is dq Vi ffl v nVH t J W ki v v JJ j 16 ioVhuntJitlt eittiltfttdtt a iti rt THE HOME UQH > I see the dear home llglu d There where It used to glow Defore Ambition carne andJjS Me from It long ago X see the light the glorious light Upon the distant hllll Thank heaven for tho welcome sight Thank They flrt there tonight To keen It burning still I X faintly tIt the fields that lie Upon the distant slopes Atfd oh my heart le beating high With freshly kindled holies- tI see to light which tells me They Are wRiting forme still The boy they lost Is turning gny But here he flings his cawfcway The light burns on the hllll trite light of home Oh shall I fare Up up alone some night Upon a starlit way and there Behold another light On that last night oh shall there be i A light upon the hill Oh shall there come a thrill to me I iAs faring up the slope Isee IThe home light burning till IClser In Chicago KecorUHeral > > t > >E > > f > f > EF > > The Transferred Burden i By Ethel 31 Colson t Uopyrlgbt 1901 by Authors Synilletta HE minister wns pacing monoto T nously up and down the church study intent upon the thinking out of his sermon for Sunday He jotted flown his last idea with a patient sigh before answering the timid rap at the floor A single glance assured him that his expectation of finding a wom- an and a woman in sore trouble standing before it was well founded- I thought you might help me the woman who was young pale and re fincdlookiug burst forth in deep agi- tation as he drew forward a chair I must have help from somewhere You shall have it the minister as Lured her his face brave with sym ¬ pathIIBut first you know you must tell me your trouble Get the worst rover at once he added encourag ¬ inglyThen the story came rushtngly with the swift resistless onbearing haste following long months I of re ¬ pression I was married at 18 to a man much older than myself I didnt love Urn I loved another man arid very dearly But we were poor and my mother was ill and helpless there didnt seem anything else to do The man whom I loved and who loved me never knew of my marriage until he came back from the west where he i bad gone to make money for our mar ¬ singe At first I think he hated me but afterward he was sorry for my suffering And then when my hus ¬ band had gone away on a long bust ¬ ness journey he kept coming to see i me andYou made a bitter mistake togeth- er ¬ finished the minister as she stopped helpless unable to soy an- other ¬ word uVlP yesn bitter mistake She enlight at the words eagerly her face hidden in her trembling fingers And lifter a Httle I grew to hate him And then and then he died Yes and after The kindly but commanding voice nerved her to further narration After he was dead I was sorry I put flowers on his grave this morning l when T put some on my mothers grave nlso But T still hate hlmI hate even his memory lIe wan so small find mean so cruel once I was In his i power And your husband He was so kind no loving so tender BO considerate that I grew to love him as passionately as I had hated the oth- er ¬ l I My mother died before he came back from his journey so he never heard or knew of my wrongdoing he thought It + yns natural grief and sor ¬ row which made me so strange and sad Last month he came near to death also ifnd learned how much and how dearly I love him And since then Again she stopped helpless Again the minister came to her assistance And since then you nre wondering whether or no you ought to confess your infidelity to him Yes oh yes she made excited an ¬ longp But nowIt seems like sacrilege to let him think me good and faithful And t yetI know he has never suspected iand ho told me the other day that hed rI ra die by slow torture than lose hIs faith in anyone he loved And I know hes never had any real love or happiness before nnd hes been such a good man always So that alto ¬ y gether fit We must think a lltUe 7 and pray over it said the r rising to pace the floor monotonously again Only the sound of her passionate sob ¬ bing broke the silence until he came back to her side i i t uNo he said decidedly you must never tell ypjur husband1 He is in the belief of your faithfulness- there f s no reason why hXshoulfl suf ¬ fer tQr your sinning You are anxious to atone for the I uln arc you not Yes I was sure of It And you feel that your conscience would be easier if you made a clean breast of it 1 Well then deny your self that relief for the sake of you husband Make atonement to him by 4saving him from the knowledge and consequent Suffering of your wrong- doing ¬ Love him with all the strength- of your nature nnd glory and rgvel I the loVe he gives you In Gods grout mercy there Is forgiveness for all re ¬ sinners Strive you after for- getfulness as well LQt the sUp out of your memory altogetherex- cept ¬ in so for as jt you very t tender toward other singerscindrr- ecolleotlou l does you oecii nionnlly Jet it be a part of your atone ¬ ment that you bear the suffering In silence and unaided Never think of ex a18t ac relieving your own conscience at the expense of your husbands hnptflness When the visitor all timid smiles and lightened heart had sUpped out of the study the minister stood looking out of tho window for a moment He turned away abruptly to answer an ¬ other summons to the study door It was n man this time who stepped nervously through it A rnnn of middle age and evidently laboring under stress of great excitement The woman who leas just left you ht exclaimed breathlessly of what was your conversation 1 Tell me for Gods sake tell me what it was that you spoke of The practiced eyes and leet1 Intui ¬ Lion of the minister told him nil in a moment The sudden unaccustomed suspicion the horrified putting away the recurring persistent agonyof doubt and uncertainty the following of the wife to the church study the Irrepressible desire to know whether or no she hAd admitted n fault More than tills the minister di ¬ vined that tho fato of two lives lay within his handling the ruin of two souls the man ns well ns thowoman if lie bungled or made mistakes He acted upon the impulse of the mo ¬ ment as he would not perhaps have acted had he stopped to consider The lady who went out last you menn 1 he asked easily his leeenI kindly eyes noting every change of the others countenance and expression The younglooking woman with brown hair and white veil 1 Why she was merely interested in a sad case of distress and troublewhich has come under her recent observation and in regard to which she was anxious to secure my assistance You have perI haps some special reason for asking You will never tell her the man implored him his eyes aglow with re- lief ¬ but his form trembling She is my wife and I love her to distraction This morning in the cemetery where her mother lies buried I found her putting flowers on the grave of a man an old lover I have heard lately but a man whom she once told me she hated Then I thought I understood many things which had used to puzzle me it came to me like a flash or 1 thought it did I am a jealous man by nature and I think I must have gone mad She told me once when we had heard you preach that you looked like a kindly man and one who could be trusted I thoughtperhapsshe had come here to tell you of her sinning I will go home and apologize to her for my unwarrantedand insane dis ¬ trustDo nothing of the sort advised the minister laying a friendly counsel ing hand upon the others shoulder There is nothing harder for a woman wa NO YOU MUST NEVER TELL IOUII HUSBAND to forgive than such an accusation Love my friend is n better means of dealing with a womans heart and soul than suspicion or judgment Before the depth and unselfishness of the love of oven the lighteatnatured woman the best of us men seem poor and in- significant ¬ and the blackest sins of which a woman can be gulltyhls kind eyes averted yet nil the while conscious t hn tt1e visitors pale cheek flushed hotly as at some halfforgot ¬ ten episode of bygone yearsare only those which we scarce account as sins at allfor ourselves Late that afternoon the minister still struggling with the oftInterrupt- ed unfinished sermon saw from his studywindow the two who had visited him walking the street lovingly arm in arm each wrapped in the others affection The man looked at the wom ¬ an with a loverlike reverential ten ¬ derness the womans face was sweet with the joyous halftimid gladness which only comes on the farther edge qf a great sorrow or danger Themin aster looking after them thankfully smiled a whimsical selfdepreciatory smile Bear yeone anothersburdens he murmured quizzically Well 1 hope to God I advised theni rightly and I yonder whose when things are finally reckoned will be the burden which they hove shifted frpm their townn Jtoiii Ideli tblnineW f i i Survey Uxneilltloii In AlunUii IS A report o > f the IHHhtlohl of the Kowuk river party in Alaska from the geological survey has boon submitted by Geologist Mendenhall in charge of the work He says the party readied Yukon territory June 4 Mr threer camp hands imm began to survey a lino from Fort Yukon to the mouth of Dall rlVer approximately 180 miles This region of tho Yukon flats otheru than those involved in to a large area of fluvial silts After do ¬ tailing the movements of qthrlndi vixials of the party tho report sjfrs the waters there June 17 were high pad rising but little ralnhW fallen fond the thermometer ranged from10 to CO degrees The party gnlncd ten days time by declining to vtalbunul C left the lakes at the head of the Yukon s I AAl lulls Pills After eating persons of a bilious habit will derive great by taking one of these pills If you have been DRINKING TOO MUCH they will promptly relieve the nausea SICK HEADACHE 1c and nervousness which follows restore removcgloomyfedIngs ¬ Take No Substitute j The annual convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association will be held at Buffalo Sept 9th and 10th r ier whouplag Caught Bothmy children waif tr lceni with whoopiug cough writes MrsO E Dutton of A small bottle ofFoloyfl Honey hud Tar cured the cough and saved lJi doc ¬ tors bill Sold by all Druggist AT The semiannual meeting of the New England Cotton Manufactur- ers ¬ Association will be held at Buffalo Sept 25th and 26th i Mr DanielBantz Ulterville In says Have had asthma und aver oad cough for years but could get no relief from the doctors and medi ¬ cines I tried until I took Foleys Honey and Tar It gave immediate relief and done me more good than all the other remedies combined Sold by all Druggists The second regular session of the Roentgen Society of the United States will be held at Buffalo Sept 10th and 11th in the University of Buffalo Wm Finn of LimBO obtained ex ¬ cellent results from the use of Foley Kidney Cute It relieved rcy back- ache and severe pain over the hips It toned my system and gave me new vim and energy It is tm honest and reliable remedy sure cure for all it kiduey disease Sold by all Drug- gists ¬ Scintas Band of Buffalo is now giving free concerts in the Courts of the PanAmerican Exposition A R Bass of MorgantownIndhad to get up ten or twelve times in the night aud hud severe backache and a pains in the kidneys Was cured by Toleys Kidney Cute Io ia guaran eedi Sold by all druggist M The annual convention of the Cot imbia Philatelic Society will be- held at Buffalo Aug 20th High living intemperuuceosposuru and many other iniugd uriug on Bnghtadihease FoleybKiduey Curep will prevent Brights disease other ktiuey or bladder disorders it taken in time Be suie to take Folejs Sold by all druggists The International Congress of Nurses will be held at Buffalo Sept 18th 19th and 20th DdvisMtSterlingIawritesl or about two years but two one dol Jar bottler of Foleys Kidney Cure effected a permanent cure Solu b- alll druggibts The Sons of Philatelia will hold their annual convention at Buffalo Aug 19th i Would Ilove Cost Him UisLlfco BawmanLebanonKywritesI statingit disease which certsiulyv ould have cost me my none but Foleys Sold by all druggists None raise their own reputations by lower ing others great men toil for their work and r their wages > t OASToRX sears theThe Kind You Have Always Bought Slffiutnre j of I J AHrainof thought wastes time lf it carries on frei ht i J sr4 To Ucnl a Hurt Use Banner Salve the great healer Its guaranteed for cuts woundsBoree piles and all skin diseases Use no sub IJ 11 stitutp f f > 11 Xl- anctct A JI rnn1cdttate1lo egnb depend on his temporal real estate i Do You Know The Latest The latest and bit thing pf my cqqtempliltlngt tion is Th lcreaRou e from lie South to Buffalo VyrUe Ce > H Ha toyi DcP AgtALOttisville- Ky for details about special fares to Buffalo and beyond with stop overq at the Pan Amerlcil9 h rrr 100 I II d ITS PSYCHOLOGY Why the NluotyEight Cent Bargain I I Such a gJ1eces There is a curious bit of psychol ogy in the habit inc ohnnts have o cutting price said n jfentlcinan wlu keep s an eye on cut ratw nccording o the New Orleans lilnesDgnlocrnt and it is found in tiheinilueiioo thes o Luis in price have on the avoragemtu 1 or woman The shrewd m rchnni vas quick to discern the effect of cut- ting a few cents oil on the price of a certain article and now from one end of the country to tho other the show windows are flaring with placards that tell of goods that have been cut down to the lowest possible figure The effect has not been without n cnriouj siderfftk any nrticld that has been selling generally for4 orna dollar in the market and maps tdown to 99 cents or say 08 cents end theaverflgfrnome wife in a spirit of GQOnoiriJvwould jump at the bargain ndsomotiines she will buy it simply 1iidnusoslie feels that she is getting the tig end of the bargain and she figures it this way whether she needs Ule articlE or not pier calculation would show that she had acquired one dollars worth of property for 98 cents indicatinga net profit of two cents While on the other silo of the counter if she had bought something she had no use for paying 98 cents for it with the idea that she was getting two cents the best of the bargain she trotlltf prob ably find in the last analysis that she had practically inado the merchant a present of 98 cents This is merely il lustrativo The cut rate is really a good thing and two cents mhdc on very purchase of one dollar in amount is no small thingr was mere- ly thinking of the psychology of the thing The merchant who is wise in his generation has used this method- as a sort of hypnotizing influence and has brought good results alike to the merchant and the purchaser But all these things have an annfsing side For instance I know one fellow who bought a pair of shoes for 250 on the bargain counter and before he had walked two squares he found another shoe of about the same kind marked down to 245 and he actually made second purchase with the firm belief that he was a nickel gainer not on the transaction It simply goes to show the effect cut prices have on the aver- age person and it shows too how wiseI the merchant of today sJ1 WAS LEFT HANDED tlk rS r- An Art Connoisseurs Discovery Concern lag One Oia Mnster v What old master among the Dutch winters was lefthanded1 This knowledjjlis U very valuable asset to a eonnoissftir in art JIen ex parts know and tlibse who doarepar icular to keep fills information to hemselves It enables them to de- tect a spurious pijiiitihgLaSicribed to this artist ata glance- Mr George 1t Story of the Metro- politan museum says according to the New York World that ho dis covered the fact for himsQif in a curi ous way Mr Story is1he highest authority in this country upon old musters and is especially familiar with those of the Dutch school He jajned his prestige by years of flue thegallerleni1aurope 1h 5 to copy masterpieces f the sake One6py moos painting at Tibe Haiu 1 Now Ill get your stroke reflect ed upon tilt artist lIe found that iQuld not get the stroke There rya metbing shoat it quite out of the irdiqaiy Then he noticed the same oddity in the way that the original varnishing hind been done Suddenly- ho wbrkeu 1J t the problem hkoaf- 1n li lifte brush bad beenbrought airways front left to ldff- rom right to left It waslniyto verify the discovery once made When a Worldreflgrtel asked Mr Story tb name laVghed heEaidInqdlojodloplrt Warlike EugllahLSarnnmest t Tho the1 havolen nre ervedat Somersefiiouse since IbST1 furnish what seems at first to be 1 complete series of surnames connect- ed with war Supi ryig intho first place that invariable cause of hostili- ties Quarrell they loadon to Allies e Challenge OharJBattle Qrcatbat tIe Rout Victory and Conquest They proceed as it would appear t- nllnerate 0 n detail the ghastly Ia ults of conflict in jhe name Qafih andCorpseand r SffhttlielJ They mention too thd Gunntrllud further specify his deadly oliaxge in Q nisste andgrape i II f t pi PROFESSIONAL CARU C H TANDY I > ENTltStr- r office oral Kellys store nfpItINSV1LLE ItYi < ii Jas IvLattdes v Jas B AllenBTr <j li LANDS ALLENSWORTH AttorgeyednLaw Offlcq InMoDdnJoltnlldlngnoarCourtHbtnc raetleein the courts eour Apealal attention to culleoU0t18 HENRY E HOLlON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office Court Square l opkidsviiloly BOSU POOL Barbers 7th street nopklpsllte Ky Espeolsffttontton to clean Llneu Call and bQoonvlneec W W GRAY TONSORIAL ARTISTS WEST SEVENTH STREET ELB BUILDING Clean towels and everything rah Give us a call THE BEST PAPER Published in the United States for Democrats and for all readers is the TwiceaWeek CourierJournal The equal of many dailies ancl the superior of all other semi weeklies SaturdayL04 only SlOO a Year The Wednesday issue is devoted to toHome 9ion to agents Sample copies cheer fully sent free to nil who will ask for them Write to- COURIER JOURNAL Co- LouisvilJe Ky ISyfiy a special arrangement you can get the KENTUCKIAN and the TwiceaWeok Courierlournal both one year for only S250 This is for cash subscriptions only All sub- scriptions ¬ under this combination offer must be sent through the Ken tuckian office LNRR THEGREAT Through Trunk Line Between eft Cincinnati Lexington Louisville Evansville St Louis and the MenphisMontgomery Orleans Without Any Change Unrivale4f Pullman Palo Cars for Atlanta Savannah acon Jabksonvilie tatidPointe in Florida J tf Conudctionsare made at Guthrie and Nashville for all points North SouthEast and West in Pullman Cars Emigrantn seeking homes ou the line ofthl8 road will receive thiss write to the General Passenger Traffic Agent at Ky i11CRA LY e E TABLE F EClIVEltIayxstt x9 A t > if LBAV5norxwsvzLTENo PSt Nd61o dailyLT ooo 1883pm 719 pmI At nenderdonr8dm 625pm r Evansville 1010 a m 0lBpm Princeton > B28aral24 pm Arhoulevllte wv8pm 885 P m r LVPrlncetollto e Oe am 1511 pm USSpmAr Ar New Orleans QDSaiil No 841 arrives at HopklniTllle 10 A ro No B38 arrives at 10pm No tell arrives at HopklnsvlllR 0 88 p m WM SHKmvooDAKf Hopkins vllloKy IK A KK LONDAO P A1ouln1l1e Ky r Hotel Henderson Ii Eptir ly ifew and first class in all- r espeots tETCOlleat sample rooma cityd 0 B L P KtEiDEBSR Props Yfc I v > f HendereoD Kf j J 11tMPAtTERNn eoled C teit artUUc up to letlin i MAGAZINEI 1 1 lODJr60cear t Wf tatnetylleheblleaeetnotltalndbrtheaeeolan I I pattern no h Mg CALL IATEIlMS 1IoEulI u f Jj t = uWii 50 YEARSay EXPERIENCE 1liJ f t TRADE MARKS r i DESIGNS i COPYRIGHTS c t Anyone lending n sketf o and description mat quiCklY ascertain our froo an Invuntlon lsprobablyrmten it le Comrnunlcn tldnutrldlroontldonUal IIadbook on latent i tent free Oldest for 8ecurtntpatcnt Patents taken tbroueh Jlunn A COTCCCTO tftctalnotkc without chnno in tho Scientific lmerkahe- I A hnndaomoly Illustrated tretklr Tersest cir ¬ culatlon of any tclenuao join an Terns t3 A t year tsar months JL Sold bjall nowedealer- bMUNN t CO3clnroadwar York Branch Otflco 025 F St Washington D Co U N TIME TABLb TRAINS BOOTH No 55 Hopkinsville Ac 615 am No 6BFaet Line 601 a m No 61Fast Mail 522 p m TRAINS NOBTH J No 62St Ltu Ex mail 950a m No 56 Hopkinsville Ac 825 p m No MFost Line U 50 p m t oe2 and No W make connection at St Louis for all points weBtand at MoLeansboro shawneetnwn branch stationst No 68 makes Louisville Elkton Memphis and at Nashville k for nil south NoStconneotsatOuthriefornowlingGreent tvreen Guthrie Eren and for Rlkton NoM makes connection at GuthrfeWr all points between Bowling Green and Mn 18 l ECMILLERAgot i r CIRCUIT COURT DIRECTORY I- TafoorFlret t Monday In Februaryterm hrecweok thlrdiloudoy In May Urm two weeks flrat Monday In September tovm three Reeks dRtsriv xFonrth Monday in Febr erm six wlJekil First Monday in June tSijr i our weeks f irth Monday In Septembdr i erm sIx wok- UALLOwevbecondMonday ri In April 5hieo weake First Monday in AugusttermI two weeks i Second Monday term three weekaf LTON First Monday in Msy termol 1 VCBE Bret Monday In term ieeksflriU Monda In December term vspka t I OFFERS THE fOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS SPECIAL EXOUESIONS To Colorado and Utah JUNE JULY AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP PLUS 2000 For further information call on or address R T Q HATTHFWS V AgentLouisville H C TOWNSEND General Passenger and Ticket Agt St Louis Mo A WELL GROUNDED r 1 II t r CLAIM CompoundO f nyhdr qT VKfo nlrm The evidence is investigation ¬ self write or call on us and we w1 gladly and freely furnish all the evidence you may desire If you are a sufferer it will pay to tkvohundred cords and testimonials of remark able cures of asthma bronchitis consumption neural ia nervous prostration rheumatism catarrh byexpress treatment administered here DRS STARKEY PALEN 1112 Clrard Stroot PHILADELPPIA 1 San Francisco Cal Toronto Canada 1 u

I BOSU POOL IATEIlMS 1IoEulI - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7dnc5s8n34/data/0562.pdfhis memory lIe wan so small find mean so cruel once I was In his i power And your husband

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Page 1: I BOSU POOL IATEIlMS 1IoEulI - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7dnc5s8n34/data/0562.pdfhis memory lIe wan so small find mean so cruel once I was In his i power And your husband

is dq Vifflv nVH t J W ki v v

JJ j16 ioVhuntJitlt eittiltfttdtta

iti rt THE HOME UQH> I see the dear home llglu d

There where It used to glow

Defore Ambition carne andJjSMe from It long ago

X see the light the glorious lightUpon the distant hllll

Thank heaven for tho welcome sightThank They flrt there tonight

To keen It burning stillI

X faintly tIt the fields that lieUpon the distant slopes

Atfd oh my heart le beating highWith freshly kindled holies-

tI see to light which tells me TheyAre wRiting forme still

The boy they lost Is turning gnyBut here he flings his cawfcway

The light burns on the hllll

trite light of home Oh shall I fareUp up alone some night

Upon a starlit way and thereBehold another light

On that last night oh shall there bei A light upon the hill

Oh shall there come a thrill to meI iAs faring up the slope IseeIThe home light burning till

IClser In Chicago KecorUHeral

> >t > >E > >f >f > E F > >

The Transferred Burden iBy Ethel 31 Colson t

Uopyrlgbt 1901 by Authors Synilletta

HE minister wns pacing monotoT nously up and down the churchstudy intent upon the thinking outof his sermon for Sunday He jottedflown his last idea with a patient sighbefore answering the timid rap at thefloor A single glance assured himthat his expectation of finding a wom-

an and a woman in sore troublestanding before it was well founded-

I thought you might help me thewoman who was young pale and refincdlookiug burst forth in deep agi-

tation as he drew forward a chair Imust have help from somewhere

You shall have it the minister asLured her his face brave with sym ¬

pathIIBut first you know you musttell me your trouble Get the worstrover at once he added encourag ¬

inglyThenthe story came rushtngly

with the swift resistless onbearinghaste following long months

Iof re¬

pressionI was married at 18 to a man

much older than myself I didnt loveUrn I loved another man arid verydearly But we were poor and mymother was ill and helpless theredidnt seem anything else to do Theman whom I loved and who loved menever knew of my marriage until hecame back from the west where he

i bad gone to make money for our mar ¬

singe At first I think he hated mebut afterward he was sorry for mysuffering And then when my hus¬

band had gone away on a long bust ¬

ness journey he kept coming to seei me

andYoumade a bitter mistake togeth-


finished the minister as shestopped helpless unable to soy an-


worduVlP yesn bitter mistake She

enlight at the words eagerly her facehidden in her trembling fingers Andlifter a Httle I grew to hate him Andthen and then he died

Yes and afterThe kindly but commanding voice

nerved her to further narrationAfter he was dead I was sorry I

put flowers on his grave this morningl when T put some on my mothers grave

nlso But T still hate hlmI hate evenhis memory lIe wan so small findmean so cruel once I was In his

i powerAnd your husbandHe was so kind no loving so tender

BO considerate that I grew to love himas passionately as I had hated the oth-


l I My mother died before he cameback from his journey so he neverheard or knew of my wrongdoing hethought It +yns natural grief and sor ¬

row which made me so strange andsad Last month he came near to deathalso ifnd learned how much and howdearly I love him And since then

Again she stopped helpless Againthe minister came to her assistance

And since then you nre wonderingwhether or no you ought to confessyour infidelity to him

Yes oh yes she made excited an ¬longpBut nowIt seems like sacrilege to lethim think me good and faithful And

t yetI know he has never suspectediand ho told me the other day that hedrI ra die by slow torture than lose

hIs faith in anyone he loved And Iknow hes never had any real love orhappiness before nnd hes been sucha good man always So that alto ¬

y getherfit We must think a lltUe 7and pray

over it said the r rising topace the floor monotonously againOnly the sound of her passionate sob ¬

bing broke the silence until he cameback to her side i i t

uNo he said decidedly you mustnever tell ypjur husband1 He isin the belief of your faithfulness-there f s no reason why hXshoulfl suf ¬

fer tQr your sinningYou are anxious to atone for the I

uln arc you not Yes I was sure of ItAnd you feel that your consciencewould be easier if you made a cleanbreast of it 1 Well then deny yourself that relief for the sake of youhusband Make atonement to him by4saving him from the knowledge andconsequent Suffering of your wrong-doing


Love him with all the strength-of your nature nnd glory and rgvel I

the loVe he gives you In Gods groutmercy there Is forgiveness for all re ¬

sinners Strive you after for-

getfulness as well LQt the sUpout of your memory altogetherex-cept


in so for as jt you veryt tender toward other singerscindrr-


does you oeciinionnlly Jet it be a part of your atone ¬

ment that you bear the suffering Insilence and unaided Never think of



relieving your own conscience at theexpense of your husbands hnptflness

When the visitor all timid smilesand lightened heart had sUpped outof the study the minister stood lookingout of tho window for a moment Heturned away abruptly to answer an ¬

other summons to the study doorIt was n man this time who stepped

nervously through it A rnnn of middleage and evidently laboring understress of great excitement

The woman who leas just left youht exclaimed breathlessly of whatwas your conversation 1 Tell me forGods sake tell me what it was thatyou spoke of

The practiced eyes and leet1 Intui ¬

Lion of the minister told him nil in a

moment The sudden unaccustomedsuspicion the horrified putting awaythe recurring persistent agonyofdoubt and uncertainty the followingof the wife to the church study theIrrepressible desire to know whetheror no she hAd admitted n fault

More than tills the minister di¬

vined that tho fato of two lives laywithin his handling the ruin of twosouls the man ns well ns thowomanif lie bungled or made mistakes Heacted upon the impulse of the mo ¬

ment as he would not perhaps haveacted had he stopped to consider

The lady who went out last youmenn 1 he asked easily his leeenIkindly eyes noting every change of theothers countenance and expression

The younglooking woman withbrown hair and white veil 1 Why shewas merely interested in a sad case ofdistress and troublewhich has comeunder her recent observation and inregard to which she was anxious tosecure my assistance You have perIhaps some special reason for asking

You will never tell her the manimplored him his eyes aglow with re-



but his form trembling She ismy wife and I love her to distractionThis morning in the cemetery whereher mother lies buried I found herputting flowers on the grave of a man

an old lover I have heard lately buta man whom she once told me shehated Then I thought I understoodmany things which had used to puzzleme it came to me like a flash or 1

thought it did I am a jealous man bynature and I think I must have gonemad She told me once when we hadheard you preach that you looked likea kindly man and one who could betrusted I thoughtperhapsshe hadcome here to tell you of her sinningI will go home and apologize to her formy unwarrantedand insane dis ¬

trustDo nothing of the sort advised theminister laying a friendly counseling hand upon the others shoulder

There is nothing harder for a woman



to forgive than such an accusationLove my friend is n better means ofdealing with a womans heart and soulthan suspicion or judgment Beforethe depth and unselfishness of the loveof oven the lighteatnatured womanthe best of us men seem poor and in-


and the blackest sins ofwhich a woman can be gulltyhlskind eyes averted yet nil the whileconscious t hn tt1e visitors pale cheekflushed hotly as at some halfforgot ¬

ten episode of bygone yearsareonly those which we scarce account assins at allfor ourselves

Late that afternoon the ministerstill struggling with the oftInterrupt-ed unfinished sermon saw from hisstudywindow the two who had visitedhim walking the street lovingly armin arm each wrapped in the othersaffection The man looked at the wom ¬

an with a loverlike reverential ten ¬

derness the womans face was sweetwith the joyous halftimid gladnesswhich only comes on the farther edgeqf a great sorrow or danger Theminaster looking after them thankfullysmiled a whimsical selfdepreciatorysmile

Bear yeone anothersburdenshe murmured quizzically Well 1

hope to God I advised theni rightlyand I yonder whose when things arefinally reckoned will be the burdenwhich they hove shifted frpm their

townn Jtoiii Ideli tblnineW f i

i Survey Uxneilltloii In AlunUiiIS

A report o > f the IHHhtlohl of theKowuk river party in Alaska from thegeological survey has boon submittedby Geologist Mendenhall in charge ofthe work He says the party readied

Yukon territory June 4 Mrthreercamp hands imm began tosurvey a lino from Fort Yukon to themouth of Dall rlVer approximately 180

miles This region of tho Yukon flatsotheruthan those involved in to alarge area of fluvial silts After do ¬

tailing the movements of qthrlndivixials of the party tho report sjfrsthe waters there June 17 were highpad rising but little ralnhW fallen

fond the thermometer ranged from10to CO degrees The party gnlncd tendays time by declining to vtalbunul

C left the lakes at the head of theYukon




lulls PillsAfter eating persons of a bilious habitwill derive great by taking oneof these pills If you have been

DRINKING TOO MUCHthey will promptly relieve the nausea

SICK HEADACHE 1cand nervousness which follows restore

removcgloomyfedIngs ¬

Take No Substitutej

The annual convention of theNational American Woman SuffrageAssociation will be held at BuffaloSept 9th and 10th

rier whouplag Caught

Bothmy children waif tr lceniwith whoopiug cough writes MrsOE Dutton of A smallbottle ofFoloyfl Honey hud Tarcured the cough and saved lJi doc ¬

tors bill Sold by all DruggistAT

The semiannual meeting of theNew England Cotton Manufactur-ers


Association will be held atBuffalo Sept 25th and 26th

iMr DanielBantz Ulterville In

says Have had asthma und averoad cough for years but could getno relief from the doctors and medi ¬

cines I tried until I took FoleysHoney and Tar It gave immediaterelief and done me more good thanall the other remedies combined Soldby all Druggists

The second regular session of theRoentgen Society of the UnitedStates will be held at Buffalo Sept10th and 11th in the University of


Wm Finn of LimBO obtained ex ¬

cellent results from the use of FoleyKidney Cute It relieved rcy back-ache and severe pain over the hipsIt toned my system and gave me newvim and energy It is tm honest andreliable remedy sure cure for all itkiduey disease Sold by all Drug-gists


Scintas Band of Buffalo is nowgiving free concerts in the Courts of

the PanAmerican Exposition

A R Bass of MorgantownIndhadto get up ten or twelve times in thenight aud hud severe backache and a

pains in the kidneys Was cured byToleys Kidney Cute Io ia guaraneedi Sold by all druggist

MThe annual convention of the Cot

imbia Philatelic Society will be-

held at Buffalo Aug 20th

High living intemperuuceosposuruand many other iniugd uriug onBnghtadihease FoleybKiduey Curepwill prevent Brights diseaseother ktiuey or bladder disorders ittaken in time Be suie to takeFolejs Sold by all druggists

The International Congress ofNurses will be held at Buffalo Sept18th 19th and 20th

DdvisMtSterlingIawriteslor about two years but two one dol

Jar bottler of Foleys Kidney Cureeffected a permanent cure Solu b-

alll druggibts

The Sons of Philatelia will holdtheir annual convention at BuffaloAug 19th i

Would Ilove Cost Him UisLlfcoBawmanLebanonKywritesIstatingitdisease which certsiulyv ould havecost me my none butFoleys Sold by all druggists

None raise their own reputationsby lower ing others

great men toil for their work andr their wages >


OASToRXsears theThe Kind You Have Always Bought

Slffiutnre jof I

J AHrainof thought wastes time lfit carries on frei ht i Jsr4To Ucnl a Hurt

Use Banner Salve the great healerIts guaranteed for cuts woundsBoreepiles and all skin diseases Use nosub IJ 11stitutp

f f>

11 Xl-


rnn1cdttate1lo egnbdepend on his temporal real estate


Do You KnowThe Latest

The latest and bit thing pf my

cqqtempliltlngttion is Th lcreaRou e from lieSouth to Buffalo VyrUe Ce > HHatoyi DcP AgtALOttisville-Ky for details about special faresto Buffalo and beyond with stopoverq at the Pan Amerlcil9

hrrr 100


Why the NluotyEight Cent Bargain IISuch a gJ1eces

There is a curious bit of psychology in the habit incohnnts have o

cutting price said n jfentlcinan wlukeeps an eye on cut ratw nccording othe New Orleans lilnesDgnlocrntand it is found in tiheinilueiioo thes o

Luis in price have on the avoragemtu 1

or woman The shrewd m rchnnivas quick to discern the effect of cut-

ting a few cents oil on the price of acertain article and now from one endof the country to tho other the showwindows are flaring with placards thattell of goods that have been cut downto the lowest possible figure Theeffect has not been without n cnrioujsiderfftk any nrticld that has beenselling generally for4 orna dollar in themarket and maps tdown to 99 centsor say 08 cents end theaverflgfrnomewife in a spirit of GQOnoiriJvwouldjump at the bargain ndsomotiinesshe will buy it simply1iidnusoslie feelsthat she is getting the tig end of thebargain and she figures it this waywhether she needs Ule articlE or notpier calculation would show that shehad acquired one dollars worth ofproperty for 98 cents indicatinga netprofit of two cents While on theother silo of the counter if she hadbought something she had no use forpaying 98 cents for it with the ideathat she was getting two cents thebest of the bargain she trotlltf probably find in the last analysis that shehad practically inado the merchant apresent of 98 cents This is merely illustrativo The cut rate is really agood thing and two cents mhdc onvery purchase of one dollar inamount is no small thingr was mere-ly thinking of the psychology of thething The merchant who is wise inhis generation has used this method-as a sort of hypnotizing influence and

has brought good results alike to themerchant and the purchaser But allthese things have an annfsing sideFor instance I know one fellow whobought a pair of shoes for 250 on thebargain counter and before he hadwalked two squares he found anothershoe of about the same kind markeddown to 245 and he actually made

second purchase with the firm beliefthat he was a nickel gainer not on thetransaction It simply goes to showthe effect cut prices have on the aver-

age person and it shows too how wiseIthe merchant of today sJ1


An Art Connoisseurs Discovery Concernlag One Oia Mnster v

What old master among the Dutchwinters was lefthanded1

This knowledjjlis U very valuableasset to a eonnoissftir in art JIen exparts know and tlibse who doareparicular to keep fills information tohemselves It enables them to de-tect a spurious pijiiitihgLaSicribed tothis artist ata glance-

Mr George 1t Story of the Metro-politan museum says according tothe New York World that ho discovered the fact for himsQif in a curious way Mr Story is1he highestauthority in this country upon oldmusters and is especially familiarwith those of the Dutch school Hejajned his prestige by years of flue

thegallerleni1aurope1h 5 to copy masterpieces f the sakeOne6pymoos painting at Tibe Haiu 1

Now Ill get your stroke reflected upon tilt artist lIe found thatiQuld not get the stroke There rya

metbing shoat it quite out of theirdiqaiy Then he noticed the sameoddity in the way that the originalvarnishing hind been done Suddenly-ho wbrkeu 1J t the problem hkoaf-1n li lifte brush bad beenbroughtairways front left to ldff-rom right to left It waslniytoverify the discovery once made

When a Worldreflgrtel asked MrStory tb name laVghed

heEaidInqdlojodloplrtWarlike EugllahLSarnnmest t

Tho the1havolen nreervedat Somersefiiouse since IbST1

furnish what seems at first to be1 complete series of surnames connect-ed with war Supi ryig intho firstplace that invariable cause of hostili-ties Quarrell they loadon to Allies e

Challenge OharJBattle QrcatbattIe Rout Victory and ConquestThey proceed as it would appear t-


n detail the ghastly Iaults of conflict in jhe name Qafih

andCorpseand r

SffhttlielJThey mention too thd Gunntrlludfurther specify his deadly oliaxge inQ nisste andgrape i II f




r office oral Kellys storenfpItINSV1LLE ItYi< ii

Jas IvLattdesv

Jas B AllenBTr<j li


Offlcq InMoDdnJoltnlldlngnoarCourtHbtncraetleein the courts

eour Apealal attention to culleoU0t18


Office Court Squarel opkidsviiloly


7th street nopklpsllte Ky

Espeolsffttontton to clean LlneuCall and bQoonvlneec


Clean towels and everything rahGive us a call


Published in the UnitedStates for Democrats and forall readers is the

TwiceaWeek CourierJournal

The equal of many dailies ancl thesuperior of all other semi weekliesSaturdayL04only

SlOO a YearThe Wednesday issue is devoted totoHome9ion to agents Sample copies cheer

fully sent free to nil who will ask forthem Write to-


LouisvilJe Ky

ISyfiy a special arrangement youcan get the KENTUCKIAN and theTwiceaWeok Courierlournal bothone year for only S250 This is forcash subscriptions only All sub-scriptions


under this combinationoffer must be sent through the Kentuckian office


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Unrivale4fPullman Palo Cars for Atlanta

Savannah acon JabksonvilietatidPointe in Florida


Conudctionsare made at Guthrieand Nashville for all points NorthSouthEast and West in PullmanCars Emigrantn seeking homes outhe line ofthl8 road will receivethisswrite to the General PassengerTraffic Agent at Ky



E TABLEF EClIVEltIayxstt x9

A t>if

LBAV5norxwsvzLTENoPSt Nd61odailyLTooo 1883pm 719 pmI

At nenderdonr8dm 625pmr Evansville 1010 a m 0lBpm

Princeton > B28aral24 pmArhoulevllte wv8pm 885 P m

rLVPrlncetollto e Oe am 1511 pmUSSpmArAr New Orleans QDSaiil

No 841 arrives at HopklniTllle 10 A roNo B38 arrives at 10pmNo tell arrives at HopklnsvlllR 0 88 p m

WM SHKmvooDAKf Hopkins vllloKyIK A KK LONDAO P A1ouln1l1e Ky


Hotel HendersonIi Eptir ly ifew and first class in all-

r espeots tETCOlleat sample roomacityd0 B L P KtEiDEBSR PropsYfc

Iv > f HendereoD Kf j

J 11tMPAtTERNneoledCteit artUUc up to letlin

i MAGAZINEI1 1lODJr60cear t

Wftatnetylleheblleaeetnotltalndbrtheaeeolan I I

pattern no h


1IoEulI u


Jj t= uWii




COPYRIGHTS c tAnyone lending n sketf o and description mat

quiCklY ascertain our froo anInvuntlon lsprobablyrmten it le ComrnunlcntldnutrldlroontldonUal IIadbook on latent i

tent free Oldest for 8ecurtntpatcntPatents taken tbroueh Jlunn A COTCCCTO

tftctalnotkc without chnno in tho

Scientific lmerkahe-IA hnndaomoly Illustrated tretklr Tersest cir ¬

culatlon of any tclenuao join an Terns t3 A tyear tsar months JL Sold bjall nowedealer-bMUNN t CO3clnroadwar York

Branch Otflco 025 F St Washington D Co


No 55 Hopkinsville Ac 615 a mNo 6BFaet Line 601 a mNo 61Fast Mail 522 p m


No 62St Ltu Ex mail 950a mNo 56 Hopkinsville Ac 825 p mNo MFost Line U 50 p m t

oe2 and No W make connection at StLouis for all points weBtand at MoLeansboroshawneetnwn branch stationstNo 68 makesLouisville Elkton Memphis and at Nashville k

for nil southNoStconneotsatOuthriefornowlingGreent

tvreen Guthrie Eren and for RlktonNoM makes connection at GuthrfeWr all

points between Bowling Green and Mn 18 l




Monday In Februarytermhrecweok thlrdiloudoy In May Urm twoweeks flrat Monday In September tovm threeReeksdRtsriv xFonrth Monday in Febrerm six wlJekil First Monday in June tSijr iour weeks f irth Monday In Septembdr ierm sIx wok-

UALLOwevbecondMonday riIn April5hieo weake First Monday in AugusttermItwo weeks i Second Monday

term three weekafLTON First Monday in Msy termol 1

VCBE Bret Monday In termieeksflriU Monda In December termvspka

t I




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For further information call on oraddress

R T Q HATTHFWS VAgentLouisville

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St Louis Mo




CompoundO f

nyhdr qT VKfo nlrm The evidence isinvestigation ¬

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