The Rio News. -:d^' é^t ¦W'^M-Í| PUBLISHED EVÊRY TUESDAY."77 .. J. '¦¦;*' ._.*.-• .V. ._&_& ¦¦ Aa A%A- ¦ íf;;.Ml * .. .'-'••¦ ^f%-Aã$'¦¦" -' .' ¦'¦'¦•¦ ¦ /'•'"' ¦¦••¦.¦¦ ._'¦ ¦Xíj. A '.'.*¦' -.vt.' ¦'"'•íi •'¦¦V.S.'.'_>#, V?"* ¦jíS-' /;? ./.».: i,v?' *?'*%-'.. v>'''''"'.'íí;.; ¦''.•.-¦"''.:.. p,'s- /'fv' . *'•-. JfòvlMDE JANEIRO, FEBRUARY oth, 1892:;,;Number 6 '"' wilson, 9Qtâ,0^W^«., . FLIN__-<& Co. .,. * £* •;"'•¦ _t ¦'PK__f___i'-____ysiH_______i__n__T_í_w_^'¦ -:,:w"* ¦ '¦•¦<#••_ ,,>.u»Di.jjÈi_|n_o.. í? 1 .:*»><" ** Pacific Steaê Navigation Cem^ æ' Vkited State, & BrawlMmiiS. Atàim €».i Ld.% Co% m ¦ttLdtm :a BrasdLine. ¦~K a* Ai Shaw. SavWfr ¦.ThèNeéZejland Prince Steam Ski. Gellath, Hankey, Sewetl ¦ _ír.-4*_; y ** ^.^ C0MmwM0r^(&WA& Marit^ As^m^-Çd^Limited. AM Coal.—Wilson, Sons & Co. (Limited) have deputo at St. Vincent, (Cape Verde), Montevideo, Plata and át the . >chief Brazil Ports; and, among others, supply coal under contract, at Kio, to:'. ; f**-,! Thé Brazilian Government;':^'l_i_ 'A Her Britannic Majesty's Government; ._ ¦ TM-% The Transatlaatic Steamship Companies; V. The New Zealand Shipping Companies ; '>¦_&c:»' &c*• ' T. .'A'Wá Insurance.—Fire and Marine Insurances effected át moderate rates. Coal.—Large stocks of the best Cardiff steam Coal always kept in Kio depôt on Conceição Island. Tug Boats always ready for service. Ballast Supplied to ships. Establishment*: Wilson, Sons & Co. (Limited)» London, Cardiff, St. Vincent, (Cape Verde), Rio, Baliw, Pernambuco, Santos, Montevideo, Buenos Ayres and Plata.. CONTRACTORS AND TOMMISSION HERCHANTS ;,.;.'¦."¦ MACHINERY AND RAIÍ.WAY SUPPLIE^. Sple Export Agents in New York for many of the Leading Manulacturers of the United States. Ertabíishéd Houses in Brazil can secàre exclusive rights on specialties. Correspondents of^ :I.QUAYLE DAV|DSON & Co. í,M i2i, RUA DA QUITANDA. ,r<A Caixa do Correio 248. !f RIO DE JANEIRO. ^.mpaiiàia Imporfadora Paulista. á;(THE S. PAULO TRA&NG COMPANY.) ¦• 1; CAPITAL—i,ooo,ooo$poo|or /100,00o Sterling. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION. MERCHANTS, ETC, ®ffiti«i Qivtttútn U. S. LEGATION.—No. 45, Rua das Larangeiras Office hours to a. sa. to x p. m. E. H. CO NIGER, Mini •ijSt-t- BRITISH LEGATION.—Travessa de D. Man AMERICAN CONSULATEGENERAL-N?^, Largo da Carioca.O. H. DOCKERY, Contul General. BRITISH CONSULATE GENERAL.- NV 8, Travessa de D. Manoel. WM. GEO. ABBOTT, Cônsul General. Agents fer the: Alliance Assurance Company, London>| _Bovril's Fluid Beef Company, london, ¦...au Aspinall's Enamel, London; T. P. Griffin's Gàitthess' hottled stoul, Thomas Hugles, Longport, Staflfordshire, . Godesweruer Company, London, '!'Hf/.i Wni. Corry & Co., Belfast, AM. Wm. Crawford & Sons, Edinburgh, -#i: •- Warehouses:—Rua Florencio de Abreu and Largo do Ouvidor 1* Head offices and sample show rooms: Largo S. Francisco z. Address ali correspondencè rt> JO .EPH W_ MEE, Caixa 186, u Managing Director. SAO PAULO, ÔRAZIL. Qbwctb Pirertorç CHRIST CHURCH.—Rua do Evaristo da Veiga. Morn- inu service «very Sunday at na.m. Evening service during coolseasoa according to notice. The communi. n after morning semüce on ist Sunday in tlie month and on 3_d Sunday at 9 a. in. Baptisnu after morning ser* vice, or at other limes by special arrangement. HENRT MOSLEY, M.A. Britiih Chaplain. 181, Rua du Larangeiras, METHOOIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH.¦- Largo do Cattete. English services: at 11:30 a.m. Sundays. Portuguese services; at 10.30a. m.and7.30p.m. Sun* days; 7.30P. m.—E. A. TILLY, Pastor. Once: 79, Rua Sete de Setembro, and floor; 10 to i* o'clock. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-N. 15 Travessada Barreira. Services in Portuguese every Sunday at tt a.m., and 7 p. m., Sundays; and at 7 p. m. Thursdays. A. TRAJANO, Pastor. BAPTIST CHURCH—Rua do Conde d*Eu, No. laa. Services in Portuguese every Sunday at it.30a.rn. and 7. p.m: and e*ery Wednesday at 7. p.m. W. B. BAGBY, Pastor. Residence: Rua de Petropolis N. 9. IGREJA EVANGÉLICA FLUMINENSE.-Rua Larga de S. Joaquim, No. 179.—Divine service in Portuguese on Sundays: Prayer meeting at 10 a. m.; Worship at 11 a. m. Biblical class to study the Holy Scriptures, al 5 Já, afternoon. Gospel peeaching, at 7 p. m. on Wednesdays. Hiblkal study, and pr C OMPANHIA-ECONÔMICA, GAZ, AGÜA E ESGOTOS. SAO PAULO. Capital .-i,ooo,ooo$ooo General Pliuabers. Electrica! and Hydraulic Enginéers. Gas, Water, Electric and Sanitary fíttings always in stock. fl ÍO M. G , at 7 p. m. "S SANTOS, Pastor. Jttetical 9ivect0tri| Dr. W. Havtlburg, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur; ust returned from ã viat to Berlin to study Dr. Koch'a new remedy for tubercuiosis. Office and.residence: Rua da AHãndega No. 39, from a to 4 p. m. Dr. Cltary, Physician and Surgeon; Office 51, Rua dos fgf ..Houra, from ia to 3. Residence, Rua da Real ^33t Botafogo. Telephone 1550. J Suneon and Accoucheur. Cons. from a ta £ Praça wncral OsorinNo. 63. Res. Rua Marques de Abrantes No. 37. Telepnbtte 1138. 6m. Dr. Oliveira Aguiar. Physician. Residence: Praça Duque de Caxias No. 99. Telephone 1147. Office: Rua do Ou- vidor New 145; hours from a to 3 p.m. Dr. Edmundo dt Olivtiru, of Rio de Janeiro School of Medicine. Fevera, accouchements. operations. Special con- stdtatioiis at private houses and on board vessels. Rua dos Ourives No. 33. Dr. A Stewnrt, late icxident surgeon Glasgow Wesietu Infirawry and sênior asaitUnt nhysicUii City of Glasgow Fever Hospital Office, 30 Rua do Hospício 1 to 3 p.m.: residence 10» Rua Marques d'Abrantes, Dr. Raymundo Bandeira, residence: Rua Benjamin Cons- tant aa. Gloria. Office: Riu do Kosatio Na 93,12 to 3. Tdephoii* sas4. Direct importers from Europe and United States, Show rooms and technical officea: Hxl» Direita XTo. 47 WarehouM and Work Shopt: _R _xa dLa Oozxoeiç&o XTo. 40 Technical office under the management of Lourenço Sant'Anna, many years established in this city in this line of business. DIRECTORS: JOSEPH WILLIAM MEE, President. WILLIAM M. COTCHING, Secretary. Address correspondencè to Caixa 186. SÀO PAULO, BRAZIL. CORCOVADO RAILWAY. HOTEL DAS PAINEIRAS. Telephone 1135. Trains leave Cosme Velho for Corcovado on week days at 6.30, 8, 11 a. m., a. 5.15 and 8 p. 111.; returning from Paineiras at 7.15. 9»3<> **• •»•. •» 4-3°t 7 «"d 9 P- "»• On Sun- days and Holidays for Corcovado at 6, 8, 9.30, 11 a. m., ia.30, 3, 3.30, 5.15 and 8 p. m. : from Paineiras 8.35, 10.05, 11.35 a. m., 1.05, 2.35, 4.05. 6, 7 aud 9 p. m. 1*7* Take the yellow car (Larangeiras or Águas Férreas) at lhe largo da Carioca 45 minutes before the departure of trains. 0^Ê^G^m&^mm^"^'--^ «• GUIMARÃES ,Vt Co. WINE MERCHANTS. ?Importers of Oporto, Douro and Lisbon wines ofthe best qualities in bottles.orin casks, and under the private marks ofthe house. \ Sole Agents Tor Blandt Brothers & Co., ?Exporter of Madeira Wines; G. Prbi.br & Co.,Bordeaux, ?Exporter of Bordeaux Wines; E. Remv Martin & Co., Exporter of Cognac Dealers in Burgundy, Rhine and Mosel wines, Sherries, Champagne Cognacs and Liqueurs ofthe best brands. Ilua da Alfândega, 8). W. HAWKESWORTH CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEER Specialittes:—Locatiou and construetion of Railways; Iron and Steel Bridges and Buildings; Tunnelling, etc; llarbour and Submarine works. Office: 89, Rua Io de Março MR. R. J. 6ALLANDER, G.E. undertakes to make Surveys, Plans, Estimates, Reports, etc., and to carry out the Construetion of Engineering, and Arehitectural Works, in accordance with Government Regulations. 67, Rua do Ouvidor Rio. AMpRICAN ;Í3ftnk Jjlõte Company, 78 fo 86 TRINITY PLACE, NEW YORK. HuaineKH Founded 1705. Incorporated aadrr l*m of tha 8UU or Kow York, 185t. Itcorgunized 1879. Encravers and Printers of BONDS, POSTAGE & REVENUE STAMPS, LEGAL TENDER AND NATIONAL BANK NOTES of tho UNITED STATES; and for Foreign Co vem monto. ENGRAVING AMD PRINTING, BANK NOTES, 811 ARE CERTIFICATES, BONDB FOR OOVEKNHENTS ANO CORPORATION*, DRAFTS, CHECKS, BILLS OF EXCHANSE, STAMPS, Ac, Ia the flaeat and moot artlstlo atjle FROM STEEL PLATES, •fflth BPKCIAIi SAPKGUARDHto PRRVKRT COURTERFEITCta. Special papers manufactured ezcluslvely for use of the Company. SAFETY COL0R8. SAFETY PAPERS. Work Executed In Flreproof Balldlngs» UTHOQRÂPHIO AND JTPE PRINTING. RAILWAY TIOKETS OF IMPROVED STTLES. Show Oards, Label», Calendara. JAMES MACDONOUQH, President. AUG. D. SHEPARD, X „,..„,.,,., TOURO ROBERTSON, J Vlce-Preildentl. THEO. H. FREELAND, See'y and Treat. JNO. E. CURRIER, Ass*t Sec'y. J.K.MYER8,Ass'tTreae. BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, PENN. (Established, 1831) BURNHAM, WILLIAMS & CO., Proprietors. These locomotive engines aro adapted to every variety ot service, and are built áccurately to standard gauges and *—plates. Like parts of diflerent engines of same class perfectly •^FS^fíW^!**.>?|. -,í-í%r,'':- "^'^v v-...(»-* .,i.vt' ¦**>¦¦<«.*¦'¦<- ,~~'í*,M^^.'^fti3AT 'aiièhgeranaFreight Locomotives, MineLocomo- tives, Narrow Gauge Locomotives, Steam Street Can etc, etc. Ali work thoroughly guaranteed. lllustratéd catalogue furnished on application of customers. Sole Agents in Brazil: Norton, Megaw &• Co. Mo. 8a, Rua /o de Março. *** Kio de Janeiro..: IOHN H. BELLAMY & Co. General and Commission Merchants, || SHIPPING AND STEAMER AGENTS. AGENTS FOR Companhia de Fiação e lecelagem Carioca Companhia de Navegação Carioca Coasting Steamers. Ihe Alliance Insurance Co. m. .. P. O. Box 741. Rio de Janeiro. MILLER, GUILD & Co. 80, RUA 15 DE NOVEMBRO, SANTOS. P. O. Box. 139 —Cable Adress "Naiad" General 4. Commission Merchants Steam Ship Agents Tug Boat and Lighter Owners. SMsceUaneons. RIO HARBOUR MISSION -Sailors Home and Instí, tmte.—So. 1, Travessa do Moreira, Rua do livramento, Saude. IScthel semeei: English oa Sundays at 3 p.m. and 7 pm.; on Mondava at 7 p.m. Free and Easjf Concctt on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Reading room open daüy from 10 an. to 9 pjn. BRITISH ANO FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETYS AG- ENCY.-Kiia Sete de Setembm So. 71-On sale, the Holy Scriptures in Portuguese, English, French. German, Italian, Spanish and othcr langnages. Also Evangélica! book», tracts hynuu, in Portuguese. JOÃO M. G. DOS SANTOS, Agent. r^ARSON'S HOTEL. 160, RUA DO CATTETE. ESTABUSHED 1872. This establishment is quite ready for the coming season; first-class attendance, good Baths and mod- erate prices. ROSS & COAKES, CIVIL BNOINBBRS ft CONTRACTORS 81, RUA THEOPHILO OTTONI, 81 Surveys, plans and estimates of railways and public works pttparea in accordance with thc requirements of the Brazilian Government.6 ms T HE BRAZILIAN COAL Co. LIMITED. Representatives of mi BROTHERS & Co., Ld., London IdemCardiff A constant supply of fresh Meam coal "Cory's Mcrthyr" always on hand. Prompt delivery at reasonable prices. Tugboats always ready for service. OFFICES - Rua 1.° de Março No. 86. DEPOT.- Ilha dos Ferreiros. NOBEyS EXPLOSIVES Co. LIMITED. Gelignite and Dynamite In, cases of 50 lbs. ea., nett weight Gelignite is a new and very powerful explosive. Besides possessing great breaking power it commends itself for use in this country by reason of the fumes after explosion not being injurious to the workers. On this account alone great ad- vantage is obtained over most explosives, by iu use, and more especially when operating iu confined places. Also patent Oetonator caps nnd Bickford's patent use. For further inlormation and price, apply to the Agents for Brazil: Watson, ttitchie àf Co. No. 35, Rua Theophilo Ottoni. , Rio de Janeiro. T HE WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY, PITTSBURG, PA.. U. S. A. MÁNUFACTURERS OF THE WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC BRAKE The Wcsiiii^iiouse Automatic Brake is now in use on 12,000 engine. and 250,00c cars. This includes 161,000 Freight Cars. This is 16 per cent of the entire freight car equipment of the United States. Orders have been received for 100.000 Quick Action Brakes since December, 1887. For further particulars apply lo their Representatives in Brazil: Norton Megaw ò? Co. Ü2. Primeiro de Março. Ai- Rio de Janeiro.

The Rio News. - BNmemoria.bn.br/pdf/349070/per349070_1892_00006.pdf · Botafogo. Telephone 1550. J Suneon and Accoucheur. Cons. from a ta £ Praça wncral OsorinNo. 63. Res. Rua Marques

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Page 1: The Rio News. - BNmemoria.bn.br/pdf/349070/per349070_1892_00006.pdf · Botafogo. Telephone 1550. J Suneon and Accoucheur. Cons. from a ta £ Praça wncral OsorinNo. 63. Res. Rua Marques

The Rio News. ?¦-:d^' é^t ¦W'^M-Í| PUBLISHED EVÊRY TUESDAY. "77 ..

J. '¦¦;*' ._.*.-• .V. ._&_& ¦¦ Aa A%A- ¦ íf;;.Ml * .. .'-'••¦ ^f%-Aã$'¦¦ " -' .' ¦'¦'¦•¦ ¦

/'•'"' ¦¦••¦.¦¦ ._'¦ ¦Xíj. A '.'.*¦' -.vt.' ¦'"'•íi •'¦¦V.S.'.' _>#, V?"* ¦jíS-' /;? ./.».: i,v?' *?'*%-'.. v>''''' "'.'íí;.; ¦' '.•.-¦"''.:. . ,'s- /'fv ' . *'•-.

JfòvlM DE JANEIRO, FEBRUARY oth, 1892:;,; Number 6

'"' wilson, 9Qtâ,0^W^«., . FLIN__-<& Co. .,. * £* ••;" '•¦ _t ¦'PK__f___i'-____ysiH_______i__n__T_í_w_^'¦ -:,:w"* ¦

'¦•¦<#••_ ,,>.u»Di.jjÈi_|n_o.. • í? 1

.:*»><" ** Pacific Steaê Navigation Cem^' Vkited State, & BrawlMmiiS.Atàim €».i Ld.%


¦ttLdtm :aBrasdLine.¦~K

a* Ai Shaw. SavWfr¦.ThèNeéZejlandPrince Steam Ski.

Gellath, Hankey, Sewetl¦ _ír.-4*_; y ** ^.^

C0MmwM0r^(&WA& Marit^As^m^-Çd^Limited. AM

Coal.—Wilson, Sons & Co. (Limited) have deputo at St.Vincent, (Cape Verde), Montevideo, Lá Plata and át the

. >chief Brazil Ports; and, among others, supply coal undercontract, at Kio, to: • '.

; f**-,!Thé Brazilian Government; ':^'l_i_ 'A

Her Britannic Majesty's Government; ._ ¦ TM-%The Transatlaatic Steamship Companies; V.

The New Zealand Shipping Companies ;'>¦_ &c:»' &c*• ' T. .'A'Wá

Insurance.—Fire and Marine Insurances effected átmoderate rates.

Coal.—Large stocks of the best Cardiff steam Coal alwayskept in Kio depôt on Conceição Island.

Tug Boats always ready for service.Ballast Supplied to ships.

Establishment*: Wilson, Sons & Co. (Limited)»London, Cardiff, St. Vincent, (Cape Verde), Rio, Baliw,Pernambuco, Santos, Montevideo, Buenos Ayres and LáPlata. .


Sple Export Agents in New York for many of the Leading Manulacturers of the United States.Ertabíishéd Houses in Brazil can secàre exclusive rights on specialties.

Correspondents of ^:I. QUAYLE DAV|DSON & Co.í, M i2i, RUA DA QUITANDA.,r<A

Caixa do Correio 248. !f RIO DE JANEIRO.

^.mpaiiàia Imporfadora Paulista.á; (THE S. PAULO TRA&NG COMPANY.)

¦• 1; CAPITAL—i,ooo,ooo$poo|or /100,00o Sterling.IMPORTERS, COMMISSION. MERCHANTS, ETC,

®ffiti«i QivtttútnU. S. LEGATION.—No. 45, Rua das Larangeiras

Office hours to a. sa. to x p. m. E. H. CO NIGER,Mini•ijSt-t-BRITISH LEGATION.—Travessa de D. Man

AMERICAN CONSULATEGENERAL-N?^, Largoda Carioca. O. H. DOCKERY, Contul General.

BRITISH CONSULATE GENERAL.- NV 8, Travessade D. Manoel. WM. GEO. ABBOTT, Cônsul General.

Agents fer the:Alliance Assurance Company, London>|

• Bovril's Fluid Beef Company, london,¦...au Aspinall's Enamel, London;

T. P. Griffin's Gàitthess' hottled stoul,Thomas Hugles, Longport, Staflfordshire,

. Godesweruer Company, London,'!'Hf/.i Wni. Corry & Co., Belfast,AM. Wm. Crawford & Sons, Edinburgh,-# i: •-

Warehouses:—Rua Florencio de Abreu (í and Largo do Ouvidor 1*Head offices and sample show rooms: — Largo S. Francisco z.

Address ali correspondencè rt>JO .EPH W_ MEE,

Caixa 186, u Managing Director.SAO PAULO, ÔRAZIL.

Qbwctb PirertorçCHRIST CHURCH.—Rua do Evaristo da Veiga. Morn-

inu service «very Sunday at na.m. Evening serviceduring coolseasoa according to notice. The communi. nafter morning semüce on ist Sunday in tlie month andon 3_d Sunday at 9 a. in. Baptisnu after morning ser*vice, or at other limes by special arrangement.

HENRT MOSLEY, M.A. Britiih Chaplain.181, Rua du Larangeiras,METHOOIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH.¦- Largo do

Cattete. English services: at 11:30 a.m. Sundays.Portuguese services; at 10.30a. m.and7.30p.m. Sun*days; 7.30P. m.—E. A. TILLY, Pastor.Once: 79, Rua Sete de Setembro, and floor; 10 toi* o'clock.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-N. 15 Travessada Barreira.Services in Portuguese every Sunday at tt a.m., and 7p. m., Sundays; and at 7 p. m. Thursdays.

A. TRAJANO, Pastor.BAPTIST CHURCH—Rua do Conde d*Eu, No. laa.

Services in Portuguese every Sunday at it.30a.rn. and7. p.m: and e*ery Wednesday at 7. p.m.

W. B. BAGBY, Pastor.Residence: Rua de Petropolis N. 9.

IGREJA EVANGÉLICA FLUMINENSE.-Rua Largade S. Joaquim, No. 179.—Divine service in Portugueseon Sundays: Prayer meeting at 10 a. m.; Worship at 11a. m. Biblical class to study the Holy Scriptures, al 5 Já,afternoon. Gospel peeaching, at 7 p. m. on Wednesdays.Hiblkal study, and pr


SAO PAULO.Capital .- i,ooo,ooo$ooo

General Pliuabers.Electrica! and Hydraulic Enginéers.Gas, Water, Electric and Sanitary fíttings always in stock.


ÍO M. G, at 7 p. m."S

SANTOS, Pastor.

Jttetical 9ivect0tri|Dr. W. Havtlburg, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur;

ust returned from ã viat to Berlin to study Dr. Koch'anew remedy for tubercuiosis. Office and.residence: Ruada AHãndega No. 39, from a to 4 p. m.

Dr. Cltary, Physician and Surgeon; Office 51, Rua dosfgf ..Houra, from ia to 3. Residence, Rua da Real^33t Botafogo. Telephone 1550.

J Suneon and Accoucheur. Cons. froma ta £ Praça wncral OsorinNo. 63. Res. Rua Marquesde Abrantes No. 37. Telepnbtte 1138. 6m.

Dr. Oliveira Aguiar. Physician. Residence: Praça Duquede Caxias No. 99. Telephone 1147. Office: Rua do Ou-vidor New 145; hours from a to 3 p.m.

Dr. Edmundo dt Olivtiru, of Rio de Janeiro School ofMedicine. Fevera, accouchements. operations. Special con-stdtatioiis at private houses and on board vessels. Ruados Ourives No. 33.

Dr. A Stewnrt, late icxident surgeon Glasgow WesietuInfirawry and sênior asaitUnt nhysicUii City of GlasgowFever Hospital Office, 30 Rua do Hospício 1 to 3 p.m.:residence 10» Rua Marques d'Abrantes,

Dr. Raymundo Bandeira, residence: Rua Benjamin Cons-tant aa. Gloria. Office: Riu do Kosatio Na 93,12 to 3.Tdephoii* sas4.

Direct importers from Europe and United States,

Show rooms and technical officea:

Hxl» Direita XTo. 47WarehouM and Work Shopt:

_R _xa dLa Oozxoeiç&o XTo. 40

Technical office under the management of LourençoSant'Anna, many years established in this city in this line ofbusiness.



Address correspondencè to Caixa 186.SÀO PAULO, BRAZIL.



Trains leave Cosme Velho for Corcovado on week daysat 6.30, 8, 11 a. m., a. 5.15 and 8 p. 111.; returning fromPaineiras at 7.15. 9»3<> **• •»•. •» 4-3°t 7 «"d 9 P- "»• On Sun-days and Holidays for Corcovado at 6, 8, 9.30, 11 a. m.,ia.30, 3, 3.30, 5.15 and 8 p. m. : from Paineiras 8.35, 10.05,11.35 a. m., 1.05, 2.35, 4.05. 6, 7 aud 9 p. m.

1*7* Take the yellow car (Larangeiras or Águas Férreas)at lhe largo da Carioca 45 minutes before the departure oftrains.

0^Ê^G^m&^mm^"^'--^ «•GUIMARÃES ,Vt Co.


Oporto, Douro and Lisbon wines ofthe best qualities inbottles.orin casks, and under the private marks ofthe house.

\ Sole Agents TorBlandt Brothers & Co.,

Exporter of Madeira Wines;G. Prbi.br & Co., Bordeaux,

Exporter of Bordeaux Wines;E. Remv Martin & Co.,

Exporter of Cognac

Dealers inBurgundy, Rhine and Mosel wines, Sherries, Champagne

Cognacs and Liqueurs ofthe best brands.

Ilua da Alfândega, 8).


Specialittes:—Locatiou and construetion of Railways;Iron and Steel Bridges and Buildings; Tunnelling, etc;llarbour and Submarine works.

Office: 89, Rua Io de Março

MR. R. J. 6ALLANDER, G.E.undertakes to make Surveys, Plans, Estimates, Reports, etc.,and to carry out the Construetion of Engineering, andArehitectural Works, in accordance with GovernmentRegulations.

67, Rua do Ouvidor — Rio.

AMpRICAN;Í3ftnk Jjlõte Company,


HuaineKH Founded 1705.Incorporated aadrr l*m of tha 8UU or Kow York, 185t.

Itcorgunized 1879.Encravers and Printers of



FROM STEEL PLATES,•fflth BPKCIAIi SAPKGUARDHto PRRVKRT COURTERFEITCta.Special papers manufactured ezcluslvely for

use of the Company.SAFETY COL0R8. SAFETY PAPERS.

Work Executed In Flreproof Balldlngs»UTHOQRÂPHIO AND JTPE PRINTING.




THEO. H. FREELAND, See'y and Treat.JNO. E. CURRIER, Ass*t Sec'y.J.K.MYER8,Ass'tTreae.



(Established, 1831)• BURNHAM, WILLIAMS & CO.,

Proprietors.These locomotive engines aro adapted to every variety ot

service, and are built áccurately to standard gauges and*—plates. Like parts of diflerent engines of same class perfectly•^FS^fíW^!**.>?|. -,í-í%r,'':- "^'^v v-...(»-* .,i.vt' ¦**>¦¦<«.*¦'¦< - ,~~'í*,M^^.'^fti3AT'aiièhgeranaFreight Locomotives, MineLocomo-

tives, Narrow Gauge Locomotives, Steam Street Canetc, etc.

Ali work thoroughly guaranteed.lllustratéd catalogue furnished on application of customers.

Sole Agents in Brazil:Norton, Megaw &• Co.

Mo. 8a, Rua /o de Março. ***Kio de Janeiro..:


H. BELLAMY & Co.General and Commission Merchants, ||


Companhia de Fiação e lecelagem CariocaCompanhia de Navegação Carioca

Coasting Steamers.Ihe Alliance Insurance Co.

m. ..

P. O. Box 741. Rio de Janeiro.


P. O. Box. 139 —Cable Adress "Naiad"General 4. Commission Merchants

Steam Ship AgentsTug Boat and Lighter Owners.

SMsceUaneons.RIO HARBOUR MISSION -Sailors Home and Instí,

tmte.—So. 1, Travessa do Moreira, Rua do livramento,Saude. — IScthel semeei: /« English oa Sundays at3 p.m. and 7 pm.; on Mondava at 7 p.m. Free andEasjf Concctt on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Reading roomopen daüy from 10 an. to 9 pjn.

BRITISH ANO FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETYS AG-ENCY.-Kiia Sete de Setembm So. 71-On sale, theHoly Scriptures in Portuguese, English, French. German,Italian, Spanish and othcr langnages. Also Evangélica!book», tracts hynuu, in Portuguese.




This establishment is quite readyfor the coming season; first-classattendance, good Baths and mod-erate prices.


81, RUA THEOPHILO OTTONI, 81Surveys, plans and estimates of railways and public works

pttparea in accordance with thc requirements of the BrazilianGovernment. 6 ms


Representatives of

mi BROTHERS & Co., Ld., LondonIdem Cardiff

A constant supply of fresh Meam coal "Cory's Mcrthyr"

always on hand. Prompt delivery at reasonable prices.Tugboats always ready for service.


Rua 1.° de Março No. 86.DEPOT.-

Ilha dos Ferreiros.


LIMITED.Gelignite and Dynamite

In, cases of 50 lbs. ea., nett weightGelignite is a new and very powerful explosive. Besides

possessing great breaking power it commends itself for use inthis country by reason of the fumes after explosion not beinginjurious to the workers. On this account alone great ad-vantage is obtained over most explosives, by iu use, andmore especially when operating iu confined places.

Also patent Oetonator caps nnd Bickford's patentuse. For further inlormation and price, apply to theAgents for Brazil:

Watson, ttitchie àf Co.No. 35, Rua Theophilo Ottoni.

, Rio de Janeiro.



WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC BRAKEThe Wcsiiii^iiouse Automatic Brake is now in use on

12,000 engine. and 250,00c cars. This includes 161,000Freight Cars.

This is 16 per cent of the entire freight carequipment of the United States.

Orders have been received for 100.000 Quick Action Brakessince December, 1887.

For further particulars apply lo theirRepresentatives in Brazil:

Norton Megaw ò? Co.Ü2. Primeiro de Março.


Rio de Janeiro.

Page 2: The Rio News. - BNmemoria.bn.br/pdf/349070/per349070_1892_00006.pdf · Botafogo. Telephone 1550. J Suneon and Accoucheur. Cons. from a ta £ Praça wncral OsorinNo. 63. Res. Rua Marques

•v yWf

:.-.¦¦, ¦¦'.....- THE RIO NEWS. [February 9th, 1892.



vv.- -..-. ¦¦<.¦ ¦ ..-;¦: ¦¦:.. V. ¦ .-:: .."•_ .. ¦

IT IS EÂSY FOR ANY LIFE CORJPANYto suei large returns od "death elaims,"

but the Equitable returns large profitsTO LIVING POLICY-HOLDERS.



BAjNK, LIMITED.Capital............ ^Capital paidup.....Reserve fund. •••>•••••

£ x, 500,000»» 750,000»• 450.000


¦ '¦¦¦¦

:flfjV A;:

'VV .. ¦'-.'¦".'•'¦¦'¦/-.-.'. '* 'A- ¦: 'XXrXyl


¦ -"A- ¦'¦¦'.''¦Bs*. .M

Equitable Life ' àssqranqe SocietyNOÍoITLT:;; M

PROTECT YOUR WIFE p) WflLDREN,if you should be taken from them, but also

YIELD A HANDSOME RETURN TO YOURSELF,if you live and keep your policy in fõree.

¦ Vvtv

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THE EQTJIT-A__Bri_E3'STwenty-Y^ar Tontine Policies, maturing in 1891,

have a Cash Surrender Value equal toA RETURN OF ALL PREMIUMS, WITH INTEREST

at rates yarying from 2JA to 7 per cent. per annum,


Draws on Head Office and the following Branchesand Agencies:



AND NEW YORK.Also 011:

Messrs. Glyn, Mills, Currie <Sr Co.,i| ., .* I.ONDON,Jjjwsrs. Mallet Fréres &> Co., ,^g^!-ájl • 1W Paris,


Schroier &XCoi,J. H\3htoder 6* Co.,'fCAf. 1ÍAMKI-KG,ssrs.Joh. Berenberg,Gossíer¦&'Co.

£\AA Hamburg,Messrs. Granei Brown «S*** Co.Genoa,


.¦'¦W ¦-Ar,.. '"" 'W A '¦¦'.¦'.¦ 1'{ .:X .'X-f.M

Provisional office in Rio de Janeiro :

39, Roa''--..0di Março, 1.° apdar.t&i ¦ -:. X^, ¦•' * .$jgr

Subscribed capital 1,000,000?•?**<* «P capital......r.....:%. 800,000Reservefund ....if........ * 228,000

Branches in Buenos Aires and Montevideo.Corresspndents in New York and aU the principal

cities of Europe.'¦"" jÉÍ; - A. -A: ''AA*;"-. '*•%*&

Receive* deposits for fixed periods and trànsacts every•pede» of Banking business. '

f J





Capital j£i,ooo,ooosterlingReservefund... ,,1,328,751 ,.Uncalled capital. „ 2,400,751 „1, ——

Agents: Cia. Internacional Commercio e Industtia67, Rua i?de Março. Telephone No.437.




Capital ^2,000,000 §Accumulated Funds....,£6,000,000Insiires against the rislc of fi re, houses.goods an d ii*Khan.

dise of every kind at reduced rates. *

John Moore -§*• Co, agenjjfNo. 8, Rua da Cam

Um RisksAuthorlsea IS70

Marina RisksAuthoriaed !••«.

'íf •.¦



Agents for the Republic ofBtatilWilson Sons &* Co., Limited.

No. • Prac* das Marinhas.



Agents in Rio de JaneiroSmith & Youle.

No. 6a, Rua 1 de Marco.



Agents tu Rio de JaneiroWatson Ritchie âf Co.

No. 85, Rua de Theophilo Ottoni.

pHCENIX FIRE OFFICE.Esufeáhéd 1782 ?

Authorized by Imperial Deeree No. 8,05}ofiMareh afth, x88t.\\

Insures against risk of fire, houses, goods and mercliandise,and oflers the best of guarantees with the most favorableconditions.

G. C. Anderson, Agent.Ruade S. Pedro, No. 1—ist floor.


Capital ,£1,000,000 sterlingReservefund.... £ 480,000 „

Agent in Kio de Janeiro

G. C. Anderson.Rua de S. Pedro No. 1—ist floor.

CRASHLEY & Co.,Newsdealersand fíooksellers.

Subscriptions received for aU theleading English and Amer»can newspapers and periodicals. Agents for

The European Mail.Alargeassortment of English novéis, ofthe Tauchnitt Edi-

ions.of the Franklin Square Library and ofthe Lovell Libraryconstantly on hand.

Views of Rio and neighbourhood.Orders received for Scientific and other books.

Agents for Longstreth's Rubber Stamps.

Dealers in Atkinson's, Piesse&* Lubin' s and RoyalPerfumerits and Pear** SomP

No. 67, Rua do Ouvidor.

Companhia Marques Limitada.RIO DE JANEIRO.

ítorw: 84 RoíS. Ptdro, aod 73 Roí Tluopltilo Ottoni.Dealers and Importers of all kinds ot Machinery and

appurtenances.Iron, Steam, Gas, and Water piping.Packing, Belting, Rubber, Asbestos, etc.Contracts made for erecting and construeting any machi.

nery.Manufaeturers ot Nails, Rail.way spikes, and Bolts. Alio

Lead, Gas,*and Water piping.GEORGE ARMSTRONG, President.

Caixa do Correio 841. Telephone 333.Cable Address: "MARQUES" Rio.



(P. O. Box 136).Agents for

Oasa- X_*u.ptoxx.00 Aos lavradores

(Secção Commercial).


BANK, Limited.LONDON: 52, Moorgate St, E.C.

Rio de Janeiro: No. 4, Rua da Alfândega,\st Jlobr (provisionally) ,, ,v A A

Authorized by Decree No. 591, oftyth October, _$>_..

Subscribed capital. ..... £1,500,000Realized do . . . .*. . ,,900,000Reserve fund ........ „ 750,000

BRANCHES:•o- Paris, Bmqos lim, MonttTidto and Rosário. •*-

DRAWS ON:-London and County Banking Co., LU—LONDON.Banque de Paris et des Pays Bas.-PARIS.Banco de Portugal and agencies.—PORTUGAL.

H. A. DeLISLE,Acting Manager.


Established m Hamburg on ibth DecembetiS8f by the "Directüm der Diseonto Gesellschafi"in Berlin and the " Norddeutsche Bani inHamburg" Hamburg.

the miLT TONIC AND STRE1ICTH CIYERThis medicine invented in Canada in 1865 hás '

been foBjrears and is now prescribed by thé lead- > J*ing phyHüans in all parts ofthe world, who attestthat it gives the most satisfactory results of anyremedy yet produced. . The" descases for whichthey usejit, and in which they claim the greatestresults are the following:

Lunar Diseáses, Imperfect Nutri tionNervous Dlseasee, Dyspepeia

General Debllity, Anemiaand in convalescence from all wasting diseáses.

The immediate beneficiai effects of FELLOWS'SYRUP in those cases of emaciation and weak-néSs produced by long illness whether frompulmonary diseáses or fevers, prove its tonicvirtues and its value in accelerating digestíon andassimilatíoh.

FELLOWS' SYRUP is too weU known torequire further remark; it cannot be closely imitatedthough many persons have sought to trade upon itsreputation.

Full directíons accompany each bottle.FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGIST AND

CHE Af ITS..Sole Agents:

W. R. Casseis & Co.Rua da Candelária, 8.

BLECTRICITY.ThomsoB-Hotston Intenutioiil Electric Co.,


Estimates given for Electric railways, ovcrhead singlewife system. Also for Are and Incandesceat lighting. Isolatedand Central Station plants, Electric Mining Machinery,Electric Motors and Transmiwion ot Power.

City lighting a spcciality.

ARTHUR H. BROWN,Agent for Bra.il.

Office, 2 (Rua S. 'Pedro, indfioor.P. O. Box. 954. RIO DE JANEIRO

¦"•Nu******* '

Capital. . . 10,000,000 Marks.BRANCHOFFICE IN RIO DE JANEIRO.

/ A, Rua da Candelária, 1A(Authorised by Deeree Ne. 10,030;

Draw$ on: ,...:11.,,.


der Diseonto )Geselbchàft, Berlin. (andcorres.Norddeutsche Bank in fpondents.Hamburg, Hamburg. )


M. Rothschild & Sons, London.International Bank oi London, Limited

London.Wm. Brandt', Sons & Co., London.

France C Credit LyonnaisIpain 1 and branchest-uia-ittm ) Banque d'Anvers, Antwerp.B,,f ,um í H. Albert de Baiy & Co, Antwerp.

i Banca Generale, branches and corres.Italy < pondenu.

( Meuricoffre & Co., Naples.Portugal {^díSf0* * AÇOrM mÍ C°neVUnited States.... G Amsinck & Co„ New York.Uruguay ErnestoTornquist&Co., Montevideo.Arrtntlnt 5 Ernesto TornquUt ft Co., B. Ayres.Argentine j Deutsche Uebersee Bank, B. Ayres.and any other countries

Opens accounts current:Pays interest on deposits for a certain time.Executes orders for purchases and sales of stocks, shares,

tte., and trànsacts every description of banking buriness.Qoettger—Krah,

June 1891 Directors.

Companhia Uiiio IndustrialS. SEBASTIÃO

Share Capital Rt. 10,000,000$Debentures £ 675,000 stg.

RIO DE JANEIRO.Compriaea the following faetoriee:

FABRICA DE TECIDOS S. JOÃOHessians, coflee bags and jute goods ofall descriptions.FABRICA DB TBCIDOS S. CHRISTOVÃO

Cotton, wool and silk goods.FABRICA NACIONAL DB TBCIDOS DB MBIA

Undershirts, hosiery, etcFABRICA MANUFACTORA DB BBNDAS

Lace goods ofall kinds.FABRIL BRAZILEIRA

Small-ware. pin», needles, buttons, etcTECELAGEM FLUMINENSE

Gimps, frínges, gold and silver lace, cmbnidety, etcFABRICA DB FBRRO GALVANIZADO.

Gahranised iron roofing sheets, tine tiles, baths, kitchenware, silver and nickcl plating, etc

Sole Agents:/ H. LOWNDES &- Co.

Sues. J. V. HALL £• Co.,No. 84, Rua V> da Março.

Rio de Janeiro.


1|%,,B1 Rua- Conaalheiro Saraiva -

22 Beeco da Bragança.


Northern Assnrance Company,General and Commitiion Merçhants

fer foreign and home trade with tht interior.

HAUPT&Co.RIO DEJANEIRO.53, Rua da Alfândega.

Imports and Commissions.Railway Material.

Kolling Stock.Machinery.


Metal-Bodied Rubber Type.S. T. I.ONí-.STKKTII,

Office andwcrks: 18, Travessado Ouvidor, tst floor.NB.—Special attention given to Urge stamps (tradcmarlul

and large type for marking coflee bags.¦ualn— Signa Ingravad


LONO DOOUMENT INVILOPIt,manufretured from bhw and white cloUt-üned paper and


from superior calendarcd papers of variou* color* *Amarlçan Oommarolal liiv^Mst,,

made from the best wkim and tiatad |ap«KLININ ENVELOPES,

made from the best quaUties of liaen papeis IUnited States.

These envelopa ara superior in both quality and makeSamples may be assa st the


79 Seu de Setembro.» floor.( Under new éinctíon.)

THE MONTEVIDEO TIMES(LaU «The River P/ate Tinut.»)


.he^Ano79ílS_i" *• ^^ ta«-*p"«-«»-Circulares in Montevideo and the Republic of Uracuav.Buen» Aires and die Argentine Republic, Europe and theUnited Stales.This paper i. absolmUly independent aad k the ackoowl-edgrt represenutive organ of Eagtish interests ia the Re*public

FIRST CLASS ADVERTISING KOIUR.Advertisements and subscriptions received by postFor terms, etc, apply to THE MANAGER,

Calle Treinta y Tres 6t -Montevideo.

Page 3: The Rio News. - BNmemoria.bn.br/pdf/349070/per349070_1892_00006.pdf · Botafogo. Telephone 1550. J Suneon and Accoucheur. Cons. from a ta £ Praça wncral OsorinNo. 63. Res. Rua Marques

. ¦'

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' . . .'

February 9th, 1892.] THE RIO NEWS.


¦«.•> -


Head Maslèr: The Revd. Edwárd de Éwer.a The atteuiion ol parente who desire a good English educa-

tion for their soris, and a happy home, is di, ected to theabove establishment. The house is spacious, the situationhigh and very healthy. Terms inclusive and moderate.Entire charge can be taken of boys.

References to parents in Brazil:"WM. SPBERS Esq*.Superinlendent ofthe S. Paulo Railway.

S. PAULO, BRAZIL.Prospectuses oh application.


Hungarian Claret,Chftteau Palugyay,-

Karlovitz.TOT.ZJ-.~5r WINTEl

is the best reconstituem for convelescente from fever andclimalic diseases; recommended by most ofthe medicaiauthorities, especially for females and childten.

Cahubyna Ink.—The Cahubyna ini* is one ofthe most desirable writing fluids ever offered to thepublic. It is the invention of Dr. Cunha Sales,who prepares it by a chemical process from theCahuby, a tree of the Pernambucan woods. Aliwho have tried it unanimously endorse it as an inkwithout a rival for its manifold excellent qualities.Its conspicuous qualities are: It dries rapidly,dispensing with the use of blotting<-paper; it resiststhe action of water, so that writing can be wettedand rubbed without injuring it; itwrites as well onmoist as on dry paper; it does not oxydize a steelpen. Chief of aU it is an indelible ink and ensuresthe perpetuity of written documents. Time doesnot obliteràte it and no acid can remove it, thuspreventing the alteration of writing. It is anabsolutely clean ink and serves as well for copyingas for ordinary writing. The salesroom is tem-porarily located at No. 230 Rua da Alfândega,sobrado.


Sole Importers:

78, General Camara.

Rombauer & Co.. Rio de Janeiro.

w''', ". '¦



R. CASSELS & Go.ij Rua Primeiro de Março, RIO DE JANEIRO,

39 Rua do Commercio, SÃO PAULO, #and

CASSELS, KING & Co.858, Calle Cangallo, BUENOS AYU ES.

Importers and Agents for Manufacturers.JM '

Further Agencies, stiitable to theirlinesof business—Hàrd-ware,'Doniestic good, Speciakies, etc, etc— are respectlully•solicited.

Business NoticesShade Rollers.--The Hartshorn spring shade

roller is known far and near, and its merits areconstantly securing for it a wider field of action.This roller is manufactured by Stewart Hartshorn,East Newark, N.Jf., U.S.A. Mr. Hartshorn hasissued a souvenir catalogue telling about thegrowth of the business and ils'present condition,together with a profusion of illustrations of hismain and branch offices, exteriors and interiors ofhis factories at East Newark, N. T., aqd Muskegon,Michigan. In one edition of the catalogue, thelast five pages are devoted to reproductions ofmedals taken by the Hartshorn rollers at variousexpositions, and in another edition this same spaceis devoted to illustrations of difierent styles ofbrackets. This new catalogue, in both editions,appeared on the first of January and is ready forgratuitous distribution. Itcanbehad by anyonewho will address an inquiry to Stewart Hartshorn,East Newark, N.J., U.S.Ã.

Companhia Grande Hotel de Petropolis.-—This company owns the two principal hotéis in Pe-tropolis, the Bragança anàthvOrleans, providedwith every desirable comfort for guests and with theservice of first-class establishments. The HotelBragança is situated at Nos. 21 and 23 on the Ave-nida 15 de Novembro, a broad and áttractive ave-nue. The Hotel Oileans is at the base ofa littlemount, fronting the Praça D. Affonso and with thecharming river Quitandinha flowing at its side.Both hotéis have pleasure-phaetons for excursionsin the romantic scenery ofthe suburbs and carria-ges to convey passengers to and from the railroadstation. This is the season ofthe year to bear inmind that Petropolis is considered by hygienists topossess. an Alpme climate, or the climate of a highaltitude, which ensures its entire freedom fiom theprevailing diseases of the summer and establishesits character of a veritable health-resort. The twohotéis described are recommended as the largestand most fashionable in Brazil. In Rio de Janeirothe company has an office at No. 28, Rua de S.Pedro where you will be courteously furnished withany further information you may require.

The Rio News

The official organ of the state govern-ment of Minas Geraes affects to treat thesecession of southern Minas as the un-authorized. and absurd act of an unicnowncommission. This may be perfectly true,but so far as we can see it in no wise affectsthe real question. The facts are that anumber of citizens, whose names are pub-lished, met at Campanha on the 3 ist to ex-press their dissatisfaction with the govern-ment of that state, and the result of theirdeliberations was an act of secession. Thisact may be absurd, but it is none the lessmischievous. The revolt ofthe prisonersat Santa Cruz. was also absurd, for therewas not the least chance of a successfulissue, but it was none the less hurtful for alithat. We have not the slightest idea thatthe Campanha secession will result in thedivision of the state of Minas Geraes, but itcertainly will result ih an injury to thecredit of the state and in undermining con-fidence in the stability of present politicalinstitutions. We do not like to counselseverity, for that will inevitably lead to in-justice and oppression, but the fact remainsthat there will be no end to these revolu-tionary attempts until someone is severelypunished for it. When it is found that arevolution means punishment for treason,then we shall have peace and harmony.

commendations will be observed. Manyan epidemic might have been averted by'the timely and intelligent action of thesanitary authorities, but, as we know onlytoo well, this action is never taken. Gov-ernments can not be depended upon to dothis work ; even the best of them are ig-norant and negligent. If this work—which means the saving of more lives thanare lost on the battle-field—is ever to bedone, it must be through the efforts ofanorganized society composed of men andwomen who are willing to dedicate life andfortune to it. Can it not be done ?


A. J. LAMOUREUX, Editor and Proprietor.

Photographia Aliem!.—This is the excellentestablishment of Mr. M. Ribeiro, successor toMessrs. Alberto Henschel & Co., at No. 40 Ruados Ourives. The quality of work done by thishouse is superior. The artistic photographer in-vests his productions with a living reality. His artreproduces not only the mere outlines bút transfereto them, too, the spirit ofthe subject. The resultis a photograph which evokes admiration and isperfectly faithful. Such is Mr. Ribeiro's work.His portraits in oil and crayon are above criticism.Photographs are made by ali systems, and ordersare taken for work outside of thegallery. Youfind here a complete collection of pictures ofemínent characters in politics, literatura, art, etc.

Contains a summary of news and a review of Brasilian aRairs,a list ofthe arrivals and departures of foreign vessels, the com-mercial report and price current ofthe market, tables of stockquotations and tales, a table of freights and charters, a sum-mary of the daily coftee reports from the Associação Com-mercial, asynopsis of the monthly balances of local banks,.and ali other information necessary to a correct judgmenton Brasilian trade.

(Cash invariably tu advance)Subscription: ao$ooo per annum for Brasil.

$10.00 or £9. abroad (34$ when paid here).

SINGLE COPIES; 400 rei»; for sale at tlie ofliceof publication, or at the English Book Store, No. 67 Rua doOuvidor.

AU subscriptions should run with the calendar year, orterminate on June 3oth and December 3ist.


79, Rua Beta dc Setembro.

Rio de Janeiro, February çth, 1892.

Furniture and Carpete—Mr. Henry King-ston, at No. 8 Rua dos Ourives, has just receiveda large invoice of beautiful furniture for parlors,sleeping-rooms and dining-rooms. He has alsoadded largely by fresh receipts to his stock of spe-ciai upholstered and fine wicker furniture of richdesigns and new styles. Ali the furniture he of-fere to the public is particularly adapted to thisclimate and made of the best wood. In his spa-cious store-room he displays sofás, reclining-chairsprovided with every device of comfort, tapestry,curtains, window ornamenta, an extensive varietyof carpêts, mats, hassocks, oil cloths, ãuilts, mat-tresses, in fine everything to be found in a com-plete and first-class stock of furnitare and carpets.The upholstering depârtment is a special featureof this establishment, and the work that comes fromit is done in the most substantial manner. He alsomakes a speciality of receiving orders to be filleddirect from Europe.

Ao Grlo-Turco.— This prominent establish-ment of Messrs. Estella & Co. at No. 64, Rua doOuvidor, is replete with a splendid assortmcnt ofgoods particularly suiuble for the holiday trade.Their stock of objects of art, children'» toys, toiletarticles and articles for salons, perfumery, &c, iscomplete and can not be equalled for infinite varie-ty, quality and elegance. An examination ofthisvast collection of novelties and useful and orna-mental articles can not fail to discover somethingthat would make a fitting present A specialexposition of fans of ali kinds from the or-dinary to the most highly ornamented and richlydesigned, is made every Saturday and should beseen. The prices are plainly marked and arehalf those of any other house.

It is worthy of notice, and of earnestprotest, that the states are beginning to levya stamp tax of their own, in addition towhat is already levied by the nationalgovernment. The measure is wrong inprincipie and is unjust and unequal inpractice. It adds a further percentage ontransactions which are already heavily taxed,it is confusing for it obliges everyone tokeep himself informed of the acts of twoseparate and independem legislative bodies,it is unjust in making the legality of docu-ments dependent upon conformity with thechangeable requirements of these two bodies,and it is unequal because it will lead toheavier taxes in some states than in others.It will also lead to a heavy multiplicationof taxes on transactions which may have tobe exeeuted in several states, and will tendto impede and complicate general commer-ciai business to an extent which will cer-tainly oceasion serious losses. As this willlargely affect foreign investments and com-mercial enterprises, it will inevitably lead toa depreciation of Brazilian credit and to anincrease in the charges for doing businessin the country. In the end ali these costswill have to be met by the Brazilian peoplethemselves, hence self-interest as well assound principie should counsel them toprohibit ali such economic blunders.There are sufficient sources of revenueavailable, such as that of a land tax, tomeet every local requirement without seek-ing to duplicate taxes already levied by thenational government. The customs andinternai revenue taxes should be kept inlhe hands of lhe national treasury, and ii itis necessary for the slates to have a share ofthem then let a percentage be set apart forthal purpose.

The proposal of some Amazonas legislat-ors to issue a half million in small notes, isworthy of serious notice. The "regionalsystem" proposed by Ruy Barbosa is badenough, but if each state is to be permittedto issue paper money, then there will be noend to the difficulties and losses sure tofollow. There should be one common cir-culating médium throughout the wholecountry, uniform in value and based uponone species of security. There will then beno inequality between the states, and theywill be ali the closer bound together throughsuch a common interest If once the statesare permitted to issue their own currency,then we shall have varying rates of depreci-ation, arbitrary discounts between states,greater confusion in foreign exchanges, anda wide divergency between the profits oncommercial enterprises in contiguous states.Brazil is encountering difficulties enoughwithout this, and a check should be at onceplaced upon the project There is unques-tionably a general lack of small notes,owing to the abominable policy pursued ofpermitting bank speculators to issue largenotes, presumably to avoid the labor ofcountingandsigning. Here in Rio eventhere is a serious lack of change and incases 2% has been paid for it. The govern-ment, however, can easily meet the require-ment by issuing small notes in exchangefor large ones, and this should be done atonce.

There is perhaps no better illustration otthe humane tendencies of modem civiliza-tion than the organization of societies forthe relief of those falling in battle. Noble,tender-hearted men and women have dedi-cated their lives to this service, and are to befound wherever war is doing its dreadfulwork. The work of these devoted servantsof humanity is honored and protectedeverywhere, and their badge opens for themevery door. Besides these there are othersocieties for supplying hospitais with nurses,for the protection of the aged and infirm,of children, and of dumb animais. Inevery direction we find some manifestationofthis spirit ofself-sacrifice and fraternity.It has oceurred to us, in considering thepresent state of affairs in this city and San-tos, that there is stiil another field lo occupyin the work of organized relief, and that itmight be iniliated right here in Rio deJaneiro—the work of carrying relief to thevictims of fever, and of improving the sani-tary condition of places where dangerousfevers are common. Like the others, itshould be a private organization and shouldbe accorded the íullest protection by theauthorities wherever its work is required.It should seek to provide nurses,hospitais, ambulances, medicines for thepoor, and everything which can alie-viate lhe sufferings of the poor. It shouldstrive to seek out the sources of infectionand to propagate better ideas ofcleanliness,ventilation, alimentation and personal ha-bits. And it should be protected by aliauthorities in its recominendations for theabatement of nuisances, and for the execu-tion of sanitary "improvemenis. Such asociety would need to be well instrueted insanitary science ; it will therefore be lhework of educated men and women, whoseopinions will be respected and whose re-

The nevvly elected directors of the Bancoda Republica have not taken upon theirshoulders a light responsibility, and theirmanagement of a delicate and difficult taskwill be watched with interest. The com.-position of the directory shows that it is theresult ofa coalition; Sr. Figueiredo has hisrepresentatives, Sr. Mayrink has his and itis supposed that Sr. Pinho has also arepreséntative upon the new board. It isquite possible that some such arrangementwas inevitable, but at the same time itmust be confessed that a diversity ofinfluences can hardly be expected to pro-duce harmony of action, and if the newlyelected managers of Brazil's great financialinstitution are able to preserve peace amongthemselves, it is to be hoped that theywill reduce the chãos delivered over to theminto some form that will inspire a shade ofthat confidence which the Banco da Repu-blica has never enjoyed heretofore. It isevident that a vast amount of disagreeable"dunning" will be thrown upon Barão deGuahy and his colleagues. The giganticspeculative operations fostered by Sr. May-rink and his colleagues in the Banco daRepublica, the Banco Constructor and theBanco de Credito Popular must be liqui-dated in some form if confidence is soughtfor the Banco da Republica, and can theseliquidations be realized without damage toreputations ? We tear not; and hence weconsider that the new directors are assuminga responsibility that either is the expressionof most admirable courage and confidence,or is inspired by a certainty that aid is tobe extended to the reformed institution bythe Treasury. There can be no one con-nected with Brazil that honestly wishes thetotal destruetion of the Banco da Republica.Its management has been that of lunaticsso far, but if these managers have incurredliabilities that can be enforced by the newdirectory, then it may be justifiable on thepart of the government to extend what aidit can to prevent the entire destruetion ofthe capital of the bank. The meeting cal-led for the 10 th inst. will modify the statutesof the bank, and after this is held, it will bepossible, perhaps, to form some idea as towhat are the expectations ofthe directory,-of which Barão de Guahy is head, as to thefuture ofthe bank. According to the reportof the meeting held on the 6th the newdirectors are to have a constant remem-brance of what is expected of them, foritwas unanimously decided to place a bust ofSr. Mayrink in the bank parlor, and withthis effigy before them the new board willsurely be strengthened in ali their efforts toimprove the credit of the institution ofwhich they have taken charge.

From The Uruguay News, Jan. 24Ü1.LOSS OF THE "JOHN ELDER."

The news of the total loss of the Pacific SteamNavigation Company's steamer John Elder, oneof tlie favorite boats oi this popular line and onewhich bore tlie name nf the founder of this impor-tant service, caused great consternation in tliis city,.where Captai 11 II. Perry, was a great favorite.

Tlie John Elder, Capt. II. Perry, sailed fromValparaiso un Saturday lhe lótli and ran ashore 011Sunday thc 171I1 in a log at Carranza Point nearTalcahuano 50 miles from Constitucion and speedilybecame a total wreck. Tlie crew and passengershowever were saved, they being brought ashore inseven boats of the ill-fated vessel. The port autho-rities also rendered every snrt of help. The mailsand treasure arrived at Valparaiso, per Melpomene,on the 2lst.

The Cleaiy Opera Company were on board andwill of course have lost ali their valuable baggage,scenery, dresses, etc. an immense loss, even ifinsured, as they had made arrangemenls lor givingsome more representalions in lluenos Aires andMontevideo and will now nf course find it tlifficult,or rather itnpossilile, to do much more tlian a ben-efil concei 1, ií that. Great sympathy is felt withCaptain Peny as tbe difficulties of lhal coast arewell known. OfT Carranza Point lhe sea is sodeep that lhe Ica I is quite useless and as fogs arefrequent there lhe danger is very considerable.Some 4000 tons of cargo were lost. We under-stand lhat the Pacific company are their own insu-ters, and as the vessel was an <>ld one her insuranceaccount will more than cover tbe loss. The comp-any, as we have lately mentioned, has several newboats building and alnw\t ready, so lhat no seriousinconvenience will lie felt in lhe service by thisunfortunate loss.


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Page 4: The Rio News. - BNmemoria.bn.br/pdf/349070/per349070_1892_00006.pdf · Botafogo. Telephone 1550. J Suneon and Accoucheur. Cons. from a ta £ Praça wncral OsorinNo. 63. Res. Rua Marques

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THE RIO NEWS. . [February 9th, 1892.

.,*:' .1 £a4AÇ0 Z?.-í REPUBLICA.

On theóth tlie first meeling of thebank:s share-holders was held, the object being to receive theresignation of lhe entire Ixxard of directors, includ-ing the presidént, Sr. Mayrink.

«After Visconde de Guahy had complained, in applitely sarcasííc manner, of a paragraph in Sr.Mayrink'* relatório in reference to the pcurparlersthat preceded, and produced, the latter's resigna-tion, lhe election oí the new board of directors washeld and the following «jenllemen were declaredelected : Visconde de Guahy, Frederico Duval,Conde de Caetano Pinto, Camillo de Andrade andManoel Gonçalves Duarle. The board will not,however, assume ottice until the necessary modifi-cations in the statutes of the bank are voted, forwhich purpose a meeting has been called for theioih inst.

The conselho fiscal elected is composed of Srs.Barão de Araujo Ferraz, Guilherme P- rio, Barãode Sampaio Vianna, João Manoel Pereira da Silvaand Carlos Antônio de Araujo Silva.

Upon the motion of Visconde de Assis Martins avote of confidence in Sr. Mayrink was passed, andthis gentleman's bust is to be plaeed in the bankparlor with the dates of the installation of the bankand of Sr. Mayrink's resignation of the presidency.


On the 8ih inst. O Tempo published the follow-ing telegram:

" Porto Alegre, bth.The provisional government of the state main-

tain.% itself surrounded witd ali popular prestige,directing aflairs írom on board the gunboat Marajó.Col. João Pinto was arrested to-day as one of

the leaders of the insurrectionary movement.Olher arrests have been made.

The 291 h battalion of infantry which had siezedthe telegraph station at Cachoeira returned to itsbarracks upon the energetic intimation of Col.Pedra.

The population of the city demands the with-drawal of the battalion.

The 4U1, 6th and I2th battalions which remainfaithful to the government are expected here.The only battalion that is still hostile is the 13U1.

The commander of the district has not acted ascircumstancès required. "

O Tempo adds that this telegram was receivèd at2 a. m. on the 7th; that it refers to former tel-egrams which had not been receivèd, and asks thegovernment what had become of them.

RIVER PLATE ITEMS.—The rainfall in Buenos Aires last yearamounted to 944 millimetres, of which i58mm fell

in March.

—The Cleary company, which was wrecked onthe John Elder, was expected to arrive at the Riveron the Liguria and will give a performance inBuenos Aires on the I5th inst.

—The Buenos Aires Herald of January 9th wasreceivèd on Sunday last by a steamer which broughtMontevidéo papers ofthe 3 ist. The Buenos Airespost-office seems to be thoroughiy demoralized.

—An exchange says that a French firm hasoffered the Argentine minister of finance a loan of^10,000,000 on condition of receiving an exclusivemonopoly of the sale of tobacco and matches inthat country.

—The December returns for the city of BuenosAires show that there had been 1811 births (272illegitimatej during the month, 635 marriages,1345 deaths and 105 still-births. The populationwas estimated at 556,663 at the close ofthe month.

—On Wednesday; January 20th, the thermome-ter went up very nearly to 98o Fahr. in BuenosAires, and in Montevidéo it is said to have marked38o C, or 100.4o Fahr.! It looks as though ourPlatine friends will have to come up to Rio to cooloff.

—A decree has been issued by the Argentinegovernment declaring that ali the private banks inthe republic, whether carried on with foreign ornational capital, and whether their boards of direc-tors are in the country or not, are liable to pay thetax of 10% on their profits.

—The bill raising the unjust moratorium imposedon the Bolsa liquidation for July, having at lastpassed the Chambers, receivèd the seal of theexecutive on Tuesday, and is now law. Althoughthe mischief is now in great measure done, thelaw has been welcomed on the Bolsa as removingastanding impediment to business, and champagneflowed in the vicinity to celebrate its promulgãtion.Another instance of gratitude íor small mercies.—Montevidéo limes, January 28.

—The Buenos Aires Inteodnnt has issued anotice to merchants, shopkéepers "ánd

the publicgenerally that the chemical analysis of every ali-mentary substance imported, manufactured or soldfor consumption, is obligatory and that the case,cask, bottle or wrapper, etc, containing the samemust bear the seal of the chemical office. Mer-chants are prohibited from printing on their labelsthe certificate of the chemical office, the onlyauthorized form of certificate being the sealobtained from the office itself.

—Strange to say, in spite of the new emission,paper money is already becoming scarce in themarket. This scarcity will continue in proportionas the shin-plaster decreases in value, and onedifficulty will be added to another until we haveanother emission. Thus the government that onceviolates economical laws commits another crime toescape the effects of the first, and so the way toperditi"n becomes easy. It is not likely thatPellegrini will call for another pull on thepaper factory during his term of office. He willcontent himself with the fifty millions of shin-plasters, but his suecessor must have a new supplvon coming into office.— Southern Cross.

—We call attention to lhe article in anothercolumn on police abuses in Rio de Janeiro. Thequestion of making lhe police and other authoritiesresponsible for abuse and false imprisonment isone that equally affects lhe River Plate. Here, asin Rio, the present customs are not those of civilisednations, nor should lhey l>e tolerated by the foreignresidents.—Montevidéo Tintes, Jan. 291b.

—The 45% of the Montevidéo custom houserevenue for the payment oí the first coupon of tlieConsolidated debt of Uruguay has l>een collecteddaily by the London & River ÍPIate Bank, the totalreceivèd up 10 the present being $304,411.38.Should tbe proceeds of the 45% from the customhouse amount to no more than $300,000 per monlh,that will be amply sufficient to cover this liability,which amounts to about $280,000 a.month. Wheretrouble may arise tn future if this revenue does notincrease, is when lhe question has to be íaced as towhether tbe remaining 55% together with the othersmall sources oí revenue the country possesses, willsuffice to cover the public service of the country,while no attempt whatever is being made todiminish expenses.—Utuguay News, flíonlevideo,January 3lst.

—The extraordinarily high duties now chargedupon ali articles of consumption, and particular! von tobacco, etc, are bringing forth fruits after theirkind. The general public has to pay famine pricesfor its commodities, lhe government revenue is notincreased to any appreciable extent, and lhetemptation to smuggle goods becomes too strong tobe resisted. Through a mere accident, the otherday, it was discovered that a most respectable firmwas endeavoring to smuggle twelve thousanddollars', worth of fine tobacco in jars that wereconcealed in lhe centre of a lot of barreis oiyerba.Oí course these goods were confiscated, but it isvery doubtíul whether their value representsanything like what the government has been de-frauded out of through more successful ventures.—Argentine News, Rosário, January 23rd.

—The political outlook is as bad as it can be.On Monday evening the troops of the line wereordered out to encamp in Maldonado. The al-leged object of this move is to give the soldiers anopportunity of bathing in the river, and for drilland target exercise. Nobody believes that suchwas the real motive. We give elsewhere someparticulars of the row in Mendoza. It appearsthat Suarez who was shot, is dangerously woundedbut not dead yet. The secretary, Narvajas, diedimmediately. Two of the assailants were alsokilled in the fray. Pellegrini and Roca are aboutto return to this city from Mar dei Plata. Costais still sending out arms to the police in the camp,but whom he is going to fight is a mystery. Somesay he will form an alliance with the radicais tosupport the candidature of Roque Saenz Pena.Others say he intends to proclaim himself King orSultan. Roca finds it hard to keep his followerstogether and many of them laugh at the acuerdo.There is a general feeling that the radicais aareconspiring and will make an attack somewKére.Mitre's supporters are crest-fallen and know notwhat side to take. At every hour of the day therewere alarming rumors in the beginning of theweek. Things are somewhat quieter as we go topress and the general opinion is there can be tiorevolution unless by defection of the troops.There's the rub.—Southern Cross, Buenos .Aires,Jan. 22.

Provincial Notes—Salt is selling in Goyaz for 25$ a bag.—In Ceará lhere have been some fatal cases of

small-pox and yellow-fever. j—The laborers employed on the new quays at

Santos struck on the 5th for higher wages.—The extraordinary session of the state legisla-

ture of Ceará was opened on the 3rd inst.—In Juiz de Fora there were registered in

January 16 marriages, 60 births and 49 deaths.—Councillor Leoncio de Carvalho has publisheda card declaring that he has retired from politicallife.—The first section of the new quays at Santos

was formally opened for business uses 011 the 2ndinst.

—During the month of January there were2,787 immigrant arrivals at Santos, of which 2,498were Italians.

—The sanitary delegate at Campinas has pro-hibited the entrance into that city of persons iliof contagious fevers.

—The export of rubber from the Amazon valleyamounted to 10,831,528 kilos to the United Statesand 6,957,877 kilos to Europe, last year.

—The receipts of rubber at Pará last monthwere 3,030 tons, the largest quantity ever receivèdat that market in any one month.

—Forty members of the S. Paulo legislaturehave protested against the dissolution of that legis»lature by the presidént of the state.

—The telephone employés in S. Paulo wentout on a strike on the 3rd because their petitionfor more pay had not been attended to.

•—The governor of São Paulo has authorized thesanitary authorities of that capital to open a hos-pitai for yellow fever cases coming from Santos.

—A telegram ofthe 4.I1 from Bahia savs that itwas reported the government had resolved to annulits appointment ofa chief of police for that state.

—A Desterro telegram of yesterday states that aconflict is threatened at Brusque, «Santa Catharina,where a body ofarmed men have appeared anddeman.ed the withdrawal of the provisionalauthorities and police.

—A revolutionary movement oceurred in PortoAlegre. Rio Grande-do Sul, on the Tth to over-throw the provisional government.

"lhe news arevery meagre and uncertain. but it seems to havebeen a failure from the beginning.

—The provisional junta of Santa Catharina hasordered an election of members of the constituentassembly to be held in that state on the 27A prox.

—In Ceará on the 4A there were disturbancescaused by fighting between policemen and cadetsof the military school. Several of the latter werewounded.

—A duel was fought in S. Paulo on the 5th bytwo Italian journalists of the name of Falcinelliand Bertolotti. The latter receivèd a slight woundin the hand.

—The breweries of Juiz de Fora have raised theprice of beer to 300, 400 and 540 reis per bottle,and that of soda water to 300 reis per half bottleand 420 reis per bottle.

—Gen. Cesario Alvim has effectívely preventedhis enemies from deposing him from the presi-dency of Minas Geraes. The general has resigned.This may be considéred a flank movement worthyofa great military leader.

—In the state of Rio Grande do Sul on the 25Ault. a body of 150 men, organized by Cols. Pe-drosaand Bernardino Matta for the purpose ofattacking Cangussú, was captnred anddisbandedby a force of 500 men under the command of Col.Israel Caldeira.

—In a telegram to the press of this city Presi-dent Cesario Alvim ridicules the revolutionarymovement at Campanha for organizing the newstate of Minas do Sul.

—Senator Pinheiro Guedes has receivèd a tele-gram stating that at Corumbá on Jan. 22nd therewas a successful revolutionary movement whichdeclared the governor of Matto Grosso deposed,appointed a provisional government and removedthe capital of the state to Corumbá.

—Dr. F. Bernardino has been elected presidéntof the municipal council of Juiz de Fora by amajority of 181, receiving 893 votes against 712cast for his competitor Dr. João Penido.

—The official organ ofthe government of MinasGeraes, O Movimento, says that the reported se-cession of southern Minas is false, which it calls a" comedy by an unknown commission."

—In Ceará several non-commissioned officersand cadets of the nth battalion of infantry havebeen arrested for taking part with the cadets ofthemilitary school in promoting disturbances.

—A telegram from Pará ofthe 5A states thatthe presidént of Amazonas has decided to obey theorder he has receivèd from the general govern-ment to come to Rio. Think of the legally-electedgovernor of an independem state obeying such anorder.

—A telegram from Pernambuco says that theofficers ofthe garrison wish to make «Gen. OuriqueJacques sole governor of the state, excluding Dr.Ambrosio Machado and Dr. Meira de Vascon-cellos. The general, however, says that he hasgiven his word of honor to uphold the junta andbegs the officers to desist from their intention.

—As Gen. Ouriques Jacques did not sueceed indislodging Gen. Clarindo from the gubernatorialchair, the cadets of the Ceará military school havetaken the matter in hand. This led to the insult-ing ofa cadet by an officer ofthe police force, andnow the military school demands the dismissal ofthe chief of police. Why not dissolve the school ?

—The provisional government of Espirito Santohas issued an electoral law and ordered an electionof members of the constituent assembly to be heldon the 5 th. At this election the voters will ex-press their approval or disapproval of the depo-sition of the governor of the state. If the majorityof the electors disapprove of the deposition, thegovernor will be reinstated.

—A telegram receivèd here on the 4U1 announcesthat the personnel of the Central of Bahia- railwayhad struck for an increase of 50 per cent in theirsalaries.

—A collision oceurred between two freight trainson the Central railway just above Rodeio on lhernorning of the 4U1 restiltin,' in serious damages tolwth locomotives. At Maxambomba the nightbefore there was a derailment, much damage tothe track and the customary delays. Verily theCentral is rapidly achieving great distinetion fornegligence and incapacity.

Coffee Notes—El Cionista, of Panamá, states lhat a'report

has been receivèd from the coffee districts of LosSantos, which states that the plantations havenever been in better condition, lhat planting isbeing actively carried on, and that there is anabundance of land suitable for its cultivation onwhich the plantations can be very largely extended.This year 120,000 coftee trees, 80,000 rubber treesand 30,000 cacao trees have been planted in thisdistrict.

—At Vassouras a meeting, attended by 800 per-sons, was held for the purpose of demanainggreater promptness in the shipment and delivery offreight by the Central railway. In consequence ofthe delay with which this service is performed thestocks of merchandise at nearly ali the businesshouses in Vassouras had been exhausted and thepeople were threatened with starvation.

—There was another revolt of military prisonerson the 5th, but this time in the prison at Juiz deFora, where some 30 soldiers were confined forvarious offences. A drunken soldier was sent into procure a prisoner for outside service, and hisbrutality provoked a conflict. Fortunately theouter doors were closed in time to prevent an es-cape, but the prisoners had possession of the cagefor a time.

—A meeting was held at Campanha, MinasGeraes, on the 3ist ult. at which it was resolvedthat southern Minas should separate from the restof the state. A provisional junta was chosen,which issued the customary manifesto about guar-antees to life and property. Tht junta resolved,however, to annul the recent elections of aldermenand justices ofthe peace, from which it appearsthat these penny ha penny local elections are thesource and cause ofthis absurd secession. If theSul de Minas people could realize how painfullyabsurd they appear, they would ali emigrate toGoyaz to-morrow.

Railroad Notes—The daily night train between Rio and Sio

Paulo now makes one trip each way per week.—Tlie director of the Central railway lias issued

orders for station-masters ln prepare their accountsby the loth of every month. From this rule isexcepted the agent at the Rio station, whoseaccounts must be ready by the I5th.

—A friend remarks that if the authorities wantto see a very unsanitary proceeding, let them goto tlie railway station just before train time and seethe crowd alxjut the tickeUoffice. The ticket-sellers window ts kept closed until the last fewminutes, and then tlie snrging unwashed crowd ona hot day is enough to give a wooJen man thefever.

From the American Grocer, January 6th.COFFEE.

For the first time since 1888 the consumptionrises beyond the figures for that year. Coffee hasdeclined during the year, and now rules on Brazilsorts 2% ® 4 cents below the prices of one yearago. Throughout the year spot stocks have beenlight. Coffee, when judged by the value of theimports, constitutes 11.38 per cent. of the totalimports of foreign merchandise. The value of theimports for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1891,was $96,123,777 against a yearly average for thepreceding five years of 162,504,096, an increase of133,619,681. In 1886 the imports were valued atless than one-half the value H11891, being 142,672,-937. That was a year of low prices, the averagecost of fair to prime Rio being 10.76 cents. Thenext year marked the beginning of an era of highcost, the average rising to 18. n cents for the samegrade. This year marks another change towarda basis of low figures and undoubtedly a steadyincrease in consumption.

The imports into the United States for the yearending June -joth, 1891, less exports, comparewith the preceding year as follows :

1891. 1890./ Pounds. Pounds.

Imports less exports 511,041,459 490,161,900The consumption for the year ending Dec. 3ist,1891, at six ports was 233,058 tons, against 209,457

tons in 1890, a gain of 23,601 tons, or 11.2 percent., which, under normal conditions, is abovethe average annual increase in consumption.

The average monthly cost of leading varieties ofcoffee, and the average for the year, are shown inthe following table:



Rio, Rio,No. 7. No. 3

1743 »9-*317.7218.5718.2018.5017-3317.5017.1215.2012.8513.48

«3 55

19.5020.2520.1320.186019-2318.8516.9814-5515 1815.2418.15

Maracaibo.19.05^22.902o. ® 22.2519.50®22.25l8. CO® [email protected]® I9.62x7.7o®[email protected]® 18.9016. ® 18.6217. ®20 8lI7-25®22.0618.05^20.91


33. io® 24.4024. ©25.3724.5o®25.5024.25®25.5o24.25®25-5o2425®25-5024 55® 25.7025.50® 26.5025-25®26.2525. ®2Ô.25. ®26.24.50® 25.5024.5^25.64Average 16.45


During several months ofthe past year there hasbeen a great scarcity of desirable grades of Riocoffee, so that Fair or No. 3, and at times gradesbelow No. 7 and above No. 3 have commanded apremium varying from ^ to 3 cents per poundabove the basis of Exchange quotations and theestablishèd difference between grades.While the above table shows a decline of 4 centsin Brazil coffee, the average annual cost is only 1 %cents per pound less than in 1890, when it was19.64cents for Fair (No. 3) Rio; in 1889, 18.55cents; in 1888, 15.35 cents5 i° »887. 17.80 cents ;in 1886, 10.32cents; in 1885, 9.01 cents.

The sales on the Coffee Exchange during 1891were 7»738»«» bags, against 9,733,000 bags in1890.

Local Notes—Tlie hot weather is still at a white heat in spite

of the rains.

—Gen. Lima e Silva has been appointed com-mander of the 5U1 military district.

—Dr. Affonso Celso, Jonr., who has had asevere attack oí.yellow lever, it now recovering.

—Congressman Amphilophio has been appointedjudge of the Supreme Court, but it is reported thathe will not accept the appointment.

—The police are examining a " raised V accountpaid by the Companhia Plástica, by which some.one sought to make 1,000 pesos.

—At a recent trial of repeating rifles in this citythe Mauser fired 37 shots in two minutes, theMannlicher 45, and the Nagaut 47.

—We wish to call the attention of the sanitaryauthorities to the stencli at lhe har of the oldestand best known restaurant in this city.

—On the night ofthe 2nd there were disturbancescaused by fighting between soldiers and citizens atSacco do Alferes. Several shots were fired.

—Notwithstanding the rains there is still ascarcity of water in many streets. Some day theauthorities will have to confess that it is ali due tobad distribution and waste.

Page 5: The Rio News. - BNmemoria.bn.br/pdf/349070/per349070_1892_00006.pdf · Botafogo. Telephone 1550. J Suneon and Accoucheur. Cons. from a ta £ Praça wncral OsorinNo. 63. Res. Rua Marques

February çth, 18921] THE RIO NEWS.—It is stated that Capt. Eduardo Gonçalves

Ribeiro, who leít for Manáos onthe 2nd, lias re.ceived instruetions to take charge oí the govern-ment of the state of Amazonas. This is ili tlie lineof " federation," of course.

t. —The minister of tlie navy has given instruc-tions to captai 11 s ol ports to preveni merchantvessels from placing the nationál flag at half mastexcept in cases prescribed by law. This seems tobe a very important matter.

—May it not be concluded that the steady des-truetion of the forests about Rio and in the moun-tains is a cause ofthe oppressive heat and frequentdrouths which we now experience ? It is a subjectcertainly worthy of consideration.

—An offer has been made to the municipal coun-cil to supply the city with fresh beef at 500 reisper kilo. The authors ofthe proposal do not askfor a monopoly, but only for prelerence in theshipment of cattle on the Central railway.

—A deficiency of between 13,000$ and 14,000$has been discovered in the accounts of Capt. Rocha,agent at lhe Rio station of the Central railway.Capt. Rocha was íor a long time agent at Barrado Pirahy and was very much esteemed.

—At the Hotel dos Estrangeiros on the night ofthe ist, Col. Veríssimo do Rego Barros was robbedof 30,000$ in valuable papers and money.. On thesame night the janitor of the hotel was robbed ofhiswatch, and Rodolpho Lucius oí the sum of3oo$.

—In former times, says the oldest inhabitant,we used to have a thunderstorm every evening, andwithso great a regularity that people made lheirengagements for hours before or after the storm.The last fortnight has been something of the samecharacter, for it has rained nearly every evening.

—A proposal has been made to the municipalcouncil for the lease of the Santa Cruz abattoir forthe sum of 250,000$ per annum. The companymaking the offer binds itself to keep constanlly 011hand a supply of cattle to meet emergencies inwhich from any cause beeves should fail to cometo market.

—Will the sanitary inspector go down to thepassenger-landing near the market and take a noteoftherefuse thrown into the bay at that point.The stench at the place at low tide is intolerableand immediate steps should be taken to stop themarket eating-houses from emptying any morerefuse into the bay at that place.

—Dr. Arthur Nunes Maciel has again beenarrested. The arrest was, effected when Macielwas engaged in experimenting the doors of otherpeople's rooms at the Hotel Giorelli, where he hadregistered under the name of Dr. Antonio Barceltlos. It. is a burning disgrace that this notoriousthief is not prosecuted for his crimes!

—As the 23rd battalion of infantry was marchingup Rua do Ouvidor on the 4th two mules belong-ing to a cart were frightened by the sound of thebugie and, rushing against the battalion, werekilled by the bayonets of the soldiers. . Anotherstory is to the effect that the mules were killedthrough sheer perversity and without reason.

—Gen. Bernardo Vasaues has been appointed tothe command of the oth military district. Wecongratulate the general and trust that he will bemore successful in restoring discipline among thetroops than he was in stemming the lide of revoiu-tion when sent to Rio Grande (which we believehe never reached) last Novembèr by GeneralDeodoro.

—It is stated that the robbery at the Hotel dosEstrangeiros was committed by the celebrated Dr.Arthur Nunes Maciel. Maciel seems to be mak-ing good use of his time since he has been in thiscity. It makes no difference even if he is caughtat it, for the police find it convenient to imme-diately set him at libeity. Perhaps he is dividingthe spoils.

—The minister of the interior has addressed acircular to the governors of the states of Pará,Alagoas, Piauhy, Bahia, Paraná, S. Paulo, Mar-anhâo, Minas Geraes, Pernambuco, Rio Grandedo Sul and Rio de Janeiro, calling their attentiontò the expediency of ordering elections for fillingthe vacancies in the delegations from those statesto the federal congress.

—We must beg the indulgence of our subscribers; in regard to the iate delivery of onr last number.

Tht heat, new rollers and a sort of general demor-alization ali around made us over a day late. Itmay not be generally known, but the damp heat ofthe patt few days has made printing unusuallydifficult. We are usually prepared for such emer-gendes, bnt last Week was an exception.

—It eives us the greatest píeasure to state tha-the Geological Society of London has conferred theWollaMon priie (gold medall for thc past year onDr. Orvilfe A. Derby, formerly of the MuseuNacional and now chiei of the Sio Paulo geograph-ical and geological snrvey, for work done in thatbranch ot scientific research worthy of specialrecognition. 'Dr. Derby's geological work hasbeen almost wholly accomplished in Brazil, andthis recognition of its high importance will, wetrust, give as gennine a satisfaction to his manyBrazilian friends as it certainly does to his owncountrymen.

—President Floriano Peixoto has signed thearmy and navy bills. The land force is composednominally of 24,877 non-commissioned officers andprivates, of tlie cadets of the military schools,whose number must not exceed 600, and of theartillery apprentices, whose number must not ex-ceed 400. Should the number of the troops of theline bc reduced from any cause to less than 20,000,the government may fill up the ranks to but notbeyond this number, and in case of the reorgani-zation of the army, of the voting of a new appro-priation or of some extraordinary circumstance,the army may be recruited to its full strength of24.877. The naval force is composed of 3,012natiònal marines, a naval battalion of «990 non-commissioned officers and privates, 300 firemenand 3,000 naval apprentices.

—There is a letter at tliis office in reply lo the.advt. "A.B.C."

—It is said that there is going to be a livelyCarnival this year, in spite of its official postpone-ment to June.

—The viçar of Gávea writes to the Paiz that heis forcibly detained at the Misericórdia hospital byorder of Gen. Pego.

—An embargo lias been placed upon tlie trans-fer of any property of the Conde de Leopoldina bythe Banco da Republica.

—The Jotnal ai this morning says that Dr. JoséHygino, minister of interior, justice and publicinstruetion, has lendered his resignátipn.

. —We would suggest the name of Major EspiritoSanto as minister oí war, and call upon Deputy'Chico Glycerio to second the nomination.

—" He didn't know it was loaded." A police-man was cleaning his carbine in the barracks onthe óth, and sent a bali through a. corporal, whothereupon resigned.

—And what does Governor Portella say now ?If elections in Brazil show the turn of publicopinion, a weather-cock should be chosen as anatiònal emblem.

—The firm of Coomhs, Crosby & Eddy, com-mission merchants of New York, well-known herein Brazil, has been changed to Tlie Coombs, Crosby& Eddy Company.

—When public officials fail to do what scienceand common sense require them to do, and ajfatalepidemic results, are they not responsible ?

"Andwhat should be the penalty ?

—The carnaval having been transferred to June,the chief of police has issued orders for preventingmaskers or carnival processions from parading thestreets on the 28U1 and 29th inst., and ist prox.

—Two boarders at No. 2 Ladeira da Gloria wererobbed some days ago andcomplained to the police.It is stated that the only step taken in the matterby the police was to search the room of the com-plainants.

—If there is any truth in the cynical French-man's remark that one enjoys the misforlunes ofhis friends, Gen. Ruy must be having an awfulgood time over the difficulties of his friends theCount and the Councillor.

—The Timto says that Vice-President FlorianoPeixoto was fined by a conduetor on the 4th forembarkingon a Central railway train without ajticket. That is the most hopeful incident we havenoticed in a long time.

—The best business now in Rio, since reportshave fallen into disrepute, is that of a sneak-thief.You have to be caught red-handed, or no punish-iment ensues. Newspaper work is a pleasantamusement, but we think "sneak-thieving" willproduce the most capital within a given time; '-

—The continued silence of the authorities as tothe casualties connected with the capture of SantaCruz is susceptible of only one explanation—therewere none. Of course it would not sound wellafter ali the self-glorification that has been indulgedin, for an official report to say, "no one waskilled,»

—On thejth a committee called on the ministerof foreign affairs for the purpose of conferring withhim in regard to the state of Minas do Sul, pro-claimed on the 3ist ult. at the town of Campanha.The committee also called at Itamaraty palace,but President Floriano Peixoto was too busy toreceive it.

—On the 6th the police claim to have arrested anotorious character, in whose possession werefound a cotleclion of false keys and pick-locks, tworevolvers and a sword, a cigar-box full of car-tridges and other toys of a similar character. Thegentleman appears to have occupied his leisurehours in providing illegal amusement to the inhabi-tants oí Rio.

—Is there any particular eonnection between therites of the Caiholic Church and dynamite bombs ?On the 7th while S. Sebastião was " gallivanting "around lhe town, a string of dynamite bombs wereexplnded in front of the ex-Imperial Chapei whichmade as much noise as a battery of field pieces.Surely holy water will scare off Old Nick muchmore quickly than dynamite.

—It is reported that Sr. Ruy Barbosa is to takea prominent position on the direction ofthe Jornaldo Btatil. It is not reported, but it may be sug-gested, that the Jornal do Bratil will require moretype, an increased staff, more motive power andiron-clad proof-readers, if Sr. Barbosa is to throwhis i.ooo-pound bomb-sheels from the columns ofthe jornal upon an innocent public.

—We hear that the Segittança is finding greatdifficulty in discharging cargo at Santos and thatshe is likely to be detained a week or ten daysthere. We should like to tell the directors of theUnited States and Brazil S. S. Co., at New Yorkthat it is little better than murder to send a steamerwith such a cargo lo Santos at this time. Thefreights received will not pay for the lives lost.

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BIRTH.At Richmond, Surrey, on the 41b February, the

wife of Mr. R. G. Morris, of Santos, of a son.

DEATHS.Sturdy.—At Larangeiras, Rio de Janeiro, 011lhe 4U1 inst., Alice Mary, wife of Hy. C. Sturdy.Ashton.—On the 2nd inst., at the Caminho doBarra, Santos, of yellow fever, John E. Ashton,aged 24 years.Holst.—In this city, on lhe 2nd inst., of

yellow fever, Frederick Blich Holst, civilengineer, native of Drammen, Norway, aged 27years.

Lee.—At the Barra, Santos, on tlie 3id inst., ofyellow fever, Arthur FennerLee, United Statesvice-cônsul and son of James Fenner Lee, lateU.S. secretary of legation at Rio de Janeiro, aged22 years.

THE HOSPITAL FUND.Since our last issue thé following subscriptionsand donations have been received for the hospital:Walter Anderson 5oo$oooAllen Nathan 500 000Ed. Ashworth & Co.—The linen and blankets for

Io beds.It is desired that ali persons who desire to sub-scribe should send a memorandum of the same tothe Treasurer, or tp this office, as tlie heat andbusiness engagements make it difficult to seeeveryone at this time.

Financial Notes


PRIER DE Saone—Menge.—In Bahia, on the2jrd January, EDOUARD Schwartz, second sonof Adolphe Alexandre Guillaume Prier de Saone,of Bomhay, to Josephina, eldest daughter ofWilhelm Menge, of Bahia.

—Executive decree No. 722A makes an appro-priation of 1,409,560$ lor expenses with publicinstruetion.

—The tolal receipts of the Ceará custom houseamounted to 2,286,S58$3Ó8 iu 1891 aoainst 2,660,-537*3*0in 1890. y

—By the way, how about that patriotic súbscrip.liou for paying offthe foreign debt? Who's gotthe money and how much does it amount to?

I —Tlie government has received a communication•from Minister Salvador de Mendonça stating that

he lias forwarded the last lot of silver that he wasinstrueted to purchase.1 —Business is business, of course ; but we shouldlike to know the name of the gentleman whojnduceda boot-black to invest 75o$ooo in debenturespf tlie Geral at 3o$ooo each !

—Executive decree No. 723 makes an appro-priation of 3,o56,2<;2$768 for meeting expenseswith the administration of justice in the stales untilíhey shall have been organized.

1 —Operatives employed at the workshops of thegovernment telegraph

"have petitioned the govern-ment to return to them the sums they subscribed

over two years ago for the payment of the natiònaldebt.

—The scarcity of small notes has been causingmuch difficulty throughout this city lately, it beingimpossible to obtain enough for the ordinary needs«f>f4 daily trade. The government should see thatilus deficiency is al once made good.

—Amongst lhe bills introduced in the Amazonaslégislature was one auihcjiizing lhe issue of 500-000$000 in notes of 500 reis, 1$, 2$, 5$ and 10$,to be kept in circulation until the federal govern-ment supplies the state with Iractional currency.

—The report oí the experts, published on the7O1 inst, ordered to examine the books of the Geralcompany would mean jailxw England, or lhe UnitedStates, for the directors, and the book-keeper also.The experts confess their inability to make anyreliable statement for lhe books are some ninemontlis behind, the cash book is not paged, somepages are missing, blahk spaces are left andinterlineations are frequent. The judge orderingthe invesligation cannot, in decency, overlook thecarelessness of the men who have brought ruin onscores of innocent people, anti paid hundreds ofcontos to accomplices.

COMMERCIALRio de Janeiro, February 8th, 1892.

Par value of the Brazilian milréis (t$ooo), gold. 27 d.do do do do in U. f

coin at $4.86,65 per^i stg.... 54 75 cts.do $1.00 (U. S.coin) Brazilian gold.... i$8a7do of £\ stg. in Brazilian gold 8 890

Kauk rateofexchaitge.oflicial,011 London to-day taj£ dPresent value ol the Brazilian mil reis (gold)... a$ao4

do do do (paper).. 454 rs. golddo do do in U. S.

coin at #4 80 per/t stg 24-50cValue offi-oo ($4.80 per £1. stg.) in Bratí-

lian currency (paper) 4I081Value ol £1 sterling „ i9$59<

EXCHANGE.February «.—Church holiday. Exchange and banks closed

and no Bolsa.February 3.—The official iates at the banks were 12JÍ on

London, 778 on Paris and 960—962 011 Hamburg at 90 d|S ;4$oao—4$ 120 on New York at sight. The irarket wassteady, but rather quiet, with head office bills reported at12 5(16 and tepassed paper at 12)3. In commercial sterlingsome small transactions weie reported at iají—ia 7116, lhemarket closing with bills at the former and money at thelatter price. Sòvereigns closed with buyers at i9$72o,sellers at i9$8oo

February 4.—Official rates at the banks were unchanged, anJthe market was considered rather firmer, bnt quiet. Thebusiness done was in bank sterling at 12^,12 spóntidtají. with commercial quoted at 12)^—12^, the rate forbusiness being ta 7|i6. Hank reichsmarks were reported at950 rs. Sòvereigns sold at ig$7ao-191740 and closedwilh buyers at the latter price, sellers at io$78o.

February 5.—Thc banks were still officially at taJÍ, and bus-iness in bank sterling w« reported at 12 ç|ié—12}-=', butthere was no movement to speak of, for there are few com-mercial bills making. and there is very little money. TheThe market is decidedly tiusettled. for small amounts ofcommercial sterling were done at 12 }í, and at 12 7)16 therewas money up to the end of the month. The extremequotations fur commercial slerling were i/J^—12JÍ. Sov-ereigns sold at i>f ;-'• o for cash, and at the same price forthe 8th. and closed with buyers at 19$740, sellers at 1 <-«?-/;>lor cash ; buyers at 19$Sao, sellers at 2o$íko for the 291b.

450 Republica 119100 Sul Americano. 85

February 6.—The maiket was rather peculiar. The banksopened at x-jJ£ on London, and the market was firm ; thePariz and Kio posting 12^ aboutmid-dav, and the Banco doBrazil and the London and Brazilian Bank were also draw-ing at this rate. In the afternoon rumors of disturbances111 Rio Grande do Sul were current, and no bills appeared,so that at the close tlie banks were taking at 12^ for thenext steamer. There was not much doing and the marketclosed unsettled. Sòvereigns closed with buyers at ^$720,sellers at io$78o for cash, buyers at i9$820, sellers at2o$ooo for lhe 29th.

February 8.—The market opened 12^ d. on London, but wasnat, and the Brasilianische Bank posted no rates. TheBanco do Brazil, Pariz e Rio and some of the others weredrawing at iaj{, however, up to a late hour, but at the closethis rate was difficult to obtain. Some small amounts ofcommercial sterling were reported at 12 5116—rafa- Theofficial rates were 12JÍ on London, 778 on Paris and 960—962 on Hamburg, at 90 dts ; 4$o2o-4$i<>o on New Yorkat sight. Sòvereigns closed with buyers at i9$93o, sellersat 2o$ooo for cash ; buyers at i9$8oo, sellers at 191950, s.o.2Qtil.


2000 Sòvereigns.... 19 860 15 Apólices, ss... 9842000 do 19880 .. 2 do 4S 1,1201000 cons. Cr. Movei 30

Banks.200 Brazil, 2S 172100 Commercio 260100 Constructor 80

Railways and Tramways.200 V.F.Sapy»5°$ 29 22 S. Christ. tram 235

50 do 30Miicellaneous.

300 Melh. 110 Braz.. 90February 3.

46 ApolicesõS.... 984 1000 deb. Geral.^ío. 4 soo5°°$ do 98.2 2000 do 6th.... 42°o$ do 98.3 60 „ Lloyd Braz.. 190

Banks.10 Brazil, 350 20 Commercio 270

S «1«> as 170 2000 Republica,3°o do 171 500 xdbo. 31 Mar. 133

81 do ...... 172Railways and Tramways.

24 V.F.Sap'y 150$ 30 too Empres. Hyp. 248So Construc. Civis 9

February 4.2 Apólices, 55.... 983 1000 Sòvereigns .... 19 7204 do 984 1000 do 19 740

14 do 985 600 deb. Geral, ^20 4 50017 do 986


45 Brazil 350 100 Industrial 1655i2o do 2s .... 171 203 Republica 118200 Constructor.... 74 115 do 120

50 do ...... 75Miscellaneous.

100 Sor'bana. prol.. 75 100 V.F.Sap'y,iso$ 29100 Sal. Mos'róAssú .40 100 do 30

February 5.Sooo Sòvereigns .... 19 760 53 Apólices, 5S ... 9865000 do bo. 8th 19 760 36 do 4S 1.130

Banks.100 Brazil 350 60 Brazil, as 172

7 do 2s .... 170 300 Republica 115Railways and Tramways.

190 V.F.Sap'yi5o$ 28 82 Jar.Bot. tram..'t8o500 do 29

fíltsceitaneoiis.200 Agric. Alto Pa- 100 Obras Publicas 70

rahyba 6February 6.

9 Apólices, 985 1400 deb. Geral,£20. 4 5004 do ...... 987 80 ,, Sorocabana .. 83

900$ do 98.2 420 h.n. Cred. Braz.. 78Banks.

50 Mete dosVars.. 200124 Rural' 450702 Republica 118100 do 119


29 Brazil 35025 Commercio, 2S 6025 Franco Braz... 5a40 Lav. e Coiiiiu. 118

100 Snro'baiia.prol. ao400 Melh. do Kio . 25

400 Metropolitana.. 60

MARKET REPORT.Rio íf« Janeiro, 8th February, 1892.

Exports.Coffee.—There has been a good demand throughout the

week and as receipts have been disappointingly small, themarket has ruled firm, and closed on Saturday with a decidedtendency towards higher quotations. On the 4th brokersadvanced their quotations by 200 rs. and made no furtherchanges, but thc quotations we give below do not expresssellers' views as to the value of the article. The railwayseems still struggling with the traffic difficulties, and yester-day only 750 bags carne over the line .* to a deputation ofmerchants, the present director of the railway declared hisintention of straightening up matters, and it is to be hopedthat he will proceed with energy. It is anything but satis-factory to have receipts curtailed as they are, and as dispo-sable stocks become reduced, a new "slump" in the exchangemarket is very far from improbable. There is at the momenta scarcity ofavailable tonnage, which is likely to somewhatrestrict business, unless sailing vessels can be substituted forsteamers.

Thc shipments since our last report have been :44,873 bags for lhe United States11,412 ,, Europe

,, Cape of Good Hope9,754 ,, Elsewhere

59,036 bags.The vessels cleared with cotfee are:

United States: bags.

Feb. 5 New York Br tte Euciid 22,0036 Galveston ,, Oro u.757

Eurofe:Feb. 3 London Brstr Coptic 5^0

6 H.imburg Ger str P.srto Alegre 6,5916 Antwerp „ Leipzig. 2,206OpOttO do 20

6 Amwerp Blg str Coleridgc. 2,604

Page 6: The Rio News. - BNmemoria.bn.br/pdf/349070/per349070_1892_00006.pdf · Botafogo. Telephone 1550. J Suneon and Accoucheur. Cons. from a ta £ Praça wncral OsorinNo. 63. Res. Rua Marques

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'rHE RIO NEWS' [February çjth, 1892.

¦fi ... ¦ '¦¦'.-'

Elsevjhere:Feb. 4 West Coast Br str Milton aoo

4 Buenos Aires Aust str Áustria M. 499Receipts for the past week were 54,165 bags, against 57, m

bags ior the week before and 69,369 bags for the precedingweek. Receipts in Santos were about 46,000 bags, for theweek.

Stocks were this morning estimated to be 219,485 bags inall hands, of which over one-half is in exporters' hands.

The market is strong at the following quotations;Type. per arroba. Type. per arroba.No. 6 ...... i5$4oo No. _3$8oo

14 4OO 9 ...... 13 200

On Saturday lhe fattia was advanced by 35 rs. to 964 rs.p.r kilogramme.

Vessels loading and to load. bags.New Vork Amer str Finance

do ,, Segurançado Ger str Capua....do Br str Biela -.."'-do „ Horroxdo „ Etherleydo Swed bk Svea 10,000do „ Margatetlta 3,000

Baltimore Amer bk Baltimore 12,000do Amer lug White Wings.i 10,000do „ Anty 10,000

Havre Fr str Parahyba ._Antwerp Ger str Weser

do and London Br str TreniLondon Br str RitnutakaHamburg Ger str BahiaBordeaux Fr str BrésilMarseilles „ BretagneGenoa Ital str Orione

do ,, Colombo.do ,, Nord America

Trieste Aust str Zichy


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Imports.The markets generally continue quiet. Flour, however, is

an exception and the receipts tiisappear upon arrival.Quotations aie about unchanged, and tlie local mills findmore customers in the interior, and along the coast, lhanamong the city bakers. A cargo of Piteh pine and one ofSwedish have arrived; the first has been «old and the latteris to a company. The markets are about unchanged, althoughWhite pine is quoted rathèr lower. Kerosene ami Lard arel><Fth virtually unchanged and st;ndy. Rice is dearer andCodfish remains steady under light receipis and a fair demand.Kiver 1'late com is higher; receipts of native com have beensomewhat free for the week, however, and this quality remainsunchanged. Hay has been sharply advanced. Tiirpentineis lower and Cement shows no changes. Exchange has beenfairly steady, but was flat at the close nn Saturday; lhe lowrates ruling have smartly reduced January's receipts as com-pared with the same month last year.

Flour.—Receipts have been:Segurança, from New Y<>rk 300 brls.A my, from Baltimore 7,250 „Arno, friFin lhe Kiver Plate, .,cx>ob?g» 1.000 „

8,550 bils.The stock is reduced to the 2,oo_ bag * River Plate and

brokers rep rt the market active, but do not change quota-tions, vix :

Trieste n mina!Richmond ist... 3o$soo^-3i$ooo

do and. nominalBaltimore ist 30 500—31 000

do ind 29750—30000Western íi Interior... 9 750—31 000Kiver Plate 29 000.—30 000City Mills 3a 000—33 000

Receipts in lanuary were 28,350 br!s. a!l American, againstI7,cc9 brls. of all descriptions in Jauuary. 1891.Stock in all hands January 15-h 45,810 brls.Receipts to 31 st >*,6-o „

60,460 brls.Saies and withdrawaH • 10,150 ..

Stock in all hands January 3ist 41,310 bds.Piteh Pine.—Kece_pts aie 4*J.6i9 feet per Alart, from

Pensacola, which were so'd at 74$oco per áox andthe mar-ket is reported firm at this price. In january receipts wereabout 4_«,ooo teet. against 2,104,904 feet in the same monthlast year. I

White Pine.—Receipts nil, but quotations aresüghtlylower at 215—220 rs. per foot, at which the market is rcporiedfirm. Last month receipts were 183,119 feet, against 1,082,863feet in Janu_ry, 1891.

Swedish Pine.—The Livingstone, from Frederikshald,brought 484 doz. to a soap factory. Two cargoes from Wester-wick, (Mercator and Stella) have been sold at ports ofdistress, and the quotations to-day are 48+000—si$ooo perdoz. for red and 46|ooo—48$ooo fur white deals. Receiptslast month were 663 doz. against 8,390 doz. in January lastyear.

Spruce Pine.—Nothing new. Receipts in january lastyear were 141,945 feet.

Kerosene.—Receipts nil and the market is steady at8$8oo per case. Receipts last month were 23,000 cases,against 58,902 cases, in January, 1891.

Lard.—Receipts have been 1,875 kegs per Amy fromBaltimore. Brokers report the market steady at 500—530 rs.per lb. for Georgc's lard in lots and 480--500 rs. for othermarks. In January receipts were 7,525 kegs, 150 cases, or7,675 packages, against 16,400 packages for the same monthlast year.

Rice.—Receipts nil and brokers quote at i8$soo—_9$oooper bag, from dealers. Receipts in January were 30,900 bags,against 5,875 bags in January last year.

Codfish.—Receipts are ioo cases per Segurança fromNew York, 150 cases per Desterro from Hamburg and511 brls. Canadian coastwise. Stocks are estimated tobeabout 7,500 packages, and dealers report the market steady,with a fair demand, at 38$ooo—40S. 000 for Canadian tubs35-tooo— 36$ooo for barreis and 4o$ooo—42^000 for Norwegian cases. Receipts last month were:

13,980 packages Canadian.1,058 „ Norwegian

48 „ American

15,086 packagesagainst 10,867 „ in January, 1891.

Bran.—Receipts have been 1,348 bags from the RiverPlate, for which quality 6$.oo—6Í500 is quoted. City millsbran is quoted at j$8oo—6$aoo. There were no receipts offoreign in January last, nor in the same month last year.

Indian Com.—Receipts nil and River Plate coro is quot-ed at 7$3oo— 7", 500 perbag, while native is said to be un-changed at 5$soo— 7$20o according to quality, as receiptshave been rathèr more free. Receipts of foreign corn inJanuary were 511 bags, against 16,947 bags in the samemónth last year.

Hay.—Receipts have been 3.110 bales from the RiverPlate and 170 bales from Europe. The market is reportedfirm at 330—250 rs. per kilogramme. Last month receiptswere 33,863 bales, of which 400 bales from Europe, against18,639 bales in January, 1891.

Turpentine.—Receipts are 50 cases per Segurança, andin January 840 cases arrived, against 398 cases in Januarylast year. Quotations have been sharply reduced, viz.: 760—840 rs. per kilogramme to-day.

Rosin.—The Amy brought 250 brls. from Baltimore.Brokers still quote at 11 $000—15Í.000 per bri. Receipts lastmonth were 775 brls. against 1,437 brls. in January, 1891.

Coal.—Receipts since our last report have been:1,199,ons Per Stortny Petrel, from Cardifl3,073 if Guiana, do2,106 ,, Edinburgh, do'1763 >• Luxor, do

870 „ Verttess, ffom Newcastle.All to dealers and companies.In January receipts were 37,283 tons. of which 26,348 tons

Biitisli and 1,035 tons American, against 34,763 lons of alldescriptions in january last year.

Cement.—Receipts nil and quotations are about un-changed at 11 $000—11 $500 fr British, io$coo—11$ 000 forGerman and t i.f 000— 12Ç000 for French, per bri. Receiptslast month were 3,000 brls. German and 849 brls. French,against 13,094 brls. of all descriptions in the same monthof 1891.

Total foreign clearances oi Coffee from Riofoi seven months of crop-years:


Unitb» Statks.New YorkBaltimoreRiclimond •••••••¦•••••¦••New OrleansGalveston



Channel t. ri«àvre •••>•• •••••• ¦••¦ ••••AntwerpNorth of Europe & Baltic..EnglandBordeauxI.isbon f. Gibraltar f.oPortugalMediterranean


F.I.SRWIIKKKCape of Good HopeRiver Plate & West Coast..Rioand coast


United StatesEuropeElsewhere


1891.93 I 1890-91 1889-90

Bags.i,3« «036

73998 171

100 6..35 2 9

1 518 077

7880757 5*9

441 ooa62758


457322 163


929703* 547


1 518 077766378"4 5*7

3 408 972

Bags.811 338834941550

98 309'3040

1006 631

3 500J40563'7 5591


1 617

»4.«84 445


51 10033»3°

84 33°

T 006 63I430 81484330

* 54* 775

Bags.7*4 75089970

1 00099*7416367

931 161

3 5«>4429a«7 57461 8209» 935


40134 tas

37» 891



931 16137* 8919°»5*

1 394 204

Total foreign clearances of Coflee from Kiofor January:


Unitr» StatesNew YorkIlaltiinoreRichmondNew OrleansGalveston


EUKO.KChannelf.oHarreAntwerpNorth of Europe & Baltic.EnglandBordeauxLisbon t. Gibraltar f.oPortugalMediterranean



Cape of Good HopeRiver Plate & West Coa*tRioandcoast


United StatesEuropeElsewhere



Bags.186 595

5 002377358503 ico

302 319


357401 000






«334 47*


II 5503 34>

*4 79«

9033196903a•4 79»

2Í" 142

2 500«3 750

4 58623 37913659




300c3 ul!

6 ou




Bags.112 101

18919I coo


*55 704

3 3co109494818





10 1502727


*55?0494 25612877



FEBRUARY' 1.Rosário—Dan bg Ane Catlieritte; 193 tons; Olsen; 16 ds;

wheat to order. ..Montevideo—Aig schr Frederico Zeballos: 228 tons;

Donin; 21 ds; sundries to Messageries Maritimes.FEB. 2.

Baltimore—Amer bk Amy; 650 tons; Blackford; 47 ds; sun-dries to Levering & Co.

Pensacola—Nor bk Alart; 593 tons; Hansen; 80 ds; pineto order.

Cardiff—Br bk Guiana; 1265 tons; Foote; 46 ds; coal toCentral Brazil railway.-Br bk Edinburgh; 1291 tons; Roberts; 47 ds; coal to

Royal Mail company.Maceió'—Amer bk Justine H. Ingersoll; 577 tons; Peter-

son: 8 ds; sundries to C..W. Gross & Co.FEB. 3.

Cardiff—Br bk Luxor; 764 tons; Anderson; 98 ds; coal toorder.

Newcastle—Russ bk Veritas; 675 tons; Pettersen; 57 ds;coal to Société de En .reprises.

High Seas—Swed bk Bore; 33a tons; Adelgren; 4 ds; indistress, yellow fever on board.

FEB. 4.Frederikshald—Nor bk Livingstone; as6 tons; Nilsen;

96 ds; pine to Industrial de Sabão e Vellas company.FEB. 7.

Cardiff—Br ship Dovenby Hall; 1938 tons; Slater; 46 ds;coal to Central Brazil railway.

Rosário—Ger lug Papenburg; 347 tons; Steun 40 ds; hayto Gustaviis Gudgeon & Co.


Jersey—Br lug O Blanchard; 360 tons; Le Dain; ballast.False Point—Br ship Sar mat tan; 1208 tons: Churchill;

do.Rosário—Nor bk Shjold; 443 tons; Eriksen; doMacXo—Ger schr Johann; 135 tons; Ulpts; do.

FEB, 7.Barbados—Br ship Annie M. Law; 1197 tons; Rydei;

ballast.Buenos Aires—Nor bk Hugo; 860 tons; Martinsen; do.

CLEARED AND READY POR SEA.CADiz-Hr bg "8„," ballast.Talcaiiuanõ- Ger ship Kiio; do

—The Swed bk Bore, which sailed on the 391)1 ulto, re-turned to port on the 3-d with the master and several seamendown with yellow fever. Four of the latter died when theship was entering port.

FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS.The charters reported are Swed bk Svea, coffee to New

York, at s and Swed bk Margaretha, coflee, part cargo hereand to complete at Victoria, ior New Yotk, 30 s.

Freights Steamer:New York..25—60. per bag Trieste 40»—45. per tonLondon.. 35— 4o_perton Havre 40f. doLiverpool 35* do Bordeaux... 30f. doAntwerp. 30* do Marseilles... 40. -45f. doHamburg...* 40* do Genoa 30—40!. do

Sail;United States, North....

do South...Channelf.o. ILisboní.o. •••••••••••

•fi! |

i5_-aa_ 6_.

37* dd— 43x 61.


Annie Bingay Newport sr DecAlert Cardift as DecAniiola Cardift 34 DecAsa T. Stowell PhiladelphiaBndstikktn HamburgCaroline PensacolaCkislthurst at PlymouthCarrie L. Smith PensacolaCambrta Cardifl* 18 DecClara.. •• Cardift ai DecElizabeth Memel 7 NovEugenie Antwerp 35 NovEveltua at PlymouthEuropa Hull 17DecJF. W. Stetson NewYork 3oDecEdtv.ird D. yewttt New NorkFernand Henri...,, atFalmouthFano "*"*"'* ;;Gtlsland Cardift ai NovGrafia Newcastle 15N0VCipsy Liverpool 10 lanCler Pensacola naDecGeorge W. Lochner at ParáGordon Benttett at ElsinoreHomewood atFalmouthHenry at OscarshamnHtcla PensacolaÍris Cardiff 17 DecIcarus •-•• NewYoik

?acob A. Stamler NewYork

eannedArc St Nazaire lojanKhedive Greenock ai NovKate Burrill Cardiff as DecLarnica Çan!,.(! •;Lennie C«rd'« »3 JanLeepoldshall PascagoulaI.izsie Burrill... CardiffLothair Cardifl 28 DecLiudfeld..................... CardiftMary Mark Liverpool 19 DecAfeedeu HamburgMacedo* CardiflMarie feanne MarseillesMunster CardiffMorning Star Paspebiac 30 DecNor Pensacola 34 NovNimrvd atStornowayNeptuu «, PensacolaNordsjernen Cardiff 17 DecNeutra! Cardiff «3 JanNorteeod at PlymouthOneota at RotterdamPreiident Marseüle»Rese ef England at SwanseaRudolfvoH Bennigsen Marseilles 19 DecSouveraiu..................... CardiflSmrditúã*.................... Cardift 5DecSan Lereuzo Glatgow 9Ja"S.R.Lyman Antweip 18 DecS.R.Btarse Newpoit 13 l^nTentador* Oporto 23 DecIMornas Perry CardiftThorguy Gothenburg 30 NovTrust HamburgVerônica. Newpo.i 39 OctViãtor atSt Thomas1'alkyrie GlasgowVameost «CardiftW.trrcn Admms NoifolkWindsor Castle Liverpool 30 DecW.H.Cersar «Caidift 12 lanZerit.x Grangemcuth 3 jan



Feb. Magdalena BrSegurança AmerCaffaro ItalArno ItalMilton BrDesterro GrCoptic HrCorsica FrColombo. ItalCittá diGenovaltNuévo Leon ArgColeridge BlgPorto Alegre GrLeipzig GrV. de Rosário FrBrema Gr

South'pton*i7dNew York* 22dGenoa* asdRiver Plate sdLiverpool* 231!Hamburg* s6dWellington asdHavre* 28dGenoa* aid

do* i6dBuenos Aires i2dRiver Plate 4dSantos 18I1

do 2ohdo 24I1

Hambuig' 26d

Koyal Mail.Wilson Sons &CA. Fiorita &C

doNorton, M'w &E. Johnston & CWilson Sons & CF. MazonJ.N.Vincenzi&F.A. Fiorita & CGianelli & CNorton, M'w & CE. Johnston & CH. Stoltz & CF. MazonE. Johnston & C



Feb. Kepler BlgGalileo BlgFinance AmerSegurança AmerCoptic BrMagdalena BrCaffaro ItalMilton BrÁustria M. AustV.deS.NicolasFrColombo ItalCittá diGenovaltOro BrBahia GrWeser GrEuclid BrPorto Alegre GrLeipzigGr

New YorkRiver PlateSantos

doLondonRiver Plate

doValparaisoBuenos AiresSantos

doRiver PlateGalvestonSantos







Calling at intermediate ports.




A iiierican

bk Juliabk Baltimore....lug Lizzie Carterbk Archer......lug C T. Baianolug White Wingsbk Amybk J.H.IngersolI


bk Leopoldina..sch Leopoldo...sch F. Zeballos..


bkShun Lee....bk AliceN.Craigbk Mirzapore...sp Imberliorne..sp Fui wood.....bk Mnorhill ....lug Trinidadfi..'.bk Alp. Marshallsp Hannibal...sp Elmbank....hg Aeronaut...lugGeo Booth..sp Oberon...sch Chicharra.schr Arana ...D£ oJ ••¦••••_sp Polynesiansp Grace Harwarsp Falconhurst..bk Stormy Petrelbk Kylemore....lug Flash Light.bk Guiana....bk Edinburgh.bk Luxorsp Dovenby Hall


bg A. Catherine


bk Alexandre...


sp Klio.........lug Johanna....bk Minti.•••*•••bk Print Albert..lug Papenburg..


bk Lacaruna....sch Ermin. PrimabgZia


bklrisbk Vegabk Fritz Smith..bk Áustriasp Macduffhlc Triumph ....bk luliebk Flidbk Kvikbk Prince Louisbk Crown Princesp Prince AlbertbgSpica..bkLakefidd...bg Finn.........bk Alartbg Livingstone..

, Oriental

bg Montevideo..sch Galileo.sch 3 Hcrmanos


bg Maria Isabel.bk Sereiabg S. Manoel...bk Alliançabk Sophia.......bg BoaXHte..lug Temerário..


bk Veritas.


lug Sveabk Margateu.bkBote.




















Dec. 7Jan


Nov. 3Dec 6Feb. 1

July 530

Nov. 33Dec. 3



fi *416•718303031


Feb. a337

Feb. 1

Jan. 301

Dec. aJan. 7


Feb. 7

Nov. 39

Jan. to




Dec tiJan. 28


Aug. 9Nov. $

11Dec 7. »>Jan. 9



Dec 811

Feb. 3

Brunswick.Baltimore..Norfolk...New York.New YorkBaltimoreBaltimore..Maceió....

Macáo....Bs. Aires..Bs. Aires..


§!uebec ...

»nto*.....Santos.....Cardifl....Cardift'....KenTdina..S.Fr.doSulCardiff....Bs. Aires..Bs. Aires..PaspebiacCardifl....Cardiff....Cardiff....Cardiff....Rangoon..Rosário..Cardiff....Cardiff....Cardiff....Cardiff....





Mossoró ._Liverpool .Stockholm.High Seas.Pensacola.Newport..New YorkSkutskar...Marseilles..Cardifl....Cardiff....Cardiff....Rosário...GreenockCarlshamn.Pensacola..Freds/htd..

Bs. Aires..Moi..'v.deoMontVidco


Obras PublicasNorton & Iacksor.To orderVa.W.Guim.__CTo orderOkell, Wilson & CLevering & CC. W. Gross &C

P. Bernardes &RGianelli &CMess. Maritimes

In distressH. Stoltz & CIn distressCent. Braz. R.R.Cent. Braz. R.R.Geral de C. & I.Cent Bru. R.R.Cent. Bras. R.R.Cent Braz. R. R.Cent. Ura». R.R.F. P. PassosQueiroz, M. & CKoyal MailTo orderTo orderMagalhães & B.To orderLage InatosWUson Sons & CBru. Coal CoAlvares P. & CJ. de Sousa &CCentr. Bru RR.Royal MailBru. Coal Co.Cent, Bru. RR.

Duvivier & C

Braz. Coal Co

Cent Bru. R.R.H. Stolu & CP.S. Nicolson &CCent Braz. R.R.G. Gudgeon &C

In distressCamuyrano & CCamuyrano & C

To orderGuild, Miller &CI. HolmerIn distressTo orderTo orderGeral de C. & I.In distressTo orderMessag. Marit.RoyalMailMess. MaritimesRio Flour MillsWatson, R.&CF. P. PassosGeral de C. & IInd. de Sábio Ca

Camuyrano «. CTo oíderSouza Filhos & C

Veiga Pinto &CVeiga Pinto &C.Santos, Abr. ft CCosta. Simfics ACC. Abranches ACIndistiess.MarinhoPradoAC

' VÍ-V ¦.'.*':¦


Newcastle. Scc Entrepriscs

HamburgliverpooT.High Seat.

H. Stolu AClohnMoore&CIn d-Uiess

Page 7: The Rio News. - BNmemoria.bn.br/pdf/349070/per349070_1892_00006.pdf · Botafogo. Telephone 1550. J Suneon and Accoucheur. Cons. from a ta £ Praça wncral OsorinNo. 63. Res. Rua Marques

.1 . ¦.-

í February çth, 1892.]%





Present Interest 'Ratei '•/• ntmá.-imátiía- Nominal Y. .

',: '],,Amount payable % venommauon value Last sale Closmg quotations

334,060,900$ Jan.-July 5 Apólices....... aoo$-i,ooo$ 987$ooo ' g8s$ooo- 087*000107,580,400 Qiiarterly 4 d» gold... 300-1,000 1,1-30000 1,130 000- ..!.119,600 lan.-July 4 „ do I>000$ ¦»18,017,500 Apr.—Oct. 6 Gold Loan 1868 1,000 1,400000 —31.633,500 Quarterly 4% do 18*9... ,,ooo 1,350000 1,300.000- ....100.694,000 , do 4 _ do . 18B0.......... 500—1,000 1,006000 .... — 1,300 0008,050,800; l Jan.-July 6 State of Rio de Janeiro .... 500—300 98% .

February 6t_=-, 1892.

•¦'¦¦¦ ¦




• • • •£9,350,000



























May—Nov. 8do 6X

Jasl-july 6J_Apr.-Oct. 6£

do s—6Jan.-July s

do 7Jan.-July 5Feb.—Aug. 7Jan.—July 6Mar.—Sept. 6Apr.—Oct.. 6Jan.—July. 7

Jan.-July 5do 6do 7

Apr.—Oct. 7Jan.—July 654*May—Nov.Jun.—Dec.Apr.-Oct.Tan.—JulyMar.-Sept.









. A"Yido r. >,












RAILWAYS.Bragantina..Campos and Carangola ..Geral do Brazildo

Juiz de F6ra and Piau....Leopoldina

do gold doMaricá........Sapucahy......... .S. Isabel do Rio Preto....

do gold ..........Sorocabana

do goldUnião Valenciana

TRAMWAYS.Cant. e ViaçSo FluminenseCarrisUrbanosdo

Pernambuco .............Villa Isabel

• •• -••••#-•••••••••• ••••••

"tâV*\ l

8 -8

SHIPPINGFerryLloyd Brasileiro..Cbntkai.Sugak FactorirsPurezaQuissamã ......Kio Hranco ....

MILLS,Alliança.........Bom FimBrazil IndustrialCariocaConfiança IndustrialIndustria I MineiraPetropolitanaPáo GrandeProgr. Industrial do Brasil,.Rink.S, ChristovãoS. LázaroS. Pedro de Alcântara....União Industriais. Sebastião

MINBS.S. Jeronymo | coal

MISCKLLANSOUS.Agrícola do Ribeirão Preto..Architectonica.Banco de ViaçSo do Brazil..Banco Crodito Movel.consoliBrazil AgrícolaCantareiras Esgotos, gold..Conitructora... .,¦•prosadoObra» Publicas..

dflL-^-A '•¥»•••••••«..d**,à. ¦<&/$*> »_•

JÉ p.-JUrolld. La*, e Col. Macahé.'...voura.Ud. & Colon

Melhoramentos U. de Nicth.Nacional de ÓleosNova IndustriaSaneamento do Rio...Serviços Marítimos »••••••••





£50£11 ss.










£33 10 t

Last sale






















300308300193• ¦







Closing quotations

6$ooo— 8$ooo4 coo— 5 000,

105 000— 300 000— ....

185100 500940900

.... —115 OOO

8o«6! - 8s?ó

J85 000—300 000

99000— ....


i, 300,000$10,000,000

• •••14,000,0005,000,0006,000,000



• • • •9,800,0004,000,000lf 300,000 ,

Reservefund \ Companies

CariocaLloyd Brazileira, reg

do bearer...Brasileira, e Estradas de ferroNac. Navegação Costeira..Norte e Sul.


i9%p.a—jan. 91i3?ÓP-a—Jan. 91

.. —Jan. 91• •••





910$ 000950 000190 00048 000

• •55 000

Closing quotations






30,000,000• • •
















10,000,000$• • •«••



. 3,000,000

CapitalPaid np






«.513. «»o1,000,000












































RIO DK JANEIROAgrícola do Brazil.--Alliança do Brazil..Auxiliarnoisfi. ••••••••¦•¦»««BrasilianischeBrazil

do 3 seriesBrazil e Londres ,Brazil-Norte AmericaBrazileiroCentral;Classes Laboriosas .'.'.CooperativoCommerciaí do Rio de jan.CommerciantesCommercio

do a seriesCommercio e IndustriaConstructor do BrazilContinentalCosmopolitaCredito CommerciaíCredito GarantidoCredito MercantilCredito Movei

do 9 seriesCredito PopularCredito Publico (Caixa)....Credito Real do Brazil....

do 9 seriesdo comm. dep...Credito Rural e Internac...

Credito Universal, gold....Depósitos e DescontosFederal do BrazilFluminense .'Franco-BrazileiroImpulsor.Industrial e MercantilIniciador de MelhoramentosIntermediário.Lavoura e CommercioLondon & Brazilian, Lmted.Metropolitano do Brazil....Mercantil dos Varegistas...Mobilisador......OperáriosPariz e RioPovoPopularRegional do BrazilRepublica dos E.U.do BrazilRio de JaneiroRio e Matto GrossoRurale Hypothecario......Sociedade BancariaSitl-Americano ..„União de CreditoUnião Ibero-Americano....ViaçSo do Brazil

PROVINCIALCredito RealS. Paulo

do a seriesdo comm. dep

Lavoura, S. PauloMercantil, Santos

do a series...S. PauloUnião S.PauloMinas GeraesTerritorial, do

do a series


4$ooo—Jan, 9a5 350—July 9210 000—Jan. 9390 000—Feb. 9110 %—May 91ao 000—Jan, 92so 9è-Jan. 938 000


•Jan. 92¦luly 9,• r '•'u'y 9'89op.a—Jan. 92July 9tJan. 93•Jnly 91¦Jau. 93Jan. 9aJan. 93•Jan, 93

000—Jan,000—july 915 000—Jan, 02«59óp.a-Jtily 9,13'VoP.a—July 9,

10 coo-J000—J

13 000'400ooo-000

i3%p.a5 500.

i39óp.a-i3°6p.ai39óp.a-*s%p;áiaP0p.a90 000'i5°op.a

4 900.4 000-

Jran. 92

an. 91•July 9,¦Ju y 9i•July 91—jan. Q2¦Jan. jt•Jan, 92Ían.

91uly 91•Jan. 93

10 000—Jan. 9212 000—Jan. 93000—Jan. 92io%p.a—Oct. 9110 000—Jan. 93

000—Jan. 9a300—Aug. 91soo—Jan. 93

o • ¦ •

6 000—Jan. 93• •••

10 ood—lan. 93000—Jan. 93a 500—Jan. 9313 000—Jan. 93000—Jan, 9»io9óp.a—Jan. 93is 000—Oct. 91

5 000—Jan. 93

3 000i39op.a.i39op,ai3?óp.a10 000-

3 5006 000

9 ",'nP.a!3<*0

15 0003 000



an. 93an. 92an. 93uly 91an. 93an. 93uly 91uly 91an. 91

*uJy 9«July 91














i8o$ooo60 000

350 00075 000

350 000173 000

64 000108 00030 000

385 000170 000370 00060 000

100 00074 000

160 000155 000138 00045 00048 000

100 000105 000180 00033 000

190 00030 00030 000

3to oco84 00055 00053 000

132 000165 00013 000

335 000Il8 000

300 000

5 50093 000

9 000108 000

119 00070 00030 000

450 000100 00a85 000900 00063 00054 000

7o$oooso 00050 000

110 000350 00053 000

133 00080 000

155 000300 000

Closing quotations

—35o$ooo—168 000

— 118 000

.... — 40 000

.... — 370 00059,-fiooo— 63 000

75 oco— ....

.... — 100 000

.... — 40 00050 000— 90 000

10 ooo—» 30 000

35 000— ....

158 000— 165 00013 000— ....

115 000—193 000

300 000—308 OOO

93 000—100 000

.... — 105 000

185 000— 195 000

.... —145000t40 000—330 000

— 130 000













Companies Dividend Nominal Last r.v Paid value sale c'»"'i ouotations

Alliança.... s$ooo—July 91 ao$ 93$ooo ——Argos Fluminense 99 000—Jan, 9a 950 345000 35S$ooo—&?"*• 500-luly oi 10 9000 .... -

*9$^oo"onança 1 000—, an. 89 90 10 000Confiança o 000-uly 91 90 uooo —_r.«T, «5 000-uly 91 135 335000 170000-....uaramia 13 ooo—_ an. 9a 100 140000 .... — 150000J»eral..................... 4 000—, uly 9: 90 47000 ——.Indemuadora 300—, uly 91 ao 18000 —_1 'iÜj* " ' 000—, an. 99 100 180000 ——^•¦Idydo ................. 1 000—, an. 90 10 9000 ——-Previdente 3 000—an. 9a 30 ot 000 —_P/ospondade 9 000—, uly 90 90 16 500 '"'""""União Com. dos Varegistas. 5 000— uly 91 90 47 000 —__Vigilância 7SQ-Juty 9» 10 9000 .... - IOOOO



60,000,000•'¦"^É'IWWJa. WW

• ••'o60,000,00*














i* 9,400,0006,703.0009,7OO|O00








5,000,000$• •••








AlagoanaCabo FrioCataguazes................Estr. o S. Franc. to Chopim.Ganido Brasildo

Goyat to Matto Grosso.....Maricá...Minas do S. JeronymoMusambinhoNordocste do BrazilNorte de S. PauloOeste do Minas

do 3 series.......do 3 series.......

l*«Vo-OpCüo_ • ? •••*..•• ••••••Popnna to AraxáKio DoceSorocabana..

do prolonga tion..

• ••••••••O)»


TÁ • ••¦¦••¦•O)

joca....................•Üo Valeaci.na

Vassouras o Paty do Alf «resViação Fcma Sapucahy....

do ....Viação Rio o S. Paulo *

TKAMWAYSv-alivCS* •••*••. •*••••) •_»••*•Corcovado (and hotel)......"ardim Botânico 'cnambucoS. ChristovãoVilla Isabel


HYPOTHECARY NOTES.Present Interest Rate D Nominal i Amount payable %, Bankt ^alue- Lasi taU Cía»'»i quotations

15.837,000^ Jan.-July 6 Credito Real do Brazil.... I00 82O0 829a -i . d° 5 do gold £11.5* i38$ooo isíÍooo- ""

7,939,300 Apr.-Oct. 6 Credito Real de S. Paulo.. ,,0I ««à ""7,790,800 .... 6 Rep. dos Estados Unidos.. ,00 q0Óí8,000 .... 5 do gold ,00 " /0 ^^

May-Nov. 6 Predial I00 ,à"o'«0,336,400 Jan.-Jul. 6 Uniio, S. Paulo I00 „




«« ?ó-l

14$0C«-3 ooo»6 000-

8 000—

Nominal Last X,Xvalue tale cl0UHt ouotations

40$ 95$00O -^— '40 43 000 ——ao —_40 7 000 7$ooo— ....70 t 000 — —

900 6 000 3 000— 4$soo900 -95 |6 000 ""

" di

60 190 000 ——40 60 OOO —•40 8 000 1900 900 000 im60 ..50 45 000 d :40 51 000 ¦40 -—ooo 86 000 —40 38 000 —900 950 000 ¦40 75 000 70 000— ....40 7 000 .1100 .. ___aoo __40 16 000 —^—>5° 38 000 36 000— 31 oooaoo 100 000 ¦>oo 169 000 ——

300$ 300$000 ——

180 ooo 175 000— 183 000 I130 OOO ——335 000 - '





















• •93,000




" I

AlliançaBom FimHrazil IndustrialBrazileiraCariocaConfiança Industrial

do 3 series...CorcovadoD. IsabelIndustria I MineiraIndustrial de Ouro Preto....Páo GrandePetropolitanaProgresso Ind. do Brazil..I\1I1K ••¦•••¦ »••• o ••• ••••'«•S. Lázaro.................

do 9 seriesS. Pedro de Alcântara....Uniio Industrial S. Sebastião


Dividend Nominal Lastpaid value sale

i3$ooo—July 91 300$ 360^000.. .... 200 220 000

12 000—July 91 200 330 000000— Aug. 90 200 206 000

13 000—Jllly 91 300 320 OOOi39ópa—July 91 soo soo 000i39óp.a—July 91 140 i3o 0003 :oo—July 91 i3o 135 000

.... 300 320 000• ••• 200 300 000.... I4O 45 OOO

13 000—July QO 300 330 000ooo—July 89 200 140 000

7 000—July 91 200 soo 00014 000—July 88 300 soo ooo8'lóp.a—Aug. 91 300 935 000

.... 100 80 000—July 91 300 330 000

3 400—Jan. 91 aoo I 150 000

Closing quotations

.. — 3IO$O0O O

• ••• -~ 5® 000




>••-Jan. 91


Í une 90une 90


-Feb. 84

-July 9»Sept, 91•July 91July 91-July 91

<•<*'*»' %B$

3 OOIOO9003O0S






















Agrícola de Paranapanema.Agrícola do Ribeirão Preto.Agrc.Coloniz. de VassourasCant. e Viação Fluminense.Carruagens Fluminense....Ceres Brazileira...........Commissões e E11saq.de CaféEmpreza de Obras Publicas.Evoneas FluminenseInd. e Colonisador do BrazilMelhoramentos no Hrazil...

do do Rio.....do de S. Paulo

MetropolitanaNacional de Forjas e Est'osNacional de ÓleosNova Era RuralObras Hydraulicas do BrazilSaneamento do RioServiços MarítimosToncns HrazileiraUnião In. dos Est. do Braz.


3$ooo -luly 91«o "/..—Jnly 9«• •••

4 000—July 9110 000—Jau. 91

io9ó—Aug. 91io°óp.a—|.tu. 91

'5 "/o—Sept. 912 800—July 91

4 500—July 91Int—Jan. 91

000 —lan. 91500-july 91

i2?óp.a—July 91'SÜ^o—july 91

om—July 91ooo—July ç.1





Lastsale Closing quotations


193 000215 000218 000

59 00c70 000S 000

90 00320 OOO25 OOO60 O0320 OOO


5 000j3 000

IIO O3057 **"50 033

67$o3o— 7o$coo

83 000—18 000—25 000—

21 000—

17 00090 00025 00034 000

IOO 000

.... 30 030

2S OOO— So 000

50 000— ....

Page 8: The Rio News. - BNmemoria.bn.br/pdf/349070/per349070_1892_00006.pdf · Botafogo. Telephone 1550. J Suneon and Accoucheur. Cons. from a ta £ Praça wncral OsorinNo. 63. Res. Rua Marques



¦ .*¦ ¦•¦ .

¦ ¦ ,"*¦






Loading Ber th; Cavei ed Pur No. 17, East River

Fer Frwgiit and Geseral informátion apply to

Thomas Norton,104 Wall Su, New.Yorfc.


WILLIAM SAMSON & Co.:¦¦¦' _: .-,.'; -'¦!-'.W;'*.¦-* ¦-•¦; _.-•". f&" '.-'¦'¦ «#¦**-

'-.'-*¦ w ¦ ¦/¦ Ç ,•" .¦ . ;* |' TV ¦ ,.*t. jj I '¦ ¦' ".'-¦**?

.•-.&•, * ''-V'-' ••-¦¦


Steani .s~h i3? Agents axLcL S±L±-p"ba?o^:e2?sAgexts for the


BUENOS AIRES, Calle Cuyo No. 429, P.O. Box905.

MONTEVIDEO, Calle Piedras No. 35, P. O. Box 253.

ROSÁRIO, Calle Bajada 136, P. O. Box 54.

Cable Address:-SAMSON.






3Tbe fine Steamerfk

The Singer Manufacturing CompanyNEW YORK AND LONDON


CelebratedSewing Machines Q T TV _P T? T> CelebratedJll^ \j XL ±\. Sewing Machines

FÍNÀNfEm* 'A é


-pí*:,, Captain ZOLLING

* -*?".*¦_ # ** will sail for .JL. »_

##í^ r<9/ÉlrSaturday, .3rd Fehniary. calling ai

P* , ¦ '*" *..,'.•/Bahia, PÉRjfAmmcq, f arIíhão, Pará,

•| Barbados aito St. f homas.

General Agency in South America:



Nictheroy:3*?, Rua do Imperador

SSo Paulo:34 6, Rua da Imperatriz

Bahia:In front ofthe Elevator

Campos:69, Rua 13 de Maio

Porto [Alegre:329, Rua dos Andradas

Rosário:193 'A, Calle Mendoza

Buenos Aires:137, Calle Maipú

and at Montevideo, Salto, La Plata, Cordoba, Santa Pé, Tucuman, Asuncion, Valparaiso, Santiago,Guayaquil, Lima, Iquique, La Paz, etc, etc,

_r.*.¦ -

-yi/'*. .*,«-

Passage Rates• \ca*W$: steerage

To Livérpobl;..... $22<|*gy goJdNew York...... $146 $78

• í.."^ back.. $27B.y


For passages ánd informátion apply to

Wflsçn, Sims Í-Cp., Limited; Agents&'«& N9" a Pr"S* *¦» M»rinha*.^^4fcfe.feV/,*

No. 1 A, Rua de S. Pedro.


Under contracts with the British and BrazilianGovernments for carrying the mails.



SAUCE,The Origixal and Genuine


dCt^Vbears the Signature, thus: —

<ÀT'jesinMwúAsk for


Feb. 10

•, 2-

Steamer Destination

Trent.... Bahia, Pernambuco, Las Palmas, Lisbon,Vij-o, Southampton and RolterdamIj Piau.. Montevideo and Buenos Aires.Mag'alena Southampton and Antwerp calling atBaiiia, Pernambuco, S. Vicente, Lisbonand Vigo.

LEA & PERRIN8' SAUCE.WhoUtaU and for Export by the Proprietor, Wormter; Croue # BlaekweU, Lonekn, fe., ée.; and byGroeert and Oilmen throughout the World. *


This Company will have steamers from aud to Englandihree limes per month.

Insurance on freight Uiipped on these steamers can betaken out at the Agency.

For freight, passage* and other informalion apply lo

Bua de 8. Pedro No. 1, Sobrado.O. C. Anderson,




Capital. . . 40,000,000 Marks.Regular Lines of Steam Packets between

Bremen — United StatesBrasilRiver Plate>>

•» China, Japansua




For New York:BieIa Feb. i3th

Mails are elosed a* announced by lhe Pos: Office.For catjjo apply to the Broleer

Wm. R. McNiven,89, Rua 1 - de Março

For pa»»*jtt*, p-»,c*tS», specir, etc , to tlie

Agei.ts — NoaTON, Mkcaw & Co.

AustraDepartures from Rio de Janeiro on the Sth

and zjrd of each month toBahia, Lisbon, Antwerp and Bremen.

Passengers and cargo for ali ports of the different linesaccèpted.

Passage Rates: tst.<l. ird.^l.Rio—Antwerp. Bremen 500 Marks. 120^000

„ —Lisbon 500 90Í000For further informátion apply to

HERM. STOLTZ ã Co., Agents.Rua da Alfândega, No. 58. Rio de Janeiro.



DEPARTURES for LIVERPOOL.Calling at Lisbon, Bordeaux and Plymouth.

Liguria Feb. iSthBritanniM. „ j9.h

The«e popular steamer* are fitted with the electric light andali modern conveniences. Insurance policies may be takenout at the agency on merchandise, baggage and values.

For freight» apply to W. C. Veck,No. 1 A, Kua de S. Pedro:

and for passages and other informátion toWilson Sons ft Co., L'd.,Agents.

No. a. Praça das Marinhas.



HOMEWARDS-RIO to LONDON.Due at Rio de Janeiro.

Rimutaka Feb. i4thRuapehu Mar. 13U1

These steamers are first-class in every respect and arecelebrated for quick homeward passages and superior ac.commodations. Call at Tbnbripfk and Plymouth; pas.sengers may land at latter port.For freights apply to W. C. Peck.

No. 1 A, Rua de S. Pedro;and for passages and olher informátion to

Wilson Sena A Co., L'd., Agents,No. a, Praça das Marinhas.





HOMEWARDS-Due at Rio de Janeira.,onie Feb. _6th¦frinui

Mar. aythSteamers superior in every respect and fitted with evti»convenience for the comfort of travellcrs. Call at TaKaairrsand Plymouth ; passengers may land at latter port.For freight apply to W. C Peck,

No. 1 A. Rua de S. Pedra:and for passages and other informátion to

Wilson. Sona A Co. L'd., Agents,No. t, Praca das Marinhas.

EUREKA LODGERegular session on Saturday, the 13* inst.AO Reg.*. F.-. A.-. Mas.", are invited

WantedBy an English person a situation as useful maid with a

family that will be soon going to England. or travelline. Isa good saüor and packer: used to travelling. Excellentreferences- Address "F. M.". care of Rio News.

First-CIass Investment.

FOR SALE.¦¦ i'

Tbe "Companhia Agricultora de Fonagens" of SSoPaulo b prepared to receive tenders up to tbe aoth Februaryfor the purchase of a fann with 539 hectares (about 1.300square acres) of superior land within a mile of a railwaystation, well fenced, good water, pastores and cheap freightsto the capital of S. Paulo.

There is already a small área of alfafa (lucerne) planted, agood extent of land once ptoughed and ready to cross-pioughand sow immediatély; the best season being between tbemonths of February and July.

It has been practically demonstrated that ali classes offorage plants and cereais produce ab-.mdanlly on this landalfafa giving from 4 to 5 cuts annually for 5 to 6 years.

Besides the land, the property consists of ranchos, mules,working oxen, grass mowers, horse rakes, harrows, ploughs,rollers and lucerne seed sufficient for sowing over 100 acres,in. fact everything necessary for the continuation of a hay,fànn on a large and lucrative scale, dose to a ready market.

The object ofthe sale is the difficulty in calling up morecapital at the present moment.

For a syndicate or capitalist it is a sure investmentFor further informátion apply: ¦¦'¦•-.;¦

Directoria, Caixa 186, 8. Paulo.

r^HARLESHUE JUN^ & CO.Ship Chandlers and Commission Merchants

Rua Fresca No. 8.Caixa 302. Rio DE JANEIRO.

Water supplied on short notice.

VISITING CARDS.79, Rua Sete dè Setembro, ist floor.

Ali descriptions of Commercial Printing.


In dyspepsia the stomach failsto assimilate the food. The ÀcídPhosphate assists the weakenedstomach, making the process ofdigestion natural and easy.

Dr. A. G. Rawson Harris, L R. C. P.and M. R. C. S., "The Elms," Pembroke,Eng., says: "I used it in a case of nervousdyspepsia, of long standing, wheie for yearsthere had been a great wear and tear ofthe nervous system. This objectionablesymptom was speedily relieved in a waythat no other remedy has ever effected."

Descriptive pamplilet post*free on application toRumfori Chemical Wortu, Providenc*, S. /., V. S. A.

Sole AgentsW. R. CASSELS & Co.

8 A, Rua da Candelária

___j_k_fl wM w_¦ ^^_H _^_^^_H _^_F ^^

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CREÃfiSafu«OBJH8 _^ . CUMCt< lthwimitjtmtW«irt



£ •**»«££•*• vmtOmí» 6


Tvi>. AtniNA, rc. Sete de Sctcabn.