WASHINGTON. The Sub-OnsuK Committee Still in Seeeion. Secretary Beutwell Kednceit the Clerical Feree of Ihe Trea- »nrr Department. Ac., Ac., Ac. money aa cheap aa it caa I ______ by the people of other ooonthea to promote iinluhtry. He ndviaed them to organize for their own protection. In conclusion he thanked them and hoped to meet them at some future time. CABLE NEWS. W ashington, June 8. <-en. Parker, Commtasiopcr of Indian Af fairs, has received the following dispatch from a friend: Eurich Hoag, Superintendent for Kansan, reports that hostilities in northwestern Kansas are exaggerated and conflicting. Some eignt or ten remote settlers are said to ba killed. Exposed settlers are prepar ing for defence. The Indiana who are on the war path are supposed to be northern Cheyennes or Sioux. CENSUS. The Sub-Census Committee are still in session and may be (or some weeks, it lias debated taking census not through United States Marshals as heretofore but through census agents acting under a general Cen sus Superintendent. The committee are employed at least five hours per day, and will separate to reconvene several weeks before the commencement of the next ses sion to have the bill prepared fot early consideration. THE HANTA VK KORRRK7. Mr. Spinner says the money recently stolen in Santa Fe from the government depository was in notes of large denomina tions. The treasury department has a com plete record of the numbers, dates, etc., which facts may lead to the discovery of the murderer and robber. K EDUCTION. Mr. tioutwell reduced the clerical force of the Treasury Department and various bureaus to the exact number authorized by law. Fight clerks aud a messenger wore removed from the First Auditors oflice to day. On the first of July a number of the temporary clerks will be dismissed. financial . The Secretary sold $2,008,000 of gold, receiving therefore $2,778,717 in currency. The amount of gold in the treasury is $82, - 000,000 and $25,000,000 in coin certifi cates. SECRETARY ROUTWKLI. leaves here to morrow night lor his home at niton, Mass., and will 1 te absent about two weeks. PRESIDENT IIRANT. Owing to the President's intention to leave Washington to morrow evening for New York, a large crowd called at the Ex ecutive Mansion to-day before the meeting of the ( abinet. Comparatively few ob tained interviews, which were of brief dura tion. Some called on business, aud others out of mere courtesy. The President will attend the Boston Peace J ubilee. NEW YORK. A Man Found llaneinc to a Tree in Central Park. THE JEROM E PARK RACES. The English Press on the Irish Church Bill. Great Excitement oxer tbe Paris Election. Ac., Ac., Ac. V VOL. XXIV. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 9. 18U9. Ac., Ac., J erome P ark , Fordhain, June 8. —T h e first race, premium 3800 for all ages, mile heats. The following is a summary: Bed Dick 1 5 1; K. B. Connolly 5 1 2; Yauxhall 2 2; Corsair 3 3; Yiley fi 4; Al ta Vela 4 t»: Metairia 7 dist. Time, 1:50}. Track very muddy and heavy; 1:50}, 1:54$. Only Red Dick and Connolly started on the third heat; the rest were ruled outlfor not winniug one heat in three. Betting be fore the race was 10 to 1 against lied Dick. Second race, Westchester Club, value $1500, 2} miles, all ages. The Boushee 1; Pleauvreville 2; General Duke 3; Abdel Kadir 4; Local 5. Time 4:19.}. Selling race for all ages, premium $000, mile and three quarters. Flora McDoon 1; Oberson 2; Boaster 3. Time 3:23j. Fourth race, premium $.*i00, for three year olds, 1} miles. Vrspucius 1; O'Fal lon's Lexingtou colt 2; Glengar 3; Legatee 4; Inverny Las* Onyx 6; Colonel T. 7; Hanover 8. Won by one length. The Ye8pueius liolted twice during the race. Time 2:08V RELEASED. The steamer Lyber, detained on suspicion of being intended to carry aid to the Cuban revolutionists; was' cleared, and sailed at 12:30 P. M. flying the Dominion flag. STRANGE AFFAIR. About seven o’clock this morning, the body of a man was discovered hanging to a tree in the Central Park dead. IMRE. A fire occurred this eveniug at 338 Pearl street, occupied by Whitehead A Bros, as a pamphlet biudery. Loss, $3000; insured. The tire communicated to the building 356 Pearl street, occupied by Spooner A Bros, as a paper box manufactory. The builduigs were owned by Robert Morris, aud were damaged to the extent of $4500, insured. ALBANY. The National Typographic; They take »n Exci I n i o n — uralon to Troy. L ondon , June 8. —The 'Times to-day re fers to fact that some of the Tory Peers declined to follow tho policy in regard to the Irish Church bill determined upon by the majority at their meeting last Satur day, and trusts that the danger of a colli sion is past. The experience of the last two days reaffirm the truth that in the direct is sue the Lords must allow the national will to prevail. The present aspect indicates t he passage of the bill to a second reading by a small majority. The same paper in an article ou the French elections points to the fact that three and a halimillionsof French man are voting in opposition to only four millions who support the government. Whatever the relative strength of the par ties may be in the ( orps Legislative this is a significant result, universal suffrage, and is bound to influence the entire policy of the French government. The Telegraph, referring to the attitude of the House of Lords, says the nation onlv must govern the nation. To this Lord Derby and other Peers assented when last year they invited the judgment of the nation on the Suspensory bill. The Peers now may well accept jurisdiction to which they appealed. The .Yews has an editorial on the Alabama controversy. It believes the storm feeling is clearing away anti says we are now about ready to t’eal with facts. The Americans have forgotten facts; they recollect unfriendly words, but disregard •many friendly deeds. Great Britain is ready to bear her own responsibility, but when charged with all the damage done to American commerce during the late war, she must remiud Americans that only a*, small part of that damage lies at her door, or will be admitted by her. THE PAULS ELECTIONS. P aris, June 8.—The results in fifteen ad ditional elections by ballot have been de clared. Seven official and eight opposition candidates were elected. Among the suc cessful candidates are M. M. Picard, La- tour aud Dumoulin. Last night about twelve o’clock great crowds of people gathered in the Montmar tre District. Policemen were obliged to use force in dispersing them, and some citizens were injured. A number of arrests were also mwlc. Tho ]>eople finally retired to their homes and quiet was restored. A scene of disorder also occurred during the night in front of Hotel de Ville. Many persons were injured aud a large number arrested. The total number of arrests made last night in consequence of these disturb ances was 120. SPAIN. M adrid , June 8. —The new Constitution has been promulgated in all the provinces of Spain.- Perfect order prevails throughout the country. Telegraphic dispatches have been re ceived from Don Fspinar, acting Captain General of Cuba, countermanding the pre vious requisition for reinforcements. This is accepted as an indication of the improved state of affairs in the island, and gives great satisfaction. plaintiff awarding her the sum of $100,000, the amouut claimed by her for damages. The counsel for Sprague will apply for a new triaL The Republican City and County Conven tion, of Richmond, Ya., yesterday nomina ted for the Legislature one negro and two white men for the Senate, and seven negroes and one white man for the Honse. The citizens of Rome, X. Y., yesterday voted on the question of toLlwg stock to the amount of $600,000 in the proposed water works for the village. The vote stood 323 for the project to 391 against it. The law requires two-thirds of the votes cast to be in the affirmative. Rev. Felix J. Barbelin, S. J., pastor of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Philadelphia, died yesterday evening, aged sixty-two years. He was well known and higtdy es teemed here, both in and onfe of the Catho lic Church. TELEGRAPHIC SUXXABV. lbats AmouQoa as mo as WASHINGTON. W ashington, June 8.—Ail quiet in the city to-day, but the ringleaders in the dis turbance of yesterday are not yet arrested. The Republican majority will reach near ly 5000 All the candidates of that party are elected. Of seven Aldermed holding over only two are Democrats. GENERAL SPINNNK received another dispatch from .Santa Fe, announcing that (ien. Getty, commanding ths district, Col. Rochester, chief disburs ing officer, and Mr. Little, receiver of pub lic monies, had made an examination of the robbery of the U. S. Depository at that place, and the loss will amount to about $100,000. NEW YORki N ew Y ork, June 8.—Mayor Hall tent in his first aunual message to the Common Council yesterday. He says that the city authorities are not responsible for the tax budgets, as the estimates prepared by them were manipulated and altered by the Legis lature. The present condition of the wharves aud piers is not due to tbe omissions of the municipal authorities. The revenue from the city markets shows a satisfactory increase. The street and rapid transjiorta- tion questions are discussed. He says the streets cannot be kept clean unless the con tractor is paid better. There ought to lie three improved lines of railway running the length of the city. He recommends the wholesale widening, extension and opening of the street* below Fourteenth, 'i he ar rangement of Broadway sidewalks inside the stores so that the carriage toad shall be increased by the present width of the side walks, and the conversion of City Hall Park into a plaza for vehicle transit in order to relieve the Park Row. STRIKE. The brakemen on the Eastern Division of the Erie Railroad struck for higher wages on Sunday and quit work. The Super intendent failed to secure other hands, and last evening their demands, an inert ase of twenty-five cents a day, were acceded to. The strike has ended, and matters are go ing on as usual. NO. 7999. crisis. Nothing since tbe throes which preceded the Reform Bill can be compared with the consequences which attend tht threatened conduct of the Peers. The re suit of the struggle is not doubtful. ’ If the Lords succeeded at first they would be oom pelled to undergo a second tender of the measure which they have rejected at first. The results of their action touch all, put ir jeopardy not only themselves and their privileges, but the peace of the great towns, and tbe maintenance of law and order in the country. Above all, they do their best to provoke an outburst of passionate vio lence in an unhappy country, the vast majority of whose inhabitants the Lords propose to outrage by contemptuous disregard of their wishes. As to the major ity, the opposition draw this conclusion, that they are resolved to intrench them selves in their own opinions, and rely upon their fancied power in disdain cl th i conse quence to themselves and the nation.' They will be rudely awakened from their delu sion. It cannot be doubtful w^ich will suc ceed in the contest, themselves or the na tion. The only question is not whether the power they think they posmisa is to be proved non-exiatant, but whether the power which they can exercise will net be-so irre vocably broken as to vanish out of exist ence. The outside papers which circulate more among the people, talk very revolutionary. The probability is the Lords wbil be alarmed into the passage of the bill, but the mere fact of the announcement of an inclination and power to defeat it, evidently excites discussion adverse to the continuation of hereditary legislation. EuroprSn Items. it is said that the Austrian Gov irnmeut refused to decide iu the matter of (teutrali- of the Sue/ Canal, without the advice aud cooperation of France. The Regency bill, was read for the first time in the Constituent Cortes yesterday. The result of the elections in Palis, where ballot was necessary to decide is as follows: Official candidates, 21; Unofficial, 1; lnde- dendent£ 1; Opposition, 15; Unknown, 17. Among the opposition candidates elected, is Henri Alphonse Esquiros, author and philosipher. The Opposition party have deterr lined to move for the withdrawal of tli« Hungarian troop3 from the Provinces bord'ering ou the River Leitha, unless the government is able to offer a satisfactory explanation of their employment there. There have lieen some quite serious dis turbances at Carniola recently. No partic ulars received. At the last accoan a order had been restored. It is reported that the Duke of Genoa is now a prominent candidate for the .Spanish throne. King William and Count Bismaick will go to Bremen on a visit on t*he 13th. L ondon , June 8.— Ihe Ascot Heath races commenced to-day. Weather tine and a warm light breeze was blowing, and the only inconvenience was dust. The at tendance was very great and highly fash ionable. The Prince aad Priuctas of Wales and other members of the Royal family were present and werej accompanied by a brilliant retinue of nobility. Ascot stakes of twenty-five sovereigns each were won by Mr. Jaqucs’ ch. c. Bete Noir, by Marsyas, out of Leprosy, beating Ambitious Second and Barou Rothschild's b. c. King Alfred Third. The betting at the start was three to one against Bete Noir and Ambitious, and ten to one against King Alfred. Thirteen horses trial. Trial stakes of five sovereigns each with lOOsous added, resulted aa follows: Sir J. Hawley’s 1». c. Vagabond by Musjid, out of Vaga, 1; , ,n_ Captain W. H. Cooper’s ch. c. Fancy Boy by Dundee, out of Whimsuy, 2; W. T. Dawson’s h. f. Performer by adventurer, ont of Olga, 3. The betting at the s’ .art was four to one against Vagabond; three to one against Fancy Boy, and five to one against Performer. Twelve ran. The biennial stakes were won by Beville’s b c, beating Mont Blanc; the gold vase sweepstakes by Thorw&ldsen, beating Vlorna aud Lancer; the Wince of Wales stakes by Martyrdom, beating Pero Gomez and Typhon, and the triennial stakes bv Formosa, beating Restitution and the l.aird. In tho race for the gold vase tho celebrated colt, St. Mungo, broke down. SUSPENDED L ondon , June S. Isaac Campbell, mer chant, has Juspended payment. Ijfc IRISH CHURCH BILL. In the Mouse of Lords this evening the Karl of Marrowby gave notice that he should move that the second reading of the Irish Church bill lie postpoued six months. SPAIN WATCHING. The steamer Tybee was detained by Col lector Grinnell yesterday on the complaint of the Spanish <'onsui that she w as intended to carry men and arms to the Cubans. An investigation proved the contrary, and she was allowed to clear. N ew Y ork , June 8.— An a- orably cf workingmen, seven or eight thousand strong, gathered in the vicinity of the Germania Assembly Rooms this morning, and lormed in procession. After parading some of the principal streets, they went on board steam ers to be earned to Jones’ Wood, where a festival, speech-making and dancing will take place. PERSONAL. Gov. Hoffman and staff are in the city. HEAVY STORM. At 1:15 P. M. a terrible hail storm, ac companied with thunder and lightning, L< EUROPEAN. don , June S.—The announced prede- A LB a n y, June 8. The convention at 2 o’clock P. M. went on board the steamer Carrie, chartered for the purpose by the Albany Union, aud after proceeding down the river some five miles, returned and went to Troy. Here they were escorted by Dornings band and a delegation of the Troy Union. Theconvention marched to Harmony Hall where the members were welcomed by O. B. Smith, President of the Troy Union, and invited to partake of • collation. Speeches were made by Mr. Trciklensen, President of the Albany Union, and others, and after full interchange of cor dial fellowship the members of the convention were escorted to the boat, and returned to this city. At 8:45 tho convention reassembled and proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing term with the following result: For Presi dent, Isaac D. George received 48 votes; Daniel W. Flynn 32 votes; Wm. McK- Gate hell 1 vote. Samuel E. Pints received 2 votes. On motion of Mr. Flynn the election of Mr. George was made unanimous. The following officers were then elected: First Vice President, Peter A- Crosby; Second Vice President, W. R. Goodiiongh; Secretary and Treasurer, J. Collins; Cor responding Secretary, W. A. Shields. The th»nk» of the convention were ten dered to the retiring officers for the faithful discharge of their duties. The commitee ou the Springfield, 111., contested seat reported in favor of admit ting Mr. Higgins. The convention at 12:20 o’clock ad* jgamed. MISSISSIPPI. DltllruKy Between Col. Jo«. «. Crane and B. M. Verger—The LaiDr Killed. 4c„ Ac. J ackson , Miss., June 8. —Brevet Lieut. Col. Jos. G. Crane, commanding the Fourth Military District and acting Mayor of this city, was killed to-day by t . M. Verger in a difficulty occaaioned by an official order of the Mayor levying on the property of Yerger in default of corporation taxes, and the had no reference whatever to politics. CoL Crane entered the volunteer service from Dayton, Ohio, in 1861, and was held ia high esteem by the community. Yerger ie arrested and confined « the barracks. The conservative Republicans of Missis- mom have issued a call for a Convention ot aka 23d of June. The call ia signed b- Jefferds, Wofford, Fisk, Field Wxrnsf Moorman and others. They claim to ba the tr.’'® expooenta of Grant’s policy; jspnflistr the ZTxecutive Committee and the onraniaarion of the extreme Radicals; insist that they are strictly in accordance with the Congressional plan; advise such course jo will promote harmony and fraternal feel ing between men of all sections end colors, gay, in conclusion, we can and must all tfve together as friends. The call seems to be favorably The harness makare’ pio-nic yesterday at Tivela, N. Y., was attemlad by about 2000 * *W « - .«»"« * U i i» • fow-fcon. am **. «ed -»k. We want a corrective balance few individuals MISCELLANEOUS Telegraphic lien** of General Interest from Different Points. In thr Honse Assembly at Halifax, Mon- lay night. Dr. Murray moved the annexa tion resolution, it was seconded by Joseph L. McDonald. The government reqolved to avoid a discussion on the question, and to prevent a vote. Seven memlters opposed to the government, voted to have the ques tion taken, but the rest of the house, twen ty-six members, voted against it, thus throwing the resolution out of doors. The House will be prorogued on Thursday. James A. Wold’s paper mill at Port Dick inson, near Binghampton, N. Y., was de stroy ed by fire on Monday night, together with all the machinery. The fire occurred about 10 ^ 30 , only a short time after the mill had closed. Less about $ 15,0(10 ; in surance, $12,000 on building, $.‘1000 on stock. Several thousand people were disappointed at Highland Park, Newbnrg, yesterday, be cause of the postponement of the race be tween Mountain Boy and Lady Thorn. The owners of the horses were willing they should go, but the proprietors of the track for some reason postponed the race at 3 P. M. Tbe track was in good condition. The race is now postponed until Thursday. Boston is fast filling up with strangers in anticipation of the peace jubilee. So great is the demand for quarters that up wards of 300 rooms in private houses be longing to the best citizens have been ten dered to the Executive Committee Jubilee, through bureau accommodations. At midnight, Monday, a fire broke out in the paper mill at Barrytown, N. Y., and communicated with the freight house on the dock, in which several thousand bales of hay were stored. Both building and contents were destroyed. Loss, $20,000. No insurance. The American Institute, (homeopathic) of Boston, elected the following officers, all M. D.’s: lieu Iten Ludlow, Chicago. Presi dent-, D. H. Beckwith, Cleveland, \ ice President; I*. T. Talbot, Boston, General Secretary; Timothy F. Allen, New York, Provisional Secretary; E. M. Kellogg, New York, Treasurer. The Institute is clear of debt. One hundred and fifty-three new members were admitted. After a collation a general report on chemical medicine was read by H. D. Paine. Special reports were read on various subjects. A boy seven years old, sou of Bnoch Earle, was run over yeaterdsv in Wor cester, Mass., while climbing on a moving train. Both hia legs were cut off. It ‘ feared his injuries will prove fatal. The new trial of Dsn. Noble, st Elmira, N. Y., for robbery of the Royal Insurance Company, commenced yesterday, Justices Ransom snd Balcom presiding. The case is exciting great interest, the jury having failed to agree on the former triaL A letter to the Augusta, Ga., Chronicle says the editor of the Warrenton Clipper and other citizens were arrested at IV ar- rantoa yesterday, at the instance of sheriff who arrived there from Atlanta yes terday with two companies of infantry. The ritGaw me in jail, and surrounded by a strong fores of militia. The excitement ia very great. The arrests are presumed to have grown ont of political difficulties. In ths esse of Mias Amanda Craig; of vs. K P. Sprague, of Chicago, of power to prevent a few udiv fmm m i e nyMitif power i we termination of a majority of the House of Ixirds to reject the Irish Church bill creates intense excitement and threatens to preci pitate an inevitable conflict between the | Lords and Commons. It is rumored in some quarters that the announcement is only made to feel the public pulse and ascertain how far the Lords dare go. The genera; impression is that the bill will be thrown out on its second reading. The Standard (Tory) admits that the jieril of the proposed action is too obvious to be ignored by the least thoughtful or eonsciencioua of the hereditary legislators, but says the Lords resolved in compliance with the urgent demands of hundreds of thousands o? people in every part of the country to risk all in a contest with an im perious minister and with the overbearing majority in the House of Commons. If crushed not only the church and the con stitution falls with them, the liberties of England will be sacrificed to the ascenden cy of that Democratic principle which is the most dangerous foe of personal and liolitical freedom. It matters not whether those who approved regret the de- iaion to give battle. There is nothing for them to do but to take their places in the ranks and fight for all they hold deareat in the full certaiufcy that all is at stake. Let the whole Protestant aud Conservative power of the realm i-be exerted, and give the Lords such support of public opinion as to restrain the struggle within the limitslof the Constitution, and make a self-willed and overbearing minister always at heart the enemy of the Lords, and, likely to be exasperated by his unexpected defeat, feel that there are limits which he dare not pass. Already have hia organs threatened that which, if done, would call for impeachmeut. It is necessary that he be made to feel that he dare not execute tbe threat, anti that he must not only deal with the Lords, but with the wealthy, resolute and influential lasses of England and Ireland, who are an actual majority of the English nation. The Morning Port shows that a rejection of the bill will not prevent its ultimate pas sage, and discredits the idea that the Lords will Tefuse it a second reading. The Star uses threatening language, and says the Church of Ireland must not cum ber the ground after December. That the least which will be said will be proclaimed from the house tops, viz: that the House of Lords itself is not a more logical, desirable excusable institution than the Irish Church. In the fever heat which will fol low the rejection of the bill, a heat such as has not been seen since Birmingham threat ened to march on London in the name of Reform. Cries w ill be h* ard for the down fall of an obsolete Chamber—no longer a disguised anachronism existing by decent deference to popular will, whicn Wellington once said ought never again to be withheld. With the pure blindness of buzzards, these misguided noblemen require further proofs to Im: convinced of the opinion of tbe coun try'. It is not worth while to attempt a demonstration of that opinion. When the issue comes their Lordships will probably be wise in their time. The .\>if* says: The vote of the Lords will at the worst postpone for a few months only the fate of the Irish Church. Its indi* rect effect will be graver. It will raise the question of the position the Houae of Lords holds ond#r the constitution. The rela tions of the constituencies and the House of Commons, the executive and the Grown, are self-adjusting. If a hitch occurs, the machinery sets itself in order by its own ac tion. The House of Lords stands outside of this system. Its good sense fails only when brought in harmony with the rest of the constitution, by the forcible obtrusion upon it of a number of members sufficient to overbear the opinions of the original body. A biassed Jury has to bo packod. Whether a second Chamber doing its work upon these~conditious can be a permanent part of the government, the Lords seem bent upon forcing the public to inquire. Items by Telegrmp h. Attorney-General Williamson, of Indiana, delivered his opinion to-day that the spe cific appropriation bill passed »>y the House at the close of the special session of the Legislature after the resignation of‘42 Dem ocratic memliers. was in accord with all re quirements of the Constitution, ard ought to be obeyed as constitutional law. Last night the office oi R. L. ftmith, at Lyeander, Onondaga county, wav entered by burglars and roblied of over $20,000 worth of bonds, mortgages and ccr titicets of deposit. James Monroe, President of the Thin! National Bank at this city, and who was State Senator for two terms, d.ed last night at Eld ridge. At a meeting of the Presbyter,' of Lon donderry. Old School, held ai: Boston to day, the basis of reunion of the Old and New Schools agreed upon at New York was unanimously adopted. This 1'reshytery is the first to take action on the question. At a meeting of the Board of Trade of St. Louis last night,papers were read show- inS the practieabilty of direct trade be tween St. Louis and foreign ports during a large portion of the yearby lixjht draft pro pellers. M. Si. Thiers, Ferry, Juleii Favro and Garni or Pagt-B have been declared elected by ballot. Th'*re were tumu'tt*ous scenes at the Montemarte aud arrests'were made by the police. The Republicans of Washington eleet the entire city ticket, including Collector, Register and Surveyor, by a lssge majority, probably over 3(K‘0. Nine colored men are elected—Register, one Alderman, and seven members of tho Common Council. The Union Block at St. Albans was dam aged by fire Monday to the amount of 330,009. The return of the Fall River and Bristol Steamboat Line to its original starting point was the occasion of a holiday in Fall River. The transit duty bill passed by the last New Jersey Legislature has become a law by its acceptance by the joint; comjianies. The police on Monday morning broke up a contemplated prize tight ;n Dorchester, and arrested the principals, Hussey aud O’Neil. The east wing of Grey Nua’s Convent in Quebec, and also the chapel attached, was destroyed by tire last night. Loss $20,000. Two men injured. Commissioner Delano Lao been eall®«l j upon to deotde whether thf authorities of the Western Penitentiary of Pennsylvania can manufacture, issue and use their own revenue stamps, in semblance of the gen uine ones, to place upon cigars manufactur ed by convicts. He, very emphatically de cided that they could not. Honolulu advices report an earthquake at Moloki on the 4th of April. Little dam age. Prince Alfred sailed from Australia on the 9th inst. for New Xealard. The P«tn threi i the revival for breach of promise of marriage, which has been on trial at Wheaton for several d a p peat, tho jury rendered a verdict for tions long abandoned, namely: the oldBtf* onial attitude of the medieval days, when the Commons were only allowed tho right of humble supplication and petitian, not really to govern the country. Tho TeUprapk (Moderate) has a X _____ article which concludes aa follows; Tbe country hot spoken unmiatakeably finally. If forced to speak again ita ao will no longer bo free freoa isd ip sti preserve the mood of moderation which to the last it desires earnestly to maintain The Times aays: Wears on the eve of a Business Prospects at t^e W est. | From the Chicago Tri-Juno J There has been considerable improvement in business since last week. The continued activity in tne grain movement shows that wc are now having our “Spring trade” which has been delayed, anci is now active at a season when business ordinarily begins to drop off into the stagnation of Summer. The lateness of the movem-mt of the re mainder of last year’s grain crop of the northwest admits of its being done without having any tendency to produce stringency in the money tnarfcet, because there is at present very little currency distributed in any of the other agricultural districts of the country, anil the currency has accumulated as usual in the financial centres. The New York market was glutted with money only a week or two ago, and is abundantly supplied now, though the four or five millions ol ourrency that have been brought out from there by Chicago banks during the last three weeks, has contributed to a healthier condition of Ihe market both there and here. The large amount of cur rency that has been sent out into the coun try must soon begin to hav * a favorable ef fect ou the mercantile trade here, as it will nearly all pass into the hands of country merchants, and stimulate further orders for goods as well as clear off present indebted ness, consequently some improvement in trade in all the goods’ linen within the next few weeks is not improbable. Paris W aists Homely i.ad Ill-Dre»ae«l. {From the Buaton . vuma.'.j A more common-looking set of women than the Parisian cannot he found on the face of the globe. 1 have seen >hem every where. In church, it p!a;ea of amusement, on the promenade, in saloons of royalty, in parties very distinguished and regarded as very genteel, I declare I lutve scarcely sees a sreu-dremed lady in P ah , oim who did not look frowzy, whose huar was not untidy, and whose complexion wmld not look the better for soap snd water. They may make the nicest fitting glovis in the world, but they don't wear tliem- They may send out the daintiest shorn that can be made, but they ire not found on the feet of the ladies. Iheir nicely fitting dresses may be fosnd in ill th* cities of the world, but the dreseee worn by the ladies of Pens ase ilL-fitted, ill-adjusted, without harmony of color,fvithoi it thi* iodeoenbe- Ue tooch which marks tip lady of taoto and Ai— iminotinn The n m costly the ma terial the loss beooating the parties appear. Except the Empraaa, I have apt seen an al- •(wtkr drMWd VtnmMm Priaow ClothiU*. »V> nalu not to the Empress, end to wham ajl parties must seek aa introduction whs are: preasnted to the Empress, 3 dresses likje e flight. She ie vary short, enormously fat, ana what little <ieck she has is very large, like her father’s: aid when she arrays herself in the so-caiki evening dress, with a very low neck, the it s sight to behold. 0 K E R A ILR O A D C 0N S0L ID ATI0B Glgsstlc Si'hrmcM cf Vanderbilt aad Ik* Pena»ylvaata Ccmtrai. [From the X. Y. Kv«*r,m<r Fret.] Al! the questions of consolidation and monopoly are likely to be op< ned soon, in s form more important than ever, if Wall street rumors concerning the plans of WaL street men are to be trusted, by the rapid development of two of the most compre hensive and grasping schemes for corporate power ever yet devised. 3 he first of these is the scheme ascribed to Mr. Cornelia* Vanderbilt, President of the New York Central Railway, for the union in one com pany, and under one management, of a continuous line of railway from this city to Omaha, the eastern terminus of the Union Pacific Railroad. This proposed corpora tion ia to hold and administer tho property and franchises now held by the Hudson River, the New York Central, the Buffalo and Erie, the Lake Shore and Cleveland and Toledo, the Michigan Southern and the Chicago and Northwestern Railroads, in cluding 2480 miles of completed aud equipped railway, the value of which, oa the general balance sheets of those compa nies appears to be $164,^485,056; and is rep resented by a stock capital of $129,59-1,862, liesides a vast debt secured by mortgages upon the lines. The gross income of these companies for last year was $44,826,893. The other scheme, which is but a sort of counterpart and rival of the first, is that which the Pennsylvania Railway Company is said to be prosecuting. It contemplates the concentration in the hands of that cor poration of the railways now known as the New Jersey Central, the Pittsburgh, Fcrt Wayne and Chicago, and tho Chicago Rock Island, besides its own. This con solidation, which seems already to lie far advanced toward completion, will unite 1534 miles of completed road, new repre sented on the books of the companies aj of the value of $122,110,164; estimated by a stock capital of $67,540,762, beside mort gage debt; and which earned la»t year in all $.‘16,260,213. It will be observed that, if both plans are consummated, the Pennsyl vania route to Omaha will be more than one hundred miles shorter than the New York route; and that the whole capital of stock and debt representing it is more than twenty-five per cent, less than that of the latter. If the earnings of last year be taken as the standard, and the present stock and debt of all the roads remain unwatered, then, assuming that each of the consolidated companies will pay sixty per cent, of the gross earnings in expenses, the New York through line could pay seven per cent, on all its debt, and nine per cent, on its stock capital; and the Pennsylvania through line could pay the same interest on its debt end sixteen per cent, on its stock capitaL The stock capital in both cases is nominal, con sisting in but a small part of money actual ly paid in to build the roads, and chiefly of “water.” There is not one of the compan ies included whose capital is less than tw ice the cost of building its road; and the mouey actually required to build and equip a first- class railway from this city to <Unaha, even at the present enormous cost of labor and materials, could not exceed seventy-live millions of dollars. Cssawtlcst Pure li of Hartford. ♦ Pro: Teeth Extract** W ltheet Pala, J. O BARBOUR, formerly el Bee Tort, te* •n office to tw in w a ie euk IU. M. A Btwihht, Jontiat, wiicn te eon be found daily roedj to feliore ■offering hum anity. Dr. Barfcour, having :xperi«acc iu extracting teeth under the 4 Kitroua Oxide for laagbiw gar), «i0 devote hi* rhole time to this Branch of practice d. O rtfol, tejjM to. WM. a SMYh, AgeeA .urn*. Bonding. Beffak). * . Y. El’dOPEtN PERSOYAL GOSSIP. Baden Baden corresp-indents qf German newspapers say that a distinguished South- German nobleman proposed some time ago to Mrs. Abraham Liuctiu. Iu the Eighth Parisian District, one of the independent candidates for tne Corps Legislatif was M. Beruadottc, a nephew of the King of Sweden, and for many years proprietor of a dyeing establishment at Suresucs. He made Lis first speech to the electors of hia district at the coffee-house kept by Prince iturbide, at Combcvuie. A Parisiin actress, noted for her many love affairs, visited the lunatic asylum at Charenton the other day. “ Why are you here?” she said to one of her unfortuuate patients. “ Why? On account of an aban doned woman like yourself,” replied the lu natic. “ W ell, well,” murmured M'lle -N —, on leaving him, “that lunatic really is not so very iusane. ” A few weeks ago the horses of a young marchioness ran away anti rushed at a furi ous rate cf speed down the Avenue des < ,'hamps Ely sees. The carriage was finally upset, anti tbe lady, who had been stunned by the fall, was carried into a neighboring drug store, where she gave birth to a fine baby. This fortunate accident was related to the Baroness X — , who has an old hus band and no children, which facts grieve her exceedingly. “Ah,” said she to her husband, “there is no danger that your horses will run away in that manner." A pam phlet ^ entitled // Emperear, anil abounding withTnlsome flattery, has recent ly been published in Paris. It contains the following anecdote : “At Lyons during the disastrous inundat.on, an old fellow squatted on the skeleton framework of a dilapidated cottage, hia eyes glaring with misery' and despair. Suddenly he perceives a man on horseback, bravely struggling with the waves, and followed by some courageous hospitaliers. It was the Emperor. The old man. who bail f nww »rly bora tin of secret societies, then arose, his eye* flashing fire, and exclaimed, ‘Ah, there you are ! Well, 1 hate you, but I admire you I’ And under the Sovereign’s sympathetic glance tho poor fellow staggers, blinded by his tears.” A great commotion reigned a few weeks ago at the famous Bonaparte Lyceum, in , Paris. It has upward of one thousand pupils, mostly the sons of the wealthiest citizens of Paris. A collection is taken up annually at the Lyceum for the benefit of the so-called Prince Imperial Charities. This year the pupils manifested their hos tility to the young Prince and the whole dynasty by refusing to give a single sou for the purpose; but, in ordcE^not to appear heartless, they immediately organized an independent subscription for the poor, aud drew up a manifesto stating their disgust at the attempts constantly made by the gov ernment to connect the name of the Prince with everything relating to the youths of France, and calling upon their brethren in the other schools of Paris to collect money likewise for the poor, but not to allow the Prince Imperial's name to be used in con nection with it. The government heard of the affair, and the Rector of the Lyceum was ordered to reprimaud the students se verely. When he did so, he was hissed by the boys, wjio shouted, also, “ Down with the Prince Imperial.” The Paris Sport says in regard to the life of Parisian actresses: “Owing to the heavy tasks imposed upon a Parisian actress, the twenty-four hours, of which the day is com posed, hardly suffices her. Roger de Beau voir has recapitulated somewhere, almost minute by minute, ail the obligations which an actress has to fulfill toward the public aud her own reputation. The list is calcu lated to frighten the most resolute spirits. The actress returns to her house at half past one in the moraing. She causes her self to be undressed by her maid, and then takes supper, for she has not had time to dine, and, besides, upon leaving the dinner table, one can not wear tight dresses nor sing, nor recite. After the supper comes the night toilet, she has a few books to read and some orders to give to her maid for the following morning; at three A. M. she goes to bed, but does not sleep, tbe night being the only time when she is able to learn her rotes. She devotes two hours to this task, snd falls to sleep at five.” MARRIED. COBB-WARSIR—Jam *, to tbs Presbyterian Church of Liras, Livinf«Ua county, S. Y. , by tbe Rev. A. L. Benton, Oscar Cot*, of Buffalo, and Miss Martha U. Warner, of Lima, ekiwrt daughter of the late Oraow Warner, DIED. lilFFK X T—June 7, in this city, Charles Esiffsrt, seed Si yean. Poraral mil taka ptaee on W sdns-da' , 9th inst., at 2 oVo. k P. «..oor. Main and Nor-h eta. Fri *~ ani acquaintance are invited to st end. 1 bejiSSS a t tb e * i, a t No. MS Main treet. Jtsacr's flair Tsale sad Ihe incomparable remedy. Try it.—it this preparation stops the hair faUia promotes * vigorous growth cksnraa the ,t dandruff, snd renders tbe hair soft ; It oontaiL* no sulphur, »ugar of lead or < a- coloring natter, being dsagned expreraly itreagthentoc the hair. fiO cents and tl nor hot K JKKSIK, Clamkt, lit |£ L op- The Buffalo Ice Company are now prepared to sup ply customers with Lake Ice at th* lowest rates. A :ull supply guaranteed the season through. The Delivery Wagons of this company are oo-ored rad and prominently lettered “ LAKK ICC.** Any inat tention of raendeliverieg ice, if reported at the of fice, will be corrected. Orders left at MARVIN’S DRUG STORE, cor. Washington and Seneca street will be prom ptly A ilc* * ' BJtl«*G& Baffin In Type Fesadry And PRINTERS’ WAREH U8E furnishes every article required m the printing husinees to any ex text desired, on as reasonable terms as anjr Foundry in this country. Aim, ECTROTYPING in *0 its variety. Also, type adapted for Hick s Mailing Ma chine. W. ntMAN. Hlghwlsea, Alcehel, Etc. THOMAS CLARK, successor to Clark A Brown, Rectifying Distiller, oorner of Washington aad Perry itraeta buffalo, manufacturer and dealer in Higb- wines, Aloohol, Pure Spirits, Cologne Spirits, Recli ned Whisky, Old Rye Whisky. Domestic Braz " Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm of JASON PARKER & CO., having been dissolved on the first of April la-d, they take this method of returning thanks for the lllwrsl patron age extended to them. The accounts of the late Arm wi'l be settled bv EDWARD DUDLEY, at his office, corner of Erie st. and Terrace, and all demands against J P * Co., or Edward Dudley, should I* AT ONCE PRE CJENTKu, aa he wishes to leave the city for his health for a short time. JASON PARKER, EDWARD DUDLEY. Phoenix Pire lsisnaea of Hartford. Capital, 9600,000. WM. C. SMITH Agent, 4 Brown’s Builuings, Buffalo, N. T. FI art ford Fire Ini Chartered in 1810. ce Com pany. Cash Capital, $1,000,000. WM. C. SMITH, Agent, 4 Brown’s Buildings, Buffalo, N. T. Buffalo Malleable Iron Works. Malleable Iron made to order PRATT k LETCH- WORTH, Proprietors. Office H and 64 Terrace si., Buffalo. N. Y. Glass, Glass, Glass. 6000 Boxes Window Glass, assorted sixes. PLATE GLASS FOR STOKL8 AND DWELLINGS at Le*< than Eastern Prices. 60,000 fra. WHITE LEAD, 100 bbls. LINSEKD OIL For sale by A REYNOLDS k CO., 191 Main st. and 4A l.lovd st. Buffalo, N. Y. N iagara Pinning M ill C ompany. Door Sash and Blind Manufactory, 206 E. Seneca ., Buffalo. Flooring, Siding, Mouldings, Brack eta, Kiln Dried Doors, Glased and Unplaced * liuide and Outside Blinds; Door aud Window Frames. Also, Planing, Sawing and Turning of verv description done to order on short notice and with dispatch. ’sCssfh Mixture, __________ of~ths Throat o*^* L c a g s . Fifty o par bottle. Sold enly by E. JMMMKM. O araui. Mate sl, appeals the Pa* AMISKMtMS. THE RINK. GREAT SPORT TO-NIGHT. THREE ONE-MILE RACES. DIFFICULT FEATS GH>. LAYTON SMITH, SPLENDID DOUBLE ACT BY CHAS. H. KING AND ADAM DEBUS. 'LET US HAVE PEACE!” GREAT NATIONAL PEACE JUBILEE. (Projected by Mr. P. S. Gilmore ) BOSTON, June 19, 16, 17, 16 and 19, 1869. To commemmorate the res'oration of PEACE THROUGHOUT THE LAND. Thin glorious event m our national history will be c lebrated by the GRANDEST MUSICALFESTIVAL ever k^own in the history of the world The President of the United Stales, Uemoere of his .'aMnit, Heads of Departments Governors of all the S'ates, and many other distinguished per sons from all parts < h the country, Gigether w th the Nei.resentaMve* of Foreign Govern ments at Washington, h-tve been invited , by the Mayor an i City Council of Bos ton, to become the guests of the City during- the Festival. The Jubilee will he opened on TUESDAY, JUNE 16th, with Inaugural Ceremonies, including Prayer by Rev. E. E. Hale ; an Address by Hi* Honor Mayor Shurtleff, welcoming all guests and visitors to Boston snd to Massachusetts ; and a Congratulatory address by Hon. A H. Rice, on the Restoration of Peace and Unlun t s r >m lw»i» Mis tan 1 . The Inaugural Ceneiuor.its will he foil jwrd by a (DM ICliC.U PtSNBllNCE in which the GREATEST ORATORIO CHORUS ever assembled, comprising evor ONE HUNDRED VOCAL ORGANIZATIONS, •ho have b?cn in reb'areal for many months, will ake part, accompanied bv a Grand Orchestra of ONE THOUSAND MUSICIANS, selected fro c the bent orchestras, hands, and musi cal association*in the United State*. The scale up m which it is prop.' «ed to carry ont this Fe«tiv;f, will represent, in all its magnitude and splendor, the greatest cause for national rejoicing tin t the American people have ever been called upon to celebrate. -TH E RESTORATION OF PEACE AND UNION THROUGHOUT THE LAND. It w,!l bring together in fraternal greeting tbe leading men of the nation, and people from all parte of •the laud ; and aside from its significance as the First Grand National Re union since the close of the war, it well be the Greatest Feast of Sublime and Inspiring Harmony tliat has ever been heard in any part of the world. TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT MUSIC HALL. PRICE8: Single Admission, with Secured Seat, $5 and $3, ac cording to location. Single Aumtiaioo, without Secured Scat, $2. Ticket Office open from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. A P. PECK, Music Hall, B<wt- n, Ticket Ag*t. Per Order, HEN R Y G. PARKER. Sec’y. nw rsLs. gPKISC. CHICKEN, green peas . OLAint fhesh fish . strawberry cake , STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM, AND .411 the BeHcachc the fteaa*B SERVED T9I9 DAY AT THR BIFFAL0 DINING ROOMS, 193 aud IM MAIM ST. U N IT E D STATES HOTEL. CAPE MAT CITT, N. S., Win be opened far tte seaasn Saturday, May » . In dlfim alas, appotetrasnta, equal to any. and vat af onling u> fanulira ad ths osraforts of a homo. . » — - _ ww is a suns. £■resident Grantexpecta to vint the United ftatra thi* Season. Address AAEOM MILLER. Proprietor ■•■** reaw sanxc. WHOLESALE trade . FRUIT JARS FRUIT JARS. AT MANUFACTURER’S PRICES. DELIVERED IN THR CITY. MAffOJPS IMPROVED GLAM COVERS, DEXTER AND UNION, AT W. B. MJWKY, 80S It CO. BOSTS Aim SHOES' BOYDEN’S CELEBRATES BOOTS AND SHOES FOR CENTLEMKN. DOUBLE SOLE FRENCH CALF BOOTS. SINGLE SOLE FRENCH CALF BOOTS. FINE FRENCH CALF WALKING SHOES. _ FINE FRENCH CALF CONGRESS BOOTS. FINE FRENCH CAI F OXFORDS. FI NR CALF KID BUTTON UNIONS. FINK PATENT LEATHER Bl'ITOX UNIONS. ■v The above are all m»‘« on the coleb-sted BOY- DEM LAST, and are warranted better material, bat ter work, and a better fit, nine lira* out erf ten, than tbe beat Buffalo custom work. Gfatietnen who wear fine Shoes arc particular ! requested to sssratne these gooe?*, whether they wish to purchase or not. SOLE AGENCY AT JEWETT’S POPULAR SHOE STORE. 406 BAIN STREET, BRASS. 1— H. * r. D O FFALO BKA3S FOIKDBY, D ;< Wtr+.TV a.. Hue.la. s. T. m s asms u ill ns bucks NUTLr AMD EXrumwlLY HOjm, And Wi CHEAP CATTLE AND HORSE FEED AT THE SOGAK WORKS, rwnorcocn THOMAS’ HOTEL & DINING ROOMS, (OM THE EUROPEAN PLAN,) C**r if hrhqr id Wadiqta 8k Buffalo, N. Y. LADIES AND UENTS’ PRIVATE DINING ROOMS. ENTRANCE ON WASHINGTON ST. SHELL OY8TKR8, CLAM AND > SALT FISH RECEIVED DAILY, DINNERS FROM 12 TO 3. URAL* BHTlTEn TO OIVLIE.K, AT ALL HOIKS INSURANCE. J£DWARDS A BUCKLAND, REAL ESTATE, FIRE AND U F 2 INSURANCE AGENTS, NOTE AND LOAN ll.OKEKS, No. 16 East Seneca Street, Buff»: >, Ne \ ,.rk. To rent, a fine office in the Erie Corn. Saving* Bank Buildings. To rent, a large room over Cutter * Baii«\ \-> Plot 8tore on Washington st.. suitable for a maaufactor, Hotel to rent, atd furniture for sale. A ra! chance Horse, Buggy and Harness for sale cheap. A nice second hand »afe for -tale or to rent, at EDWARDS k BUCKLANl/d, _____________________ 10 last Seneca st. "'HE BUFFALO FIKE-AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. Formerly the MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF BUFFALO. CHARTERED IN 1843. ASSETS JANUARY 1, ’69 .................... $467,136 77 ?m. Lovering, Jr. Sec. S. S. Jewett, President. Thou. P. Sears, As»‘t Sec. J M. Richmond, V. Pre*. OFFICE 48 MAIN STREET. S. H. Flfin, C. B. ARMSTRONG, R p. FISH FISH & ARMSTRONG, GENERAL INSURANCE AGEN’Y Office No. 56 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. LIVERPOOL A LONDON A GLOBE INS. 00. INTERNATIONAL INS CO., NEW YORE. FIREMAN’S FUND INS. CO., SAN FRANCISCO. ALBANY CITY tFIRK A MARINI) INS. 00.. PEOPLE'S FIRM IMS. CO., WORCESTER, MASS. NORWICH PIRR INR CO.. NORWICH. (X)NN WRfcTCHt8TRR COUNTY MARINE INS. CO.. NEW ROCHELLE. STATE FIRE INS. CO., CLEVELAND. O. TRAVELERS’ INS. CO , HARTFORD. NEW YORE LIFE INS. CO, NEW YORK. BUFFALO CITY INSURANCE COMPANY. O ffia. K l I u Stmt id i Catnl Whirl CAPITAL AMD SURPLUS OVKR 1900,000 Securely invested in Government Bonds. Solicits FIRE AND LAKK INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. William G Fargo, George W. Tifft, A. Reynolds, Stephen G. Austin, James Brat-ley, Richard Bully more, Rufua L. Howard, 8. S. Guthrie, Jamee N. Matthrwa, William H. (Benny, O. P. Bamadell, L. K. Plimpton, 8. O. Barnum, C. J. Hamlin, Pascal P. Pratt, 8. G. Cornell, Thoma* Brown, Jams* H. Metcalfe, John Alien, Jr., M. R. Eamev, James M. Smith, E. B. Smith, Henry Martin, John Greiner, Peter J Ferri-, John H. Votmht, Adrian R. Root, Thompson Henes. WM. O. FARGO, President. A. REYNOLDS, Vice-President. HENRY T. SMITH, Secretary. K. D. LACY, Amintant Secretary. J^IFE, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. A5TNA INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN. Pad uoCapital . .........................................*3.000 000 L. J. HRMDEM PraOdsot. J. GOODHOWTSeeratery. ASSETS January 1,1869, at market value. It oa hand os* to bank ........................ $592,929 67 ............................ 263,319 14 ............................ 894,700 00 ............................ l,3o7,339 90 United States, State and City Stefe and other Pubde Securities 77T..... 2,102,961 90 Claim I not due and unac ■ paid in 60 /s e n . ..$6,160,981 71 .. > 289,663 98 .24,000,009 CO HOME INBURAHCB OO., NSW HAVEN, 06BN FIRS, MARINE AND CANAL. $1,000,000 HOPEINSURANCE CO., PROVIDENCE, R. I. I Sorpim........................... $194,276 50 ROGER WILLIAMS INSURANCE COMPANY PROVIDENCE, R. I. Cash Capital and Surplus ................................. $201,358 81 K. P. DORK, Agent, Buffalo, M. T. Policies Issued at fair rates and justed and paid st this office. AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. HARTFORD, CONN. Accumulated Capital .............................................. $10,000,000 Annua Income ......................................................... 9.000,000 Surplus above Liabilities ................................. 2,000,090 ALL POLICIES STRICTLY MOM-FORFEITING Ylw atteasten off the puhilo to sallsd to Ite tester- IF YOUR FLOUR DOES NOT SUIT. TRY FRENCH A DOYLE, DEALERS 93 MAIN «T. _____________ MWF 2 0 0 BfisfL rRB*H GEOUND OAT- 199 bbto May FVnrar M lto, wl ANDREW M. JOHNSTON, CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE, Of Every Description. AT THE VERY LOWEST TRICES. SJWTER PLATED WARE, A L U 9 I AND CO M tLCn 1TOCI GAS FIXTURES, GAS FIXTURES.1 At Reduced Prioee, AND OF THE NEWEST PATTERNS. BRONZES, PARIAN MARBLE, VASES, COLOGNE SETS, i: AT W. H. GLENNY, SON kCO. and n il rat I. TW last lowj [■remora passenger * WR ON t O. R JOINER. ...................... ................ _ _ 9te. at • • steak P. M. W E S T E R * TKANSPORTATiGH CO. H N toh*! Lias Mtaara- - - *A.n j-iT lak a ’aVKj't rvraifo! Ths Mohawk has sapartar Baraaresr ssssrarasda- •» &• nmltn art - w JOHN ALLS*. Jr., Pre*t. * w ^".‘ATK Tlehst Assat, rest af Whtetegl m U NI3W STEAMBOAT COMPANY. For Lake Superior The P- M ^ f t _ ___ __ tohe, sslltoff at Clsvstead aad Itoti _ Freight received far above ports at foot of Mato REFRIGERATORS AND ICE CHESTS. BOTH SLATE AND ZINC. The Brat in Market. _______ «HAW 6 FEEBIS, 446 Mate ot pLATED FORKS AND SPOONS AT REDUCED PUCES, quality warranted Equal to aay Made. * ___________ AW 4 FffBUM, 469 Mato a PABLE CUTLERY. A Fine Assortment. SHAW A FERRIS, 446 Main *t. JpURNlTUR* FOR EVERYBODY AT REDUCED PRICER * - if A very large SMortment of FURNITURE, CHAIRS, AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS *ON HAND. Furniture made to order, and repairing, boxing, etc., done in the beet manner. I'-F___________ ISAAC P. WHITE. 257 Main it. ^ heppard HON WORKS* OHIO 9TKKHT. BUFFALO, M. Y , WM. J. KINO, Jr., Praaelcte. H. O. FERRY, Vice Prra’t and ftnp*L STEAM PUMPS, MINING PUMPS. STEAM FlKJb ENGINES Propeller Wheals Iron and Brau Castings, Wrought Iron Works, Ac., ■A I*W A R E A MX M O V ER rJ'H E MORNING AND EVENING STAB Improved. A SPLENDID FIMT-CLASD COOK STOVE. ONE OP THE BEST IB MARKET Sold m l, b, SHAW k PERRIS, 'J'H E AMERICAN COOKING STOVE. iMItt HmVODfT II THIS STOVEAD ANOTHER PATENT. After a long rartos of experiments ws hare added ths Base Burning principle to the AMERICAN COOKING STOVE, 3 which a more uniform combustion ia obtained in parte of ths Fire Box, and a continuous fire can be kept with a great raving of fueL This ti anothet acquisition to this world reaowned etove and is fully acquisition ■cured by This stove has now fully bafore the public for sight itwr Fifty fisnsi if tte ir a II* To the entire satis faction of the people, and they are eagerly sought after in all the States between the At lantic and Pacific Coasts. Ws have improved it from tlase te time until it Is admitted to be a1 most perfect as a stove; and the strongem evidence oI its superiority over all ether* ir tbe numerous attempts to imitate its name and da- »igt>. While some ef them imitations are infringe menu of our rights and are being prosecuted, all will be found greatly Inferior to the genuine article in their operations. SHEAR, PACKARD * CO.. 17 and 19 Green street, Alheny N. Y. PEERLESS IS CONCEDED TO BE THE BEST COOK STOVE EV ER M ADE. ie a SPLENDID RAKER and performs equally well in other respects. It to a partes* GAS BURNER and requires LE86 FUEL than any other stove. I* is equally wall adapted for wood or coaL It is the HEA” ’" ----------- It is n VIEST first clam stove in market, ns MORE DURABLE, from the BEST qUALITY of iroa, and BEAUTY OF DE81GN, SMOOTH HEM OF CASTIEO", AMD ELEGANCE OF FINISH, The PH— stands unequalled. Bold only.by ■HAW 4 FERRIS, DECOBATIOK. J. JOSEPHS, HOUSE, SIGN AND FANCY P A IN T E E , 46 E ichanae St., Buffalo. N. Y. TO MT OLD CL'SfOafERR. to state that I am prepared u, do KALS0MINING, TINTING WALLS, Or anything in my line . *a well aa any- V dy !•» *if r*f\. ___________ F YOU WANT GOOD \\ ORK O O ID A PRACTICAL MAN. J. IL HOWELL. >oking Olaai and Picture Frame Manufacturer MO. 18 4 DIVISION I J. R HOWELL. pO ST A VIERGIVER, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, WJBDOW RARH, ABTIBir MATERIALB. km., IU. It « .»•■ *•. • * * * T- xm ir a port , llll*l Im II II r - IAOOB TIRDBITRR. ARCTIC, _ J. R. TCRKER .............................. SrtUr, rm II m m u » r .M l, .iin— ii.ii ,i. . hi « n a i) A i .ta i a , f ra u u i. I to th* pameugers. aad have alao ample room for toright, redwtU constitute during the -a 1899, a now wed lndenandent Lake hireriot p *1** " " F Tneedvy at K r i L»*n*fV »lll,i Wednesday at a F M. SfcTH CALDWELL. Agent U NION STEAMBOAT COMPANY ror Chimgo, Milwaukee and interAUodiate ports. T favorite passenger »U-an:er NT. LOUIS, JAMES PRATT ..... ...................................... ............... will leave the Company ’■ dock, foe* of Its Li street, for tte above ports, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, mure ’or tte above ports, on June 9, *6 9 o’clock P. ] For freight er na fficv, No. 1 Rain at. 1869. apply at th* Company's SETH CALDWELL, Agent. PROPLK’S LINK. 1869. FOR NEW Y'IRE DIRECT. RAImROAD EXrRESR From Steamboat Landing, Albany, daily (Sundiya excepted), at U o’elockP. M. In couuectiun with N. Y. C. R. R.. A. 4 8. R. R., and Northern Ra!tru.ui. DF2.li RCIIMOND. Cap*. W. ii Christopher, Mondays, Wedneste^s aud Fridays, Capi^S. J. Roe Tuesdays, Thur-day* and Saturdays, At o’clock r. M. Steamer St Jufcn will he in readme** and take the oiaoe of tbe Richmond on or before the 1st of May "’hen the h< ur will be r!ringed to tt o’clock. * Baggage Wagons alway s tu readiness at Depot tt convey Baggage to the Boats free. H. Il R. K. tickets good for btate Beom Past are. Freight taken at moderate rates. nrn«y* Un or * * 2 d * and 285 J. W. HARCOCRTHtjrt L 1809. 1869. THE UNION STEAMBOAT (X)MPANY Will nm during ths ensuing season, in counocuoit with tbe EKIE RAILWAY, and all railroads termi- attag at the Lake Forte below named, and with re- --*•« hues on the CrioC&nal, the following first-class Iraiiy Lines oi gtssmsra. BUFFALO AND LAKE HLPKRIOR LINK. Arctic ...................................................... Capt. J. K. Tinner ............................................................. Capt. Ed. Kelly BUFFALO, MILWAVTKKM AMD CHI* CACAO L I N K . Jay Oould ..............................................Capt. F. H. Brown. ................................................ Capt. Jas. Pratt. ............................................. Capt. Thos. Watts. ............................................... Capt. F. L. Pope. ..............................................Capt. John Kirl»y. 'tor’trieo .................................................... Capt. J. p. Evers. Equinox ..............................................Capt. W. H. Arthur. BUFFALO AND DETROIT LINK. Evergreen C ity.. floga ..................... Capt. Wm. Tli orb. Capt. 8. 8hanu..n. .Capt. O. W. Stoddard. Capt. D. P. Fu.sneU. ... . Capt D. McFarlane. ............... Capt. II. Watts. BUFFALO, CLEVELAND AND TO LEDO LINE. Potodo.....................................................Capt. H. A. Blxsnn. >toan.................................................. Capt W. D. Douglass. ....................................... Capt. John Egvlcr. .................................Oaf A W , If. McNally. ....................................... Cant. J. O. Hindu. ........................ Capt,W.n.Cummings. m are in the best poraitile CMndiiion, nearly or quite new, and will l*e run ding to Rhlpfiora unequalled farilitiee .UT wm movement of their Freight with dispatch. Dock for Chicago and Lake 8u|«rior f ine-, foot of Eton s t ; for Lake Erie Lines, foot of Lloyd st. Freight and Passenger office, No. 1 Main rt. AGENTS AND OON8IGNKK8: Juiding Stai Dunkira ___ Yew York.. -aany »f ti regularly, i IOHN h . More . I. a. DUNLAP............ HETH CALDWELL.... ■V. O. CUSHING, JARKKTHON A CO.. A. W. COLTON, V. W. OOLTUMACO., A. CHE8KBROUGU, J. A PATTEN, c. m. oornuLL ......... LATH BOP A GO........... W BALLARD, I O. 4 . WILLIAM H, .241 Broadway, New York. 134 Washington st., Bo«ti>n. ................ 1 Main st., Buffalo. | ........................... Cleveland. | ............................. Toledo. f ..................................... Detroit. .................................. Milwaukee. .......................................... Racine ........................................Chll5«gO. >ASHAUK TO AND KKOJd GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, I Packet, by Weekly Lina at TAPSCOTT BROTHERS A Co., Ogbty-Ox Sooth atreet. New York, continue to Paamge Tickets, available for taelre months, fr-.m Lnndi n, Liverpool, or.Queenstown, and draft* pay. on demand from any amount iroui £1 and up- LEE A PICKERINO, UNO, Agents, Nwan *t.. Buffalo FAMILY St PPLIF.K. c. J. FLHHilK, NO. 181 MAIN STRBE7, Wholesale Dealer in 1 FRUIT, NUTS, SAKDINr,-*, MACKEREL AND Imported Liquors, Leaden PorteP, Scot. h Ales an i Havana Clears. H. ULAN CHARD, Successor to and Manufacturer of WOLFS CELEBRATED STOMACH. BITTERS. ALPB, WINEB AND BRANDifJi At Wu jlesale and IUtail. Buffalo, N. Y F INE8T TEAS AND COFFEE:!, from the ORIENTAL T F \ COMPANY, O . BOSTON. Thev have been tried and proved to !>c tl.e !« t id cheapest TEAS and OOF) EES ever offered to the Public. Sole Agent f<r Buffslo, 4. JENNE4, Drnggte*. Main ri, Buffmu, (oppoeiui tea Park). QRACKERS AND BISCUIT. R. OVENS & SON, Manufacturer* of the choicest quality of CRACKERS. RUTTER CRACK KBS. ^CRATED CRACK ERd, OYSTER COACEEKd, Qonuine Bowton. Cracker U fa* Wm knit, Cnka Crvkfn PILOT BREAD. Re.. Ac. ALL OP THR RESTtQLALITY. AU orders adlr—red to 97 and 69 EJioo’ .t street, "t?n n i kOM. I. T. C E N T S ’ P r K N I S H I N C . FISKE, CLARK & FLAGG’S PATENT PANTALOON DRAWERS. AGENT FOR THIS CITY, T. KENNETT, 378 Main St. GBOkgE K TkIPF m m ram «v au. snasor 8HRn, W1APPB3, MAVEtS Id D te ld r a Hns ns i*. ndO uffl).

THE RINK. - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030921/1869-06-09/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · Of seven Aldermed holding over only two are Democrats. GENERAL SPINNNK received

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The Sub-OnsuK Committee Still in Seeeion.

Secretary B eutw ell Kednceit the Clerical Feree o f Ihe Trea-

»nrr Department.

Ac., Ac., Ac.

money aa cheap aa i t caa I ______by the people of other ooonthea to promote iinluhtry. He ndviaed them to organize for their own protection. In conclusion he thanked them a n d hoped to m eet them a t some future time.


W a sh in gto n , J u n e 8.< -en. P a rk er, Commtasiopcr of In d ia n A f­

fairs, has received th e following d ispa tch from a friend:

Eurich Hoag, Superintendent for Kansan, rep o rts th a t hostilities in northwestern Kansas a re exaggerated an d conflicting. Some eignt or ten remote settlers a re said to ba killed. Exposed se ttle rs a re p rep a r­ing for defence. The Ind iana w ho are on the w ar path are supposed to be northern Cheyennes or Sioux.

CENSUS.The Sub-Census Committee are s ti ll in

session and may be (or some weeks, i t lias debated taking census not through U nited States Marshals as heretofore but through census agents acting under a general Cen­sus Superintendent. The committee are employed a t least five hours per day , and will separate to reconvene several w eeks before the commencement of the next ses­sion to have the bill prepared fo t early consideration.

THE HANTA VK KORRRK7.M r. S p in n er says th e m oney recently

sto len in S an ta Fe from th e governm ent deposito ry w as in notes of large denom ina­tions. T h e tre a su ry d e p a rtm e n t has a com ­p lete record of th e num bers, dates, etc., w hich facts m ay lead to th e discovery of th e m u rd e rer an d robber.

K EDUCTION.M r. tiou tw ell reduced th e clerical force

of th e T reasu ry D epartm ent an d various bureaus to th e exact num ber au th o rized by law . F ig h t c le rk s aud a m essenger wore rem oved from th e F irs t A u d ito rs oflice to ­day . O n the f irst of J u ly a num ber of th e tem p o rary c le rks w ill be dism issed.

f i n a n c i a l .The S ecre ta ry sold $2,008,000 of gold,

receiving therefo re $2,778,717 in currency . T h e am o u n t of gold in th e tre a su ry is $82, - 000,000 an d $25,000,000 in coin certifi­cates.

SECRETARY ROUTWKLI. leaves here to m orrow n ig h t lo r h is hom e a t

n ito n , Mass., an d w ill 1 te absen t ab o u t tw o w eeks.

PR ESID EN T IIRANT.O w ing to th e P resid en t's in te n tio n to

leave W ash ing ton to m orrow evening for New Y ork , a larg e crow d called a t th e E x ­ecutive M ansion to -d ay before th e m eeting of th e ( a b in e t. C o m paratively few o b ­tained interview s, w hich w ere of b rie f d u ra ­tion . Some called on business, aud o th ers o u t of m ere courtesy . T he P resid en t w ill a tte n d th e Boston Peace J ubilee.


A Man Found llaneinc to a Tree in Central Park.

T H E J E R O M E P A R K R A C E S .

The English Press on the Irish Church Bill.

Great Excitement oxer tbe Paris Election.

Ac., Ac., Ac.



Ac., Ac.,

J e r o m e P a r k , F ordhain , J u n e 8 . —T he firs t race, prem ium 3800 for all ages, mile heats. T he following is a su m m ary :

B ed Dick 1 5 1; K. B. Connolly 5 1 2; Y auxhall 2 2 ; Corsair 3 3; Yiley fi 4 ; A l­t a Vela 4 t»: M eta iria 7 d ist. T im e, 1:50}. T rack very m uddy and h eavy ; 1:50}, 1:54$. O nly Red Dick and C onnolly s ta r te d on th e th ird h e a t; the re s t were ru led o u t lfo r no t w inniug one h e a t in th re e . B e ttin g b e­fore th e race was 10 to 1 a g a in st l ie d Dick.

Second race, W estch este r C lub , value $1500, 2} m iles, all ages. T he Boushee 1; P leauvrev ille 2; G enera l D uke 3 ; A bdel K ad ir 4 ; L ocal 5. T im e 4:19.}. Selling race for all ages, prem ium $000, m ile and th re e q u a rte rs . F lora M cDoon 1; Oberson 2 ; Boaster 3. T im e 3:23j.

F o u rth race, prem ium $.*i00, for th re e year olds, 1} miles. V rspucius 1; O 'F a l­lo n 's Lexingtou co lt 2; G lengar 3 ; Legatee 4; In v ern y Las* Onyx 6 ; Colonel T. 7; H anover 8. W on b y one leng th . T he Ye8pueius liolted tw ice d u rin g th e race. T im e 2:08V

RELEASED.T h e s team er Lyber, d e ta in ed on suspicion

of being in te n d e d to carry a id to th e C uban revolu tionists; was' c leared , an d sailed a t 12:30 P . M . flying th e Dom inion flag.

STRANGE A FFAIR.A b o u t seven o’clock th is m orning, th e

b ody of a m an w as discovered hang ing to a t re e in th e C en tra l P a rk dead.

IMRE.A fire occurred th is eveniug a t 338 Pearl

s tre e t, occupied b y W h iteh ead A Bros, as a p a m p h le t b iudery . Loss, $3000; insured .T h e tire com m unicated to th e b u ild ing 356 P earl s tre e t, occupied by Spooner A Bros, as a paper box m anufac to ry . T h e builduigs w ere ow ned b y R o b ert M orris, aud w ere dam aged to th e e x te n t of $4500, insured.

ALBANY.T h e N a t i o n a l T y p o g r a p h i c ;

T h e y t a k e » n E x c iI n i o n —

u r a l o n t o T r o y .

L o n d o n , J u n e 8 . — T he 'Times to -d ay re fers to fac t t h a t some o f th e T ory Peers declined to follow tho policy in regard to th e I rish C hurch bill determ ined upon by th e m ajo r ity a t th e ir m eeting la s t S a tu r ­day , an d tru s ts t h a t th e danger of a colli­sion is past. T he experience of th e la s t tw o d ay s reaffirm th e t ru th t h a t in th e d ire c t is sue th e Lords m u st allow th e na tiona l w ill to prevail. T he p resen t aspect ind icates t he passage of th e bill to a second read ing by a sm all m ajo rity . The same p ap er in an a rtic le ou th e F rench elections po in ts to th e fact th a t th ree and a halim illionsof F ren ch ­man a re voting in opposition to only four m illions w ho su p p o rt th e governm ent. W ha tev e r th e re la tiv e s tre n g th of th e p a r ­ties m ay be in th e ( orps L egisla tive th is is a significant resu lt, un iversa l suffrage, and is bound to influence th e en tire policy of th e F rench governm ent.

T he Telegraph, refe rrin g to th e a tt i tu d e of th e H ouse of Lords, says th e n a tion onlv m ust govern th e nation . T o th is Lord D erby and o th er P eers assen ted w hen las t y e a r th e y in v ited th e ju d g m en t of the nation on th e Suspensory bill. T h e Peers now m ay well accep t ju risd ic tio n to w hich th ey appealed. T he .Yews has an ed ito ria l on th e A labam a con troversy . I t believes th e storm feeling is c learing aw ay anti says w e a re now a b o u t ready to t’eal w ith facts. T h e A m ericans have fo rgo tten fac ts ; th ey recollect un friend ly w ords, b u t d isregard •many frien d ly deeds. G rea t B rita in is ready to bear h e r own responsib ility , b u t w hen charged w ith all th e dam age done to A m erican comm erce d u rin g th e la te war, she m u st rem iu d A m ericans t h a t only a*, sm all p a r t of t h a t dam age lies a t h e r door, o r w ill be ad m itte d b y her.

TH E PAULS ELECTIONS.P a r is , J u n e 8 .—T he resu lts in fifteen a d ­

d itio n a l elections by b a llo t have been d e ­clared . Seven official an d e ig h t opposition can d id a tes w ere elected. Am ong th e su c ­cessful can d id a tes are M . M. Picard , La- to u r au d D um oulin.

L ast n ig h t a b o u t tw elv e o’clock g rea t crow ds of people g a th e red in th e M ontm ar­tre D is tric t. Policem en w ere obliged to use force in d ispersing them , an d som e citizens w ere in ju red . A n um ber of a rre s ts w ere also mwlc. T h o ]>eople finally re tired to th e ir hom es an d q u ie t w as resto red . A scene of d iso rder also occurred d u r in g th e n ig h t in fro n t of H o te l de V ille. M any persons w ere in ju red aud a large num ber arrested . T he to ta l num ber of a rre s ts m ade last n ig h t in consequence of these d is tu rb ­ances was 120.

SPA IN .M a d r i d , Ju n e 8 . —T he new C onstitu tion

has been prom ulgated in all th e provinces of Spain.- Perfect o rd er prevails th ro u g h o u t th e country .

Telegraphic d isp a tch es have been re ­ceived from Don F sp in ar, ac tin g C aptain G eneral of Cuba, coun term and ing th e p re ­vious requisition for reinforcem ents. T his is accepted as an indication of th e im proved s ta te of affairs in th e island , and gives g rea t satisfaction.

plaintiff awarding her the sum of $100,000, the amouut claimed by her for damages. The counsel for Sprague will apply for a new triaL

The Republican City and County Conven­tion, of Richmond, Ya., yesterday nomina­ted for the Legislature one negro and two white men for the Senate, and seven negroes and one white man for the Honse.

The citizens of Rome, X. Y., yesterday voted on the question of toLlwg stock to the amount of $600,000 in the proposed water works for the village. The vote stood 323 for the project to 391 against it. The law requires tw o-thirds of the votes cast to be in the affirmative.

Rev. Felix J . Barbelin, S. J . , pastor of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Philadelphia, died yesterday evening, aged sixty-two years. He was well known and higtdy es­teemed here, both in and onfe of the Catho­lic Church.

TELEGRAPHIC SUXXABV.lbat s AmouQoa as mo as

WASHINGTON.W a sh in gto n , J u n e 8 .— A il q u ie t in the

c ity to -day , b u t th e ringleaders in th e d is ­tu rb an ce of y e s te rd ay a re n o t y e t a rrested .

T h e R epublican m ajo rity w ill reach n e a r­ly 5000 A ll th e c an d id a tes of th a t p a rty a re elected. O f seven A lderm ed hold ing over only tw o a re Dem ocrats.

GENERAL SPIN N N K received a n o th e r d ispa tch from .Santa Fe, announcing th a t (ien . G e tty , com m anding th s d is tr ic t, Col. R ochester, chief d isb u rs­ing officer, and M r. L ittle , receiver of p u b ­lic m onies, had m ade an exam ination of the robbery of th e U. S. D epository a t t h a t place, and th e loss w ill am o u n t to abou t $100,000.

N E W Y O R k iN ew Y o r k , J u n e 8 .— M ayor H all t e n t

in h is first aunual message to th e Com mon Council y e s te rd ay . H e says th a t th e c ity au th o ritie s a re n o t responsible fo r th e tax budgets, as th e es tim ates p rep ared by them were m an ipu lated and a lte red b y th e Legis­la tu re . T he p resen t condition of th e w harves aud p iers is not due to tb e omissions of th e m unicipal au th o ritie s. T h e revenue from th e c ity m ark e ts shows a sa tisfac to ry increase. T he s tre e t and rap id transjio rta - tion questions a re d iscussed. H e says th e s tre e ts can n o t be k e p t clean unless th e con­tra c to r is p a id b e tte r . T h ere o ugh t to lie th ree im proved lines of railw ay ru n n in g the leng th of th e c ity . H e recom m ends the wholesale w idening, ex tension and opening of th e stree t* below F o u rteen th , 'i he a r ­rangem ent of B roadw ay s idew alks inside the stores so t h a t th e carriage toad sh a ll be increased by th e p resen t w id th of th e side­w alks, and th e conversion of C ity H a ll P a rk in to a plaza for vehicle t ra n s it in o rd er to relieve th e P a rk Row.

S T R IK E.T he b rakem en on th e E aste rn D ivision of

th e E rie R ailroad s tru c k for h ig h er wages on Sunday an d q u it w ork. T he S u p er­in ten d en t failed to secure o th er hands, and last evening th e ir dem ands, an inert ase of tw en ty -five cen ts a day , w ere acceded to. T he s tr ik e has ended, an d m atte rs are go­ing on as usual.

NO. 7999.crisis. Nothing since tbe throes which preceded the Reform Bill can be compared with the consequences which attend th t threatened conduct of the Peers. The re suit of the struggle is not doubtful. ’ If the Lords succeeded a t first they would be oom pelled to undergo a second tender of the measure which they have rejected a t first. The results of the ir action touch all, pu t ir jeopardy not only themselves and their privileges, but the peace of the great towns, and tbe maintenance of law and order in the country. Above all, they do the ir best to provoke an outburst of passionate vio­lence in an unhappy country, the vast m ajority of whose inhabitants the Lords propose to outrage by contemptuous disregard of the ir wishes. As to the major­ity, the opposition draw th is conclusion, th a t they are resolved to intrench them ­selves in the ir own opinions, and rely upon their fancied power in disdain cl th i conse­quence to themselves and the nation.' They will be rudely awakened from their delu sion. I t cannot be doubtful w^ich w ill suc­ceed in the contest, themselves or the na­tion. The only question is not w hether the power they think they posmisa is to be proved non-exiatant, b u t whether the power which they can exercise will ne t be-so irre­vocably broken as to vanish out of exist­ence.

The outside papers which circulate more among the people, ta lk very revolutionary. The probability is the Lords wbil be alarmed into the passage of the bill, b u t the mere fact of the announcement of an inclination and power to defeat it, evidently excites discussion adverse to the continuation of hereditary legislation.

E u r o p r S n I t e m s .

i t is sa id th a t th e A u strian Gov irnm eut refused to decide iu th e m a tte r of (teutrali- of th e S u e / C a n a l , w ith o u t th e advice aud cooperation of France.

T h e R egency bill, was read fo r th e first tim e in th e C o n s titu en t C ortes y esterday .

T h e resu lt of th e elections in P a lis , w here ba llo t w as necessary to decide is as follow s: Official cand idates, 21; Unofficial, 1; lnde- dendent£ 1; O pposition, 15; U nknow n, 17. Am ong th e opposition c an d id a tes e lected , is H en ri A lphonse Esquiros, a u th o r and philosipher.

T h e O pposition p a rty h av e d e te rr lined t o m o v e f o r t h e w ith d raw al of tli« H ungarian t r o o p 3 from th e Provinces bord'ering ou the R iv er L e itha , unless th e governm ent is able to offer a sa tisfac to ry ex p lan a tio n of th e ir em ploym ent th ere .

T here have lieen some q u ite serious d is ­tu rb an ces a t C arn io la recen tly . No p a rtic ­u lars received. A t th e la s t accoan a order h a d been resto red .

I t is reported th a t th e D uke of G enoa is now a p rom inen t can d id a te for th e .Spanish th rone .

K ing W illiam an d C oun t B ism aick w ill go to B rem en on a v isit on t*he 13th.

L o n d o n , J u n e 8 .— I h e A sc o t H eath races com m enced to -day . W eath e r tine and a w arm lig h t breeze was blow ing, and the only inconvenience was du st. T he a t ­tendance w as very g re a t and h igh ly fash ­ionable. T he P rin ce a a d P riuctas of W ales and o th er m em bers of th e Royal fam ily w ere p resen t and w e re j accom panied by a b rillia n t re tin u e of nobility .

A scot s tak es of tw en ty -five sovereigns each w ere won by M r. J a q u cs ’ ch. c. Bete Noir, by M arsyas, o u t of Leprosy, beating A m bitious Second and Barou R o thsch ild 's b. c. K ing A lfred T h ird . T he b e ttin g a t the s ta r t was th re e to one a g a in st Bete N oir an d A m bitious, and ten to one against K ing A lfred. T h irteen horses tria l. T ria l s tak es of five sovereigns each w ith lOOsous added , resu lted aa follows: S ir J . H aw ley’s 1». c. Vagabond b y M usjid , o u t of Vaga, 1; , ,n _C ap ta in W . H . Cooper’s ch. c. Fancy Boy by Dundee, o u t of W him suy, 2 ; W . T. D aw son’s h. f. Perfo rm er by ad v en tu rer, on t of O lga, 3. T h e b e ttin g a t th e s ’.a r t was fou r to one ag a in st Vagabond; th re e to one ag a in st Fancy Boy, and five to one ag a in st Perform er. Tw elve ran.

T he biennial stakes w ere won by Beville’s b c, b ea tin g M o n t B lanc; th e gold vase sw eepstakes b y Thorw&ldsen, beating Vlorna aud Lancer; th e W ince of W ales s tak es b y M arty rdom , beating Pero Gomez and T yphon , and th e trie n n ia l s tak es bv Form osa, b ea ting R estitu tio n and th e l.a ird .In tho race for th e gold vase tho celebrated colt, S t. M ungo, broke down.

“ SUSPENDEDL o n d o n , J u n e S. Isaac Cam pbell, m er­

c h an t, has Juspended paym ent.I j f c IR ISH CHURCH BILL.

In th e M ouse of Lords th is evening the Karl of M arrow by gave notice th a t he shou ld m ove th a t th e second read in g of th e Irish C hurch bill lie postpoued six m onths.

SPAIN W A T C H IN G .T he steam er Tybee w as de ta in ed b y Col­

lector G rinnell y este rd ay on th e com plain t of th e Spanish < 'onsui t h a t she w as in tended to ca rry m en an d a rm s to th e Cubans. An investigation proved th e co n tra ry , and she was allow ed to clear.

N e w Y o r k , J u n e 8 . — A n a- orably cf workingm en, seven or e ig h t th o u san d strong, g a thered in t h e v ic in ity of th e G erm ania A ssem bly Rooms th is m orning, and lorm ed in procession. A fte r p arad ing some of th e principal s tree ts , th e y w e n t on board s team ­ers to be e a rn e d to Jo n es’ W ood, w here a festival, speech-m aking and d ancing w ill tak e place.

PERSONAL.Gov. H offm an and s ta ff a re in th e city .

HEAVY STORM.A t 1:15 P . M . a te rr ib le hail s torm , ac­

com panied w ith th u n d e r and lightn ing ,


d o n , Ju n e S .— The announced prede-

A LB a n y , June 8 . The convention at 2 o’clock P. M. w en t on board the steamer Carrie, chartered for the purpose by the Albany Union, aud a fte r proceeding down the river some five miles, re tu rn ed an d w en t to Troy. Here they were escorted by Dornings band and a delegation of the Troy Union. Theconvention marched to Harmony H all where the members were welcomed by O. B. Smith, President of the Troy Union, and invited to partake of • collation. Speeches were made by Mr. Trciklensen, President of the Albany Union, and others, and after full interchange of cor­d ia l fellowship the members of the convention were escorted to the boat, and returned to th is city. A t 8 :4 5 tho convention reassembled and proceeded to th e election of officers for the ensuing te rm w ith the following result: For Presi­dent, Isaac D. George received 48 votes; Daniel W. Flynn 32 votes; Wm. McK- Gate hell 1 vote. Samuel E. P in ts received 2 votes.

On motion of Mr. F lynn the election of M r. George was made unanimous.

The following officers were then elected:F irst Vice President, Peter A- Crosby;

Second Vice President, W . R. Goodiiongh; Secretary and Treasurer, J . Collins; Cor­responding Secretary, W. A. Shields.

The t h»nk» of the convention were ten­dered to the retiring officers for the faithful discharge of the ir duties.

The commitee ou the Springfield, 111., contested seat reported in favor of adm it­ting Mr. Higgins.

T h e c o n v e n t i o n a t 12:20 o ’c lo c k ad* j gam ed.

M IS S IS S IP P I.D l t l l r u K y B e t w e e n C o l . J o « . « . C r a n e

a n d B . M . V e r g e r —T h e L a i D r K i l l e d .4 c „ Ac.J a c k s o n , M iss., June 8 . —Brevet Lieut.

Col. Jos. G. Crane, commanding the Fourth M ilitary D istrict and acting Mayor of this city, was killed to-day by t . M. Verger in a difficulty occaaioned by an official order of the Mayor levying on the property of Yerger in default of corporation taxes, and th e had no reference whatever topolitics.

CoL Crane entered the volunteer service from Dayton, Ohio, in 1 8 6 1 , and was held ia high esteem by the community. Yerger ie arrested and confined « the barracks.

The conservative Republicans of Missis- mom have issued a call for a Convention ot aka 23d of June. The call ia signed b-

Jefferds, Wofford, Fisk, Field W xrnsf Moorman a n d o thers. They claim t o ba th e tr.’'® expooenta of G rant’s policy; jspnflistr the ZTxecutive Committee and the onran iaarion of th e extreme Radicals; in sis t t h a t th e y are stric tly in accordance with th e Congressional plan; advise such course j o will promote harmony and fraternal feel­ing between men of all sections end colors,

gay, in conclusion, we can and m ust all tfve to g e th e r as friends. The call seems to be favorab ly

T he harness makare’ pio-nic yesterday a t Tivela, N. Y ., was at t emlad by about 2000— * *W « - .«»"« *U i i » • f o w - f c o n . a m * * . « e d - » k .

W e w ant a corrective balance few individuals


T e l e g r a p h i c lien** o f G e n e r a l I n t e r e s t f ro m D if fe re n t P o in t s .

In t h r H onse A ssem bly a t H alifax, Mon- lay n ig h t. Dr. M u rray m oved th e annexa­

tio n resolution, i t was seconded by Joseph L. M cD onald. T he governm ent reqolved to avoid a discussion on th e question , and to p rev e n t a vote. Seven m em lters opposed to th e governm ent, vo ted to have th e ques­tio n tak e n , b u t th e re s t of th e house, tw e n ­ty -six m em bers, v o ted against i t , th u s th ro w in g th e reso lu tion o u t of doors. The House w ill be prorogued on T hu rsd ay .

Ja m e s A. W o ld ’s p aper m ill a t P o r t D ick­inson, near B ingham pton, N. Y ., w as d e ­stro y ed b y fire on M onday n ig h t, to g eth er w ith a ll th e m achinery . T he fire occurred a b o u t 10 3̂ 0 , only a sh o rt tim e a fte r th e m ill had closed. Less ab o u t $ 15,0(10 ; in ­su rance, $12,000 on building, $.‘1000 on stock .

Several th o u san d people were d isappoin ted a t H igh land P a rk , N ew bnrg , y este rd ay , b e ­cause of th e postponem ent of th e race be­tw een M ountain Boy an d L ady Thorn . T he ow ners of th e ho rses were w illing they sho u ld go, b u t th e p roprie to rs of th e tra c k for some reason postponed th e race a t 3 P. M. T b e tra c k w as in good condition. T h e race is now postponed u n til T hu rsd ay .

Boston is fast filling up w ith strangers in anticipation of the peace jubilee. So great is the demand for quarters th a t up­w ards of 300 rooms in private houses be­longing to the best citizens have been te n ­dered to the Executive Committee Jubilee, through bureau accommodations.

A t midnight, Monday, a fire broke out in the paper mill a t Barrytown, N. Y., and communicated w ith th e freight house on the dock, in which several thousand bales of hay were stored. Both building and contents were destroyed. Loss, $20,000. No insurance.

The American Institu te , (homeopathic) of Boston, elected the following officers, all M. D.’s: lieu I ten Ludlow, Chicago. Presi­dent-, D. H . Beckwith, Cleveland, \ ice President; I*. T . Talbot, Boston, General Secretary; Timothy F. Allen, New York, Provisional Secretary; E. M. Kellogg, New York, Treasurer. The Institu te is clear of debt. One hundred and fifty-three new members were admitted. A fter a collation a general report on chemical medicine was read by H . D. Paine. Special reports were read on various subjects.

A boy seven years old, sou of Bnoch Earle, was run over yeaterdsv in W o r­cester, Mass., while climbing on a moving train. Both hia legs were cut off. I t ‘ feared his injuries will prove fatal.

The new trial of Dsn. Noble, s t Elmira, N. Y ., for robbery of the Royal Insurance Company, commenced yesterday, Justices Ransom snd Balcom presiding. The case is exciting great interest, th e ju ry having failed to agree on the former triaL

A le tte r to the Augusta, G a., Chronicle says the editor of th e W arren ton Clipper and other citizens were arrested a t IV ar- rantoa yesterday, a t the instance of sheriff who arrived there from A tlanta yes­terday w ith tw o companies of infantry. The ritG aw m e in jail, and surrounded by a strong fores of militia. The excitement ia very great. The arrests are presumed to have grown ont of political difficulties.

In th s esse of Mias A manda Craig; of vs. K P. Sprague, of Chicago,

o f power to prevent a few ud iv fm m m ie nyMitif power i we

term in a tio n of a m ajo rity of th e House of Ixirds to re jec t th e I rish C hurch bill creates in tense exc item en t and th re a te n s to p rec i­p ita te an inev itab le conflict betw een th e | Lords and Commons. I t is rum ored in some q u a rte rs th a t th e announcem ent is only m ade to feel the public pulse and ascerta in how far th e Lords dare go. T he genera; im pression is th a t th e b ill w ill be th ro w n o u t on its second reading.

T he S ta n d a rd (Tory) ad m its t h a t th e jieril of th e proposed action is too obvious to be ignored by th e lea s t th o u g h tfu l or eonsciencioua of th e h e re d ita ry leg islators, b u t says th e Lords reso lved in com pliance w ith th e u rg en t dem ands of h u n d red s of thousands o? people in every p a r t of th e coun try to risk all in a co n tes t w ith an im ­perious m in iste r and w ith th e overbearing m ajority in th e House of Commons. If c rushed n o t only th e church and th e con­s titu tio n falls w ith them , th e liberties of E ngland w ill be sacrificed to th e ascenden­cy o f th a t Dem ocratic princip le w hich is th e m ost dangerous foe of personal and liolitical freedom. I t m a tte rs n o t w hether those w ho approved reg re t th e de- iaion to give b a ttle . T here is n o th in g for

th em to do b u t to ta k e th e ir places in th e ran k s and fight for a ll th ey ho ld deareat in th e fu ll certaiufcy th a t all is a t s take. Let th e w hole P ro te s tan t aud Conservative power of th e realm i-be exerted , an d give th e Lords such su p p o rt of public opinion as to res tra in th e strugg le w ith in th e lim itslof th e C o n stitu tion , an d m ake a self-w illed and overbearing m in iste r alw ays a t h e a rt th e enem y of th e Lords, and , like ly to be exaspera ted b y his unexpected defeat, feel th a t th e re a re lim its w hich he dare n o t pass. A lready have hia organs th rea ten ed th a t which, if done, w ould call for im peachm eut. I t is necessary th a t h e be m ade to feel th a t he d are n o t execu te tb e th re a t, anti th a t he m u st n o t only deal w ith the Lords, b u t w ith th e w ealthy , reso lu te an d influential lasses of England and Ire land , w ho are an

ac tu a l m ajo rity of th e Eng lish nation .T he M orning Port shows th a t a rejection

of th e b ill w ill n o t p rev en t its u ltim a te pas­sage, an d d iscred its th e id ea th a t the Lords w ill Tefuse i t a second reading.

The S tar uses threatening language, and says the Church of Ireland m u st not cum­ber the ground after December. T hat the least which will be said will be proclaimed from the house tops, viz: th a t the House of Lords itself is not a more logical, desirable

excusable institution than the Irish Church. In the fever heat which will fol­low the rejection of the bill, a heat such as has not been seen since Birmingham th rea t­ened to march on London in the name of Reform. Cries w i l l be h* ard for the down­fall of an obsolete Chamber—no longer a disguised anachronism existing by decent deference to popular will, whicn Wellington once said ought never again to be withheld. W ith the pure blindness of buzzards, these misguided noblemen require further proofs to Im: convinced of the opinion of tbe coun­try'. I t is not worth while to attem pt a demonstration of th a t opinion. W hen the issue comes the ir Lordships will probably be wise in the ir time.

The .\> if* say s: The vote of the Lords will a t the worst postpone for a few months only the fate of the Irish Church. I ts indi* rect effect will be graver. I t will raise the question of the position the Houae of Lords holds ond#r the constitution. The rela­tions of the constituencies and the House of Commons, the executive and the Grown, are self-adjusting. If a h itch occurs, the machinery sets itself in order by its own ac­tion. The House of Lords stands outside of this system. I ts good sense fails only when brought in harmony w ith the rest of the constitution, by the forcible obtrusion upon it of a number of members sufficient to overbear the opinions of the original body. A biassed Jury has to bo packod. W hether a second Chamber doing its work upon these~conditious can be a permanent part of the government, the Lords seem bent upon forcing the public to inquire.

I t e m s b y T e l e g r m p h .A tto rney-G enera l W illiam son, of Indiana,

d elivered h is opinion to -day th a t th e spe­cific appropriation b ill passed »>y th e House a t th e close of th e special session of th e L egisla ture a fte r th e resignation o f ‘42 D em ­ocratic m em liers. w as in accord w ith a ll re ­q u irem en ts of th e C onstitu tion , a r d o ugh t to be obeyed as co n stitu tio n a l law.

L ast n ig h t the office oi R. L. ftm ith , a t Lyeander, O nondaga county , wav en tered b y burg la rs and roblied of over $20,000 w orth of bonds, m ortgages and ccr titice ts of deposit.

Jam es M onroe, P residen t of th e T h in ! N ational Bank a t th is c ity , and w h o was S ta te S ena to r for tw o term s, d .ed la s t n igh t a t Eld ridge.

A t a m eeting of th e P re sb y te r , ' of Lon­donderry . Old School, held ai: B oston to ­d ay , th e basis o f reunion of th e Old and New Schools agreed upon a t New Y ork was u nanim ously adopted . T his 1 'resh y tery is th e first to tak e action on th e question .

A t a m eeting of th e Board of T rade of S t. Louis las t n ig h t,p ap e rs w ere read show- inS th e p rac tieab ilty of d irec t t ra d e be­tw een St. Louis and foreign p o rts d u rin g a large portion of th e y ea rb y lixjht d ra f t p ro ­pellers.

M. Si. T hiers, F erry , Juleii Favro and G arni or Pagt-B have been declared elected by ballot. Th'*re w ere tum u'tt*ous scenes a t th e M ontem arte au d a rre s ts 'w ere m ade by th e police.

T he R epublicans of W ash ing ton eleet th e en tire c ity tick e t, including Collector, R eg ister and Surveyor, by a lssge m ajo rity , probably over 3(K‘0. N ine colored m en are e lec ted— R egister, one A lderm an , and seven m em bers of tho Common Council.

T he U nion Block a t S t. A lbans was dam ­aged b y fire M onday to th e am ount of 330,009.

T h e re tu rn of th e F all R iver and Bristol S team boat L ine to its o riginal s ta rtin g point was th e occasion of a holiday in Fall R iver.

T h e tra n s it d u ty b ill passed b y the las t New Je rse y L egisla ture has become a law b y its acceptance by th e joint; comjianies.

T he police on M onday m orning broke up a contem plated prize tigh t ;n Dorchester, and a rre s ted th e principals, H ussey aud O’Neil.

T he east w ing of G rey N u a ’s C onvent in Quebec, and also th e chapel a ttach ed , was d estroyed by tire la s t n igh t. Loss $20,000. Tw o m en in ju red .

Com m issioner Delano Lao been eall®«l j upon to deotde w h e th e r th f a u th o ritie s of th e W e ste rn P en iten tia ry of P ennsy lvan ia can m anufactu re , issue an d use t h e i r own revenue stam ps, in sem blance of th e gen­uine ones, to place upon cigars m anufac tu r­ed b y convicts. He, v e ry em phatica lly d e­cided t h a t th ey could not.

H onolu lu advices rep o rt an earth q u ak e a t M oloki on th e 4 th of A pril. L ittle dam ­age.

P rince A lfred sailed from A u stra lia on th e 9 th inst. for N ew X ealard.

The P « tn threi i th e rev iva l

for breach of promise of marriage, which has been on tria l a t W heaton for several d a p peat, tho jury rendered a verdict for

tions long abandoned, namely: the oldBtf* onial attitude of the medieval days, when the Commons were only allowed tho right of humble supplication and petitian, not really to govern the country.

Tho TeUprapk (Moderate) has a X_____article which concludes aa follows; Tbe country hot spoken unmiatakeably finally. I f forced to speak again ita ao w ill no longer bo free freoa i s d ip s t i preserve the mood of moderation which to the last it desires earnestly to maintain

The Times aays: W ears on the eve of a

B u s i n e s s P r o s p e c t s a t t ^ e W e s t .| F rom th e C hicago Tri-Juno J

T here has been considerable im provem ent in business since la s t week. T h e continued ac tiv ity in tn e grain m ovem ent shows th a t wc are now h av in g o ur “ Spring t ra d e ” w hich has been delayed, anci is now active a t a season w hen business o rd in arily begins to d ro p off in to th e stag n a tio n of Sum m er. T he lateness of th e m ovem -m t of th e re ­m ainder of la s t y ea r’s g ra in crop of th e n o rth w es t adm its of i ts being done w ithou t h av in g a n y tendency to produce s tringency in th e m oney tnarfcet, because th e re is a t present very l i t t le cu rren cy d istr ib u te d in any of th e o th er ag ricu ltu ra l d is tr ic ts of th e coun try , anil th e currency has accum ulated as usual in th e financial centres.

The New York market was glutted w ith money only a week or tw o ago, and is abundantly supplied now, though the four or five millions ol ourrency th a t have been brought out from there by Chicago banks during the last three weeks, has contributed to a healthier condition of Ihe m arket both there and here. The large amount of cur­rency th a t has been sent out into the coun­try must soon begin to hav * a favorable ef­fect ou the mercantile trade here, as it will nearly all pass into the hands of country merchants, and stim ulate further orders for goods as well as clear off present indebted­ness, consequently some improvement in trade in all the goods’ linen w ithin the next few weeks is not improbable.

P a r i s W a i s t s H o m e l y i . a d I l l - D r e » a e « l .{F rom th e Buaton . v u m a.'.j

A more common-looking set of women than the Parisian cannot he found on the face of the globe. 1 have seen >hem every­where. In church, i t p!a;ea of amusement, on the promenade, in saloons of royalty, in parties very distinguished and regarded as very genteel, I declare I lutve scarcely sees a sreu-dremed lady in P a h , oim who did not look frowzy, whose huar was not untidy, and whose complexion w m ld not look the better for soap snd water. They may make the nicest fitting glovis in the world, but they don 't wear tliem- They may send out the daintiest shorn tha t can be made, but they ire not found on th e feet of the ladies. Ih e ir nicely fitting dresses may be fosnd in ill th* cities of the world, but the dreseee worn by the ladies of P ens ase ilL-fitted, ill-adjusted, w ithout harmony of color,fvithoi it th i* iodeoenbe- U e tooch which m arks t i p lady of taoto and Ai— iminotinn The n m costly th e ma­terial the loss beooating the parties appear. Except th e Empraaa, I have ap t seen an al- • (w tk r drMWd VtnmMm

Priaow ClothiU*. »V> nalu not toth e Empress, end to wham ajl parties must seek aa introduction w hs a re : preasnted to the Empress, 3 dresses likje e flight. She ie vary short, enormously fat, ana w hat little

<ieck she has is very large, like her father’s: a id when she arrays herself in the so-caiki evening dress, with a very low neck, the it s sight to behold.

■ 0 K E R A IL R O A D C 0N S 0L ID A T I0BG l g s s t l c S i 'h r m c M c f V a n d e r b i l t a a d

Ik * P e n a » y lv a a t a C c m tra i.[F ro m th e X. Y. Kv«*r,m<r F re t . ]

Al! the questions of consolidation and monopoly are likely to be op< ned soon, in s form more im portant than ever, if W all street rumors concerning the plans of WaL street men are to be trusted, by the rapid development of tw o of the most compre­hensive and grasping schemes for corporate power ever yet devised. 3 he first of these is the scheme ascribed to Mr. Cornelia* Vanderbilt, President of the New York Central Railway, for the union in one com­pany, and under one management, of a continuous line of railway from th is city to Omaha, the eastern term inus of the Union Pacific Railroad. This proposed corpora­tion ia to hold and adm inister tho property and franchises now held b y th e Hudson River, the New York Central, the Buffalo and Erie, the Lake Shore and Cleveland and Toledo, the Michigan Southern and the Chicago and Northwestern Railroads, in ­cluding 2480 miles of completed aud equipped railway, the value of which, oa the general balance sheets of those compa­nies appears to be $164,^485,056; and is rep­resented by a stock capital of $129,59-1,862, liesides a vast debt secured by mortgages upon the lines. The gross income of these companies for last year was $44,826,893.

T he o th e r schem e, w hich is b u t a so rt of co u n te rp a rt an d r iv a l of th e first, is th a t w hich th e P ennsy lvan ia R ailw ay Company is sa id to be prosecuting . I t contem plates th e concentration in th e h an d s of th a t cor­poration of th e railw ays now know n as the New Je rse y C en tra l, th e P ittsb u rg h , F c r t W ayne and Chicago, an d th o Chicago Rock Island , besides its own. T h is con­solidation, w hich seem s already to lie far advanced to w ard com pletion, w ill un ite 1534 m iles of com pleted road, new rep re­sen ted on th e books of th e com panies a j of th e value of $122,110,164; es tim ated b y a stock cap ita l of $67,540,762, beside m o rt­gage d e b t; an d w hich e a rn ed la»t y ea r inall $.‘16,260,213. I t w ill be observed th a t , if bo th plans a re consum m ated, th e P en n sy l­v an ia rou te to O m aha w ill be m ore than one h u n d red m iles sh o rte r th a n th e New Y ork ro u te ; and th a t th e w hole cap ita l of stock and d e b t representing i t is m ore th an tw enty-five p e r cent, less th a n th a t of the la tter.

I f th e earn ings of las t y ea r be tak e n as th e stan d a rd , an d th e p resen t stock and d e b t of a ll th e roads rem ain unw atered , then , assum ing t h a t each of th e consolidated com panies w ill pay s ix ty p e r cen t, of the gross earn ings in expenses, th e N ew Y ork th rough line could pay seven p e r cen t, on all i ts deb t, an d nine p e r cent, on its stock cap ita l; and th e P ennsy lvan ia th ro u g h line could p ay th e sam e in te re s t on its d e b t en d six teen p e r cen t, on i ts s tock capitaL The stock cap ita l in b o th cases is nom inal, con­sis tin g in b u t a sm all p a r t of m oney a c tu a l­ly paid in to bu ild th e roads, and chiefly of “ w a te r.” T h ere is n o t one of th e com pan­ies included whose cap ita l is less th a n tw ice th e cost of bu ild ing its road ; an d th e m ouey a c tu a lly requ ired to bu ild an d equip a first- class railw ay from th is c ity to < Una ha, even a t th e p resen t enorm ous cost of lab o r and m ateria ls , could n o t exceed seventy-live m illions of dollars.

C s s a w t l c s t P u r e l iof Hartford.

♦ P ro :

T e e t h E x t r a c t * * W l t h e e t P a l a ,J . O BA RBO U R, fo rm erly e l B e e T o r t , te *

•n office to t w i n w a i e e u k IU . M. A B tw ihh t , Jo n tia t, w i ic n t e eon b e fo u n d d a ily r o e d j t o fe lio re ■offering h u m a n ity . D r. Barfcour, h av ing :xperi«acc iu e x tra c tin g te e th u n d e r th e 4 K itroua O xide fo r la a g b iw gar), « i 0 d ev o te hi* rh o le tim e to th is B ranch of p rac tice

d . O r t f o l , t e j jM to .WM. a SM Yh, AgeeA

.urn*. B o n d in g . Beffak). * . Y.

E l ’ d O P E t N P E R S O Y A L G O S S I P .

B aden Baden corresp-indents qf Germ an new spapers say th a t a d istingu ished S o u th - G erm an noblem an proposed some tim e ago to M rs. A b rah am L iu c tiu .

Iu th e E ig h th P a ris ian D is tr ic t, one of th e independen t can d id a tes for tn e Corps L egisla tif w as M. B eruado ttc , a nephew of th e K in g of Sw eden, an d for m any years proprie to r of a dyeing estab lish m en t a t Suresucs. H e m ade Lis first speech to the e lectors of hia d is tr ic t a t th e coffee-house k e p t by P rince i tu rb id e , a t Combcvuie.

A P a r is iin actress, n o ted fo r h e r m any love affairs, visited th e lun atic asy lum at C harenton th e o th e r day . “ W hy a re you here?” she said to one of h e r u n fo rtu u a te p atien ts. “ W hy? On account of an ab an ­doned w om an like yourself,” rep lied th e lu ­n atic . “ W ell, w e ll,” m u rm u red M 'lle -N —, on leaving h im , “ th a t lu n atic reallyis n o t so v ery iusane. ”

A few w eeks ago th e horses of a young m archioness ran aw ay anti ru sh ed a t a fu ri­ous ra te cf speed dow n th e A venue des < ,'ham ps E ly sees. T he carriage was finally upset, anti tb e lady , who had been stunned by th e fall, was carried in to a neighboring d ru g sto re , w here she gave b ir th to a fine baby. T h is fo rtu n a te acciden t was rela ted to th e Baroness X — , w ho h as an old h u s­band and n o ch ild ren , w hich facts grieve her exceedingly. “ A h ,” sa id she to h e r husband, “ th ere is no d an g er t h a t your horses w ill ru n aw ay in t h a t m anner."

A p am p h le t ̂ e n ti tle d / / Em perear, anil abounding w ithT nlsom e fla tte ry , has recen t­ly been pub lished in P aris . I t con tains the following anecdote : “ A t L yons d u rin g the d isastrous inu n d at.o n , an old fellow squatted on th e ske le ton fram ew ork of a d ilap idated co ttage, h ia eyes g laring w ith misery' and despair. S udden ly he perceives a m an on horseback, b rav e ly s tru g g lin g w ith the w aves, and followed b y some courageous hospitaliers. I t w as th e Em peror. T he o ld m an. w ho bail f nww »rly bora t i n of secret societies, th en arose, his eye* flashing fire, an d exclaim ed, ‘A h, th e re you a re ! W ell, 1 h a te you, b u t I adm ire you I’ A nd u n d er th e Sovereign’s sym pathe tic glance tho poor fellow staggers, b linded b y his tea rs .”

A great commotion reigned a few weeks ago a t the famous Bonaparte Lyceum, in , Paris. I t has upward of one thousand pupils, mostly the sons of the wealthiest citizens of Paris. A collection is taken up annually a t the Lyceum for the benefit of the so-called Prince Imperial Charities. This year the pupils manifested the ir hos­tility to the young Prince and the whole dynasty by refusing to give a single sou for the purpose; but, in ordcE^not to appear heartless, they immediately organized an independent subscription for the poor, aud drew up a manifesto stating the ir disgust a t the attem pts constantly made by the gov­ernment to connect the name of the Prince with everything relating to the youths of France, and calling upon their brethren in the other schools of Paris to collect money likewise for the poor, but not to allow the Prince Imperial's name to be used in con­nection w ith it. The government heard of the affair, and the Rector of the Lyceum was ordered to reprimaud the students se­verely. W hen he did so, he was hissed by the boys, wjio shouted, also, “ Down w ith the Prince Imperial.”

The Paris Sport says in regard to the life of Parisian actresses: “ Owing to the heavy tasks imposed upon a Parisian actress, the twenty-four hours, of which the day is com­posed, hardly suffices her. Roger de Beau­voir has recapitulated somewhere, almost minute by minute, ail the obligations which an actress has to fulfill toward the public aud her own reputation. The list is calcu­lated to frighten th e most resolute spirits. The actress returns to her house a t half­past one in the moraing. She causes her­self to be undressed by her maid, and then takes supper, for she has not had time to dine, and, besides, upon leaving the dinner table, one can not wear tigh t dresses nor sing, nor recite. A fter the supper comes the night toilet, she has a few books to read and some orders to give to her maid for the following morning; a t three A. M. she goes to bed, but does not sleep, tbe night being the only tim e when she is able to learn herrotes. She devotes tw o hours to th is task, snd falls to sleep a t five.”

M ARRIED.C O B B -W A R S IR —J a m * , to tb s P re sb y te rian

C hurch of L ira s , L iv in f« U a c o u n ty , S . Y ., by tb eR ev. A . L . B en ton , O scar C o t* , o f Buffalo, andM iss M arth a U . W arner, o f L im a, ekiwrt d a u g h te ro f th e l a te Oraow W arner,

D IE D .l i lF F K X T —J u n e 7 , in th is c ity , C harles E siffsrt,

s e e d S i y e a n .P o ra ra l m il ta k a ptaee on W s d n s -d a ', 9 th in s t . , a t

2 o V o . k P . « . .o o r . M ain a n d N o r-h eta. F ri *~ a n i a c q u a in ta n c e a re in v ited to s t end .

1 bejiSSS a t t b e * i, a t N o. M S M aintree t.

J t s a c r ' s f l a i r T s a l e s a dIh e incom parable rem edy . T ry i t .—it th i s p rep a ra tio n s to p s th e h a ir faUia p rom otes * vigorous g ro w th c k sn ra a th e ,t d an d ru ff, s n d ren d e rs tb e h a ir so ft ;

I t oontaiL* n o s u lp h u r , »ugar o f lead o r < a- co lo ring n a t t e r , b e in g d sa g n e d expreraly itre a g th e n to c th e h a ir . fiO c e n ts a n d t l n o r hot

K J K K S I K , C la m k t , l i t | £ L op-

T h e Buffalo Ice C om pany a re now p rep a red to sup­ply cu sto m ers w ith L ake Ice a t th * low est ra te s . A :u ll supp ly g u a ran teed th e season th ro u g h . T he Delivery W agons of th is com pany a r e oo-ored rad and p ro m inen tly le tte re d “ LAKK ICC.** A ny in a t­ten tio n of ra e n d e liv e r ie g ice , if re p o rte d a t th e of­fice, w ill be co rrec ted . O rders le f t a t M ARVIN’S DRUG STO R E, c o r. W ash ing ton a n d Seneca street will be prom p tly A i l c * * ' BJtl«*G&

B a f f i n I n T y p e F e s a d r yA nd PR IN T E R S ’ W A R EH U 8E fu rn ishes every a r tic le req u ired m th e p r in tin g husinees to a n y e x ­te x t desired , on a s reasonab le te rm s a s anjr F ou n d ry in th is c o u n try . A im , EC TRO TY PIN G in *0 its varie ty . A lso, ty p e adap ted fo r Hick s M ailing M a­chine. W. n tM A N .

H l g h w l s e a , A l c e h e l , E t c .TH O M A S C L A R K , successor to C lark A Brow n,

Rectifying D istille r, o o rn e r o f W ash ing ton a a d Perry itra e ta b u ffa lo , m a n u factu r e r and dea le r in H igb - wines, A loohol, P u re S p ir its , Cologne S p irits , R ecli­ned W hisky , O ld R ye W hisky . D om estic Braz "

D i s s o l u t i o n o f C o p a r t n e r s h i p .T h e firm of JA SO N PA R K E R & CO., h av ing been

dissolved on th e firs t o f April la-d, th e y ta k e th is m ethod of re tu rn in g th a n k s fo r th e lllw rsl p a tron age e x ten d ed to th em .

T he accoun ts o f th e la te Arm w i'l be s e ttled bv ED W A R D D U D LEY , a t h is office, c o rn e r o f E rie st. a n d T errace , and a ll dem ands aga in st J P * C o ., o r E dw ard D udley , shou ld I* AT ONCE P R E CJENTKu, aa he w ishes to leave th e c ity for his health fo r a s h o r t t im e . JA SO N PA R K ER ,


P h o e n i x P i r e l s i s n a e aof H a rtfo rd . C ap ita l, 9600,000.

WM. C. SM ITH A gen t,4 B row n’s B uilu ings, Buffalo, N . T.

FI a r t f o r d F i r e I n iC h arte red in 1810.

c e C o m p a n y . Cash C ap ita l, $1,000,000.

WM. C. SM ITH , A gen t,4 B row n’s B uild ings, B uffalo, N. T .

B u f f a l o M a l l e a b l e I r o n W o r k s .M alleable Iro n m ade to o rd e r PRA TT k LETCH-

W ORTH, P ro p rie to rs . Office H a n d 64 T errace si., Buffalo. N. Y.

G l a s s , G l a s s , G l a s s .6000 Boxes W indow G lass, asso rted sixes. PLATE

GLASS FO R STO K L8 AND DW ELLIN G S a t Le*< th an E aste rn P rices. 60,000 fra. W H IT E LEAD, 100 bbls. L IN SEK D O IL F o r sale by

A R EY N O LD S k CO.,191 M ain s t. and 4A l.lovd s t. Buffalo, N. Y.

N i a g a r a P i n n i n g M i l l C o m p a n y .D oor Sash and B lind M anufac to ry , 206 E . Seneca ., Buffalo. F loo ring , S id ing , M ouldings, Brack

e ta , K iln D ried D oors, G lased a n d U nplaced * liu id e a n d O utside B linds; Door aud W indow Fram es. A lso, P lan ing , Saw ing an d T u rn in g of ve rv d escrip tion do n e to o rd e r o n sh o rt no tice and

w ith d ispa tch .

’s C s s f h M i x t u r e ,

__________ o f~ th s T h ro a t o*^* L c a g s . F if ty op a r bo ttle . So ld en ly b y E . JMMMKM. O a ra u i .

Mate sl, appeals the Pa*

A M I S K M t M S .








NATIONAL PEACE JU B ILEE.(P ro jec ted by M r. P . S. G ilm ore )

BOSTON,J u n e 1 9 , 1 6 , 1 7 , 1 6 a n d 1 9 , 1 8 6 9 .

To com m em m ora te th e re s 'o ra tio n of PE A C E TH R O U G H O U T T H E LAND.

Thin g lo rious e v e n t m o u r n a tio n a l h is to ry w ill be c leb ra ted b y th e

GRANDEST M USICALFESTIVALe v e r k ^ow n in th e h is to ry o f th e w orld

The P re s id e n t o f th e U n ited S ta le s , U em oere of his . 'a M n it, H eads of D ep a rtm en ts G overno rs of all th e S 'a te s , and m any o th e r d istingu ished p e r ­

sons from all p a r ts <h th e co u n try , G igether w th th e Nei.resentaM ve* of Foreign G overn­m en ts a t W ash ing ton , h-tve been inv ited , by th e M ayor an i C ity Council o f Bos­

to n , to becom e th e guests o f th e C ity d u r in g - th e Festival.

T he Ju b ilee w ill he opened on T U ESD A Y , JU N E 16th , w ith In a u g u ra l C erem onies, inc lud ing P ray e r by Rev. E. E. H ale ; an A ddress by Hi* H onor M ayor S hurtle ff, w elcom ing all g u ests a nd v isito rs to Boston sn d to M assachusetts ; a n d a C o n g ra tu la to ry ad d re ss by H on . A H. R ic e , on th e R esto ra tio n of Peace andUnlun ts r >m lw»i» Mis tan 1.

T he In au g u ra l C eneiuor.its w ill he foil jw rd b y a

(DM ICliC.U PtSNBllNCEin w hich th e

G R EA TEST O RATORIO CH O RU S e v e r assem bled , com prising evor

O N E H U N D R E D VOCAL O RGANIZATIONS, •ho h ave b?cn in re b 'a re a l fo r m an y m o n th s, will ake p a r t , accom panied bv a G rand O rch estra o f

O N E T H O U SA N D M U SICIA N S, selected fro c th e b ent o rch estra s , han d s, an d m usi­cal a ssoc ia tion* in th e U n ited S tate*.

T he scale u p m w hich i t is prop.' «ed to c a rry o n t th is F e«tiv ;f, w ill re p re se n t, in all its m agn itude and sp lendor, th e g re a te s t cause fo r n a tiona l re jo ic ing t i n t th e A m erican people have ever been called upon to ce leb ra te . -T H E R ESTORATION O F PEA C E AN D U N IO N T H R O U G H O U T T H E LAND. I t w,!l b ring to g e th e r i n f ra te rn a l g ree tin g tb e lead ing m en o f th e n a tio n , a n d people f ro m all p arte of • th e laud ; and aside fro m its significance a s th e F irs t G rand N ational R e un ion since th e close of th e w ar, i t well be th e G rea te st F e a s t o f Sub lim e an d In sp iring H arm ony tlia t has ev e r been h ea rd in a ny p a r t o f th e w orld.


Single A dm ission, w ith Secured S e a t, $5 a n d $3, ac­c o rd ing to location .

S ingle A um tiaioo, w ith o u t Secured S ca t, $2.T ick e t Office open fro m 9 A. M. to 5 P . M.

A P. P E C K , Music H all, B<wt- n , T ick e t Ag*t. P e r O rd er, H EN R Y G. PA R K E R . Sec’y.

n w r s L s .g P K I S C . C H IC K E N ,

g r e e n p e a s . “ O L A i n t f h e s h f i s h .

s t r a w b e r r y c a k e ,


.411 t h e B e H c a c h c t h e f t e a a * BSER V ED T 9 I9 DA Y A T T H R



W in b e opened f a r t t e seaasn S a tu rd a y , M ay » . In d l f i m a la s , a p p o te tra sn ta , equal to a n y . a n d vat af o n lin g u> fan u lira a d t h s o s ra fo rts o f a homo.. » — - _ — w w i s a s u n s .

£■residen t G ran tex p ec ta to v in t th e U n ited f t a t r a th i* Season. A ddress AAEOM M ILLER . P ro p rie to r

■ • ■ * * r e a w s a n x c .

WHOLESALE t r a d e .F R U I T J A R S





W . B . MJWKY, 80S I t CO.








F IN K PA TEN T L E A T H E R B l'IT O X U N IO N S.■vT h e above a re a ll m » ‘ « on th e co leb -sted BOY-

DEM LAST, and a re w a rran ted b e t te r m a te ria l, ba t­t e r w o rk , and a b e t te r fi t , n in e l i r a * o u t erf te n , th a n tb e beat B uffalo custom w ork . G fa tie tn e n who w ea r fine Shoes a rc p a r tic u la r ! req u ested t o s s s ra tn e th e se gooe?*, w h e th e r th e y wish to p u rch ase or no t.




BRASS. 1— H. * r .D O F F A L O B K A 3S F O IK D B Y ,D ;< W tr + .T V a . . H u e .la . s . T .

m s asms u ill ns bucksN U T L r AM D E X r u m w l L Y H O jm ,

And Wi


A T T H E S O G A K W O R K S,



(OM T H E E U R O PE A N P L A N ,)

C**r if hrhqr id Wadiqta 8k

Buffalo, N. Y.







I N S U R A N C E .J £ D W A R D S A B U C K L A N D ,


N O TE AN D LOAN ll.O K E K S , N o . 16 E ast Seneca S tre e t, Buff»: >, Ne \ ,.rk.

To re n t, a fine office in th e E rie Corn. Saving*B ank Buildings.

To re n t , a la rge room ov e r C u tte r * Baii«\ \-> Plot 8 to re on W ashington s t . . su itab le fo r a m aaufacto r,

H o te l to r e n t , a t d fu rn i tu re fo r sale. A ra! chance

H orse, Buggy and H arness fo r sale cheap.A nice second han d »afe fo r -tale o r to r e n t , a t

ED W A R D S k B U C K L A N l/d , _____________________ 10 l a s t Seneca st.

" 'H E


F orm erly th e M UTUAL IN SU R A N C E COMPANY O F B U FFA LO .

CH ARTERED IN 1843.A SSETS JA N U A R Y 1, ’6 9 .................... $ 4 6 7 , 1 3 6 7 7

?m. L overing , J r . Sec. S. S. J e w e tt , P residen t. Thou. P . S ears, As»‘t Sec. J M. R ichm ond , V. Pre*.


S. H . F l f i n , C. B. A RM STRONG, R p . F ISH


Office N o. 56 M ain S t . , B uffalo, N . Y. L IV ERPO O L A LO NDON A G LO BE IN S . 0 0 . IN T E R N A T IO N A L IN S CO ., N E W Y O R E. F IR E M A N ’S FU N D IN S . C O ., SAN FRA N CISCO . A L B A N Y C ITY tF IR K A M A R IN I) IN S. 0 0 . . P E O P L E 'S FIR M IMS. C O ., W O R C ESTER , MASS. N O R W IC H P IR R I N R C O .. N O R W IC H . (X)NN W R fcT C H t8T R R COUNTY M A R IN E IN S . CO..



Offia. Kl Iu Stmt id i Catnl WhirlC A PITA L AMD S U R P L U S OVKR 1900,000

S ecurely invested in G o vernm en t Bonds. Solicits F IR E A N D LAKK IN SU RA N CE.

D IRECTORS.W illiam G F a rg o , G eorge W . T ifft,A. R eynolds, S tep h en G. A u stin ,J am es B rat-ley, R ichard Bully m ore,R ufua L. H ow ard , 8 . S. G u th rie ,J am ee N . M atth rw a , W illiam H . (B enny ,O . P. B am adell, L. K. P lim p to n ,8 . O. B arnum , C. J . H am lin ,P ascal P. P r a t t , 8 . G. C orne ll,Thom a* B row n, Jam s* H . M etcalfe ,J o h n A lien , J r . , M. R . Eam ev,Ja m e s M. S m ith , E . B. S m ith ,H en ry M artin , Jo h n G re in e r ,P e te r J F e r r i- , J o h n H . V otm ht,A drian R. R o o t, T hom pson H e n e s .

WM. O. FA RG O , P re sid en t.A. REY N O LD S, V ice-President.

H EN R Y T . SM ITH , S ecretary .K. D. LACY, A m intan t Secretary .

J ^ I F E , F IR E A N D M A R IN E



P ad u o C a p ita l . .........................................*3.000 000L. J . H RM D EM P raO d so t.J . G OODHOW TSeeratery.

A SSETS J a n u a ry 1 ,1869 , a t m a rk e t value.It o a h a n d o s * to b a n k ........................ $592,929 67

............................ 263,319 14

............................ 894,700 00............................ l,3o7,339 90

U nited S ta te s , S ta te a n d C ity S te f e and o th e r P u b d e S ecu ritie s 77T. . . . . 2,102,961 90

C laim I n o t d u e a nd unac ■ p a id in 60 / s e n .

..$6,160,981 71

.. > 289,663 98 .24,000,009 CO

H O M E IN BU RA H CB OO., N S W H A V E N , 0 6 B N F IR S , M A R IN E A N D CA N A L.

$1,000,000H O P E IN SU R A N C E CO ., PR O V ID E N C E , R. I.

I Sorpim...........................$194,276 50RO G ER W ILLIA M S IN S U R A N C E COMPANY

P R O V ID E N C E , R . I .Cash C apita l a n d S u rp lu s .................................$201,358 81

K. P . D O RK , A g en t, Buffalo, M. T . Policies Issued a t fa ir ra te s and

ju s te d and pa id s t th is office.


A ccu m u la ted C ap ita l .............................................. $10,000,000A n n u a In co m e ......................................................... 9.000,000S u rp lu s a bove L iab ilitie s ................................. 2,000,090

A LL PO L IC IE S ST R IC TLY M OM -FORFEITING Y lw a tte a s te n off th e puhilo to s a llsd t o I t e te s te r-








D EA LE R S 93 M A IN «T ._____________ M W F

2 0 0 B fis fL r R B *H G E O U N D OAT-

199 bbto M ay FV nrar M lto , w l



GLASSWARE,O f E v e r y D e s c r ip t io n .




A t R ed u c ed P rio ee ,A N D O F T H E N E W E S T P A T T E R N S .


V A SE S , C O L O G N E S E T S , i :



a n d n il rat I . T W la s t l o w j [■remora p assen g er *

W R ON tO. R J O I N E R . ...................... ................ _ _

9 te . a t • • s te a k P . M. ’

W E S T E R * T K A N S P O R T A T iG H CO.H N to h * ! L ia s Mtaara- - -

* A .n

j - i T l a k a ’a V K j't r v r a i f o !T h s M ohawk h as s a p a r ta r B a ra a re s r s s s s ra ra s d a -

• » & • n m l t n a r t

- w„ J O H N A L L S * . J r . , P re * t .* w ^ " . ‘A T K T le h s t A s s a t ,

r e s t a f W h te te g l m

UN I 3 W S T E A M B O A T C O M P A N Y .F o r L ake S u p e rio r T he

P- M ^ft_ ___ __t o h e , ssllto ff a t C lsv s te a d a a d Ito ti _ F re ig h t received f a r ab o v e p o rts a t fo o t o f M ato


BOTH SLA TE AN D ZINC. T h e B ra t in M arket.

_______ «H A W 6 F E E B IS , 446 Mate ot



q u a l i ty w a rra n te d E q u al to a a y M ade. * ___________ — A W 4 F ffB U M , 469 M ato a

P A B L E CUTLERY.A F in e A sso rtm en t.

SH A W A F E R R IS , 446 M ain *t.


i fA very la rg e SM ortm ent o f



F u rn itu re m ade to o rd er, and rep a irin g , boxing , e tc ., done in th e beet m anner.

I'-F___________ ISAAC P . W H IT E . 257 M ain i t .

^ h e p p a r d


WM. J . K IN O , J r . , P raae lc te . H . O. F E R R Y , V ice P rra ’t a n d ftnp*L



P ro p e lle r W heals I ro n a n d B r a u C astin g s, W rought Iro n W orks, A c.,

■ A I * W A R E A M X M O V E R

rJ 'H E




Sold m l , b , SH A W k P E R R IS ,

'J 'H E



A fte r a long rartos o f e x p e rim en ts w s h a re addedth s B ase B u rn in g p rinc ip le to th e


3 w h ich a m ore u n ifo rm com bustion ia o b ta ined in p a rte o f th s F ire B ox , a n d a con tin u o u s fire can

be k e p t w ith a g re a t rav ing o f fueL T his t i ano the t acquisition to th is w orld reaow ned e tove a n d is fullyacquisition

■cured by T his stove has now


bafore th e pub lic fo r sigh t

itwr Fifty f i s n s i i f t t e i r a II*T o th e e n tire sa tis faction of th e people , and th e y are eagerly so u g h t a f te r in a ll th e S ta te s betw een th e A t­lan tic a nd Pacific Coasts.

W s have im proved i t fro m t la se t e t im e u n til i t Is adm itted to be a 1 m o s t p e rfe c t a s a s to v e ; a n d th e strongem e v idence o I i ts su p e r io r ity ov er a ll e th er* ir tb e n u m ero u s a tte m p ts to im ita te i ts nam e and da- »igt>. W hile som e e f th e m im ita tio n s a r e in fr in g e m e n u of o u r r ig h ts and a re being pr osecu te d , all will be fou n d g re a tly In fer i o r t o th e gen u in e artic le in th e ir operations.

S H E A R , PA C K A R D * CO..17 and 19 G reen s tre e t,

A lheny N . Y.



ie a SPL E N D ID RA K ER a n d perform s equally well in o th e r r espects.

I t to a p artes* GAS B U R N E R and req u ires LE86F U E L th a n a n y o th e r stove.

I * is e q u a lly wall adap ted fo r wood o r coaL I t is th e H E A ” ’ " ----------- ’

I t is n

V IEST firs t c lam stove in m ark e t, ns M ORE D URABLE, fro m t h e B EST q U A L IT Y of iro a , and


AMD ELEG A N CE O F F IN IS H ,T h e PH — stands unequalled .

Bold o n ly .b y■H A W 4 F E R R IS ,


J . J O S E P H S ,


P A I N T E E ,4 6 E i c h a n a e S t . ,

Buffalo. N. Y.


to s ta te th a t I am p rep a red u , do


Or an y th in g in m y line . *a well aa any-Vdy !•» *if r*f\. ___________



J . IL H O W E L L .>oking O laai and P ic tu re F ram e M anufac tu re r

MO. 18 4 D IV ISIO N I

J . R H O W ELL.

p O S T A V I E R G I V E R ,


IU . I t « . » • ■ * • . • * * * ■ T - x m i r a p o r t ,

l l l l * l I m II II r - IAOOB TIRDBITRR.

A RCTIC,_ J . R. T C R K E R .............................. S r t U r ,■ r m I I m m u » r .M l, . i i n — i i . i i , i . . h i

« n a i ) A i . t a i a , f r a u u

i . I to th *pam eugers. a a d have alao am p le

room fo r to r ig h t, r e d w tU c o n s titu te d u rin g th e - a 1899, a now wed ln d en an d en t L ake h i r e r i o t

p *1** " " F Tneedvy a t Kr i L »*n * f V » l l l , i W ednesday a t a F M.

SfcTH C A LD W ELL. A gent

UNION STEAMBOAT COMPANYr o r C h im go , M ilw aukee

and interAUodiate p o rts . T favo rite passenger »U-an:er

NT. LOUIS,JA M E S P R A T T .. . . . ...................................... ...............

w ill leave th e Com pany ’■ do ck , foe* o f I t s Li s t re e t , fo r t t e above p o rts , on W ED N ESD A Y E V E N IN G ,

m u re

’or t t e above p o rts , on June 9, *6 9 o’clock P. ]

F o r f re ig h t e r na fficv, N o. 1 R a in at.

1 8 6 9 .

ap p ly a t th * Com pany's

SE T H C A LD W ELL, A gent.


RAIm ROAD E X rR E S R F rom S team b o a t L and ing , A lbany , d a ily (S u n d iy a

excep ted ), a t U o’elockP . M. In c ouuectiun w ith N. Y. C. R . R .. A. 4 8 . R. R .,

a n d N o rth e rn Ra!tru.ui.

D F 2 .li R C IIM O N D .Cap*. W. i i C h ris to p h e r,

M ondays, W e d n e s te ^ s a u d F ridays,

C a p i^ S . J . R oe T uesdays, T hur-day* a n d S a tu rd ay s,

A t o ’clock r . M.S team er S t Jufcn w ill he in readm e** a n d tak e th e

oiaoe o f tb e R ichm ond o n o r before th e 1st o f May "’hen th e h< u r will be r ! rin g ed to tt o’clock. *

Baggage W agons alway s tu read iness a t D epo t t t convey B aggage to th e B oats free .

H . Il R . K . t ick e ts good fo r b ta te B eom Past a re . F re ig h t tak en a t m o d e ra te ra tes .

nrn«y* Un or * * 2 d * and 285J . W. HARCOC R T H t j r t L

1809.1 8 6 9 .THE UNION

STEAMBOAT (X)MPANYW ill n m d u r in g t h s e n su in g season , in counocuoit

w ith tb e E K IE R A ILW A Y , a n d a ll ra ilro ad s te rm i- a t ta g a t th e L ak e F o rte below n am ed , a n d w ith re---*•« h ues o n th e CrioC&nal, th e follow ing first-class

Iraiiy L ines o i g tssm sra .B U F F A L O A N D L A K E H L P K R IO R

L IN K .A rctic ...................................................... C apt. J . K. T in n e r

.............................................................Capt. Ed. KellyB U F F A L O , M IL W A V TK K M A M D C H I*

CACAO L IN K .Ja y O o u ld ..............................................Capt. F. H. B row n.

................................................ C apt. Ja s . P ra tt.............................................. C apt. Thos. W a tts ................................................ C apt. F . L. Pope...............................................C apt. Jo h n Kirl»y.

'tor’tr ie o ....................................................C apt. J . p . Evers.E qu inox ..............................................C apt. W. H . A rth u r.

B U F F A L O A N D D E T R O I T L IN K .

Evergreen C ity . . f lo g a .....................

Capt. W m. Tli orb. Capt. 8. 8hanu ..n ..C apt. O. W. S to d d ard . Capt. D. P. Fu.sneU.. . . .C ap t D. M cFarlane................ C apt. II . W atts .

B U F F A L O , C L E V E L A N D A N D T O ­L E D O L I N E .

Potodo.....................................................C apt. H. A. Blxsnn.>toan.................................................. C ap t W. D. D ouglass.

....................................... C apt. J o h n Egvlcr.

.................................Oaf A W , If . McNally........................................ C ant. J . O. H indu......................... Capt, W .n. C um m ings.

m a re in th e b est poraitile CMndiiion, nearly o r q u ite new , and will l*e ru n d in g to Rhlpfiora unequalled fa r ilitiee

.UT wm m ovem en t of th e ir F re ig h t w ith dispatch.Dock fo r C hicago and L ake 8 u |« r io r f in e -, fo o t o f

E ton s t ; fo r L ake E rie L ines, fo o t o f L loyd st. F re ig h t a n d Passeng e r office, No. 1 M ain r t.


Ju id ing Stai D u n k ira___

Yew Y o rk ..

-aany »f t i reg u larly , i

IO H N h . Mo r e .I. a. DUNLAP............HETH C A L D W E L L . . . . ■V. O. CUSHING, JARKKTHON A CO.. A. W . COLTON,V. W . O O LTU M A C O ., A. CHE8K BRO U G U ,J . A PA TTEN , c . m . o o r n u L L .........LATH BOP A GO...........W BALLARD, I O. 4 . WILLIAM H,

.241 Broadw ay, New Y ork . 134 W ashington s t . , Bo«ti>n.................1 M ain s t . , Buffalo.

| ...........................C leveland.

| .............................Toledo.

f .....................................D e tro it...................................M ilwaukee........................................... Racine........................................Chll5«gO.

> A S H A U K T O A N D K K O Jd


I P ack e t, by W eekly Lina a t

TAPSCOTT B RO TH ERS A Co.,O gb ty -O x S o o th a tre e t. N ew Y ork , c o n tinue to Paamge T ickets, availab le fo r t a e l r e m on ths, fr-.m Lnndi n , L iverpool, o r.Q ueenstow n, and d raft* pay .

on d em an d f ro m any am o u n t iro u i £1 and up-

L E E A PICK ER IN O ,UNO, A gen ts, Nwan * t.. Buffalo

F A M I L Y S t P P L I F .K .

c . J . FLHHilK,NO. 181 M AIN STR B E7,

W holesale D ealer in 1 F R U IT , N U TS, SAKDINr,-*, M ACKEREL AND

Im p o rte d L iquors, L ead en Po rteP , Scot. h A les an i H avana C lears.

H . U L A N C H A R D ,

Successor to and M anufac tu rer of W O L F S C ELEBRA TED


A t W u jlesale and IU tail.Buffalo, N. Y


from th eO RIEN TA L T F \ COMPANY,

O . BOSTON.T hev have been tr ie d a n d p roved to !>c tl.e ! « t id ch eapest TEA S and O O F) EES ever offered to

t h e Public. Sole A gen t f<r B uffslo ,4 . J E N N E 4 , Drnggte*.

M ain r i , Buffmu, (oppoeiui t e a P ark).Q R A C K E R S AND BISCUIT.

R. OVENS & SON,M anufacturer* of th e choicest q u a lity of



Qonuine Bowton. Cracker U f a * Wm knit, Cnka Crvkfn

PILO T B R EA D . R e .. Ac.A LL O P T H R R E S T tQ L A L IT Y .

AU o rd ers a d l r —red to 97 and 69 E Jio o ’. t s tre e t,

" t ? n n i kOM.I. T.

C E N T S ’ P r K N I S H I N C .






T. KENNETT,378 M ain S t.

GBOkgE K TkIPFm m r a m « v a u . s n a s o r

8 H R n , W1APPB3, M AV EtSI d — D t e l d r a H n s n s i * .

n d O u f f l ) .