!l tfilE Iw"v6tK. SUN. W XUnLlSllEI) DAILY SUNDAYS KXCX, TKD. I I (JiTcecorner of Nssssa and Fallon street. 41 flnjle Cereca- - TWO CKJOfg. f Twelve I'txis per wcek-t- ilx lxdltrt per ysar. S WintKiY ATTN, alteto'ycn'lburBdBycf 'acb week lis seat by mall aal(D Lobar wjrir slncl esplea three neat. MOSKS S. 11KAC1I, rrcprlfV of Th Han EettbUslimrnt. VkUroad CIIM-r- w Killed 1 Flv ' aantted. Et.xinA, N. T., 8rpt. 19lh A collision Menrri'd bout elcren o'clock, on ihe telmlra and Cinandalgna Lianch of tho .Northcri Central It ill way, betwicn Millport Vnd Flue Valley. At excursion train of ten ran was prccecdlns fum Elmlnt to the at Hvtana, when It came In ,xlllslon v. Ith n portion of a freight trali, Xrlatch liil broken from the main train, funding on toe track. A flagman had been Clalloncd tn rod) hack 'o wtm the engineer train, tut he mlsbjol. Ihe ' Vgnal t nop for that to go ahead slowly, Vnd In a moor nt after o.Uc pi tho ilelichid cra Jrai around lie citrri , The ieed of tho Jlraln hid Un to ljineh stopped, although on Ja down grade, tlut only tlioie standing on the platform autTe red Injury. Tli engineer )nd Orcuitn fared theroulre by leaping Jfroin the tugluis. Ti c truck was obitrui icd Lout one hour. Ihn Dime of the killed ( mod wounded an; as follow! ' ' Ai'lovf - A. E. Tairmmy, Lock Htrcn, Ta.i Frank Tu?. Eltnlir.. H VandVi.-- D. W, Kln-im- Elmlra, leg 'Mnd tabs brokrni Jaini Thomas, r.ltntra, leg bre ken Hen. Hancock, F.linlra, leg bro- ken, and otherwise Imrti Hlrhai J Lynch, ttElmlta, l.l, liadly h.irtt Warren '.vancd, Wirphard' Cr-e- k, badly hurt In theabuul-tlcr- r. (Itelnm of Ibe Prra'drnt to IVwMaiiaa. I , WAtitiiciTiii, S'Tt. in, -- President John- - a Ion readied Washington on his rc"in from 1 xVnlletnm, al one n'olnck Ihla mornlnr. It J 'it aald Hut h- - was hissed LcfutJ hi tpokc. Thp Ni st I'tanstlln'lnn Adnrted ! Mervlnrd. ' IlALTiMOKn, Sept, 18. The tlectlcn on the jfv ' adoption of ')c New Constitution took placo M Tn UiU State loJay. The total Tote In this ' city raa 21,1'IC. For Ihe constitution, Id,, 'i ?I0, ajtnt fj,C7(!. The majority for the ) Conrtllutlon ll' nottc Iwi thin ,000 In the whole Hlle. t f The feature or the new Maryland Si tCoiiMltullim l tin- - atK'Uliimnto.'leatii!hJ ' iraliit nl! h fettum which w lncorK)r- - tcil lnt' Ihe old imo In the early part of Thr new ala.i provide for tlx creation ol' nu.lltl.mil rhrcka iijvii HUte rxpendltiirea i itend the power of tho (iotcimr; tnkea linni tho municipal ath.- - litleaailidtlmoic tho prhih'gv of utlng Ihe city credit without the connnl of the IcgMv ture I nnd proidc for a new aihool aju m The DeiniH-rnl- frittnid h new Conliitlon udthclterublliamoppoed It. II. ' I ffrfm IITn Ter Menmer illart.p t , i Havaxa, Sept. 11. A captain an I 'ii itr J ia the Spanlah acrrlcc (ought A due t . I' n Vrlnclpe. The captain was hadlj vfojuded In the abdomen by hit anUgonltt. hn t:rt 1 but of hU turn ; but by the cntcitlea it' tho I ounded man a retonclllillon waa etTrclrd. L Caralry haTe Ucn aent out ta dlapcrv or .- -. j axtcrmlnale the gnnga of robbers In the lu- - I Wrlor of the lelat d. . V.J;'!' The addrraa aent t y the CaptMn General lo be Queon of Spain on tho completion of i h i . rw cable la ridiculed and parodied lnaco- - 4 .'' Vert manner by the S- lo. No ainwer lo the ; congratulation! of the Captain Owral ba fet been rccelted from the Ilon.o Oorcrn-lien- t. It la rumored that the authorities are arlthboldlni; all private d'patchc until the 'ooked-fo- r meaangc conn from Spain. Aackuun haa broken out among Ihe Jrwa ,' at St. Thoraaa. Home of them hare with drawn from Uie old Byurgoguc, and ure about ( ', 4UUUlili.g anolhui. The (klin In Hlrllf. Wajiiwotow, Sept. Id. Our Consul at ' Palenno, under date of Augint SOth, writes St. to the State l)cartinei.t i.s follow s t f. I have lo rcrt Ihe continuance of the 5i .cholera epidemic In thl' city. From the fib to the IHlh It li.criAcil to 600 caaca dally, but flniT then It haa gradually di creased, eo ,that we had only 101) vne yi'sterdiy, 'I lie 'city Is resuming n checrtnl aspect, but Die baoc that Ihla driadful dUrate baa called among the lower ilaan a Ii Incredible. Tle number of de-it- U lhu fur culliuatcd at 1,000, which, eddid to A,13'.' lat Fall, mikia i loea of about clu trraontln lew than a rear, or fire per cent of the wiiolc population f 'ho city. The Vellow I ever. titw Oiii.kan, Sept, 19. --TLo number of icaths In thbi city from yellow fover up to six oMork this looming, was 4G. Ihe freer U tprcudlng among Ihe tav.ua In th6 taterlor of the Bta'.e. ft. I.uta Troliliuc Park. Br. Uiuia, Mo., Sept. 18. The Fall meet, big of the fit. IjiuIi Trutltng I'aik Aanocla-tlo- u began with a very exciting race betweiu the follow lugliore i Lackey, Dixie, ilollle. Fearless aud Hllas lllc h. The race waa mile hcata, bcal three In fire to harneas furnpuraoof 11,110, ll.o winner to reedte ' 1700 accond horse JiW, and third horse ' ; 1101). lackey won Ihe ram In three tralght , beats. Time. !I.80J,', Ml', v.2d. r- i row there will be a pacing race, in which it la eipictcd that two of thl competing horaea t will get down below W. Ilnae Hall. Daltimoiif, Sept. If The gimo of base ball y between the Irvltigtou'a of New Irrsey and Uie l'mlliuta of Ihla city, rcsultul In a victory for Iho former by a score of U lo 17. The In Ington'a will blt Waahlnvton and will pity Ihe Nationals i.f that rl'y. 'Ihe Nnllouula will llt Haiti-- i more on Friday, and play tho Mar) land Club i of this city, and alto the l'uilim ou Sat- - 'irdav. I E4wln lloolh. The follovilng dlptc)i ahould be read In ionnccilou with the account of tho accident lo Edw In llonth, printed on the Inalde page TthlilMie of the 8 s i I1i.iiioiik, Sept 18- .- Mr. IMwIn Dooth Is rccoU'ring und U now rniuldcrcd sale Irom Iho thn attned losa of his aim. He has mado ' sppllcatiou ngalu lor I tic remains of his bro-- I t ir, l leadliig cry oarneatly that tho mo- - J I cr, being my aged, crates Ihe dead body k as In Inter it, before aim dies, near tint of j .1 a distinguished father, who If burled Hour I .Is city, Tho reluct Int. been denied. The Crrat Manlrcal llrbUe. A correspoudint of tho Sjirluflild Hiput- - (ean f uya I One morning we drove down to take a icnrcr look at ilio tubular bridge. We were 1 oartleularly Interested lu tho provisions made Sor the contraction and oxpaiislon of Ihe jon, aud Ibu ilcleucca iigalmt the Ice. There ire, I bfllctc, twcnty-llt- e spaiu In thu bridge, the iiilddle one ubout a hundred feet longer Ih n the others i and these uru built two and Iwo, eaih double span Ulng entirely dlscon-fOecl- with it neighbor, aud 1 iced ou roll-tr- ao that It Is trie at one cud to push out or rctirat, according to Its cxpiiuslon. In the coldest weather, the watchman told us, there Is space enough between the spans of tho tube " for a boy fourteen or flfleeu years old to pass through," out on to the pier, whllo In the hottest of the summer, there is surely (pace for the thlckners of one's hand. Thin about tho Ice. Each of the twenty-fou- r piers of solid masonry, both cemented and strongly rlvlu-d- . the middle ones eight, ten feet wide, Is so lormed aa lo turn alde IheibiHllug masses of lev, and each buttress is calculated lo withstand the pressure ol evenly thousand tons. The sides of the bridge, where It reals on Its abutments, aro continued In walls of atone thlrly feet high, and prodigiously thick. The watchman told . us that last Spring, when the Ice broke up, It came over the top of this wall which is I alxty feet above the snrface of the river. But I this Ice which seems now such a formidable I of the bridge, afforded a aolld ground I frt two bin it winter fn th hnlldlnv a( t a THE -- Mk SUN. Tliirtv-Fourt- h Ycajr. NEW-YOR- K, TnUgSDAY. SEPTEAfBER 19, 18G7. JPrico Two Conte NEW YORK. ranttttaileaatCinTtctlaj-HeTrntT-Mvrn- tk Pava I'roreedlnaa. AliiAsr, N. ., Sept, in The Convention at 9Velok A. M. ye'le.nlay. A number of pet 'lous were prssin'.ed snc The ComraMcc of the Vholc resume! the consideration of rcpotls on Utuncci and cat. sis. The Committee on Finances reported galnt thelealng or selling the State ran!s, Mr. Wdles movid as a subdltutc thnt canals able to pay tl.o expenses of collrcllon be ex- empt from aalo or f vta'. Mr Onclcy took grnun.. In fivor nf sciiing canals. Canals bjlrnglng to private comiiinka would be wot kid, he raid, to gain the largest potttldo patronage i In the Ii .i.J of the SUtie Ui-- y would le r.ny i m Id r..r cirrupllon. lie i onrliiiled by mot lug as a substitute I 1. Tbat thi Plate anthoritlea d'S'gualM shall dtent-- e f n to t battled by dtpual. for secu-l- tj lir tie Tres-nre- 1. Ti.lls not to be ra.ed by parthase-- , but may b re!uM. a. I"nnliasfrs to keep the esnal la navljablt oriter for nat than six mimths of esrh year. 4. Peal.l lett'Vm to Le lodcffj 'jjtwten tha 1st ai.iaih Ancnt nett. c Male offleer sbatl dreMe, Aienut, by msjnrliy vole, which Knurr Is miat fsruraMa to the M". a M, officers ti nxli the pecple of the Slate ef ItiCir aelli.n, am' MitvIN at test genrfal elec- tion sbail take a vo'r uu the tu'stluiof seUlng vr riUtii!tigthicnil I. t'rovliles frr manner cf tlrcMon. a. 'Ihs maLticr cf muinerattng and declarlaj the mslorltj. r. rroIJe far the ' ith.gecfy cf a najorltj or mhiortt) v.ite. tft Jt'iti 't s. psd In te (Wc-tr- In cf Mai ihbt aed t ti'xsilin of Sts'.e taxes for so- h rla'tn. Afiir dlscttrUo dlseus'I.in, Mr. Ileckwlth tirM what Mr. Oreeley wanted I ' do with the money arising from the itnlr of the canals I Mr. (lietley plleil, to rediico tl.o State tax and to lrs.cn the latnlU II. Mr. t'lliilun and Mr. warmly opposed nrv sale of this heritage of Ihe people. The vile was ,aken on Mr, ilreeley's eut stliiite. Ixst, only tlx tmlnbura noting in tl. ar.lrma'lvc, Eventually, th) vrtl'in, aa reporl'd by the Committee, was adopted. The (Joiifintlon then iiro"ecded to con-rid- Ihe In linn of thn Ueort I 'NtMher Ihe. rreull, monev cr prepe-t- y of the Sta'e shall lie In an manner Il-- or I .si'i.i t r' of ati t'lilifM ia), r rirh. i i..,i ' Afler rpiltc a wsrm dliissi.n ih.i e- .1 n was pacd "Ver until til" n ri nl lln-1- : on Lbaillk'e rt... ild u nii. ,ili- - ' .1 cus.'ou. Tlie nvt settlrni til ni r i n c. I'. thvt tl H If tiii.ii h . le .ii- - , It je lu r. V.IIUI- -. in en ri. Is C U1'l fa til, ii.. t u; i.i.e thr to i cr 1 v ',t u,i ) , I if lii.ele I g . ei h ir n- - Ui lio i II il lor lb i piit4e. s lot Aiiiio lla.weie ob.jii'cl ! lo ri j i in h id, an 1 u, I.. i iL-- urp e i Vr. ni 'ei naendM, fis si, eh l. i'rl a shall I'.' lo i ll a a i rtMilnl t. at Hie I ia.lic-- t practicable pen wl, Auieed i I .'r I'.varis unit. d. t.ut nt'Tiine.i.ly with-- , dii v . in inn In I tin b (k'ut.iiu- - Lu .ml I Ir this Fidl.n reiin'ncU from luaklig a lit loi tl c enl'irgora 1, i" l.'tluii or ini-- 1 prox mriit id aui id Ihe tanats ol the Stat., eo I ir mav le iv In pr.puly n.iiiLl'ito ibt unlueM li Ic d u. ' T vsri.i aavsaiu. ll m of the n ,hil on the 'nan i e ' the i"i'i i, was rcu:net Id the CV'llU.lUl-- t ol I it U oli. Vr. Vcllo:.al I miuil to amend thu nr-tlo- n i ru id), j; 'h'l i't d'b' -- hill tts ul'-- . aiiili .rltej by law fir l .: alogle oljiil to Ui apeclhi'd Unrein, by ad- ding i fyetWif, hnwerer, tf sneh Aebl b eo&lret4 f.r the eolaeettit nt. Iniirrveinefi, oe or iapr.'iii.o of the esnal. nt llil Ma!, r any one r nwis uf them, Ibe sur.lan rerennei.f sa'T raiul may be pleilrcd for tv pnymiat nf sad debt arel aatd law reed only ImrV and provloe f ritieilli-c-thi- of a tdract aenual fax u pay, and euftie'eil to I ay llic drtlrleucy nf aurh de'i after the of said rcveuum with. n eti:bua jeirs. Mr. Iailiham moved to amend o lli.it no itch debt shall be cuuiraelcil unleM It -- hall be aiithorlrail by lav , Mr Improi log or com- pleting the canals, or any of them. After debate on Ihe auiendinenu, without coming to a role, tho Couventlon, at abuul tiy, o'lbck, adjourned. Tho object of early adjournment waa for the purpose of giving Ibc lb. publlcau mem-iK- ra an opportunity tn hold a csuru in t.iku lulu conlderiIon thn proprluty nf an of Iho Couveutlun to aome luturu day. Ittpabllraa Caarna at Allianr. Ai.nANV, Sept. 18. A caucus of thu Repub- lican numbers nf the Constitutional Conven- tion was In Id this ctenlng to take Into con- sideration the propriety of adjourning the Comentlon to aome future day. After dis- cussion It was determined that a Ion; ad- journment would not bo advisable. The ef- fort will bo made to finish up tho business by the lulls nf October, nnd submit the Contl-tullo- n to the ciptc at tho coming diction. 8lxl-lw- o uiemticrs wcio present, aud oDly twenty-on- e rotid fir a long adjournment. Jllealeaa AiTalra. It la stated that some excitement Is again brewing In Mexican political allilra, In con- sequence of the Juarex Government over- riding some of the provisions of the Consti- tution. The President, in reply to attacks upon his Government, hat Issued an address saying that his administration never had and never shall have any other rule ol conduct than faithful rcHCt for the National Will. Any reforms made nato been to develop aud Improve Ihe principles of the Constitution nf Iho Itenuhllc. lie deilana it his rcsnheto stand llrmly by his resolution without being waved by tonne who represent only thn small minority and uot the national will of the people. He decliros that ho Ins not ac- cepted the resignation tendered by certain of his Cabinet Ministers, because Iheio hail heeu no discord In Ida and their opinions. The I'rcsidfUt's uddrcea coneludea by telling ihe Mexicans it ia their light to dcildo aa Ihey wl!l, ou the reforms he prnpo-e-a to them. Happy indeed, lie concludes, "shall I bo if, before my death, I cau w Uncus to their endur- ing consolidation." The President nnd his government are In lamentublu straits for money, aud their ulti- mate hope for the pacification of Ihe country appears lo be In a loan fiom Iho United. States. Ihe Influence or the V. U. Mlnl.tir, Mr. Otterbotirg, with the President, Is a sub-Je- it uradicrso criticism In some of tho Jour- nals. The I.t VtmrorJin of Vera Cruz, ani- madverts upon that ludMdiial being an Aus- trian by birth, a Jew by persuasion, also Itepuhllcan that lie leaineil tho art of diplomacy In a retail cigar store nt Mil- waukee., and subsequently as an agent or a travelling theatrical company, and finally aa a paid agent or Max. The usual stale beggars prater poor Juarez, and among the number n party of Americans, who seek n charter for a railway from Vera Crux to the l'arlflc. Should thcyauccccd It la helloed to be Ihetr Inten- tion lo purcbaso the road alroady under way. A corresimndcnt at Queretaro writes that before his departure Irom Mexico City ho had heard that the body of Maximilian had left Queretaro, but was surprised to find It still there, and adds tho fullowlug account of a visit to ste the remains i 1 found the coffln coetalnlog the remafna, to a room Id Uie second story ol ibe house nccuid by fir. lion Munos Lrdo. A sohtlrr stood gusrd at Ibe door, readr to gUe admlttaore In all who might dt tiro to look at tbc body, which wllllug-nes- s was, in our cac, aotucMbat accelerated by Ibe luuufDce of a few rials. The apailmcnl bore the appearance of having once leen uted for a store rooiD, and was both very dsrk and extreme- ly filthy, The coma sUiod lu the centra of Ibe room, resting ujHin a couple of rudo litood beach, ea. It Is covered with black cloth, adorned with a cheap quality of gold lace, the tup of which has a false cover or lid, opening whlcn ease revealed three elssees, tbniui;D which the silent form of the Austrian waa shown by Ihe atd nf a pen. ny lallow raodle kept by Ibe sold.er for visitors' use. The Kmperor was dressed In a suit com. posed of a blue coat, wllh a row of brass buttons ia front, dark Jblua pants 'and heavy cavalry boots. Ilia bands were covered with a pstr of wblta cloves, very mocb soiled. Ills ninuih and war iiarUaui oik a. ulalalr showing bis teeth and Ibe color of his eyes. Hit beard Is aa m II aa the greater part of bts hair, walta Fine, Informed haa beu eat off by Dr. lis., who bad charge of the embalmment, M old, ba melvuig aa hhth aa Use ooneea 90 for smsll l.rksof lie taje. Tea bidyof the Kmperor rernalurd al Uu) b-- until laat week, when I waa removed to lla tiresent kxallon, danngwhlch time lie madeote of II as a meana of lla also dlM-o- of whatever erTecuhcloneitnt to Maximilian he eoold olaaln, eharirlnglarce sums for small pleciaof his htood-latns- d carmen whl.:h ha cut ep and sold. II la also alte-e- d thst be has even removed a small lortlon or the tkn',1, fo. wbirii ha obtained a large mm, replacing It with wood, I cannot vonch for this, but It baa general belief here. The doemr am-- ttat Ihe tlovernment haa failed to pay hlaa his Nil for the embalmment of some n,oon, anA declares his Intention of InaV'ig h moliaj Uie aoreel way possible, . This ttcit man, Uwo, together with a names helm? named 'Ichelo nunaalas, del,vere.l,r tleneral M Iramnn. The lleneral had leen wotma-e- d In the fare, and called lu l.Ws aMlataare.who eilended tho nperatlon to as long a perloiiaa slb'e, and when Mlra.non learned Ihe city bad been sold, ha attempted to leave the hon.e,bnt foood a soldier awaiilnKblm at the door, who took Idn Into custody. As he was batng eonveied to nrlwn. Mlra-no- hancled hi" purse, containing money aud pejvale papera. In Lls--o, . no In Urn esse It le Kvibedo. Ihat otnerr erdsred It lo lis ownee. Llesn lnlends aceorapanylng Marlnalllan's remains lo Knmpe. esiectlng to a handsone recotnpente froni the Kmperor cf Austria. Cor. TVlMine. The HpCe.1. Mkltbry Frande. An Item In the8ui brlilly states thfdht-covcr- y of whiskey frauds at llulfalo, and re cf a largo number of barrels of that aitljc. The follow Ing arc further details i Collector Hoot waa led lo suspect that something waa wrong Irom the combined fee's Hni vrrjr Urge, amounts of whiskey were bebg shlqeil East from hero and that tho iN'rrrage could I purchased In New lnrkand llo-to- n lor tl:0 per gvlhrn, fl'ly cents lees than the tax ulone. W c will slate the tirdlnary nantiir of shipping whlshcy, since the two dollar btx was Icvle l. Il K of c jursc, oflen not convenient for the dlstllli r to pay tho lax at onie, benco the whlakey Is put In a bonded warehouse be v. Should the tushlp it to a teller market, ami Mill not jaiy Ihe tax, be roust obtain a in null from tdu Collector, and give transpor- tation bond In th casii of the whlskysent from here to Ihielon, all theso forma bad been cnmplled wllh Collector Jtoot hating nxrlveil certi- ficates from tho Collector In lloetou tint the whisky had liven bonded there, l'nt his usph lona were arnutcd, nnd, about ten iltjs iigo, l.uclnn llawlty, Eeq., wss sent on to the " Huh" In lusp-- ct matters, Ilcatruck a " mate's nest" t once. Taking Ihe ccrtlfl-- i lea ten In d here from lloabiti to the otllna i I 'nlirnal Kevcuue theri, they were unheal-- I ill gly pronoiiiicsil to l furgi ilea. rVarrh ' I I'O whisky llselfwas mom lorlutiate. It , w n. I'inud that II bad nnclml Boston: the . truck len who link It from the ears wero I linn v up, the discovery was mado that It I Ii d iec i distributed alantt the city, and on- -I Ii itidicl and seventy batrele of It, accord-- I li'u in on- - dlriaitch, x rro sptcdlly bmiiEht to 'I. bl. Ihe in ult of Uie receipt of this Intel- - l.i mo Lt'i t.as been the aelinre of six lt l w lilskr fmm the distillery and wii chouse of John r. I'eny, valued at about eignty thousand dollars, lax Included. i ti l narsr. Tnr tlrvek (lnvcrnmeut la trying to buy some nl our Iron elads. 'At. II. HiirHisM-K- , of No.CS Jamre alreet, had hta bndly cut yesterday falling through a window iituu the ruof of Fulton Market. Jntia lliinwi a laborer, residing at No. 25 Orchard r.l., had his shouldir dlalocated sdlm noon, w'llle at work on board Ibc baik Kalelgh at I'ler No. ! F.tst River. Asm 0'ltrit.r, rraldlng at No. VI i Mntt atrvei, bail tier leg broken yiaterday atVir noon by being run over lu llroadwuy, near Hth street, by a truck, Ai.i aKiiCiwiirim, of No. 11 i'.lra atteet, hid one of hie legs broken, ye lrrday, by a grating falling iion hliu al No. It Warren a.i sri, John Taaf, aged 11 years, residing at Coi Water street, waa killed nt I'ler M, Raal Hirer, ycoterday, by a pile of lumber which tell uKin him. Coroner notldnl Jon.i MrDiivatj), residing at No. 4M West mh stn-et- . bid his leg broken yesterday af- ternoon by an Iron gate, which fell upon htm. a.txrri. floi.naMtrii, of No. 411 East I Houston street, was knocked down and se- verely Injurid yesterday, at the corner nf atinuc Hand Third street, by a Third are-nu- t- car, Jamv.s McKixsr, a newsboy, residing at No. C5S Water street, was run over and dan- gerously lujuretl yesterday afternoon, at the corner of Hcammcl aud East Drndney, by car No. 43 of the East llroadwuy line. Aiiiiut 4 I. M yesterday, Otto Vemall, agiil I )rars, realdlni; at 73 Fullon street, fell from Ihe plaza or the lludsou lllvcr 11. Depot White street, causing a concussion ol Ihe head. Ar hair-po- 2 I. M., yesterday, Mr. Lind- say, or No. 431 East 17th at., waa thrown from bis wagon, at comer of Ooereck aud Ilivlngton its., aud severely Injured about the head. A I.AU named A. T. Charrochola, residing at No. 1 Butlitun street, fell through a hatch- way of a building on Iho dock foot of Hu- bert street, yesterday, badly Injuring bis bead. Am unknown man waa shot at N. V., on Tuesday night by the hired man of Mr. Sheffield, while engaged, as Is supiKised, in stealing homos and uther mailers from Mr. Shcllleld'a stable W'n.MAM Hai.i.imou QuirK.scTCnly-eigh- t yean of age, formerly residing In New Yoik city, waa run over by a train on the Central Itallroad yesterday ctcnlug, aud fatally In- jured. Moitr paths In the City Hall Park are be- ing prepared tilth Ihe new patemint, whlih b composed of uu clastic entering like perficlly smooth nnd turning mois- ture, yet springing to thn treul and more pleasant to Ihe foot thau Cha.. II, Van Dakk, an express messen- ger of the Mcrtlmnta' Union Express Com- pany, lietuecn Hochestcr and Niagara Falls, committed suiihlc yeslcnbiy morning by shooting himself through tho head u Win revolver. liuaiMr.as was suspended on 'Change yester- day at Cincinnati, to tender a reception lo Ocncrol Sheridan, who was rccelted wllhn most ciithutlasilc demonstration. The (lin- er al and UU stalfarc on their way to Wash- ington. Six thousand barrels or whlkey shipped from IlulTalo to Boston, Into been t eight thousand barn Is hate liei n shipped and not accounted for. Tho frauds on ihe liete-nu- c nre tremendous, forged rccel ts of Kevc- uue officers having licen uted to elfcct thcin. At a meeting of the Comiulstioncrs of Em- igration held osterday, the l'rrtldiut waa requested to endeavor to remote tho objec- tions which nre mado against the railroad across iho Ihttcry. The number or ts which havo arrived hero tliU car uro M,Wi, aa agalust K'.'.'.'jI to same date last year FoiiNrr, or the I'lilladi lphia I'rut, who Is Irnvellng abroad, lias nn atlnpit of dismals, Hear him i "In nil thii thick nnd awful gloom there Is but one alar tn light the way General Grant la In the Warli'tlce! Our poor country, more thau once de;wndcnt upon his aword, la now hanging upon his word." The ahnt e Is tho first National lung- ing UOOn reene. Tautatlswa ef RsaaalB. The Russian budget of 1R6 anticipated an ordinary rtTcnne of 44,000,000 roublee rrotn direct taxes, ll,700,tt from Indirect, near-I- f 15,i00,000 from royalties, above S7,000,'O0 from Stale domalne, 47,1M,000 from mlsccl-lir- a eons sortrcea, and (1,700.000 rerenne of the Transcancasna, making, In the whole, MS,. RW3.I17 rrraldea, eqrwl to JUAfiM,Vg). The chief Hem of direct taxation Is the capitation tax, producing M,!M,1M rouble a tax averaging one roul.le M ropeetta (la. Id.) im the maha taxable popnlalki rrglsterrsl al Ihe laatrencna. It waa to bo raleed SO cox;cka (la. 7d ) per bead tn 17. Tito arrears of thht tax have always lioen considerable. There la also a tax on trade licenses, estima- ted In produce 10,09i,MO rouhlca. A mir-cha- to be entitled to trade In any part of tho empire, para a tax of tto roubles, or about C42 for trading only within Iho dis- trict, nud not undertaking contracts ulKire a certain sum, 25 to (ii roulilca, equal to XI to 10 i a retail Ihxnse la IB tn !0 roubles, ac- cording to locallir and a license enabling a bnrgher, a grade between men bants and prisatits. to pursue various ralllrta to towi.e is 2 roubles 1.0 copecks, or 8s. Of thu Indi- rect taxee, the largest Hem la 13t,8'21,raJron-hl- r, from tho excise on spirits and licer, probable an The ordinary rosfli. or brandy, made of rye, oats, corn or mall, la enmpoetd of 3d parte of pure spirit. and (V! parla of water t and the rheatineaa or this liquor aud Ihe farlllllea for Its sale lead to a very extensile consumption. If tho aver- age retail price of a vedro 3 gallons) of brandv be taken at 3 roubles (0 row cks (lis.). Ihe Inhabitant nf Ruaata tn Europe spend alaiut .W,Oiii),0Cl') rnublcs.or more thvn on spirits alone, or about IS roubles (Ma. 8d.) per adult male of the claaa by which the brandy Is consumed. Senator llagcmelster, in his work on tho budget, the annual consumption per head In a to I 0.K7" vedro of splrlls, and 0.1.10 vedrnuf liecr. Tasslng in ntherrrclse a, tbat on salt may lxi iiotlml ns loiiq ara-- I lively beawt llii'ionsuinplloii avrragiw almut 271b. avolrdupola tier hwd, and each lT-n- :i on an avenge contribute nearly SM. towanls the reve-iu- by tho lax. In the artldo of revenuo la defrauded to nn Incal- culable extent. The gmaa rrc Ipt from In 1Td was .12,111,110 rouble. The filflc dill lea cannot tie loss than M per eint. on an average, and many artlilrwof linporlaiue nro charged from l'S) to 400 I'er Cciil Manv or the rates r duty are diifi lu favor of the land frontier of Hindu ami I'mssla. The revenuo from slainw B.0(l,0i O roubles. Tlie duty nn tho trnnsfia nf property ia 4 per cent, on Ihn value. Under the last rvlgn no llovernmi nt ol'ler could Ii- - addressed except nn slamia-- pajver. In additional to the Imperial Uvea local taxation ylelda atmte 21,(i00,() roubles a year, or more Ihiti A:i..'l(aJ Sk0. There nre aleotown taxes cxceetllug 6,000,001 rouble. A tax on rattle and Mrda slaughlirid bv Jews, nnd ou Hie taK'rs which tiny nc l.t their syiiagogueaj Is also levied In place where a Jewish population resides, but the product of the tax la applied lo Ihe linprovrmrnt or the al condition or the Jews themselves. Mr. Consul Mlchcll, who gives these statementa In bis report, raja tbat the cost or collecting Ihe dlrtrt taxea ia estimated at no leas than 20 per cent., and thn cost of collecting the Customs' dullea may be roughly taken at noil- - ii i'er rciu. me ti,, vtcis.,11.11 some months since gave an estimate tbat the laves fall ou the several claeec of the popu- lation aa follows i Taxea amounting to roubles fall on Ihe well-to-d-o classes, comprising about 1,970,720 persons of both sens, or about 3f per cent, of the popula-lio- amounting to 27 rouble 8 coiicck per bend, or almut Ke. Taxes amounting to roubles fall exclusively on Ibe rural pnpnlallon, which, divided among, MO of the poiiulatlou (the military being 70 coptcka per bead, or about 2a. 2d. Taxes amounting to 777.612 rouldea frll exclusively on workmen and artisans In towns, which, divided among 8,K7t,42l or tlie ponm 'Ion, gives about 20 copecks per head, nr7d. Taxes amounting la 171, MH,7Hi rou- ble" lall on the entire wonting claaaea of bolli scxea, C7,330,b2C In number, ninonullng to 2 rouble 0." coccks per head, or about ns. Od. The remit la that the opulent classes pay 27 rouble 8 rorHck per head, the rural impu- tation 3 rouble Si ropceks. the town impu- tation 2 roubles 83 copeck, the military 2 roubles 03 coH'iks. Caricature ta Ike llarasv TrtJs. There are some curlosllle in the horse trade, and among them la Ihat of the pecu- liar manner In which aomo horsca aro kept, and tho v aluc laced upon them by the own., era. The horse market il always uppermost In some nicn'a mind. They git e their whole attention to the aublecl.aiid acquaint- ed with all the quallltca of horses, nuu where Ihey may be found. At thn late Slate Urine Fair In this city a beautiful, supple, horse waa upon the ground, and much admlnd for his fine figurn and easy action. This horse waa found by the prrsrnt awner upon a farm In the was mlsuiulerstoiHl nndabusi-d- poorly kept and poorly inanniretl, Tho owner rrgnrded him aa vicious and gave him poor reeoT nnd many blows, which the. hlgli spirit nnd pride ol I he horse resisted and kicked back In defltnce. Ills leading points were discovered, nnd thn horsn was by a man who unilcritood Ida nature, and who win disposed to develop II. The lean, hungry and defiant horse lu tho hands of bis new owner has become n marvel of bcanlr and gracefulness, l,ls pride fully gratified and bis powers developed so sym- metrically as lo make him nno of thu most attractive of animata, and almost tilting him to associate with human Intelligence. Ills market value has Increased from two or three hiiuilrid to that of nioic than a thou-- s mil dollars. In one of Ihe towns not many miles from Ihla city, an aged former has a horse tbat Is set eu years of age, and w hlefi has net cr yet been afiod or been bridled. This coll aa he Is still called, Ihe old farmer's pet. He has good ried and rrceltes all the attention whit h he requires, and Is led nut, in his play-fulii- and lithe action by the halter. Hula glossy, mid gentle and graceful, but aa yi t the owni r bus not felt like undertaking to prepare him lorlalmr, and hardly seems con- scious ihat any I line is wanted by tlie neglect. Many ntrera liat e liccn inadti to purl base the Hirer, but Ihe ntladuniiit Is ao slron'i for Ihe colt Ihat Ihe owner cannot be temptid to part wllh him al any price. In a town somewhat nearer t" Align. ta, ou a farm where thu buildings are poor nud lu Hiiine aspect seem to Indicate pnicriy In the Inmates, Iheic nre Iwo horses, nun tlx years old and Ihe other tetrn year. Tluseboiata havo never tie n shod und only one of them has ever hern bridled. 'I bev are iinltnals of great beauty, and hate nltriitiil Ihiinlliii-tlo- u of many ih alcra In hoi us, wlinhnteln talti iitreiislltrue sum- - for Iheiu. The prop- erty Is ne ind by a it blow, and one man who bilired to lie r tlx hundred ih. liars for one of llio hurst and uns leliited, mid In hi r, good woman, bow li'ippi-ii- it that thu lirgo prltu 1 otltr you lor thu coll 1 r " Whv, sir," the replied, "tint was mv son John's toll Iho ihu Imy who was killed In hatlle, ivhlla bravely lighting, is his kind Captain said in bis letter, lor his eounliyi how c.nild I sell II i" "Hut from Ihe appearancn or your build- ings, vim do not si cm lo hatu much money, aud the turn 1 olft r is n largo one and put your buildings In good repair " "Oh, we liiteim dlllienlty in gelling a lit Ing. Wekicp a good Hoi k of i p, my only living Kin mill 1, null e lute a thou-sun- t pounds or giaat wool whlih ttehbiill si II tt lieu we can g I a good price. Wo do not tare lo inukegieal ctutigca since my ton was killed, and all the propel ly, Ihe coin and the h(ip, en rimlml us nl him, that tvv cuu-m- il p.ni m Ii ti tin m nt imy pike." Tbciluikid sheep, equall) wllh Ihe hone, wtru inirviU of btaut, and are fngtrl) waUhed by bulchers and olhir', tut nn Ii imitations or money hate mceee.lnl In it change id ownership. K'nuibtc JourHut, An Oinier s,nnia I llitmrir. Ilils community wa li rrlhly shiKkrd last ctuilng by a rumor Ihat Major Pii'lcl rihurp, tic- of the due IlimJieil nnd I'lflh Nen York Vnliiuliers, liad shot lilinrelf nt the lesldeneu of I Is parents, ou Lake iitinuc. Major Sliarp ciinc hu'me to lea about soten ii'ilock. nlur Ihe I nully had ii en from the tihle. While be was nl ihe table Ids mother nent lu another part of Ihe room lo light a laiiil', and while her lack was turned, Ihe exiiluslou of a uUtol wax bcwiL and aa turn ing be saw lier on fall to the fioo. On ex- amination tt waj fonad Ihat he wa shot In the left breast, In the region of the heart. The plttol lay on the floor. As anon a possible the unfortunate man was raised nnd laid npon a sofa In the parlor, and Ir. McKay was entOr. The patient waa unconscious at brel, but came to himself after a tlmi.andwaa able lo conrerv with tho-- e abont him. He did not give any ex- planation eonccmlnj tho ocnirrrncc, and we do not learn that any questions were s,pi on that point. It la not supposed that he can recover, aa the wnnnl U in a vital part, and Ihe aurgcon In charge was able to g'vo no encourairtment, but It Is, nevirlbrhas. possible thai he may au five. These aro ell the facts which we arc able to supply with regard tn this rail tragedy at I resent. Major Sharp l a 'on or Mr. llinlel Sharp, win known as a rad-oa- d abd canal enntrac-- I' r. He Is almut SO yearn or ig, and has for sorre linn past engaged uwm a eon-tm- enlercl Into by his fatli. rb.r the or a railroad bi 'ween Pittsburg and In I'ennayltaiila. lie haa a wile and (hllrl In Loekport. When Iho rebellion broke out he went to the Arid wllh tho Thirteenth New York V nluntcrrs, aud waa the Color Sergeant of that rrgbnent In tho find Mule of Bull Hun. Ho distinguished hlmaeh by his bravery and contempt of tn Inst fight II, Ing a three mouths man Ear waa mnsti red out at Iho eipiratlau of l is terra id sen lee, and cinue home ' ) aaslst In recruiting and organliing Iho One Hundred and Fifth New York Volunteers, wllu which he again went to Ihe field. He rose t.t Ihe rank of Major, and served with gallantry In eeveral rngageiirnls, receiving a t'tero wound on ime occ ,slon. Slnre leaving th" service Major Sharp lias been In the employment nf bis father 'i various contracts taken by too latter. He hia Urn In this city for two or thrie wieka ast on a visit. Ills w lie and child arc In 1 .ocktiort- .- .'oeatiffr iaoeruf, 12th. fir. flnAisT line Issued at ordi r abnllsl ln s the army clothing depot ill New Yn.k ily. lioiiprtr Nkmi has been elected t hief of the Astoria, I, I., Fire Department. Hriu.TUN llAitrtl, aged TO. entered Ihe alorr of J.J. Johnson V.O.. IH Hmidway, nud it Is charged rtokj 4D.I worth of Ii it. Tiir Commuii Council of Jersey City on Tiiri-da- night paaai d ii liquor llicnse nt cr the Mayor' Vetoes. A store I eocm lo be open-c- d lu Jersey Clty.tMaJ having yesterday Lacn deKsltnil lu Isink lor that purpotc. I.Aanr.r it Co., of Hudsnti t'lly, were tr lined 410 by Aldrldge lor Intilnialnltig a slaughter boiuo nulsaiico. 0. Mm Kit, of New York eltr, received the contrail uf repaira to l'urt Sclrtyler tor .fi,o33. Tnr Temperanew Soclctr nftlcer through- out the Slate are calling Our a Temvranc Convrnllon atTwrddle Hall, Albany, Octo-- U r 2d. Tim State Ordnance Committee to decide on breech-loadin- g small nruia, li.ui lis scasloua again, at the Arsenal In this city. Dr. II ai.i. haa dlteiivrcd something ex- ceedingly novel, that for the period of a month before marriage and a mouth alter death men regard their wlvea aa angels. Arrra December 1st no be allowed on the New York Central Hall-roa- d car. The rule la already In forco East of Syracuse. Tn latest novelty at the Taris F.xrmsUlon la a praying machine I The simple turn of the wrist grinds out prayers aa a church or- gan grind psalmody. Ir la doubtful If a new trial will be granted lo Fill John Purler. Such a course would be without precedent and subversive of mili- tary discipline. A Bristol pickpocket, hating had a taste of a lunatic aatluui, baa declared bis preference for a Jail. Mu. Joseph Mceks, Br., la the oldest native lahahltanl or New York City. He waa nlue-ty-a- lx years old laat Wednesday. MkMrutala unusually healthy, and there Is no apprehension or yellow rover. U.neral Yell, a prominent lawyer lo Arkansas, la dead. Oaa hundred and sixty men and boys wero recently Imprisoned twenty-fou- r hours In AsUey'a Dell coil till, Duke utleld, Euglaud, by Ibe breaking uf flio shaft rope. It la rcportCd Ihat the Italian (lorrmmcnt threatens lo Instlluto legal proceedings agalrut flarlbaldl In consequence of 111 threat against Rome. Eiiwakii Wiiitk, the Milwaukee pork packer, who filled his bnrrrla with salt and tand, ha scutciiccd to three years In the Slate I'llaon. Tuna. llaoiiAitAN, a Imy, waa arrested by Tho. V. Johnaon, of lit Ilerkuiati street, yeaterdsy, charged with stcallt g a quantity of gunny bags. I'KTitn IVrini, a hoy, who waa atabbed about a week ago In the id Ward, !.v tin un- known Imy. died yesterday at tho IS. Y. Hoj-pll- from the clleCta or his ttouud. A man named Jamc tjoodwlu fill from car No. 20 of the Hamilton avenue Hue, In Third avenue, Brooklyn, yeslirday, and was run over. Ills lees wero badly hurt. I.itk adviera from Haytl state Ihat disturb- ances had broken nut In various palls or Iho npiibllc, Herniillng Tor thu nrmy was going on by Impressment, ichool boys In the sired being seized upon lu some liitiancia Aucicst hrrtri. was sent by bis employer. Minis Marka with 013 tn pay a 111. Instead tr doing an bo spent 43.1 lor ihnlilng, and was found In the street tn rvu( for a railroad depot to go West. Tun body of a female Infant a few daya obi, waa found In the canal at Ihn loot of 3d street, Brooklyn, yesterday. The skull waa broken, allowing that the child had Ixcn murdered. A i mi n tinned Baniet, .1 years or age, waa run over by n Van Brunt atnel, Brooklyn, cur, jcstenlay and n rloiirly Injiiitil, lis pitmits reside In I'urlltlmi ttreel, near Van Brunt rtrcel, A I iiitai.si'iiNiih.ir of tho London 7'iWi notices a warllku sympton in tlie laet tint largo urilvuls id ti il.s fiom Southern Europe, were h Ing trauihlpjicd Irom lu France. Tiik 'iVojiiiie or Ihn I3lh says tint the r.ict of Ihe negroes belonging to political unions und being required lo attend them, lull rlerei prijiullii illy n lib IL a picking or Ihe cotton nop. Tiik city id Frankroil Is In nn Insolvent sl.itei a loan ol r.'.Hsy tn II. live per mil, slock or Unit (Ily hi entry beciine due, but was uelllier puid nor iinewul. tiispiito bituiiu Ihe city and l'ruta ia the culiM. J. T. llovr, Cmiil Commloloiier, has orders to llio coiitraclora or the exlin-st.i- n id I In- Clifiiango Cuiiil In slop work, as Ihe nppriipri.illoii made lor it by IU L glsla-turc- leiiii li exhcustiil. Tin. I is company of conspirators against Ihe 'I urkbh government h ite I. ecu n oli m id. .Nearly nil ol Iheiu wirnoi proiumeiit fmullli of ronstantlnople. Twenty wnu eiilnl, l..r ti mis of llllein, ten, elelil and four year) the rest were utcilooktd. A r.virrr ol eolorrd uxrurdonlsts on re- turning tn Washington .Msteul.i) from a trip clown th" lltir, got info a fight on board the licit, width ix mill il In Ihe murder of n col- ored man named .luephetu Jlitk, The mur- derer lia' tint been arrested, AniMi Hccor'ler I'oj.e, nf Hnlokcn, coiuliiltled lleiuliltv .Vllllims lo the Cojhly J ill 3 inoulhs lor tsgraucy nud for tin ishliig Ihe ttboluof a show window with In r fills, ilhu didn't "care ad -- u, aud would do It again." Yhsit.itn.vr morning the examination tutu Ihe ca-e- Cornelius an ..e, nf Syo.sel, l I., chiiged wllh a ling leili'is Horn the I,'. S. in ill, was comiiii.'i.ed In thu 111 i ol.lt n l idled Stales Cum I aud sdjuurued uutil October 1st. Mn Waviiivcitiin HtsnrniTK, Principal of Instill;!.' In firnnd slrul, Jersey Cny, while looking nt some fiirultiirc in uu upper room lu Cos's am lion More, Ml lurouifh an o en trap-doo- r In thu Door Oelow. lortu-luiil- i hi. till was broken by striking ou a buiril. which gate way, und Cicapedwitli a tpralind wrbt. Tiik. WVIilnglon orrespondent or the l'iill.idtlphla Veil aaysi ''Ihu applleallou ofMr. Ill John l'orter for a new trial will undoubtedly be icluscd, although It is not vet in (ieueial Oram's hands. As he has uot bun au oiliitr In the army for lour years, he cauuiil coiuca'i'.utly be itled Ix lumt- - - naitlal. The matter will, howercr, be lo Congress." YaaTrnnar forenoon a laboring man named Ileiry Dalton, whLe aasisllng to tiusn some cars alut.g near tho New Jersey depot In Jersey City, waa knocked down and Injured by the locomotlte atlAcbed to an ex a train. One car wheal ran over hia right fool, crushing It, and the bone if the lolt leg was broken abote the ancle. CnicAcin U dlr'.nrbcd by the nip' 1 filling up of tho lower end of Lake Michigan with real estate from the shore above. A propel- ler the olhrr day got fast aground on a Mil- waukee- comer lot more than n mile lake-wa- Irom the btcakwater lu front of the former city. Tint Hartford CWinf attributes the re- cent homicide cn the Cnntcctlcut Itallroad to that aplrlt ol greed which dlterta the cam-Ing- a of railways fmm their primary legiti- mate PUToee.hccpltg the traik In a wto stale, laat- the Inunu'.lilc one of paying large dlt Mends. T.IK ladles of Claarleslon. flotilli Carolina, are eniraged In an etrort m found a homo for hcliilers and Impoverlshid Inothera, widows nnd daughters of deceased Confediuale Dontllons will be iccctvcd l.y Mra. Jlobort H. Carr, Treasurer or Bjulti Carolina Associutloin, a'. Hit Cedar street. Srvravi. poor glrli In 1'hlla.lclphA have licen roblil or tl- - Ir sewlnr mnehlnes by an unprincipled scoundrel, who w died on them, nireriiig employ-lor- n at a lore named, If they furn'theil their own machines. Accord- ingly, il acci,m lice onto tn their Lou.ie to get imsecwlen or tho maihlucs, and dlsilf Karcd with them. A i.Anr, the wife nf Capt. niiby, flrand A.enue, St. Lnulsdleil list Sunday afler-noo- n Irom Ihe etlirta or i Moinforin, which she htd taking lo relieve the ainmtniiee tu neuralgia ,.aln- - One she had a ti. row esiniie Irom a similar fate She died In led wllh her husbaud without his unowl-cJg- Ar Tenn., a rufllvn named Ilnniilfoii, having an old grudga against a lamlly i.amiil Hrtnua.i, and hi'vrlng that one ol It inrmber waa ilead, proceeded tn the graviyanl where th' grtte waa being cxearileil, a ml Indulging In scani'alons lan- guage, was eet on by twit ruling llrennan, and sullcrtd Injuries that retulteifln di .th. An inquest waa lield.veatenLty by Coroner Behlrtuer, at 81 Clinton Place, over the body of Alla'rt IS t'wberu, the ruling man who .ukide on TiicMiay by hootlng himself through Ibe heart. None of the 'iltne'Si a could glte any Infoainallon as lo tin. probable liiulp e, at di ceased had not been of u lui'ktui'holy turn ol uiUiJ, uor In lto.il.Iu. Htnn llAMii.Tnf waa arreatrd yesterday on a ih argn or stealing til In greenbacks, and asllitr coin from Tlios. Wilson, at Nn. W Hou-etrl- t stnet, As the paper monty wajglten by the prisoner lo Kate Thompson end the till er coin found Pi lilt pusiesslon, tlie irlfoner waa full)- committed for trial. Thu larctny was e trifled while the vlcluu wu asleep. At Inquest waa held yesterday over tho bidr or Win. II. Dempeer. an Inebriate, who died on Ihe 71b lual. Having no home he laid down near 829 Water alreel to aleep, but waa dead when roused, Dr. Beach hating ascertained that death had resulted from the result or rupture of the liver, caused by Yloleuce at the baud of persons unknown. Tint Surveyor Qcneral of Idalao ha lusl mado returns to Washington or a surrey ter- minating near the northern boundary of the Nex I'ercca Indian reservation and the Torty-seco- degree cf North latitude. High roll- ing prairies, beautiful valley and mountain-un- a regions, well watered and timbered. Indications of rich fold deposits ore discov- ered. At an annual meeting of the Hartford and New Haven Railroad atockholdera yesterday a repoat wu made ahowlug 8400 more profit thl year than laat, a quarteily divi- dend of (he pi r ctnt. wua declared, and the old lloaid all wllh one exception. Under auth comtorlable profit the least the atockholdera can do ia to keep the old D- irector. In, and give them gold watches all aruu'id. I.i Mancheater. England, a Tery singular Mate or alfalra exist, Judging from an Amer- ican slanilpolnL A conductor In tho service of the Manchester Carriage Cprnpanjr lor pulling 22 wisoos la a carriage whero Ihe uuiiibu-o- f sua I a wiu but 18. Ihe conductor, allhougli he pleaded that an agrt cultural aliow caused a great demand for transimrtutloo, wa lined t)lV for ib carriage. Tim King of Denmark ha submitted the drartofitnew constitution to Iho Insular le- gislature fir Iceland. It dcelsrr Ihn bland an lusfpalnble CM-o- f Ihe Danish monarchy) secures to ihe lalandera all lh6 light tnjnyiti by thu Dunn under Iho cuntlitutloti of U'. i idicea nil local ligi.Iailnn and police In Iho hand or Ihu iusular niilhurillra ; aud rovides luturu tho Kiug of Dinmaik shall lake an additional oulli it his coronation tn resptel aud defiud thu. coaislltullon af Ice. land. ATlhe l'ollcc Court In Liverpool, August .1, a rashliinablv dnwsiii young man, who aald ho was a Spanish nobleman, but whit alwi gave II o name or Hheenes, was sent lu tirlson for thno nionlhs lor not paying hi lure for a pasa.igo Irom New York to Uter-oo- l In Ihu Cuiaard mall steamer Huisia. On tho image Ihe prLoniT give hlmseir such grand airs aa lu completely Imimse upon the purser, but nn arriving at l.lvcrool ho con. Ii'sscd Ihat ho had mlihcr ticket nor money. His wlnu bill aluue was tlU. CiiMiuKskHAi Yaras, Ulng often for his Intemperance, publicly algn-I- d the pledge aud made an address, wherein ho aald In substance i "1 bat e nlwaya been a moderate da Inker, In my own estimation, but I have lately found Ihat Ihe reporters would hate II, whuiever I mide a speech, Mil if ItiVient iianil upon thr occaiion) therefore I have pledged myself to abstain heneerorlh from nil Intovlcallng drlnka, and I have illumined (lod and mv wllu Kaly, and thoihlldreu, that Irom Ihls'llmu lorwaral no auih charge shall over be laid at my door." A oiiii. named Mary O'Brien, of Hudson Oily, recently engaged employment as In the fiinlly nf Mr, Bowman, at Nu. ai7 West Eletenth street, N.Y.,and remained theru until Tuesday, w lien alio disappeared, nnd It was ilbciiictcd that a l.idt'a wntcli nmi c.anlii, and a diamond plntalutd at a)2IO. wire ml.slng. () 1 uesday niglit Mr. Bow- man Huilson VMy, and gate a discrlp-llo- n or Ihe glil lo officer I.vnth, Tho latter, nl about 1 o'clock, round the girl nt a homo In Oakland ntenuc, ot llmt ..aco, nnd upon g the room found the missing prop-cit- nnd rctlori it It lu the owner. ,Mn max Kkaiinkv, a bollennaker hyoc-cnpa- tl ni, una yerterday nrii'sted by Cnnsta-bl- e l.yn.iin and atralgned Mure Jmllce Madden, at Bllntllli', l.oiag hland, ou n cliarge of bating a guilty l.iiowlcilge of Ihe leccnt attempt to inuuler Tliumas l.awlcr Thu evidcnei' against Ihe prisoner wits not nf a poillltechanielir, but the Jutlicj deemed II tiilllilent In boldblin. He was thireliiie coinuilttid lo Iho cells at Asloilt lut eten-In- in delault ol tl.iasi bail It laellvrril lh.it a conspiracy had len eiilerid Into to iissnaslamle 1iwlcr lu consequencu id un old lend wiilih exUlid lietwecu him a iI amine or his nelglihors In rigurd tn Ihe posBtsslou of some real estate. Ai exciting otTnlr accurred at Jackson, West Tinmasie, n week ago yesterday. A squad of militia called upon Major Ibirltuius, an ofllcer and dry gnu! merchant, dimanding a aurirnder of his aims For peuro suko and In tlew of sujieilor lorro he gain up his pl.tnl, Mt only weapon Ho Ihe net wllh a remonslrance, but win Immedlalily fired upon by the soldiery aud mui tally wounded, Circuit JuJge W l'. Bond was In tes.lnn nt Ihe lime and nrJerid Ihe nrnsl or the homicides. The mllllla re- fused to siirtcuder them, A Ixxly or U. S, Iroops was Itlegraphtil for and arrived. At last ndtkes a collision between them and tho inllitU nppiand Imminent, A v nn Ingenious piece of mechanism for Ihu detection and n Hull Ion of bullet lu wounds hi been devlstd. Thu probe, g or two, tin I wires Insulated from each other, Is connected with au electric horse-sho- e magnet and a bill, anil when Into ihe wound It tourhes the bul- let, Ihe circle Is completed, and tbo bell rings. Ihe forceps act un the same princi- ple, and are Inteuded, first lo detect, Iheii to scire tho bullet. They hare curved points, and not pallets or spooni. The olnla or Ibe probe are kept abealhed on Introduction tn a wound, and not uueuvered uutil the bullet Lt idU Jlii U effected bv mearu of a sliding tube. Ttf prore l a re artlficLal iTag-jr- , vrliljh enters deeply Into tha llaaue, and arlvea the slgitd at once when I. dctccU the hidden source of touchier below, A covnnr.n Judge presided In Xcw Orla an yesterday, for the first time, on thu bench or the First Outrlc. Hccorder' Court, CowriAlNra made that the btioye on ll'sufort, N. C, bar are ine of them aWnt aad olhcra rut or place, and rcascU bound In frequency ground lu conscqi.cnco. Tnnrr. oung m'n engaged at the game nf baso I ill, In Trnr, N. V., r'erntly, pur chased milk ror 'he purine or drlnklnf and wero very nearly poisoned Vcauso Cridon oil hvl Uf i mlxcil with the fluid. Suspicion has fallen or two persons as tlie perpetrators of what wai Intended tn be a Jo.ie, Tim Mexicans, since the expulsion ot the Imperialists, seem lo hate abollshi I the of the Chtlitlan ea'ibalti. Thus, their prli a.'V i If lions are In l held nn ,- and tile same day, ((lit 6!h,) has birn chosen for Iho ilictiCH or lieuibera or Coif gresa. Tills Is p ogliaelug backward. J.'rsjrrjs. YrsTr.RnAt morning Collector Connan. of the First disk let, inane a aeiicre or the dlslll.iry id Mr. flamu-- ll llnehm, at Hunter's I'olt.t, rhargrsl with violation ot the Rrveuut. law. The cttabllabLlent of John Devlin was also snid. Iris aald that alien at Ike Augsburg sta- tion, the reigning '. nig ot Bavaria fully kissed Uu hand ot the Empress Eiifenie, she condescended to reu-- n Ihe compliment by kissing hl.n on bolb eheika, "a flittering dlslluilloii which her Majesty never Indole iiranlid tu any person. Thomas Davis, aged IS years, who bail been arrested In Boston and br aught on by au ntllcer from that city, was Indued lu the station homo iu Hob alien, rcslcrday. lie sta ida charged wllh leliig aane of a parly who remitly plumb red loo bagae cars ou the L( ug Branch Hallruad. At a meeting of thr Board uf Educnllnta last evening U waa deilded that no mate pupil tinder 12 yearn or age. nor any female lrt than 10, slull bo adiuilled l the rvciditg a.'hnols. I he lots and btilidings un Honae-ve- lt street, known as the Mariner's Chorea, were authorized tu be bought ror :t2,oOO. Ilnw Irfsd t kllJre tare Iteslered ta lltelr I'ttrnttta Aa latertaslna I ealtartt l lit l'alrst rs)atrui. One of Ihe most Interesting and useful fea- ture of tbo work performed by Iho Police Department, Is the nsluiatlon of loal child- ren to their innta. In a great city llko New York, there arc dally Instances of child- ren strajlng away from their bonus, without I cing ablo tu find their way back, or even to give an Intelligent account of their residence. Without Borne public provision fcr there-tur- n or such waifs. It would often be Impos-alb- ie to rccorer them. A writer In the Tost gives same Inlercslfngremsrks upon the ns for their recovery. , The lollce Department haa an admirable arrangement for rralorlng loat children to their parenta. According to a provision of the Police regulations. It Is made Ihe duty of every otltcer belonging tn the force to keep a aharD lookout for strayed Infsnts, and to con vey all auch that are discovered to Ihe slsilon honse belonging to bis precinct. Conse- quently, when a policeman ace a youngster Ihat ha an appearance of being ont of IU latitude wltb Ha reekoulng lost, ha I obliged lo form blm-ae- ir Into a bodyguard and escort the round-lin- g lo the station house. If It happens, aa taolirn the case, that the waif la or such ten- der year aa to be unable to toddle conren- - lenllr. the d guardian tranaforrne himself laato a nil mo ao far aa to tike the yuungater In hi arms aud carry It tn the at. tlon. It la usually In the evening, when Ibe mo- ther or atrect-runnln- g children take ac- count or thilr youthrul stock, that the fact of a misting member of the Hock becomes apparent. Tbo Brat thing thta tu be done la lo make a Jourai- e- , p.jafj. .isioU la feirrh 6r the lost one. for Ibc mother knows that It II quite likrly to have turned up there. A number of anxious mother are therefore often found at the station houses la Ibe even-lu- g for that purpose. It sometime inrqiens, howercr, that child- ren stray beyond Iho boundaries of the police prccluct In which Ihey live, aud Ihla lla of eases would not bu luelby the otrangemeut before mentioned. Another provision la made, however, for auch circumstance. Children Hi it are uot called fur at the station homes up to a late hour In tho evening are taken thence In the central police olllie lu .Mot I street. Hence, If a tnolhcr fall to find her scion at thu sUllou nf the precinct lu whlih she lire, she Is tolerably certain tn discover It at the central office, provided, of course, Hat H baa comu Into tho custody of the police. An Interesting sight may Lo wllncasetl at he Central Office, almost any ctrnlng, when flic riliiriia of lost children arc being made by olllcera from tho several stations. Tho stalwart Metropolitans come la with lltllo quads of loundlinirs, ranging from the youngest toddler to boys and gills old enough lo know where they live nnd to ghc.an Intelligible uccountof Ihemst lves. lu a Isrge upicr room, at Police Head, quartcra, Ihu lost thildran are taken care of and kept until Identified by parents or other- wise, disposed of, Tho room Is fitted up with bed and every other appliance ncicasary for the comfort of thu Inlautile lodgers, aud a careful matron has charge of the lace. Hi ir tbo little oni a play together, romp and frolic In childish lunocence of Ihu hubbub that their absence has raised al home. Every few minutes rails are mado at thl apartment by molhrra or other persons tu search or a missing child. The eyes or the nnxloiis enquirer clanci hurriedly utrrlhc lot, and Joy or grief It depleted in the lace according to the success or failure ol the search. Many Directing scenes are naturally witnessed at thnt place, lor many a mother goes out weeping lor tier lost child, know- ing well Hint the chsncu for Its safe recovery I small, when she, falls to find it Ihere. The numlier of hut children that came un-ti- thn supert Islon of the Police Department lor tho year ending the lit or September will be seen by the following tabid a .(. lilt V'" :s In e3 a !n& to : t ??o : ao : 1 KM a" " hel'tviiiber 2n3 4 II ditoher J70 II NovimWr. a.'J I la lleeeniber HI l u 6!tsn'jar; Ill 4 a IVIiruvry I a March 124 8 April. . . . a.r I ( May SHI T 8 JutisB 9M 0 11 Jut; ! S ! August StO I 1) Toltl . ... 3,1V) 5 li" But some or tlie children brought to Police Hindquarters are never reclaimed. Whether Ibis IjiI results from their being set adrift by pal till niivlous tu get rid ol tliem, or whe-the- y are ehlldrtii nf parents Ignorant of the Police system lor rc'loilug suli youngsters, 1 a question for sKCuUtlon, It Utertaiu, anyhow, that many such cases occur, as will bo seen by the liAlowliag list of those who, during the year, were sent Irum the Central Poll otlico to thn Commlssluuer of C'liarl tits aud Corrcclluu i Ittt-aco- .Vims. M'A'rs fVimf. Ritas t'astle, seed 9 yenrs, came to ttttlou bajtr, John rewards, It, came to nation nouns, llayinoud Kimble, t,rame to stttiua Isvl Klnable, II, can- - In station Innate, t'harles .Inn, f, caras to statiou bouse. Frauris Williams, II, csui lo station inie. William Jones, lv. came to atallon bonte, Weslsy Kimble, li, csui to ttnttou hou.e. Margsiet iscliarbeis-i- r, 3, Lcxioirtoa eiH'ivje sad Thlrlj-llf.- street, I Frank IMrlm'H (colored), Thlid attnas said Thlcly-ilfl- sb Ixevsussa. Unknown boy, IS, llrosdwsy aod B'orlb arreee, Mary A. lilllsu, Ii, Fount! aveua and TDiili-tt- h street. Mart J, Cosvag. (. lWoarU 1"J- - Cetnnsrn mnUboy, 10, Nrotb avenue and BtxtS trtl eond strest. I 11 Ctlhtrins A. MeKenna, 4, Elerenth arenne an l Ui Iblrty-foert- h street. Peraard latmer, in, Tfroadway and Tenth sf. l.jcnao Tivalft, , Irst aveno and 8UUi ilreati aorxaatsa. BiaxaKsi Xlitabeta RetPr, 1, (Iran ' sad Ooertk tcet. Hl faseraatatra. BiaKsBi Imlsa Capper, 10, t adlson street. H Arm iVittm, 8, BeacJl, near Waahlngtoa stneV B James Parker, 10, Uroadway. BH Dvnla) Collin, A, Proadsr. H Th", Shaitle, If, lirodwy. ,iJH Tbervsa Lamo, 7, Third srrnas and Forty-- e .SXSjfjfjffl end street, fjssssssssssj Isabella ratlerson, , are. and Elgbtys 'H slith street. JH iattsar 1MT. H James Brown, 9, First arena and Fraarteentt 'H rteidie,t ''rrley, 5, Third arenae and Sixth at, ltsxXXX Jul r Kellly, B Kitetttllly, J. riaacsBT. KateCV.nskte, 72, -- Cnekte, clgbleen mo Mb motbrr and child, IHjbjATAtJ Jrtla McKenny, A, Avsnne A. IHVHh Fiedrltk Fairboro. 1 J, IMsta-c- street ferrr H Ida njaghton, 1C, llroadway aad Thlrty-dxt- t H I TgTgTgJgJgTgjJ Pella Murphy, . '' H rj'co CaII, 11, Tsnta arenne and Thlrttet H MaryMcCarrclklnraodtwreet, H It iry Rlden, to, mmi tn Mattoa koasev H Jame I'umm, t. Ilrand sire. I H ralkulas) Reach,!, Third avruaw, near Fortislll I IJH Il shnntd bo remarked, hnwrrrn that serat ' H of Ihe children sent to IIm Commissioner ot H C'ba.HU s are subsequently reclaimed by ILclt H aieiils. i H I sKSBBKSBi Alice Menermott, tt, Klghth streeb H 'has. MrOosilf. II, II. IL K. Iaep.it. kH Itichanl ll.J.n. H, f.s.tof Wt I'lily-riri- h stresrt, , H James Ilarrlson, . Tenth artoa aad TnirtJaf. H Kilty Coniey, 9, 11rrer7. H Jnliu Ilentlsy, s, Warerley place and Charls B atreeu Jo. NlchoUm, a, cam lo station boose. H sens. H Nona. -- iJH Mary Pradr, S, Catharine street, H Margaret Titawwy, It. IVarl su H Wiu. Bower, , Flrat avenue and Thlrty-tsrss- r enttistreeL H Unknown girl, t, Clretewlch and Spring strasrta, B aeucsr. H Anna Taylor, 15, Vlereer street. H Otrrle ll.rtlett, It. Water and Wall street, atsgirj Laaaiy, a, lirooklya, m T wi' HATES OF ADVEHTISINO. rirsaca itrriaisatr tx aiiTAaca. F ttrety Inisartlovi of lasar line or le,,, .WeiW For arrery extra lio or part ot litvew., 19 Clay tr Adtertlsementa wlnbs Iriaerted la oomoi dlspf sred style, or In leaded Itpe. also aa atssd si j, adtertlse men's or speelal notloea at rairUonat, . rales, to be acerta.'Deil on iwpplUatloa at ths orlVcst, I m lar Twenty-si- x words art ooaoled a tnr llaasij r it. I aed seven words for each fn rrore than tour. ' ! I ' Tlia hll.atl.a Tbreaah irwdlcwl Tlieodnre Tlltnn, In Ibis week' JWeseit. H dm, la urged by a friend to tu-- e bl pes H t'rlskly, ' tn prepare the natlo for the corns H Ing lucvltalle lraeaclinient of President Johnson. Theodore tella bl friend that no H preparation b ready, the (atWtal Wtrlt (Ka Heal) being reaJy ror It. Headdalh iH roll iwlng mcthcal tn aeeoroplUb lt Instantly,' for which new device no patent ta bsteav applied for. It read thu i If II could be now thoroughly nnderatoosT (as It ought tea be) that the Rpubllcaa aw1 JfeH meau lo omit from Ihe 111 of prcaldeQttal iJH candidate next summer all It acnatorv gorrrnora, and general, who are now ops H posing the linpeacbment or the I'realdant, au B ucb opposition would IniLvntly ceaae, anct the raesldent would be speedily put out ol tbo way. BBVI Theodore then pnbllahaa cximmunlcailosi from a Chlotago corrcs;ndent, which la cn H racterlxed at speaking Ibe view of many adviser, which correspondent iucotue lit the following strain i H War I Imminent Tou know It. Ad ll clear-sighte-d men know IL Capitalist rW ( sjJJHB Us, tl. Ci--l.1 IU tt, A l ".'."'ti X your city. The matte understand It. Tba - preaa ha Bounded the alarm. Everybody It anxious, tare Copperheads and rebels, who hare their "tatlllug and sure" in An- - drewJohruon. The tvljcU undentand thai : war Ii coming. But hoc pn the PrtlWe9j.lh.1',!?a ! ifaH How CAn the loyal mauci conirinu Zl , How ran the people say tn Andrew Johnaon, Thus far shall Ihou got and no further t How ( 1 can tbey demonstrate to him that tbo people rule? IH The people hare a rcprcaextUtlre body In the tlovernment Congre. Dal CemrTess Is dispersed. Hare tho people no other aer- - fH rant t Vc. They have Slate Legislature. IH Through them they can speak, and more- -. ic. Ilcnce I urge upon you, a a control- - H ling power orcr public sentiment, to think of the proposition lbs I ha been made In the 1 West calllog foe a convention of Iho loyal (lovernors. I hcarlllj iympaiiiue wiui The calL The taH gornrcon ran summon their legtslaturea to- - H gcther In extraordinary teaalon. These sLat legislators will be fresh from thn people. They will be the mouth pieces of tho people, mid as auch can Instruct the governor to call a convention. The governors then, backed fl by (heir legislatures, reprosecuting tho loyal masses, cm trlth xnrer and right declare ta the ricsldunt Hut f'ey will prrrent him by fortt, U necessary, rrom bringing on a new (leneral Orant, although I regard him u only a mere ''protest.' Is In a p asTllon to help sate Iho country. Ir he find that the people nre thoroughly orgiulzcal, through their H sttte gorcrnors, who can command a million bayonets, he will be more Inclined to disobey the I'lesldciit's mllltai y order than ir thote bnyouets lay In stute arsenals unrepresented. 1 Siamithlnguiust be done at once. Johnson means revolution. Revolution can be met only by another. Is the assumption of control of n.illonal affairs by the Qor-- cniors rrvolullon ? ir II I, II Is Iho least otn, Jccllun iblc or any scheme, at I tea II, that can be devised. It may be neccsasrr befora Not ember tu Imprison Mr. Andrew Johnson, lo save us from war, or prevent the surrender or Wiuhlngtoti tn tho Maryland rebel. Who can do lt? (encral (Irani. By whose or. elera? Tho people's, transmitted through their State (lovernors. Theodore docs not share the alarm or hi correspondent, but says, If Andrew Johnson make an attempt at war agalust the Hopub-li- e, let him be tried by a court martial, and shot bylwilic soldiers, In a hollow square. llal.Ua of Ihe Indian. They are a droll composition or Ivf local, ellsiase nnd dirt. The Oovemiiieut give them annuities, which tho agents steal ; and Hl they bate shoddy blaukcti bint them, whlct generally fall short and aro not all flannel, and saiks or Hour, warranted to contain one bun, dred pounds each, which they do, nuljr hall nl It It funduit or sandstone. They an peaceful as long at roil give them security, They don't steal, only they havo a pccu'lat habit of taking things that lav around loose, when noliuily It looking, 'Pielr women de all their worts ; they plant, they gather rorni Ihey do ihe drn.U'iTV At Sully, ihn n gave, Le t few tucks or Hi or, Tbi cm ri d ibcm lo Iho shore, ant! up roe'e tlie "bucks" (male IndLins) ou theli ponies, followcil liy Ihe siiiuwi, willi the In. tt Ital ic pappoosca on their lacks. Tbo Hour must be put uimti tlio ponies' backs ; and ot ajB Jumjicd the squaw, who was riding flsV and, thouldcriug the hundred mud aiek cr Knl flour, threw II over her 1 ouy anJ made utr, s 111 willing slate to lir lord .a faithful llrlieli Bllll to a barbarous Agimrmnon Tber lo,e t KJiai eat, too. When we reached bully, a tall KIM Italian, Im In,; on a shirt tint he had won W.? tlx iiioulhv without ever taking It olT and s Hr7l pair of bn eelics put on hind side before, Villi came aboard, and, learning thst the Com in Is J M alou was going up thu river out) alauit it J1I miles, and t licit would return, lous'dcred II II U at though it weru a ple-ul- c escurslo.i, and In. Ill M vllcd bimsell lo aceonapanr them. He la JUlf turu wai happy, is il could aUbral the pa. -- 1 1 1J st'ii.'irs ample opportunity Jo make him I I ' J prevails, and he noiild hate llinernuugh 10 I cttaiiiiucUiuhi'Chose. .M dinner ho ma.li .1 wav willi slv pies aud Iwo i.miii lull of tlie I tj rrfiit. from the plates ol all Ihe Commit- - J AlBiipper he madu anolherrald agaiuat . I all iV it od lie could Und or that wa set bo. I lure him: and. as a result, lias been sick evei ' since, and dtclarea "he no cat while man'i I food ouy moi o." J , a tiiu.iioitr squvw uaicx. J I While lying at Fort Sully, curiosity tempts H t;CoaXaaduaaV'aurilarvasui I

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1867-09-19 [p ]. · 2017-12-15 · 'Ihe Nnllouula will llt Haiti--i more on Friday, and play tho Mar) land Club i of this city, and alto the l'uilim ou Sat--'irdav

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1867-09-19 [p ]. · 2017-12-15 · 'Ihe Nnllouula will llt Haiti--i more on Friday, and play tho Mar) land Club i of this city, and alto the l'uilim ou Sat--'irdav


I I (JiTcecorner of Nssssa and Fallon street.

41 flnjle Cereca- - TWO CKJOfg.

f Twelve I'txis per wcek-t- ilx lxdltrt per ysar.


alteto'ycn'lburBdBycf 'acb week lis seat by mallaal(D Lobar wjrir slncl esplea three neat.

MOSKS S. 11KAC1I, rrcprlfV ofTh Han EettbUslimrnt.

VkUroad CIIM-r- w Killed 1 Flv' aantted.

Et.xinA, N. T., 8rpt. 19lh A collisionMenrri'd bout elcren o'clock, on ihetelmlra and Cinandalgna Lianch of tho.Northcri Central It ill way, betwicn MillportVnd Flue Valley. At excursion train of tenran was prccecdlns fum Elmlnt to the

at Hvtana, when It came In

,xlllslon v. Ith n portion of a freight trali,Xrlatch liil broken from the main train,funding on toe track. A flagman had been

Clalloncd tn rod) hack 'o wtm the engineertrain, tut he mlsbjol. Ihe

' Vgnal t nop for that to go ahead slowly,Vnd In a moor nt after o.Uc pi tho ilelichidcra Jrai around lie citrri , The ieed of tho

Jlraln hid Un to ljineh stopped, although on

Ja down grade, tlut only tlioie standing onthe platform autTe red Injury. Tli engineer)nd Orcuitn fared theroulre by leapingJfroin the tugluis. Ti c truck was obitrui icd

Lout one hour. Ihn Dime of the killed(

mod wounded an; as follow!' ' Ai'lovf - A. E. Tairmmy, Lock Htrcn,Ta.i Frank Tu?. Eltnlir..

H VandVi.-- D. W, Kln-im- Elmlra, leg'Mnd tabs brokrni Jaini Thomas, r.ltntra,leg bre ken Hen. Hancock, F.linlra, leg bro-

ken, and otherwise Imrti Hlrhai J Lynch,ttElmlta, l.l, liadly h.irtt Warren '.vancd,Wirphard' Cr-e- k, badly hurt In theabuul-tlcr- r.

(Itelnm of Ibe Prra'drnt to IVwMaiiaa.I , WAtitiiciTiii, S'Tt. in, -- President John- -

a Ion readied Washington on his rc"in from1 xVnlletnm, al one n'olnck Ihla mornlnr. It

J 'it aald Hut h- - was hissed LcfutJ hi tpokc.

Thp Ni st I'tanstlln'lnn Adnrted ! Mervlnrd.' IlALTiMOKn, Sept, 18. The tlectlcn on the


adoption of ')c New Constitution took placoM Tn UiU State loJay. The total Tote In this

' city raa 21,1'IC. For Ihe constitution, Id,,'i ?I0, ajtnt fj,C7(!. The majority for the) Conrtllutlon ll' nottc Iwi thin ,000 In

the whole Hlle.t f The feature or the new MarylandSi tCoiiMltullim l tin- - atK'Uliimnto.'leatii!hJ' iraliit nl! h fettum which w lncorK)r- -

tcil lnt' Ihe old imo In the early part ofThr new ala.i provide for

tlx creation ol' nu.lltl.mil rhrcka iijvii HUterxpendltiirea i itend the power of tho(iotcimr; tnkea linni tho municipal ath.- -

litleaailidtlmoic tho prhih'gv of utlng Ihecity credit without the connnl of the IcgMvture I nnd proidc for a new aihool aju mThe DeiniH-rnl- frittnid h new Conliitlonudthclterublliamoppoed It. II. '


ffrfm IITn Ter Menmer illart.p t ,i

Havaxa, Sept. 11. A captain an I 'ii itr J

ia the Spanlah acrrlcc (ought A due t . I' nVrlnclpe. The captain was hadlj vfojudedIn the abdomen by hit anUgonltt. hn t:rt 1

but of hU turn ; but by the cntcitlea it' tho

I ounded man a retonclllillon waa etTrclrd.

L Caralry haTe Ucn aent out ta dlapcrv or.--. j axtcrmlnale the gnnga of robbers In the lu- -

I Wrlor of the lelat d.. V.J;'!' The addrraa aent t y the CaptMn General lo

be Queon of Spain on tho completion of i h i

. rw cable la ridiculed and parodied lnaco- -

4 .'' Vert manner by the S- lo. No ainwer lo the; congratulation! of the Captain Owral ba

fet been rccelted from the Ilon.o Oorcrn-lien- t.

It la rumored that the authorities arearlthboldlni; all private d'patchc until the'ooked-fo- r meaangc conn from Spain.

Aackuun haa broken out among Ihe Jrwa,' at St. Thoraaa. Home of them hare with

drawn from Uie old Byurgoguc, and ure about( ', 4UUUlili.g anolhui.

The (klin In Hlrllf.Wajiiwotow, Sept. Id. Our Consul at

' Palenno, under date of Augint SOth, writes

St. to the State l)cartinei.t i.s follow s t

f. I have lo rcrt Ihe continuance of the5i .cholera epidemic In thl' city. From the fib

to the IHlh It li.criAcil to 600 caaca dally,but flniT then It haa gradually di creased, eo

,that we had only 101) vne yi'sterdiy, 'I lie'city Is resuming n checrtnl aspect, but Diebaoc that Ihla driadful dUrate baa calledamong the lower ilaan a Ii Incredible. Tlenumber of de-it- U lhu fur culliuatcd at1,000, which, eddid to A,13'.' lat Fall, mikiai loea of about clu trraontln lew than arear, or fire per cent of the wiiolc populationf 'ho city.

The Vellow I ever.titw Oiii.kan, Sept, 19. --TLo number of

icaths In thbi city from yellow fover up tosix oMork this looming, was 4G. Ihe freerU tprcudlng among Ihe tav.ua In th6 taterlorof the Bta'.e.

ft. I.uta Troliliuc Park.Br. Uiuia, Mo., Sept. 18. The Fall meet,

big of the fit. IjiuIi Trutltng I'aik Aanocla-tlo- u

began with a very exciting racebetweiu the follow lugliore i Lackey, Dixie,ilollle. Fearless aud Hllas lllc h. The racewaa mile hcata, bcal three In fire to harneasfurnpuraoof 11,110, ll.o winner to reedte' 1700 accond horse JiW, and third horse' ; 1101). lackey won Ihe ram In three tralght

, beats. Time. !I.80J,', Ml', v.2d. r-

i row there will be a pacing race, in which itla eipictcd that two of thl competing horaea

t will get down below W.

Ilnae Hall.Daltimoiif, Sept. If The gimo of base

ball y between the Irvltigtou'a of NewIrrsey and Uie l'mlliuta of Ihla city, rcsultulIn a victory for Iho former by a score of Ulo 17. The In Ington'a will blt Waahlnvton

and will pity Ihe Nationals i.fthat rl'y. 'Ihe Nnllouula will llt Haiti-- imore on Friday, and play tho Mar) land Club

i of this city, and alto the l'uilim ou Sat- -'irdav.

I E4wln lloolh.The follovilng dlptc)i ahould be read In

ionnccilou with the account of tho accidentlo Edw In llonth, printed on the Inalde pageTthlilMie of the 8 s i

I1i.iiioiik, Sept 18- .- Mr. IMwIn Dooth IsrccoU'ring und U now rniuldcrcd sale IromIho thn attned losa of his aim. He has mado

' sppllcatiou ngalu lor I tic remains of his bro--I t ir, l leadliig cry oarneatly that tho mo- -J I cr, being my aged, crates Ihe dead body

k as In Inter it, before aim dies, near tint ofj .1 a distinguished father, who If burled Hour

I .Is city, Tho reluct Int. been denied.

The Crrat Manlrcal llrbUe.A correspoudint of tho Sjirluflild Hiput- -

(ean f uya I

One morning we drove down to take aicnrcr look at ilio tubular bridge. We were

1 oartleularly Interested lu tho provisions madeSor the contraction and oxpaiislon of Ihejon, aud Ibu ilcleucca iigalmt the Ice. Thereire, I bfllctc, twcnty-llt- e spaiu In thu bridge,the iiilddle one ubout a hundred feet longerIh n the others i and these uru built two andIwo, eaih double span Ulng entirely dlscon-fOecl-

with it neighbor, aud 1 iced ou roll-tr-

ao that It Is trie at one cud to push outor rctirat, according to Its cxpiiuslon. Inthe coldest weather, the watchman told us,there Is space enough between the spans oftho tube " for a boy fourteen or flfleeu yearsold to pass through," out on to the pier,whllo In the hottest of the summer, there issurely (pace for the thlckners of one's hand.

Thin about tho Ice. Each of the twenty-fou- rpiers of solid masonry, both cemented

and strongly rlvlu-d- . the middle ones eight,ten feet wide, Is so lormed aa lo turn aldeIheibiHllug masses of lev, and each buttressis calculated lo withstand the pressure olevenly thousand tons. The sides of the

bridge, where It reals on Its abutments, arocontinued In walls of atone thlrly feet high,and prodigiously thick. The watchman told

. us that last Spring, when the Ice broke up,It came over the top of this wall which is

I alxty feet above the snrface of the river. ButI this Ice which seems now such a formidableI of the bridge, afforded a aolld groundI frt two bin it winter fn th hnlldlnv a( t


THE -- Mk SUN.Tliirtv-Fourt-h Ycajr. NEW-YOR- K, TnUgSDAY. SEPTEAfBER 19, 18G7. JPrico Two Conte

NEW YORK.ranttttaileaatCinTtctlaj-HeTrntT-Mvrn- tk

Pava I'roreedlnaa.AliiAsr, N. ., Sept, in The Convention

at 9Velok A. M. ye'le.nlay. Anumber of pet 'lous were prssin'.ed snc

The ComraMcc of the Vholc resume! theconsideration of rcpotls on Utuncci andcat. sis.

The Committee on Finances reportedgalnt thelealng or selling the State ran!s,

Mr. Wdles movid as a subdltutc thnt canalsable to pay tl.o expenses of collrcllon be ex-

empt from aalo or f vta'. Mr Onclcy tookgrnun.. In fivor nf sciiing canals. Canalsbjlrnglng to private comiiinka would bewot kid, he raid, to gain the largest potttldopatronage i In the Ii .i.J of the SUtie Ui-- y

would le r.ny i m Id r..r cirrupllon. liei onrliiiled by mot lug as a substitute I

1. Tbat thi Plate anthoritlea d'S'gualM shalldtent-- e f n to t battled by dtpual. for

secu-l- tj lir tie Tres-nre-

1. Ti.lls not to be ra.ed by parthase-- , but mayb re!uM.

a. I"nnliasfrs to keep the esnal la navljabltoriter for nat than six mimths of esrh year.

4. Peal.l lett'Vm to Le lodcffj 'jjtwten tha 1stai.iaih Ancnt nett.c Male offleer sbatl dreMe, Aienut, by

msjnrliy vole, which Knurr Is miat fsruraMa tothe M".

a M, officers ti nxli the pecple of the Slateef ItiCir aelli.n, am' MitvIN at test genrfal elec-tion sbail take a vo'r uu the tu'stluiof seUlng vrriUtii!tigthicnil

I. t'rovliles frr manner cf tlrcMon.a. 'Ihs maLticr cf muinerattng and declarlaj

the mslorltj.r. rroIJe far the ' ith.gecfy cf a najorltj or

mhiortt) v.ite.tft Jt'iti 't s. psd In te (Wc-tr- In

cf Mai ihbt aed t ti'xsilin of Sts'.e taxes forso- h rla'tn.

Afiir dlscttrUo dlseus'I.in,Mr. Ileckwlth tirM what Mr. Oreeley

wanted I ' do with the money arising fromthe itnlr of the canals I

Mr. (lietley plleil, to rediico tl.o State taxand to lrs.cn the latnlU II.

Mr. t'lliilun and Mr. warmly opposednrv sale of this heritage of Ihe people.

The vile was ,aken on Mr, ilreeley's eutstliiite. Ixst, only tlx tmlnbura noting intl. ar.lrma'lvc,

Eventually, th) vrtl'in, aa reporl'd by theCommittee, was adopted.

The (Joiifintlon then iiro"ecded to con-rid-

Ihe In linn of thn Ueort I

'NtMher Ihe. rreull, monev cr prepe-t- y of theSta'e shall lie In an manner Il-- or I .si'i.i t

r' of ati t'lilifM ia), r rirh. i i..,i '

Afler rpiltc a wsrm dliissi.n ih.i e- .1 nwas pacd "Ver until til" n ri nl lln-1- :

on Lbaillk'e rt... ild u nii. ,ili-- ' .1

cus.'ou.Tlie nvt settlrni til ni r i n c. I'.

thvt tl H If tiii.ii h . le .ii- -, It je lu r. V.IIUI- -. in en ri. Is C U1'l

fa til, ii.. t u; i.i.e thr to i c r 1 v ',t u,i ) ,I if lii.ele I g . e i h ir n-- Ui lioi II il lor lb i piit4e. s lot Aiiiio lla.weieob.jii'cl ! lo ri j i in h id, an 1 u, I.. i iL--

urp e iVr. ni 'ei naendM, fis si, eh l.

i'rl a shall I'.' lo i ll a a i rtMilnl t. at Hie I

ia.lic--t practicable pen wl, Auieed i I

.'r I'.varis unit. d. t.ut nt'Tiine.i.ly with-- ,dii v . in inn In I tin b (k'ut.iiu- - Lu .ml I

Ir this Fidl.n reiin'ncU from luaklig alit loi tl c enl'irgora 1, i" l.'tluii or ini-- 1

prox mriit id aui id Ihe tanats ol the Stat.,eo I ir mav le iv In pr.puly

n.iiiLl'ito ibt unlueM li Ic d u.'

T vsri.i aavsaiu.ll m of the n ,hil on the

'nan i e ' the i"i'i i, was rcu:net Id theCV'llU.lUl-- t ol I it U oli.

Vr. Vcllo:.al I miuil to amend thu nr-tlo- n

i ru id), j; 'h'l i't d'b' -- hill ttsul'-- . aiiili .rltej by law fir l .:

alogle oljiil to Ui apeclhi'd Unrein, by ad-ding i

fyetWif, hnwerer, tf sneh Aebl b eo&lret4f.r the eolaeettit nt. Iniirrveinefi, oe or iapr.'iii.oof the esnal. nt llil Ma!, r any one r nwis ufthem, Ibe sur.lan rerennei.f sa'T raiul may bepleilrcd for tv pnymiat nf sad debt arel aatdlaw reed only ImrV and provloe f ritieilli-c-thi-

of a tdract aenual fax u pay, and euftie'eilto I ay llic drtlrleucy nf aurh de'i after the

of said rcveuum with. n eti:bua jeirs.Mr. Iailiham moved to amend o lli.it no

itch debt shall be cuuiraelcil unleM It -- hallbe aiithorlrail by lav , Mr Improi log or com-pleting the canals, or any of them.

After debate on Ihe auiendinenu, withoutcoming to a role, tho Couventlon, at abuultiy, o'lbck, adjourned.

Tho object of early adjournment waa forthe purpose of giving Ibc lb. publlcau mem-iK- ra

an opportunity tn hold a csuru in t.ikululu conlderiIon thn proprluty nf an

of Iho Couveutlun to aome luturuday.

Ittpabllraa Caarna at Allianr.Ai.nANV, Sept. 18. A caucus of thu Repub-

lican numbers nf the Constitutional Conven-tion was In Id this ctenlng to take Into con-

sideration the propriety of adjourning theComentlon to aome future day. After dis-

cussion It was determined that a Ion; ad-

journment would not bo advisable. The ef-

fort will bo made to finish up tho business bythe lulls nf October, nnd submit the Contl-tullo- n

to the ciptc at tho coming diction.8lxl-lw- o uiemticrs wcio present, aud oDlytwenty-on- e rotid fir a long adjournment.

Jllealeaa AiTalra.It la stated that some excitement Is again

brewing In Mexican political allilra, In con-

sequence of the Juarex Government over-riding some of the provisions of the Consti-tution. The President, in reply to attacksupon his Government, hat Issued an addresssaying that his administration never had andnever shall have any other rule ol conductthan faithful rcHCt for the National Will.Any reforms made nato been to develop audImprove Ihe principles of the Constitution nfIho Itenuhllc. lie deilana it his rcsnhetostand llrmly by his resolution without beingwaved by tonne who represent only thn

small minority and uot the national will ofthe people. He decliros that ho Ins not ac-cepted the resignation tendered by certain ofhis Cabinet Ministers, because Iheio hail heeuno discord In Ida and their opinions. TheI'rcsidfUt's uddrcea coneludea by telling iheMexicans it ia their light to dcildo aa Iheywl!l, ou the reforms he prnpo-e-a to them.Happy indeed, lie concludes, "shall I bo if,before my death, I cau w Uncus to their endur-ing consolidation."

The President nnd his government are Inlamentublu straits for money, aud their ulti-mate hope for the pacification of Ihe countryappears lo be In a loan fiom Iho United.States. Ihe Influence or the V. U. Mlnl.tir,Mr. Otterbotirg, with the President, Is a sub-Je- it

uradicrso criticism In some of tho Jour-nals. The I.t VtmrorJin of Vera Cruz, ani-madverts upon that ludMdiial being an Aus-trian by birth, a Jew by persuasion, also

Itepuhllcan that lie leaineil tho artof diplomacy In a retail cigar store nt Mil-waukee., and subsequently as an agent or atravelling theatrical company, and finally aaa paid agent or Max. The usual stale beggarsprater poor Juarez, and among the number nparty of Americans, who seek n charter for arailway from Vera Crux to the l'arlflc. Shouldthcyauccccd It la helloed to be Ihetr Inten-tion lo purcbaso the road alroady underway.

A corresimndcnt at Queretaro writes thatbefore his departure Irom Mexico City ho hadheard that the body of Maximilian had leftQueretaro, but was surprised to find It stillthere, and adds tho fullowlug account of avisit to ste the remains i

1 found the coffln coetalnlog the remafna, to aroom Id Uie second story ol ibe house nccuid byfir. lion Munos Lrdo. A sohtlrr stood gusrd atIbe door, readr to gUe admlttaore In all whomight dt tiro to look at tbc body, which wllllug-nes- s

was, in our cac, aotucMbat accelerated byIbe luuufDce of a few rials. The apailmcnl borethe appearance of having once leen uted for astore rooiD, and was both very dsrk and extreme-ly filthy, The coma sUiod lu the centra of Iberoom, resting ujHin a couple of rudo litood beach,ea. It Is covered with black cloth, adorned with acheap quality of gold lace, the tup of which has afalse cover or lid, opening whlcn ease revealedthree elssees, tbniui;D which the silent form of the

Austrian waa shown by Ihe atd nf a pen.ny lallow raodle kept by Ibe sold.er for visitors'use. The Kmperor was dressed In a suit com.posed of a blue coat, wllh a row of brass buttonsia front, dark Jblua pants 'and heavy cavalryboots. Ilia bands were covered with a pstr ofwblta cloves, very mocb soiled. Ills ninuih and

war iiarUaui oik a. ulalalr showing bis

teeth and Ibe color of his eyes. Hit beard Isaa m II aa the greater part of bts hair, walta

Fine, Informed haa beu eat off by Dr. lis.,who bad charge of the embalmment, Mold, ba melvuig aa hhth aa Use ooneea 90

for smsll l.rksof lie taje. Tea bidyof theKmperor rernalurd al Uu) b-- until laatweek, when I waa removed to lla tiresent kxallon,danngwhlch time lie madeote of II as a meanaof lla also dlM-o- of whatevererTecuhcloneitnt to Maximilian he eoold olaaln,eharirlnglarce sums for small pleciaof his htood-latns- d

carmen whl.:h ha cut ep and sold. IIla also alte-e- d thst be has even removed a smalllortlon or the tkn',1, fo. wbirii ha obtained a largemm, replacing It with wood, I cannot vonch forthis, but It baa general belief here. The doemram-- ttat Ihe tlovernment haa failed to pay hlaahis Nil for the embalmment of some n,oon, anA

declares his Intention of InaV'ig h moliaj Uie

aoreel way possible, .This ttcit man, Uwo, together with a names

helm? named 'Ichelo nunaalas, del,vere.l,rtleneral M Iramnn. The lleneral had leen wotma-e- d

In the fare, and called lu l.Ws aMlataare.whoeilended tho nperatlon to as long a perloiiaaslb'e, and when Mlra.non learned Ihe city badbeen sold, ha attempted to leave the hon.e,bntfoood a soldier awaiilnKblm at the door, whotook Idn Into custody. As he was batng eonveiedto nrlwn. Mlra-no- hancled hi" purse, containingmoney aud pejvale papera. In Lls--o, . no In Urnesse It le Kvibedo. Ihat otnerr erdsred It

lo lis ownee. Llesn lnlends aceorapanylngMarlnalllan's remains lo Knmpe. esiectlng to

a handsone recotnpente froni the Kmperorcf Austria. Cor. TVlMine.

The HpCe.1. Mkltbry Frande.An Item In the8ui brlilly states thfdht-covcr- y

of whiskey frauds at llulfalo, and re

cf a largo number of barrels of thataitljc. The follow Ing arc further details i

Collector Hoot waa led lo suspect thatsomething waa wrong Irom the combinedfee's Hni vrrjr Urge, amounts of whiskeywere bebg shlqeil East from hero and thattho iN'rrrage could I purchased In Newlnrkand llo-to- n lor tl:0 per gvlhrn, fl'lycents lees than the tax ulone. W c will slatethe tirdlnary nantiir of shipping whlshcy,since the two dollar btx was Icvle l. Il K ofc jursc, oflen not convenient for the dlstllli rto pay tho lax at onie, benco the whlakey Isput In a bonded warehouse be v. Should the

tushlp it to a teller market,ami Mill not jaiy Ihe tax, be roust obtain ain null from tdu Collector, and give transpor-tation bond

In th casii of the whlskysent from here toIhielon, all theso forma bad been cnmplledwllh Collector Jtoot hating nxrlveil certi-ficates from tho Collector In lloetou tint thewhisky had liven bonded there, l'nt hisusph lona were arnutcd, nnd, about ten iltjs

iigo, l.uclnn llawlty, Eeq., wss sent on tothe " Huh" In lusp-- ct matters, Ilcatruck a" mate's nest" t once. Taking Ihe ccrtlfl-- i

lea ten In d here from lloabiti to the otllnai I 'nlirnal Kevcuue theri, they were unheal-- I

ill gly pronoiiiicsil to l furgi ilea. rVarrh'

I I'O whisky llselfwas mom lorlutiate. It, w n. I'inud that II bad nnclml Boston: the. truck len who link It from the ears weroI linn v up, the discovery was mado that ItI Ii d iec i distributed alantt the city, and on- -I

Ii itidicl and seventy batrele of It, accord-- I

li'u in on- - dlriaitch, x rro sptcdlly bmiiEht to'I. bl. Ihe in ult of Uie receipt of this Intel- -

l.i mo Lt'i t.as been the aelinre of six lt

l w lilskr fmm the distillery andwii chouse of John r. I'eny, valued at abouteignty thousand dollars, lax Included.

i ti l narsr.

Tnr tlrvek (lnvcrnmeut la trying to buysome nl our Iron elads.

'At. II. HiirHisM-K- , of No.CS Jamre alreet,had hta bndly cut yesterday fallingthrough a window iituu the ruof of FultonMarket.

Jntia lliinwi a laborer, residing at No. 25

Orchard r.l., had his shouldir dlalocatedsdlm noon, w'llle at work on board

Ibc baik Kalelgh at I'ler No. ! F.tst River.Asm 0'ltrit.r, rraldlng at No. VI i Mntt

atrvei, bail tier leg broken yiaterday atVir

noon by being run over lu llroadwuy, nearHth street, by a truck,

Ai.i aKiiCiwiirim, of No. 11 i'.lra atteet,hid one of hie legs broken, ye lrrday, bya grating falling iion hliu al No. It Warrena.i sri,

John Taaf, aged 11 years, residing at Coi

Water street, waa killed nt I'ler M, Raal

Hirer, ycoterday, by a pile of lumber whichtell uKin him. Coroner notldnl

Jon.i MrDiivatj), residing at No. 4M Westmh stn-et- . bid his leg broken yesterday af-

ternoon by an Iron gate, which fell uponhtm.

a.txrri. floi.naMtrii, of No. 411 EastI Houston street, was knocked down and se-

verely Injurid yesterday, at the corner nfatinuc Hand Third street, by a Third are-nu- t-

car,Jamv.s McKixsr, a newsboy, residing at

No. C5S Water street, was run over and dan-

gerously lujuretl yesterday afternoon, at thecorner of Hcammcl aud East Drndney, by

car No. 43 of the East llroadwuy line.

Aiiiiut 4 I. M yesterday, Otto Vemall,agiil I )rars, realdlni; at 73 Fullon street,fell from Ihe plaza or the lludsou lllvcr 11.

Depot White street, causing a concussionol Ihe head.

Ar hair-po- 2 I. M., yesterday, Mr. Lind-say, or No. 431 East 17th at., waa thrownfrom bis wagon, at comer of Ooereck audIlivlngton its., aud severely Injured aboutthe head.

A I.AU named A. T. Charrochola, residingat No. 1 Butlitun street, fell through a hatch-way of a building on Iho dock foot of Hu-

bert street, yesterday, badly Injuring bisbead.

Am unknown man waa shot atN. V., on Tuesday night by the hired man ofMr. Sheffield, while engaged, as Is supiKised,in stealing homos and uther mailers fromMr. Shcllleld'a stable

W'n.MAM Hai.i.imou QuirK.scTCnly-eigh- tyean of age, formerly residing In New Yoikcity, waa run over by a train on the CentralItallroad yesterday ctcnlug, aud fatally In-

jured.Moitr paths In the City Hall Park are be-

ing prepared tilth Ihe new patemint, whlihb composed of uu clastic entering like

perficlly smooth nnd turning mois-ture, yet springing to thn treul and morepleasant to Ihe foot thau

Cha.. II, Van Dakk, an express messen-ger of the Mcrtlmnta' Union Express Com-

pany, lietuecn Hochestcr and Niagara Falls,committed suiihlc yeslcnbiy morning byshooting himself through tho head u Winrevolver.

liuaiMr.as was suspended on 'Change yester-

day at Cincinnati, to tender a reception loOcncrol Sheridan, who was rccelted wllhnmost ciithutlasilc demonstration. The (lin-

eral and UU stalfarc on their way to Wash-ington.

Six thousand barrels or whlkey shippedfrom IlulTalo to Boston, Into been t

eight thousand barn Is hate liei n shipped andnot accounted for. Tho frauds on ihe liete-nu- c

nre tremendous, forged rccel ts of Kevc-

uue officers having licen uted to elfcct thcin.

At a meeting of the Comiulstioncrs of Em-

igration held osterday, the l'rrtldiut waarequested to endeavor to remote tho objec-tions which nre mado against the railroadacross iho Ihttcry. The number or ts

which havo arrived hero tliU car uroM,Wi, aa agalust K'.'.'.'jI to same date lastyear

FoiiNrr, or the I'lilladi lphia I'rut, who IsIrnvellng abroad, lias nn atlnpit of dismals,Hear him i "In nil thii thick nnd awfulgloom there Is but one alar tn light the way

General Grant la In the Warli'tlce! Ourpoor country, more thau once de;wndcntupon his aword, la now hanging upon hisword." The ahnt e Is tho first National lung-ing UOOn reene.

Tautatlswa ef RsaaalB.

The Russian budget of 1R6 anticipated anordinary rtTcnne of 44,000,000 roublee rrotndirect taxes, ll,700,tt from Indirect, near-I- f

15,i00,000 from royalties, above S7,000,'O0

from Stale domalne, 47,1M,000 from mlsccl-lir- a

eons sortrcea, and (1,700.000 rerenne of theTranscancasna, making, In the whole, MS,.RW3.I17 rrraldea, eqrwl to JUAfiM,Vg). Thechief Hem of direct taxation Is the capitationtax, producing M,!M,1M rouble a taxaveraging one roul.le M ropeetta (la. Id.) imthe maha taxable popnlalki rrglsterrsl al Ihelaatrencna. It waa to bo raleed SO cox;cka(la. 7d ) per bead tn 17. Tito arrears ofthht tax have always lioen considerable.There la also a tax on trade licenses, estima-ted In produce 10,09i,MO rouhlca. A mir-cha-

to be entitled to trade In any part oftho empire, para a tax of tto roubles, orabout C42 for trading only within Iho dis-

trict, nud not undertaking contracts ulKire acertain sum, 25 to (ii roulilca, equal to XI to

10 i a retail Ihxnse la IB tn !0 roubles, ac-cording to locallir and a license enabling abnrgher, a grade between men bants andprisatits. to pursue various ralllrta to towi.eis 2 roubles 1.0 copecks, or 8s. Of thu Indi-

rect taxee, the largest Hem la 13t,8'21,raJron-hl- r,

from tho excise on spirits and licer,probable an The ordinaryrosfli. or brandy, made of rye, oats, corn ormall, la enmpoetd of 3d parte of pure spirit.and (V! parla of water t and the rheatineaa orthis liquor aud Ihe farlllllea for Its sale lead toa very extensile consumption. If tho aver-age retail price of a vedro 3 gallons) ofbrandv be taken at 3 roubles (0 row cks (lis.).Ihe Inhabitant nf Ruaata tn Europe spendalaiut .W,Oiii),0Cl') rnublcs.or more thvn

on spirits alone, or about IS roubles(Ma. 8d.) per adult male of the claaa bywhich the brandy Is consumed. Senatorllagcmelster, in his work on tho budget,

the annual consumption per head Ina to I 0.K7" vedro of splrlls, and 0.1.10

vedrnuf liecr. Tasslng in ntherrrclse a,

tbat on salt may lxi iiotlml ns loiiq ara-- Ilively beawt llii'ionsuinplloii avrragiw almut271b. avolrdupola tier hwd, and each lT-n- :i

on an avenge contribute nearly SM. towanlsthe reve-iu- by tho lax. In the artldo of

revenuo la defrauded to nn Incal-culable extent. The gmaa rrc Ipt from

In 1Td was .12,111,110 rouble.The filflc dill lea cannot tie loss than M pereint. on an average, and many artlilrwoflinporlaiue nro charged from l'S) to 400 I'erCciil Manv or the rates r duty are diifi

lu favor of the land frontier of Hinduami I'mssla. The revenuo from slainw

B.0(l,0i O roubles. Tlie duty nn thotrnnsfia nf property ia 4 per cent, on Ihnvalue. Under the last rvlgn no llovernmi ntol'ler could Ii-- addressed except nn slamia--pajver. In additional to the Imperial Uvealocal taxation ylelda atmte 21,(i00,() roublesa year, or more Ihiti A:i..'l(aJ Sk0. There nrealeotown taxes cxceetllug 6,000,001 rouble.A tax on rattle and Mrda slaughlirid bvJews, nnd ou Hie taK'rs whichtiny nc l.t their syiiagogueaj Is

also levied In place where a Jewishpopulation resides, but the product of thetax la applied lo Ihe linprovrmrnt or the al

condition or the Jews themselves. Mr.Consul Mlchcll, who gives these statementaIn bis report, raja tbat the cost or collectingIhe dlrtrt taxea ia estimated at no leas than20 per cent., and thn cost of collecting theCustoms' dullea may be roughly taken at

noil- - ii i'er rciu. me ti,, vtcis.,11.11some months since gave an estimate tbat thelaves fall ou the several claeec of the popu-lation aa follows i Taxea amounting to

roubles fall on Ihe well-to-d-o classes,comprising about 1,970,720 persons of bothsens, or about 3f per cent, of the popula-lio-

amounting to 27 rouble 8 coiicck perbend, or almut Ke. Taxes amounting to

roubles fall exclusively on Ibe ruralpnpnlallon, which, divided among, MO

of the poiiulatlou (the military being70 coptcka per bead, or about

2a. 2d. Taxes amounting to 777.612 rouldeafrll exclusively on workmen and artisans Intowns, which, divided among 8,K7t,42l or tlieponm 'Ion, gives about 20 copecks per head,nr7d. Taxes amounting la 171, MH,7Hi rou-ble" lall on the entire wonting claaaea of bolliscxea, C7,330,b2C In number, ninonullng to 2rouble 0." coccks per head, or about ns. Od.

The remit la that the opulent classes pay 27

rouble 8 rorHck per head, the rural impu-tation 3 rouble Si ropceks. the town impu-tation 2 roubles 83 copeck, the military 2

roubles 03 coH'iks.

Caricature ta Ike llarasv TrtJs.There are some curlosllle in the horse

trade, and among them la Ihat of the pecu-

liar manner In which aomo horsca aro kept,and tho v aluc laced upon them by the own.,

era. The horse market il always uppermostIn some nicn'a mind. They git e their wholeattention to the aublecl.aiid acquaint-ed with all the quallltca of horses, nuu whereIhey may be found. At thn late Slate UrineFair In this city a beautiful, supple,

horse waa upon theground, and much admlnd for his fine figurnand easy action. This horse waa found bythe prrsrnt awner upon a farm In the

was mlsuiulerstoiHl nndabusi-d-poorly kept and poorly inanniretl, Thoowner rrgnrded him aa vicious and gave himpoor reeoT nnd many blows, which the. hlglispirit nnd pride ol I he horse resisted andkicked back In defltnce. Ills leading pointswere discovered, nnd thn horsn was

by a man who unilcritood Ida nature,and who win disposed to develop II. Thelean, hungry and defiant horse lu tho handsof bis new owner has become n marvel ofbcanlr and gracefulness, l,ls pride fullygratified and bis powers developed so sym-metrically as lo make him nno of thu mostattractive of animata, and almost tilting himto associate with human Intelligence. Illsmarket value has Increased from two orthree hiiuilrid to that of nioic than a thou-- s

mil dollars.In one of Ihe towns not many miles from

Ihla city, an aged former has a horse tbat Isset eu years of age, and w hlefi has net cr yetbeen afiod or been bridled. This coll aa heIs still called, Ihe old farmer's pet. He hasgood ried and rrceltes all the attentionwhit h he requires, and Is led nut, in his play-fulii-

and lithe action by the halter. Hulaglossy, mid gentle and graceful, but aa yi tthe owni r bus not felt like undertaking toprepare him lorlalmr, and hardly seems con-scious ihat any I line is wanted by tlie neglect.Many ntrera liat e liccn inadti to purl base theHirer, but Ihe ntladuniiit Is ao slron'i for Ihe

colt Ihat Ihe owner cannot be temptid topart wllh him al any price.

In a town somewhat nearer t" Align. ta, oua farm where thu buildings are poor nud luHiiine aspect seem to Indicate pnicriy In theInmates, Iheic nre Iwo horses, nun tlx yearsold and Ihe other tetrn year. Tluseboiatahavo never tie n shod und only one of themhas ever hern bridled. 'I bev are iinltnals ofgreat beauty, and hate nltriitiil Ihiinlliii-tlo- u

of many ih alcra In hoi us, wlinhntelntalti iitreiislltrue sum- - for Iheiu. The prop-erty Is ne ind by a it blow, and one man whobilired to lie r tlx hundred ih. liars for one ofllio hurst and uns leliited, mid In hi r,good woman, bow li'ippi-ii- it that thulirgo prltu 1 otltr you lor thu coll 1r" Whv, sir," the replied, "tint was mvson John's toll Iho ihu Imy who was killedIn hatlle, ivhlla bravely lighting, is his kindCaptain said in bis letter, lor his eounliyihow c.nild I sell II i"

"Hut from Ihe appearancn or your build-ings, vim do not si cm lo hatu much money,aud the turn 1 olft r is n largo one and

put your buildings In good repair ""Oh, we liiteim dlllienlty in gelling a

lit Ing. Wekicp a good Hoi k of i p, myonly living Kin mill 1, null e lute a thou-sun- t

pounds or giaat wool whlih ttehbiillsi II tt lieu we can g I a good price. Wo donot tare lo inukegieal ctutigca since my tonwas killed, and all the propel ly, Ihe coin andthe h(ip, en rimlml us nl him, that tvv cuu-m- il

p.ni m Ii ti tin m nt imy pike."Tbciluikid sheep, equall) wllh Ihe hone,

wtru inirviU of btaut, and are fngtrl)waUhed by bulchers and olhir', tut nnIi imitations or money hate mceee.lnl In

it change id ownership. K'nuibtcJourHut,

An Oinier s,nnia I llitmrir.Ilils community wa li rrlhly shiKkrd last

ctuilng by a rumor Ihat Major Pii'lcl rihurp,tic- of the due IlimJieil nnd I'lflh Nen

York Vnliiuliers, liad shot lilinrelf nt thelesldeneu of I Is parents, ou Lake iitinuc.Major Sliarp ciinc hu'me to lea about sotenii'ilock. nlur Ihe I nully had ii en from thetihle. While be was nl ihe table Ids mothernent lu another part of Ihe room lo light alaiiil', and while her lack was turned, Iheexiiluslou of a uUtol wax bcwiL and aa turn

ing be saw lier on fall to the fioo. On ex-

amination tt waj fonad Ihat he wa shot Inthe left breast, In the region of the heart.The plttol lay on the floor.

As anon a possible the unfortunate manwas raised nnd laid npon a sofa In the parlor,and Ir. McKay was entOr. The patientwaa unconscious at brel, but came to himselfafter a tlmi.andwaa able lo conrerv withtho-- e abont him. He did not give any ex-planation eonccmlnj tho ocnirrrncc, and wedo not learn that any questions were s,pion that point. It la not supposed that hecan recover, aa the wnnnl U in a vital part,and Ihe aurgcon In charge was able to g'vono encourairtment, but It Is, nevirlbrhas.possible thai he may au five. These aro ellthe facts which we arc able to supply withregard tn this rail tragedy at I resent.

Major Sharp l a 'on or Mr. llinlel Sharp,win known as a rad-oa- d abd canal enntrac-- I'

r. He Is almut SO yearn or ig, and hasfor sorre linn past engaged uwm a eon-tm-

enlercl Into by his fatli. rb.r theor a railroad bi 'ween Pittsburg and

In I'ennayltaiila. lie haa a wile and(hllrl In Loekport. When Iho rebellionbroke out he went to the Arid wllh thoThirteenth New York V nluntcrrs, aud waathe Color Sergeant of that rrgbnent In thofind Mule of Bull Hun. Ho distinguishedhlmaeh by his bravery and contempt of

tn Inst fight II, Ing a three mouths manEar waa mnsti red out at Iho eipiratlau of l isterra id sen lee, and cinue home ' ) aaslst Inrecruiting and organliing Iho One Hundredand Fifth New York Volunteers, wllu whichhe again went to Ihe field. He rose t.t Iherank of Major, and served with gallantry Ineeveral rngageiirnls, receiving a t'terowound on ime occ ,slon.

Slnre leaving th" service Major Sharp liasbeen In the employment nf bis father 'ivarious contracts taken by too latter. Hehia Urn In this city for two or thrie wieka

ast on a visit. Ills w lie and child arc In1.ocktiort- .- .'oeatiffr iaoeruf, 12th.

fir. flnAisT line Issued at ordi r abnllsl ln sthe army clothing depot ill New Yn.k ily.

lioiiprtr Nkmi has been elected t hiefof the Astoria, I, I., Fire Department.

Hriu.TUN llAitrtl, aged TO. entered Ihealorr of J.J. Johnson V.O.. IH Hmidway,nud it Is charged rtokj 4D.I worth of Ii it.

Tiir Commuii Council of Jersey City onTiiri-da- night paaai d ii liquor llicnse nt crthe Mayor' Vetoes.

A store I eocm lo be open-c- d

lu Jersey Clty.tMaJ having yesterday LacndeKsltnil lu Isink lor that purpotc.

I.Aanr.r it Co., of Hudsnti t'lly, were tr

lined 410 by Aldrldge lorIntilnialnltig a slaughter boiuo nulsaiico.

0. Mm Kit, of New York eltr, receivedthe contrail uf repaira to l'urt Sclrtyler tor


Tnr Temperanew Soclctr nftlcer through-out the Slate are calling Our a TemvrancConvrnllon atTwrddle Hall, Albany, Octo-- U

r 2d.Tim State Ordnance Committee to decide

on breech-loadin- g small nruia, li.ui

lis scasloua again, at the Arsenal Inthis city.

Dr. II ai.i. haa dlteiivrcd something ex-

ceedingly novel, that for the period of amonth before marriage and a mouth alterdeath men regard their wlvea aa angels.

Arrra December 1st nobe allowed on the New York Central Hall-roa- d

car. The rule la already In forco Eastof Syracuse.

Tn latest novelty at the Taris F.xrmsUlonla a praying machine I The simple turn ofthe wrist grinds out prayers aa a church or-

gan grind psalmody.Ir la doubtful If a new trial will be granted

lo Fill John Purler. Such a course wouldbe without precedent and subversive of mili-

tary discipline.A Bristol pickpocket, hating had a taste of

a lunatic aatluui, baa declared bis preferencefor a Jail.

Mu. Joseph Mceks, Br., la the oldest nativelahahltanl or New York City. He waa nlue-ty-a- lx

years old laat Wednesday.MkMrutala unusually healthy, and there Is

no apprehension or yellow rover. U.neralYell, a prominent lawyer lo Arkansas, ladead.

Oaa hundred and sixty men and boys werorecently Imprisoned twenty-fou- r hours InAsUey'a Dell coil till, Duke utleld, Euglaud,by Ibe breaking uf flio shaft rope.

It la rcportCd Ihat the Italian (lorrmmcntthreatens lo Instlluto legal proceedingsagalrut flarlbaldl In consequence of 111

threat against Rome.Eiiwakii Wiiitk, the Milwaukee pork

packer, who filled his bnrrrla with salt andtand, ha scutciiccd to three years Inthe Slate I'llaon.

Tuna. llaoiiAitAN, a Imy, waa arrested byTho. V. Johnaon, of lit Ilerkuiati street,yeaterdsy, charged with stcallt g a quantityof gunny bags.

I'KTitn IVrini, a hoy, who waa atabbedabout a week ago In the id Ward, !.v tin un-known Imy. died yesterday at tho IS. Y. Hoj-pll-

from the clleCta or his ttouud.A man named Jamc tjoodwlu fill from

car No. 20 of the Hamilton avenue Hue, InThird avenue, Brooklyn, yeslirday, and wasrun over. Ills lees wero badly hurt.

I.itk adviera from Haytl state Ihat disturb-ances had broken nut In various palls or Ihonpiibllc, Herniillng Tor thu nrmy was goingon by Impressment, ichool boys In the siredbeing seized upon lu some liitiancia

Aucicst hrrtri. was sent by bis employer.Minis Marka with 013 tn pay a 111. Insteadtr doing an bo spent 43.1 lor ihnlilng, andwas found In the street tn rvu( for a railroaddepot to go West.

Tun body of a female Infant a few dayaobi, waa found In the canal at Ihn loot of 3dstreet, Brooklyn, yesterday. The skull waabroken, allowing that the child had Ixcnmurdered.

A i mi n tinned Baniet, .1 years or age, waarun over by n Van Brunt atnel, Brooklyn,cur, jcstenlay and n rloiirly Injiiitil, lispitmits reside In I'urlltlmi ttreel, near VanBrunt rtrcel,

A I iiitai.si'iiNiih.ir of tho London 7'iWinotices a warllku sympton in tlie laet tintlargo urilvuls id ti il.s fiom Southern Europe,were h Ing trauihlpjicd Irom luFrance.

Tiik 'iVojiiiie or Ihn I3lh says tint the r.ictof Ihe negroes belonging to political unionsund being required lo attend them, lull rlereiprijiullii illy n lib IL a picking or Ihe cottonnop.

Tiik city id Frankroil Is In nn Insolventsl.itei a loan ol r.'.Hsy tn II. live per mil,slock or Unit (Ily hi entry beciine due, butwas uelllier puid nor iinewul. tiispiitobituiiu Ihe city and l'ruta ia the culiM.

J. T. llovr, Cmiil Commloloiier, hasorders to llio coiitraclora or the exlin-st.i- n

id I In- Clifiiango Cuiiil In slop work, asIhe nppriipri.illoii made lor it by IU L glsla-turc-

leiiii li exhcustiil.Tin. I is company of conspirators against

Ihe 'I urkbh government h ite I. ecu n oli m id..Nearly nil ol Iheiu wirnoi proiumeiit fmullliof ronstantlnople. Twenty wnu eiilnl, l..rti mis of llllein, ten, elelil and four year)the rest were utcilooktd.

A r.virrr ol eolorrd uxrurdonlsts on re-

turning tn Washington .Msteul.i) from a tripclown th" lltir, got info a fight on board thelicit, width ix mill il In Ihe murder of n col-ored man named .luephetu Jlitk, The mur-derer lia' tint been arrested,

AniMi Hccor'ler I'oj.e, nf Hnlokcn,coiuliiltled lleiuliltv .Vllllims lo the

Cojhly J ill 3 inoulhs lor tsgraucy nud fortin ishliig Ihe ttboluof a show window withIn r fills, ilhu didn't "care a d -- u, aud woulddo It again."

Yhsit.itn.vr morning the examination tutuIhe ca-e- Cornelius an ..e, nf Syo.sel, lI., chiiged wllh a ling leili'is Horn theI,'. S. in ill, was comiiii.'i.ed In thu 111 i ol.lt nl idled Stales Cum I aud sdjuurued uutilOctober 1st.

Mn Waviiivcitiin HtsnrniTK, Principalof Instill;!.' In firnnd slrul, Jersey Cny,while looking nt some fiirultiirc in uu upperroom lu Cos's am lion More, Ml lurouifh ano en trap-doo- r In thu Door Oelow. lortu-luiil- i

hi. till was broken by striking ou abuiril. which gate way, und Cicapedwitli atpralind wrbt.

Tiik. WVIilnglon orrespondent or thel'iill.idtlphla Veil aaysi ''Ihu applleallouofMr. Ill John l'orter for a new trial willundoubtedly be icluscd, although It is notvet in (ieueial Oram's hands. As he has uotbun au oiliitr In the army for lour years, hecauuiil coiuca'i'.utly be itled Ix lumt- -


naitlal. The matter will, howercr, belo Congress."

YaaTrnnar forenoon a laboring mannamed Ileiry Dalton, whLe aasisllng to tiusnsome cars alut.g near tho New Jersey depotIn Jersey City, waa knocked down and

Injured by the locomotlte atlAcbed toan ex a train. One car wheal ran overhia right fool, crushing It, and the bone ifthe lolt leg was broken abote the ancle.

CnicAcin U dlr'.nrbcd by the nip' 1 fillingup of tho lower end of Lake Michigan withreal estate from the shore above. A propel-ler the olhrr day got fast aground on a Mil-waukee- comer lot more than n mile lake-wa-

Irom the btcakwater lu front of theformer city.

Tint Hartford CWinf attributes the re-

cent homicide cn the Cnntcctlcut Itallroadto that aplrlt ol greed which dlterta the cam-Ing- a

of railways fmm their primary legiti-mate PUToee.hccpltg the traik In a wtostale, laat- the Inunu'.lilc one of paying largedlt Mends.

T.IK ladles of Claarleslon. flotilli Carolina,are eniraged In an etrort m found a homo forhcliilers and Impoverlshid Inothera, widowsnnd daughters of deceased Confediuale

Dontllons will be iccctvcd l.y Mra.Jlobort H. Carr, Treasurer or Bjulti CarolinaAssociutloin, a'. Hit Cedar street.

Srvravi. poor glrli In 1'hlla.lclphA havelicen roblil or tl- - Ir sewlnr mnehlnes by anunprincipled scoundrel, who w died on them,nireriiig employ-lor- n at a lore named, Ifthey furn'theil their own machines. Accord-ingly, il acci,m lice onto tn their Lou.ie toget imsecwlen or tho maihlucs, and dlsilfKarcd with them.

A i.Anr, the wife nf Capt. niiby, flrandA.enue, St. Lnulsdleil list Sunday afler-noo- n

Irom Ihe etlirta or i Moinforin, whichshe htd taking lo relieve the ainmtniieetu neuralgia ,.aln- - One she had ati. row esiniie Irom a similar fate She diedIn led wllh her husbaud without his unowl-cJg-

Ar Tenn., a rufllvn namedIlnniilfoii, having an old grudga against alamlly i.amiil Hrtnua.i, and hi'vrlng that oneol It inrmber waa ilead, proceeded tn thegraviyanl where th' grtte waa beingcxearileil, a ml Indulging In scani'alons lan-guage, was eet on by twit ruling llrennan,and sullcrtd Injuries that retulteifln di .th.

An inquest waa lield.veatenLty by CoronerBehlrtuer, at 81 Clinton Place, over the bodyof Alla'rt IS t'wberu, the ruling man who

.ukide on TiicMiay by hootlnghimself through Ibe heart. None of the'iltne'Si a could glte any Infoainallon as lotin. probable liiulp e, at di ceased had notbeen of u lui'ktui'holy turn ol uiUiJ, uor Inlto.il.Iu.

Htnn llAMii.Tnf waa arreatrd yesterdayon a ih argn or stealing til In greenbacks,and asllitr coin from Tlios. Wilson, at Nn.W Hou-etrl- t stnet, As the paper montywajglten by the prisoner lo Kate Thompsonend the till er coin found Pi lilt pusiesslon,tlie irlfoner waa full)- committed for trial.Thu larctny was e trifled while the vlcluuwu asleep.

At Inquest waa held yesterday over thobidr or Win. II. Dempeer. an Inebriate, whodied on Ihe 71b lual. Having no home helaid down near 829 Water alreel to aleep, butwaa dead when roused, Dr. Beach hatingascertained that death had resulted from

the result or rupture of the liver,caused by Yloleuce at the baud of personsunknown.

Tint Surveyor Qcneral of Idalao ha luslmado returns to Washington or a surrey ter-minating near the northern boundary of theNex I'ercca Indian reservation and the Torty-seco-

degree cf North latitude. High roll-ing prairies, beautiful valley and mountain-un- a

regions, well watered and timbered.Indications of rich fold deposits ore discov-ered.

At an annual meeting of the Hartford andNew Haven Railroad atockholdera yesterdaya repoat wu made ahowlug 8400 moreprofit thl year than laat, a quarteily divi-dend of (he pi r ctnt. wua declared, and theold lloaid all wllh one exception.Under auth comtorlable profit the least theatockholdera can do ia to keep the old D-irector. In, and give them gold watches allaruu'id.

I.i Mancheater. England, a Tery singularMate or alfalra exist, Judging from an Amer-ican slanilpolnL A conductor In tho serviceof the Manchester Carriage Cprnpanjr

lor pulling 22 wisoos la a carriagewhero Ihe uuiiibu-o- f sua I a wiu but 18. Iheconductor, allhougli he pleaded that an agrtcultural aliow caused a great demand fortransimrtutloo, wa lined t)lV for

ib carriage.Tim King of Denmark ha submitted the

drartofitnew constitution to Iho Insular le-gislature fir Iceland. It dcelsrr Ihn blandan lusfpalnble CM-o- f Ihe Danish monarchy)secures to ihe lalandera all lh6 light tnjnyitiby thu Dunn under Iho cuntlitutloti of U'. iidicea nil local ligi.Iailnn and police In Ihohand or Ihu iusular niilhurillra ; aud rovides

luturu tho Kiug of Dinmaik shalllake an additional oulli it his coronation tnresptel aud defiud thu. coaislltullon af Ice.land.

ATlhe l'ollcc Court In Liverpool, August.1, a rashliinablv dnwsiii young man, whoaald ho was a Spanish nobleman, but whitalwi gave II o name or Hheenes, was sent lutirlson for thno nionlhs lor not paying hilure for a pasa.igo Irom New York to Uter-oo- l

In Ihu Cuiaard mall steamer Huisia. Ontho image Ihe prLoniT give hlmseir suchgrand airs aa lu completely Imimse upon thepurser, but nn arriving at l.lvcrool ho con.Ii'sscd Ihat ho had mlihcr ticket nor money.His wlnu bill aluue was tlU.

CiiMiuKskHAi Yaras, Ulng oftenfor his Intemperance, publicly algn-I- d

the pledge aud made an address, whereinho aald In substance i "1 bat e nlwaya been amoderate da Inker, In my own estimation,but I have lately found Ihat Ihe reporterswould hate II, whuiever I mide a speech,Mil if ItiVient iianil upon thr occaiion)therefore I have pledged myself to abstainheneerorlh from nil Intovlcallng drlnka, andI have illumined (lod and mv wllu Kaly, andthoihlldreu, that Irom Ihls'llmu lorwaral noauih charge shall over be laid at my door."

A oiiii. named Mary O'Brien, of HudsonOily, recently engaged employment as

In the fiinlly nf Mr, Bowman, at Nu.ai7 West Eletenth street, N.Y.,and remainedtheru until Tuesday, w lien alio disappeared,nnd It was ilbciiictcd that a l.idt'a wntcli nmic.anlii, and a diamond plntalutd at a)2IO.wire ml.slng. () 1 uesday niglit Mr. Bow-man Huilson VMy, and gate a discrlp-llo- n

or Ihe glil lo officer I.vnth, Tho latter,nl about 1 o'clock, round the girl nt a homoIn Oakland ntenuc, ot llmt ..aco, nnd upon

g the room found the missing prop-cit-

nnd rctlori it It lu the owner.,Mn max Kkaiinkv, a bollennaker hyoc-cnpa- tl

ni, una yerterday nrii'sted by Cnnsta-bl- el.yn.iin and atralgned Mure Jmllce

Madden, at Bllntllli', l.oiag hland, ou ncliarge of bating a guilty l.iiowlcilge of Iheleccnt attempt to inuuler Tliumas l.awlcrThu evidcnei' against Ihe prisoner wits not nfa poillltechanielir, but the Jutlicj deemedII tiilllilent In boldblin. He was thireliiiecoinuilttid lo Iho cells at Asloilt lut eten-In-

in delault ol tl.iasi bail It laellvrrillh.it a conspiracy had len eiilerid Into toiissnaslamle 1iwlcr lu consequencu id un oldlend wiilih exUlid lietwecu him a i I amine orhis nelglihors In rigurd tn Ihe posBtsslou ofsome real estate.

Ai exciting otTnlr accurred at Jackson,West Tinmasie, n week ago yesterday. Asquad of militia called upon Major Ibirltuius,an ofllcer and dry gnu! merchant,dimanding a aurirnder of his aims Forpeuro suko and In tlew of sujieilor lorro hegain up his pl.tnl, Mt only weapon Ho

Ihe net wllh a remonslrance, butwin Immedlalily fired upon by the soldieryaud mui tally wounded, Circuit JuJge W l'.Bond was In tes.lnn nt Ihe lime and nrJeridIhe nrnsl or the homicides. The mllllla re-fused to siirtcuder them, A Ixxly or U. S,Iroops was Itlegraphtil for and arrived. Atlast ndtkes a collision between them and thoinllitU nppiand Imminent,

A v nn Ingenious piece of mechanism forIhu detection and n Hull Ion of bullet luwounds hi been devlstd. Thu probe, g

or two, tin I wires Insulated fromeach other, Is connected with au electrichorse-sho- e magnet and a bill, anil when

Into ihe wound It tourhes the bul-let, Ihe circle Is completed, and tbo bellrings. Ihe forceps act un the same princi-ple, and are Inteuded, first lo detect, Iheii toscire tho bullet. They hare curved points,and not pallets or spooni. The olnla or Ibeprobe are kept abealhed on Introduction tna wound, and not uueuvered uutil the

bullet Lt idU Jlii U effected bv

mearu of a sliding tube. Ttf prore l a re

artlficLal iTag-jr- , vrliljh enters deeplyInto tha llaaue, and arlvea the slgitd at oncewhen I. dctccU the hidden source of touchierbelow,

A covnnr.n Judge presided In Xcw Orla an

yesterday, for the first time, on thu bench orthe First Outrlc. Hccorder' Court,

CowriAlNra made that the btioye onll'sufort, N. C, bar are ine of them aWntaad olhcra rut or place, and rcascU bound Infrequency ground lu conscqi.cnco.

Tnnrr. oung m'n engaged at the gamenf baso I ill, In Trnr, N. V., r'erntly, purchased milk ror 'he purine or drlnklnf andwero very nearly poisoned Vcauso Cridonoil hvl Uf i mlxcil with the fluid. Suspicionhas fallen or two persons as tlie perpetratorsof what wai Intended tn be a Jo.ie,

Tim Mexicans, since the expulsion ot theImperialists, seem lo hate abollshi I the

of the Chtlitlan ea'ibalti. Thus,their prli a.'V i If lions are In l held nn ,-

and tile same day, ((lit 6!h,) has birnchosen for Iho ilictiCH or lieuibera or Coifgresa. Tills Is p ogliaelug backward.J.'rsjrrjs.

YrsTr.RnAt morning Collector Connan. ofthe First disk let, inane a aeiicre or the

dlslll.iry id Mr. flamu-- ll llnehm, atHunter's I'olt.t, rhargrsl with violation ot theRrveuut. law. The cttabllabLlent of JohnDevlin was also snid.

Iris aald that alien at Ike Augsburg sta-tion, the reigning '. nig ot Bavariafully kissed Uu hand ot the Empress Eiifenie,she condescended to reu-- n Ihe complimentby kissing hl.n on bolb eheika, "a flitteringdlslluilloii which her Majesty never Indoleiiranlid tu any person.

Thomas Davis, aged IS years, who bailbeen arrested In Boston and br aught on byau ntllcer from that city, was Indued lu thestation homo iu Hob alien, rcslcrday. liesta ida charged wllh leliig aane of a parlywho remitly plumb red loo bagae cars outhe L( ug Branch Hallruad.

At a meeting of thr Board uf Educnllntalast evening U waa deilded that no matepupil tinder 12 yearn or age. nor any femalelrt than 10, slull bo adiuilled l the rvciditga.'hnols. I he lots and btilidings un Honae-ve- lt

street, known as the Mariner's Chorea,were authorized tu be bought ror :t2,oOO.

Ilnw Irfsd t kllJre tare Iteslered ta lltelrI'ttrnttta Aa latertaslna I ealtartt l litl'alrst rs)atrui.One of Ihe most Interesting and useful fea-

ture of tbo work performed by Iho PoliceDepartment, Is the nsluiatlon of loal child-

ren to their innta. In a great city llkoNew York, there arc dally Instances of child-

ren strajlng away from their bonus, withoutI cing ablo tu find their way back, or even togive an Intelligent account of their residence.Without Borne public provision fcr there-tur- n

or such waifs. It would often be Impos-alb- ie

to rccorer them. A writer In the Tost

gives same Inlercslfngremsrks upon the ns

for their recovery. ,The lollce Department haa an admirable

arrangement for rralorlng loat children totheir parenta. According to a provision ofthe Police regulations. It Is made Ihe duty ofevery otltcer belonging tn the force to keep aaharD lookout for strayed Infsnts, and to convey all auch that are discovered to Ihe slsilonhonse belonging to bis precinct. Conse-quently, when a policeman ace ayoungster Ihat ha an appearanceof being ont of IU latitude wltbHa reekoulng lost, ha I obliged lo form blm-ae- ir

Into a bodyguard and escort the round-lin- g

lo the station house. If It happens, aataolirn the case, that the waif la or such ten-

der year aa to be unable to toddle conren- -lenllr. the d guardian tranaforrnehimself laato a nil mo ao far aa to tike theyuungater In hi arms aud carry It tn the at.tlon.

It la usually In the evening, when Ibe mo-

ther or atrect-runnln- g children take ac-

count or thilr youthrul stock, that the factof a misting member of the Hock becomesapparent. Tbo Brat thing thta tu be done lalo make a Jourai-e- , p.jafj. .isioU lafeirrh 6r the lost one. for Ibc mother knowsthat It II quite likrly to have turned up there.A number of anxious mother are thereforeoften found at the station houses la Ibe even-lu- g

for that purpose.It sometime inrqiens, howercr, that child-

ren stray beyond Iho boundaries of the policeprccluct In which Ihey live, aud Ihla lla ofeases would not bu luelby the otrangemeutbefore mentioned. Another provision lamade, however, for auch circumstance.Children Hi it are uot called fur at the stationhomes up to a late hour In tho evening aretaken thence In the central police olllie lu.Mot I street. Hence, If a tnolhcr fall to findher scion at thu sUllou nf the precinct luwhlih she lire, she Is tolerably certain tndiscover It at the central office, provided, ofcourse, Hat H baa comu Into tho custody ofthe police.

An Interesting sight may Lo wllncasetl athe Central Office, almost any ctrnlng, when

flic riliiriia of lost children arc being madeby olllcera from tho several stations. Thostalwart Metropolitans come la with lltlloquads of loundlinirs, ranging from the

youngest toddler to boys and gills oldenough lo know where they live nnd toghc.an Intelligible uccountof Ihemst lves.

lu a Isrge upicr room, at Police Head,quartcra, Ihu lost thildran are taken care ofand kept until Identified by parents or other-wise, disposed of, Tho room Is fitted up withbed and every other appliance ncicasary forthe comfort of thu Inlautile lodgers, aud acareful matron has charge of the lace.Hi ir tbo little oni a play together, romp andfrolic In childish lunocence of Ihu hubbubthat their absence has raised al home.

Every few minutes rails are mado at thlapartment by molhrra or other persons tusearch or a missing child. The eyes or thennxloiis enquirer clanci hurriedly utrrlhclot, and Joy or grief It depleted in the laceaccording to the success or failure ol thesearch. Many Directing scenes are naturallywitnessed at thnt place, lor many a mothergoes out weeping lor tier lost child, know-ing well Hint the chsncu for Its safe recoveryI small, when she, falls to find it Ihere.

The numlier of hut children that came un-ti-

thn supert Islon of the Police Departmentlor tho year ending the lit or Septemberwill be seen by the following tabid a

.(. lilt V'" :sIn e 3 a !n& to: t ??o : ao : 1

KM a" "

hel'tviiiber 2n3 4 IIditoher J70 IINovimWr. a.'J I lalleeeniber HI l u6!tsn'jar; Ill 4 aIVIiruvry I aMarch 124 8April. . . . a.r I (May SHI T 8JutisB 9M 0 11Jut; ! S !August StO I 1)

Toltl . ... 3,1V) 5 li"

But some or tlie children brought to PoliceHindquarters are never reclaimed. WhetherIbis IjiI results from their being set adrift bypal till niivlous tu get rid ol tliem, or whe-the- y

are ehlldrtii nf parents Ignorant of thePolice system lor rc'loilug suli youngsters,1 a question for sKCuUtlon, It Utertaiu,anyhow, that many such cases occur, as willbo seen by the liAlowliag list of those who,during the year, were sent Irum the CentralPoll otlico to thn Commlssluuer of C'liarltits aud Corrcclluu i


.Vims. M'A'rs fVimf.Ritas t'astle, seed 9 yenrs, came to ttttlou bajtr,John rewards, It, came to nation nouns,llayinoud Kimble, t,rame to stttiuaIsvl Klnable, II, can- - In station Innate,t'harles .Inn, f, caras to statiou bouse.Frauris Williams, II, csui lo station inie.William Jones, lv. came to atallon bonte,Weslsy Kimble, li, csui to ttnttou hou.e.Margsiet iscliarbeis-i- r, 3, Lcxioirtoa eiH'ivje sad

Thlrlj-llf.- street, I

Frank IMrlm'H (colored), Thlid attnas saidThlcly-ilfl- sb

Ixevsussa.Unknown boy, IS, llrosdwsy aod B'orlb arreee,Mary A. lilllsu, Ii, Fount! aveua and TDiili-tt- h

street.Mart J, Cosvag. (. lWoarU 1"J--

Cetnnsrn mnUboy, 10, Nrotb avenue and BtxtS trtleond strest. I 11

Ctlhtrins A. MeKenna, 4, Elerenth arenne an l UiIblrty-foert- h street.

Peraard latmer, in, Tfroadway and Tenth sf.l.jcnao Tivalft, , Irst aveno and 8UUi ilreati

aorxaatsa. BiaxaKsiXlitabeta RetPr, 1, (Iran ' sad Ooertk tcet. Hlfaseraatatra. BiaKsBiImlsa Capper, 10, t adlson street. HArm iVittm, 8, BeacJl, near Waahlngtoa stneV BJames Parker, 10, Uroadway. BHDvnla) Collin, A, Proadsr. HTh", Shaitle, If, lirodwy. ,iJHTbervsa Lamo, 7, Third srrnas and Forty-- e .SXSjfjfjffl

end street, fjssssssssssjIsabella ratlerson, , are. and Elgbtys 'Hslith street. JHiattsar 1MT. HJames Brown, 9, First arena and Fraarteentt 'Hrteidie,t ''rrley, 5, Third arenae and Sixth at, ltsxXXXJul r Kellly, BKitetttllly, J.

riaacsBT.KateCV.nskte, 72, -- Cnekte, clgbleen mo Mb

motbrr and child, IHjbjATAtJJrtla McKenny, A, Avsnne A. IHVHhFiedrltk Fairboro. 1 J, IMsta-c- street ferrr HIda njaghton, 1C, llroadway aad Thlrty-dxt- t H

I TgTgTgJgJgTgjJ

Pella Murphy, . '' Hrj'co CaII, 11, Tsnta arenne and Thlrttet HMaryMcCarrclklnraodtwreet,

HIt iry Rlden, to, mmi tn Mattoa koasev HJame I'umm, t. Ilrand sire. I Hralkulas) Reach,!, Third avruaw, near Fortislll I IJHIl shnntd bo remarked, hnwrrrn that serat ' H

of Ihe children sent to IIm Commissioner ot HC'ba.HU s are subsequently reclaimed by ILclt Haieiils. i H


Alice Menermott, tt, Klghth streeb H'has. MrOosilf. II, II. IL K. Iaep.it. kHItichanl ll.J.n. H, f.s.tof Wt I'lily-riri- h stresrt, , H

James Ilarrlson, . Tenth artoa aad TnirtJaf. HKilty Coniey, 9, 11rrer7. HJnliu Ilentlsy, s, Warerley place and Charls B

atreeuJo. NlchoUm, a, cam lo station boose. H

sens. HNona. --iJHMary Pradr, S, Catharine street, HMargaret Titawwy, It. IVarl su HWiu. Bower, , Flrat avenue and Thlrty-tsrss- r

enttistreeL HUnknown girl, t, Clretewlch and Spring strasrta, B

aeucsr. HAnna Taylor, 15, Vlereer street. HOtrrle ll.rtlett, It. Water and Wall street,atsgirj Laaaiy, a, lirooklya,


HATES OF ADVEHTISINO.rirsaca itrriaisatr tx aiiTAaca.

F ttrety Inisartlovi of lasar line or le,,, .WeiWFor arrery extra lio or part ot litvew., 19 Clay

tr Adtertlsementa wlnbs Iriaerted la oomoidlspf sred style, or In leaded Itpe. also aa atssd si j,adtertlse men's or speelal notloea at rairUonat, .

rales, to be acerta.'Deil on iwpplUatloa at ths orlVcst, I m

lar Twenty-si- x words art ooaoled a tnr llaasij r it. Iaed seven words for each fn rrore than tour. ' !I '

Tlia hll.atl.a Tbreaah irwdlcwl

Tlieodnre Tlltnn, In Ibis week' JWeseit. Hdm, la urged by a friend to tu-- e bl pes Ht'rlskly, ' tn prepare the natlo for the corns HIng lucvltalle lraeaclinient of PresidentJohnson. Theodore tella bl friend that no Hpreparation b ready, the (atWtal Wtrlt(Ka Heal) being reaJy ror It. Headdalh iHroll iwlng mcthcal tn aeeoroplUb lt Instantly,'for which new device no patent ta bsteav

applied for. It read thu iIf II could be now thoroughly nnderatoosT

(as It ought tea be) that the Rpubllcaa aw1 JfeHmeau lo omit from Ihe 111 of prcaldeQttal iJHcandidate next summer all It acnatorvgorrrnora, and general, who are now ops Hposing the linpeacbment or the I'realdant, au B

ucb opposition would IniLvntly ceaae, anctthe raesldent would be speedily put out oltbo way. BBVI

Theodore then pnbllahaa cximmunlcailosifrom a Chlotago corrcs;ndent, which la cn Hracterlxed at speaking Ibe view of manyadviser, which correspondent iucotue litthe following strain i H

War I Imminent Tou know It. Ad llclear-sighte-d men know IL Capitalist rW ( sjJJHBUs, tl. Ci--l.1 IU tt, A l ".'."'ti X

your city. The matte understand It. Tba -

preaa ha Bounded the alarm. Everybody Itanxious, tare Copperheads and rebels, whohare their "tatlllug and sure" in An--drewJohruon. The tvljcU undentand thai :war Ii coming.

But hoc pn the PrtlWe9j.lh.1',!?a ! ifaHHow CAn the loyal mauci conirinu Zl ,How ran the people say tn Andrew Johnaon,Thus far shall Ihou got and no further t How ( 1can tbey demonstrate to him that tbo peoplerule? IHThe people hare a rcprcaextUtlre body Inthe tlovernment Congre. Dal CemrTessIs dispersed. Hare tho people no other aer-- fHrant t Vc. They have Slate Legislature. IHThrough them they can speak, and more- -.ic. Ilcnce I urge upon you, a a control- - Hling power orcr public sentiment, to thinkof the proposition lbs I ha been made In the 1West calllog foe a convention of Iho loyal(lovernors.

I hcarlllj iympaiiiue wiui The calL The taHgornrcon ran summon their legtslaturea to-- Hgcther In extraordinary teaalon. These sLatlegislators will be fresh from thn people.They will be the mouth pieces of tho people,mid as auch can Instruct the governor to calla convention. The governors then, backed flby (heir legislatures, reprosecuting tho loyalmasses, cm trlth xnrer and right declare tathe ricsldunt Hut f'ey will prrrent him byfortt, U necessary, rrom bringing on a new

(leneral Orant, although I regard him uonly a mere ''protest.' Is In a p asTllon to helpsate Iho country. Ir he find that the peoplenre thoroughly orgiulzcal, through their Hsttte gorcrnors, who can command a millionbayonets, he will be more Inclined to disobeythe I'lesldciit's mllltai y order than ir thotebnyouets lay In stute arsenals unrepresented. 1

Siamithlnguiust be done at once. Johnsonmeans revolution. Revolution can be metonly by another. Is the assumption of

control of n.illonal affairs by the Qor--

cniors rrvolullon ? ir II I, II Is Iho least otn,Jccllun iblc or any scheme, at I tea II, thatcan be devised. It may be neccsasrr beforaNot ember tu Imprison Mr. Andrew Johnson,lo save us from war, or prevent the surrenderor Wiuhlngtoti tn tho Maryland rebel. Whocan do lt? (encral (Irani. By whose or.elera? Tho people's, transmitted throughtheir State (lovernors.

Theodore docs not share the alarm or hicorrespondent, but says, If Andrew Johnsonmake an attempt at war agalust the Hopub-li- e,

let him be tried by a court martial, andshot bylwilic soldiers, In a hollow square.

llal.Ua of Ihe Indian.They are a droll composition or Ivf local,

ellsiase nnd dirt. The Oovemiiieut givethem annuities, which tho agents steal ; and Hlthey bate shoddy blaukcti bint them, whlctgenerally fall short and aro not all flannel, andsaiks or Hour, warranted to contain one bun,dred pounds each, which they do, nuljr hallnl It It funduit or sandstone. They anpeaceful as long at roil give them security,They don't steal, only they havo a pccu'lathabit of taking things that lav around loose,when noliuily It looking, 'Pielr women deall their worts ; they plant, they gather rorniIhey do ihe drn.U'iTV At Sully, ihn n

gave, Le t few tucks or Hi or, Tbicm ri d ibcm lo Iho shore, ant!

up roe'e tlie "bucks" (male IndLins) ou theliponies, followcil liy Ihe siiiuwi, willi the In.tt Ital ic pappoosca on their lacks. Tbo Hourmust be put uimti tlio ponies' backs ; and ot ajBJumjicd the squaw, who was riding flsVand, thouldcriug the hundred mud aiek cr Knlflour, threw II over her 1 ouy anJ made utr, s 111willing slate to lir lord .a faithful llrlieli Bllllto a barbarous Agimrmnon Tber lo,e t KJiaieat, too. When we reached bully, a tall KIMItalian, Im In,; on a shirt tint he had won W.?tlx iiioulhv without ever taking It olT and s Hr7lpair of bn eelics put on hind side before, Villicame aboard, and, learning thst the Com in Is J Malou was going up thu river out) alauit it J1Imiles, and t licit would return, lous'dcred II II U

at though it weru a ple-ul- c escurslo.i, and In. Ill M

vllcd bimsell lo aceonapanr them. He la JUlfturu wai happy, is il could aUbral the pa. -- 1 1 1Jst'ii.'irs ample opportunity Jo make him I I ' Jprevails, and he noiild hate llinernuugh 10 I

cttaiiiiucUiuhi'Chose. .M dinner ho ma.li .1wav willi slv pies aud Iwo i.miii lull of tlie I tjrrfiit. from the plates ol all Ihe Commit- - J

AlBiipper he madu anolherrald agaiuat . Iall iV it od lie could Und or that wa set bo. I

lure him: and. as a result, lias been sick evei 'since, and dtclarea "he no cat while man'i I

food ouy moi o." J ,

a tiiu.iioitr squvw uaicx. J IWhile lying at Fort Sully, curiosity tempts H
