The Progressive Era State Standards 7.3, 7.6, and 7.9

The progressive era

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Page 1: The progressive era

The Progressive EraState Standards 7.3, 7.6, and 7.9

Page 2: The progressive era


A reform movement focused on improving living conditions, education, working conditions, stopping political corruption, and gain women the right to vote

Populist Party

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Progressivism.Three Progressive Presidents

1. Teddy Roosevelt2. William Howard Taft3. Woodrow Wilson

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Economic ReformsTheodore Roosevelt

Hates big business and its impact on the government

Sherman Anti-Trust Act Take legal action against

the country’s largest corporations

“The trustbuster”Conservation of

natural resourcesProtection of wildlife

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Economic Reforms.William Howard Taft

Sixteenth Amendment Allowed Congress to

levy income taxes

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Economic Reforms..Woodrow Wilson

Focused on labor and business “New Freedom”

Tariff reform and rules for banks

Federal Reserve Act Set up the Federal

Reserve Banking System Regulates the

nations money supply

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Economic Reforms…Woodrow Wilson

Clayton Antitrust Act Used to break fight

against big businessKeating-Owen Child

Labor Act Forbade the sale of

products made by children across state lines

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Writers who attempted to expose abuses in business and corruption in politics by using their writing

Very important to the Progressive Movement

Their work helped educate the public about changes needed

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Muckrakers.Ida Tarbell

History of the Standard Oil Company Brought the

company’s monopoly to light and eventually led to a government antitrust suit against the company

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Muckrakers..Upton Sinclair

The Jungle Told of unsafe and

unsanitary conditions in meat processing plants

Causes public uproarPure Food and Drug Act

of 1906 Mandated safe and

sanitary conditions for food preparation and packing Food and Drug

Administration (FDA) Put regulations on food

and medicines

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Political Reform“Wisconsin Idea”

Proposed to use University professors to study problems and recommend solutions

Leads to the 17th AmendmentAllowed for the direct

election by the people of senators on a national level

Oregon SystemLeads to the direct election

of senators and a process with which to recall them

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Women’s Suffrage (Giving women the right to vote)

Seneca Falls ConventionDeclaration of Sentiments

Drew upon the Declaration of Independence to articulate women’s rights

National Suffrage LeaguesElizabeth Cady StantonSusan B. AnthonyLucy StoneWorked through suffrage

leagues to securing the right to vote for women

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Women’s Suffrage.Alice Paul

Mass MarchesHunger StrikesUsed to

demonstrate against a government that did not allow half of its population to vote

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Women’s Suffrage..Tennessee

“The Perfect 36”Nineteenth Amendment

35 states had ratified this amendment to give women the right to vote

Tennessee was not one of them If Tennessee ratified the

amendment it would become the perfect 36th state

Governor Albert H. Roberts Holds an assembly to vote

on the amendment

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Women’s Suffrage...Tennessee

Tennessee was the deciding state for Women’s Suffrage If Tennessee ratified the

amendment then it would become law

Harry Burn Legislator who vote to pass

the amendment because his mom told him to

Results in Tennessee giving women the right to vote

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Women’s Suffrage….Female Leaders in

Progressive EraWomen’s Trade

Union League Lobbied for the 18th

amendment Prohibition- stop the

sale of alcohol

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Settlement HousesHull House

Jane AddamsFormed to help

immigrants and the poor “settle into” American culture

Henry Street SettlementLillian Wald

New York’s lower east side

Taught immigrant women about health and hygiene

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The Great MigrationPopulation Shift

Employment opportunities were opened in the North

African Americans leave the south for the North Nearly half a million

African Americans migrated north between 1916 and 1919

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Urban areas during this time period

New YorkChicagoBoston

North East!

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African American Cultural FiguresW.E.B. Du Bois

Founder of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Black Nationalist Policy Believed African Americans should stay independent of white


Booker T. WashingtonAssimilation of blacks into white culture

Believed African Americans should be worked into white American culture “Cast Down Your Bucket Where You Are Speech”

Marcus GarveySegregationist policies and revolutionary tactics