, An M*odaUi \ Pre»9 Nca>«popof THE TWIN FALLS NEWS Vol Mi No. 7S TWIN. FALLS, IDAHO. SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 13. 19-11 'uc}iiicj( Aunrr nuiicAU OP CtUCULATION Prico P'ivc Coiiti . BERG ORDERS SORVEy OF j RecIa[nation CHief .Aulhoi;- ^ izes Study to Detcrniin' r , F e a s ib ility of Plan t Provide Additional Wate After a day-long tour ofTct rltory Involved in\thc projcc proposed to provide supple mental water for the Salmo. river area. E. V. Berg, state commissioner of reclamation. an>iounced last night that hif wlll_Ruthorlzc a survey next wccJr to •determine fcnslblUty of Ihc plan. W1U» P. II. Nlcliols. chief engineer ol the federal burcnu of reclnmnUQn. Commbsloncr BcrfC vWtetJ Uie tector on Uie jArblclRe river where It U Imped to otilAln Uie AtldlUonnl.wnler Uirough n tunnel to curry 11 lo StiU men reservoir. Snlmon trnci Bottlers Interested In the progrnni hnve nl- reiidy filed for 500 second feet of writer on the en.it fork of the Jnr- N WtlRC. Supply qucllon i Tilt oHlclM U\o prliielpnl purpo.ie of the *urvey will Bb 10 determine whether water can bo obtalIl(^d nt this point. Solution of IhLi problem U viewed m the flrnt mnjor step'ln nsiurlng itucccas of the project. VeatertSny'K ln.ipecllon tour ixUo Included porUon.i of the cnnal lino mUJRt scctlon. ^Commliiloner BcrR Indlenled thnt n Btudy of records over n period of 39 or more yeor.-i would be neejMarj. ' to dotermlne water rlRht priorities nnd that nurveys will be iicccMfvry to lenrn whether Uie water aupply would be sufficient. He pointed out that U b nppArent Umt water used would b« durlns the flood stose rather Uiao from ths normal tlcnf. An ettlouted 3S.000 luret'woiild; beocflt from^thB p r o j e c t ,‘ vot^ bo Kt up throush fede^ d by UioM wUp.U^ , Pull the Valve Down—And Fish Come Out Here . V' -in. commenlln*'.upon .the.jirtsoi . '6utJ»V, M t. Bent »S(J. that there Js.rafflcieat w »t«rfc ’ helpfuL but thft prindpiU mO>"U»^ OB Tm* i. Ccluma, ffllNfMSCLlIB Pilots Scorc U-1 Victory ' in Opening Game of Series Pioneer Lcacue Htanillnis Nazis Claim Stalin Line Broken at Vital Points; Reds Waging Grrim Fight Russia Declares German Allacks In Three Areas I'ail to Deiil-Fronl bi'twren tlic Red army and "(.'nctiiy" Pskov, a rallwiiy lUMiier nboul 17.') mllf RracJ, Vitebsk, in norlliern White Rii. k . s1; i where tlie Gcr- m'nn.s are tlrlvlii|»"bii Moscow, and Novonrad Vnlyn.skl. In the uuriiiiif. . Tllr.-.r u i-r.' tlv rr;;lniu ol 1 In-[In ,-r miilii Orriiiiin ilrlvrs—(Uri-clp<l r<- .iprrllvflv 111 I.«’niiih;rH(l, luui Kiev, liiiimtliiiii cKy mid ca;ilt;il ot thi- UkciUiw,- •nir.T Miiilr thrn' nn-;i.s w n r <lr- cluri'cl by ilic Cfriii;in h)i?h I'omni.iiHl I1.1 i.|X'i:l;il r<)iiiiiliiill(|iir liil4- K;il- iliiy nli;hl in tiim- brrn ix)inl.i wlmn- llir. OwiiMis Mi<-i-pv^tiiUy brokr llirimch Ui'- .st.illii llui'i. AlUvCAmh iirVnmvlfilKlnK Vliul llif Imlllp «;ix rp!w-,\cil In Itiiv..- tiirc'' lio coiiirtuiiilfiiK; .• lali-tl liliint- ,, ............. . (MllM-ll iin liniwinni rlmtii^r in tli<- ironl." Air I'orrr Slrllirn niP coillinniilrinr r.iild llii- n « l nlr force slnici ni Orrinan nn-cliniilri'cl iind nlrdrcmir;:. iincl ruiiln'l nilmniilnn j>oti mid oH Ilrlil obji-c- Uvci, A im.il o[ lO: Grrnmti iilr- plniipfl were <IprI;im) I<> l)nvr bern dextroycil diirliik’ Kriday. Enrhrr ri'portwl "no chanKP-" nt the.trout. Toilny’s romiiiuniriiii- ciirrlrd out the thi'ine .Btro.'.M'd by ihp official. Tft.y neufl nxrncy diiilni; Bnturdny thni KUcTTllIii wiirliir.' lincJ broken bclilm! the Ocnimn lines. ~-'Guerrlll.-i (Jrlnrliliu'nl..i," Uie cominiinlniie. "jirp oiicrnllnc behind the 11M« of Ocrmaii wciiimllon nnd ln<■<•.^^tlnt nttncl:* Saturday's IteaulU Doi.-ie 14, Twin PaII s 1 ORden 7. Salt Lake 3 Idaho Fnlls 10. Pocatello 8 Sunday'* Probsble ritchen . Twin Palls at Uobie (2).!t:30 nnd fliC p.m. Carpenter (2-fl) lyid Doh- nen (0-1 va. Fields (3*7» anfi Sny- der (O-O). Ogden at Salt L.ike. 2;30 p.m. Pollvka (8-5) V8. Jensen .(7-7) dr nistau lC-7). Idaho PnlLi nt Pocatello. 8:30 p.m. HIttle (O.S) or Bradley S-l) va. Co-ih (B-0)._____________________________ BOISE. July 12 «V -T h e Twin Falla Cowboys boreU* averted a shutout tonlsht. scortnb a Iona tally In the final frame of a Pioneer baseball league same that Bol:« won. 14 to 1. Until that final InnlQs the Cow- boyi bad been unsiWe to crsvtlt Lari:y Buseo's'ninelng for enoURh blnslea to net a run. AltoffeUier the BoUc twlrter BHV8 up only six hits. The Pllota, meanwhile, found littlo )CcMlnu*l on I'x * <, Column «) FLASHES of LIFE Kot So Far . OAMDHN. N. J,—Two Connecticut atatA troopers who hunted three days for a man and a women named In fugitive warrenta finally sent an 80.S. to Camden police. Local detectives found U)e couple tn the same hotel where the troo{>tfs wer#_ staylnar. Sumo Affoct STERUNO. Colo.—Ushtnlng may not hare stnick twice In the same place, but the effect on Mayor A. H. Teteell wa» JuatJJie same. While quenchbig a Hghtnlng-set blare In his home, he learned an- other bolt had fired a second house owned by him. OCiDEN, Utah—T h M unclaimed warrants that plied up m ^ e county clerk-a ofHce are going like hot ctJces now. Hie clerk Inserted a newspaper ad ex^lnlng these warrants weren't ^ 1 kind ordinarily served by the pollea and the baahful payeea begiui presenting their mall noUces to come and get ,'em. LAMOINE STEVE^. Twin i'aHa' who. wiWi Llinel Dean, was:back In Twin Fftlli ytilefday afirr flnt larcD'seale 'aerial (Uh planlincx In Ihe pflmlil«p Stanley bsiln area, hrra sliovrs bow U's done. At-tnp. hi demonitriites pulllnr Ihe rope which opens (be bollom of a luce lank ^ (h c'frp n t cnckplt ot the' ptaiir la allow Ih^omanai of flili to drop Into watrr below. Immedlalelr In front orKleven* maj he weu tU? nco- pclled by air rurrenl from the plane and In (uni opcrate:i a pump lo clrcalalr water In (be tank. At boUum, lie points to the opening tliroush wIiIcIl tlie flsli drop. (N'ewi I'liotos and t^ncravinxa). ' .jf . ^ Twin Falls Fliers Plant Trout in Primitive Area OFFICIALS SIUOY S m iiB E R state Land Board Hearing Attracts Crowd at Priest River W)—Lumbc'mieii ' and townspeople Jammed U^e city to capi\clly to- day as Uie RtnJe lanil be.ird held an open hearhiK rennrdinR the ‘snle of 10.000,000 feet of Umber AprU, l) "> Stxinley W, Jones. Board members said no offlclti] report would bn made until they TcVurntd to IJotve and slurtled irnns- crlpts of the leatlmony, Jone.i _tes- tlfleil he made the purchaac In Rood fftlUi, A few of the dozen opposition wltneues held tho timber should not have been sold without' com- sUUvo bidding. The timber was sold after bidders failed USappear at a r^nle held la.it August. Tlie -vtlct wfta iOiO per (C»nUr«d on fmn i. Column 1) / , Lionel Dean, Laigsine Stevens Complete Difficult Task; Names Given to Lakes in Region After complcUng by air In 17 1^2 hours a ta.sk that would •have taken irycnr by the former pack train method, ..two Twin Falls pilots returned to their homos yesterday with the knowledge thnt,st.atc fish and game offlclaL? have proclaimed the project a "complelc success.”. Thc filers arc Lionel A. Dean and' Lamolne .Stevens, who, from Wednesday through Friday, planted nearly 200,000 fln- gerllng trouL.-iii 2fl~ Inlcp'i-ot-tha-ruge^d-rfrlmltlvfr-nrra—In the Stanley basin country by aSrplanc. Also provlt»ng ad- ditional .satisfaction wa.s the fact* that forest officials an- nounced thnt two prevloiisly-un- nnmed Inkn of tliat section will be chrlslencd Stcven.i lake and Dean UV.e Jn UoHor.ot Mie avlatoia who Joined In confiuerliiR *one of the touRheiit fl.ih plantlnR problems en- countered by Ihc fhli nnd Kume de- pnrtment. ■* TJie lake to be named after Stev- ens la located nenr. RedLUli .Inke. while that to carry Dran'« name la north of Cnpe Horn next to I^ugh- neck peak. (C-.nllntir.l on Tit. Column «> 50 Drivers With Smoldng Car.s Rounded Up in lekes Campaign lirowhout'tlir liottege of 8ft WASHINOTON. July 12 W , — Fifty-two dUtrlct of Columbia torlsta received toilay a sample of What may be In store for automo- bile drivers tli... due to Uie iliot' this area. Tlielr exhausts were fuming at . rate as to Indicate excessive of Uie fuel. They wero escorted police headquarters, and there some of the drivers did a little personal fm ln s. whHe iheSr cars -were In- apeckd.__________________________ A_apcclal-testing. device .showed, that fifty of the automobllea were using ezcestlve quantities of gaso- llDC. “ Red sUckcrs" were Issued against their operators and they were given ten daja In whlcli to make mechanical adpustmenU. No defect was found In two of the can. H the adjustment Is not made In 10 days, the annual permit for. op- eration of the car la suspended and Uie'tar borrc'd frotn'lhe road until It 1 .-1 fixed. U vn;» all a port of a' campaign by Interior Secretary Ickra, Uie defense —petroleum coordinator, aBftltViV wtu.10 ot Ri-wMne. He an- nouneed Uila week Uiat he would Mk offlclal*..of eastern eutes and clUe.i to arre.it drivers for uilntt whnt he described as “ oil burner carar and for. making "JniSk rabbit” Icke.i has aUo passed word around esaary to' L-unie ntUon fuel: . The office of Uie pctroleUffl coord- lator 'also announced durlriTc Uie daj- Uie B>)polntmeai of a series of committees throughout Uie. country to advise on coordination of the pe;roleum eonservaUon |>t«gr»m. hcxmbers o f . the committee were nominated by the Industry, OEAIH A I B Tramp’s Effort to Prevent Tragic Death Proves •Unavailing DUS3. July I2-3eymorc Polta, 30, triilnmiin In Uie employ of tlie Union Pncltic Railway comimiiy for 23 years. wa.i InatanUy killed hrre cftvli' Uils o.fierr\oot\, i'hen i\r ' cauRht and dmRRed by an bound frelKl^ train under which ho had crawle<i to fix n brake, OUier membera of Uie train leorned of Uie accident after a tramp, who'wltnp.'jed It. set the air brake Mid brouRht Uie Ualn to a . halt. The-tramp, whose name ■ learned here,.-w<pi wlUi j .... Of the train crew V) P^alello after Uie accident; . It was believed PolLi wi Insiantb' olUiough tniln wl ol pna.< over hU body. The body wa.i taken to a Ooodlng mortuarj', following an InvtaUgaUon for which Uie Ooodlng county aher- ‘f wa.1 called.' Mr. potia was born Jan. 30. 1903. at Pamons. Kans.. tmd entered Union Padilc service at Pocatello -Jsnrlrloier-ttoinir-Tmpio^’lir - several departments, at Pocatello, became brakeman Aug. 38. 1030. and worked «1 Nampa, Montpelier and Pocatella UGIITNING KILLS CADDIES LOUIBVILLE. Ky, July 12 MV- Three golf caddies were killed by lightning here todayand two others were knocked down as Uiey accom- panied players. niy TliP Prc-.-.) MOSCOW. SimJay, .luly i:i—.Soviet Rit^.sla oflicially cliiiincd early today ihm Gi'rnian atlarks In ihroi- i;rcal area.-; of flt;lu- liiK on Hie-eonilnent'wldc battirlinc faltf’d ('ntlri’ly to make nnylmpoiT.nnr ileul.-; in ihe fr7i;il. Tlic SOVlei comnMinlqup ’Ar.l-.inwlPtlKi'ti Mnbbivvn Germans Report Hiller Legions Smash Tliiougli Toward Mos- eoiv, Leningrad,'Kiev fJly 1 :ilr<l 1*1. HMfl.IN. jiiiic 12- Tlio German lilnh c-ojiini:uKL.;iftor almost ■ ^ full wcok of .-illi'iicc tonlKlii ofnctally^^aniiouncr’d, that the Stalin line, liii.sshv’.s m'aln jlofeiij^c barrror, had been broken .H ".1/1 dcf/.s'lvc palnf.s Tlif Gcniicinr. rt'pnrti’d Uj:u Uir5r b\UzV;rlrK icRlon.s had British Troops Cease Firing in Middle-East Ho.stilitles Su.^pended in Syria While Kmpire 'I'alks Pcace terms With France enemy coiiimiinljralloii lines nnd de.itroylng miinliloiii nnd fuel trains and dlscoverliik* nncl rxtfrmlnntlnK Whole groutvi nua units,ol. aerman trooiM." . , The official ,Tn.-4 news njcency snid that "the nanK'.i of a nationwide Ruerrllla war nie ciivelopliiK me dlstrlcl.i of Soviet Byelo-Ru-LMan (White Rus.’.lii) enpturMl by Germiin FoJClALs." 'rUc RRpnr'y lotd ot n\l- inerou* liir.inncc.i of these hiirn.'.;.lnf: tnctlM. notably in Uie rcslon iiboiit Pln.ik, a town In the Plnsk mnrr.ll^.^ far behind the Oemmn llne.n dr- cbred to be still In Soviet handi. Ouerrllla Warfare The R«1 nrmy Tei»ne<l lliiil It.i nlr fofce wn.i contlnulns li.i ]/■ hind tlie llne.^ raids. smn.Miini; up ic«nllnu».l nn J'.t. !. Ccliimn ^ fl»y Hie I’ rp.'.M » CAIHO. July 111 - Urltlsl) iroufflvrca.si'd flrlnn In Syria today iKl becaii lo nucotlale nn arrtil-'Ulci; on Brlllsh ^icrni.-i with tlir~Vlchy forccs of lllKli Coninils.sjoni.T General Henry Dcnlz. TonlglU, belwenn liuslicd batlle-llnc.';, the Brlllsh-l-'rcc P'rcnch and Vichy iiillUary men were nmkln« .satl.sfaclory pro- Rieiis In Uiulr talks, a Urlllsh mhJtlk-ear.ii.'l-n cnmmunltiue .said. Sonii- dcLalLs remained to bo .seLtffd. It wa.s .stated. Me,an- whlle, ho.slllltles continued .•m.spended, But within a few hours after Syrian ho.slllille.s ended. Ger- man bombers .served explosive notice that Britain would have ’ flKlil tn ki'tji her iiiUldlp e.-ut foothold. A Oermnn rncilii im the vltjil Sue.-; rniiiil route for AniiTlcan iiUl cnii.icd ";ionie ni.ilerltil dniiiiiKi'." KKyptlnn communUiu'- ncknowl- cdKeiL SlwotlnR In the Syrl/vn war wuicii ittiirCed Jnne 8 ended nt nilduii^hi, n mlddlc'cnst ^Cinmunlque /tnnuuiic. lOBUjLEYMAN George Yates. 50, Passes After Collision at Heyburn 1\URI.EY, July 12-GeorHc Yntes, 50, Burlpjib'islhe.M man nnil re.ildeiii here fCr wvernl yenr.-., died nt a local .-lio.ipltal a hnlf hour affer and other Injuries when hl.i cnr overturned In a collision iil Hcybiim. ,en.it of here, about 1:30 pm . today. nidlng wlUi Mr. Yate.s «-n."i a ~ pert boy, Ed Campbell. 13. who en route to fi.ih and swim In Si river en.il of Burley. He escaped wlUi minor bruises. a.s did two other youUw In U\e nther muchtnc li\- volved in the colli.'iion. Tliey art Robert Uelllg. 23. and Tnlbot llrilltf. 21. brothers. At Inter»eetlon Tlie crash occurred nt 'the inter- secUon near the Croft warehou.ie nt Htybum. nnd Mr. Yntea was Ihrffwn from Uie machine about 50 feet from where It stopped after overturning several Umcs, Tlie cnr traveled about 200 feet from the point of Impact. Tlie Campbell youth told officers that he and Mr. Yateii snw Uie other car at about the same Ume. and that Mr. Yntes travellnR from the norUi, attempted to avoid Uie eol- Union by swerving to yie rlshl. The oUicr car, which wa.s comlilc from Uie east, was damaged at the front and swung around In the colll.ilon. and the Yates machine Uien plunged from Uie road and back onr pavement before overturning. In Daslnesa Mr. Yivtes owned a half Interest In'the Ro.se Cigar store here. Ills partner was Roy Rose, Butley. U« liad other bmlness Interests nt Poca- tello and Aberdeen. Besides his wife, he Is survived by n son and dauRh- ter. irooji.^ Ill the arcan of j smashrd throuKli In the tilrppilon of all thrri? o/ tlielr main soiilliwcst ol Lentil-■drive;; -toward Moscow, the capital, Li?nlnKrad,'(nu.s.nla’.s big '.stern port: and toward Kiev, pltal of the (?raln-rlch Uk- ralni“. The .Gorman army imshed" ilirniiuh In the ri'ntrAl Miitfk area IKiint 12,’. mi:r.'. beyond Minsk, ni; llw Null legions leroi than nillM from Mo'cow. the hlKh coiiiliiaiKl said. Drive Toward \ikralne. In till-' drive townrd the Ukraine ii riimii troop; were declared lo bo iindinR ■•cla'.P before Klev> and l\rwhetp nIoiiR Ihls.wiuUie^ end of Uie noiit Ocrninn nrtu Rttman- n irooiw were .itnlorf lo bc pur- nni; Ru.'.'lim.< flrelnis In dL-.onler. To tlu- iiortti the Nnra troops are nvUitr tliro\iKli the rei;loii of Lake c'lini.’i. nIonK the Kitonlnn border. Id "nri' ndvnncliiR toward Lenln- -ml." .Mild Uie lilKti rommand, after t>ri-nk-ihrouKh in thU sector. In the nll-lmjvirtant central *ec- )r t>'*yond Mli^k and nn the hlgll- uy to Mor.cour Ute Ru.v%lans aro .tio-A'liiK KlRiii of a break-up and di.v.olution," .^iild the communique. Air Korfe'AclUo Oermnn alr'loice wan de* cinrrd lo have been nctlve In Uie bli; bnltlrs, pnrtlculnrly "by destroy- IMR the enemv rnllwny netf behind the ilu.vilnn Hues and thu.i taking j,'ny from the RilMlan.s and "fur- irr i«r..Mblluy of a counter opera- nii on It JoTKe scale,”. Tht-s nL'o enabled German pan- •r units to mm'e Uielr supply baseii rlKhi up clo.se lo "Uie fonner Stalin ed, "after General jjc n ts nHfeeil to ncKoUalQ on our own terms for siis- pcvwfen ot hORtlUWes." T h e rteiwh cotumander's iiand.r had been freed by (he Vichy govemmciii. althoiich It previously rejected the Brltbh Wriiu, A r-'rincli (Iclciintlon cro','.ed the llrlUr.h lliir.-i iiiulrr n Umr 'I'f trufc llil.\ niornliiK nnd met Uic UrllL'.h (lelr^ultun !it Acri: (Httjllcid GnJlIec) in I’ lilr.-.tliie. A .^talcnii'nl Uinl dlr- cll.^^loIlJ were of "mtliuiry rnUier limn iiollUcul imi«rlancc-" liullcnted the Vlehy lorces would be required to .\utinut to l'’rec-Krcnctv occupa- lion rule 111 Syria, ns Urltl:,li ni ' Uce trrnu had demnmled. TurnliiK over the Levant mandate (o Dcaiiulllst commamlers had bjicn Uie m.iln Vtcliy objection to BrlUiii demnnils. . llwl Dtuii was uWw wnna-''®''V> ACL as ho saw fit Bncf'AiatrallAlt; Indian. BrIUsh rand Free French troops hnd cracked rcslstsiicc o forces and were closing In on Delrui, Draftee-Holding Move Heads to Overhauling Senate Opponents Demand .Administration Clarify Attitude Toward War (Dy Tlie A.ssoc1aled Pre.s.i) WASHINGTON, July 12—Suggestlon.s developed In the sen- ate today for drastic overhauling of war-department spons- ored legislation to retain selective service toalnees in the army beyond one year antJ to lift the ban against .sending them out- ilde the western hemisphere, ' .cnialrman Reynolds (D-N.C.) told rcportcr-s he would 'ask the senate military affairs committee to start hearings on the measure next Wednc.sday. Although he Introduced the legislation at the war depart- ment’s Tcqxicst Heynolds matle clear he did not favor It In lus pre.sent form. 'When I.voted_fQnJiiC-dra,ft. Reynolds declared. "I did wlUi the clear underslnndlnR thnl' (he men would not be sent out of UiLs hemisphere and Uiey they were ranking a contract with the govcni- ment to serve for only one year." As an nltemaUve, Reynolds .sug- gested Uiot selectees might be Riven ".some Inducement, perhnpn higher p.sy. to reenllst," AiioUier to susRcst changes was Chnlmian George (D-On) ot Uie .srnnte foreign relnUons committee. Telling reporters "that some com- promke will be workM out,- George suKROsted a plan whereby selectees <ouI.I-eiiliflt-for-oner-lwO-«r-Uiro*- yenn, hi Uielr dlscreUon. jailtstment of trainees would w-i coH3pll.sh Uie ends of Uie leKlsIaUir/ since Uiere Lvro restrlcUon on where rcKUlar army troops may be sent.— Some senatori. linking Uie Icgu- latlon wlUi foreign policy, said pri- vately that Uiey would have to hnve a clearer explanation of why. It waa needed»before Uiey would coaslder voting for It. In asking for the leg- l.sIiiilon, a-ar department officials have sjwlten bnly In'general terms of IConUnuxI on Tie* Column T) line," Tlie fiist-movlng panier forma* Uoiu wlUc'.i apparently executed All or UTe* Sii»Vi*mn5hlu are .tiUl- blajcm for the slcm-er Infarito'. al- ' 'Uiougli earlier 'DNB,- Uje otflclal'" new.s agency, ha^ slated Umt Oe?- man Infantrymen' had cleared tao way for nn nll-oot awaull In tha norUiem sector. • DNB nuid Uie Infnntry had swung Into acUon after lO days of tnarch- Ing alTx 2I-inlle-a-dny clip. TlieTtlKh command's sweeping an- nouncement WO .S made In the sp«- ' cinl communique U '.sued shorUy be- fore mldnlKhi, The first, operiuon* against the Stalin line ’ were an- nounced by the high command on July 0. Since Uien It-had given no sjieclflc indication of progress. Break al Center Tlie ' SiMt »lgninc.\nf"brcalt=~“ through appeared to be Uiat at the center of Uie line bej-ond Minsk on the direct road to I>Iorcow. Vitebsk, Uie fall of which waa announced In Uie communique to- sector, aside from the natural ob-' strucUon of Uie wide Dnepr 'self. • German panzer units ln'smaah> Ing more Uian 12S miles beyond Minsk would be only a little-more than 50 mllea from fimoleiuk. Im- portant conununlcatlons center still lo'be hurdled In any drive oe to Moscow. .• There was nolndlcaUon here wRe- ther German nnd Finnish divisions moving In irom uie n«Br Engeii Adds Slalom Trophy to ' Laurels in Midsummer Event Hungary CIaim.s Reds in Flight NEW YORK, Jub' 12. W V -^ « Budapest 'lOdlo tonight broadcast A Hungarian high, comouind eom- munlgue announcing tliat mechan- ised Hungarian forcei have "broken the resistance of Soviet troop* at all points-' and Uiat the Russians are, fleeing. ... , r-“ TIMPANOGOS OL'ACtni, Utah. July 12 w v-A lf Engen. ihe'yumplng Norweglnii who can't forego skiing even In midsummer, added a slalom trophy to hte laurels today, but he dtsabled a hone doing It. ' ‘For Uio more than n Uiousaad otlier person-s partlcipailns In Utah's annual climb to (he top oC 13,008- foot Mount Timpanogos. It wfu a blistering hot day. That goes for the horse, too. which was to have packed all the equipment for the skiers who parUelpated In the fea- tured slalom race on Ihe 'Slacler. The horse collapsed from the heat, about a mile’ from the tons of gla- cier snow and Ice. And the race was delayed two hours. whUc. the.skiers packed their own equipment the rest of the way. Tha course. angUhg sharply for al- most a half mile down a slope a* steep as the roof of a Swiss chateau, was no cinch. Several scheduled ea- ; trantrllropped out after ooe look. , But fingeo, accustomed to soarlnt ouL Into space rrom the naUon's highest lumps, schussed thrdugh the bamboo poles la 602 tecoods. fu t time eonsldulog " of Uie snow. •»hlcli--h8d bllstirs here li wasn't melUng. Tlie* Engen performance was the highlight of the Th trj-. Scores fell by the woyalde. but o n atouUiearted plugged on to win a '.'limp pin" emblemaUc of having conquered the highest peak of the Wnsstch range. i It was Uie thlrUeth annlvefsary ot the founding of the hike. Kandalur club, to Mcood plaee to Use slalom with a time of l;0 4 i After.iha-imca. Engea -HMhfd .. the Up of aiacler'. nrtrled to • half St the edge of:BWw c o w j d ftnerald 4ake and dema -ded hli And the hwae. which'__________ ed to -ttie<4U«nUeni of -two- 0.043. entoUeet. wtn b*A doused him vUb glacial Vftters. atumbled and paeked-ttisen's akl* domi' tfar mllM o( switchbacks' (o ttu valley below.' ocrodS the Karelian Isthmus U. ____ In oo Leningrad trom the north and take this second largeoWRusslan city ' > the famous Nazi pinccr strategy. At Uie souUiem end of the line Hungarian and 'Slovakian trtepa were declared to be marehlng with the Germans In pursuing retreaUnff Rimians in the Oallcian sector.' SUll furUier south, near where the SUilln line ends at Uie Dlack lea ... Gennan and Rumaolan columns fighting togcUier were declared lo have crossed the Onrstr *oq a bread front.** thus putting addlUooal Oer- nion troopa In the 'Ukraine besldea . rlcli territory. *1110 Dnestr U tha boundary tKtween the Ukraine aod Bessarabia, ceded to Russia by ftu« mania a year ago. News of War in Summary; decisive polnti,'’ UsU.'capture, of Vitebsk, penetiatlon.towardi Lea*, i Ingrad and opemtlooi: t&nmsb which Nail’ troops a n “itu d ln r . ' elose before Kiev.** Rosilant- i^ :. sue their ka^trml.bolAnc' Uwusb B e r £ ^ l< ^ decl*rct o mao advaoca uulU sow h m p atrat«d US nUlM east ar >Qiu Ann>*tlce talk* b Ins order In Bn"- afterflTt weeks «

THE TWIN FALLS NEWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · eration of the car la suspended and Uie'tar borrc'd frotn'lhe road until It 1.-1 fixed

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Page 1: THE TWIN FALLS NEWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · eration of the car la suspended and Uie'tar borrc'd frotn'lhe road until It 1.-1 fixed

, An M*odaUi \ P r e » 9 N c a > « p o p o f TH E TW IN FA LLS N E W S

Vol Mi No. 7S TW IN . F A L L S , IDAHO. SU N D A Y MORNING. JU L Y 13. 19-11 'uc}iiicj( Aunrr nuiicAUOP CtUCULATION Prico P'ivc C oiiti.

B E R G O R D E R S S O R V E y O F

j RecIa[nation CHief .Aulhoi;- ^ izes S tudy to D etcrn iin ' r , F e a s i b i l i t y o f Plan t

Provide Additional W ate

A fter a day-lon g tour o fT ct rltory Involved in\thc projcc proposed to provide supple m ental w ater for the Salm o. river area. E. V. Berg, state com m issioner o f reclam ation.

• an>iounced last n ight th at hif w lll_R uthorlzc a survey n ext wccJr to •determine fcnslblUty

• o f Ihc plan.W1U» P. II. Nlcliols. chief engineer

ol the federal burcnu of reclnmnUQn. Commbsloncr BcrfC vWtetJ Uie tector on Uie jArblclRe river where It U Imped to otilAln Uie AtldlUonnl.wnler Uirough n tunnel to curry 11 lo StiU men reservoir. Snlmon trnci Bottlers Interested In the progrnni hnve nl- reiidy filed for 500 second feet of writer on the en.it fork of the Jnr-

N WtlRC.Supply qucllon

i Tilt oHlclM U\oprliielpnl purpo.ie of the *urvey will Bb 10 determine whether water can bo obtalIl(^d nt this point. Solution of IhLi problem U viewed m the flrnt mnjor step'ln nsiurlng itucccas of the project.

VeatertSny'K ln.ipecllon tour ixUo Included porUon.i of the cnnal lino mUJRt scctlon.^Commliiloner BcrR Indlenled thnt n Btudy of records over n period of 39 or more yeor.-i would be neejMarj.

' to dotermlne water rlRht priorities nnd that nurveys will be iicccMfvry to lenrn whether Uie water aupply would be sufficient. He pointed out that U b nppArent Umt water used would b« durlns the flood stose rather Uiao from ths normal tlcnf.

An ettlouted 3S.000 luret'woiild; beocflt from^thB p r o j e c t , ‘ v o t^ bo Kt up throush fede^

d by UioM wUp.U^

, Pull the Valve Down—And Fish Come Out Here

. V' -in. commenlln*'.upon .the.jirtsoi . '6utJ»V, M t. Bent »S(J.

that there Js.rafflcieat w »t«r fc ’ helpfuL but thft prindpiU

mO>"U»^ OB Tm* i . Ccluma,

ffllNfMSCLlIBPilots S c o r c U -1 V icto ry

' in Opening Game of Series

Pioneer Lcacue Htanillnis

Nazis Claim Stalin Line Broken at Vital Points;

Reds Waging Grrim FightRussia Declares German A llacks

In T hree Areas I'ail to D e iil-F ron l

bi'twren tlic Red arm y and "(.'nctiiy" Pskov, a rallwiiy lUMiier nboul 17.') mllf RracJ, Vitebsk, in norlliern White R ii.k.s1;i where tlie Gcr- m'nn.s are tlrlvlii|»"bii Moscow, and Novonrad Vnlyn.skl. In the uuriiiiif. .

Tllr.-.r u i-r.' tlv rr;;lniu ol 1 In-[In ,-r miilii Orriiiiin ilrlvrs—(Uri-clp<l r<- .iprrllvflv 111 I.«’niiih;rH(l, luuiKiev, liiiimtliiiii cKy midca;ilt;il ot thi- UkciUiw,-

■ •nir.T Miiilr thrn' nn-;i.s wnr <lr- cluri'cl by ilic Cfriii;in h)i?h I'omni.iiHl

I1.1 i.|X'i:l;il r<)iiiiiliiill(|iir liil4- K;il- iliiy nli;hl in tiim- brrn ix)inl.i

wlmn- llir. OwiiMis Mi<-i-pv tiiUy brokr llirimch Ui'- .st.illii llui'i.

AlUvCAmh iirVnmvlfilKlnK Vliul llif Imlllp «;ix rp!w-,\cil In Itiiv..- tiirc''

lio coiiirtuiiilfiiK; .• lali-tl liliint- ,, ............. . (MllM-ll iin

liniwinni rlmtii r in tli<- ironl."Air I'orrr Slrllirn

niP coillinniilrinr r.iild llii- n « l nlr force slnici ni Orrinan nn-cliniilri'cl

iind nlrdrcmir;:. iincl ruiiln'l nilmniilnn j>oti mid oH Ilrlil obji-c- Uvci, A im.il o[ lO: Grrnmti iilr- plniipfl were <IprI;im) I<> l)nvr bern dextroycil diirliik’ Kriday.

Enrhrr ri'portwl "nochanKP-" nt the.trout.

Toilny’s romiiiuniriiii- ciirrlrd out the thi'ine .Btro.'.M'd by ihp official.Tft.y neufl nxrncy diiilni; Bnturdny thni KUcTTllIii wiirliir.' lincJ broken

bclilm! the Ocnimn lines.~-'Guerrlll.-i (Jrlnrliliu'nl..i," Uie cominiinlniie. "jirp oiicrnllnc behind the 11M« of Ocrmaii wciiimllon nnd

ln<■<•. tlnt nttncl:*

Saturday's IteaulUDoi.-ie 14, Twin PaIIs 1 ORden 7. Salt Lake 3 Idaho Fnlls 10. Pocatello 8

Sunday'* Probsble ritchen . Twin Palls at Uobie (2).!t:30 nnd fliC p.m. Carpenter (2-fl) lyid Doh- nen (0-1 va. Fields (3*7» anfi Sny­der (O-O).

Ogden at Salt L.ike. 2;30 p.m. Pollvka (8-5) V8. Jensen .(7-7) dr nistau lC-7).

Idaho PnlLi nt Pocatello. 8:30 p.m. HIttle (O.S) or Bradley S-l) va. Co-ih (B-0)._____________________________

BOISE. July 12 «V -T he Twin Falla Cowboys boreU* averted a shutout tonlsht. scortnb a Iona tally In the final frame of a Pioneer baseball league same that Bol:« won. 14 to 1.

Until that final InnlQs the Cow- boyi bad been unsiWe to crsvtlt Lari:y Buseo's'ninelng for enoURh blnslea to net a run. AltoffeUier the BoUc twlrter BHV8 up only six hits.

The Pllota, meanwhile, found littlo)CcMlnu*l on I'x* <, Column «)


Kot So Far .OAMDHN. N. J,—Two Connecticut

atatA troopers who hunted three days for a man and a women named In fugitive warrenta finally sent an 80.S . to Camden police.

Local detectives found U)e couple tn the same hotel where the troo{>tfs wer#_ staylnar.

Sumo AffoctSTERUNO. Colo.—Ushtnlng may

not hare stnick twice In the same place, but the effect on Mayor A. H. Teteell wa» JuatJJie same.

While quenchbig a Hghtnlng-set blare In his home, he learned an­other bolt had fired a second house owned by him.

OCiDEN, Utah—T hM unclaimed warrants that plied up m ^ e county clerk-a ofHce are going like hot ctJces now.

Hie clerk Inserted a newspaper ad ex^lnlng these warrants weren't ^ 1 kind ordinarily served by the pollea and the baahful payeea begiui presenting their mall noUces to come and get ,'em.

LAMOINE STEVE^. Twin i'aHa' who. wiWi Llinel Dean, was:back In Twin Fftlli ytilefday afirr flntlarcD'seale 'aerial (Uh planlincx In Ihe pflmlil«p Stanley bsiln area, hrra sliovrs bow U's done. At-tnp. hi demonitriites pulllnr Ihe rope which opens (be bollom of a luce lank ^ (h c 'frp n t cnckplt ot the' ptaiir la allow Ih^omanai of flili to drop Into watrr below. Immedlalelr In front orKleven* maj he weu tU? nco- pclled by air rurrenl from the plane and In (uni opcrate:i a pump lo clrcalalr water In (be tank. At boUum, lie points to the opening tliroush wIiIcIl tlie flsli drop. (N'ewi I'liotos and t^ncravinxa).

' .jf . ^

Twin Falls Fliers Plant Trout in Primitive Area


s ta te Land Board Hearing A ttra c ts Crowd at

Priest River

W)—Lumbc'mieii ' and townspeople Jammed U e city to capi\clly to­day as Uie RtnJe lanil be.ird held an open hearhiK rennrdinR the ‘snle of 10.000,000 feet of Umber AprU, l) "> Stxinley W, Jones.

Board members said no offlclti] report would bn made until they TcVurntd to IJotve and slurtled irnns- crlpts of the leatlmony, Jone.i _tes- tlfleil he made the purchaac In Rood fftlUi, A few of the dozen opposition wltneues held tho timber should not have been sold without' com-

sUUvo bidding.The timber was sold after bidders

failed US appear at a r nle held la.it August. Tlie -vtlct wfta iOiO per

(C»nUr«d on fmn i. Column 1)

/ ,

Lionel Dean, Laigsine Stevens Complete Difficult Task; Names Given

to Lakes in RegionA fte r complcUng by air In 17 1^2 hours a ta.sk th at would

•have taken ir y cn r by the form er pack train m ethod, ..two Tw in Falls pilots returned to their homos yesterday with the know ledge thnt,st.atc fish and gam e offlclaL? have proclaim ed the p ro ject a "com plelc success.”.

T h c filers arc Lionel A. Dean and' Lam olne .Stevens, who, from W ednesday through Friday, planted nearly 200,000 fln - gerllng trouL.-iii 2fl~ Inlcp 'i-ot-tha-ruge^ d-rfrlm ltlvfr-nrra—In the Stanley basin country by aSrplanc. A lso provlt»ng a d ­d itional .satisfaction wa.s the fact* that forest officia ls a n ­nounced thnt two prevloiisly-un- nnmed Inkn of tliat section will be chrlslencd Stcven.i lake and Dean UV.e Jn UoHor.ot Mie avlatoia who Joined In confiuerliiR *one of the touRheiit fl.ih plantlnR problems en­countered by Ihc fhli nnd Kume de- pnrtment. ■*

TJie lake to be named after Stev­ens la located nenr. RedLUli .Inke. while that to carry Dran'« name la north of Cnpe Horn next to I^ugh- neck peak.

(C-.nllntir.l on Tit. Column «>

50 Drivers With Smoldng Car.s Rounded Up in lekes Campaign

lirowhout'tlir liottege of 8ft

WASHINOTON. July 12 W , — Fifty-two dUtrlct of Columbia torlsta received toilay a sample of What may be In store for automo­bile drivers tli... due to Uie iliot' this area.

Tlielr exhausts were fuming at . rate as to Indicate excessive

of Uie fuel. They wero escorted police headquarters, and there some of the drivers did a little personal fm ln s. whHe iheSr cars -were In- apeckd.__________________________

A_apcclal-testing. device .showed, that fifty of the automobllea were using ezcestlve quantities of gaso- llDC. “Red sUckcrs" were Issued against their operators and they were given ten daja In whlcli to make mechanical adpustmenU. No defect was found In two of the can.

H the adjustment Is not made In 10 days, the annual permit for. op­

eration of the car la suspended and Uie'tar borrc'd frotn'lhe road until It 1.-1 fixed.

U vn;» all a port of a' campaign by Interior Secretary Ickra, Uie defense —petroleum coordinator, aBftltViV wtu.10 ot Ri-wMne. He an- nouneed Uila week Uiat he would Mk offlclal*..of eastern eutes and clUe.i to arre.it drivers for uilntt whnt he described as “ oil burner carar and for. making "JniSk rabbit”

Icke.i has aUo passed word around

esaary to' L-unie ntUon fuel: .

The office of Uie pctroleUffl coord- lator 'also announced durlriTc Uie

daj- Uie B>)polntmeai of a series of committees throughout Uie. country to advise on coordination of the pe;roleum eonservaUon |>t«gr»m. hcxmbers o f . the committee were nominated by the Industry,

OEAIH A I BTramp’s E ffo rt to Prevent

Tragic Death Proves •Unavailing

DUS3. July I2-3eymorc Polta, 30, triilnmiin In Uie employ of tlie Union Pncltic Railway comimiiy for 23 years. wa.i InatanUy killed hrre cftvli' Uils o.fierr\oot\, i'hen i\r ' cauRht and dmRRed by an bound frelKl train under which ho had crawle<i to fix n brake,

OUier membera of Uie train leorned of Uie accident after a tramp, who'wltnp.'jed It. set the air brake Mid brouRht Uie Ualn to a . halt. The-tramp, whose name ■ learned here,.-w<pi wlUi j....Of the train crew V) P^alello after Uie accident; .

It was believed PolLi wi Insiantb' olUiough tniln wl

ol pna.< over hU body.The body wa.i taken to a Ooodlng

mortuarj', following an InvtaUgaUon for which Uie Ooodlng county aher- ■‘f wa.1 called.'

Mr. potia was born Jan. 30. 1903. at Pamons. Kans.. tmd entered Union Padilc service at Pocatello -J sn rlrlo ier-tto in ir -T m p io^ ’ lir - several departments, at Pocatello, became brakeman Aug. 38. 1030. and worked «1 Nampa, Montpelier and Pocatella


Three golf caddies were killed by lightning here todayand two others were knocked down as Uiey accom­panied players.

niy TliP Prc-.-.)MOSCOW. SimJay, .luly i:i—.Soviet Rit^.sla o flic ia lly cliiiincd

early today ihm G i'rnian atlarks In ihroi- i;rcal area.-; o f flt;lu- liiK on H ie-eonilnent'w ldc battirlinc faltf’d ('ntlri’ ly to make n n y lm p o iT .n n r ileul.-; in ihe fr7i;il.

Tlic SOVlei comnMinlqup ’Ar.l-.inwlPtlKi'ti Mnbbivvn

Germans Report Hiller Legions Smash Tliiougli Toward Mos-

eoiv, Leningrad,'KievfJly 1 :ilr<l 1*1.

HMfl.IN. j iiiic 12- Tlio German lilnh c-ojiini:uKL.;iftor alm ost ■ full wcok of .-illi'iicc tonlKlii ofnctally^^aniiouncr’d, that the

Stalin line, liii.sshv’.s m'aln jlofeiij^c barrror, had been broken .H ".1/1 dcf/.s'lvc palnf.s

T lif Gcniicinr. rt'pnrti’d Uj:u Uir5r b\UzV;rlrK icRlon.s had

British Troops Cease Firing in Middle-East

Ho.stilitles Su.^pended in Syria While Kmpire 'I'alks Pcace terms With France

enemy coiiimiinljralloii lines nnd de.itroylng miinliloiii nnd fuel trains and dlscoverliik* nncl rxtfrmlnntlnK Whole groutvi nua units,ol. aerman trooiM." • . ,

The official ,Tn.-4 news njcency snid that "the nanK'.i of a nationwide Ruerrllla war nie ciivelopliiK me dlstrlcl.i of Soviet Byelo-Ru-LMan (White Rus.’.lii) enpturMl by Germiin FoJClALs." 'rUc RRpnr'y lotd ot n\l- inerou* liir.inncc.i of these hiirn.'.;.lnf: tnctlM. notably in Uie rcslon iiboiit Pln.ik, a town In the Plnsk mnrr.ll . far behind the Oemmn llne.n dr- cbred to be still In Soviet handi.

Ouerrllla Warfare The R«1 nrmy Tei»ne<l lliiil It.i

nlr fofce wn.i contlnulns li.i ]/■ hind tlie llne. raids. smn.Miini; up

ic«nllnu».l nn J'.t. !. Ccliimn ^

fl»y Hie I’rp.'.M »CAIHO. July 111 - Urltlsl) iroufflvrca.si'd flrlnn In Syria today

iKl becaii lo n ucotla le nn arrtil-'Ulci; on B rlllsh icrni.-i with tlir~Vlchy forccs of lllKli Coninils.sjoni.T General Henry Dcnlz.

TonlglU, belwenn liuslicd batlle-llnc.';, the Brlllsh-l-'rcc P'rcnch and Vichy iiillUary men were nmkln« .satl.sfaclory pro- Rieiis In Uiulr talks, a Urlllsh mhJtlk-ear.ii.'l-n cnmmunltiue .said. Sonii- dcLalLs rem ained to bo .seLtffd. It wa.s .stated. Me,an- whlle, ho.slllltles continued .•m.spended,

But within a few hours after Syrian ho.slllille.s ended . Ger­man bom bers .served explosive notice th at Britain would have

’ flKlil tn ki'tji her iiiUldlp e.-ut foothold. A Oermnn rncilii im the vltjil Sue.-; rniiiil route for AniiTlcan iiUl cnii.icd ";ionie ni.ilerltil dniiiiiKi'."

KKyptlnn communUiu'- ncknowl-cdKeiL• SlwotlnR In the Syrl/vn war wuicii ittiirCed Jnne 8 ended nt nilduii^hi, n mlddlc'cnst ^Cinmunlque /tnnuuiic.

lO B U jL E Y M A NGeorge Yates. 50 , Passes

A fte r Collision a t Heyburn

1\URI.EY, July 12-GeorHc Yntes, 50, Burlpjib'islhe.M man nnil re.ildeiii here fCr wvernl yenr.-., died nt a local .-lio.ipltal a hnlf hour affer

and other Injuries when hl.i cnr overturned In a collision iil Hcybiim. ,en.it of here, about 1:30 pm. today.

nidlng wlUi Mr. Yate.s «-n."i a ~ pert boy, Ed Campbell. 13. who en route to fi.ih and swim In Si river en.il of Burley. He escaped wlUi minor bruises. a.s did two other youUw In U\e nther muchtnc li\- volved in the colli.'iion. Tliey art Robert Uelllg. 23. and Tnlbot llrilltf. 21. brothers.

At Inter»eetlon Tlie crash occurred nt 'the inter-

secUon near the Croft warehou.ie nt Htybum. nnd Mr. Yntea was Ihrffwn from Uie machine about 50 feet from where It stopped after overturning several Umcs, Tlie cnr traveled about 200 feet from the point of Impact.

Tlie Campbell youth told officers that he and Mr. Yateii snw Uie other car at about the same Ume. and that Mr. Yntes travellnR from the norUi, attempted to avoid Uie eol- Union by swerving to yie rlshl. The oUicr car, which wa.s comlilc from Uie east, was damaged at the front and swung around In the colll.ilon. and the Yates machine Uien plunged from Uie road and back onr pavement before overturning.

In Daslnesa Mr. Yivtes owned a half Interest

In'the Ro.se Cigar store here. Ills partner was Roy Rose, Butley. U« liad other bmlness Interests nt Poca­tello and Aberdeen. Besides his wife, he Is survived by n son and dauRh- ter.

irooji.^ Ill the arcan of j smashrd throuKli In the tilrppilon o f all thrri? o / tlielr main soiilliwcst o l L en til-■ drive;; -toward Moscow, the capital, Li?nlnKrad,'(nu.s.nla’.s big

'.stern p ort: and toward Kiev, pltal o f the (?raln-rlch Uk-

ralni“.The .Gorman army im shed"

ilirniiuh In the ri'ntrAl Miitfk area IKiint 12,’. mi:r.'. beyond Minsk, ni; llw Null legions leroi than nillM from Mo'cow. the hlKh

coiiiliiaiKl said.Drive Toward \ikralne.

In till-' drive townrd the Ukraine ii riimii troop; were declared lo bo iindinR ■•cla'.P before Klev> and l\rwhetp nIoiiR Ihls.wiuUie^ end

of Uie noiit Ocrninn nrtu Rttman- n irooiw were .itnlorf lo bc pur- ’ nni; Ru.'.'lim.< flrelnis In dL-.onler.To tlu- iiortti the Nnra troops are nvUitr tliro\iKli the rei;loii of Lake c'lini.’i. nIonK the Kitonlnn border.Id "nri' ndvnncliiR toward Lenln- -ml." .Mild Uie lilKti rommand, after t>ri-nk-ihrouKh in thU sector.In the nll-lmjvirtant central *ec-

)r t>'*yond Mli^k and nn the hlgll- uy to Mor.cour Ute Ru.v%lans aro .tio-A'liiK KlRiii of a break-up and

di.v.olution," . iild the communique.Air Korfe'AclUo

Oermnn alr'loice wan de* cinrrd lo have been nctlve In Uie bli; bnltlrs, pnrtlculnrly "by destroy- IMR the enemv rnllwny netf behind the ilu.vilnn Hues and thu.i taking

j,'ny from the RilMlan.s and "fur- irr i«r..Mblluy of a counter opera- nii on It JoTKe scale,”.Tht-s nL'o enabled German pan- •r units to mm'e Uielr supply baseii

rlKhi up clo.se lo "Uie fonner Stalined, "after General jjcn ts nHfeeil to ncKoUalQ on our own terms for siis- pcvwfen ot hORtlUWes." The rteiwh cotumander's iiand.r had been freed by (he Vichy govemmciii. althoiich It previously rejected the Brltbh Wriiu,

A r-'rincli (Iclciintlon cro','.ed the llrlUr.h lliir.-i iiiulrr n Umr 'I'f trufc llil.\ niornliiK nnd met Uic UrllL'.h (lelr^ultun !it Acri: (Httjllcid GnJlIec) in I’ lilr.-.tliie. A .^talcnii'nl Uinl dlr- cll. loIlJ were of "mtliuiry rnUier limn iiollUcul imi«rlancc-" liullcnted the Vlehy lorces would be required to .\utinut to l'’rec-Krcnctv occupa- lion rule 111 Syria, ns Urltl:,li ni ' Uce trrnu had demnmled.

TurnliiK over the Levant mandate (o Dcaiiulllst commamlers had bjicn Uie m.iln Vtcliy objection to BrlUiii demnnils.. llwl Dtuii was uWw wnna-''®''V> ACL as ho saw fit Bncf'AiatrallAlt; Indian. BrIUsh rand Free French troops hnd cracked rcslstsiicc o forces and were closing In on Delrui,

Draftee-Holding Move Heads to Overhauling

Senate Opponents Demand .Administration Clarify Attitude Toward War

(Dy Tlie A.ssoc1aled Pre.s.i)WASHINGTON, Ju ly 12—Suggestlon.s developed In the sen­

ate today for drastic overhauling o f war-departm ent spons­ored legislation to reta in selective service toalnees in the army beyond one year antJ to lift the ban against .sending them out- ilde the western hem isphere, '

.cnialrman R eyn olds (D-N.C.) told rcportcr-s he would 'ask the senate m ilitary a ffa irs com m ittee to start hearings on the measure next W ednc.sday.

Although he Introduced the legislation at the war depart­ment’s Tcqxicst H eynolds matle clear he did not fa v o r It In lus pre.sent form .

'W hen I.voted_fQnJiiC-dra,ft.Reynolds declared. "I did

wlUi the clear underslnndlnR thnl' (he men would not be sent out of UiLs hemisphere and Uiey they were ranking a contract with the govcni- ment to serve for only one year."

As an nltemaUve, Reynolds .sug­gested Uiot selectees might be Riven ".some Inducement, perhnpn higher p.sy. to reenllst,"

AiioUier to susRcst changes was Chnlmian George (D-On) ot Uie .srnnte foreign relnUons committee. Telling reporters "that some com-

promke will be workM out,- George suKROsted a plan whereby selectees <ouI.I-eiiliflt-for-oner-lwO-«r-Uiro*-yenn, hi Uielr dlscreUon.

jailtstment of trainees would w-i coH3pll.sh Uie ends of Uie leKlsIaUir/ since Uiere Lvro restrlcUon on where rcKUlar army troops may be sent.—

Some senatori. linking Uie Icgu- latlon wlUi foreign policy, said pri­vately that Uiey would have to hnve a clearer explanation of why. It waa needed»before Uiey would coaslder voting for It. In asking for the leg- l.sIiiilon, a-ar department officials have sjwlten bnly In'general terms of

IConUnuxI on Tie* Column T)

line,"Tlie fiist-movlng panier forma*

Uoiu wlUc'.i apparently executed All or UTe* Sii»Vi*mn5hlu are .tiUl- blajcm for the slcm-er Infarito'. al- ' 'Uiougli earlier 'DNB,- Uje otflclal'" new.s agency, ha^ slated Umt Oe?- man Infantrymen' had cleared tao way for nn nll-oot awaull In tha norUiem sector. •

DNB nuid Uie Infnntry had swung Into acUon after lO days of tnarch- Ing alTx 2I-inlle-a-dny clip.

TlieTtlKh command's sweeping an­nouncement WO.S made In the sp«- ' cinl communique U'.sued shorUy be­fore mldnlKhi, The first, operiuon* against the Stalin line ’ were an­nounced by the high command on July 0. Since Uien It-had given no sjieclflc indication of progress.

Break al Center Tlie ' SiMt »lgninc.\nf"brcalt=~“

through appeared to be Uiat at the center of Uie line bej-ond Minsk on the direct road to I>Iorcow.

Vitebsk, Uie fall of which waa announced In Uie communique to-

sector, aside from the natural ob-' strucUon of Uie wide Dnepr 'self. •

German panzer units ln'smaah> Ing more Uian 12S miles beyond Minsk would be only a little-more than 50 mllea from fimoleiuk. Im­portant conununlcatlons center still lo 'be hurdled In any drive oe to Moscow. .•

There was nolndlcaUon here wRe- ther German nnd Finnish divisions

moving In irom uie n «B r

Engeii Adds Slalom Trophy to ' Laurels in Midsummer Event

Hungary CIaim.s Reds in Flight

NEW YORK, Jub' 12. W V -^ « Budapest 'lOdlo tonight broadcast A Hungarian high, comouind eom- munlgue announcing tliat mechan­ised Hungarian forcei have "broken the resistance of Soviet troop* at all points-' and Uiat the Russians are, fleeing. . . . , r - “

TIMPANOGOS OL'ACtni, Utah. July 12 w v-A lf Engen. ihe'yumplng Norweglnii who can't forego skiing even In midsummer, added a slalom trophy to hte laurels today, but he dtsabled a hone doing It.' ‘For Uio more than n Uiousaad otlier person-s partlcipailns In Utah's annual climb to (he top oC 13,008- foot Mount Timpanogos. It wfu a blistering hot day. That goes for the horse, too. which was to have packed all the equipment for the skiers who parUelpated In the fea­tured slalom race on Ihe 'Slacler.

The horse collapsed from the heat, about a mile’ from the tons of gla­cier snow and Ice. And the race was delayed two hours. whUc. the.skiers packed their own equipment the rest of the way.

Tha course. angUhg sharply for al­most a half mile down a slope a* steep as the roof of a Swiss chateau, was no cinch. Several scheduled ea- ; trantrllropped out after ooe look., But fingeo, accustomed to soarlnt ouL Into space rrom the naUon's highest lumps, schussed thrdugh the bamboo poles la 602 tecoods. fu t time eonsldulog "

of Uie snow. •»hlcli--h8d bllstirs here li wasn't melUng.Tlie* Engen performance was the

highlight of the Th

trj-. Scores fell by the woyalde. but o n atouUiearted plugged on to win a '.'limp pin" emblemaUc of having conquered the highest peak of the Wnsstch range. i

It was Uie thlrUeth annlvefsary ot the founding of the hike.

Kandalur club, to Mcood plaee to Use slalom with a time of l ;0 4 i

After.iha-imca. Engea -HMhfd .. the Up of aiacler'. nrtrled to • half St the edge of:BWw c o w jd ftnerald 4ake and dema -ded hli

And the hwae. which'__________ed to -ttie<4U«nUeni of -two- 0.043. entoUeet. wtn b*A doused him vUb glacial Vftters. atumbled and paeked-ttisen's akl* domi' tfar

mllM o( switchbacks' (o ttu valley below.'

ocrodS the Karelian Isthmus U .____In oo Leningrad trom the north and take this second largeoWRusslan city ' > the famous Nazi pinccr strategy.

At Uie souUiem end of the line Hungarian and 'Slovakian trtepa were declared to be marehlng with the Germans In pursuing retreaUnff Rimians in the Oallcian sector.'

SUll furUier south, near where the SUilln line ends at Uie Dlack lea ... Gennan and Rumaolan columns fighting togcUier were declared lo have crossed the Onrstr *oq a bread front.** thus putting addlUooal Oer- nion troopa In the 'Ukraine besldea .

rlcli territory. *1110 Dnestr U tha boundary tKtween the Ukraine aod Bessarabia, ceded to Russia by ftu« mania a year ago.

News of War in Summary;

decisive polnti,'’ UsU.'capture, of Vitebsk, penetiatlon.towardi Lea*, i Ingrad and opemtlooi: t&nmsb which Nail’ troops a n “itu d ln r . ' elose before Kiev.** Rosilant- i ^ : . sue their ka ^trm l.bo lA n c'Uwusb B e r£ ^ l< ^ decl*rct o mao advaoca uulU sow h m p atrat«d US nUlM east ar >Qiu

Ann>*tlce talk* b Ins order In Bn"- afterflTt weeks «

Page 2: THE TWIN FALLS NEWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · eration of the car la suspended and Uie'tar borrc'd frotn'lhe road until It 1.-1 fixed



Tonnage o f B ritish Explo-........- SIVDS. E x coed s Total

Dropped by Germans

LONDON. July 12 m — The Brlt- lAh ftlr offensive iBnlnii Oernniny

- has rcachcd » point In tcnni«e el • bombs dropped turpaulng the hesT*

iesl Oerman atlncks tipotl EnRland, jt n-oA sutfd niitherlt*tlva!r lodxr u Uie R Ar continued Itjs non-it09 usaulta on the eonttnmt.-----.During June, ealrt » RUtement. tha

weight or Orltldi bombx dropp^ on Ocrmnny acluslly exceeded the tonnage dropped on Bnclnnil In April, which U U xald Uie t3ermans cUlm their record month.

Purlhermore. the welcht . . _____dropped on Germany in July ••wUJ be heftvle iiUIl." It wst latd.

Drltlah nlr sources declared that the new nlr offenilve hnd accounted for 316 German plane* «lnce June 32, and that Uic totAl German I osms

' alnce Cho sUxrt of tlie war. on alt ' fronU from the Arctic (o equatorial

Africa. liBve now rUen to 8,000 alt' craft and 30.000 airmen.

___ _ L « t niglrt. raider* flew throuRh:___ t.Uiuoilcratorm ta «{Uci:-Uia north*

wcsKm Ocnnnn naval baae o! WH- .taelmshavon, tAe air ministry an*

.. nounced, without losing a plane, and today heavy Brltlth bomber* roared over northern m nea and were reported authoritatively to have bombBrdttd railway and canal com- munlcaUona near St. Omer. The

■ -t aoutheaat Qigland »kl«i w«re de- aerlbed oa being alive with the

- bombati »nd Meortln(t fighter plan** a« unujiually heavy forces took port

• tn the attack.Two BrltUh flghUrt and one

. bomber were mining from day raid*, but Oonran fighter* were ' dared to hava been shot down.

Tha Wr mlnlitry newa lervlee tald that « German mlneiweep^ of

. IJOO ton* w*a «wept by fire from and to and aft«r being bombed yci* tcrday off Ouewant, an bland n^ar tha Brlttuiy coaat of Prance.

Brie«ln’a tnerewed itrength In number of planei and the greater

'bdmb capacity, dua both to Amerl-- c«n purchaMs and to the natlon’L

own produeUon. hava enabled.RA7 bomban to »(Uck 20 objective* In Gennany and 38 in occupied t«rrl- tonr. ju*t Blnca June 38. BrlUah air

; - aourcea <ald In » recapltulaUon of .... remit* of tha big offensive.

In tha laat v e ts the*e aource* B&ld.'the Brltlah batUred vital tar*' faU acattered from tha chwinel boaat to central Germany at the rau of coe In every threa houra In round* tha clock attack*, u d also bombed •91 ships.

INVESTIGATING feaalbllUy of the proposed project to provlile additional watef for the tialmon river area louth of Twin FilU yMterday E. V. Berr.'tlate eemmlHloner of reclatnaUon. and F. If. Mchnlt. V. ff. bartan of ftelamatlon enilnfter. They are Shown here with Mr. Berg In forrcround. a* they chrckrd oVcr > map of the area ‘ Involved. An accompanying article In today’* New* rarrlri Con » .

TAX BILL lALKEOMounting Defense Costs May

'T c a d - to Furthcp Changes .

WASHINGTON, July 13 - Mounting defenio expenditure*^nd


Form er O tiio la l of Camps Association Would AM

to F.D.R.’s PowersWAemNOTON. July 13 OT) —

Tompkins Mcllvalne, a former of* Jlclal of. the- MlUtair Training Camps ftMoclatlon, today urgeqer&l changes In the telectlva__vice law, loiiludlDg discretionary

I'. authority lor President ItooseveU to I prolong Uio period of training or csK i the men back Into service after they

have been discharged.At the same time, ho proposed:

______SclecUvo-servIco-as.*. permanentpolicy, the draft age be fixed some* whera between IB and 31.- •

Military training to be expanded In the state school syatem*.

Discontinuance of the nauonal ' Biiord as a supplemental part of the

*nny and Ita retention wHhIn the sutcs fop local service.

“Under tha act as It now standi." ho saia. "the draftees can be held only for one year and after that year cannot be reeaUed except by act or congress.

“This provision might have serl' ods consequences. . Ttta president should be tru.-ited to extend the year

.. _ and to recall the draltees whenever ha.doclares the national Interest Is lirfnerllled. If thn nower rrma n-t with congrcss. there might bo long delay when Immediate afd was cssary.

W ar O ffice Sels Spending R ecord

WASHINaTON, July 13 f/TV-Un* darsecretary Robert P. Patterson re* ported today that the war depnri* uaht broka aU records for Amer* lean military expenditure* IniJune by obllgaUngr a total of l4,SMJ003tO of national defense fu<%.

Patterson tamed the outlay "sio. oueat proof of the war departmrnf* datermlnatlon to expedlto the letting of centracta to tha limit-”

W om en Named T o L .D . S. Board

8AI/T LAKE ClXy, July 13 0V>— M rs.'La Verh Wntls Parmely nnd Ur*. Ruth Bexmlon Coon of Bolt Laka Olty today were appointed to tha general board of the LDS prl* ttoiy ossoclaUoa.

Mr*. Pannley, a guide leader In the BonBerUla stake prlmair asso- daUon. Id a graduate of XTlah and Ooroell imlvcnlUes. Her husband Is Dr. T . J. Panaley of the University of Idaho physics department.

Mrs. Coos, first assistant super* Intendeot oX the Wells sUke pri­mary assodaUons. U a groduaU of Brfghom TouDg anircrslty *«d hs-i done graduate work a fth e Dnlver-

■ ~dlfomla. ner husband Is

D R . L . A . P E T E R S O N , O fltcopathie P hysician

OIas4 Tbanpy ana norala- ! tBjaeUaa

'W Mato North Pbona 4S3<

Officials Check Project Proposai

tatlvely*spproved new levies led to- y»y lo cspltol Ulk of further re­vision of the *3,500,000,000 .tax bill.

Tctj dnys nso Uic Ijnme wny* and mcoi« commlitcc gave preliminary npprovnl to leKl.ilallon to mLvs *3,- fi0t,400,000. but there were report-t thst It might be revised materially and lU pmentatlon to the house 'deUyed perhap* imtU Aug. I.

Tlie tentatively-approved bill Is designed to raise J1.1M,500,000 addl- Uonal in Individual Incomo taxw. lUJI,000,000 In corporation levlrj nnd almost another blJIion dDllars In excise aryl mlsccllnneoas taxes. It Is

In tlie hands of bllt*draftlng eKpert.1 who expect to coirpleto work

» It next week, -Ufeauso of Prenldent Roosevolt's

requests In the liu.i two days for more (jvui S.OOOAOO.OOO KddlUonii] for defense, some eommllt'rn mom* btra prcdlclnd that an effort u-ould bo marie to raLie Uie tnx bllj's towl now,- mther than wait «nUi Inter In the year or even until next yenr for n new one.

One member sold privately that he would renew the ixrlodlc attempt Hint hfci been marto to crento a coMRrc;i.n1onnl i.uptr*budKCt commit*

lo coor’dlniitiu the government's cxpcmlltures and re\enur.

Out nep. Woodrum ,(D-Vn). one of Uie nrlKliial sponsors of tlib Wci», exprc.v.i'd tlie opinion Hint "It Is too late to do Bnytiilng iiciw” nlnce IniRi; ^pproprlntlons iilriMriv "nuvc IKCIL-Puiicd .and. tlie tB.0QQ.Q00.(S6Q fund will bi» ajjprovi'd i.linrity.

SovielAVarplaiic ■Bombs Hejsinki

HELSINKI. July J7‘ 01'f—A Soviet plnne bombed Hel;.lnW this nftrr- noon wouncllnt^thrce clvilinn;i and dsmsRlnR two bulIdlnK*- There wero four alarm* In the capital up lo 6 pjn. <10 n.m.. EST).

I otkft. whicli was l)oinhe<l with illRht damaKB,July 11. was bombed BRdIn this momlnR with no rinmnRe reported and Uireo attnclclns pi were sliot down._im V __yQ mC. July 11 <,TWThr Berlw rnillo announced icnlRht tJist the Tmtlro reRlon of the French MsRlnot linn hnd been plowed under end."Is now asaln fruitful and pro* ditctlvo farmland," •

The broadcast, heard by NBC. said French farmers are bclns-<e-seltled In the MsRlnot reRlon.

M a a c^ Breaks Arm y’s Silence

MF.MP1IIS. Toim., July 12 Bwlltly and yery quietly, the Mth slKn.il b.-itt«lIon from JV rt Hherldnii. III., today passed through .Memphis —where another battalion, the 110th- from ,C»n)p JJoblnscn. Ark., csmo to crlef less than a week ago-for "}’oo* hooing" at shorts-clsd lassies.

Tlicn passcrs-by stiffened In dls* belief as sounds resemblltiB yoo-hooa

im# from one of the trucks. ,Tlie outburst, however, canje from UtUa dog. the jratUUon>«<nascot.'


^ F i r i t traf/ic death in Mac/ic Vallcir s in ce Juli/ 0 occurrcd ycsterdai/ as result o f a c c i i c n t j i c a r H cv^urn.


Repairing o f Sabotaged Axis Vessels to Cost More .

Than $3,000,000 '■WASHINGTOS, July 13 *,V>—Tlic

miirltlmo ronimUnlou took nve; more Idle Urwlsh cargo ships tt...., nnd rtmiiltiineously disclos'd that It will f tn iiiqro thnii $an,i)00,000 to

1-ep.\Jr sabotuKccl arrnian nnd Ital­ian vessels wlilcli the government propojes lo conflscnie under the 1017 euplonaufl act.—nfprr.sfntiitu'rs'orthc eoinmlf-’iinn' boarded the D.mli'li cnr^o rnrrlcrs In four Atlantic ivirt.-r nnd i.n.'niinied title and poi.'.c^ilon. it was nounced.

The Danish shli« am being .. liulred under Uin tccently-enacKd ship retiulfltlon tict which requires payment of Joint comprnsatlon to the owners. Flltren Ewnlsh vessels and the Italian frelKhter Carla pre* vloualy had been acquired under thla net.

Most of the axis veMCl.-., the com- ml.wlon announced, will be avaTlnblc

wltliln the next or DO days, but two 'or-throe of the more seriously siilmtosed can not be put Into,operation before November oriJtCCmbfr:_ . __ _

A total of 84 Idle foreitrn vrs.selsre subject to pos.tlb1e UnliVd States


J. J. Robert'sinvjBS, Begins Serving T w o -to .*1 0

Year Sentence. 'JEROME, July 13—James Jeffer*in Robertson. 60, convicted Inst

wpt-k by a 13 man Jury of voluntary ninnslQushter, following the fatal shooting of Stanley H. Cssto. 30. Jerome WPA laborer, lost April 10. was taken by a prison guard lliurs- day evening to BolAe.where he has entered the state penltentlnry to begin serving a 3 to lO year prison .^rntcnc decreed by judge T. Bailey Lee. of Burley.

RnberLion. pleading not BVillty chnrgfl'of first degree murder, plead* ed not guilty In preliminary hear- InR nnd trial was set for Jane 30. Trial occuttl/'d three days, the Jury­men being given the case the after* noon of July 3. They deUberoted until «:30 am, July 4. bringing in a verdict of guilty of voUmtnry map* slnuRhHT.

Robertson wm charged with kill­ing Cnsto (oITowlng a quarrel which he had earlier that morning with Mrs. Casto. '

B oy Sole to Mother’s Estate

Appointment of Edward Babcock. Twin Falls attorney, lo be admlnls* trator of the »SOOO estate which Oumet B. Woods left^to her IB -j-car old son and only heir, Wtllt.' M, Carnet. Jr.. of Boise, was requested •by th<! boy's uncle. W. B. Wo<vl.’ . In n petition llled In probate court In TM'ln Falls. Mr*. Woods.dled Inst May B In PJerce county. Ore. Oeorge M Paulson of Twin Palls Is the petllloner'a attorney.' . —__Mr2._CaUI''_May_L<‘wl»_ot Hburcu.widow of Uio lati’ James B. Lewis, nppllcd for appolntrnent ns admln- Litrntrlx of hi* .estate whlcli Included HoiiJicn property vnlued nt S500. Mr, Lewis med last April 15, &iwnrd BabcocK nnd Ocorge M. Pnul.-on are ntionieys In the probate pro­ceed biRii.

Buhl Draft Board Lists DcHiiqiiciits

BUIIL. July 15—Selective srrvloe offlcfl of Tj.’ln Pnlls county district No. 2 (Buhl) listed nine delinquents. Tliey at«-xtRl«trants who h VB failed to Inform the government of their addresses, which Is a vlolalton of the

Final R iles forFiler Resident

'PILI?R. July-13—Fyneral scrvlcc.i for Lewis Bradt Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs, L. M- SmltJi, who died Wednesday, were conducted at the nier McthndUt church this after- iloon by Rev. E. L. Wilte. pnstor.

Abundant florul orfcrlnHib*howed the esteem In which Mr. Smith washeld'by the n icr community.

T?nrlal was In Uio Filer I.O-OJ". ^teo' under directlnn of Uie

Filerceraeteo' under Hire Twin Falls mortuary.

Pallbearers wero J. E. Rend. Art Hawkins. EHsard D, Vincent. Loiils Ennis. Albert Lnncaster and Rankin Rutherford,

Music wa* by Mri, L, C. ClUllan and Mrs. E, A. Beem, slnginK ."Roclc of Ages" and "CroMlng the Bar.’"

f i CIRCUS IS COMINGThe LIONS CLUB Takes Pleaaure in

Presenting PO LACK BRO S. Renowned

25 .S T A R ,A C T

TUES. &'WED. atLIN C OLN F I E L D f r - B e n e f i t E yesigh t C onservation


W ITH100

-H E O p iE L


. IN A D V A N C E , 5 0 t A T T H E G A TE . 5 0 C plus ta x


A rm v Trains. Pilots fo r De­livery of ships to

B rita inWABHINOTON. July 13 (-TV-Olllc* JaJ forecaste of greatly lncrea*ed sir*

........................ In Octo*were coupled today with Indies*

tloni In authorltaUve quarters that scores of young American pilou ulti-

engage In lerryins com* bat craft across the Atlantic to Drlt-atn;....... ............. .................................

For several montlu'airplane pro­duction has ipoved forward at a relatively slow pace. But by Octoiser. defense officials say. trlbutory In* dustrles Buch a* aluminum will be* gin lo turn out needed lupplles in quantities that will permit plane monufacturara to nm huge new i;i* seinbly plane* at virtually full speed with emphasis on attaining the goal of 800’bombers a montli.

At least half of these two and fouxwliotor ships will be turned over to the British. It Is fxpected. giving Britain's Atfero corporation, whlcn handles ferry deliveries, a tasfc far exceeding Ita present Job,

Already one major step to expedite the movement of these planes by Amerlcsn filer* has-been taken by the army through creation of a "fer-

command" which now Is handling ...c entire Job of transferrlng-planes from' the factories to coastal base* where the British take them over.

Wliile the e v e n ^ solution of the problem of ferrying the planes to England apparently may depiyid on the extent of American Involvement In the war. several possible methods -Are tieKlnnlng to be discussed here. All Involve the Increased um of United States filer* over the Atlan­tic, since British and Canadians are required for combat service In Eng- land.


rContlno»d freili fir».On»l ' --German troop eoncentrations- and striking at communication* lines to hamper preparations for Uie ex­pected onslaught.

Tn.H In Ita occount of Uie guerrilla warfare said that In the Bereilna dlsWct, which Is on the aerman's path toward Moscow, a guerrilla de­tachment of 100 men raided Oerman molorlted infantry which was en­camped In a White Russian vjlln«e. kUIlng 150 of tlie Germans and dispersing Uie others.

A n o th e r gufrrlUa detnchnifnt mnde on ambush 'In a forest. T*^ related, as German tankJi'were irfi* vnncing along a road. As the tanks rolled by they were attacked by Kosollne'bottle grenades, IB tanks t>eInR burned out.

Many other such accounts were publUhed, telling of.the blowing up of bridge*, the removal of spikes from rallw'ity ties, the removal of entire scctlonn of nUl. sniping nt Oerrnnn soldiers and oShrr slmJJor tacUcs.

(Conllnu><l (l"ni |'»Bn Oil*) will be’ to determine whether tJiat (loslstahce will Jusilly Uie_obrtt)Urily large expenditure that' woiild'bo necc.MAr>- for o project of this na­ture-"

WlUi Engineer NlclioU he return- ed to BoL'e last night. Accompimy- Ing the officials on the Inspection tour were .leven^JntfrMted persons of Uie Snimnu trnct. Including W.■^L McDnnlclf Kencrnl manager of the Salmon RT*vr cnnnl company.


«-Vben Dul U bein’ a pa], he bran abent hU kid days and doin' things he’d Uck n e for when h* ain't feeUn’ like » paL"

i r -


Blaze Destroys Utah WarehojiSe

^^OROAN. Uluh. July J2 m -P lro

knowing the addresses of these . -ehoulcl report the lamn to the

Buhl selccUve service office. It Is thought that the failure o( Uiese men to keep the local ofMce Inform* ed of their nddre.ss Is mcroly negll* gence on Uie part ol Ihe'regisiwflQ^

The list lnc)uriei~5VjJHnnj Bwison.Jack Webb. John Denr.on Smith. James McSweeney, Rimell Wtliinm Conlpy. Joe Et)b Lane, Vincent Jos* :ph Chojnacky, Clarence Ulcr, Ver* ion Elmer Neeb.

destroyed the warehouse of the Perk BroUiers Produce company today. LO.V1 was esUmnted at $3,000.— OrlRln-'of-the-fire-WBS-undelcr— mined, AIm biimed wns lumber be­longing to the North Morgatt Latter- Day Saints church ward which had been stored in Uie warehouse.

...... ......................... FINN WELCOMES NAZISUie part ol Ihe'regisiwflQ^ rnSXSlN KI. Finland, July 13 (/T>—

rieJd Afanhal Baron Carl Ouslnv Mannerheim In an order of the day

freia f* * » Oni, ^Bt*et U r the ffUoU durlngJtieir

operation* with a specially-equipped plane owned by-Oean were at Kalley," I Oape Horn airport and Ute Ida-

Rocky Mountain club field.VlUi Burton Perrlne. state fish culturlst, supervising the aeUvltles, the pilots would alternate in flying loads of trout, from four to sU inches long, to the various lake*'that dot Uiat area. The large*t number transport­ed at one time totaled 13.000. and Che fUen covered an esUmsled 1.700 mile*—thus making the feat equal to a year of pack train traniporu- tlon.

Aerial planting also offers Uie ad­vantage of making loss of the flngsr- llngs almost negligible as compared to a 78 ^ r cent -fatality" that oc­curred on pack trips consuming three or four days.

The ’’dumping" equipment itsu of a specially constructed tank in the open-place bl*plano's front cockpit. A ’’propellor” blade above this tank operates from air current thrown .bock'by the main, propellpr and puts a pump into acUon, which sucka water from the bottom of the tank to the top, where It is returned to the main body of water through Jeti. This serves to replenish. the supply of oxygen In the .water to benefit the fish.

Upon reaching the Itke to be planted, the pilot woukl cut the ship's motor to decrease speed until Uie plane would be traveling from 'M) to 100 feet above the water at a ipeed of about 00'miles an hour. The release Is Uien pulled, allowing tha water-to leave Uie Unk-ln"a~r8«“ seconds.

Invariably the water would turn to spray, allowing the fish lo apread out and plummet to the water "headfirst." subsequent check-ups by boats at Uie more accessible lakes showed t!h£t no fUh were to be found dead on Uie surface. Indlutlng that Uie method Is highly successful In plniithiR Uiem without Injury.

In 1030 Stevens stocked eight Ukes In Oint sector In fslm ller manner nnd the operator of Uie Idaho Rocky Mountain club reported that catches have been excellent in these bodies of water since that time. Buch Iskes n;i Alicc. Toxawtiy, Imogcne. Saw­tooth. Edna. Vemonc nnd MnnhaU received tiuotiis o4,flsh last week.

The rccent operations are the.first large-scale use of Ute mtUiod. which reeciv'cd IW JnlUol le.it In 1039.

Much of Uie planting took place In Uie evenings and early mornings when air conditions were best, as Uie atmosphere was_l'rough" during.the Heat of the doy. According to Stev­ens, this type of flylnK and particu­larly Inst week when there were many atmosphere disturbances be­cause of storms. Is even more harar- doiis than hunUng coyotes or wild liorses from the air. because of tlie necessity to fly UirouRh narrow can­yons and to drop down close to the water when motor, failure would leave no time for a safe landing. Parachutes were worn by the pilots


.Terome Thieves Take 62 Lambs

JEROME. July 12-SUty-two headonSmnrbrande-d“ v,-inrd0l,"T:irfil«7dot IdcntlflcaUon brand, and belong­ing to Victor Bcngoechea, Jerome sheep man, were reported stolen to the Jerome county shertff, Lee S. Johnson, this week. The lambs.weM reported to.hava been toksA *olnS time the night of July 4.

(Conllnu*d from Pm i Oa») ft neeesslty for thU cpimtiy to bo rejdy for ony emergency. •

In that connecUon,.6etiator Dan- aher (R-Oonn) asserted that- 'Uie admlnlstratJon ihould b« more hon- eet wlUi oongre** and wlUi the people Tejardlnj the va»lou* steps It'U Uklng.”

Senator Wheeler (D*Mont) 'ex- pretslng x similar view, told report­ers that nmlees the president Is will- Inc to u k congress for a dNlaratloif of war he should keep the country advised of what itepa he-ls taking that might lead us to war."

Reynolds cold many persons be­lieved that enactment of a measure pennltUng selectees to be sent out­side this hemisphere 'would be tas- tamount-to a declaraUm of war."

"If the prciient prMmfltlon were Hft^.” J)o eontlnued. "the seleclew could be lent to the Axoree, the Cape Verde Island*. Daka:', England, Ireland-or Scotland.’’

He also declared Uiat u Uie leg­islation were defeated "It might be ncniclatlngly embarrassing to the admlnls traUon.”

“ fiome of our »eleclees may b* In Iceland already, and some peopit believe that Is outside our heml- apijerff.'lJie.ftdded, - ........


Today’s the Day F or CpJIeetions

In M etal DriveNow U the time for oU good men

(atvl women) to come to thi old of Uielr country.

.Today wm bring one of the most intensive jihases of Iha Twin foils 30*30 club aluminum collection cam­paign when Boy BcouU, aided- by Tw-ln Falls Orange members, will canvo-ss the city to collect the metal ' om the porches; and househplders

rslrlng U) aid are asked toVplace .. scardfll olumlnum pots and pans and other arUclee where they may be seen and picked up.

Yesterday wos "Parmers’ 'day" TvJieh resident* o f oullring sections

■re urged to contribute to Uie pile .. aluminum In the downtown "cor- ral'’ erected for that purpose, and a substanUal increase was noted last nighL

SALE OF M R' (CantlnuMl from Tic* On<)

thousand feet, the minimum set by the board.

The board called the hearing ■ when It learned Jones had rosold | the Umber to the Deer Park Lumber company of Deer Park, Wash., with* ' out the board’s written consent, as ' specified In the contract.

division iindM /^t... .......... . .Lieutenant Octieral Engelbjecht lo the norUicm front.

l O C

— — UNCLE JOE-K'8 ------Norte Afr CofldlUon«<j 2 0 e T H 8 pja.

Erentaf 2 S e Tax

STARTING TODAY!' (SHOWS TODAY: 1:00,-*:00, 8:00, 7:00, BiOO)

Lait C:-ipiet« FMtnre 9:50 P.,M.

J u m p i n ' B a c k wUh aBANGl H'tlhal;%caUflr-

brain’ ag a in ... m ot« rioloui fchan.«v«rl

to die bone■ Soa't Biss the extra value* la R ^ O used can daring e Jnly\ Clearance sale. Every'oi will give you yean of proad ownership* You’ll lind then) the best buy* la town. Alway* 100^ ■atlsCoeUon.or 100% rcfmd.30 Ford Dlx Tudor______ J57530 Ford Dl* F ordor_____ t59i'39 Plymouth Dlx Sedan ,.— «7.'S38 Chevrolet Dlx Coupe __$45038 Ford Dlx Coupe ..... .......«5'137 Chrysler Ro>-al Sedan__MSO37 DeSoto Sedan ------------*45038 Studeboker Sedan ... .....M5037 PlymouUi Dlx Ooiipe _..,.»37540 Ford Dlx Sednn ......._.,.»72530 Mercury Town Sedan......*7503B Lincoln zephyr Sedan '..409. 37 Ford Convertible Coupe l<2537 plymouUi Dlx Fordor ......*39533.Ford Coupe, new motor„.»10!) TRUCKS TBUCK8 TRUCKS38 Ford' Bchool Du.i. -30"pnaen-~ ger superior body, new mo-


38 Ford Truck. 15B, has body 1325 ■ 38 Chevrolet Pickup, < speed »375 40 Ford 1 ton P. U.. like new (C7337 Ford Truck, tandem axle, 32x0 tire.-!, BrownlJpe-lrans. »47S38 Chevrolet Tritk<._____|»5


Y E S , 3 9 ^for DRY CLEANIN#’

• 'P L A I N D R E SS E S L A D IE S ’ C O A TS


(W h ite E x cep ted ) ,Cash and Carry

Here Is a eleantn* process to which yen may irnit jonr mest ezpenolTe froek* or sulu and yet low enoogb for regular cleaning «( year everyday gannetJts. Let os keep, year sport clothe* (lean, ■frwb. and-eoel. '

Doss' Exclusive CleanersDrive-In Cleaners ' ' Royal. CleanersMt Ind Bt. E. Phene 789 1J3 Shoshone B. Phone 271


-C O A T S -

4 9 c

S tarts TODAYl

THE WOnLD’S* l/OVEH. - F 8 T lil.ONDE . . .


l io u a LOVEBLITT,!

Those .Lovers of "HONErVMOON IN BALI"


u m ,d ,

S o u




— adde3 —I “ T h is IB

- the B ow ery”

OU OUR— ST A G E —Tuesday. 0 F. ftL“ BATHIHG


Sponsored by Sears Roebuck ii Co.

. Who will be ^ ^ MIB8 TWIN


S ta rts 'lO D A Y I liU

SUSANNA! . . . America’s Newest Singing- Blarletlt

SHE'S ROUGUl . . . BIIE’S TOUGH! . . . But Bnyl

She-s Beally Got the Blum




Page 3: THE TWIN FALLS NEWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · eration of the car la suspended and Uie'tar borrc'd frotn'lhe road until It 1.-1 fixed

- 1


^^SPECIALSEPublic Assistance Ccmmis-

sioncr R eporls Drop in - T o ta l Costs

BY PHILIP HIARINQ BOISE. July 13 ’(/n-Ptlbllc Aa-

ulaUnce CommLvilonpr Albert Lpo 1.1 cQunlliiR Ills pcnnlM thrsc <lny». will) tlio result Hint ft i.pccial i.ri- «lon of IcRhlntlirc mny not bo ncc- cMiiry to provWB nddlUoiinl rfllcf

lor 1011-42, .Lee Jlccllncj to commit htniMlI

flcflnltcly. polntliiK out only oiic- foiirtli of Ihfl biennium Una Kone by. but ho- did comment todiiy Uial In the flr.1t linlf o f ID41 only 20 ncr cclit WHS ^po!ll of tlie $1,500,000 nvnllnblc for tlic two-ycnr period In ntftlp find fcdernl ftmd.i,

n io rommlw.lontrr added he liopetl to mnke up tlie one per cent July nftvliis.i,

AnoUicr brenlc In the public r nl.itance cloud wn-i evldcnccd In drop In total coiiU for April as co: piired to March, the first fl'ich de- creajc In many inonllt-,.

nc5poii.nlblc for tlip (Iccllne, Ue coinincnied, wan "n Miarp dro|i In ca.'M recelvlni; dirrct relli'f nnd of

____ r»>HRtiUaan-lnm»tr«l-Ior liwlr »ay-ment.^

Waltlnc ( o r ncfMim Ilia department kUII 1j wIiltliiR for

ft Btnto ftupreme court dccl;:lnn on whelher coilhllc:i m»y Incrcicie iliplr direct relief' leVleK Irom two mlll.i lo the three mllln ftu(horl:cd by lla- 1041 IcRblnture.

Even If the llircc mill levy l.i niled perml.'clblc, some couiilli-s Atlll would have to be Riven Mipiik- menlary ntnte funds, but In llii main direct rollcf would be litled off Uie BtaiP'N ;i!iouldcrs, tlio coni- ml.'Jloner Kiild, IJjnt cntnioo' of iild

’ co.ll. Lcc'.i department MO.OOO In April, or 18 ppr cent, ilndcr Miircli nnd 12 per cent tinder April of 1D40.

Lll)c^liyJ^X- till- K.UiU- boiird of pardoii.1 In Kmntlnn clemency in prisoners ha.i' Wurdeji Ollbrrt H. Tiilley In ft flnnnclal nwna.. No specific npproprliitlon l;i m;i<le Jn UiB prUon'/i budRct for -Kiitf money" or clotho;t (each convlci. Ir to have a tolnl of *15 plu.i a Jl7 niilt). Fund.i for tlio.M: purpo;,(vi must show on th" Keiitrtil lislRcr. Undtr the 10«l «y»tj’m n-qulrlnK >-x- pendlLure.i on a slx-month.i ba;,ls TftJley Li hftvhiR dlfflcultlM keiiplnK his Rcml-nnnuiil w:oro sheet <lown to 25 per cent of W i tolnl fumLi,

For Instance, before Uie July board met *2243 had lictn Iv;uc(l In Kate mon,ey und *t.B30 worili of cloihlnit bouKht. or n total of H,t23. Part of the cloUilnR claim.'; have yet to conic In »nd new cxjKndl* ture.i will bo nl•Cl v ary to can; ' thn convlcLs rclciusen tills mnnUi.

Tlio l>oar<l la.'iL biennium wn.i ci nUlered •'lotiRli.” Mndo up of former Oovernor I3ottolf.-.cn,.fonnur Atior- ney Oeneml J. W- Tiiylor nnd Sec- rcur>-,^f State OcorRo Curtl.i. Ii.i nin.1t lolilcni member wns CurtLf.

'Now CurUs, In mitny cft.ie.-c is tti« most »trlcL Governor Clark la more

. lenient nnd Attorney acncrnl qcrl. >-_^_J^lller fnlLi In tlie middle irround.

Wlfen Uie-immcdiate releaaw and • pardonn IsxiieU Uil-1 monlJi tnke ef­

fect Uio prLioirrf population will be below 300 for tho first time In years.

,^ t vat'hia today.

- ' Dsc-Df Atntc-ownM nutomobilcs for other thnn.bui.IncM purpor.cii L'l ftllcKCd by some Doinocmtle leadcr.i. TJiey ftro commentln« privately tliat fclalft cars nl rOSI cRun,es. ball piirks nnd on Sunday drives give the.puli- 11c n bad lmprc.vilon Uiat may la.il untU eleellon <lny of 1M2,

Chief W arns o f R id in g ‘D ouble’

PoInUnK out tlinl'Jmpoundlnit of hicycle.i for periods ranRlnfr from 10 to 30 dfty.i Lt the penalty for rUllnK ••■double" on bikes. Police CJilef Howftrtl alllclt<*'Innf nlRht warned cycllsta to nvold this dnn- Rerous practice.

Ho pointed out Uiaf U con.H1tut«s n vlolaUon of a city ortflnnnce, which wa.1 pn-wed n.i a anfcty measure. Tlio .official added Uint rldlnc a blcj'cle nlone Li diuiRcroun enough In mo> clem traffic without Uie additional menace of two o r three person.i thn maelilne.

Spitfire Armed With Cannon

A CA iWON AKMKI) .SJ'lTf-|RE. one of the i ‘ planrt wllh_ crrally Incrrasrd flrp power, dn

In; lEuns nit'leailinc rdtn nf both wines.

Stiilioii lixpands Fif»hl <iii I’ esls

cirimir> cii iiicyu. o. mircnu ui cii- tomnl()(;y.and'f>lalit qliaraiitlnu.wlth tlin li>r:il tnH 'au livburiitory on hlfih- vay ua*imr'l'wln liolLi Is niinmmced ly J, 11. DoukIh'-i, a:KM>cl:ilc cnionio-

■nie wlrcworin unit wn.i formerly locaietl at Parmii, and It Is. In clmrKC of r . n. Siilrck. who will continue

cs of the worl: In the Parma

\ Pal LiInrd noUIlcd n.i lo cTnmRe

?-(Hmouncrd la.it sclecllvc si-rvlcc offldal.i

who are niir-nlnK nnd who should K«-t In loiicli with the board Inimrdlntfjy nrr; Chris Leroy llan-

I'Vanklln A. U.irby, John Ilar- O'l.oary. Miirvln Elm;r McDon- and Roy Wlllanl Short. Anyone

kiinwliiK their whercabouh will also be doinK them a "’fiivnr" liy nollfyInK the (Imft board. It wn.i pointed

C i n i v c n t i o n E v e i i t F o r .Sc c o im I I d a h oDOISI'. July 12 (/T)—One evenlnK

durliiK the lilaho American Xyitlon convention Aur. 17-'J0 will be set ft'.ldp for dinrier nnd remlnlscenica of t!io-u»irfil Idaho rcKlmcnt,

"Mmiy of the boys are nlllt h;Jitc." pafd Guv Mlichell, reunion

chttinwva. ••ftiWttMrS chaiiRe so rapidly It Ln lmpa^sll;lo to keep track, I hoiw cvery-man who sees tliLi nn- nounc'-ment will cou.ildcr hlnwclf Invited."

Lusterized C L E A N IN G


(Except White)• CASH AND CARRY

^ Royal

9 ® ^Cleaners

133 ShlUllonD B. Phono 2TB '

btraJeauiyJxtra Space

-A beautiful new kind of A llafecl Cnbmct With a full 6M cu. ft . oftptce—lbo new Polar Li^ht—tfaa’amax- ingly eeonomicttl Polnripbero Sealed Unit—a refrig- crstor that’a new and' tnjljr Kelrinator from top to bottom.

Why not itop ia aod.aee all nine of the beautiful' i^ .K e lv ina to re? • '

Y our E xclusive K elvlnatoi- Dealer In-TtDtn Tails and Burlev


Dale Hurd Named For P.F.A DeK:|-ce

ofJEROMK. July M iSpi .

of Uic J’1‘'A boy.'i In Ihi- Idaho 1(1 be rlrctod lo ihi of State I'lirnier, at Ihe ;.t ctmvnitlnn In.it monlh w Hurd, II nieniler of the Jrii>

Tht boys nre sel.-t:l<'rl Mute farmer ilrt;ri'i- I'V ihc In the local clmpkT. "nicy ouUtamllijK hi Icadrr.slilp, ;.i farmlnc promm, cuiim^lty m i-v- Ice, scholur.'hll), cooprranvr itcliv- ItloM must Imve .navt-d f J250; conduclrd mectlni: crnitlon. D.ile

the .nlw

S w i m ( J a n i p a i j j i i C o n ie s l o ( ] lo « ( ;

Coiniiletldn ot this ;,uiirmvr': ic.-\ni-lo-.'iwliii cla.v.e.-i at.the muni­cipal pool .li announced by rr;ink Can>enler, pool in:iniit?cr.

Next nn ilie proKram’ nf ' tralnliiK will be the nnntml CroM cnmpnlun which opci about two. week.i. Kollowln? cayjpalgn. wiolher Icnrii-iO-swIm drive will be conducted with iiool UfrRuardi n.i t«i\chers.

•About ns per;;ons partlelpaled (he compalRn ]ust ended. Ever ’ <1 except Monday, the ixml 1; from ! to 0 p.m. On Monday.i it drained and clcaned.


flussians, - Rumanians Fight io r Possession o1

Danube AreaWASHINGTON, July 12—AU-tlie lUthcni end ot the long Hil.no-

Gcrman batUc line, Hovlei und Ilu- anlan trooivi have been flKhthiK

for control'of the nprawlhiK Danube Delta, described In n bulletin from the National GcoKraiililr^Boclely u;.' n partly-wooded wlldenicM of nwamiM and mnrshei nlmost as Inrjw

1 Rhode Island.•'Soviet occupation of-.Bc.ssarablti

In 1010 plishrd the Russian boun­dary toithe n(irlheni.,«lK« of tlie Delta." the bulli-lln .vays. "Rumania

conlrolled the fork-.'.hapi-d channels which empty Into, the Dlnck Se;« only 100 miles ;.oulilwe.-.t of Uio Ukraine jxirt of Odc-'-'.a.

. jonfllct. Sovltj, troopi claim to have crojuiwl to tJiu rlver'n soiith bank lo capture Tul-

:apltal of u Rumanian Uei>;irt- .'.ome W mlliv; Inland. Tlii:

town lle;i In a loc)t•r l;ilnK urea, nnrt normally handle. coiv.Uleriible

ihl inide on the Mvrr. lt;i 20,- 'Vpo liilijibltanUi inuliidi'' not only l V mmlL li-•UuLJI lrk.•., Qreeka.iuul

•Tast of Tur<-ea (lie |iroijKn of Uie Delt.i liii;ln brancliint; out. They flow throuiih about l.OOO sriuiirf mlle.i of j.lli-cowrea lerrltory. Tall reed.'i Kfow In llie r.hallow water anJl

made Inlo Mill Irnp.i und bjw- flnil u.-.ed I(ir fuel nnd that«li-

liiK.'', 0:ik, beech, ami willow Krove.% .ri- fimflil on oci'iu.lonal elevations."In Ihe liinumi'ialile natural and

irllflclaUy-ciil .ireann the re:,l- Icnl.n of rlver;.lde viIIhk. s find mo.t

nf Ihelr tlvellhiv)il. Nets nre *truiiK llie /.in ani.i'to trap many Il-.ti. Ariiiiiid Valeov. on the

niirtherij pron;; of the Deltirra corn- muiilly of old llu:.:.laiL'.—Ll|y4viin:. —make.i a. Ilvlnw by flrJlhiK for tiirKcun, ..ulikli vli'ld.-. caviar cufi-

piirlni: lavi.fiihiy will, ihat from tlie VoIku river In ilii-.;.i.i."quirk I'armlns" In l..ile Summer

Huinii.-.oil wllli Kraln. Splendid piL.ture land;., between hlt;h water jwrlo<h,provtdii fo(Kl (<ir ealtle. 'I'lJl.n 'rjiilcktnrmlnu.' coupled with fl.nlilnc, hiis b(x;ome n prosperoiL'i miderijiklni;.

"Dut (he monlh of the Danube Is ni'l. nlwiiys Ixnielleent. lt-l oul- let.1 have bei’n nmon« navlKalor.' mo:,t fonnl<IabIe ha;'ard%. A slorm about a century ;n;n wreckwl 24 .lall- hiK ship-, mid CO lighter/; off tlie central ehiiilnel, lakniK nhout 300 llve.-i. In recent veiiri., tlil.i chan­nel ho5-b<'''n <l<e|>en'xi hi Uiat cvtn lame sliljv; ciin co throuxh It -na'fely."


Northern Pacific rallwav paid Mrs, Martha A. Reeve.-i $11,000 lo<lay for the death of her hu.'.band. engineer Charles K. Reeves,»ln a train wreck June 13 near Athol. Idaho,

Reeves nnd Ills flremnn were kill­ed when the freight train left the

'I'ahles, UeiK^ies Aid I’ iciiieUcrs

In Canyon A reaNow rraily for use by Ihn Reneral

pillillc BIO i.lx new plenin tiibler.. with l>eiirlier, lo match. In the Snake river eanycin nboiil lo nilleM Irom Twin Kilh. al r^^^ l!: lo offlehil.1 of Ihe Idiitin Power cnnipjiny. '

Tliry lire loniled In a four-nere area wlilrh ha'i been land:.capcd and :own lo KiiiM, iinil the Kenernl public Is Invited to make uve cif the p:<rl; If carp I-. exercl'.ed In dbposliit: ^ wa.-.te. Tlie ;.eetlon 1-, rraehed ovei!: a private roiic'l owned l>v the l<lahi> Power rfliiip:iiiv, le;idliit: Inlo the canyon. l!<i:illni: ni:iv he enjoyed In

B I B L E K l t i l N I lI:Codncil Announces $228 ,322

B iiilnot RcHecting Ac* -tiv ilic s Growth

the •r slK)i ■ danr,AlthniiKli ni(......................

Jo t hri»Ylii)ii. nailiinal' del'ei • - I prolill.lt ualUlm: nero-.s

or VIMIIIIK Ihe Jicmer ho

•• i:' A bud->al \ei\r bcKlnnliu;

more than le 4M5 fi-.-

' than la t -r,-n year.-.

V(aeraii Aliiicr Calhul l)v Death

.SAI.MO.S-, Idnhn. lean ultaek provet

MinliiK ai»l !'.x|iU>: Wlileh l.:.enile<l thi' :

.Se|.|veh;ii1 nuiled

.lillv 12 f,T(or Plillo

il n.irlh Ida! ln;;ton niltjlni'

U<'‘ckl(“.ss !)rlyiii<;

l.d In tlil.'i ,r the eln;-

y coir.uni-

Clllier .•.'.iiii.ilcl I'M" Iidllur'--;, byer. SJ(l.!ll(i;

tv,'.'! iiKii tiMiii',' i::urn):' iilri>ort.euib and

jwHiO: 11no: liie. •M.*...t.-.ip.il - (i;i

*3,i00: fOntliiKent, fa.na: Karhacc, *3,000; cenielery oprratlnn. 131)00.

Sl>eclal fund expendltnren. »:i.<K)0; llbmo'. ts.r.on; cemetery tniii. $1,- 500; liond Interest and reilAnptlon, Jl.OOO.

BtisiiK'ss Women, Wind lip Sc.ssioiisI/1.S AN(it:i.K.S. Jnlv 12 'nir

NalloiiaU Viletatlon 01 lliy.liie-.;i mid

i'ri-.ldn;' „r Dr. Miniilr i,. Mullrtt of IJalli.-'. ^Ulo toM Ilrlrcil,-;, • «e nill-'l

r.ll.lllllr-, m thee troM'ilnl tlniv." -We iiiii-.i iw.v ; „|„1

Four Initiated by Hopewell ,6ranffers

RUi'KflT. July 12 — Four new • iii-'inlier:', Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jeij'C-n and Mr. and ^Mr.i. Harry .Inlin.'.on, were lnitlaf'''l Into th« Ho;)c-.n-ll GniiiKe at tlvelr remilrtr nieetliur at the wliool huu.'.c Tue«-

tJie Ii-i'turer's hour. Mil* . ..lie trilllc olfleer, sjioke on

• K'i;i(| Iie;-iirallonr,," NclUft •,v of Midt.; Clrani:e :.ix)ke on r Wnik," and a eomlc dla- •!!:ick .Sr:it Driver " w;li Riven '. II. U. Illaiiey ntid RUMeJ

1 io!| Ciill. each I 1 ttiiiild ilo with nri uith ex|)rn.-'es I>ald.''

lllavney and. llai Td

:;t.i du:;nc Ihe social hour

W H A T ’ S- W R O N G -u illi i/our'“ nn(ipH’ ’ ,

V()UN(rS STUDIOi> .,\ . , ,» i :T i i c :- 'ia i iu r r .i » e r ;


2 6 <for

V 1v"’



See More..Enjoy More.o f ih e Spectacular

Intermountain West

Switch ecoflecUojtTlmcrwhh oven. ScotehJ^ttl* or »pp».

outlet Wunier Drawer

Luxe equipmcet throughout.

Your Exclmive Kelvinator Deaien in Tidn FaU$ ar^ BwrUy


Page 4: THE TWIN FALLS NEWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · eration of the car la suspended and Uie'tar borrc'd frotn'lhe road until It 1.-1 fixed


T M N FALLS NEWSt Bvernint «ie«9l UoniSa?,

t»Hr •4lti<m ml>r^ •• Mcood lUo


WItbts riika ind Cllui Cs , f £ a . “ s ; s ,nt^aoelli^w tP U InOsulte StBU Om » * « ,( -

Steel Is n ow h itting and hold ing Its old-U m c pace . T h e oulpwt shown In th e closing week o f Juno w as 100 1-2 per cent o f capacity . This was the InrBc.st percentage reached sin cc the com putation begnn fifteen years ago, with the s in g le exception o f 101 .68 per cent In M ^ - 1020.

‘r a o curren t flRiire mean.? m ore .•?tcel was produced than would appear by com parison with th e 1020 figure. The total capacity for dutput in 1920 wns 09,533.017 tons,.com pared

. t o a n estim ated capacity of 84,l48.350 tonr. ^today. ^

T h e big bulRC In steel production Is due to the Increased dem and for durable goods, artlcleii entering Into metal m anufacture, a ircra ft, shipbuilding and m ach inery . P ro­duction o f tho-ip goods in crea A d 50 per cent' In M ay com pared lo May, 1040.

PR IC E PUZZLK.S___ .---Following chargck tliaC-h'c-ls-cxcocdlng Ills.-'••nutho'rlty .‘ Loon Hcndor.sonr prlcc adm lnls--

trator. Is a.sklng for a congre.sslonal en a ct- ' m ent giving a board o f fejlcrnl o fficia l broad control over prices. In approaching tiie p roblem congressm en foresee that such a dis­cussion will be m uch m ore Involved than ar­gum ents over th e ta riff once were.

There are so -;n an y factors in the makeup or prices th at It i s alm ost a super-hum an. Job to m ake them all dovetail in an ecjult- able arrangem ent. The governm ent has had

- som e success In freezing metals prices because ' It Is a com paratively simple field.

D ipping in to rubber. Hender-jon soon dls- .. covered th at If the price of a produce like a

tire w ero frozen, quality m ight suffer. D lc- . ta tln g b oth p rice and (juallty broaden.^ the

- contro l field greatly. In fix ing pr!ci:s~Df . hiw- m aterials. Henderson Is bum ping into

th e w rath o f farm loaders, ReccnUy he ad - vlscd~a m o t ^ c a rco m p a n y to re.sclnd a price increase, .saying profits were am ple under old

■ ' . ‘ ‘ scbeduics.'Here h o encounters the cost n ot only of raw

• m ateria ls but on even more Important eo.sl, w h ich Is labor. I f the cost of labor continues to Increase, how m ay the price o f finished products be held down even If raw matcrfolr.

■ are stabilized?There are prospecUi for almost endle.ss

trouble in prlcc control. But congre.s;:. .-icek- ing an lnflatlon-avoldir»g‘ tormula, knows not w h ither to turn.,

TANK-CAR TRAINSW hile the oil supply o f the Atlantic con;if

sta tes eventually can be provided through c l h o proposed trunk pipelines from the m ld-

contin ent fields to the. eastern markeu-i— or through rehabilitation of the d cc lm a t« l

tanker fleets— It will take lim e to covstruct ■'•those lines or new .shlp.n, nnd apparently th e

railroads-are com ing to the re.scue by speed- ^ Ing up the schedulc.s o f tank-car traln.s.

In -th is day o f fancy tran.-sportatlon o f one kind, or another It Is not the first Inatiince of a help ing hand from the railroads In tlie

• fo rm o f fre igh t hauling which while old l.s -3 tm e f fe c t iv e . ---------------------

W hen tU ly b ig ocean oil ianker.s were re- • m oved from the coa.stwl.sc run from Texa.s

to-Ncw England and tun ied over lo the .service o f ’ supplying Britain with .oil. the thrcat-

'. 'e n e d shortage of. fuel In t]fie heaviest con ­sum ing m arket in AmerlJlirw’a.s .something to

.. give everybody in thartrcglon concern . The ,, f irs t assistance offered in this em ergency wiis •• to rem ove the m axim um loiul lim it o f those

ocean tankers still In the coastwise buslilc:i.s. -• T h a t helped but it did not fill the bljl.

Now tank car.s arc being reciulsltloned •everywhere and while the freight rates to th e A tlantic seaboard to the, deep Interior

‘ a re necessarily high because o f the wage scales the railroad.*! are paying, m ore and

• m ore o il Is m oving across.thc country In them. -T a n k -ca r trains out o f Texas. Oklahom a, and

, : Kansa.1. headed e.xst and following .speedy ■running schedules, are becoming an Impres- Tsive part o f the sum m er landscape In the

m idwest.

- ‘TH E-V N K NO WN-W-A R--Wlniston C hurchill. In his less crowded years

as a h istorian o f /th e first W orld war, wrote o f the struggle i n the cost between Ru.ssla,

• an d G erm any, a.*! "th e unknown war.” Tills •.same characterization can be applied with

.•accuracy to -thc current conflict between the . fo rces o f H itler an^ Stalin. • /- F ighting on ft vast .stage, with huge forces

. involved and distances that are llnjltle.ss. the loss o f a m ile or a hundred miles, a thous­a n d m en or a hundred thousand men. will no.t prove a determ ining factor In Ru.v;la any

• m ore than in China, where space Is infinite an d mfinBower Is inexhaiutlble,

C oncededly, the Germ an armies have gone - fa r and destroyed m uch. But It Is^ lso un­den iab le th at the Gorm ans arc m eeting great- ,

■ c r opposition th an they had ex'pe9t<irt_and’'' th a t th e crisis o f th e war has n ot been •reached. * • .

•'There is a feeling Jiere," London report's, “ th a t the G erm ans are disappointed In their progress so fa r an d th a t there arc Indication.-; -that a t any tim e thb Russians m ight .-In .-lomc dra m a tic v ictory ." ' -------------

• A b it *Df "Wishful thinking, perhnpn, but It a t least seem s reasonable to state that G er­m any Is now deep In Its. mo.st form idable :task excep t the conquest of E ngland, one w h ich m ay leave It weakened and vulnerable to de feat inthc final test of power stlll't fa c e tW n th ff d istant future.

Northern Lights Stage a New Display

O ther Points o f View.•VOO-IlOO, GIRLS'

Tlime foot-jore, wtnry iroopera of the Thlrly-tlfth (Uvl.'.lbn'.'i ■•flnK-lioii.no" bivtt«llon. who .did a. IJO-mllft cllr.clplliiiiry irck for sfiliillhu « bevy of beautlM on a Mcmplil.1 i:o!f coiir.'.c. dmw llil.i corner's mosl Jicnrtfelt •ympntlilp.i: \

Thfl 350 troopers,were so exulltd til sight of Uie shorUi-i;iirbe<l KOlflii« <liirba lOial they thouehl oul loud uliii It chnnr> nf liiliarnioiilaus yoo-hooj. Tlio »tu»cii- ihlrt general hn-Mrt cxiilnlned how lie cnme 16 bp plnylnic tlio smnt Kolf course oa the' comely Memphl.i niolla. Anyway, he was tJicre, and out of Jealousy or old ase. rctjulccd oflleer.i and men and sentenced them lo Uio sun-baked march.

•Wljat we ahoiild like to know U what puntMimenl a-aa inctcd the allurlnK Bolfers. The sal*, no doubt, tluirouchly. reveled in tiie cmlipalic recoRnltlon from ilie iinirorm . VrUly. •• • ' .........................

'Hlrrs had 0

n Icrl Jiafer brcav

in doiii’.hboy ever Is brow-bcnten lo thi iin longer haa to bite his Up twice tc or a yoo-hoo when datillnif damsrlj •. Ya>iki>e soldler>- will have delerlor- fht ns well tell ihr Nn:li lo ceme gel

I 1.'. ;U(I that r 11 mil f

I liKAIlD o r F.rONOMY.1 htt.1 little buni

_cney faclnR Ih. . e. Dally sc.i.ilons are I if they simply were

Itnuniry.IlfelrMcould Jusi .... . . ..

anti mrmhm .lit nroimd for snmpthlnp: 10 hnppen.'•Hut tbc taxpayers of the country could Kive Uiene men II Job In-ft hurrj-. Tlie aislHmnenl would llr.mvinij money—nlnce conarerj never was known lo earn any. Why shouldn't the pul)llc aervanu got b'l’ y oa the economy * . *■

OommillPfS rrr finKerinR v.irlous tnallcri. added taxation brlnu chief nmoiiR them. Membcrn now lille wilt be quick enouKli to .iwlng Into dchntr on that

he-.cn8fmc.« tothe li well as lay n

n[iu;ilry.it of tlie country "business as ur.ual” has lit the wlmlow. Restrictions aro belnR laid

eriab are belnR withheld from man- dij nile.i ore hi prospect and people

arc Dciju: a. Kcn lo save and sacrifice. Yet not a word of nil this 1ms Kot iiromid lo congress and the non- ilcfcnr.e iicllviilivi of the government. With them U is tlio .'.luno niKnilliiK, the same schedule all'tha way throujth. Tliey arc npt-ratlng.aa it a defense program had never been mentloi)r<l. “■

Hiat'.s thff amarhiK thiiiK about Uio whole buslnen:;— the braren complaccney of It. Months bro the .liead of the trrar.urj' told consreM a blllloa- dollars could be saved on non-delenso; 11 had been said »cores of times previounly, niid H hn.s been echoed and re-echoed about the iiiimtiy .■rtiicc. Still congrt« Is unmoved: 11 ha.-, iioihini

TIIK KltTII.FItKEDDMour frcedomj" which he proposes lo give to III. i!i(- l>rfs!di*nt. unofficially, and perhaps, ,ly, ha.1 added a fifth. It l.i a Illtle freedom

. , . . . inn ihe .Oidl-but It.wlll grow and mmt. ir the other four are lo be anything beyond unctuou.i

: riccdom-fa-thc risht lo pmrk.<U'jire<i the picket linM ai Indcwood and n frhii:e nf liayoneLi,- the President was

iid 'nforchiK the.rlRhi of any mini tnjipld au.-.e thl.n .'.crawny chick Is one of Uie tunda- iilnin.'i, the whole country applauds the ;he rre.sldL-iit In extending his protection

;i wu:. the, need for airplane producllan in , ihr rlRht of an American to work at his rom the menace of "goon sfiuaili,' Is of

their Job-s.—Orange

TtiK HU.SSIAS c n v f o r iiKi.r;.lilnov, who wa.n Rus.ilan foreign comnils.nai emotion when Ru.'jla allied wlUt Germany ir ick hi The soviet forefront ^ I n wiUi ar all Hitler'. n<lver«nrlr« In ii i f n crack al

uin the principal Ru.ulan exponei witfi the democracies and tlie

Biller. His pol.u.v - m , ip to the tlmo JoeStallt * wlUi Hitler am

>11 the other Euro

5f good gua of

.lul (>t <)|>i>o«lllon lo Biller. H 11;U pdllclPs of nu.vila up to the It wouUl be i.m nj/to ally w a LMropean w i / ^ which all ■ •er.i'would klll'tacii other off.

In undere.illmatlnR Hitler's strength, he has caltcd back Ui'jr nian who opposfd the pact wllh Hitler. Litvinov, who iilways Kot along well witli the British. Uie French and'the Americans, l.s pulled oul of whatever limbo he hii;; occupied for the jKi.st two years to make an appeal for hpli<. because Stalin knows* that no oUirr Ru.«ian Voice la likely lo get much of a liearlng from English anti American ears.

llip Lltvhiov appeal Is nol likely to do much good. Doth l)rlt;.in aitff the- United Slates, to whom It Is dlr«T«-il, Havo thrlr liaml.s fuil-BrlUln In ktephig •liir c;crm;iii.i oti her own' back anil the United Staler, in re.-vrmliiK. Sialln cha-.e his course In 4030. Now he waiiin thor.e nailnn.s he ilouble-crossed then to comrt 10 hi:; tr.-.i;ue. They would If they couId/T>robablj-. b‘\it tl*y ciin-L larKcIy becaur.e of-SlallnVr own actions.— Asioi iii, Ore., A Iorlnn-IJud^|el. /

■Diro H our o f Strife!

UnittmiE HOUR o r STRIFE!

e bull4 lllo on a hlRlicr plant • - 1

S T E E L B A R O M E TE R , \- y IWhlle steel production under war stimulus

*is n o t exactly the barom eter o f general busi­n ess condltlofis it Is supposed to be durlnR tim es o f peacc, still when steel Is flowlriB

' Jrom the fu m a c cs In-a flood as it-ls now d o - . Ing tradts in a ll lines shov.-s currents th at

are b e c o m in g sw ifter.A fte r a lon g recess ’ from full production ,

n ian things material, wc bulld. itr«flti. Man 1* a spiritual being, that we know;His llfn eoruLsLs not In llThik*:: po.nne.'.re<U In upright character he mml Invest.In godliiir.-Ki wlUi 3leadfa.itne.is must grow. Above Ihe physical wp all mu.il rise.'IX> mnrr tlxm eat and aleep If wb arc wLie. Triui'.ceiid the anlmal-be God's .tnie child: And pray "Tliy kingdom come" uncfa.slncly •'Seek flr.sl" lu progre/,4’, gladly steadfastly, ny trifling, niperflclal Uilngs not be beBUllert

, Nol Jii»t exist—for we were born to live. Abundant life the Savior cnme to give;Life at lU highest and Us be.',I our goal,A llffc lhat honors Ood, r.erve.s fellow man. Is brotherly, help* ever;' one It can,A wholesome life., promoUng health of .soul.

. \Vho'jjow would live VgodlPM, seifWi Hfe?• A slacker bo In this dire hour ol-.strlfr._________ I—. . . . __ _________I -I

• If priM aod'a worship, highest good-AWAKEi Arfi«ll ourstlvr.s for-Ood; For hiSnan '

brotJierhoodl v■—rfwry Van Engelen.

Twin. Falls. Idaho '


National W hirligig News Behind The News

tVASIlINaTO.S- «y RIT Tuckcr

iIAIlK«MAN. John L. LrwU di •ird nni> of his mo.',I vitriolic ai k.', on President Roosevelt durlnn ■ rcci-nt convocation of C. I. O. egutcs ai Uio capital, m e United tio \Xorkcr-V leader <li-clur<xl or- ilr.ed labor faces Its nmr.t r.rrloas il.i In yeara from- I5i epidemic

. anU-Mrlke bills Introduced on Cnpllol mil. He laid Uie bliun.; for

I mcaiurcs squarclv on l ifi Whllp Hou>e doorstep.

Jr. Lcwb :.ln«lcd out l«bor-'.i ke.'manon O. P. M., Sidney Hlll- n. lor jiv-cliil cu.MlKnUon. "HlU- II." h(k^al(l. "ilood ali>ng;ilde Ihe Mdciit when lie hlgiip<l the nrde’r

.nendlng lrooi« liilo Inglewowl. HUl- linn iHUKhed. while, wc wept." Tlie nfnt bftr.i chnmed that the prrsl- Itnv uns wslnK Ihllmnn to purge abor, not of CoinmunlsUs. out of ndlvkluaK who rufiiMxl to approve idmlnlstraUon politics. He R-walled mother ' pri'.’ liIcnLltU appointee, :iialnimn Davis of Ui# nntl.miil medhiUon*boiirtl,.for InierfcrliiK In

ncgoilaUans between hU'coal ml and southwn operators. He a:.iorwd that the key nntl-.strlke bUI. tlio Vlii-'.oii propftsal. was liuplred and written by presidential aides.

WIioii opposing speakers defended. Uie administration a* "frinidl: '* labor,” Lflwli retorted lhat «c times "friendly enemies can do r damuge Uian foes who fight In Uie oucip'’ When HlUman's friends re. .-.cntcd the attack on their organlai' lion, hs repll»d ho was not crtUclZ' Ins Uio Amalgamated, "only IflU- man." But It wa.\ obvloiw Uiat he denounced Me.virs. lllllnian and D »- via almply an a m^ans ot striking ai the president. ' "

UO.MI.NC. The C. I. O. Is atUl hopeltvily dl»*(ft<l In ILs attitude to- wartl President Roosevelt, although tho Lewis tacUon >iii.s Kalned acmi strength lately. But the jjdmliHs' iraUon'8 liamllliiK of Uic North American dispute and sponsoring antl-iitriku bills have temporarily unlXlepd Uie two wings. C. 1. O. Prc: Idcnt Philip Murray, who was sur


It sUll mnkei Lamolne Steven. :huckle when he think.*, about what happened when serlul Ilsh pl.-viitlng 'acUvltlcs (lliitiirlica ii gent who was doting on a nifi In one of the smal) laVta ot llir prlinUivc Stanlry basin

intry r ;iitly.Umolne, with l.lonnl Dc;..., .........

TwiiTPalli'l’ iloir'wTus 'W uKed In planUng flnKerlliii::. In the lakes of that area during the week piuM and the practlco w»n to cut tlv motor and dro|> down to wuhli abou; 50 feet Of the wnicr where Ihi Ihh. thoiniinds at a lime, wer dtunped.

All V Uie lakM ed lo fiu-,

S-KOlllKand Ju:,

e down lie iimil a

lalt. I:e(fa

iiboulI't Klai

(I .law the plane, lUi motor dropping dDwn toward him. aware thsl It was plauiing

.........lie swlnimer probably thoughtof a lot of thliiK.i. iuch as that the plane was Kolnt; to wrap Itself

mnd the raft or that maybe It w illtskrleg. His mam Idea, h o w i s to leave there ImmKllntely ai

he took a middling high dD'e Into i:.. Utlnl; and svruti out lor shpro vith • high crawl stroke^ihai would h#' "

jNlicd Johimy W<i»rtmuUer. ' ' By ehanea 1»« hippenea to chocue eourr.e that led him Uirough the

>ot Uiat Lnmoliie dropped tho Iialj. nd It probably dlilh't add ' ' ' race of mind when r.evera iiid finny friends itaried pattering

down around hlin. By ihli Uma La­molne was laughing so hard that he had a hard time Ilylng Uia plane, rnaybfi ihe gent wu right in nol ta iHK miy cliances after all.

Night FAlltor probably would ha done the saflie Uilng. and. ulUiou... not much of a ivlmmer, ho would havt (otlen out of there If lt ciei ULUng the raft wlUiJilm,'

............... - ■ ¥ . * ,M ............-ONE FOR THE DOCK

Mayor Jo«-K’s recent classic ... practical Jokta-Uie one lo which he “ arrc.tted,- tried and Jailed" four vU' lllng Clilcftgoaiujt tho request of a JokesKr frlend-lTfulIy preserved In print.

After It happened, Nlsht tdltor bared th» detaJlj, and UiU week Uii

troopers a

Kemmerer (W)t>mlng) OaselU, ed' Ited by O. Watt Brandon, who In­spired tho stunt, devotes something Ike a column and a half to It.

Jbkest«r Brandon relates how ho Itnew Maj'or Jo«-K In Sheridan, WVo., and thus colled on him to glvo hla friends an "official' thrllt" when they vlslt«l Twin Falb. The mayor didn’t spare Uu horr.es and finally broke-Uio-nawa-to-lhi-iour-vlctlm*. ,ft«r Uiey were In Jail and expectln* o be liung or ^omelhlnJ the nr ‘

Howrv'ur. llirv nil 'look ,lt like b:\ck IhlfvMleiram

...... ....................prints It HiWly Inhti column: K

"The Jail wa.s good,'aUg3h£niSj'- Scotch."


Ever alnce a number of T»lh Falla huslne.«cs have moved to offices at the far entls of Main avenue ind iway from the central downtown

jector, Uicre's been lom* Joking amongst Uie employes about being

way from the cenicr ot th lnti..-.v Aasnmlng a' farmlsh way of apea*-

ig, a couple of wo l e s In ihe our* 'Ing sector yentcrday afternoon viversed thuslj-:"WaU. 61. gueu ru ko lo town for while.*“All rlght.-Hank, but bettkr Uke

It easy. Th’ roads -r a little rough yet.”

-yep. Ill watch my iwp, SI: or BeUy'i slow hut sure, y'now."

And thus did "llnnk" plod out onto Main aTerme and up toward town lo tee the city folLs.


Night mitor yc.slerday hsard this Intriguing report by one gent who waa trying to get anoUier gent to go

1 > tnipe hunt with lilm. ^The shlpes are unusi]ally numei

. j s this year and at Uils parUcular ttuon ara flying low so Uiai It ouglH to b«.eai7 to |*t » bAgful. IMrther- mbre tha'moon la now just atwut right for tha best of snip* hunUng eohdltloni. 6om* of Uia wtlpu are ao bltthat you have to take a club along for self protecUon, too.

After hearing thli glowing ac­count. NUht Editor decided that maybe anipe hunUng should ba adiV ed to the list of attraction* for thli aeetlon.

mone<f to the White Houie I'lUiii few hours after tho Lewis out-

iirst, miide no attempt to oppoco • refute tho anH-Rooseveltchargr LcwU U now AUklng hl.i prostlg# :id leadership on his battle to side­

track or defeat tho vnrloiin anU- pending In congress 10 wlU piiriliilly dis­

credit Mr, Hillman and Wio C, I O. element which broke away froir

. Uie presidential contest He will bind Murray mor< his standard. He will bo Im that hLs almost single- Vile blockf-L the pft.'-'.nKO •evenllng labor from get-

Ung/lt^ .shure ot national deti-nso . mTITtures. 'AlUiough the A. K.

of Li^as opixj.sed the propcv.wl bills, Wlllliim Oreen has not nt-Uicd Into

on a .white chorgcr, IlUc

orl, Uii ’controversy reprc- dellberate attempt by John

L. W re*.tabllsh hlm-self as the un- dl.spui'*l leader of Uie mortj radical group of labor unlonlsla In Uio coun­try. He Is aUo playing out a few

.political flshllnes for tho 1M3 con- Rre;,slonal contests and the lOlt presldenUal election. As one C .'l. O.-er remarked al the conclusion of the conference, "it's time for us U get Into pollUcs__aBaln.'‘

INTBUDKR. Harbld L. Ickes hii; al last bucked Inlo a Whlt« Moa i

who may give a few anxloiu ftiomenta to the cabinet's most tlvB feudist. Oddly enough. Harold preclplUted hU latest scraR wlUi the most worthy and ho ' ' ' tenUons. ^

Pew weeks ago. In his excitement over finally gettlnii Inside Uia na- Uonal defense lent nr, oil «a r . Mr Ickw barred Uie alUpnient ol potroV jsum from New York U> Japan. Hi acted after receiving prolcsLi bC' w«iiinj-m«-racnnnr7;evirEnBiBnf might faco gnalew Sundays. whUi

By C. A. BOTTOLFSEN______ _ClIAEIEa XIV _ _For several weeks past this column

h u given Its readers an Insight Into the ramlfleaUons of .government In Idaho. Although It haa pointed only to the high Bpoto, It has called.attcn- Uon to some matters so vitally nf- fecUng government that I hope It has acquainted Uie peopli of the stAle with some features that are hardly realized by the ranfc and file.

I admit that I am-somewhat disil­lusioned after having served two years as chief executive of Idaho. I have learned that Ideals are foreign to some pollUclans, and that It np-. pears to bo their objective U) rule or niln.

W« Uppcar to hjive teachcd Uia point In Idaho where both parUes appeal to Uie gullibility of tho votern. Partlu a:;d candidates would much rather harp on Inconsequential '.hlngs than to tall .the truth.

AlleraUoos Denied * It will be recalled that a great deal

of attention was placed on tho das- tardly report which emanated ai Arco about Uie 125 school check. I have a letter In my possession, sign­ed by. three members of the board, denying the allegations made by tho ipposlnir pollUeal party.' it was a natter that concerned only tha class If 1M9. and the Republican candl-

ibout noulns" matters became li flated In Importance, because the op- poslUon felt that "UtUo things" dis­credit, and "Uie good that men do Is often Interred wlUi their bones." The mnney wa.-, presented to me by tho class. a.s a token, but'certnln mem­bers of the board who were more :oncenicU fkivh poWUcal cxptilltncy ;lian they w ^ w lth facU, broadcast .1 Jut and wide. Allhcugh It could have been cnally rc/itcaoiio "brAln tnirr' ot the state/entral iomniltteo did nol believe Uii/t people were gul­lible enough to. rely on-such TTvar^ ard. Tlio opposli:on -did not IclirBr course, lhat I had spent over *700 of my personal funds In carrying for- nacd stale buslne.'.s.

Conllnuej Interest'-I could go on and on deUUlng

tome of UieJ)ai:k.bli)nK and demor- tllzlng efforts of polltlclann, but I ihall nol for the time being. 1 ap- preclntlon of the more than 118.00 people who had confidence In my administration (12,000 more votes than I recclvcd when I was elected hi 193a) I am under obligations. I tlo not Kay that I shall or nhall nol l>e a candidate for office. I do. how­ever, make Uils unriuallfled a.wr- ilon, that I shall cojitlnuc my Int r- e.st In affairs In Idaho. I have a de­tailed record of certain individuals, many of whom, I am aure, are hop­ing that Uie political llghlnlng will

strike them. WlUiln the realm of my limited paialbllllles, if my voice holds up. I almll leave no stone un­turned lo KQUftlnt tho people of Idaho wlUi their record. I shall con­sider It an obligation to do my ut­most lo aid In identlfylns the bariia- clcs, because Idaho andJHo Republl-

party have been klnd>qjne, and I appreciate it.

I hold no animosity In this raaUerl It Is a syslem -Uiat has grown and dev^oped until today, throughout the enllre naUon. we are In danger Of losing Uie fundamenUiU of our form of government. ConUnuatlon of

phllo-sophy thiit would desUoy gov- rninent In, order to Bain political

ends, U wronR. Nor would such con­ditions la.st long were the people Intormed. LncWng * thoreugli un­derstanding of the underlyUiR prin­ciples of aucli n “philosophy on the part ot Uie people as a whole Is Uio cause of political machines. And pol­itical macliines tend to destroy, ra­ther lhan creatc, confidence in gov- - emment.

Difference Cited Tliere is a vast difference bctw'crn

politics ant! Rovcrnnieni. \Vlien a slate or nation, or any oUier public organU-itlon reaches the point whero polltlt:al expediency comes first niul government Is of secondary impor- lanee to holding publlc office . ......0 who (fuldc tlie deHlnles ofsniiefnijsrtrr-:;.- H-iii’niirTrtne------------

.tjp people were'informed and Biiju.-,- ed.

This particular-time. It seems U> «ie. Ls no time for pollUcs. The na­tion is faclnK-Rruve problemsi It l.i Umo for sacritlco and aanlty. be­cause Uiero U danger—and it is real —lliai we ^ a y loiio the Rreat herli- ige Uial haa ao- far been preserved .or us. 'Th6 rank and file are Inter­ested in good Rovemmentl But con­fidence In Uiose whose views aro in the other dlrecUon. lias placed loo much responsibility In their hand.s. •Wo must stop boing head-line read­ers: wo must rededlcsio ourselves lo the prlnclplefl and fundamentaU of good Kovernmcnt,-or wo will follow Uie fate of ?^anco. Tlial great na­tion lie* prostViilo today, not entirely became of the collapse ot her ef-

it military orRiinliallon. but be- - - of Uie undennlnlng Uiat look

place on the part ot many who were considered "paLrlota-" ClvllliaUon has stepped backward* befause ot France I Let ua aee to it that Idaho ,nd America overcome similar pit­

falls. ^■Die fundamenULi Of good govern­

ment are the Ujings which I hope to have a hand in preserving. If I am succeuful at all, 1 shall be well repaid for Uie len.sons taught me ns governor, UnUI n laler dale then, adleui

(Tiie •>*ndn ''


• Our Children” ■ by/7m^eh P ^ t r i '


Be- patient with children who are aniliig to feed •themaelvrs. Ifou ive control of your hands, you can le knife and fork and spoon wlih- n iiplllInK your food, becaiMc you Ave had years of experience. The

baby has to grow the mu.'.clcs, co- jrdlnaic them. learn how to handle Uie tooR. He must grow and develop thli power which, through tho yeara las become tccond nature to you.

It li vtty annoytnR to l\avc a ;hlia spill cereal and milk on Uie ,iiblo-cloth, on his freflily laundered suit, spread It on his face and hands

: Kincar things generally, but you no belter at his age. Som eb^'

I to give you a little help wllh the ipoon, a wipe wUh tho wash- • :h, when you were the one In Uie

high chair.Olve Uie baby a little cup. a little

,;liiss. a .-.mall .spoon with a looi>ed liUndle. A baby cannot gel his hands

round a full sl:ed cup or ghuj. title ones Uiat ho can manage Ictly arc to be ^ad for ten cents.

Ho cannot <iircct a spoonful of food 0 his mouth first try to put a bib n him and don't make remark) buut what he falls to land. -Sci low succe.\sful he Is and cheer foi hat.

Children Tire Quiekiy "rhe little one's hands, mouUi

yes, and mind, tire (julckly. Ho hui

lUlomoblle fuel was being shipped lo an axis power. As usual, he ali roared and »tei>ped on a tew in portant loe.i. He did not know that President noa.eveli and Acting Sec- r«t*ry of State Sumnor Welle* wer«

:n tlieii preparing an order pro- Jlilnn Atlantic coa.st shliimenii Japan- ’itiat decree wius L•. uc<l n V days after Mr. Icke.s butted

Into Uie picture.The prer.ldentlal orUer. however,

ra-s.dcllcutely piuase^ lo as nol to ntiigonlu the statesmen at Tolcyo.

It permitted exports to Japan from the Oulf and West coasts, but.nol irom Uie .Atlantic. It n u based, and Tokyo wiLSAt>.lnformBd, on domesUc rather than world policy. The White lfou.se and.Mr. Wellea aoftcnod their words and Impof.ed-cnly • modified — ' a.rpiirt of atielr move tc

Japan away from Oormany Tiius. Mr. Ickes intfuded tmeons- ’.loujly on negotlaUoiui involving « jrave world crisis and poMlble re­alignment ot the warring forces. What Uie taeltuni Mr. Welle* said about the voelferoit-i Mr. lekes may be Imaglntrl.

RELIEF. American occupaUon of Iceland will Implement the admlnls- traUon'a ald-to-Brllaln policy in many, ways which have not been publlclxed. F. D. R. outlined tnem to hU legislative leaders when he sprang the surprise on-tti<im_thfl night before hs nouned congrc.ss.

U will speed, up tha ilow-ot.fast- fighting planet to tho Brltiah. For lack of of cargo ships these aircraft, which liave too short a radius lo be-flown directly from Canada lo England, have been piling up in our ports. With relays 'of pilot.s, Uiey can be ferried from Canada to Brit­ain by way of Oreenlond and Ice­land. The shorter fllghta will also leasen the strain on Uie plloU. and

W make a great effori to hold a sli and. drink from It al Uie same tin Hl.s hand.s are not aceiwtomcjl spreading and Kripplng and dlrci Ing movement.1 yet and Just one i fempt is enough al a lime In t beginning.

Stand by to li helps hlmnelf

] he-c I wilho

i a ha^d. Wlien

fatigue, rest him I or glaas In your mouthful 0

why these filers cannot noU- fy British planes and warshlpe it they should spot a Oerman sub the surface or beneath the waves.

■me Cnimda - Greenland - Iceland route W’lll also permit establishment of a service for tran.iportlng Ameri­can dlplomatl.s. ohaervers. engineers. buf.lnct.Mnen’. UntU bad wcathcri.el.1 in. the key men involved In ail Anglo-American operaUons will fly tho northern circle rathir Uian the longer route by way of Lisbon. Sore­ly needed food concentraUft and medical supplies can be rushed to tho Drill-,h. obsolete army-navy bombers probably will be fitted out for thl.s service.

FIXERB. Senate tax exprrl-s are MhemluK to ambush tho 1041 rev­enue blU as prepared by Uia house ways and mean committee. In their plans for whole.sale reyWon they will have tho sympathy o f the treas­ury. which Is not at all sallafled with the prellmlnary measure. But neith­er group Is advertlsUig Its conspir­acy’ for the rea-ion lhat the pMgram has not y.ei been rejJorted b_y tho house committee.

by taking hl.T spo- hand. I'eed him .. ..Uien let him try again and be sure to pralso his' effort.

Helping Uil.s way wlU allow .hlm- io learn without too much fatigue. 'ThLi Is important for If a litUe child learns to a.-joclnte fatigue wlUi eat­ing he Is likely to dislike eaUng and . that starts trouble alJnealtime.

Fewl Him on Time Don’t let a biiby grow too hungry

before giving him his food. It Is tine to feed him on aclicdula lime but don’t make the schedule more im­portant tlian tho comfort ot the baby. It ho frets and cries and beg.s for his food fifteen minutes ahead Of lime, glvo it to him. He can eat It Ihen with n good nppcUto. If-he Is allowed to fret lilmself into a storm of wall.i nnd tears ho will bo tired, cror-s, and hl» food wUl nol nourish him a.s well as it might have , done a short time forller.

Keep Iti touch wlih’ the physician who knows the baUy. Re|»rt any unusual behavior to him and gPl M-'! advice. .Then, having the advice, act-on U. Study the child as\d ad­just his footl. hl.i routine, to his needs. ’Train the baby you have in yBnr"litprnotriinT-Dnr-trr-the-bool«— for they are two very different chil­dren. It would be JuJt perfect If ono could look in tlie-book. find the ajiiwer, pa.-.? it nlong to tho biiby, but it never works. Tho live baby doesn’t know anything about Uiat book baby and he wanus his dinner when he is hungrj-, liLs hyiume when he h weary, hla Invlns wl\cn he fecb ho needs it. and 1 am-olWgeUicr on hU side.

r «hlldrtci h«htT» W4m«

M'O'n/rhaklli.* 8«na''(«' AnV*l> Talrl'i kMkrit "E.llns," .hcU*lnf t.t. e.nii In

Addrnt An«il» rmrt. T»lnN .-., r . O. D.1 »s. Bt»tl.n O.

Tlieopposed to Uie proposed

Joint return of husband and wife which has engcndtre<l teri4fic pro- tc.sl. Tlie Morgenlhau men art against the scheme to impose a *3 •use tax" on eveo’ aulflmoblle. In general, tha treuury-senatt facUor want to spread tho new levies ove: a broader bane, with more emphm- all. on tho small than Uia large tax­payers, ’fhey contend that the "lit- Ua fellow" should bo re<iulred to pay more, if only to prevent Infla­tion. Everybody should eontribut« a HtUe bit to national defense, in their opinion.

So, don't reorganlie- your family or business budget on the baaU of the house plan, which will bo tub- milted Mcn,

JEROMEAt Institute — Mr. and Mrs,

Charles D. 'Vork are among those attending the week's InstUute at the PresbyterloA camp Uils week.

HUft InsUllod — New-otflcers ot the ocrome Lions club were Insulled at Uifl.Mowlay lundieon with Lew Pratt as president; Hondo Brough ind Ray ReynoMi, f l«t and aecond flea presldenta; Kenneth Oliidesler. Jlon tamer, and George Pedersen. Ull twister.. Club Seulon — Home educational club met Tuesday. afMmoon at Uio home of »dra. Loul-' Nelson. Mr*. MBrgaret Hill .Carter, Twin FaU-i. district home demoftstmUon agents demonstrated refrigerator meals. -CoupU -Wed — ..Harrj-. C. Fuake.

and Beulah O. Funke; boUi of Twin Palls, wera married reoenUy by Jus- '• Ueo of the Peace C. A. Laird ot Ketchum. WitncKses were Mrs. Fae Pool and Jack Pool. - /

Weekend Gtieat— and Mr*. Le- . Roy Kulm of American-Falls cjimo lost Wednesday w «pend the week- ind wiUx Mr. Kulm’s parenU, Mr. intl Mrs. Jtrtin Kuim.

Page 5: THE TWIN FALLS NEWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · eration of the car la suspended and Uie'tar borrc'd frotn'lhe road until It 1.-1 fixed


SOCIETY EVENTS and CLUB NEWS'FatJiil; Atiniversaries Will Be

Feted at Barroh Clan GatheringB U H L.Iu ly 12— M rs. N ancy B arton , h on ored and rcspected

m other, will preside Sunday a t the annual gathering ot the B arron clan, moat o f w hom reside on the T w in Falls tract. T h e large annual so c ia l o ffa lr Is In com m em oration o f a num­ber o f anniversaries Im portant to m em bers o f the family. Mrs. Barron will celebrate h er fifty -fifth w edding annlvec^ sary. She and Mr. H ebeoB ar.ron , w ho passed aw ay ln 1031, were m arried Ju ly 1 2 , 1888 Mr, nnd Mr*. Oeorse T. Smith will celcbmle Uicir twenilelh wedding annlvereary. nnd Uie blrlhdaya.of Priinlc Barron knd O.icftr CftrUon are (ilaoja be feted.>

Fnmlllea who will Rftlhcr at Ui6 Prttnlc B;vrron liomo SunJBy for thia reunion wo lliefollowliiR:

Mr. ftnd tAcs. VlrRlk Darron of Twin Fnlli}- Mr. and Mra. Lnfo Bar- ron nnd family and Mra. BHla Tcgan nnd family of Filer:'Mr. And Mrs. A}

. n^ndloK nnd fanillyof Wendell; Mr. nnd Mr.v D. L, Dnrron ftnd family. Atr. nnd Mrs, • Oscar Carl.ion nncl -lalnlly, nml Mr. ami Mrs. Qconte T. Smith and xon. Mnx. all of Uuhl.

All nine children wlil be In. alten-Mary Qrlbbli;. who reiiliic.i at Salt Lake City.

Mrs. Uarron. who l.i ncventy-.ilx years old. ha-i rralded on the Buhl tract since 1013. tlie fnmlly comlnB to Idaho from St. Gcona’. Utah. Heber Bnrron opcrnKxl tlic larRe 2!unt ranch nun of BiUU for three years,'and then iiurchwicd clRhty ncrcs In the Deci) Creek iHatrlct. where he built n home, and there the family rc.ililed until hbi death. ■

Mrs.-Barron tJicn Bold the ranch and moved to Buhl, where she has tnken the keencat Interest In church nnd community actlvltle.'*. She la & member of the Biihl wnrd of the Latter Dny Salnta church, and takes creal dellRht in nttendlns mcctlnsa nnd jnclalfl nt Uie church hnll. flhfr- lovf.i to relate her experiences na a pioneer Rlrl in ivouthcm Utah and' northern Arizona, where she resided witli her parent-s, expcrlenelnff all the hardship* of pioneer lUe.

She ha.i reared n fine family, all of whom are re.<pccted eltlien.i of the varloun communities, sv number holding prominent po-iltlons In com­munity nnd slate attnlrs.

C. E. Group Has Gala Outing at ■ Banbury's N at

Swlmmlns. plenlcklnR. boating, hlklni;. slnctnt; and nil Uie othci\ thlnen that gowto make an outlnR a liucce.n were enjoyed hy mcmbcrii of the Christian Endeavor soelcty of the Christian church when they went to Banbuiys naVaVorlum Friday evenlnR.

Accompitnled. by tlov.' J. D. Harden of Buhl, the Broup went to the out­ing ullo via truck, driven by Dnve WlUon. (lodcty presldent-

Prcllmlnatv plans for* the nnnunl nummer tonference. to be held nt t4ie cnmp ([rounds nbovc Ketclium later UiLs month, were dLscuv.cd by the Bf?up. many of whom plan to n tten d .\

Mr. and Mrs, Merwln Hplnibolt nre Bponnom o f tlje poclety.

Included amnnR the rucjI s nt tlie outinc.wero Dave Wilson, Miss Olorln WllMn, Homer Dnie Kays; MLss Patsy Kcilj\ Mlia Petty Dur- llnR. Olen Terry. Miss Maxine Jlns-

.klns, MlM Ktlrn Nfiby. EJeaHor Mne Wnll. MI.m JcaJi Nlchobon. MIm Vlrslnla Allen.

Mis* ArdlUi Wnffner. Miss Mnxino Elliott, aeontfi Ooff. Elclon Fisher. MIss.Jvlnlne Durllntt, MIr.i Mnrllyn Heinrich. Ml.-u VlrRlnln Cnmnbell, Mlwr- OoroUiy Swope. Mbs Fem WhllTill. Ivan.Jacobs. Mlrj Annbel Rudolph, Ml,« Freltln Pcrohnl. Ken- nelli nudolph. Kenneth Poe. Ml.vs Marjorie Slack and MLis- Irene Davld.^on.

Box Social ArrangedB y Junior Guild Set

Membens of Uio Junior Oulld of the Church of Uie Brethren enter­tained nt n box Buppcr social Inst TJiursday evenlnR In the Rardens at the home of Mr. and Mr.-i. Robert Hemplemnn.

_l_X>urlii«-lh«-pn)grnnirMrn^Oharle!. Ronk directed a pantomime. "Dlnnar Out." with Mrs. Laura UemplemanN Mrs. lone Smallwood. Mrs. Irene Melton. Mrs. Frieda Melton. ML« MJUtr and Mhs Perry In Use cast.

Besides fifteen ^ulld members,' Mlaa FaltJj Perry. Marilyn Dean Per­ry, Mrs. Harriet Roberta nnd Her­bert Bonk, were present.

Mr*. Alien Holloway won honor* for the cleverest box. and MJas Dorla MlUer won the prettle.it box award.

OKICIVAPlOklelyapl m u p of the Comp Fire

Olrla met Ust week at the home of the piardlan, Mrs. A. S. Bockwlt*. with lUe Louise Salisbury presldlnR In tlie absence of. the president nod vIco«prc3ldent^iirbara Oeymer con­ducted tt pmcUce session of new Camp Plro sonsa and rcfreshmenta were served by the hostess. Qlrla also did work for honors In handlcnftd. Plana were made to hold a council

‘ lire MODday evening at the home of Mr8..Sockvlts.


Comins: EventsTWIN FALLS F R om iE R RldlnB

,Iub win meet at the Dennis stables ttV 4;30 p.m. today and iWc xo Twla falls. retumlnR later u> the Dennis home where auppcr will be served,

’ BUSINESS AND Profe.-^Jinal Wo­men's club will attend the annual midsummer picnic dinner nt 7 pjn. tomorrow at the home of Mrs, Ada Powell, near Berner. Cars will leave the Justamere Inn at 0:15 p.m.


llcd t

andSHAMROCK CLUB moinbi th«lr Irlenrts will attend

i4«y at Banbury's uatatoi.... luck dinner will be served and all members present-

TOWNSKND CLUB No. 1 will meet at- 8 pm, Tiir.Mliiy at the Parmer.i' Auto Insurnnci: company auditorium. All members nrt n.iked to be present at a club council mcirt- Ing which will be hrUI followini; the general «ei.tlon-. . . •

SYRINGA HOMK Impiti.vmrnt club will meet 'nic;^lay nlU'ninrm at. Ihf Imtnr nf Mr.. W nPllcr, "Aflcrnoon LunchVi)ii.'."'\vill bp the demonstrntinn (opl.: cif .str.i. MarRnret Hill Carter. (Ibii'l' t Itnnie demonstration nKcnt.

ALL DE.MOCRA-I-S of 'IMIn Falls county arc Invlicil to intcii.l the Twin FnH.-! county Dfiiiocruiu: Wo­men’s Btudjl club, nt 1 pm. tixijiy al Ihe liomt ot Mr;., D;iil W>tiiior. president, west ot Filer. A i«»:-lin;k dinner will be served, nnd » i)r(.Krnm will b presented,.

SALMON TRACT Hoinciiialirrr.' club will meet July lU nt 2 p.m. uitli Mrs. Lester Skerm with Mr.v AllrccI Larsen,as co-hosicwi. Roll tall will be "My Fnvorlte RcfclKerjIor [tc- cipe," and .Mi;s. .Mnrgnret Kill Cutter, will dl.-,cu.v;*rcfrlKcrnlor nUMl-,. Tor dlrecUolw to the Skecni hoim-, in­quire nt the Holllsitr Scrvicr Matit>ii,

FllOM nOZKN.S OK TWINS al the I vrntloii In ChlraRn, JodeM »elretcd I Mnrry (bottom) »■. "moiit Idrlillral.-

WilKN New York’s stamor «iri heir- CM Drenihi Frasier,, m a rr ied

'Shipwreck" Kelly, e*pen«l»elr 'simple was her attire, no Jewels at neck, short (rain; wax ocanca bloi- som diatlem; tillen ot the Talley bouquet.

Bible's History Told at Mission Circle Meeting

Mrs. H, L. Wiiltrrs, as Riiest S|i«nk- :r at the mectlns ot the Knull Mis- ilnn circle ln.nl Thursday afternoon It the home of Mm. Dorti Carder, .cave, an InterentloR address on the hbtory of the Bible.

Durlnit Jitr talk, she toW ot the trnnslatlonrmnde to form the Bible as we know U today and U>a dl(> flcultle-s of thnt work, nl.w polntlnu

thnt It wn-s only four hundred . s nfio that the first Bible wna printed.• Members of the circle Rnve short talk.1 on the .subject. "Ixive Lends to Wider KnowledKC." Mrs. Corn HoV loway wns prosram lender. '

Mrs, R. K. A n d er^ aMlsted in servlnB rcfrcshmeiKs to fifteen membwr. npd two Rue.sti. Mrs. Wai­ters nnd Mrs, Herb Wlnteri of ,Los AnRcles, who l.t vlsltlnR at the hor of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Melloway.

The Rroup made plan* for a picnic Tliunday. AuRUst 7. at Harmon park lt\ Twin Fs-lli foe metnbera #.nd Uwlr friend*.

Recently W ed Coujile -H&uored'at-Reecption

PAUL, July. 12-M r. and Mrs,' Ev- -cct Coon of Spanish Fork. Utah,

cntcrtAlned at a reception Inst Wednesday ovenlhg at the country home o’, hla parenta. Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Coon, honorlne their son and dauRhler-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs, La’- ■Vem Coon. *’bo were recenUy mar- rled nt Sioux City. In.

Invited Rueata were Mr. and Mra. Joseph Payno^KBurleyi Rev. nnd

Mrs. Oeorga Zerrlke, Ur. and Mrs, Wlley Craven, Mr. and Mr*. Allen Uordln. Mr. and'llra, Don Hardin, Mr. and Mra. Lealle Harper and son, Dlalne. Mra. Lottie Ellera. daughter, Esther, and *on». FJoyd and Jake, Mr. and Mrs. Pay Coon. Mr. and Mrj. Wlllls -Redd and tainlty. Lynn Coon and datighter. Nolo, Mr. and Mrs. P. R, Coon, Wlnnltrwl -Coon, and the honor Kuesta.

Lunch was served by Wlnnlfrcd Coon. Wllla Mac ather Eller* and Mfilba Ilarper.

Former Rupert PaMor And Family Honored

' RUPE^RT. July 13—FrU-nds s\M!n- bcrlnR about fifty iLvsemblnl jit the W. E. Hunter home Inst llmr.vlny evenlnR honorlnR Rev. nivl -'Ir;.. Ira J. Ballcs and /nmlly of Fort Mor- Rnn. Colo-sA pot luck dlnnrr wns served on tlic Inwn. nftcr which n soclnl evening wius enJoyc<i.

Kenneth Blnckburn cnterlaincil with nccortllon selections ami uc- compmile(U« the Rroup slnKini:, 'me Rev. Mr. Balles wa.i n former rr.-.i- dent of Rupert but Is now the min­ister for me Christian church at Fort Morgan. Colo.

He nnd hLi fnmlly Imve been vl\lt- InR his pnrenu nt Bolr.c and hl.’i brother, GuV Ballcs nnd family of Rupert. He will preach Siiiulay niort lriB at Vhc Ruiwrv church.,, ^

Dinner Plaiinedyodan /l,s' Farewell jorGuetita

Prior to their departure today for their home at LonB Bench. Calif.. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Montooth mid

Jntkle. wni be honortil nl n er party nt the home of Mr: nnd

Mrs, \v. Montooth- Otlier KUcsU will Include Mr, nnti

Mrs,'T. M. KniRht nnd dmiKhlrr.-.. Ml.« Ollle Mne Knight nnd Ml.u Vcr- Rll Jcnn ICnlght. Mr. nnd Mrs. Tony Vnajues and dauRhtcrs. MUs M.ar- Bnrct Vosqucz. Ml.sa. Eiirlfiuetu Var- fjuez anil Miss Carmen Var/iue?:. nnd Mr. nnd Mrs, Roy Montooth nnd In­fant ion, OeorRc. all of Twin Fnll.V.

Mr, and Mra, Tlico<loro. Knlh'ht nnd Uiree children of Hazclton and Mr, nnd Mrs. Paul HiLsh nnd three children of Filer will nho be n;non6 Uie Ruesta.

Bollon-<funkert Rites Perjo-hned at Gooding

OOODINO. July 12—MKl Anna Junkert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Junkert, became the bride of William Bolton, local buslne.is man. Sunday. Juno 20. Tlie wedding took place at the country home of. Mbw Elliabeth Henry. wlUi Rev. Te<l Sil­va ol the ChTlsUan churcH rcndlnR Uie service..The ceremony was pcclormed bC'

fore an Improvised altar -of crept j)apfr.nncl_ȴcd(llas.l){ilaj:hc-rooms of the house were ilecorated throughout with cut roses from the garden of Mra. Eme.at Fields. A wedding dinner was served to thirty Ruests, relaUves and friends of the couple. A four-Uered wedding cake, topped wlUi a miniature bride nnd bridegroom, was the centerpiece of the table.

The young couple left Immediately >r a trip throujflj Yellowstone park.


Member* of Uio Jolly Calf Keepers club met July II at the home of Ralpti Csllngcr with Stanley Oulllck giving an assigned report.

Plans were made lor the next meeting U> be heJd nt Hannon pork with a swimmer and plenlo lunch to follow Uie biisintaa session. Re­ports will be given by Clyde Annls. Wellt.y Minis and Jae c fiuttman.

FOR SALE by' OwnerMiscellaneous Household Goods '

1 -3 piee« BEDROOM SET wllh Sprincw andIWienpring. All for ___ ___________ ...... . ............m

1—3 piece LIVINO BOOM SET. enrly Mehalr.Maden design .

I Cn. F t COLDSrOT BEFRIGEEATOK «1—CAMP DED, doable site _l~rOBCH-LA>VN GUDEB ____________________Oiiicr Hems («o nttmeroos't* menUon. AU:A-1 C

m fa ibw A iT 'A ve.X btk. past BandaU Floral Oemer I

■ Like Seein’ Double

B.P.W. Club to Hear Talk on.' Tourist Project

Twin Falls War Mothers Asked To' Aid Red Cross War Project^

An appiMl to m(;mbcr.s o f Twin r;il!;! cluiptcr, Ami;ric:in Wnr Mother;:, niiiny o f whom were Inchidud itmoiu: the pert knitters and crochctcrs o f army nncl navy .svtppllc.s during Ihi; flr.sl W orld war, to ' take up their knlttlnc netidlc.s and croelict hook;; with renewed energy, wa.s made, by Mr.s, Bracken a l ih e jjice t ln R o f the chnpler,lii.st Friday aftern tw i-------------------- -- -----------at the country home t f Mri,

A. J. ncqiia. The nicetlnK wa.s the nnnual pot-liick picnic

for llic cliaplrr.Aiigiist Picnic

Planned for Salmon Group

.Mr.-,. Mildred Nrl:.oii nnd Mrs. ef- fle liaucr entrrtaliicil tiirinber;i of the Salmon Socinl chib and several

the Ni,hon home last nflrrnoon. Mr:.. F.slhtr

ODoll prwlded ni th.- bU'.inr.M se.i- .slon. (ItirhiK which li!;iiis wctc mndr for Uic alinunl club picnic to be held Aii(;u.-;i C nt tho coutiiry home of

Mrs. l!r;icV< i' hr pro<hirlli>n s 'alls clmpltT, Anms n hrnvy COM’.I )o knltir<l Into :li<'led Into .•.hawl

KnIttliiK yiiin rom .Mfs, 4lnic

tlircnd. from Mr,-.

», Jonr'Aciity-;.

a Dnvl,'i?crrd roll

.Mr.r, i;ora Smith i , The

traditional saluturoup ;,ltiKlnK of

DurhiK Uic bu

K ouoncd with the r flat; and

Mnrllwi Ilal;,<' DurlniT liie bu.-.lm

.dueled by Mr;.. An


patcloncic.Vi :;c.v.lon. i>lan.'l r n nil;.ccUnncuu.%

In honor of Mr.s. Ju:miui.............110 wn;i .Mljs Juanita UuilerbefJjru liiT tnnrrluKc. 'n ir courie.sy 3 l)laniiod for tho iit.tt nirctlnn-

Many "aunshhie I’ nl" kIII.v Kcrc 'XchnnK<'d durln

lernooii'.i proKrai> Mrs. Pearl H

Mary Urooksnnd Mrs. PiClub KUc:it.-i ihcludi'd Mh-'> LHiirn

Hellcvllle of Cincinnati. 0-, Mr.i. Mac OCorKC. Mrs, .Maud Klrkman. Mrs. Chnrk-s DurlliiK, Mrs, Hn;:cl DiirllnK. .Mr.i. Ralph A.ssciulrup. Mr;>- John Urook.-. nnd Ml.w Nell LouL-.iuC:imp- bell.

Mrs. Mlldycd I l\lcr wiU bf lu>ste:.r. at the next meeting. iu'.;,Litcd by Mrs. Mcrile Soudcrs.

CoiLvtcaxet ArrangedF or Chicago Visiior

Before «he relumed to her hnmo In ChlcaRO. in.. Jiust. Friday. MU-.s Helen Kcnlston'waa hpnorcd nt .vev- eral hiformnl courtc-slc.i.

Ml.vs ARncs Stfonk. at who.sc homo •Uic former rci.Ident w.v. n Kurr.t for scvernl days, entertiilncil In her hnn- or-nt-B'-brldfre-pBrtr-ln-it-Tun'lBy- evcnhiB.

MI.SS Lois Shotwell WO.S ho.-ite.M nt n picnic dinner Inst Tluirsday nlKht nt Shoalione fnlU. A campfire wil built Jor-Vhc social evcnlriB. ami I'le Kroiip motored to Twin fnlLi prior to retumlnR home.

•;-s mtxiln n.*. M. Wl;..-- th dolTifrr'Jcr tli

U3.0. fund.,iul Mr.'.. Dlllar.1 TU'tiua «n Twin Kail;; ntui Mr.-., H-lhc

Tliornton of l-'lli;r wero liicliiilr nmons Uid RUf.'.ti. .,

You)ifi People of Buhl T.o Attend. Confcrcnc.e

DUilL. July n-YouHK iiroplc- of the Pri-:.byi<:rlan rhurcly r.I lUihl will nRiiln be In atU'nilnncc at ■ Sawtooth .MimmlT conference ii Kcichum. Rev. and Mrs. J. A. He ard will nccompany tlie jjroup >|)0ii.-i0rs. nnd It Is cxpectrd ti ibout a (lor.tii ynuiiR people will nl- tend. Tllfy will leave lluhl Wrdnc:;- dny. 3uly 10, and will return July il.

Courses icrtT Klvon by various members of Ihe faculty, drawn from

lut the norUiera part of Wnho fine recreational proiiram 1.-

Df. W y a t tOFFICE NOW OrEN

CHIROPRACTICP h y s io th e ra p y

R A D IO N IC D IA G N O S IS C O N S U L T A T IO N F R E EHonr» 0 to S. Evc». by Appt.

m Third ATfc N. P H O N E 1377

>40av CLEANERSa new Park-hi Service

E x cc p l W h ito

P L A IN D R E S S E S S U I T S • P L A IN C O A T S P A N T S • S K IR T S • SH IRTS • B L O U S E S

(CASn * , CAEEY)Cofivenicntiu' L oca ted in theOLD STAGE DEPOT

241 Bbothone St. North. ' Phorift 438

2 6 «C LE A N IN G

Tlire •ailint;.'. cr prcM'litrdr Hn;:HtC)i;

Mrs. Virgil Telford HonoredAt Surprise Bridal Cou/tesy

IloiK.rtiii: Ml-;;. V lrn irvT T crford . whi bclorc hcT recent ntarrliua' hi Salt 1, temple, M r;. M elvin Bcrrett eiUiTtalii nuptial ;;!u)wer la;;t Friday afternoon Biiren. Miv;. U errd t and Mr;;. Telfoi il a

The Hei'rett liomr- wa.-; beautifully <li---------------------------- -------------------- .|,„j „ f jut,,,., cl<‘lphlnhdii and

iPhUAs, and :;llver wocldint; l>ell;i

Ml: :.'i loht Adam.':• City :il the 1..D.S,;it ;t .•Mtriirlsi- i)0;a-h.T h(1111,•, yiT Viin

nili'd w ith a profii-

i.'.pendc'd froi tho

I, M r-.^ Allalii'.. KI., I) llt.l

lleher T. Child Family Reunion Stayed at Gala.

Gathciiiig at ’BurleyI'AIjL. July 12 — Tlie Ifebcr T. •

Ciillti family reunion wns held •tir-oUiiy, July 'J. ut, ttic liotna of

ami .Mr:.. liennan Stoker ot Icy with live clilldrirn.v sixteen ulchllilrrn wid r idchllilrrn prc.'iciit. picnic luncheon wiu . . r table on Uiu lawn, followed by rocram in which most of th# tilers took part, n.% follows; duct,


, Enrl Scoblo lircii; trio, "Idn- laffer, Mrs. Sco- iren; duct. Mr*, hier. • Oarollno: loyce Schnfft-r;

acoble; Rfoup' . Schaffrr, .Mrs. .... rf-.'

I. acoble pjid Mrs,-Mnz-

•llllTl Muil ni Dr.ii.i-r

,.:i. Nt.-.ii..l„Mr»^*^

Coinirsit l'(.

■; .S;;';''',,,,.!,,,, Maren P a yn terj-'7 'e?6’ii/ at P a rty

' ArrniKied , I . - . .

■ U u p c r i

was iiwardrd tlu- i>rl/r I ami Mts, U V.. C.ilbi-rl- hli;h. Mk-> QullU:ui, w an honor Ciie'.l i;IIt.

I hlrlhd

Collojro (iradiiaU^T o Join KiUMilty

CALDWTi:!.!., Jtilv 12 _ Irwlti SchwlcbcrV ot CalOu-rll hn-. brrv nppiilnle<l to the fiunilty of the Col- JcKn ot Idaho, Dr. W. W. Hull, Jr. prc;Jdcnt of the ,school, announced

Mr. SchwlebcTt will ti.kr nviT (If. •bnllnK and pukiikc in iho public rclntloiis work of Harold I{ol).Tt:;.-<iii leave of nb.'.ence thl.'t tail. Dr. H. II Hayman, (debate coach, will Rive iiji ... tliAj»<?rk nnd trncli soclolixv^^ng^ ,|r• A Kriulimteof theColl.'Ki'of Mahf with Uic cln---s of 1031. Mr. dchwlc' beri look (trnduntc work at the Unr vrrslty of Callforilla In 1037 ami ha; tnuRht at the Caldwell hlk'll I'chool for i.evernl years.

While nt the Calijwrll school hi -ha;: been nctlvc In debute wnrk nni this year's debnle teu'ni.as Idaho . tatc chnmplon.H were entered In the national toumanient where they went to the semifinals.

willnL'.o featured.

Tlie v«i>er service Uils year nRnln be conduct«l by preM< Robert D. Steele of We.tmlnMci eollcKf, Salt Lake City.

Tlie younu peojilc plannhiK I'o nt. l«i«i lue lukul to meet nl the Pres' byicrlnn Mnnsc Sunday nlnlii i»i 7:30 o'cloel: to make final nrramie- menUt.

Tlic~IsIan(J of Otinin, 'xtwrcKlc »val bn.'.e In tho West r«clllc ocean. M a populnUoii of WiOO. accord­

ing to Uie census bureau. TJils rep- rescnLi n 20,4,pcrceni liierense over Uie IB.5M pcri,oa.i reported in the IB30 cewtw.

Pilot iralnlnc Ls behiK -Mweded In South America. AmonK the nnilon which have adopted Imprrr.Mve pro crnm.s for tralnlnc new pilots nr ArRcntlJia nnd Brarat.


ENROLL N O WHere ti Uio hlRhc-st paid profes­sion open to the modem womnn. A new cla.is iJi.belntf orRUnlred rlKht now . . . Enroll . . . pfcpnre yourself for an enviable cnreer

-in* bcntttyctilTurc:----------f --------BEAUTY ARTS

ACADEMY133 Main We«t

Tivtt) Fftlte . ..




JDAYI Wo have Just tnstallcd a new Pur. Clennine Unit. Uiercby bringing to Maelc VtiUey iftcther new. modem fur servlco, whidi is endorsetl by the post

up-to-the minute furrier*. Our Purs arc cleaned by the Purrlen Method, and flnlshctl by this now process which handles your fun with the care of fine slllL It sterilizes e v ^ Inch of Uia garment, replaces ttaa natural oils nnd sheen In your akins, blows eVery bit of dust and grime from the hair and leathet and makes your fur cOat look like tho dny It vaa*purchased.

CaD’ Ui for the Newest and Flnesl Far Co»l Oeanln* rRICES ARE VEHr RSASONABLE 1

CTUB o N V i tq m p iA E N 'r o > i t s k i n dIN THIS SECTION OF TUB COUNTRY

THE FUR SHOP"If You Don't Know Furs, Enow Your Furriei

N «1 to Orpheum Pbon* 4U-

G iirKis f n n n M o ii lo n a I lo iiu rcd . (if. C o n r lc s i

lar'd and lln-lr riy llubbiird.., Mr. ;Tlid Mr:;.

of Hamilton, /crleMo:;rrwl n: Ihln .-vcnh Up Kock Crci

Ilarmnn park ho ol

Other. Kiicst-% at Uic Jliirmon out- IK were .Mr. nnd .Mr;i. Arthur Oor.

ilou. Mr. and Mr;;. Piuil Oordon. Mr iri Mrs. Uornnrd Martyn and fam.

lly, Mr. nnd Mrs, Piiul Phclnn nni. family anil- Mr, -nnd -.Mrs. Olen•••flKhl.

nf nennrMrr.-mrrr Srharrrrnnfl^ . I'all.-!. Mr:;. John iiiiliicr niid Ml'S <iiui,:htcr of Los

rom r ]V .S .C S . JUi.-i Gcin'ral. Church Meet

KltOMK, Jiilv i ; —A itcniTal bu:;U V M-v.K.n r>t the rlrrlrs of Ihe nirii’s .< .x-li-:v (>r CiirLMian Ser\'- wa% kflil 111 the cliur.lv-ba.sr-

;il Ilf tlir MoUirwlbt chUTch • irxliiv allcrnrxin wllTi thirty la

!>n>;:r;im w;r; In cliarKC of Mrs. il Oirfrtire, who iirr:,cjilcd Lloyd lore, jr., t»-rrtlM;)nK "Ood DleM -N ..iu y Uiid." • and "Santa

,1r:Wlprlhn Rilriiiiui rcnd.__n r 'l’roiidN/) Br im Amerlcn

hlrh wius It'oin Oir rwiln ftU>ry. 3ne Man’.s Inmlly." Ml:.i MnrRnrct hltr pinved plnno so!ccilon.s. "Car-

ivivl Dance." nnd "O Sole Mlo." Iterre-vhments Were r.er\'ctl by Mrs. rrtlia Vainnan, Mt'-s Mary Spenk-

..iiin, Mrs. Hnrlow Freemar Mrs. Albert F~ MnrUn.

m e Unlt/'d States ho-s 2.M5 ixiri.-.. landliiR fields, and seaplane bn;.e.-., IiicludinK MQ municipal and <95 commercial nlrporW,

Health & Actident I N S U R A N C Ek’ ■ * "

A lifetime; policy. 32% lower In cusi tlian other like pollclrr-on-tne mnrkeU

3.r..itonERS:R 232 Main A»e. North






All liph tcr c o lo rcd su its. Tan, STcy, blue.



Juat a fe w l e f t H u rr y !


DRESSES250 summer dresses priced for q u i c k clearance. All sizes.'.Values to $10.00;.


BOO cotton fro c k s . Sheer.

•piints'.~Kayons.,-. „

Page 6: THE TWIN FALLS NEWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · eration of the car la suspended and Uie'tar borrc'd frotn'lhe road until It 1.-1 fixed



Series to Take Five-Game Lead

AMKRICAN I,EAr.UE Ktw York 7. iiL Louli S. rhllttdelphl» 4. CIc»el»nd 2. • Wwhlniton 5. Clc»to 3.U<in»l«n 7-10 Dttroll 5-S.

ST. LOUIS. July 12 (/P)— The boys w ith the slld c-ru les hftd to go to work BRaln today the New Y ork Yankees bent the Browns. 7-5, to sweep their three-gam e series,

There was Joe DlM agglo. lor one, w ho crackcd ou t a double In the fourth Inning a n d 'a single In the fifth to make Uila UiB Sill snmo In n row In ivhldi ho hiia hit 4itrc)y. There woa iho Yankee victory wlilcli. coniblned

• with CleVelRnd's Iom lo Phllttdfl jphln. mntle Uio Now Yorkers’ AmcT- . icnn Irnmn* Irnil flvp-tull

____Xhs—Yaliiuc*. concunUal«(l-Ui«lrSire on r>nfi>lg InnJntr Jod*y. itixl U WS3 D1Mr«kIo'.i <loubIc whichtOllCllNl It Otr, . y~

Tommy Ilciirlch drew n walk to open Uic foiirlli nnd prompUy cnme raclnc homo on Uic iwo-bauscr, De- lore the Intilns wa over the Ynnki hnd fotir inurr Ullle.i, (in Charley Keller's nmslc; a liomcr by 1)111 Dickey, bl.1 scventli of ihc yew; Error* by llnrlontl Clift und Roy Ciil- lenhlno. and a InKle by Plill Jilr- xuto which aiivc him a record ol TtUUns In IB stmts in » row. Tliey plek«l up two more run.t ,lii ihe OlxUu

Pltchcr Tony Bonhajn wiLn taken out for flftnian Johnny Murpliy.

->.u'ho retired tlio next, two men »nd throusJi Ui« nlnUi at Uie cost nl

' 'onft run; on ulnRle.t by Johnny Lu- cm«llo. Do •• Heffner and Gcotbo Me-v Quinn. ‘K.w York I«Uirni. lb I

They're the Bronx Bombers Again!HyTllLLON OllAHAM

fiporw Edllor. AP ^fttiiro Servlcp NEW Y O R K -T l^p Yankw.i are.

roarlns down vlcwr>- rond nRnln. poujlbly hfiuled for ihrli^lKh prn- n;\iil In ,ilx yenr.'.

Paced by llie fltPiulle,ii lilllliiK strcnjc In Amer^iin Irnsu*' hUlory, the Yankee.i cainr with a nuh lo KTiib Uie- l<x3ji lend M the July cniiipnlxn t>e nn,

Tlio current uombcra eicbon copy of ihe feiusome Y( of 1030-30 but nl tlielr prcient Knit Uicy seem Kood niouRh to win.

fltehinc l> Ihclr weakni ). The

MrCarll.ymen Uch hurlrrs who romparr with tiielr riliiilnt ffl> loHii o( (he four-itrsl(hl yrari. .Strudlrr tMiInt Is about *U (hut roiild be juke<I of tlie jranf. And, at that, .(hey’n; lettlnc about aa

j-nod twlrllnr a* any other club.U'fly aomer. who come near be-

JiiK rui adrUt hut Bcojoii. Is wlnnlns iU>. Uwl RuIflnK U a fair bet cvi-iy Kniiie, Alter a iiliaky *pcll,

. . ink' .MnrlQii Uur.%0. who recently Iiu.iiliiiiMl n one.hitler, la the top

iiihiMW of the •Jensue, Mrenmn .Murjihy In more cffecilve

Timl III'/ youiiiialer.i. Dreucr. Peek, UonlmJiM»i<il Donald, are ImsirovlnK.

Joe Di (ll{;Klo's great batthiK

slrrnk and Uio Umely hlttlnc of Chnrley Keller and the others boost­ed Uio Yankees, DlMacBlo broke Ocorge 81-iler'n American league rec­ord of 11 ntralitht Ramei and beat Wllllo Keeler'* major IcaBUo mark ol « Knnies, lie Is woll up in the bftUlnc and runs batted-ln races and Kips iho home run llatvi.

Keller, whilt carrjrlni a Ilchl kverace In the ^70‘i, paced the lea-

baited In. Blit Dickey.I flop last year, h u auUiored i finn comeback w]<h » t

0 o( abore-:;3S0.Tlie fielding h u been fine. Johnny

Stunn at flr<t l« bIhr well and Red Rotfe. alUiousb sc ttl^ no younger.

Is pluylne bett«r ball than ft yrivr «Ro. To show Uielr power Uie Yixn- keea accounlcd /or <0 homo-nitin In as nlralRht ffames.

-The White Sox h»»e cha11fii£. ed and f»IIen back. Tlie Indian., after holding the lead (or a ipell, faltered m only their ace. Hob Feller, eouU wtn eonalatently and their hltilnc wasn't lO food.Tlio Red Sox, with iv RurjirhliiK

stretch of good pltchlnK, h*ve climb­ed Inlo a contending role. Hut ihe Yankees arc out front, playlnif briirr ball Uian any of Ihe oU>crs ami. to thLi observer, they seem more llkrly lo IncrcAss their margin than tn .-.iir- render any of It.

H.nrlfh, -rt J ,___- a S ' T i " ! ! i S EDick.r. e 4 •

■ hit*—01 M>K|,-L>. IlllluU,. Itrnrlrh,Culknliln ,, Hnm* n*n*—IltrVry. l.tib*. Hlnlm !>•■»—llliiulo,' WInnlne pitrh'f— h nhiRi. r.lI'h'r-A«Wr,

Senator White I

ifeat »x, 5^3

■ ' CHICAGO, July 12 (fl>) - The Wti.ihlnRton Senators made Uic mmi of their nlno hlU lotRiy, dcreuiing

■ tho Chlcntfo \Vhlle Sox. .1 n> 3.Catcher Mike Trcsh of ClilcnKo

was banished from tho gamo by um- plro Oeorce Plpgra.i for 'proic.niing ball and slflke Oecl»lon.i In the firsl Inning,Wuhlndan •

' Cnmtr. 'cf r1Tr«*la. M

! f

-ToUUz— (nr luxi in vtn.Wuhinttnn .....-............ 001 innChk»m .. ........... ......... noi :oo o(io-J

Ertori- r»ni_»r. Arrjlne, K»n"Wrl.,._ ...,, - ............... .U<N-C*». V rnnn. Arrhtr.Archl*. •Knl(VA)KvL«r >n,| Kuhrl:KtRtirtu

Athletics Down ^ Cleveland TribeCLEVELAND. July 11 Phil-

ftildphltk bunchrij Uicit U hli.-\ when Jt counusl today to Wke a four to two-decl-'ilon'from Uie Clevrlund in- dUins. Bright -ipoi w;i.i u fhth lO' nlng homo run by Wally Morte;i who crossed Uie plnte behind Al Drnn- cato, and Le.itcr McCrabb'.i Jhr- hll pltchlnt;. Al Mlhinr gave tli< AUilcUc.1 10 lilL.| In .icven Innlni;: before he wa.i replaced for a plncl bitur. rhUM-lphU


Red Sox Sweep Double-Header

„ ___ _ -ookJeItcbers to tamo Uio Detroit Tlccrs

tn ft doubleheader today and tli# »«Mn*sler8. aWttf by some polent ilusglnf,- won boU) gameis. 7 knd 10 to 3,

Beber Newsome gn»e Uio Tlgff’ tffvtn hlta before he w u rell tflke Rybft in tbe eighth


Walters Cools RedpHM DodgersReds Edge Out)WARREN W IG H T ’S TRIO

SCORES CLEAN SWEEPnilCAOO, July 12 (-?)-Warren

WrlKht of ChlcBgn. owner of fnnicd Whtrlaway, enterrd three two-ycar- oldA In Uie r4<l> Arlington l-'iiiurliy tCKliiy and won a dean sweep—an aslonlihlng and riire reniH oft the American turf.

Hl.< trio, which domlnalert the icr from .Mart lo flnif.li. charged

down tl« .-.un'hi nlreich to Iou<l cheers from the ffrowd of 30,00(1, which had backed ihr entry licavlly. jn ie winner Wii* sun Aciiln, a :.liir-

Jy son of Sun Tcddy-llug Again,

Some Cliancc wa.i second and WWi- bone Uilrd. *’

Never In the 11-year history of the rnce wns It 50 completely one- .ilded and .io far a-i available record.i :,how It probiibly v,'M ihe first lime hi history rf Ameilcnn rnclnR that .inch a rr.iull occurred, at lca.il In major .itnke, ••

Tlie value of the race, with eight iiiirter? wn.i IM.750 and the Chicago -iimrl.-.nian grabbed all of It except SI.500 which went lo Hal Price Headley of Lexington. Ky.. whose coil, Anil-Cllinax. finbhcd fourth.

opener, while Crcll ( alloR'Pd nine r.afctlrn In Uio necond.

Loague Presulent Lifts Siispeii.sioii

O f Jimmy DvkcsCHICAGO. July 12 (,r)-^Wmi«n

Harrldge. pre?.li!ent of Ihe American league, tonlclil llfte<l hl« suspen­sion of JImtny DykM, Clileago Wiilte Hot mananer.

Harrldfo. who »u«pen<W iJyken indefinitely last Sunday because he u.ied.“ahUKlve and nlweene ianruage" In an argument with an umpire, iiaid nyke* could don a uniform ajaln Sunday ^ d theeealter.


—Tlic .iWlo athletic commlolon to­day ordered the Dob aike.i-Duddy Knn* heavywelRht JlKht ncheduled for July 21 at North LltlV? Rock' postponed until July- 28 becaiue Knox la suffering from a cut eyoi

Only One More to Go

League LeadersBucky Stops B rooklyn W ith

S ix -H it Hurling fo r 3 * 2 ,^ c to ry

NATIONAL I.KA01T.NVv> York n, Ht. I,oul» i. nnclnnatl 3. Ilmnklyn 2. I'hlKhureh n, rhliadelrhla I. Chleaco 0, Ilo«lon 0—eallril In see-

nd Innlnr, rain.

imOOKLYN, July 12 (.7’/—Ducky Wiiller.i slowed up Uie red-hot Pcooklyn UkKtr.er* today by pltchUiR a .iiiperhitlve i.Ix-hlltcr to i;ive the .'liimbllnK world clmniploii Clnchi- iinll Reds a. iicTve-UnKllnit" 3 to 2 iiciory before 10.022 fans, s

In nplin of Uie lor.n the Icukuc- leaders renmined 3’i game.i nlieiid'of

31, Ixiuls Cardinal,-!, who were beaten liy tho New York OUinu, "

Walter.i wenkened In only one 1n- nUlR — Uic elKhtli — when (he DodRcrs pushed ncro.'-i tliclr. two lallle.i.

Jlimplng on Whitlow Wyatt, the Icague'.n tnp-fllKht luirler In vlctnr- le-1. In tlio llr;,t frame. Uie Reils Jammed over two ruiti ulth-ono.

Lloyd Wancr ran out nn in­field hit and Mmii Krey w.-vi UigKcd wiUi a pitched iiall. After l-'raiik McCormick popped out, Harry Craft singled in Watier and I-Vcy scored when Pelc'ilcifcr threw wild p:ut the plate.

Singles by F.<ldle Joost anti Wni- t«ni and Bill .Werber's grounder scored the wlnnlnR Red run in thesevenUi. ------

was Wiilter.V elevenlfi win of Uie year against Mx lo-- cs.Wfrh.". Ill **' ft n'wiiL-r," tf *4 1 1

WHEN ROBERT MOSER *1£FTV" OttOVE chUted ttjj hli ZOTth ^Iclaty Ldst Thurtday; he came within one game of the magic circle of modem bM rt»irplt«hm who h»»e won orer MO f»me». Only four othw' pitch- er« han reached or pooed that tnork. With moU of the spe^d with which be bofned aIUcti bock in the "good old days* with Ihe Ath­letic* gsoe, Grort now rtllei on hU boad (o win.

. , / I

DrlroitPhlladeiplili ............. 3S 41 .4151St.-^ul» .................... n -TiJWattilnsloa ...............27 « ,35,1

ATIONAL I.EAGUKBrooklyn............ .12 2S .fi73St. l.ouls ........- ........ .<!> 2D .i;:jNew YorkCincinnati......Chlra*f> ......Boston ......riill.vtelphla .

Bucs Win 11 of - Last 14 Games

PHn.Ar^.PIlIA, July 12 l-V,TUne- j hlLi,' Inrliidlng Klhle Klctclier’n

elRhlh hoiTio run wlih one on biLse. coupIc«l with John Lnnnins'.-i six-hli pitching giivn the Plli.-'burgh Plr- utcfl a 0 to I victory over the Phillies today. Tlie irUimpli wn.n the.Hue.';’ llUi In Uiclr la.M M K»mes.

Tho box;rilUhurih 4b r hll’hlli'lrlplila ili. r h lUnHW,'»" 1 1 l|il“ni«mtr>,’ rf « 0 1 ri.Ut>«r. Ill J 5 llt.li.hll.r. If < n :

Giants Conquer St. Louis Cards

NEW YORK. July 12 --!■> - Al- though hn needed nlnih-lnnliiR as- r.lilancc from^ValU-r lirnwn to Kct out pf a ba<l hiilr. youiiK Bob Car­penter hurled hLi j.lxth victory for Uie Olanls today, holding the St. Louis. CardlniiLi to nevcn hlt.-i mid driving in Uirre nm.i wlUi ii .-.liicle and double. Tlie

Tlie box;CfMpl. :h 4 1

Tnlmla IS

Tn Nlpomo. CoIU.. a JusUce of Uie peace pcesents ft rolling pin with his picture, on It, to every couplo ‘ mBrrfes.


York .................m .2fi .m:

40 33 JIH5 35 jon5 « . i «0 43 .411

Helen Jacobs Gains Toiirnam enl Finals

PHILADELPHIA. July 12 m — Helen Hull Jacob.i of Oreenvllle Dei,, and Mrs, Sarah Palfrey Cookt of New York — srcdetl first and r.ccond — won their way into the flnab of the middle states gross court tennis lournRinent today.

Miss Jacoby tho United Stales' No 1 woman amateur, defeated defend- Ing champion Jlelen ncmhnrd o: New York, 6-0. 5-7. lo-o. nnd Mrs Cooke won over Margaret Osborne San PranclMo. O-O. 0-0. 0-1.______- ,: I

Boise Wallops Twin Falls; Reds Increase League Lead

Radtke Leads 18- Hit Assault on

Sandstrom Tln>—3;tO. M»5.

(C«nllnu«.I (ram I'ic« OnOdlftlculiy in hilling the offerings Rube aandslrom, who went Uic routes clesplto Uie 18 safe blows he Kai-e up.

In tho flfUi frame the Pilots lunched eight alnglc.1, n home run

by Jack Kadtke — hl.i (lecoiid of Uie evening — wlUi two walk.i and two Cowboy errpra for 10 runs,

Ray Bauer, Boise rlBhllleldcr. hit safely for Uic lOUi consccuUve gumo.

The victory gave Uic PlIot.i Ilrnl ilood in Uie new sorlc.i, Tlic teams ncet In a double bill Sunday. wlUi

aficrlioon and evening game.-,.' ‘ 'iil':__jStt.t_hi|ioUe_____

^Jdahp Falls Wins Free-Hitting GamePOCATELLO, July 12 (,!’)—Idaho

FalU cds«l out Pocatello, 10 to a. In .. raRgod, free-hlllltiB Pioneer basC' ball leasue game tonight.• Tlie Ru.vieu started tlielE .corlnB

in Uie first frame, tallying twice, and Uie Cards came rlRht back lo chase three runs acro.ti Uie plate In Uielr half of Uie inning,

n ie ,iPcond And third, In each of hkh—the— Rti-isefi .icored—Oirey

timr^.-gnvc -Idnho-milS-nn-cdgirit hi-ld iliercaftcr.

liich team coniniltted flVe errorii. The RuMi'M outWt the Card.-:, 11 to


’IVo Idaho Kall:i twlrli-rs gave uj nine walks and Pocatello Iwlrli-i Turpcn yielded four,

•ilhc game opened a new thrce- gamr series that will conllmie ^mi- day niKht.

VmMw*’ ,1 (I ojr, *lViVr’n

3^982 Fans See Reds Beat Bees'

SALT LAKE CITY, July 12 (!P) — Ogden'.i Reds lengthened Uielr Pi­oneer baseball league lead to fl!i games tonight by defeating sccond- place Salt Lake City. 7 lo 3.

A crowd of 3,962 faiis. one of the large.-.t In the leagilo Uils season, watched the leam.s battle nip and tuck for nix frames, Tlien in Uie final three Innings Uie hiird-hltUng Reds chased four runs aeroM Uio plate lo lake a decisive vlctor>'.

Prank Bnumholts' .-.ingle, scoring Vernon Stone, who had walked, gave tho Reds a one-nm odvantaRC In tho seventh Ktid they only added to their

largln thereafter. ,Stone. plichliiR for OKden, nw

the liecs well under control Uirough- it. In only two frames, Uio fourth Id i,lxih, wero the Bees ablo to

In the fourU) they tallied 1 t',1'0 hiui and. in. tho sixth Uio

Bce.i found Slone for three lilts •ere Rood for two runs.Tlie- Rei}s iitarted their scoring

•llh one run in.Uie'Uilrd — earned and added two more, r>t the iinraiiiwl vatltly. In the lllth. With Uie Bcc.V two tallies In Uio ,ilxUi, however, the count was knit­ted at 3-aIl.

n itn In the sevenUi, Al <Nlg) Tate Is.iucd a walk to Stone, saw him

c) M-cond on a ir.issed ball -by IVunk Morris and score on Baum- halt?.' ,ilnBle lo center,

llie league loadcrrf added anoLlier ni In the eighth and two. more

the ninth to lea the game awny.Tlie second game of Ihe scries

1.1 scheduled Sunday afternoon.

: iCul'nlin'lV Jt 4 I. :

■S1.7l''V. * J }

i' S I. 01 Tnl.l. 11 » II

r,I.n’ ,io.lnT,-H,.. .. .... 000 102 000—1 ,r.”c, H*l«h-

1M% Idaho ProdDct - Mfgd. by Coeeretfl ripe Co. — Twin FalU

i»ll»w. (II, iMoliUnf, m»trvo l [• iht modtrn balldtofniMtial lh«i !• twmlBr ihi muflln’. 0»r 109.000 unlu no« In la tbl«»»TTlk,fT 4l«n*. IflTMilftu tad4r. .•>

Rob'l. E. Lee'Sales Co.<;i MAin B . . rnoNB u»w


COM PLETE BO D Y R E B U ILD IN G B ear S ystem .

W H E E L-A X LE -FR A M Es t r a i g h t e n i n g



K /f.i

. I-.IUI# rlUl..r-

Iglit a, Ur>,JVr 9 i;mplr.«-Alllni


Seattle D rop s . 12-lnrangGame

llie Portland edged fl Uic iwrh'th Inning todas.,5 to 4. for their flr.M coa;,l league victory of Uic week,

n ie .icore: R H ERcatUe .....2nn 000 200 000—4 13 1porUiinii ...m2 010 000 001—5 10 0

Turpin and l-'allon; Llska and An- nunrJo.

0 victory ovi-r San Frantlico toilay In a cnasl league game.

The Oak.-! scored, al! their runs

hiu iimi-two-WRHw-flff-tnrTT—Jnn«— ■n, ynuni: Sral rlnhtlmnder. Jan- •n iillowrd OaWiind only six hlt.i. •nioi.cor.'; n H K

San Franel-iCO 000 000 000-0 5 1Oakland ........ 000 040 OOx—4 0 2

Jan.ien and ORrodow.ikl: Buxton rid Conroy.

SPECIAL1941 Plymouth

Deluxe 5 Passenger Coupe .

R adio, heater and dt!froBtor. O nly 6.000 miles. Like new in every r c a p e c t^

V ery Spccinl nl

$865BAR NA R D A U T O CO.

Phon6 1G4 CndUlac Pontinck


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T «k e advanugc o f these n jon ey .«a ^ g spcdals. Have your car Summtr^urtd now for a siQoothcr runaiag, deaccr, safer car for holiday aod vacatioa (rips.Drive io (o d t j. Remember these low prices



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410 Mnin. A v c . 8 . V Phone 76

Page 7: THE TWIN FALLS NEWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · eration of the car la suspended and Uie'tar borrc'd frotn'lhe road until It 1.-1 fixed



Shatters Par to D efeat Sarazen


July 12 (/P)—Broad-shouIcJcred B yron Nelson, m aster o f th e Iron shot, clam ped ft stron ger hold on his ProtCHslonal G o lf ­ers nssoclntlon chnm plonshlg. tojlay when he bow led over doughty little Q cno Sarazen 2 nnd 1 in a par blisterlnR 30 hole sepil-flnal m atch.

An n’ rcsull Uie blK follow Iron Tolctlo, Ohio, who won tl'n crowi In-H yenr nt Jlwliey, Pn,. wlli flefcnd 11 In 30-holc fliinb nKiiliwt VIC Olicril. Dosl N. J.. v,Om oiilliutwl nllm Lloyd MnnKrulTl,Pnrk. CAllt.. to will i ui>•I iip.nl the 21th.

____ Gd«« Down. ■____rT?linn lw!it iirtTn!tH~lii

Snrn^eii. vclcrnn oi ill loiinmmclil imcl parn'wor ot the

Illinois Athletic Shakeup Looms

Fighting. Bob Zuppkc Refuses to (i iH as Trustees Attempt to Iron O u t^ ^ —

_ Muddled Situation

r bclriK

Tlic {rum 'CoiinNllciclowiv lliihtiiiK unit llie iipplnti.ic ot ;;evcrul ihoiiwind fim.a no le.’is for- him Umn for the muh lie conRrfttti- Ifttcd wlUi R Jf*ariy hftnclcla.-.p on the

V 35Ui crecn.The dcfencjlns mieholricr si

cd pftr nnd Uie hoj>es of old.ilt azen wlUt a brltllnnt tiMorimcnt of itliol.1. mainly lo iho.mcens.

^ When he {InUhcd. ha wo* four «lrokc*vuncler par fof **'« Clierrr illlls eoune. Baraxtn. who lionnrd the robe* of & I’OA kincpin In 1VZ2 tor the fint of Ihrce limes, about Ihe time Nelson w u a 10>year>ol(I boy, endrti Dp three under pnr for Iho match.While tljo Snrarcii-Ncbon duel

proved th» drnmallc touchcs of nRo vs. youth, Uifl Ohecil-MiipKrum en­counter fumlslied ltd thrills in i rousing •comeback by the Califor­n ia n , '^ ..............................

«ueky ComebAck Playing hLi llrsl POA cham­

pionship./ManRrum'a aiualiy nerve­less Kame fell to pircca for the morning round. Wild shooilng forced him to accept three penalty stroke. he WHS 3 down iit the 18ti>, 4 down at the 24th find 3 ,behind at the 30th. Ho appeared hopelessly outclnisrd, yel stuck to 11 doRRcdly to win Uie 32nd, 34Ui and 3Sih holes with -U. the last a blrille.'

With ths match (hadlocked and Iho crowd for him after tho plucky drive iom8'275 yards and too fur. Tho ball rolled lo the edse of the lake thit biles Into the la.it fair. «ay. lie couldn't take a itonee except by wadlnc Into water and had lo waste a shot chlpplne back, no he reached _lhe jreen In 3. Gheetl,'meannhne.-titt hti'seeond

^ tn the left of the ereen and chlp- w ped' up dead' (or hli par t.

Ohezzl completed the 38 holes In 6(1-74—143, even | ' 'trum’s 73-1l-^«,

Off past pcrfdrmfti tco off as Uie favorite to whip Oh<^> il. Tlio defendlnft champion. In five PQA tournamcnu, him won of as mauihcs. Oheril. who hi pleted In nine of ihc.-ic lllle never hnd pnajed the third round until lodny.

His mnsi ImporUnt toiirnamcnl vlcfbry in the Lo,s'AnBClcs 73- holc medal, pliiy opened hi 1035. He Wftii runner-up to Paul Runyan In the Ooodiill louniamenl this year niid In IB30 won the north-nouth event at Plnehursl. N. C,

GheuI, like N'lson. it:

>CU dU A1I/1V3par. against Mn I. /'t /matiaes, Ncl*6n w

Californian May Beat Own Mark

------- By EARL HILLIOANCHICAGO, July 12 (/P)—The whistle wll! blow thl;; wpck

fo r B ob Zuppke o f Illinois.O n Tue.sday. the university’. hoard o f trii.siee.s.-wlll cull'

tim e o u t" to huddle over Zuppkc's sta tus «.<; huad Illliil foot­ball coach. And the .board’s attem pt to .-itralKhlon out tlic m uddled Illlnol.s athletic situation m ay mciin the end of a .■;pcctacular coaching saga begun 28 yeiir.s ai;o— or it may signalize the beginning ot a new and pencclu l era to cap the twHlglit o f a remarkable grid­iron career.

There has been little pcace during the pa-st three year.-; for Zuppke—02 year old urldlron sUtjM-

■ rfwti7hliy“ l. — ...ni.-i bntt;e cry. ■Til never fiult.

they’ll have tn Ilro me," wiw Knlfetl :Icnrly UiroiiRli ihc dLicord of a Lit­er cnntrovcr.'.y which may force the ,rii!,lcr.-. tt> thnke up tlie whool's ath- etic ritaff even to Ihe extent of r«-

pIiicInK Wendell H. WlLion. ntlileilc director since 1030 and larRCl of

)me of "ZupV iiharjiMl barbs.Tliree yrar.i bko Wll.ion obtnlued

"Zup'a" re.ilKUiUlon. wllh the co.ach behiR Rlvi-n a $0,000 yenrly retire- mcnt peni.loti. • But the inLitecs re­fused to accept 11.

Tlio tniAtees, It U believed, have a choice of four decisions: (1) Flro boUi Zupphe and Wilson, who ha.i ■ ' 'h e over tried to "fire" Uie

coach: (3) retain both an­other ySi7r <3» flro Zuppke and re­tain Wllsob or (4) flre,WlLion and reUUn Zuppke. ’The odda seemed to point toward the latter step— with Dous Mills, baslcetbaU «conch, reported n4 belntr a possible choice ■> replace Wilson.

JumpljiR-. Iroov - a- IiIrIi. school coachlnR Job to IlllnoLi In 1013, hLi second llllnl (earn won Ute first of seven BIb Ten champlonshlp.t dur- Ing hU reslme. elllier undisputed

• shared titles.Last season wn.i the worat In Illi­

nois’ hl-itorj-, "Zup's" team lo.ilnffafter v inluR 1

Son of Equipoise Sets New Record

‘Swing and S'l^ay' W ins Em- pii^e Handicap by


NEW YORK. July 13 (UJ>J-Oui Boots, who once .was Wlilrlawsy's Jinx and hopes to Rfake Uie wham­my work ARaln, lost the Empire City handicap today, but It took n nev> track_rccord and what looked llki ix30r Jockey JuilBmcnt to bent him.

The winner In-this 41-year-eld iilake for three-year-olds, run off before a crowd of 23.4S0 at the Yon­kers track, was Mrs. Payne Whit­ney’s awing nnd Sway, husky son ot L'qulpolse who came Ihroush on the Inside of Our DooUi at the head of the siretch and then'fouRht him off all the way home lo win by a head.

Our Doot.1, a head back ahd knocked down to fiS ccnts on Uie dollar In the win pool, returned only <3.G0 for place. Swine and Sway paid a net tlBJtO for each 13 win tlekeL

These two were the only colta to figure In the runnlns. Five lengths bnck In third place came Victor Ertianuel’s Ommlsslon.

Klcmmcr Has Good Chance to , L o w e r 4 0 0 -M e tc r

World RecordPIlILADELPniAN (.1’( — Or

Klemmer won’t even venture a |j aa lo whether he'll run -lOO metci 45 seconds "plus."

The California younsitr lu aUll astounded at breakliig the world record for Uia 400. lie raced the dis­tance In 48 seconds flat In Uie AA.U. champldnshlps here Uie other day.' Orover may cover the rputo In a fracUon of a second above 45. Since he Is only a 20-year-old sophomore, brought along alowjy and Judleloiialy by Co.ach Drutus Hamilton of Gal. Uiero seems a ehinco of his doing it before his running day* - ............

get around A1 . - ..DleboH was leading SO yards from U]0 finish.

Less than month before Uio AAU. Klemmer equalled Ben Eastman’s long sundlng 44fr-yard Ume of -4S.4 seconds. When you split up a tcnUi

' ot a second Into even small fractions and that split costs an athlete a world record-;^»ell you mifiht not blame him forW ng a little put ouL But not Klemmer.

He said then he was crallfiod to hava Ued EaaUnan’s record In the Pacific Coast conference meet/ Ot .the Ujree •official -watcnes, one caught, him at 4fl.4. one at 40j andUie third at ....................."plus” th» record for tho 440. -

A week lat«r ho bad to run wide out of the liorst Imsclnabls pockflU but he von the Compton reUys 400- m et«n,ln 40.5. He waa pocketed again In the MOAA chanpIonahJpi

. and had to be satisfied with third place In Uie 440.

Klemmer Is a i«nify feilow of Oer- man and Welsh descent He atands 6 teet 7. weighs only 176. He has a great fan tn President Robert Oor> don aproul of the unlveralty who stands at the finish line and cheer* him oni '

"When I w u at hlth school la rVanclsco.I uled a number- of

. sport*,• he says. rSesJdes track, I

played basketball and soccer and was on tho crew.

"When I got to Cal I decided to nj>eelBll7.o on track. I work In the off sen.ion and haven’.t lime for every-

Klcmmcr's running style Is mncli like ihitt of Ben Eastman, Uie ex- Stanford star whose record ha has bettered. He hu more ot a forward lean than Eastman, which his coach docs not think Is much of a virtue. Dcnplte the powerlul drive ot his legs, he manages to keep the upper part of his body well rebixed.

Except for hli speed on the cinder path. Klemmer Insists he never has done anyUilng remarkable in lUs young career, and Is not quite sure what he Intends to do In the future. He’s not even sur^whlch of several girls he likes best.'

Aa for college, he's studying both physical education and criminology.

Severe Headaches May F orce Trosk)' T o Q uit BaseballCLEVELAND, July 12 <■

png Hal Trosky r.urprlscd manager with Uic dl.icloiure todsy that a "' humping hendnchc" hs: botliered him at least half the ilmi during the Jnsl three bu&ebnll ses-

The Clf^cUnd Indlnn.i' big llrsl bnsrman declnrrtl emphullcnlly tlu( ha ha.1 no Inlcntlon of reUrlnR aI any fixed dale, nnd added:

But RO.ll), a fellow can't so on like Uil.i forever. If I can't finr some relief. I'll simply have to filve up and «t)cnd tho rent ot my days

\ my farm In Iowa."Roger PccklnpaURh._Trlbal ......

agcr. nald ho knew Troslty had been bothered by hendnchcs for several ^ellsons but Umt he wn.i surprl.ied they were i;o serious and frequent.

Thursdny nlijht the 28-year-oUl sluRger wn-1 replaced by Oscar Orlme.i.

BhouUl Tro.'ky bp forced in retire evriilunlly, lil.n place probably would Ro to Orlme.i. n roo<1 right-handed, hitter-but no ulugger, or to-Vernon rrelburger. 17-year-old rooklo with

s Pllnt iMleh.) club.

Boise and Nampa Youngsters Clash

For Golf CrownI30ISK, July 12 (/p)X^^o

Dolsc valley yount:sters with ■ilzzllng putter.'! w ill tangle on the w ell-kept falrw.-iy.-! o f H lll- :re.'it Country club tom orrow in finals o t the Idah o Am erican L'Hgloh'• Jtmlor Rolf -tourna- mciU,

They arc Claude G irdncr o f Dol.se. who knocked out tou r- nanient mcclnll.ii nnd defendlnK chiimplon Wnlt Onrrlty ot Nampa In fIr.iUround plivv y.-.itmlny. and Dirk Metichnm of Cnldivcll.

OIrilner. n red-licaded dark horse v.hornnknl nnlv slxih In qualifying, pressed onto tlie pliiv-off by oust- liiK Jny OrrKory of nol'.e 3 and 2. Tlie n-ypiir-old-eadrly'i. card

hli putter, which time, nnd

Mrftcliiim. I , •cciw todav, hn.

wlUi nill^Miii'-avorrd on the mnri’ dlffloilt

f Noinpa. fin-'Pir t-.t'Q/<:alncd tlir r.ctiiT inalfl by

'■Ins over Ora Durham of RoW:, lirdner's rival In the mornUiK round, iiid Curl DouUill of noLie. Meach- im'.i second round opposition'.

Orne Rowrll of Nninpa. who wllh Dewpv Weber of f}ni;.r provided a

•hole thriller ye.iterdny, lor.t to incuin Jp the i.ccond round 3 andTlie -hil).

Nfencimm fulled Oi day.

a puller, Uiot o Olrdner nnd rrlty again 10-

'hio ltl3!l nnd 1040 champion lonl 2 III) In ;.ptnl-{lniils ot the presi­dent's fllKhl to Bill Locklc of Lewl.1- ton. Lockle .nhot oiie-nver-par golf, however, for the prlvlkfte of meet­ing Perry NUUer of Moscow In 'IB*

SlUlcr. made sure of & norUi Idaho wind-up H scoring a 4 nnd 3 tri­umph ovenCliarlcs Olrrtnrr. brother of Clnude'T'

'nm play-off between Clatide Olrd- ..er and Meacham will he over 30 holes.

One bracket, the "baby Jlltihl" for >ur ll-yMr-old youiiK.Mer.i. wn.i fln-

Uhe<l todriy w-iien Piuil BoycliKcr, II, ot Bohe. clalmitd honors wnh an 'ftveriiRB of 45 for nil the nine-hole mmis, HlRheAi .icore wa.i.60.

Pitchets Reduce W la m s ’ Mark

Boston Slugger. Holds 27- Point M argin Despite •

Fall From .400

StaretorWins . $25,000 Derby

6-5 Favorito Triumphs Over P orte r’s Cap Before

Crowd of 3 2 ,0 0 0 ■LOS AKQELES, July 13 ^)-^8Ur-

elor slrengU)ed his claim as one of the nation's outstanding three-year- olds today by whipping seven rivals In Uie fourth-nuihlng ot the $25,000 Hollytt'ood derby.

Tho Delawaro-bred colt, owned by Hugh S., Nesbitt, of Los Angeles, flashed acro.u Uie finish line three- quarlera of a length In front of his arch foe. C. S. Howard's Porter's Cap, while the crowd of 32,000 Vi'hlch had InsUlIefl him as a 'S-5 farorlte. cheered liuUl>-.

Staretor defeated the luckless Cap

Howard colt. He removed all doubt as to his superiority today with his gallant drive to tho wire, The win was worth •10.<75 to his owner. Por­ter’s Cdp won *5,000 second mbney, Paper Boy I3JOO for Uilrd and Bat- tie Color »1J30 for'/ourih.-

Idaho Commission Endeavors To Cut Fisli Planting Losses

IDAHO PALLS, Idaho. July IJ (/T> —Idnlio's Ilsh and gome commission decided ttNjay to catAbllsh a blolojy bureau In an effort to cut down hu<e flsl) planting losses.

Burton Perrlne, tlsh eulturlst, said “only, two per cent of the pUntlnss have survived In some slretuns."

He said the survival nite. could be increoaed by flO per cent throu#h puntlno ot proper types of tlsh.

rlne's recommendatlon.i . ogy bureau, sold civil tcrvlee • lUon* for the new poelUon would

held shortly.The season .for fur t>earlns «nl*

mals w u 'closed except tor Maver In district* 1 and B. District l isin north Idaha The Moscow dls- Ulct WM closed on aU animal* ex­cept fox and manin during Decem­ber, January and Pebruiiy.

M lb I iTCTBaryl Rob't E .: Lee, Sales^ Co,

~ 0 'W 1 T O V I S

0 U ilo South - Phooe lU -W — Twin Fall* Setitheni Idaho Dtotribstor . tmolesato u d BeUU

ROUND OAKT O V I S • lA N O B S •. T U l l N A C I i


JCmCAGO, July 12 (,T) — Tie American league pitching fralemliy had something lo crow about this week, After six week-s ot trying. It finally hns ended Ted William:' fling 1L1 n ,400 hitler.

AvcrnRc.i throuRh I'ridny tihonpcl IP yoUMK .Boston KluRtter and nl' nr Kame hero had lo«l ground fi IP Uilrd consecutive week, falllni

five polnu to JOB.Even so he was four points b...

off In. his race with rlvel hitters than last week, when ClBvolandi' Jetr Heath did a noaedlve and' Roy Cullenblne of St. Louis who look second placa found his J71 figure 37 polnU behind that of Williams.

Joe DlMagglo. who bettered Ui( record for hItUng *afe1y In consnu- ilve games, got 13 lilts In 30'*at- tempts. Among them were two hom­es Uiat.boosted hU league leading total to 30. In addlUon, his 73 balled In enabled him to Uke . . ihi) lead In this department from team-mate Cliarley Keller.

Joe Kuhfl of Chleago broke his tl) wlUi HeaUi by ateallng two morr bases which gave him 13. Lou Boud­reau of Cleveland set Uie pace ir two base hll.i with 30. hbi lenm-mate Ken Keltner hnd tho mMl trlflK while a Uilrd Cleveland plnyci'. Feller, topped the pitchers, .roller had won 17 fame* and lost four and had struck out 151 men.

Parker A dvances- T6 T ennis Finals

8PIUNO LAKE. N. J.. July 12 - PranklM'arkerrAltAdena. Calif., tho seven-Ume champion, easily stroked his way Into the finale ot the ninth annual Spring Lake Invitation ten­nis tournament today by beaUng youthful Ted Schroeder. Glendale CaUf., 0-3.-0-4, S-3.

In tomorrow's flnnle, Parker will meet second-seeded Wayne II. Sabln Reno, Nev.. who yesterday elimin­ated Jack Kramer. Los Angeles, callt. Bch'roeder'< doubles partner.


Pint seeded E. Victor Stlxas ot Philadelphia and fourth-ranked Bll Vogt of Pottslown, ■Pa.. gained the finals ot the naUoniU InterscholasUo tennis cliamplooshlps today.

MacPhail s Old Check - Writing Pen May Ye t Spell, ‘Flag ’ for Brook lyn

Reiser Continues Ahead of Mize

Young Brooklyn Star Tops National League H ille rs '• W ith .351 Average.

New York, July 13 (-T-i - HU hil­ling strcn)c broken nl 18 nlrnlght gamrs, young I’eie Rfl^er ot the Brooklyn Dodgers r.aw his batllnR perceniBRC drop olf four points UiLt week. Al the same time, however. ReLier got ■ shnrc more brenihhiK space In his mon-to-ninn baltle with the 5t. Loul.1 Cardlnnls' Johnny Mlr.e for the Nailonnl leiigue hltllr<fe lend.

OolnK In to<li>y's conlesUi Ihe flR- rcs. with the re.ii of Ihe field nllll

strung out fur behind, found Rel.ierI lop with I JSl I

pOinU off hit mark of a week ngc and MUa next with J 43.

Reiser. In addlUon to pacing th baiting rsce. wns runncr-up i Moore of lhe;Cnrdlnali In runs, will 01 lo 83. nnd lied tor second In dou ble.i at 2t) wllh Prank McCwajjlr of Cincinnati. Dom Dalleasandro le Wllh 24,

In hlls Tprrj' ^^oore nnd Kno.n Slftughtrr ot Iho Cnrdlnnti wcr< one-iwo with OS ^nd 07: BUI JJlch- olson of the Cubs malnlnlilfil Uit lead In run.i bnlted In. with 01 to 51 for Brooklyn's I5olph Cnmllll; Slaughter's seven triples put him one up on Johnny Rucker of the New York OlnnUi, Eddie Moore ot the Braves' and Arky Vaughan «ifPltUburgh, and Mel Olt's 18 J .....runs left the Qlant »Ur two W good on Camllll.

Lonnie Prey of Uie Reds similarly retained first place In steallnR bases, with 11.

Elmer (He's a) Riddle of Uic Reds added one more victory lo his broken string to remain at ihe front ot the pitching parade with nine triumphs. - -





Photo-ReprintsOf News Photos Appet^ing in News or Times

r :; ret ao tu l rheto BeprlaU ef Uiate news ptottiree keen wanting. . . hundreds o( fine phetepBph* made

IDT- tU ff -pbotofr»ptier« 'an new made avKUt le .U kl

2 S e Dozen....„..$1.25•35c Vi'Dozen:......$ t . 7 5


5x7....8x10 ...N EW S-T IM ES PHO TO

Bv JTtnV. HOWf;] iPlnc-h-UliiinK lor Wiiiuip

COLUMBU.S. O, July News . p<■clnl _.k<tv

from Mn.v.illoi ;il(liroii Job n 1C. nrnwn-lMi

. hi.-. niK Tph (Irhiii footliull (mure.

•i'i>olhnll Ir. toolbiill. i mrc* If.i pliiypd." thr >ch confltlp.i, "nnd n

In high .irhool will vIcKr."

hc'-.ilUiick f

Ins job 1 unixli. .How- docs tiie 3I-yr:nr-oid.

pound mentor feel. wlUi fnll Ing on. nbout fnclnR all lhn.<o biK- time clubs wllh n <leplcle'd pqund ii«l nn nll-hlRh echool >ldcs7

ilRhl, tor .lllnii cop- elr iMl r.0


'Well,.•lIlinK lo make our

anyone In n foolbnll wny." Urn :plalK(<l, "We fpi-l our syiitem lund. nnd It's up to the other

conche.s lo prove we nrr wrong. ••Wc are a bit Miy on talent, nnd ■ankly we don't Iciiow Jiut how

tough the'compeUtlon up here wlU ■ ■, on Ihe oUier hand, our oppon-

its don't know how tough we'll be. Wc-Il have nn early edge, as I

' It, tor we have movies and luUng reports on all our bppon.

•t Inlctit. for 1? Irllrn in Kiiidiuillon tro.-n thr 1040 hquad viilch could ivin only half )r Schmldl. niul Uie dralt mnvwl

' fllmlnalo :,rvcrrU othcts. alniii V.1U1 u fiiw Ircr.lmipn who had vsr- •Illy Jolx-. conirird,

at MiL'.'jlllon Brown bulll veil rounded a-i u country hiiir-

and h(-'.i nlmlnR al ihr sojw Uilng here. Ono Isd who tailed to gpi

II gnm.r liisi year will be In his liiR lineup, while a couple of rirRulsrs arc Jnr do«.-n Uie r«-


(Dutch) 7.wlUlnK. scout tor the CIcvrlnrd Indlniu, todny named n trlbnl coach to sneered t.uke Sewell, who recrnlly took oofr mnnsgerihlp of Ihe St. L<5trti Brov.711.



E. O. Havens Marins Sapply 340 Main ' fboM HI

FOLLYrC h i l d r e n seem to dnrt 0.1 If hnpelled by fate In front of every carclul driver.You should guard , Bcalnit thLn fearful fl.M of folly. Complete., miiumobllo Insurance should be obtnlned.from thli aRcncy of Uie

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Page 8: THE TWIN FALLS NEWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · eration of the car la suspended and Uie'tar borrc'd frotn'lhe road until It 1.-1 fixed


■ •^ yW A T K IN X I .W R IC H T a

YESTERDAY: AKhouch LuelU . rd ) (Ion nol kno<r that Ijetnre

^ |IsRinropt Marl? Muon left tlie apartmrni Mie hiv<l klurd Llitlla'a )io>bancl Henry, ulie doa know (Iiat lletu')' and :\Urin had lunrli Insctlirr a frtr dnyx brforr. And •hr dor* nnl rnl»<l murh-H>lie thinki. nut wlirrt (I>< rxinli have E«l’e «<>p (Ilut* It a Ullle tlKCIcuU to facn licnr)- aloiir.

Chnpifr NInff .’ rrrffct Iloiwfttlfo Typ«

Tlio door clor.fd. Tlif! three Riicsla werft Kone. Henry and Lurlla wfrc alnno._'.‘A pcrSect avtjUiiRl'' Honrv.

"You wero iiwfll, lioncj'. And wlint a prnnil tllnncr."

"I'm Kind yon liked It." anld Lu- ellrv n bit itirfly.

' ilcnry looked nt her. "AmjUilnKwnnc. Luelln?" lie lukecl.

Luella nhook her licnd, and slanced ^ about the rooin.

. " 1 hoi>c," Mid Henry, "you d»n‘t mind tny nol mentioning tlie hincli wllH Mnrlc.” •

"Ho. Henry." Luelln hesitated a moment. "Only—well, It'd Jiui thiii I don't wi\nt you'to frrl that you hnvo to meet Miirif on the r.Iy."

“Vo Kod.i nnd little fljilicnl" Hrnry erleil. "I riKVrr ilimitthl nt Biich n tlilns. Ifd JustUnit It (illpivcl ms- mlntl—iunchlni; uUli Mnrlr, I

Uint'f- tiie wiiy Jt. rninr nbonl.". "Yes. Henry. I nnilcr.-.Inml.” .lald I.lielln;

13Ut nhe didn’t imderntftnrt—nol nl a]I. *

Had Mie rim Inin Mrtrle on tlin 'elreet and hinrlied wlili- her. It would Imve been ilic most nalurul

. Uiln(t~ln the world to tell Hrnry. about It. It should hnvc been the most natural thUiK In the unrld for Hcno' to t ll her nlmut Itnieh- Injf with Mnrje. But.liR hadn’t told her—and that was that.

6he besan empiyli'K n-ih-lriiys.••I Ihlnk n i turn in." Hrnry <mid.

“IVe ROt. n blB day before me to­morrow. ’NIkIU. LueHn. honey,"

"Ooo<l niKht. H.:nry." Luella Raid. " I ll be Jolnlni? yon lu noon as 1 itralRhten up a little, u'a aueh.n deptesraiiR utRht to Kct up \n the mprnlPR and find a Ini of TQnarette Btlib-1 and /imelly (tln.vr.i."

Henry pau.ied In the doorway,. watchlnc Jier.

She wa.i the pcr/ect hou.iewlfe type, he IhojjRht. And he hone.-.lly believed that emptylns a.ilitray:i was of more Im'portance to Lnella tlian tliB /net that some day her hu.iband mlifHl be out of the land .'ellinc bu-ilncM and RolnK placM In the world of radio. Fiuiny tJUnB»—wo. men.damed funny.

Prc-iently ho turned away.He went on Into the bedroom,

and KOI out hl.i pajama.i. y M \\i ptrpnrnJ lor he thouslit

about the npli.ode out on the ex- teailon roof. Marle'« llp-i aRalnst- hl* own. Wa.1 It por.slble, he won­dered. for a man to love his wife and another womnn at one ami llm aame time?

Date With Tommy On a Snurtny ntteiiiMm two -wcrXs

after the Pell illnncr party. Tommy Mcfntyre telephoned LuMla.

" I ’ve-f!Ol Iho aftrmoon and eve- nine off." lie raid, "How nboul drlvWR up to Tlie ClolMcrn? I re­member hearlnu you nay yyu wanted to RO np there ,v)mrtlmr."

-rd love to. Tommy,'’ LurllMiald. "I should have Riven you ninre

notice," Tommy went on,''bul I'm Klad you haven't soiinalilnK else planned."

Luellii lauRhed mlrthle-.sly. "Oh. my rnRaRement. book ptiRrs are lUl bIanK.1 ." alic said. ::I'll be -pw-fully Klad to sre you. Tommy. Come by ■ any lime you fcrl llVo ItT

"I thouKht we mlKl'l drive up tho Hudson after Tlir cioUiers and <llne

Atvd Jitn Ihpy ■were In The Clol-itcrs.

Tliey walked IhroiiRli lone uallrr- Irr. RiiJinit at tajiealrlc/i, and com- inrnUnk- tip<m Uicm. Tlfcy sal for a niomrnt before an altar In a hiBli. vaulted room, A llfe-9lze<l crucifix tiunic from the cclllnc. luvl the af- lenioon .sun. coming UiroiiRh a tall winrtow, touched-11 with lluht, rIv- Ini: It a strnnKo kIo*.

lliry strolled about In a court­yard in which sprlns riowern wrre brKlnnlnit to blooiri. Tliey ntopprd for a tliiir before a pair of ancient, battered doors, which had been lakm from a TlilrteenUi Ceiilury cnMle,

'Iliry sludled sketche.i of armor, examined sitlis of armor Uiemselvr.i —Knrrd at plctiirea of medieval ciuMlrs. .-.omr of which the orlglnab were jnlil io l)c sill! alandlnfr,

'*nir Clnliters," said Tommy, "are supivKfd to l>e patterned after one of Ihov old ca.stlcs," lio looked around him. "I think Uiry'vo done ft prelly tliorouRh Job. loo. I frel M thoiiKh I were buck In the Middle Akm rlKlil this minuter

Jiut IteUx Pre.nenlly they went out Into tlie

siin-llKht. Tlic Bronx lay at their fcnt, aiitomobllr.i whlzred by far

liorns hoiiiied. and nevernl plaiiM rlrcled around alKive them.

X ^ a ii_river for some

food. HiinKO'?""Yf.t." nnld Luella. "I am, m e

drive mill thli wondrrfiil air hoa Klv('h me a terrific appetite."

"Ooodl" aald Tommy. a-i Uiey got Inlo hLi rondsier,'"I like RohiR out with i>co|>le who have npj)eUies."

"I'm KolnK to leave cveO’thlnR you." fsld Uiella. "Il'll l>e nice nol havlnK to plan ii mriil~or tlilnk about what I'm koIhr to eat."

'^^irn I/shnll <lo myself proud." Touuny said, "I imaRlnc you do K«l a \Ule Utrd now nnd llien havlnK to ‘Uiliik about what fo have for dinner, or lunch, or lireiikfiist."

"I do, nlthoiiRh 1 am the house- keenlnR tyi>e."

Tommy Rave Lilolla a (]Utck look, and then (ipeedetl up Ihp car,

Tliey found a roadhoii.'." Aevcrftl miles up the river, a place Uiat wn-i

Tommy said. "We miK'il even Kel In n dance or two, Td like 11ml."

"So would I." Lucllft told him."Tlien I'll bi? by around three

o'clock. Tliat nil rlKlit?""Klnel . . . I ’ll be trady."l.ater. a. she drer- ed, donnhiR a

.''knlllftl six>rt frock that went well wiih the- amiirt sprlnR coat Henry Iind InsLited upon buyUiR hen Lu­ella found thni .-.lie was e:u;erly JookliiR forwartl to the drive. U would do her roo<!. liavhiK an out-hiK,

DurlnK the paM week r.he had been lonelier than ever before, Al- thouKli ''''I' coiintwl ihe hour-', nich day until Hcnrj' ciinie home fnrtn work, he wa.-.n'i very Kood cQmpiuvy when he did uet hoiiK’, A.s ;,oon a.i Uie evening meal wn« over, he hur­ried to Ills Xlci.fc and bcf.an worklns on his Nenro v<■r ev .

"I'vp KOI to k'.-i tlirm Jii-,l rl«ht," he told Luella. eomiiiverfriend L% walllnK for Ihriii."

-But. HeniT." I.ili'Ha had j.alcl, "don't you tiiink you oui;ht [o have n little rrcrealloii—ft movie or somc- Uilncr /

"I'll K<'t my recrealloii liitcr," r.ald Henry. "Bef.ldm, Miirlc wiyji.i Uie com|io.',er to icerthi* inusW.-fl Mttinirj flnWietl In time for u' to lake them nlonp on the yiichtinn cnil.-.e with

• Mr. Rector.Marie wanUs thh .. . Marie lhliik,<

Ulb . . . Marie sURK<-.i!.i.OU. dam MurielII wa.'i beKlnnlni; m look to LuHIa

ns UioUKh Henry wa-s thinking more •nboul Marie's ,*.onius than he was n^ut hU Job. She hiii>fd'hc wouldn't end up neKiccllnR Uic Job, and Rot- tlnit into trouble with his ein- ployors. But she ivasn'l KolnK to lei a lot of worrl.-.ome tlioiiKhis alxiui Henry nnd Marie and Hrnry’s Job (ipoll Jier afternoon and evenin« with Tommy McIntyrc.

' \ She bcKan to '^ iw softly as she flnlslicd her dre.v.Inu.

Tommy arrived on Uie dot. nnd not long afterwords they were drlv- IhR up llie steep Incline to the park- InK lot bexWe Ihe way pile U\at tfcwi Tlie Cloisters. But before KotnB In- Kldo Uiey stepped to a stone wal! nnd looked down at the river, far. far'below.

"I rempmber «t-piece-my Aunt used to play on Uie.Tlimo." said

' Xuelln. “ It wna called oonllRht the Hud.wn.' And hcie l am-3oolt-

-.tnR;at.lh« Hudson lUver In the Ileah, eo to spenlc."

"But without tiio moonllshl." said Itanmy.

■The sunlight doei very nlvely, UiouBh." luUd Luella. "Dut I bet It's lovely when Iho moon la slilnlns,"

“It la. Wc’Jl drlv* up and see U eon\« nl»bt- tbU »ummtr, 11 you’d Uke,f.- -

“I would.’

drove Into Uio cun’lnR rond le<l to the wide, rustic porch,

"TliU looks like 'n nice place." he .laid,

"Yes," said Luella. "I like It. Il’.i downrlKhl rural."

Laler. while Tommy ordered iheir drinks njjd dinner, Luella leatird forward, elbown upon ihe table, rhin In palms. looklPK out ncftv..i tlie broad expanse of river. It was an Impressive scene, but her ihotiKhts were el.-vcwhere.al Uie mn- nicni. Tliey were back In New York with Henry Pall. She had telephoned hom to saythnt she was KolnR out wlOi Tommy Melniyre.

The conversation came back to her now—npset her'somcwliat.

"Do you mind KetUnc dinner out, Hrnrj-7" *he had asked, 'Tommy suRKested W9 ea t. up the Hud.\on somewhere, nfter we've vl.slted Tlie CloLstfr*,'’.

"Of course I dati'l mliwll" Ueury had replied with what seemed to her to he A little loo much enthusiasm. "Oo on nnd have yourr.elf a time, honey, since hubby's too tied up to pay you much nltentlon."

■Tliank you. Henri'." she hnd .'aid. "I ouiihl to be home around

home to put some finl.shlnB louchw oji one of the r.oiiRx I'm doliih' for Marie, 'Bye. darllnR, be Kay, and don'l^worry about me. I'll maiiaRe,"

Yes. Luella now IhouRht, Henry would ttvanace—much too well It seemed to her. Of course .ihe,was Klad In have lilm want her lo'en- Joy her.'.elf, but she felt a llitle hurt over tlie lone of his voice; a lone that made him sound downrlKlit relieved. It v.‘rx almost as lliouKh Henry was Rl»d to have her away from him - for nwhlle. Maybe she wnS silly to ililnk that about her Imsbind, but she couldn't help It.

Mo.1 t men, she masc<l. wouldn’t be-*o keer\ about hnvlnR their more or l s recent wivrs slepplnn out with other mrn. Not that she wanie<l Henry (o be Jenlous; noihlnR like thnt nl all.

To IfO continued

The L ite ra ry G iiidepost

'.‘iKM) MK nOWK." by Henry fltel^...mnoi.f: K.M).

For what It set."; out to be, which s an explaViallon nnd Justification

of hot Jarz and the Tiien who make 11. Henry SIHk's "Send Me Down" L’ close to [irrfect. n ie reason It bored me prob;ibly U because I hod as soon spend an evenlnK in n monkey rase as listen to a hot Jazz band repeau-iho^e _aJ!eKe<l improvUloai. each like tlie 1/wt. eaeli louder ihiyi the la.st, more frenetic; ler.s lofilcal.

Tlie novel U chiefly alHiut Prank niid Pele DavLi. Who decide ralhrr early In (Ticir live.i Uiat Uiry are ' • be musicians, and beHtn tlw RTind

nnd ReU placrs with his piano much fiuler than Pelc . wltli hLs violin, '1V> point up thb part of Uie tlory. Mr. filcU has—sawlni; away In the nparlment under ihe Oavls boys— n llttio Jewbh clinp nnmed Solly, who la determined to be n concert nrlL t. It Ls riM'nilal to Ihe au­thor's punxvie Uinf Solly fnll, and of course he falls rcsoundlnnV,

nien the DavLs boys make chanKw. Pete finds, by playlnR In a boj-fl' band, that Ills forte Is clarinet nnd saxaplione; tYiink even­tually decides to abandon atratnht music for Jasz, nnd exi>;rimcnta wllli a lot of Instrumeni.i, Bui Pete leaves homo and picks up his exper­ience Uie hard way; Prank stick* around, finbhes collrKe. cntanRic* himself with a Rirl, nnd Uien fol­lows the lead of his brother.

One year Ihe brotlier.T- ate on top oI the lliianclal heap: nnoHier tliey are on Uie bottom. _Tlierc are piiRes and piiRe/, of stuff about Jass. nil wrlllen prett.v de.id-paji. and many of which rould be . kIpI■>ed wlUi small hurl to the -•’.lory, 'rruth tell, the storj- Krow.s just a lllUe ■ smart—Harlem for me at timeJ. fxirtlculsrly when Frank,walks out on his wife and' fall.s \tf love with a heavy-drlnklnR Rlrl npiprd'Nanda —who Is a NejreM, And the end

seenw ft bit inconclu.slve, lo me nbo. aUhnuRh what the end Is Mr. SteiR will have lo Ull you. ..

But one mu'l say Uiat Mr, 61i!1k knows the Jaaz world from cxper- lencij, nnd UiaV'hls cxjierlencc shows

a Kood novel to talk endlc.ssly aboii the chief character's ndvertlsln buslne.vi, for example, ajid I nee n reason whT'chnnRlnR advextlsInK t miulc would bo much help.

BUHLClub Sewlon—Nlnotcen Sunnyrtile

club m(.mbcrs met nl Ihe home of Mrs. Bob Mln:*hnll Wedne;,day nit-, emoon. Mr.s. Marrell Wilr.on' wiis aisIsUnR hOfttc.-.s- "Sccret Sb,t<Tr," wcfe re.Vf,ale<l new nnrs chwii. Content prizes went la^Mrs. Oraco Baxter nnd Mrs. J. "ft, Crawfnrd.

Salmon (•'Islieni—Mr. and Mm. K, 0, Johiii)on nnd fnmlly. .Mr, und Mr.t. Fay Hunt nnd family aijd Miix Hunt. Paid Hunt nnd Ilulsion Hunt report n ucce.■- ful ;.almon liunUnR trin on Yankee Fork. Tlie seven cauKht U salmon, each welKllIng over 13 iwuiids All except Uic Kay Hunt family, wl.io will ;,pend n week camping in Uio ijnwiooUis'reltirned Wodne.iday.

Mountain Trip— croup of Rlrla went to Warm Sprinun creek above Keichum Friday lo spend a wi-ek or ten day.i nl the .lunmier home of Uio nilcy (.l;;torn of Twin Falls, In­cluded In Uie party are Jarkic Da­vis. Enid Almiiulst. M.irjorle RlnR. Marlon Wilson. Niullne CiirI.ion. Detly niUK and Mary Jiuie Hawlny.

KelaUvea Vlilt—Mr. and Mrs, Ted Beiviifli cjuni! Wediieaiay from MontpvUsr. where Mr. Utivvon wn-s employed by Uie fl,\li mid Rame de­partment of Idaho to visit her par- entJi. Mr. nnd Mrs, Thos. Holmes, Monday. Mr..Benson will ro to Alas­ka where he lias a temporary ap­pointment. nnd Mr.s. Holmes will ro to Pocnlello. where she lias accept­ed a pa'ltlon.

VUIta Sfothrr—Homi-r F, Evans, alnff .leriicani with company D of Uie llOUi cnRlnetTs nt Camp Lcwb.

Crossword Puzzle

wnfi'hutr"'* of

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Solution Of 6aturila)''i Puul*

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: Friday lo vl.sli his moUier, Mrs, XenlnT*. Kvaii!,,

Membeb or<Uio l]l-Way club were lests of the Chrl-silan circle Tlmrs-

day afternoon nt the home of Mrs. Waller Me.vslcy. Forty-two. ladles

present to honor ^Irs.'Prank N«viik wltlt ft \ili\lt blue fthowtr, Mrcciiarle;i Bfrinloi had charKc of devollonals. Mrs. Clyde Oault won n conlest prl7.e.

Mnrlon Wlhnn, Betty and Doris niuR. Jackie DavU. Mary Jane Haw­ley. Mnrjorie RhiR and Etiicl Alm- nulst_ left this nftemoon for a 1 0 -

ly. iiuilnK on Wnrm sprlnRs creek. Uoiarlnns. Klwnnlans and their ive.i enjoyed ■ a Joint mectlnB hurriday evening at Clear lakes plc- ic RrouiuU ns Ruests of the Clear

lakes country club. Community sinR- hiR am! apeclnl nimibers by Bclty Ix)u ’iHompson. H. C. Pappenfii.-s, Mrs. W. A. Omy nnd Harry Wilson e<M\chidei IVit prosmin,' Out-of- towun KUc.sUs were Ed Meyer, Salt I.nke City, nnd Hnrry Burry. Twin I'nllfl. • .

M ovie ‘Blessed Event’ toCost Studio A t Least $4000

HOLLYWOOD. July 13 (NewsSpe- clnl fexpensive enoURh under nny condi­tions. but In Uie movies they really douie hlRli,

Iii "Wild Oee.-.fl CnlllnK” Joiin nen- nett presents Henry Fonda with an heir. The sludlo expected Ihe happy event to cost av least « , 0DO. evon' ihouKh Uie baby would npi>ear on Uie screen for a total of only Uireo minute*.

Tlie infant In the cft c was to be Barbara. Uie 13-dny-old dnuKhter of Mr. nnd Mrs, Leon Blrnbaum. And here’i the expense nceount:. !v Say to thfc prijtiM.%, for two hours a day nl the stiidtb. Under Callfomin Inw. an Infanl cannot re­main on the set lor more than 20

minutes, under camera , Hehts for more than 30 second* at a Ume, or nl the studio for more than two hours ft day.

Barbnra .-was requlslUoned for three dnys' work—total outlay. »225.

A.ii"tid5ome fe<>—fen# whicli would plt'ase any obsletriclan or elilld apo- clallst—lo'veteran clinrncter actor .Charles Middleton, porlrnylnff the ntlendhiR physician.

Special nurse to watch Uie baby while on the ael—paid by the day. wheUier the Infant works for a few seconds or the enUre 20'mlnut£i,

Child speclrillst, appointed by the of wUicaUon. to exiunltio Xiar-

bnra before work and after her dally sUnt, Fee: |3S per vl.ill.

Plnally. an infant's behavior

Conditions Good On Idaho Ranges

■ BOISE. July 13 Ml—June raln.s nave kepi,Idaho mnRes In Rood to excellent condition and prospects for lalo summer nnd fall ranses con­tinue ROOd. said Uie nRrlcuIturnl marketing sen’lce todaj’.

IIea\7 srowth on low ranues ha.s locrea-sed Uie fire hazard, nrcs al­ready are reported to have lnirni-<l over lante aren.s In souUieni Idaho;

CalUe nnd .sheep, the report said, are In very goo<l eondlUon. Lambs have made Rood welRht and finbh.

unpredlcUble. I f the child Is well- behaved, the studio Is lucky,. "A» far aa we can JwdRC now." snld. Director John Drnhm.."Ban

•arrlvftV. -kHI sti us bncK around H,000. if all goes well. If not. me cosl might double or triple.,"

F.F. A. o f Jerome on Trip to Yellowstone

JEIlpME. July 14 (8pccJal)-Dal«^ Hurd. Warston Hcasler. Jay Snyder^ Marvin Newlan.. . Melvin Newlan, . Clyile Shepptara, Ulehaixl BenRoe- chea, Je.s.se Eabrader. Don Wllllam-f, Laurel Ploss. Tcdd Dlchl, 'Jerry • Diehl. Kenneth Hessler. Mnrvln A»- letl. Dale Johnstone. Harlow 8lm-

'mons, Bobby Callen. M. L.-DartholT oinew. Wilbur Meyers and Olln Loy, left Saturday to attend the FFA summer tour lo Yellowstone nallotial park, Tliey were traasportwl to the park In a truck by H. R. Simmons, atjinley Trenhnlle, ndvL-.or of the group, will accompany Uiem,

SALVAGK .I'OllT LYON, Colo. (/T — War

vutcnins nt Fort Lj'on hojpltal Have louiid ft new lue lor old tooth bru.’.hes. Tliey shnjie them IntoIice<l|es for weavhiR niRS. n hospital ■oceiii>iiilonnl-Uierft;)y project.




CeptUWGE Me.




H E X M R . B R A N N E R - ’H E L L O ! —







G O O D f


A Cuus 1D1V6 pectination' Cr-THSPLA*;!WrIlCH PICKEPH'.v> uf; ‘JccwcHyP.5CCVER5 A PAJ? OP 5TT2ATQ5PHeS£ R.VING WIT5,.'..

S 3




Page 9: THE TWIN FALLS NEWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · eration of the car la suspended and Uie'tar borrc'd frotn'lhe road until It 1.-1 fixed



144 Idahoans Designated t if ODtllne C i v i l i a n


BOISE. July :a (fl>-One hundred Hid lorty-tour Idohwui* who wlU oulUae defense actlvlUM In » b »U te’» « counUes were dMlgniWd today by 0. E. Arncy, Idaho dUitttor of civilian deterae.

Over the momberahlp will be mi execullve commltlco ot Jeu B. Uaw- Uy. acrtrude J. MorsnreCCobb Allshle. Parker • C «m r and Harry C. Shellworth. ail oC Qolie.■ Amey explained tho -five ..would

, cooperale wUh Oovemor Clark and f Arney's office In developing the

clvlllun defense program., one phwe of which will Includo drives Ui epch community to collect wrap alumln-

Counlr Leader*Dy counllea and with chairmen

' first, those named are:Aclnms—Carl Sw,-nnsirom and Mr*.

Ed Wade ot Council, J. R- Held of Mesn.

Uannoek—J. A. Demcst. Nellie Cllne Stovenaon (ind R. II- Wells, all of Pocatello. 0r. C. C, nicka of Lava Hot Sprlnea,

lC d n, Eiyn Tunks of Parla, Silaa LTWriKbl

o l ifontpeller.UenBwah—Mm. H. M, Nelson and

Stftto Senator C. A. Robins of St. Miirlcs, Oeoriio McFndden ot Plum-

uinKhnm—Marlon' E. Doyle and fVaiik DeKoy, Jn. ot DlacUoot, J. E. Wllllnm.1 Ot Moreland, Mrn. John P. Mooro-of-Shellcy. •

Blaine—Mrs. Harriet Blankensljlp . ot Hailey. D. E. Adamson of . Carey,

I. B. liockwell or Bellevue.Boise—Larry Mllb of Garden Val-

I ley. Myrtle Koppes and R. E. Whit-' ten of Idaho City.

Bonner^WllHam Moody. Robert ' McCrea and Mrs. T. L.-Orecr, aU

of Sandpolnt.Bonneville—Mayor Ed FannlnR. B.

F. McDermott. Mr*. Elmer Rigby and Mr.n. Alba McCracken, all of Idalio Kalla. ' _

Boundary — State Senator IS? Slmma, Mr.*,. Howard Monks and O.G. Wilson, all of Bonners Ferry.

Butte'— John O'Connell. DaveI?nniels and-Mrs.-O.- A. Bottolfsen. all of Arco.

Camnj—tYed Reynotils. Mrs. Hel­en Hou6cmann and Prank Perkins, all ot Fairfield.

Canyon—Lt. Gov. C- C- Oouett and Mr.i. Chloo Mangum of Nampa, Bi-n DunUp of Caldwell and termer Oov. H. c. BaldrldRO ot Parma.

Ciirlbou—J. O, Wallace. Dr. Ellla Kackley, .NUlton Horsley and rrank Shoenlelt, all Of Boda Sprlnga.-----

Ciis-ila-Mrts Fred Laldlaw, Ros- coo Rich and K. O. BaclQw ot Bur-

•ley, O. E. Simonson of Albion. .Clnrk — Roland Ruffner, Carl

Lronardson and Mrs. O, J. Paul, ail 'Of Duboi.i.

Clearwater — Lawrtnco Judd Greet, My. W. B. Klntiy aad Alb McProud of Orotlno. •

Cuitcr—Dr. r. P. Rlchardi. Joiin Doyil and .\Ir3; ll.'ircl Loiibern, aii of ClllllllS.

' l lmore—State Senator O. E. Can* non nnii Mliton Jonex of Mountain Home, Mri. Lura Wilt of Glenns Frrry.

Franklin—Dennia Lowe and Mra. Tliomiu Hcatli of Prcaloii, Iko Na.'sk of. I ’raiiklln.

Premonl—Prank Slddoway of Te­ton. former Oov. C. C. Mooro and Mrn. WotxJ Ptirlcer ot 8t. Anthony.

Gem — Wm. L. Clark. Qcorce Knowlc.i nnil .Mr.i. Rutli Hunt, all ot Emmett.

G<wdlnc GroupOoodlnK—Ameo Urj-an and Earl

Dolte of aoodlna. Alvin Rcadlnc of Wendell.

Idaho-Mra. W. ScaleS and Frank McQrane. Jr., of Gransvllle, J. Jcmiy of Cottonwood.

Jaffcraon — Oeorud CummfnBs, Stella Ellsworth and Lloyd Jones, all of Rlfiby.

.krome William Peters, E. Slntlalr and Mrs. Wm. Boyle, all Jerome.

i Kootenai—Ourle HaBa'donc, Mn. Robert Elder and Axel Roaenlund, nil of Cocur d’Alene.

LatJili—O. P. MU, E. J. Iddlngs, Mrs. S. O. Hodglns and Mr*. A. H, Ovcrsmlth, all of Moacow.

Umhl-Dr. O. E. Stialion, Zd- wlna Nlehola and Cliarlea Herndon, all of Galmon.

LcwlsJ^Ut« Scnutor. Perry W.

ter.Lincoln—Stata Senator Fay Man-

well and M n fPat Burns ot Rich­field, Roy Walston ot Shoshone.

Mftijlion — James Graham, Mrs. Jesse Evana and W. Lloyd Adam*, all of Rexburs.

Minidoka—Willard Hasward, John Remnbers, Jr., and' Mrj. • Dorothy

. Hollenbeck, all ot Rupert.Nez Perco—H. W. Christy. Mrs. R.


OF U. S. l E A TU. S. Navy. Signs

Idalio BrolbersKour more Maelc Valley nn-n

la.1t niKht nnnouncci! no t.'ntjithely icceplcd tor the U. S. n.ivy tl\(jiu;ii

Immiflrants B rougH Variety . Known as Turkey Red

to A^nerica

WASHINGTON. July la — 'The Ukraine, Rui.nlan . bread ba-ikel which la U>e UrRct for the Gcrmana' .loutlicm drive into Uic U. S. S. R., Is the orlRln of the grain that 'pre­dominates In which fleldi of tlie pralrlo went of tlie United Stales." say.i a bulletin from the Nutlomtl Geoftraphlc Boclety.

•Tho variety known as Turkey wheat, now the most widely grown In Hie United States, was brnushl to tills country 70 years ago by Im­migrants from the section of the Ukraine cast of tlio Dnelpcr river. German Mennonlteu, originally set- llne In that region on Catherine Uie Great's promlM to rettevo them of military sen lce, obtained Uie par­ent seed from Turkl.il; nelRhborn: bcnce lu naiiier When, around 1B70, the exemption from army duty wa.-i cancelled, some <00 famUlts moved from the plains of southsm RuuJa to the plains of Kansas. Many of them, ut tho liuUnce of railroad agcnld, bought railroad land to r their farms at to an aero.

'Each family brought a peck or >ro of seed wheat, whicli the

diUdrea had been uught to select laboriously grain grain. Be­cause Of similarity ot dimute, the Turkey wheat from Rua.ila grew abundantly in splt« ot drouUi. Kan­san was a com stato then; the Men- nonltea intrwiuctlon ot drouth- resluUng Russian wheat made It the Ie^lln(rvi.'lipt slate of the nation.•- 'rrurkey, n hard red winter wheal, made (lood harvests pftalble In ex- teniilvo regions-where’Other'wneau could not thrive. Now hard red

ot Ru.vilun

. s. depurtmjjit of ngricul-

Hanrahnn and James n. Mc- Orane, all of Lewiston.

Oneida — D. L. Evans, W. W. Tliomas, Mrs. Mary Powell and Stale Senator Scott Hall, all of Ma- lad. . - .

Owyhee — State Senator D. F. Foreman ot Oreana, Mrs, A. F. Tramwull of Bruneau and Victor C. Ford of Homedale.

Payette—Guy Graham of Frult- land, Mrs. Earl Fnrber and L. Patch ot fayette.

Power—T. C. Sparks, Paul Evans and Mrs. Jacobsen.'all ofiAmerlcan Palls.

Sljoahoii^H. J. Hull of Wallace, Mrs. Robert L. Bralnard ot Wardner and Philip Ryan of Mullan.

Teton—State Senator F. 0. Gil­lette and Mrs. Wm. Conger of Vic­tor. Luke Hasthigi ot Origga.'

Twin Falls—Judge James Both- well, Frank Stephan and Asher Wil­son of Twin FaJls, Mrs. Frankie AI- worth of Filer.

Valley—Carl Brown of McCall. Robert Halverty ot Donnelly and Mrs. Sellle Calendar-of CuiKieT'

Washlngton-Ooorge DonaTt and Josephine MeMurria of Welser, Ar­thur Wilson ot Cambridge.


Value of S e lf - P r o p e l le d

Weapons Demonstrated in Ficld.fi/laneuvers


Newt Spcclal'SenUcl—Tlw ntw ex­perimental division thsi U being loaded wlUi tank kllli-rs Is a direct effort to fill a nci-d demonstrated In field maneuvers.

New'ftrinored dlvlsfins taking tho field tor summer mniicuvers In Ten- newee, Arknnsa.i nnU Louisiana nhowlni: tlmt thr army's greatest ncctl Is for f.elt-propclled guns which

move easily, rapidly, under their own power to meet the constant tlircat of tanks. Tliis new division wiiich will lake the field In Novem­ber In Uie Cnrollnas will have tliat mobile hitting |>ov.'Cr,

In Uie new kind of worfare, such as that simulated In Triinessee . i\ ijf/liide to two complete armies o|)po!ilng each otiiur in Louisiana In .September, an army can no more '■ and wait for an armored division lilt than you enn .-lUck an unpro- U-clecl chin up to Joe Louis In Uie rlnK. Tlur armored dlvi:.l(i:i can strike fidin any din-cllon It ilirri.-ls nolno*

WJUi Ihe spcel/il fJeJds ivJiJcJi plan to enter, tiiosc who now co lo Salt I-vke City tor final enlUlmcni are: two hrotlicrs, T.alijot Dernard HelUg. 2 1 . Heybum. navnl avi;uion; Robert Allen HcUIk. 23, Hryliiirn, naval aviation; Dunnle nei'maimn Evi-rett, 10, Shoshone, niachliilr.i.v mate; and Clyde J. McKendc, ID, Ooodine. machlnlsW mn c.

German Fighttu* Lands in Konl

LONDON. July 12 W-Cnpl. Rolf Pelcr Plmtcl. one of Germsny'a cmck tighter pilots, made a forced lanrtinK In Kent, southear.t England, Irv-.t. evening after action>lth a heavy British l>omber, iL ^ n learned to- nlaiit.

Capt. Plnsel, who wna plIotlnR one ot Oormany’d latest high aliliucie Messcrschmltt-n, la reported to have claimed jliootlnR down 13 Brili li planes In air IlRhts,

His piano wn-'j practically liiliict.

NewEqiiipm enl A t Local SWrc

In.itallation of new and modern showcases and counters In tho <iry- goods dopartment of Ihe Idaho De­partment Ktoro Is now In proKres.i, it

a.1 announced In.st niKlit..Equipped with tluore.«ent liKhllne

tor convcnlcnco ot cuitomer nnd rapid r.en'lce. the new additions fea- tnre Pijlllpplne mahoRany In •'blond ' finish. Installntlon-Is by a Port­land firm.'

orlHln account tor ulmo;;t iiolt tho wheat acreago in the United Stutv:>, chiefly In Uie central and southern sections of the Great Plains n-glon. OUier varieties of hard winter wheat, cither derived from or similar to Turkey, arc Kanred. Ukralnkii. Bclopllna. MIchlkot. und Nebmskii

fl, • Several nildltlonal Impor- straln.'i suited for culllvation

Rupert PioneerPasses on Coast

RUPERT. July 12 — .Word has been recelv(>d In Rupert of the death of Mn. N. E. SalLsbury. at San Diego, Calif., Wednesday. July B. She was a pioneer ot Mlnidokn county and ownwJ a farm six miles northwest of Rui>cri. She had mode her home in San^leRo tor .leveral ycsrs, mak­ing anmiai bu-ilness trips lo Rupert. Her granddauBhtcr. • Mls.i. Dorothy Pedersen, a n-ndimte nurse, was with her at the Uine ot her piiislnK.

Mrs. Lockwood of New York City Id Mrs\Pedpr.-.en of Pocatdlo. She a."i p.wt eighty yonrs’ of ai;c. Burial will be in Hurli-y. Wls..

beiilde her first huiibnnd and chil­dren who dled'severaUyears aRO.

By using X-rays, two ccneratlons of tobacco plantfi have been Krown

year. '

.'.prlng out and meet It,J To withdraw trom a mechanlzM division's attack and Rolher In be­hind a ring ot guns, as two dlvLiions did in Trnnes-ve maneuvers, Is like- drivlnt; pack rabbits Intn a corral and Uien beating tiicm lo death.

The 27tli (New York) and 30th (Ga., Tenn.. and thr Carollnas) dl- vislons^aclced lo Uie outs'iclrls of llltio town of Tullaliomn, put ait Its lli;ht artillery— 7S mm, snd 3T mm. rifles—<n the rim ot tho defense circle.'Tlie infantry was pnclted be- lilnd It. - 'I •

2:vcn with the umpires rullnicUint gunner nce<led only to point his

Weapon at a tank to luive it ruled out fit action It was only a short Job lo break a hole throush the de' fense and once throush. tire "battle' VOS finished. It hud l>een called off o keep tlie tanks from running hrough the \town. in war they A'ould have fanned tlirough the break in Ulc wall of Runs and cut out.the heart of iho.defending force —Itn communlcauon nnd lines ot supply.

tlnio like thst vslor Isle.M,

The armored division's artillery and infantr 'mcn. on trucks, had

the way for the Unks, When they ran up to artlllerj' eommand- Ing jiharp derile.i—Uie worst terrain tanks can encounter—the motorized nrtlllerymen set up tiielr gun* and. still theoretically, blssted the way for the tanks,

HuDdredi of Tank*Tlien. at tlir end ot a 60-mlle

mnrch. hundreds .......dezvoused In woo<Ib outside the town, nil fanned out ready for the charge that would mop up hke a fleet ot stre'ot cleaners.

I rod(i.ln Captain Maxwell Rosen- Uml’s tank Jor that nttnck. Tlio butt of a JO callbcr maclilne Kun—the n.islsUxnt driver's wenpon—was be- twoen my Ir*. I grasped It to hold myself steady. It sAung wlUi me wli9rtTlW~tnnk rocked and lurphed. Scores ot inen scurrlcd In front of tho tank, each one steminKly etched In the green ot Uie woojls right in front of the machlno gun's murilr.

A.t the tanks charged, ripping throuEh ;cncc3. m-cr n Held of new com. here, cotton there and through llRlit stone walls,’ and rail frnces. the soldiers Jumped behind tree.i. ITvcn had Uielr rifles and pistols been loaded they would have been tis ineffectual as wands auftlnst. the

' up" tlRht with only

defense circle. Once Uiat was^pllt, ■here was no defense left.

Tlie mechanised division flghu from Its vehicles. Motorimi outfits are hauled to tho tlRliUnR riine, marched to the lltics and finlit on' foot.

One hli;h Renernl orfiCer ,wy:i the bulky infuiilry divl,-.loin are \vorth- Ie,u 111 Iront-iine combat. .' Another gein'rnl. Major Oencrvil Frederic Y, Hnlith, who cnmninnilrd 111- .Mil, ‘JVth and 30111 dlvl.'.loii.i in the two weeks of tiir niiiiicuyerB, declari-<l nuu.t ot llie iiriiiy's dlvU i.Inns' — tin- bulky, imrd-lo-move ‘'!.n'iarc“ one .—we.'p a •'lianRovcr of World war 1 dnyr." and could not

iceV mechnnlietl nltnck;,.- HowoTiT, many hl«li officcrr, ot

the second nnny /.;iy they believe tlini tho army. v,iiii its j ganluition. could dnuble lank weapon.1 per Infantry rcKiment (from 12 tf>.34l iiml wllh the ;.up-

irt of hpwlally-lenlned sntl-tnnk itfallons with'iand n% nulti ot

armored dlvlsloa- .About iialt of the army tIeUl-tnrce

Is made up ot natlon:il guard dlvl- • ns that are ".ifiu.ire n.-. .ojipoxed

the regular ''trlanRnliir" divhlon' ut resulted trom sirenmlluinn seV'

era! years ago.Tlio bulk of the .ifjuare iliviiinii i.i I four refrimenls ot infsniry; three

of artillery, Tlin Infiintrj' rc'Klmenls are Kr[iupe<l into lirlK'nde-i of f.vo renimenta each; the Brtillery Into one lirUade.

When • the rliviilon enmmnndi wants to move he tran.-.mlts his o; ders ( 0 thr, brlRade comnmndcrs nnd Uiey In turn send orders to the rcK- Inients. l-'or each battle tlie mfniiuy

ot the maneuvers. Tlie tniiks and armored veiilclrs were bii ot real-

could filt;hten oven if liiore wii.Mi't eiioui;h Ijkii.k nnimunl- tlon rivi\.ll;ible for fiiiiu; lo nure.llie

the pr\«tnre'..


.. . „ hTc'iTl.-i an- i.wTK'iwr to their Job.i.

AU that, in the belief <i( msny of­ficers, tiio inucli time JiidRed by the new tempo of wnr. / \ Rc;id)' tor Acllnn

The triuniciilar dlvl;.lons oruniil/j'd into Uireu combat tciinvi that nlwuy.-; work togeUier, arc renily to move Btiy time. Each combat team hii an Inlanto" rcBlmenl. a iiatliilliin o[ nr- tlllery. nnd It.-. ov.n i.coiitini; InrcM, When the division cnnitnamler di-- ciiies to commit hi;; force to bnttle, he Iwtie;; orders only lo Uiree'mi-n, Uie leadern of the eonih.it team.', and they are oft.

One of the greatc.-.t weakne.v.i Uin nrciionl i.(iunio dlvlflloii. in the opinion of many of(lcer:i who have siiirticd It. Is thtit it liiis no hlgh- sived rrconnal.iance unit wiililn It- selt. It must ilflpend on h1Rhe com­mands tor Itr, eje:., whethi-r tliey bo armored Jicont cum. hone cavalry, or obrerviitlon aircraft.

The fltUi division In the ■I'cnnc.i- see war games moved as olien as tour times In’ one -in-lioiir 'battle." Usually the square divisions took up, B defensive pailllon and held'on long as tiiey could.

P.^ycholoaically the troops got stern les.-:on.

For the/7lr,st two weeks of the mnneiivern they .wmed to he i thusiastlc about I'llnyiiig at Tliey took lltilc trouble to conceal themselves from e en the tcw nbi.o- lescent ob.i«rvatlon airplanes that were tho "enemy" -icouUiig force.

Tlicn Uio second armored divi­sion arrived for Uie Is't two '

Wiiri ;i:cd In the juiiiped up,

aiin in tfiror that' run civrr. 'nii y karn-

houi-’ii. ;iinl ni Ihe end ciiviT-. tlie, turn, even

III ttn v thrn' iiig'rocks, liii; tl'.rv rmild iny their lii-y Well' I'.-titng to '

f 'lliat tn.' irrmii.i In ten- only i nuiK 10 hlKli mvf '.il.i'l ler.MHis alieiid 111- cciUr K'' eour.se. ';tlU-< 0 how n;iketi-

e -IIkv woiilii li;ive bi:rn • strulfliiu iM'.d bombing

T I’easury Moves 'I o Seize Ships

WASiil.S'mxJN. July 12 l,1-)-Sec- •tary ot Ihe •j'rcM.Miry Mortientliau vlav ordered formal contlr,entifiii rix'iedliiv^ SKSinsl IS Italian and

Clrrniun ninchant Mdpr. wiUch i-rr all' i:c-il lo have bei-n r.alxitaged I'Amerit in hurbors in Marcii. MorKeiitliau .■:.ilil that he had been

ihl.ned iiy Uie jiistii-e dei»rinient tint ihen' w.i •'I'rohnbly rnu.-.e" for ntfi-lllni; 111'- rliluj lo the United

States vlthout compens«Uon be­cause ot violation of the esplon*<a net of IQIT. which forbldA MboUgs in American hsrbori.


launching of Basil RuysdaeVs houec- boat wns marred by one mishap . I t foundered.

Ruy.'dael. a rsdlo annotmcer. had , thr bost in drydock all winter. .When he rolled It down the wayi It flnaUng pisnk stove a hole In tlie tlIe, Tliere was a good reason; termites.

flrw o 1 potted II rhine k<


iSK .'MAN'S ilt)llilV ..\V. O. - 1,-Toy flhiv.'.:

been in 47 .'.l.iti's. Cuba •|y nil iht? i)invlnre\ nf Can- biilldnn; a /In-pl.n'e n' co'.Myi- Wlili ,-,tnne from

a he liius vWIHii.

J b i f i l a c B m e n i


>ufflin<r »lih Muliniiipth rnduranrr

See Your Dealer

on your vacolion trip—olopinlolh® .■^Ir-condilioned comforVo[ a Union Pacilic triiin. In modom Coacbo«, economical Challongor Sloopora or Buporbly-eppolnlod Standard PuU- manti, you'll rido lolnxod and arrive ToUoshod. Ik/Ucious Dials'? Cat moala. Rogialorod Nurso-Stowaid- oca Borvico on principal txaini.

S A M P L E L O W R O U N D TR IP R A R fSfrom iHln t'»lis lo:


la 8>4»Unl

ifiAO C4.U 3S.M S7.M

. J84i

.iti.. ».n .i to> l.iMto<A«f tnlBb.D llrolti. Alio »«i7 oo^w»T

d is t r iu i;t» : i ) iiv 1!N1T1-I) o n . t o.

OK IITAHOTwin Kails. Jerome, li-iser.

man. Gooitlpc 'and llulley

r . i , o o a 4 w l U ^J. L. tuller. Ticket Agent

Titin.-FalU, lilahn Pliona €21 ,.


slits, protected by shatterproof glass, through which V* see. • •

All Uie anU-tank weapoiu-^no dl vision had nearly as many as thi present tables of organlzaUon call for—had been placed on the ' '



ICalled fo r and delivered!

A n y combination o f ladies’ and men’s garmcnla Includlntc hats a t the abovo prlccs; '


Phono 6 5 ' , ' Phone 7M

Are TalHag dmiit the Ken General Elecbit Range Kith Hie "FLA VO R -SA V ER " OVENIHERE'S WHAt THEY SAVi

U Y C A K eS

DOffrmouT ^j N v m e i

EnrytUng Stoyt to d m . . . cad tN f»od taitw w QoodINow you cui cook 'prUe'* roails plci, ok*i t tn j OoM. It's RoUy caiy with i Ceottil Elicirle KsDgc. I«i "FJi»or.Si»«t" Ot(o

h aobrere, flivor. lu Deep ^Well Cooker llii-itttm i »tge. tibltt. rac*ts.1ts Broiler girts you \ylxt ittiks with k -chucotllke- brolt Ut ut thow you niiay other fesnutt of till dtta,' coot, fsit, low-«o>t way tj cook b«ct«r m«t«,


C O M I IN A N D S n T H f N e w


D6 Tm6 IL6 gS-E vtn ith ino to U a k t L M n p More P l t w n r

BECAUSE it Js m m ’f

Page 10: THE TWIN FALLS NEWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · eration of the car la suspended and Uie'tar borrc'd frotn'lhe road until It 1.-1 fixed

V o C K i R K E TE X IE iS G A IS

W eek’s Adviinces Largest fo r j Any S im ila r Period

• Since June 1940


’ Markets At A G lance-

ny DEnNARD s. O'HARA NIT.V YOriK, July 13 (,T,-'n

stock mnrkei todny cnncliulnl I bf.1 t wtck li> mnri* llinil n yrar will irrcKularly lilnlior tfntlrnclr!i,

Trcnd.i wffp Imlctlnlte from il

bonrdroom liopi-

centlvc. brolttr:.-MiUl- ’nicrc mu: Mime Crtmrtiinfro? iccfoiif: , Jiawfirf CIS iho-Niisln b«im n iirw niw htnvler Rinnr.li at ilic Ri-ds,

Th8 AsMClalcil Prrw tivcniKr o'. CO stocks WIL1 111) .1 . or n |>nliU

nntl o » tllP v,Tck r.hnxril n li Bnln of 1 . 1 i>oliitA, lnrKf.''t. uptiii for any period .'Incc Jii1040..DouRliu alrcnifl koI >ni 1 ’ . as 11

company aiinoimrtd plaiir ilcllvfrl lor the first half of 1D41 .frxcrfil the corre.ipondliiK (xtrlod lii.M jc

V nearly 100 jwr cent, ikml Aviation. UiouKli. ilrojipfil u ixilm. find Olenn Marlin. Birrrj' ni Unltwl Aircraft »crc n irlfl.? Im-.!J,Vc3tpm Union, Orcylioimrt. Kn

port Intlu.'.lrip;. aiul Corp. pon«l new Wivi-Tnr the jc; On Ihc uiwlilc were Cnilcllilc til. common and prcfrrrcd. Chr)'.'''''' Sears Roebuck, Soiiilirrn Pnfll Enjitman Kodak. Kennccott nnc TexM CnrpI

In orrear.1 were U, S, Sic<-1. Ilcili- lehcm. SantJi F^ Pcpsi-Col.i, Hi Pont. john-vManvllle. U. a. Gyii.mii We.HlnRlioii.ie, J. I, Ciuc, ItUcnin- VlonM Hnr\'W\cT. SUnrii»nlOll J nnd American Can,

Dond* were about ttcijly.

Slocfe Averajies

Trend of Staples ]


Snake R iver Rclior.t

H. n. In ---- 1

Denver Beans

Butter and EggsBAN rBANcmco

SAM KRANCI.HCO-Irgit.ri 5: rctii IIH<- Bxltuni » '


Grain P rices a t Chicago Close 1-8 to 3 ;8 of Cent

Low er

ny k r a NKl in m u ll inCHICAOO, July 15 (,Vr-A frar-

illy lo^er trend of whcnt prke;, iciiiiiy rrJIectr<l liedKlnif nalr.i uKnlmt uiniKsl quanlltlen or sralii iioinK Into

inrrclal cinmiiel.i jiml Uie nmr- im-icttl«l condltlnn

Livestock Markets

Tw in Fails LVIarlccts


FILERI'-rlcnd'. VI

GcHirlry Im.-, Kolilr.-. of Tv

t — Mlv'i Mao' An

iilKl Mrn. I.:i' .iill.: fioin

N. Y. ilfaUl of

li, n .r tlauHli- Llnytl KlllK. ac- li-. Ml;.'. Kll?J>-

belli Smilb ri.'liirn<yl Tiif:.<lny.VWt Kn tloiilc — Mr, and Mrs.

lolirrt l!rn;,on anti Mrs, Ida DctL or )f ItiintlnKton Park, rii route liomf lOin an eiLilPrn lrl[) and Mr.v Com- •ly or l-Yi'ciMirl, Ill_vl.-.U.il l;i.MTiiM- lay nnd Wrdnr.-.clay with Mrn. E. D, Knwlrr,

Vre'fiil Vl.iy—A Kroiip ot McUiO-L-it l,1ui.()rUi l,i-a::iir iiirmbcrs,

Gi'orce Andiony. Mntilrai Unnimc-r- il Wln-

klr. Dllly tlAWklii.-;. HiU.Onvls and Jay NlclK>l:;on. wclil to llir Uatue cnm ]ijii»»^ K'i'!'‘y lavl I-'rlday and I.rr:.rWed lliir play. -Whlthrr Gor.'.t .............njry were ftcrnnip inltd by

lul Mr Men I. Realul


ROMK. July 1 2 (,T)-TakliiK or Uie oecfipatlon of rcelanrt by force.1 or tlip Unllccl stales, a iimnl.M In I’mnlrr Mu.-.mllnl'.i ncw.ipapcr. II Popolo D'llulla or Milan, r-ald today Uial all fihlp.i found KolnK Inward Enclaiid woukl be aVUrkfd. •

"All flilp:* roiinil KnllliiK tf EnKland. \dinlever be tlirlr.nn alliy and nnliirc. will be atu . .. wliJi loriicdoeii, bonibi or Run.i," wld U»e writer. MarlOiAppelUia.

,'nie'ol*,cn'alor>- (.elsmnRrniili forded the Impact when an atrpl; cnu.hcd Into UcU ob.servaLory, :- illton. C.ilir.

ii-nilty iinil :r;,tlon of rceclpU nt lerinlnab If. linrvcst ftrcii. .. . .

were held to aixnit cciil t<) niixleritte nugiporl tlut ciiine 1 iiillli and |>ro() ; 1 loI>al ini rrM.i uheat clwetl loacr llian

: iday. July I1.04T.. September Corn flnWied imchanml

. hlulier. July 73--i, Seplcml>rr : Oiit.' ' i - ' i lower: M>yl)fftni nl lilKliei'; ryo 'j lower to ' i tT, and lard 10 -2 0 lilKlicr.■ni(! Krain men exprc:--.r<l Ix-llrf DM or a new Ocniian o ell lvo

1 fociwe xllty e rtllt

I lejwl

linn, with 171.000.000 biL-jhel.1 of 10« i;ia)n In lu por.ic.'.ilc-ii, nmy iiCtPiiiiil tu_dJiiX)iC of auiiic.of..ll .lo.QrcaL llillaln and oilier friendly nallonr. (Iiroijf;!! fMrtcf arranh-einent.-!, nr- [Dllallon.-. for 'vlilcli were l:nder tt)od

JEROMEilanil I'racUce—Monday evrnlni:.

July H, at 7:30 pm. at the lilRli rcliool, prnellce for tlin Ii IrIi ,'c1ioqI bind will becln. It \va% announced 'jy the JiiMniclor, Jack SnwlKricu. Alio' recciitly took ovrj dutlr% Hero MiceerdliiK Gustav O, I-'lecliliirr.

Knler. Ho,pllat—Mrn. I'. W. Sln- :lalr and dauKliler, Ml^s Irene Sin- clalr. accniniwnled Mr.n. Slnrlalr'B iiiolhcr; Mr . J. O. ni »lier« Mrs. Baker entered St. l.uke'd llo',|>lt«l ^tomlay. Mr . Slnclnlr will remain there iintll the condition of Her motlier is Improved,

Annual l*lenlc — Annoiiiicemcnt *’a.i in;ule b.v Worlliy Matron E\'i


iml I . . . t) be held on the lawiui of Mm, VC E. Slnclnlr'B home, ly evenliiK. Jii5y lf>. besln- o'clock, Ei.,iUTn eior mem- I'ons. and their fnmlllca

• Honored — Mr.’.. Howard nlertalnNl at ,n po:,t-mipllal In honor o{ Mr.v Bt>erl B, la.u TueMli^y evenlni:. Ouejit.i

of Uic Diibllnette.-. were prc.’.enl,Wanlilncton — HeiKciml and

... . Lloyd Cliiar have left for Cwxip Trtcou\a. Wash..'*herc Seriinint Claar will continue ;mlnlnk- witli tlie United Slates irmy. FV>r the piu', 1 Uireo inontlis he tia.1 been tjiJilnK advancetl tralnlnff

Al»erdftn provlnu Kround :.W- lon. Aberdeen. Md.. In Ibe field ofiall u niaehli

Inc that til mi rclmive.i hrrr.Krom t’bleasn — Mr. nnd Mrs.

. nnl.i Ballew of ChlcaKO and Scotty Ballew of Detroit, Mich,, are vWU

and Mrr,. Georse IliiUi Ml Offereil _ MLv. Carol

&Idy or Wendell has l>ecn offered coiilracl by Uie Fall.s City school

board to leaoh In that .vhool for the comliiR year.

Kxtende.1 Trip—Mr. and Mrs. Roy Poiter have rciiirne<l from an ex- :endcd trip.to Chleaco. -Dctmli, nnd South Dakota, where_Mr. rott*r via.

oW home al SpearlWi. Tliey ■turned via the Jackr,on Hole mntry and Uie Telons. nirtl>9 U%tr<I—Mr, and Mi.s. Mi u Koll are the parenU: ol a r.

born July. 2 ; ilr. and Mrr.. Dean t'oley. a Ron. aUo July 2 ; Mr. nnd Mrs. Even C. OrlcM, n :,on, Jii5‘ 2: Mr. nnd Mm. Ralph Sturne.i, a non July S.

Montana Oue l. —Mr. and Mrs. HuroW D. ButSwttUi o£ Moniani. , _ vlsltlns al Uie home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Glle.i and wuh relallvca at Kimberly.

RelallTM VWt—Mr.-(. Lily Tliorpe. Pacific Palknde«, Calif., moiher o( Sennlor S. L. Tliorpe; Mrs. OeorKC Tribe nnd two children, al .o of Pall-

d Mra. Lj’ninn B. Rees. Os- Utali. are Kue Ls of, Mr, and

aniffamlly.L.^)on>e antf-faff

V . /

n;.RANGE FURROWSTurned by the Grange Plow

hV j . n . CR AW FO R D

lulns the .Itory or the [larL in the on;anl;alloii of

larimcni of nKrlculture, a C0 U.1 demand for more rec- of Uie fiiriner.%- Mata-. In the lire, renulied 'in a riv,olu-

iB jia-v.cd by tlie'tenth unnii- in or the national ------

thal heai of IrtrpariintnV br.Riven vnWnvt raiher ihnn bureau rank \viililn_an- otlier ■ dcpartnicnt with ,-.urh rank, As iiolntcd out. the farm ix>]>ulatlon wa?, al thl.i time over O.OOO.OOO. or nw.ni Uiafi Imlf.JllV Duuulatlon of

intry a

. In view of this fact It ...er ir farmer.i of the country a; very koo<1 Job of supply

uion'.s needs for foo<l a aterliils. bul for tlil.'i they ily about 1 2 % of the n;iiit ■inf, whlch'Khow* lui ar. a n ivu lo.ll oiI?*enr,c of value

illure department and this drew fire from the army on Uio grounda hat n civilian would be charged ■IU» Uio nupervl-ilon of a department f the nnny nnd dlw:lpllne would

suffer. lYlends of the mcuaurc In Uie senate slruclc this provision Irom the bill rntJicr than Jcopardlr.e Iho chance.s of the bill behiR pawed, and I ptuu;ed Uie wnaW 6 eiii. at. 1888. \fler ft Ions fliilil the liou.io nsreed o Uie nmcndment and ihe bill waa ilKncd by I'rtfldenl Cleveland Feb- •uary 0 . I&80. Norman J. ColmnJi. an icUve aranije member, wa.s apjiolni- rd as Uio firi.i socrutury of uxricul- ure, by President Cleveland. .

¥ # ¥Tliu-s we t.ce the part ihe Orange

pUyed In Uil.s early pari of lU life ■ c llic InlctcMs o( all larmers. More

id more ihc^leiwrtmcnt has come


T iiir^ ran n c M'xiloli w.i.ninirnr ‘li)(-ii«o Jjj 1D70, nnd Ih'" r'v,»)iJtJon ’.ih introduced by M, O, D.ivi.'', rnii.s- -r of the ICentuttky Slair OranKe, nd wa.s unanimously iKlt>iii<-d. One t Ih'? lilronKCil booster;; of the plan > i;rl cablnct rank for ihi' di'piirl- init was D. Wyatt Alkcn.'CoiiKre.ss. \.m Icoin So\iU\ CiiioIU\a. and m\

In Ifie Orani;i' In the

of tTo'brlnR 'Uie hl;,<or> ilnyctl Uy Ihe OrmiKe he condition of the fai

-ncCTssTiJT"nr-r'''raii~ni':^:irrTtni Oranfic took in frrelnK the .'ton ahelvoa of Twin Falb county o ileomnrgerlne. Tills waT nrcompll h'

.cd 1

lufeSfm;uiive (

it IndusiMes was conMdc iiK el;ie flRaln. Liberal I am;,hl[j lhic.s to allnw

•i tor the national i;o<kI iMU contended thal if n

cnUlled to cabinet n «l;;o wns Inbor nnd 1ml :ro was Juiitlflciitlon In ' u;. the fijcht put uji by t:

nd io<lny « of coinmer at first 01

pan.ned May 2 1 . innn 13, but this bill .

•,lon Uial the i.Icn: S. army should be a

of tht

It which W rs was Uie other i ide a .store to store canva;;;,. pre- ithiB arKUinents why In ihl.-) dalo' jnlry. there was not and should I "be any i.ubsillule for buUer. The irekcepcr.s becnrtic convlnccd that r nrRuments wer "valid and asrccd refrain ffuiii handllni; any mib*

lutes for butler In Uic future. As • ns I know, they have complied ih Uil.i aKrcement.*Thl« wa.s In

Buhl, and encour»t;cd by oitr mic- 3 In the wc.-.t-’ end, OranKcr,s In

oUier paxt.i of Ihe county -souRhl illar action and were rewnrded h remarkable -succc.vi. only n few the Mimllcr Mores rcIu;ilnc-lo fall line. Tlie GrallRcrs nil over Ulft te then took up the IlKht and to

:he best of my knonlcdKo, Uiere Is

H IM R P R O G R l IN , A i y H A iS

Fate of F iic lire r 's Germany

a t S take in Russian Campaign

half Napoleon’;. 1012 hnrse-draw ■illtlkrleR to Moscow Obvlnur.ly ha loL been hlitlnf? on all cylinders u

Half 'of hLs reputeil «.d.-vy lliii aehedulr for rc.-ichlni? Uie Kui.sl.-\j ciipltal—Il nmrch that took Nnpol eon 0 0-CKkI «Iayr.-ho.s' Rone by. Ill flre-brirKUilnK tank-s. (lltch-lcaplnK ipced troop charlot.s, .'.hrIekInK <' bombers nnd terroristic war I nl(]uc have not Vel brouRht him half way to his Roal.

Naiwlcon found KclllnK to Alos-relnt •elv

..........................jke<l his nrmy.The Nnjl "Little Corporal" of IWl

X hointiilinCT thhiV of that ilghLs al hl.s flrUKheailfiuarter*.

prc.suniubly .Mill .-.omcwherc In cen- ml-ea.%UTn Poland.Tlio 13 week.s it took Napoleon to

irrlvr nl Mdscow proved to be hl.s indolnjr. Like Hitler hr set out In June. A nur.slan winter, nnd an excepUonally biul one nl Uiat. eaushi ■ Im in a carefully .set Ru.v.lan Irap.

Mo;,l of the rteiieh lroojvi.«is good fluhtlni? men n.s ihe w.'OcUl produce!;, dle<l ot hunicer, cold or Ritvsian. at- IaA-s bcfon- they could back-lrack

ihelr blood.v cro alnK.s of tlie Dererliin river. 300 mlle.s irom Mos, ow. nt which Hitler's letjlons art low j)6 unilmjr:r Tllc Nazi armle.i battllns Uie Rus.

liuw have been told Umt Uie fati jf IHllcr-s, Germany l.s In Uieli hands. Tlierc can bc.no (luesilot ibout Uial. And If they cnnno' ■oon break Uie 2.000-inlle virtual

deadlock with the Red nrmy conclu­sively. for more coiicliulvely Uiai Napoleon did a ccntury nnd mori

;o, anoUler we.Mem "Lltlle Corp nl" mny .see liLs vniiUlne dreanL world emj>lre ^hatlered nmld tin

.•amp.s nnd streams nn«l rollins nins of we.-ilern Ilu;K-Jn.

Our so-called "funny bone" 1 ealeil at, l ie lower end ot Uie bone, known ns the "humerus."

T R A ILE R SWe tpecUllze In bull’dlnc <-wheel rtibber tired .irason trailers that may t>« cued far' either farm wacona or tnllert . . .. *lotk trailer* . . . other tpeelal trail- en. Lc« ns deslfn '» trailer to fit yoar needs.


rhene S71

to ha%It Uie Ic of t

iictu.ion r,crvlce *lilch touches the lives ot many of the jicoplo llv- InK in town a.i well ns tlio.-.r livln« in

- - I'-our-iLclub work.

t but dct' belnti •mbcr

I. K. Ch;of

lllile soldA law tiuUm bu piu'.scd by-,Uie IcKl.slature

........:h the flKhl put up by theIcRhhalvc commlUce of the Maiu OranKC.' and Ls jUU n law, on our ilfttuie book.s. Tiie wjlter had an irtlcln In Uic Buhl Hrrald that was :opled by the Idnho l'’-.iriner and wa.s Klven wldc-pub>rtly in the Holsc — , r.hOWlniKhc ah;.oIute foi)ll;.h-

if folks In a dairy .sl.ite u.-.ins aliyUiliit: to unpalatable and ;.o de­void of Uie fine food el.-ments that ire found In butter, n.-, ir. oleo nnd tts«lretl stvUf, As time v.wr. fiii. oUitr :fforLs of the GrnnKr in behalf of ;he farmer will he, dl;,cimcd.

icked inr e In hl.1

•Ichc.st Jokes It

iitly by Chick Crab-

ipportunlty Rh'en Uie farm- )f Twin Hills county to ilepasll •'.scrap nUtnilnum In ilie ptn It :entcr of Tivln Falls. Said Chick I /]UOle. "Tills will be Uie flni'

opixiritnilty glvi'ii the farniera to aid II Uic defciue. proRrnm." End of luotc.s. Now. can you lie that? And he Rovernmenl says we havi rnouKh food.for almost a ye it- wlUi- lul this comhiR crop. I'm .sUll hui(;h. nn. Aren't town folks funny, ome. line-.-.?

Bar L«ader

C t.A ltFy « W. TitOMAB ef Bur Iry namn president ot ihe Idah( Rar comirdsolon' at concludlni srsilons of an annual cooventloi

BURLEY LAWYEJl ' i i j _ L [ A OClar^nce-Wr^T-h-o-m a &-B«-


Flames-Swecp 10,000 Acres of Grass and Brush Land .

in Two Days ------

GLEIJNS PliriRY. July 1 2 (;T>- “ Ten tlioucund acres of Rriuu and (WRcbnirfi Iwiil lay blnckcned to­night. Ihe rejult of n. fire brouaht vntler tonlroJ sytter dtvi'sflRhtlnc by more Uian 100 men.

Siiperlnlcndfnl Wallace Dooiwlclt Of th« federal Krailng service C.C.C. camp ftl Tlircc Creek naW the blare would rcn>alii chcckcd unless ad? verf;e uinrt conditions nrUe.

Tlie nrcn r.esrcd 1-s nboul five miles r.outh Df Olcniis Ferry ncro.-a 8 nak<! river. A cattle range, U Is closc b»'‘ , (icvrrnl ranche.v

Wxiiit IQQ CC.C. encoUees fttxd clvlllnns .•itlll were ranked around borilcrs of Uie firr. Intent on pre- venlinit furUitr ilamaRe.

A l Ilol.'.c, Df.lrlct Grazier Keko p. Ncvi-man sniti cnu.ne of the blare was uiiiletcmilncd. 1 1 becnn on pri­vate property.

Ho reported tinder conuol n RriiM and lininli lire near Kniiiieii. nnd anoUicr near EaRlr. A small flrn seven riillcs wrst of Mountain Honin nbo WS.S cxlliiKubhed. Newman Mid It was caur.cd Ijy sparks from « loco-

comes President of Idaho

•. Bar Association

.SUN' VALLKV. Idaho. July r. .. —Clarence W. ’nmmas of Uurlry w'li;, nppoliiled prerildenl ot the Idnho llivr con«wls.'.ttw til conoUmiRR tien- Mons ot the nnliual cotivenUon to­day, ■'

He succeed.-; Abe Golf of Mo.scow. h. E. Glennon of Pocntcllo wa.i

■cho;,on commi.vlon vice pre.sldcnt and Paul Hyatl o f Uwlston wnx named conuiii.'sloner for the north­ern dlvl.-.loii.

Dl.'cuw.im: a New York ’ lawyer's view|v)lnl of Idaho's divorce laws, EveroU II. Taylor of the New York bar .'aid Unit the rtx months pro- hil>ltory. cba-.e'had cn- ' ' iloubt In the mlnifs of

Dlai e Crumley Rulch and lections of Boise Na- ere controlled.

Flames Destroy Sliearer’s Outfit

JJURLEY. July I2- A trvck fire on the hiKhwny 10 mllc.s wesl of Burley this nliernoon pul a CaUfomla sheep flljearer out of biulne.sn when Ilames de.stroycd the truck and a 1 2 -man !lectrlc sliiuip Tihearlng outfit. T ils'* ,>wncr. Adolph Percr. 1 2 < West Mnln,"*' SiockUin. Calif.. c.scnpcd imlnjured.


iJter I

IS to pn


•Ulons of Uie Idaho

I’ York cour id. "they wl


prohibitory provl.iloi Idnho law thnl n d1vorc«l penion can't femarry w-Uhln .six months wonJd 'nnl aliply If Uial divorced penon left idnho. not IntendhiR to return to live, nnd remarried In an­other f.tate."

E. V. Hounhtnn of Coeur d'Alene, In an n.ldre.'-s which followed Tnv- Inr's, ttlUi the New York allonicv,

T. L, Marlin of Bol;ie ^poko on future rcclamaUon developmenli;, calling Jitlentlon to various Wlls pendliiK hi- congriTvs lor creation of federal nuUiorltles over river basins anil iirKcil irtl members tn study ami nnaly;;e thei.e carefully,

Bpeaklng .Hpeciricnily of Ih.i Col­umbia rliw b.s.iln aulhorily. he ^aid tiiat, If It were crcatcd by law. It ■ ,'ould-plftce under control of nn


BOISE. July 12 (/I>-EfforU by Idaho Allied Civic Forces,to prevent the community - sponsored Army Club from- Belling beer haven't stop- ped yel.

Harry S. Kes-sler nnd Z. Reed . Millnr. ftlionieys for Uie Mora! Up- llfi n.rsociiillon. Uircftlcned Itgal nc- Unn today on Uic Rrounds Usuancn of II beer .llcenso (o the aoldlrrs' »miir,ement center violates n ^ ily ordinance nualnsl ,-;elllnK beer wlUiln 50 feet of tv blnck in which a church bullilliig Is located.


POPLAR BI.UKP. Mo., July 12 (/T* -Everett O. Robbins. 38, tesUHed In Circuit JuilRc R, 1. Cope's court

‘• lilt a fire under hl.s Rlrl's homon lie ler

"Wl 1 wtwltrt to do smoke the Buy out," he Mid.

A Jury convicted him of nt nnd fixed his punLshmDnl at years In state's prison. Tlic burned n hole In the floor.

ndmot Uie inter •, nil r

Idaho.TliR MilUntHy, he mSdeiV

Miprrredr other Rovemmental clc-1 nnd nece.'-siirily illvert all local nnd ;;iate nKencles of admlni;iirallOT o: water supply or future develop, nieiit of IrrlRatlon and power pro-

- Tii-for

Rctil Estate Transfers

hj thw Twln-Palls Title and Abstmet Cotnpaay

Fr5d»y, July ItDceti D, aibbs Us Idalit) Bap-

v.st convcnUon, $110 0 , Lot* 23, 2i. bIocltll.Cti3 Uelonl..-


Reserve nislrlet No. i Report of CnnaiUon of the,,

KIIIKI.ITY NATIONAL BANK OK TWIN KAI.1,8 . 'or Twin Fallx. In the Slate of Iilaho,

At Ibe Close of IJuKlnesi on June 10, 1341 In Re, I>oI r,e lo Cull Made by Comptroller of. the Currency,

Under SecUon 5ai. U. S. Revised ASS171-3

mid dl;.counUi (IncludinK $2.10D.10 ovcrdrafi Slates Government oblJKation.s.


ObllKatlons bf Sutcs nnd poIlUcnl subdlvl.stoiusOther bonds, nole.s, nnd debentures...................Corporate stock.s. Including nloek ot tVderal HcJt

B. Cash, balances with other bnjiks, Inchidliig rc.it incC. and casiritems In proccr.s of collection ink preml;ic.s owned «B,500, furniture nnd fi«u

p o th e r nweti .........................................


______ 1. -25SJI01.00________ 113,37-1,05

....21,001.00■0 bank.- DJOO.OO e baj.. . 015,024-51s t i 000..- '02.<00.00


13, nem


:ld dcpO!rntloni tic dcpo;


intiividunls. pnrtnershlpj. n;

i anti poiilicni .subdivkioii.s ...


orpor-.....$1.2; M42.24

:0. DeiKV,it.s 17, Dc|>o.'.lLs in. Other Deposit icorUficd luid tn.shli 19. Total DciioslLs .........................23. Olhcr lln5,«Uits ............................ J:....

24. Total

___ 423J07.-48____ 305.723.83____ 85,M0i3...... 14.C0t.Br

$2,080503.60- ..... , 4,7B0iQ

28. Surji 27. Und; 2tl, Hf-.r

n Slock, total par $135,000.0005,000.0012,840.71nioo.oo

Toial Cnpltal Accoiint.s................. ..... ............. ..

Total Ll.ibllUiC3 nnd Capiial Accounu-------------MEMORANDA

;cd a:.;,CIS (and securities loaned) (book value):) United States Govcrnnieni obllintlon.s. direct nnd

Ruiiriuiteed, pledged to secure dcpoilLs nnd oUicr .llablllUcj .......... ......: ........ -.........................r....

) Other nv.eLs pledged to secure depo-slLj nnd other • Uahllltlts tlntliidWK tholes and bills tedtoOMt tcd nnd lecurltlcs sold under repurchase a^tecmenu... l l't^ 3.B5

refiuircmetils ot law

(cl) Tot.il ■..........Uatc of Idaho. County of Twii I. Ray Painter. cn.slilp.r of tl

hat Uie above statement Is tn:

by plc;jRfd /ii.sets pin

o and subicrlbcd bcfoi

Falls, u:a above-named hantc. do sotenmly sv« : to the best nf niy knowiedRe nnd bell

ROKp a INTEH. Cashier. Coirecl—Aiiest:


Directors.c m2 Uils lIUi day of July. 1D4I.



1020 FORD V-B Plekup._ S 1 7 5 im CHEVROLET 1!5 T. Truck •Ith teet beil.'^ood meelmnlc-l l y ---------------------..-S185

1934 FOUn V-8 liiib on sood beet bed---------S l-52 1 5

1D37 ClIEV. Cnaeh. exctpllon- ail, cleaiv tar............$41 5

1030 INTERNATIONAL riekup, 7.00120 tirei. 4-»pecd

tranimtislon----------— 5 4 9 5

1016 INTEItVATIONAL 0 -4 Plckup.^onj »heel-H»«, 700xto ----------------S27S

1930 FOOD V-l Coaefi. orlttnat paint, sued clean c W _ $ 2 9 5

1038 FORD V*8 Coap*.

1018 DODGE ricknp. I paint Mid I


19U tNTERNATIONAL IH T.. eiceUent mechmnlcal condlUon. ileera m ater.S^O


Ia$«rati«Bal Trneta . ■Stsdetektr PM seo^ C4n

< 7

Page 11: THE TWIN FALLS NEWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · eration of the car la suspended and Uie'tar borrc'd frotn'lhe road until It 1.-1 fixed


Jump in the Car and Look at the Bargains to be Seen in the Classified^ W A N T A D R A T E S

Publle Uon tn botb tht KEW8 AND .TQIE8

BMSd on Cort-rer-Word 1 <i«y So per word 3 dnys___4c per word per day6 days...... 3c per wo^d

per dayA minimum ot ten wonli t* requlrwl In ah; oao elusUled wL Tbew rates Include th« combined drculstlons ot the Nowi th» TlmM.' •

'^Ttrmi for aQ elualtled adi . . .CASH..................



•ON JEROME Leave Ads at K & W Root Seer


Pot Ittjerilon in tio Now p. m.

Por loicrtioD In th« Times 11 m-

ThI* paper aubjcribc* to the code ol ethlo of Uie Association ot New**

___ t>,r>e,.Clu»UUa-Ailv£rU»lng_M«m-egcrt and reserve* the right to edit or reject any elauiried adi-ertl<!RC

^ “Blind Ad»“ earrylBB » New#-Tlmc» . box number are alileUy e«itlde»U(U

- and uo latormaUon can b^ given la regard to the advertloox. /

Error* ihould b# reported 'tnmedl- atel7. No allowance vUI be mode tor more than one incorrect InserUon.


BINGS. Royal Anne*. LamberUn wml-swcet. Joe Kollmcyer. 2 mllee north. east of Buhl.

John- bear:L e t's go look a t that

hom e advertised in the

classified page o f the


32 or 38

H E L P W A N T E D — W O M E N

THOROUOHLY Experlenerd hoaie- kefper., 30-35 year*. Slay nighta.

CRABTREE'S Tourist Ifomc. Bou'Ui- crn hospitality. <liy or week. HUh- way 20. Wwl,'

TEACHERS wanted. Northwestern Tcnchers Aaency, 308 Teraplelon. Bids., Salt Lako City. UUh.

SLEEPINO room nnd ulcovc, P •ro•- thlng completely (iirnl.ihcd. Cull 2330 afler 6;30 p.-Tfl>All day 8un-

ONE BraduAte and one under-grnd- uate hurto. Buhl Iloepltal, phone IH-W.

LARGE pie chcrrlM I!<pC pound on tree. Dwight Kerlln. IW eouth and V.i wc3t of South Piirk. •

RASPBERRIES — Black cnp.i and cherries. Public Market. HDO Blue Liikaa Nortli.

LARGE Red ra-ipberrles. I',; North Wafhlngton School. C. Denney, 0«a-R3.


PLENTY cherrlM at Hlbner'a. 3c, 4c, Sc, Gc. 3 mllci north Buhl. Clear L«l«s road. ^

LARGE, washed, sorted, red spuds. I1J5 a hundred or 70c SO pounds. Early apples and cherries. Qrou'er* Ma/ket, 06* Main Avenue South.

1 — S PE C IA L NO TICES■qUALmr bicycle* our specialty;

Oloysteln's — 33S Main South. Phone 8QB-R.

T R A V E L & R ESO RTS '.

CLARK-MILLER Pettit Lake Ranch In Sawtooth valley. Rustic cabin*, lully fumlslied. Excellent meals. Shower baths. Saddle horses. Pack trips, rishlng. Call 3123. Twin

FOR SALE: Service Station efjulp- ment and grocery slock, on high­way. Doing good business. One

■t»^ttnt per gallon pnys rent Includ­ing a four room house. Roberts and Henson.

IIAN w»nU ride for one to Iowa „ Omaha around July sath. Share expense and help drive. Phone 1382-J.


THERE are Jobs for trained people. Are you prepared? Do you want to make money? Our graduates get Jobs. Twin Palls Business Uni­versity;_________ /

^ Q . Demand Jor aulo-fiody-fender experts. Quality tor good pay with chance for.own bu*lnes.i. l<om QulckJy, easily, Spare time. Writ* Autocratt Inst.. % New»-Tlme».


REWARD for information leading to return ot black cocker spaniel stoles July 11. Answers to name ot "Lady.” Phone 1203.

SHORTHAIRED Ocrman pointer, six months old. short tnll wliti whit* Up.'loet ot StAHley July 3m. Reward. Box 13, News-Tlmes.


MAOHINa-ESS j>ermjlnenta. two for one. Other « ’aves from llA ). Artistic Beauty Salon.

M i». I5D0, tdXtO permanents. haU price. Idaho Barbc and Beouty Shop. Phone 434.

OIL permaDesti, tlJ)0 up. Genuine Eagena. Duort and Par machlne- leu wavAc. Baautjr'Arta Acadesiy.

PERMANENTS, (1.50 op. M n.«lck- ard. Ptume 1411. Evening by ap>

j, poln tm en t.


EXPERIENCED man for^eei. _ taim work and img»Un8. Phone 0IB9-J1.

OUTSIDE field representative with large corporation. Give references and Roat experience. Write Box 14, care Wmes-News,

MAN WANTED ‘ to distribute, famoiu'Watjclns Products In rural locality. No cash . or expcMence neceaaory. Must be over 31 and own a car. WnU N. A. NlelMB, 1303 34Ui

■ St.. Denver, Colo. .

H E L P W A N T E D — W O M E N

Write Ray's Cafe at Staoley, I<


One a-room. one 0-room houft. both In desirable rrelghlwrhood.t. Rea sonable rental.

C. A. ROBINSONBEER Parlor, card room combined.

Excellent . location, doing . good business. Phone 51. Jerome.

•OR LEASEI Service station, first class locatlonMnqulre Dean Ken­drick. Covey's Btatlon.

STOREROOM tor rent. Rcinodellng on store front and air condition­ing Just comflWfd. Excellent loca- ,tlon on Main avenue. Phone ni3. or write Post Office Box 003.

PROFITABLE BujineM and choice property on..W««ilijglon Boule­vard. OgdeiJ.' Will Bcir for real

................ M.OW.

SIX Rooms. Modem. Nice yard, gantge. 3 » Seventh Avenue East.

SMALL Soune, bath. H4''mlles out on highway. References. 0381-J3.


4 ROOM Modem apartment with garage, aln\ut new. Moon's. Phone t or 31 or 833-J.

REMODELEDI Vacancy In Reed ■ apartments. S33 Shoshone North.

Phone 13H.


NICE on «n lU

3-ROOM modem. Nicely fumWied, Shower. Coll 2230 after 6:30 p. m. All day Sunday.

TWO Room alr-condlUoned apart­ment. LlghU paid. Oorago. SOS Second Avtn\ie North.

TWO Rooms, tin t fJoor. Private bath, entranca.. Adults. Phone 713M.

»lCt—TWO Room opartmenL Adulla. Reference*. 4S0 Second Avenue North,

..J room modem, newly decor­ated. Bungalow Apartments. Sec­ond avenue east —..........

DESIRABLE,- full; turhlshed and modem. Justomere Inn. 401 Sec­ond street north.

APARTMENm^tt Cottage and Bos­ton. Clean, comfortablo. Children allowed.- Phone 1804.







HIIco floor sonder. It is easy operate. Do Uie work yourself. For rent at Moon’s.

i t s lL E STATE LO AN S

PAUM and city loans. Northern Life Insurance C^pasy—Ftcd Bates Phone. I37D.1

REFINANCE you> present loan. -- money. Lew Interest—long terms NaUonal Farm Loan Office. Twin Falls.



80 Acres on oiled lilKhwuy we.tt ot Jerome. Good pjMlucInK land. ROOd water rlKlit. good Improve- mentji. Elwtrlclty, telephone, R. F. D.. school bUA. mUk route. Price JS.BOO. Rco-ionable dowfi pmt.. long time contriicl, low •Interest.JAS. C. KNOrr. Src'y.-Trea.l.

^afl Form Loan Am 'ii., Jerome, Ida.



lOOO-BUSHFL Slrcl granary, V tractor benn cuIKt, rt3. Phone 1DR4. Kimberly.

COMBINE wpldlnn anyw here, Georsc Woocli, .Main north, phono MOO-W.

MOWER Repairs, Complete line of cutting p:irt.i. See thcr.e at Kren- gel's.


FOR SALE 1 ii.scd Wrut. dec. rnn„e.1 shnllow well Wsler Byntcm

-l-mwlPl'a.-«rd-«l»er combine2 Oliver Mowtrfl , .I Oliver Dump RnVe1 Drg. Dump nke 1 Me. Drg. Rlelo delivery >ak«(k3 BCnnclnrd row crop tractors■1 W. C. Allis Clinlmrrs tractor.3 Oliver No. 70 trnctors I 33x30 Red Rlvrr Special tlire.ihcr



I to 2 ton. 8c cttt: over 2 ton. 7c. MILLER mLLINQ SERVICE

Filer. Ph. 73-J3 Calls oft grinding

SWECT flVRUr MI.XED FEEDS Wo mix wUh yciir Kralns. oUo.



MORELAND. *nLUNO SERVICE P&J18.'Filer Pti ealboff grlDdlng


HEAVY IloUldn nprlnRer .. . Schmidt. 1 South, 1'. En.nl, Kim­berly.

FOURTKKN Wfiinrr plijs, P. W. Nrnle, Rout I, 'iviii I'nlls, Phone 0387.J5.

THREE Good, gentle unildle liorfe.i, U mile West Koimtnln Service, Buhl, Phone 410-J.

PUnEDBRD S|X5ttcd Polnnd C.....Kilts, eligible to jrj:l.'U:r. Phone 1411-W.

WEANER PiKs. U MutJi, flr.nt howe ca.u Kimberly bojiK Phone cnW. Kimberly,



HEAVY BREED CHICKS , hatching oil summer, will »hlp

anywhere. Phono 203. Filer, or write SUNNY CHIX HATCHERY


WHY Give your furniture owoy? W# will give you highest prices. Sea us first. Moon's.

HIDES, pelts. Junk metaLi. Iron, bat­teries and clean rags. Idaho Junk House.

WHEN you )iavo a dead or useless horse or cow, call 314 TwTrt FolU, collect and we will plek It up.

W E P A Y LB.For


W IPING RAGS(No Duttons or Overalb)


INSECTIDE Sprayer. Just ottach to hose. Works by water prei.iur«. KreiiKcl's.

AUTO glaxs. cnnva.i. canva-i repulr- Ing. Tliomefz Top and Body Works.

CAMP Stoves — Junt the tiling for plcplo or i.uinincr outings. Kren-

• DKLT3 and "V'/lrlver.-sInglcs doublen nnd multiples. Hea ihes< at Krciigel's. ^

TWO Horncpower Induction motor, ariju.sinble moiiiitlnB, complete with gverloiul switch. Excellent condition. ICrenKcru llnrdware.

FlUESTONE Car coolers InstAlled in CO second.i. Only 75c a week, Firestone Auto Supply nnd Service Storc.-i.

Ing. Krerigels.w PUiore.'ccnt llght-

SnCEL Po. ts. .stock tanks, o comblh- ntlon safe. cook.siovr.sT Fairbanks Morse Kcales, will weigh up ton. Sewer tllr'a'ir • --- - Junk House.

wiping rags. Idaho

NUMBER 1 oQd 3 coast codar ahlo- gles. Priced right. Al.vj blacksmith l^n. pulleys, etc.J3ood coast lum-

Life’s Like That By Neher Buhl Municipal Band Perform s

.^nuilU July 12—Tlin tlrat munici­pal band ci^ert of the summer WHS Kivrn nt the Buhl city park Inat lliiindny erenlng. under the di- rcctldn of Kibiim Pierce. The bwid- stond lia.s l)«en movetl to the north rnrt or the park, and the sloping lawns fmm tlint t>olnt made omplo space for tli(»e who wished to rtst and li.sten to the music. Car# of I«-op!r v.Trc pnrkiyl at the north and

of tile park during the concert, le b\nd W composed of Uie

follwltig musicians; Jack .NeUon,., Htirrlritr HolniM, Betty McBroom. I.yilla Kiirem. Jani; Parks. Morion WlUon. Howrll Jnhnson. George Hnuarrt. Marian, Fulle-r. Johtt' Ruytj,. Elvft Plel.iilck. Fred Olds. Muriel UrrcntiT, June Fuller. Glen- nn Wlls/V). Nn.- iinji }ler7lnger, Joan Atwood, Allirrl, Bliadduck. Blllle Flnke. Mnrjorli' Ring. Betty Ring. James Joyce. Bill Overbaugh, Jean Gooiihiir, Dob BrlgM. Lllo Radford, DorLs King and Jean Radford.

‘•I)oe.*i the Eovcrnnicnt Kimrnnlcc I’ ll Rct my swcclhcnrl back .it the end o f a yc:ir. Ioo7”

HOME F im N IS n iN G S A N D A P P L IA N C E S

RFTOSRE-SSFTO Hoover, exrrllent condition, half price. C. C. Andrr- «m Company.

HUniiYJ OjiIj' a /«•!>• Irfi, ruK iiuniile.i. Your -cholci 50c e.ieh. too ■ -

ALUMINU,M;FOR DFT-ENSE Itrplaco nl(l”flliimlnumv,'nre now at

these loft' prices for ci\iniuy enam- elware.

Coltlpack Canner ....... .......... 5(lc12 Quart Pnll ......



4 rooms »3tl() do«-n.....»32.S0 Mo.3 rooms 1300 down......»2500 Mo.100 ft. comer lot ..........$3,0004 rooms........ trade for 0 roomsIR R IG A T E D LAN D S CO.



OVER3TUn-'ED Set. rocker, four sirnlglit chairs. B-I Colonial, Phone 3130.

Business and Professional *

D I R E C T O R YBaths and Massages

HOMES FOR S ALEFOUR room*, bath, dinette. Hard­

wood. Insulated. Garden. >3B7S. 1S3 Ash.

THREE Rooms, In-sulatcd, good lo- caUon; Phone 0480R4. Twin Falls. ReoMt ablQ price. .. .

NEW live room ultra-modem dwell­ing. Paj-mrnu less Uian rent. Phono 843-308.

I httv# a REAL BARGAIN In five room homejn a ■ desirable locatron.


THREE New modem flva. room homes tor tola. Blue Lakes Ad* dltlon. Phons 31. E. A. Moon, owner. 1(3 T&ylor street.


A tl,S00 FIRST mortgago farm loon as down payment on Twin Polls

.residence. Write P. O. Box 234, , Goodins.


WELL Improved twenty, fine crop, for quick sale. lOOOO, terms. K. L. Jenkins.

80 ACRES. 3^ miles from town, four room house. Well. 3S acres alfalfa. 46 acres pasture. Price M.7&0. Easy terms at 4':i. School biu passM door. Electricity. Almost new four room h&use In north part of town. t3900. Small cash pay­ment and small monthly pay­ments.


3S0 A9RE3 with exceptional water supply: set of buUdlngs, good wclL .nu* property can be mode an out- •tacdlng atock fann. Price tu.30g. 3U% interest, |1,I50 down, boL low yearly pmts.

80 A. near lUehtleld-ii good InvesU meat. Only »37D. down, low mte InU smaU. yearly pfat.

REICHERT. Field Rep.. Unlca Central Lite Ina. Co.. Jer- omt, Ida.

Sttt-Wcll. 027 Main W. Phono 155.

Bicycle Sales and ServiceBLASIUS CYCLERY,


ChiropractorsDr.-Wyatt, ISl 3rd Ave. N. Ph..1377.

Dr. Johnson. S34 3id E Ph. 344.

Cold Storage Lockers

Curtain Shops ■

Floor SandingHelder ds Sons. 811 Main E.. 14H1W.

Fred Pf«lfla,733 Loeurt. Ph. ICOC-J.

General Contracting

Insect ExterrhlrMtorBED bug fumlgaUon. T. F. Floral Co.

* ln s u r o M e .

Ppr Plra anil Caiualty tDfUtnce, ■'surety and FldeUtj Bonds. se« Swim investment Ca Baugb Bldg.

Job PrintingQ U A L IT Y JOB P R IN T IN GLetterbeads MaB PiecesBusiness Cards Polderi

. . etatlaaoTTIMES and NEWS


Money to Loan

' Money to Loan

JONES for LOANS on HOMES Room 6. Bank « t Trust Bldg.

PHONE 2041

AUTO LOANSRefinance your present contract.—

r^uce paymento—cash advanced.

W E S T E R N f IN A N C E CO.Next to raellty Bank


S5 to ISO to employed people your own signature.

Rms. 1 d(3, Burkholder Bldg, Ph. 77S

$25 to $1,000ON YO U R CAR

UP TO 18 MONTHS TO REPAY Contracts refinanced—private sales

financed—cash advanced

Consumers Credit Company

Oateopathie PhysicianDr. E. J. MUler, 413 Mala N Ph. IBTI

Dr. O. W. ROM. 114 M. N. Ph 0J7.W.

Dr. L. A. Peterson, l:

Pltunbing and BeatingAbbott PlnmWos Oo.

Radio Repcdring


2 rMrcka CMl ranees....... j.U.riO1 We.st. ranite, like new___ j lOiO6 TftSle rnOlo.1, cholcc _____ 5.001 Maying ga.i wa-.hrr-........J30JI53 portable riidlo.s. choice ...JlOilOFactory recond.'lloovrr___ JIO.05l L A: II com. runKf ........SnD.50I 7 tt. Allied ref............._$flBiOI new 0 ft. Allied ret........sini.c.s1 Ea.sy (grmi.tub) wnt.lior jsn.a.v 1 Oakland rniige. r.inall .•dr.c S31XIS I Coleman ga.s range. 4-burner with oven..................... $17.50

C. C. ANDERSON CO. Appliance Dept. - Pti. 100


LARGE stock high quality u.'.ed pi- ano. See Daynes Mu.slc Company ot Idaho.


1030 STUDEBAICER coupc. piilnt. jiew tires, radio, heater, low nilleiiRc. Owner forced to r.f nocrllico price. Term.i. Inaulrc Covey's •

1D3T CHEVROLET Master tudor Sedan. Owner leaving. miL-.t 632 Third Avenue East.

WILL SELL or TRADE almost nflw. 16H Harley-Davlson V-74 overhead valve Motorcycle. STRONG SERVICE SALES

<02 Maln^North. Ph. 2S0-J


"STUDEBAKER"Twin FalU Phone 80

SEVEN U35 Model Dodge two-ton SchooVOluues. IBl Inch Wlieelbose, SilP»lor all steel 10'0" safety bodies. Longitudinal seats, fi3-S8 pupil captflly. Busses meet all satcty requlremefits. All thorough­ly recondlUoned. Wrlt« or phone Magel Automobll'i company. Twin Palls. Id s^ • .


French Report ' , ^Uritislj Attack

'ICHY. July 12 m — Tlie French reported ytsterdpy that a British. Ktihmnrlne had ftink two nhlpa of

French tuna fl.slilOK fleet, and w;.papi'rs of nnocciipled FVancfl » ■rc 0Td<Tf(l to print the story with .

thi.s henrtllne;"Ilrlllsh KitRnvcnens ngalnxt French \

------- to prevent r^cnch foffd

ItfUllvrs VUll — .Mr. nnd Mrs. Rnl|tli Wlseinnn and two children

I from Bealile ■niiir.sdivy ueck-«!(} vhU vJUl rrlntjvr.'*. AL-*.

man 1.1 the daui:liti'r of Mr. and Mr.T, W. B. Slailger and .Mr.

mnn is Kmnrijcin ot .Mr. and Mr.-. C. M. Wlscmiin.

Club Sr«lt)n, — Members ot Uie Mnmc VnllcV club hcUl tholr July

InK nt the home of Mr.s. Juii Nnyliir l:i.M 'niur.-.dny. Pliiiin wcr mndc.- for achievement diiy n f lli courviy lalr .it Fllur In September a.nrt .Mrs. liiuart Scott w^s named chnlrmnn.-Menu coninilttec will bo

.. Naylnr.and Mr.n. Dorothy Wer-

. Mr:.. Werner wii.s ul;;o iippolntrd program chairman for the

malmler ot the year.■Couvalesclnc—Dill Bailey In c

vnlfsclnR nt hW" honur tollowlng 17 lays 111 the ‘I'u-in fall.-; coiinty-Rcn- rral ItosiiUal Where lie w».i taken after the flywheel of hlx motor boat struck him In llie'face when It flew loose while he v.■x working on It at hl.s garnge in Hnmcn.

From <-allfornla — Mrs, DnIUl VteynoI<is Is here' for nii“ cxlcndcd vir.it With lii-r .sl.-.ter. Mr.s. Mildred Janes, and her par‘i;ni-s. NJr. and Mm. B. I'Crtier. SI)/.- cnme ]n.M. Sntufday trom her home at Oakland witli her two children. —

Loo.ei Eye Sight—Mrs. Ed Buck­ley iicconipanlcd her i.on-lii-law and dniiKlitcr. Mr. and Mr.s. Cordon .Mc- Droom nnd small son. who had spent the week here, to ihclr home In Spokane last, Sunday. Mrs. Buckley will submit to surRcry on her eyes, the sight of both being lost in the pa.’.t two.wceks.

CoMt visitor—Mrs. Sam Gould of San JVaiiclsco como Sunday for two-day visit with her brother .and sLsier-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kirkpatrick. Coming with her wi her aimt, ’Mra, Ole MoUiershead Hnnr.en. who had spent the past three weeks wlUt her three sons In Oiiklanfl, and Mrs. Richard Mothers- heiid, who will vLnlt relatives at Gooding. Mrs. Gould left Tuesday with a Tousln. Miss Chorlotto John­stone ot Eden oecompanylng her.

supply,"Tlie French said that two tuna

fl.sherx wit nf Bordenu»- fleet of 30 v.<Ti- ht‘\iix'd l>y a nnilr.h subma- rinr on .Inly B and that the crews were ordered to take to Ihelr life boats and their ve?,sel» were sjmk.

FINLANf) CONSERVES CAS,nW-SINKr. Finland, July 12 ('P>—

Tiie fuel sliorlaco has become *0 acuts In .Finland that the govern­ment today decreed no more pttro gasoline mtiy be sold os motor fuel after July M.




LARGE trailer house, partly fur­nished, good condition. Cheap. 331 RamogB.


POWELL tudlo. U3 2 «l Annu^ N.

TypetcrUerBOUaa. mtala and Mrrloa. Phon* M.


Water Systems

Connell KIe«ttn<—Wocnen'i Coun­cil of the ChrUUan church met last Tuesday afternoon at tho home ot Mrs. Che.<iter Peterman wlUi Mrs. L. A. French, Mrs. R. A. WhlUcy and Mr . Wallace Heddrldc assisting hoateatea. The bualneaa meeting wu lA charge of Mrt. Fred Bcheup- bach.

To Bamok Island—Lev Kessler, foreman of the Paul OCO camp, has gone to Samoa Uland where he vUl spend a year In defense work.

Anneal Camp—A company of 100” _ofl Hive girls left Rupert T h t « - day morning tpy truck for.their an­nual three-day summer camp at Boetetter ranger stAtlon. They were acocraponled- by Mrs. Barold Pet­erson, Mn. P. M. BatcoU and Mr*. Frank Campbell.

Totilh H *gU t*r-Flf^ .«ie Mini- dota county younj men who have beootDft ai since the first regtstra-

Fiord u s r PiL.sao 8usho.B.

Washer Rental3So p«r botnr Plck-tzp tad daL Pb. n .

Ciilfomla CunUi — Mrs. Edward Baker, daughter, Ermal. and Miss Patricia Vancy, all of Winters. Calif., were recent gue.st.s ot Mrs. Mario Burton.- After a trip through Yel- lo*'«tone park they will return here for a loDgcr vUlt.

Dao'ghtrr Dorn—Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Branen July 3. at tho Patrick Nursing hotfie. a girl. Ethyl Lucille. , '

rsrvnl4 or .Sen—Lincoln county tuasurer and wite. Mr. nnd Mrs. Myron'Johnson.' are the parents ot. a ^ bom July 5 at the Patrick

To Minnesota—Raymond Appcll left Tucjday for Thief River Falls. Minn., where he wos called as a •draftee, regLiterlng there In the fall.

Rclun»»—Mrs. Charles McKay Is home following a. threo weeks* vaca- Llon spent vbiltlng relatives at Port- and. Ore.. Victoria and Vatwouver.

B. C.Ts Initltat»—George W. Schwaner

drove to tho Methodist Epworth League camp above Ketclium lost Tuesday, taking his daughter, Mary- lee. end Rosello Conner tor vetUt miUtute.1i«(Dms to Coastr-Raymond Crow-

ther lefVlast Tuesday for Califor­nia after a week's vacation here wlUi his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lou. Cnnr- thenu He Is employed at the Doug­las Aircraft plant at Sant* Monica.

Goesty Le*To-Mr. nnd Mr*. Verg Shipley of Tacoma left Ust Wed­nesday following a three-day visit with-her slsur.-and husband.'Mr. and Mrs. Mcl Hufflngton.

VlsUt Parent^Mrs.. Howard Noble and two daughters are visiting her parentB at tho Dlveraloo dam n w Msglc. They are from' SusanvUle, Calif.




JOSl-3’ 11 W. MARSHAIJ/ and FLORENCE MARSHALL, husband and wite, PlalnUffs.


Defendants, ■nre STATE OF IDAHO SEMDB


YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIPIED That a complaint hai been filed (vgalnst you In the District Court oT the El«-enth Judicial Dlatrlct oM h e— SUte a‘ Idaho. In jn d tor'Twin Falls County, by the above named plalntirts. and you

U»'Angdet, cr»ait«(i'‘ to MlnMolm countjr. They are Oatmelo Gan tea, Lor«l Haien'Seeler «Dd'CUtford Venioa Joqm and oo* ttfust«CT, WlUlBm Evans D ^ .

of tiie ser -lce ot {his sutnmona; and you are ftirther notified that imlen you so appear and plead U> said - complaint wlihln the time herein speclflfrd, the plaintiff wlU Uko Judgment against you as prAjred In. ssld MHaplalnt.

The nature of plolntlfPs cause ot ' action Is. and this acUon U brought,; to quiet.UtU to the property do> ;.| acrlbtd In the Utle of thU.causa of «U oa in ths plalntUfs, and U » : complaint alleges that ths •ban---. named defendants cUlm sagj» In-:: tereit In said doacribed property *Dd j asks that tald defendaoU, and MclTs of them, may be required to set roctt. tho nalura and extent of their■iM.1 rT.I_. ------

HOLLISTERbee«Bt Gtwsts—Mrs. OusUva Ny-

rxd had as house suesU recently her ton; Oecar, and family of 61. Martes.'

Nevada Gbeets - D. Wilson and •00. Dudley, and C. L. CaldweU ot" .....of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. OaMweL

TasU reveal that «hUe ft car. can In 43 foetim diy ooncreto «hUa

traveling at 30. miles jm boat, on Clare lc« with bo duSu or^nad.

dUtance of U l'teet Is'required.

be determined and that a decrM.-'. be rendered adjudgln« that Bsld do--:; fendanUTond each of them, haT«i>o o est»te or Interest whatnem ta u U . ';! pwmlses; that the Utto o f the p ' • ■

claim cr havlar aor-tatenrt. 1 to said propCTtT^aad. tluA Utle dKlared. ts :b* nhSQ putrfufff, that an *hi ownen thereot: and tor BiBb

rtUef ->s may b » J » tequitable; that for a s itatemiot of -ths cause 0( referwee: is h e r ^ nads; coniAalttt on tile h e r ^ : ■-WZTNESB my haoif aad.t____

of the said DUtrlot OoarCtttOa't day.ot aime. IML


By PAUL &,<

PRANK L.J. H. B U ------------AttoiujsAaddlnc 1________ ,f al .T M »F

Page 12: THE TWIN FALLS NEWSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014-12-12 · eration of the car la suspended and Uie'tar borrc'd frotn'lhe road until It 1.-1 fixed


F A iJ A R K E T SBumper Harvest on. Top of

Huge Carryover Creates ■Storage Problem

CIUCAOO. JMSy 12 (A';—Nonh- «nnJ proKrP.vi of wlipnt hnrvcslcrs. plllnK lip bumper nrw crop of i rfcortl-hrcnkliiK cnrr>'oviT. In cIok- Rlnn the nntlon'« mnrkciInK mnch- Inery n» ncvrr l>efnre.

UnprccMlcntCfl tlow of Rrnln Intt nloraKc nlrcndy hnn rniiltwi In plnC' JPB of pnrllnl rmlinrstM-n to limit rpcAlptx. fof-.iliU purfiaui nt 10.-0 miijnr trrmlnnls — Knn.-m.n City nncl Rt. LoiiLi. arnlii mm nald totlny they cxpcetcd other mnrkcts' to be forccd to clomp rcstrlctlon.i on re­ceipts n* hnrve.ilcrs pi:sh up from Iho aoulhwfsl to keep pncc with rlpenlnK Rrnln,

Tlie problem of flmllnR stomBO room tor new cropn, princlpniy whei\t

il corn, compllcnte<l by the fnct the ptillon'fi cnro'over of these

two Rrnln.i, wlilch tnke up the bulk of elevator nnd wnrehoiise npiice. h the InrRPsl on rrcoril, aovemmeiit flRiire.i Inillcilted the country will hBve a. record supply, 0.700.000,000 bushel.i of Rrnln. when nil crops

this yetxr. However, only



Construcllon of new termlniil and farm ntoniRe fncllltles'hn.n helped to ewe the Rlut to tome extent.

• but even iw. Rrnln men fxpecl plIliiK of threshe<l-wlient on Ilje Rrouml In wmo arena of lieavy production may be neeeMory before Uie cooRei.tlon U relieved.

The mtist recent nntlanal «u of BTiiln utomRo , fncllltles nhowed Ihftt room exited Tor npproximntely 1A50,000.000 bushels, with posjlblllty ihiit this mny be Ineren.*.ed to fllRht' Jy obovc 1,000,000,000 by new con- Btniction. /

On Jun# 1 ftb/ul COO.000,000 bunh. «ls of npaco wrfs unini-d.

Commercltil Jrmle nuttiorltles here Mid Uie bulw of (he wlienl. crop totftllnit more/hamooo,000,000 bu^h. els hnrvented^ dntc htis been p Inu Into terminnli for stornRe, Fiirni- ern we holdlnR Ihelr Rrnln eltli.. for higher rrlces. In view of the fact that ciirrCQt mnrkel quolJitlnni niniro up to 10 centa n bushel below Bovcmment loon ralei. or. fnlllnR to obtAin the.'C pricc.i. for BtornRe nri eotlaterni imiler loans.'

I. O; O. F. Lodge - In s ta lls S ta ff

G f New LeadersIii.ilnllatlon of a new slnto of of­

ficers fcntured Thursday cvcnlns'n meeUnft of Uie Twin Falls I.O.O.F. lodRC, "nnd nlmllnr netlrtlles nre *chedul(^ for next Tliiir.sday when the Junior order will be Instlluied nnri offlecrs InsUlled.

Pollowlnc nre newly-liiilattcd of- llctrs of tlic ' Odd Fellows; Jim Waite. nohlB srand: E. r. Drown, vice •RTand: C. V. Pomeroy, rlcht »upix)rt*r of tije noble crimd; Floyd MntI, left, supporter of the noble amnd; Teny Sulllvnn. warde<i: Floyd Cnmpbell. conductor: Georuc MeNeea. chnplaln; Charles' Clark. riBht Bccne supporter; C. lyon I'rlcr, le;t scene supporter: Percy Allred,

•rlahl eupporler of the vice ttrand; Earl lUlncs. left supporter of thn vice cmnd: Robert Kelson. InMde Ruartllan: 8. CrLsmor. oiiLslde guardian. '

John E, Wnlle. dlntrlct tlrpuly Rrand master, wm In chnrRp of the instnllntlon.

Four Games On SCI List

Rupert's hiir/-hlttln[j iimateur bMball crew koc.i 10 Sho'-hom- ihb nftenioon to try for a victorj- ovrr the Rc<lsklns. co-ehnmplnns with the Hnlley Triumph Mmera of TJn- tlMt hnlf of tlie South Ci-ntrnl Ida­ho !cnRiifl'sem,oii.

At .tlio same lime Uie MIuits. iilrons In every deparuni-nt of play, hope to cntlUnue ti fri.st pare nt the expense of MurtnuRh on the liittcr dub's dlnmnnd, i

Tlie Jerwur nine will <-nlri[;iUi Wendell In nnothcr S. C. I. all Uon. A Fller-Uuaerman ciunc Hacemin]! ylll complete the 1proRrnm.

Cnliforniaiis (raiii Utah Net Finals

SALT LAKB CHT, July 12 Two CnllfornlanT.. Welby V«n Mnni ftnd Cnrl -Eiim. both of Ixis Annele.n, Mil meet In Hie men's slniflr.n ftiuil.i of Utah's 0])cn lennls loiirnnmrnt.

Van Horn., seeded No, 1. reached the flnnls bV defcntlnR D:ivr Freed of Salt Lnko City, 0-11. 0-4. 0-3. -

Eftm. recent winner of. the Cnln- rado open toumamenl. won from Gordon Giles of Salt I.-\ke City. l-(i.

. 0-7, 6^. 8-1.

Burley Resident Dies at Weisei

BURLRY, July I2-inie body of A. O, Winks, nbout 75, lonnllmi Hurley rer.ldcnt who died lo-it Tliun- dnv lit WeUer where he hnd been vlamiiR. will be brouRht here Kun- <tn and fiinernl r.ervlcea will be held here at n time to be niinouiiced Ji

Mr. Wink.' Is Kur\-lved by i;e\ ftons. HLs oijly dtWKhter, Luellii.

.killed In nfTnutomoblle ncrttn;! ytnr bro InJil Christmas.

The body will be recelvetl at Paj-ne morlunry.

Flames in Tires' Call for Firemen

Wlien bumlnc rubbish Iffnltcd a pile of obi Ures nt 044 Walnut yes. t«rday inorTilnB. Uio Twin Falls fire depnrtincnt was cnllcd to the'ecene.

No damose rc! were owned by L, aceordlns to offldnU.

Hie aretlM~*ho lived in Uie^ centurjr B. C. knew that the tn caiued Uift-tUes.

As Flames Enveloped Truck Near Burley

rday aftenioon. Two of them were CalU. anS Mnt. It. M. Andrr«on. iiulc.S)Il M>l . Kan.. vtUo phclnsraphed tUk >rrr la reproduerd here. The machine was owned by Adolph rerrx. K(nckt»n.\;alir at J3,00ft. While the vehicle wan hurnlns. one of Ibe owner'. ..J.lef eonerrmi w, lie llir>ii(tit wa« In tl e truck, but wan later found to have eseaped. ( cu's Knsrav

IU1 Naoma llalladuy. Twin , anrt nnr. nj \hr pltlureM nnd <Umaie u.ii eilimated I lUe fale>f hl« ilot. whirl.

B R E V I T I E SFrom California—Mr, and Mr.i,

Oor<lon Nelson of Iledliimli, Calif.,I RUu.%U c.{ Mr. niKl .Mrs. C. W. Iiivr sinrt Mts. Clw*clicte.

,'or»e> Vbll-M'i;,3 Joiuj KojUi-a of III Fall.l an.l MUi Wllmii Morrli piirnm. both , .Mudnil niirM’.T iif

St. Alpho!i.',u.'i ho:.p]Inl In Ilob-c. nre ;l. ltlnK Ml.'-* Miir>' Ann Oourlcy.

Our t l-eave»—Ml:.-i Helen Kcn- nlon k'lL ye:.tenl!iy for her homn In :iilcii«n followln« a vblt wlUi ML-'; liinw Sironk. She wi« Connerly iif IVln Falls. . .

CoiU'hide* Trip—Ulll Wumer re- tumiMl y(• l .•llllly from n two w(w-k.O •iiciillnn trip to CAllfornlii. Itc win ircomixinleil by WiJlaco Crandall if Jerome;.

*(iue»t I.eaven—Mrs. Minnie Tel- rj,on of Hollyw(Kxl hiui K'>ne to Ida­

ho FaJh for a brief vl.-,li nnd will Jl here InUT to complctn her

vl*U wllJi Mr. nnd Mhi. R, K. Jo:i-

spent the piLH two wej'k.i vWtln frlrnd.i.

jilenl Honored — Ml.'ji Kyiidj Cniiicr. wUn l.s laliliii; KMiVaiat studies, at the UnlvcrMly of I^ili

MO-'COW, hn;i b<Tn elc-cled to natlniml Mluc;illon hniiorarj'. K;ii)n DelU PI. I

pl,Ml to leave todnv for Ihelr home lu Loiik Beach. Ca1U.. lifter vlr.lt- Ins friends here. They nre former

.klcnl.1 of Twin Filh. .

■me From Coaul—Dr 'I 1.- Cart- Wld hl.1 ,v>n, .Ira Cartney. have lied from Portliiml where Dr, iiey. allended su.-.-.lons of tlie

P.vlflc Co;lM l)i'nl;il conference, tld hl.won vhlt.rl Irlenils. ,

From silcl.lean — Rev. Hiolher Miirclan. prote;.',or In the Catholic eollefie lu lllehmond, Vii., wlwe hnine Is In Detroit. MU h,, cnnio last Vrli5ny to vUt uvu weeks JiV the- hniiie of .Mr. ntui Mrs. Walter ReUI. bU brother and sLiter-ln-law, nicy pliin lo vLnlt at aim Valley todny.

the Him mvlU'd itliichn: e


• acfcordhu iK.Val,-,.. ni

I the I• Unli


ivjiieTracy ifaiitr}' dl- iitM iirmy. Kins City.nt Frkli

here he h I'Uvurr. \vl!h hl.i eoni|>;itiy, for 11 tcn- il;iy visit wlUi his i>arenl-r .\tr, nnd Mrs, l-Ve<I Wl’snn, Hm will no to I-'ort I.ewl.'i. WI1.-JI., Ilf me end of liji fiirlotiKli. ^

Iteturns llerr_Mr:;. J. O, John- '.on, who went to j ’cirnand, Ore.. six iiniillw n;;o for'her hiMllli. retuni- i'4 1IV.-A. st> her horn:/ in'nvin Fallj. Her dnii«hier. Mrs. Mc­Kinley Jeiikla-i of Malad. and her ehlliiren, Wiirren and Mary Jnnt.

filer In Ihe week to OJK-nhrr lull r hei will r

. Willi ...» In Portland, Mrs. Johnson flew New York City for IreatmenL ;• Js mucii Improfed In health.

Colon Troubles■CAUSK M \ N Y in S E A SK S

Anyone Mifferlnn'from Stomach 3r Oastro-lnleitlniil troubles. Con- itlp.ulon. Pllei, Fistula — common ullmcnw often a.vioclated with an Infectcd or ipa-stlc colon—Is urKcd to write for our FRKS 122-paRC l>ook. Tills Ixxjk contains infomi-

dl |; nIn. . chiirLi, nnd X-Rny rca of rectal nnd colon eondl- nnd telU about Uie mild, cor- e trentments for'these troubles

at the McCIeary Clinic, AL'.o ^fcr-e lUt of U if former pa-

llcnta from ttlL sections of United Slnles and Cannda—IncludlnR j-our section . The McCIeary Clinic. HE17K Elms Blvd., E x c e l! ■ 8prlnss, Mo.

IJoUe VI»ltnn._.Mr, nnd Mrs. 11, evaiider of 'IVln FalLi were He

biir.lne.'„, vUltor.i lhl:, week,

Vaealiim. Kiids-Dob 6chuiii;u-I riunie'l yesierdiiy frnm Lunrm ,tul Portland, Ore.. where he 1 bee'n'on n vacation vl.'.lt,

California fiuest-Ml-s, llerl) W i:; <)I Lor, Anneles Is n RUr.-.L at 1

. inie of .Mr. and Mr;,.' Waller II loway. The women nre slMer;.-

ct to be Ronc n week or leil <lay:..

:en*ed—R. O. Comoiil, 34. anil n niythc. 20. both ol JiirhUlue. , obtained a marrluKe Lieense at

Twin PftlLn cotinly recorder'.'; ntllce •-itenlny.

Weekend Guei.l.» - .Mr. ;iiid Mr.-;. F/d Mlnnnrly came ye;.lei<l:iv finin noLie to r.pend th» weekenilAHlliin friends and relntlves herr. They

return to tlieir home tonlxht.

Sunday Spea llawkes will prea evenlnR servlee.u t if iJie Narjirene, ., D. Spilth, pa:

California Trl[ Tom White and KCne Wltlle left with frlenil.i niic AnKeles In.-,I Fili

Weekend (>nlli>c-AIl

ellsl K. I,

•rl T- Ilea' I.<il'. Heat llie week-

CoiinieKiltllill of

SwltierlandEnKlaiiil sinct the pre; ct be the principal r.peaker today nt 7:30 pm, at the Beconct ward L.DS, chaiwl. He will tell of his cxpcrleiice.i 1n thcv.c countries, and his sister. Mm. IJertha WeH«

•29 Dodce Coupe .... .•30 Chex-.TuiJor „•....•31 Cher. l ! i Ton Truek ..•25 Chev. .Sedan .... ....•30 Pontiac Coupe____•37 Bulck Sedan ....... . .'37 Chrysler Royal Sedat\ S •37 ronllao G Pass. Coupe 5 •38 Chrysler Royal Sedan 3 •39 Old! 0 Kedan ............ §

NED De GROFF MOTOR CO.I.ionel Dean Wdf.

. 1

CallfornU—Mfs, Orate Heart- field, lormer Twin Falls resident, left ;i;,t I'rlduy' for her luime lu Snntn kn:i. Ciillf., after a brief vhlt with •Ir:.. Lotji.Davt, 8lie wi« eii route loiiie from Buffalo, N. Y..wheir :;he .Unided the national Tmvnnend onientlon.

Plan Ha. ln Trip.Mr. and Mrs, !■'.Drake and Uielr KVlt';.b plan to

rave the tir.st of the week'for n I'veral day;,' flshliiK nnd camphiR ■ Ip In Uio Shn:.honc bii.'.ln. Mr, nnd ,lrr, lliiwlejuh M. IJrnkc of Mivcon. ill., nnd their children, Dorothy,

Ilawlcliiij and Irene, arc their RUe.-iLi,

'^Ciineludr Outlns-Mr.■ayiie iiantotk and Mr,

Merle Ucckley have retcini i ek'.i trli) li> Ydlow.-itniio he Jsckr.nn Hole countr>'.

LivliiuMon, Mont.. vli» Ih

ml Mr.-.,

ilchway. Mr.CI1II1I.S.

ind from via me Callatln

Id Mr.v OcDrKc ipanled the Rroup

rned curlier In tlio week.

Iteturn Ilere-Mr, and "Mr.i. Mark C. CroiieubrrBcr nml dsiuchter. Uet-

-ned . la;;l lYlday evenlnR irvnllls, Ore.. tthcrc tliey

1 Trlp-Mr, and .Mr.-,. J, R, nnd dauKbter. MKs Jiinc and' MLn floliblc- , Jfan uid Mrs. U. R. llalpln and ind diiuKliter. MLin Doro- n, nnd .MIm Joyce Miller Jean 'iliiitchcr. |'

: to.ipemlmill c

DouKliiviDounla KiDouKla.'.s.'n

thy Hal'plr nnd .\ll.-.'i leave tlil.s .

. one of I I Warm ;

Conclude Outlns—Mr. an Charle.% Ca.sey aiul tiielr Kuer, nayrnoiKl Clawson. Mr.-:. t'au and daughter, Karbara Jean of New York City, returned 1;

11 week'n/nuthiK f Sun V|illey. '17k


e lluar .rlnR-% c

July 2


3 rrtur

Hoipltal - Dl:;ml.'K;al. irom ■In Falls county general hos-

pttnl ye.%lerdny Incliiilcd Mrs. D. C. Sumnu'w of Jerome. Hoy Hnmby. Hoko Haken. Mm. K Gwlnn, Mr.i. William P.-vr-miore nnd daiiRhtcr,

Jicuador Accepts Move for Peace

OUITO, I-i:uadiir. July Ecuador tonlKlit iinnmineed accept­ance or a trlimrl/e neutral offer of Kood offices In thll; country's boun-

try dl:,pute wUh Peru, wlileh re- ntly led to sponullc border cliishes. 'I'he F.cuadorean lorelKU office immunlcated this Movernmriit's «li;- lon to the envoy.i of the

tjnltcd atntcs, ArHcntlnc miil Dra­in, which hud (ilfered July 3 to co­operate In nn effort to reach n

i-acelul nolutlon ot the century-old

'In Lima, n .Illclal ;.i)<)kt;.man 1 prevailed In IiIkIi

lelal clrcle.1 that Peru would nc- it the plnn provided It Is olfered KOod offlce.s and not as media­

tion >'Hie tripartite propo.-.al. iimdnR her thliiRS, would provide for cs- bllr.hment of n'"/safety i'.one" 30

klld'meter.s .IK.O mlle.s) deep alonK the resent dl.sputed frontier. ..At the same time. Uie armi'nilKh.

.'.Mied a unnue1 charKe.sJha

Hoops had attncked I’eruvlnn r po.if.,

Siirvivii’ig Sister Inherits Estateilelln M, niley, pioneer T i ^

stliiK of r ivl and

ier'.sl;;icr. Ml.-.'. Kita F. Riley, with :.hc v:nr. lauK nx-.w.livltil 5n

liiiv... 'Hic bea»e;.t wa.N net lortli llie win, executed Nov. III. 1010, ch hiu% been lodi;ed‘ ln the pro- ■ court, m e flun'lvlnR .',l;.ty^wns led ns cxecutrlx. In event ol her III the will provided the estate ulll be dlitrlbillcd amonff scvernl Ill'll relatives of whom a brother Miv.ourl nnd niece In Iowa ;iur- '. Attorneys In the probiite pro- liiiKs nrn ■I'IklK'nrd liabcock nnd A, Uabcock of Tivin Fnll.i.

lila/.e Damages IMiirtaiiuh R a iie li

.\rURTAUGH. July 12-Conslder- ilile d.unype tn UiP Julius Nen-man iropc-rty northwe«l7of MurtaiiKli re- iiUiil frfim n fire at U p, m, today Oilrh conTsumwl a culf ,she<l, iillr i-i.l.'. nnd tle.s,' nil well 11 'I'A'o ciilve.'i were burn

mil It win necewary to dlspo'e o. •AO i.lhers that wern-liadlv biinie<l Vc-litlibors released 10 olliiT eowj ncn i\ corral,'Ilie flro was'reporUtl to the tel'

■lilioiii- fompnny and olfll'lyls •■um ui)ii':it1>bout SO nelKhlxir,'! who join •it lii'hiittllnR Uir blaze with biiirKcL ind water from a nearby cunal.

•\lr.r C. D, Cnrder d son. Clenr lid charlc.s walhoff of Twl nd Mrs, Henry Neljsnn« i •h..Murtni

I’arents of Son — Mr. nnil •IVoy Kell of Kimberly are the ents of a son Aor^slast evmb the Twin Falls coimly Rcneral liiuit maternity

Hospital Knlrani'. — AdmittancesI the Twin l 'alls rouiity Rencrnl

ho.ipltnl ye. terday JneUuled J. K Morrison ot Jerome. Melvin Tilley, of Han.nen. Mrs, 'IVoy Kell of Kim­berly. Mrs. C, P. Ottens of IJulil and Mrs. Albert Oliver ol Twin Falls.

News im Twin Fall'sTnkon From the Twin Flills News,F iles


DAY BKVOTEn TO SERVICK MEN WlUj a prelude of music Ser\'lce

day w«.vopened In the city park tliU mornlnR, Tlie slartlnR exercises were held at 11:30 o'cldck and were com- poacd of mu.slc nnd brief Ulks to the os-icmblcd soldiers. Imnicdlntely ut­ter IhLi Informal proRrnm, the dls- charRcd men of .service were provia- ed wltli on elaborate dinner In the bnsenifnt of Uie First Methodl.it churc i. the War Motheri' society hnvlrijjoUnruc of the fc.'.tlve occa- slon,;nie itffulr Uirouchout held no formality. u\e acrvlce men attcndUiR In littlro such ns tliey saw fit to wear. Most, however, In deference to the wishes of the motlier.-i, donned the uniform of liL'> particular Rriulc of service. Mrs. T. H. Irwin. i)rc;ildent of the War Mothers' Soclcty. had chariic of the dinner. Uie war moth­ers cooperntlng with the special com­mittee chosen by Mayor W, H. Eld- rldiie lor the reception of honiocoin- Ing army and navy men ncveral days •ago. A service uniform constitutes n pnss to cverythInK liapiijnlnB todiiy. whether It be ot an otflclnl. in.'.tliu- tlonal or commercial pru|x>sitton.

ELKS' ROUNDUP_________;_______

COME. mOftTuTwiSTON QeorRe D. SchwlcRcr. fonner resi­

dent of T »ln FnlLn . l.n here irom Lewiston, where he bi KCqeral aRent In ten northern coimtlni for tJ'o IdiUio Life.Insurance company. Mrs. SchwleRcr, who for a month or two has bean llvlnf; In Twin Falls, will accompany Mr. SchwlcKer to their new home. They expcct to leave next Monday. Mr, SchwleRer atntcs that reports to Uie effect Uint Uie cherry crop In the Lewiston fruit area was

fiUIiire, are wide of U>e mark. -

DEIX INVt^T.S Purcha.se by Frank J. Dell ot

TU'In Falls of the lAverlns Uieatcr nnd Danceland pavilion on Second astn\se twt. Irom .W. M. Feoils. announced WeUne.iday. when .. deal for Uie properly wiut closed. Uio consldtraUon belnR reported to be In excess of 18.000. i t t-i Uie pur­pose of Uie new owner. It was an- nounced. to remodel the theate. bullcllns. beglnnlntr ihLi work In tlit

- future. Mr. Dell has operated Danceland pavilion for st

monllis under lease.

1 o'clock7VJ/1 FaUf Elt-i' Rouiiduii nu-s of­ficially InitUKuratcd. Tlie band a.s- ncmbled In the Roundup i>ark nnd for Uilrty minutes rcj.'nled the crowds wUh In.'iplrltiK bclectlons. '17ien Uie celebration wiia on In earnei.t. The crowd was all Uicre, flllhiR Uic cx- pmiAlve stands to » conifortablt lim­it. It'tms a Ray UiroiiR, too. nnd i.ans the gnlety that comes from the bev­erage Uint cheers, the crowd wns hil­ariously JoydjI^

TWIN FALW OVEItCO.>UXS LEAD OlvlnR a rare exhibition of uphill

batlllhg. a spirit ot never-say-aMll and hlttUiK In pinches the 'tVln Falls ball club yesterday aftern cume a handicap of four

I. It V s thetlrut ciimo of a' Uiree-ply series nnd the "Twins" earned Uie victory, Tlie conflict was an exempllIlcaUon. In the first few Itames at k’a.st ot how not to play'«,he naUonnl Kninc; that Is as far os Uic locals were concerned Pitching. Uiat offered by "Phaf T]iomp::on,vWas o f a. mediocre cali­bre, Uie corpulent Rent yti-ldln?; nil the.run.1 untf Uic vul iir opiHi.nlt' unutxtd'. tkU'U\e hll.i'\oo, lor tiRatter, bc.'ddes InkcrtlnR a wild pitch that coimted a man from third boi.e. "Phnt" vM a burden to himself and

asid he VillllnRly rcllnr|ul5he(t''lho sceptre nnd hLi hillock po.sltlon be foro a man had been retired In thi fourth InnlnR. . , .

TO CONDUCT CLINIO.-;Tlio Red Cros.1 publuWiealth com'

mlttce announces Uisrty the mlddli of August It will be In posUlon to place at Uie dLsposal of Uio commun-

, Ity a trained iturse who will operate In conectlon with Mrs. Leo Oravi trained worker of Scuttle. M:

es comes here to hold a series ot clinics. She has Just returned from

work overseas.

Tw in Falls Mortuary

trade your old washer-now

on a new

• Evil ty voRun kaom ihirwuliJi/wnulJlx nolKxliccif (lie lijil ■ bi;; upiclif « . i l i « . l i i i ' -


• Maytag: Washers arc becoming more d iffi­cult to obtain and prices are due to.adyance, Buy yours now at present low prices—on very easy terms.ALSO—Many bargains in used and rebuilt washers.

W ilson-Bates Appliance

infected wlUi smallpox. Jtm Stew- ...-t and (AoiUy ol Ounis, Ore.. trtiv- rlhiK In nn nutomoblle,' ercapcd quarajillnp.ot BoLie oik! wxre be­lieved to’be In the vicinity of Twin Falls on Wednesday. nccnrdlnR to lelcKram received here by Dr. J, E.. LnuRenwalter, county phyNlclan. T«'<> ollie'r .families traveling with the Stewart family from Hurna were fnimd to be Inicetcd wlUi smallpox' and were placed uiiljcr auorantlne at Uobe. Dr.. Almond ndvbe<J. Search made Tliursday by a R. Sherman, county saiilLiitlon officer, tailed to di. clojr the pre.nent wher-

of the Stewart family, It Is sii.si>ecle<l Utnt they Imve avoided reniilar toiiri.it camps nnd will camp

out-of-thp-wny places.

nillNOR TOUHINC CAR A WIllys.KnlKht cnr beiiiR drlvei

by relays of new.spapcr men on i traiiJconUtnentnl trip from Bnnioi to the Pacific coajt, wti.s piloted In Twin Falls Wednesday cvenlnk by A, U Warden of Osdcn and C. L, Ship of Balt Lake City. Tliey were

cnmpanle<l by •'Sllm' McCrackcn Toledo, In charRc of the trip. The

..jr will be driven to nil,i.s today by 1,11. Muslers of tlib cltj’.


Famous fo r Taste and //ouriahmcnt

Mallon’s Loff Cabin Barbccue



iseQualltv Scrvicc A tvioapficre

'W e a t l i e rIDAIlO^talr Sonday Mia Mon- , >

day bDl (cattere^ aflernoon.ihun- G dmt«mu near the moan tain*. LItUo ehaore in temperstare.

urday 80 desrees. minimum 49: we*- tcrly winds, clear. Daromet«r 38,04 • nt 5 pm.; humidity SO to 03 per cent of saturaUon.

(Dy Tlie A.woclated PrcM)An unstable air maM covered all

Uie reRlon west of Uie ConUnental Divide Saturday and where the mohturo content of Uie air wna high rnouRh n comblnaUon of surfac* heaUnR and llftlnn over the moim-

1 re.iultcd In ahower and thun- derstorm acUvily. Thundenitomu

reported In'we.ilem'^rUoru of Mexico, Cotoradtr»»Bil Wyo-

mlnfT, at several points In Ctnh anti In extreme eastern Nevada. In Idaho nnd elsewhere west of Uia Divide

SUUon< llolse .. Hurley liulte . Clieytni

I conUnued t....... ...........- Max. Min. Prec. Wthr.........83 M .60 Clear_____ as M. .!» Clear

..... 74 4J .00 Cloudy__72 52 iZ PU Crdy

..... 73 63 .00 Pt. CTdjr........ 77 57 T Cloody ^Clly .. 70 59 .00 ' aeiir

I.o» An*<;lM 7ft 5f) .0(1 ClearMpU,.St. r. . SO 48 '.M CloudyNew York Clly SO 70 T Thnstm.Omaha '........ 75 53 J » Cloudy

-M -so -o o -r trc rd r~PorlUnd. Orn. KZ H. .DO C1e*r 'Balt Uke Clly !)I Cl .00 n.CT’4ySan Franclwo 71 54 .00 ClejwSealUe ....... 70 E .00 a tu rSpokane ___ 00 53 .00 Cloodj"Twin FalU.... RO 49 .00 ClearWaihlnilon .. M 71 .01 ThiriUn.Vuroa ..........no 70 .00 Clear

VUlU ParenU—Lleuicnant Jerry, N. Crowley, flight Instructor at Rmi'. dolph field. San Antonio. Tex., and Mbs Ila Stevenscn of Layton. Utah,

Start a.Vacation

. Trip WUh a

" T U N E -U P "Let our ahop be your tint slop before you start co

' your vacaUon trip. Hun* dred* of motoriata have dLscovered we can mtb

' Uiem money with n plan- ned-sehedula motor •tuns« up.-

Save in gaa-vtone]/ with ap(& nncd ‘'tu nc ‘ u p " at

KyleM. WaiteC O M P A N Y '

riiDne U ar 43 Next to P. O.

^ ^ I W A N T I ^ N E W ' INSIDE AND ( v 3

V ~ -

SOLD O N TERMSPockcd W ith Do Lm<» F ix j^ to* -

• Warmer Dr«w«^

1941 M O O a B-60

_ Today You'Can Buy A Better

FRIGID AIRE REFRIGERATORthan ever before. Prices have already advanced and

will probably go higher still. Select yours now from

our complete stock. . . “ •

D E T W E I L E R^S“Everything to Make L iv in g M oree ^ P ls ^ a n V *