The League For Innovations In Community Colleges Dallas, Texas march 2013

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The League For Innovations In Community Colleges Dallas, Texas march 2013. Kelly Bender, Passaic County Community College. Writing Rubrics: Determining What (and How) to Assess. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Kelly Bender, Passaic County Community College

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WHAT DOES THE LETTER GRADE MEAN? This presentation looks at methods of

composition course-level assessment to help faculty answer those gnawing questions that plague the grading process…

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WHAT WE ASSESS: Student Writing

Assessed in writing, critical thinking, and information literacy skills

Assessed in the course by instructors

Courses Course

materials Curriculum Pedagogy

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HOW WE ASSESS STUDENT WRITING: First we had to determine the criteria for writing

assessment: Appropriateness Unity & Focus Development Organization Sentence Structure Usage Mechanical Conventions

Additional criteria for course writing are left up to individual instructors

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A Paper

B Paper C Paper D Paper F Paper

Purpose Has a well-defined thesis. Has an appropriate thesis. Has an adequately defined thesis. Has an inadequate thesis. Has no discernible thesis.


Shows depth and complexity of thought by

developing research material into well-structured

points (ideas) that effectively elaborate the


Shows some depth and complexity of thought by

developing research material into points (ideas) that elaborate the thesis.

Shows little depth and complexity of thought by

developing research material into points (ideas) that only adequately elaborate the


Shows deficiency in thought by failing to develop research

material into points (ideas) that elaborate the thesis.

Shows severe deficiency in thought by completely failing to develop research material

into points (ideas) that elaborate the thesis.

Sources Contains effective research

that incorporates sophisticated sources in

support of the thesis.

Incorporates valid sources in support of the thesis.

Contains adequate sources that only tangentially support

the thesis.

Incorporates inadequate sources that fail to support the thesis.

Sources are absent or plagiarism has occurred.

Details Contains details that in

every instance effectively support ideas.

Contains sufficient detail in support of ideas.

Contains adequate details in support of ideas.

Contains insufficient or inappropriate details in support of

ideas. Lacking supporting details.

Organization Contains strong argument

that convincingly demonstrates thesis.

Contains clear and coherent argument that

demonstrates thesis.

Contains occasionally unclear or incoherent argument that

only adequately demonstrates thesis.

Contains often unclear or incoherent argument that poorly

demonstrates thesis.

Contains unclear or incoherent argument that

fails to demonstrates thesis.

Citation Provides in all instances appropriate citations to primary and secondary


Provides in most instances valid citations to primary and secondary sources.

Sometime fails to provide appropriate citations to primary and secondary


Often fails to provide appropriate citations to primary and

secondary sources.

Completely lacks appropriate citations to primary and secondary


Bibliography Includes a bibliography of

primary and secondary sources.

Includes a bibliography of primary and secondary

sources that contains an error or omission.

Includes a bibliography of primary and secondary

sources that contains some errors or omissions.

Includes a bibliography of primary and secondary sources

that contains many errors or omissions.

Lacks a bibliography of primary and secondary


Mechanics Has few (if any) errors of syntax or mechanics.

Has some minor errors of syntax or mechanics that

do not interfere with comprehension.

Demonstrate problems of syntax or mechanics that

interfere with comprehension.

Has serious problems with syntax or mechanics.

Has severe problems with syntax or mechanics.

Diction Demonstrates control of diction.

Shows some control of diction. Shows little control of diction. Has weak control of diction. Lacks control of diction.

Language Demonstrates fluency,

transition, and variety of language.

Shows some fluency, transition, and variety of


Shows weak fluency, transition, and variety of


Shows poor fluency, transition, and variety of language.

Lacks fluency, transition, and variety of language.


Addresses the assignment fully, has a clear

awareness of audience, follows paper specifications


Generally addresses the assignment issues, shows

some awareness of audience, mostly follows

paper specifications.

Does not follow paper specifications, may distort or

neglect major parts of the assignment, shows vague awareness of audience.

Does not follow paper specifications, shows neglect of

the assignment, lacks awareness of audience.

Lacks understanding of assignment, paper specifications, and


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RUBIC This rubric is structured through eleven

elements that provide clarity on the aspects of composition most often assessed and considered essential to good writing.

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Purpose Idea Development Organization Grammar Language Citation

6 Effectively and insightfully develops a thesis

Demonstrates outstanding critical thinking and risk taking while providing strong examples, reasons, and other evidence to support the thesis

Clear coherence and smooth progression of ideas evident through five or more well organized and clearly focused paragraphs

Free of errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics

Exhibits skillful use of language using varied, accurate and apt vocabulary and sentence structure

Excellent integration of two or more direct quotes with outstanding MLA format

5 Effectively develops a thesis

Demonstrates strong critical thinking and some risk taking while providing appropriate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support the thesis

Generally well organized and focused five paragraphs demonstrate coherence and progression of ideas

Generally free of most errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics

Exhibits facility in the use of language through appropriate vocabulary and sentence variety

Commendable integration of one or more direct quotes with acceptable MLA format

4 Develops an acceptable thesis

Demonstrates competent critical thinking while providing adequate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support the thesis 

Generally organized five paragraphs which demonstrate some coherence and progression of ideas

Some errors evident in grammar, usage, and mechanics that don’t interfere with meaning

Demonstrates some variety and general appropriateness of sentence structure and vocabulary

Adequate integration of one or more quotes with weak MLA format

3 Develops a weak thesis

Demonstrates weak critical thinking through inadequate examples, reasons, and evidence to support a thesis

Limited organization in five or fewer paragraphs which demonstrates lapses in coherence or progression of ideas

Contains an accumulation of errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics that doesn’t obscure meaning

Lacks variety of sentence structure and vocabulary

Often fails to provide appropriate quotations

2 Develops a vague and seriously flawed thesis

Demonstrates poor critical thinking through inappropriate or insufficient examples, reasons, and other evidence to support the thesis 

Poorly organized five or fewer paragraphs which demonstrate serious problems with coherence or progression of ideas

Grammar, usage, and mechanical errors are so serious that meaning is obscured

Displays little facility in use of language through incorrect word choices and poor sentence structure

Lacks appropriate quotations

1 Lacks a thesis or is off topic

No critical thinking apparent since little or no evidence or examples are provided to support a thesis

Disorganized and unfocused paragraphs which display a disjointed or incoherent progression of ideas

Pervasive errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics that completely interfere with meaning

Displays fundamental errors in vocabulary choice and sentence structure

Provides no quotations

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COURSE LEVEL ASSESSMENT: Teaching methods Quality and quantity of learning for

students Whether students have acquired the

knowledge, skills and competencies stated

Effectiveness of the curriculum

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SURVEY: Through narrowly focused questions,

specific feedback is received on: Exact assignment Support systems in place (i.e. tutors,

eTutoring.org) Text (book and reading selections) Instructor Grading Rubric

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SAMPLE SURVEY QUESTIONS:1. What is your overall opinion of the

material covered in the course?2. What is your experience with

eTutoring.org?3. What is your experience with the Writing

Center?4. What did you like best about this course?5. What, if anything, would you

change/add/remove from the course?

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FOR THE FUTURE: Need for a Student Support Center Tweaking Curriculum Greater understanding of Assessment

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Thank you, Kelly Bender

[email protected]