' 0 OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY FEBRUARY 10. 18S9. THE DAILY BEE , COUNOlElBLUFFS.N- O . i a BTIUJKT. tllrcrccl 1 y CMr'tr In AW 1'ftrl of ho City a- Tw only Cents 1'cr Week. II. W. ON . MANAWiiLll- i'M'SF.'SR : ' On ILK No. M- .NIOIIT . I'niTon , No. 33. MINOR MENTION.- N. . . Y. Plumbing company. Coal anil wood. iI3MnynoG19Bvny. The Kcbelmh degree social arranged for tills evening at the residoneo of 1. 11. lluino , lias boon postponed , owing to the illness of Mrs. lluino. Another meeting will bo held this evening , nt the board of trade rooms , for the nurposo of organizing1 u stock company to furnish oleetric lights in this city. The ulovatorin tlicgovornmcntbuild- hig - Asas receiving its finishing touches ycstoriluy. Jlhns been long enough in process ( if construction lobe most thor- oughly ¬ made. The boilers to generate * the steam u od in hunting the Mcrriam blouit have urrhed , and will be placed in position at once. The work of piping the build- in - } ? Is already underway.- QAn . evening -p'-sion of the district court was held last evening to hear the arguments in the case of biedontopt vs- Kennedy. . The evidence In the ease was submitted two weeks ago. The at- tornoss - are 11.Varo. . csq. and Mnytfo & Tlio case is for bpoeilie performance.- ShorilT . O'Neill went to Avoea yester- day ¬ , in i-liargo of pribonorsWindoinand- Uettawho were tobo arraigned in court. The prisoners are under indictment for highway robbery , and as there is u clear c'abe against them , their chances for a- long term in .the pen arc much more Haltering than they desire.- C'ily . Auditor Hammer yesterday 5s- Biiud'WjUO - in improvement bonds. Of this amount , M ) ( ) was for grading work done by C. K. Mitchell , and the remain- der ¬ for sewerage work done by K. A. 'J'his about completes the issuance of bondb for the improvements of the past year , there being less than 51.000 yet remaining. City Attorney Holmes states that he has fully lifty cases of damages against the city that are now ponding. Nearly nil of t'lioin will come up this term. He will make a report about the middle of next month of the cases pending , and of- thobo disposed of during the past year- .It . will doubtless prove intcrebting to the taxpaying public. * The teachers and scholars , as well as the , are joining in a petition to the board of education to lit up the fourth slory of the Atkiiib school build- ing ¬ as a gymnabium. The room is not used for any other purpose , and it is wild that it can be easily lit ted for this purpose. The petitioners urge that at- tention ¬ ahould bo given the physical as well as mental development of pupils.- Mrs. . . Pralor objects to having her place clabscd I'lnong the gambling Jioiibcs and tough places of the city. The btates that she owns the property where the colored gamblers wore found Sunday morning , but says that she rents the place to others and docs not run it , or control it in any way. As for the ] 3olen shooting all ray she insists that that was an accident.- St. . . Albany's lodge , 1C. of P. , gives a grand banquet and ball at their hall this evening. Extensive preparations are being made for the event , and it promises to be of a most enjoyable character. The knights have n way of looking after the comfort of their guests that is highly appreciated by those who attend their entertainments , and there will certainly be a largo attendance at the banquet this evening' . HGeorere C. Campbell , an old and re- spected ¬ resident of this city , died of consumption at 4:80 : o'clock yesterday afternoon at the residence of his son-in- law , ,T. J. Achtor , 'JK ! East Pierce street. The deceased had been a resident of Council Bluffs for the past twenty years and had a wide circle of acquaintances and friends. IIss illness was of several months' duration. Tiio arrangements for the funeral are not yet completed , and due notice will be given later.- A . vigorous ellort is being made by the friends of N. M. Pusoy , Esq. , to so- euro the appointment of that gentleman to fill the vacancy on thosupremo bench of the state , occasioned by the resigna- tion ¬ of Jud o Heed , congrobsman-olcct from this district. Several of the local attorneys returned last ovonipg from DCS Moincs , whore they had been on business of that nature. In the party wore A. T. Flickingor , C. M. Ilari , Finloy Burke , Colonel W. If. Sapp and Colonel 1) . B. Uailey. The Entertainment Bureau lately started hero for supnlying societies anil- churcheH with outlines of entertain- ments ¬ is covering the country pretty well. In one mail there wore orders from Maine and from California. One curious order and remittance was re- ceived ¬ from Connecticut. The enclo- sure ¬ was all in old pootal currency , caved for a quarter of a century. The re- mittance ¬ was as unique as the monthly for which it was the biibacriptlon price- .It . is thus that the west wakes up the cast. _ The London "Tailor's' * is the place to got your clothes mado. C37 Broadway.- S. . . B. 'Wadsworth & Co. loan money , I'prsonnl Harry Blrkinbino returned last even- ing ¬ from Philadelphia and Now York , whoroho has been for the past month on a combined business and pleasure trip.ShorilT Kittle , of Monona county , was in the city yesterday and inspected the county court house , which ho pro- nounced ¬ an ologunt structure. Ho is turning from Fort Madison , where ho hud just taken a batch of convicts.- Notice. . . There will bo a mooting of the David Deadly hook and ladder company ( u continued of Phnni.N : hook and ladder company ) at No.1 hose house , upper Broadway , Wednesday evening , February 20 , at 8 o'clock. J. B. Fi'mJK Ai.D , Secretary.- Mauoiilo. . . Regular communication of BlulT City lodge No. 71 , A. P. & A. M. this even- ing - , also work In the second degree. All masons in good standing are cor- dially ¬ invited to bo present. Lodge to- bo opened at 7:30 : sharp , Bv order of the M. For Trail pa Display. Grand March ... . . . Young Ladies , Mubic . Orchestra.- Hccltullou . . Miss E. StolTcns- .Muslo . . Orchcstro.- Urll . ! . Uodfc-o Light Guards.- Muslo . ,. , . , . Orchestra , Duct . Misses McUcrmld and Wcstcott. Grand Flnalo . . . .. . . . ' . . . .Youiin Ladles. Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly con I- Idcnttal - , _ _ J. G. Tipton' real estate , 627 B'dway ALL ABOUT THE BLUFFS , The Jury In the Evans-Whlto Oaso Tire Out and Dlsagroa. PROGRESS IN THE WILSON CASE Death of Sister Alary Ileajlna N ir- row I'Mcnpo Krnin Conl Ons- An hvcninc of- Music. . They Coiililn't ARIOC. Yesterday morning the district court was occupied in making the second as- signment ¬ of law cases. At 10 o'clock the jury in the case of Evans vs. White camehaving boon out forty-seven hours , reported that they could not agree upon a verdict. The had wrestled xvlth the knotty problem for two whole days , and as far from a solution as when thej- began. . The stood seven to live in favoi * of the plaintiff. They thought that it would be impossible to agree , and wore disc-barged by the court. The case of Pair vs. theCity of Council BlulTs was set for trial in the afternoon , but owing to the absence of plaintill's attorney , from the city , Oco. A. Holmes , IXc ) ., the city attorney , con- sented ¬ to have it go over until this morning. The case will probably re- quire ¬ two days for trial. Parties having temperance billiard halls and restaurants will do well to take the exclusive sale of my temper- ance ¬ beer. L. M. FiNKii&riiN.- Tliu . ' .Vllsim CUHP. Additional papers were filed yester- day ¬ is the Wilson vs WiKon dlvoreo- suit. . Tlicv were the aflldavitb of Rob- ert ¬ Wilson , the defendant , J. W. and Ida DcEmorv , .lames P. Anderson , Unnry Paul , C. Wesley and W. L- .Briggs. . . The tenor of the allldavits was to throw discredit on theo filed a short time since by Alice Wilson , the plaintiff , ( , 'elia Cooper , Emma Jensen , Alice , Maud , and Kollio Wilson. They allege that the first allldavits signed by the children , Alice. Aland and Kollio , were read to the children , and the va- rious ¬ clauses particularly called to their attention. That they stated that each and every allegation was true and signed tliem accordingly. Mr. and Mrs. DoEinery stale that Celia Cooper and Emma .loiibon have both visited their house , is immediately in the rear on the same lot as the Wilson residence , and have stated that they did not know at the time they signed certain alHdavils what the contents were , and that they were misrepre- sented. ¬ . It is Mmply keeping up the practice adopted at the outset of makingchargcs and counter-charges , denials and re- criminations. ¬ . The case was to have been argued last week , but the attorneys and court failed to connect. In the meantime the sensationalists ; are having a veritable picnic in digesting the delectable mess that is carefully submitted for their inspection- .Don't . miss the trades display tonight.- Hnrrison'H . Ilium ; uration. The Wabash Western railway an- nounces ¬ that tickets will bo sold from all stations to Washington and return , for the inauguration of President Har- rison ¬ , at half fare. Kate for round trip from Council Bluffs , la. , ? : ) . Tickets will be on sale February 27 to March 2 ; good returning until March 10 , 1SS' ) . For further par- ticulars ¬ apply at the Wabash Western ticket otlice , '121 Broadway.- J. . . C. MiTCiir.LL , Agent. Rooms to rent in the Merriam block.- S. . . B. Wadsworth & Co.230 Main street. Jack In lic ! ROY. When the cover was lifted off the bas- ket ¬ at the city jail yesterday there were nearly a dozen packages animated darkness that rolled out and ambled into the police court room. There was a small sprinkling of rather suspicious white , or more correctly speaking , of variegated black and white , in the lot , but the genuine , Simon pure black largely predominated. Harry Ollcn was the first parcel ex- amined. ¬ . IIo was booked as , a suspicions character , but proved to bo an innocent turnpike tourist of tender years , and had graduated from being a jockey in scrub races to a full-llodgoct tranm. lie was discharged and allowed to resume his pilgrimage. Ludwig Henry was a member of the same fraternity , and had grown gray on his missions. Ho was promptly bounced and given an hour to get out of the city.- .fames . . Barnett and Ed Williams wore run in on suspicion of. larceny. Barnett had sold two pairs of pants for 70 eonts and IK) cents respectively , and claimed to have bought them at auction at West- on. - . Williams disposed of a ft ) pair of shoes for half that price. None of the articles had ever been worn. Their case was continued. Jack Morgan and Iva Ilidinan were hold on the charge of adultery. Jack- is a colored barber , and has a wife , who is employed as a domestic at a bagnio on Lower Broadway. The case of the six darkey gamblers who were arrested Sunday morning for "shooting craps , " on Lower Broadway , was culled , and all pleaded not guilty. They were released on tlioir own roco- gnianccs - to appear for trial Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. One of them explained the game of- "craps" to the court , and stated that if his honor forgot any of the points ho could refer to one of his policemen who was "away up" in the gumo , us ho had won till their money the preceding Sun ¬ day. I'"or Sale nt n Bargain. Hotel property in Council BlulTs , cen- trally ¬ located , doing good business. R- .I' . . Olllcor , solo agent , No. 12 N. Main St. , Council Bluff *. Don 1)1 ) of Sister Mary.- "Shortly . after noon yesterday Miss Ellen Cosgrovo , or as who was better known Sister Mary Roginn , passed away at St. Francis academy , in this city. The deceased had been here- about four years , and had charge of the embroidery and drawing depart ¬ ments. She took the veil at the ago of fourteen , and had boon n inomborof the order of Sisters of Charity of B. V. M. for thirty-fivo years , being conse- quently ¬ in her fiftieth year at the time of her death. She was an a'rtht of rare ability , and had taught music and draw- ing ¬ in the aca'domios of the order at- Dubuquu , where she took the veil , Fort Dodge , Davenport , Chicago and Clinton. Among her pupils at Dnbuquo was Sis- ter ¬ JMary Dumiun , the present superior at St. Francis academy. The deceased was a sister of Bishop Cosgrovo , of Dav- enport ¬ , who has been notified of her ( tenth , and will Do hero to attend the funeral. Her illness was of long dura- tion ¬ , and while a fatal termination was not unlocked for , yet the end was not expected so soon. She had lieen ill for years , and cnmo hero with the intention of roiling and i PCIporating ) her health , "or duties wore not severe , but diseno had gained too strong a hold , and recovery was im- possible. ¬ . It had just boon decided to telegraph her brother and the general mother superior of the order at Do ? Moincs to come at once , when slip was seized with spasms and died before any relief could bo afforded. The deceased was of a most nmiablo disposition , and had greatly endeared herself to all out- side ¬ acquaintances as well as to the incmb'ers of the order and the pupils in her charge. The funeral will take place to-morrow morning from St. Francis Xnvior's church. School at the academy was dismissed yesterday after- noon ¬ and n recess w ll bo taken until Thur.day morning.- I . have moxcd my olllco to Omaha , at which all orders will be received and Irom which all deliveries will bo made by wngon. L. M. FiNKlll.sTLUX. All grades hard coal. C. B. Fuel Co. Too Much Conl Has. Four of the electric motor line con- ductors ¬ , Samuel ICakel , George Baker , ( toorgo Mercer and Harry .Tack , had a narrow escape from asphyxiation Sun- day ¬ night. They board with one of the inotormon , who lives near the ear IHHKO , and their room heated with a hard coal burner. Baker ' ays that after retiring Sunday night he de- tected ¬ the odor of gas in t lie room and arose and li.xd the stove. When Baker nro-c yesterday morning to yo out on the early run , ho felt s-o di vy and faint that lie compello.d to re- quest ¬ ono of the others to take his place- .It . was soon found , however , that all were in the same condition and sutler- ing - from gas poisoning. 1'akel fainted when ho arose , .lack was Hie only one who was able to work jcbterdtiy. Had not Baker IKcd tlio and shut olT borne of the escaping gas it is almost certain that some if not all of the quar- tette ¬ would been sullocatcd. Pickled tripe and pigb' feet at Tib- bitts' - , 3I5 Broadway.- Dr. . . C. C. , dentist , Opera house block. Tlio Hluns cil'die Time *. "There's a neat little sign. Jt hangs over the sidewalk a few inches further than the ordinance allows , but why should the ollioors make so great a kick about it , and let old ash barrels , dry goods boxes , and rubbish of all sorts stand right on tlio sidewalk ? " The listener gave up the conundrum at once- ."If . the ordinance is to be enforced why don't the ollicers commence with tho" things that are really nuisances , and get them cleared upV Itveenis a&- if they wore commencing at the wrong cud. For iiiblauco there's the street bign of ICimball & Champ. That has stood there for years , and it doesn't be- gin ¬ to be any biich nufcnnco as those old posts in front of the court hotiM ) . Thoao old posts arc a give away. Why don't the city ollieiuls make the county re- move ¬ them before it commences on a sign of a private business house ? It does look queer. " Elegant spring goods. New styles throughout. A. Roller , 310 Broadway. - Contra t illations. The following telegram was received yesterday by the rector of St. Paul's church : "Heartiest congratulations and thanks of the dtoceso to the faithful women of St. Paul's church.- "WILLIAM . STKVKX.S. PEIIHY , "Bishop of Iowa. " The above is called forth by the efforts of the women to raise the debt on the church , and thus secure the re- tention ¬ of the rector. The women are working Grandly. It was largely duo to their ctfortb that the rectory was first built , and a site secured for a now church building. It , was also duo largely to them that the beautiful edi- fice ¬ afterwards was erected. Collins I' omul. Deputy Sheriff O'Connor visited Omaha yesterday morning in response to a telegram stating that P. M. Collins was under arrest there. Collins was indicted by the grand jury at yio last session of that body for relieving a granger of his spare cash on "Rotten- Row. . " Ho was out on bail , and his bondsmen were unable to surrender him. Ho kept out of tlio way , expect- ing ¬ his relatives to appear and put up a- new bond for him. He was arrested on- n minor charge on the other side of the river , and then stated to the authori- ties ¬ that ho was wanted here. lie came willintrly withouta requisition , and yes- terday ¬ afternoon was arraigned before Lho court on tlio charge of larceny from the person. Ho pleaded not guilty , and was sent back to jail to await trial when the criminal docket is opened. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything ofaluo at low rales of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.- A. . . 'A. Clark & Co. , office cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. Try our XXX bottled boor. Special rates on all orders from Iowa.- L. . . M. FIXKIISTJIN.- MCU'H : . Socl.iljlc. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mackay will cnlorlain a young men's sociable al the rectory next Wednesday evening 'rom 7:30 : to 10 o'clock. A. hearty in- vitation ¬ is extended to all young men to avail themselves of this opportunity of becoming acquainted with the rector.- A . pleasant evening is expected , and no collection will be taken up. Trades display to-night at armory hall. Heating stoves at cost to close out- .Odcll . & Bryant. All grades soft coal. C. B. Fuel Co. . L. E. Roe , dentist , No. 27 Main St. , over Jacquomin & Co.'s jewelry store , Send all orders for bottled beer to L.- M. . . Finkclstoin , Omaha. Notice the beautiful finish given col- ars - , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun- dry ¬ company. Have our wngon call for your * soiled clothes , Cascade Laundry Co- .An . KvciiliiK of MiiHlc. Another very enjoyable musical en- tertainment ¬ was given last evening in- ho Congrogatianal church , by Prof , 3aotus' pupils. It was modestly called a recital , but was in fact worthy of n nero pretentious name. The Strykon- laaslust - ) club gave llvo orchestral so- octions. - . The other participants wore Annie Hart and Xolla Nllcs , on the piano ; Arthur Knrbach and Perry Badtillct , clarionet and cornel ; Air. John Brown , violincello ; II. Rogers. P.- Tulloy. . . O. Williams E. Knrbacli , vio- linf. - . . Miss Claire Chamberlain and Prof- .Baetus . , violin and ; Miss Laura C'oncli , piano fcolo ; Frank Badallet , lluto solo. The Scl > jul Uoiml. The school board mot in regular session last evening w ith all the mem- bers ¬ present except Mr. Haiti. Miss Ella Mclnlosh was clcclcd as one of Iho now teachers.- On . motion the resignation of P , D- .Moltav . as janitor was accepted.- A . petition from several teachers , pupils and others for the establishment of a gymnasium on tlio fourth floor ol the now Atkins building was referied- to the committee on teachers , text- books and coin-so ot study.- A . petition for a now school building in the west part of the Fourth ward was referred to the committee on grounds and buildings. The bond of the secretary was ac- cepted ¬ and approved. The a tion of the teachers eommiUeo , in anpolnling substitutes up to the pr's- ent - time , was approved.- Mi . s ( Itirn M.vors and Miss Mary Munson were elected teachers , and Miss Minnie Hanson substitute. Several bilN wore allowed , and ome routine business of minor importanrut- ransacted. . The board then adjnurne I until nt- urdny.hcn MMIIO action Mill lie taken regarding the coming election in tl e way of ordering notices publishe- d.isos . , i3uvn . Strorur Evidence. Now Proofs.- Cl . nulled , AnhHnJ AihUsilCo Wli MtvSQII- Mr JOHN JONES wn run ovrr t 7 a irw-lot ; under doctor's catc S wtkl two bottlco of et- .Jicobi . Oil crtd him lound &nd w ll , no retnrn cl- plln _ WALKER 00 , BrojlllU- ITmnlly I'co. Illlopolli 111 MnjlJ , JJ88- 7or nnmber at rctr * Qt JtccbN Oil h&iteen cud In ay ft.mllr fc tt'leva U li lh beet rtmi d t- Icr turn , luclliaji. cnti , Iratlii and pr rir d JOBEFH ni |. ! t Annjr. "it KTitsin.WI. .M y3S , 'SS 1 btraid nip left hind bidljr &ad It vll CUM rlihl iiy by St Jicobi Oil PA SOHEDLLEB- AT DRVOoKfi AHD DEALERS THE CHAtlLCS fl. VOGELER CO..D ltlmore. Ut. THE COUNCIL BLUFFS COMPANY MONEY On hand "for loans ; lowc&t rates of interest. Kino ftirnib closu to BlulK tooxchnii c for city property. Western lunii to exchange for city property.- SX . harjjuiii'j in Broadway loU. Kino bu-sincs' . propurty to OM-luinyo for fnrini.- Jood . ( fre--ji sloelc crrnecrics to o- changc - for city pnJp'M'tj ' , vnd onuthirdc- ash. . Houses and lotion monthly pavments. Small payment down. I'rieeiMUjjiiiff from 'K"o to S-I.IMIOl ( 'licap loU in Hvnns' , Wright's , C'ocl- inui's - and most all ndditioiiA to oily- .Kinoaeio . piojierly for --ale froin $100- to $. > ( )( ) leb limn present worth.- So. . . 10 I'earl Si. , Council JUnlfs. SPECIAL NOTICES.VA- WTS. . . " 17 ° Oll HUNT Clieup. two liuiulM nio. now , -U loom rottaieb , noithof ti.tiiilVi , Council JHulls. ] iitilie ( | ill.inil HIshtoi , Stli and -1st st. * | > Conippicnt nlfetracier ot- J. . W. hiiulnco.tncil llluUs.- TTIOH . Itl'NT Tlio tliree stoTy Drlrk stoic lonm- I - ? No. 4U7 llro.ichvay. The location Is DUO of- tUo "ui'stlii tliu city. I ho Iwlldliiif has boon oo- milled Toy the I ist twenty years by Millcr.V Co. , liaidwarc, mid bo a vury dp-ihulilo loc.i- tlon - for a hindmue bualru'b-i oa tnat uucouut. John llcunott- .WIVNTKO . Clly propei ty in i"cclianso for . .lohnson & Van r.ittuu , UJ Main st- .NOTKII . of dissolution ( if co-part- . Notice Is hcruby clven- tliat the co iiirtnur-thlp hoiotoforo oisti- nu - liotwecn thu nndfislened under tlio 111 in n.imnot I'.irsons .V ICcllur , for the piirposo- of doNt'lopIns and opi'r.itlng u sand and ; uel- pltneir Illnion , In .Mills county , low a. Is this day dl * h'cd 1) } iniitiiKl consent Witness our hands thi ! > luth day ot Jaunai v, A. 1) . . Ihs'l (1 1 ! I'AllMjNB.- v. . . L. uiiuit. : : fS ITA stociTof riathliiK. "Hoots WHAT Miu3 ?, llutMind CapN ( ionts1 1'in- nlshlnK - Coods. Dry floodInroto JlO.linti. What you to olli'iv nil Itioaduay , Council Klulls , la. SA F > & KNOTTY Fuel Merchants. Watch The SIGNS , , ° th ust Buy . Attention. * :; iCEIF- Vor'cF M . --r-prompt ; Pen very IS We invite . .MILLEf ? " . your patronace.li- S. . - B ROAD WAV- SoufhMainSt ? - " " " iT ' '' Bli&W " i M N09.III3 Pea r I St. ! ' r- g trM | ; g S KfiK rVG 835 iM skwl ' ? 70- ODELL fiarnt OtnohoCofail Bluffs. CITY MEAT MARKET ! TO THE ! FRONT ! V.NTII it in in u Mnttr i wiu. sur. BEEF , VEAL & PORK Ol MVOW.N Dlllv iN- dlaCaltle Pedoi toaConu- il : ! , . will meet nny hnnntr unpotitlon on prlr'oj- lor llisi-i l.iss Nlu.it- s.J. . . M. SCAHI.AN, 12O ItrnnilWAy. - - XrleplioncOt. . TUY OUll MUSH.- IE . ENTERTAINMENTS ! Novel , pleasing and pindic.il. For tlic- luilor , the chuivh , the Ch.iutuuiiua ciiclc , circle , tlio society hall. The only monthly of its kind in tlio United Status. Only $1 a- jear. . Samples , 10 cents. KTni KMIII I'M SKUVK nVery iuiiiiie. ] No- rohc.iibiils needed. Only SO cents for ; v su | ply for any school , of nnj si e. Addtes- aKNTiiiT.iN > in > r IUJKKAU , Council Hlnffo , Iowa , .1 i : . Ifai-Kness , Mana- cer. - . P.iblisheis of "Old Disluct School , " " ( JinSoeml , " "UrenliiB With Art , " etc.- c. . . ii. iir.r.i , . n. A. BELL & BERLIMHOF , Arctiitccts , Dcsigiicr and Supcrintciitt- of Mi * . ItorHnsIiof us si > cii jcars lii- Mciulcbsuhn I'Kliui iV LIM * and h.is- dcsiiyncd , : >I } , iniuiy of the llni'st blocks in Oimilni and Coiinuil lilnll's. Plans "and Specifications frepawd and Estimates mate on Aplication , Studio , liooni Oi > cm House Tnos. orrirnit. W. H. M. Pusuv. OFFICER & PUSEY , Coiner Main anil Droadway , COUNCIL IIIjUKrS , IOWA.- in . foreign r.ml donipstlu made mid Interest iiaiil on tlniode- D - , H , McDANELQ & CO , , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , fciP- bt mail :' t prl 03 , 1'ionijiV returns , and bJi .Main St. . Lountil Illuirs , Iowa. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY.- H . DID M PI t SC Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates , . DI nix I nDlI C. " ' Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Urown- liuililiii' , ' , Council lilulli , Iowa- .N . Justice ol the IVacc. Olllcc over Ainviican Gxpicss , No , 419 ' IJioadway , Council IMullb , Jonn- .QTOIMC" . Ri Attoineys at Law , Piactice in the State and Ted era OIUlNC. Ot OlIVlO" Courts. Olllcc Rooms ? and8 , Sliugart-BenolJlock , Council lilullb , Iowa. TIN ! FYAUornc >ts at.Law Room "Cou ncil Bluff- s.To . any rQgular pliysician wlio desires to locate , I have to offer in a thriving city in Iowa of 8,000 population , the home and practice of the leading physician of the place. Me has resided in said city for sixteen years last past , and his books will show an annual business of $6,000 per year. For reasons personal to himself he proposes to change his residence to another city , He will sell his home , which is a comfortable frame house of eight rooms , heated by furnace , and with all necessary outbuildings and conveniences , for 3500. He will turn over to the buyer his practice and good- will , and will remain with his successor some months pending his settlements and collections. Any reputable physician desiring to make a change will do well correspond with the undersigned , who is prepared to verify the entire bona fides of the whole business. Address C. J. COLBY , Room 522 Paxton Block , Omaha , Neb. POST OFFICE MEAT MARKET H , PETHYBRIDGE & CO. , PROPS.M- nnufncturora . nnd Wholesale Dealers I- nof A.11 Orders Promptly Filled nnd Delivered , No. 635 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. MIA- n old established Boot and Shoe business in Council Bluffs , Iowa. The Phillips stock of Boots and Shoes at 413 Broadway , is for sale and the store will be rented. Best stand and trade in city. Nearly thirty years in one location. Present stock from $12,000 to 15000. For further particulars apply to Gh D. Phillips , at the store , or to N. C. Phillips , one of the execu- tors - of the J. M. Phillips estate.- N. . . P. DODG-E , Executor. SIZES FROM KspccHlly AdiptoJ for 25 TO 300 ELECTRIC LIGHTING, HORSEPOWER , Mills and Elsalors.Sr- eclllcatlon'3 . ' ami estimates funilslieil for complete stc.iir. jilnnfj. ItpRiilatlon , Duiablllly- nntcul. . Ltuiuliow Icttcib fiom users wliuiu fuel Uconomy Is cciu il with foillsi Non-foudei E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. 6101'eurl Street , Council UlulV- s.OF . - - JOHN GILBERT , 521 Main St.T- ELKPIIONU . 22- 1.Correspondence . Estimates Furnished Solicited. On Application- .F. . . J. BBEZEE , Taxidermist and Naturalist.loc- ntod . at No. H North ith Bt. , ojuioslto jostolllco , oa AI.lorl.ln.-foinifllHliillH.ln. w'sir'F ' lllrds und nnlnuiM luoiintcil naturally uml In thn bcht method ot > tlicait. Warranted to pieaeivu for yi'iiiu. 1'uinljjii blida- on Blioit notlco HlKhoKt pilropald fcir owls nnil of ail llniln ] 'ir oiifi Beiidlnir oide- aijsui ed of perfect Hiuisfiiuloii. I'nr diCBflsuh1 u .Hjiecially. Wilto for jmitltiilard. LADIES OF OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS - ) AIIB INMTKII TO < MM , A1 ( - IHBS. C. I. . GXTuUBXT'S HAIR EMPORIUM Hno of Hairdouils. I'lXKST IIAIK- OJt.N.lJIi.YrSI"1inr : ! y.Vlfd. . HwinN , etc. , AXI- J > AJNTK , IIAIII- T. NO. . , : <; <> IJII. . II V UAH , IlECLIVli

The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1889-02 …...Coal anil wood. iI3MnynoG19Bvny. The Kcbelmh degree social arranged for tills evening at the residoneo of 1. 11. lluino,lias boon

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Page 1: The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1889-02 …...Coal anil wood. iI3MnynoG19Bvny. The Kcbelmh degree social arranged for tills evening at the residoneo of 1. 11. lluino,lias boon






tllrcrccl 1 y CMr'tr In AW 1'ftrl of ho City a-

Tw only Cents 1'cr Week.II. W. ON . MANAWiiLll-



' On ILK No. M-


I'niTon , No. 33.




. Y. Plumbing company.Coal anil wood. iI3MnynoG19Bvny.The Kcbelmh degree social arranged

for tills evening at the residoneo of 1.11. lluino , lias boon postponed , owing tothe illness of Mrs. lluino.

Another meeting will bo held thisevening , nt the board of trade rooms ,

for the nurposo of organizing1 u stockcompany to furnish oleetric lights inthis city.

The ulovatorin tlicgovornmcntbuild-hig


Asas receiving its finishing touchesycstoriluy. Jlhns been long enough inprocess ( if construction lobe most thor-oughly


made.The boilers to generate * the steam

u od in hunting the Mcrriam blouit haveurrhed , and will be placed in positionat once. The work of piping the build-in


}? Is already underway.-QAn


evening -p'-sion of the districtcourt was held last evening to hear thearguments in the case of biedontopt vs-

Kennedy. . The evidence In the easewas submitted two weeks ago. The at-tornoss


are 11.Varo. . csq. andMnytfo & Tlio case is forbpoeilie performance.-


O'Neill went to Avoea yester-day


, in i-liargo of pribonorsWindoinand-Uettawho were tobo arraigned in court.The prisoners are under indictment forhighway robbery , and as there is u clearc'abe against them , their chances for a-

long term in .the pen arc much moreHaltering than they desire.-


Auditor Hammer yesterday 5s-


in improvement bonds. Ofthis amount , M ) ( ) was for grading workdone by C. K. Mitchell , and the remain-der


for sewerage work done by K. A.'J'his about completes the

issuance of bondb for the improvementsof the past year , there being less than51.000 yet remaining.

City Attorney Holmes states that hehas fully lifty cases of damages againstthe city that are now ponding. Nearlynil of t'lioin will come up this term. Hewill make a report about the middle ofnext month of the cases pending , and of-

thobo disposed of during the past year-.It

.will doubtless prove intcrebting to

the taxpaying public.* The teachers and scholars , as well asthe , are joining in a petition tothe board of education to lit up thefourth slory of the Atkiiib school build-ing


as a gymnabium. The room is notused for any other purpose , and it iswild that it can be easily lit ted for thispurpose. The petitioners urge that at-tention


ahould bo given the physical aswell as mental development of pupils.-


. Pralor objects to having herplace clabscd I'lnong the gamblingJioiibcs and tough places of the city.The btates that she owns the propertywhere the colored gamblers wore foundSunday morning , but says that she rentsthe place to others and docs not run it ,or control it in any way. As for the] 3olen shooting all ray she insists thatthat was an accident.-


. Albany's lodge , 1C. of P. , gives agrand banquet and ball at their hallthis evening. Extensive preparationsare being made for the event , and itpromises to be of a most enjoyablecharacter. The knights have n way oflooking after the comfort of their gueststhat is highly appreciated by those whoattend their entertainments , and therewill certainly be a largo attendance atthe banquet this evening' .

HGeorere C. Campbell , an old and re-spected


resident of this city , died ofconsumption at 4:80: o'clock yesterdayafternoon at the residence of his son-in-law , ,T. J. Achtor , 'JK ! East Pierce street.The deceased had been a resident ofCouncil Bluffs for the past twenty yearsand had a wide circle of acquaintancesand friends. IIss illness was of severalmonths' duration. Tiio arrangementsfor the funeral are not yet completed ,

and due notice will be given later.-A


vigorous ellort is being made bythe friends of N. M. Pusoy , Esq. , to so-euro the appointment of that gentlemanto fill the vacancy on thosupremo benchof the state , occasioned by the resigna-tion


of Jud o Heed , congrobsman-olcctfrom this district. Several of the localattorneys returned last ovonipg fromDCS Moincs , whore they had been onbusiness of that nature. In the partywore A. T. Flickingor , C. M. Ilari ,Finloy Burke , Colonel W. If. Sapp andColonel 1) . B. Uailey.

The Entertainment Bureau latelystarted hero for supnlying societies anil-churcheH with outlines of entertain-ments


is covering the country prettywell. In one mail there wore ordersfrom Maine and from California. Onecurious order and remittance was re-ceived


from Connecticut. The enclo-sure


was all in old pootal currency ,caved for a quarter of a century. The re-mittance


was as unique as the monthlyfor which it was the biibacriptlon price-.It


is thus that the west wakes up thecast. _

The London "Tailor's' * is the place togot your clothes mado. C37 Broadway.-



. B. 'Wadsworth & Co. loan money ,

I'prsonnlHarry Blrkinbino returned last even-


from Philadelphia and Now York ,whoroho has been for the past monthon a combined business and pleasuretrip.ShorilT

Kittle , of Monona county , wasin the city yesterday and inspected thecounty court house , which ho pro-nounced


an ologunt structure. Ho isturning from Fort Madison , where hohud just taken a batch of convicts.-




There will bo a mooting of the DavidDeadly hook and ladder company ( ucontinued of Phnni.N: hookand ladder company ) at No.1 hose house ,upper Broadway , Wednesday evening ,February 20 , at 8 o'clock.

J. B. Fi'mJK Ai.D , Secretary.-



.Regular communication of BlulT City

lodge No. 71 , A. P. & A. M. this even-ing

-, also work In the second degree.

All masons in good standing are cor-dially


invited to bo present. Lodge to-bo opened at 7:30: sharp , Bv order ofthe M.

For Trail pa Display.Grand March . . . . ..Young Ladies ,


..Miss E. StolTcns-.Muslo


.!. Uodfc-o Light Guards.-


, . ,. ,.Orchestra ,

Duct.Misses McUcrmld and Wcstcott.Grand Flnalo. . . . . . . .

'. . . .Youiin Ladles.

Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'sloan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses ,wagons, personal property of all kinds ,and all other articles of value withoutremoval. All business strictly con I-


, __J. G. Tipton' real estate , 627 B'dway


The Jury In the Evans-Whlto OasoTire Out and Dlsagroa.


Death of Sister Alary Ileajlna N ir-row I'Mcnpo Krnin Conl Ons-

An hvcninc of-Music. .

They Coiililn't ARIOC.Yesterday morning the district court

was occupied in making the second as-


of law cases. At 10 o'clockthe jury in the case of Evans vs. Whitecamehaving boon out forty-seven hours ,

reported that they could not agree upona verdict. The had wrestled xvlth theknotty problem for two whole days , and

as far from a solution as when thej-began. . The stood seven to live in favoi *

of the plaintiff. They thought that itwould be impossible to agree , and woredisc-barged by the court.

The case of Pair vs. theCity of CouncilBlulTs was set for trial in the afternoon ,but owing to the absence of plaintill'sattorney , from the city , Oco. A.Holmes , IXc ) . , the city attorney , con-


to have it go over until thismorning. The case will probably re-quire


two days for trial.

Parties having temperance billiardhalls and restaurants will do well totake the exclusive sale of my temper-ance


beer. L. M. FiNKii&riiN.-



'.Vllsim CUHP.

Additional papers were filed yester-day


is the Wilson vs WiKon dlvoreo-suit. . Tlicv were the aflldavitb of Rob-ert


Wilson , the defendant , J. W. andIda DcEmorv , .lames P. Anderson ,

Unnry Paul , C. Wesley and W. L-


. The tenor of the allldavitswas to throw discredit on theo filed ashort time since by Alice Wilson , theplaintiff , ( , 'elia Cooper , Emma Jensen ,

Alice , Maud , and Kollio Wilson. Theyallege that the first allldavits signed bythe children , Alice. Aland and Kollio ,were read to the children , and the va-rious


clauses particularly called to theirattention. That they stated that eachand every allegation was true andsigned tliem accordingly. Mr. andMrs. DoEinery stale that Celia Cooperand Emma .loiibon have both visitedtheir house , is immediately inthe rear on the same lot as the Wilsonresidence , and have stated that theydid not know at the time they signedcertain alHdavils what the contentswere , and that they were misrepre-sented.



It is Mmply keeping up the practiceadopted at the outset of makingchargcsand counter-charges , denials and re-criminations.



The case was to have been arguedlast week , but the attorneys and courtfailed to connect. In the meantime thesensationalists ; are having a veritablepicnic in digesting the delectablemess that is carefully submitted fortheir inspection-



miss the trades display tonight.-



Ilium ; uration.The Wabash Western railway an-


that tickets will bo sold fromall stations to Washington and return ,

for the inauguration of President Har-rison


, at half fare.Kate for round trip from Council

Bluffs , la. , ? : ) . Tickets will be on saleFebruary 27 to March 2 ; good returninguntil March 10 , 1SS' ) . For further par-ticulars


apply at the Wabash Westernticket otlice , '121 Broadway.-


.. C. MiTCiir.LL , Agent.

Rooms to rent in the Merriam block.-S.


. B. Wadsworth & Co.230 Main street.

Jack In lic! ROY.

When the cover was lifted off the bas-ket


at the city jail yesterday there werenearly a dozen packages animateddarkness that rolled out and ambledinto the police court room. There wasa small sprinkling of rather suspiciouswhite , or more correctly speaking , ofvariegated black and white , in the lot ,

but the genuine , Simon pure blacklargely predominated.

Harry Ollcn was the first parcel ex-


. IIo was booked as, a suspicionscharacter , but proved to bo an innocentturnpike tourist of tender years , andhad graduated from being a jockey inscrub races to a full-llodgoct tranm. liewas discharged and allowed to resumehis pilgrimage.

Ludwig Henry was a member of thesame fraternity , and had grown gray onhis missions. Ho was promptly bouncedand given an hour to get out of thecity.-


. Barnett and Ed Williams worerun in on suspicion of. larceny. Barnetthad sold two pairs of pants for 70 eontsand IK) cents respectively , and claimedto have bought them at auction at West-on.

-. Williams disposed of a ft ) pair of

shoes for half that price. None of thearticles had ever been worn. Theircase was continued.

Jack Morgan and Iva Ilidinan werehold on the charge of adultery. Jack-is a colored barber , and has a wife , whois employed as a domestic at a bagnioon Lower Broadway.

The case of the six darkey gamblerswho were arrested Sunday morning for"shooting craps ," on Lower Broadway ,was culled , and all pleaded not guilty.They were released on tlioir own roco-gnianccs

-to appear for trial Thursday

morning at 10 o'clock.One of them explained the game of-

"craps" to the court , and stated that ifhis honor forgot any of the points hocould refer to one of his policemen whowas "away up" in the gumo , us ho hadwon till their money the preceding Sun ¬


I'"or Sale nt n Bargain.Hotel property in Council BlulTs , cen-


located , doing good business. R-


. Olllcor , solo agent , No. 12 N. MainSt. , Council Bluff * .

Don 1)1) of Sister Mary.-"Shortly

.after noon yesterday Miss

Ellen Cosgrovo , or as who was betterknown Sister Mary Roginn , passedaway at St. Francis academy , in thiscity. The deceased had been here-about four years , and had charge ofthe embroidery and drawing depart ¬

ments. She took the veil at the ago offourteen , and had boon n inomborof theorder of Sisters of Charity of B. V. M.for thirty-fivo years , being conse-quently


in her fiftieth year at the timeof her death. She was an a'rtht of rareability , and had taught music and draw-ing


in the aca'domios of the order at-Dubuquu , where she took the veil , FortDodge , Davenport , Chicago and Clinton.Among her pupils at Dnbuquo was Sis-ter


JMary Dumiun , the present superiorat St. Francis academy. The deceasedwas a sister of Bishop Cosgrovo , of Dav-enport


, who has been notified of her

(tenth , and will Do hero to attend thefuneral. Her illness was of long dura-tion


, and while a fatal termination wasnot unlocked for , yet the end was notexpected so soon.

She had lieen ill for years , and cnmohero with the intention of roiling andi PCIporating) her health , "or dutieswore not severe , but diseno had gainedtoo strong a hold , and recovery was im-


. It had just boon decided totelegraph her brother and the generalmother superior of the order at Do ?

Moincs to come at once , when slip wasseized with spasms and died before anyrelief could bo afforded. The deceasedwas of a most nmiablo disposition , andhad greatly endeared herself to all out-side


acquaintances as well as to theincmb'ers of the order and the pupils inher charge. The funeral will takeplace to-morrow morning from St.Francis Xnvior's church. School at theacademy was dismissed yesterday after-noon


and n recess w ll bo taken untilThur.day morning.-



have moxcd my olllco to Omaha , atwhich all orders will be received andIrom which all deliveries will bo madeby wngon. L. M. FiNKlll.sTLUX.

All grades hard coal. C. B. Fuel Co.

Too Much Conl Has.Four of the electric motor line con-


, Samuel ICakel , George Baker ,

( toorgo Mercer and Harry .Tack , had anarrow escape from asphyxiation Sun-


night. They board with one of theinotormon , who lives near the earIHHKO , and their room heated with ahard coal burner. Baker ' ays thatafter retiring Sunday night he de-tected


the odor of gas in t lie room andarose and li.xd the stove. WhenBaker nro-c yesterday morning to yoout on the early run , ho felt s-o di vyand faint that lie compello.d to re-quest


ono of the others to take hisplace-


was soon found , however , that allwere in the same condition and sutler-ing

-from gas poisoning. 1'akel fainted

when ho arose , .lack was Hie only onewho was able to work jcbterdtiy. Hadnot Baker IKcd tlio and shut olTborne of the escaping gas it is almostcertain that some if not all of the quar-tette


would been sullocatcd.

Pickled tripe and pigb' feet at Tib-bitts'

-, 3I5 Broadway.-



. C. C. , dentist , Opera houseblock.

Tlio Hluns cil'die Time * .

"There's a neat little sign. Jt hangsover the sidewalk a few inches furtherthan the ordinance allows , but whyshould the ollioors make so great a kickabout it , and let old ash barrels , drygoods boxes , and rubbish of all sortsstand right on tlio sidewalk ? "

The listener gave up the conundrumat once-


the ordinance is to be enforcedwhy don't the ollicers commence withtho" things that are really nuisances ,

and get them cleared upV Itveenis a&-

if they wore commencing at the wrongcud. For iiiblauco there's the streetbign of ICimball & Champ. That hasstood there for years , and it doesn't be-


to be any biich nufcnnco as those oldposts in front of the court hotiM ) . Thoaoold posts arc a give away. Why don'tthe city ollieiuls make the county re-move


them before it commences on asign of a private business house ? Itdoes look queer. "

Elegant spring goods. New stylesthroughout. A. Roller , 310 Broadway.-Contra t illations.

The following telegram was receivedyesterday by the rector of St. Paul'schurch : "Heartiest congratulations andthanks of the dtoceso to the faithfulwomen of St. Paul's church.-


STKVKX.S. PEIIHY ,"Bishop of Iowa. "

The above is called forth by theefforts of the women to raise the debton the church , and thus secure the re-tention


of the rector. The women areworking Grandly. It was largely duoto their ctfortb that the rectory was firstbuilt , and a site secured for a nowchurch building. It, was also duolargely to them that the beautiful edi-fice


afterwards was erected.

Collins I' omul.Deputy Sheriff O'Connor visited

Omaha yesterday morning in responseto a telegram stating that P. M. Collinswas under arrest there. Collins wasindicted by the grand jury at yio lastsession of that body for relieving agranger of his spare cash on "Rotten-Row. . " Ho was out on bail , and hisbondsmen were unable to surrenderhim. Ho kept out of tlio way , expect-ing


his relatives to appear and put up a-

new bond for him. He was arrested on-

n minor charge on the other side of theriver , and then stated to the authori-ties


that ho was wanted here. lie camewillintrly withouta requisition , and yes-terday


afternoon was arraigned beforeLho court on tlio charge of larceny fromthe person. Ho pleaded not guilty , andwas sent back to jail to await trial whenthe criminal docket is opened.

Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,

diamonds , horses , buggies or anythingofaluo at low rales of interest. Nopublicity ; fair and honorable dealing.-A.

.. 'A. Clark & Co. , office cor. Broadway

and Main , over American express.

Try our XXX bottled boor. Specialrates on all orders from Iowa.-




: .

Socl.iljlc.The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mackay

will cnlorlain a young men's sociableal the rectory next Wednesday evening'rom 7:30: to 10 o'clock. A. hearty in-


is extended to all young mento avail themselves of this opportunityof becoming acquainted with the rector.-A


pleasant evening is expected , and nocollection will be taken up.

Trades display to-night at armoryhall.

Heating stoves at cost to close out-.Odcll

.& Bryant.

All grades soft coal. C. B. Fuel Co..

L. E. Roe , dentist , No. 27 Main St. ,over Jacquomin & Co.'s jewelry store ,

Send all orders for bottled beer to L.-


. Finkclstoin , Omaha.

Notice the beautiful finish given col-ars

-, cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun-



Have our wngon call for your* soiledclothes , Cascade Laundry Co-



KvciiliiK of MiiHlc.Another very enjoyable musical en-


was given last evening in-

ho Congrogatianal church , by Prof ,

3aotus' pupils. It was modestly calleda recital , but was in fact worthy of nnero pretentious name. The Strykon-laaslust


) club gave llvo orchestral so-


. The other participants woreAnnie Hart and Xolla Nllcs , on

the piano ; Arthur Knrbach and PerryBadtillct , clarionet and cornel ; Air.John Brown , violincello ; II. Rogers. P.-


. O. Williams E. Knrbacli , vio-linf.

-. . Miss Claire Chamberlain and Prof-


, violin and ; Miss LauraC'oncli , piano fcolo ; Frank Badallet ,lluto solo.

The Scl > jul Uoiml.The school board mot in regular

session last evening w ith all the mem-bers


present except Mr. Haiti. MissElla Mclnlosh was clcclcd as one of Ihonow teachers.-


motion the resignation of P , D-


as janitor was accepted.-A

.petition from several teachers ,

pupils and others for the establishmentof a gymnasium on tlio fourth floor olthe now Atkins building was referied-to the committee on teachers , text-books and coin-so ot study.-


petition for a now school buildingin the west part of the Fourth wardwas referred to the committee ongrounds and buildings.

The bond of the secretary was ac-


and approved.The a tion of the teachers eommiUeo ,

in anpolnling substitutes up to the pr's-ent

-time , was approved.-


s ( Itirn M.vors and Miss MaryMunson were elected teachers , and MissMinnie Hanson substitute.

Several bilN wore allowed , and omeroutine business of minor importanrut-ransacted. .

The board then adjnurne I until nt-urdny.hcn MMIIO action Mill lie takenregarding the coming election in tl eway of ordering notices publishe-



, i3uvn .Strorur Evidence. Now Proofs.-



nulled , AnhHnJ AihUsilCo Wli MtvSQII-Mr JOHN JONES wn run ovrr t 7 a irw-lot ;

under doctor's catc S wtkl two bottlco of et-.Jicobi

.Oil crtd him lound &nd w ll , no retnrn cl-

plln _ WALKER 00 , BrojlllU-

ITmnlly I'co. Illlopolli 111 MnjlJ , JJ88-7or nnmber at rctr * Qt JtccbN Oil h&iteen

cud In ay ft.mllr fc tt'leva U li lh beet rtmi d t-

Icr turn , luclliaji. cnti , Iratlii andpr rir d JOBEFH

ni |. ! t Annjr. "it KTitsin.WI. .M y3S , 'SS1 btraid nip left hind bidljr &ad It vll CUM

rlihl iiy by St Jicobi OilPA SOHEDLLEB-


THE CHAtlLCS fl. VOGELER CO..D ltlmore. Ut.



MONEYOn hand "for loans ; lowc&t rates

of interest.Kino ftirnib closu to BlulK tooxchnii c

for city property.Western lunii to exchange for city



harjjuiii'j in Broadway loU.Kino bu-sincs' . propurty to OM-luinyo

for fnrini.-Jood


( fre--ji sloelc crrnecrics to o-


for city pnJp'M'tj' ,vnd onuthirdc-ash. .

Houses and lotion monthly pavments.Small payment down. I'rieeiMUjjiiifffrom 'K"o to S-I.IMIOl

( 'licap loU in Hvnns' , Wright's , C'ocl-inui's

-and most all ndditioiiA to oily-


piojierly for --ale froin $100-

to $. > ( ) ( ) leb limn present worth.-So.


. 10 I'earl Si. , Council JUnlfs.





"17°Oll HUNT Clieup. two liuiulM nio. now ,-U loom rottaieb , noithof ti.tiiilVi , CouncilJHulls. ] iitilie( | ill.inil HIshtoi , Stli and-1st st.

* | > Conippicnt nlfetracier ot-J. . W. hiiulnco.tncil llluUs.-



Itl'NT Tlio tliree stoTy Drlrk stoic lonm-I- ? No. 4U7 llro.ichvay. The location Is DUO of-

tUo "ui'stlii tliu city. I ho Iwlldliiif has boon oo-milled Toy the I ist twenty years by Millcr.V Co. ,

liaidwarc, mid bo a vury dp-ihulilo loc.i-tlon

-for a hindmue bualru'b-i oa tnat uucouut.

John llcunott-



Clly propei ty in i"cclianso for. .lohnson & Van r.ittuu , UJ

Main st-



of dissolution ( if co-part-. Notice Is hcruby clven-

tliat the co iiirtnur-thlp hoiotoforo oisti-nu

-liotwecn thu nndfislened under tlio

111 in n.imnot I'.irsons .V ICcllur , for the piirposo-of doNt'lopIns and opi'r.itlng u sand and ; uel-pltneir Illnion , In .Mills county , low a. Is thisday dl * h'cd 1) } iniitiiKl consent Witness ourhands thi! > luth day ot Jaunai v, A. 1) . . Ihs'l

(1 1 ! I'AllMjNB.-v.

.. L. uiiuit.: :

fS ITA stociTof riathliiK. "HootsWHAT Miu3 ? , llutMind CapN ( ionts1 1'in-nlshlnK


Coods. Dry floodInroto JlO.linti.What you to olli'iv nil Itioaduay , CouncilKlulls , la.

SA F> & KNOTTYFuel Merchants. Watch The SIGNS ,

,° th ust Buy

. Attention. * :; iCEIF-Vor'cF

M . --r-prompt; Pen veryIS We invite . .MILLEf ? "


your patronace.li-S. .



?-" " "iT ' ' ' Bli&W" i M N09.III3 Pea r I St. !

' r-

g trM| ;gS KfiK rVG


iM skwl'

? 70-ODELLfiarnt

OtnohoCofail Bluffs.



V.NTII it in in u Mnttr i wiu. sur.BEEF , VEAL & PORK

Ol MVOW.N Dlllv iN-

dlaCaltle Pedoi toaConu-

il: !


. will meet nny hnnntr unpotitlon on prlr'oj-lor llisi-i l.iss Nlu.it-



. M. SCAHI.AN,12O ItrnnilWAy. - - XrleplioncOt. .





Novel , pleasing and pindic.il. For tlic-

luilor , the chuivh , the Ch.iutuuiiua ciiclc ,

circle , tlio society hall. The only monthly ofits kind in tlio United Status. Only $1 a-

jear. . Samples , 10 cents.

KTni KMIII I'M SKUVK nVery iuiiiiie.] No-

rohc.iibiils needed. Only SO cents for ;v su |ply for any school , of nnj si e. Addtes-

aKNTiiiT.iN > in > r IUJKKAU ,

Council Hlnffo , Iowa , .1 i : . Ifai-Kness , Mana-


. P.iblisheis of "Old Disluct School , "" ( JinSoeml , " "UrenliiB With Art , " etc.-



. ii. iir.r.i , . n. A.


Arctiitccts ,Dcsigiicr and Supcrintciitt-


Mi *. ItorHnsIiof us si > cii jcars lii-Mciulcbsuhn I'Kliui iV LIM * and h.is-

dcsiiyncd, : > I } ,

iniuiy of the llni'st blocksin Oimilni and Coiinuil lilnll's.

Plans "and Specifications frepawd and

Estimates mate on Aplication ,

Studio , liooni Oi > cm House

Tnos. orrirnit. W. H. M. Pusuv.OFFICER & PUSEY ,

Coiner Main anil Droadway ,


.foreign r.ml donipstlu

made mid Interest iiaiil on tlniode-



, H , McDANELQ & CO , ,




bt mail : ' t prl 03 , 1'ionijiV returns ,

and bJi .Main St. . Lountil Illuirs , Iowa.




DID M PI t SC Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates ,

. DI nix I nDlI C. " ' Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Urown-liuililiii' ,' , Council lilulli , Iowa-



Justice ol the IVacc. Olllcc over Ainviican Gxpicss , No , 419' IJioadway , Council IMullb , Jonn-



Ri Attoineys at Law , Piactice in the State and Ted eraOIUlNC. Ot OlIVlO" Courts. Olllcc Rooms ? and8 , Sliugart-BenolJlock ,

Council lilullb , Iowa.

TIN ! FYAUornc >ts at.Law Room"Cou ncil Bluff-



any rQgular pliysician wlio desires to locate , I have tooffer in a thriving city in Iowa of 8,000 population , the home andpractice of the leading physician of the place. Me has residedin said city for sixteen years last past , and his books will showan annual business of $6,000 per year.

For reasons personal to himself he proposes to change hisresidence to another city , He will sell his home , which is acomfortable frame house of eight rooms , heated by furnace ,

and with all necessary outbuildings and conveniences , for3500. He will turn over to the buyer his practice and good-will , and will remain with his successor some months pendinghis settlements and collections.

Any reputable physician desiring to make a change will dowell correspond with the undersigned , who is prepared toverify the entire bona fides of the whole business.

AddressC. J. COLBY ,

Room 522 Paxton Block , Omaha , Neb.



nnd Wholesale Dealers I-

nof A.11Orders Promptly Filled nnd Delivered ,

No. 635 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.

MIA-n old established Boot and Shoe business

in Council Bluffs , Iowa.The Phillips stock of Boots and Shoes at

413 Broadway , is for sale and the store willbe rented. Best stand and trade in city.Nearly thirty years in one location. Presentstock from $12,000 to 15000. For furtherparticulars apply to Gh D. Phillips , at thestore , or to N. C. Phillips , one of the execu-tors


of the J. M. Phillips estate.-N.


. P. DODG-E , Executor.

SIZES FROM KspccHlly AdiptoJ for



, Mills and Elsalors.Sr-



' ami estimates funilslieil for complete stc.iir. jilnnfj. ItpRiilatlon , Duiablllly-nntcul. . Ltuiuliow Icttcib fiom users wliuiu fuel Uconomy Is cciu il with foillsi Non-foudei

E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,Send for Catalogue. No. 6101'eurl Street , Council UlulV-



- -

JOHN GILBERT , 521 Main St.T-



. Estimates FurnishedSolicited. On Application-




Taxidermist and Naturalist.loc-ntod

.at No. H North ith Bt. , ojuioslto jostolllco , oa


w'sir'F' lllrds und nnlnuiM luoiintcil naturally uml In thn bcht method ot> tlicait. Warranted to pieaeivu for yi'iiiu. 1'uinljjii blida-

on Blioit notlco HlKhoKt pilropald fcir owls nnil of ail llniln ] 'ir oiifi Beiidlnir oide-aijsui ed of perfect Hiuisfiiuloii. I'nr diCBflsuh1 u .Hjiecially. Wilto for jmitltiilard.



OJt.N.lJIi.YrSI"1inr: ! y.Vlfd. . HwinN , etc. ,




AJNTK , IIAIII-T.NO. . , : < ; < > IJII. .