WmummmmmmUmmmmmmmmmmmmmmUmmmmmmmmUmm lvelee I mwfitf all. .VrTtlrVN TIIUHIK Pullera) Variety En. terutnrucu: aud " Medio. PARM'M"1 Mt'Et'Mi Aftrmecn ind Irc.u-.- c "Llul Pet lOiie." JtOVVr.ltY TIIKA1 MB: Tf n Nbjtb! In lum nvm'aal - O'Mnre." rmi.MnwrTiirM'KKi "cate." limiAvuorriauofSKiivitfii cuvncniKAinr- "r.(riitt vvv iti Who tt Ilrd l.t k n.ibta." rtAMAM'T lU'JSVMi 'JitdtaSj'a DcMfT, mvM'W ay. c. W XI oia a chrtt M.aHnlo. Xrral tXMKiftot Entertain rare I Avr. oriw novate mr. X antly (wfmuas aad ' Linarrkk IVJ " VtV'THt: Ureal" J. frailt fcretvr. ncrE vnvrn kj vta r liOtU'Y- -' Off. HA tll K. ftwk'ji- - n.x-M-Pl i tUM& Tte -- . Oa-- ! i!r v a::.xi-k- - tiiwtri u- - i ' Jan" uj rr . ivum M'FCIAI, .X'I'ICi:M. I A 'Ihn Kmrr .aiurlilnr Ca'i I. nrk Kltrh rH w,i H nlll lc I, e. Ll - Unite, Jr. 'nn'' ll in- - "7" v. ' - of Oi.- -- ewlng rnaililue), Pre-b- l. nt Oii j V, i 'ii.li, N. iv York. 4:1 ei . H H I ,r the llnlr llnrrr'a 1 rleniibernua. In' Tin 1'nat Hud l ht:..lal Ullli'u bu.d i,y ail drag H Ui rhlatrlnnai lit ci uni.eild ttierr'a I'ail H l'r (lr.i.c it- na the l.e-- t fur er. H a in and llitalhla. tcl I by dnii,'i;lU. 94i Hi ( H war. 414 I , Ill, .1. II nt rilln,lcli'lil, tvlU ' la' a' til- - r,a ma, No. 38 llunil atrrel. New York, I ' j.r uua'ty, etrry Tueadajr, Irum B A. XL ti V ' I .Illnii Vlnebln No Htdd iiicdnt ul the Pari Laliili linn, and tft tbn tn'-- l iinteliiiia ! latiiul lelilltal ill tl.La u i ly. II wiuka inum H j1 ikiIm-- anv utlii'r anil beat fur huaaa H ariluuiunlai t'uiiii; j.nrui..'-- . lai (iranit r. 4 V VV heeler A VV il,n'a I ll S A miehliit. uud buituubolo uuihlae. Iboad. war. SM llvinalllnn Fiiltcrte'lti Purls ISri?- - H ll Whecbr .t r.rx llmi.lwa), Nw Yurk, rv HWariled ll.e Hii'Ih-.- 1 Pifniliim adnMMe.liI m for Hie trftt titni of I, liiiiit and Uiittnn. - hole yinrliliie. 'I lie only ..ii medd fur Hill A biaiHliuf iiiainifacliire. s...,,:ll, tl llaluruwarll J 'and foe aiiuilu uf iucj.il al VVbetler A WIU anu a. 3ta V - l.rev llnlr retnrod tn lla orielnnl eobtt 1 hy tbn me nf Hr't' ('tiU'tiruiiii. It uul un'.i ie. tlurttt tbe eti', I. Inn i urer alldlawc of ttltl i llpl ll taetenia tlie Iiair from fall'lig oil ; uiakitt il , ball ttill, i;'.i-a- y ami tlrxiblc ; rtnnottt dau.InilTi re . Ml I atn-- llie il : ticteuit billni", I I' ami uu'-u- ibetlnet llinrl)rrM(.tie.eirrbrii'i:-i- H h tullu' ihiiIi- uf a tlltrrtm'uatlng public, rml I It. To lie had uf dniKifiH. W'l j J "THE NKW VOKKf X. j 111 T MiMjSV.V. All'.. Is ItT A JarrlNe In llio l U fir-roln- ir nuioiic n nwartcr ut ra million " 7 t ri';1!,. A ltiT 'J.' l UO ft- - r . i looting i oSkW b i. ....tni do-- T. ' tt..' l.L.f, t. r : ta tv ( Ml titsm e u.T.uia ret 1 H. Sim twee ja'ttciy mi. l I .' fiei kraXiJ.rl ' .'. .Ut.NrM' L pt.-s.- -a - K rnv of I l'.l tnttf aa.r 1 . it rajsat" li; 4aii!;a cf fit w3fc t: 1 . . It j attain.. . a sc trW - . ; lrnxi l 'lylar : "li ... ,il . , iri; k B , . -- p ". . .r a..t m oe, , - tBt i' ' !farcftv: 1 . fi In j k ' . utlf n tbcv ini J T.- - '.. Ulirf t i UK twU- - ' . .i U- - !t f. nn ioQ fncllct t :' .'t i ci..'.t i" . I t2arr trvi nukf rj' . f luui iA to jnoiT l.rUiiic tcu Ib ih Ir . i-nt Hy tbm tunti Ibc I'ffi.bl f ) y c bwo 1tkJ, ni (U no Iticv hir ' r . ' I tht feint of tvlrg oulri in1 1 ' I i.ile ifon tU , Ir t.dct ltil . U i (ml Kmutl fur Ui I'UU Ji. of Ncu Voik. .So woDik-- r lht - r. (nr?Q-i- l u, ii1 ry pwlw f r.- - il.tr m irv rtM to In oritd to gain ottt-- t Tlx man who oUalna a ctly or . .iitv oAcr, umVr etUtli'K clffumtaiirf , Lv- - t'.rark a ntue mure Jn.it lc tbm tlio C i ilijSrn of California vflcii 8nl. M; hue ceBipirsll'rty wr, nml C r rg it thi cml of i tm tujn. .. . r i. Tb1 lnjuil.c ucl t i"l to l c Uirllier j nr.lilfd. It 1 in citnra ujkiii tbc wl t illuw a pa' "l ofllw t acrainubto Uriro f -- t'.ue from lt otCiv, In tlio courtc cf a krj. ai ouroluclal frrnrnily ili. Hwie ire ttrl "'fll'ii lu tlito city that ire irth. it tLs prtwil rate of f, fnm fifty 1 cne uuudred UnitiauJ ilollari n jrnr. cini'luuuiitf lnvohingrrtrintiniti the icoi.le, tUiaiilat litliul r.mi tlon, rderulamtir utile lulrrealt. Hie t'oiifll-ta:io'- Court ntlou ha- - tliPixmer to lumen-ra- :. a fiIus; anl tburvuith ri furm In tlila and we Iiojh! It will tlo It ilutv. Hip tliHtln lunt'tn. j B Till. rii tult- - Iwtwnu tut l'nniliiit Mul H E r.tvy mamon culruliminl In B a ; mi'tory orWr from tlio formrr, rtiilr- - j I' tlx Ittttr to vacate tliv War OlIUv. Chi. JBVJ In ant It now Aitliiit Stitr.v of War ly Cirt of Hip 1'ivaMi-nt- , nml Dure the mat- - HHV trr will ml tititll the miwtln of (.'uimri In (J NMViuil'er. .Si far a 'iiUI ln(iriM me BBBJ ' r rueil. till' lliiti.'e I of li it little coiifc- - i.ik tic. Tlie ilutliK ot a Sirrtiry of ur BBBJ .'"e "t apt to If my onenma In llo-o- . we, nml In any nt the country lil f. . I HHV i wlili ( (Iuam In the iHihltion nhlcli HHV Mr Si amok hu Jiml v.ii nteil. Tl kIUIi ul HHV 1,1-- of tln fiilJcct. lioweMr, i'i.s.,,1 n HHV li it li.terrttluK I'lttuti . ll h tiotloal h th it HHV t'.T SlAMII.N rt'loxil to I lltlHTl ..lit cl ll- - HHV il.ire l y Mill", iliuhlorlii-ill- " lli'iml' ii'- - it uttiiltiil lil llittl.ii k. tiMlllifii Imirli t'iy ti.oli lil ilenrliire. Ili iimlcmWiil olji ct lu HBV III " nnllhKthU lnllnll.v wlililihcriieU"! HBV iios In llmiu the Illty of uiiiomiI HHJ t ilu-l- li.oil tlio lVivlitenl, in. I ul Uiv nioiie HH I, iic iimkn of liliiiM'lf 1 Unit i!hm lu.ilyr. HH he la.l ri!(in-- l there llituht hne If li Ii m fBVj t' .iin e In inako (lollileul eijilt.il g ih.fl the fBVj pr. II. lit, mill llheulae hln clinic fur l.im- - HH I I, i.i utt up the iipiilallon or :i lnailrr, fur HH tli. ii ioiiI I lint hule hoiil, iu lie li" w HH I hi, the luipiiwloii or the J'riMent'ii I out HHV '1 hire h uo nlileiHv, liowcier, lint I lie HHV I1' nil lit n III Hie !out tliimroiiii HJHJ i' ul takliiK tlie rerpoii'lMllty of inn. v.il. HVSJ l il i tic. in,liLlly l that li" put a lno h HMVJ t v. r iktlintte upon tlie linpoitanee of that HHV I i thiin ilhl Mr. !r.M. In eoii.hli'rlruMhi' HBV i nM'.iieiieeof thlriinoal. It Uiwt Ultlleiilt fBVJ n fi; lu the Brt platHi, tint Sr wttix ulllat HBVJ i come one nf Hie llatlleul Idoh anil u HB i t'linua CAiitlltliite fur the l'n uhlene.v. HBV I. ii. r.il (iiuxr, nil the eoiiirare, U ' i:il- - HBhJ i thiouietl, to Ur :t the IUiUle.il nml to HB I WiUti' HoiifO 1 cuneeniftl. The fact BBBj 1 ' in liu eoiinnileit Ui take SrAXTnx t " HBfl I ii temporarily will at onrc I.i inic hlin lu- - HHfl 1 i npuU) with the I'vtn inUn, notwilli- - HBBj i ' m:.ii the fui t tint l.e liiw only ult yid the H i ii of hi- - rotllury iiK-il- ly iKciiitiinK H in.- - rtatrelary of War. On the ollwr luml, H ill now cupel! to aee tlie Ii inoemi H i .ii rvailTt t enme oat atmotly for B iinreauil;4tef..r Pre lliin. H ii i n ilrilrnl. H i ' w l'i pi H l n B i ii HHl ii - IV II e uru nii i H in v a iln rii ' .'ii H ii li B HBBJ irlc i iilii HBBJ HBBJ ill pu ai. HHb ti t.o j Jin in ii. B ii' ui hK HBVJ M li '...In, u.cui. Nature HBhJ Iiii ii ii I i vi u In tin' HBHg Mi-r- rviiiutt-i- . i.i HKHJ lined ' W ! r 'k n- - U"l.illl;ii Hb i : mtili we Hud i ,i!i:i; ii.i.mI-- . I 'I It II miini'wlint idiitrulitr II. it Ihcn i.f t... HS ii l ilt nallolll whhll irate II li. -- I I'lirii -. H f i , inant to manly tport. 1.11 .11 ul the hl.'h. t?'l i natlenal Iwltki. There ,nt lai r..l I ..( of porl. 1'lrnt, lli.'le it'.lrh tlvi " ) u nerealloii, oveielwi and liynit'il ' 'll w, in. it ilelilment to in rullty, hi null, H11..1: tilikli ollir 110 p!iytluil ml'. 111. t.i.i ', mid uhlcu ate either liulul or IlUMi-lia- ll li a good type of tlio flrl I (I andjirlzo-flghtlDKUl- c ' icriu lu llplfy Hie latter, llmllhful iporti S iImik tn It ciio'iiiraijtid, provided that per- - ? 4 iilclmii fealuuu l e l.f pt aay from Ihetn. ! Tie dl oiltlon lo luaaiil money on (he Itiue I'R fjrauira U lo Lu; dtmiulkd. for ciuihliuir la thi ramc tldtic w'.i In r ,t t . 1 iran . ..f fir 1 lira punc cf I ai'. Tl n f. re, while It ! U t' itii.Mrii' rptirts wtlih prom. i hrallli and had ..phrleal linpiotctmtit. It henld tc the aim of all who dolre In rtirh MntMrinrtita to prune Hum of th-- ' (tnil'llne etlla. rnphlly m cmlMe. Tnki V that fjaliire and Ibtrrwlll Ir 111.1I1I111; teprrTctit riKh ;Hirl from altalnlnr a f po uUrlty ainorr: rfif taMe elT Lteh thee new can otherwise reath. l'rln f .rtiUna It hnilal ail litliuman. and -- li hi N' dbxvntitrtuii'Cet. Cant phi Ins ruin-- I o it In It Icmlency, and should If ruled out li it wonkl not tie t.l.u rll muMc If 11 i' t t f. r the emMlng that attxhitl '1 It. '. ut Ii ought ellher to If n formed or at o Jored. lian-- pUyltic and . fit r m iiil n ort are eommefxlM In them-nl- t. but the? vu!d tc Imptoted I y tulln-l- y Urv )iUi Uir practice nf ci mllrin f..r ittkca or prfe." All rportt that l nd t.' rf'Ht't'' p'yical wfll-ltlui- i. wlthiiul u i 10 morallly. detent it.iuuie mlail 11. t't oily Utmm of Ike p.t1 they do the pi.. who r: gc In t'lera, hut aln- - rcaut , ho lt."mhei '.!.. eert la dral:i y. . u,ui a t.i livtu j i s it llul r f' Ki .'tn a .J Uallful. EOlTORiAL CORRESPOSDEHCE, .MrHrtraaean llnm-.- '. n. I'j. Mki.au, Ju! !'. - T. In rry t(t 1 pforrnnl n il r of tU li-- n -- urn 7vl oh IV lory Ule. iBjaytne a ba.f down HrMtf iiibalatitud f . :r itory t nthllao anatiired t- - mrro ikI a r.i.!u'r c f rip ccajfo, t ut all catered from a Niui'.r larvr fiMiay on Mcitrict. Thru j f t : t!u l.iwerf! .r ali-t- " Uti.iiiy of at. r ,i'y r . le ms.hltiery, dilvi ti lynf, ,v Ik rr. f ft.. !o 'king mule., tlie who'e over- - I lo at..l mnvt"d,'y anninym n. atdattue tb jut ai! fie reaahilrt; ul .tloa In ..c:. v. etii. Itea of Hie elte. A you filler tV f.t ay and afe p'-- . ul In the cure of f .. '. (le.t yun t 'ritc me of the In-l- v r thive l u; ri er'yj yiia noili-- that a t'.ru! t'.luc lurktlllmce li elerelncd ovi r t ry rmp.':i of the rilatllahim nt wlm tutiiol I. :iu. Ktni ty loan iiitt-- t tie opiu-e- d and full oiitn oahlbitn), and linlecd nil the care eaereUed toproiildi.itdatioiiii, wl.i h We are accut..iiiitl to hi ouly In our papt r umuey makiiii(-iutU- i. On llw loner floor youDndtlH' tol ucii Iniea twWlnd hi tnm lorm to Le left thua f r ahoiit tlx luonthi for a intlliluary ftrtuenlatlou ; then, with u touli' iotrcr triphammer It li c.lioiwtt up and pawn np Milri for other pririthmii, Kfure It emeriti in the romi of "rhrnr-Ittoi- ." Illti kmnltli., t iricnteriiil('iio-r- n' bopi alio abound 011 thin vr.. 111 1 U nir, aial t.ir nf il,, r neenuatiU i (In Spmlnhj Idle, Ihouirli they do not em fliiwfl with WJiH 'J ho ureatetl eurhwlty l, hoiu ver llir mile or ill.'"1-- ' uf loom up ftiiirn, In vhith ihe (inn 11 are eriiilnyitl. ii ti a trowdttl "elly" of lliem (.ten Lowell canmi .iint. 'I heir prin- cipal occupation U 111.1k liii the klifjretloa or mna)l tiioti of piiH-- tilled tilth tol'inco. Crottdfil tnmtlicr aroninl low tuhle- - they pit here .1 til'itlii r nxklnir Hie rudle Ithiinl hir or nt a litlle dlit tutu In on.!, hy im .nm (if Hill. i! mi hir font, nutl there n Ullli lite jenr old RliI, with her puie'iturv uiak Ini! pmRrei in lm 111 ly In lesrnlntr. the one oeeilpillnii of lift, tvlille yomhr eietp find liiIKh nnd ply the youii'ti r lltilo hum. The whole cui one linnn'iiw I itiilly. rininii look healthy ami luppt othern fUU mid eare-wor- himio arc of tllp-- U'uuty, and mine, tliouifh ft vv mmpiratlvrly, are old nml hairxinl. I'ld" NortlHTii eoiuplniilon are net'ii lde hy ld with the lUtkut lolored of l hp iln, while all the Intrrineill He fliatlen ur- - I nninil tin in. Tin-li-- l and will" are itnuri'd 1 with lho.11 mjeti rluut " iilnollnea" audi 11 hoop," all Imre to the uwr-t'- mid w lilt them luiim many pretty dn ( . 1 he'e worl(-liop- t lire nlaii ilnmlti( looni, ami Hi'um.' ttniklin; 'pottiii are iluuiKeil Im ;nudy lltlliiii when their iMvnpuita appear In thueliy. 1'iilly ilien . of inure cnutetiui'tico tliun eniiifutt ! r.ii.nurli ofSetille. C111IU l 11 elmnly nml, I utioiilil npH-- e, n hi'.ililiy illy. JlnniniT, I mn told that It U one of tlnw fully pliei t whi'ie one tiny lltu at mull rapeim; It he ' tni k o In tlo. 'Ihe lotlern itnlein nf Innoe l iillilluir around 1111 on e nirt heie tlr-- t mnirliil our i.ittli ulnr nUi'iuinn. It hi ' nt only tlieadvaiili;i of ureilcr rlvaey II1111 we AiiiiiIiwik injoy, hut periiiltn 11 letter Iri ulnllnii tit nlr In the dlllei out iipp.irluieutii, ' unit I linn oupoMil to luiiuUrloiii ttiiliniiie. 1 titlfiTit illutttmtp tills ni.il the Inrire or whliii fudla i the port hy uWrihiiur Ihe li'ldenee ami wine taiilla of Motni.i y M0111, in rthe tiillllontlret of I'adlr. ; t I while I in il. luilia mid (ill rail. ir limit lu Ihe c. (Inr ilepatlitre fiom (ilhrillsr w taken with Ihe Ifi.t poo'llile preparation. A diy Uttrwehud evpieted to linte fur Midntri, mid Ihetice to (lnitit.il 1, hut 11 hen we learned thill the "VIllatU-Malai-ri" wat In purl, mid would fin irtly leave fr Call, our "lrip" weie Illicitly iraikcrcd, aud with not n Utile Yatiket! iiiUIIjii, we found nurM-tti'i- i on lniRid. llul our Imir iliv In (iibrall.tr had Ueit in w II Improt etl that we could leate iheplaee ttllli Utile rutfrtl. Our new Cip-tui- n lttolnn riam licur, of ll.a to- - luade t'terylhhnt 011 hi Utile teifit nt plena int t" ti an porible, mid, on kutliitf; rnn iilomrilile the Quaker City to aiTonl niher pvnuow, It uny were fo an opporliiiilty lo party. Tlioujih none ni'tiitd le.idy tn dn thlf, I Irnve 'lure leatiud tint two of tlii'tn bml pacl.t d tip and were irettiti'; Into Hi" ktnull holt when our dinc'iuroiji d captain f iti tin' word "lit. ronlo." We luwl a plem-a- p(i.i 'e --our party of flu to CinlU. I ptulu I'ln I'll ' w in much Intereiled In ur lilp. Hid t'.. lid till HI of the Ann rli'.m tli il- - which h ul recently left Hnlb water", nun w..p.;u - .tui' diy In (llhrultar, cx 1 - In., (n hi. t tti'inrj nbirmau uiucnu tlie 1, ' t I ItV- - i" ciiein. Krota liltn. t. i, . I'm l'i. 1. .1. of Itiiatliieiiawtlu Spiln, ' . nit' tn 'In . iii u Unit ! had lu-t- h il fi nt 1.1 .1 itf ii our lawtj ih part are, Ii. 111.' Hint we klmiild (.'iilii t'nillt and Ki till. with, il losing t e Allium! in. and with Hi to i,nlu a tfrtat auiiuid with .ti.l. lit ut-- t. 11I oil alii .ctlniit. Couiparatltely ii'.. ' r. Mcp da t iitufurtiiUii uliiht, mid lo-- 1 '1 .1 uim'Hi iiiili' aKrcrubly nt tlio ''Hotel t.i Pir."at 111 eur'y hour the next mnrnl ig. 'Iln 111 ln'iii ruyaltn Gibraltar wiu not ii' n . a lilt: j pli.uurc trip, for the liorih-- 1 .. i'vl...t Hill enntlliuixl, tUollgll Willi n.i.i t .i! no. Hyliiu ii't.iy ami con-e- -i icii t tv dt 1. with t'ri.h iin if na- il knot d.n.i' ..il llni'vli H"i il.'lnotnl-- t - tier., ii inh II. e Lille Ii"i.iiii' of n'a tt..il. Ai I ft, 011 ll.i' iiioii.Iii of Kut ndiy, J li e .'.nil, Hir itii. ol Uiiio and Alil n w iim II'. '1 dv altnn'ted nm-- t alien-- 1 tl .11. I t . ililii.cily tl.llih . w'nl'' Hit At-- iifriiiii- - wire tiluiokl In't tli the lulfly iii l.' ! With little of It.e'di nt I tyoiid lb" in, t. Hi nf film; lai.d ami d. Illuiit, Unt-nn- d il.l , tti; .teiii .ul kteadlly iJoii'x until, at 1 Jo'' hi I. our iniehor waa diiptd lu tie I it I or ol d'.lrittur. 1'iuentl)' Hie Uuiltli 0IU1 vr appiarid, ai I a he teppid oti htm. I, hinideil ti.piuiu In. man a It'll IT. II K I writhed, In that IU liient, tli it I could lute 11 letur! sin 1 how my luart bounded when my name w.n called, mid W didr c.itui) lo my hand! I Jt wut pluikaut Uiu to Le k'rruted I with the bte.t uew liom limucaud I lit J far away. 'Jo our worthy Coniul, II. J. Swjuc. iju.. InruurJv. I LeUtilu. of Uot. I ' ..ti I w i I 1I1 lid f. r (h - wtll a-- f..r Mlirr T'i tl n 111. lir (. m . l'n p. r i.f - l..,,"iiii In iiif ai d f.01 lly nil! l . .. li ill n ir fr. 111 Ihe intiidieti whireiiow lint nrflmi.iiri.it llnd I lien wilhoiit etpcrlmee of ai old Irnt. Ir, 1 hniild hire Iteti I ll.ii, k, In (III rilt.ir. A It wn, all llihiirl tmtl Jut In until without .'ifpi-l- ntf my rp t.ilini'1 The miliary rink ilmn not crmpare with our New Itmrlnml irraiilti In ti'xlute. w that Ihe i ttm-ii- r an ihey arc, lute been etfcctnl with lei otl.d'or fid time than many rn mr My I tlew of Ihein, tl.niiiih Minuwhal lnnly, wi re eonij Iflc, atnt atfordcil l ruin h of The town ll.rlf ln n crrater prpnlatl 'n than I hhl rrtt.tl In And: a populniinii liowr. which Hew and tiioTC" only fur inrl with Hie j.aiti-i- ii. It la, linheil. it irand pauper, lih ( wholly. It wm. ihi the money irranlt nf limit Mrilaln In mpport of Hit tiwiM. Key (if Ihe Mi ihtrrranctn,'' 1 ki t hlth. In the n urn ol Monitor. Intn no In k. The hn.k Itw II m'tir an Inecnlar n it rl-- fmm Ihe CMremlly of a low I pft.hwuhi, a milt or more hi dlannttr at It- -! Iae. to Ihe liklit of Mine J.'IPU feet, olle I tort of ihe iih are prvclpliniii, and here are plcrcd the ripenlngi Into Ihe lotif; ratitfca of timnr. whliti form the cer fauioii. fortfeM. fl.dl Hie fortrcal may Ir Impn tjnahle hy U'id or water tieed nm be donhittl. Iml when it Li hat a r n k and lomniainU nolblnx uit a trip of waii r and liatl, of 110 mf rteu to theowtcr In t lui1en,ii to that owner U eotne Ctjnklly a ii.nitcr of ct rtalhly. The cool walk, and louiigttu; pli'.'arc Ihe Ut lntof ilM toilrcf. aial If Uiey wen. nmr New York or vme reni rlly whrre un.tner Ih'Mi are npprwthe they would ti.dly IIM. fill. Ihe mixture of iialknatliU nml the mill--" rule ty wl.leh the fort aud town arc l at iinikt lie awonK the nollii al'lc Not a little of Africa nilaee 1 ere with the fllff and prim l!tielt-- h minnew, and the tu.nirbil chatter of Fnnth and S'ltnihli la heard at nery (tnni r. The oceall to repnrt onr af arrival, waa my llr.l pliee 1 rcwirl. though I tlntll t mneh Ir the Hi 1 mr atnli(litti,til i..v UiodwpaUh Hut I lildror. II. A I'lfii lor 1'itper ,llnne. The ll'iimton 7W.7r.71t attthnJ the JiCopIe of 'lexni to tike, eiirn nty hir lliiir liiunut-lti- i meilliitn, and Hltcl tome ntroiuf. teanoiia lur Ihe ( haute i The people of Tuna would do well lo pre-r-e thvtiiMlii al once to idnpi tlir currt liarlx, for II l iml imlt t'lf utere-- t of the iitlre commuidiy, but It I u rtain lobe .me t neei'iiMt) , 'Hie rullro.nl. h ite ndoptt d It, 'Ihe Pt nltt Hilary will ml 'pi II. The Malt-wil- l mlnpl 11 in Hie I' lleelioii ol all debit due lit r from riilrnnd ami u rporutloiit. Iiie lii ii.lil.ii li r'n'- will 'i.n II The I urn Mm - ill adopt il 'J he hot - ill mlopt II. Ami . nil ,i"lueii L'eneially It. .. plini, .,,,, Cvi.cn the lull. I Inllnu iih II lllrtlttl 01 . i,, t ot llicfpiyniriit .'i i nil ,. W. I.ir I11U11 1111.I .tun - enrri in t, li... alMiihiiiiinil llul Hi li ul! .ttiillopiinliiv. the tliluu- - Hi .1 to. tin htniK ol Hair Imiii-ll- et In currency. Ihv n.i "thiiiut will 1 iiliit'lltd In take It h r their tiierelntiitll'e, tin' I'luiili m uinl urineialor Hull lundiue, nm k lin n lor ll'i 11 Hoi'l.. Ihe lali'Hiwnt in I.ir Hull In d. mid Lie 111 11 hi tun 11 lur the eiiiitt tit- - ol th. Ir ti.illt, llii Unheal iiii.ny ol Ihe coiiiiiry, and not r.. Humility lobe Immlil nml mhl, at our ttipln In. c pruitli ly mr .line ihe (li.ni.r tin wnt. theriby rmiiiliia iiniiiKC to the law, In Ihe policy of llu eirtulry, to the iiniiiil ufeapiUil, aud to In the Internal! of Hi" State, (inld l 11 lo be botiuht by Hioie who w.i, tint eiirrimy. Th'. ui 1, Iln n fine, Ihe whole Mate loiiroriua to ui.iiilui.utuU on Hit i.ub-Je- tbeltllir. Nti Ii idluie tU'lario fnr Irelnnd. I A dlmur-lii- n mi the pwnl aiati of Iro- - I lllid. Inwitrdp the end ol Inl-- y wanlnii, tloltt lint protiii-- e iinyttry ptntlnl Iml Ihe 10111lltl.n1 of piitllct I in 'V ho pu iliu , mid Hie ein iiuifbiiiiea ol litlvtd hate 1, il, within the l.ol lew im, 1,111 , mi iiiiii Ii iittetitlnli. llul the lime ol the lliilltfof I it eaiitml l.e aittl in Icne Itt'ti loft In tn the tit bllle which Mr (.'ollilill ll l.oirlil. iiiiii il huluiir.lil. 'I hat nun, IllotWll ill'I'O.ltl n If lolllplllllvlll'll.t III Ihe (jnttillimt Hi, eillinot bnnrth.it Hit; ImuIiI pin iiway nlthoiit m.y iiieiiMire ol linpoititiiic In Iitliiid hutiiiK It en pmpo-u- l. 'Ihe liiipith iiio t.l' 11 fit lb I the Iii li to liun'OKii ut they lind how lunch hut I tf 11 ilolie Im I .nulunil In t ..ni- - inii'i I llilUillnli. 'ihe ,i Mill .11. in, whh II llilithl luite In I'll ileliilld lo the di. It. u ri lllid the ri Hint ill nf totne ol lielll.d'a nioiii". Im beiii tiil.cn up Willi ll,c In.'lo iiueailnii ol Kelorni. The Inillili ttnikln; I hue., I. v tin Ir nictliiui nnd ih uiiiiittPiibnit, lute tifitnliied a dealer uli'irc ot iillriilnui Hun Iln inuli nili'iiu, llionuli Hi" I iln r h 11c ih ill. il in. mil 111 nofinlili'il, nnd iillttiijiliil to liulit tie well 111 I0111.111I1. The I'ciil in-- with nil Ameili.i ut tin Ir luck, lute been pm the in' ioti of In- - trntuilul Inn of one oiialder.il le bl'lh, .mil Ihe 11 medial let. Hon lor In lind - al 11 in Ihe lutiire. Ills I I rt.dul v h nil Inr It toll Im mlir. In Ik'l'Iii the Inn wlih Ihe i't i'Mtlon of aplrltitl Irlrli del till', mid miupii hen-lt- e iin nml tn llnd Ih.il II - id In 11. 'Hi Inn but the cici- - 11. ill nl' an niltlllloiml lil.h I h.uieery .litiUe, 'I lie til il I'ntee which rtippliia tiietiiy and iitriitbiii ttcvhiiUKtitloii Midi a tu?k 11a i 1. Tin 111 Hill, nnd, boldca, nil olln r Inter, ala look mull for the lliiie, mid the lli'ii-en- l' C.illllllnlla t'jinunt hlhi ll't If tn toil lu it 'Willi r which uppiiir will able In unit. Mm with nm hle.i. the pit poiinili lire. iiiuly or Ihe liitirpn tela ol erieiuiice. may look upon their iepcclie auljieia 11. iiiioiu- - imrnl'ly liiipoituiil, nnd wonder Hut tlie ll'.ii.c oI'l'oiiiliioii-Hli.nil- il lette lliem mm Inr 1111 hour, bill Hinae n Iiomi ayiiipithlt! mid itlorttmc ni'-r- Kt11e1.1l, Jiuteu filler notion of polltlt'il pel aieetltc, nml pencltu Hut there Ii wink lo Imiliiiie (hit acahni tvhleh ahnuld II tee precedence of any lrl!l leijl.litliiii. Yd II it inn In In li'irnllul Ural Ihe tt.nitt ol' the Irlih iienple. u i xiil.iliii tl by their lllltoeiili a lu I'll llullieiit, kln.iilil In kept 1 lore thi' Cut lint, lure Ihe tiiutlera whlih are well dheiia-i- tl iu one -- ivalnn 1110 bellcr ( r, pared lor Ick.1.1 tllnti 111 Ihe ncM. l.mrtm Jim-- : On Ihe atiinc itlbjeel Ihe A Mr iiy The old I'lttflicc Hi it Irtluud It loynl h diaappcttrcd. 'the exiituinu ot la cuiueaattl, Ihe etila uiidir wbUh ahe aiil-le- ru mliiiltlul In .uieMiimiliku itmctllet. Hut when llicte lire nakul lor, mem .buna are nllerttl. I'mb Ii are .id- -' tuneitl in their jU'liiliiitioili audwheii iiiiiI II. -- iml, in 111 il uieiidiiliy 1. lurilly linniK troin Abotn all, Ihe Im-- t nf U11) 1 k.aiinee of up nly plcU'tl to 1111,'iinni'- - wbl. h would re ill.v'aatialy Ihe country U ateulilj litnoitd, mid eteii by liiipln illnii ilenh il. 'Ihetlebntu of liltt lilltlit will alllllee at Iraiat lo tkpoae Ihe liilaity nml tumrity of llni.e prcti neea. lly pnrlluim ni.o.t dexterity mil eiitlru iibM'ine of piiiiilpte, Mr. Ilinmi li h.u atallul hbnaell' of iluleieiiei 1 lu the Literal paitv on the aln le iiiieallon ol It'to I'll lo all tie hut ill(lioll. 'J ho Iiiah im in' era owe It tn III. ui- -. Iti t 1111 b.n.'ir to iaml mid niin.'iilly. eten nt a miitii r "I politic in a or polu'.v, Mr. liiarm ll'a ituti iu uuiilp. Tint iliitiuiuhlp hi 110 lean In II, mid imt much Incut. Il i Kukled by pnrly rtiu- -, Mi Ion Ii it deroll ol KoiKmut liiailncta, I:cr lla IHniullly U men ly iph uii 111. Ire- land will, we billetc, ill'iiKard ita men Ml. chilli tiiieliiiitiona , and will loiitllilic . im lit iiopi'tullv the riiiUiX'tll.ni of Hut poll,-- , in which tlie l.lta-ral- t hate, wlih icoi I lind, in' Mime. Willi iial eiithualaaui, Imuud llieiiieie. Kllk ( ulliiiii In ('iillii'lutii. Any fiiett In Illation to theiletelopmeiit nf in w Ini'i liiea In Calll'onilii, Iroiu ifhntetir Iniitlity llii-- may tonic, uie uflnUre-- l lo the . the people. T'ure la no reia-'i- why llul pi.ileol Si vntl 1 county, wh In Ihey y ti.i'.l nl' Hit luulib'.-- t wt ilili In1il.1l 1'. mat ti their toil, imiy not nit" look with pi Mc lit the lli- -t ill ttlopuiellt 111 Iilllllalllet whlih lire I al- -i 1I11I1 lio pnpiil nlon UiiKcr llcnt the utir tioioted in tin. puluiici-- l day" ol uiiu-li- i. VVe hate heiitofuii) ahow 11 with what pi oil I may bu piirtueil, mid Innt U'lcll the ii nnd liiteicta may bit nine II iiiiuttlll only irraap the l ei. ( tin wlili li tututn hut hcru plueid wllhln till le.iih. VVu ure 11011 ( unbind to place our rriidei the icault ot . poriteeiil in Mlk.rowlti'; by Mullcr.v Uoard, of Hilt city, whlih ilcliiimatrutiss ihe auperb . orllv of .NttuJa cutiulv 1.1 uv olh' tbr "' r,.r 1 ir. Ii ti 't !i.l .ii' lit Tl ( 1 . 11U1 Ii.. in 111 I it iiitiiiiirt- Irii. iik'lit 11 ii- - ' ' nl, ui "o iiuiii.y. whlih am eniwii.it reailll X HO norm-- . Whlih hate produced coioona whkh cannot le Improiid upon anywhere In the They thtt llif.-- e tun lrtc would rally fird f'.nnO woriiit. Out rfii 11 rg rent In bin bt- - Prr-to- tt they only lo- -t 17. and llieoe were klllul by a Alaittt e.cu weik ayn Hir-a- e iftilh 1111 prta nnd tin-- irir" rr. 111 l'i to.t I irt or llirlll wire hall bill. wl i tin y 1 Iii y arc nil m w ji,,ictnil mil tin tlo-- t ailk Ciarntitt. Il.r totooin are tillnra rich trnv ei lor. wllh atum while nm and 'tlte a hnini-e- or I rhihl ortin.fe Ihey w Hilly nm fourllt I irxrcr Hmii Ihr rin.j lea .ml 1 I'nto.i rrom .'lUI .loac. and in prniiniruc'l by reiiili mi 11 who are r.ntl. llir wltli .IIU c'.illim to nlivllni hi e eterun. Tin eoeom. are haril Hi I aolld. mil I be llk of the linen trtturp Mi.ili r mid Nonnl, niter riltetlitic a bit of im-.ai- Tor eifir. pnip iac wllh tt lalame tn intn'tetc Ihe pnai-.- r. r (he pritlneilnri id .Ilk I'or Ihl piirpnai- Ihe ihryatll will be Hifiil lu Ihe aim. (hit hut hehl In Kite n rhher than any arllftml lni. 1l,e ft nth nu n Ihi ittrluitiit ire Will autl-ln-- d a I'h It aiifri, and ire roIhc lo inler Inrifilv Inln th,. eiditire of allk W'r adtl-- e all wlm enn fiiiiillbirlte tin mat lu with Ihe Jiii'l-- lo d . ., and plant niultcrry treet. 'I Ida liiduatrt la ifrllltK.I In I eutlie a en it iiriorlfi ibnte who eniiize lu If, tnd lo Kiially Hie wcMllh of Ihe .ilte.-- (i Trunin itit Mlro llticrtnc A writer from I'orwt lllll, Cullf.1r1.L1, aayii It nil hfrc that nltrtvelyccrlne wn flrl d Mien ttfully In Uie liiinea. or rutin r. It j waa h ue Hint II. line rir ttilnln: pnritea wn li.--'l eniit .t Alter' tin) iptrlmtj-l. with the elliloaite l.iild h ul hi en nl in. .billed on Iln- lentril I'm Ihe ' llillroid aid tlnnln-.- t In lhi Mile. Mr. j .nu utom 1 Ik- - 01 the irt'irt In the S' nlh American. touulit anmet f II to Ihl elnl.ii, j 10 d. after le j It he to mike p. ti .1 tin n hi lii i'le It I n tlienilr- id. I Ii" tin In ! thlailalni now pnfer nltti iHu-rlm-1.. inw. ihr. nnd ineakiir tier nnd Ittiereurr way. I Mil wllh Mr. 1111 Kmiunii b.r lull ti' hour, Ixlkinn; in nhmty. with 1 muiii t the irliiiiotiit- In an opeirbottle not ten feet rimn 11.. It n Im:. .iiiinr tin t lie 11.1 luiidle il with etiiiildenee. I'iflu- . men do a inueh work with iil aa Iwciiiy i l,;lit rlkl ukibi powilcr waa U'ltl. The l it lot broke ofl Ihe In h i'u lump, which hid In be bn ken up by pick-iiu- r or bit. Hub, and the Idler ahatlrra It ill to phei" i! oiiie Mr. lit atner, nf r'.not Mil', h.e. h id a rlmllar eit-tl- i nee, Thi t- -1 nil ir atltiintnire of aliallerlmt Ihn bl.u-ttt- tin-- . I. ('. 11I11, . I In lenient, but llu re urn olbi r iletlilitl iidvantuia in worklti-- iiiait., nml Hie pn "iitnpHnii I Ih il in ft te.nt tl", iini'tl ni of bl.i.llnn powder will Li tii liiiiih iiduied. .lliubnlll in' Hi nib In llutnln. 'Ihe null ippy fate id the Arihduko hut cuii'.al i profoiitid icnaatlnu lu Ihl capital. Ilwi. hoHil lh.it tin) Cuiled Clilea would alio to pretent IhitMCCiitbiii ot the Iiio-- t tloltnt Hireata of thi! r. 11' li- mn- In Mexico, but It l How aten how lt nl Ihe tllnrta ol the iimat lihiidlr I'mur tire when ttpplltd to lurlairuut Hint il ptoile. 'I be 1. 1 Hi it Ihe uiiforlu. tuilL Maxlinillni lite I orilerul the pultiiui In il. itliol HUral round In nun la tint (oat aluhl of In te. H t admitted thU he (al a bid preeuh lit , III with nil tin 't i Iruiiitlhi-; In tiniMi"" 'a In l.itnr ol II trae jiurttiitl h'a iiiibm I Inh'"'' ami ii-i- ny all well. llCkm, men or iiitny after im- . ... p,! niied bt Iln Il'enl an rorirot, "'. 1'i.Mcr will eat.ilill-- h dii'loiiu. ' "', leieolir-- e with III" republic. '1 be I mil.. Mulia wdl In ihe (riiniiluiti ol the Inlin alt nl nil i:iii.i,'eiiii I'nwert lor 11 limit Hint totoim; Hint It. II llu lepoit which lint innn t 11 ttnil the Lulled Sliiloa will not aitnl .1 luliil-- tir lo Menlto Iti nil Irun. In Ihe la Inn-I- t III.' Iv lint the Vcvlcin will lint In' llliUOJed liy IwhUh li're-i'lltnllt- of ant l.liidnnill they ciin ahow Hit mnlt; ' cliilliitl. Af 11 now they are in tne wiifi io- -ii le odor Uimiil.'jUt l.uiope .t(. f..n'-n- v ' mi. ir.iM. 1111, kmi i.i tiimrt atuno him: iiFCt V.il.ntl.li 1. mi tun. pnir Pilnctti t'liiihilte la In be brouubt nivty Iroin Mir.uiui. wbtie they a.iy tlio want tn i t.if, to inar Hrii-- l, and lur In nlbi 1 nml Ihe Kluu and IJunii lot Ui. I'nUli. a It nut In anini Ihlnit ..rthe iu. nniiy ol the old J. al.iiitly ih.il u- -i d to lielwtcn the tioor Inly mid In r Utter-iiitiire- il 'i when tiny hud their little mult mid lit! lil'-'i- l court pritt-i- h in r. nml ainh Hill. -- , tllll I in- - I"" trout-le- d bi.iln. mid uiaki Inr iinwllllni: lo reliiin II I olleii add lint tllaeonteuttil with hir mH1 hi Bvtniilv diiuthler id tlie Mine by the iiiidirtlde of fu-- edali iw. tin- - htlrn-iiircut- ttll'e, woikliitf on her burly nnd mil- - I In,. n I' t r, piitl.i-t- l lur to ill ite I irn-.- l Mix tow ml llait aludnw v Imp ill tin. mc The o'd alory ol Inr luv-- I iivc l'cn p'llMined In Mexlui, It n llnd nnd nn nllenipl mule In confirm It. The new tcrthin la licit her mulled mini the leiirueil .iml -- kllllul lr lliilheiia, hiitlnif I ceil Impiiaaid with cirl.ilii ill nnrni'il aymplimn iu Ihe nctlill cninlllloii of hi aiiill palltllt, laia iirrltcil bt dlHu'eni .liuly of lliem to the iiiiii Hi'll i r liientiil "I lie I'lntiol le aoh lv nwitu: In iiiornl enii-e- . nt work alnee hir ileii.i ri urt' Inr nml llul in nil n nl iblllir "Mime iiblh pnlMin lenlly wjvt iiiliuiiii'li til lo her by the lialtnri who In -- t t l'n- Cnurl ll ( c ' Tlie new tei.loll ol the olil ttory tiniilil bedieply Itiicreniin;, II true. I lie ino.t I0rm.1l uiitliorlly we nt ret line Inr It I the .l,m,,it,i! jHjJvm I'yo. I lion t t Ihcie may not I e 11 Worae ill I ilnn'l kimir nru wor e nne Ih in Iiil- - iiiitinal h.it l ieu on .ill Mi Mi, 111 mid iiiUlei. Cm. Irilmtu. A I'IiIiih .lliirhhie. ' Ciillfortiln piipi ra Kite Ihe pulleul ir of a teiliiiuiitteiiipl lu lluil Mule ut nrl.il Income II1111, Tho liitentor of Hie " Alitor," a the ' l lul" l culled, l Kreil.il" M irlntt, of ,S ill rniiiclato. Prictlcal enitlnur' nnd lueihau-- , iea h lie lot k d Into Hie pilni ipb ' " It eon-- I tlllll lloll. 11 pniliollllle II fi'iiaible. Mirewd inpiialHa h.ite liirnlahol Ihn ineiina ol' -iii . 'Ihe eoiittrtti tort me iia wi II ol aiieica it wire Fulton, Mttcnani nnd Mor-- '1 he iiioiilitt tin it w Im liitctl hnte un il.. nl, I 11a lo the prnlilt. Al Shell Mount r.ll'k, illiollt lillli'lt'tl lililea llolll rMtl I'lilli- - I l,ui. u lii(.-- i' buildiui; lua lull 1'Ul up for Ihn purpoae, iind uintilna the uiitlnl-he- iiLii'liiiie. In It both li nml 11 bird .1 lililinp, ahorl-- l tllul bird in Hie lutt ntlltlni. rrom item In alern -- or rv inlin r fi' in tilll to ruin). I lit iVit ubll" the ' tall mill -' b'cl inore. lla IriiHter-- c illitnt-- - II r HI Hie l.ime-- t purl la ! ft el lit wlli(H I'MlIld loletloll aide, mid tlltiaolon-tlructi- tl tlntt one lairl la ulwata uiilaprttul, whihi linolliil-li.U- l motblc til the will nf tin- - engineer. he lull, whli h it like Hut of n flali, will It1 under Ihe tunic emit nil, anil nun 1"" tn. o ed nnd ih tleetul la to dn1 ll nil Hie iiiliiinlr.tfe nl' u rudder. I lie tl.iletoiii. loriiuil nt I'.iiiibim pine- - nun lutui root 01 reu wood, liliiiul mid In id IokiIIhi by t.iica ol' alielmiil mpei ol lion. On Ih'a Irtiuie U nl li lull ti toterliiK I Hue niu-ll- ol Ihe alii, i'.' I 111 re. .mil e nlul with 11 till'lllall wh .li nm1. 1 ll iuipirtioua In itutur uud to Ki- - Il to I e Ulli tl wiUipiiii' h.idni'eu, mid .mil will in Id 11,'iUiliuMt' tut. 8,1 I.ir, then, Hie luuibli.e la ilrlunlly ,, bal- loon, nuil dcpeiiili lor ita .i.iyniuy mid power ol lu part, nl I1.1 t, nn iu aaiiu prm ii le iliu r hiiihinii. Km It 1a mtn U ' hio'c Hun ihla. l.et n- - look, tnr moment, ill Ita machinery. It I to entry, we me told, 11 aiiinll Bteiiin eiiRliie, weluhiiiK (without the ahiiiiluiO 01 ly i pounitt, ntid h.itiiitr iioiui. ml uf two mid u lull but ' ui in loin tun c. ihe bolbr la tery picull.tr. An arrnnuo-- 1 e I of Cilp-t- III', looklllK like tl." I.. ill. -- nn 1. on nu oillcii lie k, uud uot much Inner, holdt tlie water ami iidiulla lie hull liter Ibil la 11 atuiiiu mill in leu itlve. 1 onr mal 11 naif inilhiiia of wait r 11.. .tie boiler, uud a aiuali lioik linld- - veil inoie Two 01 lliriti of chreoiil uie ilnte nt luind. mid Iheae ctippllea aie rt'KuriU-i- l iw auihuiiil I'm two huuia' wotkliiti ill lull 'pii'd. Toiiielte tho iiiaihltiery tpneo U lift In the lower mrt ol tin' tn.ily, icudilui( linin uie In ait,mid to ..mint hilt Ihe In i,hl. '1 he power ia applied lo 11 Mull placed In lie npi'ir pirt ol thii entity, I iMcmIiiii; Ib1.11. Ii. To rai ll end ol llieili lit nil nrin ta ait u hid. it Mill leriiilnnlea In a' lew. Phce atiewa iiieltieh'ri.n ltvibled b et with whit h Ibis duck la lu ti.nl-di- e nml w nrk lla wilt in ihn uppir nlr. I'lie iiiii' lilnery ol lliee pri'pcllern ll to ud-- 1 il ita tn iinl In iim eniilmtr tn inry Ihnlr m to 1I1.1 cxlcnt of ulmty ihitutv, accnrdluirlt- a ho may with tn rite, or hill, or mote Litem Iv lu my dlri'illon. To rle to any hilt-li- t U i cluiiinil ho Jut to pV.ue her pro--r odler a an niitrlu ul lditrriwa or U.ji ) rr - ' re 1 ,t'( wb lo or n't (' . ' rt il a tin-- ' in I he til il. r 'ii' a 1, ii hrrof.'i ,1 rt. I- .- hi, hi tin ill' tic mailt rcjiiiii-l- . YVIilh tire trta-bo- r r. ttinlna In tr md iirdi r.xtnl t.i t wlrnf ribi tin Iti pnt'ilnti, the cnniiot fall ao rapidly aa lorn-Idmc- Hie llit-- t ol lur eiietureM, lien thoiiith the rm;li)e were out of npalr. 'I he eiietnicr or cotuhtclor I in oecnpy a anrl ofttltr cnirc. ceiilndiv placed wllhln Ihe I entity wblrh ludda Hm miililnery. 'Ihe (Ire md the Tnel, Ihe ciix'lne. lailler, nnd i;iiiL-r- ., mid the -- t. Im;- - n I n h mote Ihe train, an all rlne at hand. Hi cm look it. hut Unt lull' h Hheid. Aa Iln re are nn breaker, nor h lt .fr- -. hoi b uh ,r. . In iln it rial ikhii, a Iron I ihw . ,,r Utile tlinllient. One illllleiiitv ieiiia nol tn Mvc been rire-I'l- ti 'I ht altii't- - herle air m I he v bided Trom Ihe I tr. before Hie bydro-ie- r in be tn( In. Hut the lllll rM a prett it ' !lip-e- . $'iliu leineily for thia tuiMt I e fnubd. .Ilnuiilnrlnrr of Kelahla, W'c hue nnlhoritt In alnle Hint Hi r Mtjea-t- y ihe (Jureii In li n pleaacd I" C'uifbr the ilUnltt or a boriim I of the 1'nllt d Kingdom tiui Ihe Illdii lion, the Iird Mayor, In n mini miration of Hm1 vllt of III lmirrll MJety the Hultan. In lllti.tlloii irueal, and nl III llu Met rny of K.itypt. wlm w a the it'n t or the linti'ili, bo'h ..I wholil lil Iniril-hl- t' li .tl Hn liniior ofrutlilint in the name of the Co ..r the ( lly or London In a luniiin r worthy In all n .put ot Ihl- - ifnnt me tn.lla The (' leen IiikIu ii lurtber pltn-it- l in dim I Hint the honor I knltrhthintl ahniild be etinfl-rni- l noon Hie two M.crlir. wlm hnte I reti niKlnlul w llh Ihe I hb-- M.iitlalrate or the Clly on Ihl occatloti. 'Ihite tiixfiireatatlnua of 'Her M'ljeaiy'a pleaatiru wire ixiiiti'tnl tn the Iiord Mayor Ut etudiu; In a eomiiiunhitll m Iroiii I.rtl Derl y, who cxpretd the itnut Ki ullieailoii ,'u Iml In ennitraiulililiit Ida ln.iiUhii on their lion-- t r, and up. ,11 llu inuiilliit'til the illy of Imdon bad (''-M- l In Hie two llbl" rloll polilitate. The I.nrd Mttor- - In la.. f..rn ir l Mr Thoinna I lei-- It a:.l In I. n itelil'i iiiiii of aim piitnic hotiii e. nupiliiil iu nit rimilll" pur-auil- Hi it allll in the piliuc of llle, and hia tie upiilntloii ol biibiff n hn ml, liitilllciit mm of bu linaa, of I'.lliuil le Inlcurilt, nml an abb- lm.i(l-l- i ite. Hi tnni 'lid the only dniurhtt r 1' Mi. Chut l'i iranii, the tile Unbent Cilt Sdliitoi. It wbotii he Im n lamily f Hint, ilnnt h'tia The Mn lilt -- Aldirimn W iieilmt tii.l.Mr. I'rni.rl l.tiell -n- r.- men or cpially oni ni,ii.n imie In the ilty. 'Ihey hue laiih n tiiltl Inririi In biialutaa, Alilirtit.iii VV.ittriotv lia I ell Ionic faioral'ly known lo llu- publl h.r , the tery coiirpit i.niia and aiicci'idid pail lit1 luia Ukoll III irtctllii; oil n l.lli;e atttle iu irt of the tin t'i' t h- - tn nh hnlluu hnuatui for the Itlbr tlat ol nrti-a- 'n whiiiii they lutte pmud 1111 bicllltml h II g lu eti-i- napeitt nml .Mr. I.Jdtt. a 1111 n unit, nn ti ry iih Inl iiieuiler of Ihe Manalnli llnliae (1 ,'lliiillltt whlih. III Hie two tear- - 111,11 . mil v nl H,u lale .Mr. Ciniilt, 1t1l111lni.l1 ru! the law pul lie fund auh- -' ribul i'llliecltv of Inuiibiii lor Hit lelbf i l Ihe Ijiin.i-liii- c oerulliit during Iln uicmornble eolloll rauiitie. -J- xntiiitn fiait! A . V. ( titri lllaarrla .lllllnid I Ulmtire. I Nl i tnl 111.1., N. Y., Aiut. 7. W17. Could I totne to N'lurnm calling on my old fileinl, the itiiliient pnl llil.t. Millard Fillmore? Of cutir-- e imt I foiiml Inula calm aa a Hummer' in 11ft li dtid. Iu me he waa never rullled but oie er I11 hit IKe, and Hint W J when he ln.iile lilt ureat it ut b nir int ai itloi.nlltn. when he dtt luted tlulll he were a Knotht rtier he would not iii'.i ..I lo the leellou tr 11 aullolill tl.it like Airahiiil Lincoln. '1 hi wa Ihe apitih of Hie tenliiry Hid utterance ol a pi .bitiiid M.llilcnl Ihn priKl.iiiialloti nl a Mi'auoua, pnlriollr. brout al.ileiuenl ' lid you kuow, ' ailld Mlllird Fllliunre, ' 'hit I t'nkn more pride iu that cllurt thin iu iihv olhir uf my lllur" lie I looMnx will m rottitul aud adf. eomilaiiut in when he wna In tin ilulr .H the VYhllu ilotl-e- . IU llrtt antiit 1H011 will Whit will yon lake ?" I bifltiited, atnl be in.tlu'il 11 tilth hia Uaiixl iii'iltci.c " Oh, 1011 111 id Hot tear. I thall not olfir you whlakev or brmiily," he Mid. "I um Hot the Old Public Funilhiii.il v of I'tiiu-tiliiut- who Im Killed lie nly all til filcudt tilth old rye." 1 Implied ut Ida wit, whlih pbiiitil hlin urc.illy. " Come," aald be, " lit ll- - lute 11 bottle id tlcttupiiitiic," nml Ibire-nt.- n he rnnit a l ilt, w Iilii Irlih ttuumi uitiirtil with it Imt, (jniiUhilun a buttle or wine, it half llntl ll aitlidw Ithta. mid two itblaa-t-- one of tlielll Ihe Jt wiled tlnhlll aellt to him bv Altbl llnaann. Ill Luniiin, iind la tlikl.Ty atmldiil ttllli dlimoudt ami plit l.nn tlime. . VV In 11 the (I. uup.u;iic la poured into II tin' iC'ibb t appcira to be on fire it bl.ir.ca nnd ("iimac Hi t atnl foam, until you I Ck'hi lo u' lellillthe nl' mi exploaloll At Inld iih" Klia it miu'a lu ttotiilcr. the ex- - Pieaiilenl Mild e iliulv, "l'i ir not, Iml drink !" mid It hut tiry llntl and Ihltaly, I did drink, mid dul ly, loo. He looked nt me Ituilmi- - unify lol'iliniiipaijHe diluhir lie atHipa-- ( llntli and ait tut d lo ainU'liate n iueall n. " KmilcrtT, or ('iiile U'or" I hundred. " Tin tlil ,u " In tipliul, nutilillini.il. 1 nihil my Kobbl iiotln. I.1I11K balk lu hi I1I1; nun chair, Hie Pa;c nl fllltlal'i anld, " Our llniiblca mo lint liter tit." Ilioddtd. " 1 aiw thi lhilit col.iiiiK j 1 knew tin re wit trout, I" brewing fill ll lu liivl'oncaj but whit lould I dot' The mii-p- wein mid Hicy could imt n( Ihclr lib ml, or luiir the tub 0 of w id..in. If I liiiilbtetinl the In Im I wolilil liaic callcil iu Ihe ot Ihn lllalr luuiily, and the ruil (.ilamlly ol' iltll war would hue been III ci lc.1. old Plnlr 1 Ihe KruilHat 1111111 Hilt I'liiinlry lu, prialiieed: .M uilitiuuery iln ir Is ih cp In alnlitnill, and Frank lllilr i our Hinl loriiiidiblc wan lor." 1 iiotblt-- npiln. ".hihii-iin.- " he coiitliiiiuL "ha treiiul till ti urn kill le I inilly h ibbliy. 'II Inn', they ri.liiid hltn. Imt teaiilla pmtc iiolhliiK-tl- ul Ii In aay, they aellle no prlndple." Mu-lli- lur tnnuii lit, mid llien pouring out miolheri;hiat of Ihe VV iilow.iiceijjilliiuetl: "1 fnir old Thitl. Metena will be our lext l'i rah', nt Niniiicr lee. 1 In "1 Ian m il- - 11 lone Inn will tin elerunl farewell to Couttl liillo'.id III irty." I hihIiIuI tune more. "Aa Inr M wind, ' rcruii.cd li , "he la gone, llu uoliii; bihlnd etirtliiiu he quir-- l n lb d with (nt ily." Tin 11 au.l.li nly ttnrlhu; up, he exeiniiii'tl - ttllli alartlli'i; cmphi-i- . "li ne you i ter iiolhcd (irulci a hud? II toil bale nol, look nl ll, mid then nt Ida fell; "uid .alterw.ml- - nl Hie cnmtilflie tiii'teuienla ol hi- - luily win 11 he walk. All thU will plain Ida troln,t bull b r li.nla." Mr. l illiiio.e till n.e ll.nt the Nov York ' pollllct.ma tinuble hltn eirry annum r with per itleiit npplleiilloi a lor eomliieiorthlpt mat other olhcta 011 Ihe rond rnnnlni; 10 Put-lai- uinl Ihe F ill, llu lu 110 liiilinuu'. he Niy . In Hint tllleelloil. Aa I w la iiltilit lo tp'ntp hl 111, inly hand and ike my dipurture "loin hi li.pllal lc 111 he luriittl nnd add with peculiar luiptoltciieaat "When our helot id country w.i d mid rent wllh the horioia nl util w.ir, I w ilhcd luv room until mldiiluhti but It did no uood. tW. ye,.,w. liunKi'iit or l.lktititlnir. Fiw'icople are .ut.irc li tv many arc Ihe dtiilht Irum IL;htid.ii. Il upin.iu, liom lu I'm nv, Ih it ilurlni: the hut tidily yiara, inure Hum Ion HiouniiiiI pt'nple Meie tliiiik by Unlitiilnir, of whom tw u IliuUMiud two hutiiliiil and Ihlrly-tw- u were killed nutria ht. Ll.'lit lintulrt-i- l .uul i lhly wt re kill, d diirlnj; tin l.i- -l n 11 yeara, ami of llieae ntily Iwo bundled anil forty-thii- were b 11111I, a. INIillii!'' itf Inlla on .1 ciowil, It tinea iiuire li t nuioiitf the men than iilimiit; Ihe wuiiien, the tali, r It Inu Ihuat xpotitl. Airaln, nnlinnlt me In untilly alilckcn. wbili) tin pern ll. In dri(e ot tin 111 air apuit'd. Tlie oltl it! i, thai the h Uio la.l protietloii, la i.it .1 trnn Ihe nel.hbor-l- i ' ioilol all irua belni; iIuik nn, like Ih it ol all hllily prnj eiiui; olji . ta, ex- it pi when Hut me lu mil illie lonnuil'in w lib the aoil. litilioud uud teller iph tt in a me iolei toia. In an I ir na they ntcniletii toiitcy inualtleriil'li' nuioiinia ol el. ellh lit'. Du'1,1 loeullioUtc llnea thla un. pn eat id lla metallic tllil-- a bcliit un xct nt cuiulm Inr. W alking alone; arnllmul ti ii'U ttliiti' ll run through coiiiiiry -l m il.ecilout na Ukun alnl .r lindt ra bill lite, 'flint wlndnwauu di.iitii-oit- a la 1 bet etl to be mi cirur, for 1 Xi ein in o 1I11 . il iliotv Hi it HsIitnliiL' -- irlki a thli.iirli open w iiiiUiw. or I'lilluw .1 ilnitt of air. Iliiriih'e xiiitibiiluii uinl bruvrrr, I "While O. d lullhr, wis olllns luiicli'uiery 011 Ihe icioud alory of the Miit'tllle I'lo 111 l'u' Mill, hi limit wntklii) ahlrl wiucjuiiht by an tlprUI.I ah.ilt. when a tin llilc atiiiiriilc In 111" t utucd. exlilblllni; reimiikiibli pu. lie uf iiilinl mid lit rule will. Aa Mr. hallud ly pjated Ihe ah.ilt the dap of hi ahlrt c.niL'ht uud comtiii need drauiui; Id lu nly toward! It. lu an In.tant he lotn uir the Hap, hut while alolnir m Ida It'll tlceta Cliilliitl uud wliidli'.K around Hie thall, broke I1I1 mm ullhc wrist. The unfortunulc innn then made de.pcnilo cflorl to tear hlmnlf awnv rrom tho ahalt which threatened lo cruah bla Univ. Uraduat hut fLCt aaimit an - I bv ad. J , it. f "' l 1"1T' r I I 'i - I, I 11 ., utr nt tl, wii-- i ,r 1? an ml n . il tin- ,' f, b nt ll.. wi ik I ol - ( i i.illnif r,,r ictrral Im Ii, nltirc Iln wil-- t joint. Mr .alla.biy then hull ml Ul In wlm atopped the mill and went In hi The dlaiinmMrcd liaml wound up In Ihe Ifillered (bin, trn. taken rrom the ah if). Amputation or tho limb aliot- - the illmw Ind lo I e performed, llm iinfurtiinatc mm hi a wife and thru' chil- dren ih pei 'lliiif iiM,n I Irdilly waitct." ft .'.'nl.) .t.-if- , Jalg M'h. rnliltinnhlr llntl al One or the rnoit fiahlouablc hall of tlie I, 1. on took place at the l Utimlim on the evening nf Hie fill, the ladle ami fiahlotia l i Init Hum rrlrrrcd tn by a corrcapomlent : We ranaot rrfraln frnm niitlcfua' tlie ftdluwluft lail'c, w Im were r1re.ed can, inr ll nut Mra. ( lutlaa (it onnor, s York, a.he nf r.a .Ilk, pniht larc rhaa I, tllainitid and oatural tinner la hair. Ml. 'Iliniii.n T. Ihitrhln, llaltlmere, anpar'i Mack mohc antkina, trlinmnl wbh l'lnt fans littnlifiil ami Tiecinl k". Iiil .tljr will It readily mm inhered w htm Itiiilillub, the la nf wnr,l liulnfely. .Mr, .lime, i.rali, tlm.kl'a, much almlrrJ, atnl ,ri'..-t- l ,n rt.ii tl'e ta.tr. .Mr. A 1. thi, ,Sta York, attPrh brllette. ete. a" , ami gtarrful damer. Mlt. Nn, "Hi meet, Y., wtite eorded aflk, jieaii in iiair. ttr i.lianoliu. MNa Am.itt, l.hnlri, rvrjr ranch dreuttl and an'urniiat. l. (. I liiimp(Hi, Hrnoklyn, lhi plclara id liitetlm-a- ; luiiueuati trail, and tery mmb ire.n. .Miaa ruine'i of Italaitara, wltlta lace, tery m nf a hi ui 'e, it d iiiy cliamitiikt. Mra. (lfa, id V V., In emwrariy wllhl.tr father, Mr. v, ll, Imtrr, iy ilriy andaiyl tali: ifrcady aduilrpit. M. Fannie laarlni-- , ". 1 a1. neenflhth'vV-nye- il ta .' wltli a wrtatb "f rbtiatnllt rml aud b. a tllal rf?"iia, tare Ih 'ht. pink enrtle.1 allk t, r akfrt uf ttnlnt lace, namral rkeaefa and dlaMiui.tla In balr, Ihe unaat hrwltthlb;. M'- -N ,trla. Ilaltlmire, whne ilk dreaa titer akrrt nf tare - laetla. Mra. biduiy Mxaon, N. Y., richly and airy Mr. Itofcrri I,. Maarl. !J. Y.. d"., U". llu. U, UMbhiiimMnriiiD, N V ., very iitief a ly. hi white ml ltd allk, Irllnlut' l Willi anv-ao- t lace. Mn Atinia P ibattti, I'ltffvin Cure, meet! ad mlreil, Iii k .nk ai. .infi. .Ml Viiu tl, ft. Y., lotatly, In plak nitilrt- uii'i,i,ii . Mr. I' A. Mi'aa, N. Y Woe IIk lire ahawl. Mia arah tir-i- u', llniK N. V., Imiim mnlre anlnrte. nlltair eurkaerew rlnatttta, datw like n alyiiU, ettariniii.'. Ml f'. Hardy, N. V., tery pink allk and lace In aiintber belle. Mr. .I..I111 Kliirit. m.y, N. Y., bine allk. lare Irtuitiuiiir, .cry trait. Ml. Hannle Hairni'V, Oeae'and, dlplaye.t I't'Cll-O- a ta.ie In a very eltla rate toilette, rntn-,t- " I of lltuiiler allk, and Inr titer rkirt. re luokably trtUriil ryea -l- auichlni; eyaa and uwit la- tnibil. tliiteiiti reenrd. xtli tiiniehtt Kl'.am, Philadelphia, pretty, at.i itb, au jamladed tnotl la elulty. Mr. I'litrv Jl. I vlamt, cxi Hfllely tatlefiil, In white allk, blue trilnniliift nail neoliillty, uiimIi ailmlrul. ,Mia Inland, New Iharh'-lle- , whlto lare biik.le. atyllaii and ttry jitiuy, wlih ler tirlutlt ryea aud llitalallbli- lulti'atliruuuauced II. e b, I'. . Mla A'hirt. , while curded allk, trlia-n,-- 1 wltli aw in d wit, and awef t ainllea Irnm amy bin it eit-- rliarnilnfr. Mra. Mnn ,11 Kw IbKhalte, latender brtaMilettlk. tilatkllrevl lace ahawl, dlauiouda 111 r.fii! ui; ttry aitll-)- i. Mla I lira Ulaiid, (A1I0, white Ctirdld allk, rruiiMiii tiltct triiuniltia and coral omauieuta ; I 1. e yitnic and I're'ij. Mr. 11. I. Mur-e- , areine, V. Y., very rlrh lolli-lt- of pink alllt, Inetaaoddianiouil, all Iu iftttj Mnle nnk very cbtrniliii,'. 'tbrii win- hit uf iiiutl ItrwItihlnK creature, ttlabtualf'ty dleaat-d- but I bale lull lllue In 1 Ilulr tiilieile. Mr. Cabb S.v'iaii', S.,; .Mra. Milieu de Vlrrer, N. Y. Mra. 1). Mill. N. . i .Ml.. M. (). Iluterta. N Y. J Mr, .lame Atl'lln, t. Y. ; Mr, .lame I bar. r, lliai-a- lr Katla: Mr. Capu (larilm r. .V. Y. : Mr. A. II. Miller, N. Y. j .Ml. Mnrrl, N, V.. and tone hundred olbera, Itraied llir ball. John il, Pair, L- -t , aipearetl to enjoy lilltn-el- hti.'ely, a dll Aniiilal lleliu.ilitt 1.., and tiiimrr.ma nthrr nutablea. Irr and 01 liar drllcnctra ware htiiihtl at twelte, an.l altmt two o'clock the uiii dcliihtfnl uf upr lea ball ilii-d- . IVr. F.hhk General Corrospondonoo anil Comniunicatlona. The Ip.rallnil. Nkw Ytuik, Aug. P, ltflT. 'i. r if .V. 1". Ana . Ill rcndlm oti-- Ihelcttera on Lnltir Pnvlni; piil In Ihl" iiioriiliiii'a Sex, I wna fort alrui k with the Krint Hfiealty which nt priaeiit, for a eoinplt le uinl tboromili tiKltalloit id llu aubjitl. 'Ihe rU'i. width laHlmifur nil, anil who-- c only nlm attuialu I e the i ot Ihe aiK'bal potillnn of tho wnrkliiituinu uud tho clerk, la ihe only pnier licit liar iipiitctl In thla luo.t not le entiae, with audi re.il cnriictttiu. nnd aliotthl 1,11 Hint nrcouiil. cointimiid thu thatika mid tc- - tpt 1 of etiry man. I would like In aak your correponi1eti, mid lally tho-- e ttlio.e tnlnb-- wtuilil teem tu Juallly Hit in III enllluir on the lull lieu nne mllier. about onion year, did Ihcv ordld tiny tint, pay n licit line Ink 011 their anhiiiM ntcr jinn, ii rciUlrul In- law ? II liny did. I lull to flud It lu Hie luilllthc! Hi imt. Iiiriilthed your paper. IVrlui they in-r- ruiceasftil lu iludlui; thu tlll.inl eye of the but-- . Aic'iiu. do your cortcpondeiiii ever book 'to lend. A min'a brain ia of ciiinl luiporbitico wllh hit Italy ill nml tioiirlhuieiil'inil cxen ohwi II a the body, ' nnd llu can be tiirtd-ht- d by (jmnl and prnh'l-- 1 nble rtiiilliiir. Do they ul-- i tillo tn iitty Hie .St t, Inr lint nice, nblili i au If h id lor Ihe tery imtlcai atitn id Iwo centa per copy, any alx ibdlira per yeir. If Ihe 'tin imt enre nbotil 1 cm 1, it, ihey tliouhl endentur to ttlt-- their ihildii 11 etery pnt-ib- ehitiiv In oblnlii In.lruitlve book. Aimthtr u'l.tiicc at tbc Hi tin, ami not llntl-ll- nnv account of money expended tor ilthtr f onka or newtpnpera" 1 nm I o recti to to'iclttde th-i- l Ihey live In bllrnl linoninee ol cteiylblnn that I lr.itiplrlni; In Ihe outer world mid ileM-n- for Itil'iirmiiil in cnlirelt- on whit they hear. I'mbnbly aomo of lbec paillra, who do not lubacrlln' to and who ' in ter rend a newsi api r, fondly Indulge iti the ilrenm Hilt the 1'iiilniu hate pna.e-th- ui ol In l md and arc now hold!";; high cnrtiliul In Dublin, licit Seen Inry Seu ud I I'uableiit ol Uie l Illicit Mate, or lll.lt Kuaakltl-.MueiK- J ll tllll Hie properly of the Crnr. And now lit, but not by nnv menu lea!, whit about the wife of the'wot'kliii; tu ,11 iihiI ol Die eh rk'i wtminii - min'a beat hall'--l.- e who dlrldea our aorrnwa and il.nil lea onr Joy-- ? VVImt or lur? Mu-- t the lo in'inpillcil In atay at limne d.iv niter dnt', wetli afli r week, mid, I mljht ndd, jenr nfter yiwr, tiillhi lliroil(li 11 life nl' trnttlle wlthoiil a tlnule rnv ol aiiiiahlui' In brighten hr pith IhrniiKh life? " I here I nn pliue llkehoiiie" an old uud very I rue any lu, but when ft peraon I cntupelliil by b rce of (Irciiui-nui-(- c to In- lit home (ontintinlly, thi tiylti. Iiowi ter true, It tumiwliil thorn ol Hi pottle power. The wife never alalia Centril 1'irlr, rirter u,e to the I heulrc. nml, In lie!, never In nmtiai n.enta or lecre.iljuiia at any Llnd. To vialt Ihe Fail; cotla ut I cunt farci, and In ifolej; in pla(ca of ftinnicmcut II tery ri'itil'lle tn hnte 101111' (iirreiicy aboitl you. Nothlui; I ankl In Ihe piibli-lit'- d llema nbutit or Ceil- - ind Park, uud I am let) to lui'ei Hut the wife nml children or the ttorklngmaii, and or the lietk, arc depilttd ol iuti.ul rirc.tirriii xt li U li are au ii.cull.il to good hculth aud luuEitlly. ittie ul' the rcmtikf tiimle by y, ur il VV. F 1! lu Ihla day 'a I 'ipcr, me tery true and iciiall le. 1 do imi 1. xpert Hint nub. a rambling lrttrr a- - thla will le publUhcd, hut If there il iiny-thi- contained In It that would lu your ii help nloiits Ihe itood woik, pluno lii ike lite of It, nlul If It aliould If Ihe meum of drawliin forth uplli Irum other pirtiei- -' iimre clnlmnte iil.d ixtcndid I will fill ami ly tc aid. Very icapcctfully, Hon. Nnv Y'littK, .Viiu Plh, 1't!7. Mil V. II, W,, mva he lit il per weik, uul ofwl.lih he mnfnlalna hliusclt, wile, four children d ui ilderly woman tu ruslal and atteud on the hnl y. He icuti a whole limitc, for whkti lie puva tli inoiitU, aay weekly.... i5 00 (luttl biainl. meat twice .1 day. with ull Hie fruit aud ti L,c.iblt lu acuaoti 10 00 l'uta by ;' uo 17 'i leaving one dolltr for Inatirance, ilrlui. clnll.lui:, mu, miJ.i. oil Inr mid j other litlle li.dl- - noil h- - lu Inni-- i ku plug how duea he do It ? Ofuniic In inii'l pay Ihe w oiniiti for Htirtlui: llu baby. I lollilng hir at II. wife, children .11.. I old lady can't be tiry ul uud ml, and h nine lilt iiiUodrtui with Moa-iul- , llaydeii nnd llu lliutcti'i hvmni to liirplrc hltn, lie d it't'iil want to Rnandico the lihuk Crook or eujut-hi- t lager, and no doubt, llic mclodltui of Hubert Hiirtia, tint forgettlag "n man'a a mnn fur a' Hull," be he Uuk or mechanic, cau bo quite a will eiijoytd without a light aa wllh one. 1 can uudcrtuuid all that. But bow dot he Jo It ? lu Ihe tint plaie he hat a house for IW a month " VV. II. YV." la fortunate. IVIU ha be kind enoutrh to Inform other noux fi'I wa. who have to day .'i 1 m ti !i f'( rourth flimr. whr' Hicy n. find a few iii'iri mill h,uta? Ihe i, will In- ititcia rurtl.rr iblall aa In hotv he ruiblea gotal Iniaril. mint twice a day, wllh trull and t'k" tt.lt h In teuton, for thrcv ndulla and four rhlldrrn out of flO B wcik? And, lally, how, after airing 12 a week, he la enal ltd in pureha-- e nil the other ilectrra numerated nbore out of Ihe tctniliiirig dollar a week ? If VV. II. VV. will If kind tnouiih to fun.ltli the ilctnlli. and you, Mr. Editor, eric lticr-lio- n to tlin-- c detail lu a futiirc ulltl.,11, y oil would greatly oblige nillnrruti Indltldual aiillntl to ante money, ut.d bone mute ao Hi iti Your mol humble arrrant, VVnn lint't Ksotv How. ScttiAr, Ang. It, 107. Mb F.ntrort : I lute been plend by read- ing the Viirluii roinnitiiilciitloii piilllhcil In your eterlaMlnglk-i- . (rain or ahlne) nnd wllh ynur permlloti will any a word tnynlf. I nm ,1 mnuU'r, mw Mrrhanic, lute a wife nul two chlldicnj I aiirage til pirwuk wage. I ror rent $ 00 Fmuil.lt V no Ch.il.liic aw rundtlea 1 OU vToo I'artng a lilanee or iS aatial. We have plenty of itood tlctii.il', and lothct nr otl aa nnyltnlv ilae wear, ai d n uuinlortal le Imtne, wrll flocked with choice bimka of naplnl kiKittlnlie. 1 11111 aallilled from expe. lli'ine lint miy man that w.aiilt In a ite tunnel can do an no tnallir htiiv auiill hit Income, be inn lite of It (until he bit ti ra hluiM-lf- ) anil not an- Ida ldteibir, (MUe the eJitkdoi.) Youra, rcpectfullf. C. I!. T. Ni it VnitK. Ang 9. 1"ii7. Dtie Fiutnu -- I imr It tery linicli .(nl In ynur nrtu-le- nu the aaviiir ,iiea-Ibii- i. 1 nm a clerk oil a a.dirt id till a week. 1 !i-- i In the atore, anil net my tneida tn n Hibmii uieala and wneldtiir cot i I n tut l(, a- tl liicldenlnl t xpeiitea ?I. hatlnMi6. Iu nne or your art Idea lt week yon lotd a enr-- n apondeiit Ita it hia mother ouutit tn hup I. ni.e lor Iiiiii. ami they coiild do II Inr ur iln n week. A I am iletlrou nl getting liurrioil. I would uinable.r It it fix r ton would ah. w tne Imw Ihla inn bv dour, IikIihI-lu- g rent, and ol Hue, Youra. etc., S. 1111:11 Kt. New- - Ynttk. Angnil 10, 1m;7. 7'a th' I'jlihir 11' tht Arw 1 nri at). (iii- -I lake ynur taper, and like It. and think llm rtlliotlil "Minicy ami Malrlinony," in tool iv'a ltie, worth n year'i aubacrlplloii. I he iat Ingi iiini.tbiii I one In wlih It all arc iiileirttttl. I am n cbtk. nlary iln ptr week. Kieiiaeat llimnl i.i. ttnahlug fan., (lotbe ii, atillhiliery 'iite., llllireh Vftc , Iticl- - ib'lilnl li total ill; leutltig in. It I hate htailth ami I can alto (imugh t, com-- I tin in e l iilnet with, mid then Inn ml to mint'! but where mil I to iretnttllu? I tloit't drink cocklnil. atnokti teyar. lotiiiflrc In ofllcitt, piny the Inptlnir. patroiiiao; (outcit aalooii. in.r almid on I n.cy conn ra, with a ai it got ti In Ihe iin.-- t appmtett lathloiii and. I,eniie I have tinne 1,1 he-- e iualltien. Hon-- , the litdlea aiy I nm iieononilcal mid re- -. erted nml tlun't like the anting luailtiillnna. ' Now, Vr. li, ut tt, I admire ynur udtbe ami mu ink ig ll, by lira I kitu lug tin tell' com- - rorlnbl" and. at aatliig nil I cnii t but nm I to he without ImiijIc eu(b ly ? On Un .1 , "imt. the Utile cannot ru.j itxl.ite tour hit .1 oil anting. The "(i.n'' lidhanretbc rock on which nil our aatlug liiti utlnitaallt Your mltlrt' on Ihla mbjett will do young a gieut drill id good, j If lie could tin, I l ull, a who would admire tl for our eiicrirv. prol.llv. pi reteruiiee and our dealre to exid. lu tplle of Iliu wot hi. the Ih ah nnd the tlekll. mid iml lor the cut of our clolhia and caah on build, wc would llnd it phiiaatit, and nr.t ple.nant nlotic, but fill luiitctititl anil happy. Very riapcclfully, Tl . "Ti mpo" need give lihii'clf 110 utic.udnci on Hie liialilnionlal ipieallou. Il I not ctt rykdrl that It worthy of aa good a lr.ia-- I 'nnd n wc venture tu aiy he will make cer- tainly none of llmnc who "doti'l like Ufa anv-- It g- - lii.tltntloiia." Hide your lluic, "Tempo." Mniiir or the till w ho turn up Ihclr none at you imw- - will prnlmbly Into drunken or otherttlte ttorlhleii hii.liiiuut to aupport by Hit Ir labor a douti yenr hence. tlnekhii Ki.iiiuiirrnllun !e-rvIu- lli.ii'ii.N, Aug. 0, !'". ..fi'. i Sun : Dnu Mlt : - The continued nml much Mi- lled I. Induci ol' ynur iait r lu nil tint per-lul- u Iii the welhiie and Intcrct nl' Ihe work-- I itig iiitiimntilly, t Hibohlena me tn atk ton, or atitiie id tinir undent Hirnuuh Jim' lur 11 t orpiina lor nil kind ol work on retting tnaehliiea and bv hand. Hut cnti l c done al home hy Ihe working"., mi. n, ao Hut Ihn-- c (ami tin y aic tinny) wh) hate to " t ikcln wnrk" fur this firal Ihnc, on ac- count nf hurd tltuea, it.', and tthn coi' c- -, iucnlly arc Ignonuit - to ptlcct, r m an ( harge a imt In Injure tin Ir il ter at. i:er-- , nor charge their cii.toincit Phi much nid ol llgc one of tunny tthn lute bi le friend- - In whom the nhotc liifurmnlloi will lie t.ry uiliiiil lc, n It utidutibleilly will toliuudrcda ol other. Kiipeiirully youra, II. II. Hie follow lug uro Hie avtngc price, uow pnid in the tit eaUbli'liuionia lu tint city, Cluak-- , Inferior iptallly, 30 ell. to Mela, itn h. bet " ilcnrh. Mill la, Inferior " Of) eta. per do. " tnlddllng " il SO m r dm. " teat " fltiMied, ti JO tar dor. lliittnnh'ilc.1 Acta. 1 huliw. Kiiil'iol'b ay on Cull ,'Ci ela. Inr li cull. Fiititiibioii, itimmnn, frutn A tnldet. (tnh. I'.intnlooii, um d, luitii .... 15 to '.'0 cla, each. ' Veala, IliiUhcd good "3 to 10 it, uuclu I lux e pint, fluldiid '.'5 (ta. e.iih j " jacket! " 10 to SiH'la. cuih, The lollowlng I the weekly Income of nn InditttrluiK fair i oritur 011 Iho dlllercut kind of work, git 111 bclutv Chaik makers f S per will; Murl linker tl to i: per witlc lluja (lotbliig r I In c.'i per wit k Cutl ami (tilliropirnliira, tntjt ftu per wick Ciu'relli tewir itperwerk Itutiiiuhohj maker v iper wet k Dieai.ui.ikera t to iti nn per k Fur atwela iu .'aj to 7 pel tuck Veat maker i I to jt ju-- week Of courae the total Income per wick of any (ipcriltif wdl depend on tlie amount of tv. rk done. It mny be well to atnlc that (he l.arget houteadi) not pay the beat prlci-t- . In fict, ll la tiotorlotit that the moit extern Ire In .New Yolk pita t lie low eat price. riiinnel.il Nravt, Alurht tv A r. Nnv Yoith, Mouday, Aug. 1.', li 1'. M. Tim Moucy market ii euiy. (lulj h.ubcin firmer .it 1 1"1, lo 1 10H. The following ahow 1 the condition of the New Yolk Clly lloaika thla week aud tail A nit. X A uir. ta. laiau I JM.'.n i.nlit lit ,11;. U) r.,ll,Uli Mll.iaT cliinlat'iiu :ia.arV',llt JJtB.I-- . voi.iu.tsi iKi.io-.,:,,- l.ciitl TeiiJrr Ta,uvMj rc.niT.iai Al the noon gotirumct.u were iltiotid ni fnllowii L'uitid Miilea 1., cou- pon, lllf; do. cuiipon , U:l?t do. J.3U coupon, li I, 111); do. coupon, 1AIA, 110), do. coupon, Ito'ti, 10"Xi do. il coupon, Ifiif, 10-- do lo-I- n loiipon, 101,' j do. ".50, Aujru-d- , )"73; j do June, U7, t do. .Inly, 107X- - A H'li'Ulun niiiior hit (ceil pul In clrcula Hon that a ilclalc.ili.iii Im bull diacotiiid In the Tliaatny Ihpartiiunl al VVaahlugloti, to the amount of two million of dullati. Tho atory laiki couflriuiitlon. At the Open Hoard and Stock Kxchature Ihe market w ia tiry dull, aud there wua an at erage dullue of i pir uul. from the open-- j li g ntca. The only mov tnent of nuy cou-- 1 ai , mice was lu Lrlo ami Noilliwiileru. UALUS AT THE bl'OCK CXUU.NUK, riaar Buiatx irvil'.!.fal'el,c..ttlV 10 Ocean Pk... .101 ir.oxto do ll'i n Heal 1 ,,Ti, a Uaw I'.S. , til, r. Ill V !' Iluatmi VV. P. . ll'i Cmnu L.Mt-'le.llS- ', inn unlckallver M. M 1iWaJ do. list, 100 Atlantic M.S. Ill Mmo du ...'Cl.llll', vt, Mar. II, bx. ... It III) 00 do....'0a ( HI do. UU 800 do....';jui 15 Am. UbCa... Jl) Tr. 1 I., loir! il Adinia' Ex. Co. li'i rtHioo Tr. 7 lo, s..tui 10 Pacltic M, s. .usw do. lotv too du...de.lisS raaawTra. 10T"J M N.Y. Cen. It... ton HMOo do 101V "XI Krle It W( DH00N.Y.C.ta,t5. 3 loo do..,.,bM tola WaJ llrook.ea,W.L ti 100 do...., bin to , it taa) du. bl toy bono do. UH 100 du.....blO 10k luma do, - MM irt) b.... fci aau 1 ZTt 1. VI ,r Ln, xST r "A!C I In MOl Va.tr, ax.ip. SO tun CoCaiVJU:' "" lTT5 &. N.l, d, new. 17!; inn do. it TiM I l'0lo.a. lie UK do- - . . ( ,1 ydj ! la) do...ldCtUV pl do. .tdC 41 xaj 'IlSli wx)oi.T iv ataiciii s.xv.i.r. m( f'rTr.i t"i do. MX toucril. lb I. iP..1uJ I uvu IWaOOMo A Ml. Its bl .Mik .1 ?L I'. R. Wtt I CHOAI.ttT.lt. 1.. 10 1iO do. fan; A l()t'h.AII. Mab-t- l mo MU. 4. SUP.pt. Haol'hl. A.M. 11 IMV 100 do JleHjiJ rJaa Pl.Mlch. (.. n.lUM lla) Tot. W. .t W fl, Jiao IiDcDiKklla X 200 V, Ft, VV. A I liC.Jg MMetmp'utll...1Jl 100 m i Alt. II. 1 I'" - jn Park Ilk... UT loo Cat. AlU lf..ljl IN !,uiaNalietul!U!l arootri aonn. J'j irAa)f,S.ea,t3iir,irjv rn I'lClCe M.....tl.n'4 ifra Mw d.. rp.1ll'( l'O do. 14M mlli Ifaj C.a. ca vwa lion ai N.Y. I rn. IL bn - tl "0 do... ti 11.1'i lio (U.. ,b3 l'4'i Nml ""O do lt', IwKrlell till jifl U'O On V.- lot', mo rlT. aat ml, IWTr.Hia, I. .pif, .n Ood. He. IL. 11 " ') Tr. 7I-I- 1. .Wi, im m, it. A N, la., 1 O1 Siinmi...nrw. re; Pwllklm. II II94 aa) Ob'oA Mia. tX( rtlClf. A Pltla. It. rial ' ' t "' dn. 1 1, sui tl.. in i t u etliiltwTl. , lo.iChLAN.VV.pf. e'a l'a Atlantic Jl. M .in too d. ... ni Hut l.!'!"1"!!'"""' MICbLILI. aVP..It liioAiUma'Ka. Co. t!"; wi dn. .Wi ' '.y:, Kx.to ' laiMII.Asr.pf.tt ,J , lltl ell., t argil li to t(0 P. Tl. VV. Jt I toe .' j, orr..v iKjAtiD. r1'1, lioVioei. A.M. V'' riVirlrta. MI11.. 10V () ll'idlni 1;.. . .Ittv V1 liar ru I uiuu Tl. t tll Tol. . A VV .' t 'J tl ' tf i at. s N. Ia.. l 'I '7 do if, ira, ,, . ..'.J 5",., do. Ml,'; pal Chi. It. I. A P 11 UI JnOLrlelL .txj ri ,. .3 t,u "2 U.x bnnni n.i ( A N. VV.. . Wi i" !'' ,UK "vl dn. trC y... h" d" tan jtti ihl. x N.vv'.t r. Mk - " N.V. rro. 1L..IW, tan ,1,. ;a , ' dtx Ml IJO j,,, , ,,eM.'a 1 o'Cluea, P. it. jrtl Maritjoiaif... tin ion l. r). A N. 1... vi ' I uiihi II. IMI d.x....tj-l- . . r. n Par Ilia . igij it,, ,,,,"' ,' "weir. AiMtajLlvi m Llle I ui tu.,1 x. VV... IV 1 t. ctn Jtl ii.. it'. j.t '"', do, til wide. Tail. ICUiitJ IT no Had. Uir. IL..IieK ion ti,l.1l. I..v,l'...uiw du. . . WH rai dn... 1".', rib tM litaiiiinj ii. ...ien no dn.... bi.pti J 8 ?.';... ''"' "''Id.AN.W.pf.. ei ! 11 Tul, VV. A XV. f.y 10 d,.. in ? e, a).Mik m. p. it. etvi 101 p. Ft w. Ac u:)i w m do. ; r, .V '('!, P. M. at) Marlpnaapf.. . fl Mu M. 8.A X. It. 1 i, pal Wratl nl.in'n. y tr Mil. A Ht. P. It. Ml' t" dn If.', Jl Ibk II. 1.4,1'. b'l Itti Adani.-Kx.Ct- lav l(l dix. . . .n PU rjt Hal VVrlla, ratyoK. raly ism d.t.. 10ir Vn Had. Ha. ... .put. Pal tin... .bLIitjl h H" d" HI led ChU VV.. Ui . r.mi bl.A N VV 1 1. Wi iw do. J ii-- i , la) du. mux lunrarie ntaavTa wimiratta rairrx. J1. Nrw V1.1.M, Aug. - P. Ac. - Thi aba are In.l'ti biit. at l'i t II it. Ir Siun iilna p s ate Jt IMStn lornr FitraHtate; JI0 -- .' ,11 w fr hob e Mntr ; l Tu(; m fnc v VV'r rrn ; ; 2 $lu ( nnimtiu to Ki. 11A tra Melons Jul Kwaijia nr. r.,r Choice z. iv r(Hi (A fur omiiiiiii t.i il.tnl Mn,iiln Hiatiitr Lara lluund ll,'i Ublu, aud Hi) fa) tor Trade lirnitd.. r". nuthrlli llnor. KaleaHrflbWl. Iltll liJJU,- - l f r ciitnnu n lu ihulre 111 it . 7 allrnriila Itiair Nalea 31a) aack and bh. tt .! lite Flour lite IMI bbla. at II OftjaJ t ( mil Mi'll r ilrraal bbl. Cilv al 13 rl. J. (In nt - VI hint- - ate 3!,mi hiih. nt ! 11 F No. Mint mk. ; II tArrN. ,i, ; ,., r. f,,r new Amber f uhrrn; t.' 'aSl.'iis i.,r J. AmVr Mate, mid li nr (1 s ,,r Wbl c Cat.. furiil.'i. w" llir tV. 4 'Oubi.h. Canadi, al M 4allf). Cum Sib- - ti,ii biah. al !l (a!t in r.ir - I ew .M aid VVrr'crli! II Ihji41 ui for ter V iliulie linin; ami II fur iiu., uiij. k Oat Maira ta.raai bn.ti. nt vnair fr VVetrrn; t 01iaV.t' for Ma c. aial Ita.iliic r r lieir Niutl.rm. "l Itn a.- - U,. u,4c lur Caiuluia, aud a ,c fuc ' ltanttm. a hiiiAa. Sakt iLer our latlhbd.. at 11 v n II !.. fur I'ortu lllus li(iakll' cfur luba.aud ' ate lle tlutatia at It ',i1l Mtu.atraa. .ale a'ute la.t OHO hbd. at 4d l!47, r Mu-- uvadi), ami KT.l'Jcuvr lilub.aj, a If-- . f.irit W r ., la.ua. TSl.4 114c fur frtb Mate and VVrtr'ri. ri Paotialuta. The Puik Market la a hilf 1 Iml " a lite. Sale 4, -- 11 liM. nt I.i to i!S4,' fur i..w Mi,, r...ii,u at .'.! 3.1cahl t tint tr. fur eld .M.; 1 pi Mm fill ix) fur Prime, ami in 7.V n IBI hir Prime Mi- -t. - lliefl. rtmi. Sa ra iral bbl. at IH ll i lir beit I'UiuMrta, and tli (uKa-j- 00 rnr tictv il F.iira Mat,, a Peer Ham nre dnll at n OflH(b) ri. . , (1) .Moat. Slltta il likaa. at Ullo foi bliuitiib ra, ami If tlif for Itam. A I ant - Sate 4ft bbl. at ItVtiPlyr. lliltlar. tlajlle fur Ohio, and for T Mule. ' cher-e- . TiitV. i' Tinua.-t.al- ra UT.laaO t. at Ity.tUlV. a Pani.nl. T'I I.i erpuut, "lealtli r 4. 'kXI A b )h. l . nu at I f.l.. ai ll'.i Ini.h. W in al at (;, r th. aiiul Ui liltaitiiw per -- teinicr, l.ia-- l Utile. , PI ur al V. and -- 0 bbd. T ib i cu al il-. C I, ' IIILITIIS. ' I CO(IIini: On Siimlav, Aiuuat 11th, Mra, K n Mart Ann e, wlfenfi luigroir, ntfiti r bu tear, 'i uu'ii'tit and a iln), w 'llu relaiitea ami frienda uf ne fanitlr arc i I - ratjiecifiilly Invited to ailtnj He fim-- al. on I 1 Tne)ay artenitkin, Uth In', at H u'lbak, rruu: J hir Ian icaldeuie, lb Daukani Place, llntikWa. t U Ik 57i I " riTZ'inivi.n-n- ii Jnn'tv. aul.. nth, M'irj llilri child ul M lie ! Ka.e i a.i rar, month in. t 3 dor. MA Tim rtU'itca uud filtuij of thu finitly arc re- - Fi atirclfillly llitlte-- l to atcl Ibti r,lllt'ial, Ibil J Tutfttlny ifirinuvin, Au lo, ut i ocl.a.k, fima A Ike rvatJrute of bur ptlcula, IGJMadiauu at, 'iii LYONS On s. iirday, Aaiint loih.at n u'cluik, 7 P. M., Miiliarl l.tuia. uatltr nf tl.a I'mnily Una. - ctitnninll. Irr'alul, Ii llir Mill )0iir of hia aite, A Hi rilailua uul frit ul an rt'MHtfull)r lutilej t tu 'it', a I l.e faiu'ral, (rum b'a lale rcaiilonce. VI l.ok ti uu Tui'.day uiuiuiug, Aug. l'.U, a' ll j OKIK-- At Klnraten, N. .1., on Atiarnil ttih, I dull l M., in i el. .1.1 ef .1 ihn M. aud UubciUil t M. Oa c, uul V )eara mid ii ,lu)a. j Funeral ,ertea In be br I at tho home cf hir giauitni.ttliei. Kllxaltr Ii lluatlti, 7i w.ch at, al I u'clotk.Tiwadty, Aug. IStti. n;i PALMKlt-- At Mamaronitk, Au. If. f Mary, wiiauf Jubu 1'almttr, iu tbn slat ymtr ul t lnr aire. . l'i cud of the famOr a'r rcptfjjjy Invtnxl tg ; attind lb fuueial, thi Inutia) at arumiii, Au. ji ti, al '"-- ( u'cluck, (nun her late ri'iMunc, i Maiiiarnni'i k. 'Irnlu laatu'llih ah and 4th ate, , al III, o clock, A.M. S07 Ptl.LKriiKAC-- At Dundee Lake, Clifton, , , Jeratr, nu fumby, Aug 11. Harris liii g- -i n IVHetrcau, utilv aun of Mal'liy K. and bnilte il, Pellelrea.i, aired I year, 4 mmilh aud Kit dir. i II The rrlailtra and friend ol 11 iniuilj III are ria.ctl'ully iutlutl toatirnd the fui.eral. ihn 111 Tuctduy afiernuuD, Aiuf. Uili, at u'llutk, frum , ml tin) reaiit'iice nf Ilia parent, JI Wett 4ad t ' ' h' ranlun and Klllluli paera Hi l'HKI.VN-- On A'iiiul 12th, Patrick PIC an, la tbc Od jear of bla ur, a D.t.'.i; uf Kllkcuur, Par lib of Uuucti. The ml friend of ll.e family ire ro aiieufu'ly luv. led lo niicu.l the fn. cd, ui uln "day aftenuion, Auc. 14th.nl 14 u' x V. fruin bla llle rcaltluice, X.1 VVut. IIH. k wnliu.il failhcr mice, .Mi'inbir. of ll.e I". M. I'. P. 1', A. II. Socle y, p.randi Nn. 1. ate In Tiled lu attend, Pa. imivri plcaaa copy, ui) l'l)l.U)CK-- Ou Miudav, Aug. lilh, Sn,iicl t P.illtKTford, lliraut eull cf VMlliaiu aud , "l I'.ilbak, I Fiiueral on VV,lnadv Aftrrnonn, llth luat, at , 1 uiluik, fruin iLe reli!i.'i.ee uf hia puri'Lt. 'iM . Weal Iiil at, mar ath ate. ni , VVIMTKUS-- On Muuday, Aair. 11, at till , late rvai.leuiti In Htidaun City, N. d., afiar a l.uig I jud acvtru bfAi, Jut.u VVclu-rr- , lu tlio Glib teal of hi asr. i Iludy will br rrmnrrd lo Camden for Intr rmeot 1'bUaJeljilita pa era pleatr copy, ill 4 faiav 1X- - ilatOka.)

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1867-08-13 [p ]. - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1867-08-13/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · la' a' til--r,a ma, No. 38 llunil atrrel

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lvelee I mwfitf all..VrTtlrVN TIIUHIK Pullera) Variety En.

terutnrucu: aud " Medio.PARM'M"1 Mt'Et'Mi Aftrmecn ind Irc.u-.- c

"Llul Pet lOiie."

JtOVVr.ltY TIIKA1 MB: Tf n Nbjtb! In lumnvm'aal - O'Mnre."

rmi.MnwrTiirM'KKi "cate."limiAvuorriauofSKiivitfiicuvncniKAinr- "r.(riitt vvv iti

Who tt Ilrd l.t k n.ibta."rtAMAM'T lU'JSVMi 'JitdtaSj'a DcMfT,mvM'W ay. c. W XI oia a chrtt

M.aHnlo. Xrral tXMKiftot Entertain rare I

Avr. oriw novate mr.X antly (wfmuas aad ' Linarrkk IVJ "

VtV'THt: Ureal" J.frailt fcretvr.

ncrE vnvrn kj vta r

liOtU'Y- -' Off. HA tll K. ftwk'ji- - n.x-M-Pl

i tUM& Tte -- .

Oa-- ! i!rv a::.xi-k- - tiiwtri u- - i '

Jan" uj rr . ivum

M'FCIAI, .X'I'ICi:M. I A'Ihn Kmrr .aiurlilnr Ca'i I. nrk Kltrh rH w,i

H nlll lc I, e. Ll - Unite, Jr. 'nn'' ll in- - "7"

v. ' - of Oi.- --ewlng rnaililue), Pre-b- l. nt Oii jV, i 'ii.li, N. iv York. 4:1 ei

. H HI ,r the llnlr llnrrr'a 1 rleniibernua. In'

Tin 1'nat Hud l ht:..lal Ullli'u bu.d i,y ail drag HUi

rhlatrlnnai lit ci uni.eild ttierr'a I'ail H l'r(lr.i.c it- na the l.e-- t fur er. Ha in and llitalhla. tcl I by dnii,'i;lU. 94i Hi ( Hwar. 414 I ,

Ill, .1. II nt rilln,lcli'lil, tvlU 'la' a' til- - r,a ma, No. 38 llunil atrrel. New York, I '

j.r uua'ty, etrry Tueadajr, Irum B A. XL ti V' I.Illnii Vlnebln No Htdd iiicdnt ul

the Pari Laliili linn, and tft tbn tn'-- l iinteliiiia !

latiiul lelilltal ill tl.La u i ly. II wiuka inum H j1ikiIm-- anv utlii'r anil beat fur huaaa Hariluuiunlai t'uiiii; j.nrui..'-- . lai (iranit r. 4 V

VV heeler A VV il,n'a I ll S Amiehliit. uud buituubolo uuihlae. Iboad.war. SM

llvinalllnn Fiiltcrte'lti Purls ISri?- - H llWhecbr .t r.rx llmi.lwa), Nw Yurk, rvHWariled ll.e Hii'Ih-.- 1 Pifniliim adnMMe.liI mfor Hie trftt titni of I, liiiiit and Uiittnn. -hole yinrliliie. 'I lie only ..ii medd fur Hill A

biaiHliuf iiiainifacliire. s...,,:ll, tl llaluruwarll J'and foe aiiuilu uf iucj.il al VVbetler A WIU

anu a. 3ta V -

l.rev llnlr retnrod tn lla orielnnl eobtt 1hy tbn me nf Hr't' ('tiU'tiruiiii. It uul un'.i ie.tlurttt tbe eti', I. Inn i urer alldlawc of ttltl i llpl lltaetenia tlie Iiair from fall'lig oil ; uiakitt il , ballttill, i;'.i-a- y ami tlrxiblc ; rtnnottt dau.InilTi re . Ml Iatn-- llie il : ticteuit billni", I I'ami uu'-u- ibetlnet llinrl)rrM(.tie.eirrbrii'i:-i- H htullu' ihiiIi- uf a tlltrrtm'uatlng public, rml IIt. To lie had uf dniKifiH. W'l j J


111 T MiMjSV.V. All'.. Is ItT

A JarrlNe In llio l U fir-roln- ir

nuioiic n nwartcr ut ra


7 t ri';1!,. A ltiT 'J.' l UO ft- -

r . i looting i oSkW b i. ....tnido-- T. ' tt..' l.L.f, t.

r : ta tv ( Ml titsm e u.T.uiaret 1 H. Sim twee ja'ttciy mi.

l I .' fiei kraXiJ.rl ' .'.

.Ut.NrM' L pt.-s.--a

- K rnv of I l'.l tnttf aa.r1 . it rajsat" li; 4aii!;a cf fit

w3fc t: 1 . . It j attain... a sc trW - . ; lrnxi

l 'lylar : "li... ,il . , iri; k B ,

. -- p ". . .r a..t m oe,, - tBt i' ' !farcftv: 1

. fi Inj

k ' . utlf n tbcv ini J

T.- - '.. Ulirf ti UK twU- -

' . .i U- - !t f. nnioQ fncllct t :' .'t i ci..'.t i"

. I t2arr trvi nukf rj' . f luuiiA to jnoiT l.rUiiic tcu Ib ih Ir

. i-nt Hy tbm tunti Ibc I'ffi.blf ) y c bwo 1tkJ, ni (U no Iticv hir '

r . ' I tht feint of tvlrg oulri in1 1'

I i.ile ifon tU , Ir t.dct ltil. U i (ml Kmutl fur Ui I'UU

Ji. of Ncu Voik. .So woDik-- r lht- r. (nr?Q-i- l u, ii1 ry pwlw f

r.- - il.tr m irv rtM to In oritd to gain ottt-- tTlx man who oUalna a ctly or

. .iitv oAcr, umVr etUtli'K clffumtaiirf ,

Lv- - t'.rark a ntue mure Jn.it lc tbm tlio

C i ilijSrn of California vflcii 8nl. M;hue ceBipirsll'rty wr, nml

C rrg it thi cml of i tm tujn. .. .

r i. Tb1 lnjuil.c ucl t i"l to l c Uirllier

j nr.lilfd. It 1 in citnra ujkiii tbc wlt illuw a pa' "l ofllw t acrainubto Uriro

f -- t'.ue from lt otCiv, In tlio courtc cf a

krj. ai ouroluclal frrnrnily ili. Hwieire ttrl "'fll'ii lu tlito city that ire irth.it tLs prtwil rate of f, fnm fifty1 cne uuudred UnitiauJ ilollari n jrnr.

cini'luuuiitf lnvohingrrtrintinitithe icoi.le, tUiaiilat litliul r.mi tlon,rderulamtir utile lulrrealt. Hie t'oiifll-ta:io'-

Court ntlou ha- - tliPixmer to lumen-ra- :.

a fiIus; anl tburvuith ri furm In tlila

and we Iiojh! It will tlo It ilutv.

Hip tliHtln lunt'tn. j

B Till. rii tult- - Iwtwnu tut l'nniliiit Mul

H E r.tvy mamon culruliminl In

B a ; mi'tory orWr from tlio formrr, rtiilr- - j

I' tlx Ittttr to vacate tliv War OlIUv. Chi.JBVJ In ant It now Aitliiit Stitr.v of War ly

Cirt of Hip 1'ivaMi-nt- , nml Dure the mat- -

HHV trr will ml tititll the miwtln of (.'uimri In(J NMViuil'er. .Si far a 'iiUI ln(iriM meBBBJ ' r rueil. till' lliiti.'e I of li it little coiifc--

i.ik tic. Tlie ilutliK ot a Sirrtiry of ur

BBBJ .'"e "t apt to If my onenma In llo-o-

. we, nml In any nt the country lil f. . I

HHV i wlili ( (Iuam In the iHihltion nhlcliHHV Mr Si amok hu Jiml v.ii nteil. Tl kIUIi ul

HHV 1,1-- of tln fiilJcct. lioweMr, i'i.s.,,1 n

HHV li it li.terrttluK I'lttuti . ll h tiotloal h th it

HHV t'.T SlAMII.N rt'loxil to I lltlHTl ..lit cl ll- -

HHV il.ire l y Mill", iliuhlorlii-ill- " lli'iml' ii'- -

it uttiiltiil lil llittl.ii k. tiMlllifii Imirli t'iyti.oli lil ilenrliire. Ili iimlcmWiil olji ct lu

HBV III " nnllhKthU lnllnll.v wlililihcriieU"!HBV iios In llmiu the Illty of uiiiomiI

HHJ t ilu-l- li.oil tlio lVivlitenl, in. I ul Uiv nioiie

HH I, iic iimkn of liliiiM'lf 1 Unit i!hm lu.ilyr.HH he la.l ri!(in-- l there llituht hne If li Ii m

fBVj t' .iin e In inako (lollileul eijilt.il g ih.fl thefBVj pr. II. lit, mill llheulae hln clinic fur l.im- -

HH I I, i.i utt up the iipiilallon or :i lnailrr, fur

HH tli. ii ioiiI I lint hule hoiil, iu lie li" w

HH I hi, the luipiiwloii or the J'riMent'ii I outHHV '1 hire h uo nlileiHv, liowcier, lint I lie

HHV I1' nil lit n III Hie !out tliimroiiii

HJHJ i' ul takliiK tlie rerpoii'lMllty of inn. v.il.

HVSJ l il i tic. in,liLlly l that li" put a lno h

HMVJ t v. r iktlintte upon tlie linpoitanee of thatHHV I i thiin ilhl Mr. !r.M. In eoii.hli'rlruMhi'HBV i nM'.iieiieeof thlriinoal. It Uiwt Ultlleiilt

fBVJ n fi; lu the Brt platHi, tint Sr wttix ulllatHBVJ i come one nf Hie llatlleul Idoh anil u

HB i t'linua CAiitlltliite fur the l'n uhlene.v.

HBV I. ii. r.il (iiuxr, nil the eoiiirare, U ' i:il- -

HBhJ i thiouietl, to Ur :t the IUiUle.il nml to

HB I WiUti' HoiifO 1 cuneeniftl. The factBBBj 1 ' in liu eoiinnileit Ui take SrAXTnx t "

HBfl I ii temporarily will at onrc I.i inic hlin lu- -

HHfl 1 i npuU) with the I'vtn inUn, notwilli- -

HBBj i ' m:.ii the fui t tint l.e liiw only ult yid theH i ii of hi- - rotllury iiK-il- ly iKciiitiinKH in.-- rtatrelary of War. On the ollwr luml,H ill now cupel! to aee tlie Ii inoemiH i .ii rvailTt t enme oat atmotly forB iinreauil;4tef..r Pre lliin.

H ii i n ilrilrnl.H i ' w l'i piH l

nB i ii

HHl ii -

IV IIe uru nii i

H in v a iln

rii ' .'iiH ii li

BHBBJ irlc i iilii

HBBJHBBJ ill pu ai.HHb ti t.o j Jin in ii.

B ii' ui hKHBVJ M li '...In, u.cui. NatureHBhJ Iiii ii ii I i vi u In tin'HBHg Mi-r- rviiiutt-i- . i.i

HKHJ lined ' W ! r ' k n- - U"l.illl;iiHb i : mtili we Hud i ,i!i:i; ii.i.mI-- .

I 'I It II miini'wlint idiitrulitr II. it Ihcn i.f t...

HS ii l ilt nallolll whhll irate II li. -- I I'lirii -.

H fi , inant to manly tport. 1.11 .11 ul the hl.'h.

t?'l i natlenal Iwltki. There ,nt lai r..l

I ..( of porl. 1'lrnt, lli.'le it'.lrh tlvi"

) u nerealloii, oveielwi and liynit'il ' 'llw, in. it ilelilment to in rullty,

hi null, H11..1: tilikli ollir 110 p!iytluil ml'. 111.

t.i.i ', mid uhlcu ate either liulul orIlUMi-lia- ll li a good type of tlio flrl

I (I andjirlzo-flghtlDKUl- c

' icriu lu llplfy Hie latter, llmllhful iportiS iImik tn It ciio'iiiraijtid, provided that per- -

? 4 iilclmii fealuuu l e l.f pt aay from Ihetn.! Tie dl oiltlon lo luaaiil money on (he Itiue

I'R fjrauira U lo Lu; dtmiulkd. for ciuihliuir la

thi ramc tldtic w'.i In r ,t t . 1 iran . ..f fir 1

lira punc cf I ai'. Tl n f. re, while It !

U t' itii.Mrii' rptirts wtlih prom. i

hrallli and had ..phrleal linpiotctmtit. It

henld tc the aim of all who dolre Inrtirh MntMrinrtita to prune Hum of th-- '

(tnil'llne etlla. rnphlly m cmlMe. TnkiV that fjaliire and Ibtrrwlll Ir 111.1I1I111;

teprrTctit riKh ;Hirl from altalnlnr af po uUrlty ainorr: rfif taMe elT

Lteh thee new can otherwise reath. l'rlnf .rtiUna It hnilal ail litliuman. and -- li hiN' dbxvntitrtuii'Cet. Cant phi Ins ruin-- I

o it In It Icmlency, and should If ruled outli it wonkl not tie t.l.u rll muMc If

11 i' t t f. r the emMlng that attxhitl'1 It. '. ut Ii ought ellher to If n formed or

at o Jored. lian-- pUyltic and. fit r m iiil n ort are eommefxlM In them-nl- t.

but the? vu!d tc Imptoted I y tulln-l- yUrv )iUi Uir practice nf ci mllrin f..r

ittkca or prfe." All rportt that l ndt.' rf'Ht't'' p'yical wfll-ltlui- i. wlthiiul u

i 10 morallly. detent it.iuuie mlail 11.

t't oily Utmm of Ike p.t1 they dothe pi.. who r: gc In t'lera, hutaln- - rcaut , ho lt."mhei '.!.. eertla dral:i y. . u,ui a t.i livtu j

i s it llul r f'Ki .'tn a .J Uallful.


.MrHrtraaean llnm-.- '. n. I'j.Mki.au, Ju! !'. - T.

In rry t(t 1 pforrnnl n il r of tU li-- n

--urn 7vl oh IV lory Ule.iBjaytne a ba.f down HrMtf iiibalatitud

f . :r itory t nthllao anatiired t- - mrro ikI ar.i.!u'r c f rip ccajfo, t ut all catered froma Niui'.r larvr fiMiay on Mcitrict. Thru j

f t : t!u l.iwerf! .r ali-t- " Uti.iiiy ofat. r ,i'y r . le ms.hltiery, dilvi ti lynf, ,v

Ik rr. f ft.. !o 'king mule., tlie who'e over- - I

lo at..l mnvt"d,'y anninym n. atdattuetb jut ai! fie reaahilrt; ul .tloa In

..c:. v. etii. Itea of Hie elte. A youfiller tV f.t ay and afe p'-- . ul In the cureof f .. '. (le.t yun t 'ritc me of the In-l- v

r thive l u; ri er'yj yiia noili-- thata t'.ru! t'.luc lurktlllmce li elerelncd ovi r

t ry rmp.':i of the rilatllahim nt wlmtutiiol I. :iu. Ktni ty loan iiitt-- t tie opiu-e- d

and full oiitn oahlbitn), and linlecd nil thecare eaereUed toproiildi.itdatioiiii, wl.i hWe are accut..iiiitl to hi ouly In our papt rumuey makiiii(-iutU- i. On llw loner flooryouDndtlH' tol ucii Iniea twWlnd hi tnmlorm to Le left thua f r ahoiit tlx luonthi fora intlliluary ftrtuenlatlou ; then, with utouli' iotrcr triphammer It li c.lioiwtt upand pawn np Milri for other pririthmii,Kfure It emeriti in the romi of "rhrnr-Ittoi- ."

Illti kmnltli., t iricnteriiil('iio-r- n'

bopi alio abound 011 thin vr.. 111 1 U nir, aialt.ir nf il,, r neenuatiU i (In Spmlnhj Idle,

Ihouirli they do not em fliiwfl with WJiH'J ho ureatetl eurhwlty l, hoiu ver llir mile

or ill.'"1-- ' uf loom up ftiiirn, In vhith ihe(inn 11 are eriiilnyitl. ii ti a trowdttl "elly"

of lliem (.ten Lowell canmi .iint. 'I heir prin-cipal occupation U 111.1k liii the klifjretloaor mna)l tiioti of piiH-- tilled tilth tol'inco.Crottdfil tnmtlicr aroninl low tuhle-- they pit

here .1 til'itlii r nxklnir Hie rudle Ithiinl hiror nt a litlle dlit tutu In on.!, hy im .nm (ifHill. i! mi hir font, nutl there n Ullli lite jenrold RliI, with her puie'iturv uiak

Ini! pmRrei in lm 111 ly In lesrnlntr. theone oeeilpillnii of lift, tvlille yomhr eietpfind liiIKh nnd ply the youii'ti r lltilo hum.The whole cui one linnn'iiw I itiilly. rininii

look healthy ami luppt othern fUU mideare-wor- himio arc of tllp-- U'uuty, and

mine, tliouifh ft vv mmpiratlvrly, are old nml

hairxinl. I'ld" NortlHTii eoiuplniilon arenet'ii lde hy ld with the lUtkut lolored of l

hp iln, while all the Intrrineill He fliatlen ur- - I

nninil tin in. Tin-li-- l and will" are itnuri'd 1

with lho.11 mjeti rluut " iilnollnea" audi11 hoop," all Imre to the uwr-t'- mid w lilt themluiim many pretty dn ( . 1 he'e worl(-liop- t

lire nlaii ilnmlti( looni, ami Hi'um.' ttniklin;'pottiii are iluuiKeil Im ;nudy lltlliiii when

their iMvnpuita appear In thueliy. 1'iillyilien . of inure cnutetiui'tico tliun eniiifutt !

r.ii.nurli ofSetille. C111IU l 11 elmnly nml,

I utioiilil npH-- e, n hi'.ililiy illy. JlnniniT,I mn told that It U one of tlnw fully pliei twhi'ie one tiny lltu at mull rapeim; It he

' tni k o In tlo. 'Ihe lotlern itnlein nf Innoel iillilluir around 1111 on e nirt heie tlr-- t

mnirliil our i.ittli ulnr nUi'iuinn. It hi'

nt only tlieadvaiili;i of ureilcr rlvaey II1111

we AiiiiiIiwik injoy, hut periiiltn 11 letterIri ulnllnii tit nlr In the dlllei out iipp.irluieutii,

'unit I linn oupoMil to luiiuUrloiii ttiiliniiie.1 titlfiTit illutttmtp tills ni.il the Inrireor whliii fudla i the port hy uWrihiiur Ihe

li'ldenee ami wine taiilla of Motni.i y M0111,

in rthe tiillllontlret of I'adlr. ; t I while I

in il. luilia mid (ill rail. ir limit lu Ihe c.

(Inr ilepatlitre fiom (ilhrillsr w takenwith Ihe Ifi.t poo'llile preparation. A diyUttrwehud evpieted to linte fur Midntri,

mid Ihetice to (lnitit.il 1, hut 11 hen we learnedthill the "VIllatU-Malai-ri" wat In purl, mid

would fin irtly leave f r Call, our "lrip"weie Illicitly iraikcrcd, aud with not n Utile

Yatiket! iiiUIIjii, we found nurM-tti'i- i on

lniRid. llul our Imir iliv In (iibrall.tr had

Ueit in w II Improt etl that we could leateiheplaee ttllli Utile rutfrtl. Our new Cip-tui- n

lttolnn riam licur, of ll.a to- - luadet'terylhhnt 011 hi Utile teifit nt plena int t"ti an porible, mid, on kutliitf; rnn iilomrilile

the Quaker City to aiTonl niher pvnuow,It uny were fo an opporliiiilty lo

party. Tlioujih none ni'tiitd le.idytn dn thlf, I Irnve 'lure leatiud tint two oftlii'tn bml pacl.t d tip and were irettiti'; IntoHi" ktnull holt when our dinc'iuroiji d captain

f iti tin' word "lit. ronlo." We luwl a plem-a-

p(i.i 'e --our party of flu to CinlU.I ptulu I'ln I'll ' w in much Intereiled In

ur lilp. Hid t'.. lid till HI of the Ann rli'.mtli il- - which h ul recently left Hnlb water",nun w..p.;u - .tui' diy In (llhrultar, cx 1 -

In., (n hi. t tti'inrj nbirmau uiucnu tlie1, ' t I ItV- - i" ciiein. Krota liltn. t. i,

. I'm l'i. 1. .1. of Itiiatliieiiawtlu Spiln,' . nit' tn 'In . iii u Unit ! had lu-t- h

il fi n t 1.1 .1 itf ii our lawtj ih part are,Ii. 111.' Hint we klmiild (.'iilii t'nillt and Ki

till. with, il losing t e Allium! in. and withHi to i,nlu a tfrtat auiiuid with .ti.l. lit ut-- t.

11I oil alii .ctlniit. Couiparatltely ii'.. '

r. Mcp d a t iitufurtiiUii uliiht, mid lo-- 1

'1 .1 uim'Hi iiiili' aKrcrubly nt tlio ''Hotelt.i Pir."at 111 eur'y hour the next mnrnl ig.

'Iln 111 ln'iii ruyaltn Gibraltar wiu notii' n . a lilt: j pli.uurc trip, for the liorih-- 1

.. i'vl...t Hill enntlliuixl, tUollgll Willi

n.i.i t .i! no. Hyliiu ii't.iy ami con-e- -i

icii t tv dt 1. with t'ri.h iin if na-il knot d.n.i' ..il llni'vli H"i il.'lnotnl-- t

- tier., ii inh II. e Lille Ii"i.iiii' of n'att..il. Ai I ft, 011 ll.i' iiioii.Iii of Kut ndiy,J li e .'.nil, Hir itii. ol Uiiio and Alil nw iim II'. '1 dv altnn'ted nm-- t alien-- 1

tl .11. I t . ililii.cily tl.llih . w'nl'' Hit At--

iifriiiii- - wire tiluiokl In't tli the lulflyiii l.' ! With little of It.e'di nt I tyoiid lb"in, t. Hi nf film; lai.d ami d. Illuiit, Unt-nn- d

il.l , tti; .teiii .ul kteadlly iJoii'x until, at1 Jo'' hi I. our iniehor waa diiptd lu tieI it I or ol d'.lrittur. 1'iuentl)' Hie Uuiltli0IU1 vr appiarid, ai I a he teppid oti htm. I,

hinideil ti.piuiu In. man a It'll IT. II K I

writhed, In that IU liient, tli it I could lute 11

letur! sin 1 how my luart bounded when myname w.n called, mid W didr c.itui) lo myhand! I Jt wut pluikaut Uiu to Le k'rruted

I with the bte.t uew liom limucaud I lit Jfar away. 'Jo our worthy Coniul, II. J.Swjuc. iju.. InruurJv. I LeUtilu. of Uot. I

' ..ti I w i I 1I1 lid f. r (h - wtll a- - f..rMlirr T'i tl n 111. lir (. m . l'n p.

r i.f - l..,,"iiii In iiif ai d f.01 llynil! l . .. li ill n ir fr. 111 Ihe intiidietiwhireiiow lint nrflmi.iiri.it

llnd I lien wilhoiit etpcrlmee of ai oldIrnt. Ir, 1 hniild hire Iteti I

ll.ii, k, In (III rilt.ir. A It wn, all llihiirltmtl Jut In until without .'ifpi-l- ntf myrp t.ilini'1 The miliary rink ilmn notcrmpare with our New Itmrlnml irraiilti Inti'xlute. w that Ihe i ttm-ii- r an

ihey arc, lute been etfcctnl with lei otl.d'orfid time than many rn mr My

I tlew of Ihein, tl.niiiih Minuwhal lnnly, wi reeonij Iflc, atnt atfordcil l ruin h of

The town ll.rlf ln n crrater prpnlatl 'nthan I hhl rrtt.tl In And: a populniiniiliowr. which Hew and tiioTC" only fur inrlwith Hie j.aiti-i- ii. It la, linheil. it irandpauper, lih ( wholly. It wm. ihi themoney irranlt nf limit Mrilaln In mpport ofHit tiwiM. Key (if Ihe Mi ihtrrranctn,''1 ki t hlth. In the n urn ol Monitor. Intn noIn k. The hn.k Itw II m'tir an Inecnlarn it rl-- fmm Ihe CMremlly of a low I

pft.hwuhi, a milt or more hi dlannttr at It- -!

Iae. to Ihe liklit of Mine J.'IPU feet, olle I

tort of ihe iih are prvclpliniii, and here areplcrcd the ripenlngi Into Ihe lotif; ratitfca oftimnr. whliti form the cer fauioii. fortfeM.fl.dl Hie fortrcal may Ir Impn tjnahle hyU'id or water tieed nm be donhittl. Iml whenit Li hat a r n k and lomniainU nolblnx uita trip of waii r and liatl, of 110 mf rteu totheowtcr In t lui1en,ii to that ownerU eotne Ctjnklly a ii.nitcr of ct rtalhly. Thecool walk, and louiigttu; pli'.'arc Ihe Utlntof ilM toilrcf. aial If Uiey wen. nmrNew York or vme reni rlly whrre un.tnerIh'Mi are npprwthe they would ti.dlyIIM. fill.

Ihe mixture of iialknatliU nml the mill--"

rule ty wl.leh the fort aud town arcl at iinikt lie awonK the nollii al'lc

Not a little of Africa nilaee 1 ere withthe fllff and prim l!tielt-- h minnew, and thetu.nirbil chatter of Fnnth and S'ltnihli la

heard at nery (tnni r. The oceallto repnrt onr af arrival, waa my llr.l pliee1 rcwirl. though I tlntll t mneh Ir the Hi 1

mr atnli(litti,til i..v UiodwpaUh Hut I

lildror. II.

A I'lfii lor 1'itper ,llnne.The ll'iimton 7W.7r.71t attthnJ the JiCopIe

of 'lexni to tike, eiirn nty hir lliiir liiunut-lti- imeilliitn, and Hltcl tome ntroiuf. teanoiia

lur Ihe ( haute i

The people of Tuna would do well lo pre-r-ethvtiiMlii al once to idnpi tlir currt

liarlx, for II l iml imlt t'lf utere-- t of theiitlre commuidiy, but It I u rtain lobe .me

t neei'iiMt) , 'Hie rullro.nl. h ite ndoptt d It,'Ihe Pt nltt Hilary will ml 'pi II. The Malt-wil- l

mlnpl 11 in Hie I' lleelioii ol all debit duelit r from riilrnnd ami u rporutloiit. Iiielii ii.lil.ii li r'n'- will 'i.n II The I urn Mm -

ill adopt il 'J he hot - ill mlopt II. Ami. nil ,i"lueii L'eneiallyIt. .. plini, .,,,, Cvi.cn the

lull. I Inllnu iih II lllrtlttl 01 . i,, tot llicfpiyniriit .'i i nil ,. W.

I.ir I11U11 1111.I .tun - enrri in t, li...alMiihiiiiinil llul Hi li ul! .ttiillopiinliiv.the tliluu- - Hi .1 to. tin htniK ol Hair Imiii-ll- et

In currency. Ihv n.i "thiiiut will 1

iiliit'lltd In take It h r their tiierelntiitll'e,tin' I'luiili m uinl urineialor Hull lundiue,nm k lin n lor ll'i 11 Hoi'l.. Ihe lali'Hiwnt inI.ir Hull In d. mid Lie 111 11 hi tun 11 lur theeiiiitt tit- - ol th. Ir ti.illt,

llii Unheal iiii.ny ol Ihe coiiiiiry, andnot r.. Humility lobe Immlil nml mhl, atour ttipln In. c pruitli ly mr.line ihe (li.ni.r tin wnt. theriby rmiiiliiaiiniiiKC to the law, In Ihe policy ofllu eirtulry, to the iiniiiil ufeapiUil, aud toIn the Internal! of Hi" State, (inld l 11

lo be botiuht by Hioie who w.i, tinteiirrimy. Th'. ui 1, Iln n fine, Ihe wholeMate loiiroriua to ui.iiilui.utuU on Hit i.ub-Je-

tbeltllir.Nti Ii idluie tU'lario fnr Irelnnd. I

A dlmur-lii- n mi the pwnl aiati of Iro- - I

lllid. Inwitrdp the end ol Inl-- y wanlnii, tloltt

lint protiii-- e iinyttry ptntlnl Iml

Ihe 10111lltl.n1 of piitllct I in 'V ho pu iliu ,

mid Hie ein iiuifbiiiiea ol litlvtd hate1, il, within the l.ol lew im, 1,111 , mi iiiiii Ii

iittetitlnli. llul the lime ol the lliilltfof I it

eaiitml l.e aittl in Icne Itt'ti loft Intn the tit bllle which Mr (.'ollilill

ll l.oirlil. iiiiii il huluiir.lil. 'I hat nun,IllotWll ill'I'O.ltl n If lolllplllllvlll'll.t III Ihe(jnttillimt Hi, eillinot bnnrth.it Hit;

ImuIiI pin iiway nlthoiit m.y iiieiiMire ollinpoititiiic In Iitliiid hutiiiK It en pmpo-u- l.

'Ihe liiipith iiio t.l' 11 fit lb I the Iii li

to liun'OKii ut they lind howlunch hut I tf 11 ilolie Im I .nulunil In t ..ni--inii'i I llilUillnli. 'ihe ,i Mill .11. in,whh II llilithl luite In I'll ileliilld lo the di.It. u ri lllid the ri Hint ill nf totne ol lielll.d'anioiii". Im beiii tiil.cn up Willi ll,c In.'loiiueailnii ol Kelorni. The Inillili ttnikln;I hue., I. v tin Ir nictliiui nnd ih uiiiiittPiibnit,lute tifitnliied a dealer uli'irc ot iillriilnuiHun Iln inuli nili'iiu, llionuli Hi" I iln r h 11cih ill. il in. mil 111 nofinlili'il, nnd iillttiijiliilto liulit tie well 111 I0111.111I1. The I'ciil in--

with nil Ameili.i ut tin Ir luck, lute been pmthe in' ioti of In- - trntuilul Inn of

one oiialder.il le bl'lh, .mil Ihe 11 medial let.Hon lor In lind - al 11 in Ihe lutiire. IllsI I rt.dul v h nil Inr It toll Im mlir. In Ik'l'Iii the

Inn wlih Ihe i't i'Mtlon of aplrltitl Irlrlidel till', mid miupii hen-lt- e iin nml tnllnd Ih.il II - id In 11. 'Hi Inn but the cici- -11. ill nl' an niltlllloiml lil.h I h.uieery .litiUe,'I lie til il I'ntee which rtippliia tiietiiy and

iitriitbiii ttcvhiiUKtitloii Midi a tu?k 11a i1. Tin 111 Hill, nnd, boldca, nil olln r Inter, ala

look mull for the lliiie, mid the lli'ii-en- l'

C.illllllnlla t'jinunt hlhi ll't If tn toil lu it'Willi r which uppiiir will able In unit.

Mm with nm hle.i. the pit poiinili lire.iiiuly or Ihe liitirpn tela ol erieiuiice. maylook upon their iepcclie auljieia 11. iiiioiu- -

imrnl'ly liiipoituiil, nnd wonder Hut tliell'.ii.c oI'l'oiiiliioii-Hli.nil- il lette lliem mm

Inr 1111 hour, bill Hinae n Iiomi ayiiipithlt!mid itlorttmc ni'-r- Kt11e1.1l, Jiuteu fillernotion of polltlt'il pel aieetltc, nml pencltuHut there Ii wink lo Imiliiiie (hit acahnitvhleh ahnuld II tee precedence of any lrl!lleijl.litliiii. Yd II it inn In In li'irnllul UralIhe tt.nitt ol' the Irlih iienple. u i xiil.iliii tl by

their lllltoeiili a lu I'll llullieiit, kln.iilil In kept1 lore thi' Cut lint, lure Ihe tiiutlera whlih

are well dheiia-i- tl iu one -- ivalnn 1110 bellcr( r, pared lor Ick.1.1 tllnti 111 Ihe ncM. l.mrtmJim-- :

On Ihe atiinc itlbjeel Ihe A Mr iiyThe old I'lttflicc Hi it Irtluud It loynl h

diaappcttrcd. 'the exiituinu otla cuiueaattl, Ihe etila uiidir wbUh ahe aiil-le-

ru mliiiltlul In .uieMiimilikuitmctllet. Hut when llicte lire nakul lor,mem .buna are nllerttl. I'mb Ii are .id- -'

tuneitl in their jU'liiliiitioili audwheii iiiiiIII. -- iml, in 111 il uieiidiiliy 1. lurilly linniKtroin Abotn all, Ihe Im-- t nf U11) 1 k.aiinee ofup nly plcU'tl to 1111,'iinni'- - wbl. h wouldre ill.v'aatialy Ihe country U ateulilj litnoitd,mid eteii by liiipln illnii ilenh il. 'Ihetlebntuof liltt lilltlit will alllllee at Iraiat lotkpoae Ihe liilaity nml tumrity ofllni.e prcti neea. lly pnrlluim ni.o.t dexteritymil eiitlru iibM'ine of piiiiilpte, Mr.Ilinmi li h.u atallul hbnaell' of iluleieiiei 1 luthe Literal paitv on the aln le iiiieallon olIt'to I'll lo all tie hut ill(lioll. 'J ho Iiiahim in' era owe It tn III. ui- -. Iti t 1111 b.n.'ir toiaml mid niin.'iilly. eten nt a miitii r "I politicin a or polu'.v, Mr. liiarm ll'a ituti iu uuiilp.Tint iliitiuiuhlp hi 110 lean In II, midimt much Incut. Il i Kukled by pnrly rtiu- -,

Mi Ion Ii it deroll ol KoiKmut liiailncta,I:cr lla IHniullly U men ly iph uii 111. Ire-

land will, we billetc, ill'iiKard ita men Ml.chilli tiiieliiiitiona , and will loiitllilic . im litiiopi'tullv the riiiUiX'tll.ni of Hut poll,-- , inwhich tlie l.lta-ral- t hate, wlih icoi I

lind, in' Mime. Willi iial eiithualaaui, Imuudllieiiieie.

Kllk ( ulliiiii In ('iillii'lutii.Any fiiett In Illation to theiletelopmeiit nf

in w Ini'i liiea In Calll'onilii, Iroiu ifhntetirIniitlity llii-- may tonic, uie uflnUre-- l lo the. the people. T'ure la no reia-'i- why llul

pi.ileol Si vntl 1 county, wh In Ihey y

ti.i'.l nl' Hit luulib'.-- t wt ilili In1il.1l 1'. mat ti

their toil, imiy not nit" look with pi Mc lit thelli- -t ill ttlopuiellt 111 Iilllllalllet whlih lire I al- -i

1I11I1 lio pnpiil nlon UiiKcr llcntthe utir tioioted in tin. puluiici-- l day" ol uiiu-li- i.

VVe hate heiitofuii) ahow 11 with whatpi oil I may bu piirtueil, mid InntU'lcll the ii nndliiteicta may bit nine II iiiiuttlll only irraapthe l ei. ( tin wlili li tututn hut hcru plueidwllhln till le.iih. VVu ure 11011 ( unbind toplace our rriidei the icault ot .

poriteeiil in Mlk.rowlti'; by Mullcr.v Uoard,of Hilt city, whlih ilcliiimatrutiss ihe auperb .

orllv of .NttuJa cutiulv 1.1 uv olh'

tbr "' r,.r 1 ir. Ii ti 't!i.l .ii' lit Tl ( 1 . 11U1 Ii..

in 111 I it iiitiiiiirt- Irii. iik'lit 11 ii- - ' 'nl, ui "o iiuiii.y. whlih am eniwii.it

reailll X HO norm-- . Whlihhate produced coioona whkh cannot leImproiid upon anywhere In the

They thtt llif.-- e

tun lrtc would rally fird f'.nnOworiiit. Out rfii 11 rg rent In bin bt-- Prr-to- tt

they only lo- -t 17. and llieoe were klllulby a Alaittt e.cu weik ayn Hir-a- e

iftilh 1111 prta nnd tin-- irir" rr. 111 l'i to.tI irt or llirlll wire hall bill. wl i tin y

1 Iii y arc nil m w ji,,ictnil mil tintlo-- t ailk Ciarntitt. Il.r totooin aretillnra rich trnv ei lor. wllh atum whilenm and 'tlte a hnini-e- or I rhihl ortin.feIhey w Hilly nm fourllt I irxrcr Hmii Ihrrin.j lea .ml 1 I'nto.i rrom .'lUI .loac. and

in prniiniruc'l by reiiili mi 11 who are r.ntl.llir wltli .IIU c'.illim to nlivllni hi eeterun. Tin eoeom. are haril Hi I aolld.mil I be llk of the linen trtturp Mi.ili r midNonnl, niter riltetlitic a bit of im-.ai- Toreifir. pnip iac wllh tt lalame tn intn'tetcIhe pnai-.- r. r (he pritlneilnri id .Ilk I'orIhl piirpnai- Ihe ihryatll will be Hifiil luIhe aim. (hit hut hehl In Kite n rhherthan any arllftml lni. 1l,e ft nth nu n

Ihi ittrluitiit ire Will autl-ln-- d

a I'h It aiifri, and ire roIhc lo inlerInrifilv Inln th,. eiditire of allk W'r adtl-- e

all wlm enn fiiiiillbirlte tin mat lu with IheJiii'l-- lo d . ., and plant niultcrry treet.'I Ida liiduatrt la ifrllltK.I In I eutlie a en it

iiriorlfi ibnte who eniiize lu If,tnd lo Kiially Hie wcMllh of Ihe.ilte.-- (i Trunin itit

Mlro llticrtncA writer from I'orwt lllll, Cullf.1r1.L1,

aayiiIt nil hfrc that nltrtvelyccrlne wn flrl

d Mien ttfully In Uie liiinea. or rutin r. It j

waa h ue Hint II. line rir ttilnln: pnriteawn li.--'l eniit .t Alter'tin) iptrlmtj-l. with the elliloaite l.iildh ul hi en nl in. .billed on Iln- lentril I'm Ihe '

llillroid aid tlnnln-.- t In lhi Mile. Mr. j

.nu utom 1 Ik- - 01 the irt'irt In the S' nlhAmerican. touulit anmet f II to Ihl elnl.ii, j

10 d. after le j It he to mike p. ti .1

tin n hi lii i'le It I n tlienilr- id. I Ii" tin In !

thlailalni now pnfer nltti iHu-rlm-1.. inw.ihr. nnd ineakiir tier nnd Ittiereurrway. I Mil wllh Mr. 1111 Kmiunii b.r lull ti'hour, Ixlkinn; in nhmty. with 1 muiii t

the irliiiiotiit- In an opeirbottle not ten feetrimn 11.. It n Im:. .iiiinr tin t lie 11.1

luiidle il with etiiiildenee. I'iflu- . mendo a inueh work with iil aaIwciiiy i l,;lit rlkl ukibi powilcr waa U'ltl.The l it lot broke ofl Ihe In h i'ulump, which hid In be bn ken up by pick-iiu- r

or bit. Hub, and the Idler ahatlrra It illto phei" i! oiiie Mr. lit atner, nf r'.notMil', h.e. h id a rlmllar eit-tl- i nee, Thi t- -1

nil ir atltiintnire of aliallerlmt Ihn bl.u-ttt-

tin-- . I. ('. 11I11, . I In lenient, but llu re urnolbi r iletlilitl iidvantuia in worklti-- iiiait.,nml Hie pn "iitnpHnii I Ih il in ft te.nttl", iini'tl ni of bl.i.llnn powder will Litii liiiiih iiduied.

.lliubnlll in' Hi nib In llutnln.'Ihe null ippy fate id the Arihduko

hut cuii'.al i profoiitid icnaatlnu lu

Ihl capital. Ilwi. hoHil lh.it tin) CuiledClilea would alio to pretent IhitMCCiitbiiiot the Iiio-- t tloltnt Hireata of thi! r. 11' li-

mn- In Mexico, but It l How aten how lt

nl Ihe tllnrta ol the iimat lihiidlr I'murtire when ttpplltd to lurlairuut Hint il

ptoile. 'I be 1. 1 Hi it Ihe uiiforlu.tuilL Maxlinillni lite I orilerul the pultiiui Inil. itliol HUral round In nun la tint (oataluhl of In te. H t admitted thU he (al

a bid preeuh lit , III with nil tin 't i

Iruiiitlhi-; In tiniMi"" 'a In l.itnr ol II

trae jiurttiitl h'a iiiibm I

Inh'"'' ami ii-i- ny all well.llCkm, men oriiitny after im- . ... p,!niied bt Iln Il'enl an rorirot, "'.

1'i.Mcr will eat.ilill-- h dii'loiiu. ' "',leieolir-- e with III" republic. '1 be I mil..Mulia wdl In ihe (riiniiluiti ol the Inlin alt nlnil i:iii.i,'eiiii I'nwert lor 11 limit Hint totoim;Hint It. II llu lepoit which lint innn t 11

ttnil the Lulled Sliiloa will not aitnl .1 luliil-- tir

lo Menlto Iti nil Irun. In Ihela Inn-I- t III.' Iv lint the Vcvlcin will

lint In' llliUOJed liy IwhUh li're-i'lltnllt- ofant l.liidnnill they ciin ahow Hit mnlt; '

cliilliitl. Af 11 now they are in tnewiifi io- -ii le odor Uimiil.'jUt l.uiope.t(. f..n'-n- v ' mi. ir.iM.

1111, kmi i.i tiimrt atuno him: iiFCtV.il.ntl.li 1. mi tun.

pnir Pilnctti t'liiihilte la In be brouubtnivty Iroin Mir.uiui. wbtie they a.iy tliowant tn i t.if, to inar Hrii-- l, and lurIn nlbi 1 nml Ihe Kluu and IJunii

lot Ui. I'nUli. a It nut In anini Ihlnit ..rtheiu. nniiy ol the old J. al.iiitly ih.il u- -i d to

lielwtcn the tioor Inly mid In r Utter-iiitiire- il

'i when tiny hud theirlittle mult mid lit! lil'-'i- l court pritt-i- h

in r. nml ainh Hill. -- , tllll I in- - I"" trout-le- dbi.iln. mid uiaki Inr iinwllllni: lo reliiin

II I olleii add lint tllaeonteuttil with hirmH1 hi Bvtniilv diiuthler id tlie Mine by the

iiiidirtlde of fu-- edali iw. tin- - htlrn-iiircut-

ttll'e, woikliitf on her burly nnd mil- -I In,. n I' t r, piitl.i-t- l lur to ill ite I irn-.- l

Mix tow ml llait aludnw v Imp illtin. mc The o'd alory ol Inr luv-- I

iivc l'cn p'llMined In Mexlui, It nllnd nnd nn nllenipl mule In confirm It.The new tcrthin la licit her mulled mini theleiirueil .iml -- kllllul lr lliilheiia, hiitlnif I ceilImpiiaaid with cirl.ilii ill nnrni'il aymplimniu Ihe nctlill cninlllloii of hi aiiill palltllt,laia iirrltcil bt dlHu'eni .liuly of lliem to theiiiiii Hi'll i r liientiil "I lie I'lntiol leaoh lv nwitu: In iiiornl enii-e- . nt work alneehir ileii.i ri urt' Inr nml llul in nil

n nl iblllir "Mime iiblh pnlMin lenlly wjvtiiiliuiiii'li til lo her by the lialtnri who In -- t tl'n- Cnurl ll ( c ' Tlie new tei.lollol the olil ttory tiniilil bedieply Itiicreniin;,II true. I lie ino.t I0rm.1l uiitliorlly we nt retline Inr It I the .l,m,,it,i! jHjJvm I'yo. I

lion t t Ihcie may not I e 11 Woraeill I ilnn'l kimir nru wor e nne Ih in

Iiil- - iiiitinal h.it l ieu on .ill Mi Mi, 111 midiiiUlei. Cm. Irilmtu.

A I'IiIiih .lliirhhie.'

Ciillfortiln piipi ra Kite Ihe pulleul ir of ateiliiiuiitteiiipl lu lluil Mule ut nrl.il IncomeII1111, Tho liitentor of Hie " Alitor," a the' l lul" l culled, l Kreil.il" M irlntt, of ,S ill

rniiiclato. Prictlcal enitlnur' nnd lueihau-- ,iea h lie lot k d Into Hie pilni ipb ' " It eon-- Itlllll lloll. 11 pniliollllle II fi'iiaible. MirewdinpiialHa h.ite liirnlahol Ihn ineiina ol' -iii

. 'Ihe eoiittrtti tort me iia wi II

ol aiieica it wire Fulton, Mttcnani nndMor-- '1 he iiioiilitt tin it w Im liitctl hnte unil.. nl, I 11a lo the prnlilt. Al Shell Mountr.ll'k, illiollt lillli'lt'tl lililea llolll rMtl I'lilli- -

I l,ui. u lii(.--i' buildiui; lua lull 1'Ulup for Ihn purpoae, iind uintilna theuiitlnl-he- iiLii'liiiie. In It

both li nml 11 bird .1

lililinp, ahorl-- l tllul bird in Hielutt ntlltlni. rrom item In alern -- or rv

inlin r fi' in tilll to ruin). I lit iVit ubll" the' tall mill -' b'cl inore. lla IriiHter-- c illitnt-- -

II r HI Hie l.ime-- t purl la ! ft el lit wlli(HI'MlIld loletloll aide, mid tlltiaolon-tlructi- tl

tlntt one lairl la ulwata uiilaprttul,whihi linolliil-li.U- l motblc til the will nftin- - engineer. he lull, whli h it like Hut ofn flali, will It1 under Ihe tunic emit nil, anilnun 1"" tn. o ed nnd ih tleetul la to dn1 ll nilHie iiiliiinlr.tfe nl' u rudder. I lie tl.iletoiii.loriiuil nt I'.iiiibim pine- - nun lutui root 01 reuwood, liliiiul mid In id IokiIIhi by t.iica ol'alielmiil mpei ol lion. On Ih'a Irtiuie U

nl li lull ti toterliiK I Hue niu-ll- ol Ihealii, i'.' I 111 re. .mil e nlul with 11 till'lllallwh .li nm1. 1 ll iuipirtioua In itutur uud toKi- - Il to I e Ulli tl wiUipiiii' h.idni'eu, mid.mil will in Id 11,'iUiliuMt' tut.

8,1 I.ir, then, Hie luuibli.e la ilrlunlly ,, bal-

loon, nuil dcpeiiili lor ita .i.iyniuy midpower ol lu part, nl I1.1 t, nn iu aaiiuprm ii le iliu r hiiihinii. Km It 1a mtn U '

hio'c Hun ihla. l.et n- - look, tnr moment,ill Ita machinery. It I to entry, we me told,11 aiiinll Bteiiin eiiRliie, weluhiiiK (without theahiiiiluiO 01 ly i pounitt, ntid h.itiiitr iioiui.ml uf two mid u lull but

'ui in loin tun c.

ihe bolbr la tery picull.tr. An arrnnuo-- 1

e I of Cilp-t- III', looklllK liketl." I.. ill. -- nn 1. on nu oillcii lie k, uuduot much Inner, holdt tlie water ami iidiullalie hull liter Ibil la 11 atuiiiu millin leu itlve. 1 onr mal 11 naif inilhiiia ofwait r 11.. .tie boiler, uud a aiuali lioik linld- -

veil inoie Two 01 lliriti ofchreoiil uie ilnte nt luind. mid Iheae ctipplleaaie rt'KuriU-i- l iw auihuiiil I'm two huuia'wotkliiti ill lull 'pii'd.

Toiiielte tho iiiaihltiery tpneo U lift Inthe lower mrt ol tin' tn.ily, icudilui( lininuie In ait,mid to ..mint hilt Ihe In i,hl.'1 he power ia applied lo 11 Mull placed In lienpi'ir pirt ol thii entity, I iMcmIiiii;Ib1.11. Ii. To rai ll end ol llieili lit nil nrin taait u hid. it Mill leriiilnnlea Ina' lew. Phce atiewa iiieltieh'ri.n ltvibledb et with whit h Ibis duck la lu ti.nl-di- e

nml w nrk lla wilt in ihn uppir nlr. I'lieiiiii' lilnery ol lliee pri'pcllern ll to ud-- 1

il ita tn iinl In iim eniilmtr tninry Ihnlr m to 1I1.1 cxlcntof ulmty ihitutv, accnrdluirlt- a homay with tn rite, or hill, or mote Litem Iv lumy dlri'illon. To rle to any hilt-li- t U icluiiinil ho Jut to pV.ue her pro--rodler a an niitrlu ul lditrriwa or U.ji

) rr - ' r e 1 ,t'( wb lo or n't ('. ' rt il a tin-- ' in I he til il. r 'ii' a1, ii hrrof.'i ,1 rt. I- .- hi, hi tin ill' ticmailt rcjiiiii-l- . YVIilh tire trta-bo- r r.ttinlna In tr md iirdi r.xtnl t.i t wlrnf ribi tin Itipnt'ilnti, the cnniiot fall ao rapidly aa lorn-Idmc-

Hie llit-- t ol lur eiietureM, lienthoiiith the rm;li)e were out of npalr.

'I he eiietnicr or cotuhtclor I in oecnpy aanrl ofttltr cnirc. ceiilndiv placed wllhln Ihe

I entity wblrh ludda Hm miililnery. 'Ihe (Iremd the Tnel, Ihe ciix'lne. lailler, nnd i;iiiL-r-


mid the -- t. Im;- - n I n h mote Ihe train, an allrlne at hand. Hi cm look it. hut Untlull' h Hheid. Aa Iln re are nn breaker, norh lt .fr- -. hoi b uh ,r. . In iln it rial ikhii, aIron I ihw . ,,r Utile tlinllient.

One illllleiiitv ieiiia nol tn Mvc been rire-I'l- ti

'I ht altii't- - herle air m I he v bidedTrom Ihe I tr. before Hie bydro-ie- r in betn( In. Hut the lllll rM a prett it ' !lip-e- .

$'iliu leineily for thia tuiMt I e fnubd.

.Ilnuiilnrlnrr of Kelahla,W'c hue nnlhoritt In alnle Hint Hi r Mtjea-t- y

ihe (Jureii In li n pleaacd I" C'uifbr theilUnltt or a boriim I of the 1'nllt d Kingdom

tiui Ihe Illdii lion, the Iird Mayor, Inn mini miration of Hm1 vllt of III lmirrllMJety the Hultan. In lllti.tlloii irueal, andnl III llu Met rny of K.itypt. wlmw a the it'n t or the linti'ili, bo'h ..I wholillil Iniril-hl- t' li .tl Hn liniior ofrutlilint inthe name of the Co ..r the ( lly orLondon In a luniiin r worthy In all n .put otIhl- - ifnnt me tn.lla The (' leen IiikIu ii

lurtber pltn-it- l in dim I Hint the honor I

knltrhthintl ahniild be etinfl-rni- l noon Hietwo M.crlir. wlm hnte I reti niKlnlul w llhIhe I hb-- M.iitlalrate or the Clly on Ihl

occatloti. 'Ihite tiixfiireatatlnua of'Her M'ljeaiy'a pleaatiru wire ixiiiti'tnl tn theIiord Mayor Ut etudiu; In a eomiiiunhitll mIroiii I.rtl Derl y, who cxpretd the itnutKi ullieailoii ,'u Iml In ennitraiulililiitIda ln.iiUhii on their lion-- t

r, and up. ,11 llu inuiilliit'tilthe illy of Imdon bad (''-M-l

In Hie two llbl" rloll polilitate.The I.nrd Mttor- - In la.. f..rn ir l Mr ThoinnaI lei-- It a:.l In I. n itelil'i iiiiii of aimpiitnic hotiii e. nupiliiil iu nit rimilll" pur-auil-

Hi it allll in the piliuc of llle, and hiatie upiilntloii ol biibiff n hn ml, liitilllciitmm of bu linaa, of I'.lliuil le Inlcurilt, nmlan abb- lm.i(l-l- i ite. Hi tnni 'lid the onlydniurhtt r 1' Mi. Chut l'i iranii, the tileUnbent Cilt Sdliitoi. It wbotii he Im nlamily f Hint, ilnnt h'tia The Mn lilt --

Aldirimn W iieilmt tii.l.Mr. I'rni.rl l.tiell -n-

r.- men or cpially oni ni,ii.n imie In theilty. 'Ihey hue laiih n tiiltl Inririi

In biialutaa, Alilirtit.iii VV.ittriotv liaI ell Ionic faioral'ly known lo llu- publl h.r ,

the tery coiirpit i.niia and aiicci'idid pail lit1

luia Ukoll III irtctllii; oil n l.lli;e atttle iuirt of the tin t'i' t h- - tn nh hnlluu

hnuatui for the Itlbr tlat ol nrti-a- 'nwhiiiii they lutte pmud 1111 bicllltml h II g

lu eti-i- napeitt nml .Mr. I.Jdtt. a1111 n unit, nn ti ry iih Inl iiieuiler of

Ihe Manalnli llnliae (1 ,'lliiillltt whlih. III Hietwo tear- - 111,11 . mil v nl H,u lale .Mr. Ciniilt,1t1l111lni.l1 ru! the law pul lie fund auh- -' ribuli'llliecltv of Inuiibiii lor Hit lelbf i l IheIjiin.i-liii- c oerulliit during Iln uicmornbleeolloll rauiitie. -J- xntiiitn fiait!

A . V. ( titri lllaarrla .lllllnidI Ulmtire. I

Nl i tnl 111.1., N. Y., Aiut. 7. W17.Could I totne to N'lurnm calling onmy old fileinl, the itiiliient pnl llil.t. Millard

Fillmore? Of cutir-- e imt I foiiml Inulacalm aa a Hummer' in 11ft li dtid. Iu

me he waa never rullled but oie er I11

hit IKe, and Hint W J when he ln.iile lilt ureatit ut b nir int ai itloi.nlltn. when he dtt lutedtlulll he were a Knotht rtier he would notiii'.i ..I lo the leellou tr 11 aullolilltl.it like Airahiiil Lincoln. '1 hi wa Iheapitih of Hie tenliiry Hid utterance ol api .bitiiid M.llilcnl Ihn priKl.iiiiallotinl a Mi'auoua, pnlriollr. brout al.ileiuenl

' lid you kuow, ' ailld Mlllird Fllliunre,' 'hit I t'nkn more pride iu that cllurt thin iu

iihv olhir uf my lllur"lie I looMnx will m rottitul aud adf.

eomilaiiut in when he wna In tin ilulr .H

the VYhllu ilotl-e- . IU llrtt antiit 1H011 willWhit will yon lake ?" I bifltiited, atnl

be in.tlu'il 11 tilth hia Uaiixl iii'iltci.c " Oh,1011 111 id Hot tear. I thall not olfir youwhlakev or brmiily," he Mid. "I umHot the Old Public Funilhiii.il v of I'tiiu-tiliiut-

who Im Killed lie nly all til filcudttilth old rye." 1 Implied ut Ida wit, whlihpbiiitil hlin urc.illy. " Come," aald be, " litll- - lute 11 bottle id tlcttupiiitiic," nml Ibire-nt.- n

he rnnit a l ilt, w Iilii Irlih ttuumiuitiirtil with it Imt, (jniiUhilun a buttle orwine, it half llntl ll aitlidw Ithta. mid two itblaa-t--

one of tlielll Ihe Jt wiled tlnhlll aellt tohim bv Altbl llnaann. Ill Luniiin, iind latlikl.Ty atmldiil ttllli dlimoudt ami plit l.nntlime. . VV In 11 the (I. uup.u;iic la poured intoII tin' iC'ibb t appcira to be on fire it bl.ir.cannd ("iimac Hi t atnl foam, until you I Ck'hi lo

u' lellillthe nl' mi exploaloll At Inldiih" Klia it miu'a lu ttotiilcr. the ex- -

Pieaiilenl Mild e iliulv, "l'i ir not, Iml drink !"mid It hut tiry llntl and Ihltaly, I did drink,mid dul ly, loo. He looked nt me Ituilmi- -

unify lol'iliniiipaijHe diluhir lie atHipa-- (llntli and ait tut d lo ainU'liate n iueall n." KmilcrtT, or ('iiile U'or" I hundred." Tin tlil ,u " In tipliul, nutilillini.il. 1

nihil my Kobbl iiotln.I.1I11K balk lu hi I1I1; nun chair, Hie Pa;c

nl fllltlal'i anld, " Our llniiblca mo lint litertit." Ilioddtd. " 1 aiw thi lhilit col.iiiiK j1 knew tin re wit trout, I" brewing fill ll luliivl'oncaj but whit lould I dot' The mii-p-

wein mid Hicy could imt n( Ihclrlib ml, or luiir the tub 0 of w id..in. If I

liiiilbtetinl the In Im I wolilil liaic callcil iuIhe ot Ihn lllalr luuiily, and the

ruil (.ilamlly ol' iltll war would hue beenIII ci lc.1. old Plnlr 1 Ihe KruilHat 1111111 HiltI'liiinlry lu, prialiieed: .M uilitiuuery iln ir Isih cp In alnlitnill, and Frank lllilr i ourHinl loriiiidiblc wan lor." 1 iiotblt-- npiln.".hihii-iin.- " he coiitliiiiuL "ha treiiul tillti urn kill le I inilly h ibbliy. 'II Inn', theyri.liiid hltn. Imt teaiilla pmtc iiolhliiK-tl- ulIi In aay, they aellle no prlndple."

Mu-lli- lur tnnuii lit, mid llien pouringout miolheri;hiat of Ihe VV iilow.iiceijjilliiuetl:"1 fnir old Thitl. Metena will be our lextl'i rah', nt Niniiicr lee. 1 In "1 Ian m il- - 11

lone Inn will tin elerunl farewell to Couttlliillo'.id III irty." I hihIiIuI tune more. "AaInr M wind, ' rcruii.cd li , "he la gone, llu

uoliii; bihlnd etirtliiiu he quir-- ln lb d with (nt ily." Tin 11 au.l.li nly ttnrlhu;up, he exeiniiii'tl - ttllli alartlli'i; cmphi-i- ."li ne you i ter iiolhcd (irulci a hud? IItoil bale nol, look nl ll, mid then nt Ida fell;"uid .alterw.ml- - nl Hie cnmtilflie tiii'teuienlaol hi- - luily win 11 he walk. All thU willplain Ida troln,t bull b r li.nla."

Mr. l illiiio.e till n.e ll.nt the Nov York '

pollllct.ma tinuble hltn eirry annum r withper itleiit npplleiilloi a lor eomliieiorthlptmat other olhcta 011 Ihe rond rnnnlni; 10 Put-lai-

uinl Ihe F ill, llu lu 110 liiilinuu'. heNiy . In Hint tllleelloil. Aa I w la iiltilit lotp'ntp hl 111, inly hand and ike my dipurture"loin hi li.pllal lc 111 he luriittl nndadd with peculiar luiptoltciieaat "Whenour helot id country w.i d mid rent wllhthe horioia nl util w.ir, I w ilhcd luv roomuntil mldiiluhti but It did no uood. tW.ye,.,w.

liunKi'iit or l.lktititlnir.Fiw'icople are .ut.irc li tv many arc Ihe

dtiilht Irum IL;htid.ii. Il upin.iu, liomlu I'm nv, Ih it ilurlni: the hut

tidily yiara, inure Hum Ion HiouniiiiI pt'npleMeie tliiiik by Unlitiilnir, of whom tw uIliuUMiud two hutiiliiil and Ihlrly-tw- u werekilled nutria ht. Ll.'lit lintulrt-i- l .uul i lhlywt re kill, d diirlnj; tin l.i- -l n 11 yeara, ami ofllieae ntily Iwo bundled anil forty-thii- wereb 11111I, a. INIillii!'' itf Inlla on .1 ciowil, Ittinea iiuire li t nuioiitf the men thaniilimiit; Ihe wuiiien, the tali, r It InuIhuat xpotitl. Airaln, nnlinnlt me In untillyalilckcn. wbili) tin pern ll. In dri(e ot tin 111

air apuit'd. Tlie oltl it! i, thai the h Uiola.l protietloii, la i.it .1 trnn Ihe nel.hbor-l-i '

ioilol all irua belni; iIuik nn,like Ih it ol all hllily prnj eiiui; olji . ta, ex-

it pi when Hut me lu mil illie lonnuil'inw lib the aoil. litilioud uud teller iph tt in ame iolei toia. In an I ir na they ntcniletii

toiitcy inualtleriil'li' nuioiinia olel. ellh lit'. Du'1,1 loeullioUtc llnea thla un.p n eat id lla metallic tllil-- a bcliit un xct

nt cuiulm Inr. W alking alone; arnllmulti ii'U ttliiti' ll run through coiiiiiry -l

m il.ecilout na Ukun alnl .rlindt r a bill lite, 'flint wlndnwauu di.iitii-oit- a

la 1 bet etl to be mi cirur, for 1 Xi ein in o1I11 . il iliotv Hi it HsIitnliiL' -- irlki a thli.iirliopen w iiiiUiw. or I'lilluw .1 ilnitt of air.

Iliiriih'e xiiitibiiluii uinl bruvrrr, I

"While O. d lullhr, wisolllns luiicli'uiery 011 Ihe icioud alory of theMiit'tllle I'lo 111 l'u' Mill, hi limit wntklii)ahlrl wiucjuiiht by an tlprUI.I ah.ilt. when a

tin llilc atiiiiriilc In 111" t utucd. exlilblllni;reimiikiibli pu. lie uf iiilinl mid lit rule will.Aa Mr. hallud ly pjated Ihe ah.ilt the dap ofhi ahlrt c.niL'ht uud comtiii need drauiui; Idlu nly toward! It. lu an In.tant he lotn uirthe Hap, hut while alolnir m Ida It'll tlcetaCliilliitl uud wliidli'.K around Hie thall, brokeI1I1 mm ullhc wrist. The unfortunulc innnthen made de.pcnilo cflorl to tear hlmnlfawnv rrom tho ahalt which threatened locruah bla Univ. Uraduat hut fLCt aaimit an

- I bv ad. J , it. f "' l 1"1T' r I I

'i - I, I 11 ., utr nt tl, wii-- i ,r 1? anml n . il tin- ,' f, b nt ll.. wi ik

I ol - ( i i.illnif r,,r ictrral Im Ii, nltirc Ilnwil-- t joint. Mr .alla.biy then hull ml Ul

In wlm atopped the mill and wentIn hi The dlaiinmMrcd liamlwound up In Ihe Ifillered (bin, trn. takenrrom the ah if). Amputation or tho limbaliot- - the illmw Ind lo I e performed, llmiinfurtiinatc mm hi a wife and thru' chil-dren ih pei 'lliiif iiM,n I Irdilly waitct." ft

.'.'nl.) .t.-if- , Jalg M'h.

rnliltinnhlr llntl alOne or the rnoit fiahlouablc hall of tlie

I, 1. on took place at the l Utimlim on theevening nf Hie fill, the ladle ami fiahlotial i Init Hum rrlrrrcd tn by a corrcapomlent :

We ranaot rrfraln frnm niitlcfua' tlie ftdluwluftlail'c, w Im were r1re.ed can, inr ll nut

Mra. ( lutlaa (it onnor, s York, a.he nfr.a .Ilk, pniht larc rhaa I, tllainitid and oaturaltinner la hair.

Ml. 'Iliniii.n T. Ihitrhln, llaltlmere, anpar'iMack mohc antkina, trlinmnl wbh l'lnt fans

littnlifiil ami Tiecinl k". Iiil .tljrwill It readily mm inhered w htm Itiiilillub, thela nf wnr,l liulnfely.

.Mr, .lime, i.rali, tlm.kl'a, much almlrrJ,atnl ,ri'..-t- l ,n rt.ii tl'e ta.tr.

.Mr. A 1. thi, ,Sta York, attPrh brllette. ete.a" , ami gtarrful damer.

Mlt. Nn, "Hi meet, Y., wtite eorded aflk,jieaii in iiair. ttr i.lianoliu.

MNa Am.itt, l.hnlri, rvrjr ranch dreuttl andan'urniiat.l. (. I liiimp(Hi, Hrnoklyn, lhi plclara

id liitetlm-a- ; luiiueuati trail, and tery mmbire.n.

.Miaa ruine'i of Italaitara, wltlta lace, terym nf a hi ui 'e, it d iiiy cliamitiikt.

Mra. (lfa, id V V., In emwrariy wllhl.trfather, Mr. v, ll, Imtrr, iy ilriy andaiyltali: ifrcady aduilrpit.

M. Fannie laarlni-- , ". 1 a1. neenflhth'vV-nye- ilta .' wltli a wrtatb "f rbtiatnllt rml aud

b. a tllal rf?"iia, tare Ih 'ht. pink enrtle.1allk t, r akfrt uf ttnlnt lace, namral rkeaefa anddlaMiui.tla In balr, Ihe unaat hrwltthlb;.

M'- - N ,trla. Ilaltlmire, whne ilk dreaa titerakrrt nf tare - laetla.

Mra. biduiy Mxaon, N. Y., richly and airy

Mr. Itofcrri I,. Maarl. !J. Y.. d"., U".llu. U, UMbhiiimMnriiiD, N V ., very iitief a

ly. hi white ml ltd allk, Irllnlut' l Willi anv-ao- tlace.

Mn Atinia P ibattti, I'ltffvin Cure, meet! admlreil, Iii k .nk ai. .infi.

.Ml Viiu tl, ft. Y., lotatly, In plaknitilrt- uii'i,i,ii .

Mr. I' A. Mi'aa, N. Y Woe IIk lire ahawl.Mia arah tir-i- u', llniK N. V., Imiim

mnlre anlnrte. nlltair eurkaerew rlnatttta, datwlike n alyiiU, ettariniii.'.

Ml f'. Hardy, N. V., tery pink allk and laceIn aiintber belle.

Mr. .I..I111 Kliirit. m.y, N. Y., bine allk.lare Irtuitiuiiir, .cry trait.

Ml. Hannle Hairni'V, Oeae'and, dlplaye.tI't'Cll-O- a ta.ie In a very eltla rate toilette, rntn-,t- "

I of lltuiiler allk, and Inr titer rkirt. reluokably trtUriil ryea -l- auichlni; eyaa and uwitla- tnibil. tliiteiiti reenrd.

xtli tiiniehtt Kl'.am, Philadelphia, pretty,at.i itb, au jamladed tnotl la elulty.

Mr. I'litrv Jl. I vlamt, cxi Hfllely tatlefiil, Inwhite allk, blue trilnniliift nail neoliillty,uiimIi ailmlrul.

,Mia Inland, New Iharh'-lle- , whlto larebiik.le. atyllaii and ttry jitiuy, wlihler tirlutlt ryea aud llitalallbli- lulti'atliruuuaucedII. e b, I'. .

Mla A'hirt. , while curded allk, trlia-n,-- 1

wltli aw in d wit, and awef t ainllea Irnm amybin it eit-- rliarnilnfr.

Mra. Mnn ,11 Kw IbKhalte, latenderbrtaMilettlk. tilatkllrevl lace ahawl, dlauiouda111 r.fii! ui; ttry aitll-)- i.

Mla I lira Ulaiid, (A1I0, white Ctirdld allk,rruiiMiii tiltct triiuniltia and coral omauieuta ;I 1. e yitnic and I're'ij.

Mr. 11. I. Mur-e- , areine, V. Y.,very rlrh lolli-lt- of pink alllt, Inetaaoddianiouil,all Iu iftttj Mnle nnk very cbtrniliii,'.

'tbrii win- hit uf iiiutl ItrwItihlnK creature,ttlabtualf'ty dleaat-d- but I bale lull lllue In 1

Ilulr tiilieile. Mr. Cabb S.v'iaii', S.,;.Mra. Milieu de Vlrrer, N. Y. Mra. 1). Mill. N. . i.Ml.. M. (). Iluterta. N Y. J Mr, .lame Atl'lln,t. Y. ; Mr, .lame I bar. r, lliai-a- lr Katla: Mr.

Capu (larilm r. .V. Y. : Mr. A. II. Miller, N. Y. j.Ml. Mnrrl, N, V.. and tone hundred olbera,Itraied llir ball. John il, Pair, L- -t , aipearetl toenjoy lilltn-el- hti.'ely, a dll Aniiilal lleliu.ilitt1.., and tiiimrr.ma nthrr nutablea. Irr and01 liar drllcnctra ware htiiihtl at twelte, an.l altmttwo o'clock the uiii dcliihtfnl uf upr lea ballilii-d- . IVr. F.hhk

General Corrospondonoo anilComniunicatlona.The Ip.rallnil.

Nkw Ytuik, Aug. P, ltflT.

'i. r if .V. 1". Ana .

Ill rcndlm oti-- Ihelcttera on Lnltir Pnvlni;piil In Ihl" iiioriiliiii'a Sex, I wna fort

alrui k with the Krint Hfiealty whichnt priaeiit, for a eoinplt le uinl tboromili

tiKltalloit id llu aubjitl. 'Ihe rU'i. widthlaHlmifur nil, anil who-- c only nlm attuialu

I e the i ot Ihe aiK'bal potillnn of thownrkliiituinu uud tho clerk, la ihe only pnierlicit liar iipiitctl In thla luo.t not le entiae,with audi re.il cnriictttiu. nnd aliotthl 1,11

Hint nrcouiil. cointimiid thu thatika mid tc--tpt 1 of etiry man.

I would like In aak your correponi1eti,mid lally tho-- e ttlio.e tnlnb-- wtuililteem tu Juallly Hit in III enllluir on the lull

lieu nne mllier. about onion year, didIhcv ordld tiny tint, pay n licit line Ink 011

their anhiiiM ntcr jinn, ii rciUlrul In- law ?II liny did. I lull to flud It lu Hie luilllthc!Hi imt. Iiiriilthed your paper. IVrlui theyin-r- ruiceasftil lu iludlui; thu tlll.inl eye ofthe but-- .

Aic'iiu. do your cortcpondeiiii everbook 'to lend. A min'a brain ia of

ciiinl luiporbitico wllh hit Italy ill nmltioiirlhuieiil'inil cxen ohwi II a the body,

' nnd llu can be tiirtd-ht- d by (jmnl and prnh'l-- 1

nble rtiiilliiir. Do they ul-- i tillo tn iittyHie .St t, Inr lint nice, nblili i au

If h id lor Ihe tery imtlcai atitn id Iwo centaper copy, any alx ibdlira per yeir. If Ihe

'tin imt enre nbotil 1 cm 1, it, iheytliouhl endentur to ttlt-- their ihildii 11 eterypnt-ib- ehitiiv In oblnlii In.lruitlve book.

Aimthtr u'l.tiicc at tbc Hi tin, ami not llntl-ll-

nnv account of money expended torilthtr f onka or newtpnpera" 1 nm I o recti toto'iclttde th-i- l Ihey live In bllrnl linonineeol cteiylblnn that I lr.itiplrlni; In Ihe outerworld mid ileM-n- for Itil'iirmiiil in cnlirelt- onwhit they hear. I'mbnbly aomo of lbecpaillra, who do not lubacrlln' to and who

' in ter rend a newsi api r, fondly Indulge itithe ilrenm Hilt the 1'iiilniu hate pna.e-th- ui

ol In l md and arc now hold!";; high cnrtiliulIn Dublin, licit Seen Inry Seu ud I I'uableiitol Uie l Illicit Mate, or lll.lt Kuaakltl-.MueiK- J

ll tllll Hie properly of the Crnr.And now lit, but not by nnv menu lea!,

whit about the wife of the'wot'kliii; tu ,11 iihiIol Die eh rk'i wtminii - min'a beat hall'--l.- e

who dlrldea our aorrnwa and il.nil lea onrJoy-- ? VVImt or lur? Mu-- t the loin'inpillcil In atay at limne d.ivniter dnt', wetli afli r week, mid,I mljht ndd, jenr nfter yiwr,tiillhi lliroil(li 11 life nl' trnttlle wlthoiil atlnule rnv ol aiiiiahlui' In brighten hr pithIhrniiKh life? " I here I nn pliue llkehoiiie"

an old uud very I rue any lu, but when ft

peraon I cntupelliil by b rce of (Irciiui-nui-(- c

to In- lit home (ontintinlly, thi tiylti.Iiowi ter true, It tumiwliil thorn ol Hi pottlepower.

The wife never alalia Centril 1'irlr, rirteru,e to the I heulrc. nml, In lie!, never

In nmtiai n.enta or lecre.iljuiia at anyLlnd. To vialt Ihe Fail; cotla ut I cuntfarci, and In ifolej; in pla(ca of ftinnicmcutII tery ri'itil'lle tn hnte 101111'

(iirreiicy aboitl you. Nothlui; I ankl In Ihepiibli-lit'- d llema nbutit or Ceil- -ind Park, uud I am let) to lui'ei Hut the wifenml children or the ttorklngmaii, and or thelietk, arc depilttd ol iuti.ul rirc.tirriiixt li U li are au ii.cull.il to good hculth audluuEitlly.

ittie ul' the rcmtikf tiimle by y, ur il

VV. F 1! lu Ihla day 'a I 'ipcr, metery true and iciiall le.

1 do imi 1.xpert Hint nub.a rambling lrttrra- - thla will le publUhcd, hut If there il iiny-thi-

contained In It that would lu your ii

help nloiits Ihe itood woik, plunolii ike lite of It, nlul If It aliould If Ihe meumof drawliin forth uplli Irum other pirtiei- -'iimre clnlmnte iil.d ixtcndid I will fillami ly tc aid.

Very icapcctfully, Hon.

Nnv Y'littK, .Viiu Plh, 1't!7.Mil V. II,

W,, mva he lit il per weik, uul ofwl.lihhe mnfnlalna hliusclt, wile, four children dui ilderly woman tu ruslal and atteud on thehnl y.He icuti a whole limitc, for whkti lie

puva tli inoiitU, aay weekly.... i5 00(luttl biainl. meat twice .1 day. with

ull Hie fruit aud ti L,c.iblt lu acuaoti 10 00l'uta by ;' uo

17 'ileaving one dolltr for Inatirance, ilrlui.clnll.lui:, mu, miJ.i. oil Inr mid j

other litlle li.dl- - noil h- - lu Inni-- i ku plughow duea he do It ? Ofuniic In inii'l payIhe w oiniiti for Htirtlui: llu baby. I lollilnghir at II. wife, children .11.. I old lady can't betiry ul uud ml, and h nine lilt iiiUodrtui withMoa-iul-, llaydeii nnd llu lliutcti'i hvmni toliirplrc hltn, lie d it't'iil want to Rnandicothe lihuk Crook or eujut-hi- t lager, and nodoubt, llic mclodltui of HubertHiirtia, tint forgettlag "n man'a a mnn fur a'Hull," be he Uuk or mechanic, cau bo quite

a will eiijoytd without a light aa wllh one.1 can uudcrtuuid all that. But bow dot heJo It ? lu Ihe tint plaie he hat a house forIW a month " VV. II. YV." la fortunate.IVIU ha be kind enoutrh to Inform other noux

fi'I wa. who have to day .'i 1 m ti !i

f'( rourth flimr. whr' Hicy n. find a fewiii'iri mill h,uta? Ihe i, will In- ititciarurtl.rr iblall aa In hotv he ruiblea gotalIniaril. mint twice a day, wllh trull and t'k"tt.lt h In teuton, for thrcv ndulla and fourrhlldrrn out of flO B wcik? And, lally,how, after airing 12 a week, he la enal ltd inpureha-- e nil the other ilectrra numeratednbore out of Ihe tctniliiirig dollar a week ?

If VV. II. VV. will If kind tnouiih to fun.ltlithe ilctnlli. and you, Mr. Editor, eric lticr-lio- n

to tlin-- c detail lu a futiirc ulltl.,11, y oilwould greatly oblige nillnrruti Indltldualaiillntl to ante money, ut.d bone mute aoHi iti

Your mol humble arrrant,VVnn lint't Ksotv How.

ScttiAr, Ang. It, 107.Mb F.ntrort : I lute been plend by read-

ing the Viirluii roinnitiiilciitloii piilllhcil Inyour eterlaMlnglk-i- . (rain or ahlne) nnd wllhynur permlloti will any a word tnynlf. Inm ,1 mnuU'r, mw Mrrhanic, lute a wifenul two chlldicnj I aiirage til pirwukwage.

I ror rent $ 00Fmuil.lt V noCh.il.liic aw

rundtlea 1 OU

vTooI'artng a lilanee or iS aatial. We have

plenty of itood tlctii.il', and lothct nr otlaa nnyltnlv ilae wear, ai d n uuinlortal leImtne, wrll flocked with choice bimka ofnaplnl kiKittlnlie. 1 11111 aallilled from expe.lli'ine lint miy man that w.aiilt In a itetunnel can do an no tnallir htiiv auiill hitIncome, be inn lite of It (until he bitti ra hluiM-lf- ) anil not an- Ida ldteibir, (MUethe eJitkdoi.)

Youra, rcpectfullf.C. I!. T.

Ni it VnitK. Ang 9. 1"ii7.Dtie Fiutnu -- I imr It tery linicli

.(nl In ynur nrtu-le- nu the aaviiir ,iiea-Ibii- i.1 nm a clerk oil a a.dirt id till a week.

1 !i-- i In the atore, anil net my tneida tn nHibmii uieala and wneldtiir cot i I n tut l(,a- tl liicldenlnl t xpeiitea ?I. hatlnMi6. Iunne or your art Idea lt week yon lotd a enr-- n

apondeiit Ita it hia mother ouutit tn hupI. ni.e lor Iiiiii. ami they coiild do II Inr uriln n week. A I am iletlrou nl gettingliurrioil. I would uinable.r It it fix r tonwould ah. w tne Imw Ihla inn bv dour, IikIihI-lu- g

rent, and ol Hue,Youra. etc., S. 1111:11 Kt.

New- - Ynttk. Angnil 10, 1m;7.7'a th' I'jlihir 11' tht Arw 1 nri at).

(iii- -I lake ynur taper, and like It. andthink llm rtlliotlil "Minicy ami Malrlinony,"in tool iv'a ltie, worth n year'i aubacrlplloii.I he iat Ingi iiini.tbiii I one In wlih It all arciiileirttttl. I am n cbtk. nlary iln ptrweek. Kieiiaeat llimnl i.i. ttnahlug fan.,(lotbe ii, atillhiliery 'iite., llllireh Vftc , Iticl- -

ib'lilnl li total ill; leutltig in. It I hatehtailth ami I can alto (imugh t, com-- Itin in e l iilnet with, mid then Inn ml tomint'! but where mil I to iretnttllu? Itloit't drink cocklnil. atnokti teyar. lotiiiflrcIn ofllcitt, piny the Inptlnir. patroiiiao; (outcitaalooii. in.r almid on I n.cy conn ra, with aai it got ti In Ihe iin.-- t appmtett lathloiiiand. I,eniie I have tinne 1,1 he-- e iualltien.Hon-- , the litdlea aiy I nm iieononilcal mid re- -.

erted nml tlun't like the anting luailtiillnna. '

Now, Vr. li, ut tt, I admire ynur udtbe amimu ink ig ll, by lira I kitu lug tin tell' com- -rorlnbl" and. at aatliig nil I cnii t butnm I to he without ImiijIc eu(b ly ? On Un.1 , "imt. the Utile cannot ru.j itxl.ite tourhit .1 oil anting. The "(i.n'' lidhanretbcrock on which nil our aatlug liiti utlnitaalltYour mltlrt' on Ihla mbjett will do young

a gieut drill id good,j If lie could tin, I l ull, a who would admire

tl for our eiicrirv. prol.llv. pi reteruiiee andour dealre to exid. lu tplle of Iliu wot hi. theIh ah nnd the tlekll. mid iml lor the cut of ourclolhia and caah on build, wc would llnd itphiiaatit, and nr.t ple.nant nlotic, but fillluiitctititl anil happy.

Very riapcclfully,Tl .

"Ti mpo" need give lihii'clf 110 utic.udncion Hie liialilnionlal ipieallou. Il I notctt rykdrl that It worthy of aa good a lr.ia-- I'nnd n wc venture tu aiy he will make cer-

tainly none of llmnc who "doti'l like Ufa anv-- It

g-- lii.tltntloiia." Hide your lluic, "Tempo."Mniiir or the till w ho turn up Ihclr none atyou imw- - will prnlmbly Into drunken orotherttlte ttorlhleii hii.liiiuut to aupport byHit Ir labor a douti yenr hence.

tlnekhii Ki.iiiuiirrnllun!e-rvIu- lli.ii'ii.N, Aug. 0, !'".

..fi'. i Sun :

Dnu Mlt : - The continued nml much Mi-

lled I. Induci ol' ynur iait r lu nil tint per-lul- u

Iii the welhiie and Intcrct nl' Ihe work-- Iitig iiitiimntilly, t Hibohlena me tn atk ton,or atitiie id tinir undent Hirnuuh Jim'

lur 11 t orpiina lor nil kind olwork on retting tnaehliiea and bv hand. Hutcnti l c done al home hy Ihe working"., mi. n,ao Hut Ihn-- c (ami tin y aic tinny) wh) hateto " t ikcln wnrk" fur this firal Ihnc, on ac-

count nf hurd tltuea, it.', and tthn coi' c- -,

iucnlly arc Ignonuit - to ptlcct, r m an( harge a imt In Injure tin Ir il ter at. i:er-- ,nor charge their cii.toincit Phi much nidol llgc one of tunny tthn lute bi le friend- - Inwhom the nhotc liifurmnlloi will lie t.ryuiliiiil lc, n It utidutibleilly will toliuudrcdaol other.

Kiipeiirully youra, II. II.

Hie follow lug uro Hie avtngc price, uowpnid in the tit eaUbli'liuionia lu tint city,Cluak-- , Inferior iptallly, 30 ell. to Mela, itn h.

bet " ilcnrh.Mill la, Inferior " Of) eta. per do.

" tnlddllng " il SO m r dm." teat " fltiMied, ti JO tar dor.

lliittnnh'ilc.1 Acta. 1 huliw.Kiiil'iol'b ay on Cull ,'Ci ela. Inr li cull.Fiititiibioii, itimmnn, frutn A tnldet. (tnh.I'.intnlooii, um d, luitii .... 15 to '.'0 cla, each.

' Veala, IliiUhcd good "3 to 10 it, uucluI lux e pint, fluldiid '.'5 (ta. e.iih

j " jacket! " 10 to SiH'la. cuih,The lollowlng I the weekly Income of nn

InditttrluiK fair i oritur 011 Iho dlllercutkind of work, git 111 bclutvChaik makers f S per will;Murl linker tl to i: per witlclluja (lotbliig r I In c.'i per wit kCutl ami (tilliropirnliira, tntjt ftu per wickCiu'relli tewir itperwerkItutiiiuhohj maker v iper wet kDieai.ui.ikera t to iti nn per kFur atwela iu .'aj to 7 pel tuckVeat maker i I to jt ju-- week

Of courae the total Income per wick of any(ipcriltif wdl depend on tlie amount of tv. rkdone. It mny be well to atnlc that (he l.argethouteadi) not pay the beat prlci-t- . In fict,ll la tiotorlotit that the moit extern Ire

In .New Yolk pita t lie low eat


riiinnel.il Nravt, Alurht tv A r.Nnv Yoith, Mouday, Aug. 1.', li 1'. M.

Tim Moucy market ii euiy. (lulj h.ubcinfirmer .it 1 1"1, lo 1 10H.

The following ahow 1 the condition of theNew Yolk Clly lloaika thla week aud tail

A nit. X A uir. ta.laiau I JM.'.n i.nlit lit ,11;. U)

r.,ll,Uli Mll.iaTcliinlat'iiu :ia.arV',llt JJtB.I-- .

voi.iu.tsi iKi.io-.,:,,-

l.ciitl TeiiJrr Ta,uvMj rc.niT.iaiAl the noon gotirumct.u were

iltiotid ni fnllowii L'uitid Miilea 1., cou-

pon, lllf; do. cuiipon ,

U:l?t do. J.3U coupon, li I, 111); do.coupon, 1AIA, 110), do. coupon, Ito'ti,10"Xi do. il coupon, Ifiif, 10-- do lo-I- n

loiipon, 101,' j do. ".50, Aujru-d- , )"73; jdo June, U7, t do. .Inly, 107X- -

A H'li'Ulun niiiior hit (ceil pul In clrculaHon that a ilclalc.ili.iii Im bull diacotiiid Inthe Tliaatny Ihpartiiunl al VVaahlugloti, tothe amount of two million of dullati. Thoatory laiki couflriuiitlon.

At the Open Hoard and Stock KxchatureIhe market w ia tiry dull, aud there wua anat erage dullue of i pir uul. from the open-- jli g ntca. The only mov tnent of nuy cou-- 1

ai , mice was lu Lrlo ami Noilliwiileru.UALUS AT THE bl'OCK CXUU.NUK,

riaar Buiatxirvil'.!.fal'el,c..ttlV 10 Ocean Pk... .101ir.oxto do ll'i n Heal 1 ,,Ti, aUaw I'.S. , til, r. Ill V !' Iluatmi VV. P. . ll'iCmnu L.Mt-'le.llS- ', inn unlckallver M. M1iWaJ do. list, 100 Atlantic M.S. IllMmo du ...'Cl.llll', vt, Mar. II, bx. ... ItIII) 00 do....'0a ( HI do. UU800 do....';jui 15 Am. UbCa... Jl)

Tr. 1 I., loir! il Adinia' Ex. Co. li'irtHioo Tr. 7 lo, s..tui 10 Pacltic M, s. .usw

do. lotv too du...de.lisSraaawTra. 10T"J M N.Y. Cen. It... tonHMOo do 101V "XI Krle It W(DH00N.Y.C.ta,t5. 3 loo do..,.,bM tolaWaJ llrook.ea,W.L ti 100 do...., bin to

, it taa) du. bl toybono do. UH 100 du.....blO 10kluma do, - MM irt) b.... fci aau


ZTt 1. VI ,r Ln, xST r "A!C I InMOl Va.tr, ax.ip. SO tun CoCaiVJU:' "" lTT5&. N.l, d, new. 17!; inn do. it TiM Il'0lo.a. lie UK do- - . . ( ,1 ydj !

la) do...ldCtUV pl do. .tdC 41 xaj 'IlSliwx)oi.T iv ataiciii s.xv.i.r. m( f'rTr.it"i do. MX toucril. lb I. iP..1uJ I uvuIWaOOMo A Ml. Its bl .Mik .1 ?L I'. R. Wtt ICHOAI.ttT.lt. 1.. 10 1iO do. fan; Al()t'h.AII. Mab-t- l mo MU. 4.SUP.pt.Haol'hl. A.M. 11 IMV 100 do JleHjiJ rJaaPl.Mlch. (.. n.lUM lla) Tot. W. .t W fl,Jiao IiDcDiKklla X 200 V, Ft, VV. A I liC.JgMMetmp'utll...1Jl 100 m i Alt. II. 1 I'" -

jn Park Ilk... UT loo Cat. AlU lf..ljl IN!,uiaNalietul!U!larootri aonn. J'j

irAa)f,S.ea,t3iir,irjv rn I'lClCe M.....tl.n'4 ifraMw d.. rp.1ll'( l'O do. 14M mlliIfaj C.a. ca vwa lion ai N.Y. I rn. IL bn - tl

"0 do... ti 11.1'i lio (U.. ,b3 l'4'i Nml""O do lt', IwKrlell till jifl

U'O On V.- lot', mo rlT. aat ml,IWTr.Hia, I. .pif, .n Ood. He. IL. 11 "') Tr. 7I-I- 1. .Wi, im m, it. A N, la., 1 O1Siinmi...nrw. re; Pwllklm. II II94aa) Ob'oA Mia. tX( rtlClf. A Pltla. It. rial ' 't "' dn. 1 1, sui tl.. in i t u

etliiltwTl. , lo.iChLAN.VV.pf. e'al'a Atlantic Jl. M .in too d. ... ni Hutl.!'!"1"!!'"""' MICbLILI. aVP..ItliioAiUma'Ka. Co. t!"; wi dn. .Wi ''.y:, Kx.to ' laiMII.Asr.pf.tt ,J ,lltl ell., t argil li to t(0 P. Tl. VV. Jt I toe .' j,

orr..v iKjAtiD. r1'1,

lioVioei. A.M. V''riVirlrta. MI11.. 10V () ll'idlni 1;.. . .Ittv V1

liar ru I uiuu Tl. t tll Tol. . A VV .' t 'Jtl ' tf i at. s N. Ia.. l 'I

'7 do if, ira, ,, . ..'.J5",., do. Ml,'; pal Chi. It. I. A P 11 UIJnOLrlelL .txj ri ,. .3 t,u"2 U.x bnnni n.i ( A N. VV.. . Wi i"

!'' ,UK "vl dn. trC y...h" d" tan jtti ihl. x N.vv'.t r. Mk -" N.V. rro. 1L..IW, tan ,1,. ;a ,' dtx Ml IJO j,,, , ,,eM.'a

1 o'Cluea, P. it.jrtl Maritjoiaif... tin ion l. r). A N. 1... vi

'I uiihi II. IMI d.x....tj-l- . .

r. n Par Ilia . igij it,, ,,,,"',' "weir. AiMtajLlvim Llle I ui tu.,1 x. VV... IV 1 t.ctn Jtl ii.. it'. j.t'"', do, til wide. Tail. ICUiitJ ITno Had. Uir. IL..IieK ion ti,l.1l. I..v,l'...uiw

du. . . WH rai dn... 1".', ribtM litaiiiinj ii. ...ien no dn.... bi.pti J 8

?.';... ''"' "''Id.AN.W.pf.. ei !11 Tul, VV. A XV. f.y 10 d,.. in ? e,a).Mik m. p. it. etvi 101 p. Ft w. Ac u:)i wm do. ; r,

.V '('!, P. M.at) Marlpnaapf.. . fl Mu M. 8.A X. It. 1 i,

pal Wratl nl.in'n. y tr Mil. A Ht. P. It. Ml't" dn If.', Jl Ibk II. 1.4,1'. b'lItti Adani.-Kx.Ct- lav l(l dix. . . .n PU rjtHal VVrlla, ratyoK. raly ism d.t.. 10irVn Had. Ha. ... .put. Pal tin... .bLIitjl hH" d" HI led ChU VV.. Ui .

r.mi bl.A N VV 1 1. Wi iw do. J ii-- i ,la) du. mux

lunrarie ntaavTa wimiratta rairrx. J1.

Nrw V1.1.M, Aug. - P. Ac. - Thiaba are In.l'ti biit. at l'i t II it. Ir Siun iilna p

s ate Jt IMStn lornr FitraHtate; JI0 -- .' ,11 wfr hob e Mntr ; l Tu(; m fnc v

VV'r rrn ; ; 2 $lu ( nnimtiu to Ki. 11Atra Melons Jul Kwaijia nr. r.,r Choice z.iv r(Hi (A fur omiiiiiii t.i il.tnl Mn,iilnHiatiitr Lara lluund ll,'i Ublu, aud Hi)fa) tor Trade lirnitd.. r".

nuthrlli llnor. KaleaHrflbWl. Iltll liJJU,- -l f r ciitnnu n lu ihulre 111 it . 7

allrnriila Itiair Nalea 31a) aack and bh. tt .!lite Flour lite IMI bbla. at II OftjaJ t( mil Mi'll r ilrraal bbl. Cilv al 13 rl. J.(In nt - VI hint- - ate 3!,mi hiih. nt ! 11 F

No. Mint mk. ; II tArrN. ,i, ; ,.,r. f,,r new Amber f uhrrn; t.' 'aSl.'iis i.,r J.AmVr Mate, mid li nr (1 s ,,r Wbl c Cat..furiil.'i. w"

llir tV. 4 'Oubi.h. Canadi, al M 4allf).Cum Sib- - ti,ii biah. al !l (a!t in r.ir -

I ew .M aid VVrr'crli! II Ihji41 ui for ter Viliulie linin; ami II fur iiu., uiij. kOat Maira ta.raai bn.ti. nt vnair fr VVetrrn; t

01iaV.t' for Ma c. aial Ita.iliic r r lieir Niutl.rm. "lItn a.- - U,. u,4c lur Caiuluia, aud a ,c fuc '

ltanttm. a

hiiiAa. Sakt iLer our latlhbd.. at 11 v nII !.. fur I'ortu lllus li(iakll' cfur luba.aud 'ate lle tlutatia at It ',i1l

Mtu.atraa. .ale a'ute la.t OHO hbd. at 4dl!47, r Mu-- uvadi), ami KT.l'Jcuvr lilub.aj, a

If-- . f.irit W r .,

la.ua. TSl.4 114c fur frtb Mate and VVrtr'ri. riPaotialuta. The Puik Market la a hilf 1Iml " a lite. Sale 4, --11 liM. nt I.i toi!S4,' fur i..w Mi,, r...ii,u at .'.! 3.1cahl ttint tr. fur eld .M.; 1 pi Mm fill ix) fur Prime, amiin 7.V n IBI hir Prime Mi- -t. -

lliefl. rtmi. Sa ra iral bbl. at IH ll ilir beit I'UiuMrta, and tli (uKa-j- 00 rnr tictv ilF.iira Mat,, aPeer Ham nre dnll at n OflH(b) ri. . ,(1) .Moat. Slltta il likaa. at Ullo foi

bliuitiib ra, ami If tlif for Itam. AI ant - Sate 4ft bbl. at ItVtiPlyr.lliltlar. tlajlle fur Ohio, and for T

Mule. 'cher-e- . TiitV. i'Tinua.-t.al- ra UT.laaO t. at Ity.tUlV. aPani.nl. T'I I.i erpuut, "lealtli r 4. 'kXI A

b )h. l . nu at I f.l.. ai ll'.i Ini.h. W in al at (;,r th. aiiul Ui liltaitiiw per --teinicr, l.ia-- l Utile. ,PI ur al V. and --0 bbd. T ib i cu al il-. C I, '


CO(IIini: On Siimlav, Aiuuat 11th, Mra, K n

Mart Ann e, wlfenfi luigroir, ntfiti rbu tear, 'i uu'ii'tit and a iln), w

'llu relaiitea ami frienda uf ne fanitlr arc i I -ratjiecifiilly Invited to ailtnj He fim-- al. on I 1Tne)ay artenitkin, Uth In', at H u'lbak, rruu: Jhir Ian icaldeuie, lb Daukani Place, llntikWa. tU Ik 57i I "

riTZ'inivi.n-n- ii Jnn'tv. aul.. nth,M'irj llilri child ul M lie ! Ka.e i

a.i rar, month in. t 3 dor. MATim rtU'itca uud filtuij of thu finitly arc re-- Fi

atirclfillly llitlte-- l to atcl Ibti r,lllt'ial, Ibil JTutfttlny ifirinuvin, Au lo, ut i ocl.a.k, fima AIke rvatJrute of bur ptlcula, IGJMadiauu at, 'iii

LYONS On s. iirday, Aaiint loih.at n u'cluik, 7P. M., Miiliarl l.tuia. uatltr nf tl.a I'mnily Una. -

ctitnninll. Irr'alul, Ii llir Mill )0iir of hia aite, A

Hi rilailua uul frit ul an rt'MHtfull)r lutilej ttu 'it', a I l.e faiu'ral, (rum b'a lale rcaiilonce.VI l.ok ti uu Tui'.day uiuiuiug, Aug. l'.U, a' ll j

OKIK-- At Klnraten, N. .1., on Atiarnil ttih, I

dull l M., in i el. .1.1 ef .1 ihn M. aud UubciUil tM. Oa c, uul V )eara mid ii ,lu)a. j

Funeral ,ertea In be br I at tho home cfhir giauitni.ttliei. Kllxaltr Ii lluatlti, 7iw.ch at, al I u'clotk.Tiwadty, Aug. IStti. n;i

PALMKlt-- At Mamaronitk, Au. If. fMary, wiiauf Jubu 1'almttr, iu tbn slat ymtr ul tlnr aire. .

l'i cud of the famOr a'r rcptfjjjy Invtnxl tg ;

attind lb fuueial, thi Inutia) at arumiii, Au.ji ti, al '"--( u'cluck, (nun her late ri'iMunc, i

Maiiiarnni'i k. 'Irnlu laatu'llih ah and 4th ate, ,

al III, o clock, A.M. S07

Ptl.LKriiKAC-- At Dundee Lake, Clifton, , ,Jeratr, nu fumby, Aug 11. Harris liii g- -i nIVHetrcau, utilv aun of Mal'liy K. and bnilte il,Pellelrea.i, aired I year, 4 mmilh aud Kit dir. i II

The rrlailtra and friend ol 11 iniuilj IIIare ria.ctl'ully iutlutl toatirnd the fui.eral. ihn 111Tuctduy afiernuuD, Aiuf. Uili, at u'llutk, frum , mltin) reaiit'iice nf Ilia parent, JI Wett 4ad t ' 'h' ranlun and Klllluli paera Hi

l'HKI.VN-- On A'iiiul 12th, Patrick PIC an, latbc Od jear of bla ur, a D.t.'.i; uf Kllkcuur, Parlib of Uuucti.

The ml friend of ll.e family ire roaiieufu'ly luv. led lo niicu.l the fn. cd, ui

uln "day aftenuion, Auc. 14th.nl 14 u' x V.

fruin bla llle rcaltluice, X.1 VVut. IIH. k wnliu.ilfailhcr mice, .Mi'inbir. of ll.e I". M. I'. P. 1',A. II. Socle y, p.randi Nn. 1. ate InTiled lu attend, Pa. imivri plcaaa copy, ui)

l'l)l.U)CK-- Ou Miudav, Aug. lilh, Sn,iicl tP.illtKTford, lliraut eull cf VMlliaiu aud , "lI'.ilbak, I

Fiiueral on VV,lnadv Aftrrnonn, llth luat, at ,1 uiluik, fruin iLe reli!i.'i.ee uf hia puri'Lt. 'iM .

Weal Iiil at, mar ath ate. ni ,VVIMTKUS-- On Muuday, Aair. 11, at till ,

late rvai.leuiti In Htidaun City, N. d., afiar a l.uig Ijud acvtru bfAi, Jut.u VVclu-rr- , lu tlio Glib tealof hi asr. i

Iludy will br rrmnrrd lo Camden for Intr rmeot1'bUaJeljilita pa era pleatr copy, ill

4 faiav 1X- - ilatOka.)