local foatter. City Lois for Sale. Applj to I.F. IIollAIUi, x Camden. 8. - Wanted. Wanted, to rent a large room, Or vacant out-house a few weeks Cor storage purposes. Address, ^ 4>rcall at office of THE PEOPLE. W. M. Htnson, Harness and Shoes. One door east of Sny¬ der's stables. Private ft'oat Cards. Private -Post Cards for sale jktihis office. Very convenient at times. 25 for a dime. Legal Blanks. We have almost anything you want from a Title to Heal Estate >^down, and wluvt we haven't, we can write for you us we are something of a lawyer ouiself. " When in need of Harness or Shoe worlc, call an W. M. Hin son. One door east of Snyder's. /stables. ^ k> For Sale Au up to date 2 Gin outfit with lot aud tenant house. C. G. Vaughan. Marriage. At Kershaw on the 18th lust., ^*Col. *L. C. Hough and Mrs M. J. Cook were united in matri mony .by He v. Jubez Ferris >.« the home of the bride. Wo have pot the pleasure of personal ac quainlanee with the bride, bui _ the groom is an old and cherish ed friend to whom and wife we .^extend warm and sincere con gratulatious. See W. M. Hinson for Harness or Shoe work. Satisfaction guaranteed. llitioti Meeting at lift '/Ami Bap¬ tist Clittielt. Union Meeting at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Saturday afvi Sunday, May 29 aud 30th. 1909. 10 00 Devotional Services led by C. U. Myers. 10.30 The Country Pastor and "*4tlieSunduy School. J.O.Moseley and Hev. J. Hunter. Should the church member who gives neither time or means be held iu good standing and fellowship? E. P. Shecld aud Rev. .E. P. Rice. Dinner at tlfc church. JVhat sliould< be the attitude, ; 'mlcliOr©U .member toward the liquor problem? E L Gopelaud, H B Elliott. Bible evidence of regeneration. 6 A West, J E Creed, Newton Kelly, Rev. C I) Peterson, fe SUNDAY. 10 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Re dedication of the church. Sermon. S\ Iteilglous. Those who attend the DoKulb and Coolc churches will please remember the notice alread, . published of services to be lici.l at the two by Hev. A. 11 Mitch'1: ot the lirst Sunday iiiJniic, a. ^N-PeKalb at 11 in the morning ami Ht Cook at 4 iu the afternoon. The revival meetings recent I > held at the Prst. Raptiwt church, this city resulted in an addition of forty-seven members with v perhaps more to follow. The vjiev. J. J. Wicker who conducted these meetings is evidently the light man in the right place He U a very pleasant gentleman Socially, and in his discourses from the pulpit, preaches the word of God in simple bnt con ?hieing language. 1*20*3 Barobergs Famous 5c CIGAR Is Sold by P. T.i<»slicOV»mp, Caindon Drug Company, Unie<« nnd Lanir, H- Ij- SJchossburtf, W. T. »iMsty. lihiime & Reattto, J. N. Olirislums, K D. Dibblo& Bro and T. ,1. Ho^Uin. ASK FOR IT Died at the home of ber sister, Mrs. It. C. Johnson on Tuesday, the 18th iust., Mrs. James tin- toy after ft short, illness al though she hsd been in delieate liealth for some time* The de¬ ceased was a most estimable lady whose loss is mourned by a large circle of relatives aud friends. Tho many friends of Captain L. L. Clyburn and wife, were' shocked on Saturday morning to learn of the sudden death of the latter the previous even* i«ij? us she was returning to her home near DeKa 1 b from the hospital Ht Columbi. Mrs. CI jburn was esteemed and loved by all with whom she came in contact, and llie sympathy of all goes out to the bereaved hus¬ band and family^ Mr. James A. Roseborough on Thursday morning passed away after an illness of only a few hours. The cause of death is stud to have been an attack of * acute indigestion. In his death we have lost a life long friend^ and we mouru with the afflicted widow and two little children. The renaius were interred at Si John's church on Friday. On last Tuesday, May 18th, the angel of death entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Dabi;ey uud tooU from tlinin their little nioii Lawrence Clyburn, aged I year and 1 months. The little fellow had beeu sick four weeks. To tho sorrow stricken parents we extend heartfelt Sympathy. '.Yliere's a j»air of little imtids, I.aid l(» rent forayrr mere. Tlu-re'stwo pretty din*pled cheeks, W liok*<> rich blossomitijf is o'er, heath has sealed two little eyes 'I hnt will no more smile or weep; Tin J' windows of the soul. Little L". <>.'* gone to sleep. His Aunt. Mr. T. G. Bush died at his home in upper Camdeu on the night of May 21st of apoplexy He was formerly a prominent cartoonist on the staff of tho New York World and was about 08 years of age. IIis interesting family of wife, three daughters and one son have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in this community. .V Ficc OO Page Diary For Our Headers, Wc take pleasure iu announc ing that any of our readers eau secure a line 90 page diary for 1000, by sending2 cents postage, lo 1). Swift& Co., Patent Law¬ yers, Washington, D. C. This diary is worth 2"> cents, and eon, tains 120 pages of valuable infor¬ mation, such as the crop prod¬ uction of 1008, by states; Brief but valuable points of every day law and patent laws; Business! forms, ami population of till! ciiies ami states, etc, and 7.') pages memorandum. Perfect satisfaction in quality of work, and prices sriven l>v W. M Ih'i-on. Give me ii call in ir.*t «>! II triM'SK ov S'lttc lo Sul>Mci-ibi*r». It your paper happens to come to you this week or next week or therealter addressed in red, kiudlx take n as a gentle hint 1 It 11 v\ «.. will nio'.t. fervent ly t hank you for ami appreciate a quick payment of the whole, or a part of your indebtedness to ns of what eVer ti.i I tire There are four classes of peo pie who should receive the (lis tin^uished attention of debtors; the preacher, the doctor, ihe grocer and the editor. Tin* preacher ministers to the spirit, the doctor to the body, 'tin* grocer satisfies the cravings of the stomach, and ti e editor tills your mind. Without a well stored mind when* aro you? In this age of progross, you might as well bein the wilds of darkest Africa Como on, friends. We need money. Tl»«il I/itV Insurance I'ollcy. Thorn still seems to be ti little business in the minds of some people concerning our lifo in¬ surance policy. To maice the [matter absolutely clear, we will say ti}ai Jo every subscriber to! iTltfc; PKOPLK who keep up a] I paid subscription, we guarantee that, be will not. dio within the) period (hiring whicn bis account clear on our books. Should lie, through any m..jchau<'i> Imp pen to cross the divide during ithat period, and wants Ins money back, ho can ijnt it promptly by ! making application tor same at' tins oftiee. No offer could be fairer, and it furnishes an added iuducemont why all should take ' TH Fi FF'OTf.F- PERSONAL. .Mr.cC. F. TMlinucf* a promi- nant citizen of Cher»v waa in the city on Monday and paid THE PBOPLB a ptoaaantcall. .The lecture on The Holy Land on Monday nljrbtby Rev. J. J. Wicker vas greatly en¬ joyed by the large audiance who laced the lecturer. BREVITIES. .The city lots offered in this issue are the.Ancrum lots on Fair Street of this city. .Oar Job Work ad is attrac tive, aud our work and prices; more so. Give us a trial. .Col. A. D. Kennedy is offer¬ ing barbed wire aud tield fenc¬ ing as cheap as the cheapest. .Hon. W. Bratton DeLoache has a professional card with us. He is a sound lawyer, and a gen-' ial gentleman. .We are still iu (he market for corn, peas and haled chucks oil subscription. Pou't be bash¬ ful about bringing them iu. I .James DeLoache & Co., are advertising coal and wood tu this issue. Phone them your wants iu either. , .A«k for Bamberg's 4,1 20-3" cigar, and take no other. It is a tine smoke, and besides is of do¬ mestic manufacture. See ad. Zeigler & Mathis have a well appointed poultry yard in this city. Now is the seasou lo buy eggs. Scrub poultry is dear at any price, bee the 7> & M., ad. .Did you receivfe that state ! inent of your account we sent, you recently? If you did, please g«ve it your attention quick.' IT you didn't we will mail you a duplicate on application. .Read carefully every ad. in this issue, big or little. These! little notices "For Sale or Kent" may interest some people about this time. .House builders and con-j tractors will de well to corres- pond with Mr. B. It. Truesdel before purchasing lumber and' laths elsewhere. His ad tip- pears in this issuo. .Good building lots are groov¬ ing scarce. Those desiring to build a home will do well to cor. respond with Judge J. P. Hol¬ land promptly. The several lots he has for sale are prime. ! WHEN HER BACKACHES A Woman Finds All Hit Knergy and Ambition Slipping Away Camden women know how the nclies j and paints that come wIumi the kidney* fail make lite a burden. Backache, hip piling, headaches, dizzy spells, dis¬ tressing urinary troubles, all tell of sick kidneys and warn you of the stealthy approach of diabetes, dropsy ! and Bright1.* disease. I>onn's Kidney! Pills permanently cure all these dis- order* Hi-re's proof ui it in a C:iui-. den wouriii's words : Mrs S. E. Arrants, ^aureus Street, Camden, S. C., says: For1 years mv kidneys were slug- srid irregular passages of 'In ->.( » « i imix ciiubHii mo annoy I '. ;(l 11 ?'(ji]. . 111 luMiluclis i'i*st . ii ni^lH and felt gt'iierali^ miserable. I at length read about Doau's Kidney Pills. and was led to procure a box at Zemp's drug store I used them H.«» diri'i i'd .iml thev not only regulated I ho passages of the j kidney .secretion but stopped the henditrht's itiid improved my h< Mil h in ever> way. 1 do not hesitate ui recommend Poau's Kidney Pills for kidney trouble, "j Kor Side l>y all dealers. Price 60c. Poster--Miilmrn (N>., Buffalo, N. Y.J sole iiueuts for the United States. Iteilieuiliel* I lie name.linau's.mill' HK(. no ol lit'l*. Facts .About VeifctnhlflM. Celery originated in (icmany. The chestnut came from Italy. Tim onion originated iti Egypt. Tobacco is a native of Virginia. The nettle is a native of Rnrope The citron is a native of Greece Oats originated in North A frioa The poppy originated in the Kast. Kyc camo originally from LI-1 bo rill. Parsley was first known in Sardinia. The pear and apple are from Europe. Spinach came from Arabia.. Crit. Young iiirlM Arc Victim* of hewtHolu'*, h5 well as ot«I«'r women, hut all jrot <|itit*U r*»l!»¦ f ami prompt' clip* from I»r. Klli^> NVw l.m* 1'ilix, tin* \vorl«r» tu'st. remedy for jock and nervmt* h»a«ta«,t»»,rf. 't iny malic pure bloiMt, tool *troii]{ nerve* r»'i<l tunlil op jour lieallh. Try litem. at <"«m- den IjruK Company, K. M. Zemp lK'Tn*?* KraucN tfcmp'i ilfitg store. EXCURSION RATES To Ashevillo, NV 0 » and Return. AcoouiH Twentieth Annual fleeting National Tcnvelers Protective Assotia 11 o n of Ainorica. > The Southern Kail way an¬ nounces' very low round trip rates fro*n all points to Aslie ville, N. C., aud return for the above occasiou. Tickets will be sold May 28th, 29lh, And 30th, and for trains arriviug Ashe ville before 3:00 p. in. May 31st, limited good to return 30 days froun date of sule. Round trip rates from princi¬ pal points as follows: Blaclc?burg $ 3.10 Blackville 0.70 Branch ville 7.15 (Jamden 0 10 Charleston 8 95 Chester 1 4 45 Columbia ; 5 05 GatTney 3 40 Lancaster 5 05 Orangeburg ' * . *0 55 Roclc Hill 4 30 Soar tan burg 2 35 Wiunsboro 5 35 York ville 4 00 Special arrangements are be itij; made lor-hand ling T. P. A.'s their families aud friends in the most- comfortable and conven¬ ient way to and from Asheville. Entertainments of various kinds; side trips to Lake To.xaway, June 4th, old fashioned South¬ ern barbecue, trolly ridos, grand ball at Battery Park Hotel, etc. Southern Railway officials and passenger representatives will be present to assist in looking after the entertainment, provid¬ ing information, etc. h'or further detailed infortna tion apply to Southern Railway ticlutt agents or address J. C LUSK, r\:.. A.,,,,, t Charleston, S* C. J. L. MEEK, Ass't. Gen. Pass. Agent Atlanta, Ga. Foreed Into Hxilc. Wm. Upchurcli of Glen Oak Ok!a., was an exile from home. Mountain nil*, lie thought would cure a frightful lung-racking cough thai li.nl tit-lied all remedies for two years, After nix months he returned, death dogging his steps. "Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery," he writes, "and after taking six bottle 1 am as well as ever." It saves thousands yearly from desperate Uu»£ tli.>ea~o«. Infallible for Coughs and ('olds, it dis¬ pels Hoarseness and Sore Throat. Cures Crip. Bronchitis. Hemorrhages Asthma, ('roup, Whooping Cough. W»e and $1.00, trial bottle free, guaran¬ teed by Camden Druir Company, !.*. M Zt nip »fc DePass ' Francis L. Zenip. Wintlirop College.Solio'arsli i and Kill ranee ICxanihiat ion. Tin! examinat ion for t ho award of vacant Scholarships in Win- throj) College and for the ad mission of new students will he held al I In* Counts Court House on Friday, July 29f a. m. Ap plic.unls inu.st be not less than fifteen yen rs of age. When Scholarships are vacant after .Inly 2nd they will he awarded lo llio.-e malting the highest :»vi'r.ig^' ai thisexamiualion, pro vided they meet I no conditions governing the award. Appli* cants for Scholarships should write to President .lohnr.on be¬ fore the examination for Schol¬ arship examination frhinks. Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition* The next ses¬ sion will open September lath, 1009. For further information and catalogue, address Pres. 1>. B. floiiMHon, Rock Hill, S. V. IT. C. COLE.) BIltiKDtili OF FINE P 0IIL f R Yj Florence, S. C. T. S, Sonio Pino Young ft tori; Now lioudy for i7 CITY TAXES. An Ordinance To Raise Sap- plies For The Year Of Our Lord, 1909. i Be it ordained by I lie Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Camden, S. O., *nd by the autliority of the same, that the following taxes be and the same are hereby levied for l lie current year from the 1st day of Jatiuaay 1900, to the 81i>t day of December, 1909. A tax of ten (10) mill* on each and every dollar of real and personal prop¬ erty within the corporate liiuilH ol the City of Camden, S. C., on the first day of January 1809. Sec. 1. That all able bodied male persons between tlie ages of eighteen and fifty years, residing within the corporate limits of the city of Cati.den, S. C., not exempted from roan duty under the law of the Slate, shall work the streets, ways and bridges under the direction of such overseers as may be appointed for such a space of time not exceeding six (C) days in one year. Provided : That at the time of re¬ ceiving the notice any person may pay to the person giving such'tioticc three dollars (£3.00) commutation, which shall be received in lieu of the work, and that any person refusing to work said streets or to nay said commuta¬ tion, siiaii be fined not less than five (,$5.00) dollars nor more than ten ($10.00) dollars or be imprisoned not less than ten (10) days nor more than twenty (20) days, in the discretion of the city Recorder. Kali lied by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Camden. S. hi Conn- oil assembled, this 5th day ol April,! A. 1)., 1909. i-\ M. ZEMP, Mayor. Attest: J. J. UOODAI.E, i Clerk. The tax books for -4he collection ol'I City taxes will be opened in Council Chamber, Camd.'ii, S. C., on May loth, j 100'.), and remain open #»aeh day except Sundays, from 9 A.M., to i- M., and | from 1 P.M., to <> p. M., until May 81st inclusive, after which t'ine the J penalty \vs!! be nt'. iohod to all de-! liiKjuents. F. M. ZEM1\ Mayor. Attest: J. J. (Joodam:, ! Clerk. Take ONE of the Little Tablets and the, Pain is Gone NEURALGIA BACKACHE "I h*v; used Dr Mile*' Anil-Pain P)!is for years rnci f!nJ tj.ri they are ih: one thin;; (hat wit! certainly Rive a suf¬ ferer the ileslrcu re!i«?" Mrs. J. P Rrlssell. Tompah, Nev AND Tllf. TAINS OF RHEUMATISM and SCIATICA 25 Doses 25 Cents Your Drucgisi <*!!* pr Mile* An!l-P*in. f'llls and he li luihoritcd to roiurn the fri.c of I he fir>i package (onlv* il li falls i«> henrfii >ou For Hatching | From ThorouKhbret! Pens | ' IH-iAClv MIXOROAK "WHITE WYANDOTTKS WHITE A BROWN 1 JOG- j I10RNW, ANT) nrrF PLYMOUTH ROCKS.! Zeipjer & Mathis. A Hi-nlilod Itoj'.i SlirlcKs hornl'iiMl his crar.dfnolhrr, Mrs. T»itvlor, of Nobo, K; .. who wriicn that.) when hIS llioiis.li! ],«> would (lit, Duck-! Irii's Arnica Salvr wholly core*! him. Infallible for I'.tiruM, Skills f'nt*. Con.*, Wound"-, l»rdi.ii»*. Oirt* * FrviT- Snr*'*, Koils. Skin Fmj.it ions. Chil¬ blain?, <'l;:»|>j»f«I Hands. Moon root ' I'lh-s, 'J'"* :it ( iiMulcn I'mir ('ompany. F. M. 7a-oi;> & Ivl'n**, Franc 15 F. 7A'\u\) ilru# utorcp. Or. Vilnci's New li^c nif 3 Tbo boPt in tbo worltl. SEABOARD AIR LIN E RAIL W A I. These Arrival* an<t l)«|»iirturcs tk: w^H a* liuio and i.'ottnectioM with other Coiupauies, arc Rivvu oulj Information na*4 art not intra ti teed. NORTH BOUND. Your Ron ml Florida Liiimtud. I\tst Mm). SI m Lv Camden.. 6:f'5 Ar Cheraw 8:13 Ar Hamlet .:20 Ar Raleigh , 12:35 Ar Portsmouth T:JK> Ar Richmond 5:30 Ar Washington b:;>0 Ar Baltimore 10:02 Ar Philadelphia 12.211 A r Now Yor U £: 15 p m . .6:20 a m p m 8:02 u re p ui 8:45 a ift a in 11:5(5 a m um 5:45 p rn a m 5:05 p in u m 8:35 p re u in 9:52 p ra p Hi 11:5L p rzi p ui 3:53 a ic Passengers can remain in sleencr until 7 00 a. ui. SOUTH BOUND. Year KoiUi<l Limited 81 Florida Fust Mail 43 Lv Cnmden 9:i2l) Ar Colutub u 10:25 Ar Savannah ... .. 1:10 Ar Jacksonville 5:00 Ar Tampa G:30 a in .10:30 p m a m li :40 p ru p in L»:45 a m p m 7:15 a in u m 6:00 p m For farther information unci reservations apply to E. J. COOPER, Agt J. S. ETCH BERG BR, T. P. A. Caindon. S. C. Columbia, S. 0. Send us Your Job Work FROST pmop CABBAGE. PLANTS GUARANTEED TO SATISFY PURCHASiiiiS CA4LY WAKfeMMJ# Ci'Mo rlf.MJLlM*. tvi: u \i; ..a i »».. »;tu n* ion r. Ini'r.* Flu i'-cl '. wvt* At *«i mta Turrj;u:i A i,|,V itlff Cu.'« !'«.- rr«'o?t ri.AV ai u h !/ ij»»t i J vWivjp itfc lit Ws oil I; 4 m. ci *{.Lo rJ fr i «.!. r.t J'.Cf- prr ra.. H a. sn' ever. s!! I.c; p:r n. T. O. B. YO'JWS l£LA sn.«?. C. >.v Sycclal r.?.|>r«j Zu»Str. ou L: Very Low. <'.rc»v the first ?."«>*.( Pev.f t. Kn>v fi ne over f.vcntv thousand' satisfied cu"toir.cr*'.: and \w- Inw ,..*«..'.. « sr,i>! ittu1 <abbr.f;o plants l!::;:i c!l o'.htf pcrso'ts in »h^ Sc.:;horn totnH.nn;. 4.V 'V : be.*:n:s" <<u; p!:irt » must please or we rend ycisr money ».:v k. < \>Vr n >*» : ii time : » set those plants in your sec¬ tion to ftei exis t early c.iM i,-:-.. .>;! »!i\ * tints re!I so:- she most money. te!.. "'c Hi«...toaiyu\, at tfttnuo's island. S. G .'.« .VMritS M t, s- v,;.- >i.;c >' - .v ~ ''-v.cum «> * wo it> < . ««. .. .: i :f.r>.5» .inv.in. vr.o>: « xm iu iv sB Vul 11 ...¦.. .. c.ia m V.!<V. ihw III./* to : \ Snit'C 91 *«3' »'», A~-' ** " VOil / '!». "' tl'.l'l .I". tM r v< ; ? 1 *>.<. . . . ».. ut'iMly li:vr i i .j piomj-iiv at < *. it-aims, rv-.t:;:v' . BOASTfc <iO The i cf. ut i '/..'...///¦. '/.¦. SS.St ff fi.itt, (..!' /u ; ./. ." ft 11yen<t; :»i f .r St.Si' ./, .¦.. .. SO H0n?.T8C33?.E 'ri&j.l ?V. ? NAU.J:, Tsi- !tn i I:- - v/l!.' - . Air out. r»i\tyt!K.ut.uul (:ui> .;«» Over t*.»o h.iinJr<~»t tiiou.-.ninl ; p. . DESfjmP'i'tCirii MacV in ¦'1 andeesyri'.li!ii;.v.*iy«1niah" -.11-.*I i.-«. ¦' u iprci.il tniuliiy m ruhbci.w potoui end wltic'i rlnr,r« ii;i sin ., n .> lllf thcairtocvtix;. V.'f tiavi ti.'t.'li HeacusUinwrRsut'inR thai 1i.sn '.«.. 1. tip oner or twice in a whole *#-. >;i. i'.>- \ an ordinary tire, tli.> { unctr.i': i'.:f by aevernl In-era ol thin. prei.'.ity ; . tread. Ttierenuiar juice of tv«< : m .* t*; advertising purpoc' . v. r ati: im>l»iti ..»»j-i the rid'jr of only f.j.fio p~r pr\'.r. \c or.1 . . apnioval. You do i>nl uay a et;it miNi y 1 will Allow a ' "««li ifisi'in'iii <--t >. »¦ tend FULL CASH W1TI5 aickel plated bras.* hnnd pump. Ti.c.-n, t.«¦ .. not satisfactory 011 ex/u'iiiintiou. Wv !,.- 1 t batik. If you or.l^r a pair of thr.v t>r> \>- w««r better, last longer and Iwl: fitier i know that you will be so well ulea^c.! tli: t 1. Xft want yoj to send ur a tri*tl ordT et on<-":,.tn if YM3 MEKD rsn^ . » li."il^*tl). It I'll .! die .peeinlln'roductorv price qnot'il aixiv ; m . 4«BCTihcs aud quotes uil inaV.cs am' kiisii- t ..-r> .. 1 do hot wA/rJXZi?f&rwJ£'Z'--.i!'-: i offers vro arc maV 1 nj;. It only cor.;;, a po-*. ii n»lturn -ei ytniu(; ?A1 J.L Maws* :: ~ 3a .r fitl .«. '* r ** .1 *011 -u « ^iie . 7 Ut* * i;i ;> i".\ j* -r, : 11r oi .\ ac . v.ui-n vclf .\:f ftJ lit For Sale. IvOU^li "iu i < 1 ^liort I .oaf Y<Uo\v 1'inc l.vinboi" and I.:il lis. ()nin'l' n, S (' i: i* D \\ > U- H- Tru.vli-1 SALE. 1 Tliis \vili notil \ \lie pui>li(t lhat v.c have disposed of our interest in the* Wood and Coai business lo Messrs*. Jus. 1 )<. Ijoache S: (.Jo. Thanking mmi for your pnl.ro* 11.»«^. in 1 he pas I, and hoping lhaf yoii will continue it to our sue rcssoi'p, wo aro Very truly VV11i 1:11;<. r* & Burnet, 1 Those wisiiimr to pi a orders .for eitluo' wood or coal v.- ill ] please phone ,J!ic;. !)<. f .<i'ic()'. (V», rfe 8 *&* when everything rite f iiu. In nosvous prostru.ijn arid f-.MVU'.le weukncuscj tlicy nie the r.uj>r< v..e remedy, na thousands have u.v.iPcd. FOR KIDNKY. UV£R AMD STOMACH TROUBLE it i'i tVc best mcdiciria '.\2t uold over .*. uruf^ict'n tot'Jj'tr F()R SALE ATI'!/) AT T!!tH '>KV)i"K Pedigreed Kird Dogs. (>!.<.. Kl'llimis II I o i:' hauled !>y two^I'lSo fine". > i^' ot¦ J », , | y "(M'd (!»;' r-i 11,; »....» ( ?!)(> )'i u M:;! I" lit . JI't "4* i!i ' \r v. ...¦ .-'V : r b-..'» >r or1, v: IfiV.'.ui i'i'liv; 1 -1:... .'" «> poppies In i. Pni r,' *t ij«1 So| i. \ < t . i>.' jt'i r; t, . . , I... , . V: s!'illO lire I. . " >v . I l< '«.il 11 <t., .< jm i - ii' ....v. brr'l'Vv N. d

The People (Camden, S.C.). 1909-05-27 [p ].historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn92065554/1909-05-27/ed-1/seq-3.pdfShoe worlc, call an W. M. Hin son. Onedoor eastofSnyder's. /stables. k>

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Page 1: The People (Camden, S.C.). 1909-05-27 [p ].historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn92065554/1909-05-27/ed-1/seq-3.pdfShoe worlc, call an W. M. Hin son. Onedoor eastofSnyder's. /stables. k>

local foatter.

City Lois for Sale.Applj to

I.F. IIollAIUi,x Camden. 8. C»-

Wanted.Wanted, to rent a large room,

Or vacant out-house a few weeksCor storage purposes. Address,

^ 4>rcall at office ofTHE PEOPLE.W. M. Htnson, Harness and

Shoes. One door east of Sny¬der's stables.

Private ft'oat Cards.Private -Post Cards for sale

jktihis office. Very convenientat times. 25 for a dime.

Legal Blanks.We have almost anything you

want from a Title to Heal Estate>^down, and wluvt we haven't, we

can write for you us we are

something of a lawyer ouiself."

When in need of Harness or

Shoe worlc, call an W. M. Hinson. One door east of Snyder's./stables.


k> For SaleAu up to date 2 Gin outfit with

lot aud tenant house.C. G. Vaughan.

Marriage.At Kershaw on the 18th lust.,

^*Col. *L. C. Hough and Mrs M.J. Cook were united in matrimony .by He v. Jubez Ferris >.«

the home of the bride. Wo havepot the pleasure of personal ac

quainlanee with the bride, bui_ the groom is an old and cherish

ed friend to whom and wife we

.^extend warm and sincere con

gratulatious.See W. M. Hinson for Harness

or Shoe work. Satisfactionguaranteed.llitioti Meeting at lift '/Ami Bap¬

tist Clittielt.Union Meeting at Mt. Zion

Baptist Church, Saturday afviSunday, May 29 aud 30th. 1909.

10 00 Devotional Services ledby C. U. Myers.

10.30 The Country Pastor and"*4tlieSunduy School. J.O.Moseleyand Hev. J. Hunter.Should the church member

who gives neither time or meansbe held iu good standing andfellowship? E. P. Shecld aud Rev..E. P. Rice.

Dinner at tlfc church.JVhat sliould< be the attitude,

; 'mlcliOr©U .member toward theliquor problem? E L Gopelaud,H B Elliott.Bible evidence of regeneration.

6 A West, J E Creed, NewtonKelly, Rev. C I) Peterson,

fe SUNDAY.10 a. m. Sunday School.11 a. m. Re dedication of the

church. Sermon.

S\ Iteilglous.Those who attend the DoKulb

and Coolc churches will pleaseremember the notice alread,

. published of services to be lici.lat the two by Hev. A. 11 Mitch'1:ot the lirst Sunday iiiJniic, a.

^N-PeKalb at 11 in the morning amiHt Cook at 4 iu the afternoon.The revival meetings recent I >

held at the Prst. Raptiwt church,this city resulted in an additionof forty-seven members with

v perhaps more to follow. Thevjiev. J. J. Wicker who conductedthese meetings is evidently thelight man in the right place HeU a very pleasant gentlemanSocially, and in his discoursesfrom the pulpit, preaches theword of God in simple bnt con

?hieing language.

1*20*3Barobergs Famous 5c

CIGARIs Sold by

P. T.i<»slicOV»mp, CaindonDrug Company, Unie<« nndLanir, H- Ij- SJchossburtf,W. T. »iMsty. lihiime &

Reattto, J. N. Olirislums, KD. Dibblo& Bro and T. ,1.



Died at the home of ber sister,Mrs. It. C. Johnson on Tuesday,the 18th iust., Mrs. James tin-toy after ft short, illness although she hsd been in delieateliealth for some time* The de¬ceased was a most estimable ladywhose loss is mourned by a largecircle of relatives aud friends.Tho many friends of Captain

L. L. Clyburn and wife, were'shocked on Saturday morningto learn of the sudden death ofthe latter the previous even*

i«ij? us she was returningto her home near DeKa 1 bfrom the hospital Ht Columbi.Mrs. CIjburn was esteemed andloved by all with whom she camein contact, and llie sympathy ofall goes out to the bereaved hus¬band and family^Mr. James A. Roseborough on

Thursday morning passed awayafter an illness of only a fewhours. The cause of death isstud to have been an attack of


acute indigestion. In his deathwe have lost a life long friend^and we mouru with the afflictedwidow and two little children.The renaius were interred atSi John's church on Friday.On last Tuesday, May 18th,

the angel of death entered thehome of Mr. and Mrs. D. L.Dabi;ey uud tooU from tlinin theirlittle nioii Lawrence Clyburn,aged I year and 1 months. Thelittle fellow had beeu sick fourweeks. To tho sorrow strickenparents we extend heartfeltSympathy.'.Yliere's a j»air of little imtids,

I.aid l(» rent forayrr mere.

Tlu-re'stwo pretty din*pled cheeks,W liok*<> rich blossomitijf is o'er,

heath has sealed two little eyes'I hnt will no more smile or weep;

Tin J' windows of the soul.Little L". <>.'* gone to sleep.

His Aunt.Mr. T. G. Bush died at his

home in upper Camdeu on thenight of May 21st of apoplexyHe was formerly a prominentcartoonist on the staff of thoNew York World and was about08 years of age. IIis interestingfamily of wife, three daughtersand one son have the sympathyof a large circle of friends inthis community.

.V Ficc OO Page Diary For OurHeaders,

Wc take pleasure iu announc

ing that any of our readers eau

secure a line 90 page diary for1000, by sending2 cents postage,lo 1). Swift& Co., Patent Law¬yers, Washington, D. C. Thisdiary is worth 2"> cents, and eon,tains 120 pages of valuable infor¬mation, such as the crop prod¬uction of 1008, by states; Briefbut valuable points of every daylaw and patent laws; Business!forms, ami population of till!ciiies ami states, etc, and 7.')pages memorandum.

Perfect satisfaction in qualityof work, and prices sriven l>v W.M Ih'i-on. Give me ii callin ir.*t «>! II triM'SK ov S'lttc

lo Sul>Mci-ibi*r».It your paper happens to come

to you this week or next week ortherealter addressed in red,kiudlx take n as a gentle hint1 It 11 v\ «.. will nio'.t. fervent ly t hankyou for ami appreciate a quickpayment of the whole, or a partof your indebtedness to ns ofwhat eVer ti.i I tire

There are four classes of peopie who should receive the (listin^uished attention of debtors;the preacher, the doctor, ihegrocer and the editor. Tin*preacher ministers to the spirit,the doctor to the body, 'tin*

grocer satisfies the cravings ofthe stomach, and ti e editor tillsyour mind. Without a wellstored mind when* aro you? Inthis age of progross, you mightas well bein the wilds of darkestAfrica Como on, friends. Weneed money.

Tl»«il I/itV Insurance I'ollcy.Thorn still seems to be ti little

business in the minds of some

people concerning our lifo in¬surance policy. To maice the[matter absolutely clear, we willsay ti}ai Jo every subscriber to!iTltfc; PKOPLK who keep up a]I paid subscription, we guaranteethat, be will not. dio within the)period (hiring whicn bis accountI» clear on our books. Shouldlie, through any m..jchau<'i> Imppen to cross the divide during

ithat period, and wants Ins moneyback, ho can ijnt it promptly by! making application tor same at'tins oftiee. No offer could befairer, and it furnishes an addediuducemont why all should take

' TH Fi FF'OTf.F-

PERSONAL..Mr.cC. F. TMlinucf* a promi-

nant citizen of Cher»v waa inthe city on Monday and paidTHE PBOPLB a ptoaaantcall..The lecture on The Holy

Land on Monday nljrbtby Rev.J. J. Wicker vas greatly en¬

joyed by the large audiance wholaced the lecturer.

BREVITIES..The city lots offered in this

issue are the.Ancrum lots onFair Street of this city..Oar Job Work ad is attrac

tive, aud our work and prices;more so. Give us a trial..Col. A. D. Kennedy is offer¬

ing barbed wire aud tield fenc¬ing as cheap as the cheapest..Hon. W. Bratton DeLoache

has a professional card with us.He is a sound lawyer, and a gen-'ial gentleman..We are still iu (he market

for corn, peas and haled chucksoil subscription. Pou't be bash¬ful about bringing them iu.


.James DeLoache & Co., areadvertising coal and wood tuthis issue. Phone them yourwants iu either. ,

.A«k for Bamberg's 4,1 20-3"cigar, and take no other. It is atine smoke, and besides is of do¬mestic manufacture. See ad.

Zeigler & Mathis have a

well appointed poultry yard inthis city. Now is the seasou lo

buy eggs. Scrub poultry is dearat any price, bee the 7> & M.,ad..Did you receivfe that state !

inent of your account we sent,you recently? If you did, pleaseg«ve it your attention quick.' ITyou didn't we will mail you a

duplicate on application..Read carefully every ad. in

this issue, big or little. These!little notices "For Sale or Kent"may interest some people aboutthis time..House builders and con-j

tractors will de well to corres-pond with Mr. B. It. Truesdelbefore purchasing lumber and'laths elsewhere. His ad tip-pears in this issuo..Good building lots are groov¬ing scarce. Those desiring to

build a home will do well to cor.respond with Judge J. P. Hol¬land promptly. The severallots he has for sale are prime. !

WHEN HER BACKACHESA Woman Finds All Hit Knergyand Ambition Slipping AwayCamden women know how the nclies jand paints that come wIumi the kidney*

fail make lite a burden. Backache,hip piling, headaches, dizzy spells, dis¬tressing urinary troubles, all tell ofsick kidneys and warn you of thestealthy approach of diabetes, dropsy !and Bright1.* disease. I>onn's Kidney!Pills permanently cure all these dis-order* Hi-re's proof ui it in a C:iui-.den wouriii's words :

Mrs S. E. Arrants, ^aureusStreet, Camden, S. C., says: For1years mv kidneys were slug-

srid irregular passages of'In ->.( » « i imix ciiubHii mo annoy

I '. ;(l 11 ?'(ji]. . 111 luMiluclisi'i*st . ii ni^lH and felt

gt'iierali^ miserable. I at lengthread about Doau's Kidney Pills.and was led to procure a box atZemp's drug store I used themH.«» diri'i i'd .iml thev not onlyregulated I ho passages of the jkidney .secretion but stopped thehenditrht's itiid improved myh< Mil h in ever> way. 1 do nothesitate ui recommend Poau'sKidney Pills for kidney trouble, "jKor Side l>y all dealers. Price 60c.

Poster--Miilmrn (N>., Buffalo, N. Y.Jsole iiueuts for the United States.Iteilieuiliel* I lie name.linau's.mill'HK(. no ol lit'l*.

Facts .About VeifctnhlflM.Celery originated in (icmany.The chestnut came from Italy.Tim onion originated iti Egypt.Tobacco is a native of Virginia.The nettle is a native of RnropeThe citron is a native of GreeceOats originated in North A frioaThe poppy originated in the

Kast.Kyc camo originally from LI-1

bo rill.Parsley was first known in

Sardinia.The pear and apple are from

Europe.Spinach came from Arabia..


Young iiirlM Arc Victim*of hewtHolu'*, h5 well as ot«I«'r women,hut all jrot <|itit*U r*»l!»¦ f ami prompt'clip* from I»r. Klli^> NVw l.m* 1'ilix,tin* \vorl«r» tu'st. remedy for jock andnervmt* h»a«ta«,t»»,rf. 't iny malic purebloiMt, tool *troii]{ nerve* r»'i<l tunlil opjour lieallh. Try litem. at <"«m-den IjruK Company, K. M. ZemplK'Tn*?* KraucN tfcmp'i ilfitg store.

EXCURSION RATESTo Ashevillo, NV 0 » and Return.AcoouiH Twentieth Annualfleeting National TcnvelersProtective Assotia 11 o n ofAinorica. >

The Southern Kail way an¬nounces' very low round triprates fro*n all points to Aslieville, N. C., aud return for theabove occasiou. Tickets will besold May 28th, 29lh, And 30th,and for trains arriviug Asheville before 3:00 p. in. May 31st,limited good to return 30 daysfroun date of sule.Round trip rates from princi¬

pal points as follows:Blaclc?burg $ 3.10Blackville 0.70Branch ville 7.15(Jamden 0 10Charleston 8 95Chester 1 4 45Columbia ; 5 05GatTney 3 40Lancaster 5 05Orangeburg ' * . *0 55Roclc Hill 4 30Soartanburg 2 35Wiunsboro 5 35York ville 4 00Special arrangements are be

itij; made lor-hand ling T. P. A.'stheir families aud friends in themost- comfortable and conven¬ient way to and from Asheville.Entertainments of various kinds;side trips to Lake To.xaway,June 4th, old fashioned South¬ern barbecue, trolly ridos, grandball at Battery Park Hotel, etc.Southern Railway officials andpassenger representatives willbe present to assist in lookingafter the entertainment, provid¬ing information, etc.

h'or further detailed infortnation apply to Southern Railwayticlutt agents or address

J. C LUSK,r\:.. A.,,,,, t

Charleston, S* C.J. L. MEEK,

Ass't. Gen. Pass. AgentAtlanta, Ga.

Foreed Into Hxilc.Wm. Upchurcli of Glen Oak Ok!a.,was an exile from home. Mountainnil*, lie thought would cure a frightfullung-racking cough thai li.nl tit-lied allremedies for two years, After nixmonths he returned, death dogginghis steps. "Then I began to use Dr.King's New Discovery," he writes,"and after taking six bottle 1 am as

well as ever." It saves thousandsyearly from desperate Uu»£ tli.>ea~o«.Infallible for Coughs and ('olds, it dis¬pels Hoarseness and Sore Throat.Cures Crip. Bronchitis. HemorrhagesAsthma, ('roup, Whooping Cough.W»e and $1.00, trial bottle free, guaran¬teed by Camden Druir Company, !.*. MZt nip »fc DePass


Francis L. Zenip.

Wintlirop College.Solio'arsli iand Kill ranee ICxanihiat ion.Tin! examinat ion for t ho award

of vacant Scholarships in Win-throj) College and for the admission of new students will heheld al I In* Counts Court Houseon Friday, July 29f a. m. Applic.unls inu.st be not less thanfifteen yen rs of age. WhenScholarships are vacant after.Inly 2nd they will he awardedlo llio.-e malting the highest:»vi'r.ig^' ai thisexamiualion, provided they meet I no conditionsgoverning the award. Appli*cants for Scholarships shouldwrite to President .lohnr.on be¬fore the examination for Schol¬arship examination frhinks.

Scholarships are worth $100and free tuition* The next ses¬

sion will open September lath,1009. For further informationand catalogue, address Pres.1>. B. floiiMHon, Rock Hill,S. V.

IT. C. COLE.)BIltiKDtili OF

FINE P 0IIL f R YjFlorence, S. C.

T. S, Sonio Pino Youngft tori; Now lioudy for


CITY TAXES.An OrdinanceTo Raise Sap-

plies For The Year OfOur Lord, 1909. i

Be it ordained by I lie Mayor andAldermen of the City of Camden, S.O., *nd by the autliority of the same,that the following taxes be and thesame are hereby levied for l lie currentyear from the 1st day of Jatiuaay 1900,to the 81i>t day of December, 1909.A tax of ten (10) mill* on each and

every dollar of real and personal prop¬erty within the corporate liiuilH ol theCity of Camden, S. C., on the first dayof January 1809.

Sec. 1. That all able bodied malepersons between tlie ages of eighteenand fifty years, residing within thecorporate limits of the city of Cati.den,S. C., not exempted from roan dutyunder the law of the Slate, shall workthe streets, ways and bridges underthe direction of such overseers as maybe appointed for such a space of timenot exceeding six (C) days in one year.Provided : That at the time of re¬

ceiving the notice any person may payto the person giving such'tioticc threedollars (£3.00) commutation, whichshall be received in lieu of the work,and that any person refusing to worksaid streets or to nay said commuta¬tion, siiaii be fined not less than five(,$5.00) dollars nor more than ten($10.00) dollars or be imprisoned notless than ten (10) days nor more thantwenty (20) days, in the discretion ofthe city Recorder.

Kali lied by the Mayor and Aldermenof the city of Camden. S. hi Conn-oil assembled, this 5th day ol April,!A. 1)., 1909.

i-\ M. ZEMP,Mayor.

Attest:J. J. UOODAI.E, i

Clerk.The tax books for -4he collection ol'I

City taxes will be opened in CouncilChamber, Camd.'ii, S. C., on May loth, j100'.), and remain open #»aeh day exceptSundays, from 9 A.M., to i- M., and |from 1 P.M., to <> p. M., until May81st inclusive, after which t'ine the Jpenalty \vs!! be nt'. iohod to all de-!liiKjuents.

F. M. ZEM1\Mayor.

Attest:J. J. (Joodam:, !


TakeONEof the LittleTabletsand the,Pain isGone


"I h*v; used DrMile*' Anil-PainP)!is for years rncif!nJ tj.ri they are ih:one thin;; (hat wit!certainly Rive a suf¬ferer the ileslrcure!i«?"Mrs. J. P Rrlssell.

Tompah, Nev


25 Doses 25 CentsYour Drucgisi <*!!* pr Mile* An!l-P*in. f'llls

and he li luihoritcd to roiurn the fri.c of I he fir>i

package (onlv* il li falls i«> henrfii >ou

For Hatching |From ThorouKhbret! Pens |





Zeipjer & Mathis.A Hi-nlilod Itoj'.i SlirlcKs

hornl'iiMl his crar.dfnolhrr, Mrs.T»itvlor, of Nobo, K; .. who wriicn that.)when hIS llioiis.li! ],«> would (lit, Duck-!Irii's Arnica Salvr wholly core*! him.Infallible for I'.tiruM, Skills f'nt*.Con.*, Wound"-, l»rdi.ii»*. Oirt* * FrviT-Snr*'*, Koils. Skin Fmj.it ions. Chil¬blain?, <'l;:»|>j»f«I Hands. Moon root '

I'lh-s, 'J'"* :it ( iiMulcn I'mir ('ompany.F. M. 7a-oi;> & Ivl'n**, Franc 15 F.7A'\u\) ilru# utorcp.

Or. Vilnci'sNew li^cnif3Tbo boPt in tbo worltl.


These Arrival* an<t l)«|»iirturcs tk: w^H a* liuio and i.'ottnectioM

with other Coiupauies, arc Rivvu oulj o« Information na*4 art notintra ti teed.

NORTH BOUND.Your Ronml FloridaLiiimtud. I\tst Mm).SI m

Lv Camden.. 6:f'5Ar Cheraw 8:13Ar Hamlet .:20Ar Raleigh , 12:35Ar Portsmouth T:JK>Ar Richmond 5:30Ar Washington b:;>0Ar Baltimore 10:02Ar Philadelphia 12.211A r Now YorU £: 15

p m . .6:20 a m

p m 8:02 u re

p ui 8:45 a ifta in 11:5(5 a m

u m 5:45 p rna m 5:05 p in

u m 8:35 p reu in 9:52 p ra

p Hi 11:5L p rzi

p ui 3:53 a icPassengers can remain in sleencr until 7 00 a. ui.


KoiUi<l Limited81

FloridaFust Mail

43Lv Cnmden 9:i2l)Ar Colutub u 10:25Ar Savannah ... .. 1:10Ar Jacksonville 5:00Ar Tampa G:30

a in .10:30 p ma m li :40 p ru

p in L»:45 a mp m 7:15 a in

u m 6:00 p mFor farther information unci reservations apply to

E. J. COOPER, Agt J. S. ETCHBERG BR, T. P. A.Caindon. S.C. Columbia, S. 0.

Send us Your Job Work




rlf.MJLlM*.tvi: u \i;

..a i »»..

»;tu n* ionr. Ini'r.*

Flu i'-cl '. wvt*

At *«i mta Turrj;u:iA i,|,V itlff

Cu.'« !'«.- rr«'o?tri.AV ai u h

!/ ij»»t iJ vWivjpr» itfc lit Ws oil I; 4 m. ci *{.Lo rJ fr i «.!. r.t J'.Cf- prr ra.. H a. sn' ever. s!! I.c; p:r n.

T. O. B. YO'JWS l£LA sn.«?. C. >.v Sycclal r.?.|>r«j Zu»Str. ou L: Very Low.<'.rc»v the first ?."«>*.( Pev.f t. Kn>v fi ne over f.vcntv thousand'

satisfied cu"toir.cr*'.: and \w- Inw ,..*«..'.. « sr,i>! ittu1 <abbr.f;o plants l!::;:i c!l o'.htfpcrso'ts in »h^ Sc.:;horn totnH.nn;. 4.V 'V : be.*:n:s" <<u; p!:irt » must please orwe rend ycisr money ».:v k. < \>Vr n >*» : ii i» time : » set those plants in your sec¬tion to ftei exis t early c.iM i,-:-.. .>;! »!i\ * tints re!I so:- she most money.

te!.."'c Hi«...toaiyu\, at tfttnuo's island. S. G

.'.« .VMritS Mt, s- v,;.- >i.;c>' - .v ~ ''-v.cum

«>* woit> < . ««. .. .: i :f.r>.5»

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<iOThe i cf. ut i '/..'...///¦. '/.¦.

SS.St ff fi.itt, (..!' /u ; ./. ."ft11yen<t; :»i f .r St.Si' ./, .¦.. ..

SO H0n?.T8C33?.E 'ri&j.l ?V. ?NAU.J:, Tsi- !tn i I:- - v/l!.' - .

Air out. r»i\tyt!K.ut.uul (:ui> v« .;«»Over t*.»o h.iinJr<~»t tiiou.-.ninl ; p. .

DESfjmP'i'tCirii MacV in ¦'1

andeesyri'.li!ii;.v.*iy«1niah" -.11-.*I i.-«. ¦'

u iprci.il tniuliiy m ruhbci.wpotoui end wltic'i rlnr,r« ii;i sin ., n .>

lllf thcairtocvtix;. V.'f tiavi ti.'t.'liHeacusUinwrRsut'inR thai 1i.sn '.«.. 1.

tip oner or twice in a whole *#-. >;i. i'.>- \

an ordinary tire, tli.> { unctr.i': i'.:fby aevernl In-era ol thin. prei.'.ity ; .

tread. Ttierenuiar juice of tv«< : m .* t*;advertising purpoc' . v. r ati: im>l»iti ..»»j-ithe rid'jr of only f.j.fio p~r pr\'.r. \c or.1 . .

apnioval. You do i>nl uay a et;it miNi y 1W« will Allow a ' "««li ifisi'in'iii <--t >. »¦

tend FULL CASH W1TI5aickel plated bras.* hnnd pump. Ti.c.-n, t.«¦ ..

not satisfactory 011 ex/u'iiiintiou. Wv !,.- 1 tbatik. If you or.l^r a pair of thr.v t>r> \>-w««r better, last longer and Iwl: fitier iknow that you will be so well ulea^c.! tli: t 1.

Xft want yoj to send ur a tri*tl ordT et on<-":,.tn

if YM3 MEKD rsn .̂ » li."il^*tl). It I'll .!die .peeinlln'roductorv price qnot'il aixiv ; m .

4«BCTihcs aud quotes uil inaV.cs am' kiisii- t ..-r> .. 1

do hot wA/rJXZi?f&rwJ£'Z'--.i!'-: ioffers vro arc maV 1 nj;. It only cor.;;, a po-*. ii n»lturn -ei ytniu(;

?A1J.L Maws*

:: ~ 3a



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.1 *011-u « ^iie

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vclf.\:f ftJ

litFor Sale.

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I .oaf Y<Uo\v 1'inc l.vinboi"

and I.:il lis.

()nin'l' n, S ('

i: i* D \\ >

U- H- Tru.vli-1

SALE.1 Tliis \vili notil \ \lie pui>li(t lhatv.c have disposed of our interestin the* Wood and Coai businesslo Messrs*. Jus. 1 )<. Ijoache S: (.Jo.Thanking mmi for your pnl.ro*11.»«^. in 1 he pas I, and hoping lhafyoii will continue it to our sue

rcssoi'p, wo aro

Very trulyVV11i 1:11;<. r* & Burnet,

1 Those wisiiimr to pi a orders.for eitluo' wood or coal v.- ill] please phone

,J!ic;. !)<. f .<i'ic()'. (V»,

rfe8 *&*when everything rite f iiu.

In nosvous prostru.ijn arid f-.MVU'.leweukncuscj tlicy nie the r.uj>r< v..e

remedy, na thousands have u.v.iPcd.FOR KIDNKY. UV£R AMDSTOMACH TROUBLE

it i'i tVc best mcdiciria '.\2t uoldover .*. uruf^ict'n tot'Jj'tr

F()R SALEATI'!/) AT T!!tH '>KV)i"K

Pedigreed Kird Dogs.(>!.<.. Kl'llimis II I o i:'

hauled !>y two^I'lSo fine". > i^' ot¦

J », , | y "(M'd (!»;' r-i 11,; »....»

( ?!)(> )'i u M:;! I" lit .

JI't "4* i!i '

\rv. ...¦ .-'V :

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IfiV.'.ui i'i'liv; 1 -1:... .'"«>

poppies In i.Pni r,' *t ij«1 So| i. \ < t . i>.' jt'i

r; t, .. , I... , .V:

s!'illO lire I. ." >v . I l<

'«.il 11 <t., .< jm i - ii'


brr'l'Vv N. d