THE M 0 R R I S T O W N G A Z E TT E , D E C EMBE R 10, (884. The HorristoTm Gazette. Marion (Va.) Democrat :ilr. Dou-tba- t, a worthy tboomaker of tha neighboring Tillage of Wytherille, recently wrote to President-elec- t Clercland, asking L:m to send bis WEDNESDAT.'lHc. 01. 1SS4. For tie . Mite ! : ; ' L l. .1. . i measure fur a pur of boot to wear on the occasion of hi inauguration. The President responded in a rcry PVIK y:iBraiM-ATIT- . . Tir.lE-TABL- E. OF TBI RCjEESYELE & JETFEESON E R. Uana B.-- f rrfn f . Arrlva t EecviiSe Jct. ... ..a.lae.ia Una e JucUa I. Arrrrae at Jugal3e ... f:l P. " Jamba Cooraa, Aoext. fohte letter, thanking Mr. D. for and enclosing him a crisp twenty dollar bill with his roaaaure. The money wa return- ed by the patriotic shoemaker, but the President sent it back to Brick "Dwelling ifflk foca Notes and Other News. him insisting on his receiving it, telling him that ho would ap FALL AND WINTER STOCK I HOUSE AND LOT! preciate tho boots just as much I HAVE A Kink opn FriJaj. Fan at tht Jlink. aad tbat he would certain It wear -- AT- r v the boots on ths day of FULt LINE OF ALL KINDS OF A. Ilice in hi new Call and e J. store. The Chattanooga Times that CHAS. D. BLAlTTOFS, In Buchanans New Brick Building, .on ,: Main St., Jive Doors east Lookout Bank, ' ' .. "'; a lady living at I ar brook, Ala., ar- - c Mr. C. I). Memtt and wile Icara in that city Iat Ibursday i--n- vcu In the -- Business . Centre I hi week lor OrcenUrro, ua I I with a 9 year old son. the most mar 1 -- 1 . l Tfwui ujvutuviuT icr ru ucrc. Morristoicn. : yard Mr. A. JL Klam has in his a ebeny tree ia full tJloom. is about 3 feet hiu and of nor fVlorristown, Terih. 3k weirht, onriirut and carries II - - . himself like a human. In other re-- H Mr. Jude Ilobert McFarland viitin r!atites at Knoatille. fjccts he U a brute. Hit head comes to a oint like a ground hog. Ilia forehead is deeply concave, Containing 13 rooms, large wooi and Dales, Firecrackers, Raisins, Citrons, Torpedoes, Nuts, Figs, Currents,' ' Fireworks. I Receive Florida Oranges by the Car Load. Ilrrrt from the Grove, wfairh I offer clwaptr than th tame kind of " Km it tttr baa bn aulJ la Ihla niarkH before-- , I wi.l alao have ' u'l 1 of . J - , ; ; j ; j j " Mala3 Grare?, Lemons, Bananas andi "Fresli1 Cdcoannts rni? Tiff irni m t vu New p'ack aide walks have been laid in ootli the Ka.t and Wet ends .Hi is evebows t!ant. and the roof of ' carriage house, fine large "stable,' MIii mouth is concave. Jliafcvt and of oar city. , hand.-- ! are like a ho's. He cannot (oak, and has no preceptive facul horee and lot, -- fine ,cow, s two cw- - v's h 'tn r ?: terns, large lawn ; every ? pari : the house finely finished ; in Ko. A Talnable brick dwelling homo is o.rd for tale in Morrietowu; a!o some ether valuable property. .e advertisement elsewhere. Hats, Crockery-ware- , Glassware, Tiaware, "V'v- Stoves, Carpets, &c. USeK Ten, . 1 ijondition.- - - ties whatever, and constantly gives utterance to a hiss and gutleral noise peculiar to the ground hog. His mother says she was frightened by a ground hog when she was en- - tricea m.. " . . "of oW and 'The Ciieaian Literary Society of MorrisUwn Female High School tr. and at iaW.r DriceH than JZZXl L""a "?le " . reat jrarie- - My Cake Department cietite. will rive an entertainment to then variat t aua loweet trinu ir.,i nr.A t . :r - 1 " and Oeut'a Underwaar. rki n publie on Thursdar night, 1 8th in My stock of OKor:FRiFrt i. ... This property must be seen to be - - wrrsey -- nacea toe cake emuracea averTthma in tha or -- prices aatonisblnj-l- low. Cook Htorra. Hea,tin, Ktn R.r, . jTrirT. i V, m wwKn eaaau u aU IMBHIi ID K KM Stlfl Innraui order anil Otnatufot-- 1 HE -- MOREISTOW.N l AZCTTE intl- - uates that the Scotch Timber and Iand company will make Merrls-tow- n their headquarters. The Ga of Ti ra ware, et etc. Don't let anv one TJ,Z' i""":" "u? la ia fall blait au J may kind of Cake will be raalr to ti ia tUe beat of atjlf I t the Opera Hone.- - We are inform! that Capt. J appreciated, and is noW offered at a price mqcb below it actual value: ( ' L' ,i . II. Trent, our popular ret-master- . I zette is offara!n lbat company cai aavmo,ib, bUror.' "0a9' Ma nr PBe. beiug Ught. ws are sure too -- Lovers of Fresh Oysters ha bouzht the farm ot Jlr. J. wv.as located at rewiort, has purch a i i Xo4. Tha place is situated about ea-- for price, terms, and other a property nero, and nere win do its headquarters. .Newport is on a boom and henceforth the little pro- tozoan village of Morristown is to ii . - . .. . .. i Eespectfullt, '".'.,, s :B::"dHAs. d. hlanton. i ' r information, apply at . ; y ' Will plcaac reaiaiubrr that I rreeirt them daily from Norfolk. ORDERS FOR IQE CREA M. owe its importance to its proximity to this growing city. Hurrah for GAZETTE OFFICE, . . f oa to JOSEPH BROWN, oi' two miles east of town, and the price paid was $13.50 per acre. IIijt. (lordwn Mynatt, aged 73 years and 7 months, died at his res- idence ia Talladega county, Ala., on the 4th of November IaL He was a native of Knox countv and & bro ther in-la- w ef lUr. Hr.'MatL Hills-tua- n. Newport and the Kcotcb company. Xeirport Journal. We had very good authority for intimating that tho company refer S. L.TCAMPBELL. r . t na.M V.. Will be SUM on aborteat notice. - . , , ,;, I will wot bo undersold, and anyone buying for "Spot Cash" will do well to examine my stock and prices before purchas- ing olsewhero. , . r PETER KERSV Xos. 1 & a Market Square, KXOXVILLE. TEXX. MOREISTOWN, TKNN. dec 10 4m red to would make Morristown their base of operations, and regret that it was not deemed by the company I be ureenenlle Democrat says VALUABLE ! P am a L ' . ' - ". :T:T . r--r MMMI'laeMMBMWaWMMaMMBMBBMeeMa that the east and west bauml pass -- Special inducements given to tlirse who buy in large quanti enger trains came near making P. 8 ties. frious collision at that, place one day last week, owing to the dia altogether as eligible for their busi- ness as the location selected. But we are none the less gratified to say that, next to Morristown, they se Iected the most lively and progres- sive little town in Fast Tennessee uuiiiiju.via iJr!!W;iBi;,ttOBT,. DRY . GOODS STORE IN THE SOUTH I agreement of the time pieee of the 7 tJJ conductors. you willdoas well."", -- """V I JrIi wou,d d your order by mail direct to tbe flrn,' an4 Grape Culture and Port "Wine. For Sale. A meeting ol the stecknoiders o WW iilVi Ai r. A. Spesr of 2ew Jeraey, one of Don't fail to see our $2 50 Tap Sole Boot. McNuItj & Borches, Kuoxrille. Buy your Carpets of McNuIty & Bor for a permanent domieil. Come to the Pink. the Caroiina, Cumberland tiap and Chicago Ilailwav i called for the iue larval grape prruucers.ia tbe East commence!, but a few rears ao, in a DBESS GOODSatlO, 12i, 15, 25, 21 and 50 cents per yard and !i?th of January, 5. at Aiken, S. BMiati way, n9w controls large virie- - Qqo tract of 9 acres, another tract MILLINERY ! Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window jarua oime uporro U rape, from which C A new lioartl of Directors is to ches to a?e money, hnoxville. A big boom on underwaro at Kico's this week. Don't fail to get nia lamous rrt Urape Wine aid Bur- - be elected and ether buiines trans of 11 acres, within tbe corporate limits of Morristown, Tean. acted. A formal sotice to this ef Circuit Court was in session here last week. The celebrated case of the State vs. Win. Uamsey, for the murder of young Volney Clark, moved from Cocke county and tried here eight months ago, which trial are made, which chemists and physicians say rivals tbe world for their purity and bentffcial effect on wmLIi yaur prices at Rice s. and Lace fect will be found in to-day- 's paper. Curl ams. - ' ! upward. ; ; SILKS at 75c, 90c, $1,00; $1,25, $2,0C and up. VELVXaANI) VELVETEENS, ,.500, 155c; "SOOrH $2,00 and -- ttP- kJ . and aged persons and tbocomsumptiTe. IW. aala V.. I a - Christmas ie coming. Send to va oii ujr uru;cuf Foe further Information and torma, apply to J ' w j GiZETTE COMPANT, JOS. BROWN, or ; j a: r campbeix,' ..-- ' llOBSTRTnWH. TfVW resulted in a hung jury, four of I. H. Loveraaa t Co., Chattanooga, and buy vour wif. daughters or BUCKLEX'S ARXICA SALTE wlom were for murder in the first d 10 4a - 1 dogree and eight for murder in the sisters m llandeme Jress or Dress Pon'ffa'l to see the Standard Prints at Uoodson Blair's at 6 cents formerly cents. Good son & Blair are tho leaders in low prices. All wool filling Jeans at US cents per yard formerly 35. Stop and think before you buy. I he best salvb In the f world - for cuts. Bruises Sores, Ulcers, Salt second, consumed about the entire Pattern, SUk, Worsted or Velvet Tasty, faaUionahlo Millinery can only ba pro- cured in a flrst-cla- sa large establishment where they have all the facilities. Nothing ia bo important to a lady'a appearance, aa a becoming Hat or Bonnet . stock. Coma and sea us. WewiU... , f' 'VALUABLE week, the cae having ben taken A .Handsome I'hotograph Album, iwieum, revers (re.. Tetter, Chapped haeds. Chilblains, Corns, and all skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, np Tuesday morning and coiag to SATE TOO THE BAILROiD EIPEKSE ur no pay. rquirel. lc Is guaranteed the jury about dark Saturday even- ing. The defense made strong ef Machine it..) Shop io Hire periect saturicllon, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by V. P. Carriger, Morristown. forts for another contiauance, but JJKKSSiS MADE TO ORDER at $10, $15, $20, $2o and up. SILK DEESSES at $25, $30, $50 .and tip. ; . ; . j CLOAKS! CLOAKS! An immense line of CLOAKS in the latest fashions and at all prices, Ladies', Misses' and Children's at $2,50, $5, $6,50, $7, , $8, $10, $15, $20, $25 and upwards. ' ; We guarantee everytning to bo as represented, otherwise we take it back and pay you for coming both wavs. C. D. Blanton. their affidavit' was overruled by Kid Gloves, a lionnet or Hat, Cloak or other wrapa. Again it is our sad duty to chron- icle the death of an eld and esteem- ed citizen of Hamblen. George McFarland. Esq, well-know- n to many, of the let citizens of the county, died Monday of last week at his hone, a few miles from Mor-ristow- n, having reached the ad- vanced ago of years. Dwelling House and Lot Judge Ilose, who, at the special term three weeks ago (which was called for the sole purpose, as we Come and see us. We can ;,Please.You.;f; :: ..Jl . If you send ah order you can rely on getting aa good an article as we can put up for. the amount of money you send JVe Have the Correct Sty lesi earn, to try this cace) gave defen Oor prices are the lowasl; Quality tha beat.: . Cotton Chain Carpets, 20c and np.! A11 Wool Filling - - 35c and up. All Wool,, extra super, 50c and up. ; Brussels, - - . 58c and p. ' ; ; ... - '- - Body Brussels, Velvets, Moquet tea, Busts, Mattings, Etc. lt ! ' 1 ' ' ."" '. J-- J . ; .' - 1 ' ' '' Corespond withois;; dant attachments for absent, ob MOKlC'N, TENN., s . ...... t v.y . J. Sugar Coated. XV m are informed that the proprietors bf Hart's Blood and Livar Pills, have made a ntw departure, and hereafter Hart's Pills will be sugar coated. Tho only objection these pills bare met with is their being plain and unpleasant to lake. The objection is now done away with, and we look for Hart's Blood snd Liver Pills to be even more popular than ever. streperous witnesses, whom he bad been unable to get, kc. This is a Carpets are a necessity in these progressive times. You can do no better than by going to D.B. Love-ma- n k Co., Chattanooga, their stock is large and suited to your wanta. Tho sharp competition of manufac- turers hare put the price of carpets lower than we have ever known them to be. FOR. SALE. very important case and has been SEE OUK NEW FALL OATA- - on liana a Jonr wbile. ALIe coun lit. Another fire occured on Market Suare, Kaoxville, Thursday morn- ing last, consuming three buildings and damaging a fourth. It was the sel represented both sides. Every inch ol" ground and testimonv has This Machine Shop ia 32 ty 90, two Wholesale prices to d?lrs . GUNS, GUNS ! GUNS ! ! Pouble and sincla breech and muz Mil.j ! wo.k of an incendiary. The build ings drtroyed were old framo than . ;,( LOGUE. V,;; .'.-- ' We pay Express charges - On all orders of $10,00 and over wlien money accompanies the order. D. B. LOVEMAK & C0., Chattanooqa, Tenn. been stubbornly contested. But after a long, fair, impartial trial, be- fore a jury of good-men- they say Itamsey is guilty of manslaughter Shrewd people buy their goods where a dollar buys the most. Com- pare tbeso prices with what you zle lo.iding guns . Loading implements, alic'.ls, primers, cartredge, Ac. Sew- - ties, and as the erection of new Try us on Kid Glores, Ladies' aad Gentlemen's Hoisery, Neck ware and Underwear, i': D. B. L0VEMAN & CO., Chattanooqa, Tenit. - : D. ,B. LOVEHAN & CO., .' stories, with all the necessary conveniences. The best locality for manufacturing wagons in East Tennessee. Will be sold at a bargain.' frames building are forbidden by in fliaonines and Machine supplies. and must go to the. penitentiary for have been paying. 14 pounds nice Chattanooqa j Txnn aprlSS ly ..:....;. ten years. Delenuants counsel ar sugar, 51 u0; 8 pounds good conee, V rite fr prices. : . . S. I ANGEL. ordinance, the Cre will prove blessing for the Square. fl t0: 18 yard Standard A JL Do pealed to the Supreme Court. Ram 11 1 j':' ' 1 i. OEO. W WOE, ' sey secured his former bond of $10,000. "' I ' ' J I 4rat"For terms and 'information Dr. J. Preston Park, one of the most - skillful and popular young ap- - mestic, $1 00; 13 yards cotton plaid, $1 00. Compare your goods and prices and you will buy from us. C. 1. Blanton. 2i: i- - i . f : 'i.i. .'.plj.io... phvticiansof lvnoxville, wm mar r,r ried in th&t city one dav last week aaill Ii.!l!.aji. Ua-a.I- V, 1 J O ,. 1 1 to MisKva Sevier, the accomplished GAZETTE-COMPAN- Y, . JOS BROWN, r V S. L. CAMPBELL," NEW STOItE ! NEW STOKE ! daughter of Lapt. Jas. Sevier, late J. A. Iticc, the leading clothier, Kooxrille, Term. Ina3 84- -ly , , ; , ( t L EAST TENNESSEE MILLS, Make tfie "hesbur flpurwhichJoc health (and especially djrt-peptJ'c- in u perior to the roller tfffr: I also keep ihe rerj i,st. meal. made from selected Lemming corrtV"- - - I enn furnisb good bran with shorts mixed, at same money you pay forclean bran. . Address. , IIfnrt W. Shields. Morristown or Midway, Tennessee. July 16-- 3 m the opuIar proprietor of the Vash ington Home, Jonesboro. It was a jUt.U lij'.iiia ,i'kU.dJ- - i'n has moved into I). W. C. Daris'a new building, where he will take 4 r dec 10 4m ! : i . ) i 1 r Gretna Green air, the parent of the young ladr uririag ber tender pleasure in seeing his old friends and customers, and showing 'them FALL AI age against the marriage. Our coa his mammoth stock of clothing and VAg time at the llink. Tho East Tennessee, Virginia & Ceorgia Kail road Company, is ar- ranging a splendid display for the New Orleans Exposition. The col-lecti- en of woods alone embrace OTcr fifty variotics, cut in sections show- ing the bark and grain, including oak, pine, poplar, walnut, cedar, ruaple, hickork, elm, holly, and all other species common to this section. The exhibit of iron ores will sot bo surpassed by any other at the Ex- position. Some of the specimens are almost solid metal, and will weigh from 400 to 500 pounds. These come from the richest mines rratulation and hearty wishes for their happiness and prosperity fol lows oar young friends. UNDERTAKER, MoHRisrowsrriTENNT ; 'f CONSTANTLY ON HAND B08E KEEPS and Home-mad- e Coffina of aU sizes, and M it alio Cab as. k V Also kaapa a full line of Buriil Robes, tee. solicits public patronage, and promises satisfaction . Ordera by maU or telegraph prompt ly attended to. jwi37 83tf W COMING' AT THE ' gent's furnishing goods. lie has tbe largest and most complete stock in the city and guarantees prices as low as the lowest, notwithstanding what the croakers may say. G. A. Kowo k Sit), marble ianu- - factnres of this placo, last Friday some very handsome marble . " ' i'.i i ' 'j 'ii b I '. i i i ; " '.A .." - ', -- j.lt i J !') l u.U t !. l iilvl1 M il '..il Ii. ." . ,.; i - 0 tiA b ri, : ,i t viii'. i'. .;i;- - .! ' . - m The Atlanta Constitution, In a long article relating to the B. B, B.. of lhat city, says !" The Blood Balm Compiny started one year a? with $162.00, but to-da- y tbe rtusiness cannot be bought for "'C,-0- 00 00 : The dm ind and the saliifnetion giv- en is said to be without parallel,' as its action is pranounced wonderful.. work to GreeBeviIIe.Tcan. It con sisted of headstone and enclosure THE FIRE FIESB ! ! - S. in North Alabama. Georgia, and East Tennessee. The celebrated " and was pdt up on the order of Mr. II G. McCorkle, of Greenoville. Ther have now under way a very handsome monument for Mr. Burem, magnetic ore from Cranberry, N tve are glad to announce tbat our. :.:....--:-- . Wide Open I THE RINE Will open Friday night, at Morris store-hous- e, with Mr. Chas. Baker as manager, and will bo .run en a first-clas- s plan. Every one is in- vited to come and he will 'make it as pleasant as possible! Kick k McFarland. . C, and the finest brown hematite fStoney Point, Hawkins anty, StroBtt are AWeto Protect ! !! from Colnmbianna, Ala., are Been t Store in East Tennessee! to which they respectfully invite the inspection of the public. Their in the collection. Coal will ba ex- hibited from from the principal mines in Eat Tennessee and those li " druggihts have already sect red a cup-pl- y, and we hapeonr readers will sup- ply themselves at enees - It is said to be the only speedy and permanent blood poison remedy offer- ed, giving entire aatl-factlonf- in all cases before me bottle" has ' been "Ucfd. For Ciood Diseases, Kidney ,TruMesr Scrafula, CNtaxrh. eld l lcera aad Skin Diseases, ttjr one bottle ofB BB: work is certainly well and artisti- cally executed, and we are clad to The Toledo Blade . (NASBY'S PAPEB0 ' CIRCULATION 191,000 "The Largest Circulation of anj Weekly Newspaper in tho United States. The Largest Paper published in the United States at One Dollar per yar- - ' The EwtPaperaDd Ihe Cheapest S: - J Paper.- - J -- The only Paper publishing the Xashsy. Letters. - LTh.o Blade alone; $1.06 per year; with Waterbury Watch, 45.50; with Steel iEngraTing'of Piljrrims" P,rds gress(a'$10 engfavrd g), $2 00. Special, terms, te club raisers made knevrn on applicationT " Any week's issue pi..the JUade announoos omt bargains in. chsap bookt pictures, etc We waut.everybedy to send pos- tal card to us for a specimen copy. It will tells its own etory. A col- umn advertisement would not afford roem to describe its various depart- ments and our announcements for the co turning' year.. . Write j fo?, a specimen, and also send the address of aI-you- r friends. THE BLADE, Toledo," O. of North Alabama. One lump from : . t ... .. .! I see that they are kept comtantlv ; - 'I ''A '' i nI!t.lr-i.l"- J ii- - .'!l (J00IXS0N t BLAIR, the Eaft Tennessco Coal Company's Jellico mines, already boxed, weighs 1! engaged in putting np work. NEABLY TWENTT-FOU- K IKEPRKSENT of Insurance Assets, aa fol-- towa;. ' . .. - Tt'e Continental of N. Y., Assets over - - $4,500,000 The Traders' of Chicago, i..r .11 .Ii J. ti nearly Z,noo pound. The exhibit ,1 McNuhy & Porches, Knoxville. is tbe place to buy Men's and Ladies' V,n-derw- ear veqrJeHeap,! ' (' " .,' ' v Assets , r 7 . , 1,082,(K)0 re-- y xi- - - - raa.i. of marble - will shoW- - more than thirty rarieties, polUhed, in blooks, in slabs, and in the rough.. Tho cabinet of minerals includes fdlrer, ; !! V ii : I ' ii'u ' , i. , jlur - i ... v .140 j v.r;i oiV. W For Choice Family Groceries D. W. C... DAVIS," Anecdote of Gen. Grant. General Grant, on his return te this country, is said to liare b"en severelj afflicted with a cough, contracted while croein tbe ocean, and which bad stubbornly refused to yield anf treat-mer- t. A friend procured far, him .a bottle f SyropLyx. and by its use ' be was in a few hours entirely relieved. e remarked to his friend: ''Men Jok upon me as a grebt soldier, but this bottle of Syraphyx is gicater than I. My i ailing has been to destroy men's liven, but this medicine is a victorious saviour of men I shall never be with- out it again." ' . . 4. ; iiitrronu America 01 xoiiia., AsseU - - - - 8,956,CK)0 The "tna of Hartford-1-- 1 1 Assets over - - - 9,000,C00 sVSafer insurance than these Coir panics rive copper, tioc, lead, manganese, glass, red hematite and mica. Tho lead JERRY'S X 1 OO TO ing agricultural products will be See bill of fare for the holidays as set forth ia tho handsome ado vertisemcnt of Peter Kern in to- day's paper. With rooms large and and consummately finished in de sign, free from spot or blemish, bis houe premta an array of Christ- mas good in his line that can bU ter be immagtned than described. His establishment needs no com-menJati- on sre the very snggestion it carries with it of convenience to households and small dealers, at home and all along the lines of the railroad, and iU popularity and greatsuccvM is but another endence fully represented. eatrsoT be aad. . - , W. M. WILMETH I Si;-- , I New Kink at ilorris atorehonsc. - for tbese.reasona I solieit yonr business. H 'j. C.'HODGES. Oei. 2,38S3 ly,.. "r,ZZ? Watcnmaker,;; ; i : z ; ; :ttnd ''Jeweler.; .;. "r-'T'i- i irtiji'l 5t : . :: Kaapa eonstantly on hand a nav and r ' " ''' ' ii Select Stock of . SEALER IN 2 fl W1U be mailed TTQ C to all aimUcanu r nllL lUll SaiT m in Merooriam. Died, at Leadvale, Nov. 23, at The Grandest Povular irorA; Emr 11 : 55 o'clock a. m., little Cal., only ana so cuatomera 01 ias ytw i ohni . ; orJcnnjr It. is eoniains illuatratlons, pHees . ' deKpiKna and directions foe planting- - all acotafcle and Flower SEKDS, Bl LBS, etc: D. M. FERRY&CO.0'r. Miss Bonnie Mims, of Leadvale, after speeding Thursday in our city, toolw 'the evening train for Lick Creelc, where she intends to ' ' ' Silfpare, Jeielri ! 1 childofF. L. and Nina IL Mont gomery. aged three years an4 ono Manyyeayin PreparationAt Xast Cam pitta. ;. V - Oryx Goo'isl Groceries, tHooUt Shoes, Hats, &c.: ' Sole Agent far the Iight-Bnnni- ng "' : OAVIS SEWINB '. HACHIME" jr-Sewin- Kachlna HEEOLES of SH itnds, OIL,' :" ""''i constantly oa aand. ; . of the worth and enterprise of the PUJIELY 5 SCAB1IIEL.L'S UNIVEKSAL month. proprietor and of his determination spend tho holidays. . - i f. r it rr ..v5. ST'.'M M ... ,,Wttchc9; .CilodE .'&c. to meet tho t very want of his cian tfmers. ii mi s:e Morristown rrodueSj Market, Lii . v. Highest market price paid for all kinds of Country .. !.-- , Jtaln Street, ',:;;..-.r,.-iVi- . Morr istpTvia l":, i Teixvu KZS lb. Vi Donnlar WaklrBawa- - T Of Useful iChowledgre. - - - s - K. Ii. Ftahlraan, John F. Ik) w era, rhos. Gibson, WiUiarq Jlerrcw, x Iuckworih,TI T. .Sunard, A. S. main ST., morristoWn; it&r. CO&KECTEO WKKKLT BY OOODSAX Viaavnaa. A iaooTria, tBantiOBa and tatla' A Compendium o the teat methods in evxirr Special atlntioio, givea lQ:rrepainDg 4 m ' -- JanSSi-ly wmr puuuaoao. g.yayy anmnar iuiHiaia rv i apianJid ancranca. Thia publication, u mi. baa NATIONAL-PAPE- R: Circulating (n 'Every? State! 11 1: TRTTK,iriTali fortworaio2 peoJ. r gatxl alkJI JsValaK...' JO oeata poataaa, aa4 St wlU mail you Faaa, a royal, valuable sample rx'i of aoods tbat 'U1 pot yua la tbe amy af niaking'Hora in fw days.tban yea t raa iaouf at anyboaiaesa. Capital not required. Toa can Ut at home and vtitk la a para Ume only, or all tbe tmw. All of tolb sexca, bf ail agea, grandly succeaafuL 60 cents to IS easily made every even- ing. Tbat all who want to wort luaf tat the btuT iaeaa, sr tnakl tSIt anra2lMed oSars Ta ail ajba are aut aell sstiafled wa will aand one Vta yay far niting tuL: I Fall, Dartaoolara. 1884. 9. I - 1! ma. lo!var and fle"rge M." Fletcher, of Mohristowh. Dec WIlKAl4 no pmom mhami k wnaoul. 1 U tba Ikuirnria lurimt ia anch ISepartment of- - Hainan effort. 'The- - moat ecra-. plete and overwhelmiag collection' of praotickl, useful and immensely taloable'proceasee, receipts methods, trade aaoreta, waya and nieana in evory art and busiueaa. Nothing omitted,: lhaS 1 la cir-- . ol all kinds, and satisiactioa ';i " ,j5rtiitoed.1-'- ' " oc.a.lM ly. 1? s :hj ''".w", .N'ashTilMjwere granted a charter ealattoai Marlr mu!i that f mti ethar rarrs bf if 7 il mo J ii-.i- ; CUKN.... ....... ..... She's gone, our beautiful one, ! Irr UhJ, sweet life is now o'er; I Ic-- r y lurncr through life u dime She's af on Heaven's bright shore. She Uoomcd in Lcautr and grace. We auJicd hrr with or and pride Ii'ht of oop hnnjc waa her face, tut car dxrlinj one, our kwcJ one, dto.1. No ruure ill Iter Ik lie feet k an tnrrt ut firl tif all ; No rrmre '111 she come to greet . At ntoin, or when ahaduwa falL ABfclneJ he? frnta ber birth, " Aivl rften movcJ her to them; Three short ) f-r- i i( ataye4 oa earth. Then slept, and waked in Heaven. . t. Ok Who Lwu Iff r. A 70 2 252 50 50 It ,IrV. Jaayaar. 'Jia .aat' tn(lt.b. hold t all S)aMiaa. UI,!S.ttUu PaUtahara. No. ia Bredar. t. Y. OATS.. j i - ..! Seven Yolnraes in One, FLOt'U .!-- : y the Secret a ry of htate on the 4th jr the ii cor pur lion of the Tonnes- - ee Overland Telephone &, Tclo- - 'rapii Com pan r. Tho company is! if Hi L. C. SHEPARD .... a r a lil i MKAL... ,. ATENTS; aJsf'BP' th.li ji -- si I . Farm interats. X Domiaatio life. t. Cueat-latr- y atui.alth. 4 Mechanical S, Siercautiie life. . Bennementa t. Bacreatioaa . O H1r i1' BUTTER ... RUGS.'..! from rvcne,47air -- m and Blavad Dtseasea,1 Ilraiat and Slaa-r- i eetiaaa,f aaai Iaeura, Kcraaaa Uebllity, Arek lawai CaaaS. UUaai and Weaan M of the fiUatavaya.ltlaxi' )tc--f afe,i;alaisury Ortnlilli year Lrtgit ftsy ."'.J3X7XZilJB. W. aBCZ3(TX"a ;, 1 ' mttlM iehswueb tnetm ms. i. , r dlractlons, etc.. sent frea Immense nsv abaolnu rgauized fpr UiO purpose of estab- - tba Patau Offiaa, aad hava fraparad saora Ua On Hundred t nouf- - UNDERTAKER, ly anrxsu who star a ttw Dont datsyrf BACONJ , Tn short, plain directions hw to do arerythiag auidar tha aim. i Ha Volume like it to be fountt-fi- and appiM"uu; . itftutM auaolriaa. thing local telephone and ttlegraplr jrapaoie an whr?in the State of tiWEKT PUTATOLa.; I gital t'ea. i'a.aala. Tnulo-Mar- k. Uuiiynauta, ,. i '. m m Aaaifnmaata. and ail ottiar papara tcr HUSH POTATOES . roltK .; 'T.eniit! n ox v i 11 e , COGMBEEFflROr ennes.ee anJ ot obtaining exelu- - 25 15 13 50 25 2f e 75 10 20 !,5 AT PL EH i.. .if U rifht to manufacture and sell, iid to license others to use and s'l 'iri. t.i- - eneariuc to laitnwn uiw na-ui- a - I atad btataa, t anarla. Knalaad. Franca. (aruinf Jd Wr taffu aairiaa. ouo aad oa raaiaaiab la Sanaa. Iniaraawa aa t4 obtvuaf ta.iat cimaf-fa-ll iiix aiiuoul rhat. 1. aud-bot-- ka vl iaku-aiatio- Ban fraa. Pstanta obtamad TALLOW a k CIOOD. BltAIN & JiERTJS TOXIC. J a, a r ewa v , 4'vrun , JJ alBe . i m 0200,000 LanTt.01.. puaUff,od ay uil ym will tat frea paekag a ot goodt, of large vslaa, tbat . wiU atart joa in tfc tktwiltstonos bring yoa is mousy faatsr than SbjrtbSng alaa in Amariea Ail about tba f 4LU,U0U lu vreaent wish eacb Agents want axlevaryaWetaf attiiapaaa; of all agea, f, )) tbe tinia, or ssr time only, to work f"r at at tbelr own homsa. r ortunaa for all workara ssiared. Don t delay. H. IIallbtt k Co., Portland, Main. urope or America , Amagnittcent, comprhiu-aiv- e and tremendaua aggragation ft absolutely uaaful informitktn for actaa. evry-da- y Ufa. Taa of tsouMBila of subject, and thouaanda of i-- grs rings iiluatratioa; thesa. ' BeauUful eoloieil plates, Jl oaderfol aud endless vsriety . A bee worth its wight In gold to every poassoT Sells at eight. Trritory sxtremely valuable. AOSN; 8 WANTED who can appreciate a nrst-clsa- a book. No oompatill in. The handsomest volume in tbe market. It draws like a magnet Addresa Bcsw-mb- ix ft Co , vol Pine Street, St. Louis, Mo. nov 13-S- . i & a 4Q6 Vl: Wheat louTJ tt soil by ry far-fff- fn atUio , nf you kxir from JleXulty A Uorchet.f Kiii'XrUIe, fr CJ crnl what cul 1 to-- t yi-- n l at tor oiker store. . See l hem. McN'ultr t rentions made unier letters pat-i- t owned by the Tennessee Orer-n- d Telephone St Telegraph Com -- si Mstalio Oasksts and Cases. "Wood CaskaU FLAX8KED. LAUD..!.. BUMS WAX.... PEACHES FEATHERS.... If yaaa prosaist does aot kaap It bins ta nrdar K or yoa. air par botUe. Cave a, Liar f aad Iral to the Graataat K ad leal Otacovar of it mis, for paavphlat. alia fall narticulare. Urmmm VU..W. SOOTT M.O., Ktnssi City, MOt v JOf. BCOTva xarxu fill. throaca Uuaa t ' a. are aotiesd in tba txataixtna, imwioii Iraa. Tba adiaataaa ol mrh bono is ' vail andarau4braUproaaabaaiaaSaOiapoa 0 iddrK!r mltrc a co om, saxsrma al liroadwar, Vork. and Ooftas of every Orada and price, ready f aa use. Orders by Telegraph will receive parse at and prompt eUeaUoa. Tarma aaUafaotar. I Borchcj, XaoxiUle, Ttno. iOJ. 7T ! t'S H ta wi'vv.j. - I 1 lathaOraaiiat Madiolliia'r '- -''' xrarnur."1 w i ;l 1 lf,f pauaphlat, wi t VAAJS. W. I Ma to uutn ot itits m'puoinn . a . a I1IUJ. AJO COTT. M.O.. Ksntat City, M0 I1U gajve curreu .i;,i Partia aendiutt work frni a .51 tr,oe 1U rv- -. ... .......,.,.. Ail work warranted. of Thames street M. E-- : - A., m ... oako canlj0t tfl n,wv s tu .1 . communion .. ran. mmm4 4W my' hr.rA the cifdion. bo; nt nil

The Morristown gazette. (Morristown, Tenn.) 1884-12-10 [p ].€¦ · the latest fashions and at all prices, Ladies', Misses' and Children's at $2,50, $5, $6,50, $7,, $8, $10, $15,

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Page 1: The Morristown gazette. (Morristown, Tenn.) 1884-12-10 [p ].€¦ · the latest fashions and at all prices, Ladies', Misses' and Children's at $2,50, $5, $6,50, $7,, $8, $10, $15,

THE M 0 R R I S T O W N G A Z E TT E , D E C EMBE R 10, (884.

The HorristoTm Gazette. Marion (Va.) Democrat :ilr. Dou-tba- t,

a worthy tboomaker of thaneighboring Tillage of Wytherille,recently wrote to President-elec- t

Clercland, asking L:m to send bisWEDNESDAT.'lHc. 01. 1SS4. For tie

.Mite !

: ;' L l. .1. .

i measure fur a pur of boot to wearon the occasion of hi inauguration.The President responded in a rcry PVIK

y:iBraiM-ATIT- .

. Tir.lE-TABL- E.


Uana B.-- f rrfn f .Arrlva t EecviiSe Jct. ... ..a.lae.iaUna e JucUa I.Arrrrae at Jugal3e ... f:l P. "

Jamba Cooraa, Aoext.

fohte letter, thanking Mr. D. forand enclosing him a

crisp twenty dollar bill with hisroaaaure. The money wa return-ed by the patriotic shoemaker, butthe President sent it back to

Brick "Dwellingifflkfoca Notes and Other News. him insisting on his receiving it,

telling him that ho would ap FALL AND WINTER STOCK IHOUSE AND LOT!preciate tho boots just as much I HAVE AKink opn FriJaj.Fan at tht Jlink.

aad tbat he would certain It wear -- AT-r vthe boots on ths day of

FULt LINE OF ALL KINDS OFA. Ilice in hi newCall and e J.store. The Chattanooga Times that

CHAS. D. BLAlTTOFS,In Buchanans New Brick Building, .on ,: Main St., Jive

Doors east Lookout Bank, ' ' .. "';

a lady living at I arbrook, Ala., ar- - cMr. C. I). Memtt and wile Icara in that city Iat Ibursdayi--n- vcu In the -- Business . CentreI hi week lor OrcenUrro, ua I I with a 9 year old son. the most mar1 -- 1 . lTfwui ujvutuviuT icr ru ucrc. Morristoicn. :yardMr. A. JL Klam has in his

a ebeny tree ia full tJloom. is about 3 feet hiu and of nor fVlorristown, Terih.3k weirht, onriirut and carries II- -.

himself like a human. In other re--HMr. Jude Ilobert McFarlandviitin r!atites at Knoatille. fjccts he U a brute. Hit head

comes to a oint like a ground hog.Ilia forehead is deeply concave, Containing 13 rooms, large wooi and

Dales, Firecrackers,Raisins, Citrons, Torpedoes,

Nuts, Figs, Currents,' ' Fireworks.

I Receive Florida Oranges by the Car Load.Ilrrrt from the Grove, wfairh I offer clwaptr than th tame kind of "

Km it tttr baa bn aulJ la Ihla niarkH before-- , I wi.l alao have '

u'l 1 of . J - , ; ; j ; j j"

Mala3 Grare?, Lemons, Bananas andi "Fresli1 Cdcoannts

rni? Tiff irni m t vu

New p'ack aide walks have beenlaid in ootli the Ka.t and Wet ends .Hi is evebows t!ant. and the roof of ' carriage house, fine large "stable,'

MIii mouth is concave. Jliafcvt andof oar city. ,

hand.-- ! are like a ho's. He cannot(oak, and has no preceptive facul

horee and lot, -- fine,cow, s two cw- -v's h 'tn r ?:terns, large lawn ; every ? pari :

the house finely finished ; in Ko.

A Talnable brick dwelling homois o.rd for tale in Morrietowu;a!o some ether valuable property..e advertisement elsewhere.

Hats, Crockery-ware- , Glassware, Tiaware,"V'v- Stoves, Carpets, &c.

USeK Ten,

. 1 ijondition.- - -

ties whatever, and constantly givesutterance to a hiss and gutleralnoise peculiar to the ground hog.His mother says she was frightenedby a ground hog when she was en- - tricea m.. " . . "of oW and'The Ciieaian Literary Society of

MorrisUwn Female High School tr. and at iaW.r DriceH than JZZXl L""a "?le " . reat jrarie- -My Cake Departmentcietite.will rive an entertainment to then variat t aua loweet trinu ir.,i nr.A t . :r - 1 "and Oeut'a Underwaar. rki npublie on Thursdar night, 1 8th in My stock of OKor:FRiFrt i. ...This property must be seen to be - - wrrsey -- nacea toe cakeemuracea averTthma in tha or --prices aatonisblnj-l- low. Cook Htorra.Hea,tin, Ktn R.r, . jTrirT. iV, m wwKn eaaau u aU IMBHIi ID K KM Stlfl Innrauiorder anil Otnatufot--


uates that the Scotch Timber andIand company will make Merrls-tow- n

their headquarters. The Gaof Ti raware, et etc. Don't let anv one TJ,Z' i""":" "u?la ia fall blait auJ may kind of Cake will be raalr to

ti ia tUe beat of atjlf It the Opera Hone.- -

We are inform! that Capt. Jappreciated, and is noW offered ata price mqcb below it actualvalue: ( ' L' , i


II. Trent, our popular ret-master- . I zette is offara!n lbat company cai aavmo,ib, bUror.' "0a9' Ma nr PBe. beiug Ught. ws are sure too--Lovers of Fresh Oystersha bouzht the farm ot Jlr. J. wv.as located at rewiort, has purcha i iXo4. Tha place is situated about ea-- for price, terms, and other

a property nero, and nere win doits headquarters. .Newport is on aboom and henceforth the little pro-tozoan village of Morristown is to

ii . - . .. . .. i Eespectfullt, '".'.,,

s :B::"dHAs. d. hlanton. i' r information, apply at . ; y '

Will plcaac reaiaiubrr that I rreeirt them daily from Norfolk.

ORDERS FOR IQE CREA M.owe its importance to its proximityto this growing city. Hurrah for


oa toJOSEPH BROWN, oi'

two miles east of town, and theprice paid was $13.50 per acre.

IIijt. (lordwn Mynatt, aged 73years and 7 months, died at his res-idence ia Talladega county, Ala., onthe 4th of November IaL He wasa native of Knox countv and & brother in-la- w ef lUr. Hr.'MatL Hills-tua- n.

Newport and the Kcotcb company.Xeirport Journal.We had very good authority for

intimating that tho company refer

S. L.TCAMPBELL. r. t na.M V..

Will be SUM on aborteat notice. - . , , ,;,I will wot bo undersold, and anyone buying for "Spot Cash"

will do well to examine my stock and prices before purchas-ing olsewhero. , . r

PETER KERSVXos. 1 & a Market Square, KXOXVILLE. TEXX.

MOREISTOWN, TKNN.dec 10 4mred to would make Morristown their

base of operations, and regret thatit was not deemed by the company

I be ureenenlle Democrat says VALUABLE ! P am a L ' .' - ". :T:T . r--r MMMI'laeMMBMWaWMMaMMBMBBMeeMathat the east and west bauml pass

--Special inducements given to tlirse who buy in large quantienger trains came near making P. 8ties.frious collision at that, place one

day last week, owing to the dia

altogether as eligible for their busi-ness as the location selected. Butwe are none the less gratified to saythat, next to Morristown, they seIected the most lively and progres-sive little town in Fast Tennessee

uuiiiiju.via iJr!!W;iBi;,ttOBT,. DRY . GOODS STORE IN THE SOUTH Iagreement of the time pieee of the7 tJJconductors.

you willdoas well."",--"""V I JrIi wou,d d your order by mail direct to tbe flrn,' an4Grape Culture and Port "Wine. For Sale.A meeting ol the stecknoiders o

WW iilViAi r. A. Spesr of 2ew Jeraey, one ofDon't fail to see our $2 50 Tap Sole

Boot. McNuItj & Borches, Kuoxrille.

Buy your Carpets of McNuIty & Bor

for a permanent domieil.

Come to the Pink.the Caroiina, Cumberland tiap andChicago Ilailwav i called for the iue larval grape prruucers.ia tbe East

commence!, but a few rears ao, in a DBESS GOODSatlO, 12i, 15, 25,21 and 50 cents per yard and!i?th of January, 5. at Aiken, S. BMiati way, n9w controls large virie- - Qqo tract of 9 acres, another tract MILLINERY ! Carpets, Oil Cloths, Windowjarua oime uporro U rape, from whichC A new lioartl of Directors is to

ches to a?e money, hnoxville.

A big boom on underwaro atKico's this week. Don't fail to get

nia lamous rrt Urape Wine aid Bur- -be elected and ether buiines trans of 11 acres, within tbe corporatelimits of Morristown, Tean.acted. A formal sotice to this ef

Circuit Court was in session herelast week. The celebrated case ofthe State vs. Win. Uamsey, for themurder of young Volney Clark,moved from Cocke county and triedhere eight months ago, which trial

are made, which chemists andphysicians say rivals tbe world for theirpurity and bentffcial effect on wmLIiyaur prices at Rice s.

and Lacefect will be found in to-day- 's paper. Curl ams.

- ' !upward. ; ;

SILKS at 75c, 90c, $1,00; $1,25,$2,0C and up.

VELVXaANI) VELVETEENS,,.500, 155c; "SOOrH $2,00 and

-- ttP- kJ .

and aged persons and tbocomsumptiTe.IW. aala V.. I a -Christmas ie coming. Send to va oii ujr uru;cuf

Foe further Information and torma, apply toJ '


; j a: r campbeix,'..-- ' llOBSTRTnWH. TfVW

resulted in a hung jury, four ofI. H. Loveraaa t Co., Chattanooga,and buy vour wif. daughters or BUCKLEX'S ARXICA SALTEwlom were for murder in the first

d 10 4a - 1dogree and eight for murder in thesisters m llandeme Jress or Dress

Pon'ffa'l to see the StandardPrints at Uoodson Blair's at 6

cents formerly cents.

Good son & Blair are tho leadersin low prices. All wool filling Jeansat US cents per yard formerly 35.Stop and think before you buy.

I he best salvb In the f world - forcuts. Bruises Sores, Ulcers, Saltsecond, consumed about the entirePattern, SUk, Worsted or Velvet

Tasty, faaUionahlo Millinery can only ba pro-cured in a flrst-cla- sa large establishment wherethey have all the facilities.

Nothing ia bo important to a lady'a appearance,aa a becoming Hat or Bonnet .

stock. Coma and sea us. WewiU... , f''VALUABLEweek, the cae having ben takenA .Handsome I'hotograph Album,iwieum, revers (re.. Tetter, Chappedhaeds. Chilblains, Corns, and all skinEruptions, and positively cures Piles,np Tuesday morning and coiag to

SATE TOO THE BAILROiD EIPEKSEur no pay. rquirel. lc Is guaranteedthe jury about dark Saturday even-ing. The defense made strong ef Machine it..)Shopio Hire periect saturicllon, or money

refunded. Price 25 cents per box.For sale by V. P. Carriger, Morristown.forts for another contiauance, but

JJKKSSiS MADE TO ORDER at$10, $15, $20, $2o and up.

SILK DEESSES at $25, $30, $50.and tip. ; . ; . j

CLOAKS! CLOAKS!An immense line of CLOAKS in

the latest fashions and at all prices,Ladies', Misses' and Children's at$2,50, $5, $6,50, $7, , $8, $10, $15,$20, $25 and upwards. ' ;

We guarantee everytning to boas represented, otherwise we takeit back and pay you for comingboth wavs. C. D. Blanton.

their affidavit' was overruled by

Kid Gloves, a lionnet or Hat, Cloakor other wrapa.

Again it is our sad duty to chron-icle the death of an eld and esteem-ed citizen of Hamblen. GeorgeMcFarland. Esq, well-know- n tomany, of the let citizens of thecounty, died Monday of last weekat his hone, a few miles from Mor-ristow- n,

having reached the ad-

vanced ago of years.

Dwelling House and LotJudge Ilose, who, at the specialterm three weeks ago (which wascalled for the sole purpose, as we

Come and see us. We can;,Please.You.;f;

:: ..Jl .

If you send ah order you can rely on getting aagood an article as we can put up for. the amountof money you send

JVe Have the Correct Sty lesi

earn, to try this cace) gave defen

Oor prices are the lowasl; Quality tha beat.: .

Cotton Chain Carpets, 20c and np.!A11 Wool Filling - - 35c and up.All Wool,, extra super, 50c and up.

;Brussels, - - . 58c and p.'

; ; ... - '--

Body Brussels, Velvets, Moquettea, Busts, Mattings, Etc. lt


' 1' ' .""'. J--

J . ; .' - 1 ' '''

Corespond withois;;

dant attachments for absent, ob MOKlC'N, TENN., s

. ...... t v.y . J.Sugar Coated.

XV m are informed that the proprietorsbf Hart's Blood and Livar Pills, havemade a ntw departure, and hereafterHart's Pills will be sugar coated. Thoonly objection these pills bare met withis their being plain and unpleasant tolake. The objection is now done awaywith, and we look for Hart's Blood sndLiver Pills to be even more popularthan ever.

streperous witnesses, whom he badbeen unable to get, kc. This is a

Carpets are a necessity in theseprogressive times. You can do nobetter than by going to D.B. Love-ma- n

k Co., Chattanooga, their stockis large and suited to your wanta.Tho sharp competition of manufac-turers hare put the price of carpetslower than we have ever knownthem to be.

FOR. SALE.very important case and has been SEE OUK NEW FALL OATA- -on liana a Jonr wbile. ALIe coun lit.Another fire occured on Market

Suare, Kaoxville, Thursday morn-ing last, consuming three buildingsand damaging a fourth. It was the

sel represented both sides. Everyinch ol" ground and testimonv has This Machine Shop ia 32 ty 90, two

Wholesale prices to d?lrs .GUNS, GUNS ! GUNS ! !

Pouble and sincla breech and muzMil.j

!wo.k of an incendiary. The buildings drtroyed were old framo than

. ;,( LOGUE. V,;; .'.-- '

We pay Express charges - On allorders of $10,00 and over wlienmoney accompanies the order.

D. B. LOVEMAK & C0.,Chattanooqa, Tenn.

been stubbornly contested. Butafter a long, fair, impartial trial, be-

fore a jury of good-men- they sayItamsey is guilty of manslaughter

Shrewd people buy their goodswhere a dollar buys the most. Com-pare tbeso prices with what you

zle lo.iding guns . Loading implements,alic'.ls, primers, cartredge, Ac. Sew- -ties, and as the erection of new

Try us on Kid Glores, Ladies' aad Gentlemen'sHoisery, Neck ware and Underwear, i':

D. B. L0VEMAN & CO.,Chattanooqa, Tenit. - :


.' stories, with all the necessaryconveniences. The best localityfor manufacturing wagons in EastTennessee.

Will be sold at a bargain.'

frames building are forbidden by in fliaonines and Machine supplies.and must go to the.penitentiary for have been paying. 14 pounds nice Chattanooqa j TxnnaprlSS ly ..:....;.ten years. Delenuants counsel ar sugar, 51 u0; 8 pounds good conee, V rite fr prices. : . .

S. I ANGEL.ordinance, the Cre will proveblessing for the Square. fl t0: 18 yard Standard A JL Dopealed to the Supreme Court. Ram 11 1 j':' '

1 i.OEO. W WOE, 'sey secured his former bond of$10,000.

"' I ' ' J I4rat"For terms and 'information

Dr. J. Preston Park, one of themost - skillful and popular young ap- -

mestic, $1 00; 13 yards cotton plaid,$1 00. Compare your goods andprices and you will buy from us.C. 1. Blanton.

2i: i- -i . f : 'i.i..'.plj.io...phvticiansof lvnoxville, wm mar r,rried in th&t city one dav last week

aaill Ii.!l!.aji.

Ua-a.I- V, 1 J O ,. 1 1

to MisKva Sevier, the accomplishedGAZETTE-COMPAN- Y, .JOS BROWN, r VS. L. CAMPBELL,"

NEW STOItE ! NEW STOKE !daughter of Lapt. Jas. Sevier, late J. A. Iticc, the leading clothier,

Kooxrille, Term.Ina3 84- -ly , , ;, ( t L

EAST TENNESSEE MILLS,Make tfie "hesbur flpurwhichJoc

health (and especially djrt-peptJ'c- in uperior to the roller tfffr:

I also keep ihe rerj i,st. meal. madefrom selected Lemming corrtV"- - -

I enn furnisb good bran with shortsmixed, at same money you pay forcleanbran. . Address.

, IIfnrt W. Shields.Morristown or Midway, Tennessee.

July 16-- 3 m

the opuIar proprietor of the Vashington Home, Jonesboro. It was a

jUt.Ulij'.iiia ,i'kU.dJ- - i'nhas moved into I). W. C. Daris'a

new building, where he will take4 r

dec 10 4m! : i . ) i 1 rGretna Green air, the parent of

the young ladr uririag ber tender pleasure in seeing his old friendsand customers, and showing 'them FALL AIage against the marriage. Our coahis mammoth stock of clothing and

VAg time at the llink.

Tho East Tennessee, Virginia &Ceorgia Kail road Company, is ar-ranging a splendid display for theNew Orleans Exposition. The col-lecti- en

of woods alone embrace OTcrfifty variotics, cut in sections show-ing the bark and grain, includingoak, pine, poplar, walnut, cedar,ruaple, hickork, elm, holly, and allother species common to this section.The exhibit of iron ores will sot bosurpassed by any other at the Ex-position. Some of the specimensare almost solid metal, and willweigh from 400 to 500 pounds.These come from the richest mines

rratulation and hearty wishes fortheir happiness and prosperity follows oar young friends.

UNDERTAKER,MoHRisrowsrriTENNT ; 'fCONSTANTLY ON HAND B08EKEEPS and Home-mad- e Coffina of aU sizes,

and M italio Cab as. k VAlso kaapa a full line of Buriil Robes, tee.

solicits public patronage, and promisessatisfaction . Ordera by maU or telegraph promptly attended to. jwi37 83tf


gent's furnishing goods. lie hastbe largest and most complete stockin the city and guarantees prices aslow as the lowest, notwithstandingwhat the croakers may say.

G. A. Kowo k Sit), marble ianu- -

factnres of this placo, lastFriday some very handsome marble

. " '

i'.i i

' 'j 'ii bI '. i i i ; "

'.A .." - ',

--j.lt i J !') l

u.U t !. l

iilvl1 M

il '..il Ii. .". ,.; i - 0 tiAb ri,

: ,i t

viii'. i'.

.;i;-- .!

' . -


The Atlanta Constitution,In a long article relating to the B. B,

B.. of lhat city, says !"

The Blood Balm Compiny startedone year a? with $162.00, but to-da- y

tbe rtusiness cannot be bought for "'C,-0- 00

00 :The d m ind and the saliifnetion giv-

en is said to be without parallel,' as itsaction is pranounced wonderful..

work to GreeBeviIIe.Tcan. It consisted of headstone and enclosure THE FIRE FIESB ! !

- S.

in North Alabama. Georgia, andEast Tennessee. The celebrated

"and was pdt up on the order ofMr. II G. McCorkle, of Greenoville.Ther have now under way a veryhandsome monument for Mr. Burem,

magnetic ore from Cranberry, N tve are glad to announce tbat our. :.:....--:-- .

Wide Open I

THE RINEWill open Friday night, at Morrisstore-hous- e, with Mr. Chas. Bakeras manager, and will bo .run en afirst-clas- s plan. Every one is in-

vited to come and he will 'make itas pleasant as possible!

Kick k McFarland. .

C, and the finest brown hematitefStoney Point, Hawkins anty, StroBtt are AWeto Protect ! !!from Colnmbianna, Ala., are Been t Store in East Tennessee!to which they respectfully invitethe inspection of the public. Their

in the collection. Coal will ba ex-hibited from from the principalmines in Eat Tennessee and those


druggihts have already sect red a cup-pl- y,

and we hapeonr readers will sup-ply themselves at enees -

It is said to be the only speedy andpermanent blood poison remedy offer-ed, giving entire aatl-factlonf- in allcases before me bottle" has ' been "Ucfd.For Ciood Diseases, Kidney ,TruMesrScrafula, CNtaxrh. eld l lcera aad SkinDiseases, ttjr one bottle ofB BB:

work is certainly well and artisti-cally executed, and we are clad to

The Toledo Blade. (NASBY'S PAPEB0 '

CIRCULATION 191,000"The Largest Circulation of anj

Weekly Newspaper in tho UnitedStates.

The Largest Paper published inthe United States at One Dollar peryar- - 'The EwtPaperaDd Ihe CheapestS: - JPaper.-- J - -

The only Paper publishing theXashsy. Letters. -

LTh.o Blade alone; $1.06 per year;with Waterbury Watch, 45.50; withSteel iEngraTing'of Piljrrims" P,rdsgress(a'$10 engfavrd g), $2 00.

Special, terms, te club raisers madeknevrn on applicationT " Any week'sissue pi..the JUade announoos omtbargains in. chsap bookt pictures,etc

We waut.everybedy to send pos-tal card to us for a specimen copy.

It will tells its own etory. A col-umn advertisement would not affordroem to describe its various depart-ments and our announcements forthe co turning' year.. .Write j fo?, aspecimen, and also send the addressof aI-you- r friends.

THE BLADE,Toledo," O.

of North Alabama. One lump from : . t... .. .! Isee that they are kept comtantlv

; - 'I ''A '' i nI!t.lr-i.l"-J ii- - .'!l

(J00IXS0N t BLAIR,the Eaft Tennessco Coal Company'sJellico mines, already boxed, weighs 1!engaged in putting np work.


IKEPRKSENT of Insurance Assets, aa fol--towa;. ' . .. -

Tt'e Continental of N. Y.,Assets over - - $4,500,000

The Traders' of Chicago,i..r .11

.Ii J. tinearly Z,noo pound. The exhibit ,1

McNuhy & Porches, Knoxville. istbe place to buy Men's and Ladies' V,n-derw- ear

veqrJeHeap,! ' (' " .,' ' v Assets , r 7 . , 1,082,(K)0re-- y xi- - - - raa.i.

of marble - will shoW- - more thanthirty rarieties, polUhed, in blooks,in slabs, and in the rough.. Thocabinet of minerals includes fdlrer,

; !! V ii : I

'ii'u ' ,i. , jlur - i

... v .140 j v.r;ioiV.W For Choice Family Groceries D. W. C... DAVIS,"

Anecdote of Gen. Grant.General Grant, on his return te this

country, is said to liare b"en severeljafflicted with a cough, contracted whilecroein tbe ocean, and which badstubbornly refused to yield anf treat-mer- t.

A friend procured far, him .abottle f SyropLyx. and by its use ' bewas in a few hours entirely relieved.

e remarked to his friend: ''Men Jokupon me as a grebt soldier, but thisbottle of Syraphyx is gicater than I.My i ailing has been to destroy men'sliven, but this medicine is a victorioussaviour of men I shall never be with-out it again." ' . . 4. ;

iiitrronu America 01 xoiiia.,AsseU - - - - 8,956,CK)0

The "tna of Hartford-1-- 11

Assets over - - - 9,000,C00sVSafer insurance than these Coir panics rive

copper, tioc, lead, manganese, glass,red hematite and mica. Tho lead JERRY'S X 1

OO TOing agricultural products will be

See bill of fare for the holidaysas set forth ia tho handsome adovertisemcnt of Peter Kern in to-

day's paper. With rooms large andand consummately finished in design, free from spot or blemish, bishoue premta an array of Christ-mas good in his line that can bUter be immagtned than described.His establishment needs no com-menJati- on

sre the very snggestionit carries with it of convenience tohouseholds and small dealers, athome and all along the lines of therailroad, and iU popularity andgreatsuccvM is but another endence

fully represented. eatrsoT be aad. . - ,

W. M. WILMETH I Si;--, I

New Kink at ilorris atorehonsc.- for tbese.reasona I solieit yonr business.

H 'j. C.'HODGES.Oei. 2,38S3 ly,.. "r,ZZ?

Watcnmaker,;; ;i : z; ; :ttnd ''Jeweler.;

.;. "r-'T'i- i irtiji'l 5t :

. :: Kaapa eonstantly on hand a nav and r' " ''' 'ii Select Stock of


W1U be mailed TTQ Cto all aimUcanu r nllL lUll SaiT min Merooriam.Died, at Leadvale, Nov. 23, at The Grandest Povular irorA; Emr

11 : 55 o'clock a. m., little Cal., onlyana so cuatomera 01 ias ytw i ohni . ;orJcnnjr It. is eoniains illuatratlons, pHees . 'deKpiKna and directions foe planting- - all

acotafcle and Flower SEKDS, Bl LBS, etc:D. M. FERRY&CO.0'r.

Miss Bonnie Mims, of Leadvale,after speeding Thursday in ourcity, toolw 'the evening train forLick Creelc, where she intends to

' ' '

Silfpare, Jeielri! 1

childofF. L. and Nina IL Montgomery. aged three years an4 ono

Manyyeayin PreparationAt Xast Cam pitta.;. V -

Oryx Goo'isl Groceries,tHooUt Shoes, Hats, &c.:' Sole Agent far the Iight-Bnnni-ng "'

: OAVIS SEWINB '. HACHIME"jr-Sewin- Kachlna HEEOLES of SH itnds, OIL,':" ""''i constantly oa aand. ; .

of the worth and enterprise of the PUJIELY 5 SCAB1IIEL.L'S UNIVEKSALmonth.proprietor and of his determination spend tho holidays. . - i f. r it rr ..v5. ST'.'MM ... ,,Wttchc9; .CilodE .'&c.to meet tho tvery want of his cian

tfmers. iimi s:eMorristown rrodueSj Market, Lii . v. Highest market price paid for all kinds of Country

.. !.-- , Jtaln Street, ',:;;..-.r,.-iVi- .

Morr istpTvia l":, i TeixvuKZS lb. Vi Donnlar WaklrBawa- - T Of Useful iChowledgre.- - - s -

K. Ii. Ftahlraan, John F. Ik) w era,rhos. Gibson, WiUiarq Jlerrcw,x Iuckworih,TI T. .Sunard, A. S.

main ST., morristoWn; it&r.CO&KECTEO WKKKLT BY OOODSAX Viaavnaa. A iaooTria, tBantiOBa and tatla' A Compendium o the teat methods in evxirr Special atlntioio, givea lQ:rrepainDg 4 m'-- JanSSi-lywmr puuuaoao. g.yayy anmnar iuiHiaia rv i

apianJid ancranca. Thia publication, u mi.baa


Circulating (n 'Every? State! 11 1:

TRTTK,iriTali fortworaio2 peoJ. r gatxlalkJI JsValaK...' JO oeata poataaa, aa4 St wlU

mail you Faaa, a royal, valuable sample rx'i ofaoods tbat 'U1 pot yua la tbe amy af niaking'Horain fw days.tban yea t raa iaouf atanyboaiaesa. Capital not required. Toa canUt at home and vtitk la apara Ume only, or alltbe tmw. All of tolb sexca, bf ail agea, grandlysucceaafuL 60 cents to IS easily made every even-ing. Tbat all who want to wort luaf tat the btuTiaeaa, sr tnakl tSIt anra2lMed oSars Ta ail ajbaare aut aell sstiafled wa will aand one Vta yayfar niting tuL: I Fall, Dartaoolara.

1884.9. I - 1!ma.lo!var and fle"rge M." Fletcher, of Mohristowh. DecWIlKAl4

no pmom mhami k wnaoul. 1 U

tba Ikuirnria lurimt ia anch

ISepartment of- - Hainan effort. 'The- - moat ecra-.plete and overwhelmiag collection' of praotickl,useful and immensely taloable'proceasee, receiptsmethods, trade aaoreta, waya and nieana in evoryart and busiueaa. Nothing omitted,:

lhaS 1 la cir--. ol all kinds, and satisiactioa

';i" ,j5rtiitoed.1-'- '


oc.a.lM ly. 1? s :hj ''".w",.N'ashTilMjwere granted a charter ealattoai Marlr mu!i that f mti ethar rarrs bf

if 7 ilmo J

ii-.i- ;CUKN.... ....... .....

She's gone, our beautiful one,! Irr UhJ, sweet life is now o'er;

I Ic-- r y lurncr through life u dimeShe's af on Heaven's bright shore.

She Uoomcd in Lcautr and grace.We auJicd hrr with or and pride

Ii'ht of oop hnnjc waa her face,tut car dxrlinj one, our kwcJ one, dto.1.

No ruure ill Iter Ik lie feetk an tnrrt ut firl tif all ;

No rrmre '111 she come to greet. At ntoin, or when ahaduwa falL

ABfclneJ he? frnta ber birth, "

Aivl rften movcJ her to them;Three short ) f-r-i i( ataye4 oa earth.

Then slept, and waked in Heaven. .

t. Ok Who Lwu Iff r.

A 70

2 252 5050

It ,IrV. Jaayaar. 'Jia .aat'tn(lt.b. hold t all S)aMiaa. UI,!S.ttUuPaUtahara. No. ia Bredar. t. Y.OATS.. j i - ..! Seven Yolnraes in One,FLOt'U .!-- :

y the Secret a ry of htate on the 4thjr the ii cor pur lion of the Tonnes- -

ee Overland Telephone &, Tclo- -

'rapii Com pan r. Tho company is!ifHiL. C. SHEPARD.... a r a lil iMKAL... ,. ATENTS; aJsf'BP' th.liji -- si

I . Farm interats. X Domiaatio life. t. Cueat-latr- y

atui.alth. 4 Mechanical S, Siercautiielife. . Bennementa t. Bacreatioaa . O H1r i1'BUTTER ...


from rvcne,47air -- m and Blavad Dtseasea,1Ilraiat and Slaa-r- i eetiaaa,f aaai Iaeura,Kcraaaa Uebllity, Arek lawai CaaaS.UUaai and Weaan M of the fiUatavaya.ltlaxi')tc--f afe,i;alaisury Ortnlilli year Lrtgit ftsy

."'.J3X7XZilJB. W. aBCZ3(TX"a ; ,1 ' mttlM iehswueb tnetm ms. i. ,

r dlractlons, etc.. sent frea Immense nsv abaolnurgauized fpr UiO purpose of estab- - tba Patau Offiaa, aad hava fraparadsaora Ua On Hundred t nouf- - UNDERTAKER,ly anrxsu who star a ttw Dont datsyrfBACONJ , Tn short, plain directions hw to do arerythiag

auidar tha aim. i Ha Volume like it to be fountt-fi-and appiM"uu;. itftutM auaolriaa.thing local telephone and ttlegraplr

jrapaoie an whr?in the State of tiWEKT PUTATOLa.; I gital t'ea.i'a.aala. Tnulo-Mar- k. Uuiiynauta, ,. i '.m m

Aaaifnmaata. and ail ottiar papara tcrHUSH POTATOES .

roltK .; 'T.eniit!n oxv i 1 1 e ,COGMBEEFflROrennes.ee anJ ot obtaining exelu- -





AT PL EH i.. .ifU rifht to manufacture and sell,iid to license others to use and s'l 'iri. t.i- -

eneariuc to laitnwn uiw na-ui-a -

I atad btataa, t anarla. Knalaad. Franca.(aruinf Jd Wr taffu aairiaa.

ouo aad oa raaiaaiab la Sanaa.Iniaraawa aa t4 obtvuaf ta.iat cimaf-fa-ll

iiix aiiuoul rhat. 1. aud-bot-- ka vliaku-aiatio- Ban fraa. Pstanta obtamad


J a, a r ewa v , 4'vrun , JJ alBe . i m

0200,000 LanTt.01..puaUff,od ay uil ym will tat frea paekag aot goodt, of large vslaa, tbat . wiU atart joa in

tfc tktwiltstonos bring yoa is mousy faatsrthan SbjrtbSng alaa in Amariea Ail about tbaf 4LU,U0U lu vreaent wish eacb Agents wantaxlevaryaWetaf attiiapaaa; of all agea, f, ))tbe tinia, or ssr time only, to work f"r at attbelr own homsa. r ortunaa for all workara

ssiared. Don t delay. H. IIallbtt kCo., Portland, Main.

urope or America , Amagnittcent, comprhiu-aiv- e

and tremendaua aggragation ft absolutelyuaaful informitktn for actaa. evry-da- y Ufa. Taaof tsouMBila of subject, and thouaanda of i-- grs

rings iiluatratioa; thesa. ' BeauUful eoloieilplates, Jl oaderfol aud endless vsriety . A beeworth its wight In gold to every poassoT Sellsat eight. Trritory sxtremely valuable. AOSN; 8WANTED who can appreciate a nrst-clsa-a book.No oompatill in. The handsomest volume in tbemarket. It draws like a magnet Addresa Bcsw-mb- ix

ft Co , vol Pine Street, St. Louis, Mo.nov 13-S- .

i &a


Vl:Wheat louTJ tt soil by ry far-fff- fn

atUio , nf you kxir fromJleXulty A Uorchet.f Kiii'XrUIe, frCJ crnl what cul 1 to-- t yi-- n l at toroiker store. . See l hem. McN'ultr t

rentions made unier letters pat-i- towned by the Tennessee Orer-n- d

Telephone St Telegraph Com-- si Mstalio Oasksts and Cases. "Wood CaskaU


If yaaa prosaist does aot kaap It bins ta nrdar Kor yoa. air par botUe. Cave a, Liar f aad Iralto the Graataat K ad leal Otacovar of it mis,for paavphlat. alia fall narticulare. UrmmmVU..W. SOOTT M.O., Ktnssi City, MOtv JOf. BCOTva xarxu fill.

throaca Uuaa t ' a. are aotiesd in tba txataixtna,imwioii Iraa. Tba adiaataaa ol mrh bono is

' vail andarau4braUproaaabaaiaaSaOiapoa0 iddrK!r mltrc a co om, saxsrma

al liroadwar, Vork.

and Ooftas of every Orada and price, ready faause. Orders by Telegraph will receive parseat and prompt eUeaUoa. Tarma aaUafaotar.I Borchcj, XaoxiUle, Ttno.iOJ.

7T ! t'S H ta wi'vv.j. -I1 lathaOraaiiat Madiolliia'r '- -'''

xrarnur."1 wi

;l 1 lf,f pauaphlat, wit VAAJS. W.I Ma

to uutn ot itits m'puoinn.a . aI1IUJ. AJO COTT. M.O.. Ksntat City, M0I1U gajve curreu.i;,i Partia aendiutt work frni a .51 tr,oe 1U rv--.

... .......,.,.. Ail work warranted.of Thames street M. E-- : - A., m... oako canlj0ttfl n,wv s tu

.1 . communion.. ran. mmm4 4W my' hr.rA the cifdion. bo;nt nil