The SABBATH or Sunday– which? by David C. Pack 

The Sabat or Sunday Which

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SABBATHor Sunday–which?

by David C. Pack 

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Most professing Christians

observe Sunday. Yet, the Jewishpeople (and a few others) keep the

seventh-day Sabbath. Was this day

only for the Jews, or only for

ancient Israel?

Does the New Testament estab-lish Sunday, as the Lord’s Day—or

is the Sabbath still in effect? Does

it make any difference? If so,

which day is the Christian

Sabbath? Can it be PROVEN?

Herbert W. Armstrong led the Worldwide Church of God (formerly TheRadio Church of God until 1968) until his death in 1986. Hundreds of mil-lions heard his voice and read his literature. God called him in the fall of 1926 and he was converted in the spring of 1927. Over the course of Mr.Armstrong’s ministry, God revealed through him a great many true biblicaldoctrines, which had been lost to the Church through the centuries. After hisdeath, his successors ceased to believe and teach these doctrines. Althoughcopyright law prohibits The Restored Church of God from reproducing anddistributing literature produced while he led the Worldwide Church of God,we are committed to the preservation and teaching of all of these truths!


PUBLIC INTEREST BY THE RESTORED CHURCH OF GOD.It is made possible by the voluntary, freely given tithes and offerings of the mem-bers of the Church and others who have elected to support the work of theChurch. Contributions are welcomed and gratefully accepted. Those who wish tovoluntarily aid and support this WORK OF GOD around the world are gladly wel-comed as co-workers in this major effort to preach the gospel to all nations.

Copyright © 2003, 2004 by David C. Pack 

All Rights Reserved.

Printed in the United States of America

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Astonishing Admission ...................................... 7


From the Beginning ......................................... 21


Law of God, Not Moses ................................... 34


The Perpetual Sabbath Covenant ..................... 45


The Church Christ Heads! ................................ 53


Israel and Judah Go Into Slavery—and Why! .. 66


Sabbath or Sunday in the New Testament? ...... 82


Sabbath Assembly and Fellowship .................. 98

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Igrew up in a large, respected Protestant church. I can recall sitting ona stool wearing a bow tie in Sunday school at age three, surrounded by

other children. As I grew older, Sunday school became Sunday churchservices, with everyone taking for granted that we were there on the right

day. No one remotely suggested otherwise. We all appeared weekly inour “Sunday best.”

In 1966, at age seventeen, I was challenged to look into the Bible tosee what it actually says on the matter of Sunday-keeping. I wasabsolutely shocked by what I found! You will be also.

While the world is geared contrary to Sabbath observance on theseventh day of the week, I realized there was no excuse for breaking the

Sabbath. I found the Bible was PLAIN, leaving no room for doubt. The

scriptures about the Sabbath and Sunday were most CLEAR. I saw thatcommon objections to Sabbath observance were easily disproven, if onehad an open mind.

Unless God did not exist, and the Bible was the word of men—mere-ly ancient Hebrew and Greek literature—I had no choice but to observethe Sabbath. Since proving that God exists and the Bible is His Word,and since seeing proof of the Sabbath command from the Bible, I have

not attended church on Sunday or observed that day. I found that theFourth Commandment is a LAW. When kept, it brings spiritual bless-

ings, “keeping” those who obey it. When broken, it brings spiritual curs-es, “breaking” those who disobey it.


Astonishing Admission

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OBEYING GOD REAPS MANY BLESSINGS: When Christ returns to set up thekingdom of God, the modern-day descendants of Israel will have learned fromtheir punishment. They will then wholeheartedly follow God and obey His laws—including the Sabbath command. As a result, the Israelites will reap many bless-ings, such as an abundance of cattle and livestock…


…prosperous farms, yielding fresh, ripe fruits, vegetables and grains. Obediencealways brings the abundant life. These blessings and many more will come to allnations of the world when the true God reveals Himself to mankind!


cy. Think about it. Meditate on it—and hear this WARNING from God

81Israel and Judah Go Into Slavery—and WHY!

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through Ezekiel, and through this book, TO YOU! The voice of HerbertW. Armstrong, like Noah, Elijah and John the Baptist, spoke out alone to

a world that largely ignored him. Will you hear my voice, or will the pullof the rebellious majority of mankind around you be too strong, causing

you to receive what is foretold to come upon them?Yet God pleads with all who will listen. He told Israel, “Hallow MySabbaths.” Continuing in Ezekiel 20, here is how He pleads similarlywith YOU: “Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of theland of Egypt, so will I plead with you, says the Lord GOD. And I willcause you to pass under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of thecovenant: And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that

transgress against Me: I will bring them forth out of the country wherethey sojourn, and they shall not enter into the land of Israel: And you

shall know that I am the LORD” (vs. 36-38).The future carries a wonderful, happy ending for the peoples of 

Israel. God promises to reveal Himself to them. When Christ returns,establishes His government—and gathers His people—here is what hap-pens: “And you shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall [yet future]bring you into the land of Israel, into the country for the which I lifted

up Mine hand to give it to your fathers. And there shall you rememberyour ways, and all your doings, wherein you have been defiled; and youshall loathe yourselves in your own sight for all your evils that you havecommitted. And you shall know that I am the LORD, when I havewrought with you for My name’s sake, not according to your wickedways, nor according to your corrupt doings, O you HOUSE OF ISRAEL, saysthe Lord GOD” (vs. 42-44).

This depicts the millennium, when Christ will rule in righteousnessand equity. He will gather the Israelite survivors of the Great Tribulation

and the Day of the Lord and bring them back to the land He has reservedfor them. This time, Israel will obey. (Read our thorough booklet  REVE-

 LATION Explained at last!)YOU can be spared from all that is prophesied to happen soon to the

nations of Israel. What will YOU do? Will YOU keep God’s Sabbath? WillYOU receive His identifying SIGN?

I pray you have eyes to see and ears to hear the strong, PLAIN WORDS

of this book!


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TRADITIONS OF MEN: Although the Bible plainly teaches otherwise, “church,” tomost people, traditionally connotes an ornate building where they meet on


PAGAN CUSTOMS AND RITUALS: TheEaster Sunrise Service is a familiar sceneto many millions worldwide, attempting to“worship Christ” as He supposedly rosefrom the grave on Sunday morning. Whilesincere, they are sincerely wrong! TheBible condemns this service and its paganorigin.

TOP: Photo Illustration, The RCGRIGHT: Inertia Stock.xchng 003/Arturo

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