University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Estancia News, 1904-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 6-30-1911 e Morning News (Estancia, N.M.), 06-30-1911 P. A. Speckmann Follow this and additional works at: hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/estancia_news is Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Estancia News, 1904-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Speckmann, P. A.. "e Morning News (Estancia, N.M.), 06-30-1911." (1911). hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/estancia_news/950 brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk provided by University of New Mexico

The Morning News (Estancia, N.M.), 06-30-1911

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University of New MexicoUNM Digital Repository

Estancia News, 1904-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


The Morning News (Estancia, N.M.), 06-30-1911P. A. Speckmann

Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/estancia_news

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been acceptedfor inclusion in Estancia News, 1904-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please [email protected].

Recommended CitationSpeckmann, P. A.. "The Morning News (Estancia, N.M.), 06-30-1911." (1911). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/estancia_news/950

brought to you by COREView metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk

provided by University of New Mexico

NEWSi fieVolume I Estancia, New Mexico, Friday, June 30, 1911 No. 76




Henwood Faces Penitenttentiary lot Murder

of Copeland in Denver Barroom, afrcr

Breaking Up of home oí J. W. Springer



Carlsbad, N. M.. June 23

The commercial peach is ripen-ing somewhat; earlier than usualand the firt shipment was madeyesterday. Eo!y peaches havebern o the ! market forsome time, but 'are not grownextensively. Tii-- standard va-

rieties now getting ripe are theMamie Ross and the Carman.Shipment will be by express forthe next week or so. In thefirst part of July shipping in carlots will begin.

The commission men and thepeach growers had made carefularrangements for the handlingof the crop, but the last day ortwo they have had to do sometall hustling to get expert pick-

ers and other help to take . careof the fruit that is turning ripeabout ten days ahead of. calcula-

tions. V. L. Gifford of StocktonCal , will have charge of thepicking, packing and the ship-

ping of the crop. He has hadlong experience in the businessin California and has alreadydemonstrated that he knows howto meet unexpected conditions.

NfliiQliiy Tobacco Trust

Washington, D. C. June 29-- The

United States SupremeCourt today instructed the at-

torney general to instruct thelower courts to carry out theorders of the Supreme court in

the rulings against the TobaccoTrust, ordering its dissolution-Th- e

thirtv days allowed for anapplication for a re hearing haveexpired and the court desires itsmandates heeded.

roraet It

If you detest this vale of tear?,forget it! If you've a whine for vic-

tims' earr, forget it; the folks who

toddle to and ft o and do their diitie3 as

they go don't care about your tale of

woe - forget it. You think your mission

istotoaeh? Forget it. You'd like a

chanc;? to make a speech? Forget it.

To.) many men like you have sinned

by giving- us ki-'- s work than wind;

if you to r.oi-- o your faith have pinned,

forget it. You say the laws are 11 un

just? Forget it. They grind the poor

man's face to dust? Forget it. The!

poor mm who neglects his to do a

stunt with axe or saw will have no

(rouble with the law forget it- - You

say your neighbors are unkind? For-

get it. They peivecute and rob you

blind? Forget it For folks are prettymuch the the man who roars is

moit t j blame; they'll treat you as you

pi iv the érame; forget it. You have

EOme03siP torcíate? Forget it. A

scaRchl never pays the freight-for- get

A an-Jrec- bosoms have ben wrungby . victories you have sprnng; if you've

another on your t ngue, forget it.

Walt Matun.


San Francisco, June 27. Whatis declared by prominent mem-

bers of the International Sundayschool association to be the mostsuccessful convention in the his-

tory of the organizaron, came toan end in this city tonight. Foreiah! dnvsthoU'-arv- of delegatesha v.. u: tended sessions and con-

ferences and have Utened to ad-

vice from leading Sunday schoolworkers representing the entireworld.

The principal business of todaywas the election of officers andthe ratification of the executivecommittee's selection of Chicagoas the place for the conventionof 1914. The exact date of theconvention was not decided, butwas left to a committee. Theelection of officers resulted asfollows:

President. W. N. Harbhorn,Boston; recording secretary, A.

jj. Mason, mempnis, ienn.;treasurer, W. A. Peterson, Chica-go; assistant treasurer, AndrewStevenson, Chicago; Chairmanexecutive committee; Fred A.Wells, Chicago.

Colorado .Jurist .

trlckon by Heat

Denver, Colo-- , June 29 JudgeJohn Campbell, chief justice ofthe supreme court of Colorado,while attending a conference ofjudges here today, was strickendown by the heat- - He was takento St. Luke's hospital, where herallied, but is still in a seriouscondition. His home is in Colo-

rado Springs. He has been onthe bench in this state for thepast eighteen years,

uiarci NoteFrom Willard Record

Mrs. E. II. Settle, of SantaRosa, came in Sunday eveningand is visiting her parents Mr.and Mrs. Win. Anderson andfamily.

Mrs. Mary Ellison, mother ofMrs, A. L. Means returned lastnight from a two months visit atFloydada Texas, and will spendthe remainder of the summerwith her daughter here.

J. W. Cook wh returnedfrom Santa Rita a short time agois preparing the Hulen buildingfor the installation of an electricmotion picture show .which heexpects to open in the near fut-


Morgan passed throughhere yesterday enroute to Es-

tancia. He brought in and lefthere a rotary pump of which heclaims to be the inventor andmanufacturer and which he sayswill do wonders in the way ofirrigation. Mr. Morgan will re-

turn in a few days when he willarrange to make a demonstrationof its water lifting powers.

Glendale, Ore., June 29 Ap-

parently mistaking section one ofSouthern Pacific train No. 14 forthe northbound train, said to becarrying 400,000 dollars in golddust four robbers held up thetrain near West Fork. The rob-

bers ( limbed aboard the engintwhile taking water, andas soonas the train got under way, madetheir way across the tender,where they compelled the engin-

eer to stop the train. They un-

coupled the mail and express carsand forced I he enginemem toproceed a short distance down-th- e

track. The mail car was rifledthe safe being dynamited, andthe registered mail taken. Ap-

proaching the express car theydemanded entrance under threatsof dynamiting the'ear, but Mes-

senger Robb paid no heed to theirthreats. After attempting tobreak in by means of a crow bar,they desisted and decamped withthe booty already secured. Posseshave been organized and arflscouring the country, but the rob-

bers had secured a good lead andmay make good their escape.

Married on

mountain todLos Angeles, June 29 As

night settled over Two TreeHill, making the place morelonely than ever, a couplestood on the very pinnacleand were married. They wereMiss Eva H Hunter, a schoolteacher, and Baylies GuyeWalker, a business man, bothof Elcentro.

There were nearly one hun-

dred persons present. Therewas no light save that cast bythe moon just rising over thecity below. It was the wishof the bride that the marriagetake place on the top of thishill.

It was on the identical spotthat they were betrothed twoyears ago to the hour.

Uninviting as the place is atnight, the wedding was farfrom simple. Miss Hunterwas garbed in a splendid wed-

ding creation, the bridegroomwas clad in evening dress, audthe guests in evening clothes.So steep is the hill that theclergyman found himself outof breath when he reached thesummit aud the wedding cere-

mony was halted until hecould speak.

The Estaucia Lumber Com-

pany received a car of limelast night.

Denver, Colo., June 29-Fr- ank

H. Hen wood, who hasbeen on trial here for the mur-

der of George E. Copehnd, wastoday found guilty of murder inthe second degree by the jury.The jury sent word into thecourtroom at 2 30 o'clock thatthey had agreed on a verdict,but the trial judge was not pre-

sent in the courtroom. He ar-

rived about three o'clock, whenthe jury was called and renderedtheir verdict of guilty of mur-

der in the second degree- Hen-woo- d

was very pale and sho.vedsigns of extreme nervousness. Hesaid that he had expected a verdict of acquittal.

This verdict under the Colora-do statutes carries with it asentence of imprisonment offrom ten years to life, the timeto be set py the court.



Til n rn T..., 90.EjI IdSU, JLUAiiS, ÜUI1U j

Serious trouble is threatened inJuarez by the insurrectos, if theofficers, who have been recalled j

uT ul,

removed iroin meir positions onSaturday. Messages have beensent to Francisco I. Madero, Jr.,and President De la Barra tothe effect that the people willtake up prins if the customs of-

ficers are removed as has beengiven out.

Will Take


Washington, i) i noeTa ft has under ad-

visement t lie removal of thefederal hooi from Texas,where thrv have e sí. Hon- -

e;l since Hi-- ak of i he

war in Mexico. A !i:ia! ('eciH-- is exiM':ni tomorrowlr is v!"Í!i! Hiül ;he im-

proved ( omljtjoii in Mexicoami lee d isci m i'oit of thetroops in i he smi! h Ins beiMi

the reason ir.r the action.

Tie trainmen reported a g- od

shower north of Stardev vester- -

dav afteri eon.

fianlon oranif S3

In the cathedral in Santa Feyesterday morning Miss MaudeHanlon and Carlos Cramer wereunited in bonds of holy matrimo-ny, in the presence of a host ofrelatives and friend-!- . Bothbride and grrom are well knownin the valley, the bride havingresided atWillard for some time,while the groom was in the em-

ploy of the railroad at this pointseveral years ago. Their num-erous friends wish them a longand happy married life- -

Cedar Grove

W. T. Perser was in Estancialast Saturday but Jess Hubbardstayed at home to play with theweeds in the field.

Miss Willie Plenry went to Es-

tancia Tuesday.

MissDelphineSouders is spend-

ing the week with her aunt Mrs.S. B. Douglas.

Miss Aleene Henry spent theday with Miss Souders on Tues- -


Several attended services atSiiverton Sunday and because ofthe meeting there there were noservices at this place.

Frank Sherman has been help-

ing Jim fence his quarter sectionin the Forest Reserve this week.

The stork of Dr. Woods of Mc-

intosh visited our neighborhoodlast Sunday and left a fine littlegirl at the home of Mr- and Mrs.George Cobclt.

Miss Eveur Perser celebratedher twelfth birthday last Tues-

day and fiad K-- her guest Miss

Emma Ebien. The night hefoieMr. and Mrs. Kutchins and JessHubbard and family came up andall present enjoyed music till alate hour.

Mr. Sweeney will make, atripover to Albuquerque this week todis. ok; of his butter and ch eseas he can get. a much morfactory price for it there.

Mr. andMr. A.V.Goodin spentWednesday night with their son,Monte, here, leaving ye torda ymorning for their home at Ros-we- b.

They are en route homefren Las Palomas hot springs.

HIS 25HHflHHfl000fl0H0H0HHH00H0nTHEMORNINGNEWSPublished Every Morning:

except Monday by

P. A. SPECKMANNEstancia, New Mexico

Phone No. 7


Has located in Estancia, (office in the

Walker Building.) He will go to Wil-lar- d

Sunday noon and roturn Monday

night. IN OUR NEW STORESubscription:



Per WeekPer MonthPer Year



Office at Scott & Jenson'sEstancia, - New Mexico.


Entered as record class matter April II, IS

at the post of Ilea at Estancia, New Mexico.un-de- r

fie Actof March 3, 1879.

. We are now in our new commodious building, Bond'so'd stand, where we have more room and are enabled to carry amuch larger stock to better cater to the wants of our customers.We have been receiving new goods and will carry

MINNIE BRUMBACKP U. S. Commissioner f

Notary Public P Stenographerp Pire Insurance P

oA'l papers peitainiug to land office work

oxecuted with promptness and accuracy.Doeds. rnorgages and other legal documentsdrawn and acknowledged.ESTANCIA -: NEW MEXICO

A Complete AssortmentIn a letter to the editor of the

News from Rev. D. B. Jackson,who was pastor of the local Bap-

tist Church about two years ago,but who went from here to Okla-

homa, he states that he is locatedat Texico, and is glad to get backto the Sunshine State. He asksto b9 remembered to his manyfriends in '.he Estancia Valley.

Of Groceries, Orv Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Notions,Flour, Grain, Feed, always fresh and well assorted. In fact anup-to-d- ate line of

F. I3. Jennings,Attorney-at-la- w

. Will Practice in All Courts

New Mexico.Willard - - -


A message was received byAgent Kennedy yesterday morn-ing for Louis Bachman, telling ofthe death of his sister, at Coshoc-ton, N. Y. As Louis had left on GENERAL MERCHANDISE





Wednesday night for his home,ttie message was sent to him enro ute by Agent Kennedy. FRED H. AYERS

Attorney and Counselor at Law

Office hours 9 :30 a m to I :30p m

ESTANCIA, NEW MEXICOWe solicit your patronage, assuring you cordial

and good goodsat fair prices. Come in and look around

How to Give Advice.A man takes contradiction and ad-

vice much more easily than peoplethink, only he will not bear it whenviolently given, even though It be wellfounded. Hearts are flowers; theyremain open to the softly falling dew,but shut up in the violent downpourof rain. J. P. Rkhter.


Not Coai;Land.NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONDepartment of the Interior.

U.S. Land Offiico at Santa FoN.MJuno, 17 19n.

Notice is hereby given that Joel n,

of Estancia, n.M. who, Ton JunoBurton

1st )909, EniRdo Homestead Entry, no. 0l0297. for nW omeroNot Coal Laud.NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONDepartment of the Interior.

U. S. Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M.June 22, i9i I.


Notice is hereby given that Antonio Sedilloof Injiquo, (Mauzauo) N. M., who, on July iO

14 Sec 20 Township 7 N. Rango 9E. N. M. P.Meridian haB filed notice of intentionto make Final Commutation Pr :of to

establish claim to the Innd above described,beforo Noal Jeusou U.'S. Commiseioiirr ntEsUucia.N. M. on the Ith day of August lOu

Claimant names as witnesses :

E. L. (iarviu, I. N. Shirley, John Dully, J. Sf

Kelly. All of'Esfancia N, M,

Manuel R, OteroRegister.


l)05mado Homestead Entry No, 9831 (07588)forSE i- N l, Wi-- 2 nEi-4- , SE 14 me 14Section 8, Township 5 N, Rango 6 E, N. M, P,Meridian, has filed notico of intention to makeFinal Fiveyear Proof, to establish claimto theland above described, before Minnie Brumback, U.S, Commissioner, at Estancia, N M, ,

on tho 7th day of August, 1911

Claimant names as witnesses ;

Nicolas Baca, Cipriano Pisnoros, CarlosIBrito. and Manuel Sorna all of Tajique, N. M.


0 0000000000000000000 000000 g3l90E2Hil0000000. D. WILLIAMS

Attorney at Law

Willard, N. M Editor News:Will you kindly announce my preach


ing appointments as follows:First Sunday of rthe month at New

Home Sehoolhbuse.Second Sunday of the month at Mission

Point (B. B. Spencer's sawmill.)Third Sundny of the month at High

I Point.Fourth Sunday of the month at Silver-- j

ton.Everybody is cordially invited to all ser

FairNew M6XG0 StateAlbuquerque

October 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 &vices and will be made welcome.B. W. Means, Pastor and Missionary.

you have been'earning for several years back? Youspent it andfthe other fellow put it in the bank. Whylet the other fellow save what you earn? Start abank account if you have but one'dollar to begin with

Estancia Savings BankMake our bank your bank

Excursion Rates on all Railroads

Write for Premium List and Program

Not Coal Laud.NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONDepartment of tho Interior,

V. S. LautllOilicoat Saut.i Fe, n. M.

JOHN B. McMANUS,Secretary- - Manager


Way 23 1911

Notico is heroby given that Kenny 11 Walkerof Estancia, N.M. who, on November 21th, 1905,

niado Homestead Entry no. for nEI--

j Section 31, Township 7n. Range 8E.N.M. P. Meri- -

diau, hassled notico of intention to make FilialFive year! Proof , to'establish claim to the landabovo described, before NcalJcnsou, U. S.Com

j missiouer, at Estaucia, N.M, on the 18th day ofJuly, 1911.

Claimant names as wituettes :eE1sQ1?Qk3Look J. Ü. ChilddrsT. A. Speckruau. Peter P. Pellijero A. A. Hiuo. all of. Estaucia, New Mexico,

Mauuel R. OteroRegister. The Morning News $2.50 per year


Phi sicianand OpticianOtlico secoud door FctartMU MMSouth.of Postoffice ColoIICla, M.M.

TORRANCE C0UNTY SAVINGS BANKH. B. Jones, Pres., A. B. .'McDonald, Vice Pies. E. M. Erickley, Cashier

Your business respectfully solicited.

Willard, New Mexico

Have yoti seen out windowDisplay of Men's Hats? .

$3.50 - Hats - $2.302.50 " 1.802.00 " 1.35

Hughes Mercantile CompanyESTANCIA, NEW MEXICO

The Store of Quality


Physician & Surgeonor ICR: First door west ot Valley Kulel.

Phone 9

ESTANCIA NEW MEX.News want flds are Read



Leo .Padilla cama in from i). J. lirisby was m ftomRomero's sawmill above Taji- - Chanticleer ranch yesterdny.que last evening He reports the crops s doing

well in that vicinity. SomeSergeant John W ('oilier re-

turnedrye is about ready fur cutting,

from a business trip to aud corn has a' good growl h

Santa Fe last night and color.4B

J. M. Wood will close hisGrover Devine, representingthe R. C. Dunn MercantileCompany, left yesterday noonfor Santa Fe.

contract today in carrying Where Will You Celebrate?Uncle Sam's mail betweenEstancia and Torreón. Hemay have to make a few moretrips until his successor canmake bond.

RC Howell returned fromAlduquerque yesterday morn-iug- .

He expect his familyover today in the tuto. kmWain Willard " c una up

from Willard with Watkinsyesteiday, and left with Neal

F M Castle came in fromStanley last night, to spenda day here with his son, after Jenson for Mcintosh, where

they went to inspect thewhich he will proceed toOklahoma Simple Oil Engine, recently

installed on the RickmanCastro Comer went to the farm .

Salt Lakes yesterday for a loadof salt for the Estancia Drug Otto F. Branstetter of Nor

Offers you a day replete with unalloyedJPleasure. A

Program of Good Things is being prepared, including Ad-

dresses by Prominent Speakers; Interesting Game of BaseBall, Contests, Races, Amusements, etc., with

Basket Dinner under the Trees

man, Oklahoma, will deliver aCompauy, to use in makiugice cream. couple of lectures here early jj

iu July. EiAtiut uatoa win ucpublished later. Mr. Branstetter was a resident of the

J. J. Watkins and familyand R. L. Hi tt aud family wereup from Willard yesterday onbusiuess, makiug the trip inWatkins' Auto.

valley a few years, and provedup on a fine homestead southeast of town.

E N Stever, agent of the NJ. VV. Bright and family ofDenton, California, passed M Central at Stanley has been

14 Bring the Family andtransferred to Moriarty to rethrough Estancia in theircamp wagon yesterday enroute to middle Oklahoma.

lieve R 1 Zook, resigned J C

Evruis, who acted as agenthere during Agent Kennedy'svacation last year, has been Spend the Dayappointed agent at Stanley.

Miss Catherine Garvin, whohas been ill for some time, hasimproved so far that she isnow able to turn her body.audsit braced up in bed a shorttime.

J. A. Farrell, traveling auditorof the N. M. Central went toWillard last night, where he will

33FIcheck out E. L. Harris as agent.B. E. Pedrick, who has hadcharge of the Willard Record for EKE

several months, will take hisold place as agent of the N. M.

C. at the Cut-of- f town.

Earl Haulon and wife ofWillard passed through Estancia. last night en route homefrom Santa Fe where they at-

tended l he Hanlon Cramerwedding.

SHOE SHOPWe are prepared to do all kinds'ofLeather Work, including Harnessand Shoe Repairing. Half soling

a specialty .J fBringin your work

All good not called for in thirty dayswill be sold for charges.

Alexander Bros.Shop in the Laue Building


Rev. J. W. Campbell associa-

tion missionary for the south-

western district of New Mexico,

arrived in Deming last week, andwill make his headquarters here.He comes to this place fromMountainair, N. M. DemingHeadlight.

Rev. Mr. Campbell was at onetime pástor of the local Baptist

The baseball boys are put-

ting a roof over t he grandstandbuilt last week, using the fundsderived from the dance onTuesday night for the lumber,the work being donated. Chas. F. Easley, Chas. R. Easley,


If youwan an A bstractloCTi tiento your Home-stead, Desert Entry, Town Lot, or" any tract of land in Tor-

rance County, give usa call. You know and we know thefirst requirement in executing any3 kind of legal paper isknowing how to do the work, and the second requirement isaccuracy. We-kno- how and areiaccurate.Etherefore, itishardly necessary to enter into any analysisof our ability oraccuracy. When you wantianrAbstractlCofTitle, have usmake it for you.

The Incorporation of our Company under the Laws of.the Territory of New Mexico insures our clients responsibili-ty for our work, and you can rest assured thatjwe shall en-

deavor at'all times to render"reliable!service at reasonableprices.

Thanking youlfor past patronage, and soliciting a con-

tinuance ofJthesamein the feature, we are,Yours very truly,

The BruinbaGk Abstract, Realty and

Insurance CompanyESTANCIA,"NEWj; MEXICO


Attorneys at LawChurch, and has many friendshere who will wish him successin his new work.

Practice in the courts and Land Department. Land grants and titles examined

C L Hanlon and wife re-

turned from Santa Fe lastnight where they had been toattend the wedding of Mr HanIon's sister, Miss Maud andCarlus Cramer

Santa Fe, N. M.

Branch Office, Estancia, N. M.News Readers get the Newfirst.

FOR SALE-Tom- ato and cabbageplants. Tomato plants, one cent each1Cabbage plants 50 cents per 100. W

H. Reed, 3 miles west of EstanciaLittle Amber (Eane


If you are interested in any contestor any matter before the Interior De-

partment, write to Clark & Wright,registered land lawyers, 902 F StreetX. W. (opposite Gen'l Land Office),Washington, D. C. Free informationabout contests and where to obtainscrip, locatable upon public lands,without residence or cultivation.

It is not generally known what this variety will

produce on light rainfall aud short season.Little amber is differeut from Early Amber aud

i recommended to be far superior m its hay and forageyield than the larger varieties and will do wonders in

a short season.SPECIAL PRICE $2.00 Cwt.

A few home grown seed potatoes.


Make our store your resting place. FreeIce Water and Plenty of good chairs.

Our Fountain has Everything Good to Eat

ESTANCIAWDRUG COMPANYW. A." Brumback, U. S Court Coniinissiouer will look. after your I.and Of-

fice business and do it right.

Estancia 6hureñ Directory,MÍ

The uniform success that ha3 attend-ed the use of 'Chamberlian's Colic,

Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy hasmade it a favorite everywhere. It canalways be dependeb upon1 For sale by




ROWN MS-.-(TOR BOYiare the rightShoes whenWEAR..

, "riñ&iilk JV

lit g

1 II I 'i

f y S fía





Buy Your Milk and Cream of i

The Estancia DairyIi


DON'Tfail to take advantage oi the great


we are making on

Dry Goods




and many other


It will pay you to call and

examine goods and see the


we are offering


I1; LEMONADEI'1 on Saturday

Yours to please

-. Í5 cÍ,. si J i B t J 3 r 3 J

i $ HI? n H

L OS 3 VJ3

Í 1 S

Waikor HiiiiiiingIn


Sunday school every Sunday morning9:30 a.m. Classes: Catechism BibleandChurch History. Mass once a month.All welcome.


Preaching Set vices, first and thirdSundays, at 11 a. m. and 7;45 p. m

Business meeting each Saturday 1

a. m. preceding "church days Sun-day School 10 a. m. C. B HowellSuperintendent. B . Y. P. U.Sunday afternoon 3:00 p. m. PrayerService Wednesday 7: 45 p. m. ChoirPractise Frilay 7:45 p. id.


Preaching Services at 11 o'clock everyfirst Sunday Morning at the Metho-dist Chutch. Every body is welcomeat these services.


Sundav School 10 a. rn. J. P. Porter,Superintendent. Preaching servicesevery Second and Fourth Sundays at11 A. M , and 7;30 P. M., conductedby the pastor. Every body cordiallyinvited especially strangers.

f. A. Windsor, Pastor.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.Services at the Baptist Church

Pit achine Services first :nd thirdS ni. lays at 11 a. m. WestministerCircle the second and fouitb Wednes-days of each month at 2:30 p. m. J.R. CARVER, Pastor.

CHURCH OF CHRIST.The Church of Christ meets for Bi-

ble Study at 10 o'clock with cemmun

ion Services at 11 every Lord's Day.

A cordial invitation is extended toattend these services.


DcinntmciiTof tho Interior,'U. S. Laud Office at Santa Fo.N. M.,

April, 25th, JOil,Notice is hereby given that William N

Leo of Estancia, N. M., who, on Dec 2ith1907. ma:lo Homos! end entry, No.l2C70(C52NS),forSY U. Section 20 .Township GN, Ranee 9E N. M,

P, Meridian, has filed notice of intention tomake Final Five Year Proof, to oitablisbclaim to the land above described, boforoMinnie Brnmback U. 8 Commissioner, at Es-

tancia, N. JL.on tho I2t.li day of July, ll'il.Claimant np.nies as witnesses ;

GeorKO Morrison W. S. Kirk A M. ParrottJ. P, Kennedy all of Estancia, N M

MANUEL H. OTERO,rtogister.

Kid, Coal LandNOT It K FOR PCHLICATION,!. pari ah nt Of Tho Interior,

l H. !.: r- - M at Santa Fe. Now Uexu'oMay liith I'Jlt

Not en 1. Iiereoy plvcn tliat .Tames J. IJuitoirof Kíí.aneia, Now Mexico, w bo on June íbt i'Jüílmade 1 Toinr stead entry No. OiC'i'J.S for NKti SE4BE U NE !4. Section IS) Township i N, Rango PtíN.M.t' Mi ridian has hied notice of intention tomake Fiüal con,)i r.tali. n Ficof, 1a establishclaim to the lud abovo i i - r i ' b I'i're NealJenson U. H, Ctunmin i t at. ne ia ,

N'ew Mexico. on the 2i!h day of .Ii!m I 'll.Claimant names ::s wimese. ;

E, L. Garvin, John IHiii'y, O, n,P. K, Wibuuthvail of Es! anci.i, V. M

Manuel li. (.)' ero.Hocist.r.


Depai Imeut of tiio InteriorU. S. Lsi.d O oo ;.t Santa ' e, x. M.

May lli, i:d!Notice is hereby iven that lf.'i-.riett- Holmes

i: Estancia, N" Me.i 'o who. o:i i.'ec

li'i.3, nuide iii met.' e i'i:l). N i . X'C t".lt 7

f:.r NW;4, lo Tn mdop "n, itai-f- SB

N.M I'. Meridian. tiled not kv f inlet; ' ioo -i-

!a.-:e !"ii..-t- Fixe y:r Pr.iof. to v ta'.; v'.

(o:le; ..mí iiei-.- Oe-c- i Hj( 1, Leui:- ..,

J '.son, I'. S. ('cie.ni'.-siceer- , nt K.tanrX. ';.. it: it. day f .inly. I'll

; ,i i : .;i n u s ; v. i t : .( í - :

li. F, i: ny !; rrj 1 !:! J. i. Fr.tn.-i- .

(ioUbalcí P- - I! Cowley, a!! of Eü.ie i -- Tn.

Mex'co .

MANUEL li. OTKUt),Tiogister.

No: Coal I.ae l.

NOTICE FÜU PC;i.KTI)sPopart nieiit of the Interior.

I' . S. I an:! f.'iiire at S.;nt, Fe New MexienJi.ne 10th 1)!.

I U t ;. i . n hat P. ejan; it. ( '. Vi.lli' :jh''..' X.V. '.'.!: --'n'y .ie.lt'.- - l't '..

fix ' ', ti-- SV; . ''..'- -

KM Wl-i- . S .' " He

,'N. V. P. " .. .. .f i,






B. Y. DUKE Proprietor

It Gives rll Trie News"

"Subscribe to your home paper firstand then take the ElJPaso Herald.

The Herald is the best medium to

keep in touch with general news and

news of the whole southwest"

It is worse than useless to take anymedicines internally or muscular orchornic rheumatism. All that is neededis a free applicelier ci amberlain'sLniment.Eor sale by ALL DEALERS


1 have formed a copartnership withi nitio ancbSoii in the undertaking bui-nut'-

and we now have a,, completestuck of coffins, e.skets and funeralsupplies. Embalming done on shortlotice. Call answered day or night.

A. A. iline.- 50-- tf

1 he woman of today who has goodhealth, good temper, good senco, brighteyes and a lovely compexion, the resultof correct living and good digestion,wins the ndmiration of the world. Ifyour digestion is faulty Chamberlain'sStomach and Liver Tablets will correctit. For sale by all dealers

You can transact business of ever de.cription, pertaining to land, at U.S.Commissioner Jenson's office, 1stdoor north of Valley hotel.

Whooping cough is not dangerous thocough is kept loose and expectorationapy by giving Chamberlain's CoughRemedy. It has been used in manyopidemids of this disease with perfectsuccess. For sale by ALL DEALERS

FOR SALE-Cornshel- lerin goodcondition. Mrs. M. Lentz. Es-

tancia, N, M.

There is one medicine that every famJy should be provided with' and especial-

ly during the summer months; vis,Chamberlain. s Colic, Choir-- n and Diar-- !

rh'oea Rcrnedv. It is alnu. fc certain tobe needed. It costs but a quarter. Canyou afford to be without it? FOR sale byALL DKALLRS.

WILL TRADE My place of 150 acres,"0 in cultivation, balance grass, com-

mon improvements, deep well, windmill, fine water, located 5 miles fromGcdley, Texas; nice Ititlc town of 800

population on R. R. Worth $25 peracre. Land adjoining selling at $35to 640. Will trade for same value in

the Estancia Valley, improved land, 5

to 12 miles of R. R. Describe fully andprice right first letter. J. K. Glenn,Uodley, Texas-- . 3S-- 4t

The News want, ads bring re-


Best Thing in Life.Marriage is the best thing in hu-

man life. Dr. W. li. Inge.

Australasia's Magnitude.Australasia embraces 3,2SS,000

sq-ntr-e miles.

'i here's a Reason.Wi!tfo;!--M- n, J wish I was cross-e- x

rt.Mrs. Gin.busta makes you

wish such a foolish thing, my dear?Wiltred 'hv, then I could stand

on the siilewa'k :nd watch a paradocoming and s'íi;ns :,t t b.. samo time,

insult 10 Injury.fiurglar t;iil (to wealthy grocer)

"Now, then, out of it, and do this little!ot np into a parcel. I never was nohand at that kind of thing." ComicCuts.

Let Your Light Shine.Ueware of that terrible expression,

"I keep myself to myself." A self lanot worth much if it is kept to itself.

Biggest Lfar of All.Th? Lisgcst liar of all is tho tramp

bepjrar and petty thief. This Mun-chausen cf the highways lives by ly-

ing of a weak, silly, romantic sort Id"and by petty swindling. Charity can t :

stretch a long way with such pettypretenders, for they often go into pro-nounced


incurable dementia, theworst form of hughouse. All habitualliars are, of reírse, in some way oranother, moral idiots except the Japs,who lio for politeness, well knowingthat truth n;nkos tronido

Orders by mail c-- .

PHON E Ff CKF1 i V 1 LLt :.



Tíie Business

itit! business of Abstra ;tmgrowth. As lands increase in value, the need of title security becomesmore and more imperative.

It h just as sensible to .icguard the title to a thousand dollar va-

cant lot or to any other property, as it is to keep your thousand dollar'S bond under lock and key.I PROTECTION IN LITH Eli CASE IS THE THING SOUGHT.:g Good titles mtike real estate a a negotiable as stocks and bonds.

There is no way of buine sure about the title except by the help ofi an abstrr. f.t by .. 'Jinb'e company,

I Roberson Abstract Co.npany



E51ANLIA. N. M ft

Talks" í

oí Abstrae! ing

titira is of ct n: Kjativei recent S


,rt tis sa

cheapest aul b-í- t' juoils inp and as líoí.xi. Wo cairt,

li tit w ( ü ! tl !i;i,.v

Paiph G. Rober son, Sec.

ESTHNCia, NBWMEX.1 RilFKRENSEi Jlny Rnr.ii ia Torrance County '


'Í ! h t 3 - í ,5 5 ? ' rt V 5 2 Í 3 J ,




eocenes, iharmWeil basing,

Pismp-.-s aisid Gas Engines,

l'tnii.-iiij- i kitid n i) ctunit uns

'i h; e theU!f i;;; c as c hf ii

(:(("! '.l i(l,i (:!.': i


:i t íü.'d-- Kia-i- l live Ye,.r Po ,f. '.itJr.:. oil. l., t" oh'.iia to-- thr- - land

i ve d. . rri! ed ! fme Minnie Prrmbrrl; C S.Con ir. i Moner at F.--1 anchi. . M oti the 2!t:ila il.'u!) 9 I.

C!;!o.'il.t liiuee:- us V i'! pí.-es:

Ki.her' PC.eliaie, hn Ca-e'- u it . hut h of!'.(,, e:;i, N M iiei; ;e iv.no! i7. iV-- !!

I...; , I ii . "' ',; e N

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News liit.
