=11 TODAY’S NE’WS ' . Irrigatfld Conntles In Idaho TODAY .LANi tlSTOiSSlST JUlWiND ••Snmmena -Ez-Sol^crs; to. Aid| - la'Seopiag Ameiricft Oat r-'. OfEntaBBlomonW By'jOB BUCX M0BB18 ‘ WIcniTA,- K an, SepL 7 fttEi ii& iC «r. AU M. Landon called upon ^•X m w lcan veterona oi Iho 'Vorld '-'wBi- today to' «tond firm In Uid d. „,eu t, •■ ' toUIllgMt legijflftUcn.to-lMCit tho , noraloM-declared In a epwch to , vstaraiui of th w confiieU and to ... i; throng 05«mJi!«pd for ihs 18 h >fr. American Uelon, coavtnUon to : SacrUloe ProtlU ' • • "But..alter. oU tte aplrit WW; w o A ir Speedster Eve Of County Fair Finds Show Awaiting Crowds lYwmi ONUiDON,GOP Rofuflca to Talk Polllica at lAbor Dajr Address to ____Hntloy Orowd -.o-rttong. Wiu for •' D6ac8, -We-moat b« wadr_to sac* pwflt^- W?. laujt 'b e Drebnred to stlflo tho'xuUuTn] L^aUecUoo bavo for tto ; lands of our ancealots. We .»uat loltnxM ''' >. ' C6mlng at a tlm« when ' 'w|hW M S*aa addresa In which S ^er^dU q u l a l l a s : ovidoo Derroyat.' daredevil fUer who corrlea a cone and h u oa orderly to walit tom In and out ot hia ............................. to win tho rac« today. _______ po.werlul cup tmnt* !n tho feature apeed ICORDMLI Uio mystery man of tho 1530 polit- ical campaign, refused to dlaeu«a party polltlca today In making ' Labor day addre*a hero and i- malned allcnt on hU stand toward Gov. Alf M. Landon, G. O. P. prcsl- ' lUal candldato, and tho RcpubU* 1 party. ' , I t does not seem to mo proper to venture too for into party poll* UcB." Borah aa!d. "I am atroBgly convinced that tho Amcrlcaa elect- orate, whUe deeply Interested In tho multitude o( questions before Is evea-thla early In thb cam-. gTj alBgidBrlylndlfferenttopar- in appeal.' . ' 'Probably « wiser gcneraUon will devote 4uly, August and Bop* tpmbcr aloD# to aavlog the coua- • Two Chief Problems I "It may b« that October's brae- llng'air will cncourage'ua to dis- tho two great Ibpena 4^Honr Drive in Quest Of Speed Marks on Utab Salt’ Flats ' All Space Taken; Stock __Entries Received Today .FILER, Sept. 7 (Spcciftl)—Weal wentlier for the..18th annual Twin FftUa couuty fair and rodeo loomed lodny 5 o£ llio opening of tiio big event liero tomorrow. Seerctnry Tom Pnrka reported tijdny that all spaccs in tlic| jiiidwny had been taken and that every spae'e iii mordinuts' Jiall liad beea reserved, with the auto sliow building also full. Troduee and livestoek entries were beitfg received today,, find produco hall will bo filled with the pick of tho agricultural prodnetB o£ tho region, ho fiaid. In this bnilding there will also be speeial exhibits of BUgar b'eeta, honey and soil conserva- tion. Twin Falls county Oranges and Puturo Parmer chapters arc coopcratinR to make tho igrieultural displays the best and these events will bo staged tho] last three days only. I He alressed to all that admission, to the enmdstond will be free to-i morrow, and expressed pleasure with the prospcet for a large crowd On the opening day as well aa OQ the succccding four days of tho fair and rodeo. [l.-nMd'.iMt tell you .of. Its. •• - :m m togl«3- cn'elty-, ' I'^il^ent' bilt dld not. -- , nKSUures which tavol . ,or tlw effort to cnacti Mnt" anti-war inor.-otherwlBO i column 0) •i:.Count««d n O K 105 V t . ,i8 A, L X opoly 'imd eurrency, problems jwhlph hold In a dcaUj.flke grip the Interests of tho common peo-. plo of thls.'country whether ;wo have whitj^.we «U1 prosperity, or, *:*airali''^'lB{ed out . the'advance' orPd6ctei,.''>faaaMm Endr,Cqm» j|tiQnaJ..,*oWU, Iter ^.ippllv. ; .ULSS.mUea na: hour. .. - I BONNEVILLE SALT FLATS, Utah. S e p f 7 (OB—Ab . Jenkins, Utah jppecd king, began a <9-hour 'assault on Wbrid automobile speed V . Jenkins flashed across tho start*] Ihg-Uno ftt.0;04 0. itt. P3T. - The weather: was,, clear . ,varm aad. .otherwUe .ld6«a^ for aklns* speed tcst;_ In.which ho )ped to ahalter.virtually.evf Jattac record up to ,« hours. . Several Week^ Delay '' Start: of.the »pc<d.daah ca: after several flfeeks’. .delay, occ-, loned by tainslonaa whic& kept t t e ^ T ^ n M u r a l «P«e<lway w ggy to'ti»«l-thr»ame!lO mile oval flMfi. .world,,WomqbUe :re«oijla ^ v a t h o ^ * ^ ”S!ck.appeftred ^ be softer than, when tho EngUah- ^.•W.Ainerica.S,lrmally all of .'A..A, A.-otflcads, hMdcd by,A. and certify any records whiai, may faa.'-TlKi-Utah-aoo-was-co|ican. li-2tom»Vteer'wb«';^ Aviatrix Sets Out T oSeeN £w -Sofl ,______ iD'Europe-and Iniploiwd [^•:7Vjaettt4 :h ) ^ - lta-.amoei .!^bllK>a(l''.ftiid:\ltat que^on today (a VheUie'r tho feoplo' are to the dcmaiwla bt arbltraty pow- er, .whcther,tbB clUsen ts to be a sovcrclgn ot a subject.' . .'Vltat Queitlen , "The’ question which -tugs at, oiir heart strings cvtty. hour ,1s how;iBueb','can.wo In th«: ead preaerva' and-.inalntaia- ------ which jroLL and I know t •iaion Saturday were twieo largo as those last year, Parks said. Final Propamtlena Hundreds were employed-------- grounds today, every nook and Mmer being a sceao of acUvlty In preparaUon for tho opening to- l/co Crcmcr's rodeo outfit In five ,aro artlvod over the week-end I from Missoula, Uont Monto I Young and his rides and shows are '-■i the ground, Tho tents andde- ces aro being orecled, the Cady ,ujd Warrla family cntertalnera aro. here, and inoro race horses 'havo arrived than there Is rt ito accommodate-, them. Parks Iported; .First performance of.the IrodoowmbeTVednosday I Will 'conUQuo-foue. days. t the .’D l^ y a StresMd management wporta .thit ,teniaon than ever before Is being :glvea to the .displays Jn t ^ merchants' hall and that la-the othlblt halls the sliowlnga aro m - g « W to^rlval ,the best of any la BVom I ^ ' valley. come the •rost awlno herd., and In other de: artmenl* them aro nui tied from outaUle tho c ■Judgtoe to-.tha-wome lartrt^tJeMayjmd lOlOBSE QUIEI LABOR DAY jHoUdfljr Honra In Effect As OommnnIl7 Pauses for A ^nal Eveiit Twin Falls and environs obaerv-j 1 a quiet I/Bbor day holiday Iday,’ with Sunday hours in ef-l ' retail hiialness estab-' ts, the banks, postofdce, Drive Poes Back Temporarily In Savage Pigbt 60 Miles .... - From .Capital ny LESTER ZIFFItEy • MADniD. Sept. 7 Rebels alrllilDfr a t Madrid and Toledo from the nouUiweat were driven] bacit flbt UUomctcrs in oavase Ilghllng at Tnlavera do la Rclna, oa miles from the capital, tho war office announced today. ' lI 0 a. m, today tho mlnlstrj r announced that the loynl Ilueaea continued to captural |bullillnga la the town. a tho Boutliem front, tho ilque aald, tho . govcmmentl forces -■ ------- -------------------- ____ ____it Almeria scored novertU victories, taldng Tevelez, 25 mllcal uouthcMt of Granada and also the' vlUages of Tulellar and AUedoJir. PeasanU Rising Tho j rising ( Roosevelt Warns- Labor Oppression Threatens Peril Defends Spendiiig--and- Promises Farm Help ny FJiEIJEUICK A. STORM •WASHINGTON, .SopU 7 (UP) — A nalioii cclcbratinft liibor'ti annual fete w(is confronted today by I’resideiit Rooso* velt’s blunt reminder that to refuse (lie worker a ileecnt livcli* hood and security fosters claw dissension ‘‘which in other countric.s lias led to dietatorsbi|),” In ft fireside chat delivered 12 hours aflcr hit return to the Wiiite House from a 5,000-mile drouth inspection tour, the j ___________________ ; _________ iPresidcnt proposed an alterna* Jf 1 street county and city offices., Bystcin of muhlclpaT fdeeoratlons’was i^alat^'this__ _ families were'on\motor tc ____ _ fair grounds ____ chonta and exhibitors made re for tho opealng^pf the annual cx- poalUon tomorrow, and In Twln| mills the younger gtoeratlon it the »M t of the last day of — period previous to tho ro- of. the pubUo schools to- 'jS°^Ued-Youth AffllUUoa plc- le was afM tureat Dlerko’s'lako.; Entertainment eveaU for the igeneral puhlle Included features at! 'The victory cheered the four day old govemmcot at the start of the] eighth week of one of tho bloodlcstl fratricidal wars la history, al- U earlier reports that the I— — had ''eliminated” the threat to Madrid from this quarter were not borne out. Thq fighting was still going on .today with neither sldo eotlmntlns 'its casualties. The new notional republican guards, storm troops and roUitla^aased suddenly after a period of retreat and launched a vicious counter offensive against the rebel forcca. Push Advaneo Aided by loyal arUllety . planes tho government troopa ad*| vanced in battalions of 200 agalnotl the seasoned rebel army of For- eign Xicgtonnalreirnnd-Moors. I>e- Bpito machine gun neats manned by.-tho Uoora.tho loyalists «ucceed-| ed Ui. reeoT«f!flg-.atraoSt fo u r xailes of battle froat - Tho annouhcemeht of tho Tala- vera' fighUng waa'ptecoded by an elgtit hour coherence of members ot Spain's new and most radical govermncnt cabinet. ’ BlmUltane- Ipusly tho war ministry report^ jadvaoccs on four other frbata. SAYSCOUGHL IN Thd Gas That Runs The Machine tBELSATlN Attacks Eeporta Vatican Has ‘Orackcd Down’ on Him fjr Political Activities CHICAGO. SepL 7 OtT.I— Ite- norts that the vatlcan has "cradl- ed down" on him for his poUllcal activity aro a "pack ot iofemal lies," tho Rev. Charles E, Cough- lla ot Detroit Sunday told ' ho cslimated at 80,000, "Don’t lot them deceive you with, falue propaganda, originating from , CoushUn, founder of tho Na- tioniU -Union-for-Bodal-JusUcc, imisod that "no, punches wUl died" when' he' resumes , broadcasts Sepf 12.' Atlaeks FDR> Linilon . . Coughlin,' to clerical black with microphone irtrappcd . to his chest, addressed tho crowd from n brilliant white platform in lUv- crvlcw parit. -Ho attacked.Pwl- . . --------.u . n.publlcan ___ eeonomie democracy la wliieh-aircnn profit.” JIc said it was not labor but (boso "sliortsightcd ones” who would refuse workers tlisir'jiirt dues wlio point this nation to« ward 'a elass-eoriscions' society. Calls on Industry He called again on private In* dustry to absorb more of tho uO* employed and announce4 nlloca* tlon of $2,000.(KH) to raablo tha fcdcmi-atata employment oervic* to search more widely and thor* ougUy for private industrial Jobs- In which unemployed persons may bo placed. jGovcmroont Forcca'Strike At --OonquerotB With, Attack Prom_Airplane8 (Ooprright; 103& ITolttid Pnss) . HENOAYE, Sept, . 7 • (HE)—The govoAtment forces isttiick ' bock viciously today at the rebel con- queroni of'lrun,- dropping bombs on the flame-charreddty. . 'Loyalist planes darted ovei: tho city, dropped seven heavy Tjomta, then fled to ' safetjc over the French Irontler to cscape insm' gent pursuit'pianos. • • .-Ueanwhile, the rebels, vlctori- oiH-ln.tbe Irun scetor, cOntlnuedl thair . concentration ’ of - troopsj around San Sebastian, key. to the entire /northwostcm- eoaalal sec- tion.' Their guns. wore throwlnjr altoll ftf top-sheU ;nto Pasajos-where gov6rnm«nt forces.soughc to -keep 'them'from.thelf-goat : ‘ ' I-.-,,--.Fiiry-Inctwed . ; , .'Tho-fury,of ttte teboU was,la- creascd'.by their fallufo'ito find any'trace of tbilr 200 «oUeazue«, ^Ir . ..................................... _ - .imeat. troops tad threat', .med to klU.thelr:prlsonera If the; ifort wcrt'takea.'U im .not known, fvhaithu; the.'loyaUiftA 'had'^madO' good',thclr thrcat.or wheUier the hoetajiM £ad. boijn taken' to ' Han hldtoir'in tHs M nii^ut.no boie d«f- W V ;to ew -tt^ v fat*. dent Rooaevelt and the Hepui prcaldontlal nominee, Alf M. ----- SSTand appealed to each of bis Uslcners to “get five more votM for ■William Lcmko. Ualoa p.arty candidate. •Tm not married,to tho Union irty and - I never will, be,’ ; „oughlln aald. "but Tm not . i ^ rlcd to the Democratic party olth* or.' I know a dead horse when 1 see ono and I'm off Ihe horse that promlaed to run so fast." . BEIilttiB WBEUIBII [relief Jobs where nccoasiuy. "Tho average man," Mr.'Rooa*- velt said, /must havo that twofold opportunity, (protection and a Uv^ llng.wage). It wo aro to avoid th* [growth of a class conscious'socletjr.. lln this- country." • • -* Then ho added! - •; Signs of the'Tlcoea- •There-aro thpso wbo'falli,t» ' read both the signs. of the time*. •- and AmerlCBfl history. Tbey'woulA-, -; t^ to-refuse the workir''any cN, fectivq power to bargain coUectlva*. to eani a ’deecnt Uvdlhood asil' icquiro security.. It la those shortsighted, ones,- , labor, who threatea tols 00U11-. try with that class . dUoeaaloa . which la other countries has led ta dictatorship and the establislxnient". of fear and hatred as the domisaot -..' emotions of humui Ufo.'*^-' < . SoffliDariM*,nn<Uiiga Seated before a'mlcrophope lav.; tho lower oval room of the-.exeett^ . tlvo mansion, the-Preatdrat de-. Uvercd ono of the longest oddnaiae*- •• be has made to months as he mmn. -; mni-iwi his findings' la the drouth . regions. Ho. declared that, ."tha, farmefB of America w ant'a itonnl' ■nollonal agricultural: policy.'^ ------ -------- ......................... Storaffe In lUvcr Ecaervo 18 More Than Million Aero Feet ;; Holdtovcr of waUr. la #t tor Snake river, users,' wmI i 30T,*00 aero feet this past end, accordtag to ropofla fro) .............................. help In solving thelr 'probli:^ a then swuog'lnto a'.rwlew. o«-t—... labor picture. from - the^ aattoart-.- '^*^®Aiticrtcaii.»orker»,'M»6iaM,' ; “taraln mrkeiv.tuid manual\«ork»‘. : cm alike; and' all.'tbensstrafKUil.^ whose :well-Delng dopend«r^^-,fl«i' .thdxa, know.ithat'«ur.neoda--ar|ii v lone in buUdlng-aa'orderly-,^«i^l ;; .................. j'-atornSe'on .. Ainertcan-.faUa: wslirvoir, ,„ J -acer, feet'V'atkJpckion- 407,690 acre:feet;, and .at liu Is-881,400 aero'ieot^greaicr| trirt.No. 36, •whJdl'iaXeidar.u.... Moraa.'.'Wy6.';rto- the'.>uU it.a^ north.: side-tx«U,-;wm:;bavo* , ^ :twe«r:.TOO,OOfl':'aBd'l 809W ,'.’.'aW. 'feet in storwa.'wtum. ttie Jcij^SOlrt '■: reached Bb,ojit..Oct.',-L..f c-.;--. .-,- Reduccd demanda-*)i‘.-watef..ar6 recorded ,bt-.m<Mtidlw«len':polBls,'l tbs report dljgloSgd - ^ ' .............. the kind or;faaity-«ip mla dlrecboa whicl>;t«rt8*it «■-' the: B rtnkot common mln'-aeveaJ,.; arB'Bga".-:' . ... 'N«.,caeaj»B>-:.,., ., "There , la 'n o <4cavage,"-^ >e claredt .’■between:.'), ifhlto;.; .« U wOrkerr aad-mannal -jifOjltenC';* tweoa ajtlsto.and artlaans/ A ana-end mechanics, ”■ acco\lntants • and. 'i— mtaera.”, , ! i .. , ' H<t i>b»orved th a t -U fi«C»toair:or jis,’';aa..._ t'ayiBboll**sthe..ho^ ^ eans^f^.-.that-.ao-'"-^ •' ^ a '; ftU dMl

Twin Falls Public Library - ONUiDON,GOPnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · =11 TODAY’S NE’WS ' . Irrigatfld Conntles In Idaho TODAY.LANi

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  • =11

    TODAY’SNE’WS ' .

    I rriga tfld C onntles In Id ah o


    .LANi t lS T O iS S lS T JUlWiND

    ••Snmmena - E z - S o l^ c r s ; to . A id | - la 'Seopiag Ameiricft Oat r - ' . O fEntaBBlomonW

    By'jO B BUCX M0BB18 ‘ WIcniTA,- K an , SepL 7 fttEi

    i i& iC « r . AU M. Landon called upon ^ • X m w l c a n veterona o i Iho 'Vorld

    '-'wBi- today to' «tond firm In Uid

    ™ d . „ ,e u t , •■' toUIllgMt legijflftUcn.to-lMCit tho

    , noraloM-declared In a epwch to , vstaraiui of t h w confiieU and to

    ... i ; throng 05«mJi!«pd for ihs 18 h> f r . American U elon , coavtnUon to

    : SacrUloe ProtlU '• • "B ut..a lte r. oU t t e aplrit

    WW; w o

    A ir Speedster Eve Of County Fair Finds Show Awaiting Crowds

    lY w m iONUiDON,GOP

    Rofuflca to Talk Polllica at lAbor Dajr Address to ____Hntloy Orowd

    • - .o -r tto n g . Wiu for•' D6ac8, -We-moat b« w adr_to sac*

    pwflt^- W?. lau jt 'b e Drebnred to stlflo tho'xuUuTn]

    L^aUecUoo bavo fo r tto; lands of our ancealots. We .»ua t

    lo l tn x M ' ' ' >. ' C6mlng a t a tlm« when

    ' 'w |hW M S*aa addresa In which S ^ e r ^ d U q u l a l l a s : ovidoo

    D erroyat.' daredevil fUer who corrlea

    a cone and h u o a orderly to w alit tom In and out ot hia

    ............................. to win thorac« today.

    _______ p o .w e r lu l


    tm nt* !n tho feature apeed


    Uio mystery man of tho 1530 political campaign, refused to dlaeu«a party polltlca today In making ' Labor day addre*a hero and i- malned allcnt on hU stand toward Gov. Alf M. Landon, G. O. P. prcsl- ' lUal candldato, and tho RcpubU*

    1 party. ' ,I t does not seem to mo proper

    to venture too for into party poll* UcB." Borah aa!d. " I am atroBgly convinced that tho Amcrlcaa electorate, whUe deeply Interested In tho multitude o( questions before

    Is evea-thla early In thb cam-.gTj alBgidBrlylndlfferenttopar-in appeal.' . ''Probably « wiser gcneraUon

    will devote 4uly, August and Bop* tpmbcr aloD# to aavlog the coua-

    • Two Chief Problems I " It may b« tha t October's brae- lln g 'a ir will cncourage'ua to dis-

    tho two great

    Ibpena 4^Honr Drive in Quest Of Speed Marks on Utab

    Salt’ Flats '

    All Space Taken; Stock __Entries Received Today

    .F I L E R , Sept. 7 (Spcciftl)—W eal wentlier fo r the ..18 th annual T w in FftUa couuty fa ir and rodeo loomed lodny

    5 o£ llio opening of tiio big event liero tomorrow.Seerctnry Tom P n rka repo rted tijdny th a t a ll spaccs in tlic|

    jiiidwny had been ta k en and th a t every spae'e iii m ord inu ts ' Jiall liad beea reserved , w ith the au to sliow building also full.

    T roduee a n d livestoek entries w ere beitfg received today,, find produco h a ll w ill bo filled w ith th e p ick of tho agricu ltu ral prodnetB o£ tho region, ho fiaid.In th is bnilding there w ill also be speeial exh ib its o f BUgar b'eeta, honey a n d soil conservation. Tw in F a lls county O ranges and P u tu ro P a rm er chap ters a rc coopcratinR to m ake tho ig rieu ltu ral d isp lays th e best

    and these events will bo staged tho] last three days only. I

    He alressed to all that admission, to the enmdstond will be free to-i morrow, and expressed pleasure with the prospcet for a large crowd On the opening day as well aa OQ the succccding four days of tho fa ir and rodeo.

    [l.-nMd'.iMt tell you .of. Its.•• - :m m to g l« 3 - cn'elty-, '

    I '^ i l ^ e n t 'b ilt dld not. -- ,

    nKSUures which tavol. ,or tlw effort to cnacti

    M nt" anti-warinor.-otherwlBO

    i column 0)


    n O K 105 V t . ,i8 A, L X

    opoly 'imd eurrency, problems jwhlph hold In a dcaUj.flke grip the Interests of tho common peo-. plo of thls.'country whether ;wo have whitj^.we «U1 prosperity, or,

    *:*airali''^'lB{ed out . the'advance' orPd6ctei,.''>faaaMm Endr,Cqm»

    j|tiQnaJ..,*oWU, Iter ^ . ip p l lv .

    ; .ULSS.mUea na: hour. .. -

    I BONNEVILLE SALT FLATS, Utah. S e p f 7 (OB—Ab . Jenkins, U tah jppecd king, began a Linilon . .

    Coughlin,' to clerical black with microphone irtrappcd . to his

    chest, addressed tho crowd from n brilliant white platform in lUv- crvlcw parit. -Ho a ttacked .P w l- . . --------.u . n.publlcan

    ___ eeonomie dem ocracy l aw liieh-aircnn p ro f i t .”

    J Ic said it w as n o t labo r b u t (boso "slio rts ig h tcd ones” w ho w ould refuse w orkers t l i s i r 'j i i r t dues wlio po in t th is na tion to« w ard 'a elass-eoriscions' society.

    Calls on Industry He called again on private In*

    dustry to absorb more of tho uO* employed and announce4 nlloca* tlon of $2,000.(KH) to raablo tha fcdcmi-atata employment oervic* to search more widely and thor* ougUy for private industrial Jobs- In which unemployed persons may bo placed.

    jGovcmroont Forcca'S trike At --OonquerotB With, A ttack

    ■ Prom_Airplane8

    (Ooprright; 103& ITolttid Pnss). HENOAYE, Sept, . 7 • (HE)—The

    govoAtment forces isttiick ' bock viciously today a t the rebel con- queroni of'lrun ,- dropping bombs on the flam e-charreddty . .

    'Loyalist planes darted ovei: tho city, dropped seven heavy Tjomta, then fled t o ' safetjc over the French Irontler to cscape insm' gen t pursuit'pianos. • • .-Ueanwhile, the rebels, vlctori- oiH -ln.tbe Irun scetor, cOntlnuedl thair . concentration ’ o f - troopsj around San Sebastian, key. to the entire /northwostcm- eoaalal section.' Their guns. wore throwlnjr altoll ftf top-sheU ;n to Pasajos-where gov6rnm«nt forces. soughc to -keep 'them 'from .thelf-goat : ‘ ' I - . - , , - - .F i i r y - I n c tw e d . ; , . 'T ho -fu ry ,o f ttte teboU was,la- creascd'.by their fallufo 'ito find any 'trace of tb il r 200 «oUeazue«,

    ^ I r . ....................................._ - .imeat. troops ta d th rea t',

    .med to klU .thelr:prlsonera If the; ifort w crt'takea.'U im .n o t known, fvhaithu; the.'loyaUiftA 'had'^madO'good',thclr th rca t.o r wheUier thehoetajiM £ad. boijn ta k e n ' t o ' Han

    hldtoir'in tHs M n ii^ u t.n o boie d«f- W t« V ;to e w -tt^ v fat*.

    dent Rooaevelt and the Hepuiprcaldontlal nominee, Alf M. -----S S T and appealed to each of bis Uslcners to “get five more votM for ■William Lcmko. Ualoa p.arty candidate.

    •Tm not m arried,to tho Union irty and - I never will, be,’ ;

    „oughlln aald. "but Tm not . i ^ rlcd to the Democratic party olth* o r . ' I know a dead horse when 1 see ono and I'm off Ihe horse that promlaed to run so fast." .


    [relief Jobs where nccoasiuy."Tho average man," Mr.'Rooa*-

    velt said, /m u s t havo th a t twofold opportunity, (protection and a Uv^ llng.wage). It wo aro to avoid th* [growth of a class conscious'socletjr.. lln this- country." • •-* Then ho added!- • ; Signs of the'Tlcoea-

    •T here-aro thpso w b o 'fa l l i , t» ' read both the s igns. of the time*. •- and AmerlCBfl history. Tbey'woulA-, -; t ^ to-refuse the w orkir''any cN, fectivq power to bargain coUectlva*.

    to eani a ’deecnt Uvdlhood a s i l ' icquiro security.. ■It la those shortsighted, ones,- , labor, who threatea tols 00U11-.

    try with th a t class . dUoeaaloa . which la other countries has led t a • dictatorship and the establislxnient". of fear and hatred as the dom isaot -..' emotions of hum ui Ufo.'* -̂' <

    . SoffliDariM*,nn-:.,., .,"There , la 'n o

  • 'C

    : P»g« Two rOAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN F A L ia IDAHO ::'Moaday. Septwlter .7, 133»

    Ecfnsea to T alk Po litics . at] L abo r D ay AddrcM to

    H ailey Crow d

    (Conllnued'Frbm Papo Obc) ether principle o f dcnocracy|

    News“in~Briefnatfltra ct th* Btonlci|r Tlm> > InvUM to eonlHbutB brl' ■n lluns to Ibla depuUn£aaiuan's first adOlUoa. Buhl.' Deed:-Twin Falls Couaty to A.C. WiUlatnB tCO. lots 11, 12. blk.

    ' 2 , Bcburget'a. mldJUoB.'-^'D«ed: Twin Foils county to U.

    trustee »W>.'JotJ»-27, 20,/' SO, block 69 B uh l.-'T

    .-..;Dceds Twin Falls county to 8,: A.'W ebber, trustee »8. lot i l , blk,21.:Eastman's 1 1 ^ oddiUon. Buhl.

    % Two Are InjuredIn Cycle Accident

    ; ”f:. .‘ C ^ Gban.'lS. son of Mr. and K . Urn. Ghao, b in tho hospital j.;:,. today-being,lrtate< l for a co~-'

    ' pooiid fracture of the left leg si .̂ .V talned-. Saturday sigh t when 'I-: ..xaotorQrele ' ha imd hla brother, i ,Curtis, 17. were riding crashed into’ f -• ' tEo (dde' of a car a t ' the InterKctlon'

    ' • ^ '» ^ *ffl‘'gw nue .a a j Fourth street-

    Ohaa Waj 'ftlw ta ka i to hospital for trca tm e o f for

    Vi'.-’.t'«everft;2s«craUocs and la bow a t a;ftom«: _Htt Twlhert^condition

    Aaka for DivorceElwln Fait haa commenecd su it

    In d istric t court aeeklng divorce from Mra. Mary Oonsuello Fait, whom ^ marrit^ Aug. 9, lOSS, a t Hollywood. Cruelty la alleged and custody la Bought of an infant ooa RAybom and Raybora are attor< neys for the plaintiff.

    Karakul Ineorpontes' A t the office of the county . .

    cor^cr articles of incorporation for! tho United Karakul For -.Shccp;

    laay, which has introduced! iCatakul sheep In this region

    has bocn filed. Capital stock is 110.000. Incorporatora are, Ia F.I Kelley. UVerdaJCeUey and Ad- Idls Kelley. aU of Twin Falls.

    ____ _ nccumulatosecurity against the Inevllnl Isslludea of life.”. . .

    Mr; Roosevelt opened hla address by aascrUng th a t “I have been on a Journey of husbandry."

    ' Ho detailed hla visit Into tho atricken great plains country. Ho described condlticna of tho farm-

    ' and cattleman.Not Permanent Dluiter*

    "Yet I would not.have you,” he said; "think for a single minute that there is permanent, disaster In these drouth regions, or that the picture I saw meant depopu-

    theae areas.cracked earth, no bllaterlng

    sun, no burning wind, nd groas- boppera are a pennaneat match for tho Indoniitablo American formers and stockmen and their iwives and children who have car- IrleU on through desperate days, and Inspire us wlih their self-reliance, their tenacity and theiri coumge. I t was their father's task to make homes; I t Is their task to keep those homear it la our task to belp them win their

    tho spirit of cooperation displayed by. tho gorernon and other offldala of the drouth states; thb 'Presldehf pointed’out; bowever. tha t "no simple panacea can be applied to tho drouth problem ia tho wholo of tho drouth

    FILER, SepL 7 (Special)—Lco Cromer, world famous master rodeo showman, with his acUoa- pacKcd rodeo string from Shaw- mut. Montana, will mako ma second nppcaranco a t the Twin Falls: county fair t ^ s week beginning Wednesday a t 8 p. m. In tho fair grounds arena .a t Filer. • '

    Mr. Cremer, a good naturcd, powerfully built fcUow; arrived In n ie r yesterday momlag from-Mls- Boula. Mont., wIienThe eomplolea

    four-day run tho loot of Augiist connection with a county fair,

    jllla stock waa ahlppcd in Saturday

    n ofI Uio 'Twin Fallsv County Antl-Tu- Iberculosla association, was

    In ted 'tt member of the ard of dlrectors'of the s ta te as-,

    .^.^latJon a t the meeting heWl from-Thursday through SaturdAyi

    ' Pocatello.

    offleo of the'county recorder ahow- WpiUlltatlon of ̂ »25.00p.-

    . . rdaho Packing coipphay wl waji formed'to'taue over and -.

    1 tbs plant aa4 TsMiaess of the,M-w«t Meat company. I*,R- SWfc recenOy- fwnta Anna K.irjnfc. naa R.. P.- IW y . .TwbJ

    'Fato attorney; wera naiaed'a^.to- irptaiM n.:

    laijoy the Fair Treat; ■ad-eeepeay to one of tbaac roodSoo dlaam a t Cotmtr ^WrDlflteg H alL-A dF. " .

    Sineo making Its first appear- ..jc o in Filer last year, tho Lco Cremer rodeo string has played

    Billings, Missoula, and Butte. Last| year Is played a t Ogdea.

    ' N mv Featm i*Plus tho splendid material he

    t>rc8cnted to the public a t the fair lost year, Mr. Cremer la introducing several----- --------------- —

    [Frenchman l^avored In Air Speed Dashj

    hla bullet-fast racing piano were, odds-oa favotates. against an' American fldd 'today in the |20,-: 000' Thompson trophy race—«li- maetio speed dash In the four- • - iUonal a ir races. ...

    f engine trouble o r & crash

    Poison Gas Brings Warning lo Rebels

    LONDON. 'sep t..7 (HEI — TheJrltlah forel ------- -stroeted Sir-baasador.to t .................................bis dipIoraaUc .coUeagWB Rt Hcn'

    ' - -e,-Joint-wanlnff-to4U:Ispaoish rebels against tha use ofi poison gas-in . their war •against

    Wyo„ champion bronc rider of the Texas Centennial. Eddie Wood, who Is featured In tho Camel clg- arctto advertisements, and many other world famous brono riders..Levi S trauss,.a favorite of tho

    .Levi Strauso Overall .Company, a bucking horse thnt has thrown all

    Ibnt- can of t o ch^cngcra,/ w "‘ also bo, there. Tlio Levi StraJ Overall Company will prcacat pair of overalls. to_«ach rider that draws Uiia horso. ■ -

    Lists Entries Lco Cremer reports. "I


    PnTBBURGU, SepL 7 fllPJ—A 17-year-oId girl aUU suffering from ncrvoua ahock la tho only aurvlvor of a Saturday night alr- 'plano crash near Ihe county port which killed nlno possenj land the pilot of a privotcly-on

    ship,___________ McDonald, JUaml,

    Flo., who went up in tho plane Iwlth a party of friends shortly lafter-10 p. m. Saturday and less !tbon five minutes la ter 'crawled through tho wnjclaigc, hysterical-

    ’' . r -dead. '̂

    E D . R .


    '^ the farmers of America want a sound national as>'lcu1- tural poUoy In which a permanent land use program will have an Important place. They want assurance against 'another year like 19K when they made flood c ^ p s but had to sell them for pricta that meant ruin just as surely a t did the drouth.” .

    "Our modem clvJliiaUon can jn d should devise a moro aucceas-ful means by which tho -------supplies of bumper years --------------------- in ie a n yconserved /o r u y e ^ "

    the pra-• "We are tldlnfl sent emerfiency . . .n e ure inn to Blve a farm-pollcy that will serve the national welfare. Thai Is our hope for tha fo-

    not afraid to use n :cet changea In r )rrect mistakea of ,'■Thfl bmvo spirit wilh which ao

    many mllllona of working people .nh) winning their way out of de. preaslon deserves respect and ad- miraUon. I t la llko tho courage of tbo fanners in tho drouth areas."

    “ Healthy employment eondl- tiona stand equally with healthy agricultural condltloni a t a but- tresa of national prosperity.

    wages It Juit as Important t tha people In the towns a m cities as good farm Income 1 to .aBrlcuIture.'^

    . make thla itoyment - possible. Govcmmcnl irdera were the backlog of hea

    inilualty . . . I*rivato enterprise .. neccnsaiy to any nation whlcl; seeks to maintain tho democrelif fonn of government. In their case

    certainly aa In the casey Oodl U'a awful. JTbcy'/o a ll ];

    Department o t Commerce Invcfl- [Ugalora found nothing to indlcato the cause Of the' c raflh .-- — ' ,

    establishment oi fear and hatred a t the"'do'rnlnant emotions In human.life.” , •_.........' _

    "Our necda' are In building an orderly cconomis democracy In w hich 'a lltan profit and Jn which all can be secure. . . . "

    —“FaViUy ceonomio dlrectlba . . . brought us to tho brink of common

    In seven years ngo.^’

    "Labor dny.oyuiballzca the hope of all Americans. . . Labor day symbolizes our determlnatlaa. .to achieve on- cconomlo frecdoi'ftVir tbo average man which wlU elvo hla pollUcal freedom reality."

    JEROME. Sept. 7 (Spoclal)— Servlcea for Mrs. Florclla Leo Laird, who died here a t 3:20 a.

    ycjlcrdoy,-will be hel^.'TueSj^'‘ day a t 1:30 p. m. In.thh 'Baptist church wlUi .Pe».* '0 ;'T r‘JohnBon ofliclatiog.-fho.body, now reatlog' In tha WUey funeral home, will be ahlppcd to Lucan, Kan., for- mcr home of the doeeased, where U will be buried in the family p lot

    Tbo 76-year-old victim of a Hn- ■ring Ulnesa cam to Jerome from

    ..anmui 10 years ago. She la aur* vlvcd by he'r husband; L. W. Laird, and her t^ o oons, Roy, Jerome,

    jftnd Albert Ponca Clty, Okla.

    iFiler Kiwania Club Announces Dinner

    Filer Klwania club w a t an Informal dinner a t the Mctb< odist cburch today a t 6:30 p. m., prior lo tho, opening of tho Twin Falls county fair and rodeo to- ' morrow morning. ' . ,

    ” ■ i l s of tlio'aitmir wlU ijo____ Falls Itlwanls club, UjeLco Cramer rodeo stars, tbo Twin

    'F bUs county coi ' ' tbo Twin FaJla C'

    ending has saved." . . • jf ,oybuR l W M l ' n n "■

    brone rider In 1934, ^VIU James, which threw Alvin.Gorden, wbo won high honors in London, Sng- land, la 1934, Dynamite. Barrel Head, Hootchle KMtchlo--a&d can tha t h o r n dancol. Ju s t makes thoaa South Sea Itlan'deni look slckl— Black Gold, Depression — buflh lngs pick up when th a t hocae blta the arehik^-aod. many other topnolchera from tha best strings In the world."

    Another backlag hcrae. C arlw , ----- ------------. . j ,y j„ ;E ricksori.

    tnilned 'borse ' Silver Cloud, in ten-minute show of pantomime and portrayal. This act ia making Its flnit appearance with tho Lco Cremer rodeo string this summer after being on Important drawing card' a t the Madison Square Oar* den. New York City, for a ll year*. I t was also featured In London, England, for two ycjiro nnd a l thoFort Worth F a t t .......... ...............fore Joining Mr. Cremer it played a t the Texas Centennial a t Dallas.’ Some.new stock tha t Cremer. Ia using in his ahow this year .are some Mexican S t a n used in the buU fighla in Mexlco.-'aomoTIeltp can Btecra, tha t are from, elgth years old and weigh approal- mately 700 pounds’brought from Mexico for th e ' bulldoggttg .eon- tcsto. 8ome Brahms buJIa, which are & croa* »>etween the aacrcd bull of India and the longhorn cat- Uo-of Toxaa,- l a be used for thei barcback, riding-raoma wHd from Montana .fo r the wild . . . .

    ' castesti, and seven)! head!. . Scotch Highlander ^ U e froi Scotland. • .

    Old O war Pepper Old Oscar Pepper, an outstand- • bucking horso tha t l» aUU. un- den. WlU again be ft challenge the l>est In Jaonc r i d « thla

    year. Oid Oacor Pepper.la ‘ virllh a past, having throv famoua brono. ,T ldm ‘-aa^.’Pi

    LcwlsvUle, Idaho, .'WiU also b« exhibition.

    Irby Uuody. a champion caU roper o f 1034, wUl head tha list of 25 conlestanta.' Approximate* '* brono riders, Including Floyd logs. Burl Mulhy, Pole Grub, >Vlvla Gordon, liick Knight, and the ‘ in riders, will vlo for honors alrodeo. ...........

    ‘This fa ir is the only oiie ia Idaho th a t is large cnougti to bring us

    the atatc,” said Cremer todi ho prepared for his f irs t exhIL

    Uan under the floodlights Wedac*- day n ig h t .

    Heyburn Man Hurt In Car Collision

    HEYBURN, SepL 7 < S p ^ ) '- i Edwin Walsh, Heybiirs. wAIUS, Sept. 7'OIE)—Tlie Amcri- Jm . traw atlanllo fUers.;'Richard. Menlll .and H arry Riehman. took off frara nere t o ^ for Croydon airport. London, a t 8:30 p. " ^ - 1 lEugland they plan to

    ' to , the United States,

    H rik-T lionietrlD prem a. ,The condition of Mrs. M. .A;

    Tbometi; pioneer.resident ot Twin! Sails wbo was taken.criUeally I"' isst w eek-a t-her homo on 81x1 avcniio east, 'Was reported to to be slightly improved. Out town relaUves called here by Ulneas'. Included h s r sons • onu daugbteis-ln-lav. M r.. a n d 'M rs. Michael ■niomct*. . Boise, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph o:^metx, Lewiston, and her daughter and son-ln-, law, U r. and Mra. 'It^ronk Bunt,! PocateUo.

    ____nnoounclng tbo ellocatlon|)f two and a bnlf million dollars I norc to enable tho employment! lervlco . . . to find opportunlllcal

    private employment for work-| . .J .-, . . Thla does not mean thati here will be any lessenlnfifo rt* under WPA and P \ ______jtherworicrellcfprogram sunlilan , vorkers have decant Jobs in p r i - { rate employment a t decent wages.” I

    ."L abo r day .l.i this eeuntiy ‘ has never been ■ cIsm holiday... . ;,Thero are those who fall to read both the signs of the times •hd American history. They • would tiy to refuse the worker

    . .. ._ lty fair board.Tho Cady Famlfy Revue,'who

    wlll-bo featured Ot tho fair, w ill, be the cntcrtolnera a t tbo dinner.

    ' AiUB YOO OP TO

  • )t


    Hoi>4ay,^5eptemti!r:7, .1936.

    a Wlr* D«rrlc« Vnlt«4 rrm s Aasoclttllon.

    bV*IPAl%*TlM^“ p>j‘uUHn'rNtf

    Enlerea u a«ona

    s u s a c i u m o v h atss.................... n r Currier J’«)r»bt« la Advance

    Jly Mall. w rih^nia/ho 'iT■ Jif Halt. Outnia* Tantoo, I

    paptr imnuxnt to 8*^!®",^,*:'!,’

    >r eompolent JurHalcMoi

    P O T “^S H O T SThe Gentleman in

    the Third Row

    KATIONAI. nKraESENTATlVVJ ....... ............“ -V-ilOOENBr" ’*•

    LABOR’S B tre iN Q P O W E n IS IfEYBTONE TLc g rc n tc s t g a in 'm o d e b.v A m cricaD la b o r d u r in g tlie

    f r j i i j g &llr.Be'port « • thirast-moTlne E venU ln th snstisn 'sap lts] By «B JStperl % terpreler. and- Oommentktor.

    ■ (Oopyrlgbt, U U , By P«il MaDo*)

    accldcnt last n ight” There .was

    fee t tbo eald, “Ol course 1 didn't Itnow w hat your drcamstanccf

    '*”* '^ h .* p ic M f^ n 't think I don’l apprcdato' your t h o u g h « ^ « . ' He laughed pleasantly. “The bond business hasn’t been quite as good as It m l^ t be, you know. I may hold you responsible, at thatl"

    “Xhat -would be fair enough,1 Judllh said, and gave him her ad- ' dress and tdephonc number.

    ICMILING, Jarvis wrote It downP o n a d e s f c p a d . Thenhotosscddown the pendl and grew BrfwB. "Really, MUs Howard. 1 Ihink this Is splendid o t you. B o f l assure | you tha t the matter isn't serious, and I’m more than ■PrtDlng to take :earo of tho damage.” Be imllcd

    ^*^E ^cl9 Jarvis accompanied her , to the door c l his cDlcc. “Good- Iby, MIs3 Howard.' And I want to 'thank you again. .1-U b e . ^ d to have you drop la . any time. .

    Virginia and Bob Beni were mlghUiy interested whtn Judllh

    I related her meeling with Dr. Harris. *at didn't take you long to ' get under way alter you broke tho. lease wilh SUivcl” w as.Vlr-

    . Enin's comment

    s' tn.......................... _ . lied,and ail *he wanted, wiia a Stevo

    .Fowler who would como back to her nnd »ay, " U t 's get married,

    IJudith. II you want to work, thot'a all right wilh me. But I loyo you. so much that IVo got to have youl” .

    ,TTOWEVER, this Sieve Fowler !•“ didn't appear, that day or in the days that fallowed. She did not even hear.teom the Sieve who nrsnled to arguo her Into prolong-

    g a mere engagement ‘7 hear Sieve's out «1 town on

    - business trip,” Bob told her ono night, hi# voice tentAtlvo and his

    res' alert to catch Judith’s rca c- '

    "Is he?'*"I’m sure," Ylrgtaia added

    Quickly, ‘‘lh a f Judith’s stopped w o r t ^ g about where Steve U."

    ButshohadnX When the Bents had Ic/r, Judllh realized this; Sho snllcd a t good old Dob's ellort to make her lecl better. No doubt

    788 lying about Steve’s busl- ..^ -.trip . Tho chonees were good that he'd Invented the talo so as (0 explain why Judllh hadn't hednj Irom Fowler. A/id tho i ^ revoeabto laet was thal she ^ 1

    • ' o t Steve in her waking

    t rqnietly bnt ne>trtheJe«» ef-

    ’uST’ dde l ol sta ll gave-out story the othei day tha t — UUmentB were b r '"" ••IhB T eacnleraent------------ . -ibut ho did not td l alL The «odu* from this Kew Deal bnreao hia, been on for six raonthfl. T ^ ! 'who could find job»-el*owlie» “jy.^ found them. Ooo Tuffwell pooll- ilty man to helping Win m y n U m alty tho moviMi apslher I t vtrtl- S i an n m p artiar column f « tho «5v8pancrt under a pen Bom&! Blgber>-nis who were la to to a tch : on havn receatiy be«n »ecl^etransfer*. Ono AAA division chlcl who wan transfentd to resettlement' ndmlnlstmtloa B e v e r n l iM nths ago has been able nrilhln tho past fe%v days to arninge « rc- t n u S w bock to AAA. TTio word has been deftaltely sprtsul on ths Inside th a t this moat m U xpana^ of oU go>ununeot burMOa 1b under

    -voluntary Boft pedal. N ot^-M are than 3,000,TupveU

    ^ to •-— *-----

    iroomt In tho drouth-reBlons, they, I became a major problem.' Director Morrla Cooka of tha[rural e le e tr l f : .............................•oitflht ti ‘

    r sblfled to olAer goveronMDtim wltWn the la s t threol


    hours, dreamed ol him In her sleep.

    Then one evening, just ns slie and the Bcnla arrived home from tho workaday world, Dr. Eden

    Judith was delighted to hear that bantering voice. "Wclli" she isald. "Let mo think a moment 1 perhaps I can make a suggestion.”

    “On second thought" said Har- rU. "I'll make one. I f s yon. IHbe around ia an hour.”

    He took Judllh to * new restaurant In town. A delightful UtUe

    called John’s Rendezvous, 1 groaning table o t Swedl^ji

    ............. bedealtw lthbe-

    thfrd, who was a baiiTvwithout ftccompanlmenL.

    Mr. BoM’ivelt'Bolved tho problem by sending all three hom e.'


    acntence: His adailn- lia'traUvo corUi ion aa high as

  • I D A H O e v e n i n g T I M E S . T W I N F A L L S . I D A H O

    M U V IIM H AIUUVNOED A n. even t'o r czccpUonal Inter*

    cat tilB week 1* Uie marriage tomorrow CTcDbir of .'M lu .Helen Ncflfman, daughter • of M Wr». J. W. Ncwraan, m LarlcU Jcnklna, to th oC Twin! Falls. Only frJtiida o t.U io two famlllcB'WlU atleod tbo ccremony, which will bo porfonucd by Rev. n , S. ncea, a t the homo of tha

    . hriilc. Mlsa Newnmn will bs glvco . In marrlngo by b«r father and

    -will be attended by bcr Ulster, Ulss U lna Newman. Mr. John Kclzur •will bo beet raan for tho.briae-' groom. Music for tho ceremony will be played by Mra. Effle Rl- herd Hinton.

    . . . Following the weadlnjf rltca . KceptrOD'-wUlJje held a t the New n o n borne throujsh-tlie evening.

    * * . . *^ L O C A L CLtm 3 PLAN ^ F O B PEDEEATiON SESSIONS

    All local ortnmlzationa airillated w ith the Idabo Federalloa of Wo ̂xncn'a clubs are making plaoa tbLa wcfilt lo r ottendnaeo a t the "Rouna Up” of tho state federoUon to be held S ep t 23, 24 and 29 a t Uoun> ta in ' Homo with tho MounUln Homo Civic Club tho hoateM group. Speakers a t the session include

    -1 Dr. J. D. Dunaheo, director of pub*' lie health In Idaho; WUllani M.

    - GarUjJ, oaslJtant JU to fiupcrintes-, dent of public InslrucUon; Mrs.. ISdword Komzaelt, chairman of

    '■ tho public oofety commlttcc of tha General FcdtraUon of Women's

    . .clubs.

    ■„nX __________________ ____ ,fcl(>h S(!hooV .Auditorium and will conclude with a' reception. I

    Chairman (or. the . convention' a rc : general cialrmiin, Mrs. Her- w on Evana, Mountain Homej pro- gnun chairman, Urs. A. B. Cannon, Mountain Home; credential* chairman. Mrs, E. C. Klcratea,

    - B oIm : rcwluUona cbolrmui, Urs. C . l i 'ICarcher, Nampa; housing chairman. Mra. John Uorton, Mountain Home; and pubU'clty i

    . ehaimian, Mrfc Uelton Jonca, Mountain Home.

    « * «- SZ X FniA N OROITP

    JJE0IN 8 F A l i TERM. Gamma Theta cbaplcr of Del-,

    phlan wlU hold Its first meeting!

    rATTEIlN M30 Tou'll bo ■ going . "wool gathci

    Ing" any day now—choosing interesting, fabric for this dashlDg new Morion Martin frocli. Pat- lem 69301 And if you don't cnrc for a emart dlaKonnl-weavo wool', cn or crepe, perbapii you’d pr^er]

    ' vividly colored eilk crcpo—for this, all-occasion froclt la equally charm-

    •Ing Id either. And for easy mal;. Ing this raoUel has no peer—running It up wUl bo "all in a d a /a work”!- See-how -amartly- tho twin] yolten ore topped by tha t eaptlv.' otlng Eton ....................................liio tho modlahl...v.w __ _ ______ 0 Ihelelbow. -Tfon'll w ear' this frock! foe toll or tea, and be tho centcr of admiring eyea wherover you go. Complete Diagrammed Marian Martin Ecw Chart Included.

    Pattern B030 may bo ordered only In si*cs 12, 14, 10, 18, 20, 30, 32. 31, 30, 38, 40 and 4Z Stee 10 requires 2H yarda M Inch fabric.

    Sent! FIPTEEN CB2«TS In coins or alnmps (coins preferred) for EACH MARIAN MARTIN pst-, tcm. Bo sure to write plainly your NAME. ADDRESS, and 8TYUJ| number.

    Bo Sure to State S lu Bo «ur« to order tho NEW IS-,

    SUE OP OUR MARIAN MARTIN, PAITERNBOOKI B e th o tim .to wear the latest fall nodela tha t It

    0 5 3 0 shows — for home, business, ahop:-;ping, aporla, parties. See tho thrtll- W pages of epcdal slenderizing d e s i g n s . tho clever models for chlldrco, growing girla, dobs , tho latest fabrics and costumo ccasorlco. B O O K - F I F T E E N CENTS. PATTEIlJf FIFTEEN . CENTS. TWETlTY-FIVE CENTS iroR BOTH WHEN ORDERED: TOGETHER. '

    Bend your order to tha Evening Times, pttttcm department.

    K T F I P R O G R A M

    Btudy Is on eoclal 'llfe In Tudoi England and the la tte r half of the

    ' Bcsslon will be devoted to review of chaptaa on political progress In Tudor Engtand, tho foundation of aaval. supremacy and "Tho Two

    A aal^cd topic* o w 'th e ’foUow- ing: Tudor England, Mis* Margar-i

    . e t Rlechers:.reeorda of Tudor cua-' . toms-ln Shokdiptarc's ploys, M ia

    Nancy H a 'd d o c k ; EUiaheUian bouses, Mi«;-EUcn Ford; method*

    ■ of travel, Mrs; -Howard -Gcrrlah: ' ' wearing' apparel, Ml«*...MlWreil

    Gill! tho 'farm cr’a rwlfe,'U r*. A.Tucker, and etre«t scenes, Miss

    . ^ f l a Blake. , •, _ .

    TVESDAY. SETT. 8P i t6:00 Brunswick Salon Orchestra 0:16 Peerlcns Trio 0:30 .Charles iJiwm an Popular

    Vocalist 0:45 Musical Memories 7:00 Ploto Fete and his Rancli

    - 'Boys7;1B Rublnoff and hla vloUn with

    VUglnla Bca 7:30 Wortd - Wide Trtms Radio

    • News ■7;45 H*rmony I*Io 8:00 When Memories Call with

    Dlclc Foater and Joe Day , 8:30 Amcrlcaa. Fam ily Robinson 0:00 Evening Request Hour '

    iJ0:iXJ Evening Beaucat Hour 't1:00 Signing 0 « Time •

    WEDNE8DAY, & :p t B

    6;00^Farroera I ^ a h fo s t Club 6:16 Goldoian & iad Omcert 6:30 . Farm and Home Flaahca - General M arket .Quf*“ ' '

    » y 1%VKNTIETU CKNXmiY - .Of especial interest among the exWWta-ftt tbo county fair this week w in be tho model village arranged by Mrs. J . H. Banfes, ^ t .^ § d e n V of the Tweotlcth c S - lu ry, fo r th a t orgsnULEtion.' :

    Tho vllligo Is four.by eight feet . w ith bou*« of cardboard arranged

    00 miniature streets bordering thb. model. In the center is b secUoii. of wooded hUl* with a sinaU lake end club hoU*3 surrounded by prt- TOts landing field*, whieh are ocfiu- plod by Uny c a « and. airplanes, feu! aodel reprcsenU an Ideal rtsl-

    .4cnce district.' Also In tho club display

    ' tiircs and infoi'matkin concerning the. orsaaizatlon’a aoUvltles;


    .. Members af -the Chr1*tioii'Ml*-, idonary: society at.rthelp.-regular

    . sne«tlng.la*t:.veek.w«ro.boatcsaato U)o Miuionaty sodctio* of tho ChrW lan churches of Buhl and

    .^...iifln'bcrly In- the -.woroen-' parlors; of tho local-church. GucaU,Jlm-| |>er^ es. DovoUonala on ..■•Moving: Toward-God Through t l » :Beau-

    . tifur.weM ,lod.byUr*.m->inIwpf,Kimberly.- and Mrs. Tcny

    ■ coaducted'ths'busineas.seasioii.'.. . Tha .ptograro'WMiP«»«ote■

    , . E at a t the County F U r Slnlnx|| IfaiU: Breahfaat SOc. Two big 50c

    era daUy.-7Adv. "

    Donna Barclay, Jerome; Roboit Green and Mel CosgrUf. Twin rails; Mlsa Melba England and! Bud Cloyes. Burley, ;

    Tbo brido and groom left la ter in tho day by motor for Moscow whez« Mr. McNcaly is. assistant director In tho national youth od-l ministration. Both wlU register | a t the University of Idaho.

    M O V I N CCall227

    FOB FREE ESTQIATB Wfl w« Insured carriers and ore equipped to bandio your fum ltun carefully.


    P a g e ^ - : ’

    Safety RecordNEW YORIC (im -N o t a po«2“ -.|

    Ibao bcca klUed-or Injured b tb®-.I tnmaporatlon of billions of p ___

    land Canada alnco- 1027. Tbc/.-.: I bandied 370,000,000 pounds of dy- ,-. Inamlto and black powder In 1920 -alone.__________________


    U . s . R a i l r o a d s L e a dNEW TORK (lUlJ-WUh li

    than six per cent ot the world's land nren and Ic«a than six . cent of Its population, the CooU- ncntal United Stales lias 32 peri cent of the entire world'a railroad mileage—254.882 mlica. .


    I f you wish to refinnncc your p resen t loan n t o lower M tc of in terest or w nnt to liorrow to bnild a new home, see us.

    Peavey-Taber Co., Inc.

    Loann — Inauranco Surety Bonds

    202 Sboshono S t r ^ East




    Lv.-Pocatello.^ At.

    S S S ; K S t E K : x T S i s S I : S ; | S S

    K -fS S S rl;; SSStS;For tafornmUon eaO Uttton Stage Depot, Phone 2SS




    IWlicu tho iloor opens f o r a loved one depend upon ub for c aw fu l n tten tion to tho final arrangem ents. F reo cou- Eiiltation always.

    WHITE MORTUARY, INC£lla Vl̂ hite.TUanafer


    7:00 Moralng DovoUouals 7:10 World - Wide Trans Radio

    , News F l a s h e s ............,7:80 Melody Three •T M Eugene O n n w Sympbor •8:00 Rutpy Newman a ^ hla <

    cbcstni ■ ’ - ■ fl:16 H an y -F Rescr Novellits , 8:30 Freddlo Roso Popular Voca-i

    lis t8:tB Opening M arket QuotaU B;00 Hal Kemp and Wa Orchcj BilB Marion Talloy Vocalist . 0:30 Evening Times n w s f l ^ « |

    : 0:48 Morning Melody tJontcst 10:00 Market Prognua: ^ ^ , 10-15 Franlt and Jam es McCravyl 10:30 Uan'ohttaa Concert Band 10:45 Laundry School U-.OO lU m lnlsdng w ith the Cow-

    ,*..15 l ^ 'F a l l s Markets 11:110 Dnuantlc Skit 11:45 Concert Alrca

    12:00 Stephen Foster Melodies . 12-.15 M aster Hawaiiwis-- •• |l2rao Harry Sosnlck and his Or-

    il2-40 Clwlng-Market'QooUUons u llB Worid^- A ta w tfeU . U

    » E _ t r w o i i w r » .

    , r t i It i » , i * t * - • a n a t m m . A n t U . 1 ^ i> 6 ^

    S O D E N E l

  • ' m A H O E V E N I N G T I M E S . ' T W l K F A l v M r l T I A H O -...... .................Ijlo^flay, Soptemliflr 7, 193S__/ _

    ^ . . 5 . titu la r fiiinl n t Liiicolii Jo ld .fiiimloy niKlit to climaxl ■fo:hll-iiay s ta te tournaineh t. 1 % llJi the Bcore doadlockcd a t 3-1

    jw-cliamploM imcorlicJ a acoriog aprco JQ the sixth

    ............ lun up llio laarBln thattba otato laurels and t^ci

    ^ E ^ ^ l jn c d a l j tha t vrcct to ,Ui«| K ra im a m c a t winners. Tho Deay-'

    M th iT lait of tho seventh by !■ *i»ed-baU pitching of-Hco- jlts, who rcllovcd Slmmonsl

    ‘ lio going got tough Ir •»"'i

    , Win the Hnrd Way RiBfeowa]t6rs. after ooalnB !& '. Pocatello inlernallowUa i

    _ E e h .idraei-tng a bye. ^won ^ ^U D D lm ah ip the hard way ioi ^ E u T c lo a la g rouDds -by piling all ^ “ ^ j l r -daaafeo Into one tm m o to'

    lanca' Pocatcllo American*, 7 lo; in • mb scml-flnta gBlnc. and

    •n- playing tbo Bcavcm with only ^ —.^■ l̂alDUtca rest.

    .Beavers had rcached the ■ bW « by -walloping ncxburi;, 10 ^ ■ ^ d o w n i n g Caldwell, 0 to 4, and

    bh' dniwlns a bye In l i e scml-

    E iSm B tw lcic all-aUra, last ot Ihc iro min-ivlng Twin Falla teams,, ftppcd out of the tournament in

    accond round by losing B' stt-breaker to Pocatello Amcri-,

    mM; 3 to 2, In Uio lightest samfli U' tha tourney. Tho combined hit- ■ ’ .total of both teams was a

    Jt four, with Brunswick gct- ' ' only one of these—Johnny ilir lualy homer over the lc« defence. '

    IS,.. ' f- . Fatal Sovcnlh l ijw a ll - n igeert rb'elcf tho Amerl-

    ^■hlUess.for,Blx frames, but ln| B-Mventh Pocatello compUed al

    ch single anil a pa ir of les. Tne winning niii crossed I Huclifeldt'B toss b a d e - to .crt 'g o f lo a t la the glaring

    __ ‘-.Bninawlclj couldn't connectriiltbo tavt'half of the seventh. ^ V ^ 'X ^ 'P a l n t ' a n d Q lau, tbo ^ '■ 'x Twin Tall* entry, waa ellm-

    •a.-earilcr 'b y tba ' -PocaUUoj Brieaiu b j aa.equally narrow

    Routh Named to Head. State BodyA. H. (Ullte) RouUi, Twin'

    Fall.^, waa elecletl chalrmnn of tbs Idaho State. Softball nasociaKon a t the o n ^ lz a - tlon raccUnir held hero Sunday In conjunction wltli tbs fltnte softball tournament at Lincoln field.

    Lloyd Cnatcgnelo, Nampa, was elected vlce-chalrmnn and Au-itln 'Jones, Pocatcllo, wus chosen aecretary-lr«;as-

    Tlio officers will appoint commlttecB to draw up con- Btllutlon. by-lawa and pro- )X)3cd uniform aoltball ruIM for oil leagues In Idaho. These ■

    d put In'. II then bo

    In', final form, and

    .two fanned In •BruMwlclt's flnoll Ihalf of tbo Bcvenlh.-

    Score:• H U E

    lAmcrlcana .....000 COO 5 - 3Brunswick ;....100 100 0—2

    Reynolds and Rauch; ItlBfcrt Id Huckfeldt.

    EX-CHAMP3 GO OUT N a m p a Beavers eliminated

    Caldwell. 193S alato champions. In tho other second round Banie, 0 to 1, when tho bluo-untfoinied Nam- pawl rolled up flljc runs In tho first! Inning. Thereafter Caldwell hadl la little tho edge, but couldn't

    >mo tho early handicap.Score:

    n H EBeavers _____ 021 00b 0—0 11 2Caldwell ...._..,100 111 0—4 T 2

    BRUNSWICK’ SWAMPS niOBY, ' In Its f irs t game, Brunswlcki overwhelmed Rigby under a 10' to 1 laadsllde, with Rigby unable to cet a h it off Illggert oBd M-

    ,A LL-M B A T M IU M

    [And It,M ay' Bo Dftszling Show Of bffenslVo FootbBll at


    By OEOIUJB KIimSEY.NKW YOltlC, Sept. 7 (ILTI-The

    dazzling offaisivo. football game which tho collegians and profes- fllonnls have been threatening- to put on for thrco yeara promlaes actually to talco placo In tho Polo grounds tomorrow nlplit whcn’tlio New Yortl Giants, eastern pro

    Ichomplon-n. meet collcgo all.stars I before n crowd of 60,000. -

    tlmo tho profe.'ulonal team the apot The collfgo all-

    ____ ;leil tho Detroit Llona, procluunplons, last-Wednesday night, 7-7, In a game In which the rah- rah boya carried off most of t*” honors. Tlio pros have to put up shut up now.

    . Tlie r a a t Score* >In three previous garac*^ t

    iscorca have been: •1034 — All-Staro 0; Oilcngo

    Bears 0. • • m ss — Chicago Bears, 0, All-

    I Stars 0.1530 — -A ll-S ta rs 7, Detroit

    Lions 7.Tho only touchdown tho pro-

    inalonals have Ijeen able to acorc _i Uireo years waa In last weck'i gamo nficr recovering a fumblo idcep In tho collegiaiiB’ territory 'when they trolled 7-0.'

    The Important thing about , morrow night's battle I# that tho| All-Stars, with four weeks c training behind them, Including tough game under their belts,

    .wont to prove their auperlorlty. iThoy are going lo gamble, and not 'merely try to get a Ueatlcan ataniJ-off aa they.have In previc-----------

    •• Learned Much The collego co.icbea and quar*

    Icrbaaks learned much about the pro typo 'o f football In the Chicago game. This ia tho first tlmo th c /v c had ft occond crack a t pros, and they arc meeting a ti which took a ttireo touchdmvn liclUng from Ibo Lions In .............................. last fall.


    t i t l e■ I- • . • • . • __

    ^j/pHome Town Beavers By 7-S

    \To Annex Crown^bth lV in Falls Glubs

    Defeated By Pocatelloiiiaiio-HUtc softball chnmpionflhip for IM G bcloiigca toilny

    -ifib SJiownUer 'Clievrolcl-i of NauipB.Tbo w hitc-clnd’SliownllcrH, c ity ciinmiuon.s o f N ainpn, con

    lucrcd N iiniC ft.BcCvow fcH ''"’ townsmen %ylio liold Ihc soiitli■ 'itd is tric t. tit lp ,.in a^ iR h t^? '

    Now Y orkers X oso .A gain .B ut] 'Q ain H a lf G am o.as'Oarda

    A nd Cnbs Topple

    liy IJ5SL1E AVEKY , NE\V YORK,' Sept. 7 (lU:*-Tho iNew Yark.Glaots and Yanltoea appeared today to be drlfUng In re-

    'verws toward tlio raajor. league baaobiill championships and the 'world flcrlea aa tho big show flUged 'Uib laal of lU liolldny double pro- grama of 1030.

    With only three weeks of .them a fltiison loft, tho Giants mu-it maintain their three game nation: al leuguo lead over tho cballeng^^nE Bt. Loula Cardinals and tho Chicago Cuba while the Yankees, eon------------ coaat into the American

    • nahlp, have to winl of their 20 games!

    -Head Coach Bemic Blerman of Minnesota, who hasn 't coached a team which loot a game In thrco years fears onlw one thing from the GlanUv—tholf paaalng cambln- atlon of Ed Dtinowald and Dale Burnett '

    ■'If wo can break up tliat paaalng th rea t wo feel tlmt

    • f i i s IS. Ttis o KiAHo>\^ ^ v V iP A v r s — CON&ecUTftt'ST/ISOW /JS A

    vj/fjfJEJ? o r 2 o o f i a 4 w e s . . .^ m v . .

    « . . .


    lERS'TOFACE 10


    Iklns and Brunswick a g out

    aK^ceaum caampiono.. vu ':iA b o r day plcnlo DlttikaV lake. . _ . ,.: B*lan:".DoVriea will entertola

    lauty. Jacobs, .moving

    j Saturday Scores ’

    In tho first flight chai... .. .battle. FnuUcr was low with 41 land 40 for 87; Dr. Fox had 18 and 42 for 00: and both Jennings and Wlfllnnui turned In 100. Tbe former ahot 48 and 62. while Wll- illams had SI and 40.

    Defeat Price and RIcbey ., Jennings and Fox ealcrcd thi [finals by-w lnnbff a.Boml-flnol m atch Sunday mornlog over Dick Prlco and Carl Richey, 185 to 187, Dr. Fox e'ollccle'd a '91 and'Jen-, nlngs M: Price bad 02 and lUchoy]

    'All matches were played a t the' Twin Falls Country club. Scores wcro boosted by the fact that tains lost.week'had.hardened tho sand greena'Und'had bogged'flown'tho approach falrwaya in phices.

    |Forro9t, Twogood. VaadaU' Boskotball Ooaoh, Wonts

    . Early PraoUco

    MOSCOW, Sept 7 (Special) — Forrcat Twogood. new, ge^al young basketball ami baseball mentor a t tho Unlverelty ot Idaho haa mado his delayed arrival In

    He drovo hero w ith Mrs. Tw^;ood from , aioux City, ^ a /ormer home, WhUo vWUng In. Iowa, be took tlmo ou t to play with the town baseball team In Al-

    A former profesalonai base-

    ScbKs Yesterday

    f irst base for tho l o w ^ , as .. [throwiaff arm "isn’t what It u»cd|

    •PlTBt thing he wanted to see waa the 'new 1037 conferonco bos. hotbaJl Bchodule; ^ -

    Tough S tart ."Wo atart.ofC w ith Washtagtpn

    a t ScatUe, January 8 and 0," he ohacrrcd. -an d made no furthei c o r ^ e ^ though hls 'iixprcsslon was thoughtfui; Ho wanted tolImow how .mBny. letlertaca.wcroi c o n if f back, and. was Inform^


    l^ATIONAL IXAODB Boston 3, N ew York 2; - Cincinnati S, St. Lcruis S. , Cincinnati 8, S t , Loula 4 (6M:'

    lond gome).

    : '^ABIEBiOAN LEiAGUB Boston.l4, New York 6,' . Boston 4,- N ew York 3 (eoooad

    Igame), ■' Chicago IB, Cleveland 1- \

    Chicago 6; Clevoland 8 (eecoa

    l®'waahingtbn.7,.PhlIadelpbta L. Washington 7,' Philadelphia ■

    (sccond game). '


    Oaltland 8, ;3Uaahin4. S,

    The Player*Team rosters:Payette—Capt. Jim LyKe, Babo

    Alexander, C. Brubaker.. Frank .Rambeau, Ed B ates,-B ab Mc- Clough, H. Burton, L arry Burton.

    Cole*. O. Roc, M. Long T. Terry, H. Blglow, E . Musser, J. Mur- ]dock, .n . Brubaker. ,

    . Blackfoot—O. fidce, W. Carlo, Roy Coan, A. M tribdalo. V.,Nelson, R. MchlUch,/L. Warren, P . • Pajalch, L. Nugifat, L. Spear, P . Hlckb,' P. Decker. O. Massey, D.

    C a p t.J ob Slattory.

    yatM , BrffflB£l«,-,Tbompiwn, Drys- • _ dale, Hibbard,- Jeffs, '■ a a rre tt ,- ; ' Evans, Ewtay,. Hansen:

    BurUy —„,C apt BUI y?{lUama. . Palo, Mclntoah, UcCTulre, Johoson, '. Oatcrhbut Judovlde, Cloys, M acy ,. . Parlsl^ E v a ^ .Owens,"SchoddB,'. ' .

    ra iillL i

    yctcm la going

    {Salt Lakors .in Singles .'and Doublea Play;. Idaioahi

    In Women’s Matcli

    BOISE, S e p tJ

    “ ^la“ *t|e!

    pracUco fltart," he aald.- "Break. Itig-la-a new syct< take loto of drUI."

    Twogood comes to Idaho.from ihe frcabman coaching post a t the Unlveralty of Southern California and »ulhem:UivisIon, tactics w ll

    y Important rolea.ln

    Idaho stato tensU ch today so matchoa . wc I final round.

    B an Freed and Cordon GUcs. both o t Balt Laks City, the mea’a alagleo -----with Freed; high, ranking player in

    ; ABIKRIOAN .LKAOUB Chicago 0, Cleveland 0.BMton 3,.New^York.2.^-

    I te r 12 Innings, darkness), Detroit 7, S t LAulS 2. Philadelphia,*. WashlaBton'S.

    .BOSWn.U,-:«ew, xorit _ .Boston 7, New York 3 (second

    ^ S .* ’iou ls 3. Ctnclnnall.Z.

    JKmr. .liUiho_Bj’e;thera to to b«’ a campTlro w ith stunta.snd music.-.

    a « t Eltowortb. Mooroo H.-, jX. O. BalU agtr wlll.al»6 pif«-

    Bont' dUciuaion on-Ui#'.-.Inter-,' d iu roh TeuU»'Affm*tIon,/ ' . . 'J - - . i

    I orme.. 'Francc,-'''a -clbek -wltb [bnu dial te fU -the-tlm e n1l..over.tha woru^'

    r hU IT-ycar-old,

    P a r a d i s e L o s t .BUTTS, Mont,

    iuhf F o m

    sought maps to aecuro ila: oxacti ]loeaUoB-.foSnd H .f'Rock--Creek’.:in IcoahccUon with'every.canyon-andIcouleo ln:UiB forest:

    San Diego 18,'Sacramento 5.SECOND GAMES :

    Oakland 12,'UlaoloDS 1."Lo3, AngelcP 8, Portlafid 1. Ban Francisco .0, Seattle '8. . San Diego 1, Sacramento 0. .

    iFootball Sqili^ Will Bo ai'rda ' Praotiod_ TIalf ormB}•. LottormTO fe tn ra

    FobtbaU tal(ea '6nT:the 'atUeU4 " plctur« a t Twin-FaU» achool . Tuesday wheA'Coach & iik PbW cn.i.' and hU .chief a!de;'Joha Flatt, a ^ . Blatant coaQh,"haud out 'p ra i^o« ’ uniforms'; to ' oaadldates for th« • U3S B n ib girtd toachlne.

    Eight lettermen," a ” dowa' » - • •ervea frpm laat yoar. arid a goo^ ’- '-roup of former CubporformiM- ’ .'___jgct unlforcu folknmg;aft(u>

    .noctt .classes Tuesday.- Newcomer* wUl.olM ^ outUttiM TueiRUy, or

    S iF B O » i I » i l l ...........

    Is Expboted t« iiid ?aU>

    time ruHsTo..______ ...-Powers had.nturaed todayfroai

    — .....................and expect*.to:fooU«in

    Quick. Getaway

    .*-e inea'a. douhlefl wofl also an] all-UUh : affair.: w ith fouj'. flolti Lalce-'meh^ln'.ths' mateh; Ihkn and] Davar. Freed . .played..,.ones -..and

    toam batued a Dolso : combination «cr tbe wo- mea’a do.uW*s, j8UC«Hj..,B:vei3ra Hagelin and Josephine Fos. |a .-^ e t-^ rie ti-J to ftla^ M

    •Jean" Beroner. and Don Chap? man. bo lh .o t Bol«. play»4. ,MlM K arelin and Kvans for the mixed floublea OUe. . ; v . ..

    'caUfornla.•■borrowed" .a e a r - I n Mlaena 'PaO s,' Te*., . rccenUy.

    Famod Sport •

    HONOLULU n m — Aiumlnum urfboahls bo/irda wlUi-'outlward

    Imotbra and a-"tail’' wUl-holp'Vopr u U ^ .H a w a U ’a 'fansed fportxof w rW d ih g Jn olJiM parts vnirld. accordlnfr to-Toffl Blolir oxpert Burfer and m oaber o f - - - W aikiki beach patroL ' .7 :-:Blaltft has perfected a n ew hoi: low '- surfboard, constructed:' o i Georgia, oyproas .wood.-,.Whto' saya I s . '^ m l a r l y a d s ffe f

    WflYCS.May..‘« av e pwpetler

    if.the-Brula c___ _ .a to r ,-h u a k y 'iia a - ••crasher'W ho .wlU. again b s ’ th* ' mainspring, of the Bruin drlv«| ' ChaM Anderaoii,-'.Ellis ' A nd rra^BIU Bates, Bud Booth. Bus Crorv.ett. Moo Hopkln 'u td Pnm k Car* v

    Intoigapsileft In .the Unts.-

    iE ip e r f Home Cook* ptepaw * - i.DppolislriKCO«dianctfl. no

  • I l!dp3i[y'.. September. 7.. 103flmAHO F.VKMINr. TIMKR. TAViN FA1.1.S. IllAHO ' Pfl£f8 Sevpi

    i L a k t f P a r ly j ii^ 0 n J l9 M y Z E f e s t s :S to

    of Grganized Labor S1017 By Wiilis Thoriilou Skclclies by Eel Guiulcr; ^ B Y RODNEY DUTCHER / •

    i - ,. NEW . YORK, Sept. 7 - This jehr’s I-alidr Oiy . finds' a largo CTOup of organised worUcrs embarked on the moat Important at-, tempt laljor luui yet mado to or-i “ an la . and wlcId Ita poUUcalj

    **Tho‘' Ambricim Labor party will Jiftve a column on the ballet la New Torn aWtc. From Bevenil Qltnlcs It la'one of lAe moat In-

    ■'tcrtallnc'factors, (n H'o national|cmnpalgnMunpuigu.

    ■ The ALP Icadcra actu lu •out a l)lc vbtQ for Rooacvelt and .Governor Leliman .la New .YorXa 'Industrial ccntero. The two men ,iiro the pacty'B offlclul. coudldatcii lon.Uio.ballot. (ALP fa part of la- bor-fl NQU-reotlaan.lcacue, whIcJi

    ^funtllooB. elscwlicrc ■ wllliout formlnR ft polltlcol.parly.)

    It Is T eit ,Idea of AU.-.howeyer,

    W Vo iM ?.Wbether If.lfl jir«ctlciU now to form f t ' naUonal ‘ labor party, in •U,e Unlt«l-.Bti\lca.-;'n:c

    •leaders privately say tliata why

    " ^^Mo't*Roosevelt \;plers will marls , their • crosses In the Democmtlc, column. B u t.If coouRh of them' tftko tbo trouble lo alRn up unuer, the clasp-bM ds eraUcm .o f ALP,, aomo of. mb . ablMt' and

  • lOAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FAI.T^/IDAHO ; ifon'dify;. gcttfeml^cr

    1rou''U Find R eal O pportun ities in the

    WANTKn TO HUY-1000• to wrcch. rnrm cra' Auto Supply,


    F O R S AL ElC3r> I'orJ DcLuxo Sodnn— Built-In I'runU, factory «1“ 'P* pcJ. rncflti, 5 liood Urea, hoi wat^r hciitcr. Nice niid citanlliaWo uild out ...........JM5.00

    Every Car Gimrantccd Aa Hcprc.icnlcJ.

    Jno. B. White"The Used' Car Man" _

    i n Sccond North


    a p a e t m e n t b f o r r e n t I’cachcs arc now ripe and ready for cannlnj: a t the Ka.ilman orch- (inf. 2’i Jill, No. RuhJ on {/ic CIcttr Lake road.

    Sl.-c roomfl iind bulh. Over Samp- n Mu.ilc Co. Sec U. D. JoJmson,,

    UOl M a i n i w o s U ____ __

    FOR REN T -R O O M B

    BaVtlett pears, JI.25 per buahcl, bulk, natca to tnieks. ilyJ« Ranch,

    cs East, 2 ',i Soultuof Kim- Flionc MIU, Kimberly.

    Pcachcn! Btglnnlnjr Sept. l I will try to keep o supply of fine Elbtrta peaches n t J. I .̂ Dlllon'a, 1 mile North a n d ’j E ast o£ WnBh- inclon School, Drltig containers. Jaraea Auenliroad, Nampa.

    Peaehcn—Crnwforda and Cham- plonn nott- ripe. Elbcrtas. aSepL lOtli, IJrlng containers ___pick your own If you wish. Brown Orchard, 2 ml. W. and >i So. of Eden. A. n . Albcc.

    Room and bbard.'also'GnronP for rcnU'Phone I03I. {nqulre'eicnlnga. 352 SUlh avenue cast.______

    Pcachoi. No. 1 Elberta peachea. Jl.lO per im. a f J. T. Dillon'a, 1 ml. north 1,4 east \Vosh. scliool. Urlng containers, Jainea ABCiiliroad,

    KiuTilshcd cozy roomfl—3 bloclis . from high uchool. Brick house, «tcam iJcatfd; bWJi. 350 Klfth E,


    h e l p . w a n t e d - m a l e

    ; aafy.- ^ 'vo rcfcrcnccs. Universal Clalroa Bureau, 1182 Market

    • Ban Francleco, Callt.'.H E L P W ANTED—PBM A LE

    ' a A L E s a ^ N w a n t e dK .,' 'Man wanted for RawlclBh route

    SP07ainJUcB.‘ WrlU today.-Raw- * '• j. DepU 1DH-160-SA, Denver.

    Mlfldle-ogetl .woman on ranch, l-a ig tb c rle ss homo. Write Box 25S' ■ core 'of Timea,, . „ irl or lady to help with 1.. ..['W ork. *3.00 per week. -Ptione 1-;0204I«.

    ; Reliable woman to make liome ■r^rllb couple, l la a t be able to

    handle houjw ork of small modem t.'tujm o and Uiko care of baby. Give tiW crencea and- state wapcs • i .fiMlreil, Write Box 26I-B, cari n


    ... jB ii eaUlng Cftrda engraved fci .orlulca. Mafly,.Mrr«ct styles to I'-cboon from. Cajj a t t io t^ealng


    —rRumely--------jBean Huller

    Williams Tractor Company

    Improved Elberta and J. H. Haic peaches now ready. 3 ml. south Burley comcr. Buhl. All grades, all prices. Brlnff containers. Phono 330-R-l, Buhl, Leo Atkinson.

    BARLETT PEARS By the bo^. basket or truckload a t the' Bnlseli Orchard, l i mi. So. on Main SI, P. O. Box 344, Kimberly, Idaho.

    LIVESTOOK a n d p o u l t r y

    Sows, and pigs—lO feedcr pigs, Ray U Wrifiht. 1 mile E. o • "

    of.Klinbctly.------ .'-------- ,30 dairy cowa. Good ra)1uc

    route and equipment. 40 acres of land If deaircd. Write Box 200-0 care Times.

    LOST AND POUNDLarge Bultcate belwcea

    Tank truck gas hose, between Jnzclton anil liansen bridge. P ward. Standard Oil Co. of Calif.

    LOST — Toy Cockerel Spaniel, curly. Black, small wblto spot on breuat; female. Name Badcer, *3.00 reward. 218 Third Ave. ,Bast. Phono 130Q.


    RATES PER LINE PER DA'S Six days, per line per riay — «a Three (lays, per line pcr'day_Co Ono'day. c tr jmn—• — z:—

    Miiilmum Two l.lnaa Uinlmum Oiiugn 25o

    CiaaaUleJ Dlxplay tlat-.:S on Request.

    In (tccepllDg copy for classified udvcrllsemcnts for publlca- IIOQ in Uo Idaho Kvenlng Timea, the -Imes Publlablng Company ayr.'.ea to avoid errors aa far BA posaiblc, but tvben a typoffTTiplilcal error does occur la on advertisement, the re- sponaltrfllty of tho Tlmca Publishing Company ceasou after

    iClrat publleatloQ if tbe advertiser does not call Its atleitUon to the error.

    All Clajuifled Ada are restricted to their proper claaal- (Icatlon tuid the Idobo Evening Times rcocrv'ca_ the right to change thcs wording of an ad- vertlaement If by dolne oo a tjearer meanlnu will reeulL ^ ClaasUled Ada whlob carry n letter and box number Instead of t2ifi name of tbo advertiser mual bo answered by letter.' Pleaoa do not ask for Ihe.piuac of the advertiser wblcli ia obso- lutely oonfldcallal In oucb cases.




    Dr. T. L. Cartney. Dentist, Wll. in Bldff.. 228 Main Ave, South.

    Phone 83.

    Permanents: Si.OO, 52.M, $3.00, J4.50, two for price of one. Over Roxy theater, l lr s . Beamer,

    Special Oil Permanent. Jl.OO. JS.OO Oil Pcrmjuienf, *2.oa. Kfaaa Beauty Shop, 23G Sl-tth Ave. East. Phone 1335. '

    Permanent special — J2.50 for .':,CHA1R. J3S.00 CASH. Am leaving ti. town, m e Sccond Ave. E as t

    SPRING F1U.KO MATTRKSS- ^ MADE FROM YOUR OLD ONEa, iloltresses renovated nnd recovered, Wool carding. Twin Falls Mattress Factory. Pbone

    'Btova nnd furnace repairs tK u a p o Foundry. 331-30 Sccond

    ATe. SouUi. • ■

    SPECIAL N O TICE-W hy work with dull tools when It would be;X pleasure to work with s h a r p l yiools? Thirty-nine years of expert- _ _ _ _ . . . ._ .cnee a t fixing and sharpcnlnc U rrjves via Nortbsldo _ l iO p. 1

    J0 H ,S A U 5 — Crane plumbing „ flxlurea and plumbing supplies of la ll'k lndB . Krengel's Hardware.

    . . kinds, knives, nclssors, U clippers, lawn mowers, ctc„ oper-, • atlng toolslffTtirkinifB. All work must be satisfactory.' B. L. H artley, ’The Fixer." Sccond Ave. So. Skinner's Garage.

    K M olloe, Milwaukee, Daln and Em- l^cirWD mowers. All guaranteed Icj^artil'. KreDge*’® Hardware.ii i : ’ Auto Door Gla.is, Windshitlds Krand' Window OUuia. No charge for P:«tU n(r glaM. prinK In you aaah por-d rive your car in, Protoct your Jv li^U l.: Save on your fuel bills. I'.Vhone fl. Moon’a.

    ^nrU RB FORSALB—Ncw ... ,„e(jZiiiniIturti“ 3 f“DirTflnda.-

    PCtoal'nMffM. olectrlo ranges,’ eonl ■ - • i», circulator* and other bouse-

    ..................on’B. PhoaeO.Phc re No.


    TIME TABLE. Schedules ot paasesgcr tr&lm ,aod motor sta£:es paaslog tbrougb {Twin Falls dally are aa followa:

    ORMON snO IlT UN B

    Cholea Light Butchers, 160 toI 220 pounders .................JII.OOOverweight Butchers, 210 to

    250 poundcra _________ 510.00Overweight Butchers. 250 to'

    300, pounders ___________ J0.7BUnderweight Butcbera, 123 to

    160 pounders _________ 510.80lektng aowa. fight ...____ f js

  • Pago

    Monday, goBtemtcr 7. 7930

    r a ̂ i i sP i i ijg s B B M B S ? ? S S S S ' . K r a

    s » ia 'assigsi m

    P P e r r y u 3 a « '1 0 , E V E H T r . f f i r .^ t x iP S E i j 'o u t ' .o i ? , I L

    ■me FopiM fiR toe /

    . JUST NWEH 1 W 9 BE?..

    .QNKjiMaio'.eMJOv ;t h is ,v- T piPPR B C K kA i^T O PlPSy p ^ e p p i w a s c H o o u OH l^ B J -a J S tW E H .- l i : ’- vA S

    UK BfHA T?-

    •‘ MQ u if .. b sCRABBWaJ: )S P E W > '« M « ,W, v « > a . '- - / © a + x u / w y r i M t :

    Sjfcw/.,l & Q O ^ r ^ n - a n - ^ W

    ::EC «CA r»M /-':

    tc^ w o -th ev em d .c p ?.- ,*

  • ■ I K 2 .n M . n T a . n . c T i . . s . t » i » F » i . i » . m m o m

    We Invite You to See Our Exhibit of . . .

    OIL BURNINGCirculating Heaters

    ^ i lm £ c l£ a n *O i i i B u r n i n g H eater

    IN E W 19371S I ^ A R Tm raRNER

    J FloreneoClrculailDg iDentor


    THREE OF THE BEST MAKES!30 Different Uodels Carried lii Onr B c ^ a r Stock

    ■ Prom Wliich to OhoosoPEIOED—

    S20-00 ̂ S5135-00SEE THEKi - NOW ON DISPLAY!

    Sensational New CopperPHOTO-TONE SPEAKER

    A M ir a c le o f T o n e !

    IT 'S N S W from the ground up->this new. Stewart* W sraer. Built a ocw; iway^soldy to tm ljh harshness and tasping. T o gWo you an a c t ^ tone-pIiotogt»pli o f every voice and instnimcnt, with such new meUow n eu and p u rl^ ^ t ^ t c n l n g bccomcs a new picasu

    S ta rtin g w ith the sensational' new-type Copper , P H O T O .T O N B Speaker that ends sU rasping, aU

    speaker distortion—an d carrying r!{^t through thi: last hidden feature—every detail is built better, with greater care a nd q u a li^ —to please your (ears with eveiy, note.

    Look fo r the Copper PHOTO*TONB Speaker, Electron Beam Amplifier, and all the other Stcwart-Warncr

    ■ improvements, before you buy. Sets and hfar the amazing difference they QuJte. Come in or phone—today—

    -foradem onstradofL--— : ---------- r --------- --------- ^—

    «Msive new 12-in. Copper PHOTO- TONE S ^ e r (left) m tli the ordinwy

    ■12-Ia.gPtal(eT;Tbea-^rdieflimz?ogdlffw nco^euctetl» new mellowneu and tooe puricy now made possible by this

    tpeolcer d n^opm cot.


    $4.50A Miatb

    V IT A L R E A S O N SF O E o E O o s m a

    G & M STOKERMATICI CO-ORDINATION . ot heating fitctora; coal,

    furnace (uid stoker, glvcii grcBtcst heatlnff cfticlen-

    !BEA.UTYPcrrect harmony ot colors iuid alream llnw, makes the Stokermatlc a thing ot b tauly aa welt aa ulUily.

    ( GREATER EXPERIENCE-iQyitJL-jcHoiLof.lOj'eara..

    bos given ua a thorougb Imowledffc of stoker requirements.

    Tett Minutes a Day13 a ll tho timo i l takes to tend the funinec w hen you

    • lical.w ith STOKEllMATIC. T o it ne v er liavo to w orry abou t uniform Jjjm peratiircs. J u s t d ial th e thcrm o-

    - a U f o n d Iho 'S fijK E R M A TIC does tho rest. The fire . o au-t BO out, I t c an ’t g e t too ho t. I t snvcs miles o£, s ta ir-d im b ing find you r fuel sav in g will m ore th a n ,

    p a y fo r you r STOKERMATIC, G et nil tho delnils today . •


    B O B M I L N E R S A L E S C O .

    Now! The Last Word; in Cookery

    Universal RangesFAST — SAFE — COOL — MODERN

    We nro plco.std. to, nn- jioiince tliftt wo Lave juat been dcaigtiDtcd os deal-

    era for tho famous Doxtor j" 'W asltm r-W e~in‘t i l ^ you

    to. see tlicDi on display in oQr booth a t tho fair/ Qet your FREE SAMPLE' of LaPi'anoo Bluiiig^r Rinso Soap. -

    FREE! APPRECIATION TOKENS!To All That Eeffister A t Otu- Booth in

    Merchants' Bnilding B urin ; P d r ' '

    Now World Wide Radio Log Book . or Refrigerator Thermometer• OrtaPm iQ O Blniag and EJnso Boap ’ ' 7.

    .Here's the buy of the year! Without:domt paymeat-yoa on htve this n w Stem^.Watqet b your home comoWw. You'll m e :fflbney, tx>o. Because SAV-A-STSP, found oidy in thcStcw'att.Warotf,' turns bade shelves iiito *'front” $pact^-eods hadc-shelf /oinU i^ —and gtrei u much'really e a ^ breach fodd space as le^gen ; ton mniaj; » |J0 more. Let as 'd^nstra te this and'otheric^-' ntres—and explala W new "No Oownpaymkt” plan. ,

    : THE ELECTRIC: iK E F R IfiE ^T O EOf PhonomcnaliPorfomuoe;

    Kiiiis l/css— ' r -Costs Lessl


    TWIN FALLS'•■> i»E2CT'T0'0RPH EU M TH EA im ' .

    JEROME BUHLN E X T TO e P 0 2 I SHOP- - p H o m w i f i — ^

    S i £