The Seer - Chapter 1

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  • 8/14/2019 The Seer - Chapter 1


    Cassandra ran her movements fluid and graceful, her long raven hair flying behind

    making her frame a black blur, she had learned the hard way that becoming a blur was

    the only way to survive, she was now the last one of her people and one of the last true

    Seers of the Ancient world and what she had seen tonight was not good, she was going

    to have to do something she had hoped never to have to do again.

    She stopped and looked at the full moon, thriving on its power, she smiled a little smile

    as she felt the shadows surrounding her and her sea green eyes turned that mischievous

    dark green her father had loved so much, she knew what was coming her way, she

    always did, it was her curse, that and immortality.

    Cassandra sensed the darkness trying to control her, her eyes changing from the

    dark green into a starless night black, her powers were about to be tested, she went

    numb, the air strangely still around her in the dark alley of a back street of the New

    Orleans French Quarter, where she had found a home more than 200 years ago, the

    thought of New Orleans always made her smile; she loved it as much as she had loved

    Troy and all the Gods be damned if she was going to let them have their way with her

    city, not again, not now, not ever would she stand hopeless, for she was Cassandra the

    last of the Trojans, she would never be conquered.

    As she looked around her, there were five or six shadows hovering nearby the blackness

    of their spirits making it hard for her to see into their minds, but one thought they all

    had in common, kill the Trojan. Cassandra laughed, their attention focused on her, and

    she could see what they were; Daemons surely you know better than that! Has

    Hades forgotten he cannot touch me? she asked indignantly flicking her hands up

    and sending them flying against the side of the building, making them so angry that they

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    all came at her, one got to her and knocked her to the ground, but she was fast, too fast

    for them, she worked them easily, her movements elegant and agile, sending them back

    to their Master, she had always been a superb fighter, Atropos controller of death had

    made sure of that.

    The daemons gone, Cassandra sat down exhausted her body humming with the

    aftermath of the fight; it had been a long time since she had to face daemons so

    powerful, her visions as always were correct, something big was going down and it was

    sooner than she had anticipated, she just hoped she could prevent it, her visions were

    becoming more and more vague to say the least and she knew exactly why, it had

    happened only once before when she had lost all desire to live because she had lost


    Her skin prickled and she felt herself shiver as she heard the soft applause and there in

    front of her surrounded by light, the cause to all the misfortunes in her life, the almighty

    god himself Apollo, she got up quickly backing down afraid he would touch her, she

    was doomed since the day she was born, but she had come a long way and had eluded

    him more than once, Apollo was her one and only weakness, and the only one she could

    not afford to have.

    Well, you have done it again, the Fates must really like you! he said slowly every

    word making her heart beat faster, she was a fool because whenever she looked at him

    his piercing chocolate brown eyes could see all the way down to her deepest thoughts

    and secrets, thank Zeus he had given up on her, otherwise she would have been lost, she

    alone knew what the burden of her visions had been like on her soul, they were the

    reason she was immortal, so that he could live, so that all of them could live, for as long

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    as she lived and her heart and her soul belonged to the Oracle he would be safe, her

    Golden God, her curse.

    Oh how she ached, tears blooming in her sorrowful eyes, she looked quickly to the

    floor, sucked it up and bravely faced him, How interesting that we should meet today

    of all days, do not tell me you are still mad at me for wasting that blonde bimbo?

    Cassandra questioned her husky voice warming the night air and making him shiver, he

    would be damned if he let her see what she did to him.

    No, although now that you mention it, are you sure you didnt do it out of petty

    jealousy? he asked laughing, shamelessly baiting her; it was a game they had often

    played throughout the centuries, one that she had still to win, damn him, he always

    seemed to be able to reduce her to a babbling moron.

    In your dreams Golden boy! she spit back at him a look of disdain in her eyes that

    belied the fact that the ball had just hit home, it really didnt matter that the bimbo was a

    witch and that she was draining his powers, no what was important was that he gave her

    what she was denied even if it wasnt his fault.

    Their argument was a silly distraction and it made them vulnerable, when she felt the

    darkness surrounding them it was already too late the daemons were back and they had

    Cerebrus the famous hell hound, the huge two headed monster was drooling and

    looking straight at her, she had no time to think about it because he was charging

    towards her, she looked up at Apollo and mouthed RUN which he did but only to get to

    her and put her behind his back it figured he of all people would protect her, the

    fates must be rolling with laughter.

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    Are you daft, I told you run not to come to my rescue, Im not a god you silly

    Ooohhh, hes coming straight at us, Apollo do something!!! Cassandra yelled at him.

    I cant he has most of my power already. He said looking guilty and in that moment

    she knew they were doomed, she wished as she often did that she might have been

    wrong but no they had played her right into the trap, Apollo was fulfilling her

    visions, but she would be damned if she would go down without a fight!

    Ok! Lets see if I can do something! and she held him close for the second time in her

    life, it was divine, achingly familiar, just like it was in her dreams, who would have

    thought his skin was so soft, his hair so smooth, his smell so sweetly enticing, ohhh!

    She was damned alright!

    My power is wavering please gods do not leave me now! she asked in a silent prayer,

    Apollo was gathering what power he had left to help her but Cerebrus was draining both

    of them now, the protective circle would not stand, the only way was to literally run, try

    and get out of reach of the two headed beast.