T W I ^ NINETEENTH yEi\S c M e K n IS PBDBLEM OF NErDFPicims New' Administration Replaces Four Executives; SeeIc Ways u J' 1 . of Cutting Expenses for the « « Ensuing Year Tho problem of ftrrnnjHnc: n budget ' of nuimcipnl ozponditurcR for tho coni' . tnff yoar was taken up by Twin Palls . city commiwiion, imniciUntely oftor Ita “i reorganization Mondny ovcnlnR, whon 'J. formor Mnyor J. D. Tuckor nnd fonnor „ CommiMloner* a O. M'-Aulcy nnd J. E. i Roberta puvo up tlioir elialrs aronnd tho adminlstmtivo toWo at tlu5 city Imll to Mayor Shnd L.' Ilodirin iind Commis- flionors J. a Keol nnd W T. Loallo. Tho noV oxocutivcs wero sworn In hy ,“.1“ Kennedy Packanl. oiitcoinfr polioo majr- ' ' * istmto, after which tlio mombora of ^ tho comniltMion were cicctwl to their- respective dopnrtmcn^<>. Mr. Keol snc. cceds Conimlttsioner 8-'8. All na cbm- miflHionor of financo, whilo Mr. All was Q , natncd-ns commlBsioncr of fltrecta nt»d |x J w ito r worJtfi. F. L. Coc«'voll remains ' as comffilaaiiner of pnrks and public 1 propor^.-.ond Mr. Lcilii!. on* motion of jj Commiasionor All, win t-k-ctod ns coni- misftjoner of public wolfaro to auc«nn!cl J. E. RoUerts. Lou Four Appointments Modo. Si On recommendation hy Mnyor ITodgiu jn tho commission appnhifod ClinrloH K. Jonc« to' Huccoed Il.irrv L. Ale\ander ns city trcnaurorj I’liil liarrimnn to Eli pticcewl .T. H. Cre.ss oi i;hief of polii-c; In tl A. J. Myer« as city nltonicy to sue- tiona coe<l 6. D. Dnvia, wlio waa kIvou tlw hiphi poaition of polieo ninRlatmte nnil desk by 1 aerceiint to auc^.ued Kennedy Pncknrd. scho< The apiwlntinent of tho uow exoou- tj , tlven l» liopondoiit upcn their accopt- tho ; ance. CommiH«ionor Copawcll voted Loj, nopitively on }ltv four recommcndn- been tiona. cortli ■Mr. Ale:t!uiilor axkcd to ho reHevejl at H(.ho( onco of hia ilutios in ordor to take up «rh a non* poaition witli tho Amorican Eloc- od Ii trie company. , lows' Immediately after the appointments L o and rcork'nnirntion iimtters were dia* < poBcd of Mnyor Ilodirin sipiifibd n do. Met: sko to tnke wp furtUor bunincsH nnd, oral tho other mciniicra of the commlsMlon Uoj|] bcinp of tho aumo mind, tho commis- {)4 n nion bccan a two-hour aiaeiission on its Dr,iv first problom, and a most perplexing „on one—that of makinfj out a budpot from about #50,000 nvnllablo rovonuo to car- | ry on tho work of tho city wliich last yenr required a budRut of approximately $80,000. Tho result wna that tho moot- iuR was adjounu'd nltil 10 o'clock j,*o. ! Tuesday moming when tho mntter will apnln bo takon np mth tho department Mun liotidH nnd assintanta in an effort to sce how fnr oxpeii-'iea onn bo cut. , Traccs City’s Expenditures. L ii .Work Khccta provided by J. L. Mco, * *1 dev clcrk, ahowod thnt tho cityS budcot of $80,-ini last vcnr wns divided as follows: Admininlfntivo, ^11,700;- fire, «13,3Gfl; police, jfS01>r>; m eat nnd dair>- $-:U0 ; Hiinitary, $2 '> 00 ; street, TVTftr $10.l>r.0; sower $2000; stroot li>:htintr, $14,000; pnrki $1800; city acnlcs. $1000: -In bntid, $000; onEtrteor’-nur, $300; librnrj*, jg $r>(>00; contin);c-nt, $.*0m). Ivast yenr thc ori^innl liudjnM wai «10-l,0n0. 'This wns latfr'cut down to th«‘ $s0,000 fijruro and nrncticallv of timo this amount is anid fu hnvo been ajvent. Twin Thin vcnr tho tnx lew of 10 milla rop- in so ron-nts a ro<iucti(m of fivo mills nnd 13, t affords a tax incomo of nbout $.'K),000. iiitor aa comparod with nbont $70,000 last Wiwl year. Ar Ao intenaivo study of tho appro- rccci pri.atIonfl of last yenr discloso^ t^io cordi fact tltat tho commls.'tlon bas tbroo nnd ways of solvlnff tho problom—cnt- ciitio ting down appropriations by about In tli S30,000. bonding, or rftlainff tho tax made lory by about two tnllla, Tho iat- mont ter coorso may be, pursQod by call- mour inff a public mootin:; and toldns a Th Toto. in -tl Kvon with tho nddilion of another by t two-mill lovy il wilt bo nccoflsary to k-adi mnko drastic outs In departmental por- was sonnol and numcroua ,;spcndlturoa and Smitl appropriations %\nll havo to bo diH- aired penaed with or cut fc tlio limit, Mr. liodpin stated, following’ the meetinp. MPI It will include n rodurtion in tho cx- penaes of street maintennneo and will t certainly moan Hint llic city will dia- continue its pracli-ro of haalinj; par- baRo free, ^[r. n<^K‘n SoTOostod Eotroachmont Amontr tho items sugcosted ns rne.ms of reducinfi oxpenaoi wore elimination 3f all cmplovc* posVildc, elimination of the position of traffic; officer and po- j ? „. lico automobiles, maU'.ng tho touri»t park aelf-austnininc In- establishment of dnv chnrfTi-a and tho diaeontinuanco of (Tirbaco and refuse'haulinfr. Jif * In lejriTd io tbe laUer snuRostion C-QmmiM'ioner All stated -that hc had heard that several eities have found it « prnfit.*ible to use aslica and similar Th' refus(<sas a bnso for street pravolin<*. meml ■■Thatsiiits me; I ’m ia tho vnlcanltinj,' buaineas,” said Oommigjloner Coprswell, bers nrnimiuir considerable humor. impoi The la*t net of tho old commisaion was to allow rofrular hills in tho total HRC sum of $02:'7. Ttio monthly roport of tho poli'^o maijistrate wna reeoived nnd filed after which a surplus halanre of Xa $775 In tho firo fund wa.1 distributed serve to other funds as follows: park, $200; ran'ni sewer, $50; sanitarj-. $100; scales. $125. sor>-a City Attorney Davia approved the trans- counl fen as boInc leeal. D. Tho BweariuR In of tha now official* comn W.UI witnessed by a larps RTOUp of in- Co terested spectators, inrltidine many' yet 1 citv employes and department exoca- pcct< tlves who remained fcr some time. Tho of ot •esslos closed at 10:30 o ’cloclc. M r. try ,i Tucker conjHTitulated C4Ch of tho three year, •utcessfMl ean^lAfttfs and pTescntod tbe I tr-A . T 7«^I #AT- tn «>to >:*T- Mi>nT 1 F A L mpire District for American ;erusers of Southeastern S” aho Project Approve $2,- )0,000 Issue for Supple- '* entary Supply K bc at other dlsiricta arc comin;; Into bn Amcricnn Palls resorvoir projoct •!' :at ns they cnn make urrang^Miients *’l > 90' It atraiii indicntcd by tho nc- of tho Empire irrigation distriet co ntinc bonds to the nmount of vc 0.000. Thero were onlv 11 votoa lc< ist tho lasuo. This information has fe roeoivod by Quy Flonnor, m an o ;^ w( 0 Jdnho'Rcelnmatinn aaaoclation. fo 0 Empiro diatriet Hea aouthcaat of tello, with Bancroft ns n contrnl wi of 'ho district has apnliod for 110,000 th feot of stornge In tho Amorienn in rcacjTvoir,” aaid M'r. lUcnndr, bij 1 tho bond lasuo Is to aoftiiro funds which to buy that atoraijo as wl na to con»truct lhe necossary dls- co tlnp system- Tho district Ima hai bo lh Average Won ty Eleven Pupils ise Sipkens of Cedar Draw :hool Attains Highest Mark Three Years ven' pupils nvernfed P2 or bettor IO county eighth I'radc oxamiiia- hcld ou April U, 12 and 13, the st plaeo on tho list beiUR cnrnod pf ouiso Sipkins of tho Codar J)raw ‘ ' 1. district No. 22- > avornRcs aro umisually high aud ivoruRo of 97 1-D attained by 0 Sipkins is tho hiKhcst that hiid mndc in tho pus: tlireo years, ac- ng to tho record* of tho county 1 Huperintondcnt. 3 11 highest avoraui's aro announc- - tho eounty superintendent as fol- Co iiso Sipkcns, Cednr Draw district s^-'i 2. general averngo 07 I-O; porothv me , Codnr Draw district No. 22. gun- Tu ivcrago 00 1-3; Prances Pohlman. nter independent, diatriet No. 0, foi 3; Walter I^on Langlitz, Codnr em district No. 22, D3 8 f>; Iy>rch Oi- Ki iVashingfon district Xo. 11, 03 7-0; pe Crafton, Murtaugh-independent 'Jli , 03 2-.T; nill Lowolinn, CVistlcford rel rndent No. fl, 93 -l-O; Elva -Peck, me ifnrd independent No. 0, ‘ .'S l-O; ll- Decker, Castlefonl indopen-lent cai , 02 2-9; Claudius McCov, Ilansen foi ondent No, 7, 92 1-9; Paul Xhsh, px; lugh independent No. S, 92. $fii :------------------- :— f.i( lal Date Is Set j for Time Schedule ffi am ntain Homo is Made to p"' :lude Twin PaUs; Change f/p, Effective, on May 13 iiv uutain fime, or tho present citv ffi Bche<lulc is to he established ' iii Falls and eortain olher aoetiou>i Ithern Idaho at 2 o'clock on Mav ccording to action taken by the Into commerce •commission u t -j',, inHJon on April 10. „ni •ording to a copv of a bulletiu It. •cd l.y fho chamber of eomnicra' r - t„. lg tho .vtion of tho commissioo tbe atandaril time r.ono invcnti- 1 tho classificalion of Twin l-’aila ? standard mou>.tnin tlmo V.nne is possiblo by a congressrnual nmend- ou March .'I, which'chaiiRod thc ["'Jl tain timo fono limits. ' movement to establish Twin Falls 0 inoutaiii time zone was t.iken 10 chamber of commerce and a lg part in the fight in congress p ' aken by Congresaman Addison T. , through whoa-! efforta tho dc- q”' Icgi-lation wa. enacted. TING ARRANGED FOR MERICANIZATION WORK --------- loc joint .iVmcricanization commit- f roprcscntntivea-from tho local a's organirAtlons will meet Satut- fternoon at 3 o’clock at room 101 P.^ « high sehool building to henr ro- from committcea and to consider 1 foreign consus has just been ctcd and a report will bo mndo : Irs. C. J. Schroeder, chairman. iommittCQ oa staadiag nilci and w. is other eommittees aro expeetod port. . I committco ia composed of 10 .t_ ers. nnd Mrs. E. M. Wolfe, gen- .pl :hairman, ia urging that, all mem- be present as tho meeting is an tant ono. ERVE HOSPITAL DAY --------- --------------------------- Tr lional hospit.-il d.iv will bo ob- to 1 on May 12 thin yonr. and ar- col menta will be mado for the pb- bu nco of tho d.iy nf fhe Twin Falls ror y general hospital, .iccording to ' Barnhart, chairman of thc countv cxi isaioacrs. ’ cit npleto plans for fhr day have not rci ccn mado but the scholulc is cx- bc« d fo be mueh thc same as- that th« ier hospit.-Us thrjughnut the conn- bo rhero thc event is obserrcd cfteh Cil and gnc«fs w ill'bo received atjCh ospUal \>v the supcriatendenV aad . a .L S V S , TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, IH Votes Bonds Falls Storage mo water, but n good doal of it hfl> ■en dry farmcil. , • ' ‘.‘Thero aro around 3.'5,000 ucrea of ir- jnblo land tu tlio diarict, which hiia >• ndfd itaelf for ovor $70 au acro to « t American Falla stt)Tago water aud lild Us cminl avstem. “ The cost of the idornge water will. not over $0 an acre foot, on tho als of reservoir construction cost, and .. 0 district will take three ncro foot fo 0 acre, entailing .( cost for aforago over $000,000." Mr. Flcuuer added that information ming to tho association plainly ro- A' aled that the first uuit of tho Amor- be m Falls reservoir will go to 1,500,000 tb Bt and then, moro thnn likely, it mid bo unablo to ituct tho domanda ‘ r Btorago. '‘The Twiu Palls south side tract th 11 bo in this initial storage as part or tho big district,” hc continued, ‘‘but B Empire uud other diatricts' coming will.be entirely independent of tho J district aa to financing. “ Thc only question remaining ia , ' lother or not tho reaervoir cnn bo .. [latrueteci, nnd tho answer to that will supplied at tho clwtlon Mny 12.” ------- ch iioEET FORCES REOyCTlSllli iRMGFORGEi oblem of Confining Expendi- tures to $50,000 Continues f„' to Vex Commission; Release 14 EmploySs , designation of Com’iiissiolier P. L. gswell nnd tho nppoiufmcnt of Dr II. Pwight as Uia aucceasor, wero out- nding developmenta of nn adjourned eting of Twin Pnlls city commission ^ esday. Tho s<t<^ion w n« occupiod tb an effort to reOuce city oxpenses • thc coming year, and boforo the dav lod 14 city employoa, inclndiiiB. J. T. ivnnek, ntrcct and water works nn- rintendent, and Polieo Offieers ,, een, McCrncken nnd Miller hnd been en.sed as the firsi ^tcp in retrench- \ \ Recond - ndjnurned mcotiiig waa led for W'odnesday night to further . isidor tho problem of restricting city lendituros, whieh f.>fnlcd well over ),00n last vear, to .approximatelv ).000, the amount of rOvonuo in sight tbia year. Al dr. Cogswoll gjivo no reason for his ignatiMi and made no comment, but miitfed a written request fhat his ignsifion' be acccptcd, effoetivo iiii- diatclv. Tho coiauiission complied, 1 Xrayor Ilodgin recommended the ;ip- ; ninient of l>r. Dwight, who was call- ’'" on tho telephone and rt'questc^l to ' lear at fho cilv hall nt once. Ol.- ious of fhe situation. Dr. Dwight a faken enfirelv bv Fiirpriso when he- ‘1 md himself inst.-ilbd ns a commis- n momber. .Polico Bolonsod. ani rho three poliee officers were then eased nnd .1. I-l Cress and William " vlor name<l to auecnL’il lhem . The iee force will con-ist of Chief liar- ' lan as lho dav «fficcr nnd the othor ‘V B ns the night force, mmecliatelv nfter llie session Com- wioiior a a All. who W . 1.S named ,.f .nday night ns head of fhe Hfroct.aml for workii department, took his offi I nxo into his depnrtment nnd beirin ' , ensivo trimming .•ictivilies. Tbs' eet superintendent was the first fo Ho was followed bv Harlev Hnv- -n, afreet foreman nml a city emplay.< Hoven vears nnd, .fohn Borun. C. rdwell, .1. W. Walker. Victor Robin D \y. (’. Kellev, Robert Porbes, Rosi Jf vcns. J. C. Dunning nnd Pred {Vhade, s only employes rcmaiuiuR iu the i eot nnd water workn depnrfmeut, a<-- J ding to a check, over the pay roil. I Georgo Cooper, A. J. Benrher, C. hn. Ooorge Brennan. Oeorge iinr p. k, A. P. Atnip and P. M- Mack.-y. , All addo<l liOvi Anderaon as atr.>et emnn. Pern* Tors n.'» waterworks emnn and Prank Prei-:. The -.le- rtment. it Is understood, will con- uo without the sorvlccs of a superin- ! idcnf. ‘loi 5cr\-ico formerly rendered in ever>- we lartment of fhe cily ndministration hi; I li.-xve to he re«lur<d .icvorely. It da ■lenrs that fho street nnd water works i cc will have to rr>m.un at nbont half thc former sir.e. the iiC'/ice force will be oxi tricted to three men and it is un- ;;,r •stood there is a possibility of cut- tin g tho.fire'ilepnTtmtnt to fivo men. ji)-. eiising throe men now on fho force. » Most a«m0T0 Garbage. riie fr^o removal of carbngo former- JJ' done bv the citv l.y contract at « h,, it of $1750 a' vMr. haa been defi- civ disposeil of. This meana that ' •in Palls citirtens will have to adhere , the city ordinanro prohibiting the. lection of garbage or refuse in nny ; amall quantifies and requiring its ^ • noval at the citiren'a expense. rhe newly appointed dei.arfmcntal «cuUv»i were in their office nt the V hall Tucudav. Outgoing executivea nained fo assist the new officials in ba' •oming accusfomcd to the nffaira of * dr offices. The now executives will ior rcnulrwl to Tllo official bonds with -vil T Clerk J. U Meo aa follows: dci liries E- Jonc^ citr treasurer. $2.".00O- me T>. Davls, polico in-2«, $1000; A. J. tr /E E K ro ^ A Y . MAY 3, 1023 BOND ELECT ON JPSLCHT llo Organized Effort Seen to Fight American Falls District Issue;• Local Leaders • Are Optimistic 0]>|>ci»ilion to tho 1,0.1.1 Imuo of the American Falla in'ig:it:on dbtrict to JO voted upon by thc proporty ownora brougliout tho diatriet ou Mny 12 ap- icars to bo alight nnd so-far aa fh.. ocal leadera in tho pro j..ct uro conccrnerl here aeoma to bo no knowlodgo of nny orgnnized effort belug plunne.1 to dis- :ourag.- the carrying «f the deejion. The fni't ia still roci>gni?;od, liowcver- hat all porsons reniding within tho •lg district are not favorably dispo8e<l owanj tho propoaitiin, nnd. nlthough bcy may be far in iho minoritv nt ircacnt, thc proponents and workera f«r ho district uro planumg ou taking no ihances nnd they nrj icndy to ngniu ako up the fight. Opponents chnngo Sides. e have -hjld'fhi.i encouragement, hnt :i good m any jti'opli! who i./>/)0.n*d ho formation of the diKtrict nnd voted gainst it nt fliv fir.^f vk'ction nro noiv- m ftie right sido nud are goinfr to vnto or tho bonds,” aaid Arthur. L. Swim, Jiairmnn of tho committoo on infor- nation, recently .organized on behalf t jthe • l.onding propoHltioii. - “ Il Ja iOt likely thnt thor.* will l.o nny ilr- irinir.i'd oppoaition to tho bond election, ’here will no -doubt, bo, a few ‘falae ilnmiff’ and tbe aUuntion w ill noed vatchiug. “ Communications were aent out on ^ridny to fhe committee members ask- ng for reports nnd from the rosul's ‘btnincd it ia evident thore is prac- Icnlly no opposition, at least none that .ppenra acrious at the preaent fiirtc.” Appropriation Asked. I>etitions are bwng circulated ro- ueKting the Twin K.ills county com- lisaionora to appropriate $500 to the enoral purpoaos of niding in the bnnd loctioii. A |M‘fition rraring 150 sig- aturcs waa presented a-ifurdav to fln' ommissioners. but aome of tho details ^oro uot ontiroly a.-itiafactory and an- tlier j.etition will be mado. If thc iioujji la not granted by the county an ffort •irill probably be made to'obtain t by aubacription. Voted Musicians Heardjn Concert irtists of Andelin-Clark Com- pany Present Program Fea- tured by Classics' A ppcnrl^ in concert at thc Lavering lieater W cflneadav ni.-jht thu An<lolin lark concert nrtlsts j resented ono of win Palls’ biggi'st muHical events of 10 year in a i>rograui of tho highest ualjtj- and ouo that <lc8or%-ed a far bet- ir pntronngo fh:in wna iu ovidence. W illard Andelin poas.-ises n rich bass oico of unuaual ran;;c, smooth, fli^lblu ml pnrficularlv resonant in tho4ower mes. and is nt hia beat in tho nioro rumatic atvle. Prom hia opening/num- or. Beethoven’s “ In Questa Tomba,” I lhc cloalng group of old-time favot- -He ho delighted with hi« thorough mu- ieianaLip. Among Ills most pleasing aelecfinn.s •a.i his unusually .Iramatic rendering f tlw “ Eri K ing.” wiiich cloacd the cliubert group. M isi Ar\-illa Clarl: rnvcd o<]uallv popular in her brilliant ■ndition of the aever-il .Hffieult piano :>b>H, which displave.l her remarkable vhnique, ns welt aa iu fhe excellent ork ns accompanist. ’rogram Arranged for Commencement 'resent Class Largest in High School's H is to ry ; Several Events are Scheduled Several events of interest to tbo atu- enta aro acheduled for commcnccmcnt :eek thia year when the Twin P:illn igh school’ will gniduate fhe largest lasa in its history A total of 102 students will receive leir diplomaa this year, providing tho ipectcd standings arc rcachcd. Tho irgest previous classes totaled - IIC, 10 aame number boing graduated in W2 nnd 1921. The senior clasa dav program w ill e given WcJnesd.iy May 0. It will iclude the nnnual breakfast, a pro- ram at the achool during tho dny and le junior prom lo be given lij tho i-ening at the Elks hall by tho juniors I honor of the graduates. Tho ba^laureate .idilrcss w ill he iven Sunliay. M.ay 13. b r tho Uor. '. W. Bnrks in the Mctho.nst church n Monday-recognition dav will bo ob- •rved and the aehool letters woa by ic atudenta for mcritorioua wo,ik In thletica, declamatory contests and dc- ating will be distributed. On tho evening of M ar . 15 tho aen- ir craaa play, “ His H usband’a W ifo,” •ill bc proaented nt the Orpbcnm an- cr the direction ef Mrs. Riggs. Com- leacemeat ex'erciscs t.ike placo May r at thc Orphenm theater, with Dr. L Y N I Special Car Brings krmer Immigrants Happy Crowd frpm North Da- kota Brought by Sugar Oom- pany to Mako Homos Here Seeking uow nud moro fertile fiolda. 50 immigrants from tho dry fnrming aoctions nround Jnmcatown, N. D., ar- rived iu Twin Palla In a apoclnl car on tho noou train Saturday to be given a atart in thia community on tho farma of contractora with the Anialgawfttcd Sugar company. Tho party waa brought hore in chnrge of W. T. Scilloy of tho Bomr comimny. Mr. Scilley aecempanlod two of tho famlllea to Joromo imme- diately after their arrival horo and tho remainder will bo established around Twin Palla. Apparently dlaaUsflcd with tUo jirospects of nuccoas In fnrming In North Dakota tho now arrivals, who apnunr to bo of tho substantial and diligont sort of workers, wore onthua- od on thoir arrival hero and thoir first inquirioa on leaving tho train wero coiicornitig tho coudltloas and pros- pccta h«e. BRINGliEeS M iTOilE Caravan of 11 Cars Leaves Jamestown, N. D., for Beet Fields of Idaho ^ A caravan of 11 nutoii.olillca, bring- ing anofher group of workera from Jnmcatown, N. D., to tianiat in tho cul- tivntion of acreages of «ugnr bi-i^s nroiind Twin Palla ia expeetoil here in 12 or i;i divs, nccordlTt^i to announce- ment Momliiv of W. T. 'ScllU-y of the Aninlgamated Sugtir company. Till.' caravan w:ia scheiluled fo leave .Tamestown Monday, nn.l althau'gli ronds nro in rafhi'r bad aiiajie at certain points along, tho line, tlio immigranta nrc cx- rei'ted K> reach here iu tho Hpcclficd timo. Mr. Scilloy will go to Poeatello nnd escort tbom frnm that point lo Twin Pnlla. Tho caravan wlll i.ring to tho Twin Pnlla dislriet 37 jHiraon.i, including thc men and fhe membera of their familiea. All nro oxperiencod- fnmicra nnd thoy will bo diafrlbutcd umoug tho varioua locnl fnnnera who have aigucd up witli tho sug!ir company nud will contract to farm or aaaist in farming thia yc.ir’a Mr. Scilley rejwrta that fhe outlook for thla year is very good and thnt fho imi>orfi«il workora will all bo given work and an opportunity to becomo es- tablished hore. Workera are beiag brought hero from time tu time to naaiat in tho handling of tho crop, Mr. Scilley stated. Sev- «ral havo been brougat in from Ameri.- e:in Palla and other pointa. In addition fo theso thn sugar company will import a liumber of Mexiean Inl.oren). ' EARLY RESIDENT CALLED Mr.s. George Lvtle. mother of Mrs. C- A. McMaster of Twin Falls, whoae 4.'a(h-took plao at Bake-^field, Cal., receatlv. xvaa a reaident of Twin Fnlla since innn. Mrs. LvU'e left here about Chriatmaa time fo visit a aon at B-’ikera. field, appnrentlv -at tlmt timo in tho best pf-lK-alth. She was well nnd widelv known in nnd around Twin Pnlla nnd news of fhe fatal teriein.afinn of her illness came na a ahock to her mnnv frienda. Mr-. Lvtlo’s fiiner."l w.aa hold at fhe old home in Hopkina. Mo,, the followini; acrount nf fhi> obse.rii.-a being taken from the Hopkins .Toumal: The death ..f Mn. Heorge. Lvtle fhat oc-.irrcd last We.lneadr-v nt BakerafieM. C.iliforuin. and h.>r burial here host Mondnv fnortilng recalls the fart thnt fhe nnd herhuHband were early pioneers of Nodawav rountv. locating near where Ho;d:ins now stands before Hopkins \v;^^ even ihonaht of. when wild deer i,nd TndiauH wer.* ple-.tiful along fhe 102 river. The nearest trading point was Pt. .To^-cph. then a small town, nn-l trips there wore mado with ox feams. After apemling nearlv 30 ye.ara iu Nodawnv countv. Mr. nnd Mra. Lvtle moved lo Boise. Tdaho, whero Mr. Lvflc died in 1904. The remains of Mrs. Lvtlo renchoil here Snndav nidit .md funeraraer\-ices were held Sundav morn.ng at 10 o’clock :if the ^{ethodi«t churrh condnctotl bv fhe pnstor; Rov. P. Wrighf. after whicli the both- waa laid to rest beaide thnt of her husband ia the Hopkins cemcten-. Nettie'- Thurston w.is l.orn In P^lcn. Delaware counfv. Ohio, in 1S43 nnd d id in B;il;ersfirld. California, April 4. 1923. Rhe wns married to Oeorge II. Lytlo in lSr.4. who passed aw.av in 190f .-It Boise. Tdaho. Slie ia aur\-ived bv three children. Mrs. Chnrlea M cifastcr. Twia Palls. Idnho; Prank Lytle. Ba- kcrafield. Cal.. William LvUo. Hol- lister, Idaho; alao i\.-a brothers and one sister, W. W. Thuraton. C. N. Thurston .md Mrs. Ch:irlea McCurdv. all of Delaware county. Ohio. Tlie fam- ilv wns all present cx.:opt thc son Will and fhe sistor- When fifteen vears of age ahe joined the Methodist chnrch and was a char- ter member of fho church nnd ladies’ aid society of ITopkiiis. . Tn all theae yeara she has been -true to her church and died in tho triumph of her faith. A felegr.vn w.as receive<l from her pa* tor of Twin Falls stnticg that sho was ono of tbe most de\-otcd members nnd most earnest workem of that city nnd was greatly beloved Vt aU tb© tiiizeni. Her death is a great loss to both tho E W S NOMBBB 22'. emsEiNiEiif OREEOTOMEET GITffEKS Commissioners Find Budget Making Task Impossible; Agree to Call Meeting of Voters to Take Aotion Affcr two daya of practically con- tinuous conai«loraticfn of waya of re- ducing thn elty annual financial btfd^rot from $RO,OOO.to $.W,000. Twin Falls city cemmiaalbii at Ita a.ljoumcd meeting ■Wednesday nighti found tho taak impo* iSlble nnd niiwnbor»» ngreed thnt tho only solution la to put tho mnftcr' before tho votera of Twin Palla nnd abide by thoir decision on tho question of in- croashiff tho fax lovy five mllla. Tho opinlnn wna unanimously ex- pressed that a mooting bo enllod shortly when the quallfiod vlectora of tho city wfll be iireaented with thc fneta pe.rtaln- lng fo lho citv-’a finn'rcial matters and requested to decide whothor tho cltv’s tax levy ia fo be lncrease<l, to 15 mills. If the mnjph. do not favor a tax Jn- cronse lho only nctlon loft to tlio com- misaioners will bo to cut annual expcn- diturea thia yonr praefienlly In half. Gives OpinJon.- Commiaaioncr of Financo .Inmos a Koel aummed tip fbe Hituntinii na fol- ,Iowa: “ Tho city simply cannot bo run on a 10-miU levy and I for ono would prefer not to tnko thc responsi- bility of firing our j>olico force nnd firo donartuient wlfhout nn expression from tho pooplo. It would bo Impos- slblo io opernte tho cify in fho mnnner In whieh it ahould bo open'ited. I am In favor of calling n meeting as pro vided iu tho atntule-- nnd request sug- gestions of which deniirtmouts nrc to bo ro<lticed or dono nw,iy with if the peo|ile^do not favor .in incronao of fivo Mayor Hodgin atnfod fhnt In hia ex- perionce he had aeen homothing of fho cffocta of inndequate fire nnd pollca nnd olher city departments nnd thnt such condltiona nro extremely unproflt- oblo. “ Thiovea nui! rogues nro sur^j to find it out.” he anld. Tho fotnl nmount o'expoetod Incom.i ellia year ia estimafcd nt aoincthlng-ovor $50,000, whorena lnat year's- erpcnao- asTcpreaciifod in outstnndlng wnrmnfs ' wna $9.'),ono nnd during fho yoar bofore lasf, It wus anitl, the cxpond’ltuTM wcro nbout $l.r},nno. Commissioner Krcl pointed out thnt. nssuming delinquent tnxca would bo $15,00n. tho aum of «3n, oon would bo left on which to run the eity fhia yonr. Thia .imount .would bo conaidernbly lasa fhni> fho tofal nmount apent Inst year on atreeta. atreet light- ing and tho firo departmeiiT. and would loavo fho clfy without parka, library, police, aewer, adminiatrntlvo. aanitntion, engineering or contin^iont fund npnro- C iriationa, considering tlte appropriations’ nst yenr ns a b.aais. Discuss Warranta. Cify Attorney A. J. Myera atated thnt tboro is aomo queatlon ns to tho isauanco of warranta beforo the city budget ia mnde out and publiahed, according to afatute; and in view of thnt fnct flic eommissionera aro m.nliing everv effort fo arrive nl a conclusion aa soon as possible. The new administrntion la united ui lho determiii.itiou to pitico tho Issuance of warrants in tho futuro on a atrictlv legal basia and to raise fhe crwlit of tho citv therebv. Thc legnlitv nf war- ranta Issued hv the fonner ndaiiniHtra- lion wiil be determined and an inquiry will be mado into tin; condition of tho wnrrant rcleinption lund ospeciallv. The commissiim dotennine,! I:.ii niirht, in allowing hill.s. to allow those ngainst funda wliich shnw ;i legal s:.-wli bnl- nni'N an.l t.i'withhobl nction on tho others t.wnporarilv, Il .wn.s !il«o foii'iid imperative to tnko sOme nction toward meuliiig tho $!'.’.000 in outsi,inding warrants nnd City Clerk J. L. Mee was re-]ueB>ed fo prepare nn outline of svnrraut’* lo l>o auiniulted lafer when fho nuesfion of issuing b-mda for rofuiiding thn outstnnding oblign- tiona will he considero.L It is esti- mated that Ihe city cnn iasuo bonds fo refund nboul $38,000 in warranta and that aufficient normal rovonuo can bo obtaine.l to j.av off an additional $30,- 000 which would re<lufe the total out- itanding fo $21,000 . Seeks Chemist Job. An application waa recciveil from .L W. Vl.sher. n'.piesting t.eniiission to bid on the contract aa .'ily chemiat, now held by K. R. Doolev. After a short discu.saioii. in which Commissioner S. R. All elnssificd tho prcs".it chemist a.s one of tho best in thc atato, tho matter waa held over. - Action wna .also deferred on fho r^ ; quest of Mr. All to appoint G. C. W'ilaoa as electrical inspoctor.temporarily. Ap*. plication of M. W. Johnson for tlio po- sition of cify %vetghmaster w:is placed oa filo with soveral olherv ^ Tho commission pas-.-'il the resolution formally di*|>enaing witli fho services of thc former rity cxemUves nnd em- plovcs who were released immediatolv after the new officials took officc. No other cmplovcs were released W'edncs day, althougli P. Mackey, time- keeper and inspector ia the wafer works dep.irtmenf, renigned to tako a positloa with the Barrett Auto company- An ap - plication has been ma.to by .T. A Thotn- fts for tho ^lesltion of night polico ser- geant and janitor. Tho matter was dii- cassed at some lcng»h and action de- ferrcsl, Arthur Jnrman, tho incumbent, to hold the posilion 'until furthor no- Uce. Thn rntnmlcalnn BjI{n'lirnivl tn mr^t in

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T W I ^N IN E T E E N T H y E i\S


NErDFPicimsN ew ' Administration Replaces

F our Executives; SeeIc W ays u J ' 1. of Cutting Expenses fo r th e « «

Ensuing YearT ho problem o f ftrrnnjHnc: n bu d g et '

o f nuim cipnl ozponditurcR fo r tho coni' . tnff yo a r w as taken up b y T w in P a lls . c i ty commiwiion, imniciUntely o f to r Ita “ i reorgan iza tion Mondny ovcnlnR, w hon ' J . fo rm or M nyor J . D. Tuckor nnd fo n n o r „ „ CommiMloner* a O. M'-Aulcy nnd J . E . i R oberta puvo up tlioir elialrs a ronnd tho ad m in ls tm tiv o toWo a t tlu5 c ity Imll to M ayor Shnd L.' Ilodirin iind Commis- flionors J . a Keol nnd W T. Loallo.

Tho noV oxocutivcs wero sw orn In hy ,“.1“ K ennedy P ack an l. oiitcoinfr polioo majr- ' ' * is tm to , a f te r which tlio mombora o f tho comniltMion were cicctw l to their- respec tive dopnrtmcn^<>. M r. Keol snc. cceds Conimlttsioner 8 - '8 . All na cbm- miflHionor o f financo, whilo M r. A ll w as Q , n a tncd -ns commlBsioncr o f fltrecta nt»d | x J w i to r worJtfi. F . L. Coc«'voll rem ains ' as comffilaaiiner o f pnrks and p u b lic 1 p ropo r^ .- .o n d M r. Lcilii!. on* m otion o f jj Commiasionor All, w in t-k-ctod ns coni- misftjoner o f public wolfaro to auc«nn!clJ. E. RoUerts. Lou

F o u r A ppointm ents M odo. SiO n recom m endation hy M nyor ITodgiu jn

tho commission appnhifod ClinrloH K.Jonc« to ' Huccoed Il.irrv L. A le \a n d e rn s c ity trcnaurorj I’liil lia rr im n n to Elipticcewl .T. H. Cre.ss oi i;hief o f polii-c; In tlA. J . M yer« as city n lto n icy to sue- tionacoe<l 6 . D. Dnvia, wlio waa kIvou tlw hiphipoaition o f polieo ninRlatmte nnil desk b y 1aerce iin t to auc^.ued K ennedy Pncknrd . scho<

T he ap iw ln tinen t of tho uow exoou- t j ,tlv en l» liopondoiit upcn th e ir accopt- tho ;ance. CommiH«ionor Copawcll v o te d Lo„ j,n o p itiv e ly on }ltv four recommcndn- beentiona. cortli

■ M r. Ale:t!uiilor axkcd to ho reHevejl a t H(.ho(onco of hia ilutios in ordor to ta k e up «rha non* poaition w itli tho Am orican Eloc- od Iit r ie com pany. , lows'

Im m ediately a f te r the appo in tm en ts L oa n d rcork'nnirntion iim tters w ere dia* <poBcd o f M nyor Ilodirin s ip iif ib d n do. M et:s k o to tn k e wp furtUor bunincsH nnd , oraltho o th e r mciniicra of th e commlsMlon Uoj|]b c in p o f tho aumo mind, tho commis- {)4 nnion b ccan a two-hour aiaeiission on i ts Dr,ivf i r s t problom , and a most p erp lex ing „on one— th a t o f m akinfj out a budpot froma b o u t #50,000 nvnllablo rovonuo to car- | r y on th o w ork o f tho c ity w liich la s t y e n r required a budRut o f approxim ately $80,000. Tho resu lt wna th a t tho moot-iuR was ad jo u n u 'd n l t i l 10 o 'c lo ck j,*o. ! T uesday m om ing when tho m n tte r willapnln bo takon np m th tho d ep artm en t M un liotidH nnd assintanta in an e f fo r t to scehow fnr oxpeii-'iea onn bo cut. ,

T raccs C ity ’s Expenditures. L i i.Work Khccta provided by J . L . Mco, * *1

d e v clcrk, ahowod thnt tho c i ty S b u d co t o f $80,-ini last vcnr wns div ided a s follow s: Admininlfntivo, ^11,700;- fire , «13,3Gfl; police, jfS01>r>; m eat nnddair>- $-:U 0 ; Hiinitary, $2 '>0 0 ; s tree t, TVTftr$10.l>r.0; sower $2000; stroot li>:htintr,$14,000; pn rk i $1800; c ity acnlcs. $1000: -Inbntid, $000; onEtrteor’-nur, $300; librnrj*, jg $r>(>00; contin);c-nt, $.*0m).

Ivast y e n r thc ori^innl liudjnM w a i«10-l,0n0. 'T h is wns la t f r 'c u t down to M«th«‘ $s0,000 fijruro and nrncticallv o f timoth is am ount is anid fu hnvo been ajvent. TwinThin vcn r tho tnx le w of 10 milla rop- in soron-n ts a ro<iucti(m of fivo m ills nnd 13, ta ffo rd s a ta x incomo of nbout $.'K),000. iiitoraa comparod w ith nbont $70,000 la s t Wiwlyear. A r

A o in tenaivo study o f tho appro- rcccipri.atIonfl o f la s t yenr discloso^ t^io cordifa c t t l ta t tho commls.'tlon bas tb roo nndw ays o f solvlnff tho problom—cn t- ciitiot in g dow n appropriations b y a b o u t In tliS30,000. bonding, o r rftlainff th o ta x madelo ry b y about tw o tnllla, Tho ia t- montt e r coorso m ay be, pursQod by call- mourinff a public mootin:; and to ld n s a ThToto. in -tlKvon w ith tho nddilion o f an o th e r by t

two-mill lovy il wilt bo nccoflsary to k-adimnko d ra s tic outs In departm ental por- wassonnol and numcroua ,;spcndlturoa a n d Sm itla pp rop ria tions %\nll havo to bo diH- aired penaed w ith o r cu t fc tlio lim it, M r.lio d p in s ta ted , following’ th e m eetinp. M P I I t w ill include n rodurtion in tho cx-penaes o f s tree t m aintennneo and w ill t c erta in ly moan Hint llic c ity w ill dia- continue i ts pracli-ro of haa lin j; par- baRo free , ^[r. n<^K‘n

SoTOostod Eotroachm ont ‘ Amontr tho item s sugcosted ns rne.ms

o f reducinfi oxpenaoi wore elim ination 3 f all cmplovc* posVildc, e lim ination o fthe position of traffic; o fficer and po- j ? „ .lico autom obiles, maU'.ng tho to u ri» t • p ark aelf-austnininc In- estab lishm ent o f dnv chnrfTi-a and tho diaeontinuancoof (Tirbaco and refuse'haulinfr. Jif *

In lejriTd io tb e laU er snuRostion C-QmmiM'ioner All stated -th a t hc hadheard th a t several eities have found i t «prnfit.*ible to use aslica and sim ila r Th'refus(<sas a bnso fo r s tree t pravolin<*. meml ■ ■ T hatsiiits m e; I ’m ia tho vnlcanltin j,'buaineas,” said Oommigjloner Coprswell, bersnrnimiuir considerable humor. impoi

The la*t ne t o f tho old commisaionw as to allow rofrular hills in th o to ta l H R C sum o f $02:'7. Ttio monthly roport o f tho poli'^o m aijistra te wna reeoived nndfiled a f te r which a surplus ha lan re o f X a$775 In tho firo fund wa.1 d is trib u ted serveto o th e r funds as follows: p a rk , $200; ran'nisewer, $50; sanitarj-. $100; scales. $125. sor>-aC ity A tto rn ey Davia approved th e tra n s- counlf e n as boInc leeal. D.

Tho BweariuR In o f tha now o ffic ia l* comnW.UI w itnessed by a larps RTOUp o f in- Co te re sted spectators, in rltidine m any ' y e t 1c itv employes and departm ent exoca- pcct<tlves who rem ained fc r some tim e. Tho o f ot•ess lo s closed a t 10:30 o ’cloclc. M r. t r y ,iT ucker conjHTitulated C4Ch o f tho th ree year,•utcessfM l ean^lAfttfs and pTescntod tb e It r - A . T 7 « ^ I # A T - tn «>to >:*T- Mi>nT

1 F A L

mpire District for American;erusers of Southeastern S” aho Project Approve $2 ,-)0 ,000 Issue for Supple- '*en tary Supply K

bca t o th e r d ls iric ta a rc comin;; In to bn Am cricnn P a lls resorvoir pro joct •!' :at ns they cnn m ake urrang^Miients *’l> 90' I t atraiii indicntcd b y tho nc-o f tho E m pire irrigation d is tr ie t co

n tin c bonds to the nm ount o f vc0.000. T hero w ere onlv 11 votoa lc< ist tho lasuo. This in form ation has fe roeoivod by Quy Flonnor, m a n o ;^ w( 0 Jdnho 'R celnm atinn aaaoclation. fo0 E m piro d ia trie t Hea aouthcaat o f tello, w ith B ancro ft ns n contrnl wi

o f'ho d is tr ic t has apnliod fo r 110,000 th feo t o f sto rnge In tho Am orienn in

rcacjTvoir,” aaid M'r. lUcnndr, bij1 tho bond lasuo Is to aoftiiro funds

w hich to buy th a t atoraijo as wlna to con»truct lhe necossary dls- co tln p system- Tho d is tr ic t Ima h a i bo

lh Average Won ty Eleven Pupilsise Sipkens of Cedar Draw :hool Attains Highest Mark

Three Years

ven' pupils nvernfed P2 o r b e tto r IO county e igh th I'radc oxamiiia- hcld ou A pril U , 12 and 13, the

s t plaeo on tho lis t beiUR cnrnod p f ouiso S ipk ins o f tho Codar J )ra w ‘ '1. d is tr ic t No. 22-> avornRcs a ro um isually high aud ivoruRo of 97 1-D a tta in e d by0 S ip k in s is tho hiKhcst th a t hiid m ndc in tho pus: tlireo years, ac- ng to tho record* of tho county1 Huperintondcnt.3 11 h ighest avoraui's aro announc- - ■ tho eounty superin tendent as fol- Co

iiso Sipkcns, Cednr D raw d is tr ic t s -'i2 . general averngo 07 I-O; p o ro th v me , Codnr D raw d is tr ic t No. 22. gun- Tu iv crag o 00 1-3; Prances Pohlm an. nter independen t, d ia trie t No. 0, foi 3 ; W a lte r I ^ o n L ang litz , Codnr emd is tr ic t No. 22, D3 8 f>; Iy>rch Oi- Ki

iVashingfon d is tric t Xo. 11, 03 7-0; peC rafton , M u rtau g h -in d ep en d en t 'Jli

, 03 2-.T; n ill Lowolinn, CVistlcford relrn d e n t No. fl, 93 -l-O; E lv a -Peck, me ifn rd independen t No. 0, ‘.'S l-O;ll- Decker, C astlefonl indopen-lent cai■, 02 2-9; C laudius McCov, Ilansen foionden t No, 7, 92 1-9; Paul Xhsh, px;lu g h independent No. S, 92. $fii

:------------------- :— f.i(

lal Date Is Set jfor Time Schedule ffi

• — amntain Homo is Made to p"' :lude Twin PaUs; Change f/p, Effective, on May 13 iiv

u u ta in fim e, o r tho presen t c itv f f i Bche<lulc is to he established ' iii F a lls and eo rta in olher aoetiou>i

Ithern Idaho a t 2 o 'c lock on Mav ccord ing to action taken by the In to commerce •commission u t -j',, inHJon on A pril 10. „ni•ording to a copv o f a bulle tiu I t . •cd l.y fho cham ber o f eom nicra ' r - t„. lg tho .v tio n o f tho commissioo tb e a tandaril tim e r.ono invcnti- 1 tho classificalion of T w in l-’aila ? s tan d a rd mou>.tnin tlmo V.nne is possiblo by a congressrnual nmend- o u M arch .'I, w hich 'chaiiR od th c ["'Jl

ta in timo fono lim its.' m ovem ent to establish T w in F alls0 inoutaiii tim e zone w as t.iken 10 cham ber o f commerce and alg p a r t in th e fig h t in congress p ' aken by Congresaman A ddison T., th rough whoa-! efforta tho dc- q”' Icg i-la tion w a . enacted.


--------- locjo in t .iVmcricanization commit-

f rop rcscn tn tivea-from tho local a 's o rganirA tlons w ill m eet Satu t- f ternoon a t 3 o ’clock a t room 101 P.« high sehool bu ild ing to henr ro- from com m ittcea and to consider

1 fo re ign consus has ju s t been ctcd and a repo rt w ill bo mndo : Irs. C. J . Schroeder, chairm an. iommittCQ oa s taad iag n ilc i a n d w . is o th e r eom m ittees aro expeetod port. .I com m ittco ia composed o f 10 .t_ ers. nnd M rs. E. M. W olfe, gen- .pl :hairm an, ia u rg ing that, a ll mem­be p resen t as tho m eeting is an ta n t ono.

ERVE H O S P I T A L DAY--------- --------------------------- T r

lional hospit.-il d.iv will bo ob- to1 on M ay 12 thin yonr. and ar- colm enta w ill be mado fo r th e pb- bunco o f tho d.iy nf fhe Twin F alls ror y general hosp ita l, .iccording to 'B a rn h a rt, chairm an of thc countv cxiisaioacrs. ’ citnpleto plans for fh r day have not rciccn mado b u t th e scholu lc is cx- bc«d fo be mueh th c same as- th a t th«i e r hospit.-Us th rju g h n u t th e conn- borhero th c event is obserrcd cfteh Cil a n d gnc«fs w il l 'b o received a t jC h

ospU al \>v th e supcriatendenV aad . a


Votes Bonds Falls Storage

mo w ater, b u t n good doal o f i t hfl>■en d ry farm cil. • , • '‘.‘ Thero a ro around 3.'5,000 ucrea o f i r - ‘ jnblo land tu tlio d ia r ic t , which hiia >• n d fd ita e lf fo r ovor $70 au acro to « t Am erican F a lla stt)Tago w a te r aud lild Us cminl avstem.“ The cost o f the idornge w a te r will.

no t over $0 an acre foot, on tho als o f reservo ir construction cost, and ..0 d is tr ic t w ill ta k e th ree ncro foo t fo0 acre , en ta ilin g .( cost fo r aforago

o ver $000,000."M r. F lcuuer added th a t in fo rm ation m ing to tho association p la in ly ro - A' a led th a t the f i r s t u u it o f tho Amor- be m F a lls reservo ir w ill go to 1,500,000 tb Bt and then , moro th n n likely , it mid bo unablo to i tu c t tho domanda ‘ r Btorago.' ‘ The Tw iu P a lls south side t r a c t th11 bo in th is in it ia l s to rage as p a r t o r th o b ig d is tr ic t ,” hc continued , ‘ ‘ b u t

B E m pire uud o th e r d ia tric ts ' com ing w ill .b e e n tire ly independen t o f tho

J d is tr ic t aa to financing .“ T hc only question rem ain ing ia , ' lo ther o r n o t tho reaervo ir cnn bo . . [latrueteci, nnd tho answ er to th a t w ill ‘ supplied a t th o c lw tlo n M ny 12.”

------- ch


oblem of Confining Expendi- tures to $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 Continues f„' to Vex Commission; Release14 EmploySs • ,designation of Com’iiissiolier P . L. gswell nnd th o nppoiufm cnt o f D r

II. P w ig h t as Uia aucceasor, wero out- nd ing developm enta o f nn adjourned e tin g o f Tw in Pnlls c ity commission ^ esday. Tho s<t<^ion wn« occupiod tb an e ffo r t to reOuce c ity oxpenses• th c com ing y ea r, and boforo the dav lod 14 c ity employoa, inclndiiiB. J . T. ivnnek, n trcc t and w a te r w orks nn- rin tenden t, and Polieo O ffieers ,, een, M cCrncken nnd M iller hnd been en.sed as th e f i r s i ^ tcp in re trench-

\\ Recond - nd jnurned m cotiiig waa led fo r W 'odnesday n ig h t to fu r th e r . isido r tho problem o f re s tr ic tin g city lendituros, whieh f.>fnlcd well over ),00n la s t vear, to .approxim atelv ).000, th e am ount of rOvonuo in sigh t

tb ia y ea r. A ld r . Cogswoll gjivo no reason fo r his ignatiM i a n d m ade no com m ent, b u t m iitfed a w ritte n request fh a t his ignsifion' be acccptcd , effoetivo iiii- dia tc lv . Tho coiauiission complied,1 Xrayor Ilodg in recommended the ;ip- ; n in ien t o f l>r. D w ight, who w as call- ’ '" on tho telephone and rt'questc^l to '

lea r at fho c ilv hall n t once. Ol.- ious o f fhe situ a tio n . D r. D wighta faken en fire lv bv Fiirpriso when he- ‘1 m d h im self inst.-ilbd ns a commis- n momber. ■

.Polico Bolonsod. anirho th ree poliee o ffice rs w ere then eased nnd .1. I-l Cress and W illiam " vlor name<l to auecnL’il lhem . The iee force will con -is t o f C hief l ia r- ' lan as lho dav « fficc r nnd the o thor ‘V B ns the n igh t force, mmecliatelv n f te r llie session Com- wioiior a a A ll. who W.1.S named ,.f .nday n igh t ns head o f fhe Hfroct.aml for workii departm en t, took his o ffi I nxo in to his depn rtm en t nnd beirin ' , ensivo trim m in g .•ictivilies. Tbs' eet superin tenden t was th e f irs t fo

H o was followed bv H arlev Hnv- -n, a free t forem an nml a c ity emplay.<

Hoven v ears nnd, .fohn Borun. C. rdwell, .1. W. W alker. V icto r Robin D

\y . (’. K ellev, Robert Porbes, Rosi J f vcns. J . C. D unning nnd P red {Vhade, s on ly em ployes rcm aiuiuR iu th e i eot nnd w a te r workn depnrfm eut, a<-- J d in g to a check, over the pay roil.I Georgo Cooper, A. J . B enrher, C. hn. Ooorge B rennan . Oeorge i i n r p . k , A . P . A tn ip and P . M- Mack.-y., All addo<l liOvi Anderaon as atr.>et emnn. Pern* T ors n.'» w aterw orks emnn and P ran k Prei-:. The -.le- rtm ent. i t Is understood , w ill con- uo w ith o u t th e sorvlccs o f a superin- ! idcnf. ■ ‘loi5cr\-ico fo rm erly rendered in ever>- we la r tm e n t o f fhe c ily ndm in istra tion hi;I li.-xve to he re«lur<d .icvorely. I t d a ■lenrs th a t fho s tree t nnd w a te r w orks i c c w ill have to rr>m.un a t nbont h a lf thc form er sir.e. th e iiC'/ice force w ill be oxi

tr ic te d to th ree men and it is un- ;;,r •stood th ere is a p ossib ility o f cut- tin g th o .fire 'i le p n T tm tn t to fivo men. ji)-. eiising th roe m en now on fho force. »

M o st a«m 0T0 G arbage. riie fr^o rem oval o f carbngo form er- JJ' done bv th e c itv l.y co n trac t a t « h , , it o f $1750 a ' vM r. haa been defi- civ disposeil o f. T his meana th a t '•in P a lls citirtens will have to adhere , th e c ity ord inan ro p ro h ib itin g the.

lection o f g arbage or re fuse in nny ; am all q u an tifies and requ iring its ^ • noval a t th e c i t i re n 'a expense. rhe new ly appoin ted dei.arfm cntal «cuUv»i w ere in th e ir o ffice n t th eV h all Tucudav. O utgoing executivea nained fo a ssis t the new o ffic ia ls in ba' •oming accusfom cd to th e n ffa ira o f * d r o ffices . The now executives w ill ior rcnulrw l to Tllo o ffic ia l bonds w ith -vil T C lerk J . U Meo aa follows: dci liries E- J o n c ^ c i t r trea su re r. $2.".00O- me T>. D av ls, polico in -2 « , $1000; A. J . t r

/ E E Kr o ^ A Y . MAY 3, 1023

BOND ELECT ON J P S L C H Tllo Organized Effort Seen to

Fight American Falls D istrict I s su e ;• Local Leaders • Are Optimistic0]>|>ci»ilion to th o 1,0.1.1 Im uo o f th e

A m erican F a lla in 'ig : i t :o n d b t r i c t to JO v o te d u p o n b y thc p r o p o r ty ow nora b ro u g lio u t th o d ia tr ie t ou M n y 12 ap - ic a r s t o b o a l ig h t n n d s o - f a r a a fh .. o cal le a d e ra in th o p ro j..c t u ro c o n cc rn e rl h e re aeom a to bo no k n o w lo d g o o f n n y orgnnized e f f o r t b e lu g p lunne.1 to d is- :ourag .- t h e c a r ry in g « f th e d e e j io n .

T h e f n i 't ia s t i l l roci>gni?;od, liow cver- h a t a ll p o rso n s re n id in g w ith in th o • lg d is t r ic t a re n o t f a v o r a b ly dispo8e<l o w a n j th o p r o p o a it i in , n n d . n lth o u g h b c y m a y b e f a r in ih o m in o r i t v n t irca cn t, t h c p ro p o n e n ts a n d w o rk e ra f « r ho d i s t r ic t u ro p la n u m g ou ta k in g no ih an ces n n d th e y n r j i c n d y to n g n iu a k o up th e f ig h t .

Opponents chnngo Sides.‘ e h a v e - h j ld ' f h i . i e n c o u ra g e m e n t , h n t :i g o o d m a n y jti'opli! w ho i./>/)0.n*d ho fo rm a tio n o f th e d iK tric t n n d v o te d g a in s t i t n t f liv fir.^f v k 'c t io n n ro noiv- m ftie r i g h t s id o nud a r e go infr to v n to o r th o b o n d s ,” aa id A r th u r . L . S w im , J ia irm n n o f th o c o m m itto o on in fo r - n a tio n , r e c e n tly .o rg a n iz e d on b e h a l f t j th e • l .o n d in g propoH ltioii. - “ I l Ja iOt l ik e ly t h n t thor.* w ill l.o n n y ilr- irinir.i'd o p p o a itio n to th o bon d e le c tio n , ’h e re w ill no -doub t, b o , a f e w ‘ fa la e ilnm iff’ a n d tb e aU u n tio n w ill noed v a tc h iu g .

“ C o m m u n ic a tio n s w ere a e n t o u t on ^ rid n y to fh e c o m m itte e m e m b ers a sk - n g f o r r e p o r ts nnd f ro m th e r o s u l 's ‘b tn in c d i t ia e v id e n t th o re is p rac - Icn lly no o p p o s it io n , a t le a s t n o n e t h a t .ppen ra a c r io u s a t th e p re a e n t f i i r tc .”

A p p ro p r ia t io n A sk ed .

I> e ti tio n s a re b w n g c irc u la te d ro- ueK ting th e T w in K .ills c o u n ty com - lis a io n o ra t o a p p ro p r ia te $500 to th e e n o ra l p u rp o a o s o f n id in g in th e bnn d lo c tio ii . A |M‘f i t io n r r a r i n g 150 sig- a tu r c s w a a p re s e n te d a - if u r d a v to f ln ' o m m iss io n e rs . b u t aom e o f th o d e ta i l s ^oro u o t o n t ir o ly a .-itia fac to ry a n d an- t l i e r j .e t i t i o n w ill b e m ad o . I f th c i io u j j i la n o t g r a n te d b y th e c o u n ty an f f o r t •irill p r o b a b ly b e m a d e to 'o b t a i n t b y a u b a c rip t io n .

Voted Musicians Heardjn Concert

irtists of Andelin-Clark Com­pany Present Program Fea­tured by Classics'

A p p c n r l ^ in c o n c e r t a t th c L a v e r in g l ie a te r W c fln e a d a v ni.-jht th u A n<lolin l a r k c o n c e r t n r t l s t s j r e s e n te d o n o o f w in P a l l s ’ b ig g i 's t muH ical e v e n ts o f 10 y e a r in a i>rograui o f th o h ig h e s t u a l j t j - a n d ouo t h a t <lc8or%-ed a f a r b e t- i r p n tr o n n g o fh :in w na iu ov id e n ce .

W illa rd A n d e l in poas.-ises n r ic h b a s s o ico o f u n u a u a l ra n ;;c , sm o o th , f l i^ lb lu m l p n r f i c u la r lv r e s o n a n t in t h o 4 o w e r m es. a n d is n t h ia b e a t in th o n io ro r u m a t ic a tv le . P ro m h ia o p e n in g /n u m - o r. B e e th o v e n ’s “ I n Q u e s ta T o m b a ,”I lh c c lo a ln g g ro u p o f o ld - tim e fa v o t- -He ho d e l ig h te d w ith hi« th o ro u g h mu- ie ianaL ip .

A m o n g Ills m o s t p le a s in g aelecfinn .s •a.i h is u n u s u a l ly . I ra m a tic r e n d e r in g f t lw “ E r i K in g .” w iiic h c loacd th e c l iu b e r t g ro u p . M is i A r\-i lla C larl: r n v c d o<]uallv p o p u la r in h e r b r i l l i a n t ■ ndition o f th e aeve r-il .H ff ie u lt p ia n o :>b>H, w h ic h d isp la v e .l h e r re m a rk a b le v h n iq u e , n s w e lt aa iu fh e e x c e lle n t o r k n s a c c o m p a n is t.

’rogram Arranged for Commencement'resent Class Largest in High

School's H is to r y ; Several Events are Scheduled

S e v e ra l e v e n ts o f in te r e s t to tb o a tu - e n ta a r o a c h e d u le d f o r c o m m cn c cm cn t :e e k th i a y e a r w h en th e T w in P :illn ig h s c h o o l’ w ill g n id u a te fh e la rg e s t lasa in i t s h is to ryA to ta l o f 102 s tu d e n ts w ill r e c e iv e

le i r d ip lo m a a th is y e a r , p r o v id in g th o ip e c t c d s ta n d in g s a rc rc a c h c d . T h o i r g e s t p r e v io u s c la ss es to ta le d - IIC , 10 a am e n u m b e r b o in g g r a d u a te d in W 2 n n d 1921.T h e s e n io r c la sa d a v p ro g ra m w ill

e g iv e n W c J n e s d .iy M a y 0. I t w ill ic lu d e th e n n n u a l b r e a k f a s t , a p ro - ram a t t h e achoo l d u r in g th o d n y a n d l e j u n io r p ro m lo b e g iv e n lij th o i-en in g a t t h e E lk s h a ll b y th o ju n io r s I h o n o r o f th e g ra d u a te s .

T h o b a ^ l a u r e a t e .id il rc ss w ill h e iv e n Sunliay. M .ay 13. b r th o U o r . ' . W . B n r k s in th e M c th o .n s t c h u rc h n M o n d a y -r e c o g n it io n d a v w ill bo ob- •rv e d a n d th e aehool l e t te r s w o a b y ic a tu d e n ta f o r m c ri to rio u a w o ,ik In th le t ic a , d e c la m a to ry c o n te s t s a n d dc- a t i n g w il l b e d is t r ib u t e d .

O n th o e v e n in g o f M a r . 15 th o aen- i r c raaa p la y , “ H is H u s b a n d ’a W ifo ,” •ill b c p ro a e n te d n t th e O rp b c n m a n - c r th e d i r e c t io n e f M rs . R ig g s . Com - le a c e m e a t e x 'erc iscs t . ik e p la c o M a y r a t t h c O rp h e n m th e a t e r , w i th D r .


I Special Car Brings krmer Immigrants

Happy Crowd frpm North Da­kota Brought by Sugar Oom­pany to Mako Homos Here

Seeking uow nud moro fe r ti le fiolda. 50 im m igrants from tho d ry fnrm ing aoctions nround Jnm catow n, N. D., a r ­rived iu T w in Palla In a apoclnl car on tho noou t ra in S a tu rd a y to be given a a ta r t in th ia com m unity on tho farma of contractora w ith the A nialgawfttcd Sugar com pany.

Tho p a r ty waa b rought hore in chnrge of W . T . Scilloy o f tho Bomr comimny. M r. S cilley aecem panlod tw o of tho fam lllea to Jorom o imme­d iately a f te r th e ir a r r iv a l horo and tho rem ainder w ill bo estab lished around Tw in Palla.

A pparently d laaU sflcd w ith tUo jirospects o f nuccoas In fn rm in g In North D ako ta tho now a rriv a ls , who apnunr to bo o f tho su b s tan tia l and diligont so rt o f w orkers, wore onthua- od on th o ir a rr iv a l hero and th o ir f irs t inquirioa on leav ing tho t ra in wero coiicornitig tho coudltloas a n d pros- pccta h « e .

B RIN G liEeS M i T O i l E

Caravan of 11 C ars Leaves Jam estown, N. D., fo r Beet Fields of Idaho ^A caravan o f 11 nutoii.olillca, b ring ­

ing ano fher group of w orkera from Jnm catown, N. D., to tianiat in tho cul­tivn tion of acreages o f «ugnr bi-i^s nroiind Tw in Palla ia expeetoil here in12 or i;i d iv s , nccordlTt^i to announce­m ent Momliiv o f W . T. 'ScllU-y o f the A ninlgam ated Sugtir company.

Till.' c a ravan w:ia scheiluled fo leave .Tamestown M onday, nn.l althau'gli ronds nro in ra fh i'r bad aiiajie a t c e rta in points along, tho line, tlio im m igranta n rc cx- re i'ted K> reach here iu tho Hpcclficd timo. M r. Scilloy will go to Poeatello nnd escort tbom frnm th a t p o in t lo Twin Pnlla.

Tho caravan wlll i.ring to tho Twin Pnlla d is lr ie t 37 jHiraon.i, in c lu d in g thc men and fhe m embera o f th e ir familiea. All nro oxperiencod- fnm icra nnd thoy will bo d iafrlbu tcd umoug tho varioua locnl fnnnera who have aigucd up witli tho sug!ir com pany nud w ill c o n tra c t to farm or aaaist in fa rm in g th ia y c .ir ’a

Mr. Scilley rejw rta th a t fhe outlook fo r thla y e a r is very good and th n t fho imi>orfi«il w orkora w ill all bo given work and an opportun ity to becomo es­tab lished hore.

Workera a re b e iag b rought hero from tim e tu tim e to naaiat in tho handling o f tho crop, M r. S c ille y s ta ted . Sev- «ral havo been brougat in from Ameri.- e:in Palla and o ther pointa. In addition fo theso thn sugar com pany w ill import a liumber of M exiean Inl.oren). '

EARLY RESIDENT CALLEDMr.s. George L v tle . m other o f M rs. C-

A. M cM aster o f Tw in F alls, whoae4 .'a (h -to o k p l a o a t B ake-^field , Cal., receatlv . xvaa a reaident o f Tw in Fnlla since innn. M rs. LvU'e le f t here about Chriatmaa tim e fo v isit a aon a t B-’ikera. field , appnren tlv -at tlm t tim o in tho best pf-lK-alth. She was well nnd widelv known in nnd around T w in Pnlla nnd news of fhe fa ta l teriein.afinn o f her illness came na a ahock to her mnnv frienda.

M r-. L v tlo ’s fiiner."l w.aa hold a t fhe old home in Hopkina. Mo,, th e followini; acrount n f fhi> obse.rii.-a b e ing taken from the H opkins .Toumal:

The death . .f M n . Heorge. L v tle fhat oc-.irrcd last We.lneadr-v n t B akerafieM . C .iliforuin. and h.>r bu rial here host Mondnv fnortilng recalls th e f a r t thn t fhe nnd herhuH band were early pioneers o f Nodawav roun tv . loca ting n ea r where Ho;d:ins now stands before H opkins \v;^^ even ihonaht of. w hen w ild deer i,nd TndiauH wer.* p le-.tifu l a long fhe 102 river. The nearest tra d in g point was Pt. .To^-cph. then a sm all tow n, nn-l tr ip s th ere wore mado w ith ox feams.

A fte r apemling nearlv 30 ye.ara iu Nodawnv countv. M r. nnd Mra. L v tle moved lo Boise. Tdaho, whero M r. Lvflc died in 1904.

The rem ains o f M rs. L vtlo renchoil here Snndav n id i t .m d fu n eraraer\-ices w ere held Sundav m orn.ng a t 10 o ’clock :if the ^{ethodi«t churrh condnctotl bv fhe pnstor; Rov. P . W righf. a f te r whicli th e both- waa la id to res t beaide thn t o f her husband ia th e H opkins cem cten-.

Nettie'- T hurston w.is l.o rn In P^lcn. D elaw are counfv. Ohio, in 1S43 nnd d i d in B ;il;ersfirld . C aliforn ia, A pril 4. 1923. Rhe wns m arried to O eorge II. Lytlo in lSr.4. who passed aw.av in 190f .-It Boise. Tdaho. Slie ia aur\-ived bv three children. M rs. Chnrlea M c ifa s tc r. Tw ia P alls. Idnho; P ran k L y tle . Ba- kcrafield . Cal.. W illiam LvUo. H o l­lister, Idaho; alao i\.-a b ro thers and one sister, W. W. Thuraton. C. N. Thurston .md Mrs. Ch:irlea M cCurdv. all o f Delaware county. Ohio. Tlie fam ­ilv wns all presen t cx.:opt th c son W ill and fhe sistor-

When f if te e n v ears of age ahe joined th e M ethodist chnrch and w as a char- t e r member of fho church nnd lad ie s ’ a id society o f ITopkiiis. . Tn all theae yeara she has been -true to h e r church and died in tho trium ph o f h e r fa ith . A felegr.vn w.as receive<l from h e r pa* to r o f Twin F alls s tn t ic g th a t sho was ono o f tb e m ost de\-otcd m em bers nnd m ost earnest w orkem of th a t c i ty nnd w as greatly beloved Vt aU tb© tiiiz e n i. H e r death is a g rea t loss to bo th tho

E W SNO M B B B 22'.

em sEiN iE iif OREEO TO MEET

G I T f f E K SCommissioners Find Budget

M a k i n g T a s k Impossible; Agree to Call Meeting of Voters to Take Aotion

A ffc r two daya of p rac tica lly con­tinuous conai«loraticfn o f waya o f re ­ducing thn e lty annua l financial btfd^rot from $RO,OOO.to $.W,000. T w in F a lls c ity cemmiaalbii a t Ita a .ljoum cd m eeting ■Wednesday n ighti found tho taak impo*

iSlble nnd niiwnbor»» ngreed th n t tho only so lu tion la to p u t tho m n f tc r ' before tho votera o f Tw in Palla nnd ab ide b y th o ir decision on tho question o f in- croashiff tho fax lovy five mllla.

Tho opinlnn wna unanim ously ex ­pressed th a t a m ooting bo enllod shortly when th e quallfiod vlectora o f tho c ity wfll be iireaented w ith thc fneta pe.rtaln- lng fo lho citv-’a finn 'rcial m a tte rs and requested to decide w hothor tho c l tv ’s ta x lev y ia fo be lncrease<l, to 15 mills.I f th e mnjph. do no t favo r a ta x Jn- cronse lho only nctlon lo ft to tlio com- misaioners will bo to cu t annual expcn- d itu rea thia y on r praefien lly In half.

Gives OpinJon.- Commiaaioncr o f F inanco .Inmos a

K oel aummed tip fbe Hituntinii na fol- ,Iowa: “ Tho c ity sim ply canno t bo ru n on a 10-miU levy an d I fo r ono would p refe r n o t to tnko th c responsi­b ility o f f ir in g ou r j>olico force nnd firo donartu ien t w lfhout nn expression from tho pooplo. I t would bo Impos- slblo io opernte tho c ify in fho m nnner In w hieh it ahould bo open'ited. I am In fa v o r o f calling n m eeting as pro vided iu tho atntule-- nnd request sug­gestions of which deniirtm outs n rc to bo ro<lticed or dono nw,iy w ith i f the peo|ile^do not fa v o r .in incronao o f fivo •

M ayor Hodgin atnfod fhn t In hia ex- perionce he had aeen homothing o f fho cffocta o f inndequate fire nnd pollca nnd o lh e r c ity departm en ts nnd th n t such condltiona nro ex trem ely unproflt- oblo. “ Thiovea nui! rogues nro sur^j to fin d i t o u t.” he anld.

Tho fotnl nm ount o 'e x p o e to d Incom.i ellia y e a r ia estim afcd n t aoincthlng-ovor $50,000, whorena lnat y e a r 's - erpcnao- asT cpreaciifod in o u ts tnnd lng w nrm nfs ' wna $9.'),ono nnd du rin g fho yoar bofore lasf, I t wus anitl, th e cxpond’ltuTM w cro nbout $l.r},nno. Commissioner K rc l po inted out th n t. nssum ing delinquent tnxca would bo $15,00n. tho aum o f «3n, oon would bo le f t on w hich to run th e eity fhia yonr. Thia .im ount .would bo conaidernbly lasa fhni> fho to fa l nm ount apent In st yea r on atreeta . a tree t lig h t­ing and tho firo departmeiiT. and would loavo fho clfy w ithou t parka, lib ra ry , police, aewer, adm iniatrn tlvo . aan itn tion , engineering or contin^iont fund npnro-

Ciriationa, considering tlte app ro p ria tio n s’ nst y e n r ns a b.aais.

D iscuss W arran ta .C ify A tto rn ey A. J . M yera a ta ted th n t

tboro is aomo queatlon ns to tho isauanco o f w arran ta beforo th e c ity b u dge t ia mnde out and publiahed, according to afa tu te ; and in v iew o f th n t fnct flic eommissionera a ro m.nliing everv e ffo r t fo a rr iv e nl a conclusion aa soon a s possible.

The new adm inistrn tion la un ited u i lho determ iii.itiou to pitico tho Issuance o f w a rran ts in tho fu tu ro on a a tric tlv legal basia and to ra ise fhe crw lit o f tho c itv therebv. Thc legnlitv nf w ar- ran ta Issued hv th e fo n n e r ndaiiniHtra- lion w iil be determ ined and an inquiry will b e mado in to tin; condition of tho w nrran t rc le inp tion lund ospeciallv.

T h e c o m m issiim d o te n n in e ,! I : . i i n iirh t, in a l lo w in g hill.s. to a llo w th o se n g a in s t fu n d a w liich sh n w ;i le g a l s:.-wli bn l- nn i'N a n .l t . i 'w i t h h o b l n c tio n on th o o th e r s t.w n p o rarilv ,

I l .wn.s !il«o foii'iid im perative to tnko sOme nction tow ard m euliiig tho $!'.’ .000 in ou tsi,ind ing w arran ts nnd C ity Clerk J . L. Mee was re-]ueB>ed fo p repare nn o u tline o f svnrraut’* lo l>o auiniulted la fe r when fho nuesfion o f issu ing b-mda fo r rofu iid ing thn ou tstnnd ing oblign- tiona w ill he considero.L I t is esti- m ated th a t Ihe c ity cnn iasuo bonds fo re fund nboul $38,000 in w arran ta and th a t au ffic ien t norm al rovonuo can bo obtaine.l to j.av o f f an additional $30,-000 w hich would re<lufe the to ta l out- itan d in g fo $21 ,000 .

Seeks C hem ist Job .An application waa recciveil from .L

W. Vl.sher. n '.p ies ting t.eniiission to b id on th e co n trac t aa . 'ily chem iat, now held by K. R. Doolev. A fte r a sh o rt discu.saioii. in w hich Commissioner S. R. All e lnssificd tho p rcs" .it chem ist a.s one of tho best in thc a tato , tho m a tte r waa held over. -

Action wna .also deferred on fho r ^; q uest o f Mr. All to appoin t G. C. W'ilaoa as electrical in spocto r.tem porarily . Ap*. p lication of M. W. Johnson fo r tlio po­sition o f cify %vetghmaster w:is p laced oa filo w ith soveral o lh e rv ^

Tho commission pas-.-'il th e resolution form ally di*|>enaing w itli fho services of thc form er r i t y cxem U ves nnd em- plovcs who were released im m ediatolv a f te r th e new o ffic ia ls took officc . No o th e r cmplovcs w ere released W'edncs day , althougli P . M ackey, tim e­keeper an d inspector ia th e w afer w orks dep.irtm enf, renigned to tak o a positloa w ith th e B a rre tt A uto company- An a p ­p lication has been ma.to by .T. A Thotn- fts fo r th o ^lesltion o f n igh t polico ser­geant and jan ito r. Tho m a tte r was dii- cassed a t some lcng»h and action de- ferrcsl, A rth u r Jn rm an , tho incum bent, to ho ld th e posilion 'u n til fu rth o r no­Uce.

T h n rn tn m lc a ln n BjI{n'lirnivl t n m r ^ t in

Page 2: T W I ^ L Y N E W S - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS_TF07/... · refus(


OfirUliBeLESi______ 1

hoi:T reasury D epartm ent Promis- of . e s Penalties T liat Will Leave S i

No . Doubt a s to Govern- ■ m ent’s Intentions . " “i^ W A SH IN G TO N , M ay .1 (/PJ-TroiiHiiry ' offirJnJM bejpin totlny tho. iln iftin t; <n' ‘‘O'* do fin ito ri'fjiilntionn for I'liforoi'iiiont o f tlio jiroliihition Iinv nn f.i'tistruoil liy Tlio for suprem o court, w ith . th o ftnnoiiiicotl iii- prif ton tion o f (h!(orniiiial.ion tlm t no Inoji- hi» holoH wonld bo le f t fo r cvn«inn.' 'P en - nlticH will lio provided, i t wiw dc- clnrod, w hich w ill h'sive no doubt na to tho governm en t'h iiitciKioii to doal vig- m oroiiHly w ilh the Hitiiatioii. I *

T h e d.'iy’rt developiiionfit, theroforc, l i miKmoiited evidence n lrendy niveii in U BOvera). qiinrtom th n t th e nntional ])oli- . cy w-iMi roBptvt to fhe trnndiiortution • I o f liqnor w ith in th e lo rrito rin l wntcr» I o f th e U n ited S ta te s w ill be firm , nnd | th n t n f te r Ju n o 10, when tho refn»ln- tioiiH Lecome offee tivo , u tronc repro- Bontntions w ill hnvo to ho mndo by P p j forei{jn iwwcrfl befo re uhnnt'cu in th a t — . policy w ill bo considered. T rcaaury I plann contcm plnto .tho w ritinR of rof?\i- [ lationfl whirii. w ill nmke th c thrco mil'i lim it nn nctunl dendlino fo r nhips w ith iiqnor nhonrii.

U odicol Stock3 £ xcop ted . "cliiTJiero w ill bo provlwionl nbvlously,

fo r tho e n try into Ai’ioricaii watcrH of rocc«»ary stockn o f niuiliciniU liquo r on ion. ehipH, h u t tho rijjtn.T-onB w ill bo, i t <lref ie Ruid, o f a ch n riirtc r ocrvinj^iiH p roof o f 1 o f tb e .ponitive ntnn.1 o f tho Unitod StntcH t;ovcrnm <nt. ‘I* •'

Offici.-tln cxplninod fh a t th e re is no j : I desire to -needlessly li-ii.dicnp loKitlmatc ’j",, busin«f» endeavor. ,^.,.,1

TJio c f fc c t on foreign jxiwcrn nf fho thor c o u r t’s n ilin ff bnrriiijr lirjiior n t tho ndoj thrco-niilo lim it s till Arow nomo n tlen - dinn 1iot» toilny, b u t m any o ffifia ln were w illinp Jo ;^wait developnieftt.H. No for- mhl rcprcKcntationH have boon mndo, b u t if iH believed b y nomo officini!) ' q , tliu t protcjtfH would como. ij,,.

RotftUatlon Fonrcd. ,!nndTheru wn« wonio te a r tl ia t e ffortu . , f tl

vrould bo m nde by some foreijm Kovcrn- pj m unts to ro ta lia tu throngli fhu iiho o f fbe custoins Inws. S ccrcfn ry Mullon ilis- year countcd th a t possib ility , howover. nl- *riul though ho ndm ittod such mnvc» miirht ’ bo m ado. Thc jiso o f re ln lia to rj- inca- Buri's lo cnibnrriMi A m cricnn nhippint; would no t go fa r , howovtv, in fho viow o f officials", boforo th ey ronchcd “ ('li tho iKiiiit o f v io lation o f in tem ntionn l W'ar Inw o r tre a tie s .___________________________ less

__________ _ Ri-'l

PRICE TREND IS LOWERBradstTOet'B Com m odity I n d a i Sbowa

P ro v is io n s nad T ex tiles E ili ib l t l i is r n a c ip a l W eakness

. davN EW YOBK, M ay 3 O P)-A slijjht the

downwnrd trcn<l o f p rices fo r April w ni I'roj; noted by B ra d s tre e f ’fi com m odify prico index. I t ro flee tod somo m odified " viowH o f the outlook fo r buainess aa n .'*7* ' rcunlt n f fho qu ieting down f ir s t vis- ible in la te M arch.

I'roviftions nnd te* tile s exhib ited tli6 jnon, p rincipal wenknensp^ in A pril, b u t T ..(? iiietalH and nnvnl sto res .altK) showed cf»nc \ (iepllning tendency . In all, seven [;roiii>s deirlincd. w hile six advanced , al- * thoucb th e udvances in Ibo la t te r were not im pressive. Forn

PH EA SA N T EOOS FHOM 2 N 0 U U n > nr,',',i ...■WTLL"BE H A TC H ED IN A M ERICA s ta r t

LONDON. M .iy M (4^— l-^ci>eriment^ Mnr) undo by a lnr;ji* f in n o f jjamo breeders lo ry invo showm Ihn t plica<i;.nt»’ eu p i cnn b.' fhe ' ; lent lo Americ.a nnd s:ifisfaclorily exen lafched out. volet

Tho firm hns th«rof<ire mnde iirranRC- s<'fiir n en ts w ith -a tran,«.Hl.-uitir line o f instil tcam ers to ' tn k e o v i t ten Ihojjsaml Wi Ktin by Ih c ir vessels when tho I’nyini; icason Htnrts next m onth. usiinl

“ Tho phe.isnnt is ne t nn livo to Amer- cram cn ,” said fhe m anager o f th is firm , ini; r ’and s to rk s havo co n stan tly lo be rc- ns ni owed and th e blood s tra in s chnuRCil. s tifu t lillie rfo we havo been sending jive InlK, b u t now wo k rn w th.it esj?* can c A U e se n t eoually lui well. T hey will bo h ii-ivd flip dny they nro Inirl au<l lionid bo under n hen phe.a-n.int o r in ^ n in cu b a to r in A m erica ab o u t ten P' nya la f c r .” Oalife

____________tho ITOMBSTONE WABN3 AUTOIflTa RRADINO. Pa., M ay 3 (JF>-A fomh-

one erccfod ncn r H ughes hill on tho t ottav illo r ik e , n e a r H am burp , is ><•im rem inder fo rcckl»-s« aufom obilisfs■ th e dajiRor o f cariVois <3rivinf» on tho , tfhw.ny. T he stone, abou t fo u r f c e nrU. h.na tho word “ D angeroua’' n t LOS e top . On th e aide tow ard R^-adlnfr "Wiacnakull an d croasbont-a appears w ifh t h i loc.-Uinounccm cnt. “ ]* m iles to th e nea re st from 'K pital."

yiTiat ia uielcsa to yoa m ay be vaJo w ith tllo to o th e rs — ad v e rtise It in th» utieon!ua if le d eoltunns. u n til 1

D O Y O U S l C A N C E

SEE JOHN G. LEN Treatment Painless— No I

r*A v c r r r T"» T T n v

IWO 'C W I N FALLS w e e k :

IRRICK FACES CHARGESm or ComroBsnuui fro m Oklahoma I H alod in to PoUco C ourt whou fomao Com plains E o Axmojrod H er

:A S 1IIN G T 0 nT M ay .1 (/P )-T lic10 of “ M am uel H errick , occupation 'n to d o tec tiv o ,” appeared on lho rniRlit benil(]uarters policc b lo tte r !i a cli'arf^o o f d iaorderly cnnduet en- d opiwfiile.ho form er cdnKrcssmim from Okla- in nnd orntwhilu “ ae ria l daredevil :ongroa«,” was picked up by a tra f- policcnuui who said ho in lor\'cnod

)r ft womiin hiul' compInlncd th a t r ic k w as annoyin jj her. Tho police- I alao ropo rtod th a t fho p risoner had 1 b rough t in on ly nffo r a tuBxlo. Hc released on $5 collaternJ. •

Mien luM caso wa^ enlled in ]>olice ■ t'llio d is tr ic t n t to n ie y ’H offico lin- nced Hint sovernl women hud nako<l perm ission to tc sn fy -n ffa in flt thc

oner. H c rrick nppeared to conduct own defiume, but n f te r n consultn-

tho hoaring was postponed un til orrow-

IM M lciENT lEEK M N EDic jpal S peakers in Conneo- :on w ith Idaho Graduation ixercises NamedN IV E liS IT Y O P IDAHO, .Mmicinv,.3.— Doan Pnul n o b c rts o f S t. Mich- c4itho<lrnl o f Boino will preach the a lnu rca te sennon nnd P ro fesso r l-M- d 8. M onny, head of th o histoiV de­m ent o f th e l ln lv e is ity o f Wn«hinK- will de liv e r tho com m encem ent ad-

'l to th e U n iv e rs ity o f Id a lio ’-a class J5 RHiduato n t commeucCTnent.exer-

tliin nprlnfT. T h ii nnnocincemunt lado from tho offico o f P residen t r. Upham. Denn K oberta is ono of o 's m ost prom inent cbiirchnion nnd tiv e in church n ff.iirs in thc north-■ whilo P ro fesso r M enny ia an aii- ity on ea rly d av h isloi^’ and nn leil m em ber o f tlirco northw eat In- tribes- Doth aro cx ro llen t apeak-

niid tho itjipoiininco o f Professor ly w ill bo niKnifit'nnt in connoctlon fho p resen fa tion o f tho bij; pnge-

dep ic tin t; ea rly Idaho h iatory. v e r n y (?. C. Moore' hafl accepted invililflon o f Pri.->-!dent Uphnm lo rw en t n t conim orci'inent Ihin year w ill p robably del’ver a sho rt talk e rnmmeni-etncnl ixereiwes. . 'iifossor M enny.' uho hnn been nl Jn ivem ify o t W asitiinj'toa fo r mnny I. Is rcK ardd! a « - th o “ keeper of t io n s ” o f lh a t in s titu tio n . In 1000 •ns ndopted by C hief Joseph info Si't; I 'crccs, no rth rib iho 's fnmous , IIS “ M efhalit W ultK,” which IH “ T hreo K n iv e c ." Iu lOOH hc laken in to tho V ancouver trib o ns kpolom oski,” m eaning “ Tho Sun iiinif the M orninp .” and in 1007 no n ]H>rson th an the fam ous Cliief Cloud o f Iho Sioux tr ib o Rnvo him lamo o f bin son, “ W ahinko Num- o r “ Tw o A rrow s.”

is y e a r 's com m eiicrm ent p ro ^ n n i lieen chnnjjed sonm what from pro- R of . fo n n e r yenr^ nnd baccalanro- Sundny w ill 'b o .luno 10, w ith the ncem cnt exercises fho following in sfend o f W edacsdny, aa has been m icfice. Tho coii'm iincement week •am com mences w ith a rec ita l bv le jm rtm en t of music FViday, June liilo fhe follow ing dny is devofctl ly lo n lnm ni ao iiv ilies, w ith the lisforicrtl p agean t rom ing in thc ,ng. S iindny m orning Dean Hob- w ili g iven Iho b iicoalaiirrale scr- nnd in Iho nfternoon the U. O- m ilila ry ban d will g ivo its annual

•rl.nday, J u n e 11. w ill be th e b ig day10 program , fo r besides inclndini; lenrcm enf oxerciacs p roper i t will ‘RH the do<llcntion o f th e M arj- E.\v hall, now domiiforj* fo r women,I is now b e ing com pleted. Tho >niic procession, j t is p innned, w ill

a t Ilidenbaugli hnll an d go to r;. F o rney hall fo r sh o rt dcdica- vx^rc.ise»i before prnccH'dini; to

uditorium fo r tho com m encem ent isen. T lie aften io o n will be de­

to social eventa fo r th e alum ni, w and N-islting friend.s o f the ulion-Ih flie g rn d u n fin j clnss num bering ho Inrgent in hi.itory, nnd w ilh un- rom m enrem ent kpcakera, Ihe ]>ro- Ihls y e a r promi«i-s fo bc oufstand- nd e ffo rln an> In-ing mndo lo get iny alum ni and friends o f fho in ­ion as jKissiblo lo como to Moscow.

F O E N IA F IO H T BTT.T. FA IL S ,•RAMBNTO, Cal,. M ay 3 (/P>— istitu flona l am endm ent proposinij rm it lO ro u n d bo x in s bouts in rn ia f.-uled of posaago loday In ena tc o f Ih a sln to Icgixlatujxi.:ifc wa« 21 fo r nnd 18 aj^alnst. A irtls m a jo rity la roquired . Sena- urphy o f S.an F ranc isco gave no0 would movo Icm orrow fo r re- eration o f th c vote.

il. GAM E ACCTDENT F A T A l..A N G B I.e s . U ay 3 W ^ W d lf e r

an , in yea rs uld, s tu d en t a t a prcp.am forj- school. die<l fod^y in ju ries roccivi*d in a b a se b a ll , m fho school diam ond. W hile a t- j Qg to ca tch a fly ho collided I noUier p la y e r and w as rcndeTO<l cioQS, rem a in in g in th a t s ta te Is death.


Z, M. D.iiife— No -Dfngs

The Dry Goods S'ectu tion of having by far most reMonable prici

Novelty Clocked Hose, P air $1 .35

Allen A novelty clocked hoae, in tho new a lin d c s ,'b la c k nnd w hite. < g 1 O K P e r p a ir .............- ..... — « D ± * O t)

Large Size Hand Mirror 89c-

F rench beveled glaaa han d mir-

S ......... 89cHair Bow Ribbon,

Yard 19oSpccial lo t o f ch ild ren 's flow er­ed h a ir bow ribbon ,' p la ids, flow­ers an d p lain 1 Q _ colors. Ynrd .............X v t /

They are really so Reasonal

36 Inch Paisley S ilk, . $1.19

Tlio real Paiiiley B andana f iilk , ' nlao fo r waiata, lin ings and good m any purposes. $ X X 9

7 50 Yards ot Novelty FsA ll b o au tifa l p a tte m a , fo r kimonas, ot«. - W orth $1.S0 to *2.00.

^ Y our choice, y a rd — — ....... ....... ....

3 6 Ih. Tricosham , Yard $2 .19

B lack , navy an d . «cal, unsu r­passed fo r w earing , a lw ays look­ing w ell a n d . - | Q h a s ^ aea t. Y ard___


Better DDressing Combs 35o

A n especially fino quality , a ll- coarse and m ixed te e th dressing

comb, in b lack and Q C / » ivo ry . Each ........ .............O O C

K ayser’sM arv clfit I ta lia n s ilk vents and knickcra. P e rh ap s tho fin ea t a n d moat re liab le silk un d e r­w ear made—

$2.75 TO $3.45

Just Arrived Voiles —Egyptian \

IT 'S t h e ’ PATTERN muc thnn the prioc_in nierchandise calibroj pa tte rn s have a d d ver^ and au early selection no dou save you from disappointiiicnt-

Per Yard 59c

36 IN. RATINE, YD.Colors a re beautiful of this

popu lar fabric—

Per Yard 59c


on of the Idaho Depari r the largest and mast, •es

Vanity Compacts 75c .A ll tho rage to ca rry th a t litllo , van ity com pact filled w ith tho fin e s t availablo

, powder, Each -------------- •

* 65 Pieces of Shirting, Per Yard 29c

M adraa, flno porcaloa, in tin o s trip e s and cheeks. Y onr choice,

; ?"„1...........,._....29c3 6 In. Double Faced

Terry Cloth, Yard 69c ;F o r draperies th is tw o toned T erry Cloth w ill mnko up

... 69c.

stylish Glovest IN8T.,VNCB—Such as Kayeer'a ilBctto nnd S ilk Gloves, tho finest loat roliablo gloves made. Wo sug- In p a rticu la r a fan cy num ber in ,I aty les and colors— .

Per Pair ?1.69

,KSy Beatiful and. bly Priced, 3 6 In. Silk Underwear

Vesting, Yard $1 .19In w hite , orch id an d p ink , plain o r drop a titch . Vory good

__ 81.19ancy Silks, Yard $1 .39I, handkereh iofs, lin ings, draperies,

_____$1.39,,• 36 In. T e a ’Gown

Satin 98cP a tte rn s aro so d iffo ron t nnd w ith a. high sa tin fin ish . Tho

■price w ill surprise O Q ^ » you. Y ard ________ ____ * 7 0 C

merica’s Finest Hosiery

H AM GOLD ST IIIP E , Cortlcclll,A and Oordon Iloslcrj^. A speeialf all puro fino silk and fu ll fash- we aro selling now—

Y Special, Pair $1.39

>ry GoodsDr. P ark er’s W aist and

G artersP o r grow ing boys and girls. B cncficlal to tho health o f tho yonngsters. C A / *A ll s ites . Each ............ -OUC

3 3 In. Pongee, Yard $1T his is the> rea l im ported finest qu a lity Jap an ese pongee, gov­ernm en t stam ped i ) f k 12 momme. Y.ard____dX«UU

^ ^ o i l e s ^ch more 1 of thisTy freely ^ubt will '

now so

_ . ^ ' T ’h e G r eT t v a i i T : n A ‘n * r x 4


ment Store certainly li complete stock of choic

Buster Brown Hosiery for Children, 3, Pair for $1 J,-

A llen A ia included !n fhifl prico, bIin novelty rib and b lack and _brown. Q C \/» ^P a ir — .......................... _ . . . .O U C

36 In. Ratine, Yard 89cM ado b y fho E v e rfa s t pcoplo; • alao aomo silk m ixed ra tines , In a 'b o u t.l2 d iffe ren t f t O / * P shades. P c r j*nrd- ........ ....0 2 / C

3 2 In. Tissue Ginghams, Yard 44c t

AliOut 25 to 30 pa tte rn s to p ick it

.....Z ' u c I ^

/ } ] < *'

Printed SilksRich iri the Design

of EgyptSiDw tlmt borrow a bit ‘

of Tut-aiikli-Amen’s splen­dor in odd Ef?yptian col- or.s and iiiolifn array thomselves here; likewise, Prints of more modem de- vifd and white onipes with wide, patt(*rned borders.' Stunnlnj; In color and slieen they omnjirifio a col­lection ■inimitable for va- . riety and quaUty.

s for LessFancy Rubber Aprons

O f rubberired crcfonno and^ tho m ottled e ffec t o f tens of colora, a ll b e a u tifu l-a n d so useful—

89c, 98c, $1 .19 , $1 .45 »■ All Linen Dress Linens,

Yard 98c fJad e , green, bu rn t orange, old rose, orchid, purple, brown, t a a . In and w hite . F lno qu a lity linen. Y ard____5 7 0 C

^ Beautifi\ WE WE

■\ curing thc «r . ley'.s UidieiI . UH to make\ America’s

^ .smt.s. ForI '

' iK ] J priced—

\ b;~ ~~i ‘Vonr ohoic(

H A If

lAY. MAY 3,1923

■■■ ' ' '

ves up to its reputa- •e Dry Goods a t the

Ladies’ Unions 59cn d i n ’ ex tra fino q u a lity aum- or unions, In aU C Q r t yldS. P c r su it ........ — D J / C ^

6 In. Buty-Chyne and Lingette W ash S atins,

Yard 75cb o u t 17 d iffe re n t sbados, fo r nderwear th is c lo th is unoz-

........ 75cadies’ Fine H a n d k e r - ,

chiefs, 3 fo r 59c *his is a anmpio lo t, rogxilar 8I box fo r $1.25. Now w ith th is lecial sam ple fC O /»:«count, 3 fo r V t / C

5 MoneyFantine H air N ets,

2 fo r 25c ^cro aro m any good nota ou tho rk c t b u t our F an tln o n o t w e icTo surpaascfl them . double m esh; 2 f o r . _ . ^ u C

lovelty G arter Elastic, Yard 35c ,

blue, red, gold, em erald and >en. F in est qnaU ty O C T —.)bcr. Y a r d - _________O O C 0 .

II Bathing SuitsRE FOKTUNATE in so- #■ sntiro sample line of Brad- i’ Rathing Suits, enabling a sab.«»tantial reduction on foremost line of bathinR instance, a regular $7.25 ^ velty bathing suit is now


ithing Caps k All Pricesof all styles and colors.

Page 3: T W I ^ L Y N E W S - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS_TF07/... · refus(

POSStBILITr OF P L O T IS S iir t i j E ®

prosecution. Piles up Evidence ’ of O pportunity for Conspir­

acy to D efraud Government in Siiip Contracts

. 'WASHTNOTON, M ay 3 WO—A.ldi- t io n a l ovitloiiRO to nhow th n ttlio ro w as oj»portuuity lo r a a mootiii}; o f tho mindH o f CIinnoH W . .Morso, liia sona an d o thor dofondnnts, fo r tho form*

<• -a tio n o f tho conRpirooy chnrgcd n p n in rt ' tbom to d o fnu id tlio federnl Rovorn- m on t on w n r tim o ahi^i oontrncta, wna prceontw l today in tho D istric t o f Ool-

• u m b ia fiupremo court.A t th o samo timo dofenso eounsol

o lic ltod from th o ^ jovcm m ont's w it- nossce, O. H igloy o f N t/v Y ork, who w aa an o ffice r o f nnd counsel fo r tlio ,p vnrioua Morso companies, fho P ta to - , m on t thafr ho know o f no fnct then and, h ad know n of riono sinco w h i c l i ^ ahow od th a t th o contrncta fo r buildinK '^s governm ont aliips w ero cntor<>d into fo r i th c purposo o f dcfraudinff, dolityintr, | th w nrtlnR or , p e rv e r tin g tho piiri>ofiea i o f tho govom m ont. !

T ho w itness tORtifibd th n t whilo hoj wns connoctctl w ith tlio companicfl ho Bsod hia vory bc» l e f lo r ts lo cnrry oul th o contmctH. f~

G ovom m ent counsel Lrought out th n t tb o H udflon, N av ig a tio n conijmny had _

. a n ou ts lan d in g mortKatco iJf i-1,000,000 nnd th n t B ove^l o f tho Btonmors lis ted I in tho hfisota of th e .United StatCH B tcam nhip com pany h:id boon dofltroyod. gi ono h f them no v e r hnving been heart! Be fro m n f tc r a tn r tin g fo r nuasin. - j l 'i

B eforo tho tr in i waa rosiuncd today , S t eounsol fo r tbo govom m ent nnd tho d o - '^ |' fonoo, w ith th o concurrenco of gtico S ta ffo rd renchod nn agrupm ent uti-j i)or w hich tiiO deposition o f John B ar-I ton P n y n o ,' fo rm or chairm nn of tho | ah ipping bonrd. w ill bc tak en thia w eek I no th n t ho mny leave Snndny n igh t fo r I M exico C ity . M r. Payne is listed, a* ft witncflB fo r bo th sidea.


— r - .B lP lan a fo r B lsposlng o f Approxlmfttoly)

60,000 Shoroa oro F o rfoc tod in E f- j f o r t to Savo Oboln S to res from B u ln

M E M P H IS , Tonn.. M ay 3 M>)—Plnns • to m n rk e t npproxim ntely 50.000 aliarea o f sto ck o f p ig g ly ^Viwl.v S tores, Inc.. J” a t $55 a shnro wort* p erfec ted n t a rre e tin g to d ay o f Momphia businois mon * j'j, who rnllied to th c support o f Clnrcnc(*Jn„ S aunders, preaident, w ho announced in i

• page ncwapajivr ndvorti^cm onts th n t h o 'c i: w ould “ go b ro k o ” uuIl+s ho disposed of S t th e atock. . .

U ndor tho p lnns m lopted nil monoy “ ■ pa id in on stock siins'jrtptiona will bo bold by th c s.ilcs cominUtco until Oio

• en tiro block ia fold -.n;! nn invcHtign- tio n ia to bo inmlo b y tho com m itteo a s to th e «oiin<li»esa <if the investm ent, j I f tho ahnrt'a n ro not nil sold o r if .« th c poinmittci: fa ils to ondorHo th e pro- lo, -jcct tho monoy w ill bo rcturncvl to th e b_ii BubHcribrrs. ''*■

Tho Kitiiation w h i.h r i 'M iltd in tho orgnnir.ntion of tho h*‘.vk selling cn n - ' pnij;n cair.o .n.i nn aftcTi.-nth tn a reo.-nt aensntionnl Wnll Htr.«L‘t opino.le in Piu- g ly W igglv an d M r. ijr.undors’ v»;ntnro in ' tho m arket in ;i l.i.y inf' cnmp.iign j j w liirh . hc derlnred , v.nH iiocesic.ry to '■ a u v e 'lh e stoekliolders o f m y com pany, from losa nntl m y ba>.in<;as from ru in .” ]\

WboopluK Oouglu Thia is a very dangeroua disease, par-

, t ic n la r lv to ehildrcn undor five year^ o f n g e .'b u t w hen no p.iregorie. codeine •or o th e r opinto in given, ia enaily cured bv g iv ing Chnm berlnin Couiili Uemi’dy. ^ M ost ,H!oplo beliovo th a t i t m uat run ita conrao. not know ing Ihnt the tiino in v e ry much ahortenod, and th n t th e ro g

• ia l i ttlo d anger from tlio diaenHO w hen g th is re tnedv is givon. I t hna beon uae.lin m anv epiclomifs o f whooping rough, •with prnnonnced su rresi. I t ia aafe nnd p leaaan t to take .— ndv.

B a k i n g ]

O R O u n ce i

U s e l e s s t h a n o f U g l i




F ' 2 ^ i - .

' V !


D etnila havo nbou t beea complctci m Gibbons, b ro tho r of M ike, in She Id Dempaey w ill roccivo $300,000 fo r }lumby ia m anaging tho bout.

NATIONAL LEAGUE. ■ )‘ STANDINO o r THE CLTJBaPenm— W on L o st P d .w Yorl V2 5 .7011icago .......................... ft 7 .50.iaton ■ , S 7.tsburgh ............. 8 8 . ..'ifiO

liOiiia 8 S .500iladelphia ................. 0 7 .JG2ic inna ti ...................... 7 0 .43bjoklyn ....................... 4 11 .207

m i G L E S i l F i W

ittomley’s Two Safe S«iats Beat Cubs; Braves. Finally Lose; Dodgers Take Game>T. IXJUIS, M oy r; Cm-SiimlCT l,y ttom ley gavD St.’ LiM.ia n 3-to-2 vlc- y over Cliicngo today . B o ttom loy’n c tv in the nixth Hcorod F Inck aad

single in tho cigh'.h d rovo .in F lackI H oniaby. .Jcore: H. IT. K.icago ........... ........ .............. 2 (I 1L o u is ........... .......- .................. 3 iJ 4

la tte rio x —A lex* .id fr and O ’F a rre ll; ines and Clemons.

PHTLLIES TAKE FINAl OAME.tM lIL A D E L PiriA , .Mnv 3 (iiP)~Phil- I'lphia took tho. fina l gnmo of th e •iea from IJoatoii toilay, 0 to -I. K ing 1<1 the v isitora to ni*>o H fattercd hits, .’y ” W iliiam s won tho p im c for tho lila in thoB ovoiith when he d ro v e 'th oII over th e rig h t field w all fo r hia :tli homo run of Uio senJion.Score: U. H. >-Hton .................................... .. 4 0 1.iladel))hia .......................... . 0 S 1 ;ilalteric'H—neiilim niiil O 'N e il; l lin g i d H.-nliiie. !

JDOERS riNAlL'V BEAT QIANTB N’EW YORK. M ay .1 (yP)— A fte r loaing ven coiiHCCutivo gaiiiiH tn N’ew York, •onklvji 'e.iaily ra p tu re d the la s t game

i t s ’ serieH w ith th c w nrlrl’a cham- ans, .11 to 3. • Brnoklyii lnnd.*d on u r Q ian t pit/’.hera fo r 17 hit«. n n d , inrhed th e gam e w ith ais r u a t In the fth inn ing , iiun rh lng «evaii hita on 'o tt nnd Lnrns.Rrorc: R. , H . L'.•ooklvn .....................................n 17 1ffw Y ork ................................... 3 -10, 4RatterieH—^Diekennan pnd -T ay lo r; o tt , Lucas. W nlberg, Bhmie nnd n ith , Gaston.


C’ o w d e r

i for O f ® ~ C ^ c / '

e r p r i c e d b r a n d a

r BY o t m c n v m w m j T .

XY N ^ E W S , T W I N . FAl

iey Meets Gibbons On J -

V a - o ^ p s e y . B B U

1 fo r a f ig h t botween Ja c k Dcmpsoy, Iby, M ontana, on Ju ly 4, undor tho au h ia ahnro, whilo O ibbons ia beliovod

r i i n g J^ewsburgh won tho oponing gam e o f tho ner- iea w ith C incinnati. 3 to 1, today . . Dnho Adama pltchu>d n ntem’y gamo nnd wtia givon Bcnsationnl aupport.

Score: It. □ . E .C incinnn ir ............. .................. 1 7 1P ittsb u rg h - ...... - ............- ....... 3 10 1

B a tte r ie s—Donohue, B enton and Ilnr- g rovo; Adnm s an d Gooch.


Tcom— • W on L o st P e t.D etro it .............. ............. 11 5 .CSHNow Y ork ........................ 10 r> .0(i7Clovoland ........................ 10 « .02.')[‘h iladelphiii _______ ' 7 (I .538FJoston ................;............. fl . £> .400W aahington ....... ............ 5 0 ,.3579t. Louia .............. ............ r, 0 .357L'hicngo ......................... . -I 10 .280


V i c f o r y O v e r C l e v e l a n d P u t s

C o b b m e n o n T o p R u n g ; S o x

L o s f ; Y a n k s W in

D ETR O IT , M ny 4 OP)— D etro it slug, ged her w ny in to f i r s t ylaco and a vic­to ry ,o v e r Clevelnnd today ,'fi to 5. Uhlo wan d riven from th o b o r nnd M etevicr fnred b n t littlo b e tte r. D.iuian waa hit l-nrd b u t rereived good support. Ve.'icliN barehnnd catch n f te r a long run waa 'a fea tu re , lle ilm an n wa^* out o f the gam e on a one-day auhi>enBion, the n f to rn in lb o f b ia nrgti-iicnl w ith "Umpire Ormabv in We<lne»Unv'a ' game.

Score: K. II. K.C leveljind ...... - .......................... 5 1“ <iD etro it. ......... . r. 15 1

R i t te n e s —Uhle. M rtev ier. .Smith and O ’N eil; Dauas nnd Ba.-.sler.

BROW NS W IN SER IES.CHICAGO. J in y 4 (/P)—€ t . Louis hit

T. ninnkennliiii opi>ort.iniely nnd got nn even b reak in tho aeriea w ith Chicago by ta k in g tho fina l game. 0 to 2. Dan-

I . . ’

YOU can confine actions to a i you patronize 1 and Trust Com

w Here we aupply eveiCommercial and Indi counts, Savings Accc catoa of Deposit, Fo: Safo Deposit Service, pacities, and arc alwi tho selection of safe i curities.

The rancher, buain earner will find her and accommodation c banking practice.

. t w i n ;B A N K S & t ;Under Bodi *7 ' State anfl (

Federal Reserve Bank


■ ■ , ' ' ..............

k 'i

BPtL-TW .....

% world 's ehamplon heavyw eight, ,a) .uapices of the Amorican Legion. I t

to havo been promised $50,000. Li

fo rth was in fino .foun nnd hnd litt d ifficu lty holding th e lootila. '

S co re :' R. H.S t. J-ouis ..................................... (5 0Chicni:o ....................................... 3

B alle rie s—D anfortli and Revereii T . B lankenship, Uvongros and Schalk.


York mado it throe cu t or' four fro W nahiagton by w inning tho fina l gan o f tho aeriuM. ;i to 2. vVarmoutli’a wil ncHs proveil costly, whilo Pennoi pitched effectively unlil th e n inth i ning, when a fine th row by R uth cndc a'AYashington rally.

Score: B. II. INow Vork •................................... 3 l»W aahington ..............- ................. 2 7

BulterioH—Ponni'ck iml Schnng; W'a. moutli, Uuajiell, lirilllien rt nnd Gharrit;

BED SOX B E A T ATH LETICS.B O arO X . ^ ray 3 OP)—E rrora by On

lowny nnd Halo, followe.1 by llnrnH’ hii gle, gave Bonton tw o Jouh in tlio th in enab ling tho homo team to win froi I ’hilndelphia. 3 to 1, today. H aaty n lowed b u t aeven liits.

Hcoro: R. II. 1Philndelphia ..... ......................... 1 8Boston ................................... .. 3 7

Baltrsrica—lln s ty an.l P erk ina ; Quin nnd I’iciiiich.


Toam — W on L oat P(P ortland ......... .............. IS 11 .0:Vem on ....................... 17 11 .0<Sa lt L n k o ........................ l(i . 12 ' .5'Ban F rancisco ............ l.'i 13 .5:Sacram ento ................. 1 » l.'j -4S ca ttio ......... ................ 12 IS .4'O akland ........................ Jl 18 .3Loa Angelea ....... ......... O' 17 .3

T H U B SD A Y ’S R ESU LTS.S acm m cnto ................................. 7 13S a lt Lnko ................................... 4 l>

B atteriea— I’roiigb and Koelile Gould, McCabc and i'eter.-i.

Los A n g e le a ...............................Sv-I 7Sau Franciaco .......................... 3 14

B.Ttterie«—Jonea an.l lla ld w in ; Sht Ilodgo a u d Yello.

O akland ....................................... 14 IfiV em on ......................... .............*3 0

lin tte ries— K raiiao ;^nd B ak er; Mn Dell nnd D. Mnr)>hy, Aaiiic.

S ea ttlo ......... ..... .......................... 3 0P ortland ......................... ......... 4 7

H attc ries—B lako an l Y nryan; Cmm ler and Onslow.

■ n .

0 your banking trans­single institukoa, tf the Twin Tallg Bks!^


;ry banking sendee—> § ividual Checking. Ac- :onnts, Timc Oertifi- oreign Exchange and I, act in all trust ca- irays glad to assist in and remunerative se*

nesa man and wago- re every convenienco consistent with sound

FALISm j g T C O . J

, ■


D A Y , - M A Y 3,1923 FILER

P I I jER— y . A. Jnckson .sold hia cf fecfionory to O tto Simon lnat weok. X Simon ia n new niri.val .from Prii U tah , a n d wna recently mnrriod to Mi Martl>.!i Pitt.s. T he ;' took iwaaessi last week and havo «>pencil the pla under tho nnme of tho Amerienn cnnfi tlftuor>‘. M r. nnd Mri*. Jnckaon a planning on n tr ip to .sorw ay.

G. W. A nthony Ima estabiiahed firnt radio ata tion ' in l-'iler. He liv on the J . L. Edw arda p ropertv on Nor s treet.

Mia* E dith W illiam s o f Tw in I’a spoilt F r id ay here ou l.i.siiicas.'

The locnl o rder A. K. anrl A. m in reen la r aession. Tlitirsdtiv night

'the Mnaonie hall. I’he tliird dejjr work n n s p u t on by th e I’aaf M aster elnb o f Twill F alls. ..\ iiiidniglit lun w a s , Ncr\*ed.

Mr. nnd Mrt*. .lann 's Higcenbothii n ttended th e funeral Hu'nda.v o f l'>

. M iller, whieli waa hei.l in .Tw in Falla..Mesdamea Oharlc'.v Orm and J.

Mallor^• and children npent F riday Twin Falla.

Mr. and M rs. E. II. Snvder wc shopping in Tw in F a lli F ridav .

Mra. \V. A. Shear and Mra. O. A. Ma land apent F r id a y in Tw iu Fnlla.

Mra. A. K. Beeai and two ainall ch dren le f t S a tu rd av for I’O'^khnin, Col fo r a v ia it w ith M r:. P e e m ’s pnreni

M r. uud Mra. W ayne McIjungUUn ni ,d amnll aon an* v is itin g ro ln tives ho «, from P ortland . Ore.

M. n . C lark ia seriously ill n t 1 y home w ith tvphoi<l, 'over.; Mr. nnd Mm. UArley W illinms hn

moved in to tho Karl Milnyon propor* on S ix th a tree t.e Mra. H om er Holennib a rrived Tut

day from Spokane, W asli. M r. Holroii5. arrived in hia ca r F riday from R|i J kane. T hey will mnke th e ir homn wi I Mra. H olro iiib ’s paren ts, Mr- and Mi 1; Earl Murrn.v.

O tIo Sim ons waa tak en to Ihe roun hospital Sunday iiiornMii; au ffe ring wi an att;iek o f appcndicitia.


Tho aenior girla liel.I tho laat nu'etii o f th e ir elub, the (.reen and Wliit

' T liurrti.iy evening a t Ihe home o f Elb ‘r Landon oti Fourth aV'Miue oaat, Ua “ of tho girls dressed as Imys nnd brougl . tho ir girls. A f te r a sh o rt bnsiness ae J: aion tlio evening waa r-pent w ith dancii ^ nnd Tiifri'rtbmentn wore servod a t ll

closo o f th e evening.

Srhool wil! be dismisaed today a t o 'clock tl) g ive the stin len ta n elinnc(>.| seo tho Boy S<-out jiarndo th is a fte

. noon.

, WOOL. M E E T S A C TIV E DEMAND.» I/>Nl>ON. M ay ;i (/P)— At the wOi• aur.tiona today 13,81.1 iialea w ere offe

ed. O fferings m et n i th an activo d mand nnd pri»ca h e ld 'f irm , practicnll

- ull duscriptiotn ' being sold.

" Claaaifiod ad v e rtis in g ia tho chca ost th in g you can buy—measured t tho p ro fita i t mnv b r in g ynti.


: ^

< J / f »

Even Greater ValueAt the lowest pi Ford Coupe this a even greater valu

.The convenient w improved uphols refinements in ( have brought ne quality.Professional and t ing continuous ca and witii comfort

I turning to the F i^imbeis than ev<So great Is the de

. is certain, i / s t it with a small C balance on convei■ I ■ ■


----- PHC

! FO R SA L E — F o r p a in ting , kala»., m in ing nm l p ap e r hanging, Pliono 5.

Wo havo w all papor and p a in t fo r ovcry purpoao. M oon'a 8 h o p ;-^ d v . '



= 1 0 ‘m ^ G C N U I N K


d . 'I ----------------------- --------------------------------------

; Sound I ™ Insurance "

When insuring your prop- .•e orty against loss by fire,

make suro that ySlT^et tho protection of an old

o- line stock company. 'I t is ;1‘ thc safest you can obtain.

lh Costs No Morein tlio long run fo r th is k ind of insurance. Thero ia only one

lg re.'isonablo charge, ' no onsesa- . menta. Unliko assessment insur-

l' anee, th e fu ll paym ont ia modo It when you .buy the polley. Thero

will not bo ano ther ehargo of unknown am ount sonietinioa in tho fu ture.

This agency cnn insuro you " and guaranteo th n t you will not

be naaessed i f you buy a policy in tho H artfo rd F iro Insuraneo


; Twin FallsTitle and Abstract Co.

; P H O N E 168


530 IP . O . * . D S T R O IT

ice ever made on a ttractive model offers s than before, indowremjlators, the tery, and the nwiy i a ^ cbnsirucnoa, i w high standards of

usiness men demand- ; r service at low cost, and convenience, ara ord Coupe in greaterT .

mand that a shortage ur order now—cover avni payment — ths | ient'i!«in». • 'M ruvtr fem to low It m m r U m $o k ith I

N AUTO CO. ! jnd Ava. H o rth ' I


Page 4: T W I ^ L Y N E W S - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS_TF07/... · refus(

OA V£>«-<1'A^^MC- V >CMOv^ ^tr^<SO\M&*tOHWH ^^^^> \ I

VVA.NTtT> TC> OO SM0??\NO /'Tox>tv'<- \ n t c J\)\^MPO\mE&“ V f t t '- / L\KtCRS»K&- /

' • / V ' I / /

' '

PiLIC L I IW : HlSIOSrfElllli

______ _ ^

T ota[ Circulation of 69,04(5 in > P ast 12 IVIonths; Annual Re- j, po rt Made Public ^

W ith n n nvcrnRo' ilnily circu lation o f 227 hooks anil a totnl c irculation

\ o f tJD.O^O, tlio Tw in- Fnlls publio 11- ^ b ro ry h tu linil a ve ry buiiy and auc- ceasful ycnr, nccordinB to tlio annual rep o rt o f Miaa Jeaalo Frnaor, Hbrar- inn , fo r tlio 12 m onths cndlnR M ny 1. ^

iMIss Fraaor’s nnnun] ropo rt nna tlio m ontlily report for April wcro placed in tho hnnds of tho m em bers of the . lib ra ry honrd n t . th o i r m eollnt; on W odneadny afte rnoon . . V• “ A lthoucli th e to tn l c ircu lation fo r .i tho yonr jn t t cIoscil wna al5 ’htl;r loas J th a n th a t o f tho provioua y ea r thoro A hna boen a- no tab le increaso in tho H uao o f reforonco books nnd th o ,n c tu n l O am ouiit o f a tudy In th e rondiiiR N roomH," Mi5H K rnser s ta ted . “ I t 11 aoi'nif thnt tho demnnd is incronalng Ji

. f o r I'diicfttionnl worlca. • *'■■ A «u r o i i l t n f I-.l’ra rv .D n y ^ M

nbout 000 volumes w ere coa tribu tod A to tho Hbniry. Tlioro wns ii very aat- ia fae to ry ap ir it o f eo operntion ahown by tho vnrious o rganizations nnd tho p ib lic . A bou t 200 o f th e volumca Hi rccolved wero dupliento vQlumos .o f fic tion , m uch needed to aupplem ont or rep lace thoso nlroady on ou r sholvos.A ll o f tho E ip h th A clnaaos havo been lirouRht to the lib rn ry th is m onth and c lv en lessons in tho uso o f tho cnrii cntaloRuo nnd tho rondcrs’ guiao in

MAN AND W IFE SINK(C ontinued P rom P oko Ono.)

f — ------------ — — ———T h en th e crew launched the tw o Sr

boatx. W est nnd two o f h is compan- U, iona In ono, tho rcniainlnK oiRht of th e I'i «rew In tho other. A s - th o y pulloil LJ aw ny from tho sido o f th e b ark , thoy Hi naw tho C aptn in nnd M rs. N eilson, Tr ntnndint; hand-in-hand on tho poop HI dock, u u tll tho c r a f t took_ her la a t F i

'jiiunRo b enea th tho m ountainous J*ii wavcit. , • . M i

Tho la rg e r bo n t capaisod nnd aevon o f hor occupnnta woro drownod, b u t (

' tho eigh th , F rn n k L lndholm , swnm to th e Kldo o f W o st'a bo n t nnd wna fol hniilcd nboard. Thon a w eary voyage bcgnn.

A snil wns rigged on tho small c ro f t I’h nnd fo r iw on ty -o igh l daya tho enat* Ito nwavB ploughed th rough ti w ide cx* .So« iians’o o f w n tcr u n til thoy inado Suri* La gao, on th e island o f M indanao in ^ 1 tin* PhiJippiDO ffxoup. }’«'

Thoy hnd a smnll aupply of ennned t i t m ea t nnd w hen th ia wa« o ihau a ted LU th e y mnnaiged to cntch a dolphin, Hii w hich th e y a te raw N ex t, tho w a lo r Tr: ra n out, b u t n f te r n d a y ’a th lra t a Rir jiqunll blow up .w ith heavy rn in and Kir th e v re filled th e ir eaak. «

A f tr r lan d in g n t Surigao . th ey wero .Ma' se n t to M anil.i ■Khere th e y nrrlvod t o d a y . _________________

OUTCASTS BEAT JUNIORSH lR h School PlayoTB, L e f t B ehind t y

B am ato rm crs. T ak e H a rd W o a Gam® from Y o u n je r Team

A team rnmpoi'i^e of m em bera of * th e T w in Falln high achool bnseball squad w ho w ere not nblo to m ako tho t r ip to N n m p a ’w ith tho firg t s tr in g men, ealled them aelvea tho “ O u tcas ts” an d won a h a rd fo u p h t seven in n ing r gam o from tho ju n io r h igh achoola boj-a, 7 to 3. a t L incoln fie ld Thur*- # i- d a r a fte rnoon . l l r l

The Bmnllcr lads led 3 to 1 a p to 'C llvo f ir s t o f th e seven th when th«> c j , “ O n tcaa ta” acored alx m ns. H rl

I-'raielle nnd W ieser d id tfio h eav y fi w ork fo r th e Ju n io r high boys, w itb 17. Doc Ja rm n n , and Kd i f a r t in doing T th e tw ir lin g fo r th e , w inners, w ith pan “ S tu b b y ” D ann on th o rpcoivlnff end- i O rjasby d id tho um piring and seem ed 1) to aa tia fy both team*. ^-1-


CIIICAGO. M ay 3, OF) — G rover lot C leveland A lexander, ve te ran p itch o r g, o t th e C hieago N 'ationala, catabliahed w h a t la believed to b e a m ajo r leajrne g. record to d ay a t S t. Loula 'when bo lot* p itehed h ia fo u rth consccotive gam e ditii w ithou t issu ing a baae on ba ils o r K h i t t in g a "batter. part

— ——— ■ ■ E.Expensiv* Vialon.

W p o ea hnve rla loo . Tbey alw aya f . j

;-Foxm ■ '1 '

f H 0 \ ) 5 e t w m & 6 \ j y t V iii TUiNCjS m o u OVtH’t ' = s j i , , 5y a ? “ w M ctt « « vifl

f c a ,

, VJVW SOU - K j\ ' l O v j R w o s t / t n M

itincfffon'*wi{h’ tho E nglish cl/issea l a10 .jiuiior h igh achool.”

FriiHer'H nnnunl de ta iled ro- )rt ift an fol!o«va: um ber o f voiunicH iu tho li*l.ra ry M a y 1. 10:22 ........................

nml'iT ttf voltirtn.'S <li»cnrdc<l...... -JIOiinibi’r o f volumes purdiaHCd.... 705iimbi’r (if volumes donntcd ........ 230limber of vohimos hooka andningu7.i«i*8 Ht'eoHsioncd ........ . 1,011ninbor o f volumes in tho ll-r.rarj-, JIiiJ- I , I M S .............,.....V"

ntiiber o f volumes of bookarebound ..........................................iiinber o f volum es m ngnzinesbound ;.............................. —iimbcr nf-n iagar.lnes subacnbed(o |>v tho lib rn ry ................. ...... . ‘iyiimlier o f niagar.lnes d o n a ted .,regu larly to lib rn ry ........ ;......iniber of nowapapera subscrib­ed to b y lib rn ry ......... ..........:••••• 3limber o f nowapnpesr donatedregu larly ........................................... „liu iu m em bership ......................

O ircu lation P e r M on th ^

................■■■........................... -lioon? ................................ .................... 4.707

................... .................................... 4,323

........................... ...... ; ^

............................................... 7:ei«

" " i r " = ■ .................::::::: &!rii ....................s-so-t

......................... ..................... OD,OIOerngo d a ily e ireu ln tion ......... .. 227^heat d a ily c ircul/ttion .......... -

iBeceiptfl 'V- sh e lf ....... - .............. :..................jn t ry subacrip tlons ......... ....... -J-00lus nnd colloctions ............ . 418.01

O ircu lation by OlaaseaA d u lt Juvonilo

.era l w orka .......... Gl ^8iloHophy ................. 073Itfion ........................ 200 70

...................... T r............m s s s

■ ful n r l . .............

............. S i S lirrar.hV'"!...'."'.......... ‘‘Oahoii ... 25513 19-120,• «helif " .....I " ........... 3011 , ------^•nzinea ...............— ........

ir;,na to ta l ............. 00040-he m on th ly ropo rt fo r A pril la ns

" ■ A d u lt Juvenilou 'ral w orks -------- 2 3|„,„,,1 ,; 01 0igion ........................ *'3 l l ,iology ................ .. O-l I 'j ’

•lire .. -<5ful n rta ................. ^8 . 31

n rta 32 13.•raturo ................... 130 181 'to ry ....... ................ ' <>3 'vei ........................... 50 147 1uraphy ................... 43 4-io„ .................. ........ 2111 J575• s h e l f ---------------- 220

rar.ines ........- ..... - 013 ----------- i

rand to ta l ........... 5804 ,vei .......................... 50 147 ,


olshed b y th e T w in r«U a T ltl* aa« > A b s tra c t OompMiy '

T buraday . M ay 3. jLilt cla im deed, T w in RUIs Coopera, j, O rrh.ards eom pany to I> T. W rich t

1. $1; lo ta 17, IS. 03. G4, 05, 00. 07 . 71. 72, T w in Fnlls H eight* sub-di- . 5n.u lt cla im deed. T w in FalU Coopera- O reharda rom panv to L . T. W r i th t , , lo ta 82, 8.1, 84, 80, T w in Fulls *

:h ta . °red, B h orlff to L. T- W rig h t, lota O'l. G:>, C6, 67, 70, 71, 72. T w in FnlN :hta.?eti. S h e r if f fo r* T. W right, I.at< . l.-<, T w in Fnlls UeiKhta. [vin F n lU C ooperative Orehnnl* com. r to L . T. W righ t, $1; lota fe2, S. . nd 80. Tw in Falni n c ig h ta . ,'cd . S h e riff to Ij. T. W riph t, 8.CS; jo t-1 3 to inclusive, 30. 31,[7. 4S, 5S, 50, CO, 01. T w in FalU :hfs.n . I law kin* to & C. H udson, MOOO;

Ifc 'b lo ck 7, Caatleford- O ’D onnrll to .M. K . S to n e r, $1;

3W 34-9-14.TT. P ro r to r fo C. P . P roc to r, $1:

14, 15, 10, block 3. Blue L akes ad-

6 . DriaVen to T P . T>HskcH. >1: o f lota 3. 4. b lo rk 17. Tw in F.ill*.G. D riakcll fo 0 . Keeder, J l ; lot

prk CI. T irin I'all*. it rl.iin^ deed. W. V. Sperry tb


T H i


>E. TON'S W r o O 'D , HH - U-IILE. S M H S tm - M-ItVER T M E A.M'TCWW6 A ARMS O SV N -N C U 1A C .«W 6N 1T (- \ V to M t iD W -j to m Vire J

BM U W 6 H \N G /■— O IL S - I H t E M E W -H - ■

1 * S T ^

A t

I \ &


e o T iiN s i imim 6 0 .<iiiiiNote of Civic In te rest Prevails

a t Final iVleeting; Several A ddresses Given

ITnrmouy nnd co-opcrntion in tlio in leresta o f c ivic dovclopm ent in 'ISvin F a lls supplied tho keynote o f tho reg ­u lar m onthly - d in n e r m ooting o f ' t h o T w in Fnlls K o tary d u b , tho guoats of the club being tho m in lators o f tho Tw in F uHh churchea and M nyor ITodg- in nnd th e m em bors e f . tho newly elected c ity council.

Thc m eeting also c o n s titu ted tho filial seasion o f tho R o tn ry .y e a r under the adm inlH tration of A rth u r J . Ponvoy na preaiilont. D irec to rs fo r th e ensu­ing yenr, from am ong whom officors will "be aelected la te r , w ore namod ns followa: W . T . Scilloy, L. Clos, 9 . II. K nvler, Oeorge R . E nsley nnd C. E. Hc.c'.lli. Itoy G nrdinor, locnl m anager (if tho ^ roun tn ln S ta te s Tolophone ronipnny wna elected to memborshlp. P rio r to com ing to Tw in I ’JiNs Mr. (tarcliuer wns Bocretnry o f tho Bur- k'V club.

U rges co -operationJoaeph H. , Seaver, na tho f irs t

s /n 'akor o t tho evonlng, m ade n strong plea fo r n b e tte r sp ir it in local a f ­fa irs , dw elling upon tho neod o f fa ith am ong men in tho in te roa ts o f tho common good w herever m en nro g a th ­ered together. M r S o av c r’a te x t aup- plled th c m o tif f o r tho rem arks of nil tho apoakera tho en tire progrnm which followed boing g iven up to tho brond proposition th n t th e ch lo f nocesaity in T w in Fnlla conaiated o f a b e tte r un- deratnnding e f th e o ther fe llow 'a v iew ­po in t nnd n Avillingneaa to pull to- j;e thcr rn ther th n n in oppoatto direc- tiona on tho p a r t o f tho ontiro citi- zenahip.

S peakers from nm ong th e mimdtora w ere F a th e r l ie y r .e r 'o f • S t. E d w a n l’i church : R everend A. G. Penrsou of tho P resby tu rii'n church and Iteverond Kdgar L. W hito of the M ethodiat rhurch . M r. W eaver, B oy Rrout ex- (vu tlvo fo r the d is tr ic t including Twin F alls, addreaaed tho club on th e valuo (if Krout tra in in g to boya in tho de. velojimcilt o f ritir.enahip.

M nyor Shad J* llodg in explalne:! tho finnncial »ituali</ii o f the c ily and aiinoiinrw l th e In tention o f ra iling n general m eeting to dlacua? thc (p ieatijn o f n means to bo adopted fnr the rc .fin au c in g c t thc mwaieJpal- ity, fa ilu ig w hich a jilan -of rig id 'c'onomy was, ho aoid, the only a ltcr- :iative. On thu bnais o f ex isting <on- litiona n 5tf p e r cen t reduction in the preaent coat o f fire departm ont, lolico dep a rtm en t .Tnd n closing down if tho public lib ra ry would ap]ienr to le ncreaaary. h<* atntcd, In 'th e ev en t ] :liat t h e 'r n ’iiiing o f fu r th e r funds was leeided ngainst.

M ayor Speaks ^ rr. •ifodgin spohe u f thc value to

he r i ty of- cach of the dfpartm onta •oferred to w ith apccial u -ferrnce to ho ,o lire d ep artm en t w li'ch ho de- icribed a s a -source o f ronntnnt pro- ertioD of tho you th of tho city , tho i ty 's m ost va'luabJo asset. Jie an- ' lOunced as th e po licy ' o f th c adraln- a tra tion a rig id enforcem ent of ex- j s lin g law s, speci.al coneeaaions to none nd .1. courteous a tten tio n to all hav- J ng business to tra n sa c t w ith the c ity - hrough i t s cxeculivo o r a n v o th e r fflce r. ■ =The en tire oreaaion waa charactcr-

Rcd by n sp irit o f hnrm ony nnd good cllowahip. hopo of .a coutinuance of rhich wna cXTiresscd b y nil the sp o ak - ' rt and a trw ie d a s tho re.-sl ob ject o f ho m ectinfj in th e concluding rem arks f C harim an Peavey .

. E a r l l u t B ra s i PoundrlM . IB r u i foundrica w ere o p era ted In '

:o rea a t th e b es io a la g of tb e Chrla- !lan e ra . >

RBAD TTIE rr.A S v m p rE P at>h '

Don’t Lose Your Teeth!Thousands of people are

.w earing falao tee th today be­caaae of th e ravages of PYOURHEiV.iTTEO -rO EM — a new ly dis­covered sc ien tific rem edy, is guaran teed to g ive perm anent re lie f la an y caae o f pyorrhe.^.Your d ra g g is t w ill re fund the purchajio prico i f you a re not CDti?ely s a t i j f ic d w ith the re- •u its ob tained .


Z G U M P S —S A Y /:------------------------------ -

Hfc 'TCMJS \ / T

T R 'tX > *T0eoE . V )V W -?0O cC rT E

'TW ^ OV J ^X ? k

R \ J V t S “ ' ; I

i l

S P 0 R T I 5Win Hard-Fought

Game with Nami® Twin FaUa Take Viotory ll 12 to 9 -Score; Locals Ma

Three Home S uub

- N A ilP A , M ay 3.— (Special to ' N ow s)—In n gnmo fea tu red by tli

, Lomo ru n s h y tbo v isito rs, K aw pn t ■' th(> smnll end o t a 12-to-O scoro,In 5 second gam e hero w ith tho T w in F h igh achool tenm .

° ■ The gnmo w aa hard fough t th rou •' o u t and each team took ' b r ie f le y a t vnrious tim es, aud w ith N am pu nh

-in tho sevontli, tlie T w in Fulls tc ° m ade good uso o f thu f in a l stanxns i r m n up tho w inn ing acoro. y A tkinson o f Tw in F n lls p lan ted i I- p v u r.th o fcnco in tho f i r s t in n in g w s tw o men ou baaea. The lead o f s WBittfTH w as held b u t a hhort t« ’. and Waa tied by Nnni]m in tho fli I. Tho socond hom es'w art mndo by Lun r Ja rm nn in tho th ird in n in g w ith bn0 ompty. W ith tw o m en on bn^ca Gor I. Ja rm an re p e a te d tho perfornm nco. tho flofezjth.. • H odgin p itchod fo r T w in P n lls d

ing tho f i r s t six inn ings nnd was placod in th e soventh b y G h arrlty , w rem ained on th o mound f o r ono inni:

t Lavall Jn rm an tak in g hifl plnco in I1 e igh th fo r tho rem ainder o f tho gui

A fea tu re o f tho w ork o f tho Nam I team wna th e p lay in g o f Burgo } shortstop .

B. n .- N am pa ............... ....................... 0 12I T^vin F n l l s _________________ 12 -13I m


T ake BJfr M ftje rity e f Events l a I>i M oqt a t W ^st i ;n 4 M otropoU Soveral H ig h M arka E stah llahed •

BU H L, •May 3.— (Special to T N ow s)—B y a acoro o t 5tO 1-2 po in ts 401-2, Ifiihl won from Ilitf'ennun ht o.-j sty le iu tho jo in t tra d e m eet held h t T hursday afternoon.

Follow ing a rd ,tho w inners o f t various even ts w ith th e tim o mado.

50-yard dnsh— Dunn. B uhl, 5.01. lOO-ynrd daMh—\V inegar, Buhl, lO.r Discus— W inegar, Buhl, • 100 fee l

inchcs.•Shot— S ta rk , H agerm an, 30 fee t

laches. >Jav e lin —M oore, B uhl, 120 feet-

laches.220-yard daah—W ilson, B uhl, 20. 440-yard daali—W inegar, Buhl, 58.

^ Hnlf-m ilo daah—G ribble, H agerm a

Mllo—Jo y ce , Buhl, C.23.H igh hurd les—lU ngert, Buhl.220 hurclIdf—Oribhlc, H agerm an, *3 n i g h jum p— R ingerr, Buhl, 5 fee t

inches.BrcpKl jum p—8 ta rk , H agerm an,

fe e t 3 Inches.Pole v.iult— R ln g e rt and G ribb le tie

0 feot.Relay race—Buhl, Butlor, Dunn, W in

g a r and W ilaon.

. ORTMES SU TITJRS IN JU R Y .ST. LO U IS, M.ay 3 OP)— R.iy Grim .'

f i r s t bnaem an o f lho Chicago X alionj league tc.mi, wn» in ji’rivl in th e fourt in n ing o f to d a y 's gome here , and wi b e o n t o f th e gam ^ in d e fin ite ly , i t w; announced to n ig h t by th e leam mai ngem cnt. G rim es su ffe red an in jur to hia aplno in n llding in to th ird ba.io.



L eave 8 :30 a. m . nnd 3:30 p. m., dn ily fo r F ile r, B uhl, Ilafji-r- man, Blias, K in;; H ill. Glenns F erry and M ouaU in Home.

M orning itag o connecting w ith No. 19 a t M ountain Ilom o fo r N am pa, P o rtlan d , S eattlo .

Wo call fo r p.iasengera free of charge. W o nlso handle bag gage.

P H O N E 84 O B 882-W

T ra sk B ro s . S la g e Co.I n c .


r W I T H L A U G . V S

S o u r - \ / w c s oCIOVUNISM I ,

\ N M S - J CA.H M K K t ^ M o u u t \ r e

< >K<ft'XABW

_ I k "“ l

W tw iI l i

5 Stream Near City Stock^in Tro

Action • by Local Sportsr Makes Good I'ishing Av able by Next Year

in ' ------ke p lan tin g Jnrago ' eoasl^nm cnti

caa te rn brook tro u t fo r tw o cone itlvo yea rs in w hnt Is know n as |»l.iug)}ter houBO creeic in D ead M.

'h o 'g u lch ju s t below the b ridge n ea r ree [county hosp itn l tho .S outhern I i '(’h jpifih and 0/]mo naaoeiation hns ta -he nctlon th a t w ill resu lt in goo^ flsl

in th e n ea r fu tu re fo r tho m nny 1 flaherm on who aro unnblo to tr,

?'*• long d istances t o ' . ^ e a c h s u i t stream s nnd lakos.

The 'nfl.sociatioji has ju a t p lan ted consignm ent o f 15,000 tro u t I reached T w in F a lls l a a r w eek and la s t yo a r a to ta l o f 20,000 w ore tu i

1,1 looso in tho sm all stream . Tho I , p lan ted la s t y e n r have flou rished i n c “tfoam

offe r excoptionally good fiah ing , „ll' cording to J a c k Shrout, ‘p re sid en t IQ., tho nssociatlon.l,[ Tho stream is only ab o u t .a m ilt in ^cngUi. b u t ia -formod from seepage

te ra w hich nro crj-stal c lear nnd Xf.. n a tu ra l conditions nnd nnturo o f :c. crcok m ako i t ideal ^ r _ b r o o ) t t r Uf, M r, S h ro u t e ta tod .

Low LiftxDistrict Board Reor^iz(

Eesifi’nation of W. J. Jenson Accepted and E. W. Mo<

^ man is Nainod Successor

Through tho re s ijn a tlo n o f Xvil o l Jenson , ono o f the (Iircctor« ' o f i; M ilner low l i f t irrig a tio n d is tr ic t , :

bo a rd o f d irectora waa reorgiuiized tho m eeting a t M urtaugh Tuewd;iy s W ednesday.

t„ K. W. M oorm an wa« nppointod to s ly. ceed M r. Jenaoji, who hnn utovoi] i

o t th o 'd is tr ic t . The position o f chii m an was then fillotl oy tho appo in tnu

ro o f D avid Moves. .-0 ''‘nn R. H ydo m nins a« socrctorj- o f tho board .

M r. H ydo wiu» retninod aa w nterm I, te r lit a aa la ry o f #100 a nion th . T 1) halary o f pumj» fender nnd d itch ric:

wua fixed a t $00 fo bo pa id in cm0 Tho nalarj- wns foniioH y $150 and $l

fo r onch ofriee . respei tive ly , and anliD K'S w ere p a id in w arran ta .

_ D irec to rs rei>ort th a t crop prospe< m (ho d i.itric t a ro exi-ellcnt. Crops n largely in aeeda, w ith somo corn . Of

1 and barley . Tho d is tr ic t 'a pum pa w bo (itnrtcd in a few -days a n d i t w s ta te d th n t crop m ortgagea w ill be i ceptod a s secu rity fo r m ninten.an

.>. charges.

• I f y o o r p ro p erty is deairab le and 3 advertlaed in th e c laaalfied—you J f in d y onr buyor.

IM A T I N E E ^ I^G H ^

IAY, MAY 3,1923 '

s s \ S A U lJK fS S O U M V l ^ e 'O S - TM KT P R O V e S M l • N C tM s S S - /U k k lN O H (0 6 H VS "W E w i c H e s T ; - | i ^B .T - tM tN OMIOM ff ] V60PA.t C«.Hr ■&UT t

R OT- !>; /, > « a C A N /





lit OonaignmoQt of 1C,000 Baby Tnmt Expeetod Saturday; Dlstrlbated ty Soathera Idolio Association ien ____

l i l - r i f to e n thouaand bnby t ro u t a re ex­pected to rench T w in F a lla S a tu rday from tho etaito ha tch o ry consigned to

'th e Southern Idaho P ish an d Game o f association,

ocu*. Tho fish w ill f^o p lan ted in a email tho ercok w est ojf tho depot neroBs tho

in 's H o llia te r b ranch track s, whore plnnt- th o ^ n g a h n v o ,'b een mndo fo r tho paat aho throo years. Tho croek is aald to now kon contain a good sto ck o f f ia h .u p to o ling fo o t in length , b u t c a tch in g them la iclll attondod w ith a good deal o f diffi* ivol culty.ible j — —.

liv e rla s tln g ' M yatery.F lo ra Imd Iwtsh fo r b reu k fa s t. She

on looked a t tho ln s t luouchful o f h e r nod po rtion earnestly u s a lie poised I t on tiah h e r fork . Tlicn sh e p ussed it o u t ot ory sigh t. B ut th c myHtery _W08 a tlll In will h e r m ijjd. “D:icJtJy," sn id she , "w b a t ac* WUH buBli w hen It wj**< ullvo?*' of


jd Let 'er Zip !

AGNES AYRESi: 'BAcm'^HEmrsrir. I -u tm ■ ,

! THBODOR£ R 0 8 8 Q St s . - •ro ' BCKAaO o u r

L a e — o w - J

I-. Z/OToly Agnes a t the wheel. In CO a romance sluU ng w ith thrills.

- Bobby Vernon Comedy.‘,5 M DTT A H D JE T T

T. J . GULIIGAN’SHawaiian Company

5 PEOPLE------ Presontine-:-----

“A N igh t in the Orient”

------ F ea tu rin g ------

Lucy PakaHawaii’s Dainty Singer

and DancerA Combination of Entrancing a ilith

- and Uelody.Thia troupe w.as fc.-itured ontiro

la s t aeaaon w l th 't h e fam ooa B ird of I 'a ra d is o , show.


RICHARD BARTHELMESSIn His Latest n rs t_ N a tfo o al AttraCr

tlon. Entitled

“SONNY"E ig h t B ig Beela.

Also Pathe Review: Aesop’s Fables:

Orpheum O rchesfraSome Shov. Bargain Prices,

• lOc. 25c. 30c.

■ I

Page 5: T W I ^ L Y N E W S - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS_TF07/... · refus(


iS S J O R C IMoscow Conclave Adopts Res­

olution Unfrocking P atriarcf . and Identifying Christianiti

, w ith CommunisniMOSCOW, M ny .1 (/?)—W ith virliir.lly

110 opposition th e rPKoluticm m ifropkiii"• tlin M is t n»rv. Th-. Tilthoti, fo n n o r p iilrl

nrcli o f nil niiHHia. wrifi .idoptod tortnV l)V tlio HuHsiiiu {"luiroh poiidnvo. Tlic TPBoliif Injri pTOpliiinm tlia t lic jiroforth

. D r. T iklion woiiM lip an ord inn ry citi- ren , wKli lii» h iy naiiu* o f UnHil Ivann v itr li Unliiivin. ' . l

Tlio Hoono o f flio .•I'i-Kiifniiin rliurcli conclnvo wliich took tlic nction Himiriir fo tfi<> irallit'riii^ wfiich Js Jf?17 d o p lM D r. T iklion n.? pnlrin rcli. bift in nil tin*'ViljfttMiro o f he-w liinkfrcd fnco* o f j>riost8 nntl laynu 'ii iiiak inc np tli" oojicliivf' it HPi’inod nn i f fow, i f nny, dofDiiilorH o f tlio iiatrinrcli roiilil be foiiini.

IliN p ro scrn to r in llif* '■Jinrph proppocl- intiH wn.<« tlie Pcfro^rr!"! npoRtolin prioHt, VodPHHlcy. n firm nnd flo ry hoHovcr in tlio iilnn Hint tlio coinmnniRt roffimo if j?»it<?rinlJ.'ifir;i!Iy pr/jrt.jciiijj tlto prccopl o f tlio oriRiua! Clirintinnity .

L e n in ’s P lc tu rc on W all., S tn n d in c on Hip /*tn(.'o un d e r nn un-

frnn iw l plr.turo o f Clirinf, nnd Royins in to tlio largo plc.liiro o f I/cn in which is liunfj w ith thono o£ o thor communist IcndcrH on th o wnllo o f tho room th r jiroHPcutor liold.liiw ntidionco npcllbound fo r Rcvojjil hours riinnJin: thp t'nmti*; o f hin voico from a croonine m urm ur to tlio thuiidcrH o f pondcmfinHon,

Tho new iilonl o f CliriHlinnity wns (jrowiup, doapilo tho fa c t th a t cnlitnl* inm hnd bouRht up “ even C hrislinn ity , w hich eleeted Rnekofoller .nnd not C liriat nn it« lo ad e r,” nnid tlio Bpeakor.

OolL? OapItaUflm Sin. Vnlpnflky doebircd th n t th e chnrch

form erly wns n tool <>f tho c rjir nmt t l in t D r. T ikhon wns a w orker nftnlnst th o rovolution b y iirnnoiiiicin;! nnnthonn on BOcialfsts who s tro v e fo r tho iiettcr- m ont o f liiiinanity . ‘ 'O n r o th ical du tv boforo tbo world ifl to pronouni’o enpl* talism a » in ,” VcdPiiHlcy cxclnimed.

R o fu tin p tho nociisnMon th n t th e con­clnvo bnd been callcd to- eoiidenin Dr. T ikhon, VcdonHky n<\d!Xl:

“ I f you bplievo Tilchon, follow him ; p u t you rself tn innr*.ynloni, bo trn o to youraolvpft. B u t i f yon do n o t boliovo >n hom you im ist nRrcc to tlic tinfrock- in ? rtf him. You niUHt chooso betw een T ikhon and C h ris t.”

.M etropolitnn P e te r , who acted as chairm nn, linntenod fo p u t tho rosoln- tio n ejxllinc fo r n vo te . A ppeals to h« honrd woro iim orod. P o to r declariog tb a t tb o busincHB boforo tbo conclave

■ m ust bo fin ished. H o dem anded th a t n il in fa v o r o f tlio reso lu tion H ft th o ir handa.

S ingle ir«ga tlv tf Voto.Tn th o darkness o f tho room it.flcom-

od th a t som otbinff m oro th an h a lf tho num ber o f dologatos ra isw l th e ir hanils an d th n t fho o th e r do lcsajos wero tak en b y surprise n t tho sndcnness o f tho ▼oto.

N ctja tive ly on ly oiio hnnd wns raised, b u t f ivo of tho de!cg.\les a«kctl to bo reg is te red a s n o t vofli.g.

L o i t T reaoure of M ontezum a. AccordlOR to legend, Munto^iumn. a t

tho tim e o f hl8 ov erth ro w In Vi20 by■ C ortca a n d h is Spaulsli foUowurH, hnd,

iB ad d itio n to thu co lossal loot w hich th o vlctorfl accurcd In gold and iillvcr, fa liu lous w ea lth In golil sto red aw ny bcnca tli h is s cc rc t p a lace b idden In tbo p la te a u region of w h a l Is now th e s tn te o f N n y arit, ilex lco .

T ho loot, w hich th e Invaders secured, w oa stupendous, to be Huro. K u t they m issed tho greatcH t. KinKlo cncho o t £ old In M cxlco hy dlsilluKlonlng M onte- EUma In tlm o fo r bim to rcc-all h ls mos- Bcngcrs se n t o u t to b rin g In thu gold trc m tb o ch ie f treuH ure house o f his so d s.

C ortez to r tu re d an d tben m urdered h u n d red a of (bc lending A ztecs In nn effo rt to get from them th e s ec re t o f tb e loen tion o f th e g re a t tre a su re plncc • n d palncc. F a llin g to gain h is Itifyr- xnatlon In lh a t w ay, he npent Bcveml y e a rs Kcourlnp th e w este rn p a r t o f >*<ixIco, b u t In vnin.

Insect F am lllea In Oaks.About n itiou 'ciii'l k inds o f lns<>ct8

B a k e th e ir li<)ni<>« «nk treea.

B u y Rl e n g t h

t h e s t o r y

s u i t s y o i

b a k ^

C A UT h e E c o o o m y B a i




|E n r . T g g . ? e f u i t l ; O r . J . T :

Tho Goncrnl Assem bly of tho D r. H a rry L n ity B ow lby, bead of te rin n P orm anont Com m itteo o f Si inn K diicntion. D r. Bowlby, a natl fo rts a t Sundny enforcem ent. Oao Pasadena , C aliforn ia , fo rm erly of I churcli. i 'o r tho f i r s t tiin'o sinco h H iram Foulkcs, o f Nuw Y ork, is c R o y s ,-o f China, w ill repo rt on tlio P rcsby to rinn B oard of yem peranco Schell, homo secre ta ry fo r th c boat Gaston, o f P ittsb u rg h , gcnornl scci Dr. IlnroM M. Bob.'f.foii, gpnor.il »c u n a l rojiort. D r. W illiam F . 'Weir, m ittco o f M cnts W ork. D r. Jo h n j

S o c i c t KW ito d l.y M rs. E. b ■William#,

'rolcphoao 306.

Thoro w as nn unusu-illy large n tte i :uico a t th e nieoHng o f tho B ap tis t M sion circio a t tho homo o f Mra. H untsm nn on Bluo T>:ike9 hoiileva T hursdny nftornoon. T he reg u la r rc tino of business wn.4 trnnsne tod wi th c presldcnf, M rs. S. W atk ins, presl ing. ‘M iss A lice O i'jos lo il 't l io do\ tio n a ls n f te r whieh n vnriod progn w as onjoyed. consisfin^ o f tho follo ing niimbprs, tw o j>iaiio solos by M Cnrl UoMHon, n hunuiroiis ren d in g 1 M rs. r r n n l t Boughton. w ho respond to nn oncoro; a vocal solection by adies* qu in to t composed o f M rs. Goor

I W iley, M rs. P oarl W cstco lt. Mrs. iN unw nakcr, M rs. W uyno Corey a M iss B<Ina G raliam , w ith M rs. Bens a t tho p iano ; a readiiipr liy M rs. \V. C ro tty nnd a m ost u n u s in g music num bor l>y M rs. B oughton, M rs. .T. B oa tty , M rs. I r a W ynn, M rs. Xunemn e r .n n d .^frs. I* V. Rinitb, nn n duct M rs. Xuntrinakor nnd M iss Kdnn Gi ham . C oncluding th e afte rnoon i fresbm ents w ere served by tbo hi tPBS and hur a ss is lan ts , "Mrs. W. C ro ttj', M rs. F e rg u s Briggn an d MC. Q. K elly.

Tho E piscopal G uild m et Thursd nftcrnoon w ith Mre. K. B. W illlnnis K leventh avonuo cast. The m eeti (»I>oned w ith dcvotion.ils led by t p residen t, M rs. C. C. S iggir.s, aff which tlio re was a business si>ssion a: p lans wero rom ploted fo r n cooked fo salo fo be held S a tu rd ay , Mny 12, t p lace fo be unn<iunced la te r . Tlie i ni;iin<liT o f t.he a fte rnoou w as spc so ria llv nnd rofriviliiiK n ts w ere son’ bv th e hostess, who w as nssistcd Mrs. Curl .1. H abti, Mr*. Georgo Easi nnd Mrn. 11. P . I^iird ,

M rs. P ra n k M rCorm ick w as fiosf( fo thu M orningside club W oduesdny i tornoon. A fte r th c business session i po rts wero .read coveritig 1-ord Hobi C ec il’s addresses on b eh a lf o f f Ijonguo o f N ations :md tho Pormani' C ourt o f In te rn a tio n a l .Tustico. Dain rofroslinipnts wore ser.-oil by tho ho OSS. Guosts wpro Mesilamos Pafti Graham , Shotflo, E. 1-% McNow an d Pi ton.

. O ld Sailing Torm c.T h e fcrm s ••jiort” nnd "sfn rb o an

have bet'n used w hen g iving dlrcctloi to th c m an n t th e lielm o f u sh ip slm th c S lxfoenfh cen tury .


. ^ s u l t s

leavening ( ^ j <bat tells —the re« I have on ly. Use

IMETdng P o w d erESURE__________ ,


lerian General Assembli

Saot:: ] ^

Z G ^stb ev , O g . g A ^ I g f S e A « J o « / . :~P

P resby to rian Church o f Am oricn w ill tbo L o rd ’s Dny A lliance, w ill m nke h

ibbnth Observance, th is committoo hav vo of A shurj’, Now Je rse y , hna been o f lho diatinguished com m issioners to

oaton, who,, is th e ouly laym nn who c e bocnmo goneral socrotsiry o f the P res ommissionor and ns such ia said to b w om en’s .boards of th e church. D r. < nnd M oral W’olfure, w ill urgo cenaorH d, will ro j\o rt on work in A frica , Indi; o ta ry o f tho board fo r Preedm aii, wil crolnry o f tho B oard o f P u b lica tion an

o f Cliieago, w ill m ako bis repo rt ns V. M nrquis, genernl scc rc ta ry , wilUropoi

lO li lT T E E iL . CONSIDER P U i

is- ______

rt O rganization W orking for B - Project to IVIake Statem ei

to Land Owners■IU P o r fho pur|>oHo o f rtlscnsMiig a nui w- ber o f m affors nssocialed' w ith Hie coj ffl- palgn on th e Am erican P alls roservr ly pm iecf, fho fafo otT which wiJl ‘I cd dofidi'd by th e n ’sn!r. o f th e electii n on M ay 12, a m eeting o f tho ox«‘CuU

ge rom m ittre o f th e goneial cnm niittoo i II- in fo rm ation hns been ealled b y Cha tid nmn Bwim, fo r todnv n t ISi.lO on tho Porrino hofol. T h a members Q. th is com m ittoo. in n d 'lition to Chaimi: a l Sw im Jind Sccretarj" E ..J . F iilch o t- t C. general com m iltec, a re ; I I . .T. Weavi k . F ile r ; Carl M iller, C nstloford; W'. l)v Gillis, I 'i le r ; W. M. Van H outon, Kii a- boHy; R. 0 . llie lil. F ile r ; P. F . Al 0 - qu ist, B idil; W illis bnm pson, Ilnnse )K» and W. II. Tum or, Ivimberly.G. Tt is s ta tod tho rom m ittee w ill co rs. sidor a sfafen iont to b e 's e n t ' tbo Ini

ow ners on tho south sido trnct. ro a tu ro s fo r Coa.ildoratlon.

jJ-' Somo o f tho outsfatid ’ing fenfuros tho com m iffpo’s prnt'.ihlo prosenfntii

, fo fbo land ownors mnv bo siimmarizi .!! as follows:

Bomovnl fo rever o f wnfor short- i)'l periodical o r otiier.I wise. T lin t wonld opornfo to staliil-

ize valiiPH and plneo every pii'cp of p roperty nn the frrtrt in bo tfer shnpo both ns fo production and

*. sale.P ro v id in g nniplo n-.Tlor for Infer

irrign tion ench-season. I t is point- P(I ou l th.'it (Ilil is h ighly denirahle on nccount o f fho iiirre.-ise in dairy-

■ss in^ . L afe nastiiragi.*, w h irh roqiiirox if- la te irrig a tio n , is p o ss ib lcnnd-w ill s- ■ reduce feed ing cosf«. . \ certa in

T t lnt<^ w n ter supply for bee ts is nlao I'O nccess.Tr>*. ’n t O o n t i'nn o f more and noarer, ty there fo re b e tto r, m arke ts for fhe it- produro o f tho trac t.•0 , Tliis ra n be nrcornnlished through it- rn ilrond ro n s tn irtio ii fo th e larce

nnd near-bv innrknfs nf C alifornia, w ifh fho .nddtvl ndvnntnge of w ate r frnnsno rtn tion to the eastern ro a tt

-v ia tno P anam a cannl.I" ■


ly To Meet

m W '3J/. t x j v i h ^ I

D r . lT - ^ lK n f o u ,

m eet in IinliaiiapoliH, M ay 17 to Mi his final reiio rt as secre ta ry of tho P

v in g been merged w ith tho Board of < tliruafoiied w ilh .d e a th lu'cause of h

> th e iiH-iembly is D r. John Willit* Ba over hold tho offico -of m oderator i isby teria ii Now E rn M ovement, D r. W bo slnted -for m oderntor. Mrs. .Chari

Oliarles S ranlon, genoral secrotary o Hliip of m otion iiicturim. D r. W'illit lin, Chinn, Ja p a n and K orea. D r. Jolill tell of liis work fo r educating nt nd Snbbnth School W ork, will mnko li I general secre ta ry of th e Perm anent o r t fo r the Bonrd o f of Homo Mission

I .U is the be lie f o f ;i nnm ber ol I known citizens, i t is staleil, thn I stakes nro so t up fo r th is imp( ^ ra ilroad developm ent soulh, anil

their delibernto jiidgtnl’n t th a t,

S flie fitfuro possib ilities o f tlio established, .such a !ino will bo

>»'othiUg flint conld lie dono ■ stt comjifefely osfnhUf.fi th n t fiifii the conHtnicfion o f l.lie Amoric;ui

3 i g roser\‘oir, i t is po inted out.JJ.* K eprcscntafives o f iho Idaho 1

mntion nssocintion, which includt vostigalions a s fo tTnnsportntioii m nrke ling in its reelam ntlon ef n r? m ost em phntic in tlieir declari

1)11,. on the sub jec t o f a r.i'lroad south Oji,. tho Tw in F a lls trnct.■•oir “ 1 nm as confident as ever I w ■ he any th ing fh a t assar.m ces o f tJio I lon iug o f thu Amoricai. Tails resi :ive will bo followed by constniction

on rnilroad south from Twin F a lls ,” a ir- Guy F lenner,' m nnager o f tlio us

n t lion.“ I t m ust Ue remeiiihered Hint

nan. rondjj canno t build extensions o y 'C th e ir earnings. Tlicicf'ore, they

seek cap itn l fo r such in v es tm en ts .' aro onough ra ilroad tiu-iiities here to movo fhe presen t prodiictioH. fu tu re business could bo tak en ea

'*c»i by add itiona l equipnietil over the lines.

“ Tho trc iib le is we rcach tlio m nrkota by thoso routes. Tho nc fo r closer m arke ts—C alifornin, tlioao fh a t mny be re'iched under

of fnvorablo conditions by wny oJ ion P anam a can a l.. j;ed “ Tho ex is ting rn ilroaa In fhis

to ry , tho Union Pni’u'ic, is as an 1- as WP n re th n t tho t - r r i to ry i t s r. should have th e b est possible out 1- ‘.‘ A po r te rrio rj-t ofrus "SHO.*..■ f “ A poor te r r i to p - for us is a r te rr i to ry fo r th e rnilrond systom..1 “ B u t investm ent in ra ilroad secu

has n o t been am i is nut now. a t t r a r “ C ap ita l has sought o th e r oiitli

t. Investm ent. I t is d if f ic u lt to s0 money for ra ilroad jmrposes undei

c ircun istan res and n ost to impo ■i fo do KO utilesn tho tvrritnry to bo a !l sliown-posHlbilities ju s tify in g tb e n investm ent.o “ Itf otheP words, aueh te rr i to ry

. do i ts p n r t to estab lish itse lf on a r. o f more s teady nnd profitid>le pi e tlon , w hich meana n certa in nml

f lu c tu a tin g tonnage- Tho Anu h Fnlls ^e8e^^•oir p ro jec t furn isbcs e chnnco to do th a t very th in g ; nnd1. th a t di'velopm eut nssrircd. fho ra' ■r ex tension will follow, in m v opin it • ------------------------ ■


C r i f


Irrigation District rDlroctors i Qalot Session a t Rcjjular Me Alworth Staley Roquiremonts

Tho lionrd o f ditocfors of Amiirlcnu F a lls irrign tion distric n ra th e r uneven tfu l session n t reg u la r m onth ly moctin^f T uosJ a tcrnoon in tho ennal com pany ol

' Only rou tino m nttors woro conai Residontn th roughout tho . d

will n o t bo To'qtiirad to rcgi'stc■ v o tin g on tho bond isauo pn Mc

According to Soerotnry \V. F . Ab -ItcBidenco in lho ntnto six m on t tho irrig n tio n d is tr ie t 80 days an ow nership o f proporty* aro tho cipnl roquinjm onts fo r qunlific M r. A lw orth said . Only poraons ing p ro p erty cnn voto: P n rtno

yrcsby- \ \ \ v M H ■!hrUt->>• cf- 1 3 1 ^

of1 lho ^mfr Hilliam I;n K. fff tho 11/V

V /in M. 7groea. /

= \\th e \

r ta n t \ I sdI ^ I B h Hv M D H I




3 Do Your Etioni' — ... _(nm Need;iH ofI'iJd- W i n t e r w c a t l i o r i.s h a i o f° a c a r e f u l a h o u s e w i isaid p r e v e n t t h c t r a c k i n g ii

d o o r s d u r i n g t h e w i n t e

it*^of W i n t e r , t h e n , i.s a s e vm ust a n d d i r t c a n l )0 t h o r o u } '

u .s t o h o l p y o u .nnd

:o of O u r I T a n i i l t o n - B e a c haame g r e a s e , a n d r e s t o irong l u s t r e — a i l d w e c a n d o iiud iK o n c e t o y o u ._


'" th e , p h o n e 1 -9 -1 , a n d e s t i m a t e s .

terri-sious I•rves

j.oor M j

rities ^ IM tive. W ^ts o f fjf^cure *

is'ibV'- *--------------------------- ------------------------•n-ed ---------


lo t a

w ith ^

B bHave .You J

Sm i

Yau know how crisp and tasty? wafers on so-mai lamily.site tin. supply? Your c»

iav SNC^ ) p r q d u c t J ^

I .p. C B. CIN(A n o th ttP C D

Pttltculirly <n»p ;Vour tro<tr c*:# f

i <> Pacific Coasi

IRSDAY, MAY 3,1923 ^m ay voto p ro v id in g th o y a to . t l i 'e ov «r» o f rea l p roperty .

NDS —--- - - - - - - - - - -O liam beriala’B T ab le ts A re U lld oi

, O en tle in E ffec t.lax a tiv e offoct o f Chamborlain

>ung, iB 80 mild- and ffonUo th a t ycnn hnrdly rcallzi) lh a t i t has bcon pi dnceil 6 y a m od lilne .—adv.

lho ---------------------- —th c ld SPECFA L fo r S a tu rday , th a t ro th e ir b u tte r scotch wo make, U5c a poun

y nt- H erb st & Kam bo.— ndv.’flcoa. -------lored. Tho Nows la road by th e p e m a a o s tr ic t ea rn in g claasos.. r fo r ^ ----------- i--' .y 12, --------------------------------------- -----------------r

"" ll; ,H. 0 . KBNipTIJNd ’th e P a in tin g , K alsom lnine; P a p e r H ang prin- ing and Enam eling,! F lodrs V or

ation, nishod or W axed. 'i , ^

rs^djs' ^ B

xpensive Rugs Cleaning?■d on flooc coverioRH. No matter e you nmy he, it is difficult to I of mud and d irt from out-of- r season.

ero test on ruga. B ut the grease Illy removed if you will call upon'

Carpet Washer removes all dirt •es your rugs to their original ; in your home without incobveni-

^we will be glad to call and give


^ C l e a n i n g C o .lltMVtnOlia *T.«. TVIH PAU.S

w isy Flakes n the Family Tin?tood Snow FU kcs are—how

You can serve these dainty iy occasions. W hy not buy a vhich will Insure a constant ocer can supply you.

iJc to t crjcArrs—>>W FLAKES.

: er SNAPS

»nd r.nf-fUvofed•ppiyy.-. ■

: Bi5cuit G o . ^

Page 6: T W I ^ L Y N E W S - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS_TF07/... · refus(

TWIN FALLS VVEEKLY NEWSE itab liahod ,100*

T w in F a lls Nowa P ubliah ing Company, L td ., PublUhora

Tflnuod 'on Tliuraclay o f ovory_>Wook.

Entoroil ns second class m a tte r Do­com ber 12, 1004 n t tho P ost Offico a t Tw in FnllH, Iclnho, under tho ac t o f Congress' o f M nrch 3. 187£>.


JuclfJcd b v tho cinotionfl 5n wIilcU tb e « n r wns fought, tho, trnRcdy it rep resen ted to millionn of liomca nnd tons o£_nii11loiis ' o f pooplo, tho occa- ■ional tr in ls o f ntntcBinon nnd officers conccrned there in ancl th o ir punish-

.m o n t should n t l r .u s w ith n profound •Paso o f Um t Uutnan vcngcanco so po rfo c tly , ilhifltrated by thc Count of M onto Cristo.

Tho tru th Is tlin t tho tria ls nnd aon- toncc* a tir lU tlo i f nny corrcaponding rojoJcing.

Tho aupremo d ifficu lty is tlin t thoro is no genuine world-wido conviction th n t a n y o f thoao mon w aa-roapoo- Biblo; thoro is n fooling th n t tho wnr reau lted from longer cniises; ono doub ts i f tho m en triod roprosont tho m oat g u ilty olomont j w liothor moro «ro un tried th an nro convletod; w heth­e r tlioy nro g u ilty a t a ll; w hothor a : Bonso of ju stico or a sonso of political oxpodieney governs tho tr ia ls .'

I n B ulgftria th o m en toconUy pun- ' iahod nro nil p o litic n i' foos o f tho

prem ier, Btom boullaky. n ia position wno precarious nnd lio needed n .au c - oosflful m nsterstroko. Ono cnnnot ov- orlook such a coinridenco. Rndoslav- i o ff, tho fo rm er p r im o ' m inister,' is j Bnfo in ‘o tllo ; to punish, him fo r h is - cohtem pt o f cou rt ho gots a llfo. aon- i tonco; Jo k o ff, lho commnndcr in chief, lo f t .I l ia rofugo and retu rned to faeo his nccusors, so ho ia rownrded by only . ten yenrn. B u t Ju k o ff, o f courso, ia aerv ing h is ten yenrs, whilo Rndoslav- o f f auhtalns h is heavy sentoaco a t | lib e rty . {

Thcro m ay bo n signal les-ion somo- w here in thcso trin ls. B u t If tho alx { condem ned mon nro gu ilty o f sending c B iilgnrin in to tho w nr, aomoono olao a lread y lind provided t!io w nr. Iu i theao annor post-bellum daya, tho bua- iness hns a fnlso and ineffcc tivo r ing i' to i t . • V

= = = = = 1TH EY 'LL GET THAT MONEY *

D oubtlosa i t roquiroa aknowlodgo c f t tho techn ica l probloms involved to np- " prociato proporiy tho fe n t o f ris in g [ alx o r sovon ynrda in n helicoptor; ro- H portod re c e n t ly ,f ro m D ayton. Aa a record th is does n o t p.nrticulnrly im- tl press tho Iny m ind nccuatomed to a ir- >< pinno n ltitudo m nrka o rcecding aix tnilcs. B u t tl»o invcnlOT ia D nylon ji f in d s encourngom ont in h is progroas •’ to da to nnd fcela th n t tho germ , n t "J Icaat, o f a correct sclcn tlfic idea has been proved in tho tosts.

To renlizo tho d istance th n t m uat ni bo trnve led beforo tho Iicticoptcr haa a prnc tica l vnluo i t i« only nocoasary to recoun t tlio conditions oxnctod by nl llie B ritiah n ir m in is try before i t

. aw ards a p riro o f f i f ty thousand t\ pounds o ffered fo r a perfoct helicop­te r . I t m u.it riso perpenclieulnrly to | ’,- a h e ig h t o f tw o thousand foot nnd bo pc pMc to m ain ta in a position ovor a ‘ 'j g iven spo t fo r b a lf a a h ou r la a tw cnty-m ilo w ind. I t m u s t’bo ablo to «n m ak e unfo dc>sccntji, nnd bo cnpnblc of ft speed o f CO m ilca an' hour in hori- fo

. ro n tn l f lig h t. ti.T ho g ap betw een tho tw en ty -foo t j^,

a iiront nnd tho nchlcvom ents aought by Tl tho B r lt i jh would apponr to bo tro- mondous. So accustom ed aro . a i r en- ” gineors, howover, to accept any goal a s a tta in a b le , th a t tho D ayton jum p, w hieh i* som eth ing less th an tho po h e ig h t o f an o rd inary b am , arousea optim ism . A public calloused to sur- p riso can t-xpo^t to read eventually E. th a t th e n ir m in is try has pa id over p ' th e monoy i t o ffe rs , jo a t a s every ”] o th e r tro p h y hung up fo r a i r " im - pow ib ilifio s” has been won long since. ]

A OOAT O E T ^ fT here la an in f in ite ly toothsom e '•oi

aound to tho w ord chevon; I t ju s tseems to m elt iu y ou r m oulh. T on W.would not dream* o f seeing such atlcllcious m orsel lis ted oa a b ill o f \fa re w ith p leb lan aoup conraea, m oat N’ncourscs and pie. R a th e r you expoet |I t .o n th e m enu, somcwLore a f te r pot-a g e an d pois.ion a a d before p e tit do Kli■pois and tho from age. Tho ariatoc-r a ry o f th e word ca lls fo r so ft m nsic, inghisrh priccs a a d ro o f garden serviee.

Cbevoo is new to th e w orld o f dell- ^ 'c a d e s . F rom tho ex trem es o f o u te r an ida rk n ess th e morsel has p cno tra ted to

- th e Inner c ircles whero epicureansdwoU. Bai

T h e A « o c la le d -O o a t Baiaers o f M is-sotiri. O regon, lo w a and o th e r w est- Xo.e m a ta tc f, i a soloma conventioa as- ^

. . . , ______ . . . por

e a ■'

laino of th o ir w o n d e rf il c ^ f o c t io i 5von whon tlfo Sultnn or% -Turko; svinced his lovo fo r A m crica b y aond ng ua nino nannies bnck in oigliteoi lu n d re J forty-n lno , tho neod of a noi lame fo r gQat waa fa in tly secnter :n ;iino tecu hundrod ono tho doparl nont o f ngricu lturo plneed its npprov ng stnm p upon tlio gont, it-s fleece, it ncnt, its m ilk nnd its resu lting chcoa IS. M issouri recen tly pnssod a law iffic ln lly rem oving tho goa t from th ilass of tho horao nnd m ule, and clc mating its .m oat to an honorable plac )caldo th n t o f tho lam b and the. veal.

Now tho nnme chevon gives a fin sh ing touch. Tho Aasoclatod Goa Inisera aro doing a w o rth y th ing , an< m der tho now nam o tho noblo gon hould tasto aa strong.

JONSUL’S R E C O R K - LOSIloctunenta OoTOrlss 18 M o n th s’ Ac

tivltlQ s o f A m orican O ffic ia l u O hlta o re S o stro y ed In T ra in F ire

H A RBIK , M nnchurin, M ny 2 UF)-A\lio rocord» jw rtiiinlng to 18 month ic tiv ity 'o f tho Amoricun vico conaulat. it Cliltft woro destroyed w hen tho bng 'ago ca r in wliich tho docum ents wer< loing ahlp|>oa c u t o f aoviot te r i i to n roro burned.

Tho lo««.* o f tluo tecor^ls wna an louncod todny b y Viee Conoul Edwnrc

Tliomns .upon liis n rrivu l horo, follow ng tho rocont ordor from W nshingtoi lo sin g tho consiilntos .nt bo th C h ita nni nnd lvostok . T ho docum onts wero t< mvo beon ncnt to tho U n itod S tatos.

Mr. Thomnn sn id ho would, rom ain ir In rb in u n til a comploto investiga tio i pf th e b u rn ing o f tho baggage c a r hue )oen nindv.

EvUa o f O onnt'patlon,Pcrhnps tho ino.it aciIoiiH o f tho, dis

aaoB causcd Uy constipation i< n(>pcn ic-itin. I f you would avoid tliJa dim erous dlaoaso, koop y our bowols regu ;ir. P o r th is purposo . Chnmborlnin 'nblotrt nro oxcollont, onay to, tnko unc! lild nnd gontio in effec t.—ndv,


N otice is horoby givon th a t nn eloe- ion will bo hold in tho A m erlv in Fnlla :eson-olr D istric t, nn Irrig n tio n Dis- •ict o rganized under tho Law s o f thu fa to o f Idnho, on da tu rd u y , tho 12th ny o f M ay, 1023,. a t wlifch election lero w ill bo subm itted to tho qunllfiod lectors o f anid d is tr ic t tho ciuostion r w hi'tlier o r n o t tlio bonda o f snid dia- •ict in tho am ount o f *2,700,000 shall [J nuth»rir.cd.F u rtlie r notloo i^ hereby given thnt

: tho samo lim o an olcction w ill be ?Id in lho anid A m ericnn Fnlls Roaer' lir D latrio t, to -w it: on Snturdny , tho Ilh day o f Mny, 1923. n t w hich oloctlon ioro will bo subm itted to tbo qualified octnm o f tho D is tr ir t tho question of10 r ig h t to on tor in to nn obligation itb tho U n ited S ta te s in tho form o f a in tm c t fo r tho conatruction by tho nited S ta to s o f th-.- Am orienn F alls saorvoir nnd- fho fu rn isliing to tho s tr ic t hy tho U nited S taton o f tho uao id bonofit o f a p ro p o rtio n a te aharo of0 atorngo capac ity o f sa id roaor^’ol-' tho ninximum nm ount o f th n t propor-

m nto Klinro o f said reservo ir w hich0,000 n rrc fee t is o f tho to ta l oa- loity therciof, nnd tho pnym ont b v tho s tr ic t tn th e Uniti-d S tn to s of tho mo proporlionnto aharo o f tho coat o f id ri'servoir.I 'u r.iuan t to tho general p lan ndopted• th is bonrd of d ire ito rs under dnto of nroh 27th, .1023, mnps. p lnns nnd esti- i tc s nnd thc rep o rt o f tho S tn to Com issioner o f Roelnm ntion o f tho S tn to

Idnho nro on file and open to p u b li; uppctlon bv t!io peonlo o f tho d is tr ic t

tho offico of tho l.o.ircl o f directors nroof nt T w in F^IU , Idaho , nnd nlso tho o ffice o f tho S ta to Ensrinoer a t

n .‘i la to Cnpitoi n t Boiao, Idaho,l-’iirtho r no tice i.s hereby givon th n t

tlto ordc'r o f tho Honrd o f ’d irecto rs 3 follow ing election n fficers aro np- in tcd fo r lho rcapeotivo prccincta aa 3 o ffico rs fo r both anid oloetions,0 boundarios o f ajciil p ro d n c ts nro roby doscribod and tl.o jilnccs o f hold- : o lection designntcd<Precinct No. I sUpM com IhI o f nil »t portion n f thoM istric l described n» lo w a fth e Innds s itu a ted in th e coun s o f Bonnievillc, n i.igliam and Power. Klection O ffieers fo r P re d n c t No. Ir ioi>K Schrock, A m orirnn FalN , Idaho; uiiin.1 B l.aekburn. Spring field , M nho; 'r b M axw ell, S p n p g f id d , Idnho. Igos,■laro o f ho ld ing election in P recinct , 1, a t tho achool houso n t Spring- Id. Tdaho.’re d a c t No. 2 sha ll consiat o f all th n l tio n o f tho d ia tric t deseribed a s fol- s : the Inndn s i t ’ia ted in Jerom o inty. Idaho.:iectio« O fficen i fo r P ro d n e t No. 2:(?. Oleason. Jerom e, Id a h o ; M. W. .’nulev, Je rom e. Idaho : r*cr.-v u . rm an. Jorom o. Idnho, Juclges. laee o f ho ld ing election in Precinct2, a t th e o ffico o f th e K orth Ride

al Company. L im ited , Jerom e, Idaho . . recinct No. .T ahall lo n s ls t o f nil th a t lion of th e d ia tric t C escribcl ns fol- s : the l.inds situ a ted in Ooo<liDg ; n tv , Idaho, nnd n o t included in Pre- m 'N o. 4 herein.nection o tfice rs fo r P re d n c t No. .T: i Ij. K ing, W «ndell. M aho ; Jo h n U i

•lor. W endell, Id ah o : F . L. Dorman, 1 n d d l, Idaho. Ju d ces. ilaco o f ho ld ing doe tio n In P recinct < .1. n t tho C itv H all, W endell, Idaho. <

•rednet No. 4 ahall consist o f all th a t i tion o f the d is tr ic : descriljed ns fol- : s: th e lands situ a ted in Oooding and : lore C ounties no rth o f tho fo llow in j i :r ibO jiline beg inn ing .it th e section I iCL^'ffirie connty line betw een Oood- i /(nd Jerom o Counties, couuaon to iU a 17, IS, ID and 20, T o r^ isu lp 7. c n I lnnge 10, E. B. M., runn ing thcnco ; X w esterly d irection along tho caai t

w est section line o f tbo aec tion i 1 ho eaat b a n k o f Snake B iver. «toction O fficers fo r I ^ c d n c t No. 4 : 1il, Roberta. B liss, Idaho ; W alte r R. t k h a rd t, Blisa, Idaho , B. B. Thorpe, «A, Idaho , Judges. flaeo o f ho ld ing election In P rec ine t t4. a t tho Drugstor-!, B liss, Idaho . r re d a c t No. 5 ahall consist o f a!’ t> a t s

TWIN FALLS WEEK. Couhty, Idaho, which, m e cas t o f a IIbi , beg inn ing a t tho section corncr eommOt to Soctlona 1, 2, ' I I and 12, Tow nsbi|

• 12, South , Rnngo Ifl, E . B- Hf,, rnnn ln f J thonco nortliorlv n long tho n o rtb oni

aoulh aoclion lino o f tho sec tions, ti ' tho aouth bnnk o f S m k e R iver.1, E lec tion Officors fo r P re d n c t N o. D . F . E. 'W ilson, Kim boriy, Id ah o ; E . II

Jlem plonian, Twin Falla, Idubo ; R , C- Lotsch, Tw in Full*, fdnho, Judges.B Plnco o f holding el-.ictlon In P ro d n c

No. 5, a t tho Court House a t T \rin Palla ’ Idaho., P r i 'd n e t No. fl shnlL consiat o f a ll th a

C tion o f thti d is trie t.d escrib ed as fol s: tho landn in Twin T a ils 'c o u n t i no t included in p rednc tn No. 5 a n d No

5 7 herein.IJlcction Officera fo r P re d n c t No. D

\y . IT. Grnves, p ile r, Idaho ; B. F , Phil• by. F lie r, Idaho ; Ellia O tto, F ile r t Idaho, Judgea,1 Plnco o f holding election in Preolnci

No, fl, n t tho C itv H all, F ilo r, Idnho . t P r e d n c t No, 7 shall consiat o f a ll tha:

portion o f tho d is tr ic t describod a s fol lows: the lands altuated in T w in Palli

. C ouuty, ■ W aho, w hleb a r e 'w o a t o f r lino beg inn ing a t ' th o -aoc tion corno; common to SM tions 15. 10, 21 an d 22 Township 11, South, Ranjy^ 15, E , B. M-

• runn ing thonco northBFly along th e nortl section lines o f tho seetlon to tho soutl

. bnnk o f Snako R iver.I E lection Officera fe r P rec inc t No. 7 I ir. W. n e rn ian . Buhl, Tdnho; I. F . Con « stnn t; Buhl, Idaho; Frod N ih a rt, Buhl 1 Mnho, Judges.

Plnco o f holding olection in Procincl s No. 7, n t tho C ity H all, a t B uhl, Idaho

Tbo polla %vlir bo opon n t 8 o'clocJi a. m., M ountain Time, nnd rem ain opor

• u n til 7 o 'c lock p. ni.. M ountain Time 1 o f sn id 12th dny o f M ay, 1023. A t eni<:- election on tho question o f w hothor oi I not tho bond* nf anid d is tr ic t in thf 1 am ount o f $2,700,000, shall be a u th o r I ized, tho ballo t shall con tain tho w ords

“ Bonda— Y es,’ J of ‘.‘Bonds—N o ,” oi I wordn equ iva len t theroJo. A nd a t-saiil I oloetion to dotcrm ino tho question ol I tho rig h t to en te r in to said prqpoacc:

co n trac t ob ligation w ith tho U nitec Statos, tho ba llo ts sliall con ta in th( words, “ C ontnict—Y l's,” o r "C o n tra c i — No, ’ ’ o r o thor w ords equivalent thereto .

By o rd e r o f tho Bonrd o f D lroc ton o f th e Am orican Fnlla, R eservoir Dl? tr ie t . th ia Oth dny o f A pril, A. D, 1023

' (D is tr ic t Soal.)w , P . a l w o r t h ,

S e e re ta iy o f tho Amorienn F a lls________________ Roaorvoir D ia tric t.

A L IA S SU M M O N a 'III th o D is trie t Court o f tho E levonl ti

J i id id n i D iatrie t, >3i >cTm o f Id ah o ,, in nnd fo r tho C o u n ty o f Tw in Fnlls.

The Union Central L ife Insurnnce Com­pany, a corporatior., P ia iu tif f ,

L ineoln S . C ourtnay und M abel H. C ourtnay, h is M-ifo; S te lla Broom ; Idiiho D opnrtm ont S tore , a corpora' ticn . and F ile r Ilni'dwnro Company, Iiicorporiition, a corporation.

D efendants.

The S tn te o f Idnho aemls jjreetings to Lincoln 9, Coiirtn.iy nnd M abel K. Courtnny, his w lfo; S le lla Broom, Idnho U opjirtnient Store, a c;(irporntion. and F ilo r H ardw are Conipm y, hicori)omtc<l, a corporation , tbo abov>« namod defetxi* n n ts : . .

You a re herebv n o tified , th a t a com­p la in t han boon' f iled ag a in st vou iu th e D is tric t Court o f lho Eloventh Ju d ld a l D is tric t o f th e S la te o f M aho, in and fo r Tw in P a lla County; by tlio above nam ed p ln in tiff , nnd you nro bereby directed to npponr nnd nnswor said com plnint w'ithin tw onty days of th e aor\-ico o f th is summons if aervod w ith in sa id Ju d ic ia l D intrrct, nnd within fo r ty d ay s If aerN’cd d sew b ere ; und you nro fu r th e r no tifiod tlu it unlc-os vou so n ppear and nnsw or said cotuplainl w ith in tho timo heroin spodfied . the p la in t i f f w ill lako jiidgnierit againsL- yoii na p rayed in sni-.I complnint.

The object o f said nolion is to furo- rloac‘ inortKagc* dnted J in o 27. IO U . for tho sum o f $1300.00. w ith in terest there. I.n a t th e rnto of niiir j.c-r re n t (K-r au- imin. nnd mado duo inid pnval.Io t.-ii voar« lif te r .lat.-, au.l i-igiiod l.v il.'foii.l- an ts , L incoln S. C ourtnay nn.l Mabol R. Coiirtnnv. bis w ife, ujn.n tlio folliiw- ini> .losoribc'd rea l .-Htnle. Hiliiatod in T w in Fall.vC ountv. lilali..:

Tho Southeast q u a rte r (S i; l - l ) o f lho sou theast n un rte r (8K IvJ) o f S .vtion T h irtv -tw o (32). nii.j tho southw.-st q unrlor (rfW l - l ) , o f th.> SouHiu-ost .Iiin rter (S W l-J ) o f .So,'tinn T hirty- throo (33 ), Towni*hip rou (10) Soufti, R ange S ixteon (ifi) I 'a sI o f the- Boisn M oridinn. con tain ing oiirhty acres.

W itaoM mv hatKl and tho scvil o f the? K iid D istri.-t C ourt, th is IS th dav of A pril. 11)23.

(SE A L ) • C. C. SIGG IN.'?.Clerk.

fflv JO H N HA.N'.''?1:N’. Doputv.- Jam es H. Wiso. A ttornov fo r P lain- t i f f . Hosidenco and Offi.-o. Tw in Fjilis, M aho.__________________________ .

No. 0136 A LIA B StIM M ONS.

Tn tho n is t r i r t Court o f tho ElcYe«th Judicia l D islric t o f tho S tu to c f Malio, in nud fo r Tw in FalU County.

E. Jnv H anfo rd . n a i u t i f rrs .

Lonoro H anford . D efendant: ’

Th.« S ta te o f M nho m n.t-* g n f t i n c to till* nbovo nnnied defendan t, Ixmoro H anford:

Y ou aro lioroiiv no lifiod th a t n com- ' ilniiit haa bcvn* M od against v.>u in :ho D ia trirt Court o f thc Klov.-nth Ju- lici.nl D istric t o f the S ta to of Idaho , n aad fo r Twin Falls C ounly. by tl.o . lbovo n.m ied .p la in tif f , and yo« a re : lerebv directiMl lo api»«ir and anawor ’ he s.iid com plaint w ith in tw ontv dar*>f tho aervU-o of fhis s.imnion-, i f aon-- ' •d w ith in aaid jud icial d is tr ir t . and , r i th in fo r tv dava. if aorved elsew horo; 1 m d you nr.^ fu r th e r nc'fificd th a t untoi.4 •oil ail np j'oar nnd answ er aaid' con--, 'la in t w ith in tho timo hcn-in sped fi.-d . t ho p la in tif f w ill t.ike judcrmimt nf~»inMt i •on a« p raved in sai-l rom plnint.

Thi.% ac tion ia b rought to obt.iin n T lecn*e o f d ivorce b y th e p la in lif f t Igainst tho defendant. ujKin tho t:roiind c5h.it on or about tho m onth o f M ay, o oco; th e do fendani, disn*gardini: th e t olom nitv o f hor mnnti.<;e vow, d id -wil ■nllv aiid w-nhont cauae d e s e r t ' nnd r ban.Ion tlrf p la in tif f , nnd th a t aho I-a- t -vor since aald da to and aU ll-continues co ao w ilfu lly nnd w ithou t eauso deaert ,nd abandon p la in tif f , and to live sop t m to nnd a p a rt from him . w ithout anv o n f f id e n t c.inse o r nny reason an I ti;_!.>________I I I__ S l.l>

LY NEWS,TWIN FALIBO D is tr ic t Court thU 2 S tn -day o f A] >n 1023;Ip (S E A L ) C .C . SIO O IN S. C ler Jg Oeorgo H errio tt, iW lornoy fo r Pl id t i f f ; roaldenco and iWetoffieo nddi to T w in F a lls , Jdaho,

5 , N o tice o f T lm ro n d p i ^ e SM fo r H u ' Ing P o titio n fo r P ro b a ta o f Fcri n W ill, an d fo r th a Isn ianco o f L ot

o f A dm inistra tion W ith th e ' ct A nnexed.Is. ■ ---------- .

In th e Probato Court o f Tw^a T a t C ounly, S ta lo o f Idnno.*'• In th c M atter o f th.i E s ta te o f Gei ‘J : H. Mooro, Doceaaod.

N otico ia hereby given, t h a t a poll n. fo r the probnto o f tho will o f Oei iV H. Mooro, dw cased, nnd fo r tbo i

nnce o f lottc'rs o f ndn .in lrtra tlo n ' ’ tho . w ill nnnexed, thoreon to A - t M yers, bas boon fllod in th is court,.

Ih n t Saturdnv , t h e Sth day o f I, 1023, n t 10 o 'c lock in tho forcnoot

jl. sa id dny n t tho eourt room o f 1 IU cou rt, In snid county und s ta te ,' b

” heen se t na tho tim o-and plnco fo r p'r heuring cif. anid n e lltlon ,. when i-> ,wherc any person In te rested mfiy ^ 7 poar and contcst tho anmc, nnd s th m use , i f nny they ha"C, w hy said j tl- tion should not bo g ran ted . Said

IM n foreign will, herotoforo adm itte . 7 . probato In tho S ta to o f W aahingto n'. D a ted ICth dny o f April. 1023.I 0 . p . D U V A L U

■ P ro b a te Judgo and E x-O fflcio CH

N O TIC E TO OBEDITOES.:k E stn to of Fred R .,G ross, Docoaaecsn N otieo Is horeby g iven b y tho unic signed ndm lnistra tor i>ith w ill nhneid o f th e estnto o f P red ,R . Oroaa,or roased, to lho cred ito rs of nnd ull110 Bonn having clnims ngainat aaid r- cojuted. to exhibit thom w llh tho no Is, aa ry vouehors, w ithin fo u r m onths a; or tho f i r s t publicntion o f tb is notico id tho aaid adm inistra tor, a t his o ffici nf F ir s t Nntlonal D ank B uild ing , T od R ijls , T ivin Fnlln County, S tn to c<l idnho , th is being tho plnco fixod lie tho trnnsnctlon o f th a business o f i ct. ostato.111 Dntod April H . 1021,

EDGAR L.-ASHTON,rs A dm inistra tor W itli Will Annexed?■ tho E s ta to of F red R. Orowi, Doco.ii

^ -NOTIOE TO OBEDITOES. 'E sta te o f P. T. Corcoran, Dccoaflcc N otico is heroby given b y tbo uni

_ signed adm iiiiatrutrix 3f tho esta te P . T. Corcoran, dcconsod, to tho ci

,, i to ra o f-an d ntl porsons hnving d a aga inst th e . snid docoase.l, to exhl tlioni w ith the necetwiary vouchers wj In fou r monlha a f to r th c f i r s t publl tin n of th is notlco, to tho sn id odniii

I- tra tr ix nl tho Inw o ffices o f H arry B onoit, Twiu F.ills. Counly o f Tt F alls, S ta to of Idnho. th is b e ing -

‘- f i r s t plnce fixed fo r th t trnoMaction <; the businc-sH of aaid estnte.

D ated April Ptli, 1023. • r> • AN’N'A B. CORCORAN.

A d m in ls tra tri!

• NOTICE TO OEEDITOES.:s E n ta to of M argnre: C orcoran, ! I. eeaaod. •*? N otico Ls heroby given b y tho und !' signed ndm lnlstrutriK o f tlio esta te ’ M arg a ro t Corcoran, decensed, to

*• e red ito rs of and all persfinn hav claim a ngain^at tho am u deceaacd,

'■ ex h ib it them with tho nocossarj- vou “ opi, w ith in four moutli* a f te r tho fi ‘ pub lica tion of j j i is notico, to th c »;

m ln iin is tra trlc n t tho law o fficcs0 Harr>- J . Benoit, Tw in Fall*, T w in P . ” C ounty, Idnho. th is being tb e fira t pli

fix ed fo r tho trhnsactii-n o f tho bualn r o f aaid i-atalc'.^ D ated April Oth, 1023. - ] (S ignod) AXNA B. CORCOILVN,• '__________________ A dniinistnvlrix

1 NOTIOE TO O EEDITOES.^ E s ta te of Cora B. L ansberrj-, ] ceased.

N o liro is hereby Rivon by tho uud ' signt'fl, adniiniH trntrix o f tlie e s ta te ’’ Cora B. I^iiisborrj-. deeenaed, to (• croditofH o f and all porsona havi

clainiN nt^ainat tho aald deceased, to 1' h ib lt them w ilh thc necessary vouohe I w ith in fo u r months a f te r ' tho f i r s t pi ' liea tion o f th is nolicc lo tho said ndm ■ is tra tr ix a l th e offico o f E. V- Lnrwi ‘ T w in Fnlla. Coualv o f Twin Fnlls, S ll

o f Idaho , thia boing tho fira t place fix fo r the* tranHiic.tiou o f the bii.Hiness

' aaid esta te .D ated April S lst. 1023.

M ILDRED J x n 'E R S ,A dm iiiia tra trix .

’ N O TIO E O F W EIT O P ATTACHMENI n t in ' K k'vcnth .luiU dnl D latric l

; lho S ta te o f Idaho in and fo r Tw Falls County.

Tho F lra t X atinanl R in k of k im berl a cor]K>ration. P ln in til

0 . A. fid in ilk e r; s / w , Davidson- ai S . E . Hownrd, Di-fendani

N o tice is herobv givon th a l on Api 2-Jth, 1023, a wril o f r t ta d im o n t w1.sauod nut o f the above on titled cou in tb e abovo entitlod '.r tio n , a tta eh ir th e p ro p erty of the above nam ed d fe n d a n ts fo r tho sum of $800.00.

In w itness whereof, J have hereun: ^et m v han d and tho aeol o f th ia Cou th is 2Cth dav of A pril, 1023,

(S E A L ) C r . S IG 0 IK 3 .Clork o f thc D istric t C ourt.

B y C. I* BOWEN, D eputy.W alte rs . P .irry & Bailov, A tto rnei

fo r P ln in tif f . Twin Fnlls. Idnho.


In lho D iatric t Oourt o f th e E levent Ju d ic ia l D istrie t o f th e S ta te o f Idnh< in a n d fo r th e County of Twin F alls.

E th d P l c k e r e l l ,~ p j.i in tif

I.on P irk c rc ll, D efendan

, Tho S ta te o f Idaho aend* greeting to Ix>n P irkcrc ll. tho abovo nam od d. fen d an t.

You a re hereby n o tified , tb o t a coir p la in t ha-s bocn filed agalnat you i th e D ia tr ic t Conrt o f th e E leven th J«; dic ia l d is tr ic t o f th e S ta fo o f Idaho , i nnd fo r th e County o f Tw in F a lls , b, tho above named p la in tiff .

T h a t by h e r 'n u d com plain t tho aai p l . i in t i f f *ia seeking n ' d issolution o flic m arriag e bonds h ere to fo re an d not ex ia tin g a-n botw ren } ourself and th• a id p L iln tiff , aad a s ground thorefo th c sa id com plaint stitei^ th a t you did on o r ab o n t tho 10th d ay o f F e b ru a r j in th c C o u n tr o f T n in Falla. Idaho tfftandon th e t^lalntlff. w ithou t h e r con

LS, IDAHO, THURSDiril, Jlvod soparato and ap u rt froift lior,

th a t during aaid in te rv a l you have [. cd a n d neglected to prov ide fo r bor lln- common nccossarios o f lifo . .. ■- ess, A nd you oro hereby directcil to

p e a r and answ or tbo said compl---- w ith in tw onty (20) d.iys o f tho sor

o f th is Summons upon you, i i soi JSn w itliin th is ju d id n l d is tric t, au d wi j r a F o r t j . . ( « ) Jay .lf» C T v e .lo l« w h treT

you aro fu r th e r no tified th n t unlesa ao. npiw ar and answ er aald compl w ith in tho timo herein apcdfiou ,

alia p ln ia t i f f w ill ta k o .ludgmont ago you a s pray*^! in aatd .cofpplalnt.

W itness by hnnd nnd tho seal o f ** D is tric t Court th is H>lli day o f A

, 1023.(SE A L ) C. C. SIO O IN S,

CIcrE . V. Laraon, A tto rn cv f J r tho PI

t i f f . Rcsidenco a n d O rflec , T w in Find- ______________________ay , IT O n O E F O E PU B LIC A TIO N , of D epartm ent o f th e In te rio r,

o ld ,U. 8 . Land O ffico a t H ailoy, Id nvo A pril .2-J, 1023.tbo N otice is horeby given th a t Li m d Eates, o f Tlireo ’Creelc, Idaho , who ap- Doc- 10, 1018, mnde H om estead Er IOW No. O237D0, fo r S E 1-4 S E 1-4 Set o f - SW 1-i N W 1-4, W 1-2 SW M , v ill tio n 1, Townahip 10 S., Rango 11 t to Boiso Moridinn, has filed n o tW I. in ten tio n to moko fiu^ l p roof, to

tab liah claim s to tho lan d nbovo scribed , boforo H . E . Pow era, U

'ric. Commiasionor, n t hU office , a t 1- F alls, Idaiio , on tho ‘1th d ay o f J

. 1023,C lalm aot name® aa w itnesses:

lor- A rth u r E. Estes, Goorgo C lark, tod B oaton, W illiam R C lark, a ll o f T; de- Crock, Idnho.icr- iNotlco will bo published fo r flvo do- Boeutivo weoks in th e “ Tw in I :oa- N ew s.”to c _________ M AY 0 . A NGEL, Regiatc

NOTIOE 0 1 ; W E IT O P A TTA C H M Ipjn In tho D istric t Courl o f tbo Elovc o f Jm lld n l D i»trict o f tlio S ta to o t V.

for in nnd fo r Tw in P a lls County.

T h o 'A o tn a Cn.sunlty 4|,nd S u re ty C , pany , a corporation, P lain i

n f BaJik o f Hnnaon, a . 'orporntion, Goorgo p . Croekott, o t al, Defendi

N otico ia heroby given th a t on A 18th, 102.3, a i m t o f a tta c h m e n t issued out o f tho abovo ontitlod ci in lho above en titled ac tion , n t ln d

, J lho property o f tho abovo nam ed fen d an ts fo r tho sum o f $8107.00.

u jl In w itneas whereof, I havo lierot ... aet m y hnnd nnd tho seal o f th ia C<

th is 10th dny of A pril, 1023. (S E ,\L ) U ' C. SIO O IN S,

•t C lerk o f /th o D ia lric t CourBy C. U BOW EN, Deputy,

ho W iltcirs, P a r r y ^ B ailev, A ttorn o f fo r P ln in liff , TwiaNPalls, .Idaho.

N o:SO E .op>^«naiT oj* .^t t a c h m eIn tho D istric t Oonrt o f tho Eleve

J iidioial D istric t o f th o 'S ta to o f Id U in' nnd fo r Tw in PiiU.« County.

, 0 . Tlio A etna C asualty .nnd S u re ty C pnny, u corporation. P la in t

.*'1 B ank o f H ansen, a .‘•orponitioil, 1H. M. Vanderpool, o t a i, Defenda:

X otico ia hereby given th n t on A . “ IS th , 1023, a iiT it o f n tta rh m e n t 1

iasued out o f th e above o n titled 00 , . in tho abovo en tltle tl nctlon , a ttach

* tho p roperty of tho nbovo nnmcd fondanlH fo r tho num -jf $.S107.0fl.

In wltneaa whoreof, I have boron aet m y hand nnd th e soal o f th ia Co ,tni» 10th day o f A pril. 1023.

(SB A L ) . C. 0 . SrO O IN S, Clork o f tho D islric t Court

R y C. U DO^VT.N, D oputv.- WalUira, Parrj- & Railov, A tto rn

fo r P la in tif f , T irin Falls,- I .laho.

, l ^ T I O E OF W E IT o r A TTA O H M EIn lho D istric t Conr', o f th e E lovo

>r- Jti.lirin l D ia trirt o f tlir; .State o f Id- o f in nnd fo r T irin Fall* Countv. • hc ■

V. 8 . W alden, O- P . A!eckos and X- Dcrnimn Johnson,. Triiatoc-.i fo r W ■H. H all nud Co, P la in ti

» t^harlos 0 . K ing, ’ Defendan.

N otice is hereby giv-.-n th a t on At ’•I 2Slh, lO-a, u w rit o f attarTiniont «

isauorl o u t o f tho n b o ic on titlod coi in the nbovo en title .i notion, a t la rh i

• Iho [iroporty of th e above nnm od' i fondant.

In w itnesa whoroof, I havo lioreuE _ sot m y Jtan.l nnd fhe uoiil o f Ihi.s Coi

th is I'Sfli day o f A pri', J023.'I (SE A L ) c . C. SIG G IN S,

Clork o f fho D iatrie t Court. By a - L. BOWEN', Dt-pufv.D.m .T. Honr>-, A tto rney fo r P la in li

1 ’.Twin Fnlla. MiJio,

’ N O TICE OF W E IT O r ATTACHMEa-.1 In th e D ia trirt Court o f th e Eloven , Ju .lir ia l D ia trirt o f t!ic S ta to o f Ida:

in and fo r Twin Fa!l» County.

" F . E. W alden, 0 ~ K ~SrorJcea and ■I Dominn .lohnson, T rustees fo r W. g n a i l i Co. P la in tll

Oeorge A. Decker, D efendai

f N oliro is hereby givon lh a t on Ap)2-Sfh. 1<)23, n w rit o f a ltn ch m cn t w, isaui'.l o u t o f tlie a b c iv en tit le d cou in tho aliovo. cnliUod nction. n ttach ii tho p roperty of tho abovo namo<l d

. fendan t.In w itnc«s whereof, I h.ivo heroun

- sot my luind nnd the- seal o f ih is.C oa th is I'Sth d a ^ 'o f A pril, IOS.-*.

(SB A L) O. C. STG0TN8., Clerk o f tb e D ia trirt Court,

By C. L. BOWPTN. Dcputv.’ Don J . H rnrj-. A ttornov fo r P la in trf

Tw in F alls. Idaho.

, N O TICE OF W E IT o r ATTACHM ENIn lho D istriet C^urt o f tho Elevonl

• JudiriftJ D istriet o f tho S ta te o f Idal in and fo r Twin F a lls County.

• S idney I... Craig, IM aintif

- T. J . W qo.!s, Dofcndan

- N o tice is hereby civon th a t on .\fa I 3. 1923, a w rit o f attn rhn io iit was ismic• out o f fbo above onlltlo,! .-.u r t in th

abovo entlfloil n rtion . a t ta rh in g tli1 p ropertv o f th e ab o '-r nam ed .dofem ’ n n t fo r th e snm o f J.'Oo.OO,

In w itness w hereof, t have Uoreunt• se t m y hand nnd th e ac.-U o f Diia Cout• thia rtrd dSv o f M nv. 192.1.

(SE A L ) ■ C. c . s io n iN -.s , .Clerk o f th e D is tr ir t Court,

B y C. L. BOW EN, Deputv.I>on J . H enrv, A ft- 'm o v ’ for I l a i r

AY, MAY 3,1923nnd NOTICE ,OP W E IT O F A TTAOHM ENTfall In tbo D is tric t Coiirc o f Jtho E leventh tho Jud icia l D istric t o f tho S ta to o f Idal-o

in and fo r T w in F^Ms Couiity.

a lnt Tbo Aotnft C asualty and Burety Com- d c o pany; a corporation , ■- P la in tif f , v o d vs.thin B ank o f Hanson, a corporation, and and OtfJir Iverson a n d — Ivoraon, co- you • partners, do ing buslnosa under tho l i n t ifirm namo , a n d sty lo o f Ivorson tho B r9 lhcrs, D ofondants.

in s t ---------- .Notico is hereby givon th a t on A pril

I8 U1, 102.3, a WTit o f . n ttachm ont wns pril, issued out o f tho abovo en titled court

in tho abovo cn tlllud -ne lion , a tta ch in g th o ,p ro p o rty o f tho abovo nam ed do* fcndants fo r tho aum o f $8107.00.

In w itneas w hereof, I liavo hereunto act mv han d and tho scnl o f th ia Court th is IOth d ay o f A pril. 1023.

(SEA L) C. C. SIG G IN S, 'Clork o f tho D istric t Court.

B y C. L. BO\VBN, Doputy.Wnllw®, P n rry & Bniloy, A tto rneys

fo r P la in tif f , T w in F alls, Idnho.

on NOTICE OP W E IT O P A T T A C H im N T In th e D is tric t Court o f tho Elovonth

■.«V •lu‘Hoinl D iatric t o f tho S la to o f Idnho in and fo r Tw in FaWf County.

o fOB. The A etna C asualty nnd S u re ty Com- j,j . pony, a c o r p o r a ! ^ , P ln ln tlf f ,

Bank o f Hanson, n corporntion, nnd line- Potorson, o t a l, D ofondants.

Notlco is hereby givon th a t on Apri! ?Joll 18th, 1023, a w rit o f a tta ch m en t w as ,ri>c iaauod out o f tho abo.'o ontitled court

in tlib nbovo en titlo d nctlon, a t ta d i in g •on- tbo p roperty o f tho obovo nam ed do- 'a lls fondants fo r tho sum o t $8107.00-

In w itness w hereof,' I havo h ereun to f «ot my hnnd and tbo seal o f th is Oourt— thin 10th d ay o f A pril, 1023 .'^ (SBAL) C. C. SIGOINS,n th . Clork o f th e D istric t Court, nbo B y C. L . BO W EN , Dopnty.

Wallttro, P a r ry & Bailoy, A ttornoys fo r P la in tif f , T w in Falla, Idaho.

om- --------------------------------- -■ —i f f . NOTICE OF W E IT O F A TTA CH M EN T

Tn tho D ia lric t Court o f the E leventh and Judielnl D ia tric t o f thc S ta to -of Idahp ‘n ta in and fo r Tw in F a lls Couhty. i

P“ 1 A. B. Oibson, P la in tif f ,V8; . .

'u r l Bank o f Hnnaen, a Lcrpor/ition; J . 8 . ing Bussell, Ooo. D. C tockolt ’ nnd C. *lo- Potoraon, ' Dq.fendnnta.

n lo Notice is hereby given th n t on April u r t £1 1D23, a w rit o f a ttnchm ont w as is-

iuod out o f tho abovo on titled cou rt in tho nbovo en titlod nction, a tta ch in g tho

t. properly o f the abovo nam ed defend ­ants.

cys In w itness w hereof, I hnvo herounte aot my hnnd nnd tho .u-nl o f th is Court

r = th is 23rd dny o f A p r i) ,1D2 .1.^ (SEA L) ' ^ C. SIG G IN S.

Clerk o f tho D istric t C ourt. 'lho B y C. L. BOW EN, Doputv.

• 8 . T. Ixiwo. A tto rnov fo r P ln in tiff , Twin R ills , Tdaho.

)m- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------if f , NOTICE O P ISSU A N CE O P

ATTAOHM ENT. ind Tn tho D is tric t Court o f th c E leventh lta, .Tudldal D istric t o f (hu S tnto o f Idnlio,

in nnd for tbo T o u n ty o f Tw in Fnlls.ir il ----------‘•ns H. E , H em ingw ay, P lo in tiff ,-u r t VB,ing O.sr.nr Tvorson, Dnn Tvcnton nnd Thomns do-. Iverson, co-partnerc doing business

under tho f ln n namo and sty lo o f ito Ivorsnn B rothers* C. Pelerson , Goo. a r t d ; C rockett and l i . M. Vanderpool,

D ofendants,

Notlco la heroby givon, th n t nn nt- fnehm ent w ns Issued out o f tho D islric t

?y« Couri o f tko E leventh .ludieial D b lr ic t o f the S tn to o f Tdnho, in nnd fo r thp

— Counfy of Tw in F alls, -in the abovo on- titUvl nction, ngninst th e proporiy o f '

, tho dofondojifs on tho I'Oth dnv of A pril.A. D. 1023.

(8 E,\.L) C. C. SIGGIN.S,. D islric t Clerk,

f.- By .TOHN H A N SEN , Depulv.-V S. T. Lowo. A tto rnov fo r P la in lif f ,

Burioy. Idnho._________

Coforing C otton Goods, ril T here n ro m nny differen t systenui JI.H o f producing lilgli-grado colorcd cot* ir<. ton goodu. E ach oystom h as ita spo- ng clnl ndvnntago ov e r o tb e r oystcm s fo r Ic- tbo .production o f a ccrtn in line o f

goods. Ench c la ss o f goods hns a cer*" ta in lino o f buyers w hich c rcn te s aa .

lacrensiag dem and fo r th is p a r tic u la r dn ss . T ho v arious system s u n d e r which co tton co lored goods uro p ro ­duced m ay bo covered un d e r lb e toi-

•f, lowing l i s t : BIcncbcHl goods, dyed _ goods, pn ln ted go«id.s, sta in ed gooda^T etnboss<^ goods, cnnincled goods, p r la l- th .ed goods.—DyeatufTs,10 _________________

Effectl of Warm Rain.\ . W hen a w arm ra in occur* ov er a f-'- raow-coTered region It In nnr tb e r a la ^ eo moch aa th e w arm wind tlia t m elta . th e snow. An Inoli o f ruin n t 50 de*

grees F ab re n b d i could n id t only tb re*J l Inches of Ilsb t uew know o r one Incb la o f old snow.

'i A WELL-KflflWH RESIDENT^ Thoro a re few m en in T w ia F a ll*

b e t te r know n—nouo w bnso opin ion would b e tto r be recpcc ied lh a n M r. T a rr . Ho Is only ono of m any T w ia

f. P a lls pooplo who havo g lvca D oan’s _ K idney PUIs tb o lr ^pub lic cndorse- X m ent. Surely N ow s ro.ideru can n o t h aa lt fo r m oro convincing ovidenco-0 W. T a rr ; re tire d fa m ic r . T w in

Palla . say s ; "I w ns trouoicd w ltb m y kidneys w hllo in CnU fornia a n d

’> roy back w as lam c. I h ad rhoum atlo- ^ pa in s th rough m y lim bs and a rm s and

I couldn 't w ork fo r ov e r th reo y ea rs .V M y kllincys a c tc d tx ^ freq u en tly a n dll I had to g e t up o fto a n l n ig h t to e p a ss th e socreU ons. w hich • wor® •.

scan ty . A fte r u sin g opo box o t D oaa’s 1 waa g re a tly J rllev ed a n d

^ tw o m ore boxes com pletoly c u red m o1 of tho trouble .”

P rico 60c. a t a ll dea le rs . D o n 't aim ply aak fo r a k ld aey rem edy—g e t D oan’s K idney P ills—tho sam e thmt M r. T a rr h a d . Fotter^M U buni C o .

Page 7: T W I ^ L Y N E W S - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS_TF07/... · refus(

the1 ia rk ets |NEW WHEAT PRICES FALL iIm ptoT od .O top C ondltiona .In W ftst S{'

a n d Sou thw est OaoM B b d ln o in L a- i7 to r D eliveries w hllo M av H olds TTp un

______ ,toO inCA G O , M ay 3 (/P>—N otablo im-s^®

'p rovonicn t m w h « it crop conditioo ii' • went nnd oouthwoBt lets to }io]linr to d u v i" .

' th a t low ered tbo prlco botli o f th e Ju lv ' d elivery and Soptcm ber, b u t Joft M ny ro la tlve ly firm - C losing quo tn tlo u s ' J w ero u n so ttlo d n t tlio namo ns yc6tor-!-‘iT d n y ’8 finish, to 7*8c down, w ith J u l y ; “ '* $ 1,1 0 1 -4 to 1.10 3-8, ond Scptcitibor *■'' $1,17 3-4 to 1.17-7-8. Corn lo st 1-8 to '*‘® l . 'j to 5-8c, an d oatn !•« to 1-4 to 3-8c. I n provisions tho outcomo wao 5 to 16c dcclino.

AlthoOgh froozang w eather in 0:uia<ln to g e th e r w ith scattoioU riiiiM in tlio 1 doraoatio sp rin g crop te rr ito ry hnd a Cm bullish o ffee t fo r a whilo n f te r nn in- ctu

> i t ia l dow ntu rn in th o w heat nu irket, tho yer p rico ga in s woro la te r en tire ly w iped goc out, and d u rin g tho lo st h a lf o f ' t h e diu dny th o now crop m onths sho tted losses, {ui

Tliu bo tte rm ou t repo rted in tlu) out- fai look fo r w in te r w h ea t w as ascribed to i;ov ceccnt ra in s . K nniias - d ispatches th a t 4.7: to ld o f m oro hopeful aspcct th n s out- $5 lin ed woro givon sp o cb l a ten tion . On chc tho o tho r hand , m entions o f a nood of ligl m oisturo f u r th e r ' oost appeared to bo lier nlm ost ignored, . • . }

Norvousneas on th c p a r t o f trad e rs Hr] w ho a ro s h o rt o f w hoat to fill coivtracts ^300 ca llin g fo r do livory lioro th is m onth SOfl w n s 're sp o n sib lo fo r tho •com parn tivo ' lien fltrcngtli o f tho M ay prico today. M o s t! O.Ol o f tho rem ain ing ho .ders o f such con- to < trn c ts w ere sa id io bv intorestB th irt £ w nhtod a so ttlom ent by ac tua l delivery th r ra th o r th an b y a n y o th e r m ethod, lio w . moi cvor, dolivuries o f 524,000 buahols o f 10.( w h ea t to d ay ou M ny con trncts hero ap- $0 peared to in d iea to tlm t as y e t tlus' wet sho rts h a d oncounterod no g rea t d if f i ' oivc culty .

Selling o f co m a n d o a ts to go into storngo hero hrid a liearlsh offoct on ^ bo th tho food gn iin s . A bout 200,000 .,,-r bushels o f corn and 125,000 busliolB o f oats woro added in th is ,m an n o r to- day to th o -e lo v a to r btocko in Chicago,

Provisions p rices w>!ro weakened, uy . • ‘tho f a c t th a t fo r A pril tho w estern * g stock o f c u t m oats shew ed tbo la rgest ga in in 15 ycnrs.

o m o A a o C A SH m a b e e t . *{4 . CHICAGO. M ay 3 ( f l^ W h e i i t— No. owe

2 red $1.30; No. 2 hard $1.22. to 4Corn—N o. 2 mlxod 92 3-4 to 83c j No.

2 yollow 83 1-2 to 84i*.O ats—No. 2 w hito 40 to 471-4c; No. c ’

3 w hito 45 3-4 to 40 1.4c. / y. -Ryo—No. 2 82 l-2r . i , '

• Bariev— 03 to 70c. tT im othy seed ?5 to O.-'IO.C lovcr seed—$12 to 17., ro rlc—N om inal,L a rd -$ 1 1 .Klb»— $0 to 10 . | * ' ' J

PO TA TO ES AJ?D > E O D U O t. CHICAGO, i l a y 3 P o ta to e s -- 7 '

B teady ; roeoip ts 110 to r s ; to la l U . S.

i WIN FALLS MARKETSn u t i PMia r r M a c ta

Sw eot eroam, lb , _____ - ______ ^___34cC hurning cream , lb ................^ . j . , : _ 3 I c ,P rosh ranch eggs ............... ...........10 to 17cHons, hoavy, lb. — -..._14c ,Hons, l ig h t, lb ____________ :-----10 to 13r.L c s h o r . . p rm g . ...........

T u rk e y s _________________ ____.13 to l« e Pou'

P o ta to es , N o. 1. c w t , ......... .......40 to 00cO n m

W heat, N o. 1, cw t_____i___________•1.65 CL iv e rto ck « ‘l’

Cnttlfr—Cows, 3 to 4c j steers, 4 to Be; rea ls , 5 to 6 e. ^ j i

Hog*—Prim o, 7 to 8c. . _ .i„ „Shoep — M ntton , 6« ; no m ark e t:

_____ oulv

E O ITBBW IFB’B OTJIDS(B etaU P rice s) crs

FrtU ta a n d V eg e tab la i c n :Po ta toes , ew t. ----------- — 76«@ $1.00 pmO .b b .8 0 , p o t Ib. ----------------------- 1 0 2 «G«I«t7 , bnnch -------------------7 1-2@10« HOanllflow or, l b . ____________—20 to ZSc wci(

i t lS .V * ’' ..........- . . . — p ,

------------------- w e « o ! i ”" >

0 5 5 3 ; lb . -------------- tO O M «P zov lslon i a s d 8U pl«« Tnos'

n o n r , 45-lb. sack ------------- #[email protected] jqoS u g ar, beo t, 100 lb s ____ 811.00 to 12.05 <1oulS o g a r, cane, 100 lbs. _,._.$12.10 to 12.25 $".7:C re a « cheese -----------:-------------- — ^B rlek eheeee ^ ^B «M J _________________ 8 1-4 to lOe NB road --------------------------------- 8 l*«@10e ^ J ,B a t te r ( e r e a m e r y ) -------------------------oOoB n tte r ( r a n c h ) --------------------35 to 40o (Egg*, d o t e n -------------------------------------Oo 7.7S

U e a t i o f 1Bacon, sliced _________________30 to BOc 7.(HS ^ n ::________________________25 to 850 Cubp » i« , i lle e d _____ _________ 75 to 60e to aS r t e h o n e ________ ____ 171-2 to 221-Bo TbeL a m b ' c h ^ _________________ * » « » • feriiP o rk ro as t ____________ 171-2 to 221-20 C uh


•' } Z T —- > 1 IHRtW A n

pinont« 534 ca rs ; n’lsconsin R.icked 1 bulk rou n d w hito $L to 1 .Ifr cw t.; : nnosota sackod Ko.l IMver Ohios 7.51 DOc M .iho flatkcd U urals $1.20 i 1.25 cw t.; Idaho sacked Rus.Hota 1

stly $1.50 to 1.70 rw t.; fancy $1.8.) : t.; now stock nfc.-wly; F lo rid a b iirrn i iuldij»c. UORC N o. I $1) to 5>.r>0; No, i to 7.50; 150 poiiuil n.-ick' B liss Tri-

phs No. 1 $7.50 to 7 .75; No. 2 $5.50 . 5.75; buslioU hajntjurs No. 1 $3.25 .1.50. ,l u t t e r —liOwpr; croam ery cxtrA« •He;- i ndardn 41c; oxtrii lU fts 40 to 40 3.4c; ] itH no to . 391-2c; soconds 37 to i l-2c. ,'ffP*— H ig h er; recc ij.ts 25,905 cnsc3: ’i Its 20 to 20 1-4c; o rd inary . fim ts] 1-2 to 24c; m iscctlaneous 25 to i l-2c; storngo pack . c i t r a s 23,l-2c; i riigo pack f irs ts 2Hd. j'ou ltry— Alivo low er; fow ls 24e: 3 lleni 45 to 50c; roosters 14c. j<

. PO R TLA N D LIVESTOOB:. ‘ OHTLAND, Ore., U a y 3 (/P)— ' til.*—N om inally s teu d y ; no receip ts; lee s te e rs $8.2S’. to 0.00; primo rlings $8J;0 to b-OO; medium to | d $7.25 to 8.00; f a i r to mo-1 i» $0.50 to 7.00; common to j ' $5.50 toC .50; ch o ice lie ife rs $0.75; j■ to m edium $5.25 to 5.75; conimon s $4.25 to 5.25; rnnnors $1.75 to i; bulls $3 to 5.00; choico febdors to 5.50; fu ir to g ro d $4.50 to 5.00; iee d a iry ealvos ilO to ll.OO; priiiio t $10 to 11.00; modium $8 to 10.00; > vy $■« to C.OO. | ‘iogs—W eak ; rcccip ts 62; primi" i t $8.75 to 0.25; Kinnoth lieavy. 2301»,; pounds $8 to 8.75; snioolh heavv pounds nnd up $7.50 to 8.00; rough

f y $5.50 to 7.50; fuf pog8.$8,7.’T t o , ; feeders $S-75 lo ;*.&0: s tag s sub jec t • ockiigo $4.50 to G.OO. jl i c e p ^ te a d y ; rece ip ts 1735; 13(U lugfi; sp rin g lam ba $11 to 12.00; * ium $10 to 11.00; common $fi to 0 ; culls $0 to 8.d0; ligh t yonrlings 'J ;o 10.00; hoavy $7 to 8.00; l ig h t i , liers $7 to 8.00; heavv $0 to 7 .0 0 :'J 1 $2 to 0.00. . * , ("

OSIAHA LTVESTOOK. I jlW A lU , M ny 3 OP)-H og»—R eceipts ti 00; m ostly 15 to 25c low er: 100 to ]i pound butchers siiippeni $7.40 to oi

; top $7.55; b u lk 225 to 325 jwun.l | liora $7.30 to 7.40; m ostly $7.35; h. :lng BOWS $0.25 to .0.40. j t lleep:—R eceip ts S>500; Inmbs s trong ; ni fornia ppringers $14.75 to 15.25; |w

fed clipped $12.25 to 12.75;, w ith oi b id ; bea t wooled lam bs hold n t nc )0; sheop and feeders firm ; woolod!ni t up to $0.2."; fed clipped owoa up j» 5; sh ea rin g lambn up to $14.75. ) rt

— if i ST. JO S E P H L IV E ST O O E ji l

JO S E P H ; Mo., M ay 3, (/P)— tl S. D ejm rtm ent of A gricu ltu re)— ®'

i:—R eeeipts 5,500; Mhijiper m n rk o t' low er; lig h t a n d moiilum w eigh t.*” hers to shippers m oatly $7.75; o r m ark e t 5 to 10c low er; bu lk "I' um w eight' bu tchers to p a c k e rs / '] I to 7.75; w e ig h tie r k inds moatly 1 to 7.70; pack in g bows s teady , H’! ly tO.M. I"ttlL— R eceipts 800; b ee f a te e rs ’ , y earlings s tead y to lOo lo w e r ; '’

nblo Btecrs $8.00 to 8.75; T exas g, an tinod stee rs $6.05; top long p [ings $8.85;' m ixed y e a r l in g $8.40 i; aho-stock a b o u t s tead y ; odd

beef cows $5.75 to 7.00; cannors! cu tte rs $2.75 to 4.75; bost l ig h t ; ; : calvcs 50c low er; top $8.00; oth-jci:

tbout s to ad y ; m oatly $5.00 to 7.60. |m eep— Fod wooled lam bs s teady to J3 low er; $15 pa id fo r sovoral loods lo Ig ing 80 to 85 pounda; 70 to 80 syli shorn lamba $12.50 to 12.75; |p i I 25c ’to 40c h ig h e r; no Bheop fll

---------- l'la m o A a o l t v e s t o c k : in

IICAGO. M ny 4 W»)—C a ttlo -R e - ;s 13,000; In-of 'Mcera 10 to 15c , r ; top $10.25; besl y earlings $0.00; ml loads lie.ivicB $0 85 to 0.90; bulk if*

steers $3.40 to 0.50; shc-fltook |‘" ; s teady to 15c low er; spo ts offi** I ou b e t te r gm ile f a t cows; veal |

s te ad y ; early , closing 25c lower;I In spo ts; stoekers and foo»lora .; o th e r cI.'i.hhcs ato.id.v; m ulk stock- “ m d feeders $7 to 8.00; m eaty feed- ^.50 to 8.75; selevteil h a lf f a t feed- in M inenil Po in t, Wis., la to yestor- $O.CO; bulk venlors $8.50 to 0.00.Igs— R eeeipts 38,000; uneven; liKhv " Ills 10 to 15c low er; bu tcliers st« i- to 10 low er; top tmlk 170 topound averngo 15 to 8.25; 240 ^ i5 i>onnd butcher.? $7.80 to 8.10; ing sows m ostly $0.50 to 6.D0; dcsir-110 to 130 pound pigs $0.7.'« to 7.75; __ inted holdover HOC. ■"eep—R eceip ts 10 ,0 0 0 ; active, gooer . steady to s trong ; bcnt wooled lambs „ !5; bu lk nea r th e lop clipped Inmb^ — ly $12.05 to 12.75; few a t $12.50; ^

Iiound clipped laiiiVa $10.25; two es 128 pound dV>ped wptliern _ i; few 147 pouii'l rlip P fd ewes $7.25.

SUOAB. V3W Y ORK, M ny 1 OpA-TIicro w as e< rliuo o f l-4c in th e local raw sUK’ur ,ii :c t today w ith O ib as now quoted

cen ts cost and Irc ig h t. equal to gf fo r cen trifu jral- T hero w ero sa le i ol 5000 b ag s o f P o rto Rico early n t th do llvered and Into.- 10.000 ba«s of tli IS so ld n t equnl Jo 7.78 delivered local re f in e r fo r p rom pt shipm ent, declino In fu ture.i led to free r of- gs by opera to rs nnd a t th o clo«c Jl w ere o ffe red n t 5 7-8c. coat nnd fo

s chssedN 11^

■— ^ —-<^^22

TWIN FALLS WEIfre igh t nnd i t w as rum ored th a t-s a le s liad bcon mado n t th n l level,

Thoro w as n sh n rp dorllno In rnw wignr futnrcB, \n id«r T»5He\ved. general itjuidatlort, pronipetil by th o eu 'iler nil- ;ng o f tho Hpot Jfiarkct, a n d apprehcn. lion of n continued poor dem and -for lefined a s n rcniiU of tho re c e n t ng ita- ;ion. Tho decline extoniled to 5.C5 fo r Tuly, 5.70 fo r Seplem bor. a n d 5.20 foi DcceiAlier, oc 55 to GO ^Hiiuts below tho :l080 last nigh t. S top loss ordors w ere ' incovered on tUo break,' •' m id fin a l ■ irices woro a fow jw i-its ;ibove. tho low. rst on covcriii};, b u t s ti l l -15 to 55 po in ts ' te t lowor. C losing: M ay, $5.02; Ju ly , ; i.75; Septem ber, 5.75; Decem ber, 5.25. ,

Tho m arke t fo r refiiK’d follow ed tho lecline in raw siignrs und p rices wore incluinged to 50 p o ln li low er than fin e { rrnnulated now <pioted n t froiii 0.50 to0.15. T^j), doeline, l-.oweVQ.r,^£;i'ne«l to rente -iiiucU uctlv it.V i i~ th O dem and vhich cin*tinued light, w llh second hand ug/irs s till offere<l below re f in e rs ’ J [uotations, ‘ •

R efined fu tu re s nominnl. ^

iEARS FORc T d OWNTURNS '--------- 1

leav y Soiling M ovem ent in L a s t B o ttr '' o f T ro d la s O ozrles U ax)c«t \L eaders to N ow Low

D a y ’s to ta l s:ile.i J,077,(K)0 shnrcB.T w entv Iniliwtriiils averngw l 1MJ.30; .

,et 1o8s, ’ 1.75. H igh. 102.1, 105.38; low, «0.30,T w en ty r.allrouda a v t ta g e d 84.22; n e t ,

BMW, 1.07. H igh, 1923, 90.03; low, 84.22. *

NEW YORK, Mny 3 (yP)—A nother ? eavy selling m ovuineiit launched by ig boar trad e rs in th e In s t hour o f ^ o day 's stock m ark e l forct*<l recession's f I ' t o 5 po in ts in a nuniber o f ac tiv e n isues nnd ciirried scverni o f the bo- a nlled m arkot leadeiit to th e ir low'OHt 7 rices of tho yenr. F our fluccessiv(> days - f reaction tlils weok. all o f whleh .'ached th e ir c lim ax m th c fin a l hour, - live %vfpod o u t v irtu a lly nil o f tho . e a r ’s gains. iA t tho closo o f buainess to n ig h t bo th

10 avorago t)f tho -0 load ing indus- o; •inl and tho avernRO o f th e tw e n ty g ad in g rnilronds w ere n t new low n.’c- w •ds fo r tho year.W hllo tho campaiRU o t sh o rt In tcn ja ti oi

w been bn-sed more on th e fa ilu ro o f t,10 m ark o t to respond to lavom blw out- - do new devolopm eiirs nnd lo en lln tig j Idesproad public support, ra th e f th u n .p I any d is tu rb in g tr.iilo newa to d n y 's y lllng was H cntim entnlly in fluenced by _ Id itional cuts in c ruJo oil nnd su g ar ” •IccH. l-'reiirh re joe tion -o f th e O ennan paraUonrt p la a . wii« ex p ee ted l>y th e - nuncinl com m unity and ilH only vis- Nllo e ffe c t was a hHkIiI reae tlon in10 prices o f F rench bonds nnd Geniian rcliange.Su g ar a ild equipm ent shares bore th e C •unt o f to d a y ’s flcllinc pressure. Buy. s ’ stocks w ere hebl larKely re»^>ou. tl blo fo r th e low er priccs o f sugar j>ro. le ts am i sugar securities. R.-lw' sugar m •oppcd 1-4 o f a cen t to<lay to <i cen ts n »' mnd, cost and fre ig h t, Cnb;i. o r 3-4 *1 ’ a c.ent bolow tho y e a r ’s h igh . Raw o g a r fu tu re s <Lropj)cd 40 to 55 poin ts rc id tho prlcea o f tho roflne<l produc t in oro cu t from 1-4 tc 1-20, M anati fl jg a r stock broke 5 J-2 p o in ts ; Sou th Jn :>rto R icnn 4 1-2; P u n ta ,\leg ro 4 ; ‘>j ibiin Am erican 4 1-4. nnd Ou'un Cuno I'l7-8.Bnldw in dropped ncnrly 4 po in ta to w ID 1 .4 , i ts low o f thc j e a r , th o AJnori. ai ,n Locom otive, A m cricnn Cnr, Pnll- an. tJm ft I^ocomotlvc and G eneral Icctrlo a ll. closcd 2 3-6 to 4 3-4 points wer. Somo o f tho o iit.itanding weak o ts wero A niorirnn Can, Californin jtro leum .-G ulf S ta le s S te d . Republi" eel, N ation.il Lend :;nd U -'S . Ahoh<-l,I o f f 3 \ - 2 lo r. po in ls. .P ieTce OU d t e fe rred wus ono of .h e few outstnnil- r>c g industrin l .s tro m : spot';, gaiiiiiiK ‘ O •arlv 4 po in ts on th.? day. n(R.'iil shares offe red b e tle r resistance a '' selling pressure, but m ost o f the lead- s'" s cIorM fr.netlonnlly low er. I’ittn- ni irgU nm l W est V lr^ tu ia movt><l nwaUmt la .0 downward tren d , rih ing 2 points. •*' Call m oney opened n t 4 3-4 jier ren t, iscd o ff fo’ 4 1-4 duriu i: the iioon hour ee id thence to 4. wliero it elosed. Thc mo money m n rk e t *rus som ewhnt eas- nr r w ith lonns n rranged n l 5 1-4 per cent la r a ll m a tu r itie s on lo th clnsfcs o f to lla tcro l. C om para ti‘'e ly l i t t le new «« immorcial paper caiii-j in to th e mnrket tr0 prim o nam es com m anding 5 nml1-4 p e r ceu t. '•Demand s te rlin g dropped 3-4 o f a ti n t below $4.03. h u t F ronch fran cs held

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS________ ___________ ---------------------------- fl;

IN T H E D I8T E IC T COTJBT s.-i ’ tho Elovcnth Ju d irt.il. D is tr ic t o f th e sl nte of Idaho , in and fo r th c Countv of ai ivln F alls.'I n TO p e titio n fo r >\«i<sol«tjftn o f MU- a t •r S ta to Bnnk. L lm lt-’d, a cori)oriition. fi;> Whom I t M ny C oncern: ”N otice is hereby £'*''on. (h a t thc Mil- •r Btnto Bank, L td ., n corjw rntion . hiis I tl) led i ts r r t i t lo n in fhe rn t i t l - 'l Tlurt, nnd pr.iy fh a t an on ior In* cnterecl w ssolving s.'iid eorpo rn tion . ;inil Notico is herobv g iven th u t any per- n desiring to ob jec t to th e frriinfini*’ said o rder mnv file such ob jection in cco abovo e n title d Court on* o r hefore0 25th dny of M ay, 1923. c<D a ted th is 19th dav o f A pril, 1023.

C. C. i3:0G IN S. Clerk,Bv 0 . L. Bowen, D eputy C lerk.W‘altcra, Pnrrj- JL- Ballc.v, A ttom evd fo r P e titio n e r. - ^


E t < — I. OOCKED 'E n * yJ E 3 WALK1N m)nG t h e j / HINMN eOur NOTHIN ------ J ( qa* HK-E an a l l o f \

ICL-O n> _


W mONE CENT PER WAdvertisements under th is he so far devised of bringing the

fa irly s teady around 0.0.' eea ts . Germ:i marl(H broko 4 1-4 po in ts to .0025 cent b u t riiUivd to .0 \)2 « 1 -2 .


bonrls closed:3 1-2.S................................ ..............-...$101.7S e c o n d -Is .............................................. 97.1F i r s t \ 1- ts ....................................... ‘*7.1Second 4 1-Js ................................... 0^.1Third 4 1-tH ....................................Fou rth 4 l-4s ............................. ..V lctorv 4 3-4s (uncalled) .......... 190.U- S. T reasury 4 l - 4 s ...................... 0 9 .'

I m B O E L L A N E O O s! ~

K IR K CLEA N IN G CO. w an ts to c loa rngs, navajos, upholstering. Phon&9UV. ir.-J accond S . _____________! W ATER TO HKNT—10 to 100 an art fo r thc season. (Jnn bo used onyw hor o n th u trn c t. A rth u r L . Sw im , TwvF alls.__________________________

BOARD AND ROOM— 135 b ix tn ov«E . Phono 181W.______________________

B. U. KELLOQO, ag en t fo r " l i t J m e r’» Dry .^rsennto of Lead fo r flpr»j m aterial. CoH phono 050R. P . 0 . bo: 7M.


wri.-iC w/iteh. Vhou1203M. Reward.___________ _ _ _ _ _

l>ISAl*i’kA R El> iTt lliinNcn bndgc ono sorrel, l)laze<1-fnced, nwnvlmcl gelding and ono brown golding. Re w ard. A. K insey. Box 005, C ity .

lA lS’l'—T nn nu iicon t, le f t « u rjiirm i ou tsido Ronenton hotel, i 'in d o r re tu ri to Rogerson hotel. F»« e do llars rownnl

jX>aT—H eavy overcoat, lln<*d w itl sheeiisKin and sheepskin collar, botw eei T w in F a lls and B uhl. F in d e r re tu rn ti Shaw ,. Perrlno hotel. _____

l E 6 a l a d v e r t is e m e n t s

NO TIO E r o a PU B L IO A T IO N O l T IM E A P P O IN T E D F O E PROVINC W ILL, ETO.In fho Probate- Court o f T w in F.-ilh

Countv, S ta te o f Icla'i...In th e m n tte r o f the K stato o f M nr

Ihn A. Ownbe.v, Deee.-ised.P u rsu n n t to an o r > r of sn id <.««rt

made on lho 3 rd . d iv o f M nv, lf2:i notiee is horeby giveu th n t T liursday the 17th dny o f M ay. 1923, a t le i o ’clock a. 111. o f said u ay . a t .the-couri room o f s a id C ourt, a t fho C ourt House in th e County o f T w ii F alls, ha# bdoi nppoin ted a s tlio ^Imo und p lnco fo p r o ^ g th e will o f sn id M arth a A. O^vn l)ev, deeoased, nnd for hea rin g tho np p lication o f .1. H. I t irn c s for th o issu anco to lum o f lo ite rs o f ndm niistrn tio j w ith tho w ill nnnexed, when nnd w hen :my person in terested mny ap p ear am contest t l io Bumo.

D ated M ny 3rd. 1021.0 . P . DITVALL, Judge.

N O T IC E TO COHTBAOTOBfi.Sealed b ids w ill be received up tc

ind umtil 8 o 'c lock I-. m., on tbo Ifitli la y o f M ny, b y tb o TtmhIi'Cs lendon t Scnool D istr 'cc No. 9 , CastlO' lord, fo r tho general construc tion and le a tin g nnd v en tila tio n o f a. ono-atorj ind baaem ent, hollow filo nnd concrete ipliool bu ild ing , nccord ing fo fho plant u id spec ifica tions proparcd Ify Wn.v anil & F enne ll. A rc h ltfc ts , Id a h o Kiiu»l ing, • Boise, Idnho.

All b ids shall bo nccom panied by n •ertificd check, o r b idders bon«l, In thc iiim o f $800.00 fo r th e C eneral Conlrnct m d $300.00.fo r tho H ontlng nnd V enti' a tion con trnc t. Tho check o r bond ii 0 b e g iven ns a Rusitnntcc t h n t the

iccopfed b idder w ill e a te r in fo a con :rnct fo r th w ith w ith tho nbovo nnme.l l is tr ic t fo r tho com pletion o f th e bnll'J ing ncconling to p lnns an d spcclficn lions. T hese checks o r bonda ^ b< mado p.ayabIo to T. A. Ennderson, Clerk nUccks o r l>ond.s w ill bts re tu rn e d upot :ho aw ard in g nnd a isn in g o f con trac t.

Tho conta-actor aw ard ed tb o worji .hnll bo required to givo a good an> «atlafactor%- su re ty boi'd In tno sum 01 d x ty (CO r c r con t) p e r cen t o f tin im oun t o f tho contract.

P lnnn a n d upec ltlca tion* m ay b e sect nt tho o fficc o f th o seere ta ry n t C astle ford, Idaho , o r h ad from th e A rch itec ts W nvlnnd & F ennell, Boise, Idaho , upor the’ depoBit o f $2.’5.00 aa ' a jniftrantei th a t tho person f a k 'n , ' th e p lans an •porifirn tinn* wil] subm it bid fo r thi w otk an d re tu rn plnnn fo th e Archi lecta when said chcrk w ill be re tu rned j!eparafe proposals will be received foi vho general co n tm ct nm l the h ea tin j :on lrnc t.

Tho B oanl re se r '‘es th c riKht to nc :c n t any o r re jec t all b id s subm itted .

n O W A R I) PA RRO W . Chairm an. Bonrd o f T rustees . Indo

;n» d en t School D i s t r c t No. 9, Caatlo ford, Idalio . _- T . A, 8 A N D E B S 0 S . C letk.

'N Q B U N

\ MAOC SO tyjCH OUST «T k< r MKB O N E O P 'T H E M ^ n O K E ‘

8 tf r THE FUNMY n rt:o f e t n TR 1PP6 0 o v e « th

WI8 E F uM C t iN S « A N E (y s . Pl;F E i-C ON T O E lR K O a t a ------

t« a t R i c h


i p iORD PER INSERTIO]ad a re always alive and active needs of advertisers to the a t t t


' F O R SA L E or ron t, Mieap fo r cus4.roonv modern houau inostly furnishoi KnniKe, chickcn house nnd chicken

i. K ar'deu '^ ind good lawn. 190 Was Ington. _______ ^


, FORD to u ring for sale cheap. Au R epair Shop. -325 ShoHhono South.

.’ 1922~l'\)Rl) to u rin g alm ost nuw $:IU F ord to u rin g aolf s ta r te r , dem otistab wheels In fin e shape. P rice $250. Ce

- trn l Gnrage,F O R SALI-;— F on l ou}-, $100. In te

ur.liaii ^^o^or F re igh t n epa t. Tw in Fall IKllKJH tou ring ca , ru r salo ehea,

323 Shoshone S. Phone G9.


'l^ ^ O R S A L & ^ ii^ ^ eggs, 75 cen ts fo r 15, o r $4 jht h u n d rcC. P . Denney, Phono 221. F iler,

tH jR S A L E -lih o d o Island Rod layiii hons. se ttin g eggs, baby chicken: Phono <15011. P . O. B ax 754.


TO R SA L E —P rac tica lly now' U nive Bal ranno w ith w a te r fro n t; g m y ei amel. Sold for slo rnso clm rgcs. Wa; berK T ran sfer Co.

tXJR SA LE—Tlirw* .ju ar te r bed, w it m attreas and springs. w*alnut finisi Kood condition. 504 F ourth nvo. caH

. Phono 137.__________________________ _IXJR S A L K -P in n o . nearly new, Pric

rig h t. 852 N orth Mnui.________ 'FO R HALE—G ray w icker push cari

Phono 018M.


' ’I 'v H r .^ A L I ^ ^ i^ tb in P h ^130J._______________ _______________

T H R E E Jen iey milch cows, calve.*1 p ig , 2 do7.eii B lack M inorca chicken and household kooiIs . 1-2 mllo ojist ( County lIoBpltal. W. H . FicldB.

F O B B E N T —F U B N I S i ^

T H E CA LEDONIA H O TELYou will liko thi* plnce. Mrn.

Gelgley, prop. S tric tly m odern, all f ro n t rooms. P rlcps 75c and $1.00. Phono 317J. Special [uriccB (by woek or month.

l-XJR JtEN T—Fum iahod fro n t roor m odern, hoUNokeeplng or sleep ing . 50 Mnin norih,

, 1-\)IC REN T—Furnisliod apartm cn Phouc 59,

l-I^R RB.NT—Sm all tirmi.shcd “iioiw Call 2C0 Fourth nve. E,~ F O R REN T—5-rooi(i fu rn ished mod cm house. Call betw een 12 nnd 5 a2-}Q F o u rth oaat.______ ________________

UOARI> nml room, 121 Hovonth ave. ^ F U R N IS H E D HOUSE, S room s,.ti

ren t, A rth u r L. Swim, i'XJR REN T—F uru irlied room, 31

T h ird north.f 6 r r e n t —Throo room fu m ia h ?

apartm ent, $15.00 por m onth. B d sg i low A partm ents, Seeond Avo. a n d Ct St. E._________________________________


FO R RENT—Six-room modem houae 228 N in th avo. N. Phone 707.

I'XIK RENT—<i room bouao, 1 blo?) frnm hieh school. Phono 03rU.


" V m a iX f a r m ~ foren t. H.ay fo r salo n ea r K im berly . CG. I-'arKO, nRcnt, Phonn 450.

FU R RENT—ao o d N ortb Sldo tIU, al in a lfa lfa . Dr. W .. H Dw ight, Twb F alls.


G IR L w an ts position general housiw o/k. l*lione 1573.’__________________

WANTE1>—Position 'as housekeepc or cook by womnn w ifh Iwo girls schoc ncc. H Mills, Krten. Idalitr.' \» ANTE1>—Housework by th > daj Phono 991W m ornings or a f te r 5.

P O S IT IU S W A N TEIV -H y cxucncnc cd stenographer, E. M., 1330 Sevent

H E L P W a U T E D

"“ R A H A V A T rm n i^ ^F alls exam ination M ay 20, $1000 t $23('0 yearly nnd tra v e lin g cxpensci Position p erm anen t.- W rite M r. Oj m enf. 423 S l, I>3uis, Mo., im m ediatelj

Tho Nows ia read oy Cue perm aaen earn ing classes.

n e t i X ^f Y O O O S n H O u A ^

B 8ACBEP J Va m K R o n f ^

tSDAY, MAY 3,1923

i l H f f i^ — AND WORTH IT;, and constitu te th e b e s t m e an t ntion of'fesiden 'ts of South Id ah t. { F O B - SALE—M IBt3ELLA N E0U S

'~ J 'b irS A L li--Y e iro 'w ’ l)cn t seed "coro, 1; 3 1-2C, il pound'. OermuiutSpn t e s t 5)1) i; jic r cen t. Itaym ond Thomas, 13-4 miloa I- east o f F iler on highway.__________ i • SEED POTATOES,

i ID A H O l lU R A l^ , flo ld cerUfled. Phone 20J4, Klmbori.v, Idnho.

.0 F O R BAl/Vi— E x tra ehoico Ilu rn l seed potntocs. T hree fie ld certlfica tlona . . lu s t arrived from B urley. C ater S tock . F a rm e rs ’ Service, Phone 410,

»• F U R SAUK—CiiHsiu county f l i a t _ seed corn, produced 90 bushels por acre; r- nlso tl few tons f ir s t and th ird hay. s. R. C. Bonders, ronto l’, 0 m iles, 1 oaat7 nnd 3-4 suuth o f foundry,

; l'X)R SALE — ftlcyelM , T rioye le^ s tiroa and aceesaorica. W o m er’e E»- S p a ir Shop. 224 Socond B t E.

j*. W A I T ED —M I80E L L A N E 0 U 8

PO U LTEY W A N TED ,'• W eigbod and cash p a id at. 70 0 1

door. W ill ■ call f o r y ou r poultry.H . P . OBAIO.

Phone 1218W ....023 F o n rth ave. E.

I; ■ W A N T D li^ T ^ buy ijsiTd s.-txopTioae '* or c la rine t In good eonditlon. Phone

1218J._____________________ J __________ii WANTED— Fords, conpw, sedniis o r u open cars. W ill p.'ty y.ou cash. C en tral•• Gonige._____ J__________________________' ' W A N T to h ea r frvni ow ner having e fnrm fo r aalo; glvo particu la rs an d 'lo w ­

e s t p rice. Jolvn J . B lack. C hippew a : F alls, Wisconsin._______________________

' W A N TED —T able boniflers nnd room- ' ora a t 110 S ixth ave. N . Phono 1027.. , W ANTED— Iron , inetalT^rags, rubber,■■ used m achinery, pijio nud sacka. Tw in

Fnlls Ju n k House, 203 Socond avo . E --■ P h o n o '705. Wo enll fo r ju n k .s W A N ’I’ED — P a ln tu ig , ko isoniin ing f. nnd enam eling. My work Is n lw ays sat-

isfacforj*. 11. C. K eniston, 227 E lg h tb- nvenuo east. Phone 8J»3._ I w a n t e d — L nwn niovvers to g S n il

W lll cnll fo r nnd doUvcr. Phono C04. W. T. Moore, 138 Second avo . a

i "w a n t e d —lTv« ivoultry of kinda. J . A. F lynn , phono 752R.


C H E A PER U 0 N E 5 — CJnllmlted’ “ am oun t on f a ^ a , now , a t 7 per ceoti i( IneluOing a ll eommiaslona. L o t s c h 'f t2 W m iam a. Phono 218.

~~7 P e S c e n t yA B M LOANt*.■ 6W IM & CO., CITY.__________________

" i 'A U M AN D CITY LOANS. I S- TH U R L ,-8 W rM * CO.


PROFESSIONAL' A T T o iS E y S1 O, O. H A LL— Now Orplic«m Bldg.

JO H N W. OEAHAM — L aw yer, B an k «• f T ru s t Duilding Pfiono 035.R,______• A S H E B B. W ILSON— Lawyer,» H O M E E 0 7 M ILLS— Boyd B uilding.

s w e e l e y a SW E E L E Y — A tto m ey a a t law . P raetico in a ll courta. Twl>Falla, Idaho._____________ ___________

. Ij . H . w i s e —L a w y « . Ufficca— Rooms C and 7, over Tw in F a lla B ank * T n is t Co., T w in F a ils , Idaho .


D E A I.E B S IN JT JN E o f nil klnda. Tw in Folia J u n k ' House, 203 Second

I avo. E . Phono 705. \vo call fo r ju n k .


ELAO BBSH TH — M A C H IN E SH O P — B lacksm iths, welders, boiior m akon» m achiniats, m an u fu c ta rc rs ; a i^p liee o f o il klada; agen ts A ltm aa-T aylo j

I" M achinery Co. ' K rengel M ach ine Oo- I phono )202. 2lO-22Q Sccond ave. B.• OLASS■ WINDOW OLASS—Wind ahielda, eab»

n e t wolk . M oon 's Shop. Phoae 5.’ SHOE BEPAXBIKa

= T W IN FA LLS S H O B B B PA 1BD T« Bhop. 132 Bhoahone W est. Shoea re ­p a ired w hile you w a it, a t pre-w ar

’ p rieea, and a ll w o rk guaiantoe<l.I T E A JJaFE B ______________

0 E 0 2 IE B T B A N SFE B 0 0 . Pnooe-W S,; C tatlnK , S to rage , >iod L ib e r ty coaL I v ^ n r r a n o L a T B A N aF E E f t STOBAQB

—G arb ag e han led daily . Phone 200.

B 7 B . T . o n m a .

f e u t I f ^W AS A eooV m t



Page 8: T W I ^ L Y N E W S - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-NEWS_TF07/... · refus(


Executive Committee of Work:j5;;j ers for Big D istrict F onnu- late S tatem ent of In te resi to ik Property Owners ,»

______ (oA t a nicctinp of tlio cxccutlvo-com '

m itteo o f thu conernl lom iiilttoo on iti- j", fo rm n tio n '‘o f tlio AmoTlcnu F fJ Iii 'p ro - wf joc t, held totlny a t tlio ca ll o f Cliuir- Mi mnn A. I* Swim, ft form o f fltntoniont to tlio land ownow o f tho (Untrict w as i* ” , dccUIcd ti\Km wUicli wlU Ito p rin ted aoil j •■,05 m nilod nK fa s t n» (rasniblo. )io

Jolm W . aralinm o f T w in Fftlls, wns unnnlmounlj* olocU'd na clm irm nn o f oloetion com m itloo fo r th o Tw in K a lla |,„ i d is tric t, l lo wns proinlacd support o f lio tlio ft«Il mombomlilp, nnd o f tho d is tric t eom m itteo nnd ompoworc-d to unlnrgo Iiis eom m ittoe b y his own soleetion. ,•

M om bors o f tho cow m iltoo expressed ' confidence as to tho biicco«s o f tlio olec-

tlo n on .M ny 12 , if ntt thoeo favom blr. to tho A m eriean FalU p ro jec t w ont to _ tbo poll^ nnd voted fo r it- I

Voto o a C on trac t. ITbo. sta tem en t nBreed uj>on cftlls a t I

,ton tion to tko necessity o f nioo votiJiR .on thc contnir.t. Thin ir.iist bii npprovod b y a two'tUinlH m n jo rty .

T h is is n co n ltiu 't \ietw cun lUo Amv'»- Icnn F n lb rt'servo ir d ia tric t, o f which tho south Hide t r n r t Is n nu rt, and the guvenim unt o f th e U i'itcd S tn tes. In pennral toriiis it follows th o con trnct orlpiniilly en lered info betw een th e | povernuien t and thc Hotilh side trnc t, wliicli m et w ith iiliiio'it tho unimimons opproynl of tho Htoflcl'ol^iem of tin*

. Tw ill FaUs CaHul com pany, Kut in-m oro .• favorab lo . r .

Copies of llio full con trnct, i t wns lyn-’ ‘ nouncell, would bo nvailab lo a t nil jirin ■' cipal po in ts on tho tra c t nnd th e d irect- ors o f tho bif? d is tr ic t woro re i|tiv » lrd . ’ _ lo prepjiro fo r piiblleution a a u n d e r-1'* ’' 6 tnndnbl() nbstrn i't t.( i l s iirovisiouM, i devoid o f thu n.*oea«ur^ lescal vorl'ia j'i- 1 w hich multus tho docum ent hd v o l u m - • inous. . • I I'r

Tho Btajcm ent overn-iso covers tho •>'>'* qualificfttiiin o f voter*, the ni'cessify of tup p o rte rs o f the v ita l A m crirnn F alls p ro jee t Rellinjf to ihe polls a w eek J"'". from nex t Sutiirday anil vo lin tf “ Y e s ," an d th e im portnnt 'lonnoctiun betw een tlic reservo ir p ro jec t nnd rn ilroad con- . ■ stru c tio n soutli.

MootlnffB a t O tber P lacca. m ilCkimmittccmen from B uhl and F ile r

to ld of u rraugom ents fo r e lection duy j!*" to bo msCdo a t mcQtiut;t> a t llioao plucea.Tho com milteomun presen t, a t tUo m eet- Ine, In nddition to Chnirum n Swim, ' wcro JI. .1. W enver, F ilo r; C arl M illor, C astle fo rd ; W. D. n ill is F ile r , W. hU Van llo u te a . K im borly ; S . 0 . Diolil, '" J ’ F ile r; W . II- T u rner, la n ib e r ly and Hansen. P . P . A lilqulst o f llulil w as ‘"C nbsen t on nccount o f illnoBH.-

T. J . Wooila o f T w in Fftlls, nnd Guy F lenner o f tlic Iduho R eclam ation ns- «oeiiv\ion, nvuto iv\bo p resout in un nd- "C vlsory cajincrty on soveral m a ile rs on ’ * w hich th e eom m ittoo tlosirod infonnn-,



------ • .huW oatUer B ep o rt Isrood b y lo c a l Ob- i f

MTTcr' ahow a lac tooao in R a ia fa U ; ' the Thuadorstorzn ia Bocorded jth o

T otal p rcv ip ita tion for tli(» m onth o fjfir* A pril appe.irs to be ra lh e r h eavy th is i 1 year, a to ta l o f U.-I I inches b e ln ^ re- tin* corded, necnnUnjr fo thc m on th ly rc jio rt a Ii o f M arlon HnmmouB, locUl w e .ithcr ob- T e cn 'c r. in

- Tlie ^jn'ate-^t p rec ip ita tion fo r nnv wh< ono day w as .(it o f nn inch on A pril >}. s ta i T he nvetnRf« or jiip.t j t . ‘ini>erntiiro fo r o f ; th c m onth wa.i -t5-.T docrceti. T he avor- not nee o f fhu maximum tem iH ;ratnrci w as 07.S di’;rre(“<. and flje .nvernge minimum teni(>eraflire was ilc;rroe«. T he ,t-hifrhe'it rer(ird wa.n 7S d.'CTofs. w hich or- . . curred on Aj>ril Ifi and th e lowe?it wa.5 j 23 det'reeH ou April K .

T here w ere 12 cic .ir dayfl. I.T p a rtly cloiiily nncl fivo r Io n d y .. .b n o thnndof- ^,,,,1 •tn rm ocrurrod on .\p ril 2<5 nnd s liph t l,» il >v»» r,v»r,t,.,l „„ five ,lay>. , J f '"


H a nsao F o rm er Is T ak en In to Ous- "* \' to d y "by S h e r if f ’a O ffica on Com- " P l p la in t o f N eighbor *''"i

______ npp'P rw l W illiam s wns arrc-lted a t his

fa rm south o f H ansen T hursilay a f le r- ___noon on n chnrge o f a ssau lt p referred by his nelchhor, E m c s t Ejrnn.. Both men nhowed thp e ffe c ts o f 1

prolonjjed physical encoun ter w hich re- • su ited in th e fil in g o f th e rom plain t by E pan . The trouble w as sai.l to havp s ta r te d over rircnm stances follow ing a ; d ivorce betw een Efran nnd h is n-ife.

Oet ncqunin ted w ith ou r d e lie io u j j , home m ade candies nnd puro cream ic» cream . Cones fo r tho kiddie*. H erbsi t Rambo.—adv.

Federa l farm loan*, 6 I-S per een t p t In terest.— ndv.


----------D i i f o i K a rK O M

ivite Public to . Inspect Hospital

Jtitixtipn to Throw Doors Dpon 'to Visitora to View Uothods and Eq-uipmont

riio Twin F n lls 'e o u i.ty hoapitnl' will n w ith abon t .'>,000 o ther hoapilals uuKliont iho U nited S tn tes in obscrv- : tho tliird nntional H ospital D ay on .y 12 by th row ing th c ir doors open 1 inviting; tho public to enmo in and

a t f ir s t hnnd ju s t how tho institu - as caro fo r fhe sick nnd in ju red . - ’ro s id o n t' tliirclin” has atrnin Indi- ed h is InfercHt in th is movetiient mnko the publie b e tto r nc<[iminted h hospitals and hnspilal service. “ I t a plunsure to ox|.rcss my in to rcst

tho work o f nn tional Ilospiln l Dny. ich seeks lo nroiiric tlio InrRCst iiossi-

piibllc iiito rest in lho work o f hos- | [ils nnd s im ilar in .n tltntions.” hc saiil , jo tters recen tly m ade jm bllr. •• 1 ’ho T^vln P a lls county hospllal will tl in tho obsPTVnHco nf tho tiny by dini; open houso from 1 to 4 o 'c lock tho afternoon. Ju.ipectlon o f thu 1

ipifal, n u n e s ’ homo r.nd o thor biiUd- s ami dom onstrntion o f X-ray equip- nt nnd othor sc ien tific ap p ara tu s will fcatiirea oT Interest to tho v ia ito rs ' lhe local in s lltn tln n on M ny 12.’he hoard o f county commissionera ‘ I the mnnnKomcnt o f tho hospital j0 expressed ft dcHlxe th n t ns m any . r.ens JW possible ava il thomsolves o t | ! opportun ity to v i^ it tho IwBpital.

P F ic i i i iT r I INSPEC L NES!

ort Line Executives Look ' )ver P roperty Here; F r e ig h t ; "raffic Increases ;

--------- (relphl f ra f f if ou th e Orcfcon S h o rt e e so fa r th is y«-nr Vns iveen nboHt \ ier cen t b e t te r thnn dnrlii;: tho s.amo t lod la s t y e a r nnd th c com pany Is c Invlnff Its plans fo m eet hoavy

innds fn r fall, .iccordhn: to L. 13. b e rt o f S a lt T>al«c. su perin tonden t o f , ihivment .fo r Iho S h o rt liino. fr.’ Ilalbi’rt and H. A. I’ ierco o f Po- j ‘lln, },’eni>ral su jie rin to ad en t; K. C. „ ison of Pocatello , d iv ision suporin- len t: X. D oty n f T’ocafello, trav e l- " auilitor, nnd 1^. II. I 'r a te r n f Po-

:llo, superin tendeni b f h ridces nml J dines, wero lii Tw in F a lN Thurs- nn ft hiusiness and Inspection tr ip ,

r. I la lb e ft sp i'n t th e d ay in th e c ity " connei-tinn w ith in te rv iew ia ij stu - ' t hrahcm i’n to fie Irn inetl by tho . rond nnd tho o th e r executives do- •ll th e ir tim e to nn Insiw .lion o f * RoKomon b ranch . .Vil mombera o f ‘ pn rly le f t ia th o ir spocinl cars on . oveninir train.'-

conomy o f tim e devoted to load inc unloailinff freif,'lis c .irs is ndvanco»l '

Mr. IIa lb o rt n s ji i i t-ffecllve rom ody $ lho c a r shortnRC. Tho ehlppora by ‘ Injr down fhe lo ad inc and unload- '' tim e, ho said , \ylil n o t only h rin tr * It b e tte r scr\-lce fo r thom selves, b u t ,

Indnco ft condition th n t wHil bo *. i<ffectivo nn tho pnrchnao o f m oro " nht cnrs b y tho ra ilroad . IJho b rn k em an ’s tra in in g p lan innUR- , li'd by tlio ro a d Is p roving verj- uf* * ivc ns a m eans o f o b ta lu ln c m oro . sfac to ry workm en. H n lbo rt 'eil. S tu d en t br.iVemcn nre p n i *; work p rinc ipa lly on b ranch line n s ' fo r a period o f tliroo m onths; * nc whioh tim o tlu 'v nro pnld $2 a and aro i;lven a b m iis o f #1 a dny

hoir ner\-lces p rove sa tis fac to ry a t end of U ia t period . I f thoy pass to sts thoy nro then placed on tho roll n t r'effnlar j ay. T ra in in g fo r v

men will bo s ta r lt 'd nhoUt .July 1.Iin S hort U n e o ffic ia ls npprcciato I liiiportanco o f tho construction o f 1

ae to the south, Mr. H nlbort sa id , fi !ie road is p reparin tj fo r tho chanco n imn to bo o ffe rtlv o on M ny i:i, S

n m ountnin tim e N estab lished as n ilard in- th is d is lric t. Tho timo irrivni an.A depnrlu re Irn in s wUi r bo ehangod. ^

-------------------------- 11I.umbaBO.

lis is a rhi'iim atism in th e mu»rlc< ” ic back. I t comes on suililenly a n d nilo painfu l. Kvery m ovem ent ur- . a tes tho disease. Go lo bed. keep t and have C ham bi'rlaln '’s L in im en t '' led and a quiek recovory m ay b c | ‘ ' c ted . M rs. F. J . D ean, i lro tk p a rt ,

w rites: “ I can honestly say th a t ” n b e rla in ’s I Jn im e n t cured me o f laRo a y ea r nuo last sum m er. W hen s p m usinfj i t I w as f la t on niy back rvl a n d coul.l n o t lu rn to tlio le f t o r t,. I had a b o ttlo o f C lm m berlain 's niciit in tho hoi;jo nnd th is w as ied to my baek . I t p rom ptly drove ,• lh e pains and nehos.**-—adv._____

Furniture i n H | BRugs IK l l l l M l i B I

Linoleum | p w | P C T IRanaes I j l l u J i y i {

w a^d Uaed PB in ltu re—Low B ^nt M eana Low P riee s

A. H. Vincent Companym a 40s 215 Sbotlione QU 8 0 .

r c E iarden, Filer.



l i i i rPIGIOllCEBS

Elect Complete S ta ff of City, Highway and Board of Edu­cation Executives

W inners d n B oy Scout £ la c tlo aF o r Ufayor— K enneth K rivanok.F o r C om m issiancts — K lehoid

Robertson, W allncg Caldwell, John R obertson, D urton Perrino .

P o r H lghw ny Bonrd — N orm anB. A lvord, R obert H en ry Dolas, R obert N ixon.

. F /jr School Bonrd^—J u lia n J ifew mnn, Chnrles B row n, Charlea A n ­dorson, Frank- M cAteo, F rederick V arney , Byron Rendohl.

!____________ _____________ :____________ I I• M ark in g tho finnl event in a b r ie f j

jam paipn. Tw in P a l l s ' ju n io r cltizonN, , includinR tho B oy Scouts nlid Cnmp Piro (^irls in gooil stiindinf; in th c ir irp in ir jitio n s , w en t tu tho polls In the iunioj e it ire n s ’ eloctinu n t P a rish hall rh u rsd ay n ig h t an d t-leotcd tho abovo mmed cnndldntes w ho w ill tako )vor nnd opernto tlio ir various o ffices I 3nturday.

Tlw ju n io r cand id a te s m nnaged to !Ondiict th c ir eampa»{nt on IniUvMual j no rils nnd notwith.U.indinB tho facr. ] h a t thu Ku K lux K !an or m ystorions ‘onferon<*es wero not even m cntioneii •verj-body concerned -'ei-med to ho very veil sali-Hfied. O therw ise tho oloetion ' vns held in a m nim cr sim ilnr to th a t if tho recen t c ity eb'Ction.

Thero wore, how ever, tickc.tK atvd inmpaifin w orkers in tho field, nnd one ; if tho efovenfPi hour t/evelopm onts w ai a ho nppearnnco o t p lacards iiruinR the iinlorK tn rast th e ir ballo ts fo r whn; vns proclaim ed a s the* Rendnhl ticke t, omposod of K enneth Rondalil for iiayor nnd Wiilla/-o Cnldwoll, A lton llackbnrn , Dean C. M cClellan nml JeorKe Sprapue fo r rniiimUsioners. Suc- css in th is ven lu ro 'w as represen ted bv } ho election nf NVaiiaee Oablwoll nn'-l *• . ra th e r sulx itan tla l voto fo r tho o^her a ildldatcs.

I iu * « ^ d o n t Wing. "K onnoth ^(rH-nnok, runnlnR as nii in- ’’

ependent and w ithon t proniisos of o litical favors, Avon the raco fo r mnyor y a .m ajo rity o f f lv« votes over the a an d id a te of tho Reii-;ahl tlrk e l. The h tluTS In the m ayoralty raco and Ihe o lcs 'givou them w erv. V cranas M«r- ay, 3!i; Paul M cClellan, 27; Ilow ard i Icrjr, f). • f

The race fo r com m issioners, h ighw ay „ nd school boards resallc il ay follows. F o r commissionors—liichard Robiii-

[>n, S7; W allnco Ca( Iwell, PD; Jo h n 1, lol>ertHon, "D; Biirti^n I’crrine. 10:i; j leorjio Siiragiie. 5?5; A lton B lnckbfirn, j; .T; F loyd A tk inson . 4 -1; Doan C. Mc.- Hollan,’ -')0; L eonan l Mcc, ,'iOj Clnrk ieei>e, 3ft. t

P o r h ighw ay board—N orm an B. Al- j ord, 110; 'R obert H enry Peiss. .S-l; Rob- Ij rf N ixon. 03; R o b o rt’P ix , •}!>; Ooorgo Illlor, -12; 1.00 M illor, : : l ; I’a rr is K ail,

W a lle r Frar.ollo, 41; Eugono Oif- c in. 40. 5-F or school b o an l—Jiilinn Newmnn, 1

30; C liarles Brow n. 110; Cliarles An- orson, 124: P ra n k McAteo, 1-Tl; Frcd- rick V arnev , 111; Bvron Rcndahl, IIH ; Vosloy B agloy, 72; HcrlK-rt C arter. 5 4 ; “ i i la a W alte rs , fi!); Clirrlos R atc liff , 87. “

T he olection w ns tho oponing ev en t “ n Boy Scout w eek, fo r which the sio •nn, " B o y s — tho N’n tio n ’s C reates/ is so l,” hns been ndorifed. Fo llow ing ■' ho ju n io r election a rehearsal for tho " icout inv i's titu ro to Iif stage*! la te r in ® ho wook fook i>laco tn th e high school’ ud itorium .

P ro en in i GlTcn. jTho program for thu rem aindor of th ?

rook ta ns follow s: ' . til-’ridny—2;4."> p. ni.. grnnd parado,

la rry K. Barbor, chairm .an; H. J . 'oungs, J . E. M adsen, I lo w a rd -L . tj ab ln , m aslc r o f cet\‘nionicn. Review t; f parado n t M ain nnd Shoshone, .l;mics « rcM illan, ch a ln n an o f ju d g es’ com- c, ilttco. o;A t .T:.”10 p. m.. field meet and Scouf

•mtcHts a t L incoln ii.-id .in charge of fr. M erritt, H azcn K.veter, H arrv Bo- « o lt nnd C. C. I>arse i. .F rid ay niu’h t . ‘Scout Investitu re corc-

lonk a t h igh school; ndjlre?.s by U L. I'ariie, dtHlricl Scou* oxeciilive. S a tu rd a v —Alt S lan ts m eet a t d t v

[ill a t cr o ’clock. l';ierted o.ffieerB ako api*ointuienls. • f lity is operated ir one dliy by ju n io r offiria ls. au n ilay —.\ll Scouts a tte n d chnrch in'OOpS.Tho lyjrnde F rid a y aften io o n w ill bo

FootwearMotlc hy Chrightnn

F o r i n i l a d v o f d i. 't^ 'r in i-i n n t i o n w i ' .‘jIk u v l io r o :i I.^<1100 o f i in i i - s u n l s t y l o a n d ia ] i l< \n s in " c o m h in . ' t t i o n o f 1m a to r in ,lK . O tv o o f a lr\r*:.> in u m b e r o f s ty ic .s t o . S f l ' r t | f r o m .


LY NEWS, TWIN, f a l :loJ .lo - D r. W iin lm P . Pnm er, B. S rout commissioner, nnd M r. Warn d is tric t cxccutlvo.- In th e liue o f m an will bo tho local O. A. R .'m em bora. tl e igh t troops o f Scouta. tw o aoctiona i Bco H lvo girls nnd thrco councils 1 Camp F ire g irls, an d tho high acho band. The Scouta w ill, i t is unde stood , appear in thc M emorial L»i parailo in honor o f th* Civil W nr vc erans, who w ill bc In th e Uno of mart F riday .


B ody o f A. V . Mounca, W est E n d P inoer. Is D lBcorerod l a W rockAga 1Oar 0 0 B ood N e a r B u rley

A-.i V . Mouncc. p ioneer rosidont Buhl, w as killod W ednesday ovenii when th c nutoniobilo in w hich bo w. rid ing le f t tho road nnxl p lunged in the d itch w est o f Burloy. Tho boc w as taken to th e undortak lnff parlo a t Burley to a w a it tho a r r iv a l o f Mi Mouncc.

Mr. ^^ounco wns nhout 00 y ears • nge nnd w as one o f tho earllea t ao tie rs in tho woat p a r t o f th e count Ho is su rv ived b y a w idow ond th n ehildroo.

’?er>yoiL<tl II b O uast—Jfra . A. N , Aahlino {

Slioshone ia a guest a t th o Bogorson.

Goos to K ansas— .1. A . Johnson ht lo ft on nn ex tended v isit n t B urlingam Knnsns.

b n V is it H ofa—A. 0 . B ro thers an w ife o f Fcraw ood, Idaho, aro v iaitin hero.

Io w a W om aa A rriv tfr—M tb . C an! Aslier o f Oakalooaa, Iow a, is a guci a t the P errine . -

F ile r W om an H ere—Mrs., A. M. Wi son o f F ile r wns In Tivln P n lls T hun dny on business m atters.

L oad Wool Oars— Throo cjirloads 0 wool a re being loadod a t P llo r by th Dotwoilor Slicop conipwny.

H era from Colorado— R. G. MilU and fam ily o f O rand Ju n c tio n , Col< rado, n rrlvod hore T hursday. -

B o tu m to B uhl—M rs. P . C. M erodit and dnughtor hnvo ro turned to thoi homo a t Duiil a f te r n sh o rt v is it h en

Baclc from O alircm ln—?ilrs. P . i L loyd o f H ollisto r re tu rn ed from Cal: fo rn ia Thursday , w heio eho sp en t th w inlor.

W ill A tte n d M oot—M. C. M itchol high srhool su jiorin tcndenl, w ill a tto n th e sln to - a th le tic meet n t Caldwel F riday .

J .irb ld g a Polkp In O lty—H . A. Hal fie ld and M r. and Mrs. B ort F on l 0 .Tarbidgo woro v iaiting frien d s her T hursday.

On B rio f V ls lt—M r nnd M n . Joh S. Oourloy nnd children woro in th c ity ThursiU y nfternoon from thoi home n ea r FUor.

W lao on th a M ond—.T. H . Wiso 1ab lp to spend a p a r t oif hia tim

n t his o n lr c , follow ing nn illness 0 a b o u t a m onth 'a durnticn-

L araon Bocoveni— fi. V. I-arson. wh hns sp e n t tho week up to T hursday a homo, duo to an n ttack of “ flu ,* ’ i agn in ablo to be downtown.

P lu V ic tim Im proves—A ndrew Rogoi son, who h.as bocn confinod to b is hom foe tho pnst th ree weeks w ith n sever a tta c k o f “ f lu . ' t is so f a r recovered a to bo ablo to bo out.

C onunlttoa to M aat—Soveral impor ta n t m atto rs conecm ing tho p lans o lho jo in t A m cricaniznfion com m itte' w ill be discu.ssod n t tho m eoting of thi com m ittee members a t tho high sclioo on S aturday .

Takoa Now P o s i t io n -F ra n k M ntf Ison who has been connected w ith th e Mac

Ma says: ‘But I say

I Am GoingiOO Genu Duplex S(

FREE,F R ID A YBuy a blade, 10c


I’m headq

“ P C

.LS, IDAHO, THURSII. Adbance Recorded

in Maximum MarThursdftj^'s maxim um tem pera-

f tu ro ad ran eed to <13 degrees, t)io I h ighest slnco Inst F ridny . A verage

fo r tho d a y waa -iO degrees, o r tw o■ dogroes aboivo th e avoragc; o f Wod-

r_ liosday, a lthough TIiursdAy’s U w j ' m ark w as 2» dogroes, repreaentod

a doclino o f fivo dt-^cea.

: nuley c lgn r storp fo r iho m s t 15 yon: ^ has rosipnod anil will tako an offl I w ith tho A llen Oil compai

w ith in a fow days.

J WIU E » ildo H e n ^ W . A. V an Enc Ien o f B urley, m nnnger ‘o f thu Goldi Rulo atoro, la p ro p a 'ln g to movo 1'

. fam ily horo. M r. Vnn Engolon la chnrgo o f tho local slpro. Tho improv

^ m en t to tho local (luartors a ro pro ® tica lly complotod.

^ P la n 'PoUc® Bacordfl— ^Wlth a vie ® o f a ffo rd in g tho local tr a f f ic office ’• w ith a comploto un ily icnowlodgo of d

volopm ents, Ph il H orrlm an, th e c ity “ now polico ch ief, hopea to in sta ll an i ‘* oxpenakva d a ity rccord o r memorandui '• T he p lan is dosignod lo nvoid conditio:

w hich ^ v o riso to an invostigation la w in te r by th o c ity commisaionors.

A N N O U K C B M B N ri

Tho Noighbors o f W oodcraft yr. . m eot Id tho B usinesi W om on 's ch

room s thJa (F r id a y ) ovoning a t0 ’clock.

" D an McCook Clrcio No. 3, Lndles i '• tho G. A. B-, w ill meot in 1. 0 . 0 . ;

luUl S a tu rd ay .aftom oon n t 2 o ’cloc A il membors aro roquestod to bo prc 1 onL

> M ombers o f D an McCook p ost N

33 o f tho D opartm ont of Idaho , aro r0 quested b y J . , I> .-Sm U h, p ost coi t m andor, to m eot in f ro n t o f t'ho h i;

school F r id a y nftornoon boforo 3 p. j to nssist In tho Boy Scout parade.

S e ttle rs In troduced H oney Bees, ' In re a lity a ll lionoy bees a ro w ih

fo r they lm v« been but li t t le chnugc by m an. boUt In H truciuro unil In hni

’ Its.I t does, n o t seem to be Bcnemll

knoiVn th a t th c ro were' no bonny hcc [ In A m crien befo re ihey w ere In tn

duced by th e enriy F rench , Knglleh pn Simiiisli Beltlera.

T he ' old h is to rie s contnin, bowevci . very few d a te s on lh e 8pr>!nd of th . bcoH. T ho In d ian s cnllw l th e sw nnni

w hich escaped und so ttled In hollo\ tre e s , EngUnh Illcs. T liey hn led the i

• a s precu rso ry o f th c w hiter, bur th e f qu ick ly lea rn ed lo eu t tho lioney.- , Exehango.

[ M inistry.1 H igh thouRhta and noble In a ll laodi

ic lp me.—R ichard B jiiion ,



FRIDAY,. Wo have made some m I position to give better sei

ever bofore. Buy a Swin of the season.

A D tn .T S ' BOOK, so SW IM S OH H iD B EN ’S BOOK, 30 SW I

I I'ho O w ners o f Bo«


‘Joshua ’tairits true, everyto Give Awa;

ine Durban ifety Razors\ FREE! A N D S A T I, and get the $1 razi1 0 0 , when they 're gone, r

iiarters for all toile

I P ” F I S I

>AY, MAY 3 ,192aO rigin o f “Yankee."

« T aokeo is u can t nam u fo r A sicrl- K c a n s bclouglDg to tho Now B ng load

s ta te s . D uring tho Itevolu tlo ti th e n am e w as applied b ^ th e B rltls ti to a ll tlio Insurgcntd im d du ring th e C iv il w u r It.vvus tho common designs'- tlu o o f tho. federa l so ld iers by tb e Confedom tcA In G roat B rita in tb e te rm is som etim es Im properly npplled

_ generally tc na tives o f th e U nited S la te s . Tho m ost commoa <iiplaoa> tUin o f th o term seem a also .th e m o rt

,y p lausib le , nam ely, th u t It Is u c o rm p t* p ronunciation d t I 'n g llsh o r o f F rench

'tA ngluls" form erly cu rren t am ong tb * e- Amoricun Indluns.;n ‘ ‘ - •Is .In F lo a t

"My w ife said *No,’ and If yon n ro ' a m a rried m an you know th a t’s flnal." s a id a m an la th e Shoreditch (&og>

^ laud ) couhty c o u r tra =!■■’ ' ........ . ......... ' '0 -Ifi • s.

^ T o m ’s C a fe L u n c lie sst

L U N C H E O N— NO. 1—250------

Conoy Island Clam Chowder11 Soupb H o t B oast Boef, P o rk or Ham*-8 burger Sandw ich

M ashed P o ta to es Toa Coffoo M ilk

>f — -N O . 2—30c------'• Soup

■' H ot B oast Beef, P o rk or Uam- ®* burger Sandw ich

.. M ashed Potntoos R nislu Pio

5. T ea Coffee MUk------ NO. 3 -3 5 C ------ ■

h ' SoupI. P r ie d P illc t o f Solo w ith T a r­

ta r Snuco '" Vonl Hash w ith P ried E gg

Im ported S p ag h e tti Itnlino . L ib e r ly Stenk and Brown G ravy I M ashed P o ta toes Succatashd ■ Rio Pudd ing« T ea Coffeo M ilk '

f -------------------------------- :--------------- :----


a F o r P lan ting . D uring M ay

I* TJio tim e for p lan tin g is n o t reg- ula ted by 'calendar da te , no r th a

® iu rroundlug vogutation, .b u t b y tha T condition o f oar trees, roses, shrubs

and p lnnts. M ay is tho Ideal month In which to plant.

K Z B O B B L y N U B S E E nJS K lm berlyi Id ah o '

Phoao 40 Open Evenings


MAY 4 thore improVenients and are in •vice and warmer water than iming Book at the beginning

sa .00 .M S -------------------------------------- 94J50ika P u rn lsh Own Suits.


it possible”word of it!

J R D A Y ^or absolutely freeo more

t reqiiisites