PAnI votm THE PADUOAH EVENING SUN FRIDAY OCTOHKn 18 111 > 1 m n = un C iIe Padueab Sun r AFTERNOON AND WEEKLY Tina nUN runusmxa COMPAHV > Incorporated F Sf PIMIKIt Prnldrat K J IWXTOY Gen Slgr Entered at the poitoftlce at Paducah Ky all secondclass matter sunscuiimojf HATES i Dy Carrier per week 10 c By Mall per month in advance 2 + By ISalL par year In odvancea09T- IlE WUUKIY SUN Per year by mall poiBe paldr100 Add reaT1 e SUN Paducah Ky Office 115 South Third et Phone 38 Eilltnrtil Hooiail Old Phone 3S7 New Phone Z5S Payne and Young Chicago and New York Iteprcaentatlves TUB SUN can be found at the fol ¬ lowing place n D Clements k Cs Van Culln Bro Palmer Home Var ur 1011 LABEL r FRIDAY OCTOBER 13 CIRCULATION STATEMENT September 10- 091tG923 J 17iroi6737 2 J1c af11 6t1Se rcG74G 3 ISi20i i i 67- 424M6126 21t < 07- 437rTi7 722r C7- 438rtltjj39 23 6743 961224el6744 100738 25i C747 11674327a1a v 0730 I 13 0734 2red Qt 1 47K 32 166735 Total 103373 Dully average for Sept 1909 0735 Dally average for Sept 1908 5098 Increaseoooo 1037 Personally appeared before mo this 11th day of October R D Mac Mlllen Business Manager of The r Sun who affirms that the above state- ment ¬ of the circulation of The Sun for the moth of September 1909 Is true to the best of his knowledge and belief PETER PVfliYEAR Notary Public McCracken Co My commission expires January 10 1912 i Dally Thought When you hear one man trying to belittle another Its a safe bet that the other Is his superior V Indian tUmmer will noW occupy the boards for a few days Give It an encore o Morses friends aro going to ask Taft to pardon him Dont you feel 1 sorry for him T e Honus Wagner and Ty Cobb would i make good lecture cards why somo enterprlIng theatrical man has not thought of that 0 Have a little patience neighbor It is not the psychological moment to spring that affidavit yet You know Haiellp has It Let us play the game as wo see it- o We want to see that Perkins creek bridge before wo stdo with Judge Lgbtfoot or Magistrate Broadfoot as to whether Bert Johnson should not have a little extra for the ulco Job lie made of It- want 1 4 i False Abuse yJ upKraJlqn and countercharges wjlijoj t ground never hive and never will avail anything for tho political candidate who tees this l way of gaining office nt his oppjnenlg expense This has been tho course BeleCledtip Mr Hazellp I Inljlg rac fOrcounty Judge and as vW nlWayu bo tticf case the result 181 telling says tile News Democrat The News D mocrat should pub ¬ lish tho charges Mr Harelip has made and let Its readers Judge whether theyaro true or not Every- thing ¬ thai ho has said os true and Sir Barklcyg only defense has been that he is not responsible for the notions of any one but himself Mr Harelip charges Mr Darkler with being too hasty In settling with Smedleys bondtmien and Mr Bark ley replies that the bondsmen were so nlco about wanting to pay tho fv shortage and that Smedloy had his books to show what that shortage was that he Just made tho settlement without nay further Investigation i Mr Hazollp charges that nearly every county fuud IB exhausted on account mismanagement and Mr Berkley offers no defense to this r nm not responsible for that Is his answer Mr Hazcltp says he Is not attack- Ing Mr Barkleys personality nor tho Democratic party but te merely plac f lug the record of the administrations before tho yblers so they may Judge I whether It has been good or bad He- r cfcdIU Mr Barisley with doing many good things when ho first went Into office but says his weakness has al hewed other to close his flyw to wrongdomp o PEAKY 1 DOES NOT DISCREDIT i COOK fitter a month busily spent by him fwd his friends and a few legal ad Y eraIii I preparation Peary gavo his story out yesterday In which be states hj reasons for bellorlng that W Cook did not reach the pole Ac care ful perusal of the article l by a layman J leads to pn one eolicluslonthatt- i o > Peary Is basing his charges upon the r word of two Eskimos who nro said to be Ignorant and not credible Un ¬ less ho can produce some stronger evidence than that tbQ popular mind will give Cook full credit Cooks attitude throughout the whole affair has been oneto win him praise while Peary has been criticized from one end of the county to tho other for the way he and his friends have talked and acted Dr Dycho head of the department of natural history of the University of Kansas who made trips to the north its a member of both Cook and Peary parties and who knows both explorers well says Pearys statement to him Is Incredi ¬ ble Ho says Tho most astounding part of Com ¬ mander Pearys story It seems to me consists of a statement that Dr Cook got to the north part of the land bordering on the great Arctic ocean the point for which he had striven for a month enduring tho hardships of Intense cold and tho rigors of arctic climate with amplo supplies sleds and Eskimos all in firstclass condition and then simply turned back apparently for no reason now unlikely It Is that a man with over twenty rears arctic ex ¬ perience fired Wlthan amtfltlon of a lifetime would glvo up Just at a time and place when one of the greatest trophies tho world has to bestow upon a bravo and daring explorer beckrloning I A woman suffragette broke In on Judo Gaynor candidate for mayor of New York to ask what about womans suffrage and like the wise man he j If be referred her to his wife o Kentucky Kernels Depot at Mlllorsburg robbed and safe rifle- dMrsLiulo Adair sues for divorce at Mayfield Miss I Daisy young of HIckman dies of lung trouble lrsFlorenlQ Maybrlck visits pen- Itentiary ¬ fit Frankfort John C Edmunds Barren county farmer commits suicide Ben W Hail of Mt Sterling noml ¬ nated for county judge Twoyearold son of County Judge Suttda dies of croup at Bettyvllle Valuable saddle hone ot J1 + NicollSon of Wobdburn poisoned Dr H P Clark resigns is mir r of Falmouth to serve as ccnsqs super vlsjor William Ilepktnsor Louisville oldest tanner south of the Ohlorlyer dies Albert O Hamilton of Elizabeth town dies at Dawcon Springs of dropsy Br atHUf county + 5ourt adjourns 8 suddenat Jackson after one days session A Two Democrats given heavy fines at Louisville for buying registration certificates Morris Wllcoxln wIlD killed John Montgomery In Itarrcncounty held for murder rA D McAimtor of Sealtje Wash ckargedIwith a embezzlementland SundaySchool Owensboro October 2224 THE PUBLIC FORUM Dr AngeHi necli lcfor Xceping Young ° sDr Jaines D Angell lu reply to congratulations on the completion of I his long term as president of the University of Michigan telcgralilis the Word Tho lesion I have learn- ed ¬ In my thirtyeight years service Is I that lifelong Association with eel lego etudents secures one the bless- ing of remaining optimistic and youthful In spirit This is a trIbute of a kind whlcfc college students are not accustomed t to receive from college presidents Somo good thing It appears may come out of Nazareth In splto of r tpfootball J once of tho recipe Dr Angell gives for keeping young Klngslcys old Lord Stltlre It will bo remembered made It a point to take the time from tho rising young fellows as ev¬ ery man ought who wished to go with the world Similarly Dr Angell recognizes the Importance of keeping In touch with the now generation from which come the bold wlrolless I chines or Inspire the reforms which make for progress By as ocotlpn with the young some of the enthusi ¬ asm for life may be retained which In tho old is the best antldoto for decay It liD bettdr remedy than sourmilk microbes and much easier to takeNow York World I buatlnew lomat Ho wlllprobably retire now toj Chicago resume business and show Taft and Knox that there I Is some good in him anyhow by making fif- teen or twenty million dollars i Several years ago tho teFai Shirt- Sleeve I I Diplomacy was applied tot our new method of dealing with forj < Ign nations We believe It began during the tlmo when John Hay was1 tetrotarr of state At first we Amer ¬ leans took great prldo In It but Mr Itepturther N rou YOUR IIAIIU Hero Ave Facts AVo Want You to ITovc at Our Ilkk Marvelous as it may seem Roxall 93 Hair Tonic has grown hair on heads that were ouco bald Of course It Is understood that In nono of these cases were the hair roots dead nor had tho scalp taken on a glazed shiny appeearanco When the roots of tho hair are ent- irely dead and the pores of the scalp aro glazed over wo do not believe that anything can restore hair growth When Rcxnll 93 Hair Tonic will do as above stated It Is not strange that we have such great faith in It1 and that wo claim It will prevent baldness when used In time It acts scientifically destroying tho germs which aro usually responsible for baldness It penetrates to tho roots of the hair stimulating and nourish ¬ ing them It Is a most pleasant toilet necessity is doicately perfumed and will not gum nor permanently stain the hair Wo want you to get a bottle of iHcxall 93 Hair Tonic and use it as directed If It does not relievo scalp Irritation remove dandruff pre ¬ vent ue halr from falling out and promoV4In increased growth of hair and Intfbry way give entire satlsfac + come back and tell U9 tlOnf3I1l question or formality back to you every penny for It Wctlbnf our endorsement to Rcxall 33H and sell It on this guaftfi t vtibellcvo It Is Ibe 11mTonic ever discovered It sizes WcesSO cents and llbO Roraomber you can ob ¬ tain It only tit our storeTho Befall StoreW D McPherson Fourth and Broadway rn J y add created a form of Under shirt DJiijomacy sugseitlva t the part I of tho Anforlcan character It was a misnomer and was unfair to John Hay to ao dub his methods Mr Hay was the first American secretory of state who adroitly and magnificently brought the power of the United States Into respect along the Yellow Sea He mado for tho open door Ho was strong In his dip ¬ lomatic movementsforceful and there was nothing In him of the boor of tho rough neck or the collarlew manIt may be counted treason If wo venture that a coati with corns on his hands la not quite able to cope with Iplomatslof such is the fact nevertheless Mr Crane may have been a very fine groceryman or ironmonger but as to diplomacy ho shows himself to bo far away from headquarters Memphis Commercial Appeal DAVII ItlTTOIP BUYS Till POLLOCK HANKnUlT STOCK Trustee A E Boyd sold the stock of Louis Pollock a bankrupt Jeweler yesterday to David Rlttoff for 815 while an automobile was sold for 350 L S Shelton had a mortgage on the machine for 350 and there is a preferred claim for rent amount- Ing to 5250 Pollocks liabilities amount to about 2000 SOCIETY WOMENS HAIR A Simple Treatment That Will Make It Truly FanclnalliiR W J GU bert Guarantees It Nowadays every uptodate woman has radiant hair What a foolish creature a woman would bo If she lost tho opportunity- to add to her attractions Yet In Aherica today there are ImndrdOs ofthousnnds of women yitirMiarah faded characterless hall wlipiJo not make any attempt to 1m trove It In Paris most women havo beauty ful hair and In America all women who use Parisian Sage have lustrous and luxuriant hair And any women reads of Time Sun cauhovp attrictlvo and lustrous hair Iru arfqw efaa U ebI using this Igrpat hair rojnvunator Parisian Sage 0Ur J j Gilbert sells a largo bottle fop1j0 cents and ho guarantees It to l uUUdandruff stop falling hair and moneyback I tonicItot leading druggists everywhere Tho girl with Auburn hair Is on every bottle Mall orders filled by Amen ¬ can makets Giroux Mfg Co Buffalo N Y Our shoe repairing is in a class by itself Best quickest We repair shoes so theyre good for more ser- vice ¬ Phone 102 Well send and get your shoes andre ¬ turn them quickly DOand j I Womens sewed peg or50c 71heel 1 00IiOle 1 THE SMITHS ARE I IREMARKABLEFAMLY I AND HAVE ItKMARKAULE LOT OF NICKNAMES I fvtu CScwiHtloiis of Them Arw Steams ¬ J Pilots tin Hie Locnl tiers lbollt I NEVK11 HAD AX ACCIDENT I I l Paducah can Boast of a second IJ j anlllIOldolU Smith family It I is said that during their service on the rivers none have I met with an accident and this Is as remarkable a record as the fact that all are star gazers 1 The list is William II Yeller Dam Smith Joseph X Smith Pa- ducah Billy Smith George Smith Louisville Billy Smith Roy Smith Nathan and Dennis Smith William and Joseph Smith are both pilots on tho towboat I N Hook at Paducah The former Is known to river men as i Yaller Dam Smith and few know his Christian name Paducah Billy Smith Is n pilot on the Clyde and his father n former pilot is a chip caulker at tho marine ways George Smith Is distantly related to Joe and Yaller Dam and Is a pilot on the Kentucky Ho was married to a ° datighUjr of Yaller Dam and Is a Keptucklan I Louisville Bhlt1s a pilotoa limo towboat Reaper owned by tho Wes Kentucky Coal company but Is no relation to Joo and Yaller Dam Hoy Smith Is steersman on tho Ken ¬ tucky and Is the son of Yallor Dam I FewIher I r pilot by Iho name ot Smith Is Nathan who has been piloting tho Ayer R Lord Tie company towboats for soy ¬ eral years Ho came here from Clif ¬ ton Tenii and Is not related to Joe t Damt there are so many Smiths add all of them pilots Is elg commentled I deceased was the father of Yaller Dam and Joe Ho piloted for years on the Mfwlsljpl river on tho noted Red Cloud steamboat He I Is said to during In tho Missouri Tlver Efforts have been made by Ills sons to trace back theyjtaji posetl there wet several generation of pilots by thli > namd and a distant rolatlonshlp among all YOU IJOVT IIAVK TO WIT Kvory dose make you feel better lAX KOI keep your whole Inside right everyher IIUTOHKIITPWX COMMON IlKKIt OX TAI TOMORROW AT IOU ALLKMIKKfiH IV ITS OVIY A IIRAnACnK Why Cornclliou > headache Liver Pill will cure that 10 cent Guaranteed by I all druRgltti Dont forget tho auction of horses at Glaubers stable October 1C Saturday Specials IDEAL MEAT MARKET 310 nut 512 IlroiuhvnyI- B going to sell you grapes I Imrgo basket Concord Small fresh froth basket i Concord Grapoat t I Ivory basket i 4ottucc 3 heads Mo Fancy Cauliflower 20c and 2Sc 3 cans tine Corn r 2Cc- J i cans fancy Tomatoes 25o i 3 dozen Lemons i 4uc 3 colas Belgian Peas 48c 3 kinds shelled Nuts per lb COn 3 sacks Gold Medal Flour 2io1 3 cans Salmon 26c Extra large Olives quart 4Sc 17 lbs Granulated Sugar 100 Herrlug of all kinds per doxJOc 1 cans Mushrooms COc prick Choose per lb20c1Jrb- urger Cheese per lb 20c i Imported Swiss Clioepe per IbSS Kosher good of all kinds t Baltimore Oysters Soled per qt ocI Noodles 3 roe 2 3c Frog legs per dozen 20c 18 lbs Granulated 100 3 bottles Old Virginia ChlU Sauce 25o 3 bottles Old Virginia Salad Dressing 20c 15c bottle Prepared Must ¬ ard 10c 3 bottles Luncheon Olives 25c Pint bottle Maple Syrup 25c Quart bottle Maple Syrup 50c 2 bottles 3uc 2 bottles ISc Catsup 25c 2 pkgs Shredded Wheat 25c 7 bars Star Soap 2oc HAZBLIP AGAIN- ATTACKS RECORD Coutluyed from Pago One I tho bonding company u per cent com ¬ mission ior Smedloys collecting the OWII1pocket Of the penalties duo by tho bonding company Then he said Mr Bark ey took the 20 per cent for collect big tho sum which was duo him CUarkloy oft of tho amount due the county luetead of requiring tho bond- ing company to pay tho commission and turning over to tho county time amount dueI I Mr Barklcy mado a dcfcneoot his actions In the Smcillcy settlement and devoted much of his tlmo to ex ¬ plaining Ills action Ho was not In such a great hurry but said tho ing company hud acted so nice that n1lihould Smedloy for collecting the lie said tho state auditor bad given him permission to not follow out the statute In regard to collecting the pona1tltsI credit for the long list of duties ho had performed and congratulated Him upon them but said a study had re- vealed the fact that nearly every duty aaumlulstratloni > como ollgslllo for membership J9 the secret society known bft tbo gang liaicllpsaid I every Jerk on tho ring through his nose He showed how Mr BarUlcy judget orbheChlposo l flarkley told 111 story of Sir llaie llps running eRr police judge and Mr Harelip Tcsjldhdea that lie was a candidate for pollco judge before the rottenness of the gang had come to light Then ho said ho realized the voters worn rick and tired of the machine so sought tho nomination for county Judge on tile Republican ticket Tdnlght tho debate will bo hold at Lone Oak and one of tho largest audiences of the campaign Is expect ¬ ed Saturday afternoon Haglnnd will bo the scene of action while Satur ¬ day night Mnxon Mills will hear the gospel of reform The encourage ment I have received from all over the county has stimulated me and many Democrats who have never scratched before say I will rcolro their support simply for tho host In ¬ terests of tho county said Mr Haze lip last sight ODONAGHDB MAY I I1H CIIOSKV AS IIISIIQP OP IOlISVIMK I 1VlrniN If IiiillnuiipolU Irclnt Air 1I01flilinlAt Ile AVIII llciid the JthtM The bishops ot the province of Clnclnnat held a meeting at tho reel ¬ deuce of Bithop MooJIor in Cincln < nntl yesterday for the purpose of discussing the selection of a bishop to succeed time lato UU Rov Blthop McCloakoy and although tho strict rule of the church Imposes tho seal of silence upon all that transpires at thothf91dtl t oppositionIfrom ing 165000 CathollrsI Those nttopdlng the mooting were GLASS BROKEN Cull 311n WARRENTHE I III North Slxtii Saturday Specials BOSTON TEA AND SPICE CO Old IMinne 08H i00 UROADWAV New Iliono UfO Sugar Flavoring45c whole money 3 Ibs Iowdored Sugar sue 2 cans 20c Llttlo Fellow Peas 3Gc 2 cane Mince Meat 23c 1 lb 100 Pin lead Tea 75c 1 lb POe Imperial Tea COc Best Patent Flour por sack 8Bc 1 rb Black Pepper 2fc- C lbs Navy Bean 25c 2 pkgs Macaroni 13c 2 pkge Spaghetti 15e 2 pkgs Vermicelli I rio 2 pkgs Egg Noodles I Go Our Coffees are best because >vu get them fresh right from tho roaster sable day they are roasted with all their original Uavorn and strength + < i r In 1 t I 44 flie Store TltiltOjllAhtll I r i r As the cold weather reminds you that its time to think of heavier clothes 4 we want to remind you of the best place to get them IIT f You find bitter values here f for lb l r 10f This store is fast becoming known t as the best place to buy good clothes at T ii i popular prices All wool Suits and 1 1c iir 20ii f I iiI Theres also a spirit of accomoda tion here and a sincere desire to please I t thats winning us new friends and satis 4 f fying our customers t 1 I tlJl rLOor1l ij ji emI t ijI h I fJ I- t t a t OADWAV f Imrlfu1 lli Meeeevte > E tIJjia ml I t Bishops Cbotard ot Indianapolis Alordlng of Ft Wayne Macs of Covington Byrne of Nariivllle Fo Icy of Detroit Richter of Grand Rapids Hnrtloy of Columbus and Farally of Cleveland In Indianapolis iBIshop ODona civiclaffairs ja platform lecturer Ho 1 Is a man ot most engaging personality a diplo ¬ mat and a line business man t I i atI GREAT PACIFIC TEA COFFEE 1 rONDUIUNT Prunes 3 Ibs for 7 Ibl Graanulated Sugar 4 1 Ibs Light Sugar 2 2 caps tor15c- I Tomatoes 2r c 3 Ieas5c- I can qCp Bartlett 2 Cherrios15o 2 cano 3 LIbbys 2 cans Ieas40c 25cj j 1 ran Cocoa30c or i llici I t r u r MKAHO ItKMOVJM TUUFF < > x ioitx Jtiinvirpooit Mexico 15 The Moxf can congrcso today passed A bill turn ¬ 1 t porarily cxomptng corn from dut Largo quantities hereafter will bo bought In the United States to re ¬ hove tha famine sufferers of t + r crops on account of frosts floods lion caused the price of corn to + soar sat high the poor cant afford to It i AND CO i New Phone 1171 Tidal and Jackson Streets Old pliouc 171 W CEO MGR 25c 43qt Brown Hc- Corn rnng cans hOc Pcfars 2Cc cars Plo Table Peaches 2Bc cans Soup 2Cc 2rc 3Gc Hiiylers lib ODe green black xp City Oct tariff Low early nnd buy 12t lb bog Pat Flour8ric t 1 hot Morachlno cherries 19c t r Yl1 1 hot 25c Snydcrs Cataup20ebbb0 I 1 hut Red Snapper SaiicolOc f f 1 hot Swtot Mixed ItcltleslOci 125c 1 bot Popper Sauce 20c 4 4 2 qUI lure Apple Vinegar 15c 1 ISraporatcd Apricots 2lbs25o 3 bags Salt lOc J i lOcEvaporated 7 bars Star Soap 2Cc i l lb lluylurs Hitter Choco i late 35C f f 2 tOe boxog i5lurng I5e 1 lOc botllo Extract aoc 3 ltis 23c Coffee C5c 1

The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1909-10-15 [p 4].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7gb56d3j4d/data/0748.pdf · PAnI votm THE PADUOAH EVENING SUN FRIDAY OCTOHKn 18 111> 1 m n = un C iIePadueab

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Page 1: The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1909-10-15 [p 4].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7gb56d3j4d/data/0748.pdf · PAnI votm THE PADUOAH EVENING SUN FRIDAY OCTOHKn 18 111> 1 m n = un C iIePadueab



Tina nUN runusmxa COMPAHV> Incorporated

F Sf PIMIKIt PrnldratK J IWXTOY Gen Slgr

Entered at the poitoftlce at PaducahKy all secondclass matter

sunscuiimojf HATESi

Dy Carrier per week 10c By Mall per month in advance 2 +

By ISalL par year In odvancea09T-IlE WUUKIY SUN

Per year by mall poiBe paldr100AddreaT1 e SUN Paducah Ky

Office 115 South Third et Phone 38Eilltnrtil Hooiail

Old Phone 3S7 New Phone Z5S

Payne and Young Chicago and NewYork Iteprcaentatlves

TUB SUN can be found at the fol ¬

lowing placen D Clements k CsVan Culln BroPalmer Home

Var ur

1011 LABELr



September 10-091tG923 J 17iroi67372 J1c af11 6t1Se rcG74G3 ISi20i i i 67-424M6126 21t < 07-437rTi7 722r C7-438rtltjj39 23 6743

961224el6744100738 25i C747

11674327a1a v 0730I13 0734 2red Qt 147K 32

166735Total 103373Dully average for Sept 1909 0735Dally average for Sept 1908 5098

Increaseoooo 1037Personally appeared before mo this

11th day of October R D MacMlllen Business Manager of The

r Sun who affirms that the above state-ment


of the circulation of The Sunfor the moth of September 1909 Is

true to the best of his knowledge andbelief PETER PVfliYEAR

Notary Public McCracken CoMy commission expires January

10 1912

iDally Thought

When you hear one man trying tobelittle another Its a safe bet thatthe other Is his superior


Indian tUmmer will noW occupythe boards for a few days Give Itan encore

oMorses friends aro going to ask

Taft to pardon him Dont you feel1sorry for him T

eHonus Wagner and Ty Cobb would

i make good lecture cardswhy somo enterprlIng theatrical manhas not thought of that0Have a little patience neighborIt is not the psychological momentto spring that affidavit yet Youknow Haiellp has It Let us play thegame as wo see it-

oWe want to see that Perkins creek

bridge before wo stdo with JudgeLgbtfoot or Magistrate Broadfoot asto whether Bert Johnson should nothave a little extra for the ulco Joblie made of It-



False Abuse yJ upKraJlqnand countercharges wjlijoj t groundnever hive and never will availanything for tho political candidatewho tees thisl way of gaining officent his oppjnenlg expense This hasbeen tho course BeleCledtip MrHazellp IInljlg rac fOrcounty Judgeand as vW nlWayu bo tticf case theresult 181telling says tile NewsDemocrat

The News D mocrat should pub ¬

lish tho charges Mr Harelip hasmade and let Its readers Judgewhether theyaro true or not Every-thing


thai ho has said os true andSir Barklcyg only defense has beenthat he is not responsible for thenotions of any one but himself

Mr Harelip charges Mr Darklerwith being too hasty In settling withSmedleys bondtmien and Mr Barkley replies that the bondsmen wereso nlco about wanting to pay tho

fv shortage and that Smedloy had hisbooks to show what that shortagewas that he Just made tho settlementwithout nay further Investigation

i Mr Hazollp charges that nearlyevery county fuud IB exhausted onaccount mismanagement and MrBerkley offers no defense to this rnm not responsible for that Is hisanswer

Mr Hazcltp says he Is not attack-Ing Mr Barkleys personality nor thoDemocratic party but te merely plac

f lug the record of the administrationsbefore tho yblers so they may Judge

I whether It has been good or bad He-r cfcdIU Mr Barisley with doing many

good things when ho first went Intooffice but says his weakness has alhewed other to close his flyw towrongdomp



fitter a month busily spent by himfwd his friends and a few legal adY eraIiiI preparation Peary gavo hisstory out yesterday In which bestates hj reasons for bellorlng that

W Cook did not reach the pole Ac careful perusal of the articlel by a laymanJleads to pn one eolicluslonthatt-i o


Peary Is basing his charges upon the rword of two Eskimos who nro saidto be Ignorant and not credible Un ¬

less ho can produce some strongerevidence than that tbQ popular mindwill give Cook full credit Cooksattitude throughout the whole affairhas been oneto win him praise whilePeary has been criticized from oneend of the county to tho other forthe way he and his friends havetalked and acted Dr Dycho headof the department of natural historyof the University of Kansas whomade trips to the north its a memberof both Cook and Peary parties andwho knows both explorers well saysPearys statement to him Is Incredi ¬

ble Ho saysTho most astounding part of Com ¬

mander Pearys story It seems to meconsists of a statement that Dr Cookgot to the north part of the landbordering on the great Arctic oceanthe point for which he had strivenfor a month enduring tho hardshipsof Intense cold and tho rigors ofarctic climate with amplo suppliessleds and Eskimos all in firstclasscondition and then simply turnedback apparently for no reason

now unlikely It Is that a manwith over twenty rears arctic ex¬

perience fired Wlthan amtfltlon of alifetime would glvo up Just at a timeand place when one of the greatesttrophies tho world has to bestowupon a bravo and daring explorer


A woman suffragette broke In onJudo Gaynor candidate for mayorof New York to ask what aboutwomans suffrage and like the wiseman he jIf be referred her to hiswife


Kentucky Kernels

Depot at Mlllorsburg robbed andsafe rifle-

dMrsLiulo Adair sues for divorceat Mayfield

MissI Daisy young of HIckmandies of lung trouble

lrsFlorenlQ Maybrlck visits pen-Itentiary


fit FrankfortJohn C Edmunds Barren county

farmer commits suicideBen W Hail of Mt Sterling noml ¬

nated for county judgeTwoyearold son of County Judge

Suttda dies of croup at BettyvllleValuable saddle hone ot J1 +

NicollSon of Wobdburn poisonedDr H P Clark resigns is mirr

of Falmouth to serve as ccnsqs supervlsjor

William Ilepktnsor Louisvilleoldest tanner south of the Ohlorlyerdies

Albert O Hamilton of Elizabethtown dies at Dawcon Springs ofdropsy

Br atHUf county + 5ourt adjourns8 suddenat Jackson after one dayssession A

Two Democrats given heavy finesat Louisville for buying registrationcertificates

Morris Wllcoxln wIlD killed JohnMontgomery In Itarrcncounty heldfor murder

rA D McAimtor of Sealtje Wash


embezzlementlandSundaySchoolOwensboro October 2224


Dr AngeHi necli lcfor XcepingYoung °

sDr Jaines D Angell lu reply tocongratulations on the completion of I

his long term as president of theUniversity of Michigan telcgralilisthe Word Tho lesion I have learn-ed


In my thirtyeight years serviceIsI that lifelong Association with eellego etudents secures one the bless-ing of remaining optimistic andyouthful In spirit

This is a trIbute of a kind whlcfccollege students are not accustomedt

to receive from college presidentsSomo good thing It appears maycome out of Nazareth In splto ofrtpfootballJ

once of tho recipe Dr Angell givesfor keeping young Klngslcys oldLord Stltlre It will bo rememberedmade It a point to take the timefrom tho rising young fellows as ev¬

ery man ought who wished to go withthe world

Similarly Dr Angell recognizesthe Importance of keeping In touchwith the now generation from whichcome the boldwlrollessI

chines or Inspire the reforms whichmake for progress By as ocotlpnwith the young some of the enthusi ¬

asm for life may be retained whichIn tho old is the best antldoto fordecay It liD bettdr remedy thansourmilk microbes and much easierto takeNow York World I

buatlnewlomat Ho wlllprobably retire now tojChicago resume business and showTaft and Knox that there IIs somegood in him anyhow by making fif-teen or twenty million dollars i

Several years ago tho teFai Shirt-Sleeve


Diplomacy was applied totour new method of dealing with forj< Ign nations We believe It beganduring the tlmo when John Hay was1tetrotarr of state At first we Amer ¬

leans took great prldo In It but MrItepturtherN


Hero Ave Facts AVo Want You toITovc at Our Ilkk

Marvelous as it may seem Roxall93 Hair Tonic has grown hair on

heads that were ouco bald Of courseIt Is understood that In nono of thesecases were the hair roots dead norhad tho scalp taken on a glazedshiny appeearanco

When the roots of tho hair are ent-irely dead and the pores of the scalparo glazed over wo do not believethat anything can restore hair growth

When Rcxnll 93 Hair Tonic willdo as above stated It Is not strangethat we have such great faith in It1and that wo claim It will preventbaldness when used In time It actsscientifically destroying tho germswhich aro usually responsible forbaldness It penetrates to tho rootsof the hair stimulating and nourish ¬

ing them It Is a most pleasant toiletnecessity is doicately perfumed andwill not gum nor permanently stainthe hair

Wo want you to get a bottle ofiHcxall 93 Hair Tonic and use itas directed If It does not relievoscalp Irritation remove dandruff pre ¬

vent ue halr from falling out andpromoV4In increased growth of hairand Intfbry way give entire satlsfac

+ come back and tell U9

tlOnf3I1l question or formalityback to you every pennyfor It

Wctlbnf our endorsement to Rcxall33H and sell It on this

guaftfi t vtibellcvo It IsIbe 11mTonic ever discoveredIt sizes WcesSO centsand llbO Roraomber you can ob ¬

tain It only tit our storeTho BefallStoreW D McPherson Fourthand Broadway

rnJ y add created a form of Undershirt DJiijomacy


the part Iof tho Anforlcan characterIt was a misnomer and was unfair toJohn Hay to ao dub his methods

Mr Hay was the first Americansecretory of state who adroitly andmagnificently brought the power ofthe United States Into respect alongthe Yellow Sea He mado for thoopen door Ho was strong In his dip¬

lomatic movementsforceful andthere was nothing In him of the boorof tho rough neck or the collarlew

manItmay be counted treason If wo

venture that a coati with corns on hishands la not quite able to cope withIplomatslofsuch is the fact nevertheless

Mr Crane may have been a veryfine groceryman or ironmonger butas to diplomacy ho shows himself tobo far away from headquartersMemphis Commercial Appeal


Trustee A E Boyd sold the stockof Louis Pollock a bankrupt Jeweleryesterday to David Rlttoff for 815while an automobile was sold for

350 L S Shelton had a mortgageon the machine for 350 and thereis a preferred claim for rent amount-Ing to 5250 Pollocks liabilitiesamount to about 2000


A Simple Treatment That Will MakeIt Truly FanclnalliiR W J GU

bert Guarantees ItNowadays every uptodate woman

has radiant hairWhat a foolish creature a woman

would bo If she lost tho opportunity-to add to her attractions

Yet In Aherica today there areImndrdOs ofthousnnds of womenyitirMiarah faded characterless hallwlipiJo not make any attempt to 1mtrove It

In Paris most women havo beautyful hair and In America all womenwho use Parisian Sage have lustrousand luxuriant hair

And any women reads of Time Suncauhovp attrictlvo and lustrous hairIru arfqw efaa U ebI using this

Igrpat hair rojnvunator Parisian Sage0Ur Jj Gilbert sells a largo bottle

fop1j0 cents and ho guarantees It tol uUUdandruff stop falling hair and

moneybackItonicItotleading druggists everywhere Thogirl with Auburn hair Is on everybottle Mall orders filled by Amen ¬

can makets Giroux Mfg Co BuffaloN Y

Our shoe repairingis in a class by itselfBest quickest Werepair shoes so theyregood for more ser-


Phone 102Well send and getyour shoes andre ¬

turn them quickly

DOandjIWomens sewedpeg or50c71heel100IiOle1






fvtu CScwiHtloiis of Them Arw Steams ¬J

Pilots tin Hie Locnl tierslbolltI



l Paducah can Boast of a second IJj

anlllIOldolUSmith family It Iis said that duringtheir service on the rivers none have

I met with an accident and this Is asremarkable a record as the fact thatall are star gazers

1 The list is William II YellerDam Smith Joseph X Smith Pa-

ducah Billy Smith George SmithLouisville Billy Smith Roy Smith

Nathan and Dennis Smith Williamand Joseph Smith are both pilots ontho towboat I N Hook at PaducahThe former Is known to river men as

i Yaller Dam Smith and few knowhis Christian name Paducah BillySmith Is n pilot on the Clyde and hisfather n former pilot is a chipcaulker at tho marine ways GeorgeSmith Is distantly related to Joe and

Yaller Dam and Is a pilot on theKentucky Ho was married to a

° datighUjr of Yaller Dam and Is aKeptucklan

I Louisville Bhlt1s a pilotoa limotowboat Reaper owned by tho WesKentucky Coal company but Is norelation to Joo and Yaller DamHoy Smith Is steersman on tho Ken¬

tucky and Is the son of Yallor Dam

IFewIherI rpilot by Iho name ot Smith Is Nathanwho has been piloting tho Ayer RLord Tie company towboats for soy ¬

eral years Ho came here from Clif¬

ton Tenii and Is not related to Joe

tDamt there are so manySmiths add all of them pilots Is elg


deceased was the father of YallerDam and Joe Ho piloted for yearson the Mfwlsljpl river on tho notedRed Cloud steamboat He IIs said toduringIn tho Missouri Tlver Efforts havebeen made by Ills sons to trace backtheyjtajiposetl there wet several generationof pilots by thli>namd and a distantrolatlonshlp among all

YOU IJOVT IIAVK TO WITKvory dose make you feel better lAXKOI keep your whole Inside righteveryher


IV ITS OVIY A IIRAnACnKWhy Cornclliou > headache Liver Pillwill cure that 10 cent GuaranteedbyI all druRgltti

Dont forget tho auction ofhorses at Glaubers stable October 1C

Saturday Specials

IDEAL MEAT MARKET310 nut 512 IlroiuhvnyI-

B going to sell you grapesIImrgo basket Concord




Concord GrapoattIIvory basket i

4ottucc 3 heads MoFancy Cauliflower 20c and 2Sc3 cans tine Corn r 2Cc-

Ji cans fancy Tomatoes 25o i

3 dozen Lemons i 4uc3 colas Belgian Peas 48c3 kinds shelled Nuts per lb COn

3 sacks Gold Medal Flour 2io13 cans Salmon 26cExtra large Olives quart 4Sc17 lbs Granulated Sugar 100Herrlug of all kinds per doxJOc1 cans Mushrooms COc

prick Choose per lb20c1Jrb-urger Cheese per lb 20c i

Imported Swiss Clioepe per IbSSKosher good of all kinds t

Baltimore Oysters Soled per qt ocINoodles 3 roe 2 3cFrog legs per dozen 20c

18 lbs Granulated 1003 bottles Old Virginia

ChlU Sauce 25o3 bottles Old Virginia

Salad Dressing 20c15c bottle Prepared Must ¬

ard 10c3 bottles Luncheon Olives 25cPint bottle Maple Syrup 25cQuart bottle Maple Syrup 50c2 bottles 3uc2 bottles ISc Catsup 25c2 pkgs Shredded Wheat 25c7 bars Star Soap 2oc



Coutluyed from Pago One I

tho bonding company u per cent com ¬

mission ior Smedloys collecting the

OWII1pocketOf the penalties duo by tho bondingcompany Then he said Mr Barkey took the 20 per cent for collectbig tho sum which was duo himCUarkloy oft of tho amount due thecounty luetead of requiring tho bond-ing company to pay tho commissionand turning over to tho county time

amount dueII

Mr Barklcy mado a dcfcneoot hisactions In the Smcillcy settlementand devoted much of his tlmo to ex ¬

plaining Ills action Ho was not Insuch a great hurry but said thoing company hud acted so nice that

n1lihouldSmedloy for collecting the liesaid tho state auditor bad given himpermission to not follow out thestatute In regard to collecting thepona1tltsIcredit for the long list of duties hohad performed and congratulated Himupon them but said a study had re-

vealed the fact that nearly every duty


como ollgslllo for membership J9 thesecret society known bft tbo gangliaicllpsaidI

every Jerk on tho ring through hisnose He showed how Mr BarUlcyjudgetorbheChlposolflarkley told 111 story of Sir llaiellps running eRr police judge andMr Harelip Tcsjldhdea that lie was acandidate for pollco judge before therottenness of the gang had cometo light Then ho said ho realizedthe voters worn rick and tired of themachine so sought tho nominationfor county Judge on tile Republicanticket

Tdnlght tho debate will bo hold atLone Oak and one of tho largestaudiences of the campaign Is expect¬

ed Saturday afternoon Haglnnd willbo the scene of action while Satur ¬

day night Mnxon Mills will hear thegospel of reform The encouragement I have received from all overthe county has stimulated me andmany Democrats who have neverscratched before say I will rcolrotheir support simply for tho host In ¬

terests of tho county said Mr Hazelip last sight




1VlrniN If IiiillnuiipolU Irclnt Air1I01flilinlAt Ile AVIII llciid the


The bishops ot the province ofClnclnnat held a meeting at tho reel ¬

deuce of Bithop MooJIor in Cincln <

nntl yesterday for the purpose ofdiscussing the selection of a bishopto succeed time lato UU Rov BlthopMcCloakoy and although tho strictrule of the church Imposes tho sealof silence upon all that transpires at


oppositionIfroming 165000 CathollrsIThose nttopdlng the mooting were


Cull 311n


Saturday Specials






3 Ibs Iowdored Sugar sue2 cans 20c Llttlo Fellow

Peas 3Gc

2 cane Mince Meat 23c1 lb 100 Pin lead Tea 75c1 lb POe Imperial Tea COc

Best Patent Flour porsack 8Bc

1 rb Black Pepper 2fc-C lbs Navy Bean 25c2 pkgs Macaroni 13c2 pkge Spaghetti 15e2 pkgs Vermicelli I rio2 pkgs Egg Noodles I Go

Our Coffees are best because >vu get them fresh right from thoroaster sable day they are roasted with all their original Uavorn

and strength

+< i r

In 1 t I

44 flie Store TltiltOjllAhtllI



As the cold weather reminds you

that its time to think of heavier clothes 4

we want to remind you of the best

place to get them IITf

You find bitter values here fforlbl

r 10fThis store is fast becoming known t

as the best place to buy good clothes at T

iiipopular prices All wool Suits and 11c




Theres also a spirit of accomoda

tion here and a sincere desire to pleaseI t

thats winning us new friends and satis 4

ffying our customers


1I tlJlrLOor1lij

jiemI t ijIh


fJ I-t



Imrlfu1 lliMeeeevte> E tIJjia ml

I t

Bishops Cbotard ot IndianapolisAlordlng of Ft Wayne Macs of

Covington Byrne of Nariivllle FoIcy of Detroit Richter of GrandRapids Hnrtloy of Columbus andFarally of Cleveland

In Indianapolis iBIshop ODona

civiclaffairsja platform lecturer Ho 1Is a man otmost engaging personality a diplo ¬

mat and a line business man tI



Prunes 3 Ibs for7 Ibl Graanulated Sugar41 Ibs Light Sugar 2

2 caps tor15c-I Tomatoes 2r c3 Ieas5c-I can qCp Bartlett2 Cherrios15o2 cano3 LIbbys2 cans Ieas40c25cjj

1 ran Cocoa30cor


t r



< > x ioitx JtiinvirpooitMexico 15 The Moxf

can congrcso today passed A bill turn ¬ 1 tporarily cxomptng corn fromdut Largo quantities hereafter willbo bought In the United States to re ¬

hove tha famine sufferers of t+ r

crops on account of frostsfloods lion caused the price of corn to +

soar sat high the poor cant afford toIt


New Phone 1171 Tidal and Jackson Streets Old pliouc 171 W



Brown Hc-Corn

rnngcans hOc

Pcfars 2Cccars Plo

Table Peaches 2Bccans Soup 2Cc


3Gc Hiiylerslib ODe green black

xpCity Oct


Lowearly nnd


12t lb bog Pat Flour8ric t1 hot Morachlno cherries 19c t r


1 hot 25c Snydcrs Cataup20ebbb0 I

1 hut Red Snapper SaiicolOc ff1 hot Swtot Mixed ItcltleslOci125c1 bot Popper Sauce 20c 44

2 qUI lure Apple Vinegar 15c1ISraporatcd Apricots 2lbs25o3 bags Salt lOc

J ilOcEvaporated7 bars Star Soap 2Cci llb lluylurs Hitter Choco ilate 35C

f f

2 tOe boxog i5lurng I5e1 lOc botllo Extract aoc3 ltis 23c Coffee C5c