The Potions Lesson

The potions lesson

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The Potions Lesson

Page 2: The potions lesson

Text focus

Harry’s first “Potions” lesson Read the extract Investigation as individuals Discussion and Feedback to the whole class Annotating + note-making (significant


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Writing Task

How does the writer present the set theme of Facing Challenge in the Potions Lesson extract? (from Chapter 8)

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Writing focus

Informed discussion of the set theme of Facing Challenge

Showing detailed knowledge and understanding

Discussion of significant features of presentation and genre, involving interpretation/ analysis

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Rowling makes much use of the set theme of Facing Challenge:

the extract contains various challenging and unexpected events, strange appearances, curious settings/people/dialogue.

These “ingredients” are used by the writer to emphasise how Harry feels and reacts in this situation.

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Rowling’s use of the set theme is made obvious to the reader in various ways:

In the extract’s events/ plot In the setting for those events In her exploration of ideas/ themes In the development of characterisation To reveal attitudes In the range of stylistic features used.

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INTRO: Context (background)

Refer briefly to what is already known about the relationship between Harry and Professor Snape:

Start of term banquet – Harry’s scar Harry’s nightmare Snape favours Slytherins

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Unusual events.

How the plot moves forward.

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Contemporary Fantasy

The Potions lesson is, in effect, a combined science lesson.

It is a familiar/ contemporary situation for us as readers because we have all “been there and done that”.

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We can relate to Harry’s experience

The initial unusualness of the science room’s sights and smells

Tension between teacher and pupil Teacher favouritism Embarrassment at not knowing the answer Loss of self esteem Unfairness Supportive friends

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Ideas/ theme/ thematic interest

Why does Snape hate Harry? The unusualness of Harry’s school life. Learning: what is being learned here? Goodness vs Evil. The continuation of the Hero Journey

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Narrative (story telling) Method

Descriptive scene setting The creation of dramatic tension The building of intrigue/ mystery The development of relationships between


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Focus is on Snape’s victimisation of Harry

Harry’s reaction to Snape’s bullying

Contrast Hermione with Neville

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Attitudes and values

Negative values: unfairness, mockery, humiliation, intolerance

Positive values: self-discipline, courage, knowledge, friendship

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Notable stylistic features

Descriptive detail Alliterative “s” Dynamic verb choice Repetition of “Potter” Semantic field Complex sentence work Cliff hanger ending Syntactical variation (eg. hyphen and italics)

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Range of interesting features which contribute to the success of the writing

Surprising to learn, later, that Snape has been charged with protecting Harry – her ability to disguise that suggests even further that Rowling understands how the theme of Facing Challenge helps her to tell a story.