The Power of Resilience in complex times Presented By: Dora Summers-Ewing EXIDEO Consulting

The Power of Resilience in complex times Presented By: Dora Summers-Ewing EXIDEO Consulting

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Page 1: The Power of Resilience in complex times Presented By: Dora Summers-Ewing EXIDEO Consulting

The Power of Resilience in complex times

Presented By:Dora Summers-EwingEXIDEO Consulting

Page 2: The Power of Resilience in complex times Presented By: Dora Summers-Ewing EXIDEO Consulting


• Understand what resilience is and how to maximize it in response to continual change and increased global complexity.

• Recognize the importance of resilience as a competitive advantage both personally and professionally.

• Learn 3 proven ways to embed more resilience into your organization, starting tomorrow!

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Living in Complex times

• Volatility • Uncertainty • Complexity • Ambiguity

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It’s All about change

• What significant changes have you experienced in the past five years?

• How have these changes impacted you?

• What did you learn about yourself and the world you live in?

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A Competitive Advantage

• Those who can embrace the new normal (embodied by VUCA) will stand the best chance of survival.

• Those who can lead and model the way for others will be in high demand.

• Those who can create an organizational culture based on innovation, renewal, and competent confidence will thrive and flourish.

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The Nature of Resilience• The ability to adapt well or adjust easily to

adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats and sources of stress

To bounce back in the face of a setback

• To withstand tough challenges and daily stressors (work, health, friends and family) without faltering

Everyone possesses some degree of

resilience – it’s a matter of to what degree

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Exercise #1 • What is your first reaction to a setback or


• Do you change or adapt well to new information?

• Can you anticipate challenges to the status quo?

• Do you know when to say “YES” vs “NO”?

• Do you “recharge” on an ongoing basis?

• Are you sensitive to the emotional well-being of those around you?

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The Science behind Resilience

•People’s response to adversity depends upon three things:

Attributional Style - Optimistic or Pessimistic

Available Emotional Resources - Support & Confidence

Ability to Change and Renew – Personal Initiative & Accountability

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What DO resilient leaders do?

•Face Down Reality •Prioritize open and transparent communication •Foster innovation in times of adversity•Provide encouragement, support and mentoring•Cultivate a sense of curiosity about the future•Liberate/reallocate resources to foster “trial learning”•Invest in their leaders, front line staff and clients•Don’t fear failure•Celebrate their successes and learn from them!

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Exercise #2

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Recipe for Building resilience

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It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might

as well not have lived at all

- J.K. Rowling

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Next Steps

What are you going to choose to do differently starting tomorrow to build resilience in yourself, your work groups and your organization?


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