0871 521 2111 Winter haircare for terrific tresses THE UK’S ONLY MODELLING MAGAZINE UK BT landline calls to the above 0871 number will cost no more than 10p per minute. Calls from mobiles and other networks may vary IMAGE

THE UK’S ONLY MODELLING MAGAZINE IMAGE · 2011-03-01 · on looking good and staying healthy too. ... 14 DON’T GIVE UP! One of the most exciting things about working in entertainment

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Page 1: THE UK’S ONLY MODELLING MAGAZINE IMAGE · 2011-03-01 · on looking good and staying healthy too. ... 14 DON’T GIVE UP! One of the most exciting things about working in entertainment

0871 521 2111

Winter haircare forterrific tresses

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UK BT landline calls to the above 0871 number will cost no more than 10p per minute. Calls from mobiles and other networks may vary

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Name: GeorgeRef ID: L173565Fee: £450.00“The assignment was wonderful. Iwas asked to play ‘The One ArmBandit’ on the computer.”

Name: Selina for Shae-LoveRef ID: H147347Fee: £105.00“The assignment went well. The bestthing about the assignment was seeinghow much Shae enjoyed herself.”

Name: LaurenRef ID: H218690Fee: £150.00“This was my first assignment, and itwas good fun.”

Name: Carla for LibbyRef ID: K217829Fee: £105.00“Libby’s first assignment, she wasasked to wear children’s dressing-upcostumes.”

Name: Victoria for JackRef ID: A167236Fee: £105.00

“The assignment went very well and Iwas very proud of him.”

Name: CamillaRef ID: R184418Fee: £0.00“The assignment was good fun and Iwas really pleased with how theassignment went, couldn’t have gonebetter!”

Name: KatRef ID: Z225390Fee: £240.00“The assignment was fun. The TVcrew I worked with were very friendlyand communicative. It was a realteam spirit.”

Name: KathleenRef ID: X196255Fee: £120.00“I really enjoyed the assignment andI felt very important whilst beingphotographed.”

Name: RosannaRef ID: Z202123Fee: £120.00“I loved the assignment, it was very

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enjoyable and it was great workingwith the other models.”

Name: HarryRef ID: A232928Fee: £75.00“I loved the assignment. The peopleand the clothes I had to try on werefantastic.”

Name: AnnieRef ID: I141306Fee: £75.00“I loved being a model. I really enjoyedtrying on different sportswear andshowing the clients how it looks.”

Name: RaymondRef ID: R158189Fee: £120.00“The assignment was most satisfactoryand a great experience. Being amodel for the day was really good.”

Name: MichaelRef ID: F212175Fee: £120.00“My first assignment was great.Being a model for the day me feelreally good about myself.”

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It may be winter,but things aredefinitely hottingup here in theworld of talentmanage -ment –

there’s always need for peoplewith the right look, the rightskills, and clients continue tocome to us every day for helpin finding them.

This issue of Image aims toinspire your ambitions, helpyou realise your dreamsof a life in front of anaudience or thecamera lens… and,as always, we’vesome sensible adviceon looking good andstaying healthy too.We look forward toworking with you inthe comingmonths…

IMAGE� � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �


Winter’s here, and it’s traditionally a time of yearwhen the shorter days startto affect many people’smood or sense of well-being

05YOUR STARTERFOR MENThere’s a whole world ofwork out there for boys, butmany potential male starshave no idea how to getstarted…

1 1 COLOURSCHEMESAre you flattering your skintone effectively? How todecide which hues andshades suit you best

12 COLD CUTSCold weather can play havocwith your hair – the changesin temperature outside andthe use of central heatingindoors are damaging andinescapable!

13 SNAPPY LOOKER?If you want to work in any ofthe talent industries, youneed to know how to lookgreat in photographs…

14 DON’T GIVE UP!One of the most excitingthings about working inentertainment is that younever know what will happen next. If you’ve had a run of unsuccessfulauditions but are passionateabout making it into enter-tainment then don’t giveup… your big chancecould be just around thecorner!


Damian O’ConnorManaging Director

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If you’re a talented would-bemale star, then the firstthing to do is to spend

some time thinking about whatkind of work you may be mostsuited to. For example,modelling categories includespeciality, fitting and characteror promotional work so thereare several routes into theindustry if you are determinedand driven.

Remember that modelling isa competitive business, so anyadditional entertainment-based



Winter’s here, and it’s traditionally atime of year when the shorter daysstart to affect many people’s mood or sense of well-being

…simple steps to getyou smiling again!


If you are experiencing any symptoms of depression you should visit your

GP but mild cases can be put down to Seasonal Affected Disorder, or SAD.

If you’re among the sufferers this year, try these simple tips that may

help you to cope better…

•Leave your curtains open. During the colder months there is no need to

close your bedroom curtains in order to shut light out, so get into the habit

of leaving them open – you may have to rise before the sun does during the

week, but at weekends this habit will give your body the chance to be

woken by daylight.

•Whenever possible, get outside during the daylight hours and try to

spend as much time in natural light during the middle of the day as possible.

If you are at work pop outside on your breaks and at lunchtime – it may be

cold, but a few minutes each day will really make a difference to how you

are feeling if you aren’t getting enough sunlight.

• Get plenty of vitamin D – produced naturally after exposure to sunlight,

during the darker months it is important to make sure that you keep your

levels topped up. Vitamin D can be found in oily fish, meat and eggs and is

also available as a supplement if your doctor feels it will help you.

• Get up at sunrise. It might mean setting your alarm for earlier than usual,

but maximise your use of the daylight hours and your mood will lift. If you

need more sleep then try to get to bed earlier.

• Cut down on your caffeine intake. It is important that you get enough

sleep and rise feeling rested, so avoid caffeine after mid afternoon and keep

your intake to a minimum for the earlier part of the day too.

• Try some light therapy. Light therapy involves the use of a special light

box for the purpose of treating symptoms of SAD. Ask your doctor about

light therapy, whether it could help you, and which light boxes are most

effective. Some people feel that investing in a light box has helped to ease

their symptoms and this just might work for you.

There’s a wholeworld of work outthere for talentedboys, but manypotential malestars have no idea how to getstarted…

Your stfor me

Think about how tobuild on your talents…

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to decide whether or notmodelling is really for you.

As an aspiring model youwill need to create networkingopportunities. If you are offeredrepresentation check that theagency is regulated by theDepartment for Business,Innovation and Skills (BIS), andthat its terms and conditionscomply with the legislation thatgoverns employment agencies.Officials from BIS carry outregular inspections onagencies, examining both their

activities and offices. Stickingwith regulated agencies willprotect you from scams.

After accepting any offer ofrepresentation be sure to keepyour online profile up to datewith current images and abrief biography where possible.Collect references from anywork offered and build up yourown portfolio… if you want torepresent other people andtheir businesses, you need toshow that you can representyourself well too!



talents and experience willwork in your favour. Thinkabout how you can build onyour talents and how they mayhelp to make you a moreemployable model.

If you are keen to getinvolved in modelling it willhelp to be open to a variety ofwork. Promotional work, forinstance, will increase yourconfidence and can provideopportunities within theindustry, hopefully leading toother work. It will also help you


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The hottest news from the Talent Management Group

0871 521 2111 UK BT landline calls to this 0871 number will cost no more than10p per minute. Calls from mobiles and other networks may vary


LYDIA GOES INTO ACTION!Founded in 1986, Action Storage Systems specialises in themanufacture, supply and installation of a wide range ofshelving, lockers and racking and produces an annual catalogue featuring its products. When the company needed a model for the latest issue, it knew just who tocontact.

Talent Management suggested Lydia and the assignment was a great success!

“I did a number of different photographs that will appearin the catalogue in January of next year – it was very exciting!” said Lydia.




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0871 521 2111 UK BT landline calls to this 0871 number will cost no more than10p per minute. Calls from mobiles and other networks may vary


Ref: 256259 Ref: 256370 Ref: 256759 Ref: 256797 Ref: 256800 Ref: 257930 Ref: 258597

Ref: 258833 Ref: 258882 Ref: 259177 Ref: 259443 Ref: 259562 Ref: 259648 Ref: 259682

Ref: 259904 Ref: 260121 Ref: 260133 Ref: 260158 Ref: 260470 Ref: 260568 Ref: 260988

Ref: 261010 Ref: 261013 Ref: 501429 Ref: 503241 Ref: 199486

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0871 521 2111 UK BT landline calls to this 0871 number will cost no more than10p per minute. Calls from mobiles and other networks may vary

����TRIO GET THE MODEL TREATMENTIt’s a painless process modelling forthe NHS, according to our smiling trio(clockwise from left) Luke, Alan andPalminder.

This was Palminder’s first assignmentand she handled it with gusto: “I was a little nervous but overcame it quickly asthere was a very

relaxing environment and I soon started to enjoy the assignment. I played a lady with back pain. My faceneeded to express the pain felt in mylower back…”

“I enjoyed getting into character,”said Luke. “I portrayed a personwho was suffering with flu. I had a prop for this and dressed suit-ably for the role so the shoot wasmore realistic. I was pleased withhow the assignment went and thetravelling was straightforward.”

Alan said: “This assignmentgave me an opportunity to usemy acting skills. I portrayed a manwith severe stomach pain. Thebest part of the assignment, apartfrom the pleasant friendly people

I was working with, was the closeness tomy home – I only had to go 10 miles!”

PURRFECTWhen pampered pussSerendipity (Dippy to herfriends!) modelled for homeshopping company Kleeneze,her owner had a purrfecttime: “The reception staffmade such a fuss over Dippy,I had to keep tight hold asthere was talk of ‘catnapping’!”

FANCY THATTalent Management’s model Shae-Love got to play dress-up at a recent assignment for the fancy dress company,Smiffy’s. Shae-Love had fantastic fun dressing as all sortsof characters while being photographed in a wide rangeof costumes.

“This was a great modelling job,” said Shae-Love’smum. “But the best thing was being able to dress infancy dress and party wear for different shots. Shae-Lovewas required to pose in lots of oufits!”

Image is published fourtimes a year by:Talent Managment Ltd 34 Hurricane Way, Norwich NR6 6HUTel: 0871 521 2111www.talentmanagement.com

Editor:Gillian BendallEmail: [email protected]

Design director:Ike DavisEmail: [email protected]

Advertisement director:Laura ThorpeEmail: [email protected]

Printed by:GB PrintUnit 7 Europa Way,Martineau Lane, Norwich NR1 2EN

‘The World Stage’, ‘TalentManagement’, ‘Models Direct’ and‘Image’ are all registeredtrademarks ©2010

Back pain forPalminder (right) but she’s smiling

now! Pictured withfellow NHS modelsLuke (above) and

Alan (far right)


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The easiest way tocategorise skin tone isby thinking about the

undertone it has. Whether darkor light skinned, you may haveeither a ‘cool’, ‘warm’ or‘neutral’ skin tone.

Cool skin tones usually havea blue or pink base and peoplewith this skin type often haveblue, grey or green eyes. Warmskin tones often have a yellowor golden base and peoplewith this skin type often havebrown or dark hazel eyes.

If you have a mid tonedneutral skin it is often knownas ‘olive’ based. People witholive skin are often browneyed and generally tan easilywith green-yellow undertonesto their complexions.

Cool tonesAs a general rule stay awayfrom brights – particularly

oranges, pinks and yellows – which are unflattering to thisskin tone. You will often findthat your eye colour is a goodguide to the hues that will lookgreat on you. Bring out blue,green and grey eyes and trybrowns too which oftencomplment your skin. Start withsubdued tones in mid or pastelshades and adapt according toyour individual needs.

Warm tonesWarm tones generally lookfantastic in brights and the

darker your skin the brighteryou can go. Try yellows, hotpinks and royal blues but avoidless vibrant colours such asnavy, and wear black sparingly.

Olive tonesMedium, olive toned skingenerally looks great withcreams, light blues and blacks.Shades from the lighter ordarker ends of the spectrumshould suit you best, midshades may not make themost of your colouring. Avoidyellows and greens.





Achieve naturally whiter teeth without spending a fortune or goingthrough painful procedures… DON’T: smoke – one of the worst offenders for staining your teeth; gargleperoxide – effective, but will irritate your gums and can cause sensitivity;forget to brush after tea or coffee; use orange or lemon peels – citruswill remove enamel. DO: try baking soda – use infrequently, rinse thoroughly; eat strawberries – they have fab tooth whitening properties;wear red lipstick – does wonders for your smile.

White is smiles better

Are you flatteringyour skin toneeffectively? Howto decide whichhues and shadessuit you best…

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E ven A-listers have to workhard on their poses andphotographic attitude

sometimes. So, if you’ve often feltyou’re not photogenic we havegood news: there are three basictips you can follow to get the mostout of being photographed – on ashoot or in family snaps!

Preparation is paramount. No-one has to know that youpracticed in a mirror prior to yourmoment in front of the camera, sowhy not work on some poses thatyou think flatter you? You couldtake this a step further by having a faux photoshoot – give it a tryalone with a camera or even a

mobile phone that includes a timerfunction, or with a good friend whoyou feel comfortable with. Use adigital camera so you can afford totake lots of photos and canimmediately delete those that youfeel don’t work. When you havetaken some photos that you thinkdo work, consider how you canrecreate the poses and anglesthat flatter you.

Always wear something thatyou are completely comfortable inwhen having your picture taken – if you are unsure about yourlook that will show through thelens. Also avoid trying out anydaring new colours or make-up

If you want to work in any of the talentindustries, you need to know how tolook great in photographs…


a1000 words…�����������

Cold weather can play havocwith your hair – the changesin temperature outside andthe use of central heatingindoors are damaging andinescapable!

If you want to avoid frizzy, dryor brittle hair as the weatherturns colder it’s important toplan a hair care regime to helpkeep locks lustrous until spring.The best place to start your

new routine is with diet. Eatfoods that are rich in omegaoils and protein as these willsupport hair growth and scalphealth. Vitamins A, B (includingbiotin – B7) and C are also ben-eficial; between them they willhelp to prevent split ends andhair loss. Iron is also importantas it helps to deliver oxygen to

your hair, without which itbecomes weak.Staying hydrated is important

to maintain supple hair. Drinkaround eight glasses of water aday for the best results.Avoid heat styling as often

as possible and have a product-free day whenever you can,substituting your usual productfor a leave-in conditioner. Anduse deep conditioning treat-ments regularly to keep yourhair soft and shiny.Finally, remember that regu-

lar haircuts will make your hairappear thicker and keep splitends under control.

Stay aheadthis winter

Plan a hair care regimeto help keep locks lustrous until spring…

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ideas at the last minute. If you’dlike to try something new, try italone first!

Relaxing in front of the camerais important if you want to achievea great shot. False smiles andstrained expressions will alwayslook odd so it’s vital that you try tohave fun. You may think that this iseasier said than done but itdoesn’t have to be. Approachbeing photographed as an

experience that should beenjoyable. You are trying tocapture a moment in time, forwhatever reason, so lose yourselfin that moment and shake off anyrigidity. Physically shaking out yourarms and legs can help you let goof tension. Give this a try betweenshots and be sure to change yourexpression or relax your faceoften. If you try to hold a smile fortoo long it will just look scary!



Shyness is a common characteris-tic of early childhood. For some,shyness will be shed as they growolder and gain confidence. But forothers, there are some simpletechniques to help…

Shyness can be caused by manyfactors but commonly it will havepassed to a child via his parents. It’snot clear whether this can beattributed to ‘nature’ or ‘nurture’,but there’s definitely an externalinfluence – overprotective parentsor domineering siblings. It’s better to help shy children

face up to their fears, howevertempting it may be to make lifeeasier for them. Don’t deliberatelykeep them away from social situa-tions – but never force a shy childinto something that’s genuinelyupsetting for him. Shy children areusually happier on home territory,so initially invite one or a smallhandful of friends to your place forthem to get to know before plung-ing them into a group situation. Sometimes it’s simple caution

that causes a child to hang back – he may want to be certain aboutnew people and places or he mayjust be a quiet and reflective type,who prefers his own company. It’s hard to know how much

of a problem shyness can be in life,but what you make of your child’sshyness is very important. Avoid‘labelling’ a shy child – it may compound the problem and makehim feel even worse. Instead,acknowledge that the child is shyand give him gentle support andencouragement. Remember:• Shyness is a perfectly normal trait in childhood• Shy children are usually sobecause of family influences• Shyness needn’t be a major concern, but it may hold a childback socially, and can impact onprogress at school. Set the rightexample by letting your child seeyou at ease in social situations• Avoid labelling a child as ‘shy’.

Why soshy?

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Whether you’re a singer,dancer or model, it’salways sensible to work

hard and hone your skills. Butsometimes being supertalented and brilliant at whatyou do just isn’t enough… andthat’s when your patience,passion and persistence willreally be put to the test.

If you’re starting to wonderwhether you’ll ever achieveyour ambitions, remember thateven some of the mostfamous names on the talent

circuit arrived there in quiteunconventional style. ClintEastwood and Tommy LeeJones, for example, didn’t takeacting classes, and SamuelJackson got his first big breakwith Pulp Fiction aged 46.Justin Bieber was discoveredon YouTube and Lily Allen andSean Kingston both madetheir way into the limelightfrom profiles on MySpace.

While you’re waiting to bediscovered too, try these tipsto boost your chances…

• Whatever your talent, keepworking on it because nomatter how skilled, determinedand passionate you are, youcan be sure that you havecompetition.• Work on your online profileand create a digital press kit orshow reel. These items shouldalways be in place as theycould be required by aprospective employer at shortnotice – they’re basic toolsthat will really help you topromote yourself effectively.


One of the most exciting things aboutworking in entertainment is that you

never know what will happen next. If you’ve had a run of unsuccessfulauditions but are passionate aboutmaking it into entertainment then

don’t give up… your big chance couldbe just around the corner!


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• Use your online presence,digital press kit or show reel to actively promote yourself in the right circles and get out to events where you cannetwork.• Get a mentor if you can. No-one can teach you more aboutthe industry than somebody

who has already made it orworks around people who have.• Volunteer for part time workat a local TV studio, theatre orradio station. Doing so willoffer a valuable insight intohow the industry works andmay well lead to opportunitiesfor you.


Remember that even some of the most famousnames on the talent circuit arrived there in quiteunconventional style…

Had a call for an audition orcasting? That’s fantastic! Nowyou just have to make the mostof your moment to shine…

Firstly, be as well prepared aspossible. Unless you are asked to perform an improvisation, be sure that you know your performance piece well and havepracticed it, preferably in front of others.

If you need to warm up allowyourself plenty of time to do soand make sure you have any cos-tume, props or equipment thatyou will require. Bad planningcan be your enemy, so makesure you allow plenty of time toget to the audition and you knowexactly where you have to be.

Remember that you do thisbecause you love it. Nerves areto be expected, and can evenimprove your performancesometimes. But if you’re particularly jittery, learn somebreathing techniques to calmyourself. Aim to have fun andalways approach your auditionwith a positive attitude.

Stay within the specified time.Those auditioning you will proba-bly know within seconds whetheror not you are the right personfor the job so keep it short andsweet unless advised otherwise.You know what you are best at,so if you have the chance to thenshow off your talents in theirbest light. But know your limits – this may not be the time to trysomething new.

Always remain polite – notjust to those auditioning you, butto fellow performers and artists.And stay positive, even if you areunsuccessful. Learning to dealwith rejection is essential for anyperformer or artist, so treatevery audition or casting as avaluable learning experience,whatever the outcome.

Top audition tips


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�We search our database of models from allover the country and propose to clientsthose which match their requirements. Ourco-ordinators call the models selected,offer them the assignment together with afee… then the assignment takes place!

Communications company requires 15 childmodels 16-plus but to look younger foronline video. ProductionBudget £3000

Production company requires female andmale models to be extras in advert. ProductionBudget £200

Major clothing brand requires babies for Christmas outfits and fancy dress costumes. Must be aged between threeand nine months. Photographic Budget £1000

Female model for fashion shoot for fashionproject. PhotographicBudget £50 plus photos

Sporting brand requires two 12-year-oldsfor fittings work. PromotionalBudget £150

Events company looking for female modelsto act as characters for a themed party.Promotional Budget £TBC 

Boy model aged nine with very specificmeasurements required for photoshoot forequestrian wear. PhotographicBudget £200

Male models with receding hairlinesrequired for new professional hair systems. PhotographicBudget £TBC

Photography company looking for male andfemale models for medical client. Modelsmust be wheelchair users or have a visibledisability. Photographic Budget £TBC

New fashion label requires female modellate 20s or early 30s for classic shots toshow off new winter range. PhotographicBudget £225

TV production company requires nine- to10-month-old baby for one day filming forTV ad. ProductionBudget £TBC

Two late teen inexperienced female models, for makeover and photoshoot. PhotographicBudget £100

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Call us 0871 521 2111 UK BT landline calls to this 0871 number will costno more than 10p per minute. Calls from mobilesand other networks may vary �

Design agencyrequires 13- to14-year-oldmodel for fostering campaign. PhotographicBudget £150

Pregnant mod-els required formaternityunderwear. PhotographicBudget £400

Female andmale modelsaged 25-60with little act-ing experiencefor new web-site viral. ProductionBudget £500

Photographyschool requiresexperiencedmodels forphotography courses. Photographic Budget £TBC

Photography company looking for modelsof all ages  in its area for local work.PhotographicBudget £TBC

Major TV company looking for the next topfemale model with visible disability. ProductionBudget £TBC

Children’s product development companyrequires mum, dad and child of three orfour years to recreate an image.PhotographicBudget £700

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