the express pp.r.Nmo.co. HO. 14 E. SWANSTREE f. THE BUFFALO EXPRESS, *■ . , TERMS: ■ornliiK, (p*r year) .............................. $10 00 Evening, g qq Weekly, TUE EVENINGEXPRESS, (two editions) at 2 and 4 P. M ., delivered to city subscriber#at SIXTEEN (tent*jier week. BUSIN ESS DIRECTORY. NAME, BTElNESS AND LOCATION Or THK LEADING HOUSES OF BUFFALO. (Thoee of our reader* whomake purchases in Ru* fa o, by rutting this out and using it as a refem..*. S5S5T“ -SKAT“ - H.'.« An?<!'J-EMEN"rS- CASTINGS. AC. H i«4RI> IKo* WO»KS, ( h.c^o brfV/. m AU,n- S W W liS ia ,hta 9 w■— ■ v,,JL„AN K b B o k s , s t a t i o n e r y . a* . lilKISTY a JKXKS, SI*, tad 2IHM .ni. boots a shoes . A.!-. W ."«v v tK.2s.-, tale. JAM fcs II. JEW ISH , 4**; Ma n. BLANK BOOK MANTFACTUREK. *■ L CrflCMEaTER, 194and 19i Washington. K ^ ? ^ T IO N K R .S t (W holesale A R etail.) * H . BULLOCH k CO.. 1C H. L)'vim .... «W h' w ' > KKKV- * . L NE«VJU#,44» Main. HARVEY A WALLACE, Lock ilw Courtor Hon..-. UK ACKERS, AC. . Ot EJiS ,V SON, 1*6and 107 Ellicott. GOAL, (Wholesale and Retail.) J-.-, U Iil-ULM k Co., . r F.ri snd terrace. OLOlCo*. DA a IN, AB t., Foot Gtiitsee. ttflffaiD VOL. XXIV. THURSDAY. O CTO BER 7, 1869. jgajagaa. - Advertisements not oxer-diner four tins* inserted under this heading for Ab em it, each additional *ne 5 cl Ms. I F JAMES M. STEBBINS IS IN RI F. I falo he isank«dto c nirminirate by a note left at this office, with Matthew McCauler, w ho has c me fromPliiiadelph a insearch <> f i.in son, rep-nted to himas i>eingwith **r. btebbfns LOST ASP T O S i, _ Advr'isements not ezee*ding f'jur lines inserted under thu heading for 43 cents, each additional line 3 cents. <fe I c reward Lost , a scotch I *J Terr'er bitch, tho.t tail, shite fore feet an.l esjfj; on breast. JOHN RYAN is Elk fctn.ft Market. I OST $10 REWARD. A BLACK 1 J .i Ikcaoe wa lost at the Academyof M i ir U*t evening. The floder will receive t .e above reward by leavingsame al 101.Swanst. FOR HALF. NO. 8097. Advertisement* not exceeding four Knee inserted tnder this heading for 43 cents, each additional *MS cents. TOJLET-S TWEEN. Advertisement* not exceeding four Knee inserted under this heading for 4ft vents, each additional line 5 cente. F or sale or exchange - a de- q to re to re n t-th e fine stoke •arableimproved farm, •ituate in Darien, Gene- ) ^ 86 Pearl st., near Sen*«a with privilege of be half mile from Railroad Depot, con-ond floor, ff desired. llABTl'fjS & OTTO a s, with first-ratebuilding*, orchard of ? Brown*-. Building. ' 1 * county, one ta ning 140acre _________ ______ _ •graftedfru t. etc.; is dedra’hle. W ill be’aold eneap n eaavt» rm>. or a portion rl citv property taken in xe iui'fe- HASTINGSA OTTO , 3Brown's Buildings. FURNITURE FOR SALE ith lease of room corner Seneca and cr Ba-.k of Attica. Inqu re at No. 440 R oom : ciiea.j i BIUtU IM . ANU LIIUMU.. Advertisements net exceeding four Knee inserted under this heading f** Xft cents, each additional Une 3 cent* (If) EILICOrr ST. —A FEW BOARD- LItS ca be accommodated witli board snd rooms. Alsoa fewday )•• .arderswanted. *)•){ PEARL ST., BETWEEN eXgLE '» '* * and C-urt s**> . Board with or a th ut room*, and in af.leasant location Termsroart-naM t.*. CORNER OK F or sale or to rent--a splen- did suit of fu-nilure for sale c'-eap, con-istin* of carpeting, black walnut hsdsUads, bureaus, wash tan -s, coairs, etc , one Morning Olort stove, hair maunucses, l>edding, black walnut lounges, etc., etc. Ro -mcan be rented cheap hy purchasing furniture, centrally located on Niagara nt. near Main Inquire s»>n. Party want* to I care town. EDWARDS k Rl'CK LAND, 10 S. Senecast L"OR SALE—AT BANGASSEli a A Brothers, No. 55 Senecast., two eugino lathes 'id oneiron planer. rrv. LET—THE NEW BRICK STORE ' n ,'^2 FlliooU st., with two upper stories con- ve lently tided u»f >r d well i itits, with gas, water, Ac.; the store issuitahle for a small manufacturing, millinery or other light busine*. Also th*- neat i- story fiame cottage No. 13 Chestnut st.: posse-sion given Oct 1,-809. Rect $250. HASTINGS A OTTO , Real Estate Brokers, No. 3Brown's Buildings. reLincAL. COAL <* ft WiL-ON k Jt. I,. HtDSTK'.’ AND PIG IRON. co., W Old •c r M issi.Hsipj I, 2 louuncrcial W barf, i ssfppi. liRY' GOODS. DODD, BE.iT k CO., 2j2 Main. DRAPERS ft TAILORS. M . H. TH YON, 294Main. DYER AND RENOVATOR. LUCASCHESTER. 433Main ENVELOPE MANUFACTURERS. H. W . PHuSdKR, 22 W . Swan. ENGRAVERS ON WOOD. GKO . D . WIGHT MAN , Main FANCY* GOODS, AC. VOLOEK, KIKuLINOACO ., 420 Main. FURNITURE, AC. ISAACD WHITE, 257 Mam . E. BKIbToL k CO., 293 Main. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. W . Jf. COBB, Terrace cor Evans. FR I) IT AND OYSTERS. PLATT FRUIT CO., 257Washington. GROCERS, (Wholesale.) A. ti. JOHMMTON, 71 Main. GROCERS (Wholesale aad Retail.) K D . HOLMAN, 179Main. WhO . W . flCOTT, 17E. Scncca. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. ADDIBoN II. STAFFORD 397 Main. «- N LAWRENCE& SON, 31551».n MOTT ABENEDIoT, 367 Main GUNS AND JEWELRY, j. O . RGH 80 NACO., 105 Mam . harness , SADDLES, AC. SON, 20 Exchange, oppositeMansion. DAN*LR. Ill mI'HHEY, Successor to Jno. Hum phrey ABro., 303 Main. HARDWARE, iron , AC. F WALBKIl'GE, 271Mainand 0 Swan. cor P' arl and Seneca. HIDNKYNil r P aHDACo, 08 Main. K 'lK S S * M,NS- 1W DE WsTTC. WEED& CO. ,284 Main, cor W . Swan HARDWARE AND METALS. FKATT A CO., 40, 48 snd 150Terrace. HOT AIR FURNACES. A. D . GILBERT, 85Main. HATS, CAPS AND FURS. C. AF. GE KGER, 608Main. BERGTOLD ABRO 291Main. WM . WIPPERT, 321Main. IRON FOUNDRY. FACfF. IRON W orks. iViry ...rM:s*i CLINTON iRON WORKS, Cuarch, corJ____ IRON FOUNDERS, ENGINES, BOILERS GEO, ty. TIFFT, SONS \ CO., Washington, nrOhio. IRON FLAILS, R. R. SPIKES, AC. I’RATT k CO., 40, 43and 60Tenate. LIGHT CARRI AGE AND SLEIGH. IXC . GODWIN, 333and 335 Washington. LOOKING GLASS, PICTURE FRAMES. HOWARD A. BUNTING, 15 K . Swan. MALLEABLE IRON. PRATT k liETUUWORTH, 62and 54 Terraco. MARBLE MANTLES AND GRATES. C. 8. COOP MR , 611Delaware. L. SWARTZAC\... 303Main. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. JOHN CRAtyFORD, 107ami 109Niagara. MILLINERY’ (Wholesale and Retail.) BENRY O BRIEN. 290 Main. W . U. W t oil WARD , 409Main. MOURNING GOLDS. DODD, BEST a CO , 414Main MANUFACTURING JEWELERS, AC. H. F. JUE.VGLING, 327 Washington. MUSI( DEALERS AND PUBLISHERS. ' JEWETT k JU8CHKA, 263Main. ORGANS (Portable Tipe.) DERRICK, tl-ELGEMAKER k CO., 30, 41 and 43 Clinton. ORGANS, MELODEONS, AC. OEO. A . PRINCE & CO., Niagara, Seventh and Mu- ryland. OILS, PAINTS, AC. r. S. PEASE, G5and 67Main. PLANING MILLS, DOORS, SASH, AC. W . A . EVANS k CO., Mechanic. PLASTIC SLATE ROOFING. A F. IlfNK, 244M ,in. PIANOS, MUSIC, AC. cottier k Denton, 209 Mam . PIANO MANUFACTURERS. C. KURTZM / N, 1C0, 103and 110 RdaOa. DEVINE Bfi ,»8. , 401 Niagara, cur Maryland. PA'Ell HANGINGS, AC. If. II. B1RG-;,218Main. MONT<*OMMYBROS., 295Main. MERRITT NCliOLS, 579 Main. *HOTO( J R A PH E RS. XV . M . KNIGjIT, 27.0 Main. E. B. HAMff.KToN, 395and Main. II. U BLIAs 379Main. S ?WING MACHINES. GROVER* lAKERS. M . CO., 411Main. WHEELER T , WILSON S. M . CO., 275 Main, cor Swan, i WILCOX A • I BBSS M . CO., 14S. Division. HOW It 8. MCO- , 18W . Swan. FLORENCEM. CO., 401 Main. 8ADI LERY HARDWARE, AC. PRATT AL. |CdWORTH, 52and 54Terrace. SILK *IAT MANUFACTURERS. C. MACKES/IE, 187Main. %3T A IN E D GLASS. BUFFALOI--AINED GLASS WORKS, 29 Pearl. GEO. L. Bl i^iS, 208Main STEAM COFFEE A SPICE MILLS. CHASE A{*>, 331Main opposite CI.urche*. SQ^IOOL FURNITURE. W . CHASE aS on , 212Seventh. SCALES AND SAFES. UFFALOSCALE WORKS, 03Main. SCALES, SAFES AND BELLS. L. DAN FORTH, 86Main. STOVES AND HARDWARE. SHAW , FERRISA CO., 44« Main. STOVES, FURNACES AND RANGES. L. SWARTZtt CO., 303Ma n. TOBACCONISTS. A . M . AD AMSACO .,260 WashingtonA 40 A 50Pearl. GIBSON F. HOWARDA CO.. 200Washington. . W ATCH Ei, JEW ELRY k DIAMONDS. PITKIN’SJEWELRYSTORE. 292Main. T. AK . DICKINSON, 254 Main. DAN. B . CASTLE, 161Main. M fEVENSBR m S., 459 Main. WATCH MAKERS & JEWELERS. JULIUSWA(JIER, 2 7Main. DIED. TREMPER-Oct 1, at Crystal Lake, McHenrvCoun ty, II Inoia Mrs. Jerust.a Trvmper, mother of M r* to. McComp. Newburgh papers pbare copy. BARTON—Oct. 6, in this city, of uarslyais, Hon J»-. L Baiton, aged 74yeara. Notice cd funeral hereafter. THOMAS—Oct- 5 in this dty. W illie II , son of Da vidTho*nMLaged 11years, tt months and le dsys Funeral thto(Thursday) afternoon at 5o’clock, from the reaidor.eeof Wm H-rt, No Sni Seneca rtreet. Fiends and acquaintance ire invited to attend. Tbc remahis will be taken to Rochester for inter! men: on Bridaymorning. 287.*;- aith |> '-u.san lx*ardcrri wan ‘>.>1 SWAN st 7— two - boarders **-to L cm ie ji. <oniiu<xla*ed in a »mali f.n I'v DI VLsluN ST Af»:w boarders ran lie BccoiiirgKxlatcd th j. • asant room# and bo:ird, also, a few da} HAA I i.i9. Advertisement* not exeeetting four lines inserted under this heading for '43 cents, each additional line ”» ceils. VV^A N FED A SMALL, N K \T ' «»T- »r tsge suitabe f->ra fsnulv of three sdfffu, in s g '.<K l 1-. ulity wei ca* ion and term,1 r u n MAI.E— HOI HUH. A dvertisemenls not exceeding four lines inserted • n der this heading for Ab cente, each additiona Km •ent s. LE- lyi: sy JL st.,with t H ouses By Ii H K L P - y g WALES, Advertisements nn‘ . tzcceding four lines inserted under this heading for A5 cents, each additiona line ft cents. \l•A N T E D —A COOK; (iOOD R K H H r t ences required. Apply at the corner of. .Mail a id Eagle sts., A . W '. LENHARD. 3D PARK PLACE. — WANTED 1competent girl to do general housework O il a .mall funfit • 11!) DIVISION ST—WANTED; IN . f four persons, acompete:it g rl of any nationality to do general housework; n i.- but those competent to till t ie situation need • .pj ly Strict reference will be required. W. EAGLE ST -WANTED, A first classg=rl for kitchen work in a-mal M t understand her busineai and iMniish good city references o r I NIAIIAKA ST WANTED, A J good girl to do general housework. Refer ences required. *>i;o pearl st . *fD •* to do general housework WANTED 4 (DHL Refer, noes R54 PEARL ST—WANTED, A FIRS! •mewell recomine"ded may boar c bycal.ing on M rs. COCHRANE. good - pil ferei ST.—WANTED, IM M K , thoroughly com(«leut coot; rc A MAIN diately, s re<j Hired. .. MAIN ST. COIL EDWARD I I v competent cook wanted in a large c .'in n village; good wages. q o j W ashington st w anted , ** D 1 a goodsteady girl to do general rousework 5G8 . ices I 0. J(*HN HMITH . ly of twa persons. Apply to .M r.- h e l p - w a i . es . Advertisements not exceeding four lines inserted under this heading for Ab cents, each additional Une ft cents. ANTED TWO MEN WHO UNDER- ling a ISiti: g Machine, to polish js.ki'. a s.. one good aord turn, r; steady employ- i. ent. Apply to or :d in.s$ CHURCH a WATTS, N.rth E rt, I’.t STOUT, ACTlYr c in a fe«dstore. Apply W ii HOUSE NO. % WALNUT s03x130; housecontains2 pirlors, dmng room , kitchen, 4 bcdrcus, eloeetaaud pan tries, w.th i as in every room; 2cisterns with purno-, cement ccl'ar and goodwood shed. For p rt col >rs enquire on ti e em i>es, or E. EVERSUN, 216W*ah ing on »t., up-s airs. AND LOTS FOR SALE. By HUM A S NFORD, 10WSwanrt. Cheiian/o st., c r Maa-ach setts, 2ttory brick an.l . arn, lot 1 acre. Price $3590. 72 ••eventh »t., 1 story brie't; lot 80 ft to allev. Price 83-5<». 149 Tenth st, 2story and basement, frame. Price i {500. 301 North Washington st , 1story frame, and 305 Ni'r.h Wa-hingtonst., Ij story brick; lot 82x100. i rjee 83500. ►2 Palmer st., 2story aud basement, frame, lot 25*lu0. Price 3500. ^Hicott st., 2 story and bustment, brick. Pr;c# <83.M ichigan st., 2 story brick. Price 93500. High, cor Fhn st.. 1story frame, with st ne base ment. barn 1t 50x85 Price $>6< 0. 290Carroll st., v^atorv brick, (rents for $480); lot 36X100. Price $3500 227• arroll st., 2 story and basement, brick, barn; 30ft to alley. Pric 93500. 241 Seneca st , 2story and basement, brick, (rents f... $4Sv), lot 32ft to alley. Price 83500 do High st., 1 story'and basement; lot 97x130. Prf' c, s 300. 182Virginiast , 2story frame; lot 31x131. Price VnftO . Thirteenth st., IJ st..r>$franic andbam: lot 00 (JECOND SCHOOL DISTRICT CON- t ENTION The Republican Elector* of the Se«:ondSchool District are r quested to send three delegates from each towu to represei t them in a Convention which will be heldat Potter’s f omere, at two “c*00 '1 onthe a ternoon of vTHl R?DaY, the P'ourteenth day of October, 1809. nominate a hebooi Con miasi-.ner fursa.d District. E. W . LAMB, GEORGE T a BOR, H. T. FOSTER, JAMES S. PARNELL, ADDJ8GN AK WbTRONG , __________ Dialrict Committee. LUKTH A-8EMBLY DISTRICT CDS- X vention.—The Le ublicanelectors of the several ;owns embraced m the Filth A^s m ' Jy Distri. t of S iecounty, are requested to send three d legates fr< m each town to a Convention at Bull’s Tavern, North Boston, on Saturday Oct. 10, at 1 P. M . i ! nominate «ca- di late for Member of Asaen>b!y,to be supportedat the comingejection. SETH FFNNER, WM . RUSSELL, JOB SOUTH WICK , _____ Diatiiet Committee. pEFUBLD \N I t TION.- IV B UN I N ESS I* R O PE RTY The 2-story FOR SALE— itory brick office now oc,-upied by tbo Merchants’ Dispatch on Exchangest., near Alabama 1 he building irverysubstantia ly built, end will be sold at a ha'gain Also— the tavern standonthe Al.lx.tt plank road known a- the Charter t ak House, about three miles from Mams . The buildingisa comm dious 2-story brick, with hamand sheds, w itheight acres of land. Price$5000. LY<>Ni BAKER, Eric Land Office. I DWELLINGS FOR KALB — THE -L~e fiis', class brick dw ellingon thesoutheast cor ner of NiagaraSquare. The building is near y new, substantial yand elegantly built,and furnisbed with II the in dem improvements neceosary for comfort ud « Tiie _ t ry brick wtth wing, No. 482 Delaware; w i 1 be sui.l with or without furniture; lot &0xl5bt.. an alley, with barn on rear of lot. Ii - ’ .Idwithin thirty dajs will Iw rented tor the COUNTY CONYEN The Republic-'n Electors of Erie Countyarc requested tochoo-e three delegate*from t.h(ir respective towns and wards to represent them in the Coun-yConvention, to he 1 elJ at the Open -J- use Arcade Building, in the city o; Buffd-., on Tuesday, the l2>h dayof October next, *t 2 o’cloc- P. .V I., for the purpose of nominating usndiditas for county oflictrs to be supp- rted at tbe ensuingel c- RoBERl MILLS, Chairman. S CAKYADAMS, D. C . WELCH, W . B SIRRET, alonzo tanner , J- HN B WER*-R, LOUIS P. REICHERT, JOS! AH SOUTH MICK, WILLIAMFLEMING, Republican County Committee. Iti TtALLo, Sept. jf. 1869. LEGAL NOTICES. CITT AffBKMOR*8 OFFICE, > Bcrraut, Oct. 4,1899. » ' T HE UNDERSIGNED ASSESSORS of the city of B;^aio would herebygive ao- tioethat, inpursuance ofthe direction*of tbe Com monCouncil of -aid city, we have made the following a*sea*mcnt rolls for the amounts and proposes here inafter mentioned, upon the property Mmiil bene fit ted bytheimprovement*hemnafUr specified, and that the saidassessment roll*will remain in the office of tbeBoard of A jwmmi for th* term o twelve •lay* fr-.mdate, subject to examination aad review byany person or persons interestedthere viz. R epublican county commit TIE -A moetrng of the Committee will be h< I.i at their rooms. Arcade Buil ing, Wednesday evening of each week until further notice. Mem hers of the Committee are requested to attend. hOBT. MILLS, Chairman. LEO t l , NOTICES. wii; ter. Also—No gas aLdwat st., a new 2-story brick I HAVE A VERY FIXE L 1 -t on North s’reet for sal 403Franklin r; lot 30x138. Nk BAKER, Eric Land Office. HOUSE AND _ .... sale. The h‘ m and bu It In good modern style. The lot is 65 feet front by 220 deep, and can he had at a very great bargain, as tie owner hS- di rected me to sell it, and I amdet* mi ned to follow instructions. JOSEPH CHURCHYARD, Build-r, residence 54 Bwery st.; shop and vard on Adams ■t., near Clinton. Ii.quireat cither piecefor inform ation. J?OR sali T at a BAKIIAIN— the JL 2-story and baaeni nt brick house 409 Seneca st., between Louisiana and Alah-ntasts ; will be sold at a price that wili pay 15 i**r cent, o HAS IINGS k OTTd, Real Estate t Buildings. \ \ T ANTED—TWO l Y Ge man boys, to wor st 5lo Washington .vruDENT w anted to learn ti requisitea canlearnof a pl» V -S TU] I)e t: )>ro|KT.|ualifi ati- by inquiring at tl is 1 1 7 A N T ED A YOUNG MAN FOR $50 T T canbe placed n a good, p*rm*ncnt position; sfurnishing trade necenau- cplaced n of the get ill I)., thi SITI ATIUXM—FKHALES. Advertisements not exceeding four lines inserted under this heading for ‘43 cents, each additional line b cents. \ YOUNG GIRL WISHES A SITU A 1 A . tion to run any kinI of a sew - ichine do up -tain work; good ref<- ply at 3t»W. Sw-jn st , ct. Pear an Fri SITUATION WANTED FOB A MID O d|e aged girl ina private family as cook: g#bd refeirncca given. Apply at 38Swan si. cor. Erie. U ’’A N T E D — A SITUATION BY A lady who understands dress making a d oa- chine sewing G ..«»d references cau be furnish*d. Address“F. M “ this office _ T-O oik. W a n t e d —a situation to sowing onthe machine, and also light v Apply at 121Fohomst., belowChicago. W rANTED—A SITUATION AS WET nurse in a 11- st class family desired imntedi atoly. Apply at 984 <ak st. SITFATIWXa-MAI.ES. Advertisements not exceeding four lines inserted under this heading for 4ft cents, each additiona line 5 cents. i PRACTICAL FARMER, WITH A rl. sm -ll family, wishes to take charge <> f a farm, r work on one. Address il. L, Gardenvillc, E? e ountv. New ork. ANTED—A SITUATION BY AN jiertenceI person, lately fromLondon to d<> blacksmith tngine or machinist's work. Apply at 83W*ds*or h st. w V DRY GOODS SALESMAN, THOH- ou hly p sted in the trad general y, and wh*. bus an extended acqua ntan.e in the city, isopen f;. ;ui cn/a.enieut. References given. Ad*lre»s D . G . s ihis office. Q ituation W anted - i w ill fa \ $2 i to any one that will get me something to d-> . T.. keep books or do taboriou. work. Address II. c. COLLI>8, 334Ter ace. RI'SIXESS CII AXCES. Advertisements not exceeding four lines inserted under this heading for Ab cents, each additional line 5 cents. R are business chance. - a practical manof several year*experience in the execu’.ved«q*artment ofa lar^e paying business, <1* sire-i a jariner with from $500• to 9t*>,000, t-.r tl.* purpose of starting an independent biuim m . Tin business is nowamonopoly. •* atisfait ry proof will he given of facta above stat.-d. Address D . D . D., this office, sta ingwhen a i into-view can be had. V FLOURISHING DRY GOODSBUSt- ncas for sale- reqttire*! capital $7‘300. Adilress I» a-»er 186Lockport, N . Y I ^OR SA LE—TH K ELEGANT JSTGK V . brick house No. 2!>s Swan st.. with ga-, water, biih.Ac ; lot 35x115 t*> a paved alley. Tlte house hm r-cently •ecu thoroughly renovated and is in tl.e best po*>i lecondi:ion throughout, and will bo s..Id at a bargain if applud for soon. HASTINGS & OT f*J, K . al Estate Brokers, No. 3 Brown’sBuildings. F HJE SALE cheap -th e n eat 1-story frame c- ttase 16 1 Ninth st , wiil be -old c‘ica.. if applied for soon, as the owner desires to re- moV We t HASTINGS k OTTO , Real Estate tJriikcrs, 3 Brown's Building. L^)R SALE BY EDWARDS t BUCK- U LAND, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, 10 E-tst Seneca street. 2-*Joryframe house, with kitchen and small bam, on Fifth st., about 100feet from Maryland; lot 304x 100. 1-storyframe on Hampshire st., between Eleventh and Twelfth sts., with kitchenand wood sited, cistern, kc.; lot 32x100. Price$1200. Also, ufarmof 5acres, w ith brink house and large aim, plenty of fruit, &c., within the city line; Buf faloand Washington Railroad stops near thehouse. VOifSALE— BY M McCOMB, lo S. Divi No. 1Fargo avenue, 2-story frame (new) finished in fine style; lot 35x150 No- 3 Fargo a enue, 2--*t ry frame (new), with wi. g, ce'hr, gas, Ac.; lot 41x150. No. 3i7 Swan st eet, 2-story f ame; will exchange for agood house near M i higansinet wort'. 940<X» No. 435'outh D ivi->i‘*ns.reet, 1-story lrame, lot 40X .2* ' fruit of all kinds. N % HSwan street, lj-story frame; ot 3oxl33, a gi-ou pla e f- r a grocery. No. 332Senecasiree*,'2-storystore an dwelling, will sell cheap as the parties are cii g ** «*> t. No. 146 Breckenridge street, l-»tory frame; lot 50x176; will sell < heap. (Jofher \ irginia and Palmer, 2s-tory Iran.e, gas, water and c* liar; thi-*is a fine location! (’oilier Albany andNorth Jefferson streftt, 2-story brick- lot 100 x 20 ; large nam, fruit, etc. Several fa ins for saleor exchange f- r i-ttvpro)»- erty, -rom7acres up to 100acres, iu tins county, all unde- good cultivation. LH’Il SAL*—1THE J S K MKY BRICK r l use 232Ninthst HASTINGS k OTTO , Real Eftat i Brok rs, 3 B* own’s Building. t 'UR S A LE—THE FOLLOWING- DE- sirable res der.ces: No. 2 ’ Delawarest., 2-»tory wing and bam; gas, w ater and furnace. Lot 94jxll5. No. 625Mainst., S-story, with 2-story rear; gas, water and furnace. L-.t 20x115, with an extension to Washington .t. No. <89 Washingtonst,3-story and attic, with alot 18x30; gas, water ard furnace. Lot 25x100. No 40 East Mohawk St., 3-story and attic; gas and water. A fine house and large groundat Batavia, Genesee county. No. 568 Main st., 3-story, with wing; gas, water and furnace. Lot 42x115. No. 74Edwardst, 2-storyand wing. Lot 73x40. No. 33 Delaware Place; gas, water and furnace. Lot 40x200 No. 238 Connecticut c- mer Tenth st., 2-story. Lot 25x100. No. 315E. Eagle st, 2-storv front and rear. Lot 30x728. Xo. 302Franklin st., 2-story front and rear; gas, water and furnace. L*.t 40x173}. N*>98Johnson Place, 2-story brick; gas, water furnace. Lot 30x120. No. 1Sixth st., 2-story frame, withgas and water, lot 30x132. 102 Seventh st , lj-story frame, with brick Tasand water. Lot 26x— 107 Swanst, 3-s:ory mastic front, with 2-story iagara * ater, gas, furnace, Ac. Apply to JOHNOTTO , Pearl st. bom; I BUSINESS WANTED- 13 having f om$3000to $4u00« A PARTY cash wishes to pur chase an interest in some well established and pa ing business. Address “B.,” Buffalo O . 30R SALE—BY M. McCOMB.- No. F douth Divi ionstreet, a first class Ba'ber Sh»q> doing a good business. L- cation fine. Poaseroi*n immediately. Tins isan excellent chance for a go*si Barber. I jlOK SYLE—AT A BARGAIN, \ ma't k Iniron punching machine, made at Il/r- dee's ana bine works ast vea- , in perf ct order; al<-> , a press and dies for making copp*r and tin rtreet gas lamps.witba 1 the patt-rns; t* Ih*s .id onaccount of ill health; also, the copp.-rsmith and plumbing buni- nets, with agood lease. Apply to W . CLARKE*A SDN , 01 j cav»-rst., Alhanv, N . V . _________ horses ano ctsimees. Advertisements not exceeding four lines inserted under this heading for Ab cents, each additional line ft cents. * BUFFALO MOURNING 8TORK, 414 Main at., American Block. I MR SALE CHEAP—A HORSE MS.J! years old, sound and kind; al$o, a light sprit* wagonand a box cutter, suitable for a groc* r. B .>f- foloScale Works, 324Exchangest., Buffalo. G - RKAT IN’DU UE M E NT— ON E BAA mare, seven years old, sound kind; and -rtie 1 ght wagon, near y n-w; one of Weber's oak tanned siiver mounted harness, for sale cheap, app'y to 41*1 Man st. Buffalo, or Fran H it House stable. OR SALE—THK BEST FAMiL'Y horse ever offered in this market; suitable for carnage or buggy. Is a goed traveller, warrai ted sound and kindevervway. Abo on* top buggy and an op$n two seated wagon. Can seen at No. .8$ F-a-t Seneca atre#>t Vopartaershtp Notice. The firms of Marvin Dodd k Co., dealers In dry food*, 892Mainst., and of A. Jt L. H. Best, dealers la mournii * goods, 414Mainst., ba e this dav been aoabined aider the firm came of i) di. Best k Co. •arsons indebted to the above firmsare requeatod to ■ar early ictt.ement in order to facilitate the clos ing of book*, Ae. MARVIN L. D»DD . J. BURN NT FitsZEE, ALBERTBEST. LEGNARDH. BE8T. $»dbdo,St|A. 2,1*69. TO LET BOOMS. Advertisements not exceeding four lines inserted under this heading for MS cente, each additional ine ft cents. F °?, k R,E? T7 THE THIRD FLOOR cd wl5.-^k dwelling northeast comer ox 8war. and Washington»u known u ih. uv. i. with ateam power if desired.’ Suiuble for a IKH “Am»M *orro,E ' TO LKT HOISCS. rp.', LET— XO. 430 S. DIVISION ST. A. bstory frame, giape vines and fru t trees lot S:\12'). Apply to M . McCn.M lo S. Divirion >t. r r w LET—NOy 365 H. DIVISION ST. y-story frame; lot27}xll4. M . McC‘M ti, In S. Division st. Rent $15. Apply ' I 1." LET—Ml. 1 ST IV. TI PPER sr L ’-storyframe; a go. d we’l of water; lot 62x 100 . T rm easy. Applyto M . McCOMB, 10 S. Division TO LET—NO. 13 WADSWORTH ST 1 1-storv frame in fino con.liti >n; lot 25x125. Apply to M * . McCuMB, 10S Divsi-.n st. rpo T et 14 SI OK Y COTTAGE, SSI L Spring st: 4rooms, c o-et*and go*»dwoodshed; alsogood cistern. Lot 100x100. Address or nquire L C . 8..th soffice,'or L.WILSON A0ON,5Niagara t. ’9 K . Tupper st., l}-stoty brick, 6 or 8 rooms, furnished with about all necess ry furniture for housekeeping. Immediate possess on Apply *t 6 Niagaraat., L W llgiGK k HoS, Real Estate and In surance Agents. Jl'OOD BRFIXJE ACROSS R AVINF I > ON F.I KSTREET, ABoUT286 FEETEAST EKLYOF DOLE STRE** .T.—Notice is herebygiven that sealed piojs.-als will bereceived at tiie officeof the Street Comniis-ioner until Thur.oay, 14th inst., at 10 o'clock A . M . , for construe-ing a woodbridge with stoneafeutiuei ts across a ravine oft Elk street about 286feet easterly of Dolestreet. Specification* f-r the above work may be seen at the Street Commi-sinner's Officeon and after Mon day, 10 th in>t. ALEXANDER BRUSH, Street Cuinmii.sinner. Buffaio, Oct 6,1869. k7-0t W.rORKS ordered hy the COM- t t MON COUNCIL.— Ihe owners of the land frontingon the street-, and between the points here inafter named, are hereby required t-> make the im provements hereinafter specified iu fre.nt of or on th ir respective lots, in the manner and within the time limited for each respectively, a#follows: Onthe n rth side <•( W illiam street, between a point six hundred ftet eas* of Now York Cen'ral Railroad crossing, aiul a point 225 feet ea*ter therefrom, cause a sidewalk t • be constructed four feet wide, of good pine plank two inchc. thick, with in five days. Onthe northeast side of Eleven’h street, between Hnmpshirestreet an.l a )>ointmidwaybetweenHamp shire an i Massachusetts streets, cau-e a sidewa kto be repaired b substitutinggoodhcinlo. kplank, thre* i sheathick, where necessary, wthin fixedays. On the southeast side of Ma sachusctts street, b - tweenFourteenth snd Uticastreets, • a use a sidewalk to be rejiaired with good hemlockplank, three inches thick, where necessary, wuhin fixe days. Ou the south side of Utica street, between Rhode Isl nd and Braxton street*, cause asidewa!k to he reusired with good hen.l >ck plank, tnree inches thick, where necessary, within five days. Ou the south side of Lticastreet, tietxveen Mas*a’ chusetts s reet and a point midway lietween Maasc- chuset-sand Rhode Island streets, cause a side wal t> be repairedwith g hemlock pla. k, thre.- inches thick,wherenecessary,withinfivedays. on the south side of Utica st-ect. between Rhode Gland street and a p .iut midway between R*:ode i-la d and Massachusetts trc-ts, ciusc a sidewalk to be repaired with gooi hem:ock pi ink, three inches thick, wherenecessary, within fivedays. On the west side of West Market street, between a jxiint 111fett south of Scot. street and a point 2o feet souther y therefrom, cause .. sidewalk to be r- - pa red by-ubstit..ting good fl-ggi g stone tbe full width of the wala, and laid to grade, within five days. On the west sideof Elm street, froma point 127 feet southerly from the souther y Ine of Geneset- ••t set and a point 100fe.-t smtherfy therefrom, cau* a sidewa k be repaired by substituting .ood flag ging stone, where necessary, within fivedays. On thewrestsidoof Spring rtreet, betweenGeneree and Sycamre street-*, causes sidewalk t >berepaired w ith three inch plank, with nten d.ya. Onthe ea-t - i ie of Cedarrtreet, between Swan and South Dirisi-n stierts, causeasid.-walk to b-ie- paired > ith good hemlock j.lsnk three inches thick, hereneees-iry, wi'hin fivedays. (>n the southeasterlyside ofVirginiastreet, between Niagara and Seven*h s’reet*. cau-c a sidewalk to be repaired with go d hemlock olank three iuches thick, » herenececcmary, w ithin fix eda.,s Onth northwesterly side of Virginia street, be tween Niagaraand -evcnth Streets, cause a sid*walk 1 o be repair d with good hemlock plank three inche- thick, where neco sary within livedays. On the east side oi Fourteenth a* reet, between Jer sey street and a point . idway between Jersey and North streets, cans** a sidewalk t > be repaired with good hemloci plank thre* inchesthick, where neces sary, within fivedays. The above work isto be done under the direc- ion of the Street Commissioner, and if uot done ii. the manner and within the time Fpcciflcd, then tbt street Commissioner is authorized to dothe same at the expense of the owners of tl.e land. GEORGE tt. WARDWELL, Citr Clvk. Dated Buffalo, Oct. Cth, 1869. k7-5t N otice of intention to take LANDF<RASTREET.—Notice isherebygiv en that the Common Council of the city f Buffalo intend to tike and aj.propriate the property necessa ry to lay out a stre. t to extend from the Pratt A VV an I ham Slij. to the Hamburgh turnpike, ’the s uth westerlyline of said street to bcziu at apoint in the south line of saidslip 417’eet *ast*rly along suchsouth liue from the CityShip Canal, running thence s uiberly and jmrallcl with said canal to a point 5910-XK )feet sou’htrly fr. in the south line of t 45; thence souther y t*. a jioint 377feet southerly omthe south line of lot 40, ami 240 feet easterly fromsaid canal ; thence southerlyto a js.int 597fee' nitii rly fromthe s uth line of iot 47, and 230 feet as-cri. tromsaidcanal; thence southerlyto ajw.int uthe southerly line of lot 49, at the distance oi 12s eet »ast rlyfroms.*idcanal. thence southery par- lle! with the said c* i a! and 128 feet easterly th re- r into a point 17feet southerly fromthe s* uth lm* .f lot 59; thence easterly j*aralei w ith the faceof the dock a’ongthe south bonk of uffJo River at 210 f et southerly therefrom to the southwesterly line of the Hamburgh tumpik*. Th* northeasterly of saiii street to begin at 3point in the touth- erly line of said slip 483 fett e-rterly along such uth line fromthe CityShipCanal; runtiingtheno- southerly and parallel with said canal to a point 29 16-luO feet souther y fromthe south line of lot 45; thence southerly to a point 377 feet southerly from the south line of lot 40 snd 306 feet easterly from said canal ; thenca *outherly to ■|>oint 504 feet south rly fr*mthe south *ineof lot 47, and 296 feet easterlyfrom >aidcanal ; theme southerly t a point in the south line of 1 -t 49, at the xlistanceof 178feet easterlyfrom saidcanal;thence southerlyparallel with said canaland17a feetcaste* I vtherefrom to apoint 44s feet sou herly fromthe south line of lo* 49, thence ea terly jtaiallel with the fa e of the dock alonr the south l.unkof Buffalo Rver, and 150 feet southerly therefremto the southwesterly line of the Ham- bu gh turnpike. GEORGE 8. WARDWELL, CityClerk. Dated Fuffa’ ., Oct. 4th I860. j6-20t 1 BURNISHED DWELLINGS TO LET. No. 106Niagara st., 2-storyand basement brick, gas aUdw - .ter; furnished in good stjlo. Rent jkt annu<?>. $900. Alv5—The 2-storybrick with win•, on the south east c'mer of Georgia and Seventh et* , with s modern improvctnc ts, with furnit re eutire LYONk BAKER, Erie Land Office. rpo LET— O. 1 FARC.O AVENUE, I 1 #i . ___ sty le. Applyto M . Me 'OMB. rpo LET—so. 317 SWAN S T .— U 1 story dwelling hou«e, nearlynew, 9or 10rooms; Poss won 1stOct. Apply to M . McCv/MB . I JURNISHED HOUSE—A FIRST- 1 clu. r.w K»u«, ehg»n*lr ton.l- .racl. furnish il, w iOhs mnud until lo s good *•• snt S. the occupnut prop-sesbeiiur *■> sent fmoi BuBJo duliu*Useoonuu* wiM«; p<-»- siouwili begiven es soon es desired. Fur further tuforAhthm sppir to JOHN cTTO, Bl Psnrt * rpoTRENT—FOR THE WINTERIOR R ooms and pow er to ren-F 77** norme an desirableend the newer *e.n . end Inquire of E. fc B. BOLUhg, uGiln. i. slidthe (W.l BnSd. 1 1 **• . imtil she«rs« of Joe,« FrukhVuSt.. shore Oh.piwww , wilh or without lumi tun. Inquire ni tt« rwuhl ■*»■ A FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT. Ht houwe, Ho. 817 Hals et.. BuHelo, wtth e rnrdes. ta nhiqh ■*•** of uulUfhlioo slisched, b to Iw reededto s Hull tsnOj for ihree er aaauMh. lr until the fleet of Hfcr uwxt. Fossswtoo wtsna on Ihe 1st of Julj nest, rafch, hicturee, kc., InrfcHsit Gaa. watet, furnam, t ■ation, apply on tbe A M . during th* HOU0HTOM ,1* o . - oa any day bafor* It isth OMOROBW . RclL For working South rtreet between Ohio und Hamburg atreet* ..................... $2543 51 For repairing Pratt street between Syca more and<4ene*eestreet* .................. 102 70 For repairing Canalatreet betweenCommer cial atreet and Maiden Lace ................ 101 20 For repair ngCarlton street betweenLocust and Lemonatreet* ......................... 60 49 For rejKiirin*Ashstreet between Sycamore and Bataviastreets .......................... 113 09 For repa:ring South Dvi*:on street between rpringanj Jeff rson street* ................ 41 10 For repa-ringJ Hereon rtreet lietween Ba taviaaud Matthews street* ................. 102 20 For repairing Sycamore atreet between Pratt and Hickory treets ................. 101 92 For repa ring Scott rtreet between Hancock andVa-i Kens*,laer street* ............... 162 90 or repairing A•herst street between Niag ara and East street* ......................... 51 28 For repairing Amber t rtreet between East and Tbomjteon atreet i ....................... 51 92 For repairing Amherst s reet between Thompsonand T ua wanda street* 61 72 For retiring Twelfth street between Vir ginia and Moiylauu street* .................. 171 99 *>r re {m iring Jefferson rtreet between Brownand Sycamore atree Lu ................ a. 92 For repairiug tbe parement in Washnit ton sticut betweeu Seneca and Exchange streets ......................................... 20 98 For repairingSwan street betweenthe east erly iine of Jefferson s ievt and the end of tbe ]>avemeut iu Swanstreet ........... 101 40 For repairing the pavement on Mainstreet between Swan aud bcnecastreets ........ 15 20 For repairing north sideof Sycamorestreet over s'tle sewer betwe n Oak and tlin streets ................................... 10 29 For repairing W illiamstreet over sewer at nf rth west corner of W illiam and P tier streets, (t-xtended) ......................... 6 03 For rei ai-ing W illiam street ov r sewer on south side, about 70 feet west of Potter street, ^extended .......................... 5 03 For repairing W illiamstreet over newer snd water pipe at n rth east corner of W i liam and Mortimer streets ..................... 7 41 F’or repairingSwanstreet between a point milway betwetn Spring and efferson streets and the easterly line of Jefferson street ....................................... 202 00 For ref airingSwsn rtreet between the west curb liueof M - higan street ami a point midway b*tw-en M ichigan street and Chestnut street, (extcndtJ) ............. 202 12 For repairing Oak street from the northerly curb ineof Swanstret t halfway through to South D .vi.-ion street .............. For connetting the pavement In t"#i>. ; side of Swanstreet with the paveme. Washingtons'reet, tocorre*|'oiidw ; : present pavement in Swanstreet..- For connecting thepavement on south of Swan street with the pavemem r Was dngton street, to correspondwith the present pavement iu Swan ttreet ........ 77 00 F’or constructing the pavement at the inter- sec ion of Swan and M ichigan streets, to correspond with the present pare me t in Swan street, westeily therefrom ........ 142 30 Forrepairingcrossingof Ohioand Washing ton streets between cu b line* ............ 200 35 For raising the gutter*at southeast c* rner Main andGene*ec stre*. ts.................... 49 73 For repairiug the gutters on west side of r Mainstreet lietween Prim*:street andBuf faio River .................................. 124 32 For sprinkling Swan street between Wash ingtonami Michi/an streets for 1809 ....... S2 t>4 For rejiavingthe westerly side of the Ter race between t rie and Lock streets 446 52 For repairing the W illiamsville Rv ad be tween Cii uton and Seneca stree's ........... 51 40 SIDEWALKS . For taking up and relayingsidew alk on the LEGAL M$TlCti. For constructinga tile rower onthe sonth- weat si e of htxth atreet. fromtbe centre of Maryl-nxl sirrot to w thin 100 fett of Hudson street .............................. 6ig For repairingmain sewer in Fearl rtreet, about 225feet north of Senecastreet .... Ti For repairing aewer n Seneca street at tf e crossingof Franklin street ................ 32 Fo*repairing Emarie s’reet aewer at it* mouth in Van ttonseclaer rt eet ......... S 0 o For re matrueting a sewer in M ichigan rtreet fromthe centre of Elk street to tbe southiine of Perry rtreet ................. 1012 01-Lvxrra. For constructingstone cul erts acrossBata via street betwe* u Waldenstreet at d the easterly line of W illiamsTil’e Ro d 4374 john M c M anus , GREGORY RITT, RICH’D C. KINNEY, Office in tbe City Bui!ding«, corner of Franklin and Eagle rtreet*. Officehours from8A . M . ta 4P. M . j4-5t N otice of intention.—notice i* herebygiven that tbe Common Council o the citv of Buffalo intend to order tbe followins described works in said dty, via.: A iix foot flagging stone *-i'iewalk onboth sides of Wellt atreet, between the southe-ly eurb ine of ben *- itreet snd the northerly curb .ine of Exch^ngi Edward street, between tbe we terly line of Del* ware-t-ert anil a j oint 50 'eet wist of the wcst-rix line of Morgau street graded,the guttt rs cleaned out, the road bed filled with l ard m teilal, and a g.-od coatingof gravel .eid over the whole. GEOROE S. WARDWELL, CityClerk, DatedBuffalo, Oct. 5th. 1809. J6 10 RTREET PROM ABBOTT’S CORNERS O PLAN< ROAD T> CAZEMOTIA bTFEKT Ihe report of the Coram-sdoaera appointed bj the Superior Court of Buffao, to areertain and tepon tbe just comjiensstionto be jia*1 the person or per sons owmtig or havingan interest in the 1nd and property ucccs ary to be taken to lay otit a street or public highxxa> tour r d* wide, 1 rum the Aobott’s Cortnrs P.auk It ai t*. the present bridge over C**e- uoviaCreek, ou the Cazenovia Koad, thecnitre lint of i:id newrtreet t*»*c a line diawu parallel to anil 33 feet distant at light angles westerlyfrom the liue b.tween lots 248) an-l 249}• -f -..lelutl’ian Re ervation Lne, andexte.' iiingfromthe tiorth liue of the Ab bott'#Com -rsPlauk Roadnortherl} through lot 248} till it strik t> tbe south abutmtut of the bi idgeover the CazenoviaCreek, haring bem retu ned to the Common Counci and filed v . ith the clerk. Notice is here y given that saidrejv.rt will becon firmed by the Con mon Council of the city of Buffalo onMonday, October *8, lf-69 u-ileosobjectionsto the confimiaton thereof, beforethav tloie, l>e filed with the CityClerk. GEORGE S. WARDWELL, City Clerk. Dated Buffalo, Oct. 5th, 1869. j6-10t VTOTICE OF INTENTION.—NOT It L i.1 ia herebygiven that tl*e C*mum >n Council of ;he city of Buffalointend to orderthe Lamp Distr ct extended on both side* of Washington street, be tweenCarltonand Virginia streets. GEO . 8. WARDWELL, Clerk Dated Buffa’o, *5pt. N otice to creditors.—pursu- ant to an order of Horatio Seymour, Esq., Surrogate of Erie County. Noticei** hereby given to al! persons having claims agaiust Abby P. Heacock, latcof the city of Buffalo, insaidcounty, deceased, that they art requiredtoex hibit ’ 1 e same w ith tl evoucher* there *.1 toGroevemr W . Heacock, ti e Executor of the will of the saidde ceased, a* ree residenceof the said FIxecutor, in the tyof Buffalo, in sa d county, on or before the 1st tv of February, 1870. G . W . HE‘COCK , Executor. Datedthe 28th day of July,ls69. Th I FIFTEENTH .VTREEl EXTENSION — Norice i* hereby g.ven that the Com mon Coun* il of the dty of Buffalo hare de termined, and do here’ y determine, to take tne la. d and property necessary to lay out and exfend Fifteenth street, fiom it* present termination at York street to Jersey str-et. comment ug at a point 208 feet castcrlv from Fourteenth street, on the soutfi eri- line of York rtroet.ru ning thence southerly and parallel with Fourteenth rtreet to Jersey street; thence at right angles easterly along the northerly line of Jersey street 50 feet; then e at rigf.t angle* nortnerlv 'o York street; thence along the » utheriy line of York street 50 f et, to the place 01 beginning; and the said Common Council will apply to the Supe rior; Co irt of Buffalo, at a moti u term thereof, to Be held at the rooms of the Buffalo law Library in the Young Mm’s Association Building*, c.» ner of Main and Kazle street-*, in the city of Buf falo, on Tuesday, tbe 19th day of Oct .ber, 1S69, at the np nine of said 00urt on that day, or as soon (hereafter as counsel oan be htard, for the app n - men* of thre^ CommiaJo' en to aacer An andr-p rt the just compensation to be paid to the jjerscu or p rtT O ownine or ftaviog an interest fa the land and property so pfbpoaed to be taken. GEORGE 8. WARDWELL. City Clerk. Dated Buffalo, Sept. 28,1809. j»-10t north sideof Seneca street, 118) feet east of Ellic.tt street, to a point 102feet east erly therefrom .......................... For repairing sidewalk on the northerly sde of Niagara street between Georgia and Carolina streets ....................... For repairing sidewalk on the southerly sideof Niagara strcc* betwe-.n Virginia and Marxlandrtreets ....................... F ’or repairing sidcwa'k on the north side of Niaga a .treet between Virginia and Ma ryland streets .............................. F. r repairingsidewalk 011 thenon herly side of Monawkstreit bitwe-nMore anstreet and a point 40feet westerly therefrom... or constructingMdewa k on north ride of Batavia street betweenJohnson and Her manstreets ................................. For repairing sidewalk 011 tbe north side of Court street between Main and Pearl streets ....................................... For repairing sidewalk on tbe east sid* of Niagara rtreet between Fore-t avenue and Scajaquada Crcen .................... Forreparingsidewalk on the east ride of Niaga astreet lietween Delevan and Clin ton avenue ................................ For repair tig sidewalk <>11 east sde of Niag ara street betwee Clintonaud Bird av enue• ....................................... For repairingsidewa k «ncast side of Niag ara street betweenAuburnand Bouck av enues ....................................... For repairingsidewalk on «as side of Ni*g- street between B rd and Forest ave- For -epairingBidewalk on east s>deof Niag ara 9 rett between Ferry and Breckin ridgestr et» ................................ For re airingsidewakou •art sid-* cf Niag ara srreet b two n Bidwe 1 street and Delevan avenue ................ 7 .......... For repairing sidewalk on southside of Uti castreet betwetn Rogers and B iay ton streets ...................................... For repairing sidewalk on the eaat side of Niagara stree- between Breckin idge street and Aul.urti avenue ............... or repairingsidewal*ouesst sid- of Niag arastreet oetwecn Bouckavenueand Bid- well etre*te ................................ For constructingsidewalk on south sole of Pcrrv street betweeu a point 85feet west of M ichiganstreet and bridge over Clark and Skinner Canal ......................... For constructingsidewalk onnortherly aide of Canal street, from a point 2!2} feet ea te lyof Evansatreet, toa point 20 feet e>*erlytherefrom ......................... Ferrep&irtfigsidcwalk onnorhtea-Serlv aid* of Ninth street be'ween York and Con necticut streets ............................. For repairing sidewalk 011 north*asteriy sideof I’a'me- rtreot betweenHudson and Maryland ftreets .......................... For ro pairingsid* walkJon thesouthwestside of Eleventh street between .Jersey aod North streets ............................... F ’or repairingsidewalk on the southeasterly side of Pearl street between Terrace and Commerc al streets.. For r of 1 enth stree* s For repairingsidewalk 011 the eart side of Niagarastreet 1 etween Albanyand F ’arrv an eet* ....................................... For repa ring side wr.lk <>nthe eart sideof Niagara street between School aud Ninth streets ..................................... For repairingridewm lk on the west side 0*k rtreet between Carlton and F! streets .................................. For repairing sidewalk onerst aideof N 'ag ara utreet net ween Ninth and a point feet no tlierly 1 herefrom ............... For repairing sidewalk on the east si e * 1 Ntaga a treet between Tenth street and a point 330 feet northerly from Ninth street ....................................... For constructinga stone sidewalk on the north rly side of Whitney Place, from the cur > li. ecn the -outhea-terly line of Carolinastreet and a point 1915-12feet^ souther y from the southerly line of Car olina street ................................. For constructinga stonesidewalk on south westerly side of Ninth street between Hudsonand Pennsylvaniastreet* ........ F r constructing stone sidewalk on the southwesterly side of Ninth street be tween Pennsylvaniaand Jersey street*... CROSHWAL t*. ✓ For c.instructing stone cn s*walk acro*» ser eca rtreet onthe westerlysine of Pearl street ....................................... For repairing atcne crosswalk saroro Fly street on the westerly side of Maidtn Lane .............................. For r. pairingjjjanr crosswalk acrosa Chip- p*> a a rent db the easterly aid. of Dela ware street ................................. F ’or constnicti g a atone crosawalk aeroai Eleventh atreet, extendedou the westerly s de of Caroli i.a rtreet .................... For constructing a atone crosswalk serosa Pearl street * 11 the a-utheriy **d* ofAllen ■■rot ........................................ F or re>.ainrgatone cro-swvlk acrosa M i* hi gan street on the southerly ride <A Clin ton sireet ................................... For repairing the northerly end ot eross- w ukacre s* N iagarastreet westerlyside of Morgan ttreet .............................. For constructing a atone eresswalk across Franklin street in the southeriy side at Allen street ................................ For takingupand relayingcrosswalkacross Park sueet on the northerly aideof Vtr- gniastreet ................................. F.r e nstructing a itan- crosswalk across Park street onthe southerly aideof Allen rrtuc PARK*. For repairing and maintaining Prospect IIiU Park* ............................................................ S UPREME COURT, ERIE COUNTY, N. Y.— Phil ip Bach, Plaintiff, against Philiij Bach, Jr., 1otendant. To Phiil p Bach, Jr.: Youareherebysummonedtoanswerthe complaint in this action, which will befiledin the officeof th* Ulerk of this Court, in the city of Buffalo, andaervi *..nvof your answer on m** , at my office in the city within twenty days after the serrici ..lsiveof the day of such service; and ii answer the ouinplaint as aforesaid, thi . .-.iii apply to the Court for th# relief de- -u in the &aid complaint. aniod Buffalo, 31a 27, 1869. L. L b CLLAK. Pia'ntifTsAttorney, 180Main st , Buffao, N. Y . Tiie comnlaint in this action wanfiled Inthe office fo the Clerk of Erie county June 17th. I 860 L. L k CLKAR, Pl’ffs Atty sJYCAMORK STREET EXTENSION— iO Notice i* hereby given that tiie Cotr.mui- Council of the city of Buffalo have detenu ned and do licreliy det nnine to take and appro priate the land and property necessary to l»y out and extend Sycamore rtree’, from ’the ea-t- erly line of Jefferson stre-et north art*rly to th< westiriy line of Walden street, thr centre line of raid ixteusion to l>c a straight continuat.onof th»- centre lii e of S'camore s reet as now laid out between »»ak and Jefferson stre.ts, the north and south lines of said extension t • be 33 feet distant at ri^ht an glea from and j-arallel to *h above describedcentre line ; and the said Commm Council will applyto the Superio** Court of Buffaloat a motionterm thereof, to i«eheld at the rooms of t e Htifftlo Law Library, in the YoungMon's Ass ciatiou Buildings, crner of Mainan«i Fagb street*, in the city uf Buffalo, on Tuesday, the 19thday<> f October, IrtVJ,at th-opening of saidCourt on hat day, or as thereafter hs counsel ren he heard, forthe ajqx.int merit of three commissionerst > as. crtain and rcjKirt the just com pensation to l.e pad to the pcrs..:>or persons own ingor having an in ercst in the land am ' projierty sj pro |>o«K .-d to te taken. GEORGE S. WARDWELL, City Clerk. Dated Buffalo, Rcpt 23 1869 i*»-i(*t M HOKTGAGfiS. _________ ONEY TO LOAN—I 'HAVE FIF teen thousand dollars, which I wsh to inves JOHN fl-TTO , 18 ELECTION. r rejxairinirsid -t walkon the southerlysUe ii Y , rk street between Ninth and FUev- Q.ENERAL ELECTION. STATE O'*’ NEW YORK, ) O m C B OF THK ' ECRKTARY OF STATB, r ALBA.VT, AUg. 2d, 1869. ) To the Sheriff of the County of Erie: Sir:—Notice is • ereby iven, tha at the Cener-'l Election to l« held in this State on th s I uesdnv suc ceeding the first Moudtx of Novetnber next, tiie foc low:n^ officers ar>- to be e eeted, to-wit: A Secretary of State, in th place of Homer A. Nel son; A Comptroller, in the place of W’illuuu F\ Alien; A Treasurer, in the place <>f W heeler H. Br> t 1; An '.ttorney Genera:, in the .place of Marshall R. Champlain; A State E ginecr and Surveyor, in the place of Van Rens elacr hicli ond; A Canal Commissi*>ne-, in the place "f Stephen T. P. Hayt; An inspector of State Prisons, in the j-lace of Jchn Hammond. All of whose ‘erras uf office will expire on the last day of Decemher next. A Judge <f the Court of Appeals, for the full term of eight years, from ai.ua y first, 1870. Also a Judge of the Court of Appt*ds, t*. fill the* unexpircd term of Wm. tl. * right, dece *seil, which wi l expire on the last day of Ih eein e next, in the place of Charlia Mason, appointed by the Governor, under section thiitee ., of article s x of the State Constituth.n Also a Judge • f the C***art of AppcaD, to fill *lie unexpircd term for wh ch John K. Porter was elected, which wili exj.irc on the last day of December, 1871, in the place of Louis It. Woodruff, aj.|>ointed hy the • overnor under section thirteen, article six, of the State Constitution. Also a Justice of the Supreme Court, for the Eighth Judicial Dist iot, in tiie p aci of Charles Daniels, whose term of office will exp re on the last day of De cember next. Also a Justice of the ' upremc Court for the Eighth Judicial District, to fill the unexj.ired term for which Noah L vis w s elected, which will exj.ire on the last day of Lecembe . 1873, in the pla e of George D. La inont, aj.jK.iiit.ed hy the Govern r, under section tmr- tfljen, ar i* le .ix, *.f the State Constitution. Al-.*. a Senator lor the Thirty-first Senate D..-*trict, comprising the countv of Erie. COUNTY OFFICERS ALSO TO BE ELECTED FOR SAID COUNTY: Five Members <.f Assembly; Three School Commis i tiers; A County Treasurer, in the place of Chas. R. Dur- l:oe; Two Justices of Ses*i'>ns, in the plaee of Amos Roberts a d * illiam W . Russell; A Cor ner, iu the jdace cf Nich las Walsh; All of whose terms of office wil. expire cn the last day cf December next. The at-ention of Inspector* of Election and County Canvassers is d rected to Chaj.. 318, of th*.* 1 aws of j 1809, ent. led “ An act to prov de f*»r subm itting the Am-rded Constitution f© the elect rs of ihe St.te.” « :1 24 h, 1869, pursuant to which, the --i uti**n j.roposed by the Cor stit tional ..ch cloned it* sittings • ebruary wenty- .-i* hundred nd sixty-eiabt, w-11 besu . qual fled f ecton t the State at the •„ . • u elec i*.n <> be held on the Tuesday suc- • . 1 , . the first Mond } in November ■ex', and a * i c u. • each cl ctor will he entit ed to v te i. pirat ly for or again* such amended (’• nstitution, cxicepr tli- judic ary article, for or ag mat the jud.- ci uty article, or for or aga nst s. uniform rule af as- scssmcn ami taxat on of real and pers*.ual projierty, m d for or against property qualification for colored men. Resjiectfully, yours, Ac. U. A*. NELSoN, Secretary of Sute. SHERIFFS OFFICE, ERIE COUNTY,) B uffalo, August 3d, 1869. ( To the Electors of Frie County ani to each of the Superrisr.rs of said County: A Grneral Election is to tw held fn Erie County on the Tue*d*v succeeding ti e firs'. Monday of Novem ber next, at which there aro to he elected the officers above mentioned, and the C«*ns itut ion aliove men tioned is to be submitted to the qualifi d electors of the State, a d of which you will p’ease take notice. Al: pub ic newstejwrs in thia cou ty p>tblish once in each w eek until tne eleeti n. CHARLES DARCY, h3-Tbda# County. MRS. STOWE. ACARD F’ROM THE LAPY ON THE BYRON fcTORT—ADDITIONAL PROOFOFTHE TRUTH OF THF: DISGUSTING CHARGES. The Hartford Cournul to-morrow morning will oontain the following card from Mr* Stowe: a ‘"Mra. Stowe desires the friends of justice ftnd fair dealing to publish for her this announcement: That ahe has kept ailencv heretofore in regard to the criticisms oi her article on 'Lady Byron’ for two reasons. Fust: Because ahe regarded the publn mind in too excited state to oonaider thi matter impartially. Secondly: Becaue* she has expect- d the developments o- additional proofs in England, some or which ia of great importance, have already come to hand. M rs. Stowe ia prepairing a review of the whole matter with furthei facts and more documents, including several letters of Lady Byron to her, attesting the vigor and soundness of her mind at tht period referred to, and alao Mra. S t o w e ’s own letters to Lady Byron at eome time, which were returned to her hy the execu - tors soon after that lady’s death. She will also give a public and full account of cir cumstances and reasons which led her t< feel it to be her duty to make this disclosure ir an obligation alike of justice, gratitude md personal friendship. OSWEGO. FIRST DAY’S PROCEEDINGS ATTHEMIDLAND RAILROAD CONVENTION- LARGE ATTEND’ ANC S. Oswioo, October ti.—The Railroad Con vention was called to order thia morning ip Doolittle Hall, at ten o’clock, by Mayor Page, who stated that owing to the inter ruption to travel many of the delegates had been unable to reach the city, he therefore proposed adjournment until this evening— agreed to. Among thoae present are dele gates from Detroit, Chicago* Buffalo, Roch ester and Portland. Despatches have been received from a number o( delegatee from distant places who are on the v ay. Grrat interest ia manifested in the main object of the Convention. The Trans-Continental Convention met at17 P. M., when Mayor Page welcomed the delegates. Gerrit Smith waa made temporary Chairman, and in taking the ithair addressed the Convention at some length in favor of a projected c.\ .ension of the Pacific Railroad connections to Port land, Maine. Mr. G. Foot stated that sddit *nal dele gates were expected in the mciuing, and proposed that the evening be voted to listening to addressed, leavir'.g the businesa to be transacted by a full Convention. Ad- Iresaes were then made by Uugene Prindle, >f Ja c k s o n , Michigan; W il.iam Philip, of Detroit, and John T. Griggs, of Saginaw, Vlichiffan. A Committee on Credentials and Organi zation was appointed. The Committee are co report in the morning. The Convention then adjourned till ten o’clock to-morrow morning. Gen imn jiftss ef taro _____ 115 $8-100 te U 8 t$- H * At a banquet to Hoffman five* by ftbnlsrnnd staff, at tbo GlonhaU He__ «peeybeo wave made by Governor Hoffman. loop . Irwin, kieDoweU, and otbars. Tbore worn abont thirty invited gnaata present. A Saratoga dispatch says: AcernaD still come in of tha damage done by tb< rtootl on Monday. Blood’s scythe and axe factory near Ballston Springs io damped to the extent of $20,000. O’Dell’s paper m ill 'above Blood’s dam is injured to th* amonnt of sevaral thousand dollars. It Coriatb on the npper Hudson, a boy named Mallory stood on tha bank of a race wat which caved in, and ha waa drowned. A passenger attempted to eat off the rear end of the midday brain South on the Rome. Watertown and Ogdeaaburg Railroad, near Adams Centre, yesterday, while tha train was in motion, and waa instantly killed rhe name of Thomas McCarthy, Kingston, Canada West, was found in hia hat. The Republican I'nion Convention for Oneida County met in Rome yesterday and nominated D. B. Goodwin, of Waterville, for State Senator. another mad bull on the rampage in the 'treet of New York last night attacked a policeman who attempted to shoot him goring him so severely that hia life is despaired of. GENERAL NEWS. JOB! PRfSTflftT O tnCL- CeaqtSe'eiy'ktockaS. with THK VERY BEST MATERIAL ia all it* variety. 1* prepared ta execute every Im riptiea al B Card aad Job work. NO. 14 EAST SWAN STRUCT, (Second floor.) THE BUFFALO E1TKESS A TT O R N E l S. F ORBUSH A HYATT, S'lccensors to E. B k W H. Forbu»h, Solicitor* of American and Forotyn Patent*, aud ATTORNEYS IN PATENT C*8ES. Weed’s Block, comer of Main and Ss BUFFALO, N. Y JajH jatt, W. H. Forbuah, kC.ii»fl:l rULte M i*in * ‘Ji m PAPER. For courtructinx * rower ia H daoe rtreet, from it* prerout terminate n near Twelfth at'eet northeriv to the *outhwert erly line of Wadsworth m eet ........................................ F- r onstruntine a »ewer in Boston a iry from the rower n Tupper rtreet n o r her ly to with-n L0 feet ot GnodeU rtreet... For rejmriny^the mun rower in Doek street ^ C. WOODRUFF k CO., PAn i\ir?vmuu aki m m M and ta PRARL TRKET. BUFFALO, Keep ooh nd and manufacture to order papers of every grade, at Wbeieaele Price*. CASH PAID lor til Und* of Paper rtock. Warehouse of th* Niagavm Fall* Paper Mill*. W j- ofutag Paper Mills, Bri* Paper Milla. L C WCK’DRUT t, EDWARD KRR8TENB, nrw Meonixrv. m w is c s yMisirr VIRGINIA. FORMAL ORGkNIZVn*'N OF THE LEGISLA TURE—PROTEST OFTHEWELLSMEMBERS. Richmond , Virginia, October 6.—In the House of Representatives to-day two reso lutions were introduced, that the iron-clad oath be now administered to members and temporary officers of the House, which were referred to the proper comniittee. The protest adopted by the Republican caucus last night was presented, lt is framed with a view to ans.vering Attorney General Hoar’s argument, and protests against any acts of the legislature of this session, the members not having taken the iron-clad ath, and the body being therefore illegal fc was referred. Stophaniah Turner, of Rappahannock, was elected Speaker, re ceiving eighty-seven votes to forty one for Maddox W ells, Republican, and five for irenshaw. In discussion, the point was pressed that 'Turner now has an application before Congress for the removal of his political disabilities, and it was explained that though not able to take the test oath, he was not disqualified by ’ be fourteenth amendment J. B. Bigge, an old incumbent, was \ elected Clerk in the Senate. Same protest of the Republican caucus was presented, and a resolution was adopted laying it on the table on the ground that it was manifestly an effort to obstruct recon struction; was in plain opposition to the in tention of Congress expressed in the recon struction acts, and in direct violation of the interpretation of said acts by the adminis tration. A resolution was adopted informing the ’ommandine general of the organization of the Senate. Adjourned. Z. Turner, who was elected Speaker of the House to-day, i* a lawyer about sixty years old, and one of the first advocates of the reconstruction acts in the State. He was an old Whig, changed to %Douglas Democrat in 18ti0, and was shortly after defeated as a Union candidate for the legislature. STATE NEWS. GINEBAL ROBINSON DECLINES THE NOMI NATION FOR SECRETARY OF STATEON AC COUNT OF HIS ILL HEALTH-GENERAL SI GEL SUGGESTED FORTHE HONOR. The proposition of William Heath k Co o settle their contracts connected with the gold speculation of Eriday, September 24, on the basis of 13o differences, to be paid tifty per cent in ten days, or on the resump tion of payment by the Gold Exchange Bank, haa Iteen accepted by dealors whose contracts with the firm cover six millions. The entire outstanding contracts of the tirm m that day’s business are nine millions of Jollars. The China, just arrived, brings $16,000 in specie for consignees in New York City. The State Republican Central Committee held a meeting last evening at 5th Avenue Hotel. A communication was received from General Robinson, declining nomination for Secretary of State, on the ground of ill health. The committee adjourned with the understanding that General Sigel should be seen with the view of tendering him for no mination for Secretary of State or State Engineer.. The committee organized by electing Hamilton Karres, of Albany, Chairman, and James W. Kusted, of West Chester, Secretary. A committee was ap pointed t° meet a committee of Germans ao the subject of nomination for a Secretary of State. Adam Robinson waa yesterday elected director in the Chicago and Western Rail way Company in place of Janies H. Bene dict, of the firm of Lockwood k Co., resigned. Robinson was alao yesterday elected director in the Lake fhore aad Michigan Southern Railway Company. The directors of the Lake Shore Railroad Com pany have decided not to elect at present a treasurer, the duties to be performed dur ing the interregnum by the asset treasurer. The asset treasurer gives notice that hs wili invest $181,556 49c. for the Treasury in five-twenty bonds to-day. ia addition to ooe million regular purchase, by taking amount extra in offerings. This as us stood to be accumulated interest oa _ ous purchases for a staking fond. It is announced in advertisements, t s by order of the Treasurer of the United States, JSAAC HCLL0WA7, Dealer in mm \* j impiki saimwi FLA GOING, CURBING, FLATFORyS, Door tad Windw* ((q. u t. Slln. **- Oftor rad Twfl a n ta Mtakiflfc **d * • Tha fvporfl of Dr. ftfcrrio, Hmrtiry 8o- pm nfcnaert of tho Board of Hoolth, for tho quarter ending Oetohor, eflhihito o lory fnrorablo oomporuoo with tl« thro. pre. vkxu veon. Th. de»th. for the .Ml qaw ter wbt. 7390 wteiote «*>•' < "rte» qn.rter in I860 u d M83 lar «me qnnrter is 18M. Th. ward, wd dtetricu ol th. city ia which thorn tan how tho v wtawpm in . 1 —m w d TWt il«tenfc of tenwflifl *“•-*- " (,-rr-T- of mortality ha. shirty wound. OoiBf to tta dteoidw of tta W n i diw fcflflt a o t a w ta w focriw d fnw ropo ty the Eagfeh afchifc teas* o'clock ‘ Monday .Tania* mewwhiia aro trfcTcling wired Newly tw ■illinw of bond* U m French for its prop oss d CAVING IN OF THK MIS8I8SIPPI TUNNEL AT MINNEAPOLIS— THE RIVER LIKELY TOCUT A NEty' CHANNEL—FEARS OF GREAT DE STRUCTION OF PROPERTY—T1IOU8ANDSOF WORKMEN ENGAGED IN FRUITLESS EF FORTS TODAMTHE WATER. The entertainment last evening on board the Cuh*n sloop of war Cqba, at Wilming ton, North Carolina, was attended by a large n.tmber of ladies and gentlemen. There are no new developments concerning the StaU, of Cuba, but the public mind is unanimo-js in the opinion that ahe will b* released as soon aa the investigation ia made. JJer release by the United Statea authorities at Philadelphia, and by the British authorities at Halifax, aad the fact that she \%a vessel of war regularly com missioueq by the Cuban Government, and not fitted out in any United States i * r; seems conclusive that there ia no justifies lion for h«r detention. George Davis, Ex- Attorney General of the late Confederate States ia one of the counsel for the Cubans. On Monday morning Eastman tunnel, naif mile lonir, now being excavated for the pupoae of making woter power on Nioolett Island at Minneapolis, Minnesota, pierced a water cavern in the island below the level of the river. The gates at the head of the tunnel were closed, but the rush of water could not be arrested. Early Tuesday morning % large whirlpool was discovered near the shore of the island, which discov red the niouth of tha cavern. All the ef forts made yesterday to close up thia hole by rafts, cribs, trees, bales of hay, etc., proved fruitless, and the river is making a tremendous effort to cut a new channel for itself. The mills on Helpius Island are in ilanger, aa the ground is caving in from tbe passage of the water beneath. Thousands of men are at work night and day con structing a coffer dam round the nmnth oi the whirlpool. If necessary a secflon of the dam will blown out to lower the water, which ia very high. The dsnger of a new hannel ia imminent. It was not known in diplomatic circles that the Hornet had been captured until twenty-four hours after ehe waa in govern ment custody, when the fact was unoffit ially mentioned to several of the foreign representatives, the British M inister in eluded. Tlifl government received a tele- 'ram on Sunday nigt. The order waa im mediately seat to detain the vessel for judi cial pr* 'ceediaga. John YVatjeuacheydt, a German, of Bal timore, aged'fifty-three years, last evening attempted to shovt his wife, and believing, he had accomplished his intention, shot himself in the head with a pistol, causiug •leath instantaneously. His wife waa not hurt. The dam at Occum on the Shetuck River near Norwich, Connecticut, waa partially carried away last night. The damage is estimated at $5000. The river is now fall ing rapidly. The Woman’s Suffrage Convention met at St. Louis yesterday morning. Julia Ward Howe, or Boston, waa elecied tempo rary Chairman, and Phebe W. Couzzins, of St Louis, temporary Secretary. These officers were subsequently elected in th* permanent organization. The following were elected Vice Presidents: Mrs. French Minor, St. Louis; Susan B. Anthony, Mary R. Livermore, Mrs. M. M. Cole, Ohio; Mrs. John S Phelps, Missouri; Miss Lilly Peckham, Missouri. Brief, but pertinent and well-considered speeches were made by Miss Minor and Susao B. Anthony. Mrs. Howe delivered a brief address upon taking the chair, stating that ideas are rulers not g tvernorft, and that the battle should be against them and not the instituted authori ties. Telegrams state that it will take eight to twelve days to repair the break in the canal. (from isterdxt arrsasoos's xomoss. STATE NEWS. The TriLune of this morning says : One of our reporters visited Mr. Corbin yesterday at his residence. He was suffering from pneumonia, and it was only by the greatest effort that he \t*M able to converse mt all upon the subject that was uppermost in his mind. Near him was his physician. “ * know the object of your visit,” he slowly and with effort. "1 cannot give you now a detailed statement, but I will say this, that I never in my life conversed with James Fisk, Junior, npon the subject of business, nor have I even verbally or in writing requested through him, or by one iu his interest, the purchase or sale of one dollar of gold or stock. At the time when one of his men alleges in the affidavit that 1 waa at the Erie building I was in New Jer sey. Nor of my own knowledge do I know tbat the President or any of the Cabinet officers ever conversed or C'xnmunicated with any of the so called gold clique. On the contrary, I believe that it is a sheer and wicked fabrication from beginning to end. Fisk’s carriage has never been tofore my door to my knowledge, and the words put into print by the reporter of the Nun are also haae anc wicked falsehoods.” Mr. Corbin was too much exhausted to continue further conversation, and by the advice of hia physician and the entreaties of his wife h i again lay down. Hia condi tion last ev ming was extremsly critical. Daring ths ia/ many frisaMls called to ex press their it dignataon at tha charges mads against him, hut it was impossible far him to see them William O. Chapman publishes an affi davit this m. irmng sustaining Fisk’s state ment regarding the complicity of Mr. Corbin the -ecent disgraceful gold tran sactions, in which he sweat sent hy Fisk snd Gguld to Mr. Corbin and received U tter whteft, bjr tta infctefcoteow of tte former, he ct/ried to Wfcehmfctofc, end ee reqoeeted by, Mr. Corbifc, debrered ttem to (irent in jfcrfcon. He thfcfc informed Je> * braid by tele^reph thet tte letter tad tafco delivered all right _ j Last night aoout half--past ten o'clock a Chinaman *ame<l Acong, residing at 67 Cherry street, murdered his wife and a boarder in the hones named Charles Ar shoe, and th u hilled himself. The wee pm. ured wss a dark, and the details of the hor nble tragedy were stckeaing. Aoong ia supposed to iiAve been erazy, aad a slight quarrel bstwnsn himself and his wife pre- voked ths dead. A warrant waa applied for before Rs- sorder Marti tdale, in Jersey City, yester day. against Captain Hall, the Arctic ex plorer, on thr charge oi murdering Patrick Cnlsmsm. a si— en^agRspnles Bay.n the Ths RecordSVefussd te m a t ths warrant on ths plan o£ want ol jurisdiction. Mre. Jens White, of 5s. 12 Bsdford street, poisons* hsraolf by talDM cyanide of potassium in her hnshnwi's photograph gallery, ia N sth Avenue, yesterday, on • ccouut of n quaml about some trivial matter with &er husband. A negro turned fry, WM attacked by Peter Roane* arid several sthsr psraons st ths corner Eighth Aranas and Twenty. oral shots were exchanged between the par ties—one of them striking Rooney in the breast and killing him. - Fry waa arrested. John R. Felton was found deed yesterday in his room in No. 31 Bond streot, ths houss where the famous Burdell murder was committed. In Judge McCunn’s Court, yesterday a man named Faber appeared, and said that nearly two weeks ago hs earns to this eity 'rom Minnesota with his wife and three children, and on his arrival he cent them to boarding house while be remained at ths iepnt to attend to his baggage. On receiv ing ths baggage he proceeded to the hoard ing house, but hearl that his family waa not therm end after searching the city eight days for them he found that they had boon rout to the penitentiary for three months. Judge McCunn immediately ordered the production of the parties in Court. The Haytien government has finally con cluded the purchase of the armrr-plated •(earner Atalanta from Mr. Oak Smith at $160,000 in gold. This vessel was former ly in the United States government ser vice. After reoeiving ooal and provisions iLe will be ready for sea, and it is expect 'd she will sail ia about three weeks for i'ort au Prince to join Salnave’s navy. The Haytien M inister at New York, M. E. Larouche, having objected to the steamer A gonquin, recently sold to his govern ment, on account of the bad condition in which her boilers are, it is the intention of the government to replace them with now ones. It is said that daring tha past six weeks five hundred head of cattle, which arrived in Jersey City from Texas, snd which wero afflicted with ike Spanish fever, have been sold to fanners throughout ths State at four dollars a head, and are now spreading the i estilence among all the cattle i? their dif ferent localities. The State Society bolds CoL Black, the State Inspector. rMP**- sible. rt ■■ GENERAL NEWS. At the dose of the war there were build ing at the Navy Yards of Brooklyn, Charleston and Philadelphia, sight or ten first class faat sailing steamers for war purposes and several of them are so far completed as to have their machinery in and are nearly ready for service. A propo sition has been made to the Navy Depart ment by an organization known aa the Mediterranean and Oriental Steamship Navigation Company, to purchase three of the steamers, and Secretary Robeson has ordered a Board to appraise them ia order to return an answer to the proposition. Tbe Commissioners of the Board of For eign Missions opened their sixtieth annual n at the Presbyterian Church in Pitts burgh last evening. It ia expected that 1500 strangers will be present during tho week. Dr. Mark Hopkins, of W illiam s College, Massachusetts, presided. After the usual preliminaries, kev. S. H. Treat reviewed the condition of tbe Board. Hs said the total receipts during the year were $525,214 and the total expenditure $531,- 661, showing an indebteanem of about $6000. <>n the whole, its financial condi tion is good. The Secretary gave aa ex tended view of the missionary operations under direction of the Board. There are 350 laborers in the foreign field. Reports from them show uniform progress. A Richmond dispatrh says: The aancue of the Walker men had not adjourned at midnight. A lively discussion was going on between the friends of Crewshaw, Tur ner and Keely for tbs Speakership. The Wells Republican cancna at the capital is itill in session. It is said that thev are dia- cutting the petition to General Can by to require the inm-clad oath from ths officers of the Legislature st thia session. Ths ss- •recy of their cas -ni gives rise te ths va rious rumors of a determination to seosda trom the regular Legislature; of the inter- 'erence in the m atter of the iron clad oath i>y prominent men in Washington for its enforcement, Ac , none of which caa to traced to any reliable source. The vote on the officers in the Senate to-day was strictly * party one, except in the case of an addi tional doorkeeper, where some of the Re publicans refused to vote, ou the ground ' hat the Senate could not create such an •ffice. The ball in the Music Half, Toronto, on Monday night, in honor o{ Prince Arthur, was a splendid success. The Tennessee Senate completed its or ganization yesterday, but the House ad journed wiyi ita organization incomplete. Returns have been received thus far from tifty-two towns in Connecticut, comma- lication with a large portion of the State having been cut off by the storm. Of the towns heard from twenty eight elect Repub lican officers, eighteen Democratic, and si* are divided. A banquet was given to the Red Stocking Club of Cincinnati, by the base bell clubs of San Francisco on Monday night. They tarted home yesterday, and on the route •'ill play games in Sa ramen to and Virginia City. A tunnel in course of construction under the bed of the Mississippi River et St. Anthony Falls, Minn., from Nioollet Island on the east bank of the river, caved in, leaving the water a full course through the excavation. The Summit m ill, with e apecity of 200 barrels of floor per dey, warn weshed awey. Other mills and lactones are in danger, and exertions are being made to stay the progress of the flood. Captain John Waterhouse, Master of the brig Mcrrieve, was brought before Com missioner Clifford, et Portland, Maine, yes terday, charged with throwing overboard and drowning John Fitzgerald, off Cape Elizabeth, in April last. He wee bound over in five thousand dollars. The mate was aleo bound over on tbe same charge. The priae fight between 8am Collysr, of Baltimore, and Charlea Doherty, of Rich mond, which waa to have come off on Jameetown Ialand, Virginia, ysstorday, waa abrnptly terminated by the stakeholder giving np the stakes to Collyer in oenaa- quenoa of Doherty being over weight. Tbe report thet Collector Grinaell is to be removed is untrue. The negroes who were ejected from the theatre in Washington sued out a warrant yeeterday against the managers for a viola tion of a municipal law. The latter were arrested during the day and gave bad. A Justioe of the Peace in Georgetown, District of Columbia, haa decided that the collection of tonnage dues by the corpora tion of that city ie illegal a A Havana dispatch say*: The first Cuban cable ia at present unserviceable. The sec ond cable which comes ia at Cojamar, a town five mUes east of Havana, commenced working tkis afternoon, aod now works well. All talnrfcfcw ban flfc^jifcmrt from thirTto lieranfc by tta goeraaaflBt line. T ta raowraer of Hewanblfc Amo* KeaflfcO, wbo tae been ill for eererfcl wfcfcta, ie pro- aoofcoed impotable by tta fcttefcflifcg pbjei ea. Jeeaey, Hoflwm aad Berjen eitiefc voted yeeterday by 3000 majority to oeweohdato under ooe moa.eipel go » r a m H o b o k en, Greenville. Bnyawne tm* altar plnoea in Hndnon Coantr, voted t a e d n nonaoK- dtaan, eod will not join tta nnwoity. At. oording to tta te n u of ,* ip .ettiun tha flret throe e* bee will | ntwien ton tta eleven o'eloek lent night hand m l font of tta high embankment wallow t t a weet nfl> of the H«riem Kndroed engh tho doop cat at YotkriUn gave away and fell with n trntotndona emtb, oontplntoly blocking tta n a l. A large force of Uborere with n locomotive, and o abar of data were eet to work, dooriog »y t t a dobrio. A telegram today from Snperiattadeot anaoaaeee ttat the track in clear and truce running ne neuol- All Jndgan of tta Snpnma Court cf the Cnited dtatoa ara prea nt excepdag Jndg. Field, aad tta bueinom of tbo Coart ken Stewart, tta bnrgler who murdered John WilUto at Detroit ou th* I Sth of tat; won hroovbt b. f jr. the Court mr anal h e mu ll' fc. gnomer-wun m v'fl? ■urrlr.l r.vei.t * bo crowd lr* m ta n g him. r, . wen (oerrd tta* f , , J^ oo.'. bn mode to .1 :> Boptni T - v ir tomneder m the brst degree a r t omn J J L ^ ee rr'r *—y couftuemeat fo- life. nlmraH mum mrprine. ne up to toe d— J tta trial tatoowtly d—i.d hat

ttflffaiD - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030921/1869-10-07/ed-1/seq-1.pdfunder this heading f** Xft cents, each additional Une 3 cent* (If) E IL IC O rr ST

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Page 1: ttflffaiD - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030921/1869-10-07/ed-1/seq-1.pdfunder this heading f** Xft cents, each additional Une 3 cent* (If) E IL IC O rr ST

th e ex p r ess pp.r.Nmo.co.HO. 14 E. SWAN STREE f.


*■ . , TERMS:■ornliiK, (p*r year).............................. $ 1 0 00Even in g , *« g qqWeekly,TUE EVENING EXPRESS, (two editions) at 2 and

4 P. M., delivered to city subscriber# at SIXTEEN (tent* jier week.


L E A D IN G H O U SE S O F B U F F A L O .(Thoee of our reader* who make purchases in Ru*fa o, by rutting this out and using it as a refem..*.

S5S5T“ -SKAT“ -H .'.« A n?< ! 'J - E M E N " r S - C A S T IN G S . A C.H i«4RI> IKo* WO»KS, ( h.c o

b r f V / . m AU,n-SW W liS ia ,hta 9 w ■— ■v , ,J L„A N K b B o k s , s t a t i o n e r y . a* .

lilKISTY a JKXKS, SI*, tad 2IHM.ni.b o o t s a s h o e s .

A .! - . W ." « v v tK .2s.-, t a l e .JA M fc s II. JE W I S H , 4**; Ma n.

B L A N K B O O K M A N T F A C T U R E K .*■ L CrflCMEaTER, 194 and 19i Washington.K ^ ? ^ T I O N K R . S t (W h o le sa le A R e ta i l . ) * H. BULLOCH k CO.. 1C H. L)'vim ....

«W h ' w ' >

K K K V -*. L N E «V JU #,44» Main.

HARVEY A WALLACE, Lock i l w Courtor H on..-.

U K A C K E R S , A C.. Ot EJiS ,V SON, 1*6 and 107 Ellicott.GOAL, (Wholesale and Retail.)J-.-, U Iil-ULM k Co., . r F.ri snd terrace. OLOlCo*. DA a IN, ABt., Foot Gtiitsee.

ttflffaiDVOL. XXIV. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1869.

j g a j a g a a . -Advertisem ents not oxer-diner fo u r tins* inserted

under this heading fo r A b e m it , each additional *ne 5 cl Ms.

I F J A M E S M . S T E B B IN S IS I N R I F .I falo he is ank«d to c nirminirate by a note left at this office, with Matthew McCauler, w ho has c me from Pliiiadelph a in search <>f i.in son, rep-nted to him as i>eing with **r. btebbfns L O S T A S P T O S i , _

A d vr 'ise m en ts not ezee*ding f 'ju r lines inserted under th u heading fo r 43 cents, each additional line 3 cents.

<fe I c r e w a r d Lo s t , a s c o t c hI *J Terr'er bitch, tho.t tail, shite fore feet an.l e sjfj; on breast. JOHN RYAN i s Elk fctn.ft Market.

I O S T $ 1 0 R E W A R D . A B L A C K 1 J .i Ik caoe wa lost at the Academy of M i ir U*t evening. The floder will receive t .e above reward by leaving same al 101 .Swan st.

FOR HALF.NO. 8097.

Advertisem ent* not exceeding fo u r Knee inserted tnder this heading fo r 43 cents, each additional *M S cents.

TO JLET-S TWEEN.Advertisement* not exceeding fo u r Knee inserted

under this heading fo r 4ft vents, each additionalline 5 cente.

Fo r s a l e o r e x c h a n g e - a d e - q t o r e t o r e n t - t h e f i n e s t o k e•arable improved farm, •ituate in Darien, Gene- ) ^ 86 Pearl st., near Sen*«a with privilege of be­half mile from Railroad Depot, con-ond floor, ff desired. llABTl'fjS & OTTO a s, with first-rate building*, orchard of ? Brown*-. Building. ' 1 *county, oneta ning 140 acre _________ ______ _•grafted fru t. etc.; is dedra’hle. Will be’aold eneap n eaav t» rm>. or a portion r l citv property taken in xe iui'fe- HASTINGS A OTTO, 3 Brown's Buildings.

F U R N I T U R E F O R S A L E• ith lease of room corner Seneca and cr Ba-.k of Attica. Inqu re at No. 440Ro o m: ciiea.j i

B IU tU IM . ANU LIIU M U ..A dvertisem ents net exceeding fo u r Knee inserted

under this heading f** Xft cents, each additional Une 3 cent*

( I f ) E I L I C O r r S T . — A F E W B O A R D -LItS ca be accommodated witli board snd rooms. Also a few day )•• .arders wanted.* )• ){ P E A R L S T . , B E T W E E N e X g L E'» '* * and C -urt s**>. Board with or a th ut room*, and in a f.leasant location Terms roart-naMt.*.


Fo r s a l e o r t o r e n t - - a s p l e n -did suit of fu-nilure for sale c'-eap, con-istin* of carpeting, black walnut hsdsUads, bureaus, wash tan -s, coairs, etc , one Morning Olort stove, hair maunucses, l>edding, black walnut lounges, etc., etc. Ro -m can be rented cheap hy purchasing furniture, centrally located on Niagara nt. near Main Inquire s»>n. Party want* to I care town. EDWARDS k Rl'CK LAND, 10 S. Seneca stL " O R S A L E — A T B A N G A S S E l i aA Brothers, No. 55 Seneca st., two eugino lathes 'id one iron planer.

r r v . L E T — T H E N E W B R I C K S T O R E' n,' 2 FlliooU st., with two upper stories con- ve lently tided u » f >r d well i it its, with gas, water, Ac.; the store is suitahle for a small manufacturing, millinery or other light busine*. Also th*- neat i- story fiame cottage No. 13 Chestnut st.: posse-sion given Oct 1,-809. Rect $250. HASTINGS A OTTO, Real Estate Brokers, No. 3 Brown's Buildings.

r e L in c A L .

C O A L <* ft W iL-ON k Jt. I,. HtDSTK'.’

A N D P IG IR O N .co., W Old • c r Missi.Hsipj I, 2 louuncrcial W barf, i


l iR Y ' G O O D S .DODD, BE.iT k CO., 2j2 Main.D R A P E R S f t T A I L O R S .M. H. TH YON, 294 Main.

D Y E R A N D R E N O V A T O R .LUCAS CHESTER. 433 MainE N V E L O P E M A N U F A C T U R E R S .H. W. PHuSdKR, 22 W. Swan.


F U R N I T U R E , A C .ISAAC D WHITE, 257 Mam.E. BKIbToL k CO., 293 Main.F L O U R , F E E D A N D G R A I N .W. Jf. COBB, Terrace cor Evans.

F R I) I T A N D O Y S T E R S .PLATT FRUIT CO., 257 Washington.G R O C E R S , (W h o le s a le .)A. ti. JOHMMTON, 71 Main.

G R O C E R S (W h o le s a le a a d R e ta i l . )K D. HOLMAN, 179 Main.WhO. W. flCOTT, 17 E. Scncca.G E N T S ’ F U R N I S H I N G G O O D S .ADDIBoN II. STAFFORD 397 Main.«- N LAWRENCE & SON, 315 51».n MOTT A BENEDIoT, 367 Main

G U N S A N D J E W E L R Y , j. O. RGH8 0 N A CO., 105 Mam.h a r n e s s , S A D D L E S , A C .

SON, 20 Exchange, opposite Mansion. DAN*L R. Ill mI'HHEY, Successor to Jno. Hum­phrey A Bro., 303 Main.H A R D W A R E , i r o n , A C .F WALBKIl'GE, 271 Main and 0 Swan.

cor P' arl and Seneca.HIDNKY Nil r Pa HD A Co, 08 Main.K 'l K S S * M,NS- 1WDE WsTTC. WEED & CO. ,284 Main, cor W. Swan

H A R D W A R E A N D M E T A L S .FKATT A CO., 40, 48 snd 150 Terrace.H O T A I R F U R N A C E S .A. D. GILBERT, 85 Main.

H A T S , C A P S A N D F U R S .C. A F. GE KGER, 608 Main.BERGTOLD A BRO 291 Main.WM. WIPPERT, 321 Main.IR O N F O U N D R Y .FACfF. IRON Works. iViry ...rM:s*i CLINTON iRON WORKS, Cuarch, cor J____

IR O N F O U N D E R S , E N G IN E S , B O IL E R SGEO, ty. TIFFT, SONS \ CO., Washington, nrOhio.I R O N F L A I L S , R . R . S P I K E S , A C .I’RATT k CO., 40, 43 and 60Tenate.L I G H T C A R R I A G E A N D S L E I G H .IX C. GODWIN, 333 and 335 Washington.

L O O K I N G G L A S S , P I C T U R E F R A M E S .HOWARD A. BUNTING, 15 K. Swan.M A L L E A B L E IR O N .PRATT k liETUUWORTH, 62 and 54 Terraco.

M A R B L E M A N T L E S A N D G R A T E S .C. 8. COOP MR, 611 Delaware.L. SWARTZ A C\... 303 Main.M A R B L E A N D G R A N I T E W O R K S .JOHN CRAtyFORD, 107 ami 109 Niagara.M I L L I N E R Y ’ (W h o le s a le and R e ta i l .) BENRY O BRIEN. 290 Main.W. U. Wt oil WARD, 409 Main.

M O U R N I N G G O L D S .DODD, BEST a CO, 414 MainM A N U F A C T U R I N G J E W E L E R S , A C.H. F. JUE.VGLING, 327 Washington.

M U S I( D E A L E R S A N D P U B L I S H E R S .' JEWETT k JU8CHKA, 263 Main.O R G A N S (P o r ta b le T ip e .)DERRICK, tl-ELGEMAKER k CO., 30, 41 and 43 Clinton.

O R G A N S , M E L O D E O N S , A C.OEO. A. PRINCE & CO., Niagara, Seventh and Mu- ryland.O I L S , P A I N T S , A C.r. S. PEASE, G5 and 67 Main.

P L A N I N G M IL L S , D O O R S , S A S H , A C.W. A. EVANS k CO., Mechanic.P L A S T I C S L A T E R O O F I N G .A F. IlfNK, 244 M,in.

P I A N O S , M U S IC , A C . cottier k Denton, 209 Mam.P I A N O M A N U F A C T U R E R S .C. KURTZM/ N, 1C0, 103 and 110 RdaOa.DEVINE Bfi ,»8., 401 Niagara, cur Maryland.

P A ' E l l H A N G IN G S , A C.If. II. B1RG-;,218 Main.MONT<*OMMY BROS., 295 Main.MERRITT N CliOLS, 579 Main.* H O T O ( J R A P H E R S.XV. M. KNIGjIT, 27.0 Main.

E. B. HAMff.KToN, 395 and Main.II. U BLIAs 379 Main.S ?W I N G M A C H IN E S .GROVER * lAKER S. M. CO., 411 Main. WHEELER T, WILSON S. M. CO., 275 Main, cor Swan, i WILCOX A • I BBS S M. CO., 14 S. Division.HOW It 8. M CO-, 18 W. Swan.FLORENCEM. CO., 401 Main.

8 A D I L E R Y H A R D W A R E , A C .PRATT A L. |CdWORTH, 52 and 54 Terrace.

S I L K * IA T M A N U F A C T U R E R S .C. MACKES /IE, 187 Main.

%3 T A I N E D G L A S S .BUFFALO I--AINED GLASS WORKS, 29 Pearl. GEO. L. Bl i iS, 208 MainS T E A M C O F F E E A S P I C E M IL L S .CHASE A {*> , 331 Main opposite CI. urche*.

S Q ^ IO O L F U R N I T U R E .W. CHASE a Son, 212 Seventh.


S C A L E S , S A F E S A N D B E L L S .L. DAN FORTH, 86 Main.

S T O V E S A N D H A R D W A R E .SHAW, FERRIS A CO., 44« Main.S T O V E S , F U R N A C E S A N D R A N G E S . L. SWARTZ tt CO., 303 Ma n.

T O B A C C O N IS T S .A. M. AD AMS A CO., 260 Washington A 40 A 50 Pearl. GIBSON F. HOWARD A CO.. 200 Washington.. W A T C H E i , J E W E L R Y k D IA M O N D S .PITKIN’S JEWELRY STORE. 292 Main.T. A K. DICKINSON, 254 Main.DAN. B. CASTLE, 161 Main.M f EVENS BRmS., 459 Main.

W A T C H M A K E R S & J E W E L E R S . JULIUS WA(JIER, 2 7 Main.

D IE D .TREMPER-Oct 1, at Crystal Lake, McHenrv Coun­ty, II Inoia Mrs. Jerust.a Trvmper, mother of Mr* to. McComp.Newburgh papers pbare copy.BARTON—Oct. 6, in this city, of uarslyais, Hon J»-. L Bai ton, aged 74 yeara.Notice cd funeral hereafter.THOMAS—Oct- 5 in this dty. Willie II , son of Da­vid Tho*nMLaged 11 years, tt months and le dsys Funeral thto (Thursday) afternoon at 5 o’clock, from the reaidor.ee of Wm H-rt, No Sni Seneca rtreet. Fiends and acquaintance ire invited to attend. Tbc remahis will be taken to Rochester for inter! men: on Bri day morning.

2 8 7 . * ; -aith |>'- u.san lx*ardcrri wan‘ > .> 1 S W A N s t 7— t w o - b o a r d e r s* *-to L cm ie ji. <oniiu<xla*ed in a »mali f.n I'v

D I V L s lu N S TA f»:w boarders ran lie BccoiiirgKxlatcd th j. • asant room# and bo:ird, also, a few da}

HAA I i . i 9 .

Advertisem ent* not exeeetting fo u r lines inserted under this heading fo r '43 cents, each additional line ”» ceils.

V V ^ A N F E D A S M A L L , N K \ T ' «»T-»r tsge suitab e f->r a fsnulv of three sdfffu, in s g'.<Kl 1-. ulity wei ca* ion and term,1

r u n MAI.E— HOI HUH.A dvertisemenls not exceeding fo u r lines inserted

• nder this heading fo r A b cente, each additionaKm •ent s.

L E -l y i : syJL st.,with t

Ho u s e sBy Ii

H K L P - y g W A L E S ,Advertisem ents nn‘. tzcceding fo u r lines inserted

under this heading fo r A5 cents, each additiona line ft cents.

\ l • A N T E D — A C O O K ; (iO O D R K H H r t ences required. Apply at the corner of. .Mail a id Eagle sts., A. W'. LENHARD.3 D PARK P L A C E . — W A N T E D1 competent girl to do general housework

Oil a .mall funfit •


D I V I S I O N S T — W A N T E D ; IN. f four persons, a compete: it g rl of any nationality to do general housework; n i.- but those competent to till t ie situation need • .pj ly Strict reference will be required.W . E A G L E S T - W A N T E D , Afirst class g=rl for kitchen work in a-mal M t understand her busineai and iMniish good city references

o r I N I A I I A K A S T W A N T E D , AJ good girl to do general housework. Refer ences required.* > i ; o p e a r l s t .*fD •* to do general houseworkW A N T E D 4 (D H LRefer, noes

R54 P E A R L S T — W A N T E D , A F I R S !

•me well recomine" ded may boar c by cal.ing on Mrs. COCHRANE. good - pil

fereiS T .— W A N T E D , IM M K, thoroughly com(«leut coot; rc


MAINdiately, s re<j Hired.. . M A I N S T . C O IL E D W A R DI I v competent cook wanted in a large c .'in n village; good wages.

q o j W a s h i n g t o n s t w a n t e d ,** D 1 a good steady girl to do general rouse work

5G8 .ices I 0 .

J(*HN HMITH.ly of twa persons. Apply to .Mr.-

h e l p - w a i . e s .A dvertisem ents not exceeding fo u r lines inserted

under this heading for A b cents, each additional Une ft cents.

A N TED T W O M EN W H O U N D E R -ling a IS iti: g Machine, to polish js.ki'. a s.. one good a ord turn, r; steady employ- i. ent. Apply to or :d in.s$ CHURCH a WATTS, N.rth E rt, I’.tST O U T , A C T lY rc in a fe«d store. Apply

W ii

H O U S E N O . % W A L N U Ts 03x130; house contains 2 pirlors, dm ng room, kitchen, 4 bcdrcus, eloeeta aud pan­tries, w.th i as in every room; 2 cisterns with purno-, cement ccl'ar and good wood shed. For p rt col >rs enquire on ti e emi>es, or E. EVERSUN, 216 W*ah ing on »t., up-s airs.A N D L O T S F O R S A L E .By HUM A S NFORD, 10 W Swan rt.Cheiian/o st., c r Maa-ach setts, 2 ttory brick an.l . arn, lot 1 acre. Price $3590.72 ••event h »t., 1 story brie't; lot 80 ft to allev. Price 83-5<».149 Tenth st, 2 story and basement, frame. Price

i {500.301 North Washington st , 1 story frame, and 305 Ni'r.h Wa-hington st., Ij story brick; lot 82x100. i rjee 83500.► 2 Palmer st., 2 story aud basement, frame, lot 25*lu0. Price 3500.Hicott st., 2 story and bustment, brick. Pr;c#<83 .Michigan st., 2 story brick. Price 93500.High, cor Fhn st.. 1 story frame, with st ne base­ment. barn 1 t 50x85 Price $>6< 0.290 Carroll st., v atorv brick, (rents for $480); lot 36X100. Price $3500227 • arroll st., 2 story and basement, brick, barn; 30 ft to alley. Pric 93500.241 Seneca st , 2 story and basement, brick, (rents f... $4Sv), lot 32 ft to alley. Price 83500do High st., 1 story'and basement; lot 97x130. Prf' c, s 300.182 Virginia st , 2 story frame; lot 31x131. Price VnftO.

Thirteenth st., IJ st..r>$franic and bam: lot 00

( J E C O N D S C H O O L D I S T R I C T C O N -t ENT ION The Republican Elector* of theSe«:ond School District are r quested to send three delegates from each towu to represei t them in a Convention which will be held at Potter’s f omere, at two “c*00'1 on the a ternoon of vTHl R?DaY, the P'ourteenth day of October, 1809. nominate a hebooi Con miasi-.ner fur sa.d District. E. W. LAMB,GEORGE Ta BOR,H. T. FOSTER,JAMES S. PARNELL, ADDJ8GN AK WbTRONG, __________ Dialrict Committee.

L U K T H A - 8 E M B L Y D I S T R I C T C D S -X vention. —The Le ublican electors of the several ;owns embraced m the Filth As m' Jy Distri. t of S ie county, are requested to send three d legates fr< m each town to a Convention at Bull’s Tavern, North Boston, on Saturday Oct. 10, at 1 P. M. i ! nominate « ca- di late for Member of Asaen>b!y,to be supported at the coming ejection.SETH FFNNER,WM. RUSSELL,JOB SOUTH WICK, _____ Diatiiet Committee.p E F U B L D \ N I t TION.-


B UN I N E S S I* R O P E R T YThe 2-story F O R S A L E —itory brick office now oc ,-upied by tbo Merchants’ Dispatch on Exchange st., near Alabama 1 he building ir very substantia ly built, end will besold at a ha'gainAlso—the tavern stand on the Al.lx.tt plank road known a- the Charter t ak House, about three miles from Mam s . The building is a comm dious 2-story brick, with ham and sheds, w ith eight acres of land. Price $5000.

LY<>N i BAKER, Eric Land Office.I D W E L L IN G S F O R K A L B — T H E

-L~e fii s', class brick dw elling on the southeast cor­ner of Niagara Square. The building is near y new, substantial y and elegantly built,and furnisbed withII the in dem improvements neceosary for comfortud « Tiie _ t ry brick wtth wing, No. 482 Delaware; wi 1 be sui.l with or without furniture; lot &0xl5b t.. an alley, with barn on rear of lot. Ii - ’ .Id within thirty dajs will Iw rented tor the

C O U N T Y C O N Y E NThe Republic-'n Electors of Erie County arc requested to choo-e three delegate* from t.h(ir respective towns and wards to represent them in the Coun-y Convention, to he 1 el J at the Open -J- use Arcade Building, in the city o; Buff d-., on Tuesday, the l2>h day of October next, *t 2 o’cloc- P. .VI., for the purpose of nominating usndiditas for county oflictrs to be supp- rted at tbe ensuing el c- RoBERl MILLS, Chairman.S CAKY ADAMS,D. C. WELCH,W. B SIRRET,

alonzo tanner,J- HN B WER*- R,L O U IS P . R E I C H E R T ,JOS! AH SOUTH MICK, WILLIAM FLEMING, Republican County Committee.Iti Tt ALLo, Sept. jf. 1869.

LEGAL NOTICES.CITT AffBKMOR*8 OFFICE, > Bcrraut, Oct. 4,1899. »'

TH E U N D E R S I G N E D A S S E S S O R Sof the city of B; aio would hereby give ao- tioe that, in pursuance of the direction* of tbe Com­mon Council of -aid city, we have made the following a*sea*mcnt rolls for the amounts and proposes here­inafter mentioned, upon the property Mmiil bene­fit ted by the improvement* hemnafUr specified, and that the said assessment roll* will remain in the office of tbe Board of Ajwmmi for th* term o twelve •lay* fr-.m date, subject to examination aad review by any person or persons interested there viz.

Re p u b l i c a n c o u n t y c o m m i tTIE -A moetrng of the Committee will be h< I.i at their rooms. Arcade Buil ing, Wednesday evening of each week until further notice. Mem hers of the Committee are requested to attend.hOBT. MILLS, Chairman.


wii; ter.Also—No gas aLd wat st., a new 2-story brick

I H A V E A V E R Y F I X EL 1 -t on North s’reet for sal

403 Franklin r; lot 30x138.N k BAKER, Eric Land Office.H O U S E A N D_ .... sale. The h‘

m and bu It In good modern style. The lot is 65 feet front by 220 deep, and can he had at a very great bargain, as tie owner hS- di­rected me to sell it, and I am det* mi ned to follow instructions. JOSEPH CHURCHYARD, Build-r, residence 54 B wery st.; shop and vard on Adams ■t., near Clinton. Ii.quireat cither piece for inform­ation.J ? O R s a l i T a t a B A K I I A I N — t h eJL 2-story and baaeni nt brick house 409 Seneca st., between Louisiana and Alah -nta sts ; will be sold at a price that wili pay 15 i**r cent, o HAS I INGS k OTTd, Real Estate t Buildings.

\ \ T A N T E D — T W Ol Y Ge man boys, to worst 5lo Washington

.v r u D E N T w a n t e d t o l e a r n

ti requisitea can learn of a pl»V -S T U ]I)e t:)>ro|KT.|ualifi ati-by inquiring at tl is

1 1 7 A N T E D A Y O U N G M A N F O R $ 5 0T T can be placed n a good, p*rm*ncnt position;s furnishing trade necenau-c placed n of the get ill I)., thiSITI ATIUXM—FKHALES.

Advertisem ents not exceeding fo u r lines inserted under this heading fo r ‘43 cents, each additional line b cents.

\ Y O U N G G I R L W I S H E S A S I T U A1 A. tion to run any kin I of a sew- ichinedo up -tain work; good ref<- ply at 3t» W. Sw-jn st , ct. Pear an FriSITU A TIO N WANTED FOB A MIDO d|e aged girl ina private family as cook: g#bd refeirncca given. Apply at 38 Swan si. cor. Erie.

U’’A N T E D — A S I T U A T I O N B Y Alady who understands dress making a d o a- chine sewing G..«»d references cau be furnish*d. Address “F. M “ this office_ T -O

oik.Wa n t e d — a s i t u a t i o n t osowing on the machine, and also light v Apply at 121 Fohom st., below Chicago.Wr A N T E D — A S IT U A T IO N A S W E T

nurse in a 11- st class family desired imntedi atoly. Apply at 98 4 <ak st.

SITFATIWXa-MAI.ES.Advertisem ents not exceeding fo u r lines inserted

under this heading fo r 4ft cents, each additiona line 5 cents.

i P R A C T I C A L F A R M E R , W I T H Ar l . sm -ll family, wishes to take charge <>f a farm, r work on one. Address il. L , Gardenvillc, E? e ountv. New ork.

A N T E D — A S I T U A T I O N B Y A Njiertence I person, lately from London to d<> blacksmith tngine or machinist's work. Apply at 83 W*ds*or h st.w

V D R Y G O O D S S A L E S M A N , T H O H -ou hly p sted in the trad general y, and wh*. bus an extended acqua ntan.e in the city, is open f;. ;ui cn/a.enieut. References given. Ad*lre»s D. G. s ihis office.Q i t u a t i o n W a n t e d - i w i l l f a \$2 i to any one that will get me something to d->. T.. keep books or do taboriou. work. Address II. c. COLLI >8, 334 Ter ace.

RI'SIXESS CII AXCES.Advertisem ents not exceeding fo u r lines inserted

under this heading fo r A b cents, each additional line 5 cents.

Ra r e b u s i n e s s c h a n c e . - apractical man of several year* experience in the execu’.ve d«q*artment ofa lar e paying business, <1* sire-i a jariner with from $500• to 9t*>,000, t-.r tl.* purpose of starting an independent biuim m. Tin business is now a monopoly. •* atisfait ry proof will he given of facta above stat.-d. Address D. D. D., this office, sta ing when a i into-view can be had.

V F L O U R I S H I N G D R Y G O O D S B U S t-ncas for sale- reqttire*! capital $7‘300. Adilress I» a-»er 186 Lockport, N. Y

I^ O R SA L E — T H K E L E G A N T J S T G K V. brick house No. 2!>s Swan st.. with ga-, water, biih.Ac ; lot 35x115 t*> a paved alley. Tlte house h m r-cently • ecu thoroughly renovated and is in tl.e best po*>i le condi:ion throughout, and will bo s..Id at a bargain if applud for soon. HASTINGS & OT f*J, K. al Estate Brokers, No. 3 Brown’s Buildings.

FH J E S A L E c h e a p - t h e n e a t1-story frame c- ttase 161 Ninth st , wiil be -old c‘ica.. if applied for soon, as the owner desires to re- moV We t HASTINGS k OTTO, Real Estate tJriikcrs, 3 Brown's Building.L^)R SALE BY EDWARDS t BUCK-U LAND, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, 10 E-tst Seneca street.2-*Jory frame house, with kitchen and small bam, on Fifth st., about 100 feet from Maryland; lot 304x 100.1-story frame on Hampshire st., between Eleventh and Twelfth sts., with kitchen and wood sited, cistern, kc.; lot 32x100. Price $1200.Also, u farm of 5 acres, w ith brink house and large a im, plenty of fruit, &c., within the city line; Buf­falo and Washington Railroad stops near the house.VOifSALE— BY M McCOMB, lo S.DiviNo. 1 Fargo avenue, 2-story frame (new) finished in fine style; lot 35x150No- 3 Fargo a enue, 2--*t ry frame (new), with wi. g, ce'hr, gas, Ac.; lot 41x150.No. 3i7 Swan st eet, 2-story f ame; will exchange for a good house near Mi higan sin et wort'. 940<X» No. 435 'outh Divi->i‘*n s.reet, 1-story lrame, lot 40X.2*' fruit of all kinds.N % HSwan street, lj-story frame; ot 3oxl33, a gi-ou pla e f- r a grocery.No. 332 Seneca siree*,'2-story store an dwelling, will sell cheap as the parties are cii g ** «*>t.No. 146 Breckenridge street, l-»tory frame; lot 50x176; will sell < heap.(Jofher \ irginia and Palmer, 2s-tory Iran.e, gas, water and c* liar; thi-* is a fine location!(’oilier Albany and North Jefferson streftt, 2-story brick- lot 10 0x20 ; large nam, fruit, etc.Several fa ins for sale or exchange f- r i-ttv pro)»- erty, -rom 7 acres up to 100 acres, iu tins county, all unde- good cultivation.LH’Il SAL*—1THE J S K MKY BRICKr l use 232 Ninth st HASTINGS k OTTO, Real Eftat i Brok rs, 3 B* own’s Building.

t 'U R S A L E — T H E F O L L O W IN G - D E -sirable res der.ces:No. 2 ’ Delaware st., 2-»tory wing and bam; gas, w ater and furnace. Lot 94jxll5.No. 625 Main st., S-story, with 2-story rear; gas, water and furnace. L-.t 20x115, with an extension to Washington . t.No. <89 Washington st,3-story and attic, with a lot 18x30; gas, water ard furnace. Lot 25x100.No 40 East Mohawk St., 3-story and attic; gas and water.A fine house and large ground at Batavia, Geneseecounty.No. 568 Main st., 3-story, with wing; gas, water and furnace. Lot 42x115.No. 74 Edward st, 2-story and wing. Lot 73x40. No. 33 Delaware Place; gas, water and furnace. Lot 40x200No. 238 Connecticut c- mer Tenth st., 2-story. Lot 25x100.No. 315 E. Eagle st, 2-storv front and rear. Lot30x728.Xo. 302 Franklin st., 2-story front and rear; gas, water and furnace. L*.t 40x173}.N*> 98 Johnson Place, 2-story brick; gas, water furnace. Lot 30x120.No. 1 Sixth st., 2-story frame, with gas and water, lot 30x132.102 Seventh st , lj-story frame, with brick Tas and water. Lot 26x —107 Swan st, 3-s:ory mastic front, with 2-story iagara * ater, gas, furnace, Ac.Apply to JOHN OTTO, Pearl st.


I B U S IN E S S W A N T E D -13 having f om $3000 to $4u00 « A PARTYcash wishes to pur­chase an interest in some well established and pa ing business. Address “B.,” Buffalo O.30R S A L E — B Y M . M cC O M B .- No.F douth Divi ion street, a first class Ba'ber Sh»q> doing a good business. L- cation fine. Poaseroi* n immediately. Tins is an excellent chance for a go*si Barber.

IjlOK SYLE—AT A B A R G A IN , \ma't k In iron punching machine, made at Il/r- dee's ana bine works ast vea-, in perf ct order; al<->, a press and dies for making copp*r and tin rtreet gas lamps.witb a 1 the patt-rns; t* Ih* s .id on account of ill health; also, the copp.-rsmith and plumbing buni- nets, with a good lease. Apply to W. CLARKE*A SDN, 01 j cav»-r st., Alhanv, N. V._________h o r s e s a n o c t s i m e e s .

A dvertisem ents not exceeding fo u r lines inserted under this heading fo r A b cents, each additional line ft cents. *

’ B U FFA L O M O U RN IN G 8TORK, 414 M ain a t . , A m erican Block.

I M R S A L E C H E A P — A H O R S E M S .J !years old, sound and kind; al$o, a light sprit* wagon and a box cutter, suitable for a groc* r. B.>f- folo Scale Works, 324 Exchange st., Buffalo.G- R K A T IN’DUU E M E NT—O N E BAAmare, seven years old, sound kind; and -rtie 1 ght wagon, near y n-w; one of Weber's oak tanned siiver mounted harness, for sale cheap, app'y to 41*1 Ma n st. Buffalo, or Fran Hit House stable.

O R S A L E — T H K B E S T F A M iL 'Yhorse ever offered in this market; suitable for carnage or buggy. Is a goed traveller, warrai ted sound and kind evervway. Abo on* top buggy and an op$n two seated wagon. Can seen at No. .8$ F-a-t Seneca atre#>t

Vopartaershtp Notice.The firms of Marvin Dodd k Co., dealers In dry food*, 892 Main st., and of A. Jt L. H. Best, dealers la mournii * goods, 414 Main st., ba e this dav been aoabined aider the firm came of i) di. Best k Co. •arsons indebted to the above firms are requeatod to ■ar early ictt.ement in order to facilitate the clos­ing of book*, Ae. MARVIN L. D »DD.J. BURN NT Fits ZEE, ALBERT BEST. LEGNARDH. BE8T.$»dbdo,St|A. 2,1*69.

T O L E T B O O M S .Advertisements not exceeding fo u r lines inserted

under this heading fo r MS cente, each additionaline ft cents.

F ° ? , k R, E? T 7 T H E T H I R D F L O O Rcd wl5.-^k dwelling northeast comerox 8war. and Washington »u known u ih. uv. i. with ateam power if desired.’ Suiuble for a IKH

“ A m » M * o r r o , E

' T O L K T H O I S C S .rp.', LET— XO. 430 S. DIVISION ST.A. b story frame, giape vines and fru t trees lot S:\12'). Apply to M. McCn.M lo S. Divirion >t.

rrw LET—NOy 365 H. DIVISION ST.y-story frame; lot27}xll4.• M. McC ‘Mti, In S. Division st. Rent $15. Apply

'I 1." LET—Ml. 1 ST IV. TI PPER s rL ’ -story frame; a go. d we’l of water; lot 62x10 0. T rm easy. Apply to M. McCOMB, 10 S. DivisionT O L E T — N O . 13 W A D S W O R T H S T1 1-storv frame in fino con.liti >n; lot 25x125. Apply to M*. McCuMB, 10 S Div si-.n st.r p o T e t — 14 S I O K Y C O T T A G E , SSIL Spring st: 4 rooms, c o-et* and go*»d wood shed; also good cistern. Lot 100x100. Address or nquire L C. 8..th s office,'or L.WILSON A0ON,5 Niagara t. ’9 K. Tupper st., l}-stoty brick, 6 or 8 rooms,furnished with about all necess ry furniture for housekeeping. Immediate possess on Apply *t 6 Niagara at., L WllgiGK k H oS , Real Estate and In­surance Agents.

Jl'OOD B R F IX JE A C R O S S R A V I N FI > ON F.I K STREET, ABoUT 286 FEET EAST EKLY OF DOLE STRE**.T.—Notice is hereby given that sealed piojs.-als will be received at tiie office of the Street Comniis-ioner until Thur.oay, 14th inst.,at 10 o'clock A. M., for construe-ing a wood bridge with stone afeutiuei ts across a ravine oft Elk street about 286 feet easterly of Dole street.Specification* f-r the above work may be seen at the Street Commi-sinner's Office on and after Mon­day, 10 th in>t. ALEXANDER BRUSH, Street Cuinmii.sinner. Buffaio, Oct 6,1869. k7-0tW .rO R K S o r d e r e d h y t h e COM-t t MON COUNCIL.—Ihe owners of the land fronting on the street-, and between the points here­inafter named, are hereby required t-> make the im­provements hereinafter specified iu fre.nt of or on th ir respective lots, in the manner and within the time limited for each respectively, a# follows:On the n rth side <•( William street, between a point six hundred ftet eas* of Now York Cen'ral Railroad crossing, aiul a point 225 feet ea*ter therefrom, cause a sidewalk t • be constructed four feet wide, of good pine plank two inchc. thick, with­in five days.On the northeast side of Eleven’h street, between Hnmpshirestreet an.l a )>oint midway between Hamp­shire an i Massachusetts streets, cau-e a sidewa k to be repaired b substituting good hcinlo. k plank, thre* i shea thick, where necessary, w thin fixe days.On the southeast side of Ma sachusctts street, b - tween Fourteenth snd Utica streets, • a use a sidewalk to be rejiaired with good hemlock plank, three inches thick, where necessary, wuhin fixe days.Ou the south side of Utica street, between Rhode Isl nd and Braxton street*, cause a sidewa! k to he reusired with good hen.l >ck plank, tnree inches thick, where necessary, within five days.Ou the south side of Ltica street, tietxveen Mas*a’ chusetts s reet and a point midway lietween Maasc- chuset-sand Rhode Island streets, cause a side wal t> be repaired with g hemlock pla. k, thre.- inches thick, where necessary,within five days.on the south side of Utica st-ect. between Rhode Gland street and a p .iut midway between R*:ode i-la d and Massachusetts trc-ts, c iusc a sidewalk to be repaired with gooi hem:ock pi ink, three inches thick, where necessary, within five days.On the west side of West Market street, between a jxiint 111 fett south of Scot. street and a point 2o feet souther y therefrom, cause .. sidewalk to be r- - pa red by-ubstit..ting good fl-ggi g stone tbe full width of the wala, and laid to grade, within five days.On the west sideof Elm street, from a point 127 feet southerly from the souther y Ine of Geneset- ••t set and a point 100 fe.-t s mtherfy therefrom, cau* a sidewa k t« be repaired by substituting .ood flag­ging stone, where necessary, within five days.On the wrest sido of Spring rtreet, between Generee and Sycam re street-*, causes sidewalk t > be repaired w ith three inch plank, with n ten d.ya.On the ea-t - i ie of Cedar rtreet, between Swan and South Dirisi-n stierts, cause a sid.-walk to b-ie- paired > ith good hemlock j.lsnk three inches thick, here neees-iry, wi'hin five days.(>n the southeasterly side of Virginia street, between Niagara and Seven*h s’reet*. cau-c a sidewalk to be repaired with go d hemlock olank three iuches thick, » here nececcmary, w ithin fix e da., s On th northwesterly side of Virginia street, be­tween Niagara and -evcnth Streets, cause a sid* walk 1 o be repair d with good hemlock plank three inche- thick, where neco sary within live days.On the east side oi Fourteenth a* reet, between Jer­sey street and a point . idway between Jersey and North streets, cans** a sidewalk t > be repaired with good hemloci plank thre* inches thick, where neces­sary, within five days.The above work is to be done under the direc- ion of the Street Commissioner, and if uot done ii. the manner and within the time Fpcciflcd, then tbt street Commissioner is authorized to do the same at the expense of the owners of tl.e land.GEORGE tt. WARDWELL,

C itr Clvk.Dated Buffalo, Oct. Cth, 1869. k7-5t

N o t i c e o f i n t e n t i o n t o t a k eLAND F< R A STREET.—Notice is hereby giv­en that the Common Council of the city f Buffalo intend to tike and aj.propriate the property necessa­ry to lay out a stre. t to extend from the Pratt A VV an I ham Slij. to the Hamburgh turnpike, ’the s uth westerly line of said street to bcziu at a point in the south line of said slip 417 ’eet *ast*rly along such south liue from the City Ship Canal, running thence s uiberly and jmrallcl with said canal to a point 59 10-XK) feet sou’htrly fr. in the south line of t 45 ; thence souther y t*. a jioint 377feet southerly om the south line of lot 40, ami 240 feet easterly from said canal ; thence southerly to a js.int 597 fee' nitii rly from the s uth line of iot 47, and 230 feet as-cri. trom said canal; thence southerly to ajw.int u the southerly line of lot 49, at the distance oi 12s eet »ast rly from s.*id canal. thence souther y par- lle! with the said c *i a! and 128 feet easterly th re- r in to a point 17 feet southerly from the s* uth lm*.f lot 59 ; thence easterly j*ara lei w ith the face of the dock a’ong the south bonk of uffJo River at 2 10 f et southerly therefrom to the southwesterly line of the Hamburgh tumpik*. Th* northeasterly of saiii street to begin at 3 point in the touth- erly line of said slip 483 fett e-rterly along such uth line from the City Ship Canal; runtiingtheno- southerly and parallel with said canal to a point 29 16-luO feet souther y from the south line of lot 45 ; thence southerly to a point 377 feet southerly from the south line of lot 40 snd 306 feet easterly from said canal ; thenca *outherly to ■ |>oint 504 feet south rly fr* m the south *ine of lot 47, and 296 feet easterly from >aid canal ; theme southerly t a point in the south line of 1 -t 49, at the xlistance of 178 feet easterly from said canal; thence southerly parallel with said canal and 17a feet caste* I v therefrom to a point 44s feet sou herly from the south line of lo* 49, thence ea terly jtaiallel with the fa e of the dock alonr the south l.unk of Buffalo R ver, and 150 feet southerly therefrem to the southwesterly line of the Ham- bu gh turnpike.

GEORGE 8. WARDWELL,City Clerk.Dated Fuffa’ ., Oct. 4th I860. j6-20t

1 B U R N I S H E D D W E L L I N G S T O L E T .No. 106 Niagara st., 2-story and basement brick, gas aUd w- .ter; furnished in good stjlo. Rent jkt annu<?>. $900.Alv5—The 2-story brick with win •, on the south­east c 'mer of Georgia and Seventh et* , with s modern improvctnc ts, with furnit re eutireLYON k BAKER, Erie Land Office.r p o L E T — O . 1 F A R C .O A V E N U E , I1 #i . ___sty le. Apply to M. Me 'OMB.

r p o L E T — s o . 3 17 S W A N S T .— U1 story dwelling hou«e, nearly new, 9 or 10 rooms; Poss won 1st Oct. Apply to M. McCv/MB.IJURNISHED HOUSE—A FIRST -

1 clu. r .w K»u«, ehg»n*lr ton.l-► .racl. furnish il, wiO hs mnud until lo s good *•• snt S. the occupnut prop -ses beiiur *■> sent fmoi BuBJo duliu* Use oonuu* wiM«; p<-»- siou wili be given es soon es desired. Fur further tuforAhthm sppir to JOHN cTTO, Bl Psnrt *r p o T R E N T — F O R T H E W I N T E R I O R

Ro o m s a n d p o w e r t o r e n - F77** norme an desirable end the newer *e.n . end Inquire of E. fc B. BOLUhg, u G i l n . i .slid the (W.l BnSd. 1 1 **•

. im til she «rs« of Joe,«FrukhVu St.. shore Oh.piwww, wilh or without lumi tun. Inquire ni tt« rwuhl ■ *»■A FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT.Ht houwe, Ho. 817 Hals et.. BuHelo, wtth e rnrdes. ta nhiqh ■*•** of uulUfhlioo slisched, b to Iw reeded to s Hull tsnOj for ihree er aaauMh. l r until the fleet of Hfcr uwxt. Fossswtoo wtsna on Ihe 1st of Julj nest, rafch, hicturee, k c ., InrfcHsit Gaa. watet, furnam, t ■ation, apply on tbe A M. during th*HOU0HTOM,1*o. -

oa any day baf or* It isth OMOROB W.

RclLFor working South rtreet between Ohiound Hamburg atreet*..................... $2543 51For repairing Pratt street between Syca­more and <4ene*ee street*.................. 102 70For repairing Canal atreet between Commer­cial atreet and Maiden Lace................ 101 20For repair ng Carlton street between Locustand Lemon atreet*......................... 60 49For rejKiirin* Ash street between Sycamoreand Batavia streets.......................... 113 09For re pa:ring South D vi*:on street betweenrpringanj Jeff rson street*................ 41 10For repa-ring J Hereon rtreet lietween Ba­tavia aud Matthews street*................. 102 20For repairing Sycamore atreet betweenPratt and Hickory treets................. 101 92For re pa ring Scott rtreet between Hancockand Va-i Kens*, laer street*............... 162 90or repairing A • herst street between Niag­ara and East street*......................... 51 28

For repairing Amber t rtreet between Eastand Tbomjteon atreeti ....................... 51 92For repairing Amherst s reet betweenThompson and T ua wanda street* 61 72For retiring Twelfth street between Vir­ginia and Moiylauu street*.................. 171 99*>r re {miring Jefferson rtreet betweenBrown and Sycamore atree Lu................ a. 92

For repairiug tbe pare ment in Wash nit ton sti cut betweeu Seneca and Exchangestreets......................................... 20 98For repairing Swan street between the east­erly iine of Jefferson s ievt and the endof tbe ]>avemeut iu Swan street........... 101 40For repairing the pavement on Main streetbetween Swan aud bcneca streets........ 15 20For repairing north sideof Sycamore street over s'tle sewer betwe n Oak and tlinstreets................................... 10 29For repairing William street over sewer at nf rth west corner of William and P tierstreets, (t-xtended)......................... 6 03For rei ai-ing William street ov r sewer on south side, about 70 feet west of Potterstreet, extended.......................... 5 03For repairing William street over newer snd water pipe at n rth east corner of Wi liamand Mortimer streets..................... 7 41F’or repairing Swan street between a point mil way betwetn Spring and efferson streets and the easterly line of Jeffersonstreet....................................... 202 00For ref airing Swsn rtreet between the west curb liue of M- higan street ami a point midway b*tw-en Michigan street andChestnut street, (extcndtJ)............. 202 12For repairing Oak street from the northerly curb ine of Swan stret t half way throughto South D.vi.-ion street ..............For connetting the pavement In t"#i>. ; side of Swan street with the paveme.Washington s'reet, tocorre*|'oiid w; : present pavement in Swan street.. - For connecting the pavement on south of Swan street with the pavemem r Was dngton street, to correspond with thepresent pavement iu Swan ttreet........ 77 00F’or constructing the pavement at the inter- sec ion of Swan and Michigan streets, to correspond with the present pare me t inSwan street, westei ly therefrom........ 142 30For repairing crossing of Ohio and Washing­ton streets between cu b line*............ 200 35For raising the gutter* at southeast c* rnerMain and Gene*ec stre*. ts.................... 49 73For repairiug the gutters on west side of r Main street lietween Prim*:street and Buf­faio River.................................. 124 32For sprinkling Swan street between Wash­ington ami Michi/an streets for 1809....... S2 t>4For rejiaving the westerly side of the Ter­race between t rie and Lock streets 446 52For repairing the Williamsville Rv ad be­tween Cii uton and Seneca stree's........... 51 40

SIDEWALKS.For taking up and relaying sidew alk on the

LEGAL M $T lC ti.For constructing a tile rower on the sonth- weat si e of htxth atreet. from tbe centre of Maryl-nxl sirrot to w thin 100 fett ofHudson street.............................. 6igFor repairing main sewer in Fearl rtreet, about 225 feet north of Seneca street....’ Ti For repairing aewer n Seneca street at tf ecrossing of Franklin street................ 32Fo* repairing Emarie s’reet aewer at it*mouth in Van ttonseclaer rt eet......... S0oFor re mat rueting a sewer in Michigan rtre et from the centre of Elk street to tbe south iine of Perry rtreet................. 1012

01-Lvxrra.For constructing stone cul erts across Bata­via street betwe* u Walden street at d theeasterly line of WilliamsTil’e Ro d 4374

john McManus, GREGORY RITT, RICH’D C. KINNEY,Office in tbe City Bui!ding«, corner of Franklin and Eagle rtreet*.Office hours from 8 A. M. ta 4 P. M. j4-5t

No t i c e o f i n t e n t i o n . — n o t i c ei* hereby given that tbe Common Council o the citv of Buffalo intend to order tbe followins described works in said dty, via.:A iix foot flagging stone *-i'iewalk on both sides of Wellt atreet, between the southe-ly eurb ine of ben * - itreet snd the northerly curb .ine of Exch ngiEdward street, between tbe we terly line of Del* ware-t-ert anil a j oint 50 'eet wist of the wcst-rix line of Morgau street graded,the guttt rs cleaned out, the road bed filled with l ard m teilal, and a g.-od coating of gravel .eid over the whole.

GEOROE S. WARDWELL,City Clerk,Dated Buffalo, Oct. 5th. 1809. J6 10R T R E E T P R O M A B B O T T ’S C O R N E R SO PLAN< ROAD T> CAZEMOTIA bTFEKT Ihe report of the Coram-sdoaera appointed bj the Superior Court of Buffa o, to areertain and tepon tbe just comjiensstion to be jia *1 the person or per­sons owmtig or having an interest in the 1 nd and property ucccs ary to be taken to lay otit a street or public highxxa> tour r d* wide, 1 rum the Aobott’s Cortnrs P.auk It ai t*. the present bridge over C**e- uovia Creek, ou the Cazenovia Koad, thecnitre lint of i:id new rtreet t*» *c a line diawu parallel to anil

33 feet distant at light angles westerly from the liue b.tween lots 248) an-l 249} • -f -..le lutl’ian Re ervation L ne, and exte.' iiing from the tiorth liue of the Ab­bott'# Com -rs Plauk Road northerl} through lot 248} till it strik t> tbe south abutmtut of the bi idge over the Cazenovia Creek, haring bem retu ned to the Common Counci and filed v. ith the clerk.Notice is here y given that said rejv.rt will be con­firmed by the Con mon Council of the city of Buffalo on Monday, October *8, lf-69 u-ileos objections to the confimiaton thereof, before thav tloie, l>e filed with the City Clerk.G EO RG E S. W A R D W ELL,City Clerk.Dated Buffalo, Oct. 5th, 1869. j6-10t

V T O T I C E O F I N T E N T I O N .— N O T I t Li.1 ia hereby given that tl*e C*mum >n Council of ;he city of Buffalo intend to order the Lamp Distr ct extended on both side* of Washington street, be tween Carlton and Virginia streets.GEO. 8. WARDWELL, ClerkDated Buffa’o, *5 pt.

N o t i c e t o c r e d i t o r s . — p u r s u -ant to an order of Horatio Seymour, Esq., Surrogate of Erie County.Notice i** hereby given to al! persons having claims agaiust Abby P. Heacock, latcof the city of Buffalo, in said county, deceased, that they art required to ex­hibit ’ 1 e same w ith tl e voucher* there*.1 to Groevem r W. Heacock, ti e Executor of the will of the said de­ceased, a* re e residence of the said FIxecutor, in the ty of Buffalo, in sa d county, on or before the 1st tv of February, 1870.G. W. HE‘COCK, Executor. Dated the 28th day of July,ls69. • Th

I F I F T E E N T H .V T R E E l E X T E N S I O N —Norice i* hereby g.ven that the Com­

mon Coun* il of the d ty o f Buffalo h are de­term ined, and do here’ y determ ine, to take tne la. d and property necessary to lay out and e x fend Fifteenth street, fiom it* present term ination a t York street to Jersey str -e t . comment ug at a point 208 feet castcrlv from Fourteenth street, on the soutfi­eri- line o f Yo rk rtro e t.ru ning thence southerly and parallel with Fourteenth rtreet to Je rse y street; thence at right angles easterly along the northerly line o f Je rse y street 50 feet; then e at rig f.t angle* nortnerlv 'o Y o rk street; thence along the » utheriy line of Y o rk street 50 f et, to the place 01 beginning; and the said Common Council will apply to the S upe­rio r; Co i r t o f Buffalo, a t a m oti u term thereof, to Be held at the room s o f the Buffalo la w L ib rary in the Youn g M m ’s Association Building*, c.» ner of Main and Kazle street-*, in the c ity o f B u f­falo , on Tuesday, tbe 19 th day of O ct .ber, 1 S69, at the np nine of said 00urt on that day, o r as soon (hereafter as counsel oan be h tard , fo r the app n - men* of thre^ C om m iaJo ' e n to aacer A n a n d r-p rt the ju s t compensation to be paid to the jjerscu or p r t T O own in e or ftaviog an interest fa the land and property so pfbpoaed to be taken.

G EO R G E 8. W A R D W ELL.C ity C lerk.

Dated Buffalo , Sept. 28 ,180 9 . j» - 1 0 t

north sideof Seneca street, 118) feet east of Ellic.tt street, to a point 102 feet east­erly therefrom ..........................For repairing sidewalk on the northerly s de of Niagara street between Georgiaand Carolina streets.......................For repairing sidewalk on the southerly sideof Niagara strcc* betwe-.n Virginiaand Marx land rtreets.......................F’or repairing sidcwa'k on the north side of Niaga a .treet between Virginia and Ma­ryland streets..............................F. r repairing sidewalk 011 the non herly side of Monawk streit bit we -n More an street and a point 40 feet westerly therefrom... or constructing Mdewa k on north ride of Batavia street between Johnson and Her­man streets.................................

For repairing sidewalk 011 tbe north side of Court street between Main and Pearlstreets.......................................For repairing sidewalk on tbe east sid* of Niagara rtreet between Fore-t avenueand Scajaquada Crcen....................For re paring sidewalk on the east ride of Niaga a street lietween Delevan and Clin­ton avenue ................................For repair tig sidewalk <>11 east s de of Niag­ara street bet wee Clinton aud Bird av­enue •.......................................For repairing sidewa k «n cast side of Niag­ara street between Auburn and Bouck av­enues.......................................For repairing sidewalk on «as side of Ni *g- street between B rd and Forest ave-For -epairing Bidewalk on east s>de of Niag­ara 9 ret t between Ferry and Breckin­ridge str et»................................For re airing sidewa k ou • art sid-* cf Niag­ara sr reet b two n Bidwe 1 street andDelevan avenue................7..........For repairing sidewalk on south side of Uti­ca street betwetn Rogers and B iay tonstreets......................................For repairing sidewalk on the eaat side of Niagara stree- between Breckin idgestreet and Aul.urti avenue...............or repairing sidewal * ou esst sid- of Niag­ara street oetwecn Bouck avenue and Bid-well etre*te................................

For constructing sidewalk on south sole of Pcrrv street betweeu a point 85 feet west of Michigan street and bridge over Clarkand Skinner Canal.........................For constructing sidewalk on northerly aide of Canal street, from a point 2!2} feet ea te ly of Evans atreet, to a point 20 feete>* erly therefrom.........................Fer rep&irtfigsidcwalk on norhtea-Serlv aid* of Ninth street be'ween York and Con­necticut streets.............................For repairing sidewalk 011 north*asteriy side of I’a'me- rtreot between Hudson andMaryland ftreets..........................For ro pairing sid* walk Jon the southwest side of Eleventh street between .Jersey aodNorth streets...............................F’or repairing sidewalk on the southeasterly side of Pearl street between Terrace and Commerc al streets..For r of 1enth stree* s For repairing sidewalk 011 the eart side of Niagara street 1 etween Albany and F’arrvan eet*.......................................For repa ring side wr.lk <>n the eart sideof Niagara street between School aud Ninthstreets.....................................For repairing ridewmlk on the west side 0*k rtreet between Carlton and F!streets..................................For repairing sidewalk on erst aide of N'ag ara utreet net ween Ninth and a pointfeet no tlierly 1 herefrom...............For repairing sidewalk on the east si e * 1 Ntaga a treet between Tenth street and a point 330 feet northerly from Ninthstreet.......................................For constructing a stone sidewalk on the north rly side of Whitney Place, from the cur > li. e cn the -outhea-terly line of Carolina street and a point 191 5-12 feet souther y from the southerly line of Car­olina street.................................For constructing a stone sidewalk on south­westerly side of Ninth street betweenHudson and Pennsylvania street*........F r constructing stone sidewalk on the southwesterly side of Ninth street be­tween Pennsylvania and Jersey street*...

CROSHWALt*. ✓For c .instructing stone cn s*walk acro*» ser eca rtreet on the westerly sine of Pearlstreet.......................................For repairing atcne crosswalk saroro Fly street on the westerly side of MaidtnLane ..............................For r. pairing jjjanr crosswalk acrosa Chip- p*> a a rent db the easterly aid. of Dela­ware street.................................F’or constnicti g a atone crosawalk aeroai Eleventh atreet, extended ou the westerlys de of Carol i i. a rtreet....................For constructing a atone crosswalk serosa Pearl street * 11 the a-utheriy **d* of Allen ■■rot........................................F or re>.ainrg atone cro-swvlk acrosa Mi* hi­gan street on the southerly ride <A Clin­ton sireet...................................For repairing the northerly end ot eross- w uk acre s * N iagara street westerly side ofMorgan ttreet..............................For constructing a atone eresswalk across Franklin street in the southeriy side atAllen street................................For taking up and relaying crosswalk across Park sueet on the northerly aide of Vtr-g nia street.................................F.r e nstructing a itan- crosswalk across Park street on the southerly aide of Allen

rrtu c PARK*.F or repairing and m aintaining Prospect

IIiU P ark*............................................................

SU P R E M E C O U R T , E R I E C O U N T Y ,N. Y.— Phil ip Bach, Plaintiff, against Philiij Bach, Jr., 1 otendant.To Phiil p Bach, Jr.:You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action, which will be filed in the office of th* Ulerk of this Court, in the city of Buffalo, andaervi *..nv of your answer on m**, at my office in the city within twenty days after the serrici ..lsiveof the day of such service; and ii answer the ouinplaint as aforesaid, thi . .-.iii apply to the Court for th# relief de- -u in the &aid complaint. aniod Buffalo, 31a 27, 1869.L. LbCLLAK. Pia'ntifTs Attorney,180 Main s t , Buffa o, N. Y. Tiie comnlaint in this action wan filed In the office fo the Clerk of Erie county June 17th. I860L. LkCLKAR, Pl’ffs Atty

s J Y C A M O R K S T R E E T E X T E N S I O N —iO Notice i* hereby given that tiie Cotr.mui- Council of the city of Buffalo have detenu ned and do licreliy det nnine to take and appro priate the land and property necessary to l»y out and extend Sycamore rtree’, from ’ the ea-t- erly line of Jefferson stre-et north art*rly to th< westiriy line of Walden street, thr centre line of raid i xteusion to l>c a straight continuat.on of th»- centre lii e of S'camore s reet as now laid out between »»ak and Jefferson stre.ts, the north and south lines of said extension t • be 3 3 feet distant at ri ht an glea from and j-arallel to *h above described centre line ; and the said Commm Council will apply to the Superio** Court of Buffalo at a motion term thereof, to i«e held at the rooms of t e Htifftlo Law Library, in the Young Mon's Ass ciatiou Buildings, crner of Main an«i Fagb street*, in the city uf Buffalo, on Tuesday, the 19th day <>f October, IrtVJ,at th-opening of said Court on hat day, or as thereafter hs counsel ren he heard, forthe ajqx.int merit of three commissioners t > as. crtain and rcjKirt the just com­pensation to l.e pa d to the pcrs..:> or persons own­ing or having an in ercst in the land am' projierty sj pro|>o«K.-d to te taken.GEORGE S. WARDWELL,City Clerk.Dated Buffalo, Rcpt 23 1869 i*»-i(*t

MH O K T G A G f i S . _________

O N E Y T O L O A N — I 'H A V E F I Fteen thousand dollars, which I w sh to inves JOHN fl-TTO, 18

E L E C T I O N .

r rejxairinirsid-twalk on the southerly sUe ii Y, rk street between Ninth and FUev-

Q . E N E R A L E L E C T IO N .


ALBA.VT, AUg. 2 d , 1869. )T o t h e S h e r if f o f t h e C o u n t y o f E r ie :

S i r :— N o tic e is • e r e b y iv e n , t h a a t t h e C e n e r - 'l E le c t io n to l « h e ld in t h i s S t a t e o n t h s I u e sd n v s u c ­c e e d in g t h e f i r s t M o u d tx o f N o v e tn b e r n e x t , t i i e f o c lo w :n ^ o ffice rs ar>- t o b e e e e te d , to - w i t :

A S e c re ta r y o f S t a t e , in th p la c e o f H o m e r A . N e l­s o n ;

A C o m p tro l le r , in t h e p la c e o f W’il lu u u F\ A lie n ;A T r e a s u r e r , in t h e p la c e <>f W h e e le r H . Br> t 1;A n ' . t t o r n e y G e n e ra : , in t h e .p la c e o f M a rs h a l l R .

C h a m p la in ;A S t a t e E g in e c r a n d S u r v e y o r , in t h e p la c e o f V an

R e n s e la c r h ic l i o n d ;A C a n a l C om m issi*> ne-, in t h e p la c e " f S t e p h e n T. P. H a y t ;A n i n s p e c t o r o f S t a t e P r i s o n s , in t h e j- la ce o f J c h n

H am m ond.A ll o f w h o se ‘ e r r a s u f o ffice w ill e x p i r e o n t h e la s t

day o f D e c e m h e r n e x t .A J u d g e < f t h e C o u r t o f A p p e a ls , f o r t h e f u l l t e r m

o f e ig h t y e a r s , f ro m a i .u a y f i r s t , 1870.A ls o a J u d g e o f t h e C o u r t o f A p p t* d s , t*. f ill the*

u n e x p i r c d te r m o f W m . tl. * r i g h t , d e c e *seil, w h ic h w i l e x p i r e o n th e la s t d a y o f Ih e e in e n e x t , in t h e p la c e o f C h a r l ia M a so n , a p p o in te d b y th e G o v e r n o r , u n d e r s e c t i o n t h i i t e e . , o f a r t i c l e s x o f t h e S t a te C o n s t i tu th .n

A lso a J u d g e • f t h e C***art o f A p p c a D , t o f ill *lie u n e x p i r c d te r m f o r w h c h J o h n K . P o r t e r w as e le c te d , w h ic h w ili e x j . i r c o n th e l a s t d a y o f D e c e m b e r , 1871, in t h e p la c e of L o u is I t . W o o d ru f f , a j. |> o in te d h y th e• o v e r n o r u n d e r s e c t io n t h i r t e e n , a r t i c l e s ix , o f th e S t a t e C o n s t i tu t i o n .

A lso a J u s t i c e o f t h e S u p r e m e C o u r t , f o r t h e E ig h th J u d ic i a l D is t io t , in t i i e p a c i o f C h a r le s D a n ie ls , w h o se t e r m o f o ffice w ill e x p r e o n th e la s t d a y o f D e ­c e m b e r n e x t .

A lso a J u s t i c e o f t h e ' u p r e m c C o u r t f o r t h e E ig h th J u d ic ia l D is t r i c t , t o fill t h e u n e x j . i r e d t e r m f o r w h ic h N o a h L v is w s e le c te d , w h ic h w ill e x j . i r e o n t h e la s t d a y o f L e c e m b e . 1873, in t h e p la e o f G e o rg e D . La i n o n t , a j.jK .iiit.ed h y th e G o v e r n r , u n d e r s e c t io n tm r - tfljen, a r i* le . i x , *.f t h e S t a t e C o n s t i tu t i o n .

Al-.*. a S e n a to r l o r t h e T h i r ty - f i r s t S e n a te D..-*trict, c o m p r i s in g th e c o u n tv o f E r ie .

C O U N T Y O F F IC E R S A L S O T O B E E L E C T E D F O R S A I D C O U N T Y :

F iv e M e m b e rs <.f A s se m b ly ;T h r e e S c h o o l C o m m is i t ie r s ;A C o u n ty T r e a s u r e r , in t h e p la c e o f C h a s . R . D u r-

l:o e ;T w o J u s t i c e s o f Ses* i'>ns, in t h e p la e e o f A m o s

R o b e r ts a d * i l l ia m W. R u ss e ll ;A C o r n e r , iu t h e jd a c e c f N ic h las W a lsh ;A ll o f w h o s e t e r m s o f o ffice w il. e x p i r e c n t h e la s t

d a y c f D e c e m b e r n e x t .

T h e a t - e n t io n o f In s p e c to r * o f E le c t io n a n d C o u n ty C a n v a s s e r s is d r e c te d to C h a j. . 318 , o f th*.* 1 a w s of

j 1809 , e n t . le d “ A n a c t t o p r o v d e f*»r s u b m i t t i n g th e A m - r d e d C o n s t i t u t i o n f© th e e le c t r s o f i h e S t . t e . ”

« :1 24 h , 1869, p u r s u a n t t o w h ic h , t h e--i uti**n j.ro p o s e d by th e C or s t i t t io n a l . .c h c lo n ed it* s i t t i n g s • e b r u a r y w e n ty - .-i* h u n d r e d n d s ix t y - e i a b t , w-11 b e s u

. q u a l f led f e c to n t t h e S t a t e a t th e •„ . • u e le c i*.n <> b e h e ld o n t h e T u e s d a y su c -• .1 , . th e f irs t M o n d } in N o v e m b e r ■ e x ' , a n d a

* i c u . • e a c h c l c to r w ill h e e n t i t e d t o v te i . p i r a t ly f o r o r a g a in * s u c h a m e n d e d ( ’• n s t i t u t i o n , cx icepr tli- ju d i c a r y a r t i c l e , f o r o r a g m a t t h e ju d .- c i u ty a r t i c le , o r f o r o r a g a n s t s. u n i f o r m r u le a f as- s c s sm c n a m i t a x a t o n o f r e a l a n d p e rs* .u a l p r o j ie r ty , m d f o r o r a g a in s t p r o p e r ty q u a l if ic a t io n f o r c o lo re d m e n .

R e s j ie c t fu l ly , y o u r s , Ac.U . A*. N E L S o N , S e c re ta r y o f S u t e .

S H E R I F F S O F F IC E , E R I E C O U N T Y ,) B u f f a l o , A u g u s t 3 d , 1869. (

T o th e E le c to r s o f F r ie C o u n ty a n i t o e a c h o f t h e S u p e r r i s r . r s o f s a id C o u n ty :A G r n e r a l E le c t i o n is t o tw h e ld fn E r ie C o u n ty o n

t h e T u e * d * v su c c e e d in g t i e firs '. M o n d a y o f N o v e m ­b e r n e x t , a t w h ic h th e r e a ro t o he e le c te d th e o ffice rsa b o v e m e n t io n e d , a n d t h e C«*ns i t u t io n a lio v e m e n ­t io n e d is t o b e s u b m i t te d t o t h e q u a lif i d e le c to r s o f t h e S t a t e , a d o f w h ic h y o u w ill p ’e a se t a k e n o tic e .

A l: p u b ic n e w s te jw r s in th i a c o u t y p > tb lish o n c e in e a c h w e e k u n t i l t n e e le e ti n .

C H A R L E S D A R C Y , h 3 -T b d a # C o u n ty .


fcTORT—ADDITIONAL PROOF OF THE TRUTH OF THF: DISGUSTING CHARGES.T h e H a r t f o r d Cournu l to -m o rro w m o rn in g

w ill o o n ta in t h e fo llo w in g c a r d fro m M r* S to w e: a

‘ "Mra. S to w e d e s ire s t h e f r ie n d s o f ju s tic e ftnd fa i r d e a l in g to p u b l is h fo r h e r th i s a n n o u n c e m e n t: T h a t ah e h a s k e p t ailencv h e re to fo re in r e g a rd to t h e c r i t ic is m s oi h e r a r t i c le o n 'L a d y B y ro n ’ fo r tw o re aso n s . F u s t : B e c a u se a h e re g a rd e d t h e p u b ln m in d in to o e x c i te d s t a t e to o o n a id e r th i m a t t e r im p a r t ia l ly . S e c o n d ly : Becaue* sh e h a s ex p e c t- d t h e d e v e lo p m e n ts o - a d d i t io n a l p ro o fs in E n g la n d , so m e or w h ic h ia o f g r e a t im p o r ta n c e , h a v e a lre ad y com e to h a n d . M rs . S to w e ia p re p a ir in g a r e v ie w o f t h e w h o le m a t t e r w i th f u r th e i f a c ts a n d m o re d o c u m e n ts , in c lu d in g se v e ra l l e t t e r s o f L a d y B y ro n to h e r , a t t e s t i n g th e v ig o r a n d s o u n d n e s s o f h e r m in d a t t h t p e r io d re f e r r e d to , a n d a la o M ra . S to w e ’s o w n l e t t e r s t o L a d y B y ro n a t eom e tim e , w h ic h w e r e r e tu r n e d t o h e r h y th e ex e cu - to r s so o n a f t e r t h a t l a d y ’s d e a th . S h e w ill a lso g iv e a p u b l ic a n d fu l l a c c o u n t o f c ir c u m s ta n c e s a n d re a s o n s w h ic h le d h e r t< feel i t t o b e h e r d u t y to m a k e th i s d isc lo su re i r a n o b l ig a t io n a l ik e o f ju s t ic e , g ra t i tu d e m d p e r s o n a l f r ie n d s h ip .



O s w io o , O c to b e r ti .— T h e R a i l ro a d C o n ­v e n tio n w a s c a l le d t o o r d e r t h ia m o rn in g ip D o o li t tle H a ll , a t t e n o ’c lo c k , b y M a y o r P a g e , w h o s t a t e d t h a t o w in g to t h e i n t e r ru p t io n to t r a v e l m a n y o f t h e d e le g a te s h a d b ee n u n a b le t o r e a c h th e c i ty , h e th e re fo re p ro p o se d a d jo u r n m e n t u n t i l t h i s e v e n in g — a g re e d to . A m o n g th o a e p r e s e n t a r e d e le ­g a te s fro m D e tr o it , C hicago* B u ffa lo , R o c h ­e s te r a n d P o r t la n d . D e s p a tc h e s h a v e b ee n re c e iv e d fro m a n u m b e r o( d e le g a te e from d i s ta n t p la c e s w h o a r e o n th e v a y . G r r a t i n te r e s t ia m a n ife s te d in t h e m a in o b je c t of t h e C o n v e n tio n .

T h e T ra n s -C o n tin e n ta l C o n v e n tio n m e t a t 17 P . M ., w h e n M a y o r P a g e w e lc o m ed th e d e le g a te s . G e r r i t S m i th w a a m a d e te m p o ra ry C h a irm a n , a n d in t a k in g th e ith a ir a d d r e s s e d th e C o n v e n tio n a t som e l e n g th in fa v o r o f a p ro je c te d c.\ .e n s io n of t h e P ac ific R a i l ro a d c o n n e c tio n s to P o r t ­la n d , M a in e .

M r. G . F o o t s t a t e d t h a t s d d i t *nal d e le ­g a te s w e re e x p e c te d in t h e m c iu in g , a n d p ro p o se d t h a t t h e e v e n in g b e v o te d to l i s te n in g t o a d d re s se d , leav ir '.g t h e b u s in esa to b e t r a n s a c te d b y a fu ll C o n v e n tio n . A d - Iresaes w e re t h e n m a d e b y U ug e n e P r in d le ,>f J a c k s o n , M ic h ig a n ; W i l . ia m P h il ip , of D e tro it , a n d J o h n T . G r ig g s , o f S a g in a w , V lichiffan.

A C o m m it te e o n C re d e n t ia ls a n d O r g a n i­z a t io n w a s a p p o in te d . T h e C o m m it te e a re co r e p o r t in t h e m o rn in g .

T h e C o n v e n tio n th e n a d jo u r n e d t i l l te n o ’c lo c k to -m o r ro w m o rn in g .


imn j iftss ef taro _____115 $8-100 te U8 t$- H *

At a banquet to Hoffman five* byftbnlsrnnd staff, a t tbo GlonhaU He__«peeybeo wave made by Governor Hoffman. loop. Irwin, kieDoweU, and otbars. Tbore worn abont thirty invited gnaata present.

A Saratoga dispatch says: AcernaDstill come in of tha damage done by tb< rtootl on Monday. Blood’s scythe and axe factory near Ballston Springs io damped to the extent of $20,000. O’Dell’s paper m il l 'above Blood’s dam is injured to th* amonnt of sevaral thousand dollars. It Coriatb on the npper Hudson, a boy named Mallory stood on tha bank of a race wat which caved in, and ha waa drowned.

A passenger attempted to eat off the rear e n d of the midday brain South on the Rome. Watertown a n d Ogdeaaburg Railroad, near Adams Centre, yesterday, while tha train was in motion, and waa instantly killed rhe name of T h o m a s McCarthy, Kingston, Canada West, was found in hia hat.

The Republican I'nion Convention fo r O n e id a County m e t in Rome yesterday and n o m in a te d D. B. Goodwin, o f Waterville, fo r State Senator.a n o th e r m a d b u ll on the rampage in t h e ' t r e e t of N e w York last night attacked a policeman who attempted to shoot h img o rin g h im so s e v e re ly t h a t h ia life is d e sp a ire d of.


JOB! PRfSTflftT O tn C L -CeaqtSe'eiy'ktockaS. with

THK VERY BEST MATERIALia a ll it* variety.

1* prepared t a execute every I m r iptiea a l B

Card aad Jo b work.


(Second f lo o r .)


A T T O R N E l S .

FORBUSH A HYATT,S'lccensors to E. B k W H. Forbu»h,

Solicitor* o f Am erican and Forotyn Patent*,aud

A T T O R N E Y S IN P A T E N T C * 8 E S . Weed’s B lo ck , com er of Main and S s

B U FF A LO , N. Y J a jH ja t t , W. H. Forbuah,kC.ii»fl:l rULte Mi* in * ‘Ji m

P A P E R .

F or courtructinx * rower ia H daoe rtreet, from it* prerout term inate n near Tw elfth at 'ee t northeriv to the *outh wert erly lineo f Wadsworth m e e t ........................................

F- r o n stru n tin e a »ewer in Boston a iry from the rower n Tupper rtreet n o r her­ly to with-n L 0 fee t ot GnodeU r tre e t . . .

F or rejm riny^the m u n rower in Doek street


P A n i \ i r ? v m u u a k i m mM and t a P R A R L T R K E T . B U FF A L O ,

Keep o o h nd and m anufacture to order papers of every grade, a t Wbeieaele Price*.

C A SH P A ID lo r t i l U nd* o f Paper rtock. W arehouse o f th* Niagavm F all* Paper M ill*. W j-

ofutag Paper M ills, B ri* Paper Mil la.L C WCK’D R U T t , ED W A RD K R R 8 T EN B ,nrw Meonixrv. m w is c s yMisirr


FORMAL O R G kN IZV n*'N OF THE LEGISLA­TURE—PROTEST OF THE WELLS MEMBERS.Richmond, V irg in ia , O c to b e r 6 .— I n t h e

H o u se of R e p re s e n ta t iv e s to -d a y tw o re s o ­lu t io n s w e re in t ro d u c e d , t h a t t h e iro n -c la d o a th b e n o w a d m in is te re d to m e m b e rs a n d te m p o ra ry o fficers o f t h e H o u se , w h ic h w e re re fe r re d to t h e p ro p e r c o m n iit te e . T h e p ro te s t a d o p te d b y th e R e p u b l ic a n c a u c u s la s t n ig h t w a s p re s e n te d , l t is f r a m e d w ith a v ie w t o a n s .v e r in g A t to r n e y G e n e ra l H o a r’s a r g u m e n t , a n d p r o te s t s a g a in s t an y a c ts o f t h e l e g i s l a t u r e o f t h i s s e ss io n , t h e m em b ers n o t h a v in g ta k e n t h e iro n -c la d a th , a n d th e b o d y b e in g th e r e f o r e ille g a l fc w a s r e fe r re d . S to p h a n ia h T u r n e r , of

R a p p a h a n n o c k , w a s e le c te d S p e a k e r , r e ­c e iv in g e ig h ty - s e v e n v o te s t o f o r ty o n e fo r M ad d o x W e lls , R e p u b l ic a n , a n d five fo r ire n s h a w . I n d isc u ss io n , t h e p o in t w a s

p re s se d t h a t 'T u rn e r n o w h a s a n a p p lic a tio n b e fo re C o n g re s s fo r t h e re m o v a l o f h is p o li tic a l d is a b i l it ie s , a n d i t w a s e x p la in e d t h a t th o u g h n o t a b le to t a k e the t e s t o a th , he w a s n o t d is q u a lif ie d b y ’ b e f o u r te e n th a m e n d m e n t

J . B. B igge , a n o ld in c u m b e n t , w a s \ e le c te d C le rk in t h e S e n a te .

S a m e p r o t e s t o f t h e R e p u b lic a n c a u c u s w as p re s e n te d , a n d a re s o lu t io n w a s a d o p te d la y in g i t o n t h e t a b l e o n th e g ro u n d t h a t i t w a s m a n ife s tly a n e f fo r t to o b s t r u c t re c o n ­s t r u c t io n ; w a s in p la in o p p o s itio n t o t h e in ­te n t io n o f C o n g re s s e x p r e s s e d in t h e re c o n ­s t r u c t io n a c ts , a n d in d i r e c t v io la tio n o f t h e in t e r p r e ta t io n o f s a id a c t s b y t h e a d m in is ­t r a t io n .

A re s o lu t io n w a s a d o p te d in fo rm in g th e ’o m m a n d in e g e n e ra l o f t h e o rg a n iz a t io n of

th e S e n a te .A djourned.Z. T u r n e r , w h o w a s e le c te d S p e a k e r of

t h e H o u se to -d a y , i* a la w y e r a b o u t s ix ty y e a rs o ld , a n d o n e o f t h e f i r s t a d v o c a te s of t h e r e c o n s tru c t io n a c t s in t h e S ta te . H e w a s a n o ld W h ig , c h a n g e d to % D o u g las D e m o c ra t in 18ti0, a n d w a s s h o r t ly a f te r d e f e a te d a s a U n io n c a n d id a te fo r t h e le g i s l a tu r e .



o s e t t l e t h e i r c o n t r a c t s c o n n e c te d w i th t h e g o ld s p e c u la tio n o f E r id a y , S e p te m b e r 24, o n t h e b a s is o f 13o d iffe re n c e s , to b e p a id t i f ty p e r c e n t in t e n d a y s , o r o n t h e re s u m p ­tio n o f p a y m e n t b y t h e G o ld E x c h a n g e B a n k , haa Iteen a c c e p te d b y d e a lo rs w h o se c o n tra c ts w i th t h e f irm c o v e r s ix m illio n s . T h e e n t i r e o u ts ta n d in g c o n t r a c t s o f t h e tirm m t h a t d a y ’s b u s in e s s a r e n in e m ill io n s o f Jo lla rs .

T h e C h in a , j u s t a r r iv e d , b r in g s $ 1 6 ,0 0 0 in sp e c ie fo r c o n s ig n e e s in N e w Y o r k C ity .

T h e S ta t e R e p u b l ic a n C e n t r a l C o m m itte e h e ld a m e e tin g l a s t e v e n in g a t 5 th A v e n u e H o te l . A c o m m u n ic a tio n w a s re c e iv e d fro m G e n e ra l R o b in so n , d e c l in in g n o m in a t io n fo r S e c r e ta r y o f S ta te , o n t h e g ro u n d o f i l l h e a l th . T h e c o m m it te e a d jo u r n e d w i th t h e u n d e r s ta n d in g t h a t G e n e ra l S ig e l s h o u ld b e seen w i th t h e v ie w o f t e n d e r in g h im fo r n o ­m in a t io n fo r S e c r e ta r y o f S t a t e o r S ta te E n g in e e r . . T h e c o m m itte e o rg a n iz e d b y e le c t in g H a m i l to n K a r re s , o f A lb a n y , C h a irm a n , a n d J a m e s W . K u s te d , o f W e s t C h e s te r , S e c r e ta r y . A committee w a s a p ­p o in te d t ° m e e t a c o m m it te e o f Germans ao t h e s u b je c t o f n o m in a tio n fo r a S e c r e ta r y of S ta te .

A d a m Robinson waa yesterday elected director in the Chicago and Western Rail­way Company in place of Janies H . Bene­dict, of the firm of Lockwood k Co., resigned. Robinson was alao yesterday elected director in the Lake fhore aad Michigan Southern Railway Company. The directors of the Lake Shore Railroad Com­pany have decided not to elect a t present a treasurer, the duties to be performed dur­ing the interregnum by the asset treasurer. The asset treasurer gives notice that hs wili invest $181,556 49c. for the Treasury in five-twenty bonds to-day. ia addition to ooe million regular purchase, by taking amount extra in offerings. This as us stood to be accumulated interest oa _ ous purchases for a staking fond. I t is announced in advertisements, t s by order of the Treasurer of the United States,

J S A A C H C L L 0 W A 7 ,

Dealer in

m m \*j impiki saimwiFLA GOING, CURBING, FLATFORyS,

Door ta d Windw* ( ( q . u t . S lln . **-O ftor ra d T w fl a n ta M takiflfc * * d * •

Tha fvporfl of D r . ftfcrrio, Hmrtiry 8o- pm nfcnaert of tho Board of Hoolth, for tho quarter ending Oetohor, eflhihito o lory fnrorablo oomporuoo w ith t l« thro. pre. vkxu veon. T h . de»th. for the .Ml qaw ter wbt. 7390 wteiote «*>•' < " r te » qn.rter in I860 u d M83 lar «m e qnnrter is 18M. Th. ward, w d dtetricu ol th . city ia which thorn tan how tho v w t a w p m

in . 1— m w d TWt il«tenfc of tenwflifl ■ *“•-*- "

(,-rr-T- of mortality ha. sh irty w o u n d .O o iB f t o t t a d te o id w o f t t a W •

n i d i w fcflflt a o t a w t a w f o c r i w d fnw ro p o t y t h e E a g f e h afchifc te a s*o 'c lo c k ‘ M o n d a y .T a n i a * m e w w h iia a r o trfcT clingw ir e d

N e w ly t w ■ i l l i n w o f b o n d *

U m French

for i ts prop oss d


STRUCTION OF PROPERTY—T1IOU8ANDS OF WORKMEN ENGAGED IN FRUITLESS EF FORTS TO DAM THE WATER.T h e e n t e r t a in m e n t l a s t e v e n in g o n b o a rd

t h e C u h * n s lo o p o f w a r C q b a , a t W ilm in g ­to n , N o r th C a ro l in a , w a s a t t e n d e d b y a la rg e n . tm b e r o f la d ie s a n d g e n tle m e n . T h e r e a r e n o n e w d e v e lo p m e n ts c o n c e rn in g th e S ta U , o f C u b a , b u t t h e p u b l ic m in d is u n a n im o -js in t h e o p in io n t h a t a h e w ill b* re le a s e d a s so o n a a t h e in v e s t ig a t io n ia m a d e . J J e r r e le a s e b y t h e U n i te d S ta te a a u th o r i t i e s a t P h ila d e lp h ia , a n d b y th e B r i t is h a u th o r i t i e s a t H a li f a x , a a d t h e fa c t t h a t s h e \% a v e s se l o f w a r r e g u la r ly com m iss io u e q b y th e C u b a n G o v e rn m e n t , a n d n o t f i t t e d o u t in a n y U n i t e d S ta te s i * r; se e m s c o n c lu s iv e t h a t t h e r e ia n o ju s ti f ie s lio n fo r h « r d e te n tio n . G e o rg e D a v is , E x - A t to r n e y G e n e ra l o f t h e l a t e C o n fe d e ra te S ta te s ia o n e o f t h e c o u n se l fo r t h e C u b a n s .

O n M o n d a y m o rn in g E a s tm a n tu n n e l , n a if m ile lon ir, n o w b e in g e x c a v a te d fo r t h e p u p o a e o f m a k in g w o te r p o w e r o n N io o le t t I s la n d a t M in n e a p o lis , M in n e s o ta , p ie rc e d a w a te r c a v e rn in t h e i s la n d b e lo w th e lev e l o f t h e r iv e r . T h e g a te s a t t h e h e a d o f t h e tu n n e l w e re c lo se d , b u t t h e r u s h o f w a te r c o u ld n o t b e a r r e s te d . E a r ly T u e s d a y m o rn in g % la rg e w h ir lp o o l w a s d isc o v e re d n e a r t h e sh o re o f t h e is la n d , w h ic h d isc o v

r e d t h e n io u th o f t h a c a v e rn . A ll t h e e f f o r ts m a d e y e s te r d a y t o c lo se u p t h i a hole b y r a f t s , c r ib s , t r e e s , b a le s o f h a y , e tc . , p ro v e d f r u it le s s , a n d t h e r i v e r is m a k in g a t re m e n d o u s e f fo r t t o c u t a n e w c h a n n e l fo r itse lf . T h e m ills o n H e lp iu s I s la n d a r e in ilan g er , a a t h e g ro u n d is c a v in g in fro m tb e p assa g e o f t h e w a te r b e n e a th . T h o u s a n d s of m e n a r e a t w o r k n ig h t a n d d a y c o n ­s t r u c t in g a co ffe r d a m ro u n d t h e n m n th oi t h e w h ir lp o o l. I f n e c e s s a ry a se c flo n of th e d a m w ill b lo w n o u t t o lo w e r t h e w a te r , w h ic h ia v e ry h ig h . T h e d s n g e r o f a n ew

h a n n e l ia im m in e n t.I t w a s n o t k n o w n in d ip lo m a t ic c irc le s

t h a t t h e H o r n e t h a d b e e n c a p tu r e d u n ti l tw e n ty - f o u r h o u rs a f te r e h e w a a in g o v e r n ­m e n t c u s to d y , w h e n th e f a c t w a s unoffit

ia l ly m e n t io n e d to s e v e ra l o f t h e fo re ig n re p re s e n ta t iv e s , t h e B r i t is h M in is te r in e lu d e d . T lifl g o v e r n m e n t re c e iv e d a te le - 'r a m o n S u n d a y n ig t . T h e o r d e r w a a im ­

m e d ia te ly s e a t to d e ta in t h e v e sse l fo r j u d i ­c ia l pr* 'ce ed iag a .

J o h n Y V a tje u a c h e y d t, a G e rm a n , o f B a l­t im o r e , a g e d 'f i f ty - th r e e y e a r s , l a s t e v e n in g a t t e m p te d to s h o v t h is w ife , a n d b e lie v in g , h e h a d a c c o m p lish e d h is in te n t io n , sh o t h im se lf in t h e h e a d w i th a p is to l , c a u s iu g • le a th in s ta n ta n e o u s ly . H is w ife w aa no t h u r t .

T h e d a m a t O c cu m o n t h e S h e tu c k R iv e r n e a r N o rw ic h , C o n n e c t ic u t , w a a p a r tia lly c a r r ie d a w a y l a s t n ig h t . T h e d a m a g e is e s t im a te d a t $5000. T h e r iv e r is n o w f a l l ­in g ra p id ly .

T h e W o m a n ’s S u ffra g e C o n v e n tio n m e t a t S t. L o u is y e s te r d a y m o rn in g . J u l ia W a rd H o w e , o r B o s to n , w aa e le c ie d te m p o ra ry C h a irm a n , a n d P h e b e W . C ouzzins , o f S t L o u is , te m p o r a r y S e c r e ta r y . T h e se o fficers w e re s u b s e q u e n tly e le c te d in th* p e r m a n e n t o rg a n iz a tio n . T h e fo llo w in g w e re e le c te d V ic e P r e s id e n ts : M rs. F r e n c h M in o r, S t . L o u is ; S u s a n B . A n th o n y , M ary R. L iv e rm o re , M rs. M . M . C o le , O h io ; M rs . J o h n S P h e lp s , M is so u ri; M is s L illy P e c k h a m , M isso u ri. B rie f , b u t p e r t i n e n t a n d w e ll-c o n s id e re d sp e e c h e s w e re m a d e by M iss M in o r a n d S u sa o B. A n th o n y . M rs. H o w e d e liv e re d a b r ie f a d d r e s s u p o n ta k in g th e c h a ir , s t a t i n g t h a t id e a s a r e r u le r s n o t g tv ern o rft, a n d t h a t t h e b a t t l e s h o u ld be a g a in s t th e m a n d n o t t h e i n s t i t u t e d a u th o r i tie s .

T e le g ra m s s t a t e t h a t i t w il l t a k e e ig h t to tw e lv e d a y s t o r e p a i r t h e b r e a k in t h e c a n a l .

(from ’ isterdxt a r rs a s o o s 's xo m o ss.

S T A T E N E W S .

T h e TriLune o f th i s m o rn in g s a y s : O n e of o u r r e p o r te r s v is ite d M r. C o rb in y e s te r d a y a t h is re s id e n c e . H e w a s s u ffe r in g fro m p n e u m o n ia , a n d i t w a s o n ly b y th e g r e a te s t e f fo r t t h a t h e \t*M a b le to c o n v e rse mt a l l u p o n t h e s u b je c t t h a t w a s u p p e r m o s t in h is m in d . N e a r h im w a s h i s p h y s ic ia n . “ * k n o w t h e o b je c t o f y o u r v i s i t , ” h e s lo w ly a n d w i th e f fo rt . " 1 c a n n o t g iv e you n o w a d e ta i le d s ta te m e n t , b u t I w ill s a y th i s , t h a t I n e v e r in m y l ife c o n v e rse d w i th J a m e s F is k , J u n io r , n p o n t h e s u b je c t o f b u s in e s s , n o r h a v e I e v e n v e r b a l ly o r in w r it in g r e q u e s te d th r o u g h h im , o r b y o n e iu h is in t e r e s t , t h e p u rc h a s e o r s a le o f one d o l la r o f g o ld o r s to c k . A t t h e t im e w h e n o n e o f h is m e n a lle g e s in t h e a f f id a v it t h a t 1 w aa a t th e E r ie b u i ld in g I w a s in N e w J e r ­sey . N o r of m y o w n k n o w le d g e d o I k n o w t b a t t h e P r e s id e n t o r a n y of t h e C a b in e t off ic ers e v e r c o n v e rse d o r C 'x n m u n ic a te d w i th a n y o f t h e so c a lle d g o ld c liq u e . O n th e c o n t r a r y , I b e lie v e t h a t i t i s a s h e e r a n d w ic k e d fa b r ic a tio n fro m b e g in n in g to end . F is k ’s c a r r ia g e h a s n e v e r b e e n t o f o re m y d o o r t o m y k n o w le d g e , a n d t h e w o rd s p u t in to p r i n t b y t h e r e p o r t e r o f t h e Nun a re a lso h a a e anc w ic k e d fa ls e h o o d s .”

Mr. Corbin was too much exhausted to continue further conversation, and by the advice of hia physician and the entreaties of his wife h i again lay down. Hia condi­tion last ev ming was extremsly critical. Daring ths ia / many frisaMls called to ex­press their it dignataon a t tha charges mads against him, hu t it was impossible far him to see them

William O. Chapman publishes an affi­davit this m. irmng sustaining Fisk’s state­ment regarding the complicity of Mr. Corbin the -ecent disgraceful gold tran­sactions, in which he sweat sent hy Fisk snd Gguld to Mr. Corbin and received U tter whteft, bjr t ta infctefcoteow of t te former, he ct/ried to Wfcehmfctofc, end ee reqoeeted by, Mr. Corbifc, debrered ttem to (irent in jfcrfcon. He thfcfc informed Je>* braid by tele^reph thet t te letter tad tafco delivered all right _ j

Last night aoout half--past ten o'clock a Chinaman *ame<l Acong, residing at 67 Cherry street, murdered his wife and a boarder in the hones named Charles Ar shoe, and th u hilled himself. The wee pm. ured wss a dark, and the details of the hor nble tragedy were stckeaing. Aoong ia supposed to iiAve been erazy, aad a slight quarrel bstwnsn himself and his wife pre- voked ths dead.

A warrant waa applied for before Rs- sorder Marti tdale, in Jersey City, yester day. against Captain Hall, the Arctic ex­plorer, on th r charge oi murdering Patrick Cnlsmsm. a si— en ^ agRspnles B ay .n the

Ths RecordSVefussd te m a t ths warrant on ths plan o£ want ol jurisdiction.

Mre. Jens White, of 5 s . 12 Bsdfordstreet, poisons* hsraolf by talDM cyanide of potassium in her hnshnwi's photographgallery, ia N sth Avenue, yesterday, on• c c o u u t o f n q u a m l about some trivial m a t t e r w i th & er husband.

A negro turned fry , WM attacked by Peter Roane* arid several s th sr psraons s t th s corner Eighth Aranas and Twenty.

ora l s h o ts w e re e x c h a n g e d b e tw e e n th e p a r ­t i e s —o n e o f t h e m s t r i k i n g R o o n e y i n t h e b r e a s t a n d k i l l i n g h im . - F r y w a a a r r e s t e d .

J o h n R . F e l to n w a s fo u n d de e d y e s t e r d a y in h i s ro o m in N o . 31 B o n d s t r e o t , t h s h o u ss w h e re t h e fa m o u s B u rd e l l m u r d e r w a s c o m m itte d .

I n J u d g e M c C u n n ’s C o u r t , y e s t e r d a y a m a n n a m e d F a b e r a p p e a re d , a n d s a id t h a t n e a r ly tw o w e e k s a g o h s e a rn s t o t h i s e i t y 'ro m M in n e so ta w i th h i s w ife a n d th r e e c h i ld re n , a n d o n h is a r r i v a l h e c e n t t h e m t o ■'» b o a r d in g h o u s e w h i le b e r e m a in e d a t t h s ie p n t to a t t e n d t o h is b a g g a g e . O n re c e iv ­

in g t h s b a g g a g e h e p ro c e e d e d t o t h e h o a r d ­in g h o u s e , b u t h e a r l t h a t h i s fa m ily w a a n o t th e r m e n d a f te r s e a rc h in g t h e c i t y e ig h t d a y s f o r t h e m h e fo u n d t h a t t h e y h a d b oon ro u t t o t h e p e n i t e n t i a r y fo r t h r e e m o n th s . J u d g e M c C u n n im m e d ia te ly o rd e re d th e p ro d u c tio n o f t h e p a r t i e s i n C o u r t .

T h e H a y t ie n g o v e r n m e n t h a s f in a lly c o n ­c lu d e d t h e p u r c h a s e o f t h e a r m r r - p l a te d • (e a rn e r A t a l a n t a fro m M r. O a k S m ith a t $ 1 6 0 ,0 0 0 in g o ld . T h i s v e s s e l w a s fo r m e r ­ly in t h e U n i te d S ta t e s g o v e r n m e n t s e r ­vice . A f te r re o e iv in g o o a l a n d p r o v is io n s iL e w ill b e r e a d y fo r s e a , a n d i t i s e x p e c t ­' d s h e w il l s a i l i a a b o u t t h r e e w e e k s fo r i 'o r t a u P r in c e t o jo in S a ln a v e ’s n a v y . T h e H a y tie n M in is te r a t N e w Y o r k , M . E . L a ro u c h e , h a v in g o b je c te d t o t h e s t e a m e r A g o n q u in , r e c e n t ly s o ld t o h i s g o v e r n ­m e n t , o n a c c o u n t o f t h e b a d c o n d i t io n in w h ic h h e r b o i le r s a r e , i t i s t h e i n t e n t i o n o f th e g o v e r n m e n t to r e p la c e t h e m w i th n o w o n e s .

I t is s a id t h a t d a r in g t h a p a s t s ix w e e k s five h u n d re d h e a d o f c a t t l e , w h ic h a r r iv e d in J e r s e y C i ty f ro m T e x a s , s n d w h ic h w e ro afflic ted w i th i k e S p a n is h fe v e r , h a v e been so ld to f a n n e r s t h r o u g h o u t t h s S ta t e a t fo u r d o l la rs a h e a d , a n d a r e n o w s p re a d in g t h e i e s t i le n c e a m o n g a l l t h e c a t t l e i ? t h e i r d i f ­f e r e n t lo c a li t ie s . T h e S ta t e S o c ie ty b o ld s CoL B la c k , t h e S ta t e In s p e c to r . rM P * * - s ib le .


A t t h e d o s e o f t h e w a r t h e r e w e re b u i ld ­in g a t t h e N a v y Y a r d s o f B ro o k ly n , C h a r le s to n a n d P h ila d e lp h ia , s i g h t o r t e nf i rs t c la ss fa a t s a i l in g s te a m e r s fo r w a r p u rp o se s a n d s e v e ra l o f th e m a r e so f a r co m p le te d a s t o h a v e t h e i r m a c h in e ry in a n d a r e n e a r ly r e a d y fo r s e rv ic e . A propo­s i tio n h a s b e e n m a d e to t h e N a v y Depart­m e n t b y a n o rg a n iz a t io n k n o w n aa t h e M e d i te r ra n e a n a n d O r ie n ta l S te a m s h ip N a v ig a tio n C o m p a n y , t o p u rc h a s e three o f th e s te a m e rs , a n d S e c r e ta r y R o b e so n h a s o rd e re d a B o a rd t o a p p r a is e th e m i a order t o r e tu r n a n a n s w e r to t h e p ro p o s it io n .

T b e C o m m iss io n e rs o f t h e B o a rd o f F o r ­e ig n M iss io n s o p e n e d t h e i r s i x t i e th a n n u a l

n a t t h e P r e s b y te r ia n C h u rc h in P i t t s ­b u rg h l a s t e v e n in g . I t ia e x p e c te d t h a t 1500 s t r a n g e r s w i l l b e p r e s e n t d u r in g t h o w e ek . D r. M a r k H o p k in s , o f W il l ia m s C o lle g e , M a s s a c h u s e t ts , p re s id e d . A f te r th e u s u a l p re lim in a r ie s , k e v . S . H . T r e a t r e v ie w e d t h e c o n d i t io n o f t b e B o ard . H s s a id t h e t o t a l r e c e ip ts d u r in g t h e y e a r w e re $ 5 2 5 ,2 1 4 a n d th e t o t a l e x p e n d i tu r e $ 5 3 1 ,- 661, sh o w in g a n in d e b te a n e m o f a b o u t $6000 . <>n t h e w h o le , i t s f in a n c ia l c o n d i­t io n is g o o d . T h e S e c r e ta r y g a v e a a e x ­te n d e d v ie w o f t h e m is s io n a ry o p e ra t io n s u n d e r d i re c t io n o f t h e B o a rd . T h e r e a r e 3 50 la b o re r s in t h e fo re ig n fie ld . R e p o r ts fro m th e m sh o w u n ifo rm p ro g re s s .

A R ic h m o n d d i s p a t r h s a y s : T h e a a n c u e o f t h e W a lk e r m e n h a d n o t a d jo u r n e d a t m id n ig h t . A l iv e ly d is c u s s io n w a s g o in g on b e tw e e n t h e f r ie n d s o f C re w s h a w , T u r ­n e r a n d K e e ly fo r t b s S p e a k e rs h ip . T h e W e lls R e p u b lic a n c a n c n a a t t h e c a p i ta l i s i t i l l in s ess io n . I t is s a id t h a t th e v a r e d ia - c u t t i n g th e p e t i t io n t o G e n e ra l C a n b y t o re q u ire t h e in m -c la d o a th fro m t h s o ff ic e rs o f t h e L e g is la tu re s t th ia se ss io n . T h s s s - •recy o f t h e i r c a s -n i g iv e s r is e t e t h s v a ­rio u s ru m o rs o f a d e te rm in a t io n t o s e o sd a tro m th e re g u la r L e g is la tu re ; o f t h e in te r - 'e r e n c e in t h e m a t t e r of t h e i ro n c la d o a th i>y p r o m in e n t m e n in W a s h in g to n fo r i t s e n fo rc e m e n t, A c , n o n e o f w h ic h c a a t o t ra c e d to a n y re lia b le so u rc e . T h e v o te o n th e o ff ic ers in t h e S e n a te to -d a y w a s s t r i c t l y * p a r ty o n e , e x c e p t in t h e ca se o f a n a d d i ­t io n a l d o o rk e e p e r , w h e re so m e o f t h e R e ­p u b lic a n s re fu s e d to v o te , o u th e g ro u n d ' h a t t h e S e n a te c o u ld n o t c r e a te s u c h a n •ffice.

T h e b a ll in t h e M u sic H a lf , T o ro n to , o n M o n d a y n ig h t , in h o n o r o{ P r in c e A r th u r , w as a s p le n d id su c c e ss .

T h e T e n n e sse e S e n a te c o m p le te d i t s o r ­g a n iz a tio n y e s te r d a y , b u t t h e H o u se a d ­jo u rn e d w iy i i t a o rg a n iz a t io n in c o m p le te .

R e tu r n s h a v e b e e n re c e iv e d th u s f a r fro m tif ty - tw o to w n s in C o n n e c t ic u t , c o m m a - l ic a tio n w i th a la rg e p o r tio n o f t h e S ta t e

h a v in g b e e n c u t o ff by t h e s to rm . O f t h e to w n s h e a rd fro m tw e n ty e ig h t e le c t R e p u b ­lican o ff icers , e ig h te e n D e m o c ra tic , a n d s i* a re d iv id e d .

A b a n q u e t w a s g iv e n to t h e R e d S to c k in g C lu b o f C in c in n a t i , b y t h e b a s e b e l l c lu b s o f S a n F ra n c is c o o n M o n d a y n ig h t . T h e y t a r t e d h o m e y e s te r d a y , a n d o n t h e r o u te •'ill p la y g a m e s in S a r a m e n to a n d V irg in ia

C ity .A tu n n e l in c o u rse o f c o n s tru c t io n u n d e r

t h e b e d o f t h e M is s is s ip p i R iv e r e t S t . A n th o n y F a l ls , M in n ., f ro m N io o l le t I s la n d o n th e e a s t b a n k of t h e r iv e r , c a v e d in , le a v in g t h e w a te r a fu l l c o u rs e t h r o u g h t h e e x c a v a tio n . T h e S u m m it m ill , w i th e

a p e c i ty o f 2 0 0 b a r re l s o f f lo o r p e r d e y , warn w e s h e d a w e y . O th e r m ills a n d la c to n e s a re in d a n g e r , a n d e x e r t io n s a r e b e in g m a d e to s t a y t h e p ro g re s s o f t h e flood .

C a p ta in J o h n W a te rh o u s e , M a s te r o f t h e b r ig M c r rie v e , w a s b r o u g h t b e fo re C o m ­m iss io n e r C liffo rd , e t P o r t la n d , M a in e , y e s ­te r d a y , c h a rg e d w i th th r o w in g o v e r b o a rd a n d d ro w n in g J o h n F itz g e ra ld , o ff C a p e E liz a b e th , in A p r il l a s t . H e w e e b o u n d o v e r in fiv e th o u s a n d d o l la rs . T h e m a te w a s a le o b o u n d o v e r o n tb e sa m e c h a rg e .

T h e p r ia e f ig h t b e tw e e n 8 a m C o lly s r , o f B a lt im o re , a n d C h a r le a D o h e r ty , o f R ic h ­m o n d , w h ic h w a a to h a v e co m e o ff on J a m e e to w n Ia la n d , V irg in ia , y s s to r d a y , w aa a b r n p t ly te r m in a t e d b y th e s ta k e h o ld e r g iv in g n p t h e s ta k e s to C o lly e r in oenaa- q u e n o a o f D o h e r ty b e in g o v e r w e ig h t.

Tbe report thet Collector Grinaell i s t o be removed is untrue.

T h e n e g ro e s w h o w e re e je c te d f ro m t h e th e a t r e in W a s h in g to n s u e d o u t a w a r r a n t y e e te rd a y a g a in s t t h e m a n a g e rs fo r a v io la ­t i o n o f a m u n ic ip a l la w . T h e l a t t e r w e re a r r e s t e d d u r in g t h e d a y a n d g a v e b a d .

A J u s t io e o f t h e P e a c e i n G e o rg e to w n , D is t r ic t o f C o lu m b ia , h a a d e c id e d t h a t t h e co lle c tio n o f to n n a g e d u e s b y t h e c o rp o ra ­t i o n o f t h a t c i t y ie i l le g a l a

A Havana dispatch say*: The first Cuban cable ia a t present unserviceable. The sec­ond cable which comes ia a t Cojamar, a town five mUes east of Havana, commenced working tkis afternoon, aod now works well. All talnrfcfcw b a n flfc^ jifcm rt

from thirT to lieranfc by t ta goeraaaflBt line.

T ta raowraer of Hewanblfc Amo* KeaflfcO, wbo tae been ill for eererfcl wfcfcta, ie pro- aoofcoed impotable by t ta fct tefcflifcg pbjei

ea.Jeeaey, Hoflwm aad Berjen eitiefc voted

yeeterday by 3000 majority to oeweohdato under ooe moa.eipel go » r a m H o b o k ­en, Greenville. Bnyawne tm* a lta r plnoea in Hndnon Coantr, voted t a e d n nonaoK- dtaan, eod will not join t t a nnwoity. A t. oording to t t a te n u of ,* ip .ettiun tha flret throe e* bee will |

ntwien ton t t a eleven o'eloek lent night hand m l font of t ta high embankment

wallow t t a weet nfl> of the H«riem Kndroed engh tho doop cat a t YotkriUn gave

away and fell with n trntotndona emtb, oontplntoly blocking t t a n a l . A large force of Uborere with n locomotive, and o

a bar of data were eet to work, dooriog »y t ta dobrio. A telegram today from

Snperiattadeot anaoaaeee t ta t the track in clear and tru ce running ne neuol-

All Jndgan of t ta Snpnma Court cf the Cnited dtatoa ara prea n t excepdag Jndg. Field, aad t t a bueinom of tbo Coart ken

Stewart , t t a bnrgler who murdered JohnWilUto a t Detroit o u th* I Sth of ta t; won hroovbt b. f jr. the C o u rt mr anal h e mu ll' f c . gnomer-wun m v 'f l?

■urrlr.l r.vei.t * bo crowd l r * m ta n ghim. r , . w en (o e rrd t t a * f , , J ^ oo.'. bn mode to .1:> B optn i T - v i r tomneder m the brst degree a r t omn J J L ^ ee rr'r*—y couftuemeat fo- life. n lm ra H m u m mrprine. n e up to toe d— J t ta trial tatoowtly d—i.d hat