The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway? By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM Copyright © 2010 Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 1

The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing

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Page 1: The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing

The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 1

Page 2: The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing

The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 2

WARNING: This eBook is for your personal use only. You may NOT Give

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All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions. All rights are reserved. You may not distribute this report in any way. You may not sell it nor reprint any part of it without written consent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

Disclaimer We are not affiliated with any of the Trademarked Brand names in this eBook. All trademarks

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Page 3: The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing

The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 3


To BizEnrich Members Without their spirit and deep thoughts, this eBook might not have ever been written. To Biznik Members

Without the dedication to a vision of collaboration, thoughts would be limited and action less possible. Our many thanks to both these communities who prove:

Knowledge Empowers so Learn & Teach ™

Page 4: The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing

The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 4

Want Expert Help? Sometimes hard work by itself is not enough. You want someone to show you exactly what to do first, second and third for creating a search and rescue plan for your profit. If you want to put your business on the fast track to increase profits, you can with one-on-one guidance from Pete DiSantis. Occasionally, Pete has room in his schedule to accept new clients. Discover exactly how you can achieve results other clients of Pete‟s have experienced. Connect with Pete at this link: www.petedisantis.com

“As an Efficiency & Effectiveness Expert and a Certified Management Consultant, my mission is the search and rescue of your profit. Process improvement is the key to your success along with the organizational and leadership training on the new processes.

My focus is helping your business run more simply and with more ease for you. I can streamline your operations so it runs smoothly with results-oriented process improvement directly and immediately effecting your bottom line.

I love to shine a light into the dark places, revealing the „Ah-ha! There's the problem.‟ “

Pete DiSantis

[email protected]

Phone = 425-440-8348

Page 5: The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing

The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 5

Want Expert Help?

With the top of mind philosophy that Knowledge Empowers so Learn & Teach TM and my favorite method to do so is to make them SMink = Smile & Think at the Same Time. TM each day brings another opportunity to help those in need get it done and have some fun finding their way to their own paradise.

I do this as a business success guide, writer and speaker.

With 30 years of experience growing sales and building teams, with hat in hand as a self

proclaimed Professor of Magic Marketing, holding an Inbound Marketing Certification and Hubspot Certification, I stay ready to help you, the entrepreneur or business owner, "Boost Sales and Build Teams" with the latest technology and tools available, the Internet and social media.

They say I am inspirational, crazy, a genius and too outside the box. Regardless of it all, each day I get to say "Getting it Done and Having Fun" and will help you do the same.

[email protected]



Page 6: The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing

The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 6


Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 9

Longevity ...................................................................................................................................... 9

Usefulness .................................................................................................................................. 11

ROI .............................................................................................................................................. 12

Summary .................................................................................................................................. 13

Thoughts and a Story: ................................................................................................................. 14

Story about Bob and John: ..................................................................................................... 14

Return On Investment - ROI ........................................................................................................... 16

Why do you believe social media is important to a business? ...................................................... 17

The social media tools seem to grow daily. With so many options, how can someone in business

possibly track all the various websites and logins? ....................................................................... 22

How can anyone have enough time to interact via the social media tools or have enough time to

create content? .............................................................................................................................. 24

How can you know what to write about? How does someone know what is the best content? 26

Who is relevant and what is relevant and how can you find out? How does a business owner or

CEO know how to prioritize? ......................................................................................................... 29

Many view social media as simply an expense with no apparent revenue stream for the time and

effort invested. Without income, there is no value. How do you respond to this? .................... 31

Which social media tools are the most advantageous? ................................................................ 37

Here is a review of the characteristics: ...................................................................................... 37

Here is a list of where people are spending time online ........................................................... 38

Blog ............................................................................................................................................ 38

Facebook .................................................................................................................................... 38

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The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 7

LinkedIn ...................................................................................................................................... 39

Twitter ........................................................................................................................................ 39

YouTube ..................................................................................................................................... 39

Texting ........................................................................................................................................ 40

Biznik .......................................................................................................................................... 40

How do you build real relationships with social media when it appears the contrary is true? .... 43

Is social media helpful to those who rely primarily on connecting with decision makers (lead

generation)? ................................................................................................................................... 47

Can social media have measurable ROI? If so, how and why? ..................................................... 51

What type of strategy do you recommend when using social media tools? ................................ 55

How is social media effective for business?................................................................................... 59

How long does it take to know if social media marketing is helpful, effective and making an

impact? ........................................................................................................................................... 61

Conclusion by Pete DiSantis CMC: ....................................................................................... 63

How does this apply to social media marketing? ...................................................................... 64

Plan ............................................................................................................................................. 64

Let’s start with the “Why ........................................................................................................... 64

Now the “What”: ....................................................................................................................... 64

Review the social media map below. ......................................................................................... 65

“Who”: ....................................................................................................................................... 66

“When”: ..................................................................................................................................... 66

“Where”: .................................................................................................................................... 66

“How”: ........................................................................................................................................ 66

Do .............................................................................................................................................. 66

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The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 8

Check ........................................................................................................................................ 67

Act ............................................................................................................................................. 67

Summary .................................................................................................................................. 67

Resources to help you further: ...................................................................................................... 68

Glossary: ......................................................................................................................................... 70

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The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 9

Introduction – by Pete DiSantis CMC I think it is fair to say, at this point of its short history, that social media is

misunderstood. Opinions survive on either side of the spectrum. The crevasse exists

between the early and the late adopters; just like it does with any breakthrough in

technology. A computer story is illustrated within that is parallel to changes brought by

the introduction of the airplane, automobile, and even telephone before that.

The difference of opinion is based on many fears: the longevity and persistence in the

market, the usefulness and, not least of all, is the return on investment (ROI) of both

time and money.


I am an early adopter and novice at this emerging technology of social media and by all

indications it will endure. Maybe not in its present form; certainly the plane, car and

phone have changed frequently since their inception.

Let the numbers speak. As of July 10, 2010, the following social media changes occur

every 59 seconds:

From Techtified.com: Social Media is a like nuclear explosion these days. High

speedIinternet reach increases everyday and more people use internet. Facebook users

increase everyday, Twitter registers 18 million new users every year, and Google wave is

on the horizon. Everyday bloggers publish about 900,000 blog posts on thousands of

blogs around the web, or 700 million photos are uploaded on servers by 75 million users

of Flickr. Based on a research carried out by Gary, a social media counter was designed

to get a measure of this enormous growth.

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The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 10

This counter clearly shows the insane growth rate of social media.

Figure 1: Source - http://www.techtified.com/2009/10/growth-of-social-media-in-real-time-hard-data/

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The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 11

Have you ever seen such explosive growth?

I suspect with development and acceptance, the growth of this market is accelerating. In

the future, changes viewed in 60 second increments may reveal even higher numbers.

Someone is making money at this. Why not you?

A recent study looks at the depth of involvement in social media of the top 100 global

brands. The highest ranking company was Starbucks with Dell ranked #2. They believe

it will last.

Social media will continue to grow. It is producing new advocates, users and neophytes

daily. You are next.


What do I do with social media? How useful is it? If I knew how to use it, I might be

able to figure out how to make money at it. Social media is a method to communicate

with people. You could say the same for oratory or the telephone. The specific tools like

Facebook, Twitter, et al, may fade like dot coms a decade ago, but the digital technique

to communicate with a network of people simultaneously will not go away. Similarly,

the Internet did not go away after the dot bomb era.

Social media may continue to maintain the stigma of being playtime. Social does not

sound like business. It sounds like “party”. It sounds like fun and NOT work. Granted,

the early, early adopters were compelled to broadcast their breakfast menu or other

mundane minutiae. The serious ones have moved on. I assure you. They understand

the impact of their broad network for friends and followers. They have figured out how

to tap their digital pen pals and how to make money at it. Will you?

So, what is it good for?

Social media is an alternative to mass media. If you love junk (e- or snail) mail, pop-up

ads on your PC and television commercials, stop reading. This will make no sense to

you. Bear in mind, most consumers do not like nor trust mass media.

I have heard it said that social media is a listening device. Consumers are broadcasting,

through social media, their likes and dislikes as well as their questions and opinions.

Who is listening? Do you hear what your customers are saying? Starbucks and Dell find

it useful.

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The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 12

From the article “A penny for your thoughts: When customers don't complain”,

published September 27, 2006 in [email protected]. Carey:

When it comes to consumer contentment, managers and executives should not mistake silence for satisfaction.

In fact, just the opposite is true: Most unhappy customers never say a word; they just take their business elsewhere.

On average, dissatisfied customers tell 11 other people their bad story and they may not

tell you. Two out of ten customers will voice their story in the form of a complaint.

Visualize an iceberg. The complaints you hear are just the tip.

On the other hand, the average satisfied customer will tell 3 to 4 other people about their

good (to great) experience. And once again, they may not tell you.

So who is listening to your satisfied and dissatisfied customers, if it‟s not you? You

guessed it, their broad network of friends and followers (F&F) and then their F&F and so

on and so on. And the opinion of strangers in their F&F network weighs much more

heavily than the pronouncements of mass media. Any great relationship, commercial or

otherwise, requires listening first, selling second. I think Dale Carnegie said that.

Marketers have long marveled at the power and impact of word of mouth marketing

over traditional mass marketing. WOM, the new

acronym for “word of mouth” is the power of social

media. THAT‟S what it is good for!

Social media can also be compared to a digital

billboard or road sign. It can be used to engage your

next client and direct them to you for answers. It‟s a

gentle conversation starter, NOT a close!

Social media is a means and a tool to build your brand, reputation and increase

awareness of who you are, what you do, what you stand for, and what you care about;

your CORE values.


You may have a marketing budget and know exactly how many people you reach. You

can determine the ROI on your current marketing budget. However, you still cannot tell

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The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 13

what WOM benefit is gained from that budget. Nor are you aware of the damage to

your brand caused by your dissatisfied customers. Remember the iceberg?

If you heard your customers‟ complaints, wouldn‟t you endeavor to remedy the

situation? Of course you would, because you know it costs more to get a new customer

than to keep an old one. How much does all this cost? Have you looked at your

statistics? From "Leading on the Edge of Chaos", Emmett C. Murphy and Mark A.


1. Acquiring new customers can cost five times more than satisfying and retaining current customers.

2. A 2% increase in customer retention has the same effect on profits as cutting costs by 10%.

3. The average company loses 10% of its customers each year.

4. A 5% reduction in customer defection rate can increase profits by 25-125%, depending on the industry.

5. The customer profitability rate tends to increase over the life of a retained customer.

ROI on social media may not even be a fair question. You cannot measure your WOM marketing now.


Social media is not going away, so do something. You don‟t have to do it all. But you

must start somewhere or you risk being left behind as your customers become more

dependent on social media. Learn to use and master one of the many tools.

You cannot out-spend your competition, or out-think them, or out-hire them. Your only

advantage is to learn and implement faster than your competition. The famous

management consultant Peter Drucker said, “You don‟t have to change – survival is


More Drucker-isms:

"Wherever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision."

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The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 14

Thoughts and a Story:

The reality is that business success demands measurements. Without measures,

decision making becomes a guessing game and


“Test and measure,” “test and measure”, remain a

mantra in all marketing activities, even in the new 21st

culture of interactive social media. Return on

investment is the first measurement a business

owner or CEO will ask about and until this can be

estimated, how can a company assign assets or


To not have an outcome or benefit determined

prior to investing time and money is contrary to the teachings of people such as Jay

Conrad Levinson, Peter Drucker and other experts.

Story about Bob and John:

Fade in …….

Bob rushes in with a big box and sets it down on John‟s desk. The year was 1985.

I remember this day well since it was just before the holidays and everyone was

hearing a lot about this thing called “Atari”. (25 years later the dominate movers

and shakers would have been about 5 years old.)

Bob: “I got one on sale, John. Things are going to

happen now!”

John: “What‟s that, Bob? What is such a big deal?”

Bob: “It is just what we need. They call it a

„computer‟ and we can use it do stuff we already


John: “We are doing OK now. Everyone knows

what they are supposed to do and we have a

routine that seems to work.”

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The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 15

Bob: “Yes, but wouldn‟t it be great to do more even faster? I heard the

competition just bought one.”

John: “I heard the competition just bought a computer as well. It is tough to

believe they are going to do better than us because they have this new


John: “How much did it cost, Bob? You haven‟t told me how much of OUR hard

earned money you spent on this new contraption.” (They used to call things

contraptions back then.)

Bob: “Well… It was on sale” John: “Yes?” Bob: “… and they guaranteed it for

60 days not to break.” John: “Yes? … how much?”

Bob: “OK. It was only $2000. But I promise that this will really help business.

Even though I haven‟t seen one work yet, I am not trained on it, and it is brand

new, I know it will help.”

John: “Bob, Bob, Bob… You know what I am going to ask next, don‟t you?”

Bob: “Yes, John”

John: “What is the ROI on this newfangled thing you just paid $2000 for?”

Fade out……

We know the rest of the story of course. The computer is the backbone for efficiency,

teamwork, communication and creativity. The conversation between Bob and John is

much like many of the conversations heard way back then. I was there. As odd as it

may sound, hesitation, doubt, wonder and perplexity were in the room when discussing

the computer. “Is it worth the money?” was a question asked by small business owners.

Only a minority of people jumped on board and bought a computer to improve their

business. More people were more interested in buying gaming computers for fun and


What is the ROI of a computer? Answer: It depends.

What is the ROI of a telephone? It depends.

What is the ROI on this eBook? Once you have finished reading it, I estimate a

conservative 1000%.

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The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 16

To gain a better appreciation for how a business owner or CEO might benefit from social

media tools, we have asked Inbound Marketing Professor Michael Hartzell a series of

questions related to social media and Inbound Marketing. The goal is to combine the

traditional business thought processes and the new social media tools.

We will take about 12 of the most common questions a business owner or CEO is

interested in. This is meant to be a fast read and nudge your paradigm a bit, offer the

essential tools and jumpstart those who are ready to reach into the social media arena.

Just as the computer was not the answer to Bob and John‟s problems, social media is not

the final solution. Just as the computer became a tool that improved performance, we

will consider if the new social media platforms are not similar to the scenario in 1985.

Return On Investment - ROI

What Does Return On Investment - ROI Mean?

A performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or to

compare the efficiency of a number of different investments. To calculate ROI,

the benefit (return) of an investment is divided by the cost of the investment;

the result is expressed as a percentage or a ratio.

The return on investment formula:

From: www.Investopedia.com

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The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 17

Pete DiSantis CMC

Why do you believe social media is important to a


Michael Hartzell

It is not social media itself that is important to a business as much as the connection

with both customers and staff. As the voice of the customer becomes more powerful

and the traditional methods of marketing become less effective, social media tools allow

anyone to be a product reviewer instantaneously and have the world know whether the

experience was good or bad.

“Less effective” are words heard often when speaking of traditional marketing. Because

traditional marketing is a known and there is history, it appears to be more promising

than the new tools which, as of yet, do not have long term data.

If consumers are expanding how they interact with each other and how they find and

buy products or services, it only makes sense to also expand the ways in which a

company connects with its customers.

If people spend more time reading blogs, using search engines and rely more heavily on

Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter to interact with each other and less time with email or

newspapers, no rocket science is needed to say, “Hang out where the buyer hangs out.”

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The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 18

Statistics are spouted daily in the news and on the Internet about how people are

moving in different directions than even four years ago. Two billion hits a day was the

latest milestone hit by YouTube. This is double the number from only nine months ago.

Social media allows anyone to listen in a way like never before. If the social media tools

and alert systems were considered no less than a listening post to improve decision

making and test marketing tactics, the saving in trial and error may be the biggest pay

off for a business without doing so much as a tweet.

Getting Found Online:

There is another reason for a business owner, manager, CEO and marketing maven to

look again at social media. The reason is “search engines”. Since there were almost 16

billion (with a B) core searches in May of 2010, you must be thinking, “When people

search, how can my business be found?”

Social media platforms and social networking may be part of the formula. A simple

local search example shows how a Biznik page (business social networking community)

is in the first position of Google. This is important to note because it is in #1 position

while my website is #2 and #3 for the same phrase. Fortunately I am a Biznik member

which increases the chance of being found for those searching by the particular phrase

and location.

If you were to take a closer look at the #2 and #3 positions in the search, both of these

are blog posts which emphasizes the importance of blogging if you want to stay in the

forefront on the Internet and get found.

Lastly, the guest blog post on www.insidehospitality.com/blog is in the #5 position on

the first page of Google in the search results. Blog + Collaboration on relevant site =

Getting Found.

If the goal is to include the social media platforms and social networking as part of the

marketing plan, this example shows how a person might take four places and dominate

a particular search term on the first page.

This is why social media and blogging quality, relevant content are so important to

Inbound Marketing.

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The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 19

(For a smile, take a look at the link in the 7th position in the example. It is from LinkedIn (social

networking site) and the word restaurant is spelled incorrectly. Even so, Google offers it up to

you on the first page.)

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The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 20

Let’s take just one more example, shall we? This blog post promotes the concept of a virtual

office. An associate has a great facility with great service in the Sammamish, WA area and

would like to be found online. His point is that anyone can have a virtual office with an address

at Meadow Creek Professional Center and yet be there in name only. A business can be local

while a thousand miles away.

To give support and provide an example I blogged about his services “Office rentals in

Sammamish”. Within five days, the blog article is in the #1 position on Google when searching

for this term.

Being #1 is only one of the bricks that must be laid for the creating a road to business success

using the Internet but without that brick, no others can follow.

Take a look at how the blog post shows up in the search engine result. Remember that this has

a video, a place to comment, was tweeted and retweeted. It was also bookmarked on Delicious

and shared on Google Buzz. Did this activity on the social media sites and bookmarking have an

impact? When someone types in the search phrase, the blog post was #1. This is important to a

business because it increases the chance of being found.

(Consider the possibility of a virtual office in the Pacific Northwest with a very low


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The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

Copyright © 2010 – Pete DiSantis & Better by Ten Productions - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 21

From: SEO is Evolving Fast: Is Your Website?

What will be the impact of social media

inclusion in search?

"Will" seems a little past tense... it HAS huge impact. There is

not an SEO consultant worth his or her salt that would not list a

social media tactic as one of their top priorities for any SEO

strategy. The content goldmine of user generate content, the

viral linking of forums and blogs, and the nascent stage of

video, leads to a ton of great opportunities for the small

business to out pace the slow moving behemoths.

What is the most important thing an SMB can do to

improve organic traffic?

A Blog. Period.

Write content, have others write content and make it engaging

and relevant, then the links will come. I Can't even begin to

tell you the potential here, if you are willing to engage for a

few hours a week.

By Kirsten Knipp

Read more:



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The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

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Pete DiSantis CMC:

The social media tools seem to grow daily. With so many

options, how can someone in business possibly track all

the various websites and logins?

Michael Hartzell CLM

There are certainly a growing number of social media software tools and you can

count on new programmers to invent more attachments and add-ins with the hope of

making it big.

Which software tool a business owner or CEO uses depends on their own familiarity

and comfort zone but here are the more common options along with a few that are not

as well known.

The first goal is to know where your user name is currently active. Check the use

of your brand or username on 160 Social Networks: www.checkusernames.com.

Check Usernames allows you to check the availability of your brand or

username on 160 popular Social Networking and Social Bookmarking websites.

Namechk at www.namechk.com is another free choice to check usernames.

Hootsuite.com is one option as it logs into all of your accounts and tracks

everything for you in one feed. www.hootsuite.com

NutshellMail brings a summary of your social network updates to your inbox in

a single email on your schedule. www.nutshellmail.com

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The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

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Atomkeep is here to solve the problem of information redundancy. Atomkeep

will keep your accounts in sync on all social networks, job boards and other sites.


Ping.fm The other popular option is www.ping.fm. Ping.fm has a mantra of

“post from anywhere to anywhere.” www.ping.fm

TweepML is an extensible, open standard format that allows you to manage and

share groups of Twitter users. www.tweepml.org

Both Seesmic and Tweetdeck are favorites for managing social media on the

desktop and they have expanded from Twitter to multiple social media accounts.

www.tweetdeck.com www.seesmic.com

The list goes on and on but will leave you with this one last option.

www.pixelpipe.com PixelPipe is a service where you upload photos, video, and

audio files once through the Pixelpipe Media Gateway and distribute your

content across over 100+ social networks, photo/video sites, blogs, and other

online services. www.pixelpipe.com

Flock is a consideration and is also an Internet browser that is designed to

integrate social media interaction from within the browser itself.

www.flock.com More than 800 developers along with thousands of testers,

designers, writers, and a global community of contributors make the Mozilla

Application Framework the best in the world. This award-winning engine has

been applauded for its safety, performance, and customizability. Flock does not

manage ALL social media but it provides amazing help with the most common


There is a long list of tools, videos, cheat sheets and guides at:


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The Reality of ROI & Social Media Marketing What’s the point anyway?

By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

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Pete DiSantis CMC:

How can anyone have

enough time to interact via

the social media tools or have

enough time to create


Michael Hartzell CLM:

The answer lies in:

1. The tools themselves which streamline and simplify social media activity.

2. A focus on purpose with a minimum of distractions.

3. An understanding that social media tools are meant to enhance and increase the

connection but not necessarily increase the amount of time.

The same question could be asked for the telephone. The choice is left up to the user as

to how much time should be devoted to phone conversations. Since the effectiveness of

the telephone is completely dependent on how useful the participants find it to be, it

may be decided that more time needs to be spent on the tools that are most effective. In

other words, you may choose to spend more time using social media tools and less time

on traditional methods which do not reap the rewards as in days of old.

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By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

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If you pass someone in the hall at the office and comment, “Nice tie” or possibly say a

good word at the local coffee shop about weather, these activities and conversations do

not take but a moment in time and are “on the way”. You could look at social media

tools as simply another means to have “on the way” conversations. These could occur

while you wait in line, pause between commercials, or wait for an important phone call

appointment. A business owner or CEO could be considered more efficient as those 20

or 30 minutes a day are no longer wasted, but instead are used to interact and connect

with others.

This can became a culture in a company to turn the current time waste into productive

time by connecting with customers to listen, get feedback and solve customer problems.

The biggest barrier is not in activity but in new habits and beliefs. Time is already being

wasted. Can the convenience of social media tools be the answer rather than a burden?

Return on Investment (ROI) is a measure of a

company’s profitability, equal to a fiscal year’s

income divided by equity and long-term debt;


ROI measures how effectively the organization

is using its resources to generate a financial


From: www.investonwords.com

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By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

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Pete DiSantis CMC:

How can you know what to write about? How does

someone know what is the best content?

Michael Hartzell CLM:

This is easier than many realize. “Did you hear about…”, “Can I show you how to…”,

“Way to go with ….” are often lead-ins to a conversation. Consider that every

conversation each day can be simply added to the stream of social media conversations.

Instead of ADDING more content, a business owner or CEO can simply magnify that

which is already being talked about.

Example: www.posterous.com accepts blog posts via email which can also be

automatically posted to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr and a multitude of

other social media sites. If a business emails current clients or customers, then that same

email could be slightly changed and sent to Posterous, which then shares it with the

world. My contention is that content is already being created, so simply redirect and

expand on how and to whom it is delivered. Everyone is in the publishing business. To

limit the content to just one set of eyes does not fully leverage the opportunity for

touching more people.

Recognition of clients, customers, staff or vendors is almost always a winner and in

doing so, a business gains more links and attention as the articles are shared with others

by those who were written about.

What NOT to do on a constant basis:

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Every business has a team of bloggers, micro-bloggers and content creators on their

staff. Returning again to a tool such as Posterous, everyone and anyone can simply send

an email to create a blog post which would then be saved for review and acceptance by

the moderator.

An answer to any question that a customer or client may ask turns into a potential blog

post. Special celebrations or milestones can be shared with more than just a few.

Instead of thinking about “how to create content”, first look at the activities, discussions

and content already being created and share it on a broader scale. Even an internal

product or service review can be tailored to be more than a report sitting on the shelf.

A change in culture and paradigm will allow any business to have almost no limit to the

amount of content. Once this bridge is crossed, the real challenge will be, “There is so

much content available, which should be chosen?”

For another thought about content creation and what is best, look at those bookmarking

and social media sharing websites such as Twitter, Digg, Technorati, Stumbleupon and

others. These websites and others will show what are hot topics and what are not. A

business does not necessarily have to talk about the hot topics but if the product or

service is relevant, it is good to integrate solutions related to the news of the day.

Selling vs. Information. The next biggest challenge when deciding what content to share

will be: “sell” or “inform”? To have less than a 20 to 1 ratio with information, tips, news

and updates versus the sales invitation will seem pushy and more like advertising.

Applying the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” principles by investing first before

withdrawing will prove to be a winner. Providing value day after day increases trust.

The cost of using social media is much lower than the traditional methods of marketing

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and providing information can be done on the fly. Therefore, the opportunities to

impress your future customers with your expertise and value are exponentially

increased. The months it once took to create trust might be reduced to a week or a

month. There will be experts who advise that a 50:1 ratio or 100:1 ratio of information as

opposed to selling is the best formula for success using social media.

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Pete DiSantis CMC:

Who is relevant and what is relevant and how can you find

out? How does a business owner or CEO know how to


Michael Hartzell CLM:

The term “key words” and “key word phrases” are commonly used to reference what

words or phrases people might use to search for a business, product or service. “Long

tail key words” would simply be phrases with many words that a person might type

into the Google/Bing/Yahoo search box. “Lease contract attorney Seattle” would be an

example of a long tail key word phrase.

That being said, once a business owner or CEO knows the keywords or keyword

phrases their customers or potential customers might use to search, the same key word

phrases can be used with alert systems to find and retrieve relevant information.

“Google Alerts” is the most common which you can find at www.google.com/alerts.

Selecting key word phrases (I recommend using quotes around the phrase “ ”) will keep

anyone immediately up to date for mentions of those key words being mentioned.


Social Oomph is a popular tool to do the same thing but specifically for Twitter. With

this tool there is no need to search Twitter itself since the relevant information

pertaining to tweets are brought right to someone in the form of an email.


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This can also be a way to monitor public conversations, specials or news items for the


At the very least, even without using social media tools, any business can set up alerts

for their brand, key words or names of key players (or competition). Thought: Is your

competition already doing this and responding in an aggressive way to take business

one customer at a time?

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Pete DiSantis CMC:

Many view social media as simply an expense with no

apparent revenue stream for the time and effort invested.

Without income, there is no value. How do you respond to


Michael Hartzell CLM:

The old man is watching the young boy tie up his new (used) boat to the pier. The

small boat has a sail of sorts and one oar is tilted and pushed between the seats.

Running up to the old man with excitement the boy says: “I have a new boat! I have a

new boat! I am going to be rich!”

The old man looks again at the faded paint and droopy sail and says: “Where is your

compass? Where are your charts? Where are your tide tables? Do you have the safety

gear and extra gasoline? Radar and a depth gauge would be good. If you plan on

eating, those new fish finders will be important to have. That old boat isn‟t going to do

you much good since it won‟t get you very far. In fact it only has one oar and the sail

will not hold a solid wind. Sorry son, I just don‟t see how you are going to be a captain

of a vessel and do any important boating with that little thing.”

The boy reaches into his still wet shorts and pulls out the most amazing pearl the old

man had ever seen.

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The young boy holds up his new pearl and points to a spot not too far off and says, “I

got this right over there. There are many more to be had but I needed a boat to get me

there. This boat is just right for what I need.”

In regards to growing sales:

The answer lies within the goals and the “10 Steps About I” process which is talked

about in depth at www.pushbuttontechtools.com.

The process in “10 Steps About I” basically shows the purpose or intent of each contact

and helps to evaluate which type of push button tech tool might be useful. Before value

can be shown and measures determined, what specifically will a business try to

improve? Evaluation might first begin with “Investigate” then move to the

“Introduction” and finally ends on the customer exclaiming “I Love it” to the degree

that they will share with another and become an ambassador. Gaining the advantage by

having “Ambassadors” is the difference between a good business and a thriving

successful business and is talked about in an ebook titled “10 Magic Marketing Tips”.

If a business owner can identify the weakness in their current relationship building

process, there is a good chance that a social media tool will help improve effectiveness.

Here are the “10 Steps About I” which can be used to create a relationship path.

1. Investigate – No more cold-calling. The Internet provides a database.

2. Introduce – They have to know you before they can like you.

3. Invite to talk about the possibilities.

4. Imagination; Innovation to be remarkable.

5. Illustrate to show the benefits and features.

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6. Illuminate to give those “a-ha” moments.

7. Invite them to buy.

8. Indebtedness - Show gratitude with a big Thanks.

9. Happiness Intact – Follow up is mandatory.

10. I Love it! - Your hear this and they become ambassadors.

For instance, take a business that connects simply with direct snail mail, telephone, and

email, with a fax here and there. Measure the performance of a person, department or

company with these basics.

Commonly you might see measurements of success based on # of contacts, # of

leads, # of follow-up calls, # of deposits by clients, # of transactions, average $ of

sale, # of long term happy customers (beyond 6 months) and # of referrals. A

calculation for cost per lead and cost per customer and a variety of other ratios

can also be included.

For a retail business location it might be # of visitors into a location, # of transactions,

transaction amount, # of compliments, # of surveys completed, # of transactions per

month or quarter, whether they use a discount and types of items purchased to name a


Add to either of these: A voice to all customers. That voice is created with a click of a

button, 140 characters, a digital photograph, a video, a blog review or a review on a

travel site or even Google maps.

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By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

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These businesses mentioned are now being impacted more so than before because

perfect strangers who are connected from afar have influence. One frowny face or bad

mark can sway another whose name and identity they do not even know.

Sales trends are affected and since negative comments can be monitored online with

alert tools or reputation management software, every business owner can begin to create

a new database which includes # of negative comments online vs. sales trends, # of

positive comments vs. sales trends.

Add to the mix: A voice to the sales person, the manager, the customer service

representative, and the complaint department. Everyone and anyone within a company

have an opportunity to reach out to the discussion about the keywords and brand name

that is relevant to them. Anyone on the team becomes a voice of the company since

accounts can be in names other than their own.

Given the fact that the buzz can be monitored and social media tools simply feed the

database, a business can also measure its success with sales, retention and their

customers‟ happiness factor.

The ROI can be determined by which sales person, manager or location is interacting vs.

those who are not. Can a business be successful without social media? Yes. A business

that is competing will have the advantage because they have a higher speed of trust,

higher likelihood of retention, a faster sales process, more positive feedback, a

personalized quick way to solve problems now, methods to gain positive feedback with

clicks of a button and everything is done at the speed of lightning vs. the snail mail and


Most importantly, there does not have to be a direct contact between the two people

having a conversation. One person can interact with a higher number of people for

those issues that are simply “quick fixes” where the customer does NOT want anything

more than speed and accuracy.

Once the business owner or CEO are able to review their current sales process and

integrate the social media tools into that special soft spot where the results are low,

magic can happen.

Here is an example related to costs:

For instance: Very frequently the ball is dropped after the transaction during “follow-

up”. This is not an unknown issue, in fact, everyone is well aware of it.

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By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

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With marginal follow-up, an increase in complaints and more refunds or discounts are

necessary. Even with a system that offers a refund as a resolution, the customer may

already be lost. What would happen when many options for giving immediate feedback

or asking for assistance via social media tools are put into place?

Creating a system for how to solve any problem when customers are unhappy will

reduce anger and also save time and money. Immediate follow up prior to bad

situations turning worse, before the perturbed turns into irate or the irate turns into

boiling, is essential. Keep a close eye on refunds, discounts and customer retention

when a company begins to advance with social media tools.


No one wants to be “first”. While all the logic in the world and the poor results show

marginal performance with closing deals, completing transactions, complaining

customers, lengthier decision making by consumers and customers with a louder voice,

there is still the unknown of how much benefit and so “wait” becomes the operative


Test here:

Target customer satisfaction first. Cost out the refunds and discounts given because of

dissatisfaction. Target to cut that number in half by simply training the current team to

interact a bit differently with each person.

Value will be seen by first analyzing the weakness of a business by its owner or CEO

and then applying new technology to reduce waste and improve satisfaction, thereby

keeping money in the till that was supposed to be there in the first place.

This is a good place to show how it may appear that social media is simply an overlap to

existing Internet communication. The question will be: Why bother? eMarketer makes

a point that email is the preferred communication method for the majority of web users.

Below is a graph and a link for you to pursue this line of thought.

How Are Email, Facebook and Twitter Audiences


While more consumers are becoming fans and followers of brands on social sites,

email remains the preferred communication method for the majority of web users.

What determines people's channel of choice, and what does it mean for marketers?

Full Article http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?R=1007829

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This may make any business owner or CEO pause to reflect about where to invest

marketing efforts.

Why not simply invest more into email?

Each business must do a test to find the answers. Remember, people may use social

media to talk about a business already. A bad video, negative remarks or an

unflattering photo may do harm. Understanding how people are talking about a brand

can prove valuable. There is more than one potential benefit when using social media

and the transparency of social media gives a business “listening power”.

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By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

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Pete DiSantis CMC:

Which social media tools are the most advantageous?

Michael Hartzell CLM:

In the old days a local businessman had sales people contacting him via the phone each

and every week. The call goes like this, “Would you like to sign up for long distance

service?” Each time he responds, “99% of my customers are local so I rarely use long


First and foremost, be very aware of which tools your customers are using. Facebook

might be in the news but if your business caters to those who are rarely on Facebook,

then know and use the social media tools they use. (You may have to ask them.) If your

potential clients are not using any social media but rely on text messaging, it is time to

dust off your thumbs and learn how to abbreviate.

Here is a review of the characteristics:

Ease of learning - can others be trained quickly?

Support available with forum, email, telephone and chat.

Training available via forums, video and a manual.

Stable and appears to be more than a “garage” business.

Measurements are possible (visits, clicks, conversions, etc.)

Compatible with both desktop and mobile devices.

The purpose of the company providing the service is clear (not meant to

badger you with up-sells.)

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By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

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We have reviewed a few tools already but will focus on those which are dominant.

Sticking with one of the social media that is already popular works into the “Be where

the customers are” concept. Think about the advantage of NOT needing to train your

staff or clients on the tools.

If you follow the principal of “be where your customers spend their time and

communicate with them in the way that is most comfortable to them,” then you need to


Over 70% of those searching online use Google. Keywords and phrases within

all social media tools can improve the chance of being found.

Here is a list of where people are spending time online.


Convenient and easy to set up and maintain.

Low cost to set up and maintain.

Offers very easy accessibility to fresh company updates.

Search engine optimized – Increases the chance of getting found


Increases brand awareness.

Provides an accepted vehicle for you to make your marketing more

personal, more direct, and lets people see your ideas and personality.

Blog marketing gives people and companies a chance to break out of

the old and boring model of marketing to be more engaging,

conversational and personal.

Whether you sell to small or large companies, the end buyer is just

another person, someone like you.

Easy to use. Publish your ideas

instantly without having to

build or load a new page to

your web site.


Facebook is about building relationships.

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Customers can know who you really are on Facebook.

Allows a business to show off what they can do.

It is ideal for educational tips and service inquiries.

You can network easier.

It is favored by Generation X.

Facebook Fan Pages are searchable in Google and Facebook Groups can be created to improve connections.


Your professional on-line profile available


Employers utilize LinkedIn.

Jobs/Recommendations can be displayed.

LinkedIn has its own job listing section

where users can post positions.

Provides networking platform among professionals.

Easily share expertise with other professionals.


More People Use it During Work.

Good for SEO.

Goes Viral Faster.

It is Easy to Recruit Customers.

It Can Propel You Faster into the Spotlight.


2 billion views per day as of May 2010.

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Doubled since October of 2009

YouTube uploads and shares your videos for free.

YouTube helps you host your video rather than taking up your own

storage space.


If you are using print and traditional advertising, you can add a

mobile marketing call to action.

Text message marketing is targeted.

Text message marketing is easy to set up and start a new campaign.

The personal nature of mobile phones makes text messaging more


Most people take their mobile phones everywhere.

People tend to read virtually every text.


An offline and online community who believe:

o in Collaboration, Not Competition

o in People Not Professions.

o in Community.

o in Events, Not Updates.

o in Technology.

o in Free.

o that Money is a Good Thing.

o in Relationships, not Referrals.

o in Participation.

o in Giving To, Not Selling To.

o in Being Progressive.

o that building a business is hard, lonely work.

o And that spending time with some like-minded peers who

“get that you can make it a little easier, a lot less lonely, and

way more fun.”

There are hundreds more available which is why it may seem so difficult to choose.

Each has their own principles, passions and preferences.

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By Pete DiSantis CMC & Michael Hartzell CLM

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For a business owner or CEO who is interested in production vs. research and results

vs. trial and error, the best tools will be those with multi-functions built in.

You want to know:

1. Where customers and leads are.

2. When they talk about you, your brand, your competition or your keywords.

3. Who is a potential collaborator.

4. The success or failure of online communication by the staff and management.

If a business owner sets up social media as a “guerrilla marketing squad” and has

specific tasks assigned each and every day, it wouldn‟t take much time to determine

which is the most advantageous. If there is NO interaction or connection currently, then

there is more than simply a barrier to social media. It may be time to evaluate if

relationships with current or potential customers is important. Everyone says “yes” but

the culture and commitment in a company is determined by more than words, speeches

and fliers.

There is a full buffet of videos, cheat sheets, white papers and resources available at

www.michaelhartzell.com/social-media-for-small-business/. This can be a back up

resource for any company leader if they get stuck.

The most advantageous for most would probably be one of these three tools:




Any one of these will fill a bulk of the needs which includes, searching, tracking,

organizing, commenting, and most important of all: listening. These tools will operate

on a desktop or mobile device. Which is best? Each has its own fan base and I am not

partial to any one of the three. All will get the job done. They have become so diverse

and powerful that it may take a few weeks to harness their capabilities.

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Hubspot offers software that focuses on creating solutions which provides a

website, blog, social media integration, analytics, keyword management and much

more. Hubspot almost eliminates the need for many of the social media support


Hubspot does not replace the social media websites such as Facebook, LinkedIn,

YouTube or Twitter but instead integrates with them to ensure success in a timely

fashion. They have a free trial and it is worth taking a look. It is thus far the best

integrated software tool for the money that I have used, and is not quite like

anything on the market today.

Hubspot software puts a business owner in a virtual cockpit which allows them to

maximize their awareness and time both as a marketer and owner.

Should Hubspot be a first choice, many of the tools mentioned within this eBook

are less necessary and “too much time” or “lack of coding expertise” are no longer

barriers to success. Hubspot is more than a software company as they offer

education and support to ensure success with such things as Social Media

Optimization and Search Engine Optimization.

SMO: Social Media Optimization: Social Media Optimization (SMO) is

the methodization of social media activity with the intent of attracting unique visitors to

website content. SMO is one of two online methods of website optimization; the other

method is search engine optimization or SEO. (See Wikipedia.)

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Pete DiSantis CMC

How do you build real relationships with social media

when it appears the contrary is true?

Michael Hartzell CLM

How do you build real relationships without social media? The rules that apply

offline are the same online. Stephen Covey‟s book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”

is still true online as well. Companies who are high pressure offline with sales

processes and continue the mindset online find themselves struggling to connect.

Second question for a business owner: Do you want to build social friendships or

business relationships? Do you want to use social media to make friends or make


A business must not treat Business Social Media like Personal Social Media. The

purpose of business is NOT to create social friendships; it is meant to create friendly

business relationships.

It is also true that “Things are not always as they appear” though many believe “It‟s on

the Internet so it must be true.” Trust but verify has never been more important.

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With each comment, tweet, discussion, mention or sharing event there still needs to be

relevance, value, and thoughtfulness. Any time you have a communication device that

is asynchronous there will be those more interested in talking than listening. The social

media world actually helps you better understand the intent of a person more quickly.

Is the company using social media for the purpose of:
















Creating and Producing




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More importantly, which of the descriptions best describe the activities by any company

(including the one thinking about moving into using social media tools)?

A business must always use the tools at hand to show they are the best choice:

I again would refer back to the “10 Steps about I”. The purpose of using social media is

to improve which one of the steps?

“I can‟t seem to get anyone to listen” may mean that content is boring, dull, or

out of touch. Social Media allows for sharing video, audio and photos. Listening

and responding is the best cure rather than setting up a campaign that is only

relevant to internal company goals but not to anyone outside the company.

This could also mean that the person initiating the contact is not relevant and so

more Investigation might be needed before the Introduction is made.

I suppose you could relate the social media culture in the same way as “the 12th Player”

on the football field. The “12 Player” on the field is known as the fans in the stands,

watching on TV and listening on the radio who watch, listen, share and cheer. (Ever

notice how this number goes down when a team gets boring and begins to lose?) The

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football owner and coach are very aware of how important the fans are and will go out

of their way to keep fans informed about the latest news. Consider how social media is

now a potential connection for “fans” to play a part in cheering (or booing), sharing,

watching, commenting, opinionating or sitting silently while waiting for the next big

play. In this case, the relationship is based on winning and the viewers pay money to

participate. Big winners are in the public eye and their success is shared with friends

and family. Boring and un-interesting losers are passed by.

** Note: Even the boring and un-interesting companies will find social media tools

helpful. Listening is the first and most important thing to do.

Social Networking: Social media are media for social interaction, using highly

accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media use web-based technologies to

transform and broadcast media monologues into social media dialogues. Andreas Kaplan

and Michael Haenlein define social media as "a group of Internet-based applications that

build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the

creation and exchange of user-generated content."[1] (See Wikipedia.)

Social Media: Social media are media for social interaction, using highly accessible

and scalable publishing techniques. Social media use web-based technologies to transform

and broadcast media monologues into social media dialogues. (See Wikipedia.)

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Pete DiSantis CMC:

Is social media helpful to those who rely primarily on

connecting with decision makers (lead generation)?

Michael Hartzell CLM

The answer is a resounding YES.

Hubspot has proven that those companies involved with blogging and social media

have a lower cost with lead generation.

Think about the process for a moment.

Example #1

A person has a need and begins their search.

Google has over 70% of the searches so let‟s use Google.

Ignasius says, “I need a new air conditioner.” Ignasius types “buy air

conditioner” into Google. Up pops millions of results. Ignasius then refines his

search with “buy air conditioner Seattle”. Up pops fewer results. Ignasius sees

the titles 10 at a time. He clicks on the one that seems most relevant to him, most

appealing. He then lands on a page that says “Best Air Conditioner Resource in

Seattle, WA.” This turns out to be a blog post by Abe who is sharing his opinion

about the best air conditioners. Ignasius is impressed with Abe‟s knowledge and

likes how he writes. The blog is so helpful that it has already answered many of

his questions. Abe is gaining points already and no contact has even occurred.

Ignasius is under pressure because the temperature is about 90 degrees and

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tempers are flaring. Sadly, it is about 7 pm. He is beside himself. He calls the

number and the recording says, “Don‟t forget you can reach us via Facebook Fan

Page or our Twitter account should you have an emergency.”

Ignasius goes to the Facebook fan page and he sees amazing things being said by

others. These people are publicly thanking Abe again and again for the

information he provides, the service he offers, and their satisfaction.

That does it; Ignasius is now convinced in about 15 minutes that Abe‟s company

is the one he trusts. He has yet to speak to a single person.

Ignasius tweets a message in public to Abe via Twitter. “@abeac I am in AC

trouble. Can you help?” Abe answers back a reply “@Ignasius Happy to help

you. We have emergency services.” “Follow me and I will DM my personal cell

number to you.”

This example is based on real stories blended together into one example. All

names and tweets are fictional.

Example #2

Ralph, a restaurant owner is about to lose his business. The contract he signed

has a problem and he operated on trust. He did not hire an attorney.

Ralph could ask his friends if they know a good attorney but it appears that

restaurant ownership does not offer the lifestyle that attracts too many friends.

Ralph works every week end. Ralph decides the phone book is not much help

since it is full of names and advertisements so he heads to the Google search


Ralph goes to the search box and after a moment of thought he types “contract

attorney for restaurant in Seattle”. He doesn‟t have time to dilly dally and he

knows exactly what he needs so he uses a „long tail keyword phrase‟.

The results from his search are numerous. As he scans the first and second pages

he sees an attorney whose description mentions “attorney”, “contracts” and

“restaurant”. He clicks and begins to review the page.

The photo is there and the contact information. There is an “about” section and

he continues looking for something to make him feel good about his decision.

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Because the attorney showed a sample on the blog of how she thought and

communicated, this lowered the intimidation factor. Ralph thinks to himself,

“This attorney thinks just like I would if I were an attorney. I need to talk more

with her.”

He downloads the special report that is offered to study (and shares his email

and phone number in the process). Because the blog had already sold him on

having a conversation, he completed the contact form and waited for a call the

next morning.

This happened without a phone call, without a secretary, without a paid

advertisement. The blog does not disappear next week. It is as permanent as the

attorney would like it to be. There will be questions about how high the blog

and website will stay ranked but chances are good that the pages found for the

long tail key word will remain in the top pages because it was so specific a


This lead occurred as a result of being found via a longer phrase which was

specific to a need, and by a blog that talked about that particular topic.

These are two examples which come from a combination of real life scenarios. The same

will apply to almost any industry. Giving an opportunity for a potential client to sample

your knowledge and expertise by downloading a free gift, watching a video, reading a

blog, or reviewing the feedback from previous clients (which are in view for all to see)

adds tremendous power. If used correctly, this can become a tool to magnify the very

best of a business.

Researching a company via Google happens BEFORE a check is written. Even with

traditional methods of selling products or services, few will make a commitment and

write a check without searching online. Testimonials via a social network site or blog

are more powerful than an advertisement.

Remember the evolution of TV stars and how people begin to feel as if they knew the

sitcom TV stars from only 30 minutes a week and an occasional interview. Creating a

personal presence has already been proven but now is available to anyone via social

media. How a business takes advantage will depend on whether they believe defense is

more important (focus on controls) or promoting the business is more important

(everyone on staff is a participant).

This is a perfect place to pause for a moment and remember a point:

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From the book Inbound Marketing by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah

“It‟s Not What You Say – It‟s What Others Say About You”

If your company is like most others, you put all your web energy on your site. In

fact 75% of your focus should be on what is happening off your website about

your brand, about your industry, about your competitors, creating communities off

your site for people to connect with you and your products, and ultimately driving

people back on your site.”

Setting up a „Google Alert‟ for the names and brands of your company, your

competitors, your vendors and your clients may give insight into what the

decision makers need or are concerned about. (Or show what they should be

concerned about.)

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Pete DiSantis CMC:

Can social media have measurable ROI? If so, how and


Michael Hartzell CLM

Yes. Using social media can have a measurable ROI. At the beginning of this book is

the example I remember well. Bob purchased a computer and John wanted to know the

ROI. Putting tools into place which will enhance the ability to listen, teach, share,

promote, investigate, introduce, and invite (10 Steps About I) is about measuring results

before having the social media in place vs. after. Just as a “best way” marketing

campaign depends on the company goals, the skills of the team and the marketplace, so

it is with using the new social media tools.

The telephone remains my favorite example. Give a marketing minded person a

telephone and she will think in terms of promotion and creating sales. Give an

accountant a phone and she will think about how many times she can call to find out

how much money was spent (or lost) during the day. Same tool, two results.

A person with social media can reach out to 20 people and “touch them” with a „hello‟, a

shout out, a question or positive comment of support. This can be done with an email

but the social media tools personalize it even more.

Measurement: How many Unique Personal Invitations were made this week using

social media tools? How many responses to those invitations were accepted? How

many acted on the invitation and said they wanted to learn more or even buy the

product / service by completing a form or adding the item to their cart?

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In other words, how many people received a personal invitation to visit a page on a

blog, a photo, a video, a landing page, etc. and how many visitors showed up to take a

look? How many leads were created because the visitors shared their names, emails and

phone numbers? How many purchases were made?

If you adhere to the philosophy of creating 20 times the content vs. the “sales invite”

then another measurement can be related to content creation.

Before any measurement can be considered, the “what” needs to be plastered on the

wall for all to see. Everyone on the team must know to ensure focus of topic and

conversation. Once the product or service is identified and there is confirmation of

interest, then focused conversation, education and sharing can begin.

Consider these as measures of success on the way to evaluating ROI:


1. Blogs posts.

2. Twitter Posts.

3. Twitter mentions.

4. Facebook interaction.

5. Facebook comments from “fans”.

6. Facebook friends added.

7. Groups joined.

8. Blogs commented.

9. Comments received on blog.

10. Videos made.

11. Guest blog posts written.

12. Pages bookmarked on Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Delicious, etc.

Cost for Social Media Networking Activities. $_________________ will depend on

who will follow up with the activities. Outsourcing is more expensive but less

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training is needed. Reports can be generated easily and most activities are

transparent (public) which keeps the outsourced company honest. Hiring a person

specifically as a social media manager can be less expensive but the selection process

and training will be more time consuming. The last option is less expensive as it

includes changing the culture of a company and integrating the social media tools

into the daily routine. While training and controls are necessary, each person on the

staff take put a personal spin on the social media communication. There is no best

choice until more can be known about the company goals.

Note: The practice of creating specialized landing pages for each social media tool or

campaign is important in analyzing where the visitors are coming from.

These activities will result in:

1. Visitors from social media to landing pages.

2. Conversions from visitors to leads.

3. Leads to Sales.

4. Visitors to Sales.

Track total sales specifically from the visitors and leads. $______________

Note: These are specific to social media interaction and do not include other online

marketing activities such as email, newsletters, directories or press releases.

Considering activities from social media activities can vary dramatically. A smaller

company can add a couple of hours per week for 10 to 20 leads a month. A larger

company can dedicate a couple of full time social media masters which could cost

$50,000 to $100,000 annually. There is more to consider than just social media at this

level since they need to be very savvy with SEO and closed loop marketing.

Bottom line: Can a part-time person working 25 hours a month at about $20 per hour

create enough connection with social media tools to generate leads to pay for themselves

times four each and every month? The simple answer is yes but it will take a calendar, a

calculator, a schedule, software tools, a spreadsheet, leadership, support and a team

culture of communication to make it happen.

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Since social media activities are based on relationship marketing principles, the timeline

for success may be gradual at first. Impatience during the infant stage of a social media

marketing plan integration has a negative impact.

Possibly another question might be asked at the same time: Are the traditional methods

as effective and will they be so in the future? What is the ROI of traditional marketing

methods? If you look at the chart below from Forrester Research, Inc. then the question

is not specific to “social media” as much as it is “Of all the options, which will be

effective and offer ROI?”

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Pete DiSantis CMC:

What type of strategy do you recommend when using

social media tools?

Michael Hartzell CLM

Strategy using social media tools must be interwoven within the current marketing

strategy. If you consider social media marketing tools to be used to enhance and

improve current marketing activities, the question might not be “strategy” as much as it

would be “principles” or “paradigm”.

If you removed the social media tools and encouraged each person on the staff: “With

every contact be sure to Make Their Day in some way big or small.” If you then

provided the opportunity and support for staff to do this, the likelihood of having an

impact and gaining a great reputation which was long lasting would be tough to beat.

Now that the culture of a company has such a mind-set, add the new tools of social

media. Social media marketing simply becomes more of the same. Personalized service,

great communication, and empowered staff who solve problems quickly.

Nordstrom‟s has forever and a day relied on the principles of excellence, empowering

their staff and ensuring satisfaction. Social media did not create the culture. Excellence

and communication was a priority. Now there are companies asking, “What is the

strategy?” and for them it may be to simply work more towards excellence in products,

services and communication. Social media tools where people share publicly can be the

downfall for a business otherwise. Think about the video camera that will upload to a

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YouTube website in minutes which emphasizes the very bad … or possibly the very


Principles include: Listen carefully; stay relevant; prove value; and respond quickly

while investing heavily in publishing, education and news. Personalize everything,

limit broadcasting, be cautious with salesy pitches, and instead make invitations.

The first step for any business is to strengthen current customer relationships. Support

them, ensure their happiness is intact and offer a place to give feedback. Start with

connecting with past and current customers first.

The goal is to convince others that to follow and do business with anyone else is second

best, and social media can support this message. The response to traditional methods of

marketing increases as social media supports the message.

The real value of social media tools is to enhance the power of those working in a

company to support the same message with each contact. The tasks to be measured can

be divided among the staff and management according to their skills and


The best strategy is to add the social media current culture with a leader acting as the

quarterback and coordinating communications in tandem.

Since social media tools are designed to expand conversations and connect people

easier, allowing the tools to work as a people connecter will improve efficiencies,

develop relationships, encourage communication, increase retention and open doors for

more testimonials and referrals with a click of a button.

Marketing Sherpa has an outstanding presentation. I would refer you to watch their

video as your next best step to think about strategy more in depth. The link to

Marketing Sherpa is in the resources section at the end of the book.

Run (don‟t walk) to www.marketingsherpa.com and add their resources to your RSS

reader or newsletter inbox. This is a company that does not “fluff over” the details. It

keeps you in the know about the big picture of marketing.

From Marketing Sherpa:

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Basic Steps to Creating Content on Your Blog

1. Set Goals for Blog. If your goal is to acquire new customers from social media (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Biznik, MySpace, etc), then set a goal to add a minimum of 3 new blog articles per week. If you do not have the time, skill or resources for this then having a blog or social media plan will be less likely to be of benefit to you. Each blog article is a new opportunity to rank on search engines for a specific keyword phrase (and variations of that keyword) and be shared on social media networks. The more pages on your blog, the more opportunities to “get found” on search engines and in social media networks by your target audience. It is simple mathematics.

2. Keyword Research: What words or phrases are YOUR potential customers using to look for you? People are using search engines as a place to ask questions and the search engine results as answers to those questions. If you use the search engines as a listening post to help you understand what the searchers need answers to, you will think in terms of solutions, filling needs and answering questions that your prospects ask when doing research on your products or services. Identify a list of search queries (Whare are referred to as “keywords”) relevant to your product or service you would like to rank on search engines for. If you make your first list of keywords too large, it can be overwhelming, so pick your top 20 keywords you would like to rank for, and target those words when creating content on your blog.

3. Create Content! Now that you have identified minimum goals (i.e. 3 blog articles per week) and at least 20 prime keywords (or long tail keyword phrases) you would like to rank on search engines for, start writing. Focus on education and remember about the importance of emotions. Your potential customers and clients are researching problems they need to solve and want a quick solution. How does your product or service help solve that problem? The blog articles will show them how over and over again. Your expertise gives them more confidence in you and builds trust. Do not limit articles strictly about your own product or service. “Edutain” (Educate + Entertain) people on how they can solve problem on their own. As you teach others, you position your company and staff as trusted advisors and the readers will want to learn more from you, share your content on social media networks, link to you blog and become a ambassadors / advocates of your brand.

Business owners who make the commitment to content creation strategy before

jumping into social media marketing will have better success. If the goal is to

acquire new customers via the virtual world, social media marketing is an is one

distribution method for remarkable content.

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Pete DiSantis CMC:

How is social media effective for business?

Michael Hartzell CLM

Depending on how a business decides to wield social media here are ways it can be

more effective:

Cost savings from efficiencies with customer service.

Cost savings as a result of happy customers which can lead to less refunds.

Cost savings as marketing trial and error is reduced.

Cost savings in marketing with faster testing cycles.

Increase sales with faster speed of trust and sales cycle.

Higher response rates with offline marketing as branding awareness increases.

Leads generated from invitations via social media.

Leads generated in response to valuable content (Writing, photos, audio and


Social media activities are transparent which means better accountability.

Social media tools offer measurable events.

Internal communication can improve and support “team” and efficiencies.

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Social Media Use in the Workplace on the Rise More workers around the globe are using social networks according to a new study from Trend Micro. The study shows this is happening while in the office and on the clock. After looking at the habits of 1,600 Internet users from the U.S., UK, Germany and Japan the survey found that over the past two years alone, social web use in the workplace has risen from 19% to 24%. In Germany specifically, social media use at work saw a 10% increase. Whether the rise is for the purpose of driving business or instead wasting valuable

companies’ time and money is yet to be determined. The distinction between the two will be

especially important to managers concerned with network security and productivity issues.

The first reaction for the companies may be to go on the defensive and attempt to put

controls in place vs. taking advantage of the opportunity of using the trend to empower each

to become publishers as a PR source.

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Pete DiSantis CMC:

How long does it take to know if social media marketing is

helpful, effective and making an impact?

Michael Hartzell CLM

One day. For any measurement other than sales, social media tools can be “turned on”

or set up in minutes and new “business relationships” are immediately started.

Since the first step is to connect to past and current customers, having personal feedback

which does not get filtered may offer revelations about a current product, service or staff

member. While all feedback needs to be investigated and verified, if a customer

comments about an experience that is dangerous to others, the savings could be


For creating the leads and sales, it depends on the reputation and relationships that

already exist. If a business has issues with customer relationships, marginal service, or

poor sales processes, then social media contacts will shine a light on the negative aspects

(which I believe is a positive since to know of the problems gives opportunity to fix


How well a company knows their audience and what they are interested in will be a

determining factor to whether there is any success with creating sales with social media.

(Isn‟t this true of any marketing methods?)

If a business is out to be friendly and social but not talk about the topics that are directly

related to their products or services, then people may like them but few will take action

to buy products. This may result in positive press, good community relations and make

people feel better but may not be profitable.

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There is an alternative with setting up ecommerce for Facebook. The developers have

begun to create simple tools for small businesses to add ecommerce pages to Facebook

pages. The same question exists for a Facebook page as any other website page, “How

can you attract people to the page?”

Practical eCommerce shows where to find Apps for Facebook to sell products from

within Facebook:


Voiyk is free for the first month of use, and $69 per year after that.


ShopTab users pay a flat monthly fee, starting at $10 for up to 500 products.


For retailers who are not Sortprice customers, fees range from $149 per month for up to

1,000 products to $400 per month for up to 50,000 products.


Smaller merchants can make use of the Facebook application alone for anywhere from

$5,000 to $10,000 per year.


Zazzle, for those unfamiliar, is an online retailer that allows users to upload images and

create their own merchandise such as t-shirts or posters, or buy merchandise created by

other users.

A retailer expanding online by opening an online Fecebook store has potential to create

a presence quickly.

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Conclusion by Pete DiSantis CMC:

Social media marketing is a tool to reach your market, just like direct mail, except free

and better. Actually social media marketing is a whole tool box of tools. Some tools you

will use frequently; some not so much and some not at all.

So let‟s open the tool box. What do you want to do? What is the job that needs to get

done? What is the purpose for the tool? Then we‟ll figure out the right tool to use.

YOU: I need to tighten a screw.

ME: Then you need a screw driver. What kind of screw is it?

YOU: It‟s a flat head.

ME: Where are you tightening the screw?

YOU: On this wrist watch.

ME: Then you need this small jeweler‟s screwdriver and not the power driver.

YOU: Oh! Okay.

After a while, you‟ll be able to figure that out all by yourself.

How do you start?

I would recommend a four step process:

Plan, Do, Check, Act.

PDCA ("Plan-Do-Check-Act") is a four step repetitive problem-solving process. It is a

classic Total Quality Management technique introduced as the Shewhart cycle.

Although popularized by W. Edwards Deming in the 1950's, its origin reaches back to

the 17th Century. Today Six Sigma refers to it as DMAIC.

Plan: Define the problem or issue. Find the real issue, the root cause, not just the

symptomatic issues. Define what one thing impacts others? Gather the internal

subject matter experts to formulate a strategy and tactics to combat the real

issue. Define and agree upon measurable metrics as a team.

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Do: Implement the plan with focus, measurement and accountability.

Check: Verify the plan was implemented as charged. Do the metrics work? Can

you measure the improvement? Has the real problem been diminished?

Act: Analyze the gap between the Plan versus Do. Adjust the plan and the

metrics so they do the job. Then, start the (PDCA) process over again.

How does this apply to social media marketing?


Define the problem or issue. Find the real issue, the root cause, not just the symptomatic

issues. Define what one thing impacts others. Gather the internal subject matter experts

to formulate a strategy and tactics to combat the real issue. Define and agree upon

measurable metrics as a team. In your planning process ask the classic, Who, What,

When, Where, Why and How. Here are a few questions to get you started in your


Let’s start with the “Why”:

Why is this project important?

Why does it have to be done?

Why does it have to be done now?

Why will this impact the customer?

Now the “What”:

What is the purpose of this project?

What do you hope to achieve?

What would happen if it wasn‟t done?

What is working properly and shouldn‟t be changed?

What can be quantified?

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Review the social media map below.

The Social Media Map by Brian Solis – Larger version HERE.

Determine what you want to do. (From the outer words.)

What is the job that needs to get done? From the colored teardrop petals, look at

the various tools available for the job you just defined.

What is the purpose of each tool? What is the function of each tool? Ask around,

investigate and research to determine how each tool works.

What tool works best for the most people?

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What tool will work best for you?

What features and benefits do you like?


Who is going to use the tool?

Who is going to manage it?

Who is your backup?

Who is your support person?

Who will measure the progress?


When will you start?

When and how frequently will you evaluate progress?


Where will you implement this plan first? Not everywhere simultaneously.

Learn and test before implementing widely. Take small bites and phase in the


Where or what website application will you be using?


How will you implement?

How will you phase it in?

How will the application be used?

How will the performance be measured?

How is performance of the function currently measured? What are the results?


Implement the plan with focus, measurement and accountability. Do is the easy part

and not for the faint of heart. You have planned it, now do it! Work the plan, point by

point. Add detail as necessary. Keep good notes and records.

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Verify the plan was implemented as charged. Do the metrics work? Can you measure

the improvement? Has the real problem been diminished? Check your work and check

your plan. Go through each planning step and verify the plan was implemented as it

was designed. Check your process, check your progress and check your results.


Based on your findings, above in “Check”, analyze the gap between the “Plan” versus

“Do”. Adjust the plan and the metrics so they do the job.

Maybe your plan, implementation and results are all on target. Great! Move onto the

next issue or expand the implementation of the current project.

Either way, if you decide to proceed, start the (PDCA) process over again and continue

to make the necessary refinements. The PDCA cycle is endless and continuous.


You will find that social media marketing will work for you 24/7/365. It can always be

working for you. It is up to you to maximize the benefit.

Your impact can be local or global if you need it to be.

You will be able to listen to your customers. You will be able to respond more quickly to

reinforce your brand or avert disaster.

Social media marketing will help you initiate contact with your clients gracefully, by

their invitation and with their permission. They will look for you. They will find you.

You will not be interrupting them. They will be coming to you.

Done well, social media marketing will shorten the “know, like and trust” cycle. For all

the above reasons as well as the transparent and authentic nature of social media

marketing, your next client will be well informed before you meet them. They will be

well informed before the sale and you did not have to “sell” them.

Good luck.

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Resources to help you further:

Peter DiSantis Consulting Associates

Creator of PDCA four step repetitive process improvement methodology


Marketo and Marketing Sherpa

Mapping a Social Marketing Strategy for ROI


Business Success Guide for the Entrepreneur

Social media for small business and twitter tips http://www.michaelhartzell.com/social-media-for-small-business/

Hubspot Free Social Media Guide


Inbound Marketing Training Inbound Marketing University Training


eMarketing Research and Analysis on Digital Marketing and Media


Inbound Marketing by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah

The New Rules of Marketing & PR

by David Meerman Scott

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Not the End.

“It’s always your next move.”

Napoleon Hill

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Glossary: API: An application programming interface (API) is an interface implemented by a software

program which enables it to interact with other software. (See Wikipedia.)

APP: Application software, also known as an application, is computer software designed to

help the user to perform singular or multiple related specific tasks. (See Wikipedia.)

Badge: A term used by Foursquare is a location-based social networking website, software

for mobile devices, and also a game. Users "check-in" at venues using a mobile website, text

messaging or a device-specific application.[1] They are then awarded points and sometimes

"badges." (See Wikipedia.) There are other social networking websites using “badges”.

Blog: A blog (a portmanteau of the term "web log")[1] is a type of website or part of a

website. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary,

descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. (See Wikipedia.)

Blogroll: Blogroll is a list of other blogs that a blogger might recommend by providing links

to them (usually in a sidebar list). (See Wikipedia.)

Bulletin Boards: A Bulletin Board System, or BBS, is a computer system running

software that allows users to connect and log in to the system using a terminal program. Once

logged in, a user can perform functions such as uploading and downloading software and data,

reading news and bulletins, and exchanging messages with other users, either through

electronic mail or in public message boards. (See Wikipedia.)

Chat: Online chat can refer to any kind of communication over the Internet, but is primarily

meant to refer to direct one-on-one chat or text-based group chat (formally also known as

synchronous conferencing), using tools such as instant messengers, Internet Relay Chat, talkers

and possibly MUDs. The expression online chat comes from the word chat which means

"informal conversation".[1]

(See Wikipedia.)

Conversion Rate: In internet marketing, conversion rate is the ratio of visitors who

convert casual content views or website visits into desired actions based on subtle or direct

requests from marketers, advertisers, and content creators. The Conversion rate is defined as


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Successful conversions are interpreted differently by individual marketers, advertisers, and

content creators. (See Wikipedia.)

Crowdsourcing: Crowdsourcing is the act of outsourcing tasks, traditionally performed

by an employee or contractor, to a large group of people or community (a crowd), through an

open call. (See Wikipedia .)

Digg: Digg is a social news website. The site's cornerstone function consists of letting people

vote stories up or down, called digging and burying, respectively. (Wikipedia definition.)

Dirtworld: The Dirtworld is the world in which you live, walk, eat, work, shake hands. It is

good to remember that reality is in the dirtworld and the virtual world is not the focus of reality.

Fair Use: Fair use is a doctrine in United States copyright law that allows limited use of

copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as for

commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship. (See Wikipedia.)

Feed: A web feed (or news feed) is a data format used for providing users with frequently

updated content. (See Wikipedia.)

GeoTagging: Geotagging is the process of adding geographical identification metadata to

various media such as photographs, video, websites, or RSS feeds and is a form of geospatial

metadata. (See Wikipedia.)

Guest Blogger: A guest blogger is a person who blogs as a guest on your blog. Usually

they will include a link or two back to their site and include a bio at the end.

Hashtag: A tag embedded in a message posted on the Twitter microblogging service,

consisting of a word within the message prefixed with a hash sign. (See Wikipedia.)

Hosting: A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals

and organizations to make their own website accessible via the World Wide Web. (See


Inbound Marketing: Inbound marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on

getting found by customers. This sense is related to relationship marketing and Seth Godin's

idea of permission marketing. David Meerman Scott recommends[3] that marketers "earn their

way in" (via publishing helpful information on a blog etc.) in contrast to outbound marketing

where they used to have to "buy, beg, or bug their way in" (via paid advertisements, issuing

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press releases in the hope they get picked up by the trade press, or paying commissioned sales

people, respectively). (See Wikipedia.)

Keyword: An index term, subject term, subject heading, or descriptor, in information

retrieval, is a term that captures the essence of the topic of a document. Index terms make up a

controlled vocabulary for use in bibliographic records. ... (See Wikipedia.)

Landing Page: In online marketing a landing page, sometimes known as a lead capture

page, is the page that appears when a potential customer clicks on an advertisement. The page

will usually display sales copy that is a logical extension of the advertisement or link. (See


Lifestreaming: The term lifestream was coined by Eric Freeman and David Gelernter at

Yale University in the mid-1990s to describe "...a time-ordered stream of documents that

functions as a diary of your electronic life; every document you create and every document

other people send you is stored in your lifestream. (See Wikipedia.)

Long tail keyword: Keyword research is a practice used by search engine optimization

professionals to find and research actual search terms people enter into the search engines

when conducting a search. Long tail keywords are simply referring to many words in a phrase.

(From 2 to any length.) (See Wikipedia.)

Mashup: Mashup (digital), a digital media file containing any or all of text, graphics, audio,

video, and animation, which recombines and modifies existing digital works to create a

derivative work. (See Wikipedia.)

Metadata: Web pages often include metadata in the form of meta tags. Description and

keywords meta tags are commonly used to describe the Web page's content. Most search

engines use this data when adding pages to their search index. (See Wikipedia.)

Microblogging: Microblogging is a passive broadcast medium in the form of blogging. A

microblog differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically much smaller, in both

actual size and aggregate file size. (See Wikipedia.)

Moblog: Mobile blogging (moblogging) is a method of publishing to a website or blog from

a mobile phone or other handheld device. A moblog helps habitual bloggers to post write-ups

directly from their phones even when on the move. (See Wikipedia.)

Myspace: MySpace is a social networking website. (See Wikipedia.)

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Opensource: Open source describes practices in production and development that

promote access to the end product's source materials. (See Wikipedia .)

Paid Search Marketing: Paid search marketing is the placement of paid ads for a

business or service on a search engine results page. An advertiser pays the search engine if the

visitor clicks on the ad (pay-per-click or PPC).

Permalink: A permalink, or permanent link, is a URL that points to a specific blog or forum

entry after it has passed from the front page to the archives. (See Wikipedia .)

Platform: In computing, a platform describes some sort of hardware architecture and

software framework (including application frameworks), that allows software to run. Typical

platforms include a computer's architecture, operating system, programming languages and

related user interface (runtime libraries or graphical user interface). (See Wikipedia.)

Podcast: A podcast (or non-streamed webcast) is a series of digital media files (either audio

or video) that are released episodically and often downloaded through web syndication. (See


Public Domain: Works are in the public domain if they are not covered by intellectual

property rights at all, if the intellectual property rights have expired,[1] and/or if the intellectual

property rights are forfeited.[2] (See Wikipedia .)

RSS: RSS (most commonly expanded as Really Simple Syndication) is a family of web feed

formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio,

and video—in a standardized format.[2] (See Wikipedia.)

Screencast: A screencast is a digital recording of computer screen output, also known as a

video screen capture, often containing audio narration. (See Wikipedia.)

SEM: Search Engine Marketing: Search engine marketing, or SEM, is a form of

Internet marketing that seeks to promote websites by increasing their visibility in search engine

result pages (SERPs) through the use of search engine optimization, paid placement, contextual

advertising, and paid inclusion.[1][2]. (See Wikipedia.)

SEO: Search Engine Optimization: Search engine optimization (SEO) is the

process of improving the visibility of a web site or a web page in search engines via the "natural"

or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results. (See Wikipedia.)

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Short Code: Short codes (also known as short numbers) are special telephone numbers,

significantly shorter than full telephone numbers, that can be used to address SMS and MMS

messages from mobile phones or fixed phones. There are two types of short codes: dialing and

messaging. (See Wikipedia.)

SMO: Social Media Optimization: Social Media Optimization (SMO) is the

methodization of social media activity with the intent of attracting unique visitors to website

content. SMO is one of two online methods of website optimization; the other method is search

engine optimization or SEO. (See Wikipedia.)

SMS: Short Message Service: Short Message Service (SMS) is the text

communication service component of phone, web or mobile communication systems, using

standardized communications protocols that allow the exchange of short text messages

between fixed line or mobile phone devices. SMS text messaging is the most widely used data

application in the world, with 2.4 billion active users, or 74% of all mobile phone subscribers.

(See Wikipedia.)

Social Bookmarking: Social bookmarking is a method for Internet users to organize,

store, manage and search for bookmarks of resources online. Unlike file sharing, the resources

themselves aren't shared, merely bookmarks that reference them. (See Wikipedia.)

Examples of popular bookmarks are:

Delicious Digg Diigo Fark reddit StumbleUpon

Social Capital: Social capital is a sociological concept, which refers to connections within

and between social networks. Though there are a variety of related definitions, which have been

described as "something of a cure-all"[1] for the problems of modern society, they tend to share

the core idea "that social networks have value. (See Wikipedia.)

Social Media: Social media are media for social interaction, using highly accessible and

scalable publishing techniques. Social media use web-based technologies to transform and

broadcast media monologues into social media dialogues. (See Wikipedia.)

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Social Networking: Social media are media for social interaction, using highly

accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media use web-based technologies to

transform and broadcast media monologues into social media dialogues. Andreas Kaplan and

Michael Haenlein define social media as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on

the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and

exchange of user-generated content."[1] (See Wikipedia.)

Social Return on Investment: Social Return on Investment, or SROI is an attempt

to measure the social and financial value created by a non profit, NGO or business. It has not

been proven to drive increased investment, but it is popular with academics and some

consultancies. (See Wikipedia.)

Social Tools: Social software tools encompass a range of software systems that allow

users to interact and share data. This computer-mediated communication has become very

popular with social sites like MySpace, Facebook and Bebo media sites like Flickr and YouTube as

well as commercial sites like Amazon.com and eBay. (See Wikipedia.)

Splogs: A spam blog, sometimes referred to by the neologism splog,[1] is a blog which the

author uses to promote affiliated websites, to increase the search engine rankings of associated

sites or to simply sell links/ads. (See Wikipedia.)

Streaming Media: Streaming media are multimedia that are constantly received by,

and normally presented to, an end-user while being delivered by a streaming provider (the term

"presented" is used in this article in a general sense that includes audio or video playback). The

name refers to the delivery method of the medium rather than to the medium itself. (See


Tag Cloud: A tag cloud or word cloud

(or weighted list in visual design) is a visual

depiction of user-generated tags, or simply

the word content of a site, typically used to

describe the content of web sites. (See


Tags: In online computer systems

terminology, a tag is a non-hierarchical

keyword or term assigned to a piece of information (such as an Internet bookmark, digital

image, or computer file). This kind of metadata helps describe an item and allows it to be found

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again by browsing or searching. Tags are generally chosen informally and personally by the

item's creator or by its viewer, depending on the system. (See Wikipedia.)

Troll: In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic

messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with

the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response[1] or of otherwise

disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[2] (See Wikipedia.)

Tweet: Tweet is a post on Twitter, a real-time social messaging system. While all agree on

usage of tweet as a noun, people disagree on whether you “tweet” or “twitter” as a verb. RT

stands for retweet: Users add RT in a tweet if they are reposting something from another

person’s tweet. (See SocialBrite.)

Tweetup: Tweetup is an organized or impromptu gathering of people who use Twitter.

Users often include a hashtag, such as #tweetup or #sftweetup, when publicizing a local

tweetup. (See SocialBrite.)

Twitterverse: Akin to blogs and the blogosphere, the Twitterverse is simply the universe

of people who use Twitter and the conversations taking place within that sphere. (See


UGC: User Generated Content: User-generated content (UGC), also known as

Consumer generated media (CGM) or user-created content (UCC),[1] refers to various kinds of

media content, publicly available, that are produced by end-users. (See Wikipedia.)

Videoblog: 'Video blogging, sometimes shortened to vlogging or "vidding"'[1][2][3]

(pronounced v'LOG-ing) or vidblogging[4][5] is a form of blogging for which the medium is video,[6]

and is a form of Internet television. Entries often combine embedded video or a video link with

supporting text, images, and other metadata. Entries can be recorded in one take or cut into

multiple parts. (See Wikipedia.)

Virtual World: A virtual world is a genre of online community that often takes the form

of a computer-based simulated environment, through which users can interact with one

another and use and create objects[1] (See Wikipedia.)

Web 2.0: The term "Web 2.0" is commonly associated with web applications that facilitate

interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design,[1] and collaboration on

the World Wide Web. A Web 2.0 site gives its users the free choice to interact or collaborate

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with each other in a social media dialogue as creators (prosumer) of user-generated content in a

virtual community, in contrast to websites where users (consumer) are limited to the passive

viewing of content that was created for them. Examples of Web 2.0 include social-networking

sites, blogs, wikis, video-sharing sites, hosted services, web applications, mashups and

folksonomies. (See Wikipedia.)

Web Analytics: Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and

reporting of internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage.[1]

Web analytics is not just a tool for measuring website traffic but can be used as a tool for

business research and market research. (See Wikipedia.)

Web conferencing: Web conferencing is used to conduct live meetings, training, or

presentations via the Internet. In a web conference, each participant sits at his or her own

computer and is connected to other participants via the internet. (See Wikipedia.)

Webcasting: A webcast is a media file distributed over the Internet using streaming media

technology to distribute a single content source to many simultaneous listeners/viewers. (See


Webinar: A webinar is a neologism to describe a specific type of web conference. It is

typically one-way,[1] from the speaker to the audience with limited audience interaction, such as

in a webcast. (See Wikipedia.)

Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi (pronounced /ˈwaɪfaɪ/) is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance that manufacturers

may use to brand certified products that belong to a class of wireless local area network (WLAN)

devices based on the IEEE 802.11 standards, which is by far the most widespread WLAN class

today. A Wi-Fi enabled device such as a personal computer, video game console, mobile phone,

MP3 player or personal digital assistant can connect to the Internet when within range of a

wireless network connected to the Internet. (See Wikipedia.)

Wi-Max: WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is a

telecommunications protocol that provides fixed and fully mobile internet access. The current

WiMAX revision provides up to 40 Mbit/s[1][2] with the IEEE 802.16m update expected offer up to

1 Gbit/s fixed speeds. (See Wikipedia.)

Widget: In computing a web widget is a portable chunk of code that can be installed and

executed within any separate HTML-based web page by an end user without requiring

additional compilation. (See Wikipedia.)

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Wiki: A wiki ( /ˈwɪki/ WIK-ee) is a website that allows the easy[1] creation and editing of any

number of interlinked web pages via a web browser using a simplified markup language or a

WYSIWYG text editor.[2][3] Wikis are typically powered by wiki software and are often used to

create collaborative wiki websites, to power community websites, for personal note taking, in

corporate intranets, and in knowledge management systems. (See Wikipedia)

More terms and definitions at :


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