rr Hie newyork sun. ! J "IT 8IIIMHH roil AM- -" ' 34TI--I YEAR ! OLDEST DAIlTmORNINO PAPER Iii for York Clfyt T1IK JOCRTiL OF COMUKftCR, AND WITHOUT KXCUrriO.V, I HE Daily Newspaper la iTHE tho World! THE IVEW YORK HM mci ftn tity for obtaining the of tho i1.it Itom every part of the whither by Allan. lo I able, bj Trto-- nr y u,l prueuU In acomDact form, A4' NK!IA!,r HIK MICR city paper. 'J'li Nun M read, br n arlv quarter nullum )ttrr-on- , and thus been mm (it tingle alirtt ctpoil it cutiro content I a glance) a tucdulLi of adrtitlii raid to It found. IMF I'KKT.S of the paper. M th pnbH ahou olli e or furnished I ncwi vender, ta tm'cj oiwrs pi;h copy, ml Is delivered by carrion M htoro or Shop of nv vhi dealre It, for hvmat. n!x ri.it uj.i:k. orient by 4 inad At MX a year. 'J UK l'KlC'KS KUl AlVf:nTI"ISO vary, nicnrdlni; to KKOM IWHN- - jv ni fikty (i.nts n;u kink, for aih tncf ttt iil Hprnal n ranxomcutj mar be mado fur aJt ertlie.i.tut. uf uuui.nl J l.dllorlal IVpartment of TUK H'N It tinder the rh.iru" T J" M t tf P Hi un, to mboin oinmuuicalhitii tluuld r uddnsed. AH MeM rctrt tinu to tidv ttiseuieriia, oubattipi, .,,,, or any .ranch "f tho pobliv..- - tta bi.'.ut.l, ahuUid bu ttddlMaoU to iL Z luprieuu-- , Mnsi.3 8. ni.Ani, Corner of aNaaaau and Fulton at . New Vurk IV i Special Advcrtlsomonta Xvcktisemkst ixsEitrr.o inTau. tin i.r.APtMJ Nr.wsnir.uH Plll.lllM 1HM HOIT I UK t'MfKH AMI Hiliri'll I'l.OV INCf, AT TMK ITM.fail. ICY HUM. A ftttful ttlaC .() Ct tiM't II tMB it, .JMMa-- t inrt- lout, ta-- ih Jvcthflnf ft1oa In lltt K"lt.l in .rt, urlai iln. lionk tu4 rirmi to lit dtiiUt Nr kit rirtatwTi puhiUK! ttri UL0Bt ttt C 0130 iff I1 T'l 44 filt t lull vfllf. J0I1N Uunl'iCKACO. l!ftrDrM. e. HKACtl. Ptvi'r - po." 4(2 lll'V ir-T- KV IT AND yuu wiliuSk . nmrATA iiiiR nvB t t mi a liu Lti a irircit of a I'mlUr Dimtf, talatl acti a irt fflia rarti'ation, Kiary rr o.tr talat litrta4 aii(.t 4eublaaad f t w lir co wra o( 'ciLfUlal vLUb ' a i'iu 11U k,J Ihit a i'r- - Vr1iar h f pt r'tm1 f r It. UKir.MM 1IA1H l)'K it uol ta loj arloai :t: t th ttlr. MKlFiir H.UIt DYK ralwt tU t:r a ;;turtl JD!et or Hi o HKIKM'3 HaIK DYE tmirotM thi (voJltioa ! HUIEH lS HAIK DYISr.ion If .(r toitttt-!r- ' 40r U9t t'iutl ' " lcliab tttt IlK.MP MAPI DYK It wM by all tifUtlt Z)tnjit i. at vin V rs a (ir Mi. a UfilMI-- S lUIi; Uli U wuln-o-t atlar! rlMtla HRIKHld lti III DYK It trr fr i'fft I ft.m a!i cthart.tui aiur iuli. tad(r iticcltvn cr rMir kiott Iatitt f IQ'i Itr.l'O I No 41 tkuia .ynd tt, VlUltmitnrfb, lab baJ af all Diutim, (,lia T.IOW T0 0I1TAIN PATF.XT5, CAVKATs! f Kr t! a ibfu.uatkia cf t'r ilUi11c. laJarjIiUi mcrnanKa cf th trttt n ttrofo I ihe II fflt. iii " lot rurttiTt In Itiift," I .it rr a;, c,- , tie .V.t.i ' - Tli lifit ' rihtt pieauu Mi'f t crf.A a tnvj am in.itoi i tt cr CUrrrrf It t an I tTMMaaratictr' A tltita nirr cm o . b fcai rutii. a c mItir tivlrit ao far Yattnt lot! L' t Uatootr .f I'ai- - An tjpU- halloa rrbdtua il a l4tt, l"alDP, l ailltoa Oatlt, anl full lintVatl n Vannia ofrirUl m ti mi ioinia Ulti wait a't ba obattrai fn tit f '.bt liiTaior tortfl a lthla lutintta biailf m fit- fttWt wxtKHtt fu ' . J trr Mid of aratitr. Vl l tr aud Ctl ha li timtlfr lal to af k tht aid ofaafa a nwfiai '"l in Inutuaa, and ia?a uJlll.awt.rk vol. coir t;i d, 4 taat r!ta U to tolicit pnt- ftrict at tha rvtlnnl'if. If Ida pirilct ci.aU al aia tic uiai.lt mo, ih In. aolir toaraaff.rr nl!u lilt lo itiut lit adri.a tr tajitr iba iiuprowtuaai I ffjhihl raltoul It, aad wl rtva L.ji ail Ua dtitcUutti ttJ-iu- l to pic-- i W' Wt k m i I J Iiat lata trllvalr c:air.l Is tba tuaitaM ct rlitalmc palautt tar tloot tmtr Ttart 110 iLuittani , luvto a lutt haj t Mfon jui cru nt li ra iliau cj ttilid ul all Vttcti ( racial ara i traJce I by na, 1b-- Lj haf mull lureitKi-- t an.t tilrt in mntaUoliU u,aiff eordltll IntlieJ to 'oio. Wa ball Lc happf to ttt tbfin In ,itf i tlourf.rtUa, a 37 IViK iur( N. tr .5 n'.ti e ilum by laiur t!uoit tat t tall. Id al ciata Ibtr rnar f I9't fit tu tit au i.ouat u'"1!! Koi uca c i.tuliailjoa, OfU ton, aed ajiiit, t unit no ApB tn kficj aoil a iaici v loo uf Ilia lot to Uca tb. ulj ba trat Utetttr vita UtrnM Hr itturu pia ilt pitlu iio nut ua pturil or ink a biil All tunn'ia c.int 'lei 10 oi fait, tui aJicoa-jii- tiotia, ate kflt t ut tvriat aoJ ttri '.lr oofldaatlU A Jlrtii UtS.N a, l Para Kj. .Ntv YtfU gl'JCK AM'LICATIO.Srt Whan, frcm enr raaaoa, parti a tia dlract of an tfljlni l"( I'aiaala or t'avra a lo iiAara, Witu ojt a moit tut' Wt ef limt, the,- hut oalr t wrltt irt!trph ua aptcUtl In ttit tfl'tt, n wa will Ltkutl for tii iii. eta i eiaia cl patl tba atiiir putrt la It it Uaa ui b.ut'a not let. If rtqulrtl. 'orlna'rut1onac9arirnlRf Vert It a Ptttnta, Ra 'litnaa, Intrfrt:ici, Miotacu B ilti 1'aiatu, Kulai avad Prot'tadiBfa at tba t'attbt offlrt, tba Pate J I lwa, ttf- - tta out liiatrucioB Itok, Anrir to or ddrtai UU.NN 1 CO., t. 51 .1'ark Itfl. New Ytra. HI T ADUW-Y- OU CANNOT FIND A UET Xiier, or cbaater anlcr, fur Hiautltrlti an J JLratxtllablif tba bkl tbau 11IR HAU OF WUITK LIMR8. It la aa arllcla af rara ftrtua, It la warrants uot to Injur iba akin. 'I bocaaoda ara uilac It dallr. for laat, Buu burn, ttalluwaaaa. Klcitvorui Illclrltaa, llmtlaa. and In lact aluit all klula of aropilfa wbleta tppaar oa tha far and aalo, rtultitof II baauLlfallr cJaar, aott andwb.l', ilraluoi aatura la btr falraal furma. ll la IL tbapil a wall u tba txa,tt trlrc brief lnt KOUlV 'TNI 5 tar KHtlt. robafadalkl Kifbtb ar4 N. Y4 ard at Ad Soutb bacwud iu WlUlauaburib. 6jJ T. UAflXl'M'd EKA3TIU aiAl AND Hl'CKLta, PA NTrt Vr4TiASn DRAWKPH. Tb't littlt Inveotloa ranUii of au alattc ttrap af tail dawdorlctd mbler, Ub abuct.lt al ticb nd. and la tap lad to lb aLova araiata br fuitlm lb bjaki a raadjr on, and puulnf tblt in tit tucaiiic lb adj of tb aitapa tbrouia tb IT II YKRY NOVEU till mora mrlioTMoa, tad rrv ea airt "iva jubt what wt wANrKi." Tba tullowim ara tou of Ita mtrita, tIi j ltt-- lt tauata a Hrft ttol aa faneayt to wbltb It aaptiad tnd-- lt doai ntt ttrala r draw tixm tb bod t'.coplBf (or In taf othtr poatuitl, ta il tb tad bocklaa now nitd, wben buck!l up il rdt allow t ptrfect ftfaJara of tba todfabaa bbf aiarcla. and ran ta tlib!oad r loot nd taaalt lb ooa?talte of tba wtartr. 4tb-- H la aaallf adjnattd to pasta, re la tad draw ra, aad can b cbaaa4 fram ou f arajtat to aau ikar In a momtnt. and bapltD4vlll a at sal ot rdr, PHICS U CRNTI. A MUF.RAL bldCOlM T(l 1I1R TRADE, for ttl by it"" ad Nttkn Daalort looaraltr, llannrarturtd by tb 'BARNUUH ri,AllUMUAP ANDIMTKLI CO, urricc no hkhadttay, n. y, aT Cajnp'a taat br taali on itctlpt of l&c. a AtlCNTH WANTED. .41 106 pAl HNTS I'ATESTS-PATKSTS- UN N &, CO. conlina to aollclt Pafanta and obtain action oa bw iBTtotlona, J Ytixa XMitaut. omr. ST Park Ilow. l?aupb:u of laformat1' n fr. Ui I!K YOUTIPfl TEMPKnANCR 1UNNKU 'lb Nat Ion aJ TaaapTaac fkciir aad Public, lion lltMa a ao publlab a atw fcloLlUlr laniabet f tpar. aapacUll aJaite4 la Ihildran and Youth, ft dud a bcbooia, and Jot tail Tuiprt& OrjaaU-- fcilooa, Kach Bum bar will r ttatlfultf lllnafrattd, ml palat ararad to mak li a nrtKliH IPr Ut tba Chi drtn of Aniartca. Tbatwoavia wjl t alt tJllaJ, alaai If mtk rlitraa) t. T, 1j. Corljr. Dr, Cbatlai .Tawar, fear Dr AaaD Bmltb, Itar, Alfral 1 arlor, aJtJ Mr. .1, K sUei uanjatr, rrof. A. B.raliutr, Rt. Jatuta II. Dudb, iitn H. r.Carr, Itor H W, L'bld.aw. JJra.Uarr J. IIartr, j.t- - Wm. U, Star. N. C. L'oblt f u, Mri. P. U. U. fctT.tbailaa J. Joua, Kruna. All eoinmnalatltiD fcr tlil'ttrt ahould ba a1. afroMad. -- EdlUn of Ut ?ki and ilannor," UJ Vlllara at, Nar York ( AlHUmiltaucta tn4 buUrrlptloni, (otbr wpb a'l buamfat Ulttra Inr lb pa'ii, ad Irtiaol j J s OTIAHNMTI VriUlimit,NaarY(.rrMtr. I'tatara, Bupnntodtn(a Itiilitta, aadfrlaadiof tba cauaa, ara tntbonrad It art at Attora aid ear- axtlr rfiaa'ad to ad m rtr,ulailni "iba lU'itttr." ud rorwardiBf antioriultooa, Hlotiror, foroct rtar.lo airanct'- .$0 to 19U cop t to on addrfaa " li 'I waul " " . .. 6 J rirty .19 0) Oat taaJrad ' , yg J, ti. BTEARN0, PuMJiMaf Aiaaf. IW Xjt William tUN. Y,, q) KMPI.0YEKS-0KDI- E3 AKE 30I.ICI-- tad lor afar dttrltU.a of woik at tb Work Mi i onia U lb Woiklac Womtu'a Tioucav I'ulua, 1 lMital ta ik 4th floor of 111 FnJlon it. Kr 1 ' i dtaanptioo af ftmllacwlot an4 ipalrl( will t I L daa ai lb a bo run ilblnoUc. Ut A- - .WHEN THE WHOLE WORLD AND 1113 1 ft vlf rota! toolbar, au4 wbta lb blbira art Ihaca, than mi tba ltr uoailBf wbar It rtad .IUI WJIYT tO KftUM. rrlaa taaata. THE m SUN, rriLirtvJr.nrt onr. YQUK. FKIDAY MAW'll 1."). 39(57. Pno Two Conln CONGRESS. , procki:dixgs yesterday. Tho Sopplomontal Hoconstrno-tlo- n Dill. DEBATE IN THE Sl'XATE. NO CONCLUSION ARRIVED AT. The Uhr Qutslloa la the House. AW EIQI1T HOUR DILL. Ac. q. Ttlryrnplt'A to iht .Vrw VorK iftin ) M'A.msnTox, Mrclill. TW. I. jn)wlni fining in tb llou.o In titvr ot tlio lirmJUto n.ljoiiruincnt of L'uugtMt. llio llmi trni .ac' .1 HMti-cl- j mi j li'j.ltKMt lo .l.i.r. Rtiil K.IJ'Mirnril till In- morrow, Impl'i; (lin ta rc.'olvo tlio Sup lilemoiiUl Uoooutlructloa bill from U.J Sen ate. A number of ili..nM nmnn 'in ij nuJ niirj oClcer. l.n. Iiron undo by onl.M Irom UifroipcctUe ilf irtiimnt. 1'jiiii tcr Jolin A. Il.itri, Jr. niinrhr.l to tlie toreililji JmuejU.vu, JioJ ul l'.uaiuj ou tbo llli lnt. Tin rMrn.iti jondriiil tli follnwln;. niuoui; vilitr noii.lii.illuni (.'omul. II. II. IU up at liiiil.: II. I.o nt llnt.uu, .I.IU.V 11m following m.ium; otlir. wrre Kjict.'.l .1. II. I'.Ktumter N V . I. 1'. Atbiucu.l, .r..l lldicer. I lul.i lolplii i. Snu r H.ickrfUw ami ex oiiit..r t'unn bail u iiitcrlsw with Scret.ir.r : ( ull.u-'- i to.lny. In iv;ril to tlw rr.ipniitinnt of I'd. William 11. Tliuun.. n t'vllctir of tbo port of I'lilUilplplii. Tim I'rMlunt Imi Ibdu'I .t prol.imKtlon tlrcl'irini; tbo rxlirlcTi.'ii of tbo o .nvrutii.n l.f twftn tbo I'nitoJ Slulrs, Auitiii, Itrl-Ki- Spnln, rr.inrc. (lioat ilritmu, tbo NotbcrlAuJ., l'ottiitfit Mint KwrHoa on tlio utio part auU tbr S.iltan ot .Morocco on tbo otbor, roucrnri? llo HiliiiinUlrathn nr'l npbublitig of tbo liitbtbou. .it Cipo Spnr-li'l- . 'llio Korvrnuiciit of .Morocco not at tblt time liawut any lo.irinn, cither of wjr or cntiimcico. tbo cijh"h. , n cc.ary fur tipboliliiig itml ntiinain tbo lii()it booio li to bo homo by ircm of an atiinj.il coutri button, tbo ipiota of nbioli .ball be uliln lor all (t tbom, ami If brioxflcr tbn Sultan iboiibl li, vo h mval or nt. reliant inurluo, bo liiuilf biniidf to .haro in tlio oipti.c. in liko proportluu wltli tbo otL. r u..tlH.ui1; poneri Tbo N.ivy IlipartmDt ba rccclrcl ilia i ..'cbra from Coiumoiloro (.'li.u'cs II lijcgi, coiiinianJInj; L'uitc.t Sulci itiauicr Do Soto.iSutfl I'o. it .1 Litre, (liiai'alonpc, Kel. '.'tb, nunouiKiii;; bi. nrrlvnl o. tbut pW on tint ilatc, liaMiij; talle.l f.om t.a Uuarri oi tho US;!i f Jairury, aftir il.il. lis aiul l.irtl.iliuo. Tlio 1'iitteil Stntc, .icauirr I'll, illll.i wa. at llferlinlort ropnlr tui; Coninu toro lloiri:. fniuil nt Martin l.pio on tbo StU of February tlio French llect, ilc.tliicil lor Vcn t ril., roli.itllnj; of tbieo iiou-cUJ- , an 1 ciibt 1.ik cseh c.ipnMo ol cin; liti tn.-lv- l.tiuilrcil hum), t.i ti.tu.porit li.i.i tallrcl before bit aitival. '1 ho other wcro worLinir tlay anj niptit taking in coal, .tore, r, ami tit filllcil while tin I'.' Soto wa. Ihero. Tlio iron clailt anil remaining traii.port.. t'orn luo.loro llonx write, would t ill on the '.'III ot I Sruary ronriETii cowore33. i iikt aij.inv. hereto. ( Ti ' i' li.'.cf It Dtt .Vcie I'ocV Vim ) Wa.iiim.iiiv, Maiclill. iu.ii)i;i vl.. llr Vutot pr'tentoil uicinor..iI. from tbo Ix"i.latiiro of .Vow Mciioo for tho coioj.lc tlon of tho cjpit il huiMIn at S.iiiln I'o ; for tbo incroa.e of the pay of tho u:licert of tbo termor. , for tlio eroctuu of a peulten tltry ami lor tho payment of claim, for Indian dcpreilallon., etc . all of which woio referred to the ('oiiiiuiltra ou 'lomlorlci Several prliate pctilloua were then pio tented and relcrrod. or.v CAtlllt. Mr I'amtey, from the Committee on I'o.t (HlWt arid Putt lloadt, reported bark favorably the bill uiitlnirlzine tho All mtlo Telecraiili Company of Now York to make founding, and lay a cable on the American cottt, to connect with the French cna.t. Al.o, tbo bill to declare certain brldei acront tUo Mit.oarl Ilhor public hljhwajt. rotTu Mr Williaim Introduced a Joint resolution to cancel a post ollku contrait lor carrying tho mail from Portland, (liogon, to l.mooln, ( al'ornia.now tu tho handtof biseolleiigiie, Mr. (Jorbett. He eiplalned, iu oflerlng tbo retolutlon, that Mr. Corbott took tbo con- tract before he wat elected to tbo Senate, and dc.lrnl now tu rcliniimali It under tbo act of Congre.t i.rohlbitliig Senator! or member from holding conUactt ujdir tbo (loverninent. l'a.red, Mr. Williams muted to I alio up the bill of tbo Houte to impend tho law ut tho latt clou fur tho relief of tho bolra uf Jubu V.. llouUgny. It wat taken up and referred to the Cum mitteo un l'lhale Iiud Claim), TUB cil'ITOi, anoLXti". Mr Fet.enden, from tha Committee ou I'ublio llulldlngi und Oroundt, roiorted a bill tu provide lu part for tbo oxtoutloa of tbn Capitol eroundi. It appioprtatct t'.'I.OOO to bo ui'd for the purpotoof t;radlu: aud tilling up the ground, l'at.ed, Mr. Van Wlnklo Introduced a retolutlon initructlog the Commltteo on IVnuou. to Inquire into tho expediency of putting a granted by Congreta ou tho tame foot lug with thoee granted under general law. Adopted. the luvitniTT nut-M- r. Morton lutrojurrd a retolutlon to tirmt one thoutaud coplea of the Hankrupt bill, which wat referred ,tu tbo C'uuiuilttco ou l'nnttug, r.iv 0IK aid pnritr.v. Mr l'omeroY Inlrodiicrd a bill authoriz ing the I'ottiiu.tcr Central to coutract with the Cummerclal Navigation Company for the weekly transportation of ICuropean and foroign mailt between Now York and Bremen, touchlug at riouthamptnii, aud authoring tbo guarantee ou behalf of the I mted Hiatet, of tbo boudt of tho paid com- pany, to au am. tint nut eiceeding , tho company to tit out within one yuar teven llrtl-rUi- t thlpt for the tcrtlc. uami-d- , tho boudt to bo litued upon the completion uf the tame, but not to a greater amount than fifty per ceut. uf the value of emu le.peUitel). 1'bo cowpantatluu of tbo cuiupauy for the tervice rendired it not tuoxeced In amount tbo whole turn received lor poatageon the letter., r.ewiptpon, etc., transported. The bill wat ulcrred to-- the Luutuiiitee ou I'o.t UUlco. aud 1'oit Kotdt. wniKKt is ittr. ciirot-M- r Fcttonden reported, from the Com- mittee un I'uullc llulldlngi and llrouudu, advertely upon the Joint retolutlon uf Mr. Wilton, prohibiting the uio of llipior in tbo Capitol, but presented au amendment to tho Joint rule, providing that no liuori tball bo offered for tale, or kept within tha Capitol, or any room counected therewith, or on the publlo groundt adjacent thereto, and that tbo Herireant-at-Arui- i of the two Iloutet tball eu force tho provitlont. and au officer or employe who tball viulato the rule ahall bo dltiuitied fremotllce, lOUlllElUt KAILROtt). Mr Itamtay Introduced a bill authorizing tho Southern I'acilio Hallroad to extend thttr road we.twar.l tlirougli the Terrltnriet of Aew Metico and Arirona to the ea.t boundary line of Calif rnia, and. with tha "a''nt,?f -- t M itc, through the tame to l 1 aclflc Ocan, tha .tl.t compan? to Va tattled to nil ll.c prmlegp., grant, of land, loan of bond., elo . n, .ire granted t the Union 1'n, mo Kiulriiiid Companr. Ileferr'd to the tuuiuilttro un tlio I'acilio' lUllroad. tut: i iit pMrTi r.i faNjtRfcTioi wi Mr Iriiiibiill ca'I-- up tlio Siipvleuicnt nr.i I.Vioiniriiolinii Hill, and It wa. lakeii up and read ut length. 'I ho te.iding having be ii concluded. Mr Drake n.ki-- tl tli reeomnirtidctl bv tbc.liidiciary Com mitteo wn open to ninotidmout f Tho ( li.ur Mid it w.it. Mr Di.ilo i.ibl bo bad tcver.il .inien.1 llientt io oiler. 'I he In .1 waii In .r III I ho third tlon n provl.i. m th.it. m tho i prnvi le f,,r in I ho pioce.ting . , turn.. 1'ie togi-ter.- il oter ol .narli M.iio 'mll VkIC on Uhi ,cti,,n f ho.I.'. .1 SUI l li iii end lurniltig ll ( oiialliiltimi. I i.o.o in f.ivoi ol llio t jioehlloll ahull I. no wilt, ten or pr. tiled their l..illola tor a t i oi ' I in,. .oppow.Lti.ill hate ".igain.t .at', lention" wiiiten in .riiile.l ou their ballot.. '1 h" per.on. appointed to atipr rlii teint the election .hull noike rolnrii. or the volrt tor and agiin.i. I he I'oniinamiing (ien. nil, when H o enmn tball bo rilurne.l, .ball naceiiuiii tl.e i itnl roll, nod it a in.) loritt ol Hie whole niiiolicra ol tho- - in any sidto .lull li i qvoi. , ii, tu, b a I'iiiivfii-lloll- . It :oi! be I, el, I, II' a iiihJiiiIV ball halo lotc.l ai.iu.at the l.oilenlloli, un audi Coiivi oil, .ii ihil b,( h(d,l. Mr Drake aaul lie did not like tho priiii.-loi- i of tin. loll a. repir. onitio tuloect. Ho did not ll.iuk tin. io. Ii o In i'. elei'li .1 a. lileinboia of tbn t'oiivi'iitiou elioold li.it n it in their power to tuiho an olllcml Cipro.-.io- of what thi'.t cb(M.e todi-v-tat- tube the tenet nt the people, but that tl o pen I'lo theniaelve. .huilbl liy their Idle, direct- ly do. I.rt their wi.he. on tb it atiiijent. Mr. Trumbull .ild the Judiclarv Coiiiiiilt-t- i . had i uli.ideted a irnpo.iUou timil it to th.it now iiitrixliircil h.t Mr. Diuko, luitihey had red tli.it It wa. In. oa now in the loll Fraiul. ueio effectually giiatdeil ng.iii.t Iii the pro. i. ion lint tlio I 'on.titil-lio- n,i .1 In. latili-- li v a major. I uf llio t ;latered loler.. lis hoped I lie bill iiollbl lw I ja.ed aa it camo lioni the .liidti'iiiry Comiiiittce. If many ntiieiidiiieuts wete olii re It Iiollbl be llliootirlioila, Mr Drake replliI to Mi I'minlml!, ingo- ing Ibu no o.ty for ,o.irdiiig the southern pouple agaiu.i i .e pM.ilulity ol bell ki ll iut.i lb ailopinm ol a t'oii.uiiili. ii agllnat their wi.l.ea. ll.-e- tm--i who ba.1 mil- led th.iu.piople iliuiiii' llio but n. o.irj were now readi to lltialeiid them iil,..!!,'. Mr rielinliiiiaeti beliend there wat tnlli.'teiit ..eiirit,! in Ibeproii.ion re.pii tig tbo consul. t ol o inmoril ot the legi.teied soters the loritution ut a conatttuiion Mr llonord linoel Jli. Ilr.ike'a nllieti l loent would l adopted ns a nece.sirv t ro tectlnn to gelling n full esprna.loii ol the peiii.tr vuico. Tho bill recently pa..ed liolila nut it proportion by u t .ti:v ahlell tho Southern Slalea mar ho rehablUlnted. and rrstnii'.l to their tielita , bo thought It pn'per to hunt tbo kt ow ledge of the. a teiina to II. e !. le people ol he Month, and he knew of no bolter wayof I'j-u- tlil than by .tihtntting to ihem ttieipie.t'ou whetlur thev welo iiHling toioiiiplj with Ihetu. Mr. rcenden likml tbo mpo.ition In thl. lull which re.iuiie.l .i rei.triitfon nf tbo tote., and .eniiid tbo free etein.e of tbn tight ol toll ra to .ill w ho were entitled In it. Hut ho did not think .1 might lo bo mado the duty of a c.itiiui.iinllrot ntllcer to cell a coiivi utlo'i that noglit to bo lett In tll"piopI(. llio I'tOM'lent W.IK 111.11111111.-0.- tor thrusting upon the peoplo of llio South lonatttntlnna to which thev bid not given thoir ai.i-nt- . He did not think that men who had celled tl is murpai ion in the ahould ft. tor llio conipulsuiy i.,nii,iti,iti ol onn.iitu tiuti. not., lli. modo would ho t i .get tho legi.ttdttoti 1'ii.t an I pot it in'.o tbo but d. of the I'iov inoiial ilov. i nor when the I'm visional (luternoiN expre..ed n ite.tro to .all a couteiition, then tbo Commanding tJelier.il e'lould do what is reijuned of bun to .iiemlilo it. Ho thought it very p.. ou- tlet that lh.ro .hould bo mi foiling uf Iho nidi Iho futmaliiiu of a cuaalifiitluil. I.iople wish thoiu uiitbir to lotuieed into the t iii.mi iigolii nor kept out uf ll . 'llio I nli.n thirty bad a;icod njuiii tellllt U.oll wblill thev (ould i.oll.e b K k. und It onkht lo bo lelt entirely to llielu to act ut their own acoord. lr. Morton u.isoppocd toeiihoiitting tho unction ol eonteiilioii or no convention to the rein I. al nil III Iho hegiuuilig ll tan tllltdt of tbn Imw till totel. ol tbn Smth weio uot iii fetor ot t contention lot Ihein stay at l.uuie. but lit th. in not bo iihlo to dole it the work of ri constritctioii l,it the convention bo held and tlio cons littitlon formed. It la quite enough for It.rm to bato a toico In the ratlllcuiuu uf tbo af.er It la fo, ined. Mr. Howard contend, d for the right of Congrost nt such tlmo in tuch manner at ll taw tit lo reature tho nbel Stalrt lie was uot In tuch a hurry to compltto thlt work at to admit n S ito w ithout a clear and fair eipriaslon of the will nf the inn Jority ol lit ritlrons. A minority govern mem could not exist In tblt coutitry, and if any State cuntaiued a majority opporad to returiilug lo tho Union no was lor keep ing It out till doomsday, or until its lieu pin repented la diut aud aihet fur their crimes! Mr. Stewart supported the bill as it came from the Judiciary Committee, believing it to meet all requirements, aud to need uo ameudmclita. Mr. Johnson did not belieia the florern-incu- t could subsist long with ten States out of the Union, It was tbo duty of Congress to hasten tho work uf reconstruction on this account. Mr. Drake's amendment was dltagreei to by Ihu lolluwlng vote YsisMsssrs. Ctmarin, ChtDdl.rt Disks, Fsrrv, F.MSQdtii, Htr.ao, llowarj, ' Hows, Morj.o, Morrill ol M.lus, U rri'.l ..I l'.UsisjQ of Nsw llsoipsLlis, but&bsr, Tk.v.r, lleloo tod W.!s -- 17. N.ts -- Ms.irs, Anlhony, flirkt'sw, Cts, Conr. I'ng, Cootsss, Cjibslt, (.ln, li.v's, IMx mt llio lltllr 1'rsllDglniv.t., tlrtoiss, ItTris-sqi- i. Jatissoe, lliirtoa, I'.llsrsia of T.anss.s.f ltsm.Ti lt's, H.srm.n, Hprtfus. Hl.w.rt. Trum-bu.l- , Via Wiuklr, Willi aim aud Yil.-'.- 7. Mr Drake moved to amend the fourth section by adding tho following proviso . rrovhisd, Tr.it no tuch eoBslllutlon shall bs eenstilarsd ss eullillng lbs Hint for wblon ll is frtmsd to such rsprsa.al.tioa union II provlil.s tb.t t ill alaclloua for fllalt, coualy or niuulclpal irT.lri tb. sl.stors sbsll vol. by rlcs. I lltot, tad such tuo4s cf vutluf still nsvtr It CUaagtd wtl. bill Ibt ssMQt of Ciagrs.i. While Mr. Drake was advocating bit amendment be wa, interrupted by Mr ' Conkllng, who Inquired, ".Suppose they should adopt constitutions In which they should insert this provision, mh! alter their representatives are udmitted, ou the next oco.isluuuf retlsing thelrcunstltiiiiuu should strike out that and substitute a provl.loti ordainiug rli-.- i rore voting, what was Mr. Drake or what wat Cougtes, going to do uhunt it I Mr. Drake replied, that if they form a constitution with this pruvulon in it, and afterwards violate It. Iliey will havo viola- ted an express stipulation In their constitu- tion, aud an express contract with tint (lovcrnnient, aud bo (Dr.tko), tor one, would be prepaied to lay that the State ibould not bavo a Senator or Kepresenta tlve in those ball a lung ut ti.at violation existed. Mr. Cnnkling That is, you would turn them out Mr. Drake Certainly, without a mo- - ment'a hesitation. Mr Conkling bad only to say that it would bo rather un awkwaid thing to do in many respects It would bo especiall t awk- ward In view of the Li-- llutt the Supremo Court had repeatedly decided in ouo raso originating in Altbama, lor instance that any such contract would bo nbsoluiely and utterly vuid fur ull suoh purpuscs, Alter futtber colloquy uu tins subject, Mr. Draka said that ou reflectluii ho was strengthened lu the belief ho bad ei pre mod on being tint uuettiuned, that Cougrrss would havo a rlgut to thrust out Senators and Ilepreseutativti under the cirtutu. stances mentioned by him. If tha time overcame tu tett the question, if we bad men of nerve in tbo Senate, they would car- ry out tblt idea. He came Irom a State where there were no Conn-rvalu- lladirali, and the people endotiod that kind of Itadi. calisrn. Mr. Trumbull, replying to Mr, Drake, aid bo bad no men opiuiorlof the people liber North or South aa to deny tbeiu au opsn biJlot. To unorould le lo encou. ra;a '. i .! t.i,.t r, j, Mr. ftisind.n Dt.f.n.,1 not to ont ij h provl.louj In Ult Mil bet to leave at! sneb miinrs tt ttt :sidereil -- hen toe eo el these art prmuted U Cockress f irrselslun. Ut Cook, Ids;, tiling if at for avolnrta of riecoru, rtad from on of tar Js-- . Itieot tothow that a condition, Haded al condition of the admission uf n Slat., eased to have fcuy bill. ling elect when the Slat, lip.nnie sovereign and ussiitoe.t III tiinr'.oua a. a neliibcrnf tho Colon, llo v.r.v xnai doubt whetl.or this ptovl. I lion, If It could be Imbed. led In tbo roustl I toll ins ol ntiv of the laie rebel States, I would add in Um .ecimiyof the people it w,i de'lgiteit to prot et Mr il.on s.iid thai, nt the n.k of ehiMpil ns a f. ti.erialiio lli.llcal. be inii.il ti.lotuai. . t'lt.utoenditieiil. Ihev I i R I . one on till. .tl,'( I lti M l.sa. tli. p ia.ed a.icret linll.it law t'.cee once, it met with the disippeoli. Hon ot the peop'o. mid was finally mmlitled 10 ns to to late, iu.le.td of i ..ml . Ulilg, . le'l a wi of t..,. ig e th, light tlio coiintrx would look iqion thia n. loihcr a uairuw point to iiiaHC, and a. aoekma an t oeca.iuit Inr keeping the State, toil of tho I'nmn, rather tb.iu oudcituting to get Ihem but k. .Mr D.HinttIelM.liere.1 It lo he iineonstltii. tlon il lr loiiioao our such condition im a lilllite Stale. All an. I. inittlels Vlelo left to the Sii.lt , I,, tho Coii.titnlioii, Jlr. Morton aaul be would toto for Mr Diake'. amen. Ini. ut. If tbo cl.iu.o ipferrlng j tn Iho lutine woio untitled, and il prottdod .ituplv llnl u ing t.T eliiaoil billot., .ball loi plotldoil loi in loe e il..liluUons. lie lelie..-,- l il verv lliiportoiit t tl It the tot u ah oil. I l e b) I Iwllot, I. it he iloul l the rif lit of Cnvtreis tn lmji.e a cnnditln-- i of tin. Mint wbi.h .hoold be binding in tbo futiue. Mr lleudeisoti epokn .igilnst the. amend- ment. Mr thought tho adrant iee nf voting by btllot vtem iitereetiiiiiiie.l. Ilm only result obtained In- It was nil opKiitiiiilt v lor iiiiinlng ne.i-pl- to deceitn utheis. It wat idlo to a'.:omtit to tiiuk.1 the etnploo tilde iieud cut ul In. emplover. bv this imaus. It would ntlotil mi prnteetiou. Ho obieclod to toe attempt In thl manner In I in mutable piinuple, in conslitiilioiis. Ho bo. beted it wo. policy to .ubeet constlliltiont to penodliul revisions and opiiortunitios fcr lolorm. Ho bopod to si o tlio day whon tolea would bo legi.lcicd and kept for ex. amiiihlioii, Mr. Corbett did tint believe the amend- ment ul Mr. Di.ike would ace imtiti.li the I'lirtioaea forwhleh It was inieuded. Ho ipuko btiolly against it. At tl.o i .iii, lii.io n of Mr. Corbell's . the V ute, pending tbo consider of Mr Drnktta iinuttiltiieiit, went In to I.xviut.to tes-io- and souu adtt lltll'.lH fi' T1IK Tltrtll KV til ST. Mr Cot-od- ii. I ed le ive to olf. r a rc.olu I neiiiiig that charges of n regnUt .:i. a 11 the treasury llep.ittmeut bad b. ou made thiough tho Ue.s und In tho House, an I tlint such st.a'.-iiie- t .are calcnla'ed to ciomi gre.it iinoaslne.s lu tho country j and lor the ippi.inttnent of n select uf llto to nite.tigato all such char- ges, and to report to the llmiso tba ptuaetit outstanding government Indehti.luesi, us rcpnai ulod by eum-ncy- , iMiuds, eonipjuud inti.ie.t note, and i.tur promises to pav. 'I lie ilel.icii. hi exi.tliilcd hv the bunk, ivl.d T'.o amoiintt of over tasu il nn , other . ollpniit or tltlpll. .ited builds bato been pr. .ent.d, and it io, wlial niuount ul sin h has been redeemed, and to Inquire Into ell other Irrogulnritin., Ao. Mr. CI. tnli r objected, in tho lasld.iiise w:i loo itnlel-oit..- and opened up loo wide a held ol lliquil. Mr. iv .do goto noll.-- llia,t ho would move un Mnnt iv to .i spend the rule., .o a. 1 utlor the resolution. tiKAinaaa ut- cusnni ss i lour hours' I il iu ii. Mr .litliin introduced hilt lo fix the time for tho election of rrpn mutative, und ilelegaten in t 'ongre.s , and a lull to . oliatl-- I im Iil houri a il iv'a work lor all mec' an lea and laburera t inplovod by or un b halt of the liuteiniiient. tUfcriod to tLu Judi- ciary Collltllltteo. Mr. Holm tu desired to havo Iho li't.r bill (Hit on ita passage uuw, but Mi Stttous ol'leeted. I eriiaiobi Wood presented the petition of Maror Hoiltiiaii and eitiom of Now itirk, a.kiug the extension of the .aiuo privileges to NKilora hutiorably iliaih-ugo- at la now uxtelided by law to'ioldlrli. Tlie Kpeakrr pre.etiied Ihe renly of tho l'onre.s on it piitit.i In 1... inquiry lillilHiilcd iu .1 le.ollltion uf Mnich 11th, tho puichaso of priutlug paper niuilt.Uio. Mr. Kcolleld ullereil n resolution Initruct ing tho Commltteo un HIoctmiM to report whether Mr. Hunt ur Mr. Chilllcott, claim- ing at dolegalea Irom Culutadu, it peloid yucic entitle.lto tho seal. Mr. U.iudall moved that when the Homo adjourn toda, it ailjourn to meet un Muu dav. 'I he mution tvae negatived The Home thou, at l'.'r.'U o'clock, ad- journed. KiToNnTlti'irrtoN. (TrUtrtifihrtt fo Me Arte Font .S'tin.) 1 ho .eremt .Mllllarr Dl.irlet. Ciittit.i.sro.v, K. C, March Id. - llcnertl li ibiuson cuiumanding thli Dep.irttnent In tbo ubienco nf flcner.ll Sickles, issued au order this morning annouiulng the recep- tion of au official copy of thu military act, ii ri il delating It now tho law of tho Depatl um lit uf tl.o lutolinai, Flltl'X. (Trtryrtiphetl lo the .Yeie Vurk Stm.J New York, Turn fS. Y , March 1 1. A tiro at Sell igh tlcoke, tb't morning, destroyed the coidage works uf Kpleor A Meeley, und the twine failury or Tlbblttt llrlggt. 'Iho building wasuvtncdlivli.il ll.iker. I.os i tu (ll.tiofl; mostly lii.'iied. WiitrLIIAM. N Y . March 1 1, A fire broke nut thlt morning about 'i o'cloik. In tho building occupied by Charles Nichols as ii grocery itore, which wai rapidly roniumed. The next building wat owned and occupied by Hitiivit, as n hikery, dry goods and grn torv ttoro, which wat also destroyed, 'the building adjoining tin wits ovtried by Cliailci Chapui, aud oveupled by J. 1'iah as a gtucery and provision store. It was speedily foniiimul. A cigar itore in the kauio building and au olil barn in Dlvialuu atrect, owned by Cbapln, was al.o consum- ed. Other bulluingt aught lire, but were oxlln, inihcd. 'Iho losa Is about n,'W, whleb li partially imuted. Jilalue. ( Trtrjrtii'htd lo Iht Sim Vurk Sun.) Ai ui srs, Ml , Man b 1. The cotton Int ting mill In Duality waa destroyed lit- tiro at noon today Tho in.ichiiu.ry ami a largo quantity of c.'ttuu were detirojed. I .on I sj.uW ( nnnila, (Ttl''jrci)littl lolhe .Yew York Sun, IlriMst h i t:, C, W., Marih 1. 1 he houte ol Jaunt Wilkius win desirott d by tiro last uigbt. live ihildieu who lived lu tbo hu iso were badly burned , two of iLtiu aro not expected to live. ( ulltrlor ef the I'm ol I'lillndelpkla. 'iitt'ji ii.u'i( M lite ,tu l or. .Vim I'lilt.tiiriMiiA. March Id. A delegation of Iho incrriintilo community left I'hiladel-phu- t tint afternoon for Washington, to urge tbo reappointment of Colonel Wm, II. Thomat as Collector of Iho Fort of 7 hey lay the huiiiiest of tho port absolutely demand! bin restoration tn the position bo to ably tilled during the admiu-titratio- of I'retident I.tncolu, 'Iho and ihlpiieri generally, without of party politics, bavo united la tho recommendation. Till. Fenlaut in llutfalo, at eltewlere, are greatly excited at tha lata now Irom Tbo CiifitlKii tays, at not any time since tho June Invasion bavo tho Irish to much agitated, aud that fifteen huudred Ughtiug tueu could bo raliud ut an tour', uotltio. FLOODS INTKEWEST. iiMnoNAi Ac orws. TEBIUBLE S I F V It 1 X G . rni: rnofLC STAUvirco. 25 Ditd BeJics Seen Floatins Uuwn a River. Ac Ac, Ar, f TflnjrafthHl lo ike AVm Vork JS'ttn ) fin"Mi, M.r:h 1. A aprclal iliwilch irom N'.i'.Ull to th( t'incinimtl UWhriK py. ' IU rMrta ol vuilrtut,; nt ( hill.i-- j t'o.(;a nrM othr pjM utaii llio TrnueMCrt Itufr, iw itppitliiug. At Ch.itt.itinng i, on tlif 1 la, tlio t4ir Iroiu l: to 'JU lift tlffi. M mjr hotuM toppling ovrr, and ottifra HoMlnjt wijr. lli.i M ijor, ith i puflae i f riluma ,uul toMiria, w n forag.n,; JUiong tlio U'ftiUxl i in tor ou, Tw .irfotit i of t li- ioi1 pntrtril, Imt tlio Mrtjor aait j 1'ie pouplo ti at.iititij;, Twrinlj llvo Jo.ivl ' l'omi-- a re writ lUniitn tlown t!ii titer at Hr1tl49pAff.AU.uH Iho l.'th. TLrt loaof pioprrt in rat.tn.itaitt it tnit'.i.xt of ilillara. li.rrttl 1'i.iliti, ut NjilitlIo, :ta mhUnj Hlotia tu ft,il t.tt.iua through tt CltAtt.i tin in ft, Cmo, 111 , M,ir. It --.llt- of t!,ft If.inn'r I! xAiurl. li"! Tutn Arlniiitai riv- er, trport tho CxuiIlT otrttltrnl, villi jErM Ion a of priinrly uinl ttntl orin .tmon tht lp( ibitAitta. Twontr wrrtii liva lin I 1 I. at Bt ,y tlio HoimI, ninall frroilmrn Tlio atp.imfr lVtor lUlon, ilum- n?S by rtmuinc Into tl-- Imnk of tho txr al Itrtl IVilt. Kmr pnrt of her A r Atid a tltck htn.l wrro .iUj I oat. nr .11. Iho l.ou'itilU lliMOtntT, of Monl.iy, fiw ; 'Hi o tloftl at th Hntith ha hon nnnarl-l1fl- . It I. m proton r)noUHv ttiimtrotta rtloni; tho m of tho N lain tlio uml Clutla-tiooj.- t lUiIrnHtl. Tin mil piovo nut onU rrilou Mow iho lntrpat of (Int com p'.nr, lnt vr n in.urho tit inr nicrfli.tnM Hhi Jfiro to tiittko al.lpitirnla. unI to thn Inipovi-rUlii-i- l oopIn nl (tirti, vho uro ttTv notuilly ilrpoiitltftit upon 111 fnr tlirlr tliiilj tooil. At llio UM il it4 1 pnitlonof tlio Krrat I'rhlpo or-p- th iV'timnwo nt HitilppDrt wfi ulromlr Kiihtnil uml th titru.i riatn tit tho rti ot tnointli por hour. It ia to tn ft immI tbut lli Htt.l nlrili tut c: W tl l0 1" l ; t iirnj', nntl tlio n will ho tVnii.v Ii .rpnriihK. A conatttK-tln- tt mi Itii Wfii tftiit an tar S KithaUhtC, Imt rouht not (' fit r Ihor (ho trark loiii; covorr.l with aU ttvt of wtir a, far iia thn rto rotiM rrAclu hihI lioif, illan.ttchl Jr th pirpoao of ifpuinuix tho telf. K"J'i Uuo, couipfllnl tu return, tho pnttjM in tnnnv plm-- cono r out of mIi tit. I'lMwfou llrlitcoport a I'ltitttuMO'iiii in If nil tho hrltla y io aiiliifii rgt'd, but lul no ftr hicti ativoit Iit tho w'iht o tlio tritiiia lii.t'lnl with iron. Mit nufli tlntu'i.n lina hi'n nrru.iy lunn, oi hti.v I i tuoo Will ho roipilruil lti tt) Air it, r'lixi'il poMHihlv ho uaefttstMiHtl, or in riMtiiutitl, until th wnlrr auhildfn Th hihluio tivt r ('lilrUuinatii ('rvK, on tho Wi'atciii tittil AlUulio riMii, U rnp'tittl iiiiMulf, ttn.l tho ti it. W i ntt'lc r wiatr fur .t iliat-ui- nt rii intlfa fiom thnt point. A hreftk Mohio hIioio on ilo V,nnl Tonitpaao nii'l C'cor'ia rnl m l'i ti'poiu ', btu wo l..te no p irlii'iilui a. tflrrplin; cnmicriion hurtiiiii If rnljC'l rt If In: rut oil. Tt ia fo,irnl tlnit IhPin hu4 much law it;o, liolli to llio an t projtcitw thruuuhout that anciioii nf ciiuiiti. lho 'uiulii rl.iiul H atill Nflllnc. but tifit nt an 'i rtto a to ran" fui i he t approhitual(tn, iinli thfio ahuuhl Ih iiK.tu mill. 4 uiup.irH ly 'iltlo )ini It.n I'l-- ii unit iiijc.l in tho .K Hilt.v of Saul' v i'lt.. I ho f.n in! i'in . , hotrf't it, intibl li- to MilifMOi! atHrtrnlT. piiltMi; ly Iho iniii.tMiao iiuuiiittr of tfiico toili cuniUutty lloA'.tii Itk Nii.livitlo. NKW YORK. ( 1'itryriii'lirU fo Iht Any l'orl. Sun ) Fioce.dluua of the I.rglslittnre. Sl'.NATK. AtutNr Man hi I Sundry petitions wero prmeiited for tho oxteusionol Iho Mvtropol itan Hxcl.o law imt" I'etativn tn the llebrow lleuevolent Socio- y of Now York. Incurpor.itlng the I,ong Isliiml II, bio Ho cletr. trtlcrr-- to a third reading. Against cr atltig tho ulllco of luapector of Flour. Agreed to. Against incorporating thn Protective of Woclu ster. I. aid on tho table. Amending the charterof the Ciiion lajigua (,'lub of New l oik. 'I o change the name of the Student' Aca- demy of Now York Incorporating tbo Merchants' Mutual Pet- roleum Co tin the motion of Mr. T. Marphy, the New Yoik Surface and rmlcrgromid Kail, way bills veto made thu special order lor thli evening For tbo relief of the Nlagti.i, tlullalo, hticet llailroad. tut I a IVTKIIIil EH. f Pelatlre to buildings and the itor.ige nf combustibles. Amending the act for tho llrlief of Ilm Seamen's Fund and To Incoi potato tho tuyrcs.ant Having, Hank. Relative lo tho Crotou Aqueduct Depart tnetit 'In exempt Int 11 .' and "01 Ilroometrect, Now Yotk, Iron! taxation. lilt la I'or tho Improvement of lledford avenue, Ilrooklt-u- . Authurilng a portion of thn town nf Moiitgouniry. Oiango Co , to talo fiiI.On.iJ worth of itiVk iu tlio. Montgomery and llrie It. ill w.i v, for thn bettor regulation of tho publio cemetenes Incorporating thn Soldier' lluslnost, r and Dltitteh Cotutiatiy. Appioprl itmg loU,UUu lor Hudson litter improvements. mi i.t ant AKcru to a TttiRti nxtuiKii. Increasing the powers and duties of the Metropolitan Hoard ol Health. No amend inenta havo been mado tn thli bill linco It was last reported frutu thu Judiciary Ilecnss. r: i:xixa sksmox. ItllOtllWAY IIL'lllAC'K lllllll'MII 'Iho special order, tho llin.nlway Sorfn e It.iilrnad bill, wna then takeu up in tho Commliteo ol tho hole. Mr. Audrows moved to amen I, by that the Companr shall forfeit (1,00) per day for each day'a failure tu operate thetr cars beeaiise of mow, or for failure to remove tha snow front uutslde their tracks, tlio Company to have the right to dump tho snow in tho river Carried. Iho bill wa reported complete. IEt UOI'OI IT t V ItAIU.tMIl illl.l. Tho Metropolitan Kailroad bill wat next takeu up. Mr. lejvv moted to amend by itnkiiigoiit tho llioadvtay louto below lllu street. Carried. Mr. T. Murphy moved to require the com- pletion of one route lu lutitli .treot, within bt. years, and each of tbo streets wltblu ten years. Carried. Mr. Andrews moved In rirnvida that thn company shail bo responsible I'or all dam agcidooe private property, iu tbo cou.tiue-tio- of tbo road. Carrltd. The bill wat finally ordered ta it third reading, by u vuto ol -- J to 0. tiik rsKQAiityAT acnrAcn muu auai. Oa the call of yeas and nijs, tbo llroad-wa- Surface bill was ordered to a third reading by tho following vote i Ytiti -- Honrs. Harnett, llennett, Chlm-ley- , Collins, C. tl. Cornell, Fnlger, (lodard, Humphrey, T, Murphy, Nlokt, Pir.oni, Pier.on, Piatt, Beiiloni, Ktanlord, Hutber-land- , Willium aud W.lcett IS. VAt-ile- un. Anujett, Crjouticll. Crow. aa It (lib. on. Kline. I .a II tl, Ixmt, II. C Mutphy, While, Wood 11, Adoutned, ASSI.Tl7tr,Y. The bill giving 'W,lW S'alo M In thn con. Inn tlou of tha Whitehall nntl I'l.tttiburg Kailroad wat ordered ton third reading, .tut itr.rnnTKti. To antkorlio the Melropnlitati Transit Companr to enostruct and npef ito celt till tailro id tracks in tbe ellr of Now otk. Making an appropri ttioii of (.'.i.t')) tbo erection of a new Cnpitol. .'! KXIXi) SH.sslnX. ruts tti.iKeiu to a tiitnti in intMi. I'o nuthoriie the construction of a cross-tow- r.illios I Tn aiithotire the Couitnl. sinner of the Cent nil Park tn const i net n .tone .tairw ay et tie. intersection of lli ntenue and ""Hti elrert. To leninvr tbo ob.lriictlniis from lliepmis aud wbiirte. in tho Port of Now tmk. (Ii.i.. i.iwn inllliiilli nii.i. 1'ia.tn. Mr Travis nutted that tho Cross Town Kailroad Hill now have Irs third routing. It was agreed to. and tho bill was posted bs t vote ot 'it tn ft. Ihe Assendily then ndiotirtied. Nnttsntton or lb. Hudson Hirer ( Vcii inAc ,1 M Me .V, a- - ForJtr .Vim. ) llinann, N Y . M ir, h N.uig ittoti I. opened tn this point. Iheetei-nc- r Nuppi, tl.e Itogardiit line, which left New i ork list evening, united hero t' bilfpast uno o'clock tod ly, and thn first boat through this fo.i'on Heavy ice b.uricrs wero en roiiiiti red near llrislol, and from that point to this citt the titer is full ot tee. Ihe Constitutional CiintrDtt.n Aitivsi. Mnrih, II llieConfcrencoCom. mlttee of Iho Assembly and Senile, on tho bill, providing for it Convention lo revise tbo State Constitution, h.no ogret d. Iliey will leporl in favor of holding an election ou the loiirth 'Inc. day In Anil!, four delo-gale- In bo chosen from each Seliatn . and thirty Inn nt largo, colored men to vote, deserters and relinll eseltl.le.l. Iho Coiiveiitloti to meet lu Albaoy. Mr. Wei d ia the only Democrat un tl.oCoti.'auttoo who dlen ntt from tbo report. POLITICAL. TttfiraphM to the A- - KuiX Sun.) Vrrmont, Mitin rt trn, Vt.( Mnrclt II -- florcrnor DiHinlum Imt latum! a prool.iniitthm tho lifi.Bturo in na civ on tho '.'"th matitut. 'Iho uhjoit la to atlonl rnlirf tit tl e atiuthaaratrrn portion of tho Nt,itt whrro tho piopl i Iiuto lirnn cut olT front rullroul oullnt noulh nlnl vt by tha nrtiun of thn '1 ny and Itoaloit aaiitl ltn ami Hir.tii.i K.ulron.l ( ompnntna. llii rc tntnp.inlra htitli nprruto th'to roitiU tu thU Slur ii whl h ai umler tho control of tho Yi iiiuut liiaiiituro, '1 ho ri'iuiMty pi tpo-H- i hirloiMi tt oompunv to huihl a ii nil to cmiuect wall tha lloiUut lUi- - IU4'I. IIIrLUita. (7e'jrfipKftt to the .Vctv rrk Sun 1 iH.iiioir, Mich., March 1. -- Tho hciiio-cratl- SIjiIm Contciitiou tfttpnUr noun ii.tlol S.mforil M. (Iri'Cii. t'hiof Jnalii'o uf tho tStiprcino t'mirt, Hint William M. .tr, aiul l.lMMifrrr Kirnta nt tho UuiTfralty. Kriolutiona woio ailoptnl il imtuu'in tl.o l!oronatt lull (.ml alocl.ai in ft tho rnlritlirhlariiiMit of iM'ruta niit tho of whlto. br tur (Mtilfil Cuuj;riaaiitnril nct.ott, aa uiivuiiatt tutloual, utUUtarr uul revolutlouuty. lllaOilci la'nnit, (Trtftjraittie'l to the Arif Vint .Situ ) l'miiiursi i; It. 1., MstrtU 11 Um tSUto t'onTf ntion m thia utr to i lay, tioiiuuatcil 1,3111011 I'lfrco, of Troth tlonco, fjr (lovfrnnr; tlitlmiu II. liurlVo, of Tltorlou, I.irutmmiit llovornor ; Win. J. Miller, of Hrlitol, of .Stnto ; (leorco iV. Itliaa, of Kaat I'niM.Ieiioo, Atlor noyJtumrul ; Jitmta Alktuaoti, llcnrrnl lrinmirfr lu iho tViiKrHioinil Itlatriot, the iioHhn uf inakitii; at tiuiulmi-tou- t wti ipforiP'l to a Committi-- lu tho WfHtHru (inuionauiiMl Diiiriot, lloury Uatlor, uf Norwich, waa uoiitiuatmi. llnwaitrlniartU, (Tefftjvajthril to the tStw J01JI Sun IhiaiiiN, .M.ircli 1 1. 1 ho lower hriinih nf tho sMurMrhutf tU Iutaturii haa tho ConaUtutliHial AluoUtitnout by a vote of l.U yeua to imya. IllHriUail. Trttijritfthed to the AVw rrk Sun) Asnaioim, Mi.., Marrl, 1,1. In joint con volition today, tho I.fUl.itiira nf this Stud. itecUra! Hon, Philip Kraucla Thorn, rlct-- l IT. H, .Smutor )or ol x yi.tr, to lilt thn otiatinjf vaeuncy. Tho Ourrrnor watt il)rctitit to lamiH tho rifr.Miry comnilaajon to Ihu .Soimtor olrct. 'Iho Itoiatratiuu bill Lai putted lb Son at n. lStyv llnmpalilra Tha Ut-fi- rAturna ludtoato u annllrr Itv puhlicitn innlority thuu If ported - ihout '.'iiXl. 'Ihn OiMrioiTftta havo RitlnHd IS miu btia nf Aatauihly, 'Iho liopuhlicuu tuAor ity u tho Aaariuhlw hint yr.ir m yd, 'Iho return a indlcato tt majority of In nit HO thli yoar, tind tho Ifeniocruta ioucedo 7H Itaae 1UII t'onrantloo, IliRTioun, Conn., .M.irrh VX -- A Conven-lio- of tho ImHolmll rluht In ihU Htxtn whu hrld lu thin city to dar. About thfrty club woio rt'prt't'nttHl. A voto wat pnattd, foruilnz Kt.tto Association, and ruica and rcKnIationacoucrrulnfr Stato ohampionihipa wrio tailoptrd, 'Iho L'bartflr Oak of thu city trai unanimously at tha rhampion rlnb of tho Sttto, by tho Associa- tion. Tha first Annual intetlnL' will bo hold In Naw llaton, on tho Ural Monday m Nu vembr. Nows Uoma. Uy TiltgrcipK to t A'iv York Jun.) Tnr. t'inplnnall (?nlou duivf ntlon yetir dny numtuAtud Churlos K, Wltstack for Mayor Tin: housa of Mr. 8nll, In tho town of Jullarton, III, wna rutorcd by burUra on TnraJhy tilht, und alt to tn thoutaud dob I.irs w.11 atoten. Itriiivn tho pait wpfk, IIS piMona In Mtitaachusetta gvo notu'o to HUto that tboy h.id topp'-- aulliu Tu r San Francisco Cut torn Mouso sum ori- tur 1 hnvn acid opium vnluil at nhntit kbotit f VIO.'XJO, for au uttciupt to dehau I the rovenue. Gonoral IutollIgoucD Ity JuCi to the .AVtfl YorU Sun.i A linn usr meteor wnt ifnu br anvfral citueua of Coonril lllull. Iowa, Sunday eteulu, M ttist ll liijhUd the ultolo hf.iv-ni- , and rnotcd down to the wostprn horl-jtou- , aliHildniK lur a inoiuont h glow ol li;ht fipiul to that ul tho lull moou. Inr. road tbro.uhout N'idr.tfka aro Tory roiuh lioin tho ulturuito thaws nnd lit'-uij- l up leaded vrugons hrtvo to be niot uluni; with caro, and loooiuotion on tho loada it u pamfully alow Uunueia JU41 uuw fur both boast and chicle. Titi. people uf l mis ta uro worry In,; them aflvt--s about tho crasihopppr, l no o.niniry ia lilleit with tho rgK dcpniiteit hv tlu Hwanos vl laat ynar. and it m ft'fcttl that a couple of mouth will huUh them out and cover the country with the juiia brood, to dyvour etery ctceu tiling. A tew dnja slneotho body 'fan unknown man wna found III a nud that b.td heea till ed with water for about an wewki, botwtea MontKomory and Valdu, U.ano County, Is'. Y. .S' utliln wa found ou hi person to indlcato who he wat. or where be wai Irouu Tub Schanotady. N- V, HrtR aarai "Tone of butter ate n.uainj; dowu on the railroadi. Home of it haa been held for long time, and after heftitf roworkud it aeut to market. There beiu uow no hope of I up titer ndvaucea or aafet lu louder keeyiuat, EUROPE. SL'.Y CiBLE DIlI'iTCHES. Treublci In Irtlaaa1 Xtl Cadcd. BRITISH GUNBOATS SENT 70 DUBLIN. SufJorfucu of tho Fonlana fa Wlck-lo- w Mountalus. TIIK ITALIAN ELKCTIOXS. Uatlbalill lWiJIig the. Opposition. lr., A.T., Ac. 1 be t'enlan.. Ivsitirm, March II Noon. Ilia Fenhn trouble, nro not altogether ended. The government has Just iliipatched four gun- boat tn Dublin, and they will be posted at dlfrront places In tho Hirer l.lflejr. Iho Feni.itie have taken refuge from tha llriti.h troops In Um Wleklotr Mountain., a lew miles lotilh of D.iblin, whero they aro pet thing from the extreme cold weather. loru t Iclorlu and .air. I'rnb.dr. IeiMm, Maroli tjiteen Vlcln-ti- l "111 di.palch her portrtlt to Mr. Pea. lody, tho Ameilcan philanthropist, touio time next week. Tho Italian ntrrtlnea. I'ninrM r, March 11 Nearly one half of the llali in election are to ho tepeated. The result Is escee.lingly doubtful. (Icn-er.t- l (lariliatJl It at tbn head of tbo opood tiou p trly. ciiUMixcur. 1, ivrmnnt, March 11 Noon Tbe cotton rn.iiket open. linn, and with contfeiied 'Iho u..ialioiis are still l.i.'j'.l for middling upland., and i:i','d for liuadllng Drleans. Despiiches fhim M inche.t.r report an improved feeling, and an adfiinco In price tor goods and yarn... Cum ha ndtMiiead to Sta. 5J, per ijuarler for mixed Western Cillfornla wheat tlrm al I la .1.1. Lard .sis. Cd. p'r cwt. Tallow lis. per cwt. Ilosiit tit. J.1. p, r cwt. for rommoti dmlngton. I,.naood oil ijlt) per ton Sn'rits tilipentiuo 117a. t.'. jer cwt. Aahet :l't. for pota. I, It inl.Hii, M troll 1 Hrenlng The lti cotton continued throughout tlie d.iy. and the market olool tlnn at an ad vaiieo of follr .d. er trfinnd. Mldilllng I'plainls, I i.l Middlltig Drleans. I.I.C 'I he sales of the day reached hale.. 'Iho t'isrket for breadattvrts is firm, with an iinward tendency. Corn sold iliiriiii- - the nfteiuooii at iris, per niiarter for Mised Wislcni, au adtaucu of .Id. line, tbo upen- - I ii sr. 1 he niat-f.e- t for prorlslon .and produce Is efeitdr. hot prieea are linehanged. Pork, prime Hasteru Mess, tlrtn at previous ipiota ttons. Amerii-at- i Inrd .'iiVi. liil. per owl. l oil, ij:w III. per ton; rosin, fine Amerl-cati- . In. .er cwt-- . petroleum, la. I'd. per gal- lon for litlticd Pennsylvania aud Canada white. FINANCIAL l,nxMVf, M ireli Noon Consols opn-e- at 'jl j for money. File .hares, IfiH , Illinois Central 7T , Culled Slate. Hotids, Ti; ; Uimmiv. Mnreh 1 1 P.vetiing. t nnsnls closed Ibis .ivrning nt '.,oJt' lor money. American S,,, unties closed at tho tuilowiiig ipiolation C S Fue Twootlea, 7i)i, II linois I'entrtl Share., 7"' ; Crle Kmlwtv Sharo., aijf. I IIIMI lilROPS HV MTIUVIBIt. Tho aleamera City of Cork and Africa nrritedat thit port lost eroding with morohandlf e and the mails, lloth ttoamtr. left on tho '.'.1 nf Mattel, ll.Vtll.aM). The Itloadoul .ffnondn I'he leeond reading of the Canada Con federation ltd! took plaro in the House of Commons on '.Mh February. Mr Addcrly dilated at length in favor of thn bill. Mr. Cardwell laid Canada would yet lie only lureriur tu Uuglaud and tho Culted btatea. Mr. Ilrlght abl a hill of n much Import, an.n ahould not ba rushed through tbe tbo bouse In a hurry, that two of tho pro vlncea worn omltlrd because il wat clear they did not with to come In, and tho uf the other provinces had no light to totoon the matter without having it submitted tu tho people who ahould bo consulted. 'I here were thoto who thought that not n llttlooftho loyalty whlob It laid to prerail in Canada hat ita price. An ox peiiilitnrn for the defenco of Canad t from aggression by tho United State, wat use lets, a It wn, not necessary, and, if It were, it would bo Inetlectlve. Fur my part, 1 want the population uf those countriut to do what they conshlor beat for their own Interests to remain with thlt ootintry If Iherllke, to beeome an Independent State II they like, and ttrugglo tor a career uf utility and glory j ur, if they think better to annex themselves lo tho Culted States, I ahiiuhl not comidain .veil of tbat. Mr. Watklu bud no sympathy with th. view that thu mother country thoiibt shako oil' her colonial potsesslou. If Canada went, to might Australia, India, aud the other colonics, and, confine. I to her own limits, Hngland would be another Holland, Did the lion, member for llirmlngliam (Mr. Ilrlghti think tba peace and liberties of the world would bo better secured If this halt of the continent wore nnnexed to the United Statril Cheeis.l Hvcry man of common tense know that Canada could not standby itself, it must either bo llriti.h or Aintrl-oa- undor tho Crown or under the Stan and Stripet, Tho Ikitish Kmpiro should be maintained Intact, ur It canuot be main- tained at all, Mr. I'urleteue, after tome preliminary re- in irkt, laid ba trusted that night would see the blith of a great people In North Amer-- . lea, which, whether in union with lis, or, at a distant day lu thu tar Inline, an nation, would continue it. prosper- - j um career in cordial friendship not only I with thli country, but alto with thlt great Anglo Saxou cuuiuiuuily ou the same con- tinent. Tho bill wa, real a second time. HP.Mi.VUV. Advices from IV. th to 1st Instant say that tho lliingariait.duputies from rratisvl vanla are dissatisfied, owing to the Miiu.try hating decided not to propo.e tor (ho pie. ent either municipal relorni or the re estab- lishment uf tr.al by Juty tor Treat uf- 'eiiret in Trausylt atii.i. 'I he Fuipeioi- and I'.tnprc.s wete expected there between tho M ami .'nil uf March. PKCsMA Ihe North Herman Parliament was en-- gamd in tlio work of examining Intotbe talidltyuf tho eltrliotis ul it mouther,. Cotupl. llutt havo been ot tlie mauoer in which Iho (luvernmenl managedthe elec- - tiotis lu totiio places, to et to return tho lloverutiii'iit candidate. Nothing ot mi- poitatico in t'aii le.pict ha tl.iu.plie.l a, tet. Tho Pat liiimul.t has decided on t ho ' nihility of I'sl of tho electiuus. aud as this number makes a iUoruiu, the House vva. lo piuct-e- ou too III ut Mari.li to olo.l a prosi diut. UU.Y. Adeei.ehas been issued nog Hie lorill.llioll of .t Ihor, to bo e llled tbo ol tbo Mtd teii.iooan. tin tbo loth ol March, lb. lillten.nien .ouadron uf I'toluiioii was to nl lor the livaiit, under thu . oniiiiaiid of Admiral liibutli. to piultit Italian iu ojecti ill the U"' Till: HAS.' The Viceroy of Fgrpt hid decreed tho diminution of Ini army by one-hal- Accordiug to Pans paper of Mritli ult.. the llritith Coatulat Alien bad dispatched owe llugluh gun bolts to lleraclluii, to prevent any nia.tacro uf tho Crotaut by the Ottoman Irooot. 'Ihe name paiiert nuV.lth now from Jeru- salem (o ;tio lOib u( Foljruati, i',ayui,Uiat Muamlraana In that city had InUailavt I 11 (tha) Duller tho Christian lnhabltaat on K . pretext of lb. high price of provltloaa. Ill MEXICO. v 1 yjj (TflfgmpMhlht Xett York Sun . Iter-or- ts via tVruhlnateo, V H .H WtintxriTor, March II. Tbo tollowlog K It a trantlatlon or a Utter reclvcd y ' HLH by Minister Komera t I. l'kovtt.f.rtt, Feb 10, BfafH ' '"'"'"i '"it It will If aS , ,d Menrdlnc ' BBU tn a communication that the Vncli Vleo BBBB Consul addressed In tbe name or iho Ad- - i BBH mlral to the ofllcer eonimanding our force. H at Camp Labanx ask. tig fur an mlerriew, H I tnstruotod thnt ofllter lo itrcllnn thle. i BBBH n. I ie nnobsct In it until tbo po.t wilt " aonn be abandoned, BB My ion, tlcn'l Dtegs Alrare, loft thl. v BBH p'arenn tho I.'lli ultimo for 1 piala, IhU fi H cltT having hen abandoned. B M.t'ton went with t.W wen men fronf 1 this State to fiierrrtviara. With lUs forre, BH which le well c.ulf.il. hirlttir artillery H ami car.alrr In dun lie Kill con- - B tribute wltk Iho other forces now in th H Valley of Mexico, to glv tho final blttr la BH thn tottering Umpire. 1 H (Signed) JfAn Ai.rAirul I -- BBBBBJ Nrsr Vorh l lreinea In elh C'nrwIhM. I H Tl.e arrival of th. Commltteo of Ihe New- - I H York l.t Volunteer Firemen at Charleston, I J S C , has been ed in tl, Ht . The I H firemen ti.it.-- . I I ..luiuhi.i, the lapital. oa I H 1hur.il ly. As prr.v.-Mi-i- nrrteged, tht I Tiro Departnent of CH i" it and a largov e rencoiirse of eltieni were at the d.it, pie. pnred tn receive them. Tho !ir.u eo, aaytr t H the Columbia Pit i Miv, wem out in large f BH numhers, wl'b a band of mu.li and cam I ngee lor the reception of their guest.. Ira ' H ttirdhtrely after thn lutrudui 'ion of th. H Committee tn the eP', ei-- of the Depart- - ' BfBBBl Inent, I. .1, Maeler, President of tl.o Inds- - BH neo.'o-it- , extern .1 a formal welcnmo. Mr. H Wilson, on behalf of the fir. tiou r .pood- - B ed. After theadd es.es at th depot, th l H Commlttre wero eirnrted to Ni kirton'i ) B Hotel, where refrrshiiieuta lad been prat- - BH pared for them. At the hotel. Alderman H McKenrle, on behalf of tho city author!- - ' Ba,, ties, tendered thn following welcome lo th I H guesta nf tho llromen and ur th.) city i aS tlsaltrtrtn ef Iht Niw Y.tk nrln..t'l Asvki- - H lien l -- y. l.ti trstl rt.s. I. .a cuttiino tow Im aVgaVgaafl 11. CUT ef I" .hunt I.. Il,in .Irp'lt'x. t t r kit) BBBBBj lliiocr ih. M.or tt lb cltv, wbo, ttaaMyr I is slt'icul .ed 4.U nl, ind wto hid (prtd. I ao,., tn msny ths grtst its.sur. b. woolit If BBBBj hut Istsala IS. ikijiiji of u I' uumttli. rra BBH Ssw Yjtk la ti.btltctlhs tl j tutaer.U'., I Wa. II .l.'JO'l. f.in'.ll .. .1.1 bote on "l.t VI pis. your I'm pv.isntly wi t.s tr n- ui. Iilis .1 BBH IsmUr ths he., It.llilM .f tit ety u Clotataa. 1' BBBBB Axsla, isatlsiiiso, I til yen wsl "to " Iho were then Intr.diired U H the City Ci ut il In Alderman M Keniie, BBBBB after which Mr. Wilton made Ihe following BH response r I H (lisvtlasvil htrlty klw hw lo .trt t 'r cr msks reraMis tu taS't i ttiieecaw. l BBBBB Not mvssh ll".t. al ror iliosl.a tre detplr BWBl l.t.M.t by curl-if- c w.!-- I.s.ti. fruslritsd BBBBB cur at..t .ip.-lttlo- t I.) pr.s.itt i .ai a imll . l.k.nof our l.srd xad ..luiai. I ssiurs jvm, m BWBB rsallerc.o, our rail to your eliy is not thrtnur. n H curlea ly, tui aid vour cos. tod I. 1 aoBaaaaaB tal lo th.ei cur frlli-'sh'i- sod rtsrd. I I- BWBBB trii-t- hsrt . bm by 051 lb-- 4 hit Ilea. BBBB fer th. i.rst.sioa ,f us wortby Chief e( IW BWBBa Lbsrl.st ri Kilt l..r.r.fil w. wea.d I. v. dtfW BBBBb rid oar v.. lor'.ireiiy, Tb. klu.l.r wtlonse. Ibsl r I,., r.esl.sif, from lbs dsr l liavlna; aoBBaBBaB k 'pisa tits eel. 1 ib Ipjprsntin urvn our h.tta BWBBl 11.1 t'tr, esiin I sri.tlctls 1 ft.'tej whlcSa w BBBBj Lopt wlllsiisfii to ttltb. l.haMltnlt rf oarwb. reuntry. tlsrl'.tr..e, t't.w iu. ig..n to ILull . H wl for ymir gtusrous tod hsailr w.tvooi.. Tlio next thing on the docket, taya th. 1 Pinriilx, was the parta'ttngof rei'rethiuouta, H BoH which wa done with a much glee a tb 1 H tlevres.ed tpin's of nt r visitor would pr 9 MMMU inir. Punch and rariou of'n r good thing & H wero served up. John aud laughter wa, tiv B order of tbo evening t but nmnl.t nil th I BoBBoBH glee it wis eniy to penclvo the feeling of ' C ilduci. and diippoluuiiiint which preyed A aoaBaatl upon the tnlnds ot our visi'nrt. We war M tutortnrd by member of the rommltte B that tl.e lots wa, eve 1 greater than wa B thought liv our cltixeus, as there wora otho i presents than tho hoto and l.o.o reek, Mr. ' BBB M. II. Nathau, Chlcr of tho Charleston 1ra MMM Departmeut, accompaolul tha couimltte ta Cufombi.t. L BBBBj ll will be rememliered that tho nreMinU BjSB Intended for the South Carolina 1'ir.nieai J 3 were dcttroyeil by lire on board n ttoau.r, HH Crliiid In I'Llhtd. lobbx. o, PitlL.l.r.t.l lilt, March 1.1 A woman wa I BogsV found dead iu n liouso In the northern part r MMU of Ihe city this morning. There nr. nipt. clout Ib tl tho wat murdered. . fl A man committed tiiicido by ttklog laud- - . anum. L BoBj A girl all teen years old was attacked by f man 111 tha alreet last rpght, He tlirasr BH li.iiild entitle In her face, burning her hor-- ilhly. She will lo.. b.r tight, Tho rillaia BMM I aaaa-- B, Holler Cxido.loo. I MMM llaoCKVtt 1 tc C. V March 1 -- A lrailw I MMM in Iho Novelty Work cxtilodod thlt P. M., MMM killing two men Instantly i one body wa II blown Into three plocai, and the trunk wa MMM found one hundred yard, from the acene t the oxploalou. Sole ral other wore a.r.r I. ly lujurud, and 011, ol them tin aiuco dUtL, ly UVIi: I.OCAI, NUWri. I MMM The Fenln.k Ilu.ine.t wat very lively jfiterd.xy at th MMM Ktophoni Hcadnuartors, contribution ol mwt arms aud money tlowing In qui to freely. MMM Delegations were received from Albany, kmu Now burg aud New Hrunawlck men who MMM bad hitherto eympatblied with tho Kob.rU WMt wing, but unw declared themselves in favor kwt nf tho opposite or .Stephens branch of th MMU organlxation. Bloetlug, of circle. ro held every evening fnr tho purposo of gilatl.( MMt the iiietlon of Ireland' Freedom, and il- - MMt vising moan, for rendering uhi to th m MMt now lighting lu Ireland. Tho Irish A v. a- - MMt ger Circle held a meeting laat evening, at MMf Jackaon Hall, No. 111.) Howerr, for the par- - MM pose of soliciting aad receiving money . MMM war material to aid " tb. men lu th. gap." MMM Ihe meeting wai railed to order by Centr MMM O'Mahuny, who in ad a au eloquent ppl BH for aid, Ilo wat followed by Mr. IU Wll-- MMM on, Mr. H. Woml, and other, all of wha MMM ahovrod tba necestlty ot Immediate actio. Mmm in regard tu lending aid to the men In lr- - . Mmm land. Contribution from the audi.ne BBB wero then received, and very haudtom. MM um wn realtced. ai ' MM Tho Itlchartlion Sbootlatr C. n LM Upon tho lib pago of thlt Iitua of th Mmm SfN will bo found an account of tho .hoot- - ing of Mr. Kichardaon, the Tutnt'Na corr- - Mmm pomlent, by Jlr. MoFarlane. Th. follow- - Mmm ing additional particular wore futuithed by th. frloudt of Mr. Itloliardioa at a Ut Lm hour latt nigliti Mmt MeVarl.tne, the anallant, It is alleged, bl ubject to lit of drunken , and ha for it long tlmo threatened bit wife with BaS personal tiuleuco, ) that tho wa, com- - polled to leave him and seek legal protee . tlou from hit pertecutioni. She had also " mmm instituted proe ceding for a irnuratloti, oa tbo ground of cruelty and refusal to provid lor his wife and family. Md arlaue, ll t. ' represented, had contented to tho xep- - iirittiou, aud the had gotio to live with, her friends, earning lier own support upon, BBJ th. st.t 'e, and hv tbo labor uf tho pen. Mr. I mM Ittrh irdaon hid heeu reom-.te- to eacort I Bm her from the theatre 011 Wednesday night, J WW when l,o was attacked by thn lufurul.a hnahand, In tho ttreet. After tho second f J shot, bo turucil ution b s .ttsallai.t, clinched Wj and tlirew- - him, tho two boing un th ground Bjff wlieti the otlicer roached the accue. ICion- - ard. oil's wound it paiolul. but no: conild- - Wa ered datigerout. At the oxaiuiuatiou yea- - Wi terd ty nioriiing, Mr l(ich.irda being ua- - Rjl aide toi.ppe.ir. tho priioiu r wjadlimlsMd, nv bin piuitedingi luvo l . n Inti tuled for HI 1. to irie.t and tnal. nheun rigid invs- - ! itiott n il .h that he iv.it a ling ilm-- il , t.fv atnlin'i Uf 1, an.it tho al-- II ieieduuiea.ouablolrv.t--- 01 her hutbaad 'I I Ire ' I Al.out hili'.itlO . clock V. )i, flr J out ..1 tho tlurd ll Kir nf No. Ill Court- - . laud it n i t. iu aptirtmenti occupied by II. Fox as a ihoe manufactory. F'lro tuppo.Mil I to have ui Initiated from an overlicatoil I stove. Damage to ttce k a I.HOO. Insureal. J 1 be second tloor wa, occupied by J Schll.r. jfi wbo mttaiued a daiuajo of about tofM. IV First tloor occupied by l.dgar It. Fanner aa: 71 Soct asatruuW itoro, who loi. about Damage to building about toOO. ' J f .11 aa Protvaed. About S o'clock; 1'. M. yettirday na named Slater, fell from tiler No, ia Norta lliter, and wa drowned before mililaaxo. could lm rendered. (V'BOatieaonrvurUi.aa) 4 .T

rr THE m SUN, - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1867-03-15/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · rr Hie newyork sun. J "IT 8IIIMHH roil AM--" ' 34TI--I YEAR! OLDEST DAIlTmORNINO

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Page 1: rr THE m SUN, - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1867-03-15/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · rr Hie newyork sun. J "IT 8IIIMHH roil AM--" ' 34TI--I YEAR! OLDEST DAIlTmORNINO

rrHie newyork sun.

!J "IT 8IIIMHH roil AM- -"

' 34TI--I YEAR !


Iii for York ClfytT1IK JOCRTiL OF COMUKftCR,



Daily Newspaper la

iTHE tho World!

THE IVEW YORK HMmci ftn tity for obtaining theof tho i1.it Itom every part of thewhither by Allan. lo I able, bj Trto--nr y u,l prueuU

In acomDact form,A4' NK!IA!,r HIK MICR

city paper.'J'li Nun M read, br n arlvquarter nullum )ttrr-on- , and thus been mm

(it tingle alirtt ctpoil it cutiro contentI a glance) a tucdulLi of adrtitlii raid

to It found.IMF I'KKT.S of the paper. M th pnbH

ahou olli e or furnished I ncwi vender, tatm'cj oiwrs pi;h copy,

ml Is delivered by carrion Mhtoro or Shop of nv vhi dealre It, forhvmat. n!x ri.it uj.i:k. orient by

4 inad At MX a year.'J UK l'KlC'KS KUl AlVf:nTI"ISO

vary, nicnrdlni; to KKOM IWHN- -

jv ni fikty (i.nts n;u kink, foraih tncf ttt iil Hprnal n ranxomcutj mar

be mado fur aJt ertlie.i.tut. uf uuui.nlJ l.dllorlal IVpartment of TUK H'N

It tinder the rh.iru" T J" M t tf P Hi un, tomboin oinmuuicalhitii tluuld r uddnsed.

AH MeM rctrt tinu to tidv ttiseuieriia,oubattipi, .,,,, or any .ranch "f tho pobliv..- -

tta bi.'.ut.l, ahuUid bu ttddlMaoU to iLZ luprieuu-- ,

Mnsi.3 8. ni.Ani,Corner of aNaaaau and Fulton at .

New Vurk IV i

Special AdvcrtlsomontaXvcktisemkst ixsEitrr.o inTau.

tin i.r.APtMJ Nr.wsnir.uHPlll.lllM 1HM HOIT I UKt'MfKH AMI Hiliri'll I'l.OV INCf,

AT TMK ITM.fail. ICY HUM.A ftttful ttlaC .() Ct tiM't II tMB it, .JMMa-- t

inrt- lout, ta-- ih Jvcthflnf ft1oa In llttK"lt.l in .rt, urlai iln. lionk tu4 rirmito lit dtiiUt Nr kit rirtatwTi puhiUK!ttri UL0Bt ttt C 0130 iff I1 T'l 44 filt t lullvfllf. J0I1N Uunl'iCKACO.

l!ftrDrM. e. HKACtl. Ptvi'r - po." 4(2

lll'V ir-T- KV IT AND yuu wiliuSk. nmrATA iiiiR nvBt tmi a liu Lti a irircit of a I'mlUr Dimtf, talatl

acti a irt fflia rarti'ation, Kiary rr o.tr talatlitrta4 aii(.t 4eublaaad f t w lir co wra o('ciLfUlal vLUb ' a i'iu 11U k,J Ihit a i'r- -

Vr1iar h f pt r'tm1 f r It.UKir.MM 1IA1H l)'K it uol ta loj arloai :t:t th ttlr.MKlFiir H.UIt DYK ralwt tU t:r a ;;turtlJD!et or Hi oHKIKM'3 HaIK DYE tmirotM thi (voJltioa !

HUIEH lS HAIK DYISr.ion If .(r toitttt-!r- '40r U9t t'iutl ' " lcliab tttt

IlK.MP MAPI DYK It wM by all tifUtltZ)tnjit i. at vin V rs a (ir Mi.a

UfilMI-- S lUIi; Uli U wuln-o- t atlar! rlMtlaHRIKHld lti III DYK It trr fr i'fft I

ft.m a!i cthart.tui aiur iuli. tad(r iticcltvncr rMir kiott Iatitt f IQ'iItr.l'O I No 41 tkuia .ynd tt, VlUltmitnrfb,

lab baJ af all Diutim, (,lia

T.IOW T0 0I1TAIN PATF.XT5, CAVKATs!f Kr t! a ibfu.uatkia cf t'r ilUi11c.laJarjIiUi mcrnanKa cf th trttt n ttrofo I ihe

II fflt. iii " lot rurttiTt In Itiift,"I .it rr a;, c,- , tie .V.t.i ' -

Tli lifit ' rihtt pieauu Mi'f t crf.Aa tnvj am in.itoi i tt cr CUrrrrf It t an ItTMMaaratictr' A tltita nirr cm o . bfcai rutii. a c mItir tivlrit ao farYattnt lot! L' t Uatootr .f I'ai- - An tjpU-halloa rrbdtua il a l4tt, l"alDP, l ailltoa Oatlt,anl full lintVatl n Vannia ofrirUl m ti miioinia Ulti wait a't ba obattrai fn tit f'.bt liiTaior tortfl a lthla lutintta biailf m fit-fttWt wxtKHtt fu ' . J trr Mid of aratitr.Vl l tr aud Ctl ha li timtlfr lal to af k tht aidofaafa a nwfiai '"l in Inutuaa, and ia?auJlll.awt.rk vol. coir t;i d, 4 taat r!ta U totolicit pnt- ftrict at tha rvtlnnl'if.

If Ida pirilct ci.aU al aia tic uiai.lt mo, ih In.aolir toaraaff.rr nl!u lilt lo itiut litadri.a tr tajitr iba iiuprowtuaai I ffjhihl

raltoul It, aad wl rtva L.ji ail Ua dtitcUutti ttJ-iu- l

to pic-- i W'Wt k m i I J Iiat lata trllvalr c:air.l Is

tba tuaitaM ct rlitalmc palautt tar tloot tmtrTtart 110 iLuittani , luvto a lutt haj t

Mfon jui cru nt li ra iliau cj ttilid ul allVttcti ( racial ara i traJce I by na,

1b-- Lj haf mull lureitKi-- t an.t tilrt inmntaUoliU u,aiff eordltll IntlieJ to 'oio. Wa

ball Lc happf to ttt tbfin In ,itf i tlourf.rtUa,a 37 IViK iur( N. tr .5 n'.ti e ilum by laiur

t!uoit tat t tall. Id al ciata Ibtr rnar f I9't fit tutit au i.ouat u'"1!! Koi uca c i.tuliailjoa, OfUton, aed ajiiit, t unit no ApB tnkficj aoil a iaici v loo uf Ilia lot to Uca tb. uljba trat Utetttr vita UtrnM Hr itturu piailt pitlu iio nut ua pturil or ink a biilAll tunn'ia c.int 'lei 10 oi fait, tui aJicoa-jii-

tiotia, ate kflt t ut tvriat aoJ ttri '.lr oofldaatlUA Jlrtii UtS.N a, l Para Kj. .Ntv YtfU

gl'JCK AM'LICATIO.SrtWhan, frcm enr raaaoa, parti a tia dlract of an

tfljlni l"( I'aiaala or t'avra a lo iiAara, Wituojt a moit tut' Wt ef limt, the,- hut oalr t wrlttirt!trph ua aptcUtl In ttit tfl'tt, n wa will

Ltkutl for tii iii. eta i eiaiacl patl tba atiiir putrt la It it Uaa ui b.ut'a

not let. If rtqulrtl.'orlna'rut1onac9arirnlRf Vert It a Ptttnta, Ra

'litnaa, Intrfrt:ici, Miotacu B ilti 1'aiatu, Kulaiavad Prot'tadiBfa at tba t'attbt offlrt, tba Pate J I

lwa, ttf- - tta out liiatrucioB Itok, Anrir to orddrtai UU.NN 1 CO., t. 51 .1'ark Itfl. New

Ytra. HI

T ADUW-Y- OU CANNOT FIND A UETXiier, or cbaater anlcr, fur Hiautltrlti an JJLratxtllablif tba bkl tbau

11IR HAU OF WUITK LIMR8.It la aa arllcla af rara ftrtua, It la warrants

uot to Injur iba akin. 'I bocaaoda ara uilac It dallr.for laat, Buu burn, ttalluwaaaa. Klcitvorui Illclrltaa,llmtlaa. and In lact aluit all klula of aropilfa

wbleta tppaar oa tha far and aalo, rtultitofII baauLlfallr cJaar, aott andwb.l', ilraluoi aaturala btr falraal furma. ll la IL tbapil a wall utba txa,tt trlrc brief lnt KOUlV 'TNI 5 tarKHtlt. robafadalkl Kifbtb ar4 N. Y4 ard atAd Soutb bacwud iu WlUlauaburib. 6jJ

T. UAflXl'M'd EKA3TIU aiAlAND Hl'CKLta,

PA NTrt Vr4TiASn DRAWKPH.Tb't littlt Inveotloa ranUii of au alattc ttrap af

tail dawdorlctd mbler, Ub abuct.lt al ticbnd. and la tap lad to lb aLova araiata br fuitlm

lb bjaki a raadjr on, and puulnf tblt in tittucaiiic lb adj of tb aitapa tbrouia tb

IT II YKRY NOVEUtill mora mrlioTMoa, tad rrv ea airt"iva jubt what wt wANrKi."

Tba tullowim ara tou of Ita mtrita, tIi jltt-- lt tauata a Hrft ttol aa faneayt to wbltbIt aaptiad

tnd-- lt doai ntt ttrala r draw tixm tb bodt'.coplBf (or In taf othtr poatuitl, ta il tbtad bocklaa now nitd, wben buck!l upil rdt allow t ptrfect ftfaJara of tba todfabaabbf aiarcla. and ran ta tlib!oad r loot

nd taaalt lb ooa?talte of tba wtartr.4tb-- H la aaallf adjnattd to pasta, re la tad draw

ra, aad can b cbaaa4 fram ou f arajtat to aauikar In a momtnt.

and bapltD4vlll a atsal ot rdr,


for ttl by it"" ad Nttkn Daalort looaraltr,llannrarturtd by tb

'BARNUUH ri,AllUMUAP ANDIMTKLI CO,urricc no hkhadttay, n. y,

aT Cajnp'a taat br taali on itctlpt of l&c.a AtlCNTH WANTED. .41 106

pAl HNTS I'ATESTS-PATKSTS- UN N&, CO. conlina to aollclt Pafanta and obtain

action oa bw iBTtotlona, J YtixaXMitaut.omr. ST Park Ilow.

l?aupb:u of laformat1' n fr. Ui

I!K YOUTIPfl TEMPKnANCR 1UNNKU'lb Nat Ion aJ TaaapTaac fkciir aad Public,

lion lltMa a ao publlab a atw fcloLlUlr laniabetf tpar. aapacUll aJaite4 la Ihildran and Youth,ft dud a bcbooia, and Jot tail Tuiprt& OrjaaU--fcilooa,

Kach Bum bar will r ttatlfultf lllnafrattd, mlpalat ararad to mak li a nrtKliH IPr Ut tbaChi drtn of Aniartca.

Tbatwoavia wjl t alt tJllaJ, alaai If mtkrlitraa)t. T, 1j. Corljr. Dr, Cbatlai .Tawar,

fear Dr AaaD Bmltb, Itar, Alfral 1 arlor,aJtJ Mr. .1, K sUei uanjatr,

rrof. A. B.raliutr, Rt. Jatuta II. Dudb,iitn H. r.Carr, Itor H W, L'bld.aw.JJra.Uarr J. IIartr, j.t- - Wm. U,

Star. N. C. L'oblt fu, Mri. P. U. U.fctT.tbailaa J. Joua, Kruna.All eoinmnalatltiD fcr tlil'ttrt ahould ba a1.

afroMad. -- EdlUn of Ut ?ki and ilannor," UJVlllara at, Nar York (AlHUmiltaucta tn4 buUrrlptloni, (otbr wpb

a'l buamfat Ulttra Inr lb pa'ii, ad Irtiaol j J sOTIAHNMTI VriUlimit,NaarY(.rrMtr.

I'tatara, Bupnntodtn(a Itiilitta, aadfrlaadioftba cauaa, ara tntbonrad It art at Attora aid ear-

axtlr rfiaa'ad to a d m rtr,ulailni "iba lU'itttr."ud rorwardiBf antioriultooa,

Hlotiror, foroct rtar.lo airanct'- .$0 to19U cop t to on addrfaa " li'I waul " " . .. 6 J

rirty .19 0)Oat taaJrad ' , yg

J, ti. BTEARN0, PuMJiMaf Aiaaf.IW Xjt William tUN. Y,,

q) KMPI.0YEKS-0KDI- E3 AKE 30I.ICI--tad lor afar dttrltU.a of woik at tb Work

Mi i onia U lb Woiklac Womtu'a Tioucav I'ulua,1 lMital ta ik 4th floor of 111 FnJlon it. Kr1 ' i dtaanptioo af ftmllacwlot an4 ipalrl( will tI L daa ai lb a bo run ilblnoUc. Ut

A- - .WHEN THE WHOLE WORLD AND 11131 ft vlf rota! toolbar, au4 wbta lb blbira art

Ihaca, than mi tba ltr uoailBf wbar It rtad.IUI WJIYT tO KftUM. rrlaa taaata.

THE m SUN,rriLirtvJr.nrt onr. YQUK. FKIDAY MAW'll 1."). 39(57. Pno Two Conln

CONGRESS., procki:dixgs yesterday.

Tho Sopplomontal Hoconstrno-tlo- n




The Uhr Qutslloa la the House.


Ac. q.

Ttlryrnplt'A to iht .Vrw VorK iftin )

M'A.msnTox, Mrclill.TW. I. jn)wlni fining in tb llou.o In

titvr ot tlio lirmJUto n.ljoiiruincnt ofL'uugtMt. llio llmi trni .ac' .1 HMti-cl- j

mij li'j.ltKMt lo .l.i.r. Rtiil K.IJ'Mirnril till In-

morrow, Impl'i; (lin ta rc.'olvo tlio Sup

lilemoiiUl Uoooutlructloa bill from U.J Senate.

A number of ili..nM nmnn 'in ij nuJniirj oClcer. l.n. Iiron undo by onl.MIrom UifroipcctUe ilf irtiimnt. 1'jiiiitcr Jolin A. Il.itri, Jr. niinrhr.l to tlietoreililji JmuejU.vu, JioJ ul l'.uaiuj ou

tbo llli lnt.Tin rMrn.iti jondriiil tli follnwln;.

niuoui; vilitr noii.lii.illuni (.'omul. II. II.IU up at liiiil.: II. I.o nt llnt.uu,.I.IU.V 11m following m.ium; otlir. wrreKjict.'.l .1. II. I'.Ktumter

N V . I. 1'. Atbiucu.l, .r..l lldicer.I lul.i lolplii i.

Snu r H.ickrfUw ami ex oiiit..r t'unnbail u iiitcrlsw with Scret.ir.r : ( ull.u-'- i

to.lny. In iv;ril to tlw rr.ipniitinnt ofI'd. William 11. Tliuun.. n t'vllctir of tboport of I'lilUilplplii.

Tim I'rMlunt Imi Ibdu'I .t prol.imKtlontlrcl'irini; tbo rxlirlcTi.'ii of tbo o .nvrutii.nl.f twftn tbo I'nitoJ Slulrs, Auitiii, Itrl-Ki-

Spnln, rr.inrc. (lioat ilritmu, tboNotbcrlAuJ., l'ottiitfit Mint KwrHoa on tlioutio part auU tbr S.iltan ot .Morocco on tbootbor, roucrnri? llo HiliiiinUlrathn nr'lnpbublitig of tbo liitbtbou. .it Cipo Spnr-li'l- .

'llio Korvrnuiciit of .Morocco not attblt time liawut any lo.irinn, cither of wjror cntiimcico. tbo cijh"h. , n cc.ary furtipboliliiig itml ntiinain tbo lii()it booio lito bo homo by ircm of an atiinj.il coutributton, tbo ipiota of nbioli .ball be ulilnlor all (t tbom, ami If brioxflcr tbn Sultaniboiibl li, vo h mval or nt. reliant inurluo, boliiuilf biniidf to .haro in tlio oipti.c. inliko proportluu wltli tbo otL. r u..tlH.ui1;poneri

Tbo N.ivy IlipartmDt ba rccclrcl ilia

i ..'cbra from Coiumoiloro (.'li.u'cs II lijcgi,coiiinianJInj; L'uitc.t Sulci itiauicr DoSoto.iSutfl I'o. it .1 Litre, (liiai'alonpc, Kel.'.'tb, nunouiKiii;; bi. nrrlvnl o. tbut pWon tint ilatc, liaMiij; talle.l f.om t.a Uuarrioi tho US;!i f Jairury, aftir il.il. lis

aiul l.irtl.iliuo. Tlio 1'iitteil Stntc,.icauirr I'll, illll.i wa. at llferlinlort ropnlrtui; Coninu toro lloiri:. fniuil nt Martinl.pio on tbo StU of February tlio Frenchllect, ilc.tliicil lor Vcn t ril., roli.itllnj; oftbieo iiou-cUJ- , an 1 ciibt 1.ikcseh c.ipnMo ol cin; liti tn.-lv- l.tiuilrcilhum), t.i ti.tu.porit li.i.i tallrcl before bitaitival. '1 ho other wcro worLinir tlay anjniptit taking in coal, .tore, r, ami titfilllcil while tin I'.' Soto wa. Ihero. Tlioiron clailt anil remaining traii.port.. t'ornluo.loro llonx write, would t ill on the '.'IIIot I Sruary

ronriETii cowore33.i iikt aij.inv.

hereto.( Ti ' i' li.'.cf It Dtt .Vcie I'ocV Vim )

Wa.iiim.iiiv, Maiclill.iu.ii)i;i vl..

llr Vutot pr'tentoil uicinor..iI. from tboIx"i.latiiro of .Vow Mciioo for tho coioj.lctlon of tho cjpit il huiMIn at S.iiiln I'o ;

for tbo incroa.e of the pay of tho u:licert oftbo termor. , for tlio eroctuu of a peultentltry ami lor tho payment of claim, forIndian dcpreilallon., etc . all of which woioreferred to the ('oiiiiuiltra ou 'lomlorlci

Several prliate pctilloua were then piotented and relcrrod.

or.v CAtlllt.Mr I'amtey, from the Committee on

I'o.t (HlWt arid Putt lloadt, reported barkfavorably the bill uiitlnirlzine tho All mtloTelecraiili Company of Now York to makefounding, and lay a cable on the Americancottt, to connect with the French cna.t.

Al.o, tbo bill to declare certain brldeiacront tUo Mit.oarl Ilhor public hljhwajt.

rotTuMr Williaim Introduced a Joint resolution

to cancel a post ollku contrait lor carryingtho mail from Portland, (liogon, to l.mooln,( al'ornia.now tu tho handtof biseolleiigiie,Mr. (Jorbett. He eiplalned, iu oflerlng tboretolutlon, that Mr. Corbott took tbo con-

tract before he wat elected to tbo Senate,and dc.lrnl now tu rcliniimali It under tboact of Congre.t i.rohlbitliig Senator! ormember from holding conUactt ujdir tbo(loverninent. l'a.red,

Mr. Williams muted to I alio up the bill oftbo Houte to impend tho law ut tho lattclou fur tho relief of tho bolra uf Jubu V..

llouUgny.It wat taken up and referred to the Cum

mitteo un l'lhale Iiud Claim),

TUB cil'ITOi, anoLXti".Mr Fet.enden, from tha Committee ou

I'ublio llulldlngi und Oroundt, roiorted abill tu provide lu part for tbo oxtoutloa oftbn Capitol eroundi.

It appioprtatct t'.'I.OOO to bo ui'd for thepurpotoof t;radlu: aud tilling up the ground,l'at.ed,

Mr. Van Wlnklo Introduced a retolutloninitructlog the Commltteo on IVnuou. toInquire into tho expediency of putting a

granted by Congreta ou tho tame footlug with thoee granted under general law.Adopted.

the luvitniTT nut-M-r.

Morton lutrojurrd a retolutlon totirmt one thoutaud coplea of the Hankruptbill, which wat referred ,tu tbo C'uuiuilttcoou l'nnttug,

r.iv 0IK aid pnritr.v.Mr l'omeroY Inlrodiicrd a bill authoriz

ing the I'ottiiu.tcr Central to coutractwith the Cummerclal Navigation Companyfor the weekly transportation of ICuropeanand foroign mailt between Now York andBremen, touchlug at riouthamptnii, audauthoring tbo guarantee ou behalf of theI mted Hiatet, of tbo boudt of tho paid com-pany, to au am. tint nut eiceeding

, tho company to tit out within oneyuar teven llrtl-rUi- t thlpt for the tcrtlc.uami-d-

, tho boudt to bo litued upon thecompletion uf the tame, but not to a greateramount than fifty per ceut. uf the value ofemu le.peUitel). 1'bo cowpantatluu oftbo cuiupauy for the tervice rendired it nottuoxeced In amount tbo whole turn receivedlor poatageon the letter., r.ewiptpon, etc.,transported. The bill wat ulcrred to-- theLuutuiiitee ou I'o.t UUlco. aud 1'oit Kotdt.

wniKKt is ittr. ciirot-M- rFcttonden reported, from the Com-

mittee un I'uullc llulldlngi and llrouudu,advertely upon the Joint retolutlon uf Mr.Wilton, prohibiting the uio of llipior in tboCapitol, but presented au amendment totho Joint rule, providing that no liuoritball bo offered for tale, or kept within thaCapitol, or any room counected therewith,or on the publlo groundt adjacent thereto,and that tbo Herireant-at-Arui- i of the twoIloutet tball eu force tho provitlont. andau officer or employe who tball viulato therule ahall bo dltiuitied fremotllce,

lOUlllElUt KAILROtt).Mr Itamtay Introduced a bill authorizing

tho Southern I'acilio Hallroad to extend

thttr road we.twar.l tlirougli the Terrltnrietof Aew Metico and Arirona to the ea.tboundary line of Calif rnia, and. with tha"a''nt,?f -- t M itc, through the tame tol 1 aclflc Ocan, tha .tl.t compan? to Vatattled to nil ll.c prmlegp., grant, of land,loan of bond., elo . n, .ire granted t theUnion 1'n, mo Kiulriiiid Companr. Ileferr'dto the tuuiuilttro un tlio I'acilio' lUllroad.tut: i i i t pMrTi r.i faNjtRfcTioi wi

Mr Iriiiibiill ca'I-- up tlio Siipvleuicntnr.i I.Vioiniriiolinii Hill, and It wa. lakeii upand read ut length. 'I ho te.iding havingbe ii concluded. Mr Drake n.ki-- tl tli

reeomnirtidctl bv tbc.liidiciary Committeo wn open to ninotidmout f

Tho ( li.ur Mid it w.it.Mr Di.ilo i.ibl bo bad tcver.il .inien.1

llientt io oiler. 'I he In .1 waii In . r III I hothird tlon n provl.i. m th.it. m tho i

prnvi le f,,r in I ho pioce.ting . , turn..1'ie togi-ter.- il oter ol .narli M.iio 'mllVkIC on Uhi ,cti,,n f ho.I.'. .1 SUI l li

iii end lurniltig ll ( oiialliiltimi. I i.o.oin f.ivoi ol llio t jioehlloll ahull I. no wilt,ten or pr. tiled their l..illola tor a t

i oi ' I in,. .oppow.Lti.ill hate ".igain.t.at', lention" wiiiten in .riiile.l ou theirballot.. '1 h" per.on. appointed to atipr rliiteint the election .hull noike rolnrii. or thevolrt tor and agiin.i. I he I'oniinamiing(ien. nil, when H o enmn tball bo rilurne.l,.ball naceiiuiii tl.e i itnl roll, nod it a in.)loritt ol Hie whole niiiolicra ol tho- - in anysidto .lull li i qvoi. , ii, tu, b a I'iiiivfii-lloll- .

It :oi! be I, el, I, II' a iiihJiiiIVball halo lotc.l ai.iu.at the l.oilenlloli,

un audi Coiivi oil, .ii ihil b,( h(d,l.Mr Drake aaul lie did not like tho priiii.-loi- i

of tin. loll a. repir. onitio tuloect.Ho did not ll.iuk tin. io. Ii o In i'. elei'li .1 a.lileinboia of tbn t'oiivi'iitiou elioold li.it n itin their power to tuiho an olllcml Cipro.-.io-

of what thi'.t cb(M.e todi-v-tat- tubethe tenet nt the people, but that tl o penI'lo theniaelve. .huilbl liy their Idle, direct-ly do. I.rt their wi.he. on tb it atiiijent.

Mr. Trumbull .ild the Judiclarv Coiiiiiilt-t- i. had i uli.ideted a irnpo.iUou timil it to

th.it now iiitrixliircil h.t Mr. Diuko, luitiheyhad red tli.it It wa. In. oa now inthe loll Fraiul. ueio effectually giiatdeilng.iii.t Iii the pro. i. ion lint tlio I 'on.titil-lio-

n,i .1 In. latili-- li v a major. I uf lliot ;latered loler.. lis hoped I lie bill iiollbllw I ja.ed aa it camo lioni the .liidti'iiiryComiiiittce. If many ntiieiidiiieuts weteolii re It Iiollbl be llliootirlioila,

Mr Drake replliI to Mi I'minlml!, ingo-ing Ibu no o.ty for ,o.irdiiig the southernpouple agaiu.i i .e pM.ilulity ol bell ki lliut.i lb ailopinm ol a t'oii.uiiili. ii agllnattheir wi.l.ea. ll.-e- tm--i who ba.1 mil-led th.iu.piople iliuiiii' llio but n. o.irjwere now readi to lltialeiid them iil,..!!,'.

Mr rielinliiiiaeti beliend there wattnlli.'teiit ..eiirit,! in Ibeproii.ion re.pii tigtbo consul. t ol o inmoril ot the legi.teiedsoters the loritution ut a conatttuiion

Mr llonord linoel Jli. Ilr.ike'a nllieti lloent would l adopted ns a nece.sirv t rotectlnn to gelling n full esprna.loii ol thepeiii.tr vuico. Tho bill recently pa..edliolila nut it proportion by u t .ti:v ahlelltho Southern Slalea mar ho rehablUlnted.and rrstnii'.l to their tielita , bo thought Itpn'per to hunt tbo kt ow ledge of the. ateiina to II. e !. le people ol he Month, andhe knew of no bolter wayof I'j-u- tlil thanby .tihtntting to ihem ttieipie.t'ou whetlurthev welo iiHling toioiiiplj with Ihetu.

Mr. rcenden likml tbo mpo.ition Inthl. lull which re.iuiie.l .i rei.triitfon nf tbotote., and .eniiid tbo free etein.e of tbntight ol toll ra to .ill w ho were entitled Init. Hut ho did not think .1 might lo bomado the duty of a c.itiiui.iinllrot ntllcer tocell a coiivi utlo'i that noglit to bo lett Intll"piopI(. llio I'tOM'lent W.IK 111.11111111.-0.-

tor thrusting upon the peoplo of llio Southlonatttntlnna to which thev bidnot given thoir ai.i-nt- . He did notthink that men who had celledtl is murpai ion in the ahould ft.tor llio conipulsuiy i.,nii,iti,iti ol onn.iitutiuti. not., lli. modo would ho t i .get tholegi.ttdttoti 1'ii.t an I pot it in'.o tbo but d.of the I'iov inoiial ilov. i nor when the I'mvisional (luternoiN expre..ed n ite.tro to.all a couteiition, then tbo CommandingtJelier.il e'lould do what is reijuned of bunto .iiemlilo it. Ho thought it very p.. ou-

tlet that lh.ro .hould bo mi foiling uf Ihonidi Iho futmaliiiu of a cuaalifiitluil.I.iople

wish thoiu uiitbir to lotuieedinto the t iii.mi iigolii nor kept out uf ll .

'llio I nli.n thirty bad a;icod njuiiitellllt U.oll wblill thev (ould i.oll.e b K k.und It onkht lo bo lelt entirely to llieluto act ut their own acoord.

lr. Morton u.isoppocd toeiihoiitting thounction ol eonteiilioii or no convention tothe rein I. al nil III Iho hegiuuilig ll tantllltdt of tbn Imw till totel. ol tbn Smthweio uot iii fetor ot t contention lot Iheinstay at l.uuie. but lit th. in not bo iihlo todole it the work of ri constritctioii l,it theconvention bo held and tlio cons littitlonformed. It la quite enough for It.rm tobato a toico In the ratlllcuiuu uf tbo

af.er It la fo, ined.Mr. Howard contend, d for the right of

Congrost nt such tlmo in tuch mannerat ll taw tit lo reature tho nbel Stalrt liewas uot In tuch a hurry to compltto thltwork at to admit n S ito w ithout a clearand fair eipriaslon of the will nf the innJority ol lit ritlrons. A minority governmem could not exist In tblt coutitry, and ifany State cuntaiued a majority opporad toreturiilug lo tho Union no was lor keeping It out till doomsday, or until its lieupin repented la diut aud aihet fur theircrimes!

Mr. Stewart supported the bill as it camefrom the Judiciary Committee, believing itto meet all requirements, aud to need uoameudmclita.

Mr. Johnson did not belieia the florern-incu- t

could subsist long with ten States outof the Union, It was tbo duty of Congressto hasten tho work uf reconstruction on thisaccount.

Mr. Drake's amendment was dltagreei toby Ihu lolluwlng vote

YsisMsssrs. Ctmarin, ChtDdl.rt Disks,Fsrrv, F.MSQdtii, Htr.ao, llowarj, '

Hows, Morj.o, Morrill ol M.lus, U rri'.l ..Il'.UsisjQ of Nsw llsoipsLlis, but&bsr,

Tk.v.r, lleloo tod W.!s -- 17.

N.ts -- Ms.irs, Anlhony, flirkt'sw, Cts, Conr.I'ng, Cootsss, Cjibslt, (.ln, li.v's, IMx mt lliolltllr 1'rsllDglniv.t., tlrtoiss, ItTris-sqi- i.

Jatissoe, lliirtoa, I'.llsrsia of T.anss.s.fltsm.Ti lt's, H.srm.n, Hprtfus. Hl.w.rt. Trum-bu.l- ,

Via Wiuklr, Willi aim aud Yil.-'.- 7.

Mr Drake moved to amend the fourthsection by adding tho following proviso .

rrovhisd, Tr.it no tuch eoBslllutlon shall bseenstilarsd ss eullillng lbs Hint for wblon ll isfrtmsd to such rsprsa.al.tioa union II provlil.stb.t t ill alaclloua for fllalt, coualy or niuulclpalirT.lri tb. sl.stors sbsll vol. by rlcs. I lltot, tadsuch tuo4s cf vutluf still nsvtr It CUaagtd wtl.bill Ibt ssMQt of Ciagrs.i.

While Mr. Drake was advocating bitamendment be wa, interrupted by Mr '

Conkllng, who Inquired, ".Suppose theyshould adopt constitutions In which theyshould insert this provision, mh! alter theirrepresentatives are udmitted, ou the nextoco.isluuuf retlsing thelrcunstltiiiiuu shouldstrike out that and substitute a provl.lotiordainiug rli-.- i rore voting, what was Mr.Drake or what wat Cougtes, going to douhunt it I

Mr. Drake replied, that if they form aconstitution with this pruvulon in it, andafterwards violate It. Iliey will havo viola-ted an express stipulation In their constitu-tion, aud an express contract with tint(lovcrnnient, aud bo (Dr.tko), tor one,would be prepaied to lay that the Stateibould not bavo a Senator or Kepresentatlve in those ball a lung ut ti.at violationexisted.

Mr. Cnnkling That is, you would turnthem out

Mr. Drake Certainly, without a mo- -

ment'a hesitation.Mr Conkling bad only to say that it

would bo rather un awkwaid thing to do inmany respects It would bo especiall t awk-ward In view of the Li-- llutt the SupremoCourt had repeatedly decided in ouo rasooriginating in Altbama, lor instance thatany such contract would bo nbsoluiely andutterly vuid fur ull suoh purpuscs,

Alter futtber colloquy uu tins subject, Mr.Draka said that ou reflectluii ho wasstrengthened lu the belief ho bad ei pre modon being tint uuettiuned, that Cougrrsswould havo a rlgut to thrust out Senatorsand Ilepreseutativti under the cirtutu.stances mentioned by him. If tha timeovercame tu tett the question, if we badmen of nerve in tbo Senate, they would car-ry out tblt idea. He came Irom a Statewhere there were no Conn-rvalu- lladirali,and the people endotiod that kind of Itadi.calisrn.

Mr. Trumbull, replying to Mr, Drake,aid bo bad no men opiuiorlof the peopleliber North or South aa to deny tbeiu au

opsn biJlot. To unorould le lo encou.ra;a '. i .! t.i,.t r, j,Mr. ftisind.n Dt.f.n.,1 not to ont ij h

provl.louj In Ult Mil bet to leave at! snebmiinrs tt ttt :sidereil -- hen toe eo

el these art prmuted UCockress f irrselslun.

Ut Cook, Ids;, tiling if at for avolnrta ofriecoru, rtad from on of tar Js-- .

Itieot tothow that a condition, Haded alcondition of the admission uf n Slat.,

eased to have fcuy bill. ling elect when theSlat, lip.nnie sovereign and ussiitoe.t IIItiinr'.oua a. a neliibcrnf tho Colon, llo

v.r.v xnai doubt whetl.or this ptovl.I lion, If It could be Imbed. led In tbo roustlI toll ins ol ntiv of the laie rebel States,I would add in Um .ecimiyof the people it

w,i de'lgiteit to prot etMr il.on s.iid thai, nt the n.k of

ehiMpil ns a f. ti.erialiio lli.llcal. beinii.il ti.lotuai. . t'lt.utoenditieiil. Ihev

I i R I . one on till. .tl,'( I ltiM l.sa. tli. p ia.ed a.icret linll.itlaw t'.cee once, it met with the disippeoli.Hon ot the peop'o. mid was finally mmlitled10 ns to to late, iu.le.td of i ..ml . Ulilg,. le'l a w i of t..,. ig e th, light tliocoiintrx would look iqion thia n. loihcr auairuw point to iiiaHC, and a. aoekma an

t oeca.iuit Inr keeping the State, toil of thoI'nmn, rather tb.iu oudcituting to getIhem but k.

.Mr D.HinttIelM.liere.1 It lo he iineonstltii.tlon il lr loiiioao our such condition im alilllite Stale. All an. I. inittlels Vlelo left tothe Sii.lt , I,, tho Coii.titnlioii,

Jlr. Morton aaul be would toto for MrDiake'. amen. Ini. ut. If tbo cl.iu.o ipferrlng

j tn Iho lutine woio untitled, and il prottdod.ituplv llnl u ing t.T eliiaoil billot., .ballloi plotldoil loi in loe e il..liluUons. lielelie..-,- l il verv lliiportoiit t tl It the tot uah oil. I l e b) I Iwllot, I. it he iloul l

the rif lit of Cnvtreis tn lmji.e a cnnditln-- i

of tin. Mint wbi.h .hoold be binding in tbofutiue.

Mr lleudeisoti epokn .igilnst the. amend-ment.

Mr thought tho adrant iee nfvoting by btllot vtem iitereetiiiiiiie.l.Ilm only result obtained In- Itwas nil opKiitiiiilt v lor iiiiinlng ne.i-pl-

to deceitn utheis. It wat idloto a'.:omtit to tiiuk.1 the etnploo tilde iieudcut ul In. emplover. bv this imaus. Itwould ntlotil mi prnteetiou. Ho obieclod totoe attempt In thl manner In I inmutable piinuple, in conslitiilioiis. Ho bo.beted it wo. policy to .ubeet constlliltiontto penodliul revisions and opiiortunitios fcrlolorm. Ho bopod to si o tlio day whontolea would bo legi.lcicd and kept for ex.amiiihlioii,

Mr. Corbett did tint believe the amend-ment ul Mr. Di.ike would ace imtiti.li theI'lirtioaea forwhleh It was inieuded. Hoipuko btiolly against it.

At tl.o i .iii, lii.io n of Mr. Corbell's. the V ute, pending tbo considerof Mr Drnktta iinuttiltiieiit, went In

to I.xviut.to tes-io- and souu adtt

lltll'.lH fi'T1IK Tltrtll KV til ST.

Mr Cot-od- ii. I ed le ive to olf. r a rc.oluI neiiiiig that charges of n regnUt .:i. a11 the treasury llep.ittmeut bad b. ou madethiough tho Ue.s und In tho House, an Itlint such st.a'.-iiie- t .are calcnla'ed to ciomigre.it iinoaslne.s lu tho country j and

lor the ippi.inttnent of n selectuf llto to nite.tigato all such char-

ges, and to report to the llmiso tba ptuaetitoutstanding government Indehti.luesi, usrcpnai ulod by eum-ncy- , iMiuds, eonipjuudinti.ie.t note, and i.tur promises to pav.'I lie ilel.icii. hi exi.tliilcd hv the bunk, ivl.d

T'.o amoiintt of over tasu ilnn , other . ollpniit or tltlpll. .ited buildsbato been pr. .ent.d, and it io, wlialniuount ul sin h has been redeemed, and toInquire Into ell other Irrogulnritin., Ao.

Mr. CI. tnli r objected, in tho lasld.iiisew:i loo itnlel-oit..- and opened up loo widea held ol lliquil.

Mr. iv .do goto noll.-- llia,t ho wouldmove un Mnnt iv to .i spend the rule., .o a.1 utlor the resolution.tiKAinaaa ut- cusnni ss i lour hours'

I il iu ii.

Mr .litliin introduced hilt lo fix thetime for tho election of rrpn mutative, undilelegaten in t 'ongre.s , and a lull to . oliatl-- I

im Iil houri a il iv'a work lor all mec' anlea and laburera t inplovod by or un b haltof the liuteiniiient. tUfcriod to tLu Judi-ciary Collltllltteo.

Mr. Holm tu desired to havo Iho li't.rbill (Hit on ita passage uuw, but Mi Stttousol'leeted.

I eriiaiobi Wood presented the petition ofMaror Hoiltiiaii and eitiom of Now itirk,a.kiug the extension of the .aiuo privilegesto NKilora hutiorably iliaih-ugo- at la nowuxtelided by law to'ioldlrli.

Tlie Kpeakrr pre.etiied Ihe renly oftho l'onre.s on it piitit.i In 1... inquirylillilHiilcd iu .1 le.ollltion uf Mnich 11th,

tho puichaso of priutlug paperniuilt.Uio.

Mr. Kcolleld ullereil n resolution Initructing tho Commltteo un HIoctmiM to reportwhether Mr. Hunt ur Mr. Chilllcott, claim-ing at dolegalea Irom Culutadu, it peloidyucic entitle.lto tho seal.

Mr. U.iudall moved that when the Homoadjourn toda, it ailjourn to meet un Muudav. 'I he mution tvae negatived

The Home thou, at l'.'r.'U o'clock, ad-journed.

KiToNnTlti'irrtoN.(TrUtrtifihrtt fo Me Arte Font .S'tin.)

1 ho .eremt .Mllllarr Dl.irlet.Ciittit.i.sro.v, K. C, March Id. - llcnertl

li ibiuson cuiumanding thli Dep.irttnent Intbo ubienco nf flcner.ll Sickles, issued auorder this morning annouiulng the recep-tion of au official copy of thu military act,ii ri il delating It now tho law of tho Depatlum lit uf tl.o lutolinai,

Flltl'X.(Trtryrtiphetl lo the .Yeie Vurk Stm.J

New York,Turn fS. Y , March 1 1. A tiro at Sell igh

tlcoke, tb't morning, destroyed the coidageworks uf Kpleor A Meeley, und the twinefailury or Tlbblttt llrlggt. 'Iho buildingwasuvtncdlivli.il ll.iker. I.os i tu(ll.tiofl; mostly lii.'iied.

WiitrLIIAM. N Y . March 1 1, A fire brokenut thlt morning about 'i o'cloik. In thobuilding occupied by Charles Nichols as iigrocery itore, which wai rapidly roniumed.The next building wat owned and occupiedby Hitiivit, as n hikery, dry goods and grntorv ttoro, which wat also destroyed, 'thebuilding adjoining tin wits ovtried byCliailci Chapui, aud oveupled by J. 1'iah asa gtucery and provision store. It wasspeedily foniiimul. A cigar itore in thekauio building and au olil barn in Dlvialuuatrect, owned by Cbapln, was al.o consum-ed. Other bulluingt aught lire, but wereoxlln, inihcd. 'Iho losa Is about n,'W,whleb li partially imuted.

Jilalue.( Trtrjrtii'htd lo Iht Sim Vurk Sun.)

Ai ui srs, Ml , Man b 1. The cotton Intting mill In Duality waa destroyed lit- tiroat noon today Tho in.ichiiu.ry ami a largoquantity of c.'ttuu were detirojed. I .onI sj.uW

( nnnila,(Ttl''jrci)littl lolhe .Yew York Sun,

IlriMst h i t:, C, W., Marih 1. 1 he houteol Jaunt Wilkius win desirott d by tiro lastuigbt. live ihildieu who lived lu tbohu iso were badly burned , two of iLtiu aronot expected to live.

( ulltrlor ef the I'm ol I'lillndelpkla.'iitt'ji ii.u'i( M lite ,tu l or. .Vim

I'lilt.tiiriMiiA. March Id. A delegationof Iho incrriintilo community left I'hiladel-phu- t

tint afternoon for Washington, to urgetbo reappointment of Colonel Wm, II.

Thomat as Collector of Iho Fort of7 hey lay the huiiiiest of tho port

absolutely demand! bin restoration tn theposition bo to ably tilled during the admiu-titratio-

of I'retident I.tncolu, 'Ihoand ihlpiieri generally, without

of party politics, bavo united latho recommendation.

Till. Fenlaut in llutfalo, at eltewlere, aregreatly excited at tha lata now Irom

Tbo CiifitlKii tays, at not any timesince tho June Invasion bavo tho Irish

to much agitated, aud that fifteenhuudred Ughtiug tueu could bo raliud ut antour', uotltio.



rni: rnofLC STAUvirco.

25 Ditd BeJics Seen Floatins Uuwn

a River.

Ac Ac, Ar,f TflnjrafthHl lo ike AVm Vork JS'ttn )

fin"Mi, M.r:h 1. A aprclal iliwilchirom N'.i'.Ull to th( t'incinimtl UWhriKpy. ' IU rMrta ol vuilrtut,; nt ( hill.i-- jt'o.(;a nrM othr pjM utaii llio TrnueMCrtItufr, iw itppitliiug. At Ch.itt.itinng i, ontlif 1 la, tlio t4ir Iroiu l: to 'JU lifttlffi. M mjr hotuM toppling ovrr, andottifra HoMlnjt wijr. lli.i M ijor, ith ipuflae i f riluma ,uul toMiria, w n forag.n,;JUiong tlio U'ftiUxl i in tor ou, Tw .irfotit

i of t li- ioi1 pntrtril, Imt tlio Mrtjor aaitj 1'ie pouplo ti at.iititij;, Twrinlj llvo Jo.ivl' l'omi-- a re writ lUniitn tlown t!ii titer at

Hr1tl49pAff.AU.uH Iho l.'th. TLrt loaofpioprrt in rat.tn.itaitt it tnit'.i.xt of ilillara.li.rrttl 1'i.iliti, ut NjilitlIo, :ta mhUnjHlotia tu ft,il t.tt.iua through tt CltAtt.itin in ft,

Cmo, 111 , M,ir. It --.llt- of t!,ft

If.inn'r I! xAiurl. li"! Tutn Arlniiitai riv-

er, trport tho CxuiIlT otrttltrnl, villijErM Ion a of priinrly uinl ttntl orin .tmontht lp( ibitAitta. Twontr wrrtii liva lin I

1 I. at Bt ,y tlio HoimI, ninallfrroilmrn Tlio atp.imfr lVtor lUlon, ilum-

n?S by rtmuinc Into tl-- Imnk of tho txral Itrtl IVilt. Kmr pnrt of her A r

Atid a tltck htn.l wrro .iUj I oat.nr .11.

Iho l.ou'itilU lliMOtntT, of Monl.iy,fiw ;

'Hi o tloftl at th Hntith ha hon nnnarl-l1fl- .

It I. m proton r)noUHv ttiimtrottartloni; tho m of tho N lain tlio uml Clutla-tiooj.- t

lUiIrnHtl. Tin mil piovo nut onUrrilou Mow iho lntrpat of (Int comp'.nr, lnt vr n in.urho tit inr nicrfli.tnMHhi Jfiro to tiittko al.lpitirnla. unI to thnInipovi-rUlii-i- l oopIn nl (tirti, vho urottTv notuilly ilrpoiitltftit upon 111 fnr tlirlrtliiilj tooil. At llio UM il it4 1 pnitlonoftlio Krrat I'rhlpo or-p- th iV'timnwo ntHitilppDrt wfi ulromlr Kiihtnil uml thtitru.i riatn tit tho rti ot tnointlipor hour. It ia to tn ft immI tbut lli Htt.lnlrili tut c: W tl l0 1" l ; t iirnj', nntl tlio n

will ho tVnii.v Ii .rpnriihK. A conatttK-tln-

tt mi Itii Wfii tftiit an tarS KithaUhtC, Imt rouht not (' fit r

Ihor (ho trark loiii; covorr.l withaU ttvt of wtir a, far iia thn rtorotiM rrAclu hihI lioif, illan.ttchlJr th pirpoao of ifpuinuix tho telf.K"J'i Uuo, couipfllnl tu return, thopnttjM in tnnnv plm-- cono r

out of mIi tit. I'lMwfou llrlitcoporta I'ltitttuMO'iiii in If nil tho hrltlay io aiiliifii rgt'd, but lul no ftr hicti ativoitIit tho w'iht o tlio tritiiia lii.t'lnl withiron. Mit nufli tlntu'i.n lina hi'n nrru.iylunn, oi hti.v I i tuoo Will ho roipilruillti tt) Air it, r'lixi'il poMHihlv ho uaefttstMiHtl,or in riMtiiutitl, until th wnlrr auhildfnTh hihluio tivt r ('lilrUuinatii ('rvK, ontho Wi'atciii tittil AlUulio riMii, U rnp'tittliiiiMulf, ttn.l tho ti it. W i ntt'lc r wiatr fur .tiliat-ui- nt rii intlfa fiom thnt point. Ahreftk Mohio hIioio on ilo V,nnl Tonitpaaonii'l C'cor'ia rnl m l'i ti'poiu ', btu wol..te no p irlii'iilui a. tflrrplin; cnmicriionhurtiiiii If rnljC'l rt If In: rut oil. Tt iafo,irnl tlnit IhPin hu4 much law it;o,liolli to llio an t projtcitw thruuuhout thatanciioii nf ciiuiiti. lho 'uiulii rl.iiul Hatill Nflllnc. but tifit nt an 'i rtto a toran" fui i he t approhitual(tn, iinli thfioahuuhl Ih iiK.tu mill. 4 uiup.irH ly 'iltlo)ini It.n I'l-- ii unit iiijc.l in tho .K Hilt.v ofSaul' v i'lt.. I ho f.n in! i'in . , hotrf't it,intibl li- to MilifMOi! atHrtrnlT. piiltMi; ly Ihoiniii.tMiao iiuuiiittr of tfiico toili cuniUuttylloA'.tii Itk Nii.livitlo.

NKW YORK.( 1'itryriii'lirU fo Iht Any l'orl. Sun )

Fioce.dluua of the I.rglslittnre.Sl'.NATK.

AtutNr Man hi I Sundry petitions weroprmeiited for tho oxteusionol Iho Mvtropolitan Hxcl.o law

imt"I'etativn tn the llebrow lleuevolent Socio-

y of Now York.Incurpor.itlng the I,ong Isliiml II, bio Ho

cletr. trtlcrr-- to a third reading.Against cr atltig tho ulllco of luapector of

Flour. Agreed to.Against incorporating thn Protective of

Woclu ster. I. aid on tho table.Amending the charterof the Ciiion lajigua

(,'lub of New l oik.'I o change the name of the Student' Aca-

demy of Now YorkIncorporating tbo Merchants' Mutual Pet-

roleum Cotin the motion of Mr. T. Marphy, the

New Yoik Surface and rmlcrgromid Kail,way bills veto made thu special order lorthli evening

For tbo relief of the Nlagti.i, tlullalo,hticet llailroad.

tut I a IVTKIIIil EH. fPelatlre to buildings and the itor.ige nfcombustibles.

Amending the act for tho llrlief of IlmSeamen's Fund and

To Incoi potato tho tuyrcs.ant Having,Hank.

Relative lo tho Crotou Aqueduct Departtnetit

'In exempt Int 11 .' and "01 Ilroometrect,Now Yotk, Iron! taxation.

lilt laI'or tho Improvement of lledford avenue,

Ilrooklt-u- .

Authurilng a portion of thn town nfMoiitgouniry. Oiango Co , to talo fiiI.On.iJworth of itiVk iu tlio. Montgomery and llrieIt. ill w.i v,

for thn bettor regulation of tho publiocemetenes

Incorporating thn Soldier' lluslnost, r

and Dltitteh Cotutiatiy.Appioprl itmg loU,UUu lor Hudson litter

improvements.mi i.t ant AKcru to a TttiRti nxtuiKii.

Increasing the powers and duties of theMetropolitan Hoard ol Health. No amendinenta havo been mado tn thli bill linco Itwas last reported frutu thu Judiciary

Ilecnss.r: i:xixa sksmox.

ItllOtllWAY IIL'lllAC'K lllllll'MII'Iho special order, tho llin.nlway Sorfn e

It.iilrnad bill, wna then takeu up in thoCommliteo ol tho hole.

Mr. Audrows moved to amen I, bythat the Companr shall forfeit

(1,00) per day for each day'a failure tuoperate thetr cars beeaiise of mow, or forfailure to remove tha snow front uutsldetheir tracks, tlio Company to have the rightto dump tho snow in tho river Carried.

Iho bill wa reported complete.IEt UOI'OI IT t V ItAIU.tMIl illl.l.

Tho Metropolitan Kailroad bill wat nexttakeu up. Mr. lejvv moted to amend byitnkiiigoiit tho llioadvtay louto below lllustreet. Carried.

Mr. T. Murphy moved to require the com-

pletion of one route lu lutitli .treot, withinbt. years, and each of tbo streets wltbluten years. Carried.

Mr. Andrews moved In rirnvida that thncompany shail bo responsible I'or all damagcidooe private property, iu tbo cou.tiue-tio-

of tbo road. Carrltd.The bill wat finally ordered ta it third

reading, by u vuto ol -- J to 0.

tiik rsKQAiityAT acnrAcn muu auai.Oa the call of yeas and nijs, tbo llroad-wa-

Surface bill was ordered to a thirdreading by tho following vote i

Ytiti -- Honrs. Harnett, llennett, Chlm-ley- ,

Collins, C. tl. Cornell, Fnlger, (lodard,Humphrey, T, Murphy, Nlokt, Pir.oni,Pier.on, Piatt, Beiiloni, Ktanlord, Hutber-land- ,

Willium aud W.lcett IS.VAt-ile- un. Anujett, Crjouticll. Crow.


It (lib.on. Kline. I .a II tl, Ixmt, II. CMutphy, While, Wood 11, Adoutned,


The bill giving 'W,lW S'alo M Inthn con. Inn tlou of tha Whitehall nntlI'l.tttiburg Kailroad wat ordered ton thirdreading,

.tut itr.rnnTKti.To antkorlio the Melropnlitati Transit

Companr to enostruct and npef ito celt tilltailro id tracks in tbe ellr of Now otk.

Making an appropri ttioii of (.'.i.t'))tbo erection of a new Cnpitol.

.'! KXIXi) SH.sslnX.ruts tti.iKeiu to a tiitnti in intMi.I'o nuthoriie the construction of a cross-tow-

r.illios I

Tn aiithotire the Couitnl. sinner of theCent nil Park tn const i net n .tone .tairw ayet tie. intersection of lli ntenue and ""Hti

elrert.To leninvr tbo ob.lriictlniis from lliepmis

aud wbiirte. in tho Port of Now tmk.(Ii.i.. i.iwn inllliiilli nii.i. 1'ia.tn.

Mr Travis nutted that tho Cross TownKailroad Hill now have Irs third routing.

It was agreed to. and tho bill was postedbs t vote ot 'it tn ft.

Ihe Assendily then ndiotirtied.Nnttsntton or lb. Hudson Hirer( Vcii inAc ,1 M Me .V, a-- ForJtr .Vim. )

llinann, N Y . M ir, h N.uig ittoti I.opened tn this point. Iheetei-nc- r Nuppi,

tl.e Itogardiit line, which left New i orklist evening, united hero t' bilfpast unoo'clock tod ly, and thn first boat throughthis fo.i'on Heavy ice b.uricrs wero enroiiiiti red near llrislol, and from that pointto this citt the titer is full ot tee.

Ihe Constitutional CiintrDtt.nAitivsi. Mnrih, II llieConfcrencoCom.

mlttee of Iho Assembly and Senile, on thobill, providing for it Convention lo revisetbo State Constitution, h.no ogret d. Ilieywill leporl in favor of holding an electionou the loiirth 'Inc.day In Anil!, four delo-gale-

In bo chosen from each Seliatn .

and thirty Inn nt largo, colored mento vote, deserters and relinll eseltl.le.l. IhoCoiiveiitloti to meet lu Albaoy. Mr. Wei dia the only Democrat un tl.oCoti.'auttoo whodlen ntt from tbo report.

POLITICAL.TttfiraphM to the A- - KuiX Sun.)

Vrrmont,Mitin rt trn, Vt.( Mnrclt II -- florcrnor

DiHinlum Imt latum! a prool.iniitthmtho lifi.Bturo in na civ

on tho '.'"th matitut. 'Iho uhjoit la to atlonlrnlirf tit tl e atiuthaaratrrn portion of thoNt,itt whrro tho piopl i Iiuto lirnn cut olTfront rullroul oullnt noulh nlnl vt by thanrtiun of thn '1 ny and Itoaloit aaiitl ltn

ami Hir.tii.i K.ulron.l ( ompnntna.llii rc tntnp.inlra htitli nprruto th'to roitiUtu thU Slur ii whl h ai umler tho control oftho Yi iiiuut liiaiiituro, '1 ho ri'iuiMtypi tpo-H- i hirloiMi tt oompunv to huihla ii nil to cmiuect wall tha lloiUut lUi- -


(7e'jrfipKftt to the .Vctv rrk Sun 1

iH.iiioir, Mich., March 1. -- Tho hciiio-cratl-

SIjiIm Contciitiou tfttpnUr nounii.tlol S.mforil M. (Iri'Cii. t'hiof Jnalii'o uftho tStiprcino t'mirt, Hint William M..tr, aiul l.lMMifrrr Kirnta nt thoUuiTfralty. Kriolutiona woio ailoptnlil imtuu'in tl.o l!oronatt lull (.mlalocl.ai in ft tho rnlritlirhlariiiMit of iM'rutaniit tho of whlto. br tur(Mtilfil Cuuj;riaaiitnril nct.ott, aa uiivuiiatttutloual, utUUtarr uul revolutlouuty.

lllaOilci la'nnit,(Trtftjraittie'l to the Arif Vint .Situ )

l'miiiursi i; It. 1., MstrtU 11 UmtSUto t'onTf ntion m thia utr to

i lay, tioiiuuatcil 1,3111011 I'lfrco, of Trothtlonco, fjr (lovfrnnr; tlitlmiu II. liurlVo, ofTltorlou, I.irutmmiit llovornor ; Win. J.Miller, of Hrlitol, of .Stnto ;(leorco iV. Itliaa, of Kaat I'niM.Ieiioo, AtlornoyJtumrul ; Jitmta Alktuaoti, llcnrrnllrinmirfr lu iho tViiKrHioinilItlatriot, the iioHhn uf inakitii; at tiuiulmi-tou- t

wti ipforiP'l to a Committi-- lu thoWfHtHru (inuionauiiMl Diiiriot, llouryUatlor, uf Norwich, waa uoiitiuatmi.

llnwaitrlniartU,(Tefftjvajthril to the tStw J01JI Sun

IhiaiiiN, .M.ircli 1 1. 1 ho lower hriinih nftho sMurMrhutf tU Iutaturii haatho ConaUtutliHial AluoUtitnout by a vote ofl.U yeua to imya.

IllHriUail.Trttijritfthed to the AVw rrk Sun)

Asnaioim, Mi.., Marrl, 1,1. In joint convolition today, tho I.fUl.itiira nf this Stud.itecUra! Hon, Philip Kraucla Thorn,rlct-- l IT. H, .Smutor )or ol x yi.tr, to liltthn otiatinjf vaeuncy. Tho Ourrrnor wattil)rctitit to lamiH tho rifr.Miry comnilaajonto Ihu .Soimtor olrct. 'Iho Itoiatratiuu billLai putted lb Son at n.

lStyv llnmpalilraTha Ut-fi- rAturna ludtoato u annllrr Itv

puhlicitn innlority thuu If ported - ihout'.'iiXl. 'Ihn OiMrioiTftta havo RitlnHd IS miubtia nf Aatauihly, 'Iho liopuhlicuu tuAority u tho Aaariuhlw hint yr.ir m yd, 'Ihoreturn a indlcato tt majority of In nit HO thliyoar, tind tho Ifeniocruta ioucedo 7H

Itaae 1UII t'onrantloo,IliRTioun, Conn., .M.irrh VX -- A Conven-lio-

of tho ImHolmll rluht In ihU Htxtn whuhrld lu thin city to dar. About thfrty clubwoio rt'prt't'nttHl. A voto wat pnattd,foruilnz Kt.tto Association, and ruica andrcKnIationacoucrrulnfr Stato ohampionihipawrio tailoptrd, 'Iho L'bartflr Oak of thucity trai unanimously at tharhampion rlnb of tho Sttto, by tho Associa-tion. Tha first Annual intetlnL' will bo holdIn Naw llaton, on tho Ural Monday m Nuvembr.

Nows Uoma.

Uy TiltgrcipK to t A'iv York Jun.)

Tnr. t'inplnnall (?nlou duivf ntlon yetirdny numtuAtud Churlos K, Wltstack forMayor

Tin: housa of Mr. 8nll, In tho town ofJullarton, III, wna rutorcd by burUra onTnraJhy tilht, und alt to tn thoutaud dobI.irs w.11 atoten.

Itriiivn tho pait wpfk, IIS piMona InMtitaachusetta gvo notu'o to HUto

that tboy h.id topp'-- aulliu

Tu r San Francisco Cut torn Mouso sum ori-

tur 1 hnvn acid opium vnluil at nhntitkbotit fVIO.'XJO, for au uttciupt to dehau I

the rovenue.

Gonoral IutollIgoucDIty JuCi to the .AVtfl YorU Sun.i

A linn usr meteor wnt ifnu br anvfralcitueua of Coonril lllull. Iowa, Sundayeteulu, M ttist ll liijhUd the ultolo hf.iv-ni- ,

and rnotcd down to the wostprn horl-jtou- ,

aliHildniK lur a inoiuont h glow ol li;htfipiul to that ul tho lull moou.

Inr. road tbro.uhout N'idr.tfka aro Toryroiuh lioin tho ulturuito thaws nnd lit'-uij- l

up leaded vrugons hrtvo to be niotuluni; with caro, and loooiuotion on tholoada it u pamfully alow Uunueia JU41 uuwfur both boast and chicle.

Titi. people uf l mis ta uro worry In,; themaflvt--s about tho crasihopppr, l no o.niniryia lilleit with tho rgK dcpniiteit hv tluHwanos vl laat ynar. and it m ft'fcttl thata couple of mouth will huUh them out andcover the country with the juiia brood, todyvour etery ctceu tiling.

A tew dnja slneotho body 'fan unknownman wna found III a nud that b.td heea tilled with water for about an wewki, botwteaMontKomory and Valdu, U.ano County,Is'. Y. .S' utliln wa found ou hi person toindlcato who he wat. or where be waiIrouu

Tub Schanotady. N- V, HrtR aarai"Tone of butter ate n.uainj; dowu on therailroadi. Home of it haa been held forlong time, and after heftitf roworkud it aeutto market. There beiu uow no hope of I uptiter ndvaucea or aafet lu louder keeyiuat,


Treublci In Irtlaaa1 Xtl Cadcd.


SufJorfucu of tho Fonlana fa Wlck-lo- w



Uatlbalill lWiJIig the. Opposition.

lr., A.T., Ac.1 be t'enlan..

Ivsitirm, March II Noon. Ilia Fenhntrouble, nro not altogether ended. Thegovernment has Just iliipatched four gun-

boat tn Dublin, and they will be posted atdlfrront places In tho Hirer l.lflejr.

Iho Feni.itie have taken refuge from thallriti.h troops In Um Wleklotr Mountain., alew miles lotilh of D.iblin, whero they aropet thing from the extreme cold weather.

loru t Iclorlu and .air. I'rnb.dr.IeiMm, Maroli tjiteen Vlcln-ti- l

"111 di.palch her portrtlt to Mr. Pea.lody, tho Ameilcan philanthropist, touiotime next week.

Tho Italian ntrrtlnea.I'ninrM r, March 11 Nearly one half of

the llali in election are to ho tepeated.The result Is escee.lingly doubtful. (Icn-er.t- l

(lariliatJl It at tbn head of tbo opoodtiou p trly.

ciiUMixcur.1, ivrmnnt, March 1 1 Noon Tbe cotton

rn.iiket open. linn, and with contfeiied'Iho u..ialioiis are still l.i.'j'.l for

middling upland., and i:i','d for liuadllngDrleans.

Despiiches fhim M inche.t.r report animproved feeling, and an adfiinco In pricetor goods and yarn...

Cum ha ndtMiiead to Sta. 5J, per ijuarlerfor mixed Western Cillfornla wheat tlrmal I la .1.1. Lard .sis. Cd. p'r cwt. Tallowlis. per cwt. Ilosiit tit. J.1. p, r cwt. forrommoti dmlngton. I,.naood oil ijlt) perton Sn'rits tilipentiuo 117a. t.'. jer cwt.Aahet :l't. for pota.

I, It inl.Hii, M troll 1 Hrenlng Thelti cotton continued throughout tlie

d.iy. and the market olool tlnn at an advaiieo of follr .d. er trfinnd. MldilllngI'plainls, I i.l Middlltig Drleans. I.I.C'I he sales of the day reached hale..

'Iho t'isrket for breadattvrts is firm, withan iinward tendency. Corn sold iliiriiii- - thenfteiuooii at iris, per niiarter for MisedWislcni, au adtaucu of .Id. line, tbo upen- -

I ii sr.

1 he niat-f.e- t for prorlslon .and produce Isefeitdr. hot prieea are linehanged. Pork,prime Hasteru Mess, tlrtn at previous ipiotattons. Amerii-at- i Inrd .'iiVi. liil. per owl. l

oil, ij:w III. per ton; rosin, fine Amerl-cati- .

In. .er cwt-- . petroleum, la. I'd. per gal-lon for litlticd Pennsylvania aud Canadawhite.

FINANCIALl,nxMVf, M ireli Noon Consols opn-e-at 'jl j for money.

File .hares, IfiH , Illinois Central 7T ,Culled Slate. Hotids, Ti; ;

Uimmiv. Mnreh 1 1 P.vetiing. t nnsnlsclosed Ibis .ivrning nt '.,oJt' lor money.American S,,, unties closed at tho tuilowiiigipiolation C S Fue Twootlea, 7i)i, IIlinois I'entrtl Share., 7"' ; Crle KmlwtvSharo., aijf.

I IIIMI lilROPS HV MTIUVIBIt.Tho aleamera City of Cork and Africa

nrritedat thit port lost eroding withmorohandlf e and the mails, lloth

ttoamtr. left on tho '.'.1 nf Mattel,ll.Vtll.aM).

The Itloadoul .ffnondnI'he leeond reading of the Canada Con

federation ltd! took plaro in the House ofCommons on '.Mh February. Mr Addcrlydilated at length in favor of thn bill.

Mr. Cardwell laid Canada would yet lieonly lureriur tu Uuglaud and tho Cultedbtatea.

Mr. Ilrlght abl a hill of n much Import,an.n ahould not ba rushed through tbetbo bouse In a hurry, that two of tho provlncea worn omltlrd because il wat clearthey did not with to come In, and tho

uf the other provinces had nolight to totoon the matter without havingit submitted tu tho people who ahould boconsulted. 'I here were thoto who thoughtthat not n llttlooftho loyalty whlob It laidto prerail in Canada hat ita price. An oxpeiiilitnrn for the defenco of Canad t fromaggression by tho United State, wat uselets, a It wn, not necessary, and, if It were,it would bo Inetlectlve. Fur my part, 1

want the population uf those countriut todo what they conshlor beat for their ownInterests to remain with thlt ootintry IfIherllke, to beeome an Independent StateII they like, and ttrugglo tor a career ufutility and glory j ur, if they think betterto annex themselves lo tho Culted States, Iahiiuhl not comidain .veil of tbat.

Mr. Watklu bud no sympathy with th.view that thu mother country thoiibt shakooil' her colonial potsesslou. If Canadawent, to might Australia, India, aud theother colonics, and, confine. I to her ownlimits, Hngland would be another Holland,Did the lion, member for llirmlngliam (Mr.Ilrlghti think tba peace and liberties of theworld would bo better secured If this haltof the continent wore nnnexed to the UnitedStatril Cheeis.l Hvcry man of commontense know that Canada could not standbyitself, it must either bo llriti.h or Aintrl-oa-

undor tho Crown or under the Stanand Stripet, Tho Ikitish Kmpiro should bemaintained Intact, ur It canuot be main-tained at all,

Mr. I'urleteue, after tome preliminary re-

in irkt, laid ba trusted that night would seethe blith of a great people In North Amer-- .

lea, which, whether in union with lis, or, ata distant day lu thu tar Inline, an

nation, would continue it. prosper- - j

um career in cordial friendship not only I

with thli country, but alto with thlt greatAnglo Saxou cuuiuiuuily ou the same con-tinent.

Tho bill wa, real a second time.HP.Mi.VUV.

Advices from IV. th to 1st Instant saythat tho lliingariait.duputies from rratisvlvanla are dissatisfied, owing to the Miiu.tryhating decided not to propo.e tor (ho pie.ent either municipal relorni or the re estab-lishment uf tr.al by Juty tor Treat uf-

'eiiret in Trausylt atii.i.'I he Fuipeioi- and I'.tnprc.s wete expected

there between tho M ami .'nil uf March.PKCsMA

Ihe North Herman Parliament was en--

gamd in tlio work of examining Intotbetalidltyuf tho eltrliotis ul it mouther,.Cotupl. llutt havo been ot tlie mauoerin which Iho (luvernmenl managedthe elec- -

tiotis lu totiio places, to et to return tholloverutiii'iit candidate. Nothing ot mi-poitatico in t'aii le.pict ha tl.iu.plie.l a,tet. Tho Pat liiimul.t has decided on t ho '

nihility of I'sl of tho electiuus. aud as thisnumber makes a iUoruiu, the House vva. lopiuct-e- ou too III ut Mari.li to olo.l a prosidiut.

UU.Y.Adeei.ehas been issued nog Hie

lorill.llioll of .t Ihor, to bo e llled tbool tbo Mtd teii.iooan.

tin tbo loth ol March, lb. lillten.nien.ouadron uf I'toluiioii was to nl lor thelivaiit, under thu . oniiiiaiid of Admiralliibutli. to piultit Italian iu ojecti ill theU"' Till: HAS.'

The Viceroy of Fgrpt hid decreed thodiminution of Ini army by one-hal-

Accordiug to Pans paper of Mritli ult..the llritith Coatulat Alien bad dispatchedowe llugluh gun bolts to lleraclluii, to

prevent any nia.tacro uf tho Crotaut by theOttoman Irooot.

'Ihe name paiiert nuV.lth now from Jeru-salem (o ;tio lOib u( Foljruati, i',ayui,Uiat

Muamlraana In that city had InUailavt I 11(tha)Duller tho Christian lnhabltaat on K .

pretext of lb. high price of provltloaa. IllMEXICO. v 1 yjj(TflfgmpMhlht Xett York Sun .

Iter-or-ts via tVruhlnateo, V H .HWtintxriTor, March II. Tbo tollowlog KIt a trantlatlon or a Utter reclvcd y ' HLHby Minister Komera t

I. l'kovtt.f.rtt, Feb 10, BfafH' '"'"'"i '"it It will If aS , ,d Menrdlnc ' BBUtn a communication that the Vncli Vleo BBBBConsul addressed In tbe name or iho Ad- - i BBHmlral to the ofllcer eonimanding our force. Hat Camp Labanx ask. tig fur an mlerriew, H

I tnstruotod thnt ofllter lo itrcllnn thle. i BBBHn. I ie nnobsct In it until tbo po.t wilt "aonn be abandoned, BBMy ion, tlcn'l Dtegs Alrare, loft thl. v BBHp'arenn tho I.'lli ultimo for 1 piala, IhU fi HcltT having hen abandoned. B

M.t'ton went with t.W wen men fronf 1this State to fiierrrtviara. With lUs forre, BHwhich le well c.ulf.il. hirlttir artillery Hami car.alrr In dun lie Kill con- - Btribute wltk Iho other forces now in th HValley of Mexico, to glv tho final blttr la BHthn tottering Umpire. 1 H

(Signed) JfAn Ai.rAirul I --BBBBBJNrsr Vorh l lreinea In elh C'nrwIhM. I HTl.e arrival of th. Commltteo of Ihe New- - I H

York l.t Volunteer Firemen at Charleston, I JS C , has been ed in tl, Ht . The I Hfiremen ti.it.--. I I ..luiuhi.i, the lapital. oa I H1hur.il ly. As prr.v.-Mi-i- nrrteged, tht I

Tiro Departnent of CH i" it and a largov e

rencoiirse of eltieni were at the d.it, pie.pnred tn receive them. Tho !ir.u eo, aaytr t Hthe Columbia Pit i Miv, wem out in large f BHnumhers, wl'b a band of mu.li and cam Ingee lor the reception of their guest.. Ira ' Httirdhtrely after thn lutrudui 'ion of th. HCommittee tn the eP', ei-- of the Depart- - ' BfBBBlInent, I. .1, Maeler, President of tl.o Inds- - BHneo.'o-it-, extern .1 a formal welcnmo. Mr. HWilson, on behalf of the fir. tiou r .pood- - Bed. After theadd es.es at th depot, th l HCommlttre wero eirnrted to Ni kirton'i ) BHotel, where refrrshiiieuta lad been prat-- BHpared for them. At the hotel. Alderman HMcKenrle, on behalf of tho city author!- - ' Ba,,ties, tendered thn following welcome lo th I Hguesta nf tho llromen and ur th.) city i aS

tlsaltrtrtn ef Iht Niw Y.tk nrln..t'l Asvki- - Hlien l -- y. l.ti trstl rt.s. I. .a cuttiino tow Im aVgaVgaafl11. CUT ef I" .hunt I.. Il,in .Irp'lt'x. t t r kit) BBBBBjlliiocr ih. M.or tt lb cltv, wbo, ttaaMyr Iis slt'icul .ed 4.U nl, ind wto hid (prtd. I ao,.,tn msny ths grtst its.sur. b. woolit If BBBBjhut Istsala IS. ikijiiji of u I' uumttli. rra BBHSsw Yjtk la ti.btltctlhs tl j tutaer.U'., I Wa. II.l.'JO'l. f.in'.ll .. .1.1 bote on "l.t VI

pis. your I'm pv.isntly wi t.s tr n- ui. Iilis .1 BBHIsmUr ths he., It.llilM .f tit ety u Clotataa. 1' BBBBBAxsla, isatlsiiiso, I til yen wsl "to "

Iho were then Intr.diired U Hthe City Ci ut il In Alderman M Keniie, BBBBBafter which Mr. Wilton made Ihe following BHresponse r I H(lisvtlasvil htrlty klw hw lo .trt t'r cr msks reraMis tu taS't i ttiieecaw. l BBBBB

Not mvssh ll".t. al ror iliosl.a tre detplr BWBll.t.M.t by curl-if- c w.!-- I.s.ti. fruslritsd BBBBB

cur at..t .ip.-lttlo- t I.) pr.s.itt i .ai a imll .

l.k.nof our l.srd xad ..luiai. I ssiurs jvm, m BWBBrsallerc.o, our rail to your eliy is not thrtnur. n Hcurlea ly, tui aid vour cos. tod I. 1 aoBaaaaaB

tal lo th.ei cur frlli-'sh'i- sod rtsrd. I I- BWBBBtrii-t- hsrt . bm by 051 lb-- 4 hit Ilea. BBBB

fer th. i.rst.sioa ,f us wortby Chief e( IW BWBBaLbsrl.st ri Kilt l..r.r.fil w. wea.d I. v. dtfW BBBBbrid oar v.. lor'.ireiiy, Tb. klu.l.r wtlonse.Ibsl r I,., r.esl.sif, from lbs dsr l liavlna; aoBBaBBaBk 'pisa tits eel. 1 ib Ipjprsntin urvn our h.tta BWBBl11.1 t'tr, esiin I sri.tlctls 1 ft.'tej whlcSa w BBBBjLopt wlllsiisfii to ttltb. l.haMltnlt rf oarwb.reuntry. tlsrl'.tr..e, t't.w iu. ig..n to ILull . H

wl for ymir gtusrous tod hsailr w.tvooi..Tlio next thing on the docket, taya th. 1

Pinriilx, was the parta'ttngof rei'rethiuouta, H BoHwhich wa done with a much glee a tb 1 Htlevres.ed tpin's of nt r visitor would pr 9 MMMUinir. Punch and rariou of'n r good thing & Hwero served up. John aud laughter wa, tiv Border of tbo evening t but nmnl.t nil th I BoBBoBH

glee it wis eniy to penclvo the feeling of ' Cilduci. and diippoluuiiiint which preyed A aoaBaatlupon the tnlnds ot our visi'nrt. We war Mtutortnrd by member of the rommltte Bthat tl.e lots wa, eve 1 greater than wa Bthought liv our cltixeus, as there wora otho ipresents than tho hoto and l.o.o reek, Mr. ' BBBM. II. Nathau, Chlcr of tho Charleston 1ra MMMDepartmeut, accompaolul tha couimltte taCufombi.t. L BBBBj

ll will be rememliered that tho nreMinU BjSBIntended for the South Carolina 1'ir.nieai J 3were dcttroyeil by lire on board n ttoau.r, HH

Crliiid In I'Llhtd. lobbx. o,PitlL.l.r.t.l lilt, March 1.1 A woman wa I BogsV

found dead iu n liouso In the northern part r MMUof Ihe city this morning. There nr. nipt.clout Ib tl tho wat murdered. . fl

A man committed tiiicido by ttklog laud-- .

anum. L BoBjA girl all teen years old was attacked by fman 111 tha alreet last rpght, He tlirasr BHli.iiild entitle In her face, burning her hor--

ilhly. She will lo.. b.r tight, Tho rillaia BMMI aaaa--


Holler Cxido.loo. I MMMllaoCKVtt 1 tc C. V March 1 -- A lrailw I MMM

in Iho Novelty Work cxtilodod thlt P. M., MMMkilling two men Instantly i one body wa IIblown Into three plocai, and the trunk wa MMMfound one hundred yard, from the acene tthe oxploalou. Sole ral other wore a.r.r I.ly lujurud, and 011, ol them tin aiuco dUtL, ly


The Fenln.kIlu.ine.t wat very lively jfiterd.xy at th MMM

Ktophoni Hcadnuartors, contribution ol mwtarms aud money tlowing In qui to freely. MMM

Delegations were received from Albany, kmuNow burg aud New Hrunawlck men who MMM

bad hitherto eympatblied with tho Kob.rU WMtwing, but unw declared themselves in favor kwtnf tho opposite or .Stephens branch of th MMUorganlxation. Bloetlug, of circle. ro heldevery evening fnr tho purposo of gilatl.( MMtthe iiietlon of Ireland' Freedom, and il- - MMtvising moan, for rendering uhi to th m MMtnow lighting lu Ireland. Tho Irish A v. a-- MMtger Circle held a meeting laat evening, at MMfJackaon Hall, No. 111.) Howerr, for the par- - MMpose of soliciting aad receiving money . MMMwar material to aid " tb. men lu th. gap." MMMIhe meeting wai railed to order by Centr MMMO'Mahuny, who in ad a au eloquent ppl BHfor aid, Ilo wat followed by Mr. IU Wll-- MMM

on, Mr. H. Woml, and other, all of wha MMMahovrod tba necestlty ot Immediate actio. Mmmin regard tu lending aid to the men In lr- - . Mmmland. Contribution from the audi.ne BBBwero then received, and very haudtom. MM

um wn realtced. ai ' MMTho Itlchartlion Sbootlatr C. n LM

Upon tho lib pago of thlt Iitua of th Mmm

SfN will bo found an account of tho .hoot- -

ing of Mr. Kichardaon, the Tutnt'Na corr- - Mmm

pomlent, by Jlr. MoFarlane. Th. follow- - Mmm

ing additional particular wore futuithedby th. frloudt of Mr. Itloliardioa at a Ut Lm

hour latt nigliti MmtMeVarl.tne, the anallant, It is alleged, bl

ubject to lit of drunken , and hafor it long tlmo threatened bit wife with BaSpersonal tiuleuco, ) that tho wa, com- -polled to leave him and seek legal protee .tlou from hit pertecutioni. She had also " mmm

instituted proe ceding for a irnuratloti, oatbo ground of cruelty and refusal to providlor his wife and family. Md arlaue, ll t. '

represented, had contented to tho xep--iirittiou, aud the had gotio to live with,her friends, earning lier own support upon, BBJth. st.t 'e, and hv tbo labor uf tho pen. Mr. I mMIttrh irdaon hid heeu reom-.te- to eacort I Bmher from the theatre 011 Wednesday night, J WWwhen l,o was attacked by thn lufurul.ahnahand, In tho ttreet. After tho second f Jshot, bo turucil ution b s .ttsallai.t, clinched Wjand tlirew-- him, tho two boing un th ground Bjffwlieti the otlicer roached the accue. ICion--ard.oil's wound it paiolul. but no: conild- - Waered datigerout. At the oxaiuiuatiou yea- - Witerd ty nioriiing, Mr l(ich.irda being ua- - Rjlaide toi.ppe.ir. tho priioiu r wjadlimlsMd, nvbin piuitedingi luvo l . n Inti tuled for HI

1. to irie.t and tnal. nheun rigid invs- -! itiott n il .h that he iv.it a ling ilm-- il ,t.fv atnlin'i Uf 1, an.it tho al-- IIieieduuiea.ouablolrv.t--- 01 her hutbaad 'I

I Ire ' I

Al.out hili'.itlO . clock V. )i, flr J

out ..1 tho tlurd ll Kir nf No. Ill Court- - .

laud it n i t. iu aptirtmenti occupied by II.Fox as a ihoe manufactory. F'lro tuppo.Mil I

to have ui Initiated from an overlicatoil I

stove. Damage to ttce k a I.HOO. Insureal. J1 be second tloor wa, occupied by J Schll.r. jfiwbo mttaiued a daiuajo of about tofM. IV

First tloor occupied by l.dgar It. Fanner aa: 71Soct asatruuW itoro, who loi. aboutDamage to building about toOO. 'J f

.11 aa Protvaed.About S o'clock; 1'. M. yettirday na

named Slater, fell from tiler No, ia Nortalliter, and wa drowned before mililaaxo.could lm rendered.

(V'BOatieaonrvurUi.aa) 4 .T