Vairxoa8DAY t SUNrams FlVJi < t I i J I a t 1 lr I 4r r j f fit I I I tK t 1lJuPh l p05if 0 baa gaau + wf 6 ew Voile r i YdJ kilt3 1 inring c J Ladies RedytoWear Department Second Floor I LOCAL HEWS t For Dr Pondley ring 4 US For Copeland stable phone 100 Dn Gilbert osteopath 40035 Broadway Phono 196 rMr Roy Judd the ICmaobm Jsi wfiio was spouted on at Itlvorstde faospltai for appendicitis Is much improved today Drink Belvedere the plaster brew I Belvedere draught beer on tap at the Palmer House bar Belvedere beer is a home pro- duct Remember hat Commencing at once all I ice belsent I maude PIke a Paducah pips fitter omp >yed In the Illinois iCeotni shops Oats accepted a position with the fig Four afc Mt Carmel Ml FIne Carnations CllIQOC per dozen at Brunsona 529 Broadway Wedding invitations announce ments and every character of en graved work is given careful person > d attention at the Sun Job office I putchase The Souse of Quality will give ono admission ticket free to the electric theater next door < There are something like 6001 bad video cars in the Paducah Illi- noIs Ceatrair yards wiulch with tho congestion of Goaded cars make I It hard to keep tho iarda cJear evoi on passing tracks As many swifcfh men as possible to eecuro are being employed to relIeve the situation and SuptI AH Egan of the Ixjuilsvlll division of thoroad gave the yards his personal supttrvlslon yesterday city subscribers to the Dally Sun who wish the delivery of their papers stopped must notify oar col lectors or make their requests di- rect to Tai Sunof ceNo attention will be pall to such orders when given to our carriers Sun Pup Co Drink Belvedere thb Paducal bew j John Cook colored 41 years old IGted at 021 Ohio street of dropsy this mowilaa and was burled In Oak Grove cemetery Old lelesmacellke new Car rIages and wagons built to order Re pairing pilntlag trlmaringjubber l tires etc at Sextons Sign Works Sixteenth and Madison Phone 401 We give you better carriage and better service for the money than Is given by any transfer company In America Fine carriages for specIal occasions on short notice also ele- gant livery rigs Palmer Transfer Co Molle Wade cored 22 years old died of fever at 1Q27 Washington street this Taoralng Her body was taken to Trenton Tenn Just received SpauldIngs new baseball guide for 1907 R D Clem ents Oo With every ono dollar cash pur- chase L W Henneberger Co Incj Thb House of Quality will give bnq admission ticket free to the electric theater next door Placeyoour orders for wedding Invitations at homeThe Sun Is bowing as great an assortment as you will find anywhere at price much lower than you will have to > y elsewhere CombIned saddla and harnosa Jtoreee fore w distinct typo and bra thYI8ro highclass drivers and ttve- gaited saddlers Combined horses liTe the most beautiful and the most iln lt1ondcommand a ready sale and bring the highest prices of any of thi breed ls The etalllon Rebel Dare King Pin of 4ho Paducah Horse Show D906 now at the tang farm near Paducafe te a regdateaied combine Jiorse of tee highest breed ing anti type of thfts useful horse and the only one In west Kentucky fully rftpreHentjag Ms class The ReG W Banks of the Trlmbe street jiothodlt church wW ll tq Cavt City AprW 19 80 de Jilver bin lecture Thorough Pee Mine on Hirreebeck He iNas ddllrslt ed the laicture ttoae tyres do Paduoaib audiences and It is an tinterestlng i d drew The Modern Woodmen of the World and the Royal Neighbors wur hod a Joint open meeting tit the K of P toil 1 tonight A musical pro- gram and refreshments win bo the soda features of the session Dont fall to road the first chapter of The Suns nets serial A tinker of History on page seven It is one of the very best this iwipci hits nut Deeds Filed D L Van CuBn to Mrs Nannl Qarner property on Sixth street be tween Clark and Adams streets 1 200 Mary E Young to Jessie M Cole- man prdporty on Broadway between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets f land other considerations Theodore Hovekamp to Benjamin Hovekamp propertyln the county 11 and other considerations Henry Hazotte to P S Ratclitfe property In Johnsons Maplewood Terrace addition 50 Glennwood Realty company t- oF0 Cosby property at Twenty third and LIndsey streets 1 and other considerations Ldfayetto Houser toHenry Jlpusor prpperty In the county 5 OV t A t jMatlhco Musical Club The Matinee Musical club wilt have Its regular biweekly session tomor- row afternoon at the Partsh house of Grace Eplseopal chUrcilVv Tho lead sS are Mina Lulu Reed Mud Vise Pamle OBrien The attractive ms1 ellaneous program will be 1 Current Events 2 Paper Mlrlcla and Mystery Plays V lT OratorloTMrs Ed w aad M Bringhrrrat 3 Plano soloSpinning Song rpm The Flying Dutchman Vagnorr Miss Virginia Newell 4 Vocal duetO That We Two Wore Maying AMce Mary Smith Mrs David Ptournoy Mr Rlchaird Scott 4i Piano 800a Serenade Jobllng b Sonntagnidrgen nut GluonBendelMiss Mary Scott G Vocal aolo Selested Miss Anna BiudSluwA 7Plano dueti Selections from Peer Gyntf Grelg Blisses Ham and Eades tSola With elf Vi- oictGreigiij I Murmur Not SchumannMr Robert Soott Notice Members of OWvo Camp No2 W O Wt are requested Ax meet at the h l122 North Fourth street We n say at 9t30 oclock to attend the funeral of Spv J W Ingram member of Jersey camp and visiting Woodmen are invited to attend J S RiOARK C O M STEINFiEiLD Clerk Subscribe for Tho Sun II + 4 + t 11 PEOPLE AND SOCIAL EVENTS l Art Committees Attractive Program Thb Art department of the Worn ans club will meet on Saturday morning at 10 oclock with Miss Dow Husbands 935 Jefferson street The study of the different forms of ai chltecturo will be continued and the program Jto be presented will in- clude 1 Basilica Form of Architecture a St Paul Without the Wall b St Marie Magglorle Mrs Charles Emery 2 nomaneque ArchItecture Cathedral t of Plea Mss Jennie Gilson 3 Byzantine Architecture San Marco Cathedral Mrs R B Phillips 4r Renaissance Architecture St Peters In Rome Miss Dow Husbands 5 Gothic Architecture Milan Cathedral Miss Josephine Bloomfield DelphIc Club Elects Delegates to State Federation The Delphic club hold an Interest meeting thds morning at the Cat lIng library t Barcelona the key Spain was discussed by Mrs Bl wldgp Palmer JPs nIgathc gay den of Spain was presented by Mrs Frank Parham At the business session the dele- gates to attend the State Women1 Federation of Clubs whSohi meets ir- elbyvllle In June were selected Airs Robert Becker Phillips end Miss Helen Lowry was selected as the TOg uQr delegates and Mrs Georgo Flour noy and Mrs Mildred Davis the ad- tCl1aes U DO Chapter Paducah chapter United Daugh ters of the Confederacy Is having Its regular meeting for April this after- noon with Mrs Louis M Rleke fit- iiGrlrome on Jefferson street Be- side the routine business there will be literary and musk al feat- ures l Blower Carnival Seats On Rcservi Tomorrow Seatsfor the Carnival of Flowers c an be reserved v Wednesday morning of9oclock at the box office of the KentuckY All having tickets are urg- ed to secure their seats cab as there Is every prospect of a capacity house Charity Clubs Ten Tae Charity club Is entertainIng with an Easter Tea this afternoon from 3 to 6 oclock at the homo ot Jirs George C Wallace on North NInth street An attractive musical l program and light refreshments are features of the tea with a freewill offering for tile good cause Mr Fred Babr of South Sixth street entertained anumber of his friends Monday evening from 730 to I 11 oclock at his home in honor of his sixteenth birthday Many games were prayed and a delightful time hadr by all De31cfous refreshments were served during the evening t to those present who were Misses Mai- ble Epperhelmer Mamye Broylea Rabble Hysmlth Ethel Byrd Mary SmIth Essie Smith Ruby Smith iuoy Chelsea Doris Walters Grace Dahl Messrs Claude Eppenhelmer Henry Hate Jim Byrd Jim Sullivan Fred Balm Nelson Broadfoob Roy Bahr 51ynn Walters Chartes Walters Stahy Gholson Press Schotta of the Nashville Chattanooga and St Louis depot has returned from Louisville where he- wall called by the death of a little nephew i Col Matt Ayres fire marshal or- the state Is In tho city Captain William Hlghfleld of The Rise of Jimmie Johnson XIIiT PAYS TO ADVERTISE i ltMie of Jtwimf Jehnsnwas It merely due to luck NV roil + eal The MY DISPLAYED aleadlnli LJN3 of pluck WANTED tM i s aiM ADDED UOImloJIml Jokncont rya Provsi the prppetttlbn thaat i IT PAY O TO ADVERTISE The pdfeOfatad h One eenta Word for AM laMrUon Md two MU < x wotd tw three iMMtttloiu cush to ecompaiiy the order v M n Louisville Is in the city Press Schotta > VlslUngII Charles Sneed Miss IMr Sneed Miss Mamie Frake Miss Ethel McMahon nil of Padu- cah spbnt Easter Sunday with Miss Clara Konkle and Ed Konkle < of St Johns Mr H H Loving and Mr W 1 B Kennedy have returned from LouIs vllle where they attended the W Dj t waltncelwont leaves today for Houston Texas af- ter spending Eater with his parents Mr end lira L Reber Mrs Amanda Wilhelm left to- day for Memphis to visit her daugh- ter Mrs Addle Parkins Blrmlngjhoam as Beadles of Fulton left yesterday for Mayfield to visit Mrs Thomas lounger tho sister of Mrs Beadles Mrs Edward Toof and child ot St Louis arrlved yesterday to vIsIt the formers parents Mr and Mn Charles M Leake of South Firth streetMrs Frank B Smith has gone to Dover Tenn to visit relatives Mr and Mrs Ben Burnett ot Paris Tenn have gone homo otter visiting the latters parents Mr and Mrs Tobias Owen Captain Wm Hfghfleld of Louis vile the widely known race horse- man Is here visiting friends Mrs Corn Branton of Mayfield Is vIsIting Miss Bessie Theobold Mrs Rudy Bt lock and son ot Mayfield aro visiting Mr and Mr- aLT Branton Mr Roger Hicks of Henderson i Is visIting his sister Mrs tA Gil bent of North Fifth street L Mr R A lilacs will leave tonIght ct CtliO oclock for Oklahoma CIty to locate Mr William McNarriara track eu ervlsor of the Louisville dlvltlon ot the 10 was In the city today Attorney William Marble went to Princeton this morning on profes lonal business Cot O W Landrani or mithland mnd date for railroad commissioner passed through iho city this met ling en route to BardiweM iMlss Joe Miller left today for St Vincent aftor spending Easter with her parents Mr and Mrs Jon Miller ot South Sixth street Miss Helen Decked will leave Tues- day for a visit in l Chicago Battle Creek Mlch and Columbus O Miss Lula Johnson w jo has beer visiting Mrs J M fiuckner and Mrs D M Filournoy hflS gone to Dallas Texas f rw Miss Myrtle Decker has returned from a two months visit In the south Mrs Victor Vorls and little daugh- ter Elslo Eunice arrived home thIs mornIng from a several weeks vIsIt to Mrs Veils mother Mrs JE Shelley In Dallas Texas I Mrs Mary D Harris of South rUth street has returned from Ard more Indian Territory 1Vbr she spent the winter with bed daughter Mrs Carrie Maxwell tIrDen Griffith returned to South Kentucky College this utter noon after spending Easter with Mi parents iJIlss ViVfan HaU of Fatten was the guest on Sunday of Mrs J Mark Valton of JetfeTElon street JMra James Mattlson left tpday fa Anderson Ind and Cliapple Hill North Carolina for an extended visit Marriage Licenses George Lawson to Margaret Kolr wohiann Leo Harris to Fannie Wilson II aOxao Rn WALLERSTEINSPADUCAH These Roxboro Clothes t are ready for immediate use to be sure but in no charac- teristic ¬ sense are they ready madeThey are garments of a class that will astonish you But first you have to give them a chance The prices I are for mens as low as 20 i and as high its 40 for young mens as low as 118 and as high as 30 D 1e 7 lMMIG4H l lot iDstsbliYd uN8 I IH THE COURTS- I I l I ICircuIt Court of tho April CtIm ilnal term of McOracken circuit court began with a rush after the empanel ing of the petit Jury this morning The petit Jurymen ore R ilL CoI Her PhlHp Weltlauf L Harris J F Graham J D Carnal J T Bish- op SaM Anderson Joe Hoyman J P OhUdress Z T Murphy E D Harbour William Halley H L Bieck ford T H Newton J W Lockwoc J H Smith John Choice J T GJsb J T Houser G Thornberry T E Fortson J Q Thompson GA W Webb Lee Potter Criminal Docket Sam w Story forfeiture dismissed W ir COvington and E L Moho dto bondsmen of Chris Mohondi charged with abducting a girl J20- H Ozment and Wood Jones ob talnlng money med away Tim Nalllgan grand larceny for- feIture of bond D N B ckwelh green goods oper ator 200 bond forfeited and paId by A B Smith Ed Cloonan for cutting John Rook 100i for cutting In sudden heat and passion Jim Doolln grand larceny tiled away Charles Such malicious striking continuedVan maClcfous shooting recognizance forfeited Ed Vasseur and Herman Williams obtaining money by false pretenses continuedIrene obtaining money iy false pretenses continued Gus Armstrong malicious cutting ball forfeited J R Brown for shooting ht Wm Short 10Q in one case and die nlssed in two others Walter Thornton changed with stealing Uofrom John iMcDearmoi icqultted Civil Docket Florence Heddy against Joe Hoddy judgment for divorce Paducah Cooperage company agaInst Walsh Manufacturing cots parry dismissed In Police Court Ed Bulger of Mechanicsburg ye slated Patrolman Sam Howell l last evenIng when the policeman arrested lira for being drunk and disorderly and ann result a second wu rant was Issued against him for disorderly conduct Both were continued pond ng the acquisition of witnesses William WlckUffe a young man was heJd over for obtaining property eggsrromIDqfor ijanlcsljurg I Will Blythe colored for striking a woman was lined 40 and coiitB Other cases Gabe Fletcher for mi Jclouslx assaulting Cal alloy eel ired and Riley for maMclously cut- ting Fletcher continued Clarence HcGuire petit larceny filed away II D Trace James Wosham and Tom andbedding j costa each Will Muslck Tom Farm- er James Washam H D Tract drunkenness 1 and costs each They Kentucky Printing COmpany Roy Ballowe druggist and Frc Sreutzer baker charged with main- taining unsanitary premises wei yCross Bros Grain company Eighth ant Norton streets proved that a pee of stagnant water In the rear of It t plant is being drained and the wan I ant was iheld up A partial hoarln l r of a nuisance case against the We llstirery dn Tyler was continue d mill Thursday I Army Comfort Comfort Is a relative term In I soldiers camp things appear delight- ful which would hardly be though so at homo When the day after thl battle of GaInes Mill John a negi servant came In for supplies say Mrs Pryor in her reralnlscencesh l mistressasked after his master wellbeIng Did he have a comfortable nigh t John He sholy did mlstuswas the re- ply Marso Roger sartnly was corn ortabo las night Ho slep on 11 field twlxt two dald horses I IlIome Sweet Home was firs suns In this country at a theater i hlladephla In connection with th production of John Howard Payne melodrama Clarl the Mall o Milan This was In 1823 The pin wnR originally produced In Coven Garden theater London and irami lately the sweet air of the song b Jlari became famous I IG W Landrum of Smlthlam apdfdatb for railroad comrolsslono raa in the city I last night on buslnes > Many a man has accomplice great things beause he knew som J women wouidamiEe on ilm for it t I HART I I is th- eMAN I I I AMERICAII MITTENS AND GLOVES I I BOYS Fun for the Boys This Summer Sure HART WILL D 0 I His Part By Selling 1 Ball 15 1 Bat 10 1 Mit 40 6Sc FOR 27 CENTS Next Thursday April 4th From 7a m to 6 p m Harts Boy Day fiEOO HART St SONS CO Incorporated WART ADS I 4 EAT at Whiteheads restaurant i MITCHELLS for hlijhgrade 1 bicy¬ cles 32G328 South Third street FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow 1004 South Fourth- HORTONSLNEUe painters and f paporhangers Old phone 2001 FOR SAUE Household furniture I Apply 219 North SlxthI I FOR Heating and Stovewgod TlngI I 437 F Levin FOR RENT Furnlsbed front room Apply at COD Washington St CLOTHES cleaned pressed re ¬ paired Jas Duffy Phone 959a ASK your grocer for Smith Butts Bread and Cakes Telephone C9ra FOR RENT = rmra floor over N4lhlSt TWO lady solicitors wanted at once Barksdalo Bros Co 201 South Third- WANTEDTo buy peafowl henI Ring C53 old phone or address P H T care Sun FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room All conveniences 837 Jefferson FOR SALE Improved Ormas Incu ¬ cheapd Telephone 1789 ONE nice front room furnished for ent Bath and all modern convent ences Apply 918 Broadway WANTED Am experienced cook Best of references required Apply F J RIeko FURNITURE EXCHANGE 205 I South Third buys furniture and stoves Now phone 900a FOR SALE Nice paying saloon justness down town near Broad vay Owner leaving city will sell a I heap Apply 111 S 3rd St WANTED At once Two black I ifnlth helpers and one horseshoera L j lelper Sexton sign Works ICth and- o s Madison Phono 401 FOR RENT Ineroom house on papers s 2d cheap rent 410 South Tenth See J A Rudy 219 Broadway FOR SALEFIve room brick cot age 1237 Trlmbe St electric Ights bath Owner leaving city will r ell cheap Apply 111 3 3rd St FOR firstclass and uptodate arness and repair work go to the leperBlTth Harness Co 204 Ken r ucky avenu- eWANTED0 r colored men for ending train 60 white men for plan ng mill work Crosaott Ark Trans y lortatlon advanced Call New Rich nond Hotel A E Smith FOR RENT The storehouse In Iechanlcsburg formerly occupied by he Jake Blpdorman Grocery and Jaklng Co Apply at Seventh street tore FOR SALE Jefferson street lot etwecn 13th and 14th Sta 40x105 o alley Price SSO 1C HoJllns Real Estate and Re- ntl Trueheart ads I FORthe FOR SAVE OR RENTFour room house Apply 1720 Madison FOR RENTCoco cola building Jfth and Jackson Phone 222- WANTEDWhite woman to do general house work Apply 726 Jet > 1 erson WANTEDTwo soberlndustrlous oung men between tho ages of 18 md 22 to do clerical l Work Refer tacos Address H Co care this of 1 f11ce II LEFT OVER We have a few spring wagons and buggies that we must get out of our way and to do so will sell at a bargain if sold at once Sexton Sign Works 16th and fadlson Phone 401 FOR SALE Nine year old black horse about sixteen hands weight 1100 Iba City broke and well adapt- ed for driving or light delivery Ap tl ply Paducah Pottery Co FOR SALE Vacant lot CCxl75 rt for wholesale or storage house on South Second street between Ad- ams and Jackson Bargain See L D Sanders 318 South Sixth Phone 765 W J + i1 FOR RENT Two brick store lOuses Eleventh and Broadway one wostory brick business house Thirteenth and Clay Paducah Brew ng company FREE EMPLOYMENT bureau Na charges for services rendered either to applicant or employer of labor Charity club 307 Kentucky avenue phone 029 office open from 9 to 12 oclock every forenoon WANTED We solicit your ren- tal ¬ accounts Close attention is gIv- en by this omco to all contracts giv- en for repairs on property In our charge Collections made promptly when due II C Hollins Real Estate and Rentals Truehcart Building Telephone 12- 7WANTEDFor U S Army Able bodied unmarried men between ages ot 21 and 35 citizens of United States of good character and tem crate habits who can speak read and write English For information apply to recruiting officer New Rich- mond House Paducah Ky OF INTEREST to parties wit- hmoneyIf you have any difficulty In placing your surplus funds write or call on me as I have a number ol applications for money In sum front 30000 and up with real estate security good Interest rates close personal investigation all communl atlons strictly confidential S T handle Loans Real Estate and In- surance Room 3 AmericanGerman National Bank- Politeness Pars Johnny can you name a city In Alaska Nix You should be more respectful JImmy can you Nom Correct Nomo Is a very thriving Alaskan townLoulsvnte CourierJournal A wireless telegraph station at PoInt Lama Cal recently picked up a message which a battleship In the Atlantic Vas sending to Washington D C =Dont inll to read the art hap to of The Suns BOW tsarist A ilakor of Illstary OM Vtp seViHl It is ORe of Ute vwrjr liest Uth lMPft loss nllI r b 9 yl y- lf y- lt ylc i c ra a j

The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1907-04-02 [p 5]. · Jilver bin lecture Thorough Pee Mine on Hirreebeck He iNas ddllrslt ed the laicture ttoae tyres do Paduoaib audiences and

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Page 1: The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1907-04-02 [p 5]. · Jilver bin lecture Thorough Pee Mine on Hirreebeck He iNas ddllrslt ed the laicture ttoae tyres do Paduoaib audiences and

Vairxoa8DAY tSUNrams FlVJi<
















tK t

1lJuPhlp05if 0

baa gaau+wf6

ew Voiler


YdJ kilt31 inring c


Ladies RedytoWear DepartmentSecond Floor



tFor Dr Pondley ring 4 US

For Copeland stable phone 100Dn Gilbert osteopath 40035

Broadway Phono 196rMr Roy Judd the ICmaobm

Jsi wfiio was spouted on at Itlvorstdefaospltai for appendicitis Is muchimproved today

Drink Belvedere the plasterbrew

I Belvedere draught beer on tapat the Palmer House bar

Belvedere beer is a home pro-duct Remember hat

Commencing at once all Iice


maude PIke a Paducah pipsfitter omp>yed In the Illinois iCeotnishops Oats accepted a position withthe fig Four afc Mt Carmel Ml

FIne Carnations CllIQOC per dozenat Brunsona 529 Broadway

Wedding invitations announcements and every character of engraved work is given careful person>d attention at the Sun Job office

I putchaseThe Souse of Quality will give onoadmission ticket free to the electrictheater next door <

There are something like 6001

bad video cars in the Paducah Illi-

noIs Ceatrair yards wiulch with thocongestion of Goaded cars make IIthard to keep tho iarda cJear evoion passing tracks As many swifcfhmen as possible to eecuro are beingemployed to relIeve the situation andSuptI AH Egan of the Ixjuilsvlll

division of thoroad gave the yardshis personal supttrvlslon yesterday

city subscribers to the DallySun who wish the delivery of theirpapers stopped must notify oar collectors or make their requests di-

rect to Tai Sunof ceNo attentionwill be pall to such orders whengiven to our carriers Sun Pup Co

Drink Belvedere thb Paducalbew

j John Cook colored 41 years oldIGted at 021 Ohio street of dropsy

this mowilaa and was burled In OakGrove cemetery

Old lelesmacellke new CarrIages and wagons built to order Repairing pilntlag trlmaringjubberl

tires etc at Sextons Sign WorksSixteenth and Madison Phone 401

We give you better carriage andbetter service for the money thanIs given by any transfer company In

America Fine carriages for specIaloccasions on short notice also ele-

gant livery rigs Palmer Transfer CoMolle Wade cored 22 years

old died of fever at 1Q27 Washingtonstreet this Taoralng Her body wastaken to Trenton Tenn

Just received SpauldIngs newbaseball guide for 1907 R D Clements Oo

With every ono dollar cash pur-

chase L W Henneberger Co IncjThb House of Quality will give bnqadmission ticket free to the electrictheater next door

Placeyoour orders for weddingInvitations at homeThe Sun Is

bowing as great an assortment asyou will find anywhere at pricemuch lower than you will have to>y elsewhere

CombIned saddla and harnosaJtoreee fore w distinct typo and brathYI8ro highclass drivers and ttve-

gaited saddlers Combined horsesliTe the most beautiful and the mostiln lt1ondcommand a ready sale

and bring the highest prices of anyof thi breedls The etalllon RebelDare King Pin of 4ho PaducahHorse Show D906 now at the tangfarm near Paducafe te a regdateaied

combine Jiorse of tee highest breeding anti type of thfts useful horseand the only one In west Kentuckyfully rftpreHentjag Ms class

The ReG W Banks of theTrlmbe street jiothodlt churchwWll tq Cavt City AprW 19 80 deJilver bin lecture Thorough PeeMine on Hirreebeck He iNas ddllrslted the laicture ttoae tyres do Paduoaib

audiences and It is an tinterestlng iddrew

The Modern Woodmen of theWorld and the Royal Neighbors wur

hod a Joint open meeting tit the Kof P toil1 tonight A musical pro-

gram and refreshments win bo thesoda features of the session

Dont fall to road the firstchapter of The Suns nets serial Atinker of History on page sevenIt is one of the very best this iwipci

hits nut

Deeds FiledD L Van CuBn to Mrs Nannl

Qarner property on Sixth street between Clark and Adams streets 1200

Mary E Young to Jessie M Cole-

man prdporty on Broadway betweenSixteenth and Seventeenth streetsf land other considerations

Theodore Hovekamp to BenjaminHovekamp propertyln the county

11 and other considerationsHenry Hazotte to P S Ratclitfe

property In Johnsons MaplewoodTerrace addition 50

Glennwood Realty company t-oF0 Cosby property at Twentythird and LIndsey streets 1 andother considerations

Ldfayetto Houser toHenry Jlpusorprpperty In the county 5 OV

t A

t jMatlhco Musical ClubThe Matinee Musical club wilt have

Its regular biweekly session tomor-

row afternoon at the Partsh house ofGrace Eplseopal chUrcilVv Tho lead

sS are Mina Lulu Reed Mud VisePamle OBrien The attractive ms1ellaneous program will be

1 Current Events2 Paper Mlrlcla and Mystery

Plays V lT OratorloTMrs Edw aad

M Bringhrrrat3 Plano soloSpinning Song

rpm The Flying DutchmanVagnorr Miss Virginia Newell

4 Vocal duetO That We TwoWore Maying AMce Mary SmithMrs David Ptournoy Mr RlchairdScott

4i Piano 800a SerenadeJobllng b Sonntagnidrgen nutGluonBendelMiss Mary Scott

G Vocal aolo Selested MissAnna BiudSluwA

7Plano dueti Selections fromPeer Gyntf Grelg Blisses Ham

and EadestSola With elf Vi-oictGreigiij I Murmur NotSchumannMr Robert Soott

NoticeMembers of OWvo Camp No2 W

O Wt are requested Ax meet at the

hl122 North Fourth streetWen say at 9t30 oclock to attendthe funeral of Spv J W Ingrammember of Jersey camp and visitingWoodmen are invited to attend


Subscribe for Tho Sun

II+ 4+t11 PEOPLE


Art Committees Attractive ProgramThb Art department of the Worn

ans club will meet on Saturdaymorning at 10 oclock with Miss DowHusbands 935 Jefferson street Thestudy of the different forms of aichltecturo will be continued and theprogram Jto be presented will in-

clude1 Basilica Form of Architecture

a St Paul Without the Wallb St Marie Magglorle

Mrs Charles Emery2 nomaneque ArchItecture

Cathedral t of PleaMss Jennie Gilson

3 Byzantine ArchitectureSan Marco Cathedral

Mrs R B Phillips4r Renaissance Architecture

St Peters In RomeMiss Dow Husbands

5 Gothic ArchitectureMilan Cathedral

Miss Josephine Bloomfield

DelphIc Club Elects Delegates toState Federation

The Delphic club hold an Interestmeeting thds morning at the Cat

lIng libraryt

Barcelona the keySpain was discussed by Mrs Bl

wldgp Palmer JPs nIgathc gayden of Spain was presented by MrsFrank Parham

At the business session the dele-

gates to attend the State Women1Federation of Clubs whSohi meets ir-

elbyvllle In June were selectedAirs Robert Becker Phillips end MissHelen Lowry was selected as the TOg

uQr delegates and Mrs Georgo Flournoy and Mrs Mildred Davis the ad-


U DO ChapterPaducah chapter United Daugh

ters of the Confederacy Is having Itsregular meeting for April this after-noon with Mrs Louis M Rleke fit-

iiGrlrome on Jefferson street Be-

side the routine business therewill be literary and musk al feat-ures

lBlower Carnival Seats On RcserviTomorrow

Seatsfor the Carnival of Flowerscan be reserved vWednesday morningof9oclock at the box office of theKentuckY All having tickets are urg-

ed to secure their seats cab asthere Is every prospect of a capacityhouse

Charity Clubs TenTae Charity club Is entertainIng

with an Easter Tea this afternoonfrom 3 to 6 oclock at the homo otJirs George C Wallace on NorthNInth street An attractive musicallprogram and light refreshments arefeatures of the tea with a freewilloffering for tile good cause

Mr Fred Babr of South Sixthstreet entertained anumber of hisfriends Monday evening from 730toI 11 oclock at his home in honor of

his sixteenth birthday Many gameswere prayed and a delightful timehadr by all De31cfous refreshmentswere served during the evening ttothose present who were Misses Mai-

ble Epperhelmer Mamye BroyleaRabble Hysmlth Ethel Byrd MarySmIth Essie Smith Ruby Smith

iuoy Chelsea Doris Walters GraceDahl Messrs Claude EppenhelmerHenry Hate Jim Byrd Jim SullivanFred Balm Nelson Broadfoob RoyBahr 51ynn Walters Chartes WaltersStahy Gholson

Press Schotta of the NashvilleChattanooga and St Louis depot hasreturned from Louisville where he-

wall called by the death of a littlenephew i

Col Matt Ayres fire marshal or-

the state Is In tho cityCaptain William Hlghfleld of

The Rise of Jimmie Johnson


iltMie of Jtwimf Jehnsnwas It merely due to luckNV roil + eal The MY DISPLAYED aleadlnli LJN3 of pluckWANTED tM is aiM ADDED UOImloJIml Jokncont ryaProvsi the prppetttlbn thaati IT PAY O TO ADVERTISE

The pdfeOfatad h One eenta Word for AM laMrUon Md twoMU< x wotd tw three iMMtttloiu cush to ecompaiiy the order v

M n

Louisville Is in the cityPress Schotta > VlslUngII

Charles Sneed MissIMr Sneed Miss Mamie FrakeMiss Ethel McMahon nil of Padu-cah spbnt Easter Sunday with MissClara Konkle and Ed Konkle <ofSt Johns

Mr H H Loving and Mr W 1B

Kennedy have returned from LouIsvllle where they attended the W Dj


waltncelwontleaves today for Houston Texas af-

ter spending Eater with his parentsMr end lira L Reber

Mrs Amanda Wilhelm left to-day for Memphis to visit her daugh-ter Mrs Addle Parkins

Blrmlngjhoamas Beadles of Fulton left yesterdayfor Mayfield to visit Mrs Thomaslounger tho sister of Mrs Beadles

Mrs Edward Toof and child otSt Louis arrlved yesterday to vIsItthe formers parents Mr and MnCharles M Leake of South FirthstreetMrs

Frank B Smith has gone toDover Tenn to visit relatives

Mr and Mrs Ben Burnett otParis Tenn have gone homo ottervisiting the latters parents Mr andMrs Tobias Owen

Captain Wm Hfghfleld of Louisvile the widely known race horse-man Is here visiting friends

Mrs Corn Branton of Mayfield IsvIsIting Miss Bessie Theobold

Mrs Rudy Btlock and son otMayfield aro visiting Mr and Mr-aLT Branton

Mr Roger Hicks of Henderson iIsvisIting his sister Mrs tA Gilbent of North Fifth street

L Mr R A lilacs will leave tonIghtct CtliO oclock for Oklahoma CItyto locate

Mr William McNarriara track euervlsor of the Louisville dlvltlon otthe 10 was In the city today

Attorney William Marble went toPrinceton this morning on profeslonal business

Cot O W Landrani or mithlandmnd date for railroad commissionerpassed through iho city this metling en route to BardiweM

iMlss Joe Miller left today for StVincent aftor spending Easter withher parents Mr and Mrs Jon Millerot South Sixth street

Miss Helen Decked will leave Tues-day for a visit in l Chicago BattleCreek Mlch and Columbus O

Miss Lula Johnson w jo has beervisiting Mrs J M fiuckner and MrsD M Filournoy hflS gone to DallasTexas


Miss Myrtle Decker has returnedfrom a two months visit In thesouth

Mrs Victor Vorls and little daugh-ter Elslo Eunice arrived home thIsmornIng from a several weeks vIsItto Mrs Veils mother Mrs JEShelley In Dallas Texas

IMrs Mary D Harris of SouthrUth street has returned from Ardmore Indian Territory 1Vbr shespent the winter with bed daughterMrs Carrie Maxwell

tIrDen Griffith returned toSouth Kentucky College this utternoon after spending Easter with Miparents

iJIlss ViVfan HaU of Fatten wasthe guest on Sunday of Mrs J MarkValton of JetfeTElon street

JMra James Mattlson left tpday faAnderson Ind and Cliapple HillNorth Carolina for an extendedvisit

Marriage LicensesGeorge Lawson to Margaret Kolr

wohiannLeo Harris to Fannie Wilson

II aOxao Rn



RoxboroClothes t

are ready for immediate useto be sure but in no charac-


sense are they ready


are garments of a classthat will astonish you

But first you have to givethem a chance The prices


are for mens as low as 20i

and as high its 40 foryoung mens as low as118 and as high as 30


1e 7lMMIG4Hl

lotiDstsbliYd uN8




lIICircuIt Court

of tho April CtImilnal term of McOracken circuit courtbegan with a rush after the empaneling of the petit Jury this morning

The petit Jurymen ore R ilL CoI

Her PhlHp Weltlauf L Harris JF Graham J D Carnal J T Bish-

op SaM Anderson Joe Hoyman JP OhUdress Z T Murphy E D

Harbour William Halley H L Bieckford T H Newton J W LockwocJ H Smith John Choice J T GJsb

J T Houser G Thornberry T EFortson J Q Thompson GA WWebb Lee Potter

Criminal DocketSam w Story forfeiture dismissedW ir COvington and E L Moho

dto bondsmen of Chris Mohondicharged with abducting a girl J20-

H Ozment and Wood Jones obtalnlng money med away

Tim Nalllgan grand larceny for-

feIture of bondD N B ckwelh green goods oper

ator 200 bond forfeited and paIdby A B Smith

Ed Cloonan for cutting John Rook100i for cutting In sudden heat and

passionJim Doolln grand larceny tiled

awayCharles Such malicious striking

continuedVanmaClcfous shooting

recognizance forfeitedEd Vasseur and Herman Williams

obtaining money by false pretenses

continuedIreneobtaining money

iy false pretenses continuedGus Armstrong malicious cutting

ball forfeitedJ R Brown for shooting ht Wm

Short 10Q in one case and dienlssed in two others

Walter Thornton changed withstealing Uofrom John iMcDearmoiicqultted

Civil DocketFlorence Heddy against Joe Hoddy

judgment for divorcePaducah Cooperage company

agaInst Walsh Manufacturing cotsparry dismissed

In Police CourtEd Bulger of Mechanicsburg ye

slated Patrolman Sam Howelll lastevenIng when the policeman arrestedlira for being drunk and disorderlyand ann result a second wu rant wasIssued against him for disorderlyconduct Both were continued pondng the acquisition of witnesses

William WlckUffe a young manwas heJd over for obtaining property


I Will Blythe colored for striking awoman was lined 40 and coiitB

Other cases Gabe Fletcher for miJclouslx assaulting Cal alloy eelired and Riley for maMclously cut-ting Fletcher continued ClarenceHcGuire petit larceny filed awayII D Trace James Wosham and Tom


costa each Will Muslck Tom Farm-er James Washam H D Tractdrunkenness 1 and costs each

They Kentucky Printing COmpanyRoy Ballowe druggist and FrcSreutzer baker charged with main-taining unsanitary premises weiyCrossBros Grain company Eighth antNorton streets proved that a peeof stagnant water In the rear of It tplant isbeing drained and the wan

I ant was iheld up A partial hoarln lr of a nuisance case against the We

llstirery dn Tyler was continue dmill Thursday

I Army ComfortComfort Is a relative term In I

soldiers camp things appear delight-ful which would hardly be thoughso at homo When the day after thlbattle of GaInes Mill John a negiservant came In for supplies sayMrs Pryor in her reralnlscencesh l

mistressasked after his masterwellbeIng

Did he have a comfortable nigh tJohn

He sholy did mlstuswas the re-

ply Marso Roger sartnly was corn

ortabo las night Ho slep on 11

field twlxt two dald horses

IIlIome Sweet Home was firssuns In this country at a theater ihlladephla In connection with thproduction of John Howard Paynemelodrama Clarl the Mall oMilan This was In 1823 The pinwnR originally produced In CovenGarden theater London and irami

lately the sweet air of the song bJlari became famous

IIG W Landrum of Smlthlamapdfdatb for railroad comrolsslonoraa in the city Ilast night on buslnes >

Many a man has accomplicegreat things beause he knew som

J women wouidamiEe on ilm for itt



I is th-



Fun for the BoysThis Summer Sure


His Part By Selling

1 Ball 151 Bat 101 Mit 40


FOR 27 CENTSNext Thursday April 4th

From 7a m to 6 p m

Harts Boy Day

fiEOO HART St SONS COIncorporated


I 4EAT at Whiteheads restaurant

iMITCHELLS for hlijhgrade1 bicy¬

cles 32G328 South Third street

FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow

1004 South Fourth-

HORTONSLNEUe painters and f

paporhangers Old phone 2001

FOR SAUE Household furniture I

Apply 219 North SlxthI I

FOR Heating and Stovewgod TlngII

437 F Levin

FOR RENT Furnlsbed frontroom Apply at COD Washington St

CLOTHES cleaned pressed re¬

paired Jas Duffy Phone 959a

ASK your grocer for Smith

Butts Bread and Cakes TelephoneC9ra

FOR RENT=rmra floor over

N4lhlStTWO lady solicitors wanted atonce Barksdalo Bros Co 201South Third-

WANTEDTo buy peafowl henIRing C53 old phone or address PH T care Sun

FOR RENT Nicely furnishedfront room All conveniences 837Jefferson

FOR SALE Improved Ormas Incu ¬cheapdTelephone 1789

ONE nice front room furnished forent Bath and all modern convent

ences Apply 918 Broadway

WANTED Am experienced cookBest of references required ApplyF J RIeko

FURNITURE EXCHANGE 205I South Third buys furniture and

stoves Now phone 900aFOR SALE Nice paying saloon

justness down town near Broadvay Owner leaving city will sell

a I heap Apply 111 S 3rd StWANTED At once Two black

I ifnlth helpers and one horseshoeraL j lelper Sexton sign Works ICth and-os

Madison Phono 401FOR RENT Ineroom house onpaperss

2d cheap rent 410 South TenthSee J A Rudy 219 Broadway

FOR SALEFIve room brick cotage 1237 Trlmbe St electricIghts bath Owner leaving city will

r ell cheap Apply 111 3 3rd StFOR firstclass and uptodate

arness and repair work go to theleperBlTth Harness Co 204 Ken

r ucky avenu-eWANTED0r colored men for

ending train 60 white men for planng mill work Crosaott Ark Trans

y lortatlon advanced Call New Richnond Hotel A E Smith

FOR RENT The storehouse In

Iechanlcsburg formerly occupied byhe Jake Blpdorman Grocery andJaklng Co Apply at Seventh streettore

FOR SALE Jefferson street lotetwecn 13th and 14th Sta 40x105o alley Price SSO

1C HoJllns Real Estate and Re-ntl Trueheart ads



FOR SAVE OR RENTFour roomhouse Apply 1720 Madison

FOR RENTCoco cola buildingJfth and Jackson Phone 222-

WANTEDWhite woman to dogeneral house work Apply 726 Jet

> 1erson

WANTEDTwo soberlndustrlousoung men between tho ages of 18

md 22 to do clericall Work Refertacos Address H Co care this of


LEFT OVER We have a fewspring wagons and buggies that wemust get out of our way and to doso will sell at a bargain if sold atonce Sexton Sign Works 16th andfadlson Phone 401

FOR SALE Nine year old blackhorse about sixteen hands weight1100 Iba City broke and well adapt-ed for driving or light delivery Ap

tlply Paducah Pottery Co

FOR SALE Vacant lot CCxl75rt for wholesale or storage houseon South Second street between Ad-

ams and Jackson Bargain See L DSanders 318 South Sixth Phone765 W J + i1

FOR RENT Two brick storelOuses Eleventh and Broadway onewostory brick business houseThirteenth and Clay Paducah Brewng company

FREE EMPLOYMENT bureau Nacharges for services rendered eitherto applicant or employer of laborCharity club 307 Kentucky avenuephone 029 office open from 9 to 12

oclock every forenoonWANTED We solicit your ren-


accounts Close attention is gIv-

en by this omco to all contracts giv-

en for repairs on property In ourcharge Collections made promptlywhen due II C Hollins Real Estateand Rentals Truehcart BuildingTelephone 12-

7WANTEDFor U S Army Ablebodied unmarried men between agesot 21 and 35 citizens of UnitedStates of good character and tem

crate habits who can speak readand write English For informationapply to recruiting officer New Rich-mond House Paducah Ky

OF INTEREST to parties wit-hmoneyIf you have any difficulty Inplacing your surplus funds write orcall on me as I have a number olapplications for money In sumfront 30000 and up with real estatesecurity good Interest rates closepersonal investigation all communlatlons strictly confidential S Thandle Loans Real Estate and In-

surance Room 3 AmericanGermanNational Bank-

Politeness Pars Johnny canyou name a city In Alaska Nix

You should be more respectfulJImmy can you Nom CorrectNomo Is a very thriving AlaskantownLoulsvnte CourierJournal

A wireless telegraph station atPoInt Lama Cal recently picked upa message which a battleship In theAtlantic Vas sending to Washington


=Dont inll to read the arthapto of The Suns BOW tsarist Ailakor of Illstary OM Vtp seViHl

It is ORe of Ute vwrjr liest Uth lMPftloss nllI












