends from the positive aide ofthe storage battery through thefilament and "A" battery rheostatback to the negative terminal ofthe storage battery. This is thecircuit which lights the filament.heating It sfnd causing necatlveelectrons to be emitted. The gridcircuit consists of the secondaryof the vario-coupier or tuner, one

I side of which leads to the grid andthe other to one side of the flla-ment. The grid circuit acta as thecontrol of the tube.


Be Broadcasted, IsPlan.

Aujtobomile clubs in the futurewill become center* ©f advice to

traveling: motorists. They are suchaids now. but the future will see

them sending out advice as to roadsand directions while motorists are

V speeding: along the highways. Itwill be done by radio.Some time ago there came a sug¬

gestion from an automobile inventorconcerning this form of help. Hehad designed an instrument for theautomobile by which the drivercould keep on the right track inwhatever town he wanted to reachby means of a method of radio sig-naling Wires strung along theroads would carry the signals.which could be caught by the in-strument on the dashboard whilethe car traveled ahead.This is only a crude beginning to

what automobile manufacturerseventually "expect to install in theircars. A radio receiving set. com¬

pactly set on the right side belowthe dash, could be made to carryon conversation with the nearestautomobile club. From the autoclub, in this way. the driver couldlearn the way to his destination orhe colud get aid in the event of a

j breakdown.In such cases the rad io will be su¬

preme. The telephone cannot reachinto the out-of-the-way places fromwhich a person can flash his call forhelp by wireless.

$500.000 Arbuckle FilmsWill Never Be ReleasedNEW YORK. Nov. 14.A half-

million dollars' worth of movies willi never be released. The pictures arc¦:ill of Roscoe (Fattyi Arbuckle. ai««iwere handled bv the J'aramount Pic-ture Corporation.Th<^ company has announced that

they have abandoned intension ofshowing the films in this country. At'the office of Commissioner Will Hays,it was stated that the pictures couldnot be released, anyway, because th*ban placed on Arbuckle films afteithe death of Virginia Rappe ha.'never been removed, f

Ciapp Eastham typeH. R.

Radioreceivingset J49-50

Complete with phonesand detector tahe.

This is the famous Ra-dak equipment.noted forits ease of manipulation

and for the remarkable distances it covers. Receives mujic, voicesas well as all other signals, loud and clear.

Radak is the product of one of the oldest manufacturers ofwireless apparatus in the United States.


Is our Broadcasting Station signal. Programs given daily. See an¬

nouncement in papers.

Theffecht CaRadio Store.618 F St. N. W.


If a pcnon hu no knowMc* «*.adlo term*. symbol* and hook-op*,t will be lew expensive hi the and tfle buys ft food oet outright hwteadif Iryln* to construct tt hlmftelf InmiMlnc ft ret one learns mors about.adlo theor;, construction and open-Ion than tf be purchased a set-iowerer. the practical czperteoee of.ulldli.a a aet will be fourd inor<< M-nensive than buyinic units* the *>ul!dcrs fsm.llnr with ladtt. tbeiry nndvractlce. ' * '


NOP.Sanaa it lectures An the T»f,art-

ment of L«kor and (to activity ar»

now broadcasted from MOF. o< the

naval air station at Anaosatlft. ' «.

Monday. Tweeday and 11nn<ay ews-ntnjcs. Ontares will b

(ration quotas, by the naluratlMttanbureau: oa Tuesday evenings on (k*care of children, by the diOdiwrsbureau, snd on Vharaday eveatnnf bnthe Mfemiarf'.iR of women In Mm-try by the women's bureftu.

I BvBHvn Hvq Bvi ivrN

A Remarkable ValueBuild Your Own 7.

Detector Two Stages of. Amplification#30 ' J

J NCORPORATING the famous Armstrong regenerative circuit,with a variable primary inductance, variometer tuned grid

and variometer tuned plate circuit. Considered to be the mostselective hook-up of today.

Any loud speaker can be attached to this set

Complete list of parts, including wire, tubing and drilledpanel, as illustrated. Full instructions and circuit free. Dropin and see this set demonstrated.

Other Specials"Scarce Articles Our Hobby"

Lansburgh& BrotherRADIO DEPT.. FOURTH FLOOR.

The Home of High Grade Standard Radio Apparatus ¦

With the First Thought of ChristmasCHRISTMAS

"GIVE A RADIO SET"This year many thousands more

people are already iateretted ia

RADIOThrough listening m on


WJHDon't be a back aam¬

ber this Xmas.give a

Modem Gift

Come in and talk it over

with us today.

WHITE & BOYER CO.812 13th Street N.W. Main 7987

Local Distributors for Leading Radio Manufacturers


Buy Voir Radio (.ooda Where I .«! to Bur HU II YearVb<>.It Will Nran a Savins Hollar* and Cent a ta Voa .


Plus. 4»r

\kl« Ik My7x12 Condeualte Panel7x21 CondrnNltr Pauel .|ftB7x1* Conden»ite Punrl 92.257x24 (ondriultr Panel ISMVarlo Wave Twarr W.i*9HS.OO Baldwin Pkonm 914.4(1A in rail \ artocouttler $5.f>5

BAmrad Variometer W.50Double Head Rand*Double O-ft. Cord*Home Cbaricer* 91S.50Autovolx Loud Speaker $2tM»0Rotor* H>Rndiotron. 24>0-Tube 92I.OO

Jack. 25c

Mat on Wlrele*« (.oodn:.IJW Wire Terminals, dot

Itakalite Fived Co:--l n«*h DlaUTume> :«hk» Hend Itla..Murdork 3«»IN» Head Seta. .

>1 urdock :«MM» Head Setal!randei« -JW» Head Seta.I'ottrr 11Ml Slncle SetVarlocouplcrPotter 22UA Head SetaManhattan 2(NK» Head Seta 9&JOCRah) Grand Cryatal SetB. Ilatterlea. 23V*-V.R. Ratterlea. 22^-V.

Radiotron. 201-Tnbe 9kM Duhlller Ducon ItVVariometer 92.MI 49 olate Condenaer. Vernier MM*Tkordnrm n Trnnnformer 2.1 plate Coadeaaer. Vernier. »1X4.1 plnte Variable Condenaer. 92.15 S-Tun»n* Coll. double allde ||ji23 plate Variable Coadeaaer..91,75 Mtdin* Roda .MlII plate Variable < ondeuaer. 9I.OH Slldera7 plate Variable Condenaer .91.40 I nwound Crated Tube, K-ln .. jm5 plnte Variable Condenaer.. 91.2H Wound Crated TubeS plate Variable Condenaer. ,91.10 Phone Coudenaera

Sbnfgbettl. per foot 04 Grid l.eak and Pbane OMounted (ialean IO denaerCrrata I Deteetor 45 Fllameat Rbeoatatal.iyktnlnK Arreater. Rmeb. .92.00 V. T. SoekelaMekel Itindintc Poata .<»- 1W ft. Antenna Wireluaulated Binding Poata «5 Antennn InaulatornSwitch I-evera 20 Hint Horn*Switch Polnta, doa IO Maguet Wire, % lbWD-11 Tubea 95-Or. WD-II Soeketa

All Gaoda New. Freah Stock and All My Regular Line FullyGuaranteed.

Save and Re Safe

johnc. RAU li524 TWELFTH STREET N. W.

Fraakllu 5457