The Russell Stutely Platinum Package Training Manual

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  • 7/24/2019 The Russell Stutely Platinum Package Training Manual


    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package



    OCFM International Coach

    6thDan Karate Jutsu

    Europe's Leading Authority on Acupressure Points and their relationship to the Martial Arts

    Inducted into the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame 2000

    EFC Martial Artist of the Year 2000

    4th Dan Ryu Kyu Kempo Karate

    4th Dan Kick Boxing

    3rd Dan Torite Jutsu

    Instructor at Door Supervisor Courses

    Instructor at Police Training Courses

    Registered Self Protection Instructor ~ British Combat Association (BCA)

    Senior Instructor British Combat Association

    Former Trainer to the Cyprus National Thai Boxing Team

    Professional Fighters Trainer

    Areas of Speciality: Kata / Form Analysis and Breakdown, Players to the Game, Power

    generation, Pressure Points and Self Protection.

    Russell Stutely has also produced a wide variety of Martial Arts Videos that have been

    distributed all over the World. He has been acknowledged as the leading authority on Kata

    Bunkai in Europe.

  • 7/24/2019 The Russell Stutely Platinum Package Training Manual


    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    I have dedicated my life to the furtherance of knowledge for all Martial Artists,

    regardless of grade or style. Russell Stutely

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    More Information

    Over the years I have been fortunate enough to meet and train with some of the UK's and

    indeed the World's foremost Instructors / Seminar Instructors / Trainers and MA practitioners.

    During this period I have also been fortunate enough to learn what I previously considered to be

    well beyond my capabilities. For this I am eternally grateful.

    However, I am also deeply worried and saddened by what I have learnt.

    For years I was happy to do the same class week in, week out. Happy to march up and down in

    lines, happy to do Kata and happy to do some Kumite. We were quite content to intensify the

    training leading up to Gradings and / or competitions and push ourselves to what we thought

    were the limits.

    We were all gloriously happy in what we thought was Martial Arts, what we thought was real

    Shotokan Martial Arts. We were told that Shotokan was about the best there is, and we were

    happy to accept that, indeed so was I.

    I / we were quite happy to accept that our Martial Arts would work for us in the street if we

    needed it. Even though, at the time, several of my friends were bouncers and I knew deep down

    that what I was doing would not work against them. Still , I kept training the same way. Even

    though I knew it would not work. The thing is, I was HAPPY doing it and so probably are you!

    Now, here is the problem... Does that story sound familiar to you? Do you know that deep down

    what you are doing will never stand up to the venom and ferocity of a real attack? Are you

    kidding yourself? More importantly, are you an Instructor who is kidding others by teaching the

    same old stuff?

    I mean to shock with this Training Manual. I mean to offend people. I mean to offend the Martial

    Arts Do World. I mean to take you away from your comfort zone!

    Firstly, I want you to leave aside personal likes / dislikes. What I am about to write is not a

    personal attack on any person or any system. It is an attack on a mindset that is potentially life

    threatening for those involved in it. If this offends you, then you are part of it.

    Now, ask yourself some questions. Why did you start Martial Arts? According to all the statistics

    most people started for Self Defence and / or fitness. These reasons are changing with the

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    advent of Full Time Centres that are more biased to the personal development skills that Martial

    Arts can and indeed does bring. But, they are another matter!

    So, most people started for self-defence and / or fitness. What has been the result of those

    years of training? Are you more able to defend yourself? Are you much fitter? You may well

    think that you are, because you have reached a Dan grade in whatever you do. But let me tell

    you, you are not!

    If you have reached Dan Grade in say Shotokan, you will probably have become totally

    institutionalised in that system, the same with Wado / Kung Fu / TKD etc. You will automatically

    go into long, deep stances. You will bounce up and down in Kumite. You will automatically put

    one hand at Hikite for no apparent reason. You will think that your reverse punch is a fight

    stopper because it works in Competition. You could have reached Dan grade without EVER

    having hit a pad or a bag, let alone a person.

    You will be under the impression that your Jodan Mawashageri will work; you will think it is right

    to step in front of your supporting leg when performing Yokogeri. You will be under the

    impression that your back kick will work against anybody; your lunge punch will finish the fight

    just like it did in last week's competition. You will do more and more Kata for no apparent reason

    other than to learn another Kata!

    Why, will you think this? Because your Instructor told you. His Instructor told him. And yes, his

    Instructor told him.... And so on and so forth ti ll we get back to the villain of the piece. TheInstructor that started it all, whoever he may be.

    Deep down, you know all this is wrong. What possible purpose does Kata serve in a fight? What

    possible way can you land a spinning reverse roundhouse kick in a fight? Why would you

    bounce up and down in a fighting stance for a fight on the street?

    OK, I hear you say, what makes you think all this is wrong? What qualifies you to say that we

    are wrong? We have Instructors with 7th / 8th or even 9th Dans from Japan that do not agree? It

    has always been taught this way for hundreds of years? This is real Martial Arts.

    Well, I say "Wake up and smell the Coffee!". Firstly I want you to think of every rule that there is

    in a Kumite biting for example, no groin kicks etc etc etc. Now, we have a fight,

    you stick to the rules and I GUARANTEE I will break every rule there is. I have just increased

    my chances of winning 1000%!!

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    Kumite, teaches you to stick to the rules.

    Kihon teaches you terrible Body Mechanics

    Kata teaches you Kata

    These people are perpetuating the myth that Martial Arts in its present state works! Are you

    dumb enough to believe them?

    People sometimes say to me, "I have been training 25 years!".. That is often true.. But they

    have been doing year 5 for the last 20 of them!

    Just be sensible for a moment, ask a friend with no knowledge of the Martial Arts to look at what

    you do and to give an honest opinion. What will you say when they ask you what the moves are

    for in your Kata? What will you say when they ask why you put one hand on your hip and leave

    yourself open to attack when you do a reverse punch?

    Then have a spar with a boxer and try and use your "One punch one kill" Martial Arts punches

    and see what happens. Have a training session with a Boxer and see how fit you really are.

    When I start this argument, people bring up names of famous Martial Artists as "proof" that

    Martial Arts works. Well, these people are making it work in spite of Martial Arts not because of

    it! They could probably make Tiddlywinks work!

    Now, I want you to look at your Instructor at the next training session, is he making all these

    mistakes and more? Is he perpetuating this myth? It is more than likely not his fault, don't blame

    him, he has become institutionalised. Martial Arts is more like a "cult" than some cults. Students

    and Instructors blindly following the words of some "demi-god" in charge of their association,

    who is the most guilty of all, as he is the one who has perpetuated the myth to all those below


    People are going to write and / or call me up and shout about the exceptions to the above. Of

    course there are exceptions, I am not getting at those who do not follow the myth. However,

    look at yourself and the system and the main Instructors within that system with a critical eye

    BEFORE you make that call or write that letter.

    You need to ask yourself ONE VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION. "Would you bet your life on

    what your Instructor has just taught you?" If you hesitate for one moment, you would not. You

    know that deep down it does not and will not work, the way it has been taught.

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    awful troubled nightspots. There, you will learn how to create that opening that you need to land

    your technique, whatever it may be.

    Geoff Thompson and Peter Consterdine were instrumental in bringing to the fore the downsides

    of current Martial Arts practices for the street. They were instrumental in the "pre-emptive

    strike". We, as Martial Artists must be eternally grateful to these two people for that. They have

    provided the solid base from which you can build and move forward.

    I stated earlier that Kihons teach poor Body Mechanics and Kata teaches Kata. To rectify this, I

    highly recommend that you contact The OCFM. There you will learn how your body really works

    for self-defence. You will learn the real secrets contained within Kata. Go to the source, find out

    the truth and decide for yourself.

    This a quote from an OCFM Instructor " I used to spend 99% of my time trying to make my

    Martial Arts work, now I am using Russells technology I am spending 99% of my time trying to

    stop my Martial Arts from being so effective. I am losing training partners!" Be honest with

    yourself, when was the last time you had to deliberately reduce your capabilities by 99%? I don't

    mean by not taking a cheap shot against a compliant training partner either!

    When I first publically stated the above at Seminars and in the Martial Arts Press I seemed to

    upset quite a few people, well that was a complete success then I thought to myself. I struck a

    nerve. I annoyed many Instructors.

    I have had Instructors call me and challenge me to a fight; others called just to argue their case.

    I had students call me and tell me how great their Instructor is and how he could beat me up if

    he really wanted to, but he was a true Martial Artists and would not stoop to that level. I had

    other students call me and tell me that their Instructor had simply told them that I was wrong and

    that Martial Arts does work and that they should pay no attention to my Training Manuals.

    I am so pleased with what has happened. I shall tell you why. It means that there are now many

    more Instructors who are worried about what they are teaching and ots more students who have

    had the nerve to question their Instructor!

    Now, if each Instructor has say 30 students, that means thousands of people may begin to

    question their art, may begin to look at what they really want from it. A very small start you may

    say... well it reminds me of a story.

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    When the Berlin wall came down and then Russia split into its various states, Mikhail Gorbachev

    was asked how he changed the mindset of the whole of Russia.

    "It was easy" he said, " I only had to change the mind of one man, Ronald Reagan. When he

    was convinced that Russia was friendly, he convinced America. Then when America was

    friendly, it was easy to convince the Russian people!"

    So, in the same vein, if one Instructor changes his attitude, it could well affect the whole of

    Martial Arts!

    Make that difference! Change your attitude!

    Now, on to how we can make Martial Arts work for the street.

    As I stated earlier, you have to earn the right to land your technique! How do we earn that right?

    How do we put ourselves in a position to make things work? How do we land our devastating

    right hook or our devastating roundhouse kick?

    The answer lies in the understanding of Body Alarm Reaction (BAR). Over the years, people

    such as Geoff Thompson and Peter Consterdine have written detailed accounts of the

    "Chemical Cocktail" all the fears and adrenal releases that occur pre-fight, during fight and after


    They have talked and explained how the use of Action triggers can help alleviate some / many

    of these problems. They are 100% right in what they have said and the solution they have

    brought to the table.

    I specialise in the teaching of Principles (what we call Players to the Game), BAR being one of

    the 90+ that I actively teach. BAR adds to the effectiveness of the action triggers that Peter and

    Geoff have espoused for so many years.

    It is difficult to put across what is meant by this, and to appreciate the effectiveness of BAR in

    the written word. However, as they say, feeling is believing. Any one, who has trained BAR with

    us, knows exactly what I mean.

    BAR can be used pre-emptively or reactively. It puts shock into your opponent at such a high

    level, that usually the body just can't take it. Put another way, your opponent has decided to

    start a fight with you / attack you. He has gone through all the mental trauma so superbly

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    described by Peter and Geoff over the years. He has gone through that decision process. He

    has weighed up the options, the consequences and your abilities. He has decided he can beat

    you. He now sees the light at the end of the tunnel. However, what he thinks is the light at the

    end of the tunnel is really the Headlight of you coming straight at him! That is BAR. You are

    playing shock ping-pong.

    The moment a threat occurs you launch into BAR response, again either pre-emptively or

    reactively, it works just as well either way.

    Then, you have earned the right to land your technique. Then and only then, can you do your

    roundhouse kick / right hook / Kata Bunkai or whatever it is that floats your boat.

    Techniques can now be analysed correctly, Kata now makes sense. How the Body works is

    now just as important as doing loads more reps. Training smarter is better than training harder,

    training harder and smarter is the best way to train.

    Many Martial Artists have taken advantage of the huge amount of information out there on the

    Internet, Message Boards, Discussion groups etc that abound these days. The volumes of

    videos, seminars, training camps and Training Manuals that are available. These Martial Artists

    have done themselves a huge favour, as they have improved themselves and probably at the

    same time improved whatever art they practice.

    It has also become apparent that too much in the MA is made difficult to understand, overlycomplex. Many people are adding to their syllabus to ensure that their students do not catch up

    with them too quickly! Our work as Instructors, especially as full t ime Instructors, is to make our

    students much better than we are.

    Too many Instructors still have this age old problem of ego, we all have one of course, but it

    must be kept under control. Instructors do not have to be the best in the club at every aspect of

    training, they have to be the best at teaching, not doing.

    To put it another way, some fight Instructors are expected to be better fighters than the fighters

    they are training. This is ludicrous, if they were, then they would be fighting, not training! Manny

    Steward does not beat up Klitschko before he sends him out to fight. He is a Boxing Coach!

    This is where I think the mistakes have been made. In the MA we all want to be Instructors and

    not many people want to be a Coach!

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    I have been fortunate enough to train with Eddie Stokes and Peter Consterdine on many

    occasions, Eddie too many times! Eddie has been working the doors all this time and has

    recently returned from a 4 month tour of Iraq. His level of knowledge and experience in Combat

    is second to none.

    I have been very lucky to have trained with Eddie so regularly. Any of you that have met him will

    appreciate just how good he is. This training, combined with what I learnt from Peter and Rick

    Moneymaker has been invaluable to say the least.

    Eddie has been a complete role model for me in the Martial Arts. Train hard but teach soft.

    Eddie, is the epitome of a great Coach. This type of training brought myself and Eddie to many

    conclusions. We knew that Self Defence should be simple and easy to learn, but we also knew

    that the Old Masters kept saying that to truly understand Martial Arts and especially Kata took a

    lifetimes study.

    This seems at first to be a major contradiction. But, like many things, first impressions are not

    always what they seem. Both myself and Eddie took the step about 7 years ago to teach SD

    first and then people can learn the art as they go along, if they want to. This led to many things,

    as a business, forget it, you hardly have any students. But for quality of students and people,

    you cant beat it.

    I remember saying to all the people that I taught, that I considered myself a coach. Eddie was

    the one out there proving what we taught worked, week in and week out, as were the multitudeof Doormen etc that came to train with us. People like Jez Thorpe, Tony Bruno and Steve

    Wallbank, all former Doormen and now coaches within our umbrella.

    Now, back to that paradox of making the MA simple yet incorporating a lifetimes of study. How

    can it be achieved? Has it been done before? What will happen to our system?

    Of course this has happened before. It has happened with every single MA out there. Every

    single one has been simplified from where it was, made easier than it once was. The knowledge

    of the art has become much more superficial. Lifetimes study to truly understand Kata has lost

    its real meaning. It does not mean, keep training till you can perform the Kata correctly all the

    way through and score 10 out of 10 from every judge. It means, it takes a l ifetimes study to truly

    understand why every move is made and what it is really for. Now, maybe in the old days with

    slow communications it took a lifetime, but not now. We can be anywhere in the World in a day,

    back then it took a day to travel 30 miles.

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    This simplification that has happened in for example Shotokan, has resulted in a system with 3

    or 4 punches, 7 or 8 kicks, a few blocks, a few stances and a load of Kata. Which, for the

    majority, is just combinations of the above in a set order. Is that really a lifetimes study? To put

    this into perspective, about 15 years ago I was watching a tape with all 26 Shotokan Kata on.

    My sister, a Dance Teacher, saw it and said that it looked real easy to learn. I told her she knew

    nothing about the MA and not to be so silly, as these Kata are known by only the very top

    people who have taken years to learn them. She replied, with I could learn them in a week.

    The bet was on. I lost, convincingly. She performed them superbly well. No in depth knowledge,

    but the performance of the moves was beyond reproach!

    Does this sound like a watering down to you? The performance of the moves is there, but with

    no depth of knowledge. A perfect singer, singing in a foreign language. Hitting all the right notes,

    but not understanding a word!

    There has never been a better time in the MA to learn more, never been a time with so much

    information, never been a time with so many multi talented Instructors out there. Yet, with all this

    wealth of information, the vast majority of MA Schools have simplified still further. Now, no Kata

    in Martial Arts is quite normal. Many Schools are teaching Kick Boxing, most of which neither

    Box nor Kick correctly. They are merely over simplified versions of a simplified version of Martial


    The problem is, people have mistaken simplicity for no need to fully understand what you are

    doing. There is a MASSIVE difference between the two. Take a superb Boxer, Herol Graham,for example. His depth of knowledge is amazing. He can explain exactly how and why every

    part of your body is positioned for the best execution of each and every punch. That statement

    sounds simple. But read it again. How and Why every part of the body is the key.

    A simple statement, easily overlooked, easily misinterpreted, but that statement encapsulates

    everything required to attack correctly, whilst keeping yourself defended. Read it again to make

    sure you understand.

    Now, onto our own syllabus, detailed later in this Training Manual. On the surface it seems

    ludicrously simple. The execution of it, in fact is designed to be simple for the beginner. But, as

    you read into it more and more, you see how it is alive with every aspect of the MA that is

    required. This is the key to any syllabus.

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    How do we stop it from being watered down? Simple. There are checks and balances in place

    to ensure that the required standards are met. Not your typical wait x amount of years between

    grades. It is a simple case of, you can either do it or not, you can either teach it or not.

    That is why we have only students or Coaches, not Instructors, but Coaches. Each coach must

    be verified by senior coaches and the more senior the coach then the more senior the

    verification. Stop training and after a short period of time, you lose your certification. Each

    Coach is certified for one year at a time. As long as they keep training and maintain their

    standards, they are automatically renewed. Stop training or drop your standards and you are no

    longer certified, simple as that.

    Too many Black Belts reach 1st Dan and stop training. Then they are awarded grades by

    friends and colleagues in the Industry and reach high Dan levels with no checks and balances

    on their actual teaching ability or depth of knowledge. Putting in the years is NO EXCUSE, in

    fact, many years training with no depth of knowledge is an even worse crime!

    Now, back to the watered down bit. This lack of in depth knowledge is the real problem within

    the Martial Arts. The sad thing is, that during this period of time in the MA there is no reason for

    such a lack of understanding. There is simply so much information available.

    Lets analyse Boxing for a moment, 4 punches, one stance and a few blocks. Slip, slide, bob,

    weave, pivot and duck. Doesnt sound like too much to learn, does it? On a boxing coaching

    course, they actually teach this in two weekends and voila, you are a boxing coach.

    But, to truly understand how and why all those component parts can be fused together, takes

    years and years of study. How to fight off the ropes, get out of a corner, cope with the various

    types of fighters. This, simple subject on paper, is suddenly mind bogglingly massive in terms of

    information. Suddenly, there is too much to learn!

    Now, add in all the kicks of Kick Boxing, the knees and elbows of Thai, the throws and

    takedowns of Ju Jitsu, the groundwork of Judo/BJJ, put it all together and you suddenly have an

    unbelievable amount of information to digest and learn.

    No wonder many Instructors take the easy path and just learn the basics and do not bother to

    even try and learn the hows and whys. No wonder, there is a plethora of Schools teaching Kick

    Boxing and yet they do not have a clue about the various elements, that make up a true system.

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    To apply locks correctly for example, you should have a good working knowledge of levers,

    points of balance, body structure, body physics, body dynamics, pressure points etc.

    To strike correctly you need to know how your own body is balanced, how to position your body

    for maximum impact, how to deliver the strike with speed, power, timing and accuracy, whilst at

    the same time keeping balance, defence and structural integrity.

    So much to learn, it seems impossible to have a deep knowledge of all this. In fact, you would

    be surprised, it is much easier than you think. Do not take the easy way out and have a

    superficial knowledge of your art. Delve deep into it, not the history, but how and why

    techniques work.

    I have spent the last 12 years of my MA life, doing just that. Analysing every constituent part of

    techniques and learning how and why they are done in a certain fashion. This gives you a true

    understanding of what you are doing.

    This is called principle based training. The vast majority of students and Instructors are taught

    on a technique based method. A monkey see monkey do method if you like.

    If you are in a class or teaching a class of 50-60 students, it is difficult to teach correct principle

    based methods. Much easier to have everyone in l ines, copying the Instructor. Think about it for

    a moment, how do you really train?

    This Training Manual will

    explain how!

    This Training Manual is designed with one thing in mind as per the title, exposing the hidden

    secrets of Martial Arts. For anything to work it has to be simple in operation. There may well be

    a wealth of knowledge and expertise behind what is working, but the actual performance MUST

    be simple.

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    All the information contained in this Training Manual has been proven to work time and time

    again with a very high percentage success rate. That is the best you can hope for in any

    encounter. Nothing is perfect and nothing works all of the time on all of the people.

    But something that works 90+% of the time on 90+% of the people has to be a good thing,

    especially if it is learnable within a few hours or even minutes of training.

    Obviously, this Training Manual is designed as a training aid. It should be used in conjunction

    with your training and not stand alone. Although in some cases the information contained in

    here has been used as a stand alone procedure by many people with just as high a percentage

    of success.

    I highly recommend that you train each part of this Training Manual as detailed. You will

    definitely increase your Martial Arts skills tremendously.

    Remember, fighting skills are NOT self defence skills. Never make a self defence situation a

    fight. The other guy might be a much better fighter than you. He could be a highly skilled

    grappling Champion and you have just tried a fancy takedown and been taken to the floor as

    well. In that case, you lose and lose big!

    Keep it self defence at all times as per the sequences in this Training Manual and you should

    fare very well compared to having a fight. A fight is when it has all gone wrong, which is where

    your training comes in.

    Many times over the years, people have asked me How come you can know so much about

    the Martial Arts, how and why it works, how and why the body works and so many Techniques?

    The answer is really quite simple, it is in principle based training as opposed to technique based

    training. This is discussed in greater length later on in this Training Manual. Principle based

    training was first shown to me by Grand Master Rick Moneymaker of the Dragon Society

    International, who remains to this day, the one person I have to blame for setting me on the right

    path. Its all your fault Rick!

    Enjoy the Course

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    Before this Training Manual starts proper, there are some issues that need clearing up first.

    Where do certain parts of the Martial Arts overlap with others? When does my Martial Arts start

    to become more like Ju Jitsu or Kick Boxing? Where does self defence training fit into all this?

    What training attire should I use? Is it bad manners not to train in a Gi? My personal view on this

    is quite clear. I train in a Gi when I do not want to ruin my T Shirt and shorts. I use a Gi for some

    groundwork as it can take the pounding, pulling etc. I use a Gi top for takedowns etc as it does

    not rip. That and formality of an occasion is the only reason I wear a Gi.

    The biggest secret of Martial Arts is that it encompasses all of the attributes you expect from

    every Martial Art. If you truly understand your Martial Arts, you will see that it includes: Self

    Defence, Fitness & Conditioning, Power Generation, locks, chokes, strangles, grappling,

    pressure Points, Body Physics / Dynamics and a thorough understanding of how and why the

    body works and responds to various stimuli.

    The MOST IMPORTANT SECRET of Martial Arts is that it is taught back to front by almost

    every single Association in the World. Yes, I said back to front, they teach it all the wrong way

    round. You are taught at first what you should be taught last, and taught last that which you

    should be taught first!

    All Martial Artists are taught the basic techniques first, followed by Kata and then more intricate

    techniques and Kumite. Then later on at Black Belt level, they start to analyse Kata or want to

    just know why the hell they have been doing Kata anyway. Then they learn some Self Defence

    techniques and try to apply the basic techniques to these scenarios. Well, that DOES NOTWORK! Wake up and smell the coffee! YOU MUST learn self defence first and techniques etc

    later. You must learn how your body works first and apply that knowledge later. You must learn

    to hit very hard first and where to hit later!

    I am very well known for Pressure Points in the Martial Arts and being able to breakdown any

    Kata move from any system and give viable street effective Bunkai for that move. I do not know

    every Kata out there. I do not know every move out there. BUT, I understand HOW and WHY

    the body works and moves. This information alone can unlock the secrets to 90% of your Kata.

    So, this Training Manual works in the order that you need to teach you the Hidden Secrets of

    Martial Arts

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    The order of things

    Rather than the usual layout of chapters etc within a Training Manual. I have set out to

    introduce you to the secrets of Martial Arts in the order that they are learnt. There are

    no chapters because not one of these phases ever actually stops. The more you learn,

    then the more you go back to the beginning and start again. The more you add to that

    which you already know. This is one of the main Secrets of Martial Arts.

    All Martial Artists should be taught the following BEFORE anything else: How to Box! Plain and

    simple, how to Box. These four punches and the relevant defences against and stances etc take

    a lifetime to master anyway. Just when you know how to use them properly, your reflexes have

    slowed and you get beat by the younger faster guy. The balance, co-ordination, t iming, sparring,

    technique of Boxing is paramount. Was not ancient Kung Fu called Chinese Boxing?

    If you dont know how to Box then either I or my National Boxing Coach, Herol Bomber

    Graham will help you. You MUST put in the practice time though!

    Then, add in your Kicks, Knees and elbows and various other strikes within your system. This is

    all done at the same time as you are learning your self defence, BAR, Palm Down etc. Every

    time you have a new technique, low roundhouse kick for example, you add that to your SD

    Training, your BAR Training and of course your Palm Down Training.

    I hope you can see how this is all co-ordinated now?

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    It Might Look the Same ~ But it aint!

    I want you to think about the following for a while before you take any action. Have a good long

    think and try to remember similar occasions in your own training. That is exactly what I did and it

    helped me to improve tremendously.

    How many times have you looked at what people are doing and thought to yourself we do that

    or thats in our system as well. Many times at seminars when teaching a lock for example,

    attendees have come up to me and said we do this lock in our system.

    My usual reply is Good, you should be, let me see what you are doing with it. Then I look at

    what they are doing and yes they are doing the same lock but it aint the same effect!

    It may look the same, but it aint! By utilising the principles of leverage, body mechanics,

    fulcrums, bases and pressure points, then locks can be made much more effective. To an

    onlooker it may look the same, but to the person being locked, it is completely different!

    Lets take a look at a reverse punch for example. Most systems are almost identical in terms of

    delivery of this straightforward punch. The vast majority of MAs punching in very much the

    same way. Again, to the onlooker, they all look the same and in the main, they feel the same on


    Then, hold the pad for someone like Peter Consterdine or Peter Holmes or indeed any of my

    National / International Coaches. The impact is completely different! Again, it may look the

    same, but it aint! Peter Holmes literally punched straight through an ethafoam pad on 3

    separate occasions. For those of you that have trained with these pads, you know how

    impactive that punch must have been! Peter, in fact punched through one pad whilst we were

    making our waveform video a few years ago.

    These same impactive effects are found in other techniques, such as a slap, Hammerfist, low

    roundhouse, hook, uppercut and headbutt. Why is it, that these techniques look the same as a

    mainstream MA technique, but they feel so different?

    This is not to say that all MAs who study Martial Arts, TKD, WC etc cant hit hard or kick hard,

    of course some guys out there hit very hard indeed. The real problem, lies in the incorrect use of

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    body mechanics / dynamics / physics. The vast majority of TMAs are taught to strike in a

    manner that does not make the best use of their potential.

    There, I put that as politically correct as I could possibly think of! It is this simple, if you do not

    move your body correctly, then you will lose power and impact. It might look like what someone

    else is doing, but it will not feel like it!

    It is at this point in a discussion, that many MAs start reeling off names of people in their art that

    can hit hard and are real tough etc. My usual retort is So what, have they taught you and your

    training colleagues to be as good? Have they shown you the difference between what they

    are doing and what you are doing? Or was it another, train harder, train harder command?

    The important point I am making here is that it is vitally important that you are taught how to

    generate power correctly in a strike. It is vitally important that you are taught how to apply locks

    correctly. It is vitally important that you are taught how to unbalance your opponent properly,

    making that throw or takedown extremely easy.

    If you are trying like mad to hit hard and it is not working, then you are doing it wrong.

    If you have to use loads of power to make a lock devastatingly painful, then you are doing it


    If you have to use loads of strength to takedown or throw, then you are doing it wrong.

    There is no way to sugar coat this, no way to hide from this. Deep down you know it is true, but

    it is sometimes very difficult to admit to yourself and even more so to admit it openly. Especially

    if you are a Dan Grade already or an Instructor. Or even if you are a fighter!

    Now, natural skills and abilities and will to win, may get you through as a fighter for example.

    You may be so conditioned, so dedicated that your opponent will have to kill you to beat you.

    So, these attributes may help to overcome your lack of punching power, your difficulties

    applying locks, the massive amount of energy you use up trying lo takedown or throw your


    How many times have we seen Boxers with consummate defensive skills, but lack any type of

    power for their weight? Then, someone else in the same division, punching the same way (or so

    it looks) K.Os everyone! Again, it looks the same, but it aint!

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    What is that devastating puncher doing, that the other Boxer is not? What is the difference

    between a punch from Peter Holmes, Peter Consterdine and most TMAs?

    The answer lies in the correct use of Body mechanics / dynamics and physics. It is the small,

    subtle yet devastating differences in the technique that make all the difference.

    What is the difference between your attempts at throws and that seminar Instructor that gets the

    biggest uke up and tosses him around like a rag doll?

    What is the difference between your locks and that Seminar Instructor that drops people with

    the slightest touch?

    Whats the difference between your trapping and that Seminar Instructor that traps and stops

    the opponent in his tracks and has him totally off balance?

    It may all look the same, but it aint!

    I have lost count of the number of times people have told me that they have pressure points in

    their system and they know them. There is a massive difference between knowing where a point

    is located and being able to make it work!

    It may look the same, but it aint

    The fundamental flaw that I am pointing out to you, is the fact that most of these mistakes are

    due to only having a fleeting / basic understanding of the techniques and / or the way the body


    A reverse punch for example, the way it is usually taught, is fundamentally flawed in that much

    of your power is lost in the incorrect use of the hips and the withdrawing hand.

    The way to really improve your MA, is not to train harder, but to train smarter. You must learn

    how and why a technique works to truly understand it and make it your own.

    You must learn the principles that make up a technique so that you can analyse it and correct

    your own mistakes.

    To do this, you must utilise principle based training and definitely not technique based training.

    Learning principles is like learning the formulas in mathematics. Learning techniques is like

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    trying to learn and remember all the answers! You may get the same answers a few times. It

    may look the same again, but it aint!

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    Do you train hard or train hard and smart?

    Over the last 10 or so years I have been very fortunate to meet some of the Worlds most gifted

    and talented Martial Artists. I have been even more fortunate to train with these people, learn

    from them and become friends with them.

    During this period my training routines have been heavily influenced by the likes of Peter

    Consterdine, Herol Bomber Graham, Eddie Stokes and of course Grand Master Rick


    These training methods have enabled me to improve much quicker than previously in all areas

    of my Martial Arts. Just because I am well known for Pressure Points does not mean that I do

    not train in other areas as well!

    I always thought I trained fairly hard till I trained with Peter Consterdine. It was then that I

    realised I needed to up my training regime considerably. Thanks for that Peter! Still not forgiven

    you! I must say that Peter Consterdine has been an absolute inspiration to me in many ways. I

    consider myself very fortunate to have met and trained with such a genuine person as Peter. A

    true Martial Artist in every sense of the word and one of the hardest and smartest trainers you

    will ever see!

    Grand Master Rick Moneymaker introduced me to principle based training as opposed to

    technique based. Rick totally transformed my Martial Arts. Rick Moneymaker was and is aninspiration to me like you could not believe. Always totally honest, brutally honest sometimes!

    One of the Worlds greatest ever Martial Artists and a real friend.

    Herol Graham showed me what it is like to train fitness and conditioning at World Class level!

    What a quantum leap that is! Body sparring for one round with Herol is like doing 10 rounds with

    anyone else, believe me! I still have nightmares from those sessions. Especially the 2 hour non

    stop skipping sessions, when I thought it would just be 6 or 7 rounds to get warm!

    How do these people get so fit and conditioned without spending 8 hours a day training? What

    makes their training so different to what most of us do or most of us did?

    The answer lies in how they train. Not just the sheer effort and willpower they bring to the table,

    not just training very hard, but training very hard and very smart.

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    The ideal way to train is to make your training specific to the tasks required. A pure Boxer for

    example does not need to gain massive flexibility in the legs, does not need to train kicks, locks,

    grappling etc. His training has to be geared around doing up to 12 x 3 minute rounds of non stop


    He needs to be supremely fit, able to keep going for long periods of time, able to make sudden

    very fast, explosive, powerful movements in blitzes and all the t ime be conditioned enough to

    absorb blows. He needs to keep his concentration at all time highs for three minutes at a time

    and to be able to recover from near exhaustion back to ready to fight in just 60 seconds! Then

    keep doing that for 11 more rounds!

    So, how do we as Martial Artists adjust our training routines to get every last ounce of benefit

    from every second we train? Train Smart!

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    What is Smart Training?

    To me, it is the best possible utilisation of your training time. How many people in a weights gym

    do you see, standing around chatting? How many MAs do you see going through the motions?

    How many people do you train with who are always stopping to ask a question or just to talk

    trivia? This is complete time wasting.

    Most of us lead very busy and hectic lives, so we must get everything we can from our training.

    Firstly you decide what you want from your training. If it is purely a good all round level of

    fitness, then that is what you train for. A good mix of running, circuits, bag and pad work should

    sort that one out.

    If you are a MA who wants to train for competition, then first write down what type of

    competition, the main techniques you will use, the way the fights usually go, the timings and

    when is the competition.

    If it is points style stop start Kumite for example, you need to train for speed. Power is not

    required if you are not going to actually hit anyone! You train your main techniques for speed

    and explosiveness. You drill them like mad. Once you are nicely on the way to being warmed

    up, start to make these techniques part of your warm up, then drill them, then utilise those

    techniques against different training partners with increasing levels of non-compliance. Get used

    to different heights, shapes, sizes of opponent. Get used to knowing your correct distancefrom each different body type. Keep away from exercises that are opposing the muscle

    movement you are looking for. For example, bicep chins do not help with punching speed.

    Biceps pull the arm in, not send it out. To punch fast you need lithe and strong triceps, back and

    shoulder muscles.

    Training at my Centre is geared towards Fighters. We have a mix of Boxers, Kick Boxers, Thai

    Boxers and now we are just getting some MMA fighters. There are of course many who just

    want to get fit, they do what I call White Collar Fighter Training.

    We take a technique in isolation, maybe jab, cross, hook, low kick, takedown or in combination

    and drill that for warm up. But make the exercise harder, bend your legs more than normal,

    crouch lower than normal, move in further than normal, spring back further than normal.

    When stretching, stretch in the form of the various techniques that you going to apply. This way,

    your body gets used to the movement, used to being in that position. The muscle memory takes

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    over eventually and your techniques become crisper and much more fluid. The other key to your

    training is the old one of effort. You only get out what you put in after all. So when you train

    smart you do not train easy! Still put in 100% effort all the time. It will take a few weeks before

    you notice any differences to your MA ability by adopting this method, but it is well worth the


    In your next Martial Arts Class, watch what is happening. Are you being taught to train smart?

    Are you warming up with specific goals in mind? Are you drilling specific movements for a

    specific task. Blindly going up and down in lines is NOT what I mean! The training smart

    methodology is what I incorporated into my Pressure Point training. It enabled me to go from

    novice to Internationally recognised as something of an authority in Pressure Point Fighting in a

    relatively short period of time.

    It is this training method that I am using to bring along more people in this field such as Peter

    Holmes, who is destined to be one of the Worlds greatest teachers of Pressure Point

    technology. Eddie Stokes utilised the self same methods to become unbelievably good at PPs.

    I rate Eddie Stokes as the most complete PP fighting machine I have ever seen. His knowledge

    is second to none and his ability to apply that knowledge is quite simply the best I have ever

    seen, anywhere. Those that have met and trained with Eddie never forget the experience. Some

    training days are etched in my memory, alongside the knuckle induced dents! People talk about

    reality training. Eddie is reality training!

    I am fortunate at the moment to train with various Olympic Boxers, along with fighters in otherdisciplines from all over the World. Training with these people is an inspiration and utilising the

    methodologies of training smart, leads to big improvements, in short periods of time.

    These same methods can be utilised to understand your Kata Bunkai correctly, your self

    defence training in fact they can and should be used for any / all your training requirements.

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    What is this Russell Stutely Pressure Point Course?

    It is a series of One Day Courses that are designed to take the Martial Arts Instructor / Black

    Belt / CIT to the next level and way beyond.

    How Long will it take to become a Coach?

    There are various levels of Coach, that have been detailed below. The first Level is a One Day

    Course. Then there are a series of Coaching Days required to advance through the Coaching


    Can I advertise as Teaching Pressure Points?

    Yes. Once you have fully completed the Course.

    What are the benefits for my Martial Arts School?

    There are many benefits, some of which are detailed below;

    Extra Revenue from a new and LONG TERM Program

    Extra Revenue from CITYou become a better Martial Artist

    Extra Revenue from Seminars within your own School

    You can teach your students to become better Martial Artists

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    Courses & Levels

    These Courses are designed to take you in a structured manner through the various Coaching

    Levels. It is vital that you move from one Course to the next as quickly as possible. In this way,

    you will improve your knowledge base as a Coach and by knowing more about your subject,

    you will be able to enjoy all the benefits that this Course will bring to you.

    Additional Requirements for Coach Recognition

    First Aid

    All Coaches MUST attend a reputable First Aid Course and continue with any recommended

    follow up courses. Proof of course attendance MUST be logged with OCFM Head Office

    BEFORE any Coaching Certificate can be issued.

    Health & Safety

    All Coaches MUST produce a current Health & Safety Certificate BEFORE a Coaching

    authorisation can be issued.

    Child Protection

    All Coaches MUST produce a current Child Protection Certificate if they teach Minors.

    Otherwise a confirmation letter MUST be sent BEFORE a Coaching authorisation can be


    Enhanced CRB Check

    All Coaches MUST produce an Enhanced CRB Check BEFORE a Coaching Authorisation can

    be issued.


    Copies of suitable cover MUST be up to date and provided

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    Fitness and Conditioning

    This is an area of some contention. However, my personal viewpoint is that any coach should

    possess a well above average level of fitness and conditioning.

    Senior Coaches and above should be able to complete a 3 Mile run in less than 28 minutes.

    They should also have a good working knowledge of correct warm up / down procedures,

    stretching, conditioning and isolation exercises.

    Anyone wishing to increase their knowledge of this aspect should contact Russell Stutely to

    arrange fitness sessions / training camp or training routines etc.

    Additional Points

    The more senior the coach then the more fluid and flowing all the techniques should be. The

    coach MUST also be able to teach to the correct level. It is imperative that the mindset is one of

    a COACH and not of look at what I can do

    There are also regular Training Camps and Coaching Courses available within the OCFM

    network for many other Martial Arts and indeed in the OCFM Full Syllabus itself.

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    Technique Enhancers (Players to The Game)

    What are Players to The Game? They are the bits that make Pressure Points work properly.

    Sure, you can just hit a point and get a reaction. But to truly be able to make Pressure points

    work, you MUST be proficient in Players first.

    Over the last 7 or 8 years many people have expressed an interest in learning the Players to

    The Game or what are more accurately described as Technique Enhancers.

    We have continued to teach these elements within our regular Classes and throughout the

    Seminar Circuit with great success. These are ADDITIONS to that which you already know.

    These can be trained in isolation in order to practice and make them a part of what you do.

    Although, for the very best effect, they should be used in conjunction with as many other

    Players as possible.

    Over the coming Months I will try my best to explain each major Player in turn and give training

    examples for you. Just ADD this to what you do and experiment with each one in turn and see if

    you can gain any benefit from them. Please remember to keep power levels low in training and

    to treat your training partner with the respect that you would want to be treated with.

    Then, once comfortable with each Player, gradually increase the Power and take away the

    compliance to a mutually acceptable level.

    I have listed below the whole list of Players that are usually taught. This is an in-depth list and in

    effect the Players have been broken down into Sub-Players if you like for analysis. Therefore, I

    will during some explanations, lump various Players together.

    These Players can, if you will, be likened to a set of principles.

    Absorption of Attack ~ Go with flow

    Accumulating Points

    Alarm Points

    Anatomy/ Physiology

    Angle of attack 15,30,45,90

    Associated Points

    Body Positioning

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    Body Type

    Branch Meridians


    Broken Rhythm

    Color Projection

    Combining Points

    Connecting Points

    Constructive Cycle

    Cross Body Motor Reflexes

    Damming of Meridian

    Dan Tien ~ Lower Burner

    Deep -Vs- Superficial Energy


    Destructive Cycle

    Direction of Meridian Flow

    Diurnal Cycle

    Eight Meeting Points


    Entry Points

    Exit Points

    Extraordinary Vessels

    Five Elements

    Flow of MovementFocus

    Four Seas Point

    Inanimate Objects / Assistance

    Inherence for 2nd strike


    Intersection of Meridians

    Kidney #1(station point )

    Maintain 45 degree body angle

    Mechanical Alignment: Footwork/ placement

    Muscle Tearing

    Neural Response

    Opening the Gates (Blocking)


    Pinwheel (Blocking)

    Planes of attack

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    Point Location Accuracy

    Power Zone

    Proper Grab/Latch technique ~ "Bite"

    Qi Gong Blocking (Iron Shirt)

    Qi Gong for Borrowing

    Qi Gong for Projection

    Qi Gong for Storage

    Quadrant Theory

    Quickness / Personal speed

    Range/ Distance/ spacing from opponent

    Reversing the Cycle

    Sealing the Air Gates

    Sealing the Blood Gates

    Sedation Points


    Small Circle Technique

    Special Meeting Points

    Sound Intonation

    Source Points

    Strength / Personal Power Level

    Strike Selection (max. "vehicle" to deliver)

    Structural Damage

    TCM TheoryTongue (to roof of mouth)

    Tonification Points





    Wave: Diagonal/ Horizontal/ Spiral/ Vertical

    Weapon First

    Yin-Yang Theory

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    The Syllabus

    Plus, Dan Grades do NOT a Coach make. One could be a 2st Dan and at Senior Coach Level

    or a 7th Dan that cant make Asst Coach level.

    To ensure that standards are maintained, it is imperative that those wishing to become a Coach

    train directly with a National Coach or higher as often as possible.


    held twice a year are great times to train with many National / International Coaches.

    Asst Coach

    Strikes 1-4, 9, 11





    Front Kick

    Low Roundhouse

    BAR 1-4

    Hands up reaction to noiseGrab ~ Clap in front of face

    Grab ~ slap top of head

    Pre-emptive BAR to head

    P Down 1-3

    Basic Palm Down. Straight arms keeping distance

    Above plus shin kicks

    Above + go to BAR

    Techniques 1-4

    Gorilla Pull ~ Knock down arms / head butt or shoulder strike, grab round neck, knee to groin /

    torso, pull down to floor and stomp.

    Rolling Bitch Slap ~ Non stop attacks with tiger claw strikes / slaps to face.

    Chin Drive 1 ~ drive chin back with jab / strike and follow up with punch to face / torso

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    Strikes 5-7




    BAR 5-7

    Re-active BAR to head from threat

    BAR + Shake

    BAR + Pull head down + multiple BAR to head

    Technique 5 + Variations

    Gap Closer ~ block and enter, grab hold, turn head, take balance and strike

    Dizzy Drill

    Defender to point up to ceiling, spin round till dizzy (get the effect of being hit) and then utilise

    everything learnt so far.

    Balance Points




    Head and Neck

    Small of back



    Push from side

    Push from front

    Push from back

    Creating a base to make them all work better

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    Senior Coach

    Strikes 8 + 10

    Leg sweep

    Stamping Kick

    BAR 8-10

    Above + kick out leg

    As above plus stomps to finish

    All above both reactive and pre-emptive from all / any attacks

    Balance + Slow Motion (SM) Sparring Single

    Balance + SM Sparring Multiples

    Technique 6+7

    Flow from one to another

    Waveforms Punch, Elbow, Slap, Kick, Head Butt & Hammerfist***

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    County Coach

    Locks to wrist / elbow / shoulder

    Technique 8 + 9

    Rear Choke

    Arm Bar

    Takedowns 1-5

    From outside of opponents right, your right to head, left hand to small of back and keep going

    forward. Like irimi neage from Aikido

    Grab head and ram knuckles into side above ear and force to the ground

    Pull down on right arm at elbow balance. Overhook head with your right and sweep away legs

    From in close, twist head to one side with flat of hand and overhook all the way round to your

    left hand side down and behind, to ram back of head into floor.

    Grab shoulder and kick out knee on opposite side whilst pulling down violently on shoulder

    Application of all on the move

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    Regional Coach

    Technique 10

    Good working knowledge of locks to all joints

    PP K.Os






    Vital Points




    Back of Head


    Transitional Flow

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    All the above Courses are available at a Discounted Rate to existing Coaches. We will organise

    4 Courses throughout the Year for our Coaches. To obtain your Coaching Authorisation,

    attendance and completion of the above is Mandatory. There are no exceptions to this.

    Enhanced CRB Check

    All Coaches MUST produce an Enhanced CRB Check BEFORE a Coaching Authorisation can

    be issued.


    All Coaches who teach in any capacity whatsoever, even if it is your best friend in your Garden

    once in a Blue Moon, MUST be properly Insured. Correct Insurance details MUST be logged

    with HQ BEFORE a Coaching Authorisation can be issued. If you need Insurance, please

    contact HQ for details.

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package


    All the information contained in this Training Manual has been proven to work time and time

    again with a very high percentage success rate. That is the best you can hope for in any

    encounter. Nothing is perfect and nothing works all of the time on all of the people.

    But something that works 90+% of the time on 90+% of the people has to be a good thing,

    especially if it is learnable within a few hours or even minutes of training.

    Obviously, this Training Manual is designed as a training aid. It should be used in conjunction

    with your training and not stand alone. Although in some cases the information contained in

    here has been used as a stand alone procedure by many people with just as high a percentage

    of success.

    I highly recommend that you train each part of this Training Manual as detailed. You will

    definitely increase your Martial Arts skills tremendously.

    Remember, fighting skills are NOT self defence skills. Never make a self defence situation a

    fight. The other guy might be a much better fighter than you. He could be a highly skilled

    grappling Champion and you have just tried a fancy takedown and been taken to the floor as

    well. In that case, you lose and lose big!

    Keep it self defence at all times as per the sequences in this Training Manual and you should

    fare very well compared to having a fight. A fight is when it has all gone wrong, which is where

    your training comes in.

    Many times over the years, people have asked me How come you can know so much about

    the Martial Arts, how and why it works, how and why the body works and so many Techniques?

    The answer is really quite simple, it is in principle based training as opposed to technique based


    Here is a more detailed reactive scenario. The attacker is throwing many punches. The

    defender palms down moves off at an angle and attacks back with BAR at the first opportunity.

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    This is the most difficult scenario to train, but train it you must. No matter how horrible it may

    seem or how frightening it may seem, it is still only about half as frightening as the real thing.

    So, get out of that comfort zone and train it.

    Fig pdown1

    Palm Down the attacking arms

    Fig pdown2

    Whilst moving away and off at an angle

    Fig pdown3

    Look for an opening

    Fig pdown4

    Whilst staying alert

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    Fig pdown5

    and take it..

    Fig pdown6

    A good follow up strike

    Have the attacker launch a ferocious attack with multiple punches. Utilise the principles of the

    Palm Down and dive in with both hands to BAR your opponent on the head.

    REMEMBER the attacker MUST attack with the ferocity and venom of a real street encounter

    and you MUST defend with the same.

    The attacker should be out of action for up to 6 seconds. Sometimes the attacker will be in that

    much shock that he will simply fall over. Sometimes we have known attackers to simply pass

    out through shock.

    I can not stress the importance of getting BAR into your opponent. It is of paramount

    importance, above everything else.

    Just imagine that you are faced with the biggest, baddest meanest guy in the whole

    neighbourhood. You BAR him and buy yourself up to 6 seconds before he is recovered enough

    to go for you. In 6 seconds you can be away from the situation with a 40 metre head start. You

    could be in your car and away. If the need is there you could have ample time to deliver the

    blow required to finish the situation.

    If you do not BAR this guy, he is going to rip you to pieces. Hitting someone much bigger and

    much stronger and much more able will probably lead to you getting a more severe beating.

    REMEMBER: Big fish still eat little fish!

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    That is why there are weight limits in Boxing. That is why you dont see many 5ft 100lb bullies

    hanging around pubs and clubs.

    BAR helps to make that Big Fish a Little Fish for a few seconds. It helps to even the score for a

    few seconds. You MUST do something when you have bought yourself some time though. To

    simply stand there and admire your handiwork will result in a beating for you when the guy has


    The best advice is to get away from a trouble situation as quickly as you possibly can. If there is

    no immediate escape then unfortunately Now You Are Fighting. We will cover BAR in detail


    Body Alarm Reaction BAR

    More Information before we start

    Over the years I have been fortunate enough to meet and train with some of the UK's and

    indeed the World's foremost Instructors / Seminar Instructors / Trainers and MA practitioners.

    During this period I have also been fortunate enough to learn what I previously considered to bewell beyond my capabilities. For this I am eternally grateful.

    However, I am also deeply worried and saddened by what I have learnt.

    For years I was happy to do the same class week in, week out. Happy to march up and down in

    lines, happy to do Kata and happy to do some Kumite. We were quite content to intensify the

    training leading up to Gradings and / or competitions and push ourselves to what we thought

    were the limits.

    We were all gloriously happy in what we thought was Martial Arts, what we thought was real

    Shotokan Martial Arts. We were told that Shotokan was about the best there is, and we were

    happy to accept that, indeed so was I.

    I / we were quite happy to accept that our Martial Arts would work for us in the street if we

    needed it. Even though, at the time, several of my friends were bouncers and I knew deep down

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    that what I was doing would not work against them. Still , I kept training the same way. Even

    though I knew it would not work. The thing is, I was HAPPY doing it and so probably are you!

    Now, here is the problem... Does that story sound familiar to you? Do you know that deep down

    what you are doing will never stand up to the venom and ferocity of a real attack? Are you

    kidding yourself? More importantly, are you an Instructor who is kidding others by teaching the

    same old stuff?

    I mean to shock with this Training Manual. I mean to offend people. I mean to offend the Martial

    Arts Do World. I mean to take you away from your comfort zone!

    Firstly, I want you to leave aside personal likes / dislikes. What I am about to write is not a

    personal attack on any person or any system. It is an attack on a mindset that is potentially li fe

    threatening for those involved in it. If this offends you, then you are part of it.

    Now, ask yourself some questions. Why did you start Martial Arts? According to all the statistics

    most people started for Self Defence and / or fitness. These reasons are changing with the

    advent of Full Time Centres that are more biased to the personal development skills that Martial

    Arts can and indeed does bring. But, they are another matter!

    So, most people started for self-defence and / or fitness. What has been the result of those

    years of training? Are you more able to defend yourself? Are you much fitter? You may well

    think that you are, because you have reached a Dan grade in whatever you do. But let me tellyou, you are not!

    If you have reached Dan Grade in say Shotokan, you will probably have become totally

    institutionalised in that system, the same with Wado / Kung Fu / TKD etc. You will automatically

    go into long, deep stances. You will bounce up and down in Kumite. You will automatically put

    one hand at Hikite for no apparent reason. You will think that your reverse punch is a fight

    stopper because it works in Competition. You could have reached Dan grade without EVER

    having hit a pad or a bag, let alone a person.

    You will be under the impression that your Jodan Mawashageri will work; you will think it is right

    to step in front of your supporting leg when performing Yokogeri. You will be under the

    impression that your back kick will work against anybody; your lunge punch will finish the fight

    just like it did in last week's competition. You will do more and more Kata for no apparent reason

    other than to learn another Kata!

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    Why, will you think this? Because your Instructor told you. His Instructor told him. And yes, his

    Instructor told him.... And so on and so forth ti ll we get back to the villain of the piece. The

    Instructor that started it all, whoever he may be.

    Deep down, you know all this is wrong. What possible purpose does Kata serve in a fight? What

    possible way can you land a spinning reverse roundhouse kick in a fight? Why would you

    bounce up and down in a fighting stance for a fight on the street?

    OK, I hear you say, what makes you think all this is wrong? What qualifies you to say that we

    are wrong? We have Instructors with 7th / 8th or even 9th Dans from Japan that do not agree? It

    has always been taught this way for hundreds of years? This is real Martial Arts.

    Well, I say "Wake up and smell the Coffee!". Firstly I want you to think of every rule that there is

    in a Kumite biting for example, no groin kicks etc etc etc. Now, we have a fight,

    you stick to the rules and I GUARANTEE I will break every rule there is. I have just increased

    my chances of winning 1000%!!

    Kumite, teaches you to stick to the rules.

    Kihon teaches you terrible Body Mechanics

    Kata teaches you Kata

    These people are perpetuating the myth that Martial Arts in its present state works! Are you

    dumb enough to believe them?

    People sometimes say to me, "I have been training 25 years!" That is often true. But they have

    been doing year 5 for the last 20 of them!

    Just be sensible for a moment, ask a friend with no knowledge of the Martial Arts to look at what

    you do and to give an honest opinion. What will you say when they ask you what the moves are

    for in your Kata? What will you say when they ask why you put one hand on your hip and leave

    yourself open to attack when you do a reverse punch?

    Then have a spar with a boxer and try and use your "One punch one kill" Martial Arts punches

    and see what happens. Have a training session with a Boxer and see how fit you really are.

    When I start this argument, people bring up names of famous Martial Artists as "proof" that

    Martial Arts works. Well, these people are making it work in spite of Martial Arts not because of

    it! They could probably make Tiddlywinks work!

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    You need to ask yourself ONE VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION. "Would you bet your life on

    what your Instructor has just taught you?" If you hesitate for one moment, you would not. You

    know that deep down it does not and will not work, the way it has been taught. I was honest

    enough with myself to ask that question and know the real answer. I would never take that bet!

    If your self-defence techniques are done against a Martial Arts type punch, ask yourself this

    question. How many people in the street throw a Martial Arts punch and then wait for you to do

    your defence? Answer... None!

    Having said all the above about the state of Martial Arts as it is taught, why you may ask do I

    have anything to do with it? The simple answer is that I have a total passion and commitment to

    the Arts.

    Having said all the above, having said that Martial Arts as it is taught, does not work, I am totally

    and utterly convinced and know through experience that Martial Arts can be made to work and

    to work devastatingly well if you change things around a little bit.

    What do I mean by change things around? Just little things like, don't make a self-defence

    situation a fight... there is a massive difference. Don't make the body mechanics mistakes of

    Martial Arts. Earn the right to land your technique.

    About 1999, Eddie Stokes and myself were conducting a seminar. Eddie said these words "Youhave to earn the right to land your technique" Since then I have stolen that phrase and used it at

    every opportunity. It encapsulates everything we are trying to say in one sentence.

    This a quote from an OCFM Coach " I used to spend 99% of my time trying to make my Martial

    Arts work, now I am using Russells technology I am spending 99% of my time trying to stop my

    Martial Arts from being so effective. I am losing training partners!" Be honest with yourself, when

    was the last time you had to deliberately reduce your capabilities by 99%? I don't mean by not

    taking a cheap shot against a compliant training partner either!

    Now, on to how we can make Martial Arts work for the street.

    As I stated earlier, you have to earn the right to land your technique! How do we earn that right?

    How do we put ourselves in a position to make things work? How do we land our devastating

    right hook or our devastating roundhouse kick?

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    The answer lies in the understanding of Body Alarm Reaction (BAR).

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    Body Alarm Reaction (BAR)

    If I were to choose one aspect of Martial Arts training above all others then BAR would be it.

    This is the most misunderstood subject and yet the most important.

    Many people have discussed over the years the psychological and physiological aspects of a

    fight situation. The fight or flight syndrome. The chemical reactions that occur within the body,

    when faced with danger and or potentially dangerous situations.

    To my knowledge, no-one has addressed the problem of counteracting these adverse reactions.

    BAR successfully counteracts all of these physiological and psychological reactions.

    First you need to understand what is happening. Let's take a simple example;

    You are in the chip shop on a Saturday night and some idiot decides it is time for you to take a

    beating. Leaving aside the whys and wherefores of choosing you as his target, let's analyse

    what happens next.

    Your attacker has already gone through the tunnel of decision making; Can I beat this guy? Will

    I get hurt? He has assessed the potential risks to himself and decided he will win. He must

    have, no-one picks a fight they think they will lose!

    His body has already gone through the adrenal rush, the panic, the tunnel vision etc. He hasalready experienced the fight or f light syndrome. He has already experienced all those things

    that together we think of as fear, not only has he experienced it all, he has decided to get you.

    He is heading towards the light at the end of the tunnel.

    Well, BAR, transforms that light at the end of the tunnel to the headlight of you charging towards

    him. It puts your attacker right back at the beginning of that decision process, it buys you time!

    Time is a commodity that you desperately need and rarely have in a fight.

    From the experience of hundreds of Doorman, Martial Artists and members of the public that

    have been taught BAR, the average time that has been gained is up to 6 seconds.

    In other words, once you put BAR into your opponent, he is unable to react or fight back for

    anywhere up to 6 seconds. Just imagine what can happen in 6 seconds!

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    You will know when you experience it. You will never forget the feeling.

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package


    Stand opposite your training partner as in fig BB Bar Start

    Fig BB Bar Start

    Attacker shouts and threatens.

    Have your partner shout and threaten

    you. Make sure you feel that adrenal

    rush and that your training partner gets


    Fig BB Bar1

    Immediately slap your partner on top of

    the head with both hands.

    Then have your partner raise his hand

    when he feels that he is ready to carry on

    fighting. Start this exercise at low power

    levels for the defender and gradually

    increase the power and intent. The

    attacker must attack like he means it.

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package


    Have your training partner shout, swear, threaten and grab you viciously by the lapel or T Shirt.

    The millisecond the grab occurs, BAR him as shown in Figs BB Bar Grab & BB Bar Grab 2. You

    MUST completely ignore the grabbing hands and just hit with BAR immediately. Again get your

    training partner to tell you when he feels ok to continue. You should be getting about 3 to 5

    seconds of time now.

    Fig BB Bar Grab Fig BB Bar Grab 2

    In the next sequence your training partner must grab and try to punch you in the face with

    everything he has. See Figs BB Bar Gr Hit & BB Bar Gr Hit2

    You MUST completely ignore the grabbing hand, completely ignore the punching hand and just

    dive straight in with BAR.

    Countless times I have seen trained Martial Artists try to deal with a grabbing hand and bang!

    Lights out! They are unconscious before they can do anything.

    The hands of the attacker move too fast for you to do anything with them at this range. A big

    Saturday night special that was telegraphed can be blocked, but nothing can be blocked at this


    Fig BB Bar Gr Hit Fig BB Bar Gr Hit2

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    You should now have your training partner dizzy for about 6 seconds or even have him

    collapsing due to the shock involved. Once you increase your power levels to about 30% most

    people pass out in practice. You need about double that for real!

    Detailed below is an example sequence of how to utilise BAR along with the other principles

    detailed in my BAR DVD that comes with this Training Manual and Course.

    The use of several weak areas are shown as examples of what can be done.

    Usually only one or two weak areas are required in any situation. You would use whichever is

    right at the time and what feels right for you.

    Fig: BB Bar Start

    The initial threat

    Fig: BB Bar 1

    A reactive BAR strike to the head

    Fig:BB Bar 3

    Followed by a football kick to the inside ankle


    then a controlling head grab

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    Fig: BB Bar 3

    A hammer fist is delivered to the back of the


    Fig:BB Bar 4

    The head is then grabbed and pushed to

    the floor

    Fig: BB Bar 5

    The face is smashed into the floor

    Fig:BB Bar 6

    The ankle is stomped on to break before the

    escape is made

    Obviously the above photo sequence does not need to be followed exactly. Just use whatever is

    right for the threat at the time. Many thanks to my student, big Paul Butlin, for helping with these

    photos. Paul is a professional Heavyweight Boxer ranked 15th in the UK and also a Doorman.

    Pressure Points ~ Myth or Reality?

    I have read with some amusement books that reference the use or rather non-use of Pressure

    Points. Like any "part of the jigsaw" of Martial Arts, they have again been taken out of context by

    yet more uninformed bystanders.

    PP's are the last 5% of any given technique as I keep saying and keep teaching. They are a

    part and parcel of what you should be doing. If I punch someone in the jaw, I will punch them as

    hard as I possibly can (which is quite hard by the way) and try to land on a PP as well.

    I or any PP practitioner worth his salt would never try to just use PP's with little touches or taps

    in a real encounter. Taps and touches are for teaching and demonstration purposes only.

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    The Russell Stutely Platinum Training Package

    As for the effectiveness? I have no doubt. The hundreds of Doormen we teach have no doubt.

    The fact that Geoff Thompson invited me to be a guest writer on his website, should leave you

    in no doubt. The fact that I assisted Peter Consterdine and Geoff Thompson on their annual SD

    Seminar several times, should leave you in no doubt. Have Peter and Geoff been taken in?

    Ronnie Green, Lee Hasdell and the esteemed editor of MAI Bob Sykes are just some of the

    more famous names I could mention who are aware of the effectiveness of PP's for Combat.

    Have they been taken in as well?

    In fact, Bob Sykes is on two of my PP videos extolling the virtues of what I taught him as

    regards PP's. Bob was so impressed with what he had been shown that he offered to do the

    Introduction and also asked to appear in the videos.

    Herol Bomber Graham, former professional Boxer, who was considered the finest Boxer the

    UK has ever produced in his day was so impressed with the effectiveness of PPs that Herol

    and I have now taught many seminars all over the UK in the useage of PP's for Boxers. Herol,

    who is now a Boxing coach, is utilisi