THURSDAY, AUGUST 4. 1966 ROUNDSTONE A group of boys and girls ' enjoyed a fish fry at the home of Eddie Wilson Fri- i day night. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Croucher, \ Eddie, Judy and Beverly I spent a week's vacation j with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lunsfcxd and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crouch- er and J. B. Garry Thompson of Nor- wood, Ohio spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and son of Ohio visited Mr', and Mrs. Ben R. Wilson and family last week end. • Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rimell ' and Mr. and Mrs. Edd Martin were in Covington last Fri- day. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crouch- er and family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Croucher were Wednesday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Croucher and family. Mr. and M y . Junior Alex- ander and children visited ' Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Sigmon Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Sig- mon visited Mr. and Mrs. ' Bradley Sigmon Sunday af- ternoon. DOn and Fay Gabbard visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Junior Alex- ander Thursday night. Jack Terry and Ted Burdettf spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Burdettc. Eddie Wayne Croucher spent two nights last week with-Eddie Wilson. MACEDONIA We got a good rain over the week end which was badly I needed. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Thackr i er spent Sunday in Clay Co. Mr. and Mrs- Bob Bowman ; had as their Sunday guests | their daughterr Lois and husband of Dayton, Ohio. Miss Brenda Holt of Berea, and Mrs. Isaac Bowman and daughter. Others during the week were, Bto. and Mrs. Charley Lunsford of Clover Bottom and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thacker and D. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Thack- er were in Berea Wednesday. Mr. and-Mrs. Bob Bowman and Mrs. Isaac Bowman and Cheryl visited Mrs. Minnie Anderkin at the nursing home in Mt. . Vernon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thack- er had as their guests last week, Mrs. Beztrije Gove and family of Gas City. Jnd., Mrs. Geneva Howard and family of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thacker and fami- ly of Paint Lick and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gabbard and fami- ly of Mt. Vernon. Ky. Danny Dale and Trudy Ste- phens. o f . Gas ..City, Ind. spent a few days last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. .Stephens. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Thack- er and daughter of Berea spent awhile Saturday night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Thacker. Mr. and Mrs. Boh Bowman THE MOUNT VERNON SIGNAL, MT. VERNON, KENTUCKY PAGE SEVEN and, Mrs. Isaac Bowman were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Bowman at Mt. Vemon last Tuesday. SNIDER Mr. and Mrs. Edd Crouch- er of Disputanta visited Mr. and Mrs. Bodie VanWinkle Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Linville Johnson and son of Ander' son, Indiana visited his aunt, Mrs. Aster Van Winkle and family Saturday morning. - Miss Belinda Reppert spent Saturday, night with Miss Carolyn Reppert. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Rep- pert of Berea visited her mother in South Carolina last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rep- pert and Belinda visited Mr. and Mrs. Pieston Anderkin and Kenny Saturday nigh*. Mr. and Mrs. George Viars and daughter of Dayton, Ohiovisited his mother, Mrs. Preston Anderkin and Mr. Anderkin over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Kirby and children of'Indianapo- lis, Ind. visited his parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Earnest Kirby over the week end. Mrs. Wanda Wren, B i l l and Randy of Berea visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Reppert and Belinda Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bar- nett, Delimit, Paula, Becky and Loretta Calahan visited' he.r parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rader of Winchester over the week end. Miss Belinda Reppert visited her mother, Mrs. Wanda Wren of Berea 2 days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Rep- pert- of Berea and Mr. and Mrs. Bodie Van Winkle and Aster Van Winkle, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reppert -and Hubert Thacker visited for. and Mrs. "Edgar Barnett Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rep- pert and Belinda visited her sister Mrs. Emma Bar- rett Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs'. Eddie'Owens and daughter of Richmond, Ind. visit!*] Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barnett Friday nighty Mr. and Mrs. Newt Mira- cle spent last week with their children in Dayton, Ohio. Charles Edward Long and Miss Geneva Barnett visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Bodie Van Winkle Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bar- nett and family and Loretta Calahan visited Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Thomas of Ford Sunday morning. Charles Edward Long and Miss Geneva Barnett. and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barnett visited Levi Jackson' Park last. Sunday. Mr. and' Mrs.. David Soy- lor and children of Dayton, Ohio and Mrs. Ada Saylor visited Mr. and Mrs. .Robert Reppert and Belinda Satur- day night. TRY OUR CLASSIFIEDS- FOP BEST RESULTS II CERTIFIED REPORT OF SALES FRIDAY, JULY 8. The federal-State Marie#I Newt' Service reports these re- ceipts and priest for the ml# Mid Friday, July », 1966, at tho Oarrard County livestock Market, Lancaster, Ky. Total racelpN, 1,4 V . CATTII Receipt^, 623: calves. 279; vealers 25-50 tent* higher; other represented claiiet about •taady; slaughter heifers, utility ond standard, 600-1,050 lbs., [email protected]; slaughter cowl, utility and commercial, [email protected]; candor and cuttor, [email protected]; tlaughter built, utility to good, [email protected]; cuttor, [email protected]; vealers and slaughter calves, good and choice vealers In graded pons, $30; 260- 275 lbs., $26@28; 140-175 lbs., $26.60@28; standard and good, $21 @27; good and choice 28(MOO lb. calvos, J22@ 27; 750-1,050 lbs., [email protected]; feeder stoors, good and cholco 550-750 lbs,, [email protected]; standard, $17.40@ 19.50; good and cholco 300-550 lbs., $21 @26.40; hoifon, good and cholco 300-500^1 bt., [email protected]. HOOS Receipts, 223; barrows and gilts stoody; sow* about stoady; barrows ond gilts, U.S: 1-3, 190-235 lbs., $24 @24.25; 2-3 250-260 lbs., [email protected]; fow 305 lbs., $21.50; sows. 2-3, 250-400 lbs., $17.50@1«; fow, $19.25; foodor pigs, 1-3, 130-160 lbs., [email protected]'othor lots, $11.50 @12.75 par hood." SH1E? - Receipts, 317: good and cholco 75-90 lb„ ilaugh- tor spring lambs, $22.25@23; cholco ewes, $7. HOC SIS, PONIES and MOUS: Receipts, 35. Garrard County Stockyards Co. Check Day Of Sato SAlfS.OF All CLASSES OF LIVESTOCK EVERY BtlDAY LANCASTER, KENTUCKY Under U. S. Government Supervision A' Bonded For Tour DANV I LLE BUS I NESS REV I EW 0. S. Williams Co. A COMPLETE SHtET METAL SERVICE GUTTERING - DOWNSPOUTS - VENTILATORS LOUVERS 308 FACKLER ST. OIAL 238-2406 DANVILLE,KY; Ho review of tho business- interests of this .sec- tion of the state would be complete without promi- nent mention of this well known firm that adds in no little measure to the progress and prosperity of this section. It is a well-known fact that there is no institution in the community that has met. with greater favor with the public than this well known establishment. Wo conrtot fail to compliment this firm upon the manner in which it conducts its business. Boyle County Stockyards ALL KINDS 0FkLIVEST0CK - SALES EVERY MONDAY DILLEHAY ST. DIAL 236*6646 DANVILLE, KY. This progressive company is the best equipped firm in this section receiving livestock from all the surrounding territory and rendering a service that is essential and adds to the progress of this section. The firm is interested in home progress and under management that is both aggressive and popular, and invite farmers to compare their prices with com- petitive markets, and when this is done you will find why farmers prefer bringing their livestock to this firm. It is because they have won an enviable reputation for fair dealing and straight forward methods as well as the most painstaking service to their patrons, that this firm has witnessed.the yearly increase in the number oV \oyaY farmers^eotfr^ with them. The farmers of this community have come to know that they Can depend upon this s firm. Inter-County Rural Electric Co-Op Corp. MODERNIZE YOUR HOME WITH ELECTRICITY SEE YOUR ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER Gen. Office - Hustonville Rd. Danville, Kentucky This is one of the institutions of this section which is doing its part* in furthering progress and expan- sion, and is well deserving of more than passing comment In this review of our progress and expan- sion aiding in the era of prosperity we ore exper- iencing and bringing fame and advertising to this ^ section through the general excellence of their services. Through their straight forward dealings with the public, the management has made many friends for the Cooperative and they hove always taken an ac- • tive interest in their fellowmen,' reottXtfig that"a~ concern that i i not progressive will wither and die because of its environment. This is without ques- tion one of the most valued interviews and we point n with pride to its constant expansion as the years roll by. . Grider Furniture ONE OF THE LARGEST FURNITURE SHOWROOMS IN THE SOUTH KELVINATOR APPLIANCES - -MOTOROLA TV KROEHLER LIVING ROOM FURNITURE SHELBY CITY DIAL 854*3977 SHELBY CITY ' Danville, Ky. This is one of the leading furniture establishments Tn-this section carrying a most extensive stock and offering the public a service that has no superior. . Conveniently located, GRIDER FURNITURE in Shelby City is under the direction of men who have a wide acquaintance from people throughout the coun- try, known as the makers of happy homes—has been serving the people of this territory for many miles around. , One of the important features of the business life of any community is the outfitting of the home. For a gift that the whole^ family will enjoy-give home furnishings, both useful and lovely to look at. See the complete stock at GRICfER FURNITURE in Shelby City. Oldham & Eberts LEES CARPETS- ARMSTRONG FLOOR COVERING CARPETS OR WALL TO WALL CUSTOM DRAPERY SERVICE CERAMIC TILE, COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL 4X3 K. Main St. Dial 236-2254 DANVILLE, KY. We cannot fail to state that this is one of the most modern and up-to-dbte stores which carries at all times a large stock for the accommodation of this- and adjoining counties. This is one of the leading establishments in this section under the most competent direction. In this review, it affords us great pleasure to re- commend this firm to you and suggest that you give this shop a trial and be convinced that this is the logical place to visit while* in Danville. Danville Motors Tractor Sales FORD TRACTORS & FARM MACHINERY SALES-SERVICE - PARTS 850 S. 4tti St. Dial 23W847 Danville, Kentucky One of the most important investments a farmer has to make is the purchase of farm machinery, knowing that the implements he chooses to buy-must be dependable, economical and capable of perform- ing in an efficient way. That is why farmers through- out this oreo have selected FORD implements and tractors as the best buy on the market today. DANVILLE MOTORS TRACTOR S%LES offe'r oT high typo of service, carrying a full line of parts and having equipment and skilled mechanics for their repair deportment to keep costly breakdown delays to a minimum. DANVILLE MOTORS TRACTOR SALES offers patrons advice on matters pertaining to the farm-im- plement business. There are many suggestions which £an be-given by those experienced in this line of work, ond this firm invites you to consult with them on your farm implement needs. Collins Ramblers. Inc. YOUR ECONOMY CAR HEADQUARTERS RAMBLER & SIMCA SALES-SERVICE-PARTS STANFORD RD. PH. 236-6710 DANVILLE, KY. They offer the unequalled Rambler g. Simqa quality at o price which places this wonderful cor within re'ach of those who wish a high class automobile ot a reasonable price. These cars are an advancement in high class motor car building. It is mode in var- ious models and is the last word in motor cars and its ease and operation is such tljpt a woman con drive all day without being fatigi/ed. - Their service deportment is thoroughly equipped for adjustment and..service oh the .cars they handle ond they employ men who ore familiar with the prob- lems of engineering iit make-up of these famous cars. RIFFEM OORE COMPLETE INTERIOR DESIGN SERVICE CUSTOM FURNITURE - IMPORTATIONS ORIENTAL RUGS & CUSTOM CARPETS LEXINGTON RD. PH. 236-6582 DANVILLE, KY. We cannot fail to state that this is one of the most reliable antique dealers, Which carries ot all times a large stock for the accomodation of this and ad- joining counties. This is one of the(J*ading establishments in this section under thyrost competent direction. They olwaywrfrry a large stock and the people of' "the comnju^ can always find something here that is pleprfng to diem. They purchase their stocks from thefeading dealers of the country, and as a conse- quence, are always up to date. Gwinn Inland Fishing Camp FISHING - SWIMMING - BOATING 35 MODERN COTTAGES ^ J. W. COOPER, PROP. GWINN ISLAND RD. Vh MILES NORTH OF DANVILLE DIAL 236-9825 The monogement and assistants are people of long practical experience in this business. They ore tho- roughly conversant with every detail ond ore consid- ered authorities-in all that pertains to the operation of o modern establishment. They rote among the foremost people of the city ond have aided in the development of this section. Thi* establishment is not only a well equipped and expertly managed concern, but it is also a commer- cial organization ond renders service thot is neces- sary to the qnward progress of the community. Commonwealth First Federal Savings & Loan Assn. Vk'/ Paid On Savings Accounts Serai-Anmully Save where Saving Pays - Each Account insured Un to $10,000 Open Dally9a.m. to3 p.m. -Saturday 9a.m.to 12noon 111 S. 4th S«. Dial 236-5418 Danville, Kentucky This page of articles would by no means b® com- plete'without reference to a modern company such as this one, which is of incalculable benefit to this section of the state. The men in charge of this firm hove been-earnest workers in the interest o<S.the territory, which is served by them. Thoroughly conversant with the di- rection of such a concern, they have been reody at all times to lend personol assistance to oil proposi- tions which hove promised to increase the develop- ment of this part of the state. Germann's Machine Shop COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP SERVICE ELECTRIC 8, ACETYLENE WELDING*- 100 MOORE AVE. DIAL 236-4131 DANVILLE, KY. The management and assistants are people of long and practical experience in this business. They are thoroughly conversant with every detail and are con- sidereAaouthorities in all that pertains to the opera- of a modern establishment. They rate among the foremost people of the city and have aided in the developmentof this section. This establishment is not only a well equipped and expertly managed concern, but it is also a com- mercial organization and renders service that is necessary to the onward progress of the community. Royal Crown Bottling Co BOTTLERS 8. DISTRIBUTORS ROYAL CROWN COLA PERRYVILLE RD. PH. 236-5320 DANVILLE,KY. litis .is one of the worth-whil» enterprises of the city, rendering a most vital service in supplying the people of this entire area with beverages of the highest quality. Here you will find a modern plant that would do credit to any city of much larger size. Here the latest improved methods are used ond workmen of long experience produce the output that is meeting with such great favor with the people of this section. . It is with a feeling of pleasure thot the editor of this series of reviews gives this firm his warmest, commendation, feeling assured that in product ond practice, they will not foil short of their present high i^andard. Boyle County Packing Co., Inc. WHOLESALERS OF PORK AND BEEF PRODUCTS . ALL TYPES OF SAUSAGE PRODUCTS (fUSTOM SLAUGHTERING & PROCESSING S. 2nd St. Ph. 236-3544 Danville, Ky. This plont is one of the most modern in the dis- trict and- is equipped with the latest machinery and kept in the mqst sanitary condition possible. AH pro- ducts manufactured here are pure and wholesome. Their meat products are popular in this locality and all over the state. They are known for their ex- cellent flavor. If you wont excellent meat, insist up- on those of BOYLE PACKING CO. By furnishing a market for the farmers and stock raisers they serve the public in a double capacity. Both the plant and the products of BOYLE PACKING CO., inspection of the various health deportments, olso Government Graded Beef. Rogers New & Used Furniture APPLIANCES - NEW & USED WOOD & COAL HEATERS 498 DILLEHAY-ST. -PH. 236-3976 DANVILLE,KY. It is a well-known fact that there is no one insti- tution in the community that hos met .with greater favor with the public than this well-known estab- lishment. They hove hod wide experience in every feoture of this business, and because of their comprehensive knowledge of every bronch of the trade, this firm has continued to witness an increase in the number of their patrons. There is no more public spirited citi- zens in the community than the manager, and we di- your attention to this business institution as one of the reliable establishments which hos added to the development and progress of this part of the.state. AUCTION SALFS EVERY FRIDAY 7:00 P.M. OECINNING AUGUST 5th Wince Rogers, Owner & Mgr. Gabbard Real Estate Co. COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE CITY - FARM - COMMERCIAL AUCTION SALES ABE GABBARD, BROKER ROBERT GABBARD, BROKER-AUCTIONEER 303'rf. Main St. PH. 236-5183 Danville, Ky. In making this review of today, we desire to point to GABBARD REAL ESTATE CO., who are read- ing the times ond pointing the way to o happy home for many. In reolty transactions, both the buyer and seller are at the mercy of the man who stands between. |t is therefore well to consider such matters carefully before entering into any transactions or ogreement. A

THE MOUNT VERNON SIGNAL, MT. VERNON, … · Randy of Berea visited her, ... sion aiding in the era of prosperity we ore exper- ... KELVINATOR APPLIANCES - -MOTOROLA TV

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ROUNDSTONE A group of boys and girls '

enjoyed a fish fry at the home of Eddie Wilson Fri- i day night.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Croucher, \ Eddie, Judy and Beverly I spent a week's vacation j with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lunsfcxd and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crouch-er and J. B.

Garry Thompson of Nor-wood, Ohio spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Thompson.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and son of Ohio visited Mr', and Mrs. Ben R. Wilson and family last week end.

• Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rimell ' and Mr. and Mrs. Edd Martin were in Covington last Fri-day.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crouch-er and family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Croucher were Wednesday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed-ward Croucher and family.

Mr. and M y . Junior Alex-ander and children visited ' Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Sigmon Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Sig-mon visited Mr. and Mrs.

' Bradley Sigmon Sunday af-ternoon.

DOn and Fay Gabbard visit-ed Mr. and Mrs. Junior Alex-ander Thursday night. Jack Terry and Ted Burdettf

spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Burdettc.

Eddie Wayne Croucher spent two nights last week with-Eddie Wilson.

MACEDONIA We got a good rain over the

week end which was badly I needed.

Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Thackr i er spent Sunday in Clay Co.

Mr. and Mrs- Bob Bowman ; had as their Sunday guests | their daughterr Lois and husband of Dayton, Ohio. Miss Brenda Holt of Berea, and Mrs. Isaac Bowman and daughter. Others during the week were, Bto. and Mrs. Charley Lunsford of Clover Bottom and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thacker and D. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Willie Thack-er were in Berea Wednesday.

Mr. and-Mrs. Bob Bowman and Mrs. Isaac Bowman and Cheryl visited Mrs. Minnie Anderkin at the nursing home in Mt. . Vernon last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thack-er had as their guests last week, Mrs. Beztr i je Gove and family of Gas City. Jnd., Mrs. Geneva Howard and family of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thacker and fami-ly of Paint L ick and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gabbard and fami-ly of Mt. Vernon. Ky.

Danny Dale and Trudy Ste-phens. o f . Gas ..City, Ind. spent a few days last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. .Stephens.

Mr, and Mrs. Ceci l Thack-er and daughter of Berea spent awhile Saturday night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Thacker.

Mr. and Mrs. Boh Bowman


and, Mrs. Isaac Bowman were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Bowman at Mt. Vemon last Tuesday.

SNIDER Mr. and Mrs. Edd Crouch-

er of Disputanta visited Mr. and Mrs. Bodie VanWinkle Saturday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. L inv i l le Johnson and son of Ander' son, Indiana visited his aunt, Mrs. Aster Van Winkle and family Saturday morning. - Miss Belinda Reppert

spent Saturday, night with Miss Carolyn Reppert.

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Rep-pert of Berea visited her mother in South Carolina last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rep-pert and Belinda visited Mr. and Mrs. Pieston Anderkin and Kenny Saturday nigh*.

Mr. and Mrs. George Viars and daughter of Dayton, Ohiovisited his mother, Mrs. Preston Anderkin and Mr. Anderkin over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Kirby and children of'Indianapo-l is , Ind. visited his parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Earnest Kirby over the week end.

Mrs. Wanda Wren, B i l l and Randy of Berea visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob-ert Reppert and Belinda Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bar-nett, Delimit, Paula, Becky and Loretta Calahan visited' he.r parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rader of Winchester over the week end.

Miss Belinda Reppert visited her mother, Mrs. Wanda Wren of Berea 2 days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Rep-pert- of Berea and Mr. and Mrs. Bodie Van Winkle and Aster Van Winkle, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reppert -and Hubert Thacker visi ted for. and Mrs. "Edgar Barnett Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rep-pert and Belinda visited her sister Mrs. Emma Bar-rett Tuesday night.

Mr. and Mrs'. Eddie'Owens and daughter of Richmond, Ind. v is i t !* ] Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barnett Friday nighty

Mr. and Mrs. Newt Mira-cle spent last week with their children in Dayton, Ohio.

Charles Edward Long and Miss Geneva Barnett v is i t -ed Mr. and Mrs. Bodie Van Winkle Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bar-nett and family and Loretta Calahan visited Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Thomas of Ford Sunday morning.

Charles Edward Long and Miss Geneva Barnett. and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barnett visited Levi Jackson' Park last. Sunday.

Mr. and' Mrs.. David Soy-lor and children of Dayton, Ohio and Mrs. Ada Saylor visi ted Mr. and Mrs. .Robert Reppert and Belinda Satur-day night.



REPORT OF SALES FRIDAY, JULY 8. The federal-State Marie#I Newt' Service reports these re-

ceipts and priest for the ml# Mid Friday, July », 1966, at tho Oarrard County livestock Market, Lancaster, Ky. Total racelpN, 1,4 V .

CATTII — Receipt^, 623: calves. 279; vealers 25-50 tent* higher; other represented claiiet about •taady; slaughter heifers, utility ond standard, 600-1,050 lbs., [email protected]; slaughter cowl, utility and commercial, [email protected]; candor and cuttor, [email protected]; tlaughter built, utility to good, [email protected]; cuttor, [email protected]; vealers and slaughter calves, good and choice vealers In graded pons, $30; 260-275 lbs., $26@28; 140-175 lbs., $26.60@28; standard and good, $21 @27; good and choice 28(MOO lb. calvos, J22@ 27; 750-1,050 lbs., [email protected]; feeder stoors, good and cholco 550-750 lbs,, [email protected]; standard, $17.40@ 19.50; good and cholco 300-550 lbs., $21 @26.40; hoifon, good and cholco 300-500^1 bt., [email protected].

HOOS — Receipts, 223; barrows and gilts stoody; sow* about stoady; barrows ond gilts, U.S: 1-3, 190-235 lbs., $24 @24.25; 2-3 250-260 lbs., [email protected]; fow 305 lbs., $21.50; sows. 2-3, 250-400 lbs., $17.50@1«; fow, $19.25; foodor pigs, 1-3, 130-160 lbs., [email protected]'othor lots, $11.50 @12.75 par hood."

SH1E? - Receipts, 317: good and cholco 75-90 lb„ ilaugh-tor spring lambs, $22.25@23; cholco ewes, $7.

HOC SIS, PONIES and MOUS: Receipts, 35.

Garrard County Stockyards Co. Check Day Of Sato


Under U. S. Government Supervision A' Bonded For Tour




Ho review of tho business- interests of this .sec-tion of the state would be complete without promi-nent mention of this wel l known firm that adds in no l i t t le measure to the progress and prosperity of this section.

It is a well-known fact that there is no institution in the community that has met. with greater favor with the public than this well known establishment.

Wo conrtot fail to compliment this firm upon the manner in which it conducts its business.

Boyle County Stockyards ALL KINDS 0FkLIVEST0CK - SALES EVERY


This progressive company is the best equipped firm in this section receiving livestock from al l the surrounding territory and rendering a service that is essential and adds to the progress of this section. The firm is interested in home progress and under management that is both aggressive and popular, and invite farmers to compare their prices with com-petitive markets, and when this is done you w i l l find why farmers prefer bringing their livestock to this firm.

It is because they have won an enviable reputation for fair dealing and straight forward methods as wel l as the most painstaking service to their patrons, that this firm has witnessed.the yearly increase in the number oV \oyaY farmers^eotfr^ with them. The farmers of this community have come to know that they Can depend upon thissfirm.

Inter-County Rural Electric Co-Op Corp.


This is one of the institutions of this section which is doing its part* in furthering progress and expan-sion, and is well deserving of more than passing comment In this review of our progress and expan-sion aiding in the era of prosperity we ore exper-iencing and bringing fame and advertising to this

^ section through the general excellence of their services.

Through their straight forward dealings with the public, the management has made many friends for the Cooperative and they hove always taken an ac- • tive interest in their fellowmen,' reottXtfig that"a~ concern that i i not progressive wi l l wither and die because of its environment. This is without ques-tion one of the most valued interviews and we point

n with pride to its constant expansion as the years roll by. .




' Danville, Ky.

This is one of the leading furniture establishments Tn-this section carrying a most extensive stock and offering the public a service that has no superior. .

Conveniently located, GRIDER FURNITURE in Shelby City is under the direction of men who have a wide acquaintance from people throughout the coun-try, known as the makers of happy homes—has been serving the people of this territory for many miles around. ,

One of the important features of the business l i fe of any community is the outfitt ing of the home.

For a gift that the whole^ family w i l l enjoy-give home furnishings, both useful and lovely to look at. See the complete stock at GRICfER FURNITURE in Shelby City.




We cannot fai l to state that this is one of the most modern and up-to-dbte stores which carries at a l l times a large stock for the accommodation of this-and adjoining counties.

This is one of the leading establishments in this section under the most competent direction.

In this review, it affords us great pleasure to re-commend this firm to you and suggest that you give this shop a tr ia l and be convinced that this is the logical place to v is i t while* in Danville.

Danville Motors Tractor Sales FORD TRACTORS & FARM MACHINERY

SALES-SERVICE - PARTS 850 S. 4tti St. Dial 23W847 Danville, Kentucky

One of the most important investments a farmer has to make is the purchase of farm machinery, knowing that the implements he chooses to buy-must be dependable, economical and capable of perform-ing in an eff icient way. That is why farmers through-out this oreo have selected FORD implements and tractors as the best buy on the market today. DANVILLE MOTORS TRACTOR S%LES offe'r o T high typo of service, carrying a ful l line of parts and having equipment and ski l led mechanics for their repair deportment to keep costly breakdown delays to a minimum.

DANVILLE MOTORS TRACTOR SALES offers patrons advice on matters pertaining to the farm-im-plement business. There are many suggestions which £an be-given by those experienced in this line of work, ond this firm invites you to consult with them on your farm implement needs.




They offer the unequalled Rambler g. Simqa quality at o price which places this wonderful cor within re'ach of those who wish a high class automobile ot a reasonable price. These cars are an advancement in high class motor car building. I t is mode in var-ious models and is the last word in motor cars and its ease and operation is such tljpt a woman con drive all day without being fatigi/ed. -

Their service deportment is thoroughly equipped for adjustment and..service oh the .cars they handle ond they employ men who ore familiar with the prob-lems of engineering iit make-up of these famous cars.



We cannot fail to state that this is one of the most reliable antique dealers, Which carries ot a l l times a large stock for the accomodation of this and ad-joining counties.

This is one of the(J*ading establishments in this section under t h y r o s t competent direction.

They olwaywrfrry a large stock and the people o f ' "the c o m n j u ^ can always find something here that is pleprfng to diem. They purchase their stocks from thefeading dealers of the country, and as a conse-quence, are always up to date.

Gwinn Inland Fishing Camp FISHING - SWIMMING - BOATING



The monogement and assistants are people of long practical experience in this business. They ore tho-roughly conversant with every detail ond ore consid-ered authorities-in al l that pertains to the operation of o modern establishment. They rote among the foremost people of the city ond have aided in the development of this section.

Thi* establishment is not only a well equipped and expertly managed concern, but it is also a commer-cial organization ond renders service thot is neces-sary to the qnward progress of the community.

Commonwealth First Federal Savings & Loan Assn.

Vk'/ Paid On Savings Accounts Serai-Anmully Save where Saving Pays - Each Account insured Un

to $10,000 Open Dally9a.m. to3 p.m. -Saturday 9a.m.to 12noon 111 S. 4th S«. Dial 236-5418 Danville, Kentucky

This page of articles would by no means b® com-plete'without reference to a modern company such as this one, which is of incalculable benefit to this section of the state.

The men in charge of this firm hove been-earnest workers in the interest o<S.the territory, which is served by them. Thoroughly conversant with the di-rection of such a concern, they have been reody at a l l times to lend personol assistance to oil proposi-tions which hove promised to increase the develop-ment of this part of the state.



The management and assistants are people of long and practical experience in this business. They are thoroughly conversant with every detail and are con-sidereAaouthorities in al l that pertains to the opera-of a modern establishment. They rate among the foremost people of the city and have aided in the developmentof this section.

This establishment is not only a well equipped and expertly managed concern, but it is also a com-mercial organization and renders service that is necessary to the onward progress of the community.

Royal Crown Bottling Co BOTTLERS 8. DISTRIBUTORS


l i t i s .is one of the worth-whil» enterprises of the ci ty, rendering a most vi tal service in supplying the people of this entire area with beverages of the highest quality. Here you w i l l find a modern plant that would do credit to any city of much larger size. Here the latest improved methods are used ond workmen of long experience produce the output that is meeting with such great favor w i th the people of this section. . I t is with a feeling of pleasure thot the editor of

this series of reviews gives this firm his warmest, commendation, feeling assured that in product ond practice, they w i l l not foi l short of their present high i^andard.

Boyle County Packing Co., Inc.


(fUSTOM SLAUGHTERING & PROCESSING S. 2nd St. Ph. 236-3544 Danville, Ky.

This plont is one of the most modern in the dis-tr ict and- is equipped with the latest machinery and kept in the mqst sanitary condition possible. AH pro-ducts manufactured here are pure and wholesome.

Their meat products are popular in this locality and al l over the state. They are known for their ex-cellent flavor. If you wont excellent meat, insist up-on those of BOYLE PACKING CO.

By furnishing a market for the farmers and stock raisers they serve the public in a double capacity. Both the plant and the products of BOYLE PACKING CO., inspection of the various health deportments, olso Government Graded Beef.

Rogers New & Used Furniture APPLIANCES - NEW & USED WOOD & COAL


It is a well-known fact that there is no one insti-tution in the community that hos met .with greater favor with the public than this well-known estab-lishment.

They hove hod wide experience in every feoture of this business, and because of their comprehensive knowledge of every bronch of the trade, this firm has continued to witness an increase in the number of their patrons. There is no more public spirited c i t i -zens in the community than the manager, and we di-your attention to this business institution as one of the reliable establishments which hos added to the development and progress of this part of the.state.






303'rf. Main St. PH. 236-5183 Danville, Ky.

In making this review of today, we desire to point to GABBARD REAL ESTATE CO., who are read-ing the times ond pointing the way to o happy home for many.

In reolty transactions, both the buyer and seller are at the mercy of the man who stands between. | t is therefore wel l to consider such matters carefully before entering into any transactions or ogreement.