. Was his to JK 3m 13th 1802. I I V f 4 5EPH HAMILTON DAVEISS, removed residence June, LIST OF LETTERS, emaininK in the Port Office Winches- - ter, K. which is not taken out in three months, will be Pent to the General Poll Office as dead letters. Miss Milly Shelby, Clarke count'. M iviathias qrannnigburgh, ditto, . t i.i A.i r t- - mi. joiui .uuerion, near JL.nue W-i- chefler, Kentucky, formerly called Stroke's Station, Mr. John Davis, Clarke county. Thomas Porter, Ditto. Mr. Benjamin Tucker, Ditto. Sufannah Robertson, Ditto. , Thomas Berry, fen. Ditto. JMr. Obediah Dooley, Ditto. Henry M'Cart, Ditto. Mr. Charles Lewis, Ditto. Mr. William Cotton, Ditto. Mr- - George Cleavland, Ditto, Mr. Samuel Welch, Ditto. Mr. George Stevenson, Ditto. Mrs. Judith C. Gist, Ditto. Mr. Walter E. Sutherland, Ditto. Copt. Richd. Taylor, Ditto. Ro. Campbell, Ditto. E. CALLOWAY, P. M. June 15th, 1802. NOTICE. LL persons indebted to the eflateof Nathaniel Shaw, dec. late of Fay county, are requeued to come for ward and pay off their refpecYive ac- counts immediately ; also those who have any demands againfl said estate, are requefled to bring them forward proper- ly authenticated, thai a settlement may be made of said estate. 3m ISAAC WELLS, ") ' GEORGES. SMITH, j June 14, 1802. K O TI C E, COMMISSIONERS appointed by the will meet on Monday the Oth of Auguit, it tair, it not on the next fair day, at the house of Samuel Sandulky on the east fork of Jrlfamine, in order to take the depositions of witnefTes, to perpetuate their tellimony frefpecting certain calls ns an entry of 400 acres of land, made in the name of Jonathan Sandufky ; and do such other things as may be neceffary and to law. JOHN LOVREY. June 11, 1302. t 6 Mr. THOMAS WARD, Sin, "TAKE NOTICE, that I will proceed to Hake the deppfition of Duncan M'Arthur, at & the hpufe of Tohn. Bifwell, in the town of Chiljicothe, North Western Territory, on the 24th day of August next, to be read as evi- dence in the suit in Chancery, now depen- ding in the Danville Diftrift, wherein you are complainant, and rhyfelf and others, de- fendants. I am -- tf 3W Thomas Hojf. May 19th, 1802. TAKEN up by the fubferiber, on Raven Harrison county, a BROWN HORSE, JHyears old, upwards of IS hands high, blaze face, lome fadle spots, and a switch tail : appraised to 221. Haydon Nelson. Nr 9 AKEN up by the fubferiber living on JL the waters of Boon's creek, two SORREL STUD COLTS, Supposed to be one year old pall ; one has a star, not branded : appraised to 10 pourjds. The other has a blaze face, right hind soot white: appraised to 71. 10s. John Laughlin. May 17th, 1802. WHEREAS on the J2th'june 1802, the fubferiber .and IlTabella his wise, agreed to a mutual reparation between them, and to make a divjfion of property, and forever thereafter for the said parties to remain fepa-rat- e and apart, and the power of each over the other fli ould cease and determine from 'and aster the day and year above written. Whereupon they, the said Daniel Carm'.chacl d IlTabella his wise, entered into a written contract, which contract has has been sully complied with so far as relates to the division of the property which (he has taken into poueffi- - on, and removed herielt and ettects out ot my poiTefiion : this is hereby to forewarn . II per- fons from contracting with her on my account, "as I do not hold myself 'bound to pay any debts of her contrasting, aster the date above written. DANIEL CARMICHAEL. JelTamine, June 16, 1S02. 3w ri a uiv tn th nlantation of the fubfen- - 1 JliVlJ iw - 1 .. - T- )- JL ber, living one mile trom raris, uum- - ' bon county, about the time ot tn : mgn wa- - , ters last spring, a bright BAY MARE, about 14 hands high, well on in years, big with branded on the nigh Colt when (he came, Ihoulder with fomethingnot yleB,bl;' f bair off both her sides, supposed of fait, no white j apprailea to . 1 John Hamilton. June 14th, 1802. VALUABLE MEDICINES, AT HEDUCED PRICES. THE public are refpeflfulh' informed, the PATENT MEDICISES lutlerto in the hands of meflVs MCun ir 1'cizer, will in suture he sold by mr. Nathamh. Hart, only, In Lexington, mefl'rs M & P. having relinqmfhtd the genc in his faVdr. A frefli fupplv of the following ' are rccieveu 11 om 1.EE Cr; Uo. Kuilimorc. Dr. HAMILTON'S FLU wm. A sovereign remedy for Colds, obilmate Afllimas, sore Throats and appioachiug Conlumpt ons. To Parents viho have Chtliren ajjlrfled uith the HOOP 1NG COVCjH This discovery is of the firlt magnitude, as it af- fords immediate relies, checks the progress, and in a Ihort time entirely removes the mod cruel difordei ro v. hichchilurenaie liable. The Elixir is lo per fefllv agreeable, and the dote so small that no diffi cultyarifes in taking It. INFALLIBLE AGUE AND FEVER DROPS, Fi the Cure of Agues, 'remittent and intermittent Fevers, Thoufjnds can testify of their being cured by these drops, alter the bark and eveiy other met icihe has piovedineifeiflual; and not one in an hundred had ocrafion to take more than one, nunibeiijftjSr lulf Extnrt of a Utter from Dr. Hiti'j C. S&t&foit ,, Count, Delegare. V " I have given he ague drops to a number of this fall, and with constant fucccl:,; in some obldnate cases they afted like a charm, the difeales Jieldmginariay or two to this remedy, jfcer lt ing the barks for months, and when they had been thrown in the largest doCs " TOOTH-ACH- E DROPS. , The only remedy yer diRowered which gives im mediate aud laft.ng r;lci m the mod severe instances. Drt1. IIAHN's TRUE AND GENUINE GERMAN CORN PLAIS PER. Forcornsfpeedily removing them rof and branch without giving pain. Dr. HAMILTON'S GRAND RESTO- RATIVE. Is recommended as an invaluable medicine for the fpecdy relies and perm jnent cure ol the vauous s winch lefult fiom dilfipated pleasures -- Ju venile indifcrenons -- relidence in climates uijavor- - auie to ins conmution-- - tns immoderate uloapl Tea fiequent intoxication, or any other diftruil' temperance mi- - wniKiuui or exteilive ule ui mer, cury - the difeales peculi ir to females at a Sbriium period oi l.fj - bad lvngs m,&c &c. V. And it is p oven by long and extenlive to beebfolutelyunparaikled in the cure of Violent cramps in the ftom .ch and back, Nei v ous d. solder, Confuniptions, Indlgedion Lowneli oflpiuts, iMelanchuly, f r I.ofs ot ippetite, Relaxations Impurities of theb'ood, Involuntarvxmilfions, rtylterical arl ,a:uil3 Obltinatc gleets, Inward weaknehg Lt,-- L Fiuor albus, &c The principal opsrat'tin of tils remd dv li lrruroij Itoinach, reito.ing the digellive powers and rendiVt forth from that orgjn new health and vigour into part of the fyltem ; it enriches and purifies the blood withoutendangenngit; witi.outftinui-latin- g too violently thenervous fyltcin; strengthens tne secietory veueis ana tne general habir ; bung back the mufcuhr hbres to their natural and healthy tone, and reflores t'le neutntion which immoderate evacuationshav: deitmyed and whose lots had throw n the whole frame into langor and debility. In cases of extremity, where the long prevalence and obitinacy of disease has biought on a generil lnipoveriflimcntof the fydeni, exceiuve debility of the whple tra.'ie, and a waiting of theflefli which no nounihment or cord, il could repair, a perfever ance in the use of this medicine has performed the moll afconiflimg cures. V1- - HAMILTON'S ESSENCE ANBEX-TRAC- T O FM US 1 ARDU J A fafc and eifeelual remedy for rheumati'ms, gout palfey, sprains and bruises, whitj lwtlhngs, old (trains, and relix,uions,numbners and weaknefsof the joints, stiffness of the neck, pains of the side head ache, fuelled laces, frozen limbs, and every fnnlar complaint. It prevents chilblain1:, or chopped hands, and the ill effects of getfng wet or dampin the feet The extnetis celeuraled for removing cold and windy complaints in the ilouiacli and bowels, flying pains, and other ipaimoclic attcctions. The teftimonv of thoM'auds,aud daily experience futH ciently prov the fiipe'ionorty of theajove over all others, in the cure of the maladies we have enumerated. Letttr from dr. IVcithcrbzim. Wythe count, Vtrg. Oilobtr 7, 1801. Gentlemen, I purcSnfed at your (hop the you al Hamilton's Eli'ence and Extraftof Mustard, which I believe has perfectly removed a chronic rneiima tifm (oftflitkind named Sciatica, or of thehipjoietj under which I had laboured lor a long time, and which had barfl'd everv article 111 Miterta Mcdiu, and every mode as treatment received into practice for the cure'of this obstinate dife lfe. '. is you think this letter may be useful, you arenit liberty to make it public. P WEATHERBUIIN MefTrs, R. Lee U Co. Dr. H AIIN's AN PJiKLS. The operation of these PilIsisperfecilyrriTld.foas to beufed with safety by paribus in1 "ery situation, and oi every age. They are excellently adapted to carry o!Ffuper fluousbile and prevent its morbid fecrctions- - to restore and amend the appetite to pro cure a free perspiration, and thereby preventcolds which are often attended with f.tttl conlequences adofe never sails to remove a cold,is taken on its first appearance. They are celebrated ioi removing hnoitual costiveness sickness at the Ilomach, and severe head acheand ought to be taken by all per-lon- s on a change of climate. J PERSIAN LOTION.' So celebrated among the fafliinnable throughout Europe is an invaluable cofmatic, perfectly innocent and safe, fiom corrosive and replient minerals, (the basis of other lotion) and of unparelleled efficacy in preventing and removing blemithes of the face and fkinofeveiy kind, particularly fieckles, pimples, in flammatory redness, fcurfs, tetters', ring worms, sun burns, piickly heat, premature wrinkles, Zee. The Persian Lotion operates mildly, without impeding that natural infenfibie perspiration, which iseil'ential tohealth, etits effects are speedy and permanent, render the skin delicately soft and smooth, improving the complexion and reftonng the bloom of yo h. Dr. IIAHN's GENUINE EYE WA- TER. A sovereign remedy lo, all dilates of tl-- e ilcthtrtheel. i"t i I vveuknel, o- - of aecidm! ittluftions 01 rheums, rulinels, itclin i, and nthe ees, never ulmp, to cure thou maladies t huh frequently futi.erd tU imallpox.msaaes and levers & wondcilully (irengthen a ng Meakdj'ht - Hundieds have experienced its excellent irtues ivhcn nearly depi in.d oi figl.t. I'HE RESTORA'I IVE POWDER FOR THE TEETH AND GUIV& This excellent preparation comiorrsand ftrfnitfi ns the gums.pieferves t.ie enamel fiom deca'lnd cleanfes-ndnite- ns the teeth, aliJorlung all that a cnmomousilimeandioulnels, which fuffeiedto ac cumulate nevei sails to injure and finally ruin them. THE DAMASK LIP SALVE, Is recommended (paitirularly to the ladles) as an elegant and pleal-- nt pre, ation for choppeU and furc lips, and every blenalh nd inconvenience occafiau ed bycolds.levcrs, S.c. speedily relloring a beautiful rosy colour and dihcate loltneisto the lips. THE ANODYNE ELIXIR Tor the cure of all kinds of Head Ache. FOR THE CURE OF VENEAHAL COMPLj AlNl'S. fS? The patent Indian ltable Specific, pftpafi)y Dr Lerou.-i- . . CIIUF Kill S COUGH DROPS. HAMILTON'S WORM-DESTROY- -' ING LOZF.NGES. Utfcnptiou of wrms,,,dtbefiMptoms ty uhich they are kioT. n. Woims which infett tne human body, are chiefly oi sour kmes, v.z t ,e- - Terei, 01 hn;e round wonn, the Cocuibitina, r fliort slat wlnte worm, the Alcar.des pr imall maw worm, and .it'v, the I aema, 01 tape worai, 10 called fiom its iefcn.M-nc- ta tape this lsotthen many yards king, ai J is i nil ofjoints it is niolthmti.il, and B'oit ilifiuult tocure. Aiming tue fyniptoms attending worms, arc, disa- greeable breath, eipecully in the morning, bad and con opted gums itching in the nose and about tU teat convullions ml epileptic sits, and fomei'mie privation or (peech it irtmg uid grinding of the P "rtu:araPP,-te- , fometlmes loath 11 g loud, and roinetimes voiacious purging, with flimyaml foeted it and hau. ,ell;pa,5 and i.c.ne.s at t .e (iamach-pa- ms in tie h dand thig lS wnh iownef, or Ipints-fl- oi. sever, withrmd!landirres.,lar;r.Ifc- -a dry t tuirft - iometimes pale and u healthy counte- nance, and fometim.es the fJtc bloated and fluflied. ivn.ol..,.,,, Uiculd .lave immediate recourie to Hmuit,u's' r, erm 'j' ? which have ":e'$es, Uen conltant'y at tended with fncteft in all comp'amts hn.ilar to thole above defenbed. rim medicine, which is innocent nndmiM ;, rt.inai.derficatiousin its operation, cam ot 11 jure i - vouiigeit infant. 01 the moli rlilir ,i n, dv,fhouId no worms exilt i the b..dv; but will, with o ,t pain or griping, cleanse the itoinach and boweh, lemovingwhateveris soul or orTcnfive within, parti culaily thatilmiy humor from whence worms and many i ital disorders proceed. Children generally take this medicine with, eaper ness, having a pleasing appeaiauce and angreaable tatte. As upwards one hundred and tv ei.tythoufmd perfims ofbjth fexe,and of every age, have'reccivcdjjeneiit from this estraoidmary med'cme, a mult.ttBel)l certificates ol cures may be seen, in addition totiiole alreadvpubhllied. V A dole of this medicine given occasionally will e's feftually firevent the vomiting and purging oi chujm Hrilt. t illVArljul rlifhwl! ,ulii-l- i qiimnllu lullrul thoitiands of the infant part of our cities It Is like wise the luildefi; anJ molt certain remedy known, and has rell ored tn health and (irength a gicat number when 111 an advanced stage oi thisiatal complaint pi'ticnlar and plain lnfUncJMonsire given tor every pai t of the necefl'ary treatment in ftieh cales Letter trnnimr. Renj. Williams, No. 50, Baltimire ilrect, two doors above South Gay street. Gentlemen, j I have a Ton six years of age, who for iojTr )earjS pad his beengenera'lyina very"imhealty (ffite, p vi' cularlv in the summer; frequently afflicted witfra larminr; convnlfion sits, the whole oi his little frame wasting fall, Ins breath became iceted, an altnoll con slant itching of the nose was excited, with other During thecourfeol theabove period, tlieadvice and attendance of three of the mod eminentphyficiansin Baltimore was fucceffivelypro cured. Each of t'lefegeut'emen in their tuin decla red worms robe hisdiforder, and exhau fted thcirfkillin attempts to expel them, pinlc root, Heel filings, with a vinetv of other medicines were adminiflred without the leitt success. It was once pronounced impafiib'e for the child to live many hours I had frequently heard of vour Worm Deflroying Lozenges, but like many others, didnorthmkhighly of so cheap a medicine, until a gentleman of my ac- quaintance ftnr Wm.S. Moor) in whose famijy they had been used with good eil'eft, advised me to nnke a trial of them. I accordingly cave my Ion adofe. agreeable tndireftions, which fbinexpelle'drjASjjr norms, some of them about 12 inches in length j afe cond d ife brorght awiv to ir more ol iunilai 'tlihd dose being adniimltrcd, no worm appea child recovered, and now enjoys a goodiliate of health ' BEKTJ. 1VILUVAMS. MjJs. Richd. Lee, Si Co. THE SOVER.EIGN OINTMENT FOR THE ITCH Which is warranted an infallible remedy it one application, and maybe used with perfeft safety by pregnant women, or on ins ints a week old, not con taininga pirticle of mercury, or any dangerous in gredient whatever; and isnotaccompmied withthat tormenting smart which attends the application oi other remedies. CAUTION. Those who value their 3Jbieyfajid their health, and wish to procurMbe Ge nuine Medecines, w7 apply only) as a- - bovs. A MEETING of the Share-Holde- rs of the.KENTUCKY INSURANCE GOM'- - PANY, will be d on Thursday the 1st jjfhexvat their Office in Lexington, at 4 - o'clock P. M. arreeable to the conftitutlon. Wa. Macbean, Clk, to the board of Directors. June 18. Danville Distsict, Moy Term, 1 802. Nathan HuftrJnand Jfifepli F. Levu:, CoTiplainauts, Aj hi si j Spencer Griffin, Defendant, - In Cbancet v, THE I)';iendant having fa led to enter his Ce herein agreeably to li - ' 11 n!ls of thiscouit; and it appearing to the ' it n of t.ie court, that he 15 not an inhab taut ol t s Itatc ; onthe motion of the complainant bv hiscou f t 11 s ciidered that he do appear beie, on the linden, of th! next Augull 1 1 : in , .ititi anf vtr t! e to.' Ij'n nt's lull, and that a cooy ei this oidci be luill with the Ken tucky Gjzttte tno moi.iIk el v, another copy pi (led up at the eou t in u eooi, & a third copy published at the door is tie meeting lioufeat Stony point, ljme bunday immediately lervice A Copy, Telle Willis Greek, c. d. d. c. TO ALL WHO MAY BC CONCLRNLD, TAKE NOlIvL, THAT I hae appointed John I, cf :he town of Lex. .1 ton, my attorney, to ti anted, adjust and peiioim ail manner ot Jiuiineis, relating to iundiy a. counts, initriiments ot v.iitni, papers iec now in poll ihon cf said Boegs, I.ich the late Joftph Ci fb) died pciTtiLd c. ello to adjult all lawiul cU mantis agairft the laid Jo. feph Colby deceaied. JOHN COSBY. In virtue of the above, all persons indebted to threftatc of the said Joleph Cclby deceaied, are lequefled to make immediate payment ; and thole who have -- ny demands aainft laid efta'e, are desired to present them to the fub- feriber for settlement Immediately. JOHN M. BOGGS. Jufie 17, 1802. it TAKE NOTICE ON Monday Lit, I lost my Pec' tt 3ook in Lexington containing a number e.. aki-u- le papers, together .ilh bank notes to the mount of sixty dollars. I have received the ootket book by the hands of Col. "W rr. Iivine, delivered to him by the oi a gentleman at Mr. Poftlethv ait's tavern, f he papeis that are miffing, is one bank note i f n7enty dollars rfiigned to me fu m Jamei M'Connel, a bond upon Green Clay for the coneyance of 4,00J acies of laud, one ripen J..ccb MilLr for 4o0 acres, and a bond upon, James Gnei.on ft imped paptr for 85 dollais. uppofins thole papers to have dropped out of the book before or unknown to the gentleman ho sound it, I will handsomely rev. aid any jerfon who will deliver all or any of the papers :o me living in Madison county. JAMES HENDRICKS. June 17th, 1802. 2 Lexington, June 25. By yefteiday's mail we did not receive any article of importance We ihall therefore of- fer no other apology for he barrenneis of this paper. A sew gleanings follow. Next. week we hope to be able to furnilh a more agreeable rtpaft. The Aurora (I'll maintains the opinion that the treaty between France rnd Spain, so far as it concerned Louisiana, had been wholly refunded. The Hofpodar of Wallachia has been de- feated, and his army dispersed, by Paffwan O4I0U. Don Urquijo, has embarked at Cadiz for one of the Ph.lippine lflands, there to becon-fine- d for life. His ofLnce is laid to have been an attempt to abridge the power of the Inquilition. Died, at Bedford, (N. York) on Saturday morning, 29th May, aster a hort and se ec illness, in the 45th yeai of her ape Mrs. Sa- rah Jay, the amiable and much refpedled wise of his Excellency John Jaj, 1 ite govern- or of the state of New-Yor- k, and one of the daughters of the late governor Livinfton, dec. PHILADELPHIA, June 11. A letter received at Newbuiyport, from Martinique dated 5th May, fa) s " The French are to take po!Lilion of this lfland thg27th. May." n A letter from the Hague says, that the En-gli- lh government has int orders to the Mo- luccas to transport, before the Enl (h, troeps. evacuate that lflaiftl, all the f.efs and plants of spices to Tamaica and 1 r.md id. Thus the commerce in spices, which the Dutch hither- to enjoyed exclulively, and which has so ma- terially contributed to enrich their merchants, will be now divided with Great Britain. WASHINGTON CITY, June 41.. Appointuk-n't- by the President. General Commission of Bar.kruptcj. Kzu'tucKr District. John Rowan, Daniel Weifijer, John Inftone. Jame3 Morrifon, John A. Seitz, John Brad- ford. (From a JVew-Tor- k paper.) On the evening of the 29th April, when the illuminations took place in London on the peace, the house of William, Cobbett, book-selle- r, in Pall-ma- ll (the noto- rious Peter Porcupine) in coiififtncy with the same spirit of anti-pacif- ic darknei which it on former illuminations for the fi nature of preliminaries, remained lrexora- - fojgropaque. The mob, with equ il cmiiiften-;vtioo- k umbrage, and vented then indigna- - P'O" on e wind vs,Ja(hcs, Ihuttea, nd eve rv thinft about tie front ot the houieithat was not impregnable to bludgeons and paving Hones.

THE MCun I - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71zc7rnp3d/data/3415.pdf · Was his to JK 3m 13th 1802. I I V f 4 5EPH HAMILTON DAVEISS, removed residence June, LIST OF LETTERS,

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Was his to

JK 3m 13th 1802.






5EPH HAMILTON DAVEISS,removed residence


LIST OF LETTERS,emaininK in the Port Office Winches--ter, K. which is not taken out in threemonths, will be Pent to the GeneralPoll Office as dead letters.Miss Milly Shelby, Clarke count'.

M iviathias qrannnigburgh, ditto,.t i.i A.i r t- -

mi. joiui .uuerion, near JL.nue W-i-

chefler, Kentucky, formerly calledStroke's Station,

Mr. John Davis, Clarke county.Thomas Porter, Ditto.Mr. Benjamin Tucker, Ditto.Sufannah Robertson, Ditto. ,

Thomas Berry, fen. Ditto.JMr. Obediah Dooley, Ditto.Henry M'Cart, Ditto.Mr. Charles Lewis, Ditto.Mr. William Cotton, Ditto.Mr- - George Cleavland, Ditto,Mr. Samuel Welch, Ditto.Mr. George Stevenson, Ditto.Mrs. Judith C. Gist, Ditto.Mr. Walter E. Sutherland, Ditto.Copt. Richd. Taylor, Ditto.Ro. Campbell, Ditto.

E. CALLOWAY, P. M.June 15th, 1802.

NOTICE.LL persons indebted to the eflateof

Nathaniel Shaw, dec. late of Faycounty, are requeued to come for

ward and pay off their refpecYive ac-

counts immediately ; also those whohave any demands againfl said estate, arerequefled to bring them forward proper-ly authenticated, thai a settlement maybe made of said estate.

3m ISAAC WELLS, ") '

GEORGES. SMITH, jJune 14, 1802.

K O T I C E,

COMMISSIONERS appointed by thewill meet

on Monday the Oth of Auguit, it tair, it noton the next fair day, at the house of SamuelSandulky on the east fork of Jrlfamine, inorder to take the depositions of witnefTes, toperpetuate their tellimony frefpecting certaincalls ns an entry of 400 acres of land, madein the name of Jonathan Sandufky ; and dosuch other things as may be neceffary and


June 11, 1302. t



"TAKE NOTICE, that I will proceed toHake the deppfition of Duncan M'Arthur, at


the hpufe of Tohn. Bifwell, in the town ofChiljicothe, North Western Territory, on the24th day of August next, to be read as evi-

dence in the suit in Chancery, now depen-

ding in the Danville Diftrift, wherein youare complainant, and rhyfelf and others, de-

fendants. I am--tf3W Thomas Hojf.

May 19th, 1802.

TAKEN up by the fubferiber, on RavenHarrison county, a BROWN HORSE,

JHyears old, upwards of IS hands high, blazeface, lome fadle spots, and a switch tail :

appraised to 221.Haydon Nelson.

Nr 9 AKEN up by the fubferiber living onJL the waters of Boon's creek, two

SORREL STUD COLTS,Supposed to be one year old pall ; one has astar, not branded : appraised to 10 pourjds.The other has a blaze face, right hind sootwhite: appraised to 71. 10s.

John Laughlin.May 17th, 1802.

WHEREAS on the J2th'june 1802, thefubferiber .and IlTabella his wise, agreed to a

mutual reparation between them, and

to make a divjfion of property, and foreverthereafter for the said parties to remain fepa-rat- e

and apart, and the power of each over

the other fli ould cease and determine from'and aster the day and year above written.Whereupon they, the said Daniel Carm'.chacl

d IlTabella his wise, entered into a writtencontract, which contract has has been sullycomplied with so far as relates to the division ofthe property which (he has taken into poueffi- -

on, and removed herielt and ettects out ot mypoiTefiion : this is hereby to forewarn . II per-

fons from contracting with her on my account,"as I do not hold myself 'bound to pay any

debts of her contrasting, aster the date above


JelTamine, June 16, 1S02. 3w

ri a uiv tn th nlantation of the fubfen- -1 JliVlJ iw - 1 .. - T- )-

JL ber, living one mile trom raris, uum- -

' bon county, about the time ot tn : mgn wa- -

, ters last spring, a bright BAY MARE, about

14 hands high, well on in years, big withbranded on the nigh

Colt when (he came,

Ihoulder with fomethingnot yleB,bl;' fbair off both her sides, supposed

of fait, no white j apprailea to . 1

John Hamilton.June 14th, 1802.


THE public are refpeflfulh' informed,the PATENT MEDICISES lutlerto

in the hands of meflVs MCun ir 1'cizer, will insuture he sold by mr. Nathamh. Hart, only, InLexington, mefl'rs M & P. having relinqmfhtd the

genc in his faVdr. A frefli fupplv of the following


are rccieveu 11 om 1.EE Cr; Uo. Kuilimorc.

Dr. HAMILTON'S FLU wm.A sovereign remedy for Colds, obilmate

Afllimas, sore Throats and appioachiug Conlumptons.To Parents viho have Chtliren ajjlrfled uith the HOOP


This discovery is of the firlt magnitude, as it af-fords immediate relies, checks the progress, and in aIhort time entirely removes the mod cruel difordeiro v. hichchilurenaie liable. The Elixir is lo perfefllv agreeable, and the dote so small that no difficultyarifes in taking It.


Fi the Cure of Agues, 'remittent and intermittentFevers,

Thoufjnds can testify of their being cured by thesedrops, alter the bark and eveiy other met icihe haspiovedineifeiflual; and not one in an hundred hadocrafion to take more than one, nunibeiijftjSr lulf

Extnrt of a Utter from Dr. Hiti'j C. S&t&foit,, Count, Delegare. V

" I have given he ague drops to a number ofthis fall, and with constant fucccl:,; in some

obldnate cases they afted like a charm, the difealesJieldmginariay or two to this remedy, jfcer lt

ing the barks for months, and when they had beenthrown in the largest doCs "


The only remedy yer diRowered which gives immediate aud laft.ng r;lci m the mod severe instances.


Forcornsfpeedily removing them rof and branchwithout giving pain.


Is recommended as an invaluable medicine for thefpecdy relies and perm jnent cure ol the vauous s

winch lefult fiom dilfipated pleasures -- Juvenile indifcrenons -- relidence in climates uijavor- -

auie to ins conmution-- - tns immoderate uloapl Teafiequent intoxication, or any other diftruil'temperance mi- - wniKiuui or exteilive ule ui mer,cury - the difeales peculi ir to females at a Sbriiumperiod oi l.fj - bad lvngs m,&c &c. V.

And it is p oven by long and extenliveto beebfolutelyunparaikled in the cure ofViolent cramps in the ftom .ch and back,Nei v ous d. solder, Confuniptions,Indlgedion Lowneli oflpiuts,iMelanchuly, f r I.ofs ot ippetite,Relaxations Impurities of theb'ood,Involuntarvxmilfions, rtylterical arl ,a:uil3Obltinatc gleets, Inward weaknehg Lt,--


Fiuor albus, &cThe principal opsrat'tin of tils remd dv li lrruroij

Itoinach, reito.ing the digellive powers and rendiVtforth from that orgjn new health and vigour into

part of the fyltem ; it enriches and purifies theblood withoutendangenngit; witi.outftinui-latin- g

too violently thenervous fyltcin; strengthenstne secietory veueis ana tne general habir ; bungback the mufcuhr hbres to their natural and healthytone, and reflores t'le neutntion which immoderateevacuationshav: deitmyed and whose lots had throw nthe whole frame into langor and debility.

In cases of extremity, where the long prevalenceand obitinacy of disease has biought on a generillnipoveriflimcntof the fydeni, exceiuve debility ofthe whple tra.'ie, and a waiting of theflefli whichno nounihment or cord, il could repair, a perfeverance in the use of this medicine has performed themoll afconiflimg cures. V1- -


O F M US 1 ARDU JA fafc and eifeelual remedy for rheumati'ms, goutpalfey, sprains and bruises, whitj lwtlhngs, old(trains, and relix,uions,numbners and weaknefsof thejoints, stiffness of the neck, pains of the side headache, fuelled laces, frozen limbs, and every fnnlarcomplaint. It prevents chilblain1:, or chopped hands,and the ill effects of getfng wet or dampin the feet

The extnetis celeuraled for removing cold andwindy complaints in the ilouiacli and bowels, flyingpains, and other ipaimoclic attcctions.

The teftimonv of thoM'auds,aud daily experiencefutH ciently prov the fiipe'ionorty of theajove

over all others, in the cure of the maladieswe have enumerated.

Letttr from dr. IVcithcrbzim.Wythe count, Vtrg. Oilobtr 7, 1801.

Gentlemen,I purcSnfed at your (hop the you al

Hamilton's Eli'ence and Extraftof Mustard, whichI believe has perfectly removed a chronic rneiimatifm (oftflitkind named Sciatica, or of thehipjoietjunder which I had laboured lor a long time, andwhich had barfl'd everv article 111 Miterta Mcdiu, andevery mode as treatment received into practice forthe cure'of this obstinate dife lfe. '.is you think this letter may be useful, you arenitliberty to make it public.


Dr. H AIIN's AN PJiKLS.The operation of these PilIsisperfecilyrriTld.foas

to beufed with safety by paribus in1 "ery situation,and oi every age.

They are excellently adapted to carry o!Ffuperfluousbile and prevent its morbid fecrctions- - torestore and amend the appetite to procure a free perspiration, and thereby preventcoldswhich are often attended with f.tttl conlequencesadofe never sails to remove a cold,is taken on itsfirst appearance. They are celebrated ioi removinghnoitual costiveness sickness at the Ilomach, andsevere head acheand ought to be taken by all per-lon- s

on a change of climate.J

PERSIAN LOTION.'So celebrated among the fafliinnable throughout

Europe is an invaluable cofmatic, perfectly innocentand safe, fiom corrosive and replient minerals, (thebasis of other lotion) and of unparelleled efficacy in

preventing and removing blemithes of the face andfkinofeveiy kind, particularly fieckles, pimples, in

flammatory redness, fcurfs, tetters', ring worms, sun

burns, piickly heat, premature wrinkles, Zee. ThePersian Lotion operates mildly, without impeding

that natural infenfibie perspiration, which iseil'entialtohealth, etits effects are speedy and permanent,render the skin delicately soft and smooth, improvingthe complexion and reftonng the bloom of yo h.


A sovereign remedy lo, all dilates of tl--e

ilcthtrtheel. i"t i I vveuknel, o- - of aecidm!ittluftions 01 rheums, rulinels, itclin i, andnthe ees, never ulmp, to cure thou maladies

t huh frequently futi.erd tU imallpox.msaaes andlevers & wondcilully (irengthen ang Meakdj'ht -Hundieds have experienced its excellent irtuesivhcn nearly depi in.d oi figl.t.

I'HE RESTORA'I IVE POWDERFOR THE TEETH AND GUIV&This excellent preparation comiorrsand ftrfnitfi

ns the gums.pieferves t.ie enamel fiom deca'lndcleanfes-ndnite- ns the teeth, aliJorlung all that acnmomousilimeandioulnels, which fuffeiedto accumulate nevei sails to injure and finally ruin them.

THE DAMASK LIP SALVE,Is recommended (paitirularly to the ladles) as an

elegant and pleal-- nt pre, ation for choppeU and furclips, and every blenalh nd inconvenience occafiaued bycolds.levcrs, S.c. speedily relloring a beautifulrosy colour and dihcate loltneisto the lips.

THE ANODYNE ELIXIRTor the cure of all kinds of Head Ache.


The patent Indian ltable Specific, pftpafi)yDr Lerou.-i-.




ING LOZF.NGES.Utfcnptiou of wrms,,,dtbefiMptoms ty uhich they are

kioT. n.Woims which infett tne human body, are chiefly oisour kmes, v.z t ,e-- Terei, 01 hn;e round wonn, the

Cocuibitina, r fliort slat wlnte worm, the Alcar.despr imall maw worm, and .it'v, the I aema, 01 tapeworai, 10 called fiom its iefcn.M-nc- ta tape thislsotthen many yards king, aiJ is i nil ofjoints it isniolthmti.il, and B'oit ilifiuult tocure.

Aiming tue fyniptoms attending worms, arc, disa-greeable breath, eipecully in the morning, bad andcon opted gums itching in the nose and about tUteat convullions ml epileptic sits, and fomei'mieprivation or (peech it irtmg uid grinding of the

P "rtu:araPP,-te- , fometlmes loath11 g loud, and roinetimes voiacious purging, withflimyaml foeted it and hau.,ell;pa,5 and i.c.ne.s at t .e (iamach-pa- ms in tieh dand thig lS wnh iownef, or Ipints-fl- oi. sever,withrmd!landirres.,lar;r.Ifc- -a dry

t tuirft - iometimes pale and u healthy counte-nance, and fometim.es the fJtc bloated and fluflied.ivn.ol..,.,,,Uiculd .lave immediate recourie to Hmuit,u's' r, erm

'j' ? which have":e'$es, Uen conltant'y attended with fncteft in all comp'amts hn.ilar to tholeabove defenbed.rim medicine, which is innocent nndmiM ;,

rt.inai.derficatiousin its operation, cam ot 11 jurei - vouiigeit infant. 01 the moli rlilir ,i n,

dv,fhouId no worms exilt i the b..dv; but will, witho ,t pain or griping, cleanse the itoinach and boweh,lemovingwhateveris soul or orTcnfive within, particulaily thatilmiy humor from whence worms andmany i ital disorders proceed.

Children generally take this medicine with, eaperness, having a pleasing appeaiauce and angreaabletatte.

As upwards one hundred and tv ei.tythoufmd perfimsofbjth fexe,and of every age, have'reccivcdjjeneiitfrom this estraoidmary med'cme, a mult.ttBel)lcertificates ol cures may be seen, in addition totiiolealreadvpubhllied. V

A dole of this medicine given occasionally will e'sfeftually firevent the vomiting and purging oi chujmHrilt. t illVArljul rlifhwl! ,ulii-l- i qiimnllu lullrulthoitiands of the infant part of our cities It Is likewise the luildefi; anJ molt certain remedy known, andhas rell ored tn health and (irength a gicat numberwhen 111 an advanced stage oi thisiatal complaintpi'ticnlar and plain lnfUncJMonsire given tor everypai t of the necefl'ary treatment in ftieh cales

Letter trnnimr. Renj. Williams, No. 50, Baltimireilrect, two doors above South Gay street.

Gentlemen, jI have a Ton six years of age, who for iojTr )earjS

pad his beengenera'lyina very"imhealty (ffite, p vi'cularlv in the summer; frequently afflicted witfralarminr; convnlfion sits, the whole oi his little framewasting fall, Ins breath became iceted, an altnoll conslant itching of the nose was excited, with other

During thecourfeol theaboveperiod, tlieadvice and attendance of three of the modeminentphyficiansin Baltimore was fucceffivelyprocured. Each of t'lefegeut'emen in their tuin declared worms robe hisdiforder, and exhaufted thcirfkillin attempts to expel them, pinlc root,Heel filings, with a vinetv of other medicines wereadminiflred without the leitt success. It was oncepronounced impafiib'e for the child to live many hours

I had frequently heard of vour Worm DeflroyingLozenges, but like many others, didnorthmkhighlyof so cheap a medicine, until a gentleman of my ac-

quaintance ftnr Wm.S. Moor) in whose famijy theyhad been used with good eil'eft, advised me to nnkea trial of them. I accordingly cave my Ion adofe.agreeable tndireftions, which fbinexpelle'drjASjjrnorms, some of them about 12 inches in length j afecond d ife brorght awiv to ir more ol iunilai'tlihd dose being adniimltrcd, no worm appeachild recovered, and now enjoys a goodiliate ofhealth ' BEKTJ. 1VILUVAMS.

MjJs. Richd. Lee, Si Co.


Which is warranted an infallible remedy it oneapplication, and maybe used with perfeft safety bypregnant women, or on ins ints a week old, not containinga pirticle of mercury, or any dangerous ingredient whatever; and isnotaccompmied withthattormenting smart which attends the application oiother remedies.

CAUTION.Those who value their 3Jbieyfajid

their health, and wish to procurMbe Genuine Medecines, w7 apply only) as a- -


A MEETING of the Share-Holde- rs ofthe.KENTUCKY INSURANCE GOM'- -PANY, will be d on Thursday the 1stjjfhexvat their Office in Lexington, at 4 -

o'clock P. M. arreeable to the conftitutlon.Wa. Macbean, Clk,

to the board of Directors.June 18.

Danville Distsict,Moy Term, 1 802.

Nathan HuftrJnand Jfifepli F. Levu:, CoTiplainauts,Aj hi si jSpencer Griffin, Defendant, -

In Cbancet v,THE I)';iendant having fa led to enter his

Ce herein agreeably to li - ' 11 n!ls ofthiscouit; and it appearing to the ' it n oft.ie court, that he 15 not an inhab taut ol t s Itatc ;onthe motion of the complainant bv hiscou f t 11 sciidered that he do appear beie, on the linden, ofth! next Augull 1 1 : in , .ititi anf vtr t! e to.' Ij'n nt'slull, and that a cooy ei this oidci be luill with

the Ken tucky Gjzttte tno moi.iIkel v, another copy pi (led up at the eou t in u eooi,

& a third copy published at the door is tie meetinglioufeat Stony point, ljme bunday immediately

lerviceA Copy, Telle

Willis Greek, c. d. d. c.


THAT I hae appointed John I,cf :he town of Lex. .1 ton, my

attorney, to ti anted, adjust and peiioim ailmanner ot Jiuiineis, relating to iundiy a.

counts, initriiments ot v.iitni, papers iecnow in poll ihon cf said Boegs, I.ich thelate Joftph Ci fb) died pciTtiLd c. ello toadjult all lawiul cU mantis agairft the laid Jo.feph Colby deceaied.


In virtue of the above, all persons indebtedto threftatc of the said Joleph Cclby deceaied,are lequefled to make immediate payment ;and thole who have -- ny demands aainft laidefta'e, are desired to present them to the fub-

feriber for settlement Immediately.JOHN M. BOGGS.

Jufie 17, 1802. it

TAKE NOTICEON Monday Lit, I lost my Pec' tt 3ook

in Lexington containing a number e.. aki-u- le

papers, together .ilh bank notes to themount of sixty dollars. I have received the

ootket book by the hands of Col. "W rr.Iivine, delivered to him by the oi agentleman at Mr. Poftlethv ait's tavern,f he papeis that are miffing, is one bank note

i f n7enty dollars rfiigned to me fu m JameiM'Connel, a bond upon Green Clay for theconeyance of 4,00J acies of laud, one ripenJ..ccb MilLr for 4o0 acres, and a bond upon,James Gnei.on ft imped paptr for 85 dollais.

uppofins thole papers to have dropped out ofthe book before or unknown to the gentleman

ho sound it, I will handsomely rev. aid anyjerfon who will deliver all or any of the papers:o me living in Madison county.

JAMES HENDRICKS.June 17th, 1802. 2

Lexington, June 25.

By yefteiday's mail we did not receive anyarticle of importance We ihall therefore of-

fer no other apology for he barrenneis ofthis paper. A sew gleanings follow. Next.week we hope to be able to furnilh a moreagreeable rtpaft.

The Aurora (I'll maintains the opinion thatthe treaty between France rnd Spain, so faras it concerned Louisiana, had been whollyrefunded.

The Hofpodar of Wallachia has been de-

feated, and his army dispersed, by PaffwanO4I0U.

Don Urquijo, has embarked at Cadiz forone of the Ph.lippine lflands, there to becon-fine- d

for life. His ofLnce is laid to havebeen an attempt to abridge the power of theInquilition.

Died, at Bedford, (N. York) on Saturdaymorning, 29th May, aster a hort and se ecillness, in the 45th yeai of her ape Mrs. Sa-

rah Jay, the amiable and much refpedledwise of his Excellency John Jaj, 1 ite govern-or of the state of New-Yor- k, and one of thedaughters of the late governor Livinfton, dec.

PHILADELPHIA, June 11.A letter received at Newbuiyport, from

Martinique dated 5th May, fa) s " The Frenchare to take po!Lilion of this lfland thg27th.May." n

A letter from the Hague says, that the En-gli- lh

government has int orders to the Mo-

luccas to transport, before the Enl (h, troeps.evacuate that lflaiftl, all the f.efs and plantsof spices to Tamaica and 1 r.md id. Thus thecommerce in spices, which the Dutch hither-to enjoyed exclulively, and which has so ma-

terially contributed to enrich their merchants,will be now divided with Great Britain.

WASHINGTON CITY, June 41..Appointuk-n't- by the President.

General Commission of Bar.kruptcj.Kzu'tucKr District.

John Rowan, Daniel Weifijer, John Inftone.Jame3 Morrifon, John A. Seitz, John Brad-


(From a JVew-Tor- k paper.)On the evening of the 29th April, when

the illuminations took place in London onthe peace, the house of William,

Cobbett, book-selle- r, in Pall-ma- ll (the noto-rious Peter Porcupine) in coiififtncy with thesame spirit of anti-pacif- ic darknei which

it on former illuminations for thefi nature of preliminaries, remained lrexora- -

fojgropaque. The mob, with equ il cmiiiften-;vtioo- kumbrage, and vented then indigna- -

P'O" on e wind vs,Ja(hcs, Ihuttea, nd everv thinft about tie front ot the houieithatwas not impregnable to bludgeons and pavingHones.