The Trinity Tidings February 15, 2017 To share the love of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, by loving one another, loving our community, and putting our faith into action. Trinity Episcopal Church 410 North Pine Street P.O. Box M Florence, AL 35631 256.764.6149 Fax: 256.740.6653 www.trinityflorence.org trinity@trinityflorence.org Clergy The Rev. Andrew C. Keyse Rector The Rev. Dr. Callie Plunket-Brewton Associate Rector Episcopal Campus Ministry Chaplain The Rev. Catherine Schiesz Deacon Church Staff Noël Beck - Choir Director & Organist Simon Richardson - Youth Director Sheila Shelton - Bookkeeper Jessie Stracener - Children’s Ministry Pam Turner - Nursery Supervisor Jenny Tice - Administrative Assistant Vestry and Officers Sco Townsend, Senior Warden Ralph Jones, Junior Warden Mike Moeller, Treasurer Gayle Ozbirn, Clerk Bonnie Atkinson Sarah Franklin Bob Garfrerick Mark Grisham Rachel Hillis Beth Lane Ron Letson Dorlea Rikard The Trinity Tidings T he Vestry and I met in retreat last Saturday, Feb. 11, and the whole meeting was very positive and had lots of energy as we discussed where we are as a parish and what we’d like to do moving forward. We began the day with Morning Prayer and meditation on two scripture passages: 2 Tim. 4:1-8 and Mark 10:46-52. Two things immediately spoke to us as we considered what the Vestry was called to be and do. From Paul’s letter he writes, “As for you, always be sober, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, carry out your ministry fully.” Being sober, or steady, in word and deed, we are to carry out our ministry fully by serving the people of Trinity. It is a great honor that both the Vestry and I share, to serve the people of this parish. Secondly, from Mark’s gospel, as Jesus is approached by Bartimaeus, a blind man, he asks him, “What do you want me to do for you?” The man asks to see again and Jesus restores his sight. In a similar way we, as Vestry and clergy, are to ask the parish, “What do you want me to do for you?” If we can help anyone to “see again,” it is our duty to do so to the best of our ability. Sometimes it’s as simple as asking the question and getting a clear answer. This to say we all need to be willing to ask the questions and listen, while others need to speak up and answer so we may hear. We then looked at what it means to be a Vestry and how did we see ourselves helping the parish move forward into a bright future. We discussed opportunities to expand our evangelism and promote the parish by ways of the new website and by taking advantage of social media tools already available to us. We looked at making Adult Christian education offerings more consistent and available to all parishioners throughout the year. We found there to be too many gaps and not enough time for us to gather for meaningful conversations, open discussions, and meditations. We also assigned members of the Vestry to be liaisons to our various ministries at Trinity and charged them to communicate with their respective groups and report back to the Vestry so as to create better communication and participation in all aspects of Vestry Retreat very positive VESTRY Continued on page 4

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Page 1: The Trinity Tidings - BridgePoint Studioschurch-final.bridgepointstudios.us/wp-content/uploads/... · 2017. 2. 15. · The Trinity Tidings February 15, 2017 To share the love of God,

The Trinity Tidings

February 15, 2017

To share the love of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, by loving one another, loving our community, and putting our faith into action.

Trinity Episcopal Church

410 North Pine Street

P.O. Box M

Florence, AL 35631


Fax: 256.740.6653


[email protected]

Clergy The Rev. Andrew C. Keyse


The Rev. Dr. Callie Plunket-Brewton

Associate Rector

Episcopal Campus Ministry Chaplain

The Rev. Catherine Schiesz


Church Staff Noël Beck - Choir Director & Organist

Simon Richardson - Youth Director

Sheila Shelton - Bookkeeper

Jessie Stracener - Children’s Ministry

Pam Turner - Nursery Supervisor

Jenny Tice - Administrative Assistant

Vestry and Officers Scott Townsend, Senior Warden

Ralph Jones, Junior Warden

Mike Moeller, Treasurer

Gayle Ozbirn, Clerk

Bonnie Atkinson

Sarah Franklin

Bob Garfrerick

Mark Grisham

Rachel Hillis

Beth Lane

Ron Letson

Dorlea Rikard

The T r in i ty T id ing s

T he Vestry and I met in retreat last Saturday, Feb. 11, and the whole meeting was very positive and had lots of energy as

we discussed where we are as a parish and what we’d like to do moving forward. We began the day with Morning Prayer and meditation on two scripture passages: 2 Tim. 4:1-8 and Mark 10:46-52. Two things immediately spoke to us as we considered what the Vestry was called to be and do. From Paul’s letter he writes, “As for you, always be sober, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, carry out your ministry fully.” Being sober, or steady, in word and deed, we are to carry out our ministry fully by serving the people of Trinity. It is a great honor that both the Vestry and I share, to serve the people of this parish. Secondly, from Mark’s gospel, as Jesus is approached by Bartimaeus, a blind man, he asks him, “What do you want me to do for you?” The man asks to see again and Jesus restores his sight. In a similar way we, as Vestry and clergy, are to ask the parish, “What do you want me to do for you?” If we can help anyone to “see again,” it is our duty to do so to the best of our ability. Sometimes it’s as simple as asking the question and getting a clear answer. This to say we all need to be willing to ask the questions and listen, while others need to speak up and answer so we may hear. We then looked at what it means to be a Vestry and how did we see ourselves helping the parish move forward into a bright future. We discussed opportunities to expand our evangelism and promote the parish by ways of the new website and by taking advantage of social media tools already available to us. We looked at making Adult Christian education offerings more consistent and available to all parishioners throughout the year. We found there to be too many gaps and not enough time for us to gather for meaningful conversations, open discussions, and meditations. We also assigned members of the Vestry to be liaisons to our various ministries at Trinity and charged them to communicate with their respective groups and report back to the Vestry so as to create better communication and participation in all aspects of

Vestry Retreat very positive

VESTRY Continued on page 4

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2 February 15, 2017

Florence, Alabama

Sunday Schedules

7 Epiphany -- February 19, 2017

8 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I Greeter: Erika Sigle LEM: Patte Clement

Ushers: Ralph Jones, Gunther Sigle Vestry Person of the Day: Bonnie Atkinson

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist II Greeter: Amy Letson Chalice Bearer: Patty Klos

Lectors: Jerry Shea, Beth Keyse Intercessor: David Tomlinson Ushers: Carole Graves, (volunteer needed)

Acolytes: Belle Johnston, Anna Claire Letson, Jacob Letson, Will Letson Children’s Sunday School: Krista Manchester

Children’s Chapel: Jessie Stracener

Readings: First Lesson: Leviticus 19:1-2,9-18 Psalm: 119:33-40 Second Lesson: 1 Corinthians 3:10-11, 16-23 The Gospel: Matthew 5:38-48

Last Sunday after the Epiphany -- February 26, 2017

8 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I Greeter: Helen Richards LEM: Elizabeth Renault

Ushers: John Ott, Goodloe Pride Vestry Person of the Day: Mark Grisham

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II Greeter: Bo Osborn Chalice Bearer: Sheree Barnes

Lectors: Sarah Gaede, Michael Gallaher Intercessor: Noël Beck Ushers: Scott Cross, Carole Graves

Acolytes: Bennett Brake, Libby Brake, Merrie Margaret Brewton, Anna Claire Letson Children’s Sunday School: Jessie Stracener

Children’s Chapel: Tanya Hayes

Readings: First Lesson: Exodus 24:12-18 Psalm: Psalm 2 or 99

Second Lesson: 2 Peter 1: 16-21 The Gospel: Matthew 17:1-9

Please check the online schedule for any changes.

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The Trinity Tidings

Those on our prayer list:

Sean Michael O’Bannon, Katie Clement,

Milo Nicholson, Martha Gruber-Cabler,

Betty Montgomery, Elizabeth Shaia,

Susan Hunnicutt, Bill Wallace, Reba

Blouin, Paul Jones, III, Jimmy Blythe,

Betty Goodsell, Jap Patton, Joyce

Kimbrough, Lindy Blackburn, Lexi

Edington, Maggie Williams, George

Flowers, Ragan Morris, June Nuessle,

Ned Hughes, James Lisby, Kim Jones

Johnson, Hurshel Miles, Jane Frith,

Margaret Boudreau, Bob Murphy, Linda

Persall, Jerry Jacob, Billy Aldrich, Maria

and Hans Meier, Lisa Linkins Cink,

Rene Passarella Ciarametero, Jill and

Scott Aultman, Ann and Frank Moses,

Daniel Wilson, Mary and Joe Garner,

Frank Helderman, Bob Gehling, Kelly

McCord, Caroline Moore, Anna Lea

Moore, Penelope Blankenship, Sheree

Barnes, Dottie Foote, Nancy Johnston,

Mary Lou Gray, Benny Brake, Louis

Weil, Penny Joiner, Susan McGee, Dru

Johnson, Dan Holt

Those in the Military:

Denys Zea, Don Beckwith, Scott

Sibley, Jacob Bobo, Adam Garfrerick,

Taylor Grier, Kyle A. Taylor, Michael

Larsen, Ben Wimberly, Chris Muse,

Sam Spearman

Birthdays and Anniversaries

Coming up:

Gayle Ozbirn, Andrew Garfrerick,

Sarah Ware, Nancy Johnston, Faye

Turner, Elizabeth Walter, Ryan

Brake, Mitchell Barnes, Kelly

Coleman, Belle Johnston, Joe Massey,

Carole Graves, Stephen Taylor,

Jamie Schiesz, Grace Fox, Darby

Burgess, Dick Jordan, Kathleen Bobo,

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wallace, Ford

Tomlinson, Robert Pride Sr.

February: Susan Koonce

The following date

is available:

Sunday, Feb. 26

(We will not have flowers

during the season of


Please call


for more information.

Flowers Altar

Care Committee

Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them

We extend our deepest sympathies to Jennifer Jenkins and her

family on the death of her father, Johnny Peters


Amy Darby

Our Prayers

Altar Guild

February 15, 2017 3

There simply aren’t enough words or ways to express our thanks and appreciation to our Trinity family and friends for your prayers, visits, food, flowers, and phone calls during our extended illnesses. What a caring church! God Bless -- Frank and Ann Moses

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4 February 15, 2017

Florence, Alabama

ministry. Here are the current Vestry liaisons:

• Children’s Christian Ed. – Mark Grisham

• Adult Christian Ed. – Ralph Jones

• Parish Life – Dorlea Rikard

• Stewardship – Mike Moeller, Scott Townsend

• Pastoral Care – Gayle Ozbirn, Rachel Hillis

• Youth – Ron Letson

• Garden – Beth Lane

• St. Francis – Bonnie Atkinson

• Evangelism – Bob Garfrerick

• Budget & Finance – Mike Moeller, Sarah Franklin, Gayle Ozbirn, Mark Grisham In addition to all this we set a date for a Parish Retreat at Camp McDowell, our first in several years, for Friday, September 29 – Sunday, October 1, 2017. Please come and join us for fun and fellowship at Camp. Overall it was a wonderful and productive retreat. Stay tuned for more exciting things to come out of this meeting and be ready, like your Vestry and me, to serve this parish in fulfillment of our ministry together.

-- Fr. Andy+

Vestry Retreat very positive; liaisons assigned to groups VESTRY Continued from page 1

What: Home Communion

When: Wednesday, March 15

Where: Home of Tom and

Mary White, 443 N. Wood

Ave., Florence

RSVP: Church office at 256-


Have you ever loved something so much you just can’t stop talking

about it? Maybe it’s your children, your school, or, wait for it...your

church! I am looking to re-form and reinvigorate our Evangelism


At our Vestry retreat we charged this committee with two immediate

tasks. The first is to create and produce a “take away” flier or brochure

that shows off and promotes Trinity and our ministries. The second is to

figure out ways to incorporate social media tools to allow others to see

what we have at Trinity. It would be nice to do live recordings of

Sunday sermons or even the whole service so those who can’t be with us

can tune in and watch.

If you are interested in being a part of this vision of sharing who we

are with the world, please contact me and I’ll put you on the team.

What we have at Trinity is special, let’s not hide it but share it with

others so that they, too, can come and experience the love of Christ in

this place!

-- Fr. Andy+

We need you to let light of Trinity shine

Our next Home

Communion will be at the

home of Tom and Mary

White (443 N. Wood Ave.)

on Wednesday, March 15.

Because the service is on a

Wednesday, we will gather

beginning at 5:15 p.m. and

will start the service at 5:45

so that parents who have

children at any of our youth

activities on Wednesday

nights will be able to get

back to the church by 6:30 or

so to pick up their children.

This is a wonderful

gathering of Trinitarians of

all ages. We share finger

foods, fellowship, and then

the Eucharist. Please make

plans to join us and call the

office (256-764-6149) to let us

know that you’ll be there.

Home communion

will be at home of

Tom & Mary White

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February 15, 2017 5

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6 February 15, 2017

Florence, Alabama


A s we move through the lengthening of

days, our congregational hymns continue

to use the symbol of light. Epiphany reminds us

that Jesus is God’s gift to the whole world, the

Light that shatters our darkness.

In recognition of Black History Month,

worship each Sunday in February includes

music whose roots are in the rich African-

American tradition of our common culture.

William Grant Still’s “Meditation for Organ,”

Duke Ellington’s “Prayer,” spirituals sung — all

are part of our sacred music history.

Everyone is invited to join the choir for

Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, February 28, 5-

7 p.m. Food will be yummy, fellowship will be

warm. This choir fundraiser will help toward

the purchase of chairs for the choir rehearsal


-- Noël M Beck, organist and choir director

Are you between the ages of 20-35? Would you like to get to know other young adults in the parish? If the answer to these two questions is an enthusiastic yes, then come to the first meeting of the Trinity Young Adults on Thursday, February 23rd at 7 p.m. in the parlor. We’ll gather and talk about what we

First meeting of Trinity Young Adults scheduled for Feb. 23

would like this ministry be, how often we want to meet, and what we’d like to do. If you would like more information about this ministry, please contact Sarah Ann Keeter ([email protected]) or Callie Plunket-Brewton (cplunketbrewton @gmail.com). Please join us!

We are in the process of organizing our Lenten lunches for 2017. They're always a wonderful opportunity for fellowship and spiritual growth during this important liturgical season. If you or a group of which you are a part would like to provide and serve the food for one of our lunches, please call the office (256-764-6149) and let us know which day would work best for you.

Lenten Lunches?

Can you help with

Mark your calendars now for Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, February 28, in the Parish Hall. This is the choir’s major fundraiser each year. It is a delicious and delightful way to share a meal with friends, and contribute to many aspects of the choir’s work. Choir funds are used for purchasing chairs and vestments, and providing continuing education opportunities for the choir.

Hungry? Get your pancakes on

Shrove Tuesday supper, Feb. 28

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The Trinity Tidings

Room in the Inn

Canterbury @ UNA Canterbury folks, Vocare 17 is coming up! March 3-5 at Camp McDowell is a weekend that will be life-changing for college students and young adults. June Howard (current Canterbury@UNA member) and Sarah Ann Keeter (current Trinity member and a Canterbury alum) are going to be attending Vocare as pilgrims. Mary Clayton Miree, a former member of the Trinity EYC, will be there as a pilgrim as well. Canterbury current students and alums are also well represented on the staff. Rob Whaley, Heather Whaley, Mollie Schaefer, Will Chaney, Andrea Shipley, Dillon Green, Rachel Miller and yours truly will all be on the staff this year. Keep us in your prayers, and, if there's anything you’d like to send along to the pilgrims or staff, I can take it to camp for you if it’s in the office by Thursday, March 2, at noon.

-- Callie

I am in the process of working on our Room in the Inn schedule for February 27 and March 6 and 20. If anyone is interested in being a part of this great work of feeding and sheltering our homeless friends during the coldest months of the year, please contact me, Callie, at the church office or by email ([email protected]). I am in desperate need of volunteers to make this ministry happen. It is meaningful and rewarding work, and I will always put new volunteers with more experienced ones, so you'll be working with someone who knows what they're doing and can guide you. We volunteers have a lot of fun working Room in the Inn together and would love for you to join us.

-- Callie


March 1, 2017 †

The Imposition of Ashes and Holy Eucharist

† 7 a.m.

12:15 p.m. 7 p.m.

Father Andy is leading a Bible study during Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. The class usually meets in the Library, but will meet on Feb. 19 in Mullen Hall. We are studying John’s gospel. Come join us!

Fr. Andy leading Bible study class

Sunday School class focuses on scripture “Scripture: The Lively and Living Word of God,” meets Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in the Parlor. (The class formerly met in Mullen Hall.) We’ll talk about how scripture came to be and what the word “scripture” means. We’ll also consider how it has served as an authoritative guide in the past and does so in the present.

February 15, 2017 7

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The Trinity Tidings

Children’s Ministry

Sunday, Feb. 12

Children’s Sunday School 9:30 a.m. -- Jessie Stracener

“Peter and Paul”

Children’s Chapel 10:30 a.m. -- Jessica Mitchell

(Meet in the Children's Chapel room at 10:30 a.m.)

5 p.m. Children’s Chapel

-- Jessie Stracener

Wednesday, Feb. 15

K3 5-6:30 p.m.

All children in kindergarten through third grade are invited to join Ms. Jessie in the

education building for our new ministry. Tonight we will be working on a

service project. Dinner will follow programming at 6 p.m.

Club 456

5-6:30 p.m.

All children entering grades 4, 5 or 6 are invited to join us every week for this ministry! Today we will

talk a little bit about the various ways we can contribute to the church and we will have lector

O ur Children’s Summer Series program takes place on Mondays in the summer. This is our fourth year! We will meet June 5 through July 31 on Mondays from 8-2 p.m. This program is

open to children 3 years old through 5th grade from our Parish and from the surrounding community. Each week we will highlight a different Bible hero and have different themed activities. There will be guests for some weeks who will do activities with us. Children receive lunch and a snack each Monday, but if there are dietary restrictions or you simply prefer to send lunch we try and accommodate those needs as well. We have extended our schedule by an hour this year and I will send out the schedule when it is finalized. Some of the activities that we do every Monday are music, singing and dancing, crafts, games, and special guests. This year we are also planning a separate set of activities for the Club 456 group from the main group. We will share some activities and some things will be especially for the older kids. If you would like to preregister or be added to my email list for Summer Series, please contact me.

-- Jessie Stracener, Children’s Ministry Coordinator

training. Programming runs from 5-6 p.m. with a meal to follow.

Sunday, Feb. 19

Children’s Sunday School 9:30 a.m. -- Krista Manchester

“Luke, the Evangelist”

Children’s Chapel 10:30 a.m. -- Jessica Mitchell

(Meet in the Children's Chapel room at 10:30 a.m.)

5 p.m. Children’s Chapel

-- Jessie Stracener

Wednesday, Feb. 22

K3 5-6:30 p.m.

All children in kindergarten through third grade are invited to join Ms. Jessie in the

education building for our new ministry. Dinner will follow programming

at 6 p.m.

Club 456 5-6:30 p.m.

All children entering grades 4, 5 or 6 are invited to join us every week for this ministry!

Programming runs from 5-6 p.m. with a meal to follow.

February 15, 2017 9

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Youth Ministry Notes

Paintball I’m excited to announce that on March 11 the Jr. and Sr. High EYC will be going paintballing at Phoenix Paintball Division in Athens, Ala. In order to effectively plan this outing, the deadline for signing up to go will be Wednesday, February 22. You can let me know through email(trinityflorence [email protected]) or by phone. The cost will be $30, and that will include the mask, all-day air, field fee, and the marker (paintball gun). The church will pay for the paint. The event will be from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.

Happening #70 March 3-5, 2017, St. John’s, Decatur. Open to youth in grades 10-12.

Awakenings March 17-19. Awakenings is a spiritual retreat for all 7th- and 8th-graders at Camp McDowell. Awakenings is designed to explore the Life and Light of Christ within us. High school counselors lead junior high participants by sharing their stories and facilitating small groups, games, music, and worship.

Young People Paint Birmingham June 19-23. Open to youth currently in grades 6-8. Cost: $175. Registration will be open through May 15. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeyqqCCRzsJ6uVXQ9M1CZGvy8YMS-GaKHlnmCoui9GdTf4h6A/viewform CIT Staff: Current juniors and seniors. Dates: June 18-23(includes

staff training). Cost: $50. Application open through April 10.

Sawyerville Day Camp, Staff Staff: 16 years of age or older Session I- June 3-9, 2017 Session II- June 10-16, 2017 Session III- June 24-30, 2017

Special Session at Camp McDowell Staff: 16 years of age or older Session I- June 12-17, 2017 (counselors arrive on June 10) Session II- June 20-25, 2017 (counselors arrive on June 18) Applications can be found on the camp McDowell website.

-- Simon Richardson Youth Director

We’re in the process of updating the Trinity Directory listings! Please take the time to check your information in the directory, and if there are any changes, please let us know. If you don’t have a directory, call the office (256-764-6149) and we can check the information

for you. When we complete the process, we’ll let everyone know when the free copies of directory listings will be available to pick up in the office.

Have you moved? Changed your phone number or email?

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12 February 15, 2017

Florence, Alabama

Trinity Episcopal Church

P.O. Box M

Florence, AL 35631