OCALA EVENING STAB, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1011. 1i 1111 OCCURRENCES PEANUT PRODUCTS ; ih - ; zzzr w v & is' Excellent Faetory In Opening; tor A aether the Capital City ef Marlon Rebekahs meet tonight. Royal Arch meets Friday evening. m w aam. am aat want a Merry "Widow, see Mr. J. M. Meffert. one of our most uccessful and thoroughly practical If you Ham p. People become wealthy by spending less than they make. A- good place to put your money. : : : business men and farmers, is very Mr. Frank B. Turner today bought from Mrs. Fannie R. Gary the large corner lot on Oklawaha avenue ex- tending from the residence owned by Mr. R. S. Hall east 166 feet to the cor- ner. This lot will require some filling in. but will then be a very desirable location. Mr. Turner expects to short- ly build a fine residence on the prop- erty, which he will occupy himself. Mr. Turner has one of the finest farms in Marion county. It is located out on the Shady Grove hard road and has over 1200 acres with all manner of was at C. H. Anderson of Atlanta the Montezuma- - yesterday. anxious to see Ocala start some more manufacturing enterprises realizing as he does the vital importance of indus tries of this kind to the growth and Fresh limes for limeade at the of the Court Pharmacy. development of a community. Mr. Meffert says one of the best openings of this kind and a business 0 Mrs. J. P. Pelot of Levon was at the Ocala House yesterday. that can be opened and operated on a very small capital is a factory for the THE COPIER III BANK making of peanut products such as but AIR DflMK CAT BR EQUALED Buttermilk, fresh every day at the Postoffice Drugstore. ter, oils, feeds, etc. Mr. Meffert's Idea Jno. J. Fogarty and family of were at the Ocala House last night. Be sure and go to the Air Dome this evening, as there will be a good show, which you can enjoy in coolness and comfort. For summer entertainment the Air Dome has never yet been equaled. is for a few men to subscribe enough stock to assure the success of the fac- tory and to get the farmers interested and let them take stock in the com- pany, whatever they feel they can af- ford and pay for the stock, in products TO erty. LOAN $750 on city real prop-Addre- ss P. O. Box 583. city. of their own raising. A good acreage of peanuts Is planted BAXTER CARX WILL SOOX OCCUPY HIS XEW RUILDIXG W. A. Bunells of Juliette was at the Ocala House last night. in Marion county every year and that acreage could just as well be increased ten fold and would be had the farmers You can get your pictures framed at the Ocala News Company. Imrilfliire aid low a ready market for their peanuts. There is money in the plan and better Mr. Baxter Cam will move into his new store by September 1st. which he is having built bv Messrs. Mclver & MacKay especially for his business. The contractors have told him that they will finish in time for-hi- to move ment for our county and for the farm Miss Melvine Burts of Tampa is vis- iting her aunt, Mrs. J. Fred DeBerry. ers of the county. Lets take hold and make it a success. OLR RAXK BEING A NATIONAL' BANK, PLACES US UNDER OOVERXMEXT SUPERVISION, AXI GPAUAXTEES SAFETY TO EV- ERY DEPOSITOR. . WE REFER THOSE WHO HAVE NOT DEALT WITH IS, TO THOSE WUO HAVE. MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK, Buttermilk, fresh every day at the Postoffice Drugstore. in and be straightened out by Septem- ber 1st. Mr. Carn has built up one of THE FALL OF TROY" MsHms the finest retail grocery businesses in the city and can handle it to much bet If you are looking for something in frames, call at Mills' studio. ter advantage in his new quarters. In And Other Attraction at the Temple Theater Tonight The show last night at the Temple Capital Fully Paid In 075.C00.CD Mr. P. H. Nugent came up from Candler this morning. fact, the present stand was no longer large enough and sdmething had to be done. Mr. Cam's new building is 80x80 feet, . two stories high and there JXO. L. EU WARDS, President. CLARENCE CAMP, Vice mm. mm, a runt.?, c asaier. was up to that popular theater's usual standard. For this afternoon and to- night the pictures have been tested and found to be okay. "The Fall of Troy" is one of the most beautiful, OCALA, FLORIDA. day at the Buttermilk, fresh every Postoffice Drugstore. interesting and costly pictures ever produced, and the reel to be shown to- - Drink PLEZOL, the new drink. It is healthful and Invigorating. is a large basement which prac- tically gives him another room. He will use the basement, the entire first and half the second floor. Mr. Cam has leased the remainder of the sec- ond floor for a term of ten years to Dr. J. H. Counts, who will fit the space up to his own liking. fay at the Temple is in excellent con- dition. The other reels are new and Miller has returned to Atlanta and Wash- - well selected. The prices today are 10 Mr. Chas. V. from his visit ington. and 15 cents. Seeing a thow of this IF E IE 2 We have in oat large stc re, almost every thing you could wish for to furnish your home, office, farm, garden or work shop with. We have a complete line of furniture in med- ium and high grades, with all of the furnish, ings that go with the line. Our stock of hardware is complete and the tools, materials, and implements are of the best .grades. We carry the largest line of harness, wagons, carriages, etc, of any house in the city. We have a good line of office supplies of all kinds. Complete furniture for the kitchen and dining room. We carry in stock every item the builder or contractor needs. SEE PS BEFORE MAKING YOUR PURCHASES OCALA FERTILIZER COMPANY WILL HAVE UP TOWX OFFICES get anything from a post 18x22 photograph at Mills' elass for this small price is as near getting something for nothing as you can come. Remember you can see this show any time from 3:30 this after- noon till 10 o'clock tonight. You can card to an studio. AT THE DR. J. W. HOOD'S TELEPHONES Mrs. W. D. Richey and little son left yesterday for a summer visit to Georgia and Mississippi. IRON GROCERY coiav buy 25 to cash. F. 75 head of W. Ditto, WANTED To range hogs for Ocala, Fla. The Ocala Fertlizer Company has leased the store room occupied by Mr. Baxter Carn to be vacated by Septem- ber 1st, and will open an up town of- fice and stock room in the corner. The big factory of the Ocala Fertilizer Company is located on the extreme southwest corner of the city and is not at all convenient for the man to call for a small quantity of fertilizers and the company realizes that by maintaining an office and ware room with a complete stock of its fertiliz- ers in the heart of the city, their small customer trade will be greatly in- creased. This local factory has been doing a fine business in the two years it has been in operation and is a credit to the city. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Cordero return- ed yesterday from their wedding trip to Washington and Baltimore. Office, 203. Residence, 295 One sure sign of a truly good man is the trust reposed in and affection evinced for him by the members of the animal kingdom. This fact was brought home to us strinkingly yes- terday when we passed by R. E. Yonge's habitation and observed that good man's chickens using him for a perch. Talk about eating out of one's hand Father Yonge's chicken.s are so fond of him that they would eat his hand if he would let them. Two good leaders: "Peroxide Cream and Beck's Cold Cream at the Court Pharmacy. OCALA. FLORIDA. Dish coupons issued with each cash purchase or votes given in the Free Piano Contest. Clay Peas for planting, choice seed $3.25 per bushel. This is the best forage and soil building crop that you can plant. The time for planting is now and for the next few weeks. FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES Courteous Treatment, Low Prices, Prompt Delivery. J. C. GEIGER, Manager. . . TELEPHONE 114. Mr. A. A. Olin came in from Ken-dric- k last night and attended the meeting of Tulula Lodge, I. O. O. F. STAR'S XEXT STORY With yesterday's issue, the interest ing story, "The House of the 'Whisper Five hundred shares fully paid non- assessable Hull Copper Stock to sell at a bargain. Apply at this office. ing Pines," which has been running in the Star for the past few weeks, came to an end. We have another fine se J. W. Bard of Norwalk and H. Hut-chin- gs of Campville were at the Mon- tezuma yesterday. Mr. John Waterman, hefe from Ven- ezuela, on being asked yesterday if the business enterprises he Is con- nected with in South America appre- hend any trouble from the latest ap- pearance of Cipriano Castro, answered in the negative. At the same time Mr. Waterman indicated that Americans in Venezuela are not fond of Castro, and there is no love lost between them. Mr. Waterman, in common with all other men of experience that we have spok- en to on the subject, thinks that South Americans would like our government better if it treated them worse. They rial. "The Taming of Red Butte Western" on the way. " It is full of interest and the reader shouldn't miss If you smoice you win De Interested a chapter of it. in the best line of cigars in the city WEATHER FORECAST at the Court Pharmacy. ODD FELLOWS WERE ACTIVE Washington, July 26 Generally fair J. H. Horfler of Orlando and O. O Tulula Lodge held a well attended Cochran of Clearwater were at the except showers in peninsula tonight or Thursday, light to moderate north and northeast winds. meeting last night and transacted J Montezuma last night. are very complaisant to Englishmen, who make them walk a chalk line. Our government is not as mollycoddle We have the best line or hair brush A XEW STREET SCRAPER es, comos ana other toilet articles in in its methods as It used to was, but Late ol MELROSE, Now Located at the city. The Court Pharmacy. it is Improving. The new two-hor- se Qlyde street J. A. Sessions, P. M. Ulsch and J. F. Mr. James Anderson, once a eitizen grader and gutter scraper has arriv- ed and was put to work on the streets today by Superintendent M. F. Dodson. The grader looks as if it will do good much importan t - business. The class consisting of Messrs. Stokes, Converse, Leonard, Taylor and Morley, took the third degree, and were admitted to the full .privileges of the order. . Mr. M. M. Little addressed the lodge on the advantages of the encampment degree, and it is probable that a lodge of this rank will soon be instituted here. Among those present were Brother F. G. Townsend, who has just been cured of a severe case of typhoid in Franz of Jacksonville were at the Ocala House last night. 62 Fort King Avenue, Ocala, Fla. of Ocala, but now residing at Terra Ceia, in the Gulf, off the; coast of Man- atee county, has been in the city visit work. . The best line of moulding and frames in Ocala can be found at Mills' studio. ing his daughters, Mrs. G. A. Nash and Mrs. Strunk. This is Mr. Anderson's first visit to Ocala since he went away R. A. Xesbitt, C. B. Willards, Dr. W. Annual Term 1911 and 1912 will Open September 11, 1911, E. Williams, Ed C. Kent, R. 13. Smith, R. Sams, G. F. Bauman, C. H. Jones in 1896. At that time, he, in common with many others, believed that Your kodak work can be finished in two to three days if you leave it at Mills' studio. and W. H. Lawton" of Jacksonville were at the Montezuma yesterday. We can supply you with pure lem for Ocala was all in," and went! away to better his fortune. Mr. Anderson has done well, but when he took a good GEO. C. LOONEY, A. M., G. C. LOONEY, M. A., Treasurer. MISS LOIS ELLIS, Secretary. all purposes, whether your require- ments are for home use or for a car- load. Place your orders with us. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. T. the Marion county hospital, and Jos. W. Dodge, a recent arrival, whose membership is in an Ohio lodge, but who will probably make his home in Ocala. Past Noble Grand Coleman presided over the meeting, which was a very satisfactory one. H. Pierce was buried in Greenwood look at our neat and prosperous city, he admitted that his opinion of fifteen Y.u an get your pictures framed at the Ocala News Company and get them now. cemetery Sunday afternoon at four years ago had been unfounded. o'clock. Messrs. Mclver & MacKay OCALA IGt & PACKING GO, OCALA. FLORID had charge of the funeral. The little boy's given name was Christopher Ir The Englebritton family, father, Mrs. W. C. Blanchard and daughter, Miss Amy, who are visiting in Jack- sonville, are expected home mother and five children, have gone to ving. Rev. W. H. Coleman officiated FIXE PROPERTY FOR SALE California to reside. Their brother sent them transportation west and they Mr. J. E. Gates of Anthony, who was will again take up their residence in that state, from whence they came about a year ago. This .family were in town last Thursday, attending the ball game, lost on that occasion a fountain pen. which he is anxious to recover, on account of Its being the Splendid residence property on Ok- lawaha avenue known as the Episcopal rectory for sale at a bargain. . This property is beautifully located with large lot, splendid shade trees, etc. For particulars apply to F. W. Ditto. FOR SALE House and five acres of land at Anthony, Fla. Mrs. S. R. Har- well, 215 E. 7th street, Jacksonville, Fla. most unfortunate here, having lost three of their children while here. The King's Daughters cared for the fara gift of a friend. He offers a good re ward for its return. jly and Tendered them a great deal of INTERESTING MEETING OF ELKS assistance. Mr. Bradford C. Webb of Kendrick, a past exalted ruler of the Ocala lodge of Elks, came in last night to attend a meeting of that body. Ocala Lodge Xo. 286, B. P. O. Elks, met in regular semi-month- ly session The same honest, earnest, sincere devotion to our life-lon- g work in leading students along easy and delightful paths to HIGHER ATTAIN- MENTS in LEARNING on the part of teachers, and the certain'rapid ac- quirement of. a LIBERAL and USEFUL EDUCATION on the parUof the . pupil can be assured. The COMMERCIAL OPPORTUNITIES OFFERED will save much time and expense to young men and women who would have to go away for such advantages. - PHYSICAL CULTURE and EXPRESSION and ORATORY, by Miss Lois Ellis, is a feature of the College that will prove very entertaining to all. The DISCIPLINE of the pupils is firm but pleasant; rigid but elev- ating "Suaviter'in modo, sed fortiter in re" is the motto. THE School is select in that it receives no bad pupil, if it can avoid it; we solicit the patronage of all good people who have polite, intelli- gent children, ready for our grades. It is our purpose to promote in every way we can the educational inter- ests of the City of Ocala and Florida. We do correct teaching, rapid and spirited teaching, most satisfac Mr. Thomas Wilson from Cincinnati, Ohio, and Mr. Frank Safford of Berlin, Mr. Clifton Camp, who has been spending some time with his family at Asheville, X. C, came in last night and will be in the city for a week or ten days looking after business inter Wis., a painter 'by trade, arrived in last night with a fair attendance Two new members were initiated, viz Messrs. John R. Martin and H. S. Gal town last night and will make their When you are happy drink PLEZOL, When you are dry drink PLEZOL. When you look for prosperity drink PLEZOL. ests. homes in Ocala. Mr. Wilson is a dairy loway and several applications were man and will be with Mr. H. H. Whit The finest line of stationery In boxes worth on the Hiawatha Lake Stock received. Past Exalted Ruler Emmett E. Rob of paper and envelopes and paper by Farm. inson, who was a delegate to the the pound that has ever been brought to Ocala. Two grades of it at the Court Mrs. J. T. Lancaster and daughters, Misses Lucile and Dorothy, left today for Atlanta and other places in Geor- gia, where they will spend the re- mainder of the summer with relatives. session of the Grand Lodge held at Atlantic City, which has just closed. Mr. S. S. Duval of Levon, with his family has moved into the Rheinauer Pharmacy. residence on South Third street re was present and made an interesting cently vacated by Mr. T. B. Dowling. A little boy who was brought to the hospital the other day with an Inflam report of the doings of that body. The next session of the grand lodge will Mr. Duvall is with the big Rentz and Below we give a few comments by several of our patrons: "You have one of the cleanest, most sanitary markets I've ever been In." "Your meats are the finest I ever ate." "Your meats and service are the best possible. You will make similar comments to the above if you will but try us. ed eye, which was considered almost a McGehee mill at Levon and comes to be held at Portland, Oregon. hopeless case, was returned home to FOR REXT Orange grove on Lake Weir one mile from Eastlake. on the A. C. L. Railroad. Address Mrs. H. G. Spooner, 1811 K street X. W., Wash- ington, D. C. Ocala to set the advantage of our day cured. schools for his children. tory teaching. Respectfully, L. II . VAX EXGELKEN, M. T. OSTEOPATHIC TREATMENT Old Postoffice Building, Room 4. j Mrs. J. Fred DeBerry entertained Our line of cutlery," scissors and articles for the manicure table will last everting: at . cards in honor of her G C. and MRS. LOONEY, niece, miss Aieivine JtJurts oi lampa. a appeal to you. See them at the Cow Pharncy. MILITARY" MATTERS Mr. Edward Fitzgeral. formerly with the state convict inspecting sys- tem now traveling for the Western Xewspaper Syndicate, is in town call- ing on the newspaper offices. delightful evening was spent in play W. P. EDWARFS Phone 108 New City Market OCALA. FLORIDA. ing progressive whist. Refreshments were served during the games. Present address, Street. Atlanta. Ga. Mrs. Redding will leave in a few days for Buchanan, Mich., where she will remain till Christmas. She will 149 Third J be accompanied from Jacksonville by When in Jacksonville stop with Mrs. E. L. Maloney, at the Girard, Xo. 11 East Duval, just off Main. Best 75c. room In the city. her grandson. Mr. Bennie Redding, the son of Mr. W. A. Redding. LOST A coat with gold watch and chain attached. Lost between Ocala At the Monday night meeting of the Ocala Rifles, only a manual drill was held, and the company did not go out on the street. About thirty members were present. Lieutenant Weihe was in command. One new member Edwin Spencer was admitted. Xext Tuesday, the squad of picked men will leave for Black Point, near Jacksonville, to take part in the state target competition. The squad will be composed of the following: First Lieu- tenant C. J. Leitner, who will com- mand the team, First Sergeant Frank Booher, Third Sergeant Jesse G. Smoak, Artificer John R. Smith and Private Eugene Booher. The squad will be gone three days. H. L. Hutchinson of Gainesville, W. A. Slocum of Lakeland and W. C. Swanson of Eustis were at the Ocala House yesterday. and Silver Springs on hard road. Fin der will receive reasonable reward by You Can Get returning same to this office. Miss Mabel Anderson, the accom Serve PLEZOL to your ramlly. Serve PLEZOL to your friends. When you are down town PLEZOL drink 1 Can of Sunbeam Jam 2.x plished daughter of A. G. Anderson of Tampa, will arrive in.the city Sunday and whil here will be the guest of 1 Dottle of Snnbeam Grapejnlce. Mrs. J. W. Stephens. There are sev eral affairs planned in her honor. FOR SALE Pure blood Columbian Wyandotte eggs. 10c. each. A. M." Da- vis, Box 5i7, Ocala. among which is a progressive photo nnrtv sriven bv Mrs. Stephens. Miss 1 Bottle Sunbeam Stuffed Olive 10c 1 Package Sunbeam Black. Pepper. 10c 1 Package Sunbeam Taploea lOe Melvine Burts of Tampa and Miss Sal lie Snurlin of Lake Weir will also be I Hi. II. W. COUNTS' PHONES Office, 427. Residence, 349. Xorris' famous Atlanta candles, a high grade confection, received every few days by express direct from the factory at the Court Pharmacy. Mrs. Stephens' guests. THIS SEAL STANDS FOR 'juality, and is stamped on everything you buy here. Always on hand a full line of Buggies, Carriages, Wagons. Automobiles, Harness and Leather Goods and all kinds of up-to-d- ate Farming Machinery. Everything that wears wheels, made of leather or goes to make fanning a pleasure. Call on us when in need we will eliminate your troubles. KNIGHT & LANG, P. H. Brock of Xew Orleans, J. B. Coarsey of Savannah, H. T. White of Detroit and Wm. A. Fisher of Wil- mington were at the Ocala House last night. e A A. Waterman's self-nilln- g. relia Die, non-leaki- ng fountain pens; all sizes and several different prices, , at the Court Pharmacy. " For 65c. AT CARN'S STORE The prettiest line of cut glass, silver and fine hand-painte- d china at A E. Burnett's Don t send your pictures out of town to have them enlarged. Take then to Mills studio. We can make them in crayon, sepia or pastel, and our prices are right. OCALA FLORIDA WE ARE JSOT AFRAID to grapple with any problem in plumb- ing, old or new work. We have knowledge and experience enough to warrant our claim that our plumbing jobs will give perfect satisfaction, no matter what the character of the Job may be. And that our prices, will please you can be easily proved by our estimates, in comparison with others. THE OCALA PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Mr3. Washburn and daughter, Miss Emma have gone to the mountains of Xew York state, where they will spend the remainder of the summer at their former home. When you have anything to frame take It to the Ocala Xews Co.; all kinds of mouldings. Mr. C. O. Landers arrived last night to take a position in the Western Union Telegraph, relieving Mr. Brad- ley, who will leave In a day or so to take a position In Memphis, Tenn. F0E iS KIMJEYPHIS f OIEY'S 0RING iMJSm Buttermilk, fresh every day at the Postoffice Drugstore. 5 or 6 doses '66G will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price, 25c. For Stomach Trouble, and

The Ocala evening star. (Ocala, Fla.) 1911-07-26 [p ].€¦ · the Shady Grove hard road and has over 1200 acres with all manner of C. H. Anderson of Atlanta was at the Montezuma--yesterday

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Page 1: The Ocala evening star. (Ocala, Fla.) 1911-07-26 [p ].€¦ · the Shady Grove hard road and has over 1200 acres with all manner of C. H. Anderson of Atlanta was at the Montezuma--yesterday



ih - ; zzzr w v& is'ExcellentFaetory In

Opening; tor Aaetherthe Capital City efMarlon

Rebekahs meet tonight.

Royal Arch meets Friday evening.mw aam. am aat

want a Merry "Widow, see Mr. J. M. Meffert. one of our mostuccessful and thoroughly practicalIf you

Ham p.

People become wealthy byspending less than theymake. A- good place toput your money. : : :

business men and farmers, is very

Mr. Frank B. Turner today boughtfrom Mrs. Fannie R. Gary the largecorner lot on Oklawaha avenue ex-

tending from the residence owned byMr. R. S. Hall east 166 feet to the cor-ner. This lot will require some fillingin. but will then be a very desirablelocation. Mr. Turner expects to short-ly build a fine residence on the prop-erty, which he will occupy himself.Mr. Turner has one of the finest farmsin Marion county. It is located out onthe Shady Grove hard road and hasover 1200 acres with all manner of

was atC. H. Anderson of Atlantathe Montezuma- - yesterday.

anxious to see Ocala start some moremanufacturing enterprises realizing ashe does the vital importance of industries of this kind to the growth andFresh limes for limeade at the

of the Court Pharmacy. development of a community.Mr. Meffert says one of the best

openings of this kind and a business0Mrs. J. P. Pelot of Levon was at the

Ocala House yesterday. that can be opened and operated on avery small capital is a factory for theTHE COPIER III BANK making of peanut products such as butAIR DflMK CAT BR EQUALEDButtermilk, fresh every day at the

Postoffice Drugstore. ter, oils, feeds, etc. Mr. Meffert's Idea

Jno. J. Fogarty and family ofwere at the Ocala House last night.

Be sure and go to the Air Dome thisevening, as there will be a good show,which you can enjoy in coolness andcomfort. For summer entertainmentthe Air Dome has never yet beenequaled.

is for a few men to subscribe enoughstock to assure the success of the fac-tory and to get the farmers interestedand let them take stock in the com-pany, whatever they feel they can af-ford and pay for the stock, in products


LOAN $750 on city real prop-Addre- ss

P. O. Box 583. city.of their own raising.

A good acreage of peanuts Is plantedBAXTER CARX WILL SOOX

OCCUPY HIS XEW RUILDIXGW. A. Bunells of Juliette was at the

Ocala House last night. in Marion county every year and thatacreage could just as well be increasedten fold and would be had the farmersYou can get your pictures framed at

the Ocala News Company.Imrilfliire aid low a ready market for their peanuts.There is money in the plan and better

Mr. Baxter Cam will move into hisnew store by September 1st. which heis having built bv Messrs. Mclver &MacKay especially for his business.The contractors have told him thatthey will finish in time for-hi- to move

ment for our county and for the farmMiss Melvine Burts of Tampa is vis-iting her aunt, Mrs. J. Fred DeBerry. ers of the county. Lets take hold and


Postoffice Drugstore.in and be straightened out by Septem-ber 1st. Mr. Carn has built up one of THE FALL OF TROY"MsHms the finest retail grocery businesses inthe city and can handle it to much betIf you are looking for something

in frames, call at Mills' studio. ter advantage in his new quarters. InAnd Other Attraction at the Temple

Theater TonightThe show last night at the Temple Capital Fully Paid In 075.C00.CD

Mr. P. H. Nugent came up fromCandler this morning.

fact, the present stand was no longerlarge enough and sdmething had tobe done. Mr. Cam's new building is80x80 feet, . two stories high and there

JXO. L. EU WARDS, President. CLARENCE CAMP, Vicemm. mm, a runt.?, c asaier.

was up to that popular theater's usualstandard. For this afternoon and to-

night the pictures have been testedand found to be okay. "The Fall ofTroy" is one of the most beautiful,

OCALA, FLORIDA.day at theButtermilk, fresh everyPostoffice Drugstore.

interesting and costly pictures everproduced, and the reel to be shown to- -Drink PLEZOL, the new drink.

It is healthful and Invigorating.

is a large basement which prac-tically gives him another room. Hewill use the basement, the entire firstand half the second floor. Mr. Camhas leased the remainder of the sec-ond floor for a term of ten years toDr. J. H. Counts, who will fit the spaceup to his own liking.

fay at the Temple is in excellent con-dition. The other reels are new andMiller has returned

to Atlanta and Wash- - well selected. The prices today are 10Mr. Chas. V.

from his visitington. and 15 cents. Seeing a thow of this IF E IE 2

We have in oat large stc re, almost everything you could wish for to furnish yourhome, office, farm, garden or work shop with.We have a complete line of furniture in med-ium and high grades, with all of the furnish,ings that go with the line. Our stock ofhardware is complete and the tools, materials,and implements are of the best .grades. Wecarry the largest line of harness, wagons,carriages, etc, of any house in the city. Wehave a good line of office supplies of all kinds.Complete furniture for the kitchen and diningroom. We carry in stock every item thebuilder or contractor needs.



18x22 photograph at Mills'

elass for this small price is as neargetting something for nothing as youcan come. Remember you can see thisshow any time from 3:30 this after-noon till 10 o'clock tonight.

You cancard to anstudio.


Mrs. W. D. Richey and little sonleft yesterday for a summer visit toGeorgia and Mississippi. IRON GROCERY coiavbuy 25 to

cash. F.75 head ofW. Ditto,

WANTED Torange hogs forOcala, Fla.

The Ocala Fertlizer Company hasleased the store room occupied by Mr.Baxter Carn to be vacated by Septem-ber 1st, and will open an up town of-fice and stock room in the corner. Thebig factory of the Ocala FertilizerCompany is located on the extremesouthwest corner of the city and isnot at all convenient for the man tocall for a small quantity of fertilizersand the company realizes that bymaintaining an office and ware roomwith a complete stock of its fertiliz-ers in the heart of the city, their smallcustomer trade will be greatly in-

creased. This local factory has beendoing a fine business in the two yearsit has been in operation and is a creditto the city.

Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Cordero return-ed yesterday from their wedding tripto Washington and Baltimore.

Office, 203.Residence, 295

One sure sign of a truly good manis the trust reposed in and affectionevinced for him by the members ofthe animal kingdom. This fact wasbrought home to us strinkingly yes-terday when we passed by R. E.Yonge's habitation and observed thatgood man's chickens using him for aperch. Talk about eating out of one'shand Father Yonge's chicken.s are sofond of him that they would eat hishand if he would let them.

Two good leaders: "Peroxide Creamand Beck's Cold Cream at the CourtPharmacy.OCALA. FLORIDA.

Dish coupons issued with each cash purchase or votesgiven in the Free Piano Contest.

Clay Peas for planting, choice seed $3.25 per bushel.This is the best forage and soil building crop that youcan plant. The time for planting is now and for the

next few weeks.

FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIESCourteous Treatment, Low Prices, Prompt Delivery.

J. C. GEIGER, Manager. . . TELEPHONE 114.

Mr. A. A. Olin came in from Ken-dric- k

last night and attended themeeting of Tulula Lodge, I. O. O. F. STAR'S XEXT STORY

With yesterday's issue, the interesting story, "The House of the 'Whisper

Five hundred shares fully paid non-assessable Hull Copper Stock to sell ata bargain. Apply at this office. ing Pines," which has been running in

the Star for the past few weeks, cameto an end. We have another fine seJ. W. Bard of Norwalk and H. Hut-chin- gs

of Campville were at the Mon-tezuma yesterday.

Mr. John Waterman, hefe from Ven-ezuela, on being asked yesterday ifthe business enterprises he Is con-nected with in South America appre-hend any trouble from the latest ap-pearance of Cipriano Castro, answeredin the negative. At the same time Mr.Waterman indicated that Americans inVenezuela are not fond of Castro, andthere is no love lost between them. Mr.Waterman, in common with all othermen of experience that we have spok-en to on the subject, thinks that SouthAmericans would like our governmentbetter if it treated them worse. They

rial. "The Taming of Red ButteWestern" on the way. " It is full ofinterest and the reader shouldn't missIf you smoice you win De Interested a chapter of it.in the best line of cigars in the city WEATHER FORECASTat the Court Pharmacy.

ODD FELLOWS WERE ACTIVEWashington, July 26 Generally fairJ. H. Horfler of Orlando and O. O

Tulula Lodge held a well attendedCochran of Clearwater were at the except showers in peninsula tonight orThursday, light to moderate north andnortheast winds.

meeting last night and transacted JMontezuma last night. are very complaisant to Englishmen,who make them walk a chalk line.Our government is not as mollycoddleWe have the best line or hair brush

A XEW STREET SCRAPERes, comos ana other toilet articles in in its methods as It used to was, butLate ol MELROSE, Now Located at the city. The Court Pharmacy. it is Improving. The new two-hor- se Qlyde streetJ. A. Sessions, P. M. Ulsch and J. F. Mr. James Anderson, once a eitizen grader and gutter scraper has arriv-

ed and was put to work on the streetstoday by Superintendent M. F. Dodson.The grader looks as if it will do good

much importan t - business.The class consisting of Messrs.

Stokes, Converse, Leonard, Taylor andMorley, took the third degree, andwere admitted to the full .privileges ofthe order.

. Mr. M. M. Little addressed the lodgeon the advantages of the encampmentdegree, and it is probable that a lodgeof this rank will soon be institutedhere.

Among those present were BrotherF. G. Townsend, who has just beencured of a severe case of typhoid in

Franz of Jacksonville were at theOcala House last night.62 Fort King Avenue, Ocala, Fla. of Ocala, but now residing at Terra

Ceia, in the Gulf, off the; coast of Man-atee county, has been in the city visit work. .The best line of moulding and

frames in Ocala can be found at Mills'studio.

ing his daughters, Mrs. G. A. Nash andMrs. Strunk. This is Mr. Anderson'sfirst visit to Ocala since he went away R. A. Xesbitt, C. B. Willards, Dr. W.

Annual Term 1911 and 1912 will Open September 11, 1911, E. Williams, Ed C. Kent, R. 13. Smith,R. Sams, G. F. Bauman, C. H. Jonesin 1896. At that time, he, in common

with many others, believed thatYour kodak work can be finished intwo to three days if you leave it atMills' studio.

and W. H. Lawton" of Jacksonvillewere at the Montezuma yesterday. We can supply you with pure lem forOcala was all in," and went! away to

better his fortune. Mr. Anderson hasdone well, but when he took a good

GEO. C. LOONEY, A. M.,G. C. LOONEY, M. A., Treasurer. MISS LOIS ELLIS, Secretary.

all purposes, whether your require-ments are for home use or for a car-load. Place your orders with us.The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. T.

the Marion county hospital, and Jos.W. Dodge, a recent arrival, whosemembership is in an Ohio lodge, butwho will probably make his home inOcala.

Past Noble Grand Coleman presidedover the meeting, which was a verysatisfactory one.

H. Pierce was buried in Greenwoodlook at our neat and prosperous city,he admitted that his opinion of fifteen

Y.u an get your pictures framed atthe Ocala News Company and get themnow. cemetery Sunday afternoon at fouryears ago had been unfounded. o'clock. Messrs. Mclver & MacKay OCALA IGt & PACKING GO,

OCALA. FLORIDhad charge of the funeral. The littleboy's given name was Christopher IrThe Englebritton family, father,Mrs. W. C. Blanchard and daughter,

Miss Amy, who are visiting in Jack-sonville, are expected home

mother and five children, have gone to ving. Rev. W. H. Coleman officiatedFIXE PROPERTY FOR SALE California to reside. Their brother sentthem transportation west and they

Mr. J. E. Gates of Anthony, who waswill again take up their residence inthat state, from whence they cameabout a year ago. This .family were

in town last Thursday, attending theball game, lost on that occasion afountain pen. which he is anxious torecover, on account of Its being the

Splendid residence property on Ok-

lawaha avenue known as the Episcopalrectory for sale at a bargain. . Thisproperty is beautifully located withlarge lot, splendid shade trees, etc.For particulars apply to F. W. Ditto.

FOR SALE House and five acres ofland at Anthony, Fla. Mrs. S. R. Har-well, 215 E. 7th street, Jacksonville,Fla.

most unfortunate here, having lostthree of their children while here. TheKing's Daughters cared for the fara gift of a friend. He offers a good re

ward for its return.jly and Tendered them a great deal ofINTERESTING MEETING OF ELKS assistance.

Mr. Bradford C. Webb of Kendrick,a past exalted ruler of the Ocala lodgeof Elks, came in last night to attenda meeting of that body. Ocala Lodge Xo. 286, B. P. O. Elks,

met in regular semi-month- ly session

The same honest, earnest, sincere devotion to our life-lon- g work inleading students along easy and delightful paths to HIGHER ATTAIN-MENTS in LEARNING on the part of teachers, and the certain'rapid ac-

quirement of. a LIBERAL and USEFUL EDUCATION on the parUof the .

pupil can be assured.

The COMMERCIAL OPPORTUNITIES OFFERED will save muchtime and expense to young men and women who would have to go awayfor such advantages. -

PHYSICAL CULTURE and EXPRESSION and ORATORY, by MissLois Ellis, is a feature of the College that will prove very entertainingto all.

The DISCIPLINE of the pupils is firm but pleasant; rigid but elev-ating "Suaviter'in modo, sed fortiter in re" is the motto.

THE School is select in that it receives no bad pupil, if it can avoidit; we solicit the patronage of all good people who have polite, intelli-gent children, ready for our grades.

It is our purpose to promote in every way we can the educational inter-ests of the City of Ocala and Florida.

We do correct teaching, rapid and spirited teaching, most satisfac

Mr. Thomas Wilson from Cincinnati,Ohio, and Mr. Frank Safford of Berlin,

Mr. Clifton Camp, who has beenspending some time with his familyat Asheville, X. C, came in last nightand will be in the city for a week orten days looking after business interWis., a painter 'by trade, arrived inlast night with a fair attendance

Two new members were initiated, vizMessrs. John R. Martin and H. S. Gal

town last night and will make theirWhen you are happy drink PLEZOL,When you are dry drink PLEZOL.When you look for prosperity drink

PLEZOL.ests.homes in Ocala. Mr. Wilson is a dairy

loway and several applications were man and will be with Mr. H. H. WhitThe finest line of stationery In boxesworth on the Hiawatha Lake Stockreceived.

Past Exalted Ruler Emmett E. Rob of paper and envelopes and paper byFarm.inson, who was a delegate to the the pound that has ever been brought

to Ocala. Two grades of it at the Court

Mrs. J. T. Lancaster and daughters,Misses Lucile and Dorothy, left todayfor Atlanta and other places in Geor-gia, where they will spend the re-

mainder of the summer with relatives.

session of the Grand Lodge held atAtlantic City, which has just closed.

Mr. S. S. Duval of Levon, with hisfamily has moved into the Rheinauer Pharmacy.residence on South Third street rewas present and made an interestingcently vacated by Mr. T. B. Dowling. A little boy who was brought to the

hospital the other day with an Inflamreport of the doings of that body. Thenext session of the grand lodge will Mr. Duvall is with the big Rentz and

Below we give a few comments byseveral of our patrons:

"You have one of the cleanest, mostsanitary markets I've ever been In."

"Your meats are the finest I everate."

"Your meats and service are the bestpossible.

You will make similar comments tothe above if you will but try us.

ed eye, which was considered almost aMcGehee mill at Levon and comes tobe held at Portland, Oregon.hopeless case, was returned home to

FOR REXT Orange grove on LakeWeir one mile from Eastlake. on theA. C. L. Railroad. Address Mrs. H. G.Spooner, 1811 K street X. W., Wash-ington, D. C.

Ocala to set the advantage of ourday cured.schools for his children.

tory teaching. Respectfully,L. II . VAX EXGELKEN, M. T.OSTEOPATHIC TREATMENT

Old Postoffice Building, Room 4.j Mrs. J. Fred DeBerry entertained Our line of cutlery," scissors and

articles for the manicure table willlast everting: at . cards in honor of herG C. and MRS. LOONEY, niece, miss Aieivine JtJurts oi lampa. a appeal to you. See them at the CowPharncy.MILITARY" MATTERS

Mr. Edward Fitzgeral. formerlywith the state convict inspecting sys-

tem now traveling for the WesternXewspaper Syndicate, is in town call-ing on the newspaper offices.

delightful evening was spent in playW. P. EDWARFS

Phone 108 New City MarketOCALA. FLORIDA.

ing progressive whist. Refreshmentswere served during the games.Present address, Street. Atlanta. Ga.

Mrs. Redding will leave in a fewdays for Buchanan, Mich., where shewill remain till Christmas. She will

149 ThirdJ be accompanied from Jacksonville by

When in Jacksonville stop with Mrs.E. L. Maloney, at the Girard, Xo. 11

East Duval, just off Main. Best 75c.room In the city.

her grandson. Mr. Bennie Redding, theson of Mr. W. A. Redding.

LOST A coat with gold watch andchain attached. Lost between Ocala

At the Monday night meeting of theOcala Rifles, only a manual drill washeld, and the company did not go outon the street. About thirty memberswere present. Lieutenant Weihe wasin command. One new member EdwinSpencer was admitted.

Xext Tuesday, the squad of pickedmen will leave for Black Point, nearJacksonville, to take part in the statetarget competition. The squad will becomposed of the following: First Lieu-tenant C. J. Leitner, who will com-mand the team, First Sergeant FrankBooher, Third Sergeant Jesse G. Smoak,Artificer John R. Smith and PrivateEugene Booher. The squad will begone three days.

H. L. Hutchinson of Gainesville, W.A. Slocum of Lakeland and W. C.Swanson of Eustis were at the OcalaHouse yesterday.

and Silver Springs on hard road. Finder will receive reasonable reward byYou Can Get returning same to this office.

Miss Mabel Anderson, the accomServe PLEZOL to your ramlly.Serve PLEZOL to your friends.When you are down town


1 Can of Sunbeam Jam 2.xplished daughter of A. G. Anderson ofTampa, will arrive in.the city Sundayand whil here will be the guest of

1 Dottle of Snnbeam Grapejnlce.Mrs. J. W. Stephens. There are several affairs planned in her honor.

FOR SALE Pure blood ColumbianWyandotte eggs. 10c. each. A. M." Da-vis, Box 5i7, Ocala. among which is a progressive photo

nnrtv sriven bv Mrs. Stephens. Miss

1 Bottle Sunbeam Stuffed Olive 10c

1 Package Sunbeam Black. Pepper. 10c

1 Package Sunbeam Taploea lOe Melvine Burts of Tampa and Miss Sallie Snurlin of Lake Weir will also be

I Hi. II. W. COUNTS' PHONESOffice, 427.Residence, 349.

Xorris' famous Atlanta candles, ahigh grade confection, received everyfew days by express direct from thefactory at the Court Pharmacy.

Mrs. Stephens' guests.

THIS SEAL STANDS FOR'juality, and is stamped on everythingyou buy here. Always on hand a fullline of Buggies, Carriages, Wagons.Automobiles, Harness and LeatherGoods and all kinds of up-to-d- ate

Farming Machinery. Everything thatwears wheels, made of leather or goesto make fanning a pleasure. Call onus when in need we will eliminateyour troubles.


P. H. Brock of Xew Orleans, J. B.Coarsey of Savannah, H. T. White ofDetroit and Wm. A. Fisher of Wil-mington were at the Ocala House lastnight.

eA A. Waterman's self-nilln- g. relia

Die, non-leaki- ng fountain pens; allsizes and several different prices, , atthe Court Pharmacy. "For 65c.


The prettiest line of cut glass, silverand fine hand-painte- d china at A E.Burnett's

Don t send your pictures out of townto have them enlarged. Take then toMills studio. We can make them incrayon, sepia or pastel, and our pricesare right.



to grapple with any problem in plumb-ing, old or new work. We haveknowledge and experience enough towarrant our claim that our plumbingjobs will give perfect satisfaction, nomatter what the character of the Jobmay be. And that our prices, willplease you can be easily proved by ourestimates, in comparison with others.


Mr3. Washburn and daughter, MissEmma have gone to the mountains ofXew York state, where they will spendthe remainder of the summer at theirformer home.

When you have anything to frametake It to the Ocala Xews Co.; all kindsof mouldings.

Mr. C. O. Landers arrived last nightto take a position in the WesternUnion Telegraph, relieving Mr. Brad-ley, who will leave In a day or so totake a position In Memphis, Tenn.

F0E iS KIMJEYPHIS fOIEY'S 0RING iMJSm Buttermilk, fresh every day at thePostoffice Drugstore.

5 or 6 doses '66G will cure any caseof Chills and Fever. Price, 25c.For Stomach Trouble, and