· The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College

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Page 1:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 2:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 3:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 4:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 5:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 6:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 7:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 8:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 9:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 10:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 11:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 12:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 13:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 14:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 15:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 16:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 17:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 18:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 19:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 20:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 21:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 22:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 23:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 24:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 25:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 26:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 27:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 28:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 29:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 30:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 31:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College
Page 32:  · The Omani French Relations in the Era of Saied Ben Sultan 1856-1806G/1221-1273H Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers College

The Omani French Relations in the Era ofSaied Ben Sultan

1856-1806 G/1221-1273 H

Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki

Assistant Professor. Al-Rass Teachers CollegeAl-Gasim, Kingdom a/Saudi Arabia

Abstract. This study tackl es the relations betw een Oman and Fra nce

during the reg ime period of Essayed saicd Ben Sultan Al Bosaidy,

wh ich is consi dered one of the mos t importa nt reg ime periods in the

hist ory o f Oman Sultanate, the one that witnessed fierce co mpe tition

between Fra nce and Brit a in, the two European co untries that we re rac­

ing in the field o f colon izati on .

In spit e of the fact that Essayed Saied had early strong tics-with the

Indian British Go vernm ent, he was eag er to establish both economi c

and po litical relations with Fra nce. That was the reason that he set an

agreement wi th the French Bourbons Island in 180 7GII222 H wh ich

was set upon bila teral trade. However the French hegemony over the

Arabian Gulf and the Indi an oce an had a sev ere setback after the de­

feat of Napoleon . After France restored pari of its hegemony over the

Indian ocean, a new agreem ent for the same me ntioned target was se t

in 1821 G/1237 H and both France and Oman restored old ties.

In I833GII249 H, Essayed Sa ied signed a trade agreement w ith

USA, then another with Bri tain in I 839G1I2 55H, hence Fra nce

sought to have a similar agre ement with Om an and it has got wh at it

has sou ght for in I844UIl260 J-l by which France had many privi leges

and a consul in Za nz ibar the thing that was bad ly utilized from the

side of France as it suppo rted the Ca tholic Christian izing movement

in East A frica and this was the reaso n that made Essay ed Saicd in h is

later life had tight relations with Britain.

We ca n su m up all th is by saying that relat ions betwee n Essayed

Saied and Fra nce were basicall y based upon bilatera l trad e, but in the

long term it had a politi cal shape, hence France was the rival of Bri t­

ain concern ing Oman.