THE PREMIER | 1 THE PREMIER Vol. 1 No. 3 August- September 2016 The Official Newsletter of Cebu Technological University KOPEC boosts skills for internationalization US Ambassador swears-in CTU volunteers What’s Inside GJNUE inks 10-year deal with CTU CTU hits grand slam at 2016 PICE Quiz Bowl

The Premier 3rd Quarter

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Page 1: The Premier 3rd Quarter


THE PREMIERVol. 1 No. 3 August- September 2016

The Official Newsletter of Cebu Technological University

KOPEC boosts skills for internationalization

US Ambassador swears-in CTU volunteers

What’s Inside

GJNUE inks 10-year deal with CTU

CTU hits grand slam at 2016 PICE Quiz Bowl

Page 2: The Premier 3rd Quarter


Gong Ju National University of Education (GJNUE) and Cebu Technological University (CTU) have committed to a ten-year development program to further exchange and cooperation programs.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed on August 30, 2016 by CTU President Rosein A. Ancheta Jr. and GJNUE President Byoung-Geun Ahn signals for international opportunities for students and faculty.

Based on the respective institutions’ needs, key aspects are streamlined in the agreement: exchange of students,educators and information/academic materials, cooperation in student internship programs and organization of joint research programs (leading to publication in academic and professional journals).

The implementation of specific exchange programsshall be separately negotiated as determined by both institutions,

andeffortsshallbemadebybothsidestofindfinancialandin-kind resources.

GNUE is a coeducational higher education institution founded in 1938. It serves a big population in the town of Gongju, South Chungcheong, South Korea.

Other universities linked with GJNUE are Lansing College (U.S.A), University of Alberta, Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology (New Zealand), Hunan Normal University (China), Kobe University (Japan), University Of Oregon (U.S.A), and University of the Philippines.

South Korea and Philippines have continuously promoted the value of reciprocity hence the pact between GNUE and CTU is indicative of this mutual understanding that specificallyenhancesthequalityofeducation.(UPO)

GJNUE inks 10-year deal with CTU

Editorial BoardDR. RHODORA G. MAGAN

University Publication Editor-in-chief

DR. ROSELYN T. BUSTOSUniversity Publication Director





PROF. ROWENA P. DATO-ON (CTU-Daanbantayan)













The Premier is the official newsletter of the Cebu Technological University ( CTU ).

Published by the University Publication Office (UPO) , sixth floor, Engineering

building, right wing.Corner M.J. Cuenco Ave. & R. Palma St.,

Cebu City

University Publication Editor-in-Chief

DR. LEDESMA R. LAYONVP- Administration and Finance


DR. GLORIA G. DELANVP- Research and Development


DR. EDGAR U. TIBAYVP- Production Extension &

Business Affairs

(CTU- San Francisco)


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Korean Traditional Skills Group conducted the training with College of Technology students on August 31 as part of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between Gongju National University of Education (GNUE) -Cebu Technological University (CTU). The group coordinated with Korea-Philippine Cultural and Educational Exchange Center Corporation (KOPEC) President Dr. Choi Hoon Young who has been promoting Korean culture in the country.

COT Dean Marde T. Ponce initiated the activity to enhance participants’ skills in dressmaking and crafting tea coaster (thread and wood), baby crib hanging mobile, book marker, packaging design and leather handicraft.

Resource speakers shared their thoughts on the growing demand for skills training in today’s internationalization-driven education. GNUE representatives presented the course offerings of the institution before the training commenced. They are positive about bringing skills diversity to CTU, one of the country’s leading universities.

Support from the administration helped much in materializing the two-day affair. CTU President Dr. Rosein A. Ancheta Jr. reiterated in his speech the need for programs that link students totheapplicationofknowledgeasthisreflectstheuniversity’s productive awareness of the ASEAN thrusts. (UPO)

KOPEC boosts skills for internationalization

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US Ambassador swears-in CTU volunteers

US Ambassador to the Philippines Philip S. Goldberg has sworn- in four (4) American professionals as volunteers of Cebu Technological University.Michele, Tim, Marissa, and Robbie will be doing their assignments in various CTU Campuses.

These Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) are expected to (1) improve teaching of English-related subjects by co-planning and co-teaching classes with the assigned campus organic work partner/ counterpart, designing and conducting training for teachers, and assisting in developing teaching materials; (2) raise academic performance of students by conducting review sessions as necessary and in

consultation with the assigned work partner; and (3) increase opportunities for school community participation by getting involved in research and extension activities and ensuring that the projects are designed and implemented.

The volunteers were sworn-in along with the others in Batch 275 of the Philippine Peace Corps Volunteers who are assigned in the three (3) different sectors: Education, Coastal Resource Management (CRM), and Child, Youth, and Families (CYF) in Luzon and Visayas.

The ceremony was held on September 14, 2016 at the Charles Parsons Ballroom, Chancery Building, U.S. Embassy in Manila. (Lesley Karen Penera, CTU-Danao Publication Chair)

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Sakura International collaborates with Cebu Technological University (CTU) to provide internship program in Japan’s Yume Koubo (Dream Factory for Mushroom) .

CTU-Barili Campus Director Genes Pasaje said that the linkage was initiated by Sakura International’s CEO Masaharu Suginouchi when he contacted CTU-Argao’s OJT coordinator. By then CTU-Barili was informed, and both campuses decided tohaveaninitialtalkwiththeCEOinthefirstweekofSeptemberin Carcar.

“There isnospecificdegree inourcurriculumwhichcaters to mushroom culture but it is one of the courses under BS Horticulture program in CTU-Barili at present. This might be one of the major concerns in the next curriculum review,” Dr. Pasaje said.

Students currently enrolled in BS Agriculture degree program and/or related courses are to comply with the major requisites:articulateinEnglishorthelanguagespokeninthehostcountry; passed pre-practicum requirements; psychologically,emotionally and spiritually balanced; has written approval or consent from parents/guardians; passed the IQ and personality test conducted by theGuidanceCouncil officer (whereYumeKoubodefinesthepassingparameter);andphysicallyhealthyascertifiedbytheuniversitymedicalofficer.

“Ithinkourstudentshavethecapacitytoqualifyfortheinternational internship training. I know they can do the job.”

CTU-Tuburan has already submitted the names of their prospective interns as the training does not only limit to

Defining the future of mushroom culture: CTU sets tone

the two southern campuses mentioned. They await Suginouchi’s directive on the screening details. His company has served as a manpower agency that caters to, among others, Yume Kouba.

“I think they will be conducting the screening hopefullyinthefirstweekofOctoberthisyear,andCTU-Mainis the ideal site for the interview as it is accessible by everyone concerned.”

A minimum of four(4) successful applicants necessitates one (1) university representative or a practicum coordinator to supervise their welfare in the internship location. The coordinator is provided free round trip airfare and accommodation.

The agreement is valid for two(2) years as stipulated in the agreement signed on September 18 at CTU-Main Campus. But as of now, Japan offers a working permit for one year. Dr. Pasaje assumed then that OJT program will range from 3 monthstooneyear,soitismostlikelythatafterthefirstbatchanother will follow.

“There is a possibility that other companies will join by then if the program will be successful.”

As of the moment, only Yume Koubo is certain about accommodating CTU interns. Yume Koubo President Hiroshi Kawamori and CTU President Dr. Rosein A. Ancheta Jr. strengthen the ASEAN thrust of skills development among student constituents.

Masaharu is married to a Filipina from Mandaue, Cebu and has been dealing with clients in Japan ever since. (UPO)

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Gilbert Navidad-Mancia, a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology (BSIT) major in automotive technology, is scheduled for deployment at Mitsubishi FUSO Trucks and Bus Corporation in Nagoya, Japan this September as part of CTU-PESO’s enrollment-employment mechanism.

At present, there are twenty-four CTU graduates trained on skills and Japan’s language at Phil-Nippon Technical College (PNTC) in Laguna. PNTC has already helped over 9,000 graduates in getting a job they deserve in one of the world’sfirst-worldcountries.

CTU-PESO Manager Nona Fe Y. Estolas and College of Engineering Associate Dean Dr. Edgar C. Ambos visited PNTC tosupporttheCTUgraduatesinmakingthemmoreequippedtotake on the responsibilities in their prospective companies.

BS Industrial Technology and BS Mechanical Engineering graduates have already been working in Japan through CTU-PNTC enrollment-employment program since 2013:

Japan awaits more of university’s grads

CTU President Dr. Rosein A. Ancheta, Jr. is set to leave forJapanforsomeofficialundertakingsalongwithmeetingthegraduates and their employers. (Donavelle T. Mantos, CTU-PESO staff )

1. Terana, Michael P., Certificate in Industrial Technology, ; Mitsubishi Motors Corporation-Nagoya Factory;2. Villaluz, Horace John O. , BSIT-Automotive Technology, ;Hitachi Automotive Systems Steering, Co., Ltd.;3. Tuñacao, Keen Vincent C. , BSIT, ;Hitachi Appliances, Inc.;4. Abasolo, Gil P., BS Mechatronics, ;Hitachi Appliances, Inc.;5. Aloyan, Denmark P., BSIT-Machine Shop, ;Seiryo-Technica Co., Ltd.;6. Albastro, Ailyngel S., BSICT, ;Citizen Electronics Co., Ltd.;7. Horserada, Marecris L., BSIT-Computer Technology, ;Nissan Motors;8. Garcia, Christopher Aian M., BSIT-Automotive Tech. ;Hitachi Ibaraki Technical Service Co., Ltd.;9. Carmeletos, Homer M., BS Mechanical Engineering, ;Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., Yokohama Works;10. Ursal, Luke Garfred R., BSIT – Electronics ;Hitachi-Johnson Controls Air-Conditioning, Inc.; and11. Ybañez, Riegh Vincent S., BS Mechanical Engineering, ;Hitachi-Johnson Controls Air-Conditioning, Inc.

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24/7 operation: igov mentality for state university

“Government mail policy orientation is the initial steptowardtheattainmentofefficiency,”ActingDirector1forICT Visayas Cluster 2 Antonio Edward E. Padre informed a majority of Cebu Technological University (CTU) personnel. It has been the value promoted by the Department of Information, Communication and Technology to redefinepublic service with government mail put in the right perspective. Specifically, ICTVisayasCluster 2 addresses the demand forsuch an innovation as Cebu is the birthplace of one of Asia’s biggest IT industries. Economic progress is central to the seminar-workshop that sought commitment from the participants who were led by the university president himself. Dr. Rosein A. Ancheta stressed concerns on cooperation and progressive mindset as he spoke with the first batch ofemployees from the Main Campus. The need to collaborate with stakeholders was given premium in light of present circumstances that concern CTU as one of the country’s state universities. More than what government email can do, Director Padre also talked about DICT updates on innovations that benefit the marginalized sectors. He emphasized that ideascame from prime movers in this era’s technologically advanced climate. He also mentioned the BPO industry as one yielding hefty revenue to match that with remittances from Overseas Filipino Workers(OFWs). He reminded the participants of the dramatic significance of the type of industry to the growingpopulation of the Philippines. Noteworthy, among others, was

his reiteration on information technology as a potent force to augment the lifestyle of the vast majority, as it has already been in place in many countries. Part of the workshop is essentially the distribution of certification badges, one of the eLearning materials, to thosewho completed the training on Outlook Essential by System Core Integration Co. CEO Ian A. Felicilda. He touched on email etiquetteandtheefficiencyofthetoolitselfamongworkersinan organization like CTU. All recipients are entitled the label: Microsoft Outlook Expert which gives them the drive to become amore efficient employee in the organization, especially thatthe presence of Philippine National Public Key Infrastructure (PNPKI) guarantees the protection of data. Information security is integral to any government function; hence, everyone was taught on how to go through the steps to possessing an individual account. With the registration of the gadget to the university server, any employee may work ona fewcorrespondences so that thedutyof fulfillingurgenttasks is never impeded, even at home. CTUInfoTechOfficer1Mr.GilT.Piramide,on theone hand, gave the audience a very comprehensive report on the university’s connectivity status. Along with 24/7 operation, through Outlook, comes excellent connectivity, which in CTU’s case, is a hallmark of Dr. Ancheta’s track record after he assumed office in 2015. As per BOR approval, the 12-million interconnectivity project has been improving the status of different campuses (main, satellite and extension)

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Dr. Rosein A. Ancheta Jr. addresses the CTU personnel.

Director Antonio Edward E. Padre lays down DICT updates.

Dr. Victor D. Villaganas listens to the guest speakers.

from left: (front row) Vice President for Administration Dr. Ledesma R. Layon, ICT Acting Director 1 Antonio Edward E. Padre, University President Dr. Rosein A. Ancheta (back row) Vice President for Academic Affairs Victor D. Villaganas, DICT Regional Operation Engineer Royden Rusiana, CTU-Main Campus Director Dr. Januario L. Flores and University CICT Director Johannes Camasura

as news/updates have now consistently made their way to the university’s website, an avenue raising the institution’s webometrics status to number 81 from 157. The seminar-workshop started on August 16 for thefirstbatchofemployeesandendedonAugust19withthe second group. More than half of the personnel from satellite and extension campuses heard the motivation of Dr. Ancheta to further the goals of excellence.Complying with national and international standards has always been the distinct characteristics of his administration. Personnel from the satellite and extension campuses ascertain that the standards set forth by the present administration are met. The president has the support of Vice President for

Academic Affairs Dr. Victor Villaganas, Vice President for PEBA Dr. Edgar U. Tibay, Vice President for Administration Ledesma R. Layon and Vice President for Research and Development Dr. Gloria G. Delan. They have joined the cause of providing a means for transactions to be accomplished within an allowable period as opposed to the usual bureaucratic process of serving the clientele. CTU-CICT Director Johannes Camasura has also been working closely with the CTU-Main Records OfficerEvangeline Tarongoy to materialize the creation of government emails and digital certificates. The 4-day affair sealed theMOA between DICT and CTU to foster the development of information technology in the region. (UPO)

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Educators heed call for disaster management

Pursuant to Republic Act No. 10121, known as the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) Act of 2010, Cebu Technological University responds to the national call in strengthening disaster management in the country being prone to hazards.

The university certainly understands the gravity of the phenomena and their effects to communities not informed about basic preparedness mechanisms.Having its campuses stationed along the coastline, CTU admits the urgency of establishing emergency action plans. The administration sees the need to mobilize individuals to manage risks.

Engr. Asuncion Monsanto, NSTP coordinator (Main Campus), spearheaded the seminar-workshop on August 30 to keep CTU personnel attuned to the mandate of the Philippine government. It ensures that everyone is involved in acting upon the dangers that may move along the direction of people’s initiative to bring about change in society.

Resource speakers were former Vice Mayor Alfredo ArquillanoJr.,Atty.JoelM.Seno,Ms.RizajoyHernandezandCapt. Rafhael R. Luche.

Being a United Nations International Strategy for DisasterRiskReduction(UNISDR)awardee,Arquillanosharedthe best practices in managing disaster risks and adapting to climate change in San Francisco, Camotes. He showed videos of residents in action that resulted in a better community.

Atty. Joel Seno also highlighted the key concepts promoted by the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management System (PDRRMS) and Incident Command System (ICS).

“Risk management is education. We need leaders who canfindmultipleopportunitiestowardincreasingcollaboration.We play a very important role as educators.”

Educators are expected to lead some 40,000 students in CTU’s twenty campuses across Cebu Province. The need to empower a big population is key to making a resilient community. This was discussed by Capt. Rafhael R. Luche, PDDRMO trainingofficer,whoseideasinculcatedtheessenceofunitstorespond to circumstances.”The student-based response group must be promoted as the Cebu provincial governor has high hopes in this initiative,” Capt. Luche said.

PDDRMO has already established ties with CTU through the ROTC units trained in basic life support. He also announced that the trainees are to undergo the Emergency Response Training (ERT). This was supported by Ms. Hernandez who spoke about the non-structural approach to disaster management that includes, among others, training the disaster responders.

The speakers campaigned for CTU’s commitment to making things work in the context of disaster preparedness. Emergency action plans and the functional organizational charts served as outputs. (UPO)

from left: NSTP Coordinator Engr. Asuncion Monsanto, Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Victor D. Villaganas, Former Vice Mayor Alfedo Arquillano Jr., and Campus Director (Main Campus) Dr. Januario L. Flores

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UNESCO: There is momentum in shaping a better world

The United Nation Educational Scientific,Cultural Organization (UNESCO) reminded the youths at the international assembly that “there is momentum in shaping a better world” Robinson C. Igot Jr. recalled.

Cebu Technological University’s Industrial Engineering Council (EIC) members, Igot and Dharyll Prince Abellana, joined the 4-day Youth for UNESCO (Y4U) event with other representatives from accredited national and international organizations on September 20

through 23 at Cebu Normal University (CNU).

The assembly highlighted the organization’s 16 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to be achieved through scientific, technological and engineeringapproach.

Igot , Abellana and Engr. Maria Elena Aparente, council adviser witnessed the showcase of talents to strengthen cultural solidarity among others. The assembly featuredplenary talks,postermaking,quizbowl, essaywriting, and poetry writing in English and Filipino.

Igot reiterated one of the essential ideas he learned from the conference: “UNESCO aspires to promote empowerment and volunteerism to provide change in communal activities.”

He also believed that IEC’s involvement in the event is consistent with CTU’s aim to sustain excellence in leading students toward impacting change to society.

Moreover, “Championing SDGs through Grassroots Action by, of and for All” is this year’s theme. (UPO)

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CTU hits grand slam at 2016 PICE

Quiz Show Civil engineering students made the grand slam at the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineering (PICE) Interschool Quiz Bowl 2016 on August 22 at the University of Cebu (UC)-Main. CTU representatives made it to the roster. Rusty Lapuswashailedchampion;RailPatrickEstanwasfirstrunner up; and Steve Restty Jayme was third runner up. Jovic Zapanta from Cebu Institute of Technology-University (CIT-U) was second runner up. LAPUS will compete for PICE Regionals on September 17 at Sacred Heart Schools-Ateneo de Cebu.

Megareview and Tutorial Center sponsored the event and awarded Lapus, Estan and Zapanta cash prizes of 8,000, 5,000 and 3,000 respectively.

Other participating schools were University of Cebu (UC),University of San Jose-Recoletos (USJR), University of San Carlos (USC) and University of Cebu (UC)-Main.

Engr. Jeonel Lumbab , a faculty member, has been with the team since 2015. He succeeded Engr. Alex MayorwhohonedCTU-PICEquizzersfrom2011through2015.

The organization has had eighteen championships since its establishment in 2011. With Lapus and Estan in their fifth year, more BSCE students will be trained tosustain the university’s craft of making champions. (UPO)

More ways to stay on top with ME

quizzers Cebu Technological University (CTU) Mechanical Engineering Team took upper hand for winning 2nd and 3rd places in the researchpresentation and quizbowlcategoriesrespectively. The 4th Mechanical Engineering Students Conference was sponsored by the Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineering (PSME)-Cebu Chapter.

Eric Vincent Trazona, Ma. Isabel Bardoquillo, andFrancis Rodinn Becaldo contended in research presentation whileeight(8)competedinquizbowl.Amongthoseinthe5thyear are Joel Inot Jr., Reymart Inoc, and James Comaingking Jr. The rest are in their third and fourth years: Mark Vincent Mamigo, Jun Aro Estrella, Michito Nagasawa, Rodel Resit, and Bhong Fantonial.

Engr. Jonathan A. Miraballes, team coach and chairman of ME Department, expressed his gratitude to the administration “TheCTU-MCMechanicalEngineeringquizzershadthe potential to be the champion in the competition because of the support from the administration and PTA. What we need to bring home the championship trophy next time is the speed, mastery of the subject and constant practice in problem solving.”

The event took place on Sunday, September 18, at SM Activity Center.

PSME research presentation and quiz bowl areavenues for students to share their craft for the growth of the ME profession. (UPO)

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Meeting Asia’s top 3 university: NTU shares expertise to CTU delegates

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) accommodated Cebu Technological University(CTU) delegates headed by CTU President Dr. Rosein A. Ancheta Jr., who anticipated a great deal of best practices from Asia’s top 3 university. NTU stays behind University of Hong Kong and National University of Singapore (NUS) based on QS University Rankings: Asia 2016.

During the meeting, NTU executives talked about NTUitive which is an Innovation and Enterprise Company of the university. This supports NTU’s mission to develop a vibrant and entrepreneurial ecosystem that will encourage innovation, foster entrepreneurship, and facilitate commercialization of research.

NTUitive manages NTU’s intellectual property and handles the challenges of commercialization of early stage technologies. This and other university practices that afforded NTU the nickname “a fast-rising university” in Singapore were shared.

NTU has had 82 licenses, 37 of which are software, 357 technology disclosures, $1.65 million in research grants, 464 research collaboration agreements bringing in $18 million in industry funding for the university, 972 active patent applications, 457 granted patents, and 12 spin-off companies.

Dr. Rose Mary L. Almacen, CTU-Danao campus director, initiated the benchmarking activity. Her vision to engage in a productive undertaking with one of the world’s best universities was materialized in hopes that CTU will bring more technological innovations to the globe. CTU-Danao has been increasingly producing competent graduates especially that its linkages are some of the country’s big industries.

Thefirstbatchcomprisedof, amongothers,Dr.AmeliaY.Medalle, faculty regent; Engr. RoelVasquez,chair for Industrial Engineering and Production; Prof. Carmencita Quiňo, dean of College of Technology andProf. Jose Marie Anoos, chair for Business Affairs and Resource Generation. Other campus directors who joined them on September 27 were Dr. Januario L. Flores (CTU-Main), Dr. Levy S. Lepon (CTU-Daanbantayan), and Dr. Juanita A. Pinote (CTU-Argao).

Asst. Campus Director Gamaliel G. Gonzales headed the second batch that left on October 3. It included, among others, Prof. Roselyn R. Gonzales, dean of College of Education; Engr. Delfa G. Castilla , dean of College of Engineering; Rey Pekitpekit, chair for Extension Services and Dr. Arthur Galo, chair for OJT. (Lesley Karen Penera, CTU-Danao Publication Chair)

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EE Champs get double treat at EVSUBSEE Team with Daryl Arizo (fourth from left) and Engr. Helen Andolero (far right) take pride in their championship.

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) Team was the champion at the 30th IIEE Regional Quiz Show and 2nd runner up at the 16th IIEE Regional Math Wizard.

Daryl D. Arizo was the team captain in both categories of the 12th Regional Conference in Eastern Visayas State University-Main in Tacloban City on September 15 through 17. Along with him were John Lerry L. David, Marvin Amaro, Ray Joseph E. Balongoy, and Kenrick C. Piamonte. All are 5th year BSEE students. For the Math Wizard Category, Mark Rene M. Trapila and Renante Q. Quezon joined Amaro, David and Arizo. Engr. Helene V. Andolero, a faculty member of the College of Engineering, made the team ready in two weeks before setting for Tacloban. She ensured that despite the hectic scheduleofthestudentstheycouldstillfindtimetoprepare.

Arizo spoke about how important the win was to him and what exactly was the plan that made them victorious. “Ifeelveryhappy.It’smyfirsttimetowinbeingtheteamcaptain.Asaquizzer,Iamdependentuponmyteam.Itrustmy team. We also spend every free time we got for this. Most importantly, Ma’am Andolero always challenges us to be the champion.”

Arizo also recalled, in an interview with UPO, on how wonderfulitwastohavequestionsthatwerealreadytakenupinclass.

“During the championship round, we’re up by two against University of Cebu-Lapulapu-Manadaue (UC-LM), and

itmadeussonervous.Butwestillmadeit.Thequestionsarepart of the lessons at present. We also borrowed books from review centers.”

David, who is with Arizo in different competitions, shared thoughts about the team captain’s attitude toward them.

” Daryl’s decision-making ability is great; he knows who get reserved.”

Itwasneverasimplejourneyforthequizzers.Davidmentioned they were tremendously pressured (in the Math Wizardcompetition)astheywentscorelessinthefirstround.

“We felt so sad, yet we were still motivated to answer the next few questions. In the second round, we respondedcorrectlytothreeoutofsevenquestions.Wethoughtthatifwegetquestionsfive, sixandseven,weare stillupand running.We did it, yet the leading scorer was still up by 1. Our being 2nd runner up in the Math Wizard made us more motivated in the main competition which is the regionals. Indeed, our teachers know how to pressure us. They’re good at it.”

The team was awarded 4,000 from the CTU-PTA yesterdayalongwithotherwinnersaftertheflagretreat.

As they prepare for the nationals, Balongoy honestly revealed that they will get on with it after their thesis is accomplished. Quezon, the youngest member of the group, thinks that lessons should be taken seriously. Arizo and his team are more determined to take another battle. “We’ll try our best to take the championship.” (UPO)

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Extensionist honored at BJMP VII 25th Anniversary

Professors to share coconut applications in Indonesia

Dr. Wilma C. Giango, chairman of the CTU Graduate School Extension Program, was awarded during the 25th anniversary of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) Region VII on August 11, 2016. BJMP VII recognizes Dr. Giango’s support to the agency’s various programs geared toward humane safekeeping and development of inmates. Gender and Development (GAD) Extension Services has been conducting culinary skills development training to the male and female inmates at Cebu City Jail in Barangay Kalunasan. Dr. Giango is well aware of the impact the initiative has on the economy of the country especially that self-employment is envisioned once inmates reintegrate in society after serving their sentence. “The participants are made aware of the economic significanceof the series of activities. They can be self-sufficient through providingopportunities that enhance their

abilities.They are given hope once they leave the prison as they could be entrepreneurs ready to serve the needs of the industry.” Regional Director JCSUPTAllanS.IralandOfficer-in-Charge JCSUPT Serafin P.Barreto Jr. were among those who extended their appreciation to the efforts of Dr. Giango during the ceremony. She has sustained the university’s responsibility in making the community progressive as she not only transforms the mindset of inmates but also adheres to significant points suchas: enhancing the capability, efficiency,effectivenessandequityamong target beneficiaries inagriculture, forestry, fishery, andindustry; promoting functional linkages among government and non-government organizations; maintaining good public relations; reducing the number of unskilled workers; and conducting technical assistance to depressed barangays. (UPO)

The Institution for Research and Community Services of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur invited two of CTU’s experts, Dr. Corazon P. Macachor and Dr. Nerissa S. Quiñones, to talk about coconut and its applications. “The world will continue to be interested in enhancing ways tobenefitfromcoconut,”Dr.Macachorsaid. Research Month Program will run from October 1 through

from left: (behind the table) Dr. Nerissa S. Quiñones and Dr. Corazon P. Macachor

November 18 in Indonesia. Part of the activity is an international seminar at IBIS Hotel Surabaya on November 15. Dr. Ir. Sukendah, head of Institution for Research and Community Services, believes that Dr. Macachor and Dr. Quiñones’ could enrich the participants’ understanding in utilizing coconut. The interest was known right after Dr. Macachor informed Sukendah about the extensive applications of coconut not mentioned in the former’s study. Being with the research and extension team in CTU for a couple of years now, Macachor and Quiñones have been able to explore much on the way the resource could become one of the major, potent sources to strengthen some of governments’ policies on food security. Dr. Sukendah informed CTU President Rosein A. Ancheta Jr. of the invitation on Tuesday, September 13. Moreover, Dr. Macachor hopes that sharing knowledge to her future audience will be materialized. She was recently conferred the rank, University Professor, while Dr. Quiñones is Professor 5. They have been partners in extending knowledge to communities under the university’s mandate on production, extension. In February, Dr. Macachor and the team attended the KAANIB Coconut Farmer Leaders’ Congress organized by Officeof the Presidential Assistant for Food Security and Agricultural Modernization and Philippine Coconut Authority Region VII. (UPO)

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CCMC, CTU share victory over 100% NLE

performance The Cebu City Medical Center – College of Nursing (CCMC-CN) in consortium with Cebu Technological University (CTU) attained an overall performanceof100%astheirtwenty-fivefirst-timetakerspassedinthe2016Nursing Licensure Examination (NLE).


The exam was conducted on June 5 and 6 in Manila, Baguio, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, Legazpi, Lucena, Pagadian, Tacloban, Tuguegarao and Zamboanga. (Prof. Johanna Paulo, CoEd Publication Chair)


September 2-3, 2016

CAN, Mayor Osmeña promote livable Cebu

Exam Schedule

Engr. Juffry Bastatas AbudienteEngr. Earl Benedict Culleta ArnaizEngr. Danny Andrino BabaoEngr. Jake Villarmia BacusEngr. Jomar Booc BacusEngr. Teresa Jean Lofranco BautistaEngr. Mylene Guinita CololotEngr. Armando Villamor EstorgioEngr. Jay Niño Deñega GalidoEngr. Mark Louie Jamen Gonesto

Engr. Jerbson Eyas hambunanEngr. John Levin Lofranco Jomao-asEngr. Jeremy Christian Denorte LanicEngr. Kimkee Roxas LugatimanEngr. Jerwin Romero ManzanoEngr. Marie Bernaddette Barro ongEngr. James Luy PanibonEngr. Ludwig Cababat SoriaEngr.RitcheBerongVasquezEngr.JofreyJamioVillaflores

Cebu City Mayor Tomas R. Osmeña forged alliance with Cebu Academe Network (CAN) to provide sustainable and livable communities to Cebu City residents.

The project primarily aids universities to implement environment programs in their respective schools , formulate training programs for faculty and personnel in the information and education campaigns and provide access to networks and linkages with other sectors.CAN also facilitates the feedback mechanism for policy development on environment and resource management programs after dialogs will have been initiated in areas where universities intend to provide extension services.

The network is composed of 16 academic institutions: Cebu Technological University (CTU), Cebu Normal University (CNU), Cebu Doctor’s University (CDU), Cebu Institute of Technology-University (CIT-U), University of Cebu (UC), University of San Carlos (USC), University of San Jose-Recoletos (USJ-R), University of Southern Philippines, Foundation (USPF), University of the Visayas (UV), University of the Philippines (UP), Southwestern University (SWU), Saint Theresa’s College (STC), Velez College (VC), Colegio de la Immaculada Conception (CIC), Mandaue City College (MCC), and St. Mary’s Academy of San Nicolas ( SMASN).

CTU, with its already massive support to various communities through its twenty campuses, certainly stands to impact change on Cebu’s landscape. The university has been at the fore in addressing environmental concerns . In fact, a seminar workshop on risk reduction (as one of environmental concerns) was conducted last month to raise awareness among CTU academics.

The Cebu City Government collaborates with the aforesaid universities and colleges through the Cebu City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office, Department ofSocial Welfare Services, Cebu City Environment and Natural ResourcesOffice,andtheWelfareoftheUrbanPoor.

Both parties had already partnered in establishing the Suroy-Sapa Project, a component of the Guadalupe Rehabilitation Project. (UPO)

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Perfecting championship habit: Eng’g whiz advances to nationals

Rusty V. Lapus won the Regional Civil Engineering Students Quiz (Region VII) on Saturday, September 17, at Sacred Heart Convention Center, Cebu City. Rail Patrick Estan who emerged as 1st runner up will join nationals as well.

AfifthyearBachelorofScienceinCivilEngineeringstudent who began joining in his third year, Lapus championed thequizshowlastmonth,theregionalsonSaturday,andnowhe is on his way to becoming the national winner.

“Beforethefinalquestion,IfeltIneedtowin,thenI asked God for guidance . After the answer was revealed, I immediatelystoodup.The lastquestionwasoneof thosementioned in one of my classes. So, (before it was revealed) I felt I had the edge.I received 10,000 from the competition and 2,000 from the PTA of CTU. I thank God for everything He gave me.”

from left : Rail Patrick Estan, Rusty V. Lapus

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Once again CTU will represent Region VII for the 35th National Civil Engineering Quiz Show (NCEQS) on November 17 through 19 at the SMX Davao Convention Center, Davao City.

“We’ll go to Davao on November 15, and I’m excited tocompete.Ilovethecompetition.Ihopetomeetthequizzerfrom FEU because, like me, he is passionate in what he does.”

On the other hand, Estan who started in his 4th year expressed that Engr. Mayor is the reason why he is now a member of the team, as he was the one who invited him to be trainedwiththerestofthequizzers.Healsospokeabouthowheendedupasfirstrunnerupandnotthechampion.

“Maybe Rusty prepared more than I did, but overall, it was exciting. I was tense and afraid that I would never win. I thank God, my trainers and my family. Everything paid off; I usually train for four hours per week.” Coaches and trainers who have been working with Lapus and Estan are Engr. Jeonel S. Lumbab, Engr. Alex Mayor Jr., Engr. Jejomar Ugsimar Duque, Engr. JannyDooCapillanes, Engr. Ramil Sigue, Engr Dovann Omandac Arrabis, and Engr. Dave Kerwin Bolarin, and Engr.Jayson Logronio. Engr. Lumbab is grateful for the help everyone had put up.

“It is simply the way we practice and how we advocate for excellence in everything that we do in honor of the school.

We ask our alumni to come back to train. Time, money, and effort were spent. It is not only for me but for the entire group… . I compare it to sports. The alumni are the ones who breathe life into the organization.”

House of champions pushed Lapus and Estan to the nationals, as their trainers were PICE title holders themselves: Duquein2009through2011,BolarininMarch2012,Arrabisin July 2013, Sigue in March 2013, and Capillanes in March 2014.

“Winning is about these students who are so competitive. It’s totally a student factor. As a reward for their hardwork, we personally endorse them to review centers who’ll prepare them for the board examination. Lapus has already been endorsed to one.”

TheCollegeofEngineeringhashadquiteanumberof winnings this month. Engr. Lumbab believed in sacrificeas key to helping the institution and honing the students more importantly.

The group is set to train once again, this time, more serious, as they hope to take victory in one of the country’s metros.

Other participating schools were University of Cebu-Main (UC-Main) whose representative was 2nd runner up, University of San Carlos (USC), University of the Visayas (UV), University of San Jose Recoletos (USJ-R), and Cebu Institute of Technology-University (CIT-U). (UPO)

from left: Rusty V. Lapus, Engr. Jeonel S. Lumbab, Rail Patrick Estan

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HABLON: Bringing tradition to the fore

DevCom wins NCC-backed tilt DevCom interns won 1st prize in the 2016 Nutrition Month Complementary Food Preparation Video Contest organized by the National Nutrition Council (NCC) Region 7. Loraine Quijano, Mae Yburan and Quennie Lax Mae Tabuco joined in the Grand Nutrition Awards on August 12, 2016 at the Cebu City Sports Club, Cardinal Rosales Avenue.

Demonstrated in their winning entry is the process of making an apple-squash puree. Quijano, Yburan and Tabucowould not have pursued the competition if not because of Nutrition Officer I-NNC 7 Norre Jean V. Delos Santos whopushed them to submit an entry. Delos Santos, being a CTU graduate, mentored the group despite usual constraints.

NCC7clarifiedtheselectionprocesswhich involvednetizens who voted for the video that educate mothers on the techniquesincomplementaryfoodpreparationandbestpromotescheaper and safer version of commercial complementary foods thatarevariedandincludeadequatequantitiesofmeat,poultry,fish,aswellasvitaminA-richfruitsandvegetableseveryday.

Other awards were given to University of San Carlos-BSND’s “MaMaSquAT” for best and most favored video;“Loraine’s Kitchen” (another entry from CTU) as 1st runner up and Bais City as 2nd runner up.

(Lady Lee Allego, BSDevCom 2-1, Contributor)

Cebu Technological University-Argao Campus, in collaboration with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), revives Argao’s Hablon. Hablon is a weaving industry in Argao that dates back to the Cold War in 1962. At present, the barangay of Tulic contains most of the remaining weavers in the municipality. However, transitioning the tradition to the younger generation is impeded by the cutback of weavers. Hence, DTI Region 7, through its Shared Service Facility (SSF) Project, launched the hablon facility worth Php 825, 000 on May 18, 2016 at CTU-Argao. It consists of 20 handloom weaving machines made of hardwood and metal. Cebu Vice Governor Agnes Magpale, along with university and municipal dignitaries, graced the event as she has high hopes for Argao’s distinct industry. Since then, CTU-Argao Hablon Extension Program has been training individuals interested in the craft. They have also established linkages with abaca fiber raw material suppliers and JuniorChamber International (JCI) for marketing, as the initiative continues to engage stakeholders to improve the economy. (Luiscel Teofi E. Cabico & Mailyn N. Lanorias)

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Electronics Engineering (EcE) Team championed the RegionalQuizBowlonAugust29,makingthemqualifiedtocompete in the National ECE Quiz Bowl in October this year. Mario Albert Abiar, Winston Sarra, Kevin Cristopher Ng, Lhierra Aparre, Egbert Cabahug, and Alder Febraday Tamarra competedfor thehonor thatmarkedthefirstmajoraccomplishment of the ECE Department. The team received a trophy and a cash prize of 3,000.

Engr. Jun-Jun Obiso , team coach, led the students to engage in training for six (6) months. “This is a remarkable feat and truly a big thing for us,” he said.

The participants also took effort in mentioning that ” the motivation from our coach made us establish teamwork, unity and character.” They defeated eight (8) other contingents: Cebu institute of Technology-University (CIT-U), University of San Carlos (USC), University of San Jose-Recoletos (USJ-R), University of Cebu(UC)Main , UC-Banilad, UC-LM, Samar State University (SSU), and Eastern Visayas State University (EVSU).

Dr. Obiso and his team started joining the Regional Quiz Show in 2013. Since then they have been driven to achieve the accolade to add up to the accomplishments of the College of Engineering. (UPO)

EcE brings home first championship

Engr. Jun-Jun Obiso

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Dr. Corazon P. Macachor is University Professor effective July 1, 2016. She passed the screening as per decision of the Committee on Agricultural and Rural Development Disciplines chaired by CHED Commissioner Ruperto S. Sangalang.

“An attainment like the one that I have is an indicator of teamwork. The contributions of my colleagues, co-researchers, co-extensionists, research-extension clients, DOST, DTI, DSWD, BFAR,PCA, Arts “N” Nature, LAMAC Multipurpose Cooperative, and scientific and academic societies have mademe one of the top ranking faculty members of our university. Thanks to Dr. Rosein A. Ancheta Jr., my family and most especially to the Lord God Almighty for this wonderful opportunity.”

Dr. Macachor takes her highest achievement by far as she has finally moved past her previousrank as Professor V. She has served the College of Technology as an academic for years now .

CTU President Dr. Rosein A. Ancheta received thenotificationonAugust4,2016 fromPhilippineAssociation of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC) President Ricardo E. Rotoras, stating his appreciationtothesuccessofoneofCTU’sprolificresearchers.

Any candidate applying for the highest rank must earn a rating of at least 4. As for Dr. Macachor, she accumulated 4.045. The result was drawn from five areas: field of discipline or specialization;relevant issues,trends and innovations; professional achievement and development; research, extension and production and work experience, performance , etc. Research, extension and production earned her the highest rating.

The screening committee comprised Dr. Ruperto S. Sangalang, Dr. Ricardo E. Rotoras and Dr.Querobin S. Dycoco Jr.(UPO)

Dr. Macachor is University Professor

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Cebu Technological University-Public Employment Service Office (CTU-PESO) is theRegional Best PESO for the tenth time under the EI/CBO/NGO Category. CTU President Dr. Rosein A. Ancheta Jr. and CTU-PESO Manager Ms. Nona Fe Y. Estolas received the award on September 1, 2016 at Golden Prince Hotel, Cebu City.

At the ceremony, Dr. Ancheta acknowledged the exemplary services of Ms. Nona Fe Y. Estolas for making CTU at the top ten times in a row (from 2007-2016). He has also assured his full support to PESOCapitolspecificallyonitsscholarshipprogramimplementation since the partnership began in 2009. It further implied strengthening the coalition with LGU-Liloan,Cebu on skills training and relevant initiatives.

Moreover, he expressed continuous support and commitment to DOLE as companion in continuing the employment-employment program, a

positive gesture from CTU administration that would certainly uphold its vision for the students.Thousands ofstudentsintheuniversityhavealreadybenefitedfrom Special Program for Employment of Students (SPES ) and Youth Education-Youth Employability (YE-YE) among others.

On the other hand, Ms. Estolas spoke of her appreciation to the support of Dr. Ancheta in the implementation of strategic priorities of CTU-PESO. She thanked the present administration for backing up its core functions.

“The employment advocacies in the university contribute much to the achievements of CTU-PESO.”

CTU and other winners in different categories shall represent REPESOM 7 in the 2016 National PESO Congress on October 13, 2016 at Waterfront Hotel, Lahug, Cebu City. (Donavelle T. Mantos, CTU-PESO staff)

Regional title rests in CTU for the tenth time

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Grad school prepares for level 4 “Cognizant of the main goal of the Graduate School, we are here to act upon the preparations for the upcoming AACCUP accreditation ,” Dean Rebecca DC.Manalastassaidtotheprofessorsgivenspecificassignments for the said activity in November this year. Dr. Manalastas was aided by two of the university’s senior AACCUP accreditors, Dr. Hedeliza A. Pineda, and Dr. Rey Roxas. They shared their experiences that provided models for CTU to emulate, especially that it is aiming to achieve the LevelIVstatusforfive(5)degreeprograms.

Shespecificallypointedoutthatthepreparationshould primarily consider an elaborate presentation of evidences to comply with AACCUP standards. “This has always been the key component to passing anyaccreditationrequirement,”sheadded.

The degree programs include : Master of Arts in Education (MAEd), Master of Arts in Vocational Education (MAVED), Master in Technology Education (MTE), Master of Science in Industrial Technology (MSIT) , and Master in Public Administration

(MPA). For each program, ten (10) areas will be evaluated: Area I, VMGO; Area II, Faculty; Area III, Curriculum and Instruction; Area IV, Students; Area V, Research; Area VI, Extension and Community Involvement; Area VII, Library; Area VIII, Physical Plant and Facilities; Area IX, Laboratories; and Area X, Administration.

The Graduate School seeks to improve its delivery of services with the help of its own task force, the academics who joined the meeting on August 18. Faculty members were designated as coordinators for thefive programs:Dr.ReyC.Rojas (MAED),Dr. Clemencia B. Burgos (MAVED), Dr. Paterno, Fernandez (MTE), Dr. Romarico A. Loremia (MSIT) and Dr. Edwin Andaya (MPA).

“Let’s work hand in hand, with our heart, mind and spirit, toward the attainment of our purpose.” The dean is hopeful that the outcome is positive in the interest of CTU’s stakeholders.(UPO)

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Cebu Provincial Government partnered with Cebu Technological University (CTU) for Paglaum Scholarship Program.

Scholars under this initiative (to be implemented by the Provincial Women Commission) will receive a monthly stipend of P1,500.00 and P10,000.00 for tuition and miscellaneous fees per semester.

Students who may avail of the grant are permanent residents of the province, differently abled, marginalized, less fortunate, and those children of drug users and pushers who surrendered to the police.

Hon. Davide said in his inspirational message that education has always been the priority of the provincial government. It is supported by Vice Governor Agnes Magpale who stressed on the idea that if the people in a certain community

Cebu Provincial Government, CTU strengthen PAGLAUM

are not given the right and proper education, that particular community is nothing.

In his acceptance speech, CTU President Rosein Ancheta, Jr. appreciated the Provincial Government’s effort of passing an ordinance providing a tertiary scholarship program for the underprivileged yet deserving students. He said that CTU has always been supportive in educating the youth especially those in the marginalized sectors.

Moreover, Gov. Davide expressed his sincerest thanks to the partner educational institutions for wholeheartedly embracing the province’s educational agenda.

The Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed during the programs’s launching on September 14, 2016 at the Provincial Capitol Social Hall. (Irvin A. Narsico, Scholarship Coordinator).