OFFICIAL PAPER OF NATCHITOCIIES PARISH 1iTvw Series No. 29o. Natchitoches La, TWednesday, TaiaLlary 2, 1867. To1 Imtroduction of Freemasonry. The address delivered ly IT. B. Latro b e o f B al t ii n or e , a t t he la y ing o fthe c o rner stouc of the new \la- (,nnic Temple ini that city, o n l tihe 30th inst, gave a condensed lhirtory of Freemaioulry. We q uo t e a f ew passages : * * * At 'he commencement of t he eighlte e ntith ce n toury Fret, nlllaslry had cease ' d t , l e a he ; ihhful'ul a ( nd \;g- orous 5 ,tiL i t y, whie c 'c ' iup t l M , coisistel in u iilli ._ tine et l li .•. T'he ages \ e r e r, 11'I ; ft r d I : . L�earning, emc.rgi g as the tou,':Iia 8 en L ab o ve the hll I t U ; , f'r, th e gloom in a hich it luhad te!n Ibil n.l, tas gratutl aly iilini i i i uti.i l u'ii , . -- Itlhe lprinti .lll , ' ,,:,,s w a; r1c,', ti..,i- izng the AmerrI. iAm erica hiad leen di s co v er e d, En te r prii e wia s o n o u ot everywh ire', a dl, 1 l i iait'hil, ntin w i:l giant's strenli thl. I at ur, rIattl impatien tly the clhaiiis witli wtict l guilds a nd t'ip ( al t li ) illsi tnailt it , was strui t ;g l tul. i n to l rll •elin lr e - ieLtir c h, carth s a. l .,t:t tiie ; i y;s ' tc s i r , o f r i te s , wa s busy ing l t st . I I about the lilr-;tel'es' of art, aila, yea'r Ly year, 1unvO ililg t h el l u. O ut l i'l r l i became c)omptent ll t i ar c hitects an d builders, and f lit: MisoniS, t cel3itigr to be a ieccst llIy ay crl' i ~liiiC , fuiilid themselves inli xclunive p' esscsi ri of thei r pe tulir c:ereiiiuit s o nl l y. Year alter year the elIe)tey bc c almle ite e bl e r. Williamn the III had Leeu itst Il as royal pation: Sir l Cli irist ,r Wi'cli its last Jraind .Mlas!ter Ii. l'lalt d and at lt'iigth, E t )iiewher i e a b out t hi i year A. U. l1117, f j J lot,'ds we'r'e all that rlenin ed l' the u ce p( w - e 'rful or g ai z ail i O t h at hl u LIul i York and Vil'cst liist e r a 1; i Fl y a n ltl 2Catrtury, and Lntultt, andi L tillan and to wich the tiiniareli had I tcn lhd bited Ir hi.s j l; O ac ' , and ih e bar- cr for his held. Thiisi . was the low- e a t ebb inl the lut u ln e s o f Fr i e l l' a souq l ry. The tide then Iiituied. I,: practical featiii'e iof the order was abV L a. n doe d allt g et h cr. I t becaliie isp tcul ative , i n its cliaracteri; alid itI a littl e w h ile \\e li i d the branld Utfl f LUi ilu )1 a 'lit ; 1() m it t l l Ui l it d trout ls, . T l he M t I a iS,) ii o , r " c i ill :~u'.iit!lcnt• wivth ai ch ti ter d itiil biat'_k l J.llC l :n lu h l'udr ,d \ , Lsputed the a•! t Wl t ity of tlc newi c ire a ti o l; and it w.'s i n o t til II th e b eg i nn i ng i f t h e p re s en i t, centuiy .i t t haruliir:h was t0i tained, anid the tuthu lity ' thec rllaui L',dge o! - n gl l ld i i rec gn, , l ' 'd l y a L ll pari 'e s . 1Fra e's a ,nry , v :a - in•ilet u . •c l i n to the U C iitd :'tcs ili 173l1, altl Le- Samie popular at once. \Vaslinlgt i ni was thie roaster tof a lodte, and the grea t er part o f t he arl:y to f t i e rev- olutioti were ine t lbler s o f t U e tra ter- lity. The cut nllie stone of the ha!l we are about t, leave, was I iid ty the governor of t he St I tc , t h en GJ:and Master o f t he Grand Lidge of' Marylanid, and the luiilding Was i i tu g lgra t el l iy th e law Ce n eirl Windor, who uneccedd limn in the oflice. There is now a Grand L,,dge in ev e ry State of the Unlio r i; anid ttlui noLle a dihi c es w hi c h a re everybhidy "biug built for the acconinid ati ,ni of the order, while they ido credit to the taste, manifest. at the same time, t he we a lt h a n d p ro s pe r i t y o t t ho s e t L w i om utw ulon i gs th e ldu t y o f t ri a in s . nutting, in all their pu riy, to a dis. tanut future, the priuciples of free masonry. Y ou ha v e p ro b ab l y s ee n i n the p ap e rs nf th e d a y, th a t t he c. ) rln e r srtone of the old Maii'ric Hall, which we are about auballndoninig, halls r e - ctutly been uiinerthed. It was laid in 1864, motire thanir half a CelNtri'} ago; and you must hrave beenl str'ickL b y t he fa c t, t ha t n o t w it h st a ti d in i g the care taken to transmit to poster- ity the history of the, biilditig anrdt some brief rhironicle of the times,' two coins of gold, a half eagle or 1790,and an eagle 1811, with theI irscriptio* on the mar lbe, were alnte found ti be unimp t l1 l tr e d . T he silver was blackened aid dtfaced ; tirhe iegires on the copp'er had diaTppeir- ed, a nd so m e r emnant of decayed binding were all that testified to tihe printed volumes tat had been place'd within the st, one. Damp, and nouldu and time, that eduitrerat in the short space of fifty two years, had def'ated the prrpcs' of the builders to iuau6i down to luture ages ortile aren - rials of their tranesactions. Brut the ieagles were as bright as wrien the coins were first issued from the mint. It would have been the satme had the gonld conime from the founda- tions f i an I ndian shriue or a templec in thie Forum. It will ie the same when asr many yearst shall have rolled over the new resting place, to which, to-day, it is consigrned, as have accumulattd sincte the renote DeTocqneville, in his work on America, gives this torcible sketch: "A inewspaper can drop the salme thougbt Into a thou.and nunids at the sume moment. A inewspaper is an a4dtiser who'does not require to b e *eght, be r t wIl comes to y u every day of corninon weal, witliutI diatracting your privairte affairs. Newqapei6, therefore, beetome mrore peceiary in rtoportini as men be come more qeal arid individual- m or e t o b e f e roed. To se p pose th a t they oily . serve t o p ro ect fr e edo m - wo u hlJ ~ to d im i ni s h t heir imp' r- fsnee they maintain Civilization." Eee c he r 's ego t is m . A seri,•i'm i l l j ec t ion I hav e t o M r iech. l r is his. c•n• t ant di s pl a y o f self lie us,.s h i s l Ia r li n "l l ", f a ncYv, and m•t,,ry a , footlights to illuornin- a te his owl. in i r ve l ou s p a rts ill the co l ception o f his Spe: a itor, a nd inste a d of hohlini him and obscuring lhi tt a le n ts hy the rievelation ,of its 4 u1l i nme t ruths, he emply s i t s scene - r y t o s et hi m se l f off to best adv a ni - - t a re . l ie is c " t e nt u al l y refe r tr i ig to i -,! I hie' s " aks if a h i on e yv - su,,, it i s t he h',nt'vsu c klt on y p m rch; if h(' mentions a lark, it is the I : ,k wnlore y(,lng hlave nests in my " .:id,,n; if he c;alls up a :storical i (r'l'l! .e li or ic1 ('lf r(et el, h e wav(es it into p! i y lv a " w hn I s t oo d at I:( tinllb of lte1hise in Fl'ralt' e , o r o no, si:inl:u," f ~1 m. Ii i ,nilrly e v ery eillt(on e t w it c:tpital eltter 1' ha a i Cin i p1i c i u I S p l sit i ion [li t this i s all stricily in keep i 'i n with his or a c- iil;nl p., n sitin i l l ' lln klyni. t(h i si Illr, : rc in's i(;,od and hï¿ ½ s t a right to be e•)titic. th i e has ithe cred i t iof I c if h n an e nth l ulia• t. lie is to o c o ol, tono t •.lsi,,ihs, tcitoo adaptive, too i 'ngenius t, l.' I, ittlthl to the namelii s- i i c ai t as itis of i r we : kiess . l h e is a i s chernlr , in~1d wii ks, up tl his sc- l lh ' ,ls . lH e kn .ws lit i w to sei z e t lLe i l l s f, rfnrmi and ho! J thetn l (' l ld:s ill it" c hiaritot oft ' v i .tirv i i w', nitl b ei'ause i. o imiip e ti i osity i n I ii S ;te a di, p , (;nV , id nliiv ( 'ilien t. li, a i t . .b ' rlrt, tlielt h(" K a s tu, nmuch oft Nc",v- I 'i i •I t !l l i n h i m.-Courier'r. I i ~ . lln A' N D I tAMElncAN e So DE R 4- _Te X '2t Y ,,k &' r ent/.-'f h e l 'a ' ri s ' irr•i(, s l11 o f tL e N e w Yo r k fluIes says : I a m g i l ad l to see it s t at e d t ha t thei Ntw Yo i lk Seventth r'c g il n lriit i s tlill c i n :I g t o l ' 'tn n ic to e x hibit them - "-eives at t h e e xlilitiin T he -'r e iil c h a le no t i u sed to t ha t s o fr t o f t i ii b g, a lltl hlk upoln it as so e (ss'elt i lliy lulr llllid oii t of pl a ce , t h at I a m t -sre the ri ' iiment it s el f . o ulld d ih . - rive no satisfaction i frim the visit- uln -i ' . , ii fact, they are prepas i red t i .i. s l , i ti hin: l L pii I ul l . ' e!la l s mn l te! th ii p g nblpl h Ll a rd of iln any countriy , s oli: hio tha t bl r de r s on l egerde- iiai n , in th e way of drill. As for l,,, k s they c a in n ot ho p e t o shine a l ingsiiie the br i ll i an t F r en i ih co r pi d' d ilbe, ne i ther in t h e h leiht aniid rt,!nlari ' y it f(t 'r i n of th e o wl i tr , 1 11 ' " ill l,' i lb y i u t' y O . ' tuNe. As t thfi r l idity ' ( i ioifc h the ii ve ' ln n 't ot f t he Set- e : ir l i i tc i;: + 'ipit wel u .l. I ( litln t s rik ili[ , for ir g luiri t y af rt l i•r•rte r nt ill a a rc h i is neve r t e en i ln F ra I ce; I u it then thl l i'eiinch sol d ie r is trai n ed uor wor k , and a m a n c an on l y w al k fu r ty v no les a i d aiy 1y bieil a i lhowid t i ' a . a lk t lo,. \sWe think th a t foi all these Ieaso irls t he retg i nl e n t w. i Li h ar d ly ge t its lmoney b l ck . The "Delaut Southl." W;lle T ' 'h a d S t ' phens a nd his accom- p li c es .t . W a shin g to n -me : n f or th e m o st part r n doi w eallhy by the war-are daily cont i ng o( i i f "p r uy e r me e ti n g" to pro . i pes niew l i easiir e s oir tranlindg s t ill in, oare an l op lleily nnider foot the "detniait Sout h ," here ii I t he p ic t ure which is drawnlli of that secti o n by on e o f ihe jon nals most h elplie l y attached to their poli t ic a l "br. Crawford, of Kentucky, who has recently visited the States further South, makes some very pajinti statements about their condition of destitution anid prostration. He begs the chirebes of the .'orth to inquire i nt o t h e f act , and come t o the r lief of their suffering brethren in the eouth. In Alabama alone ther a are twonty tlhusand widows and sixty; thou- s a nd or p ha n s, mo s t o f w ho n i a r e d ep e n- , dent." I n G eorgia, it is said, there a r e l if - ty thouspanil persoas wnli inmust r e ce i ve a id . D r . C ra w for d s a ys th a t p ro m in e nt pieople in the .'outh hlavo been withheld ftru m p r oe l ainit n g th e mnisery rou n d them, "because ltaid men, even me call- i ng thesiel v esl Ch r is t inlis, ha v e a lrea ly gloried in the h op e o f s e eing tihe 'eouth- ern chivalry' b eg g ing fir bread." . Have we any such "Christians" tmong us ~ If so, how knjta their noble hearts ret j ic e i u t h e thonght th a t an old million o r s oe of th e ir fellow ceatuiret will keep thill s ,iol y season of Christumas ,l W a t ha n d i n rags autd f am i ne, in or d er that ' )arty ti "grea mioral ideas" uay secure tnael another four years' lease of power in the federal capital !- i The World. I8 I e A Rusi 1-Persons well acqnain- ted wi b the French and Mexicans a-k if the rencent proaia:ions and counter pro cla t ina t ios of a axin u iliau a n d M rehal Bazainoe be not a rus e to attieh the xe icans more tfirmn y to il the uifire '1 It is certainly tru tiu a Maximill an ould not possibly lan v e d esired anything b tler than to be told by the French that they are albout to leave the flntry, an i that Ith y leave hi to the tender mercies of Sthle Mexicans. Their euuity lhas not been so mulch directed against the Ern- piror as agnielt the French army of oc.- cuip ion. Niothi g therefor,, coud, be better for him than a quarrel with Mar. shl Balzaino We ilagiae that it is no rnse, but a reality, and has been a g.nuine quarrel froum t he bi i gi n nih., and possibly the real causOe of the withdrawal of the French. Max. is wise enough to see that the presieco of the Freneh is an element otf weskiles and that hle hasi more chan- ces of uilding up his thronL e after they are gone, by trusting entirely t the Mex- icans, wh.se natio.v s pride is very strou g. F or Sa l e. A vahiable tract of land, sitnated on Bayou Pierre, 2 m i les from Blair's lan ding, Red River. Said tract contalin 1100) acres, of which 350 are cleared. The , al- ance is rich timbered land. The improve- merits consist of a dwelling house, out houses and several cabins. The mules and stock on the plantation will be sold with the place, if desired. Terms, one half C LSH the balance at l2 months creditwith good security. For fnrther particulars, Apply at the "Intelligence Office." LOUTS DIUPLEX, Aged !t. a f'I4 N. 0. ADfERlTISEMENTS. C. ttE. Sloc mb, 0. CO ON STREET, New Orleans. Jan 10-ly l lA. .ll Q T TI C O (OPPOSITE CITY IIOTEL.) A large .tock of School Books at Publisher other I ose in the United Stats. For sale at moderate prices, + ; C . H . S BRE - NouVele e Orleans. SOUSavons l'honneurd'anoncer & ,c A la so-licitation de bon nombye de nos etc. etc. - lv 1f ja ~ r~i lO- ly- S EV E N & S YM U R ESABISE D IN180 IXPRTII AND WHLSL DAES s m~ a oi~ s ~r i rn CUTLRY GUNS PEFEY al O-wr.tf.b~' MaCo Binci & Gind N ot e l O il a n. N O~aon l'wnndanuone Anti etA MEeser le Macitd eth hitnt dlaPaoised e Nacaioheq Ansuu Iou sommesI dKDce A ouar nosatlire domssinIvetREde p jtc Hnei n l tf eUie tts ATTORNEYS AT tAW. J . E . BR E DA , Attorney and Counsellor at Law. ST. DENIS STREET, .1U! TC'lllTOC'iESW, Ld. Prompt attention paid to all business e nt r us t ed to hi s care.- au . g"0-tf. J . F . SM I TH . ATTORNEY AT LAW. \il, t, ' It , i th , l u , o ,f t ', it h l 'u 'i�- a li Ir et Ollice at .Mlaly, L t. J . M . B, T U CK E R. AT Y'S & COU NSELLOR A' LAW. Will attvend promptlyt t' all collections, anti othecr liheal b'ii:tis entrusted to hiim O(Juice on 6t. Dcuis Strcct, AcLLchitoche s , L a Sept. 15, 1t66. LAW PARTNERSHIP, 11E undersigt n md have fllll'd a pa rtnership for the practice o f thei Law in the 9th Judicial District. ()Otc'e t(nt St. Dcni S3tr'eet, latclhito ches, La. P. A. MORSE, S. M1. IIYAMS, ,july25-'w&sw.t,f. 11. CU'srtsont It J. C3si'sItGA & A' 1B C'•slxcl)Gi CUNNINGHAMI& SO N S, .tfforueys at Late. W il l g i ve st r itt rit'e ti, n to all l w -i n t' s s tl t lll ted to tn r car'. S;,cl al ti l t n t ain , i e , I suc.,.•..,:i, , . o 5ns fo r c olt l -'.m r e ci r etl .n l d siiu. tl y a tlielded t o i n a ll lthi N, he le P.ris it s c the State. Apr i l 4 l y . H . S A FF O RD . Ittorney at Lamc. LTin resumetd the t ra(tce of his l'rf s3i,,n Oflke on Stcoud S r: r o. Natchitoches, La. D I ,r:h. 2. - 12mnn C . F . DR A NGUE T , ATTOREIY AT aIWt, hap, re'um d be Iaclice of his profession ')tliice' on St. Deuis •:reet. Fugl9- ly WIlLIAM i. JACK, A TT 'S & C OUNSES L LO R A T L A w. L Office on St. Dnis Street, Ntiathchitch. L,, I'r,,mpt t l t tt e ni t io n giv e n to all b u si n c s e n . tru.-tl to hi: care. July 21 lhtiti.-tf. T HO . C . MA N NI N G. Counsellor & Attllorney at Law. I ~ resumnni, piac t ice. anid will Ateald tlhe C I Cir o t- of Naicuilttehe aed Rapides. aRig 12t-lt C CIIAPLIN, SR C. CAI'IPIN, JR C . C HA P LI N & SON , Atty's at Law. H A VE I'o; m'd. parltior.,tip for the pr c- lice ol their protf'esiou in the 91h Dit. )ni•e on St.Denis Street. i junr 24 t . H . C. YE f t8 , A TTORVE I" JT L~A t . NATCIIITOCHII 8, LA B, R, DANIEL L , I ETTO I t ."'E d JT Ld l'r. NATCHITOCHES, LA. augl-1 2 . J. MI. TiOMAtsoN. DAviD PIERsoN T HO M AS O N & PIER S ON , EllorrMets at Latws NATCHITOCIIES, LA. Will give their joint attention to any tivsil business entrusted to their care. Aug. 1 5- - tt. H YA M S & MORSE , A tt o rn c y' s & Cou n al e llor' i s a t Law. T at 3 7h d oc h es , La. Will practice in the 9th Judicisl District OItlhoe 1St. De;nis :, I t. I'tt l npt i'ti' : ,tiob i pid Io a il l b u si n eess c n ttistetd to their care. JI3w&sw II. A . L E ME E , Sfttorinej at L.tw, a ' NA T l OCl1*S LA. s [ l as re s um d , t h, prsct c e of his profi h .i, : i. an. wi l l j p ra c ti c e in t h 'Coi l r t s of natchituc l hel . bie,F.S dii \ Vin. i t. It lle o ,n St U ) it;Stre. t, R , T. DU N C A J, ,a TTORXE rE T L.A IP. 8. D:,,i- s .r.I e I , u p p,,, i t, the N-tc h it o he Frm,'s I l i k,.,. N chitt lhri. La. I W IL L IA M A , S EA Y , r*.gTTOnR•i El"lT . ii" Will practice in the Conrts of Rapides Natchitoches, and adjioinin Parilshs. GA R S & FO U RN E T. A TT O RN ' & C)UN L O R A TL A W. ; 1T. MMAlTINSVILLE, LA. t .+$ Will l'racti e in the .ourts of lhe l'a r i- b eso St . a r: ! u's, St. Mary, Vermilion, S t. La n d y and L:f iyet t e. O ct . 3 . -t i me , Plantation to Rent. j A splenhdid plantation situated on the Rigolet 1 30 l )ieu, cont a ining 610 a cres of good land, .:)U of which are ul•er fecul:e tog itlher with all 1 he i pwv-Oueuts there- u n' 1' 0 U I i tt i n of l)Dwt l linlg hos•'e, K i tcthcn, ta- ils , maelhil l eriv fo r a C o tton Gi n , ( ue w ), two good sisterns &c. This laud is onIe oft the pbest, and the cr ps i made were always good. The plaice iy rtealvy to be dlc i cvetcd, Nith only the privilege of gathering the corn and cotton cr ops. Apply to 'Theo. Prudaumine, Cote Jo Cuice NatchitOches. A u g. t. - -tt. 11 lThe M.sc.hacebe, St. John the Baptist, anld Baton Rouge Advocate, are reuinested to publish the above one luonth, and send bill to this otihco tor lpayment. Saddler y-j-'add(fry. Sj S ESS. J. GIMBEIRT A CO., h a ve .il added to their Tla Yard ,,s- tablis h in nt a goce d S t ad d th ry al, p, vhiere all Jobs int that line eof It;siaess will be d ne in a w or k mt a ul i ke man- l i r ae id at the .lhorltes t lotlie. 'Their p ri c es ar e v e ry li b er-al. (Or'ers l e ft i at lany store i t ' S In will b h atterndle i to with dispatch and the work war ranted. \We invite our friends to pay us - visit, Always n hiand- 6.\1))ILF6, ti 13B t l)LE, t, .\ 1 II' NGAT.EES, c t a d ('IRCINGLES, &c., &c. pr J.G. IMBERI' & Co., te At t he i r t an ya r d, ha l f a m i le North i of the town. ol6-swtlf. Plantation for 1Hent. ONE OF TII: BEST TRACTS OF LAND on Ctne River. 13 mtll s below the town of Na i eh i toeht s i i oti .rc, l Ior teat. 'I he pl, n:ta- P tion is well situatid - c on t aii, 300 or unld I Ience- _ A crop otf te0 I ( et s o f cottoe and 31101) barre• of or c an Ieb made on the seot, it we I managed. 'There is a th 1 o chard-a Ii good dwelling house, three g od c'mneat ci-- t, rus. and cabins fir 15 b.aids, t, gethtr wi I ti sever.al mIul, ,ne vok'- oxen, waggons and tu farmin� ut:e-tils. II i nl g od .er r. A gin house wile be shortl y put up a s a ls o ac one on two mor ,- rvacnt cbians, if requ~red atthe trne of the leae. FIt. furtiher particulari naply to - f 1 n. LOU I s D UP L EI X , c10-tf. Au.s.r. FOR REA'T. A Sportioneof the Plantation belonging Sto the selcessi.,n of Madame J. F. Ilertg dec'd will be rented on accomo- dating terms, and possession given on the lst of January ', S7. Apply to IIYP 'LITE IERITZOG at thie plantatio or to B. R. D eNtELS, Att'y at Law, Na'chitoches dl2-w3t. Errors of Youth. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervons I)Debilitv, Premature Decay, and all the efltetsoiyocuthful inhdiscretiecn, will, for he sake of suftering humanity, P send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simple reul- edy by which he was cured. :uflfrers wishing to profit by the advertiser's ex- perience, can do so by addressing, in per- fect confidence, JOTIN B. OGDEN, No. 42 Cedar St., New York.-3moe P'r M/XA'EL'S c th OOI .V'1 43 ROY&EL STTREt, er N EW OR L EA N S, . Ln m /L . /te s a & . 2 2 ea l es Ln . Fr.'ndh, li.h, German & Amerteai DR G OO D S, FANCY A] TICLES HOUSE• IN PARIS; iLRE• , MObINie[tg., 4f1.eu richec To Rent. My Plantation up s t ie 1Illi, he the ent.'uin. y,,:r. Il ,, e i.s ,b.,tt two h11111 , red acr,,r fthf r cultivation. and n, good Oi lou e on the phace. l'rice $ 1.0, p ayab, unI ue..edt e,! in a mauner t9 te dctcrmicd o' alp:ication to me. A. It. PIERSON, Nov. 24, 1863.. U GEJUI 5 IA I ILI ]E aOiCE 'IIl At the request icf marny planters w e h av ' e t he lml e ta s ur e o icillc)rneilg oair iritealMt that we leave' reiotieneee ,er intellii gene and 13tsiless Ulice. . \ V e w il l lay a pe a rt i cu l ar att e tie i i to the , e 'nt aitl s!e if p l ht t atiei s , i'c-itt aced iale of ]1ouses or any otlhr p io p el ty. Our ,hirges :ire m-,derate. All lesitess etru-,te,! co ctur care w i ll rl c ei v c a ),mtipt a ittlenti,. eNo advances of f#.(s r.qIlads,,l. LOUIS I )UPLEIX, Olfice, Old Ceurt lliste, up stairs. Nottci t ic h it', La . L. 1 I i .\lSS.\MXIE Lii[ISIi1.ISO, REVUE HEBDOMIADAIRE POLITI~UE--LIITTERtATURE- SCIE N- CES-BUAtX.ARTS*1NDDU'STJIIE. )FIMILIE LEFRA N, R•DACTEt-et*PIROPBIEAIRIE Prt, tin an-6.O0. B Abotnements reius par Louis Dupleix Agent, office du Natchitoece Time•. I BATON RO'GOE WEIIEKILY ADVOCATE l 'lTh' old ejiiscrihers tof th:s 'i ap P r or Red River, are icspc,.tfiull inf o ri i it d t h at it "%till l iv e s." ''ri, ' i cof suibscri p tioi, Five dil lars per ;unum in adva i ce. l 'r e - nIillrll tio su scriiIer, a l in e cop y (of 'ach, Lea' and .lackuisois portraits. Ad'dress, I J. M. TAYLOR. Editor & I',,prietor, Spt. , -J Baton Rouge La. Sept. M. I%;.--6mo. W HA R TO N & S AN C LI F I, ' F I Gcntral .,tcwspapffr . a gency No 115 Common Street, Xear the City hIotel, Sew Orleans, La. .e i 'c i al AgInts for th.; Natchito c hes T im e s( t\i' rti i ach t s :il :.ubcriptio s• t k,'u at th eit Au .4. 18,G-tf. IRON COTTON TIES. JUST RECIVED. -000 LBS. IRON BUCKLE tbj U T'IES of the best quality San.d fo r s a le far cash or d ra f t a t 3 0 days; In iuanti ties t o s ui t purchasers, JOHN MOUTON &Co. Special Agents for aug.1-tf. Natchitoches. Spooner's Pills! Spoonors's Pills ! i Spooner's Pills!!! Just Received. 00 BOXES DR W•LI.IM SPooNEn's ,00 celcurated agnue and fever pillus. For Sale by J o hn Mo u to n & Co. Only a g ei t . fo r NaltcIit,'c h o's. CIIHUICII NOTICE. 1 The Trustees of the Catlhlic congrega- lion of St. Fraicis, Natchitoches, having t ho u gh t it pr o pe r i n t h e circumstances to leav e t o t h e B ih o p, the management and administratiou of tho Church affairs and prolpertty, with the exceptiou of the ceme- tery ; the Bish o p, co n si d ering the general dis t re s s o f the people , d e ems i t h is duty Sgreatlv to re d uc e ihe tariff of Funeral ser- vi \e s, uch as it had bccaI adopted by the t'rusts, in 1630. \e subljoin the new tariff, as c om p ar e d with th e o l d o ne . IFaicrals, is t c l ass $40 i nstead of 60 " hnd " $ 25 " 40 " 3rd " $ 1 0 " 2 0 of children $10 " 2 0 Public Anniver"saies $39 " 60 Private Atniversarics 5 The 3rd class of funerals is gratuito is with all such as have not t he me a t a o f pay ing Families wishing a Priest to accompany the Fu n er a l t o t he gr a ve ya r d, wi l l p le a se furnish a c ar r iage. Arrears will be admitted to settlements according to the new tar if. tAUG. MARTIN, Bishop. Natchitochcs, Sept. Sth 186G.-tf. L EE CR I AN D ALL & C O . COTTON FACTOIRS -AND- Ce nea Cominissiin erchantu 198 Gravier Street NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 17--12mo NW ORLEANS T M133 1 13 3 CAR3D C(uomlsulon M`erchants. W I TARE & B RO T HER, (H. H W a re , . Jas. T. Ware.) No. 133 Gravier St Particular a t te u ti o u p a id to se l li n ig Wool o c t 2 3 l y V. M. P e rk i ns . P . I . S w en s on D. L. Kern i n, S)ERKIN', SWENSON & CO., New Or Ica n s. Sw e nsoni, P e rk i ns & Co., Ne\w York., General C om m is s ion Merchan s. Platoi, Musaic, Ete. IOUIS GRUL'EWALD, Music, Import- ï ¿ ½ er Mtie'cal Instruments, Pseyel, Chick erings, Steinway & Soos and Goblers Pi anos 129 Canal St. oct. 23 1- Machlhery, Beltligs, Etc. K NIGHT & 00., D ea l er s i n M a ch i ne r y, Beltings, Cott ,n G in s . & c, 17 0 a n d I J 1 72 Gravier Street. oct 23 1.y Mlarble Watks, 'TROUD'S Mlarbleo Works, established * ]?30. 164 St. Ch h rl e s S t. Mo n um e nt s , Tombs, Head Stones Mantle.pieces, Grates, Slates, Soap Stone, etc. Oct 23 1-y S OUTIHERiN FAMILY SEWING MlA- chines Noiseless \larhine of Wilcox & Gibbs, will Sew, Iem, Fell, Bra i d, Tu c k, Gather , Q u il t , C or l d a nd E mb r oi d er, w ith . J it i oi a . A g' n ts w anted at No.5 St. tiharles St. Box 3S6, oct23-1y ' I - ` - I- - - -- 4- lrugs and Maedhliues. F P. DUCONGE. Importer and dealer , in French, American, and Eu: :lish, I)rugs, Ch'micals. Peirflucry, P, tent \lhehcines, urgical Ilnstrium:.ts Ti.isses, i eu s his. a d l )r u gg i sts ni iud h ie s . N o. 39 I ta r tres St . l.'.tahlished in 18l2 9 . .vw 4 )r l ea U s, La.-ly. I ' I NEST TtlrP N. \h l..l MaR, fae I ', tnr r of lin l ls Segar 1 ; mi s. (;mIu O r , e, Ch, col a , S t r :i , . L,. n (*, J'a j ub ,ete , a al ' . h c.. ,f Cti, :,ry b Steaii No 3 i ail Ifr:e . B et w : oC St. L oi s and ,ant S -.. N •, 0'O,,, i h t nic fjl •thlMeitle D. MOODY. & O'0., 67, Tihoupitoul " S St. Si'e i ;ia , I t tef.t i ,o n give n to sell- 1 a g ilackerl, Codlish. Hlerring, Butte., j th e eie ; I a I; l ar d . BOOT & HDE MAKER St. Dents S tr e et, NATCHITO)CH VS LA. , Te, cc" fully i nt r ia t s h I, L: i di e - uad Gitn tl,, .., n . a h. h at .i o 'o f• . p e pare i l ao. n sa, li t y t h em vi ,, 1he i i o, l B , - , t 8It l E all t ir k I n m I by b :t, uitl I ,. a p:tir, d free of cost a h :., II or i I e na d l r. p at l il g l T.e l i. e -l i le - f L: Iheraway.o i 11 l a d r tId all ivW,.k gp.ara teedl Pt ce- v''ry mod- " a ra a te . I " A oaso i Qrl PROTECT HOME MANUFACTURE TA N YAI1D. 'l'he pl a itnt e rs and tleichants a re infotm d that t he y wi . l f in d at our estal lih i ni e nt , near t h u t ow n , a l a rg e ~S8l'tlnentt of IIARNESS AND UPPIER LEATHER. o f the bhet q ua l it y a nd at a very nttlrate price. \\e are re. o ly t o e x ch a ng e green, dry and salted idles for LrAT~ En to to suit everybody. ('all and see I. GIMI3EBT &•00. Aw&Wm: l it r 31 . t. t. IBl cksmiitl Shop. r IT A VE removed my Shop t o C hu r ch I Street. oppo'iis, t he Co u t L IloiP e . w here I am pr e pt l ed t o do a l l k in d o f w o rk at t ach ,l. to my liue of ble nescs. My work is w.lrr:nted to gi v e s at ; if a cl i on to my Co u ALL JOBS FOR Repairing Carrftged , mi j as i ng W ' ag o ns , Repairing IF'agons, . lak i sn g P l oug h s, a n dl fi n il l v, s!I w ork for t antrr's use, w I i b pr enpily t t len d d l ,,;t my new eat a bt i s mip , t . N . tl h •n i will emwul a uud o ue au d a i mnoderate pricrs. TERMS-CASH. j20 w&swtf, 1;. W. ILE. o 0 a a LEON QUETIROUZ OeCAR 801 QUEYRCUZE & BOIS, Wholesale Grocers. A ND IMPOIOTIS OF AT THE BLUE STORES, Corner Old Levee & Bienville Sts N EW OR L EA N S. Aug. 4,-ttf. Dr. 2. Andrews' MED I CA L I N ST I TU T E L.r AN -, 1. Y. All Curable Maladies. Easily, Speedily and heaply removed, by the use of New Pleasant and DelightfiulRemedies. A few more Studends will be Received on Reasonable terms. aud furnished with Diplomas to Practice. 1P] Dr. E. Androws' Colcbraked Is.i C ur e . P ri c e $ 2. I7 Dr. E. Andrews' Cetbrated RAee mati Cure. Price $1. Ejr Dr. E. Andrews' Celebrated L4a. Rentcd. Price $5. -'' Dr. E. Andrews' Great Eaatci * Rome. dy or Hashcesh Candy-the Oriental Nor- vine Compound. Price $1. Dr. E. Andrews' also Cures many Dia. eases by Touch or Laying on of Handaa lpraticed by the Ancient Prophets and Wise Men of the East. Invalids come or send and be Aeahi ! •f l fail I Charge nothing. IS YOUR LIV R ODISEASE I Dear elader is your Liver Diseased ?-lf So Loce no tine in sending me $5 and 10 T hr e e cents stamps. and a speedy cure is sure. ir Tle following are all the symptoms i A yallow Yellow color of the skidl, brown spots ai the flae and o th e r p at t s o f the body ; Dull. oes anI dro w.-inelS, with frequent Hleadache; itter or ad taste in the mouth, dryness of the lthroat, and internal heat; l'alpitation of the iHeart in may cases a dry taing cough, with sL)ure throat; Unsteady appetite; sour stomach, with a raising a. te food. antd choking seRnaa* itn in tihe tlr,,a, which is often attributed to ,,ns; sirck.e- and vom.itifng Distress: Hea - i,, or a bloat d and tull feeling about the to•m i h and side- , uhich is often attended with ains' ainT in tl e sides, back or breast, and Itrl the shtl, s; restlesuoess at night, with ti-cd and sore ferl\ng of the whole body on in iu the m r nivg ; eheolic, pain and soreness "rgh the twel. , w i t, heat; costiveneua .'re'q, t a'itackl of diarrhoea; Piles; Flatti. inCt Neeasr'os' ; all.gone feelings ; Thick Suar id or 'Hi h c o lo r ed 'r i ne ; c o ld n ess of the Extremiti . R u is of 0lod to tile head, with symptom -of Apnpl•.y numbness of thyolimbd "-peciIl at nigh t " Terderness and fullness id right idl, whli cl ofr te xedlls to the leftJ ,[,1 clltis, n. h hot Flashes; Female Week� hess and lrrgtilariie.3 : Fainating Fits, ac, ,nh'r vey prominent ae and common symp. tomn is the Peculiar lowness of spiritl dat -rinmy forehodlngs of the undkrtunate dufter; lPerson of naturally |ltyant tnd cleerful disl p, ilinis, are often chatged to dull and dee p•nding Itho-e lIefore armiab,ls and sprightly. become peish, tritmble and unsociible; in short, undtr'io an entire change of manner and charactor. S:ra cure fir $5 ,0. kia'ders. i you lhave any of these symptor. loe nr,time ii scnlitig to me for relief. You Swill find mr, your true and real friend. I love to enro di . on-•. N atutre, I sometimes think address it. . ANDIEWS, Aloany, N. Extra special ' otice-Fvery letter written t. return postage'. NOre othlere will be repliei te, otherwise than free of Postage 0 d [lie. will attend to all busires connected d- with his oilffice, in Town or in the C•oeftr. Offite with B. R. Danfiell. Atty at L Wm ' Deanis Areen t Natohbut rfba

sam~oi~ s irn - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053712/1867-01-02/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · y anltl 2Catrtury, and Lntultt, andi L tillan and to wich the tiiniareli

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OFFICIAL PAPER OF NATCHITOCIIES PARISH1iTvw Series No. 29o. Natchitoches La, TWednesday, TaiaLlary 2, 1867. To1Imtroduction of Freemasonry.

The address delivered ly IT. B.Latrobe of B al t ii nor e, a t t he lay ingofthe co rner stouc of the new \la-

(,nnic Temple ini that city, onl tihe30th inst, gave a condensed lhirtoryof Freemaioulry. We q uot e a f ew

passages :* * * At 'he commencement of

the eighlteentith ce ntoury Fret, nlllaslryhad cease' d t , l e a he;ihhful'ul a (nd \;g-orous 5

,tiL it y, whie c'c' iup tl M,

coisistel in u iilli ._ tine et l li .•.T'he ages \ ere r, 11'I;ft r d I : .

L�earning, emc.rgi g as the tou,':Iia8en L ab o ve the hll I t U ;, f'r, thegloom in a hich it luhad te!n Ibil n.l,tas gratutl aly iiliniii i uti.i lu'ii , .

--Itlhe lprinti .lll , ' ,,:,,s w a; r1c,', ti..,i-

izng the AmerrI. iAm erica hiad leendi scov ered, En terprii e wias on ouot

everywh ire', a dl,1 l iiait'hil, ntin w i:lgiant's strenli thl. I at ur, rIattlimpatien tly the clhaiiis witli wtict lguilds a nd t'ip( altli ) illsi tnailt it ,

was struit ;g l tul. in to l rll •elin lr e-

ieLtirch, carth s a.l.,t:t tiie ; i y;s' tc s ir ,

of r i tes, wa s busy ing l t st. I I aboutthe lilr-;tel'es' of art, aila, yea'r Lyyear, 1unvO ililg t h el lu. O utl i'l r l i

became c)omptent ll t i architects an dbuilders, and f lit: MisoniS, t cel3itigr tobe a ieccst llIy ay crl' i ~liiiC , fuiilid

themselves inli xclunive p' esscsi riof thei r pe tulir c:ereiiiuit s onlly.Year alter year the elIe)tey bcc almle

itee bler.Williamn the III had Leeu itst Il as

royal pation: Sir l Cli irist ,r Wi'cli

its last Jraind .Mlas!ter Ii. l'lalt d

and at lt'iigth, Et )iiewheri e ab out t hii

year A. U. l1117, fj J lot,'ds we'r'e

all that rlenin ed l' the u ce p( w -

e'rful org ai z ail iO t hat hl u LIuliYork and Vil'cst liister a 1;i Fly anltl2Catrtury, and Lntultt, andi L tillan

and to wich the tiiniareli had I tcn

lhd bited Ir hi.s j l;Oac' , and ihe bar-

cr for his held. Thiisi . was the low-eat ebb inl the lut ulnes of Fr i e l l'asouqlry. The tide then Iiituied. I,:practical featiii'e iof the order wasabVLa. ndoe d allt g ethcr. I t becaliie

isp tcul ative ,in its cliaracteri; alid itI

a littl e while \\e lii d the branldUtfl f LUi ilu )1 a 'lit; 1() m it tl l Uil

it d trout ls, . Tl he MtI a iS,) ii o ,

r "ci ill :~u'.iit!lcnt• wivth ai ch ti ter

d itiil biat'_k lJ.llC l:n lu h l'udr ,d \ ,

Lsputed the a•!t Wlt ity of tlc newi

c irea tio l; and it w.'si no t til II th e

b eg inn i ng i f the p reseni t, centuiy.it

t haruliir:h was t0i tained, anid thetuthu lity ' thec rllaui L',dge o!

- ngll ldii rec gn,, l ' 'd l y aL ll pari 'es .

1Fra e's a ,nry ,v:a - in•ilet u . •c l in to

the UC iitd :'tcs ili 173l1, altl Le-

Samie popular at once. \Vaslinlgt iniwas thie roaster tof a lodte, and the

grea ter part of t he arl:y to f ti e rev-

olutioti were inet lblers of tU e tra ter-

lity. The cut nllie stone of the ha!lwe are about t, leave, was I iid tythe governor of t he St I tc, thenGJ:and Master of t he Grand Lidge of'

Marylanid, and the luiilding Wasi i tuglgrat ell iy th e law CeneirlWindor, who uneccedd limn in the

oflice. There is now a Grand L,,dgein eve ry State of the Unlio ri; anid ttluinoLle adihices w hich a re everybhidy"biug built for the acconinid ati ,ni ofthe order, while they ido credit to thetaste, manifest. at the same time,

the we alth an d p rosper ity ot tho se tL

wi om utw ulonigs th e lduty o f t ria ins.nutting, in all their pu riy, to a dis.tanut future, the priuciples of freemasonry.

Y ou hav e probably seen in the

p ap ers nf the day, tha t t he c.) rlnersrtone of the old Maii'ric Hall, whichwe are about auballndoninig, halls re-ctutly been uiinerthed. It was laidin 1864, motire thanir half a CelNtri'}ago; and you must hrave beenl str'ickL

by t he fact, that not w ithstatidinigthe care taken to transmit to poster-ity the history of the, biilditig anrdt

some brief rhironicle of the times,'two coins of gold, a half eagle or1790,and an eagle 1811, with theIirscriptio* on the mar lbe, were alntefound ti be unimptl1 l tre d. T he silver

was blackened aid dtfaced ; tirheiegires on the copp'er had diaTppeir-

ed, and some remnant of decayedbinding were all that testified to tiheprinted volumes tat had been place'dwithin the st, one. Damp, and noulduand time, that eduitrerat in the shortspace of fifty two years, had def'atedthe prrpcs' of the builders to iuau6idown to luture ages ortile aren -rials of their tranesactions. Brut theieagles were as bright as wrien the

coins were first issued from themint. It would have been the satmehad the gonld conime from the founda-tions f i an I ndian shriue or a templecin thie Forum. It will ie the samewhen asr many yearst shall haverolled over the new resting place, towhich, to-day, it is consigrned, as

have accumulattd sincte the renote

DeTocqneville, in his work onAmerica, gives this torcible sketch:"A inewspaper can drop the salmethougbt Into a thou.and nunids atthe sume moment. A inewspaper isan a4dtiser who'does not requireto be*eght, ber t wIl comes to y uevery day of corninon weal, witliutIdiatracting your privairte affairs.Newqapei6, therefore, beetome mrorepeceiary in rtoportini as men become more qeal arid individual-m ore to be feroed. To seppose tha tthey oily . serve to pro ect freedo m-wo uhlJ ~ to diminish t heir imp' r-fsnee they maintain Civilization."

Eeecher 's ego t ism.A seri,•i'm i l lj ect ion I hav e t o Mr

iech.l r is his. c•n•t ant di splay o f

self lie us,.s h is l Ia rli n"l l ", fa ncYv,

and m•t,,ry a , footlights to illuornin-

a te his owl. in i rve lous parts ill theco l ception of his Spe:aitor, a ndinste ad of hohlini him and obscuring

lhi tta lents hy the rievelation ,of its

4u1li nme t ruths, he emply s i ts scene-

ry t o set hi m self off to best adv a ni--

t a re .

l ie is c" te ntually refertr iig toi-,! I hie' s "aks if a hi on e yv-

su,,, it is t he h',nt'vsu cklt on ypmrch; if h(' mentions a lark, it is theI: ,k wnlore y(,lng hlave nests in my

".:id,,n; if he c;alls up a :storicali (r'l'l! .e li or ic1 ('lf r(et el, h e wav(es

it into p!i y lv a " w hn I s t oo d atI:( tinllb of lte1hise in Fl'ralt'e, or

o no, si:inl:u," f ~1 m. Ii i ,nilrly everyeillt(on e t w it c:tpital eltter 1' ha a

i Cini p1ici uI S p l sit iion [li t this isall stricily in keepi 'i n with his ora c-iil;nl p.,n sitin i l l ' lln klyni. t(h isiIllr,:rc in's i(;,od and h�s t a right to bee•)titic. thi e has ithe cred it iofIc ifhn an e nthl ulia• t. lie is too cool,tono t •.lsi,,ihs, tcitoo adaptive, tooi 'ngenius t, l.' I, ittlthl to the nameliis- i i c ai t as it is of i rwe : kiess. lheis a i schernlr , in~1d wii ks, up tl hissc-l lh ',ls . lHe kn .ws liti w to sei z etlLe i ll s f, rfnrmi and ho! J thetn

l (' l ld:s ill it" chiaritot oft' v i .tirvi iw', nitl b ei'ause i.o imiipe ti iosity in

Iii S;te adi, p , (;nV , id nliiv ( 'ilien t. li,a i t. .b ' rlrt, tlielt h(" Ka s tu, nmuch

oft Nc",v- I 'i i •I t!l l in hi m.-Courier'r.

I i~ .lln A' ND I tAMElncAN e So DE R 4-_Te X '2t Y ,,k &' rent/.-'f he l'a 'ris' irr•i(,s l11 o f tL e N e w Yor k

fluIes says :I a m gi ladl to see it s t ated t ha t thei

Ntw Yoi lk Seventth r'cg il nlriit is tlill

c in :I g to l''tnnic to ex hibit them-"-eives at the exlilitiin T he -'reiilchale no t iu sed to t hat sofrt of t i iibg,alltl hlk upoln it as so e (ss'elti lliylulr llllid oii t of pla ce , t h at I a m

t-sre the ri' iiment it self . o ulld dih.-rive no satisfaction ifrim• the visit-

uln -i'. , ii fact, they are prepasi red

ti .i. s l ,i ti hin:lL pii I ull . 'e!la l smnlte!th ii pg nblplh Lla rd of iln any countriy ,s oli: hio that bl rders on legerde-iiai n , in the way of drill.

As for l,,,k s they ca innot ho pe t oshine al ingsiiie the brill ian t F reniihcorpi d' d ilbe, ne ither in the hleiht aniidrt,!nlari' y it f(t 'rin of the owli tr , 111'" ill

l,'i lb y i u t'y O.' •tuNe. Ast thfir l idity

' ( i ioifch the ii ve 'ln n't ot f t he Set-e :irli i tc i;: +'ipit welu .l. I ( litln t s rikili[, for irg luirit y af rtl i•r•rte rnt ill a

a rchi is neve r t e en i ln F ra I ce; I uitthen thl l i'eiinch sol d ier is trai neduor work , and a man can only w alk

furtyv no les ai d aiy 1y bieil ai lhowid

t i 'a. a lkt lo,. \sWe think tha t foi allthese Ieaso irls t he retg inl e n t w. iLi

har d ly get its lmoney b lck.

The "Delaut Southl."W;lle T' 'had S t 'phens and his accom-

p li ces .t. W a shingto n -me :n f or the mostpart rn doi weallhy by the war-are dailycont ing o(i i f "p r uye r mee ti n g" to pro.ipes niew l ieasiire s oir tranlindg st illin, oare anlop lleily nnider foot the "detniaitSout h," here ii I t he p ict ure which is drawnlliof that sectio n by one of ihe jon nalsmost helpliely attached to their poli t ical

"br. Crawford, of Kentucky, who hasrecently visited the States further South,makes some very pajinti statementsabout their condition of destitution anidprostration. He begs the chirebes of the.'orth to inquire into th e fact , and comet o the r lief of their suffering brethren inthe eouth. In Alabama alone thera aretwonty tlhusand widows and sixty; thou-

sand orphans, most of w honi are depen-,dent." I n G eorgia, it is said, there are lif-ty thouspanil persoas wnli inmust re cei veaid. D r. C raw ford says that p rom inentpieople in the .'outh hlavo been withheldftrum proelainitng the mnisery rou ndthem, "because ltaid men, even me call-

ing thesielvesl Ch rist inlis, ha ve alrea lygloried in the h op e of se eing tihe 'eouth-ern chivalry' begg ing fir bread." .

Have we any such "Christians" tmongus ~ If so, how knjta their noble heartsretj ice iu t he thonght th at an old million

or soe of th e ir fellow ceatuiret will keepthills ,ioly season of Christumas ,l W athand i n rags autd f amine, in ord er that '

)arty ti "grea mioral ideas" uay securetnael another four years' lease of powerin the federal capital !- iThe World.

I8 Ie A Rusi 1-Persons well acqnain-ted wi b the French and Mexicans a-k ifthe rencent proaia:ions and counter pro

clatina t ios of a axinuiliau and M rehalBazainoe be not a rus e to attieh the xeicans more tfirmn y to il the uifire '1 It iscertainly tru tiu a Maximill an ould notpossibly lanve d esired anything b tlerthan to be told by the French that theyare albout to leave the flntry, an i thatIth y leave hi to the tender mercies ofSthle Mexicans. Their euuity lhas notbeen so mulch directed against the Ern-piror as agnielt the French army of oc.-cuip ion. Niothi g therefor,, coud, bebetter for him than a quarrel with Mar.shl Balzaino We ilagiae that it is nornse, but a reality, and has been a g.nuine

quarrel froum t he bi igi nnih., and possiblythe real causOe of the withdrawal of theFrench. Max. is wise enough to see thatthe presieco of the Freneh is an elementotf weskiles and that hle hasi more chan-ces of uilding up his thronL e after theyare gone, by trusting entirely t the Mex-icans, wh.se natio.v s pride is very strou g.

F or Sale.A vahiable tract of land, sitnated on

Bayou Pierre, 2 miles from Blair's landing, Red River. Said tract contalin 1100)acres, of which 350 are cleared. The , al-ance is rich timbered land. The improve-merits consist of a dwelling house, outhouses and several cabins.

The mules and stock on the plantationwill be sold with the place, if desired.

Terms, one half C LSH the balance atl2 months creditwith good security.

For fnrther particulars,Apply at the "Intelligence Office."

LOUTS DIUPLEX, Aged!t. af'I4


C. ttE. Sloc mb,0.

CO ON STREET,New Orleans.

Jan 10-lyl lA. .ll Q T TI CO


A large .tock of School Books at Publisherother I ose in the United Stats.

For sale at moderateprices,+ ;

C .H .S BRE -

NouVele e Orleans.SOUSavons l'honneurd'anoncer & ,c

A la so-licitation de bon nombye de nos

etc. etc.

-lv 1fja ~ r~i lO- ly-


sm~aoi~ s~ri rnCUTLRY GUNS PEFEY

al O-wr.tf.b~'MaCo Binci & Gind

N ot e l O il an.N O~aon l'wnndanuoneAnti etA MEeser le Macitd ethhitnt dlaPaoised e Nacaioheq

Ansuu Iou sommesI dKDce A ouar

nosatlire domssinIvetREde p

jtc Hnei n l tf eUie tts


J. E. BREDA,Attorney and Counsellor at Law.


Prompt attention paid to all business

e nt rusted to his care.-au .g"0-tf.


\il, t,' It , i th , l u , o ,f t ', it hl'u'i�- a li Ir et Ollice at .Mlaly, L t.


Will attvend promptlyt t' all collections,anti othecr liheal b'ii:tis entrusted to hiim

O(Juice on 6t. Dcuis Strcct,AcLLchitoche s, L a

Sept. 15, 1t66.

LAW PARTNERSHIP,11E undersigtnmd have fllll'd apa rtnership for the practice of

thei Law in the 9th Judicial District.()Otc'e t(nt St. Dcni S3tr'eet, latclhitoches, La.



11. CU'srtsont It J. C3si'sItGA& A' 1B C'•slxcl)Gi

CUNNINGHAMI& SONS,.tfforueys at Late.

Will g i ve stritt rit'e ti, n to all lw-int' sstl tlll ted to tn r car'. S;,cl al tilt n t ain

, i e , I suc.,.•..,:i, , . o 5ns for c olt l -'.m

reci retl .nld siiu. tly atlielded to in all lthiN, he le P.ris its c the State.April 4 ly .

H. SA FFO RD.Ittorney at Lamc.

LTin resumetd the t ra(tce of his l'rf s3i,,nOflke on Stcoud S r:ro.

Natchitoches, La.DI ,r:h. 2.- 12mnn


hap, re'um d be Iaclice of his profession')tliice' on St. Deuis •:reet.Fugl9- ly


Office on St. Dnis Street, Ntiathchitch. L,,

I'r,,mptt l tttenit ion giv en to all businc s en .tru.-tl to hi: care.

July 21 lhtiti.-tf.

THO. C. MANNING.Counsellor & Attllorney at Law.

I ~ resumnni, piac t ice. anid will Ateald tlhe

CI Ciro t- of Naicuilttehe aed Rapides.aRig 12t-lt


C. CHAPLIN & SON ,Atty's at Law.

HA VE I'o; m'd. parltior.,tip for the pr c-lice ol their protf'esiou in the 91h Dit.

)ni•e on St.Denis Street.ijunr 24 t .

H.C. YEf t8 ,A TTORVE I" JT L~A t .


B, R, DANIEL L,I ETTO I t ."'E d JT Ld l'r.




THOMASON & PIERSON,EllorrMets at Latws


Will give their joint attention to anytivsil business entrusted to their care.Aug. 1 5-- tt.

HYAMS & MORSE,A tt o rn cy' s & Counal ellor'is a t Law.

Tat 37hdoch es, La.Will practice in the 9th Judicisl DistrictOItlhoe 1St. De;nis :, I t.I'ttl npt i'ti':,tiobi pid Io ail l bu si neess c n

ttistetd to their care.JI3w&sw II.

A. LE MEE,Sfttorinej at L.tw,a 'NA T l OCl1*S LA.

s [l as re sum d, th, prsct ce of his profi h

.i, :i. an. wi l l jprac tic e in t h 'Coi lr t s ofnatchitucl hel . bie,F.S dii\ Vin.i t.

It lle o ,n St U) it;Stre. t,


8. D:,,i- s .r.IeI , upp,,, it, the N-tchit o heFrm,'s I li k,.,. N chitt lhri. La.

I WILLIAM A, SEAY,r*.gTTOnR•i El"lT . ii"

Will practice in the Conrts of RapidesNatchitoches, and adjioinin Parilshs.


1T. MMAlTINSVILLE, LA. t.+$ Will l'racti e in the .ourts of lhe

l'ar i-b es o St. ar: !u's, St. Mary, Vermilion,St. Land y and L:f iyett e.

Oct . 3.-t ime,

Plantation to Rent. jA splenhdid plantation situated on the

Rigolet 130 l )ieu, cont aining 610 acres ofgood land, .:)U of which are ul•er fecul:etog itlher with all 1 he i pwv-Oueuts there-u n' 1'0 U I i ttin of l)Dwtl linlg hos•'e, K i tcthcn,ta- ils , maelhil l eriv for a C o tton Gin , ( ue w ),two good sisterns &c.

This laud is onIe oft the pbest, and thecr ps imade were always good. The plaiceiy rtealvy to be dlc i cvetcd, Nith only theprivilege of gathering the corn and cottoncr ops.Apply to 'Theo. Prudaumine, Cote

Jo Cuice NatchitOches.A ug. t.--tt. 11lThe M.sc.hacebe, St. John the Baptist,

anld Baton Rouge Advocate, are reuinestedto publish the above one luonth, and sendbill to this otihco tor lpayment.

Saddler y-j-'add(fry.Sj

S ESS. J. GIMBEIRT A CO., have.il added to their Tla Yard ,,s-tablis h in nt a goced S taddth ry al, p,vhiere all Jobs int that line eof It;siaesswill be d ne in a work mtaulike man-li r ae id at the .lhorltes t lotlie. 'Their

p rices are v ery li ber-al. (Or'ers le ft iat lany store i t 'S In will bh atterndle ito with dispatch and the work warranted.

\We invite our friends to pay us -

visit,Always n hiand-

6.\1))ILF6, ti13B tl)LE, t,

.\1 II' NGAT.EES, ctad('IRCINGLES, &c., &c. pr

J. G. IMBERI' & Co., teAt t hei r t an yard, half a mi le North i

of the town.ol6-swtlf.

Plantation for 1Hent.ONE OF TII: BEST TRACTS OF LAND

on Ctne River. 13 mtll s below the town ofNai ehitoeht s ii oti .rc, l Ior teat. 'I he pl, n:ta- Ption is well situatid - contaii, 300 or unld I

Ience- _ A crop otf te0 I ( et s of cottoe and 31101)barre• of or c an Ieb made on the seot, itwe I managed. 'There is a th1 o chard-a Iigood dwelling house, three g od c'mneat ci--t, rus. and cabins fir 15 b.aids, t, gethtr wi I tisever.al mIul, ,ne vok'- oxen, waggons and tufarmin� ut:e-tils. II i nl g od .er r.

A gin house wile be shortly put up a s a lso acone on two mor ,- rvacnt cbians, if requ~redat the trne of the leae.

FIt. furtiher particulari naply to- f 1n. LOU I s DUPLEIX ,

c10-tf. Au.s.r.


Sportioneof the Plantation belongingSto the selcessi.,n of Madame J. F.

Ilertg dec'd will be rented on accomo-dating terms, and possession given on thelst of January ', S7.

Apply to IIYP 'LITE IERITZOG atthie plantatio or toB. R. D eNtELS, Att'y at Law, Na'chitoches


Errors of Youth.A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years

from Nervons I)Debilitv, Premature Decay,and all the efltetsoiyocuthful inhdiscretiecn,will, for he sake of suftering humanity, Psend free to all who need it, the receiptand directions for making the simple reul-edy by which he was cured. :uflfrerswishing to profit by the advertiser's ex-perience, can do so by addressing, in per-fect confidence,

JOTIN B. OGDEN,No. 42 Cedar St., New York.-3moe

P'r M/XA'EL'S cth OOI.V'1 43 ROY&EL STTREt, er

N EW ORL EANS,. Lnm /L ./tesa &. 2 2 eal es Ln.

Fr.'ndh, li.h, German & Amerteai



HOUSE• IN PARIS;iLRE• , MObINie[tg., 4f1.eu richec

To Rent.My Plantation up s t ie 1Illi, he

the ent.'uin. y,,:r. Il ,, e i.s ,b.,tt two h11111, red acr,,r fthf r cultivation. and n, good Oi

lou e on the phace. l'rice $ 1.0, payab,unI ue..edt e,! in a mauner t9 te dctcrmicd o'alp:ication to me.

A. It. PIERSON,Nov. 24, 1863..


At the request icf marny plantersw e h av' e t he lmle tas ure o icillc)rneilgoair iritealMt that we leave' reiotieneee,er intellii gene and 13tsiless Ulice. .

\ V e w il l lay a pea rt icu lar att e tiei ito the ,e'nt aitl s!e if plht tatiei s,

i'c-itt aced iale of ]1ouses or any otlhr

p io p el ty.Our ,hirges :ire m-,derate.All lesitess etru-,te,! co ctur care

w ill rlc ei v c a ),mtipt aittlenti,. eNoadvances of f#.(s r.qIlads,,l.

LOUIS I )UPLEIX,Olfice, Old Ceurt lliste, up stairs.

Nottci t ic hit', La.




Prt, tin an-6.O0.B Abotnements reius par Louis Dupleix

Agent, office du Natchitoece Time•.

I BATON RO'GOE WEIIEKILY ADVOCATE l'lTh' old ejiiscrihers tof th:s 'i apP r or

Red River, are icspc,.tfiull inf oriiit d t hatit "%till l ives." ''ri,'i cof suibscrip tioi,Five dil lars per ;unum in adva ice. l 're-nIillrll tio su scriiIer, a l in e cop y (of 'ach,

Lea' and .lackuisois portraits. Ad'dress, IJ. M. TAYLOR. Editor & I',,prietor,Spt. , -J Baton Rouge La.Sept. M. I%;.--6mo.

W HA RTO N & SAN C LI FI,' FI Gcntral .,tcwspapffr . agency

No 115 Common Street,Xear the City hIotel, Sew Orleans, La.

.e i'ci al AgInts for th.; Natchito ches T imes(t\i' rti i ach ts :il :.ubcriptio s• t k,'u at th eit

Au .4. 18,G-tf.


-000 LBS. IRON BUCKLEtbj U T'IES of the best quality

San.d for sale far cash or d raft a t 30 days;In iuanti ties t o sui t purchasers,

JOHN MOUTON &Co.Special Agents for

aug.1-tf. Natchitoches.

Spooner's Pills!Spoonors's Pills ! i

Spooner's Pills!!!

Just Received.00 BOXES DR W•LI.IM SPooNEn's

,00 celcurated agnue and fever pillus.

For Sale by John Mou ton & Co.Only a g ei t. for NaltcIit,'ch o's.


The Trustees of the Catlhlic congrega-lion of St. Fraicis, Natchitoches, having

t hough t it pr oper i n th e circumstances toleav e to the Bih op, the management andadministratiou of tho Church affairs andprolpertty, with the exceptiou of the ceme-tery ; the Bish op, considering the generaldist ress of the people , deems i t h is dutySgreatlv to red uce ihe tariff of Funeral ser-vi \e s, uch as it had bccaI adopted by thet'rusts, in 1630.\e subljoin the new tariff, as c ompare d

with th e old o ne .IFaicrals, is t cl ass $40 i nstead of 60

" hnd " $ 25 " 40" 3rd " $10 " 20

of children $10 " 20Public Anniver"saies $39 " 60Private Atniversarics 5The 3rd class of funerals is gratuito is

with all such as have not t he meat a ofpay ing

Families wishing a Priest to accompanythe Fun eral t o the grave yar d, wi l l pleasefurnish a carriage.

Arrears will be admitted to settlementsaccording to the new tar if.

tAUG. MARTIN,Bishop.

Natchitochcs, Sept. Sth 186G.-tf.



Ce nea Cominissiin erchantu198 Gravier Street

NEW ORLEANS.Nov. 17--12mo

NW ORLEANS T M1331133 CAR3DC(uomlsulon M`erchants.

WI TARE & B ROT HER, (H. H Ware,. Jas. T. Ware.) No. 133 Gravier St

Particular at teuti ou paid to selli nig Woolo ct 23 l y

V. M. P erkins. P. I . Sw enson D. L. Kern in,

S)ERKIN', SWENSON & CO., New OrIcans. Swensoni, Perkins& Co., Ne\w

York., General Comm ission Merchan s.

Platoi, Musaic, Ete.

IOUIS GRUL'EWALD, Music, Import-� er Mtie'cal Instruments, Pseyel, Chick

erings, Steinway & Soos and Goblers Pianos 129 Canal St. oct. 23 1-

Machlhery, Beltligs, Etc.

K NIGHT & 00., D eal ers in Machiner y,Beltings, Cott ,n Gins. & c, 170 and I

J172 Gravier Street. oct 23 1.y

Mlarble Watks,

'TROUD'S Mlarbleo Works, established* ]?30. 164 St. Chhrles St. Monuments,

Tombs, Head Stones Mantle.pieces, Grates,Slates, Soap Stone, etc. Oct 23 1-y

SOUTIHERiN FAMILY SEWING MlA-chines Noiseless \larhine of Wilcox

& Gibbs, will Sew, Iem, Fell, Bra id, Tuck,Gather , Quilt , Corld and E mbroi der, w ith

.Jit ioia. A g' n ts wanted at No.5 St.tiharles St. Box 3S6, oct23-1y

'I - ` - I- - - -- 4-

lrugs and Maedhliues.

F P. DUCONGE. Importer and dealer, in French, American, and Eu: :lish,

I)rugs, Ch'micals. Peirflucry, P, tent\lhehcines, urgical Ilnstrium:.ts Ti.isses,ieushis. a d l )ru ggists ni iudh ies. No. 39I ta rtres St. l.'.tahlished in 18l29.

.vw 4)rleaU s, La.-ly.

I ' I NEST TtlrP N. \h l..l MaR, faeI', tnr r of lin l ls Segar 1 ; mi s. (;mIu

Or , e, Ch, cola , St r :i , . L,. n (*, J'ajub,ete, a al ' . h c.. ,f Cti, :,ry b SteaiiNo 3i ail Ifr:e .Betw: oC St. L oi s and,ant S -.. N •, 0'O ,,,

i h t nic fjl •thlMeitle

D. MOODY. & O'0., 67, Tihoupitoul "

S St. Si'ei;ia , Ittef.t i ,on given to sell- 1a g ilackerl, Codlish. Hlerring, Butte.,jtheeie ;Ia I;l ard .

BOOT & HDE MAKERSt. Dents S tr eet,

NATCHITO)CH VS LA., Te, cc" fully int riat s hI, L:idie- uad Gitn

tl,, .., n .a h. h at .io 'o f• . p e parei l ao.nsa,lit y them vi ,, 1he i i o, l B , - ,t 8It l E

all t irk In m I by b :t, uitl I ,. a p:tir, d freeof cost a • h:., II or i Ie na dl r. patl il glT.e li. e-l i le- f L: Iheraway.oi 11l a d

r tId all ivW,.k gp.ara teedl Pt ce- v''ry mod-"araate.I " A oasoi Qrl


TA N YAI1D.'l'he plaitnters and tleichants are

infotm d that t hey wi .l fin d at ourestal lihi nient, near thu t own, a l a rg e~S8l'tlnentt of


of the bhet qual ity and at a verynttlrate price.

\\e are re.o ly t o exchange green,dry and salted idles for LrAT~ En toto suit everybody.

('all and seeI. GIMI3EBT &•00.

Aw&Wm:l itr31.t. t.

IBl cksmiitl Shop.

r ITA VE removed my Shop t o C hurchI Street. oppo'iis, t he Cou t L IloiP e. w hereI am prept led to do a l l k ind of work at tach,l. to my liue of ble nescs. My work isw.lrr:nted to gi ve sat; if aclion to my Cou


Repairing Carrftged ,

mij asing W' agons,Repairing IF'agons,

. laki sng P l ough s,

andl fi n ill v, s!I w ork for t antrr's use, w Ii b pr enpily t tlend dl ,,;t my new eat abtismip, t. N. tlh •ni will emwula uudoue aud a imnoderate pricrs.


j20 w&swtf, 1;. W. ILE.



QUEYRCUZE & BOIS,Wholesale Grocers.



Corner Old Levee & Bienville StsNEW ORL EANS.

Aug. 4,-ttf.

Dr. 2. Andrews'


All Curable Maladies. Easily, Speedilyand heaply removed, by the use of NewPleasant and DelightfiulRemedies.

A few more Studends will be Receivedon Reasonable terms. aud furnished withDiplomas to Practice.1P] Dr. E. Androws' Colcbraked Is.i

C ure. P ric e $ 2.I7 Dr. E. Andrews' Cetbrated RAee

mati Cure. Price $1.Ejr Dr. E. Andrews' Celebrated L4a.Rentcd. Price $5.

-'' Dr. E. Andrews' Great Eaatci * Rome.dy or Hashcesh Candy-the Oriental Nor-vine Compound. Price $1.

Dr. E. Andrews' also Cures many Dia.eases by Touch or Laying on of Handaalpraticed by the Ancient Prophets andWise Men of the East.

Invalids come or send and be Aeahi ! •f lfail I Charge nothing.

IS YOUR LIV R ODISEASE IDear elader is your Liver Diseased ?-lf So

Loce no tine in sending me $5 and 10 T hreecents stamps. and a speedy cure is sure.ir Tle following are all the symptoms i

A yallow Yellow color of the skidl, brown spotsai the flae and othe r patts of the body ; Dull.oes anI dro w.-inelS, with frequent Hleadache;itter or ad taste in the mouth, dryness of the

lthroat, and internal heat; l'alpitation of the

iHeart in may cases a dry taing cough, withsL)ure throat; Unsteady appetite; sour stomach,with a raising a. te food. antd choking seRnaa*itn in tihe tlr,,a, which is often attributed to,,ns; sirck.e- and vom.itifng Distress: Hea -i,, or a bloat d and tull feeling about theto•mi h and side- , uhich is often attended withains' ainT in tl e sides, back or breast, and

Itrl the shtl, s; restlesuoess at night, withti-cd and sore ferl\ng of the whole body onin iu the m r nivg ; eheolic, pain and soreness

"rgh the twel. , wit, heat; costiveneua.'re'q, t a'itackl of diarrhoea; Piles; Flatti.inCt Neeasr'os' ; all.gone feelings ; Thick

Suar id or 'Hi h colored 'ri ne; co ldness of the

Extremiti . Ruis of 0lod to tile head, withsymptom -of Apnpl•.y numbness of thyolimbd

"-peciIl at night " Terderness and fullness id

right idl, whli cl ofr te xedlls to the leftJ,[,1 clltis, n. h hot Flashes; Female Week�

hess and lrrgtilariie.3 : Fainating Fits, ac,,nh'r vey prominent ae and common symp.

tomn is the Peculiar lowness of spiritl dat-rinmy forehodlngs of the undkrtunate dufter;

lPerson of naturally |ltyant tnd cleerful dislp, ilinis, are often chatged to dull and dee

p•nding Itho-e lIefore armiab,ls and sprightly.become peish, tritmble and unsociible; inshort, undtr'io an entire change of manner andcharactor. S:ra cure fir $5 ,0.

kia'ders. i you lhave any of these symptor.

loe nr,time ii scnlitig to me for relief. YouSwill find mr, your true and real friend. I loveto enro di .

on-•. N atutre, I sometimes think

address it. . ANDIEWS, Aloany, N.

Extra special ' otice-Fvery letter written t.

return postage'. NOre othlere will be repliei te,

otherwise than free of Postage0

d [lie. will attend to all busires connectedd- with his oilffice, in Town or in the C•oeftr.

Offite with B. R. Danfiell. Atty at L Wm' Deanis Areen t Natohbut rfba