f OCALA EVENING STAR, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1920 (Mrs. J. H.' Brinson has returned to WOOD FOR SALE- -ll and2 leads of oak and pine wood. Phone , residence. E. Bomolini. lS-l- S. Jacksonville after spending fair week PA 'OCEMIIICES urc Miss Sue Barco of Clearwater spent Saturday night in the city a guest at the Harrington Hall, en route to her home after a pleasant visit with rela- tives at Cotton Plant. in, Ocala. Mrs. Brinson was in charge Life In Old Manhattan. Mrs. Knlcker Have you had kusy week? " Mrs. Bocker Rather; I've had two husbands, three landlords and tour cooks. Sun and New York Herald. FOR RENT My entire home which can be used as two apartments, on Fnr further partic- - .a..- - - - viaugc nlars see me or call Mrs. artna vrmv, f Ti home- - of Mrs. R.-S- . A; E. GcIRIG INSURANCE Ocala, Florida ACCIDENT AUTOMOBILE 19-- tf uiiauu - Hall, Fort King avenue. United States Marshall N. A. Bos-we- ll passed through, the city yester- day en route to Inverness, where he will spend several days on a hunting and fishing expedition. , Facilitating Parcel Post Service. An automatic weighing machine for parcel post packages releases the cor- rect stamps when a package is laid on a plate and a key fer its scae is pressed. If you have any society items, phone to five-on- e. ' Mrs. J. S. Parsons tt Romeo was a f hoper in the city today. Mr. II. M. Hampton is in Tampa attending to professional business. Insist upon having Federal Bread. 'It's .'the best. 23-- 6t o the culinary and domestic depart- ment at the fair, and performed her task with great proficiency. Mr. C. H. Lloyd returned yesterday afternoon to his home in Jacksonville, after spending Thanksgiving with his wife at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Harris. Mr. Lloyd will not return for several days yet. Apalachicola oysters every day. Cook's Market ' and Grocery, phone 243, North Main street. 17-- tf FOR SALE 1917 model Ford tour- ing car, or will trade for real es- tate: S. S. Savage Jr. 19-- Ct FOR SALE 25,000 stalks improved I Japanese seed cane, at $2 per hun- dred. Ma Farm, Summerfield. 18-- tf Don't fail to visit the Guarantee Clothing & Shoe Company. Every- thing we sell is guaranteed. We're tghting for QUALITY not prices, tf Have your mirrors re-silver- ed. All work called for, delivered and. guar Mrs. W. F. Blesch has returned from her summer visit to the north. anteed. Ocala Mirror and Plating Works, Yonge block, Fort King venue, phone 504. - v-t- x After a pleasant Thanksgiving visit ia the city with her. parents, Miss Dorothy Adams and her school friend, Miss Virginia Melody of Chicago, re- turned to their school at Orlando WANTED A good farmer to farm on shares. Also would like to plant ten,..fifteen or twenty acres of oats on shares. I have good land near town. W. D. Cam. " - 15-- tf UNCLASSIFIED; ADVERTISELIEHTS Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Miller of Dun-nello- n were business ' visitors and shoppers in town for the day. Seafood, always to be had fresh at City FISH Market, 9 Ft. King Ave. tf Miss Nona Sewety has returned home after a pleasant visit with rela- tives in Jacksonville. . Moths Take Big Chances. The high-flyin- g species of morpho which Inhabit the mountainous dis- tricts of western America, are much easier captured than those which fre- quent the plains," though their capture is often attended with dlfflculty and danger, says the American Forestry Magazine of Washington. One natural 1st hunting moths and butterflies In Bogota, fell over a precipice and broke his arm, and then found that, he had three days Journey to make on horse- back before he could meet with a doc- tor to set it Another naturalist, who was collecting in Bolivia found that morpho godartiL Guer., a beautiful spe- cies, of a rather light blue which was previously almost unknown to entomol- ogists, frequented an inaccessible ledge in the mountains; he was obliged to have himself lowered" by ropes over the precipice before he could obtain it. Mr. Max Israelson has returned from his ten days' visit to New York city, where he purchased a large as- sortment of ladies' ready-to-we- ar ap- parel, which be will have on sale this week at Frank's at remarkably low prices. . After delightful visit in the city a the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lev-ere- tt Futch, Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Futch and "son Billy, left Saturday afternoon for High Springs for a brief visit with relatives, after which they will return to their home in St. WANTED, LOST, FOUND, IOIi 'ABBAGE PLANTS Protected from frost by overhead irrigation., Char- leston Wakefield, Early Summer, Lup ton's best Long Island seed, $1.50 per thousand; special price in large quantities. Parcel post or- ders 25 cents per thousand extra. J. R. Davis Farms, Bartow, Fia. tf Mrs. J. T. Dell of Gainesville was a visitor in the city for a few hours ycterday en route to Tampa for a visit to her parents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Liddon and Mrs. Antuona. SALE, FOR JtENT AND SHU ? ILAR LOCAL NEEDS AN IMPORTANT LETTED Columbus, Ga- .- Doctor Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery is cer- tainly a grand medicine for stomach trouble. I have suffered greatly all my life with disordered stomach. My food seemed to set so heavy, no matter what I ate. I have taken" many of the medicines advertised for this trouble but none of them has ever come up to 'Golden Medical Discovery' for giving prompt and lasting relief. Whenever I have a sluggish liver with sick -- headache and constipation I have found that Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets area very efficient remedy. They do not gripe or cause any other distressing condition such as a great many pills do."-MR- S. Laura Kimbrough, 3503 Earlene Avenue. Few families have not at some time or other used this Golden Medical Discovery.- - Over twenty- -' four million bottles have been sold ia this country. Send 10c to Dr. Pierce's InvaW Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y for trial package of the tablets. Rates: Six lines, maximum, one time, 25c: three times. 50c: six times, 73c: Mr. Harry Leavengood of Tampa, sjent Sunday in the city with his mother, Mrs. A. J. Leavengood. When you buy fish from us they'are one month, $3. Payable in advance. : FOR SALE Seed cane, $12 per thou dressed ready for cooking. Oysters and shrimp. City FISH Market, No. FOR SALE My home and piano. L. 4. Gabel. - 29--3t 9 Fort King avenue. - 27-- tf sand; two large mules, ?4ou ior the pair; one fresh jersey cow and three weeks old calf, $75. Apply to N. W. Harison, Oklawaha, Flor- ida. , 19-1- 2t Mr., and Mrs. E C. Beuchler return POSITION WANTED Experienced Celery and cranberries. Cook's Market and Grocery, phone 243. 17-- tf Mr. and , Mrs. G eorge Nash have returned to their home at - Orlando, after a week-en- d visit in the city. Franklin's. Court Harmonica. ed yesterday from Jacksonville, where One of the first musical Instruments i the former has been attending the state fair and looking after his ex Mrs. F. D. Lancaster, after a pleas- ant two months' stay in the city at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lan- caster, left Saturday afternoon " for her home in Pittsburg, Pa. Mrs. Lan- caster sailed on the Apache Saturday for New York, which place she will visit en route to her home. WOOD Oak andpine, cut to any ' length; 'delivered on shortx notice. Phone Mrs.' E. L. Howe'.l, Oak. (phone charges paid.) ) 11-- tf hibits and was joined a few days ago by Mrs. Beuchler. young lady desires position as sales- lady or office assistant. Phone 246, or call at 229 N. Daugherty street, city. 29-- 3t LAKE WEJR Two completely fur- nished cottages for sale at Wood-ma- r, Eastlake; running water, bath room, toilet, acetylene gas, two bed- -. rooms in each house. For prices and particulars, apply to D. S. Wood-ro- w, Box 581, Ocala, Fla. 29-- tf WANTED Something to do to help Misses Loureen Spencer and Cor Miss Ruby Edwards returned Sun- day afternoon from a pleasant few days' visit to friends in Jacksonville. Always ask your grocer for Federal Bread, and insist upon getting it. You'll always find it fresh arid crisp. nelia Dozier returned to St. Augus pay expenses while my wife is m the hospital here. Some experience in mercantile business. .Can furnish tine, where they attend St. Joseph's NEW FOREST BILL TOGO BEFORE -- CONGRESS made by an American was a mouth harmonica, made by Benjamin Frank Un at- - the time when he was miniver at the court of Louis In Frarfbe, where he played it with considerable skill be- fore Marie Antoinette and her court ladies. The queen was so delighted and in- terested that Franklin presented the little instrument to her. After Marie Antoinette was beheaded in the great French revolution, this mouth harmon- ica had many sensational experiences till finally It came into the pos?essI6n of a wealthy musical amateur and col- lector In this country, who has It, I believe., to this day. Musical America. Academy, yesterday, after spending the Thanksgiving holidays at home with their parents. Washington, Nov. 29. When meets in December a bill will Chief Thomas and Patrolman Steph- ens took in quite a bunch of evildoers Saturday night, who were up' in re- corder's court this morning. Only iwo drunks among them. Prohibition may not prohibit, but it's making a mighty good imitation here just at ' ' present. FOR SALE4-O- ne team of mules, log Miss Sue Moore will be hostess this eveping at the home of her parents on Fort King "a venue, entertaining the members of the A'?Club. W. K. Lane, M. D., Physician and cart and harness; Will be sold cheap for cash; - all equipped for hauling. references. Would consider perma- nent position. Phone me at Marion County Hospital. W. H. Hender- son. "24-- 3t - x WANTED A man with a truck to. haul oranges at Eastlake. Steady ' job for a week or en days Call or phone Eastlake Investment Com- pany, Eastlake, Fla. 24-- 4t Surgeon, specialisf Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office over 5 and 10 cent store, Address T. S. Mathews, Orange Ocala. Fla. v tf Lake. Fla. v ; 29-- Ct be introduced for a national forest program including better fire protec- tion for the forests. "This step, fol- lowing an agreement by all the indus- tries interested, marks the first united move1 in this direction in this coun-tiy- ," says Charles Lathrop Pack, president of the American Forestry Mrs. J. W. McCollum of Gainesville spent several hours in the city yester- day with her sister, Mrs. L. J. Knight, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HOUSEHOLD Goods for sale. See L. A. Gabel. phone 362. 26-- Ct cn route to Tampa for a visit. Mrs. D. B. Barco of Ozona, arrived in Ocala yesterday and is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. , James Knight. Before returning to her home Mrs. Barco will visit with Dr, and Mrs. Walter Hood. : The last mule race winner at the fair was Wickliff Steels driving "Lib1-ert- y Bell." All the mule-race- s were very interesting, but the friends of Arthur Cobb always heave a sigh of relief when they are over. He and his high life bottle are disregardful of a mule's rear battery. ' FOR SALE Ten acres of land ia Marion county, near Belleview. Write owner, Geo. J. Hummel, 219 Marie Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 19-- Ct Abruzzi seed rye, $4 per bushel. Bust proof seed oats, $1.50 per bushel. CHERO-COL- A WOODYARD We are prepared to furnish oak : or- - pine wood for either stove or fireplace on short notice. We deliver your money's worth promptly. Give us a trial order. Chero-Col- a Woodyard, phone .167. 26-l- m " Ocala Lodge No. 19. Conventions held every Monday evening at 7 :30 o'clock at the castle hall, over the G. C. Greene Co. drugstore. A, cordial welcome to visiting brothers. V J. W. Akin, ,C. C. Chas. K. Sage, K. of R. & S. ODDFELLOWS Ocala Seed Store. ; . 22-- tf FOR SALE Half dozen Plymouth Rock pullets and one cockerel; not fancy; $1.50 each. See H. S. Wes- son. 27-- 3t Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gerig and daugh OCALA LODGE No. 286, B. P. O. E. tor, Margaret, have returned from St. Petersburg, where they spent Thanks- - Mr. and Mrs. Osco Zewadski amd son, William and Mr. Guy Zewadski of Tampa, returned to their home by automobile yesterday afternoon after a four days' visit to the city, guests of Dr. and Mrs. Walter Hood and Mr. W.,K, Zewadski. :; ' Association, which announces the out- line of features to be embodied in the proposed legislation. The plan calls for national appropriations of at least $11,000,000 a year. The provisions of the , proposed measure are two-fol- d for a consid- erable extension of direct federal ac- tivity in forest ownership and pro- duction, and for the development with federal aid and encouragement of systematic policies in the several forested states to bring about ade- quate forest production and reproduc- tion. givingf as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ' ' Russ. " , '. " ' 2EEDS New spring seed catalogue will soon be ready for distribution; send name at once so there will be no delay in receiving your copy when the book is ready. Xilgore Seed Co.. Plant City, Fla. 25-- 5t Mr. Julian R. Bullock has returned FOR S ALE Good milk , cow. just fresh with heifer calf. C. A. Hoi-loway- ,1 715 Lime street, phone 378, Ocala. 27-- 6t FOR SALE One pair gray geldings, eight . years old good saddlehorses . and workers. Applv to Walter Nich- ols. Summerfield, Fla., R. -- F. D. Route A ky Ocala Lodge No. 286, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, meets the second and fourth Tuesday eve- nings of each month. Visiting breth- ren always welcome. Lodge rooms upstairs over Troxler's and the Book Shop; 113 Main street. C. Y. Miller, E. R. E.J. Crook, Secretary. Tulula Lodge No. 22. I. O. O. F., meets every Tuesday evening at the -- Odd Fellows hall at the corner of Fort King Ave. and Osceola street. A warm welcome always extended to visiting brothers. J. D. McCaskill. N. G. H. R Luffman. Secretary. to his home at Orlando, after spend ing Thanksgiving in the city with his Pent fail to visit the Guarantee Clothing &. Shoe Company. Every- thing we sell is guaranteed. We're ighting for QUALITY not prices tf FOR SALE Florida BLACK RYE, at $3.25 per, bushel. J. P. Smith, : Ebb; Fla. . 15-I- 2t parents, Judge and Mrs. W. . Bullock and family. I 1 11)3 MM lilvi . , ' H ; 9 t ' '( ft. 3 l " ' , ...... Our Mr. Israelson has just returned frorri New York with the . ; , , 1 . - ; s- : i - j c. . - ' ' : . v IS O 1 TITTH M iLLLU M - ... . . QJJ that have been offered in years. i - , With our -- Cash Buying Power we have . been fortunate in securing prices that will cause wide-eye- d astonishment among our customers and stagger competition. - - - - The goods are now arriving and as fast as we can check the merchandise it will be put on sale. Yl II 6 1 :x: . :i: US I1: X" :x: i Hi Ui t A :x: . w :t: k: . :x: :x: :x: :x: Hi :X: :x: :x: 4 la . f :t: 1 III III m - . - :is . :i: hi t - W Hi A ? ill Mm if 9 j . i ' i K I m s A f ' i f f i n Ut lit, 9 m m in f lit r lif IU m ! mi . ' f f - lit - i E Lmw9 P "lit . ti - Consisting of All-Wo- ol Tricotine, Serge, a few Wool Jersey, Satin and .Georgette.. No job lots REGULAR GOODS about 125 garments, mostly Tricotines in the Latest Styles no two alike, and at LESS THAN HALF PRICE. These ' were made to sell regular from $35.00 to $59.50. On Sale commencing TOMORROW - - - - . - (V. J Watch fr farther simoimcements on . our Sale of COATS and SUITS. None will be charged. No AlteratiQiis. None sent on approvaL tl t t ' 9 i III III hi M M - " hi hi hi - FLORIDA "The Fashion Center" -- ..AWif. H r. : ,r. ,r ;, ;t

The Ocala evening star. (Ocala, Fla.) 1920-11-29 [p ]. · Mr. C. H. Lloyd returned yesterday afternoon to his home in Jacksonville, after spending Thanksgiving with his wife at the

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Page 1: The Ocala evening star. (Ocala, Fla.) 1920-11-29 [p ]. · Mr. C. H. Lloyd returned yesterday afternoon to his home in Jacksonville, after spending Thanksgiving with his wife at the


(Mrs. J. H.' Brinson has returned to WOOD FOR SALE- -ll and2 leads

of oak and pine wood. Phone ,

residence. E. Bomolini. lS-l- S.

Jacksonville after spending fair weekPA 'OCEMIIICES urcMiss Sue Barco of Clearwater spent

Saturday night in the city a guest atthe Harrington Hall, en route to herhome after a pleasant visit with rela-

tives at Cotton Plant.

in, Ocala. Mrs. Brinson was in charge

Life In Old Manhattan.Mrs. Knlcker Have you had kusy

week? "

Mrs. Bocker Rather; I've had twohusbands, three landlords and tourcooks. Sun and New York Herald.

FOR RENT My entire home whichcan be used as two apartments, on

Fnr further partic- -.a..- - - -viaugc

nlars see me or call Mrs. artnavrmv, f Ti home- - of Mrs. R.-S- .


INSURANCEOcala, Florida


19-- tfuiiauu -

Hall, Fort King avenue.

United States Marshall N. A. Bos-we- ll

passed through, the city yester-day en route to Inverness, where hewill spend several days on a huntingand fishing expedition. ,

Facilitating Parcel Post Service.An automatic weighing machine for

parcel post packages releases the cor-rect stamps when a package is laid ona plate and a key fer its scae ispressed.

If you have any society items,phone to five-on- e. '

Mrs. J. S. Parsons tt Romeo was afhoper in the city today.

Mr. II. M. Hampton is in Tampaattending to professional business.

Insist upon having Federal Bread.'It's .'the best. 23-- 6t

o the culinary and domestic depart-ment at the fair, and performed hertask with great proficiency.

Mr. C. H. Lloyd returned yesterdayafternoon to his home in Jacksonville,after spending Thanksgiving with hiswife at the home of her parents, Mr.and Mrs. F. E. Harris. Mr. Lloyd willnot return for several days yet.

Apalachicola oysters every day.Cook's Market ' and Grocery, phone243, North Main street. 17-- tf

FOR SALE 1917 model Ford tour-ing car, or will trade for real es-

tate: S. S. Savage Jr. 19--Ct

FOR SALE 25,000 stalks improvedI Japanese seed cane, at $2 per hun-dred. Ma Farm,Summerfield. 18--tf

Don't fail to visit the GuaranteeClothing & Shoe Company. Every-thing we sell is guaranteed. We'retghting for QUALITY not prices, tf Have your mirrors re-silver- ed. All

work called for, delivered and. guarMrs. W. F. Blesch has returned

from her summer visit to the north. anteed. Ocala Mirror and PlatingWorks, Yonge block, Fort Kingvenue, phone 504. - v-t- x

After a pleasant Thanksgiving visitia the city with her. parents, MissDorothy Adams and her school friend,Miss Virginia Melody of Chicago, re-

turned to their school at Orlando

WANTED A good farmer to farmon shares. Also would like to plantten,..fifteen or twenty acres of oatson shares. I have good land neartown. W. D. Cam.



Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Miller of Dun-nello- n

were business ' visitors andshoppers in town for the day.

Seafood, always to be had fresh atCity FISH Market, 9 Ft. King Ave. tf

Miss Nona Sewety has returnedhome after a pleasant visit with rela-

tives in Jacksonville. .

Moths Take Big Chances.The high-flyin- g species of morpho

which Inhabit the mountainous dis-

tricts of western America, are mucheasier captured than those which fre-quent the plains," though their captureis often attended with dlfflculty anddanger, says the American ForestryMagazine of Washington. One natural1st hunting moths and butterflies InBogota, fell over a precipice and brokehis arm, and then found that, he hadthree days Journey to make on horse-back before he could meet with a doc-tor to set it Another naturalist, whowas collecting in Bolivia found thatmorpho godartiL Guer., a beautiful spe-cies, of a rather light blue which waspreviously almost unknown to entomol-ogists, frequented an inaccessible ledgein the mountains; he was obliged tohave himself lowered" by ropes over theprecipice before he could obtain it.

Mr. Max Israelson has returnedfrom his ten days' visit to New Yorkcity, where he purchased a large as-

sortment of ladies' ready-to-we- ar ap-parel, which be will have on sale thisweek at Frank's at remarkably lowprices. .

After delightful visit in the citya the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lev-ere- tt

Futch, Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Futchand "son Billy, left Saturday afternoonfor High Springs for a brief visitwith relatives, after which they willreturn to their home in St.


'ABBAGE PLANTS Protected fromfrost by overhead irrigation., Char-leston Wakefield, Early Summer,Lupton's best Long Island seed,$1.50 per thousand; special price inlarge quantities. Parcel post or-

ders 25 cents per thousand extra.J. R. Davis Farms, Bartow, Fia. tf

Mrs. J. T. Dell of Gainesville was avisitor in the city for a few hoursycterday en route to Tampa for avisit to her parents and sister, Mr.and Mrs. Charles Liddon and Mrs.Antuona.


AN IMPORTANT LETTEDColumbus, Ga- .- Doctor Pierce'a

Golden Medical Discovery is cer-tainly a grand medicine for stomachtrouble. I have suffered greatlyall my life with disordered stomach.My food seemed to set so heavy,no matter what I ate. I have taken"many of the medicines advertisedfor this trouble but none of them hasever come up to 'Golden MedicalDiscovery' for giving prompt andlasting relief. Whenever I have asluggish liver with sick -- headacheand constipation I have found thatDr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets areavery efficient remedy. They do notgripe or cause any other distressingcondition such as a great many pillsdo."-MR-S. Laura Kimbrough, 3503Earlene Avenue.

Few families have not at sometime or other used this GoldenMedical Discovery.- - Over twenty--'

four million bottles have been soldia this country.

Send 10c to Dr. Pierce's InvaWHotel in Buffalo, N. Y for trialpackage of the tablets.

Rates: Six lines, maximum, one time,25c: three times. 50c: six times, 73c:

Mr. Harry Leavengood of Tampa,sjent Sunday in the city with hismother, Mrs. A. J. Leavengood.

When you buy fish from us they'are one month, $3. Payable in advance. : FOR SALE Seed cane, $12 per thoudressed ready for cooking. Oystersand shrimp. City FISH Market, No. FOR SALE My home and piano. L.

4. Gabel. - 29--3t9 Fort King avenue. - 27-- tf

sand; two large mules, ?4ou iorthe pair; one fresh jersey cow andthree weeks old calf, $75. Applyto N. W. Harison, Oklawaha, Flor-ida. ,

19-1- 2tMr., and Mrs. E C. Beuchler return POSITION WANTED Experienced

Celery and cranberries. Cook'sMarket and Grocery, phone 243. 17--tf

Mr. and , Mrs. G eorge Nash havereturned to their home at - Orlando,after a week-en- d visit in the city.

Franklin's. Court Harmonica.ed yesterday from Jacksonville, whereOne of the first musical Instruments ithe former has been attending the

state fair and looking after his ex

Mrs. F. D. Lancaster, after a pleas-ant two months' stay in the city atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lan-caster, left Saturday afternoon " forher home in Pittsburg, Pa. Mrs. Lan-caster sailed on the Apache Saturdayfor New York, which place she willvisit en route to her home.

WOOD Oak andpine, cut to any' length; 'delivered on shortx notice.

Phone Mrs.' E. L. Howe'.l, Oak.(phone charges paid.) ) 11-- tf

hibits and was joined a few days agoby Mrs. Beuchler.

young lady desires position as sales-

lady or office assistant. Phone 246,or call at 229 N. Daugherty street,city. 29-- 3t

LAKE WEJR Two completely fur-

nished cottages for sale at Wood-ma- r,

Eastlake; running water, bathroom, toilet, acetylene gas, two bed- -.

rooms in each house. For prices andparticulars, apply to D. S. Wood-ro- w,

Box 581, Ocala, Fla. 29-- tf

WANTED Something to do to helpMisses Loureen Spencer and Cor

Miss Ruby Edwards returned Sun-

day afternoon from a pleasant fewdays' visit to friends in Jacksonville.

Always ask your grocer for FederalBread, and insist upon getting it.You'll always find it fresh arid crisp.

nelia Dozier returned to St. Augus pay expenses while my wife is mthe hospital here. Some experiencein mercantile business. .Can furnish

tine, where they attend St. Joseph's NEW FOREST BILLTOGO BEFORE --CONGRESS

made by an American was a mouthharmonica, made by Benjamin FrankUn at- - the time when he was miniverat the court of Louis In Frarfbe, wherehe played it with considerable skill be-

fore Marie Antoinette and her courtladies.

The queen was so delighted and in-

terested that Franklin presented thelittle instrument to her. After MarieAntoinette was beheaded in the greatFrench revolution, this mouth harmon-ica had many sensational experiencestill finally It came into the pos?essI6nof a wealthy musical amateur and col-

lector In this country, who has It, Ibelieve., to this day. Musical America.

Academy, yesterday, after spendingthe Thanksgiving holidays at homewith their parents. Washington, Nov. 29. When

meets in December a bill will

Chief Thomas and Patrolman Steph-ens took in quite a bunch of evildoersSaturday night, who were up' in re-

corder's court this morning. Onlyiwo drunks among them. Prohibitionmay not prohibit, but it's making amighty good imitation here just at

' 'present.

FOR SALE4-O-ne team of mules, logMiss Sue Moore will be hostess this

eveping at the home of her parentson Fort King "avenue, entertainingthe members of the A'?Club.

W. K. Lane, M. D., Physician and cart and harness; Will be sold cheapfor cash; - all equipped for hauling.

references. Would consider perma-nent position. Phone me at MarionCounty Hospital. W. H. Hender-son. "24-- 3t- x

WANTED A man with a truck to.haul oranges at Eastlake. Steady

' job for a week or en days Call orphone Eastlake Investment Com-

pany, Eastlake, Fla. 24-- 4t

Surgeon, specialisf Eye, Ear, Nose andThroat. Office over 5 and 10 cent store, Address T. S. Mathews, OrangeOcala. Fla. v tf Lake. Fla. v ; 29--Ct

be introduced for a national forestprogram including better fire protec-

tion for the forests. "This step, fol-

lowing an agreement by all the indus-

tries interested, marks the first unitedmove1 in this direction in this coun-tiy- ,"

says Charles Lathrop Pack,president of the American Forestry

Mrs. J. W. McCollum of Gainesvillespent several hours in the city yester-day with her sister, Mrs. L. J. Knight, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HOUSEHOLD Goods for sale. See

L. A. Gabel. phone 362. 26-- Ct

cn route to Tampa for a visit.

Mrs. D. B. Barco of Ozona, arrivedin Ocala yesterday and is a guest atthe home of her sister, Mrs. , JamesKnight. Before returning to herhome Mrs. Barco will visit with Dr,and Mrs. Walter Hood. :

The last mule race winner at thefair was Wickliff Steels driving "Lib1-ert- y

Bell." All the mule-race- s werevery interesting, but the friends ofArthur Cobb always heave a sigh ofrelief when they are over. He and hishigh life bottle are disregardful of amule's rear battery. '

FOR SALE Ten acres of land iaMarion county, near Belleview.Write owner, Geo. J. Hummel, 219Marie Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 19-- Ct

Abruzzi seed rye, $4 per bushel.Bust proof seed oats, $1.50 per bushel.

CHERO-COL- A WOODYARD We areprepared to furnish oak : or- - pinewood for either stove or fireplaceon short notice. We deliver yourmoney's worth promptly. Give us atrial order. Chero-Col- a Woodyard,phone .167. 26-l-m

"Ocala Lodge No. 19. Conventions

held every Monday evening at 7 :30o'clock at the castle hall, over the G.C. Greene Co. drugstore. A, cordialwelcome to visiting brothers. V

J. W. Akin, ,C. C.Chas. K. Sage, K. of R. & S.


Ocala Seed Store. ; . 22-- tf

FOR SALE Half dozen PlymouthRock pullets and one cockerel; notfancy; $1.50 each. See H. S. Wes-son. 27-- 3t

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gerig and daughOCALA LODGE No. 286, B. P. O. E.tor, Margaret, have returned from St.

Petersburg, where they spent Thanks- -

Mr. and Mrs. Osco Zewadski amdson, William and Mr. Guy Zewadskiof Tampa, returned to their home byautomobile yesterday afternoon aftera four days' visit to the city, guestsof Dr. and Mrs. Walter Hood and Mr.W.,K, Zewadski. :; '

Association, which announces the out-

line of features to be embodied in theproposed legislation. The plan callsfor national appropriations of at least$11,000,000 a year.

The provisions of the , proposedmeasure are two-fol- d for a consid-erable extension of direct federal ac-

tivity in forest ownership and pro-

duction, and for the developmentwith federal aid and encouragementof systematic policies in the severalforested states to bring about ade-

quate forest production and reproduc-tion.

givingf as the guests of Mr. and Mrs.' '

Russ. " , '." '

2EEDS New spring seed cataloguewill soon be ready for distribution;send name at once so there will beno delay in receiving your copy

when the book is ready. XilgoreSeed Co.. Plant City, Fla. 25-- 5t

Mr. Julian R. Bullock has returned

FOR SALE Good milk , cow. justfresh with heifer calf. C. A. Hoi-loway- ,1

715 Lime street, phone 378,Ocala. 27-- 6t

FOR SALE One pair gray geldings,eight . years old good saddlehorses .

and workers. Applv to Walter Nich-ols. Summerfield, Fla., R. --F. D.Route A ky

Ocala Lodge No. 286, Benevolentand Protective Order of Elks, meetsthe second and fourth Tuesday eve-nings of each month. Visiting breth-ren always welcome. Lodge roomsupstairs over Troxler's and the BookShop; 113 Main street.

C. Y. Miller, E. R.E.J. Crook, Secretary.

Tulula Lodge No. 22. I. O. O. F.,meets every Tuesday evening at the

--Odd Fellows hall at the corner ofFort King Ave. and Osceola street. Awarm welcome always extended tovisiting brothers.

J. D. McCaskill. N. G.H. R Luffman. Secretary.

to his home at Orlando, after spending Thanksgiving in the city with his Pent fail to visit the Guarantee

Clothing &. Shoe Company. Every-thing we sell is guaranteed. We'reighting for QUALITY not prices tf

FOR SALE Florida BLACK RYE,at $3.25 per, bushel. J. P. Smith,

: Ebb; Fla. . 15-I- 2t

parents, Judge and Mrs. W. . Bullockand family.


1 11)3MM lilvi.

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Our Mr. Israelson has just returned frorri New York with the. ; , ,

1 . - ; s- : i - j c. . - ' ' : . v



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that have been offered in years.i - ,

With our --Cash Buying Power we have . been fortunate in securing prices that will causewide-eye- d astonishment among our customers and stagger competition. - - - -

The goods are now arriving and as fast as we can check the merchandise it will be put on sale.

Yl II 6 1








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lit- i

E Lmw9 P"lit. ti - Consisting of All-Wo- ol Tricotine, Serge, a few Wool Jersey, Satin and .Georgette.. No job

lots REGULAR GOODS about 125 garments, mostly Tricotines in the Latest Styles notwo alike, and at LESS THAN HALF PRICE. These ' were made to sell regular from$35.00 to $59.50. On Sale commencing TOMORROW - - - - . -


Watch fr farther simoimcements on .

our Sale of COATS and SUITS.

None will be charged.No AlteratiQiis.None sent on approvaL





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FLORIDA"The Fashion Center"

-- ..AWif. H r. : ,r. ,r ;, ;t