THE TREE OF LIFE THE DWELLER IN THE HEART Lesson Twenty-seven The noun Tiphareth signifies "beauty." It is derived from the verb *1RB, pawar, "to shine, to bloom, to glow, to adorn." In the formation of this noun miSD, the root, TRB, is preceded by a letter, Tav, and followed by the same letter. In Tarot, this ending and beginning are symbolized by Key 21. The number of this Key is also the number of n'HR, Eheyeh, "I AM," the Divine Name of Kether, and the number of 1H', Yaho, the Divine Name used in THE BOOK OF FORMA- TION in connection with that book's symbolical description of the "sealing" of the six directions of space. Again, 21 is the theosophic extension of 6, or sum of the numbers from 0 to 6 inclusive. The Administrative Intelligence represented by the letter Tav and by Key 21 is the same essential energy that we see on the Tree as Kether, the beginning of the whirl- ings. This same energy manifests in Tiphareth as the Dweller in the Heart, the central EGO at the core of personal existence. That center is the ruling power, or King ("pD, Melek). It is the cosmic man- hood (01R, Adam) , expressed as the personal self-consciousness. The latter is designated by the word B'R, Ish, a word predominantly masculine because self- consciousness in its relation to subconsciousness expresses powers the whole world, for thousands of years, has associated with the masculine gender. The power carried into definite, specialized expression through this EGO center is the power of HI*), Ruach, the Life-Breath, manifested as psychic force. For the meaning of Ruach in Tiphareth corresponds exactly to what the Greek of the New Testa- ment calls psyche, as distinguished from pneuma, the term representing a higher level of spiritual energy. Psyche is to pneuma exactly as is the Ruach of Tiphareth to the Neshamah of Binah. Human self-consciousness, separated by delusion from its higher realities, mis - takenly supposed to be an independent entity, is the "psychical" or "natural" man (t?'R, Ish) mentioned by St. Paul. So separated by delusion, the psychical man cannot receive the things of the Spirit, the influx of spiritual intuition from the Neshamah located in Binah. When the personality makes the fatal mistake of supposing the EGO to be "on its own," all sorts of miseries result. Sf'B, Ish, the personal "man," becomes truly JX Ben, the Son, only when the EGO is recognized as the energy of the Universal SELF (Yekhidah in Kether) centralized in the core of human consciousness. This means that the EGO must also be recognized as the distributing center through which the powers represented on the Tree by the Sephiroth and paths above Tiphareth are expressed. And these powers so recognized must be understood to achieve expression through the chan- nels of personal life typified by the Sephiroth and paths below the sixth point. Thus the Divine Name specially given to Tiphareth is fiJTn Hl^R HIH' Jehovah Eloah va-Da’ath. Its literal meaning is: "That which was, is, and will be, strength and knowledge." It is an affirmation of power and an affirmation of conscious awareness. It indicates the highest function of the EGO center in man--to be aware, at

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THE DWELLER IN THE HEART Lesson Tw enty-seven

The noun T iphareth signifies "beau ty ." It is derived from the v e rb *1RB, pawar, "to shine, to bloom, to glow, to ad o rn ." In the form ation of th is noun m iS D , the roo t, TRB, is preceded by a le tte r , T av, and followed by the sam e le tte r .

In T a ro t, th is ending and beginning a re sym bolized by Key 21. The num ber of th is Key is also the num ber of n'HR, Eheyeh, "I AM," the Divine Name of K ether, and the num ber of 1H ', Yaho, the Divine Name used in THE BOOK OF FORMA­TION in connection with that book's sym bolical descrip tion of the "sealing" of the six d irections of space. Again, 21 is the theosophic extension of 6, o r sum of the num bers from 0 to 6 inclusive.

The A dm inistrative Intelligence rep resen ted by the le tte r Tav and by Key 21 is the sam e essen tia l energy that we see on the T ree as K ether, the beginning of the w h irl­ings. T his sam e energy m anifests in T iphareth as the Dweller in the H eart, the cen tra l EGO at the co re of personal ex is ten ce .

That cen te r is the ruling power, o r King ("pD , Melek). It is the cosm ic m an­hood (01R, Adam) , exp ressed as the personal se lf-co n sc io u sn ess . The la tte r is designated by the word B 'R, Ish, a w ord predom inantly m asculine because self- consciousness in its re la tion to subconsciousness ex p resses powers the whole world, fo r thousands of y e a rs , has associated with the m asculine gender.

The power c a r r ie d into definite, specialized expression through th is EGO cen te r is the power of HI*), Ruach, the L ife-Breath, m anifested as psychic fo rce . F o r the meaning of Ruach in T iphareth corresponds exactly to what the G reek of the New T e s ta ­m ent ca lls psyche, as distinguished from pneuma, the te rm rep resen ting a higher level of sp iritu a l energy . Psyche is to pneuma exactly as is the Ruach of T iphareth to the Neshamah of Binah.

Human self-consciousness, separa ted by delusion from its h igher re a litie s , m is­takenly supposed to be an independent entity, is the "psychical" o r "natu ra l" man (t?'R, Ish) mentioned by St. Paul. So separa ted by delusion, the psychical man cannot receive the things of the S pirit, the influx of sp iritu a l intuition from the Nesham ah located in Binah. When the personality m akes the fa ta l m istake of supposing the EGO to be "on its ow n," a ll so rts of m ise rie s re su lt . Sf'B, Ish, the personal "m an ," becom es tru ly

JX Ben, the Son, only when the EGO is recognized as the energy of the U niversal SELF (Yekhidah in Kether) cen tra lized in the co re of human consciousness. T his m eans that the EGO m ust also be recognized as the d istributing cen te r through which the powers rep resen ted on the T ree by the Sephiroth and paths above T iphareth a re ex p ressed . And these pow ers so recognized m ust be understood to achieve expression through the chan­nels of personal life typified by the Sephiroth and paths below the sixth point.

Thus the Divine Name specially given to T iphareth is fiJTn Hl^R HIH'Jehovah Eloah va-D a’a th . Its l i te ra l meaning is: "That which was, is , and w ill be, streng th and knowledge." It is an affirm ation of power and an affirm ation of conscious a w aren ess . It indicates the highest function of the EGO cen te r in m an--to be aw are, at

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the level of self-consc iousness, that the essence of our humanity is the un iversal life of the F a th er-M o th er. To be aw are, not as an inference, not as a theory , but as a vivid, in ternal experience . To have, as St. Paul puts it, exact knowledge of the sec re t of God.

Such knowledge is possib le fo r m an. All sa in ts , s e e rs and sages unite to b ear w it­ness to th is . We may know ourse lves to be in perfect union with the F a th e r-M o th e r.Every human being may have p rec ise ly the sam e kind of knowledge p o ssessed by Jesus of N azareth , and with it, the sam e kind of pow ers.

Note w ell, th e re fo re , that D y il H iri ' is the num ber 548, and thatth is is the num ber of the name Binah, spelled in fu ll, JTI 113 1 1 ' n ' i . That is ,the consciousness that the One Reality is both strength and the very p rincip le of know­ledge, is rea lly the perfect m anifestation of the Divine U nderstanding. When any man knows th is tru th , God in Man understands H im self.

When th is knowledge is exp ressed in human consciousness, a ll sense of sep ara ten ess is at an end. No longer does the personality a ttribu te to the EGO pow ers which rea lly have th e ir orig in in h igher le v e ls . No longer is the Son the prodigal spending his substance in rio tous living away from the F a th e r. No longer does the personal Ego puff itse lf up with p ride in attainm ents and achievem ents which a re not rea lly its own. F o r , rem em ber, what the prodigal spent so foolishly was what his fa th e r had given h im .

On the o ther hand, when the prodigal re tu rn s , a ll deprivations a re at an end. When a human being f i r s t catches a g lim pse of the tru th about the Dweller in the H eart, the im ­m ediate re su lt is se lf-ab asem en t. The fa lse p ride of egotism shows itse lf in its tru e light, and the one idea which p o ssesses us then is to get back hom e, th e re to work as un­profitab le servan ts of Him we have so long forgotten and denied.

Yet, even before we have fully re tu rn ed to that C entral P resence, its power com es forth to m eet us. It com es with its best g ifts . When we rea lly do get home, we find that the best is none too good for u s .

Instead of being tre a ted as runaw ays and put to sham e, we find that all ou r priv ileges a re fully re s to re d . And the key to a ll th is is our understanding that the One R eality does everything. Thus the num ber of the nam e r j n i n i n ' , Jehovah Eloahv a -d a 'a th , is also the num ber of the phrase: rftR ril"i' '3R. AniJehovah as ah k a l-o lleh , I Jehovah do all th is (I the Lord do a ll these things, Isaiah 45:7). This is the sec re t of what Hindu philosophy te rm s K arm a Yoga, Union by Work o r Action. When we see that a ll work is accom plished by the power of the U niversal SELF, the b u r­den of labor drops from u s .

Not th is only, fo r we d iscover also that when we recognize the tru e source of our personal pow ers, we a re able to accom plish what we never can do so long as we suppose ourse lves to be "on our ow n." This is the s e c re t of all mighty w orks, the key to all seem ­ing m irac le s . It is the recognition that human life is actually Divine L ife. It is the un­derstanding that the human organism is rea lly an instrum ent through which the pow ers of Omnipotence itse lf a re ex p ressed .

The idea behind th is is found in the w ords of Psalm 55:22, "C ast thy burden on Jehovah,

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and he shall susta in th e e ." The w ords of the Hebrew orig inal add up to 666, fam ous as th e ” Number of the B east," which is also the "Num ber of a M an." H ere we m ust rem em ­b er that no num ber in itse lf is e ith e r good o r ev il. 666 is the Num ber of the Beast be­cause it is a so la r num ber, rep resen tin g Man as a cen te r of so la r activ ity . Thus it is the sum of the num bers com posing the Magic Square of the Sun which is associated in P ractical Qabalah with the sixth Sephirah.

When th is idea of Man as a cen te r fo r the expression of so la r power is m ate ria lized as it was by Rome under N ero, it becom es the evil fo rce to which the num ber 666 is r e ­lated in the Apocalypse. In that book, 666 is sim ply a m eans whereby the in itiated re a d e r might identify the "Beast" with Nero, whose assum ption of divinity and use of so la r sym bols to rep resen t that divinity, was known to those fo r whom the Apocalypse was w ritten .

Yet 666 is not itse lf an evil num ber. It is the num ber of the nam e Sorath ( m i 2 ) , the S pirit of the Sun found again and again in Rabbinical w ritin g s. Thus, when 666 as a so la r num ber stands fo r human usurpation of divine powers and fo r m a te ria lis tic sun- w orship, it is the Num ber of the B east. When the sam e 666 is taken as a num eral sym ­bol fo r the rad iant physical energy which is the ou ter v estu re of the Spiritual Sun, it loses its evil significance, and the good it then re p re sen ts is exp ressed by the phrase we have quoted from Psalm 55. The sam e good meaning of 666 is shown by the phrase

n i n '- w w . Shemesh Jehovah, Sim of Jehovah, which always re fe rs , in Qaba-lis tic tex ts , to T iphare th .

T iphareth , then, is the point on the T ree of Life sym bolizing the EGO cen te r in the h ea rt of m an. At th is point we fee l the influx of the cosm ic rad iance which is the source of all personal ac tiv ity . If we m istake what we fee l and suppose it to be som e power of our own, independent and self-o rig ina ted , we fa ll into all the consequences of th is e r r o r . When we tru ly understand ou rse lves, o r as the parable of the prodigal ph rases it, "com e to o u rse lv e s ,” from then on we a re in d irec t com m unication with the cosm ic dynamo.No longer do we try to live by using up the energy of our personal s to rage b a tte r ie s . We rech arg e them continually fro m the re se rv o ir of un iversal v ita l en erg y . Then do we begin to d iscover the h itherto unim aginable potencies p resen t within u s . We begin to live rad iant, beautiful l iv e s . The burden is shifted from our personal shou lders. The U niversal Life m anifests itse lf through us with ev e r-in c rea s in g power and freedom . We find that we a re ch ildren of the Spiritual Sun, possessing the sac red inheritance of streng th and knowledge which enables us to be ad m in is tra to rs of the perfec t laws at work in even the leas t details of the L ife-pow er's self-m an ifesta tion . We a re Sons of God.