ft f' :' ! THE MAN DUSTING1 OFF who Is a sign that goods are enters Into business Syening Bulletin wants everybody to know not moving. The Best It. The Evening Bulletin DUST PREVENTER fllves the advertisers the greatest publicity. ' '"' Is a BULLETIN ad. Mlflpl using bulletin' want ads. .vHlwW v IM ' OTffmVN- K- Voii. XI. No. 1070. HONOL17LU, TKltKlTOKY OF HAWAII, MONDAY. OOTOIJKR 8. 11101 TifTT Phiob 5 OENT8. BAD.COIH IN MAUI TOWNS Courthouse and Jail at Wailuku Disgrace Civilization. LAIIAINA IS WITHOUT DECENT WATER SUPPLY Visit of Superintendent Boyd and As- sistant Campbell to Wailuku Reservoir and Other Public Works. 'We, saw enough to keep the Public Works Department buoy for the next II e or six years." These words prcfared a more answer by Marstun Campbell, Assistant Superintendent of l'ulillo Works, to tho question of whst Super- intendent J. II. IJoyd and himself bail Km on their offlclul trip to M.uil. IJu lontlnued: 'There Is twelve nillrts of roiid from Wailuku to Maalaea Ila for which there Is an appropriation of ?.".0')u, when .10,000 will be needed to put It In proper shape. We 'hull let them liuo tho $5000 so fur lift It will ko to ward putting In brldKf h and drainage, "The water workB reservoir In bidly nuked. It won't bold water. 1h wulls are only a foot thick to hold ten ful of water. All that run he dune at priMnt la to patch It up ami Wp It only half full." Mr. Campbell wan disinclined ( talk about the cause for such a condition ot this' new work. The reservoir win built by da'8 work after the bids were found to be away above the There la suspicion ahom the iiuulltv of tlie cement used In Its coiihtriiLtlon Without any need of questioning tbu mile lata, however. It Is well Known that the Wailuku- - reservoir Ih a piece of flagrant botchwork. It was not done . under the present public werksud- - nilnUtr.itlon. Lahalna Is In u very bad condition," said Mr. Camphedl. "Tbu watir supply Is bad In fact, them 1 no water supply. The people depend on.holes dug In the Krouud for water. Tsphold and malarial fevers, with a gi ncr.illy poor sanitary condition, re sult, "there Is a good tuad of water at I.alialnaluna school. This Ik being; ntlllml by tho plantations nuder leaso irom tho school, which can be termi nal d at any time. A Hunll proportion of this water would, however, supply tlm town of Lahalna. The watir head le fill) feet above sea level. "The Lahalna courthouse needs re- pairs auil thero uro obnoxious out- houses to be removed. "Tho courthouse at Wailuku Is a to any civilized community, and the Jail U worse. Ah for the reservoir, tlu-r- Ih only 13600 for the two yean in.ilnte nance ot tho water works, whli.h will only leave enough tojlx a few holes. "Wo are going ahead In pretty good shape In Honolulu, con- sidering tho lack of money. The trou- ble la wc cannot get any more material out of the quarry at Puluma to finish King street from Lllllia strtet to thj bridge, which Is the worst part, nor to mmplctu Ucrctanla street extension which would take oft the traffic whllo King street was closed on account ot t tut finishing operations. "However, we contemplate putting in a small crushing plant in Houghtnlling lane, which will be ruther slow work. Wu cannot undertake to mauidamlze. King street quickly with tho small O usher. It would take monti.s. "Some changes will be made In bridges In the Kancohe district." What's worth doing is worth doing well. Take your printing and develop- ing to the Honolulu Photo Supply Co Iltst work at lowest prlccs.y " Good Lots Low Price! Everybody knows that College Hills, with Its fine nlr, good views, water sup- ply, car scrvlco and good neighborhood It! IIuucilulu's belt suburb. Hut not everyone, realizes thnt College Hills lots me so much lower priced than ihosa In tho hot, district, with no Uew or car service. A third of anncro lot for 1000 Is only 6 cents per uqnaro foot. Easy terms, too. Consult tho Sales Agents. McClellan, Pond & Co. AND Castle & Lansdale. BOER. REPORT TIM CAPE MY London, Oct. 21. "Mr. Kruegcr has received a report from President Srhalk Burger that the greater part ot Cape Colony Is In open rebellion," sas a dispatch to tho Dally Mall from Dussels, "and that tho Ilocre have armed fifteen thousand Afrikan- ders within tho las. threa months. Referring to the mowmenta of Pro- fessor P. de Martens, of the Univer- sity of St. Petersburg, who Is also a member of tho Uusslan Privy Coun- cil, the llrussels correspondent of thn Standard denies fhnt he has any mis- sion from the Husslan Government bearing upon the South African sltua tlon, and asserts that Ilocr circles In IlrusKels discredit the possibility of Husslan Intervention. f ONE OP THE .POUR. . Ilernard Walther, the Ilelglan vio llntst, with the Iloston Concert Com pany took his audience captive. Never was such a violinist heard hero before. Ho held the audience spellbound whllo ho pin eel, thrilling them with his depth of passion nnd tenderness of hU music. Today he ranks with Muan ns ono of the four greatest living violinists. New Orlcani Picayune. JAPAN HUB T0Y0 RISEN KA1SHA TO DUPLICATE PACIFIC MAIL Company Has Been Doing Prosperous Business and Paid 12 Percent Dividend Out of Reserve Funds. Tnccimu, CM. 2U. Oriental advices received bete state that two splendid uew btciiinshlpB, similar In alzo and speed to the Korea nnd Siberia, are to bo built in Japan by the Toyo Klsen Hnlsha and placed In operation tie. tween Hongkong aud San Francisco. 'An "announcement to thin effect Is mado by the Japan Herald ot Yoko- hama, which says that the Japanese line does not Intend to fall behind the l'ucltlc Mall Steamship Company In Bize and capacity ot its steamers. The company has been doing a very prosperous business In consequence of Its liberal rail and steamship connec- tions at San Francisco. That Its traf- fic has betn profitable Is shown by tho tact that a' 12 per cent dividend was declared at Its annual meting held three weeks ago. Tim mnni-- fur thn rnnAtmr.ttnn nf the new steamers will bo taken partly from the reserve funds. Tho balance w III be raited by mi Issue of debenture bonds. As the rousting trade of Japan Is well supplied with steamer lines, tho Nippon Yuscn Kalshn, operating to Seattle, has decided to extend Its lines to Korea nnd North China. Vice Pres- ident Kuto U now arranging new routes in thcte countries. m IHIVEHdl LIQUOR LICENSES FORM THE STAPLE OF BUSINESS Light Wine Changed to Liquor Retail Licenses Supperintendent Boyd Tells the Governor About Maui. Liquor licenses mado up most of thn business ut the (Inveruor'H Council tills morning, thn rest bolng the hear- ing of the Superintendent of Public. Works, .1. II. ln)d'H, account of tilti trip to Maul. J. W. Ahh wants a light wine aud beer House for a plaeii on tho road to Makawno and Witlinea valleys, Ka- uai. Ills application wuh referred to tho sheriff of Kuiiul. A. K. Sharp's application for a light wine and beer license at Walohlnu was referred to thn sherU of Hawaii. Kherlff Andrews having approved of the application of (liorge do Souza tor a retuil liquor license Instead of the light wine and beer one he has held. Treasurer Wright was tutthorUeil to grant it. C. IJadilnkt', besides wanting to nx change his light wlnu and beer llcensit tor n retail liquor license, desired In change his plai o of btisluesi from to Plllinniiu. Sheriff Andrews again npprowd under conditions m to tho plan of building, etc., and thn application was gi noted accordingly i m BOOSIiVELT AT YALH. Washington, Oil. 2 J. President HoosoH'lt will spend a day in Farm-Ingto- Conn tho summer home, of his Mrs. Cow let, heforo going to New Haven, where ln Is to liavn tho degree pf l.L. IJ. conferred upon him by Yale Unlveislty. Accompanied by Secrctnry Corteljifti, tho President will leave WuBhlngton tomorrow nftornoon. arriving In I'urmiugton on Tuesday morning. COOPER MAKES PLEA AT WASHINGTON FOR CHINESE LABOR Washington, Oct. 18. Henry E. Cooper, Territorial Secretary and for several month prior to his depart- ure for the United States Acting Governor of Hawaii, has discussed with Secretary of Agriculture Wilson the conditions In the Territory. One of the main alma of Mr. Cooper's trip here l to acquaint the Administration with the actual situation In Hawaii In his conference with Secretary Wilson he emphasized the seriousness of the labor problem. Tho natives are dying off rapidly, the mortality being In the neighborhood of forty deaths to the thousand, and foreign laborers are getting out of the country much more rapidly than they are coming In. The encouragement of Chinese labor, said he, Is regarded as the most promising solution and the Territo- rial Government It anxious that large numbers of laborers shall come In from China. The sugar cane crop, that should have been harvested at tho beginning of July, he said, Is not yet off the field and will not be harvested before next month. The coffee Industry Is languishing and many things that should be raised there have to bs bought outside the Islands. i Mr. Cooper called at the Interior Department today and finally revised his annual report, which he has sub mitted to Secretary Hitchcock. He says all experiments have shown that the Americans are not fitted for labor In the Islands and that there It nothing to do but to get fo'elgn labor. Mr. Cooper says this In no wise will affect the labor conditions In the United States, as the entrance of for- eign labor already It sufficiently guarded against here. He points out that $20,000,000 worth of machinery and similar supplies had to be bought from the United States for use In Hawll during the last year and said that Improved conditions there would advance commercial relations here. He will leave for Hawaii next Thursday. r'. fa rn M Rn r la ra rs ru M fa r rs ! im r ptj r,i mm m ha .s Pa m r fi in pj f m Pe r- -i is p.a t ?t SHOWERS IN HAIHAKUA THREE INCHES REPORTED IN SOME SECTIONS Forester Haughs on Reluming from Puna Obtained Telephonic Infor mation at Kawaibae from the District. Divld Haughs, the government for-cbt- returned In the Kluau from a llt to thu Puna forests. At Knwalhac on his return he tele ''D8 his depanoro Irom Honolulu Inr phoned to Kokainu about the rain and I Washington, thu preten.o here ot was informed that.thnXall at Kukalau ' "''. ,". Tcnitory, nasj excited cou- - bad been two and a naif inches.. It gunman BOSlUl, 0ucernin)t Hawaiian waa reported as three Inches In other DOiiticn. Although Mr. Cooper sloutly parts of the district. From the steamel denies 'that ho brexuebt with him tho Hntnakua was seen to be all overcast usignatlon of Ouvcruor Dole, ns was with clouds; so that tbo bencflrcnt reiorted to bo tbo case wheu he land rains in the drouth-smitte- n district eu Bt Krnuclsca last wock. It is might bo expected to continue. neerthelesa true that Interest In tho seueral subject of Hawaiian politic Mr. ii..i.. r...A ,i... forcsta in ccnUn that nC AGoy. Ihini to consist of a good deal of Bcruhjtrnor jjojca only known cause for with a few spots of larger growths, lucslrlng to bo released from the bur The hala or pandanus tree abounds, Ucus oi ollko would bn thu completu but It Is not regurded as very valuable, vindication secured here by his polltl-It- s leavca are used by the nntlvea in rnl enemy. Judge Abram S. Humph weaving hat and mat material. The - '" "" that fact could not haMi tho Is een known nt Honolulu when Secre-.1..- . principal habitat of hala toward kA.h lory Cooper left thero mom than two Dcarn. ago. It Is regarded ns highly All over the 1840 ln. flow tho ohla improbable that the Governor lormal ttce Is coming up by thousands. Mj has aiked to bu njllove-d- . Mr. Haughs says tho sugar cane both I At the name time It Is admitted that In Puna and Ohm looks fine. "Iuna business ot much greutur Impoitnuce plantation Is a good thing," ho says, than that of preparing Ida annual d so is Olaa." It will take sorno lort brought Mr. Cooper hero nt this months yet to complete tho Installation pf machinery In Olaa mill. PRISONERS FKCM KAUAI Tho following prisoners were broughl from Kauai In the W. (1. Hall Sunday for safekeeping, they having been committed for trial to the Clr- - cult Court: Jonnlto Rebera, burglary and larceny In tho second degree, from Wnlmta; Hcrone Rodrlgucs, burglary, from Walmca; Alfredo Carpus, lar- ceny In the degree, from Koloa; Antonio Hill, accessory, from Walmca; Ileurlques Hantanna, larceny In the jeeond degree, from Walmea; Antonio Ileyou, nrccssory, from Wnlmea. Tho s are all Porto Rlcans. News of thefts and burglaries by these pco-r- l in Wnlmea and Koloa, were pub- lished In tho Ilulletln a few days ago. iHlund Anm xei b.v imglnnd. London, Oct. 21. The llrlllsh cruls-t- r l'jlailos leports. lajs a dispatch to hn Dally Mall from Svdnoy, Ni'W South Wales, thnt she has nnnoicd Oroan Islnnd, west of the Ollhvrt The Island, which hns hitherto been a Ilrltlsh protectoralo, is rich In ptiospnatcs. CanndlunH Hurprlsc Boern Lnnijer Pretoria, Oct. 20. A force of scouts surprised n Ilocr laager near Ilalmoral. Tho Doom Heel after u short light. Tho Canadians had two killed and one officer and two men wounded. WELLS, FARGO SCO's Express On and After Norinbr 1st, the agency for WIJLLS, I'AliGO (V CO'rt IJXPKUSS will l'f In the iifhce of the UNION EXPRESS COMPANY. ISO Kind Ptrcet. TELnHONG HAIN 86. ASKED TO REMOVE DOLE TRIBUNE CORRESPONDENT ON THE LOCAL FIGHT, Secretary Cooper Called on to Present Dole Government's Defense -R- oosevelt Will Give Hearing. Washington, Oct. 1. A special lo the New York Trlbiinu says: In view ot tho circumstances attend juncture, in spite ot his assertion that ho came hciu for no otucr purposx, Copied ot Honolulu papers which were brought on the steamer that Mr. Coop- er came on recited, under sensational headlines, uu embarrassing legal trou- ble precipitated upon him thu night before be called (rum the Insular cap ital. It la suspected that this tioublii was Instigated by tho leaders nf thi opposition of the Dolu party, and that ll fairly exemplified the political tur- - ""'" uml IB ll,s ,nu wnoio nunuu tetratlon of government In tho islands. A few hours alter irctddcul Roose velt approved tho Attorney (leneral's vindication of Judge Humphreys last Thursday, tho Judge left Washington for Honolulu with tbo avowed Inten- - Hon of forvlng Governor Dole out of otllio. Judge Humphreys suceeedeil whllo here in working un consldeinhls sentiment againtt Governor Do'c, and lelt the mnnngemeut of tho light against tho Governor In capable hands. no declared that Harold M. Sewn 11. formerly of Math, Mo, unci now on ut the richest nnd most Influential citizens ot Hawaii, wuu thn enndlelats of thnt element of Republicans In Hawaii known as tho Aninriian nartv. nnd bat Mr. Snwall's candidacy to mi.i.i.i-,- inivi-iiui- r iiuio niretioy uaf enlisted iowerful lnUueui.es in its support In this country. ll is Known that the anti-Dol- e tin of thn ruso ulrendy has been then oughly presented to President lloors- - volt, and though Coooor ti.bbornly rufiise-- to dlsemi the uut lect for publication, thorn Is excellent re.u-o- n for asserting tbat no hai through Iho proper channels for to lay before th Pree-Mv- in omiila form a defence of Gov-ie- r Dole.' Meuutlmo, the a.HI-Dol- tf.npln are bringing to bear upon thu President all the InHuence nt their command for an ourly change In tho government at Honolulu. It Is not o: all likely, howovcr, that tin Presi- dent will act without hearing fully ii.' lii Ir side of thu coutrovor.iv. Up to tho preej'nt Juncture Mr. Cooper lias dlsLUShCd tho mutter only with Secrctniy Hitchcock, under whoso department tho Hawaiian Gov eminent is rondtated, though how Mr Hitchcock stands Ih not known. Alto e;other, It Is likely that tho case will stir up n pretty lively row In Wash Ington at nn curly dato. Minneapolis. Oct. 20. Commander In Chief UU Torrance of thci Grand riny of thu Republic lodny gnvo out the following anpolntments: .Tudgo advocate general. OcnornJ Henry M. Diilllluld. Dot roll I chief ot staff. Ma- - lor A. Noel Itlakoman, Mount Vernon, N. Y. IN 'S H .WEDDING OF ARTHUR WALL AND HARRIET LEWERS i To Take Place in St. Andicw's Catkc- - dral - This Evening Re- ception at Halekulani At 9:30. The of Mr. Aitlnir Freclcr (ik Wall mid Miss Harriet !.aman Uewcrs. daughter of Mr. ami Mis Itobi-r- t Letters, both of this city, will tnkii place In St. Andrew's Cathedral this otcnlng at half-pas- t S o'en'.-Itev- . AloMiuder Mackintosh will per- form tho ceremony nnd Vray Taj lor will preside at thu organ, playing mu-y,- e appriiprlutn to the Tim church will bo prettily decorated and will undoubtedly bu crowded to the doors with tho bundled of friends of the popular youifg people. After tho curemouy at thn Cathedral where for many years the groom has been a member of Lie tholr, the brl ilal party and Imlted guests will pro reed to tho homo of the hildu's par- ents nt Halekulani, walkllcl, when there will be a leceptlon from half-pas- t nine until 10 o'clock. The resi- de ncn has been beautifully decorated for this occasion nnd there Is no doubt whatever that tho place will be A pouect bower of delight tonight. Natlvo musicians have been cmplo)cd and the music thnt the. two oung puo pin nne listened to from their Hunt; cy will bo again repeated The lirlilo will of course bo given away by her father, Mr. Robert Low- ers, one ot tho pioneer business men of Honolulu Tho best nmn will he Charles Weight and thu maid of honor MIkh Helen Horcnson. rotllwlng will bo the hiidesmnlds: Miss May Da- mon, Miss Kate Paty. Miss Knthryu Wldilllleld. Miss Jennie (llfrard. Miss Irmgard Schnefer and Miss Margie Peterson. Thu following jouug men will net us ushers' Dr. A If led C. Wall, J. O Curler. Jr.. Harry l'cnliallow. Merle lohuson. Wade Armstionc and W. II llabbltt. Pnvor Cluinije In Yucht UulldlrjJ Chicago. Oct. 20, Sir Thumns Lip- - ton ileel.eie-- s himself lu favor of a change In eonstiuctluu of challengcis nnd defenders ot thu America's cup 'Tho ynchts should bo something morn than mere racing maehlnes," suld Sir Thomas. "Tin- - present yachts are not sufe. Should thu tup CMr cross to tho other side tho ihullcngor would have to be built according to Ilrltlsh Ideas of stability." Sir Thomas will leau tonight fur Now York. Hartford. Conn. Oct. !. Rear Ad mlral Francis M. lluuee. United States Nuvy (retlnd), died today nt his home hcie. Admiral Hume's death, whllu sudden, wns not entirely unexpected, as his family had been warned to ex- pect tho worst. Tolophone the K.VKNING IIIILLU-TIK- , Main 2C, If you have books to ba mado, printing tu bo done, etc., etc.. and we will call. We havo men that know their business for thut purpose. Tho dead are never sick. Conse quently, diseases may bo classified as affections of tho liver. M.P.D. The Merclraqls' Parcel Deliver) COMPANY. nclUors packhFcs to nny part of tho city for 10c up- wards. Try them. Phone blue 621. Pnckages shipped o all parts of tho United States and Kuropu. Ofllco, 1017 Ilothol St., opposite Honolulu Mnrket IIHPOitTANT DECISION ON FEDERAL BMRM Atlanta, Oa., Oct. 20. Judge W. T Newman of the United States Dlntr'c. Court has handed down nn iplnlon o Interest to the mercantile, commiiull. and the legal profession at lufj;e. 'lb Hupieme Court of tho United Slate I'Rt, decided, under n section ot Ih bankruptcy law, that a pameut n cdwd by a iredltor of a hniil.rui vlihin lour months preceding the h tng of thn petition must be sarieude iv I before the creditor shall ju allot cut to proe his claim In baulnupic, wi'tther the payment was rocii.'v knowingly or not. Another section ot the bankrupt! net authorizes a set-ot- t to a truill. who has received a preference for ti amount uf goods which nnd been soi. to the bankrupt subsequent to tbu payment If the goods entered Into and beenme a part uf tho bank- rupt estate. Tho question before Judge Newman wus as to whether such u set-ol- f would bo allowed lu thx case of a creditor whose prclcrcucp was not knowingly received. Jmlirn Nfiunmti holds thnt thn if.nff I utllllllll li, nllllUf.il ,1.1 l.ttl It, nlluoa whim the payment was Innocent! T- orched ns in cases wiiero It wns not. Judge Newman subsequently pasted an order authorizing the trustee to tuKo thu case to the Circuit Court of Appeals at New Orleans lor linluvr IT ESTATE MT J. M. MONSARRAT FINDS FACTS IN THE CASE Replication of Petitioner in Bidwell Case Claims the Will Did Not Create a Trust. J. M. Moiisnrrat has made a report us master on thu petition of John Dora- - nils Holt anil James Hnblnson Holt, and the answer thereto of Henry iiniin. trustee or the cstatu of It. w Holt, deceased. The petition was that the trustee bo directed to pay Into court J'Jlll.70, one-hal- f for each uctl tinners benefit, that being thu amount deducted Irom thu Incomo of tho es- tate by the trustee to repay advances muile by Ilruce Cartwrlgut, thu former trustee, to the petliloucrs through tueir sure ossiu guardians. The mat. tcr finds the fuels In the matter, but iiiuki-- s no leeouiinenuaiiuus. i to mas- ter sas: "I am satisfied from nn examination of tho ouchcrs thnt Mr. Cartwrlght actually mh anted lo J. I), mid J. It. Holt more than the amount of their net Income receUcd by him during the period between September 1. 1S!)J, and Juno 12. 19U0. and I so report. Iheso uihanees weru made against Interest and rents iluu and tull- e liable nt tho tlino ot transfer of tbo K W. Holt Lstute to Mr. Cartw right's successor." In tho matter of tho guardianship ot l.ei)ii isiciiois niuweli. Hatch Ac till llmnn for petltlomr file a replication, I hey quote tho entire will of John Undid llldwcll .and claim mat Its fourth clause relating i tho petition- - e. does not create a tmst but .s inein- - ly dlicctory to tne uxecutors, in the appeal or defendants lu Hu ululii liiM'stment Co, vs. Helen Row land nnd others, It Is stipulated by Gcoigu A. Davis and Roucitsoq ti Wilder for plaintiff that Helen Row- - laud and James Prosser may hau un- til December 1 to iile exceptions. A. a. cjicghorn, by his attorneys. Robertson & Wilder, flies oblectloni tn tho bill of exceptions of Knplolanl Estate' in Its suit against him on ap peal to tne Siiipiemo cjourt. Ilcforo Judge Gear tho Jury trial of John II I'stntc vs. Mela, case ot land title, was lesumed this morning. At recess tho Orpheuiu foreclosure case v.is taken up. r 1 HITS IN FEDERAL HERE'S SOMETHING ight Persons Will Be Arrested Under True Bills. URY IS EMPANELED FOR PLUMBERS' CASE rhe Court Allows Answer to Be Amended Admiralty Suit Continued for Two Ihc Grand Jury In the United States District Court presented eight Indict- ments as truo bills this morning. A the Indicted persons were not yet un- der arrest, the indictments were plac ed on the closed flln. The admiralty case of Inter-Islan- d Steam Navigation Co. vs. Schooner Dora Illuhin wus continued until Mon day, November 11. C. It, llruwn vs. T. K. Davidson and others, commonly known ns thu Plumbing Trust rose, wns called. Thomas Fitch for the plaintiff moved to strike thu answer of defendants from tho Hies, but the court ordered that the defendants could amend their uuswer by attaching an alDdatit to It. (.'. C. Hitting was entered of counsel for defendants with Magoon & Thump, son. Several Jurors having been excused. tho following were sworn Just before noon to try the case: D. H. Whitman, A. S. Prcsrolt, John I). Holt. K. II. Porter, Geo. II. Turner. II. K. Davidson, Win. J. Illekcy, J. A. Hughes. It. M. Duncan, Chns. Nntlcy Jr., II. Klemmc and Stanley Stevenson, Trial Jurors not engaged aru excused until 2 o'clock tomorrow. Dr. W. i:. Taylor received the sad news by the transport Solace of the ittatli ot his only child, the wife ot Lieutenant I'ltnnenter of tbo V. 8. Navy. .Mrs. I'anncntor leawa no chil dren. She was u niece of the late Ad- miral Irwin. JUMPBD OFF CAM. Whllo two cars with N. G. II. men from .the drill weru following a regu lar passenger car on tho way to the power hoiibo about & o clock yester day afternoon, nearly a panic was cnuMod in the regular car. Tbu ona next behind it was coming pretty fast when the regular stopped to take on or lot oft n.iHKoni-iir- at thn tilneilnn nf l.mmllln Klrniii nnd Alnnnl Htrnnts. Although the special put on brakes 'n, tho regular hud got under way again, two women Jumped off tho lat- - tcr ear In fright. One en them ap- peared to h.no lamed herself by thu 1' np. C.OLGOSZ DIUD OCT. 38. Auburn. N Y.. Oct 19. One week from Mnndn) will bu Czolgoss' last day on earth if tho present plana of .the Statu prison officials are carried 'nut Tin, ,iliin lit tn nvnrntn thn ajiiulh- - slu at break nf day on me morning or Monday, October 2ith. m The .McKlnlcy Monument. Governor Dole will advertise In the morning organ a meeting of the Mc- - 'lint will pletse the Children and Parents r J Mon War, the Chinese attorney Just Klnlcy munument committee, to take recently admitted to practice in tho place In his olllco nt 11:30 tomorrow, courts, hud his nrst rase lu the Polito At this meeting tho Governor will rt this forenoon, Ho appeared for nounin tho names of tho cxccutlvo a Chinaman. Thoacnse was continued committee ot nine left to his appoint-unt- il tomorrow. i went nt last meeting. are cral IninJiv--l school TIIKRIi In Honolulu and must of the-- will neeJ a new pair of school shoe. m, What we want Is n sell all or most of these shoes, and have m.Ue extensive preparations to tint effect We have what we believe to be the bcit line of school shoes In the country in HAMILTON unci IIP.OWN SECURITY SCHOOL KllOli 1 hey are imJe of the very best mater- ials by reliable workmen, anil they're made tu stauJ (he wear. SO BUYS A PAIR MANUFACTURERS SHOE CO., 1057 rOflT 8TIIBT. - '.' W1 4 1 Vv

THE MAN Syening Bulletin DUSTING1 - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 1. · The watir head le fill) feet above sea level. "The Lahalna courthouse needs re-pairs auil thero uro obnoxious

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Page 1: THE MAN Syening Bulletin DUSTING1 - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 1. · The watir head le fill) feet above sea level. "The Lahalna courthouse needs re-pairs auil thero uro obnoxious

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who Is a sign that goods areenters Into business Syening Bulletinwants everybody to know not moving. The BestIt. The Evening Bulletin

DUST PREVENTERfllves the advertisers thegreatest publicity.

' '"' Is a BULLETIN ad.Mlflpl using bulletin' want ads. .vHlwWv IM '

OTffmVN- K-

Voii. XI. No. 1070. HONOL17LU, TKltKlTOKY OF HAWAII, MONDAY. OOTOIJKR 8. 11101 TifTT Phiob 5 OENT8.


Courthouse and Jail atWailuku Disgrace




Visit of Superintendent Boyd and As-

sistant Campbell to Wailuku

Reservoir and Other

Public Works.

'We, saw enough to keep the PublicWorks Department buoy for the nextII e or six years."

These words prcfared a moreanswer by Marstun Campbell,

Assistant Superintendent of l'ulilloWorks, to tho question of whst Super-intendent J. II. IJoyd and himself bail

Km on their offlclul trip to M.uil. IJu

lontlnued:'There Is twelve nillrts of roiid from

Wailuku to Maalaea Ila for whichthere Is an appropriation of ?.".0')u,

when .10,000 will be needed to put ItIn proper shape. We 'hull let themliuo tho $5000 so fur lift It will ko toward putting In brldKf h and drainage,

"The water workB reservoir In bidlynuked. It won't bold water. 1h

wulls are only a foot thick to hold tenful of water. All that run he dune atpriMnt la to patch It up ami Wp Itonly half full."

Mr. Campbell wan disinclined ( talkabout the cause for such a condition otthis' new work. The reservoir winbuilt by da'8 work after the bids werefound to be away above theThere la suspicion ahom the iiuulltvof tlie cement used In Its coiihtriiLtlonWithout any need of questioning tbumile lata, however. It Is well Known thatthe Wailuku- - reservoir Ih a piece offlagrant botchwork. It was not done

. under the present public werksud- -nilnUtr.itlon.

Lahalna Is In u very badcondition," said Mr. Camphedl. "Tbuwatir supply Is bad In fact, them 1

no water supply. The people depend

on.holes dug In the Krouud for water.Tsphold and malarial fevers, with agi ncr.illy poor sanitary condition, result,

"there Is a good tuad of water atI.alialnaluna school. This Ik being;ntlllml by tho plantations nuder leasoirom tho school, which can be terminal d at any time. A Hunll proportionof this water would, however, supplytlm town of Lahalna. The watir headle fill) feet above sea level.

"The Lahalna courthouse needs re-

pairs auil thero uro obnoxious out-

houses to be removed."Tho courthouse at Wailuku Is a

to any civilized community, andthe Jail U worse. Ah for the reservoir,tlu-r- Ih only 13600 for the two yeanin.ilnte nance ot tho water works,whli.h will only leave enough tojlx afew holes. "Wo are going ahead Inpretty good shape In Honolulu, con-sidering tho lack of money. The trou-ble la wc cannot get any more materialout of the quarry at Puluma to finishKing street from Lllllia strtet to thjbridge, which Is the worst part, nor tommplctu Ucrctanla street extensionwhich would take oft the traffic whlloKing street was closed on account ott tut finishing operations.

"However, we contemplate putting ina small crushing plant in Houghtnllinglane, which will be ruther slow work.Wu cannot undertake to mauidamlze.King street quickly with tho smallO usher. It would take monti.s.

"Some changes will be made Inbridges In the Kancohe district."

What's worth doing is worth doingwell. Take your printing and develop-ing to the Honolulu Photo Supply CoIltst work at lowest prlccs.y "

Good Lots

Low Price!

Everybody knows thatCollege Hills, with Its finenlr, good views, water sup-ply, car scrvlco and goodneighborhood It! IIuucilulu'sbelt suburb.

Hut not everyone, realizesthnt College Hills lots meso much lower priced thanihosa In tho hot,district, with no Uew or carservice.

A third of anncro lot for1000 Is only 6 cents peruqnaro foot.

Easy terms, too. Consulttho Sales Agents.

McClellan, Pond & Co.AND

Castle & Lansdale.


TIM CAPE MYLondon, Oct. 21. "Mr. Kruegcr has

received a report from PresidentSrhalk Burger that the greater partot Cape Colony Is In open rebellion,"sas a dispatch to tho Dally Mallfrom Dussels, "and that tho Ilocrehave armed fifteen thousand Afrikan-ders within tho las. threa months.

Referring to the mowmenta of Pro-fessor P. de Martens, of the Univer-sity of St. Petersburg, who Is also amember of tho Uusslan Privy Coun-cil, the llrussels correspondent of thnStandard denies fhnt he has any mis-sion from the Husslan Governmentbearing upon the South African sltuatlon, and asserts that Ilocr circles InIlrusKels discredit the possibility ofHusslan Intervention.


. Ilernard Walther, the Ilelglan viollntst, with the Iloston Concert Company took his audience captive. Neverwas such a violinist heard hero before.Ho held the audience spellbound whlloho pin eel, thrilling them with hisdepth of passion nnd tenderness of hUmusic.

Today he ranks with Muan ns ono ofthe four greatest living violinists.New Orlcani Picayune.



Company Has Been Doing Prosperous

Business and Paid 12 Percent

Dividend Out of Reserve


Tnccimu, CM. 2U. Oriental advicesreceived bete state that two splendiduew btciiinshlpB, similar In alzo andspeed to the Korea nnd Siberia, are tobo built in Japan by the Toyo KlsenHnlsha and placed In operation tie.tween Hongkong aud San Francisco.'An "announcement to thin effect Ismado by the Japan Herald ot Yoko-hama, which says that the Japaneseline does not Intend to fall behind thel'ucltlc Mall Steamship Company InBize and capacity ot its steamers.

The company has been doing a veryprosperous business In consequence ofIts liberal rail and steamship connec-

tions at San Francisco. That Its traf-fic has betn profitable Is shown by thotact that a' 12 per cent dividend wasdeclared at Its annual meting heldthree weeks ago.

Tim mnni-- fur thn rnnAtmr.ttnn nfthe new steamers will bo taken partlyfrom the reserve funds. Tho balancew III be raited by mi Issue of debenturebonds.

As the rousting trade of Japan Iswell supplied with steamer lines, thoNippon Yuscn Kalshn, operating toSeattle, has decided to extend Its linesto Korea nnd North China. Vice Pres-ident Kuto U now arranging newroutes in thcte countries.




Light Wine Changed to Liquor Retail

Licenses Supperintendent Boyd

Tells the Governor About


Liquor licenses mado up most of thnbusiness ut the (Inveruor'H Counciltills morning, thn rest bolng the hear-ing of the Superintendent of Public.Works, .1. II. ln)d'H, account of tiltitrip to Maul.

J. W. Ahh wants a light wine audbeer House for a plaeii on tho roadto Makawno and Witlinea valleys, Ka-uai. Ills application wuh referred totho sheriff of Kuiiul.

A. K. Sharp's application for a lightwine and beer license at Walohlnuwas referred to thn sherU of Hawaii.

Kherlff Andrews having approved ofthe application of (liorge do Souza tora retuil liquor license Instead of thelight wine and beer one he has held.Treasurer Wright was tutthorUeil togrant it.

C. IJadilnkt', besides wanting to nxchange his light wlnu and beer llcensittor n retail liquor license, desired Inchange his plai o of btisluesi from

to Plllinniiu. Sheriff Andrewsagain npprowd under conditions mto tho plan of building, etc., and thnapplication was gi noted accordingly

i m


Washington, Oil. 2 J. PresidentHoosoH'lt will spend a day in Farm-Ingto-

Conn tho summer home, of hisMrs. Cow let, heforo going to

New Haven, where ln Is to liavn thodegree pf l.L. IJ. conferred upon himby Yale Unlveislty. Accompanied bySecrctnry Corteljifti, tho President willleave WuBhlngton tomorrow nftornoon.arriving In I'urmiugton on Tuesdaymorning.


FOR CHINESE LABORWashington, Oct. 18. Henry E. Cooper, Territorial Secretary and for several month prior to his depart-

ure for the United States Acting Governor of Hawaii, has discussed with Secretary of Agriculture Wilson theconditions In the Territory.

One of the main alma of Mr. Cooper's trip here l to acquaint the Administration with the actual situationIn Hawaii In his conference with Secretary Wilson he emphasized the seriousness of the labor problem. Thonatives are dying off rapidly, the mortality being In the neighborhood of forty deaths to the thousand, and foreignlaborers are getting out of the country much more rapidly than they are coming In.

The encouragement of Chinese labor, said he, Is regarded as the most promising solution and the Territo-rial Government It anxious that large numbers of laborers shall come In from China. The sugar cane crop, thatshould have been harvested at tho beginning of July, he said, Is not yet off the field and will not be harvestedbefore next month. The coffee Industry Is languishing and many things that should be raised there have to bsbought outside the Islands. i

Mr. Cooper called at the Interior Department today and finally revised his annual report, which he has submitted to Secretary Hitchcock.

He says all experiments have shown that the Americans are not fitted for labor In the Islands and thatthere It nothing to do but to get fo'elgn labor.

Mr. Cooper says this In no wise will affect the labor conditions In the United States, as the entrance of for-eign labor already It sufficiently guarded against here. He points out that $20,000,000 worth of machinery andsimilar supplies had to be bought from the United States for use In Hawll during the last year and said thatImproved conditions there would advance commercial relations here. He will leave for Hawaii next Thursday.r'. fa rn M Rn r la ra rs ru M fa r rs ! im r ptj r,i m m m ha .s Pa m r fi in pj f m Pe r--i is p.a t ? t




Forester Haughs on Reluming from

Puna Obtained Telephonic Infor

mation at Kawaibae from

the District.

Divld Haughs, the government for-cbt-

returned In the Kluau from allt to thu Puna forests.At Knwalhac on his return he tele ''D8 his depanoro Irom Honolulu Inr

phoned to Kokainu about the rain and I Washington, thu preten.o here otwas informed that.thnXall at Kukalau ' "''.,". Tcnitory, nasj excited cou- -bad been two and a naif inches.. It gunman BOSlUl, 0ucernin)t Hawaiianwaa reported as three Inches In other DOiiticn. Although Mr. Cooper sloutlyparts of the district. From the steamel denies 'that ho brexuebt with him thoHntnakua was seen to be all overcast usignatlon of Ouvcruor Dole, ns waswith clouds; so that tbo bencflrcnt reiorted to bo tbo case wheu he landrains in the drouth-smitte- n district eu Bt Krnuclsca last wock. It ismight bo expected to continue. neerthelesa true that Interest In tho

seueral subject of Hawaiian politicMr. ii..i.. r...A ,i... forcsta inccnUn that nC AGoy.

Ihini to consist of a good deal of Bcruhjtrnor jjojca only known cause forwith a few spots of larger growths, lucslrlng to bo released from the burThe hala or pandanus tree abounds, Ucus oi ollko would bn thu completubut It Is not regurded as very valuable, vindication secured here by his polltl-It- s

leavca are used by the nntlvea in rnl enemy. Judge Abram S. Humphweaving hat and mat material. The - '" "" that fact could not haMi

tho Is een known nt Honolulu when Secre-.1..- .principal habitat of hala towardkA.h lory Cooper left thero mom than twoDcarn. ago. It Is regarded ns highly

All over the 1840 ln. flow tho ohla improbable that the Governor lormalttce Is coming up by thousands. Mj has aiked to bu njllove-d- .

Mr. Haughs says tho sugar cane both I At the name time It Is admitted thatIn Puna and Ohm looks fine. "Iuna business ot much greutur Impoitnuceplantation Is a good thing," ho says, than that of preparing Ida annual d

so is Olaa." It will take sorno lort brought Mr. Cooper hero nt thismonths yet to complete tho Installationpf machinery In Olaa mill.


Tho following prisoners werebroughl from Kauai In the W. (1. HallSunday for safekeeping, they havingbeen committed for trial to the Clr- -cult Court: Jonnlto Rebera, burglaryand larceny In tho second degree, fromWnlmta; Hcrone Rodrlgucs, burglary,from Walmca; Alfredo Carpus, lar-ceny In the degree, from Koloa;Antonio Hill, accessory, from Walmca;Ileurlques Hantanna, larceny In thejeeond degree, from Walmea; AntonioIleyou, nrccssory, from Wnlmea. Tho

s are all Porto Rlcans. Newsof thefts and burglaries by these pco-r- l

in Wnlmea and Koloa, were pub-lished In tho Ilulletln a few days ago.

iHlund Anm xei b.v imglnnd.London, Oct. 21. The llrlllsh cruls-t- r

l'jlailos leports. lajs a dispatch tohn Dally Mall from Svdnoy, Ni'W

South Wales, thnt she has nnnoicdOroan Islnnd, west of the Ollhvrt

The Island, which hns hithertobeen a Ilrltlsh protectoralo, is rich Inptiospnatcs.

CanndlunH Hurprlsc Boern LnnijerPretoria, Oct. 20. A force of

scouts surprised n Ilocr laagernear Ilalmoral. Tho Doom Heel afteru short light. Tho Canadians had twokilled and one officer and two menwounded.


ExpressOn and After Norinbr 1st,the agency for WIJLLS,I'AliGO (V CO'rt IJXPKUSSwill l'f In the iifhce of the


ISO Kind Ptrcet.TELnHONG HAIN 86.




Secretary Cooper Called on to Present

Dole Government's Defense

-R- oosevelt Will Give


Washington, Oct. 1. A special lothe New York Trlbiinu says:

In view ot tho circumstances attend

juncture, in spite ot his assertion thatho came hciu for no otucr purposx,Copied ot Honolulu papers which werebrought on the steamer that Mr. Coop-er came on recited, under sensationalheadlines, uu embarrassing legal trou-ble precipitated upon him thu nightbefore be called (rum the Insular capital. It la suspected that this tioubliiwas Instigated by tho leaders nf thiopposition of the Dolu party, and thatll fairly exemplified the political tur- -

""'" uml IB ll,s ,nu wnoio nunuutetratlon of government In tho islands.

A few hours alter irctddcul Roosevelt approved tho Attorney (leneral'svindication of Judge Humphreys lastThursday, tho Judge left Washingtonfor Honolulu with tbo avowed Inten- -

Hon of forvlng Governor Dole out ofotllio. Judge Humphreys suceeedeilwhllo here in working un consldeinhlssentiment againtt Governor Do'c, andlelt the mnnngemeut of tho lightagainst tho Governor In capable hands.no declared that Harold M. Sewn 11.

formerly of Math, Mo, unci now onut the richest nnd most Influentialcitizens ot Hawaii, wuu thn enndlelatsof thnt element of Republicans InHawaii known as tho Aninriian nartv.nnd bat Mr. Snwall's candidacy tomi.i.i.i-,- inivi-iiui- r iiuio niretioy uafenlisted iowerful lnUueui.es in itssupport In this country.

ll is Known that the anti-Dol- e tinof thn ruso ulrendy has been thenoughly presented to President lloors- -volt, and though Coooorti.bbornly rufiise-- to dlsemi the uutlect for publication, thorn Is excellentre.u-o- n for asserting tbat no hai

through Iho proper channels forto lay before th Pree-Mv-

in omiila form a defence of Gov-ie- r

Dole.' Meuutlmo, the a.HI-Dol-

tf.npln are bringing to bear upon thuPresident all the InHuence nt theircommand for an ourly change In thogovernment at Honolulu. It Is noto: all likely, howovcr, that tin Presi-dent will act without hearing fully ii.'lii Ir side of thu coutrovor.iv.

Up to tho preej'nt Juncture Mr.Cooper lias dlsLUShCd tho mutter onlywith Secrctniy Hitchcock, underwhoso department tho Hawaiian Goveminent is rondtated, though how MrHitchcock stands Ih not known. Altoe;other, It Is likely that tho case willstir up n pretty lively row In WashIngton at nn curly dato.

Minneapolis. Oct. 20. CommanderIn Chief UU Torrance of thci Grand

riny of thu Republic lodny gnvo outthe following anpolntments: .Tudgoadvocate general. OcnornJ Henry M.Diilllluld. Dot roll I chief ot staff. Ma- -

lor A. Noel Itlakoman, Mount Vernon,N. Y.



To Take Place in St. Andicw's Catkc- -

dral - This Evening Re-

ception at Halekulani

At 9:30.

The of Mr. Aitlnir Freclcr(ik Wall mid Miss Harriet !.amanUewcrs. daughter of Mr. ami MisItobi-r- t Letters, both of this city, willtnkii place In St. Andrew's Cathedralthis otcnlng at half-pas- t S o'en'.-Itev-.

AloMiuder Mackintosh will per-form tho ceremony nnd Vray Taj lorwill preside at thu organ, playing mu-y,- e

appriiprlutn to the Timchurch will bo prettily decorated andwill undoubtedly bu crowded to thedoors with tho bundled of friends ofthe popular youifg people.

After tho curemouy at thn Cathedralwhere for many years the groom hasbeen a member of Lie tholr, the brlilal party and Imlted guests will proreed to tho homo of the hildu's par-ents nt Halekulani, walkllcl, whenthere will be a leceptlon from half-pas- t

nine until 10 o'clock. The resi-de ncn has been beautifully decoratedfor this occasion nnd there Is nodoubt whatever that tho place will beA pouect bower of delight tonight.Natlvo musicians have been cmplo)cdand the music thnt the. two oung puopin nne listened to from their Hunt;cy will bo again repeated

The lirlilo will of course bo givenaway by her father, Mr. Robert Low-

ers, one ot tho pioneer business menof Honolulu Tho best nmn will heCharles Weight and thu maid of honorMIkh Helen Horcnson. rotllwlng willbo the hiidesmnlds: Miss May Da-mon, Miss Kate Paty. Miss KnthryuWldilllleld. Miss Jennie (llfrard. MissIrmgard Schnefer and Miss MargiePeterson. Thu following jouug menwill net us ushers' Dr. A If led C. Wall,J. O Curler. Jr.. Harry l'cnliallow.Merle lohuson. Wade Armstionc andW. II llabbltt.

Pnvor Cluinije In Yucht UulldlrjJChicago. Oct. 20, Sir Thumns Lip- -

ton ileel.eie-- s himself lu favor of achange In eonstiuctluu of challengcisnnd defenders ot thu America's cup'Tho ynchts should bo somethingmorn than mere racing maehlnes,"suld Sir Thomas. "Tin- - present yachtsare not sufe. Should thu tup CMrcross to tho other side tho ihullcngorwould have to be built according toIlrltlsh Ideas of stability."

Sir Thomas will leau tonight furNow York.

Hartford. Conn. Oct. !. Rear Admlral Francis M. lluuee. United StatesNuvy (retlnd), died today nt his homehcie. Admiral Hume's death, whllusudden, wns not entirely unexpected,as his family had been warned to ex-

pect tho worst.

Tolophone the K.VKNING IIIILLU-TIK- ,

Main 2C, If you have books to bamado, printing tu bo done, etc., etc..and we will call. We havo men thatknow their business for thut purpose.

Tho dead are never sick. Consequently, diseases may bo classified asaffections of tho liver.

M.P.D.The Merclraqls' Parcel Deliver)


nclUors packhFcs to nnypart of tho city for 10c up-

wards.Try them. Phone blue 621.

Pnckages shipped oall parts of tho UnitedStates and Kuropu.

Ofllco, 1017 Ilothol St.,opposite Honolulu Mnrket


FEDERAL BMRMAtlanta, Oa., Oct. 20. Judge W. T

Newman of the United States Dlntr'c.Court has handed down nn iplnlon oInterest to the mercantile, commiiull.and the legal profession at lufj;e. 'lbHupieme Court of tho United SlateI'Rt, decided, under n section ot Ihbankruptcy law, that a pameut ncdwd by a iredltor of a hniil.ruivlihin lour months preceding the htng of thn petition must be sarieudeiv I before the creditor shall ju allotcut to proe his claim In baulnupic,wi'tther the payment was rocii.'vknowingly or not.

Another section ot the bankrupt!net authorizes a set-ot- t to a truill.who has received a preference for tiamount uf goods which nnd been soi.to the bankrupt subsequent to tbupayment If the goods enteredInto and beenme a part uf tho bank-rupt estate. Tho question beforeJudge Newman wus as to whethersuch u set-ol- f would bo allowed lu thxcase of a creditor whose prclcrcucpwas not knowingly received.

Jmlirn Nfiunmti holds thnt thn if.nffI utllllllll li, nllllUf.il ,1.1 l.ttl It, nlluoawhim the payment was Innocent! T-orched ns in cases wiiero It wns not.Judge Newman subsequently pastedan order authorizing the trustee totuKo thu case to the Circuit Court ofAppeals at New Orleans lor linluvr



Replication of Petitioner in Bidwell

Case Claims the Will Did

Not Create a


J. M. Moiisnrrat has made a reportus master on thu petition of John Dora- -

nils Holt anil James Hnblnson Holt,and the answer thereto of Henryiiniin. trustee or the cstatu of It. wHolt, deceased. The petition was thatthe trustee bo directed to pay Intocourt J'Jlll.70, one-hal- f for each uctltinners benefit, that being thu amountdeducted Irom thu Incomo of tho es-tate by the trustee to repay advancesmuile by Ilruce Cartwrlgut, thu formertrustee, to the petliloucrs throughtueir sure ossiu guardians. The mat.tcr finds the fuels In the matter, butiiiuki-- s no leeouiinenuaiiuus. i to mas-ter sas:

"I am satisfied from nn examinationof tho ouchcrs thnt Mr. Cartwrlghtactually mh anted lo J. I), mid J. It.Holt more than the amountof their net Income receUcd by himduring the period between September1. 1S!)J, and Juno 12. 19U0. and I soreport. Iheso uihanees weru madeagainst Interest and rents iluu and tull-e liable nt tho tlino ot transfer of tboK W. Holt Lstute to Mr. Cartw right'ssuccessor."

In tho matter of tho guardianship otl.ei)ii isiciiois niuweli. Hatch Ac tillllmnn for petltlomr file a replication,I hey quote tho entire will of JohnUndid llldwcll .and claim mat Itsfourth clause relating i tho petition- -

e. does not create a tmst but .s inein- -

ly dlicctory to tne uxecutors,in the appeal or defendants lu Hu

ululii liiM'stment Co, vs. Helen Rowland nnd others, It Is stipulated byGcoigu A. Davis and Roucitsoq tiWilder for plaintiff that Helen Row- -

laud and James Prosser may hau un-til December 1 to iile exceptions.

A. a. cjicghorn, by his attorneys.Robertson & Wilder, flies oblectlonitn tho bill of exceptions of KnplolanlEstate' in Its suit against him on appeal to tne Siiipiemo cjourt.

Ilcforo Judge Gear tho Jury trial ofJohn II I'stntc vs. Mela, case ot landtitle, was lesumed this morning. Atrecess tho Orpheuiu foreclosure casev.is taken up.






ight Persons Will Be

Arrested Under

True Bills.



rhe Court Allows Answer to Be

Amended Admiralty Suit

Continued for Two

Ihc Grand Jury In the United StatesDistrict Court presented eight Indict-ments as truo bills this morning. Athe Indicted persons were not yet un-

der arrest, the indictments were placed on the closed flln.

The admiralty case of Inter-Islan- d

Steam Navigation Co. vs. SchoonerDora Illuhin wus continued until Monday, November 11.

C. It, llruwn vs. T. K. Davidson andothers, commonly known ns thuPlumbing Trust rose, wns called.Thomas Fitch for the plaintiff movedto strike thu answer of defendantsfrom tho Hies, but the court orderedthat the defendants could amend theiruuswer by attaching an alDdatit to It.

(.'. C. Hitting was entered of counselfor defendants with Magoon & Thump,son.

Several Jurors having been excused.tho following were sworn Just beforenoon to try the case:

D. H. Whitman, A. S. Prcsrolt, JohnI). Holt. K. II. Porter, Geo. II. Turner.II. K. Davidson, Win. J. Illekcy, J. A.Hughes. It. M. Duncan, Chns. NntlcyJr., II. Klemmc and Stanley Stevenson,

Trial Jurors not engaged aru excuseduntil 2 o'clock tomorrow.

Dr. W. i:. Taylor received the sadnews by the transport Solace of theittatli ot his only child, the wife otLieutenant I'ltnnenter of tbo V. 8.Navy. .Mrs. I'anncntor leawa no children. She was u niece of the late Ad-

miral Irwin.


Whllo two cars with N. G. II. menfrom .the drill weru following a regular passenger car on tho way to thepower hoiibo about & o clock yesterday afternoon, nearly a panic wascnuMod in the regular car. Tbu onanext behind it was coming pretty fastwhen the regular stopped to take onor lot oft n.iHKoni-iir- at thn tilneilnnnf l.mmllln Klrniii nnd Alnnnl Htrnnts.Although the special put on brakes

'n, tho regular hud got under wayagain, two women Jumped off tho lat- -

tcr ear In fright. One en them ap-peared to h.no lamed herself by thu1' np.

C.OLGOSZ DIUD OCT. 38.Auburn. N Y.. Oct 19. One week

from Mnndn) will bu Czolgoss' lastday on earth if tho present plana of

.the Statu prison officials are carried'nut Tin, ,iliin lit tn nvnrntn thn ajiiulh- -

slu at break nf day on me morningor Monday, October 2ith.


The .McKlnlcy Monument.Governor Dole will advertise In the

morning organ a meeting of the Mc- -

'lint will pletse theChildren and Parents



Mon War, the Chinese attorney Just Klnlcy munument committee, to takerecently admitted to practice in tho place In his olllco nt 11:30 tomorrow,courts, hud his nrst rase lu the Polito At this meeting tho Governor will rt

this forenoon, Ho appeared for nounin tho names of tho cxccutlvoa Chinaman. Thoacnse was continued committee ot nine left to his appoint-unt- il

tomorrow. i went nt last meeting.

are cral IninJiv--l schoolTIIKRIi In Honolulu and must

of the-- will neeJ a new pairof school shoe. m,

What we want Is n sell all or mostof these shoes, and have m.Ue extensivepreparations to tint effect We havewhat we believe to be the bcit line ofschool shoes In the country in


1 hey are imJe of the very best mater-ials by reliable workmen, anil they'remade tu stauJ (he wear.



1057 rOflT 8TIIBT.






Page 2: THE MAN Syening Bulletin DUSTING1 - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 1. · The watir head le fill) feet above sea level. "The Lahalna courthouse needs re-pairs auil thero uro obnoxious

l (

Sanitary Steam LaundryCOMPANY, LTD.

Great Reduction in Prices

having made large additions to our machinery, we arenow able to launder

spreads, sheets, pillowslips,

table cloths, - table napkins,

and towels ::::::::at the rate of 25 cents per dozen, cash, satis-

factory work and prompt delivery guaranteed, no fear of

clothing being lost from strikes, we invite Inspection of our

laundry and methods at any time during business hours.

Ring Up Main 73and our wagons will call for your work.

Hawaiian Engineering and Construction Go.


All elassea of Engineering Work solicited; Examinations, Surveys and Re-

ports made, for any class ot Waterworks, Steam and Electric Construction;Plans and Specifications and Estimates Prepared, and Construction Superin-tended, In all branches of Engineering Work; Contracts solicited for Rail-road-

Electric and Steam; Tunnels, Bridges, Uulldlngs, Highways, Founda-

tions. Piers, Wharves, etc.Special attention ghtn to Examinations, Valuations, and Report o

Properties for Investment purposes.FREDERICK J. AMWCO. M. AM. Soc C. B..

Engineer and Manager.

W. R. CASTLE JR.. Secretory and Treasurer.

Something For You !Ever) body likes good things to cat and It's our business to sell them.

Wo havo Just opened n flnu assortment of tookles and biscuits, Includinghdi) of tho following kinds:

Fig Bar Ginger CakesRalton Cake Coeoanut CakesCreole Snow FlakeGraham Wafer Dainty ChipHoney Cake Orange Cookie, Etc.Spiced Nuts

C. J. DAY & CO.King street, near Fort.



MONDAYjenBu tsjBojj 3- -






All visiting members of the or-

der ore cordially Invited to attendmeetings ot local lodges.

Fraternal Directory.


MeoU overy Monday evening at 7:30la Harmony Hall, King street.

C. CHARLOCK. N. O.K. R. HENDRY, Secretary.

All visiting brothers very cordiallyInvited.


Meets every Tuesday evening at "!30o'clock in Harmony Hall. King street.VUiung brothers cordially Invited (oAttend.

H. J. aALLAClIlER, C. C.A. K. MUhi'HY. K. It. S.

OAHU LODGE, NO. 1, K. ot P.

Meets overy Friday evening at liarmony Hall, King street, at 7:30. Mem-

bers of Mystic Lodge, No. 2, and visit-

ing brothers cordially Imltcd.O. EHICdON. O. 0.ALrilED AnENDT,

K. of IL and S.

Professional Cards.

Miniatures on Porcelain,Photographic Coloring.


Telephone Main 259.Studio, King Bros., Hotel St.


will receive a limited number of pupilsfor


Term commencing on and after25th.

"MIGNON,"1024 Ucrotanla St.

Madame A. Schoellkopf,FROM PARIS.


In classes or private lessons.Residence Extension of Hotel St,

opp. Adventlst Church.


Bergstrom Music Company

Telephone 321.


Six large lots on the corner of Wil-

der inniiio and Alexander strut.Electric cars pass the door.

Opposite the Oahu College, grounds,

Prices ranging from $S0O to $L'000.

Tonus, h cash and three-fourths on mortgage, or in monthlypaments.

TO RENT Ten-roo- boune, withlargo grounds, on Pauoa road; $30.

Applpy to

Castle & LansdaleReal Estate and Investments.


Got a Cold ?


Tiikcn twice n day with yourmeattt, you will be nil rightagain within n week.


put up by M. U. Pouter &

Sonn, !h the bent to be hnd,nntl no wonder, for It Ih SUP-


The Pioneer Wineund LiquorHolme.

Hoffschlaeger Co.Ltd., are Hole uentM for it.

King St., near Bethel


tMv iHiBKimmkMm&srir&r?m

Kent IiiHiiruncc In the World.






Furniture. Sco For Salo column.Shirt waists at Whitney & Marsh.

Ltd.ltcv. O, I'. Rmcrson Is back from

Kauai.Miss M. C. Hyde returned In the Kl

nnu Saturday.A girl Is wnntcd for toia, fountain.

See Want column on page 8.

Just tccclvcd a largo, ceslgnmeut ofPantheon 0. V. 8. Try It.

Hold watch cham with diamond rat-ting lost. Sec (ipeclfled ads.

Geo, HafTncr, the Jeweler, has re-

moved to No. 1113, Masonic Temple.Harmony Lodge, No. 3, 1. O. 0. V.,

meets tonight at 7:30 In Hnrmony Hull.Nicely (urnlGhcd rooms.. Popular

House, 1249 Fort St.. $1,110 per week up.

Stop nt Mrs. Hanna's now millinerytore on Fort street near Chaplain

lane.Deputy Sheriff W. H. Wee. Jr.. of

Kauai, arrlu-- In the W, a. Hall Sunday.

The office of the riSEHLKSS Pltn- -8EUV1NCJ PAINT CO. Is 17 FortKroet.

Notice of change In passenger ratesof Wilder' 8. S. Co. published In thisIssue.

Ulank bonks of all sorts, ledgers, etc.manufactured by tho Ilullctln Publish-In- g

Co.furnished rooms ore for rent nt 1100

Punchbonl street. See To Let columnon page S.

Wednckdny, Oit. 30 .Ins. 1 Morganv. Ill sell furniture, etc. nt the residenceof II. i:. Walty.

Kine lnestment, netting the pur- -dinner 12 per tent per annum Is offeredby J u dd & Co.

There w 111 bo a IlRllowo'en dance atProgress Hall Thursday, Oct. 31. Ghontdance at 12 o'tlock.

Tho weekly edition of the EveningIlullctln gives a complete summary ofthe news of the day.

Mrs. Helen Thajer, molhcr of WndoWarren Thayer, will ho hero In the Sonoma to spend tho winter with her son.

Ilenl's are getting n scoop on thwall paper buslnchs on account of thohigh grade they carry nnd the lowprices.

I)a Id I.iw r nee ACo , Ltd., are nowhaving their tlrst annual clearance saleand are selling good cigars for littlemoney.

Superintendent of Public Works J.II. Iloyd and Marston C.impbell returned from a flying trip to Muui Inthe Claudlne Sunday.

Kor thirty days, corns cxtnittcd fortwentj-flv- c rents. Dr. llogle, Arling-ton block. Hotel Mrcct. Uutsldtt tallpromptly attended to.

Uev. II. L. Howe nddreKseil the regit-- 1

lar 4 o'clock met tine In the Y. M. C. A.Sunday. Ills subject was, "As a ManThlnketh." The attendance was good.

On Friday next, Nov. 1st, two notn-bl- e

events occur nt 11. V. Thiers & CoA gigantic remnant Nile and a big re-

duction sale of embroideries andtrimmings.

The Sah nt Ion Army workers whownt to Kauai a short time ago for atour of the island, returned In the W.O. Hall Sunday. They lepoit a

trip.Mrs. II. II. Williams, who has been

residing on Port street has moed andIs now occupying the cottage formerlyoccupied by Dr. J. S. Mctlrcw on Illch-ar-

strtet corner Ucretanla.Jnred Smith, special ngent of tne

Federal Department of Agriculture, hasremenrd his headquarters from thnCapitol basement tn tho KxperlmentStation hack nt Punchbowl.

Commissioner Wray T.ilor will for-ward by the outgoing mall an ordir foreight hundred pounds of Ilurhank seedpotatoes TI1I3 Is to supplant the dc- -

gentratu potato seed of these Islands.The next Art League "at homo" will

be held Saturday afternoon, Novem-ber 2, at 3 o'clock. The principal fea-ture of the en terrain mint will bo atalk by Miss Lucy Adams on "George.Meredith."

Among the arrivals from Hllo anaway ports In tho Klnau Saturday werethe following: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Al-

len. David I laughs, P. Peck, Mrs. U.II. Held, II. K. Dr. Atherton,Mrs. Carter and 3 children.

Those wishing reliable horses, ex-perienced drivers, new'rlgs, fair pricesand courteous treatment should call attho Territory Stables. Their telephonenumber is Main 35. They deliver nndcall for rigs flee of charge.

Mr. nnd Mrs. W. 0. Slnglehurt, withtheir two children, returned In thoAnrungl from a visit of six months toOld Kngland, which they greatly en-J- o

eel. Mr. Slnglehurst tomes backwith dlstlnrtly enlarged phsliuu andmot robubt appearance.

A Mother (loose lawn party will begiven by tho ladles ot St. Andrew's(JlllUl on Nov. Utli, between the hoursof 2 and 6 p. m., nt Ir, Midiew's placebetween Ilaekfeld nnd Knpiolantstreets. Kxtenslvu perparatinns urcbeing made to make the affair a signalsuccebs.

Among the p.tsbengers from Maulports In the Claudlne Sunday were thufollowing: II. It. Merit. W. P. Whitley.Mis. J. V. Ixirenzon, Mrs. W. O. SmithMiss Kllen Holt, T, P. Sedgwick. II. K.Murray, W. I). IJaldwIn, itev. J. E. l.

M. II, Iteuter, Judgu and 'Mrs. A.N. Kepolkui and Mrs. W. It Wilkinson.

Two cnndldates only appeared beforeA. II. Ingnlls lit the Custom House forexamination Saturday as to theirqualifications for filling thu positionsof stenographer In llitrln Ham's ser-vice The men are William Duubnrand Alcxnmltr CedarlofT, tho latter uprivate In the Coast Artillery, now sta-tioned at Camp McKlnley.

The benefit ball of the Trades nndLabor unions at thu drill shed Saturdayevening did not turn out to bo muchof a success. There was an Impiesslonabroad that, on account of thu shnmbattle of tho N. O. II. and tho conso-quc-

assembling of tho companies Inthe ill 111 shed on the night set for theball, the event hail bten postponed n'seek. This, It Is alleged was the causent the small attendance.


Walluhu. Oct. 20. Tho MorningStatu will have another tussel withtho Maul Athlotlc Club at Wells Parktomorrow afternoon. Anotner closegame Is expected. Theic Is great n

for supremacy anion tho rlv-a-ltluliH. and tho M. A. C.'h will put

forward a very strong team, and ifthey fall to wrench the honors awayfrom the "Kids," they will, must llkolymeekly retlro from the field, nt leastfor one season. Young Jaikuou willpitch for tho Stars, whlla (leoiga Cum.tnlngs and It. Parker, Jr., of Honoluluwill alternate at tho box to defind thohonors for tho Association.

Maul Athletic Association Oeo. If.Cummlngs, c; Chas. Dalley, p.; V. II.Cornuell, lb.; It. Parker, 2h.; Chas.Thompson, 3b.; Willie Hall h.s.; I.. R.Crook, r.f.; Dr. W. It. Iloote, ef., S.Kelllnol, r.f.; '.. Waliaiun, sub.

Morning Stars Pahla, c: A. Jackson, p.; T. L. Pkkard, lb.; J. (larcla.2b. A. Oarcia, 3b.; Palapala, s.s,;Henry Mejers, r.f.; Nlrhols, r.r.; TomKrtieger, I.f.; Jou Itoss, sub.


There were two good games of baseball on the Maklkl groundsSaturday afternoon. In tho first, theHall boys went down In defeat beforethe Capitols, and, In tho second, thePolite succumbed to the Custom House

Isluggers. Following wnu thu plajersand their positions

Customs. Polite.Catcher.

Gorman IeslloPitcher.

Clark JoyFirst llase.

Stanton ChllllngworthSecond IJnbc.

Now ell Duncan' Third llase.

Pston AkauShirt Stop.

Wilder II. MossmiinRight Field.

Tucker V. MnssmanCenter Field.

Iluwt'ts Dm !lUft Field.

Guy KanauScore by Innings- -

1 2 3 I 5 '. 7 & 9Customs 0 0 2 4 0 3 0 0 09Polieo 0 12 0 0 110 00

Tim Capitol nnd Hall teams plaedas lullows

Capitol. Hall,Catcher.

S. Mabelona WIllkoMPitcher.

C. Kaunol KlwaKlrst Dane.

W. Ahln K. Pari..Second llnsu.

Vanatta MnrcnllluciThird llase.

A. Lewis Kuulbuilt Stop.

Williams MnuuRight Held.

9. Chllllngworth PrimCenter Hold.

J. Ajlott KohllA.lt Pleld.

alw ... IlnnsninnSmle u' Innings

1 2 3 4 S C 7 8 !

Capitols 1 0 0 0 0 .'! 0 1 li S

K. O. Halls .'...0 0 2 1 I' U 0 0 03The standing of the.teams is now

Us follows;Tct.

Won.Lost.Won.Cilhtom Hnusn fj 0 100Hall & Bon 2 3 40Capitol 2 3 40Police 1 4 20


The First lebrw Congregation olHonolulu was formally organized at amelting of some thirty of the Jewishlesldents of the city In Progress HallSunday afternoon. The tonstltutlunnnd were read and adopted andIt was decided to make Immediate ap-

plication for corporation papers. S.Kin llch presided and L. Mathews actedas secretary.

The new society was formed forregular worship and for the fmtherpurpose of acquiring ground for A

cemetery, this to be maintained bytho society. Charitable woik will nlsobe done. For a time, the meetings willbe held In Progress Hall. Tho nextmeeting will be held on Sunday at the)rrgular time.

The election of officers at the meet-ing yesterday resulted as follows:President S. Khrllch. of the Pacific rt

Co.; vice president, Krcd Btern:treasurer, Kll Peck, of the Peck Dray-in- g

Co.; secretary, J, Harmon lA:, ofthe New York Hook Supply Co.



An alarm of lire was turned In fromthe Occidental Hotel bhortly after 12midnight, fire having been discoveredin (he grocery store of Wing Lung, outhe corner of Klug ra streets,opposite, Caniarlnos' fruit store. Asusual, the lire department wh quick torespond. The Hie broke out In u lowroom, scarcely four feet lu height, justover the grocery, this place being usedin 11 bedroom for (he Chinese employee.Ibe tiro wns quickly extinguished. ItIs not thought thnt (hero was muchmorn than $IM worth of damage done.It Is not knon how the flio started.


New York, Oct. 18. The representlithe nt b'aiiuiluiv, of tho Journal andAdvertiser, cables that paper as follews:

"It Is learned thnt Minn. Ilakhmtlew,wife of the Husslnn diplomatic, agentst Bulla, formerly Miss Ileal of Washlngton, has begun nnergetlc work onbehalf of Miss Stnue, nnd tho strong(tttltiidu taken by the flerman dlplonmtle agent because of thu murder ofa flermnn traveller may hasten tho au-thorities to bring nbout Miss Stono'gulease.

"Thu Unitarian iiiithniltleH amworking hnnl to protnt tho ransomfrom being paid cm llulgnrlan soil.Hence Dr. Ilai.l.cll Is lll.ely to get an-

other letter requesting payment of theinnsoni on Tuiklsti territory."

nt.;pHOIl.S'mt At Kuk.ilnii. Hawaii, O-

ctober la. lllfll, ut f.,.10 p. m., HubertJr. eldest sou of Mr. and Mis. Rob-o- it

IJornir. Age, 3 .uais, 10 month'sund S il:i)B.

Design your own ledgers, ensbbooks, etc. If you aro undecided, wowill belli von. That Is In our 1I110 nndtun I'll'ClS 18 KUHIT, at tho i:TN-I.N'-


Baby Brand'CondensedMilk

The Very Best Milkfor Babies. 1 1 t t

Prepared especiallyfor Babies, till

In 1 word, the "Biby Brand" Conden-

sed M ik Is "Best for Babies" because :

It li a perfect food, making chlldred stoutand strong.

It s put up In sterilized glass Jars, hermetkally sealed.

It Is also the most economical Infants'food n the world.

Its purity and richness Is unexcelled.

The WashingtonMercantileCo., - Ltd.





30 pec cent below lint price.


PLATES, ETC,frcHh by everyHtcnmer. I 1 s

Our motto Is "Not How Chenp,But How Good."

Developing and

Printing Care

fully Executed.



Kahikinui MeatFROM MAUI

fresh every day.For Siile lit the t 1 t

FISH MARKET, Stalls 19 and 20AMI AT

Butcher Shop, Cor. Ber. & Alakea

C. Q. YeeHop & Co.IftU-- ll pBOPwinops.

For Sale.FirebrickPireclayMammoth Rockcrn

iPPLi' TO....C. BREWER & CO., Ltd,


A. Harrison Mill Co., Ltd.


Tel. White 1:21. P. O. Box 552

Sawing, Planing, Turning andMill Work In all Its branches.Lumber - Kiln - Dryinga specialty, and In large or smallquintltles.


m.M. Has tho Ilcst Assortment ofPACIFIC ISLAND CURIOSIn tho City.




Plut Jul otloutrt fumlslKJ lor ill iIiikiLontMctlnc woili.


Honolulu Iron Works.

Improved and modern SUOAIt MA-

CHINERY of overy capacity and de-

scription made to ordar. Boiler workand RIVETr.n I'll'KS for Irrigationpurpo"s a specialty. Particular attertlon paid to JOU WORK, and repair"xeeiited at shortest notice

New Map of Oohu.Compl'eJ from ftowfirrnt Surveys n4 Charts,Mm ot ur Clint ilium, Rjlltviivk, ni OtherRr'tibtt Sourrm. THB map is iSxu incheswlih artUtlc entering an4 nat mountings, mik-ing a very useful at wll n nrn4innal will mapTHE PttlCB OF THB MAP IS $10 00, Ccplet canba otlalntd from

JAS. T. TAYUW,P. O. Dox too V- - JnJ4 HulUinr. Hnniulut T, II


all nationsEXCEPT CARHIR

drinkprimo beef

A pure brew ot malt anil liopH. Cnll at brewerynnd hcc how It In mndc.

Motor, Carriage Co.


machinerySafe Work of all IcinuS. Typewriter,Phonographs, lire, lite,

UNION STREET, NEAR HOTEL.Phone Blue 721. P.O. Box 112.

J. V. SCHOENINO, Alannjrer.


I l ".J LT.JN THI$

v v





W. Proprietor.



Is onl ono nnd thnt Is the In-


reudy for use a solt,hrlllhint nnd llRht. Docs notsmoKo or smell.

Adds the touch to ahome.

Not expensive at manycosts little more than kerosene.

us ulvo you nn estimate on)ou will And 0uies fur helow whnt you


& Co., Ltd.

Arrived per Bktne. "Planter."


Etc., Etc.Arrived per bark "Albert"22,000 bags of flour and

lots of other feedFor suleat market prices by


cannot b- - taken in netting good drinkingWater that is free from all germs and impurities.

OUR HEALTH depends upon it.

PASTFIJR FII TFPS ar0 lmwn a11 over 't0 bu the bebt mad(.

and there is no elmient of chance vhn you are using it We arealways pleased to talk to you of its merits at our office at 815 Fort St.

A. R. HANCOCK & CoSole AtjcntH fop Hnwiillun InltindK.

SHREVE & CO., San Francisco,To facilitate trade with the Hawaiian Islands, will deliver all goods

purchased or ordered of them, free of all charges for transportation toHonolulu, or returning same to San Goods will be sent onielec!jn to those known to the firm, or uj will furnish satisfactoryreferences In San Francisco.

Jewelers. Gold and Silverware Manufacturers,Market Cr Post 6ts., 8. P.

Illustrated CATALOGUE and prices furnished of request. We havttht manufactory of Jewelry and Silverware west of New York City, and e

prepared to special design.


Waialua Beach HotelCHAR. DAVID,

Now Open for HuslnettH.IMneHt of Accommodation.Wneht of limiting. I t I

Be Hint to Get Off ut t I

lilt Wnlaluu StationRATES-$2.- 50 per day;Special RiitCH Week orMonth. 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 :

For further Information :












Alvtnvs withsteady


people think;very


nur hoiiso; ourexpected.




larfje htulfs




upon receiptlargest




When You Want a Riglll.NO UI TIIG

C-L-U- -B


: : : : : sis fort streetStablo Vhonc, 109 Main.Uncle Stand, 'Phones 319 ami 72,



Safes, Pianos,Furniture MOVED

Drays for Freightnnd Lumber

Our representative mt-e- all lncora-In- g

steamers from tho Coast, and wechock baggage on all outgoing steam-- ,ore.

White and Black Sand For Sal?Offlco with Uvonlni; Bulletin, 3ie

King btrect. Tel. 80.

W. LARSEH, M'f'r.

Page 3: THE MAN Syening Bulletin DUSTING1 - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 1. · The watir head le fill) feet above sea level. "The Lahalna courthouse needs re-pairs auil thero uro obnoxious






fZ-S- ?r W Bftr tfir-Y- H , 5,--'-- M


Death of Kawalhoa. MwrnmffiUfflmmfflmttwmtwwmtmfflmaamwftlttTttttltttttffllttltttiWnlltildi, Oct. 20. Kawalhoa. heart

fisherman of Hon. A. N. Kciiolknl'i Fivefishery at Kahulul, died last Thursday FOR SALE EVERYWHERE! Fivennd was buried yesterday afternoon.Deceased was father of Itcprcsenta.tlo


his father'sKawalhoa,

deathbed.who win pres-

ent Cent 66La Insular of America" CentTO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY

Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.Allfalls

druggiststo cure.

refundJA W. Orovo's

tho moneyslgnaturo

If it Cigar Trade Mark Registered and owned by DAVID LAWRENCE & COMPANY, Ltd. CigarIs on each box. 25 cents. i"itmmtmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tuutmmmttmmmttttntutmtmtnnnntuttttmmttt




TWO PILLOW CASESall In one box, and told at from $2 to $4 perbox. Each Is hemstitched and embroideredand Is altogether one of the daintiest novel,ties we have In the store. Remember thlow prices .

$2 TO A BOX.







All Wool, 60 Inches wide; very suitable for skirtsand Jackets for women or cults of clothing for men.

Merchant tailors are cordially Invited to Inspect thesegoods, as they are very cheap, having been Importedbefore the high duty was put on. Worth $2.50 peryard, but sold by us at


On our center table you'll find a goodly assortmentof choice REMNANTS of COTTON GOODS, which weare clearing out at greatly Reduced Prices.

Sachs' Dry Goods Co., Ltd,FORT STREET.

Carry's MagnesiaFlexibleCementRoofing


Wo hau now n larne of thoabove on hiinil.

CEMENT ROOFING affords thor-ough lira protection tn thunml Is a of heat andi old.

No rusting, i1ecalng, warping,(racking or melting; always fluxiblo,

and easily applied.Turn water flowing from tho roof

. c an bo used for domestic purposes.Can tie applied on old shingles or

roof. Wind nnd lire proof. ForHat or steep surfaces.

W solicit your enquiries and willpromptly furnish nuy Information UoKlrid.


""'' ' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimuiiiiiiiiiiii "iHiiiiinmiiftmmm

KIMONASJUST RECEIVEDA beautiful and dainty assortment.


KIMONA MATERIALSWe would like to have you call andinspect this stock. : : : : :

U. SEKOMOTO,14 Hotel Street, nenr Nuuunu.

fop nt 7 fie per nndupwiirtlM.

SHIMAMOTO(General Merchandise. Dry Goods, Groceries.

Japanese Provisions, etcMAOOON BLOCK, MERCHANT STREET.

P,0;BOg888 lZBJL-n- .









Grass LinenIndlcti ynrtl



P. O. Bos W5. m. ,


COMMISSION MEROHANTB,"DmIu, In Fin, Silk. u Gum LImm. ClMi, ,Bi j,p, a, , Au tltl.

Nmulvi .

The Bulletin, 75cts. per month

Yale's 200th AnniversaryIS OPENED WITI

Appropriate Ceremonies


New Haven. CorOj., Oct. 20. YaloUniversity began today the relebmtlnnof the two Hundredth annltcrsary ofmo lounuing or laic college. The cel-ebration was ushered In with religiousceremonies In Battel Chapel, perform-ed In accordance with tho devout andreverent traditions of the good oldNew Kngland days, when the llttlohandful of clergymen gathoriHl nnd

lth prayerful snppllcatlops asked di-vine blessing upon tbo Institutionwhich they had conceived and broughtforth. Tho old hymns were sung, andpowcnui sermons were uttered.

Thu city had decked Itself In Yale'scolors and presented a splendid spec-tacle. Mho draperies were Intertwin-ed with new-cu- t evergreens, and thisgeneral scheme of color was brokenonly by tho graceful fo.us of tho Starsand Stripes. Tho prlnclp.il streetshad become archways of blue, adorn-ed at Intervals with pictures of Presi-dent Hooscvclt, who on Wednesday IsIn be Yale's guest

Scene In Battel Chapel.On.tho rostrum In llattel ChUDul not

president Arthur Twining Hadlcv. Athis right was Ilov. Joseph Twlchell ofiiartioni, tno preacher o. the bicen-tennial sermon. To bis left wns Thou.O. Dennett of tno Yale Corporation.Next to Dr. Twltchell sat former Pres-ident Timothy Uwight. On one endwas Henry Howland of New York, ontho other Kov. Charles liny Palmer,uoiu leuows or tne university corpor-ation. All wore the gowns of theiroffices. Ilelow, in tho choir stalls, suta picked choir of students. The bodyof tho chapel was occupied, in therenter aisle, by distinguished dele-gates and guests, who wore academvgowns, with hoods of many colors.

The seats of tho side, aisles wemfilled with Yalo graduntes, while thothree galleries were reserved for la-dles.

The service began at 10:30 a. m. Ai hunt by the. cuiolr was followed by thuLord's Prayer. President llndley reada lesson from tho Scriptures, and, aft-er the To Drum, tuu congregationsang Psalm Ixv. Ilov. Joseph Hop-kins Twltchell of Hartford, senior fel-low of the corporation, preached thosermon.

Tho closing hmn was "I I.ovo ThyKingdom. l,ord," written by Ilov. Tim-othy Dwlght. president, of Yalo Col-leg- o

from 1795 to 1817. Then wassung the doxology, and tho benedic-tion was pronounced oy Itov. TimothyDwlght, president of the universityiroill 1886 to 1896.

Services In Many Churchec.Meanwhile, special bicentennial ser

Rill B



Make No Secret of Their Pleasure

More Troops to be Sent to

Teach Insurgents a

Needed Lesson.

Manila, Oct. 20. Owing to thuof Lieutenant Thomnu M. Ilalncs,

Jr., or tbo Ninth United States Infan-try, nnotbvr slaughter of AmericantroopD by the Insurants has boeuaverted, l.leuti'nant Ilalnea discover-ed a priftoiir u cell at

Island of Samar, where Huveralwere confined, through a bolo that badboon made In tho wall. An Invustlga-tio- n

uhowed a plan to ill! thu Jail withboiouicn and to call tbo guard, whichwould bo necessary to got the dooropen, and then to attack tho garrison.It alno do eloped that Urn Instigatorswen; a priest and tho presidents, bothof whom havo been arrested, togetherwith several other prominent persons.

Othr'attemntH havu bocn disenvnr.fed, but fortunately frustrated, nt Pam-.buja- n

and other points in "vimar. 8everai portions nuvo been arrested Inconnection with these.

Iteliirorceiiients arc being rushed toSamar. Three hundred nnd thirtymurines, under Lleutcnunt ColonelMnncll C. Goodrell, havo gone thureaboard thu cruiser Nuw York,' andtwo battalloim ot thu Twelrth Infantrywill ntnrt Immedlatoly for tho suinatliHtlnatlon.

OIllcerH from other provinces thatworn supposed to bo pacified hau

arrlvou In Manila, nnd tboyay that tho news of the American

'disasters spread llko wild flro amongi tho natives, who scarcely intermit inconceal their delight.

Tho Manila constabulary discover-ed a large n,uautlty of steel wagonsprings, which were being shipped tovarious districts. Investigation show-ed that these were to bo used lumanufacturing bolos.

Tho troops In Bamor expect hardfighting. UrignUlur Oeneral Jacob II.bmlth, who Is In command, uaa islteimost of tho ports and Instructed tiornmmnnders that thu insurrectionmust bo hammered out and Generall.ilklian, tho Insurgent leader, enptur-ed- .

Already thu movement of tioojnhas begun.

Ocuer.il lacuna.' who surrenderedhBt Mny, tins complained to GeneralChnffeu that thu terms upon which hnand his forcn surrendered havo nothevu ruspoetcd by thu Americans. Ho

'exhibits a document signed by him.I self nnd Ooncral KrcdorlcK Kunston

In which hu and his forcu nro grantedluinumlty In respoct to all acts com--

! n.ltln.l Mint... ,rt .l.n ln. nf 'M.li.vv, kuitlllli; HI mu lUfTH Ul WUT,filnro thu document several of Lacu-na's olllcers and men havu bean tried,

I condemned and sentenced to death for

vices were held In other churches ofttin rltv ntifl anmilnl (.. . .....w .,r iu i'vi mi oviuiuiia uiuprencbed by lluv. Newman bmytb, inthe Center Church; llev. Joseph An-derson of Waterbury, lu tho UnitedChurch, nnd lluv. Walter Wesley

of Albany, In Trinity Church.All ftf I linuf) rhlirnVinu nsn lnntil .

tho historic green, adjacent to the eoj- -

lenti iirupcny.This nrtcrnoon, nt 3 o'clock, Hv

Cleorgo Park Fisher, prchldcnt or ec-clesiastical history nnd dean of thuYale Divinity Hchonl. ilellvxrml mi n,l.

I dress on "Ynle University In its llela-lion- s

to Theology and .MUslons." llusaid In part:

"As to tho theology within the pre-cincts of tho university in the, last lourin-- ii vu ueraues, mo perlou Is too re-cent to be reviewed nt lengtii on thvpresent occasion. It wns a period, luall enlightened countries, of concen-tration of thought nnd Inquiry uponthe historical foundations oi Christian-ity, Including tho life, tho person nndthe work of Christ, it has introduceda now epoch In lllblhal criticism.

I which compels a reconsideration ofIDC seat of authority, with particular

10 mo inspiration and au-thority of tho lllbln. Moreover, thuIstate of philosophy and new teaching,and theories of natural science havecalled for a reconstruction of thefoundations of theism. They havenecessitated u new fortifying of thecnauei oi nil religious faith.

Yale's Higher Criticism."it mav he finlfl with nrnnriiilv flint

Yale has been neither Indifferent norhllent on theso cardinal questions ofworld-wld- Interest. It Is proper tomention that In tho field of apologet-ics the effort hero has been to dealwith the new problems In a spirit ofrnndor. with mingled fearlessness ami

.uirviLuuii, ivn in iiiu queniionH group-le-d

under tho head of thu higher criticism, wnaiover may bo Judged or thewisdom or want ot wisdom In liio Yaleteaching, this nt least can ho affirm-ed that them has been no evasion ofthem and llttlo Inclination on the partof Ynle Instructors, ostrich llko. tohide their heads in the sand, and, onthe whole, I venture to say the usualendeavor has been, as In all previousperiods of our academic nlstury, tounite a g;nultio liberality with u wise

tenable conservatism."Inna tho hotels and boarding

are rapidly filling, nnd newhi rivals arc constant. Tbo weather

111 Bllnerl, find all ilnu Ka afwnta ,.rI the city have been filled by sightseers.i Tnmniiviui tit II I hn ilnifntn.1 ..t-l..-( we iun illl (Jij IIVIUtlAI M I lit J IUII)I to ceremonies of offlclul welcome.

m w K



Great Amount of Work Needed and

Will Bo Done When Funds are

Availalle Wailuku Jail in

Very Bad Condition.

Wailuku, Oct. 2S. Jamea II. Iloyd,Superlntendcnl of Public Works, audMarsiou Campboll, Analstant, arrhedIn Wailuku from Honolulu, last Wednesday morning to Investigate, .Maulroads and also to look Into tbo mattur of tbu Icakagu of tho reservoir ofWailuku water works.

During tho samo arternoon Superin-tendent Iloyd and his assistant,

hv Hhnrlir r. nt n,.i,in,i..of thu Itoad Hoard and Dan Quill, roadsupervisor, drovo around Wailuku tuseo what could bo donu for thu roadsflf Wnlllltli...... ....nnrf vfnlnlli, U.I.I..I. vn l-- - ...,., ,.Mi..u uiu ma very bad condition upw. Tlio party

killing American prisoners. GeneralPlltlstnn uni-- thtif u, n If ,.. ul..,..ibu guvu I.ncnua. orally to understanduiuv inu KiniDg oi Ariencan prisonerswa excepted. admit thatntnel hltlff Ufn.1 ui, I nn fl... a..l.l.

but sayM no thorough understandingnun leuenvu, uiui uu consiuers tbuwritten agreement binding.

Heur Kencwiil uf Insurrection.Washington, Ort. 20. Moro tioops

will b sent to thu Island of Sninar..if 11)11 ffintlltlfin ,ln.,u n, lmn.. ..H.l....,M uwi. mn .,UIU1V', UIIUUiu fortea In uio Pbillpplnca will bogreatly strengthened. It is ewtlmat-oi- l

that thero am at this time only3000 triMinM In Knmip Tluua .nnui...of what tho natives In thu recent engagement nuvo loft of the Ninth Intuutry, tho Finn Intantry, four s

of thu Seventh Infantry onobattalion of thu Sixth Inlautry and1B0 natlvo scouts. A detuebment oftbu Sixth Iufabtry haa JiiBt boon sent.

Gitnernt HuirheH In thn nnlnLn .rthu War Department, ban not nppru- -

tiaicu uiu Buniiiiu cnaracier or tno op-position In Samar or -- as failed to gotthn men hn nn.,1.ul in -- tnn .t.ltl. i...insurrection. General lliignes hasgenu to v;eiiii to recuperate andGeneral Smith is acting lu hlr Btead.

It Is feftrisl hf rn Hint IC ,,l,.b uf.,..unro nut taken to stamp nut tho Samarrevolt it win spread rapidly to thoother lslandn that havu only recentlynceu pacinou nuor yearn or lighting.'I'lin nilllf V rvf thn tlnenrtnfnnf lo ii.wl,,..stood to bo to ruBh troopn to Samarfrom the other Islands, and. If theycannot well bo spared from their pron-cu- t

posts to till their places withdrnflM from thu United Btnten. ThoImprt-fuloi- i Is growing that tnis Is atlmu for very vlgoroua meaBtires Ifwhat hail h.nn mlnnil In uimn lulnn.laIs not to bu lost.

were driven up Tnla road and tho Su-perintendent saw for himself that mostdangerous place nt tho trestle-wor- ontbo road tn Spreckulsvlllo plantation.

Mr. Iloyd wns met there by Hon. II,I. Ilaldwln. acting manager of Bprcck-elbWU-

The result of tho meetingwas the plantation promised to put up

,u Buiiintii euiveri ni mai junction,'while tho Government will put thoroad In good repair. That arrange- -

iDicnt was satisfactory to both parties,This Junction Is Indeed n ery dan

I serous place, especially to those trav-eling on a dark nlcht. Huch a comll.tlon of affnlrsi would not have beenpermitted In Honolulu for six hoursbut the long suffering public of Maulhave patiently waited for the past sixmonths, or ever BlncO the storm lastApril.

I A visit wns alo paid by the SuperIntendent and his assistant to thu resrolr of thu Wailuku water works.

jThp entire bottom Is In a ery bnd.state, big cracks being found ever-wher-

Thu walls weru found to bo'all right, tho only mult In Its construc-tion being tho poor work dono on thobiitinm liy men who claimed themselves to bo first-clas- s masons, butwho now turn out to bo fakes. Super- -

I Intendent Iloyd declared thu work nrobuery of tho Government Trensury,but said ho had no band In it, theIf servolr being completed before hogot hold of the reins of tho oiuce ofSuperintendent of l'ubllc Works. Mr.Campbell was of tho came opinion ashis chief, but tboy will try their utmostt J rectify thu matter by using thu bestmaterial procurable while repairingthu ilamngo dono to tho bottom.

I Peter, thu Japanese mason, tins theuiatter of repairing under his charge,mid thnt nlonu Is n guarantee thnt thowork will hu first elans. Peter saysthat tho work of tho bnolu mason wnspupute, ns tho thickness of tne cementbottom was found upon Investigationto bu only oue-hni- f Inch In thicknessnnd resting upon loose soil lu someplaces. It was thereforo no difficult

I matter for tho Immense volume ofI water which It was Intended to sup-port to forcu tiirutigb It und sink Intothe loose alluvial so,,.

I Tho other public Institution that Superlntcnilcnt iloyd Inspected wns thoWulluku Jail, which thu 8iiorlntend-cn- t

dcdnicd to be tho worst In theTerritory, nnd should hnvu been con-demned nt tbu time of the bubonicplague ns one of tli sources tf dan-ger tn nubile health. Indeed WnllnkitJtll was built Bomeihlng over twenty

enrs ngo. However, Mr. Hojd. hav.Ing seen for himself thu present condltiun of tho Wailuku Jail, a new- - oneIs expected to rise out of the presentruins, whenever funiis aru available,and of course that means n long wait.

' Iloyd and Campbell drovo over toIihnlua early yestcruny morning,Tney went over tho Mnalaea road, undonly those who have traveled is road

i will havo any Idea ol Its bad condi-tion. I let ween Wnlkapu and Maalaouore twelve big cuts or washouts bytne water running down from tbomountains. Some of these cut are

'over ten feet deep and twenty feetwide. Superintendent flnyd believes

I that tho only way to permanently re-pair this road would bu by putting

'culverts nt thesu washouts, but hornagain thu vltnl question of .unds comeInto piny. To put not only this roadbut also the Pall road to luMiape means nn enormous nutlny ofmoney. Maul tuxes are alone biiiII-cle-

to put these thoroughfares tnfirst-clas- s condition, but tno trouble Isthat Maul does not enjoy all Its re-sources; thero aro others who shornIts benefits, but not ls troubles.McBsrs. I!o)d and Campbell nro todayInspecting public buildings ntThey also paid a visit to the slto oftho proposed water works, nenr Iji- -

halna Seminary. After enjoying a u

In their honor nt Col. Johnthey will board tho Claud- -

Inu for thu capltnl.

Get vour periodicals bound at thoKVHN'ING HUI.I.I.TIN'S Illndery.They will be valuable.


HAWAIIAN TOBACCO CO., Ltd..Corner Merchant nnd Nuunnu Stm.,

nlHo ST.. opposite

Grand OpeningCAMARINOS'

(iaiiibriiiiis SaloonALAKBA ST., NEAR KING.

Everything Very Touching.Beautiful garden scene containing coffee trees in full bearing, bananas

and pineapples, all iiisiJe. Eve-ybod- y Invited.

Evening Bulletin, 75c per month

Metropolitan Meat Co.,LIMITED.

Fresh Meats and Pish mby Every Steamer

From the Coast that has Cold Storage.

Choice Beef, Veal, Mutton,ffl Lamb and Pork always

on hand.Also .Poultry, Salmon and

TheFOR 8ALB AT 1 he Booth,


Market, St., Tel. 4$.Telephone 379.

Market. St.. Telephone 104.



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BMMETTMingcr for Hamllan llnds. dUDD BUILDING.


CAPITAL STOCK $500,000.00.The only Insnranco company In (tic world Issuing policies tn both Um

UNOI.ISII and CHINESE: lanRuasca.

the inseventy years


MOTEL, Bethol.


Central Nuuanu



I'otlclcs contain all modorn ndvantaces of tbo endowment and otbatforma lsauid by the loading American

(lorcrned by tbo safest Insurancecan company.


TEL. MAIN 76.HOME OFFICE, 301-30- SUngtnwsId Building. Honolulu, T. H.

Weekly Bulletin,

r '.rw:,i 1.


systems. Tbo


1 1 wmiskiiy r"l xh I vVFi

I "' """rA:;.-:P-J





companies.plonoer Chinese-Amr-

$1.00 pep year

Sole Agent


..JXxM!,.. LM&UtitiM6liHki.kS.iAi. .M. . u w Jh lt3iL'. &M




Page 4: THE MAN Syening Bulletin DUSTING1 - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 1. · The watir head le fill) feet above sea level. "The Lahalna courthouse needs re-pairs auil thero uro obnoxious

I ,




Evening BulletinPibllthed tfvrry Day EJcept Sunday

t 210 King Street, Ilrnoluiu,T. 11.. by the



Entered at Iho Pt Office at Hono-Inl- u

as second-clas- s matter.' SUUSC111PT10N HATE3.Per month, anywhere In L' S....I .75Per year, anywhere In U. S.... S.00Per year, postpaid, foreign 13. CO

Pnyable Invariably In advance.

Telephone 256

Post Office Dpi 718

MONDAY OCTOHi:it2S, 1901

Judging from Superintendent Hold'sreport Maul nwjt Immediate attentionfrom n Kpeilul mbkIoii of the LeRlsln-tur- e.

llaiold M. Siwall's namTho um of. . a

In ionuie.tlon with the "mcrnorsu p

tight now going on In Vnnhlngton I. "

tuodf without nutiiorny irom mm.

ti... Krtn.l Turt Miltml It. ItnnnllIUV UHllHI HiJ '" - ""




that not "tho Ooxernor an, an no.ir .... ,.tcan do wrong" Is Immcdlatel) dub- - " "1- - ,rhc marched to

bed jury surrounded by l' ltap d Transit

rolltlcal It la strange Indeed Co. were then to end ofthe In Manoa on cars especially

ring puts up It sees positive J,.' prcnldeii were about

f.at staring on all sides, "" in In Ule rompanlis. Atof the line, the companies ngaln

The Thurston orgin holds (lournor .formed then began thu march toDole responsible for the Sunday camp-- 1 the companyIng trip of and' arrival place waenot responsible for conditions at th with llres

Asylum may be a dls lug n aspect on nil side.the organ can- - quads having been sent out In advance

nut explain difference The do the worK.tho organ's attitude furnUlie Once In camp, the gavo them-nnl- v

a source of umuscment. selves to a time. Musical In--

hcerctary Cooper lias put the rerrl- -

iuNhi administration Hall) on returnIn favor of Chine ho labor ugalnitAmerican labor. This burns all bridge sjud lays Hawaii open to honibiid-we-

from the- - laboring men ns will iu0 ir old cm who seek to wlpn out,b) oiie unans or auothir, the protectluu given our sugar. Hmetar)Cooper eertalnly has a right to hisopinion but as a political mow his dec-

laration Is nothing If nut 111 advised.


New Haven. Conn. Oct. 20. 1'iesldent llooscvclt and Hooker i WashIngton aro to probably meit again atthe- - khiiiii table this vveik. They aroto bo tho gucsO of tho 1'iesl-den-

Dr. Arthur lladley at hisnext ami thu

dutthern newspapers will then by begiven food for more editorials.

Washington has airlvtd heie. Hewill l tho guest during tho Vale bllM Kilt ftlVlllnl Mtt I)ftftf.aM l.vt.ftk tSehwn.;. who Is largely a Soi.t ." , m-- r

in sentiment. . rolestor Schwab IsIbe- - head of the department or iiolui

economy at Yalo nnd writtenhistory of tho Couleeleraey lie U

the. sou of ei multl millionaire pro- -

prlilor of thu Norto (Jerman Llejjellino of sti'iimshlps. tin Is linlcinunof thu gene-m-i Yalo lit centennial com-mittee1 and the honor of b lug hisguest Is emu which many distinguish-ed guests at thu celebration will

Washington and President Itoosovcmwill sit on thu same platform at thoValo commemorative exercises Wed-nesday. They both will probably re-ceive honorary degrees.

plant a Mckinley oak.Oct. 20. Ar

runge-tuent- for tho visit of I'rtsldcntItoosevelt to this town next Tucbday I

include tho dedication of n treo whichIs to bo planted on the village urtcnby the townspeople named tlnr1MeKlnley Oak. Ihero will bo a lieopHon lu tho afternoon m tho loujig ladles of a boarding school aud 100 othur invite-e- l biu-kts-


lie. purpose, oiiuei-resiieuisiou- i JIng is to visit his sister, the-- wife, ofCommander W. a. Covvles, u. & X liewill be nttompanled by Senators Haw-le- y

and l'latt, Commnmlcr Cowles,Betre-Lar- Cortulyou and TheodoreUlngham. Preparations for ikiIIio

have been madu at the requestof Washington officials, twenty s

having been detail. d for spe-cial duty nu that uay.

On Wednesday morning at : 10o'clock tho President will leave forNew Haven to the Yale blteu-tcunl-



Stanford University, Oct. 20. Atho first step preparation for thuannual Carnot debating contest withthe University of ("alllmnla. thu fol-lowing thirty-tw- o students hnvu an-nounce d themselves as tandldutcH forthe preliminary uebatcs to lalxi placeNovombor 15th and ICth: O. II, Hitter. L.' II. Ilrovvn, C. I). MeComlsh.i: 11. Williams, O. C. I..II. KosuIicti). It W. Hverctt, L. L.Uxithorotisch, N. C Jones, J, J. Itynn, W. C. Maloy. J. II. 1'ago, A. J.Capp, C. D. Scott, U. l.elstner, A.

i:. W. Itlco. 11. M. Thlrlot, W.K Hillings, H. I.. Bacon. M. 11. Purrar. A. S. Wllllims. S. II. Wood. A.A. Caldwell. J. W Cameion, A. 1.Harris. C. Wlnans. V. Itoehr. L. K.Wlsehart, V. II. Wagner, K K Nagle.

These men are. to divide. Into eightkcpiads, inch squad to Its owueiuestlon, and from tho thirty two con-

testants eight bo selected to takepart In thu llnal try out for places ontho liitinolleglatu team.


The srivlies at Central Union church.Sunday morning were devoted to thepiescntatlon of tho work of thu Ha-

waiian The chinch was filledwith Interested people Die platformand walls wero decoiatcd withrepresenting the different nativechurches and schools these Islandsand on tho sides of tho church werehuge tablets giving history of theHoard nnd tho financial statement.

front of the was a large mmof tho Islands with tho places wherethe Hawaiian Iloaid has establishedmissions Indicated by murks.

After a prayer by Hcv. Seitno Bishopfollowed by icsponstvo reading, led byitev. Leadlngham. Then camo thnpresentation of tho wmk of tho Hoard.itev. O. I. l'mersou opening this partof the service.

An address bv Hov, W. M. I'lncnldclosed tho services.



Detail of Practice of Volunteer Soldiers

-- Co. F Won Compjtitvo Drill

Colonel Commanding


The field of the NationalGuard of Hawaii took plaee In ManonSunday and procd to be n moot ul

event. Ilcsldos exicllvnt prac-

tice for the militia. It afforded muchgenuine pleasure to tho men who slaventong during the week In their respecthe dikes and shop. One iif thepoints well elcmonntrnti d Is that tli"

, , .

ilTcctlul)The two battalions aMcmhlcd at the

drill stied at 7:15 o'clock Suturday. . ,. !. .

struments wero brought nnd therewhs music In camp. Tho enlojmentwas somewhat dampened by the fro--iii lit show eis.

The work of Sunday beganat t ."0 o'clock. Hreakfast was servedand there was the usual battalion drill.The first battalion showed up K.2

and the second, lol. At 101

due deelaro fining mux. u

no compniiltja iJ'C '

nnd home thoJudgewh.itav.llddefnmothoThurston.Dola line

whin for them. Therethe endthem

. wetcanil

grounds.tho Territorial mllltl i 1'pon there, the

found In prifcct order burn-Insi-

There nnd cheeryUnction but doesn't and f

tho utter tofolly of men

up good







al hasti


Conn .












In organ


. . .

, -



o'cloek the men wero sent out In tho'"'1" Kr,at Incn aso. Tho Commissionline of battle. The turners took the "" "THiits In favor of tho iar.nl hnv- -

""' of linn nf tnimlln..? t''.'CPr.? ''scnted entrtmhid foicoan outfrom a blockhouse whlih was repre-sented by a double stietth of muslinfour ynnls long and two yards highThis was at the eentcr of the line-- , thotarget being placed right In front of abig rock. The range of tho flro wasalways elevated, the targets being adistance up the hill on the WoodliwnDairy land. The mid pieces weie nottaken out.

The extreme right wing was given toMajor Zelgler. with Companies K, Cap-tain lobUKon, and E, Captain Nnhoiiilllpa, Major Camara, with his battalioncom"fJ1 of Com"nn-- ' C!M" w"'

Ce.mpiiiiy, Captulu Wlnant. andc Company, Captain Oonzalves. tookcare of the extieme left, while tho een- -ter was carried by Colonel J. W. Joneswith Compiny A. Captain Kle mine andit .....i.,. ,,,,,,,,,. ii,..,,,. ,,,, -,.

n vi hii ihiiUrs.

An assault was made and various tir-ing movements gone through with. Thelolonel commanding, and his stun werevery well satisfied with the work.

In Che afternoon, there was adrill wlilth was won by Co

I Captain Johnson. Captainand Lieut. Hancock wero the Judges.

The return tei town was made beforedusk.

ioi,e Wade entered n plea In barto the Indictment for mans! lughtei- -

this morning. Judge Clear eciutlnuedlthe .ease till Thursday.


K. Hiithburn, perjury, was ail- -milled to 1000 ball o nhls plea of notguilty.

Kalllpaka, embezzlement of cala-bash, s, was sentenced to thrto yeais athard labor, beginning at expiration o'two District Court bentenies for grosscheat.

Alfied Christiansen, lateen; of har-ness, having spent sonic time In piis-o-

was sentenced to one day's hardlabor.

D. Mcflohlrlck, who stole, a bicycleone night In August while iu,toxliatcrtand has been In prison ever since, haduntencu suspended until the Februaryterm on tho txpiesslon of a desire toleave for San Framlsio, where his wifelives.


Washington. Oct. 18. Se vend nowpoints In I'lesldcnt Hoosovelt's mes-ag- o

upon which ho has had conferences with party leaders vesterday and!today nnve practically been decide Jupon.

Mr. llooiovelt will urge tho Senate toratify tint leclproclty treaties with

llarba.loes, Jamaica, Turks Isl-and, Hermuda, Nicaragua, the Domin-ican republic, lirltlsli Ciulana nndlUiinclnr, which wero hcfoie thu Sendii last year. All of theao trcatleihave been renewed, but Trinidad

to renuw tho treaty mado withthat Island on tho ndvico of GreatHrttaln. Mr. Kasson, who had cbargoof theso tieallcs, dlscusse-- thttin withthe President today.

I'rtsldcnt Ieoosovelt will reommeniltho upbuilding of the. American mer- -chint mirlne, but despite tho pressurebiought to bear upon him to urge thePassage of the ship Biihslrty bill, be willmnlo his recnmmendatlm In i.eneraileiim and will not rt oninund anyparlltuhi measure.

Salt LiiKc, Utah. Oct. 17. At tlifrcKtilin vvroKly inve'tlnj? eif tlio Cii'mrllof Annatli s lichl In thu Trinplo toeluv.Jiwciih T Smith was rliiMvn nnel itiimrt nK invelilent of the. Church nfJchiit ChrUt or Ijitii-- r Dny BnlrtR IniiiteesHlon to thn Into l.nniizn ('now.with Jcilm It. winder ninl Anthony II.Lund uh litu llrst nnd Boeond ccnincllora resncitlvcily.

I'rcBlelint Smith vvns nlfci nnmerltriifitin In tniat lor tho church Hiwnu lll.ctvvlso named nn prcslilout ofho Salt Lalvo Tomplo. with John It.

Winder im his first ussUtunt.

2M?m2VMVX?l-- .


" wpf' wfier,m'K.VKNINO nULLKTIN. HONOLULU. H. T.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1901.




Report of Walker Commission Soon

to Be Placel in Hand3 of the

President-Accoun- ting for

Increased Figures.

Chicago, Oct. 20. A special to therimes Herald fremi Washington says!1'vvo hundred million dollars Is to bniho enst of the Nicaragua tanal, ac-cording to estimates tarried In tho roport which tho Isthmian Canal

of which Itenr Admiral Walk-er is president, will goon place In theHands of l'rvsldent Hoeisuvelt. Whiletho Commission believes that in pract-ice1 thu nctual rost of tho wor'k canbe madu to appioxlmate these officialt.tlmatcs, tho members of tho Com

mission are not willing to stake theirreputation an engineers unon tho ans rtlon. They will point out that theestimates imo been made with greatcan after thoiough surreys nnd bor-ings, and with liberal estimates forcontingencies; but thoy also call attentlon to thu fact that no work ofthis magnitude tins ever been complet-ed In tropical countries, nnd that,therefoii', io basis exists for accui-at- e

comparisons.Soinci surprlso will he felt through-

out thu world whin It becomes knownthat thu Commission places its cstl-mat- e

of the tost ns high as $2uO.U00,-du-

Eve-r- now estimatu Tor tho Nlea-nigii- a

canal cnriles larger figures thanits Immediate predecessor. Mimical,engineer of the old Maritime) CnnalCompany though tlu Nicaragua routo

bu llnlshul for Ifitl.uUO.UOO or$70,000,000. In Its preliminary lenort

lwo ,r ngu mo present Lommls-slon mado nu estimatu of $118,000,000,though Colonel Ilalns of the Armyndded on his own account a statementof probable coj. at, $135,000,000. Nowthe Ccnnnilsslon raises the llguri-- s toabout J200.000.000.

Hut there Is ample einlanntlon of

" "lPl" "iriiugnoue, oi enirij-nv- o

!.'l ' !' feet, as In It.project or two years ago. Tho Com-mission is to report that thoPanama canal inu bo completed at acost of about $110,000,000. It Is notwilling to concedu tho torrectniss ofthe claims made hv tho Pre nth com-pany that this channel can be finish-ee- l

for $100,000,000.


New York. Oct. 20. A cablo to thoWorld from says: King

life prospect Is the burning toplc In suclity ns well as in InsuranceclnliM.

Newsp-ipei- s hero nie actually refer-ring iudlitctly to the. subject by men-tioning that Lloyds have, advanced thurate of the piemliim on tho King's llicw lib h persons speculating Inuie-- s for tho coronation aiu anxious toInsure, from 10 to 12 I.J, and now 1.'.per cent. Theso dealings throughLloyds Indicate that ordinary Insur-ance! companies an. shutting downon policies on thu King's life, of whichover JJ2,r.OO.O00 have been taken outIn the past month. Thu Kings friendsinsist that ho Is suffchng only from anaggravated form of "smoker's throat'complicated with gout,

Especially lu view of tho King'sIllness is society gleatly Interested inthu rcpoit that a comparatively un-known btlentlllc man has discoveredu euro for canter. The alleged dlscov.

i it has setn thu King, but 'all the.details of tho turo aio kept stcret. Thoonly fact about It known Is that It lavvoilccd by electricity. Suveial fur-ther opc rlmeuts aro to bo mado hefore, the scent Is disclosed.

Sulsiin. O.t. 19. The harvest of thnbeet trop in this vicinity has biencompleted, and although Hie output didnot meet expectations It was eouslderably lu excess of that Qf any pre-vious year. T.ho Cordollu district pioclliced 121 carloads ami tho Sulsun eBs-til-

130 carloads of an average weightof about thirty-tw- tons per carloadUects sown early enough in tho sea-son to get the be nellt or tho Into rainsyielded as high as fifteen tons to theaero, while those sown late In thespring In somo places did not exceedthreo tons to the acra. Last year, asan experiment, tho 'teot land wasplowed dry as soon as tho crop hadbetn harvested. Wncn thu rains camothe soli become so wet that it couldnot bo cultivated and It remained inthat condition so long that a rankgrowth of weeds sprang up and It wasUocessary to replow it.

Several farmers on Ryor Islandplanted about 2S0 acres lu beets nsan experiment last spring and thocrop Is now being hai vested. Thoyield is said to bo heavy and tho beetsof nn exc client ciunlity. A largo acrevngo will probably be sown thcro thisw Inter.

Lots of ptoplo pursue a literary career, but few Biieeeed In catching upWilli it.

Many a man who claims to be wt.lded to his art cannot prove It.

In trying to kill tlmo women of uncertain years use a lot of powder.

An amateur actress Is ono who hatnever been divorced.

Humility Isn't noeess-vrll- a Wrtio.The lowly onion would be Just ai rani;If It giew on a lree. Chicago News.

"Knjoyed jour party, Hobby T""Yes. inn." "Well, whnt llttbi girlsdid you damn with?" "Oh. 1 didn'tdniico: I hncl tlue-- lights down stallswith Wllllo Hlchaidson. aud I lickedhim even time." Tit-Hit-

For Sale at a Sacrifice.. ..

LOT 50x150 planted with

fruit trees, 300 feet from

Wilder Avenne. : : : : :

Apply to




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Ini; on the wall papi'r t 3jfwIMut!y

biiBlne'fb, nu nc count of



For Wall Papere, Llnoleumi and

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Just arrived and being placed, on

our shelves dally, CHINA,



ETC. Choice new

stock of FINE CUT GLA8S.

Selection may be reserved for



of LIO. The of toods on

on nt lovvet

8ticet. Fort




... ,imj--n-

rfrSSs I l I w ZaiHimfF


Window 8hdeB, call at

to corner of timniii.p. q. Box 833.

Ltd.Bet. find Pnualil,

1. O. Box 078.

The Driving !

Duplicate of Prize Winner, 1900.Comfort, Finish, Quality.







f A T














Correct Vehicle for Ladies'PariEjvposltion,




Fine Carriages, Wagons and Trucks.

Hepair Work a Specialty.All orders promptly nttemlul to.Only competent help employed.

,Rubber Tires put on in Satisfactory Manner.


Deer and Wine Dealers.



Between Merchant and Queen.

W. M. Cunningham. Jno. 8ehaefer.

Ohaiyo SaloonKukul 8t, Near Nuuanu.


Qonsalves & Co.,LIMITED.


22? Queen St., Honolulu. H. 1

The New

DEPOT SALOONopposite the R. R. depot.


Ryan & DementAIo proprietor of the popularENCORIi, 6ALOON.

'Johannis'The King of Natural Table Waters

A Natural tiparkllnjtWnter bottled at theJOIIANNIH SPRINGS,ZoIIIiuuh, - Germuny.

The Favorite of New N'orkand London Society.

JUIIdlllllb thcHtnndurdfrom nninnrv the mineralwnterH of the world by "TheLu.iilon Luncct.' The highestmcdlcnl uuthorlt.

W. C. Peacock & Co.,LIMITLD.

Sole AgentH.


riANUFACTURESGinger Beer, Birch Beer, Hire's RcotBeer, Cream Bods, Wild Cherry, Or-ange, Raspberry, Strawberry, Sarsapa-H- I

la, Vanilla Cream, Lemon, GingerAle, Apple Cider, Pineapple, PeachChampagne, Orange Champagne, Kol iChampagne, Pear Champagne, Ciderand Soda Cocktails.

Mineral Waters Carlsbad, Con-gress, Llthla, German Mineral Water,Seltzer, Vichy and Pure Distilled Wa-ter from the Barnstead 8111, Boston,for family and medical use a specialty.

Brews and Aerated Water, 50c perdoz. Distilled Water In dem-ijohns, 10c per gallon and Mc chargeon ocmijonn until returned.




CarboiiHte-- only by thu

Consolidated Soda WaterWorkx Co., Ltd.

hole Aki'Mh for tho Territory of lln-nl- l.

Offlro ninl works. tiOl Tort St.. Iloniilu-III- .

T. of II.; I. O. box if,'; te'levphono Main 71.

Island Orders solicited.


ronbtnntly urrivlni; keeps ourestablishment always In thelead.


Your neighbor has told youabout us mill If ou haven't already begun to trade with us)ou aro winning )ou were.

We will not advertise sugar,cannod goods or cookies thisttoek because wo keep every-thing in tho grocery line, butthu Inducements wo offer are




Leading Grocers.

A...a: --xr "'iifua1"'!" .im'' i m w4

Architect!, Contractors and Builder.

Edward R. Swain,ARCHITECT






EttlnitM Tumlthtt P. O Boi Ito

Geo. W. Pago. TeL 221

F. W. Uearelslce. P. O. Doz 771

beardsl.ee a pageArchitects and Builders.

Ofllco, Ilooms Arlington Annex,Honolulu, T. II,

Sketches and Correct Estimates fur-nished on Short Notice.


Dealers in Lumber and Coal.

Allen Sfc Robinson,Quocn Street, Honolulu.


Jobbing promptly attended to


for lirlck mnl wooden buildings, aUoIi'ikIhoocI nnUhor.

Office and residence, 312 Queen Si,near Government building.

M. R. BBRTBLMAIN'8Carpenter 6hopIS - MOVED

To renr of old stand. Entrances onKIiik HtwtL Orders left at either shopor olUce at John Nott's store, Ktmstreet, will rccelvo prompt attention.

Chinese and Japanese Firms.


Fine English and American Goods

TWO STORESelS Hotel street, andHotel neir Nuuanu

P O Boxcift. TEL-u- hiii

CLEANING!Lillri tklttt clrinrl. Clulhlnr "

el.mtd, JieJ ni tcpilrid.iilta snas Ih m4

Fit EuinntMd. Lovili'ili

TIM WOPi , trM, n... Ifulriifaar Orpheuin ftic!er.

Prlut Cltinlsjr out Mil!, tie.Dulnir tnHSt n


Mcinbci-- Stock and Bondtlvchungc.


INVESTMENT 8ECUItITIE3.Particular attention given to pur-

chase and SalB Of Hnwallnn ,

Stork.Lwns Negotiated.Eastern and Foreign Stocks and


40:i Ciillfornln St.,. San Frnnclwco, Col.


REAL ESTATEWu Will HllV or Soil TTonl Point., I.

nil parts of the group. .W will Soil Properties on Reasona-

ble- ComiiilKnlons.


To Let or LeaseA Fine House and Lot

on the makal side of Beretanla streetbetween Pllkol and Kcaumoku 6ts.The house has several rooms and allmodern Improvements.







Shopping Is a Pleasurewhen jiiii huo only to call up

MAIN 199and Iihmi ji.nr packages delivered ntjoin do.li, li) lln. for 10c unci upwards

Merchants, Attentlonl-- Wp make.L. tl. I) eolle-etloi- lor 5c extra.

American Messenger Express Co.MASONIC TEMPLE.

Hotel and Alak'ea Sts., Phone Main 199.

Page 5: THE MAN Syening Bulletin DUSTING1 - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 1. · The watir head le fill) feet above sea level. "The Lahalna courthouse needs re-pairs auil thero uro obnoxious

''"'''j'iWWplW ssnttt" -- r;



J5 LI . . :

fv Bi Sa,e SLACES,



4 B. R. EHLERS & CO., St.

Coolness and Comfort in theFiercest Heat - of - Summer.

Is a dry mineral mKed with water onl.It is being usd succesbfully all the Island?.Estimates given for any iron roofs, a sugarmill to a small shed. Satisfaction guaranteed.For further, particulars, come and the


l' .. atY .L .1. '.

$T.50 Saved !


world famouslInatirl(lKi;il vvhlch for-merly retailed at $15 wit nowhcIIIdk at $7.50. t!itname) In every veny.m

Wall, Nichols

CannedHawaiian Pineapples before) being

canned are ripened on the plants, Inorder that the delicious flavor peculiarto them alone, may ha preserved. Wohave these In tins at "5uper tin. Two kinds:

GRATEDSuitable for Sliernets, etc.,

SLICEDReady to be served as a fruit, etc.



Tela. 22. 24, 92. P. O. box 386.

Of Interestto the

Wo mukii Hnrttchnrn WindowShades in nil sU'-s- . and any color ufmaterial.

They aro the prettiest and g

Shades to bu found anvwhenjIn town.


Ladles require many haniiea ofclothlim; there Is n demand for spareIn which to put things uway. A Chif-fonier Is necessary In every home,lend w have a stock of them that willput a finish to the appearance of yourchamber.

Hesldes the linniUorna

CENTER RUGSwlili li we aiheitlbCil last wee., wehave, a beautiful stock of

COUCH COVERSof the very prettiest designs, uud atvery low prices.

J. HOPP & CO.,Tho Leading Dealers.

psr,!?,n?v7 Bp2T"'r' tj . rr - w"y,. ifmrmfismmmimm

t V'-- i


V, --;'


H GiganticRemnant

E SaleReduction





in see













it iti'titil

f1 il'

y. y. y. i

y y J y y :'i V'i 'HH'i

- . . ......... 1

Co., Limited.

You!!Koud nlnno win not always

-- make one strong. In thin ell- -

mate the t.jstem needs a tonic.somfthhiK tn tflu vim, vigorand life. Tliere's more trrn.,than --iwctr about "that tiredfeeling." About ten out of ev- -

ery ten have It. It's simply na- -

ture craving for something Itdoesn't get from ordltary food.

(Jood malt extracts are high- -

ly recommended by physiciansfor u condition. Muchdepends, however, whether youget the real grain extract. Whythen trikw chances when youcan get the beet? That's

Royal MaltExtract

Hrewed from selected barley.Every bottle full of strength- -

giving nutriment. It's beneficialelTitts will be felt at onco. Itwill give j on vim, energy anilrestored strength .Insist on get- -

ting and aciopt none"Just us good.

55 cent.

HobronDrugCoSole Agent.


M. Phillips & Co.Wholesale Importer, and Jobbers.

European and American Dry Goods.

Fort and Queen 8t.H. Hackfeid& Co., Ltd.

General Commission Agents.

Cor. Fort and Queen 8treeU, Honolulu.




General Reporting and Typewriting.Second floor Elite llldg. Hotel St.At office 9 to 5:45; Tel. Main 76.At house evenings; Tel. Blue 2611.



Young People Decided for Themselves

Although Parents Urged Them

to Wait-Honey- Trip

to Europe.

Oakland, Oct. 17. Miss Anna Addheld Wldcmnun, a beautiful Hawaiianheiress, and Alfred llourne of SanFrancisco, took their hearts In theirown hands today anil In spite of theobjections of relatives, were married,

"You told us to i boose," read thetelogram suit by the bride to her guar-dian, John I)n sett, nt the Hotel Sa-voy, San I'rniu Ism. "We have chosen. Wo were married Ihls afternoon InOakland."

Tho wedding ceremony was perform-ed by the Ilev. Father Klcly In the par-sonage of St. Patrick s Catholic churchnt West Oakland. The only witnessesweio Dr. liny Smith, n college chum ofthe groom, and .Miss Agnes dishing.Mr. Smith acted ns bct limn and MissGushing ns bridesmaid.

Mrs. Ilrune Is the daughter of thelato Herman A. Wldem.inn, who ga millionaire sugar plnnftr ntul whoserved as .Minister of the Interior un-

der Queen Lllluokalanl. Tho oudkbride, who has a tld fortune In herown right, left the stands about two

carn ago to live with iclatlvcg In thiscity and San Fraud sen. H was. heresho met voung nrune, who was thena student at the State t'nlvcrsltv nnd aprominent member of tho Sigma' Nufraternity. It was a rase of love atfirst sight mid In n short time theirengagement was announced.

Strenuous objections tn the marriageenmo from both sides of the house,principal!) on account of the youth oftho young people. Mlbs Wldemann'arelatives dlil their utmost to break offtho match and the services of her guar-dian, John Dowsttt. were enlisted. Shewas steadfast In her devotion, how cur,and nt 10 ii'iloik this morning youngHrtiue and Xllss Wldeniiinn lift herhomo on Filbert street, saving thatthey would take liinrhcon nt it restau-rant. The proceeded to the loialtruln, where the) were met b) MrSmith and .Miss dishing. The ninrli tspent flio afternoon In San l'r.inilacutrjlng to set lire u special dlspciu-ntloi- i

from Arthhlhhop Itlurdnn for theyoung Ilrune not being n Cnth-oll-

1hc were flnall) siiiiessful andreturned tn On k la nil. win re the icre- -inony wus performed by the Hev, IVIher Kiel).

Although the relatives of the nungpeople pliud ever) obstuile In the wayto prevent the marriage, Mr. and Mrs.tlruno txpeit n ruoiu Illation tomor-row. Ilrune Is the son of I)r. A. Ktlruno of San Krumluiu.

Tho new I) murrled couple, surrounded Jiy a ntimbir of friends, were seenat their apartments In the TuurulneHotel this evening.

"Yes," said Mrs. Ilrune, "we wiremarried this afternoon In the faee ofthe objeitluns of m relutlves and myguardian, Mr. Dowsett. My guardianhas objeited all along to my engage-ment to Mr. Ilrune and has done even-thin- g

to keep us upart. He re'ientlvsent mo to Honolulu nnd upon my re-

turn a few weiks ago I wus sent downto Del Monte. Lust night Mr. Dowsedtold mo that i must either bunk offlh! engagement or do iiwaj with hlaservlics us guardian. I ehose the latter.

Wo came tu Oakland this after-noon and were married. For the pres-ent we will live in Sun rrunclseo, al-

though we contemplate it IJuropeantour In the mar future."

Mr. Ilrune was very reluctant whenauestinne-- about his marriage.

"We havoTjeen engaged some time.'said, "but did not dielde to get mar-ried until this afternoon. My wife'sguardian has been trjlng to make trouble between us, and so we detlded Itwas better to get married and finishthe thing up. We will probably go toKurope for u few months and then forthe pcaieful shades of the palm grove--)of Hawaii."


A San KruueUeu paper of Oi tuber11, contains the following lu Us society lolumus relative to the marriageof William Thompson of this elty withMiss Maud ll.ilcli of San

"St. John's Episcopal ihurcli wus tbascene last Wtiluesdu) evening of thewedding uf Miss Maud llaleh of tillcltj and Mr. William Thompson (ifHonolulu. Ke. John Hemphill

the ceremtiuv ut U:0 oMikU.No Imitation's wire Issued tor .thewedding, lining to the recent deatli ofUrn mother of the bride, however,about 200 friends were priseut to ottertheir iiingrutultitluus. '

An liifinmul reception wus In Id In(he i bun b parlors, and It wus follow tilbj a dinner ut the California Hotel,at which oiil) near relatives of thebride and groom wire present. Mr, andMrs. Thompson will leave today for atwo weeks' visit to the Yosemlte Val-ley uud expect to reach their futurehome lu Honolulu ubout the middle nfNovember."

David 1 laughs, head uf the govern-ment nursery, who arrived home In theKlnuu from Illlo Saturday, reportsvery favorably on the forests In I'unn,Olaa and illlo. He states that he wentto the Volcano and then mound lluka-la- u

way. Tho forests are lu excellenteondltlun. The most Interesting thin,;noted was the growth of thousandsof ohla trees lu the How of IS 10. Thenew trees lu l'unu are coming up Infine shape anil It looks us if that dlstrlet would be amply supplied withtrees for many veurs to come, slumtho places wherii the forests lire grow-ing the thickest arc In spots whichcannot be cultivated.

Illanl, books of all description de-signed and made at the 1.1VKNINOBULLETIN'S Job Office.


Q. H. Borrey's office, 33 Campbell bid.The Klka will have no meeting to-

night.A whltcwasher Is wanted. Sec Want

column on page 8.

Lodge I.e I'rogres holds a statedmeeting this evening.

Notice of Onhii Sugar Co , Ltd. ap-pears under New Today.

The Andrew Welch will get awayfor San Francisco nbout Friday.

Tho America Mam from San Fran-cisco should nrrlvc here tomorrow.

Assessment notlco of I'ionecr MillCo., Ltd. appears' under New Today.

A Mother Ooosc party will be givenby the St. Andrew's Guild on Nov. 9.

Gomes & McTlghe, successors to& Co., liquor dealers. 93 King st.

Tho battleship Wisconsin sailed forPago I'ogo o nSaturday afternoon nt 1

o'clock.The rase of Dr. H, H. Window cam

up ngaln In the Police Court this fore-noon but wns further continued untilSntiirday.

In the football game between thoHnrkfihl nnd Punahnu Athletic Clubteams on the Oahti College campus Sat-urday nfte moon last, the latter won byn score of 22 to 0.

Don't forget Camarlnn. of the Cali-fornia Fruit Market when )ou wartfruit and vegetables. He aluavs hason hand a fiesh supply of both Califor-nia and Island fruits, 'telephone Main378.

Hubert Carlisle formerly nt tho An-- ichor saloon came to town In tho Clau-din- e

jeslerday from tihalna. Ho Isnow associated with John Itlchardsotiof Uihalna In the liquor business atthat place.

Kev. J. J. Keklpl of llamnkunpokolias been arrested on the charge ofBilultery. Ills rase came up In thePolice Court this forenoon nnd wascontinued until tomorrow. J. L. Knu-luko- u

lins been retained ns his attor-ney

Holiday icason Is drawing near nndwe are fully equipped with n new stockof mouldings for picture framing, wowould like to have vour work now nswe are better prepared to do good workthan when the rush comes. HonoluluPhoto Supply Co.

Quite u licet of sailing vessels madeport here from the Coast Saturday

and vcMonlay. They all mndolung trips and report extremely calmweather until within a day or two ofthis pint when fresh winds were mclwhich brought them along.

Wm. Iloopll, n native, was sentenc-ed to fifteen das" Imprisonment ntbard labor hv Judge Wilcox in thoPollie Court this forenoon on thecharge of assault and battery on hUmother-ln-ln- The woman has avery much swolhn rvo ns a result ofthe blow given by Iloopll.

Mr. nnd Mrs. S. K. Ka-n- c gave a veryplensnnt reception Siturday ufternoe'into Itev. Mi. Louo. the new pastor ofIvaiimnkaplll church. Mrs. Lono andItev. nnd Mrs. II. K. Poepoe. The Kane home wns beautifully decoratdwith Hawaiian flags, lion era nndgreens fresh from the mountains.

A. MrCnllum, n sailor man, appear-ed In the- - Police Court this forenoon onthe i barge of vagrancy during n weekor so past. The defendant denied theallegation, stating that he had arrivedlu the Aornngl Saturday. On thisshowing, the ruse was continued untiltomorrow for the purpose of furtherInvestigation.

I.nulnna, unlike the night bloomingciieus, dots not Inspire very manypeople to pottle utterances but If ntiul) beautiful sight Is desired, one canbiivii it h) driving along Hie I'nntalunload on the lower levels. The a

Is now In full bloom and beauti-ful viirlitliH ma) be seen at the plan,mentioned. In u few weeks, tho How-e-

will have disappeared nnd the a

will then thrust Itself forth againIn all Its offending ugliness.

The bark Olvmplc has caught up tothe si boom r Rosamond ngaln In SanFrancisco. The bark arrived In SanKriimh-t- on the 20th lifter a trip of11 days from this port. ,As tiro strikeIk now over it Is possible that tnevessels will leave San Francisco withina day or two of each other and thisbeing the case the long race betweenthe twuvessels will probably bo takenup again. .


Mr. Llewi lljn (in) uud Miss MarioJenkins were married In St. Andrew'aCathedral Saturdu) evening at S

n'i loi k, there being In attendance sometwo hundred or more friends of theyoung temple. Wra Taylor played"The Vnli e that Breathed Oe'r Kden"as the bildnl party marched up theaisle, u, ,, Tu) lor was bist man andMiss i:a Jinklns. sister of the bride,was i. Vivian Illchuul-su- n

wus groomsman and Miss KdithGay. slstei uf the groom, was brides-nuh- l.

Aiinmpaiiyltig tho bride andgroom wus J, ('. Jenkins, father uf thebride, who gave the young ludy uwuy.The i en mini) was performed by Ilev,V. II. Kite at. "O Promise Mu" wasplawd during the marriage ceremony.As the bridal part) marched Into thevestrj, the wedding march from"Lohengrin" wus plajt-- on the organ.



A greut many well kuown people arccxputeil from Snu Francisco In theSonoma due to iirrlte here on the 30thInst. Of those coming are A. W. Car-ter uud wife, Mrs. J. O. Carter anddaughters, Clarence W. Mucfurlane unilwife. Miss Kitchen, Mrs. It. Ilalsteud,Miss A II, taiiklnnd. Dr. It. W. Anilersou. A A. Young, Miss J. A. Young.Kilgur HnlsteHd, A. Oartlcy. J. McChesne), J. It, Fulton. W. L. Hoppei,Cupt. Henry Merger, W. J. Lowrle unitfatiill), Ilev, J. IJsliornu and wife, JM DoHsctt, Hon A. S. Iliimphre)s,wire nnd e mill, uv w Ault, v. JHutihliis mid Bishop Wlllli.

"I've noticed," sulci the obsetvniltgirl, "that the big men urn the mottilomonsttatlve lu theli love mailing,""Perhups,' lemuikecl the wise girl "butulter all, girl should never judge ulover b) his sighs."


THE BIG SHOE STOREI J neaily ready for opening to thopublic.

We have been planning manymonths to make this store a perfectone mid aro sure you will think wehave accomplished this when )ousee It.

WATCH THIS SPACE EVERY DAY.It will have something to say of Inter-es- t

to every man, woman and childwho wear shoes.

Keep your eye on ut; tomethlng'ttjolng to happen.


Licncyi TTA-ii- v


Liberal patronage has marked our efforts to make our BIOSALE a success and we ex pect n large number of biivers thisw eek.

Here are some of the Bargains we nre offering, which willgive you nn Idea of the iat o ol reduction. He member that thissale Is In nil departments o f our big store, nnd that we haven'tthe space to Itemize nil on i liberal prices.

Figured Silkoline, 10 cts Pat-terns In nil desirable! shades.

Percale Wrappers An exec Mintline of these Wrappers; also someIn white lawn, nt greatly reducedprices

Art Denims, 12 An un-usually low price for nrtlstlenll)figured Denims.

Wash Materials At great reduc-tion.

Ladles' Swltt Ribbed Vests12 With or without sleeves,$1.10 per dozen,

Shirt Waists We are offeringthis week great Inducements In la-

dles' Shirt Waists. You niedthem; buy them while cheap.

Wash Materials at gr-- ut I educ-tions.

Kvery ard on sale Is of thisseason's materials, and every pat-tern Is of the most tasty design.

Clotlnc Out S.ilo In Straw Hats In this department wehave cut prices regardless of cost lu order tn make the prlvulow as to Insure an absolute clearance of this stock.

Boys' and Girls' Straw Hat that were 7&c and r,0c, all go nt25c. Also Ladles' Sailor Straw Hats, only 25c.

Pillow- - Covers with backs, at 50c.8TAMPED LINEN GOOD8

Plain and hemstitched, nt lowest prices.Linen Tidies stamped 6 In. $.60 doz.Linen Tidies stamped 9 in. 1.00 doz.Linen Tidies stamped 12 In. 1.50 doz.

All other sizes In tidies, tiny cloth, tenter prices, scurfs, etc.

ParifiV Itnnnrt Cn MAU M UVI11V 111V1 t WV, JUllM





iiW If

FIRE ,XJfc riUTn m








J. m. WEBBBlank books of all sorts, ledgers, etc

manufactured by the Bulletin Publish-ln- (



ijr jKfiyu








I offer tho Handsomest Goods overEmbrnlilcroil Hllk nhlfTnn

reduced from 14.50 to $3.50 a yardEmbroidered Silk Chiffon

rcutieecl from 9.00 to 6 50 a yard44 Inch velclet Satin Striped Sill. Gauze

iciiuLc'ii irum i.ou 10 1.00 a yardSlnfilo width Cbenllln Spot SHI; Gauze

rrom i.za to 1.00 a yardEmbroidered Silk Net

rodijecMl from 1.50 to 1.00 a yardWhilst I hllVA hill n nntnmll.l wnnl

NO. 10 8TOP.B.

J. H. FISHER& .Company,

Stock and Bond Brokers.



Offices Stangenwald Bldg, Me


Honolulu. October 3( t&x

MME OF STOCK CtrlMl en'IJ up


. Hrewrr ft Ornpiny i nn tt!LH.krrr&Co,. LU iooo


twi cunution Co ... J coo moHa mm I'UntttlonCo , ifno' tooHawatlanAfrrlculturilCo I ooo,om too VHawaiian Lorn &Su Co a jimjo toorHawaiian ivjir rj ., 000,000Honomu t(tr Co 7?9o too'Honokaa Smzar Co aoooouo tojHa'kuSuearCo , 3 rro) loo!KitiuVuPiantatlrn Ci 400,000' tttjKlfMi riant Ca Ltd t e onol 90KliahuluSuearCo ijtf,ooo ion!Koloa Suaar Co Vx.oixi) torKona upir (In . VCOTtt) lOolMcRrydfSuCo.LJ.asl l,rol.ao ioj.

( 63e,n t.NaMk.SueCo UJai.. t loL

ohu Suijar Co , ,tcr onn loo(iomta Sugar Co ooo.txw nrkaU Supar Plan Co TOOiJO ffol itoro! ol ejlaa SuCo Lid, pi up r $n,nnOlnw.1,1 CnmMnv tto,oP.juriiu 5j I'l.n do S rue ecj. $clPacific Sufir Mill. )aooo loot ttsPali I'l.nuilon Co ... sjo.to1 loo;Wpwkfo Sue.r Co Jjooo' too "1Plon.tr Mill Co . t tlA oun lool nI'lon.r Mill Co Aims toon.Wutui Ajtr Co . 4 S,,090 lJW.iluku Sugar Co . . 700,00c 100; 1vValmanalo Sciai Co .),ooo loon .1111,1 mm ..o . I.JO

MISCtLLANEOUSV dr St.antnlp Co $00000 S.300000,laallan tlffrlr CnHon MaplJ T It lanJCol '

t)o.,.,,, lor100 iiVd..Mutual f.l.phon Co .. ,,

O.hu Dw J. I ..I . i.OOOQOO1 IOOP.opl. let c K It Co tJOODOl 100

BANKS.First National Bank ..First A. S UinWScT.Co

BONOS.HawallanGrV )p.rcnliHlloK H.Co.6rMlH1I0 P ,Co trtrrnnlIon haril TransitFa Planiat'n 6 p.rcnit1OahuRSiLanlLo.prctiinu Plantation 6 pcClaa Plantation 6 or.Wal.tua Asrlcul pc

.:Hiih-- s :' Wnlalim. T.O, S Wnlalii.t,


fialstead & Go:,Stock andBond Brokers.

Money Advancedon Sugai Securitiei

407 Fort Street.Members HonoluluStock and Bond Exchange.


Stock and Bond BrokerMember of Honolulu Stock Exdiugs

OrJe-r-s lor the purchase or sale of itocktanQ bonds carefully anj promptly enecutsii.

Loans negotiated. '


Ground Floor, Judd Bulldlnc.Postoflice Box 300. Telephon. ro.




THE PURCHASEH12" per annum, li of-

fered by


30T StnnUcnwuld Building.

Silk Chiffons,Nets, Mulls,Grenadinesand : : : :


shown, as follows:Sl..c Creno

reduced from 1.00 to .7$ a yarslSatin Applique

reduced from 6 SO to 5.00 a yattfPuffed Silk Mull

reduced from 3.50 to 2.50 a yartfnibhon Chiffon

reduced from 2.50 to 2.00 a yarslColored Silk Grenniltno

eauceei rrom 1.00 to .75 a varlA1A ... ... ..A ... - .


T"'' J"'Hr"t;t ... rHue.d prices, havnB OVER Zoi DIFFER----... . . . -- , , ., , , t.,,1,0 .nu cuLuna 10 onei von,



Page 6: THE MAN Syening Bulletin DUSTING1 - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 1. · The watir head le fill) feet above sea level. "The Lahalna courthouse needs re-pairs auil thero uro obnoxious

IIll' II

I Hr '

I Wr



Mb ?





fyTVf?-if- p r "',"'flff'':)l"T'"'-- V V'"''


Plumbers, Etc.


75 and 70 King StreetTELEPHONE NO. 31. P

ROW It tho tlmo to get leaks andbreakages seen to, and your

Roofs Put In Order.By competent workmen.

The Plumber's Strike

It over, and I am again preparedto do Plumbing, Sewering andSheet Iron Work at heretofore.Eitlmatet furnlthed... Work-

manship ana material guaran-teed.

Jas. Nott, Jr.,Store, Bertanla Near Emma St.

Tel, White 3571.



Galvanized Iron Skylights and VentilatorMetal Hoofing.

Conductor Pin and Gutter Work.akbird Street, bet. Queen ini Merchant stnolutu

Jotb nc prtn(tly itt.nled to

Tel. 'Vlilte 41 P. O. Box 370.

Notice to Property Owners.

I have In my tmplov TOUR FIRST-CLAS- S

PLUMBhHS from the Coast. I am ,

now rady to tijur- - on your work at thelowest prices My men are Union Men.

Give me a tt al.C. II. BROWN,

Territory Stable. King St.


C. R. HemenwayATTORNEY.


TEL. 314 MAIN.

Albert B. Cunha


308 StangemvHld BuildingThLI PHONE-MA- IN 21.

. Austin Whiting,

W. J. Robinson,i


Rem -- ed to Room 306, Judd Building


Office Bethel St., Near the Postofflce

Telephone to All Farts of the Island.




Horses and CarriagesFor Excursions

To the Volcano or the Mountains.

.in excellent cbanco Is offered fortourists to

8EB THE COUNTRY.Carriages meet the 8. S. Mauna Loa

it Kallua and take passengers overlandto Hookena, where tho steamer la metMain.

manufactured Trom PureDistilled Water

Delivered frc to any part ofcity by courteous drivers.

Oahn Ice and Electric Co.KBWALOcL. BLUE 3IJI


Just Receiveda New Lot of ... .

Key West and

DomesticCigars !

Beaver Lunch RoomsH.J NOITE





tic, etc.

Set of 5 maps, $2.00CO CENTS EACH

On sale at office of . . .


ifitoiABUakitW-frfr- - f

Surgeont, Phytlclant and Dentlttt.

Dr. Archibald N. Sinclair.OFFICESi TELEPHONES!

Rooms (Jfeics, Maii, )SjBosioi UuilDlia Kemdenci,Fort stmbt. Wmiti, .Mi.

HOURS it A n TO 1. pm:itojp m: ttoip. m.

O DoxSot. Sundays t.-- t r m.

Dr, Albert. E. NicholsDENTIST.

1154 Alakea Street.

Onice Hours 9 to 4

A. 0. WALL, D.D-- S.

0. E. WALL, D.D.S.


Lovo Building, Fort Street.Hours. 9 to 4. Telephone, 131.


Dr. J. Atchortey has removed his of-

ficii from 708 Tort street to 311 KingMrect, next to Opera Hoiihu.

Hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.Residence, Kallhl.

Tel. Blue 1261.Office Tel. Whjte 1371.

Dr. W. H. JonesM.R.C.V.S., M.V. M.A., ondon.

Veterinary Surgeon.

OFFICE Hotel StablesRESIDENCE "The California,"

ma street

Dr. Wm. G. Rogers,

SURGfcON AND SPECIALIST.Eye, Ear, Note and Throat Exclusively

REMOVED to new office IMC Ala- -

'ken Street, opp. liewallan Hotel.Hours. 9 to 12, 3 to 5:30, 7 to S; Sun- -

days, 9 to 11.




Horses, Mules

and Carriages

The business or tho HONOLULUSTOCK-YARD- CO. Ix now beingclosed out and nil stotk Is offered ntprlvato sale.

Tho list comprises:Carriage nnd Buggy Horses.Hack and Express Horses.California nnd Hawaiian Mules.Buggies, Hacks, Surrles, Phaetons,

Hte.Sets of Single nnd Double. Harness.Theo ure for sale at low rates.Call earl) at tho stables nnd lako

jour pick.JAS. F. MORGAN,C. A. RICE.

1971 tf

fOOOOOOOOHawaiian Bricks

Patronize HomeIndustry

An article whLh has steoJ severetests, and which jn be furnishedas wanteJ, In good condition.

Sample can be seenat the store of

Lewers & Cooke,


8olc Agcnte.

ti. u. tieweuWITH


ArtistIn PnstclH

CrnyonHWntcr GolorHund




Fine Ice Cream and Water Ices.Chocolates and Confections.

BuHlncsA Mon's LunchThe best In the city: 11:30a.m. 02p.m. j

- -,. v

White Winged Yachts SailedIN A FAULTLESS BREEZE

To Pearl Harbor and Return

The Initial cruise of the HawaiiYacht Club to I'enrl Harbor nnd theluau on Saturdiy, proved tho unquillfled success that was nntklpatcd, andnil of the on" hundred and odd personapresent nre read) to taku part In

one as soon ns It Is called.

Developments of Crulte.Ihi- - irulsn developed two or thrco

fait that hw been more or leesintent for some time The flrKt Is Hinttlun- - Is a great exist- -

n anionic the achtsimn which under(tie tiiw order of things will he fos- -

tend and moulded Into u lasting orpanl7.itlnn whhii will mhnneii titsport In the Islands. The second factiUnHiintr.it cd Is that ns a miltinggit.utid I'inri Harbor I the eiyta! ofih boi'n of fiiioiith wntrr In thu wuilofor small bo ill 'I be third fictjn nloplain Ii not ne v h) any means I etI rove tin! r.btre i prlre Is the .

c.rd Hie illlin t !u Mvrtle Is lbfasti tt thluir with Ailta on In Hani

Mian Hiitir and that her inptalnflffirp" Cini'lpr, hnnrtln her better In A

race than any of the other small hintcaptains In tin- - Kurd's Island rniefor the tblld il.iss yachts, she wonbandit from the whlili won liyH'erai mlnutts In the run down fromII......1..1 In,,, t... Hnn W.l. I.. II...null, mill, .nil, nit ium' ,1,1, n ,,.'noliilii With but twin!) nilniitothandlinp otir the Gladys, the llttlMrtle btat all the ntber bouts of tilfled to tin1 finish, nlnnliiK the Coniiiodoii-- Cup li u Rood iiiarRln.

Buttle and Excitement.Saturday afternoon nil was btistls

and i xrlti ment at tin- - boat hnu'iM.The squadron of yachts moored outhide, the fr iri's were making readyfor tin- - start. A df lay of about half orhoi r as oi i .llimc J by waiting f.rPrime I)a lt.V 5 1. t.t, .hlch wns belli (

jrepilri-i- l to mnie off the ways.

The Start.Almllt 3 ii'i In, k tbo tlrxt hn atnrl

led nnd soon nil the aibts wero on.tii-- vs.iv to the ntuplng uroind. Allof the I(k al ui hts. i i pt the .Mary I. .Itilene, Heal ml, Pokil, Mrtle andPlrutM started. Tluse boats, for viri-ons reisiiiis did not so with the bunihbut the Msrtle, Mar U, ami Piratecam,- - I iti r.

A Fine Wind.A Hue wind was blowing ami nil the

boats made good time to I'uualoa. OftKnllht the fourti class jaclits wentoerhauleil lij the third class nnd atthe entrance to the harbor, off Piiuloa,all the j.icbts were buiichtd nnd iross- -ed the Hnlahliig line In twos andthrees. The o was the first tocross the line. She was loltowed bythe Civile, HI ul)8, HihllliailllAlible .Slumrntk. Skip, Maria, Marlon, HiuhII and Dene), In the ordernamed, ami wr) iloe togither.

Arrival at Puuloa.Arrlwil .it Puuloa, authors wire

droppeil and the crews prepared for theluaii mid etentng's ntirtalnment.

sunset, the Mnr) L. mado hirnjipearaiue and Joined the diet at anchor off the salt works. She startedlate from town nnd made the run downIn one hour and two minutes.

With Song and Speech.Ib the iienlng nftec an eiiJo)abIo

npast a gmeral Jollification took plainand songs and speinhis with In older.Solomon's singers dlsioursid sweetmusic, of the nebtsmen ren- -111 red songs nnd - A. Thurston, Sena-tor Nortbrup, Corumwdoro Hobron,

Prince DhaIiI Kawa-nanak-

ami others spoke. At mid-night, the )nihtsmen, tired with tboexertions of the da), turned In, some,to sleep and others to fight mosqui-toes.

Ford's Island Ract.Sunday morning ufter breakfust on

the beach the, jnchts Pirate nnd M)rtlnarrhed from the city and Joined thoHeel. About 10 o'lloek, tbo word waspassed to get ready for the Ford's Isl-

and raie. The big boats got awayfirst, followed in ilusscs b) the others.

Where Interest Centered.'The Interest 1 entered In thu men be-

tween the Mnry L. nnd Climbs of theOrst dass and tho third class boaU.The two big boats got nwny well withHie (llad In the It nil und finished in




Hmperor Fratis- - .Tom bus KuitrnctcdAmerica foi 11 kbort engagement,

Third elatt Flyert.The third class flcrs mustered our

for tho race around Ford's Island soonafter 2 o'clock. The field was com-prised of the Skip (Conkllng), Sham-rock (Harrison), Pirate (Chapman),

o (Mott-Smlth- ). Myrlle (Crozlcr),nnd Vl-k- e (Prince I)ald).

The start ninde by Mag signals proved ery successful and at the drop oftho pennant the Pirate crossed the lino(list wlih the M)rtie close-- . Tho Vl-k- e,

Shamrock nnd Skip following nnd thesome seconds behlno. The close

haul up was nn Interesting go, all tho11c Ii t h doing welt In the fresh breeze.

The Mrtle soon assumed the lend nndgot nut of the btinib, outfootlng themnil, with the exception of thenblih sailed past nil her rhals and'onimenced a stern thnso after the lit-tle red and white tljer.

Myrtle O I 0 Duet.At the first buo), the M)itle t rew

bad their balloon Jib on nnd drew nwafrom the others, taking the sail In afew minutes later nnd hauling closeon the wind to beat around the IslandThe did remnrknbly good workon the wind, pointing cr) lugh, 11 t

the Mrtle was elenrl) oiufnotlng her.The race now was a duel between

the Xl)rtle and nnd both crnflwere doing thilr best. The remainderof the fleet wns some distance ustern atthis stage. Three taiks made li the

and M)rtle were suftlclent forthem tn round the Hag nt the end ofthe Island nnd the Mrtle squarednwny some seconds ahead of the o

The M)rtle set her spinnaker, follow-n- l

b) the The Pirate rounded.next followed b) the Skip, Shamrocknnd Vl-k-

Fly Belore the Wind,1 he fleet falrl) Hew down before the

wind. The o giilud perceptibly onthe M)rtle for a few minutes und, atthe bend of the lead home, was onlyIt few set mills bihlnd her. The Myrtie swung her spinnaker around as aballoon Jib and soon opened up u higap betwieti the o and herself.Suiting like a witch, she lore down tothe llnNli at the salt house, riaihlngthe winning post hud minute undtwent) seconds uhend of theSome mlnutts liter the Pirate finishedthird. Ihe Shamrock ami Skip fougi.tll out for fourth place and the twolouts lame HWtig oer the line, tlmSkip in itlug the green bo-i- t by n fewseconds, wlille the Vl-k- e based thbunih home. The Mjr tie's win wns 1.popular one and she now tiles the newpennant us a trophy of the race. Shewas sillied by her owner. (1. A. Croler,and ubl) usslsti 1 l his irew.

The Commodore's Cup.The rncp home for the Commodore'!

Cup was the eent of the day. All thujnrhts In the fleet took part In trylni;tn nnnex thu lani'soine troph) prs. ntfd by ". W. Hobron. The boat!wire classified Into tour bunches andKiven starts according to thu--

di.Fses. Shortly after 2 o'clock, tinfourth ilas boats wem sent nwn). TlmAlible I got tin) lieit nf the start, butwon gae wn to the Cl)tle. 'int.three )achts huidi-- for the mouth oIho harbor nnd were some illstr.ucei,iv aj before the next bunch startedThe third chva made a pretty slnrt,the whole lot being In 11 bunili at thofall of the flag. The Myrtle got nwayfirst, closely followed by tho OShnmrock, Pirate, Skip and Vl-k- TheMjrtle, Skip und Pirate were in-d- er

single reefed milnsalls, tho windbeing very strmg nt the start and a bigsea vns running outside.

Start of Second Clatt.Tut seiond il.iss followed ten min

utes later and ten minutes behindthem, came the Dhidys anil Mary L.The M)rtln und o drew nwny fromthe others and the whole third classfleet merhuuleil the ('l)tte, which wain the lead. Of the liaik numbers theOlndys did the best work and droppedthe Mnr) I and ttllng down to along and hard base after the flj Inglenders. The Mjitlo still held the leauIn her class, ilosel) attended by tho

Heading straight through thobrenkers, the little ir.ift took bigchances but all i umn through all right.

'the Myrtle gradually Inireaslnir her

n uiorgnnutlc- - uuirrliige, Is coming to

the same position, tho (ihid)s lemllug eu, , rapidl) tho tead-b-

rival b) about five minutes. urHi

ws; . ) V , nMReVft. - bV 'fii teaJSw

1UU t) LutkJitrUt, Mtnoa.


Baroness Sthratt, the biiiutlful Austrian nctre-s- s with vrhom it Is saidf

New Zealand Flyer.Hauling close on the wind for tbo

bent up to the bc,i buoy the New Zea-

land II) er did far the best work In thostrong breeze, catching the leaders andpassing them near three-quarte- of, ftmile to windward. Sho ploughedthrough the sea wny in splendid styloand assumed the lead, when not Jialfthe course had been coered. Tho Vl-k- e,

in tho meantime, had Improted herposition nnd wns I) Ing next to theM)rtle nnd these two craft fougbt outn great duel to the flnltu.

Wind Abates.The wind dropped n bit light at this

Btage nnd the Vl-k- e worked Into firstplace und looked like a winner. Thetwo boats hung together and wentaround, heading for the shore, theMyrtle going dangerously near tboreif, so near. In fact, that her crewcould see the rocks right on their lcbow.

Both came about with tho Mrtlo tnwindward nnd try ns sho might, thoVl-k- e could not beat her out. All thlttime the speedy Oladjs was comingthrough her rhnls nnd closing up tligap with the leaders. Vl-k- o and Myr- -

tlo broke tacks nnd when off the lifer-go- r,

the M) rtle shook out her reef aridalso shook off tho Vl-k- Tho wtnetfreshened up considerably and the littie boats rapidly ncarcd the bell buoy.The whole fleet was strung out a greatdeal, some of the boats hopelessly outof the race. The Gladys did not gainmuch for many minutes nnd It lookedlike a win for the Mjrtlc, for the Vl-k- o

was neur n minute behind tho littlofler.

Myrtle Reaches Bell Buoy.The Mjrtle reached tho bell first

hauling round near sixty seconds aheadof the '. The (Had) s was nowcoming like a rate horse but the gapwns too 1t111t.lt for her to mako up.

The Myrtle trow took no chances nndset their balloon Jib and now had thnram nt her mere). Sho fairly flewdown to the spar buoy and crossed tholine a full tnluiite ahead of the Vl-k- e.

Good Work of Gladys.The ()lad)s, after n remarkable sail,

ciossed third, three minutes behind tbowinner. The rest of tho )tihts camoStraggling in at arlous Intenals,from ten to slxt minutes later.

Myrtle a Wonder.The AiyrtloV performance was a

iiedlt to her owner nnd to her builder,Slnie she has been racing In theso waters she i.us neer been beaten In anyraie where there has been a prlre, anddearly prowd, that In winning thjtwo races of jesterday, sho Is yet Achampion.

The performance of the Vl-k- e es

special mention. Sho was Ball-

ed home by Prince Jonah Kalanlana-ol- e

und, although she was beaten Inthe Ford's Island rate, sho proved her-self no mean antagonist, the strugglebetween the Myrtle and herself beingwell worth witnessing.

Among the others to show up wellwere t&e (Hattys, Pirate and Hawaii,and taHIng the rato all through It wasone of the best out raced In Hawaiianwuters.


. Ur, Frank J. Toussalnt has returnedfrom n six months' exploring tripthrough the mining and agriculturaldistricts of northwestern Mexico. Dr.louissant trawled on horseback with1.1s own caravan of pack mules andpeons, und bis knowledge of the foothills and arroyos of tho States of Chi-huahua and Sonora. as well as the re-mote plantations far from tho rail-roads and beaten tracks of the moderntourist it ery exact. He also mado atiedt to the City of Mexico and confer-red with President Diaz In relation tomineral rights tin a CSoternment grantlu Yaqul Valley.

"The shooting of President MiKln-ley.- "said Dr. Toussalnt. "would not

hate, been pooslhle In Mexico, a coun-try where attempted assassination (aone of the expected incidents of gov-ernment. President Dluz never takes.n .. ...II, ..... .. ..... ...u uii inn Hired or in any puulla,l,ul" '"oui secret service menwatciiing over him. Nobody with hishand wrapped up or with his hand Inhis pocket could approach him without Detng stopped. Onn morning alame man, earning a beuvy cane, waspassing him In tho stteet. A detec-tive brushed against the man as If byuccldent und knocked tho cane out ohis hund. Hn picked it up nnd

It to the man with profubanpolog.es, but while ho had tho cantIn bis bunds he gave thu head a turnand a pul) to satlsf) himself that itwns not a sword chub. Another timenn old womun tarolng a basket onher arm was stopped because her handwas concealed In the basket. The de-tective lifted her hum) out of tho bis-k- et

nnd seeing that It held no weaponapologized for the liberty.

"Attempts on the life of Diaz havobeen made, and no tinebeen spared to prevent n repetition ofuieui. tr a timn cluspa his bands

him while ho is talking with apublic man a detietho will suggestthnt he allow his hands to hang untu-ral- l)

ut hit, side." .Milwaukee Sentlne--

Ever) Day Affords New Proofs of thopeeullur effectH of I'AIN-KII.LK- R Incases where n disordered condition ofhe Btomach, liver und bowels Is com-blne- dwith great debility, nervous

wcukiiess. and Intense melancholy Itseffects are most beneficial and wonderfill. It should be kept by every familyAvoid substitutes, there Is but onuPaln-Klllc- r, Perry Davis". Prlco 25c andSOC,

Ruling and binding of all kinds doneH the BULLETIN office.


Claut Spreekett. Wm. O. Irwin

Claus Spreckels & Co.


8an Francltco Agents Tho Ne-

vada National llank'of San Francisco.San Francltco The Nevada Na-

tional Bank of San Francisco.London The Union Bank of Lon-

don, Ltd.New York American Exchange Na-

tional Bank.Chicago Merchants' National Bank.Paris Credit I.yonnats.Berlin Dresdner Hank.Hongkong and Yokohama Hong-

kong Shanghai Banking Corporation.New Zealand and Australia Bauk

of New Zealand.Victoria and Vancouver Bank of

British North America.Deposits received. Iians made on

approved security. Commercial nndTravelera" Credits Issued. Bills of Ex-change bought and sold.Collectlont Promptly Accounted For.

Ettabllthed 18S8


Transact a General Bankinganil Exchange TJiisine&s.

Commercial nntl Travelers'Letters of Credit ineel, availablein all tho principal cities of theworld.

Interest allowed after July 1,1808, on fied deposits 7 daynotice 2 per cent, (this form willnot bear intercut unless it remainundisturbed for on1) month), 3months 3 per cent., C months 3 1-- 2

per cent, 12 montlia 4 per ccn t.

Pioneer Building and Loan


ASSETS, JUNE 30, 1901, $80,043.37.

Money loaned on approved security.A Saving Bank for monthly deposits.Houses built on the monthly Install-

ment plan.Twenty-thir- d Series of Stock Is

OFFICERS J. L. McLean. Presldent; A. A. Wilder, Vice President;C H. Gray, Treasurer; A. V. Gear,Secretary.

DIRECTORS J. I.. McLean. A.A. Wilder, A. V. Gear. C. II. (Iruy.J. D Holt. A. W. Keech. J. A. l.)Ie,Jr., J. M Little, U. S. Bojd.

A. V. GEAR.Secrctnry.

Otllce Hours 12:301.30 p. m.


Savings BankSavings Deposits will be

received and Interest allowed by theBank' at four and one-ha- lf per centper annum.

Printed copies of the Rules and Reg-ulations ma) be obtained on applica-tion.

Office at bank building on Merchantstreet.


The Yokohama Specie Bank


Subscribed Capital... Yen 21,0o0,000Paid Up Capital ... . m 18,000,000Reierved Fund Yen 8,."10,OU0

HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA.Tho Hank buys and receives for col-

lection Hilts of Exchnnge, issues Draftsand Letters of Credit, aud transacts ageneral banking business.

INTEREST ALLOWED.On Fixed Per centDeposit. Per annum.For 12 months 4For 6 months ,1JFor 3 months .1

Branch of the Yokohama Specie-- Hank.Ne Republic Bid., HI King Street



San 1'r.incli.co. Oct. 10. The CarterWulcott contest tonight before the--

Athletic Club was a tlaco, ter-minating biuldenly In thtr hcvcntliround Wnlcott fell to hts kuies uftera Might mix up, er)lng "Foul!" andclaiming to havo been btrutk belowthe belt. Pandemonium reigned foru few minutes and the polltu und spec-tator.! crowded Into the ring. The-- clubmanagers summoned their ph)sltlnut.Dr. nideumullex tame Immediately,and the negro was examined In hicorner. Tho verdict was tliat no foulmows nid been btruck. Waltott wasable to walk from tho ling uuntslstcdand appeared to bo shamming. Theblow that reall) did tho work was theright upper tut to tho btomach. Upt'i this point Waliott had muth thobelter of thu contest. Twite ho budtlm Brooklyn man going, onto in thufifth and again In tho sixth round, butthe latter'tf wonderful recuperativepowets saved him from defeat.


St John's, Newfoundland. Oct, lb.The Duke of Cornwall and York, b)

a telegram from Canada, makes largoalterations In thu program for bis roceptlon In St. Julius next wiek, virtually tompreesing the whole affair Intoa few hours Tho Royal )acht Ophlrwill arrive on Wednesday afternoonOctober 21th. but tho Duke will notland until II o'clotk thu next mornIng. when tbo tunctlotis will be burrled through. Tho statu buntniet willlu given in tbo ovcnlng and tho Ophlrwill sail tor Kuglaud 1'rlduy moinliig

The U the name of thenew panoramic camera. Before buyinghave us show It to you. Fur nhead ofanything yet mude In the camera lineHonolulu Photo Supply Co.

Agents, Brokert and Jobber.


II. P. BALDWIN PresidentJ. B. CASTLB 1st Vice PresidentW. M. ALEXANDER.... 2nd Vice PreJ. P. COOKE .....TreasurerW. O. SMITH Secretary(IEO. It. CARTER Auditor

Sugar Factors and

--Coamissiii Ageiti


Hawaiian Commercial A Sugar C.Haiku Sugar Company.Pain. Plantation Company.Nahlku Sugar Company.Klhel Plantation Company.Hawaiian Sugar Company.Kahulul Railroad Company,


Tie Ctliforili ftkiltl S. 5. U

W. G. Irwin & GoLimited

AGENTS FORWestern Bugar Refinery Company of 1

San Francisco. IBaldwin Locomotlvo Works of Phlla-- l

delphla. Pa., U. S. A.Newell Universal Mill Co. (National

Cane Shredder), New York, U. S. A.N. Ohlandt & Co.'s Chemical Fertil-

izers.Alex. Cross & Sons' high-grad- e Fertil-

izers for Cane and Coffee.Reed's Steam Pipe Covering.

ALSO OFFER FOR SALE:Paraffine Paint Co.'s P. & B. Palnta and

Papers; Lucol and Linseed Oils,raw and boiled.

Indurlne (a cold-wat- paint), In whlttand colors.

Filter Press Cloths, Cement, I.lme an4Bricks.


HONOLULU.Commission Merchant!


The Ewa Plantation Co.The Walalua Agricultural Co., Ltd.The Kohala Sugar Co.The Watamea Sugar Mill Co.The Fulton Iron Works. St. luls MaThe Standard Oil Co.The Geo. F. Blake Steam Pumps.Wtston's Centrifugals.Tho New England Life Insurance Co.

of Boston.The Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford,

Conn.The Alliance Assurance Co. of London.



.Sew England Mutual Lifb in-surance CO. OF BObTON.

tna Fire Insurance Cohpantof Hartford.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(LIMITED.) . (

Wm. G. Irwin. .President and ManagerCiaus Spreckels Vice PresidentW. M. Giffard..8ccond Vlco PresidentH. M. Wnltnoy, Jr. . . .Trcos. and Sec.Geo. J. Rosa Auditor

Sugar FactorAND

Commission AgunttiAGENTS OF THE

Oceanic Steamship Co.OF SAN FRANCISCO, CAU

C. BREWER & GIUTD.Queen Street, Honolulu, T. H.

A.f?ents lorHawaiian Agricultural Co., Ookala

Sugar Plant, Co., Onomea Sugar Co,Honomll Slicrnr f!o.. Wnlllllen Rntme-- CnMukee '.ugar Co., Haleakala Ranch Co.,Tho Planters' Line of San Francisco,Packet; Chaa. Berwer & Co.'s Line ofBoston Packets.

LIST OF OFFICERS.C. M. Cooke, President; George

Robertson. Mnnno-pr- t K P. TtlahonTreasurer and Secretary; Col. W. K.alien. Auditor; r. u. Jones, H.

nnd Geo. R. Carter, Directors.

MOsIffll-YODlllLt- ll

Importers andCommissionMerchants yfr


AGENTS FORTho Lancashire Insurance Co.Ihe Balolso Insurance Co.Union Gas Engine Co.Domestic Sewing Machine, Et!.

Bruce CartwrightGeneral Manager of


Of the United States for the Ha-waiian Islands.

vOfflce, ; Merchant St : Honolulu.


Page 7: THE MAN Syening Bulletin DUSTING1 - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 1. · The watir head le fill) feet above sea level. "The Lahalna courthouse needs re-pairs auil thero uro obnoxious


Line of

Oceanic Steamship CompanyTIME TABLE

The steamers of thin lino will arrive and leave this port a. hereunder:FROM SAN PIlANHIRPnALAMEDA VOV iVENTURA" Nov! 20ALAMEDA NOV. 23

Ixical HoaL

ntrn l .o u.,? nVll!..U'e SalllnK of t,,e above mm. tHe agents aro pre- -

i t0 nI1,"ol8 hc United States, and from NowYork by any steamship lino to all European ports.FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS TO

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd.GENERAL AGENTS OCEANIC 8. 8. CO.

Pacific Mail Steamship Go., Occidental and Oriental Steamship Co. and Toyo Risen Kaisha

Steamer of the above companies will call at Honolulu andleave this port on or about the dates below mentioned.

FOR JAPAN AND CHINA. FOR 8AN FRANCI8CO.iiui .11 ah u out. w




Canadian-Australia- n Royal MailSteamMtitp Company.

Steamers ot tho above, line, running In connection wlu the CANADI-AN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. between aiicouer. U C. and Sydney, N.S.V.,and calling at Victoria, II. C, Honolulu and Hrlsbane, are DUE AT HONO-LULU on or about the dates below stated, i fz.:From Vancouver anu Victoria, B. 0.

(For Ilrlsbanc and Sydney.)MOANA NOV. 2.5


Through Tickets Issued Irom Honolulu to Canada, United States andEurope. Tor Freight and Passage and all general Inrurmutlon, apply to

Thco. H. Da view & Co.. Ltd., Genl Agents.

American-Hawaiia- n S. S. Co.DIRECT 8ERVICE BETWEEN


S. S. HAWAIIAN. 6.000 tons, to sail about Oct. 20.ft. 8. OREGONIAN. 6.000 tons, to sail about Dec. 10.i. S. CALIFORNIA, 6.000 tons, to sail about Jan. 10.8. S. AMERICAN, 6.000 tons, to sail

Freight received at Compaq's wl nrf, 42nd Street. South Brooklyn, atall times. For further particulars, apply to

C. P. MORSB,General Frelflht Agent. H. HACKFELD & CO., Ltd.


Eisiiess Hen

Can SaveMany Hours


iSPo- -


Su Fnucisco-Portla- od



Only THREE DAYS to Chicago.Only FOUR DAYS to New York.

Pullman Palace Sleepers. Buffet, Smok-ing and Library Can, with BarberShop and Pleasant Reading Rooms.

Dining Cars (MealsFree Reclining Chairs.Pullman Ordinary Sleepers.

t H. LOTHROP, Agent.135 Third street, Portland, Oregon.

'b. W. HITCHCOCK. Oeneral Agent,No. 1 Montgomery St, San Francisco.. L. LOMAX, O. P. & T. A.,1471 Omaha, Nebraska.

Honolulu Rapid Transitaid Land Company.

'School Children's Tickets

Half faro school children's ticketsmay bo purchased from the conductorson tho cars, or at the company's officeon Alapal street. These v. Ill be goodfor the transportation of school chil-dren up to IT years of age In goln?to and coming from school, betweentho hours of 7:30 and 9:30 a. in., and1 'and 2:30 p. m. on regular schooldays.

C. C. Balleniyne.1938-li- Mgr. H. It. T. &I..C.

Wilder's Steamship Company




Subscribers to tbo BULLETINnot.rccciring thtir jupcrs promiitlwill coufer a favor by notifying tb'f

Btuiness Oinw; TiJishftiie 266.






Loral lloat.

iioxr.Ko.vo MAmt aw. 1





Sydney and Brisbane.(For Vklorla and Vancouver, II. C.)MIOWEItA NOV. 20AOitANKl .... . DEC. IKMOANA ..JAN. 15







Is transmitting messages to all theIslands of the croon evced Kauai.MINIMUM aI'lllUIMUKI IO $2.

Hoielili Office, 315 Fort St.

Below Merchant

TBL., MAIN 131.Messenger will call for our message

If desired.

Hawaiian Tramway's Time


Cri Itavt W Ik lit! for town al . a. dm.(kamn4 tvery is mlnut thercattrr ti I 1941. nln and

11 jj r m. from wa kiki eo mint tiininou siicics.Ctii Itavt R Rinsr nt Pawaa twlicb for town at

S sjA.M. anJ tvery 11 mtnuitftihtrraittrtlll n.otp.MCar Icavt Fort and King ttrem corner for Palama

at 6 10 a M. and tvr i) alnuti after till 11 tsP.m.

Cart leave for Palama onlv at i an 4 so A M,Car leave Palama for Walkikl 5 4) a m. and every

is nilnute till 9 s f M . then at to t j and 10 4 P.m.Tn it.is P.M. Irom Palama ttrPuna'iou only toetto walkikl on Saturday.

Car leave I ort and King ttrcett corner for KlfleRange at s m and p a.m.

Car leave holt ani Klnr? tttrtt corner for Walkiklatto$A h. andevery 15 mmutei tilt lootp.M then al10 is and ti.') P.M. The 11 js P.M. bw to Walkiklonaaiurjaya oniy,

BERETAN1A STRELT AND t'Vl'ANU VALLEYCare leave Punahou Stitle tor Town at 1 y and

for Tun and Valley at 5 40 S jo 6 iu Vm 6 40 1 and? ao A M.

Can leave Oilw Collect lor tow i and Valley at6 jo 6 so and t 10 a and eer 10 mtnutes till 10 toP.M. except the even hour and hall, hour tart whichrun from the Stable,

Cat leave Nuuanu Valley at 6 10 6 10 6 30 A,M andevery 10 minute thereafter till 10 jq p.m.

Car leave fort and Queen ttreet for PunahouCollect at t 05 6 t j 4 4S a M and every 10 minuteafter till 9 ei P.M. After that the cars run M theb U bit up to 1 jcfM, which the Iat car from Town,reaching the Stab e at ii uPM.


Krom and after' January 1, 899.


A.M A M. A M. I'.AV I' M.M&rolutu . . ta vh itoj ) is j 10K.4II Cll , 8 tj U4V II 40 ) 4? IEwl Mltl S i to 8 l.w 4 0 6W.linj. .... io vo 4 .jWjlalu. . . . u iv .... s 41 .K.nUKl II 4 o 15 ....STATIONS MllY

(Inw.lJ) . Sun. KAIIV KAILV DIILVA M. A At I' M P.M.

K.huku s II .SVVaIjIua ... . l.io . toWit.ni. i io .. uI A Alllt ...... 110 Till l ol 4.Perl City .... on 8 oi t o 4 lHonotu u a in 811 to j6V C. SMITH. (lon'J PaBs. & Ticket Agt.Q. P. DENISON, Superintendent


Dealers is Real Estate and


WE deal In all kinds of Real Estate,Mortgages, Leases, Etc.; do first-clas- s

Typewriting, Copying, Etc.

WE are General Agents New Hamp-shire Fire Insurance Co., of NewHampshire, U. S. A.

WE afford and operate one of thomoil successful plans before the pub-lic for smnll Investors to sac andcam a monthly sum. Pay to us $2per month and we secure you by nDebenture Bond, bearing Interestfrom date of Issuance. Apply for particulars.The Hawaiian Really

and Maturity Co., Ltd.Office Rooms Mclntyre, Bldg

'Phone Main 141.


London, Oct. 10. Tho i of theAmeer of Afghanistan may cause willbetween Russia and England.

"It Is regarded here ns certain thatthere will be un outbreak of civil warIn Afghanistan," says a dispatch fromSt. Petersburg tn tho Dally Mall,arising from the claims of the fourthson of the late Ameer, MohammedUmah Khan, who Is favored by Russia.

Telegrams were sent to Kush today, ordering large reinforcements ofRussian troops along the frontier tobe In readiness. If necessary, to seizeHerat."

Russia has had her eve on Herat forgenerations. Lord Heaconsfleld culledHerat "the key to India."

The stories of Russian military activity in tho Afghan border are generally discredited here. In diplomaticelrcl" It Is declared that Russia willnot act until the internal Afghan situation develops, and then affairs In

other parts of the world must be favorable for such a movie.

Rui-sla- , it is asbertcd, has walledmany years to begin her march onI'idij and for that reason the diplomatsdo not believe that she has tnken uhasty step now.

Lato advices from Cabnl rcpoit allquiet In that section of Afghanistan.

Lord Curznn, the Viceroy, has fixedNovember Oth, King Edward's blrth-I'n-

for the Inauguration of the admin-istration of the new Northwest frontierprovince. A start bus been appointed,with Colonel Deunc us Chief CoiningMoner. The serv lies of the members ofthe Punjnub Commission, now In thefrontier districts, will be retain-i- l inorder to cause ns little admlulstr itlvodisturbance ns possible.


ARRIVES IN MilWashington, Oeu M. Mnnpils Itr

arrived In "Washington this atternoou.1(0 was met at tho railroad station byJapanese Minister Takahlra ami tlmemlro legation stnfr and escorted ttno Arlington Hotel, where lie will

during his stay In this cltj. To-night the Marquis was entertained utdinner at tlTe legation.

Only party, which In mldltian to tho Mnnpils Included K.Tsiidzukl, former Vice Minister of Tor-elg-

Affairs; S. Toklokn, and tliuliuimbcrs or the legatlou staff, werepresent nt tlie dinner.

Marquis Ito would not be seen, be-ing IntllspoHed. but Tsiidzukl, who isauthorized to speak lor him, said:

"I leally cannot say whether Japanwill Join with the other nations In iuganf to the settlement with China. Iknow our country signed the protoro I with the others, hut I cnuiiiit sayjust what will be done rnrthur. It mayhu necessary that China have n newlommereinl treaty with Japan TliuMnrquls rnnnot say whnt wo will wantor ask for In this connection. 1 hasnot, I am quite sure, any pronouncedviews on tho question of a Pacific cu-bic, except that he, like all the list of...0 peoplf, would be pleased to see acable laid. Marquis Ito Is muc'h pleuti-c-

at the advances this Governmenthas made In the East, as wo arc, audhe and all or us .hope to see furtherdevelopment there on their part."

Tomorrow the Marquis will visit theState Department and also pay his re-spects tn President Hnosevelt. In thoevening he will leave tor Nuw Yorkand thence go to New Haven, wberuhu Is to receive the hoiiorais ilcKruti01 1. 1.. 11. irom rnie university, liewin leave iieiorc November tor Eng-land tin Ills way home.


Washington, Oct. 20. Commission-er MeKnrland, as president of the Wil-liam MeKluley Nntlonnl MemorialArch Association, has received cordial acceptances of their elec-ilo- anvice president nl the association trouiAdmiral uewcy, t'resluent tliot oftinrvard Unlveislty, Chief Justice ful-ler, Cnidlnnl (llblmns, Walter H. Lo-gan, president of tho hons of the

Hector Conaty of the Cntho-ll- c

I'nlverslty of America, and lllshopEdwin C. Andrews ot the MethodistEpiscopal Church, who was selectedby the family to deliver the nildrcbt.at the runerul of President McKlnloyat the Capitol at Washington. Admir-al Dewey wrote: "I will willingly ac-cept this appointment, with high ap-p- i

relation nl the honor shown me."Hector Conaty wrote: "I accept Hih

appointment nml am gratelul tor thehonor. I fully indorso the movementand feel confident of Us biicccss. 1

shall he glad to do all In my power topromoto the Interests o( tne nssot


Frimk AUConnick Demi.Alameda, Oct. SO. Frank II. McCor-illici- t,

general freight agent of the Chi-cag-

Hock Island and Pacific ItallmadCompany nt San Irnnclscn, died at hihomo In this city, tbOo Cenunl uvenue,last night. Drat., was duo to a com-plication of diseases which affectedtho heart. Deceased was a native otOhio, aged M years. Hu came to a

when but a boy of IS and hndbeen n resident of this city slrcv lbM.

Mngarlnes bound by tho ENENl.'HUL.M.ETIK.

Instruments Filed for Record Octo-

ber 26, 1901.D. Nnolwl et nl. Mrs. M. David. .1).L. j. McCandless J. A. and J, L.

McCandless IKcnuhullhla Wnlanac Co

Cenc.l..J. I). Holt, Jr., and wife T. E.

Cook ct al 1)M. Poepoo ct nl. Mrs. I.. Wnla- -

leale D.N. Kahnulello II. Hnckreld &. Co..D.Kala Wllllnms ct al. Polly Illrd....DI.uda Palla Pulewla Mi:. It. Hath Honolulu lion Works

Cq ,.C.MPortuguese Mutual IlencfK ooclety

of Hawaii A. C. Pestann HelAdmr. Estato A. C. Pestann John

(liiderklrk D.John Ouderklrk The Hank of Ha-

waii, Ltd M.II. Makahalupa Hev. W. N. I.ono.,1)

Instruments Filed for Record Octo-

ber 28, 1901.M. Ilaptlsta 1. P. Dlas I).M. J. I'urtailo K. Turtado I).J. and V. Furtado M. J. I'urtaiHi. ,D.l. Shelchl K. Slem IIS.II. tllles M .A. Schroder ltd.Mallana M. (lenett Agrt.Ohl D. Klhel U.S..N'ahau II Illrch U.K. A. Ionian, Jr. J. J. Grace ...

CM.J. I'lores, Jr.. and vvlfo J. S. Ca- -

nnrlo , U.C. Itoss and husband M. C. Fuhr

U.M. A. da Costa nnd husband M. do

M. Jnrdln I).3. Konla M. Vlerra D.M. S. Pacheco and wife M. M. Ho

zentes D.M. Franco nnd wife J Corieln...!).W. H. Castle, Tr. Kahulul Hallroad

Co A.M.W. (Irote nnd wife August Ilumku


Recorded October 21, 1901.

J. S. Cnnarlo to Antonio Lawrence.release; live stocK nnd crop of enne.lino, Hawaii; Jiinu. tiool; 171. page2ll!.

Puna Sugar Co.. Ltd.. to II. Hveroft.deed; piece land. Puna, Hawaii; $1Uook 22., page .(US. Dated October 1919111.

Territory of Hawaii to John 1'.Bowler; deed; piece land, South street,Honolulu, Oahu; $1. Hook 22!. page"3 Dated October 19. 1901.

Qunng Wn On & Co. ct nl. to Albut S. Wilcox; deed; Ap. 1, It. P.19.11. Kallhlwal, llannlci, Kauai; l.'0(lUook 229, page 71. Dated October ISr.mi.

Wong Slice to Albert S. Wllco; relensu dower; Ap. 1. it. P. 4931, Katlhlwal, llannlel, Kauai. Hook 22'Jpago "fi. Dated October IS, 1901.

Uugllelmo Marconi to Mnrconl Wiroless Telegrnph Co., Ltd.; nsslgment;of Interest In letters patent for Hnwall; $1. Hook 221, mge M. DatedNovember 11, I9rt.

0. K. C. Hooke nnd wife, by attorney, to Jesse O. Young; deed; porlion Kul. OKI, Llllhn street, Honolulu,Oahu; $12r. Hook 229, pugu 7C. Dat-ed October 17, i901.

vong Lai (widow) to Territory ofHawaii; deed: piece laud, Heretnnlauvenue, Honolulu, Oahu; 275. Hook22.'.. page .TJS. Dated October IS. 1901.

John F. Howler nnd wife to Territory of Hawaii; ngreement; to conveypiece innci, itlcharcls anil Merchantstreets, Honolulu, Oahu. Hook 221,page asii. Dated octoiier I. 1901.

It. Itjcrort nnd wife to Territory orHawaii; deed; piece laud (Tor Government road). Puna. Hawaii: $3onu.Hook 225. page low. Dated October 21.K"1.

Mary E. Alexander and husband toEstate W. C. Lunnlllo; mortgage; lotf. block 21, nml lot II, block 22, Col-lege Hills tract, Honolulu. Oahu:$23iiii. three years at X per cent. Hook22(i, pago 4S2. Dated October 17, l'JOl.

Recorded October 22, 1901.'. K. C. Hooke and wile, by attor-

ney, to David Dajton; deed; portionIt. P. t;i)7. I'liuuul, Honolulu, Oahu;Sllioil. Hook 225, page 1U0. Dated Octuber IS, 11ml.

I nl In lloweis nnd huxlmtid to Enol.nLovell nml wire; deed: Interest InIt. I' 3937. Kul 3370. Nnwlnwlll. LIhue. Kauai; llfiOO. Dated October 21.1901.

Joe Morris to Ah Hung et al.;lease; piece laud. King street. Knpalama. Honolulu. Oahu; twelve yearsnt lino. Hook 228. page 229. DatedSeptember 27, 1901.

Recorded October 23, 1901.Sun Cliong Co. to Wong Leoug;

chattel mortgage; three leaseholds,buildings, crops, etc, Kallua. Koolau-poko- ,

Oahu; 15500. two ycara at 1 percent per month. Hook 22B. pago 483.Dated September 23, 1901.


Portland. Oct. S.- -U number ofchnnges have been effected In thoAids to Navigation for the OregonCoast. A notice has been Issued tomariners; announcing that the follow,lug huojs have been Installed in thatdlstrlc t recently:

Coos Hay, channel across tho bar toEmpire and Marshtiflil. page 43 LoneTree shoul buoy. No. 10 a red

spar, formerly Lono Tronbuoy, red aud black horizontal

stripes, was movi-- September 9, 1901,Into twelve feet of water on tho fol-lowing bearings: Hussel Point (southImigcut), northeast hair east: PonyPoint (northeast tangent), southeastny eusi, JiHir eust; Pony Hend beaconlight, bouthwest three-fourth- s west(westerly).

Until Tieo Shoul huo). No. 1 uIduek secoud-elas- spur, was estub- -

It. Il4.ll H.uit. .mti.it. (.tit Irml l.t l.ir..lir..ftet of water, on the following hearings: missel) mint (south tangent),Miuth last by South; Ponv Hend hen-co- n

light, southwest, three-fourth- s

west. v

Columbia ltlver. main ship channel,from As'iorla to Tongue Point, page52 Wreck of Silver do Oraee buoy.No. I, u red tlrst-clas- s nun was remov-ed June 7th, Hull, about 200 feet eastnnrtheust of Its former position, with-out appreciable change In hearings.

PhyHlcInn ContiyictH LcproxyCopenhagen, Oct. 17. City Physi-

cian Felberg. who recently visited theWest Indies. Is Buffering from n strong-ly developed inso of anaesthetic lop-rcs-

wliii h lie Is believed to have coutructul from n woman patient whomho attinded while In tho West Indies.The mte Is legaidcu us hopeless.

K Vj3l.rlcHoilyltnttcrerutffTC?lf,i( $W 'way w'tttD'ue.l Irvn- -

'rs I'l o AJJ'M.'&)- '- 1'inncn !i.i:cTkic co.

"1'" 6J0 M"kt St.. b. P.

OCT01IER 28, 1901.


Victoria, Oct. Ifi. Mr. Hocklilll thecommission who represented the Unit-ed Stales In the negotiations betweenthe allies nnd China, arrived In thecity this morning by the Empress ofJapan on his way to Washington, Hocarries u ropy of the protocol betweenChina and the Powers, which was re-

cently signed by the representatives ofthe various nations Interested. He willproceed direct to Washington by thoCanadian Pacific.

Affairs In China have resumed theirnormal state, the commissioner said Inan Interview, nnd he did not anticipateany further outbreak, but there was notelling what would happen in ChinaThe insurrections In Knnsuand Manchuria, he said, were simplylocal uprisings, which hnd been verymuch exaggerated.

Three hundred Chinese troops entered Peking on September 17, and thekes of the gate were handed over toPrince Chlug, with elaborate nnd bril-liant ceremonies. All the troops wcrowithdrawn, with the exception of thelegation guards, nnd guards nt the rail'way stations. Since the Tientsin nffair, there have been no trouble overthe railway from the coast to Peking,which Is controlled by the Urltlsh, Infact the commercial Interests seemedto be tuklng charge of tho country,and u commission was being orgnnlzedto conduct commercial negotiation?with China.

This commission will revise thettcatles and arrange for tliu opening ofmore ports. The commissioner Is ofopinion that the work nf the commis-sion will bring about a much betterstate of affairs..

Wiiiluku. Oct. 20. Walluku andhave vied with each other In

making the stuy of both Superinten-dent llo) il and Assistant Campbell bothpleasant nnd profitable. Last Thurs-day afternoon, a grand lunu was givenin their honor at Judge Knlua's Iaovalley home, nnd a large number otWalluku's representative men nnd wo-

men were present to do honor to tliuoccasion. Two long tables were laidwithin the beautiful encoanut leaflannl, and both tables were laden witheatables of nil kinds. For over twosolid bouts the guests nearly n hun-dred nit down nt the banquet tableand did ample Justice to tho most en-

ticing viands.Hon. A. N. Kepolknl otTcrcd a toast

to Mr. Hojcl to which he respondedwith a short speech of public Import-ance, for It refened to the vital ques-tions of thn Walluku water workscscrvolr ami roads. Mr. Hoyd wasIn Walluku over twenty-fiv- e ears agqhut be did not realize that Wallukuroads had become worse and worsesince then. However , he promisedpublic- - Improvements for Wallukubetter mails. Mr. Campbell and Sena-tor Knliiv, President of tho Senate,were the other speakers and theirwords were relished by those present.

On Friday night, a big lunu was giv-en by Judge Kahnulello at his home atIjihalmi In honor or the visiting s.

It was a very grand affair andVfij largily attended This Saturdayevening the train nf festl'vlths In hon-o- i

of Mr. Htivil will come to a close ntrcl. John Itlchardson's where another:!g limit will nlso take place

II i


Wuiluku, Oct. 2ii Father Hoarmaiijcgiui his scries of lectin rs at theCatholic chinch, Walluku, last eveningto n fait I) large audience, the slightallow ers of the evening inestimablykeeping away some who had planned, tubear the lecturer. The subject fur theevening was "Confession," and tholearned Jesuit priest dcllveied a schol-arly and masterly discourse on thatsubject, tlie urguinenls set forth beinsnearly the samo as those already pub-lished in the Uulletln, while FatherUonrman lectured nt llonoullu.

There weie many ProtcstuntB In theaudience and some of them weie movedby the words of the pi lest, hut not tothe point of relinquishing the teach-ings nf their church, although manyof them declared that the argumentswere both reasonable and logical. Thespeaker formulated his argument onthe teachings of tho Old and New

ecclesiastical history and thetradition of the fathers which llnkclChrist, St. Peter, St. Clement mid oth-ers to tlie present Pope, Leo XIII.

Fnthcr Uoarmnn will Bpeak ugalnthis evening nnd also on Monday evening, when tho series In Walluku willclose. If Father Uoarman will not convince everyone In Walluku that thoCuthnllu church is the only tine churchand that Martin Luther unci other re-

formers were heretics and fanatics. Itwould not bo his fault, for he Is atruly wonderful speaker, waxing elo-quent nt times, his forcible words ring-ing Into tno very hearts of his auditors.It will be many it long day before Wal-luku will ever be blessed with hcarlostilt, like again,

OIL FUEL FOR LINERSNew York. Oct. 17. Edwaid 1. O'U.

Cioker, of Cork. Ireland, said to bea cousin of Itlchard Croker, Is here forthi purpose of promoting rapid transit between Europe aud America, Mr.Cioker Is the general manager of

Ilandon & South Coast Itallwav,and II Is said to bo tho Intention or thecompany to run a llnu of steameufiom Nairngnnsett bav to Castletownlierehavcn, Ireland, Fiom Custletuwiithere will bo n ruilioiid connection toH.intry. whom the line will join thoCork. Ilandon & South Coast Itallwaj.Tho now steamships nro uvpecteil todoss fiom Nnnugansett nay to Iro'mill III threi. nml .ittn.tmlt itn.o I.,order to attain this great sliced, It isalleged that a now stylo of macbliiei)nnd fucd must be used, a fuel that willInko up little space and furnish givatheat, namely, oil

A Message

If used ns I direct It Is a positive cure ami cannot fall. It gives th-- i

vitalizing power of electricity, without burning or blistering, to every weak-ened part, developing the full vigor of manhood. It removes ail the effectof Indiscretions or excesses forever

I guarantee a cure. If I say I can cure I don't ask any ono to takechances on my Invention. It doesn't cost ou iiiitlilng If I fall.

8PECIAL NOTICE. If on have an old belt or another make which hieburned nnd blistered ou. or ono that did not poess electricity, bring ItIn mid I will nllow one hair tho price cf initio for It.

1 given free test to call call ir jou can't call I will send jou mvbenutlrully Illustrated book with full information free Call or write nor.Don't delay.

Dr. M. H. Z c,,,.


MAUIA. T. Mnnntjer.


Stoc kbrldgc. Mich.. Oct. 12 One ofthe most remarkable cases on recordis that of May White, who. for morethan ten yenrs, has battled againstsleep nnd has won. This case hasbeen the study of medical milltluough the length nnd breadth of thuIntnl. The newspapers nt tne timewere tilled with the stoiv of the

niocKoriogc Sleeping inn ,b tliuyiors passed on people forgot about Itanu oniy occasionally one would ushabout her. Hut Miss White stillslept, not n peaceful sleep, but on tho(cntrnry. a steep that sapped ber lifeand wnsted her flesh.

While attending a business collcguat Ypsllnntl in lS'.m Miss White, atthat tlmo 22 years old. sustained In-juries to her spine by n fall upon tboicy "" ah'

ih hV.:":i.i"""i'fc. ""r.uto her home, ten'mlles from this ill.lage. and placed under tlie care of Dr.Herman E. Drown. Her case soon de







shoVrake hay


I'ltia-- r



time said petlwhen





Thiswant look


whoio eyes have



have partwant



easy access

wellsthe from





thoThu original


from share,la"J, llttvo from








afterWM. CO., LTD

2nth, 1901.1977-3-


31st, 1901.JAS.


which from

takedrill she-d- .





veloped into pany has n wellshn from fifty property. Block will have

a day. Then begun her long show adays vance, snmo' stock advanced

while worked try- - Irom $1 to sban.and only rnr Pncldc nvi

would she andwhen n dceyslumber. years one nbUi tho moneyto her doctor, from stock will

many tried thus to match- - npplledproperty

I For"SIIEU CO.. and

! L','in nrokem. and the."w ' " ?past years has ,,cn. ,"

ah huh tiniu Per thiol h ster f'nrr ollas neen tier constant attendant.

During ber long Illness lostuse of her limbs, thinksshe will regain It in time. For tintpast row she has occupied awheel chair. At during bursickness she waa reduced to 65pounds, but tips the beam atpounds.


Maud Muller on summer's dayDropped her and ran away

an agent patent churn.had a million yet to

village squire made splice:"fJee!" said Maiidlc, "ain't It nice!"

faker' soon tiroOf Mnudlc, which aroused her

when she saw she "It,"She t'umely Job quit.

The peddler had her savings spent.So to the hay Held Maudlc wcnL

A widow: in.iivWith tamo old, making

Chicago News.m

Iili.ainwi Kiiuing,embossing, maps, charts and artistictirlnl ln- - .,, ,t,n .. . .

Job Office.


THE CIHCUIT CniiriTC'rcnlt of Territory Hawaii. Inii ue, in ciininucTH. in innof Estate or Maka-h- i

(I.), lato Walalua, Oahu, deceas-ed, Inlcstnte. Petition beenfiled by Knlel and Iloopllium, own oi bald Intestate,piavlng that Letteisupon chtato be IshuciI in A. m...

notlio Is. horebv ilmiMonday, 18th dny or November.

19ul ut 9 30 n. m In tho Judiciarybuilding Honolulu, is appointed thn

and place forHon and wheio nil perbons con-cerned mn ippear and show Itnnv thnv have, why petitionshould not be gi anted.

Honolulu October 12tb,Il Court:

I'. D. KEI.l.lVl r.Pli.rl.- -

Kliincv, & McClannhun,petitioners.

I llli!- - It Oct. 14, 28; 4.

to Men I !








Is a message to men. It Is 'amen who to feel like men. tolike men nnd net llko men. In tsmen who lack courage, nervesare shaky, lost thssparkle, whoso brains are muddled.Ideas confused, sleep restless, cons-cience spirits low nnd easily

who lire backward, hesitating,unable to venture because they aranfrald of failure, who somebodyto decide for them, who nre weak, pu-ny restless. It Is to men whoor all of these symptoms and

new force, vigor. I Itto you In my wonderfulDR. MCLAUGHLIN'SELECTRIC BELT.

It has restored health nnd strengthto thousnn'ds of and Impotentmen.

1At er.tranci)

to Famouibo Valley, and

V tinaiaxaiea, tnelargest extinctvolcano In


Headquarterfor Tourists andCommercliTravellers.



Located In Famous Coaling OilFields of California.

Proven oil lands, completely sur-rounded by as rich oil producingns there are In Stnte, yielding

to barrels perContract prices tor oil at tho Coa

Inga wells, 70 per barrel.with twenty-fiv- producing of

ivo uurreis eacn canmnko own calculation as toprofits.

Tho oil Industry of California la Inits Infancy, many fortunes hav

mndo by Judicious and lucky In-

vestment oil stock. Many rnorcwill bo mado In near future.

average advance onof oil stock in twenty lending

eompnul"s In California hasto 108 per

ol1 advanced IJSto and 12.000 per aero.

When Pacific Union Oil

,' h ...v.v.. ..vi1932

Corporation Notices.


Intending passengers by steamship Ventura, leaving Honolulu torSan Francisco on October arhereby notified that tlie above men-tioned steamer will be Klven quickestpossible dispatch, not exceeding sixhours ut this whether she arrivet.

the day or nighttime. Ticketsthe above sailing purchasedun Monday, October 28th, at the offleoof the undersigned.

company will not guarantee (atransportation, nor rJelvo

baggage, tho arrival of the steam-e- t.

O. IHWIN & .General Agents Oceanic Steamship

Honolulu. Oitober


regular quarterly meeting oftho Pacific Hardware Co., wiltbe held at lis on Thursday,

at 10 o'clock a. m.GOHDON SPENCER.

Secretary.Honolulu. October 24th,


Business Notices.


The Redmen's Ball

wns postponed September20, on account of the death Presi-dent McKlnlcy. place on Oc-

tober 31 at Rednre expected to bo present,

all friends who received an Invitationwill please attend.

Hy order ofJOHANNES F. ECKAllDT,

It C. or IL


Anyone needing soil or tilling cansame hy applying to Hono-

lulu Uiiwlng Co., Queen street,1972-lO- t


watchmen furnished bullproperty and residency i.

Uulldcr will do to consult lionera regard to watchmen.

hysteric epilepsy and number of producingshe had one to eonvul- - on It Itsslims In too snmo for even greater

nnd for twenty she slept, ' a oil hasthe doctor for hour, $1,500 per

Ing to nwahc n her a ruvv Tho Union Oil Companymoments remain iiwuko no salaried officers, Is controlled

she would relapse Into by well known gentlemen of Integrity,For no was who will seo that dcrivetl

nwnken but the ul- - tho snlo of bo le,;lti-thoug-

do. to tho development ofhln- - Is now so far recovcri-iP- to itH

ii?Hnr.,,nlr",l',,11::i'a,,;.0Ue', . further Information, apply to J.n.ll5tlmZ.nV,n,,IUrrW,,.,.'f " & Slock Hon!

Il j;1! "Vr Hawaiian agents formoleclo.ds'l'eS, i f ''' f

, , ""?"for the ten '"" ? 1 LJP""n

she thebut thu doctor


now 120


for aearn.

The tho

Hut the churn did

And wagdropped the and

tad eras andthe

Iwinl. ...It.... it..."


the ortie, Matter




Iinitlii:the A.








newlife new




60 250

per )ou




In forbe





the AllMen and







Page 8: THE MAN Syening Bulletin DUSTING1 - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 1. · The watir head le fill) feet above sea level. "The Lahalna courthouse needs re-pairs auil thero uro obnoxious


f" . . EVENING BULLETIN. HONOLULU H, T.. MONDAY, OCTOBER, 28. 1901. lllgflg ' J "gL. ' - ' "Sfil-- "

t I smmm INTELLIOENCE WANTS. i L AS FI; No Cause for Cf3k

ARRIVED. .iruhh.,SS"Sri,S,rlS I This Ought to be M A D f A M I fWorry .IIIwSa Saturday. Oil. 20. Sc'V'wr--d I Your Store VI I III IT A IIIW II ri'WBRStVK with


schr. Nokomls, from the SounJ, eenU'one month. Thlt It the cheapest I, lJ AX 1

Schr. Kaulkeaoull, from I'anullo at Honolulu.t If vour took are put



Best Insurance In tho world. Plenty of evidence In Honolulu fires tonbow that these Raton nrc absolutely fireproof In every respect.

Kntlrc new stock In nil sizes Just received by


NOTICE OF SALE !The undersigned usslgnco of lien, Guerrero offers fur snle tho follow-

ing. Including the good-wil- l of ttio grocery store heretofore doing businessunder name ns abnvo on Miller street, near lleretnnla:


The nlxivo will ho sold nt lesi thnn cost nnd n full iloscrlplloti can behad of same by culling on

Assignee of Den. Guerrero, at LewisHonolulu. October 19. I'.mi.



Impress Dowager Seems to be Making

Good Job of any Officials

IDegradcd General

Cleaning Out.

Tucoma. Oit. 20. An Impel I..1 edluintt Issued at Ku ludliatmat the Chinese government Is being

administered from the temporary inpl-3- 1

with as much vigor as It ever wasfrom lVklng. The edict dejils ex-

clusively with miitul.il Ini who weretoni'crncil In aiding the Boxers Instyear. The Emperor deprecates tie

of life and pmpeity thijt oc-

curred and tmnoiiuces that tlfty-sl- x

mandarins, many of the hlghiM grade,havo already suffered' extreme penal-

ties of the law. He continued Hint hisbrother Iiiim Just presented the thronea fresh and revised list of mandarinsdeserving punishment, all of whom artordered punlahud as recommended.

The list Includes eighty offenders, '

Including some high military nt!lclaK,several governors and many prefectan ddUtrlct magistrates. Some lira !

sentenced to death and others to ban-

ishment. The list Is a startling ou. '

It Is not. wholly batlsfaitory at Shang-hai and Hongkong, because It falls tojnciuue mgii imperial omcers mm a neeica inu uoxers.

Ily another order tlilrtj-flv- e odlclalsand murderers are ordered executed orTiunlshed for tho Chueliou massairCredit fur this distribution of JubthoIs due Sir Ernest Satow-- , llrltish Mln-te- r

nt l'ukng, who has determinedthat these murderer,) In particularshould be punished, Governor Liu ofCheklang Is degraded and banished tohis native town. Yungcbuati, prlvln

Szechuan. The tlovernor of Cbuchonli stripped of all honor ordered toperpetual banishment In Kabhgurtft.Urlgadler Ueneral Yu died' before thetumttuce of banishment could be carried out. (leneral Qhuuchlthte, com-- 1








of I

t tho "President'Hooacvelt a



the thematters.

I. s n ,.an ,,,..at , , u , t fo ,

7&U.0UW or ror,uMauser rltles from a German linn at of

Tsln. In acquiring this powderbuying back own,

flnce the ammunition was fromChinese troops by the allies the

of Tsln lust voar. Lat-er was sold nt auction. L','liung that tho ammuiiltlun

be bought thanbeing distributed

Chinese troops equipped Mausers.

Billiard Ball Extinguisher.An entirely now perforu.unco with

rnn and billiard ball has beenby 'the famous billiard player, Roburtrle Bremont. and has evoked adeal applause from billiard enthil-alasts- .

Ilremont calls his trick the"William Ho performs It on auordinary billiard upon alighted caudle, has been

hitting a ball his cue ball,hu the former the flume,describing nn arc. The holder or i

Is not touched by tho ball, but Itsmotion tho NovYork


Tho currier pigeon,never If distance bo long It(lies on without slopping to take until-joen- t,

aud at last arrlveu thin, ex-

hausted, nnd almost dying. If corn bopresented it It refuses to g

with aand then sleeping. orlator It bngllis to eat with

moderation nnd sleeps agaluafterward,

H. F. LEWIS,A. Co., 1060 Fort Street,


The stock books the OAIII'CO.. will be closed to trans-fei- s

from Tuesday. October 29th, 1901,I'. Friday. November 1st. Hull,

II. A. ISKNIir.ltd.l'..7!-l- t Tnnsuror.


The second assessment of twenty-itlv- e

per cent (. ) ou tin. new atuukof the Pioneer .Mill Co.. Ltd.. beduo and at the otllce of II.llackfeld Co., Ltd.. on November 1.

l'.i.il, and luteiestlng brarlng from1st.

II. SCHITLTZK.I!7it-l- t Treasurer.




Exposition, lliimilo, have awardedgold medals tu Walter &

Co., Limited, kuchestor. Mass., U. S.for the uupeiloilty of their llriak-fas- t

and tl.elr cocoa andchocolate preparations, nnd the ex- -cHIi-i- i f their exhibit. This Is the

highest Ivedby Jbem tbu great exK.sltlons



In Passenger Fares.

On and after December 1st. 1901.the change In passengerfates will go into effect, viz:

Deck rates between nndu,e Island of Hawaii will be Increased

jrrom xj.oo to x.l.uu.rates between Honolulu and

Hamoa ami Kl.ahulu, on tho''"'"'"i Alau". "'' Increased fromJii.ou to $7.0.1.

C. L. wiaiiT.President.

Notice Is heiel.y given thai TomYau has this dav nurrhnui.il tlm u.nm

at Knnale. KainilAll owing to the said firm are

to be paid to the said Tom Yau audthe said Yau will pa all debtsowing by said Arm.

October 23. 1901.

Just ns nctcstary to tho eommerrothis eouutry as are any of tho rail

way systems. One might Just as wellsuggest the removal of

or New York Central Railroadto suggest that a canal across the

ltthinUH should not bo Isbut one route practicable, and that Isthe one through Nicaragua."

Mr. Morgan pointed out tl.nt as Mr.Uoosovelt was opposed to tne Hay- -

I'auncefoto treaty and ho approves oftlie proposed new treaty, thomust bo ludlcully fllfteront tho


Rose In Winter Millinery.sires of tho blossoms of

fiom thoy are copied tovery enormously magnified theroses for this season are mado of light,thin silk, nnd velvet In somecases of u of these mat-erials In both natural und conventionalized inlorlngs, andmost frequently without foliageleaves In silk or velvet geneially appearlug are seen In the ganlaud or cluster. Millinery Ilo

The shy damsel whom the tiusus-pettin- g

youth had tulteji to the res-taurant had urdeiuu everything ou thumenu exiept nnd butter,she Inured to thu young man und said:"Do you know am not ouo bit hun-gry." The poor man felt thonnd thirty cents in his pocket,laughed feebly, and inquired: "Areyou do you that is nio vou doingthis on n bet?" Baitlmoro American.

Fii.o Printing theuitin office.

elal Judge. Is degraded aud banished to'kt.own as the "Lung Tal Jen Co.." sit- -


mander tho troops at Cliuchoptho time of massacre, was ex- - Washington. Oct. ltj.

t,)lm said today that there Is!". IW Isthmian rnnnl treaty and that itXfauy local officials degraded. mlM R0 thp Sonftt(. wUl l(1

Fourteen of tho actual Murderers, weraexecuted. accomplices were ban-- 1 This statement was made tonightIshcd for life and seven imprisoned. 'by Senator Morgan who today had

comprise most sweeping talk with President thojet Inflicted for Hover nl f""1 """'r Continuing,

ciutraKes lMn MorBnn eal'--

.onn.lHiH.l "i,y "'nvlctlon Is that th IsthmianHung Chang has ntt.o.rana, ,.ertalty Nol,ugnations 'eking for the purchase of ,,cnt n

rounas uinmuniuou

TienChina Is but her

takenin na-


illy hTIenIt Hung

foundcould cheaper manufac-tured. It Is among





table, whichplaced.

By withsends over


dioextinguishes light,--



when trnvellug,feeds. the

to eut,Itself drinking lltthi

water Two threehours great

hamuli-atel- y



lliclu-sle- .


December 1901.

The at

three linker

Cocoa iill'of







l!.79-:.- t


uatcd Llhue.debts


Dated I978-:t- t

tbu Pennsyl-vania

built. Them


From thenature which






hrcad when


loh Bui- -




These about


2 n. m.Am. bkt. Amelia, Wilier, from Eu

rekn.Am. bkt. Skagit, Robinson, from Tort

Gamble.Am. schr. llelene, Chrlstlnnsou,

from San Francisco.Am. sp. Carrollton, Jones, from a.

Str. Claudlnc, Parker, from Matilporto.

Str. Walalcalc, l'lltr. from Kauaiports,

Str. N'oeau, Wymnn, from Hawaiiports.

Str. W. 0. Hall, Thompson, fromKuuai porta.

Schr. Mot Wnhlue, from Hawaiiporte.

Monday, Oct. 28.t'. S. S. Solace, Wlnslow, 1 dajs from

San Francisco. 'JfUkSchr. Dauntless, from Aberdeen.

DEPARTED.Saturday, Oct. 26.

C.-- S. H. Aorungl, Hoy, for theColonies; i p. m.

SAILING TODAY.Str. Ko.iiihou, .Moshcr, for Amihola,

nt IS p. in.Str. IlHiixlel. lvrteriM.ii for liana- -

otatilii and Ahuklnl at n p. m. I

Str. Ntlhau. Thompion, for Maka-We- ll

mid Anabola at ." p. in.Str. Hawaii, Ilium tt, for Molokal at

r p, in.lUSriENdHUS AHHIVEI).

From Maul, per str. C:audlne, Octo-ber 27 It. It. Ilerg, W. V. Whitley,Mrs. J. C. Loremen, L. Tobrlner, J. II.M.vers. Mrs. W. (). Smith. Miss EllnHolt Miss Kate Scwnrt, C. I.lnilhnlm,

Copp Jr.. T. P. Sedgwick, A. T. It.Jackson, II. E. Mnrrn. W. I. llaldwlu,M, J. Moura and wife. S. Knuekoa, Mrs.Kod.im.1, Mrs. II. R. During. Itev. .1. E.Keklpl. M. II. Iletiter. A. N. Kepolkaland wife. Mrs. W. II. Wilkinson, An- -

tone Louis, George Freeland, It. A.Carlisle an dwlfe. J. II. llojd, MarstnuCampbell and ,'I7 deck.

From Kauai ports, per str. W. O.Hall, Oct. 27 W. II. Ulce, Jr., Mrs.W. II. Itlce. child and servant. K. UCutting. II. li. Young, (leorgo Kala, C.51. Cooke. Mrs, Alap.il, Mrs. Knwlln,.Mrs. Davis, Mrs. E. Kehua,, E. Cross,5InJor Wood, Captain Lewis, Lieut.Lman, Wong Ahuck, .1. Cockett,

and wife, Ng Yciiii, Tagata,and 71 deck.

From San Francisco, per nelir.llelene, Oct. 27 Mrs. L. MclJiue Jr.,Jllss A. .Mi Govern, .1. It. Nugent, II.Lose, James Haber and Walter Haber.

PASSENOEUS DPAIITED.For the Colonies, per C.-- 8. 8.

Aornngl. Oct.. 2fi Mr. nnd .Mrs, J.5Iarley, J. Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. (1. C.Coulson and S Chinese In the steerage.

PASSENGERS HOOKED.From San Francisco, per S. S..

Oct. 30 A. W. Carter and wife,ilrs. J. O. Carter, Miss S. M. Carter,Miss M. N. Carter, .1. E. Byrne lino"

wife, J. H. Drew nnd wife, O. V. Mao--

far la ne und wife, .Miss Kitchen, .Mrs. L.E. Thayer, l F. Weaver, Mrs. n, Hal-stea-

Miss A. II. Ixickland, Mrs. O. P.lJinlger, II. T. Ollbertj C. A. Parkv,Oeo. E. Copeland, A. Hnhjnson, jr.R. W. Anderson, A. A. Young. Miss J.A. Young, 0. T. MoKenzle, OuyOwens. Edgar Halstead, A. Oartley,J. E. Tucker. J. ikCbesney, w. H.Scott, A. Lewis Jr., J. W. Keystone,P. J. Farley, J. It. Fulton, (.'apt. Herger, W. L. Hopper, Jim, Hoss, W. J,Lowrle Hnd wife, Jirs. Frazlcr, MissFrazler, Rev, .1. L'sborue and wlfo.Mrs. Ives and child, Miss (!. Lowriu,Jlnster W. J. Lowrle, 5llss Wldemann,Mrs. F. E. Harvey, Mrs. K. E.. Damon,Miss F. Hardy. Sister Beatrice, MisAmy Owens, Mls Adrtlo Ilutterlleld,J. M, Dowsett, .Mrs. Ilowsctt, child andnurse, Judge A. S. Humphreys, 5Irs.Humphreys and child, Miss II. C.Brov.u, JIIs,, 51. Under. W. J. Carlisle,H. Monrltz, Mrs. A. Toss and child,ltev. W. Ault, C. J. Hutchlus, MIm5IcKenle. Right Hew Hlshop Willis.

HUT. WE IEThe United States Navy Transport

Solaie, Commander Wlnslovv, at rivedfrom Sun Francisco this morning aftera voyage of six (lavs. The vctS'1!brought several distinguished passen-gers and a lurgu mall for this port.She will remain here several days andwill then leave for Pago Pago.

The vessel's passengers arc: RearAdmlial It. U. Evans, Rear AdmiralHenry Glass, dipt. T. P. Harrington,apt. P. II. Cooper, ('apt. C. M. Thoni- -

us, Asst. Suwon G. 51. Illackwell.Asst. Pav master E. F. Hall, Pay ClerkF. F. .MucWIIkle, Mru. J. L. Juyne,Mrs. W. E. Taylor, .Mrs. Hermnn Sumniand wife, (1. c.. Swensun, Jos. Liberty,Geo. Luwis, W. S. Ijimbeil, FrankHurt, J. A. Gtove. F. L. Davis, DavidLewis, L. .1. Nlemeyr, W. J. McCart-ney, J. W, Belsey, Buy Gamble.


New York. Oil. 20. 11. A. Watsonill Sydney, N. S. W.. a former backerof Ned llrtiilan. tho sculler,Inlormal reception at tho Nonjarie!Beat Plnli thin lift, .ri. ,.,,,, UTntL,.,,

n.u nun jui-- t uivni nam .VllSlTUlia,said that be greatly regretted havingmissed the yacht races. From

he bad nnd, ne thought It thegicatest contest ever held on thu wa-ter. Ou his return to Austiullu bewill endeavor to Interest a number ofwealthy jachtsmen of New SouthWales In the project of bulldlni: itjacht to cbullengo for the America'scup. Tho oarsmen of the HarlemVUcht Club presented a signed gieet-lu- g

tu Watson, and moru than titty ofthem attended tho reception, Watsonsignified tils Intention to present theHarlem Asboclatlinn with a cup to becuiup. ted for annually.

She Which do ou tako after ourmother or your father? He Well,when I'm talking, I'm more liku moth-er, and when I'm quiet, I'm like lath-er, Yonkers Statesman.. . m

The Evening Bulletin, 75 cents pelmonth.

Thorn are letters nt thin office inanswer to advertisements In thesecolumns, as follows:. Advertisers arerequested to call for same: 'It., "M.I..." "R. 8" "Enquirer," "T. 0" "A.N" "V. IU" "T. 1). II.." "K.." "V. IV"W. It.." "X.." "No. 27," "J. fl.." "H.II." "W. X.." "T. A. C." "V. P. I).,""Table," "Horso and Surry," "O. K.,""C. K" "A."


ED TEACHER; new, quick method:$r month; special attention to adultbeginners. Address box (HO.


DRESSMAKING Madamo Lambert,the fashionable Parastan dress-flttc- r

n la mode do Worth, will be pleasedto recelvo r few more select patrons.Corner Vineyard and Punchbowl.

1972-8- t

REMOVAL Tim Sowing Machlno Ex-change has removed to 1288 FortSt. All kinds of sewing machinesbought, sold, rented or exchanged.

197MfQET OUR pmCES on billiard and pool

tables before buying elsewhere; soldon easy payments. Our cushions areguaranteed for twenty years, nndnro mado by a now vulcanlrlng proc-ess. Old tables fitted with our cush-ions nro ns good as now; satisfactionguaranteed or money refunded. Seoour advertisement of ".ManagerWanted" for l.vfnl slot machine.Palmer Billiard Tablo Works. Chi-cago, Ills. 1937-2-

IF YOU HAVE a houso for rent orwant to rent n houso, seo A. R.BINDT. Collections carefully at-tended to and promptly remitted.Ofllro IIS Kaahumauu street. 1893-l- f

NOTICE TO BUILDERS The UnionExpress Co. has WHITE 3AND FORSALE. 1543-t- f

WANTED.EXPE Rl ENC ED Sales-ladle- s w anted

at Pacific Import Co. 1979-l-

WANTED C.lrl for soda fountain" Ad--ply at the Honolulu Drug Co.

1979-t- f

WHITEWASHER With' sprayingmachine. Is wanted. Apply to V. H.Poulsen. Territory Stables bldgK' St. . 1979-t- f

WANTED Partner with a small capi-tal, to Increase n paying business.Address L. T Bulletin office.

. I978tfWANTED Furnished room, centrally

located, mosiiulto proof. H. C Bulletin. 1976

A PRACTICAL ACCOUNTANT, withspare time, will take charge of oneor two seta of books: simile or dun.ble entry! books exported; financialstatements; trial balnnces rendered.Address Accountaut, tills office.

1 975-- mWANTED Position as stenographer

and typewriter by young lady of ex-perience. Address A. II., tnls of-ll-

1974-t- f

WANTED A first-clas- s sticker handat onc. Cull Pacific Mill Co.


WANTED Five or house,furnished or unfurnished; centrallylocated. Address R. J., Bulletin.

1965-t- f

WANTED Position by a young ladyas stenographer; experienced. L.II.. P. O. box 363. 1939 tf

MANAGER WANTED In ovory largecounty to appoint agents for the fa-mous "Gamo o" Skill" nickel slotmachlno for drinks or cigars; law-ful everywhere; takes placo of allforbidden slot machines. Rented usold on easy payments. Secure ter-ritory quick. Palmor Billiard TabloWorks. Chicago. Ills. 1937-2-

WANTED To sell Diamond and OpalRings, In tho latest styles. Watchesrepaired by a Jeweler of 35 years'experience. O. DIET!?, Fort street,near Hotel. ISOS-t- f


nicely furnished rooms with all mod-ern Improvements, electric lights,baths, etc., centrally located. Pricesreasonable, 1974-l-

THE LANGTON King St. near South.uoaru aim lodglug. 5losquIto proof.GOOD TABLE BOARD. 1966-t- f

THE L08 ANUELES U.23 Fort St:owiy furnished rooms, mosquitoproof; terms reasonable. 1930-t- f

THE METROPOLE, 115U AlakcanSt.:newly furnished rooms; Ndectrleiigui; torms reasonable. 1956-l-

TO LET.TO LET NiMit. uttraitlv'f furnished

rooms; rooms for nouseKoepiug;thoroughly sanitary, lluu Punch- -bowl St. 1979-l-

TO LET Furnished rooms, centrallylocated, WT.0 RtcbariiH St. 197ti-2-

TO LET Rooms en sultu or single,with good homo table, lu privatefamily; terms reasonable. Call at732 Kluau, near Alapal. 1976-l-

' 'fcTrart of store on BeretaniaV"',J .TJ.Vi "iVi. ea." ". Kmm?'

' """""SU ,,,,do?LeBt ot nmma'


NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, Ileretanla Ave, cor, Keeaumoku St. Mrs.Jeffs. . 19G7-l-

TO LET A largo, sunny tront roomIn a private family; niauka ThomasSquare; hot and cold water; electriclights; possession given Oct. IStb.Address A. B. C, P. O. box 572.

19C4-t- f

TO LET Six-roo- cottago on CollegoSt., with stablo and servants' quar-ters. Apply iG Beretania St.

1951-t- f

TO LET Flvo-roo- cottage, at Cot-tago Grove, King ,it. Knnulru F. EKing, No. 8. 1955 tf

TO LET House at present occupiedby Mrs. D. Contor. Young street ex-

tension near McCully tract. ApplyE. F. Bishop, C. Brewer & Co., QueenSt. 1932-t- f

TO LET 8 room bouse, with barn,.Nuuauu Ave. Room 38,, CampbellHlk. 1902-lr- o

SHIRT WAISTS.Certainly you never hnd an opportunity of selecting from

a greater variety of really beautiful new styles than will boshown here this week.


New beautiful effects In Chambrny, Grass Linen, Habutal Silk,Batiste, Madras, Mercerized Materials, Ginghams, Lawns, Dimi-

ties and Percales. Tho assortment of colors Is so largo thatyou are sure to bo suited.


We havo thb prettiest lot of ultrafashlonablo tles evershown In Honolulu. Exquisitely trimmed with alternate rowsof tucking and laco Insertion, tucking and. hemstitching, waistsentirely formed of rows of beautiful lace, Swiss embroidery,tucks, etc., Sleeves, collars and cuffs In tho latest harmoniousmatching.

Wo mako.our prices so low to you that thero Is not a shirt-wai-

In tne showing that Is not an Irreslstlblo bargain.




FOR RENT A largo hall in tho Wnv- -

erley block, sultablo for lodges, bo--

cietles, etc.. furnished or unfunilsh- -

ed Apply to A. V. Gear. 197C

TO LET Two front rooms. No. ft

Garden lane. 1880-t- t

FORI RENT Two (2) story bouses atKekaullke-pa- , on Young St., contain-ing two bedrooms, parlor, dlnlnx-roo-

kitchen, ttath room and patentwater closet d,. vnstalra. KaptolanlEstate, Ltd. 1921-t- f

TO RENT Six room cottago on Mat-

tock Ave.; electric lights; sanitaryplumbing, etc. Apply Q. II., P. O.box 363. 1939 tf

FOR RENT A now house on Arte-sian St., of six rooms with all mod-

ern Improvements. Enquire of Chas.E. FraBhcr, Consolidated SodaWorks. 1922-t- f

ROOMS AT THE ALOHA FortStreet, from $1.50 to 2.B0 perweek. 1952-l- f

FOR SALE.FURNITURE For sale. Call nt 729

Kluau St. 1979-l-

FOR 8ALE California driving mare.Fraster load cart and light harness.Judd &. Co., Ltd., 307 StangenwaldBldg. 1977-t- f

FOR SALE 26 shares Hawaiian Tobacco Co., Ltd. Apply to Judd &Co., Ltd., 3v7 Stangenwald Bldg.

1977-t- f

FOR SALE At hall cost, Aeolian Organ and 250 pieces of music. Callbet. 1 and 3 No. 1 Cottage Grove.


FOR SALE Ten fino lots at PUU- -

NUI, abovo Wyllle St.; high anddr, with good outlook, and conve-nient to Rapid Transit. Apply ttFRANK 3. DODGE, 77 Merchant 3t.' 1960-l-

FOR 8ALE Now and second-ban-

Smith Premier typewriters for saleor rent. All makes repaired. Wash-ington Light Co. 1959-- m

FOR SALE A thoroughbred Holstclabull. 'Address F. F.. this office.

1951-t- fv

STEAM LAUNCH FOR SALE Tho"Talula." aa she now lies In tho har-bor. She Is a nearly new boat, inperfect working order, and lias beenof lato used In towing at Kahululharbor. W. H. Pain.

1895-t- f

FRE8H STRAW Tho Union ExpressCo. hau a lot of fresh rice straw lorsale. 1931-t- f

FOR LEASE.FOR LEASE No. 111 Punchbowl St.,

between King St. lino and RapidTransit line, furnished house of sev-en rooms for two years. Inquire alU17 Hotel St. 1975-t- f

FOR LEASE Premises on Union St.,with a frontage of 242 feet and adepth 01 70 feet.. Long term givenwithout onerous conditions. Applyto J. M. ..lONSARRAT.Rooms 20-2- Campbell block.

1925-t- f

LOST.LOST On Saturday night, October 19,

1901. watcb charm with diamond setting. Finder will receivesuitable reward by returning sameto L. T. Kenake. at the itostofflce.

. 1979-l-



As an outcome of experience gained

In the use of wireless telegraphy formilitary purposes In South Africa, Mr.Marconi has designed a portable out-

fit especially adapted to requirementsIn wur time. Tho Inconvenience caus-

ed by the absence of the poles whichare essential to bis system lea Mr, mar-to- ni

to devise a portable Installation,and for some time past bo has beenexperimenting with huge cylinders toact as receivers In lieu of the high wire.These cylinders are said to have prov-

ed to bo moro ettlcaclous for tho trans-mission ot messages over short dis-

tances than the ordinary apparatus.

The Modern Prize light "Mr.said tho reportor, "a cabin

message from Paris says tho cham-pion heavyweight of Franco wants tofight you." "Well, If ho does," roplledthe great pugilist, ' ne II have to do itlu English. I'll be hanged If I'll learnhis luuguuge." Philadelphia Press.

No More Dreadof the Dental ChairTEETH EXTRACTED AND FILLED

ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN bj0r mte scientific method applied to thegums. No agents oicocaine.

These are the only dental parlors In

Honolulu having PATENTED APPLI-ANCES and Ingredients to extract, OU

and apply gold crowns and porcelaincrowns undectecable from natural tcetband warranted for ten years, WITH-OUT THE LEAST PAIN. All worldone by GRADUATED DENTISTS offrom 12 to 20 years' experience, andeach department In charge of a Specialist, uivo us a can, ami you win nnous to do exactly as we advertise. Wwill tell you In advanco exactly whatyour work will cost by a FREE EX-


Set Teeth $5.00Gold Crown.... SS.00Gold FlltinC $1.00Silver Fllllnfiii SOe


IttLBjiTi.'igaiirOur name atone will be a guarantee

that your work will be of the best

New York Dental Parlors,Room 4. Elite Building. Hotel Street




BAKERYemploys two of the moat skillful andexperienced white bakers In the cityto superintend their cake and breaddepartment. Everything clean, whole-

some and sanitary. Only the very beltmaterial and flour used for makinjGluten, Rye, French, Home-mad- e andall other stylet of Bread.

Thirty Loaves of Bread for One Dollar.Doughnuts, snails, Bun, etc.,

out at 6 a.m.Cup Cakea and Lady Finger

out at 7 a.m.Jelly Rolls and Layers, Fruit

cake, etc., out at a a.m.Custard, Squash and Pumpkin

Pies out at a.m.Lemon, Mince, Cranberry and

Fruit Pies out at 10 a.m.Chocolate Eclairs and Cream

Puffs out at 11 a.m.Cookies and Macaroons out at 12 a.m.Artistic Wedding Cakes any Price.

J. Oswald Lutted,MANAGbR.



Our new program caught on. Every-thing now, bright, sensntlonnl andsparkling.



Chairs 1

Second Seats 50sGallery ....25c



MrH. H. H. WilliamsArt Embroldtry 'and Stamping.Full line of Art .Materials : : ;

Art EmbroMety Taujht : : :

Love Htillillnf, Port Street

Razors Honed and Setat the

Hawaiian Hotel Barber Shop.


Auctioneerand Broker

65 Queen- - St.



On Wednesday, October 39thAT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

At the residence of 5Ir. II. E. Walty.Ileretanla street, between I'llkol andKeeaumoku streets, I will sell at Public Auction the

Complete Furniture nnd Furnishings(omprlslng

51atitol Clock.Oak Hook Case and Desk Combined.Flno Upholstered Sofa Chairs,Oak and Ash Bedroom Sets,Oak Wardrobe Bun aus, ,Curtains, Bedsteads, Lounges.Dining Table and Cnalrs,Refrigerator. 5Ieat Safe,Kltt hen Utensils,Crockery and Glassware.Garden Tools and Uiwn 5Iowers,I New Home 5tnchlne,1 Phneton,Palms nnd Plants.

Jas. F. Morgan,AUCTIONEER.

Fbr RentNice New Cottage ion Eama Street.

Two bedrooms, parlor, dining room,kitchen, bath. etc.




The undersigned will receive, applllations to leaso lots In the "SCHMIDTCENTRAL BLOCK" on Bcrctnnlr.street. No. 588. adjoining tho prenvIses of the Queen's Hospital.

This valuable property will be dlvliled Into Hovornl business sites nnd of-

fers a tlno chance to Investors In IlealEstate, Suitable for Stores, IxidglnHouses or Dwellings. Applications furlots will be treated In priority and Itwill pay to tnako early applications.

An Important feature of these, leasesU that tho lessee has tho option ofpurchasing his lot In feo simple duringthe term of his loase nt a figure basedon the rental ho Is paying.

Terms nnd conditions of lease withnmount of rents asked can bo bad onapplication to

Jas, F. Morgan,6$ Queen Street i


MORGANAuctioneerand Broker

65 Queen St

LJArfy . , , JL 'ttlWrt.rlriiaW--i&giihtkJji ,