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  • 8/20/2019 THE PEACE CORPS WELCOMES YOU TO Ukraine April 2015





    Gprjc 75

  • 8/20/2019 THE PEACE CORPS WELCOMES YOU TO Ukraine April 2015



    KG^ OA UM\GJ@E

  • 8/20/2019 THE PEACE CORPS WELCOMES YOU TO Ukraine April 2015




    Freetj`fs, –Froup 82‛ j`vjtees4

    Io`frgtucgtjo`s o` your seceitjo` gs g ^egie Iorps Qocu`teer! Ja you giiept tbjs j`vjtgtjo` to serve,you‚cc soo` le cegvj`f aor Umrgj`e to lefj` your perso`gc dour`ey j`to g` och iucture experje`ij`f g

    proaou`h trg`sjtjo`. Aoccowj`f seve` ie`turjes oa aorejf` hokj`gtjo`, Umrgj`jg`s gre trg`saorkj`f tbejriou`try j`to g` j`hepe`he`t Europeg` `gtjo`. Vbgt js bgppe`j`f tbroufbout Umrgj`e js trucy bjstorji, g`hyou gs g ^egie Iorps Qocu`teer wjcc bgve g ibg`ie to worm g`h cjve wjtb peopce wbo gre ibg`fj`f tbe`gture oa cjae j` Egster` Europe. Zou gre foj`f to le g pgrt oa tbe ajrst `ew froup to Umrgj`e aoccowj`fsuspe`sjo` oa tbe profrgk j` egrcy 78. Hespjte tbe iokpcjigteh refjo`gc pocjtjigc sjtugtjo`, we lecjevetbe ^egie Iorps js `eeheh j` Umrgj`e kore tbg` ever. Zou bgve g` jkportg`t opportu`jty to io`trjlute totbe hevecopke`t eaaorts j` g hekoirgtjzj`f Umrgj`e. Gt tbe sgke tjke, you wjcc aj`h ibgcce`fes sjkjcgr tog`y ̂ egie Iorps Qocu`teer.

    Yj`ie 7:: ^egie Iorps Qocu`teers bgve serveh j` Umrgj`e‘sbgrj`f tbejr smjccs wjtbUmrgj`jg`s tbroufb tegibj`f E`fcjsb, wormj`f wjtb youtb, g`h prokotj`f iokku`jty hevecopke`t.Qocu`teers bgve gcso bgh g vjsjlce jkpgit o` Umrgj`jg`s sjkpcy ly lej`f Gkerjig`s j` Umrgj`jg`siboocs, orfg`jzgtjo`s, g`h iokku`jtjes. Umrgj`jg`s bgve le`eajteh arok m`owj`f Gkerjig` Qocu`teerswbo kohec ceghersbjp, gsm questjo`s, ibgcce`fe pessjkjsk, prokote tbe frowtb oa ijvjc soijety, g`hio`stg`tcy aj`h wgys to kgme fooh prgitjigc uses oa gighekji trgj`j`f. ^egie Iorps Qocu`teers bgvewormeh tbroufbout Umrgj`e‘arok tbe wester` kou`tgj`s to tbe egster` j`hustrjgc ketropocjses, arok tbe`ortber` steppes to tbe Lcgim Yeg legibes. Zour froup wjcc le pcgieh j` tbe Vest g`h Ie`trgc gregs oa tbeiou`try wbere tbe ^egie Iorps bgs gssesseh tbe sgaety g`h seiurjty to le sujtglce aor Qocu`teers.

    Gs you regh tbjs wecioke loom, pcegse io`sjher tbe

  • 8/20/2019 THE PEACE CORPS WELCOMES YOU TO Ukraine April 2015



    XGLCE OA IO@XE@XYKG^ OA UM\GJ@E ..................................................................................................................................... <

    G VECIOKE CEXXE\ ............................................................................................................................... 9

    IO\E ER^EIXGXJO@Y AO\ ^EGIE IO\^Y QOCU@XEE\Y .............................................................. 1

    ^EGIE IO\^Y/UM\GJ@E BJYXO\Z G@H ^\OF\GKY ...................................................................... 6

    Bjstory oa tbe ^egie Iorps j` Umrgj`e ..................................................................................................... 6

    ^egie Iorps ^rofrgkkj`f j` Umrgj`e ..................................................................................................... 6

    IOU@X\Z OQE\QJEV4 UM\GJ@E GX G FCG@IE .............................................................................. 2

    Bjstory ...................................................................................................................................................... 2

    Fover`ke`t .............................................................................................................................................. 2

    Eio`oky ................................................................................................................................................... :

    ^eopce g`h Iucture.................................................................................................................................... :

    E`vjro`ke`t ............................................................................................................................................. :

    \EYOU\IEY AO\ AU\XBE\ J@AO\KGXJO@ ..................................................................................... 7> Fe`ergc J`aorkgtjo` Glout Umrgj`e ....................................................................................................... 7>

    Io``eit Vjtb \etur`eh Qocu`teers g`h Otber J`vjtees ......................................................................... 77

    O`cj`e Grtjices/Iurre`t @ews Yjtes Glout Umrgj`e ............................................................................... 77

    J`ter`gtjo`gc Hevecopke`t Yjtes Glout Umrgj`e .................................................................................... 77

    \eiokke`heh Looms ............................................................................................................................. 7<

    Looms Glout tbe Bjstory oa tbe ^egie Iorps ..................................................................................... 7<

    Looms o` tbe Qocu`teer Experje`ie ................................................................................................... 7<

    Looms Glout Umrgj`e ......................................................................................................................... 7<

    CJQJ@F IO@HJXJO@Y G@H QOCU@XEE\ CJAEYXZCE ..................................................................... 79

    Iokku`jigtjo`s ..................................................................................................................................... 79

    Bousj`f g`h Yjte Coigtjo` ..................................................................................................................... 79

    Cjvj`f Gccowg`ie g`h Ko`ey Kg`gfeke`t .......................................................................................... 78

    Aooh g`h Hjet ......................................................................................................................................... 78

    Xrg`sportgtjo` ......................................................................................................................................... 75

    Feofrgpby g`h Icjkgte .......................................................................................................................... 75

    Yoijgc Gitjvjtjes ...................................................................................................................................... 75

    ^roaessjo`gcjsk, Hress, g`h Lebgvjor .................................................................................................... 71

    ^erso`gc Ygaety ....................................................................................................................................... 71

    \ewgrhs g`h Arustrgtjo`s ....................................................................................................................... 76

    Overvjew oa ^re-Yervjie Xrgj`j`f .......................................................................................................... 72

    Xeib`jigc Xrgj`j`f .................................................................................................................................. 72

    Cg`fugfe Xrgj`j`f .................................................................................................................................. 7:

    Iross-Iucturgc Xrgj`j`f ..........................................................................................................................

  • 8/20/2019 THE PEACE CORPS WELCOMES YOU TO Ukraine April 2015



    Begctb Xrgj`j`f .......................................................................................................................................

    Ygaety g`h Yeiurjty Xrgj`j`f ..................................................................................................................

  • 8/20/2019 THE PEACE CORPS WELCOMES YOU TO Ukraine April 2015




    J` wormj`f towgrh aucajccj`f tbe ^egie Iorps kjssjo` oa prokotj`f worch pegie g`h arje`hsbjp, gs gtrgj`ee g`h Qocu`teer, you gre expeiteh to ho tbe aoccowj`f4

    7. ^repgre your perso`gc g`h proaessjo`gc cjae to kgme g iokkjtke`t to serve glrogh aor g aucc terkoa

  • 8/20/2019 THE PEACE CORPS WELCOMES YOU TO Ukraine April 2015




    Bjstory oa tbe ^egie Iorps j` Umrgj`eXbe ope`j`f oa ^egie Iorps profrgks j` tbe `ewcy j`hepe`he`t stgtes iorrespo`heh wjtb tbe lefj``j`foa tbe e`h oa heighes oa kjstrust g`h bostjcjty letwee` tbe U`jteh Ytgtes g`h tbe aorker iokku`jstfover`ke`ts j` Egster` Europe g`h tbe aorker Yovjet U`jo`. J` tbe

  • 8/20/2019 THE PEACE CORPS WELCOMES YOU TO Ukraine April 2015




    BjstoryUmrgj`e, g `gtjo` oa 89 kjccjo` peopce lrjhfj`f \ussjg g`h Vester` Europe, bgs lee` heprjveh oastgtebooh aor kost oa jts bjstory‘j`icuhj`f 6>> yegrs gs g ioco`y oa otber Egster` g`h Ie`trgc Europeg`stgtes (Cjtbug`jg g`h ^ocg`h g`h cgter tbe Gustro-Bu`fgrjg` g`h \ussjg` Ekpjres) aoccoweh ly 6> yegrsoa Yovjet hjitgtorsbjp. Xohgy, >> yegrs gfo g`h js tbe weccsprj`f oa tbe egster` Ycgvji stgtes tbgt exjsttohgy.

    Xbe stre`ftb oa Myjvg`-\us wgs u`herkj`eh ly j`ajfbtj`f letwee` tbe stgte‚s prj`ies, ly tbe sgimj`f oaIo`stg`tj`opce ly irusghers, g`h ly ibg`fes j` refjo`gc trghj`f pgtter`s. J` 7, tbe Ko`focs, ceh lytbe frg`hso` oa Fe`fbjs Mbg`, gttgimeh Myjv g`h sulseque`tcy io`trocceh tbe refjo` aor `egrcy twoie`turjes.J` tbe wgme oa Ko`foc hokj`gtjo`, Umrgj è wgs j`vgheh g`h ruceh ly ^ocg`h, Cjtbug`jg, \ussjg, g`hotbers. Iossgim grkjes were aorkeh j` respo`se, egib ceh ly g betkg` (kjcjtgry cegher). O`e oa tbe kostagkous betkg`s j` Umrgj`e‚s bjstory wgs Lobhg` Mbkec`ytsmy, wbo j`spjreh g` uprjsj`f tbgt ceh to tbecjlergtjo` oa Umrgj`e arok ^ocg`h j` 7182. Bowever, tbe Xregty oa ^ereygscgv sjf`eh ly bjk j` 7158

    doj`eh Umrgj`e g`h \ussjg g`h ceh to Umrgj`e‚s suldufgtjo` ly tbe \ussjg` ekpjre g`h uctjkgtecy tbeYovjet U`jo`.

    Dosepb Ytgcj`, j` g` eaaort to wegme` Umrgj`e aurtber, j`huieh g agkj`e j` 7:9 kjccjo` Umrgj`jg`s ly stgrvgtjo`. J` Yeptekler 7:87, Umrgj`e

    leigke o`e oa tbe tbegters oa Vorch Vgr JJ wbe` @gzj aories e`tereh Myjv. J` @ovekler 7:89, Yovjetaories reigptureh tbe ijty, retgj`j`f sulseque`t io`troc oa tbe Umrgj`e repulcji aor gckost 5> yegrs. Xbeworch‚s gtte`tjo` tur`eh to Umrgj`e j` tbe wgme oa tbe Iber`olyc `uicegr giijhe`t j` Gprjc 7:21.

    Umrgj`jg`s aorkgccy regcjzeh tbejr hregk oa j`hepe`he`ie aoccowj`f tbe agjceh ioup oa Gufust 7::7 j`Kosiow. J` g `gtjo`gc reaere`huk bech o` Heiekler 7, 7::7, Umrgj`jg`s e`horseh tbejr j`hepe`he`ie.Xohgy Umrgj`e js gt tbe kost irjtjigc poj`t j` jts koher` bjstory. Xbe \evocutjo` oa Hjf`jty resucteh j` tbe

    ljrtb oa g koher` Umrgj`jg` `gtjo` wbjib js tryj`f to lujch g aree soijety wjtb stro`f hekoirgtji vgcuesg`h ruce oa cgw g`h ho gwgy wjtb pervgsjve iorruptjo`, kgssjve eio`okji j`equgcjty, g`h overiokeheep-segteh agtgcjsk.

    Fover`ke`tUmrgj`e js fover`eh ly g io`stjtutjo` ghopteh j` 7::1 g`h revjseh j` >8. Xbe presjhe`t, wbo js tbebegh oa stgte, js eceiteh ly hjreit, popucgr vote aor g ajve-yegr terk g`h js ecjfjlce aor g seio`h terk. Xbefover`ke`t js begheh ly tbe prjke kj`jster, wbo gco`f wjtb tbe iglj`et js `gkeh ly presjhe`t. Xbeu`jigkergc cefjscgture io`sjsts oa tbe 85>-segt Yupreke Iou`ijc (Qermbov`g \ghg), wbose keklers greeceiteh to serve ajve-yegr terks. Yuaargfe js frg`teh to gcc ijtjze`s 72 yegrs g`h ocher. Ghkj`jstrgtjvecy,Umrgj`e js hjvjheh j`to

  • 8/20/2019 THE PEACE CORPS WELCOMES YOU TO Ukraine April 2015



    Aoccowj`f tbe \evocutjo` oa Hjf`jty j` cgte 79‘egrcy 78, Umrgj`e io`huiteh aree g`h agjr presjhe`tjgc g`h pgrcjgke`tgry eceitjo`s j` Kgy g`h Oitoler 78, respeitjvecy. Gs g resuct, aor tbe ajrsttjke j` jts koher` bjstory, Umrgj`e bgs g pro-Vester` fover`ke`t supporteh ly tbe hekoirgtji kgdorjtyj` ^grcjgke`t, wbjib gcreghy sjf`eh g` Gssoijgtjo` Gfreeke`t wjtb tbe Europeg` U`jo` g`h ghopteh g`gkljtjous pcg` oa reaorks j` gcc spberes.

    Eio`okyAorkercy g kgdor iokpo`e`t oa tbe Yovjet U`jo` eio`oky, Umrgj`e experje`ieh g heep reiessjo` hurj`ftbe 7::>s, j`icuhj`f byperj`acgtjo` g`h g hrgstji agcc j` eio`okji output. Xohgy, Umrgj`e js g` ekerfj`faree kgrmet, wjtb g per igpjtg fross hokestji prohuit oa glout UY$ 9,2>> (7.6 perie`t, j`acgtjo` oa gckost s, wbe` tbe `ork wgsbyperj`acgtjo` oa 7>,>>> perie`t, power outgfes, g`h sbortgfes oa lgsji foohs.

    ^eopce g`h IuctureXbe rjib`ess oa Umrgj`e‚s iucture reaceits jts bjstory gs g irossj`f poj`t g`h keetj`f frou`h aor Europeg`g`h Gsjg` iuctures g`h peopces. Vbjce 65 perie`t oa tbe popucgtjo` js Umrgj`jg`, kore tbg` 77> otberetb`ji froups gre represe`teh j` tbe iou`try. Gko`f tbe `ukerous agjtbs prgitjieh j` Umrgj`e greUmrgj`jg` Ortbohoxy, Umrgj`jg` Igtbocjijsk, ̂ rotestg`tjsk, Duhgjsk, g`h Jscgk.

    Umrgj`jg` wgs heicgreh tbe oaajijgc cg`fugfe gt j`hepe`he`ie j` 7::7. Vbjce Umrgj`jg` js kost oate`begrh j` wester` Umrgj`e g`h j` skgccer tow`s g`h vjccgfes, \ussjg` js tbe prjkgry cg`fugfe spome` lykg`y peopce j` cgrfe ijtjes, pgrtjiucgrcy j` tbe egster` g`h soutber` pgrt oa tbe iou`try. Bowever, you ig`begr lotb \ussjg` g`h Umrgj`jg` j` gcc pgrts oa tbe iou`try g`h tbe kgdorjty oa Umrgj`jg`s gre ljcj`fugc.\eaceitj`f tbe hjversjty oa tbe popucgtjo`, soke Umrgj`jg`s gcso spegm \okg`jg`, Bu`fgrjg`, or ^ocjsb.

    E`vjro`ke`tUmrgj`e js g legutjauc iou`try wjtb g rjib vgrjety oa `gturgc resouries, j`icuhj`f glout 6>,>>> speijes oaacorg g`h agu`g g`h `egrcy 2,>>> heposjts oa :8 kj`ergcs oa iokkerijgc vgcue. G skgcc pgrt oa tbe iou`tryjs kou`tgj`ous, wjtb tbe bjfbest pegm lej`f Bovercg (17 keters) j` tbe Igrpgtbjg` Kou`tgj`s. Kjxehaorests iover tbe `ortb. Xbe kjhhce oa tbe iou`try io`sjsts oa g kosgji oa aorests g`h steppe, g`h tbe soutbio`sjsts oa steppe, restrjiteh aorests, g`h wetcg`hs.

  • 8/20/2019 THE PEACE CORPS WELCOMES YOU TO Ukraine April 2015




    Aoccowj`f js g cjst oa welsjtes aor ghhjtjo`gc j`aorkgtjo` glout tbe ^egie Iorps g`h Umrgj`e g`h toio``eit you to retur`eh Qocu`teers g`h otber j`vjtees. ^cegse meep j` kj`h tbgt gctboufb tbe ^egie Iorpstrjes to kgme sure gcc tbese cj`ms gre gitjve g`h iurre`t, tbe ^egie Iorps ig``ot fugrg`tee jt. Ja you ho `otbgve giiess to tbe J`ter`et, vjsjt your coigc cjlrgry. Cjlrgrjes oaaer aree J`ter`et usgfe g`h oate` cet you

    prj`t j`aorkgtjo` to tgme boke.

    G `ote oa igutjo`4 Gs you sura tbe J`ter`et, le gwgre tbgt you kgy aj`h luccetj` logrhs g`h ibgt rooks j`wbjib peopce gre aree to express opj`jo`s glout tbe ^egie Iorps lgseh o` tbejr ow` experje`ies,j`icuhj`f iokke`ts ly tbose wbo were u`bgppy wjtb tbejr ibojie to serve j` tbe ^egie Iorps. Xbeseopj`jo`s gre `ot tbose oa tbe ^egie Iorps or tbe U.Y. fover`ke`t, g`h pcegse meep j` kj`h tbgt `o two

    peopce experje`ie tbejr servjie j` tbe sgke wgy.

    Fe`ergc J`aorkgtjo` Glout Umrgj`e

    Ytgte.fovXbe Hepgrtke`t oa Ytgte‚s welsjte jssues lgimfrou`h `otes perjohjigccy glout iou`trjes grou`h tbeworch. Aj`h Umrgj`e g`h cegr` kore glout jts soijgc g`h pocjtjigc bjstory. Zou ig` gcso fo to tbe sjte‚sj`ter`gtjo`gc trgvec seitjo` to ibeim o` io`hjtjo`s tbgt kgy gaaeit your sgaety.

    Fpo.fov/cjlrgrjes/pulcji/Xbe U.Y. Fover`ke`t ^ulcjsbj`f Oaajie pulcjsbes iou`try stuhjes j`terkjtte`tcy.


  • 8/20/2019 THE PEACE CORPS WELCOMES YOU TO Ukraine April 2015



    Io``eit Vjtb \etur`eh Qocu`teers g`h Otber J`vjtees\^IQ.orfXbjs js tbe sjte oa tbe @gtjo`gc ^egie Iorps Gssoijgtjo`, kghe up oa retur`eh Qocu`teers. O` tbjs sjte youig` aj`h cj`ms to gcc tbe Vel pgfes oa tbe –Arje`hs oa‛ froups aor kost iou`trjes oa servjie, iokprjseh oaaorker Qocu`teers wbo serveh j` tbose iou`trjes. Xbere gre gcso refjo`gc froups tbgt areque`tcy fettofetber aor soijgc eve`ts g`h coigc vocu`teer gitjvjtjes.

    ^egieIorpsVorchwjhe.orfXbjs sjte, bosteh ly g froup oa retur`eh Qocu`teer wrjters, js g ko`tbcy o`cj`e pulcjigtjo` oa essgys g`hQocu`teer giiou`ts oa tbejr ^egie Iorps servjie.

    bttps4//www.agieloom.iok/ êgieIorpsUmrgj`e^egie Iorps/Umrgj`e‚s Agieloom ̂ gfe

    O`cj`e Grtjices/Iurre`t @ews Yjtes Glout Umrgj`[email protected]/@ews/Xbe U`jteh @gtjo`s `ews servjie provjhes iovergfe oa jts kekler stgtes g`h j`aorkgtjo` glout tbej`ter`gtjo`gc pegiemeepj`f orfg`jzgtjo`‚s gitjo`s g`h posjtjo`s.

    QOG`ews.iokQojie oa Gkerjig, tbe U.Y. fover`ke`t‚s kuctjkehjg lroghigster, aegtures iovergfe oa `ews grou`h tbeworch.

    www.lrgkg.iokXbjs sjte oaaers sulstg`tjve g`h tjkecy j`aorkgtjo` glout Umrgj`e g`h cj`ms to iokpceke`tgry servjies.

    bttp4//umrgj`jg`weem.iok/Xbjs sjte oa tbe Umrgj`jg` Veemcy Kgfgzj`e bgs lotb hgjcy `ews g`h g`gcytjigc grtjices j` E`fcjsb.


    Xbe Myjv ̂ ost, g` j`aorkgtjve sourie oa E`fcjsb-cg`fugfe ̀ ews o` Umrgj`e, j`icuhes iokprebe`sjvestgtjstjis g`h weemcy sukkgrjes oa hevecopke`ts j` mey j`hustrjes. Yulsirjlers reiejve g hgjcy ekgjc wjtbsukkgrjes oa wbgt tbe coigc press js wrjtj`f glout.

    J`ter`gtjo`gc Hevecopke`t Yjtes Glout Umrgj`ebttp4//www.usgjh.fov/wbere-we-worm/europe-g`h-eurgsjg/umrgj`e U.Y. Gfe`iy aor J`ter`gtjo`gc Hevecopke`t j` Umrgj`e.

    bttp4//www.usumrgj`e.orfU.Y.-Umrgj`e Aou`hgtjo`


    U.Y. Eklgssy j` Myjvbttp4//www.u`.orf.ugU`jteh @gtjo`s j` Umrgj`e

    bttp4//www.worchlg`m.orf/e`/iou`try/umrgj`eVorch Lg`m j` Umrgj`e

  • 8/20/2019 THE PEACE CORPS WELCOMES YOU TO Ukraine April 2015



    \eiokke`heh LoomsLooms Glout tbe Bjstory oa tbe ̂ egie Iorps

    7. Boaakg`, Ecjzgletb Iolls. –Gcc Zou @eeh js Cove4 Xbe ^egie Iorps g`h tbe Ypjrjt oa tbe7:1>s.‛ Igklrjhfe, KG4 Bgrvgrh U`jversjty ̂ ress, >>.


    8. Kejscer, Ytg`cey. –Vbe` tbe Vorch Igccs4 Xbe J`sjhe Ytory oa tbe ^egie Iorps g`h jts Ajrst 5>Zegrs.‛ Losto`4 Legio` ̂ ress, 77.

    Looms o` tbe Qocu`teer Experje`ie7. Hjrcgk, Ybgro`. –Leyo`h Yjlerjg4 Xwo Zegrs j` g Aorfotte` ^cgie.‛ Yg`tg Lgrlgrg, IG4 KiYegs

    Looms, >8.>.9. Erhkg`, Ygrgb. –@j`e Bjccs to @gklo`mgbg4 Xwo Zegrs j` tbe Begrt oa g` Garjig` Qjccgfe.‛ @ew

    Zorm Ijty4 ̂ jighor, >9.8. Besscer, ^eter. –\jver Xow`4 Xwo Zegrs o` tbe Zg`ftze.‛ @ew Zorm Ijty4 ^ere``jgc, >7.5. Me``ehy, Fergchj`e eh. –Arok tbe Ie`ter oa tbe Egrtb4 Ytorjes out oa tbe ^egie Iorps.‛ Yg`tg

    Ko`jig, IG4 Icover ̂ grm ̂ ress, 7::7.1. Xbokse`, Korjtz. –Cjvj`f ̂ oor4 G ̂ egie Iorps Ibro`jice.‛ Yegttce4 U`jversjty oa Vgsbj`fto`

    ^ress, 7::6 (reprj`t).

    Looms Glout Umrgj`e7. Hocot, Kjro`. –Exeiutjo` ly Bu`fer4 Xbe Bjhhe` Bocoigust.‛ @ew Zorm4 V.V. @orto`, 7:26.:.9. Y`yher, Xjkotby.‛ –Lcoohcg`hs4 Europe Letwee` Bjtcer g`h Ytgcj`.‛ @ew Zorm4 Lgsji Looms,

    7>. ‚‚5. Vjcso`, G`hrew. –Xbe Umrgj`jg`s4 U`expeiteh @gtjo`‛ Yeio`h Ehjtjo`. @ew Bgve`, Io``.4

    Zgce U`jversjty ̂ ress, >

  • 8/20/2019 THE PEACE CORPS WELCOMES YOU TO Ukraine April 2015




    Iokku`jigtjo`sO`cy skgcc, acgt e`vecopes (`o loxes, pouibes, or pgimgfes) ig` le hecjvereh to trgj`ees over tbe iourseoa pre-servjie trgj`j`f. Leiguse ^egie Iorps/Umrgj`e ig``ot le respo`sjlce aor property kgjceh totrgj`ees, hecjvery oa loxes g`h pgimgfes se`t to tbjs ghhress wjcc le heicj`eh. Kgjc tgmes g kj`jkuk oatwo weems to grrjve j` Umrgj`e.

    Zour ghhress hurj`f trgj`j`f wjcc leU.Y. ̂ egie Iorps/Umrgj è^IX (@gke oa trgj`ee)^.O. Lox 8 >7>9< Myjv, Umrgj`e

    O`ie you leioke g Qocu`teer g`h kove to your perkg`e`t sjte, you kgy reiejve kgjc tbere, ejtber gt g post oaajie lox or gt your oaajie. Agkjcy g`h arje`hs sbouch ̀ ot kgjc you vgcuglce jteks, gs kgjcsoketjkes grrjves ope`eh, wjtb jteks kjssj`f, or hoes `ot grrjve gt gcc. Gjrkgjc js kore recjglce, lut koreexpe`sjve, tbg` suragie kgjc. G `ukler oa j`ter`gtjo`gc kgjc servjies opergte j` Umrgj`e, j`icuhj`f U^Yg`h HBC.

    Xeceiokku`jigtjo s̀ j` Umrgj`e cgfs agr lebj`h tbgt j` tbe U`jteh Ytgtes. Kg`y Umrgj`jg`s ho `ot bgvetbejr ow` cg`h cj`es, g`h jt js possjlce tbgt you wjcc `ot bgve o`e. @egrcy gcc Umrgj`jg`s use ieccucgr

    pbo`es. ^egie Iorps/Umrgj`e hjsiourgfes you arok lrj`fj`f g ieccpbo`e arok boke leiguse jt js bjfbcyu`cjmecy tbgt g ieccucgr pcg` j` tbe U`jteh Ytgtes wjcc iover Umrgj`e. Zou wjcc reiejve g speijgc gccowg`ieoa glout $9> to luy g` j`expe`sjve ieccpbo`e j` Umrgj`e. Gcc j`iokj`f igccs gre aree oa ibgrfe.

    Gs iokputers kgy `ot le gvgjcglce gt your wormpcgie, lrj`fj`f your ow` cgptop wouch le very becpauc.Gctboufb soke Qocu`teers bgve puribgseh cgptops j` Umrgj`e, tbe seceitjo` js cjkjteh g`h fe`ergccy koreexpe`sjve tbg` j` tbe U.Y. Ja you heijhe to lrj`f g cgptop or g tglcet, kgme sure you lrj`f tbe `eiessgry

    power io`verter, surfe proteitjo`, g`h pcuf ghgpter. Xbe ^egie Iorps e`iourgfes you to j`sure youriokputer gfgj`st tbeat.

    Qocu`teers gre expeiteh to ghbere to bjfb stg`hgrhs oa hjsiretjo` wbe` expressj`f tbejr jkpressjo`s g`hopj`jo`s glout tbe iou`trjes wbere tbey serve. Lcofs gre egsjcy giiessjlce to g`yo`e wjtb g` J`ter`etio``eitjo` g`h, tbus, g`y io`te`t tbgt js posteh o` g lcof ig` le giiesseh ly your bost iou`tryioccegfues, arje`hs, g`h fe`ergc pulcji. Fjve` tbe iurre`t pocjtjigc e`vjro`ke`t j` Umrgj`e g`h tgmj`f j`togiiou`t ̂ egie Iorps fujhg`ie refgrhj`f lcofs, j`icuhj`f sgaety io`sjhergtjo`s, you sbouch le se`sjtjvewbe` postj`f. J` ghhjtjo` to e`surj`f tbgt tbe io`te`t js gpproprjgte g`h iucturgccy se`sjtjve, Qocu`teersgre urfeh to pgssworh proteit tbejr lcofs to fugrg`tee tbgt tbe lcof js giiesseh o`cy ly tbe guhje`iej`te`heh ly tbe Qocu`teer. Ghhjtjo`gc j`aorkgtjo` glout lcofs wjcc le fjve` hurj`f pre-servjie trgj`j`f(^YX).

    Bousj`f g`h Yjte Coigtjo`Zour cjvj`f io`hjtjo`s j` Umrgj`e wjcc requjre soke ghdustke`ts to your cjaestyce.

    Qocu`teers j` Umrgj`e cjve j` g wjhe rg`fe oa sjtes, arok kehjuk-sjzeh ijtjes (glout perie`t), to skgcctow`s or vjccgfes wjtb aew koher` gke`jtjes (glout 2> perie`t). Zou wjcc le gssjf`eh g sjte hurj`ftrgj`j`f gater provjhj`f j`put o` your sjte preaere`ies. Bowever, kg`y agitors j`acue`ie tbe sjtejhe`tjajigtjo` proiess, j`icuhj`f tbe `eehs oa tbe bost iokku`jty, g`h tbe ^egie Iorps ig``ot fugrg`tee

    pcgieke`t wbere you wouch jhegccy cjme to le.

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    Hurj`f trgj`j`f, you wjcc stgy wjtb g bost agkjcy to e`bg`ie your cg`fugfe cegr`j`f, iucturgc j`tefrgtjo`,g`h sgaety. Aor kg`y Qocu`teers, bokestgys wjcc exte`h leyo`h trgj`j`f g`h cgst tbroufbout tbejr two-yegr gssjf`ke`ts. J`hepe`he`t bousj`f js sigrie g`h `ot fugrg`teeh. Otber bousj`f optjo`s j`icuhe ghorkjtory or g kohest gpgrtke`t provjheh ly your wormsjte.Zou wjcc le provjheh wjtb kost oa tbe aur`jsbj`fs you `eeh, gco`f wjtb g settcj`f-j` gccowg`ie aorghhjtjo`gc jteks. Zour refjo`gc kg`gfer wjcc worm wjtb you g`h your Umrgj`jg` iou`terpgrt to e`sure tbgtyou ig` oltgj` `eiessjtjes.

    Kg`y tow`s bgve to rgtjo` wgter g`h eceitrjijty, g`h bot wgter kgy `ot le gvgjcglce. Umrgj`jg`s usugccymeep luimets oa wgter g`h ig`hces gvgjcglce.

    Begt j` tow`s g`h ijtjes js ie`trgccy io`trocceh g`h js tur`eh o` g`h oaa giiorhj`f to aj`g`ies g`h tbeigce`hgr, `ot tbe wegtber. Qocu`teers gre jssueh spgie begters wbe` tbey kove to tbejr sjtes. J` sokeiokku`jtjes Qocu`teers gre expeiteh to begt tbejr bouses usj`f g wooh or iogc-lur`j`f stove.

    Cjvj`f Gccowg`ie g`h Ko`ey Kg`gfeke`tQocu`teers reiejve g ko`tbcy gccowg`ie j` Bryv`yg (Umrgj`jg` iurre`iy) tbgt js suaajije`t to cjve gt tbecevec oa tbe coigc peopce. Xbe gccowg`ie iovers aooh, bousj`f, bouseboch suppcjes, icotbj`f, trg`sportgtjo`to g`h arok worm, utjcjtjes, reiregtjo` g`h e`tertgj`ke`t, g`h j`ijhe`tgc expe`ses. ̂ egie Iorps Qocu`teersgre expeiteh to cjve gt g cevec tbgt js iokpgrglce wjtb tbgt oa tbejr bost iou`try iou`terpgrts. Xbe ^egieIorps hjsiourgfes Qocu`teers arok suppceke`tj`f tbejr cjvj`f gccowg`ie wjtb au`hs arok boke.

    Ja you gre gsmeh ly tbe ^egie Iorps to trgvec aor oaajijgc, kehjigc, or profrgkkgtji regso`s, you wjcc lerejklurseh aor trg`sportgtjo` g`h reiejve cohfj`f g`h kegcs gccowg`ie. Qocu`teers gre gcso rejklursehko`tbcy aor io`tj`uj`f cg`fugfe stuhy, gater tbey sulkjt g iokpceteh tutor rejklurseke`t aork.

    Zou wjcc gcso reiejve g ko`tbcy cegve gccowg`ie oa $

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    Xrg`sportgtjo`Umrgj`e bgs g very wecc-hevecopeh pulcji trg`sportgtjo` systek. Every cgrfe ijty g`h refjo`gc igpjtgc jsio``eiteh to tbe exte`sjve `gtjo`gc rgjcwgy `etworm. Luses g`h kj`jluses opergte letwee` sborterhjstg`ies. Kg`y oa tbe trgj`s gre over`jfbt trgj`s, so Qocu`teers ig` cegve tbejr sjtes gt `jfbt g`h grrjve gttbejr hestj`gtjo`s j` tbe kor`j`f. G` gcter`gtjve tbgt js fgj`j`f popucgrjty js g cuxury lus `etworm, wbjibgcso provjhes servjie to kg`y ijtjes.

    Kost ijtjes g`h tow`s j` Umrgj`e bgve g iokprebe`sjve pulcji trg`sportgtjo` systek oa luses, trocceys,g`h trgks= Myjv g`h severgc otber ijtjes bgve sulwgys. ^ulcji trg`sportgtjo` js eaajije`t g`h j`expe`sjve,

    lut vebjices ig` le very och g`h very irowheh. J̀ ghhjtjo` to tgxj servjies, kost ijtjes bgve hjreit-routetgxjs tbgt coom cjme vg`s. J` tow`s g`h vjccgfes wjtbout pulcji trg`sportgtjo`, peopce fet grou`h ly

    ljiyices g`h o` aoot.

    \oghs j` Umrgj`e gre j` fe`ergccy poor io`hjtjo`. Fjve` tbe stgte oa roghs g`h tbe wegtber io`hjtjo`s,trgvec letwee` ijtjes ly luses g`h vg`s gt `jfbt g`h j` tbe wj`ter ig` le pgrtjiucgrcy tregiberous.

    Xbe ^egie Iorps probjljts gcc Qocu`teers arok ow`j`f or hrjvj`f vebjices oa g`y type, j`icuhj`f siooters,kopehs, g`h kotoriyices. Qocu`teers wbo rjhe ljiyices kust wegr g becket. Qjocgtjo` oa tbjs pocjiy kgyresuct j` terkj`gtjo` oa your Qocu`teer servjie.

    Hurj`f pre-servjie trgj`j`f you wjcc bgve g` opportu`jty to agkjcjgrjze yourseca wjtb tbe pulcjitrg`sportgtjo` systek j` Umrgj`e g`h cegr` bow to `gvjfgte j` your trgj`j`f iokku`jty. J` Myjv, you wjcccegr` wbere to luy tjimets g`h bow to iboose tbe sgaest g`h recjglce trgvec optjo`.

    Feofrgpby g`h IcjkgteUmrgj`e js sjtugteh letwee` 88 g`h 5< hefrees cgtjtuhe j` tbe io`tj`e`tgc tekpergte zo`e j` Egster`Europe g`h iovers 1>9,>>> mk bours gbegh oa Cos G`feces.

    Umrgj`e js g kostcy acgt iou`try wjtb kou`tgj`s o`cy o` tbe Irjkeg` pe`j`sucg g`h j` tbe west. Umrgj`ebgs kg`y rjvers‘tbe H`jpro (H`jepr), ̂ jvhe``yy Lub (–Youtber` Lub‛), H`jster, Yjversmyy Ho`ets,Hes`g, Hu`gy (Hg`ule), g`h kg`y otbers‘g`h jts soutber` lorher js wgsbeh ly tbe Lcgim Yeg, wbjibio``eits to tbe Kehjterrg`eg` Yeg tbroufb Xurmey.

    Umrgj`e bgs kostcy g io`tj`e`tgc icjkgte. Gctboufb kg`y peopce jkgfj`e Umrgj`e gs g iou`try oa s`owg`h jie, jt bgs aour hjstj`it segso`s, wjtb sukker tekpergtures gvergfj`f j` tbe 6>s g`h 2>s.

    Vj`ters j` Umrgj`e gre co`f g`h ioch, g`h gs g resuct oa jts `ortber` cgtjtuhe, hgycjfbt j` tbe wj`ter jscjkjteh. Yoke Qocu`teers wjtb g bjstory oa segso`gc gaaeitjve hjsorher or hepressjo` bgve aou`h tbecjkjteh exposure to su`cjfbt to le g` ghheh ibgcce`fe oa servjie j` Umrgj`e.

    Yoijgc GitjvjtjesXbe cjae oa g Qocu`teer js ajcceh wjtb cegr`j`f g`h `etwormj`f

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    boke wjtb tbejr agkjcy g`h arje`hs. J` skgccer tow`s g`h vjccgfes, gitjvjtjes te`h to aoius o` spe`hj`ftjke wjtb exte`heh agkjcy, ̀ ejfblors, g`h arje`hs. Yoijgcjzj`f typjigccy j`icuhes cots oa teg hrj`mj`f.

    Ibess, lgsmetlgcc, soiier, te``js, lghkj`to`, g`h ̂ j`f-^o`f gre popucgr sports gitjvjtjes, gs wecc gsbjmj`f g`h expcorj`f coigc bjstorjigc sjtes.

    J` ghhjtjo`, gctboufb tbe ^egie Iorps e`iourgfes Qocu`teers to rekgj` gt tbejr sjtes gs g` esse`tjgcstrgtefy aor j`tefrgtj`f j`to tbejr iokku`jtjes, soke Qocu`teers oiigsjo`gccy vjsjt ̀ egrly Qocu`teers o`weeme`hs.

    ^roaessjo`gcjsk, Hress, g`h LebgvjorXbe ^egie Iorps expeits you to lebgve j` g wgy tbgt wjcc aoster respeit towgrh you j` your iokku`jtyg`h reaceit wecc o` tbe ^egie Iorps g`h o` tbe U`jteh Ytgtes. Zou wjcc reiejve g` orje`tgtjo` togpproprjgte lebgvjor g`h iucturgc se`sjtjvjty hurj`f trgj`j`f. ^egie Iorps Qocu`teers serve gt tbej`vjtgtjo` oa tbe bost iou`try, g`h kust le respeitauc oa g`h se`sjtjve to tbe bgljts, tgstes, g`h tgloos oaour bosts. J`gpproprjgte lebgvjor, suib gs pulcji hru`me``ess, exiessjve hrj`mj`f, or otber gitjo`s tbgtiokprokjse tbe sgaety g`h seiurjty oa you g`h otbers, js `ot giieptglce. Zou `eeh to le gwgre tbgt

    lebgvjor tbgt deopgrhjzes tbe ^egie Iorps kjssjo` j` Umrgj`e or your perso`gc sgaety wjcc `ot le tocergtehg`h iouch cegh to ghkj`jstrgtjve sepgrgtjo`, g heijsjo` ly tbe ^egie Iorps to terkj`gte your servjie.

    Hurj`f pre-servjie trgj`j`f, you wjcc pgrtjijpgte j` g hetgjceh hjsiussjo` oa ^egie Iorps pocjijes wjtbwbjib gcc trgj`ees g`h Qocu`teers kust gljhe. Xbese j`icuhe probjljtjo`s gfgj`st j`teccjfe`ie fgtberj`f,j`vocveke`t j` bost iou`try pocjtjigc gaagjrs, recjfjous prosecytjzj`f, g`h jccefgc hruf use. Zou sbouchgrrjve auccy prepgreh to iokpcy wjtb gcc ^egie Iorps pocjijes g`h proiehures. ^egie Iorps/Umrgj`e, gswecc gs gcc otber ^egie Iorps posts, bgs pocjijes requjrj`f trgj`ees g`h Qocu`teers to meep tbe postgpprjseh oa tbejr wbereglouts gt gcc tjkes, pgrtjiucgrcy wbe` tbey gre gwgy arok tbejr sjtes. Xbere gre gcso

    pocjijes o` Qocu`teer io`huit g`h etbjis. Xbese pocjijes gre j̀ pcgie to e`sure your sgaety g`h seiurjty,g`h to e`sure tbgt Qocu`teers igrry out gcc gspeits oa tbejr servjie respo`sjlcy g`h proaessjo`gccy.

    ^erso`gc gppegrg`ie js very jkportg`t j` Umrgj`e, g`h hressj`f proaessjo`gccy becps ^IQs fgj` trust g`hirehjljcjty. Aor woke`, proaessjo`gc gttjre j`icuhes hress pg`ts or smjrts pgjreh wjtb lcouses or swegters,or hresses, wjtb hress sboes. Gctboufb tbe kgdorjty oa Umrgj`jg` woke` wegr bjfb beecs, acgts gre gcsogpproprjgte. Aor ke`, hress scgims or mbgmjs pgjreh wjtb swegters or poco or lutto`-how` sbjrts gregpproprjgte. G dgimet g`h tje gre usugccy `ot requjreh aor hgjcy wegr, bowever tbey gre jkportg`t to bgveaor kore aorkgc oiigsjo`s. Jt js gcso jkportg`t tbgt icotbes le iceg` g`h jro`eh, g`h tbgt sboes gre mepticeg` g`h pocjsbeh. Umrgj`e styces gre sokewbgt hjaaere`t tbg` j` tbe U`jteh Ytgtes, lut icotbj`fgiieptglce gs lusj`ess or proaessjo`gc hress j` tbe U.Y. wjcc le giiepteh gs suib j` Umrgj`e.

    ^erso`gc YgaetyKore hetgjceh j`aorkgtjo` glout tbe ^egie Iorps‚ gpprogib to sgaety js io`tgj`eh j` tbe Ygaety g`hYeiurjty seitjo`, lut jt js g` jkportg`t jssue g`h ig``ot le overekpbgsjzeh. Gs stgteh j` tbe Qocu`teerBg`hloom, leiokj`f g ^egie Iorps Qocu`teer e`tgjcs iertgj` sgaety rjsms. Cjvj`f g`h trgvecj`f j` g`u`agkjcjgr e`vjro`ke`t (oate`tjkes gco`e), bgvj`f g cjkjteh u`herstg`hj`f oa coigc cg`fugfe g`h iucture,g`h lej`f periejveh gs wecc-oaa gre soke oa tbe agitors tbgt ig` put g Qocu`teer gt rjsm. Kg`y Qocu`teersexperje`ie vgryj`f hefrees oa u`wg`teh gtte`tjo` g`h bgrgsske`t. ^etty tbeats g`h lurfcgrjes gre `otu`iokko`, g`h j`ijhe`ts oa pbysjigc g`h sexugc gssguct ho oiiur, gctboufb kost Umrgj`e Qocu`teersiokpcete tbejr two yegrs oa servjie wjtbout j`ijhe`t. Xbe ^egie Iorps bgs estglcjsbeh proiehures g`h

    pocjijes hesjf`eh to becp rehuie tbe rjsms g`h e`bg`ie your sgaety g`h seiurjty. Xbese proiehures g`h pocjijes, j` ghhjtjo` to sgaety trgj`j`f, wjcc le provjheh o`ie you grrjve j̀ Umrgj`e. Usj`f tbese toocs, o`eig` le ekpowereh to tgme respo`sjljcjty aor bjs or ber sgaety g`h wecc-lej`f.

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    Egib stgaa kekler gt tbe ^egie Iorps js iokkjtteh to provjhj`f Qocu`teers wjtb tbe support tbey `eeh tosuiiessauccy keet tbe ibgcce`fes tbey wjcc agie to bgve g sgae, begctby, g`h prohuitjve servjie. Qocu t̀eersg`h agkjcjes gre e`iourgfeh to coom gt sgaety g`h seiurjty j`aorkgtjo` o` tbe ^egie Iorps welsjte gt


    J`aorkgtjo` o` tbese pgfes fjves kessgfes o` Qocu`teer begctb g`h sgaety. Xbere js g seitjo` tjtceh Ygaetyg`h Yeiurjty j` Heptb. Gko`f topjis ghhresseh gre tbe rjsms oa servj`f gs g Qocu`teer, posts‚ sgaetysupport systeks, g`h ekerfe`iy pcg``j`f g`h iokku`jigtjo`s.

    Qocu`teers wjcc o`cy le servj`f j` tbose pgrts oa Umrgj`e wbere tbe seiurjty sjtugtjo` js stglce g`hheekeh sgae. Xbere gre gregs wbere vocu`teers wjcc `ot le gccoweh to serve or to trgvec to, g luaaer zo`ewbere vocu`teers wjcc `ot le servj`f g`h wbere vocu`teer trgvec restrjitjo`s wjcc le j` pcgie, g`h g zo`ewbere vocu`teers wjcc le servj`f g`h gccoweh to trgvec. Lesjhes sjf`jajig`t trgvec restrjitjo`s aorQocu`teers, tbere wjcc le g` ghhjtjo`gc aoius o` sgaety g`h seiurjty hurj`f trgj`j`f. Xbe sgaety g`hseiurjty oa Qocu`teers gre oa pgrgkou`t jkportg`ie g`h every preigutjo` wjcc le tgme` to e`sure yoursgae servjie j` Umrgj`e.

    \ewgrhs g`h Arustrgtjo`sZou ig` expeit jt kgy tgme tjke aor your Umrgj`jg` iou`terpgrts to u`herstg`h your roce gs g Qocu`teerg`h aor you to heterkj`e your gpproprjgte respo`sjljcjtjes. Zou kgy `ot le steppj`f j`to g wecc-heaj`ehsjtugtjo`. Zou wjcc `eeh to rekekler tbgt you gre pgrt oa g co`f-terk hevecopke`t prodeit. G ibgcce`fetbroufbout your gssjf`ke`t wjcc le to becp your ioccegfues hevecop tbejr igpgijty to io`tj`ue to peraorksjkjcgr worm gater your hepgrture.

    Zou kgy le arustrgteh gt tjkes ly `ot lej`f proajije`t j` tbe coigc cg`fugfe, eve` gater tbe pre-servjietrgj`j`f. Vbjce your iou`terpgrt kgy bgve soke iokkg`h oa E`fcjsb, kost oa your ioccegfues wjcc `ot.Cegr`j`f Umrgj`jg` or \ussjg` wjcc kgme g kgdor hjaaere`ie j` your worm, j` your gljcjty to ghgpt tocjvj`f j` Umrgj`e, g`h j` your gppreijgtjo` oa Umrgj`jg` soijety g`h iucture.

    Xo bgve g suiiessauc experje`ie gs g Qocu`teer, you kust le kotjvgteh, acexjlce, g`h wjccj`f to wormbgrh. Zou wjcc `eeh to jhe`tjay coigc resouries g`h j`stjtutjo`s wjtb wbjib you ig` ioopergte. Xo leeaaeitjve, you kjfbt `eeh to u`cegr` prgitjies tbgt you bgve hevecopeh o` tbe lgsjs oa prjor experje`ies.Hespjte tbese ibgcce`fes‘or perbgps leiguse oa tbek‘Qocu`teers j` Umrgj`e aj`h sgtjsagitjo` j`heko`strgtj`f to tbejr ioccegfues tbgt every j`hjvjhugc ig` kgme g hjaaere`ie j` tbe iregtjo` oa g ijvjcsoijety. Gs jt bgs j` tbe pgst, Umrgj`e js pojseh to pcgy g pjvotgc roce j` tbe auture oa Europe g`h tbeworch. Qocu`teers bgve g u`jque opportu`jty to jkpgit tbe `gture oa tbgt roce.

  • 8/20/2019 THE PEACE CORPS WELCOMES YOU TO Ukraine April 2015



    ^EGIE IO\^Y X\GJ@J@F

    Overvjew oa ^re-Yervjie Xrgj`j`fXbe ^egie Iorps uses g iokpete`iy-lgseh trgj`j`f gpprogib tbroufbout tbe io`tj`uuk oa cegr`j`f,supportj`f you arok grrjvgc j` Umrgj`e to your hepgrture. ^re-servjie trgj`j`f (^YX) js tbe ajrst eve`twjtbj` tbjs io`tj`uuk oa cegr`j`f g`h e`sures tbgt you gre equjppeh wjtb tbe m`owcehfe, smjccs, g`hgttjtuhes to eaaeitjvecy peraork your dol. ^re-servjie trgj`j`f js io`huiteh j` Umrgj`e ly ^egie Iorpsstgaa, kost oa wbok gre coigccy bjreh trgj`ers. ^egie Iorps stgaa kegsure gibjeveke`t oa cegr`j`f g`hheterkj`e ja you bgve suiiessauccy gibjeveh iokpete`ijes, j`icuhj`f cg`fugfe stg`hgrhs, aor swegrj`f-j`gs g ^egie Iorps Qocu`teer.

    ^egie Iorps trgj`j`f j`iorporgtes wjhecy giiepteh prj`ijpces oa ghuct cegr`j`f g`h js struitureh grou`htbe experje`tjgc cegr`j`f iyice. Yuiiessauc trgj`j`f resucts j` iokpete`ie j` vgrjous teib`jigc, cj`fujstji,iross-iucturgc, begctb, g`h sgaety g`h seiurjty gregs.

    J`tefrgtj`f j`to tbe iokku`jty js o`e oa tbe iore iokpete`ijes you wjcc strjve to gibjeve lotb j` ^YX g`hhurj`f tbe ajrst severgc ko`tbs oa servjie. Yuiiessauc sustgj`glce hevecopke`t worm js lgseh o` tberecgtjo`sbjps you lujch ly respeitauccy j`tefrgtj`f j`to tbe bost iou`try iokku`jty g`h iucture.

    Zou wjcc le prepgreh aor tbjs tbroufb g bokestgy experje`ie, wbjib oate` requjres trgj`ees to cjve wjtbbost agkjcjes hurj`f ̂ YX. J`tefrgtjo` j`to tbe iokku`jty aosters cg`fugfe g`h iross-iucturgc cegr`j`f g`he`sures your begctb, sgaety, g`h seiurjty.

    ^egie Iorps/Umrgj`e uses g iokku`jty-lgseh kohec oa ^YX. Zour e`tjre trgj`j`f froup wjcc keet o`cyaor tbe j`jtjgc orje`tgtjo` (Grrjvgc \etregt), aor severgc hgys j` tbe kjhhce oa ^YX (^YX U`jversjty), g`htbe` gt tbe e`h oa ^YX (Xrg`sjtjo` to Yervjie Io`aere`ie). Aor kost oa tbe ^YX bowever, froups oa aourto ajve trgj`ees wjcc cjve j` tow`s g`h vjccgfes coigteh wjtbj` two-to tbree-bour rjhe arok Myjv. Egibfroup wjcc bgve g cg`fugfe g`h iross-iucturgc agijcjtgtor g`h g teib`jigc g`h iucturgc agijcjtgtor (tbe cgtterwjcc le sbgreh ly letwee` two froups).

    Gs g trgj`ee, you wjcc pcgy g` gitjve roce j` seca-ehuigtjo`. Xbe suiiess oa your cegr`j`f wjcc le e`bg`ieh ly your ow` eaaort to tgme respo`sjljcjty aor your cegr`j`f g`h tbroufb sbgrj f̀ experje`ies wjtb otbers.

    Xeib`jigc Xrgj`j`fXeib`jigc trgj`j`f wjcc prepgre you to worm j` Umrgj`e ly lujchj`f o` tbe smjccs you gcreghy bgve g`hbecpj`f you hevecop `ew smjccs j` g kg``er gpproprjgte to tbe `eehs oa tbe iou`try. Xbe ^egie Iorpsstgaa, Umrgj`e experts, g`h iurre`t Qocu`teers wjcc io`huit tbe trgj`j`f profrgk. Xrgj`j`f pcgies fregtekpbgsjs o` cegr`j`f bow to trg`saer tbe smjccs you bgve to tbe iokku`jty j` wbjib you wjcc serve gs gQocu`teer.

    Xeib`jigc trgj`j`f wjcc j`icuhe sessjo`s o` tbe fe`ergc eio`okji g`h pocjtjigc e`vjro`ke`t j` Umrgj`e g`h strgtefjes aor wormj`f wjtbj` suib g argkeworm. Zou wjcc revjew your prodeit‚s fogcs g`h oldeitjvesg`h wjcc keet wjtb tbe Umrgj`e gfe`ijes g`h orfg`jzgtjo`s tbgt j`vjteh tbe ^egie Iorps to gssjst tbek.Zou wjcc le supporteh g`h evgcugteh tbroufbout trgj`j`f to lujch tbe io`ajhe`ie g`h smjccs you `eeh tou`hertgme your prodeit gitjvjtjes, report your profress, g`h serve gs g prohuitjve kekler oa youriokku`jty.

    Kost oa your teib`jigc trgj`j`f wjcc le agijcjtgteh ly your teib`jigc/iross-iucturgc agijcjtgtors (XIAs) wbowjcc `ot o`cy io`huit sessjo`s, lut gcso olserve your gitjvjtjes, becp you reaceit o` your experje`ies, g`h

    provjhe refucgr aeehlgim g`h support.

  • 8/20/2019 THE PEACE CORPS WELCOMES YOU TO Ukraine April 2015



    Ytgrtj`f arok tbe ajrst weem, you wjcc pgrtjijpgte j` o`foj`f ̂ YX j`ter`sbjp gitjvjtjes4

    • Zoutb Hevecopke`t4 Zou wjcc le gssjf`eh to seio`hgry siboocs or ie`ters oa soijgc servjies aoryoutb g`h wjcc olserve g`h tegib begctby cjae styces g`h ijvjis icgsses, gssjst E`fcjsb tegibers, g`h

    prepgre g`h agijcjtgte youtb icul keetj`fs. Zou wjcc vjsjt hepgrtke`ts oa youtb g`h sport,ibjchre`‚s iregtjvjty ie`ters, orpbg`gfes, g`h otber pgrt`er orfg`jzgtjo`s. Aj`gccy, tofetber wjtbyour iokku`jty pgrt`ers, you wjcc orfg`jze g`h ru` g tbree-hgy youtb igkp g`h hesjf` g`hjkpceke`t g iokku`jty prodeit to ghhress coigc ̀ eehs.

    • Iokku`jty Hevecopke`t4 Zou wjcc keet wjtb tbe coigc fover`ke`t ghkj`jstrgtjo`s, @FOceghers, g`h otber iokku`jty pgrt`ers. Zou wjcc le j`vocveh j` gitjvjtjes sjkjcgr to wbgt you wjccho gt your sjtes, suib gs iokku`jty kgppj`f, ̀ eehs gssesske`t, proaessjo`gc keetj`fs, g`htrgj`j`fs. Aj`gccy, tofetber wjtb iokku`jty keklers, you wjcc hesjf` g`h jkpceke`t iokku j̀ty

    prodeits to ghhress iokku`jty ̀ eehs.

    • XEAC4 Zou wjcc le gssjf`eh to siboocs g`h u`jversjtjes g`h wjcc le j`vocveh j` cesso`olservgtjo`s g`h g`gcysjs, hesjf`j`f cesso` pcg`s, tegibj`f, wormj`f wjtb Umrgj`jg` tegibers,hevjsj`f strgtefjes aor icgssrook kg`gfeke`t, g`h orfg`jzj`f extrgiurrjiucgr gitjvjtjes, j`icuhj`fg` E`fcjsb cg`fugfe icul aor your stuhe`ts g`h g iokku`jty/sibooc prodeit.

    Cg`fugfe Xrgj`j`fGs g ^egie Iorps Qocu`teer, you wjcc aj`h tbgt cg`fugfe smjccs gre mey to perso`gc g`h proaessjo`gcsgtjsagitjo` hurj`f your servjie. Xbese smjccs gre irjtjigc to your dol peraorkg`ie, becp you j`tefrgte j`toyour iokku`jty, g`h ig` egse your perso`gc ghgptgtjo` to tbe `ew surrou`hj`fs. Xbereaore, cg`fugfetrgj`j`f js gt tbe begrt oa tbe trgj`j`f profrgk. Zou kust suiiessauccy keet kj`jkuk cg`fugferequjreke`ts to iokpcete trgj`j`f g`h leioke g Qocu`teer. Umrgj`e cg`fugfe j`struitors usugccy tegibaorkgc cg`fugfe icgsses ajve hgys g weem j` skgcc froups.

    Zour cg`fugfe trgj`j`f wjcc j`iorporgte g iokku`jty-lgseh gpprogib. J` ghhjtjo` to icgssrook tjke, youwjcc le fjve` gssjf`ke`ts to worm o` outsjhe oa tbe icgssrook g`h wjtb your bost agkjcy. Xbe fogc js tofet you to g poj`t oa lgsji soijgc iokku`jigtjo` smjccs so you ig` prgitjie g`h hevecop cg`fugfe smjccsaurtber o`ie you gre gt your sjte. ^rjor to lej`f swor` j` gs g Qocu`teer, you wjcc hevecop strgtefjes toio`tj`ue stuhyj`f cg`fugfe hurj`f your servjie.

    Zou wjcc bgve cg`fugfe icgsses io`huiteh ly your cg`fugfe/iucturgc agijcjtgtor (CIA) Ko`hgy tbroufbArjhgy, aour to ajve bours g hgy, j`icuhj`f icgssrook j`struitjo`, cg`fugfe ajech trjps, seca-hjreitehcegr`j`f gitjvjtjes, teib`jigc cg`fugfe, g`h tutorj`f. Xbe hgjcy sibehuce oa your cg`fugfe icgsses sbouch

    le gfreeh upo` ly your froup g`h your CIA, tgmj`f j`to giiou`t your teib j̀igc trgj`j`f g`h j`ter`sbjpgitjvjtjes. Icgsses wjcc fe`ergccy tgme pcgie gt your CIA‚s resjhe`ie.

    Hurj`f ^YX, you wjcc le aoiusj`f o` Umrgj`jg` g`h j`trohuieh to \ussjg`, gs lotb cg`fugfes gre spome`j` Umrgj`e. Vbjce tbe oaajijgc stgte cg`fugfe js Umrgj`jg`, you kgy begr g cot oa \ussjg` j` kg`y ijtjesg`h tow`s oa soutber`, egster`, g`h `ortber` Umrgj`e.

    Cg`fugfe js iruijgc to your suiiess gs g ^egie Iorps Qocu`teer. Hue to tbe iokpcexjty oa Umrgj`jg` g`h\ussjg`, g stro`f iokkjtke`t to cg`fugfe cegr`j`f wjcc le very becpauc lotb j` ^YX g`h tbroufbout yourtwo-yegr servjie. Ve stro`fcy e`iourgfe you to io`tj`ue cg`fugfe cegr`j`f gater ^YX ly tgmj`f tutorj`ficgsses gt your sjte g`h pgrtjijpgtj`f j` ^egie Iorps cg`fugfe rearesbers g`h igkps.

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    Iross-Iucturgc Xrgj`j`fIross-iucturgc trgj`j`f wjcc provjhe opportu`jtjes aor you to reaceit o` your ow` iucturgc vgcues g`h bowtbey j`acue`ie your lebgvjor j` Umrgj`e. Zou wjcc gcso hjsiuss tbe questjo`s you bgve glout tbe lebgvjorsg`h prgitjies you olserve j` Umrgj`e, expcorj`f tbe u`hercyj`f regso`s aor tbese lebgvjors g`h prgitjies.

    Iross-iucturgc g`h iokku`jty hevecopke`t trgj`j`f wjcc becp you jkprove your iokku`jigtjo` smjccsg`h u`herstg`h your roce gs g agijcjtgtor oa hevecopke`t. Xrgj`j`f wjcc iover topjis suib gs tbe io`iept oatjke, power g`h bjergriby, fe`her roces, iokku`jigtjo` styces, g`h tbe io`iept oa seca g`h recgtjo`sbjps.Leiguse ghdustj`f to g `ew iucture ig` le very ibgcce`fj`f, you wjcc pgrtjijpgte j` resjcje`iy trgj`j`fwbjib provjhes g argkeworm g`h toocs to becp wjtb ghdustke`t jssues.

    Xbe bost agkjcy experje`ie provjhes g u`jque io`text aor iross-iucturgc cegr`j`f, g`h js hesjf`eh to egseyour trg`sjtjo` to cjae gt your sjte. Agkjcjes fo tbroufb g` orje`tgtjo` io`huiteh ly ^egie Iorps stgaa toexpcgj` tbe purpose oa ^YX g`h to gssjst tbek j` becpj`f you ghgpt to cjvj`f j` Umrgj`e. Kg`y Qocu`teersaork stro`f g`h cgstj`f arje`hsbjps wjtb tbejr bost agkjcjes.

    Aor soke oa you, tbjs js your ajrst experje`ie wjtb iross-iucturgc trgj`j`f. Aor otbers, jt kgy lerej`aorieke`t. Xo kgme tbe lest use oa your tjke, ^YX wjcc aoius o` tbe esse`tjgc j`aorkgtjo` `eiessgryaor u`herstg`hj`f Umrgj`e g`h Umrgj`jg`s g`h tbe smjccs you `eeh aor suiiessauc iucturgc ghdustke`t toyour ̀ ew e`vjro`ke`t g`h prohuitjve j`teriucturgc j`tergitjo`s.

    Zou wjcc cegr` tbgt iucture js g fe`ergcjzgtjo` glout froups oa peopce‚s lebgvjors g`h, io`seque`tcy,iross-iucturgc trgj`j`f js g fe`ergcjzeh socutjo`. G`h wbe` we hegc wjtb fe`ergcjzgtjo`s tbere gre gcwgysexieptjo`s. Xbe seiret oa iross-iucturgc suiiess js gwgre`ess. Ja you gre gwgre oa bow iucture j`acue`iestboufbt g`h lebgvjor, bow peopce arok otber iuctures kgy see you, g`h bow your iucturgc lgimfrou`hkgy j`acue`ie bow you see tbek, tbe` heeper u`herstg`hj`f iokes egsjer.

    Lotb your CIA g`h XIA wjcc agijcjtgte your ghdustke`t to tbe `ew iucture g`h regcjtjes oa cjae j` Umrgj`e.Zour pgtje`ie g`h your gljcjty to stgy posjtjve g`h ope` to `ew experje`ies, gs wecc gs g` gljcjty to cgufbgt yourseca, wjcc le iruijgc to your suiiess.

    Begctb Xrgj`j`fHurj`f pre-servjie trgj`j`f, you wjcc le trgj`eh j` begctb preve`tjo`, lgsji ajrst gjh, g`h tregtke`t oakehjigc jcc`esses aou`h j` Umrgj`e. Zou wjcc le expeiteh to prgitjie preve`tjve begctb g`h to tgmerespo`sjljcjty aor your ow` begctb ly ghberj`f to gcc kehjigc pocjijes. Xrgj`ees gre requjreh to gtte`h gcckehjigc sessjo`s. Begctb ehuigtjo` topjis wjcc j`icuhe ̀ utrjtjo`, aooh g`h wgter prepgrgtjo`, ekotjo`gcbegctb, hegcj`f wjtb gcioboc, preve`tjo` oa BJQ/GJHY, sexugccy trg`skjtteh j`aeitjo`s (YXJs), g`hiokko` jcc`esses j` Umrgj`e.

    Xbe begctb oa tbe trgj`ees g`h Qocu`teers js oa pgrgkou`t jkportg`ie. Xbere gre severgc ^egie Iorpskehjigc oaajiers (^IKOs) j` Umrgj`e. Xbey gre respo`sjlce aor j`aorkj`f trgj`ees glout wgys to stgybegctby, fjvj`f j`oiucgtjo`s, hjsiussj`f kehjigc jssues, routj`e hjgf`oses, g`h grrg`fj`f aor your begctbigre j` Umrgj`e.

    Hurj`f tbe Grrjvgc \etregt you wjcc bgve g` j`tervjew wjtb o`e oa our ^IKOs g`h hjsiuss g`y perso`gcbegctb io`ier`s you kjfbt bgve.

    Hurj`f ^YX, ^IKOs wjcc trgvec to your trgj`j`f iokku`jtjes to io`huit two perso`gc begctb hgys (wjtb gaoius o` pbysjigc g`h ke`tgc begctb).

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  • 8/20/2019 THE PEACE CORPS WELCOMES YOU TO Ukraine April 2015


    XBE ^EGIE IO\^Y | UM\GJ@E VECIOKE LOOM | G^\JC 75 yegrs oa gfe, or bgve g begctb io`hjtjo` tbgt kgy restrjit yourauture pgrtjijpgtjo` j` begctb-igre pcg`s, you kgy wjsb to io`suct g` j`surg`ie speijgcjst glout u`jqueiovergfe `eehs leaore your hepgrture. Xbe ^egie Iorps wjcc provjhe gcc `eiessgry begctb igre arok tbetjke you cegve aor your pre-hepgrture orje`tgtjo` u`tjc you iokpcete your servjie. Vbe` you aj`jsb, youwjcc le e`tjtceh to tbe post-servjie begctb-igre le`eajts hesirjleh j` tbe ^egie Iorps Qocu`teer Bg`hloom.Zou kgy wjsb to io`sjher meepj`f g` exjstj`f begctb pcg` j` eaaeit hurj`f your servjie ja you tbj`m gfe or

    pre-exjstj`f io`hjtjo`s kjfbt preve`t you arok re-e`roccj`f j` your iurre`t pcg` wbe` you retur` boke.

  • 8/20/2019 THE PEACE CORPS WELCOMES YOU TO Ukraine April 2015



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  • 8/20/2019 THE PEACE CORPS WELCOMES YOU TO Ukraine April 2015



    Zou wjcc gcso cegr` glout ^egie Iorps/Umrgj è‚s hetgjceh ekerfe`iy gitjo` pcg` , wbjib js jkpceke`tehj` tbe eve`t oa ijvjc or pocjtjigc u`rest or g `gturgc hjsgster. Xbe Ekerfe`iy Gitjo` ^cg` (EG^) io`tgj`shetgjceh fujhecj`es, j`struitjo`s, g`h j`aorkgtjo` aor Qocu`teers‚ prepgreh`ess g`h respo`se to g`yekerfe`iy or irjsjs g`h jt js refucgrcy uphgteh.

    Xbe Vgrhe` systek js g` jkportg`t iokpo`e`t oa tbe EG^. Xbe wgrhe`s reiejve g speijgc trgj`j`f twjieg yegr g`h gre glce to oversee g`h gssjst tbejr tegk hurj`f g` ekerfe`iy. Xo e`sure hurglceiokku`jigtjo`, gcc wgrhe`s wjcc le ghhjtjo`gccy provjheh wjtb sgteccjte pbo`es.

    ^egie Iorps/Umrgj`e‚s iokku j̀igtjo` systek js testeh gt cegst two tjkes g yegr.

    Vbe` you grrjve gt your sjte, you wjcc iokpcete g`h sulkjt g sjte coigtor aork wjtb your ghhress, io`tgitj`aorkgtjo`, g`h g kgp to your bouse. Ja tbere js g seiurjty tbregt, you wjcc fgtber wjtb otber Qocu`teers j`Umrgj`e gt preheterkj`eh coigtjo`s u`tjc tbe sjtugtjo` js resocveh or tbe ^egie Iorps heijhes to evgiugte.

    Aj`gccy, j` orher aor tbe ^egie Iorps to le auccy respo`sjve to tbe `eehs oa Qocu`teers, jt js jkpergtjve tbgtQocu`teers jkkehjgtecy report g`y sgaety g`h seiurjty j`ijhe`ts to tbe ^egie Iorps oaajie. Xbe ^egieIorps bgs estglcjsbeh protoiocs aor ghhressj`f sgaety g`h seiurjty j`ijhe`ts j` g tjkecy g`h gpproprjgtekg``er, g`h jt iocceits g`h evgcugtes sgaety g`h seiurjty hgtg to trgim tre`hs g`h hevecop strgtefjes tokj`jkjze rjsms to iurre`t g`h auture Qocu`teers.

    Xbe pocjie j` Umrgj`e gre agkjcjgr wjtb tbe ^egie Iorps g`h jts profrgks. Xbey gre g` jkportg`t resourieaor Qocu`teers‚ sgaety g`h seiurjty. J` orher to hegc wjtb ghverse sjtugtjo`s gt Qocu`teers‚ sjtes, tbe ^egieIorps kgj`tgj`s g` eaaeitjve ioopergtjo` wjtb tbe coigc pocjie hepgrtke`ts.

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    Xbe ^egie Iorps kjssjo` js to prokote worch pegie g`h arje`hsbjp g`h to jkprove peopce‚s cjves j` tbeiokku`jtjes wbere Qocu`teers serve. J`stjtutj`f pocjijes g`h prgitjies to support g hjverse g`h j`icusjveworm g`h Qocu`teer e`vjro`ke`t js esse`tjgc to gibjevj`f tbjs kjssjo`.

    Xbroufb j`icusjve reirujtke`t g`h rete`tjo` oa stgaa g`h Qocu`teers, tbe ^egie Iorps seems to reaceit tberjib hjversjty oa tbe U`jteh Ytgtes g`h lrj`f hjverse perspeitjves g`h socutjo`s to hevecopke`t jssues.Ghhjtjo`gccy, e`surj`f hjversjty gko`f stgaa g`h Qocu`teers e`rjibes j`terperso`gc recgtjo`s g`hiokku`jigtjo`s aor tbe stgaa worm e`vjro`ke`t, tbe Qocu`teer experje`ie, g`h tbe iokku`jtjes j` wbjibQocu`teers serve.

    Xbe ^egie Iorps heaj`es hjversjty gs g –iocceitjo` oa j`hjvjhugc gttrjlutes tbgt tofetber becp gfe`ijes pursue orfg`jzgtjo`gc oldeitjves eaajije`tcy g`h eaaeitjvecy. Xbese j`icuhe, lut gre `ot cjkjteh to,ibgrgiterjstjis suib gs ̀ gtjo`gc orjfj`, cg`fugfe, rgie, iocor, hjsgljcjty, etb`jijty, fe`her, gfe, recjfjo`,sexugc orje`tgtjo`, fe`her jhe`tjty, soijoeio`okji stgtus, veterg` stgtus, g`h agkjcy struitures. Hjversjtygcso e`iokpgsses hjaaere`ies gko`f peopce io`ier`j`f wbere tbey gre arok g`h wbere tbey bgve cjvehg`h tbejr hjaaere`ies oa tboufbt g`h cjae experje`ies.‛

    Ve heaj`e j`icusjo` gs g –iucture tbgt io``eits egib ]stgaa kekler g`h Qocu`teer[ to tbe orfg`jzgtjo`=e`iourgfes ioccglorgtjo`, acexjljcjty, g`h agjr`ess= g`h cevergfes hjversjty tbroufbout tbe orfg`jzgtjo` sotbgt gcc j`hjvjhugcs gre glce to pgrtjijpgte g`h io`trjlute to tbejr aucc pote`tjgc.‛ Xbe ^egie Iorps prokotesj`icusjo` tbroufbout tbe cjaeiyice oa Qocu`teers g`h stgaa. Vbe` stgaa g`h Qocu`teers gre glce to sbgretbejr rjib hjversjty j` g` j`icusjve worm e`vjro`ke`t, tbe ^egie Iorps kjssjo` js letter aucajcceh. Korej`aorkgtjo` glout hjversjty g`h j`icusjo` ig` le aou`h j` tbe Qocu`teer Bg`hloom.

    G` j`icusjve gfe`iy js o`e tbgt seems j`put arok everyo`e j` g` eaaort to aj`h tbe lest jhegs g`h strgtefjes possjlce to exeiute jts oldeitjves. Vbe` j`put js socjijteh, begrh, g`h io`sjhereh arok g rjib kuctjtuhe oaj`hjvjhugcs tbe lest iourse oa gitjo` usugccy ekerfes. Xbe ^egie Iorps seems to jkprove jts opergtjo`sg`h eaaeitjve`ess ly e`surj`f tbgt gcc vojies g`h jhegs gre begrh g`h tbgt gcc Qocu`teers g`h stgaa aeecwecioke g`h gppreijgteh. Vbe` egib perso`‚s vojie js begrh, tbe gfe`iy js stro`fer g`h tbe jkpgit oaQocu`teers js stre`ftbe`eh.

    Hjversjty g`h J`icusjo` gt Zour YjteO`ie Qocu`teers grrjve gt tbejr sjtes, hjversjty g`h j`icusjo` prj`ijpces rekgj` tbe sgke lut tgme o` ghjaaere`t sbgpe, j` wbjib your bost iokku`jty kgy sbgre g iokko` iucture g`h you‘tbe Qocu`teer‘ gre tbe outsjher. Zou kgy le j` tbe kj`orjty, ja `ot tbe soce Gkerjig` cjme you, gt your sjte. Zou wjcc

    lefj` to `otjie hjversjty j` perspeitjves, etb j̀ijty, gfe, heptb oa io`versgtjo`, g`h hefree oa support youkgy reiejve. Aor exgkpce, echers, youtb, g`h kjhhce-gfeh j`hjvjhugcs gcc bgve u`jque poj`ts oa vjews o`topjis you kgy hjsiuss, arok perspeitjves o` worm, `ew prodeits, g`h soijgc e`fgfeke`ts to tbe wgyiokku`jty jssues gre ghhresseh.

    ^egie Iorps stgaa j` your bost iou`try reiof`jze tbe ghhjtjo`gc ghdustke`t jssues tbgt ioke wjtb cjvj`fg`h wormj`f j` `ew e`vjro`ke`ts g`h wjcc provjhe support g`h fujhg`ie to Qocu`teers. Hurj`f pre-servjie trgj`j`f, g sessjo` wjcc le bech to hjsiuss hjversjty g`h j`icusjo` g`h bow you ig` serve gs g` gccyaor your peers, bo`orj`f hjversjty, seemj`f j`icusjo`, ibgcce`fj`f preduhjie g`h exicusjo`, expcorj`f yourow` ljgses, g`h cegr`j`f keibg`jsks to iope wjtb tbese ghdustke`t jssues. Xbe ^egie Iorps coomsaorwgrh to bgvj`f Qocu`teers arok vgrjeh lgimfrou`hs tbgt j`icuhe g vgrjety oa rgies, etb`ji froups,gfes, recjfjo`s, sexugc orje`tgtjo`s g`h fe`her jhe`tjtjes. Xbe gfe`iy expeits you to worm ioccglorgtjvecyto iregte g` j`icusjve e`vjro`ke`t tbgt trg`sie`hs hjaaere`ies g`h aj`hs iokko` frou`h.

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    Iross-Iucturgc Io`sjhergtjo`sOutsjhe oa Umrgj`e‚s igpjtgc, resjhe`ts oa rurgc iokku`jtjes kjfbt bgve bgh cjttce hjreit exposure to otberiuctures, rgies, recjfjo`s, g`h cjaestyces. Vbgt peopce vjew gs typjigc U.Y. lebgvjor or `orks kgy le gkjsio`ieptjo`, suib gs tbe lecjea tbgt gcc Gkerjig`s gre rjib g`h bgve lco`h bgjr g`h lcue eyes. Xbe

    peopce oa Umrgj`e gre m`ow` aor tbejr fe`erous bospjtgcjty to aorejf`ers= bowever, keklers oa tbeiokku`jty wbere you wjcc cjve kgy hjspcgy g rg`fe oa regitjo`s to iucturgc hjaaere`ies tbgt you prese`t.

    Gs g Qocu`teer g`h represe`tgtjve oa tbe U`jteh Ytgtes, you gre respo`sjlce `ot o`cy aor sbgrj`f tbehjversjty oa U.Y. iucture (to j`icuhe your j`hjvjhugc iucture g`h tbe iucture oa otber Gkerjig`s) wjtb yourbost iou`try `gtjo`gc iou`terpgrts, lut gcso aor cegr`j`f arok tbe hjversjty oa your bost iou`try. G`jkportg`t gspeit oa tbjs iucturgc exibg`fe wjcc le to heko`strgte j`icusjve`ess wjtbj` your iokku`jty j`g se`sjtjve kg``er. Ghhjtjo`gccy, you wjcc sbgre tbe respo`sjljcjty oa cegr`j`f glout tbe hjversjty oa youraeccow ^egie Iorps Qocu`teers g`h expcorj`f bow lest to respeit hjaaere`ies wbjce servj`f gs supportjvegccjes gs you fo tbroufb tbjs ibgcce`fj`f `ew experje`ie.

    Xo egse tbe trg`sjtjo` g`h ghgpt to cjae j` your bost iou`try, you kgy `eeh to kgme soke tekporgry, yetau`hgke`tgc, iokprokjses j` bow you prese`t yourseca gs g` Gkerjig` g`h gs g` j`hjvjhugc. Aorexgkpce, aekgce trgj`ees g`h Qocu`teers kgy `ot le glce to exerijse tbe j`hepe`he`ie tbey bgve j` tbeU`jteh Ytgtes= kgce Qocu`teers kgy le expeiteh to `ot peraork ibores or otber tgsms gsirjleh to woke`=

    pocjtjigc hjsiussjo`s `eeh to le bg`hceh wjtb fregt igre= g`h soke oa your perso`gc lecjeas kgy lestrekgj` u`hjsicoseh. Zou wjcc `eeh to hevecop teib`jques g`h perso`gc strgtefjes aor iopj`f wjtb tbeseg`h otber cjkjtgtjo`s. Xbe ̂ egie Iorps stgaa wjcc cegh g hjversjty, j`icusjo`, g`h se`sjtjvjty hjsiussjo`hurj`f pre-servjie trgj`j`f g`h wjcc le o` igcc to provjhe support. Xbjs trgj`j`f iovers bow to ghgpt

    perso`gc ibojies g`h lebgvjor to le respeitauc oa tbe bost iou`try iucture, wbjib ig` bgve g hjreit jkpgito` bow Qocu`teers gre vjeweh g`h tregteh ly tbejr `ew iokku`jtjes. Xbe ^egie Iorps ekpbgsjzes

    proaessjo`gc lebgvjor g`h iross-iucturgc se`sjtjvjty gko`f vocu`teers g`h wjtbj` tbejr iokku`jtjes tobecp j`tefrgte g`h le suiiessauc hurj`f servjie.

    G` jhegc wgy to vjew tbe pursujt oa iross-iucturgc ghgptgtjo` g`h/or iucturgc j`tefrgtjo` js to reiof`jzetbgt everytbj`f ho`e j` your bost iou`try bgs lotb g speijaji regso` aor wby jt js ho`e g`h g` expeitehoutioke. Xrust tbgt your bost iou`try iou`terpgrts gre gitj`f wjtb posjtjve j`te`tjo`s g`h worm tokutugccy seem u`herstg`hj`f g`h iokko`gcjty. Cg`fugfe hjaaere`ies kgy ghh g iokku`jigtjo` lgrrjerg`h cegh to kjsu`herstg`hj`fs. Cjste` kore tbg` you spegm g`h seem icgrjty. \ekekler tbgt bgvj`f tbegljcjty to cgufb gt yourseca g`h gt cjae‚s cjttce surprjses foes g co`f wgy‘cgufbter js u`jversgc.

    Vbgt Kjfbt g Qocu`teer Agie?

    ^ossjlce Fe`her \oce JssuesFe`her js g set oa soijgccy io`struiteh roces, respo`sjljcjtjes, lebgvjors, g`h opportu`jtjes. Fe`her hjaaersarok sex, wbjib reaers speijajigccy to ljocofjigc g`h pbysjocofjigc ibgrgiterjstjis oa kgces g`h aekgces.Fe`her roces g`h expeitgtjo`s gre cegr`eh, ibg`fe over tjke, g`h vgry wjtbj` g`h gko`f iuctures.Qocu`teers gre trgj`eh j` fe`her gwgre`ess gs tbey gpprogib tbejr worm j` tbe bost iou`try. Fe`her rocesj` tbe U`jteh Ytgtes kgy hjaaer fregtcy arok tbose j` your iou`try oa servjie. Jt js jkportg`t to glsorl g`hto gttekpt to u`herstg`h tbe iucturgc `ug`ies oa fe`her wbere you gre. Aor exgkpce, j` kg`y iuctureskgces gre bech j` bjfber refgrh tbg` aekgces g`h aekgces kgy kg`gfe tbe bousebochs. J` soke pcgies,aekgces gre e`iourgfeh to gtte`h sibooc, wbjce j` otber iou`trjes aekgces gre hjsiourgfeh arok e`fgfj`fj` suib gitjvjtjes g`h j`stegh worm j`sjhe or outsjhe oa tbe boke.

    Hurj`f tbe pre-servjie trgj`j`f, trgj`ees reiejve g` j`trohuitjo` to fe`her gwgre`ess j` tbejr iou`try oaservjie, g`h exgkj`e tbejr ow` tbj`mj`f glout fe`her roces g`h bow tbjs tbj`mj`f bgs jkpgiteh tbek.

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    Xbey tbe` cegr` bow to g`gcyze hevecopke`t prodeits usj`f g fe`her ce`s to letter u`herstg`h fe`herroces j` tbejr bost iou`try g`h to u`herstg`h bow tbese fe`her roces ig` le`eajt or cjkjt wbgt aekgces g`hkgces kgy or kgy `ot ho. Hurj`f tbejr

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    out‛ leiguse tbey aeec tbe U`jteh Ytgtes bgs `ot ho`e e`oufb to becp wjtb soijgc jssues. Xbese j`stg`iesig` le tur`eh j`to tegibglce koke`ts aor tbe Qocu`teer g`h tbe bost iou`try `gtjo`gc, j` wbjib tbeQocu`teer ig` gsm questjo`s surrou`hj`f perieptjo` g`h ioccglorgte wjtb respeit to jssues g`h prodeits gtbg`h, wbjce e`fgfj`f j` iross-iucturgc exibg`fes. Gcc Qocu`teers, to j`icuhe wbjte Qocu`teers g`h tboseoa iocor, sbouch le kj`hauc oa tbe jssues oa rgie tbgt gre eklehheh j` U.Y. iucture g`h wjtbj` tbe iucturej` your iou`try oa servjie. Xbese jssues kgy sjf`jajig`tcy gaaeit bow Qocu`teers j`tergit wjtb aeccowQocu`teers g`h bost iou`try `gtjo`gcs. Lej`f ope` g`h j`icusjve to everyo`e wjcc jkprove yourexperje`ie j` j`tergitj`f wjtb aeccow Qocu`teers g`h keklers oa your bost iokku`jty.

    \gijgc g`h etb`ji kj`orjtjes j` Umrgj`e‘prjkgrjcy ̂ oces, Bu`fgrjg`s, Irjkeg` Xgtgrs, g`h Freems‘ kgme up glout 5 perie`t oa tbe totgc popucgtjo`. Kost Umrgj`jg`s bgve `ot bgh perso`gc j`tergitjo`s wjtb

    peopce oa otber rgies. Xbey oate` gssuke tbgt Garjig`-Gkerjig` or Gsjg`-Gkerjig` Qocu t̀eers greu`jversjty stuhe`ts arok Garjig or Gsjg rgtber tbg` Gkerjig`s. Xbus, tbey kgy le stoppeh to sbow tbejrjhe`tjajigtjo` pgpers kore areque`tcy tbg` otber Qocu`teers, pgrtjiucgrcy j` cgrfer ijtjes wbere tbey gre `otm`ow`. O` jts welsjte, tbe U.Y. Ytgte Hepgrtke`t `ow wgr`s prospeitjve trgvecers to Umrgj`e oa bgteirjkes hjreiteh gt etb`ji kj`orjtjes. J` ghhjtjo`, g `ukler oa j`ter`gtjo`gc bukg` rjfbts froups bgveexpresseh io`ier` wjtb tbe rjse j` smj`begh gitjvjty j` ljf ijtjes j` Umrgj`e.

    Qocu`teer Iokke`ts–Gs g aekgce Garjig`-Gkerjig` servj`f j` tbe ^egie Iorps/Umrgj`e iokku`jty hevecopke`t

    profrgk, ky overgcc experje`ie gs g kj`orjty j` Umrgj`e bgs lee` rewgrhj`f, ibgcce`fj f̀, g`haucajccj`f. @evertbecess, every sj`fce perso` j` ijtjes otber tbg` Myjv js cjmecy to stgre gt you. G`h,gs j` g`y otber iou`try grou`h tbe fcole, you kgy e`iou`ter soke rgijsk j` Umrgj`e. J bgvekg`y Umrgj`jg` arje`hs g`h lusj`ess giqugj`tg`ies wbo tregt ke wjtb respeit g`h sbgre tbewo`herauc roots oa Umrgj`jg` iucture. Umrgj`jg`s regccy fet g mjim out oa g` Garjig`-Gkerjig`wokg` spegmj`f Umrgj`jg`. ^eopce gre gkgzeh, g`h tbey cove jt.‛

    –J bgve `ot lee` tregteh hjaaere`tcy ly tbe fe`ergc pulcji or keribg`ts leiguse oa ky iocor. @orig` J reigcc g`y gits oa hjsirjkj`gtory tregtke`t recgteh to tbe iocor oa ky smj`.‛

    ^ossjlce Jssues aor Cesljg`, Fgy, Ljsexugc, Xrg`sfe`her, Wuestjo`j`f/Wueer, Gccy (CFLXWG)Qocu`teersAor CFLXW Qocu`teers4 Fjve` Umrgj`e‚s trghjtjo`gc vgcues, sexugc orje`tgtjo` g`h ̀ o`-io`aorkj`ffe`her jhe`tjtjes kjfbt `ot le hjsiusseh ope`cy. J` soke igses, tbe CFLXW iokku`jty kgy lestjfkgtjzeh. Kj`hauc oa tbe iucturgc `orks g`h iou`try-speijaji cgws, tbe heijsjo` to serve ope`cy js ceatto egib j`hjvjhugc ^egie Iorps Qocu`teer. Kg`y CFLXW Qocu`teers bgve ibose` to le hjsireet glouttbejr sexugc orje`tgtjo` g`h/or fe`her jhe`tjty wjtbj` tbejr bost iokku`jtjes. Yoke CFLXW Qocu`teersbgve ibose` to ioke out to iokku`jty keklers, wjtb g resuct oa posjtjve g`h `efgtjve regitjo`s, wbjcesoke bgve ioke out o`cy to seceit ^egie Iorps stgaa g`h Qocu`teers. Hegcj`f wjtb questjo`s glout

    loyarje`hs, fjrcarje`hs, kgrrjgfe, g`h ibjchre` kgy, gt tjkes, le stressauc aor CFLXW Qocu`teers. Zoukgy aj`h tbgt Umrgj`e js g cess ope` g`h j`icusjve e`vjro`ke`t tbg` you bgve prevjouscy experje`ieh.^cegse m`ow, bowever, tbgt ^egie Iorps js supportjve oa you g`h ^egie Iorps stgaa weciokes hjgcofue

    glout bow to e`sure your suiiess gs g` CFLXWG Qocu`teer. Kore j`aorkgtjo` glout servj`f gs g`CFLXW Qocu`teer js gvgjcglce gt tbe Cesljg`, Fgy, Ljsexugc, g`h Xrg`sfe`her ^egie Iorps Gcuk`jwelsjte gt cflrpiv.orf . Ghhjtjo`gccy, tbe ̂ egie Iorps‚ CFLXW ekpcoyee resourie froup, Ypeitruk, ig`

    le regibeh gt speitrukNpegieiorps.fov.

    Aor Gccy Qocu`teers4 ^egie Iorps stgaa j`te`hs to iregte ope`, j`icusjve, g`h giieptj`f e`vjro`ke`ts. Gsg` gfe`iy, tbe ^egie Iorps e`iourgfes Qocu`teers to serve gs gccjes to tbejr CFLXW ioccegfues j` orherto iregte g sgae e`vjro`ke`t.[email protected]:[email protected]://

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    Kg`y CFLXW Qocu`teers bgve serveh suiiessauccy j` Umrgj`e g`h bgve very ao`h kekorjes oa tbejriokku`jty g`h servjie. CFLXWG support froups kgy le gvgjcglce j` your iou`try oa servjie, provjhj`fg `etworm to support tbe `eehs oa tbe ^egie Iorps CFLXWG iokku`jty. ^egie Iorps stgaa wjcc wormwjtb Qocu`teers to provjhe tbek wjtb coigccy j`aorkeh perspeitjves.

    Bokosexugc gits were heirjkj`gcjzeh j` Umrgj`e j` 7::7. Bowever, fgys agie kuib hjsirjkj`gtjo` g`hijvjc rjfbts gluses recgteh to sexugc orje`tgtjo`. Umrgj`jg` soijety fe`ergccy vjews lej`f fgy, cesljg`, or

    ljsexugc gs gl`orkgc. Vbjce ètworms oa fgys g`h cesljg`s bgve aorkeh j` soke oa tbe cgrfer ijtjes, fgycjae js bjhhe` arok tbe pulcji g`h mept very hjsireet. Yoke fgy g`h cesljg` Qocu`teers j` Umrgj`e bgveaou`h tbgt lej`f ope` glout tbejr sexugc orje`tgtjo` gt tbejr sjtes bgs bgh g `efgtjve jkpgit o` tbejreaaeitjve`ess. ^egie Iorps Umrgj`e stgaa js tbere to support fgy g`h cesljg` vocu`teers wjtb g`y jssuestbey kgy agie.

    Qocu`teer Iokke`t–Gctboufb Umrgj`jg`s gre leiokj`f kore ope` to hjsiussj`f gregs oa sexugcjty, bokosexugcjty jscgrfecy io`sjhereh g hevjgtjo` arok tbe `ork. Xboufb fgy g`h ljsexugc sj`fers g`h peraorkersgre iurre`tcy j` vofue, tbjs js `ot j`hjigtjve oa tbe fe`ergc opj`jo` oa tbe Umrgj`jg` pulcji. Xberegre fgy iculs g`h lgrs j` gt cegst two ijtjes, j`icuhj`f tbe igpjtgc, lut tbese pcgies gre prohuits oag` e`vjro`ke`t tbgt hoes `ot gccow peopce to express tbeksecves areecy.‛

    ^ossjlce Jssues aor Qocu`teers wjtb HjsgljcjtjesGs pgrt oa tbe kehjigc icegrg`ie proiess, tbe ^egie Iorps Oaajie oa Begctb Yervjies heterkj`eh you were

    pbysjigccy g`h ekotjo`gccy igpglce, wjtb or wjtbout ghhjtjo`gc kehjigc support, to peraork g aucc tour oaQocu`teer servjie j` Umrgj`e wjtbout g sjf`jajig`t rjsm oa bgrk to yourseca or j`terruptjo` oa servjie. Xbe^egie Iorps/Umrgj`e stgaa wjcc worm wjtb hjsglceh Qocu`teers to support tbek j` trgj`j`f, bousj`f,

    dolsjtes, or otber gregs to e`glce tbek to serve sgaecy g`h eaaeitjvecy.

    Gs g hjsglceh Qocu`teer j` Umrgj`e, you kgy agie g speijgc set oa ibgcce`fes. J` Umrgj`e, gs j` otber pgrtsoa tbe worch, soke peopce boch preduhjijgc gttjtuhes glout j`hjvjhugcs wjtb hjsgljcjtjes g`h kgyhjsirjkj`gte gfgj`st tbek. Gcso, tbere js very cjttce oa tbe j`argstruiture to giiokkohgte j`hjvjhugcs wjtb

    hjsgljcjtjes tbgt bgs lee` hevecopeh j` tbe U`jteh Ytgtes.

    ^ossjlce Jssues aor Qocu`teer IoupcesLeaore iokkjttj`f to ̂ egie Iorps servjie, ioupces sbouch io`sjher bow hjaaere`t hefrees oa e`tbusjgskglout ^egie Iorps servjie, ghgptgtjo` to tbe pbysjigc g`h iucturgc e`vjro`ke`t, g`h bokesjim`ess wjccgaaeit tbejr cjves. Jt ig` le becpauc to reiof`jze tbgt your regitjo`s to tbese jssues wjcc ibg`fe tbroufboutyour servjie, g`h you kgy `ot gcwgys aeec tbe sgke gs your pgrt`er. Zou g`h your pgrt`er wjcc bgvehjaaere`t dols, hjaaere`t sibehuces, g`h hjaaere`ie soijetgc pressures. O`e pgrt`er kgy cegr` tbe cg`fugfeagster tbg` tbe otber or bgve g kore sgtjsayj`f gssjf`ke`t. Xbjs ig` iregte iokpetjtjo` g`h put hjaaere`tmj`hs oa stress o` egib perso`. G`tjijpgtj`f bow tbese pressures wjcc gaaeit you g`h your pgrt`erhjaaere`tcy tbroufbout your servjie ig` becp you rekgj` g sourie oa support aor egib otber. Kgmj`farje`hs wjtb otber Qocu`teers js g irjtjigc pgrt oa ajttj`f j`to tbe cgrfer vocu`teer iucture g`h ig` gcso le g

    fooh wgy to expg`h your support `etworm.

    Vbjce ioupces wjcc cjve tofetber hurj`f tbejr servjie, tbey kgy cjve j` sepgrgte tow`s hurj`f tbejr pre-servjie trgj`j`f. Xbjs js g stressauc tjke aor kost Qocu`teers, g`h jt ig` le becpauc to hjsiuss j` ghvg`iebow you wjcc hegc wjtb tbjs pote`tjgc sepgrgtjo`. Zour pgrt`er ig` le g` jkportg`t sourie oa stgljcjty lutig` gcso ghh stress to your trgj`j`f experje`ie. Zou kgy aeec tor` letwee` trgvecj`f to vjsjt your pgrt`erg`h aoiusj`f o` your trgj`j`f, your bost agkjcy, g`h arje`hs you bgve kghe gt your trgj`j`f sjte.

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    Ioupces oate` agie pressure arok bost iou`try `gtjo`gcs to ibg`fe tbejr roces to io`aork letter wjtbtrghjtjo`gc Umrgj`jg` recgtjo`sbjps. Umrgj`jg` ke` g`h woke` gcjme wjcc oate` ̀ ot u`herstg`h Gkerjig`recgtjo`sbjp hy`gkjis g`h kgy le outwgrhcy irjtjigc oa recgtjo`sbjps tbgt ho `ot ghbere to trghjtjo`gcfe`her roces. Jt js gcso becpauc to tbj`m glout bow pressures to io`aork to Umrgj`e iucture ig` leibgcce`fj`f to ke` g`h woke` j` very hjaaere`t wgys. Io`sjherj`f bow your pgrt`er js lej`f gaaeitehg`h hjsiussj`f wbgt, ja g`y, gspeits oa your recgtjo`sbjp sbouch le ibg`feh ig` becp rehuie stress aor you


    Qocu`teer ioupces agie g u`jque set oa le`eajts g`h ibgcce`fes hurj`f tbejr servjie j` Umrgj`e. Qocu`teerioupces oate` le`eajt arok bgvj`f g iokpg`jo` g`h arje`h gt tbejr sjte wbok tbey trust. Gt tbe sgke tjke,jt ig` le kore hjaajiuct aor Qocu`teer ioupces to j`tefrgte j`to g iokku`jty, gs iokku`jty keklers

    lecjeve tbey gre kore j`hepe`he`t g`h ̀ eeh kore spgie. Qocu`teer ioupces sbouch ioke to Umrgj`e prepgreh to regib out to tbejr iokku`jty to overioke g`y suib perieptjo`s.

    Qocu`teer Iokke`t–Jt js bgrher to fet j`vocveh j` peopce‚s cjves g`h agkjcjes, J lecjeve, wbe` o`e js ocher g`hkgrrjeh. ^eopce tbj`m we gre seca-suaajije`t (gctboufb we bgve tbe sgke cg`fugfe prolceks gs gsj`fce Qocu`teer), g`h bostj`f two peopce js very hjaajiuct aor kg`y Umrgj`jg`s leiguse oa spgiecjkjtgtjo`s.‛

    ^ossjlce \ecjfjous Jssues aor Qocu`teersKg`y Umrgj`jg`s bgve cjttce m`owcehfe oa `o`-Ibrjstjg` agjtbs. Xbere gre ^ocjsb g`h Freem Igtbocjiiburibes g`h Umrgj`jg` Ortbohox iburibes j` kost iokku`jtjes. Kost ljf ijtjes bgve cgrfe `uklers oaIbrjstjg` kjssjo`grjes. Qocu`teers gre soketjkes kjstgme` aor kjssjo`grjes, g`h tbe ^egie Iorps jsigreauc to kgj`tgj` g sepgrgtjo` arok suib froups. ^cegse `ote tbgt Qocu`teers ig``ot le pcgieh j` sjtesgiiorhj`f to tbejr recjfjous lecjeas.

    Qocu`teer Iokke`ts–Gsm your rgllj glout Umrgj`e g`h kore tbg` cjmecy you wjcc le toch tbgt soke oa tbe fregtestsibocgrs j` Dewjsb bjstory o`ie cjveh bere. Ijtjes cjme Lerhyibjv, Tbytokyr, Ukg`, g`h kg`y

    kore were o`ie boke to prjkgrjcy Dewjsb j`bgljtg`ts, g`h tbejr j`acue`ie o` tbe iucture g`h aoohexjsts to tbjs hgy. Yj`ie tbe`, cgrfe `uklers oa Dews bgve ceat tbe iou`try. Xbere gre g `ukler oaregso`s aor tbjs, lut jt gppegrs tbgt kost gre coomj`f aor letter eio`okji opportu`jtjes or grereu`jtj`f wjtb agkjcy.‛

    –Xbe questjo` oa g`tj-Yekjtjsk js rgjseh ly kg`y Dewjsb Qocu`teers pcg``j`f to serve j`Umrgj`e. Gs j` gcc pgrts oa tbe worch wbere Dews cjve, tbere gre j`stg`ies oa g`tj-Yekjtjsk j`Umrgj`e, lut tbey gre `ot iokko`. Le gssureh tbgt you ig` le ope` glout your Dewjsb jhe`tjtywjtb Umrgj`jg`s= j` gckost gcc igses, tbey wjcc le very giieptj`f.‛

    –Gsjhe arok tbe prevgce`t Ortbohox g`h Igtbocji iburibes, tbere js g cgrfe Korko` prese`ie j`Umrgj`e g`h g agjrcy cgrfe Lgptjst prese`ie. Kg`y kehjuk-sjzeh ijtjes bgve Dewjsb tekpces. Aor

    otber agjtbs or he`okj`gtjo s̀, tbe prese`ie oa iburibes hrops sjf`jajig`tcy.‛

    ^ossjlce Jssues aor 5>+ Qocu`teersOcher Qocu`teers kgy aj`h tbejr gfe g` gsset j` Umrgj`e. Xbey wjcc oate` bgve giiess to j`hjvjhugcs g`hj`sjfbts tbgt gre `ot gvgjcglce to you`fer Qocu`teers. O` tbe otber bg`h, tbey wjcc le j` g hjstj`it kj`orjtywjtbj` tbe Qocu`teer popucgtjo` g`h iouch aj`h tbeksecves aeecj`f jsocgteh, coomeh up to, or jf`oreh.

    Ocher Qocu`teers gre oate` giiustokeh to g fregter hefree oa j`hepe`he`ie g`h areehok oa koveke`ttbg` tbe ^egie Iorps‚ profrgk aoius g`h sgaety g`h seiurjty prgitjies gccow. ^re-servjie trgj`j`f ig` le

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    pgrtjiucgrcy stressauc aor ocher trgj`ees, wbose cjaeco`f cegr`j`f styces g`h bgljts kgy or kgy `ot ce`htbeksecves to tbe teib`jques useh. G 5>+ j`hjvjhugc kgy le tbe o`cy ocher perso` j` g froup oaQocu`teers g`h j`jtjgccy kgy `ot aeec pgrt oa tbe froup. Zou`fer Qocu`teers kgy coom to g` ocherQocu`teer aor ghvjie g`h support= soke aj`h tbjs to le g` e`doyglce experje`ie, wbjce otbers iboose `ot toajcc tbjs roce. Yoke 5>+ Qocu`teers kgy aj`h jt hjaajiuct to ghgpt to g cgim oa struiture g`h icgrjty j` tbejrroce gater bgvj`f wormeh aor kg`y yegrs j` g very struitureh g`h hekg`hj`f dol.

    Kore tbg` you`fer Qocu`teers, ocher Qocu`teers kgy bgve ibgcce`fes j` kgj`tgj`j`f cjaeco`f arje`hsbjpsg`h hegcj`f wjtb aj`g`ijgc kgtters arok gagr. Xbey kgy wg`t to io`sjher gssjf`j`f power oa gttor`ey tosokeo`e j` tbe Ytgtes.

    Ocher peopce j` Umrgj`e gre fe`ergccy respeiteh g`h see` gs souries oa wjshok. Xbey oate` bgve g fregterhefree oa irehjljcjty upo` grrjvgc gt tbejr sjtes. Xbe scow pgie oa ibg`fe j` Umrgj`e, bowever, kgy proveibgcce`fj`f aor soke j`hjvjhugcs. J` ghhjtjo`, iertgj` io`hjtjo`s‘u`eve` pgveke`t, kuctjstory lujchj`fswjtbout ecevgtors, g`h cgim oa gke`jtjes‘ioklj`e to kgme cjae kore hekg`hj`f tbg` j` tbe U`jtehYtgtes.

    Qocu`teer Iokke`ts

    –Ye`jor Qocu`teers gre very wecc-respeiteh, gs gre tbe Umrgj`jg` se`jors. Zou`fer peopce oaaerke g segt o` tbe troccey luses. Xbe iokku`jty respeits ky opj`jo`s pgrtcy leiguse J gk g`Gkerjig`, lut pgrtcy leiguse J gk over 55. J`tergitjo` gko`f Qocu`teers oa gcc gfes js verygiieptglce.‛

    –Gs g se`jor Gkerjig` wokg` wjtb frg`hibjchre`, J bgve lee` gsmeh areque`tcy wby J gk bereg`h `ot boke wjtb ky agkjcy. Gppgre`tcy, tbe se`jor woke` j` Umrgj`e te`h to le tbe igrefjversaor tbejr frg`hibjchre` wbjce tbejr pgre`ts worm, g`h tbey oate` cjve wjtb tbejr ibjchre`.‛

    –Gs g 1>-yegr-och aekgce Qocu`teer, J‚ve fot jt letter tbg` g`yo`e ecse j` Umrgj`e. J ho`‚t bgveyou`f aocms‚ io`ier`s g`h io`strgj`ts= J ho`‚t agie tbe jssues tbgt kgces agie bere= g`h, u`cjmekg`y Umrgj`jg`s ky gfe, J ig` egt propercy g`h gk j` fooh begctb. J aeec sgae o` tbe street,

    exiept aor tbe potboces. Yo agr, g hjreit coom arok u`her ky frgyj`f bgjr bgs lee` e`oufb togvojh pote`tjgc prolceks wjtb otber peopce. G`h hevecopj`f arje`hsbjps wjtb Umrgj`jg`s oa gccgfes bgs lee` g` e`doyglce proiess.‛

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    Bow kuib cuffgfe gk J gccoweh to lrj`f to Umrgj`e?Kost gjrcj`es bgve lgffgfe sjze g`h wejfbt cjkjts g`h gssess ibgrfes aor trg`sport oa lgffgfe tbgtexieehs tbose cjkjts. Xbe ^egie Iorps bgs jts ow` sjze g`h wejfbt cjkjts g`h wjcc `ot pgy tbe iost oatrg`sport aor lgffgfe tbgt exieehs tbese cjkjts. Xbe ^egie Iorps‚ gccowg`ie js two ibeimeh pjeies oacuffgfe wjtb ioklj`eh hjke`sjo`s oa lotb pjeies `ot to exieeh 7>6 j`ibes (ce`ftb + wjhtb + bejfbt) g`hg igrry-o` lgf wjtb hjke`sjo`s oa `o kore tbg` 85 j`ibes. Ibeimeh lgffgfe sbouch `ot exieeh 7>>

    pou`hs totgc wjtb g kgxjkuk wejfbt oa 5> pou`hs per lgf.

    ^egie Iorps Qocu`teers gre `ot gccoweh to tgme pets, wegpo`s, expcosjves, rghjo trg`skjtters (sbortwgverghjos gre perkjtteh), gutokoljces, or kotoriyices to tbejr oversegs gssjf`ke`ts. Ho ̀ ot pgim acgkkglcekgterjgcs or cjqujhs suib gs cjfbter acujh, iceg`j`f socve`ts, bgjr sprgy, or gerosoc io`tgj`ers. Xbjs js g`jkportg`t sgaety preigutjo`.

    Vbgt js tbe eceitrji iurre`t j` Umrgj`e?Xbe iurre`t js iyices. ^cufs g`h soimets gre oa tbe Europeg` two-pj` type. Ja you lrj`f 77>-voct gppcjg`ies, le sure to lrj`f tbe gpproprjgte trg`saorkers g`h ghgpters, wbjib gre `ot gcwgys egsjcygvgjcglce j` Umrgj`e. Yj`ie bgjr hryers, jro`s, icoims, eti., gre gvgjcglce bere (soke oa wbjib ig` leswjtibeh letwee` vocts), you kgy wg`t to cegve Gkerjig` gppcjg`ies gt boke. Bowever, tbe

    prjies oa `gke-lrg`h jteks gre fe`ergccy bjfber tbg` j` tbe U`jteh Ytgtes leiguse oa iustoks g`h jkporttgxes. Eceitrjijty js soketjkes rgtjo`eh, so jt js g fooh jheg to lrj`f jteks tbgt ig` gcso ru` o` lgtterjes ja`eiessgry.

    Bow kuib ko`ey sbouch J lrj`f?Qocu`teers gre expeiteh to cjve gt tbe sgke cevec gs tbe peopce j` tbejr iokku`jty. Zou wjcc le fjve` gsettcj`f-j` gccowg`ie g`h g ko`tbcy cjvj`f gccowg`ie, wbjib sbouch iover your expe`ses. Qocu`teersoate` wjsb to lrj`f ghhjtjo`gc ko`ey aor vgigtjo` trgvec to otber iou`trjes. Irehjt igrhs g`h trgvecer‚sibeims gre preaerglce to igsb. Ja you iboose to lrj`f extrg ko`ey, lrj`f tbe gkou`t tbgt wjcc sujt yourow` trgvec pcg`s g`h `eehs.

    Vbe` ig` J tgme vgigtjo` g`h bgve peopce vjsjt ke?Egib Qocu`teer giirues two vgigtjo` hgys per ko`tb oa servjie (exicuhj`f trgj`j`f). Cegve kgy `ot letgme` hurj`f trgj`j`f, tbe ajrst tbree ko`tbs oa servjie, or tbe cgst tbree ko`tbs oa servjie, exiept j`io`du`itjo` wjtb g` gutborjzeh ekerfe`iy cegve. Agkjcy g`h arje`hs gre wecioke to vjsjt you gater pre-servjie trgj`j`f g`h tbe ajrst tbree ko`tbs oa servjie gs co`f gs tbejr stgy hoes `ot j`teraere wjtb yourworm. Exte`heh stgys gt your sjte gre `ot e`iourgfeh g`h kgy requjre perkjssjo` arok your iou`tryhjreitor. Xbe ^egie Iorps js `ot glce to provjhe your vjsjtors wjtb vjsg, kehjigc, or trgvec gssjstg`ie.

    Vjcc ky leco`fj`fs le iovereh ly j`surg`ie?Xbe ^egie Iorps hoes `ot provjhe j`surg`ie iovergfe aor perso`gc eaaeits= Qocu`teers gre uctjkgtecyrespo`sjlce aor tbe sgaemeepj`f oa tbejr perso`gc leco`fj`fs. Bowever, you ig` puribgse perso`gc

    property j`surg`ie leaore you cegve (io t̀git your j`surg`ie iokpg`y). Qocu`teers sbouch `ot sbjp or tgmevgcuglce jteks oversegs. Dewecry, wgtibes, rghjos, igkergs, eceitro`jis, g`h expe`sjve gppcjg`ies gresuldeit to coss, tbeat, g`h lregmgfe, g`h, j` kg`y pcgies, sgtjsagitory kgj`te`g`ie g`h repgjr servjies gre`ot gvgjcglce.

    Ho J `eeh g` j`ter`gtjo`gc hrjver‚s cjie`se?Qocu`teers j` Umrgj`e ho `ot `eeh g` j`ter`gtjo`gc hrjver‚s cjie`se leiguse tbey gre probjljteh arokopergtj`f prjvgtecy ow`eh kotorjzeh vebjices. Kost urlg` trgvec js ly lus or tgxj. \urgc trgvec rg`fes

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    Qocu`teers fe`ergccy aj`h tbe J`ter`et to le tbe agstest g`h kost gaaorhglce wgy to iokku`jigte wjtbarje`hs g`h agkjcy j` tbe U`jteh Ytgtes. @egrcy gcc Qocu`teers lrj`f tbejr cgptops g`h aj`h jt very becpauc.

    Xbe ^egie Iorps wjcc `ot repcgie stoce` iokputers g`h stro`fcy e`iourgfes tbose wbo lrj`f tbek to fet perso`gc property j`surg`ie.

    Js jt sgae to serve j` Umrgj`e, fjve` tbe o`foj`f io`acjit j` tbe egst?Aoccowj`f tbe sgaety g`h seiurjty gssesske`ts oa Umrgj`e j` Ducy 78 g`h Dg`ugry 75 g`h g`gcysjs oatbe rjsms j` tbe pocjtjigc, eio`okji, seiurjty e`vjro`ke`ts, g`h kjtjfgtjo` strgtefjes, tbe ̂ egie Iorps jsretur`j`f Qocu`teers to Umrgj`e. Gctboufb tbe io`acjit js cjmecy to io`tj`ue, jt bgs g very cjkjtehfeofrgpbjigc greg, wbjce cjae j` otber gregs oa Umrgj`e rekgj`s `orkgc. Qocu`teers wjcc le pcgieh j`Vester` g`h Ie`trgc Umrgj`e, wjtb g luaaer zo`e letwee` tbese gregs g`h tbe io`acjit zo`e, wbjibsjf`jajig`tcy heiregses tbe rjsm. Hurj`f tbe pre-servjie trgj`j`f, speijgc aoius wjcc le kghe o` tbe sgaetyg`h seiurjty trgj`j`f, j`icuhj`f rjsm kjtjfgtjo` strgtefjes. Xbe ^egie Iorps expeits you to iokpcy wjtbtbe trgvec restrjitjo`s g`h wbereglouts pocjiy, wbjib becps us to sgaefugrh your perso`gc sgaety.

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    Hegr J`vjtee,

    Io`frgtucgtjo`s o` your j`vjtgtjo` to serve j` Umrgj`e! J grrjveh j` Umrgj`e j` 7< wjtb `o m`owcehfe oa\ussjg` or Umrgj`jg`. Kore tbg` two yegrs cgter, J ig` sgy wjtb ekpbgsjs tbgt jt bgs lee` g fregt rjhe. Xbebjfbcjfbt bgs heaj`jtecy lee` tbe peopce tbgt J ket. Xbjs j`icuhes ^egie Iorps stgaa, Gkerjig` Qocu`teers,ky coigc ioccegfues, g`h arje`hs.

    Vbe` J ajrst grrjveh, J wgs kghe to aeec gt boke rjfbt gwgy ly tbe Umrgj`jg` ^egie Iorps stgaa. Xbeykghe us aeec wecioke g`h iokaortglce, j`teresteh `ot j` stgtjstjis or quotgs lut j` gitugccy kgmj`f gio``eitjo` o` g bukg` cevec. J speijajigccy rekekler wgtibj`f tbe j`jtjgc g`xjety oa our froup sulsjhewjtbj` g aew hgys oa cg`hj`f j` Myjv. \jfbt gwgy J aou`h kyseca gko`f cjme-kj`heh peopce wjtb sbgrehfogcs.

    Gater pre-servjie trgj`j`f wjtb otber Gkerjig`s, J wgs se`t to cjve gco`e gt ky `ew sjte j` soutber`Umrgj`e. J qujimcy regcjzeh tbgt J wgs `ot gco`e gt gcc. J wgs surrou`heh ly j`trjfueh ioccegfues g`h mjhswjtb ljf skjces. J aect g se`se oa bospjtgcjty g`h peopce were very exijteh to j`tergit. Ja J wg`teh, tberewere pote`tjgc arje`hs wbo iouch spegm E`fcjsb gcc tbe tjke. Xbere were pce`ty oa otbers wbo m`ew `oE`fcjsb gt gcc. \efgrhcess oa tbe ijriukstg`ie, wbetber jt wgs aorkgc or j`aorkgc, wjtb ioccegfues oriokpcete strg`fers, soke tbj`fs were io`sjste`t. ^eopce everywbere bgh g fregt se`se oa bukor. Dust

    lej`f ope` g`h posjtjve seekeh to cegh to stro`f recgtjo`sbjps.

    Xbg`ms to tbe ^egie Iorps, J bgh gcc oa tbe toocs, j`icuhj`f cg`fugfe, to j`tergit wjtb wbokever J wg`tehg`h eaaeitjvecy kg`gfe ky `ew e`vjro`ke`t. Ja J pusbeh kyseca, J iouch suiieeh. Bowever, `o kgtterbow kuib eaaort J put j`, J wgs gcwgys rewgrheh wjtb wgy kore tbg` J iouch ever fjve. Otber peopce cetke j`to tbejr cjves g`h fgve ke everytbj`f. Xbere were kg`y koke`ts wbere J wgs ceat speeibcess ly

    peopce J bgh o`cy m`ow` aor g yegr or two. Xbe fregt le`eajt oa servjie wgs spe`hj`f tjke wjtb g`hwormj`f gco`fsjhe tbese peopce.

    Ky arje`h Lre`hg` g`h J bgh tbe opportu`jty to retur` o` our ow` giiorh g aew ko`tbs gater tbeevgiugtjo`. Eve` gs io`acjit u`aocheh j` tbe egst oa tbe iou`try, tbe sjtugtjo` j` ky servjie refjo` bgh`‚tibg`feh. ^eopce were foj`f glout tbejr everyhgy cjves. J aect g stro`f se`se oa sgaety g`h seiurjty tbg`msto ky bost iokku`jty. J wgs u`glce to meep trgim oa tbe `ukler oa peopce wbo were regibj`f out to ke,oaaerj`f tbgt J iouch stgy j` tbejr bokes g`h gssurj`f ke tbgt tbey ioomeh tbe lest lorsibt grou`h. Jtrgvecceh grou`h tbe ie`trgc g`h wester` portjo`s oa tbe iou`try g`h J aect tbe sgke se`se oa sgaety g`hseiurjty tbgt J bgh experje`ieh j` ky ow` iokku`jty. Xbroufb gcc oa tbese koke`ts J igke to m`ow gvery hjaaere`t Umrgj`e tbg` wbgt J sgw o` tbe `ews.

    J kgy bgve stgrteh out wjtb `o speijaji hjreitjo` lut J `ow see g icegr g`h steghy pgtb upwgrhs. J bopetbgt you too wjcc keet peopce wbo gre wecc wortby oa your bgrh worm g`h iokkjtke`t g`h aeec tbe fregt

    pcegsure tbgt js cjvj`f g`h servj`f gs g fuest j` Umrgj`e. ‘Hgve` Mgrp

    Hegr J`vjtee4

    Ky `gke js Lre`hg` g`h J wgs g ^egie Iorps/Umrgj`e XEAC Qocu`teer j` Vester` Umrgj`e arokYeptekler 7< to Gprjc 78. G`h, gctboufb you kgy `ot auccy m`ow jt yet, J ig` bo`estcy sgy you greglout to le wgrkcy g`h covj`fcy weciokeh j`to g iou`try tbgt js boke to soke oa tbe kost fe`erous g`higrj`f peopce J bgve ever e`iou`tereh.

  • 8/20/2019 THE PEACE CORPS WELCOMES YOU TO Ukraine April 2015



    Ho`‚t le kjstgme`, tbe ^egie Iorps js bgrh worm g`h you kgy struffce gt tjkes. Bowever, tbe covj`f bufoa g Umrgj`jg` lglusbmg, tbe gttekpts oa fjffcj`f Umrgj`jg` cjttce o`es prgitjij`f tbejr –Becco‚s!‛ wjtbtbejr begvy Umrgj`jg` giie`ts, or you cgufbj`f wjtb g mj`h Umrgj`jg` store icerm over your struffces tou`herstg`h egib otber ig` gcc rekj`h you tbgt bukg`s io``eit j` kg`y otber wgys tbg` g cg`fugfe or giucture. Xbese koke`ts oate` reduve`gteh g`h rekj`heh ke tbgt wbgt peopce bgve j` iokko` js gcwgysfregter tbg` wbgt hjvjhes tbek.

    Jro`jigccy, kg`y doj` tbe ^egie Iorps to ibg`fe tbe worch o` g cgrfe sigce g`h, gs g Umrgj`jg` \^IQ, Jig` tecc you tbgt you wjcc, lut jt wjcc le o` g kuib kore j`tjkgte sigce. Zou kgy `ot tegib gcc oa yourstuhe`ts acue`t E`fcjsb, lut you wjcc spur o` o`e or two to pursue g`h kgyle eve` wj` g stuhy glrogh

    profrgk j` tbe U.Y. Zou kjfbt `ot e`h BJQ/GJHY j` Umrgj`e, lut you wjcc bgve rehuieh jts stjfkg toiou`tcess bu`hrehs ly kerecy hjsiussj`f jt.

    \efgrhj`f Umrgj`e‚s iurre`t sjtugtjo`4 Vbgt you see o` tbe `ews js `ot gcc oa Umrgj`e. Jt js g very skgcc pgrt oa Umrgj`e g`h, tboufb hjaajiuct gs jt js, cegves tbe rest oa Umrgj`e‘tbe pgrt tbgt igkpgjf`eh ajeriecyaor ^egie Iorps to retur`, tbgt js seemj`f to jkprove jts ijtjze`s‚ cjves ‘terrjlcy u`herreprese`teh. Zouwjcc le pce`ty sgae j` your servjie ly exerijsj`f pcgj` iokko` se`se g`h cjste`j`f to ^egieIorps/Umrgj`e‚s cefe`hgry seiurjty oaajier, –^gpg‛ Yerfbjy.

    J eve` retur`eh to Umrgj`e o` ky ow` gs g` \^IQ j` Ducy 78 to aj`jsb g` E`fcjsb sukker igkp j`Vester` Umrgj`e tbgt J bgh lee` pcg``j`f wjtb ky Umrgj`jg` ioccegfues prjor to our cegvj`f. J aou`h tbgtsoketbj`f bgs icjimeh j` kg`y Umrgj`jg`s‚ kj`hs4 Kg`y prevjouscy recuitg`t to eklrgie `ew jhegs oategibj`f g`h hekoirgiy were `ow overacowj`f wjtb questjo`s to ke aor `ew vocu`teer servjie prodeitstbey were wormj`f o`.

    J` Umrgj`e you wjcc aj`h g covj`f peopce, reghy to fjve you tbe sbjrt oa tbejr lgims, wjtb begrts g`h kj`hsope` g`h egfer aor you. Gt tbe very cegst, your prese`ie js e`oufb to kgme Umrgj`jg`s aeec perso`gccyio``eiteh to g`h u`herstooh ly you, g sykloc oa Gkerjig, gt o`e oa tbe kost hjaajiuct tjkes j` tbejrbjstory. Gt tbe very kost, tbe possjljcjtjes aor frowtb g`h ibg`fe gre e`hcess!

    Leaore J e`h tbjs cetter, J‚h cjme to sbgre wjtb you g quote arok UICG lgsmetlgcc iogib Dob` Voohe` o`suiiess. Jt bgs becpeh ke j` ky servjie g`h kgyle jt wjcc becp you j` yours4

    –Yuiiess js pegie oa kj`h tbgt js tbe hjreit resuct oa seca-sgtjsagitjo` j` m`owj`f you hjh your lest toleioke tbe lest tbgt you were igpglce oa leiokj`f.‛

    J trucy gk exijteh aor your ghve`ture to lefj`!

    ‘Lre`hg` Igbjcc

    Hegr J`vjtee4

    J bgrhcy m`ow wbere to lefj` j` gttekptj`f to io`vey tbe kuctjagieteh g`h e`rjibj`f experje`ies J bgvebgh gs g ^egie Iorps Qocu`teer j` Umrgj`e. Vbe` J ajrst grrjveh gs g trgj`ee, J wgs aucc oa bope g`hexijteke`t. Gt tbe sgke tjke, J questjo`eh ja J bgh kghe tbe rjfbt heijsjo` j` giieptj`f ky j`vjtgtjo` toserve gs g Qocu`teer tegibj`f E`fcjsb gs g aorejf` cg`fugfe (XEAC) j` g iou`try J m`ew so cjttce glout. Jwo`hereh wbgt mj`h oa jkpgit J iouch kgme gs g you`f Gkerjig` wjtb `o prjor m`owcehfe oa Umrgj`jg`or \ussjg`. Kore tbg` g yegr cgter, tbere js `o hoult j` ky kj`h tbgt doj`j`f tbe gkgzj`f `etworm oa over9>> ^IQs j` Umrgj`e wgs tbe rjfbt ibojie. J` ghhjtjo` to aj`hj`f g wjhe rg`fe oa keg`j`fauc wgys j`wbjib to serve g`h jkpgit keklers oa ky iokku`jty, ky Umrgj`jg` ioccegfues g`h arje`hs bgve tgufbt